#Zaccy Dowling
lindyloosims · 29 days
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Well it's heir poll time again! Who will be chosen to lead the third generation? Please vote for your favourite now! 😉
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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MIDWIFE: And here's your little boy! Congratulations!
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HEIDI: Hello little man, what are we going to call you then, hmm? You and your sister need names!
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My grandchildren are finally here, and it was a dramatic labour indeed! Both mother and babies are doing fine! We finally have names for these little darlings...
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...Melody and Ethan Dowling, I don't know what is going on with their father, but I'm sure I can get something from Heidi during our cruise.
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We're all ready for this long much needed break, Heidi has placed the twins in the care of the midwife and her Aunt Serenity, and we're off! I'm actually looking forward to it!
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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Heidi and Carmelo are still a thing, I really hope this isn't my future son-in-law!
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She does seem pretty taken with Master Landgraab, if he hasn't got access to the family fortune then I'd get outta this thing if I were her, but I'm not her, so there's that!
HEIDI: Carmy, stop! It tickles!
CARMELO: Okay, if that's what you want?
HEIDI: No don't stop!
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After much contemplation, I feel that today is the day! I'll have my relaxing bath and then I'm gonna make that call!
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I'm retiring! Finally!
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Apparently many seniors take on consulting work, I don't think I'm into that, I wanna enjoy my hard earned peace and quiet but I may get bored and decide to do it, who knows! In the meantime, I'm off to celebrate my retirement with a party, all my friends and family are invited...
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...here's hoping my first born can come up for air and join me in this celebration. Damn that Landgraab boy!
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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OLLY: Uncle Dawsy? *wails* NOT AGAIN!!!
My big brother passed away in the room we used to share as students. He came home! Olly found him, in the same spot as his mother.
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CLAIRE: *gasp* Uncle Dawsy??? Noooooooo!!!
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The coroner is on his way, I don't know how to tell Lilith! Dawson was a pain in my ass most of the time, but he was my big brother, and I am utterly heartbroken right now!
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OLLY: Why do I always find the dead bodies? Can't someone else for a change? *sigh*
KACEY: Oh, Dawson's dead. Well I guess I'll see you soon old friend!
OLLY: *gulp* M-m-m-m-mummy?
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OLLY: *screaming internally at the sight of his ghost mother*
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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So remember when I said, it's all good Heidi's on birth control? Well...
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...guess who forgot to renew her prescription? Yeah!
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In the meantime as our eldest plucks up the courage to tell us she's pregnant with a Landgraab spawn, our youngest is becoming a pre-teen after his bout of ill health. He's fully recovered btw!
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ZAC: 🎶🎶Happy Birthday to youuuuuuu! Oliver!!!🎶🎶
OLLY: Daaaaaaad! *groan*
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My handsome baby! He's just adorable! It's no surprise that he's a child of the ocean, he loves living by the beach and soaks up everything about island life every chance he gets! Olly I'm so proud of you kiddo!
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Don't ever change, you're perfect the way you are!
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lindyloosims · 2 months
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Theo is a happy little boy who learns very quickly, just like Heidi. Claire still has trouble but her therapy sessions really help.
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She loves taking selfies, the goofier the better. She's learning to ride a bike like her sister before her, although Heidi never did master it.
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We've had many tears and tantrums, Claire seems to go from confident to giving up in seconds. Who knows if she'll keep trying or not, it doesn't matter, as long as she's happy...which she isn't right now so is it worth it?
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Kacey still has the baby blues, I wonder if having this baby was a good idea after all but I don't wanna make things worse by discussing it. There is no doubt that we'll love this little guy just as much as the others, that's not the issue for me, it's Kacey's mental health that I worry about!
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You know you're middle aged when a coupon for a discounted computer in the mail gets you all giddy! I love a good bargain and soon we'll need a computer for Theo, these kids grow up way too fast if you ask me! What's with that? Who's in charge here?
(That would be me, soz 😕🫤)
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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My kids aren't talking to me, Olly has been diagnosed with allergies so we can't blame his bloodshot eyes completely on the kush, yes I remember my youngest son was stoned! Pieces are coming back to me gradually!
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Heidi is looking forward to her first ultrasound, she's very much enjoying being pregnant and there's been no sign of Carmelo Landgraab since she took that test. I wonder what's happening there? Well I'm in the bad books so no one will tell me!
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Claire is really angry with me and I don't know why, did I do or say something when I was drunk? No one will tell me and so far the only one of my children who is being civil to me is Heidi. Olly keeps saying he doesn't want another mum, he's really quite upset about it!
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What's...who's panties...oh shit! Now I remember! Lindsay Grove...or Arellano or Al Habib! Whatever! SHIT!!! Oh Kace, I'm so sorry!!!
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I've never been with anyone else, only my Kace! What have I done? How could I be so stupid? No wonder my kids are pissed off with me! I'm just a burden, they don't deserve a loser like me for a father! I'm a horrible person, I've cheated on my wife and we haven't even buried her yet!
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Theo is now a full teenager, and still not speaking to me. I've betrayed his mother, he has every right to be angry with me. I've done a terrible thing.
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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HEIDI: Are you sure Claire?
CLAIRE: I may not have done it yet like you, but I know when two people who are all sweaty and naked have had sex!
HEIDI: This is bad!
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OLLY: I feel like shit!
CLAIRE: Language Olly!!!
OLLY: So that lady was in bed with dad?
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CLAIRE: Yes Olly, he's cheated on mum!
OLLY: But is it cheating if she's...you know...in heaven?
HEIDI: No it's not cheating exactly, but it's icky!
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HEIDI: Also she's been trying to get her claws into dad since he got together with mum!
CLAIRE: Didn't they like date in high school or something?
HEIDI: Well when dad was Olly's age they were going to the prom together, but she was all flirty with someone else and broke his heart. Mum was the first and only woman he ever trusted after that!
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OLLY: Is she our new mother?
OLLY: Language Claire!
HEIDI: We need to talk to dad, I think this is just a lapse in judgement on his part, plus he had the wine goggles on too, and he doesn't really drink. I think we need to go easy on him!
CLAIRE: *huffs* You can, he's as dead to me as mum is!
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Fuck me my head is pounding! How did I get to bed? How much did I drink last night? Why are the kids arguing about me? Oh shit...
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...what did I do?
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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ZAC: I love retirement, don't you?
KACEY: *chuckles* You love all the sex!
ZAC: Is that a crime? It's all your fault for being so beautiful and for stealing my heart all those years ago!
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KACEY: Well I don't know about you, but I need way more sleep after spending our...retirement together! We're no spring chickens Zaccy! We need to slow down a little, maybe visit the senior centre more often and get out of bed?
ZAC: Boo! But you have a point, I just love you so much Kace, I hope you know that! There's only ever been you in my heart!
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KACEY: Of course I do, but Lindsay Grove was once in your heart, you like to forget that, don't you?
ZAC: Don't mention...that was a long time ago and she was never important!
KACEY: Yes she was, but okay then. Oh and by the way, I love you too. Now let's take a nap!
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This morning, we lost a family member! Sprinkles passed away and Olly is devastated!
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She had a good life, she was cared for and loved. What more can a kitty ask for really? She will be sadly missed!
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CLAIRE: What's...happened?
ZAC: I dunno, Olly? What...
OLLY: *sobbing* Sprinkles died daddy! She died!
He finally spoke a coherent sentence, it's sad that it took the death of a pet to bring it out though!
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Not long after Sprinkles passed, Snuggles followed his love to the rainbow bridge and Olly is beside himself! Trying to explain to him that death is a part of life, well it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do as a parent...so far!
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lindyloosims · 2 months
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Our daughter let out a tiny little gasp as I pulled her from her mother, it was a surreal experience delivering our baby!
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KACEY: Oh my watcher, she's really here!
ZAC: She is, and she's beautiful, just like her mother!
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ZAC: Well done mummy, you did a great job! I'm so proud of you!
KACEY: It was a team effort!
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Heidi Dowling, our first child, our daughter! I couldn't be happier! On a day that should have been the darkest of my life, this little ray of sunshine changed everything. I know that my mum would be over the moon to be a grandmother, I am sad that they'll never get to meet her, but that's the circle of life I guess.
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I will tell Heidi all about granny Tiffy, she will know that they loved her before she was even born and continues to love her from beyond the stars!
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lindyloosims · 2 months
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Kimber's baby boy arrived, his name is Tobias Ashby and it turns out Clement "Father Winter" Frost is the daddy. So that's that mystery solved! He is a cutie though...Tobias not...not Father Winter! Just so we're clear!
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She continues her dalliance with Caleb the engaged vampire, she wants another baby...so soon I hear you ask? Yep she knows what she wants and doesn't stop until she gets it!
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Tobias is now an infant, he's his mama all the way with her blonde hair, that I once thought was dyed but I know now it is not, and the Ashby violet eyes! I'm uncle Zaccy to two little boys now, and I love it!
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And brace yourselves people! Drumroll please...KIMBER IS MOVING OUT!!! I shit you not!
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She managed to buy the old pirate ship up the road for cheap as chips! She also asked Clement to move in and they're expecting another baby. Where does this leave Caleb? I don't care, she's outta my hair now! I will miss little Tobes though! Oh well!
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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Heidi managed to catch the last hour of my party, luckily she didn't bring the Landgraab brat with her!
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I had a great time catching up with everyone, I'm now officially a man of leisure! What to do now eh? I have some ideas!
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Theo's tooth finally fell out, it took a couple of days but it's happened! Now he's waiting to see what the tooth fairy brings him!
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Kacey has hung up her gown and followed my lead, we're both now retired! I can't wait to spend every minute of the day with her! My soulmate!
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Theo got 75 simoleans for his tooth and a warning to take care of his real teeth after the practice ones have gone! Take heed little guy!
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We've just come back from Kacey's retirement party and it was a blast too! Since we're all dressed in our party gear, we've decided to take another family photo. I love those! So greetings from the Dowlings! We're a happy bunch, because we're blessed in many ways! I love my family!
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lindyloosims · 29 days
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Another of my dear friends has passed away, I am once again confronted with my mortality! Goodbye Tati, I will miss you!
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I don't know what Theo has been up to but he's been limping around for the past few days. He spends way too much time in the sea and not enough time studying. I don't care if he's a genius, he needs to keep that A!
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Olly's having a hard time of it, not only has he been feeling out of sorts about Kacey coming out of her grave, he's also battling his hormones and breakouts. Heidi's midwife still visits and isn't just good for taking care of the infants, she gives good advice too! Olly confides in her a lot, which I feel relieved about, he misses his mum and having a motherly presence around helps him immensely.
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The reason for Theo's recent behaviour has been revealed! It's all down to this mysterious young slip of a girl! Her name is Lyla Day and she's very forward to say the least. He invited her over this evening and she brazenly walked around the house like she owned the place. She doesn't seem to have many social graces, I haven't heard of her family, who are her parents? This is all a little too fishy to me!
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OLLY: Hey Lyla, I keep finding dead bodies in this room!
LYLA: You mean the island spirits?
OLLY: No, I mean my mum and my uncle!
THEO: Um, L-L-Lyla, don't...listen to him he's...he's crazy!
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LYLA: It's okay Theo, I've seen dead bodies, I know how he feels and it's a weird feeling!
THEO: You did? You do? I thought I was going mad!
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OLLY: I think I love you!
THEO: Huh?
LYLA: Aww you're so sweet!
Do I have some sibling rivalry on my hands here? Because I know that Theo is smitten with this girl, please don't tell me Olly is too now?
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On a much happier note, my generation is complete! It's time to pass this legacy onto the chosen heir! Whoever they may be...
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lindyloosims · 29 days
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Dawson has left behind three children and a loving wife. I know exactly how Lilith must be feeling right now, not to mention young Davion, Ayla and Sydney. Heidi has taken her Uncle's passing quite hard, cradling her babies that little bit tighter these days.
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ZAC: So I said I'd arrange your Uncle Dawson's funeral, Auntie Lilith isn't up to it at all.
HEIDI: We'll help dad! You're never alone!
CLAIRE: Yeah, never! Oh look Ethan's smiling at me!
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HEIDI: That's because he loves you silly!
CLAIRE: *grin* Cool!
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Spending time with the grandkids is the best part of my day. Especially little Melody, who reminds me of her mother at that age.
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Since Malcolm Landgraab is long gone, I am her only grandpa, and I like it that way! I know, I'm still an asshole!
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Poor Olly hasn't gotten over seeing Kacey as a ghost, it's made him question a lot of things. That's a conversation we need to have sooner rather than later! Also finding another dead relative in that room hasn't really helped matters either!
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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Like her brother before her, Claire's appendix is giving her problems! But unlike her brother, she caught things in time before it actually burst! We're off to the hospital!
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Olly is on hand to help Heidi with the twins, bed time is a little easier with him around. They love their Uncle Olly!
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Melody takes after her mother, she has her eyes and features. Ethan on the other hand, well I think he might be a Landgraab! Poor wee bugger!
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With Claire back home and resting, Dawson comes for a visit. We get to talking and suddenly he drops a bombshell on me!
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DAWSON: I thought I ought to tell you, guess who's obituary was in the Forgotten Hollow Gazette? Lindsay Grove, except she was on her second husband and went by Al Habib! I know she was your first crush Zaccy so...I'm sorry!
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I can't tell him, she was more than that in the end, she was my other woman! I cheated on my wife with her, and now she's gone...I feel sad but relieved...I'm an asshole!
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DAWSON: Hey guys? I think my soul's being reaped so...
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DAWSON: ...I guess that's all folks! See you all on the other side!
Well shit!!!
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lindyloosims · 1 month
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Theo the little genius has had an invite to the honours society! I couldn't be more proud of my boy! I wish Kace was here to see how amazing all of our children are. They've come such a long way in a short amount of time!
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We have a strict relationship, something I never dreamed of but it's happened. I don't even know how, but he pushes my boundaries quite a lot. Helping him with his homework and projects are a hit or a miss, he's way too smart for his own good...but I love him!
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Olly has had to get braces and he's not very happy about it! The kids at school have started to call him Jaws...poor kid!
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The twins are now infants, they have their father's hair. There's no way we can deny their paternity now!
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Olly loves his niece and nephew, he helps Heidi out as much as he can. He puts them to bed and even changes the odd nappy. Reading them stories is his favourite thing though.
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He is now a full teen and despite his lifelong difficulties, he has done so well this far! He makes me just as proud of him as I am of his brother!
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Heidi is enjoying motherhood, she is so good at it too! My little cautious grandbabies are actually a dream to have around, they aren't any trouble at all! Like their mother before them!
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I am so blessed, Kacey may be gone but I have people in my life that make her loss just a little bit bearable! Melody and Ethan have given me a new lease of life...as a grandpa!
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