mykpopwire · 3 months
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K-Pop boy group DXMON (pronounced DAAI-MON) makes their official debut with 1st mini-album, [HYPERSPACE] on January 17th. Earlier on January 1st, ahead of their debut, they released one of the title tracks for the album, “Burn Up,” which set the bar for the members’ confidence and ambitions toward their new beginning as a group. DXMON is a word derived from the Greek word ‘Daimon’, and it is a name that embodies the will to proactively decide one’s destiny and achieve it.
DXMON’s members; MINJAE, SEITA, HEE, TK, REX, and JO shared more about their debut album in the recent interviews with global media outlets.
Q: Your title track is called "Spark", what was a moment that you felt a spark recently?
REX: For me, it was during the debut showcase. As we presented our stage for the first time to our fans, I felt that spark within me. It was a moment of pure joy.
MINJAE: I'm getting that spark even at this moment. It is very exciting for me to see all of you here with such interest in our group, and I promise to consistently showcase developed and improved versions of ourselves as we move forward.
Q: All the tracks in your debut album is unique and different in their own ways. Which track sound did you like the most? Is there a new sound that you want to try for your next release?
REX: I find the percussion sounds in the track "Burn Up" to be incredibly impressive. Every time I listen to this song, it gives me goosebumps, and I believe the performance of this track is powerful as well.
SEITA: All the members love punk or rock genres so they are something that we want to try in the future.
Q: "Burn Up" and "Spark" have different sounds. Individually, which song connects with you the most?
REX: I choose "Burn Up." It has all the elements that I want to show, including a powerful performance and a great melody.
MINJAE: I love the track, "Spark" because it is easy on the ears yet can become exciting and calm at the right moments. I love that aspect of this song.
TK: I choose "Spark" because I like songs that are easy to listen to. The melody of "Spark" carries an R&B vibe, yet the strong and intense beat is a unique blend that I haven't encountered before. Additionally, the song's story about beginning a journey resonates with me, and I find it very appealing.
HEE: I choose the track "N.W.B." The song is exclusively composed of rap verses which are delivered like whispers. Despite the consistent whispering tone, each rap verse has a distinct rhythm and flow, making it easy for listeners to engage with its unique rhythm.
JO: I resonate with the song "Burn Up" because of its intense and powerful beat, which complements our bold style and concept. The hairstyle also complements the vibe well. I believe it is a great song and perfectly fitting as the title track of this album.
SEITA: I also choose "Burn Up" because it effectively captures our passion and energy, showcasing the essence of DXMON exceptionally well.
Q: How does your style tie into your music and your aesthetic?
MINJAE: There are two title tracks in this album. The first one, "Spark," talks about our days as trainees, and "Burn Up" narrates our story after debut, symbolizing our determination to burn brightly.
Q: What do you think is your specialty that makes DXMON different from other groups?
MINJAE: I would choose our visuals and our overall styles, including our fashion and hairstyles, as well as our unique and powerful music.
Q: Members HEE and JO had very striking haircuts for debut. What initiated the bold styling decisions?
JO: The idea for the hairstyle was initially proposed by the CEO during the concept meeting. Upon seeing the sample photo, I was immediately drawn to its uniqueness. At first, I questioned whether it would truly suit me, but upon trying the hairstyle and looking in the mirror, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the hairstyle looked great on me. Then I experimented with various poses, gestures, and even rapped with this hairstyle and I became certain that it was a perfect fit for me.
Q: Among all the songs from your debut album, are there any songs or special points that listeners should pay attention to?
MINJAE: TK has a part in the third verse of the song "N.W.B" where he sings as if he is whispering. It's a unique element that I've never heard before, so I recommend using headphones when listening to this specific section of the song.
Listen to DXMON 'N.W.B' here!
Q: How do you deal with the responsibility of debuting so young?
JO: Being young, I believe we have the confidence to navigate through challenges. We are committed to giving our best, with the dream to become superb artists as time progresses and we gain more experience.
Q: What are some goals that you have and want to achieve as a group?
MINJAE: It is our goal to get our song onto the Billboard charts. REX previously said he had a goal he wants to achieve.
REX: Also, it is our goal to perform at Coachella.
MINJAE: Yes, that's true. We have two goals that we want to achieve as a group.
Q: Where do you see your group a year from now?
TK: I think DXMON a year from now will retain its essence but will have matured further, showcasing enhanced skills and a more relaxed stage presence during performances.
Thank you SSQ Entertainment and Helix Publicity for the invitation.
Watch DXMON 'SPARK’ MV here!
*photo courtesy of SSQ Entertainment
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99531 · 3 years
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maju-423 · 3 years
Entrevista: UP10TION’s UPSONAL colours beaming in [CONNECTION]
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Traducción + notas como H10
1. En primer lugar, ¿podrían presentarse?, especialmente para aquellos que aún no los conocen.
KUHN: ¡Hola! De vuelta con el 2do ÁLBUM [CONNECTION], ¡soy KUHN de UP10TION!
KOGYEOL: ¡Hola! Soy KOGYEOL, quien esta a cargo del vocal.
BITTO: ¡Hola! Soy el bailarín principal de UP10TION, BITTO
SUNYOUL: Soy SUNYOUL, el vocalista principal~
GYUJIN: ¡Hola! Soy el subvocalista de UP10TION, GYUJIN~~!!
HWANHEE: Hola ~ Soy HWANHEE, vocalista principal de UP10TION.
XIAO: Soy el miembro más joven de UP10TION, XIAO.
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2. Hablemos acerca de su 2do ÁLBUM [CONNECTION].
UP10TION: UP10TION 2do ÁLBUM [CONNECTION] es una versión derivada del 9no MINI ÁLBUM [Light UP] que fue lanzado en septiembre del año pasado. Si, [Light UP] es la historia de UP10TION, los siete cazadores de luz que están buscando luz y se dieron cuenta de que eran la luz del otro, en [CONNECTION] puedes ver que UP10TION se está convirtiendo en uno y creó una mayor luz y sinergia.
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3. La canción principal 'SPIN OFF', ¿hay algún punto especial al que HONEY10 deba poner atención?
UP10TION: 'SPIN OFF' es una canción con un mensaje de romper los límites de todo nuestro cuerpo y abrir un nuevo comienzo. Es una canción fresca, apasionada e intensa para combinar con el caluroso verano. ¡Maximiza la frescura con una ferviente base y un colorido sonido de sintetizador! Podrás ver la "Refrescante Sensualidad" de UP10TION. Dado que es una extensión de 'Light', espero que puedas sentir la conexión con 'Light'. También queremos mostrarte la pasión y las habilidades de actuación en vivo de UP10TION
4. Comparte con nosotros el punto principal de la coreografía.
UP10TION: El punto principal de la coreografía es 'Spin Off Dance' durante "From now on it's SPIN OFF (지금부터야 SPIN OFF)". La coreografía expresa el mensaje de que nuestra nueva historia comienza al abrir algo con tu manos.
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5. El momento más memorable mientras grababan el video musical para la canción principal.
UP10TION: El lugar donde grabamos fue muy lujoso y nos sentimos genial durante el rodaje. Estuvo lloviendo mucho durante la grabación. Y debido a la naturaleza del lugar, pasaban muchas personas. Estaban curiosos sobre quienes eramos. Fue un poco vergonzoso pero ganamos muchas experiencias diferentes.
6. ¿Cuál es su canción favorita del álbum ?
KUHN: Me gusta 'Honey Cake'. Me gusta incluso más porque es una canción compuesta por nuestro miembro más joven, XIAO.
KOGYEOL: Mi canción favorita es 'Sky Line', que es una canción que escribí por primera vez para nuestro álbum y me gusto como resultó.
BITTO: 'Sky Line' ¡Yo hice la canción!
SUNYOUL: 'SPIN OFF'. ¡Porque es una canción hecha por mi compositor favorito!
GYUJIN: Me gusta 'Believe in you'. Me gusta que tiene una letra qué puede ser grata para los oyentes.
HWANHEE: Realmente me gusta el significado tras la letra de 'Believe in you'. ¡Espero que HONEY10 también pueda obtener fuerza al escuchar esta canción!
XIAO: 'Liar'. Es una canción sensual, me gusta.
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7. El obstáculo más difícil durante este comeback
KUHN: Como el clima era muy caliente, sude mucho cuando bailaba.
KOGYEOL: No hubo algo duro o difícil, pero fue un poco pesado ya qué es un álbum completo.
BITTO: Nada es fuerte o difícil cuando pienso en reunirme contigo, ¡HONEY10!
SUNYOUL: No hubo grandes obstáculos. Creo que es natural estar ocupado por cada comeback.
GYUJIN: Mientras preparábamos este álbum, compartí muchas opiniones con los miembros y el equipo. Fue un poco difícil unir todas las opiniones, pero fue una buena experiencia.
HWANHEE: No tuve ninguna dificultad en la preparación de este comeback mientras pensaba en HONEY10, pero siendo honesto, me costó mucho cuidar mi garganta.
XIAO: Como siempre, quiero mostrar mi mejor actuación, pero eso estaba preocupado sobre como lucir genial en el escenario.
8. ¿En cual aspecto de su música quisieran qué la gente se enfocará?
KUHN: ¡Espero que obtengan montones de energía positiva cuando nos vean!
KOGYEOL: ¡Espero que pongan mucha atención a las demás canciones también!
BITTO: ¡Por favor ten atención a nuestro color y armonía!
SUNYOUL: Quiero mostrarles una apropiada actuación en vivo.
GYUJIN: Nuestra voz y ¿unidad como UP10TION?
HWANHEE: ¡El crecimiento de UP10TION!
XIAO: ¡Espero que se emociones con nuestras diferentes sonidos y actuaciones!
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9. Tu deseo para este comeback.
KUHN: ¡Felicidad para todos!
KOGYEOL: ¡Crear nuestro propio color de equipo!
BITTO: Conocer más fanáticos internacionales.
SUNYOUL: Espero que más gente conozca a UP10TION.
GYUJIN: Quiero que más gente sepa sobre UP10TION.
HWANHEE: ¡Si HONEY10 es feliz con este comeback, yo también seré feliz!
XIAO: ¡Finalizar todas las actividades seguros y sin ningún problema!
10. ¿Cuáles son tus pasatiempos más recientes, especialmente durante la pandemia?
KUHN: Cocina en casa.
KOGYEOL: Creo que uso mucho mi celular estos días.
Vaya, pero para responder en Bubble no xd
BITTO: Comenze a estudiar varios tipos de instrumentos musicales.
SUNYOUL: Estoy trabajando en mi propio crecimiento. Leyendo libros, escribiendo diarios, ejercicio, transcribiendo, componiendo, estudiando letras y ¡mucho más!
Hay algo que este joven no haga bien.jpg
GYUJIN: Estoy en búsqueda de 'So-Hwak-Heng (1), una pequeña pero definida felicidad.
HWANHEE: No he tenido mucho tiempo libre desde que me estoy preparando para el comeback y 'Voice King' al mismo tiempo, pero juego cuando tengo un poco de tiempo libre.
XIAO: ¡Caminar y trabajar en mi música!
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11. ¿Quién es el miembro qué toma más tiempo para estar listo?
KUHN: ¡SUNYOUL! Es el miembro qué necesita más tiempo para estar listo.
BITTO: KUHN. Toma mucho tiempo en elegir su vestimenta.
SUNYOUL: Yo. Siempre hay mucho que traer y preparar.
GYUJIN: ¡SUNYOUL! Su tiempo de preparación es un poco largo.
HWANHEE: ¿SUNYOUL...? Le toma bastante tiempo estar listo.
12. Si tu vida fuera una película, ¿de qué género sería?
KUHN: ¿No podría ser de género dramático o un documental? :)
BITTO: Creo qué será una fantasía. Para mí, ser un idol era una fantasía.
SUNYOUL: Documental.
GYUJIN: Creo que sería documentary.
HWANHEE: ¿Acción?
XIAO: Comedia romántica.
13. SUNYOUL y HWANHEE están participando en 'Voice King', ¿cuáles son las expectativas hacia el programa?
KUHN: En lugar de tener expectativas, me encanta verlos cantar y ser felices mientras lo hacen.
KOGYEOL: Podremos mostrar correctamente las habilidades de nuestros vocalistas principales.
BITTO: Son tan buenos que estoy deseando ver qué tan bien lo harán en lugar de preocuparse.
SUNYOUL: En lugar de tener grandes expectativas ¡Estoy haciendo esto cómodamente!
GYUJIN: Espero que SUNYOUL y HWANHEE encuentren la música que quieran hacer y que los ame mucha gente a través de esa música.
HWANHEE: Creo que es genial poder mostrar nuestras actuaciones individuales para HONEY10!
XIAO: ¡Estoy muy orgulloso de ambos!
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14. Para aquellos fanáticos que tuvieron que pasar por dificultades durante esta pandemia, ¿cuál sería su consejo para ellos?
KUHN: Estoy muy feliz de poder estar junto a todos ustedes a través de estos tiempos difíciles. Gracias~
KOGYEOL: Está bien estar cansado. Te daré fuerzas cuando estés cansado.
BITTO: Quiero conocerte, pero es muy triste que no podamos hacerlo. Me aseguraré de encontrarme contigo después de que pase el COVID-19.
SUNYOUL: Espero que UP10TION pueda darte
ánimo. Siempre haré todo lo posible para ser tu ¡fuerza!
GYUJIN: Pronto, cuando termine el COVID-19, quiero conocer a HONEY10. Le agradecería que pudiera esperar un poco más hasta entonces.
HWANHEE: Mucha gente debe estar pasando por un momento difícil debido al COVID-19. ¡No pierdas contra el COVID-19, ponte de pie y recuperemos nuestra vida normal! ¡Y tengamos un tiempo feliz juntos de nuevo! ¡¡Podemos hacer esto!!
Ay Hwanhee 🥺
XIAO: ¡MIEL10! No podemos conocernos en persona debido al COVID-19, pero muchas gracias por apoyarnos. Trabajamos duro para mostrarte un mejor desempeño. ¡Por favor espérenlo!
15. Si tienen la oportunidad de visitar Malasia, ¿qué será lo primero que harían allí?
KUHN: Quiero caminar por las bulliciosas calles de Malasia.
KOGYEOL: ¡Comida malaya! Tengo muchas ganas de probarla.
BITTO: Primero quiero hacer un concierto.
SUNYOUL: La reunión con HONEY10 de Malasia es un deber.
GYUJIN: ¡Quiero visitar los sitios populares!
HWANHEE: Nunca había estado en Malasia antes, pero si tengo la oportunidad, ¡¡realmente quiero ir allí !! ¡Lo primero que quiero hacer es, por supuesto, ver HONEY10 en Malasia! Te extraño TT TT
XIAO: ¡Caminar por la ciudad!
La presente traducción y en fragmentos reinterpretación es con el único fin de compartir, créditos totales al autor de la entrevista citado al inicio
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mykpopwire · 5 months
interview: 82MAJOR Aspire to be the 'FIRST CLASS' Idol in Their Own Colour
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82MAJOR, a six-member South Korean boy group under GREAT M Entertainment, has made their official debut with the release of their 1st single, ON. Their name was inspired by South Korea’s country code, 82, and the group’s aspirations to introduce a new direction to K-pop and establish themselves as a major presence globally. Let’s get to know more about the group and their music direction in the recent interview.
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Hwang Seong Bin (left), Nam Seong Mo (right)
Q: Some of the members contributed to the song writing process for this debut single. Can you offer some insights to the song writing process and the messages that you wanted to convey through the lyrics?
Nam Seong Mo: When I first heard the melody of "SURE THING," it brought a positive, hopeful feeling. It inspired me to write lyrics as if directly communicating with our fans. Crafting these lyrics, a lot of beautiful words came to mind. In a section mentioning "a small firefly," I remembered being a child and witnessing a firefly, amazed at how something so small could emit such a bright light. I aimed to be a similar source of light, even if small, for our fans. That’s how the lyrics came together.
Hwang Seong Bin: While creating "FIRST CLASS," my focus was on the aspiration for 82MAJOR to reach a first-class status in the future. I aimed to express this ambition through the song's lyrics.
Yoon Ye Chan: When I was working on “FIRST CLASS,” I just realized that it was natural for us because we are confident with our writing and rapping skills. So, when it came down to writing process, with the ‘first class’ and ‘this is who we really are’ mindset, it was really easy to write the lyrics that match the song.
Q: Do you have any particular goals for this debut single?
Cho Seong Il: Even though we just made our debut, it is my goal to receive the Rookie of the Year award. It is the biggest goal that we have. After receiving the Rookie of the Year award, we will do our best to receive the grand award through our next album.
Nam Seong Mo: I really want to be first place on a music show.
Park Seok Joon: We aim to showcase our group's incredible presence to the public. With tracks like "FIRST CLASS" and "SURE THING" offering different vibes, our goal is to excel in expressing those diverse vibes through facial expressions and gestures, highlighting our capability to pull off such different concepts.
Q: On your journey to debut, did anything funny or memorable moment that you will remember forever?
Cho Seong Il: During the filming of the music video for "FIRST CLASS," the weather started out great but took a turn with sudden rain in the evening. We were concerned about continuing the shoot, but the director proposed capturing the current atmosphere, so we ended up filming the music video in rain. The director did a great job in bringing out the vibe even during when it was raining, and I think it came out better than what was originally intended.
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Park Seok Joon (left), Yoon Ye Chan (right)
Q: What is one thing that is very different between being a trainee and a rookie idol?
Cho Seong Il: I think our daily schedule changed a lot. Before as trainees, we would always practice here in the practice room. Now that we've made our debut, we have more opportunities to attend schedule elsewhere. Also, we get more time to interact with our fans, which I find to be great.
Park Seok Joon: For me, when I was a trainee, I did not have the confidence that I will debut for sure. Now that we've made our debut, I want to show a better side of us, and it motivates me to do well during practice sessions as well as lyrics writing.
Kim Do Gyun: I think I was able to gain new experiences, and it allowed us to come together more as a team and improve our teamwork.
Q: What is something that you really look forward to now that you've debuted?
Yoon Ye Chan: Personally for me, performing in front of other people and writing more songs. That’s what I look forward to.
Park Seok Joon: When our debut was confirmed as we received the songs for the album, I really look forward to finding out the songs that we will get to perform.
Hwang Seong Bin: I'm really excited for getting the opportunity to collaborate with other artists.
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Cho Seong Il (left), Kim Do Gyun (right)
Q: What attracted you to have music as your career and what made you decide to be an idol?
Yoon Ye Chan: My family has a very long and extensive line in music; my brother is already an idol (P1Harmony’s KEEHO), my mother was a pianist while my uncles major in guitar and drums (respectively). Since our whole family has been working in the music industry, so I have always been surrounded by music and naturally compelled in doing music.
Cho Seong Il: As I was thinking about what career path I should take, I thought about how I loved singing and dancing. I decided to audition and eventually landed a spot in the company, leading me to debut as an idol.
Hwang Seong Bin: When I was 16, I was mesmerized Post Malone's stages, which eventually inspired me to take the path of an idol. I found solace in his music and it inspired me to pursue a path as an artist. I was deeply moved and wished to provide that comfort to others as well. That’s how I decide to have a career in music.
Q: What are your long-term goals as a group?
Hwang Seong Bin: With all six of us in the group, I want to leave a lasting impression that 82MAJOR is a cool group that others aspire to become.
Yoon Ye Chan: As a long-term goal, I wish to be our own producer for our albums, instead of receiving demos from other producers. We got two producers, the third one is on the way, so, I hope we can make our own albums soon.
Kim Do Gyun: Also, we want to create music that is distinctly our own colour and present it to the public.
Q: Do you have a message that you want to leave for your fans?
Hwang Seong Bin: Thank you so much for supporting us. You are the reason for our existence. We love you! ❤ ❤ ❤
Yoon Ye Chan: All of us have the same mind and heart. Thank you so much to all our fans. We are reading all of your comments and watch all the TikTok videos that you uploaded. We love you guys too! ❤
Park Seok Joon: To our international fans, I hope to see you in person someday through a tour. We will work our best and try to make that happen.
Thank you Great M Entertainment and Helix Publicity for the invitation.
Watch 82MAJOR 'Sure Thing' MV here!
Watch 82MAJOR 'FIRST CLASS' MV here!
*photos courtesy of Great M Entertainment
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mykpopwire · 1 year
media release: The puppy-like BLITZERS members have returned as wolves!
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The K-pop group BLITZERS (JINHWA, GO_U, JUHAN, SYA, CHRIS, LUTAN, and WOOJU) returns with a new album that promises to bring a new retro syndrome to the music industry.
Through their single [Macarena], BLITZERS plans to spread a hopeful and positive message with their powerful and bright energy to all people regardless of nationality, age, or gender.
Firstly, the title song 'Macarena' is an addictive hip-house song that isn’t for the faint of heart, boasting an exceptionally eardrum-ringing trumpet and a powerful beat that beats the listener’s heart for them, as well as eye-catching choreography created by the members that had been the center of attention from the early stages of production.
In addition, BLITZERS, who is famous for their non-skip B-side songs, will be capturing the hearts of their fans with their B-side track 'Question Mark', a Western-style rock tune in this album that fits in perfectly with other hits on Billboard and UK charts. In particular, this song is rumored to be one that BLITZERS members have always had on their list of title song candidates even before they debuted, and is a banger that BLITZERS has been saving for the perfect moment.
BLITZERS’ second single album [Macarena], will delight fans with new performances and stories in the unique style of BLITZERS’ re-interpreted Y2K vibes. It’s time to fall in love with the once puppy-like BLITZERS members who’ve become wolves!
01. Macarena (TITLE)
Lyrics by Roydo, QM, Konquest
Composed by Roydo, JUNG1, QM, Konquest
Arranged by JUNG1, Konquest
Chorus by NEUL
Trumpet by Q the trumpet
The lyrics added to the hip-house genre, a combination of hip-hop and house, are about BLITZERS reaching further out into the world.
Feel the Latin melodies and the desire to perform music that’s loved timelessly and across all borders.
Macarena, Macarena, Macarena!
02. Question Mark
Lyrics by 이주현, GLODY
Composed by GLODY, 장영수, 전근화(Weeky1)
Arranged by 장영수, GLODY
Guitar by 채태식
Bass by 오세훈
Drum by 장영수
Chorus by 전근화
A medium pop rock genre song with refreshing guitar riffs.
This song reflects the passion of youth, who walk silently on their own path carrying a question mark in their heart.
Watch BLITZERS 'Macarena' MV here!
*photo courtesy of WUZO Entertainment
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mykpopwire · 5 months
interview: Exploring the New Diversity and Creativity with SUPERKIND
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World's first gen A-Idol, SUPERKIND, returns with the release of their new mini-album, Profiles of the Future (Λ) : 70%. This is the group’s first comeback as a full set of seven members, including both AI members; SAEJIN and SEUNG. Their group name, SUPERKIND, is an anagram of NUKE, PRID, and S. NUKE refers to members from the virtual world, and PRID refers to members from the real world. They work together towards achieving one common goal, which is to find S, which, as of now, still remains a secret to everyone.
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EUGENE (left), JDV (right)
"Beam me up (2Dx3D)" is a very cool fusion song with lyrics in Korean, English, and Japanese. Can the members share what the recording process was like and if you faced any challenges with three languages?
SiO: Since this is our first mini-album with a greater number of tracks, the recording process naturally took longer than usual. Also, because we incorporated various languages, we put a lot of thought into how to infuse the unique characteristics and vibes of this language into our music, striving to make those features come to life in our songs.
Your group is a mix of AI and real people and is new to the scene. What is it like working and having fun with each other?
JDV: I find collaborating with the NUKE members to be extremely fun and fascinating because it opens up opportunities to explore various new and captivating ideas. The NUKE members have the ability to execute performances that may be outside our capabilities. For instance, in a recent performance video with SAEJIN, he attempted the iconic Spiderman move where he drops down from the ceiling. All of these visually captivating elements make this comeback even more enjoyable for me.
What quality would you like to have if you were a nuke?
EUGENE: One notable characteristic of NUKE members is their freedom when it comes to changing hairstyles, hair colours, and outfits instantly. It is a characteristic that I want to have if I were a NUKE member.
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DAEMON (left), GEON (right)
How do you maintain a sense of unity within the group when you have such a unique combination of members?
DAEMON: As the leader of the group, I can say that our members are very unique and each has great abilities. The main thing is that we are not trying to synchronize perfectly but we are trying to bring out the chemistry and harmony. We respect their own abilities and try to improve as a team and try to express it better. We are not only focused on synchronizing but we are also trying to cooperate and make a good result as a team.
What are the things that make you go, "I'm so proud of myself for doing this!" for this comeback?
SiO: Starting with this comeback, we've had more opportunities to connect with our fans, Players. During my initial encounter with our fans, I was incredibly nervous and somewhat shy, making it challenging for me to engage in meaningful conversations with them. However, throughout this comeback promotional activities, including fan meet-ups and fan sign events, I've made significant progress in interacting with our fans, and I feel like I've become closer to them. In this respect, I'm proud of the improvements I've made in communicating with the Players during this comeback.
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What kind of music does SUPERKIND want to pursue and be known as?
DAEMON: As SUPERKIND, we are trying many different genres of music. We choose genres that suit our concept and the worldviews that we want to show, and I think the main theme and the motto of SUPERKIND's music is diversity. So, I hope SUPERKIND to be known for the diversity and creativity in our musical styles.
As AI artists come into the K-Pop scene, what impact do you think SUPERKIND will have on AI integration within K-Pop groups?
SiO: Our group is the first to use the term "A-Idol," representing an idol group that includes both AI and human members. I believe this is one of SUPERKIND's most distinctive features. Many people still perceive AI technology as something distant and unfamiliar. However, with our group incorporating PRID, the human members, it allows us to demonstrate how we interact with NUKE members, the AI members, and convey our thoughts on this integration, showing how we all unite as a group. This helps the general public become more accustomed to the concept of AI. I hope to see more A-Idols in the future and anticipate the concept evolving over time.
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SAEJIN (left), SEUNG (right)
With your unique concept, how do you imagine your concerts around the world to meet your fans?
SiO: We highly value in-person, face-to-face interactions with our fans, and that's why we make an effort to organize concerts and events in as many countries and cities as possible. We're committed to creating music that incorporates different languages to make our music accessible to people from various nations, enabling them to enjoy our songs and find solace and inspiration in our music.
While your AI concept is unique, it's certainly not your only standout quality. What do you think makes SUPERKIND different from other groups, or what do you hope for SUPERKIND to be known and remembered for, aside from having AI members?
SiO: Our commitment to continually challenging ourselves with new music and diverse genres asks for increased communication among the members and greater interaction with our fans, the Players. Each of us possesses unique strengths, and our individual musical preferences may differ, but we aim to be recognized as a group unafraid to explore a diverse musical styles and genres without limitations. Likewise, our future endeavours will remain unrestricted, and our goal is to establish ourselves as artists who boldly explore various musical realms.
Thank you DEEPSTUDIO and Helix Publicity for the invitation.
Watch SUPERKIND 'Beam me up (2Dx3D)' MV here!
*photos courtesy of DEEPSTUDIO
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mykpopwire · 2 months
MY K-POP WIRE at live: DEAN with Tabber Live in Malaysia
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“DEAN with Tabber Live in Malaysia” ended successfully last night, 10 March 2024 (Sunday) at Dewan Merdeka, World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur.
Check out the photos from the show~
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*photos courtesy of Altus ProHouse
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mykpopwire · 6 months
interview: tripleS EVOLution Shines the Brightest with their Debut Album, ⟡(Mujuk)
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tripleS EVOLution has made their debut as a sub-unit with the release of their mini-album, ⟡(Mujuk) on October 11th. The members of EVOLution include YooYeon, Mayu, NaKyoung, Kotone, ChaeYeon, JiWoo, SooMin, and YeonJi and were formed through their fans’ votes in their most recent Grand Gravity event via Cosmo : the Gate app created by Modhaus Inc. The members shared more about their debut album and resolution as EVOLution in the recent interview with global media outlets.
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JiWoo (left), ChaeYeon (right)
⟡(Mujuk)'s title track, "Invincible" is about relentlessly pursuing a dream in the face of hardship. Similarly, tripleS is an ambitious project. How do you overcome the potentially unique challenges in pursuing this dream?
JiWoo: If there's something I want to try, I always give it a shot. By persistently trying and challenging myself, I've learned that I usually achieve something in the end if I just take that chance. So, regardless of the outcome, I want to keep giving myself the opportunity to try.
Could you share with us the most memorable moment preparing this album?
YeonJi: I believe it was during the music video shoot. It was my first debut, and everything felt fresh since I'd never done a music video before. I encountered some challenges and felt like I missed a few details, but thanks to the support of the members, I managed to overcome those difficulties. Our music video also showcases some aspects of tripleS that we hadn't revealed to the public previously, as we ventured into new territory with new challenges. The whole process was enjoyable overall.
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SooMin (left), YooYeon (right)
Was there a message that you want to convey to the listeners with this album?
YooYeon: With our album⟡(Mujuk), our intention was to convey a message of self-love, emphasizing the importance of loving oneself. Just like diamonds that are hard to break, overcoming difficulties and challenges will only make you stronger.
With a concept like tripleS, how do you as the members keep the bond within the group?
YooYeon: Our team comes together based on fan decisions, so we make an effort to communicate extensively within the group to build stronger bonds and support one another. We also hold regular meetings to give feedback, discuss the team's needs, and ensure we're working together effectively.
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NaKyoung (left), Kotone (right)
Being sub-units from the same group, how do you feel EVOLution's concept and sounds differ or line up with other sub-units in the group, like LOVElution's recent comeback?
ChaeYeon: Both EVOLution and LOVElution are sub-units of tripleS, sharing a common message of self-confidence and self-love. LOVElution expresses this message through a bright, refreshing, and exciting image, while EVOLution does so with a strong, intense, and cool image. This difference in image is what sets the two units apart.
As some of you have been part of other sub-units, do you notice anything difference in terms of work?
NaKyoung: The key difference lies in the way our energy and dance skills come together as a team. When making comebacks with different sub-units, I prioritize teamwork, focusing on how well our members collaborate. You can expect a vibrant and energetic atmosphere from us as a team.
What would you do if you were Invincible for one day?
YeonJi: When we walk on the streets, we can't go through walls, so we have to go around them. If I were invincible for a day, I would break through walls to reach my destination more quickly.
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Mayu (left), YeonJi (right)
What are the three hashtags that best describe the group, EVOLution?
SooMin: I believe the three hashtags that best describe our group are "#strength", "#invincibility", and "#shine". The "#shine" comes from the symbolism of a diamond representing EVOLution, and it embodies both "#strength" and "invincibility" due to its hardness and resilience.
If you can take any other tripleS sub-unit song and make it into EVOLution song instead, which song would you choose and why?
Mayu: Personally, I choose the song "Generation" because I remember seeing its performance on television when I was a student in Japan, and it serves as the debut song for tripleS, holding significant meaning. Therefore, I'm eager to give it a try.
What are your goals for the future as EVOLution and individual artists?
Kotone: As a member of EVOLution, I want more people to recognize us. Personally, I hope to hear our songs being played in various places like streets, small shops, and convenience stores.
Thank you Modhaus and Helix Publicity for the invitation.
Watch tripleS EVOLution ‘Invincible’ MV here!
*photos courtesy of Modhaus
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mykpopwire · 11 months
interview: Let's dance away with BLITZERS!
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1. What inspired you for the name of this comeback? -@__cherryv 
JINHWA: Just like Los del Rio's ‘Macarena’, a song of the same name that was popular around the world in the 1990s, we named this album wishing that many people can dance and enjoy BLITZERS’ ‘Macarena’ too, and with that wish, we made it easy to follow the choreography.
2. Do any of you have a goal to meet with this comeback? -@daliskyu24 
JUHAN: I want to be nominated for first place on a music show.
SYA: Our goal is to make people who don't know BLITZERS to know about ‘Macarena’!
CHRIS: One of our goals is to make people enjoy while listening to ‘Macarena’!
3. You recently had a chance to compete in 'Peak Time' and did incredibly well! What was the most memorable moment during your time there? -@TGMich 
LUTAN: Personally, the combined unit match is the most memorable for me. We debuted during the COVID-19 period, so we didn't have any interaction with other teams, but with this opportunity, practicing together and preparing for the stage helped a lot and I think I learned a lot.
WOOJU: When we went to the training camp, I think the most memorable thing was practicing as a combined unit.  Practicing with other teams has a different experience from practicing with the members.
4. One thing that is common in all members? -@ItsssElsa
JINHWA: All the members are introverted.
SYA: We sleep a lot...?
CHRIS: We love BLEE :)
WOOJU: Thinking of each other a lot while pretending not to.
5. Who among the members spends a lot on buying stuff that you think are not useful? -@bellhwiii 
SYA: WOOJU. He bought a Minecraft torch light but he doesn’t really know why he bought it.
CHRIS: Personally, WOOJU because I saw him buying same branded chips with same taste so I asked him “Why did you get another one when you already have that chips in our dorm?” He said, “The design is different”.
LUTAN: LUTAN. For me it's me. I often buy things on impulse, so there are things that I don't use or leave them unattended.
6. When doing events with fans do you ever get nervous? If so, how do you calm your nerves? -@blitzult 
JINHWA: I'm always nervous, but I try to calm myself down by talking.
JUHAN: Standing in front of fans always makes me nervous! Just like when you stand in front of someone you like! At times like that, I think I calm myself down by spraying some perfume on me!
7. When was the moment when you realized 'Yes, I'm an idol.'? -@marcusina_ 
JINHWA: When the fans cheer for us.
JUHAN: I haven't felt that way a lot yet, but I think I realize it when I’m on stage.
SYA: When I'm on stage! I can't see the audience well, but when we meet eyes, I realize that “Oh, I'm an idol” and I feel alive.
CHRIS: When I’m performing on the stage.
LUTAN: It's still fascinating to meet my fans while on stage. But as much as it's fascinating, it makes me feel that “I’m an idol”.
WOOJU: The moment I put on the microphone and went up to the big stage. And also, when I unknowingly saw myself in slow motion camera while performing, I thought, "Oh, I look like an idol"!
8. What is the most memorable moment of your career so far? -@lovestaylixie 
JINHWA: This ‘Macarena’ promotion is the most memorable for me!
JUHAN: When we received the Blooming Star Award at Hanteo Music Awards 2022.
SYA: I think it's now! I'm continuing to make good memories.
CHRIS: Doing a tour was the most memorable moment in my career.
LUTAN: I think it's a tour in the U.S. Since we debuted during the COVID-19 period, we didn't meet or interact much with fans. It was so cool and fun to meet so many fans on our US tour when we were just debuted!
WOOJU: It's a very short period of time to call it a career, but every moment remains in my memory, haha.
9. What audience are you guys hoping to reach? -@kluv066 
JUHAN: I want to approach people who want to express their inner self, people who need confidence after listening to our music.
LUTAN: Any audience who enjoys and likes our music is welcome!
WOOJU: I want to reach as many people as possible with good music that anyone can listen to even it is not their actual cup of tea.
10. What BLITZERS' song would you recommend to a non-BLEE? -@LvLyACE
JINHWA: ‘Macarena’! Let’s dance together!
JUHAN: ‘Gradation’. I'd like to recommend it to many people as it’s my favourite song!
SYA: ‘Love is New Gravity’ and ‘Macarena’.
CHRIS: I’d say ‘Macarena’ because this music is really addictive.
LUTAN: ‘Will Make a Mistake’. The addictive sound is attractive, but the lyrics are so good and meaningful. Life is a series of challenges, and it's a song that gives strength and courage to those who are afraid of challenges!
WOOJU: Let's listen to ‘Macarena’ from our 2nd single album!
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1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? -@ibleejinhwaa 
Korea! There are so many beautiful places that I haven't been to in Korea yet, so I want to go to many places in Korea first.
2. How do you deal with the members when they do not listen to you? -@blitzblee 
I think the atmosphere is important, so I’ll talk with a serious tone.
3. What is the hardest thing about being a BLITZERS leader? -@lup_hwa
There are times when I think I still lack of experience as a leader. It's kind of hard when the work I proposed isn't completed, but I don't think there's been a big difficult moment yet.
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1. Is there any fun stories while preparing for this comeback? -@s__kaue
During the album jacket photo shoot, CHRIS did some ridiculous moves, and I remember that they were captured well on camera.
2. Which member has the best clothing style? -@admiringjin 
SYA? I think SYA has a good style as he has a lot of interest in clothes and knows a lot about it!
3. Is there any fun or memorable episode that happened during this comeback? -@juinmyxx101
During the comeback music show, there was a part where WOOJU made a mistake in the choreography. I remember how cute he looked when he was disappointed all day long.
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1. Which member gets angry the most easily? -@lup_hwa
I think I am probably the easiest to get angry...
2. What is your favourite song to perform on stage? -@urkoala_ 
It's the most exciting and fun to perform ‘Macarena’!
3. If you had to switch clothing style with a member, who would it be? -@emilyl4_ 
Ah... This is kinda… difficult… But if I have to change my outfit style, I think I'll probably change it with LUTAN.
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1. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would that song be? -@Bli_tzers 
CHRIS: One song that I could listen for the rest of my life would be ‘Drake - God's Plan’
2. What is a hobby or activity you have recently started doing and which you really enjoy? -@admiringjin 
CHRIS: Home exercise because once I finish doing it, it refreshes my mind.
3. If you had to choose a language you could speak fluently, which one would you choose? -@blitzersfiIes 
CHRIS: I’d pick Japanese because I’m into anime and that’s one of my favourite things to watch on my free time. :)
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1. What are the good and bad sides of living with the members? -@marcusina_ 
The good thing is that you are not bored and always having fun, and commuting together saves time. The downside living as a group, choosing a meal menu is always the hardest.
2. What is your favourite hair color that you have done so far? -@tatiray16 
When we were promoting ‘Hit The Bass’, I wanted to try the beige colour, and when I tried it, I think it looks good on me, so I like it the most.
3. What is your favourite part of preparing for a comeback? -@blitzult 
It has to be ‘Macarena’ song! SYA's part is especially attractive! When he does the "Upside Down" part with energy, I like it the most!
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1. What is your favourite childhood memory? -@blitzwooju 
I like the memory of traveling from place to place with my parents the most.
2. WOOJU is the youngest member, do other members tease him? -@ItsssElsa 
I think of it as an expression of the hyungs’ affection and I’m enjoying it, hahahahaha.
3. What kind of concept do you want to try next? -@myhelIokitty 
I want to show you a more mature concept, so I'm making myself more mature.
P/S: To all lucky BLEE, DM us (on Twitter or Instagram) your email address by 26th May. We got something special for you! 😉
*photos courtesy of WUZO Entertainment
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mykpopwire · 4 months
media release: SEVENUS to release special winter song, 'MIRROR'
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SEVENUS (HEEJAE and IREAH) will release their new digital single, 'MIRROR' on December 23rd, five months after the release of their debut single, 'Summus'.
SEVENUS, a duo that showcased their special chemistry through well-made tracks with refreshing harmonies last summer, will once again deliver a new sensibility through a winter song for the end of the year.
On December 18th, the first teaser image officially announcing the release of 'MIRROR' was released on the official social media of SEVENUS. The image filled with the new logo and pastel pink color of SEVENUS is creating a warm mood and raising the expectation for the new single.
In addition to image teasers, SEVENUS is continuing their comeback fever with different events. The '2023 SEVENUS Calendar', an advent calendar event that presents new content every day from December 1st until the new single release date, December 23rd, is being held on SEVENUS official social media. Through this event, fans can not only get hints about new songs, but also listen to small winter stories shared directly by HEEJAE and IREAH, doubling the excitement of their fans.
SEVENUS' new song 'MIRROR' will be released on various online music sites at 6pm (KST) on December 23rd.
*photo courtesy of PCS Entertainment
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mykpopwire · 7 months
media release: Trainees from BOYS PLANET Come Together to Debut as EVNNE
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EVNNE has made their debut with their first mini-album, [Target: ME]. With this release, the members showcase their various contrasting sides, including one that is ambitious and wild while the other is more relatable and boyish. By showing off their different charms, they aim to become the “target” of everyone’s attention.
The mini-album includes six new songs. Starting with the title track, “TROUBLE” which expresses the group’s wild passion for shaking up the world. “Role Model” has a reimagined West Coast hip-hop sound and talks about the passion idols have for becoming role models to each other. “Pretty Thing” is a hip-hop and synth-based song that describes the act of falling in love at first sight. “Your Text” is a groovy R&B track with acoustic sounds that dives into the hopeful feeling one gets when waiting to hear back from someone you love. Members JI YUNSEO and LEE JEONGHYEON participated in writing the lyrics for the track “JUKEBOX,” which sends an encouraging message about enjoying the moment, especially during times of struggle. The last song of the album, “Even More,” which members KEITA and JI YUNSEO participated in writing, is a medium-tempo synth-pop song and is EVNNE’s first fan song. It conveys their wish to engrave every moment spent together into their hearts.
Watch EVVNE “TROUBLE” MV here!
*photos courtesy of Jellyfish Entertainment
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mykpopwire · 7 months
interview: TRENDZ wants to share their passion and energy with FRIENDZ through their music
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After concluding the story from their [BLUE SET] series with their previous release, Blue Set Chapter. New Dayz, TRENDZ returns with their 3rd single album [STILL ON MY WAY]. TRENDZ shares more behind-the-scene stories about the album-making during a recent interview with global media outlets.
Q: How was the creation process for this comeback?
ra.L: I would say that the creation process of this album wasn't easy, but we are proud of the result that we achieved. During our hiatus, we had to work on the album while we were abroad in Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Japan. We trusted each other and communicated extensively to complete the lyrics for the album. We practiced the choreography thoroughly together to achieve a great end result.
YECHAN: The music video for the title track was centered around a concept of a movie club. It was something that we have never tried before, so the entire filming process was quite enjoyable as well.
Q: What has been the most difficult thing in preparing for this comeback, compared to your other comebacks?
YOONWOO: While preparing for our previous albums, we usually had good weather, though it could get a bit chilly at times. For this album, we filmed the music video during the summer, so I remember all the members struggling with the heat. However, the director and the staff were incredibly passionate, which motivated us to give our best performance on set. I believe this commitment helped enhance the overall quality of the final product.
YECHAN: Singing on this title track was a new experience for me. I was mostly responsible for the rap verses, so transitioning to a vocalist's role with different gestures was a bit challenging. To prepare, I studied references from other artists and observed how my fellow members handled it. I conducted my own research to make sure I could perform the role effectively.
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ra.L (left), YECHAN (right)
Q: Are there any little or subtle details in the music video or the songs that you hope your fans would notice, or would like to point out?
ra.L: In the "MY WAY" music video, the beach scene was a later addition. We filmed it ourselves using our cameras, and we're thankful that the director incorporated it during the editing process. The music video also includes nods to several movies. For example, HANKOOK recreated a scene with Gang Dong Won from "Romance of Their Own," while EUNIL and I reenacted the iconic traffic cone scene from "Her." Additionally, HAVIT and EUNIL brought to life a scene from a 007 movie. These cinematic references are scattered throughout the music video.
Q: How do you feel like you've grown as a group with this latest comeback?
LEON: While preparing for our performances, we used to invest a significant amount of time to get everything ready. However, for "MY WAY", we were able to efficiently prepare a high-quality performance in a relatively short period. Additionally, we put a lot of effort into studying the gestures that would help convey a sense of freedom in our performance. I think these are some areas that we improved on.
YOONWOO: I believe our group has matured significantly since our debut. For this album, which demanded us to convey a sense of dreaminess and youthful spirit, all the members dedicated themselves to rigorous practice. The outcome of our hard work is evident in our more mature and polished performances in this album.
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LEON (left), YEONWOO (right)
Q: "MY WAY" is a very positive and passionate song. Can you give us an example of how you professionally and personally have plans of doing it, your way?
EUNIL: Our journey as K-pop idols is, in itself, a testament to us following our unique path. We, who were once strangers, came together driven by a shared dream and created an album that's loved from many, a true miracle in its own right. Our collective pursuit of a common goal is a wonderful journey, and it represents the very essence of "my way" that we're pursuing.
Q: ra.L and YECHAN participated in writing "MY WAY". What is the message you want to tell FRIENDZ through the lyrics?
YECHAN: As the message of the album is very hopeful, urging the listeners to come with us, we aimed to convey a similar message in "MY WAY", expressing our determination to overcome any difficulties or barriers that stand in our way. Therefore, we focused on writing lyrics that are very hopeful and optimistic.
ra.L: To add, the essence of "MY WAY" is the determination to persist on our chosen path, undeterred by obstacles and challenges. So, we tried to convey the message that, despite the pain, our youthful spirit will help us triumph over any difficulties.
Q: Since you have finished the [BLUE SET] series and seem to go to new direction with [STILL ON MY WAY], was the approach for song-writing for these songs any different from previously?
YECHAN: While crafting the lyrics for this album, our primary emphasis was on fostering strong communication among the members. I engaged in extensive discussions with HANKOOK and ra.L, assessing which parts would complement the song best and determining the overall direction. We also provided feedback to one another after listening to the completed rap verses. We would also talk to the vocalists of the team, ensuring a collaborative effort to achieve the highest quality outcome.
ra.L: Additionally, [STILL ON MY WAY] served as the conclusion to the [BLUE SET] series, prompting us to showcase a more optimistic perspective on our vocal and rap capabilities. We aimed to convey positive energy through both the music and its lyrics. Consequently, we devoted significant time and effort to practice and excel in the lyrics-writing process.
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EUNIL (left), HANKOOK (right)
Q: Have you ever stumbled upon writer's block when writing the lyrics? When you encounter such troubles, how do you overcome them?
HANKOOK: I faced several instances of writer's block while crafting the lyrics for this album. It's a common challenge when aiming to create meaningful lyrics. Often, I found myself struggling to find the right words or expressions. There were nights when I dedicated myself to writing, only to encounter these blocks. In such moments, I didn't hesitate to pause and resume writing the next day. This break allowed my thoughts to refresh, and I often came up with better ideas when I returned to the lyrics. So, I wouldn't hesitate to call it a day when I got stuck.
Q: To all the new fans and listeners who wish to get to know more about TRENDZ, what is the best way for them to do so?
ra.L: Content featuring us is uploaded daily, providing an opportunity for you to discover each member's unique charms and appreciate the chemistry within the group. To truly experience TRENDZ, diving into this content is the best approach.
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Q: "MY WAY" is emotional and a motivational song. What is your message to your fans and listeners who are having a hard time right now?
HAVIT: In this album, we aimed to convey a sense of freedom and hopefulness that comes with youth. When you're facing difficult times, we hope our songs can provide you with the energy and solace you need. Likewise, when you're feeling great or dealing with worries, I hope our music can uplift you and inspire you to do better. We want to share our passion and energy with you through our music.
YOONWOO: This album encourages the idea that no matter what challenges life brings, if you keep moving forward, you can overcome them and achieve success. I hope our audience can resonate with this message and find strength and inspiration in our music, especially during difficult times.
Thank you Global H and Helix Publicity for the invitation.
Watch TRENDZ ‘MY WAY’ MV here!
*photos courtesy of Global H
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mykpopwire · 9 months
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Excitement fills the air as Korean heartthrob KIM SEON HO prepares to make his way to KUALA LUMPUR for his highly anticipated fan meeting, the 2023 KIM SEON HO ASIA TOUR in KUALA LUMPUR <ONE, TWO, THREE. SMILE> powered by PULP Live World and Happee Hour, happening on August 18, 2023, 8PM at the MEGA STAR ARENA.
KIM SEON HO, a name that has become synonymous with talent and charm, has taken the Korean entertainment industry by storm. With his magnetic presence, versatile acting skills, and undeniable charm, KIM SEON HO has emerged as one of the most beloved and sought-after actors in recent years.
KIM SEON HO made his acting debut in the drama series Good Manager (2017), cementing his reputation as a versatile actor capable of both comedic and dramatic roles. He also appeared in the fourth season of the Korean variety show 2 Days & 1 Night (2019), where he won ‘Rookie of the Year’ at the 2020 KBS Entertainment Awards. He afterwards starred in numerous notable dramas and series, one of these is Start-Up (2020) which marked his breakthrough role, earning him widespread recognition and a massive fan following.
His performance in Start-Up was recognized by various award-giving bodies. He was nominated for a Supporting Actor for TV award, and won Most Popular Actor at the 57th Baeksang Arts Awards and Best Emotive at the 2020 Asia Artist Awards. KIM SEON HO is also known for his lead role as ‘Hong Du Sik’ in the hit series Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha (2021). This drama became one of the highest-rated series on television, and he was named ‘Gallup Korea's Television Actor of the Year’ for his role as Chief Hong.
KIM SEON HO’s rise to stardom has been accompanied by an ever-growing fan base both in South Korea and internationally. His infectious smile, warm personality, and humble demeanor have made him a favorite among fans of all ages. And this year, he is set to embark on an exciting fan meeting tour across Asia which includes Kuala Lumpur as one of his tour stops.
The 2023 KIM SEON HO ASIA TOUR in KUALA LUMPUR <ONE, TWO, THREE. SMILE> this August 18th, 2023, 8PM at the MEGA STAR ARENA is an opportunity for KL Seonhohada to witness his charm, wit, talent, and genuine connection firsthand. To all Seonhohada in Kuala Lumpur, brace yourselves for a romantic Friday filled with laughter, joy, and precious moments with our good boy, KIM SEON HO!
This show is proudly brought to you by SALT Entertainment, APLANET Entertainment, ACO Media, and Philippines’ Live Show giant and K-Pop Concert Pioneer, PULP Live World and Happee Hour.
For show updates, please stay tuned on our social media accounts, PULP Live World on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and visit our website.
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*photo courtesy of PULP Live World
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mykpopwire · 9 months
MY K-POP WIRE at live: iKON heats up Axiata Arena with their fiery performances
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July 22nd, 5 years since their last visit and iKON is finally back in town to meet Malaysian iKONIC for a very exhilarating and unforgettable night.
Kicking off the show with ‘Tantara’ and ‘Sinosijak’, ‘2023 iKON World Tour TAKE OFF in Kuala Lumpur’ lasted for about 3 hours with a total of 25 songs including the encore stage. Setting off the night with unparalleled energy and captivating performances, iKON showcased their immense musical prowess, leaving iKONIC in awe and on the edge of their seats throughout the entire show.
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Filling the entire Axiata Arena with a mesmerizing red KONfire ocean throughout the show, iKONIC once again proved their devotion and unwavering support and love towards iKON. iKONIC also prepared a special video message which in return the members expressed their genuine gratitude.
Getting noticed by a K-Pop idol during a concert has been a dream for every fan and guess the night was truly a lucky day for fanboys as they got noticed by Bobby. DK interacted with the fanboys while Bobby invited one fanboy to sing with him. Dreams do come true!
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The ‘2023 iKON World Tour TAKE OFF in Kuala Lumpur’ marks an important milestone for iKON, as it is their first global concert tour since transferring to their new home, 143 Entertainment. Despite the absence of Jay, who went to fulfill his national duty 2 days prior to the concert day, iKON showed off their exceptional performance skills and was profoundly moved by the overwhelming response from iKONIC, acknowledging them as the driving force behind their unity and resilience.   
We at MY K-POP WIRE hope that all iKONIC had a great time during the concert and for iKON to come again to Malaysia.
P.S. iKON also hinted us on an upcoming comeback tracks, soon!
​​*Thank you My Events International and Jojo Events for the invitation 
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mykpopwire · 10 months
media release: ZEROBASEONE releasing the first mini album ‘YOUTH IN THE SHADE’
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The group that is setting multiple new records in the K-Pop industry prior to the official debut, ZEROBASEONE (SUNG HAN BIN, KIM JI WOONG, ZHANG HAO, SEOK MATTHEW, KIM TAE RAE, RICKY, KIM GYU VIN, PARK GUN WOOK, HAN YU JIN), is making its official debut on July 10th with the first mini album ‘YOUTH IN THE SHADE.’
With their first mini album ‘YOUTH IN THE SHADE’, ZEROBASEONE sings the beauty of shining youth and its unstable side. ZEROBASEONE is planning to share the nine boys’ own story, including accepting the current moment right before their debut and giving their best, showing ambition to the top, and promising their future that they will design with their fans, through various genres of music and performance.
*photo courtesy of WAKEONE Entertainment and CJ ENM
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Connect with ZEROBASEONE (ZB1)!
Twitter: @ZB1_official
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mykpopwire · 1 year
MKW hidden gem: Getting to know KOYO, a hidden gem in K-music world, who is loved for her delicate and warm vocals and refreshing energy.
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Instagram: highseason.official & 10zzini07
YouTube: high seAson
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