brw · 3 years
Do you have any Hank Pym comic recs 🥺🥺🥺
uh honestly i liked his early avengers stuff! though there's that Period Typical Sexism™ and once you get to his Mental Breakdown™ a lot of Period Typical Ableism™ and pseudo-psychology so fhdhhfhd it's kind of hit and miss tbh
i really liked him in west coast avengers, that's when he joined not as ant-man or giant-man or goliath or yellowjacket, but just as hank pym! issue 6 & 7 are particularly good, ultron is a Good Guy™ in it and tries to build a relationship w/ his dad and its honestly kind of sweet! also i enjoy his relationship with tiagra! trigger warning for issue #17 though, in it hank attempts s//icide so 😬 but yeah he was good there.
avengers a.i for sure! it's also one of my fave vision appearances and victor mancha is in it too and it's just generally fun chaos! it also has my favourite hank pym backstory, where his parents aren't abusive but they also don't know what to do with him or how to accommodate him and as a neurodiverse person it's really good and speaks to me! its also where he is portrayed as bipolar and tbh i think that in comic book standards? it's really well done and good rep as far as comics go :>
avengers academy is also really good! he's a teacher for kids and it's just very good and sweet and fun and i enjoy it, it doesn't always focus on hank but it's a good story and shows old and new superheros to get in to! laura kinney also features and it's where hank's son/godson william is introduced :>
he also plays a semi prominent role in avengers forever i believe? which is only 12 issues long so that's a good thing to read. it's been a Hot Sec but he has to work w/ his yellowjacket persona from back in the day (context; bc of the pseudo-psychology yellowjacket was like a fragmented personality of hank's, like originally they were going for a dissociative identity disorder which has since been changed into bipolar but yeah that's why they're Different People™ in comic world)
avengers: united they stand is an au based on one of the cartoons but they are focused on hank and are a good story! vision & ultron have some good moments in it too that are enjoyable. the outfits uh fucking suck tbh but its generally nice and lighthearted. and short if memory serves well djdjdjd only like 6 issues or something
hank appears in many tales to astonish issues, but issue 47 is my particular favourite! he's got some nice moments with jan & is shook up over an ant and yeah it's good fun!
and finally to stop this getting too long, ant-man: season one reintroduces his backstory for a modern age! i could be crazier abt some of the retcons it makes w/ his science and stuff but on a whole its a good reintroduction of hank for a modern time!
and um yeah!! that's it for hank pym, he's honestly A Vibe. um my advice is = stay away from remender & slott (slott is the one who did that stupid "it's on bitch" moment with reed which 🙄 they were friends in college they made a dorky club called "atomic knights of the round table" why would they fight!!!) and also some people liked him under byrne when he was a fully fledged member of the west coast avengers roster, i personally... detest everything byrne does but you may enjoy!!
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
Cassandra Cain
Favorite thing:
Cass is so bright and has such a great sense of humor actually??? Like. From start to finish her batgirl run was so much FUN and had so much HEART and she’s just such a good character??? I love her
Least favorite thing:
Other than fandom treatment of her, I really fucking hate the Orphan moniker. That’s felt more and more like a slap in the face with each passing month honestly. I’m just 🙃🙃🙃 very bitter.
Favorite line:
“The only thing more ridiculous than thinking I don’t know how to cheat... is choosing to wear that outfit into combat.” -said to Huntress and tbh... I cried laughing lmao
Her and Babs relationship makes me v 🥺🥺🥺 otherwise I just wish more of her relationships with her brothers could be like. Properly explored. DC rlly said ‘yeah we’ll have Bruce officially adopt her’ only to then push her out to Hong Kong just aksjak THANKS I HATE IT
Oh god, Stephcass, CassRae, CassCass, there’s others uhhh I like KonCass but only just as a comphet thing now (esp from Cass’ end lmao she’s wlw and y’all Can’t convince me otherwise) OH. CASSROSE!!
Don’t Ship:
Other than the Obvious uhhhh, again, not too fond of shipping Cass with boys haha she’s a lesbian harold
Random Headcanon:
When Cass is Batman she doesnt take like, selfies with Gothamites or anything BUT she DOES make it a point to randomly show up in pictures like the lovable cryptid she was always meant to be lmao. Bruce WISHES he could’ve attained #ConfirmedUrbanCryptid status.
Unpopular Opinion:
Cass is??? Actually a pretty angry character? And it esp obvsly gets erased when fandom portrays her as the demure/quiet Favorite Child but??? The reason WHY she’s the perfect bat to take on the mantle is BECAUSE she DOES reflect a lot of Bruce’s passion and especially his anger! (How she channels it is a bit different but that’s a convo that the greater batfandom Isnt ready to have 💅)
Song I Associate with them:
“Speaking Voice” by Coin! I was listening to the band a lot around the time that I started getting into Cass so... this just kinda will never be unassociated with her now lmao. And yknow... I think it works actually.
Fav pic of them:
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There’s a lot of pics of Cass that slap, but this outfit from the HQ&BoP tie-in just REALLY makes me happy I just 📸📸📸
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augustheart · 4 years
1, 7 & 13 for the ask game!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
I have, at any given time, 200-odd projects I’m working on, but for this specifically I will talk about Half Light because I am saving my current needlessly giant project for a different ask I got.
It is going badly! I need to update but I have barely started on the next chapter, meaning I still have at least 9,000 words left to put to paper! I know what will happen and how it will set things up for the next installment, but for some reason I cannot get my act together enough to write it! And I know it’s not just disillusionment with the source material in general because I still felt that when I wrote the last chapter and somehow...here we still are. But I love it. It’s my baby. I’ve been planning it since, jeez, 2016? Probably had the little basis of the idea in 2015? It’s very emblematic of the things I like to read and write, namely trauma and more importantly the recovery from that trauma, and I know people love it. It’s long and difficult to write and read and I’m an idiot who shouldn’t have decided to make every chapter so long, but I swear I will finish it as long as I have the means to do so. Like I said, it’s my baby--and at least I’m almost done with this part, right?
So only...what, three more to go? Yay...
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
I think I have two distinct writing styles? One of them is kinda flowery-prosey and that’s the one I use for my longer stuff/serious shorter stuff, and the other one is shorter and snappier and that’s what I use for shorter less serious things. The first one involves a lot of run-on sentences. I also think I’m really repetitive when it comes to certain story elements? Not like I use the same things over and over again (which I do to an extent) but that I’ll start paragraphs with the same phrase every time, repeat words in thought processes to represent what it’s like to have anxiety around things, etc. I think people would agree that I do that!
13. Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?
Never really shared much beyond general concept for my original fiction and my nonfiction stuff is completely drafts still, but my ao3 is pretty good if I do say so myself. (Well. Most of it. Don’t go too far back, it’s not nasty it’s just pretty embarrassing.) 
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barbarawilson-moved · 3 years
it’s a hard role to fill but someone’s gotta do it 💜
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stealther-gurl · 5 years
December 22: School Play (Wilson/Wayne Family)
@flamebiirds asked for "For the requests, Christmas with the Wilson family (Slade, Grant, Joey, Addie & Rose) + the weird aunt and cousin, Kathy and Bette Kane?"
In headcanon form to make it easier for me. Also, throwing in the Batfam for the drama™
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After six years, when Grant is 10, Joey is 8, and Rose is 5, Addie is mad because first off, she’s Jewish, and insists that 1) the school add some aspects of Hannukah and Jewish traditions to Gotham Academy’s school pagent, and 2) that none of her children be forced into the nativity pagent.
The school board resists at first, because this is the way they’ve always done the school pagent and they don’t want to change it, and then Addie shows up to the PTA meeting with Cousin Bruce and his cash trails and also Slade and Lillian, each with a look of death in their eyes, and it’s not too hard to convince them to add a couple more changes to the pagent
All the Wilson kids and their cousins help out with telling the story of Hannukah. 
Grant is stuffed into the shiny menorah costume that Aunt Kate produces from when she was in elementary school.
Cousin Bette wears a fake beard she found in Uncle Slade’s attic and pretends to be the priest who lights all the candles on Grant’s menorah
Joey gets to be one of the invaders who attacked the temple. He gets a fake spear, which makes Grant jealous (but the costume was too big for Joey and would be flopping all around if he was wearing it)
Little Rosie is a sheep and also sings "Jingle Bells” which all the kindergarteners have been practicing since Thanksgiving.
Cousin Dick is a shepherd in the nativity pagent, and looks out especially for little Rosie. 
Jason is in third grade with Joey, and he has a solo singing “Let It Snow”. Bruce is very proud.
Rose has a chocolate smear on her lips even though she insists she didn’t eat any of the gelt that was supposed to be used as a prop in the show even though it would melt under the hot stage lights. 
Jason also had chocolate on his fingers. 
Grant is so hot and sweaty at the end of the pagent that the moment the curtain goes down, he runs out the stage door and throws himself into the snow, costume and all. 
No one knows which of the kids throws the first snowball.
It was Rose.
Then someone hits Slade
It was Bruce
Addie and Lillian follow his lead and soon everyone is ganging up on Slade except for Grant, who teams up with his dad.
They all head home to the Wilson’s house, even though Bruce brags that there’s more room at the manor. 
All the kids fall asleep cuddled up in blankets in front of the fire with hot chocolate, apple cider, and plates of latkes. 
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whitmore · 4 years
Maeve for the ask game?
morning in america / jon bellion a question of time / depeche mode edge of seventeen / stevie nicks vampire again / marlon williams elevator song / keaton henson
send ur name for a playlist!
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A quick reminder that you're an angel!
Awwww...thank you!
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cascains · 5 years
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Teen Titans
uhh i liked the 2003 tt cartoon but the fans annoying. kory isnt innocent, patient or gullible like in the cartoon but ofc,,, their fans take everything word for word
the og titans hold a special place in my heart n the new tt comes close
the recent teen titans make me kinda hmmmmmm bc at this point dc is just tryna make damian a dick 2.0 n everything n i just wish theyd let him go down his own path yknow but i do like crush n djinn tho
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mrsmarymorstan · 5 years
@flamebiirds replied to your post “Okay, but does anyone know what universe the new Young Justice comic...”
It's in Rebirth continuity and Tim is going by Robin
But, but if it’s Rebirth... then why is he going by Robin? When Damian is Robin? And he... he’s not Robin because he’s older now and Batman kinda sucks sometimes, and... and... I don’t... Why DC? Why? 
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asexualarkhamknight · 5 years
flamebiirds replied to your post “What’s gonna play on DC Universe now that YJ is on hiatus?”
Doom Patrol, followed by Swamp Thing, Stargirl & a Harley Quinn animated series (YJ should be airing either at the same time or after Swamp Thing, I can’t remember the schedule rn)
xbreathehopex replied to your post “What’s gonna play on DC Universe now that YJ is on hiatus?”
Doom Patrol
Oh sweet, I was just caught off guard learning this was a mid season finale for yj. I’m happy there’s a lot of others shows coming up
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
💍 + dinahollie ?
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Actually wait didn’t they actually get married in canon at some point? Wasn’t that the one that everyone was like ‘lol it won’t last’??? ANYWAYS
Def a private/closed ceremony & reception for their various JLA friends/coworkers (so ppl can attend both in/out of identity as they feel comfortable)
Dinah’s got the birds n leaguers alike as her bridesmaids
Babs is her maid of honor but Zee insists on handling the Bachelorette party “Oracle is sweet but she d o e s n t know how to throw a rager for an entertainer”
Ollie’s bachelor party on the other hand is a quiet night in comparatively speaking bc Roy (the Best Man) knows it’s all he really needs by this point aksj
Again, Dinah’s doing flowers, Ollie’s hiring a DJ, seating arrangements are rlly more of a first come-first sit kinda deal bc they know their friends will sort that shit out lmao
Wouldn’t be a Superhero Wedding without a Villain Crashing it but I honestly keep drawing a blank on who it should be but I just REALLY love the drama for that kinda thing so just fill in that blank w/ ur own Fav for now aksjak
Send me a ship+💍 for some wedding headcanons!
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dilfdoctordoom · 4 years
"You want to sleep with Bette?"
"Ideally", Dawn huffs, her arms crossed over her chest as two pink spots appear on her cheeks, "you would also be there."
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Artemis: Stop setting my arrows on fire!
Babs: Both of you shut up or kiss each other! I’m sick of this!
Bette: Hey Arty, wanna make out? I’ll stop setting stuff on fire 
@flamebiirds @stephbrowndeservestoberobin
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punkfistfights · 3 years
list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
i was tagged by @tothevines 💜💜💜
margo hanson - the magicians
melanie king - the magnus archives
lup - the adventure zone
joan bright - the bright sessions
stevie budd - schitt’s creek
vanya hargreeves - the umbrella academy
diana prince - dc
america chavez - marvel
andy - the old guard
korra - the legend of korra
tagging: @puriskam @flashhwing @ghostbunn @werewolfest @missstar489 @flamebiirds @fishfingersandscarves @jasnahkholin @glamorousamazingmegabitches @canonicallyhugedick
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Can we actually just take a moment to appreciate the beauty that is this blog? Like, you speak out about important topics in the fandom and you're so nice?????? Idk man, I just think you need more followers, a hell of a lot more compliments since you seem amazing and way less rude people filling up your inbox.
Thank you so much!!!!
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Like, I know I’m far from perfect and I’m bound to make mistakes here and there (and if I do, you all are welcome to call me out so I can improve and do better), but I really do the best I can.
Thank you so much for this kind message. It means a lot.
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cascains · 5 years
🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Stephanie Brown
she!! deserves!! so!! much!! better!! than!! the!! shit!!! that!! dc!! gives!!! her!!!!!!
shes been reduced to being just tims gf n a crazy waffle fanatic and it annoys me so much hhhhhhhhhhh
like im pretty ok abt timsteph at times but all in all theyre actually bad for each other. they dont go well together n theyre both shitty to each other.
steph grew up with a father who spent most of her childhood in jail. she gave up her child because she thought she would be a bad mother. she became spoiler and robin despite bruce and tims wishes when they kept bringing her down saying she could never be a hero. she proved them wrong and became batgirl.
shes so much more than just being tims side chick and batmans plot device. but also let steph slap bruce in the face again.
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