#fun story time with chrollo (?)
ddarker-dreams · 8 months
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Chrollo tells you a story from his childhood centered around bread.
(Warnings for religious mentions and canon typical depictions of his hometown, Meteor City)
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“Hm… how uncanny is that.” 
Knowing that he’ll continue speaking cryptic phrases until you express an interest you most certainly don’t have, you sigh, and rest your cheek on your fist. 
“What’s uncanny?” 
Please don’t mean the bread, please don’t mean the bread, please don’t mean the bread— 
“This bread loaf,” he inclines his head toward it, as if you couldn’t spot the table’s lone occupant, “It’s bringing up some memories.” 
He’s really going to talk to you about bread. Fuck.
“Meteor City, destitute as it is, was an attractive prospect for missionaries. My friends cared little for the religious doctrine they’d expound, but I always found the teachings fascinating. It wasn’t uncommon to go days without eating, so they’d come along with me on the sole condition that food was being provided. The priest, knowing this, had me relay the message that at his next teaching, there’d be fresh bread. Children overflowed from the tent that normally only I would occupy. He preached his sermon.” 
There’s a nostalgic air to him as he continues. “By the end, he presented us with a challenge: whoever capable of best verbally expressing their devotion to God could have the bread. Each child present wanted to be the victor. There was a great deal of murmuring and thinking. He had us form a line, where one by one, we’d give what we hoped to be the winning response. My friend Phinks was first. ‘If I’d been there, I’da stomped the shit out of that snake,’ is what he went with. As you can imagine, the priest kept going down the line. 
Eventually, he got to me. I’d been closely monitoring his body language and facial expressions. From what I could tell, no answer so far had even come close. I decided to take a different approach. From his theology, I could tell he was of the Roman Catholic persuasion. And so I suggested that to best prove our love, we should have mass. I thought that by focusing on the collective rather than oneself, I’d meet his unspoken criteria. He intended to keep the results to himself until everyone had spoken their piece, but no sooner as the words left my mouth did I know that wasn’t the answer he was looking for. 
After everyone had their turn, he brought the bread out for all to see. While we were all excitedly wondering who the lucky individual would be, he raised his voice and began admonishing us. He quoted Matthew, ‘It is written: Man must not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God’. With that, he left us there, so that we could ‘think about what we’ve learned’.” 
Your jaw practically hits the floor. 
“I intended to counter his points later that night to see if I could win the community the bread they were promised. While I was preparing, a few children happened by, eating the bread that was pulled from under our noses. I asked where they got it from — they said Uvogin. Apparently, he learned what had happened and was incensed. I went to go see him so I could ask how he convinced the priest to give him the bread. I didn’t find Uvo at the place he normally hung out at, but I did see the priest.
He was… shall we say, arranged in a way that’s strenuous on the body. All the while he kept chanting, ‘Pater, aphes autois, ou gar oidasin ti poiousin’, though he lay dying. It left a strong impression on me. Especially because his pronunciation was slightly off… but more than that, I thought it interesting he held firm to the belief which landed him in this position. A belief he didn’t even understand properly. He passed with a content expression. He must’ve fancied himself a martyr. It later became a popular joke that in the end, he did prove that you can’t live on bread alone, since it didn’t seem to do him much good.” 
“How… how old were you?” 
“Seven or eight, I believe.” 
You get up from the table. You can feel his eyes following your every movement, from the suite’s dining room to the living space it's connected to. The suitcase you’ve yet to unpack sits patiently as you rummage through its contents. Grabbing what you need, you return to the table, where Chrollo regards you with a curious countenance. 
Your antidepressants rattle inside a small orange container as you put it before him. How he gets the medication, you haven’t the slightest clue. It’s more convenient to receive them from your enigmatic kidnapper than an uninsured trip to the psychiatrist. He’s got one thing going in his favor, at least. 
“Do you already need a refill?” 
You shake your head. 
“Just… after hearing that story… I think you might want to consider getting some of these for yourself. High dose.” 
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novasdarling · 1 year
Piece of Art
Yandere! Chrollo x reader
Tw: Murder, Blood, Kidnapping, Drugging, Restraining(physical), Female Reader
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It was already getting late, and the sky was dimming as you entered the museum. Many others joining you, some leaving. It was busy but not as filled as it will be when it opens to the public in a few days. Somehow through work, you'd managed to get VIP tickets to the exhibit. A perk you quite enjoyed with your employer.
Tonight was a small treat for yourself. A new exhibit had opened, and it had been heavily publicized, banners and posters plastered all throughout town. It was displaying paintings and sculptures from hundreds of years ago. Art that hadn't been in the public eye for at least over a century. Many weren't even verified that they existed. All the details that were given were that the gallery was made possible thanks to a private donation.
Making your way to the exhibit, all you could think was how the hell could anyone own all this art. How it was possible to acquire such rare pieces. The money and power they must have had, or still have. To just give away such a collection. Regardless, how did they manage to keep so many pieces hidden, pieces that weren't even confirmed? You were sure they wouldn't reveal it. It was easier for the museum to simply say thank you and make a profit. Something you were in no place to disagree with as you made your way through the doors.
Unsure of where to start, wandering around the exhibit was your best option. A clockwise motion, then working your way to the pieces in the center would guarantee you the ability to see every piece. This wasn't a cheap night, you'd make the most of it. Trying to take time admiring each piece the best you can. Reading every little bit of information they provided. It was interesting to read about the subject's life, about the painter's vision. Or seeing these statues that have been around longer than your country by centuries. It made you feel so small. To see all these pieces that have such a history. To see all those faces that once lived, once smiled. Emorlized in paint and stone. There was one piece that caught your attention. It was one of two women looking at the audience. One covers her face, appearing to be laughing, while the other looks at you with an adorning expression. You could see it now, some man had made an ill attempt at a flirt with the woman more forward. The two find it amusing, trying to stifle a laugh only for the woman behind to fail. A moment you could relate to even though you lived centuries apart. It was fun to try to put stories to things and try to relate to them. Image them having similar problems and stories as you. It made them feel more human, rather than just paint.
"You've been staring at this one for a while." A man's voice was speaking to you. Louder than the others around you. Sounding like it was coming from behind you.
"Oh, sorry, am I in your way?" You began moving off to the side. Letting him see.
Looking back to see who had spoken. The man was tall and looked lean. He was handsome, you couldn't deny that. His hair was a bit wild, almost looked like he cut it at home. It worked on him though. Though his choice of headband was a bit odd, then again this was an art exhibit. They did tend to pull in an interesting crowd.
"No of course not. I was just admiring how you looked at the art."
An embarrassing blush had grown on your cheeks. You didn't realize just how long you had been staring at this one painting. Not catching that another may be noticing it. You didn't know what to do so you stepped to the side and allowed space for the man to come closer to the painting. Smiling as he stepped forwards. He gave you a smile as he looked between you and the art.
"I didn't mean to interrupt." You claimed he was not. Falling over your words as he stared at you. "Good then."
Giving a smile before looking back at the painting. Not expecting the man to continue the conversation. Assuming he had just been polite and wanted you to move.
"I'm Chrollo by the way."
Introducing yourself after a few seconds of pause. Looking him over, you admired his choice of accessories. Blue earrings dangled from his ears and his odd headband wrapped around his forehead. A fashion statement for sure. Along with his feathered coat. These galleries always did tend to invite some intriguing people.
"Why this photo?"
"Why has this photo captured you for so long?"
That was a good question. Once you hadn't been prepared to answer to anyone other than yourself. After a few moments, you explained why you had stayed on this one for so long, and how you liked to link these people in the art to yourself. Imagine that even though centuries separate you from them. That you guys could still connect in some ways. Share some similarities. Chrollo grinned as you explained your reasoning. Watching as your face flushed, you seemed embarrassed by your thoughts.
"I never thought to look at them that way." Chrollo smiled, trying to ease you. "Perhaps I should have you as my guide. You could show me a whole new perspective."
It was odd to have someone being so sweet and charming to you. Especially someone you had just met. You couldn't lie, it felt nice to have someone to share your thoughts with. To have somebody who appreciated how you viewed things. To share your beliefs and views. Even if for a few moments, he could think you were interesting.
Chrollo took you around the gallery, asking you again and again to share your thoughts. It felt nice to have someone like him be curious about what you thought. You could have talked all night, and shared every thought. How each piece of art made you feel. Chrollo shared his thoughts too, but he seemed more eager on listening to yours.
The two of you had viewed almost every piece of art. From the paintings to the sculptures. There were still a few left to see. Some of the bigger pieces still had crowds surrounding them.
"It's crazy how these pieces got donated." Turning to him as you spoke. "Imagine being able to collect all of these and just, donate them."
Chrollo nodded, looking at you like you any word that fell from your lips was pure gold. He brought you to another painting. Stating it was a piece he was excited to see and had heard about it for years. There were a few people crowding around the painting, so you two waited.
"It's refreshing that others actually enjoy and value these pieces. You'd be surprised by what I've heard tonight. People talking about how bored they art. How the art is subpar. I even heard some guy begging his girlfriend to go home."
You couldn't help but laugh. Agreeing, it was shameful how some didn't appreciate what was here like you two. Especially since some of these pieces are the first time the public has ever viewed them.
The people had moved, allowing you two to move up. Getting a better view of the painting Chrollo wanted to show you. Both of you stared at it, marvelling at the art before you. It was beautiful. You could see why he liked it so much. The colours, the way everyone in it was painted. It must have taken months to do. Leaning forward, you read the information piece under it to learn who was in it and who had painted it. It had been donated by the same private collector. One of the few pieces to have been believed to be lost to history, if it even existed. A fire at the buyer's home a few years after it was commissioned was thought to have taken it. Yet, here it stood. The subjects standing next to a table. The wife and husband sitting, while the children were spread around. The fabrics looked so real. The way the satin looked stunning, the shadows that created the folds. It was absurd to think how anyone could paint like that. As you read more about it, you realized this piece was the centrepiece. One of the few they didn't announce would be here, that it even existed. A surprise for the instalment.
"Chrollo, isn't this the first time this piece has been seen, like to the public?" Chrollo nodded as you straightened up again. "It says," You pointed to the information piece in front of you. "that there were no accurate records it even existed beside a receipt from the painter to the family. How did you know it was going to be here."
You watched his face, curious to hear his explanation. Perhaps he had studied art and new things you didn't. Or had an inside source, but Chrollo didn't say anything. He just looked ahead at the painting for a bit. It looked like he was thinking of an answer. You didn't think much of it, maybe you were correct. Maybe he had some inside source that told him about the new installments. If you had a source like that, you would be using them every time there was a new gallery opening or exhibit.
That was all he offered you before pulling out his phone and messaging someone. Still not looking at you. Staring straight ahead when he put his phone away. Not letting you know what he was thinking, not answering you either. Before you could say something, try to get him to answer you. Chrollo had pulled you closer to him. A hand wrapped around your waist. A sudden move that had startled you. Odd since you two hadn't touched each other the whole night. You couldn't even push away from him as the lights were abruptly cut off. The lights from the ceiling, the wall lights, the ones hanging directly over the pieces. All were off. The room was pushed into darkness. You couldn't see your hand in front of you or Chrollo beside you. Yet, you could feel him, his arm tightly holding onto you. As people screamed and yelled around you. Trying to figure out what was going on. Pushing past you, falling over. It was most likely a power outage.
"What the hell is going on."
"Shh, you'll see." Chrollo had leaned in. Whispering in your ear. He was closer than you remembered.
You could feel people move around you, bumping into each other including you. People still yelling and just as confused as you were. You were waiting for an announcement to be made, a worker to yell something. How there was a power outage somehow, or perhaps someone had accidentally flipped a switch. Yet, it didn't come, minutes passed. Feeling dragged out. You were trying to look around, let your eyes adjust, but Chrollo didn't let up with his hold on you. Keeping you by his side. You were about to say something. Tell him to let go when you unexpectedly heard a door open and close behind you. Turning your head as far back as you could, you saw a bit of light disappear as the door shut. Someone had entered, or left? You weren't sure, but you hoped it was a worker entering to help. Waiting for someone to yell, or for any kind of new sounds. Only to hear something you didn't expect. Not a voice asking if everyone was okay. No, instead there were yells. Different than before, they sounded scared and hurt. Then another sound, it sounded like something dropping to the floor. Originally you guessed it was the art. Someone had managed to fuck up and bump into something, but this was too heavy. Too condensed to be a wooden frame falling and the statues would probably just shatter. No, it was more like a body hitting the floor. Someone must have tripped, or run into someone. However, the noise repeated itself. Again and again, yells and falls.
It happened too swiftly, and you didn't have any time to properly react. The screams and bodies hitting the floor had made their way across the room. Until there was silence again, but it felt different. Not like everyone was quiet. Rather, it felt like no one else was there. That you and Chrollo were alone. His weight was a comforting thing now. Something you were leaning into. He was an anchor in this confusing chaos.
"My apologies, but I have to go. I'll see you again my dear."
Chrollo's weight was lifted from your body. His grip was gone. When you went to grab onto him and call out his name. You were met with empty air. You couldn't reach his body anymore. Taking step after step, calling out to him. No answer came. No acknowledgement came. It was like he wasn't there anymore. Like he was gone. It wasn't until you tripped that you stopped calling out his name. You had managed to fall over something on the ground. Your eyes hadn't adjusted yet, still too dark to see what was around you. Falling onto the ground. Trying to catch yourself, placing your hands in front of you to brace yourself. Landing hard on the ground. As your hands made contact with the ground, they failed to keep you upright. Instead, they slipped on something wet on the floor. Pushing them forward, allowing your head to hit the ground. Not as hard as if your hands hadn't broken the fall somewhat. Though still making you see stars.
You were on the floor, face in the liquid. Unable to fully move yet. Too dark to see what had happened, and too much in pain to try to get up. Laying in the liquid, you tried to focus on attempting to see and not on the pain. Trying to see what was next to you. It felt like there was something close to your face like there was a presence there. Abruptly the lights were back on. Blinding you, forcing you to shut your eyes. It burned, to go from darkness to blinding light.
"Hey! Hey! Is everyone okay?" You could hear the doors open, someone had come in yelling, but there was no answer.
No one was answering the man back. Only the same silence from moments before.
"Oh, God."
There was panic and disgust in his voice now. The man was now calling to others, telling them to call the police. You couldn't understand why and a part of you didn't want to know. You didn't want to know why it was so silent, why no one answered him. But you needed to. Needed to let the person know you were there.
"I-I'm here."
You opened your eyes while trying to push up. The first thing you saw was red. Red liquid on the floor, on your hands. It was what your hands had slipped on when you fell. You weren't an idiot, wishing you were for a moment. You knew what it was. Blood, it was blood. There was no mistaking it. Looking around to see where it had come from. Unable to stop the sudden scream that left your mouth. The blood was not coming from you, but rather from all around you. People's heads were bashed in, and necks snapped. Some injuries you weren't sure how they occurred. But they all seemed to lead to blood. It was spread across the floor. On the walls.
You weren't sure what had happened after you saw the blood. You must have gotten people's attention because one minute you were on the floor, next you were in a hospital with officers asking you questions. Your doctors and nurses yelling at them, trying to get them to stop asking questions and let them help you. You were clearly in shock. Unable to form a worthy sentence.
Days went by, and you were treated in the hospital. Seen by several psychologists. Hoping to get you to talk and explain what happened at the exhibit. How everyone there had died, how you were the lone survivor and where did all the art go. Every time they spoke, you just looked at them confused. Confused and scared. On the second day, you had managed to overhear the officers trying to figure out where the art went. The cameras were blacked out for the whole evening. It was clear this event was extremely planned. Though that meant nothing to you, you were just trying to process being surrounded by dead people and covered in their blood.
It must have been close to a week by the time you were able to properly speak. To try to explain to the officers that had been camping outside your door. You were just as confused as they were. Unsure of what had happened. All you could remember was the man you had talked to the whole evening. That was their only lead, a man named Chrollo and you. The survivor. The officers kept pushing, wanting more when you had none to give. You tried to recall the night from getting ready to the moments before the lights were cut off. At first, they seemed suspicious, questioning why you were left alive when over 100 other guests were bludgeoned to death. Though no actual evidence could tie you as a culprit. That didn't matter, you and the mysterious Chrollo were their only lead. Though once the hospital cleared you after being there for over two weeks, there was nothing they could do. They escorted you home. Giving you their number before leaving. Reminding you to call if any small memory comes back and not to leave town.
It was strange to be home. Strange from being covered in blood, to the sterile white hospital, to a familiar and calm environment. Coming back to an empty house, having it so quiet after all those nights in the hospital. Hearing the nurses and doctors. The intercom, the family visits. Then there were the cops. There was always noise, but now there was nothing. Just your dark house and the silence filling it. It bothered you, the silence just reminded you of that night. The silence of death.
Walking into the house, you shut and locked the door behind you. Putting down all the paper they had given you when you got discharged on the dining table. You paused at the light switch, fingers brushing the switch. Although it was dark inside, there was a part of you that couldn't bring yourself to flip the switch. The memory of what occurred the last time the lights were thrown on made you freeze. No, it was better for the lights to remain off. You would just use your muscle memory to navigate in the dark. There was no point in turning the lights on. You were exhausted, wanting nothing more than your own bed. Wanting the comfort of familiarity, of safety.
It was like that for a few days. You rarely turned on the lights, too afraid to see those people again. Terrified the flash of lights would bring those poor bodies back. Bloody and dead, laying at your feet again. It was irrational, you knew that. Yet, the lights stayed off.
Work had given you as much time as you needed. They couldn't risk bringing back a traumatized worker and having them do something liable. It gave you time to try to process what had happened, to try to get those people out of your head. Tuning the noise of the few yells, the smell of the blood. Trying to get everything out of your head. Trying to ignore how your mind strayed back to that night, going over every little detail. It could have been you, you could have been on the floor with the rest. But why weren't you? Why were you spared? What bothered you most was Chrollo. His body wasn't found, which meant he survived. He did wish you goodbye before the lights were cut. The police thought he was involved, that he was part of the murders and heist, but there was no trace of his existence. You had spent that evening with a goddamn killer. A maniac that had managed to sweet-talk you for hours. The thought made you nauseous.
Even as the days went by, the police weren't able to find the culprits. The lead of Chrollo had fallen short. No man under that name had bought any tickets, had gotten parking, they even checked restaurants in the area to see if anyone had reservations under that name in the last few weeks before the gallery had opened. There was no trace of the man you met that night. The idea of him being out there bothered you. He let you live, after all, he told you who he was, whether it was a fake name or not. He still introduced himself to you. Still struck up a conversation with you. Stayed with you all night, and most oddly, let you live. Killed everyone, but you. Someone who had either directly killed all those others or had some hand in it had so easily left you. Paranoia began to creep in as the days passed, as you dwelled on the thought of it more and more. Certain he was going to come back. Chrollo was going to finish his job, and tie up any loose ends. Or the cops were going to finally just put everything on you. Pin the murders on you since the evidence was getting them nowhere. It would be easier for them, to wrap up their case. You were sure the public would buy it. Instead of getting better, you were getting worse. Becoming more overwhelmed as time went on. Barely moving from your bedroom, keeping the curtains shut out of fear. Friends and neighbours tried to call and visit, but you ignored them. Too frightened to even open the door, to look out your window in case it was him. Night was the worst.
It was always dark in your home, as you still declined to turn certain lights on. Terrified you'd see the bodies when you flipped the switch. Though there were still moments when you feared the dark. Worrying about what you couldn't see, what may lurk in it. It had taken you a few days from your first arrival home to manage to even turn on some lights, mostly lamps or small rooms like the bathroom. Lights that would only give enough light to illuminate no more than a couple feet in front of them. Yet, your mind refused to allow larger rooms to be fully lit. The darkness was the better.
Muscle memory had saved you, keeping you on your two feet instead of face-first into the floor. Even at nights just like this one when you didn't have the sun peeking in from the cracks of the curtains. You could still navigate the house. Letting the lights you kept on all the time in certain rooms bleed into the others you ventured into.
You were cleaning up the dinner you had eaten. Some dry ramen packs you had found in the back of your cupboard. The last of what was keeping you fed. Using the lamps from your hallway to see around you as you put the garbage away before going back to the sink. The lights were nice, dull enough they hadn't disturbed you when you turned them on a day ago. You were making progress, right? One little light on was a show of getting better. It had to be. Though as you placed the bowl in the sink. Taking a look at the clock on the stove, realizing it was already well past midnight. The ramen had been the only thing you'd eaten all day. You couldn't help but laugh, swearing to yourself under your breath. It was a lie. You weren't getting better. A stupid little light in a room away meant nothing. Rubbing your face as you thought about what this meant. What being stuck in this horrid condition meant, in this paralyzing fear over fucking lights meant. If you didn't get better who knows when you can go back to work. Sure they had been accommodating, but how long would that last? A few more weeks at most. You needed to get back into the swing of things. Get back to a semi-normal schedule and behaviour. The pressure and weight of everything felt like it got heavier. Bearing a bigger load on your shoulders was becoming too much. It was all too much.
"Fuck." You were pissed, throwing your fork against the wall. "I'm not getting better. I-I'm not." Tears were forming. It wasn't fair.
"No, you are not."
Someone had just answered you back, somebody had spoken back to you within this empty house. You froze, taking a moment to process what just happened. Though when you heard a quick "hmmm" prompt from the speaker. You knew who it was. It was the same voice that haunted your thoughts all this time since the gallery. It was him, the man who had been so sweet to you that night. That had flattered and entertained you. The man who had then killed and left you. It was Chrollo, there was no mistaking it. Your lips began to shiver, too petrified to turn around and be right. Or worse be wrong and have another unfamiliar threat.
Your mind began to race, thinking of why the hell he was here after all this time. He was here to finish the job, wasn't he? He was going to kill you. Tie up the loose ends. Perhaps you had said too much. You couldn't turn around. Couldn't face the man that had killed so many with ease. You couldn't face your soon-to-be killer. Shutting your eyes tight, waiting as the seconds ticked by.
"Not even a 'hello?' or a 'how have you been?' Manners my dear."
He expected a greeting. That sick maniac wanted you to greet him as if you were long-time friends who hadn't seen each other for a few days. It was a sick joke, wanting to act friendly after everything. After he left you surrounded by bloody bodies, left you as the lone survivor to be endlessly questioned by the police. Left you to live in fear. You were pissed before. Angry at yourself for failing to adapt and get better. Yet, as you stood there, taking in what was happening. You realized that no, you weren't angry at yourself. You were furious at him. Pissed he left you like this and caused so much harm to the one he left alive. He didn't spare you, no he just damaged your life in a different way.
"Why are you here?" It was soft and meek, but it came out in one swift breath.
"Why not? Am I not welcomed."
Welcomed? Welcomed? Did he assume you'd welcome him with open arms, and accept your death with gratitude and glee? His words tipped you over the edge. Spinning around, now facing him. You looked him over. He looked mostly the same as that night. With only a few differences. He was still wearing many of the same clothes but he lacked the charm of that night. Looking a bit dishevelled. He wore the same jacket, but the shirt under was in a lot worse condition. His hair was greased back, it looked dirty. As if it was just his unwashed hair keeping it back, not any product. How was this the same man you had managed to keep you interested all night?
"Just kill me. I don't want to play anymore."
The fight in you was abruptly gone. You didn't want to play his game anymore. Pretend to be happy, and play his little friendship game. Let him get some sick satisfaction from it all. Cause that's what it all must have been. Some sick little game, that lets you think you got away before he visits and watches the hope leave your eyes. There was no hope in you, just tiredness, anger and fear. You wanted it all gone.
"And what if I do."
There was no response. All you could do was stare. Stare with repulsion towards him.
"Hmm?" Chrollo had begun stepping forward. Making his way to you.
"P-Please, just make it easy." It was a heartbreaking plea, but it was all you had. A request for a swift death.
"And why would I do that?"
In a few long steps, Chrollo was now in front of you. Pressing his body against yours. It was uncomfortable. Having him so close, having him in your house. It was vile and wrong.
Refusing to look him in the eyes. Keeping your head down and eyes shut. Waiting for him to strike. He was going to kill you. Would he leave your body here for the cops or your neighbours to find? Or would he try to hide your body? Leave you to just become a missing person poster.
"You really think I'm going to kill you?" You gave a weak nod. "Hmm, I guess that makes sense. A good guess, but I'm not."
At that, you looked up at him. Shocked at his response. If he wasn't going to kill you. Why would he be here? Why the hell would he be here if he wasn't going to finish the job? That rage from before was rising up again. You reckoned he was lying. That he was toying with you, giving you that sense of hope. Playing with you, dragging out the kill.
"Don't lie to me. Please, just-just make it painless."
Chrollo let out a chuckle, he found your words entertaining. Lifting his hand up, pausing when you flinched.
"Relax my dear. I said I wasn't."
His hand brushed the side of your face. Tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. It was a soft touch, such soft hands for a killer. So tender for someone who had killed all those that night. Even with his soft touch, you were frozen and stiff.
"I see I've caused so much worry." Chrollo leaned in. Face right by yours. Lips brushing against yours. "My apologies."
Chrollo's lips were right on yours. Kissing you. Demanding more action and presence from you, but you couldn't kiss back. You could feel his disappointment in your lack of action. Yet, he still continued the kiss. Placing a hand at the back of your head. Forcing the kiss to deepen as much as he could do with such a stiff partner. His tongue swiped across your lips. You knew he wanted more, it made you want to throw up. Though it fueled a sudden surge of confidence that came over you. A want to survive and not play his game. Your arms shot forward. Pushing as hard as you could on his chest. Shoving Chrollo away from you. Managing to create some space between the two of you. It wasn't much, but it was enough to move away from him. Lurching forwards, you made your way from Chrollo. Darting out of the room, and through the house. Trying to get to any door. The front door was closest. You made your way to it. Dodging any tables or couches, even in the dark you could navigate your place. But when you could see the door, you saw him. He was in front of it. The light shining from a powder room not too far from him showcased his features. He was smiling. Enjoying your little attempt.
Chrollo was blocking the front door. Stopping, you turned and made your way to the back door. You would have to go through the living room and kitchen to make it to the backroom. Pushing yourself, you ran. Trying to get to it before him. You just needed to get out and run to a neighbour. Or even yell for help. Anything to get the attention of someone. Running through the living room, then the kitchen. Feeling the sweat drip down your back. You had gotten to the backroom, only to see him. He was there again. Standing, blocking the door. Blocking your way out. There had to be another way out, maybe back to the front door again could work. Turning around, attempting to run back. You couldn't even get three steps away before his arms were wrapped around you. Keeping you in place, holding you still and incapable of moving. You tried to kick and hit. Anything to try to get him to let go. When you noticed none of that was working, you went to your last resort, screaming. But Chrollo's hand covered your mouth before you could get a sound out. Your heart was pumping, beating so fast. Tears came down as you sobbed into his hand. You were finally going to die. Die in your home, a place you considered safe.
"Shhh, it's okay, it's okay." Chrollo pressed his head against the side of yours. His mouth was close to your ear. "Calm down, you're going to be alright. Just listen to what I say."
You tried to come down, trying to soothe yourself. Levelling out your breathing. It was hard but eventually manageable. Anything to buy you some time, to try to run again when he let go. After a few minutes, you were breathing close to normal.
"Where's the girl from that night, huh? The sweet little thing that enjoyed looking at art all night? I miss her" Chrollo placed a kiss on your soaked cheek. "I need you to relax sweetie, okay? Can you do that? Stay calm?"
His tone was patronizing, his tone felt like he was talking to some child. Bile climbed up your throat. He was a murderer and a jerk. You tried to nod while his hand over your mouth kept you in place.
"Good girl. Now, swallow."
Without any warning Chrollo's hand over your mouth was moved, only to have his other quickly shove something between your lips. His hand made its way back over your mouth, while he pinched your nose. Forcing you to swallow whatever he had shoved in your mouth if you wanted to breathe. You attempted to refuse but couldn't last long. You could feel him smiling against your cheek when he realized you swallowed. Praises left his lips at how good you were being now, how corporating you will be when you two leave. You had no idea what he meant, but it didn't matter whether you understood or not. Because soon you felt strange, your legs felt frail. Your head felt heavy. This wasn't just the adrenaline leaving your body. Chrollo had drugged you. You gave one last effort, trying to pull from his grasp, but your hands could barely lift past your waist. Too heavy and weak to do anything. Your body was shutting down quicker than you could process, unable to help you at this point. Your eyes were even failing you, begging to be shut. Eyelids begging to shut, refusing to stay open any longer. Even after begging him to not play with you, he was doing what he wanted.
"It'll be fine. You'll be home soon."
His words confused you. You were home, he was in your home. He was the one who ruined your home, your safety. But your thoughts stopped as you slipped away. Slumping in his grasp unable to do anything. If only you could see the satisfaction on Chrollo's face as he carried you out. He knew you'd curse at him.
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
𝕮𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞’𝖘 𝕺𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑
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“….𝖜𝖊’𝖗𝖊 𝖆𝖑𝖑 𝖒𝖆𝖉 𝖉𝖔𝖜𝖓 𝖍𝖊𝖗𝖊..”
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“𝖏𝖔𝖎𝖓 𝖚𝖘 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖊…”
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𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨, 𝙞𝙣𝙛𝙤, 𝙚𝙩𝙘…
click below ⬇️
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• starting off by saying that this is only my 2nd year doing this and my first year doing it on tumblr so please be patient with me.
• Also, I am making an ✨attempt ✨ to do all 31 days but no promises as I’ll be doing other things this month for Halloween/cosplay but please feel free to DM/inbox me any requests that you have and I’ll be happy to try and squeeze them in.
• Once the month is done, I’ll put them all in my masterlist so you can back and binge read if you’d like.
• this will be multifandom and feature characters from AOT, JJK, HunterxHunter, One Piece, Jojo’s, Haikyuu and many more!..if there’s a show you’d like me to write for, feel free to request. I’ll let you know if I’ve watched/write for it.
�� all works featured in this will be modern AU’s. No canon stuff.
• understand that not every kink will be for you. As always, there will be warnings at the top of each story..take heed to said warnings and use them at your discretion. If you feel a specific kink/fetish is too much, then I suggest you skip that day and I’ll see you in another one. We’re all grown (I would hope) so you can decide for yourself. Please do not comment anything childish, hateful or derogatory towards my work because it will be automatic block. Kinktober is a time to explore things I’d normally not write about but even so, it may not be your cup of tea. Don’t report or try get something slapped with a label because YOU don’t like it. Simple.
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[writing this as of 9/10/2023, naturally this is subject to change but here are the plans so far for the upcoming works you can expect:]
stranger than fiction (sfw stories + interactive fics)
Beyond Fact or Fiction: an anthology series comprised of drabbles and fics based off of real events….or are they? That’ll be for you to decide. (multifandom)
Are You Scared of Me Yet?: they are your average, hardworking family. Working on their farm by day…body snatching by night?! The young couple finds themselves in quite a predicament when one of them is bitten a strange creature while outside and becomes undead! Now with an appetite for more than cookies and cakes, they must try to feed their desires for human flesh, all while keeping this dirty little secret from those around them! (cowboy reiner x baker black reader) (nsfw version available in Kinktober list)
Sacrilegious: music’s much more fun with a little contreversy and that’s a fact that EJ the Don knows all too well. No stranger to dark imagery and occult themes in his songs, the rapper decides to get a bit creative and raise the bar for his next video. With Halloween around the corner, his wife + beloved influencer, (y/n), who’s notorious for her out of this world costumes every year decides to join him on the fun by being his co-star. And what better way to debut the new track and visuals than at the Jaeger’s infamous Halloween Bash?! But along with insane reception from the fans and friends alike, they may have invited some unwanted attention…from both the living and dead! How will the it couple deal with this situation? (musician eren x influencer au) (nsfw version available in kinktober list)
undertaker: chrollo lucifer has always been the town outcast. Dubbed a weirdo, troublemaker and the person you’d want to avoid at all costs. Mainly due in part to his love of heavy metal, cigarettes and all things occult. Too bad for everyone else, he didn’t care to clear up his reputation..that was until the mayor’s daughter goes missing and he gets accused of being involved!..with no one on his side, the lonely Chrollo feels as if he has nowhere to turn. However, he ends up meeting someone who may be able to help him out of his bind…the local botanica owner with an equally terrible reputation! With a race against the clock and their backs against the wall, the unlikely duo team up in a whodunnit like you’ve never seen!
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Kinktober 2023 (NSFW Stories)
(these may be changed at a later time and characters are TBA but here are some of the kinks you can look forward to.)
office sex, pegging, free use, knife play, age gap (legal ofc), foot worship, size kink
pregnancy/lactation kink, gun play, sensory deprivation, anal, food play, pet play, CNC
BDSM/Shibari, fem dom, breeding, roleplay, corruption kink
impact play, exhibitionism, nipple play, spit kink, facefucking, car sex, orgy
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FLUFF/CRACKTOBER (feel good + funny fics)
• through the pumpkin patch: cowboy!reiner x reader
• first time for everything: scholar!armin x scholar!reader
• pick up the phone • doordasher!eren (ft. doordasher!connie) x reader
puuurfect fit! • choso kamo x plus size reader
trick or treat • ryomen sukuna x reader
carve me like one of your french girls • nanami kento x artist!reader
my dress up darling • seamster!mitsuya x cosplayer!reader
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taglist will be available. Let me know if you want to be added!
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all works are intellectual property of chrollohearttags. I do not own any characters mentioned except OC’s or reader descriptions. Please do not repost, steal or copy my fics. It’s not cute :(
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@greenieweeniesworld @spaceforher @anubisisthebomb @crazychaoticizzy @makaylasierra789 @momobaby227 @certified-stargirl @thickbihhwitdagapp @kameko-ko @valentineluvu @mukurosbracup @prettypink-princesss @bleach-your-panties
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xxshujiswhorexx · 29 days
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Arena Angel
(Chapter 1)
Hisoka x reader; Chrollo x reader; Illumi x reader (might start off relatively slowburn as I build the story)
Y/N used to work as an unofficial healer at the Heaven’s Arena, but was recently demoted and can no longer perform her side gig. Chaos ensues when her fav lil menace returns from an absence. (Adultrio x reader)
Bzzt… bzzt… bzzt
With what most would deem unnecessary violence, you smacked your alarm clock with all the rage one can muster at 5:00am.
“W-what time is it?”
Sleepy mumbles cascaded from your lips, as you rubbed your eyes vigorously, trying to shake the sleep from them. Forcing yourself upright, you at once your bed for a moment, contemplating your options.
You could get up now, or be late for work.
“God, I hate this fucking job.”
I mean, working at the notorious Heaven’s Arena wasn’t all bad - the pay was good, you worked with friends, and there were plenty of hot men to stare at (if you could ignore their psychotic personalities), but the early mornings really did suck.
“I swear to god, as soon as I can afford it I’m quitting this god forsaken job.”
Despite your grievances, you still found the motivation to drag a comb through your hair, throw on some makeup to hide the visible bags under your eyes, and don your rather eccentric (but kinda cunty?) uniform.
Admiring yourself in the mirror, you picked at the uniform with a slight frown.
“Holy shit, am I sexy in this uniform.”
With a sudden surge of energy, you slapped your cheeks for courage and headed off to work.
“Hmm, coffee really does make everything better!” With eyes extremely alert and a beaming smile, you skipped over to your manager’s office to learn your assignment for the day.
‘Mimi! It’s been too long, baby!”
“Y/N, you literally saw me 8 hours ago.” With an exasperated sigh, your manager got up from her desk to approach you.
“You’re on sign-in duty today. No complaints this time, honey.”
“Awh, but Mimi, it’s so fucking boringggg!” You shook her arm gently, whining at your assignment for the day.
Sign-in duty sucked. You had to act all happy and shit to meet these wannabe fighters who likely wouldn’t even make it to the tenth floor.
“Baby, please, at least let me work the desk on 100!”
Mimi groaned at your persistence. Shaking your limbs away from her arm until you released her, she returned to her desk.
“Nothing I can do, honey. You’re gonna have to suck it up today.”
With a groan befitting an annoyed teenager, you dragged your feet and stumbled out of Mimi’s office. You grumbled under your breath as you slammed the door for effect, trying to emphasise your displeasure.
“Don’t slam my fucking door, missy!” A yell came from behind the door, as you hastily jogged away. Mimi sure knew how to ruin your day with relative ease. I mean, you loved the girl, but fuck did she give you the worst assignments.
Once again, you began whining to yourself as you made your way towards the elevator.
“There’s literally never anyone interesting to speak to there. This is why Melanie works the sign-in desk: there’s nothing going on in that fucking head of her’s. I, on the other hand, am a fucking Nen user, and I’m not ever allowed to work on the 200’s anymore.” Rambling to yourself as you stomped into the elevator, you waved your hands around for emphasis.
“I mean, I slapped a participant one time, ONE FUCKING TIME, and I get borderline demoted. Bullshit, if you ask me.” With unnecessary force you slammed the ground floor button on the elevator, tapping your foot impatiently as you waited to arrive at the bottom of the building.
A dark air seemed to gather around you, deterring watchful stares from people passing by, as you slumped down into your chair, putting on your game face.
“Ok, Y/N. You’re gonna be the best fucking greeter ever so we can have maybe fun at this job again.”
Maybe this was your own personal purgatory. Your face hurt from smiling, the amount of ego stroking you’ve already done is mind numbing, and it’s not even noon.
The line still extends for hundreds of meters, and with no end in sight, you accepted your fate with a grimace.
“Killuaaaa, how long is this gonna take??” You suddenly hear an impatient whine a few people down.
You mumble to yourself, “me too kid.”
“Gon, would a little patience kill you? We’re almost there.” The huffing of another young boy catches your attention.
It’s not everyday young children show up to fight he, but then again, you can’t sense any aura from them - other from the usual leaking of course.
‘Maybe I’m getting my hopes up. At least they sound interesting - they’re fucking loud though.’
With a forced smile, you greet the pair. “Hello boys! Are you here to sign up on this fine, fine morning?” The white haired kid widens his eyes slightly, taking in your form.
“That smile looks painful.” Well, this has just killed any baby fever you have ever experienced. The green haired boy clearly needs to work on his social skills.
“Yeah well, ego stroking all day’ll do that to you, kid. Can I help you?” Slightly irked, you try to stay polite, making eye contact with the white haired boy.
“Wait a minute, do I know you? You feel familiar..” you trail off, unsure if you recognise him.
“You’ve aged poorly, old hag.”
“OLD HAG? Is that you, Killua?” Wholly unimpressed, you glare at the cheeky brat. “I’m literally 20. I was 14 the last time you saw me.”
He waved his hand, acting unbothered. “Yeah, yeah, woman. Just sign us up.”
“Well what the fuck’s this kids name, huh? Finally made a friend? Who knew you were capable of socialising, mr assassin.”
The green haired boy’s eyes flitted between the two of you, confused by the witty banter. Pointing at himself, he finally spoke up.
“I’m Gon. It’s nice to meet you, desk lady!”
“Please don’t call me that. I’m Y/N, kid. Nice to meet you. Anyways, let’s get you two signed up. Hopefully I’ll get to see more of you. It’s nice to have familiar faces occasionally.” After a few moments of admin and paper work, you finally set the two boys up.
“ookay, Killua you are number #2054, and Gon is #2055. You guys can head in, and when they call your number, head to the stated arena for your first fight.” You scribble something on a piece of paper and slide it to Killua. “Here’s my number. Call me if you need anything. I’m working on working my way back up the corporate ladder following my last incident.”
Killua snorts at the memory. He’s still astounded you managed to take a fully grown man down with a single slap after he groped you.
“Sweet, I’ll text you if Gon needs babysitting.” Killua grabs Gon by the shoulders, steering him towards the door, despite the boys whines at the insult. You send them off with a chuckle, more determined than ever to get back to the 200’s.
After all, you rather missed your side gig.
A/N: not proofread so sorry if bad grammar lol. this is gonna be a very silly fic. I need the hxh fandom to be reborn so I am contributing fanfics.
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shiftingparadise · 1 year
Moarrrr mooooaaarrrr soft spotttt it'll never be enough nothing will ever be enough 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
Aaaa, I get so happy when you guys ask for more. I hope you like it 😇. This one's kind of different, but I really think it fits the story. If you guys have some ideas, feel free to let me know 🤍
Warnings: angsty
Word Count: 2115
‘Where? Where is she?’, Feitan’s eyes were fixed on Chrollo’s, his breathing heavy. ‘I don’t know Feitan’. 
How did this happen? Feitan was in his basement, cleaning up his mess like usual while Chrollo was in his study, reading a book… They would’ve noticed an intruder, right? 
‘Someone’s been here’, Feitan let his digits feel the soft fabric of your sheets, ‘Someone took her’. 
Chrollo almost whispered his name, but he never sounded angrier. 
‘Boss?’, Feitan walked towards the opposite side of your bed. 
‘When we find her, don’t murder whoever did this’, Chrollo whispered with a shaking voice, his eyes wide open in anger. 
Feitan couldn’t believe this. He didn’t want to believe it. The spats of blood on the ground made clear that whoever took you, hurt you. Something neither of them could forgive. 
‘How could this happen?’. 
‘I don’t know’, Chrollo turned around, his anger growing by the second, ‘But whoever did this knew about her’. 
‘P-please’, you whimpered as you felt a cold hand stroke across your cheek, ‘I-I haven’t done anything-‘. ‘You’re his darling, right?’. 
That voice. You recognized the buttery, warm voice. This wasn’t a stranger, but the lack of vision thanks to the blindfold made it hard for you to know who. 
‘Don’t know what you’re talking about’. ‘Sorry’, a familiar chuckle, ‘You’re their darling’. 
This couldn’t be a stranger. Only the Spiders knew about your existence, Chrollo made sure of that. So, unless someone talked- 
‘H-hisoka?’, your breath hitched at the realization. ‘Hm’, he sighed happily, ‘You’re smart for a pet, aren’t you?’. ‘Why are you-‘. 
‘Because I want to fight Chrollo’. 
You pulled back your head in fear as you felt his digits lifting your blindfold. 
‘W-where am I?’, tears streaming down your cheek as you scanned the room. ‘Oh, this dump? It’s nothing, just an abandoned factory’. 
You followed his every move as he smugly played with his cards, his eyes gliding over your body. 
‘Where are my manners…’, he slowly stood up, ‘You must be cold’. 
Cold? You couldn’t feel the cold, even if it was the middle of the night and you were only wearing that stupid nightgown. 
‘So sorry about that’, he kneeled in front of the chair you were sitting on, ‘Let me clean that up’. 
‘G-get away from me’, you tried to sound brave, in control, but you failed miserably. ‘Be nice, or I’ll make you bleed even more’, he smirked as he wiped the blood from your cheek, ‘It’s your fault anyway. If you  hadjust listened to me instead of making all that fuzz-‘. 
‘Why would I follow a fucking clown?’. 
Too far. You went too far. Just as you did with Feitan at the start. 
‘My, my’, Hisoka stood back up, his height towering over you, ‘Quite a brat, aren’t we?’. 
You wisely kept your mouth shut this time. 
‘I’m a magician, but I’m sure a dumb little pet like you doesn’t know the difference’. ‘They’re going to kill you’. ‘I sure hope they try’, his eyes lit up at the thought, ‘But in the meantime, let’s have some fun, shall we?’. 
Chrollo let out a sigh as he heard his phone ring. 
*4.50 AM: Lost something? :)*
*4.51 AM: Oh! I found your precious, little darling <3*
*4.51 AM: She’s a little cold :( :( :(*
*4.52: Don’t worry!!! I’ll keep her warm for you (or should I say the two of you?)  >:) <3*
‘Hm’, Chrollo tried to keep his composure, his sight blurry as his grip around his phone tightened. 
‘Fuck!’, Chrollo threw his phone against the wall of your room. For the first time in his life, he lost his temper. 
Feitan never saw his boss like this. He never lost his cool or his confident smirk, but right now his hands were shaking in anger, his breathing heavy… 
‘Hisoka?’, Feitan coldly asked. 
‘Hisoka’, Chrollo’s eyes darted towards his second man, ‘That fucking prophecy was right’. 
‘What’s wrong? You were so chatty only minutes ago’. 
Even though you were used to more pain - thanks to Fei - it still hurt. The cuts his cards left in your soft flesh, the blood that slowly dripped out of them… It hurt, nonetheless. 
‘You know…’, he continued as he faked his concern by wiping some blood from your cheek, ‘Those pretty eyes of you are tempting me to run away with you. You’d be the prettiest pet I’ve ever had’. 
‘D-don’t touch me’. 
Well, this just feels 10 times worse than your first night with Chrollo. 
‘I can only imagine how mad Chrollo would get if I used his little pet’.
Sick. It was sick, the way his eyes lit up as his tongue rolled over his lips. 
‘S-stop’, you closed your eyes as his long fingers slowly glided over your arm onto your shoulder, lifting the strap of your nightgown. ‘Heard you beg Chrollo many times to stop… Seems like you enjoy his touch now’. 
‘This isn’t the-‘. 
A nauseous feeling took over when his tongue grazed over the cut on your cheek. 
‘Hm, so sweet’. 
‘S-stop, please’, you sobbed as you tried to break free from the ropes around your wrists, ‘Please, I haven’t done anything wrong. Chrollo will fight you now, no matter what, so you can let me go and-‘. 
‘Ssh’, he coed as he brushed through your hair, ‘You don’t get it, do you?’. 
‘I want you to see how I kill them. I want my little pet to see who her owner is. I want to hear you cry and beg me to stop when I kill your precious little ‘Fei’ and Chrollo’. 
‘Ah, you brought the whole family?’, Hisoka opened his arms when he saw the Spiders, ‘I only want to fight you though… And well, I guess Feitan too, with your ‘darling’ and all that’. 
‘Let Phinks bring her to safety, and you’ll have your fight’, Chrollo responded, his heart racing with adrenaline when he noticed what the former Spider did to you.
Feitan couldn’t take his eyes off you. Images of all the possible ways he could torture that clown started running through his head. 
‘Can’t do’, Hisoka raised his arms, ‘I’m going to keep your precious darling. Just wanted her to watch when I kill you’. 
‘What’s stopping us from killing you?’. 
‘If one of your little spiders comes closer, I’ll kill her’. 
Chrollo’s heart sank when he saw the bruises and cuts on your body. He hated the way your head was hanging low, the way your knees were pressed together, sobs escaping from your lungs… 
‘Fine’, he nodded for everyone to back down. 
They talked about this. His Spiders knew what to do if something went wrong. 
‘Fei or Chrollo?’, Shalnark sighed as he watched them. ‘What?’, Phinks looked at the blonde. ‘Who’s going to lose his temper first?’. ‘Fei’, almost all of them agreed in union.
‘Do you think we’ll need to intervene?’, Shizuku looked at the ceiling. ‘Not a chance’, Machi sighed, ‘Never seen boss this mad’.  
‘There you go’, a gentle touch, but it scared you, nonetheless. ‘C-chrollo?’, your lips trembling in relief. ‘I’m not the only one here’, Chrollo gently wiped across your cheek. ‘F-fei?’, you tried to look over your shoulder when you felt someone untying the ropes around your wrist. 
‘What should we do boss?’, Phinks’ yelled from the other side of the room. ‘Let him run, we’ll get our revenge. Right, Fei?’. 
‘Hm’, Feitan coldly replied as he looked at the cuts on your arm. 
He knew he sounded calm and composed, but inside his heart, there was a hurricane. He wanted to run after Hisoka, to make him pay, but Chrollo told him this was going to happen. Chrollo knew that if he brought his Spiders, the fight would never be ‘fair’ in Hisoka’s eyes, because Hisoka wanted Chrollo. He didn’t want Feitan, or Shalnark, or Machi… He wanted Chrollo’s blood. 
‘There we go’, Chrollo smiled as he picked you up from the chair you were sitting on, ‘Let’s go home’. 
‘Boss isn’t boss anymore’, Franklin grunted. ‘And Fei isn’t Fei anymore’, Phinks added, a confused expression on his face. 
No one would’ve thought this would happen. No one would’ve thought the two most heartless men would care so much about one person. All the spiders’ eyes were fixed on Chrollo and Feitan. They watched as Chrollo gently caressed your cheek, as Feitan’s digits ran over your body, his eyes burning with concern… 
‘What?’, Feitan lifted his head from the backseat. ‘Nothing’, Machi rolled her eyes, her hands on the steering wheel. ‘Can feel you staring at me through the mirror’. ‘You’ve gone soft’. 
For a minute, the only sound that filled the air were other passing cars and your heavy breathing as you slept on Chrollo’s lap. 
‘Only for her’, Feitan replied softly. ‘Only for her’, Chrollo added with a smile, his fingers gently brushing through your hair. 
‘I’m so sorry’, Chrollo clenched his jaw when Feitan took off your nightgown, ‘I should’ve protected you’. ‘Not your fault’, your eyes fixed on the ground, arms wrapped around your stomach. 
‘Bath’s ready’, Feitan closed the tap, a lump in his throat as you hissed when the warm water greeted your soft skin. 
‘Here-‘, ‘Don’t touch me’, you pulled your knees to your chest, ‘Don’t act like I haven’t been here before’. 
You didn’t know why venomous words flowed from your mouth; you didn’t know why you wanted to hurt the two you cared for most in this world. 
‘Darling?’, Chrollo tried to brush some hair from your cheek, but you immediately pulled back. ‘You’re fucking hypocrites. Both of you. Pretending to care when both of you tortured me in ways that were much worse than what Hisoka did to me’. 
‘You know what went through my mind as he hurt me?’, red-stung eyes found Chrollo’s, ‘I thought that it was nothing compared to what Feitan did to me, to what you did to me’. 
Feitan? You never called him that. It was ‘Fei’. 
‘I see’, Chrollo replied as if his heart didn’t break into a million pieces, ‘Well, I’ll be in my study’. ‘Basement’, Feitan added coldly. 
You watched as the two men closed the door. You didn’t want to hurt them, you really didn’t, and you hated yourself for saying such things.
‘I’m going back-‘, Feitan turned around once he heard your uncontrollable sobs. ‘Don’t’, Chrollo held him back, ‘She wants to be alone. We should at least give her some privacy’. 
‘Fei? Chrollo?’, you softly called out to them. No response. With careful steps, you headed downstairs, ‘Fei? Chrollo?’. 
Both men were sitting on the couch, staring at the TV. 
‘What are you watching?’, a guilty tone in your voice as you sat down between them. ‘I don’t know, some cooking show’, Chrollo tried to keep himself from hugging you. ‘Hm’, you carefully laid your head against Chrollo’s shoulder, ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean what I said’. 
‘You did’, Feitan answered, ‘You don’t have to lie’. ‘No, I didn’t. I was never this scared of you, or Chrollo’. 
‘It’s fine, darling, why don’t you lie down for a bit? Get some rest?’. 
You let your head rest on Chrollo’s lap, your feet on Fei’s. 
‘Thanks for bringing me back home’. 
‘H-home?’, Chrollo widened his eyes. ‘This is our home, isn’t it?’, a content smile on your face. 
‘Our home’, a small smile on Feitan’s face as he repeated the words in his head. 
‘Get some sleep, you’re safe now’, Feitan gently stroked your leg. 
‘I know’, you smiled as you closed your eyes. 
‘Huh?’, you lazily opened one eye, the sunlight greeting your sheets as you looked across the room. ‘Chrollo’s room’, you frowned.
Everything hurt. The cuts, the bruises… 
‘Y/N?’, Feitan’s arm slowly wrapped around your waist. ‘F-fei?’, you widened your eyes as you immediately turned around. ‘Hm, get some more sleep’, he pulled you closer. ‘W-where’s Chrollo?’. ‘Out’. ‘To where?’, you nestled your head into his chest. ‘Went to see someone. She’s probably going to have dinner here tonight’. 
‘A woman?’. ‘Hm, she has some great nen-ability boss wants’. ‘O-oh’, your heart stopped as you realized the feeling that washed over you, ‘Here?’. 
‘What’s wrong?’, Feitan never failed to see right through you. 
‘Nothing’, you forced a smile on your face as you wrapped your leg around him, ‘Is it okay if I get some more sleep?’. ‘Of course’, he placed a small kiss on the top of your head, ‘I’ll be here when you wake up’. ‘I know’, you tightened your grip around him, ‘Thanks Fei’. 
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i-write-things · 9 months
Yandere Chrollo x Festive! Reader (Head Canons)
(How Yandere Chrollo would react to having a very festive S/O during the holidays)
Growing up in Meteor city, not a lot of good things happened. However, Christmas was one of the few times a year when people were a lot softer for some reason. So, although Chrollo doesn't really care too much about Christmas, he still enjoys it. It brings him a sense of comfort that not even he can deny.
Before he met you, he still enjoyed Christmas, just not as much. He would still celebrate a little with the rest of the Spiders. He would attend Uvo's Christmas parties (That ended up in a lot of members passed out drunk), and maybe, if he was especially feeling it that year, gift his friends a small present. He would usually leave the friend after to do his own thing, and he always left Uvo's party first out of anyone. So, while Christmas was like any other day of the year to him, it wasn't like any other time of the year, if that makes sense.
He wasn't all that festive, but he will admit, he did try to get into it. He would wear a Christmas themed outfit on the day of Christmas, and he would drink more hot chocolate than coffee around this time. Of course, his favorite part is sitting around a fire (whether its in a house that belongs to him, or the residents of someone he murdered), with a nice book.
So when he meets you, he wasn't surprised when you were more festive than him. A lot of people are. However, for some reason, he thinks you're starting to rub off on him a little. Post-kidnapping, he'd come over and help you decorate. Having trouble hanging up a festive Christmas decoration? No problem! He'd love to walk right up behind you, and reach up to do it for you, making sure to press his chest right up against your back.
If you want to ask him to help decorate some cookies, he'd be in heaven. You asked him for help! That must mean you're becoming more comfortable and reliant on him, right? He'd try to keep the process as clean as possible, but if you want to do that thing in every holiday movie where they're baking cookies and they make a mess out of the kitchen by throwing flour everywhere, he'd still enjoy it. He'd also think its cute how you think you could win. I mean, sure, he'd let you win, but if you get too cocky and make a remark a bit too arrogant, he won't hesitate to put you in your place (Same thing for snowball fights). He's a smart man, so his goal during this fight wouldn't be to get the most flour everywhere, because he knows it would just be a pain to clean up later. His goal would be to get the most flour on you. (Although, he doesn't mind cleaning up too much, it just means he gets to spend more time at your place)
He's also sure to get you some very nice presents. He's Santa now, because anything you even mentioned that you showed interest in having, he is sure to steal get it for you. Did you happen to look at a piece of expensive jewelry a little but longer than you normally would? It's yours, now. Even if you don't like or wear jewelry.
After the kid-napping is a different story. He hopes that the Christmas spirit thing will help you like him more, even if it's just a little. If that's not the case, prepare for teasing remarks such as "Y/N, why do you continue to push me away? What happened to your 'Christmas Spirit'?".
He also gets all the ingredients to make cookies, just like old times. Don't want to bake them? Fine. He'll do it himself. Just don't sound too surprised when you don't get to bake anything else that holiday season. If you do choose to help him, however, there are two possibilities: 1. You can just be compliant. You can help him make the cookies. I mean, there's no rule saying you have to have fun, or be happy while doing it with him. Or 2. You can purposefully screw everything up. Honestly, Chrollo was expecting this more than the former. So he's not really upset when you just so happen to drop the dough on the floor. In fact, he might even set you up to fail if you choose this route, because the longer you take to make the cookies, the more time you spend with him. It doesn't matter if you're working more with against than with him.
Oh, and how could I forget? The thing every guy, gal, and in between pal looks forward to. Setting the star on top of the Christmas tree. If all your Christmas spirit is gone, and you're not helping him decorate the tree he thought you would like, he might pretend to struggle to put it on top. "Y/N, dear, would you help me for a moment?" If you refuse, he'll probably just give up on decorating the Christmas tree. You seeing it incomplete motivates you to finish decorating the tree by yourself. Which, you have trouble reaching the tip of that stupid tree, and he, similar to how he helped you hang up the decorations on the higher parts of the wall, will help you put the star on top. He'd also do this if you were the one who decorated the tree to start with. However, if you do decided to help him put up the star, he'd be delighted! he gets to show you how strong he is, hoping to impress you with his strength when he so easily picks you up and holds you up so you can set the star on top. He might hold you for just a little longer than you like, but he doesn't really care. Of course, if you start to grow impatient, he'd set you down. You could have just asked, you know.
By far, one of his favorite things is to drive around at night with you. No particular destination in mind, just drive around and admire the pretty Christmas lights. He likes looking at your reaction more than the lights, though. You finally seem happy, even though he's right next to you. Sure, it's because you're ignoring him and you're in your own little world, watching the lights, but who cares? It proves his point that you can be happy this holiday season even with him. If he get to a nice point, he might even put his hand on your thigh if you're distracted and/or happy enough. If you push his hand off you, no problem. He'll just use his hand for something even better, like caressing your cheek and telling you how beautiful you look, and other cheesy things like how you're the only Christmas gift he wants. He thinks it romantic, you probably think its annoying. (Unless you've succumbed to Stockholm Syndrome, but what how you return the affection is up to you). If you slap his hand away one more, that's a-okay! If you don't want his hand to hold, or touch you, the steering wheel won't mind having his hand on it. He'll drive you back home early, and your escape from the place he currently has you staying in is no longer there.
Overall, he becomes a lot more festive when he's with you because he see's it as an opportunity to spend more time with you. He'd be willing to do just about any Christmas tradition you can think of, but remember, he's a master manipulator, and he's very good at twisting things to his own liking. No matter what you suggest, he'll find a way to attempt to make it romantic. If he feels like respecting your boundaries more that day, (not likely), he might just let you enjoy whatever tradition it is you like simply because you're happy despite him being around, giving him a boost of confidence and fueling his delusions that you will someday love him back. However, there's no promise that the next day, he won't force you to cuddle up with him next to a fire while reading a book. He let you indulge in your favorite thing about Christmas, so it's only fair you do the same for him. If you'd ask, he'd read to you. I mean, he'd read to you any day, but still. He at least offers it to you. If you refuse, he just continues reading to himself while still having his arm wrapped around you and lightly stroking your arm.
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meyousing · 1 year
𝒞𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓁𝓁𝑜, 𝒮𝑜 𝒫𝓇𝑒𝒸𝒾𝑜𝓊𝓈
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𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉: chrollo with a super obedient reader that just complies to whatever he says and frequently asks him if she can do stuff no matter how many times she's told no
𝓈𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: despite your undying loyalty to chrollo, something inside of you persistently wonders if your love truly is mutual, and how he sees you. his answer is unexpected, and leaves you questioning your decisions thus far.
𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: yandere chrollo, sfw, manipulation/gaslighting. part two here!
“What if we got a puppy?” your feet swayed beneath the kitchen island, chin resting upon your interlocked fingers which soon moved to hold your head up by the jaw instead. 
You couldn’t see Chrollo’s visible reaction to this inquiry, his back was turned as he had been brewing the both of you an evening tea. You liked to watch him carry out such mundane tasks, it felt so domestic. As if you two were a normal couple; as if you were a tired wife who just returned home from her irksome job, with your loving househusband catering to your needs so he could help you relax after such a long day. This, instead of an essential cult leader and the woman he saved. But you didn’t see it that way. Chrollo’s power made you view him as your protector, who knew what was best for you and ensured that every decision he made for you was ultimately beneficial. 
He chuckled softly, looking to the side, his charming profile in your sights as he spoke.
“You know we can’t do that, my beloved.” 
You watched him turn his back to you once more, an arm raising as he poured your drinks into the cute, matching “Mr. & Mrs.” mugs that you asked him to buy you as a birthday gift last year. (He questioned if there were any particular reasons why you wanted these mugs, given the officiality of the titles they displayed. You told him that if that was what he desired, then yes).
You did know that you couldn’t do that; get a puppy. Because it was Chrollo who said you couldn’t do that, the same Chrollo who knew what was best for you, after all. You agreed with him. You trusted him. But it couldn’t hurt to have asked. Maybe you’d try again in a few days or weeks. 
You’d like to have another companion at your side for when Chrollo was out on long days with his troupe, with you being unable to join him for obvious reasons, always leaving you alone for so much time. If he said yes, you would have something more to occupy your daytime, too. Reading could only provide entertainment for so long before plots became repetitive or too easy to understand, and while you appreciated his thoughtfulness when he bought you a laptop that couldn’t connect to the internet but still provide you with digital papers to write your own stories on; something tangible and alive like a pet would make your life so much more… lively, so much more fun. But you were unwilling to argue with him, who always had your best interests at heart. Chrollo had never steered you wrong before, it would make no sense for him to start now. 
He was at your side rather quickly, breaking you out of your thoughts by placing your cup down in front of you and sitting at your side with his cup in his fist. You smiled in thanks, placing your hands around the mug to warm your fingers and let the drink cool off before sipping. 
“Would a plush suffice?” you heard him ask, peeking up to watch as he took a quiet swig of his tea. 
It really wouldn’t. This was said from the bottom of your heart, the very truth. But you told that voice to be quiet, that a plush would absolutely be enough. Chrollo may have been asking you this, though he may as well have just said “a plush will suffice.” 
“Of course” you leaned into him, puckering your lips to peck his cheek. His hand swiftly caught you by the jaw and pulled you in for a real kiss, your lips meeting his sweetness with some warmth from the remnants of his pekoe. His thumb brushed over your cheek as you parted. 
“Such a precious thing, you are.”
Is it my obedience that makes him think this? You would continue to be that way if it were the case. But Chrollo was a bit of an enigma, you could never really know. He let you know as much as he wanted you to know, and who were you to ask for more? Once again you hushed that internal voice, you are precious indeed. Chrollo thinks so, so you are. That’s all there is to it. 
You melted as he wrapped an arm over your shoulders, bringing you closer into his embrace. Your temple rested against his chest, the gentle thrum of his heartbeat lulling you into a tranquil state. A tranquil, vulnerable, impulsive state.
“What would you do if I never listened to you?” you couldn’t stop the words before they left your mouth. 
A beat of silence.
You felt him hum. 
His hand on your tricep squeezed. 
“Well…” he laughed. “What use would you be to me then?” 
Ouch. You moved to detach from him, to make eye contact and wonder if what he just said was meant genuinely, to see if his eyes were as honest as his words. His grip on your arm was unrelenting, you squirmed for a moment before coming to your senses; you weren’t going anywhere. 
“What do you mean?” your voice was timid. You knew that you couldn’t accept the truth, that your compliance to his every word was the reason why your life here was so simple, so problem free. What started as an impulsive question that you couldn’t control was now a thought beginning to plague you. What would he do if you didn’t act this way? What if you fought back or if you resisted his commands and advances? 
You were complicit because you loved him. It was a hard pill to swallow, to come to terms with the fact that the version of Chrollo that you were bound with now was not the same Chrollo you fell in love with. In spite of that, there was a part of you that loved him still, even who he was now; the ugly truth of him. 
But if you weren’t this way, if you weren’t obedient and allowed him to control your every decision, then… you would just have no purpose in his life? You could see past his flaws, but he couldn’t see past yours?
“You know exactly what I mean, Y/N.”
Of course, you did. Because it was Chrollo who said you knew that, the same Chrollo who knew what was best for you, after all. 
He held you impossibly closer, both of his arms caging you into his chest as you brought your fists beneath your chin, pressing into him and allowing his warmth to consume you. How much truth did his words bear, if he held you this way? His clench on your arm had long softened, that same hand now rubbing up and down in a very soothing way, a way that had you sighing in contentment. 
Maybe you could play this part for a little longer if it meant being touched with such fragility as if you were a precious artifact of the utmost value. That wasn’t too far off from the truth, was it? You are precious, remember? Chrollo said so. 
You could only play a part for so long, though. It felt wrong to envision, but delight filled you at the image of Chrollo’s potential reaction to a sudden outburst or blatant disagreement on your part. Would he let you off with a warning, or do something grandeur? No matter how far away, you could not wait for that day to come. 
© meyousing 2023. do not share/export my work on to any other platforms. do not translate my work. 
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kimbap-r0ll · 8 months
Can I request a scenario or a fic where kid!chrollo interact with kid!reader? Reader is the new girl in meteor city.
Thank you 💕🍮
((Can be after or before the tragic day))
Hi, thank you for the ask! Ooh this is an interesting idea, imma make a cut in case any anime-only readers get spoiled bc of my headcanons ^^
Childhood Chrollo and reader — Meeting for the first time
To start, no one has any idea how you ended up at Meteor City. Did you come with parents? If so, it's a little easier to understand how you got to such a desolate yet fruitful place. However, if you went by yourself, now that's confusing to everyone. Either you're an extremely good nen user that used your ability to survive or you're like chimera-ant good at survivals
Chrollo doesn't take much interest in you at first, thinking you're just another kid he could meet in the streets. However, if you show interest in reading, translating, or theater especially he suddenly has a lot of things to ask you. What's your favorite book? Any episodes from Mighty Sweepin' Power Cleaners? What languages do you know? Chrollo was hella talkative when he was younger, so it's no surprise he immediately starts running words
Tries to introduce you to his best friends like Pakunoda and Sheila and Sarasa. They love you're company since the more there is in production and voice recording the more fun it is!
If he starts to develop a crush on you, it might be easy to tell unlike how he is now. He will drop random facts around you to get you interested in him through linguistics. If it works, that's great. If it doesn't, it might come off as nerdy
He also stumbles on his words from time to time around you if he likes you. It's not like his usual self of being super energetic and correct in grammar, he's like the typical dorky awkward when he has a crush
After the incident, you'll notice he doesn't talk to you. He sits with you and just says he appreciates how you're with him. Please give him a hug, maybe that'll change the course of the story who knows ;--;
He may cry when you're around once. If you two were alone at night, maybe you were sleeping at his place because you got a nightmare about the mafia parasiting the city, you might've woken up to him sobbing. He had bad nightmares for a while after Sarasa's death, which is why he doesn't really sleep anymore
You will be invited to the troupe, not the one you're used to, the one that's now a notorious crime group. He won't pressure you, but he would love for you to understand him. Sheila will be on your side if you disagree, and you two might've met a certain Kurta if you two happen to travel together out of the city. This brings an interesting idea: what if Chrollo met you in the future, except instead of being on his side of the story you're on the side of a red-eyed chain user?
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devilruin · 6 months
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【 Please note! 】 ⎯⎯⎯ Please remember to look at each author's do not interact criteria and blog rules before interacting with them! Also, please check each work for specific tags!
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if a link to a piece is :
⛧ ⋅  italicized ― it contains explicit content
⛧ ⋅  bold ― it contains dark content
⛧ ⋅  italicized and bold ― it contains both dark and explicit content
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✧ @smalltasteofhoney ― biscuit radiates this warm and fluffy kind of energy, and her words flow like honey (hehe...), i love seeing her pop up on my dash sm! whenever i read a piece from her, i always wonder 'how did she know they'd do that?'
personal picks : yandere vil thoughts (a crooked crown really does look so pretty on him) , "you just don't know what's good for you" with vil (ouch, right in the feels...) , which twisted wonderland characters would babytrap their darling? (not pictured: me nodding me head and going "oh yeah, he'd do that") , what to expect in bed with the twisted wonderland boys? (adore all of these and completely agree!) , yandere gojo thought (i bet his darling rejoices while he's gone) , and some lilia brainrot (why is it that whenever he smiles, a chill runs up my spine?)
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✧ @sugoscurry ― i love sugo's characterization so much! her lilia makes me absolutely feral and i think i've reread her alizarin series at least a few dozen times... she's got a great sense of humor too, and i have found myself wheezing at her author notes more than a few times (dios mio chicos always gets me)
personal picks : alizarin with lilia (the og lilia fuckers bedtime story) , alizarin crimson (sorry reader, i think you're doomed) , alizarin crimson hue (poor reader... i told you so) , petplay oneshot with crewel (bark bark woof woof) , explicit staff headcanons (best idea, take them all on) , general yandere staff headcanons (did you know that power and control go hand in hand?) , explicit disaomnia headcanons (maleficent sure knows how to pick them) , milf-maker with childe (he'd do anything to get his prize) , “you’ve been so good lately, my pet. don’t make me have to punish you.” with crewel (immediately wagging my non-existent tail at supersonic speed) , “you don’t even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. don’t act so ungrateful.” with crowley (well eXcuSE me then) , yandere incubus malleus (the only dream demon who i'd wake up for) , and who in nrc has a virginity kink? (corruption tastes so perfect late at night)
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✧ @uvobreakmylegs ― if i could bottle up the sun and gift it to pika, i would. unfortunately i cannot, so i must settle with simply singing my praises about their superb writing. the setting of the scene, the interactions between characters, the descriptions of every twinge of emotion, everything is delicately crafted with their skilled hands, and all i can do is stare in awe.
personal picks : set pattern with hisoka (pure trashy clown behavior right here, it's perfect) , right place, right time with illumi (featuring the troupe is such a fun touch, i love the witty banter and mind games between illumi and chrollo!) , last day out with chrollo (goodbye sunlight...it was nice while it lasted) , hypnagogia with illumi (i can just imagine him letting out a breath of relief once he sees darling alive, only for his expression to immediately change to an eerily blank slate) , with greatest care with pakunoda (she's both cloyingly sweet and bitterly dark when it comes to her darling) , and the sixth floor game with shalnark (this honestly feels like it could be a real game and just the thought of playing it gives me the chills)
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✧ @wri0thesley ― nat is a lovely person and deserves the whole world (with some free clothes of their choice) ! i come back to their works all the time, and love reading some of their longer works before bed! their writing sucks me in and makes it difficult for me to pull my eyes away from my screen!
personal picks : midnight musings with dottore and pantalone (all the trouble with double the pleasure) , dead & young & fair with diluc (another absolute top-tier vampire diluc work, i love how reader's relationship with diluc evolves through the piece) , dottore torturing diluc's captured wife (he would be this nasty, wouldn't he?) , pierro age gap (i'd happily turn into a sinner for this man nya) , everything that a big bad wolf could want with toji (brb gotta reapply my lip balm and fix my bunny dress) , kaeya with a hand and choking kink (the idea of there being a difference between the feel of his more calloused sword hand and his smoother non-dominant hand is sending me) , kaeya with a clumsy maid darling (don't mind me i'm just twirling my hair and giggling at the idea of going "oops, i sooo didn't mean to drop this plate in front of you" to him while bending over) , pulling on diluc's hair (i bet it would be so soft...) , wedding rings with toji (third wife status never looked so tempting...) , the machinist and the faerie with gojo (grade-a gojo right here! plus the faerie lore! the world-building! the characters!!! everything is put together so well, i really adore this piece) , and favorite (so far) with toji (do you hear that? it's my corruption kink popping off the walls)
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✧ @wyvernne ― wyvernne is an absolute beast (in terms of both quantity and quality) when it comes to writing! when i first stumbled upon her vampire diluc work, i read it all in one setting, and it took me over an hour to finish (and i'm a fast reader!) it was totally worth all the tears and missed sleep!
personal picks : [links are to her works on ao3] for reasons wretched and divine with diluc (imho, this is THE vampire diluc work) , sometimes, all i think about is you with childe (he's such a fucking tease, the little shit) , and black hearted angels sunk me with kisses on my mouth with kaeya (he's so cruel and yet so lovely)
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✧ @yandere-romanticaa ― ana is a collector of all things yandere, and her blog shows it! i love her red + black color scheme, and her aesthetic is always on point! she's a wonderful person and i have a hard time not falling in love with her lovely personality (especially when paired with her jokes!) sadly she does not have a masterlist, however just scrolling through her archive (with tags filtered) works too!
personal picks : yandere malleus draconia (who knew a pouty lizard could be so cute) , some thoughts on kaeya's flirtatiousness (i also agree that he's pretty damn guarded) , lilia vanrouge's yandere alphabet (gotta love me an ancient fae that can't cook to save a life!) , and yandere diluc headcanons (blushy, stuttering, yandere mess diluc!)
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if you would like to be removed from this list, please let me know!
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narrators-journal · 8 months
It's like hxh characters finding out that's hxh Isa series or movie in the real world, a different world. Which means they have actors. So they're reacting to their actors interview lol
I couldn’t find a way to work in a (y/n) character since a reader insert would depend a lot on the reader’s feelings for something like this. This isn’t a story, after all, I don’t feel right dictating how someone would react to the discovery of being a show character, y’know? So, I left a slot open for reader interpretation! An interactive post, lol.
Otherwise, I just kinda went ham with your general set up. It was kinda hard for me to think if I stuck so close to your exact premise. Hope ya don’t mind!
In general
In general, the revelation of the show being...a show, would throw the entire cast for a loop. I’ll mention some highlights, but as a whole, the revelation would be something along the lines of existential fear, confusion, and maybe some amazement.
Hisoka is about the only one I can think of who doesn’t have a group, and Kite is just a random character I like, lol. So, they get their own bits. Plus, their fairly simple. Hisoka’s biggest throw off is his actor not having pink hair slicked back like his. The fact their personalities don’t match or his actor doesn’t condone his taste for powerful fighters of any age doesn’t bug him. He can understand that he’s not for everyone.
The phantom troupe
Chrollo has experienced so many powers, and read so many books that he wouldn’t exactly care for the fact his reality is false. Though, he would be offended if his actor is anything but intellegent and appreciative of his reading and grace. Uvogin, though, would have his mind utterly blown. If his physique isn’t realistic to his actor, he’s crushed, and if it is, he would wonder if his actor is a good fighter. If so...could they spar? Feitan meanwhile would lowkey hate his actor if he denounced his torturous tastes. “How can he talk about me like that?! He’s no better than me!” that type of logic. In all, though, the spiders would mostly be confused on how this works. How can Macha or Phinks’ actors be such sweeties? How are they seperate from the characters? How are they different from the actors?
The zoldycks
Where the spiders may ponder the existential angle, the Zoldycks are more worried about the opinions of their actors, and the accuracy of their portrayal. Kikyo would have a fit over the smallest shift in what she believes she’d do, or any harsh comment levelled at her or her babies in interviews, Milluki would complain that his actor isn’t thinner, insulting the man viciously while also picking apart the effects of the show. Alluka would simply find it fun to have an actor, and be called adorable in interviews, while Killua would be annoyed and confused if his actor wasn’t his age. “why the hell is my actor 18?? I’m only 12, how can they opt for hours of make up to de-age him, when they can just hire a twelve year old??”
Illumi would not like the fact their reality is a show. He instantly dislikes his actor, he dislikes how easy going he might be, or him laughing off marriage proposals. He doesn’t like to think about interviews and how this affects him, mostly because of his actor and how different they are. “He’s so emotional and takes nothing serious. I hate how weak he is.” Every one but Killua would probably also be offended at them not bothering to try and match their strength either.
Silva and Zeno would be the only two really pondering what this means for their world. When the story ends, do they cease to exist? If the show is cancelled, what happens then? Those types of questions. Though, Zeno does at least appreciate the work that goes into aging his actor.
The main cast
Gon would be ecstatic to see they’re a show. He’d think it was so cool, and he’d hope all of his friends got good screen time, and were loved by the fans. He would think of the implications, but he’d try not to fret over them. Kurapika, meanwhile, would feel highkey cheated by god. “My family was wiped out...for a mere plot?!” While Leorio wouldn’t know how to feel. His actor seems cool, he seems fun in all of his interviews, but...does this mean he’s not real? Complicated emotions there.
[reader insert]
Readers choice, lol. Feel free to repost or comment how you’d react to this news if you want!
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ishouldgetatumbler · 8 months
Hxh Ships:
Killua/Gon: You are my light. I could cradle you in my loving arms until the earth grows cold. I am going to spin kick you.
Meruem/Komugi: If you weren't such a fascist this could be such a beautiful love story.
Gon/Alluka: We are having so much fun! The trauma is inexorable. I love spending time with you! Sometimes I think about the things we've lost.
Kite/Pitou: Yes I murdered you but in doing so I destroyed the greatest thing I ever held and learned the value of you in retrospect so takesies backsies.
Killua/canary: I trust you with my life. I would give up everything for you. But no I wont go to bruce springstein with you.
Kurapika/Leorio: We fuck in a beat up SUV in a target parking lot at 2 am alot. Its alright but every time our mutual friends gather it is so awkward.
Leorio/Silva Zoldyck: I fucked your dad by accident but it means I win any argument ever so actually this is okay
Leorio/Zepile: Bro... I heard pineapple makes your cum taste better... theres no way... well... there is only one way to be sure... Let me cover my dick in pineapple and then... no. I shant say...
Illumi/Hisoka: Trying to figure out which one is more demented and psychosexually agressive is half of the fun, and the other half is kinky sex.
Kurapika/Hisoka: If you weren't such a bitch I could like you. If you weren't so sexy I could hate you. I will settle for rough sex and mindgames.
Ging/Razor: "Do you ever think two manly men could smooch and touch butts?" "no but now that I have it is all I long for."
Kurapika/Chrollo: Buisiness casual for hate sex. Love hate with anti-social twinks who love books.
Shoot/Knuckle: What! Bro jobs aren't gay? Bro, get over here! I need to give you a straight up gay sloppy sucking to ENSURE its gay this time.
Bisky/Hisoka: Fighting and fucking are 10% the same thing but with careful teamwork I believe we can raise this number
Palm/Mito: Hey. I got your text. Yeah the uhaul is loaded. I'm so sad I didn't get to say it first, but I love you too.
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ddarker-dreams · 8 months
loved your newest chrollo piece! people often portray him as this all-powerful, charimastic mastermind (which, granted, he is), but i adore all the other bits we see of him in the manga (especially fond of that one panel where hes shocked that some of the other troupe members doesnt know their blood types lol), and i felt you captured the way he sometimes just, Talks - his mind is such a confusing thing
THANK YOU !! the chrollo bread story was so fun to write idk why. no plot just him sharing an awful anecdote that'd ruin anyone's day.
those aspects you mentioned are fun element of his character. since i mostly write him as yandere with the story taking place exclusively from the reader's perspective, i don't get to play around with that as much. he takes such care in preserving this omniscient image to deter any potential Shenanigans. some weird glimmers of humanity still manage to shine through the cracks.
for one thing, certain pop culture references fly over his head. he has a base level understanding of the biggest media conglomerates but that's about it. there's this tiny, near indiscernible gap in his reaction time when you allude to something he isn't familiar with but most people your age are. he's good at playing it off and hiding his confusion though.
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la-squadra1234 · 1 year
👀 may I know your HeadCanon for yandere hxh characters please ? If you have ideas of course
Of course I only have a couple ideas for a couple characters, so there are not going to be that many unfortunately, but if I think of something for another character along the way, I will definitely add them on!
Thank you so much for requesting!
Full credit to la-squadra1234
He would definitely be your stalker
If you are dating anybody or seeing anybody, he will kill them immediately and he will do it in the most gruesome and gory way possible and he will make sure that you see it as well
He would just make it quick he would kidnap you and lock you in a room where you cannot leave it just wouldn’t be possible
He wouldn’t hurt you, but he would check up on you every hour and he would be sure to bring you delicious food (not like it matters because you’re kidnapped and the food is all stolen anyways)
Of course he would kidnap you, but first he would want to show you off a little bit so he would ask illumi to help him kidnap you (even though we all know damn well that he does not need the help)
He will constantly tease you and be a bitch and annoying, but he will eventually stop (have fun though, because it will be a hot minute before that ever happens)
If he sees something that he wants, he will take it immediately especially if it’s a person and if it has nothing to do with the phantom troupe, it’s even better for him because he does not have to ask for approval by chrollo or feitan depending who is boss at the time
 He will definitely treat you as well as he possibly can but if you piss him off, there is no promises that he will not hurt you
The moment that he lays eyes on you, he would abduct you immediately you were definitely never see the light of day again unless you are with him
 Again, he would treat you very well, but of course, it would be some thing with the occasional tease, and it would be pretty hard to piss him off, at least to the point where he would hurt you
He would kidnap you and leave no trace of you. You basically disappeared off the face of the Earth and he would be sure of that
You definitely wouldn’t get treated well but you would get to be in his room and the butlers would have to treat you well and you would get good food
But he’s definitely not treating you well and of course his brothers aren’t any better or should I say brother if you know which one I’m talking about😭
He would also make sure that you disappear off the face of the Earth and of course he would leave. No trace of you completely undetectable by anybody.
He would definitely be nice to you and allow you to stay in his room and all of that nice stuff and he would also keep track on what is going on in your family like if there’s a wedding going on, he would tell you about it if somebody’s having a kid he would tell you about it he is nice enough to not hide things like that or keep it away from you
That’s it for today everybody I hope everybody enjoyed this as much as I did this took a bit actually normally it only takes me about 10 minutes to make a story but this took me like 20 to 30 minutes, so yeah it took a while
Almost as long as my Christmas specials Oh and btw do not go looking for my Christmas special. It’s bullshit seriously, do not. I will literally cry🫡
Any of my stories that weren’t requested are just trash, straight up trash at least I have gotten better along the way, but like oh my God don’t even get me started on my JoJos bizarre adventure scenarios. Those are literally the worst out of all of them
Anyways, I will see everybody in the next Post bye now!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 months
Yorknew just isn't Yorknew if it isn't in the 1999 anime. Oh yeah, been a while since a Late-Night Togashiposting. Not as tied to one single point but these are always fun and we can have a lot of it talking about one shared theme with our cherished melodramatic samurai. The very anime concept of this Adjacent Ensemble, the Phantom Troupe, and the Akazaya Nine. Really though I was blown away by this moment on my latest rewatch. I've always liked Neon Nostrade a lot, she's my Miss Goldenweek equivalent in HxH in terms of a not-at-all popular side character who's one of my favorites. Lovely Ghostwriter is a Nen power I'd really want. Honestly I was just blown away by the violin version of "Then Sun Shines At Night," the really good theme for this part of the adaptation. Check it out a least if you only know the 2011 anime:
Anyways, cool extra bonus for one of Neon's better scenes. I love this idea her power actually seems to come from a very pure place. And you have that classic type of Togashi connection through some kind of pop culture refernce. Talking about how a famous fortune teller called the Galactic Matron. You know, kinda like meeting someone who randomly said they were inspired by Miss Cleo. Who was an icon let us be clear. More than anything though this was my first watch of Yorknew since we got all the newer background for the Phantom Troupe. Holy crap...this was all there. I builds off what we knew so well. I love how free-flowing but tight Hunter x Hunter ends up being. Greed Island makes more sense as a training module for the Dark Continent, a brief pause in the Chimera Ants to show off Meteor City and some lore from the Chrollo/Hisoka fight building up to that...great.
The current arc is so dense and staggered I forgot creepy Prince Tserri is the benefactor of Morena and the Heil-Ly Family the Phantom Troupe have decided to target. Kurapika is really set up for the ultimate test of who he is. Pitting his quest to reclaim the eyes against his deep yearning for revenge all while the human element of keeping Woble alive complicates things. There's a reason I don't care if this man takes his time. Remember, Kurama's big moment was killing a kid if it meant saving the world.
It's so cool in hindsight though what we have with Neon and this interaction with Chrollo. Like, Neon Nostrade looks a lot different with more of the story. She's a brat because of her environment but there's a strong enough drive behind that belief in the power of fortunes she spontaneously awakened Nen. And lost it because the darkness of the world reached her. Through a former sweetie who decided to be a villain over trauma.
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cocogum · 1 year
how did you calculate the adult trio's bday? 😮
Hi Anon! Thanks for asking me this question! I was actually hoping that someone would have asked me this and I’m glad it came sooner than I expected. Well to answer your question, it was mainly fun and easy to find Hisoka’s and Chrollo’s but a bit tricky with Illumi’s. I don’t fully trust what the anime gives us as numbers so I mainly relied on the manga. So to find out their birthdates I decided to first find solid concrete evidence of the year this was all taking place in.
Illumi and Hisoka partook in the 287th hunter exam with the main four which was back in 1999. I found the year thanks to chapter 146 where Killua exits Greed Island to apply for the hunter exam a second time and we see a sign hanging from a store building which gave us the exact year of when this was all occurring as well as the month and the day. According to the sign, the date is said to be December 29th, 1999.
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The 287th hunter exam, just like any other hunter exams, starts on January 7th so the hunter exam arc all the way to Greed Island arc takes place in 1999.
Now that I had the year, all I had to do now was find the adult trio’s respective birth years.
How I found Hisoka’s birth year.
EDIT: okay so due to the fact that I made a slight mistake on Hisoka’s birthday, (I thought his actual age came from the databook when in reality his age was never mentioned in there) that meant I wasn’t actually able to find out his canonical birth year I’m so sorry I should’ve been more aware on the fact that his ‘birthday’ was just a fan theory and nothing more. This man is such a mystery even his own birthday is an enigma. I took off his supposed birth year from the list though so that should be better now.
Hisoka’s was the easiest of the three.
His full official birthday was already listed and placed with the main four’s birthdays so there was no need to search for his for very long. His birthday completely aligns with the main four’s birthdays as well (Leorio -> March 3 3/3, Kurapika -> April 4th 4/4, Gon -> May 5th 5/5, Hisoka -> June 6 6/6, Killua -> July 7th 7/7).
How I found Chrollo’s birth year.
Chrollo’s was actually pretty fun to find.
In chapter 95, he talks to Neon about her ability and gives her what she needs in order to activate her ability. He gave her his full name, birthday and blood type. When Neon finally saw his answers, she comments on how old he actually is when she saw that the man was 26 years old.
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Since this scene took place in Yorknew City during September in the same year of 1999, I simply calculated his birth year thanks to his age (so all I pretty much had to do was do 1999 - 26 = 1973).
How I found Illumi’s birth year.
Illumi’s was a bit puzzling in the beginning but I did find it.
Unlike Chrollo’s (where his age has already been shown in the manga), Illumi’s age nor his birth year ever appears in the story. So I had to rely on another reliable source that could help me -> “The HxH Hunter Association Official Issue: Hunter’s Guide: Character & World Official Databook”. Thankfully, the book was able to give me his age which was 24 years old when he took the 287th hunter exam. So now all I had to do was calculate the year we first see him and what his age was at the time (1999 - 24 = 1975).
And there we go! I hope my explanation for each of them was easy to understand.
If you also want to find out how I found the year in which the 287th hunter exam took place in with more details, then go look here.
Hope this helped!
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i-write-things · 9 months
I feel like Yan! Chrollo could be the best or the worst DM in dungeons and dragons. Because we all know he would make the most intricate, amazing story with incredible detail. He's also really good at improvising, and pretending to be people he's not, so he could play NPC's really well. But then again, that's all he really makes. A story. He doesn't really make a world, per sa. He wants his players to follow a sort of plot he came up with. With him being the control freak he is, he will always find a way to get the story back on track.
Non yandere, (regular) Chrollo would be a lot better with his tendency to take control. I feel like he'd be a lot more loose, but would still guide the players toward what he wants. Of course, he wouldn't outright force them, however.
I don't really think either Yan! or regular Chrollo would have as much fun being the player as they would the DM, though. They both like to be in control of their situation. However, if I had to pick which one would enjoy being a player more out of the two, I'd say Yandere Chrollo, because he would probably spend his entire time trying to de-rail your game to see your reaction. Hopefully you get tired enough and let him be the DM.
Regular Chrollo as the player would probably be the player that actually uses common sense and takes several mental notes. If he plays a wizard, sorcerer, ect. he wouldn't cast fireball inside, and would warn others not to. Though I feel like he'd be more interested in playing a rouge or bard, of course. And he probably wouldn't like to play characters outside of his own moral alignment, but he wouldn't refuse if you asked him to.
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