#fnaf is the one thing that never quite seems to leave my mind really
shinewonder · 2 years
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i got no time to live, and i can’t say goodbye
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Hello, can you do og Bonnie with prompts: 24, 36, and 57
Sure! Me and @okchijt had a lot of fun doing this one! This is much different than my usual stuff and this one is strictly platonic! I hope you enjoy despite the different take :) This is more like traditional FNAF than my usual "Sentient AI" takes, plus it leans into more of a horror story. Take it as a breath of fresh air I guess, lol.
Yandere! Bonnie Prompts 24, 36, 57
"Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to."
"You're stuck with me, like it or not."
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Murder/Child murder mentioned/implied (It's FNAF), Blood, Fear of abandonment, Trauma, Kidnapping implied, Violence, Mind break, Dark/Horror themes, Darling nearly vomits, Forced/Dubious companionship, You're childhood friends.
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You recall when you were younger that you played with a boy at Freddy Fazbears. You would always have parties there for your birthday and when you met him he always came to yours. You remember the smell of pizza... the sounds of the arcade... and watching the animatronics sing and dance.
You could barely recall his name but you knew his favorite was always Bonnie. He was confident and prideful, always doing things to impress you. He was always in your fonder moments of the Pizzeria.
One day... your best friend said something weird during a party. He told you to not follow the "yellow rabbit". You found it odd why he was so suspicious... but you followed his warning.
After that and you went home... the Pizzeria closed down... and you never saw your best friend again. Freddy's used to be a place that brought you two together. Now... despite what the media says... you feel it took away the closest friend you had.
Years passed since then, allowing you to become an adult. You could never get over what happened that day. It got to the point that you needed some sort of closure.
Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria was mostly abandoned, except for the occasional Night Guard. You got word that the last one mysteriously quit according to some news. Against your better judgment and wanting to fill your need for closure... you prepare supplies and break into the mostly abandoned building.
Once inside you push aside your fears. You feel like you don't belong here... that you should leave. Yet you keep blaming yourself for the death of your best friend... for not being there... so you trek on.
You walk by with a flashlight through the dark building. You pass the animatronics... still idle and untouched for who knows how long. Your goal is near the back... where you last saw your friend before he was never seen again.
You're oblivious to the sharp pink eyes staring you down as you turn the corner.
Walking down hallways you come across a door near the back. Your flashlight shakes in your hand as you reach out. Something in your head tells you to run... something instinctual... but you open the door anyways.
You enter the room and search around. Your flashlight flickers as you catch strange stains in the room. Even worse the smell of something rotting fills your nose.
You walk in the room and search softly. After sometime you hear the door close shut behind you, causing you to jump with a loud scream. You spin around, only to freeze when your flashlight illuminates a bunny animatronic in front of you.
You can't seem to explain it... how did it get here? Why was it silent? Why did it seem like it was staring-
"I can't believe it's really you... it's been years! I didn't think it was true but you really are here! You even knew where to look...." The bunny speaks, his voice both familiar in the sense you heard him sing... and something else you have trouble recalling.
Bonnie's talking... Bonnie's talking and he knows you. You're stunned, staring at the bunny with confusion and fear. Then the stench of rot fills your nose again and you get an idea... along with the urge to gag.
Maybe you just want closure... but...
"Jeremy...?" The name feels foreign for a moment, like it was locked away in your mind for years to prevent trauma. It's a stretch... but the bunny seems to perk up at the long forgotten name.
"Yes, that's right! But... I go by Bonnie now. That's my name now." The bunny... Bonnie responds.
Your mind begins to spiral.
"How... none of this can be possible... what-" You whisper to yourself. Was this the closure you needed? Was this what you wanted? Was this a nightmare? Now there's more questions....
"It can't be a coincidence! We first met here and became friends... this place is important to us... and here's where we meet again!" Bonnie's tone is full of excitement, his eyes never leaving you. "Don't you believe in fate? Fate wants us to be together...!"
When his words set in your mind continues to spiral. None of this should be possible. There's no way you're meeting your best friend again... but in a robotic suit. Maybe you're sleep deprived... maybe-
"I-I need to leave... I need to get out of here, this is a trick-" You whisper before trying to gun it for the door.
But it all happens so fast... too fast.
Next time you know you hit the wall. The breath is knocked clean out of your lungs as you collapse onto your hands and knees. You wheeze and cough... all while glowing eyes stare down at you.
"I'd hate to hurt you but... if you keep this up I might have to." Bonnie warns sadly, ears drooping when he sees how hard he hit you. You don't entirely hear what he said, the stress and adrenaline ringing in your ears. You only shake as you try to breathe again.
Bonnie realizes his mistake and shakes his head, deciding to change his tone and try this all again.
"I'm really sorry... I forgot how fragile you can be... especially now." The bunny laughs softly, playing it off as just a playful joke.
You feel sick. However, now that you've seen the true power of the robot... you decide it's best not to make it angry. You go quiet, looking up at the bot. This seems to please Bonnie.
"We have a lot to catch up on! We have all night! Perhaps even an eternity... as I don't plan on letting you go again...." The bunny coos, staring down at his old friend.
You try to protect, going to open your mouth. However... Bonnie's look turns threatening and you quiet yourself. Upon obeying the silent threat you're scooped off the floor in a tight hug.
"You're stuck with me, like it or not." Bonnie whispers softly as he holds his best friend. In response tears fall down your cheeks as you feel your mind slip away. Was it the rotting smell.... or was it because you met your friend again?
You finally cave and hug the animatronic back tightly. You feel his soft fuzz on your skin as you try to find comfort in him. You can barely contain your sobs.
"Jeremy... I'm so sorry..." You whisper. You aren't quite sure what you're apologizing for. His murder? For him losing his humanity? For not coming back sooner? For not dying with him?
Does it even matter anymore?
You have your friend back... you have closure... nothing else matters but your best friend.
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postmakergeneral · 4 months
A quick-ish ramble to sort out some feelings.
So... It's only the fifth of February. I don't usually keep to the larger internet, mind you, so I tend to be late to things. But, the fire has spread to my little spot on the internet where I take comfort.
What fire? The fire. That fire. You know the one. The fire of things ever changing, too fast to rest or to even understand. As soon as one thing settles in, it hits you with another and you're left just lost for a while.
I woke this morning a little later than usual. I've been composing or rearranging music in part to make my own, in part to understand music better. It's a struggle, one worth taking, but it eats time—
Anyways. I wake up and check the internet. See the news. Check my mail for rejected job applications. See something on reddit and—
I watch vtubers, of course I do. I'm an out and out weeb, struggling to learn Japanese alone. Anki discourages you within a week of study, though I blame myself for not immersing enough.
I didn't watch Selen. I guess she's Dokibird, now. I'll have to watch her next stream to show my support.
Nijisanji EN is burning. Has been a while, I guess. It's just game to see who's next. Live content is fast at making parasocial connections.
That's the word of post-quarantine media. Parasocial. Creators versus the audience. I say it like it's a fight, because it seems to be. Creators against themselves, trying to keep up good content. The audience, demanding but loyal. The sense of friendship watching the same person for years, though they may never see your comment.
We're all lonely here, in our own ways. Hear someone friendly enough refer to you as "you"—English lacking a plural you to differentiate. Even the streamer's lingo of calling the audience "chat", has this —effect of them pointing at the you behind the screen.
Later, as I was working through some backlogged videos, I learn Matpat is quitting. You too, huh? Thanks for all the early Youtube videos, though I fell off after FNAF 3. Feel a bit bad now, since the appeal of the lore has clicked in for me.
I don't know if Youtube/Twitch is a job in the same way accountant is. You know, that boost in popularity and in money. The unease of not knowing how much your next paycheck is.
But, retiring? That isn't quitting and finding a new job. That's... just not working anymore. And I get that he's not really quitting, but you know what I mean—he's not making this his thing anymore.
That's out there. Like, I know Matpat's a dad now. But, I always figured that these folks would retire 20 years or so before me. Like, we'd be balding, guts lapped over our belts when some youtuber had their 40th or so anniversary. Then, they say: "It's the last year for me." And we'd all cheer—we would have proven that internet media production is a life vocation. That with some luck and skill, we could live all our lives as Creators.
But Matpat et al aren't retiring because they've had a full career. They threw themselves into the fire and got tired of it. They're backing off from the internet for health and personal reasons, not because they're too old.
Better this, I suppose, than being asked to leave. Better this, than "selling out" and making worse content.
Speaking of "being asked to leave".... I get it now. I get what you were talking about when your favorite creator got cancelled. Because I just learned what my favorite creator has been up to—it's not great.
Compound that. What, for about 14 years? I'd say about that much. 14 years of quality, consistently improving content, near daily. Then, it hits that your favorite creator just did the fuck up of a lifetime and now—
Well, I have to come to terms with it. How am I supposed to feel about this? I'd say disappointed, but I... think I saw this coming.
I won't name names here. Dokibird deserves better, so she gets a mention. Matpat will have fanfare seeing him off—when we cry for him, it'll be out of respect.
This guy? He asked for quiet time, time to do better.
But at the same time, I know if I sit through the old content... I'll hear it. The things that pointed this way. I had the sense that he wasn't just going to put his foot in his mouth, but both his legs in there before long. And he did, massively.
I hope. That's hard word to say. Hope. I don't think I've had much of that a while. I want for him to do as he promises and be better. Apparently, other people have done the same.
Apparently, the drama tubers have gotten their mitts on the guy. Vultures, the lot, and so are we. But I don't watch drama tubers. I do watch people who interact with that bubble.
Last month or so, my newest favorite video esssayist—and while I haven't decided to drop the name yet, it's very obvious—decided to take on the legal basis of some youtube drama.
I was there for the section on the American financial system, like a good nerd.
That went... well, Icarus moment, for the guy. I don't think any of the fans were really there for the drama section, just for the legal analysis. Like, I've seen legal tube before. I'm sure you have. I was full on expecting for the rest of the legal analysis to drop, like he'd pull out a different case entirely to examine what had happen before.
I think the video's gone now. But, internet. Do check out his stuff. There's more than law in there. I think I'd call it anthropology, or just the analysis of how culture came to be. Is that the same thing?
I don't feel better. This was supposed to make me feel better. I was supposed to confront my emotions and process them until I was happy(er). And I'm not.
Do people still do these? A strange little diary of the moment? It's very Tumblr to me. Carve out a little place for yourself. No one will see what you make. No one will care. Freedom, at its best and worst. Too much to do and too little at the same time.
There's a sense of welcomed imperfection here. I won't likely get much love for what I do on here, nor will I get any critique. A diary made public, for no one to see. Wonderful. That's exactly what I wanted from my social media.
Odd. I don't want to interact or others to interact with me much. Here I am, just shouting into the void because the beach is closed.
Some other notes before I let you leave.
Palworld exists. It's in odd space, seemingly trying to step on toes. But it's really not the better version of Pokémon I was looking for. It doesn't have better story or gameplay.
I have SMT and Persona (which I like less than mainline) for that.
The Apollo Justice trilogy finally dropped, saving some wonderful games and stories from rotting on the 3DS. Citra, of course, exists, but those games refuse to run on there.
I'm playing around with other hobbies. Maybe I should try daily writing. This time, I might actually post it. I think my creative writing is more structured than this, but probably not. Every once in a while, I think up a decent phrase and wonder if I should try again.
Honestly, this here is out there for this blog. This is a post whatever, whenever I just made blog. I guess this counts.
I think it's time. I need to touch grass. I need a job.
And I'm very tempted to hit the Enlist button.
Thanks for reading.
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shittyblogname · 2 years
Shady enough
I listened to some songs and had a idea for a William fic in mind although I dont know how much it is really based off of these (some being my boy by Billie Eilish, Raging on a Sunday by Bohnes and many more) 
It’s kind of x reader? It is told out of third person perspective though. 
Warnings: William Afton is a warning himself, hint of pervert-ness
reader is Gender Neutral and uses They/them pronouns
if I need to add more warnings tell me please! My requests are always open aswell :), I would appreciate reblogs.
no specific game-time yet, although I think it is during & between FNAF 1 & 2
this is gonna come out in “chapters” because I write when I have motivation to do so ^^ (Not proof read, English isn’t my first language)
Word count: 1027
They were quite the thorn in his eye, always near him, always watching him. He wasn’t sure why, although he had a slight fear telling him that they were on to his plan. These past weeks he had waited for the right opportunity, much to his disappointment. They weren’t leaving, never. The new Security Guard wasn’t only persistent, but also always looking over his shoulder. He was behind schedule, and it panicked him. On this particular day in the restaurant, they were sitting across from him at a empty party table. His eyelid slightly twitched in annoyance, not getting a single moment of privacy from them. They were blabbering about something, but to be honest, he wasn’t listening. He nodded and laughed along when they did, and it seemed to fool them just fine. He was taken by surprise from one specific thing they said, but his mind picked it up before he could hear it. “could you repeat that?” he finally spoke up, looking at them. “I said that I think your hair looks nice today, William.” they answered, giving him a sweet but small smile. His name rolled off of their tongue so effortlessly, it drew him in like a fish who bit the bait. Suddenly, he wanted to hear more about them, a slight guilt bubbling up in his stomach for not listening earlier. They are probably just a lonely person who’s trying to make friends, he thought. “I didn’t do anything to it today.” he mentioned, which brought the other to frown over his dry response. He cleared his throat, kicking himself mentally for being so awkward. They were quite pretty, probably a easy target. He could wrap them around his finger in just a hour or two, although even if he did something to them, they most likely wouldn’t fight. He clicked his tongue to fill the silence, looking around for something to talk about in a anxious manner. „Don’t you think these Robots are scary? As a kid I would have cried immedeately. I don’t get how the maker of these got them onto the market.“ He narrowed his eyes. „I am the maker of these.“ He spat, maybe sounding more offended than he meant to. They opened their mouth to say something, but closed it again without doing so. A awkward few minutes passed, making them anxious now. „I didn’t mean to offend you.“ They finally managed to say, earning a scoff from the man. He leaned back slightly, groaning in exhaustion. „I hate it here, so much. I wish I could just go home.“ It wasn’t the first time they heard him say that, although it started to concern them slightly. „why’s that?“ they tilted their head, curious for his answer. „this place gives me the creeps, not the awkward kind though.“ He leaned back forwards, placing his elbows on the table, his head following on the palm of his hand, staring at them. „You know, the kind that makes you want to go crazy.“ his eyes sucked them in, his voice being so calm while talking about this freaked them out. „That sounds like what a serial killer would say“ they let out a nervous laugh, William laughing along. „don’t be silly! I never thought about killing somebody to satisfy those feelings.“ His charming smile made them believe this stupid lie and he swore he snickered because of how dumb they are. „I’ll take the night shift today.“ He suddenly spoke up, startling them slightly. „why? That’s my job.“ They raised their eyebrow in confusion, not understanding why anybody would take that shift out of their free will. „don’t have anything to do tonight.“ He simply answered, making them smile. „I could come over, I’m sure that the Animatronics don’t need a babysitter every night to lock them out.“ His mind went to all the things that are wrong with that offer, or how messy his house looked. He had kids at home, and his wife certainly wouldn’t like him bringing home another person. „You know, I think it’s better if we go to your house.“ They luckily didn’t ask more questions, and the evening went as usual before closing time.
 Arriving at the tall apartment block, they pulled out their keys with a bit of force, given they were stuck on the inside of the jeanspocket. The clicking noise that came from the lock satisfyed William, a weird feeling of comfort washing over him as he realized that he didnt need to face his children or woman tonight. „can I come over more often?“ he suddenly blurted out, looking down to them with a slightly slouched posture, hands in his pockets. „we haven’t even entered my house!“ they snickered, but gave him a nod. „sure you can, I dont mind. I gets quite lonely anyways.“ He smiled to himself, not out of sinister or evil plans in his mind, just because he felt a warmth bubbling up inside him from their response. They lead him into the apartment, his slightly rough hands feeling like fine sandpaper against their softer ones. He looked around a little, familiarizing himself with the layout of the place. „It’s not the best or fanciest but I call it home.“ They proudly said, placing their fists on their hips. He smirked, slouching over them again with his eerie aura. „It’s better than where I live.“ He responded, making them raise their eyebrows. „how so?“ they stepped away from him, taking off their shoes. „my house is just in a bad condition.“ It was a lie, and he knew that it seemed weird to mention. „move, then.“ They turned to look at him. „I’m sure with these Robots you make quite the money.“ He shrugged, overcounting mentally what his paycheck was last month. „I guess you could say that.“ They nodded absentmindedly, sliding into the small kitchen. „Are you hungry William? I can cook something.“ They shouted out, starting to preheat the oven. „I’d love something to eat, thank you.“ He leaned onto the doorframe, obversing them. He watched as they prepared some quick meal with a perverted smirk, mainly focused on their curves.  
This ending is terrible dear god but I couldn’t think of anything else, I’m sorry D:
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Personalities: FNaF 1
I’ve been meaning to do this for so long, just never decided to sit down and do it. Probably because I keep getting distracted with other stuff. Feast your eyes (is that how it goes, I might be dumb). I spent a couple of hours on this, and let me tell you I never thought it’d be this difficult. But I’m proud of this, even if it may be cringe.
(oops they ended up being really long I think you can tell who’s my favourite character (hint they’re a robot))
Basically everyone in this group are buds. Sometimes they don’t get a long but they know how to not take it too far. I tried not to repeat cliches (Goldie being either really flirty or really shy, Chica being a cook, etc.). I mostly went off of what they do in the game and took the traits I liked.
Note that these are the personalities of the animatronics themselves, not the dead children. The idea is that they started off as just the kids but then they got their own lives and slowly developed their own personality until they were separate. I might give them some personalities later on, but right now I’m focusing on the robots.
Likes to be the boss
Seems grumpy and unapproachable but he’s actually pretty nice
Scary when he scolds you though
He doesn’t even realize he seems grouchy
Can be pretty boring to hang out with
Unless you enjoy cleaning, dealing with Chica and Foxy, and reading in silence
Bonnie is the one he’s the closest to
(sort of because of Fredbear and Springbonnie being friends, they’re not copying they just happen to mirror it)
Loves hugs and uses them to comfort others
He’ll also use his music box
He’s good at comforting others with hugs
Hates the “don’t touch Freddy” rule
Has a really nice singing voice
He hums and sings when he’s bored or when he’s doing something
The cook of the group and he can make a good pizza
He makes thin-crusted pizzas because helth
He can’t eat so he’ll leave them in the fridge for the kids
Everyone’s baffled on how it got there but accept it anyway
He remembers all the children who come and loves them all very much
He likes to keep things tidy
When Chica’s made a mess in the kitchen he goes in to clean it
He used to scold her for it, but he’s given up
He picks up random items that the children forget with the intention of returning them
Straight up eats them
(He steps in the backroom or goes behind the curtain to get the toys out, children don’t need to see that)
He still continues to pick up toys even when he can’t go off the stage anymore, just a habit that stayed
Frustrated that the new employees just throw away the toys instead of putting them in the lost and found
Sometimes he plays the arcade machines on his own time
He likes to read
There’s no books though, so he just ends up reading manuals, newspapers that people leave behind, employee files, etc.
Until he secretly ordered a book series for himself
It took some convincing from the others
But he ultimately decided to because he doesn’t like the owner
Also the owner is really bad at actually managing the restaurant so he never noticed
Because of this Freddy often steps in from behind the scenes when things are really going wrong, like employees misbehaving
He sends an email to them and then he gives them a little fright when they come into work and they usually either quit or straighten up
He likes earthy tones like brown and beige because he’s boring
He comes off as nonchalant and uncaring
People think he’s angsty
It’s basically his whole persona when he’s on stage, he’s supposed to be the party pooper that doesn’t like parties but is eventually convinced by his friends to join and has fun
Off stage he doesn’t have that much of a presence
He can approach people just fine and isn’t really that shy
He’s just a quiet guy
Probably the best one to chill with because he’ll talk if you’re talking but he’s cool with silence and just enjoying each other’s presence
The type to laugh at his own expense
Has some dark humour and likes to joke around with Foxy, who also enjoys that humour
Secretly the mother hen of the group (despite being a bunny and a guy, he just fits mother)
Would laugh if you trip but then subtly watch you for injuries
If it’s an animatronic he can do some basic fixing
Doesn’t know anything about human first aid, but he’ll help where he can and call for help if he needs to
The type of guy to seem calm but there’s internal panic
If something seems kind of dangerous he’ll watch from afar
But if it’s too dangerous he’s the first one to shut it all down
Good at comforting others
Worries a lot and is probably the most cautious of the group
Very protective
It’s why he’s the first one to come to your door, he wants to make sure it’s no one dangerous (even though they’re like 400lb robots but sssh)
Hides most of his worrying, thinks he’d come across as annoying
Weak to puppy-dog eyes
Likes happy alternative music, but he’s open to almost anything
Plays the guitar by ear
Is pretty good, not legendary, but he experiments on his own
Can’t read sheet music
His favourite colour is red
Takes random pieces of paper like articles and anything useless and writes on the back of them like a diary, he keeps it hidden inside of the backroom in one of the Bonnie heads
Chaos incarnate
She’s a hyperactive kid that has trouble considering other’s feelings
Struggles with responsibility
Her favourite colour is green
Not at all good at comforting people
But she can listen while you rant and chime in or give you a distraction if you need it
“you wouldn’t believe the crap I had to deal with today”
“I wanna know everything!”
She’s actually the physically the strongest in the group
They’re all pretty strong, she’s just at the top
Mostly uses her strength to lift tables in order to make forts and playing around in the kitchen
Has broken many pans and lots of cooking utensils
Terrible cook
Can’t be left in the kitchen unsupervised for too long otherwise you run the risk of her starting a fire
Good at singing
Loves happy-go-lucky tunes
Radiates positivity
Doesn’t like the others being sad, but doesn’t know what to do about it
She’d probably get Freddy or Bonnie to help
Baby of the group (she is an adult though)
Has excellent puppy-dog eyes, only Freddy can stand them
Has trouble dealing with her own emotions
Tends to idolize or idealize people too much
Doesn’t understand what the outside world is like, or any of the problems that people deal with
I think that you gathered by now that she is not the mother hen of the group, even though she’s chicken
More like the kid sister that wants you to play dolls with her
Doesn’t like being alone and will find others to keep her company
Her feelings get hurt pretty easily
She can take a joke, just don’t be mean even if it is funny
Easily made happy by food
Tries to convince Freddy to make her pizza
When he doesn’t she’s like “fine then I’ll make it on my own”
Spends like a half hour trying to decide which pan to use and even more time getting the ingredients together
Freddy stops her before she can actually make anything, otherwise the whole place will burn
She’s easily distracted and tends to be absentminded
But if she finds something she likes she can sit there and do it for hours
Doesn’t like sudden noises, even though she makes them
Doesn’t play the arcade games, they make her mad
The other chaos incarnate, he’s Chica’s partner in crime
If they were left in a room together all the tables would be smashed the chairs would be arranged to make a fortress
Tends to cause a lot of trouble so he gets put in time out often by the Freddy’s
Claims they’re being bums but they just want to keep the building intact
He sneaks away when they’re not looking sometimes and gets in even more trouble
Has the same dark humour as Bonnie
But he doesn’t laugh at himself
Actually a little self conscious
He’s a psychopath that enjoys exercise
When I say exercise I mean running and that’s it
He likes to pretend he’s either running away from or being chased by a huge monster
It’s one of the few things that can calm him down, just let him burn off some energy
Makes the others time him, but Chica usually gets distracted
Not a bad person, he just has a very hard time sitting still
He likes to draw
Carves little pictures into the floor of the cove when he’s bored
He’s running out of space though
If you give him a colouring book (they have some children’s colouring books and crayons) he’ll be calm up until he’s finished, then he’ll want to do another one
He also likes storytelling
Don’t ask him to write though, he doesn’t have much patience
Struggles with feelings of sadness
Misses performing for the kids
Most negative emotions translate into anger
Which will result in him trying to smash things and they others having to hold him back
Says things he doesn’t mean and does things that he wouldn’t do otherwise
He just can’t handle the emotion
Luckily he doesn’t get angry often
More often than not he’ll just pretend the negative feelings don’t exist, which also isn’t healthy
Out of everyone in the group he wants to go outside the most
He likes movies
There was a cheap VCR and tv in the boss’s office that’s now in the pirate cove
Somehow, none of the employees realized he took it
Either that or they just weren’t paid enough to care
He has like two movies he watches on repeat, it’s another thing you can give him to calm him down.
His favourite colour is blue, like the ocean
The true angsty one
Golden Freddy/Goldie/Fredbear
Spends a lot of time alone
Kind of a grump
Doesn’t like being bothered
He got the nickname Golden Freddy because that’s what the others called him when they first met him
It didn’t stick at all until the night guards that saw him called him that
Now it’s something the others call him to tease him, but they usually shorten it to Gold or Goldie.
He doesn’t really mind Gold or Goldie, but Golden Freddy kind of bothers him because it makes it sound like he came after when he’s actually the original
Doesn’t say anything though
Hangs out in the safe room, so the others can’t really get to him anyway
But they can yell through the door so there’s that
(I know it’s supposed to be invisible to them but they have life and stuff so they can see, they just can’t go inside)
He’s very sleepy
Spends most of his time sleeping or daydreaming
Doesn’t really miss performing
Says it was fun while it lasted but he’s fine with it being over
Though sometimes he eats his words when it’s daytime and the kids come
The cheering gives him the urge to come out and say hi even though he knows he shouldn’t
Misses being able to hang out with Springbonnie all the time
Springbonnie is there in the backroom with him, it’s kind of why he spends so much time in there
He activates sometimes, but he usually stays shut down to conserve battery
It’s pretty random
Springbonnie doesn’t know much about what’s going on, he never stays up long enough to get a full explaination
But he does try his best to keep his friend in high hopes
(I’ll be writing his personality later on, with FNaF 4)
There’s no way to charge him because the chargers are on the stage and the others can’t come in to help move him and Goldie’s not strong enough
And he can’t get up on his own
He likes being able to talk to him sometimes at least
Every now and then the others have to convince him to come out
He comes out on his own occasionally
But sometimes he shuts himself out completely and doesn’t realize how lonely he is, even if it is self-inflicted
The best way to get him to come out is knock-knock jokes, he loves them and the irony of it being through a door is just perfect
Likes even the cheesy ones
You can tell him puns or some well-constructed jokes too, he likes pretty much everything
He’s the grumpiest but he’s also the best at making others laugh
What can I say, he has a lot of time on his hands
When he does come out he hangs out with Freddy or Bonnie, the other two are too high energy for him
He plays the arcade games
He has the highest score, since he literally lives there and can play them whenever he wants
Likes the repetitiveness of some of the games
Even if he’s kind of a grump and a recluse the others respect him and come to him for advice when they need it
It’s sometimes stupid stuff like “where did my guitar go” and “quick help me hide Bonnie’s guitar”
He likes the colour purple
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forsakenbysinnoh · 4 years
Random Headcannons for the Demon Bros that no one asked for.
Lucifer never refers to God by name, only ever saying "He" or "My Father".
Despite how he may act, he's proud of his brothers, of their independence and strength. His pact mark reflects that, his own star surrounded by the six of his brothers.
With that, he can also be very worried about his brothers. Being an avatar of a sin is a title that can be won. He makes sure no other demons besides his brothers hold that title.
He has a dark sense of humor that can go unnoticed or be mistaken as threats.
Despite his reputation of being controlling, he's actually rather tired of it. He was forced into this position to protect his loved ones, and to try to figure out how to function after losing the war. Sometimes a part of him wants to be told what hes supposed to do, rather than deal with the mess of making it up as he goes along.
The most scarred of the brothers, especially along his chest and back. When he has to, he hides it with illusions, otherwise he doesn't show his skin.
Takes his debts and what he owes people very seriously. It's why he rarely asks for help even in small things.
Is the only one who can force a pact on an unwilling participant.
Isn't afraid of being controlled, but is scared of losing control to the wrong person or partner. It takes a lot of trust to let him drop the reins in a relationship.
Despite turning into a wolf in the 'Paws and Claws' event, I think the best animal to represent him would be a black unicorn.
Mammon can be kind of a choosing beggar.
Forgets to be empathetic sometimes and can say some callus things. Sometimes it's good as he can be an outside observer in a situation and see things objectively.
His schemes are mainly to pay off debts. No one is quite sure where he keeps accumulating so many from.
Many people call him a coward, but in reality he's a pacifist. He'd rather run than fight.
Unless you get him hot headed, in which case the gloves are off.
Despite this, he's actually one of the most powerful brothers and can usually win a fight with anyone but Lucifer.
Very agile. Is a natural at parkor and free running.
He doesn't have a high opinion of himself, and his self esteem is in the garbage.
Def has a praise kink tho.
If he's really mad at you, he'll pretend you don't exist. He's not one to get into screaming fights, but he's passive aggressive.
I think a golden dragon with a hoarding tendency fits him well lol
He's a big nerd. King of nerds. Absolutely owns it.
Levi actually draws a lot of fanart but never shows it to anyone. He's very jealous of others talent and considers his own art bad.
Def has the Devildom equivalent of Tumblr.
Sometimes can be a fandom gatekeeper/hipster. Likely stems from a place of "I liked this before it was popular and got ridiculed for it. Now it's cool and you're taking over my interest."
Super long theories on current shows with in-depth analysis and pulling info from anywhere he can. Be prepared for his cork board on FNAF.
Sometimes Levi forgets other people have feelings too, especially when he's excited about something, and hurts them by accident. Usually goes back to apologize later when he realizes.
Loves to listen to someone nerd out, even if he's not interested in their interest, he likes them and how passionate about.
He's memorized the TSL books and movies. They are his biggest passion and he loves them so much.
He's a self shipper, ships himself with his favorite wifus and husbandos (he has both) and takes those "which character are you?" Quizzes all the time.
Knows how to code and hopes to make his own game one day.
Snake tends to be the go to for Levi, and I think a lizard or another reptile makes sense. They tend to scurry away from most creature, except for those like them.
(My boy so I might be a little biased/rambling here)
Satan was made after Lucifer lost the war, but he started growing in Lucifer's heart before then.
Satan is the only demon/angel that was not made by God directly, and he feels that effects his relationship with others.
He's not good at empathy, and it's a skill he's still working on.
Satan was the serpent in the garden who caused Eve to fall. He thought it was very unfair that God would refuse humanity knowledge, the one thing that he values above all else.
As he was developing/learning from each of his brothers, they each gave him an item that was important to him that he still keeps. Even Lucifer.
Keeps control of his emotions which can lead to violent outbursts if pushed far enough. No one has seen him completely unhinged except Lucifer.
Loves adventure books/series, especially long ones with intricate plots. Murder mysteries are his absolute favorite. Dislikes the 'Love triangle' trope a LOT.
Likes to listen and create stories.
Very magically adept. He knows many advanced spells and always has a hunger to learn more. Probably has made quite a few spells himself.
Cat. He's a cat. There was no competition here. His spirit animal is a kitty and I love him for it.
Asmo, despite being the avatar of lust, cares about consent a lot. He wants his partners to feel good when they're with him, not like they're afraid or helpless.
Well, unless that's your thing, in which case he'll make sure a safe word is in use ;)
Knows a lot about sex. If you have any question he will be happy to answer it without making it seem awkward or taboo. Though he will flirt and offer to show you himself.
He's very confident in his body and looks. Asmo knows he's a catch and good looking, and wants to keep it that way.
Doesn't mind showing off his scars from the war and wishes he could help Lucifer with his perception of his scars.
He will NOT have anyone body shamed in his presence.
Has ALL the gossip. He knows who's sleeping with who, what relationship drama is going down where, and keeps up with it daily.
Gender roles? Who is she? Being beautiful is for anyone.
He shows affection through touch. This makes him come off a bit needy and he tends to invade other's spaces.
There's more to lust than just sex though, it's pure, unrestrained desire. Desire to learn, to hurt, to take revenge, to love and be loved. He can sense someone's deepest desires and loves to bring that to the surface.
This is why Satan is one of his favorite brothers, there's a lot of pure emotion in him that he keeps covered up.
I think a Siren would fit him best, able to draw out what people desire the most.
Beel has a soft heart. He cares a lot for his family, even when he's mad at them.
His kindness has gotten other demons trying to take advantage of him, which is why he tries to hide it behind a facade of being a big brute.
He's a cuddler. Beel is touch starved and wants nothing more than just to hold someone close and know they love him.
Nightmares are a constant struggle for him. He still blames himself for Lilith's death and not being strong enough.
Unless Belphie is around, Beel has a hard time sleeping.
Like Mammon, Beel a pacifist, though he's usually a little more willing to throw his weight around when needed.
When Lucifer isn't around, Beel is the one to try and get his brother's on the same page. If it's a lost cause he'll just leave for some comfort food.
Unless it's a serious matter, in which case it'll be one of the few occasions he yells.
Is self conscious about the food he eats and how everyone sees him as just the big grunt who loves to eat.
Beel is basically a pitbull. He seems scary and dangerous on the outside, but really he's just a teddy bear.
~Belphagor (spoilers)~
(I'm still a little salty that Belphie here killed me. Just as a warning lol)
Belphie's powers include sleeplessness and inducing a weekend nap. He either never sleeps or is sleeping for several hours.
I don't know why but I'm betting he'd be good at Uno.
Hates being confronted by his mistakes, would rather pretend they didn't happen in the first place
Asks for piggie back rides from Beel when he's too tired to walk.
He's the only one who can get Beel to sleep without nightmares. No one is quite sure if that's cause of his powers, or if he just is good at comforting his brother.
I see him as being good at poems. Soothing words that have a rhythm to them. You listen to him speak and before you know it you're asleep.
He brushes off most kindness as fake and doesn't trust anyone.
The most comfortable hoodie. Hugs are warm and soft.
Animal: a small fluffy cow. You know the ones I'm talking about. Fluff central.
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fire-mage-719 · 3 years
I made a little story for FireMage the character in @fazbear-ent-official 's FNAF RP blog, pertaining to the type of stuff I think would fit what I want from their character. It's pretty long so I'll leave it below the cut.
I just sort of sat down and wrote something out in an hour or two, so there's probably a few mistakes or something. Above all I wanted to make it work with what everyone's done with the "universe" so far but also make it work (as someone who likes timelines and stories that makes sense).
I'm going to reblog it with a TLDR, and a sort of explanation as to my thought process and how it can work with everything. Doesn't have to be canon in the RP, but I think it might open up more RP opprotunities/paths or something. IDK, I haven't done this sort of thing before. Anyways enjoy.
William sighed before he left the building. The sound of arcade machines, a distant song, and children echoing in the short distance behind him. Exiting the dark building, he shielded his eyes and squinted as he was suddenly bashed by the intense sunlight.
It was a glorious and sunny day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the blue expanse cradling the unwieldy and bright sun. The building, his establishment, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, blocked out all the lights for bright neon signs and shiny decor and moving party lights. The outside was a stark contrast.
Beyond just the sight was the smell. Inside smelled like pizza and soda, candies with enough sugar content to kill anyone in a nursing home, and a tinge of childly stench. Out here it smelled like fire, smoke, and meat. Not just any meat, but good barbecued hotdogs and hamburgers, a steak maybe, a pork rib, William couldn’t tell anymore, really. It was just savory and honestly, a very good palate cleanser to the rubbish that they sold inside.
Manning the grill was a tall figure. They wore an astronaut suit, pale white, with no flags or logos. No NASA logo, no indication that they had ever been to space, and in the end, it didn’t particularly matter. No one seemed to really mind, William the least. Especially with the reason that he hired them for. Though they did intently wish for two more additions to their apparel: a Freddy Fazbear branded apron and a nametag that read “FireMage”.
“Fire, I need you to do what I hired you for,” William sighed, his arm still shielding his eyes from the sun. “Not whatever you’ve got setup here.”
“All due respect sir, someone came in with a t-bone and said they’d pay me more than you would in a week to cook it,” The astronaut said.
The astronaut turned away from the grill, pointing the burger flipper at William.
“A week, boss. Like, rich white ladies are nuts, but money is money,” Fire said, turning back to the grill and plating a few burgers. “Besides, you’ve got a lot more business lately, despite all your goings on. I would like to think it’s thanks to me.”
William grimaced as Fire took the last burger off the grill and onto a bun. William’s eyes were focused on the t-bone that the astronaut mentioned until Fire had closed the grill.
“Besides, I take care of whatever you ask no matter what,” Fire said, turning to look at William.
It was slightly concerning, not being able to look them in the eyes. Even with the animatronics, William was able to look into the glassy fake orbs, but the visor to Fire’s helmet blocked anything but William’s own reflection. Used to the light now, William watched his mirror image let his arm down.
“If you can even remember what that initially was for,” Fire continued, leaning against the grill.
William went to open his mouth, but shut it. He couldn’t remember.
“Is it that you can’t remember, or that you haven’t been made to remember yet?” Fire asked.
William snapped, “Don’t do that. Just… go in and do what I asked, yeah?”
William turned for the handle of the door. Fire was arguably one of the easiest of his employees to deal with. Casual, respectable, and above all somehow able to get away with an odd amount of things, Fire was… one of the least suspicious people at any establishment. Whichever establishment that Afton was at, they seemed to be there. No one minded the obviously fake name, the obviously out of the ordinary outfit, and the odd comments that seemed to slip beyond most peoples’ notice.
“Mr. Afton, I have to ask, what’s up with the sudden influx of employees?” Fire retorted.
William paused and looked back, not angry, but a bit annoyed.
“I don’t know. Must have been Henry or Willow. They’re in charge of new employees.”
“Besides me,” Fire chirped.
William smiled, a bit sarcastically, “Yes. Besides you.”
“I would say that they act oddly in regards to the establishment, wouldn’t you agree?”
Fire started to approach William Afton, and though William knew that Fire wouldn’t do anything, he let go of the door knob and turned to meet their gaze… or as much of a gaze that they could have. Fire stopped a few feet away, and William let himself relax, not realizing the tension he had in his jaw.
“I mean… yes. They do seem odd. That’s nothing too out of the ordinary,” William said back in a neutral tone.
“And there’s that new establishment even, the what…” Fire rested one of their hands on their hip, snapping with the other for a few moments before it clicked. “The Pizza-plex!”
William’s brows came together in confusion, he himself not knowing quite what they were getting at.
“What do you mean? What’s wrong with it?”
“Well, can’t you see? We shouldn’t be anywhere near the Pizza-plex yet!” Fire said exasperated. “We have a location with Toy Animatronics, with the Original Gang, we have the Funtime animatronics hanging out somewhere, none of this aligns!”
William sighed, looking up to the blue sky. If he just waited them out, they would be done, and he could go back inside. They weren’t even wasting time, since no one would interfere with what Fire was meant to do anyways.
“I don’t get what you mean,” He let his head drop to look down at Fire.
His heart skipped a beat when William saw Fire in front of him, grabbing his upper arms, holding him in place.
“Everything is wrong! I thought that something was off when I first got here, but now everything is wrong! All these things existing at once don’t coincide with the story at all!” Fire said. “None of the characters are in the right places! None of the events! The employees that appeared out of nowhere, they’re a part of this somehow!”
“Look, let me go,” William said, not struggling too much to let the astronaut let go of his arms. “I get it, you only agreed to work and do my odd jobs because… well…”
“You don’t remember how I got here, Afton,” Fire said, voice stale and monotone.
“I mean yeah, ok, I don’t!” William exclaimed. “Something is going on! I get it! But I don’t get what’s the deal! That hasn’t been an issue before. Sure! We got some weird employees! That one person with the rats, and that one person who got “adopted by Mr. Hippo”, and the one who started a wrestling ring, but that’s nothing huge!”
“But nothing has changed, yet,” Fire said. “The days go in and out, funky little things happen. But nothing moves forward. The days keep coming. The sun shines. You come out here and ask me to step away from my precious grill and clean up one of your little messes… that you don’t seem to be getting caught or suspicion for, despite the fact that it seems to be well known that Freddy’s is at least a slightly sketchy place.”
“Business is booming!” Afton sighed.
“Exactly!” Fire shouted. “It shouldn’t be!”
“What are you saying? I’m doomed to fail?” William laughed.
“In more ways than one,” Fire said plainly.
William didn’t like that statement, and glared at the astronaut. Fire walked forward, up to Afton.
“You and I can’t remember anything, but out of everyone, we seem to understand that there’s more than meets the eye going on. We’re stuck here, until something happens in this broken universe,” Fire said, inches from Afton, looking down on the man.
“Alright then. And what are we supposed to do about it?” Afton asked.
“Nothing. We can’t do anything. We’re nothing more than perversion, an offshoot of some original universe.”
“What are we waiting for, then?” Afton said, aggravated. “All the weird kids to go away? For me to finish my plans?”
“We’re waiting for the story to continue, of course,” Fire turned away.
They walked back to the grill, where sitting propped up next to it was a flamethrower. Dangerous to have next to a grill, to say the least, but William Afton never saw the astronaut without their flamethrower close by.
“There’s got to be some bigger plot point coming along. Something to move us all forward. We have to be going somewhere, but maybe it isn’t out yet. Whatever was going to come next, after Ultimate Custom Night. Before I got here,” Fire continued, returning to Afton.
“You’re making even less sense now,” Afton said, looking with concern down at the flamethrower. “You make it sound like, I don’t know, we’re just waiting for God to come roll the dice and choose what comes next.”
“Not God,” Fire said.
They looked away from Afton. Past him. Past the road. Past the buildings. Past the blue skies. Into the eyes of someone, into the eyes of you.
“No, someone else,” Fire returned their gaze to William. “That’s the only thing that makes sense. That everyone here is a puppet, or a pawn, of some sort. They know who you are, they know what you do, and they might know who each other are. They’re making a story, here, and it’s leading somewhere. Too many things don’t line up with what I know is true, and even the mysteries I don’t aren’t explained.”
William just stopped at that point. He was wondering if they had waited too long, and the cleanup would be harder. Though, he thought, it wasn’t his job to clean up.
“There isn’t anything beyond the locations. There’s nothing more than the world that revolves around you and Henry and the employees,” Fire poked William in the chest. “And the world never moves on. When did you make the Pizza-plex? Don’t answer, I know you don’t know. Why didn’t you shut down the Toy location? Don’t think about it? Here’s an important question, William Afton, how are the kids?”
William would have snapped. Would have grabbed Fire by the apron and strangled them with it. He was angry, but he didn’t know why. He was also sad. Afton stumbled backwards, into the wall. He didn’t know how he felt, it was a cacophony of emotions like an echochamber of butterflies eating at his insides. He looked up at Fire, who just looked down.
“We’re all waiting for them to continue the plot, Mr. Afton. And until they do, you and I are stuck in this little world. And unfortunately, knowing we’re in it, means we’re never escaping it,” Fire kneeled down, their voice soft. “I knew even before I came here about what you were up to. Your employees and coworkers don’t know what’s going on, but they’re too comfy with the nature of this place. I don’t particularly care about what you do, because according to the story, you are meant to complete these tasks.”
Fire offered their free hand to Afton. He looked at it, confused but accepting it nonetheless.
“Until the REAL story ends… and this place ends too… I’m here to make sure you achieve whatever it is to finish it properly.”
“What, like a little henchman?” Afton scoffed as Fire pulled the man to his feet.
“No, more like…” Fire considered for a bit, trying to hold their gaze on Afton and not pull past him, past the world. “More like plot armor.”
“For no other purpose than continuing some story?” Afton continued.
“For finishing the story.”
Fire turned their head to the door, as if they heard something. They slung the flamethrower over their back and walked over to the grill. They closed up the burgers, and opened the lid to the grill. The sizzling meat’s smell wafted over Afton, calming him a bit. Fire flipped it before lowering the lid, and turning to Afton.
“Mr. Afton I hope you remember, in the future, the real reason you hired me. How you got to this point. I hope the story becomes concise for you, because as someone who also does not remember their past… or how the story works… I know it is painful,” Fire picked up the burgers. “Above all, since only you and I seem to notice that something is up, we need to be there when one of us remembers something. Because most likely, it’s not us remembering, it’s us being told to remember.”
“Being told to remember?” Afton questioned, before regretting it. “You know what? Enough. I don’t know how we even GOT this far into whatever crazy conversation this is.”
“Me neither,” Fire shrugged. “It’s something seems to drive the plot of the universe it seems.”
Fire stopped and looked at the door. As they did, it opened. It was Willow, one of three people that Fire referred to as “boss”.
“You have that steak done?” Willow asked.
“Nope, got the burgers though,” Fire motioned by raising them up. “Boss-man Afton here and I were just chatting it up.”
“Alrighty, hurry it up on that steak if you can. And if you don’t mind, William, one of the animatronics is acting up and we need you to look at it. Something about smelling bad as well,” Willow said.
Fire looked at William, whose demeanor changed. He suddenly had a kind smile on, and seemed as if he didn’t have an oddly meta conversation.
“Of course. You go Willow, I’ll get the door for Fire.”
Willow nodded and left, letting the door close behind them.
William looked at Fire with a raised brow. Fire nodded to the door.
“You gonna get that?”
Afton rolled his eyes and opened the door. He went inside, holding it open as Fire walked through. Once Fire entered the dark corridor of the poorly lit building, crossing the threshold, they stopped. They turned their head and moved their body to look back out the door.
Once again they stared at nothing. But was looking right at you.
That is, until the back door to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza slammed shut.
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i don’t have a title for this one, sorry
because I am apparently the Redfinch writing provider for wormsies now.
Modern AU, slight TW for mentions of homophobia (Albert’s brothers make fun of Finch in a way that Albert takes as homophobic)
Also Al’s brothers don’t have canon or widely-used fanon names, so we just came up with some, take them as you will.
“Where you headed?” Albert’s father asked as the redhead started pulling his shoes on.
“Oh, I thought I told you, just out with—“ He was cut off by his older brother, Winn.
“He’s going on a date, with his boyfriend, Birdie.” He laughed.
“His name’s Finch, you know this.” Albert cringed internally. He hated it when his brothers were mean to Finch.
“Yeah, but it’s funny that his name is Finch and he’s so obsessed with birds. Like, it’s just, it’s funny.” Darrel spoke up from the other room.
“Oh what, so he’s not allowed to like things?” Albert could feel himself tensing up. He didn’t wanna fight, he wanted to go and have fun with Finch, but he couldn’t leave and have a fun time knowing that Darrel and Winn were sitting at home, wasting their time on making fun of Finch.
“Calm down, Al, jeez.” Winn rolled his eyes. “We’re just joking.”
“Well, it ain’t funny.” Albert shouldered his bag. “I’m leaving. Don’t know when I’ll be back, but should be before 10.”
“Alright then Al, have fun.” His father turned back to his computer.
“Yeah, Al, tell Birdie we say hi.” Winn yanked off Albert’s cap to ruffle his hair. Albert snatched it back and stormed out, shutting the door with more force than was really necessary.
He sat on the bus and glared at no one, his FNAF cap firmly backwards on his head. He couldn’t help but stew over his brothers’ words. Why’d they have to be so mean to Finch? They were never like that about each other’s girlfriends, so why was Finch different? Because he was a boy? No, that was stupid. They were dickheads, but they weren’t homophobic... were they? He shook his head to clear his thoughts as the bus screeched to a halt at the bus stop. He watched Finch get on, smiling at the bus driver before noticing Albert and waving. Albert raised a hand in response, wanting to muster up more enthusiasm but not able to put his brothers’ teasing out of his mind. Finch swung into place beside him with a smile.
“Hey, Albie, how’s it going?”
“Not bad, Finches.” Looking at Finch so excited, he managed a smile. Something brightly coloured dangled from the front of Finch’s backpack, and he reached out to take a closer look at the fuzzy strings. Finch noticed his curiosity and laughed.
“Worms!” He exclaimed, as though that answered the unspoken question. “Sniper got em for me a couple days ago.”
“Right...” Albert raised an eyebrow and let go of the fuzzy worm. “The eyes are a little spooky.”
“Says the one in a FNAF hat.” Finch reached over to take it off, but the gesture was so reminiscent of Winn’s earlier teasing that Al immediately shoved his hand away.
“Don’t.” He hadn’t meant it to sound so harsh, but Finch flinched anyway.
“Sorry.” He mumbled quietly, looking down at his bag and fiddling with the bird keychain he had attached. Albert wanted to apologise, but couldn’t find the right way to say it, so the pair sat in silence for the rest of the trip, occasionally glancing over at the other to make sure they weren’t crying.
The bus pulled up in front of the local mall and Albert stood up.
“Finch, you good?” He nudged the other boy lightly with his leg. “We’re here.”
“You still wanna hang out?” Finch asked quietly.
“Uhh, yeah? Why wouldn’t I?” Albert furrowed his brow.
“Because you seemed upset about the hat earlier.” Finch shrugged as he stood up. “I thought maybe you were upset at me.”
“Awe, Finches...” The guilt set in as they got off the bus and it drove away. Finch hugged his bag to his chest, the stupid worms and their staring eyes seeming to mock Albert as they stood at the bus stop.
“Sorry.” Finch said out of nowhere.
“No no, don’t. I shouldn’t have snapped at ya like that. It’s just...” Albert heaved a sigh. “My brothers are just really stupid. They said some stuff this morning and I let it get to me.”
“Aw, I’m sorry Al.” Finch looked across at him and smiled weakly. “But at least you’re not mad at me?”
“Course not!” Albert grinned and slung an arm around Finch’s waist — seeing as he couldn’t quite reach to his shoulders. “Wanna go get something to eat?”
“If you want to.” Finch couldn’t help but smile back. He wanted to ask what Albert’s brothers had said, but didn’t want to spoil the good mood. Some other time, he told himself. For now he was content to let Albert lead him towards their usual cafe, where he would order them both coffee and donuts and they would sit at their usual table by the window and discuss school, home, and stare in awe at the dogs that sometimes travelled past the window. And both of them knew that that would be enough.
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lildevyl · 4 years
Pick Me Up Playlist
@jellymadebutler  I know you said you’re not feeling your best so here’s a “Pick Me up Playlist” for ya or for anyone needs it!
Try Not To Laugh Challenge:  This is actually backwards! It goes from 23-1 but it’s still a nice Playlist to watch!
Markiplier Makes:  This is the whole Playlist of the infamous Markiplier Makes Videos!  It’s really funny!
Among Us:  Among Us is a new game that’s out there on Steam.  You’re either a Crewmate going trying to do tasks to keep the ship going until you reach your destination or the you’re the Imposter! What happens when you get a bunch of YouTubers together for a classic Whodunnit?  Chaos and hilarity in sue!
Minecraft:  I’m not big into Minecraft but it is very funny seeing Mark and Sean play this and see what they come up with!
I Am Bread:  This is a rage game just letting you know ahead of time!  But it is funny seeing Mark rage out of the game!  But like I said this is a rage game so there is some yelling/screaming in it!
Getting Over It:  This another rage game!  It is quite funny but like I said it is a Rage Game so there is screaming and yelling involved!
Pogo Stuck:  This is a somewhat kind of rage game!  It first starts out with Bob, Wade, and Mark playing it.  But then Mark starts playing it by himself and yes there is some yelling and screaming in the videos so fair warning!
Uno:  This is quite a hilarious game series!  It’s Mark and his friends playing the online game of Uno!
Monopoly:  This a goo game series and is quite hilarious!  It’s Mark, Bob and Wade and there is one where Lixian joins!  It really funny and think you might enjoy it!
Undertale:  The best way to start you off with JackSepticeye is one of his most famous series of all time, Undertale!  Undertale is about a human that falls in the Monster World and go about it learning the Monster World while trying to get home! It’s a text based game and Jack does the voices for the characters!
Deltarune:  The Sequel to Undertale!  Or that’s what everyone seems to be calling it!  I haven’t had the chance to watch the series but I’ve heard it’s really good!
Slime Rancher:  Literally you are a Rancher raising all kinds of different slimes!  It’s really cute and funny!
Cuphead:  This is a very old school cartoon like style game.  There is some violence in it but it’s mild and no more then what actual cartoons, like Tom and Jerry and the Animatics.
Bendy and the Inc Machine:  This is a horror game but it’s not the scary!  There are some jump scares but it’s more like FNAF kind of jump scare.  So, it will be scare ya but not that much.  It’s like a cartoon horror game.  Again some violence in the game but it’s mild.  This also kinda of spawn the idea of the JSE Fan Made Ego Shawn Flynn!  Jack has a cameo in the game!
Animal Crossing:  Nice little story driven game that Jack plays on his switch.  It’s very cute and it’s a nice little game to series to watch!
Spiderman:  Jack finally gets to play as his all time favorite Super Hero from his childhood!  Spiderman!
Spiderman Miles Morales:  The next gen starts now!  With the new Spiderman!  This game is based of the movie Spiderman into the Spider verse and I can’t wait to watch it and watch this series of Jack’s!
Spyro 3: Remake:  This is a cute series of the game Spyro 3 redone for the PS3!  It’s super cute and a lot of fun!  I think you might enjoy this one!
Minecraft:  Like I said, I’m not into Minecraft but this is a nice and cute series that Jack has!  Filled with a lot of Adventure and some scary events!
Meme Time!:  A cute series that Jack started where he goes on his Subreddit and looks at some of our Memes that we did!
Luigi’s Mason 3:  I can’t make a playlist for someone to watch and not include this!  This is so cute and wholesome!  It’s all from Luigi’s point of view and how he’s going to try and stop the Ghost King and save his brother and friends!
Among Us:  I have to include Jack’s!  This is so funny with Jack and his friends!  I think you might enjoy this!
Pokémon: I haven’t watched this series yet, but I’ve heard great things about it!
 Papers Please:  This is very hilarious!  I’ve seen a couple of episodes and I think you might like it!
Animal Crossing:  I did enjoy watching Ethan play this!  It’s really funny and wholesome and I think you might enjoy it!
Slime Rancher:  I have to include this!  I watched this when I was feeling a little down during Quarantine.  It’s really funny!
This a YouTuber that I found when I went browsing for Markiplier and JackSepticeye fan-made games!  DolphinTreasureArt plays fan-made games and indie games on her channel.  Along with some Cosplays and Artwork that she has done.  Some of her Fanart has gotten in a couple of fan games!
Septiscape:  First off, this series is near and dear to my heart!  This is the first ever series that watched back in 2k18 when I first found Erin’s Channel!  This helped me get over my writers block and led to me to writing my first fanfic that I wrote in over a year!  This one is an older version but I still love it!
Jack finds himself trapped in his own mind, the Mindscape and is trying to find his way home!  Along the way he finds out the Egos that he created are more then just Egos!  But at the same time, some sort of Corruption and happening with Jack’s mind and many of the Ego’s Worlds is collapsing!
Septiscape: Livestream #HopeFromHome:  This is the livestream of the updated version of the game!  It’s about 8 hours long but you can skip some parts, especially since some of the fights can be a bit repetive but I wanted to include this one!  
Soulscape:  I can’t put in Septiscape and not give you the sequel as well!  This is the well awaited sequel to Septiscape!  After the adventures of the first game, the Egos go and try to enjoy a nice little R&R only for someone to stalking Anti and trying to take his soul pieces back!  Join Anti and the Egos as they try to figure out what it going on and help save Anti before it’s too late!  And there is really cool plot twist!
Hearts and Heroes:  This is another one that is near and dear to my heart! I will also link Mark’s playthrough as well!  Hearts and Heroes and about you the fans of Markiplier and the journey that the fans go through trying to help save people from the Monsters the haunt their dreams and to help save Mark from his worst Nightmare.  Markiplier’s Playthrough here.
Septiclands: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  This is very funny series that DolphinTreasureArt has done!  It’s silly and goofy and it has a very weird plot but it’s absolutely one of my favorites!  It’s also on her longest series as well!
The Boss: A JackSepticeye Fan Game:  Just like Heats and Heroes is near and dear to me heart so is this game!  I’ll leave a link to Jack’s Playthrough as well!  This is near and dear to my heart b/c it’s the first JackSepticeye Fan Game that I came across.  It was on Jack’s Channel that first saw it and then I watched Erin’s.  This is nice little RPG Game, but it’s about Jack being sucked into his computer and has to try and find his way home! On the way he finds out that there is two subscribers that lost in his computer and there is a major twist at the end!
The Boss Is Nothing: His Side of the Story:  I don’t want to give away what happens in the Boss!  So, this the other side of the story of The Boss!  In the Boss, Jack comes across someone he never thought he would, so now we’re getting his side of the story and why did what he did to Jack!
Glitch in the System: Chapter 1:  This is a very special game!  It’s the sequel to The Boss!  The developers over at Sarcastic Pasta Games is working hard to get chapter two out!  Chapter one is really good and you get see Erin do some Cosplay along with some voice acting for the characters/Egos!
Septic Storm:  This is a cute little fan game that’s a bit old, but it’s a very cute RPG Game!  Join, Jack, Mark and Felix as they battle Billy to end this battle once and for all!  Only to find out that Billy isn’t the one that truly is behind this, but someone else entirely!
CrankGamePlays Fan Game: The Crank Chronicles:  This is a RPG Fan Game of one Ethan Nester CrankGamePlays!  Ethan has find himself in a distant land thanks to the help of a powerful Sorceress!  But an evil threatens the land!  With help of his two best friends Mark and Tyler, Ethan goes on a quest to help save this land and find his way home!  I don’t if the developer ever did the sequel to the this game or not but it’s not a bad game!
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reelybadfnafocs · 3 years
Here I go (oh boy, sorry for the terrible English, I’m actually Brazilian so this is hard) (i was about to be like holaaaaaaaa otro latino but then i remembred yall speak porch of geese fml. anyway hi. mod mangles on the case)
Name: Dolly the Dog
Species: Dog
Gender: Female
Job: The narrator of the shows/babysitter
Purpose: To help with the narration during the shows and to take care of the lost children in the establishment. Children are instructed to, if they ever lose sight of their parents, stay close to the stage and play with her; the parents are instructed to look there first. If the parents don’t come back to take their child, one of the employees has to discover where the child lives and take the poor kid home. If the kid is not comfortable with the employee, they can take their favorite animatronic to accompany them (this was only permitted after one incident, in which a girl made a scandal because she didn’t wanted to go with the day guard to her house). while i think the concept of a kid showing up to someone’s house with like a 6 ft furry robot is funny, i don’t see this really panning out in practice. as iffy as i am about it, i think the “babysitter/lost child center” thing can stay as is, but i think employees would defer to calling parents first (if the child is old enough to have memorized a phone number/have a phone), local authorities, or CPS.
Creator: Sarah Brown (another OC), the owner of the establishment and the creator of all the animatronics.
Location: The Showtime Funland, a restaurant for all the family (but specially for their children). It’s a vibrant, cheery and colorful place, where there are seven animatronics: Ollie the Owl, Billy the Bird, Fany the Fish, Charlie the Cat, Dolly the Dog, Happy and Lucky. Happy and Lucky are the only human-ish animatronics, and both of them are out of order during the game, and the others are the main actors of the stage, where they tell stories with musicals during the meals on the restaurant or just stay on the playground with the kids; the only one who can’t go to the playground during the day is Dolly, who’s programmed to stay and take care of the children waiting for their parents.
Where: On the stage; she sits on the front of the stage, on the right, and narrates the story that’s being performed.
Age: She’s the oldest animatronic: seven years of functioning. Her character is older than that, because of her old version, but since it was malfunctioning in a way which wasn’t even possible to take lightly, she was replaced by her new version. Her character is 14 years old. this is a little unclear to me…has she been in service for 14 years, or is the character supposed to be like a 14 year old child? i don’t think animatronics really need ages tbh but i dont see any issue with this either, so you can scrap this detail if you feel unsure about it.
Haunted/not: She is not haunted, but her program is malfunctioning; her AI is not recognizing the faces of the employees during the night for “unknown reasons”, and she attacks them as if they are “threats to the establishment”, in a way that she wasn’t programmed to do; she was supposed to call the police if any intruder came, but she becomes aggressive during the night because of someone meddling with her system.
During the game: The first thing the game shows is a cutscene, where the night guard is guided through the whole building by the day guard (called “Steve Hughes” by Annie, but it’s not known if this is the same day guard or not), and is introduced to the animatronics and told a bit of the story behind the establishment. It was created by Sarah Brown, a famous inventor, and was a well known establishment since its opening during the 80’s. During its history in business, there where countless robbers and stupid teenagers trying to get in and mess around with the things inside Funland, so the night guard was supposed to deal with these problems; but the animatronics, after a terrible incident in which the night guard was attacked by a robber, received a new AI capable of recognizing the faces of the employees and to give the night guard an alert if there was any intruder. The night guard is left alone to watch the cameras while listening to “Annie”’s recordings, since she was the last night guard, and discover about the malfunctioning of the AIs. In the third night, Annie quits, leaving the player with her guide about how to avoid the animatronics and with some recordings of how to flee if there’s something happening during the night (like a fire, for example) without getting caught. First, only Ollie and Fany are threats, but through night two and three Billy and Charlie too start to malfunction; in the end of night three, Dolly starts to do so as well. In the fifth night, Happy and Lucky also leave the deposit where they are hidden to attack the player. On the sixth bonus night, Annie left an odd recording of her and Sarah talking about the AIs of the animatronics, and Sarah implies that she knows of someone who would “do anything to make his business bigger than mine again, and wouldn’t hesitate to sabotage my creations”, as if she knows about the malfunctioning.
During the nights (3-5 (and bonus night)): She is the most predictable and organized of the animatronics, always making this specific path: first she leaves the stage, where she normally is, then goes through the playground (and stays there for a while), passes by the kitchen, through the deposit (where the audio doesn’t work, but the camera does), and then to the left corridor to the night guard’s office. She never changes her path, but as the game progresses she begins to become more and more fast and, since the other animatronics are more unpredictable, it’s harder to pay attention to her movements. Annie says, on her second recording, that she’s afraid of all the animatronics besides Dolly, since she is “the less threatening”; but, on her guide to escape on night four, she seems to have changed her mind (or it was a previous recording, before she labeled Dolly as “predictable and almost harmless”), it doesn’t chronologically make sense to have this be a previous recording, unless you intend to imply that annie went back and remade recordings for nights 1-3 right before she quit in addition to the night 4 guide. saying that “it would be best if you pay attention to her, since she’s fast and difficult to see without the flashlights”.
Skill: She tries to kill the player, first at the end of night three until night five (and the sixth bonus night). Dolly has a very advanced AI and is equipped with a recognition system, at least a hundred plays and stories on her memory, a voice system that helps her to change her voice when needed, the ability to sing, dance and interact with humans properly, and a system that can regulate her body heat. i was gonna say a hundred seems a bit much but idk how many stories the storyteller-esque animatronics are programmed to have tbh. if youre aiming to make the restaurant one of those cheaper places, id recommend scaling this number down.
Personality: During the day, Dolly is incredible cocky and arrogant when it comes to her role as the narrator, and she proclaims herself the “star of the show”, something her old version had but was even worse, coming to the extreme of pushing another animatronic off the stage and destroying it completely after getting annoyed by the poor robot. She’s kind with the children and the adults alike, but acts more politely with the elder and more sisterly with the younger audience; she says, during the game, that it’s horrible to never be able to go to the playground, but that she loves to take care of the lost children. During the night, she becomes a very aggressive but organized animatronic, something that her personality has during daytime as well; she is often annoyed by the others, since they sometimes go against the script for comic relief. Dolly is the most talkative of the animatronics during their attempts to kill the player, often bragging about her role as the narrator and star of the Showtime Funland and threatening to “end the show” of the night guard.
Appearance: A black and white dog (white on her mouth, chin, hands and belly), with big, glowing brown-yellowish eyes. Her ears are long and fall by the sides of her head, and she has paws instead of feet, but still has hands. She wears a magician hat with a blue bow on it, and sometimes during her show takes it off, just to reveal something inside of it that can help during the play (for example, a sword so that the protagonist can slay the dragon or a pie to the little protagonist give as a gift to a friend); she also wears a blue bowtie that matches her hat’s bow.
ok, final thoughts:
i was going to comment on how high-quality these animatronics seem to be, but given that you go out of your way to describe Sarah Brown as a very competent mechanic(? is that the right term idk), i think ill let it go. this seems like one of those higher end fancy-ish restaurants so most of this can slide, unlike if you were to make the location be some sort of cheap or dirty diner.
no notes on the story, i think it works well. the game seems to have kind of a steep difficulty spike towards the latter half with nights 3, 4, and 5, but thats not really an issue i think because you deal with more shit on fnaf 2 anyway. there were some iffy bits here and there, but nothing too bad that was worth pointing out or changing, so overall this is a solid character! good job :D
~mod mangle
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reveriiea · 4 years
FNaF Song Lyric Starters #1
Song Titles [ A - G ]
     - Afton Family by KryFuZe      - Another Five Nights by JT Machinima      - A Bitter End by Groundbreaking      - Back Again by Groundbreaking      - Balloons by MandoPony      - Break My Mind by DAGames      - Can You Survive by Rezyon      - Circus Of The Dead by TryHardNinja      - Die In A Fire by The Living Tombstone      - Enjoy The Show by NateWantsToBattle      - Five Long Nights by JT Machinima      - Five More Nights by JT Machinima      - Five Nights At Freddy’s by The Living Tombstone      - Five Nights At Freddy’s 4 by TryHardNinja      - Follow Me by TryHardNinja      - Goodbye by TryHardNinja
" I was lost, and was afraid. "
" I believed all of their lies. "
" I’ve been hiding in the dark. "
" I just want to go home. "
" I fear I’ve gone too far... "
" You know I’m up to something. "
" Nowhere to hide. "
" You’re the next victim that I’m coming for. "
" Tomorrow they’ll wipe your guts off the floor. "
" You’ll come to realize, evil doesn’t die. "
" I know you’re frightened by the thought of what’s inside. "
" If you get killed on the job, we will not cover your loss. "
" While you’re here, try not to die. "
" You’ll wish you were never hired. "
" You didn’t know what you were getting into. "
" You’re never alone, because I’m here with you. "
" I’m coming to get you. "
" This situation is as bad as can be. "
" Everything comes down to this. "
" No more games, I need the truth. "
" No more lying from you. "
" I know lying’s what you like to do. "
" They’ll never find me out. "
" Some things, I think, are better left unseen. "
" Why are we here? "
" I think it’s too late to go back. "
" I think it’s too late for my friends. "
" This can’t be right, this isn’t fair! "
" I feel lost, I need some answers. "
" Why does it have to end like this? "
" I guess I’ll accept my fate. "
" You’re back again? "
" You won’t get out this time. "
" What are you hiding? "
" Let’s have some fun. "
" You look a little scary. "
" Pain makes you do things you never knew you could do... "
" I’m finally free from the pain. "
" No one knows the truth. "
" I was alone and afraid for oh, so long. "
" What did I do wrong? "
" I feel sick to my stomach. "
" Am I sick in the head? "
" Come and join the fun! "
" You thought you were alone? "
" This can’t be real. "
" This can’t be right... "
" Don’t be scared. "
" Watch your back. "
" You’re no longer safe. "
" I’m not allowed to cry... "
" They told me I would die! "
" They left you here all alone. "
" All I want is revenge. "
" I know where you’re hiding. "
" Can you survive? "
" Do you know what you’re doing? "
" I will never leave your side. "
" The show must go on. "
" This nightmare’s as real as it gets. "
" Good, you got here just in time. "
" This place is where fears come to life. "
" I knew you never stood a chance. "
" You can run, you can hide, but there’s no escape! "
" I really hate you. "
" Stop getting in my way. "
" I’ve lost my patience. "
" I hope you die in a fire! "
" I hope you get stabbed in the heart. "
" Hope this is what you desired. "
" Don’t be afraid. "
" I won’t leave you alone. "
" I’ll be your friend. "
" You can trust me. "
" There’s something bad inside of me... "
" I’m broken beyond fixing. "
" It’ll only hurt for a second. "
" There’s nothing to fear. "
" I’m afraid it might be too late. "
" I just picked up a new job. "
" There’s no way that thing is alive. "
" I’m fighting to survive. "
" What was that noise? "
" Honestly, my skin is starting to crawl. "
" Something is coming. "
" Why am I working for minimum wage? "
" This is insane! "
" What’s with all of these accidents happening? "
" I can’t imagine if they get their hands on me... "
" I smell a foul odor. "
" I think it’s getting closer. "
" I’m having hallucinations... "
" How much longer ‘til the night is over? "
" Maybe the place is haunted. "
" Do you like violence? "
" They lied when they told you I was lifeless. "
" When I see a face like yours, I remember. "
" I hope you don’t hate staying up late. "
" You’ve got no place to hide. "
" Keep an eye on the time. "
" Too late to run away. "
" Wow, you made it this far. "
" You’ve got nothing to fear. "
" For many years, I’ve been all alone. "
" Please let me get in! "
" Don’t lock me away! "
" Is this where you want to be? "
" Why do you want to stay? "
" I’m really quite surprised I get to see you another night. "
" You should have said goodbye to this place. "
" Maybe you’ve been in this place before. "
" I’d remember a face like yours. "
" I got a secret. "
" All the stories are true. "
" This world’s a scary place. "
" I’m not a monster, just changed. "
" You’re the one I’m after. "
" Thank you for bringing me home. "
" I’ve been waiting. "
" Follow me. "
" The truth is hard to swallow. "
" My deeds came back to haunt me. "
" I enjoyed your screams. "
" You seem quite terrified. "
" Now this is goodbye! "
" I liked breaking your mind. "
" So, you say you’re not afraid... "
" Your face keeps giving you away. "
" So you managed to survive? "
" You’ll live to die another die. "
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chrisemrysfics · 4 years
That moment I can’t recall for sure when I first touched fanfics. And then you get this long post because I rambled about trying to recall and finding the clues.
Read more, but yeah if you’re curious, it’s pretty much my history with reading then writing fics, the fandoms and years, with one two little notes on what I was doing original writing wise.
Long story short: I first started reading fics in (most likely second half of) 2008 and first started writing by the end of 2009, 2009-2011 was a very productive time and it was in YGO GX fandom, then I had a burn out for multiple reason, and it’s by first half of 2013 that I finally had another good productive time with BBC Merlin (while I had mostly left YGO GX, with one fic I still open to finish in some ways), end of 2013 I started writing for Pokemon, and then for a few years I’ve picked up fandoms but never really went far, like I had short term burst of inspiration energy, and long term was just very slow updating because I didn’t wish to quit any of my fics, and then in 2017 I discovered DGM and by July 2017 I was writing for it and have been quite productive since then, especially the first year or so, a big part because it was like, the first big love I have had since BBC Merlin, and it grew as my all time favorite.
A big part of Assassin’s Light being easy to write for a period of time is because it’s half DGM, of course as you noticed things did need to slow down for me, but my love and inspiration for DGM has not lessened. MDZS did come and quickly made me fall so very deeply in love with it, I don’t hide that I love it a little bit more than DGM, but at present time, both DGM and MDZS are my focus, with a slightly easier time writing for MDZS.
(Everything else is still on-going, but very, very, very slow).
The problem is, my files for my fics, I moved them at some point, or copy paste, the oldest dates from 2014 which is two years after I stopped college, which is likely also due to how I changed laptop and such along the years. And the other problem is, I once left ffnet then came back, so I can’t see anymore the actual, initial publish dates.
The best I can use is the date of when I joined ffnet, which is in 2009, but this also places me at 17. I could have been writing my first fic before that, but I wouldn’t have been able to post it until then, and I don’t feel like I had multiple chapters to post, so it is likely that I started writing fics at 16/17. It was my second (of three) years of high school at that age range.
As I feel like I can recall I was reading fics in middle school, the best I can guess is that I started reading fics in my last year of middle school (14 to 15), probably toward the end of it, which kind of feels about right? But that means I spend around a year just reading, like if it’s at the end of middle school, it’s close to when I got to 15, so 2007 (as I would have had my 15th birthday in 2007).
Which sounds about right, I do feel “2007″ is the year I remember. In 2008 I would have had my 16th birthday, and it would have been a year or so since I’ve started reading fics, but the ffnet profile says I joined 11 December 2009, so that’s past my 17th birthday, and makes it easily two years since I started reading fics.
Which blows my mind a bit because I was convinced I started writing not long after, but apparently, not? Like I don’t recall having posted elsewhere before ffnet, so in all logic, it is in December 2009 that I made my account, and likely posted my first fic not long after. So however long I was reading, I was already 17 when I first wrote fics (or late 16 if I started writing a bit but didn’t post).
It is possible I have been mixing up my fic dates with original write, as in that case, I am certain I started writing my first novel in the end of middle school, so the “2007″ in my brain is quite likely when I started writing my first novel (it was end of middle school, so the last few months of being 14 and around being 15, which does all place the year as 2007). Which does make more sense, now that I’m trying to remember, I think I didn’t know yet fanfics when I started writing my original novel?
In short: 2007 aka 14-15, I was writing the start of my original novel (I didn’t finish back then), and somewhere 15-16 so in 2008 I started reading fics (and it was my first year of high school, which, actually does fit better the settings of the school library I vaguely recall). And roughly one year after, in 2009 when I was 17, I made my ffnet account and posted my first fic (which was written either on the spot, or started a few weeks before I made my account, but in any case I was 17 when I wrote my first fic).
For the record: that first fic was Angel and Sephirot in YGO GX, although Eventful Journey followed soon after, so both were completed somewhere in 2010 as I remember I was writing quickly back then, like it was already December 2009 so early 2010 I was very, very likely writing and posting for both fics, and by the end of 2010 I had completed Angel and Sephirot. I know my next multi chap was Hellish Chronicles, and I can find review reply from 2011 in my ffnet inbox. I do think I had some time between Angel and Sephirot and Hellish Chronicle, so that’s why I do feel I finished that first fic at most mid 2010 (and continued more slowly working on Eventful Journey).
I was writing other fics that I had adopted during/after my writing on Hellish Chronicle (which I haven’t put back as I lost contact with the original author, so out of respect I haven’t put them back up), and by September 2011 I can find messages where I mention I was working hard for the start of the second year of college, which does fit since I dropped college after I finished my second year in June 2012, and this also really slowed me down when it came to fics.
In December 2013, I can see the “oldest” fic is Always by your side in BBC Merlin, which is the first I had reposted, and my AO3 was made on February 2013, and I recall that I removed my fic from ffnet when there was some crackdown on fics, but only because I could post them on AO3, so this means I removed my fics from ffnet somewhere between february and december of 2013 (at most, from february to december, less if I didn’t remove them right away). And I started writing for BBC Merlin in 2013 (which seem to be end of 2013), which was after maybe one year or one and a half since I properly wrote anything multi chaptered (while some of the last YGO GX writing I did, one shots, were dated October 2013 so there were still months).
2007 (14-15) is first dabble in original novel, 2008 (15-16) is when I first started reading fics (and never stopped since then!), December 2009 (17) is when I created my ffnet account and so could post fics, first half of 2010 (still 17) is when I likely wrote and finished Angel and Sephirot, 2010-2011 (17-18) is when I was writing for YGO GX, end of 2001-first half of 2012 is when I had too much going on to write as much and so spent months either not writing, or like, writing one chapter every few weeks/months, but also it’s second half of 2012 that I started working again on my first novel, February 2013 I made my AO3 account, in July 2013 I first started writing for BBC Merlin, October 2013 I had written some one shots for YGO GX, but was mostly writing for BBC Merlin.
Let’s see for when I started dabbling in other fandoms. Pokemon is December 2013, December 2014 and early 2015 is when I touched KKM (didn’t go far back then in the fics though), end of 2015 is when I wrote a bit for FNAF (same, didn’t go far), March 2016 is when I started on White Collar fic (once more, didn’t go far), (and March 2016 was also when I first posted my first novel), August 2016 is when I started on Natsume Yuujinchou fic (went a few chapters with not too much time between updates), May 2017 is when I started working on Outlast fic (didn’t go far), and it’s in July of 2017 that I finally touched DGM, which soon became my focus.
Assassin’s Light was started in January 2019, or well, was posted then, I had started writing for it before, through end of 2018, but yeah early 2019 was Assassin’s Light, and in general since 2017 I have been mostly focused on DGM. And then October 2019 I posted Shadows Symphonie, and since then I mostly focused on MDZS while also working on my DGM fics when I can; and leaving everything else to work on whenever I have a higher dose of inspiration-energy. Which is rarer, but I haven’t quitted my other fics.
All in all, I was relatively able to be quick from 2009 to 2011, but college and personal stuff really burned me out, I lost interest in YGO GX especially as it felt different to how I came to write by 2013 (which is why my first two fics are the only one that I might rewrite one day), BBC Merlin stole my heart and brought me back to writing fics properly, I wrote more for it compared to all other fandoms that followed until DGM. All those other fandoms, I had a burst of inspiration, but the actual drive didn’t last, which I also suspect is because it did take me years to feel more, recovered. That and I was working on my original writing too, so. And then when I came into DGM, it brought me a large dose of inspiration, and I’ve wriiten more for it than any other fandom.
When you look at it, I have indeed the most fics in DGM (especially as I did events), then it’s BBC Merlin (which is still one of my all time favorite, alongside DGM and MDZS), and then it’s YGO GX (which is due to how I was more active very early on then the burn out hit me).
And while in number I don’t have as many MDZS fics, in spirit I certainly place it as same level as DGM.
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
Welcome To The Circus
I’m writing a thing the FNAF Joeyverse because of this. And because I can.
Here’s Robot Freckle
Also featuring @halfusek‘s Joey briefly because he is the Purple Man.
Rachel had had an uncle once. Well, she had an uncle already on her father’s side, but she’d had an uncle on her mother’s side too. Her mother had a picture of him holding her and Isaac. In the picture, Rachel was perched on her uncle’s knee while he held Isaac in the crook of his arm. Isaac had been nearly a year old at the time, while Rachel was about three. He’d disappeared two years later, a few weeks before her fifth birthday. Most people just assumed Joey had run off. Rachel heard them whispering when her mother’s back was turned.
“He always was a bad apple that one.”
“I’ll bet he stole Esther’s money and ran.”
“Poor Esther. Having a brother like that must have been a nightmare.”
Joey had never really fit in. Everyone in Rachel’s family had said it at one point or another. But his family had always loved him. Rachel had loved him. She didn’t remember all that much about him, but she knew she’d loved him. And he’d loved all of them. He’d loved her. He wouldn’t just leave without saying anything. Her strongest memory of him was finding him awake on the couch one night. 
She’d gotten up to get a drink of water. She was a big independent girl and she could get her own water! As she crossed the hallway to the bathroom, she noticed the light was on in the living room. She frowned. No one else should be up this late. She had to investigate! She crept over, peering around the corner. The lamp was on, illuminating her uncle’s head. 
“Uncle Joey?” She asked. The figure on the couch stiffened, turning sheepishly around to reveal the face of her uncle. 
“Rachel, what are you doing up so late?” He asked. 
“I got thirsty.” She said, walking over. “What are you doing up so late?”
“I...couldn’t sleep.” He replied slowly. 
“Do you want me to read you a story?” Rachel walked around to sit down on the couch with him. “Whenever I can’t sleep, Mom reads me a story.”
“That’s very sweet of you, Rachel, thank you.” Joey smiled softly, patting her head. 
“Well? Do you?” Rachel folded her arms. “You didn’t answer my question!”
“You don’t need to read me a story. It’s alright.” Joey laughed. 
“Okay.” Rachel kept watching him, kicking her feet against the couch. “D’ya want a song? Mom taught me some songs.”
“No, thank you.” Joey shook his head. “You don’t need to do anything, dear.”
“Okay...” Rachel frowned, going back to kicking the couch. She didn’t like seeing her uncle sad like this. He deserved to be happy too. 
“You deserve to be happy,” she said, putting a hand on his arm. “You’re the best!” Her uncle looked down at her, his eyes widening for a moment. Then his expression softened and he pulled her into a hug. 
“Thank you, Rachel.” He whispered. She almost didn’t notice the way his voice caught. 
She always remembered the way his face had looked at that moment. The unshed tears glittering in his eyes, his weary smile. He wouldn’t have left them. She was sure of it. 
Because of her unshaking belief in her uncle, she’d gotten into quite a lot of fights when she heard people badmouthing him. 
“Rachel, you have to stop doing this.” Her mother told her after she had to pick her up from the principal’s office for the umpteenth time.
“But they were saying bad things about Uncle Joey!” Rachel insisted, stamping her foot. 
“That doesn’t mean you can just beat up people who disagree with you,” Esther sighed. 
“But didn’t you do the same thing when people were mean to Uncle Joey when you were little?” 
Her grandparents loved telling stories about how protective Esther had been over Joey when they’d been kids. Rachel and Isaac had heard dozens of stories of their mother beating up their uncle’s bullies. 
“I did, and that’s why I don’t want you to do it,” Esther said. “I got into a lot of trouble for what I did. If I hadn’t stopped, I might have been suspended or worse.” All the fight left Rachel at the word ‘suspended’. It was a word she lived in fear of. She didn’t want to be the sort of kid who got suspended. 
“...Okay.” She hung her head, getting into the car with her mother. Esther’s expression softened at Rachel’s dejection, and she reached over to pat her head. 
“Joey would appreciate you standing up for him.” She gave Rachel a soft smile. “I know he would.” Rachel went very quiet at this. She turned her attention to the window of the car, watching the scenery as they pulled out of the school parking lot. 
The car was silent on their journey back to the house. Rachel was ashamed enough not to want to say anything and Esther was tired. She’d been pulling some late nights for a case at her firm. 
“He...wouldn’t just leave us, would he?” Rachel eventually asked.
“Uncle Joey wouldn’t just leave us, would he?” Rachel repeated, looking at her mother. “I know what people say, but...” Her lips twisted. “He wouldn’t leave us. I know he wouldn’t.”
Esther was silent for a moment or two. Her lips twisted as well, although from what Rachel wasn’t sure.
“Rachel, I...I think something might have happened to your uncle.” She finally said, after what seemed to Rachel like an eternity of wrestling with herself.
“Like...He got kidnapped or something?” Rachel’s eyes widened. She’d known her Uncle Joey might have been involved in some shady stuff, but getting kidnapped?!
“Not kidnapped. Not exactly, I don’t think.” Esther shook her head. “Do you remember when you were six and you went to Circus Baby’s Pizza World for your classmate’s birthday?”
“Yeah. You said we had to leave early, but you didn’t tell me why. And then I wasn’t allowed to go back there ever again.” Rachel hadn’t particularly liked Circus Baby’s Pizza World, so she hadn’t minded being forced to leave. What she had minded was being separated from her friends. Not to mention, it had been pretty jarring when her mother had grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the restaurant. 
“When I was there...I saw a robot that looked an awful lot like your uncle Joey.” A chill went down Esther’s spine at the memory. It hadn’t been a carbon copy of Joey, but she knew her brother. It had been Joey. Without a doubt, it had been him. 
“A robot that...looked like him.” Rachel echoed. The wheels were already turning in her head. She had to go there. She had to see that robot. She had to see for herself if that had been her uncle’s fate.
“It might not have been him,” Esther admitted. “It was a robot. Maybe I was just overthinking things. I never liked his boss. It’s possible I was simply biased.” She’d told him not to accept the security job at that place. She’d told him the owner had given her a bad feeling. Joey hadn’t listened, though. 
“It’s the first job offer I’ve had in months, Essie!” He’d said. “Who knows when I’ll get another one. I don’t want to live off your charity forever. I need to start paying you back.” She’d always thought he was too proud for his own good.
“Mm-hm.” Rachel nodded, no longer listening. She had to find some way to get into Circus Baby’s Pizza World. Maybe she could sneak in during business hours, blend in with the crowds of kids. 14 was a bit old for that place, but everyone always assumed she was younger than she actually was due to her small stature and braids.
“Rachel. Don’t.” Esther looked over at her. She knew that look. She’d seen it time and time again in Joey’s eyes. 
“I’m not going to do anything,” Rachel said, but they both knew she was lying. 
“Don’t go there. Please.” Esther begged. 
“I won’t.” Rachel rolled her eyes. 
Esther sighed heavily. She just hoped nothing bad would happen to her daughter in that place. That man was a dangerous one. She was sure of it.
It was a week before Rachel managed to get away to sneak into Circus Baby’s Pizza World. She wore her cutest blouse and skirt combination, tied her braids off with ribbons, and put a big bow in her hair. She looked absolutely adorable and far younger than her 14 years of age. It was perfect. No one gave her a second glance when she walked into the restaurant. She wandered around, looking for any sign of the robot her mother had seen. But he wasn’t there. There was a clown, a fox, a bear with a little bunny puppet. But no ballerino. 
“Um...where’s the ballet guy?” She asked, wandering up to one of the security guards. 
“The ballet guy?” The guard asked. He was young, maybe in his 20′s, with messy orange hair and freckles all over his soft face. 
“Yeah, the ballet guy.” She repeated, rocking back and forth on her heels. “He was here last time. He’s my favorite!”
“Oh, uh...” The guard started to fidget a bit. His nametag said Wally. “He’s having some maintenance done right now.”
“When’s he gonna be back?” She demanded, folding her arms like a petulant child. 
“I, uh, I dunno kiddo,” Wally said, laughing nervously. “I’d have to ask the boss about that.”
“Okay, fine,” she huffed, storming off. Despite her outward displeasure, she was delighted. Because now she had an answer. She would find her uncle wherever they did maintenance. That would require some looking to find. 
It did take some work, but she managed to find what was likely the maintenance elevator. She’d never been so happy to be small. It was only due to her small stature that she could slip away, and that she could fit into the elevator. 
“Alright, Uncle Joey. I’m coming,” she whispered, pressing the down button.
Her heart pounded as the elevator rumbled downward. She couldn’t help but feel a bit claustrophobic in the small space. The elevator was downright tiny. Rachel only fit inside due to being so small. Posters were plastered on the walls for Circus Baby and a ballet dancer animatronic. 
“That’s him!” Rachel ran over to get a better look. The elevator was dark and the poster was grainy, so she couldn’t make out too many details. She could make out a red jacket, white pants, rosy cheeks. Then the elevator went pitch black and stopped. 
“I...I guess we’re here,” Rachel said. She pressed the red button beside the doors and they slid open. Her heart began to pound again. This was it. She was going to find her uncle. Taking a deep breath, she hunkered down and crawled through the vent. 
It was dusty and dark in the vent, and she kept having to stop to cough from all the dust in the vent. It would have been a tight fit for an adult. But Rachel was not an adult. 
“Gotta keep going,” she muttered after she’d stopped to cough for the umpteenth time. She was almost there. She could see the light. 
“I’m coming, Uncle Joey,” she said, dragging herself forward again.
To her right was an empty room with a stage. Probably for one of the other animatronics that was performing. To her left...The room was occupied. Occupied by a robot that she knew. 
The robot was massive, bigger than anything she’d ever seen in her life. It was modeled after a male ballet dancer, perhaps the human form of the Nutcracker. And it looked...So much like her Uncle Joey. One could dismiss this, given it lacked his distinctive freckles and wild cloud of dark hair. But Rachel was sure that this was her uncle. She just felt it. 
She clambered to the door, wrenching it open and running inside. The robot turned to face her, its eyes closed and smile unchanging. 
“Hello, little girl.” Her uncle’s voice echoed from the robot, tinged with static and decidedly mechanical. “You shouldn’t be down here. It’s quite dangerous.”
“Uncle Joey,” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. 
“My name isn’t Joey,” the robot said, gliding toward her on pointed toes. “My name is Ballora.” It moved with a grace her uncle had never possessed. 
“Uncle Joey, it’s me!” Rachel started to cry. “It’s Rachel!” 
Ballora’s graceful movement halted abruptly, just in front of Rachel. 
“You didn’t leave us, right?” Rachel said. “You’re not here because you want to be, right? Someone did this to you. Someone took you away!” Her voice was rising as her pent up emotions began to pour out. 
Ballora said nothing, standing there still as a statue. 
“Uncle Joey, please say something,” Rachel begged. 
Ballora’s lids clicked open, revealing glassy brown eyes. 
“Ra...chel...?” The voice that came out the robot was still staticky, but it sounded much more like the one she remembered. 
“Uncle Joey!” She launched herself onto the robot, wrapping her arms around its legs. 
“Oh...Rachel...” The robot that had previously been her uncle reached down, resting one hand on her head. 
“I missed you so much, Uncle Joey!” She hugged him tighter. 
“You shouldn’t be here,” her uncle said, trying gently to remove her from his legs. “You shouldn’t be here, Rachel. It’s dangerous. He’s going to kill you. He’s going to do to you what he did to me.” 
“I knew you wouldn’t just leave!” Rachel was crying harder, out of joy this time. “I knew wouldn’t leave us!” 
“Rachel, you need to leave!” Her uncle’s voice went staticky again, distorting as he got increasingly agitated. “I don’t want you to get hurt! You’ll get hurt if you stay!” 
“Uncle Joey?” Rachel looked up. Her uncle pushed her back, his body beginning to jerk and spark. 
“Hȩ'̸ll h̕u͠rt y̛o̴u̧!” Her uncle’s voice was a shriek. “H̛͡Ȩ͞'̧́LL͢ ̸K͡Į̶L͝L̷͘ ̨̕Y͝O͝U͢!͏̵͢ T̨͏͘H̡̕É ͢҉PU̕R͘PĹE҉͠ ̴͞Ḿ̀A̵N͝͞͞!” 
Rachel stumbled back, watching in horror as the robot screamed. It jerked and sparked, like some marionette dancing on strings. Then it all stopped and the robot was still. 
“U-Uncle Joey?” Rachel took a step forward. The robot didn’t respond. Its eyes had closed again. 
“I’ll come back for you,” she said. “I’ll find a way to get you out of here.” She turned away, exiting the room. She had to tell her mother. If she told her mother, her mother would be able to figure out how to help her Uncle Joey. 
She started back toward the elevator. 
“My dear girl, what are you doing down here?” Rachel froze, turning around very slowly. A man stood at the end of the hallway. He was tall, taller than anyone she’d ever seen before, and very thin. His smile was wide, taking up most of his face. His hair looked a lot like her uncle’s but much shorter. She immediately didn’t like him. He gave her a bad feeling. 
“I, um...” Rachel swallowed, her mouth feeling dry. “I’m-I’m looking for something.”
“I don’t think you’ll find what you’re looking for down here.” The man laughed. His smile didn’t reach his eyes. Those eyes were cold and unfeeling, like that of a dead man. They were so unnaturally green.
“Oh, uh, yeah.” Rachel laughed nervously, taking a few steps back. “I gue-guess I took a wrong turn.”
“Who are you looking for?” The tall man leaned down. 
“My...My uncle.” She squeaked. “He wor-works here.” The tall man tilted his head to the side, still smiling. 
“You look familiar.” His voice dropped to a low murmur. 
“I don’t think we’ve met.” She took another step back. The tall man narrowed his eyes in thought. Then his eyes went unnaturally wide. Combined with his smile, he looked deranged.
“Oh! You must be Freckle’s niece! I’ve heard so much about you!” The way he said that made Rachel’s stomach drop. Freckle. Her uncle’s nickname. 
“Does he work with you?” She couldn’t back up anymore. Her back was against the elevator shaft. She couldn’t escape. Not with him so close. It had been a struggle getting into the elevator to come down here, and that had been when she’d been alone. It would probably be near impossible if the tall man tried grabbing her. She wouldn’t even make it in.
“He works for me.” The tall man calmly corrected her. Rachel’s heart sank again. Her mother had never spoken kindly of the man who’d been her uncle’s boss. He was also called Joey Drew, but her uncle had called him by a different name. 
“So, you-you’re his boss.” She tried to force herself to smile. 
“I was.” Magenta replied, his face falling. “It was such a shame when he disappeared. I liked him.” She wasn’t sure if he was faking his sadness. He did look sad. 
“It must be hard for your mother,” he said. “They were close, weren’t they?” Rachel nodded, trying to swallow the sobs rising up. 
“You’re not going to find him here.” Magenta continued, smiling apologetically. “I’m sorry.” 
Rachel lowered her head, biting her lip to keep back the sobs. ‘I’m sorry’. That was all she’d heard since she was five. Everyone was always so sorry. Sorry wasn’t going to make it better. Sorry wasn’t going to bring her uncle back. 
“Why don’t I get you back to your parents?” When she looked back up, Magenta was kneeling in front of her. His smile was soft, gentle. “It’s dangerous for a kid down here.”
“Okay.” She rubbed furiously at her eyes, allowing Magenta to lead her out of the underground shelter and back into the restaurant. He had Wally call her mother and take her home. 
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Drew,” Esther said when she arrived. “She didn’t cause any trouble, did she?” Her posture was stiff, her tone overly formal. 
“Oh no, not at all,” Magenta assured her. “But you probably want to keep a better eye on her. She could get into all sorts of trouble unsupervised.” Esther didn’t like the look in his eyes when he said that. 
“Come on, Rachel.” Esther took her daughter’s hand. “Let’s go.” Rachel let her mother drag her out of the restaurant. She wasn’t even really listening as Esther began to lecture her about charging into things head-on.
“He’s there, Mom,” Rachel finally said when they were in the car. 
“Who’s there?” Esther asked, despite knowing full well what Rachel was talking about. 
“Uncle Joey. He’s in that place,” Rachel said, staring straight ahead. Esther bit her lip, looking down at her lap.
“We’ve gotta get him out,” Rachel looked at her mother. “We’ve gotta save him!” 
“I know,” Esther whispered. She just wasn’t sure how.
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basileusgerudo · 4 years
William’s Backstory
I had the weirdest god damn dream and I’m pretty sure it was just my William taking over my brain and laying out his life story.  I’m just copy pasting it directly in here, so it will be written as a dream, but, this is officially William’s backstory.
Big oof.
So like, it happened in the house but the layout was a bit different because my computer was in the corner of my room, and there’s usually a window and my a/c unit there, but all that was gone.  So it was truly just in the corner.  And mom was with me for some reason and wanting me to google something, or whatever, but the desktop was acting really weird so I held the power button down to restart it but it was taking a really long time??  And when it finally restarted it instantly came back on and a Fuck Ton of red nonsensical text appeared and just scrolled on and on and *on* until it stopped, went black, and then formed a face made of text.
He called himself ‘William Afton’ and the face looked like him, not like any one specific version, but like, I was looking at him dead in the cyber-eye and I knew it was him?  Anyway, he said via text that if we wanted to make out of this encounter alive, I’d have to play his game(s) and of course I didn’t believe him, it felt so vividly real that I figured something was fucking up so I said, out loud, “You’re lying, you can’t be real, this isn’t real, I remember laying down for a nap so this must be just a dream.” And he replied,
>Not real? >Just a dream?
>Well, how about I give your leg a poke then.
>Does this feel real to you, Catherine?
And I felt a pressure on my leg and, of course, freaked the fuck out and just told him to go away, there’s no way this was actually happened, etc., and the entire time I was freaking out the screen was being filled with nothing but laughter like:
>hahahaha(etc. etc.)
But then he threatened mom and said if I wouldn’t play along he’ll just have to “toy with her instead” and I flipped my damn shit cause me and mom are really close and I wouldn’t forgive myself if she got hurt because of me and I just remember sobbing and begging him not to hurt her to let her leave the room and I’ll do as you say, whole nine yards.  He agreed and she left and went and sat in the living room, I guess, but I still didn’t want to play his games because they were like, 8-bit pixel fnaf style mini games of killing kids, so I just started talking to him to stall for time.
And somehow we got into a conversation into his home life and told me about his father, whose name was also William Afton, and how his father was an abusive alcoholic and would beat him and his siblings, he had a younger sister and a younger brother, he was the oldest of the three.  I never got ages but anyway, his dad ended up killing his younger sister b/c he beat the shit out of her so bad and then when the cops showed up (i think the neighbors called?), his dad had William lie or
>He’d do the same thing to me that he did to her.
>And I was terrified, so, of course, I lied.
I started feeling really bad for him so we just kept talking, only it wasn’t because I wanted to stall, it was mainly b/c he seemed really lonely and I figured he hadn’t had a real conversation with someone in a long time.  The next thing he tells me about is the first time he ever killed someone.
>School was the only safe place we all had.
>I always like learning, I made sure to get good grades.
>I suppose because I thought that would make him proud of me, but he never cared.
>I could’ve stayed home a whole week and he wouldn’t have cared.
>Would have just given him more time to beat me.
>So, when I found out my brother was being bullied, I snapped.
>I made him tell me who, what grade, what class he shared with them.
>They were a class above me but I was taller than him, I was taller than nearly everyone in the school, so I had a clear advantage.
>They put up a fight.
>I didn’t know how to punch, but I copied what my father did, how he held his fist, and landed in a few decent hits.
>I suppose he could see he was losing so he ran but I chased after him and I tackled him.
>There was a cinder block nearby so I used it to bash his head in.
>I’ve never felt more powerful in my life.
And I told him I understood why he did it and he accused me of lying but then I went on a whole rant about how I was bullied back in school and my brother would always look out for me (not to the extent of Literal Fucking Murder™) but that I really did understand where he was coming from.  I think he said thank you, or seemed appreciative to some degree, and then I kinda shifted the subject b/c I said,
“Wait, where’s your mom in all this?”
Because he hadn’t mentioned her once.  So then he tells about how he started Afton Robotics and how his mother came into his life and then promptly out of it.
>My mother was just as much a monster and just as guilty as my father.
>She left us soon after my sister was born because she couldn’t take the abuse anymore.
>I begged her to take at least the baby and my brother with her, I would stay behind, as long as they were safe.
>I’ll remember what she said to my dying day.
>”I never wanted any of you, your father just wanted more punching bags.”
>So she left and I’ve hated her ever since.
“William, I’m so sorry.”
>It’s alright, you have no need to apologize.
>You did nothing wrong.
“I know, but I’m still sorry.  You didn’t deserve any of this.  Your siblings didn’t either.”
>...Thank you.
“I only feel a bit terrible for asking but did you ever kill your Dad?  Take over the household, all that jazz?”
>Oh, yes, of course.
>He was drunk one night, too drunk to put up a fight, so I hauled him to his feet but it didn’t quite finish him off.
>So I snapped his neck.
>I told the cops the same exact thing I told them years ago.
>”He fell down the stairs Officer, he’s always been a bit of a drunk and I guess he just lost his balance.”
>They believed me, of course.
>I was free to take over the house, the money, and I went to college and worked on a Robotics degree, started my own business and my own company, Afton Robotics.
>I ran it out of my garage, mind you, but it was successful.
“That’s great!  I mean- minus the murder, but he really fucking deserved it.”
>He did.
>Thank you, for understanding.
>I suppose I should apologize for threatening you.
“It’s okay, you didn’t actually hurt me or Mom, so don’t worry about it.  Tell me more about Afton Robotics.”
>Very well.
>Did I ever mention I had a penchant for the joy of creation?
>Well, I did.
>I do, still.
>Ever since I killed that bully, felt such a high, I wanted to keep it.
>I read up on creation and God and decided that if he could make life, so could I.
>So I shifted my focus to technology, robotics, how to build them from scratch, which leads back into the founding of Afton Robotics.
>I was *finally* good at something so I wanted to make some money from it.
>I made kittens, puppies, and small birds for people, sold them as ‘Never-Dying Pets.’
>”Get your child a friend that’ll last them a life-time!”
>It was a hit.
>It was a stable income and it helped when my father’s money, which wasn’t much, eventually ran out.
>I kept the house stable, funded my way through college, and kept it up for a few years.
>But then business dwindled.  My creations weren’t life-like enough anymore.
>Too cold, too clinical.  That’s when I remembered something from my short stint in studying religion.
>My creations didn’t have souls, didn’t have *true* life.
>I decided to give it to them.
>I didn’t want to harm any animals, though so people did just fine.
>I adjusted my robots accordingly - making small dolls was far easier than animals, actually.
>And children are such fragile creatures; so easy to win their favor with promises of candy, of fun, of a friend.
>That’s when I discovered Remnant.
“What is that?”
>Without going into the finer details, it is a substance that is in everyone.  It is in you.  It is in me.
>Children have more of it, everyone does when they’re young, but when they age, it spreads and disperses.
>Much like a soul, it never truly goes away.
>But, given its abundance, it was always far easier to collect it from children.
“But you watched your sister die, didn’t you feel bad?”
>Not at all.
>You see, when my sister died in my arms, she looked so peaceful.  Happy.
>Death, in itself, must be happy.
>I always singled out children who looked sad, were lost, crying.  Unhappy.
>That was the best lure I used: what better thing to offer a sad, lonely child but a chance to be happy forever?
“I… don’t agree with that but, okay. How does your mom factor into all this?”
>It’s alright, I don’t expect you to.
>She factors in because she figured out I had money and she wanted it.
>She called me, of all things, didn’t even bother to track me down, come back to the house.
>Told me she’d heard of my success and so sorry about your father’s accident.
>It didn’t even phase her when I told her about my sister’s death. >That’s when I decided I would kill her too.
>So I told her to come to the house, we could talk about money, and she fell for it.
>She came a few days later.
>She didn’t even apologize for abandoning us.
>She only begged for mercy as I stabbed her until the screaming stopped.
He also never mentions his brother again so I really really don’t know what happened there, other than I guess he left home.  I don’t think he wanted to hurt his only sibling and I guess I didn’t ask or don’t remember, but the next thing I remember is him telling me about Fredbear’s Family Diner.
>I came up with the idea for the Diner when I was nearly caught killing another child.
>I had to come up with something inconspicuous, something that would let me hide the bodies until I could be rid of them properly.
>So I went back to college, got an undergrad in Business, and started to draft blueprints for a bigger animatronic.
>A golden bear.
>Gold is such a soft color, pleasing on the eyes, and I often saw children with stuffed bears, I thought, “what better animal to make full scale than a bear?”
>It took me a year to develop the springlock suit - I’ll get into that in a bit - and then another year to develop the second animal, a golden rabbit.
>I’ve always loved rabbits, such soft, innocent creatures.  Until they aren’t.
“What do you mean?”
>Rabbits are adorable.
>But they are unnerving to some.
>Empty, soulless eyes.  Sharp teeth.  *Quick.*
>A predator hiding behind soft fur.
“Kinda like you.”
>That’s why I made the rabbit suit for me.
>I would become a symbol of innocence, something children would love.
>I would take them away, take the lonely and the sad, and I would make them happy forever.
>I would let them live their happiest day forever.
>I would give them a family.  *My* family.
>So I started Fredbear’s Family Diner.
>There were games, pizza, prizes, and of course, two brand new forever friends.
>Fredbear and Spring Bonnie.
>It was an immediate success.
>And the suits, oh, the wonderful springlock suits.
>They were even better, my magnum opus.
>A creation of duality, like rabbits.
>Something that could be worn by an animatronic skeleton or worn by myself.
>I was always in the rabbit suit, I was careful to never let anyone see my face.
>I hired someone as a faux manager, someone easy I could manipulate, and if they ever showed signs of betrayal, I ‘fired’ them and hired another.
>And it was much easier to lure a lost child away, into the back, with promises of meeting Fredbear.
>With a chance to play with me.
>A friend.
>I would stuff their bodies into Fredbear after I’d collected their remnant and their soul.
“Could you collect remnant from the managers you ‘fired?’”
>Caught on to that, did you?
>Yes, I could.
>Like I said before, remnant never truly goes away, it simply thins out.
>A few factors make it collect within the body, but I found fear to be the most enjoyable.
“Why not give adults a happy ending?”
>Because adults are cruel.
>They’ve lost their childhood innocence.
“More like they can see past your act.”
>Yes, I suppose that too.
>I cannot offer an adult candy and pizza and get the same excitement from a child given the same offer.
I kinda lost the plot after that because someone broke into the house and tried to steal the living room T.V. so I chased them off and then me and mom had to run for some reason and the backyard was hella foggy and there was construction equipment everywhere.   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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swiftwind3 · 5 years
Everything We Lost
ao3 link here
Ahem endgame who
So, Infinity War destroyed my crops, murdered my family and spat in my face. So, I tried relieving myself with this sadkdfkshs. I don’t read the comics so,,,beware you hardcore ultras.
Also disappointment about how no one's torn The Winter Soldier theme from CATWS apart FNAF style is ruining my life as well. Heavy dialogue (i think) and lots of hyphens lmaoo. Enjoy. and don’t plagiarize of course
Summary: Bucky wakes up in the Soul Stone.
Insp: Nothing Lasts by Taska Black ft. Pauline Herr
Back to the other end, when we fell down
We could not believe we would lose it all
Now the dreams are gone, and faith has drowned
Everything we lost and we never found
Everything we lost and we never found
Uh, Steve…?
Bucky had been expecting one of two things: either the scorching flames of punishment and retribution or the gentle white of warmth and peace, maybe even forgiveness. Definitely not orange. Definitely not a reflective, watery floor under a similarly hued sky that radiated a gnawing hunger and desolation. At least, that was the aura this realm gave off to him.
The sky was full of arriving ashes. They swirl and plummet, becoming people. So many people. So much noise.
The crowd swells around him, people flickering in and out of sight like glitching ghosts. Some cry while hugging themselves. Others stare at their limbs; Bucky having done the same once he stood up. Their cries and shouts drill into his head, and for a weird minute, he thought he was in Hell.
"Cassie, where—Cassie!"
"Darcy! Jane!"
"Bill? Bill, what's happened—where are you?"
"Excuse me—"
Before he can start his own calls, he whirls to face an elderly woman.
Like him, she seems dazed, eyes wide and watery.
"I'm looking for my husband, I—"
He chokes on a scream. She dissolves into ash, his own being following suit.
There's no description for being pushed out of existence, but that's how he would word it.
Time freezes, and it was like he didn't have to breathe, he couldn't. He couldn't see, or hear, or feel and it felt bad. But how could he be sure of that if he couldn't feel at all? Yet, in a split second, it was seemingly…over. He stands, palpable as ever. He almost heaves over the poor woman, holding her slash leaning on her.
"My God," she wheezes. "What was that?"
"I'm…not sure. But, sorry about that," he shakes his head. "What, uh—does your husband look like?”
Stuttering, she catches her breath. Her eyes flick past him and widen. "Ava!"
A younger woman bursts through the crowd, spinning almost comically. "Yes? Bill?"
The elder woman raises her arm and the girl freezes, recognition steadying her face. "Van Dyne..."
The woman looks her over frantically. "Are you okay? Are you alright? Are you in any pain?"
"No, not exactly. What's happening?"
"I'm not...sure."
"Janet," an elderly man shoves through, held by a young woman. “Janet!”
"Hank! Jellybean," she cries. Before bolting, she places a hand over Bucky's. "Found them. Thank you."
He tries his best to smile. "No problem."
Ducking his head, he tries to move away, eyeing the sky, the people.
Ashes clump and disassemble, and he remains silent, calling no one. He only stares as he pushes through the groups of people, tripping to a stop before he ran over a poor man as he plummeted just in front of him. Muttering a few 'excuse mes', the world seems to shift. Again, his being, along with everyone else, crumbles into ash. His lungs disappear, and he chokes in momentary oblivion.
Yelping makes him spin.
A girl falls to her knees next to him, her voice hoarse. “What—what—no—what’s—Brother?"
Bucky’s stomach vanishes. “Princess.”
Large, wet eyes snap up to him, revealing the stricken face of Shuri Udaku.
Her orange blouse almost camouflages with the light, torn in a few spots. Her trembling hand rises, and he meets it, helping her up.
They hold each other as they crumble into nothingness. When they reform, she sobs.
“What is happening? What is going on?”
“I don’t know,” he rubs her back gently. “Are you okay?”
“No, I—I’m sorry—this is all—insane,” she hiccups. “First, those things got in while I was working on Vision and I got hit, so I pretended to stay down—”
“Wait, they got to Vision?”
Her head shakes. “He—he escaped. I shut down the extraction. I couldn’t get it out in time. My guards couldn’t take the—the thing that got to us and I had to leave it in. I tried fighting back, but I got hit. I heard the window shatter—and then, when I tried hiding, everyone started turning into this and—”
She jumps at him again with a cry.
Silence rings in their minds, the whisper of air hissing in their ears as they resurface. Falling back down into actuality, they gasp for air.
“We really need to get out of here,” they chorus.
With a wet chuckle, she holds his left hand. “Are you okay? I’m sorry—there’s…a lot going on.”
“Yeah, I’m having trouble processing all this, too,” he glances around. “And I’m…okay. For the most part. Got blown back by Thanos, but I lived.”
She nods with a hum, turning his hand. “Working okay?”
He smiles, squeezing her hand lightly. “Perfect. Even…wherever the Hell this is.”
As the ashes rise around them, he tries to hold them both together, failing spectacularly. But as they came back together, he accidentally made them stumble back into someone.
"Man, watch where you're going..."
He wheezes, red goggles and a flight vest intruding his vision. "Wilson?"
“Falcon,” Shuri’s grip is tight.
Dark eyes brighten. "Princess. Barnes," Sam pants. "Just my luck. Guess this is Hell. Well, maybe not since she’s here, but."
Bucky smirks. "Too bad. Was really looking forward to take a dip in a lake of sulfur.”
The air hisses into a deafening silence as they fell apart again. They tried latching to each other, ice overriding their senses as they dissipated in one another's grasp.
The cluster of people phases and glitches. With a crack, their forms break into ashes and reassemble hauntingly.
"Man, what the hell is going on?" Sam stumbles into him. Shuri helps steadying him as he hugs himself for a moment, rubbing his arms roughly. "What the hell is this place?"
"Beats me," he grits.
“It’s not Earth, I think.” Shuri trembles. “I don’t have any of my scanners on me—”
She gasps, whirling. They crane their necks just as the air hissed and hacked above again. Ashes rose, voices becoming distant. Snapping back into arrangement, two women in red appeared before them.
A Dora Milaje holds the hand of another collapsed, young woman, shouting into the air.
"Ayo," Bucky and Shuri chorus.
The warrior turns, startled.
"White Wolf, Falcon—Princess!"
The young woman on the ground peers dejectedly over her shoulder, conceding to Ayo's pulling.
They speed to each other, staring warily at the sky.
"Well, I'm not quite sure if it is safe to say that I'm glad to see you here," Ayo addresses, dried tear tracks on her face. She cups Shuri’s face, bringing her in for an embrace.
"Well," Sam glances around. "It's not exactly Hell, so I think we're safe. You haven’t found Banner or anybody else?"
“Yeah, maybe he could tell us where this is.” Bucky nods. “Or what is this.”
"We are far from that," the young woman's voice is thick. "Hell, that is. And Banner’s…not here."
"Maximoff," Sam says gently. "You know what it does?"
"I know some of what it can do. This is the Soul Stone. I'm closer to the Mind Stone, but I know that this," she lightly spins her hand, churning ashes. "Is just the start of its work."
"In any case, I don't want to be here when it finishes its warm-up, " Ayo snorts. She turns and lets out another call, listening, hoping.
"What else can it do?" Sam leans forward.
"Nothing,” she shrugs. “At least, I think that’s it. The Soul Stone grants its user control over all souls in the Universe. We’re inside the pocket dimension inside it. Like a storage facility.”
"Got it," he says. "Anything on Vision?"
She flinches. "He’s…his consciousness is in the Mind Stone. He won't be anywhere in here."
"So, this is the Soul Stone. It eats souls basically," Bucky provides. "And it’s not going to use us to amplify its power or anything, right?"
"That’s the Power Stone," she shrugs again, weakly. “And…it might. Using our souls to amplify the other Stones’ powers doesn’t sound too absurd.”
He sighs through his nose. She’s lost a lot. All of them have, and he lets his heart ache momentarily.
The tired, perplexed look on Steve face flashes across his mind and he blinks it away.
“Don’t give it any ideas, Barnes.” Sam mumbles.
Bucky hears it, along with the manic whispers of some guy walking behind him.
“It’s okay, Sebastian. You just got a little bit too drunk. God, I just hope I don’t get mugged…”
He wishes he could live with that level of ignorance, for a little while longer anyway. His desire got swept away as a blobby…elf…person landed tripped beside him and immediately stumbled to its feet, resuming its foreign yelling.
"Well, one thing's for sure. This ain't no afterlife." Sam stares after it. "Pretty sure all languages would be mutually intelligible under Father God's roof."
“So, we know what’s happening,” Shuri hugs herself. “But the only why I can think of is…the worst.”
Wanda rubs her eyes. “Yeah. It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it?”
All of them flinch when a wave of ash crashes above them, assembling into human shapes.
“O Great Bast,” Ayo almost doubles over. “We’ve lost.”
"Okay, okay, but let’s keep it together,” Sam goes to help her. “If Thanos did this with the gauntlet, then I’m assuming the only way to reverse it is doing the same thing. But…I don’t how he did this.”
“He snapped his fingers,” Wanda glared at her watery reflection. “I saw him do it. Thor landed his ax in his chest, but the bastard was still alive and—"
They freeze at the sound of roaring and trumpets filling the air and Bucky frowns at the massive cloud above.
"Wanda,” Bucky utters. “When you said all souls—”
Shuri follows his gaze. “Oh, Bast.”
“No,” Sam breathes. “Is that—are those—"
Bucky snatches Shuri, practically tearing Sam’s arm off. “Move, move, move!”
Animals fall from the ashes.
People scream and scatter.
With red light at her fingers, Wanda dissuades the lions, wolves, bears, hippos, and cassowaries that run too close. Elephants were the most obvious, and the roars from lions and tigers were loud enough to tell anyone where not to run.
She and Ayo run at a crowd, the water rippling from the stampede of horses and wildebeests people parted to let through.
“Make a force field,” Ayo yelled. “Sayefa! Sayefa!”
“I’m tired, you know,” a wall of red still rises, her face wincing. “I might hurt them…”
“They might hurt us,” Sam pants behind them, rolling his shoulder before clutching his knees. “Almost tore my arm off…”
“Sorry,” Bucky sets Shuri down.
"It's raining cats and dogs," his voice breaks with a bitter wheeze, gaping at the cascade of hooves around them. "Man, this place is something else."
As more people and animals appear, Bucky feels the air.
It’s not becoming...crowded. There definitely are a lot of people here, but there's also a lot of space. Too much.
A series of distant trills rise into the air, echoing.
"Sayefa! Ha hoo! Sayefa! Ha hoo!"
Shuri gasps, whirling as Ayo lets out a sharp sigh. "Oh, thank Bast.”
"Sayefa! Ha hoo! Sayefa! Ha hoo!"
Bucky stumbles back as the atmosphere snaps again. His ashes fly in a brief, stormy sea.
The neighing and groaning of the animals was distant, as if he were underwater. And then, the roaring of humans was loud enough to startle him back into clarity.
Wanda and Sam flank him firmly. Wanda's hand grips his arm, face pale, perturbed.
Ayo wanders out of the shield as they see T'Challa emerging from a crowd, his warriors, along with some Jabari, following closely.
With a holler from T’Challa, a group of them charged, blanket shields flickering. Together, using nothing but their bodies and voices, they herd the poor beasts into small groups.
A few mares, foals, and stallions break away, only to be met with more men and Dora Milaje. Even the hollering of some civilians rises into the air as they seemed to join them. Expertly, they dodge both species’ bucking and rearing, their shouts scattering as they corralled them. 
Crowds of people cheer and clap from a distance, relief warming Bucky’s chest.
The King commands, “Yibambe!”
“Yibambe,” they all echo.
Shuri bolts in his direction and Bucky barely makes out the King’s soft, “Oh, no.”
"My King," Ayo calls, tailing the Princess.
T'Challa takes them for a brief embrace, and Bucky hears the clicks of isiXhosa.
"You fought well, Dora. You fought well for me and your country. We must now regroup. Find out what we can do. Be strong. Bast’s presence and power reside in me still. However, it feels...different. She is closer, but She is farther."
"Do not lose Her, Your Highness," Ayo pleads. Her arms cross over her chest, head bowed.
"Your Highness," Sam holds out his hand.
"I am not quite sure if I am glad to see some familiar faces in this place," T'Challa takes their hands in a strong shake. "But I suppose it tells us what we all feared," he looks around, face saddening at the sight of his warriors. "We have lost. And we are in a place beyond our current understanding."
"I am Groot," an odd, tree stump-like head appears behind him. It blinks at them with large, dark eyes.
Bucky was sure he'd seen it all after spinning a bipedal raccoon like Julie Andrews on the mountains to shoot a barrage of aliens. Said raccoon trying to buy his gun and his arm afterward. But now, he was completely sure he was done. Apparently, the talking tree from Pocahontas was real, too.
"And here is something else beyond my understanding," T'Challa sighs. "I don't know what it's saying."
"I am Groot," it seems to complain.
“Yep,” nods Sam. “Not an afterlife.”
“Wow, Brother,” Shuri smiles wetly. “You were meeting aliens without me? That’s unfair. Hello, Groot?”
"I am Groot," The tree nods at her and proceeds to poke T'Challa's suit. "I am Groot."
"Uh, it is vibranium,” the siblings chorus. “It is a very strong metal."
The tree points at Bucky. "I am Groot?"
"That is vibranium as well," the king's lip twitches.
"I am Groot," it taps his suit, gesturing and shrugging. "I am Groot. I am Groot." It looks at Bucky again, pointing at its own arm. "I am Groot?"
Bucky's head shakes. "I'm sorry?"
"I am Groot?"
"I'm sorry—your name is...Groot?"
The tree face deadpans at him. And he has to stomp on the embarrassment as everyone else also throws him blank looks.
The tree roars, "I am Groot!"
Sam pushes his shoulder. "Man, stop pissing off the tree alien!"
"Don't touch me—look, I don't know what it's saying, I just wanted to make sure—"
"I am Groot," Groot sighs exasperatedly. "I am Groot." It points at his arm and Sam's wings. "I am Groot. I am Groot."
"I'm—I'm Bucky." Confusion trickles through him.
The stump head shakes. "I am Groot. I am Groot. I—am—Groot."
"He's warning you about your arm and your wings," Wanda blinks with a small frown. She steps away, breathing shakily. "He says Rocket will try to buy and steal them."
"I am Groot,” it—he, apparently—gasps. “I am Groot—I am Groot!"
"I am, but this landscape is—it's amorphous. They could be at the very ends of it for all we know. I can't even sense how far it reaches."
The tree sags. "I am Groot..."
"Who the hell's Rocket?" asks Sam.
"The raccoon," it clicks in Bucky's head. "We helped each other out a while ago. And," he takes a breath. "He already tried."
Groot shakes his head again. He seemed to be smiling with what Bucky thinks is fondness. "I am Groot."
Sam gives him a glare he'd gotten used to. "Think I missed you fighting aliens with a rodent."
He shrugs. "Fine. Don't believe me."
"I am Groot," Groot chastises.
"Not a rodent, " Wanda's lips twitch. "Got it."
The air shakes violently and they cling to each other.
"I am Groot," he shrieks. "I am Groot!"
"I wouldn't want to die a second death either," she grits. "But—"
Around them, the shape of people flickers briefly, ash crashing in waves. They break and fall apart. And when they come back, on the watery surface, a small pagoda appears in the middle of them all, a rectangular, shimmering, translucent wall encasing it.
"What now?" Sam growls.
"There's…someone there," Bucky narrows his eyes.
Wanda leans forward. "A little—girl?"
"I am Groot? I am Groot! I am Groot!"
"’It’s Gamora’?" She stutters. "Who’s Gamora?"
Ash falls, and then, people were in front of the structure, yelling the name inside. A man's yell rises above the rest.
"Gamora—Gamora, it's me! It's Quill! Sweetheart, please..."
"Quill, you will not get to her," a woman with large eyes and antennae pulls on his arm. "There's too much pain—I can't do anything about it!"
"Mantis, come on, please—"
The little girl only stays with her back turned to them.
And then, Groot was yelling and running. "I am Groot! I am Groooot!"
"Groot," a larger man turns.
At least, Bucky thinks it’s a man.
Biped, broad, skin color wasn’t human though. Different culture, maybe?
Regardless, that man spins, looking in all directions. Red eyes land on the running flora-alien and his hand rises, pointing in their direction.
Wanda starts at a fast pace. T'Challa shouts an order to his soldiers and keeps pace with her as Shuri, Bucky and Sam follow.
"The large man," Wanda sniffs. "Is Drax. The woman is Mantis. And the man is Quill."
"And the other dude in red?" Sam cranes his neck.
"He didn't say."
"What dude?" Bucky frowns.
"He's," Sam stutters. "I just saw—man, this place is messing with my tech, too! There was another guy. Right there…Princess, do you think you check these out? I know you don’t have tools or whatever, but maybe you can figure out the wiring maybe?”
“Uh, sure,” Shuri squints as his goggles, pouting slightly. “How come you got to keep your tech…”
"Sorry,” his lip twitches. “I don’t know. But I guess we got more allies?"
Bucky shrugs again.
"Let us hope so," T'Challa says.
Groot sprints ahead of them. "I am Groot! I am Groot!"
Quill spins, sprinting with Drax and Mantis. "Groot? Oh, my God!"
Bucky relaxes his fist as Groot collides with them in a large embrace. Their questions drown each other's, and it occurs to him that this was a family.
"My God, what happened—"
"—I am Groot—"
"—Are you okay—"
"—Where is Thor—"
"—What about Rocket—"
"I am Groot! I am Groot!" Groot sobs, clinging to the man Wanda called Quill.
"Man," he breathes. "What the hell is happening?"
"That's the million-dollar question," Bucky says.
Quill looks up and narrows his eyes. He glances between him and the rest as they approach, a faint recognition lighting up his face.
"Quill, right?" Sam tries, sticking out his hand. The man eyes it for a moment before eyeing his goggles. "Name's Falcon. I also go by Sam."
The man in the red coat peers over his group and the woman Bucky noted was Mantis smiles, nodding.
With another quick once-over, he takes Sam's hand. “Yeah, I'm Quill. Let me guess. You guys are the Avengers, right?"
"Yeah, that's right." Sam pulls him up.
"Don't sell yourself short," Bucky shakes his hand next. "Everybody who fought today might as well be an Avenger, too. Name's Bucky."
Quill once again blinks rapidly, frowning at his prosthetic. "Thanks. And sorry about lookin' at you like that. That's—that's just gnarly to look at. Oh, wait is gnarly an insult now? I don’t know. I meant to say your arm's cool and stuff—God, sorry, Buck. But, nah. See, my group here, we got our own thing. That's Drax, and Mantis, and I guess you've already met Groot."
"We," Drax gestures. "Are the freaking Guardians of the Galaxy."
"We kick names and take ass," Mantis puts a proud arm around Groot.
Bucky elbows Sam when he snorts, stepping away with a blank face as the man's eyes narrow dangerously.
Quill winces as he finishes taking Wanda's hand and takes T'Challa's. "Jesus, she's working on that. But, quick question. Did Thor, Groot, and Rocket ever make it to you guys?"
"Yes, they did." T'Challa nods. "And they made quite the entrance, too. They all fought valiantly alongside us. I am T'Challa, King of Wakanda."
"Whoa—King?" He stiffens. "Do I—do we gotta bow or something?"
"I am Groot—"
"—We don't do that," they chorus.
"Of course Thor fought valiantly," Drax sighs, crossing his arms and looking forlornly to the sky. "To underestimate that sculpture of a man is an act of utmost sacrilege."
Bucky glances at Sam, the other man's brows knitting together and studying the air.
"Technically, he's a god but—you know what, okay. Aight. That's fine."
"Rocket tried to buy my arsenal," Bucky mutters, glancing down.
"Yeah," Quill's lips twitch again. "He does that—"
"I am Groot! I am Groot!"
"Yeah, but I don’t really know what that is. Say it again; vibra—what? Vibrium?”
"I am Groot," Groot shrugs. "I am Groot. I am Groot."
Quill stares at T'Challa. "Huh, that’s cool. He says your suits made out of it but—" He glances between Bucky's arm and T'Challa. "They look so different. Rocket’d kill to get his hands on this stuff. ‘course, he’d usually just steal them when you’re not looking—oh, wait. Avengers. Hey, Spider-Man! Spider-Man, come back! We found your Avenger buddies!"
"Spider..." Bucky stiffens.
"Wait, Avenger bud—he's not..." The words die in Sam's mouth as the lanky figure makes its way out of the crowd, the white patches widening.
"Hey, look who's here." Quill points. "You know these guys? And did you find him?"
"Uh, no, nah, I—I didn't see him anywhere," the voice broke, clearly shaken. "And Quill, I couldn't find a way in. I even tried digging—"
"'ey 'ey 'ey, relax. Calm down," Quill grabs his shoulder, glancing at the pagoda. "We'll get to her, too, eventually. We just gotta…we just gotta cool it. Steady, alright? We'll get her. But, uh, here. Here's Falcon—Sam, and Bucky and King T'Challa, his little sister Shuri and Wanda. Did I get that right?"
They all nod and he elbows Spider-Man. "Better at names than you are. By the way, don't you have a cool, superhero name, too, Wanda?"
"Scarlet Witch," she choruses with Spider-Man.
The Spider manages a weak chuckle. "Hey...Mr. Barnes. Mr. Wilson."
"Eh, just Sam's fine, man."
"Yeah, just Bucky's fine." Bucky holds out his hand.
The guy takes it, grip light.
It sort of freaks him out, and he didn't know why. Until his mask retreated downwards, and Bucky remembers.
The tear-stricken face of a young boy meets his eyes.
"Just Peter's fine for me, I guess."
With a shared glance, Bucky and Sam's gazes soften.
"Oh, so I share my name with the Footloose hater?" Quill shoulders him again gently.
Peter forces another smile, wiping away tears. "I thought your name was Star Lord? Or...Quill?"
"My real name, or earthen name, or whatever, is Peter. Peter Quill. You can just...you can just call me Quill. That way, no one gets confused."
"Yeah," Peter nods, sniffling. "Good idea."
"So, you got roped into this, too, huh?" Sam crosses his arms. "Was it Stark again?"
Peter's eyes water even more, and he shivers. "I—"
He falls into ashes and the rest follow suit.
"Damn it," Peter grits, clinging to Quill. "Damn it, I hate this place."
The girl under the pagoda answers him. "I hate it, too," her voice is small and sad. It cracks, but booms over the billions and billions of people they were trapped with. “But we can only leave if someone outside sets us free. Try as much as you want to use whatever magic you have, try to dig as much as you want, but you’re not getting anywhere. Thanos was granted control over our souls, and he trapped us here to fulfill his plans. Half of all life in this universe has been removed and placed where we are now. We’re trapped. And there is no escape. This Stone does not have cracks. And it will not release a single soul, no matter how far you wander, or whatever wall you try to reach. You're better off where you stand.”
"Oh, Gamora," Quill says forlornly. "What did he do to you..."
The little girl merely looks up at him, a darkness far too painful in her eyes.
"Don't worry, Quill. Nothing can really hurt you here."
Quill shakes his head. "I'm already hurting, sweetheart..."
The Guardians flank him, squeezing his hands, and his shoulders.
“What did she mean by this universe,” Bucky turns to Wanda.
“I’ve…never denied the possibility, but she might have been referring to the multiverse.” She pouts. “It’s more of a theory than anything concrete, I think.”
Shuri chimes in. “The multiverse? What does that have anything to do with here?”
“She just said this universe. I thought it was weird. Do you believe it?”
“I don’t exactly dispute it,” she gazes at the ground. “That’s not my area. But thinking that our universe is just one of an infinite number with infinite variations in between is sort of fun to think about every now and then. At least, to me. Maybe we can try asking her?”
“You can go,” Wanda shakes her head. “I’m still…I’m still trying to get my grip on things.”
Sam sighs again. "Spider—whoa. Peter. What can you tell us on Stark?"
Lead weighs in Bucky’s chest as the kid's eyes darken. It was a look no child should have on their face.
"Mr. Stark..." His head shakes. "I... We... I didn't mean to—"
"Peter," a female voice interjects. "I think Ned and MJ are here."
"Ned and...MJ? How—how do you know?"
"I picked up Ned's biometrics when he first found out you being a superhero. I picked up MJ's during the elevator incident."
"Oh. Where are they then?"
"South of here, behind Barnes."
They all turn.
Ashes flying into the air before falling back down and another two teenagers stumbling past the crowd.
"Holy—MJ. MJ, look—there," a boy shakes the arm of the girl next to him. "I told you he'd be here—Pete!"
"Ned!" The boys crash into a hug, Peter wrapping his legs around the other boy.
"Hey, asshole, " the girl waves, sauntering. She starts conducting with her middle fingers and Sam snorts.
"Jesus," Wanda blinks. "So vulgar."
"What'd you do to her?" Bucky mutters.
"Nothing! She's—she's just like that—MJ!"
"She really is just like that, Mr. Winter Soldier, sir." The round-faced boy peers up at him, eyes wide, but not necessarily frightened. "You kinda get used to it."
"You really do," says MJ, coming up and clapping her hands slowly. "Way to go, champ. A for effort."
"For—what?" Peter tilts his head.
She nods her head. "You're Spider-Man, right?"
Ned freezes and Peter's eyes blow wide. "What—no—"
"—He's not—"
"—These aren't—these—"
"—That's not his—"
"—Yeah—no, these are—this is—these are just—"
"—his PJs!"
"My PJs."
MJ presses her lips together. "So…You brought your Spidey-PJs with you...for the trip?"
"Yep,” he hums.
"Come on, MJ. We're seniors."
"It's not weird. I—I'm allowed to have a thing for superheroes."
Sam coughs while Bucky bites his lip and MJ's eyebrows go up.
"Oh, okay."
"Nope," Peter shakes his head. "That’s not how it was supposed to come out..."
After a moment of odd glancing, she shrugs. "Alright then. Honestly, if anyone had half my mind, they'd just assume what you were up to by the third week of school."
"Nobody just assumes somebody's Spider-Man, MJ."
"You know what theorizing is, Ned, come on. It wasn't hard putting two and two together anyway."
"What do you mean?" says Peter.
"You weren't even trying to hide it, were you?"
"I was," he pouts. "Um...I think I was pretty subtle about it actually."
"Yeah, but you can't really call doing the most clichéd secret superhero shit in history subtle."
Peter splutters, blinking. "What—how was I being cliché?"
She counts her fingers. "Disappearing whenever there's aliens around, leaving your best friend at the party that's bound to boost your popularity, and blowing off your date, literally the prettiest girl in school, at homecoming prom because of something really important. Just those three pretty much fit the bill, but if you don't think so...go off, I guess."
Ned winces.
"Not to mention, you jumped out of the bus, probably thinking everybody was distracted and or apathetic enough to not notice you jumping out of a damn window," she shrugs. "It's pretty amateur stuff, Parker. I've seen better porn."
Peter sags as Ned coughs out a laugh.
"Damn, she has a point..."
"Also, you talked about stealing Captain America's shield during PE once. I was sitting," she pops her lips, rolling her eyes. "Right behind you."
“You were reading,” adds Ned.
“Said who,” she smirks.
Ned lets out a grunt while Peter winces.
"Now, that's just being reckless," Sam snorts quietly.
Bucky's mouth twists and Wanda twitches beside him, a weak smile on her face.
"What, you think you could do better or something?" Ned shakes his head, suddenly defensive.
"I could," she replies easily. "I can beat you at lying. That’s no contest."
Ned gives up. "That's fair."
“Well, sorry,” Peter rolled his eyes before flinching. "I—no. I really am sorry, you guys—I couldn't—we failed—"
"Whoa, hey, whoa whoa whoa. Relax. I'm chill." Ned shakes his head.
"Same,” she smiles. “And literally, we couldn't have done any better, Parker. If I'd put that thing on, I'd probably die instantly. That is, if Stark programmed it to your biometrics—ooh, hang on, can I try it?"
Peter steps back. "What—no."
"Buzzkill," she clicks, strolling up to Bucky.
"You're the Winter Soldier, right?" She holds out her hand. "Michelle Jones, or just MJ."
"Nice to meet you," he says automatically.
"You can still feel temperatures and fabrics with it, right?" She eyes his arm and Bucky smiles. He liked her forwardness.
"To a lesser extent than a regular arm, but yes. I can also still feel pain."
"Oof," she blinks. "That's still cool though. Does it bother you it can't produce body heat? Learned some stuff about trauma in my AP Psych class."
Holding it out, he shakes his head. "It used to? I didn't exactly have enough time to process the trauma. Nor did I let myself really. But she’s the one that can catch you up on the technological details," he nods at Shuri. “She knows better than me.”
“You made this,” MJ’s eyebrow quirks.
“Sure did,” Shuri smiles.
She presses her fingertips against his and he smiles. He notes her eyes aren't exactly pitiful. They're more...annoyed.
"Nice. Oh, and thanks for your service, by the way. You, too, Falcon."
"You're welcome," they chorus.
“You’re quite relaxed for having technically died,” Sam smirks. “You done this before?”
“No,” she chuckles. “I think I’m just still in shock or something to be honest.”
Bucky nods. “Yeah, join the club.”
Ned trembles, tugging on her. "MJ, quit distracting the Avengers—I'm so sorry, Mr. Winter Soldier, sir, she has no self-control—MJ, you're going to get us killed."
"She's fine, man," Sam shrugs. "Not like we got any leads on what the hell we should be doing."
"You guys got anything?" Bucky smirks.
Ned stutters and MJ shrugs.
"Not the slightest fucking clue. We're just plebs. It's a hard-knock life for us," she sings. "It's a hard-knock life for us—"
"—'Steada treated," Ned joins.
"We get tricked," Peter’s voice is thick, but he joins with a wet chuckle.
"'Steada kisses,” the taller teen beams.
"We get kicked, it's a hard-knock life," the three of them finish.
"How did we get kicked, by the way? What exactly happened?" MJ peers up at Bucky. "Or is that—you know, classified?"
"Uh," he glances with a sigh. "Would you believe me if I said some purple alien overlord wanted to erase half the universe by getting six magic stones and succeeded?"
Her eyes glance away with a tentative hum and her lips press together.
It was an amusing thought when said aloud, and Bucky was afraid she’d straight up shut him down, but after a moment, she shrugged.
"Probably," her eyes flick to Peter. "You're more trustworthy than some people.”
"Hey," he complains.
"Alright, kids," Sam claps his hands with a large grin. He steps besides MJ and chokes on his own amused chuckle. "Let's not try and start fights here. I don't think the school nurse is gon' like the idea that Falcon couldn't keep some rowdy kids under control."
"Oh, don't worry, Mr. Wilson. We can both take down Ned instantly," MJ provides. "Peter would probably just knock me out or something—"
"MJ, no."
"MJ, yeah, sure, why not? By the way, is your suit different or something? I've seen videos of you—yeah, it's definitely different."
"Yeah, it is," Bucky says. "The one you had in Leipzig was—I don't know, softer?"
Sam hums, nodding. "This one's shinier."
"Yeah, uh, Mr. Stark. He...he made it for me." His voice quiets. The white patches shrink and removes his mask again, revealing the tears falling down his face.
“Oops, hit a nerve.” MJ nods while Peter bows his head, Ned putting a hand on his shoulder.
"We, um...God. God, why...why didn't I listen to him?"
His shoulders shake and Bucky taps Sam's arm, averting his gaze.
He nods, giving yet another sigh. "Look, Peter—"
"Peter!" The horror-stricken shriek makes them whirl around. "Peter Parker!"
"Oh, shit," MJ bolts behind Bucky. “Ned,” she hisses. “Hide!”
“What, why—"
Bucky almost falls with the breath of the stone this time, feeling his being split apart and drift back together. He picks up MJ before she crumples to her knees, letting her lean on Shuri.
A woman in a cream apron bursts out of the crowd.
"May..." Peter's tears fall without restraint as he stumbles forward. "May!"
"Oh, my God! Pete!" May's arms wrap tightly around the boy. Peter could only let his sobs go as he shook and shook, sobbing and blubbering May's name.
"I was so scared, May...I was so scared."
May presses kisses to his head, muttering reassurances before hugging him to her chest.
"Ugh, I'm going to kill that Stark," she snarls, rubbing Peter's hair.
"No—no, May, please, it's okay..."
"I would strongly advise against that, Miss Parker."
Bucky tenses again as a man walked up behind them, the red cloak on his shoulders hovering behind him.
"I understand your concern, but our fates rest with that Stark now."
“What—who are you?” May glares.
"Dr. Strange..." Peter sniffles. "What—what was it that you saw?"
"I tried to see as many paths to victory as fast as I could," the sorcerer answers as he grabs a woman's hand behind him, pulling her gently to his side. "I saw one."
"Stephen, did we—did we just die?" The woman frowns up at him, a hand around his waist.
"Not yet really, Christine. Not quite that lucky either."
"What was the one?" Sam pipes up.
Stephen takes him in, tilting his head. "Oh, more Avengers made it in here. Oh, boy. You're Sam Wilson, correct?"
"And you must be Bucky Barnes. You must desperately miss the forties, no doubt."
Bucky sighs. "You have no idea."
Stephen smiles. "Your Highness, King T'Challa Udaku."
"Doctor," T'Challa nods.
"Sorry opening the borders brought you into the heat of things. I suppose power attracts chaos."
"That is very true—"
"Straaange!" Drax roars as he speeds back to them. He descends on the man, swinging. "Why—did you—give Thanos—the Stooone?"
The cloak on Stephen's shoulders rises. It wraps around Drax's fist when he jumps, pulling him away.
"You again? The Blanket of Death! I'll tear you at the seams—"
"—Drax, no! We're not fighting anyone here—"
Quill slams into his front, having Mantis jump on him from behind.
"Sleep! Sleep!"
"I will not sleep here, Mantis," Drax spits. "Both the man and his blankie are in serious need of retribution!"
"First of all, why did your buddy Star-Lord start attacking Thanos right when we were almost had it? And second of all, what if I told you that the reason I gave Thanos the Stone was so that we could win? More specifically, so Stark could win? So he could get us out of here?"
"Look, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please don't shoot me with your magic," Quill holds his hands up, wincing. "But how the hell is that even going to work?" he pants, pushing Drax back as he attempted to stomp forward. "Stark's still on Titan. And he's with Nebula! Who knows what she'll do to him?"
"She'll probably kill him," Mantis cries as she swayed with Drax.
"I am Groot—I am—Groot!"
MJ moves a little way apart where May is prodding Peter. “You know all these people?”
“Sort of,” he croaks sheepishly. “I don’t know Quill or all the alien guys that well yet. I met them in one of Thanos’s ships while heading to Titan with Dr. Stranger and Mr. Stark and—"
“Wait wait wait. Stark took you to an alien planet?” May shrieks. “Without telling me—no, that’s crossing too many lines, Peter—”
“Aunt May—May, please—”
“—insane—Peter Parker, I’m supposed to be protecting you—”
“I know, but—”
“—looking out for you—under my watch—”
“I know and I’m sorry!”
His sudden volume increase calls even the attention of nearby crowding civilians.
He gasps and bows his head, voice cracking. "God, I'm sorry. I am so sorry. He told me to go home but I didn't listen—and then I blamed it on him and I tried to take it back and—and—he warned me, May,” his hands hold hers tightly. “And he said that he didn't want my death on his conscience and now it is and you can't be mad at him, you can’t,” his voice breaks, tears streaming down. “He was trying to protect me, too. All the way to the end!"
May holds him close again, glaring flatly. "Okay—okay…fine," she sighed. "I won't—I won’t sue him or anything, alright? But he’s still getting a piece of my mind.”
Peter lets out a wet chuckle, hugging her tightly. "That's...that's better, I guess. But wait—" he wipes his face. "Will Nebula really kill him?"
“No, she won’t,” Stephen looks at him and May gently. “What I saw was the best outcome: all of us back, with minimal sacrifice. And Nebula won’t kill him because number one: she has no reason to. They’re fighting on the same side. Against Thanos. Two: they’ve both lost to him and now that they’re stranded together, they’re going to use each other to find a way of Titan and back home. And three: Nebula has no reason to lay off a human and waste energy when she knows a human body will just off itself after food and water deprivation.”
"You better elaborate on that, sorcerer. Director Fury's going to want to hear all about that."
A woman in a dark uniform appears behind them, hair in a neat bun.
"Agent Hill," Sam greets, voice dry. "Not glad to see you here."
"Likewise, Falcon." She smirks bitterly. "You must be Bucky Barnes."
Bucky smiles, holding out his hand. "You're with SHIELD, right?"
"That's right," she grabs his hand. "I'm Agent Maria Hill, second-in-command to Director Nick Fury. More detailed introductions can wait until we're out of here. First and foremost, on my agenda right now's gathering intel."
"Well, we can give you all the intel we have," T'Challa bows his head.
"Your Highness," she nods.
"—fucker, son of a bitch, what the hell happened this fucking time—"
"Good Lord..." Maria jumps a foot in the air as she bumps into none other than SHIELD Director Nick Fury.
Snorts come from the kids, meanwhile Bucky dampens his own chuckle as Agent Hill helps him stand.
"Hill—you're here? What the hell's going on—"
Fury takes in the faces of the Avengers, the sorcerer, and the Guardians. Rubbing his face, he sighs, settling down on the rippling floor.
"What?" Maria's smirk widens. "Thought Hell'd be nicer?"
"No, Agent Hill," Fury huffs with no venom, resigned. "This is much worse."
Wherever the Hell Bucky was, something in him loosens, his shoulders relaxing.
The shock was fading, people were getting their grips on things.
While everyone wasn’t here, they were still in one piece. For the most part. As long as it stayed that way, he could let himself relax. Just a little bit.
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katherinethedork · 6 years
Prompt #2! (Ethan Nestor x reader)
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(Ft. a lot of teamiplier) (and idk why I used this gif but I like it)
Request: “I has idea!! Our precious Ethan, soulmate au, with prompt 2 "so you're the reason I have tension headaches at 2 am" I feel like it'd be pretty cute with some fluff/august of finding your soulmate?? Nonbinary/gender neutral reader, please!”
Warnings: Swearing. Flufff. Lil angst. Cute Ethan.
⚠️If you have requests, wanna be tagged in something, critiques, or just wanna say hi, send me an ask or a message! I probably won’t see it if it’s a comment on a fic. Thanks!⚠️
A/N: My first au! Fic and I think it turned out real swell! Also sososososososo sorry this got out super late. I feel like I’ve been apologizing a lot. Sorry. Anyways, let’s get on with the story! Hope you enjoy!
You had always thought you didn’t have a soulmate tie. Or a soulmate. Most people had a tattoo of their soulmate’s name or maybe their first words to each other. Some had strings to lead them to The One™️. But you didn’t seem to. There wasn’t anything that lead you to believe you had a tie, let alone a soulmate. You checked all over your body for some kind of marking, but there weren’t any that were visible. No literal tie with a string. Nothing. That was, until you turned 15. Then you would see random cuts or bruises that you had done nothing to get. Or you would burn your tongue without even eating anything. Having stomach aches completely out of the blue. Waking up unnecessarily tired wasn’t rare. And by the end of the day having a extremely sore throat on random days happened.
This was when you were done. You were sure you had a tie. So you went to your computer and looked up all the ties that were possible. And one of the rarest ties was the pain tie. And you matched it perfectly. Of course you got one of the rarest ties. Just your luck.
You lived the rest of your life getting burned tongues and random injuries here and there. You once broke your leg and felt really bad for whoever your soulmate was. He/she was probably at school too, since it was in the middle of the day. You also woke up with headaches in the middle of the night, that you were sure were your own, because if they were your soulmates, they would not feel as in your head as they were. You were sorry for them.
But by the time you were twenty, you decided to move to LA. You just felt a pull towards that area. Maybe that’s where your soulmate was and that’s why you were being pulled there, you kept thinking. It made sense. But it could also be the fact that you were great at working with cameras and computers. Editing too.
You worked jobs here and there. You had been as a waiter for a while. Looking for an actual real job along the way, when you finally landed a job with a family friend of yours. Mark Fishbach. You had known him as a kid and still kinda kept in touch with him. He said he was looking for an editor and/or a camera person and you immediately said yes. At least it would get you a starting job, and you wouldn’t mind seeing him again after all these years. You learned a while ago that he had started a YouTube channel, so you decided to watch some of his videos. After a few let’s plays and some of the FNAF videos (hey it was a week that you had time), you decided that Mark was way funnier than you had last thought. And you were excited to see him again
It came the time to get off the plane you were riding on. You got your bag and made your way to the main area where Mark said he would be. You looked around trying to spot anyone that looked remotely familiar, when you saw two people who clearly knew how the airport worked. From a distance, they looked vaguely like Mark and the fabled girlfriend Amy; the one that you had heard about. To be honest you didn’t believe he had a girlfriend, but you were happy for him. You had seen a couple of Amyplier posts around. They’re cute.
You started to walk over to them, smiling and flailing your one arm that wasn’t being used to carry luggage around to make them notice you. Luckily, the nonexistent Amy saw you and pulled Mark to see you. He flailed both of his arms back and Amy waved and laughed at him. You finally got to both of them and said:
“Wow Mark you’re really short,” trying not to laugh.
“Wow Y/N I haven’t seen you in so long, I thought you would be way more attractive than you actually are.” He says sarcastically, laughing throughout his whole sentence. You laugh back and hug him.
“Holy shit I haven’t seen you actually in so long! You look really good! Oh- and you must be the fabled girlfriend Amy.” You say turning to her.
“Ah, yes I am the nonexistent girlfriend.” She says smiling, knowing exactly where you were going with this.
“Wow you actually exist, I thought Mark was just going to bring around one of those plastic skeletons and say it was you.” You say laughing at Mark, who looks like a two year old, trying to hold in his laughs and crossing his arms.
Amy laughs, “Yes I’m real. We might wanna get out of here. I hate airports.”
“Alright cool. Lemme take your bag,” Mark says gesturing for you to give him your bag.
“Why thank you sir,” you say, handing your bag’s handle to him, noticing the name Amy tattooed on his wrist.
On the way back to his house you catch up with him and learn all about Amy. You didn’t want to stalk either one of them completely on social media. You wanted to learn from the source. You felt a random pain in your toe. Trying not to make any weird faces while Mark was telling a story, you realized that it was probably your dumb soulmate stubbing their toe.
“Are you ok Y/N? You look a little funny.” He says, looking into his rear view mirror.
“Yeah, it’s just my dumb soulmate stubbing their toe,” You say as the pain starts to go away.
Mark and Amy share a concerned look and then shrug it off.
“So you have the pain tie?” Amy asks, turning around in the passenger seat.
“Yeah, I didn’t know I had it until I was like 15,” you say as your soulmate hits their arm on something, shooting a wave of pain up your arm. Mark and Amy share another concerned look that was laced with a bit of surprise and what looked like happiness.
“What? Why do you keep sharing that look?” You say rubbing your arm in the spot that caught the impact.
“No reason, just,” Mark says not finishing his sentence.
“Just surprised you have the pain tie,” Amy finishes and quickly throws a smile at you. She turns back around in her chair and changes the conversation topic.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that we have some of our friends over for dinner. Don’t worry they’re all nice. You’ll like them,” Mark says, turning the corner to what you assumed is his house.
You exit the car and he gives you your bag back. They both lead you to the door and get you inside. Mark immediately takes you to the guest room upstairs, and shows you where the bathroom is. You hear lots of chatter downstairs. Mark leaves you to get settled, and goes down the stairs to the source of the chatter and joins in. You set your things down and collapse on the bed out of exhaustion. It was magically cool in there, even with the weather outside. You close your eyes and rest a minute. You change your clothes (you don’t want to smell like airplane in front of new people, even if they know you just got off a plane) and fix your hair. You take a deep breath and smile as you walk down the stairs, the same way that Mark went.
You are greeted with Mark, a very tall man with kinda curly brown hair, and a shorter boy with glasses and also brown hair. You recognize the taller one as Tyler, but are struck by the other boy. Ohmygodhe’ssofreakinghot, You thought. And he was, interestingly. You hadn’t thought of any other boy that specific way. You lost your train of thought and ability to breath as you heard
“Oh hey look it’s Y/N! Come ‘ere!” Tyler says smiling. Mark and the mysterious hot one turn around. Mark softly smiles at you and no name is stricken by something also. You’re not quite sure by what though.
You walk over and hug Tyler, “God I haven’t seen you in so long! And you got even taller. I bet you have to get things on the top shelf for Mark.”
“HEY.” He says turning to you with a look that says, ‘why me?? again’.
“Just seeing if you were paying attention.” All three of the boys laugh.
“Oh hey! You haven’t met this guy yet,” Mark says pointing to hot stuffs, “this is Ethan, he used to be one of my editors but he’s full time YouTube now! And Ethan this is Y/N. They are one of my friends from way back and is basically taking your place. They’re like a step sibling. We’re not that close.” Mark says like a proud father, all four of us laugh at the last bit.
“H-hi Ethan.” You say, holding out your sweaty and shaky hand for him to shake.
“H-hey Y/N.” Ethan says taking your equally sweaty hand into his. The moment could not last any longer.
At that moment you split as Amy walks in with a slightly concerned face with another new person who also had glasses and was a girl (thank god).
The girl who had no name walked in with a equally concerned face, but this one was laced with surprise and happiness again. She was looking at both me and Ethan.
“Hey Y/N this is Kathryn. Kathryn this is Y/N.” Amy says gesturing in between you two, her face loostening up.
“Hey Kathryn!” You say.
“Hi Y/N!” She says back.
“Alright, now that we’re done with the introductory part, we are going out to eat at (insert restaurant here).” Mark says grabbing his keys.
Everyone responds with some sort of acceptance and they all start moving around and shuffling to get their shoes. You were getting a weird pull towards Ethan that you had never felt before. During the process of getting out the door you accidentally hit your arm on something. You whisper a quiet ow and look up to see Ethan wince in the other direction and rub his arm.
No fucking way
After the dinner that was you and Ethan catching quick glances at each other, but when the other looks back you snap your head away, you went back to Mark’s house for a movie (and probably some ice cream. It always happened, even when you were kids). As soon as you got back to Mark’s house, you fully got what was happening.
Ethan was your soulmate. You didn’t even know his last name, but you knew he was The One™️. Amy and Mark had clearly already found that out because Ethan probably already told his situation to them and it was most likely the exact same thing. When you got to Mark’s house you met all of the gang except for Kathryn who came in with a face. A face you assumed was correlated to Amy telling her about you and Ethan. Then the whole arm thing. You were almost 100% sure that he was it. You decided that you were going to confront him as soon as you can. After all, you wanted to get this whole show on the road.
You walked in the door and took off your shoes along with everyone else. While the gang was separated into a group with Ethan to the side, you decided to walk up to him.
“Uhm h-hey Ethan. Can I talk to you for a sec?” You say, wringing your hands out of nervousness.
“Uh, Yeah sure!” He says with a smile.
You lead him off to a part of the house upstairs where no one was (even though everyone was downstairs you were still nervous what could you say).
“Hey so... ugh I don’t know how to say this,” You nervously laugh and he does the same, you start to scratch at your arm a little too hard on purpose and his face just becomes dumbfounded, “I think you’re my soulmate.”
“I-I don’t know how...” you say, trailing your eyes toward the random dresser that was beside you. Not knowing what to do you kicked it as hard as you could, sending a wave of pain throughout your body.
“AAH- oh my god! Why did you do that! You could’ve kicked lighter!” Ethan says practically falling to the ground, clutching his foot.
“S-sorry! I-I didn’t know what else to do,” You say also dropping to the floor in pain, “*deep inhale* aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh why did I do that.”
“I don’t know. Hold on. Oh my god,” Ethan’s face switches from pain to joy, “Holy shit you’re my soulmate!”
Ethan practically bounces up and down out of happiness. He doesn’t seem to know what to do, except smile and look at you. But then his face drops completely and becomes slightly annoyed.
“Oh my god. So you’re the reason I have tension headaches at 2 am.” Ethan says crossing and un-crossing his arms.
“Oh... sorry. Don’t worry I wake up with them all the time too,” You say, mentally facepalming because of course you do, you are the source of those headaches.
His face changes back to smiling at you. He seems like the person who can’t keep mad for too long.
“Well. What are we going to do now?” you say smiling back at him.
“Here. Why don’t we trade phone numbers, but we should probably go downstairs. The others will probably start getting suspicious soon.” Ethan says taking his phone out of his jacket pocket, getting into contacts, and handing it to you.
“A-are we going to tell the group?” You say, handing him your phone, and filling in all the details into his phone. I mean, if he’s your soulmate he probably should know your last name.
“Yeah eventually. I mean if you want to tonight sure!” Ethan says handing your phone back to you.
“I feel like we should just act like a couple until they realize,” you say smiling mischievously.
“I can do that,” he says returning the same smile.
After that conversation you two make it down stairs, where you are asked what kind of ice cream you want. You are then seated directly next to Ethan on the couch in the TV room. You were sitting around the room with all of teamiplier. Amy was on the end of the U shape of people, sitting next to Mark, Kathryn was sat next to Mark, you were sitting in between Mark and Ethan, Ethan was sitting next to Tyler, and Kathryn was on the opposite end of Amy.
When everyone sits down and has situated themselves next to each other with a multitude of blankets, the movie starts.
About 30 minutes through the movie, Ethan does the stereotypical “I’m pretending I’m yawning so I can put my arm around you” trick. You have to hold in your laughs as you smile at him. You look around the room to see if anyone has caught on, and you see Amy’s wide eyes staring at you. You smile at her and her face relaxes into a smirk. She mouths I knew it to you and you have to hold in your laughter once again. You look back to Ethan and he’s smiling between you and Amy, also trying to hold in laughter. You put your pointer finger to your mouth and pretend to shush her. She gets the idea and nods, turning back to the TV. Mark somehow stays oblivious to this whole interaction. It’s like magic, this happens every time.
After the movie ends and everyone is just sitting talking, Tyler notices, because of course he is the next one to notice. You give him the same shush and he just smiles and gets back to the conversation. Then of course it’s Kathryn, because she notices Amy and Tyler stealing quick glances at you every now and again. She give you the same look that Amy does and you do the exact same thing again. Mark is SOMEHOW STILL OBLIVIOUS TO THIS WHOLE INTERACTION.
After everyone starts to get ready to go, you are standing with Ethan holding hands. Mark still doesn’t notice. Like I said. Magic. As soon as Tyler says, “Alright I’m the chauffeur, and I’m tired so we should start going.” Ethan replies with “Alright cool!” And kisses you on the cheek.
That got Mark’s attention.
“WOAH HEY WOAH THERE. What happened here?!” Mark says with wide eyes. You legitimately just double over and burst into laughter. The rest of the gang except Mark joins in on laughing with you.
“Was this planned?” Mark says, starting to blush and laugh a bit, “have I been goofed!?”
Eventually when the whole group catches their breath you say, “Ethan and I are soulmates.”. And once again, you show them that it’s true by kicking the wall, full force, with the foot that you kicked the dresser with before. You collapse onto the floor from pain that comes rushing through your body like a tsunami.
“NOT AGAIN!” Ethan shrieks, doubling over in pain along with you on the floor. The rest of the group bursts into laughter again, this time Mark joining them.
“Oh so I have been goofed. Well at least I was right about the whole you two being soulmates thing.” Mark says catching his breath.
“Well wasn’t it Amy’s idea technically?” You say challenging him.
“Weeeeelllllll.... it was collective,” Mark says in a high pitched voice.
“Yeah that’s what I thought,” you say, standing up putting most of your weight on the foot that wasn’t hit twice.
Ethan stands up and says, “Now I have to get you back twice.”
“Ugh I wait for that day.” You say sighing.
“Alright lovebirds I’m tured and I need to get home. You guys can enjoy each other later” Tyler says recovering from all the laughter.
You cringe. ”That wording was not right.” You say.
“I know. I regret everything. Let’s go.” Tyler says, grabbing his keys and opening the door to the outside.
“Alright. Bye! It was nice to meet you all!” You say waving and smiling, especially at Ethan.
Walking up the stairs to your bedroom, you were already planning for so much.
Tags: @luova-lola @bim-trimmer-protection-squad @ethans-a-nerd
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