#flustered deku
Thanks for da likes and follows from the beautiful (I had a little malfunction there I forgot how to write beautiful hehe..) people and.... My Todoroki one got likes a little fast so what's my hero academia without cinnamon roll deku right?
Spelling mistakes, wrong use of words sorry about those
This is FLOOF I mean simply Fluff! And a UNLIMITED CUTE IZUKU MIDORIYA!! Ahem... Carrying on....
•sometimes, you should thank the friend that exposed your liking towards someone•
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It was a beautiful day.. the sun was smiling.., PERFECT temperature, the wind taking your hair on a ride, you didn't feel sleepy, and you were early .
You were peacefully sitting on your chair inside your class untill one of your classmates arrive. As you were zoning off staring into a Blank wall while imaging a fake scenario of you being a total badass. You saw Kirishima enter the classroom, you were quiet amazed "you were the last person that was on my mind to enter the class this early.. I expected bakugo!" You said joyfully "oh no! He's here he was here before me technically but he went somewhere else to do something he told me it was none of my business" he said as he smiled at you with his shark like teeth showing witch is supposed to be scary but it made you we warm. "OI! Shitty hair did you take my drink?!?" He screamed which made both of you jump at his oh so angelic voice (he's pointing a gun at me 😭) "oh, yea you left it on the bench I took it because I thought you forgot it! Here.." he handed it over "DO YOU THINK IM THAT IRRESPONSIBLE HUH?!?" he shouted, but yet sounded like those angelic high notes in choirs (hElp 🙏) "dude it isn't like that! I jus-" he got cut off by the handsome spik- (OMG IM SORRY DONT KILL ME HAVE MERCY BAKUGO!) gentleman " WHA-" now he got cut off by the REAL ANGLE "Shut up! My brain can't process a fight this early so shh don't you have stuf- nvm" you cut off mid sentence because you didn't want anymore chaos happening.
Soon one by one of your classmates entered inside the classroom totally not looking like dead corpses. But as the dead was entering the spotlight was taken away by the All Might obsessed Izuku Midoriya approaching you and slapping two movie tickets on your desk "PLEASE COME TO THE MOVIES WITH ME BECAUSE NO ONE ACCEPTED MY INVITATION TO WATCH YOUR FAVOURITE MOVIE... THAT DIDN'T MEAN THEY HATE IT OR SOMETHING THEY JUST DIDN'T-" you cutoff holy child's gibberish speaking and said "whoa dude, slow down are you ok and it isn't even that hot in here and you are sweating for a second I thought you fell into a pool!" You said as you tried to process everything he said "BAHAHAHAHAA, YOUR SO FUNNY BUT CAN YOU PLEASE GO WITH ME BECAUSE IM LONELY AND IM SCARES OF THE DAR-" he posed and thought about the words he said •they won't bully me about it right? I'm probably a definition of coward to them right now! But.. anything for Y/N-chan to come with me!• he thought in his clean mind "your scared of wha- nvm that but perfect timing Izuku because I wanted to got watch it really bad and I'm free too!" You said excitingly " OH REALLY!? Thank you so much!" He said as he started walking in a weird way...
You were done with your morning classes and now it's time for food ! You can't even remember what anyone said you don't even know what you had! You were still a little worried about Izuku's way of talking to you. You went to his women killing room mate and and scanned with your eyes around the lunch room to see if Izuku was near by so you can ask him and hopefully get rid of your curiosity " hey pokéball!" You said joyfully "oh hey Y/N, would you please consider not calling me pokéball I prefer icyhot or half-and-half" he said in his calm voice "oh hell no, besides I don't like copying you know? Never mind that but do you know what's up with Izuku?" You said curiously "oh, I think you mean the way he talked to you this morning right? He has a 'big crush' on you according to what I heard him say when he deflated himself on the floor as he regret saying he's afraid of the dark to someone..." He said "what!" You said as you formed into mina "yes, you should be careful.. I'll try talking him out of his thought of crushing you to death but lock your doors and windows before going to bed.." he said like a concerned father. "Huh? Never mind you and your thinking right Todoroki but are you sure he said ..'big crush?'" you whispered the two words "yes, oh look izuku's coming you should give him some space to sit we have important business to talk about-" he stopped as he saw your inner sonic appear as you ran fast. "Was Y/N talking to you?" Cinnamon butt cheeks said (oml what wrong with my simile's 😭) "yes, she asked me about you wired behavior and I said you have a big crush on her now you have no chance to crush her- Midoriya?" He said worriedly looking at his pale face "You- s-said w-h-what?.." he said dumfoundedly. "I said 'you have a big crush on he-" He was cutoff by a deflated balloon Midoriya on the floor.
You were getting all dolled up to accept or confess or whatever to be izuku's "OMG IN GONA BE A GIRLFRIEND!" You said excitedly. You went to izuku's dorm since he was late to show up to yours and knocked on his door " hey! Izuku!" You heard clashing inside of the room you got a little worried and said "hey, is everything... Okay?" You heard more clashing. You got worried so bad you tried opening the door surprisingly it was open "Izuku?" You said concerned •dammit why do I always forget to lock the door• Izuku cursed to him self while hiding under his bed "Izuk- hey what are you doing under the bed, bro what?" You said confusingly •oh, I got caught I'll just act like nothing happened maybe todoroki was just joking with me• he got out from the hiding place "uh... H-hi!" He said nervously "hey izu, didn't you get ready!?!" You said as you were looking at his face which made him have butterflies "oh yea, sorry about that I'll be quick stay here" he clumsily walked to the bathroom with his clothes and everything while celebrating the fact todoroki joked at him which is sus but what else should he think right?.
After a while you both got ready and started walking to cinema peacefully untill you decided to be brave and hold his hand "this is okay right?" You asked while trying to read his reaction 'y-yeah it-its fine" he said as he was turning to a pink flower that just got some butterflies attention. He held his stomach as he felt the butterflies going crazy in there "sooo.... I heard you have a crush on me is... Is this true or Is it just a lie" he froze then and there •of course todoroki didn't lie that's totally suspicious of him-• "umm.. I know your too shy to admit so let me just say I like you too.. Izuku Midoriya" you said as you rubbed your neck nervously.
He's falling... not to mention he fell into a soft surface that was suspicious.. the ground is normally hard and he is supposed to be bleeding to death by now.. he looked up and saw you red face after a few seconds he has processed the fact that he was on y/n's soft cuddlable boobies, he turned into a beetroot as he started mumbling apologies to you and saying he should suffer himself for doing this to you "ARE YOU Crazy izu? It was just an accident besides you didn't tell me the answer... " you grabbed his face and made him get face you and said "you like me or not sweetie?" You said Izuku was internally dieing it was so damn hot "YE-yes i- I lov- like you v-veh-very muha-much.." he said as he was falling apart by being so close to your face. he successfully built his confidence to kiss you and he tried leaning in but.." so you just like me? I was told you loved me though.." You said dramatically you were technically the queen of teasing so it's your job to tease ya know? "Huh... Oh-oha-ohaky u-uh i-i l-loa-louw you vewy much" he said as you were squeezing his freckled red cheeks and then he finally received his price "good boy!" You kissed him gently and I took him to a trip to cloud 9 "thank you momm-" he said but the last word made you smirk "what did you just say?" You said smug "NOTHING" He shouted "okay then, let's move on shall we, I don't like wasting prescious money on movie tickets and not going to them" you said as sarcasm dripped down like blood. "Okay.." he said as you both held hands and made your way to you movie...
I hope ya'll like it if you like my work please feel free to double tap and give me a note a.k.a like
If you wanna see more of my work feel free to follow me to and sorry about the spelling mistakes and all babes! Love ya! Goddesses and have a great day byeees!..
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habken · 4 months
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dekujirou sharing interests >3
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chandralia · 7 months
Deku’s dynamic with the 2nd User is genuinely still one of the funniest things to come out of this entire series.
“Looks like Kacchan, acts like Kacchan, but is NOT Kacchan, so you’re nothing to me”
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assassyart · 2 years
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Bakugou & Deku x Body Swap Quirk?
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nuppu-nuppu · 2 years
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concussed Kacchan wants a kiss
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seagreenstardust · 1 day
Just me, absolutely insane about how normal Katsuki is with his friends these days. Teasing Shoto about his older brother definitely liking the really really hot udon, both because he’s a little troll and knows that’s the opposite of what Shoto likes, and because teasing could lighten the mood and maybe help Shoto feel better?? No yelling?? Just hanging out with the boys!!!
He’s grown so much
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katsuizu-stuff · 2 years
bkdk fans if there was one thing you have read in a bkdk fanfic you wish would happen, which by default end up being canon, what would it be and why?
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bkdk-and-extras · 1 year
I need a bkdk fic where Izuku, for one reason or another, has exactly zero inhibitions. He says everything that comes to mind.
Ft. Katsuki figuring out how to deal with being slapped in the face because apparently Izuku thinks he's "Attractive" and "Looks Good In Those Pants".
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kayforpay · 4 months
extremely stupid bkdkbk AU
izuku works as a bunny boy at a barely-legitimate cafe. he's quirkless, so getting a job at all was kind of his only priority, and he gets tips for eating cutely so he can stand it.
unfortunately, the cafe is near the dynamight hero agency. izuku Vaguely remembers his childhood frenemy, and doesn't really think much of it that he had a similar quirk to dynamight
until dynamight, and not just his sidekicks, starts coming in on their days off. and he always, always asks for izuku, to the point that he calls ahead to make sure izuku is both working and available. he pays well, and never seems to actually want anything, so izuku is like. whatever, fine
after several visits of just awkwardly chatting and izuku going "he's cute actually", he goes, "would you want to go out sometime? outside of the cafe, like a date?" with his best Cute Boy Look on
and dynamight starts sweating, turns red, and says, "I'll fucking kill you" before leaving a huge tip and his personal phone number and scampering out the door
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itsmeluvxx · 1 year
I live for flirty deku who teases and laughs a lot and is always touching bakugou in some way meanwhile bakugou is bright red because he cant handle how handsome and bright and amazing deku is and “omg will he stop touching my hand”
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brainrot--central · 11 months
since ochaco is possibly into girls too (given the togachako yuri. IDC!!) and that rody is transfem in my heart......cute working class sapphics getting over their crush on deku together...
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ddlert · 2 years
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miscellaneous deku dump
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xskyll · 2 years
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This is the 30th Izuku I’ve drawn and I still don’t know how to draw his hair OTL
Another expression meme. I feel like I’m not very good at these, lol. It’ll be very exciting if I do a bunch and see a jump in quality at some point. Here’s hoping!
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uravitypng · 28 days
big beefy number one pro hero deku is absolutely smitten with you, his chubby little girlfriend, and yeah you're a little bit of an airhead sometimes but that makes you all the more endearing to him.
prior to meeting you he used to feel embarrassed whenever he'd ramble too long about heroes or quirks. after some time people would drown him out after he started his disjointed babbling, not wanting to listen to him ramble. with you it's different, the first time it happened he went to apologise to you. jirou once told him he should try and apologise if he realised he did it to strangers afterwards- especially now that he's a pro hero.
so he goes to stammer out an apology after realising he spoke to you uninterrupted about all might's golden age for five minutes and you tilt your head and giggle at him. izuku draws in a breath. "why are you apologising deku? i really liked hearing you speak. what about his other ages?"
izuku felt like he was malfunctioning, "what?"
you bite your lip to stop yourself from giggling again. who knew pro hero deku is so cute? "like the silver age and the bronze age? are those all the ages or is there like a platinum age too?" izuku grins, you're so interested in what he has to say he can't help it. "wait was is all might's quirk again? he's like strong right? that's his quirk."
izuku pauses for a second before barking out a laugh. you pout and glare at him feigned annoyance. 'she's so adorable and ditzy. i need to speak to her again.'
you constantly praise him, not just for hero work either, and ever single time it makes his entire face red. it doesn't matter that you've been dating for four years now and izuku's brought an engagement ring, he still gets flustered with all the compliments.
people compliment him all the time, it comes with the job, but when you do it it means so much more. " 'zuku you're so brave!" "i don't understand this at all izuku, can you explain it too me? you're the smartest person i know." "you're so pretty." "your hair is so soft." "you're the best hero ever!"
a light sheen of sweat covers your forehead after being manhandled by your boyfriend into the cowgirl position, he loves holding onto your love handles and moving you up and down on his cock, with each bounce your body jiggles. you'll lay in bed with your face buried in his chest as you trace the scars on his arms with your fingertips lightly, "you're so strong izuku." you turn to face him and your chubby cheeks lift as you smile. "i'm so proud of you." his heart skips a beat. he's never loved anyone more than he loves you.
izuku gets possessive of you, he doesn't like people touching you. you're his. before you he never thought he would be jealous or possessive but then you came into his life and he nearly broke the glass of champagne he was holding when he saw todoroki talk to you. he knows todoroki doesn't like you like that, he's liked yaoyorozu since ua but he was too close to you and izuku hated it. his legs moved before he could think, walking up to you both with a forced smile on his face. he wraps his arm around your soft waist, tightly, and kisses your forehead. you smile sweetly at him and lean into his body. izuku brought you home earlier than you thought he would that night, holding onto your thick thigh with one hand while his other hand is on the steering wheel, driving you both home.
his jealous nature was cemented a week after when he saw kaminari talking to you. not just talking to you- flirting with you. if izuku was holding a glass like he was last time he most certainly would of smashed it in anger. you don't even realise what kaminari is doing and izuku knows you don't.
you listen to him talk intently and nod your head, you smile at him and laugh at his jokes. to some people they would think this would be you flirting back but you're not, you're just trying to be nice. kaminari has decided to talk to you and you want to be kind and listen to what he has to say and izuku has really admired that quality about you but right now he wishes you could pick up on the clear signs that kaminari is giving you.
izuku snaps when he sees kaminari look at your cleavage and glance at your body, his eyes lingering on your plush thighs. his voice is strained as he pulls you away from kaminari making some half-arsed, offhanded excuse as he takes you home immediately.
when he saves a small child and he gives them his award winning grin all he can think about afterwards is you. 'who are our kids going to look like? will they have my freckles? or maybe her hair? if they're half as cute as her they'll be the cutest kids ever.' he's already planning their bedrooms and his eyes drift to the baby clothes section at stores.
your boyfriend has the biggest breeding kink known to man and you get reminded of that as he folds your body into a mating press and groans deeply in your ear, "can't wait to see your soft body get softer puppy, promise i'll look after, you won't have to lift a finger." you loudly whine, grabbing hold of his large arms, every thrust causes a loud slapping sound with how wet you are. "you're gonna look so pretty puppy. i'm going to pump you full, make sure you don't spill any for me, just like the good girl you are."
izuku adores you and you feel exactly the same about him.
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frickingnerd · 16 days
dating izuku midoriya
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pairing: izuku midoriya / deku x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, petnames, protective izuku, izuku being the best boyfriend possible, mentions of inko + izuku's friends
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everyone but you knew that izuku had a crush on you! izuku's friends knew first, given how much he talked about you and they were the ones helping the two of you get together!
izuku can be quite bad at expressing his feelings. he stumbles over his words and stutters, blushing and unable to say what he really means. without tenya and ochako, it would've likely took the two of you a few more months before you finally got together…
you're izuku's first partner, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have any dating experience! he's the type to read up about any topic and relationships are no different! he knows how to be the best possible boyfriend, thanks to all those books he read!
during the first few months of dating izuku, he's almost always a blushing mess around you! he just gets so flustered being able to hold your hand…
izuku is secretly really clingy! at first, he holds back on physical intimacy, but over time he begins to shower you in affection! he's constantly holding your hand or hugging you from behind, unable to keep his hands off you!
he also loves to give you cute pet names! whether it's “angel”, “beautiful”, “handsome”, “my love” or “sweetheart” – all of his pet names for you are super wholesome!
izuku is quite the protective boyfriend! he's already reckless, but when it comes to you, he'd dive head first into danger, with no regard for his own safety! all that matters to him is you!
his protective side also shows when someone flirts with you! izuku isn't a possessive boyfriend, but some people really know how to push his buttons and frustrate him, leading to him pulling you away from any guys that try to hit on you!
as for izuku's friends, they love you! ochako and tenya were your biggest supporters, even before you got together! and even bakugou or shoto seem to like you!
but the person that loves you the most, aside from izuku, is inko! izuku's mother adores you and immediately accepts you into the family! she certainly can't wait until the day izuku finally asks you to marry him and she wouldn't want anyone else to spend the rest of their life with her son!
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summary: just some small hand holding headcanons ♡
pairings: katsuki :: hawks :: shouto :: deku x gn! reader
miscellaneous masterlist (i really need to give bnha it's own ml soon, i will infiltrate this fandom /silly)
update: i made a bnha masterlist
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katsuki likes intertwining your fingers. at the start of your relationship, he was hesitant to do so, afraid he could accidentally hurt you with his quirk or scare you off with how hot and rough they are (not that he ever told you as much). so when you slowly warmed him up to the idea, he held your hand very carefully at first.
by now, however, his grip on you is firm and self-assured, pulling you closer to him in crowded areas or just enjoying the feel of your hand in his calloused one. the pro hero has also resigned himself to being your own personal hand warmer in the winter, cupping your freezing fingers between his palms with only minimal complaining.
keigo likes playing with your hands. whether you’re watching a movie on a rare night in or you’re in a restaurant with your hands resting on the table, chances are keigo is reaching over to cradle your hand in his, a boyish grin on his handsome face.
sometimes it’s really just him fiddling with your fingers to keep his own busy. but in instances where it’s just the two of you, he’s tracing his thumb along the length of your fingers and mapping the lines on your palms, culminating in the featherlight kisses he flutters against your knuckles and wrist.
shouto likes linking your pinkies. sure, he’s much more confident in your relationship than at the beginning, where he’d basically wait for you to initiate affection for him to know this was okay. back then, it was his way of asking for affection in whatever way you would see fit to show him at the moment.
but even after learning more about both you and himself, as well as the social norms around dating, he has taken a liking to the gesture. it is sweet and low-key enough to not draw much attention if you’re out and about, but still a good way to ground himself and make sure you’re still there with him.
izuku likes it when you play with his hands. even as an adult he still has the habit of losing himself in his rambled tangents at times and taking his hand in yours is an effective way of snapping him out of it.
the gentle way with which you hold him, like he was a delicate thing, lifts the responsibilities of always putting other’s well-being before his own right off his shoulders. deku is too flustered to ever say it out loud but, when you lovingly trace and kiss the scars on his hands instead of looking at them as if they’re a flaw, his ears and cheeks feel like they’ve been set ablaze.
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