#feeling overwhelmed by my love for these two idiots rn
aangelichaos · 6 months
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Summary: After months of pining, Joel Miller finally makes a move on you at the winter dance.
Age Rating: T
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Allusions to smut, kissing, sexual tension, there's a creepy dude but Joel helps
A/N: Sorry this is ass, the writer's block is so bad rn. Anyways I fucking love Jackson Joel so much, there needs to be more fics of him. I love the idea of him finally experiencing a crush again and being able to really acknowledge those feelings, and he's so overwhelmed and thrown off by how much he craves you. Divider by @inklore
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He's had his eyes on you all night.
He can't stop watching, mesmerized by the way you move. If he were younger and more confident he would be out on the dance floor with you. But he's intimidated by your beauty, so sweet and graceful as you dance. He can't measure up to you, his bones are creaky and he can't dance to save his own life. And even though you're not much younger than him yourself, he fears that his age is starting to catch up to him, that he wouldn't be able to keep up your seemingly boundless energy. So he sticks to the sidelines, content to watch you dance the night away.
He doesn't know when it started, exactly. All he knows is that at some point, he became utterly infatuated with you, and now he can't get enough. Your smile, your laughter, your touch- he's hooked on you. He feels like a teenager again, with the way butterflies form in his stomach when he sees you and his heart races when you flash that pretty smile his way. So when a strange man approaches you, extending his hand in invitation, it sets off a silent rage inside him.
‘It should be me’ Joel thinks as he watches him pull you into his arms, far too intimate for two strangers. And then he starts to wonder, doubt filling his mind. There's not a ring on your finger, and you never mentioned another man in your life, but he still can't help but think that maybe he's been deluding himself this entire time. You've probably been with that man all this time, and he's just been too caught up in his feelings for you to notice. The guy pulls you closer, and a burning hot wave of jealousy crashes over him, intense and nearly painful. That is, until your eyes meet his, and he sees the look in them.
Fear is a familiar thing to him. He can recognize it from a mile away. The subtle furrow of your brows, the slight widening of your eyes as they plead with him, a silent cry for help. He's walking towards the two of you before he even knows what he's doing, instinct telling him he needs to get you away from that guy. He's subtle about it, tapping the guy's shoulder and mumbling out a "Mind if I steal her away for a minute?" He whisks you away before the man can object.
You end up back in the corner of the room with him, the two of you sipping on your drinks as you watch everybody else dance.
“Thank you,” you finally mutter after a few moments of silence.
“No problem,” he says in return, giving you a small nod. "If you don't mind me askin', what was that about?"
“He just wanted to get into my pants,” you spit, “I think he was drunk or something. He wouldn't let go of me, you know how those guys are.”
“Fuckin' idiot,” he grumbles. “Boys like him ain't got a damn clue how to treat a woman.” He can't imagine how someone could look at you, so pretty and lovely, and just seeing a hole to use for the night. You deserve better. You deserve a man who knows how to take care of a woman, make you feel loved and safe. He wishes it were him. He'd be good to you.
You nod in return. “Yeah,” is all you respond with before the two of you fall back into silence, and he wishes he could think of something to say. You're right here, as gorgeous as ever, and he's completely fucking this up. But what do you say to someone when all you can think about is how good they felt in your arms and how badly you want to kiss them?
“So,” you speak up again. “Do you want to dance?”
It's a simple question. Innocent, lighthearted. But it sends his heart racing. You want to dance with him. You. Beautiful, perfect you. But he can't, he knows he can't, because he'll only crave you more if he does. “Darlin', I- I don't dance. Got two left feet,” he jokes, trying to ignore the way he fucking aches to have you in his arms again.
“Come on, it'll be fun,” you urge him, a smile playing on your lips. “Please?”
It's almost scary how quickly his resolve crumbles. He wishes he were a stronger man, but he can't resist you, could never resist you. “Okay.”
He curses himself for agreeing when you grin and take his hand, pulling him to the dance floor. You're so pretty. So goddamn pretty, and he doesn't know how to deal with it. You grasp his hands and nearly drag him around the floor, but he doesn't mind at all. And to his surprise, he is able to keep up with you, after all (though he might have stepped on your foot once or twice at first).
“‘Two left feet' my ass,” you say after a few minutes. “You're doing just fine.”
“Tell that to your toes,” he quips, reveling in the way you giggle in response. He thinks it might just be the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard.
“Yeah, but that was only a couple times. You haven’t done that in at least five minutes,” you’re quick to point out. “You’re doing great, really,” you assure him with a soft smile.
Joel’s heart skips a beat at that. He wonders if you can tell he's smitten, if you can feel the way his heart is racing. "Thanks," he murmurs in reply.
The song ends, suddenly replaced with something much softer, slower. Oh, shit. He drops your hands, clearing his throat nervously. But you take his hand back in yours, stepping closer.
"Is this alright?" you ask softly, not daring to make another move until he agrees.
"Yes," he responds instantly, tentatively reaching his free hand out to grasp your waist. It's indescribable, the feeling of finally getting to hold you like this. He never wants to let you go.
You drop his hand, instead opting to wrap your arms around his neck while his hand falls to your hip along with the other. You stay like this for a while, just swaying back and forth. Joel's heart is pounding, and he thinks that surely you can feel it, but if you can you don't say anything.
At some point the line between platonic and romantic blurs, and the respectable distance between you closes. He has you cradled against his chest, his arms wrapped fully around you as you lean into him.
“Hey, Joel?” you mumble, looking up to meet his eyes. Your eyes are beautiful in this light, shining and sparkling as they look up at him. It takes everything in his power not to pull your face to his and kiss you breathless then and there.
“Yeah?” he whispers out, his voice tight and strained.
“What’re we doing?” you ask, your bottom lip sticking out just slightly in a small pout.
His brows furrow in confusion. “We’re… dancing?” he whispers back tentatively.
“No, I mean… fuck,” you curse under your breath. You pause for a moment, leaving Joel to wait with bated breath for your next words. “What are we?”
The words shoot through him like a bolt of lightning, setting every nerve in his body aflame. “I… don’t know, sugar. What do you want us to be?” he asks. He knows exactly what you want, and he wants it too, but he needs to hear it from your pretty lips.
You sigh softly. “Not this. I don’t… shit, there’s something here, right? I’m not making it up, am I?” you ask in a desperate plea for him to tell you he feels it too.
Joel thinks that he must be dreaming, because there's no way in hell you're in his arms, damn near begging him to tell you how much he adores you. “Honey girl, you ain’t makin’ anything up. Been head over heels for a damn long time.”
You let out a shuddering sigh of relief. “You have?”
Joel nods, gently taking your chin between his index finger and his thumb to keep you looking at him. “Mm. Can’t stop thinkin’ about ya, feel like I'm losing my damn mind.”
Your hands fist in his coat as he gently rubs his thumb along your plush lower lip. You like that, he realizes. Good to know.
“Lemme kiss ya, darlin’. Been dyin’ for a taste of these pretty lips.” Joel thinks he sounds like a complete madman, everything he’s ever been taught about respect and manners flying out the window and quickly being replaced by a flirtatiousness he didn’t even know he possessed. But your entire body shudders in response, and he suddenly can’t find it in himself to care.
"Please," you whisper, and his lips are on yours as soon as the word leaves your mouth.
His hands come up to your face, gently grasping your cheeks and holding your lips to his. He tries to take it slow, he really does, but you feel so fucking good, and he’s been waiting so long. He all but devours your lips as you hold onto his shoulders to keep yourself steady. You don’t stop him even though he thinks you really should, letting him take what he wants, needs. It’s like you understand how he’s feeling, how bad he’s been needing this, and maybe you do. Maybe you’ve been craving it just as much.
He doesn’t pull away until his lungs are burning with the need to breathe, panting shakily as he rests his forehead against your own. “Fuck, sugar, ‘m sorry. Got carried away there.”
“Don’t apologize.” You tilt your head up to kiss his cheek and Joel sighs softly at the contact, his hold on you tightening slightly. “I haven’t had a kiss that good in years.”
Joel chuckles and presses another, less needy, kiss to your lips. “Same here, sweet girl. Didn’t realize how much I missed it.”
You smile and lean up to kiss his cheek. "How long have you been wanting to kiss me, Joel?" you ask, the sugary-sweet lilt of your voice nearly driving him mad with desire.
"Way too damn long," Joel sighs. "Gotta be a few months at least."
"Mm. Looks like we got a lot of lost time to make up for, huh?" you breathe, leaning in close until your lips are a mere inch from his.
"Fuck," Joel hisses. "We sure do, darlin'. Tell you what, my house ain't far... what do you say we head on over there, have a drink, see where the night takes us?" he suggests, a small, seductive smile gracing his lips.
You nod eagerly. "Yeah. I'd like that."
The night takes you exactly where he wants it to. You, in his bed, arms wrapped around him tight while he pleases you in every way he knows how.
Goddamn, he's missed this too.
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
request; reminding them how lucky you are to have them, with jj?
pairing; jj x fem!reader
warnings; fluff
authors note; writing blurbs rn to cure my writers block, you may request from the list below or send in your own idea, as well as any other requests for one shots, imagines, etc.
other ways to say i love you prompt list
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A jab to the ribcage was no way to rest.
Feeling such pain in the middle of your slumber, has you jolting upward to merely peer at a wide-awake JJ. Hard to make out— the shared room being dimly light, whilst the street lights from outside peeked harshly through the blinds.
As much as JJ could watch you sleep on repeat like it was his favorite movie.
He had something on his mind, that must be released at this very second. So, unfortunately your sleep was a bargain, but he’d be sure to make it up to you.
You were pressed delicately to his chest, legs intertwined symbolically wrapped up in each other, now facing one another. But now you are passively staring into his soul, wondering what could possibly be wrong at 3:30 in the morning.
You hissed, such an idiotic shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He’d awoken a beast, being sure to tame it at once.
“What, baby?”
“Did you just fucking poke me?!”
Still he looks onward to you, besot filled eyes— such infatuation for one person.
People have given away pieces of their heart to multiple other people, but not JJ. He beckoned for this moment.
To be transformed and stupidly, insanely infatuated with someone.
You, that is.
That’s why, he’s proding you from exhaustion this late.
He just could never let you go too long without knowing so.
“That I did do but … but for good reason.”
“It’s never a good reason with you.”
Annoyance filled your voice, but he gave you the benefit of the doubt. Eyes awaiting his response, that seemed to take hours, when it was really two minutes.
“Never told you that before we met, I told John B I saw this moment right here … right now … with you.”
“You’re telling me this at almost 4 AM, because …”
“Because m’ a fuckin’ genie baby … shit, or is it psychic?”
He heard a small giggle erupt from your figure; a sign that he needed to continue talking, pulling you in closer if that was even humanly possible. The urge to be inside your skin overwhelming— as it’s filled with warmth and, the closest he’ll ever get to seeing and knowing your heart.
“Seriously though, I think you healed a part of me I never thought could be fixed,” JJ swallowed the lump in his throat, fingers combing through your hair, cooing at you with such remembrance. “I’ve always been searching for this stability … but I knew that once I didn’t want to run from this, you’d be my one … the one person I physically could not breathe without.
“J, you know ‘m not going anywhere-“
“Not finished, pretty girl,” He hushed you softly through pursed lips. “It’s a privilege to even be in your presence … m’ so Goddamn lucky.”
JJ would rather be caught dead than talking about his feelings, not now, anyway. With you, he’s constantly spewing out the most obscene, off-the-wall thoughts. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“And I love you, okay ?”
He reassured, as if you asked for it. Speaking his words directly into your lips, hungering for you to know those thoughts, to taste that and swallow them whole. Never having to question his utter devotion for you.
“And I love you, J,”
There was no ‘too’, no that was pathetic. The love shared was equal, no in between.
Just equal.
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chilumi-shipper · 2 years
Gosh im so fuckimg nervous this is my first time doing this EVER. Im not even sure if you're accepting reqs rn but I'll risk it. Also im in love with the pAIN. It hurts so good. I keep re reading every angst/fluff u write cuz ik they're all worth it OMIGAD oki,
may i req any angst to fluff with my bby man arataki itto?ㅠㅠ I keep looking for any but to no avail then came across your acc, (been rereading ur works for months i feel like a creep holy shiieet) like idk how u do it because I dont have a specific imagine in my mind OMG TF I talk too much okay I'll go
also ily HEHEH ♡╮ ( ´ ▽ ` ) ╭♡
My Favorite Girl
Arataki Itto x Shrine Maiden!Fem!Reader
Summary: You were definitely an odd couple, but it just worked out. Despite his somewhat idiotic attitude and the fact that he doesn't have a stable income, you loved him with all your heart. Although, you can never tell if he feels the same way about you, he definitely loves you, but... will you ever mean more to him than his gang? Will he ever gleefully talk about you like he talks about his deputy? Will he ever fondly think that you are just so amazing, like how he thinks of Kuki Shinobu?
Part 2
Despite the Arataki Gang's infamous title of being a pretty rowdy and a troublemaking group of idiots, you were quite fond of them, they're a funny group, never failing to make you laugh, they stick by each other, you have to admire that loyalty, and they make your one and oni the person that he is. You have to appreciate that.
No matter the overwhelming differences between you and Itto, it seems that fate has brought the both of you together, it really shocked many of your fellow Shrine Maidens.
You were given the title of "The Arataki Gang's Honorary Maiden", you treasured that title just as much as you did your official title at the Grand Narukami Shrine. Whenever you could, you'd do some ordinary things for the Gang, just like a normal member would, send out flyers for whatever goofy festival or play or event they may be planning on doing, providing them with food and a shelter if they ever get themselves up to some trouble again, which they frequently do, you're the one that Ushi goes to for comfort when he sometimes gets fed up by all the stupidity around him, you're even the person to find if anyone of them manage to find themselves in a cell.
"Y/N!" You hear Itto's energetic voice call for you, though it wasn't only you he managed to get the attention of. As always, he manages to get everyone's attention at the shrine whenever he visits.
As the gang approaches you, all smiles like the usual, (except when their smiles linger with the look of guilt when they need to tell you that they messed something up) you see a familiar girl with green hair walk with them.
"Check it out! An official new member of the Arataki Gang." The way Itto spoke makes it obvious that he's so proud, you understood of course, nobody really wanted to join them before because of their neverending... conflicts.
Their happy expressions were contagious, you also couldn't help but smile. "Oh, I feel like I've seen you from somewhere." You directed your words to the masked girl. She seems to turn flustered scratching the back of her head.
"Yeahhhhh... I was here the other day... with my mother..." When the girl answered, it finally clicked, the other day, a woman and her daughter were arguing there at the shrine, the mother talking about her daughter being a shrine maiden, with a stable income and a good future and all that, whilst the daughter was arguing that the job just wasn't for her.
"Ohh, yeah, I remember now!" You smiled sweetly at the girl, unknowing of the blush that she hid behind her mask when you showed such warmth towards her. "I guess you found your real passion now."
Itto crossed his arms proudly. "That's right! This is Kuki Shinobu! Our new member, just thought I should introduce you two to each other, but now that seems unnecessary." Itto looked at the green haired girl.
"Heh, good thing Shinobu didn't choose to be a boring old Shrine Maiden." Mamoru, one of the members of the gang, stated, instantly getting elbowed by Genta.
"You idiot! Do you know where we are?!"
You took no offense, even laughing at their poor attempt of covering what he said.
"Oh, no offense, Y/N." Mamoru said sheepishly, "We like you! You aren't one of those stick in the mud Shrine Maidens!" Another elbow from Genta stopped him from speaking, as you pretend to be oblivious of the dirty glares they were getting from your co-workers.
"Well, we should definitely be going now!" Itto leaned down a bit, stealing a kiss on your lips as a goodbye. "I'll see you back home." His words were gentler when his forehead is pressed against yours.
"Try not to get arrested again." You whispered back, just as gentle despite the meaning of your words. "Or else I might how to cuddle with Ushi again tonight."
"Not gonna happen." Another kiss and he was off with his gang.
After that... it was like you've been replaced.
Ever so slowly did it show that you were no longer needed in the group. Kuki Shinobu was one amazing addition, so much so that she became a Deputy Leader a week after her arrival.
It seems like you're gently being pushed away, it felt like now that you have a replacement, they don't want you anymore.
You no longer received news about the group, it's like you're not gonna be invited to any more card games and beetle fights and 'festivals'.
At first you understood, you were kinda always busy, you aren't always gonna be there, so it's great that the idiots have someone to have their backs and get them out of trouble when you're not around.
"Where are you going?" You were standing behind Itto, as he was about to leave through the front door. He never mentioned any affairs he had to go to that night.
Itto looked back at you and smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head and said, "I've got some things planned with the gang. Is it okay if I come home late?"
You gulped, looking down a bit. "Y-Yeah, okay, sure." His smile turned bigger, going up to you and giving you a kiss on the cheek.
"Great! Thanks!" He left eagerly, whilst you sighed and tried to endure a wave of disappointment.
You walked to the kitchen, "He forgot..." You felt a tear run down your cheek, your hand quick to wipe it away as you take the pot of Itto's favorite off the stove and transferring a portion for yourself on a plate, the rest you just plan to give away to the nice seniors living next door.
Maybe it was just you that felt off with the changes, feeling bad that you don't get to spend as much time with your beloved as much as you would want to. But then again, that could just be you being overly attached.
Maybe it was just your own insecurities speaking when you see that Itto holds so much adoration for Shinobu, adoration that he has never showed to anyone before.
Maybe it was just your own jealous thoughts taking over when Itto keeps bailing on you and your plans in favor of going with his gang.
And from feeling like you're no longer a part of the Arataki Gang, it went to feeling like you were no longer an important part of Itto's life.
"Shinobu's basically the best gal there is!" He thinks so highly of her, you can't help but let jealousy cloud your mind. You were at the same restaurant they happen to walk into just now.
You knew it was wrong, but you listen in on the group's conversation, "She just got her school certificate from that big shot school in Liyue! We gotta celebrate!" You thought that eating at the restaurant might give you some time to think and feel relaxed, but it would seem like there was just a constant feeling eating at your skin everytime you think about the ever closing relationship between Itto and Shinobu.
"Hey, how about Tuesday next week, boss? I hear that there's gonna be this massive star shower that night."
"It's called a meteor shower, you idiot!"
"Yeah, yeah, that's pretty cool! Remember that nice spot we set up our Drumalong Festival? Let's celebrate there again. I bet we get a clear shot of the beautiful sky there!" Itto suggested as you feel your heart sink a bit.
"It's not like I have anything planned, we can get started getting the things we need to celebrate now." Tears started to burn your eyes, you couldn't help but just look down at your food, feeling devastated about what you heard.
Next Tuesday is your birthday.
You thought that maybe it would be nice to go on a night picnic with him and watch the nice show in the sky, you aren't much for big celebrations with tons of people, heck, you'd rather have Itto bring his gang along, they always makes things fun and entertaining.
You had it all planned out in your head too, you thought that it would make up for all the time that you lost when he would bail on you. You already asked him to join you a few days ago, it seems that he forgot that he agreed.
But at least now, you're absolutely sure of what you are to Itto now.
...You had your great times with him.
"You're leaving?" Itto sounded like a kicked puppy, looking at your back as you pack a portion of your clothes into a bag.
You didn't bother looking at him, continuing to pack as you answered, "Y-Yeah, I have to go to Watatsumi Island for work stuff." You noticed that your voice started trembling, so you kept your answer short.
Itto looked over your shoulder, seeing a big pile of items in your bag. "That's a lot of stuff. Are you staying there for like... a week or something?" He chuckled, though it sounded as if it was in uncertainty, he really hopes you're not gonna be gone that long.
You sniff, you feel that your eyes are a bit sore from crying yourself to sleep the past few days. You felt fatigue, hopelessness, heartbreak, all that just in the span of a few days.
"A month, actually?"
The Oni almost couldn't believe his ears. "W-What? That's so long." He tried laughing a bit to ease a bit of the shock he felt, yet his laugh only came out awkward and confused.
"It's not like you'll notice I'm gone." It was what you wanted to say, however you kept it in.
"A-Alright, when will you be leaving? I can help you haul you stuff to the boat." You zipped up your bag before finally looking back at him.
His eyes narrowed as he looked at your face, it's not the first time these past few days that he didn't notice the tired look in your eyes.
You took something out from your pocket, taking out a purple envelope, you brought Itto's attention to the object.
Today is your birthday the festival in Kuki Shinobu's honor. And today is also the day that special meteor shower will be happening.
He still hasn't realized.
"Hey, isn't that the envelope for our festival. We'll go there together tonight, right?" He smiled sweetly at you, you were gonna miss that pure smile of his.
"Actually..." You sighed, handing him the invitation. "I'm l-leaving tonight, so you don't have to come see me off at the docks." You felt your heart ache as you see his face visible fall.
"O-Ohh..." It was a rare sight, Itto was at a lost for words, and despite your frustrations, your annoyance of being pushed away and being forgotten, you stepped closer to him before leaning down and kissing his forehead. "That soon, huh?"
"...Yeah." You shoved all the negative emotions down, hoping that your long trip to Watatsumi will clear your mind and void you of all the bad feelings you've been getting.
Itto's big arms wrapped around your form, he was sat on the bed as you were standing up, he rested his head on your stomach, feeling his disappointment grow by the second.
And he doesn't know why, but... there's been a part of his subconscious eating away at him all day, like... he's missing something important.
You pull away from the embrace much to your lover's dismay. You caress his face, smiling as he leaned in to your touch. This was actually one of the few moments that you get to spend time with him that isn't just you two getting ready for bed and sleeping.
"This is possibly one of the last moments I'll have with you."
You try not to let your tears spill out, you think that when you leave, he'll finally realize that... he doesn't need you...
A litte Shrine Maiden, boring and dull, in contrast with his exciting and kind of stupid way of living. You start looking back at what people have said about you relationship.
It's just a fever dream, it won't last.
He'll probably get tired of her soon enough.
She's just getting herself into more trouble being with an Oni. Especially that idiotic one.
You've never cared for what people have said about you, but they seem to be proving true right now.
You look into his eyes, smiling before leaning down for a kiss.
"One last kiss... Before I let you go..."
The man before you felt a strange feeling as you kissed him, the kiss was so passionate, yet it seemed full of sadness.
He shook off the weird feeling.
Itto sits at the docks of Ritou, waiting for a boat that would have the love of his life on it. There was a neatly wrapped present beside him, inside contained a beautiful jade necklace he bought with a portion of his saved up mora, along with a letter he poured all his feelings for you onto.
It has been 1 month 2 weeks and 3 days...
You were just a little bit behind on the schedule, he convinced himself. At some point, you'll be waving your hand, greeting him before you even come to the docks. He'll be coming to the docks everyday with the present until the day comes.
He's got a whole apology speech as well! If you got mad at him and chose to take the job at Watatsumi because he forgot your birthday, he has been practicing the words he wants to say to you.
He really misses you.
On your birthday, the meteor shower could apparently be seen from all over Inazuma, so chances are, you probably saw the glimmering stars as well. He just wished that he could have been with you.
Itto has been beating himself up for forgetting about your day ever since you left. He's been going to the Grand Narukami Shrine and have asked your co-workers almost single day about when you will come back and if there's any way you can come back early, they never give a preferable answer.
He understood the tired look you had now, the sadness in your eyes when he would come home late. You probably felt so alone when he's been going out so much, barely ever checking up on you, only ever being in the house to sleep and then leave immediately.
Itto held on to the precious moment you shared before you left, as he selfishly chose to go to the festival instead of bidding you goodbye, the last time he saw you was in your shared house. The sweet kiss you shared lingered in his mind, he clung onto that memory in hopes that you're not too mad at him to just up and leave and never come back.
"Woah... Didn't see you there, Beefcake." Despite trying to put some enthusiasm in his voice, the sadness the Oni felt was to obvious to mask.
Ushi slid by his side, looking at the see that his owner was previously staring at. Itto chuckled at the bull's action. "Yeah, I miss her too." He couldn't help but sigh.
The little animal reached for it's side, and it caught Itto by surprise when Ushi pulled out a single rose, before looking back to the horizon again.
"Hah, well, it looks like my competition for my Y/N's love is back huh?" He smiled. "Have you got a speech of your own ready?"
Ushi looked at his owner unimpressed, nodding before laying the rose on top of Itto's present.
Behind them, Kuki Shinobu was standing, feeling ever so empathetic for the two souls that seem to have lost their light.
The gang has been like her family, including you, even if you weren't around as often as the other members, you were the one that always made her comfortable, you were witty but also a fun person to be around with. If it weren't for you telling her that her path should be hers to choose on the day her mother forced her to go to the Grand Narukami Shrine, she would have never ended up with such amazing people.
She looked behind her, where Akira, Genta, Mamoru stood.
"Looks like we're going to Watatsumi Island."
There'll be a part 2, just don't know when ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I wrote this in very small increments over the course of two weeks, and the last part I literally wrote when I'm laying in bed at 3 am with 10% battery.
Anon, I hope you like it. I'm sorry if it's not Angst to Fluff yet like you asked, but it's kinda ling and I'm a bit tired. Still, thanks so much fir the request, I actually quite enjoyed thinking about this and writing this.
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pumpkinbxtch · 2 months
MY LAST REQUEST 😭 I feel so bad requesting right away AGAIN but I loved your response so much I want more. I CRAVE more of it PRETTY PLEASE WITH A CHERRY ON TOP MAKE A PT2 DO ANYTHING WITH THE PART 2 SLIGHTLY ANGSTY AND FLUFFY PLSPLS 😭🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ TYSM AGAIN LIKE YOURE LITERALLY THE BEST ur single handily fueling my obsession rn this will be my last one for a while TRUST unless you say otherwise, I don’t wanna overwhelm you ❤️💔
• ° . ☆ “Free coupons, take one and cry all afternoon ” II
— apollo x mortal!reader
part i
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summary: part ii, you need to read it, the link is above. run, go warnings: none a/n: really forgive me, haha. I wanted to do something very nice but, well, you'll read what I did. I don't know, forgive me 😔 I couldn't control myself HAHA Still I hope you enjoy it.
Lester was about to throw up the burger, or well, the two bites he had taken. No misunderstanding, it was good.
But you continued to check that they were well taken care of; Giving him pretty smiles and walking near him with that lavender smell of yours. Shit, he wanted to be close to you.
They were too many of you, so they had to join several tables and, among the place that was about to explode, they stood out.
A very lively table, Apollo assumed.
Percy played with his soda making swirls telepathically, Leo put his hand in and undid it, it was funny until the son of Poseidon realized that the drink was disgustingly tampered with. He didn't take a sip again. The other boys laughed.
The girls were talking and laughing and pushing each other, including Meg.
Nico picked at Percy's fries and sipped on Will's soda. Living his best life, Apollo thought.
He liked the idea of being with them and being able to take care of them (even though they beat them to the times they had saved his ass) he could now return the favor.
Oh, if only you could see it. You would be happy. You told him in almost all your lives that he was guilty of being self-centered.
Apollo found himself struggling with the thoughts of him, you weren't dead. You were in front of him.
You passed the door to the counter, holding a tray in each hand. That image flashed in his mind, transporting him back to when you used to walk around with two vases on your shoulders, dancing among the people. Some chains hanging from your neck and the jewelry clashed. You have always been beautiful. Whatever way you came back to him; Boy, girl, you were always beautiful.
— LESTER! —He jumped out of the seat and collided with Jason's shoulder.
— All good?
No, he wanted to be with you.
— The girl over there is talking to you, — Will said with a worried look for his father.
He looked up and spotted you behind the cash register. He made his way towards you without hesitation.
—Mr. Lester, I see that you didn't wait two seconds to use those coupons.— You said with a smile on your lips. Some strands of hair were sticking out from under the cap you were wearing.
—We were hungry.
Idiot, couldn't he think of a better line?
You let out a laugh, and he leaned slightly on the bar, his stomach wouldn't leave him alone.
You leaned over the bar, closing the distance between you. The boy smelled like sunshine and some kind of sweet scent, totally pleasing to your sense of smell. Strangely, you wanted to be even closer to him, like a little impulse to be with him alone, to hug him. Were you attracted to him? But it seemed like a joke, they had only met by chance. You cleared your throat.
— Everything's alright there? — You pointed with your eyes to the table where the rest of his friends and sister were. Although this one had nothing in common with him.
You looked at him. The blonde curls mixed with the black ones making a particular blend, you wondered if it was something genetic and his blue eyes, you had seen them. You were sure.
He touched your shoulder excessively softly, as if he was afraid of breaking you.
— Excuse me?
You let out a laugh and straightened up. Again he was a little further away and you didn't like the feeling.
—I didn't hear you, sorry. Did you say?
Lester smiled.
— It's all good. If we make too much noise, we can leave.
You denied without thinking, almost as an act of desperation. You and he chatted a little more, and you told him to sit down so he could finish his meal.
Walked into the kitchen and cursed under your breath. It was inevitable, he would have to leave at some point. What if you asked for his number? The thought made you bite your lip, and you squeezed your eyes shut.
You felt stupid. Would you look like that in front of him?
You gave him the coupons you had collected to go out with your friends for half a month, just for the sake of it? You never talked to strangers on the street, but Lester didn't seem like a stranger to you.
Apollo returned to the table and ate a chip without much enthusiasm.
Rachel glanced at Piper.
— Any problem? — Frank said drinking soda from the straw.
The god shook his head and sighed. He felt useless, helpless because he wanted to be with you, but he couldn't find a way. Maybe he could ask you for your number. Yeah! Or not?
— I think it's better that you eat. —Rachel said. As if she could guess his thoughts. Or maybe yes? He looked up and took the burger in her hands, after examining it, he handed it to the son of Hades. Nico ate it almost in an instant. And he got up again to go with you.
— Excuse me!
— Tell me — A waiter served him. Apollo felt stupid, so he ended up ordering ice cream.
He returned with the cone in his hand and a pout on his mouth.
Piper hid her giggle behind the paper menu.
The thoughts of asking for his number also didn't leave you alone, but every time you tried to approach him, something simply interrupted you.
You quickened your pace towards him. You cursed the fact that Lester's back was turned, and an arm stopped your path.
— Miss…
Again. You ended up in the kitchen, mumbling and grimacing.
Apollo also couldn't find you at any time that you could speak. He slammed his hand on the table and bumped his forehead against the plastic surface. It seemed like a joke!
Rachel shook her head slightly and stroked her head.
—Hey, Apollo.
He denied rubbing his face on the table.
Everyone wanted to ask, but the redhead put a finger on her lips.
— Apollo
— It's not Apollo, it's Lester
She understood, things weren't going well, but it was inevitable. Rachel got down to Apollo's level.
— Try it one more time, if you hate this, try it as many times as necessary. But know that you tried everything.
The god's blue eyes peered through his hair, and stood up with a sigh.
Everyone at the table pretended not to have heard, they played dumb talking about the weather.
And he tried again.
and he failed again.
You didn't feel any different, you felt like everything had been so easy until you got it into your head that you needed to be with him. You looked through the delivery window and noticed that his table was almost empty, you had worked in food chains for so long to know that they were about to leave the place. Your soul felt a despair that at the same time seemed meaningless to you.
You looked for a pen and paper, a sheet they use for receipt notes.
You wrote your number and a note: call me!, and you doodled a heart. Inexplicably, you also drew a sun. If you couldn't get close, someone else could.
Your coworker stopped her pace and raised her chin. She just had a tray in her hand, perfect. You walked over to her quickly.
— Deliver this to table seven.
She nodded.
Apollo was already feeling hopeless, he drank Piper's drink and talked to her friends. During the conversation, your coworker handed the note on a small tray. Rachel looked at the paper and waited for Apollo to take it.
He did, and while he was laughing about something Frank had told him, he crumpled it up and threw the ball of paper into the metal trash can.
The redhead didn't say anything, she knew what was happening. She knew that even if she went to the boat and gave the paper to her friend, it would be something else.
The food was finished, and the rest had been pleasant.
Then everyone rose from their chairs.
Apollo looked again at the same window through which you had been spying on him, until at that same moment it was your turn to throw out the trash.
And that's how things ended.
Apollo walked away from the place, and you didn't see him leave. Both felt their spirits on the ground, their stomachs full of anxiety. It was strange, it was fleeting. But when things didn't have to happen, it was that simple. They just wouldn't happen.
At least, not in this life of yours.
Every chance with Apollo would wither, corrode, perish. It didn't matter how much they tried or struggled.
It was not going to work. At that moment, you were destined to meet but not to stay together, not even for a full day.
And how cruel because there was so much he wanted to show you.
But not now, but until 100 years later.
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littlethingsinlife · 1 year
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A/N: I had this idea while I was listening to some music and I guess I was feeling some type of way. P.s. I couldn’t find a clearer picture (rn my source of pics is pinterest lol). A little bit of a warning, I’m INCREDIBLY rusty when it comes to writing as I haven’t done it in awhile. This songfic is inspired by Olivia Rodrigo’s “happier” but it doesn’t really follow the lyrics word for word. Anyway I’m really hoping that it’s not hard to read. I hope you enjoy~
Pairing(s): Lo’ak x Tsireya, Past Lo’ak x Omaticayan!Reader 
Warning(s): None :DD Except for the writer is REALLY rusty when it comes to writing fanfic. The formatting might be a little wonky cause I copied and pasted from google doc. 
Word Count: 4,990 
More Info: The same old trope where the reader is orphaned and was taken in by the Sully’s which is why there were no questions asked she’s coming with. Also the storyline is not really in chronological order with what happened in the actual movie. There will be scenes pulled from the movie but placed where I think it would fit the best :’D
Summary: Traveling with the Sully’s to Awa’atlu was supposed to bring comfort and dissipate the fears of losing your loved one, not break your heart in two.
Part 2: i’m sorry
(Y/N) = Your Name 
Lyrics = Bolded Italics 
Flashbacks = Italics
Na’vi Words: 
Yimkxa - Banshee Catcher 
Txe’lan - Heart
Uturu - Tradition of granting refugees sanctuary  
Marui - Pods where the clan live
Tsaheylu - Bond 
Olo’eyktan - Clan leader 
Tsahik - Spiritual leader 
Skxawng - Idiot
We broke up a month ago
Your friends are mine, you know, I know
You’ve moved on, found someone new
One more girl who brings out the better in you
We arrived in Awa’atlu a month ago. When I think about it, it pains me a great deal to have left all that I knew behind, but it would’ve killed me if they left without me, if he was no longer there, even if the forest will forever be my home it would’ve felt desolate without him and the light he would bring along with him. Oh how foolish I was to think that them leaving would be the only thing to tear my heart in two. 
The night before Tarsem became the new Olo’eyktan and the Sully’s and I would begin our journey for uturu, I cried, cried in the arms of my best friend and my first love as fears and uncertainty overwhelmed me. 
“I-I am afraid, what if the sky people come to find us again? I cannot lose any of you; it would break me into a million pieces,” I sobbed. 
“If they find us then we will fight and we will win,” Lo’ak declared as he softly rocked me back and forth in his arms. 
“You are an idiot, I was so close to losing you, to losing Kiri, Tuk, how do you think it would make me feel to lose the most important people in my life?” I sniffled. 
“(Y/N), sweet girl, you will not lose us, we will always be there for you. Do not worry your pretty head over such things, I promise that I will be with you all throughout the journey as will my family. We love you, and even if you do not believe it, you are a Sully. And you know what my dad always says.” 
“Sullys stick together,” we chorused. 
That night, he stayed cradling me in his arms until I fell asleep, whispering comforting words and giving occasional kisses to the top of my head. 
The entire journey was rough. Days seemed to blend together as we flew through the skies on our ikran. We were all quiet at the beginning as we mourned the loss of our home. But by the end of it all Kiri, Lo’ak and I found ways to entertain ourselves by telling jokes and playing a game called “I spy” that Jake taught us when he got tired of the three of us bumping ikran with one another. As we approached the village, a horn was blown to announce our arrival to the village. One by one, we all landed and dismounted our ikran. 
Jake stepped forwards with his hands in the air as a means to show we came in peace. As a large group of Metkayina surrounded us, I instinctively stepped closer to Lo’ak and Neteyam. Looking around, I could see the differences between us, our skin was darker, tails much skinnier, and their eyes were much larger. My tail whipped excitedly as I looked around, but before I was able to tell Lo’ak about any of my observations, two boys around our age started to walk towards us. Out of respect, Lo’ak, Neteyam and I greeted them properly. The teenage boys, however, turned a blind eye and began to make fun of our physical appearances. 
“Is that supposed to be a tail?” The short one laughed.
My eyes narrowed as I followed their movement and was ready to hiss, hackles raised, when Neteyam put a hand on my shoulder and quickly shook his head. Hesitantly my tail fell at the silent order. 
“Why are you so quiet? Lo’a-” I whispered as I turned around to see Lo’ak staring wide-eyed.  “What’re you staring at?” I mumbled as I followed his gaze.  
A beautiful Metkayina girl walked out of the water towards us. As she got closer, Lo’ak let out a meek hello and was rewarded with a shy giggle while an unknown ache in my chest consumed me. 
And I thought my heart was detached 
From all the sunlight of our past
But she’s so sweet, she’s so pretty 
Does she mean you forgot about me? 
Her name was Tsireya, the daughter of Olo’eyktan and Tsahik. Her brother Ao’nung and her are meant to teach us their clan's ways so we are not burdened by being “useless.” Our first lesson was to learn how to breathe properly. 
So there we all were, sitting in a circle while Rotxo, Ao’nung’s friend, and Tsireya tried to teach us to breathe from our stomachs not our lungs as it didn’t supply us enough air to dive deep enough. I sat between Neteyam and Lo’ak while Kiri was across from me. 
My eyes were closed as I tried to focus, ears twitching as Lo’ak playfully swatted my back with his tail. A small smile found its way onto my face as my tail lightly swatted him back.
“Lo’ak you are not breathing properly. Let me show you,” Tsireya scolded. Slowly my smile dropped and I opened my eyes to Tsireya putting her hand over Lo’ak’s heart and stomach.“Your heartbeat is fast. Try to focus,” Tsireya advised, demonstrating how slow we should be breathing herself. 
“Right, sorry,” Lo’ak apologized. 
I could faintly hear Neteyam and Rotxo unsuccessfully try to hold back a laugh as I closed my eyes to try to calm my mind and heart from breaking further. Unbeknownst me, a pair of eyes full of pity were on me the entire time, seeing my ears flatten and my demeanor shrink. 
Oh, I hope you’re happy 
But not like how you were with me
I’m selfish, I know, I can’t let you go
So find someone great, but don’t find no one better 
I hope you’re happy but don’t be happier 
The last two weeks had been peaceful, same routine but I had barely been able to see Lo’ak. He was always gone early in the morning and was there for lessons, but he would leave with Tsireya as soon as we were done. Even though it was our day off from lessons I hadn’t seen him at all. Maybe it was because I had been sticking to Kiri most of the day, but the lack of his presence left me feeling empty. 
Although it really was relaxing to hear the waves crash softly and to sunbathe, it appeared that Eywa had plans of her own as the moment of calm barely lasted before the sound of crunching sand and laughter came closer. My ears twitched as I slowly sat up. Looking to my side I saw Ao’nung and his group of skxawng heading towards Kiri. Narrowing my eyes I stood up quickly and headed over to where she was, but they made it there before me. 
“What is she doing? She’s just looking at the sand” Ao’nung laughed. 
“What? What’d you say?” Kiri questioned slowly, getting out of the water with a confused smile on her face. 
“Are you some kind of… freak?” Ao’nung teased as his friends laughed. 
“Leave her alone Ao’nung. She is no freak,” I hissed, grabbing Kiri’s arm to leave. “Let’s go, Kiri.'' 
“Are you sure? Look at these hands.” he persisted and grabbed the offending hands in question. 
“Ao’nung plea-” 
“Hey! Back off fish lips.” Lo’ak yelled, rapidly approaching as the beginnings of a snarl was already forming on his face.
“Oh another four-fingered freak,” Ao’nung simpered.
“Look at his little baby tail,'' one of Ao’nung’s friends pointed out while pulling at Lo’ak’s tail, causing laughter to bubble up amongst them.
“Leave us alone!” Kiri pleaded as they continued to tease and gang up on Lo’ak. I saw Neteyam stalking towards us in the corner of my eye. 
“You heard what she said. Leave them alone,” Neteyam said as he shoved Ao’nung away from Lo’ak, much to the delight of one of Ao’nung’s friends. 
“Aw, big brother comi-” Ao’nung interrupted with a hand on his chest. 
“Back off. Now,” Neteyam warned Ao’nung, lifting his hands in mock surrender shortly after. “Good choice,” he nodded, eyes never wavering. “And from now on, I need you to respect my sister.” 
Clearly unhappy with being talked down to by the brother of the “freaks,” one of the skxawng hissed before Ao’nung lifted his hand to stop him. My eyes scanned all the Metkayina boys and held Ao’nung’s stare before sticking my tongue out. 
“C’mon, let’s go,” Neteyam ordered. 
As we were leaving, I heard Ao’nung’s voice carried over by the wind. 
“All freaks, the whole family.” 
But before I could do anything, I saw Lo’ak turn and reassure us that he could handle the situation before spinning on his heel and heading back towards them.
“I know this hand is funny,” he said, voice low as he flexed the extra digit to demonstrate. “Look, I’m a freak. Alien. But it can do something really cool.” I tried to hold back my laugh while Kiri rolled her eyes. I looked at Neteyam and gave him a small smirk, he simply shook his head. 
“Watch,” Lo’ak studied the curious expressions of the Metkayina boys while they were enthralled with his hand, “first I ball it up real tight like this, then—” fast enough you could almost miss it, he punched Ao’nung not once, but three times.
“It’s called a punch, bitch!” Lo’ak crowed, pointing an accusing finger. “Never touch my sister again.”
Ao’nung lunged at Lo’ak and tackled him onto the sand. The two wrestled on the ground, and Lo’ak got a good hit in before being pulled off by his tail. What dirty fighters! I hissed but saw Neteyam shake his head and sigh before jumping in to defend his brother before I could do anything. 
“Guys. Stop it,” Kiri groaned. 
“This is embarrassing,” I said as I looked over at her, my tail swishing back and forth in anticipation. As we shared a look we could hear someone yell, “ow my tail!” and a responding,“ow my ear!” 
“This is stupid,” we both laughed. 
My eyes widened as I see Lo’ak climb atop Ao’nung and start serving blow after blow. Before this became any worse and the son of the Olo’eyktan was injured any further, I was already moving to get Lo’ak off of him. 
“You skxawng, if you keep hitting him your father will send you to Eywa faster than—” Interrupted by an elbow to the nose, I yelped in pain and I staggered back as I held my face. 
The fighting stopped. All eyes were on me. 
“Shit! (Y/N) why would you get so damn close?” Lo’ak cursed as he got off Ao’nung to look at the damage. 
“I was trying to prevent your early death, asshole,” I hissed. 
“That doesn’t justify why you would try to pry me off of him, if I didn’t know any better I would’ve thought you were trying to protect his skxawng ass over there,” he scoffed. 
“You’re the real skxawng. I already told you, I’m trying to save your ass from the harsh scolding your father will deal you when he hears that you beat up the son of the Olo’eyktan!” I yelled. 
As Lo’ak and I continued to argue, the group of boys dispersed and all that was left was Ao’nung, Kiri, and Neteyam looking at us confused. Before the argument could get worse, Jake found us and saw the aftermath of the fight. Angered by the sight of Ao’nung injured, he pushed Lo’ak and Neteyam by the shoulders and ordered me to follow him to the marui. My ears flattened and my tail wrapped around my ankle at the sound of his angered tone, but I followed anyway. 
Looking back, I saw Ao’nung sign, “thank you” and— once again—stuck my tongue out at him in distaste. Who did he think he was, thinking that I’d willingly help him after he called my friends “freaks?” Bah, he was such a presumptuous jacka—
“Keep walking, (Y/N),” Jake groused and snapped me out of my thoughts, unwilling to let anymore scuffles happen today. Feeling properly chagrined, I lowered my head and turned around only to meet eyes with Lo’ak. 
The interaction didn’t go unnoticed by him, it seemed. 
After Jake scolded us and told Lo’ak to apologize to Ao’nung, I was told to go wash the blood off of my face, so I followed silently behind a fuming Lo’ak. Lost in thought, I bumped into him and started apologizing before he turned and grabbed my shoulders. 
“When did you and fish lips get so close?” He questioned.
“Yes, close.” He stepped back and tilted his head, brows creasing in growing annoyance. “Close enough that you would get hurt protecting him, trying to get me off of him. What is wrong with you? Don’t think I haven’t noticed the looks, the fact that you guys talk through sign even when we are not in the water,” he scoffed. 
“Where is this even coming from—”I sputtered in confusion, trying to gather my thoughts before feeling a rising frustration of my own. “You’re unbelievable, you know that? Why can’t you believe that I was doing it for you?! I was trying to save you from a fierce scolding for disobeying your father’s orders. I was trying to protect you,” I spit out, eyes growing blurry with angry tears. 
“Bah! Stop lying, I know you (Y/N). You would have fought alongside me and defended Kiri. You are not the same girl I knew in the forest back home,” he muttered, rolling his eyes and getting ready to walk away. “Talk to me when you’ve come back to your senses,” he called over his shoulder, leaving me behind as tears started to fall and my chest started rising and falling uncontrollably. The familiar ache was back again, only this time it stung with every sob I let out. 
And do you tell her she’s the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen? 
An eternal love bullshit you know you’ll never mean
Remember when I believed you meant it when you said it first to me? 
It was decided that I would be the first to undergo the iknimaya. Carefully jumping over a fallen log, I grabbed my yimkxa and walked closer to where the ikran rested. Behind me, I heard two new but familiar voices. Without turning around, I could hear the greetings of Lo’ak and Neteyam to the other hunters. Vaguely I registered them saying they wanted to come and watch to cheer me on. 
Facing forward, I made sure to be aware of my surroundings so I didn’t make a fool out of myself. Left and right, banshees of all shades and hues screeched and flew off. I scanned through the many ikran that flew off and briefly remembered my mentor telling us that to find the banshee we are meant to bond with for life, it must try to kill us first. 
I found myself face-to-face with a white and gold ikran that stomped angrily to show off its dominance. Powerful jaws that showed off gleaming fangs snapped in my direction, so I bared my fangs and hissed in response. Crouching slightly as I slowly circled around the beautiful creature, I faintly heard Lo’ak’s cheer of encouragement. 
 A strong wave of adrenaline shot through me as the banshee began to bare its teeth and bellow angrily. Before I could register it, I barely managed to dodge teeth aimed for my leg. Ducking and weaving out of reach from its, I quickly swung my yimkxa around its head, successfully immobilizing the jaw. With as much speed I could muster, I jumped onto the back of the ikran—its neck felt like woven stone beneath my legs as it thrashed its head about, trying to buck me off. 
It was hard to distinguish what was up or down as I clumsily grabbed at my queue to complete the tsaheylu. I could barely hear the faint cheering and war cries behind me—the feeling of my vision sharpening and my lungs inhaling with a renewed strength was too overwhelming to focus on anything else. The bond was made. 
“I will name you Tekay,” I whispered as I took the yimkxa off. 
My hands eagerly held onto her as she screeched and began to flap her wings, a signal that she was going to take off. Laughing, I led her to the edge and nose-dived off the face of the cliff. I could hear the screams of the other hunters and the two Sully boys. 
The wind pushing against my face was exhilarating and my chest swelled as I directed Tekay to fly straight up to where the ikran nest was. 
“You scared us shitless (Y/N)! What were you thinking?” Neteyam chastised as I landed. 
“It was amazing!” I shouted, breathless and full of awe. “The feeling of the air against my skin and Tekay’s speed! No words can describe how I feel at this very moment! Did you see that Lo’ak? I did it!” I exclaimed, cheeks flush with adrenaline. 
“You know you’re really beautiful when you’re excited,” Lo’ak laughs. 
“Wh-what’re you talking about skxawng,” I said, turning around to face Tekay in hopes he didn’t notice the darkening of my cheeks. It seemed as though Eywa was on my side that day as Lo’ak turned back around to get on top of his Ikran and yipped at me. Looking back at him, I tilted my head. 
“Let’s race back to High Camp! The last one there is a skxawng” He taunted. 
“(Y/N)? Are you listening?” A soft voice questioned, pulling me back from my reminiscing. 
“Huh? Oh yeah, sorry… just lost in thought for a second.” I smiled. 
“What were you thinking about, hm? Maybe a certain Na’vi whose name starts with ‘Lo’ and ends in ‘ak?’” Kiri teased and giggled as my eyes grew wide and the tips of my ears grew pink.  
“N-no I wasn’t! What makes you think that!” I gasped. Suddenly, I found a great interest in the ocean. 
“Oh no reason…” she teased. 
Before I could respond I saw two heads pop out of the water laughing, looking like they were in their own little world. That nothing else mattered. As they were getting closer to shore I could see that it was Lo’ak and Tsireya. My heart clenched and I stopped Kiri before she called them over to us. There was confusion on her face, but a look of understanding replaced it soon after she saw me shake my head. 
Too afraid to move in fear of being found, I gripped Kiri’s hand in a silent plea for her to stay as still as possible. Not too far below the rock we were situated on, we could hear the both of them playfully push at and laugh with each other. Tears clouded my vision as I witnessed Lo’ak complement Tsireya. 
“You know you’re really beautiful when you laugh,” Lo’ak chuckled, pushing a stray strand of hair away from her face. My mind was a blur as the once unfamiliar feeling in my chest came back and I could only silence my sobs in my hands while Kiri shushed and comforted me. 
And now I’m pickin’ her apart 
Like cuttin’ her down will make you miss my wretched heart
But she’s beautiful, she looks kind 
She probably gives you butterflies 
I’ve been avoiding Lo’ak all week, which didn’t really take much effort on my part as he didn’t seek me out either. I found myself distancing myself from everyone, whenever I had free time I would excuse myself to a secluded area near the roots of the mangrove trees and wallow in self-pity. My sadness grew with each passing day. I’ve fallen into a routine since our fight and after witnessing  him be oh-so gentle with her, slipping away as soon as lessons are over, coming back just before dinner starts and leaving as soon as I’m done, barely talking to Kiri, Neteyam or anyone in general. 
They tried their hardest to make sure I was alright and actually taking care of myself, but it was hard to keep myself from shutting down whenever I was with them. It had gotten to the point where even Ao’nung was trying to look out for me, like some sort of switch was flipped after the fight. 
If I was in my right mind, I would’ve hissed and blatantly showcased my distaste for him, but even uttering a word other than meek “thank you”s when he hands me water or some sort of snack was more than I could handle. 
“You know you should really eat, you’ve already lost some weight,” A now-familiar voice chastised. 
With a small sigh I replied, “I’m not hungry,” pulling my knees closer to my chest. 
A shift in the air told me that the person has moved and crouched down next to me. Turning my head slightly, I saw that he was holding out a piece of fruit. I stared blankly and after a pregnant pause, he softly took my hand and places the fruit in it. 
“Ao’nung please, I already told you I’m not hungry.”
“I overheard Lo’ak telling my sister you didn’t eat breakfast.” He pulled out a small woven bag of fruit. “And lunch has already passed. Eat,” he ordered. But before he could push anymore food in my direction, I shook my head and turned away. “He can notice enough to tell Tsireya that I’m not eating, but he doesn’t care enough to talk to me himself?”
Ears twitching, I heard Ao’nung take a breath to—I’m assuming comfort me—and I interrupted him, not wanting to hear empty platitudes. It was a rhetorical question anyway, it wasn’t as if I was expecting an answer.
“If I take one bite will you leave me alone?” 
“If you finish the whole thing, then I will leave you alone,” he bargained. 
“Bah, you are insufferable,” I hissed, eyeing the fruit before taking a bite. The juice and flavors that flowed into my mouth made me realize just how thirsty and hungry I actually was. Eagerly I took another bite, until there was nothing left. 
“Right, you definitely weren’t hungry,” Ao’nung teased. Glaring at him, I nudged his shoulder. 
“This is the part where you leave, skxawng.” 
He held his hands up in surrender.  “Alright, alright I’m leaving. I’ll let Kiri know where you are, she’s been looking all over for you,”  he informed as he stood up and began climbing down the root.
As his shuffling grew distant, I growled in frustration as tears welled up in my eyes and pulled my knees even closer to my chest. Before my tears could fall, I heard the familiar sound of laughter that used to fill my stomach with butterflies and made my heart soar. Eyes wide I could see Lo’ak pop out of the water yelling. 
“I did it! Did you see that Reya?”. 
“Reya?” I whispered.
It felt like something broke.
I hope you’re happy 
But not like how you were with me 
I’m selfish, I know. I can’t let you go 
So find someone great but don’t find no one better 
“(Y/N)? Ao’nung told me you were here, are you okay?” a soft voice questioned. 
“Kiri… it hurts” I sobbed into my hands as the scene continued to replay in my head. Gentle arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders, cradling me to their chest. Shushing me as I sobbed, Kiri allowed me to let it all out before she began to softly coerce me to tell her what was wrong. With only faint sniffles being heard, I felt Kiri move so that we are sitting face to face with our hands holding. 
“Take a deep breath with me, calm your heart,” she said, voice soothing as she began to slowly inhale to set the pace. I tried to follow along the best that I could through hiccuping breaths. 
“That’s it txe’lan,” she encouraged,  “once you’ve calmed down we can speak of the storm that’s clouding your heart. Take all the time you need.” 
We sat in silence for a few minutes as the waves softly crashed against the shore, my breathing slowing and all that was left of my breakdown was a shuddering breath. I tried to pull my hands away from Kiri’s grasp but she’s too quick and she tightens her hold on my hands. 
“You are not running away from this, do not collapse into yourself or you’ll lose to the war in your heart,” Kiri insisted, her voice gentle but stern. “Please, tell me what is going on? I’m worried about you. You know I will never judge you, I am here to listen.” 
With one last unsteady breath, I began to tell her the reason for my lack of appetite and why tears stained my face more often than not. As I voiced out my insecurities my vision blurred and I felt the familiar ache in my chest rise as I tried to choke back a sob. 
“I just don’t understand how someone could change so much in such a short period of time. Seeing their lingering looks, the soft touches, the way he tells her things he used to tell me first… hurts. It hurts so much. After the fight with Ao’nung it’s like I’m nobody to him anymore,” I whispered. 
“Oh, txe’lan, my brother is an idiot but he would never think less of you…” Kiri responded. 
“When we fought he told me he didn’t know who I was anymore, that I wasn’t the same girl I used to be…” I sobbed, my hands tearing themselves away from her gentle hold to wrap around myself.  “Why didn’t he understand?” 
Kiri tilted her head as she reached a comforting arm towards me. “Understand what?”
“How could he even think I would choose somebody over him? When I did it for him and nobody else?” Another rhetorical question, I know, but my eyes searched her face for an answer regardless. I scrunched my nose in frustration at the obvious look of pity aimed at me and tried to turn away. 
“And you know the worst of it all, Kiri?” A mirthless laugh bubbled from my throat. “I can see how easy it is for him to push me away. To forget the years we spent together laughing, making jokes and telling each other things no one else knew about.” 
 “I don’t think he’s forgotten…” Kiri says, trying to reassure me. 
“I know that he still cares, I know that he wouldn’t just leave me behind for someone else to hurt me on purpose but it makes my heart ache. I know that I shouldn’t be sad that he’s found someone to be happy with, that I shouldn’t be selfish. I should be celebrating for him but I can’t. It feels like I’m being left behind in the dust and cast aside while he’s found the one.” As I went on, my chest became tighter and tighter. “It just hurts a lot Kiri. And I shouldn’t be hurting because he seems so— so happy, and it hurts even more—”
“(Y/N), how’re you so sure that he’s left you behind for good?” Kiri sighed and laid her hand on my knee. 
“I’m not sure, which hurts me more than knowing if he has. My heart and mind are clouded with the fear of losing him. Kiri…” I looked up to the sky to prevent any more tears from falling, my voice becoming smaller. “ I just miss my friend, I miss the way it used to be.”
“I know you do.” She frowned and moved to wrap her arms around my shaking form. 
“You’re so dead when I get to you big bro,” Lo’ak shrieked, small canines flashing as he jumped after Neteyam into the river. 
“Like you can take me on skxawng,” Neteyam laughed and dodged. 
“Oh yeah?” Lo’ak smirked, puffing out his chest. “I have a secret weapon. (Y/N)! C’mon, help me take him down!”  I popped out from behind a fallen branch with bared fangs, my tail whipping playfully as I let out a war cry and pounced onto a startled Neteyam. My legs wrapped around his waist while my arms found purchase around his neck in a weak chokehold. 
“What the—”
“Never underestimate the enemy!” I crowed with triumphant laughter as he lost balance and fell into the river.
Lo’ak was doubled over in laughter. “You should see your face!”
“Wait till dad hears about this—” Neteyam threatened, doing his best to seem intimidating while waterlogged. 
“Try your best big bro, you can’t even catch us,” Lo’ak mocked as he took my hand and started running home, laughter ringing throughout the forest. 
  “Have you tried talking to him about it?”
I let out a frustrated groan and flopped onto my back. “What would be the point?”
“I want to be selfish, to yell out that I miss him—us but I truly, genuinely want him to be happy, and I’m not going to get in the way of that.” Raising myself up on one arm to look out into the ocean at the silhouettes of two Na’vi kids playing in the water, I hurriedly wiped away frustrated tears that couldn’t seem to stop. “It just hurts so much more to know that he’s at the happiest point in his life without me in it.” 
I hope you’re happy
I wish you all the best, really
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me
And think of me fondly when your hands are on her 
I hope you’re happy, but don’t be happier 
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
I hope you’re happy 
Just not like how you were with me 
I’m selfish, I know, can’t let you go 
So find someone great, but don’t find no one better 
I hope you’re happy, but don’t be happier
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
Hii!! I've noticed you haven't posted in a while and I wondered if you we're feeling okay.
If you can, could you write a pidge x fem reader on a birthday? Like what reader would for pidge's birthday or what pidge would so for reader's birthday. Either or both would be great since there aren't a lot of pidge fics around 😭😭😭
Thanks so much if you end up writing this!!
YESSSSSSS PIDGE IS SO BABY I LOVE HERRRR 🥹 obvi im gonna do both scenarios! Also, thanks for your concern, anon. 2023 started great and then the second half of the year just felt way too chaotic and overwhelming. I lost my motivation to write for a minute there. Still trying to get back into the swing of it. Anywaysssss ENJOY~
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Pidge’s Birthday
Honestly, this babe would be so grateful to just have everyone on the team, you included, wish her a happy birthday at some point throughout the day.
Pretty much any gesture made after that would really make her special day even more special
And then you get/make her gifts and maybe even get everyone to very annoyingly sing her happy birthday and you and Hunk work really hard to make her a cake and-
And maybe you even give her a birthday kiss on the cheek or on her nose and she thinks she might just pass away rn
She feels very appreciated and seen.
This might just be me projecting and self-inserting here but I think Pidge would have a love hate feeling towards her birthday bc it lowkey hurts her feelings when ppl she’s close to don’t remember her bday bc I just know she always remembers everyone else’s and always wishes them a happy bday.
Like c’mon! Just shoot her a text at least!
Matt definitely gives her birthday punches every. single. year. Sorry just had to add that in here.
You can join in if you want but Pidge may feel a bit betrayed
If you decide to fight Matt and protect your girl instead, she’ll be cracking up laughing as she watched you two idiots goof off.
Probably tears up a tiny bit when everyone gathers in the same room to sing her happy birthday bc she feels so important but if you ask her if she’s crying she’ll for sure deny it.
Definitely wants to spend some alone time with you at the end of the day. Cuddles, playing video games in the darkness of her messy room, soft giggles and light blushes as you two share gentle lingering touches.
Thanks you profusely for caring enough to treat her so well on her bday
Reader’s Birthday
So if she knows when your birthday is ahead of time, she’ll totally take her time putting together some awesome birthday plans for your special day.
If she ends up finding out that your birthday is only a few days away, best believe she is running around like a wild beast, basically begging every other team member to help her put something decent together in just a couple days.
She looks so calm and chill on the outside, but inside she’s screaming and panicking and freaking out.
Tries her best, regardless of time restraints, to make your day completely stress free, fun and exciting.
Probably ends up doing some pretty simple things for you like helping Hunk make a cake, putting up some cheesy decorations, waking you up with breakfast and coffee in bed, getting everyone together to sing to you
BUT she makes sure that even these typical birthday gestures are just perfect for you.
Takes her time with the cake, even nitpicking Hunk as he tries to decorate the cake with icing.
Basically threatens anyone Keith who doesn’t want to join the happy birthday singing bc she’ll be damned if anyone is missing as they all swoon over you and watch you blush at their song.
Definitely makes you some cool tech gift like a little bot that follows you around and protects you or a cool little gadget you can listen to music on
Asks you at least 4,592 times throughout the day if you’re having fun, enjoying your day, feeling okay. She’s so sweet and considerate
She for sure wants to give you a bday kiss but baby girl is so so nervous, she can’t bring it up to you.
Doesn’t even have to be a kiss on the lips although she wouldn’t mind she just wants to give you at least one small show of affection before the end of the day.
Yeah, she holds your hand and gently rubs your back a few times throughout the day but that’s stuff she normally does so today, on your birthday, she wants to take it just a tad bit further
And you bet your ass she’s gonna ask you first bc consent is sexy okay?
“(Y/N)?” Her voice is shaky as she sits on her bed beside you.
“Yes?” And now the intense eye contact and heavy silence makes you both start panting.
“Can I kiss you?” Her pretty eyes are moving rapidly as she searches your face for any hint of protest and her own face is twisted up with anticipation.
You don’t even have to reply, just lean in and kiss the girl already!
It’s probably the simplest but ABSOLUTE BEST birthday you’ve ever had 💚
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kitthepurplepotato · 6 months
I HAD to send this comment as a massage and not in the comments section because I have so much to fucking say.
I think I want to marry you?
First of all the new chapter got me into the six dimension and I can't believe I actually got the courage to read this in the car with my dad so I had to pause and actually get home so I could react to this in peace, and OMG the d-rule.
You have no fucking idea how I fucking love the idea of the mha series happening in this universe and Deku meeting horikoshi and there are no words that can describe my feelings rn but I'll try anyway
You, you bring me happiness and this has become much more than just a fanfic, and I might be exaggerating but who can blame me when I read perfection.
But love, dear, darling, sweetie, I adore you, okay? But please please PLEASE take a break if you need to, your health means much more than us and stupid adorable deku alright? I'm begging you, do not overwork yourself, please
Alright. So have an absolutely amazing wonderful and happy birthday ever, I wish you all the goods and hugs, and everything you could ever wish for, and as always, don't forget to drink, eat, and rest my love! ❤️❤️❤️
I love you so fucking much, I swear your comments are my favorite things on Tumblr! ;D
Not going to lie I kinda thought you’re gonna send me hundreds of questions when I saw your name pop up and I was kinda excited 😂 it’s still exciting though, you made my heart go all TOKIDOKI!!! 💜💜💜
Funnily enough the D-rule thing and the KiriBaku story wasn’t even planned that just happened while I was writing 😂 it was supposed to be a basic confession scene, no My hero academia story or anything but then… Deku decided to overcomplicate the whole chapter but I really like how it turned out and the confession wasn’t as harsh thanks to it so I’m glad!
About your marriage proposal, well, it’s not impossible to be fair, might need to talk to me boyfriend of 10 years about it but he doesn’t look like he wants to marry anyway so you can totally marry me? 😂😂😂😂😂💜
Thank you for all your worries, I swear I’m completely fine! (well, kinda, but it has nothing to do with me overworking myself I’m afraid 😂)
Writing these silly fanfictions make me happy and reading your comments is my favorite thing in life, honestly! I also play the two MHA games on my phone all the time so I swear I’m not just writing and editing every single moment of my free time. The only reason I get overwhelmed is because sometimes i enjoy the chapter I’m writing so much I over-concentrate on it and I give myself anxiety because I have so much to say but everything wants to come out quicker than my fingers can move and then I burn out for a few days. I’m silly like that. (yes, I have undiagnosed ADHD 😂)
(this bit a tiny bit more personal, mostly for Ronimacaroni, but feel free to read it if you are nosy like me haha)
I don’t really know how to do anything without stressing to be honest, even those two games makes me feel like I NEED TO play a certain amount of time with it daily even if I’m not in the mood, otherwise I feel like I’m “neglecting it”. So silly.
I do the same at work by the way, I used to be in management so I always had all the responsibility on my shoulders and I changed my job due to my mental health and went down to operations (so basically just putting stock on the shelves) yet I still manage to freak the shit out and try to sort stuff out that’s not my responsibility. It’s just who I am, trying to everything all at once then making myself sick with it. I’ll try to think about your words the next time I start being an idiot though!
But I swear I don’t only post because I need to and I do take a break when I have to it’s just that I had a random spur of inspiration after my birthday and I managed to write both the Izuku and the Bakugou chapter, all in one go so I was like “why wait if I can post them sooner and read the cute comments that will make me happy” so after I came home from work because I got a flu and had a Power Nap I posted the Izuku one quickly, knowing it will cheer me up 😂
Omg why can’t I shut up I’m so sorry I love you much btw be my friend thank you 😂💜
Tell your dad I said hi! 😂💜 (that sounds so weird omg just shut me up please omg this is as long as half of a shenanigan chapter send help)
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This is me now and Inko is you, listening to my rambling thank you.
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gimmethatagustd · 7 months
Hi babe! I want to congratulate you for your work, you truly are an amazing writer. I am obsessed with Keep singing this lie, it is so fucking good!!
Impatiently and anxiously waiting for next chapter haha :) take your time!! Thank you so much for your effort
Wishing you the best. ♥️
OMG HELLO shut up !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much bestie !!! literally this made me so happy cuz i'm weak for my emo boys and ik that mxm doesn't have much of a following on tumblr but it's truly my favorite series i'm writing rn. i love you wow
i'm working on chapter 5 today! hopefully i'll finish soon before work gets crazy busy next week
you can have a lil snippet under the cut
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“You’re lucky I have Jungkook’s location on my phone,” Jimin grumbles, glancing in Taehyung’s direction. “We were looking everywhere for you two.” He presses his lips together and crosses his arms against his chest as he walks. 
Taehyung doesn’t understand why Jimin’s irritation is directed at him. When did he become Jungkook’s keeper? 
“Why did you even leave? I thought the bar was cool,” Seokjin asks as he yanks the diner’s front door open. 
Taehyung hasn’t smoked weed in weeks, but he has cotton mouth that prevents him from answering the question. It feels like Seokjin and Jimin are reading into how Taehyung’s mouth falls open, as if they know his tongue is suddenly too heavy and sticky to move around behind his teeth. They eye him as if they know that Taehyung still has the sweet taste of Jungkook’s cherry-vodka tongue in his mouth. 
Why did he and Jungkook leave the bar? 
Ducking his head down, Taehyung slowly raises his shoulders to his ears. It looks like he’s trying to protect his exposed neck from the chill of the night – at least, that’s what he hopes it looks like. He’s still kind of drunk, and he very well could just look like an idiot. 
“I was getting overwhelmed,” Jungkook explains when Taehyung doesn’t. “Taehyungie hyung helped me feel better.” 
Taehyung chokes on his own spit. He coughs into the crook of his arm hard enough that his eyes water. Why did Jungkook have to say it like that? It’s difficult to remind himself that Seokjin and Jimin don’t know. 
And then his stomach drops because Taehyung realizes Jungkook might tell them. 
Taehyung only makes it through the diner’s door because Jungkook gives him a hearty slap on the back that propels him forward and shocks his body into motion. 
“Well, that was very nice of him,” Jimin comments, his eyes still locked on Taehyung, although he’s speaking to Jungkook. 
“Mhm, hyung is very nice.”
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acaiasahi · 2 years
୨✩୧ ۫ 🍞𓈒 ⭒ ݁ . TNX REACTS! the one where you confess to them
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SYNOPSIS: the new six's reaction to you confessing your feelings for them.
INFO: fluff, nonidol!tnx x gn!reader, 969 words
WARNINGS: profanity, jokes, let me know if there are any! grammatical + structural errors, lowercase + smaller text intended, proofread-ish!
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✩ three words: awkward as fuck.
✩ you don't take it the wrong way if he's silent, i mean that was one of the many reasons as to why you started liking him.
✩ it's not like he doesn't like you back, bc trust me... he definitely does, but he just doesn't know how to react.
✩ when you confess, you're kinda walking around the subject until you finally say something and that's when kyungjun reacts.
✩ cuts you off just to ask, "wait... you like me?!" and you kinda give him the deadpan face that says 'bro wtf i literally just said that i like you... wtf are you even on?'
✩ you have to verbally say it one more time bc he thinks he's dreaming but when you laugh at his wide eyes and dropped jaw... bro is on the floor crying with snot bubbles bc he thinks you're absolutely breathtaking.
✩ "i really like you, kyungjun. can you say something?", "are you free anytime soon?" :3
✩ acts like a fool bc he's overwhelmed at the fact that you like him.
✩ def tries his hardest to keep his cool n look all swag for you but his emotions take over and can't help but smile upon hearing you confess to him.
✩ fr tones you out for a sec when you're still confessing and straight up rambling... and it kinda makes you sad bc... hello? earth to taehun?
✩ takes him a solid minute to realize that he's just staring at you and not saying anything so he tries to speak up but then...
✩ "y'know it's all good if you don't feel the same, i just needed to get it off my chest!" yeah... you said that with literal tears threatening to fall but crying is for the mf WEAK (just playin bc i cry like a damn faucet...)
✩ kinda just stands there bc he swears that if he makes any sudden movements, you're set to be running for the hills (... erm... okay...) but he ultimately speaks up.
✩ "nonono! i like you too, y/n. like... a lot!" was it as swag as he wanted to be... no... but did your smiling face and twinkling eyes looking up at him make him feel like the swaggiest? hell yeah bro!
✩ loud as fuck bro... literally running laps around you, arms flailing, tears streaming down... homie hitting a victory lap rn!!!
✩ kinda catches you off guard bc... erm... where are you going?
✩ it's obvious that he likes you back but you wanna hear it from him to just confirm.
✩ so when he comes back to you, literally out of breath with sweat dripping (fr dawg?? 😕), you quickly ask him if he likes you back.
✩ "so erm... do you... y'know...???", "what... like you back??? i thought i made it obvious??!??"
✩ "you literally ran around the whole school before i could even confess... so idk... you tell me bro"
✩ two idiots confessing their idiotic love for one another!!
✩ super duper shy n doesn't know how to react at all.
✩ "o-oh, thanks, i guess?" is his response... out of all responses that you would say to your crush... that's the one he chose. smh.
✩ cue sad y/n... (i'm sorry for his stupidity) "ah, okay, sorry." and you walk away.
✩ takes junhyeok a good 24 hours to realize the damage he'd done especially when he noticed that you had been avoiding him the whole day.
✩ simply put: he fucked up big time and made it seem like he didn't like you back.
✩ literally had to corner you after school like some spy to finally get you to talk to him.
✩ is quick to explain everything that went through his brain when you had confessed. "y/n i really like you too, y-you just caught me off guard! and i'm so sorry i didn't say anything to you... you're just like super pretty so i don't really know how to function around you! and —"
✩ you have to kiss him to shut him up but hey! it works!
EUN-HWI! — 은휘.
✩ literally has no clue wtf is going on but is there for the ride!
✩ kinda just sits there, listening attentively and when the words, "i like you" come out... he's literally like ^0^?!?!?!!
✩ lots of "woah... really?" and dropped jaws but from your pov... he looks so cute, kinda like a kid at the aquarium, he's in awe staring at you.
✩ you get straight to the point after your confession, "so... d'ya like me back, hwi?" you fr used your big, glossy, sparkly, puppy dog eyes and got his ass wrapped around your finger more than he was before!
✩ "what kinda question is that? OFC I LIKE YOU?!???"
✩ both of you get super shy and kinda just stare at each other until he musters up all the courage in the world and grabs your hand, leaving school to walk you home even though he lives the opposite way... omg how cute </3
OH SUNGJUN! — 오성준.
✩ so cocky yet so... shy... how does he do it!!!
✩ is over the moon and multiple planets at the fact that you're literally confessing to him rn.
✩ probs the most normal-ish out of all the boys.
✩ likes the fact that he can make you blush with his words on the daily but the roles are reversed when you confess to him.
✩ blushing for absolute DAYS on end!
✩ lowkey thinking and planning of all the possible ways to take you out as soon as the words "i like you" come out.
✩ my boy's on a roll and literally suggests going out after school, probs to a café or of that same idea.
✩ uses corny lines like "did you fall when you came from heaven", or "are you a parking ticket? bc you got fine written all over you"
✩ two corny love-birds <3
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٩(ˊ〇ˋ*)و ☆ tnx taglist! [ taglist form ] @kflixnet ... @ficscafe ... @enhacolor ... @alohajun ... @yogurteume
━ jaydi's notes! ୨✩୧ ۫ 📓𓈒 ⭒ ݁ . super busy n all that but hope this is good. see y'all till my next fic haha
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onlyroomforhope · 4 months
on the tip of my tongue (waiting to be said)
Fandom: Welcome to the Table (WT3)
Relationships: California/Texas, California & Texas, California & Florida & Louisiana, DC | Gov & Texas
Characters: California, Texas, Florida, DC | Gov
Tags: love confessions, first “i love you”s, falling in love, established relationship, idiots in love, fluff, domestic fluff, mutual pining, except it's established relationship so, they're dorks your honour, cali is the babysitter when gov's not around, he's not a good one though, poetry-adjacent, funky writing style ‘cause i cant write normally for the life of me
I think I love you.
The words were bubblegum, caramel, strawberry sauce; pink, orange and red red red on his tongue. It flowed pleasantly from his lips and his heart stuttered in turn, joy and apprehension and warmth pooling in his chest. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for Texas.
I think I love you.
The mere phrase was crisp apples and sherbet; red and green and color rainbow color on his tongue. He idly wondered if his lungs had forgotten how to breathe as he choked on the adoration and hesitance and overwhelming fondness that swelled in his chest. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for California.
(or: texas, california, and simple declarations of love)
TWs and notes: nothing graphic and no violence, but heads-up for potentially grotesque and surreal imagery. written and posted october 2022 so it’s an oldie. oh, i also apologise for the awful formatting - its 5am and i’m on mobile rn
California watched his partner, an indecipherable feeling thick in his chest and throat and eyes. Tranquility was evident in the slow pace of his heart, the warmth of his fingertips. Words pressed against the roof of his mouth, traced against his jaw and fizzled against his tastebuds. His tongue rolled the words, gently grazing his lips, air fluttering between his teeth. He tasted it, then tasted it again.
It flowed pleasantly from his lips and his heart stuttered in turn, joy and apprehension and warmth pooling in his chest. He felt light as a balloon, like he could soar through the stars he saw reflected in Texas’ eyes and smile. The other state grinned shamelessly from where he stood on the other side of the room, likely bragging about something or other, and the warmth in California’s chest threatened to overflow. Threatened to fill his mouth and spill from his lips and drip down his chin, to expose the adoration and devotion and love love love that pumped with the beat of his heart. His jaw ached in need, yearning to open and spill the butterflies fluttering in his chest, but he clenched it shut.
I think I love you.
The words were bubblegum, caramel, strawberry sauce; pink, orange and red red red on his tongue and in his mind. He paused and just drank in the cloying sweetness, tequila-lime-love pumping quickly through his veins and a saccharine smile on his lips.
He laughed to himself, gentle wind chimes blessing the air. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for Texas. His partner would call him a simp; he wouldn’t disagree with the sentiment, not when he’d fight god for the other if he ever asked.
A poke to his arm startled him out of his thoughts. He whipped around and was greeted by a grinning Florida.
“C’mon, Cali, quit swooning over Texas and come help me and Louie cover Gov’s office in sticky notes.” The shorter state didn’t phrase it as a question and didn’t wait for an answer, tugging California up and out of the chair by his arm. The golden state groaned playfully but allowed himself to be dragged along, flashing one last look at his partner before mentally preparing himself to limit the chaos the other two states would get up to.
Texas watched his boyfriend gesture wildly, the warmth in his chest and at the back of his throat threatening to bubble from his lips. He watched the way the other’s eyes visibly lit up behind his glasses, fond exasperation coloring his cheeks with roses and rubies. The way that dark lashes met with smooth, tanned skin, and alluring, rosey lips lifted into a soft smile made Texas’ heart flutter. His own lips instinctively opened, letters and syllables dancing playfully on his tongue.
He idly wondered if his lungs had forgotten how to breathe as he choked on the adoration and hesitance and overwhelming fondness that swelled in his chest. He felt as high as a kite, like he could soar beneath the sun he saw reflected in California’s eyes and smile. He once again tentatively rolled the words in his mouth, and grinned like a madman. The other state turned and met his eyes, gaze questioning. For a moment, Texas drowned in those expressive chocolate pools, shoving down the instinctive urge to open his jaw and spill the words hiding in his heart and his head. Then he quirked his lip and tilted his head to quell the worries of the other, and the moment of gentle concern ended, fleeting but meaningful. He continued to watch the beanie-clad state, fingers tingling with warmth and innocent longing.
I think I love you.
The mere phrase was crisp apples and sherbet; red and green and color rainbow color on his tongue and in his mind. He savoured the cool, fresh tingle of apple-raspberry-orange, honey-lemon-love pumping sluggishly through his veins, adoration in the warmth of his eyes.
He chucked to himself, the dancing warmth of a fireplace on a rainy night. An entire room of states and he only had eyes for California. His partner would call him a softie; he’d be right. Texas would drop everything in a heartbeat if the man ever asked.
The rustle of fabric startled him out of his thoughts. He blinked and tilted his head to face an amused Gov.
“You’re down bad, huh?” The smartly dressed personification grinned teasingly, raising a manicured brow. Texas bristled, opening his mouth to defend himself (and gulping back the rush of love love love for his partner that threatened to escape), but the other beat him to the punch. “Illinois told me that the bathroom door’s broken, and I’m gonna need you to fix it.” The lone star state scowled but acquiesced, slowly shuffling to his feet and sparing a final fleeting glance at his partner before trailing after Gov.
The partners lay on the ground under the night sky, grass tickling the napes of their necks. The night air was cool, but the warmth of their bodies and their smiles and their hearts made the cold nigh unnoticeable. Texas merely listened, eyes to the night sky as California regaled him with a detailed account of that afternoon’s shenanigans, of Florida’s prank and Gov’s wrath.
“-But then I reminded Gov of what might’ve happened if I hadn’t been around to watch Florida. Like, I wasn’t the one who left him unattended, it’s not my fault if he decides to cause trouble. Anyway, he paled up real fast and said I didn’t have to help clean up, which is great because honestly? I regret nothing-,”
Soft waves and lavender were evident in his gentle drone, and Texas simply just existed for a moment, basking in the peaceful atmosphere. The state rolled the words in his mouth again, the words that had been on the tip of his tongue all day, before-
“-I love you.”
Texas paused for a moment, his brain processing the unexpected words. Upon finally registering the phrase, he whipped his head to the side and gazed with wide eyes at his partner. Their eyes met and Texas drank in his partner’s features; those chocolate pools were apprehensive but determined. Texas fell a little harder at the certainty in his eyes.
“I wanted t’say that first,” he grumbled goodnaturedly in return. He was rewarded with a chuckle and the sight of his partner relaxing in relief.
“Guess you’ll just have to take the next one,” the other hummed. Texas felt the corners of his lips raise in gentle amusement-adoration-love.
“‘Guess I do. I love ya, Safe Space.”
California’s eyes crinkled in joy and he playfully elbowed the lone star state in the side. “Don’t ruin the moment, asshole.”
And under the blanket of stars, love in the air and their smiles and their hearts, there was nowhere else the pair would rather be.
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tyonfs · 1 year
This is me after besties!! AND I AM PISSED BECAUSE I HAD AN EXTENSIVE LIVE REACT AND WHEN I HIT REBLOG ALL WAS LOST!!! you won’t see my genuine reacts but imma tell you this!!! PERFECTION!
it was worth the wait Omg. it’s definitely my fave bitch hunters fic. the slow burn was sooooooo worth. they were both idiots and twin flames and i adore them, i really do. i also love the way you tie in their majors to move the story along. The pacing was spectacular and there were so many lines I loved 💕
i will go back to read this one over and over again! congrats on writing another hit!!!!
as for updates, i feel you on school work eating you alive. working at fieldwork placement full time while taking grad school classes is not easy, i barely have time to write myself! but i have two fics I’m SO excited to write ✨ i honestly think they’ll be as long as besties with the way i keep adding scenes to it. one of them is a fake boyfriend!johnny and I’m obsessed with it haha, i hope to get it out by the end of the year but eh 🤷🏻‍♀️ BUT HOW ARE YOUUUUUUU BB GURL
NIKKI !!!! 🥹🥹🫶💗💗 IM SO SO GLAD YOU LIKED MY FIC AND DONT WORRY I SEE YOUR REBLOG (WHICH IS SOOOO THOUGHTFUL LIKE IM MELTING 😭❤️) i’ll have to reply when i get to my laptop tho bc for some reason the mobile app is cutting out a lot of words?? 🥲 fawk yew tumblr but i’m sooo over the moon reading your live reactions about what you thought during certain scenes! 🥰 i have no idea if it’s a bug with the new community labels but people have been saying they can’t see my fic so maybe that’s why the reblog disappeared for you 😢
but thank you so much!! this was definitely a lot to get out but i’m rlly glad i finished writing it 🥹 also jesus working full time AND grad school?? i admire your commitment because that would absolutely end me rn 😭 i hope you’re able to enjoy your winter break tho!! fake dating is my FAVVV trope definitely put me on the tag list for that 🤭 what’s the other fic?? :0 i hope you have time for both!! also i’m just relieved i’m on break now HAHAH i was so overwhelmed with school that i just went off the radar for a bit 🥲 but doing good now!
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
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obeiii-mee · 3 years
MC had a bad day or they’re dealing with a bad loss from a loved one. So they decide to seek comfort from the Brothers! But they don’t do it in a normal way, they just barge in the room where the brothers are all relaxing or hanging out at before MC just busts in getting their attention and they go “I need a hug 🥺”. Let’s see the some fluffy hc’s of the brothers comforting MC 🥰
And how could they not want to hug their cute human that is literally 3 seconds away from breaking down into tears?
The Brothers Comforting MC After A Bad Day:
You’re right, they wouldn’t be able to resist, they love their human too much 😌
*soBS* I want to hug one of them so bad rn
Thank you for the request, I love writing fluffy HCs, it’s my weak spot and it gives me serotonin. I hope you have a nice day/night!! Uh, it’s sort of implied that MC is slightly shorter than them so sorry if that’s a problem-
Notes: Fluff, mentions of loss and dead family members/friends, mostly comfort though, short HCs
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beezlebub and Belphegor.
-He doesn’t say anything and he doesn’t really need to because him just being there, arms wrapped around you and hands lightly running up and down your back, is worth more words than any sort of verbal consolation he could’ve given you and because of this, you feel at ease
-His touch is firm but gentle and you relax almost immediately, burying your head against his chest and feeling him press a kiss on top of your hairline, tightening your hold on him
-He already told his brothers to back off because the last thing he wanted was for you you to get overwhelmed by their insensitivity so you two were left in the living room by yourselves
-In a bit of an awkward position though, because you were both standing and after a while, it was clear a hug wasn’t going to be enough
-That’s his excuse as to why he picked you up bridal style five minutes later and carried you all the way to his bedroom, a place he knows his siblings won’t ever trespass without his permission and somewhere he can shield you from any prying eyes while you’re in this vulnerable state
-At this point, he was basically cradling you like a baby, having you sit on his lap and waiting for you to tire yourself out until you couldn’t cry anymore and watching you slip into that hiccuping stage you get after a breakdown
-Lucifer is obviously going to ask what happened, but whether you answer him or not is up to you because he’s not one to push matters if he sees you’re uncomfortable talking about it
-However, he might insist if he concludes that it’s affecting you and your well being and that’s how you know usually know he’s worried
-His voice is soft though and just listening to it makes you want to tell him everything, whether it’d be something as annoying as a small inconvenience you stumbled across that day or the death of a relative, you feel welcomed enough to spill everything
-Even if you decide not to, he’ll stay with you until you feel better, until you’re no longer crying or shaking or anything of the sort. He speaks occasionally, almost soothingly about how important you are to him and how capable you are of overcoming anything in your way. For the most part, however, he remains quiet and allows you to mull over your thoughts, willing to forget about his paperwork just to let you cling to him for a few hours
-Maybe later, when you’re no longer as distressed, he could get the full story out of you and help you overcome whatever problem you’re having trouble facing but for now, he understands all you need is for him to be there
“MC?” He calls your name out because he was thinking that maybe you had fallen asleep but he realised that was not the case when you looked up at him, streaks of tears still sliding down your cheeks. When you don’t respond, he sighs almost contently “A bit longer?” You don’t answer again but this time, he could feel you nod against him and he smiles despite himself as he leaned his head against yours “All right then, just a bit longer.”
-Truth be told, he’s never been the best at comforting someone and normally, he’s kind of awkward when he wants to show his support because it feels so out of his character
-But it’s not like he was going to refuse you anyway. Not when you specifically came to him and asked him for help and not when you looked like you were on the verge of crying. He’d be a monster to deny you >:(
-It upsets him too, you know. He’s meant to be your protector, guardian even, so the fact that he couldn’t keep you from getting hurt makes him feel like he failed at keeping his human safe. Actually, it takes a lot of convincing on your part just to tell him that you’re not actually physically hurt. Just a shitty day…
-Mammon, despite the walls he puts up ever now and then, is someone that genuinely cares for you. And he’s also the type that does almost everything in excess, especially when it comes to you or spending money. That’s just his personality; he’s loud and boisterous and even though he wants to deny this, completely transparent with his emotions
-You ask for a hug? He gives you plenty of hugs! He lets you lay on top of him while cuddling so he can hold you!!! He brings you snacks and drinks!!! Shit, he basically cradles you the whole night!!! And he’s blushing and acting annoyed the entire time, refusing to accept how much he’s actually enjoying this
-The point is, he tends to coddle you whenever you have a bad day or if you’re really affected by the loss of a dead loved one. This is probably because he, in turn, likes to be babied and cared for when he’s feeling down and he subconsciously does that to you because it’s the only means of comfort he knows how to execute well
-A hug would’ve sufficed, but you’re his human and let him be damned if he’s not gonna give you the world on a silver platter if you keep looking at him with those sad eyes of yours
-By now, if you need anything, you just need to ask because even with a bit of grumbling, he’ll get it for you. More snacks? Say less. Wanna watch TV with him for a while? Immediately reaches for the remote? You just want to cuddle? His body is naturally warm for a reason bby, dig in. You want his heart? Give him a moment to surgically get it out of his chest-
-No matter what, he’s so glad that you trust him enough to talk to him about this sort of stuff and that he’s the first person you think of when you need consolation
-It makes sense after all, right? He’s your first pact so your direct happiness is his responsibility while you’re in DevilDom! It’s his job to make sure you function again by tomorrow morning and that you’re no longer troubled by anything
“Hey! What’s with all the crying huh?” He cups your face in his hands and softly squishes the flesh between his fingers. His thumbs brush over the tears in your eyes and he let’s out a small ‘tsk’ as your foreheads touch and his hands drip to your shoulders to keep you steady “The Great Mammon is hugging ya right now, ya know? There’s no reason for you to be upset, not when I’ve got ya in my arms like this, OK? So you can stop with yer water works now.” As noisy as his voice is, there’s a gentle note behind it when he speaks and embraces you, his cologne spreading everywhere “I love you, ya big idiot. So please, stop cryin’ and lemme hold ya already! Yer making me worried, ya stupid human.”
-You stopping by his room is not unusual. In fact, you do it every day and it’s just part of the routine you have with him. However, he’s wasn’t exactly expecting you to stand there, all shaken up and ask him for a hug!!!
-And he doesn’t process this request for a second but then he freaks out so badly-
-Yells incomprehensibly about how you’re ‘pulling your normie tricks on him again’ and how he’s ‘not going to be fooled by them anymore.’
-You raise your head to meet his eyes while he’s still rambling on though and he sees your teary expression and now he feels guilty because you look really upset. Levi’s kinda scared he made it worse-
-He’s the type to usher you in his room and lock the door as usual but instead of doing what the two of you always do, you literally stay attached to him because you need comfort damn it!
-Levi….is sort of clueless about these emotional outbursts since he himself doesn’t deal with them very well. However, he’s watched enough animes revolving around romance to conclude on the best course of action so-do not fear! (Spoiler, he still doesn’t know what he’s doing)
-He’s really stuck and can either stay as quiet as a nun or start babbling in a language you probably wouldn’t even understand because he’s so nervous
-Or actually, he might start crying with you if I’m being fair; he’s very in sync with his Henry and your emotions
-Once he calms down, he’s actually not all that bad at comforting. Levi is a bit stand offish with his hugs at first but he relaxes into them and by now, you’re both standing by the side of his bed, with you leaning onto him and him holding your hand. He then intertwines your fingers together but subconsciously because he wouldn’t have the gall otherwise
-Later, he tells you to help yourself with the snacks he has hidden in his room. I guarantee you he has a whole ass mini refrigerator hidden somewhere for his all night gaming session, in case he needs any boosts. No one knows how Beel hasn’t found the stash yet and there’s no need to tell him
-Then you watch re runs of old shows together and make fun of the shitty editing and dialogue. He’s still holding your hand though and he’s really flustered and wondering if it’s too sweaty for you but don’t mention it because he’ll get even more embarrassed
-He glances over to you, every once in a while, whilst you’re cuddled up against his arm, eyes glued on the TV, to make sure you’re OK. You almost gave him a seizure or at least that’s how he felt-so he made it his mission to make you feel better by any means necessary. Fuck today’s raids, his team can get them done without him!!
“I-I don’t know why you would want me of all people to hug you but…” he trailed off in a whisper, having to lean down so you could wrap your arms against his neck and bury your head in his shoulder. He pulled you in closer, a streak of protectiveness coursing through him as he shut the door to his room with his foot “Lord of the Shadows would never leave Henry all on his own, so I’m not going to do that either. This is an important character development arc and-just, please don’t cry. I’ll give you more hugs, OK? Seeing you like this is not good for my heart-“ stopped mid sentence after realising what he just said and now he’s the one burying his head in your shoulder, flushed beyond hell “Forget I just said that! Holy Lord Diavolo this is embarrassing, why am I like this????”
-It troubles him greatly to see you like this and he can sort of feel the world shift out of place, seeing you with tears running down your face and hands balled into fists out of frustration almost immediately makes him fly into a fit of rage because who would dare to hurt you-
-Oh, a hug? If that’s all you need, he’s more than happy to oblige but if you’re as distraught as you seem to be, he wonders if just a small embrace from him would be enough
-Satan’s hugs are very intimate and even passionate at times. He has one hand on the back of your head and the other supporting your lower back while you bawl your eyes out into his shoulder and getting his uniform wet
-You can’t really seem to focus on what he’s trying to tell you because he’s so warm and welcoming and even though he’s someone as renowned as the Avatar of Wrath, he’s shockingly patient with you as you let out the overwhelming emotions that have been consuming you all day
-It’s hard to not relax when you’re in Satan’s presence because he’s calm and he smells like musty, old books and mahogany wood and cats, meaning he was most likely cuddling strays he found on the street the entire day. The first visual that comes to mind is fire crackling behind a grate in a chimney and someone reading a book while swinging back and forth on an old, rickety chair when you’re around him
-He will wait until you’re no longer crying and then, before you know it, you find yourself in the library with him, drinking tea and being handed a plate of biscuits he took from the kitchen to help you regain your strength after all that crying. You’re still feeling pretty miserable about the day you’ve had but you quickly lose yourself in a conversation with him over a cup of tea
-Sometimes, you two talk for hours on end about nothing important just to hear each other’s voices and finally have some quality time spent together. Even though he wishes the circumstances were better, he’s glad to have been able to snatch you away from his brothers for a while and he’s even happier you chose him to confide in
-Satan practically doesn’t even mention your outburst and keeps the small talk minimal but he wants you to know that if you do wish to tell him about it, he’s more than happy to listen and he’s not so bad at giving advice either
-The topic of the discussion you were having with him changed abruptly by the end of the night and now you’re reading together from this book he started a while ago, both of you covered with a blanket, your head on his chest and his leaning on yours. He’s holding the book with both of his hands, but still managed to get his left wrapped around you. And because of this feeling of safety and warmth, you don’t feel desperate anymore. Tomorrow, you’ll be able to sort out your feelings but now, you’re content to just listening to Satan read, in his clear, soft voice
“Ah MC, could you turn the page for me?” You do as he asked to and you could feel him smiling as he kissed your hairline, sighing before going back to the book and the story within “Thank you. You truly are amazing, did you know that? I’ve never met someone as caring and as kind as you. Well, I suppose Beel could compete for the title but unlike him, you don’t really leave us in debt whenever we visit the grocery store.” Hearing you laugh makes him smile even more and he lets you hold the other side of the book while he plays with your hair and now you join in reading with him, out loud and trying to act out voices for the characters. As everything unfolds, Satan feels the world click right back into place.
-It’s a known fact by now that Asmo is willing to give you any sort of affection at any point in time, whether it’d be a hug, a kiss, holding your hand-you name it! I mean, whenever he’s feeling down, you being there to encourage him helps a lot so it’s only natural it works the other way around too!
-If he notices that you’re genuinely upset by something, then he would have no problem whatsoever with lavishing you in attention and really, a hug or two from him is the bare minimum in situations like this
-In any case, he always enjoys fussing over you and you having a bad day is the perfect excuse for him to do so! After all, he can’t disappoint you since you came to him with your troubles and he will do anything in his power to make you feel better. Actually, if he could, he would keep hugging you forever but as miraculous as his charm can be, it’s not effective against someone with this low of a morale
-His first suggestion is to take a bath! It’s his way of taking care of you; you’re tired after such a long day and he feels like you’re neglecting yourself a little because of it. So you relax in his bathtub with him for a while, him actively trying to get your mind off any bad, lingering thoughts while you splash around in the bubbles
-And obviously after that, you need to have your mandatory spa sessions with him since you need to unwind and what’s a better way to do that than to let him paint your nails and apply lotion to your skin? Besides, it creates a great opportunity for you to take things off your chest
-He’s in need to hear gossip constantly so if you don’t feel like talking, he’s gonna be a bit bummed out but he still respects your wishes enough to not push you. If your problem is as sensitive as the death of a family member, you’re not obligated to talk to him about it and he will understand, since people grieve in different ways. He too shut down after the death of Lilith for a while after all
-A bad day is nothing Asmo can’t handle. He’s had plenty of those before, mostly because of Mammon and his thievery, they’re usually common factors. It’s only natural you experience those yourself and he’s more than willing to be your support system if you need one. He wants you to know that you can go to him if you need advice or help with anything, or even if you just need to someone to hear you out
-To give a more detailed explanation of his hugs, they are usually really light and you never feel suffocated when you’re in his arms. He never squeezes you too tight and he always smells amazing, so you feel inclined to stay near him for as long as possible. Despite his overtly loud nature, he gets incredibly soft spoken with you and he traces patterns on your back and arms as you stand there together
-It’s important to mention, he never pulls away from you first. He lets you decide when you’ve had enough and when you’re ready to move on or if you require some other means of comfort
-And even if you’re no longer disgruntled, he’s still going to pamper you as much as possible the next day with either a shopping spree or another few spa sessions, this time done at a professional institution rather than the privacy of his bedroom
-Asmo is in touch with your emotions and it’s kinda scary sometimes because of how well he can read you, since he almost always knows what you need
“Oh darling, how could I refuse a hug from you?” You can feel his arms embrace you, even with your eyes closed and for some reason, this makes you cry even harder, sobbing as he tries to comfort you. You’re aware he let go of you at some point and returned with a tissue to dab away at your tears, gently to not hurt your eyes and now he’s hugging you again, a wry smile on his face “You don’t have to worry about a thing, MC. Everything will get sorted out, I promise. In the meantime, come to me if anything troubles you again, OK? No more crying, darling-it’s bad for your eyes.”
-The type to immediately lean in for a hug without even questioning why. As soon as you ask him, you barely have time to finish the question and you already find yourself in his arms. The only exception would be when he’s eating or maybe in the middle of a work out but the point is he doesn’t hesitate much when it comes to you. And I mean, he loves hugs just as much as his siblings do
-Beel is not the most observant and he may not realise you’re in a bad mood unless you tell him outright. It’s not even that he’s emotionally distant, it’s just that if you tell him that you’re fine, then he’s gonna take your word for it and believe you since he’s pretty straightforward with his feelings as well. However, as dense as he may be on occasion, even he’s bound to notice that you’re not being your usual self and this is especially true if you start crying out of nowhere while he’s nearby. Probably assumes the worst and is under the impression that he did something to upset you because shifting the blame onto himself whenever others suffer is his coping mechanism and we’ve seen him to do it before
-If you’ve just had a bad day, he understands that things could’ve been very overwhelming for you and he wishes he had known sooner so he could’ve helped back then, instead of letting it come to this. But he doesn’t hesitate all that much since he looks like he’s built for giving hugs on a daily basis. I’m not even sure this would classify as a hug since you’re not touching the floor. Rather, you are attached to him like a koala and he’s carrying you around as if you were a baby strapped to his chest. And he genuinely doesn’t mind. He’s been doing it with Belphie for centuries now
-Please, after a while he gets seriously concerned because are humans supposed to cry this much? What if you dehydrate or something? So he makes you stay in bed and just gives you plenty of water. You look so pale and sad, he shares his food with you too because his heart is aching just looking at you like this. He feels like besides being there, he can’t provide you with much help and he’s starting to think he’s hopeless at comforting
-If a family member died then…Beel is one of the best people you could’ve gone to. Honestly, having dealt with his sister’s situation, he knows how horrible it is to lose somebody you love dearly (I mean, all the brothers do but I’m making a point saying Beel, Belphie and Lucifer were especially affected). Now he’s sad himself since he’s aware that you’re going through something similar and his twin might walk in on the two of you being emotional on the floor
-For the most part, Beel makes sure you keep yourself healthy even when you’re tired and depressed. Continues to bring you food, even if he eats half of it on his way to your room, and just keeps you company in general in case you get lonely. Seeing you upset makes him even more considerate of your feelings and you don’t have the heart to tell him that he doesn’t need to stay with you all night. He thinks he does because you’ve always offered to stay with him whenever he’s had nightmares before so how he’s gotta return the favour
-Beel gives these bear hugs all the time, since he’s so big and his hand basically covers your entire back. So, more often than not, you end up cuddling while standing because he’s a lot taller than you, with him being a demon and all. Despite that, you feel so unbelievably complete when he holds you like this. It’s hard not to feel protected since his whole body is practically concealing yours so easily all the time and you feel sheltered from the world and it’s….nice
-And Beel enjoys hugging you too, because he knows that as long as he’s nearby, you’ll be safe and that’s really all he needs. He wants to be there for you the same way you were there for him when he needed it most and comforting you when you’re having a shitty day is like his full time job
-You could come to Beel with any problem and he would never judge you, no matter what. He’s just really unproblematic and he just wants you to go back to your normal self because it hurts him to see you cry your eyes out. Now, not only are hugs mandatory but holding your hand is too. It’s like hugging…but your hands are doing the hugging
-Definitely even goes to Belphie after a while if he really doesn’t know what to do and that’s how you know he’s desperate to do something. Since the Seventh Born isn’t exactly someone that yields great advice, more so when it comes to other…people….and his twin knows this-
-Beel’s best strategy at the moment is to just maintain some kind of physical contact because he discovered that makes you feel better and it calms you down more than him trying to verbally console you. He even invited you to sleep in his room if you’re comfortable doing so just so you’re not alone. After that one incident, he’s trying to coax you to tell him whenever something is wrong so he can jump in and help, because that’s all he really wants to do ahakenksms
“MC? Did something happen?” He’s honestly taken aback by how shaky you are and how you’re hands are trembling as they’re reaching to connect with his. Without much of a warning, he feels a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach and now he discovers that he doesn’t like seeing you with tears trailing down your face. And he feels worse the longer you wail in his chest and he doesn’t know what to do. So, he wraps his arms around you so tight you think you might explode, strangely comforted by the feeling as he speaks again “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you. What can I do to help, MC? We can just stay like this for a while if you want” And when he sees you nod, he proceeds to not move an inch almost the entire night. Obviously, hunger overtook him eventually but he shared his stolen goods with you so can you really complain? Doubtful, not when he hasn’t let go of your hand the whole time.
- Hugging him is a gamble. Realistically speaking, you’re not going to catch him standing upright long enough for you to give him a hug. He’s laying on the floor somewhere, asleep so you shouldn’t expect much from him to begin with. Even if you were to get lucky and stumble upon him while he’s wide awake, he might slump over and succumb to sleep the moment you embrace him because you’re so warm
-Cuddling is a different story altogether. He’d rather shoot himself in the foot than not have you cuddle with him so if you need to be babied for once, he’s a pretty good option to consider
-As usual, he’s in the attic and you go to him because it’s really late and you didn’t want to wake up any of the other brothers. Actually, Belphie is normally awake by dusk so to see him sleep like a log past midnight was quite surprising. You didn’t exactly want to interrupt but if you stayed alone for any longer, you would’ve gone insane. So you shook him awake. And he was understandably confused and probably forgot what planet he was on for a minute when you did so
-Technically, he was half awake and from his point of view, everything must’ve been pretty blurry. He did see you; the problem was that because he was still feeling very sleepy, he was basically in a daze and could only squint at you to try and figure out if you were really there or if he was hallucinating. His suspicion was confirmed soon enough because he reached out after a few seconds and poked your cheek just to check. His face the entire time and the action itself was so amusing that, despite tittering on the edge of a breakdown, you burst out laughing
-Once he came to the conclusion that you were, in fact, real and he wasn’t dreaming, he sighed and opened his arms out for you; a direct invitation to cuddle with him. By now, he likely didn’t even noticed you looked sad because, as I said, he was all over the place but this little ritual you two have was common enough that it got engraved in his memory. Now he does it out of impulse whenever you’re around and he wants attention
-So you basically tackled him and threw yourself on top of him so hard, both of you toppled over on the bed and now you were used as a blanket, with his arms wrapped securely around you; preventing you from getting up. Not that you were planning on doing that anytime soon but moving on-
-You thought he had fallen back asleep, because he went really quiet and he stopped squirming to get comfortable. To be exact, the whole room was rather still and the only thing you could really hear was Belphie’s soft breathing and the rustle of the bedsheets every once in a while. And since it was extremely dark as well, you couldn’t see a thing either so it felt like the best place to let go of your stress
-It’s not like you were making much noise but as I said, the seventh born wasn’t sleeping just yet. And he wouldn’t be able to because it was obvious to him now that something was wrong. He believed that he was bearing witness to something that should’ve been a lot more private than this so he didn’t say anything. You should have your moment, let you have a chance to recollect your thoughts and the next day, he might ask you
-It was too much to handle. It’s not like he was gonna get any sleep unless he knew your problem was solved otherwise he might get nightmares all night. Besides, if you’re crying this much, then something terrible must’ve happened. You realised he was awake when he gave your entire body a small squeeze, as if to reassure you and you froze because did you just wake him up???? Or worse, did he hear all that sobbing you were doing????
-Hugging him is similar to hugging a pillow. He’s soft and squishy and warm and it’s impossible to resist him when rest at a time like this is so tempting. His fingers running over your pact mark once or twice, as if to remind you that he’s right there and low whispers describing the best dream he ever had about you, hoping to distract you for long enough to help you fall asleep
-To him, it doesn’t make a difference if a family member died or if you’re just having a bad day. All he knows is that you’re having a lot of emotional problems because of either one and as a result, you need a shoulder to lean on. He’s glad that you trust him enough to let him assist and if it was up to him, he would keep cuddling you forever. You’ve already suffered enough so let him take care of you this time around, OK?
“Dumbass, why are you crying?” The gentleness of his words was a clear contrast to that quick insult he shoved at the beginning of his statement, though you couldn’t hear any malice behind it and the fact that he really cared about what happened to cause you to struggle with your emotions so badly, would’ve made you wail even harder. However, he managed to silence you pretty well because he kept speaking and you wanted to listen; you wanted to hear what he had to say so you reduced your sobs and you sat quietly enough to do just that. Belphie flipped you over, now with him on top and you underneath and he laid there, cheek sloshed against yours as he sleepily mumbled out more praise for you, “MC, are you tired? You should go to bed, you need to get some sleep. Tomorrow, you can tell me what the problem is and I’ll help. I promise-I’ll even get up early for you. Just…please calm down. I don’t want to see you crying yourself to sleep ever again. I’ll stay here the entire time, alright? And I’ll make sure you have nice dreams tonight MC…just let me hold you…”
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inuma-kiss · 3 years
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summary gojo reminisces the three times leading up to when he fell in love with you.
characters gojo satoru, gn reader.
format drabble / fic.
word count unknown (will add later, im super lazy rn)
contains fluff, highschool au flashbacks, mutual pining (but like,,,,, theyre in the flashbakcs?????), basically 3/4 of the story is flashbacks, little angst.
i figured i wanted to get more written stuff out before preparing for my bnha smau that i still have to plan and outline buuuttttt here ya go :D
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It’s like it was yesterday, when the Gojo Satoru fell in love with you. Despite the fact that time seemed to pass that quickly, his feelings towards you only changed drastically like that in high school, way before his time as a Jujutsu Sorcerer.
The first time Gojo had an idea of his feelings towards you was during the week of his school’s sports festival in his first year of highschool when he had gotten into a fight. You nor Gojo don’t recall him ever telling you what the fight was about, but you never pushed on the topic, and Gojo never made an effort to remember. The man — who was just a boy back then — was ever so careless, but who was he to think about his actions? You were always there to keep him in check, and that time wasn’t an exception.
“How can you be so stupid sometimes, Toru?” You scold lightly, hand gripping tightly around his wrist as you drag him to the nurse’s office. Gojo’s face is plastered with a shit eating smirk, one you wish you could slap right off his chiseled yet developing features.
“And how can you be such a mom at such a young age, hm?” He teases, and you roll your eyes, pushing him into the nurse’s office, conveniently pushing him hard enough to get him to sit on one of the beds. His mouth is agape just a tiny bit from the shock of the force coming from your push, but he pushes that said shock to the back of his head as he watches you prance around the nurse’s office, trying to look for the first aid kit.
“Where is that stupid thing?” You speak to yourself, digging frustratingly through the cabinets. You sigh in relief once you find the kit, walking towards Gojo and pulling out a chair from the side. “Let me.” You say simply, eyes boring into his own bright blues. He nods, leaning forward and a little bit down to get his bruised forehead to your eye level.
You open the first aid kit and place it on a little tray table right beside you, taking out cotton, alcohol, some ointment, and bandages. You tend to his wounds, and as much as Gojo is thankful for the gesture, he can’t help but hiss every time the cotton meets with his fresh wounds, the alcohol reaching the depths of his wounds and creating a burn that even he couldn’t ignore.
“Sorry,” you pull back once you’ve finished cleaning out his wound, this time returning to his cuts with a prepared bandage. You place it gently on top of his cut, patting down lightly once you’ve placed it to secure it’s position, allowing his own body to do the rest of the healing. “At least we’re done though.” You smile, putting away the first aid kit but leaving it on the table, choosing to spend the rest of your free time staring at him instead of wasting time with putting away a stupid first aid kit.
“Thanks,” he comments, but you know better. You raise an eyebrow at him, voicing your suspicions, and Gojo just smiles, letting you know that he has no annoying intentions behind his rare voice of gratitude. You mentally shrug, relaxing your features, however instantly regretting it as a smirk pops up on your best friend’s features. “Mom.” He says, laughing out loud like a maniac at your reaction before questioning his own life as you chase him around the school in a fit of anger.
Gojo smiles at the memory. You and him were just kids, fresh highschoolers who had just left the obstacle of middle school. Although he never felt anything significant during that specific memory of his, he knew that his feelings started to bloom that day because when he got home, his heart started beating fast as his fingers grazed against his bandaged wound. A wound that you took care of and took the time to care for. And after that, Gojo was determined to make you tend to his wounds from that day on.
The second time Gojo had an idea of his feelings towards you was during the summer trip before the third year of highschool. Your friendship with him is still strong, in fact, stronger than ever, but all friendships come into conflicts at some points, and for you and Gojo, this time was one of them.
Gojo has always been popular among the student body. Males love hanging out with him while females love his personality and his looks. So, in other words, you can say that he has quite the reputation amongst the ladies, and as much as you want to say it doesn’t upset or bother you, it does.
I mean, how could you not? No female paid attention to your best friend for the entirety of both your lives, but once second year of high school had hit, all of a sudden it’s like the females knew of Gojo’s existence since forever.
“What?” You’re taken back, shock evident on your face as Gojo sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, making eye contact anywhere that isn’t your own.
“I’m sorry.” He says, still choosing to ignore your stare in effort of quieting the growing guilt inside of him. “I really wanted to walk around with you, but Nara said she—”
“—It’s fine.” You quickly shut him down, not wanting to hear anything else leave his mouth. He shuts up immediately, arms going down to rest on his sides before finally making eye contact with you. It’s obvious that he’s guilty, his eyes say it all. Those bright blue eyes you’ve always loved held some sort of darkness inside them as they start to gloss.
“A-Are you sure?” Gojo is hesitant. He knows you better than anyone, yet at this moment, why is he having so much trouble trying to figure you out?
“Yeah,” you shrug your shoulders, eyebrows furrowing lightly at the pang in your chest, targetting your heart as it started to beat heavily. It hurts. “You chose her, what right do I have to argue with that?” You ask before turning away, walking into the bus where students were chattering, expressing their excitement for the trip. Gojo stares at your back, watching as you sit far away from the seats that you and him had originally picked out. It hurts.
The trip lasted for a whole week, if Gojo remembers correctly. The only thing he actually remembered correctly was the fact that he barely spent time with you that week. He’s used to having you by his side most of the time, and the fact that he was in the same vicinity as you yet you were absent from his side, he didn’t like it. Foreign feelings are always a good thing, it helps you get accustomed to new things and set out for new adventures. However, this particular foreign feeling was one he never wished to feel ever again.
Oh, yeah. Nara. She’s this girl Gojo had met at the beginning of his second year of highschool. The two became close and eventually he asked her out midway into the school year. Now that Gojo thinks about it, his time with you was starting to fade away little by little once Nara came into the picture.
Obviously, you said nothing. You saw how happy he was with her, who are you to ruin that? It’s not like you were anything more than a bestfriend, but that’s what you think. Gojo sees you as something a lot more than a bestfriend, he just hasn’t come to terms with it yet.
On the last day of the trip, Gojo finds you stargazing on the beach. He was hanging out with Nara, but he needed fresh air after being inside all day, so he excused himself for a bit to walk to the beach. Thank god he did.
“Toru?” You acknowledge him after feeling his stare on your back lingering too long for comfort, chuckling to yourself when he responded with a blush adorning on his face, eyes widening and shoulders jumping in shock. “Idiot. Come sit with me.” You tease, patting the space besides you, and with hesitation, Gojo follows.
He doesn’t know what to say. During this whole week, Gojo swore he had a million things to say to you, but now that you’re here, sitting besides him under the pale moonlight as the waves crashed against both your feet, he feels as if all the vocabulary he knew in his life...disappeared.
Maybe that’s just your effect on him. Gojo is not too sure, but with the way you’re eyes are boring into his, he can’t help but let his heart speed up a bit.
“How are you and Nara?” You initiate the conversation, knowing that Gojo is overthinking himself. It’s a bad habit of his, and no matter how many times you tell him to calm down, his mind just runs amock, leaving you no choice but to watch out for him. But, it’s not like you hate watching out for him. It’s quite the opposite.
“We’re...” Gojo tears his head away from you, instead looking at the vast horizon of the dark sky, resting his elbows on his knees. “We’re okay.”
You smile despite the pain that grows inside you at his words, observing how his bright eyes soften at the thought of his girlfriend. You look away, hoping to qualm your overwhelming feelings for him, knowing it won’t do you any good.
You, however, miss the way Gojo turns back at you, eyes softening even more as he watches your silky skin glisten under the rays of the moon.
After that trip, Gojo remembers your relationship with him somehow changed. Back then, he can’t tell what the change was, but now that he’s an adult who’s had experiences, he’s very much aware what changed.
The third and final time Gojo had an idea of his feelings towards you was near the end of his third year of highschool. He was then a senior, still ever so popular. He was still with Nara, their relationship going on to one year, but he felt something off.
With his chest that used to tighten and warm up at the sound of her laugh, by the time the end of their third year comes around, he doesn’t get those same feelings anymore. Whenever Nara laughs, Gojo stays neutral, and that alarms him.
“Let’s go on a date tomorrow,” Nara approaches you and Gojo with a skeptical smile on her face. She ignores you completely, but you don’t react to it. After all, that’s how she always reacts whenever you came into the picture. It isn’t anything new.
“Okay.” Gojo smiles at her, but you can tell that his smile lacked the usual softness. “I’ll pick you up at 2?” He asks, and Nara nods, pulling him down for a quick kiss on the lips before skipping away happily as if she won a prize.
“She seems giddy.” You point out, and Gojo nods, his whole aura seeming to gloom as he stares at Nara laughing along with her friends. You furrow an eyebrow, hand touching the side of his arm to get his attention. “Hey, you okay?” You ask, and Gojo turns to you, mood lightening up as he nods. Sadly, you don’t notice the change in his attitude.
“Wanna go somewhere tomorrow?” Gojo asks, and you’re taken back, confusion lacing your features as you pull your hand away from his arm.
“Tomorrow? You literally just agreed to go on a date with Nara tomorrow.” You stare at him as his eyes widen in realization, and hope starts to settle in the pit of your stomach. Sadly, that said hope disappears once he laughs, waving his hand as if to dismiss you.
“Ah, my bad.” He shakes his head at himself. “I’m just tired.” He tries to play it off, and unfortunately, you take the bait and believe his lies. Adult Gojo wants nothing more than to slap the shit out of his and your highschool self, wishing that the both of you weren’t so blinded to your own stupidity.
Skipping to the next day, Gojo is tired. He’s mentally exhausted, and he wants nothing more than to go to your house and rant about everything. He doesn’t want to go on this date with Nara. In fact, he doesn’t wanna be with Nara at all. Gojo isn’t an asshole though, he would never leave Nara hanging like that.
So he gets up either way, walking to Nara’s house. The guilt in him starts to settle once he’s met with Nara’s cheerful face.
“Hey baby!” Nara giggles, instantly wrapping her arms around Gojo’s neck. “I feel like we haven’t gotten on a date in forever.” Nara says, gesturing for Gojo to come in her home as she lets go of his neck. Gojo doesn’t move an inch, however, and Nara stares at him in confusion, heart beating faster by the minute as realization starts to settle in the pit of her stomach.
“Nara, I...” Gojo clears his throat. “I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry. Something changed, I don’t know what, but I do know that I can’t keep you going like this. You deserve better, and I can’t provide that for you.” Gojo is quick to speak his feelings, knowing that one more second here means one less second with you.
Nara smiles, shocking Gojo. He didn’t expect such a reaction from her. He’s not sure what exactly was he expecting, but this definitely wasn’t it.
“I know.” Nara reassures him, a tear trickling down her face. “That’s why I’ve been pestering you about going on a date. I know something changed, you love [Name]. You always have, but I thought I could change something there. I should have known that I hold no place in your heart when they’re around.” Nara sighs as more tears fall down her face. Gojo stands there, taking it all in as he’s swallowing in guilt. Guilt and relief. “Just go. I’ll be fine.” Nara says, pushing Gojo out of her house and closing the door on him.
Gojo runs to your house, not caring that he’s getting tired. Nara keeps her back on her front door, sobbing into her hands, her heart empty knowing she just let go the man of her dreams for the sake of his happiness.
He’s getting close. You’re all Gojo is thinking about right now as he burns his energy, legs moving quick and fast. All those times that he was so miserable during PE was worth it, because now that it counts, it helps him get to you faster.
“Toru?” You open the door, face pulled into an expression of shock when you’re met with an exhausted Gojo, hands on his knees and back hunched over ass he tries to catch his breath. “Did you run here?” You chuckle, shaking your head at him. You pull him into your house, sitting him onto your couch while you grab a cold glass of water for him.
“Thanks,” Gojo smiles at you, taking the glass from you and swigs the water down his throat in one go. “Yeah, I, uh, ran here; have some things to say.” Gojo puts down the glass on the coaster before leaning back against the couch, eyes landing on yours.
You’re taken back by his statement. Recently, your conversations with Gojo have been cut short. They’re usually compiled with small hi’s and how are you’s. Type of conversations that people as close as you and Gojo wouldn’t have. Unless, you know, something happens between them.
“Okay, um...” You gulp nervously, eyes moving away from contact with his, shifting towards the glass that he settled on the coaster instead.
Gojo smiles, noticing the nerves that were starting to settle in your body. “I’m sorry.” He says, and your eyes widen, eyes shifting back to make eye contact with him. Yet, you don’t say anything, allowing Gojo to continue. “I’m sorry for treating you like you weren’t important to me. For, you know, leaving you to yourself when I’m your bestfriend and I’m supposed to be there for you.” Gojo fiddles with his fingers, stopping when you place your hand on top of his.
“Toru, it’s okay.” You say, wrapping your hand in his. “I understand, I do. I’m just your bestfriend, and Nara, she...she’s your girlfriend. I know where your priorities land and—”
“—That’s the thing.” He interrupts you. “You’re my priority, [Name]. Not Nara. I broke up with her.” You let go of his hand, putting them on your lap instead as you try to take in his words.
“What...what are you trying to say, Toru?” You ask, unaware of how your body is leaning closer to his in wishful hope. In your mind, you’re hoping that his words mean exactly what you think they do, and fortunate for you, they do.
“I’m in love with you.” Gojo says as simple as that before sitting up properly to pull you close to him, hands caging your face in between his palms while his lips crash against yours.
The two of you stay there, lips dancing with each other as you both savor the taste of each other’s lips, the sweet taste of love filling the air causing your heart to swell up in happiness.
Before you could control it, tears start spilling from the corner of your eyes, the feeling of happiness becoming too over whelming. Gojo pulls away after a good minute or two, staring at your face lovingly while he uses his thumbs to wipe away your salty tears.
“You’ve always been sensitive, dummy.” Gojo teases, pulling you into his chest and letting you hide your head into his warmth, nose inhaling his strong yet comforting cologne.
“Shut up.” You smack the side of his shoulder, attempting to pull away from his hold, only to be pulled back in by his strong arms. “I hate you.” You sniffle, earning a heartfelt laugh from Gojo.
Back to the present, Gojo is chuckling to himself while you give him a confused look, eyebrows furrowed as your fingers expertly work their way to bandage his face.
“What the hell are you laughing about?” You ask with suspicion, but Gojo waves you off. He wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to make you take care of his wounds, and even after ten years since that first time he realized the change of his feelings towards you, you’re here, taking care of his wounds. Only this time, not as a friend, but as his lover.
“Nothing. Just reminiscing.” Gojo smiles, feeling as if he was rewinding time with the way he’s remembering things. You give him one more look of your suspicions before rolling your eyes, slapping his bandaged wounds lightly to signal that you were done. He hisses a little, sending you a feign glare, and you respond with sticking out your tongue, pulling back when he tries to bite your tongue.
You turn your back against him to put away the first aid kit, the smile on Gojo’s face getting larger. Now that he thinks about it, that one time in his first year if highschool, Gojo is pretty sure that he got into that fight because some boys were talking bad about you.
It’s not like him to involve himself in situations like that, but you? You’re an exception.
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copyright © inuma-kiss 2020. do not repost, modify, or plagiarize.
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757 notes · View notes
whorefordazai · 3 years
hi hi its me!! im just feeling really bad and holding my tears rn. can i get anything with aku/chuu/dazai, whoever u deem more fit! they are my comfort bbys. running away from home, even if its just for a night,maybe going to some rooftop or a drive at night. my situation at home isnt the best and i feel rly caged and anxious bc i don't have friends to go out with when my situation gets overwhelming so i just break down in my room haha. anyways, i hope this is good enough? just some comfort or validating words!! sending hugs to u rai, ilysm. thank u for doing this its basically therapy for me ajsbdhd ❤️🌷
I hope things get better for you bestie, love you <33
“Till forever falls apart”
ft. dazai x gn! reader
genre: fluff, comfort
wc: 1.5k (I think🥲)
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synopsis: running away from home with dazai yup yup !! simply a big fat cliche but it’s my guilty pleasure of fluff 🌝 includes a lot of kisses, hand holding, and comfort 🧍‍♂️
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick the fucking tock.
The clock made no noise, but you imagined it did. After all, that was what usually happened when one planned to sneak out during ungodly hours of the night. Looking at the time, it read 3:54 am.
You couldn’t stay here for one more second.
Swiftly, yet quietly lifting off the covers from your body, you got up from bed, and made your way to the window. It wasn’t sunrise yet. The sky was still dark, the streets peacefully quiet. The street lamp flickered, the airy fog was light against the ground.
It was perfect.
It wasn’t perfectly planned—but knowing Dazai, it wouldn’t go completely wrong. Feeling suffocated and unable to stay home, you had spontaneously called him two hours prior, around 2 am. His disoriented sleepy voice had picked up the call.
“...Hm? Babe? What time is it...” Dazai’s delicate husky voice spoke through the phone.
You could almost imagine him letting out a yawn and stretching out in his futon, brown curls resting against his face, his eyes tearing up from the yawn. You mentally cursed yourself when a smile appeared on your lips from hearing the mere sound of his voice.
You cleared your throat. “Yeah, it’s 2 am. Listen I...” your words stopped before you could continue. You gulped. Would he even be up for this? Would he be up for running away?
Dazai seemed to notice your voice falter. He spoke more hushed this time. “Are you okay? Are you safe? Do you need me to get you?”
You stayed silent for a few seconds before exhaling.
“No...well, yes but no. And...no you don’t need to come get me. I just wanted to hear your voice, Osamu. Thanks—you can go back to sleep now.”
You bit your lip, your finger hovered over the hang up button.
You raised an eyebrow. Dazai’s voice now spoke louder, as if his tone was full of mischief. “Huh?”
“Darling, I wasn’t sleeping anyway. In what universe would Dazai Osamu be sleeping at 2 am? C’mon sweetheart—you know me better than that.” He chuckled.
Your breathe hitched for a second—and then you laughed. It was a quiet airy laugh. He’s right...what was I so worried about?
“Okay then,” you giggled, voice laced with a plan.
“What do say about running away with me at 4 am?”
“Why that is...MARVELOUS!! Running away is what I do best!”
You laughed again, still managing to keep a hushed voice. “Alright—then come pick me up at 4 am will you? 4 am sharp.”
“You got it, babe.” You could almost picture his devilish smirk and golden brown eyes glinting with mischief.
The clock now read 4:01 am. Dazai was definitely here.
You gulped as you opened the window in your room, careful not to make even the tiniest noise.
And there he was.
It was barely noticeable, but you could see Dazai’s figure between the dark shadows in the car. As you both made eye contact, a smile appeared on your lips.
Just to be cheesy, you blew him a kiss, and he dramatically caught—pressing his fingers to his lips.
Getting out of the window was the easy part—actually leaving without anyone noticing was going to be difficult. It would’ve been even more difficult if Dazai wasn’t here to help you.
“Hi.” You smiled, sitting down on the passenger seat next to him.
“Hi.” He smiled back. The two of you looked at each other for a few seconds, before Dazai moved closer and put a hand on your cheek, immediately locking lips with you.
Hands immediately wrapping around his neck, you smiled into the kiss. The butterflies in your stomach exploded when his hand wrapped around your waist, squeezing your hip. When his tongue brushed against your bottom lip, you breathlessly chuckled and pulled back.
“Hurry, let’s get out of here! We can continue this later~” You scratched the back of your neck, cheeks flushed pink.
“Off we go then!” He smirked, eyes looking forward and hands shifting the car gear.
And you were off.
Probably driving around seventy miles per hour, Dazai rolled down the windows and turned on the radio for some music. You grinned, hearing the sound of the breeze down the music.
“This is—why didn’t we do this sooner!?” You laughed, feeling the wind flush against your face. You looked over to Dazai, who had an equally huge smile on his face, his brown curls being swept back by the wind.
“Y/n—we’re about to drive through a tunnel. Peek your head out the car roof! I swear, it’ll feel amazing!” Dazai beamed, sliding open the car roof so that you would be ready.
“Huh?! Are you sure—”
“I’m very fucking sure!!” He laughed.
“OH—okay then!” A smirk appeared on your lips as you stood up and peaked out half your body through the roof.
It was fucking amazing.
The tunnel was brightly lit with yellow lights, the wind was blowing through your hair. In that moment...hell, you couldn’t even explain how you were feeling in this moment.
As the car stopped on a red light, you sat back down in your seat and closed the car roof. Dazai smirked. “That was cool, right?”
“Very fucking cool. Although, next time I’d like to do in your arms.” You smiled. He raised his eyebrows, and grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles.
A sudden chill went through your body as the wind blew colder. You shivered, rubbing your arms up and down. You chuckled to yourself. I must’ve forgotten to grab a hoodie in all this rush…
“Here, put this on.” Dazai chuckled, leaning to the back seat and grabbing a black hoodie. You eyed him carefully, grabbing the hoodie he was handing to you.
Putting it on, you immediately felt a sense of warmth envelope your skin. Shivering once again, you hugged yourself. It smelled exactly like him.
“Thanks, Osamu…” you softly smiled. He glanced your way for a few seconds before nodding. “No problemo!”
“...No, seriously.” You lightly scoffed with a small smile on your face. You put your hand on his.
“Without you...I would’ve still been stuck there. You have no idea how much you’ve helped….”
Your words were stopped when you felt Dazai grab your hand and intertwine your fingers. He turned his head towards you, a smile on his lips. “I know...call me anytime, okay? I wanna see you all the time.”
You pressed a quick kiss on his lips, sitting back in your seat. Your eyes were practically lit up as you rubbed small circles on Dazai’s knuckles.
You felt simply...the only word to describe it was euphoric. The rush in your bones. It was so fucking cliche, running away with your boyfriend at 4 am.
It was so perfectly cliche that you couldn’t help but laugh to yourself.
“We’re here,” Dazai’s voice sang as he slowed down the car to a complete stop. You looked ahead—it was fairly dark, only a few street laps illuminating the building in front of you.
“An abandoned building…?” Your mouth opened, eyes a little wide.
“Yup! Now come on….” Dazai smiled, pulling your hood over your head and squeezing your face. He moved closer and pressed several kisses on your cheeks, nose, and forehead. Practically anywhere he could get access too.
“H-hey! that’s—a lot—of—kisses!!” You managed to say between breaths as he continued to kiss your lips every time you began to talk. Both his hands were squeezing your cheeks like a baby.
He suddenly laughed, the soft grip on your cheeks now turning into a caress. Dazai’s thumb rubbed soft circles against your cheek. He seemed to quiet down, but he was now staring into your eyes
“Uh...are we gonna go inside or…?” You raised an eyebrow, gently tucking a piece of his hair behind his ear. It was soft, just like how you remembered it to be.
“Yeah...let’s go.” He smirked, hands leaving your face and opening his own door to get out of the car. You got out a second after him, feet hitting the soft dirt.
Dazai suddenly clasped your hand in his, pulling you with him as he dashed to the entrance. Your eyes flew open. “W-wait! Dazai, you seem really excited—“
“No time to speak, darling—were on the move!!” He laughed, pulling the both of you up endless stairs. You felt an enabling rush as Dazai ran ahead of you, hands held together. The buzz in your body, the euphoric smile that never left your lips.
“We’re here,” Dazai gasped out, coming to a halt. The breeze gently blew across the huge clearing. You rested your hands on your knees for a second, just to catch your breath.
“We’re...on the roof…?” You bit your lip, suppressing the huge idiotic smile that was about to make its way onto your face. Dazai nodded, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“This is...beautiful.” The roof was dark, it was ghostly quiet. You could only see the city lights from across the railing. Dazai walked to the edge, hand still intertwined with yours.
He leaned against the metal bar, hands gripping the pole with a huge smile on his lips.
God, he looked so beautiful. His brown hair was gently flowing against the breeze, the bridge of his nose seemed to perfectly shape the rest of his face. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you smiled.
“You’re not gonna ask me to jump off the roof with you, hm?” You whispered as a joke. He glanced at you for half a second before wrapping his whole arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest.
“No...not today, darling.”
His eyes seemed glassy, but somehow the clearest you’d ever seen. You blinked a couple times, before finally settling your face back into his shoulder.
“You know,” he mumbled into your hair. “I look at you in a way I thought I could never look at someone.”
You stayed silent, both your hearts beating. He continued.
“I look at you, with love in my eyes. Love I didn’t know was in me...love I didn’t know I was capable of feeling.” He licked his lips with half lidded eyes. “I look at you with the love I thought I had lost.”
You buried your face deeper into his chest. “I love you so much, Dazai.” You whispered. He kissed the top of your head, humming in response.
“I wanna stay like this forever.” You mumbled, eyes suddenly becoming foggy, remembering you had no one back home.
“I know.” He softly whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“I wanna stay with you forever.”
“I know.”
“Just with you, Dazai. No one else.”
“I know.”
“But we can’t...it won’t last forever.”
“...I know.”
He suddenly wrapped his arms around your whole body, hugging you as if you were going to disappear. One of his arms circled your waist, while the other held the back of your head.
“Then we’ll stay like this—till forever falls apart.” You mumbled, inhaling his sweet scent.
He nodded, kissing the tip of your nose. “Till forever falls apart.”
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a/n: a part of this was inspired by the movie perks of being a wallflower, I’m sure you can tell which part :)
tag list: @uwu-monster101 @14th-century-homosexual-spirit @dai-tsukki-desu @i4gumi @cross-crye @starglow-xx @ranposlover @bsdwhore @arimakii @malewifegirlboss @shadyteacup @smadhuman @knjksj0301 @neighborhoodfriendlysimp @rirk-ke @mushroomplantasia @luftdum @pickleisrandom @3-am-depression @its-chuuya-bitch @the-wholesome-ranpo
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hi hi! I hope this message isn’t too late or anything, since I only just seen the one you send me this morning! Also I accidentally deleted your messages while trying to reply 🤦‍♀️
But if it’s still alright, may I request an Armin Arlert x slightly thicker/chubby reader? just something soft and simple! maybe he’s noticed that the reader doesn’t eat very much anymore, and is skipping meals, and he confronts her about it, because he doesn’t want her getting sick or something happening. She obviously gets a little upset about it, and like, tells him she’s been having a hard week and has been super insecure lately. She just doesn’t like the way she looks, and Armin comforts her and stuff! All the love and cuddles! 🥰 I’m in need for this rn honestly 😭
I hope i did it right!! Things are more internalized due to my own self indulgence, i hope you like it!!
Tw: self harm(starving) 
Another day passed, and you hated being in the corps more and more, with the men objectifying you and the women with their fake smiles and judgemental looks, aside from Mikasa that is. You felt her hand on your shoulder, staring right back at them as you passed.
She was the only girl-friend you’ve ever had, which makes your bond with each other especially strong, she called you her therapy stuffed animal( in a good way) with how loving and kind you were when she came home to eren’s house. You were always there, you gave her her first jacket, you bear-hugged her when she was at her worst and missed her parents, you stood by her and never faltered. Even going as far as telling off Eren for being tactless to her feelings, poor boy has no social cues.
Eren loved you for how truly different you really are, despite being an only child, you were his sister, as much as a pain in the ass you are. But this called for you being apart of his and Mika’s friend group with no doubt. Being part of erens tight knit group of friends means you were automatically loved by eren, mika…. And armin.
You always had a fondness for the shy blonde, his all bark and no bite nature stole your heart. You met at a young age but only connected through Eren, he always tells you to thank him for that introduction despite your efforts to play off your crush being in vain. You loved how… pure he looked, how in a world full of death and violence, he could always bring light into your day with a smile or a story. No matter what you could count on his smile,you could count on him.
That’s why you hated today with a passion.
“We have extra food, which one of you dumbasses didn’t eat all your shit?” You sighed, walking away from the situation you caused. It wasn’t a good day, their comments bugged you today for some reason, and Armin wasn’t there to perk up the atmosphere of this gloomy day. Making it unreasonably difficult for you to focus on your own health today, this isn’t even the first time this has happened. It’s been a week of irregular meals, constant moving, and titan stress. It wasn’t like you were trying to starve, you just didn’t have the time.
And you didn’t notice till today.
“Lookin’ thinner, bunny… are you eating well?” You ignore eren’s concerned comment, pressing forward with the group in disturbed silence. This was the fifth comment today about your looks that you’ve gotten. You weren’t a small person, you had extra meat, and you had curves, paired with your adorable tiger stripes, but you know for a fact that starving this little would not affect your appearance that much. It irritated you, and you vowed to tell off the next person who said anything.
“Y/n can-“ “Oh my GOD, are you SERIOUS? I’ve been eating! I havent lost that much weight and i don’t want to hear your Perverted FUCKING Mouth say anything! It’s idiotic for you to continue to act like a jealous schoolgirl and make your ‘sly’ comments! So just Shut up!”
You finally open your eyes from your rant, regretful as your irises meet two bright blue eyes on a horrified face. “I was just going to ask if you can slow down and walk with me-“ Guilt floods your mind as you ear him squeak out his words. You lower your gaze and nod, moving to the back of the group with the boy. It didn’t matter how long this would be, you knew Levi would make you set up for camp soon.
“ ‘m sorry armin, you didn’t deserve that, I’m just-“ “Don’t apologize, you didn’t mean it to me but it was still valid. But never mind that, are you ok? Yes you haven’t been eating but you’ve been…. Cold lately..” You wanted to tell him, just say, ‘ I’m so in love with you that even a few days without your voice makes me angry as shit’ but you knew it wasn’t the right time…. And besides, would he even accept a girl like you?
“I’m fine, just stressed, tired, and overwhelmed…. It’s a lot you know?” Armin nods walking closer to you and letting your answer settle before your group sets up for camp and your pace continues to slow.
“You’re beautiful no matter what, I’ve read articles that said starving is actually terrible for your body, unintentional or not, it won’t end up good. If i have to,” He flushes, continuing to look ahead,” I’ll stay with you all day to make sure you’re eating and drinking water.” You freeze, feeling flushed as you watch him walk away and realize that he just offered to be around you all day just for you to be healthy.
You shake it off, keeping his words at the forefront of your mind before you get ready to retire for the night. You find a note on your blanket, asking you to meet armin at his tent with water and a blanket. Curious as to what it means you do as the note says, waiting at armin’s tent before he opens the zipper with a happy smile, welcoming you inside.
“You got the water?” You lift up the container, making him nod and turn away to a covered pile in his room. He takes the cover off, revealing the food he gathered for you two. “You didn’t eat again, so I didn’t either. And before you say anything, i got some of everything  so you have to eat SOMETHING! I told you all day didn’t I?” You look at him with teary eyes, your emotions of the week spilling out at his gesture.
Sobs wrack your body before he pulls you into his form, engulfing you in a warm hug. You feel him draw soothing circles on your back, rocking you and letting out slow shushes in attempts to calm your mind. You feel him kiss the top of your head and rubbing your back more before he pulls away and guides you to the setup of food.
He grabs you a plate of everything, making you sit and eat with him. You nibble at your food, uninterested in grossing out the guy you like by eating in front of him. But that only made him take your fork and feed you himself, he was determined for you to take care of yourself and love yourself as he loves you. You notice him watch you eat with admiration, happy to see you finally giving yourself some nourishment. You hear him sigh and hesitate, but you leave it untouched before he breaks the silence.
“You know…. I’ve loved you for years, ever since you punched out that kid who threatened me for speaking up, and how you always listened to me talk about the books I’ve read and things I’ve heard-“ “i know, i love you too armin.” “No not like that, I’m IN love with you, like i want to hold your hands, kiss you everywhere, curl into you at night, i want to love you.” You stop mid chew, maintaining eye contact as you swallow and stare at him.
“Are you serious?” “Yes.” “Like you’re not-“ “Y/n L/n I am completely and utterly in love with you.” You push the food aside, crawling between his legs and curling up onto his chest and wrapping your arms around his torso. “I love you so much it hurts armin. It hurt me so badly when you wouldn’t talk to me, i don’t know what i did but i was so mad that i pushed you away.”
Armin tilted your chin up, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before he grabbed onto your soft form with a passion. “I’ll never do that again, I’m so sorry beautiful.” You hold onto him tighter pressing your ear to his chest to hear his heartbeat. “You really think I’m beautiful?”
He pulls away, reaching over you to grab your blanket…. Man he really plans things out, before he wraps it around you both and presses a kiss to your temple. He lets his hands sink into your skin, loving how your soft skin feels on his fingertips. His lips pepper kisses on your neck, pulling slightly back to press a kiss onto your hairline. You loved how gentle he was with you, you already knew the answer to to your question before he even opened his mouth.
“More then you can ever know, my love.”
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