#finally made a mobile friendly masterlist
lutiaslayton · 1 year
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Hello everybody! This playthrough is finally starting, and with it goes my sanity. I am playing on DS (French version but you will probably never see photos of it), mobile (UK version, I might sometimes give screenshots), and emulator for the Japanese “Friendly” version, of which I will provide the most footage.
The “Friendly” version is a re-release of the first DS games which added the furigana to the text, made all weekly puzzles available from the start instead of locking them out as downloadable content, and perhaps had a few other features I am not aware of. I only realised once I reached the title screen that this was not technically the original, but oh well. When I compared the DS, non-“Friendly” version of London Holiday with its mobile re-release version, the differences were completely anecdotic (the kanji 言 replaced with its hiragana spelling twice, and hint coins being renamed from ヒントメダル to ひらめきコイン, their current name); so I hope that the differences will be just as minor, because I unfortunately do not have the means currently to check them.
Major disclaimer:
I DO NOT SPEAK JAPANESE. KEEP THAT IN MIND. All my conclusions are based on what little stuff I know here and there about the language, but I am not at all a reliable reference in the subject. If you can speak Japanese, then please do feel free to correct me anytime, add details I forgot, etc. Thank you!
Important Note:
In the Japanese version, puzzles are consistently referred to as 「ナゾ」 (pronounced “nazo”), while 「ナゾトキ」 (pronounced “nazotoki”) will usually refer to the act of solving such a puzzle. Both expressions are written in katakana, which is in Japanese a way to emphasise words (kind of like italics, if you will). Normally, you would expect to find both expressions written as 「謎」 and 「謎解き」, but the fact that they are written in katakana instead will be interpreted here as “the characters are talking about something similar, but distinct from the original meaning of these expressions.” In other words, not all puzzles are the same, and a distinction must be made between simple riddles or mysteries, and 𝓹𝓾𝔃𝔃𝓵𝓮𝓼™.
I will try to consistently translate 「ナゾ」 as “puzzle” all throughout, and will use any other word if the Japanese version did not use this specific magic word (e.g. if the Japanese version uses the regular spelling 「謎」 instead of the katakana spelling). Therefore, when characters use the word 「ナゾ」, I will consider that they are talking about something far more specific than simply a “mystery.”
Why do I emphasise on such a nitpick? Because a big part of this lore analysis… is to try to define what a “puzzle” even is to begin with.
In this post and the future ones, if you find screenshots which have coloured text, the rule is basically this: red if it’s a “puzzle”, blue if it has a similar meaning but is not the same type of “puzzle” as the one we are most interested in.
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Anyway. Digression aside, let’s get started!
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HD Version only: The Extra Cutscene
I don’t have all that many things to say about it, since you can watch it on Youtube just fine and the Japanese version doesn’t have much to say that the English translations don’t say as well. Still, just a few things:
Layton has packed a very small suitcase, while Luke has filled the trunk of the Laytonmobile to the brim. Could it be that after Last Specter, Miracle Mask and especially Azran Legacy, Luke is expecting to have yet another long journey? After all, it is just around the very beginning of August, so he’s probably on summer vacations (and that is assuming he isn’t homeschooled anyway during the rest of the time; he definitely was during the time they were travelling around the world in the Bostonius).
Layton, on the other hand, does not seem to expect to stay in St. Mystere for long; but then again, we are talking about the man who, about three years earlier, went off to Misthallery without even packing anything and ended up having to stay there for a few days. (Speaking of… neither did Emmy, for that matter.)
Also, I could analyse the fact that in order to reach St. Mystere, they crossed the Thames, and that thanks to Diabolical Box, we know the approximate location of Gressenheller within London (~9 Earlham St., Westminster); however, I will not do that, because DearestHershel already made a video entirely dedicated to locating St. Mystere using these exact points and others, and I do not disagree with his conclusions.
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Letter from Luke to the Player
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🇯🇵 親愛なる友人{プレーヤー} へ 🗺️ To my dear friend, {Player}, 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 To my dear friend, {Player},
🇯🇵 ボクたちが、あの日、あの町で体験したことは、誰にもいえない秘密になってしまったんだ。なぜなら、これは… 🗺️ What we experienced that day in that town has become a secret that we can’t tell anyone. This is because… 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 The things we saw that day in the village became a secret we would have to keep from everyone for the rest of our lives. Because, you see…
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Nerd talk aside, I would personally consider this letter to not be canon in-universe, notably because Luke specifically states that he will never divulge the secret of St. Mystere… only to proceed to do exactly that in his letter. Also because of the fact that this letter being canon would imply that someone sharing the Player’s name exists in the Laytonverse and that Luke knows them well enough to want to share details of his cases to them, including this one.
Whether you decide to make your personal self-insert character canon or not, this still raises the question of just how many people are aware of what transpired in St. Mystere. Layton and Luke seemingly decided to not tell anything to anyone at all in order to protect Flora; Bruno and the inhabitants of St. Mystere have been aware of pretty much everything for years (perhaps less so in the case of the robots) and will keep doing their thing; and Don Paolo is quite unlikely to tell anyone either due to the fact that pretty much every plan he had for the town, its treasure, and its robots, ended in failure (and also, depending on how we interpret his character, he would also keep the secret for Flora’s sake).
And yet, there is something that has been bothering me for many years…
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あれから数か月になりますが、教授、お元気ですか? 一緒に仕事をしている仲間からレイトン教授が遺産相続騒動を解決したという話を耳にして思わず手紙を書いてしまいました。
タージェントから世界を救ったあのレイトン教授が単なる遺産相続のナゾトキの依頼を 引き受けるなんて。 まさか…と思いましたが、ナゾには目がない教授ですし、きっと知的好奇心を刺激される不思議な出来事だったんでしょうね。
Dear Professor Layton,
It’s already been months since then, hasn’t it? I hope you’re well. When I heard from my colleagues that Professor Layton had resolved an inheritance dispute, I couldn’t help but write a letter.
I couldn’t believe that the same Professor Layton who saved the world from Targent accepted the simple request of solving an inheritance puzzle! But since you always have a penchant for puzzles, it must have been a curious case and quite the intellectual workout.
This letter was written by Emmy Altava and was revealed in the Japan-exclusive Azran Legacy art book (For the translation, I borrowed the one made by @the-azran-legacies​ for the general style, but took the liberty of altering a few words when I felt like their translation was deviating a bit too much from the original text). Needless to say… If only at first glance, this is an issue. Not only did Emmy hear of the case, but she also heard of it from her journalist coworkers? Well, then again: perhaps what should be said here was that Layton did indeed talk about the case to the media (reluctantly so), but left it at “We solved an inheritance dispute in a remote village, it was boring, nothing to see here.” And perhaps the reason Emmy heard of it from her coworkers was either because Layton had not solved a single case between AL and CV, or because this case was simply a “really, there is nothing to see here, I promise” and some journalists are not buying it.
PS: Wild ass theory. In the original trilogy, Luke isn’t writing his letters to “the player.” He’s writing them to Emmy. And in the case of Curious Village, Emmy received Luke’s letter some time after she sent Layton her own. After all, did you know that while CV, DB and UF all start with Luke writing a letter to someone, there is not a single letter to the player in the prequel trilogy games? In fact, perhaps we could even theorise that Luke only got Emmy’s address thanks precisely to the letter she sent to Layton? And he decided to write her a letter explaining her the whole story after he finally got news from her?
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Cutscene #01
There is not much to say about the cutscene itself, apart from the fact that the country road they are taking leads to absolutely nowhere else (which is precisely what Puzzle #001 is about), and that aside from said narrow country road, there is not a single human-made element around them for miles. My 2018 past self had already emphasised on that, but St. Mystere is consistently described as being particularly isolated and secluded (due to the fact that it has only one exit, and that the crank being stolen later will close that only exit).
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The Car Scene
Phew! We finally made it past the, um… first two lines of dialogue in the game after the mobile cutscene. Wow. This is going to be a long ride, isn’t it.
I will not give the entirety of the dialogue, but I will show the parts that caught my attention:
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🇯🇵 …2ヶ月前、資産家、アレン・ラインフォード氏が亡くなった。 🗺️ …Two months ago, the wealthy Allen Rhineford passed away. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Two months ago, Baron Augustus Reinhold passed away. 🇯🇵 その後、彼の遺言状が開示されたが、そこには、実に興味深い内容が記されていた。 🗺️ Later, his will was disclosed, and it contained some really interesting details. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Shortly after his death, his will was disclosed. The contents of it were fascinating, to say the least.
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Baron Augustus Reinhold is actually named Allen Rhineford in the Japanese version, according to the romanised version of アレン・ラインフォード. Also, it is to be noted that the Japanese version does not seem to refer to him as a baron, at least not yet.
(EDIT: I mistakenly wrote it as Lineford, thinking that there was no official romanised version; however, there actually is one, and it is indeed Rhineford, not Lineford. The source is this Japanese wikipedia page, which gives the romanised names of the characters according to the Japanese version. My bad!)
He died two months earlier; or rather, his death was publicly announced two months earlier, as we will learn much later. Either case, the event Layton refers to took place more or less two months before the day they arrive in St. Mystere, which means that this would have happened around the end of May/beginning of June 1963.
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🇯🇵 …我が一族の家宝、「黄金の果実」をこの町のどこかに隠してある。 🗺️ …My family's heirloom, the "Golden Fruit," is hidden somewhere in this town. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 "The Reinhold family treasure, the Golden Apple, is hidden somewhere within this village. 🇯🇵 「黄金の果実」を探しあてた者に、私が所有するすべての遺産を相続させる… 🗺️ Whoever finds the "Golden Fruit" will inherit all of my property… 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 To whomever successfully locates this treasure, I offer the whole of my estate."
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Fun fact: the original Japanese version refers to the Golden Apple as 「黄金の果実」, meaning Golden Fruit, rather than specifically an apple.
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🇯🇵 遺言の内容を知った一族の者たちは、その「黄金の果実」を、先を争うように探した。 🗺️ The members of the family, who knew the contents of the will, scrambled to find the "golden fruit". 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Naturally, those who attended the reading of the will immediately set out in search of the Golden Apple. 🇯🇵 しかし、結局、誰も見つけることはできなかった。 🗺️ However, in the end, no one was able to find it. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 But in the end, everybody came back empty handed. 🇯🇵 そもそも、そんな家宝があったなんてことを誰ひとり聞いたことがなかったという。 🗺️ In the first place, no one had ever heard of such a family heirloom. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 It turns out that no one had even heard of such a treasure existing until its mention in the will.
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The Japanese version specifies “family members,” while the English translation is more general—which could have implied that other unrelated people might have been present during the reading of the will (or at least, that is how I have interpreted it for years). It is a nitpick, since we are probably few to imagine that people from outside St. Mystere would have actually been present during the reading, if you think about it hard enough. But it is interesting to note that Layton is thus more or less saying here that the only people who bothered searching for the Golden Apple were the family members themselves, and that there is no clear mention of other outsiders coming to look for it.
If no outsider aside from Layton was warned, then this raises the question of just how Don Paolo came to hear about it in the first place… Current hypothesis is that he is stalking Layton and perhaps even reading his mail, simply put. There are dubious ways to read letters without opening them.
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Did you notice that the scenery changes after Layton is finished explaining the basics of the case? It seems like the country road led them to go through a forest dense enough to block some of the sunlight. After Luke solves the puzzle, the background goes back to the brighter scenery.
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🇯🇵 ああ。彼は莫大な財産をかけて、生涯最後のナゾを仕掛けたというわけだ。一体、何が目的なのかもわからない。 🗺️ Yes. He set up the last puzzle of his life with his vast fortune. I don't even know what the purpose is. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Quite. Augustus Reinhold staked his entire fortune just to create one more puzzle before his death.
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Hey, would you look at that! ナゾ has been said in a dubious context, you know what this means. Take a shot everybody (I’m joking. Please don’t. Tea is amazing but there are health issues related to drinking too much of it).
Joke aside, there is something else to note: depending on how the sentence is read (I do hope someone who can speak Japanese could help clarify), Layton might be either saying that the baron staked his fortune on that “last puzzle,” or that he used said fortune to set up the puzzle in question—or, most likely, both, given the fact that we have another case of “ok perhaps this isn’t magic but you literally have to be the richest person on Earth to pull this off” on our hands.
Additionally, in the Japanese version exclusively, Layton has this additional line: “I don’t even know what the purpose [behind the treasure hunt] is.” This line was most likely removed from the translations due to the lack of space.
In fact, there was another instance in which the translations had no choice but to add another dialogue box and split Luke’s dialogue in two! This happened in this case:
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🇯🇵 確かに先生とは気が合いそうですね。ところで、「黄金の果実」っていったい何なのでしょうか? 🗺️ I’m sure he would have gotten along with you. By the way, what exactly is the “golden fruit”? [1|2] 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 It certainly sounds like you two would’ve gotten along, Professor! [2|2] 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 By the way, just what is this Golden Apple anyhow?
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To be honest, I believe that splitting this dialogue into two different dialogue boxes makes more sense, since they are two vastly different sentences and lack a clear transition.
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🇯🇵 宝石なのか、骨董品なのか、それもまたナゾだよ。実に興味深い。 🗺️ Is it a jewel or an antique, that is also a puzzle. Really interesting. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Some speculate it's a rare antique, while others say it could be a gem, yet its identity remains elusive. 🇯🇵 だけど、ルーク、私はこの一件に、他にも何かとてつもない秘密が隠されているような気がしてならないんだ。 🗺️ But, Luke, I can't help but feel that there are some other great secrets hidden in this case. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 But, Luke, I can't shake the feeling that this matter is linked to some larger mystery. Something huge.
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So, have you noticed? The English translations have failed to account for the fact that Layton used the magic word in order to describe the nature of the Golden Apple. Just thought I would let you know, it would be a shame to forget to take a shot :p
Oh, and speaking of removing an important “puzzle” magic word through the translation, we have another one just a bit ahead:
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🇯🇵 このナゾトキをラインフォード夫人に依頼されただけさ。 🗺️ I was commissionned by Mrs. Rhineford to do this puzzle solving. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Augustus Reinhold's wife, Lady Dahlia, has asked me to investigate the situation.
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Anyway. Layton “can’t shake the feeling” that there is a lot more to the Golden Apple puzzle than a simple treasure hunt. But what could possibly lead him to this feeling? Well… the fact that St. Mystere is so isolated, that the Golden Apple would be an heirloom whose existence is unknown to the members of the family which is supposed to own it, even the fact that Lady Dahlia Reinhold would contact him specifically, perhaps… are some ever so slightly peculiar details, I suppose. Not to mention, perhaps, one thing related to the map puzzle, depending on how the puzzle lore goes. All this is not necessarily enough to truly raise the red flags just yet, but enough to spark some curiosity and suspicion.
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🇯🇵 先生、なんだかはりきってますね。考古学者でありながら、どんなナゾでも解決する名探偵、 🗺️ Professor, I'm kind of excited. The great detective who can solve any puzzle while being an archaeologist, 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 This is all so exciting! 🇯🇵 エルシャール・レイトン、さっそく現場へ急行ってわけですね! 🗺️ Hershel Layton, rushed to the scene immediately! 🇺🇸 I hope St. Mystere is ready for the famous archeologist and puzzle-solving detective, Hershel Layton! 🇬🇧 I hope St Mystere is ready for the famous archaeologist and puzzle-solving detective, Hershel Layton!
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Come on, Luke, you have seen much harder puzzles than this. Though, if I were to open a map and see this blatantly not-to-scale drawing instead, I too would have at least a little moment of surprise.
So… This is when the crazy talk really starts getting in. What are your thoughts? Luke is evidently shocked just at the mere sight of it, so I fear that the Doylist explanation “Luke actually is holding a regular map, it’s just that the players are shown the puzzle instead” seems out of the table. Somehow, Luke is able to take this paper, solve the puzzle on it, and deduce from this drawing real life directions for what is for him, currently, the middle of nowhere.
Strange, really strange… It is almost as if the drawing itself were less the key to figuring out the real life directions to take, and rather a gatekeep preventing whoever looks at it from accessing the true map until the puzzle is solved.
Hm? Ah, don’t mind me, I was just rambling. I have not seen enough evidence in this particular instance yet, so the hypothesis that Luke would be surprised less by the fact of seeing a puzzle, and more by the fact that he would find a puzzle that would do Lady Dahlia’s bidding, is at this stage baseless conjecture. I will just keep this little bit of speculation in the back of my mind and see if more evidence to confirm it shows up later, under similar but different circumstances. (Spoiler alert: it does happen regarding the puzzle lore, and it is even crazier than I expected.)
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🇯🇵 その地図を解読しないと町には着けないらしい。 🗺️ It seems that you can't get to the town without deciphering this map. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Lady Dahlia seems to have given us a test. We'll need to decipher this map in order to find the village. 🇯🇵 どうやら夫人は、私を試すつもりのようだ。 🗺️ It seems that she is going to test me. 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 She wants to see if we're capable of cracking the mystery surrounding the Reinhold fortune. 🇯🇵 私が遺産の謎を解ける人物かどうか…君はどう思う? ルーク。 🗺️ I wonder if I'm the one who can solve the mystery of the inheritance... What do you think, Luke? 🇺🇸/🇬🇧 Care to give it a go, Luke?
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Um. Ahem. Excuse me? That last sentence is quite intriguing, all the more so since it could have used the puzzle magic word, but decided to go with the regular kanji spelling instead. Funny how it was not translated at all in the English versions… I can imagine why, but that is still surprising. This sort of reminds me of the cryptic sentences Layton will sometimes say in the prequel trilogy for no reason other than to sound cool and cryptic.
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Anyway. We FINALLY reached the first puzzle! Yayyyyy… oh, dear.
So, uh… You know what? I think I will leave the actual puzzle for another time. This post has already been WAY longer than I anticipated and I am exhausted x’D I would rather go back to it with a clearer mind rather than rush it.
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And that is all! Just getting to the first puzzle has been quite the adventure, and trying to keep track of so many languages at once made things even worse. To be honest, in the future I will probably drop all languages other than Japanese and US + UK, including dropping French despite the fact that it is my mother language, because searching through the files is not a short task… and because I did not even get to show them here at all anyway, so this was pretty much extra work for nothing.
I guess I will go back to them one day if I ever make my archiving work public, but that will be the question for another time. For now, the website I made for CV is for local use only, because uploading it and its assets would be quite the hassle (not to mention “arguably illegal…?” I have no idea here).
In either case, the Italian, Spanish and German versions are certain to be dropped when I will move to other games. The European version of Curious Village contains the data for all languages at once, but starting from Diabolical Box onwards, this will no longer be the case; so unless I were to get the roms for all EU languages each time, I wouldn’t be able to do the datamining if I wanted to.
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Still, speaking of languages! There is one last thing I would like to share, and that is a thorough comparison between the US and UK versions. Here goes!
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The differences are either nonexistent or subtle most of the time, but as we can see, there are a few differences still. So… Should I refer to the US and UK versions as two different languages? One language and a half? Eh. Who knows. I have been treating them as two entirely separate languages so far, just to be thorough.
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poisonous-honey · 5 months
Hello hello! I deleted some of my other blogs and will slowly re-upload the fics and drabbles I made here. I hated having everything separated, this is just my attempt to make navigation less confusing for me. Also, so I can tag everything properly from the beginning lol
Website Master list/To Be Uploaded
Mobile Friendly Version under the cut (Work In Progress. Some links won't work I think, I just copy-pasted from my other page)
Masterlist - Word Wall
Hello! You found the word wall :) I’m using this as both a master list to stay organized and to keep track of what I haven’t finished yet.
If there’s no link, it hasn’t been uploaded. If you can’t find it, it might be in a collection page. If it’s neither then send an ask, I forgot lmao.
Honestly assume it’s SAGAU unless stated otherwise
3.3 Tier List Mayhem
Scaramouche- I guess you should say Wanderer, has finally been released, and you’ve used him all week. After you’ve basically drowned yourself in content surrounding him after the Sumeru Interlude Quest you feel an update to your tier list is in order
36-Stars Of Jealousy
After a year worth of grinding you’ve finally conquered it, but at the cost of Venti’s exclusion. He should be happy for you, but can’t break away from his seething jealousy and sadness.
Cats On Crack (Collection)
Luck never seems to be on your side. You always seem to end up helping other unlucky souls on their own journey, as if fate itself thought it was your job to be a substitute guardian angel. Maybe that’s why you find yourself standing in front of a group of cats protecting one of their injured. It doesn’t matter if it’s Lady Luck or the Goddess of Fate condemning you to this role, but you hope they step on a Lego Brick. (Not SAGAU)
The Cruel Act Of Breaking The World
They try their hardest to keep you entertained. To keep you within their realm of ones and zeros, so your immersion doesn’t fall, and their mind doesn’t shatter. They know their walls are fake and lives are merely code, but that doesn’t make seeing the out-of-bounds any less harsh.
Fontaine Is Committing Childe Slander FR
Childe’s treatment in the Fontaine Archon Quests puts you in a terrible mood
Garden Of Eden
The world has ended and there was nothing they could do about it. Xiao and Aether share a quiet moment in a sea of flowers. (God Reader || Not SAGAU || Reader Isn't Even Physically Present In It)
Genshin Is Crossing Over (Collection)
Where all the crossover fics are kept (i.e. The Venti Parable, Does Having Animal Ears Make You A Pokémon etc.)
Genshin Incorrect Quotes (Collection)
Silly and crack. Basically what the title says.
In The Abyss We Learn To Worship
Why does Childe seem to be your most devoted acolyte, even surpassing that of the Archons? (KINDA CULT AU (ALSO OLD))
Irodori Festival
Little blob!
Just Unbuilt, Or Am I Unwanted?
As you try to improve Xiao’s build for the 100th time, some of the others finally lose their patience
Losing Your 50/50
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An ask by Coldbarbarianpeace!
Nahida’s Precious Tailor
The little lord of Sumeru calls upon your aid as she wishes for a wardrobe change.
Naming Wanderer Something Silly
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An ask by Anonymous!
SAGAU Darling That’s Been To Other Games
What if for the SAGAU Darling doesn’t end up in Genshin first, but in a different game. Or maybe they were in multiple different games before they landed in Genshin. (HAS IMPOSTER AU IN IT (AND OLD))
Skipping Dialogue
What do the characters do when they find out you’re not paying attention?
Soul Crushing Guilt
The Knowledge That You’ve Been Controlling Real People With Thoughts And Feelings Has You At A Loss
Twins In SAGAU
For the self-aware Genshin AU there have been some slices where Darling has a twin and the twin either isn’t respected as much or in the villain au they’re treated as the imposter. That’s cool and all, but what if the twin worked for Mihoyo (OLD)
Why Are Their Designs So Complicated???
You thought Kaveh would be an easier character to draw. At a glance, his outfit is much simpler than a majority of the casts, so you thought he’d be a safe pick for fanart. How wrong you were.
Honkai Star Rail
Losing Your 50/50
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An ask by Coldbarbarianpeace!
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donald4spiderman · 2 years
peter isn’t sure if you have a crush on him and it’s driving him insane. cue a whole lot of advice seeking, elaborate plans, and confusing romance.
mcu!peter x avenger!fem!reader
tw: mutual pining, kissing, sexual innuendos, crack because the rest of the avengers are there so obviously everyone is crazy, also this is not proofread sorry not sorry
a/n: if anyone could word count this for me pls comment it below. i am curious to know . i wrote this on the mobile app so i can’t do it. PLEASE REBLOG
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TWO YEARS AGO, WHEN TONY STARK RECRUITED YOU TO JOIN THE AVENGERS, Peter assumed not much in his life would change. He and the rest of the avengers were looking forward to having a new super-hero friend to fight evil alongside, but that’s about it. He was familiar with your success as the (somewhat controversial) vigilante named Slayer—with enhanced fighting abilities, super strength, and physical resistance to weapons. But nothing, and Peter means nothing, could’ve prepared him for meeting you person-to-person.
He remembers his first interaction with you with perfect clarity, mostly because of how utterly embarrassing it was for him. Peter has attempted to forget every detail about his horrible first impression, but it remains burned into the forefront of his mind.
The Avengers awaited your arrival impatiently, crowded near the main elevator. Tony alerted everyone that the you were headed up to meet everyone. Peter was really excited, but decided to linger behind Natasha and Wanda. He heard the ding of the elevator and the doors sliding open, but couldn’t see you over Thor and Steve as you entered the compound.
“Everyone,” Mr. Stark announced, “This is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), a.k.a Slayer.”
“Hey, guys.” you greeted. “It’s so amazing to meet all of you in person. I’m so excited to be joining The Avengers.”
Steve and Bucky were the first to welcome you. Peter could only imagine the flashy smirks and dazzling charm they were entertaining you with.
“Steve Rodgers, Captain America.”
“Bucks Barnes, Winter Soldier.”
You shook both of their hands firmly, sizing them up. “Pleasure to meet you.”
Next was Sam, who was much more friendly, offering you a hug, which you reluctantly accepted. Thor was kind and courteous, shaking your hands as well. Then, Natasha and Wanda approached you, and your smile widened, relieved to be in the company of the female avengers. Both the girls gave you hugs and compliments on your outfit.
“This is so crazy!” you gushed to the girls, “I’m so excited to be working with you two!”
“We’re beyond excited,” Wanda smiled. “We’ve always complained that there’s way too many guys living here.”
“Hey!” Bucky protested. You all laughed.
Finally, it was Peter’s turn to say hi. He was already nervous at the mere though of having to introduce himself to someone. But now that the rest of the team cleared to the side, he could see your face clearly, and suddenly, his brain stopped functioning.
Your eyes dazzled beneath the dim light of the compound, lips curled into a welcoming grin. Your hair was stunning, yet effortless. The few photos he’s seen if you in actions in the tabloids didn’t do you justice. Everything about you appeared confident, assertive, and experienced, despite you being around Peter’s age—it made him feel even more inadequate in comparison. Your strong frame was only highlighted by your classic, metallic blue suit. He couldn’t tear eyes away from you.
“Hi. I’m (Y/N),” you stuck your hand out in front of Peter, who was frozen in place, “it’s so cool to meet the real Spider-Man. I’ve always been a big fan.”
“Y-yeah,” Peter agreed in a panic, “me too!”
He heard faint chuckles (most likely from Bucky and Sam) from behind him. You giggled too, raising an inquisitive eyebrow. “You’re a big fan of yourself?”
His jaw dropped. “H-huh? W-what? No?! I just meant-I’m not-“
You interrupted his sputtering, placing a calming hand on his shoulder. “Relax, I’m just giving you a hard time, Spider-Man.”
“Peter,” he mumbled quietly, completely humiliated and somewhat defeated, “it’s Peter Parker.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Peter Parker,” you smirked, dragging your hand down his arm until it rested at your side.
“Alright!” Mr. Stark interrupted the awkward interaction, clapping his hands together. “Thank god whatever that was is finally over. Let me show you to your suite, (Y/N).”
You nodded towards Tony, turning back to smirk at Peter, “See you later.”
“S-see you, uhm, later,” he stammered, watching you walk away until you disappeared around the corner.
He could feel everyone else’s eyes on him, stifling their laughter until you were far enough away not to hear.
“What was that?!” Steve howled, cackling so hard he was gasping for air. “Have you never talked to a woman before?”
“Shut up,” Peter muttered under his breath.
“Zip it, boys,” Wanda ordered, rolling her eyes at them as they laughed, “she seemed to like him.”
“Yeah,” Natasha agreed, “I think (Y/N) was flirting with him.”
Peter’s face perked up at Natasha’s observation. We’re you really flirting with him? Is that how people flirt?
“No way,” Sam declared, “have y’all seen her? No offense, Parker, but she’s a total bombshell.”
“Like you know anything about women,” Wanda snarled, focused on comforting Peter.
He groaned dejectedly, face falling into his palms, “I really don’t know what happened! I just...shut down? I’m awkward, but i’ve never been that awkward! Oh god...”
“Trust me,” Natasha consoled, “I’ve had interactions with men a thousand times worse than that. She won’t hold it against you. Plus, she seems into the whole dorky thing you got going on. You’ll be fine.”
Peter recalls his horrible first impression daily, but Natasha and Wanda ended up being right. After your first month being on the team and living at the compound, you seemed to forget about Peter’s mishap. In fact, you approached him constantly, asking him to play games or hang out with you. Thanks to your efforts, Peter grew more comfortable around you, and the two of you became best friends.
Being best friends with you doesn’t change the fact that he’s still incredibly entranced by both your beauty and personality to the point where he makes a total fool out of himself. It doesn’t help that you have a spunky attitude, often flirting with him to make him flustered. In the two years he’s known you, Peter hasn’t been figured out if you’re into him, or just messing with him.
It’s Saturday, which means it’s “(Y/N) and Peter’s Movie Night” as you so affectionately call it. Every Saturday night, you and Peter cuddled up on the couch in one of the many living rooms with popcorn, a dozen blankets, and tissues (hey, you liked to watch some depressing movies). It’s a nice and simple break from all the training and fighting the two of you do as Avengers. Plus, it’s uninterrupted one-on-one time for Peter to spend with you.
“Alrighty,” you exclaim, jumping to sit on the couch cushion adjacent to him, “what shall we watch?”
“It’s up to you,” Peter states. “It’s not like you really give me a choice.” The last part of his sentence was mumbled beneath his breath, but you still heard it, gasping with feigned irritation.
“I see how it is,” you glare, punching him playfully in the shoulder. “Fine. Since you have so many complaints, you can actually chose the movie this time.”
“Yes!” he triumphs, snatching the remote from you, unashamedly delighted, “we are watching Mean Girls!”
“Really? Not that I’m opposed to that choice, it’s just, I did not expect you to chose that movie.”
“Why? It’s a timeless classic. Name one other movie that has quotes so prevalent decades after its release.”
You pause for a moment. “Damn., I’m coming up empty. Alright, let’s hit it.”
Peter presses play, and as the visuals fade in, you snuggle up against his side, resting your head in the crook of his shoulder. He swings his arm around your torso, pulling you in close. You hum with content.
You’re so happy Peter chose to watch Mean Girls; you’d almost forgotten how insanely funny it is. Every other moment has the both laughing so hard you cry.
“You remind me of Karen,” you say, watching as Peter’s face contorts into an offended expression.
“Excuse me?” he shrieks. “You know I’m an actual genius, right?”
“Oh, don’t be so upset. Karen is totally the funniest.”
“But she’s dumb! I’m not dumb!”
“You sure about that?” you tease.
Peter pouts, “Whatever.”
“C’mon, smarty pants. At least she’s hot, just like you,” you nudge him in his ribs as he blushes.
“Stop it,” he grumbles, “stop teasing me.”
“I’m being serious! You’re a very good-looking dude,” you give him a pointed look, “say it—say that you’re hot.”
“N-no,” Peter stutters, thrown off by your steady stream of compliments, “I-I’m not.”
“I think you are, so say it. If you don’t I’ll beat you up, Peter Parker—swear to god.”
You think he’s hot?
“Fine!” he concedes, knowing that with your powers, you could very well win against him in a fight, “I’m...hot?”
“Say it like you mean it!”
Peter takes a deep breath in before shouting at the top of his lungs, “I’m hot!!!!”
You roll your eyes, tsk-ing him in a disappointed manner as you shake your head. “Wow, Parker. Way to be arrogant. So self centered.”
His face drops, “Oh my god. You are such an ass!”
“Can you blame me?” you ask, batting your lashes at him.
“N-no. Ugh, whatever,” he glances away, nervous under your stare, “let’s just get back to watching the movie.”
This is not an uncommon occurrence: you, flirting incessantly with Peter, who can’t do much besides sputter and blush profusely. It’s one of the factors that makes his friendship with you so confusing—he can never tell if your “platonic” actions teeter towards romantic.
It also doesn’t help that you flirt with him in front of the rest of The Avengers. And while, in theory, receiving compliments from a gorgeous girl should boost his social credit, it has the opposite effect on Peter. Not only is he teased by you, he’s also teased by the rest of his team, especially Steve, Bucky, and Sam.
For example, you have an obsession with complimenting his physique. If Peter ever wears a form fitting shirt—or no shirt at all—you’re quick to shower him with somewhat objectifying comments.
You sit atop the kitchen counter, legs dangling aimlessly as you converse with Sam and Bucky. Peter just finished his morning training, hair still damp from showering. Loosely fitted basketball shorts hang low on his hips, and the only item covering his torso is a towel slung over his shoulder.
“G’morning.” Peter yawns, fetching a mug from the cabinet.
You check him out shamelessly as he stretches his body out to reach the top, “Good morning, indeed,” you leer, smiling smuggly as Peter reveals a scattered rouge on his cheeks. “How was your workout?”
“G-good.” he replies, self conscious and suddenly aware of Sam and Bucky’s presence.
“Did you lift today?”
“Yeah. I did some sparring and technique with Natasha, then went to the gym after.”
You glance down at his biceps, “I can tell. You look extra vascular today.”
Sam snickers next to you, leaning in to Bucky as he observes you ogle Peter. “Vascular?!” he exclaims, “who the hell says vascular?”
“Me, Sam. I do,” you tut, “and it’s true. Working out increasing blood flow to the muscle which promotes size and vascularity.”
“Are we talking about biceps here—or a different kind of muscle, if you know what I mean,” he wiggles his eyebrows, humored by his own joke.
You roll your eyes, “Grow up, idiots. You just wished I complimented you as much as I do Peter.”
“True, true,” Sam admits, “but that doesn’t mean it’s not funny to watch Parker get so wound up when you talk to him.”
“Whatever,” you sigh, “I have training in a few. Bye, Peter. And I’ll see you two idiots in hell.”
The three boys watch you walk away, Sam and Bucky immediately jumping at the opportunity to make fun of Peter once you leave their sights.
“You can relax. You’re girlfriend isn’t here anymore,” Bucky scoffs.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Peter huffs, glaring at him.
“She sure acts like it.”
Sam nods in agreement, “Yeah. When will the two of you just get together so the rest of us don’t have to watch you make a fool of yourself?”
“We’re just really good friends!” he exclaims, utterly frustrated. “Stop trying to make our friendship something that it’s not.”
“So you really don’t have any sort of romantic feelings for (Y/N)?” Bucky interrogates.
Peter ponders for a moment, “N-no. I don’t....right?”
He’s always harbored certain, unique feelings for you since your friendship began to bloom. He could never exactly pinpoint what they were, but Peter knows he’s never had another friendship quite like this; he’s not exactly sure how he’s supposed to feel.
Bucky bursts out laughing, “Oh my god! This is so funny! You totally have a crush on (Y/N)!”
“Shhhhh!” Peter hisses.“Could you be any louder?”
“Yes. Yes, I could,” he remarks, “but back to what you just said: you like (Y/N)—you like Slayer!”
“I don’t know, okay?” Peter’s never been more exasperated in his life, “I guess I always thought that maybe we would be good together, I don’t know? I’ve never been in a relationship before and I don’t know how girls act when they like someone. Can you guys help me?”
“Wait, you want our help?” Sam asks, face resting in a satisfied smile.
“Yes? I just need help figuring this all out. A-and you guys definitely know more about dating and all that stuff than I do. Please?”
“Can we tell Steve, Wanda, and Natasha about this?”
“Fine,” Peter carps, “but don’t tell Mr. Stark. He he gets all weird and fatherly about this kind of stuff and I don’t want him worrying.”
“That won’t be an issue,” Sam smiles, “Tony already knows.”
With Natasha and Wanda on board, the boys essentially had direct intel into your deepest, darkest thoughts about Peter Parker. It was no secret that you were the closest with the girls (and Peter). Unfortunately, according to them, you had never mentioned anything out of the ordinary.
But, the two women were not satisfied by this. So, they crafted a plan to investigate further. It’s in the name of love, and all is fair is love and war, or whatever that stupid saying is.
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Natasha and Wanda whispering to each other. They periodically glance over at you, waving their hands in the air as they converse in secrecy.
Eventually, the pair approached you.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Wanda says, Natasha following closely behind. “How are you?”
“The same as when you saw me an hour ago. Why?” your lips press into a tight line, unnerved by their suspicious behavior.
She smiles nervously, “We just have a really important question to ask you.”
“What’s your dream guy?”
“—or girl!” Natasha adds.
“Dream guy or girl or person—whatever,” She corrects. “What would you say are your ideal qualities in a romantic partner.”
You shrug, “I don’t know? Genuine, nice, sort of dorky and shy. I don’t really have a type.”
The two girls exchange a knowing glance with one another. “Alright. So, I’m gonna give you a person who’s totally made up and not real, and you’re gonna tell me your honest opinion about them, ‘kay?”
You’re visibly confused by their abnormal behavior, but continue nonetheless. “This is a weird ass game, but I’ll play.”
“Perfect! Okay, so this person is very sweet, super kind to everyone and always afraid of messing things up. They’re very dorky—they love nerdy movies and hobbies. They’re also physically fit, but they don’t let their appearance inflate their ego. In fact, they can be a little insecure at times. They value loyalty and intelligence, but they struggle with communication.”
Wanda hopes she wasn’t too specific. After all, Peter is your best friend. You know him better than anyone.
“They sound cool, I guess,” you sigh, “I don’t know. I’m not really in the place to date anyone right now.”
Natasha nods, “Can I ask why?”
“I kind of have...a thing...for someone else. And it wouldn’t be fair for me to date anyone until I get over them.
The girls faces perked up, “Can we know—“
“No!” you exclaim, “I will not tell you who. Okay. Bye.” you scramble out of the room, itching to get away from their incessant questioning.
“Bye, (Y/N)....” Wanda sighs, disappointed she didn’t succeed.
“So, none of us have gotten anywhere in our mission to help Peter,” Natasha huffs, stirring her cereal across the table from Steve. “I mean, we’ve tried everything. It’s been three weeks and we can’t crack her. Poor Peter.”
Steve nods his head slowly, “Let me help.”
“You wanna help? Really?”
“Yeah, why not?” he beams. “I like the kid. Plus, I’ve been a little bored recently.”
“You have any good ideas?”
Steve grins, “I do. In fact, I have a plan that just might work.”
“(Y/N)!” Steve greets you in the main living room, “are you free this Saturday?”
“Why?” you question, “you planning on killing me?”
“What? No! Just-ugh-are you free? Yes or No.”
“I think I’m free,” you say, unsure of where the conversation is going.
Steve smiles, “Perfect! You’re going on a date!”
You expression shifts. “No offense, Cap, but I don’t really see you like that and—“
“Not with me!!!” he exclaims, “I’m setting you up on a blind date. His name is Spencer. He’s an FBI agent and he’s in town for a few weeks. He’s super frickin’ smart—one of the smartest people I know. He’s six foot two with curly brown hair. I told him about you and wants to have dinner at the bistro by 5th avenue. Will you go?”
You thought to yourself for a moment, “You know what? Sure. I’ll go. He sounds nice.”
“Perfect.” Steve chuckled mischievously. “I-uh-I mean...perfect! I’ll text to let him know.”
“So,” you whip your head around to find Natasha stalking around the corner, “you’re going on a date?”
“I guess,” you shrug.
“What about the unnamed person you’re still in love with?”
“It’s not going anywhere—I don’t think it ever will. Might as well have fun and put myself out there. Plus, if the date goes bad and he’s horrible, I won’t feel bad about being a hellish nightmare and fighting him. Win-win.”
“Alright,” she smiles, “tell me if you need anything. I have a killer dress I’d think you look absolutely jaw-dropping in.”
“I don’t think I own anything besides a few T-shirts and my suit,” you laugh, “thanks, Nat.”
“The pleasure is all mine, (Y/N).”
Come Saturday evening and you were rushed to get ready. You almost forgot the dinner reservations were at 6 and spent the whole afternoon training instead.
“Nat!” you shout, hurrying to finish brushing your hair, “can I have that dress you were talking about?”
“Sure! What size?”
“What do you mean what size? Don’t you only have one size?”
“Uhhh...no,” she chuckles in embarrassment, “I may have bought the dress in every size available—just in case.”
“I really don’t have time to think about how strange that is. Just get me whatever size you think. I trust your judgement.”
“Sounds good,” she nods. “You’re gonna look so hot!”
A few moments later she bursts into your room, in her arms a silky black dress. You don’t even want to think about how expensive the item is—it looks luxurious.
“Wow, it’s gorgeous.” you say in awe of the garment.
“I know right,” she agrees, “just wait until you put it on.”
You slip into the bathroom to change. A minute later, and you’re emerging from behind the door. “What d’you think?”
You do a slow spin for Nat, her mouth hung is shock. The black, satin dress sits snuggly over your chest and waist, slightly draping away from your hips. The v-neck line accentuates your cleavage tastefully. It’s equal parts sexy and sophisticated.
“I feel dumb,” you groan, arms crossed around your torso. “I feel so exposed in this. I just wanna put on my suit.”
“Oh like that’s any less revealing,” Natasha quips. You chuckle in agreement. “If you don’t wanna wear it you don’t have to. I think you look ridiculously fucking good.”
You study your appearance in the full length mirror. Nat is right. It’s unusual for you to be wearing such a fancy dress, but that doesn’t mean you don’t look absolutely stunning. You smooth the material down, smiling.
“I like it,” you mutter, hiding your giddiness.
“I love it,” she adds, “let’s go show the boys.”
Your smile falters, but you let her drag you into the living room nonetheless. You’re confident enough not to care what anybody thinks. And you doubt your friends will have anything but praise to say.
“What do you guys think?”
Their reactions were similar to Nat’s: faces in total amazement. They’d never seen you in anything other than your suit, workout clothes, and occasionally Peter’s T-shirt.
“You look...wow,” Bucky struggles to find the right words, “why don’t you wear more stuff like this? You look great.”
You roll your eyes, “Well, I can’t exactly fight villains while wearing by this, can I?”
“I’m sure you could,” Sam voices, earring a wave of laughter from the group. “Seriously, though. You’re a very gorgeous woman—through and through.”
“Stop it,” you groan, trying to hardest not to blush under their stares.
The chatter dies down momentarily, but just then, Peter enters, a slice of pepperoni pizza in his hand.
“What’s going on?” he asks, eyes scanning over the crowd until they land on you.
His entire world stops spinning when he takes in your appearance. Peter is enamored by your beauty 24/7, but seeing you so dressed up makes his heart beat a thousand miles a minute. You fiddle with the ring around your middle finger.
“Hey, Parker,” you smile sheepishly.
“H-hey,” he stammers, “why are you all d-dressed up.”
“Oh, um...”
“(Y/N) has a date.,” Wanda announces, causing Peter’s face to fall.
“What?” This is not what he hand in mind when the rest of The Avengers agreed to help him figure out your feelings. “With who?”
“Steve’s friend, Spencer,” you state, “which reminds me, I should get going,” you grab your bag, checking your hair and makeup in the mirror once more before waving to your friends.
“What about movie night?” Peter asks dejectedly.
You frown, “Sorry, Parker. We can reschedule. I’ll see you guys later.”
The elevator doors shut and Peter just loses it. He’s throwing his hands in the air in protest, pizza flying across the room. First of all, you’re going on a date with someone that’s not him. Secondly, you’re skipping out on movie night—the tradition that you started with him. Peter’s heartbroken and pissed all at once.
“What the fuck?!” he shouts. “Steve—what the fuck?” Peter never swears, so it throws everyone off guard. “You know I’m basically in love with (Y/N). You guys were supposed to help me. Not sabotage me!”
“Well,” Natasha chided, “it’s been almost a month and we’ve made no progress. The best way to figure out how she feels about you is to set her up with someone else. If she love with you, she’ll come running back.”
Peter glances up from beneath his lashes, “And if she doesn’t...” The room falls quiet.
“This is-this is a mistake. I need to go after her!” he knew how cliche it sounds: a boy chasing after a girl he’s been pining for after years, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t let you go on that date with whatever his name is. Sean? Steven? Slater? Whatever! “Where is her date.”
“Bistro on fifth,” Sam states. Wanda slaps him on the shoulder. “What? I want them to be together, sue me.”
Peter thanked Sam, rushing out the room and into the elevator in his pajamas without a second though.
“He’s so easy,” Steve smirked. Things were going according to plan.
The rest of the team celebrated their current success, hopeful that the two of you will be together by the end of the night. It’s up to you and fate to ensure that what’s meant to be is meant to be.
Even with his enhanced strength and stamina, the run to the Italian bistro is hard. Peter’s not as in shape as in shape as he thought, but his exhaustion would never be enough to stop him from ruining your date with Spencer.
After what felt like hours of sprinting down New York sidewalks, he arrived outside the restaurant. He could see you being escorted to your table by the hostess. Spencer isn’t here yet—there’s still has time to confess his feelings.
He storms through the doors of the restaurant, starting a few diners and a waitress.
“Sir, you can’t just—“ the poor waitress attempt to stop him are futile. “I’m sorry, this is really important.”
He rushes to the back of the restaurant where you’re seated, casually sipping your water and skimming the menu.
“(Y/N)!” Peter shrieks, shattering the peaceful ambience of the establishment. “I need to talk to you.”
“Peter!” you gasp, completely shocked and somewhat embarrassed that your best friend showed up unannounced. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
He babbles unintelligibly, “I-uh-ah-um...I don’t-uhhhhhh....”
“Is there an emergency?”
He shakes his head, “No no no no. No emergency. Everything is fine—great!”
“Okay....so why are you here then?”
“Well,” he sighs, “everything isn’t actually great. Can I talk to you somewhere private?”
“I’m suppose to be on a date, Parker,” you deadpan. “Spencer’s gonna show up any minute now.”
“That’s the problem.”
“What? Spencer?”
“Yes. Not like him specifically, but the fact that you’re on a date,” he murmurs.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
Peter figures this is the closest he’ll ever get to the right moment to confess his feelings for you. He can’t back out now.
“I like you,” he furrows his brows, shaking his head, “no—that’s a lie—i’m in love with you, (Y/N). I’ve been in love with you since the moment I met you, I just didn’t know. But everyone else helped me realize that I want to be more than your best friend.”
“And I’m sorry i’m doing this to you while you’re waiting for your date. I know it’s selfish and you’d probably rather date Spencer than me, but I just wanted you to know because I don’t like keeping secrets from people I love. So, I’m in love with you. That’s how I feel. How do you feel...about me?”
Peter waits anxiously, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. His adrenaline lessens, and he realizes how out of place he must look in a Star Wars T-shirt and plaid pajama pants in the middle of an expensive restaurants. You don’t seem to mind that he’s not aligned with the dress code. You tilt your chin up, flashing him a bright smile.
“I love you, too—I’m in love with you, too,” you admit, standing up form your seat at the table, throwing your napkin down in a finite motion. “I’ve been in love with you. I only agreed to go on this stupid date because I was trying to get over you.”
“W-wait,” he sputters, gears in his mind struggling to turn, “you were trying to get over me? Couldn’t you see that I was in love with you? I was like a dog—a puppy! I’m so nervous around you all the time; you’re telling me you didn’t notice?”
“I mean, I knew you got all flustered when I flirted with you, but I just thoughts it was because you were awkward or something. I don’t know. I don’t jump to conclusions.”
“Well, you should’ve,” you glare at him, “but that’s besides the point. I am so freaking happy. Oh my god, I can’t believe this is my life. This is real!” he jumps up and down, attracting the attention of the families and couples at nearby tables.
You smile apologetically at them. “Peter, we should leave so we can talk.”
“Yes! Great idea. I love you!” he rambles, gripping your waist tightly as you guide him out of the restaurant. “Wait, what about Spencer?”
You scoff, stepping outside into the frigid New York air. “Oh? Since when did you care about Spencer?”
“I don’t,” Pete states matter-of-factly, “I just want to hear you say that you’re in love with me and not him.”
“Of course I’m not in love with him; I’ve never even met him before!”
“Say it,” he pouts, “please? You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to hear it.”
You blush, hoping that the dim street lighting conceals your bashfulness. “I love you, Peter Parker. I’ve always been in love with you.”
“I’m the luckiest guy in the whole world,” he whispers, eyes glassy and heart thumping beneath his chest.
He glances down at your lips, quickly looking back up. You smirk, noticing the way his cheeks flush with color.
“I’m going to kiss you, okay. Can you handle that? Or will you like...shut down or like die or something?” you tease, delicate hand stroking his cheekbone.
“Yes! Please!” he yelps with anticipation, “I will be okay, I promise.”
Using the hand on his face, and the other behind his neck, you yank him towards you will volition, pressing your lips against his. He taste like pizza and diet sprite—a weirdly endearing combination that would surely gross you out if it was anyone else. He stiffens, as to be expected, before melting into you, hand caressing your waist.
You pull away, panting heavily. Peter’s eyes flutter open, and his hand comes up to touch his swollen lips. You giggle and he smiles—you can’t stop smiling either—you’re cheeks hurt so much. You’ve never been happier.
“Should we head back?” you suggest, lacing your fingers with his.
“Yes. I didn’t swing here though, so it’s gonna be a long walk.”
You shrug, “That’s okay. We have a lot of things to talk about.”
Two hours later, you and Peter return to the compound. You ended up walking around the park and getting ice cream, enjoying your time with one another now that you know your feelings are reciprocated. When the elevators open up the living room, you both expect to find the rest of the team relaxing in their respective rooms, but you find them congregated in the couch and table, right where you left them.
“Did we miss a meeting?” you ask, setting your bag down on the counter. Everyone glances down at your intertwined hands with wide eyes. You quickly go to shake off Peter’s hand, but be grips you firmly.
“So,” Steve starts, “how was your date with Spencer?”
“Well,” you grimace, “here’s the thing—“
“We kissed!” Peter blurts out. You slap your hand over his mouth and he grumbles.
“Peter!” you bite. He doesn’t seem to care.
The rest of the team looks ecstatic. They whoop and cheer and clap for you and Peter like an audience at a Broadway play.
“We are so happy for you two!” Sam rejoices, wrapping the two of you into a big hug. “I always knew you would end up together. I am just so smart, it really amazes me every time.”
“Thank you?”
“You’re so welcome,” he says smuggly.
Wanda and Natasha smile so wide their eyes crinkle. “Awwwww,” the coo in unison.
“Wait, why are you guys all celebrating?” you question. “Weren’t you all just trying to set me up with Spencer?”
Steve bites his lip, “Well...”
The realization suddenly dawns on you—they planned this. “You bastards!” you exclaim, “you altered my fate! How dare you!”
“What?!” Steve raises his hands up defensively. “Peter was trying so hard to figure out how to deal with his feelings, and the two of you were going absolutely nowhere. I mean, it was almost painful to watch,” you glare at him, “so, we gave him the push he needed to just come out and say it.”
Peter guffaws, “You guys are evil geniuses. But thank you thank you thank you for tricking me into telling (Y/N) I love her. You’re all the best and I owe you my life.”
“Yeah, thank you, all of you, even the ones of you that are idiots,” you give a pointed look to Sam and Bucky. “I just feel bad for Spencer. The whole point was just to set me up with Peter, so he was set up for failure.”
“Actually,” Tony tuts as he rounds the corner and into the living room, “Spencer doesn’t exist.”
“What?” you gasp.
He nods, “We set you up on a real date with a fake person. (Y/N), his name was Spencer. He’s a genius that works for the FBI who’s six foot two...”
“Oh my god!” your face falls into your hands, “You guys convinced me I was going on a date with Spencer Reid! From Criminal Minds! How did I not realize?”
“I don’t know?” Steve says, “but you fell for it, thank god. Now you and Peter can be madly in love and irritate the rest of us with your PDA.”
“Ew,” you groan, “we aren’t one of those couples.”
Bucky points to the way you and Peter are standing: holding hands with his head settling into the crook of your neck.
Peter blushes, “Sorry! I’m just...really happy, okay? Leave us alone.”
“Fine,” he concedes, “just be quiet when you two do your business, if you know what I mean.”
“B-business? We-uh-huh-I mean—“
“What Peter’s means to say is shut up and be quiet,”you smirk. “But don’t worry, we won’t be too loud.” A chorus of ooohs erupt from your friends.
“Bleh! You two are already gross.” Tony mutters with feigned disgust. “But, for what it’s worth, I’m really glad you’re together now.”
“Yeah,” Peter says, squeezing you into his side. “Me too.”
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kwanisms · 9 months
I'm back bitches
We have 12 days left of September, which means Spooky Month officially starts soon & you know what that means.
🌕 Kinktober 2023 Creature Feature 🌕
But it also means that the long overdue sequel to Did You Hear That? is coming! She's a hefty girl with just over 18k words so desktop may be the best option to read and reblog as mobile has issues with anything over 10k.
It also means, the three spin-off pieces for the Library of Illusion are coming as well as a little piece I've written for Joshua. All in time for Spooky Month!
Along with Kinktober I have a few announcements. See more under the cut!
First, I have made the decision to add NCT (all sub-units), Day6, Super Junior, & Wonho to my archive. I no longer feel inspiration to write for them and do not want anyone waiting for content for them. I hate to leave Day6's Creature Feature unfinished but, sometimes that's the way things happen. This decision is final but I reserve the right to change my mind at any time.
From now on, I will be writing exclusively for Seventeen, Stray Kids, Ateez, & TXT. My rules for Kai (TXT) remain the same: absolutely no smut. That is my son. My child. I will also only write for Yesung and Z.Tao when the inspiration comes. My brainrot for both of those men is insane.
In addition, as my masterlists for these groups continue to grow, I will be creating masterlists for individual members.
That being said, I obviously won't take down any of my posts for these new archived groups, but I will change the masterlists just a bit so navigation is a tad easier.
Second, I will start using my other blogs effective immediately. I have a lot of sideblogs.
I will be using my main to reblog everything but my writing. All pictures, gifsets, etc will be posted there from now on.
I will also be using my recs blog, which I plan to redo entirely with a new tag system.
Third, I want to remind you all that my inbox here is always open. I love receiving mail. I love talking & interacting with you.
The anon feature is on so feel free to use it however, if you use it for hate, I will turn it off again. Don't be a coward. If you're gonna be mean, don't hide behind the anon feature. Face me instead.
Fourth, I will be reviving ask games and I encourage you to participate! It can be a lot of fun.
On the topic of asks, all asks not related to ask games will be answered every Monday and tagged as ' mailbox monday 💌'
Lastly, a friendly (and not so friendly reminder respectively) that empty blogs, meaning blogs without headers, pfp, posts, etc will be soft-blocked.
Soft-blocking is blocking and unblocking a blog so it forces them to unfollow you. I will be keeping track of the blogs I soft-block in a Google Sheet and if you follow me again without at least changing your pic and reblogging a few posts, you will be hard blocked.
Hard blocking means you will not be able to interact with my content (liking or reblogging).
Now for the not so friendly reminder;
if your blog does not have an age indicator on it (i.e the year you were born, your age, etc) YOU WILL BE SOFT-BLOCKED AS WELL. IF YOU DO NOT ADD AN AGE AFTER THAT, YOU WILL BE HARD BLOCKED. I will also be keeping track of these blogs. Ageless blogs and minors are not welcome on my blog. If you have turned 18 this year, PLEASE CHANGE YOUR AGE INDICATORS ON YOUR BLOG TO AVOID BEING BLOCKED.
If I find out a follower has lied about their age, I will be adding you to a blacklist I share with Cult of Dionysus. Keep in mind, we do not seek out minors to add them to the list, we only add minors that have interacted with our nsfw content. MINORS: PLEASE DONT IGNORE OUR BOUNDARIES. If we say do not interact with our content, we mean it. We have these boundaries for a reason.
I hope you look forward to what I have planned this month and please enjoy the spooks, the thrills, and of course, the smut. Thank you for your continued support as always. See you soon~ ʕ ◦`꒳´◦ʔ — booki。
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theladybarnes · 1 year
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“Just one more tear to cry, one teardrop from my eye, You better save it for The middle of the night when things aren't black and white”
▸ summary: trust is lost amongst friends, but there may be something in the horizon ▸ characters: tony stark ft. natasha romanoff & peter parker ▸ word count: 4.1k ▸ warnings: semi-angst  ▸ series masterlist
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When a heart gets broken, it sometimes can feel as if the person has died. In this case, you think it would be better if you did. But that’s not how life works. 
 “We’re heading up now, Squirt. Better buckle up.” 
 You snapped your head up from your lap to find Happy looking down at you. A curious look on his face before he glanced at your lap. The book you had found in the airport gift store an hour ago laid open on the first page. Several attempts were made to try and read the story. But to your dismay, you weren’t able to keep focus. Often looking out in the distance as you continued to recall the events of the other night.
 “You’ll find me?” … “No, Bucky. Not this time.”
 The look on Bucky’s face still haunted you. What had been words of a bond that was almost unbreakable, was torn apart in mere minutes of a fight. It’s been a day since you’ve left the bunker, and you feared a part of you has been there since. 
 Nodding your head, you tuck the book into your bag and place it on the floor beside your feet before you turn to stare out the window. Above the noise of the jet outside, you were still able to detect the worried mumbling from Happy and Tony. Since the two of you returned back to Berlin, you had been unusually quiet.
 Tony for once, did not try to make you talk things over. Even when he was supposed to report back to the accords. When asked whether or not you were going to sign on the accords, he stated that you were neither an avenger nor involved in this incident. By some chance, all the cameras had lost footage in the airport. So as far as the JTC or The UN were aware, you had been taken by the winter soldier to Siberia.
 “Is it alright if I sit here, Ms. Stark?” 
 Spider-Man or Peter, who had introduced himself once you made it to the airport, had boarded the plane with you guys. Now sheepishly pointing over to the seat beside you with a friendly smile while he waited for you to reply. But all you did was simply nod your head before turning to gaze back out the window. 
 The shuffling sound of him adjusting into his seat and buckling up is the only thing between you until the plane finally begins to ascend into the air. It’s a long flight home and you wish that you had taken Tony up on his offer of some sleeping pills. But with your mind already daydreaming, you’re a little too scared to imagine what sleep would bring.
 “Sorry about the fight at the airport.” Peter said suddenly. “Those repulsors that you had were pretty cool. Mr. Stark mentioned they were a prototype for a more mobile type defense but the two of you adjusted them to make them fit for fighting.”
 You glanced back beside you, noting how nervous Peter seemed to look. He was much younger than you realized. Making you slightly upset about having him been part of the fight at all. But considering he was crawling up the walls, stopping punches from super soldiers, and taking on Wanda, he had to be more than just a regular kid.
 “By the way, it is an honor to have fought against you.” His enthusiasm is creeping in on you, making you fully turn to face him as he rambled on about the fight. “It’s not often someone gets pretty close to sneaking up on me. There was this time I was stopping a robbery and there were a total of three goons, all amateur, but still pretty strong..”
 Peter continued on, going onto different tangents in his story that helped provide you with a very necessary distraction. It’s not until he’s noticed you’re completely grinning from hearing him talk about how much his new suit kept riding up his butt that he stopped.
 “I just realized I’ve been the only one that’s been talking for ten minutes. I’m so sorry.”
 You shake your head at him, leaning back in your seat. “It’s okay.” you said softly. “I liked your stories.”
 His face beamed with pride at your response. It’s been hours since you’ve last said more than one worded replies and he’s noticed it. His reaction has you feeling a bit guilty and you casually glance over to see that Tony has stopped talking to Happy to look back at you. Raising a brow in a quiet way of asking if you were okay.
 Smiling at him, you nod your head before giving Peter back your attention. 
 “So I noticed that you’re calling Tony ‘Mr.Stark’. I’m gonna go ahead and assume then that you’re not some secret nephew that I owe some birthday presents to?”
 Peter’s eyes widened and he let out a hearty laugh. “I wish! Mr. Stark managed to pluck me from Queens. He’s apparently been keeping tabs on Spider-Man. Offered me a chance to come help him.”
 “It’s a pretty big step from stopping robberies to fighting super soldiers.” You find that you can’t bear to say their names. “The fight was kind of intense..” 
 “Oh don’t worry, Ms.Stark! I’m totally okay! I heal up real fast these days.” 
 “You’re definitely different. I mean, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone be able to stop a punch from Buc–” your voice cut off on its own. Making you turn embarrassed as you looked down at your lap to fidget with the hem of your shirt. 
 Peter was kind enough not to bring that to attention as he gave a light pat on your arm. “You wanna hear what it was like sharing a hotel with Happy?” The two of you both look over to find Happy with his familiar look of annoyance as he tapped angrily at his iPad. Sensing that he’s being watched, he glanced up with wide eyes, looking between you and Peter before he began to shake his head without even knowing the conversation.
 The reaction makes the two of you burst into a fit of giggles and while the whole thing isn’t entirely that funny, the whole thing has you laughing so much you feel the pinch of tears in your eyes. “Please tell me.” you urged, wiping the corners of your eyes a bit.
 Peter instantly dived into a story of what it was like going from Queens to the airport with Happy. Pulling you back into another enthralling story. 
 “Tony, you gotta let me go over there. The kid’s getting it all wrong.”
 “You leave them alone, Happy. It’s gonna be a while before we see that smile again.”
 “Fine. But he’s getting a cab home.”
 “I wouldn’t be so sure, Hap– Oh will you relax? Your forehead is showing that vein again.”
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  Hours later and the four of you are finally back home in America. The three of you continued to pester and annoy poor Happy. He practically sped over to the apartment building in Queens. Especially once Tony joined in on the teasing. But soon enough you were saying goodbye to Peter, telling him you’d see him soon to hear more stories from his side of the city. 
 Tony had Happy plan to take you back to the hotel, where he was planning on staying while they moved Rhodey to the compound. But you insisted they take you home. 
 It’s been quite a few months since you’ve stepped foot in your townhouse in New York. You were sure that it’d be a dusted mess, but you couldn’t help but feel the need to be in a place that was your own.
 “I can stay with you,” Tony offered, keeping you from closing the car door. Happy had offered to take your bags up to the doorstep. Giving you and your brother a moment alone for the first time in hours. “I’ll even order some take out, we can talk shit about..everyone.” 
 There was a look that flickered in his eyes, making them glisten a bit before he shook it off, giving you a brilliant smile. He’s trying to cover up his own feelings but you don’t want him to hide how he feels just to help make you feel better. 
 “We can do that later on. I think I just want to be alone for a bit. At least to get back to our time zone.” You shrugged. Hoping to sound more okay than how you really felt. “We’ll go to that one place you wanted to try.” 
 “You sure, sprout? I mean, I can always just—“
 You cut Tony off with a simple hand to his shoulder. Squeezing gently to shut him up. “We’ll plan it out tomorrow. Just tonight…leave me be.” 
 He nodded slowly, looking a little disappointed before he leaned back into the seat. He’s about to close the door but you’re quick to grab before he can. A simple raise of the brow is all he used as a question. 
 “Do me a favor, Tony.”
 “Anything, kid.” 
 “Call her?”
 There’s no need to say who it is. The whole fighting and sadness has you thinking about everything. Including your own brother’s relationships. 
 “Sprout..” Tony choked out, sounding unsure about the request. But all you could think to say is to throw back his own words at him before you closed the door. 
 “One of us Starks has to be able to hold onto a relationship right?”
 And with that, you turned around and left your stunned brother to his own decisions. Hopeful that he’d do that right thing and get his girl back. Not only for his sake but yours. 
 It’s hours later in your little townhouse that you finally have everything unpacked and cleaned up. The dusting and cleaning being completely therapeutic to you while you found a way to adjust back into your old home. 
 The concept of this place being your home again sounded foreign. The more you look around the more your chest begins to ache. While this was back for you, this wasn’t your home. This wasn’t the place you’ve been sleeping for months. This didn’t have the old plumbing that sometimes would take forever to heat up, or had outdated appliances, or have the queen size bed that you’d share with—
 “No.” You said softly to yourself. The swell of tears began to fill in your eyes and you felt as if you’d been punched in the stomach. Causing you to reach out and grip against the counter top. Fingers feeling slightly numb as you release some anger onto the hold.
 For a second there’s a ringing in your ear as you’re thrown into emotions again. But even through the ringing, you can feel the chill running up your back. Your instincts kicking in quickly. Without a second thought, you jumped over the counter and reached for a knife in the holder by the sink before spinning around and facing the new presence of the room.
 “He’s taught you well, Cолнышко (little sun).”
 Natasha didn’t look the least phased as you held the tip of the knife towards her face. If you didn’t know any better, you would say she had a glint of approval. But her signature smirk was gone, and the green in her eyes were dulled. She was tired.
 “We just gonna stand like this all night or do you mind if I take a seat?”
 Pulling your arm back, you place the knife down on the counter, keeping contact with Nat as you walk over towards the chair by the window. The cool breeze that flowed in was a sign of how she got in so quietly. 
 “I’m glad you’re okay.” she started softly, taking a seat over at the couch opposite of you.  “Once that jet left I couldn’t help but worry about what you were going to face. And then things with Rhodey happened and next thing I know Tony’s upset—“
 “How can you just do that?”
 You cut her off quickly. Feeling a burning anger flicker inside your chest. Natasha raised a brow, cocking her head to the side as she tried to figure you out. Like she always did. 
 “How can I do what?”
 “Act like everything is okay.” The air in your lungs felt heavier, making your breathing slow and painful. “Like my life wasn’t just turned upside down.”
 “No!” Jumping up from your seat, you point over at Natasha. “Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn’t know. Tell me that they were the only ones who betrayed me. Tell me my own best friend who told the whole world’s secrets wouldn’t have kept THIS from me,” The sudden panic in your voice has the other girl’s eyes wide as she leaned back to look at you. Green eyes flickering all over your face as she tried to think of an answer.
 “I can’t.” she said softly. “I had pieced it together pretty fast.” 
 You turned away, feeling the pain in your chest turn worse. It causes you to have to lean against the chair. Holding onto the edge to keep you balanced. Was this how you were always going to feel now?
 “I know nothing I say can fix it. But please let me just get my piece in..”
 “Why should I? Why should I listen to anything else when all you and Steve and Bu-” You bring a hand up to your lips before shaking your head. “All you guys know is how to lie to me and hurt me. So tell me, Nat. What grand excuse do you have to tell me? Hmm?” Moving to take a step closer, you watch her get up and size up to you.
 “Because unless you’re a coward like Steve, which we both know you aren’t, then I’m not sure what real excuse you could have. As far as I see it, you allowed me to look for him, try and bring him back home. Was that when you were going to tell me? What about Tony? Do you guys really hate him so much that you worked with him for years and couldn’t face up to tell him too?”
 “No one hates Tony. But don’t act like you guys are the easiest people to tell stuff to.”
 Her words caused you to flinch, making you take a step away from her. “So now we’re not easy to talk to all of a sudden, okay.” you laughed, looking down at your hands. They shake before you and you quickly ball them up before crossing your arms. “Wasn’t quite aware of that.”
 “That’s not what I meant–”
 “I don’t care what you meant. Get out of my house.” Turning around, you move to head towards your door. “I don’t want to see any of you ever again.”
 “Please!” Natasha urged, reaching out to grab your arm. “I can’t just leave things between us like this.” It’s not till you’re fully facing her that you notice there’s tears brimming her eyes. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sorry I didn’t say anything. I should have done better. I should have at least told you because you deserved to know.”
 Her hold on you let up when she noticed you weren’t leaving again. Allowing her to quickly wipe some fallen tears off her face. “I can’t speak for the other two. And I won’t. Because keeping this secret has been tearing me up inside and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”
 Reaching out, she brushed a hand out to cup at your cheek, gingerly rubbing the pad of her thumb against the apple where your own tears had begun to roll over. You wanna push her away, tell her to leave and watch her get out of your life like the other two. But you can’t. You don’t think your heart can take another heartbreak.
 Throwing your arms around her, you bury your face into her neck, letting the pain pour out as you hold onto your friend. She’s quick to hold onto you, allowing your body to sag against hers as she helped move you towards the couch. 
It’s not until a couple of minutes of you crying out to her that you’re able to calm down. Wiping your nose along the sleeve of your arm before you pull back to look at her. She’s just as red in the face as you but still slightly more composed. “I feel like my world isn’t ever going to be the same again.”
 “I know,” she agreed, pushing a piece of hair out from your eyes. “It might not ever be.” Looking back to your eyes, she gives you a sad smile before leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. “But I just want you to know that I would never intentionally hurt or betray you like this..I just..I didn’t know how to tell you.”
 You don’t have a response for her. Just like with the other two, you can’t think of anything to make them or yourself feel better. All you know is that you can’t be around any of them. But Natasha doesn’t seem to need to hear that from you, instead, she got up from the seat, moving to reach for a bag that she had stowed away by the window. 
 “Ross is gonna try and hunt me down.”
 “Well he’s off to a good start if you manage to make your way back to New York.” you scoffed, curious to know what she was digging around for. 
 “Poor guy has his hands full.” She found what she was looking for before she returned back to join you on the couch. “So much so that he and his team didn’t notice when I managed to take this from their evidence locker.” She slips over a book into your hands and it's then that you realize what it is.
 The familiar cover was the exact one you had spent a good couple of days looking at. “Oh,” you whispered softly, letting your fingers brush over the spine of the journal. It had been so long since you’ve seen this and while you can’t even mention his name, the sight of Bucky’s journal brought a sudden comfort over you.
 “I’ve never been one to snoop inside someone’s journal.” She mused, tapping the cover lightly. “But I’m sure he wouldn’t have a problem if someone like you read it.” Her watch beeps and she looked down at it ruefully for a moment.
 “Times up?” you asked softly, feeling suddenly unready. 
 “Yeah, my ride out of the states is gonna leave soon.” 
 The two of you got up from the couch and you watched as she strapped the bag around her shoulders. Taking a second to adjust her jacket a bit before she finished to look back at you. The two of you stare at each other before you’re suddenly wrapping an arm around her again. Hugging her tightly. “I’m sorry,” you start, unsure why. “If..if there’s a way to reach me..and you need me–”
 “I’ll try not to but thanks. For now, maybe just try being here? Seems like you could use a break from hero work..” She pulled back from the hug first, using her fingers to tip your chin up and look over at her. “I’ll see you later,Cолнышко (little sun).” 
 Nodding your head, you step back, allowing her to make her way over to the window. Her bright hair blowing in the night wind is the last you see before she disappeared into the night and out of your life.
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  You don’t read the journal. At least you try not to. After several attempts, you can’t find it in yourself to peek into what it could have inside. What if it reveals more lies to you, what if there’s secrets Bucky had been holding that were far worse. 
 It’s late one night, you’re cuddled under your blanket, ready for another sleepless night when you look at your nightstand. The book has been sitting there since Natasha left and you feel like the cover is taunting you. 
 Turning your back to it, you try and shut your eyes, reminding yourself that while you’re upset with Bucky, that reading his private journal was super gross and not very ethical. But there were a lot of unethical things that seemed to happen to you, it’s almost unfair that you’re not allowed to break a rule now and then.
 Groaning in frustration, you kicked off your sheets, reaching for the lamp on the nightstand. The room is suddenly wrapped in a warm glow and you’re picking up the journal. Flipping the cover, you let out a sight. There’s no turning back now.
 The first couple of pages remind you of the notes that he used to carry around. Lists of words that wouldn’t mean much to normal people, but to Bucky, they were reminders of people and places. Some of the lists were harder to read, especially when you realized they might have been past missions as the soldier. But the more you dived into it, the more you realized he had begun to remember names. 
 There were so many names..
 Luckily there were two sets of names you didn’t want to come across and that gave you a slight relief. But eventually the journal started to turn into entries. Small enough to be a paragraph, but enough so that it made your heart ache. They were Bucky’s words and for some reason that meant everything to you right now.
 Some entries had you crying with the dark dreams as painful reminders to him. Some had you smiling, despite the pain you felt towards him, the words of him recalling moments with you felt like a warmth you needed. 
 It wasn’t till you got to a certain date that you realized what this entry was for. It was the day he tried to leave after you stopped him from leaving the apartment as the soldier. He had been planning to leave Bucharest and you behind, but you stopped his plans in time. What you never saw was the words he had been writing that day.
 [..The worst of my nightmares has happened. Instead of just reliving what has happened inside my nightmares, The Soldat finally managed to seep his way through my subconscious and out into the real world. Out to where she is.]
 The memory of the night feels fresh in your mind. All of it was still scary and you remember the look of shock and sadness when Bucky realized that it wasn’t just a dream anymore.
 [..I can’t keep her with me anymore. Not when it’s no longer safe. She’s the only good left I have and if the Soldat hurt her..I don’t think I could live with myself…]
 You don’t want to unravel what he means with that. But knowing Bucky, there was no good answer to it either way.
 [..I don’t want to leave her. God, I don’t ever want to leave her. Even in the early mornings, when I go to the docks, or go out for food, or anything. Leaving her for just a second brings an ache to my chest. But not bigger than the one I feel when I think about what could happen to her if I don’t wake up the same. Not again.]
 The page is cut off and you’re thinking it’s probably around the time that you had caught him trying to leave. The fight was painful, but it had brought out the trust you two still had at that moment. Unfortunately, you weren’t sure you’d ever get that back. You’re about to close the book, but there’s a bookmark down the line that you turn to next.
 [..She’s smarter than she realizes. Caught me at just the right time. Either that or she’s born with ridiculous luck.]
 You think hard about it and realize this is one of his last entries. 
 [..Seventy years of being in pain and loss, and I managed to get one good thing in my life…I can’t believe some guy like me could be with a dame like this. Even now, she’s curled to my side, sleeping beautifully after letting me touch her and make her feel the way she’s supposed to. She deserves the world but she chooses me. She wants to look for me, even if I get lost again. How could I return that to her? How could I give her more when she asks for nothing in return?..I just hope that whatever happens between us, she’ll get to know just truly just how much I love her.]
 The journal fell out of your hands, falling off the side of the bed. His words keep repeating in your line and instead feeling the familiar break of the heart, something else, something stronger builds up in you. Giving your chest a break from the ache it’s been feeling this whole time.
I love her.
I love her.
I love her.
“...I love him.”
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a/n: woo! another movie done! i love the idea of bucky having a journal. wish that was dived into more in the show IW is soon to come. Just gonna take a week break and start it early FEB!
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film-in-my-soul · 2 years
Cdrama Masterlist
A mobile-friendly, cdrama masterlist from across all my blogs/AO3:
Be mindful of ratings!
(New fics at the top of the fandom category with **)
The Untamed
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Paint My Skin With Your Fingertips
Pairing: Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Wúxiàn
Rating: T
Summary: The likelihood that the girl, whoever she was, was Lan Zhan's soulmate is actually laughable, but still, the idea of it alone had made something sting hot behind Wei Wuxian's eyes as he dodged around students to get away from the campus and toward the strip. It wasn't even like Wei Wuxian didn't know that Lan Zhan had likely pushed her away, might even have yelled at her for the inappropriateness of her action, likely glared her to death, but still… He can't unsee it, and Wei Wuxian has always been very good at letting the worst possible scenarios override any sense he's been born with.
Puppy Love    
Pairing: Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Wúxiàn
Rating: G
Summary: It’s “Bring Your Parent to School Day” and Wei Wuxian couldn’t be more excited! Lan Zhan is nervous, which is adorable.
The only thing more adorable, Wei Wuxian finds out, is that their eight-year-old son has a crush.
Bite and Bruise and Bind   
Pairing: Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Wúxiàn
Rating: E
Summary: He digs his fingers in harder, anchoring into the already red streaks on Wei Ying’s hips and thrusts forward roughly, drags the pliant body back into the rocking motion until their skin connecting smacks together louder than the pleasure-pain cry Wei Ying lets out against the pillow Lan Wangji has his face pressed into. He’s being rough. He knows. And for them, for when they come together like this, it is normal. But tonight it’s more. Lan Wangji is being mean.
Your Touch is Like the Clouds  
Pairing: Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Wúxiàn
Rating: G
Summary: Wei Wuxian has been traveling now for six months, cultivating and camping and pretending that he hasn’t looked back every single step away from Lan Zhan he’s taken. - or - Wei Wuxian finally decides he’s tired and goes home.
Two Unlucky Guys
By: saved (Written) - ReformedTsundere/Film-In-My-Soul (Recorded)
Pairing: Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Wúxiàn 
Rating: E
Length: 2:02:02 hours
Summary: A recording of Two Unlucky Guys by saved. - “Lan Zhan has been in love with Wei Ying since they first met. He understands that Wei Ying does not feel the same; he will take whatever friendship Wei Ying wants to offer. And then Wei Ying proposes that they have sex.”
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thefact0rygirl · 3 years
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Fandoms are a community, and communities thrive when we’re interacting with one another. Here is a small way to show the wonderful creators a little extra love and support 💕 Thank you for keeping the fandom alive! 
Be sure to show your appreciation with reblogs, comments, and likes/kudos! I guarantee you will make the creator’s day.
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Monthly recs are posted the last Saturday of every month
monthly recs for 2021
january 2022 
february 2022 
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april 2022 
may 2022 
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october 2022
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Have a fic you really enjoyed? Did you see some fan art that spoke to your soul? Or did you create something that you’re proud of? Send it in! Shoot me an ask, dm, or tag me in the post and I’ll be sure to include it in next months recommendations.
recommendation guidelines:
Monthly recs are open to all forms of fan-created content. This includes fanfiction, fan art, fan videos, poetry, comics, podcasts, merch/redbubble shops. Even writing resources. Send ‘em all in! 
You can send in as many recommendations as you’d like, just be sure to include a link to each one. 
They do not need to be created this month (it doesn’t matter when the piece was originally posted).
This is open to the entire Star Wars fandom, and all genres and characters. However, I am uncomfortable with r*pe/n*ncon, inc*st/cl*necest, underage characters, inappropriate relationships with minors, and rpf. creators that support any of the above or whitewashing, bigotry, and f*tishization will not be included. 
Fics can be multi-part, one-shots, drabbles, headcanons, and even fanart. Multi-parts do not need to be completed. The same applies to comics and other applicable content.
All recommendations are anonymous. Creators especially, don’t be shy! These lists are meant for you and to help give you some exposure. You work hard to create works of art, and they deserve to be recognized! Be shameless like a rich, white man 😉
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Accidently Married | Tom Hiddleston x OFC | Chapter 1 |  Living Well is the Best Revenge or Just Trip Her on the Red Carpet
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A/N:  Tom makes certain comments about an ex (who is unnamed).  It is a fictional girlfriend, take from it what you will.  Keep your hate to yourself.  
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x OFC (Molly Bishop)
Summary: Tom is stuck in a news cycle from hell; Molly is stuck in the dead end job of bartending with a pile of student and credit debt.  Tom has an idea to solve all their problems.  Get married, get the paparazzi off his back, divorce after a year and Tom pays off Molly’s debts.  Tom has everything figured out, that is until he sees Molly as more than a just a friend and so does someone else.  In this vying for affections who will win, the handsome Brit or the boy from Boston?
This Chapter: Tom is in Vegas to present at a music awards ceremony and what do you know his high profile ex girlfriend is nominated for two awards.  And the press are having a field day.  Molly Bishop is grateful for the awards show because it means extra tips and getting her closer to paying off her student debt.  An offhand comment by Luke coupled with an encounter with his old girlfriend has Tom’s mental wheels turning.  Perhaps he and Molly can solve each other’s problem.  All they have to do is get married.
Warnings: fake marriage, smut (vaginal sex), mentions of:  child abuse/neglect, foster care, substance abuse, cheating.
Tom dreaded turning his phone back on when the plane landed at McCarran airport. He knew what waited for him on the other side. Tom wondered if his publicist would buy the story he left his phone back at the bar in Heathrow. Probably not, he had tried that earlier in the year and Luke went ballistic until he came clean. He did not want a repeat of the earful he got back then. With a sigh, Tom switched on his mobile and shoved it into the front pocket of his jeans, vibrating as messages and emails came in.
Tom never imagined the relationship would end like this. He thought he was in love. He thought she was in love. But it had all been what were the words she used “escape hatch”. Tom had been a means to an end. And the punishment for his naivete was a news cycle that would not die. And that photo.
He waited until he was in the car on his way to the Bellagio before checking his messages. There were a series of several text messages from Luke.
Call me when you get to your hotel room.
Don’t read the papers.
Don’t talk to any reporters.
Don’t do anything until you talk to me.
Tom pinched the bridge of his nose underneath his sunglasses.
“Fuck!” he hissed under his breath.
This meant only one thing. Another story. Maybe more pictures. He shouldn’t have been surprised. After all, she was attending the same awards show. It ventured to guess the papers would play that up. Tom slumped against the car seat for the rest of the ride.
Check in went fine at the VIP check in. One perk of not only being a celebrity, but a presenter at the awards show. The bellhop delivered Tom’s luggage and garment bag. He pulled the outfit for tomorrow and hung it up, just like Illaria told him to. It was only when he flopped onto the sectional couch, Tom called Luke.
“I’ve been waiting for your phone call.” Luke deadpanned. “I started to worry you would pull that ‘I left my phone at the airport bar’ story.”
“I did cross my mind.” Tom let his head hit the back of the sofa. “Do I want to know?”
“Not really.” Luke winced. “They used the photo again.”
“Of course they fucking did!” Tom punched a nearby pillow. “I look like a twat. Luke, I need this to stop.”
Luke sighed. “Until something comes along that is better than this, expect it to hang around for a while. Unless you are planning on getting married in the next two days.”
Tom chuckled darkly. “Not bloody likely.” He sighed again. “Thanks for everything Luke.”
“It’s my job, mate. But you’re welcome.”
After Tom hung up, he stared first at the phone in his hand and then at the ceiling. He wasn’t sure how he got here, and he sure as hell didn’t know how to get out. Tom decided instead to wallow in self-pity and eat a ridiculously expensive room service steak.
Weekends were always busy when there were special events over at the MGM arena. This weekend was no exception. And while it may not be good for Molly’s back, her bank account greeted every penny with a smile. Vegas may be a cheap place to live, but it still costs money. And her college did not accept IOUs for student loans. She shoved more tips into the jar behind the bar and helped the next person.
“What’ll be?”
“Whatever you have that is strong and on tap.” Tom’s smooth voice cut over the din of slot machines and video poker machines.
“Coming right up.” Molly poured him a beer, and he signed the receipt with his room number before sliding to the end of the bar.
Three hours later, Tom still sat at the end of the bar, nursing the same beer. Most of the crowd dissipated at this point. Celebrities needed their beauty sleep. Or at least most of them.
“Would you like to switch that one out for a cold one?” She leaned over, smiling. “On the house.”
“Sorry.” Tom blinked and glanced around, looking for a clock Molly imagined.
“No clocks.” she commented. “Or windows.”
Tom’s brow furrowed. “Really?”
“The whole point of casinos is to keep people inside. Clocks and windows help people realize how much time has passed.” Molly replaced his beer. “The whole place is set up like a maze.”
Tom took a long draw of the fresh beer. “You seem to know an awful lot about casinos for a bartender.”
“You seem awfully forward for a movie star.” she snapped back. Tom’s eyes met yours. She shrugged her shoulders. “I have a friend who works at Regal Cinema, they let me in for free.”
“I’m having a bad day.” Tom muttered back. “You still didn’t answer the question.” He took another long draw, leaving the glass half empty.
“Oh, so we are adding pushy to your resume. I thought Brits were supposed to be charming. If you must know, I have a Bachelor’s and Master’s in Tourism from Arizona State.”
Tom opened his mouth to comment, but Molly cut him off.
“Funny thing about the tourism industry. You need experience to get a job, but you can’t get experience without having a job. Classic catch-22. Which does not pay my bills. So I bartend until I get hired somewhere.”
Tom felt like a prize idiot moping about his problems. He cleared his throat. “Apologies for my earlier behavior. I have been in a poor mood for the last several weeks and it has made me a terrible companion and customer.”
Molly smiled at him. The first truly friendly face in a while. “It’s fine. And you are entitled to a bad day.” She filled up his glass. “Once or twice. Share your troubles with me. Unless it is about which supermodel you should date next, then I don’t want to hear it.” she joked. Tom’s face fell. “Oh shit, I’m so sorry. I didn’t…”
Tom held up a hand. “Please don’t apologize. I take it you don’t read the magazines.”
“As a matter of course, no I don’t.” Suddenly a lightbulb went off. “Oh…”
Tom twisted his face into an exaggerated expression. “‘Oh’ is right. Usually followed by the words ‘shit’ or ‘fuck’.”
“And is she…”
Tom drained the glass. “Yep. Nominated for two awards.”
“Yikes! Well, if there is anything I can do, I am here all weekend.”
Tom stood up and left several twenty-dollar bills. “I might take you up on that. Thank you again for the conversation… I didn’t catch your name.”
“Molly Bishop”. she said, clearing his glass.
Tom offered his hand, and she shook it. “Tom.”
“I know.” she leaned in, her dark brown hair falling to the sides of her face. “Remember, you’re a movie star.”
Tom laughed. A real belly laugh. So loud that it jolted the old man at the other end of the bar awake. “I needed that. Thank you again. Have a good evening, day, morning.”
“It’s evening. Goodnight, Tom. Sleep well.”
Tom headed back towards the bank of elevators. He glanced over his shoulder to watch Molly wipe down where he had been sitting, shove the twenties into a tip jar, while tucking her hair behind her ears and help an obviously drunk couple. Tom made a mental note to find her again before he flew back and leave an even bigger tip.
Tom woke up the next morning and headed down to the gym to run on the treadmill. He would have preferred running outside but wanted to avoid people. After running five miles, he switched the machine off, wiped it and him down and headed upstairs to shower and change for the day. Tom wandered back downstairs in search of Molly, but the bartender on duty, a guy named Seth, mentioned she wouldn’t be back until the evening. Tom thanked him and headed back upstairs.
He was restless until it was time to get ready. After dressing, he took a selfie in the mirror and sent it to Illaria who confirmed he did it right. Now came the waiting game. Tom wanted to time it to avoid having to see her at all. Finally deciding he had wanted long enough, Tom called for the car and headed downstairs. What Tom forgot to account for was his incredible bad luck.
He arrived right after her and was forced to walk the red carpet, watching her out of the corner of his eye, with her arm linked around whatever man, boy, prey she ensnared for the evening. Tom plastered a killer smile on his face and continued to repeat the mantra in his head “Living well is the best revenge” when all he wanted to do is either trip her or return to his hotel room and eat an inordinate amount of chocolate cake.
The rest of the awards show blurred together into moments of white hot rage masked by a cool exterior and numbness. Thank god for the teleprompter or else Tom wondered if he would have made it through his presentation. But he did and thought he made it through the entire event without running into her and then…
“Tom!” her voice called out.
Tom froze and stiffened. What a difference a few weeks can make.
“Darling!” He spun on his heel to face her, smile firmly in place. He leaned forward and kissed her cheeks. “It’s good to see you. You look good.” he lied through his teeth.
“You too. I thought I might miss you. I just wanted to say—”
Tom waved her off. “Water under the bridge.” Another lie. Perhaps he missed his calling as a barrister or even a publicist. “Your date seems nice.”
She smiled. That smile that once melted his heart. “Thanks. He is. Where’s your—”
“Back at the hotel.” He checked his watch. “Which reminds me, I should head back. Big plans for the night.”
She blinked, and stutter stepped back. “Oh. Right.” She composed herself. “Well, it was nice to see you again. I hope we can be friends.” She held her arms open.
Fucking friends! Tom howled inside his mind. What was she playing at? More fodder for her songs? Tom seethed on the inside. He stepped forward to awkwardly hug her, praying there was no one around to snap a photo. Knowing her, though, she probably had someone in the balcony with a zoom lens.
“Of course, love.” He squeezed her a little too tight until she let loose a small yelp of pain. Tom allowed a genuine smile to come across his face. “I won’t keep you any longer. Enjoy the after party.” He walked away before she could continue on the conversation.
He waited until he was well out of earshot. “Bitch.”
The crowd started waning around 9:30 as the awards show let out. Molly figured most of the attendees would hit the after parties and things would pick up around 1 or 2 a.m. Until then, it would just be the regulars. She turned around to arrange the glasses she just cleaned when a now familiar voice rang out.
“Marry me.” Tom asked, his tie loosened.
“I don’t know you.” Molly teased back. “Now what will you have?”
“You as my wife.” Tom repeated, his palm flattened against the bar.
“Be serious.”
“I am serious.”
“Are you drunk?”
Tom shook his head. “Stone cold sober. Hear me out.”
She glanced around, seeing no plausible escape. “I’m listening. But if another customer comes up, I’m walking away.”
“I need something to move the paparazzi off this current news cycle with me.”
Molly smirked. “You ran into the ex. Did she have a new boy toy on her arm?”
“Yes, but that is beside the point.”
“It is entirely the point.”
Tom slammed his hand against the bar, rattling the container of nuts nearby. “Can I continue or are you going to keep interrupting?”
Molly crossed her arms. “Go on.”
“I need something to move the press off this story. You need money. We are the solution to each other’s problems.”
“You may be gorgeous, but if you think I am sleeping with you for money…”
“I never said sex. I said marriage. The last I checked, they could be mutually exclusive.” Tom’s expression softened. “Listen, you are clearly unhappy here. I am unhappy too. If us being together could alleviate a bit of that unhappiness, why wouldn’t we seize the opportunity? We get married. Get the paparazzi off my back. I would pay off your student loans and credit cards. And then after a year of living together, we quietly divorce. No sex. Just a business relationship.”
Molly chewed over what Tom said, while chewing on her bottom lip. He wasn’t wrong, she was unhappy. Vegas was supposed to be a brand new start, but it was more of the same. Dead end job and no career prospects on the horizon.”
“Did you say live together?”
“In London, yes. I have plenty of room. Your own space. You have a passport.”
Tom’s face broke out in a wide grin. He couldn’t believe this was happening. The blood pounded in his ears and adrenaline coursed through his veins. He looked up at her with his bright blue eyes.
“Will you marry me, Molly Bishop?”
“Yes.” she smiled back.
Tom leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Then let’s get going, because the licensing bureau closes at midnight.”
Molly headed over to the manager, Nick.
“I quit.” she shoved her apron at him.
“What? You can’t quit, Molly. The big rush is coming.”
“You heard the lady.” Tom called. “She quits.”
“And who the hell are you?”
“Her fiancé. Come on, darling.” Tom held out his hand. She lifted up the bar at the entrance and took his hand.
The two of you were full of nervous energy the entire cab ride to the licensing bureau, fitting right in with the other couples waiting to get a license. While you waited in line, Tom made some calls to several chapels until he found one open and able to squeeze the two of you in.
“Now all we need is to get you a dress and some rings.”
“Oh!” Molly dug through her purse. “My friend’s kid gave these to me.” She pulled out two plastic rings. “I think these will do in a pinch.”
Tom closed his hand over hers. “I’ll buy us proper rings tomorrow. Now a dress.”
“There’s a mall on the way. I can grab something on the way.” Tom kissed Molly’s forehead.
“You are brilliant.”
“Thank you.”
Within an hour, Molly was wearing a simple white slip dress, Tom still in his suit from the awards show, although he did straighten up the tie. She smiled like a fool, holding onto a fake bouquet and Tom’s wedding ring, complete with a plastic spider in her hand.
Tom slipped on the plastic gem ring when the minister told him to, and she did the same with the spider ring. Tom giggled and so did Molly .
“I now pronounce husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.”
Tom leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. His lips were warm and soft. It was… nice. Under other circumstances, she imagined Tom would be an excellent kisser.
Tom gazed down at her. “Hello, Mrs. Hiddleston.”
“Hello, Mr. Hiddleston.”
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zusy-hunter · 2 years
Into the void -4-
waring: implying of mental illness, obsession, abduction
Our protagonist hears voices that logically no one but him can perceive. To make it easier I made these parts colored.
No. one
No. two
He is lying on the dirty mattress, completely motionless, trying to expand the moment between waking up and being awake as long as possible. This brief moment of silence in which there is no fear, no grief and no anger, no past and no future. It is a moment in which he can just exist. But this moment is so fleeting, that as soon as he becomes aware of ist, it disappears so suddenly that it hurts.
He presses the balls of his hands against his eyes in an helpless act of trying to suppress the noise that starts to rise in his head. After a few seconds he sighs in resignation and stands up. He walks over to the pile of old pallets that he uses as a desk, takes an open can of energy drink and shakes it lightly to check if anything is left, it is almost half full.
“Thank god,” he thinks to himself and pours it down.
The night was short. He’s never been the best sleeper, even as a kid and past incidents haven’t really improved his sleeping habits. But at least he has something new to focus on, his brain works better when he can focus on something. He leans against the pallets and starts to think of what to do next. He theoretically knows what he wants to do, but how should he put this plan into action?
“First of all, you can’t do it here, too obvious. One small mistake and they will come for you again.”
“Oh really?” he replies sarcastically.
“Don't be so bitchy and pack your things!”
He packs up his meager belongings and to make sure that he doesn’t leave any traces he takes the canister of gasoline he stores in his room for exactly a case like this and pours it over the mattress and the pallets and sets everything on fire. He just stands there and watches the fire consume his home for the past few weeks. It may seem a bit drastic, but he's never been a half-measure, either all or nothing. There will be no coming back to this place for him.
Only when the fire becomes too hot and the air becomes too toxic does he manage to tear himself away from the scenario.
He walks to her apartment, it is almost time for her morning run and he wants some last information. As soon as she goes for her run he breaks easily into the apartment and takes pictures of everything he thinks might come in handy, her mobile phone contract, her insurances, medical reports and so on. He deeply breathes in the smell of her one last time and leaves, it is time to find the bait.
He steps outside on the street and lets the stream of people drift him here and there until someone attracts his attention. A young woman, lively, apparently carefree and innocent. It feels like she is dancing through the streets, leaving a trail that only he can see, that is only meant for him. So he carefully starts following her. She goes into an art supply store, takes a few paints and brushes and has a nice little chat with the owner at the cash register about how far she always has to drive, but that the shop is worth it.
She is friendly and kind, has a smile for everyone, like a fucking disney princess.
“She definitely will be missed!”
“She is just perfect!”
"We want her!"
After she is done with all her errands, she heads for the train station. Just in time for the arriving train. Not sure where she will get off, he buys a ticket for the entire route, nothing would be worse than losing his target because of such a trifle. He sits down three rows in front of her in the opposite direction of travel so that he can watch her. To his surprise she looks tired, exhausted, her eyes seem almost empty. All of this social interaction doesn't seem to be so easy for her after all.
“Don’t worry sweet Cinderella,” he whispers to himself, “I’ll take this burden off you soon.”
After an hour and a half and three stops, an announcement finally seems to get her attention.
“Next stop, Duskwood. Exit left.”
“She wants to get out, you will lose her! Dam it, watch out you idiot! I taught you better!” No. one almost screams.
“Yeah I get it, you want her, what do you think I’m doing here?” he replies annoyed.
When she gets up to line up at the exit, he does too. Despite her beautiful appearance, she doesn't seem to be the type who is used to getting a lot of attention, so this should be easy. The train comes to a stop suddenly and he lets himself fall against her, only to give her a consciously shy smile.
“Um ... I'm really sorry, it wasn't on purpose. The train, you know….”
And as expected she puts on a smile and blushes slightly.
“Don’t worry.” she replies insecure and looks away fast.
He is a very good looking man and knows that, but for some reason that doesn't want to open up to him, this helpless puppy number goes down better with women like her. He takes out his smart phone and makes sure that she notices him pretending to be trying to find a hotel.
As they get off the train he finds himself at a small train station in the middle of nowhere, it seems to be outside the town. After some steps she turns to him.
“Do you need any help? You don't seem to be from here.”
“Got you!” one squeals happily.
“Oh is it that obvious? I am actually a little lost.” he answers, still in the role of the shy boy.
“Kind of, Duskwood is a small town, strangers stand out. You are searching for a hotel?”
“Indeed. I just wanted a small break from the city and the stress from work. And here I am, without a plan and without a place to stay. I feel like an idiot. You don’t happen to know a hotel nearby?”
“Nearby is relative. Mrs. Walters hotel is the closest and the only one.” she says with an apologetic smile.
“That sounds great, thank you so much! Since we seem to be in the middle of nowhere, we could share a taxi as a little thank you. I pay.”
“Good luck getting a taxi in Duskwood at this time. It’s only a 20 minutes walk through the forest, I can happily show you the way.”
“It’s getting better and better!”
“My personal guide? That would be great! But at least let me carry your bags.”
He takes the bags from her and they both take the path into the forest. Talk carefree about her newfound passion for painting and his alleged job in finance that drains him so terribly that he needs this break.
About 10 minutes into the forest No. two speaks up.
“That's enough now. You shouldn't play with your prey.”
So he stops. She turns to him confused.
“What's wrong? We have to move on before it’s completely dark.”
But he doesn't answer. He just looks at her with this hard expression in his eyes, no longer a trace of the shy boy. The realization that she made a bad mistake distorts her innocent face. At the sight of her terrified face, he can hear No. one giggle in pleasure.
“I am sorry princess, but we are going nowhere.”
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hoe-doroki · 3 years
passing the night stars
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banner by @dymphnasprose​
warning: reader has social anxiety
pairing: shinsou x reader (platonic or romantic)
genre: hurt/comfort
wc: 3.2k
summary: The party was neon and you needed darkness.
a/n: this is a gift for my SiL’s birthday today! To any astronomy nerds: I tried and I’m sorry.
edit: I no longer write x reader but here’s my old masterlist - mobile | desktop
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There was something to be said about distance.
It was a buffer, quieting every voice, external and internal, until the only one left was that of the crickets singing over the lo-fi spilling out of the house behind you. You’d stepped away from the party long enough ago that the playlist had started over many songs back—you had no clue how many anymore. The distance turned the music’s thrumming into a quiet melody, the lyrics just as indistinguishable up close as here in the backyard, sitting on patio furniture that rocked lopsidedly in the grass.
Any filter would do, though. Anything that could soften the world just a little around its loud, coarse edges. The ice in your peach-flavored hurricane melting so that the drink was a little less saccharine. The rum casting a film over your mood, keeping your loneliness from dropping you into total dolor. The slight late-night breeze blowing the smoke from the fire pit away from you so that the acrid smell was stronger on the hood of your black sweatshirt than the air. It all muddled your emotions, numbing the buzzing overwhelm of the party to an anxious hum. The party had been neon, and out here you had a bit more darkness.
Without these buffers absorbing some of the furor, you might have escaped the party hours ago. Snuck out while the thing was still in full thrall, before social anxiety could hiss over your bones. Got out while you were ahead. Instead, you’d lasted as long as you could before out to the backyard with the near-dead fire, wracked with guilt at the prospect of leaving without saying goodbye, while too nervous to actually draw the attention to yourself necessary to actually say goodbye.
That wasn’t to say you hadn’t held up for a good while, though. You’d hung out with your friends when the fire had just gotten started and then when the party had moved indoors for drinking games and edibles. You’d hovered on the border as your friends grew more interested in dancing in drunken delay to the somniferous lo-fi beat than conversation. Then the itching had started in your brain, and before you knew it, you were out here, social battery drained dry, waiting for an indefinite future in which you could find the energy to escape.
You shivered as footsteps swiped through the grass, crickets chirping at the intruder.
“Did I surprise you?” Shinsou asked, his voice deep from booze or smoke or both. Or, maybe he was just tired, you figured, as the harsh light of the fire sharpened the bags under his eyes into dark creases.
“Breeze,” you mumbled, goosebumps rising on your wrists, standing the fine hairs on end. Only a few licks of heat from the pit were touching your knees, leaving the rest of you cold in your threadbare sweatshirt as the fire shrank smaller and smaller.
Shinsou had a blanket in his arms, ratty and certainly stolen from the back of the living room couch. He blinked at you for a second before he asked, “Can I join you?”
His voice was deadpan. Between the two of you, there was no real vocal inflection to speak of. Still, you shrugged one shoulder and said, “Sure.”
You stiffened when, instead of choosing one of the many other patio chairs or foldable camping chairs forming a friendly circle around the fire, he joined you on your bench, tossing a bit of blanket over your knees. You hardly realized you were staring at him until he said, “You’re cold, right?”
“Oh, yeah, a little,” you said, tucking your knees up to your chin and curling the scrap of blanket around your arms.
The blanket was raggedy in your hands, pilled on the hem, but warm from being indoors with all the dancing bodies. Plus, clinging onto it, running your thumb over the uneven texture gave you something to focus on instead of Shinsou’s body so close to yours.
Your senses were tingling, raw at having someone nearby again. It was too soon—you still didn’t have anything to say, no defense for why you’d dropped off from the party without a word.
But, on the other hand, being alone wasn’t fixing you either. Parts of your brain were still coiled taut as compression springs, and while they weren’t getting any tighter, they weren’t quite loosening yet either. It was rest, not recovery.
Abruptly—was it abrupt, or were you that zoned out?—Shinsou touched the back of his hand to yours, nearly making you flinch as he furrowed his brows at you. “How long have you been out here?” he asked, shifting towards you and pushing more of the blanket into your lap.
“Oh, um—” maybe a half an hour, maybe more, “—not that long.”
For that flash of contact, his skin had been hot against yours, so you could only imagine how cold your hands had felt to him. Your icy drink was probably mostly to blame, but you were also suddenly aware of how your shoulders were hunched nearly to your ears, your arms clenched to your sides like your chest might warm them. You piled the blanket a little more over your knees and one shoulder, only the hand holding your drink poking out.
“Hard being on the fringes,” he mused as he took a sip from a can. Possibly seltzer, probably beer.
You mirrored, tasting your own drink. It was really mostly water by now, though you were sure it was still painting your tongue orange.
Shinsou’s situation wasn’t much different than yours. Everyone in that house was old classmates. Shinsou was too, but he’d come late. Not too late to be friends, but late enough that it mattered. You were even later—not a classmate, but a post-high school roommate. You’d both landed on the side of Kaminari’s friend group, but neither of you were the core of it. The heart of it. That, for reasons you couldn’t quite understand, was Bakugou.
For some reason, you and Shinsou had never talked about this before.
“Hard being in a group big enough for there to be a fringe.”
Because, of course, it wasn’t just the Bakusquad here today. The majority of the old 3-A was here, those who weren’t on duty or suffering with early morning duty tomorrow. Enough people to certainly cause a ruckus and maybe a noise complaint that even pro heroes wouldn’t get out of.
The two of you fell into silence, and you couldn’t help but wonder exactly what had drawn Shinsou from the party. Even if he didn’t feel he was the most popular guy in the room, you’d seen the way he had the ability to talk to everyone. You weren’t sure if it was a product of his quirk or what, but he was able to start a conversation with everyone he met. He didn’t seem shy or anxious in the least.
Then again, that was just what he presented. You knew from that what you put forth in public wasn’t necessarily in line with what you were feeling.
It was hard to be the introvert around a group like yours. Worse—it was noticeable. This wasn’t the first time you’d stumbled away from a party, mind half gone not on alcohol or weed but on the sudden assault of attention, loud voices, and talk of hero work. Being one of the only non-heroes in the room was exhausting, and maybe that’s why you’d had to escape. Or maybe there never was a reason, good or otherwise, and you were just here because of your stupid self.
“Clear night,” Shinsou commented, “Don’t get to see much of the stars in the city.”
You looked up, a bright spot in the center of your vision from where you’d been staring into the fire. Almost everyone in your group lived in the city, not too far from each other, depending on your definition of the word. But those with quirks better suited outside the city, like Tsuyu and Koda, had moved out of town post graduation, granting the rest of you access to a night in the suburbs like this.
The truth was, you hardly looked up at the sky in the city. Tourists were always looking up, eyes glinting off the skyscrapers and billboards. But natives were always looking down, too aware of the fact that other natives didn’t always clean up after their dogs and, with so little grass, the sidewalk often needed a close eye kept to it.
But here, it was pretty. Not the smog-stained brown you were used to, but deep blue and twinkling with infinite pinpricks.
“Mm,” you hummed, taking another sip of your watery drink. “You’re right.”
“There’s Cassiopeia,” he said, pointing just over the tree line.
You followed his finger, unsure quite of what you were looking at. The stars hardly looked like clusters to you, especially on a night like this where you could see so many. It was more a broad network of them, either all connected or all individual. All the stars or just a star.
“You know constellations?” you asked, ears latching onto something that finally wasn’t hero related. Truth be told, you probably knew less about stars than you did about hero work but it was less alienating. You could lean into it.
“Some,” he offered. “Cassiopeia is a basic one.”
“Where is it?”
Shinsou glanced at you, leaning in closer so that his finger could match your gaze. You shoulders knocked and you could feel his wild hair against your own. His finger traced down and up, down and up in a cockeyed W. “Cassiopeia, mother of Andromeda.”
“She’s a woman?”
It was any wonder that ancient people had looked into the night sky and seen things like rams and bulls, creating a whole woman out of a few diagonal lines. Still, you listened to Shinsou, his low voice rumbling into your tired bones as he began.
“A beautiful woman,” he answered. “In Greek myth, she thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Her boastfulness made Poseidon angry, so he created a sea monster that Andromeda was sacrificed to. Andromeda was left to await her fate when Perseus, who had just killed Medusa, used Medusa’s head to turn the sea monster to stone. After saving Andromeda, the two of them got married, and when they died, they both became constellations alongside Cassiopeia.”
Shinsou’s voice was husky and even as he told the story. The cadences were easy drops, landing you softly before he started up again with his next thought. It was a voice you could be rocked by, a voice you could be held by.
“Do you know where they are too?”
“Just below,” Shinsou said. “Probably come up just in time for the sun to make them invisible.”
“That’s too bad,” you said, curling deeper into the blanket, curling so that on shoulder leaned more onto the bench than the other. You head was almost resting on Shinsou’s shoulder and you could feel his warmth radiating in the cold night. “How do you know all this?”
Shinsou was quiet for a second and your nerves spiked again. You hadn’t even felt them relax, but suddenly your anxiety was scratching again, wondering if you’d misspoke. Or maybe you’d whispered it and he just hadn’t heard you? Before you could decide whether to say it again or apologize, though, he let out a sigh that jostled the blanket.
“Jack of all trades, master of none,” he said by way of explanation.
You cocked your head. Perhaps it was just a good hobby for an insomniac, but you were unsure about the evasiveness. “Did you have to learn a lot for general studies? Or to get in to U.A.?”
You could only imagine. U.A. was an incredibly competitive school for heroes, but that was a specialized course. For general studies you didn’t need to have the physical prowess or the other particular skills that came with heroics, but you had to be an ace in school. It was no small feat to get into general studies, especially while you were trying to pursue something else. You were satisfied with that, ready to let it go and return to the near silence of the crickets and the fire popping, when Shinsou suddenly continued.
“When it looked like my plans to become a hero wouldn’t pan out,” Shinsou began, his words slow, tired, “my parents encouraged me into any and all other interests. None stuck.”
“Oh,” you said quietly, the personal admission taking you aback.
For all the times you’d seen Shinsou talk effortlessly with people in a room, you weren’t sure how personal or vulnerable you’d ever seen him. He seemed comfortable enough probing other people, but this was new. It made the space between you suddenly seem private—so different from the party you’d escaped from. You could still hear the ambient noises of a couple dozen people in there having a good time, but it was suddenly a world away.
“I’m sorry, Shinsou,” you said, brows furrowing as you glanced his eyes, still gazing up at the stars. His parents had probably thought they were being supportive, but it wasn’t the support he’d desired.
“It is what it is,” he said. “It worked out in the end.”
There was the smallest smile on his face at that, barely betraying what must have been true joy at having a dream slip through his fingers only to fly back to him. And he’d earned every bit of it, even if he wanted to keep it to himself.
“So now,” you began softly, “you just have a lot of little things that you can offer people. The little things you could have been. That’s not so bad, right?”
“No, it’s not so bad,” he agreed. “I always liked that story.”
“Yeah,” he said. “Japanese astronomy varies so much from region to region and is usually about more functional things. Harvest, seasons. But these other myths about people with no chance of being heroes becoming ones anyway…”
He trailed off, but the sentiment was there. Trapped in the things he’d done to try and leave heroism behind were little vestiges. The inescapable fact that he was meant to be a hero and would be one anyway, even if the world told him he was a villain, doomed for failure.
The stories had been true.
“Are you feeling better now?” he asked, surprising you.
“Feeling better?”
“You’d been out here for over an hour,” Shinsou stated. “Your eyes were glassy and distant and you were freezing and you didn’t seem to notice.”
“Oh,” you intoned. You hadn’t realized it had been that long. You were sure it had only been half that time.
“You don’t have to tell me anything,” he said. “I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.”
“No, I’m fine,” you said truthfully. “I’m fine now.”
The anxiety from earlier that had been buzzing through you had kept you awake, all while thoroughly draining you. You’d hardly realized just how much until now, with your body not just feeling settled but heavy. The stress had run straight through you, and now you bore the fatigue.
Shinsou glanced down at you out of the corner of his eye. His brows raised and it lifted his whole face, making the dark circles under his eyes just a little less stark. “You look exhausted.”
“You always look exhausted,” you retorted, your first little grin curving along your lips.
In his surprise, Shinsou smiled too. “I know that. Here.”
Shinsou took your forgotten drink from your hand and set it down, then patted his shoulder.
“You should rest for a little while.”
Your eyes met his, searching for anything that looked like obligation or impatience. But there was none. Just a surprising amount of openness and a pretty shade of purple.
“Do you have more myths?”
Shinsou smiled and, once again, his gaze went up to the stars. As he started another tale, you snuggled onto his shoulder, the rest of your body drawing closer to his as well. He didn’t wait long to begin speaking, talking in more detail than he had before. There was no reason to be concerned that he might be boring you, or that you didn’t want to hear it. Really, these stories, these stars that had brought him even the tiniest speck of light were just what you needed too.
You weren’t sure when you fell asleep, and you weren’t sure when you woke up. But when you blinked your eyes awake, the first thing you noticed was that Cassiopeia hadn’t moved far. The second was the feeling of Shinsou’s head tilted against yours, his breath like gentle waves under you.
You shifted, signaling that you were awake, and Shinsou did too, his head lifting from yours. At some point, his arm had wrapped around you, encasing you in his warmth. He didn’t move it, not yet, as your body creaked and you forced yourself to sit up.
“How long?” you murmured, voice barely raspy with sleep.
“Not that long,” Shinsou answered, echoing your reply from earlier.
He didn’t look at his phone or a watch, and hadn’t since he’d come out, so you wondered if he had any clue. Or if it simply hadn’t felt long. Somehow, the idea that his time spent with you hadn’t felt long was a comfort, a relief.
“How are you feeling?”
You checked in, feeling that grogginess that always came in the wake of an intense mental episode. Your brain struggling to catch up and survey the backlash from its earlier antics. That would go away. It always did. “I’m good.”
Shinsou continued to look at you, switching between each eye, double checking your expression for any lie. But he must not have found any, for he leaned back into the bench and relaxed, that tiny ghost of a smile back on his face.
“I’m glad to hear that,” he said, gazing out again. “You out here alone before? It had been…well, we were…I wanted to check on you.”
For the first time, Shinsou looked almost a little shy, and you couldn’t help but smile, touched. You put a hand on the shoulder that had just taken your weight and brought his gaze back to you. “Thank you.”
There actually was one thing you knew about stars. You’d heard that every light year a star was away from you was a year into the past you were seeing its light. Looking at the stars was looking millions of years into the past. Despite the fact that these selfsame stars connected you to humans around the world today and those of old, that filter of distance and time rendered them ancient, if not already gone.
But as you looked at Shinsou, their soft, silvery starlight illuminating one side while the last dancing coals of the fire glowed on the other, you were sure that this was the opposite. This wasn’t old or past or known to anyone but the two of you. This wasn’t the stars or even the stories inspired by them.
This was just beginning.
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deep-space-elf · 3 years
Haldir x Reader - Unwanted
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A/N: Have you ever been annoyed by having a crush on someone? Like “Nope! I really don’t need this right now. Stahp it!”? Because that’s what I’m going through right now. Anyways, this headcanon was actually supposed to be a ficlet, but I just never got around to write it. So I posted it as a headcanon, according to the motto: Better this than nothing. But now I’ve finally found some time and motivation and suddenly I wrote 1700+ words. Well, that a little longer than I thought... Ooops?! 😶 Summary: Y/N is fed up with her crush on Haldir, thinking he’d never return her feelings for him. She plans on doing everything she can to stop this stupid infatuation but thanks to Rúmil her plan is doomed to fail.  Word Count: 1770 Warnings: A little angsty in the beginning  Reader: fem!Reader, Reader is a historian (though it’s only mentioned)
Y/N stomped towards her home, not paying any attention to what was going on around her. Her cheeks were coloured bright red. What was she thinking?! If she wouldn’t be in public, she’d smack her head against the book she was carrying. 
As she reached her home, she closed the door behind herself - trying her hardest not to slam it - and slid down against it. She tossed the book carelessly aside and put her head in her hands. This couldn’t continue, she needed to stop. This was making her nothing but miserable. 
She spent basically the whole morning sitting near the training grounds, pretending to be reading while sneakily watching Haldir train. The longer she was there, the harder it was to pretend. Her eyes wouldn’t stay on the pages and would find the march warden more and more often. 
Eventually, Rúmil would sit down next to her, a smug smile plastered on his face. “So, how’s my brother doing today?” 
The blood rushed towards her face. “I-I have no idea what you’re talking about!” 
Rúmil laughed, a full belly laugh. “Sure, Y/N. Just talk to him. I’m sure it would please him.” 
“Don’t be silly,” Y/N said and stood up. “Why would a march warden be interested in talking to a historian? Anyway, I have to go. Good day, Rúmil.” 
Her friend shook his head. “You’re hopeless. Have a nice day, Y/N and think about what I told you.” 
Y/N groaned, think back at the conversation. “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” 
This has been going on for months now. Whenever Y/N had the chance, she would sneak a peek at the handsome march warden. First, she thought it was simply fascinated with his skill and well, perhaps because he was easy on the eyes. But soon she had to come to terms with the fact that she was developing a crush on him. 
Whenever she would see him, her heart would flutter with happiness. Whenever she heard his voice, she got goosebumps. Whenever she was not concentrating, Haldir would occupy her thoughts. It was annoying! 
She was pretty sure that Haldir would never be interested in her that way, and she wished her brain understood that. The more she thought daydreamed about Haldir, the deeper she fell into this rabbit hole. At this point, she couldn’t even remember what it was like when he was not constantly present in her mind. 
She got up from the floor and sighed. This needs to stop! she told herself once more. From tomorrow on, she would stop seeking out every opportunity she could get to see him or him talk. She would preoccupy her thoughts with work and books, so her brain wouldn’t have a chance to come up with another daydream of him and Y/N together. Tomorrow, things will change! 
It was early in the morning when Y/N walked through Caras Galadhon on her way to work. She was early but it would only give her more time to plan out projects and find books she will read in the coming weeks. Her first step on not thinking about him. 
“Y/N!” She turned around and saw Rúmil jogging towards her. 
“Good morning, mellon,” she greeted her friend. “You’re up early.” 
“Haldir wants us to train harder in the coming weeks,” Rúmil rolled his eyes. “You know, because of the surge in orc sightings. Like they would come anywhere close to Lothlórien.” 
“Who knows,” Y/N replied. “Orcs are not exactly the brightest and attack anything and anyone.” 
Rúmil smirked. “Of course you would agree with Haldir.” 
Her cheeks began to colour. “Well, it is a sensible precaution!” 
“Of course,” Rúmil nodded mock-seriously. 
It was her turn to roll her eyes as she poked him in the sides. “Stop it!” 
“Anyway,” he changed the topic, “would you mind coming to the training ground with me? There’s something I like to show you.” 
Y/N hesitated. Normally she would agree immediately. Rúmil was her best friend and when he asked something of her, she would gladly agree. But after her promise to herself yesterday, she wasn’t so sure if going to the training ground was such a good idea. He would be there and inflame another inner turmoil. 
Rúmil nudged her playfully when she didn’t say anything. “Come on, it’ll be great!” 
If she wouldn’t go, Rúmil would know something is up, and probably be a little pest about it. Get a grip! she scolded herself. You can’t bend your whole life around an ellon to avoid him, just because you have a crush on him! 
“All right,” Y/N said. “As long as it won’t take too long.” 
Just go there, see what Rúmil wants to show you and leave. Easy. Any thoughts about him will be squashed immediately!
After a couple of minutes, the two friends arrived at the training ground. The first thing she heard was him shouting commands at the soldiers. Her body reacted before he finished the sentence and sent goosebumps all over her arms. No! No, no, no! Don’t think about it. 
She turned her back towards the training soldiers and looked at Rúmil. “So, what did you want to tell me?”
“Ah, wait here,” he said and vanished in one of the small huts, presumed to be an armoury, next to the ground. 
Behind her, she heard more commands and instructions being shouted. She didn’t even need to turn around to know when they came from Haldir or someone else. Calm yourself, dammit! But eventually, she couldn’t resist any longer, and her head slowly turned towards the source of the voices. There he was. Through the numerous soldiers, she spotted Haldir instantly. To her, he stood out like the moon between the stars. Bright, beautiful and mesmerising. Nothing and no one could compare to him. 
She was so captured by him that she didn’t notice Rúmil returning, or how he rolled his eyes when he saw her staring at his brother once again. “Just talk to him.” 
Y/N jumped. She turned her back towards her friend. A, by now, well-known feeling spreading through her chest - forlornness. “I wouldn’t even know what to say.” 
Rúmil shrugged. “Anything, really. You could talk about-” 
Y/N peeked over her shoulder and saw the march warden had spotted them. Her breath caught in her throat when he was looking directly at her. He patted on of the soldier on the shoulder and made his way towards them. Y/N felt like fainting. 
“Shit! He’s coming over! Hide me, Rúmil!” she said and tried to get behind her friends back. But Rúmil was faster. He grabbed her shoulders and placed her right in front of him. As if this wasn’t traumatising enough for Y/N he waved his brother happily, like nothing was wrong. “Hey, Haldir! Y/N wants to tell you something! I’ll be with you in a moment.” And with that he sprinted towards the changing area, leaving a dumbfounded Y/N behind. 
I really need new friends. Perhaps that should be my next project - sorting out the people that BETRAY me like this! 
Haldir looked after his brother but didn’t seem to be too worried about his weird behaviour. When he turned towards Y/N a soft smile played around his lips. “Lady Y/N, what can I do for you?” 
How can a person even be this pretty? His eyes… oh my, they’re even prettier up close. And he said my name… Oh, right. Think! Say something! Anything!
“Um… nothing really,” Y/N said, her voice barely above a whisper. “Rúmil is just being… Rúmil.” 
She looked down on her feet, not being able to hold his gaze any longer. She could feel her cheeks heating and hoped Haldir wouldn’t see it, or not understanding what caused it. 
“I must apologise for my brother,” Haldir said. “For some reason, he seemed to be set hard on us getting to know better. I am sorry if he caused you any discomfort.” 
Was Rúmil pesting Haldir just as much about her crush on him? That little-
“Oh, now it’s my fault!” Rúmil returned, dressed in his training clothes. He regarded them both with a flat look. “But you’re right, dear brother. I want you two to talk to each other because I know that what you two want!” 
Haldir and Y/N flushed. They both opened their mouths to protest but Rúmil was having none of it. “Nope! No backtalk! For months I’ve heard you two whining that you want to get to know the other but didn’t know how. Well, here it is, the perfect opportunity! I happened to know that you both have nothing planned tomorrow evening, so I friendly suggest - actually, scratch that friendly, you two better follow my advice, or I don’t want to hear about the topic ever again - that you two meet and chat and whatever. Just. Talk. To. Each. Other! It can’t be that hard!” He threw his arms in the air and stomped towards the training ground. 
Haldir and Y/N looked at each other, stunned by Rúmil’s outburst. It was Haldir who broke the silence first. He cleared his throat awkwardly. “Rúmil is right, I’d really like to get to know you, Y/N.” 
For a moment Y/N couldn’t believe her ears. She smiled fondly at him. “I’d like to get to know you, too. So… um… tomorrow evening?” she asked and hoped it wasn’t too forward. 
Haldir nodded and Y/N could have sworn his cheeks looked a little red. “It sounds good. I know a nice place… Shall I pick you up, once the sun starts setting?” 
Y/N’s smile grew wider and wider. “Sounds perfect. I’m looking forward to it.” 
“Great,” Haldir said. 
For an outsider, it might have looked like they were having an awkward moment, but for them both it was one of the best moments in their lives. One of many that would follow. They kept on looking at each other for a little while longer, both not believing what just happened. After months of hoping, wishing and dreaming they would finally get to know each other… and hopefully become more than just friends. 
“I’ll see you then,” Y/N eventually said. 
“See you tomorrow, Y/N,” Haldir said and walked back to his soldiers.  
With a wide smile and butterflies in her stomach, she walked to her work. Maybe I don’t have to sort Rúmil out after all. Perhaps he actually deserves a promotion on my friends-list. Better not tell him. It’ll only get to his head. 
Taglist: @velvetmotel97​ 
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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No pressure
Request: Anonymous. Hiiii! I had a Chris Evans x reader request. The reader is famous and has to go through a stalker who breaks into her home. She calls 911 and isn't hurt, but Chris wasn't there so he comes to her and visits her and comforts her. It could be fluffy. It's ok if you don't want to do it. I'm sorry if it sucks. 😊
Pairing: Chris Evans x Fem!Reader
Warning: Stalker and at the end fluff.
Word count: 1636
Notes: Thank you very much for the request, I loved it. In the end I modified the character of the stalker a bit, but everything else is there. / English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes.
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Anyone could have said that having a nice comfortable life in a country house in the middle of the countryside and with a regular job could be very boring, but that was all you needed on days like this. The energy consumption of your life prevented you from enjoying the little things. Day after day you would arrive home after midnight after spending more than 10 hours a day locked up in a recording studio and if you were lucky at least 2 of the 10 hours had been profitable. When you weren't in the studio, you were touring in the remotest places on earth and when that didn't happen you were probably promoting the new album.
Without a doubt it was an unimaginable life, which during your childhood had been a dream for you, and after effort and persistence you had achieved it. However, it wasn't all that beautiful, and the sacrifices you made were endless.
Like any other Saturday you arrived home after 00:30 and because of the low traffic in Los Angeles your arrival was delayed by about 45 minutes. Crestwood Hills was a lovely residential neighbourhood to live in, with nice views of the Santa Monica Mountains and the coast, but quite problematic if you wanted to go from your studio in Venice Beach, yet you knew you wouldn't move from that house for anything.
The automatic garage door opened as soon as you got close to it, when it opened you could see the Christmas lights that you hung around the palm tree at the entrance last week, which gave a homely feeling to your garden, and that made you think of the comfort your bed would provide when you lay down in it.
The door closed behind the car and with great heaviness you picked up the guitar and went to the entrance door, thinking about how much you wanted to fall on the bed. To your surprise you saw a dim light coming out of the living room, accompanied by a pleasant smell of your favourite sauce. Strangely enough, you left your guitar on the floor, right next to the umbrella stand, and headed towards the light. The first thing that crossed your mind was that you had probably forgotten some date with Chris, or maybe some special date. However, there was nothing scheduled in your diary, so you assumed it would be a surprise that I had prepared.
"Mr. Evans?" you said with a half smile.
You entered the living room and right next to the window that led to the garden you came across a mahogany table decorated with purple tulips and two candles on each side, complemented by the plates and cutlery and a small note on your plate. You couldn't help but deny with your face as you smiled.
-This night is all ours. Just make yourself comfortable, enjoy and ask me for whatever you want.-
You arched an eyebrow forgetting how tired you were and how many things you would ask for if he only made himself available to you. A loud noise coming from the kitchen made you think about those juicy thoughts. You put the note back in its place, and leaned in, trying to expand your change of vision.
"Is everything all right out there?" you burst out laughing. "Aren't you going to come and give me my welcome?"
The feeling of happiness that had invaded your body vanished in an instant, unless Chris had shrunk a few inches, worn long hair and taken on a feminine look.
"What? What the hell are you doing here? How did you get into my house?!" Every pore of your body began to give off an intense heat that was present in your cheeks.
In an instant you rushed to her, taking away all the kitchen gadgets that were in her hands. The situation went from the most romantic to the darkest, and even a bit comical if you think about it coldly. The story you had with that person was long and full of chapters, but even so the current situation had gone too far.
"Get out of my house" you stretched out your right arm and pointed to the front door. "I have no idea how you got in, but the only thought that you've been wandering around, touching my things and preparing food in my kitchen is making me very nervous.
"Does that make you nervous now? We have to talk, you know that...", your ex-confident could not finish his words.
"Get out! I know that you haven't stopped following me since I came from Memphis, that you're there every night when I go out waiting for me at the back door of the studio and that more than once I've seen you on the beach when I go for a run. I told you and I'm telling you again, it's all over, there's no more, it's been a year and a half. And now get out of my house if you don't want me to call the police."
“It's all over, there's no more? What a harsh word for you" the honey-coloured eyes of the young woman who was just a few metres away from you, turned, but she hardly moved from her place. "After all this time, after all I've done for you!
"For me?! I can't believe it..." your tone calmed down, you had gone from anger to bitterness in a few seconds.  "Are you listening to yourself?"
She barely showed a clear intention to leave, you knew her well, but the last few months she had become a complete stranger to you.
"It's okay, you asked for it," you took the mobile phone out of your back pocket and typed in 911. "If you don't want to leave my house, and tell me how you got in, explain it to the police.
The fight of looks continued, it seemed that she wasn't going to give her arm to the wall and although you didn't want to put on any show either, as you preferred to do it on stage, you knew that if she didn't see against the sword and the wall she wouldn't leave your house. You hated her for getting you where you were going.
"911, what is the address of your emergency?" you stared for the last time into her eyes waiting for her to make a gesture to leave.
Time stopped and the wait became eternal, both for you and for the female voice coming out of the earpiece.
“911, what is the address of your emergency” repeated the woman.
The girl in front of you smiled uncertainly as she reached into the right pocket of her jeans and pulled out some keys, the keys to your house along with an alarm control.
"You got it," she whispered, heading for the exit door.
“911, what is the address of your emergency?”
"Nothing" you said with a thread of voice contemplating the keys on the kitchen counter and with your heart racing because of the amount of contradictions that had just happened.
Thirty-five minutes passed before Chris' car was planted in front of your house. During that time you got rid of the whole scenario that person had set up, avoiding leaving any trace of it. Chris arrived with an expression of disbelief mixed with irritation, all you needed was someone to calm you down, but in the end you had to spend fifteen minutes trying to get him to relax.
"I'm sorry" said Chris. He put his arms around you and put a little kiss in your hair. "I just... I don't want to take thirty minutes to get here if anything happens.”
"I don't think she'll show up again," you said sure of that fact.
"I don't care. Today this happened, tomorrow anything else can happen," he said kissing your hair again, and realising how serious he was being changed his tone to one of comedy. "If I could I would wrap you in bubble wrap so nothing would happen to you."
"You know that wrapping obsesses me, in less than two hours all the bubbles would be bursting," your comment made Chris laugh, so you could finally breathe easy when you saw him like that again.
"Come here."
The hug broke up and Chris led you to the sofa, sitting in a position where you were facing each other.
"Listen. I've been thinking..."
"Thinking?" you arched an eyebrow after the playful comment, trying to break its seriousness again.
"Yes, honey, sometimes I think," Chris responded to your comment with the same playful tone. "No, listen, I know you're not very friendly about serious conversations, but listen to me. I've been thinking, and I've been thinking about the idea of living together. Don't think it's because of what happened today, or what I said before, I've been thinking about it since last month when we spent Thanksgiving in Boston," you nodded slightly, wrapping yourself in memories of that familiar day. "I'm not asking you to do it immediately, I just want you to think about it, no pressure.”
"No pressure," you repeated arching an eyebrow and looking at Chris' hands that were on your lap.
"No pressure," he imitated.
"Okay," you whispered, taking one of his hands and giving him a slow kiss on the back of his hand as you let yourself be enveloped by his gaze. "I'll think about it."
It took you just two seconds to approach her lips and seal your answer with a kiss.
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Tag list: @imerdwarf​ @mycosmicparadise
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bakugohoex · 3 years
chapter two ➺ everlasting hatred
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paring: pro hero katsuki bakugo x pro hero female reader
cw: language
word count: 2500+
a/n: you guys might be a bit confused on why i haven't explained what the mission actually is, but everything will be reveled in the next chapter especially what happened in the building where the two of you were making a plan up, i promise everything will be explained in the next chapter, hope you guys liked this chapter though
summary: in which the rivalry continues, both finally in the loop of what is occurring, an agreement is formed on the perfect plan as you both grow closer along the week, maybe the two of you could be friends of some sorts?
chapter one | masterlist | chapter three 
↞ back to my hero academia masterlist
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“What do you two know about the Paranormal Liberation Front?”
It was unexpected and made both you and Bakugo stop in your tracks, he was the first to sit down you wanted to know what he was thinking but felt bad after what had had happened earlier on in the day to get inside of his head.
“It’s the League of Villains and Meta Liberation Army joined together.” There was hatred from the words. After the League had kidnapped Bakugo and you and Deku had been the forefront of the regaining of Bakugo, he would never admit how happy he was seeing your face and you would never tell him that you had been worried sick.
“Tomura Shigaraki as the leader, we both know you’ve had contact with him and that is why we want you to do this for the greater good.” You raised an eyebrow wanting to know more.
There was a fun in hearing it come out of peoples minds rather than reading what was in their head. You saw as she looked back outside, “we’re not asking lightly you both have a choice to make that could either further your career or lose any support you had.”
“Just spit it out.” Bakugo was getting frustrated at the cryptic messages and you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t as frustrated.
“We need the two of you to…” Listening to her intentively, thoughts skimming through your head, weighing out the positives and negatives. “We will give you till tomorrow to make your decision.”
“I’ll do it.” Bakugo was quick to speak, your eyed widened at how easily he could subjugate himself to do something as tormenting as this.
“Y/n.” You got out of your thoughts looking at her, Bakugo stared up at you, you could see the fallen ash still in his hair. He hadn’t had a shower and you were distracting yourself with being worried about the dirt instead of the question at hand.
“I need some time.” She nods dismissing you both, you both walk outside the doors.
You needed to go outside, feel the air and puke up. The anxiety you felt over this situation was making your stomach go into a whirlwind. “How could you easily decide?”
“I became a pro hero to help people, this is helping people.” You stood in front of the elevator thinking about the comment. “You should think if this is really what you want to be if you can’t easily choose to do stuff like this.”
“I’ll be back.” You spoke, walking back to the office. He didn’t bother waiting for you as he stepped inside of the elevator. He hated how coy you were being about this whole thing; it should’ve been an easy decision but maybe there was something bigger than what was being asked and he didn’t know.
Whatever it was he didn’t care walking outside as he felt the breath of stifling air hit his skin, you had made him dirty with the soil and rubble in his hair. He hated the gross feeling of it all. A man had come running outside calling his name telling him about the steps forward from now.
You had gone straight to the office, without knocking you entered. “That was a quick decision.”
“I’ll do it.” You muttered half-heartedly.
She smiled with paperwork in her hands, “good, you and Bakugo will meet tomorrow morning at this address.”
You nod taking the paper with your quirk and it landing in your hand. She dismisses you again as you run out of the building, your leg shaking whilst going down the elevator. Where you seriously doing this because of Bakugo’s comment or was it to prove that you were a pro hero who deserved their rank and position.
You saw Bakugo talking to the man who had helped you up outside, he smiles at you as you smile at both. Bakugo giving a scowl at you, you rolled your eyes leaving the two alone. You didn’t care about the conversation only about what was happening tomorrow.
The early morning sunrise hits your skin; you heard the knock on your door as you were making coffee. There hadn’t been a time on the paper just an address, so you assumed anywhere between 8 to 9 was acceptable to arrive. Well, that’s what you thought anyway.
You opened the door in your oversized shirt and nothing else sipping the coffee that you knew wouldn’t be your last. “Hello.”
You normally used your quirk to see who it was, but you were tired from staying up researching and thinking about the Liberation Front. “Why am I not surprised you’re not even fucking dressed.”
The loudness of his voice boomed through the apartment, “good morning to you too Bakugo.”
He stormed inside without an invitation; you muttered some profanities before kicking the door closed. He eyed you up and down an unamused look on his face. “Get read quickly.”
“There was no time on the paper why are you being so goody goody.” You mutter sipping on the rest of the coffee as you leant against the kitchen table. He had sat down directly in front as it left little room to imagination with how your legs were on show. Even with him seeing your legs in costume that was your choice now it felt more intimate to be seeing your legs without anything covering them.
“Just fucking hurry up.” You roll your eyes skipping into your room. It was like this boy had some sort of everlasting hatred against you.
Bakugo only knew where you lived from the many times, he had taken you home from you getting drunk, even with being rivals there was still some friendliness outside of work. Well as friendly as it could get with Bakugo, he skimmed through his phone and messages not bothering to reply to the many.
You had walked back out the leotard around your skin, you were warm in the long sleeves but were missing your thigh-high boots that helped for easy mobility and landing. You hand your phone between your hands as you typed quickly. Bakugo raised an eyebrow eyeing you again, he could admit you had worked on your body amazingly, especially your thighs which were on full show for him.
“Eyes up here dumbass.” You mutter without looking up, Mina had been talking about the plans for the night out tonight, but you didn’t even know if you’d be available after the revelation last night. You say something had come up apologising but telling them all to go themselves.
You felt bad but you didn’t know how long this thing would last and knowing the commission who didn’t understand time they would keep you for a lot longer than they should.
“Fucking hurry up.” Bakugo was tense, he looked around your apartment, he had never seen it properly only in the dark when he left you on your bed but that was it. He left as soon as he came, but as he saw the pictures with the UA class even some pictures with him in them. He noticed one from the dance that had occurred in your last year, you and Bakugo hadn’t gone with anyone but did one dance just to have one memory and Kirishima made you both take a photo. It was framed next to some potted plants that looked fake.
He saw more photos from the three years spent at UA, the festivals, the missions, the training camps and the most recent one being yours and Bakugo’s first day at the hero agency. He saw it was taken for a newspaper and remembered how the first time you both were shown to the public, you both had been asked many questions. Which led to a photo being taken, he hadn’t realised how many memories you both shared, pictures with Kirishima and him, with Mina and Momo, you had it all.
You coughed to gain his attention, he hadn’t realised you moving to the sofa, your legs bare as you zipped up your boots, they were tight and almost suffocated your legs, you pulled the other boot on your leg as he saw you struggle. You knew what he was thinking how idiotic it was that it took you so long. His thoughts were always humorous mainly due to the comments he made in his head that were far worse than what came out of his mouth.
“Fucking finally.” He muttered walking towards the door.
“Be patient.” You hissed grabbing your phone and gloves sliding them onto your fingers before the necklace you wore was put on. You did it looking at the mirror Bakugo leaning against the door frame as he watched you.
“Is little miss princess done now.” He scowled, you glared before opening the door with your quirk, the movement jabbing the door handle into his sides.
“Now whose taking their time.” You smirked back walking out of the door. He followed with a heavy grimace at your action. He had imagined blowing you up many times and you had always read these thoughts easily which you mocked him even more for.
The drive was slow, and you didn’t bother talking feeling angry at not having a second cup of coffee in the morning. You both arrived at the destination, “we’re too far into the city for this to be the place.”
The building was tall and flashed brightly, “I thought this shit was supposed to be discrete.” He parked with ease, his arm going to the back of your seat as he looked back reversing. You always loved watching any man do this, it was a heavy turn on even if it was the angry boy doing it. You were glad you were the one able of telepathy as him knowing you liked this sort of shit was a sure sign for him to mock you even more.
You both stepped outside, it was empty due to it being half seven and the building was too tall for it to be anything to do with the Liberation Front mission. “You two are here.” You both stare at the man, he hadn’t come from the building but instead an alleyway. “Follow me.”
You both did as you were told following the man, you spoke inside Bakugo’s head wanting privacy, ‘what if he wants to kill us.’
Bakugo’s face scrunched in anger at hearing your voice inside his own, ‘we’re pro heroes y/n, did you just forget that?’
‘Oh yeah’ He could hear you laughing in his head his mouth twitching upwards but suppressing a smile before your laughter was no longer in his head.
“Come in.” The man spoke, the alleyway had led to a rustic building, it was one storey and looked like a take-out place rather than a safe place to talk about the mission.
You followed anyway, Bakugo leading the way, he wasn’t doing it to get in the way or make it seem like he wanted to see first. He did it to make sure nothing bad would occur so that if it did you weren’t in the firing line, but he would never tell you that and he prayed you hadn’t been looking at his thoughts.
You normally didn’t anyway, you had told him when you first met all those years ago you hated your telepathy quirk, you didn’t like always hearing people’s true opinions on people, so you rarely used it to listen in on people and used it rather to control and manipulate villains.
You both walked inside the building, being met with a figure you didn’t expect. The current number two hero was struck right in front of you, his red wings wide as if he had just flew in, a casual smirk on his face. “Nice to finally meet you both, I’ve heard good things.”
You were in awe, yeah, you’d heard Tokoyami talk about Hawks and you had seen him a couple times, but you were never important to meet him face to face. “I need a picture.”
You hadn’t realised you said that out loud in your awestruck. “Y/n.” Bakugo scowled as Hawks smirked.
“No, it’s fine, get your picture first and then we can get down to business.” He made you go back outside to get some light, Bakugo reluctantly taking a photo of you with the pro hero a pure shock running through your bones.
‘Bakugo did you see that I got a picture with the Hawks.’ You were back in his head, he scowled as you both walked back inside you flicking through the multiple pictures which you swooned at. You were getting these printed and putting them in your apartment.
“You both already know what’s going on, I used to be undercover in the Liberation Front, I obviously can’t be associated with you that’s why we’re in this dingy building. You two need to think of a plan is really what I’m here to tell you.”
“You couldn’t have just texted us this.” Bakugo muttered, you were more annoyed you came here only tunning on one cup of coffee.
“We need you two under surveillance, that’s why my good friend is here.” Hawks pointed to the man in a suit, he didn’t introduce himself and neither did Hawks. “I’ll be back at the end of the day, come back with a plan of action.”
You and Bakugo stayed standing, you hadn’t gotten a chance to look around it was a clean bare room, a table and a couple of chairs around but that was mostly it. The man in a suit dropped some pens and papers on the table as if you were in nursery doing arts and crafts.
“If you two need anything ask him.” Hawks smiled going to the window, “come up with a plan by tonight or we won’t be needing you if you don’t”
The malice in his tongue sent shivers down your spine as you both watched him fly away, “Do you two need anything I’ll be waiting outside.”
“Coffee.” Both you and Bakugo spoke in unison.
It was a long day with multiple coffee runs and by the end you both had thought of a decent plan, it would make a scene, show your true colours and most of all be live for the whole of Japan to see. You both assumed it be the best plan and as you proposed it to Hawks, the excessive hand gestures and pleading to make it a whole show.
He finally agreed after questioning some parts, he saw it as reasonable and said he would sort it all out. You both had used the power of technology and your popularity to get this plan into action, all you needed now was it to work.
You both were set free, stretching your legs as you both walked towards the tall building again, “you getting in.” Bakugo gestured to how you stood in front of his car like a deer in a headlight.
You nodded going into the passenger seat, one hand lowly against the window and the other against the steering wheel, you watched his movements on the wheel. His ability to lazily do something so simply perfectively. You were tired and it was common for you to easily fall asleep and as you rested your head against the window the soft music coming from the speakers as Bakugo hummed along made you drift away into an effortless sleep.
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i’d really appreciate if you guys could leave a like, reblog or comment, thanks x
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@samusimp @alaina-rose13 @crispychannie @underratedmage​ @jennammaee​ @cathy8taffy @sugacious​ @moonlightaangel
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sonic-candy · 3 years
Updates + Super Maxi-Pad Girl
Another round of updates! FINALLY made an mobile friendly Masterlist and pinned it! This way it''s faster to post updates and easier for people to find them opposed to posting links to every project in a post.
Megamix Vol.2 is complete, Vol.3 is next then Gigamix Vol.1 is up next.
Astro Boy 03 Vol.2 has two new chapters up. (Been working Megamix)
Ehoba Equal (1) is uploaded, completing the Astro Boy related works Ehoba/NOLIFEKING published! I hope to get more Doujinshi one day but none seem to catch my interest right now.
And lastly, my first non manga/anime upload, Super Maxi-Pad Girl! I scanned the first issue back in June and recently did the second one. Mini paper on weird indie comic under the cut.
It was published in 2008 by AJ Niehaus and Daniel J Olson, (I'm guessing this was before the were married?) and they even made merch like pins and plushies. It only ran for five issues and they eventually drifted away from SMPG to do other things. Their official Facebook page is abandoned and the website is down but still accessible via waybackmachine.
The name stayed in my head rent free for over a decade, so I looked for it from time to time. But only the local comic shop I found it at had few of the issues, where I wanted the whole set so the hunt continued when I remember to search for it again.
Until spring 2020 where I found the complete set in excellent condition for $19-20 on eBay. My first white whale found! I bought it and forgot to read them as I was busy scanning Astro Boy and doing my other hobbies.
The printing is a crooked (I think it's a art style but it could be a printer issue) and the pages are black/white on glossy paper so It pretty tricky to scan without getting sun-glare on it. It stapled so i can put it back together once I'm done scanning so that nice.
As for the story itself, well the title is giveaway. It evolves around an menstrual type enemies being beating by menstrual type heroes.This is def an acquired taste but it not done in a grossout way. The art style is pretty simple and the story telling is not that deep.
Both of Niehaus and Olson (Such a common name I can't find anything about him) are still around and Niehaus made a few posts about SMPG on her instagram a few months ago so maybe a reboot or something is possible?
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Garrote part 12
[Starz Power Diego Jimenez X Jazmine Mann (Black!OC)]
Summary: Healy and the Jimenez’ are gearing up for war. Jazmine’s getting antsy waiting for something to go horribly wrong. Previous Masterlist Next
Rating/Warning(s): Mature (+18 or I call the police). post-coitus fluff, swearing, anxiety, time skip, canon typical violence (I think...?), all plot, gringo using google translate Spanish and half remembered high school classes (sorry in advance), mentions of grooming/pedophilia (don’t worry, Porsche’s OK)
Word count: 2.2k words
Author’s Note(s): yeah so I wrote this back in December and just didn’t have the heart to put it out. I wanted to try and finish the other chapters (thinking I’m gonna wrap up at seventeen chapters) and I couldn’t. I have a problem with finishing anything I start, it never feels strong enough. I’m gonna try not to let that stop me though, promise. 
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Waking up in Diego’s arms, Jazmine never expected to feel so calm. Truth be told she didn't really wake up, but drifted in and out of sweet harmonious consciousness to find Diego, whether he was cradling her or sitting up or rubbing her back. She finally managed to convince herself to get out of bed and by then it was already 2 in the afternoon. Diego had his pants and shoes back on but nothing else, so she relaxed a little. 
"You need to eat," he whispered, "come on, get dressed." 
Jazmine blinked slowly. "I need a shower. Maybe a wheelchair, too." 
She didn't miss the proud smirk that suddenly graced his handsome features. As he put on his shirt, Jazmine glanced past him at the open door of the closet. It was empty inside save for a few hangers, but it left a bad taste in her mouth and a lump in her throat. Diego followed her line of sight and said nothing. He let her shower, never more than five feet away (which is exactly how far the shower curtain is to the bathroom door). They ate somewhere family friendly, a pancake house she barely remembered the name of. Her legs still suffered from tremors and her pelvic region ached, but they were good feelings and she tried to make them last as they put a smile on her face. 
It's been about a week and Jazmine has seen neither hide nor hair of Haagen and it's starting to worry her. 
The only relief she had been able to accrue these past few days had been Healy's announcement that they had made a huge connection and were in the process of setting up task forces to take Haagen down. Alicia was confident that Haagen knew nothing and was continuing on with business as usual (or so she heard through the grapevine), and even Diego seemed to be relaxed about it. 
That was another thing that bothered her. Diego, relaxed. Diego doing more hands on business and clubbing at all hours of the night. He'd barely said two words to her after coming to the rescue and fucking her silly in front of Haagen. 
Sitting alone in the penthouse, Jazmine scratched at every itch and tugged on every baby hair like her skin was diseased. She didn't want to go outside, she was too afraid of Haagen's next move. She had been texting her mother regularly again just so she wouldn't call and have to explain why she sounded so nervous. It would have taken LaShawn all of ten seconds to realize something was wrong: so why couldn't anybody else see it? 
Maybe she was overreacting. Jazmine drew a hot bath in the jacuzzi sized tub and turned the jets on, finding bubble bath solution and a pink rubber ducky to cradle. The bathroom had a dimmer switch she turned down to near zero and let silky smooth R&B from the 90's wash her worries away. Her fingers worked to squeeze the ducky like a stress ball, and a traitorous part of her brain whispered longing thoughts. 
I wish Diego was here to massage my back.
She shushed her thoughts: at least the bath is perfectly hot. 
She washed her body and spent the better part of the day deep conditioning her hair and shaving her legs just for the hell of it. The music never stopped, it simply rolled from R&B to classic rock and then back again. Miguel checked in only to make sure she ate, and Jazmine managed to convince him to eat with her and play a co-op mobile game for a few hours. She plucked at the listening device in her ear for the thousandth time and decided to just call Healy. 
"Hey can't talk right now," were all the words she got out of him on the second call and then an immediate hang up. 
Jazmine growled and crossed her arms, suddenly reminded she was still wearing nothing but a bathrobe. She slipped into a pair of jeans and a tank top, and feeling bold, she marched up to Diego’s room and swiped a black button down that smelled like him. She tucked it unbuttoned into her pants and swanned up to the penthouse roof with a bottle of wine and one glass. 
She knew she would miss this level of extravagance. Never worrying about paying for rent or for food or selling her time and labor for someone else and next to nothing pay. Jazmine wondered what Diego would say to becoming her sugar daddy after this whole human trafficking business was over, but shook her head and topped her drink off. 
Probably overstayed my welcome, she thinks, that’s why Diego’s been distant lately. 
Jazmine was unnaturally quiet on her end, though Healy recognized the tinkling sound of bottle to glass. Probably on her fourth drink if he was counting correctly. No matter– she was safe for now at Diego’s penthouse suite and there were more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Brasa was leaning over each and every agent sat in the boardroom as if to intimidate them into obeying her every command. She was a good detective, really she was, she just needed to work on trusting the people who trusted her. Her partner Holbrooke was no help at all– selective mutism was a nasty habit to overcome. Brasa had not breathed a word of thanks in Healy’s direction, but he had expected that. This wasn’t about the praise– it was about justice. 
When he could finally break away for coffee and a piss, he sent a text to Alicia. No doubt los hermanos Jimenez would be thrilled with the intel– but what would happen next? 
The safest place for Jazmine right now is Diego’s place, he thought, but for how much longer?
An address and a transcribed photograph of the documents they came from. Healy had told them that the most likely scenario for Porsche’s whereabouts was ‘adoption’ by people who did not want any adoption documents to surface later on. The family probably has prestige, they may have lost a child recently and are looking to replace it like a goldfish and hope no one notices. 
It didn’t stop Diego’s trigger finger from inching closer and closer to his gun at every small pump of the breaks. 
“Tranquil, hermano,” Alicia soothed. “We’re almost there. We can kill them after we get la pequena back.” 
Diego sniffed and hopped out of the car as soon as it finally parked. Alicia was right behind him, checking her peripherals on the well lit streets of this upscale neighborhood. It was them two and one guard each, a second car bearing two underlings coming in from the back door and four cars with heavily armed back up around the corner in case things went south. Brother and sister climbed the porch steps idly, slipping their guns back into their hidey spots before knocking on the front door…
Jazmine’s phone battery flashed at 3%. She didn’t remember finishing the bottle, but she did really have to pee so she stood up from the pool’s edge to relieve herself. Miguel was asleep on the white leather couches in the living room, mouth open and drooling with his gun on the table. The woman’s steps were a little unsteady and her vision came in waves, but she felt that fuzzy warm buzz and decided she had better not drive. 
She shook the young man awake with a sigh. “Hey, I left something at my apartment. Can you drive me?” 
Miguel pursed his lips. “I don’t think jefe would want–” 
“Please,” she said, “it’s important.” 
Miguel relented, swiping the keys to a Ferrari from the rack by the elevator and handed Jazmine her coat. Just a few more items she couldn't live without. The way Miguel drove meant they were there in no time at all, and every light they passed by in the dark somehow made Jazmine feel lighter, less jittery and anxious. She had Miguel drop her off by the backside of the apartment and climbed the steps alone after insisting she would only be a minute. All of her doors and windows were locked, the place looked exactly as she had left it. 
“Thank god.” 
She had to search for her charger, a sparkly teal thing with a cat and an alligator charm on it. She found it hiding under her bed, then found her way into the bathroom to check on her face in the mirror. Jazmine fingered the black hickeys on her neck, smiling to herself. She caught sight of something white hanging out of the trash and dug it out: her Chicago shirt. Stuffing it into her back pocket next to her phone charger, Jazmine took one last look at her apartment and blew a kiss to it. 
“Bye,” she whispered, peaking into the dark and lingering on the memories she was about to leave behind forever until finally the lock clicked into place. Oh shit, this was the wrong door. Miguel was waiting out back– 
Gunshots rang out from behind the building, the returning fire was short and stilted, overwhelmed by the repetition of an automatic. Jazmine took to the stairs at the far side of the building and ran down them wishing she was in something other than slippers. Her heart began to pound in her chest and her breath billowed in heavy clouds before disappearing. The second she stepped off of the last stair, she tripped. Her flimsy footwear slid on the thin layer of ice and she fell, her eyes and ears following the clink clink plop noise of her phone literally going down a storm drain. 
She barely had time to scramble back to her feet before she heard tires come screeching around the corner down the street and she stumbled into a run. 
Jazmine wasn’t sure how far she’d gone, and she can’t recall how many streets she turned on, or even if she was being chased at all. Every sound made her jump, and every car coming her way made her anxious. Her lungs burned for air as she finally collapsed against the window of a minimart. There were tears streaming down her cheeks as she pushed the door open to hide among the tiny rows of snacks and gum and cigarettes and refrigerated beverages. The store owner was wearing headphones and didn't bother looking up. Deep breath in. Exhausted, shaking breath out. Jazmine curled tightly around herself to try and calm down before her heart exploded in her chest. 
Alicia and Diego have the father on his knees and bloodied. His wife and children are being held upstairs in one of the bedrooms, terrified. Diego wipes at a small spot of blood from his sister's face. 
"Donde esta el bebe?," Diego said, grasping the man's ear and dragging his head back to look at him. "I won't ask you again." 
"What baby?" The man coughed dryly, his eyes nearly swollen shut but still glimmering in fear. "I don't know what you're talking about." 
Alicia kneeled down in her white pantsuit. "The baby you bought from Jeremy Haagen, Mr. Fletcher. A beautiful little girl with dusky hair and big brown eyes. A baby that belongs to us." 
Fletcher squirms under the murderous gaze of los hermanos Jimenez but doesn’t break. 
“You know, Diego,” Alicia said leaning on her brother’s shoulder, “I didn’t see a fourth bedroom.” 
Diego pursed his lips. “So?” 
“So the contract specified a room for our mariposa, and he already has two children. Where’s the other room?” Alicia’s heels clicked as the gear turned in Diego’s head. “I bet la senorita Fletcher might know.” 
“No, please,” he begged, “leave my wife out of this– she’s got nothing to do with this!” 
“So you do know what we’re talking about,” Diego’s aha motion garnered a vague threat with the point of his gun– gold plated, of course. Emeralds in the hilt this time. 
“Secretly adopting a baby girl,” Alicia tsked, kneeling before Fletcher and brandishing a knife, “when you have two perfectly healthy girls of your own? Ay dios mio, what’s the matter? Three’s your lucky number, but your wife doesn’t put out anymore?” 
Fletcher stumbled hard over his words and made next to no sense. One thing that did make it clear through the haze of nonsense struck a nerve with the Jimenezes: “I didn’t know she’d be that young!” 
Alicia exchanged a queasy look with her brother. She had heard of it before: grooming. Usually starts when a girl is anywhere between nine and eighteen. Fletcher continued to ramble, about hiring a nanny and raising the baby anyway since Haagen didn’t do resales. He was probably just trying to get the baby off his hands…
Before Diego could pull the trigger, his phone rang. So did Alicia’s, both projecting the same number from a burner phone and three emojis to designate the caller: Healy. Alicia answered for Diego, jerking her head towards the door and mouthing, ‘I’ll take care of it from here.’ Diego reluctantly slipped outside, glaring at the nosy neighbors in the window who disappeared in a flash. He put the phone to his ear just in time to hear:
“– I need you to get to Nassau now: Jazmine’s in trouble.”
@mental-bycatch @kid-from-new-zealand @1zashreena1 @girlpornparadise @nicke0115 let me know if I missed anybody, I’m sorry it’s been so long
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A Soft Place to Land (The Mandalorian - Din Djarin x OC) - Chapter Two
Author’s Note: I’m not going to link to my Masterlist or AO3 because I don’t think Tumblr likes links, but you can find both linked at the top of my blog on desktop, or in the pinned post on mobile/desktop. :)
Note:  This is the backstory of an OC I created for a failed RP, and that backstory turned into a whole fic for The Mandalorian and my OC, Lira. It begins several years before the events of Season One of The Mandalorian take place, but will eventually line up with the show.
Summary:  Lira is an intel-gatherer for Greef Karga, working to get information on the quarries he sends his bounty hunters after, but her life slowly starts to change after she meets one bounty hunter in particular.
“Nice ship you have here.” Lira looked around as she settled into the co-pilot’s chair of Mando’s ship.
He didn’t reply, but she thought she saw him tilt his head in acknowledgment.
“What is it?”
“A Razor Crest.”
“Not bad.”
She wanted to laugh because she could tell that was probably the longest conversation he’d ever had on the ship, but she managed to control herself. “Do you know how to get to Ari?”
She watched him press a few buttons and flip a few switches, and then they were airborne.
“Have you been there often?” she asked.
“Do you like it?”
“Do you always talk this much?”
“I’m just trying to make conversation! We’re going to be stuck together for a while today, so I was trying to keep things from being awkward. Excuse me for having manners.”
He kept staring straight ahead at his console without replying, and Lira sighed. A couple of minutes later, she looked at him again.
“So you don’t like it?”
He turned to stare at her for a moment before returning his helmeted gaze to the sky in front of him. “No.”
“Yeah, I didn’t like it, either. It was far too bright. I mean, four suns ? Why are there so many? I bet the sunblock stalls make a fortune every day.” She looked at his armor, then added, “I guess you don’t have to worry about sunblock, though.”
When he didn’t reply, she sighed again and turned her attention to the window in front of her as she twisted the bracelet on her wrist in circles. 
Two hours later…
Lira’s elbow was propped on the armrest, her head resting against her hand, when Mando finally spoke, startling her enough that her elbow slipped.
“What?” she said, feeling disoriented.
“I asked what information you had on the quarry.”
“Oh. I found him at a local cantina, The Four Suns, earlier today, and he wasn’t heading toward the port when he left. It looked like he may have been heading back toward the residential areas, so either he lives on the planet or he was visiting someone. Either way, he looked like a regular in the bar. Several people spoke to him in a familiar fashion while I was there.”
“A familiar fashion?”
“Yeah. You know… friendly.”
“I know what it means.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Then what -”
“That’s all you have?”
“Isn’t that enough? We know he frequents the cantina, we know he probably lives in that residential area, we know what he looks like and what kind of speeder bike he rides. Greef has his age and other relevant information on the puck. You have the tracking fob. What else do you want to know? Do you want to know his favorite color? Should I have asked him what he likes to do on holidays?”
He turned to look at her and she smacked her forehead with her palm. “Oh! I should have asked him if he had pets.”
The Mandalorian turned his attention back to the control panel as he landed the Razor Crest in silence. After he parked, he stood and made his way to the door of the cockpit before turning back to Lira, who was still sitting in the co-pilot’s chair.
“Aren’t you coming?”
Lira turned her chair to face him. “Why would I come with you?”
“You don’t help?”
“I already helped. I got the information. What else do you want me to do?”
“Why do you demand to go with the bounty hunters if you don’t help?”
“Again, I’ve already helped, and I go with the bounty hunters so I can be sure I get my cut.”
“Wouldn’t Karge give you the cut without you tagging along with the bounty hunters?”
She gave him a look that clearly said she couldn’t believe he’d asked that. “Do you think he would? He’d tell me the bounty hunter had said my information was bad and then I’d be out of a payday. I ride along, give the bounty hunter my intel, and go with them to meet Greef. I get paid and I go home.”
“You don’t have a weapon?”
Lira’s brows creased in confusion. “Excuse me?”
“You don’t have a weapon on you. Is that why you don’t want to leave the ship?”
“How do you know I don’t have a weapon?”
Mando stared at her without replying.
Lira crossed her arms and covered her chest with them. “Do you have x-ray vision or something? Is that what the helmet’s for?”
He shook his head once. “No, I don’t have x-ray vision. It’s the way you carry yourself.”
“The way I carry myself ? What does that mean?”
“If you carried a weapon, you would move differently.”
“Differently how ?”
He didn’t answer her and she sighed, loudly, though she didn’t lower her arms.
“So you don’t have x-ray vision, but you can apparently tell I don’t have weapons because of the way I move . What else can you tell?”
Mando remained silent and Lira rolled her eyes. “Fine, don’t tell me.”
She swiveled her chair to the front again. When she turned her head to look back a few moments later, Mando was gone.
  Just when Lira was beginning to wonder if the Mandalorian was ever going to return, she saw him crossing the barren desert of the landing area, his quarry in tow. She stood and stretched as she waited for him to return to the cockpit. He climbed the ladder a few minutes later, and she sat again.
“I see you were successful.”
He nodded as he sat in the pilot’s chair, flicking a few switches to get them airborne again.
“Where did you find him?”
Mando glanced at her. “The cantina.”
Grinning, she crossed her arms and leaned back in the co-pilot’s chair. “Told you.”
They rode without speaking again for several minutes, Lira staring out the window at the stars, lost in thought, when Mando finally broke the silence.
“You need a weapon.”
Jolted out of her thoughts, she turned to stare at him. “What?”
“You need a weapon if you’re going to keep riding out with bounty hunters.”
“It’s fine. I usually stay on the ship anyway.”
He turned to look at her. “What happens if something goes wrong?”
She knew she’d be in serious trouble if something went wrong, so she didn’t answer him. He tilted his head as though he’d heard her thoughts, then turned to face the front again.
“I’ll give you one when we land.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“I know.”
“I can’t accept -”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want to give you one. I have plenty.”
“I know, but -”
“Just take it.”
“But I don’t know how to use a weapon!”
It was quiet in the cockpit for several seconds before Mando sighed and said, “I’ll teach you.”
“I said I’ll teach you.”
“I heard what you said, but why would you do that?”
It took so long for him to reply that Lira wondered if he ever would. “It’s dangerous to roam the galaxy without a weapon.”
“But why would you care if I know how to fire a weapon or not?”
“Because I’m not giving you one of my weapons if you don’t know how to use it.”
“Do you think I’ll accidentally shoot you?” Silence. “Do you think I’ll intentionally shoot you?” He turned to stare at her and she suddenly realized she didn’t really know this Mandalorian and she wondered if she might have gone too far. “I wouldn’t. Intentionally shoot you, I mean. I might accidentally do it. I’d try not to, though.”
He faced the front without replying again and Lira felt her cheeks burn.
“Do you want one or not?”
“Yes,” she replied, her voice meek. “Thank you.” He nodded, and she added, “But I’m going to pay you for the lessons.”
They made the rest of the trip in silence.
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