#finding a diverse writing group is like THE best thing you could do
moonysimp · 1 year
dreamy boy —pedri
im making a habit of writing the dreams i have😭 so enjoy
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"i swear to god if you keep playing quevedo i will literally drop you off in the middle of the road", you said pointing a hand gun to pedri as he laughed.
"you have no taste", he said shaking his head.
"im sick of your questionable music", you said and couldn't help to smile. his music taste was really not that diverse, it was pretty much all reggaeton. and you had been listening to it for three hours.
pedri and his friends from the team had organized a trip to frenkie's country house and you had agreed to meet there. you decided to drive and let him be your co-pilot, but that meant the music choice was part of his duty. and he was terrible at doing it.
"play some taylor swift so you at least comprehend a bit about good music while we arrive to the house", you told him and threw your phone at him. he let out a defeated sigh and played your music.
he was your best friend, your trusted companion, he was the one you told your lame jokes, and he was the one who cheered you up when you felt like giving up. he was the one person you were afraid to lose the most.
you arrived to frenkie's and him and his girlfriend mikky welcomed you, you settled in and waited for the rest of the guys to arrive. gavi and ansu joined next, and ferran with his girlfriend came later on.
the whole group stayed in the porch all afternoon, chatting and having a laugh. everyone was always so friendly, and even though they weren't all here, you could feel that the bond between teammates had grown, and they all had become a family. it was very sweet.
you and pedri were the last to go, everyone had left to cook dinner but you had stayed talking and time had moved too fast, maybe 15 minutes had passed since everyone had left and you realized that and stood up.
you were about to say something about going to help them with dinner, but pedri spoke first, well, it was more like he thought out loud. "i firmly believe i could never get tired of listening to you"
his words hit a very deep spot in you, and suddenly you were feeling too many things at once. you broke the distance and hugged him, maybe this was better than any word that could leave your mouth.
he hugged you tight and your face rested on the crook of his neck, and right there under the lights of the stars, all the butterflies broke loose. his thumb drew back and fourth on your waist. and you knew what all of those emotions were, you understood that weird feeling you had been feeling for a while.
it was simply love. you were in love with your best friend.
"can i do something?", he was lost in your smell, in your embrace, so he was pretty shocked when you asked the question.
he leaned back a bit , "what do you want to do?"
you looked at his pretty brown eyes, and didn't overthink it as you brought your lips together and softly kissed him. your hand found his cheek and you felt his recent beard under your touch. he kissed you back without hesitation, his pulse rocketing.
the moment was ruined by the sound steps. you two broke apart and turned to find mikky with widened eyes and a little smile.
"im sorry i didn't mean to interrump", she said quickly and left.
reality hit you. and you panicked, like really badly. pedri hadn't even understood everything that had happened mere seconds ago, but he had a feeling in his chest that it had been the right thing. he opened his mouth to say something, but you turned on your heels and left to your room.
was that the right thing to do? had you just threw years of friendship down the drain? thousands of questions circled your mind. you stayed on your room for a while, thinking about the feel of his lips on yours, and you kept wondering if that had been the one and only time you would kiss him.
you phone rang and it was a message letting you know dinner was ready. you took a deep breath and got out of your room.
you were thinking dinner would be very awkward but everything was nice. the boys had lighted a little fire on the back of the house and after you had dinner, you sat by the fire to eat some marshmallows.
pedri kept glancing at you, but he was trying to be as discreet as possible. once he saw you were finished eating, he got closer and softly spoke to you, "please help me get more wood", his breath brushed your ear, and you closed your eyes.
"yeah alright", you said. it was only going out to get more wood, nothing else. maybe you two would act like nothing had happened so things would not become weird between you.
you two started walking side by side, in silence. he counted the steps, measuring a good distance between the pair of you and the house full of people. after a couple of minutes he was sure nobody could see you and he couldn't keep it together any longer.
he grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, your gaze lifted from the grass to look at him and the second you eyes connected he took his other hand and placed it in the back of your head to bring your lips together.
he let it all, he let that kiss tell all the things that he didn't have the words for. all the times he had looked at you for a minute too long, all the times he had fixed his hair whenever you came to his house to hang out, how he enjoyed your head resting on his shoulder and how he loved to watch you dance around to the sound of your favorite songs. all those little things that deep down he knew would lead to bigger things, but that he was too afraid to discover. he wasn't afraid now, in fact, he was eager to find out what it would mean to be more than friends with you.
he broke the kiss, his eyes still closed, "why did you leave?"
"i panicked", you murmured. "i was feeling too much, and i was scared the kiss would've ruined our friendship"
he ran his thumb on your lower lip in a sweet gesture, "im crazy about you", he smiled.
you were sure your heart had never beaten that fast just like you were sure you were crazy about him too.
you got closer, mere inches away for his lips, "i would say the same if your playlist wasn't so horrible"
"oh shut up", he smiled and he kissed you again, and your hands went to his hair, and his hands went to your waist and it all felt like a dream. and this was a dream that neither of you wanted to wake up from.
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spiderfreedom · 4 days
The Curtain Closes, For Now
It's been a few months and I haven't really felt a desire to go back to feminist blogging. In some sense, I feel like I've said what I've needed to say, and reached the limit of what I can do with my words. I'm not an especially persuasive person, so my attempts to kind of get any sort of organized action going failed. Maybe I'll be back one day, but for now, this is the end.
I learned so much here, and the time I spent really changed how I viewed the world. I can't regret it. I met so many amazing women and was encouraged for the first time in my life to center women.
At the same time, I felt I was living a double life, which was extremely painful psychologically. I had an entire second part of my life I could not tell anyone about. It hurt, physically. I knew this couldn't last forever.
I also felt like there was no long term future for writing certain things here. We have diversity, yes, but some things seem to have become axiomatic in the community. There is nothing wrong with having principles, but there are issues when your commitment to a value prevents you from incorporating new evidence. I have met a lot of people who feel the same way I do about certain things - feeling that it is not wise to discuss certain things asexuality, sexual relations with male people, or the origins of MTF (beyond 'pornsickness', 'misogyny', 'internalized homophobia'). I don't like how many people have felt they couldn't be open about their experiences or theories without risking censure.
I don't foresee this changing in the future. Tumblr communities are notoriously difficult for anyone to control or set norms for. At a certain point, I realized that I simply don't belong here anymore. Perhaps the interests have diverged too much. I worried I was becoming too focused on a single interpretation of the world.
I will leave my posts up for the time being. Many people have told me they have helped them, which is perhaps the greatest gift I got. If I can help someone else organize their thoughts or find stats and resources, then I am happy. I wish I could have done more, but I can't continue to live a double life, and especially a double life within the double life.
My political views have mostly not changed, but it's easier to live day-to-day now. I roll my eyes when someone talks about le ebil radfems. I could tell them stories about what radfems really are like - a very diverse group of women concerned with misogyny, with a radical framework. But they wouldn't want to listen. Their loss. I will keep centering women anyway.
If you would like to contact me for whatever reason, feel free to DM me, though I can't promise I'll reply quickly. I'll log in every now and then.
Thank you for reading, and best wishes for the future.
EDIT: oh yeah, I was also retraumatizing myself by constantly exposing myself to misogyny, violence against women, and the mistreatment of gnc and autistic women. I went through a pretty dark period because of it. It was not at all sustainable. I don't blame anyone for this except myself, as I failed to curate my own experience, but this political work inevitably requires seeing that material. I can't do it anymore.
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mykpopwire · 6 months
interview: 82MAJOR Aspire to be the 'FIRST CLASS' Idol in Their Own Colour
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82MAJOR, a six-member South Korean boy group under GREAT M Entertainment, has made their official debut with the release of their 1st single, ON. Their name was inspired by South Korea’s country code, 82, and the group’s aspirations to introduce a new direction to K-pop and establish themselves as a major presence globally. Let’s get to know more about the group and their music direction in the recent interview.
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Hwang Seong Bin (left), Nam Seong Mo (right)
Q: Some of the members contributed to the song writing process for this debut single. Can you offer some insights to the song writing process and the messages that you wanted to convey through the lyrics?
Nam Seong Mo: When I first heard the melody of "SURE THING," it brought a positive, hopeful feeling. It inspired me to write lyrics as if directly communicating with our fans. Crafting these lyrics, a lot of beautiful words came to mind. In a section mentioning "a small firefly," I remembered being a child and witnessing a firefly, amazed at how something so small could emit such a bright light. I aimed to be a similar source of light, even if small, for our fans. That’s how the lyrics came together.
Hwang Seong Bin: While creating "FIRST CLASS," my focus was on the aspiration for 82MAJOR to reach a first-class status in the future. I aimed to express this ambition through the song's lyrics.
Yoon Ye Chan: When I was working on “FIRST CLASS,” I just realized that it was natural for us because we are confident with our writing and rapping skills. So, when it came down to writing process, with the ‘first class’ and ‘this is who we really are’ mindset, it was really easy to write the lyrics that match the song.
Q: Do you have any particular goals for this debut single?
Cho Seong Il: Even though we just made our debut, it is my goal to receive the Rookie of the Year award. It is the biggest goal that we have. After receiving the Rookie of the Year award, we will do our best to receive the grand award through our next album.
Nam Seong Mo: I really want to be first place on a music show.
Park Seok Joon: We aim to showcase our group's incredible presence to the public. With tracks like "FIRST CLASS" and "SURE THING" offering different vibes, our goal is to excel in expressing those diverse vibes through facial expressions and gestures, highlighting our capability to pull off such different concepts.
Q: On your journey to debut, did anything funny or memorable moment that you will remember forever?
Cho Seong Il: During the filming of the music video for "FIRST CLASS," the weather started out great but took a turn with sudden rain in the evening. We were concerned about continuing the shoot, but the director proposed capturing the current atmosphere, so we ended up filming the music video in rain. The director did a great job in bringing out the vibe even during when it was raining, and I think it came out better than what was originally intended.
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Park Seok Joon (left), Yoon Ye Chan (right)
Q: What is one thing that is very different between being a trainee and a rookie idol?
Cho Seong Il: I think our daily schedule changed a lot. Before as trainees, we would always practice here in the practice room. Now that we've made our debut, we have more opportunities to attend schedule elsewhere. Also, we get more time to interact with our fans, which I find to be great.
Park Seok Joon: For me, when I was a trainee, I did not have the confidence that I will debut for sure. Now that we've made our debut, I want to show a better side of us, and it motivates me to do well during practice sessions as well as lyrics writing.
Kim Do Gyun: I think I was able to gain new experiences, and it allowed us to come together more as a team and improve our teamwork.
Q: What is something that you really look forward to now that you've debuted?
Yoon Ye Chan: Personally for me, performing in front of other people and writing more songs. That’s what I look forward to.
Park Seok Joon: When our debut was confirmed as we received the songs for the album, I really look forward to finding out the songs that we will get to perform.
Hwang Seong Bin: I'm really excited for getting the opportunity to collaborate with other artists.
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Cho Seong Il (left), Kim Do Gyun (right)
Q: What attracted you to have music as your career and what made you decide to be an idol?
Yoon Ye Chan: My family has a very long and extensive line in music; my brother is already an idol (P1Harmony’s KEEHO), my mother was a pianist while my uncles major in guitar and drums (respectively). Since our whole family has been working in the music industry, so I have always been surrounded by music and naturally compelled in doing music.
Cho Seong Il: As I was thinking about what career path I should take, I thought about how I loved singing and dancing. I decided to audition and eventually landed a spot in the company, leading me to debut as an idol.
Hwang Seong Bin: When I was 16, I was mesmerized Post Malone's stages, which eventually inspired me to take the path of an idol. I found solace in his music and it inspired me to pursue a path as an artist. I was deeply moved and wished to provide that comfort to others as well. That’s how I decide to have a career in music.
Q: What are your long-term goals as a group?
Hwang Seong Bin: With all six of us in the group, I want to leave a lasting impression that 82MAJOR is a cool group that others aspire to become.
Yoon Ye Chan: As a long-term goal, I wish to be our own producer for our albums, instead of receiving demos from other producers. We got two producers, the third one is on the way, so, I hope we can make our own albums soon.
Kim Do Gyun: Also, we want to create music that is distinctly our own colour and present it to the public.
Q: Do you have a message that you want to leave for your fans?
Hwang Seong Bin: Thank you so much for supporting us. You are the reason for our existence. We love you! ❤ ❤ ❤
Yoon Ye Chan: All of us have the same mind and heart. Thank you so much to all our fans. We are reading all of your comments and watch all the TikTok videos that you uploaded. We love you guys too! ❤
Park Seok Joon: To our international fans, I hope to see you in person someday through a tour. We will work our best and try to make that happen.
Thank you Great M Entertainment and Helix Publicity for the invitation.
Watch 82MAJOR 'Sure Thing' MV here!
Watch 82MAJOR 'FIRST CLASS' MV here!
*photos courtesy of Great M Entertainment
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Connect with 82MAJOR!
X (Twitter): 82MAJOR
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if-confessions · 10 months
I've been in the IF fandom for almost two years now, and I don't think I've ever found a fandom I've liked as much. I like the community here, the stories, creativity, how diverse the games are compared to other media I see.
I like reading IF, but more than that I'd really to create an IF game myself. I've been creating stories since childhood and I've always wanted to tell them to other people. However, I was never able to find a suitable medium for doing so. Creating video games is a passion that met reality and died too fast, writing traditional books makes me incredibly anxious, and comic and visual novels require way too much drawing when I'm a concept artist at best. And IF... IF seems to be exactly what I was always searching for. But here's a twist.
I'm not a writer. I'm really not. The amount of writing that I've done that wasn't for my studies is... not a lot. Which makes me extremely self-conscious of my writing, and I'm a very anxious person to start with (and English not being my native language doesn't help). I just don't know where to start, I've never even written fanfiction. And then if I end up actually writing something and posting it for people to see, I'm afraid of what they'll say, of me not being good enough, or of people being uninterested in anything I create. It's dreadful really. And I know that this feeling is possibly shared by so many other people, but I just don't know what to do about it.
I had wanted to post this earlier, but Tumblr ate my essay again...
Welcome, Anon, to the wonders of IF! Have a seat, and a cookie, and enjoy the ride! It's quite the experience, you'll see...
Totes understand your worries. With so many good projects out there, it's easy to not feel... adequate (in writing or proficiency); and with many in the community having opinions, to be unsure whether to publish said work.
But here's the thing: many of us in the IF community (especially as hobbyist) have not studied writing (for a while or at all)* or are writers either, and quite a few of us are ESL (hi, hello!)**. So you are in very good company!! *sidenote: some of us consider ourselves game dev/creators before writers too. **Dear... you wrote an essay of an ask with no mistake (that I could find) - I would not have guessed you were not a native speaker, if you hadn't said it before.
To relieve those anxious feelings, here are some advice, from one ball of anxiety to another one:
You don't have to publish anything you don't want to have public. If you prefer to write for yourself and yourself only, it's more than fine. Having fun is what matters.
There are ways to "hide" your project from searches (on itch or tumblr) to have a bit more privacy, as well as disabling replies/comments/ratings...
Setting boundaries from the beginning with people interacting with your projects (whether it is in asks, or doing beta/feedback rounds/etc...) can also be quite helpful (even if some people don't follow them...).
Join writing groups and share snippets/ask for feedback. It's helpful to get some boosts of confidence and get pointers on how to improve.
Have beta/playtest rounds for longer feedback needs (like when you are ready to upload/update a demo, to catch bugs or typos and stuff).
Joining game jams with small projects can help with testing ideas/stories/gameplay, and get comments/feedback from people.
Anyway, we all start somewhere, and very often (most always) that somewhere is not good at all. But that's ok :) There's always room and time for improvement and change (until you're finally happy with it). The beauty of online games is that you can always tweak it and fix it when something doesn't feel right. Nothing is ever set in stone!
Good luck :)
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juliasnrubs · 2 years
How to write characters (fun)
Creating characters is one of my favorite parts of writing. From naming them to figuring the dynamics between them and other characters, it feels like getting to know a real person.
Naming characters. I could go on an on about this, but I’ll keep it short. Some things to keep in mind are: a characters ethnicity or background (John vs Juan vs Hanna); meaning, either symbolically (Ash, Grace, ect.) or linguistically (Alison= “noble” in German, “the tooth” in Arabic). Sometimes the name itself can give you an idea for a character— I see the name Raven and I get a teenage girl with long hair and eyeliner, possibly an assassin. I see the name Doris and I think of a receptionist at a dentist’s office with short curly hair and a mug with a cat on it. I see the name Grant and I think of a love interest in some sort of dark-academia boarding-school mystery kind of setting.
Character playlists. I don’t care what anyone says, character playlists ARE writing. What songs remind you of your character? What songs fit their vibe? What would they sing in the car? What song describes their relationship with their s/o, sibling, best friend? There’s a Taylor Swift song for every relationship. (Forbidden love? Getaway Car. Friends to lovers? It’s Nice To Have A Friend. Falling out of love? tolerate it. Abandonment issues? All You Had To Do Was Stay. I COULD GO ON). One Direction has a lot of good relationship songs, but at the end of the day, it’s your playlist. Do what feels right!
Pinterest. There are so many cool character ideas/designs/concepts on Pinterest. I’m more of a visual learner, so it’s helpful for me to actually see people and create a whole character that way. The visual range of the subject in the drawing/photo as well as the range of content creators helps so much in keeping my characters diverse in personality, ethnicity, age, body type, hair type as well as cool ideas for scars, outfits, weapons, hobbies, ect. The possibilities are endless.
MBTI personality types. Most people (myself included) don’t know enough about the personality types to be able to pull types out of the air when creating characters, but once you get to know our character, looking up the MBTI types can be helpful, especially when it comes to the strengths and weaknesses of each type. I either make my best guess per character and read through a couple different types for ideas, take the MBTI test as if I were that character, or, if I’ve based my character (i.e. Calida) off a person I know (i.e. my best friend), find out what personality type that person is (ESTP).
I also have a running list of people’s personality types on my phone, which helps when guessing characters personality types or creating a character based off an MBTI type (i.e. I want an ENFJ character. Who do I know who’s an ENFJ? Can I base a character off them? What would they do in x situation?)
Memes. Incorrect quotes, “_____ characters as Vines,” “_____ characters as TikToks,” alignment charts (chaotic good, lawful evil, ect.), that one triangle of “pulls into McDonalds while children cheer, orders a single black coffee and leaves,” or just a plain old meme, it’s a great and fun way to get to know your characters in a more informal setting and learning how they interact with each other and fit into their friend group. Sense of humor? Mom friend? Snarky or deadpan? Accident prone? These aren’t the kind of things you discover about your characters right away. It only works after you’ve spent time with them, and when writing seems too overwhelming or cumbersome, memes are the way to go.
The better you know your characters, the better you know how they’ll interact with other characters. Which leads us to…
Creating dynamics. Dynamics are all about relationships. Sibling dynamics, for example, can range from Gamora and Nebula (Guardians of the Galaxy) to Luke and Leia (Star Wars) to found family, like Kaz and Jesper (Six of Crows). Sticking to the siblings theme, clichés can be a jumping-off point— because if you truly make them your own, they’re not clichés anymore, they’re people. Overprotective, popular teenage brother and their younger sister? It’s a Wattpad classic because that’s an actual situation. A multitude of sisters and one younger brother? I’ve lived that. A messy sibling and a neat one sharing a room? I’ve lived that. There are an endless combination of people, and no two relationships are the same. As long as you take the time to do it right, there’s no way it can be cliché.
Write everything down. Whenever I can, I try to save lists of characters people wish they could see more in books. Whenever I get a character idea or an idea for a character dynamic, I write it down, even if I have no idea what to do with it later. Here’s some examples straight from my Notes app (feel free to use these to to add to them):
Two sisters with Reputation/Lover personalities, respectively. (For those who don’t know, Reputation and Lover are two Taylor Swift albums with completely opposite vibes). One is intensely scary on the outside but really wants love and security and to protect those she cares about and pretends not to care about what people think of her (Reputation). The other is bubbly and happy and friendly on the outside but will mess you upppp with zero hesitation or regret, low-key sociopathic (Lover, with a twist).
Hot jock sword girl (broadsword, or possibly a mace) (Think Jane Foster Thor) with her nerdy short cartographer boyfriend who wears glasses and gets flustered easily and can barely lift her weapon
Viking-esque (pirate?) sword/axe girl with bleach-blonde curls
Older sibling who is shorter than their younger sibling (and mad about it)
“Every firstborn daughter is the girl version of their dad.”
Upper-class character who is secretly poor but doing everything they can to hide it and keep their family out of relative poverty
Princess/gardener romance. He leaves her roses on her window but she has no idea it’s from him. He’s pretty faded into the background (a wallflower, pun intended) so she’ll just be talking to her friend trying to figure out who it is and not even noticing him but he hears every word but is too shy to say anything. Maybe she’s kind of snooty in the beginning, but changes by the end? Bonus points if he ends up saving her life. OOH what if he saves her life somehow, she’s kind of snooty and pretentious and mean to him and he loses feelings but they’re stuck together, they go on some kind of adventure, she gets humbled along the way, she finds out he was her secret admirer and falls for him, he’s going to give up on her but then she does something that shows her character tear development (parallel to the beginning of the book, but she makes a different choice?), he falls for her again and they live happily ever after, secret admirer to enemies to lovers 50K words BOOM.
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icarusisstillflying · 2 years
💥 writeblr intro 💥
hiii folks, this is gonna be my writeblr (hopefully we’ll see how motivated i am) so i want to do a little intro!!
about me
you can call me layne, or if u want to call me icarus, that works too
disabled with like a million chronic illnesses
21 yrs old
i’m a college dropout with absolutely no plan ahaha
i work as a barista and am looking for music gigs on the side (i still need to get better at the music part oops)
currently reading: Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
about my writing
i write mostly fiction/sci-fi/fantasy
almost all of my characters have powers or magic or aren’t even completely human
i like to write really cool fight scenes, i don’t care if they seem unreasonable, pretend it’s an anime idk. they have superpowers they can do anything
i like to explore the darker elements of these powers and worlds, so a lot of my work is nsfw bc of gore and stuff like that
like incorporating horror into my stories as well as just writing horror too
i write diverse characters and do the best research i can; if someone notices i’ve made a mistake or have accidentally written something insensitive, please let me know! i am always learning!
if i could draw i would make all of my works graphic novels as my choice of media, but alas, i am incapable of doing much more than staring at my tablet and getting angry when the picture doesn’t draw itself
my wips:
Generation Six
sci-fi, superpowers
a woman spends her entire life recruiting people known as Guardians to help protect the world from danger, but the biggest threat she’s ever faced is about to upend it all. not to mention the evil little shadow demon that lives in her head is constantly trying to overtake her and go on a murderous rampage. she’s a bit busy.
large cast, multiple povs
this series is on the back burner for now, i just am not sure where i want to go with it
an untitled pirate story
fantasy, magic gay pirates
the most feared pirates in the world is a crew of six people… and a magic cat? the captain is searching for the greatest treasure known to humankind, and she’d probably have it already, if they didn’t keep hitting all these roadblocks. seablocks? they’re on a boat.
small main cast
Murders of Crow Creek
western setting with supernatural/paranormal elements
a small town sheriff recruits an interesting group of people to help her solve a string of murders: a witch of the Dark Gods, a bounty hunter with a memory problem, a demon killer with a smoking problem, and a bartender with one arm and a hell of a lot of knives tucked in his boots. what’s the worst that could happen? ignore the all out war between gods that they accidentally get themselves into
small main cast
there’s ghosts, demons, angels, vampires, all sorts of supernatural beings just chillin in the wild west
personally love this one bc the main character, the sheriff, is just getting too old for this nonsense; she’s also a big time lesbian yeehaw
Kid Mother
sci-fi, post-apocalyptic
a disease has wiped out nearly the entire human population. if things weren’t already bad, this disease made it so that babies just. couldn’t be born. until one is. with the human population dwindling, and groups trying to speed up that process, our main character has to travel across the country with the first baby that’s been born in two decades so that scientists may be able to find a way to fix this entire thing. no problem.
very small cast
us vs the world trope
other info
i love answering literally any questions about my wips so pleeeeeaaaase ask away!!
i’ll probably also post any fanfics i write bc i have a lot of them, and i really need somewhere to share them oopsies
any advice about other places i can share my writing would be appreciated
please refrain from giving criticism unless it’s 1. constructive and 2. something i asked for :) sometimes i just Can Not Handle It
i do not tolerate any form of bigotry. if i see any clownery on any of my stuff, you will be blocked and reported. just don’t be an ass.
uhhh i think that’s about it? not sure what else to put in a writeblr intro, so if you made it this far, thank you so much! hopefully i will have more detailed posts about those wips up at some point before the year ends! follow if your interested, i’ll probs follow back :)
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Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Tell me bow would you say that the world where your story takes place has "shaped" your characters and their lives into who they are? In which ways would you say it was positive and in whcih ways negative? What are the most unique aspects of your world that you're the proudest about?
(By the way this is part of an ask game event by @writeblrcafe, you can check out the post I've reblogged from them for the rules)
Thank you for the ask! Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday (or Thursday) to you too.
I wasn't entirely sure how to answer this... I didn't do a lot of "worldbuilding" for my main WIP, per se. It's not like I created this fictional universe, or set it in a historic era or something, and imagined how life would be like in those times. It's literally set in London lol (I was born there!). In the year 2010 (no specific reason for that, actually. Those were just simpler times).
For most of the stories I write, the setting tends to take a bit of a backseat in favour of expanding the characters and making them feel like real people. We view the story through the characters' lens after all.
That being said, I still wanted to answer. So, I thought about it for a while and realised that the setting and the world in which my characters live shape them quite a lot. They are all students in their final year of high school (or sixth form), so they aren't exactly kids anymore, but they're not fully adults, either. This is a really interesting age to play around with (and I'm about that age myself, as well, so I can identify with the struggles these characters face in some ways.
Let's look at this one character at a time:
Stephanie moved to this school in Year 12. That is the beginning of sixth form (so, last year, since Year 13 is their final year).
Steph has been living in London for the least amount of time. She's a foster kid, so she is used to moving around and not having a lot of stability in her life. As a result, she's lived in many different places throughout her childhood, all over the country. She's been in big bustling cities and quiet rural areas. She has an idea of what living in a place like London is like, so this move doesn't phase her too much.
She's a free spirit, just making the most of right now (not having a ton of stability led to this mindset for her. She's like, "I have to enjoy myself now. Who knows if things will ever be this good again?"). She adjusts to London life pretty easily - though, of course, moving to a new place doesn't come without its challenges.
London life offers Steph a chance to form new relationships and deepen her connections. She makes her first real friend group here, and for the first time in her life, she finds someone that she can call "best friend." Another thing I think Stephanie enjoys about living in London is that its dynamic and energetic atmosphere could resonate with her strong personality. The city's vibrant arts and culture scene, along with its rebellious and diverse subcultures, may align with her feisty nature and spunky energy. There is always something to do here, and I think Stephanie would like that a lot.
Growing up in the foster care system and constantly moving around may have made Stephanie feel like she doesn't belong anywhere. However, living in London, a multicultural city with a diverse population could offer her a greater sense of belonging. The city's multiculturalism and acceptance of diverse backgrounds could help her embrace her mixed-race identity. Her experiences in the foster care system and her tendency to be self-reliant may be further reinforced in London. The city's fast-paced lifestyle and the need to adapt to new environments can enhance her resilience, resourcefulness, and ability to navigate through different challenges.
Unlike Steph, Bret has lived in this city for his whole life, pretty much. I think that living here has impacted him in both positive and negative ways.
Firstly, he loves to have a good time and party with friends, and in London, there are plenty of opportunities to do this. The city has a vibrant nightlife and a thriving party scene. However, the social scene might exacerbate his already existing tendencies towards excessive alcohol and drug use, making it easier for him to continue down a self-destructive path. Living in the city could provide Bret with easy access to these substances.
London is a bustling city where individuals can often blend into the crowds and remain anonymous. This sense of anonymity might provide Bret with a temporary escape from his troubles, allowing him to avoid confronting his grief and depression. It could also contribute to his feelings of detachment and a lack of accountability for his actions. The vastness and anonymity of a big city like London can make it easier for Bret to engage in risky behaviour without immediate consequences. This might further fuel his disregard for rules and authority figures.
Bret is really creative and artistic. He especially loves to make music. London's diverse and vibrant culture could expose Bret to various subcultures, alternative lifestyles, and artistic scenes. This city has plenty of inspiration and opportunities to boost his art further. London's size and diversity mean there are numerous social circles and communities for Bret to explore. This could lead him to associate with like-minded individuals and get his work more attention and opportunities.
He struggles a lot with grief and depression. London offers a range of support networks and resources for individuals struggling with mental health issues. He kind of tries to take care of his problems by himself at first, but if he could look for help elsewhere, it could really make a difference.
Elise, like Bret, has always lived in London. She loves living here for a couple of reasons...
London is known for its vibrant literary scene, with numerous bookstores, libraries, and literary events. Elise's love for reading would have definitely been nurtured here, by the city's rich literary culture. She would have had the opportunity to explore a wide range of books, engage with authors etc, which could have further fueled her passion for reading.
London's multicultural environment would have exposed Elise to various cultures, perspectives, and ideas. This exposure might have broadened her horizons, allowing her to appreciate different viewpoints and develop a more open-minded outlook. It could have influenced her appreciation for diversity and acceptance of people with different backgrounds and values, despite her own introverted nature. This could have also contributed to the unlikely friendships and relationships that she has formed in her life, e.g. her relationship with Stephanie, and her long-time friendship with Bret (which ends up turning into something more 💕). Living in London would definitely fuel her intellectual curiosity and open her mind to new things/people/opportunities.
El is a huge nerd lol. Luckily for her, London is home to many prestigious educational institutions, and Elise's dedication to her studies would have been supported by the city's emphasis on education. The competitive academic environment might have motivated her to excel in her classes and maintain top grades. Additionally, being surrounded by a city filled with museums, historical landmarks, and cultural institutions could have enriched her learning experiences.
Living in a bustling city like London requires individuals to be independent and adaptable. Elise's ability to always have a plan, her organizational skills, and her resourcefulness might have been influenced by the fast-paced and dynamic environment of the city. London's diverse public transportation system would have also contributed to her self-reliance and navigation skills.
Dylan has also been living in London for a while. He has been going to this school since Year 8.
He loves sports a lot. London has a strong sports culture, offering numerous opportunities for Dylan to engage in various athletic activities. The city's sports facilities, clubs, and competitions would likely contribute to his passion for sports and his involvement in physical activities.
London's competitive and fast-paced nature might contribute to Dylan's tendency to bottle up his emotions and express frustration in unhealthy ways, e.g. struggling to open up about his problems and seek help, or taking his pain and frustration out on others.
London's fast-paced lifestyle and the challenges of a multicultural city may impact Dylan's family dynamics. The high cost of living and the strains of a divorce might contribute to his family's struggles and potentially influence his own coping mechanisms and emotional challenges.
London's vibrant and multicultural atmosphere would expose your character to a diverse range of people, cultures, and perspectives. This exposure can enhance his openness and broaden his understanding of the world. London offers a lively social scene with numerous entertainment options and events. This environment would provide ample opportunities for your character to indulge in his fun-loving and enthusiastic nature, constantly seeking new adventures and exciting experiences.
Alice moved to London from the United States when she was 15. She has been going to this school since GCSEs (so Year 10 - Year 11).
Moving from the United States to London would expose Alice to a new cultural environment. London's diverse population and multicultural atmosphere could contribute to her sense of humour, incorporating elements of British wit and sarcasm into her personality (British humour is very distinct lol. Alice's sarcastic and sassy sense of humour may align well with the city's wit and banter). Living in London could further nurture her comedic skills and provide her with opportunities to engage in humorous exchanges with friends and peers. It would require Alice to adjust to a new culture, lifestyle, and educational system. London's environment would expose her to diverse perspectives and help her develop a broader worldview.
London's competitive educational environment may initially add pressure on Alice, particularly if she compares herself to her talented and academically successful sister. However, witnessing her parents' support and realising that they value her happiness and personal growth above perfection could alleviate some of that pressure. Alice's dedication to self-improvement and her willingness to work hard could help her navigate the academic challenges she faces.
Alice often feels invisible, or out of place. Feeling out of place in her friend group is a common experience for many teenagers. London's diverse social landscape, however, offers Alice the opportunity to meet a wide range of people and potentially find a supportive and understanding circle of friends who appreciate her unique qualities and help her expand her horizons.
Alice is all about pushing herself to do and be better, and London's fast-paced lifestyle could inspire Alice to pursue new interests and challenge herself intellectually and culturally. Her desire to improve, exemplified by her efforts to improve her grades, could be further fueled by the stimulating, ambitious environment of the city. The competitive nature of the educational landscape in London could contribute to Alice's determination to work on herself and strive for improvement, instilling in her a strong work ethic and resilience, pushing her to put in the effort required to achieve her goals. London's educational opportunities and high academic standards could play a role in Alice's motivation to improve her grades (as well as seeing some of her other friends succeed academically, leading her to want that for herself).
So yeah, that's how the setting of the story could impact each character individually. Another thing to take into account is how long each of them have lived in London for... this is why I made sure I mentioned it in each section. If you are born and raised in the city, and you've never been anywhere else, then that's going to impact you. You aren't going to see things in the exact same way as someone who's lived in both rural and urban areas.
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letterslaura · 4 months
Writing as an articulating axis and practices involving Educational Technologies
Coucou everyone! 
Today we are going to tackle a very important topic: developing writing skills in school. 
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What memories do you have of writing practices in school? In my case, it was always fun and natural, just because I was so eager to practice my writing skills, but we know that this may not be the reality for most children. When I was in school, the methods were pretty strict and mechanical, with very little room for imagination. In Portuguese we were taught (a lot of) fixed rules, systems, genres (not the cool ones) and structures, everything for the sake of Enem’s essay. In the English classes things were not so different. In a room full of people, with a diversity of confidence and enthusiasm, imagine trying to apply the same monotonous pattern. What could it lead to? This rigid approach to writing can turn it into a monster for students, a real struggle, especially when in another language. It should not be like this. Students should be encouraged  to see writing as a simple skill that helps us convey messages in the best possible way. And they should know that they are all capable of learning it!
Now, let’s move away from the past and take a look at what schools are teaching today. From the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), we can grasp how things should be done inside the classroom. Regarding writing practices in primary education, the BNCC states that writing is an essential competency that crosses many areas, not being restricted to language itself. In other words, writing practices in school should not focus only on language or on grammatical rules. Instead, it should aid students express their ideas and communicate adequately in the other disciplines as well. Could you spot the difference from the previous approach? I was so thrilled to read about how much has changed!
Further on, the BNCC stresses the relevance of integrating educational technologies into the writing practices, such as softwares, collaborative platforms, multimedia resources, etc. Thankfully, there are plenty of resources at our disposal and they can greatly enhance the teaching learning experience. This integration opens up a world of possibilities.
After that, according to Liberali, “social activities in second language teaching focuses the study on activities where the students interact with each other in determined and historically dependent cultural contexts.” (LIBERALI, 2009, p. 12). Educational technologies are able to facilitate social interactions with speakers of the target language (in this case, English) and there lie glorious opportunities to teach writing practices smoothly. 
One of my favorite writing activities (if not my favorite) was a movie review requested in the third period of the English discipline. Learning every aspect of an adjective was never so fun! In my opinion, it is a brilliant idea, since there are many interesting literary and linguistic aspects to be explored in a movie review and it can be done with just the amount of difficulty you want. How cool would it have been to write a review of "Finding Nemo" back in the day?
Movie reviews are also easily relatable, as everyone has a favorite movie, making it much easier for the students to connect and really engage with the proposal. To make the experience even more realistic, if the students' age group allow, it is also possible to introduce the Letterboxd website, according to the students' age group. In this site, they can read reviews of the movies they like and maybe even post their own later. In order to enrich the activity a little more, there can also be held peer reviews and presentations.
Another idea is to explore the world of comics! What Brazilian kid does not know Monica's Gang? Comics are very appealing for primary students, it is usually a genre that they are comfortable with and it really stimulates creativity. You can begin with reading and understanding the components of comic books, leaving the writing to the end. By creating setting and characters first, the story will be less difficult to write. It is important to get to know your students in order to pinpoint what activity would be a better fit to them.
Finally, there are plenty of writing resources online, which can be used to help students in their process. My favorites include: Thesaurus, Cambridge Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, Linguee and Grammarly. These tools can give a little extra confidence to those embarking on the adventure of writing in another language.
Now that you know a little more about writing practices and educational technologies, make sure to leave a comment below with your own experiences. I want to know all about it! 
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sapphicrpc · 1 year
i can't believe people still don't know in 2023 why gender bans in rps are weird
i believe it! and listen, i am not here to make anyone feel bad about not knowing, either. sometimes, these things really come from the best intentions, and some people aren't as aware of the nuances that go along with it!
however i do believe that after being told that it's a problematic practise, there is most certainly a wrong way to take it. people educating you is not attacking you or victimizing you, and if you can accept that you may be in the wrong, learn and then grow from it, then i have nothing but respect for you!
that being said, here is WHY gender bans based on binary gender ratios in roleplay groups are generally considered a problematic practise.
1. cisnormativity
i most commonly see gender bans justified by quoting a man:woman gender ratio. this is incredibly cisnormative and perpetuates the ideology of gender binary, and specifically leaves no room for nuance when it comes to transgender and non binary muses. this kind of thinking can be harmful to those communities and can make them feel excluded/unwelcome.
2. heteronormativity
the desire for an equal number of men and women in a group most often stems from a place of heteronormativity. people worrying about the availability of heterosexual ships is not something i personally like to see because it's outdated and can make a space seem unwelcoming to LGBTQ+ people!
and my final point, the nuances...
sometimes gender bans are introduced to encourage diversity, if there's too many of a certain type of muse. i have no problem with banning cis muses, for example, to force players to write trans and non binary characters. a ban against cis men is far less problematic in my mind than a ban against all women, based on a man:woman gender ratio. because of yknow, sexism and systematic oppression... let's try to think critically, people!
however, i would encourage admins to find other ways around this, such as diversity rules. diversity rules i advocate for could be as follows:
"all muses should all be of a different gender to one another" i suggest this one if you have a low muse cap, such as 2-3 muses per person
"at least 1/3 or 1/4 of your muses should be gender diverse (transgender or non binary)" is a great rule for groups which allow more muses per mun
thanks for reading, let me know if you'd like more information on how i would suggest implementing diversity rules.
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emilywrites185 · 2 years
What To Look For In A Beta Reader
Someone who knows the genre you’re writing well and suits your target audience. Don't get a beta reader who only knows children's books to read your mature horror/thriller story.
Someone who is honest. If you're going to put a book on the market, it is best to know the truth about your work. If an aspect of your book could use some work, you need another set of eyes and an honest mouth to point it out. Getting honest opinions is a good thing.
Two beta readers are better than one. Honestly, the more the merrier. Some will have different strengths than others. One may be great with fine tuning grammar while the other may be better at looking for plot holes. Get a group of around five or six readers. My coauthor and I have a group of seven creative minds on our beta team.
Someone who provides good, thorough feedback. You need more than “Good job!” or an “I liked it”. Why did or didn’t I do a good job? Why did you or did you not like it? Find someone who can dig deep and take your work apart and provide proper feedback. If they have a suggestion for a change, there are reasons behind it, and they need to be made clear and discussed.
Pick someone who is reliable. Will this person make time to look at your work? Will they be there when its time to discuss your work? Did they read what they were supposed to beforehand?
Someone who is enthusiastic and supportive. There is nothing more uplifting than having someone at your back to support you, and to have someone show interest in your work. If they show some enthusiasm, that is an excellent sign. Writing and going on the journey of publishing something can be daunting. Having a supportive and enthusiastic team behind you is so important.
A good listener goes a long way. A beta reader that listens is worth their weight in gold. This is your project, make sure your voice is heard during discussions (don't drown out their voices as you make yours heard). They should listen and understand what you're trying to achieve with your work. When they know what you're aiming for, a good beta reader will aim for it too.
Consider their experience and strengths. Good writer? Avid reader? grammar guru? Diversity is key to having a well-rounded group of beta readers.
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interact-if · 2 years
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And the final interview for our Religious Diversity Month, with Denna!
Denna, author of Vessel of the Goddess.
I look at Sophie as she’s dying in my arms.
“Please, I can’t lose you yet!” I scream. “Its you. It’s gonna be you.” she breathes out weakly. “What are you talking about?” I say, while letting my tears fall freely.
“You’re gonna be the next vessel.”
In this game you will play as the mortal vessel of a goddess, chosen to guide your realm. But when one of the goddesses goes rougue, how will you make sure your realm survives?  
• Read more about Vessel of the Goddess here.
• Denna’s Ko-fi and Patreon.
Q1) Tell us about your project(s)!
My main project is the Vessel of the Goddess, an interactive novel where you play as the mortal vessel of a goddess!
The novel is heavily inspired by all kinds of religions and mythologies mixed with my own original ideas ;) 
The fist book of the series will mostly be about navigating your new life as a vessel and meeting your new “colleagues” (who you can romance by the way ;)). You are forced to get used to your new life very quickly though, because when one of the goddesses goes missing its up to you to bring her back!
Q2) Why did you choose to write interactive fiction? What drew you to the format?
I've always loved novels and reading in general, but I was always disappointed when the main character made a choice I didn't like, and with interactive fiction you can decide which choice you think suits the story best.
I had so many ideas and endings for my book and I couldn't really choose between them, so I thought why would I choose at all? With interactive fiction you can combine them all, based on the choices your readers make!
Q3)  How have your identity and beliefs influenced your work?
Oh absolutely! Seeing as my current project is literally about gods, my personal beliefs around religion and the divine have definitely influenced my book!
As I'm also part of many minority groups, representation is also something that I really wanted to work on and I hope you can see back in my work. I want every reader to feel like they could also have a place in my books, and make the reading experience much more immersive this way!
Q4) What aspects would you like to be more explored or represented in media regarding your religion?
I would love to see wiccan people just be more accurately presented in general. Not all of us are these stereotypical witches (not that there's anything wrong with that!!),  a lot of us are normal people who just happen to believe in less traditional things.
Q5) What are you most excited about sharing related to your project?
To be honest, I’m really excited to share the final work! But for now i would definitely say letting everyone meet the main crew of characters as they really feel like my babies hehe. I’m mostly just excited to let  everyone get acquainted with the world I’ve created!
Q6) A tiny bit unrelated, what's your favorite religious event?
I love Easter as a religious event! It feels very hopeful and the fact that we celebrate it in spring, just makes it my favourite overall! Christmas is a close second though (if you can count it as an religious event)
Q7) Any thoughts or advice you'd like to give to fellow authors or readers?
For my authors, definitely do not rush yourself! I find this the biggest struggle for myself, but i would rather release something a bit later but better than release something sloppy and unfinished
And for the readers, your thoughts matter so much to us authors! Whatever you want to say, just tell us because we are going to be so happy hearing it! (Yes, even if it’s just a keyboard smash ;))
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missmvrder · 1 year
get to know the author!
name : tati
pronouns :  she/they
preference of communication : discord. tumblr IM are so unreliable ( like everything else from tumblr ). i do tend to run low on social battery at times so i can be slower to reply to DMs at time but i eventually get there! i love talking about our characters so never hesitate to come to me about them!
most active muse :  right now i'm writing beatriz and elena in two different threads each but it's not so much the muse that makes me more active but the plots with others. i have a lot of muse for many of my currently unwritten characters, they just need to find the perfect plot and opposite!
experience / how many years : i’ve started roleplaying on tumblr in 2011, so way too long ago. i did some on myspace around 2009, so 14 years in total. i discovered roleplaying late in life, like in my early 20′s, which seems unlike many others who started as teenagers. 
best experience : i don’t think i’ve had one experience that stood from the rest and had me go all, this is my best rp experience, but i’ve had many great moments and memories over the years. group wise, i currently really miss retaliationrp because there was so much more to do with the plots and characters. but this run as indie is my best one yet. i feel like i’ve found my people, i have amazing plots and they are all very diverse. the balance i have right now makes it really perfect.
rp pet peeves : over-formatting. it’s cool if that’s your thing, but it’s not mine and it makes it hard for me to get into it. the many spaces, the random use of italic or bold, it’s not for me. overly purple prose too, it makes me not get into what the other is writing. i think we tend to over cancel faceclaims too, we interpret what people we don’t know mean and form some very strong and black and white opinions on that. this doesn’t apply for the people who have done actual shitty and disgusting things, but we nitpick too much what stranger say. also, blogs that are all cis het white woman because that’s what they knew and they want to write what they know and yet, they’re all actress/singers/models/vampires/etc. at least be honest about what it’s about.
fluff, angst, or smut : angst all the way. i can do fluff only so long, generally with the intent of having a lot of angst after. smut can be fun once in a while but not if there’s nothing established behind it. if we’re having a strong plot that has been develop and you want to try some smut, i’m open to it but not without it serving the plot and characters. i live for the angst.
plots or memes : plots. i like having a direction and sometimes things are plotted as we go and develop but there need to be a little something when the thread starts. from there, memes are fine, because it can serve to develop more. i find myself less and less interested in open starters unless we plot something before replying or we talk about the characters a little to see where it could go.
long or short replies : both, with a tendency toward longer. i like to had context and backstory to the thread which also means i can be slower to reply because sometimes these take a lot more out of me. i do like the shorter replies too and sometimes wish i had more but i tend to ruin that by then rambling.
time to write : late in the evening, after 9pm and sometimes during the day. i do a lot of replying planning in my head during the day. i’m currently on sick leave so i often draft during the day, but usually, it’s work, motherhood and then whatever time is life to write.
are you like your muses : i think i would like some parts of me to be more like certain muses and some will use my sense of humour or view on things but outside of that, i enjoy trying to create entirely new personas and characters. i think we all put some little parts of ourselves in our characters but none are ‘self-inserts’.
tagged by: @atlatsofstories ❤️
tagging: @autumnwritcs, @fearhidden, @mocnlighted, @pristinaluna, @twistxdtales, @thewolfruns, and everyone else who want to do this!
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leonidas1754 · 1 year
There's a group of people planning on a protest to try to get the OTW to speed up on implementing anti-racist policies, and it makes me want to scream because all it's going to do is make more work for volunteers who likely have little to no influence on that aspect of decision-making.
I get that it's frustrating to wait and that the OTW has not always made the perfect decisions, but good god, they're a fucking nonprofit run by volunteers, and shit goes slow sometimes.
The OTW can't solve racism in fandom. That's a culture issue. Harassment, racist or not, isn't tolerated. Maybe they've fallen short of people's standards, and it's not bad to speak out about that. But when it comes to content, censorship just isn't the answer. Intent can't genuinely be assessed and racism does have some grey areas where some (including PoC) will find it racist and some won't.
They're demanding the diversity consultant needs to be hired in 3-6 months, but so much work goes into that. Research into the appropriate one to hire, finding someone who WOULD be willing to work with Ao3, and contracts and whatever else, again, all being done by volunteers.
Multiple people say "we don't want censorship we just want them to not allow racism" but that's the problem. The difference between "Racist Content" and "Content that Contains Racism" comes down to intent, which is impossible to assess in any legitimate manner. No matter what rules are put in place, there will ALWAYS be innocents caught in the crossfire. And if you wanna say racism shouldn't be in fictional fandom content at all... I hope you're saying that about every other negative subject matter too. Because there are legitimate reasons people write about these things, and trying to erase it in fandom is going to cause far more problems than it solves.
This 'protest' isn't going to do anything. Best case scenario, it has no influence whatsoever. More likely, it's going to create more work for the tag wranglers who make Ao3 fucking usable, and (incredibly unlikely) could slow the process of hiring a diversity consultant because they're having to deal with this.
I have such a headache.
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rmkenvs3000w23 · 1 year
Unit 2: My Ideal Role as an Environmental Interpreter
It’s taken me longer than I thought it would to write this post. I think this could be because I consider myself to be much more of a generalist than a specialist. I like to say that I can talk a little bit about a lot, which makes imagining my ideal role as an environmental interpreter difficult. When thinking about the things that are important to consider for the role of an environmental interpreter - setting, intended audience, learning and teaching strategies, the story I want to tell - I immediately think about those interpreters and communicators who have most influenced me.  
I’ve already mentioned Steve Irwin, David Attenborough, the Kratt Brothers, but I would add to that list people like Bill Nye, the Mythbusters, Jane Goodall, Carl Sagan, Jay Ingram, Ziya Tong, Dan Riskin, Richard Feynman, Hank Green, people who wear their enthusiasm for the world around us on their sleeves, and who share that enthusiasm with all of us. Not all of them are strictly speaking ‘naturalists’, or what you would think of first when asked to describe an environmental interpreter, but in unabashedly showing us that enthusiasm, they have all engaged and inspired millions of people, including me. 
By showing us the farthest reaches of our world, zooming in on tiny micro-organisms, giving us sweeping shots of vast savannah plains, dense rain forests, and frigid tundras most humans will never see, inviting us to look up as they peel back the curtain that lines the night sky and give us with a peak at the cosmos, and by taking the time to explain all of the invisible forces at play so that we can have a more complete understanding of how all of it works, they are all natural interpreters. My proclivity for drawing from many different fields can be a great asset to my role as an environmental interpreter, but the idea of trying to transfer all of that understanding to the intended audience is slightly daunting, and I will have to be conscious of getting across a good mix of vital information and interesting, but maybe less related facts. 
I also think of people like my Uncle Tom. Tom Browne is my Mom’s older brother, who has been a constant role model for me since I was little. Because I don’t think he’ll ever read this, I will describe him like this: I think deep down inside, a part would have loved to have been born two hundred years ago so he could have lived on the plains, able to take all the time would ever need to appreciate the natural world for what it is. He is one of the kindest and most giving people I have known, and he is also one of the biggest reasons for my love of the natural world. Over the years, he has rescued or helped to rescue dozens of animals that he happens upon. Turtles from the side of the road, racoons and opossums in neighbour’s backyards or chimneys, birds caught in fishing line, he goes out of his way to help whenever he can. 
He also tries his best to learn as much as he can. Many times as he has been telling me a story of finding a gull with a lure tangled around its legs, or a turtle that’s been hit by a car, he’s suddenly gone off on an excited tangent about what he had learned in researching whatever it is that he was dealing with. This constant desire to learn and share that new knowledge is another aspect of being an environmental interpreter that is extremely important, and one I want to make sure I do effectively. 
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The role of environmental interpreter is linked very closely to the role of  teacher. As my plan after my undergrad is to pursue teacher’s college and then eventually become a teacher, I can’t help but picture myself taking a group of student’s on an interpretive walk, sharing my love for the world around me and helping students appreciate the greatest and most important resource we have, our planet. In order to be an effective environmental interpreter or a teacher, an understanding of the diverse theories surrounding learning and teaching styles is vital. Beck et al. (2018) describes a variety of these in some detail, and I would be interested to try different interpretative activities in order to determine which strategies I am most comfortable with, and which ones I may need to put more effort into using effectively.    
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Works Cited:
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. Sagamore Venture.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hello!! Could i get a jjk fluff match-up? My height is 5'2, my personality type is intp. I am straight, she/her.
I like: ice-cream, playing games, cafes, plushies, strawberries, reading, writing, anything sweet, Drawing, plants and flowers.
I dislike: spicy food and rude people.
My personality: well i am lazy tbh. I had a childhood trauma, every kid was bullying me include my best friend for many years. I live with my aunt, uncle and cousins. I am very very closed person. I almost never open up with someone, because i don't want to be shown as weak. The only person i am open up to is my cousin...i literally hate crowds, because i get anxious around many people and start to feel dizzy. I am very shy(towards my family too, i am even shy to say hello to them), but polite towards everyone. I had a good grades when i was in school. If you get to know me better I am very sassy, sarcastic and childish. I always have to do everything perfect or i with punish my self with stupid thoughts (i am very overthinker). My favourite subject was chemistry in school :)
I am scared of: dark (i always sleep with lights on) and thunder, also being abounded by people i love and treasure.
I love also forehead kisses and hugs
My type: (ship me with whoever you like<3 it's your choice)
I have light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, pale skin and always pink cheeks.
Have a nive day/night!!! It's okay if you won't do this request!!<3 remember to eat and sleep properly!! :D
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is
Toge Inumaki
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Toge would never want to be considered weak. It is not so. Many people do not know him and cannot know him. He doesn't talk about himself at all because he can't. That is why he is closed in on himself.
But with friends he is very nice and energetic. However, he still prefers people not to know more about him than is necessary.
He often spends time in quieter places. When he is alone. But when he's in a group of friends, he can go to crazier places. But despite this, their group is still very diverse. Some would prefer not to show up like this. For example, Toge doesn't want to show his mouth. They are a symbol for him that forbids him to speak. It has always been an obstacle for him, and he thinks of it as something that can hurt someone at any moment if he is not careful.
He behaves nice and friendly to people. You can see that sometimes he is more of a person who does not like crowds. That's really true, because he prefers his own group of people who are different from the rest. Just like him, they stand out.
With them, he is childish. It behaves quite differently to strangers. He can get angry, laugh and cry.
He thinks a lot about everything. He can't talk about it, so he thinks. He thinks about what is happening. Thoughts on what people say. He thinks about what he might say.
He is a person who, wanting someone close, would wait to see if someone is suitable. Won't he find him strange.
If you accept him and his feelings, he will repay you in every way possible. Certainly with his love <3
• He doesn't like crowds of people, and would certainly like to spend time alone at home with you. Separately from anyone who may speak badly of you. Separate from people who may not want you. No matter why they do it, sometimes they do. He would never want someone to judge you. For someone to speak badly about you. Especially because he knows you're trying to defend yourself. Nobody would like to show their weaknesses to strangers.
Therefore, he is very grateful that you trust him.
• He's sweet. He would probably do whatever is cute and nice.
Likes stuffed animals, eating in nice places. This is the same as any other childish (for someone) activities. Playing games, ice cream, having a sweet time.
• He has his favorite dishes and looks for new flavors. He eats a lot of things that he just likes, but also has favorites.
Honestly, I doubt he really likes spicy food. His favorite dish is onigiri… He will eat pretty much anything, but you probably won't be dragged into a restaurant that serves only spicy dishes.
• Nobody likes rude people. And he in particular. He doesn't like when someone bully the weaker. And for his relatives, he could even lay down his life.
• He finds it cute that you are afraid of the dark. (Though he probably doesn't like to be anywhere with no light himself)
And he also smiles sweetly when he sees you jump at the lightning bolts. Of course, he won't laugh at it. No way. Maybe that's why not will laugh because he too can get scared and automatically fall into your arms.
• If he could, he could hug you all the time and not let go. It's actually one of the ways he can show you that he loves you. He can't say it, so he'll hug you, give you gifts, and walk with you everywhere.
• Even though he is taller than you, he likes the fact that there isn't that much of a difference between you.
Remember, when you see him approach you pulling the mask off your face, he will kiss you for sure. When you are in public, it will be either the forehead or the cheeks. And when you are alone, it will be your mouth.
Besides, frequent hand-walking and hugging.
Just to show you his feelings. He will do it, no matter how.
*He comes up to you with open arms*
"Tuna Tuna"
*As you turn around, he hugs you, resting his head on yours, and closes his eyes, clenching his arms tighter*
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Life update: I realized I haven’t done one in a while. There’s a lot, but I’ll stick to the key things to keep it short.
So, I finished my last internship. It was honestly quite sad because the women who work there were some of the most amazing people I have ever met. All their stories inspired me so much, and I will definitely be keeping in contact with them, but it was very nice getting to work with them so closely and I will definitely miss them  A lot. A lot of people in my age group don’t usually get the opportunities that these women provided me with. At some point I was conducting my own job interviews for new recruits, and taking on even like a management role within their business. And even with all of that, they were always so sure that I could do more and they have so much faith in my future success, and to have that support network in your job is honestly amazing. I also really appreciated the fact that despite how much older they were than me, they genuinely listen to what I had to say and took my thoughts and ideas into consideration because so many people think just because someone is young, it means that they don’t have good ideas to bring to the table.
However, the person who help me secure that job placement has found something for me this summer that could honestly be really big. There’s not too many details yet, but fingers crossed that I can get this new job.
I’m also doing some work now with an audiobook production company that creates books for individuals with reading difficulties, mainly for schools, and I will be looking over some of their already recorded books to see if they’re casting is truly showing the diversity of the story being told.
I’ve also started writing music a lot more recently. I think I sometimes forget that I write this for myself, to help me with my emotions and things like that. but when I start writing again, I remember why I love this, and why I have been doing it for as long as I have. And life has been a little emotionally rocky for me recently, so it’s nice remembering that I have that outlet for myself.
Also, I read one last stop by Casey McQuiston, and I cannot get that book out of my head. It was such a nice fun summer read, And I would like to know how she can always leave me feeling so fluffy and warm inside. It is a gift, a talent.
Well that’s all I’ve got for now, I hope you’re staying safe and getting some rest. Sending you all the love and positive vibes.
life update yay!
you are absolutely right. getting an internship like this is not easy and I'm so glad you found this amazing opportunity and I'm even gladder that you made the best out of it. You have to keep in touch with them! these kinds of contacts always lead to something better! so remember to foster these kinds of relationships - especially if you have faith in the work they do.
wishing you all the best for the new opportunity! I love that you are exploring audiobooks and music more! I wish I had the time for both but I'm loving this for you! Please keep me posted on what you find and what you do! I would love to hear it!
I haven't finished One last Stop yet. But maybe I can find the time this month to do that! Thanks for the reminder. I'm glad you liked it. Casey's writing is just too good!
I'm okay for now. I'm trying to focus on my health and work - which are not going hand in hand at the moment. So, the love and vibes are appreciated.
Sending you love and glitter!
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