voxxian · 1 year
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
Hey hbj I wanted to thank you for your great work! I've laughed a lot lately especially on my bad days! And that's why I wanted to give you something back. It's not much but I hope you like it anyway. I came up with the idea when I had to think of you so I want to dedicate this picture to you! This picture would not have been possible without you. Thanks! If you decide to post it please link me. I wish you all the love and happiness in this world! 💜💜💜
PS: if you want the picture without text let me know. ☺️
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Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! 😭💜🙏
HOLY SHIT! 😭 Ngl, when I first saw it, I cried a little. And as I answer this now, the probability that I start again is very high. 😭
Wow, I honestly don’t know what to say. I hate that words are not enough to describe how incredibly honored I am and how grateful I am to you that you actually did this for me. To be hones, I just can’t understand and believe that you actually did this for me as a thank you. I honestly don’t know exactly if I really deserve this but I feel so incredibly honored, I can’t describe it!😭 And really, no one has to give me anything back. I am already grateful enough that there are people here who really want to talk to me and who are all so nice and so loving like you. 🥺
Nevertheless, I am so incredibly grateful that you have made the effort and taken the time to do this for me. You know, I’m a big fan of your arts and I love your style incredibly much. Just like this picture here, it’s so cute and so beautiful! Jake just looks so fantastic and MC is just adorable to me! And yes, Jake is hot! I love his outfit so much and the pose they are in, and the MC being the opposite of Jake is so cute. Jake stands out in the picture as much as he does in real life, he’s just too perfect. Oh damn, it's so amazing!! It's so soft and romantic!!! It hits me right into my heart.😭😭
I can only thank you a million times, even if this would never be enough to really thank you.🥺🙏
And thank you so much for your sweet words! I am so incredibly happy that you like my blog that I can apparently make you happy with the stuff I do here and make you laugh. This is the most beautiful thing in the world for me and I’m just so happy that I can make your days a little bit better. And especially that I can give you a little joy on bad days really means everything in the world for me. I’m so happy I can do it.🥺💜
But please don’t say it’s not much! Wow, it’s huge! You drew a whole picture for me and that’s just wow. I write a lot, but I still have no idea how to say how much it means to me! And I don't just like it, I freaking love it! *-* (Little fun fact, the tears are back) xD
I don’t really have much in life, and that I at least give you a little joy is just so beautiful. And I hope that I will continue to do so in the future.
Just the biggest thank you in the world!💜🙏
Really, it means everything to me and I just feel so incredibly honored, I can’t put it into words! And besides, I can only give it back to you! Your fanarts always beautify my days and they cheer me up incredibly. I love to look at them, and I’m really impressed with your talent, it’s just wonderful! And a huge thank you for making the whole fandom happy!🥺
Well, and yes, I think that you should also post the fanart without the text because I am sure that everyone else will find the picture beautiful. Just because Jake and MC are so pretty and cute!🥺💜
Thank you a lot! I appreciate it so much! You made my day! 😭😭🙏
Lots of love and hugs to you! 🥺💜🙏
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Anything For You
Chapter 1: One Day, Big Change
a/n: AHHHHHHHHH Anything For You is finally here!!! it’s going to be bit different from Nothing For Me because I will be taking requests from you guys. so just tell me some things you want to see and I’ll try my best to fit them into what I already have planned for this series. I have no idea how long it’s going to be since I wanted it to be kinda interactive so we’re just going with the flow. hope you enjoy! (also if you want to be on any of my taglist please fill out the taglist form. it is so much easier for me to keep up with it that way)
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Main Masterlist
     Staring at the ceiling, you let your thoughts take over you. You would’ve been 22 by now. You would’ve been able to drink and be let into clubs. But some madman grape ruined it for you. 
     For years, all you wanted was your mother. Hell, you still wanted her, you don’t think the desire to see her would ever fade. When your sperm donor ‘took you in’, your last name was changed to Stark. The world knew you as (Y/n) Stark. And you hated it. 
     You hated that this man swooped in and took you away from everything. And afterwards, he didn’t even try to help you adjust. He left you there to collect dust like you were one of his forgotten projects and left you to be raised by one of his teammates. He allowed you to battle through bouts of depression on your own. He didn’t care about you then and he never will. You wouldn’t be surprised if him adopting you was a stunt to make him look good. 
     On paper you were a Stark and you hated that fact. 
     You were a (L/n) through and through. You refused to have any relation to such a sorry-excuse-of a father and asshole man. 
     Ever since you were fifteen, it had been on your mind. This man refused to acknowledge that you were an actual part of his life and that you were his daughter. So why should you be on paper?
     All your life you’ve heard blood is thicker than water but you’ve learned it’s bullshit. If it was true. Tony would've made sure you were at the very least comfortable and okay. 
     Hearing Michelle start to stir, you turn on your side and watch as her eyes flutter open. When she sees you staring at her, a beautiful smile graces upon her lips. 
     “G’Morning,” she rasps out, her eyes slowly drooping back closed. 
     You couldn’t help but admire your girlfriend. She looked absolutely ethereal with the sun hitting her face at just the right angles. The birds chirping in the background and the strangely soothing sound of the ac made the scene all the more peaceful. 
     With a deep breath, you slowly raise your shaky hand. You try to calm down, knowing your nerves only make the shaking worse. As MJ keeps her eyes on your face and expressions, you watch your hand get closer to her face. As gently as you could, you rested it against her cheek and pushed back a piece of hair. 
     “I wanna do it today,” you whispered softly. 
      MJ gave you a firm nod with a smile
     “I’ll be right by your side then.”
     It was a long stressful process. All the required documents you needed were a hassle to find. All the signing and back and forth made you tired. But as promised, Michelle was by your side the whole time. 
     It was a long and grueling four month process, but it was worth it. So very worth it.
     You were no longer (y/n) Stark but once again (y/n) (l/n). Seeing your name on that paper couldn’t have made you more elated. 
     MJ held you as you cried tears of joy. The two of you held a small celebration between yourselves. 
     No one else knew--not Natasha, not Wanda. You didn’t want them to know. There was some lingering thought in the back of your head telling you that somehow Tony would find out through them. While you knew that that wasn’t necessarily true, your anxiousness prevented you from telling them. 
     This whole thing only reminded you of how much you loved Michelle and showed you how much you wanted--no needed to spend the rest of your life with her. MJ wiped your tears away when you cried. She picked you up when you fell. 
     “I don’t deserve you,” you whispered to her one night while the two of you were watching the stars. You had never seen her whip around so fast.  
     “Don’t say that ever again.”
     “But I don’t. I don’t help you like you help me.” 
     Letting out a sigh, MJ turns towards you and takes your face in her hands. 
     “You do. You help me more than you could ever know. You might not see or recognize it, but you do. You keep me happy. You put a smile on my face. You keep me grounded. I can go on and on and on.” She wipes a tear off of your face that you didn’t even know you shed. “We deserve each other, okay? We deserve every laugh, every intimate moment--we deserve it all. And I’m not gonna let you convince yourself otherwise.” 
     With a sniff, you nodded your head and allowed Michelle to pull you closer. 
     “I love you a lot.” 
     “I love you more,” you chuckled.
@stillmanicc @annestine @ymzki-haruki @moonslattes @coollemonsaresour @ximaginx @xx-narcissa @dracularasfashionsense @jesuswasnotawhiteman @ycfwmalise14 @yelena-belovas-wife @sebastian-vettels @idek-5 @mylove4life @kyli314 @sirsell​ @augustvandyne​
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timothyjimothy74 · 3 years
Lover - Matthew Tkachuk ft. Brady Tkachuk
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A/N: Don’t mind me, I’ve been listening to Taylor Swift on repeat again.
Word Count: ~1.2k
Spending the summer with the Tkachuks was pretty much going exactly how Y/N expected it when her boyfriend Matthew invited her. It was a non-stop party. Playing sports and video games with the Tkachuk siblings while Walt chirped everyone, watching tv together, going roller blading together, taking turns throwing each other in the pool, ditching the boys with Taryn to go shopping or drive around jamming to music, watching hockey or baseball together, movie nights and constant chirping. Y/N grew up an only child and she’d always dreamed of having a big family to spend the whole summer with. There was just one problem, she had barely gotten any alone time with Matthew.
Someone else was always around until nighttime. And then, Chantal had only agreed to let Matthew have a woman spend the summer with them if she slept in the guest bedroom. She respected Chantal (and was a little afraid of her wrath) and didn’t want to break her rules, but she was getting desperate.
One night, after tossing and turning for awhile, she grabbed her phone and unplugged it from the nightstand.
12:11 a.m.
Hey, beautiful. Can’t sleep?
Nope. I miss you even though we’re in the same house, it’s kind of gross. Why can’t you sleep?
I’m missing you too. Yeah, you’re right. This is kind of gross
I might have an idea…
I’m listening
Meet me in the kitchen in 10?
I should probably ask what we’re doing, but I know better by now
Y/N got out of bed slowly and tried to be as quiet as she could as she put her slippers on and opened her door. The house was silent as she crept down the stairs to the kitchen. When she arrived, Matt was already there, looking away from her. She slowly walked up behind him and put her arms around his waist, trying to convey how much she loved him. He usually loved that.
Until now apparently.
“AHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Matthew screamed and turned around as fast as he could.
Once he saw it was her, he put his hand over his chest and started breathing heavily.
Y/N sighed. “You dumbass, you definitely woke up the whole house if not the whole neighborhood.”
“I’m sorry, but it’s scary down here at night with all the lights off,” Matthew said as his breathing finally returned to normal.
“Well, we better go back to bed before your whole family comes running down here thinking you’re being murdered,” Y/N said with a small smile. She couldn’t be mad at him when all she wanted to do was laugh at him.
Matthew paused and looked up at the ceiling. “I don’t hear anyone running. Just tell me your idea.”
Y/N smiled and walked toward the fridge with Matthew trailing closely behind her. She opened the freezer, reached back in the very back behind a few bags of frozen vegetables and pulled out the pint of Ben and Jerry’s Chantal had gotten (and hidden) for her.
“Oh my god, where did you get that?” Matthew asked, practically salivating at just the sight of it.
“I’m not telling. I will share it with you though,” Y/N smiled at him.
Matthew practically ran to get spoons. Once he brought them back, they managed to down the whole pint in just a few minutes. With Matthew on a strict diet (that did not include ice cream) and training routine to stay in shape in the offseason, it felt like they were sharing a secret.
“Okay, now I have an idea,” Matthew said with a small smirk as he threw the ice cream container away.
“Oh god.”
For once, Matthew had nothing to say, but he pulled out his phone and a few seconds later, a song started lightly playing.
“Can I have this dance?” he asked as he bowed to her and held his hand out.
She gladly accepted it and he brought her close to him and started swaying them back and forth. “I can’t believe you’re playing Lover by Taylor Swift right now. I feel like I need to write this down in my calendar.” They both chuckled. “This song reminds me of you, of us.” Y/N smiled. Matthew started lightly singing the chorus to her. She stared up in adoration at him for awhile until he nudged her side. She knew he wanted her to sing along with him so she did. When the next verse started, Matthew said, “I can’t wait to have our own place together. We can do this every night.”
This wasn’t the first time Matthew had brought it up, but it was the first time Y/N felt ready to say yes. “I’ll go where you go. I’d love to feel as close to you as I do tonight.”
Matthew was so excited that he took the chance to spin her in a few circles. When he brought her back close to him, she was looking over his shoulder, but he didn’t think anything of it. Then they purposefully sang, “I swear to be over dramatic and true to my lover” to each other with huge smiles on their faces. It couldn’t describe them more.
They continued to dance until the song ended. Matthew leaned down for a kiss when she stopped him and spoke. “You guys can come join us if you want.” Matthew whipped around to see his whole family trying to hide in the hallway. Brady was hysterically laughing, Chantal and Taryn were crying and Walt was just shaking his head at all of them.
“How long were you guys watching us?” Matthew asked, kind of afraid to learn the answer.
“We came in right before you started playing Taylor Swift,” Brady managed to get out between giggles. Matthew’s face turned red.
“Yeah, your scream woke up the whole house, genius,” Walt added.
Matthew turned to face Y/N. “Did you know they were there the whole time?”
“No, I didn’t see them until the song was almost over. I thought I’d let them see your soft side for a few more minutes. It’s nice,” Y/N smiled. Matthew couldn’t help but smile back at her even though his brother still couldn’t stop chirping him.
“It is nice, honey,” Chantal finally spoke up now that she had stopped crying. “I’ve never seen you this happy.”
“Me either,” Brady, Walt and Taryn said simultaneously.
Y/N smiled at them. “So do we think it’s me or the ice cream that made him so happy?”
Everyone laughed. Well everyone except Brady. “Ice cream?! There was ice cream in the house and I missed it?”
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m exhausted. Goodnight everyone,” Y/N said as she fled the room.
Standing in the hallway, she could hear Brady say to Matthew, “I can’t believe you didn’t share with me. That totally breaks bro code.”
Matthew was quick to respond to that. “You know what else breaks bro code is not giving me any time alone with my girlfriend so she feels the need for us to sneak down here in the middle of the night and eat hidden eat ice cream just for us to get any alone time.”
Brady thought for a second and smiled in self-satisfaction. “Whatever, lover boy.”
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universalistotalis · 3 years
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The Fifth Date
Bokuto Koutarou (Timeskip!!!) x Female Reader
credits to the owner of the picture :)
3k words
kinda long but it's worth it i guess
You can’t believe this. You just can’t!
“Hey, are you alright?” Bokuto Koutarou looked at you with utmost sincerity in his eyes. You looked up and wondered if he really was worried or just being polite but either way, you stared right at his pupils.
“I am.” You agreed, letting go of his gaze and wanting to end the conversation.
This was your fifth date with him but there were no sparks since the first. You just didn’t feel his vibes and he could be so noisy at times which you hated. There was selfishness underneath his skin and it reeked in your nostrils. You hated egotistic people and you weren’t going to tolerate this much longer.
What your friends saw in Bokuto, you had no idea! They were all swooning over him when they set you up on a date together. They kept saying that he was perfect so you, being the hopeless romantic that you are, expected a prince who would be a gentleman, who would listen to you talk for hours on end, who would be so loving and caring… But instead, you were presented with boastfulness and chaos all wrapped up into one big muscle of a man! He did look like a prince but that was it!
“You know you can tell me right? I’ll listen.” You didn’t mistake the softness in his voice as he continued to stare at you lovingly.
You didn’t know if it was the beautiful place that he brought you to or if it was his kindness that made your brain turn into mush. But for the first time in five dates, your heart was hammering, its beats already like drums in your ears.
“I-I’m fine.” You stuttered and kept your eyes on the horizon.
You heard him sigh beside you on the railing you were both leaning on. The place you both drove to was divine as it overlooked the city. The twinkling lights below were mimicking the stars above and there were lanterns that hung overhead as well, casting the whole place in a lazy glow. You took a deep breath of the fresh air as you calmed yourself from the most stressful day of your life and from your whirlwind of a date.
A little rustling was heard and before you knew it, you were enveloped in warmth and his scent. Bokuto wrapped his jacket around you, letting you face him, so that he could pull the zipper up to your chest.
“There, so you won’t have to worry.” He smiled sweetly.
So he did notice the large coffee stain on your shirt and not once did he show that he was irked by it. You tried your best to cover it but of course you can't. Everyone at work gave you the side glance or the 'what-the-fuck-happened-to-you' look but he didn’t!
This can’t be happening. Were you reminiscing all those moments with Koutarou? AND NOW YOU’RE CALLING HIM KOUTAROU?!
You rolled around on your bed, a pillow tucked underneath your arms. A muffled scream was released as you felt an intense tingling sensation all over your body. You were supposed to end that fifth date! You were supposed to tell him that you both should see other people!
But the way he acted that night… it was as if he’s… perfect.
“Don’t hide from me.” He whispered in your ear as you cried in his arms. As his scent and warmth put your senses to overdrive with the jacket, you couldn’t help but sob. It was like the world was against you today. Even the document from work that you were so ready to pass, crashed on you. Even the coffee that you made this morning with care, splashed your white collared shirt. Even your ID lace that seemed so insignificant, decided to get caught on the doorknob and almost snapped your neck in two! And to spice things up, your evil boss humiliated you in the inter-department presentation even when the CEO of the company congratulated you on a job well done!
It was the little depressing and annoying moments that accumulated in your chest.
“Today has been s-so hard.” You cried in his shirt. “I keep on trying my best but it’s like I’m not doing enough. I'm not enough.”
The gentle rocking of your body stopped as he heard the words fall out of your mouth.
“Hey, don’t say that.” He cooed and trying to hold you at arm’s length. “You’re more than enough.”
You shook your head and tried to avoid his eyes again as he searched for yours. Fingers gripped on your chin to steady you and you melt for the nth time tonight.
“Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Alright? This day may have been difficult for you and maybe there are more days that would be the same but you shouldn’t doubt your efforts. The fact that you made it through, that’s already something to be grateful about.” He said while wiping your tears away. “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t cry about them once in a while. Let yourself feel but then get back up again, yeah?”
You nodded but you felt another round of sobs escape your mouth. He pouted as he saw your wounded state and again, you were held close to his broad chest, away from the hurt, the pain, the stress…
This was dangerous. Are you actually falling for him? You’re actually falling for the loud guy that you swore you hated?!
‘Hey, hey, hey!’
His voice reverberated inside your skull and with that sound came the print of his smile on your brain. He had the nicest set of teeth and the nicest golden eyes you’ve ever seen. His skin was flawless too and under any light, you swore he was shining.
You couldn’t help but grin at the—
This is bad. Really bad.
“You wanna dance?” He offered his hand out to you, smiling shyly. You were surprised at his somehow timid expression as you were so used to him being his confident self.
“I don’t know how.” You said breathlessly as you stared at his gorgeous face.
He let out a chuckle and reached out for your hand under the table. “Let’s figure it out, c’mon.”
The platform was small and there were four couples slowly dancing to the romantic song that was being played by a live band.
He led your hands to encircle his neck while his rested on your waist. All the motions, even the slightest graze of his skin on yours, were making your mind hazy. Everything seemed to blur and the only thing that made sense were the two of you in each other’s embrace.
“You’re so tall.” You whispered mindlessly which made him chuckle. He noticed that you could barely wrap your arms around his neck and that your arms were getting floppy due to fatigue. He then guided you to hug him around his waist instead so he could pull you closer.
“I’ve never danced like this before.” He confessed, swaying stiffly at the music.
“I can tell.” You giggle and look up at him in time to see him pout.
He poked your side, deliberately tickling you for a while. “That’s mean.”
“But it’s my first time too. And I kinda like it.” You said shyly, feeling your cheeks warm even with the cold night air.
“You think you could get used to it?” He asked, hope laced in his question.
“Of course.” You smiled up at him.
He smiled back and his eyes twinkled as he stared. He scooped your right hand and brought it to his lips for a quiet kiss then slowly intertwined your fingers with his, all while maintaining eye contact.
“AHHHHHHHHH!” You screamed into your pillow again as your head played that scene.
Sleep was so far away now that your adrenaline was so high because of him! You swore you could still feel his lips on your skin. It was as if he imprinted it there and nothing on earth can take that away now.
“Bokuto, stop haunting me! Let me sleep!”
“Now, listen here, missy.” The owner of the restaurant pointed to you sternly as she stood behind the counter. “Tell this boyfriend of yours to stop going here and actually get some much deserved rest! Athletes shouldn’t be tiring themselves!”
You chuckled at her actions and stole a glance at Bokuto who’s pouting excessively at the older woman with his hair seemingly deflating at her ministrations.
“But I like your food!” He whined.
The woman clicked her tongue, as if annoyed. “You can have better food from where you live. Now, stop pestering me!”
“I will come back here more often if you say that!” He smirked and leaned on the counter.
“As if! I know you’ll come back no matter what happens.” She rolls her eyes then turned to you. “We can’t get rid of him even if we wanted to!”
They kept bickering back and forth as you waited for the fruit shakes and other snacks that Bokuto ordered for takeout. It was a long drive back home and he said didn’t want you to get thirsty or hungry. You just listened to their banters and even though they were dissing each other out, you can’t miss the loving and motherly look the owner had for Bokuto.
“You’re a regular here?” You asked him as you settled on the carseat.
“I’m a fan of the view. And as you saw, I’m quite close with the owners and the workers. This is my safe space.” He replied and started the engine.
“When was the last time you went here?” You inquired, suddenly curious of his whereabouts.
“Yesterday.” He shrugged. “And the day before that. And maybe the whole of last week.”
Your eyes widened at his answer. “This is like two or three hours away! How?!”
“I needed some place to relax. And think.” He smiled sadly as maneuvered the car to begin the journey back home.
“Are you alright?” You blinked at your question. His voice seemed low and so sad in contrast to his usual loud and noisy screeches that you were so damn used to. This Bokuto in front of you was so hard to read!
He turned to you for a split second before averting his eyes on the road. “I am. I guess.”
“Don’t hide from me.” You bit your lip hard as you repeated his words to you. You wanted to know him more, to understand his feelings, and to make him feel better.
“Hey, you can’t use my lines against me.” He laughed lightly as he looked at you. Your eyes were begging him to tell you how he is and who was he to resist? “I’m just nervous about the incoming games, that’s all.”
“You still get nervous?” You turned to him, a little surprised.
“Why are you so shocked? Of course, I do! Some less nerve- wrecking than the others but I do always get tension at every game.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair while thinking. “But the upcoming match is a qualifying game for the Olympics so everyone is anxious.”
“Who are you against with?” You asked.
“See, now that’s another one of my worries. The competitors have still not been announced so we have to wait for a month. A whole month! What am I supposed to do?!” He said exasperatedly. “And just last week, one of our teammates got injured so they gave us time off. You know, to rest and shit. But I am restless and—"
“So that’s why you come all the way here?” You concluded.
“Yeah.” He breathed. “The drive gets my mind off of the anxiety and their food just makes me feel like I’m home.”
‘So he is human after all.’ You said to yourself. It was the simplest realization but it did so many wonders for your feelings and understanding towards him.
The drive home was filled with stories of sadness and laughter. You both sipped at your drinks and munched at the chips he bought. And as you both neared your home, it dawned on you that this was the best date you’ve ever had in your life! Bokuto’s so laid back and chill, kind and generous. He listened so intently and patiently to all your life stories and he had a good memory too, remembering the things you’ve told him about yourself in the past dates.
You sighed while sitting up. There’s no question that you were falling in deep for this guy. During the drive, he became his noisy self, acting all the spikes he did at the games comically but instead of being annoyed, you had tears in your eyes because you had laughed so much at his acting. You loved listening to him talk and you realized he wasn’t selfish at all!
Go figure.
Maybe you just mistook his confidence for selfishness and egocentricity.
You can’t believe that you were itching to lengthen the time you had with him. The car was now parked in front of where you lived and it was time to say goodbye.
Your eyes met and there was a tinge of sadness in his eyes which surprised you.
“Look.” He turned to the passenger seat and leaned closer. “I know that I’m not the best date there is and you may have been agreeing to these just because of obligation from your friends but… I’d like you to know that I—“
Closing his eyes, he exhaled. “I really like you.”
As the words were uttered, your body visibly tenses under his gaze.
Panic rises in his gut as he realized what he did. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“N-no!” You tried to swallow. “You didn’t scare me.”
“Then why do you look like you’ve seen ghost?” He chuckled lightly not giving up his stares.
Your shoulders slumped as you sighed. “I’m just surprised, that’s all.”
He nodded, still looking. “I guess this will be our last, huh?”
“I know you don’t like me and you hate my company. I just really like you so I tried to drag it out for so long.” He said sheepishly as he deflated back into his seat. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and I’m so sorry if I did.”
This was not how you imagined ending your date. You were supposed to be the one saying that this will be the last. You were supposed to be excited about not seeing him again. You were supposed to go now! But the universe really did pull a reverse card on you today.
“Bokuto…” You started, feeling the guilt consume you to the bones. “I’m sorry if I made you feel that I didn’t like you.”
He was fiddling with his fingers now.
“It's just that your first impressions lasted so bad that it blinded me to who you really were.” Be honest. Just be fuckin’ honest! “I did think I didn’t like you but after tonight, you proved me wrong.”
His face looked at you in a flash, eyes finding the meaning behind your words.
“I didn’t know you could be like this!” You gestured to him, a little frustrated because your heart was pounding so bad and it became so difficult to breathe.
“Like what?” A smirk was beginning to form at his lips.
“This!” You laughed. “You’re fun to be with. You’re calm and reliable when needed. And just… yeah.” You’re just perfect.
You stared at each other’s eyes for a while longer, trying to read and drown in each other.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to give it another try?” You asked, hoping to god he’ll say yes to your request.
His eyes widened for a moment and his gray hair perked up a little bit.
“I told you I like you.” He smiled. “Why would I say no to that?”
Your phone beeped beside you. And if you weren’t so red enough from the memory, you knew that you were flaming red now.
It was a text from Bokuto.
Can’t sleep :(
You sighed at what he said. His anxiety about the game catches onto him so much that he often gets insomnia. The poor baby. You were about to reply when another text popped out.
I may or may not be outside your home.
“What?!” You panicked while swiftly looking for a hoodie to put on. Why is he here and why were you feeling excited at the thought of seeing him?
You asleep, little owl?
You bolted towards the doors and true enough, he was there, leaning on his car and dazzling in all his six feet and three inches glory. He looked unreal in this light even in his simple hoodie and joggers.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” His husky voice greeted you as you walked closer.
“No. Can’t sleep too.” You smiled. “What brings you here?”
He shrugged. He didn’t know what came over him when he closed your distance and hugged you tight. To him, you looked like an angel sent to earth only for his eyes to see! You were in an oversized hoodie, hair a little tousled, and your face was so calm under the moonlight. Something inside him prickled at the thought of being domestic with you.
Slowly your arms wrapped around his waist and you surrendered your weight to him. In that moment, he felt like he would burst! Never did he expect for this to happen, for you to give him a chance, but here you were. He deeply breathed in your scent and planted a kiss on the top of your head.
“Do you want to hang out tomorrow?” Your voice was a mere whisper when you looked up at him.
“Like a date?” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
“Yeah?” You nodded.
He wondered if you had any idea about how you're making him feel crazier by the minute. If you don’t, then that’s much worse. “What am I gonna do with you?” He chuckled, arranging stray locks of your hair.
“You can go on a date with me.” You laughed and he was sure, so sure, that you felt his heart do a cartwheel when you were resting your head on his chest.
“I’d like that.” He replied hugging you tighter.
It was funny to you that you planned that fifth date to be the last. It turned out to be the first. The first real date where you felt like a princess in a fairytale. It was the first out of a never- ending series of romantic dates because Bokuto Koutarou had no plans of letting you go. Ever.
Okay, wait, hear me out. Have you seen that scene where Bokuto and Akaashi were just outside the hotel and they were just talking all calm and casual? MA'AM THAT'S WHERE I DIED SEEING BOKUTO AHHHH HE'S JUST SO PRECIOUS AND I DO BELIEVE HE CAN BE SERIOUS AND MATURE IF GIVEN THE CHANCE. I AM SIMPING HARD HELP
Reblogs, replies are appreciated! <3
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Sweet Pandemonium - Gally (The Maze Runner) Part 9 of 16
( not my gif :) )
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Teresa tried to keep a blank face as she heard you screaming in agony, your face twisting and contorting in absolute fear as you were being pumped full of chemicals that made you see and live through horrible things in your mind.
Being put back in the Maze, being eaten alive by Grievers, crushed to death by the changing Maze walls.
All for a cure... 
Though Teresa never told the doctors the one thing that would absolutely break you, shatter your mind into a million pieces, never to be sane again. She couldn’t. Even if she wanted the cure, and the terrifying fear that you went through could be the thing that makes a cure, she couldn’t do it. She loved you as if you were her own sister. It was easier with Minho, not being a relative of his, but it was still hard to watch.
With Ava Paige and Jensen looming over her shoulder, Teresa had to look strong, even if she never felt that way. 
She watched as the enzyme was drained from your body, the possible key to end all the suffering in the world.
You slowly came to consciousness, seeing the same darkness you always saw whenever you were delivered back to your cell after being tortured. Of course, the people at W.C.K.D. never called it torture. It was all for a cure. It was a great privilege doing something so honorable to save the world. Yeah, right...you never had a choice in the first place.
“You look like shit.”
You sat up with a groan. “You should see how you look after your tests, Minho.”
“Oh, I don’t have to, I can feel how bad I must look.” He huffed.
The good people at W.C.K.D. were so kind enough to place you in a cell with your fellow captured friend. So fucking kind...
“To think being Teresa’s cousin they’d give me special treatment...no offense.” 
Minho rolled his eyes, laying back down against his small bed. “None taken. I’d die for just an unsupervised bathroom break so I could take a klunk in peace.” 
“Nice image, Minho...” You sighed, trying to keep your hands from shaking from the repeated trauma you had to endure. “Are you gonna be okay?”
Minho knew he was going to be taken to get those same tests run on him soon. It had been that way ever since you two arrived at the tower. They’d test you first, then him right after. For evil people, they were always on time. “Yeah,” Minho finally answered, “I always am.”
“We’re gonna get out of here, Minho. I promise. We just have to come up with some sort of feasible plan.”
Minho laughed bitterly. “Feasible? What about escaping from here would be feasible?”
You huffed, leaning up against the cold wall. “We have to get out of here...”
And just like clockwork, a few soldiers and doctors came into the cell to grab Minho, and like always, they had to sedate him so he wouldn’t fight. But what you didn’t expect, they brought you out of your cell too.
“What’s going on?”
You got no answer, and you couldn’t fight. You were too weak to fight. So, you had no choice but to allow them to bring you to wherever they were taking you. You weren’t walking down the halls that led to the testing room, so that was good at least.
They walked you into a small room, sitting you down and handcuffing you to the table you were sat at. Quickly, they left you in the room by yourself. You fiddled around with the handcuffs, but you were no locksmith, and you ultimately gave up trying to brute strength your way out of the steel. 
Eventually, you heard the doorknob rattle and you sat up, trying to prepare yourself for whatever was coming through that door.
“Hey, Y/N...” You scowled when you saw Teresa walk through the doorframe, taking a seat across from you. “How are you feeling?” She asked softly.
“Just peachy, no thanks to you, traitor.” You spat.
Teresa sighed. “Please don’t speak to me like that. I’m your family.”
You shook your head. “No, you’re no family of mine. My family was left out in the desert after you betrayed them. No, family wouldn’t betray each other.”
“Y/N...finding a cure is the most important thing right now. No matter the cost. I’m gonna give you something to make you understand that.” 
Teresa approached you with a syringe, and you tried to squirm away, but unable due to your cuffs to the table. “What is that?” You shouted.
“It’ll help you remember. It won’t kill you. It’s the same serum they gave me to remember...although, we made a few changes have been made to make it work faster.”
You thrashed about, not liking the idea of getting poked. “No! No, I don’t need to remember! I don’t want to remember you!” You hissed at her, making her sigh and turn to the door.
She knocked twice, and with that, a couple guards come into the room and forcibly held you down. “No! No!” You fought, but it was no use.
You hissed in pain as you felt the needle entering your skin, the burning of whatever mixed chemicals entering your bloodstream. “It’ll take a minute, you might get a migraine.” She informed.
And just like she said, a migraine hit you. Like a cinder block was just dropped on your head over and over again. Every time a pulse of pain hit, a wave of memories came flooding back like a tsunami.
You remembered.
The Flare taking everyone you loved. Your parents. Your baby sister, who was just born into the world, she didn’t even have a name yet. Having to deal with survivor’s guilt. Your aunt taking you in, her having a daughter of her own. Your cousin. Having to share a room with her due to the small two bedroom apartment they lived in at the time.
All the late night talks about each other. Comforting each other after vicious nightmares. Becoming so close you referred to each other as sister. Helping take care of each other after her mother got sick, and being all each other had left after her mom killed herself, and being taken by W.C.K.D.
Meeting Thomas, and hating him with a fiery passion. You hated that he quickly became Teresa’s best friend. You were jealous. But after seeing the way her eyes lit up every time she talked about him was really why you started to like Thomas, and eventually called him a friend.
You remembered being so lonely after Teresa and Thomas became W.C.K.D. favorites, and you were left alone altogether. Only rarely were you able to see your only kin.
And you remembered being so scared when you were chosen to go into a Maze trial.
“Y/N?” Teresa’s voice snapped you out of your trance.
“I remember now...”
Teresa smiled softly. “Good. Now do you understand why this is so important?”
You teared up. “...yes...”
Teresa grinned hopefully. “I knew you would.”
“We need to find a cure...but this isn’t the way, Teresa.” Her smile quickly turned into a frown. “You can’t keep testing these kids, traumatizing them. It’s not right, you must know that.”
“This is the only way.”
“You haven’t tried other ways!”
“You have no idea how much we tried avoiding testing on kids!” Teresa raised her voice, which she rarely ever did. “We hate hurting these kids! I hate hurting Minho! But we have no other choice. I have no choice. This method is the only way to get what we need to make a cure.”
“Even if it kills all of us? Even if it kills Minho...kills me?”
Teresa stayed silent. “I thought you’d understand...you were so smart, Y/N. They almost chose you to be with Thomas and I. But they thought you could be more useful in the Maze.” Teresa chuckled tearfully. “You weren’t even supposed to go into that Maze, you were scheduled to go to the all girl Maze. But since I knew I was going there, I made it so that you went into the Maze before Thomas.”
“...you did?”
“Yes...I knew you’d be in good hands with Thomas, even if he couldn’t remember who you were.” She paused. “I never wanted you to get hurt. I pulled some strings...you won’t have to share a cell with Minho anymore. You’ll be staying with me.”
Your heart felt like it dropped. “But...what about Minho?”
“It’s different with you since you’re my cousin. I can’t do anything for him, I’m sorry.”
You chuckled bitterly. “No, you’re not. If you were, you wouldn’t be torturing him.”
“It’s not-” She sighed. “Please, don’t make this any harder than it has to be. I’m getting you out of that cell, you should be thanking me.”
“Am I still going to be tested?” Teresa didn’t give you an answer, that alone told you all you needed to know. “Wow...so the only difference is that I get to suffer in luxury...thanks a lot...”
“Just don’t fight, okay?”
Upon entering Teresa’s apartment, instead of being in awe of how nice and fancy everything was to accommodate you two, your anger just intensified more. Minho was trapped in a cold dark cell while you were here...you definitely didn’t deserve to get special treatment, even though you were still going to be tested on everyday...
You walked to the large window in the living room and gasped softly, you had never seen the city before. You didn’t know how incredible the whole place looked...
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Teresa smiled.
You quickly wiped the look of awe and shock off your face. “It’s alright...”
“Are you really going to keep acting this way? To me?”
“I already told you, just because I have my memories back doesn’t mean I automatically agree with everything you do.” You looked back out to the city. “It would look a lot nicer without the wall...”
Teresa sighed, taking a seat on her couch. “We can’t let the infected inside.”
“And all the people deemed unworthy...right?”
Teresa scowled. “If you went down there, see all the innocent people that are down there, children, you’d agree with having the walls.”
“Oh really? Well, I haven’t been around the city. And I probably won’t. I’ll probably die here before I even step foot outside this place.”
Teresa got up and stormed back over to you. “You’re not going to die, Y/N. I won’t let that happen.”
“But what happens if that’s the only way to make a cure? For one of your little lab rats to suffer a painful death to create the enzyme you need for a cure.”
“Then I’ll make sure it’s not you.” Teresa said, turning back around. “Your room’s this way.”
You sighed, following after her down a small hallway of her home. “A bit different from our previous house, eh?” You said when you saw your own queen sized bed.
“We had to share a twin back then.”
“The things we take for granted...”
“I shouldn’t be telling you this, but...we’re gonna start testing all day from now on.” You snapped your head to look at her with wide eyes. “I’m sorry...just get some rest.”
And unfortunately, Teresa was right. 
W.C.K.D. started to test you all day, and it was excruciating. Days starting blurring together again, the pain and exhaustion you felt was unexplainable. But the worse part of it was how little you could differentiate what was real and what was a simulation. Even the nights that you went back to Teresa’s apartment was hard to tell for sure if it was real life.
It was frightening.
Even if you hated Teresa for what she did to the Right Arm, she was one of the only reasons why you weren’t completely insane. When the days got particularly bad, she’d order you to have breaks. She’d have you repeat a set of five numbers, didn’t matter which numbers, forwards and backwards. It helped keep you grounded when things got tough.
Like the situation you were in now. 
You screamed for it all to stop, for all the pain and fear to stop. It was too much to handle.
“Okay, okay, stop!” Teresa shouted, entering through the door. “She needs a break.”
Ava sighed. “Teresa...if you need to remove yourself from here, you should. You can’t let her being your family get in the way of progress.”
Thankfully, Teresa was quick on her toes. “It’s not getting in the way. I’m saying she needs a break because she might run out of the strength that’s keeping her alive. We won’t find a cure if she’s dead.”
Dr. Paige looked to your exhausted and almost dead looking face and sighed. “Alright...let’s wrap it up, give her the day off.”
Teresa nodded gratefully, soon helping the rest of the doctors unhook all the wires and machines attached to you. She noticed how dead inside you looked, and it worried her. You didn’t just need a break, you needed for the experiments to stop, but that wasn’t possible.
Teresa had an idea, most likely the worst idea she’s had and will ever have, but she truly thought it would be somewhat beneficial to your mental state and overall health. Maybe a walk around the city would reignite that strength she saw in you in the beginning of the trials.
Yeah...maybe it wasn’t a bad idea.
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plasticflowering · 3 years
ONEUS Fancall Writeup
In summary: aldjalskdjdkfjkdj I should have thought of more to say, but it was enough just to meet them and they were so kind and amazing, 10/10 group, will stan forever as long as they behave themselves, which I trust they will.
(sorry for potato quality on the gifs. That’s the unfortunate reality of Wi-Fi video calls. I tried my best to at least color them a bit)
FIRST OF ALL, MMT get your queue in order. I got the message that said “your call’s coming up very soon, be on standby” and literally ONE SECOND LATER Skype was ringing, ahhhhhhhhh
The thing with fancalls is that it’s always disorienting to see the member order. Like you can’t prepare for that. You never know which person is next until the phone is passed. 
Also, I got too caught up in past fansigns with asking questions so I just focused on what I wanted to tell each member here, and... well, that was a mistake. I should have indeed prepared some questions. I just feel like everything’s been asked at this point, you know?? More on that later. Anyway I felt like the time limits per member in this call stretched on for AGES, and I was not prepared to fill the space well aaaskdjhaskjdhsa I’m sorry everyone.
First up was Leedo, and tbqh the boy looked checked out, but he was still so wonderful. They’re probably so tired and working so hard, so I felt a little bad. And, honestly, Leedo was the one I had the least to say to because idk I love him but I have kind of a silent respect for him. I’d let Leedo do his own thing and just nod at him in acknowledgement if we ever met irl
I told him that he’d looked really happy lately, and that I hoped he was taking care of himself and doing well. I also told him I hoped he was eating his vegetables (shoutout to @highponyleedo​ - admittedly I panicked 😂).
🐥: I’ll think about that.
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I told him that he’s inspiring and that I think about him when I work out (which is true! Gotta get buff like Leedo!) It was a nice little convo, and I was still VERY nervous at this point having been thrust DIRECTLY into the call. In every fansign I’ve been in (four at this point), the first member is always unfortunately sort of a throwaway for my mind because I’m still scrambling 😖
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He was beautiful and gracious nonetheless.
He has never done anything wrong, ever in his life. 
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🐱: Your hair is green? 
✌🏻: Yes!
🐱: Like my hair for Easily song 
lksdjsalkjdaksdj ❤️
I also gave him a cheesy personal message of encouragement, and in the process I mentioned that I’m so much older than him (I AM) but I find him to be kind of a role model (I DO), and that I hope he gets to be his true self and make art that makes him happy. 
🐱, aka this bitch: Age is not important. 
✌🏻, knowing he has a noona problem: For some things, yes, you’re right!
I also showed him a fanart I drew of him, and immediately he was like “Oh, Procreate?” Yeah, boooiiii. Also he said my art was good but I’m sure he wouldn’t have said anything negative to a fan so... I just wanted him to see it lmao. 
Youngjo spent almost the entire call like this, so there aren’t many great gif opportunities, but I’m glad he got to practice his English with me! How special!
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As the phone was passed to the next member, Youngjo calls out: “You are very young!” 
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I love he. I’d fight him in a Denny’s parking lot, but I love he. For what purpose, that smile??
My son.
***Hey. Self. Note for the future: next time prepare a little more to say to your Ult.***
Okay, like, Xion looked RADIANT what the hell. See proof below
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I gave him a very cheesy personal message about how I’ve watched him grow and improve and it makes me so happy, he makes me so happy with his music and his kindness. Also I mentioned that his makeup skills are always on point and look so, so good. 
🐶, like immediately, proudly: Oh, thank you!!
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I’ve lived a long and good life. But now I have expired. I have deceased. My ult smiled at me like this, and I have ascended to the next plane of existence. 
However I’m coming back from the dead to finish this writeup and also to keep shitposting. 
Anyway I would and did die for him. 
BONUS: his reaction when I was like “I swear I thought I had more written out, I was like ‘oh I have so much to say to Xion’ and now here I am just staring at you.”
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Best! 👏🏻Boy! 👏🏻
(they’re all best boy, but Hwanwoong was just so on. He’s really just so welcoming and kind, ahhhhh)
I told him I’ve really been enjoying the 1theK choreography videos, then I mentioned the Cardi B choreo specifically and did a chef’s kiss motion, and this was his reaction (along with “thank you for watching that!”: 
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Then I asked him if there was a song he really wanted make some choreography for, but he hadn’t had the chance yet. 
He thought, and then he swerved me by saying it was a SECRET and I’d have to stay tuned. 👀👀👀👀 You know I will, ya tricky lil’ bean.
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Also hey who gave him the right??? To be so cute?? Like, stop. (don’t stop.) 
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 So there’s this thing I’ve noticed with fansigns, where there’s always one member who just knocks the fansign experience out of the park so thoroughly that they steal a piece of my heart I never expected to give. For this fansign, that was Keonhee. 
At this point I was also realizing I didn’t have much prepared to say, and I was just kind of riffing. But I did want to tell him that we had two things in common: we both studied ballet, and we both sang opera. I thanked him for the recent VLive where that was A Whole Thing, and then: 
🐰, in English no less: Can you show me?
I don’t know what I expected. But I did show him. I sang a couple of operatic scales for him because I was like “what the hell, why not? Lee Keonhee’s gonna hear me sing opera. This is what my training was for.”
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So that happened even though I was definitely nervous and forgot to open my throat up as much as I should have. It’s been a while, okay?
He also pointed out the LED moon lamp I keep on my side desk, which I’d forgotten to turn on before the call. So luckily Lee Keonhee was there to remind, at 5/6 of the way through my call!
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Firstly, I was taken in by the cool retro style jacket, so I mentioned that. 
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What’s with this little dance he did when I was gearing up to tell him what I wanted to say? Anyway he’s cute. 
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Then, I told him that Dizzy is one of my favorite ONEUS songs, and that he should definitely try to do more songwriting in the future if he wants. 
He agreed. 😂
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Then, he sang a little bit of Dizzy for me, but the sound was really not doing me any favors at this point in the call so it came through a little choppy ahhh. 
So there you have it! All in all an amazing experience, would definitely do it again but would definitely prepare more to say/do/ask! I just don’t want to go in like an interviewer, but I also don’t know what else to do when there’s The Language Barrier, even with an interpreter. I’m definitely not in this for the boyfriend wish fulfillment or aegyo (Xion can’t help it), but since there is SO MUCH I could conceivably ask about, I’ve got fodder for future fansigns. 
I hope you enjoyed!!!
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bozowrites · 4 years
I kinda pictured the 2nd part to have her be out and about with dabi doing things for the league and hitoshi sees a glimpse of her and he goes crazy for the rest of the day until he found out that he wasnt the only one seeing glimpses of her. Somehow they get her back and then it could end in a really sad loving fluffy reunion between everyone and then have hitoshi show her how much he truly loves her and have him make love to her 👉👈 idk i really suck at imagines/stories
Things Change
Imagine (PART 2)
↳ Part 2 to Things Change
Pairing: Shinso Hitoshi × Fem!Reader
TW: Angst...
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: *deep inhale* AHHHHHHHHH. i tried so flipping hard! but fuuuuudge i suck at good endings :( im so sorry :((((( its now....sad again. i am the worst lmao
Part 1 / Part 2
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“Dabi?” The woman grinned, “Do you think this is my colour?” The man stared at her stoically. “We’re here for supplies, not clothes.”
“Awe, Baby, you’re no fun!” She frowned, wiggling herself into his arms and pleading for his attention. He sighed. “I prefer you with nothing, but yes, purple does suit you.”
L/n looked away, the words he said hitting her. “purple does suit you.” She moved away from him and tucked the revealing purple dress into her bag, ready to steal it. Just like the rest of the supplies they had.
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Shinso chuckled over the small joke Midoriya made, quick to hide his face from him. His eyes wandered over to the woman jumping around another male. She had this large smile on her face, the hood covering her face still revealed the beauty and similarity to his past lover. His heart panged and ached. Even after these last three years, it still hurt. He let his eyes linger before settling back on Midoriya.
“Hey, can we visit the pet store?”
“You’re not getting another cat, Toshi.”
“I need food for them. But a new kitten does sound nice. I was thinking the name Pekoe, what do you think?”
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Shinso grinned at the kittens mewling at him. The orange tabby in the corner stared at him straight on, not blinking or moving a muscle. Shinso did the same, glaring ever so slightly, challenging it. “This one, I want this one.” Shinso muttered, not breaking eye contact with the four-legged creature. “No.” Shinso frowned over to Midoriya, giving the best kitty-eyes he could muster. “Please?”
“No. Now, let’s go back to the dorms, we got the cat food and groceries. Oh! Actually, I wanted to visit the new pro-hero merch store. Can we?”
“What? Why? We visited your store.”
“Cause you already have enough merchandise.”
“And you have enough cats.”
“You can never have too many cats.”
“And you can never have too much merch!”
“You’re an—” his words cut short. He watched the same woman pass by the store window, hood down. The same hair, only longer. She had the same figure, and the same walk with only a slighter more slouch. He held his breath as he watched her walk by with another man, his hood up and face hidden. It couldn’t be her. It was impossible. She died. He watched her die.
“Hitoshi!” Shinso jumped and let out a quiet startled cry. “Oh, um, sorry. Uh, let’s go to that new store, or . . . whatever.” Midoriya stared at the purplette that walked away from him and to the cashier. His whole aura had shifted. They were in a playful argument, but it ended oddly. Midoriya brought his eyes over to the window Shinso previously stared at. There was nothing, only the occasional passerby. Perhaps he saw someone familiar? Or a hero?
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“Yo, guys! I’m going out for a bit!” No one payed any mind to the woman as she left the building. No one ever did. She stepped out on the sidewalk, pulling up her hood to conceal her face a bit, a face mask on her too.
“Damn assholes.”
Years ago, she found herself wandering into the dark side. She let it corrupt her, almost all of her. Key word: almost. Her mind always found its way to think about the man she left for this life; Shinso Hitoshi. He loved her, she knew he did, and she loved him, of course she did. All she wanted was him, his cuddles, his laugh, his beautiful face, and that faint scent of cat.
She only helped from the sidelines with the LoV, they didn’t want her to be completely involved. She thought it was because they didn’t fully trust her, but they always said it was because she was “dead”. If someone ever saw her, she could merely say she was a lookalike. It was dumb reason.
“I knew it was you.” She halts in her steps, looking up to see the very man she was thinking of. “I’m sorry? Do I know you?” She plays it out, like the others always told her to do if someone recognized her. But . . . she never thought that person would be the person who knows her like the back of his hand.
“Don’t do this. Please, for the love of Gods, don’t do this.” His voice is anguished. “You left me. You left everything!” L/n bites her lip, holding in tears that threaten to fall. “Why?” She stayed silent, not wanting to break. “TELL ME WHY!”
“BECAUSE I WAS SCARED!” She finally broke. Her hands, in fists, shook at her side as she shouted at him. It was so fast. He just saw her and, yet, they started immediately yelling at each other. The two had stayed silent after her burst. He stood far from her, around six feet (as you should be doing too), and grumbled under his breath. Her feet walked backwards slowly, very slowly, to get away, hopefully, from him.
“Y/n?” she didn’t answer. He might use his quirk on her, and she was surprised he hadn’t yet. He could turn her into the police. He could get all of the information he needed from her to destroy the LoV, yet, he hasn’t.
“Y/n,” his voice quivered. She didn’t look up to see that he was crying. She didn’t have to. “I miss you so damn much. I blamed myself. I thought it was my fault you died, I could have been better, that it was my fault we weren’t going to grow old together, but, no, it’s your fault. You left me. You left your parents. You left everything behind. Because you were scared.”
She also began to cry. How could she not? “Yes, I did. I know I did. I know what I left. And I miss—”
“Don’t you dare finish that fucking sentence!” the streets were completely bare, no person in sight as they fought. It was a dark alley in the middle of night, of course no one was near!
“Don’t call me that. You lost that privilege the moment you gave yourself to the League of Villains.”
She stayed silent again. Their breaths mingle in the newly winter’s air. She heard his steps coming closer, causing her breath to catch in her throat. What’s he doing? She brought her hands closer to her chest, trembling under his obvious gaze.
“Look at me.” He demanded. She did as asked: looked up to meet his angry stare. He brought his hands to her cheeks, something she hadn’t felt in forever. His hands were cold to the touch, but the feeling was warm. “Just . . . don’t say anything.”
She found his lips on hers. It was sloppy and wet, but so needed for the both of them. They held on to each other desperately. She could feel the coldness of the air nipping at her hands. She could fell the same fluffy, softness of his hair it always had. Saliva dripped from the corner of their mouths. She pulled at his hair, earning a pleasured groan. His hands are traveling down her body, landing on her hips and squeezing the flesh.
He pulls away from her, hands still on her hips as he keeps his head down to avoid her eyes.  She smiles, missing the feeling that she just had.
“What do you mean?”
“Go. Before I change my mind!”
She shakes. He refused to meet her eyes, his arms hugging himself. She cried, but obeyed his ask and ran away from the alley. She ran fast, the opposite of the LoV headquarters, just in case.
Why did she go to the dark side again?
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TAGLIST (aka those who commented): 
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postmodern-blues · 4 years
first listen to rhys and ianto’s excellent barbecue: a saga
I’m just gonna put all my thoughts in order while I listen to this audio and do my homework. I’ll tag it for spoilers, but I’ll also put everything below the cut in case you haven’t listened to it yet <3 um also i do a lot of swearing be warned...
last warning, yall, lots of spoilers and quotes ahead:
Rhys’s friends call him RHYSIE and I Am So Soft For This.
“I’m making my Special Sauce” god if Jack were here....
I love how Torchwood writers can’t even find a way to write RHYS in a straight way. He’s so cute and AHSDHGHFDAS I LOVE THIS SO FAR
the meat jokes.... already.... let’s hope serentiy Ianto does not resurface
IANTO! my god I have missed my boy. HE IS BACK
Oh my god... oh my fuck.... he’s so CUTE i might need to take a breather.... dude....
Gwen looking out for Ianto, inviting him to Rhys’s stuff. DID SOMEONE SAY FOUND FAMILY HMMMM
“Jack’s sorry he couldn’t come” hhhhhhhh one sausage comes off the barbecue and he’d be like “this is quite homoerotic” HAIJFODHS
Rhys come on,,,, baby,,,,, do not be homophobic about this
I get the feeling I might be going too crazy about this,,, WE’RE ONLY FIVE MINUTES IN
Ianto brought Chardonnay....
“Except Banana boat, he’s a bit thick” AGFDKHDGS R H Y S
oh shit alien things are happening
“yes, RHYS, I know how to discuss my TOP SECRET work at a social event” he’s fucking ICONIC
“you have an inability to call each other by your proper names” my sister is just like this tho... she calls all her friends by anime character names.. little bit better than ‘sticky jeff’ but not much
Ianto being oblivious to Rhys’s gender role shit is just,,,, I STAN HIM
If Ianto and Rhys do not take a ride in the pink car by the end of this audio I’m suing
jkjk but that would be so great wouldn’t it
godDAMNIT i love this audio
"we.... don’t” yet again, it is the 21st century, and torchwood is sooo not ready
“It’s the BOYS’ barbecue” rhys and his friends seem like they have a very cute queerplatonic relationship. wonder if they wear socks when they’re doing “barbecues”
who the fuck is steven.... whAT IS GOING ON
“I don’t know him THAT well, but there’s no way he would call me love” u sure abt that rhysie
“if u run headfirst into an invisible wall, at least let me FILM it on my phone” these two i stfg
this ‘time bubble’ concept has SO MANY FIC POSSIBILITIES why is big finish spoiling us-
jack and gwen going for pizza instead of being at work AHHDOFDGSHK 
oh my GOD THE CALLBACK TO DISSECTED!!!!! this is like when gareth called back to The Last Beacon in Dinner and a Show AHHHH
I am reminded about martha and gwen,,, i am happy,,, the PARALLELS
these two arguing dude the TENSION.. the SUBTEXT
“god help you if you ever hear about pink wine” SFIHOJADHGF 
i swear half my commentary here is me quoting something funny and then keyboard smashing
Ianto is fucking ANNIHILATING Rhys here and by extension gender roles. Goddamnit THIS is the conversation we needed. I love him so much can you tell
“you LOVE each other” I’ve only had this audio for about half an hour but if anything fucking happens to it, i’ll kill everyone in the room and then myself
i don’t think you understand how goddamn adorable rhys is about his friends
“thank fuck none of them are here right now” mate my man badger calls you RHYSIE i don’t think it would affect them
I am so thankful Jack isn’t here because oh my g o d this would be an hour long block of innuendos. this whole audio is just exposing the very prominent homoerotic tendencies of straight men
sometimes, and by that i mean all the time, i wonder if my family hears me listening to big finish and wonders if i’m actually just watching porn. and honestly I think it would be a whole lot less embarrassing if i just told them i was watching porn instead of “yeah it’s this scifi thing these characters are trying to make a hole in an invisible time force field thing. are they gay? no, well, i mean, yes, but not like that! welllll, a little bit like that, but it’s NOT PORN”
“what the hell was that rhys? You Absolute Idiot.” AHHH THESE TWO
“let’s stuff it full of sausages” 
“back pocket” THIS IS SENDING ME BACK TO MY SHERLOCK FANDOM DAYS (fucking remember john getting sherlock’s phone out of his coat that he was wearing? that’s what this is)
Rhys pretending to be Steven (Stephen?) is,,,,, oh my god,,, this is too fucking intense
god i feel so bad for rhys,,, seriously
this took a serious turn I was not prepared for
also gwen wanting rhys to talk to ianto is,,, ughhhh i ship gwen/rhys sooo hard
rhys- baby- oh my godohmygodohmygod
“I DO love them” hhhhhh
the special sauce thing is sending me im sorry
“can we rescue the beer?” RHYS
‘Ianto you beautiful man, you did it!” THEY!!! THEY!!!!!!
i wanna make it clear that i don’t ship rhys and ianto but i think they are so cute as friends
guys im in tears right now
the way rhys goes from not wanting ianto here to not wanting him to leave,,, um its a simple arc but i’d also do anything for it
“OH HE’S ADORABLE WHATS HE CALLED?” me when i first saw Ianto Jones onscreen
“he’s a colleague of the missus,,,,,, and a friend” why don’t you just shoot me in the head hm
rhysie,,, baby,,, holy shit you need to go to therapy,,, just like,,, have a chat with janet the weevil and see how you feel after
funny how rhys fucking williams is handling loss so much better than ANY of torchwood. like jack got PREGNANT after losing owen+tosh. Ianto started having sex with his immortal boss after losing his girlfriend. healthy coping mechanisms? who is she?
they let rhys say fuck a lot in this audio and that is Very Sexy of Them
“bunny has run away with my tie” h e s s o f u c k i n g p r e c i o u s
“lads lads lads” AHHHHHHHHH
this audio. is. so good. so cute. so sad. BIG FINISH YOU DID IT AGAIN YOU SEXY BASTARDS YOU!!!!
35 notes · View notes
kim-lexie · 3 years
‘start up’: week-by-week playback
here is a week-by-week playback of events from ‘start up’ and my unfiltered feelings. hope you enjoy! if you want to see somewhat cohesive thoughts on ‘start up’ check out my official review. here :) 
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*spoiler alert*
ep 1
ladies and gents it’s going to be a good one. i loved being able to see this backstory to lay all the groundwork for the future of the drama.
his story is devastating as a young individual unable to make his way into the world and then making a way to find it isn’t how he expected and lost a real thing he had with the relationship with the her grandmother. but the redemption when he goes to see her again.
her family becoming broken. her sister severing the relationship and chalking it up to being ‘oh i made the better choice’. and her father dying while getting her chicken and trying to get an investment to not let his daughter go hungry and to bring his family together.
to him making up a character that got her through hard times. and then trying to find him again. this is going to be great. and i know i’m going to be devastated bc she fell in love with the other man to begin with, and now she will see this new person.
soooooo much happened and i’m clearly not ready.
ep 2
why? why do we lie? we know nothing good will come of it. if anything this jipyeong is who she loves. but why lie? literally you can own up to it and start over boo.
disappointed in our sweet grandma for lying to dalmi for so long.
her sister is awful. and so is this ‘mother’.
this man just wanted to start up his start up but he was like nah don’t want to help you even though i need you. feel in love with the girl in the letters and showed up bc of the goodness of his heart. hope he doesn’t get lost in the fantasy of it.
their business, samsan tech, is going to be wild and great and he missed his opportunity.
ep 3
her mother saying she is the same as her dad not having a plan is so wack, and makes me want her to slap her.
aren’t you curious? why aren’t you asking why i am like this? because that is my concept the quiet good looking type. i can’t with him hahaha
i love that he asked about the music box. i wish it was really him that wrote the letters, because this will be heartbreaking when she finds out.
‘it wouldn’t be bad to sail off without a map even if we got lost, if it’s with you.’
this kid, dosan, is too funny.
i cannot believe her ‘father’ just throw her under the bus and had her oppa takes over the Korean branch of her company that she formed.
dang it. girl quits her job because he started his own company
they got first place. is that enough inkling for you?!?!?
they both like her. but only one of them will admit his feelings so he will win in the end. i’m so excited to see all of their relationships develop.
the cringe level of the edit of her winning her award. i cannot even. they’re charming everyone loves it.
ep 4
him learning how to be a hot shot ceo. i can’t. the placemats he is struggling.
his friend breaking the 3rd wall and telling us how dosan drives away all the ladies in university.
poor guy the only things she likes about him aren’t him at all but jipyeong.
she is going to be their ceo isn’t she. bc he said that he can’t be ceo. she’d kill it. what a queen.
yes boo! there it is we know who you’re going to pick. bc she wants them to recruit you not the other way around.
ep 5
this was a stellar episode. from both teams using the same data set and coming up with wildly different ideas to samsan tech almost crashing down. but setting a fire to dosan to do better and be more ambitious. i’m so excited.
our girl killed her presentation yes queen. you got this. the fact that the boys created a whole new software. these folks would be crazy to not invest.
this alex guy really believes in them i’m excited to see if there will be rivalry between the two hot shot ceo’s
the fact that her grandma doesn’t regret not sending her to college but rather regrets not meeting him earlier to support and encourage him made me cry.
ep 6
this was a great episode. so much happened in the development of their little company. disorder and disagreements led to stronger relations within the company.
i love how she picked the mentor. like yup i know alex is the biggest deal since slice bread but you’re our homie.
the fact that dosan was ready to come clean about the letters but overheard the grandmother get a sad report from the doctors and wanted to protect her and her granddaughter. so sad.
ep 7
i really need more than a second male lead for this man. i can’t stand the way he looks at her. he loves her and is trying so hard to shut off his heart to her.
i love the bickering between the two male leads. like seriously hilarious.
i love the sweet relationship that nam dosan will now have with her grandmother. and i love the idea concept he had for their business. a beautiful heart behind the machine.
dosan standing up for her and standing against this horrible man out to exploit their talent.  
this ending scene i can’t. they’re cute too. and precious.
he kept the plant and is going to give it nutrients to keep it well. please do the same with your relationship with her honey.
ep 8
i really love jipyeong and need them together.
i cannot with their ceo step dad. like isn’t this too much.
i want the boss lady at sandbox to know that dalmi is the sandbox girl!!!
ep 9
the wind turned into a heavy storm that destroyed his self esteem. he feels himself falling apart bc of his secret.
she was attacked!
‘i made a wrong turn and stumbled upon fireworks’ nam dosan.
he brought them to the beach after reading that review of wanting to see more beauty that the world has to offer. i need him to own up to his feelings and make a move.
don’t lie bro we know you like dalmi. and of course it’s raining. bc that’s how it is.
we still get a scene with them running through the rain the chul-san and yong-san.
my heart is crumbling into a million pieces. jipyeong’s there and dosan isn’t. what are we going to do. this ain’t the moment of revelation we wanted.
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ep 10
jipyeong is so great. 10 out of 10.
i don’t know what it is but i really am not about dosan’s character for some reason. i really just want jipyeong to be honest from the start and he could have ended up with her.
my heart. our dalmi.
‘i wanted to be the person you wanted. but it was too hard to bear.’
‘the person i want. i don’t know who that is.’
is the sibling of the member that died in their group?
do-san can’t leave his boys!!
‘does my dream have to be success. can’t it be a person?’
he just confesses to liking her while he was mixing their noodles. i can’t with him. love that he’s finally being honest. now it’s all up to dalmi.
everyone encouraging her before she has to promote their company. she did this. she is the ceo. she’s got this.
what the even?!? jipyeong was the one that was harsh to him. and it led his brother to commit suicide. oh no. and now they’re in the elevator together what’s going to happen?!?!
now she has two plan b?!? one from the investor and one from dosan and the big tech company.
they both confessed to the nice lady at the bar. hahaha i love these epilogue moments.
ep 11
yong-san’s brother story is so sad.
his dad standing up for the present he desperately wants to keep. and being the bridge for innovation.
their software worked on alex’s scheme!!!
and they won demo day.
oh no but alex isn’t as great as we thought he was...
chul-san and sa-ha are dating. i cannot even. this is the best!!!
they’re such a good team. brainstorming after their win. they cannot disband them.
i thought our man was going to get to them
in time to stop them from signing. but he didn’t.
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ep 12
bro. alex is awful i hate this man.
the moments between. hjp and mrs. choi you are brilliant and heart breaking. i really want them to continue to grow into a better person and end up with dalmi.
why y’all got to fight why is dosan doing this. bro you’re not getting any brownie points by being like this dude.
i really love this side story with chulsan and saha. they’re cute. well we can share the vanilla latte. cute!!!!  
chulsan made her a video of numbers to help her fall asleep. he’s too cute i want her to admit that she likes him. ahhhhhhhhh
the fact that they ended up going and we’ll have a three year gap errrrks me. like our boy jhp is going to finally start making moves and dosan is going to run in and save the day. like bro you’re a mess.
i hope they were able to save the app for her grandmother.
her applying to her sisters company i’m excited.
ep 13
lolol they used his cousin for the commercial and injae looks sooo cute. frozen inspired.
i love how she had /iced vanilla latte lover’ as chul-san’s contact name and the vlogs!!!
hjp our man saved her from the insurance guy.
now they all play go stop together!!!!
she tucked him in and he gets to stay
youngsil calling him out to just swing the bat and don’t hesitate or he’ll lose. is this foreshadowing our man losing dalmi?!?
they finally got to eat at the bbq restaurant that was below their original building
frick my life. why is his timing always wack.
at least chulson and saha can sail.
the whole gang is back together!
it was the twins that hacked it wasn’t it?!?
he stopped him. come on baby.
ep 14
i love his man listening to her cry. hiding her because she didn’t want her staff to see. and telling her to chill until she is ready. i love this man.
that’s right honey. don’t answer that phone move on.
their little photoshoot was faboulous, them as RGB
yes queen. she went to confront her family. and be like boo you thought i didn’t chance. honey you’re in for it.
her mother wanting to pay back her mother-in-law for raising her daughter in her steed.
dosan turned her down her offer to be their AI specialists at her company.
i love that his father saved the baseball.
me finally accepting my ship won’t sail when their girl walked 5 hours in the woods to get to dosan.
yong-san apologizing for saying that jhp killed his brother. they both are apologizing.
they all end up joining her company!!!!
ep 15
their self driving car passed the test. they’re too cute in their celebration.
she doesn’t want to lose her team again if they lose their bid.
sa ha is finally falling for chulsan. he’s so precious. him being like oh wait you’re asking me out.
of course it would be this trip getting stuck in an elevator together.
sailing off without a map. never will regret it. -dosan
injae absolved her adoption after seeing her grandmother.
he tired to out so all their memories with that one thing alone his big hands. hahah oh do san.
my hjp finally let go. he took his losses and kept the money tree and letters. it isn’t enough honey boo.
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stop feeling inferior to me. work on your self esteem and look at dalmi again. then you’ll know who she really likes. with those hands alone, you beat our memories. -hjp
because it’s you. you’re the reason. that’s it. -dalmi on liking dosan
i really don’t like them together. but whatever i shall not have my way in this. it’s fine hjp is mine.
i love the sisters together. they’re precious talking about the sandbox girl.
is this article going to frick up their bid?!? but it was his hackers that did it the twins!!!
is hjp going to save the day?!?
ep 16
dalmi and dosan are a dream team. and they just served that reporter one great tell all.
i still can’t process bc i love hjp.
i feel like it hit mrs. choi when they were all talking dosan and dalmi when are finally saw dosan after a few years that her good boy would feel alone. TT
‘don’t become any lonelier jipyeong...’ their relationship makes me cry. i love that
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i can’t everyone saying what they’ll do if they win. PROPOSE. say who their boyfriend is?!?!
i’m excited to see this start up to connect orphanages with a sponsor to help them in that transition. it’s a perfect fit for him. ‘i like your voice’, because it sounds like young-sil the voice of the app/help device. he’s going to personally invest and help them with their business plan. and then sponser kids!!! he is seriously a dream.
chulsan and saha are too cute. i love that she introduced him as her boyfriend. he was not expecting that. she finally found someone who she’s been looking for!
was that their goodbye? he isn’t the dosan from the letters? huh?
in jae is such a queen serving those papers to her dad at the q and a session, that no one showed up to. 
them all crying in their old rooftop office. they’re such dorks i love them
his father took the sign to replace it with the one from the math competition.
dalmi and injae’s relationship is too precious.
he’s going to invest in their company. and dosan accepted hjp’s investment.
i want to change the world. follow your dream.
i liked this one.
i wonder if they won.......oh the epilogue!!!
they got married. and they kept the baseball. chul-san and saha revealed they were a couple. chul-san shaved his hair! i loved that we saw it all though pictures on their desk!! that was a creative way to fit everything in!
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shareholders meeting!!! the gang taking over the world!
14 notes · View notes
mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Alright, I finally read Reincarnation no Kaben
AFTER MONTHS (it’s probably been a month? My mind doesn’t keep track of the days) I FINALLY CAUGHT UP TO RNK. Ty to Okita anon for the recommendation (* ̄3 ̄)╭💕💕💕 I absolutely loved it. 
After this I’ll start on the other recommendation you gave me. I kept a bit of a log of my reading journey under the read more tag. 
Major spoilers for literally everything in RNK up to ch 53 “Withdrawal”. 
Oh, and I’ll finish answering all my leftover asks and I SHOULD have a fic done by tomorrow. I was so ready to write and then I got up. Now I’m back to bed. 
I’m just gonna write this as a log since I read super super slow and I’m only on ch 7 at the start of writing this but I’m really liking it already. Though to be fair. I love everything okita anon recommends haha. I remember you saying you were simping over Kouu and I haven’t gotten to the part where he appears but I wanted to quickly google what he looked like to prepare myself and I see this:
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Well. That’s reassuring. 
I was actually kinda surprised by how many western figures were in the manga since I know there are only like 7? Around 7 western figures that pop up in any anime/manga but seeing people like Albert Fish was kinda surprising but I really liked it. Also, at the end of certain chapters they write little bio’s on them so you get to know more about them was such a nice touch.  I also love that the tradition of making males -> females still stays strong even outside the fate universe hehe.
Literally, the next chapter I see him. AHHHHHHHHH. Well maybe not him but his eyeballs. 
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This guy lowkey reminds me of the MC’s brother but it’s 99% because he has the same long ponytail. I wouldn’t be surprised if the brother was apart of the the Greats. Honestly, Ein reminds me of those really hard headed girls that are actually really kind on the inside but aren’t good at expressing themselves (maybe because that’s pretty much her character). I also like that Ein doesn’t like males but she’s hiding behind this guy. At least, I’m..99% sure this is Ein. 
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I FUCKING KNEW IT. AS SOON AS I SAW HE GOT A THEIF TALENT I COULD FEEL THE SOLO LEVELING VIBES IN ME. HE CAN STEAL TALENTS I FUCKING KNEW IT!!! I’m surprised that Neumann didn’t say anything and  Haito seems to be aware of it.  
Edit: Ah okay, I understand a bit now but it almost seems like Haito is the only one aware of Toya’s second talent.
Edit 2: Okay, as much as I love power hungry MC’s I’m really glad they didn’t make Toya into that. I am such a softie for sympathetic and kind MC’s like these even though it’s been done so many times. I’m really glad this didn’t feel like a rehash. I mean, some points some of the stuff Toya says it does but it’s fine, I don’t mind that. I actually gave a crap about him since I usually prefer the side characters (I UNDERSTAND ANON, I CARE ABOUT KOUU SO MUCH AHHHHH) but HAITO?? AHHHHH. 
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I like that Izo always has the same hat in every adaptation he’s in lol. Istg, cats are always op. Schrodinger seems so strong and the parallel universes are my absolute shit. Sometimes I think, in one universe I did this and in this universe I’m not. Would I rather stay in this universe or be in the one where I am actually productive. Usually I pick the productive universe and actually work but sometimes I’m a bit of a slacker haha. I think this is my approach to a lot of things in life. But I digress, I don’t wanna get too deep into my life. 
I can sorta sympathize with the sinners. At least the ripper guy to say the least. I love love love unhinged characters that just want to basically destroy the world or at least have fun. But then you find out- wait they are actually sympathetic oh no. That’s how I felt about Djoser in “im the great priest imhotep” (please...i beg...someone read this...I’m so starved). 
As much as character development and rooting for the hero is cool and all, I just want to simp for the crazy “let’s burn the world to the ground” kinda character. I’m also so glad Toya doesn’t automatically become evil and try and steal everyone’s talents because he does seem like a good person and I really don’t see him suddenly switching fields so when he saved (I don’t remember names I’m sorry), the undead solider it was really nice. Proves that he still has his humanity and isn’t strictly relying on the branch of sin. 
It makes sense that he wants to steal talents since he never had one (and it was kinda out of left field when he killed Vlad and we just never addressed that ever again haha) but to see him actually consider his actions and if he actually want’s to steal his teammates talents feels right to me. Poor guy doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends so this is the first time he’s ever seemed to have companionship, aside from Haito, so I really hope he doesn’t attempt to steal their talents. I think I’m thinking of the slime? That time I got reincarnated as a slime manga/anime. Where he’s the pokemon catcher of skills. I thought that was where it was going. 
But I do kinda like how selfish Haito and Toya’s talent stealing relationship is (I mean, later it develops but my first draft of writing this I wasn’t there yet). I’m not sure if selfish or like self-gratitude/pride is the right word but it’s kind of a breath of fresh air. Rather than Haito trying to contain or “help” Toya’s inferiority she’s actually encouraging it and using her own talent for her own...acknowledgement? Er, yeah let’s go with that. 
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This. This interaction. I love this. Like, genuinely love this. We need more of this. Two people from opposite sides finding some common ground and their fight to the death is less about morals or whose on whose side but for themselves. I love that. This is actually some wholesome stuff. 
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I KNEW IT! YOU CAN NEVER TRUST THESE KIND OF PEOPLE!! I’m going to slap the whiteboard on this but if I see any “goofy” character I’m immediately sus of them. 
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As much as I hate that Hitler is getting drawn as a small child I really like this. I know the whole, oh I killed your friends but I’m letting you go because you express humanity but I’m gonna finish my death with a sympathetic line, can be annoying to people but idk I really liked this. 
Honestly this and the undead soldiers death hit me hard ngl. This manga might not have my favourite art style during some points compared to like main stream manga but it has some really beautiful scenes. 
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BOOM CALLED IT, though it’s pretty obvious lol. 
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He looks so cute lol. I like that Seiya has the talent of being talented in everything while Toya has the talent to steal other talents. Seiya can probably only cap his power by his own physical/mental abilities with Toya can pull a solo leveling and go further beyond. Thinking of it like jack of trades vs master of none type deals. Though, I might be thinking too hard on this. I like that this man is actually humble but I really wish there was a tiny bit more to him since we only get this one interaction/backstory but the manga isn’t completed yet. I really hope we get to know about Seiya more;; like how he became da vinci or etc. 
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Everytime I see Neumann I look at that comic sans type and it kills me on the inside. But I love that her eyes are 01 just, mwah perfection. These little details that aren’t that big but it’s soooo nice. I also ahem, unhinged character heart be still. It’s really nice reading manga in bursts because you can see the art progression and damn does she look good. 
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tiny fang appreciation post. 
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ngl i’M HARD SIMPING FOR THIS MAN. It’s the pony tail, I have such a thing for guys with long hair (and this is why genshin broke me) but man the art really picked up here. 
I didn’t get into it but OKITA ANON I GET IT. KOUU??? AHHHH. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE??? As much as his whole “war” was a bit questionable in the beginning and tbh I still don’t really get it I like that he knows he’s not the same as the other Greats but still tries to help the other “sinners” in a way only he knows. That’s why Seiya was so important;; I get that he wanted them to have a fun death and to be understood but idk, the whole war idea and having them kill each other (especially the Hitler fights because I understand the others since they reached some kind of acknowledgement) but nonetheless, what a great guy.
Nightingale gives me mad masaki vibes from chainsawman. I hate them and I can’t wait for you to fail, but the inner part of my is cheering for you because unhinged characters are my shit. I feel really bad for Neumann, I had suspicions she wasn’t actually like that since it’s sooo out of left field but I’m really glad the manga seems to know what it’s doing. I really wish we got more Kouu interactions with everyone tho. 
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UGLY SOBBING IN THE CLUBBB AND KOUU AND CHARLOTTE AHHHH. I hate how this is phrased but the respect I have for Hitler?? YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HARD THAT IS TO TYPE?? Kitazuka is cool tho, I really like him. Some god given talent. I’m hard simping over him but I really hope we get to know more about him later. 
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Getting smug mona vibes, I love this. 
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Oh..wow. Okay, be still my heart. When I first saw her I thought she was really pretty but now I’m absolutely smitten. God damn, can I please have some more crumbs on these characters before they die;; 
AHHH SAME GIRL FUCKING SAME????? I adore these small panels and translator notes. It’s a real breather after the sad 3am hours talk these characters go through. 
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Yagyuu. Jesus christ. WHY ARE ALL THE DEATH SCENES IN THIS MANGA ACTUALLY SO PRETTY AND STABS ME IN THE HEART??? that’s it. goodbye. im fucking out. im actually so upset rn. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? 
In conclusion, and I should probably re-read what the characters say and not go off on memory because I’m about to get really deep. I really like how they phrased why they wanted to stop the branch of sin. That there are people just like Toya and Haito who, if they never found the branch of sin, could still probably lead respectable and okay lives. That there was a “them” in another universe that didn’t go down that road and that they want to be in the same universe as “them”. I know this sounds really confusing if you haven’t read the manga but going back to what I said about the parallel universe stuff. 
There was a universe where Toya and Haito didn’t rely on the branch of sin, that even without their talents from becoming a returner, they could still live a happy life given their own personalities and attitudes. It was kinda moving since in the beginning, Toya wanted a talent so badly and now that he has one. He’s realizing that wait, I don’t need a past life talent in order to live. Honestly, I hard relate to that because I totally agree with him. If you have a talent you can probably live a very happy and comfortable life that other factors wouldn’t matter if you just have that incredible talent. Thinking of it as a painter or artist, if you had actual god-given talent you wouldn’t need to worry about other factors since people would naturally seek that talent. So you end up comparing yourself to others and setting that limit on yourself. 
But that’s okay, it’s completely natural and I’m not saying it’s horrible if you do this. Fuck, I do this all the time. I’m not saying the manga is changing my life but it’s kind of refreshing that it get’s talked about since other adaptations of this just make the character super OP. I understand wanting to have that incredible talent, fuck who doesn’t? but you don’t need it in order to live earnestly in the bigger picture sense. Not everything you do has to be productive and honestly, learning to be okay with having fun is nice. Just being okay with who you are right now, even if it isn’t perfect in your eyes, you still have time to build upon yourself and your own talents but doing it for yourself. 
But I probably missed the point and I’m going way to deep haha. But I really enjoyed reading this and thank you once again to okita anon for the recommendation^^ I always love everything you send me and I’ll start reading the next one. If anyone else has any recommendations let me know! 
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thesvenqueen · 3 years
S&B Episode 7
- OHHH a Jesper title card HELL YEA I LOVE IT - ughhhhh who CARES for this backstory because it's NOT me - but also MORE BEN YEE - sheesh Ben that acting boi, I nearly feel sorry for your character...nearly.. - S H E E S H heads will roll apparently - I mean, Baghra is not wrong. you leaned on FEAR instead of just earning RESPECT - WHY DOES NO ONE EVER LISTEN TO BAGHRA OMG if everyone would have just listened to Bagrha we wouldn't fucking be here - yeah y'all fucked - well, that went super well - DAMN he really carried Baghra that far SHEEEEEESH - "I made soemthing" yeah no shit - You can see Kaz struggling so hard to help Inej but his phobia just not allowing him to and my god, Freddy fucking Carter understood the assignment - Freddy Carter, Amita Suman & Kit Young UNDERSTOOD THE ASSIGNMENT PERFECTLY - "I'd miss me too. I'm fantastic." you shit lmao - I didn't mention this last time but the way they show Mal being able to hear/detect the stag is actually super smart and will def help with future stuff too. brilliant little thing to add - oh isn't he BEAUTIFUL - I mean, as someone that used to hunt, I genuinely would not want to shoot the stag. it's too beautiful - Ivan you shit head wtf - OH FFS CAN WE STOP NEARLY KILLING MAL SO MUCH JESUS - dramatic ass entrance for such a dramatic ass piece of shit lmao - WAS THAT NECESSARY?!? - Awww, thanks for fixing the cane Jesper bb - "what else is there?" idk how about telling her HOW YOU FEEL AND HOW YOU NEED HER FFS KAZ COME ONNNNNN - daaaaaaamn Kaz admitting he was wrong for once, WILD - MY CROWS SHUT UP IMMA CRY - "No saint ever watched over me. Not like you have." TATTOO THIS ON ME NOW. I AM DYING OVER THIS SO MUCH I AM AHHHHHHHHH - "I can't go back to the Menagerie" "You won't." GIRL YOU THINK HE GONNA LET YOU GO BACK WITHOUT FIGHTING FOR YOU DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU TALKING TO????? - DAVID NOOOO. - I mean, she right. nothing has been up to her since the beginning. - M A N I P U L A T O R - that is NOT an answer homie. you avoided the one question she fucking needed an answer to ughhhhh - OHHHH this is a cool concept. in the books you hear ALina's thoughts and feelings of how she felt him controlling her powers, but that's not really possible hear so adding the little bit of the antler onto the darkling's hand to show he has control....I like it!! keeps the audience understanding whats going on - David, bb, I don't blame you at all but also DAMN IT WHY YOU SO SMART - "Jes?!" THIS WHOLE SCENE I AM DYINGGGGGG THAT SLOW TURN TO INEJ I CAN'T - "It's Suli, for friendship!" JESPER'S FUCKING FACE & THE LITTLE FEET KICKS HE KNOWS ITS BUGGING KAZ AND HE LOVES IT IM CRYINGGGG OH MY GOD - I could legit rewatch this scene over and over again for days, it's too fucking good I cannot - GENYA - .....well this blows - Oh Genya, oh sweet Genya I am SO sorry. but he def put you in that position and for SURE our are his pawn dude come ON. He placed you with Alina for a fucking REASON - well Jesper loves a bit of role play sooooooo - "I'm a man of my word" Oh PUH-LEASE - you only appreciate the POWER she brings you, stfu - "you are a child" and you're a git - TELL HIM MAL - ZAMN ZADDY, you look fly af - GASP MILO!!! HOW?!? - THAT IS YOUR MOTHER YOU RUDE ASS BITCH - telling half truths is still L Y I N G - cool motives, still shitty - "Make me your villain" Done and done sir, thanksssssss - LOOKED OLDER?!?! stfu and KAZ'S FACE IN THE BACK OMG y'all are such shit I can NOT - L I A R. again, all these fucking LIES and you don't get why she doesn't trust you - NO MOURNERS, NO FUNERALS
The dynamic between the crows UGH I can not talk about it ENOUGH. The casting is absolutely perfect for them, honest to god! Ben is absolutely killing it though, hate the character which means he's doing an amazing job. GOD I really am going to be rewatching this for a third time now aren't I?
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animefan-overran · 4 years
Staying at Home (Originalshipping)
***PART TWO**** (SMUT RATING: MODERATE) "Wakey, wakey," Red whispered as he shook Green gently. "You've been asleep for a while, Green you really overworked yourself yesterday."
"Hmmm, hmm, what? where? huh?" Green woke up in a quiet frenzy at the sound of Red's voice. 
"Hi, sleepy head! Feeling hungry? Charizard and I whipped you up some oran berry pancakes and moomoo milk to properly thank you for taking care of me yesterday. That soup you made was absolutely delicious, and it definitely warmed up my cold." Red offered Green an award winning smile.
 Green slowly rubbed his eyes, and spotted Charizard coming around the corner with a short-stack in hand. "Char" Charizard beamed as he set the still hot pancakes in front of Green.
"Thanks, Charizard, you're a real one," Green picked up his fork, and started shoving the sweet flapjacks down his mouth. The warm burst of oran berry mixed with the fluffiness of the pancake made Green smile. Red had a natural talent for cooking, he didn't even need a recipe to make anything, unlike Green, who had to follow recipes to a tee because his sense of taste was poor. 
"So, I see you broke your fever then," Green asked, obviously knowing the answer. 
Red nodded "Yeah, so that means if you want, we can go training later today." Red offered. 
"Yeah... sure" Green hesitated picking up his glass of milk "It's just..." 
 "Just what?" Red faltered, his expression puzzled at the sudden shift in Green's tone. "It's just that..." Green downed a huge gulp of milk "ahhh... yesterday when I dropped off the soup in your room, you were talking in your sleep,"
 "I was?" Red asked "What did I say? I can't even remember what I was dreaming about, I was so sick." Red laughed. 
"Yeah..." Green continued "Well, you sounded pretty distressed. You were saying that you had to tell me something. Apparently, I was trying to leave, but you were telling me not to," Green paused to let Red register what he was saying. "Anyway, the last thing you said was that you were sorry, although I have no idea what you would be sorry for…” Green shrugged in defeat  “We're best bros, you can tell me anything. You know that right? I mean, I know it could've been a fever dream, but if you need to talk about anything, I got you." 
Green studied Red’s body language, hoping to find any anomaly that could help him decipher his rival. Red stared out into the window "Hm, now that you mention that, I can remember a little bit of what I was dreaming. You were mad at me for over training, and not looking out for myself. You decided that I wasn't worth your time anymore, and I just wanted to tell you that I was sorry you had to spend your whole day taking care of me... not very profound, but I did feel really bad yesterday."
 Green reached over for Red's chin and guided Red's head so they were face to face. "Red, you realize that I didn't have to stay yesterday, but I did it because I care about you, and when you care about someone, you would do anything for them," Green scooted closer to Red, and used his hands to cup Red's face "You see, Red, you are the closest friend that I have ever had in my life. I cannot imagine my life without you, so why would I ever leave you, or get sick of you?"
As if by  instinct, Red and Green were moving closer and closer to each other until their lips were barely touching."Green," Red whispered "I'm kind of scared... I've never,"
"never...?" Green was caught on Red's every word.
 "Never... felt this way before" Red trembled at the sheer proximity between him and Green. Never in his life had he been this close to anyone, let alone his best friend and greatest opponent. 
Green brushed some of Red's hair out of his eyes "Oh yeah, how do you..." before Green could even finish his sentence, Red had already crashed his lips onto his. The kiss started out sweet and passionate, however, within seconds, the kiss grew more fierce and powerful. Back and forth, their tongues fought for dominance until the two boys finally pulled out, fighting for air. "I gah, I didn't know you felt that way about me," Green smiled at Red as he gasped for air. "I was personally feeling the same way for a while about you, but I was too scared to initiate anything." Green timidly stated.
"Really?" Red questioned "It just came over me in the moment, and it felt right, so I went for it. However, I always took you for the go getter type of guy Green. I guess maybe not when it comes to love..." Red deduced bluntly as he scratched the back of his neck, still quite nervous from his current circumstance.
 "Well, I guess that's the difference between the two of us." Green concluded. "So, are you still up for training today?"  Green stared at Red’s form, and waited for his rival’s answer. 
Red’s expression was mildly stoic at first, but gradually developed into a lecherous leer, within seconds of hearing Green’s suggestion. "I know I said I was up for training but…  we could just stay here," Red lowered his voice with each word, scooting in closer to Green who was now leaning back further onto the couch. Green gulped in astonishment at Red’s sudden yet firm actions, not sure if this was the best thing for them to be doing. Yes, he definitely had feelings for Red, but a small part of Green had their friendship in its best interest. What would become of this friendship if they were to wander further down the current course of events? Being anything more than friends was risky business for any friendship, and Green was doubtful of such uncertainty. 
Red sensed Green’s concern for the situation reading the auburn haired boy like a book. Slowly, Red turned Green’s head so that he could whisper in his ear “Green, death comes to us all too quick. Sometimes, you need to risk something good, in order to achieve something better, even if you could end up with nothing. It’s scary, but that’s life. Don’t let me take this risk alone,” Red muttered lightly, as he brought his face in front of Green’s once again. Green’s gaze bore deeper into Red’s eyes, searching for any hints of hesitation, but came up empty handed. He released the breath that he had been holding in for the past thirty seconds. At that point, any reluctance Green felt had been stripped away from his mind.
 Green nodded as his shoulders instinctively dropped to a more relaxed state.“You know I can’t leave you alone,” Green shook his head laughing.  
Red smiled, as his eyes grew dark with passion for the boy in front of him. “Well, Green does mean go right?” he said darkly while unbuttoning the redhead’s shirt. As he spoke, he slowly started to top Green, his ending position coming to a straddle. Red made quick work of his lover’s shirt, and soon enough, his lips found their way to the chiseled yet boyish chest that was once hidden underneath it. Red started to leave love bites in every place he could. 
"Hmmmm, Red please. Stop teasing," Green whined. 
"Patience is a virtue, Green," Red tsked, as he marked Green all the way down to the buckle of his jeans. This action continued for only a couple of minutes, a spell that seemed to last for a lifetime to Green’s perception.
 "What will it take to make you go faster?" Green asked eagerly, trying his best to hold back his ever growing craving for the brunette on top of him.
"There's nothing you can do Green, so I suggest you just enjoy yourself. I want to thank you for being such a good friend to me, and now even more than a friend." Red said in a playful yet serious tone.
Green nodded and decided to heed Red's command. Afterall, he would be lying if he said he did not kind of like the side of Red that took his time. Even on their adventures, Red was always one step behind; so as with sex his mind thought in the same relaxed manner. Nevertheless, Green wondered just how long he could last under Red’s graceful yet unwavering foreplay. Right now, the ever growing problem in his boxers needed Red in the worst way possible, and patience was a limited resource in Green’s restless mind. Red paused for only a moment before he started to lick the outline of Green’s abs, which elicited a variety of pleasurable sounds from him. Red smiled as he watched Green squirm underneath him. He took a sense of pride in the fact that he could pull Green’s strings, and render him powerless in the heat of the moment.  
"You're such a beautiful person, Green. I just want you to know that by the time we're done here." Red unzipped and pulled down Green's pants and boxers, only to reveal Green's very excited member. Red traced carefully along a vein that was popping out on the side of the shaft. Green started to twitch a little, but didn't say a word. Red just smiled as his hand took grip, and started pumping up and down. 
"Mmmmmm, Red. This is better than in my dreams... um not that I've dreamed about this before..." Green blushed at this sudden burst of information.
"I better be better than your dreams," Red growled. "I'm usually not the jealous type, but I want to be the very best here, you know?" Red's grip got harder, and his pace quickened.
 "Ohhhhhhh, trust me... AHHHHHHHHH.... you ARE RED!!! YOU ARREEE!" Green panted, nearing his climax. Just when Green was about to give in, Red replaced his hands for his mouth, and shoved Green as far back into him as he could.
"Ahh Red, I..." Green went silent as his eyes rolled back into his head. And with that, Green was out and coming down. Red put Green's pants back on, buckled his belt, and laid on top of him, as the couch was too small for them to lay side by side.
 "Red," Green was finally able to say something "That was amazing, I'm sure you are the best in all of Kanto" Green mused while running his fingers through Red's hair. "However, someday, I'm gonna be better than you," Green taunted.
"Hmm, maybe in those naughty dreams of yours," Red winked.
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Soft & Fertile Ground
This is a fill for a request on @imagineyourepregnant (I submitted there too).
261.5 Imagine you’re pregnant with the child of a female humanoid alraune creature, and you’re ready to give birth to your daughter at any moment. And the birth must take place in a nice and fertile section of the nearby woods, on order for the child to grow up nice and healthy. Sorry for the lack of editing, this one was written on my phone!
"This should do," San said happily, huffing a bit. It had come pretty close. She had been held up in the city for much too long and almost didn't make it in time. But she had escaped from the city limits and made it to the forest, and she'd kept going, deeper and deeper, until she found the perfect spot. A clearing had opened up, and the sunlight shown on a bed of soft grass, surrounded by large leaves swaying gently, and a beautiful high canopy of trees far above, dappling the light gently. Everything was incredibly lush, almost every surface had floral growth, the air was scented richly with plant life and gentle flecks of pollen floated lazily through the early morning air. This was a rich and fertile spot. Your daughter would grow so healthy, so huge here! San takes off her pants and shoes, relieved she can finally lay down, and her body kicks into gear immediately. It's as if the baby inside can sense she is close to fertile ground. She let out a yell as the sproutling baby drops down completely into her birth canal, feeling her squirming. "Oh Rosy, you're ready aren't you?" San groaned. In the dappled light, her blouse heaving as  she breathed deeply, laying on her back on the soft ground. There was a squirming from deep inside and she could already feel pressure mounting behind her swollen lips. This baby wanted out now!
"Come on out sweety, we're here, in a safe place for you," San panted, concerned already. Her large belly pushed her blouse upwards, just covering her breasts. They hadn't gotten as big as she expected, maybe her body knew she wouldn't need to be feeding her baby that way once it was born. "Come out Rose, now is the time." She lay back, pulling her knees upwards gently against her body. She felt exposed. Her pussy lips glistened in the early morning light, much like the dew on the plants around her. She gave an experimental push on the next contraction, not sure how to start. When she pushed something inside wiggled, and San couldn't help but yell in surprise. Several green vines, about as thick as fingers, shot out of her. "Oh gosh! Is that you, Rose?" "Ow," she said as the vines pulled at her lips as they extended, feeling around until the felt grass. Then with a burst of speed they burrowed down into the earth, pulling taut. "That's it, Rose!" San was so excited. Her daughter could tell this was a good spot! "This is the perfect spot, I knew you'd love it! OOH." Another contraction hit her and she pushed, and already her pussy was spreading. Her insides felt tense most of the pregnancy, but now that it had moved down and was pushing its way out it felt huge. Her lips where pried open and she did her best to push. "Oh, oh, oh, oh," she yelped as she was spread open. A few more vines came out and then, after a big push, a large round lump appeared. San yelled as she was pulled open in a real stretch, then it receded after the contraction. But she could feel so much more pressure further in. "Oh gosh Rose, what are you up to?" Another contraction beset her and she huffed, pulling her legs further apart. Her as and pussy glimmered in sweat in the dappled sunlight, and the bulge around her pussy grew and grew. With a grunt San pushes what she thinks is the head, and can feel her pussy burning. But a few songbirds had perched on the opposite end of the clearing, and from their vantage point they could see clearly; out of her tight hole was the lower half of a baby, pale green like a new flower bud. The little child's body held open San's pussy lips as she tried to breath. She could feel her lips bulging outwards still, and she let go of her legs for a moment. She wanted to close them, but the pressure was immense, and she held one up awkwardly and the other to one side. "Oh, oh, oh," she panted more, "Of Rose, you're hurting me so. You're- AH- holding me open so wide." She reached down with a hand to explore, pulling herself up as best she could against the slope of the grass, trying to see what was holding her pussy open so wide. She felt down to her pussy, fingers brushing against the lips that where stretched and wide, gently pulsing as the vines wriggled around looking for fresh earth to pierce. She gasped at the tugging and pulling, but kept going until her hands found the cause- her baby was partially out, but she was turned the wrong way. This wasn't the head at all.This was Rose's lower half, her little legs and bottom sticking out and the rest of her still inside San's slick, tight tunnel, being squuezed by her walls. San took a few deep breaths. "Okay hun, gotta come out the hard way? Ah, AH, okay, stay calm, you're almost- AH- almost OOUUUTT." Another contraction pushed insides for her and she obliged with a strong push, and the massive thing in her began to go down. Her pussy was stinging already, and it felt like fire as the body, getting wider and wider for the shoulders, eased out slowly. "AHH, ROSE!" San screamed as the shoulders pulled her impossibly wide. They stayed there for a moment as San put her hands down again in desperation, breathing ragged, trying to gently guide her impossibly large daughter from her. But even with the slightest tug she felt resistance deep in her, the vines went tense, her pussy twitched and ached. San let go and leaned back, trying to breathe. The truth could be felt; this was no ordinary head. The pressure was increasing by the moment as the vines already in the ground provided a counter pressure and pulled whatever was left inside her to the outside, gentle but firm, not letting San squirm backwards up the hill. From her angle leaning forward she could see the her pussy still bulging, her gentle green daughter almost fully emerged, shoulders painfully sliding loose as she gave a huge push. But the bulge was still there. Though the contractions went slow as every, the vines where pulling her baby out even as she didn't push, giving her aching hole no rest. Once the shoulders slid free San thought she would have a moment to breathe, but immediately the vinces gave a tug. "AHHH!" She barked as the big bulging thing came right up against her vagina entrance, already sore from the normal sized baby. "Oh no it's too big," San said to herself, tears already coming to her eyes, "It's so massive, I can feel it." She tended to talk to herself when nervous and this was the only way to curb her fear, to narrate what she saw and felt to the forest, ever listening but never moving, content to watch the laboring woman try to bring the new life into the world. "NOOOO!" San screamed as the vines pulled, and she wondered if her pussy hadn't even truly been stretched yet as a massive shape started to press against it from inside, the vines moving around her pussy edges. "I can- AHHH, AHH, AHHHHHH, I can feel those damn vines moving! They're sliding past OHH OHH sliding and making me TOO TIGHT," she yelled, as the vines did just that, pulling her pussy in odd directions instead of the perfect O shape that her daughter's large head needed. The vines where just trying to find fertile soil wherever they could, not knowing they where being birthed from a human who had a much smaller entrance. "AHHHHHHHAAAHHHHHHHAHHHHH!" San screamed as the bulge moved forward. From the songbird's perspective they could start to see the thing emerge, her pussy pulled almost in an O with several vines around the edges pulling the stretched lips in different directions. The thing was fading from gentle green of Rose's body, to a soft, beautiful pink, slick with San's juices and glistening. It looked like petals, wrapped neatly and sweetly. A bud, often seen on flowering shrubs and trees in a tiny form, but here quite massive, protecting Rose's head and peaking out from San's stretched lips. "It burns like fire!" San gasped to nobody, knowing no one was there to help."It's constant pulling, OH OH OH, breath San, breathe!" She gave a push as a constraction finally urged her to and the big thing surged forward. San screamed, letting her voice pierce the forest. She was wider now than the baby's body had been, a good several inches, and still had more to go. Could it even come out? "It is too big to fit from me," San said, "Rose is too big, ooh, oooooh, ooooh, Rose you are going to tear me open, oooh, ooh, I am trying to go slow but it hurts!" She pushed again on impulse. "OH OH OH, I'M TRYINNNGGGGG TO GO SLOOOOOOOOW." The vines stayed taut, not letting her lose any ground as she was pried open. She felt them pulling her now, the thing so big she felt if they gave a big pull it would pull her whole body forward instead of just her baby out. "OH GOD these VINES," she shrieked, but they where probably helping, making sure she wasn't going back and forth for hours, but the extra speed gave her less time to stretch and hurt more. "Okay I'm going to push," she said, and grabbed her knees again, pulling them so tightly to her. The baby hung between her legs peacefully, seemingly unaware of the goings-on of her own birth. San's pussy throbbed, it was stretched brutally and unevenly thanks to the vines, and it still had more to go. San pushed with a scream. "WHYYYYYYYY! AHHHHHHHHH!" With the added traction the vines really started to pull. "OH GOD!" San screamed, not daring to let go of her knees, so they pulled at the very edges of her pussy and the baby made another bit of progress, pulling San open to a good five and a half inches. "You're tearing me!" She pleaded with them, but they couldn't hear her. Her pussy was so stretched it may have torn, but was overall doing a good job keeping its shape, painfully but elastically it stretched wider, fighting every inch. An observer, like the songbirds, would not have been able to tell if she had torn or not, nor could she as while she could feel every tug of the vines she couldn't tell the state of her busy beyond the burning, pulling pressure. San stopped for a moment to try and breathe. "OH OH OH," she panted loudly, trying to will herself to relax even in this position. Flat on her back, knees pulled to her chest, her pussy exposed to the dappled sun and a baby half out of it. Moreso the huge body keeping her open, it felt unnatural, she could feel the pressure on her pussy lips and inside of it with every breath. "Okay, okay, those vines, Rose, ah, ah, ah, time to, ah, pull yourself out please!" San knew she wasn't making much sense but she could feel a contraction building, and the vines pulled accordingly, so she pushed again. "PLEEAAAAAAAASSSEEEEEEE" she shrieked, and the vines complied, tugging themselves further into the ground and pulling her pussy to a good six inches and further. Feeling it was close, she tried to pull her body opposite the vines without letting up on her push. At last the massive bud was crowning, and for a moment San was stretched wider than she'd every been, and was a great yell she gave a mighty push and the bud was sliding out of her gaping hole. The baby on the soft grass in front of her didn't cry. There was no umbilical cord, no placenta. The vines went to work, burrowing and digging into the earth, and the baby's little body disappeared into the dirt. San would have been sad if she hadn't caught a glimpse or two of her baby beforehand and her soft green little fingers and toes for a moment before disappearing. She panted on the ground, not even trying to get up, just gazing at the beautiful flower bud sitting in front of her. It looked freshly planted, the earth below it slightly turned, the slick juices still covering it where glistening like dew drops in the sun. San looked in exhausted awe at the light shining off of her baby, her Rose. She had never seen a more perfect, beautiful flower bud.
It would be a day before the bud opened, and Rose wouldn't even be a baby anymore by that time, but a little child. In a matter of weeks Rose would look like a young lady, and then a grown woman, visible from the waist up inside the beautiful pink bloom that would grow with her. She would get most of her energy from the ground and the sun and the rain, but San would be there just in case she needed anything, and so she could know her momma. For now though San was content to rest. She'd brought a change of clothes but didn't reach for it, instead laying down in the warm light as the sun rose higher and the birds chirped happily. She'd nap here, they both needed rest. So she curled up around the flower bud and went to sleep.
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ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
15x04 Commentary
bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies​  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Giulia: Ok so in my haste of things i just spilled all my hot coffee on my self.  I’m burning but the ep is ready. But fuck
Kat: Oh shit. Go rinse with cold water
Zee: You alive ??
Giulia: No i burned my self with coffee
Nat : Where did you spill it
Giulia: Leg
Nat : You need a minute?
Giulia: No i think I’m good
Zee: Any blisters ?
Giulia: Well i’ll see tomorrow won’t I.  Whatever just start the episode I’m already angry. Just...start the ep so I can deal with the mess later on , can’t wait for that
Nat : ok
Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Nat : "We're gonna be free"
Giulia: No i don t wanna see this again
Zee: Becky ?
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Giulia: Gasps
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Zee: Wtf?
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Nat : is
Nat : that
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Giulia: jesus christ
Nat : BAMF
Giulia: Yes please
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Giulia: YUM
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Zee: Are you asking ?
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Nat : FUCK
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Nat : I'M NOT OK
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Giulia: YES
Giulia: YES SAME
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it’s what we deserve
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Zee: Benny?
Giulia: BENNY
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Giulia: NO
B: I'll see you on the other side, brother
Zee: I can’t type
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Zee: Bye
Giulia: FUCK OFF
Giulia: NO WHERE
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Giulia: FUCK OFF
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Nat : SHIT
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D: What you did to them...what you did to Bobby...to Jody...
S: They tried to stop me. But I will not be stopped.
D: Sam, you listen to me.This is the demon blood. You have to fight it!
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Nat : SHIT
S: Why would I do that?
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D: Sammy Please
Giulia: MY GOD I CAN T
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Nat : NO
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Giulia: WOW OK
Nat : Is that chucks book
Kat: And bye bye bearded Dean. Gone too soon
Already missed
Giulia: Well Sam do see his shit now
Nat : The beginning with Dean sounds like something I would write
Giulia: Don t we all
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S: Dean, you know I don't eat --
Is Sam vegetarian now?
S: "I don't want any of that hippie, Sarah McLaughlin grass-eater crap in the Meat Man's kitchen."
Giulia: MEAT MAN
Giulia: YEAH
Kat: It means he has a big dick
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Nat : Anyway, I'm done watching am I not? That's it. That's the whole episode
Kat: My boys need hugs
D: Look, man, I get it, okay? With Jack...and Rowena..
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Kat: What
 Zee: What?
Giulia: Nothing . We just gonna push it down in true Winchester style. 
Nat : Of course not, it's a filler episode
Kat: Oh, I think I know If it’s what I think, it’s not mentioned at all
Giulia: What else is new
S: That’s real bacon
D: You're damn right it is
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meat man
Nat : Ok bye guys
Zee: No you didn’t
Kat: But it’s Jensen’s last ep. And I really like it.
Giulia: Anyway
Nat : lAcrOsS
Zee: The end of the world
Zee: He knows
Nat : The little prayer thing at half time
Kat: Ugh parents
Nat : me talking to someone
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Zee: That’s awesome
Giulia: That’s awesome
Giulia: Ok but u know what i don’t like about filler eps tho. That they are like these oases outside of everything where seems like things don’t matter .... Whatever
Nat : Gag me
Zee: Kinky
Nat : please do
Kat: What she said
Giulia: Oh the flask again.  What esle is also new, this day is already ruined anyway
Kat: So good
Nat : also it's been shot in the beginning, I hardly think that Jensen knew what happened the episode before that.
Zee: Why is dean drinking and eating all the time?
Nat : don't you do that?
I mean....same
S: We keep them from dealing with the truth, with what's out there, and we carry the weight. It's great. They have no idea What's out there.
Kat: Sammy is a little disillusioned
Giulia: OH WHAT
Nat : oh no
Zee: Becky?!
Giulia: awe
Kat: She’s so normal now
Nat : There's something wrong with Becky
Zee: Great
Giulia: No fuck off
Nat : Ah, there it is
Kat: Not with her lol
Nat : God is fucking desperate
Giulia: That’s not everybody’s else problem tho so can he fuck off
Zee: Somebody’s got a fetish
Kat: Okay Dean
Nat : Don't we all
Kat: Cheerleader fetish lol
Nat : Mine is Dean
Kat: Many
Giulia: Of course she is
Giulia: Oh becky
Nat : mY WOrK
Zee: Oh honey
Nat : A little obsessed
Giulia: Oh honOh look she is us after the show ends
Nat : What show ends?
Kat: The one you’re not watching
Kat: At least she’s not a complete wackadoodle now
Nat : A little bit of a falling out
Zee: Poor God,  Nobody wants to hang out with him
Nat : God is a fucking child throwing a tantrum
Kat: Because he’s a douche
Giulia: Awe that’s so pathetic it’s almost cute
Nat : It sounds wrong
B: I am married to an amazing man, I have two great kids,and I like myself, Chuck. For the first time in a long time, I like myself. So I don't need you.
Nat : you do you, becky
Zee: By Becky nonetheless
G: You don't need me. No one does.
Zee: Boo fucking hoo
G: I feel so lost.
Kat: Oh shut up with the pity party chuck
B: Then, Chuck, you have to write.
Giulia: Oh no he doesn t
Nat : Dean is eating his way through the episode
Kat: Rob plays annoying so well
Kat: thicc arms
Giulia: Sure she wants to help you lol
Kat: Dean with the slow clap
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Zee: That smile
Nat : I can't with Dean's eyebrow this episode
Giulia: Felt that
Kat: I need wine lol
Nat : It's the dad?
Giulia: Wow
Nat : Anything stronger than what? Water?
Zee: What does he want with Becky ??
G: I mean, I used to be able to see Sam and Dean in my head, wherever they were, whatever they were doing. It was all just there, ripe for the picking. And now it's just gone.
Nat : oh god, chuck annoys the fuck out of me
Nat : throw him out, becks
Giulia: Hey
Zee: Fan fic isn’t the same ?? Excuse you dick
Nat : I read EXPOSE your dick
 Kat: I wish she wouldn’t push him to write
Giulia: Awe look at that maniac stare
Kat: Bad idea
Giulia: Ew no
Kat: Of course
Nat : Ah, it's both of them
Nat : Sam walks in with a puppy look
Kat: He looks like that the whole ep
Giulia: How they know
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Zee: TheY seriously need to control their ducking faces
Zee: Fu
D: We're not FBI.
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Giulia: Well that was hot
Nat : Where did he keep the machete
Nat : in his pants?
Kat: A holster under his many layers
Giulia: Not great
Nat : The way he says Sammy
Nat : But right at his ass
Kat: She is. On his ass.
Nat : I can't. I wanna see how he pulls it out from another angle
Zee: What she said
Nat : finger guns
B: No one even mentions Cass.
Giulia: AH
Zee: Thanks Becky
Nat : Becky gets it
Giulia: chuck angry
Nat : Ah no,
Giulia: Fuck. No thanks
Nat : I give you danger
Zee: Fuck you becky
Nat : get off my dick god
Nat : Ah
Kat: Now you know
Nat : Well
dad: You don't have children, do you? Because if you did, you would know that to see your child in pain rips your heart out. And you'd know that you'd do anything. You'd die for them.
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Giulia: AH but he does. They all do
Nat : He had a child, thank you very much
Giulia: JACK
Zee: And Ben
Nat : EMMA
Giulia: Meh whatever
Giulia: Hate this
Kat: This whole thing is sad
Nat : I mean, I kinda feel for them
Zee: The kid wants to do good
snorts.....like Jack....lol ring any bell?
*sound of someday starts to play*
Nat : AH
Giulia: AAAAAH
Giulia: FUCK
Nat : WHAT
Giulia: STOP
Nat : MY GOD
Giulia: SOB
Nat : Great, now I will associate it with that scene?
Giulia: UGH
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Giulia: WOW OK
Nat : I'm sads
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Giulia: WELL OK
Nat : It's so sad
Giulia: oh no this is so sad. This shot is beautiful tho
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Nat : Cuz it's true, the lengths parents are willing to go
Giulia: Chuck fuck off
Giulia: Yeah it is dark af
Giulia: Nice
Kat: Winchester 😭
B: You can't do this to the fans.
Nat : It's good right?  Fuck off
Giulia: I already hate this
Nat : Ah no
Giulia: OH COME ON
Nat : WTF
Giulia: CHUCK
Zee: I can’t
Giulia: Ah babe dean already did that. Remember when Dean prayed to God about Mom, Crowley and Castiel? lol Bet this fucker made the exact face , maybe munching on popcorn 
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Giulia: and we are at 5 goodbyes . So: Kevin, Ketch, Rowena, Becky, Benny
Kat: See she shouldn’t have encouraged him
Giulia: With my leg burning
Zee: Shut up both of you
Nat : Go look after your leg
Kat: Now for the BM scene
Giulia: My room smells like coffee
Zee: Not bad
Giulia: Coffee i did not drink
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Nat : Ah stop it Dean
Giulia: Why they look so much all over the place tho
S: we'd have done the same thing. For Jack. If we had the chance.
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I can’t decipher Dean’s expression right now . idk.
D: I get it. We have lost way, way too much. And it's hard not to feel like just...cashing out. I felt like that.  After Chuck, back at the crypt. But you know what brought me back?  You did. By sayin' that what we do still matters. I mean, that's why I wanted to drag us out here  That's why I wanted to -- to work a case, to save lives, you know? 'Cause it is -- it's a -- it's a crap job.  We do the ugly things so that people can live happy.
S: lucky them
D: We still do the job. But we don't do it for us We did it for Jack,  for Mom, for Rowena. We owe it to anybody who has ever gave a damn about us to keep putting one foot in front of the other. No matter what. And, hey, man, like you said, now that Chuck's gone,
D: we're finally on our own.  We are finally free to... move on, you know?
Nat : Sam with his stupid puppy face
S: I can't forget any of them. Dean, I still think about Jessica. I -- I can't just let that go.
Giulia: aw sam
Kat: I still think about Jessica
Zee: Someone hug Sam
Kat: Damn it not the hearts
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Kat: Sammy is broken af 😭
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Nat : "I can't even breathe"
Nat : Same, Sam
Giulia: Hate this
Giulia: Hate
S : But maybe tomorrow. You know, maybe I'll -- I'll feel better in the morning.
Giulia: Can sam stop crying
Giulia: Asking for a friend
Nat : Can Sam just stop Period
Kat: Ugh chuck again
Giulia: Asshole
Nat : We all know it
Zee: I hate it
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Nat : Promo?
Nat : So young,  and the way he's so full of himself "obviously", so proud
Giulia: So cocky
Giulia: Bastard
Kat: Makes me giggle bc the fandom always says he doesn’t age
Zee: I can’t wait for the million red gifs
Kat: I’ve already reblogged a few sets
Zee: I saw
Kat: And made a post about his beard
Kat: Did you look before the episode?
Zee: I can’t hear you. I’m entering a tunnel 
Why am I not even a bit surprised.
Zee: I’m talking about the gifs Giuls will start slapping us with
Giulia: Idk I don t feel like it. I’d would love to make them nicer BUT NO ONE I ASKED TOLD ME HOW so....
Nat : I’ll rewatch the first 5 minutes and keep on squirting
Zee: TMI bb?! lol
Nat : Is there anything like TMI with us?
NO, there ain’t
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61 notes · View notes
the-nerdy-stjarna · 5 years
AOS Rewatch: S2E1 “Shadows”
The Nazi dude’s pronunciation of German is not great, but at least he’s grammatically correct.
I don’t know if speaking mediocre German is better or worse than speaking English but with a fake German accent :) 
Wait a second. That’s where they confiscated the Kree alien body they used for the GH drug? AHHHHHHHHH. [I can’t take a screenshot but at the 3-minute mark] [That blows a whole into the theory I read that the body came from one of the Kree that Goose swallowed in Captain Marvel]
Hartley and our first glimpse of HUNTER! AHHHH!!! HUNTER! Back then I didn’t know how much I would fall in love with the character. I miss him so much. I hope we see him again in S7. I mean, you gave us the beauty that was a Fitz&Hunter bottle episode so... PLEASE!
Creel. EEEEK.
Aaaaand the first time Hunter gets beat up on that show. 2 minutes into his first appearance.
“Go dark.’ Hello, Director in your new fancy office. [I always like the Playground.]
Can I just marvel at Nick Blood. He just brings this character to life so well and just. Have I mentioned I miss Hunter.
Coulson mentioning a dead drop instead of pay phone. Maybe he was talking to Simmons?
Coulson asking about progress on the clanking equipment. **ugly crying thinking about Fitz**
Bakshi! [And to think Simon Kass seems to be the sweetest dude on the planet.]
“But you should both focus on not saying anything overly stupid.” Oh, Hartley, I love her.
“I’m not making any promises.” Hunter, at least he’s honest.
Excuse me while I bawl my eyes out over the FitzSimmons scene, because it’s so well done, because watching that episode for the first time, I seriously had no idea that Simmons was imaginary and now that I know, rewatching those scenes is just so much more painful and Iain and Lil are such phenomenal actors and just like **grabs more tissues**
“Hunter.” — “What?” — “Don’t be yourself right now.”
Trip and Skye discussing the Koenig brothers. Let’s admit it, we all had those thoughts for 4 seasons.
Ward **angry growling**
Oh, Talbot. You stubborn grumphead.
I simultaneously wanna cry and I love that Jemmaginary is giving Fitz pep talks. Like that’s Fitz giving himself pep talks. Like part of him knows he doesn’t need to be so hard on himself but at the same time. Just **grabs more tissues**
“Treat me like I’m gonna break.” **ugly crying thinking about S5**
“I see it. They see it. And soon you’ll see it yourself.” **grabs more tissues.**
“Come on, girl. You know I look good.” Yes, we do, Trip, we do.
“I’ll have you so deep in horse manure, you’ll need a damn snorkel.” That is something that Talbot would say 100%
[Let’s ignore the fact that in the future that obelisk kills people a lot quicker than it kills Hartley.]
“You’ve seen what they can do with robotics these days.” — “Probably be an upgrade.” AHHH, Episode 1 of S2 foreshadowing what will happen with Coulson.
“Fitz said he could engineer cloaking, but I’m afraid he can’t do anything.” That entire reveal of Fitz hallucinating Simmons. HOW DARE THEY? **ugly crying**
“Simmons said she thought he’d be better without her here.” **more ugly crying**
Let’s also remember Idaho, not just Hartley. **ugly crying**
Whitehall has lost his German accent (I must say I’m a bit relieved ;) )
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