#for now its just a waiting game and its driving me nuts
embersofhope-if · 1 year
i'm sorry about your cat, dear author:( hope everything turns out well
thank you!! this isn't the first time he's run off, so im sure he'll come back eventually. when that mf comes back, he's not leaving my bedroom. idc how pissed he'll be
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ganondoodle · 6 months
even if i didnt love botw as much as i do, totk drives me nuts bc, similarly to pokemon, this series is so SO SO full of potential, they have so many games they can pull from, theres so many themes, characters and worldbuilding thats just left to rot, you dont need to connect anything with a chain to old titles, you dont need to bring back any things that already had their ending, but PLEASE harness at least a fraction of all this!!!! and they just refuse to do it beyond shallow references
totk jsut drives it all home to me, bc this isnt just the next game in the franchise, but a DIRECT SEQUEL no 10 years apart from botw, yet they cant even, they REFUSE to even keep the continuity with its OWN lore it established in botw together, and that, i think, is what truly makes me so insane (derogatory) about totk
it PROVES they do not care, they dont care to build on anything of the lore of old titles beyond references in form of amiibos or whatever, they dont even care to make a sequel to their most successful game in the franchise coherent with its own lore
botw established a captivating detailed world full of potential, while lacking in active storytelling, it had environmental storytelling, characters and ideas that were the perfect ground to build on-
and then they do away with it bc idk .. they want you to build mechs and make videos of it that go viral and thats all they care about or something
shiekah tech? forget that existed character being the character you know? act as if you are seeing them for the first time just like they are lame story? dont think about that just be distracted by the epic presentation of it lore the previous title established? forget that, all that matters is what is here and now beloved character from old games beign brought back? hes a new guy and has no background and no lore and just sits waiting for you at the end to have a flashy fight with references from old titles and their lore? just here for nostalgie bait, dont you remember? you LOVE this series, now give me 70 bucks for a glorified DLC that ruins what you loved about the series and makes you realize that nothign matters and nothing is interesting anymore
you are supposed to take it all at face value, to not think about anything, to see a character say something and just go with it, and forget it the second its over, be distracted by good music and pretty visuals, but dont think about, dont think about anything but what is directly said to you like you have no critical thinking skills, forget there was a game before this one, only the one you play matters, empty your skull and dont let yourself feel anything but what the game tells you to feel
if they dont even care to make the sequel to their most successful game actually build on the previous title, dont even care to keep their continuity of two games supposedly directly happening one after the other in tact- maybe they never cared, and all the meaning we thought we saw them build into their games was all accidental and meaningless
and that is absolutely soul crushing for fans like me to discover
its a game. its not a story, its not a world, its not themes, its not characters, its not lore. its a product made to make you pay money, not to make you think about anything.
#ganondoodles talks#zelda#ganondoodles rants#i know it sounds silly to say this game makes me mad bc its so clearly a game#but do you get what i mean??#and the worst part is#they dont even keep the lore said in the SAME GAME in line#the people in hateno where links HOUSE used to be that is now ZELDAS not remembering him#the children acting like they dont know him#where has link been?#did zelda put him into the forest and just let him live with the boars?#even so the house is here so link must have been here to buy it-#but no forget that#its somethign that happened in botw and that never actually happened or mattered remember?#to have balloons and rocktes and people with WINGS in this world but none of them going up to the sky islands everyone is obsessed about`?#well its for YOU to play around with with meaningless rewards not for the NPCs living in this world#the godly goat guy and the hylian priestress directly saying zelda is their distant descendant to her and then#not show nor say not even hint at them having any offspring and then both die a stupid meaningless death to try and make you feel something#“doing the dragon transformation robs you of your soul forever and you will never return”#*returns via deus ex machina without even letting the player take any part in it but by -getting to the end tm-*#also i HATE how totk constantly dangles set ups in front of you#only to NOT follow up on them#the intro giving you a taste of what you might expect for- NOPE zelda is gone immediately its jsut botw but worse again lol#zelda getting the hang of her time powers so she might return to her time on her ow- NOPE dragon lol her powers are irrelevant actually#impa being the only one you can tell about zelda being a dragon and her going oh no im gonna search for a way to bring her back- LOL NOPE#its solves itself and you dont even do anything for it and just watch a cutscene#oh no link lost his arm and its beyond repair- LOL NOPE have your arm back like it was freshly made no matter how few of the light things-#you actually got- the things that where supposedly to battle back the thing destroying your arm#also howt he game gives you endless busy work without any good reward#krogs - mayoi signa - poes - scematics - lightroots - sign guy
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equallyshaw · 7 months
secret love song | luke hughes
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warnings: swearing, no happy ending my loves🙈
word count: 2.9k +
also her brother is a professional athlete, no specifics!
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We keep behind closed doors Every time I see you I die a little more Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls It'll never be enough
sadie murphy and luke hughes met right after the new jersey devils lost in the second round of the playoffs. they absolutely adored one another from the gecko. they were able to be together, without anyone knowing. secret glanes and secret touches in public, in and around their friend groups. nobody batted an eye. sadie and luke wanted to keep it quiet just because of who her brother was and who luke was, a budding athlete and the two did not want that extra pressure or people following their every move. yet, they wanted nothing more than to be public.
every time they are around one another in public, the universe makes it quite difficult for them to not stare at one another, or grab each others hands behind everybody else. it was killing sadie beyond belief as soon as month two of the season rolled around. luke couldn't or wouldn't take the time to truly understand why she wanted things to be a secret.
"luke you dont get it! my brother will kill me. he specifically told me no athletes and here we are! i know i cant possibly have you promise or make you keep us quiet. because believe me, i want to tell them i wanna tell the world and be seen with you and wear your jersey at games, but i-i i just cant." she said one night, as they were sharing a quiet date in her apartment in manhattan. he shook his head from the dinner table as she was busying herself with dinner. "do you not want to be seen with me sadie? is that the real reason you don't want to go public or tell your fucking family?" he asked now irritated, and she dropped the salad mixers. she looked up from him as he walked over towards the brunette. she shook her head, "the fact that you're asking that is wild!" she said now turning towards him fully, "are you nuts? its killing me not to be able to, but i don't want the world tearing us apart because believe me they will!" she screamed now. he threw his hands up in the air, in disbelief. "well it seems like were gonna keep going in circles so im leaving." he said beginning to walk towards the apartment door. she growled, "stop!" she said hoping he'd stop. "don't leave, we have to finish this conversation!" she said now walking towards him. "why would we? you've made everything perfectly clear for me, sadie." he said opening the door and stopping briefly to look back at the girl. "stop..let me at least drive you home." she said sighing. luke nodded, and waited at the door for her to grab her purse and keys. he let her walk out, and then he shut the door behind them.
As you drive me to my house I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down You and I will have to hide On the outside Where I can't be yours and you can't be mine
sadie and luke drove towards luke's and jack's apartment right over the border in hoboken. billie eillish was playing softly in the background as the two sat in silent. luke was doing everything he could to not cry at that very moment. he wanted to keep his emotions in check, but every minute they drove closer and closer and every moment they drove in silence, was killing him. just like her, it'd been killing him inside too. he wanted to how her off to the world, and celebrate all the things that make her her and what she'd been doing since graduating, in public. he was head over heels in love with this girl. yet, he feared that they'd never be each others for the long haul. she pulled up to the curb, and parked her car. the two contniued to sit in silence, not wanting to say anything that would conclude their relationship.
"i love you." luke blurted, and sadie could feel her heart swell. she loved him too, the past 6 months almost cemented that. she turned towards luke with tears in her eyes, and smiled. luke felt the breath he'd been holding in, exit his body. "i love you too, lukey." she said smiling and then pulled him in boldly to kiss him. luke's hand found the base of her neck, her brunette hair felt like silk in his hand. the other found her hand that connected to his instantly. they pulled apart resting their foreheads against one another. "soon, lukey. soon." she hummed before pecking him quickly. he looked at her with a slight slant to his head, "really?" he whispered and she nodded. "yes." she whispered back, and he now pecked her. "ill call you when i get back home." she said unclasping their hands and he nodded, getting out.
But I know this, we got a love that is hopeless
despite the two confessing, sadie had a deep fear that swelled in her stomach. if she told her brother and he told his brothers, things would change. things would change so much, they'd have no choice but to break up. god, how she hated how that boy made her feel that was certain.
Why can't I hold you in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that Why can't it be like that?
sadie did not know what to do, as soon as she showed up to the bar. she walked in with a few girlfriends and they made their way to the group of hockey players. and as soon as she turned to go find luke- she saw him. he was talking to a girl at the bar, and stood awfully close to her. they were laughing, smiling, and talking very close to one another. sadie felt a distaste in her mouth, and quickly looked away. "lukey finally got a date?" maya her close friend questioned his brother, and jack nodded. "finally, I've been trying to get them together for a while now but he's been so fuckin stubborn!" jack explained, pushing a shot into each girls hands. sadie threw it back gracefully, before going off to the bar to get another and a drink to begin the night. luke did not notcie the girl slide over, as he was engrossed in a conversation with the blonde. she was nice, he'd give her that. yet, she was not sadie. nobody would ever be sadie.
later on in the evening, sadie was about 4 drinks deep by the time the musical performance was beginning. luke and the girl were still at the bar conversing and sadie had seen him lean in a few times, but she'd look away before she could see anything else. jack wrapped an arm around sadie, cheering with the rest of the crowd as the guest came out. "hows sadie burrows doing tonight?" he questioned, looking down at her. she shrugged sipping more of her drink. "you seem down. anything happen today?" he questioned, leaning a bit closer so she did not have to speak very loudly. she blew some air, frustratedly. as luke and the blonde were coming to join the group, he saw how close jack was to sadie. he knew sadie obviously didnt have any feelings for his brother and never had, but couldn't get rid of the feeling she did in that moment. she laughed at whatever jack had said, throwing her head back and saw a glint of spark in jacks eyes.
he turned his attention back towards the blonde, trying to ignore the giggles that sadie put on display. the group took in the musical guest, for the next two hours. sadie made many glances towards luke and her heart broke, when she saw the two of them swaying. luke had his arms wrapped around the girl from behind and they swayed to the music. sadie felt tears pool her eyes, and the feeling that she needed to get out of there. she set her drink back down in front of her, and quickly moved out of jack's arm that was still around her shoulder. she made her way outside of the bar, and breathed in the cold november air that hit her like a ton of bricks.
she sat down against the brick wall and cried in her knees, shakingly pulling out her phone to call her brother. she sniffled, shutting it. she would wait to call him, and she sara nora her other friend walk out. "want me to drive you home?" and sadie nodded. she pulled her friend up and the two walked back to her car, since she was the DD. "wanna tell me about it?" nora treaded lightly, as she pulled onto the street. "is it about luke?" nora asked and sadie quickly whipped her head towards her friend. nora giggled, "yeah i had a feeling for awhile now. you two are not always so suttle." she hummed and sadie sighed. "im sorry love, what luke was doing was a dick move." she said grabbing her friends hand and pulling it tightly. sadies phone buzzed with a ccouple texts from luke. she put her phone on silent as they were now just pulling up to her building. "let me know if you need anything, sades." and sadie nodded. "thanks." she said before stepping out. she made her way upstairs quickly, and as soon as she entered her apartment she was already clicking mike's contact. and as soon as he picked up, she broke down.
"sadie?" he questioned now fully alert. his heart broke watching her cry, and he waited respectfully for her to talk. and once she did, he was angry. he was angry, disheartened, frustrated and all he wanted to do was hug his little sister. the two spoke for another hour and she had made he way to her couch at that point. she was sitting up as soon as she heard a knock on her door. her eyebrows crinkled, and mike watched as she looked over towards the door. "uh, one sec. somebody's here." she said setting the phone down and making her way towards the door.
It's obvious you're meant for me Every piece of you it just fits perfectly Every second, every thought I'm in so deep But I'll never show it on my face
But we know this We got a love that is hopeless
she opened the door to luke, and quickly shut it before his reflexes could react. "ill call you back mike....luke's here." she said grabbing her phone. "no, don't talk to him." and she paused glaring at him, "let me." he said and she shook her head. "i have too...i have to end things mikey. " she said softly and mike relaxed just a bit nodding. "okay, call me once he leaves." and then she hung up. she opened the door to luke waiting, and she let him step in. "let me explain." he said turning around quickly. sadie shook her head, "you atleast owe me that sadie." and she sighed walking into the living room with him following. "jack was the one that forced us together, i had no intention of talking to her but he -" and she cut him off. "forced? are you 5 luke? you can make your own decisions." she huffed, crossing her arms. "i didnt want to talk to her i swear! i did it so it wouldnt strange. besides, you cant get upset with me when you are the one that doesnt want to be seen in public." he spat and she bit her lip. "its been a month since we said i love you's, and ive barely seen you and - and, you havent made any move to make us go public. and i dont think i can do it anymoe, sadie! i dont think i can and i dont think i want to wait anymore." he said out loud, finally saying what he'd been wanting to say for some time now. she met his eye and she saw his frustration and a look of emptyness.
"wait what?" she questioned, wanting him to repeat what she thinks he said. "i know that we are meant for one another. i know with every fiber and being in my body that we are meant for one another. when i think of my future, i see you in all of it. it kills me to not be with you every second of the day, it kills me to not be seen with you, dancing with you in public, tonight- tonight it could have been you and i sadie. don't you realize that? do you not realize how deep i am? how fucking in love i am with you?" he said desperately. "or did you not realize that when you were with my brother tonight?" he asked, a low fucking blow. "fuck you luke! you know ive never seen him that way. he was being a friend, more than you were tonight!" she screamed and he shook his head, "what did he say to make you laugh? what did he say to make you laugh that deeply?" he questioned and she rolled her eyes. "are you jealous?" she questioned and he laughed, "i could ask the same thing sadie." he said chuckling just a bit. "he made a dumb joke...about penguins becuase he could see how down i was. nothing else, nothing more." she said and he didn't buy it. "why was he all over you tonight?" and she now chuckled. "you read too much into it luke, you sound dumb right now." she put her hands in her face, and thought about what he said.
" im just playing with time right? you were never going to make things official with me, right? was it-" he paused hating himself for what he was going to say, "was it all a game to you?" he asked in disbelief. "what?" she said barely above a whisper. "how could you ask me that? after everything?" she questioned, pulling her hands from her face. "because you keep going round and round in circles, stringing me along! giving me false hope every fucking time we see one another. do you know how exhausting that gets huh? do you not understand how much it hurts me every time, i leave and nothing has changed?!" he said with tears streaming down his face. oh, how that killed the girl. "we have to recognize at some point before its too late...that this...whatever this thing between us isn't going to work out. that im not gonna get the future i envision with you, sadie." he said and she felt herself crying now.
"i want to luke...i really want to." she said softly, "you know my anxiety, my habit of isolation and panic. you knew this going into this!" she threw back and he rolled his eyes. "dont use that an excuse, sadie. youre better than that!" he said turning around, his hands resting on his waist. "lets just call it what it is. you dont love me..enough to be official. and im not gonna stick around when i already know the ending." he said turning back around to face her. she shook her head, letting a sob out. she had nothing left to say, she knew that whatever she said wouldn't be enough. nothing could buy her more time, and they both knew it. luke walked towards the girl, pulling her in. he kissed her head, rubbing her back softly. "im sorry for all of this luke, i really am." she said crying now. he nodded kissing her head once more. "i know sadie i know." he said pulling back just a bit so he could look at her. he wiped away her tears, and pulled her in for one last kiss.
they parted, and he pulled out his car keys which had two extra keys on it. his apartment key and her's, and he slipped the latter off of it. she took it from him and just watched as he walked out of her life. as soon as luke exited the apartment complex, and hopped back in jacks car, where jack had been waiting patiently. jack took one look at his young brother and saw the pained look he was sporting, "its over." was all luke said before breaking down. jack placed his hand on his brother's back for comfort. as soon as nora and sadie left the bar, so did jack and luke. luke told jack everything, and jack hated himself for pushing luke and the girl together that evening. though luke reminded him that he didn't know, so he shouldn't feel bad.
the two didn't see one another for quite some time after that. it wasn't until new years even in the city when their extended friend group got together for a party. the both of them walking in with somebody on their arm. luke with the girl from that evening, and sadie with a friend from back home, that had only recently turned into something more. as soon as sadie entered the penthouse, luke quickly took notice of the girl and sent a smile towards her. she smiled back, before her boyfriend whisked her away towards the drinks.
them both knowing deep down, that they'd run back to one another if the opportunity arose.
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hope you guys enjoyed! pls like and reblog if you did (:
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cookiesupplier · 2 months
Every Rose Has Its Thorns - Part Thirty-Seven
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc x Chris 'Motionless' Cerulli
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language, online bullying, panic attacks, stalking, mental health issues.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. For everyone involved.
author’s note: Unbeta'd, readers beware as always lol.
To read from the beginning, check out the Masterlist Here!
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tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds @wild-child-7747 @witchyweeb34 @black-damask1999 @jilliemiw86 @ilovesamkiszka @lyschko666 @lacktoesandtoddlerants @bngurngheart @collapsedglasshouses @laurpartyprogram @sunsshinesunny @malerieee @talialovesmiw @shilohrosechicken @thatchickwiththecamera @tamtam-elizabeth
Tag List is Open, please let me know if you would like to be added to it or in general.
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Chris had ended up having to leave his friend a message on his machine as he was out that morning, he hated doing that as it felt so impersonal, and never wanted to give details on those things. But, it was over really, he knew that he couldn’t always be in the office. The soulmate tattoo science division was a very difficult line of research to keep funded. Most of the people in the field he’d managed to make contact with, even if just marginally over the last few years, all said the same thing. They usually either were extremely lucky with multiple grants, had side jobs, alternate research, or their research into the soul connection was the alternate study. There were some on the outside that sat the soulmate research as a hobby, but he knew they were all so very passionate about it. Sadly, none of them could dedicate all of their time to it, as it just didn’t pay the bills.
That was something Chris could understand completely. He remembered the early years in the band, working what was essentially a day job just to make ends meet. Needing it to make sure he could pay rent, buy food, have the funds for equipment, getting to and from gigs, basically everything the band could possibly need. So yes, he knew what it was like to have a passion project that was worth an absolute pittance. Unfortunately for most of the scientists he’d talked to over the years, their projects in the soulmate research, wasn’t likely to suddenly boom anything nearly as massive as the band. Not with the known track record so far. Besides, he was reminded science wasn’t just about making money though, it was about the discovery and search of knowledge.
He was in need of some of that knowledge right now, and not just him, but also Ricky, and Talia. Living like this, was driving all of them a little nuts, he could tell they were all on edge. Poor Talia, that panic attack she’d had, she had spiralled so bad just at the thought of having to face those doctors again that had treated her so badly. If Chris had his way, he’d shut that whole place down, who the hell treated people that way. What harm, what proof, had her family presented, that could have suggested that any of that was remotely necessary, even then, the doctors should have evaluated her themselves. He couldn’t personally understand how Talia could have met the criteria. 
Just the same, once Chris had made the call, now it was just the waiting game, and checking the message board, cringing at the different takes of what others had of the illnesses that could be wrong with him. Oh yes, the imaginations of these people, they were coming up with everything under the sun that could be wrong with him, and somehow every single person, assumed he was dying. He supposed that happened when you were brought to that particular area of the message boards, it involved death to start with, so assuming death was involved, could be taken to heart. Chris would like to think he wasn’t dying though, he didn’t feel sick, no matter how much of a panic this was whirling around in him right now though, let's not think about that. 
It was about lunchtime that he was finally able to hear back from his friend, right when he was in the middle of making himself something to eat no less, isn’t that how it always goes? When you have been absolutely dying for someone to call you back about a vital topic, you wait around forever expecting their call, but it doesn’t come. When you finally give up and get up to do something else, boom, you are right in the middle of what you are doing, and they call. So he was in the middle of making himself a sandwich when his phone started ringing, and he had to drop everything, he wasn’t going to risk missing this call, not this of all things.
“Micah, hey, man, how are you going? How’s the wife? The kids?”
While Chris had never met Micah in person, they had had some very long and in-depth philosophical conversations about the soulmate bonds between people. Even about the bond stemming between Micah and his wife and how their relationship had been affected by it. Micah had met his wife long before they knew they were soulmates, much like Talia’s friends Kyle and Jordan. Chris had enjoyed hearing about such a bond evolving differently somewhere else to, how the tattoos were different and worked differently for everywhere. It was amazing how that happened. 
“They are doing well, and you, Chris, how is your work going?”
Chris never spoke openly about his work on the phone, not this number anyway, this was the office number. While there were other scientists that Chris knew on a strictly surface level, Micah he’d actually gotten to know a little more personally because the man had understood to some degree what Chris went through. He had switched to soulmate research when his brother had lost his soulmate while he was still a teenager, and the toll it had taken on him had been immense. Chris felt for those that lost so much hope at such a young age.
“It’s going well, on some downtime, which is even better. Though I’ve actually had some curious thoughts lately, one of my friends has been talking to me a lot about soulmate tattoos. I mean, we were talking about the different crazy theories and hypothetical situations out there.”
Chris knew it was a little unfair that he was telling his friend a bit of a white lie, but this wasn’t just about him, this was about Ricky and Talia too. He wasn’t going to put them in a position when they had to deal with a bunch of doctors if they didn’t want to. Ricky had said straight out yesterday, no tests, and Chris did not blame him, especially with how they were all connected, if just one of them got poked and prodded, who knows if they’d all feel it.
As expected, Chris heard a rustling of papers on the desk of the other end of the phone followed by a low chuckle, assuming that Micah was getting himself comfortable for this conversation now.
“Alright, Chris, you’ve got my attention, hit me with them.”
Bingo, he knew how to get Micah, he always liked to hear the latest theories that came about. Hearing them from people was always more interesting than trolling the message boards as Micah told him after all.
“Okay, now, I know that some of these just really got my head spinning, like there is apparently one that is about how the tattoos are actually random and work on hypnotic suggestion once they come in proximity to each other. There is another, that was taking about soulmate tattoos can sometimes change colour after a soulmate passes away, and become a whole new tattoo, which is completely ridiculous. Oh hell, then there was another one, oh, oh, get this Micah, oh you’ll get a kick out of this-”
Chris had a couple more insane ideas in his head to throw at him if need be, including tid bits of the way the soulmate bond that was affecting Talia and Ricky. The idea had been, was to see if he could see if that sparked more from Micah as he went. The fact that he seemed to be stopping his jumbled rant already, it would seem he wouldn’t need that after all.
“Wait a second, what was that theory?”
Chris paused, as if thinking,
“The hypnotic suggestion? Don’t tell me someone is actually researching that, are you kidding-”
“No Chris- I-”
“Because I swear if my friend finds out that he could eventually hypnotise his girlfriend-”
“Chris, that’s not what I-”
Chris was just barrelling forward, he knew this was probably a bit much, but his nerves about the entire ordeal during the night had gone into overdrive. Remembering how it had felt holding Talia as she cried, had him convinced that he needed to protect her from any doctor involved. Even his friend. Ricky and him, they were connected yes, and sure, he didn’t want either of them hurt either, but seeing her curled up against Ricky’s chest sobbing, and the thought of her broken like that again? Never. This was why he was driving Micah around in circles, and maybe one day he’d tell him, maybe one day he’d forgive him.
“Shit! Sorry, Crap, Micah, you scared me.. What..”
“I wasn’t meaning about the hypnotic suggestion theory. What, what was the other theory you, you and your, friend, were, talking about?”
Here we go, time for the other foot to drop.
“Oh, um, was it, the uh, colour-blind tattoo soulmate theory one? About being the reason they are all only black or white?”
Chris didn’t know if he was frustrating Micah now, but he seemed to just let out a decent puff of air for a long moment then, taking in a slow breath.
“You mean the one about the tattoo changing, after the soulmate died? Like.. something anyway, sounds really stupid, right?”
Snorting derisively into the phone, as if he would have thought this entire thing was utterly ridiculous, and honestly, if it were happening to anyone else, he would.
The silence on the other end of the phone was deafening. 
When Micah started talking again, something in his voice had changed, even if it was just from him adjusting his posture at his desk, Chris didn’t know, but something had changed, and instantly it made the man wary.
“So your friend, was this his theory Chris, or yours?”
“We were just shooting the breeze and talking about random things we heard about in passing, they weren’t either of our own theories, Micah, why, what does it matter, why so serious all of a sudden man?”
It was making him very worried about the fact that Micah was getting so serious about this, especially since Ricky had said the remark about testing. Thinking about it now, sent a chill down his spine. What the hell was happening, Micah had never gotten like this before, never, he’d always been so easy going, even when their discussions had become extremely intense.
“No, no, Chris, not serious, or anything like that, I just, I’m curious. How the subject of tattoos changing like that came up exactly. Is this, something that, either of you have heard about from someone in person, or, just a random joke about in the moment.”
He was fishing, Chris knew he was fishing, and it was making him nervous. He pushed himself to laughed slightly.
“Why, is there something to worry about Micah? Don’t tell me, tattoos are changing left right and centre and the government is keeping it covered up, big conspiracy they don’t want anyone to know about?”
That Chris threw out there with a real-ass loud laugh, the thought that random tattoos could be changing and no one in the world would be talking about it would be laughable to him. The things he’d heard all over the message boards about the soulmate tattoos there was no way another person tattoo could have changed, and he wouldn’t have heard about it, no, no way. Surely not… right?
Trying to sound as nonchalant as humanly possible considering how completely unhinged he was feeling with the turn this conversation had taken.
“Has your tattoo changed?”
Micah knew his soulmate was dead, and Chris was kicking himself now for including that in the first place, about the tattoo changing after a soulmate passing away. Shit, maybe he wouldn’t be asking about Chris’ tattoo specifically if he hadn’t. What the fuck was he supposed to say, he had to say something, the longer he said nothing, Micah would know he was stalling.. The fact he’d paused, even for a second, he was going to know something was amiss.
Scoffing slightly after that second,
“No, stuff, the same, as always, still.. White.. Still… dead.”
Swallowing, yep, his soulmate was still very much dead, everything was exactly the way it was the last time they spoke, Micah. 
As much as he’d called for answers, the cryptic way Micah was being, Chris wasn’t sure he wanted answers from him any more, something was amiss and he was nervous.
Silence met him again from the other end of the line, and just when Chris went to say something himself, Micah spoke abruptly.
“Chris, whatever you do, don’t call this number again, I’ll be in touch.”
And the line went dead.
What the hell was happening?!?
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Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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nescaveckwriter · 5 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance 🥰🐞 - Part 17
Dean x Fem/Reader
Part 17 🥰🐞
A/N:Enjoy this one, its just wowzy, its fluffy for sure. 🐞💕
Side Note: Thank you for all the love and support, please do note I am open for requests. Much Love My Bugsies.💕🐞🥰
Warnings: Just pure fluff, if there's anything else, please let me know.🤭
Morning sweetheart, his fruity voice takes you by surprise, Morning babe, you sound so joyful this morning, your eyes still puffy from last night's sleep.
Dean lightly kisses your forehead, want to know what today is?
Babe she whined, I'm not in the mood for guessing games, glancing over to the alarm clock, its 4 in the morning.
Oh come on sleepyhead, he said mockingly, get that pretty little behind out of the bed.
Crinkling her nose, I just want to stay in bed today, she pouted.
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Ha! Like my girl is going to spend her birthday in bed, he purred, we can do that later he smirked.
Not what I meant she mumbled!
Sweetheart I have a surprise for you he breathed in her ear, while kissing her neck softly.
Oh really, she laughed, what will that be? Her eyes filled with excitement.
Why would I tell you, if I can show you, his voice sounded smoky. I'll make us some breakfast while you get ready.
What should I wear?, she beamed.
You look good in anything sweetheart, but nothing will be just fine too, he cheered.
Throwing Dean with a pillow as he walks out of the room, made the both of you laugh.
The last eight months, has been a rollercoaster of emotions, mostly happy ones, some bad ones, like how you lost a good friend in Lisa, when she found out that, Dean's gotten back together with you, you felt horrible, knowing the two of you hurt her so much, but what could you do, after that day you realized you have never stopped loving Dean.
It was hard at first, to mend what was broken between you and Dean, but the two of you have gotten into this , easy going - doing life together cycle. Of course the two of you talked about the hard stuff as well, but for once in your life's, it was just easy, no fighting, no heartbreak, just happiness, it actually kind of felt you lived in some fantasy. Reviewing the way you look in the mirror, your eyes are brightly filled with joy, hair hanging loosely over your shoulders, light makeup covering your face. Grabbing your favorite pair of boots to round off the blue jeans, with a zeppelin shirt, sitting on the bed, pulling up the shoe's zipper, inspecting at last night's clothes scattered all across the floor, this back and forth between our houses, is driving you nuts.
Sweetheart, breakfast is ready Dean howled.
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Walking in seeing Dean in a plain black t-shirt that's now slightly flour-stained, scraping out the last pieces of bacon, spikes your heart rate.
Sit down m'lady he mocked.
Thank you good sir, you teased back.
His face lit up with this big ole grin, giving you the plate, a stack of blueberry pancakes with a candle on top, and of course a side of bacon he laughed.
Your eyes welled up, babe, this is amazing thank you, squeezing his hand.
Glad you like it sweetheart, now eat, we've got a big day ahead he stated.
Overjoyed and very curious, you start digging into your breakfast.
Where are we going Dean? Please tell me, she requested! Oh sweetheart would you just stop being so nosy, we are almost there, just a few more miles, Dean responded with his mischievous smile.
Folding your arms giving Dean a pouted look, mumbling its not fair. He stops the car, abruptly. Get Out! he ordered.
Confused and wide-eyed you get out, taking in the view its really beautiful, but way out of town. What are we doing here Babe?
Dean walks up to were your standing, with a smirk he says, time to close your eyes, covering your eyes with a bandana, whispering, are you ready? Helping you back in the car, you just laugh at him being all mysterious, I can't wait to see the surprise.
After a few minutes the car comes to a stop. Helping her out, he can feel the excitement, pulsing through her body, hoping she likes the surprise, he chews on his bottom lip. Okay you can look now.
Babe, she exclaimed this is beyond beautiful, taking in the sunrise, drawing in from the mountains, displaying, yellow and orange across the green trees, pulling him in for a hug, hearing his heart beating so fast.
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Looking up at him, the way the orange dances in his emerald eyes, awakening every sense of her very being, thinking, this can't get any more perfect than this, Dean holding you tightly, breathtaking view..
Your thoughts gets interrupted, by his husky voice. I wanted us to share our first sunrise here sweetheart. Confusing on her face, first?
Yes sweetheart, this is our home, our own place, no more going back and forth, no more forgetting things, okay who am I kidding, my girl is an artist and a bit all over the place, you'll always forget stuff, he laughs.
Not true, you scold. Okay, lets agree to disagree, he says mockingly, interlacing his fingers through yours, leaning in, his lips inches away from yours, whispering I love you, then brushing his lips against yours, slowly, taking his time, like there's no other place he'd rather be, pulling away for an instant, admiring the look in his eyes, you replying in a hushed undertone, I love you too.
The corners of his mouth turning up and slightly crooked, let's go check out the house baby, in a swift motion he picks you up, cradling you in a bridal position, walking across the open field, towards the rustic house, adjusting her slightly so that he doesn't let her fall, opening the door knob, before walking over the threshold hearing him say, I know this isn't the traditional way to do it, but babe we have never done anything in the tradition, normal couple sense, he exclaimed.
Laughing, into his neck, placing little kisses till you finally reached his lips. Breathy, he pulls back, a nervous look on his face. Everything okay babe? concern visible in her soft voice.
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Sweetheart, he clears his throat, going down on one knee, removing the chain around his neck, sliding the ring off, between his fingers, forever ain't long, and if you will let me, I would cherish you for as long as I live, loving you day after day, breathing air into your lungs when days are dark, carrying you when your legs are giving in because of the weight on your shoulders, baby since the first day, I couldn't take my eyes off of you, you took my breath away, and ever since then if your not close by, I can't breath, so will you and your paintbrushes come and color my life, making me the happiest man alive.
Standing there looking at him, clear nervousness visible, listening to his smoky voice, not fighting back the tears, emotion clear as you say, YES! a million times Yes.
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Sliding the diamond ring over your finger, it fits perfectly he exclaimed, picking you up, swirling you around, placing a heartfelt kiss against your lips.
Its not until he puts you down, that you take a glance at the room, there's flowers, scattered in little heart shapes, like a million candles and fairy lights draping from the rustic wooden structures, turning around to take in the sight of the man your going to spend the rest of your life with, exclaiming this is the most perfect day ever.
He cups your face, giving you a small kiss, pulling away for an instant to admire your beautiful features , then like gravity pulling the two of you closer, you start to devour each other, he grabs the back of your legs, you wrapping around him, running your fingers through his hair, he starts walking to the kitchen counter.
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Creak! What was that? the two of you breathed into each others lips, Bang! Dean's feet goes through the wooden floor, bringing the both of you two, to a fall, staring at each other wide-eyed, breaking into laughter, we might want to fix that first. Dean's eyes catches yours, he whispered underneath his breath, but first, pulling you in for yet another kiss.
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kingofmyheart-19 · 3 months
Alex POV
"Okay, so where are you taking me?" Mack asks.
"For me to know and you to find out." I respond.
She chuckles.
I reach over and grab her hand, intertwining them.
We continue driving and pull into the restaurant.
"Whoa." Mack says.
I smile and squeeze her hand, "I really love this restaurant and wanted to share it with you."
She stares at me, "Let's go."
We get out of the car and start walking in when I feel Mack grab my hand.
I smile and feel butterflies in my stomach.
"Hi, Miss Morgan, we have your table ready."
Mack pulls me to a stop, "Miss Morgan? So fancy."
I feel my face heat up, "Well. You know that I'm famous. I don't want that to scare you off, but it has its perks."
She smiles and shakes her head, "Doesn't scare me."
I nod and pull her along to our table that has an ocean view.
"Wow. This is amazing." She says.
"Well. I think you're pretty amazing, so only the best for you." I say.
She chuckles and shakes her head.
"So, how was your day?" She asks.
I smile, "It was good. We had training and then meetings. We have a big game on Sunday again against Portland. You'll be there?"
She smiles, "I think I'm your goodluck charm."
I chuckle, "You are. I scored and we won last week. Now you have to be at every game."
"I plan on it." She says.
I stare at her, "How was your day?"
She bobs her head, "It was good. It's like getting to the end of the year, so things are settling down. Mostly exams and papers. My students are like so ready to be done, driving me nuts a little."
I chuckle, "Do you remember being in high school? I couldn't wait for summer."
She smiles, "Oh yeah, I remember. It's just hard to keep my patience. Plus I have my GSA kids trying to plan an end of year thing."
"GSA?" I ask.
"Gay-straight alliance. Like a club for the kids. I'm the teacher sponsor for them."
I lean back, "Wow. That's so cool."
She smiles, "Well. I'd always wished that I had that growing up, so it only made sense to kind of give back. Make sure they feel supported, make connections."
I nod, "That makes sense. That's truly amazing, those kids are lucky to have you."
She looks down, "It's nothing, really."
I reach and grab her hand, "It is. It's impressive."
I watch as her ears turn bright red.
"Alright, food. Wait, actually, wine." I say.
"You trying to get me drunk?" She quips.
My eyes widen, "Uh, no? We don't have to have wine!"
She chuckles and squeezes my hand, "I'm just teasing. We can have wine. White wine."
"White wine. Okay." I say.
"Do you eat fish?" She asks.
"Yes." I deadpan.
She stares at me and turns bright red.
I chuckle, "You're adorable. Yes, I eat fish. All kinds."
"Okay. Great." She says.
'This girl is too cute.'
Mack POV
"That was delicious." I say and sit back.
"Glad you liked it." She says.
I grin, "The company was alright too."
She laughs, "Just alright?"
I look down and back up, "Company was wonderful."
"So wonderful that you'll get another glass of wine with me and watch the ocean out on the patio?"
I chuckle, "I think I can manage that."
"Okay, great. You go out there, I'll pay and get the wine."
I smile and head outside.
I lean on the railing and look out, then look down at the rings around my neck.
Babe, if you're there, just let me know.
I close my eyes and feel a wind blow harshly.
I smile, "Hi, babe."
I sigh, "You like Alex?"
I wait and feel the wind blow lightly.
I smile, "Me too."
I feel a hand on my back and startle.
"Hey. You okay?" I turn and see Alex.
I smile, "Yeah. A whole bottle? You really are trying to get me drunk."
She chuckles, "Maybe I am."
I shake my head, "You're something else."
"In a good way?" She asks.
I nod and lean in, kissing her cheek, "A really good way."
She grins and pours us both a glass, handing me one.
She sits next to me and rests her hand on my leg.
I lean my head on her shoulder, "I like this."
"I like this too." She says.
"So how does the World Cup work?" I ask.
I lift my head up and look at her.
"What do you mean?" She asks.
"Like explain it to me. I saw that there's eight groups of four teams."
She smiles, "Okay. So we do group play first, which means we play every team in the group. Top two teams advance out do the group to the round of 16, knockouts then you have to win to move on."
I nod along, "Oh wow. That's like a lot of games in a month."
She nods, "It takes a toll, emotionally and physically."
"I believe it. Does Charlie get to go? And your family?"
She smiles and nods, "My family always comes. My dad is literally like the team mascot."
I chuckle, "That's so cool. That they're supportive. It's in Australia and New Zealand?"
She nods, "Yeah, but it's going to be winter, like cold."
I chuckle, "You don't like the cold?"
She shakes her head, "California girl through and through."
I squeeze her side, "Well, we will have to toughen you up. East coast winters are brutal."
She looks at me, "You'll keep me warm."
I stare at her puppy dog eyes and smile, "Yeah, I will. I'm pretty good at building a fire too."
"Do you go back for the holidays?"
I nod, "Yeah. We usually go see Ally's family, they're in New York. We will probably do that again this year."
She nods, "Do you talk to her family a lot?"
I sigh, "Yeah. I mean Riley is their granddaughter. They've always been supportive and they're really great people."
"That's good, I'm glad they're supportive."
"Me too. It would've made the nightmare even worst if they weren't." I say.
I finish my glass of wine, "Shall we finish this off?"
She smiles and nods.
"Pour me a glass? I'll be right back." She says and I watch as she walks inside.
I pour her a glass and myself.
'Best night.'
Alex POV
I walk back out and stare at Mack.
'I'm so lucky.'
I hear the music come on and she looks up.
I walk over to her and hold my hand out, "I told you that I'd make you dance with me."
She shakes her head and I throw my head back.
"Please? Don't leave me hanging." I plead.
She sighs and takes my hand and I pull her up.
She laughs, "You like Taylor Swift?"
I pause, "It's not a like, it's a love."
She stares at me and shakes her head, "I like her music too."
I grab her hands and place them around my back.
We start swaying and I lay my head on her shoulder.
We sway until the music is over and I look up at her.
She's staring at me and I take a deep breath.
"Hi." She says.
I chuckle, "Hi."
"I really want to kiss you." She whispers.
I lean in so that my lips ghost over hers, "I really want you to."
She smiles and leans in, pressing her lips against mine and I swear the world was burning around us.
I pull away and open my eyes, seeing her eyes closed with tears falling down her cheeks.
I place my hands on her cheeks, "Hey. It's okay."
She opens her eyes and stares at me, "Tears of happiness, promise."
I rub my thumbs under her eyes and lean in, pressing my lips against hers, then pull back.
She chuckles, "You're something."
I nod, "I know. But I really like you."
She bobs her head, "I really like you too. Just be patient with me, okay?"
I pull her close and hug her, "I'll be as patient as you need me to be."
She kisses my head, "Thanks."
I pull away and she sits back down and holds her hand out.
She pulls me so that I'm sitting on her lap and hands me my glass.
"This is cozy." I say.
She grins, "It is, huh. Okay, so, is Portland good?"
I stare at her and chuckle, "Yeah, they're very good. They're pretty physical too. I usually need like a whole body massage afterwards."
Her eyes widen and I can see her whole face flushing.
I chuckle and put my hand on her cheek, "I'm not expecting you to give me one. But for future reference, how would Ally have rated your massage skills?"
She smiles and shakes her head, "I think she'd rate them pretty good."
I bob my head, "Good to know."
"So am I going to be worried about you at the game?"
I shrug and take a drink of wine, "Maybe, but I'll be okay. I always get back up. Or almost always at least."
Her eyes widen, "Almost always?"
"There's been a few times. But if you're going to be my biggest supporter, you're allowed to worry. But you'll know when I'm really hurt or when I just need a minute to breathe through it."
She nods, "Okay. You'll give me like a thumbs up or something?"
I chuckle and nod.
I finish my wine and watch as she does too.
"I don't want this night to end." She says.
I lean down and press my lips against hers.
"Me either." I say as I pull away.
I stare at her and try to read what she's feeling.
I rub her cheek, "I'm not going anywhere and we have time."
She closes her eyes and nods, "You're amazing."
I smile and press my lips against hers again.
"Well I think you're pretty amazing too. Ready to head home?"
She nods and I stand up, reaching my hand out.
She grabs it and I turn my hand to intertwine them.
I pull her through the restaurant.
"Goodnight, Miss Morgan."
I look at the hostess, "Goodnight, thank you!"
We get to my car and I open her door, closing it after her.
I get into the driver's seat and turn to look at Mack, who's staring at me.
"I used to always open the door for Ally. It was like our thing." She says.
I grab her hand and pull it to my lips, "Well now I'll open it for you. It'll be our thing."
She smiles and nods, leaning her head back, "I like that."
I smile and nod, starting the drive back to her house.
I turn on Taylor swift and start singing.
I look over and she's smiling.
"What? Am I bad at singing?" I ask.
She shakes her head, "I'm not telling you to shut up. I'm just smiling at you."
I reach and turn up the music.
"But she wears short skirts, I wear t-shirts, she's cheer captain, and I'm on the bleachers. Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time!" I sing loudly.
I look over at her and she's smiling widely.
"If you could see that I'm the one who understands you. Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me!"
I turn down the music.
"You'll sing with me?" I ask her.
She chuckles, "I don't sing."
"You also said that you don't dance, but I already got my way with that." I say pointedly.
She shakes her head, "You did, didn't you?"
I nod, "Yup!"
She smiles widely, "I'll sing with you one day."
"I'm holding you to that, Mack!"
She squeezes my hand, "I know you are."
We pull up to her house and I sigh.
"What's wrong?" She asks.
I look at her, "I had so much fun. I'll just miss you until Sunday."
She squeezes my hand, "Well what if Riley and I saw you and Charlie tomorrow?"
I stare at her.
"Beach day?" She asks.
I smile and nod, "Absolutely. I have a light training and a meeting, but after?"
"That's okay. Riley and I are going to visit Ally in the morning, so that works out." She says.
I smile softly, "Okay. Beach date?"
She chuckles, "Beach date with our girls."
I lean in and wait until she meets me halfway and presses her lips against mine.
I move my lips with hers and can't help the moan that escapes me.
I pull away and lick my lips.
I open my eyes and see her smiling, "See you tomorrow, superstar."
"Night, Mack."
I watch as she gets out and walks to her door, opening and turning back towards me.
I blow her a kiss and she catches it.
I shake my head and laugh.
'Best date ever.'
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holymusicalmothman · 1 year
Heat of the Moments - Dan Avidan x Reader
This is based off that second dream I had about Danny.
Also I’m tagging the people who liked that post in case they were interested.
Anywho, as per usual. No Ashley. I’m not including her in any of my Danny Fic
The way I had to google the weirdest stuff for this lol. I’m going to try to be writing more, it keeps me calm and wedding stress is driving me nuts since it’s only a month away. ANYWAYS. So while requests aren’t technically open, I’m totally cool with being sent fic ideas for the characters I typically write for. Who knows? Maybe I’ll be inspired
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of anxiety, mentions of being led on
Word Count: 2610 (gosh dang. good job me!)
Comments are always appreciated! I love hearing y’alls brain thoughts after reading lol.
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Two years. It had been two years working for Game Grumps. Quite honestly, it had been one of the best years of your life. You had always been fascinated by the Youtube Gaming community, and you were grateful to finally be a part of it. Granted, you were mainly putting your art and animation talents to the test, but knowing what it all went toward was more than enough. You were more than content to live as you were.
However, it was not without its challenges. Outside of the fact that you were doing what you loved, over the last half couple months it had begun feeling rather tense-ish with a certain coworker. Well, tense for you at least.
Dan Avidan, Game Grumps host, musician extraordinaire, and coworker had been seeming rather…flirtatious? Was that a good way to put it? 
Yes, you supposed it was. It was one of those things, however, where it’s such casual flirtatious comments that you can’t tell if he’s actually hitting on you or not. If you thought about each moment from different angles, you genuinely couldn’t tell if he was being flirty or friendly.
Moment No. 1
It had been a Monday morning and everyone had seemed to have a case of the Monday Morning Blues. It had rained all weekend and everyone seemed to have that bleary eyed sleepiness. Even Arin was having a bit of trouble bringing what he called his “Internet Funny Man” energy to the office that morning. The weather seemed to be making everyone feel sleepy.
And you were certainly no exception. You stood in the kitchen, in front of the Keurig, just staring into the nonexistent void as you waited for your coffee. 
A light touch on your arm startled you out of your stupor and you found a mildly concerned looking Dan at your side.
“Oh, hey, sorry. What’s up?” You asked lamely, unsure of how long he had been standing there.
Dan’s brown eyes furrowed in confusion. “You didn’t hear what I said, did you?” 
You just shook your head. 
The confusion vanished as it turned into mirth. “That’s alright,” he smiled, “you seemed like you were witnessing the depths of the abyss for a second, so I just wanted to make sure you were alright.”
A light chuckle escaped you. “I can’t say much for right now, but if you give the coffee a few minutes, I’ll be good. It’s just a case of the Mondays.”
“Good, wouldn’t want my favorite animator succumbing to madness. Talk to you later, sunshine.” 
And with a quick pat on the shoulder, he was gone. Leaving you alone in the kitchen wondering what the hell just happened. 
Moment No. 2 
Late. Late. Late. You were oh so terribly late. You somehow managed to sleep right through your alarm and were now rushing to work. Not good. 
Granted, you were only going to be fifteen minutes late, and you also knew Arin would understand and no one would mind. However, it still sent you rushing around in a state of panic. 
You hurried into the office with a relieved sigh. As you sat down at your desk, you let out a frustrated sigh. 
Brian raised an eyebrow from his spot across from you. 
“You good?”
Shoving the frustration to the side, you smiled. “Yeah, just ran late and skipped breakfast, then left lunch on the counter. It happens, but this is what DoorDash is for right?”
Brian gave you a concerned look that only a father could manage. “Just make sure you eat something.”
“Yes, sir, Ninja Brian, sir.” You gave him a mock salute before tucking yourself into today’s work, unaware that another set of ears had heard the exchange. 
After a few hours, you stood to stretch and take a quick restroom break. Upon returning to your desk, however, there was now a take out bag resting next to your computer. 
You blinked. The restaurant was familiar, it was close by and also an office favorite, so it wasn’t uncommon for take out to be seen around the office.
But you hadn’t ordered lunch from anywhere yet. 
You peered inside the bag, immediately catching sight of the blue sticky note.
Heard you missed breakfast, so I grabbed you some lunch! 
This one’s on me, so don’t sweat it.
♥️ Danny.
You stared at the little heart. Not only had Dan bought you lunch, he had also signed it with a heart. 
What was going on. Was he into you?
Moment No. 3
It wasn’t very often that you got to sit in on a Ten Minute Power Hour, but when you did it was always a blast. 
So you were crammed off screen next to Allie, watching the guys try and do a Draw My Life but with their friendship over the years.
Arin was red in the face from laughing. “What is that?!” he wheezed. 
Throwing up his hands in exasperation, Dan exclaimed, “IT’S LINK! CAN’T YOU TELL BY THE HAIR?”
Cue the entire room dying. 
This only spurred on Dan’s frustration. “Someone come fix this!” He threw his marker down and stood, walking over to the background shelves to dramatically sulk. 
Arin only laughed harder and waved you over. “Come help him out, cause I can’t think right now.”
You hesitated for a moment. Watching on the sidelines was one thing but actually being on camera and involved in an episode like this wasn’t something you had prepared for. 
Allie nudged you gently and you stood. You were an artist, it was essentially what you did for a living and had been doing your whole life. So why were your hands sweating.
As you grabbed the marker and surveyed Dan’s disaster of a drawing, you spoke. “It’s not that bad. I mean, it’s not good, but its salvageable.”
You quickly erased the stick-figure Link’s hair as Dan pulled away from the shelves to watch you work.
“This is the only Get Outta Jail card you’re getting, dude.” Arin said, grinning. 
“I’ll take it, man. This is a nightmare.”
You laughed and shook your head as you finished redrawing the hair and added a little sword in the figure’s hand. 
“There we go!” You stepped back and quickly rejoined Allie, anxious to be out of the momentary spotlight.
“Hey! It looks like Link!” Dan grinned at you. “Thanks, lovely!”
Your heart stuttered against your will. “Anytime.” You said, covering up your momentary malfunction.
Lovely. Granted, Dan called the fans “lovelies” but something about the way he had just said it was different than how he addressed the fans. You had to force yourself to not think about it. To not play into the way your heart was slowly starting to formulate a crush. You were just reading into things.
Moment No. 4 
It wasn’t unusual to find yourself working on a quick little Grumps animation for one of the videos. Every now and then, Arin asked if you could make a little one to slip into a video, never anything super long. Just long enough to keep people entertained. He tended to use them as intermissions of a sort, in case they got interrupted by something mid video. 
You had just finished one up and were going over it to double check on everything when someone leaned over you. 
“What’cha working on?” Danny asked, looking at your screen with curiosity. 
You felt your palms go clammy at the close proximity, but hid it well. 
“Just a short animation for one of the recent recordings.” You explained. “Wanna see?”
Dan gave an excited nod and you handed him your headset, trying (and failing) to not watch how he brushed his hair out of his face. 
It had been a little bit since the Ten Minute Power Hour moment and you were still warring with the fact that you might have a crush on the lanky musician. 
Dan braced one hand on your desk and the other on the back of your chair, “Show me what you got.”
As you hit play on the animation, the only thing you could think of was those stupid cliche moments in novels where the guy leans on the girl’s desk because this was exactly how you pictured it looking and feeling like. Your palms went from a nervous clammy to an anxiety sweaty. Or somewhere in between, you couldn’t tell.
You were very aware of the way he was leaning over you and you swore you could smell him. He had a very faint woodsy scent to him, you couldn’t tell if it was a cologne or if it was just him. A lock of unruly hair brushed against your shoulder and it took everything into you to keep pretending to watch the video. 
Eventually it was over and your headset was handed back to you. 
“That was really good!” He was smiling at you. “Is that for the ‘technical difficulties’ from yesterday?” 
The air quotes he put up when he said technical difficulties had you laughing. 
“If you mean when the resident ghost knocked over the shelf,” You said. “Then yes.”
Dan’s smile was infectious as he leaned closer and dropped his voice. “It was the ghost of all the games we never finished finally coming back to haunt us.” 
You both laughed. 
“Anyways, I was just curious to what you were up to. It looks really good, you’ve got an insane amount of talent.”
And the war was lost. Because with just that sentence, you knew you had a major crush.
Moment No. 5
The next moment didn’t even happen at work. You weren’t even around him at the moment.
All you had done was throw a quick pic of a work in progress up on your instagram. It hadn’t even been up for ten minutes before you got a comment notification.
@dannyavidan : This looks so good! I’ve got to get you to do a piece for NSP someday!
You stared at the comment. Dan wanted you to do a piece for his band? 
You don’t know how long you sat there thinking. Eventually, a ding sounded and you checked your instagram again. 
Dan had messaged you.
Dan: Hey! I was totally serious about having you do a piece for the band! We’ve got a new project coming up and I would love to have someone as talented as you on the team for it!
You: Seriously?
Dan: You wound me! Of course. You put a lot of effort into what you do and it’s really good. Why? Dost the fair maiden think I jest? 😆
Your fingers hesitated briefly before responding, your heart and brain going a million miles an hour. Yes, he was being kinda dorky, but it was endearing.
You: I’ll think about it. But it shouldn’t be a problem. 😀
A few hours passed and you were scrolling through Instagram before bed. Just a few minutes and you’d go to sleep, it was a weekend night after all. Flicking through stories, you almost passed NSP’s insta story. 
“Guess who may have just gotten the coolest animator ever to do a video!”
Whelp. There went any hope for sleep. 
It had taken a lot of internal thinking, panicking, and general theorizing over the past few month for you to finally make up your mind.
But all the past moments had you sure of your crush on Dan. And, after confiding in a longtime friend, you were sure he felt the same. It couldn’t be a coincidence. 
So you had decided to take the plunge. You were going to take the initiative. You were going to ask him out.
And the thought almost left you breathless. 
But as you walked into work that morning, ruminating over the past few months, you mustered your determination and found Dan in the kitchen area.
“Morning,” you greeted him, smiling. 
He gave a little wave and continuing making his tea. There was a pretty large recording session for the guys that morning.
“Can I ask you something?” You said, not giving yourself a chance to abort the mission at hand.
Dan nodded. 
“Would you wanna go on a date this Friday? With me?” And there it was.
He froze. 
A moment passed. Then another. And a third.
And both your heart and stomach went through the floor. 
Dan finally spoke, his voice coming out strained. “Um, listen…”
You held both your hands up. “No, it’s cool, I misinterpreted. It’s fine. You don’t need to answer. I’ll see you around the office, ‘kay?”
And you bolted without giving him a moment to even try to respond.
You felt sick. The rug under your feet was gone and the tears pricking your eyes were starting to sting from you trying to hold them back. You made a beeline for the Power Hour room, knowing it’d be empty and you collapsed onto the Grump Couch. 
You took a deep breath and let them slip silently down your face.
You felt like such an idiot. Yes, Dan had seemed like he was flirting, but obviously it hadn’t truly been that way.
You heard the door open and close softly and you jumped up to see Arin standing there.
“You okay? Need to talk about whatever it is?” he asked, genuinely concerned.
You sat back down and wiped your eyes with a shaky breath.
“It’s nothing. I just misinterpreted signals and it’s on me,” you admitted. “Mistook friendliness as flirtiness, that’s all.”
“Was someone leading you on?” He asked, seating himself next to you.
So he must’ve not seen you get rejected by Dan, becaused he sounded like a concerned older brother who was about ready to fight someone.
You shook your head. Dan didn’t even seem capable of something like that. 
“It honestly was just a misunderstanding. With any luck we’ll just both forget it ever happened and things will just go back to normal.” 
The door opened again, albeit a lot less gently than it had when Arin entered. 
“Hey, I didn’t—” 
You stared at Dan like a deer in headlights and you knew that he was looking at the tears on your face.
Arin stood. “Alright you two, play nice and get this sorted out.” He said, shaking his head as he left the room, closing the door behind him.
A awkward pause, and then Dan was sitting next to you. 
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I did not mean to make you cry. You must think I’m such an ass.” He rambled. “I didn’t mean to sound like I was rejecting you at all. God, I must’ve sounded like a jerk.”
You said nothing, staring at him. Your silence urging him to continue.
“I wasn’t expecting you to ask me out first, and you caught me with a giant piece of turkey in my mouth and I was trying to find a way to tell you that there was way too much food in my mouth but you were already gone. I am so sorry.”
“You weren’t expecting me to…” your words failed you.
“No, not at that moment,” Dan looked away, suddenly going from panicked to rather shy. “I honestly was still trying to get enough courage to ask you.”
A moment of charged silence passed as you both mulled over your thoughts.
“So, will you…?” Dan trailed off.
You snapped your gaze to meet his brown eyes.
“Will I…”
“Would you go out with me? This Friday? Seven o’clock?” He asked, nervousness, uncertainty and hope in his eyes. 
You grinned, ignoring the way that tears once more tried to make an appearance. “I’d love to.”
Dan’s eyes sparkled in response. 
For the people who liked the other post: @perhaps-im-dave-rolland @shnashq​ and @pwudding-pwup
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dr3amofagame · 8 months
hi your art is so gorgeous I’m obsessed with how you shade and texture hair especially. Also can you tell us more about spaghetti strap collar dream (j!dream??) starting with Why is he dressed so fruity
OMG THANK U :D hair drives me a little nuts to draw i wont even lie
j!Dream ... my j!Dreamogie...
j!Dream starts with the JMAH AU, which involves our favorite mans sam awesamdude getting to do a good old do-over of the prison. Which he takes gladly, of course, with a good heaping measure of god has sent me back to do what's right and this is the warden's duty to bear and other related such sam-isms
of course, things go awry with him, but not before a year of (title drop!) just him and dream in the prison and all of the horrid intimacy and violence that came with it. sam wallows in his failure (and his successes...he did things better this time, right? it wasn't his fault, right? he did everything he could...maybe now he can enjoy true freedom...) while dream relearns how to be free (in the belly of the prison that had swallows him whole and spit him out different. the dispensers are a row of teeth above his head.) it hardly matters at the end, though, because XD has other games to play--this brings us to Four Square, which is the prison-themed crossover meetup with canon of their dreams (heh, Dreams) !! All your best hits are here: the clock! Blood! Drama! More blood! Sam giving the Dreams over for Quackity to torture! Sam threatening Quackity for Dream's sake! Technoblade! Camraderie! Betrayals! Gossip sessions! Raw potatoes! Dream grilling Sam about his reasons! Even board games! Four Square really has it all.
(a lot more. under the cut.)
in four square, a certain point, both prisontrios (jmah edition and canon) get to play monopoly together. in the regular version, the dreams manage to win monopoly, (j!dream does, specifically) and quite a bit happens in the aftermath of this--after getting trolled by XD a bit an having to fight for their lives a lot more, they do (with. some complications) manage to win themselves the upper hand eventually. it kinda brings four square to the more "daedalus" era, with the LN confrontation next (we never finished writing that, though: it probably would've ended quite a bit messier than the LN confrontation, with nowhere to run, but i feel like it probably would've ended with the quackitys hogtied in some corner of the prison while the dreams waited for them to get tp-ed out.)
in the bad ending, though, j!sam wins. and there's a lot about four square that does demand...a level of introspection, for better or for worse, and sam has been on quite the roller coaster of emotions (here, you have him: but only for a day.) dream is in the prison, but sam is really no more its warden than anyone else here--four square is first and foremost a game, and that in and of itself is a mockery. more than anything, he's finding that he wants dream and dream alone; he misses the days of just the two of them in this prison, just the two of them and dream is safe and perfectly under his control. when he wins monopoly and XD gives him a wish...well.
enter mayfair. four square had taken a lot out of them both, dream especially--he was told for a year that sam was protecting him from Worse, that sam wasn't really torture wasn't really that bad, and 24 hours with two Quackities each with a Lays family size bag of chips on their shoulder sure has him pretty damn convinced. sam and him and a new prison only this one has brick walls instead of obsidian and wood flooring instead of blackstone...a little cottage with an impenetrable barrier surrounding them. he's more trapped than he's ever been but look, here's a house and here's sam and here's the sun. here's table set with a vase of roses and a candlelit dinner for two.
in a lot of ways, what happens after is the natural progression of jmah, and then four square, and all their combined horrors. dream isn't even sure that they're on their server (they weren't for four square, after all.) he's tired. he's genuinely, wholly, so fucking tired of it all and sam isn't that bad, when it comes down to it, not as bad as he's been having nightmares about for the last few months--not as bad as he expected, should sam ever recapture him. this is his world now, this clearing and this house and this sam. it would be foolish of him to not try and make the most of it.
for a year and a half, they had been dancing around each other. for the entirety of four square, they had been grilled on the nature of their relationship with no satisfactory answers. there is so much about this house that is just so damn unambiguous, and honestly? honestly, dream just wants to know.
(one week, one week and a half into their new living arrangment, dream sinks to his knees in front of sam in their living room.)
(you want this, a question or a statement? you want this, and it goes both ways.)
the walk-in closet attached to their master bedroom had a little selection of clothing when they were tp-ed in. the whole damn place was kind of a practical joke, a picture-perfect romantic getaway. there's like, sex toys in the drawers. stuff like that. the closet itself is also a mess of different things--some copies of sam's clothes from home, some tunics and hoodies for dream...but also suits, and ties, and dress pants, and dresses. croptops and lingerie. a prisoner's jumpsuit tucked in some corner.
their sexual relationship is ummm UMMMM. it's a little dubious. for flavor. in a weird way, both sam and dream are on the same page of wanting to move past the prison? sam in particular is in an awkward position because...dream escaped! he literally Left, he Got Away, and now that sam has him again he's obligated, as his warden, to Do Something About That. at the same time though, he's giddy from the fact that he does have dream again. that he has real, tangible proof that dream is better, that he does need him and knows that he needs him, that he. Wants Him. the house didn't come with a cell--there is no place that is sam's, and then a separate place that is dream's. they are meant to exist together...and sam is finding that he. quite likes the idea of that.
they're also pent up as hell after uh going well over a year without any sexual activity for them both, and they've spent so much damn time thinking about it and dreaming about it and fearing it and wanting it on both sides without being able to admit any of it. so once the line is crossed, things start snowballing pretty damn fast. it's not something either of them can take back, so they. don't. and there's really nothing that exists to put a real boundary on any of it, any brakes to make things slow down or stop, anything that either of them can cling to as an excuse to force them to pull back. sam is pushing limits (how far will dream go to obey him--) and dream is pushing limits (how much can he use this to change what they are--) and neither of them are in a position where they can afford to back down. So They Don't.
birdhouse, or the timeline where we just get Really Silly With It, is where other variables are added in the form of different Dream AUs that kind of interrupt jmah duo's mutual decision to swan dive to hell. the outfits kinda start from mayfair and progressively get more extreme if dream + sam go unchecked--they're a natural consequence of j!Dream going hey how far can i push this to make sam lose his mind because if he's too busy thinking with his dick then he's probably less likely to get mad at me and other such lines of logic. in the version of birdhouse that begins to involve ff AU, the addition of ff!Sam (eventually) to the sexual dynamic does put another added layer of strain on j!dream in terms of the whole. There's Two Of Them Now. that's also where you kinda see more of him embracing uhh sex as the end-all be-all solution to most of his problems, as a means of getting some power back with regards to Sam and making the best out of his situation and the best (and only) leverage he has and the tool that's both the most pleasurable for him to wield and the most effective in making sam treat him better. Etc.
so he's doing great.
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graphicabyss · 7 months
DOS2: A Tale of Frustration
So BG3 doesn't run on my old PC so I turned to DOS2 to fill the void and I finished it out of pure spite. I'm sorry to all the fans but... omg why is it so frustrating? So I'm putting some of the things that were driving me crazy to get it off my chest.
the skill icons on the panel keep disappearing when I try to click them like 30% of the time
the 98 damage types and every enemy has a resistance to each of these
the undead heal from poison damage for some fucking reason
the fucking clouds. poison clouds can be extinguished by fire? makes total sense. Electric clouds? You're fucked unless you know a specific spell.
in half the fights everything ends up on fire, often cursed or necrofire. good luck!
Don't you just love the fights where you start of fighting 3 enemies and end up fighting 12? Not my idea of subverting the expectations.
crafting makes no sense, there are 6834673 items to be crafted and half of them are only useful in early game
how are you supposed to learn the recipes? you get some from dozens of crafting books but it's still only like 30%. How am I supposed to know hammer to a potato makes fries?
I was googleing up quests, crafting, combat and everything else every 5 minutes because I'm tired of going into shit blind but honestly it wasn't enough.
you are free to go anywhere except the areas all have specific levels so you struggle through enemies that are 2 levels higher and then find areas that are 3 levels lower you missed
And what's up with Arx? You expect a chill city phase and end up slaughtered wherever you go. And good luck finding those source points!
Half the quests only work if you have a specific character, specific race or trait and you don't know which. Better prepare for a fight.
Persuasion checks make no sense and you only know the requirements once you fail. Have a fun fight!
Finishing a really tough fight, being really proud of yourself... Looting the dead enemies only to fight... Sir Lora. That little bitch has a deathwish and shall run through necrofire and deathfog like its full of nuts. I redid almost every late-game battle more than once. Goddammit.
I appreciate the immersion but could the NPCs stop pacing for 5 seconds? I need to talk to them! I was running after Hannag for 5 solid minutes and only managed to speak to her after I froze the water making her fall.
The inventory drove me crazy... It's not just gear and potions. You have a pyromancer and the enemies are immune to fire? You better get those scrolls. 97 ingredients half of which you're never gonna use. And I just love putting all my keys into my bag of keys manually.
The armour, man. The armour has physical/magic protection stats, skill points, ability points and sometimes spells. So you wanna swap those gloves? LOL now you can't use 3 spells and are also overburdened.
Faithful Item Set. Just that alone. The set has like 9 items and they're all dispersed all over the map, with the most important parts found on random NPCs! Like, there's no quest relating to it, there are no clues. Just... look in every crate and trade with every single character, bro. Good luck! I got all the items using a very detailed guide... except not. Turns out I got the boots first and sold them off at some point. Woo!
Right-clicking doesn't work half the time. Wanna identify shit or disarm a trap? Nope. Wanna look up that boss that you're about to fight? Don't be a pussy, just hit them and see if it works.
I am using a reasonable number of giftbag perks. I'd probably quit without them by now.
Spent about 260 hours on this game and about 100 of it was just inventory sorting.
The final battle... where do I even start? You get all the spells, all the scrolls, all the potions... only to get one-shot by the fucking Kraken. I expected something epic and received an utter clusterfuck. I only managed to win after about 6 tries and only by drinking invisibility potions, waiting for everyone to murder each other and then finishing Rex.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk. Sorry for your time.
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lindyloosims · 2 months
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I can't believe it, we're finally having a baby, and it's been a long time coming! I'm so excited!
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KIMBER: So Zac you've got lead in your pencil after all, who'd have thunk it! *chuckle*
My sister-in-law everybody! She's driving me fucking nuts! Now that Kacey and I are married, shouldn't she be, y'know, making herself scarce? Or am I being an a-hole?
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So Kimber's having a baby boy, still none the wiser as to who this baby boy's father is, but that's none of my business...right?
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So far so good with our little bean, Kacey and baby are doing well! Still I seethe in the background waiting for her sister to move out. Kace says we can't ask her to leave while she's heavily pregnant but...that's not my problem. Yes I hear it now, I am being an a-hole! So sue me, I'm a newly wed expectant father who has to live with his sister-in-law who doesn't know who the father of her baby is, I mean...cut me some slack! Kimber and I have never been alone in this house, like ever! I'm entitled to feel a little peeved!
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So I got a shock today! Our obstetrician is none other than Junko Greenburg, now Price and mother of three kids! Yep she remarried and had another baby with her new husband. I don't know if she recognised me, but Mrs Kacey Dowling heading in with a red headed husband might have given the game away!
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She was friendly enough though, we're having a girl! We wanted to know because we've waited so long for this, we need to plan ahead!
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How is it possible to fall so in love with a little girl that's not even been born yet? Because I just did, I'm completely obsessed with my daughter and we're only in the first trimester!
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Being this happy and excited has its drawbacks, I've now developed a fear of failure. Failure in my new job as a nectar maker (which I got in at level 6 btw), failure in being a father to my little girl and failure in being Kacey's husband! Where did this come from? How do I make it go away???
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owengrose · 5 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by my friend @sunriseverse (hi friend!!!!!)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
johnlock. listen. i'm aware. i am aware. Thankfully I've grown as a person and now I don't care about anything or anyone associated with that mess of a show.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
uhhhhhh aang/katara maybe? I really wasn't interested in romance that much until like middle school, but I do remember thinking katara and aang should get together as a kid.
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
probably destiel. Actually wait no, guaranteed destiel.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
i was in middle school when Twilight came out, so I can almost guarantee you somebody drew Bella and Edward fanart and showed me. I don't actually know this for sure though, this is just a guess. The first fanart I actually remember seeing was Percy/Annabeth.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
lmao no. it's just not worth it literally ever
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
mmm not really. i have ships where I just don't see it, but I don't usually feel all that strongly about it.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Sam/Jack from Stargate! This is entirely @kbunny10 's fault, she got me into Stargate and now I have Feelings.
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I mean, always. The biggest ones are probably Morgwen, Sam/Jack, destiel (i thought i was free but then nov 5 happened so......). But I'm not super actively a shipper these days
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
no bc everyone i've ever wanted to get together did so in my heart. Sam and Jack should've gotten together on screen, but In My Heart they did get together so it's chill.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
not that i can think of! my romantic tastes tend to be relatively consistent honestly. maybe the gay ones before i became not homophobic (and then not straight! yayyyyyy!!!!! :D )
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
again, none that i can think of! I'm kind of a normie tbh
What is your favorite crack ship?
so this isn't actually a crack ship but like. Captain Hook and the daughter of Snow White/Prince Charming on OUAT got together. That was a real thing. They really said "you know who we should pair with our main character, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming? Famous villain Captain Hook. Yeah we're gonna make him young and sexy so it's fine." That was a real thing!! It aired on television and I was REALLY invested!! Man OUAT was such a wild ride lmao
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
i thought it was destiel but i checked by ao3 bookmarks and apparently newmann are still unbeat!! shoutout to the year where i was obsessed with those gay little scientists, i went absolutely NUTS for them. My newmann fics that I bookmarked are more than the #2 and #3 ships COMBINED.
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
there's usually an earnestness or a sincerity that either one or both of them has. where one person is just like very open about how much they like/admire the other, or where they engage with people so trustingly, or something along those lines. sometimes its sincere4snarky, sometimes its sincere4sincere, and sometimes its "i'm only earnest around you"
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
lack of communication. it drives me INSANE. unless they're miscommunicating about their feelings for each other, then it's great. but otherwise i hate it bc like, this is your partner!! talk to them!! what the fuck!!
Tagging: @kbunny10, @inesathammar, @cawfeeann, @lacigarra, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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branmuffins22 · 10 months
Moots said they wanna hear about WIPs and I feel like I gotta get this brainrot out anyways so HERE I GO
I've only got three projects I'm actively working on right now, all of which are Owl House fanfics, although I've got ideas here and there for other things (video games I might've made if I weren't so burnt out, ttrpg characters that might need their own goddamn settings and stories to themselves, a Code Lyoko fanfic, music (mostly loads of disconnected song lyrics), 3D avatars, etc).
The Owl House fanfics in question are three(-ish?) fold:
Theseus Who?, a mostly-canon-compliant 5+1 post-titanification headcanon compilation that DOESN'T just let Luz keep her titan form (mostly it's just a bunch of changes along the lines of when Hunter's eyes changed color after Flapjack saved him). - It's actually sort of a tie-in to another, bigger fic I'm writing that's gonna be point 2, so you can assume anything mentioned in this one will happen throughout the timeline of the next one as well. - I've currently already got the 5 written, so now I just need to buckle down and finish the +1, unless I decide to do another sweep of edits (I think the excessive parentheticals might be too excessive). - - I only started it like a week ago, and I've been waiting for motivation to strike again to let me finish it for like half that time.
Masha and the Very Normal Nocedas, a mostly-canon-compliant sorta-multimedia veesha longfic based on the dramatic irony of Masha slowly driving themself nuts trying to piece together what the Deal is with Luz, Vee, and the rest of the Nocedas. - by "sorta-multimedia" i mean its got plaintext segments describing the story, journal segments of Masha recounting events as they remember them and trying to organize their thoughts, chat segments when the characters interact over text, and possibly more if I feel the Need. - I've only outlined the three prologue chapters and the following intermission, only have snippets and vague ideas for scenes for the main bulk of the fic itself, and have only actually written two of the prologue chapters and the intermission. - - won't start posting it until I at least get the third prologue chapter done, so I've got a usable buffer. Hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later.
The Overthinker AU (or "The Artificer AU"? name is also very much a work in progress), a canon rewrite that I think I'll actually split into a bunch of shorter "episodes", so I can appropriately tag each one, rather than tagging one monolithic fic with Everything Under The Sun. The basic premise is "what if The Owl House, but there's more time", both in the meta sense of "not bound by the 20-minute TV episode format" and the diegetic sense of "the broad-strokes plot of the show will happen over a longer in-universe period of time" (though I'm a bit stuck on just how much more time I want to give em). - for the most part, I wanted to put more emphasis on Luz's magical development, and extrapolate a somewhat wider magic system out of what we see in the show, but I also want to go into more detail on how her actions affect those around her, even outside of all the friends she makes (stuff along the lines of the little things the crowd mentioned while protesting Eda's petrification at the end of season 1). - I'm almost (reluctantly) thinking of pulling a Grapes of Wrath with it, structure-wise, by having main plot/character development chapters alternate with shorter intermissions focused on magical exploration, worldbuilding, and so on. - this project is currently just the scribblings of a madwoman in my private discord server and three wildly unfinished fics in my google docs folder - - one of these fics is Something Like a Bible, which is essentially a condensed version of the entire broader project, boiled down to bare plot and occasional commentary. Like a series outline and a plot synopsis rolled into one, though perhaps not quite the series bible it claims to be. - - - honestly I REALLY aughtta work on this one some more, just so I can get most of the Big Ideas out of my head and share them with people. - - the other two fics are currently untitled snippets of scenes from the project, one a sentimental/instructional note from Eda to Luz, and the other sort of a ragefic twist on the ending of Thanks to Them. - this project is gonna include tons of ideas from and allusions to other fics which inspired it/me, such as The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled by IdeaHunter, All that's at Stake by The_Lampman, and Decorative by TheTokenAro, to name a few. - I could make a whole post about this project on its own (and in fact, I have before), talking about all the little changes I'd make, the developments I'd include, the more sweeping changes, the additional themes I'd toss in, and so on, but there are some I REALLY don't think fit well into the "rambling tumblr post" format (and/or just don't want to spoil yet), so I shall Abstain (for now :P).
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cwazytvthings · 10 months
The way I want to focus on my Zelda AU so badly is driving me nuts. Totk really just threw me off...
Ik I'm in the minority of folks who didn't enjoy Totk but I really mean it when I say it ruined my interest in the current state of the series. I never even got around to beating the game (I know what happens I just didn't feel like putting my time into a game I wasn't fully invested in.) It's just something about Totk was so painfully empty, story wise, that the gameplay couldn't keep me immersed.
I'm a lore person, a story enjoyer, and Totk's story was so painfully messy(imo.) People are like "oh Nintendo wants to get rid of the time line." But then said company continues to make references to items/characters/events from previous titles that made it feel like a hot mess.
I'm sharing this here because I keep seeing accounts on Twitter going "GOTY!!" and "TotK was so much better than BoTW!" And I'm just over here like...it really wasn't all that. Especially for a game where the graphics barely improved from the first title(understandably so) I seriously don't think it deserves Goty in any aspect. It's lackluster. It divulges from its predecessor in an peculiar way. The story is empty. Characters introduced have no "character."
I will always love the series, it has been in my life since I was like seven, and I can't wait for the next title BUT, I standby my opinion. Even as a person who plays monster hunter and pokemon, a person used to empty stories and painful gameplay, TotK could've been better. 🧍🏾
I might one day get back to my AU but I'm so burnt out from Zelda stuff...again; I just have no motivation to do so. I've taken up much more interest in developing my own story/characters, and I'm currently more preoccupied with other games (*cough cough* Disco Elysium and MHR)
So yeah that's it. I think I'm done now. One day I'll get back to it but just not rn. I'll still try to finish my prequel fic thing but that's gonna be awhile from now too.
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meadowmines · 8 months
OC-Tober Day 2: Impossible
Some Kuroshi/Kei-chan fluff with possible b0ngl0rd69? Tomita sure is an insufferable enough nerd but I haven't decided yet.
"Oh, shit. Sorry, Yu-chan. I didn't see--shit, wait, I've been sittin' here watchin' this idiot for HOW LONG--"
It is very much on brand for Kei-chan to get caught up in a particularly interesting task and work well beyond closing time, but it isn't like him to do so without calling in. Hence, this.
"Is there a problem?"
"Not an 'emergency' kinda problem, just..." Kei-chan's voice drops to a whisper. "I got a situation. Can ya come in so I can throw ya under the bus about it?"
Not a dangerous situation, by the sound of it. If Kuroshi had to guess, he'd wager that one of Kei-chan's... less socially apt regulars has gotten caught up in playing with the merchandise and all of the usual methods of persuasion, short of physically removing him from the premises, have failed.
"You'll owe me dinner," Kuroshi warns.
"Worth it. See ya."
Wonderland Games sits just off Sotenbori Street, its colorful neon sign turned off for the night but its storefront windows still far too bright for this hour. The door and windows are covered in posters exclaiming buy! sell! trade! and advertising the latest and greatest new consoles and games. There is a single decal just above the door handle marking the business as a member of the Sotenbori Civic Association. Which is why the police don't interfere with the business being conducted in the back room.
It's not what you think, whatever that might be. Yes, Kei-chan's business does contribute to the Kijin Clan's piggy bank, but it's nothing unsavory. Kuroshi doesn't understand much of the nuts and bolts, but he does understand that the manufacturers of these consoles would probably object to some of the aftermarket modifications being performed on them here... to say nothing of the less-than-ethically sourced games they're being stuffed with.
Kuroshi has a key, of course--he owns the building, after all. So he lets himself in the front door to see what in the world is keeping his better half this late.
That turns out to be a young man sitting cross-legged on the floor, controller in hand, playing a particularly bloody fighting game. There is a magazine open on the floor next to him--an American game magazine, by the look of it.
"Hey, Yu-chan." The relief in Kei-chan's voice is as thick as a heavy wool blanket. "Yo, Tomita. Look. I gotta lock up now. See, my guy's here, we got dinner reservations n' shit. Scram." A little white lie, of course. They never eat anywhere that requires reservations. But he did give Kei-chan permission to throw him under the bus.
"Wait! Just--ten more minutes! I know I'm onto somethin' here! See, it's gotta have somethin' to do with that 'BYC' floatin' across the moon--"
"The shadow thing's for unlockin' Reptile, ya dingus!"
"Exactly! And maybe different shadows mean there's more characters to unlock than Reptile!"
"Look, sittin' here watchin' ya chase a hoax was kinda fun for a while but the store's been closed for an hour."
"It ain't a hoax, Sugihara-han!" Tomita protests. "Look at those screenshots! That look like a fuckin' hoax to you?"
"What on Earth is going on here?" Kuroshi asks, knowing full well he won't understand half of the answer.
"Eh." Kei-chan flaps a dismissive hand. "Tomita here came chargin' in with this American game mag, plunked his ass down in front of the Mega Drive, says they just found a secret character in Mortal Kombat." He projects the rest of this directly at Tomita: "Which is a big ol' pile of bullshit. 'Nimbus Terrafaux?' C'mon. Tell me that don't sound fake as shit."
"But the screenshots--you can't fake those! That's impossible! You said so yourself!"
"I said it was hard as hell, not impossible!" Kei-chan rubs his forehead. "I'd buy it if it was an actual fuckin' photo of someone's TV where they found him but these are professional-ass screenshots. Whoever took these had professional-ass capture gear, and that shit ain't cheap! Now who do ya know that'd just have that kinda kit lyin' around to take whatever screenshots they wanna take and then maybe doctor 'em up with some fake characters for funsies? Ya think maybe, I dunno--" And here, Kei-chan snatches the magazine up off the floor. "An outfit like, say, Electronic Games Monthly?"
Tomita pauses the game and gives Kei-chan the most incredulous stare. "Are you sayin'," he starts, slowly, "that a respectable publication would just... make shit up?"
"That," Kei-chan counters, "is exactly what I'm sayin'."
"But they can't do that! C'mon, Sugihara! Gimme ten more minutes!"
"I gave ya ten more minutes ten minutes ago. Out."
"Have a heart, man! I'm this close to crackin' this shit--"
Kuroshi swears he hears something snap in Kei-chan's head.
"Oh," Kei-chan says, "I'll crack this shit for ya." And in one swift motion he reaches down and plucks the cartridge from the console mid-match.
"Hey!" Tomita wails. "I was--"
"C'mere, dipshit. Look." Kei-chan plugs the cartridge into... some kind of device attached to a PC and does some... things. "I'm dumpin' the ROM for ya right now."
"Ya didn't have to pull my cart out, man!"
"Oh, but I did, 'cause I coulda showed ya on another one and you'd talk some shit about different versions or whatnot. Okay. Let's pick this shit apart and I'll show ya. Here. Here's all the character sprites n' shit. There's Johnny Cage. There's Sub-Zero. There's Scorpion. There's Reptile. There's everybody's sprites except Nimbus Fuckin' Terrafaux. He doesn't fuckin' exist, man. Give it up."
Tomita stares at the screen, slack-jawed. "...I mean," he stammers, "he's a secret character and it took this long for anyone to unlock him. What if they hid his sprites in another directory--"
"What if I hid my dick in yer mom?"
Kuroshi turns away quickly. Even in this setting it just wouldn't do for a civilian to see him lose his composure.
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afr0-thunder · 9 months
[Poor Chronicles Pt. 7]
Similar to yesterday, but some additions. An idiot who looks like a fat ass gerbil would say, “These segments all sound the same…”. You mean a routine, you dumb fat fuck. It’s the poor chronicles, not Wolf of Wall Street remake. I CAN do other things, but I’m done with bars, events, festivals, etc… for the most part. I obviously attended a football game recently…but for my community. I don’t hate time outside of the house, I actually receive great interactions. At bars and because I live in a large, crowded city with many daily visitors. Not the point, I love that personally, but don’t invite it. Also, bar culture is weird and rapey. Not performing for rapists for $20, so they get a perspective on how not to get rejected or not be creepy. Where are your fathers? Not like mine taught me, regardless of his skill. Not spiteful on my account, just don’t believe in copying
Back to this routine. I am poor, not broke like you. Poor = Comfortability lack. Broke = Reckless spending resulting in short funds. What am I required (keyword) to do besides earn an income, eat, sleep, hygiene… I get all the interaction I need at work and on my walking adventures. I don’t like traveling, near or far (anymore). I do not like anything not in Chicago. Do I miss places I’ve visited? Yes. But I love home…MORE! A routine of necessities should not require you to do unnecessary things like leaving the house to waste money. I know where I’ll find my favorite people. Not sure when, but not losing my mind over it. If I don’t? Even though I know I will, I’m prepared to be alone forever and just be wealthy and never seek a partner. Won’t accept less. I know I will find my partners beforehand. Will wait as long as it takes. Takes too long? Even though I know it wont, prepared to reduce partner numbers because my enemies think tracking my life and social media is “funny”, hoping that my life goes as I don’t want it to. Every necessary piece of information leaves out something important if you are without it. In other words, you will be the only person “missing out”. Like I said, prepared to be wealthy and alone to watch others who wanted this outcome, be broke.
Today was nice. Had a dying urge to scream aloud at work, “BAH! BAH! BAH! BAH! BAH! Nut in my coochie!”. I’ve been supporting Sexyy Red and Latto since about 2020 and am thrilled to see them on the “Peaches and Eggplants” Remix. AND ITS GOOD! Sometimes remixes don’t do so well and I’m glad this one is viral. Glad Latto is international and Sexyy Red has went mainstream in the past year. Hits for both! I walked to DuSable Lake Shore Drive again on break, but this time I passed the Water Tower. The architecture is great on Michigan Avenue. I talked to one of my new coworkers. I found out he was just released from jail. I didn’t know we hired felons, but I couldn’t tell. He seems alright, but most people only like me for a short period of time. It is what it is. The architecture gives me great ideas, but I hate to take inspiration from others so I’ll probably just come up with something on my own. Also, left with 8 packs of ramen noodles. I might have some for Friday. I stopped getting other flavors to make this lifestyle hard to maintain for enemies. Eating 2 packs as I type. (Update: Will not make it past tomorrow)
If my posts “all sound the same”. Consider they are GENUINE INTERESTS. Maybe CONSISTENT…or you’re just an idiot and can’t see the difference through a recurring THEME (look that up).
In short, I don’t need much money to provide for myself, so you won’t catch me seeking too much of it right now. You can spend your money on experiences. I live in the greatest, a very large and largely populated city, I am not yearning for these things. I have much to experience and it wont include going outside of my routine unless (and even then) it pertains to making a greater income. I don’t discuss with others for no charge. I don’t charge, but I speak millions. If it doesn’t increase my pay, I have nothing to say. Quote THAT!
- MH (2023)
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Dangerous Attraction
Response to this prompt by @nuttynutcycle
CW: Blood, stabbing, mentions of death, murder, and manipulation
"I feel stolkholm syndromed!" The villain pressed their face against the bars. "There's only one cure. Let me out so I can take you to dinner. I totally won't escape."
The prison guard sighed.
He'd received training for this. A whole seminar on resisting the wiles of villains. The inland capes had put it together a little while ago because apparently these days criminals seduced opponents like children ate sweets. And it never ended well.
Only today, a new headline had been playing on the tv in the breakroom. The hero who ran off with that bank villain a few weeks ago had turned up stabbed to death and dumped in the harbor. Before them, it was that officer poisoned in plain sight at a steakhouse. Security cams showed their date--a well-known member of a super crime syndicate--getting up and walking right out during the chaos. People never learned. They all wanted what they couldn't have, all the more attractive because it was forbidden.
Guard had ignored Villain's flirtations for three full months now: a record for this particular criminal. Though they could thank the seminar guidelines for that. Stare straight ahead. Don't talk back. Treat all sounds, speaking and screaming alike, as if they were the wind. Picture their crime as if it were done to you.
Guard had a little trouble with that last part since he had no idea what Villain had done, but seeing as they were on The Island--the top security prison in the city--it must have been pretty bad.
"Oh, come on," Villain said, throwing themselves forward to dangle their arms outside the bars. "Pay attention to me. I did my hair all pretty this morning and everything."
Guard flicked their gaze to the tangled mess of matted blue tucked behind their ears, roots of blonde already grown out an inch, and nearly laughed.
So this was Villain's game. Guard had been taking it in for hours and days and weeks, waiting for the trick, but it was so simple. What exactly was the appeal? What made so many people go nuts for villains? Especially this criminal who was hamster-off-its-wheel crazy and hardly more attractive.
Ridiculously enough, Guard was beginning to feel like he was missing out on something. He had been so good. Excruciatingly good. He had received two bonuses in the last year and hadn't been inland once. There was nothing for him there of course, but still this routine might just drive him crazy. He just wanted to know a little more. Maybe it would be ok if he just threw the villain a little bone.
"I hear you've been guard-cheating with Evans." It came out before his better judgment could stop it.
The villain gaped, and Guard got a strange note of satisfaction from throwing the criminal off guard, but a beat later they whipped out some very convincing, albeit dramatized, blustering. "Pfffft, me? How could that be when the only one for me is right here. With such a beautiful voice by the way."
"And guards 1-15 were...?"
"Distractions." They conjured up the most Hollywood tears Guard had ever seen. "I'm so lonely."
Most criminals on The Island built some reputation for themselves while they were here. It wasn't always pretty but at least it gave them, the guards out here in isolation, a bit of entertainment nicknaming them. Villain was 'paramour.' They'd earned it because they'd been nearly freed by no fewer than 17 people. 15 guards, 1 medic, and a rando maintenance guy who'd only been in the room for two hours to fix a loose lock. All had the same explanation. Love.
Guard squinted at Paramour's large cow eyes, long-lashed and slightly sunken into their hollow face. Did they have some sort of hypnosis? Was that how they did it? Did you have to talk to them for it to work?
"How's 7?" Guard heard himself say, and once it was out he decided against immediately taking it back.
"What?" Paramour curled their skeletal fingers around iron and stared at Guard sideways. That feeling of being ahead again was delicious.
"Se-ven," Guard said slower. "Dinner? Fish filets, chardonnay, you can't say no to that."
A gradual smile snuck up Paramour’s face, and they gave a helpless shrug. “I suppose I can’t.
"Good,” Guard pulled the strap of his automatic tighter and glanced at his watch. Two o’ clock. His shift change was here, but he’d be back on duty in a few hours. Maybe he’d be back to his senses by that point, but for now…
“Be sure to wash your face,” he tossed over his shoulder. “You wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself.”
When he unsealed the cell door, Evans already waited on the other side. They exchanged a nod and then Guard was off to the barracks for a nap. The seminar said you should report yourself if you felt any sympathetic urges, but that wasn’t what this was. Guard had no intentions of freeing Paramour. It was just a little investigative effort and maybe a bit of fun. After tonight, he’d go back to normal.
Guard had trouble sleeping. In the end, he probably only got one hour out of the five, but he still showed up at 7 o’clock sharp.
“So, I lied,” he said, balancing a tray of food in his hand as he fumbled for his keycard, tapping it against the lock panel to seal the door behind him. “Cafeteria is serving riblets tonight. And I think this is apple juice. That or a very cloudy—“
Guard stopped to blink at Paramour’s sheepish face pressed on tiptoe against the barred door. It was clean. Not a hint of dirt anywhere above the chin. Redness around their ears and corners of their nose spoke of some especially hard scrubbing. Not only that, but they’d done their best to finger through the tangles in their hair, leaving it slightly slicked and longer than Guard had realized.
"Ah," they said. "By dinner, you meant...dinner."
"Hey, you’re the one who assumed." Guard set the tray on the ground and unshouldered his automatic, leaning the massive gun against the far wall. "I never said I was taking you anywhere."
He undid his belt and thigh holster next, joining knives, keys, and pistol to his work gun.
"What are you doing?"
"Well, if we're going to eat together," Guard said, slipping off his shoes and pulling a small Exacto knife out of his sock, "I'd rather not be dead by the end."
This was by far the dumbest thing Guard had ever done, but the way Paramour looked at him, shocked, curious, and impressed all at once, made it worth it. Was that the key? Did Paramour just have such a presence that people got drunk off wanting to impress them?
Guard had nothing but the barred cell's key now, done up on a cord around his neck. He was positive he could keep track of that one thing while in there. He scooped up the tray again, shivering a little at the cold concrete beneath his bare feet, and turned the cell's heavy lock. He braced themselves to punch Paramour if they made a run at him, but the villain backed up into the corner until the cell was secured once again.
"What about the camera?" they asked, pointing to the swiveling piece of metal on the other side of the bars.
"Fake. Only the ones outside of the cells work."
"Are you sure you were supposed to tell me that?" Paramour smiled.
Guard shrugged. "Not really a secret. Most prisoners test them in the first couple days. I'm assuming you just never thought of it?"
He plopped crisscross on the floor and pushed the tray out a couple feet in front of him. Villain approached very slowly, eyeing him closely as they sat across from him and drawing their thin knees up to their chest.
"I've always been better with people," they said.
"Is it a power?" Guard asked, stabbing the plastic fork into one of the riblets and offering it to Paramour. "You hypnotize people? Make them do things?
Paramour accepted the food gingerly. "I don't make anyone do anything. They want to. I guess they just like me." They tore the meat off the riblet with a savageness nothing like their current calm voice. Barbecue sauce stained their lips a deep russet, but on their grinning teeth, it showed more true red. "I didn't make you do this."
"I don't like you," Guard said immediately. He separated a napkin from its stack and tossed it in Paramour's lap.
The villain ignored the napkin and picked up the next riblet in their hands, this time gnawing at it all over like an animal until the bone was clean. It clattered back onto the plastic tray a pink-stained white. The next riblet they touched they held out in Guard's direction.
Guard shook his head. A no to both the question and the offer.
Paramour cocked their head. "I thought this was a date."
They leaned forward on the balls of their feet, waving the piece of meat under Guard's nose, until it was pressed against his lips. The other hand had somehow ended up on his cheek.
"Ok, ok," Guard said, taking the bone in his teeth and pulling out of their sticky fingers. He shouldn't have let them get that close. As he leaned back on his hand, he distanced himself another half-foot from the criminal. "Do you have any powers?"
"Shouldn't you have that in a little file somewhere?"
"That's for the warden. Guards are only extra eyes and muscles."
"So that's why you're doing this." It wasn't phrased like a question. "You're a curious little kitty cat. Well, maybe 'little' isn't the right word."
Guard didn't return their playfulness. The blankness behind the villain's eyes was beginning to feel less like nothing and a lot more like they could see straight through him.
It was just a guess, Guard reminded himself. A throw in the dark to unsettle me. They don't actually know anything.
"Can I ask you something?" Paramour asked suddenly.
Guard tensed and the criminal shrugged as if it didn't really matter to them whether he said yes or no.
"It's only fair, isn't it?"
Guard slowly let out the tightness in their bunched shoulders.
"Alright," he said tentatively. "Just one question. But if it has anything to do with prison security, I'm not answering."
"Of course." They shuffled a little closer. "Why don't you have anywhere else to go?"
It hit Guard like a bolt of lightning. He gasped, falling forward on his hands a little while his mind and heart searching frantically for something stable. He didn't talk about that. No one knew about that.
"The other guards take days off," Paramour expanded, "but you're always here. You don't speak, you stick to the rules, you must have been through that awful seminar over a dozen times. The Island is your home as much as it is the prisoners'."
"You don't know anything about me," Guard spat.
"I know you survived a traumatic encounter with a villain as a child, but the rest of your family did not. I know you kept to yourself growing up and never aspired too high. Maybe out of guilt, maybe out of fear of standing out and becoming a target again. In any case, it influenced your decision in becoming a guard for The Island because even though you find villains grotesque, they also fascinate you. In fact, morbidly enough, nothing fascinates you more than your own family's murderer, a villain whose identity you still don't know, but believe may just be bad enough to one day end up here. Meanwhile, you have a lot of unanswered questions, which is why you're in the habit of making little plays at detective like this one."
Guard felt on the point of hyperventilation. "Who told you this?"
"No one told me." Paramour slid the tray to the side and breached the space between them, wrapping Guard soothingly in their arms. "I just see you."
Guard was probably twice Paramour's muscle weight, but in this moment he felt completely engulfed by the villain. Their hand on his back, their shushing, it made up his whole world. He wanted to laugh and cry at the same time, something to release this swell of emotion in his chest. He'd waited his entire life to be seen, to be understood, but it just wasn't supposed to go like this. Should he be happy or upset? Words he never could have expressed himself were out in the open, but it had been a villain who said them.
Villain slid their hands down Guard's arms and took a step back. He couldn't stop looking into their face; he felt a little unsteady without them.
Guard didn't see the knife until it had been pulled back out of their stomach.
He trailed off, blinking once, very hard to try and make sense of the blood pooling out over his open hands. At first, there was no pain, only dizziness and red, but then it came with searing vengeance.
"Hah!" he cried, half agony, half confusion, clamping both hands to the wound.
"Shhh," Villain took him in their arms as he swayed into them, and gently eased him to the ground, echoing his helpless tilting to lay down on the cold concrete beside him. Their dark eyes, only inches away, flooded Guard's vision. He coughed; something warm and sticky dripped over his lips.
"I know. I know," Paramour said. They laid the knife flat in the space between them and began brushing pieces of hair out of Guard's face with bloody fingers. "You did all the rights things. You just didn't know. If I hadn't already been armed you'd be fine." Their bottom lip stuck out in a little pout. "People are such rulebreakers aren't they? If only everyone was more like you."
"P...lease," Guard choked, tears springing to their eyes.
"Don't worry," the villain said above them. Things were getting woozy so Guard wasn't sure when they'd stood up or lifted the cell key over his head. "I'm pretty sure I aimed right. As long as you don't bleed out, you'll be fine."
Guard gasped for a breath. A cold sweat was gathering on every inch of his skin and his mind felt miles away. Darkness encroached the edges of his vision, only allowing him confusing glimpses of sharp shoulder blades and knobby shoulders before blanketing him completely.
When Guard next awoke, he was staring up at the fluorescent ceiling lights of the prison's medical room. He blinked groggily for several seconds before lowering his eyes to the IV stuck in the crook of his arm.
“Guard?” a familiar voice said.
He shifted toward the sound and winced sharply, not exactly from pain, but from a suffocating tightness around his middle. He brushed his fingers over the thick bandages now surrounding his wound.
“Guard, can you hear me?”
This time Guard managed to turn his head all the way to the left and take in the form of Evans seated in a chair beside his bed.
"Somone gave them a knife,” he said, leaving out what his coworker must already know. That he’d unarmed himself and entered the cell with the criminal. His brain was a little foggy but he managed to say the next most coherent thing on his mind. “How’d you find me?”
Evans rubbed his forehead tiredly. “The psycho stripped you down and took your uniform. Must have also nabbed your phone. They were already halfway across the river on one of the skiffs when they called the front gate telling them where to find you. They left you their jumpsuit to staunch the bleeding but… You are so lucky.”
“Am I fired?”
“No,” Evans snorted. “Sadly, things like this are too commonplace to get worked up over every incident. The warden knows you’re a good guard. But they want you inland for a couple months. Until you’re recovered and… Just until you’re recovered.”
Guard sank back in relief. It didn’t feel good knowing everyone thought them the latest idiot, but at least they were still employed. They turned their cheek sideways on their pillow to rest, but something on their arm caught their eyes.
“What’s this?” Guard lifted the arm where something rust colored was smeared down his arm. It was messy and cracking, but it almost looked liked…letters.
“Yes, that is you’re blood,” Evans said with exaggerated cheeriness then flatly, “Looks like the freak left you their email address.”
Guard’s heart leapt despite himself, and he let out a half-strangled cry that came out way more excited than it had any business being.
Evans narrowed his eyes. “Wait, you’re not actually going to use it are you? You’re not going to write to the person who just stabbed you.”
“Of course, I am,” Guard said. “They’re a criminal who needs to be tracked down. This is our best chance of putting them back where they belong.”
He steeled his eyes and set his jaw, and he said it so firmly that after a few moments Evans nodded. He believed him. And even if something deep down said something was wrong, Guard believed him too.
Authors note: this was going to be a silly little piece about a guard who uno reverses the criminal by “taking them to dinner” in their cell and makes them all flustered. And somehow…it becomes this instead..so now it maybe just a tad doesn’t make sense and my loveable villain turned creepy😅😂
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