greatestdetectiive · 4 months
btw my post worked a bit Too well b/c i banged out another Mediocre first draft and now i have a bout of Actual Planning to do while some (cool & nice) irl things are right around the corner so im image(below) at writing rn 🫣
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greatestdetectiive · 5 months
prev post is definitely working because i keep thinking abt it and going "omg if i dont work on writing it i wont have anything else to post" & then i write a little ... productivity effectively hacked??
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greatestdetectiive · 5 months
1/17/24 - unceremonious introduction
Hey, howdy, i'm here to post about my in-progress visual (..kinetic...) novel! Scawwy.
> who tf are you?!
I'm Lyova :) also known as @/smokycinnamonroll (my main blog) but i have like 5 million sideblogs and tbh sometimes compartmenting blogs is fun.
> owo kinetic novel?
Yea i like writing or at least the idea of writing. It is happening slowly.
it's about a detective (Jihae) and her sidekick (Pasha). Jihae hates magic, which is a new and strange discovery by one Hope Green. (Magic can do cool asplodes you things so its understandable i suppose). Jihae is also convinced Hope is planning something, as the general public do not, as yet, know about the asplodes you properties! So mysteries! (Jihae is maybe a bit too convinced though.)
... thank you for reading my summary i hope it was entertaining if not enlightening 👍
So, recently I opened up renpy, loaded my main script file, and wrote the entirety of my second chapter! Wow!! And today i said "hm I do want to finish this thing Eventually" and opened vim to work on my Third Ever Chapter.
... i am not sure what should be in my Third Ever Chapter. Well, I *do* have a loose plot I wrote out back when I was working on the first chapter (theres a lot going on lol) but its VERY loose.
See, in my head, the story is mostly ch1 - ??? - ch End - profit. The ??? Needs filled in so that the end makes sense! Obviously I have a plot and some ideas, since I already planned it out, it's just... not very detailed, at all. Especially for the second and third chapters...
Part of the problem is that I've already cut down on the Story Events by a LOT - if I take out these chapters I feel like I'll be losing out on some important character moments that inform later events... but on the other hand, somehow i feel my writing is very sparse as it is, so maybe there's not that much to lose?
I'll probably just sit down & write some kind of first draft anyways - the more time that passes, the more I just want the project to be done already, and technically I've hardly even started! XD
So, I'll let this blog maybe motivate me to put in a real commitment. & try to post more while I'm at it!
Until next post,
~ Lyova
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greatestdetectiive · 4 years
so, seeing as tinycards is going out of style(tm) in September, and I already have an obscene amount of side blogs, this is hereby a development log for various things.
the first of which is probably going to be a vn called dis_spirited because I have the power of Words and Art
if you were following any of my decks & wanted to know where they’re going, uh... check back later? just like, ask and I’ll get back to you
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greatestdetectiive · 4 years
figured I’d stick it here —
a collection of lingodeer russian flashcards that I am vaguely updating once in a blue moon
mostly comprehensive list of words
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greatestdetectiive · 5 years
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hey look at this deck I just finished today
or, well, at the screenshot. shoot me a message if you want the link to it 😊
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greatestdetectiive · 5 years
eight words tomorrow and a cover, and then the compromise deck will be done!
So far there’s about 50 some unique words in it.
Some of them I honestly wasn’t sure what the translation should have been, but I can always revisit It later :-)
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greatestdetectiive · 5 years
I do in fact have a deck up where I’m working through understanding компромисс — би-2, and I hope to be done by the end of the month.
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