#full metal alchemist the stage
yasutomoe · 2 months
Full Metal Alchemist The Stage [dl]
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Cast: Isshiki Yohei : Edward Elric (double cast) Hirono Ryota : Edward Elric (double cast) Mashima Shuto : Alphonse Elric Okabe Rin : Winry Rockbell Aoki Jin : Roy Mustang (double cast) Wada Takuma : Roy Mustang (double cast) Tsukui Minami : Riza Hawkeye Metal Yoshida : Alex Louis Armstrong Okamoto Yuki : Maes Hughes Kimisawa Yuki : Jean Havoc Harashima Motohisa : Denny Brosh Mizuki Sakurako : Maria Ross Abe Yutaka : Tim Marco Oishi Keita : Shou Tucker Ono Hikari : Izumi Curtis Sao Kurama : Lust Hiramatsu Raima : Envy Kusano Taisei : Gluttony Hoshi Tomoya : Scar Suzuki Shogo : Solf J. Kimblee Kuge Megumi : Pinako Rockbell Saito Mizuki : Gracia Hughes Ogawa Himari : Nina Tucker (double cast) Shiribiki Yuika : Nina Tucker (double cast) Tatsumi Takuro : King Bradley Sakurada Kosei : Alphonse Elric (suit actor)
hello, 2.5D community! this would be my first time sharing my copy of a blu ray purchase so i hope i ripped the files properly. i haven't checked them due to my very packed schedule, so please message me if there are any problems.
here is the link to the files for both disc 1 (hirono ryo as edward elric, wada takuma as roy mustang) and disc 2 (isshiki yohei as edward elric, aoki jin as roy mustang). i might remove the link on this post after a while so please save it asap.
then as for the rules, just like the others, please do not upload on streaming sites.
enjoy the stage play!
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
Life, Death And Rust
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The Parfait Predicament is that the Parfait is the least important thing that happens this episode :P
Here are some thoughts on what we got this week.
When we break or wear out or simply finish what we were made to do we are called back (...) I know, I know. Wehre you come from, things die, but we are not like you at all. We ascend. Herb will have his purpose again.
The CC's speech and Ever After's creatures not dying, but "ascending" ties into 2 themes dear to RWBY and Ruby:
Creation and Destruction
Both ideas come together in The Cycle of Life and Death, which is illustrated (or at least hinted at) in the character of the mysterious Blacksmith:
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The Blacksmith's role seems to be collecting lost weapons and to use their metal to forge something new. When it comes to this, she is similar to Jinxy:
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Jinxy takes things that are lost, changes their shapes and gives people the chance to get them back, if they are willing to pay the price. It is possible that what is left unsold is then given to the Blacksmith, who gives new life to it.
Two details have interested me of the Blacksmith's introduction:
She is made of gold and her workplace is all gold
She is forging a butterfly
Both are important symbols in the series.
Gold is the perfect metal and the objective of alchemy. The characters are going through the scale of metals and getting more and more refined, so that they can become gold. Pyrrha is gold to begin with and is the first one to become a true Huntress and to end her arc. Penny dies surrounded by a golden cloud because she goes from copper (her metal) to gold and reaches perfection. (This also ties with Pinocchio's fairy tale btw). In short, gold is important and the Blacksmith being covered in it frames her as an alchemist. Someone who starts reactions and transforms things.
Butterflies are symbols of transformation, of death and rebirth. So, it is important the Blacksmith is forging this specific animal. It may hint to how she is some kind of God in the Ever After. Or at least, that her role is God-Like. People who lose themselves in the Ever After come to her in the form of weapons and metals. She reworks them and gives them new life. The Butterfly might even be a reference to Herb, who "ascended" and is now being "fixed up".
So, what does all of it has to do with Ruby?
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(I have yet to write a full analysis of Ruby's allusion, I only have snippets of it for now. However, the imagery this episode was rather strong)
Ruby's meeting with the Blacksmith develops 2 ideas already present in the previous episode:
Her Journey Through Grief
Her Loss of Identity
So far, each episode has explored a specific stage of grief. Let's review:
Episode 1 > Denial
Episode 2 > Bargaining
Episode 3 > Anger
Episode 4 > Depression
Last week I identified episode 4 as Acceptance, but now I think it was depression (both Ruby and Herb are depressed). What is true is that it ends with the concept of Acceptance, which is fully developed this episode. The CC's speech and the appearance of the Blacksmith hint to this idea. Ruby, however, is still far away from fully reaching this stage.
Still, she is slowly getting closer to fully facing her ghosts, even if it is difficult to say if this is a good or bad thing right now:
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The Blacksmith's weapons give Ruby 3 different mirror images:
Why is that so? @lintuwaterfall shared a theory where they could represent Id, Ego and Superego (these are their words):
Penny - Id - Desire - She has deep feelings about her friend
Alyx - Ego - Reality - Doing what one can to survive in the world
Summer - Super-Ego - The ideal set out by a Parent
I quite like this idea and whatever the case, it is clear Penny, Alyx and Summer represent 3 parts of Ruby. In particular, they could once again allude to past, present and future (just like Neo's allusion while Ruby is falling may):
Penny is a lot like Ruby's past idealistic self. They became friends precisely because they were so similar. This is also why when Penny came back it is as if Ruby could find her childhood and innocent self once again.
Alyx went through a journey very similar to Ruby to the point they are often paralleled and juxtaposed. Alyx is described as a girl running from herself and she probably lost herself eventually.
Summer is set up to be Ruby's future. She is who Ruby has always wanted to be. An ideal she has been chasing after. She is the self Ruby has always wanted to become. Until recently, at least.
In short, the Blacksmith's scene is just Ruby going through the exact same pattern she did last episode with Herb. There she meets her past self, who asks her who she wants to become and suggests she may meet the same fate as Summer. Here, those unsolved and repressed feelings manifest themselves in a more subtle ways through the weapons.
This may also be why Ruby goes from Penny's beautiful sword:
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To Alyx's humble and small knife:
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From an ideal:
Ruby: Not just a powerful warrior, the most powerful to ever lived. She was touched by magic, and she gave her life for thousands. She took a message of hope to the stars, and she saw the world through better eyes. Take us to the royal birthday, and allow us to present this most precious gift.
To reality, which is much less beautiful and impressive:
The Blacksmith: What are you? Are you lost?
Ruby starts as beautiful as Penny's sword, a precious gem (rubies and jades), but has right now turned into a smaller knife. The question is... who will she become? Which weapon will she choose to wield?
Blacksmith: If you change your mind, you may choose anyone of these you like.
As for now, she seems to be willing to let go of her past self to a degree that is almost dangerous and destructive:
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Ruby: Here, I'll give you this! It carries a mother's promise!
A moment after seeing a glimpse of Summer in herself, she immediately bargains away a reminder of her. Just like she gives up Penny's sword after getting it in order to meet the Red Prince. Ruby has just gone through the stages of grief when it comes to Penny. However, Penny's death has now forced her to go even deeper and to face Summer's. She is probably going through the stages once again, so that she can deal with Summer. Only then she will be able to accept both her friend (her inner child) and her mother (her future ideal self)'s deaths. And change.
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It is too soon to say for sure, but so far Jaune seems a foil to Ruby when it comes to dealing with grief and identity.
It is implied Ruby wishes to forget:
Ruby: When Herbs come back... will he remember anything?
And she is willing to let go of herself completely. To self-destroy:
Young Ruby: You can do whatever you want! Be whoever you want! You don't even have to be Ruby Rose.
The first glimpse we get of Jaune instead suggests he wants to remember:
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He calls his new friend Juniper
He chooses to live in an acre called "garden" and full of flowers (Nora) and leaves (Pyrrha)
The leaves have a rainbow pattern, which calls back to both his teamd and name
His house is a giant lotus (Ren)
He wears a red bow to remember Pyrrha:
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He seems to have been in the Ever After for years, but he has apparently failed to change. He is still wearing his old armor or at least a similar one and his weapon is still broken:
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In short, if Ruby's reaction to grief is to refuse it, to forget it and to self-destroy, Jaune's reaction seems to be not to let go when he should. Both characters clearly have to change and evolve, but Ruby only sees the relief of self-destruction, while Jaune only sees the importance of moving forward. Interesting considering they reacted in opposite ways when it comes to Pyrrha and Beacon. In general, the 2 of them seem to also have exchanged places since the beginning of the series. There Ruby was an already experienced Huntress in theory and very effective in combat. Jaune was instead unsure of his role and was often the load. In this week's episode instead we see how Ruby seems helpless when it comes to fighting, while Jaune rushes to the battlefield and basically takes Ruby's role as the 4th of her team. (This is a superficial note btw... I think the point is simply Ruby doesn't know where to fit right now, which reflects on her fighting style and willingness to fight - see the chess fight).
Basically, Ruby and Jaune explore 2 opposite and extreme reactions to grief. It is probable them both will be forced to revisit them. Ruby might have to accept her own pain, while Jaune might be asked to let go of an already consumed persona.
Obviously, Jaune's appearance might be misleading and he might have already been remade into something new. In this case, his own attachment to the past and knight persona might be an illusion to hide how broken his own identity is (the shattered sword).
Whatever the case, it is probable Jaune will be forced to change and to be remade into his true self. So, that he can finally evolve.
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We have reached the midway of the season. So, all the main characters and ingredients for the story have gathered. This means that both Jaune in the form of the Rusted Knight and Neo in the form of her illusory Jabberwalker have joined the fray and interacted with RWBY.
This gives us space for a meta commentary (this partly repeats last week's post):
Ruby is the protagonist - she even more so than the others has 2 animals guides there to help her out. Still, she is thinking of refusing her role and wants to lose herself and to be remade.
Neo is the antagonist - she multiplies the Jabber Walker aka the only antagonistic forse in the Ever After > the only thing able to kill. Symbolically, she is spreading her grief in a world which knows no death. However, she might seem to want more than just a role and is using her semblance to add new characters and potentially change the story (only 1 Jabberwalker was supposed to exist).
Jaune is the side character- he has completely fused with the story to the point the protagonists know his character even before they meet him. It is as if Jaune is running from his role of main character in RWBY to be content with an easier role in another story.
At the same time:
Ruby processes grief through wishing to destroy herself (she internilizes)
Neo processes grief through wishing to destroy others and the world (she externalizes)
Jaune processes grief through refusing destruction altogether, so he doesn't let go of his mementos and protects others even in this strange world.
We'll see where we go from there. That said, it is interesting the Rusted Knight is introduced fighting the Jabberwalker because these 2 characters are juxtaposed in the opening:
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And there is clearly something going on with the Jabberwalker... are they a person trapped in the Ever After? What is their deal?
The wonderful Chatterbox's song seems to suggest there might be a problem with communication:
I don't think the Jabberwalker is evil. Rather I think they have a problem, but since they are scary, dangerous and impossible to understand people have made them be the villain. Which leads us to the final thematic highlight of this week.
Weiss: It's impossible. Things have to die someday, right? CC: Goodness no! Although, I suppose there is a creature...No, no. That's not the sort of thing you talk about while in polite company.
The CC may insist there is no death in the Ever After, but there actually is in the form of the Jabberwalker. Whatever form this death takes is left to be seen. (When is it that stories die? I would say when they are forgotten or their meaning is lost... so maybe the jabberwalker not being able to articulate things might be the reason behind it?). What is sure is that the Jabberwalker is a creature of Destruction, while the Ever After is the world of Creation. And yet, Destruction and Creation can't be divided:
Weiss: I am so tired of leaving places in ashes.
So, very poignantly the Ever After is compared to Atlas. Both are Kingdoms of Creation where the inhabitants live happily and think they are untouchable. And yet, Destruction arrives and changes things.
I don't think this is the only similarity between Atlas and the Ever After, though. First of all, the 2 places appear as incredibly rich and wonderful, but both ignore their shadows:
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Atlas ignores Mantle and the Ever After ignores whatever place the Jabberwalker comes from. Not only that, but both places are in the end run through control and manipulation and roles.
Each character has a role and is dismissed the moment they are not able to fulfill it anymore? Doesn't it remind you of something? Like a very utilitarian and strict military state?
Maybe this is why the CC's power seems at the same time extremely kind and extremely dangerous. Atlas explores trust, but shows how it can degenerate in control. The Ever After might introduce the theme of empathy and how it can be used for manipulation:
CC: I gave him something new to do for the moment...
Blacksmith: Are you her guide, little one?
Little being recognized by the Blacksmith as Ruby's guide makes me wonder... is it possible Alyx too had a guide? And if yes, could that guy have been the CC? Did they fail their role as guide and this is why they are so interested in RWBY and Ruby especially? To the point they are ready to challenge the Red Prince, to have Herb ascend, to sacrifice a Poor Bird and to risk their own life, just to protect Ruby?
It seems a little bit too much investment for character introduced as minding their own business and acting on a whim.
If so, then this take on Alice In Wonderland is a retelling where Alice fails to get home and The Cat wants to make sure the story doesn't repeat itself? And yet, the CC is not Ruby's guide. Little is. Interesting the juxtaposition between a naive little mouse (heart) and an experienced tricky cat (mind).
Finally, this week's song rocked! I am enjoying the new songs, I must say! Also, this volume's soundtrack so far seems to be about Ever After Characters. Both the Red Prince and the Jabberwalker have now their own song. Interested to see if this continues or if our titular RWBY characters will get new songs as well.
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seoul-bros · 8 months
One Piece - the Jimin Connection
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We're big manga fans in our house and everyone was filled with an unsettling mixture of anticipation and dread when the Netflix version of One Piece was announced.
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Especially after the disappointments we have had over the years. The Netflix version of Death Note was a particular low point and revealed a complete lack of appreciation of the source material which is hard to forgive. Beware who you let adapt your original work!
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This time, however, the writers may have hit the sweet spot. Sufficiently close to the manga that people are nodding saying yep, that's how I had imagined that character, great they kept that scene in etc. but also sufficiently it's own thing that it can be accessible to newbies and still surprise the long time fan. So if you haven't seen it yet do give it a whirl and don't read the critics until you have had time to make up your own mind!
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All the actors have been getting attention over the last couple of weeks but Mackenyu Arata who plays pirate-hunting swordsman Roronoa Zoro is being promoted as the breakout star.
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He already has quite a lengthy CV from his eight years in the industry including adaptations of Full Metal Alchemist, Tokyo Ghoul, and Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure but a quick glance at IMDb shows these aren't vehicles that were going to get him noticed on the global stage. Now, I imagine, the offers will come rolling in.
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The character of Roronoa Zoro also happens to be Jimin's favourite character from One Piece and one of the reasons that he took up martial arts at a young age and especially Kendo.
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Kendo (剣道) or 'way of the sword' is a modern Japanese martial art, descended from kenjutsu (one of the old Japanese martial arts, swordsmanship), that uses bamboo swords (shinai) as well as protective armor (bōgu).
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Last year I did a whole countdown to Jimin's birthday including a blog on his birthday in 2016. What I didn't realise then was that one of the gifts he received in this Bangtan Bomb....
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is actually a Roronora Zoro model figure.
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I wonder if jikook or at least Jimin (given JK's busy schedule) has had time to see the series yet and what their/his take is on how successfully the manga has been brought to the live action genre.
Post Date: 09/09/2023
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skinnyscottishbloke · 6 months
Some housekeeping of shows I want to watch over the winter. More below the cut.
1. Black Sails (2/4)
2. Peaky Blinders (5/6)
3. Brooklyn 99 (5/8)
4. The Mentalist (4/7)
5. Justified (3/6)
6. The West Wing (3/7)
7. Sex Education (3/4)
8. Cold Case (4/7)
9. OUAT (6/7)
10. MI-5/Spooks (4/10)
11. ANTM (22/24)
12. Outlander (6/8)
13. Grace and Frankie (5/7)
1. Ted Lasso
2. Our Flag Means Death
3. Foundation
4. Staged
5. Young Royals
6. *continue DT’s filmography*
7. Love Victor
1. Reign
2. Agents of Shield
3. The 100
4. Friends
5. House
6. Arrow
7. Queer As Folk (US)
8. Weeds
9. How to Get Away with Murder
10. Attack on Titan
1. Buffy (via reaction)
2. Leverage (w/ Rowan)
3. Fellow Travelers (currently airing)
4. Good Omens (via reaction)
5. DW (13’s seasons)
6. catching up on Taskmaster (s08-11, s13-16)
7. catching up on Drag Race (Mexico s01, Brazil s01, UK s05, Germany s01)
1. The Tudors (4/4)
2. The White Queen/The White Princess/The Spanish Queen/The Serpent Queen (all 1/1)
3. Buffy (7/7)
4. Angel (5/5)
5. Pillars of the Earth (1/1)
6. HIMYM (9/9)
7. Psych (8/8 + movies)
8. Bones (11/11)
9. Broadchurch (3/3)
10. North and South (1/1)
11. BBC Merlin (5/5)
12. BBC Robin Hood (3/3)
13. Downton Abbey (6/6 + movies)
14. Sense8 (2/2 + special)
15. Jessica Jones (2/2)
16. Daredevil (3/3)
17. The Defenders (1/1)
18. Luke Cage (2/2)
19. Iron Fist (2/2)
20. Game of Thrones (8/8)
21. BBC Sherlock (yes it’s done LOL) (4/4)
22. ATLA (3/3)
23. LOK (5/5)
24. Vicar of Dibley (3/3)
25. OG Gossip Girl (6/6)
26. Leverage (5/5)
27. Versailles (3/3)
28. Veronica Mars (3/3 + movie + reboot)
29. Firefly (1/1 + movie)
30. Castle (8/8)
31. 1995 P&P (1/1)
32. Glee (6/6)
33. Agent Carter (2/2)
1. Heartstopper (2/?)
2. Good Omens (2/ prob 3)
3. Wheel of Time (2/?)
4. Rings of Power (1/?)
5. Drag Race US (15/?)
6. Drag Race All Stars (8/?)
7. Leverage: Redemption (2/?)
8. Queer Eye (7/?)
1. Supernatural
2. any of the Star Treks
3. Breaking Bad
5. JAG
6. Dexter
7. Chuck
8. Grey’s Anatomy
9. Community
10. The Office (UK or US)
11. Parks and Rec
12. Orange is the New Black
13. Black Mirror
14. Sons of Anarchy
15. One Piece
16. Dragon Ball Z
17. Full Metal Alchemist
18. The Vampire Diaries
19. The OC
20. Dawson’s Creek
21. Gilmore Girls
22. Teen Wolf
23. 24
24. Emily in Paris
25. CSI
26. 911 or any spin offs
27. Scrubs
28. Family Guy
29. The Simpsons
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cosmic-graveyardd · 6 months
Hey!! Welcome to my blog!
Here’s some stuff to know about us before following or anything!
-We are a traumagenic DID system! If you are here to fakeclaim us, please just move on. Fakeclaiming does more bad than good because most of the stuff used as “evidence” is stuff that can apply to actual system stuff!
(With that, I am also adding that we are Anti-Endo! It goes against everything known about DID/OSDD/UDD and it takes away from the fact it is a survival tactic that the brain has to resort to with trauma happening at such a young age.)
That being said, here’s some collective information about us!
Collective Name: Keziah
Collective Pronouns: They/It/Star/Cosmo
Collective Gender Identity: Transmasc Genderfluid
Collective Sexuality: AroAcespec Omnisexual
We also have a LOT of interests!!
The shows we like: Bungo Stray Dogs, Jujutsu Kaisen, Death Note, Heaven Official’s Blessing, Chainsaw Man, Attack on Titan, Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Sk8 the Infinity and My Hero Academia!
The games we like: Project Sekai, Reverse: 1999, Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail, Dead by Daylight, Five Nights at Freddy’s and Minecraft!
Some musical artists we like: System of a Down, Mitski, Malice Mizer, Pierce the Veil, TV Girl, The Neighbourhood and Dadaroma!
Some videoseries we like: The Mandela Catalogue, The Walten Files and Alien Stage!
Some webtoons we like: Cherry Crush, Daybreak and Grand Ma!
Other Notes:
-We are fictive heavy! Please do not treat fictives like their source selves. Fictives are not their source!
-We often won’t tag our posts here with who is posting! If we do, it will be really rare.
-We often need tonetags cause we struggle with understanding tone in general, let alone over text!
-We are very passionate about our interests so please be respectful about them!
-We are open to questions about anything about us pretty much unless they make us uncomfortable or are asked rudely, so feel free to ask questions!
With that out of the way, thank you for reading! Bye bye!!
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inkforhumanhands · 5 months
I am :chinhands: at any DVD commentary you'd like to share, so for the "questions for fic writers" game: 2, 17, 37, and (only if you are comfortable sharing!!) 49:D
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Ficlet (30) Humor (20) Angst (13) POV Matt Murdock (10) Getting Together (9) Seems like I tagged all the ficlets in my ficlet series with that lol. However, I wouldn't say I am "a ficlet writer." These are mostly from the writer's month challenge I did way back. As for humor and angst, yes lol. I feel like crangst (crack + angst) is kind of the niche I've carved out for myself: silly scenarios with a bit of ouch. The POV thing is interesting, but it looks like AO3 doesn't necessarily include all of your tags in order because I have 9 fics tagged POV Foggy and it didn't show up in my list. I guess I'm pretty evenly split on whose POV I write. And getting together? Yes! My favorite thing to write lol. Established relationship is generally a lot less interesting to me, so I don't write it as much.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
I have two, but I actually think other people would enjoy them just fine. One is a LOTR-esque mattfoggy story, for which I have zero details other than traveling together on the run, hurt/comfort vibes, and the requisite fantasy elements. The other is an FMA (Full Metal Alchemist) earth-65 mattfoggy fusion I came up with together with @amazing-spiderling where young Murderdock tries to resurrect his mother and as part of the toll for trying to do so his personality gets split in half. "Mike," aka the "good" part of Murderdock's personality, is thus relegated to Truth's realm for the most part- except for when he manages to briefly possess Murderdock. You fill in the rest.
37. Promote one of your own “deep cut” fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!). What do you like about it?
My obligatory answer for this kind of question is always going to be Conditionals. I think the psychological horror tag turns people off lol since that's not usually what they're reading mattfoggy for XD But I think I did a pretty good job with the linguistics/"what if" motif throughout, and there's some really fun writing in it! If I was going to pick another low-kudos fic, I suppose I'd go with To the Dregs. This is one of the aforementioned ficlets, and I don't think it's particularly good. But it is one I have tentative plans to come back to and rewrite as part of a larger fic where Karen and Foggy try resurrecting Matt after Midland Circle and it, of course, goes horribly wrong.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
As usual I have many WIPs, but the one I'm committed to right now is a MikeFoggy fake dating one with MattFoggy endgame. It's shaping up to be quite fun, I think! Have a little snippet: “I had something else in mind,” Mike said, coy as one of the maidens in the period romance novels he’d been reading of late. Foggy froze, every inch of his body going rigid with the exception of his face, which flipped through the five stages of grief before he managed to school it into an expression of stoicism. “You signed an agreement not to proposition me for sex anymore, don’t forget.” “It’s not that,” Mike reassured him begrudgingly, though the tiny voice inside of him he liked to think of as his anti-conscience added, but would that really be so bad? “I want….” He took a deep breath. “I want you to pretend that we’re dating in front of Matt.”
Thanks for the ask! Here's the full list if anyone else wants to join in on the fun.
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annon-guy2 · 1 month
Crossover Idea: Gangan Impact! Character Poll
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Note 1: Each of the nine characters would have ten stages each to themselves for a total of 90 Missions across three campaigns. You would switch between them throughout each campaign. However, you would be able to upgrade them individually.
Note 2: For gameplay and story purposes, Akame wouldn't have her iconic one-hit kill poison sword Murasame, which would be taken by one of the Original Character Antagonists. That way, Akame will be balanced against the robots, monsters and other characters (playable and boss alike) and we can see her swordsmenship in full focus.
Here are examples of gameplay to show you;
Gangan Impact! Theme - Vandalize by ONE OK ROCK
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Current list of fics I plan to write at some vague unspecified point in the future:
Marvel (assorted)
Loki/Theo Bell fix-it-fic for Loki: Where Mischief Lies where Loki takes Theo to Asgard
Loki/Clint normal world AU where Clint is adjusting to being newly out and having his first boyfriend
Loki/Mobius full-length stage play tragedy about Mobius trying to give Loki just one win
Loki AU where variants compulsively try to kill each other on sight
Kid Loki and Mobius travel the multiverse together in search of Loki and Sylvie, meeting various characters along the way
Void Lokis found family oneshot
Sylvie inserts herself back into the timeline and it goes horribly wrong
Loki pwp where the TVA robot gives him a thorough search
Boastful Loki POV one-shot
World of Warcraft
Thassarian/Koltira reincarnation AU where both are reborn into a modern, peaceful future and are drawn to each other
Mo Dao Zu Shi (assorted)
Jin Guangyao/Lan Xichen alternate ending where Guangyao is put on trial for his crimes
Multiship - Nathan and Pickles get trapped in a lighthouse, Murderface and Skwisgaar try to improve their friendship, Toki is needy.
Full Metal Alchemist
AU where Al dies and Ed fails to ressurect him, leading to an investigation in millitary irresponsibility and corruption
Miraculous Ladybug
Adrienne/Marinette Romeo and Juliette AU with happy ending
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nei-ning · 1 year
I had a dream last night where I was on slightly snow covered rocky mountain / hill or however I can call that, looking down at the big stage. Our Eurovision singer, Käärijä (for a some reason!) was there too. He, at one point, came up to this rocky spot beside me, then having skis and he, literally, went down that hill on the road which was far below us. I looked after him, thinking:
“There’s no way I can go down like that!”
I had no skis and the wall was pretty straight down. Not to mention there was no enough snow on the black rocks. So, I started to climb up on the back wall. I noticed brownish “sticks” sticking out on the wall more or less but I kept climbing - until I stood on a huge collarbone, having a skull above me. Only now I realized I was INSIDE gigantic Wendigo skeleton! Now, we don’t have Wendigos in Finland but I know and love them still. Anyway, I rushed down, knowing that if THAT THING gets even a drop of fresh blood, it will wake up / revive.
I rushed towards huge and old, ancient, doors which were open, having cracks and vines growing around them. Inside it was just darkness but as I came closer, I saw white figure coming towards me. She was short woman, or a girl. She was completely dressed in white, having freaky looking white mask on and it also had red stripes coming from eye holes. I instantly knew it was fresh blood so I ran, hearing this Wendigo behind me release loud and deep sigh, it echoing in this tunnel where I now hurried forward.
I came to an opening which looked like ancient big balcony which had not been treated well by time. I noticed I was underground and I had another level beneath me. I went to elevator, pressing it’s button when I hear weird growl from the floor below me. I watched between the railing’s bars how huge, brown Hellhound with some kind of leather mask on his face (covering his eyes) and muzzle ran on the opening below, huffing and sniffing like mad. I knew it was after me. I stood up, thinking how I can run and hide from that thing.
Then, from behind me, came adult Edward Elric (Full Metal Alchemist). He calmly said to me he would take care of that thing and that I was safe. I left it to him.
I managed to get out, meeting with a man. There was someone else who he said something before saying: “We haven’t been out in a while.” I walked down the stairs outside, smiling and talking to him loudly as he kept coming behind me a bit further away. I was filled with excitement and joy as I said: “Oh yeah. That is true. It has been a long time since we were out together. Just you and me.” (a date)
Sadly I don’t remember much after this since Verti, once again, kept waking me up constantly.
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avian-alchemist · 2 years
 Ten fandoms, ten characters, ten tags
got from: @wellfated Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this!
Iconoclasts: Teegan! She’s great. She’s a minor character who only shows up like four times (post-credits scene included), but she makes up for it by being a total sweetheart and all around bro.
Shovel Knight: Tinker Knight! He was my back up when I wasn’t 100% sure I’d do Plague Knight. He’s surprisingly nice, if a bit paranoid and trigger-happy with his medieval mechas. His aesthetic is top-notch.
Metroid: Samus Aran! She’s a badass with a heart, and Metroid Prime was my first metroidvania and I absolutely adore it and the Metroid universe.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Josuke Higashikata! idk, I just like him.
How to Train Your Dragon: Toothless! Big kitty! The only reason I’m not more into the fandom is that my interest more or less died down after being made fun of for it and the passion is just... not there anymore. I still like it--I just don’t love it like I used to.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles! idk, I just like him. I think it might have to do with how you can abuse his gliding in Sonic 2, which wasn’t designed with him in mind, which is kinda shallow, but idk seeing him makes me happy and that’s what matters.
Castlevania: This time I am going with the obvious option and picking Soma Cruz! He’s awesome.
Full Metal Alchemist: Greed! He’s funny and way more 3D than I was expecting.
Gravity Falls: Grunkle Stan! While I was in the late stages of finalizing Plague Knight’s voice and attitude, I’d sometimes watch clips of his funnier moments for inspiration. I don’t think it’s suuuuper obvious, but you can kinda hear it when she talks casually about committing crimes.
Star Wars: I’m going to do something semi-controversial and say Finn from the newer movies! They did my dude so dirty and I’m still mad about it. It looked like he’d get lots of cool moments of continued character growth from just another stormtrooper to getting to be his own person and maybe even learn a bit about the force, but no. He gets sidelined as all of the promising plot threads go to shit.
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lotornomiko · 2 years
One last post cover images wise
Earlier this evening, I finished the first stage of site building, which was scanning all the covers. So on that front its as up to date as it can be, considering I have another batch to ship over to me from Japan! XD
But yeah, still slowly under construction as I try to figure out some things site wise...like I noticed at least one image is somehow locked as not to be clickable...and I think I would like that feautre for the rest of them, until I can set up it up somehow so clicking on a thumbnail would lead to a link or page instead...
It's also probably a bad time to start a new site, when I found out I may have to have surgery soon...X_X So I wonder if I'll even have time to figure out some of the features I want, and to do any more scanning...especially any time soon...
Feeling lazy, so here is just a quick run down, rather than indivudial links for each section:
New page hubs:
Ascendance Of A Bookworm
Code Geass
Dot Hack Sign
Granblue Fantasy
Inu Yasha
Odin Sphere
Ookamiheika No Hanayome
Shadow Hearts
The Legend Of Zelda
The Legend Of Heroes
Tiger And Bunny
Umineko No Naku Koro Ni
Wild Arms V
Updated page hubs:
Axis Powers Hetalia
Detective Conan
Final Fantasy
Full Metal Alchemist
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic
Tales Of Series
Tokuen Ranbu
Uta No Prince Sama
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33-108 · 21 days
"The green lion devouring the Sun is an ancient motif of alchemy. Contrary to the imaginations of many people, alchemists were not failed chemists. Rather, they were explorers of not only the chemical properties and reactions of substances but also practitioners of a sophisticated psychological art. Its goal was the total transformation of the personality into an agent of the divine...
...The Sun is a symbol of the ego. Shining and brilliant, it feels entitled that all else should revolve around it. Lo, there comes the green lion to devour it. The green lion, as king of beasts, represents the instincts. In this image, we witness an encounter of the ego with the instinctive, primal forces within us. We fear our instincts and know them to be dangerous, so we repress them. Civilization is an enterprise seeking to repress our instincts in exchange for peace and comfort. Much of this process is positive, but it has become inwardly weak, ignoring our inner experiences and separating us from our instincts to a detrimental degree. In our dangerous nature, there lies a power that can propel us forward.
The image corresponds to the releasing of primordial essence. That is why the lion is green, which is a primordial, unripe color. It also connotates fecundity. Eating the sun symbolizes the dominance of the Ego by instinctual forces. It is the beginning of a return to a more natural psychological state in which human beings flourish.
The ego perceives the encounter as terrifying because all transformational processes appear to be a kind of death to the ego. However, this process is the catalyst for an encounter with the Self. The instincts are amoral relative to human society and culture. Social conditioning aims to keep the instincts in check until the Higher Self is adequately present. Once present, our attitudes and feelings will be conditioned and directed by the Self. Otherwise, we experience a regression to the animalistic nature.
In the background, there is a new sun emerging from the waters. It is the new personality emerging from the encounter. The old Sun, having been killed by the lion, needs a replacement in the form of a new, resurrected Sun. Water is a feminine symbol and thus associated with the unconscious. Ultimately, all that we are emerges from the oceans of the unconscious, and our egos are but a bobbing cork on its waves. It is the unconscious that creates new patterns and modes of operation for the ego.
We see seven red stars in an arc through the lion's body. This evokes correspondence to the seven chakras, which would have been known as the seven inner metals to the alchemists or the seven interior planets to the kabbalists. Here, they align with the instincts, initiating the destruction of the current personality and providing the raw material for its rebirth...
...This image is the first stage. Eventually, the green lion must evolve into the red lion. Fearsome and matured, the red lion has come into the fullness of its power. The instincts, now ripe, become a fountain of libido, propelling the personality to new heights and revealing undiscovered realms within. Finally, the lion becomes the golden, old lion. At this stage of development, the instincts are fully sublimated in service to the Self.
Each of us must have such an encounter if we are to individuate. We must access the terrifying primal presence within the wilderness of our psyche. The encounter is a kind of death. It is a confrontation against the truth that the ego is neither the sole occupant of our minds nor ultimately who we are. It is simply the role we currently play. As we navigate into the inner wilderness, the savagery found there is a valid part of us, and once set in service to a higher power, it becomes a fountain of potential and possibility."
Tony Leguia
"The Green Lion
Devouring the Sun" (2021)
"The Green Lion Devouring the Sun"
Engraving 18
Johann Daniel Mylius
"Philosophia reformata" (1622)
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charastarte · 10 months
T​abletop Roleplaying Games and Writing Stories
P​icture this; You're writing a fiction novel. Your characters are doing stuff, they have powers and gadgets, it's a grand ol' time! But then bam! You've hit a wall. The dreaded writer's block, it happens to the best of us. Not only that, sometimes the plaanning ofi t all makes our heads spin!! Believe it or not, a flourishing facet of nerd culture have had to combat this issue for decades,, the Tabletop Roleplaying Community.
F​or those not aware, Tabletop Roleplaying Games (TTRPGs) are a series of board games that do away with singular dice and a laminated game board, in favor of paper, pencil, and several shiny dice that you will slowly start collecting thousands of. How do you play you might ask? Generally depends on the game, after all monopoly is a different beast to chutes and ladders. We'll take the oldest one, Dungeons and Dragons as an example. Specifcally it's latest version, Fifth Edition.
S​o in Dungeons and Dragons generally you're in a tolkein-esque, medieval fantasy world. To decide what you're options and motivations are your group makes Characters, kind of a resume that encompasses your personal fantasy hero (or villain) in all aspects. Their physical strength and mental ability, to the color of their hair and what clothes they wear all of it is on the Character Sheet. From there, you use your character sheet and a set of dice to determine things, do you hit your target? Do you make it across the Ravine? Do the winds of Fate turn against you sharply?
T​hat isn't to say everything like conversation or walking across a room required a dice roll, but it added a chance of failure and one that we didn't expect. This is where you can begin to see why using TTRPGs to write fictional stories might be an interesting way to write. When the author and reader don't know what's going to happen, you can feel the suspense and excitement. So what does this type of writing look like?
I​ decided to try it with two different TTRPGs, Dungeons and Dragons and Vampire: The Masquerade both of which are near and dear to my heart to see how this affected my writing process, and honestly? I might do this more often!
The Tales of Ezatria is my D&D one, and is only something I can write in this (at the time of writing) early stage in my career. Utilizing it's categorization as "fanfiction" to it's fullest, I was able to use a wide variety of custom content made by the D&D community to it's fullest. There are sayians, Devil Fruits, and a whole bunch of stuff from various medias particularly of japanese origin. This has given me the ability to play with concepts I love from media in my childhood, but add them in a new original way that I think can be fun. My favorite example of this is in one of the main characters, James Elery. He is an Alchemist, from an anime called Full Metal Alchemist. In the anime they are scientists who use a magic called alchemy to change the physical make up of an element they want to manipulate. However, why would science exist in a world where magic and the Gods are readily available to explain things? This is where the class of alchemist comes into play. The alchemist uses magic to gaze into the physical makeup of the mundane world, and once understanding was achieved they began to manipulate and experiment with it. Ezatria as a world is full of things like that and it has been fun to let this small band of adventurers loose in the world.
T​he Last Supper uses Vampire the Masquerade, and it has been something I've worked on for many years. I was intensely inspired durring my theatre years to use the Giovanni Chronicles 1: The Last Supper for a play, but over the years the focus has shifted to a traditional written format. It focuses on a group of mortals who become Vampires in Central Europe 1444. I find the historical aspect to be most interesting here, as a big medieval history nerd it's allot of fun to latch onto the craziness of the era with a ton of wars, religious conflicts, and political strife and play around with it. A particularly fun challenge for me as a cis man is the character; Novia Recotra. Novia is a woman who sees the problems that the various patriarchies have caused and deduced that men are responsible for these problems. Her goal is to completely rebuild society from the ground up, with women in complete power. The challenge for me personally is writing dialogue that is realistic, relatable, and also gets a real message across. I think it'll be super fun to explore over the course of the story!
I​ think there's allot to gain from using a TTRPG to write a story, it adds a new layer of fun to the writer, an everpresenting sense of chance for the reader, and can help fight against the dreaded Writer's Block! If the descriptions above sound interesting to you, you can read tales of Ezatria here;
A​nd The Last Supper here;
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tickle-page · 1 year
Fandom List: (I updated my fandom list)
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I decided to make a fandom list since I get a lot of asks.
You can request any fandom you like, or the ones down below. You have to tell me what the name is and/or the first and last names are so I know who they are and where their from, so I can look up their personalities.
Rated 18?:
I will only do NSFW if the characters are over 17, like adults. That goes for MHA characters, bc Ik a lot of ppl who write it/do nsfw for Ua Boys, and I kinda don’t wanna write nsfw for minors, even if I do age them up. You have to tell me if you want it NSFW or not, and I write for any ships, as long as they’re legal. NSFW I’ll only write for bl, bc I kinda don’t like writing for straight ships, I’m rlly sry. I won’t judge you guys’s ships, so don’t judge anyone else’s either!
Yuri on Ice
My Hero Academia
Bungo Stray Dogs
Saskai to Miyano
Stranger by the Shore
Banana Fish
Attack on Titan
Gakuen Babysitters
Love Stage
JuJustsu Kaisen
Demon Slayer
Full metal Alchemist
The Promise Neverland
Avatar the last Airbender
Kuroko’s Basketball
Edens Zero
Ensemble Stars
Saiki K
Hunter x Hunter
Total Dramarama/Total Drama Island
Fairly Odd Parents
Craig of The Creek
Camp Camp
Camp Lakebottom
Teen Titans Go
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Adventure Time
Star vs The Forces of Evil
Alvin and the Chipmucks (not a cartoon But I love the movies)
Gravity Falls
Samurai Jack
The Last Kids on Earth
Strange World
Treasure planet (mostly Jim)
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me
Cup head
Five Nights at Freddy’s (All games!!)
Security Breach
And again, you can request anything you want if it’s not in the fandom list above. Just don’t request anything with Lee: Women, I only prefer writing for Lee: Men. And if you request lee women, I’ll kindly shut you down w/o being a dick about it😭.
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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cosmereclysmic · 1 year
Chapter 53
Oh are the Full Metal Alchemist Zombies back?
Yeah the FMA Zombies are back.
Chapter 54
Take a fucking Sip, Moonlight
Chapter 55
Wondering if the set are trying to hide information from Autonomy instead of Wax. Full misdirection campaign. Convince her they won w/ the video footage and get her to back off. (That would be too nice and convenient though. Sigh.)
"Is that LOGSHINE!? 🥺"
Yes yes Wax and Wayne Buddy Therapy. 🙌
Chapter 56
Is this a stage set? 😭
What's going ooooon lmaaoooo
Is it a cult?????
7 years!? 😭😭😭😭😭
Metal mutants......
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