#excuse what's happening I think I messed something up with my ps settings
klutcherov · 4 years
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Sharp shops for Burish 
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mycomfortblanket · 4 years
** UPDATED**Taang week 2020!!!
Taang Week 2020
So this is something I started on a few days ago, and I didn’t realize taang week was this week so it’s not finished. But, here is what I have so far!
There is some explicit stuff in here later, so um... yeah.
PS. didnt realize there was a theme going on when I posted this. so yeah. heh. 
Aang opened his eyes and immediately shut them again to block against the harsh sun rays that were coming in through the opened window. Keeping them squeezed shut, he rolls over onto his back and stretches his arms above his head, groaning in the process.
He squints his eyes against the morning sun as he began to take in his surroundings. He wasn’t in his designated room in the fire nation palace. The thought should have concerned him, but at the moment, he was too hungover to really care.
He couldn’t believe he had been talked into drinking last night. He had only drunk once before, and it had only been a sip of Fire Nation Wine at Zuko and Katara’s wedding. Toph had given him so much shit the night before about being too high strung and needing to loosen up. Just to appease her and shut her up, he had done one shot, and after that, he really didn’t have the willpower to turn down more of the drink that was helping him have so much fun. Because of how he is feeling now, he will never drink again.
Rubbing his face with his hands, trying to wake himself up a little, he rolled over to his side and bumped into something.
No. Not something. Someone.
Aang’s eyes shot open and he was met with the sight of a mess of black hair, the color of ink, spread out on the pillow and her back. She’s not wearing a shirt as far as he can tell from her bare back, and both of her arms are hidden under the blanket. In the back of his mind, he also realizes that he is not wearing any clothes either. Judging from both, her and his body position, he concludes that he was just wrapped around her back in a very explicit manner. The thought causes Aang to blush when thinking about the possible events that led them to be in that position.
Sitting up on his elbow a little, Aang attempts to get a look at her profile, but it’s mostly covered by hair, so that only her nose is visible.
He flops back onto his back and digs the heels of his hands into his eyes, causing little balls of light to dance behind his eyelids. What the hell happened last night???
He remembers going to a bar with Sokka, Suki, and Toph after they had dinner at the Fire Nation palace with Zuko and Katara. Even though the royal couple didn’t feel like going out, the rest of the Gaang wanted to experience true Fire Nation fun.
Aang tries to go through the events of the night, but all he gets is just glimpses of what happened. He sees him and Toph taking shots of Fire Nation Whiskey at the bar while Sokka and Suki were on the dance floor. He sees him and Sokka at the gambling table. Dancing with Toph. Standing outside in the alleyway with Sokka as he throws up. Stumbling back to the hotel with Toph-
As soon as this memory comes to him, the girl next to him rolls over and curls into his side with her head on his chest.
He can feel her naked chest against his side and her bare leg thrown over his. He is frozen in shock. If she knew they were in the bed together, naked, she would bend him into oblivion. He can feel his heart pumping hard and fast and know it’s only a matter of time before it wakes her up.
As if on cue, Toph groans and turns her face more into his chest.
“What the hell, Twinkletoes? It’s too fucking early for-” She cuts herself off as she realizes that she is nakedly cuddling Aang. Her whole body goes rigid and together they both jump out of the bed. Toph clutching the bed sheets around her body and Aang holding a pillow in front of his manhood as if it matters- she can’t see it either way.
“What the fuck are you doing in my bed?!” Toph screams at him.
“I don’t know! Why are you naked?!” Aang can’t help but look at her body that is covered by the sheet before averting his gaze just above her head. She really had filled out, developed curves; her hips growing a bit wider, her breast becoming fuller, and overall, became stunning. Her long black hair is falling over her shoulder and incredibly tangled.
Aang realizes that he has never seen Toph without her hair in her signature bun. Even when they were on the run as kids, her hair was either matted from sleeping or up in her bun.
“I’m allowed to be naked in my own room! Now get out before I murder you!” Toph screams.
Aang backs up to the door, feeling for the knob behind his back, before yanking it open and slipping into the hallway.
Just as he turns around, he crashes into Sokka. “What the-” he says, steadying Aang before he takes in his naked chest and pillow covering his front and then glancing at the door he just came out of. His eyes grew wide in realization.
“You didn’t!”
“Sokka please-”
“That’s Toph’s room!”
“Sokkaaa…” Aang pleads
“Oh my Spirits! Suki is not going to believe this! You know, I really had 2 gold pieces on you guys holding out a little longer,” Sokka’s voice rises with his unsuppressed glee.
“No! No you can’t tell anyon- wait. What do you mean you had 2 gold pieces riding on this? Were you betting that Toph and I would...” Aang doesn’t even finish the sentence.
“I never thought I would see the day where young Avatar Aang does the walk of shame!” Sokka boasts, completely ignoring his question.
Aang can feel his face heat up at this comment, “Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Hoping to end the conversation, Aang pushes past him and to the door down the hall that leads into his own room.
“Yeah, okay! Well, I expect details later!” Sokka yells at him as he closes the door.
Finally alone, he leans against the door and stares into the undisturbed room.
What the hell was wrong with him? Toph??? Did he really sleep with Toph? He walks over to the unslept in bed before plopping down on it and resting his aching head in his hands.
Slowly, it begins to come back to him.
“Come on Top, it’s just one song,” Aang laughs as he drags Toph to the dance floor.
“Aang, seriously, I don’t dance!” He completely ignores her. Once they get to the middle of the floor, he turns to face her. He can see doubt and uneasiness playing on her face that is mostly hidden by her bangs.
“Hey, it’s going to be great. Here, we just have to get a little closer, like this,” Aang grabs her hands and pulls her to him. Toph steps forward a little bit, she can feel a slight blush creeping on her face but she is hoping that the cool air will be a good enough excuse. Their drunken state only adds to the fun and the sloppiness of their movements.
Aang places a hand on her waist and pulls her a little closer until their chests brush with every breath they take. “Now, just follow my lead.”
Every step Aang takes, Toph copies until she gets the dance down and is able to do it without waiting for instruction.
A smile begins to pull on her lips and soon laughter is escaping her as Aang spins her and pulls her flush against him. She can feel his chest vibrate with his laughter as well, but the sound of it is lost to the wind.
They dance to a few more fast paced songs before the DJ switches to a slow song with a soft beat. Both of the dancers become still in their movements. Toph begins to let go of Aang’s hand and move away, “Maybe we should sit this one out,” Toph mumbles.
But as she starts to pull her hand away, Aang tightens her grip and doesn’t let go, but gently pulls her back into him. He takes her opposite hand and places it on his shoulder before placing his hand on her lower back.
“Nah, don’t chicken out on me now,” Aang says in a low voice causing Toph to lean into him to make sure she heard him. He pulls her in close, closer than they were when they were dancing to the fast paced music. She knows that her blush is very prominent now and there is no way she can blame it on the alcohol or chill in the air.
She can feel his cheek brush against the side of her head every now and then as they move. A small, content smile graced her lips as she closed her eyes and soaks in the moment. Slowly, without realizing she has done it, she lowers her head and rests against his chest, listening to his strong and beating heart. Fatigue begins to set in as she becomes more and more engulfed in his scent and touch.
Aang didn’t really expect her to go along with him in a slow dance, this was much too intimate for her. But, when she laid her head against his chest, he couldn’t help but grin. He basks in the comfort of having her with him and the intimacy they are sharing. Without thinking, he presses a lingering kiss to the crown of her head.
Immediately, he realizes his mistake as her body grows rigid and she slowly raises her head slowly to ‘look’ at him. He knows she doesn’t realize, but her eyes line up directly to his as if she is really looking at him, stealing the breath from his lungs. Because she doesn’t immediately murder him, his confidence continues to grow with the aid of alcohol coursing through his system.
He reaches a hand up to cup her cheek as he takes in her features. Her skin soft and porcelain like, her milky green eyes that reminds him of a soft jade color, her small nose that leads down to her lips, full and slightly open as if to say something. Ever so slightly, she leans into his hand. Aang wouldn’t have been sure she had actually done that if he wasn’t looking at her so close.
Aang’s eyes stay on Toph’s lips as he leans down and he is sure that she pulls him a little closer by his tunic. He isn’t positive if it’s the alcohol that is fueling this surge of braveness or just his own stupidity and impulsiveness, but his lips barely graze hers, their noses bumping each other, before he fully seals her lips with his own.
They stand there, locked together as people move and dance around them. He can feel the song change to a more fast paced one with a steady beat, but still, they stand there. Toph tilts her head, deepening the kiss a little. Th sensation of his lips against hers warms her to the core and makes her toes curl in
She feels the hand that is cupping her cheek tighten its hold while the other remains on her lower back, still pulling her in. She slides her hand down from his shoulder and rests it over his heart while the other is gripping the back of his neck, making sure he doesn’t pull away. The kiss is so innocent that it short circuits her brain.
Toph hadn’t ever let herself consider the possibility of her and Aang.  They had slowly slipped past the friendship stage after Aang and Katara had called off their relationship a year or two after Sozin’s Comet. Katara had moved on with Zuko pretty quickly afterwards and Aang was weirdly okay with it and even congratulated the couple when they announced their courtship. Aang himself grew closer to Toph, the two of them traveling the world, putting down any resistance to the new Fire Lord.
Although her and Aang had slipped past the threshold of friendship and into something more, neither of them had acted on it. It was just something that made itself known in small touches, lingering hugs, and stolen glances. But now, something was happening and it was causing all sorts of chaos to erupt in Toph’s chest.
Toph had kept expecting Aang to eventually leave Toph behind, dump her at her parents or something, so she never let herself entertain the thought that he would want more.
Someone bumped into Aang, causing him to stumble onto Toph causing their lips to pull apart. Aang scanned her face, looking for any sign of discomfort or anger while Toph kept her hand on his heart, feeling for any sign or regret. Completely engulfed in their bubble, everything and everyone in the room fades to the background as they stare at each other.
“Aang, Hey! We gotta go!” they hear Suki yell for them. Both of them pull apart with embarrassment staining their cheeks, but Aang’s hand slips down and grips Toph’s, not willing to let her go just yet.
Gently, he begins to pull her after him as he walks off the dance floor and towards their friend. “Hey, Sokka is plastered and outside puking his guts out.” Suki says, jerking a thumb towards the exit. Aang nods and starts to walk outside, Toph trailing after him, her hand still in his.
“Hey, we need to get our coats, Toph come help me,” Suki says
“What? Why do I gotta help?” Toph says annoyed
“Because. Now come on!”
Toph casts one last glance at Aang before she gets dragged off to the Coat Check In. Not knowing what else to do, Aang heads outside and finds Sokka leaning against the wall of the bar holding his stomach.
“You good?” Aang asks, his breath coming out in a cloud.
“No. I keep puking. You’d think that nothing would be left in my stomach by now.” Sokka says miserably.
“As much as you eat, there won’t ever be an end to it,” Aang says laughing. A groan comes from Sokka's mouth as he bends over and throws up again. Aang grimaces and pats his friend on the back. Once finished, Sokka leans back against the wall and wipes his mouth just as the girls round the corner. His eyes immediately go to Toph and sees that her entire face is pink in what he thinks is embarrassment, and Suki has a wide smile on her face. They hand the guys their jackets and step back to avoid the vomit on the ground but don’t say anything about Sokka’s vomit or whatever they were talking about.
Finally ready to go, Suki loops her arm through Sokka’s who leans heavily against her, and begins walking towards the palace, not waiting for Toph or Aang to follow. Toph walks quietly beside Aang with little distance between them which gets smaller and smaller as they go until their shoulders are brushing against the other with every step.
As they walk, Toph’s feet become more and more numb with the cold and soon, she can barely see the vibrations because of her lack of feeling in them. When she stumbles on a dip in the pavement, Aang takes notice.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just hard to see since my feet are so fucking cold,” Toph says while wiping her nose with the sleeve of her coat.
Taking a look at Toph, Aang laughs through his nose before bending his knees and lowering himself slightly, “Here, jump on. You can ride me till we get back,”
Toph is stunned for a second, she doesn’t think he realizes what he just said. Her face burns with the implication that is in the sentence that he didn’t mean to put in. Trying to be casual, she faces him and reaches out a hand to feel for his back to get into position behind him.
Toph jumps onto his back, and Aang grabs onto the back of her knees, pulling her closer to him. She wraps her arms around his neck and holds on for dear life. Huffing a little at the complete lack of sight. She tightens her hold on Aang, her thighs gripping his hips a little tighter, she is completely at Aang’s mercy.
Aang notices her tense against him, and he realizes its because of her nervousness at the lack of sight. To try and put her at ease, he rubs his thumb against her leg and begins to walk again. When his thumb brushes the inside of her thigh, Toph tightens her arms around his neck and he can feel her breath against his neck stutter a little.
The slight feeling of his thumb rubbing circles mixed with the firm grip on her legs sends a shiver down her spine. Having him this close to her, especially between her thighs, even if he is facing the wrong way, is making a heat pool in her belly.
When he walks into the dining room, he notices that everyone is there. Well everyone besides Toph, which he breathes a sigh of relief after noticing.
He trudges over and sinks into the chair next to Katara and puts his head in his hands, massaging his temples. Zuko, who was sitting at the head of the table next to Katara, was talking to Sokka about some trade deals he was planning on making with the Southern Water tribe and wanted his input.
“So, did you guys have a good night?” Katara asks Aang while buttering a roll.
Holding back a groan he says lowly, “Yeah. it was nice. Really helped me relax.” Aang looks up to see Sokka grinning at him.
Aang’s eyes widened and he shook his head subtly trying to get him to not say anything. But, being the person he is, he just couldn’t let it go.
“Oh yeah. Toph really helped Aang relax. Never thought it would have happened,” Sokka says with a mischievous grin on his face before taking a bite out of his eggs. Suki snickers behind her hand before stifling it behind her cup.
“Yeah, you wouldn’t believe the amount of fun they had last night,” Suki says when she sets her cup down. Sokka lets out a cackle of laughter at Suki’s comment and leans back in his chair, throwing an arm over Suki’s.
Katara just shoots them a confused look before shaking her head and commenting how good it was that Aang was finally relaxing.
A servant placed his plate in front of him as Toph walked into the room, her hair back in its bun. She makes her way over and sits in the only available seat left, the one next to Aang.  Katara and Zuko say their normal good mornings to her.
“You tired, Toph? Looks like you didn’t get any sleep, must have been a wild night for you” Sokka says, shooting a shit eating grin her way.
Toph picks up on the implied comment and pushes her foot more firmly on the ground, sending a rock into his knee hard enough to leave a bruise.
“OUCH! What the fuc-” Sokka says, looking under the table.
“I actually slept fine last night, Sokka. Thanks for asking.”
What seems like an hour goes by but is probably only 20 minutes, before she hears the echo of his footsteps on marble, signaling that they are inside the palace. Aang eventually stops, and sets Toph down.. As soon as her feet make contact with the ground, she knows that they are directly outside her room, the door still closed.
“So…” Aang starts but before he can even get out another word, Toph has pushed up on her toes and fisted her hands in his robes, pulling him down to her, immediately pressing her lips to his, kissing him fiercely.
Although shocked by her actions, Aang is immediately kissing her back, grabbing her face in his haste to keep his lips near hers. Toph lets out a sigh when she feels Aang’s lips part her own and his tongue beginning to explore her mouth. This kiss is so much more than the one they shared at the dance hall. Where that one was soft and slow, this one was heated and fast.
This kiss was a mix of fevered lips, tongue, and breathy moans. Aang backed Toph up roughly against the door that led into her room. His hands seemed to be everywhere, leaving a burning path in their wake. Toph wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing herself closer to him. Aang’s hand left her face and began running down her sides, smoothing down her curves before gripping her hips, his nails biting into her skin.
Aang moves his lips and nipped at Toph's neck, eliciting a moan from her lips. The bite was sure to leave a bruise occurred to Toph as he soothed the bite over with his tongue.
She moans out his name and the sting from his bite. Not Twinkle Toes, but his actual name. The sound of his name coming off her lips in a breathy moan sends blood straight to his hard member.
Toph had never known Aang to be anything but gentle, but this dominant version of himself was a pleasant surprise. A darker part of her wanted him this way, wanted him to leave his mark on her, to feel his touch the next day.
Aang dragged his tongue along her throat up before reclaiming her lips with his own. Spirits, he could kiss. Where he learned to use his mouth like that was beyond her. The thought of other things he could do with his mouth made her groan into the kiss.
Breakfast seemed to never end with Sokka’s vaguely hinted comments and the awkwardness that could be felt between Aang and Toph. Aang was the first to leave the dining room. he wandered the halls of the palace, not really knowing where he was going, just not wanting to sit still or have to speak to anyone, especially about last night.
He thinks about the way Toph reacted to finding him in her bed this morning. He couldn’t read her reaction properly, was she disgusted or just shocked? After dancing around each other for so long, he finally thought they were getting somewhere.
Maybe he had been reading those interactions between the two of them wrong. Maybe he was reading too much into situations that had happened between them over the past two years. Maybe he was imagining the lingering touches, the way they sometimes sat too close together, or that one time, they fell asleep together beside the campfire, and she was against his back, holding on to him for dear life.
Aang shakes his head. No, there was no way what he was feeling was one sided. Sure, he had initiated most of these advances but sometimes, she would do little things. Things no one else would know were sentimental unless they knew Toph. Like sitting directly beside him at the campfire or actively seeking him out to tell her stories about the past air benders.
He eventually came to a room with shelves filled with books lined the walls. A little further in the room, there seemed to be tables and then beyond that, more rows of shelves. Aang was slightly surprised that there would be a library in the palace, but then he thought, why wouldn't a palace have a library?
Aang just stands there for a moment, staring into the library without really thinking much.
“So, are we going to talk?”
Aang jumped, not expecting Toph to be standing beside him. He thought she would be avoiding him just as much as he was avoiding her, and especially didn’t think she would want to talk about what happened last night.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, let’s go back there.” Realizing that he isn’t going to be able to avoid this like he would like, Aang points to the corner of the library that is hidden behind the shelves. Remembering that she can’t see where he is pointing, he grabs her hand and leads her.
When they get to the back corner, Aang is surprised to seat over-stuff chairs and benches decorating the dimly lit area.
Toph throws herself down onto one of the chairs, and Aang takes the one directly across from her, but perches on the edge of the seat, clasping his hands in between his knees. He stares at her, flashes of her naked form covered by a thin sheet go through his mind. Aang shakes his head, ridding his mind of those thoughts. He needed to be level headed since what they were about to talk about was serious.
“So, talk.” Toph says, chewing at one of her fingernails.
Aang’s mouth falls open slightly, “You’re the one that suggested we talk!” he says, exasperated.
“You're the one who was naked in my bed!”
“You were naked, too!”
Toph didn’t say anything to this, just continued biting at her nail refusing to look in his direction. Aang’s shoulders slumped in defeat, “I mean, it was only a matter of time before…”
At this, Toph shoots up to her feet, “Excuse me, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” she yells, her voice dripping with venom.
Aang stands up to, his blood boiling at the thought of her denying what had been blooming between the two of them the past couple years. “Don’t even try to pretend what happened last night didn’t mean anything to you.”
“It didn’t!”
“Bullshit, Toph! I know you can feel what has been happening between us, I could see it on your face every time we touched,” he spits out. Toph doesn’t say anything to this, just adverts her unseeing eyes away from him. He can see her clenching and unclenching her teeth.
They need to get through this, they need to have it all out in the open. He is tired of not being able to touch her when he wants or to hold her. He wants to brush her hair out of her face and to throw an arm around her waist when the urge hits him.
Aang steps closer to her and reaches for her hand and says more softly, “Tell me it didn’t mean anything to you. Tell me I’ve been imagining the small touches and subtle comments for the past two years.”
Toph shakes her head just barely, “Aang-”
He moves even closer to her, until they are just a few inches apart. He dips his head down until their lips are almost touching, his breath ghosting over her lips.
“Tell me and I’ll stop.” He tilts her face up with his thumb and index finger on her chin. Aang’s eyes search her face before falling on her lips.
“I can’t,” Toph says, her voice barely a whisper.
Aang smiles and closes the distance between them.
A new sensation broke through the haze of arousal: the vibrations of someone walking down the hallways towards them. They are still far enough away that they can't see Aang pressing Toph up against the door, but they were getting closer by the second.
Toph reluctantly broke the kiss and moved her head away. Aang, being denied access to her lips, began to kiss a line from her cheek to her jaw and down her neck.
"Aang-" She whimpered, her voice barely a whisper. She didn't think he heard her since he continued the assult on her neck. "Aang, someone is coming. They're going to see us," she tried again.
Aang grunted in acknowledgement before he bent slightly to grip around her thighs and lifted her. Toph let loose a girlish squeal-type noise, something she never thought would come from her mouth, and immediately wrapped her legs around his waist. Aang's hands moved from gripping her thighs to her ass so he could hold her up better.
His lips never left hers as Toph reached behind her and fumbled to open the door. Once through the door, Aang closed it with his foot before walking over to the bed and dumping her unceremoniously on the bed.
They both finally got a look at each other, Aang standing beside the bed, the moonlight streaming in from her open windows, and Toph, whose feet were still on the ground, looked up to where she thought his face might have been.
Aang could see her kiss-swollen lips and blush that spread down her neck and across her slightly exposed cleavage. Strands of black hair are falling out of her bun and down her shoulders in trendils.
Toph could sense his heartbeat, beating faster than she's ever noticed. She can tell that he is just staring at her, taking in her disarray state. She can feel her hair falling out of its bun and her shirt has shifted so that its showing more of her chest than normal.
The hesitation only lasts for a fraction of a second before Toph is pulling him down by the front of his robes at the same time as Aang leaning forward to push her back onto the bed. He slipped his hand underneath her tunic, feeling the heated skin there. He gripped her waist with both hands before shifting her up higher onto the bed so that her head was caressed by the pillows and Aang was resting between her legs.
Afterwards, when they finally stop, Aang is still laying between Toph's legs, rest his head against one of her breasts and his arms wrapped around her middle. Toph trails her fingertips up and down his spine, occasionally brushing over the scar that Azula had given him so long ago.
The air is thick with the smell of sex and the sweat that is drying on their skin. Neither of them talk, but instead, listen to each others heartbeats.
The movement of Toph's fingers on his back become slower and slower until they stop all together and just rest in between his shoulder blades. Her breathing has evened out into long deep breaths with the occasional quiet snore from the back of her throat.
Aang picks his head up and looks at her. Her hair is completely out of its bun, her headband somewhere in the room. He's never seen her hair down before. Not like this. It's incredibly tangled from him constantly running his hands through it and pulling at it.
Her head is turned to the side, exposing her neck, and he can see love bites marking from the base of her neck and down her chest.
The thought of how she is going to cover those enters his mind before he pushes it away. He wants other to see it. He wants everyone to know what they did last night, how he took her roughly.
The memories of the explicit things they did come back to him causing him to blush. They had gone at it for hours, multiple times. Once it was over and they would slump against each other, they would talk about the time that had been passing between them, and somehow, they would start all over again.
Aang crawls off of Toph and lays his head on the pillow next to her. When he has settled next to her, she immediately scooches back until she is pressed fully against him.
Aang wraps an arm around her waist, and presses into her back more firmly, burying his face in her neck, smelling her hair. He would never tell her this, but they fit perfectly together. Her body dips and curves in just the right places that make it seem like she is enveloping his body from behind.
Smiling contently, Aang kisses her shoulder before his head falls back against the pillow. He shuts his eyes, ready for the new day to start and for everything to be out in the open.
Hey! So i see you came back for the update!!!. well. thank you. I will be finishing this story so follow it on Archiveofourown.com! The link to this story is here! Thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me. Feel free to comment your constructive criticism or your thoughts/opinions. 
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star-light-imagines · 4 years
hey, can you write some headcanons for izuku, tenya, and fumikage with a s/o who has really severe adhd? their very intelligent but they have an extremely hard time sitting still and focusing on any task. bonus points if that makes them a really good fighter wuth a strong quirk. thank you!
ADHD Headcanons
Anime/Manga: My Hero Academia
Warnings: None
Enjoy this quirk fest! 💚, 💙,🖤
Ps: I’m still new to this, so thank you for sending in a request and I’m going to give it the best I possibly can!
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When Izuku first met you he was confused when he saw how you couldn’t stay still very well in class. He noticed how you would tap your feet repeatedly, how you would get distracted by things outside the window easily, how you would eagerly jump out of your seat when class would end. While others thought of this as weird or annoying, he thought it was interesting.
“Y/N, I noticed how everyday you are always moving around during class in some way or form, is it due to your quirk?”
“No I have ADHD, it’s separate from my quirk. However, it does make my quirk stronger than what you would expect. I may get distracted by things around me easily, but all that means is I notice my surroundings more than others, and I can use that to my advantage. Also the fact that I can’t stay still for very long helps me improve my quirk and become stronger. I’m always training because it helps keep me relaxed, but I’m learning to use my ADHD to my advantage in battle situations.”
“Wow! Y/N you have really thought this through and used what you have at your disposal to become a stronger. Is it okay if you give me some tips for my journals, maybe even train with you so I can pick up a few moves?”
“Of course! I would love the company.”
He will stand up for you when others discourage you for having ADHD and trying to be a hero. In fact, if you are training against someone in class when this happens, he will purposely cheer for you super loudly behind them.
“Can Y/N even be a pro hero with how they are always distracted and not paying attention in class?”
“I don’t know I heard Y/N is smart, I mean they get the highest test scores even though they don’t sit still in class.”
“That doesn’t mean Y/N got what it takes to be a pro hero.”
Izuku was sitting behind the two boys murmuring over you as you had stood up to train against kaminari. He was excitedly waiting for you to show them how powerful you really are. “You got this Y/N!” He yelled loudly, so loudly the boys turned around to look at him with disgust.
“If you watch you might learn something.” He said smugly to the boys before pulling out his notebook to take notes for you and how to better improve his own skills.
He knew he liked you after your first conversation after class that one day. However the more time he spends with you the harder he falls. Soon it’s hard for him to not blush when you walk up to him, or for him to not stutter during conversations with you, or even for him to make proper eye contact and because of this you begin to think he doesn’t like you and get anxious.
“Hey Izuku can we talk?” You say walking over to him in the lounge. He was studying the notes he had taken during class but as soon as he looked up and saw you were the one talking he immediately looked back down.
“S-sure what’s up Y/N?” He asked nervously
“I noticed how you haven’t been acting the same around me lately. Do you not want to be friends anymore? Did my ADHD become annoying ?” You ask sadly while looking down at your feet.
“What! No! That’s not it at all, I promise. I’m so sorry I made you feel that way.” Izuku immediately stands up and grabs your hands so that you look at him.
“Then what is it? Why don’t you look at me? Why don’t you want to spend time with me anymore? Damnit Deku! It hurts so much to see you look away from me when I try to talk to you!”
“Y/N I like you..it’s all because I like you and I didn’t know if you would feel the same way or if you would just want to focus on becoming a pro hero and everytime I made eye contact with you I would turn so red you would probably think I had run 5 miles.” He said as tears started to well up in his eyes.
“Izuku... I like you to, you were the first person in the class to accept me and give me strength to continue. You didn’t judge me for my ADHD but instead saw it as one of my strengths. You stand up for me when I’m not around to do it for myself, you help me when I’m struggling, you support me when I’m feeling like giving up. Of course I like you.” I say with tears falling down my cheeks.
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When he first met you in class, he was a bit annoyed that you couldn’t sit still and had become a slight distraction for him. However, he was being polite by not saying anything since no one else seemed to mind. Each day he would look towards your seat to see you shaking a knee or tapping your pencil on the desk. He couldn’t concentrate on anything other than you.
He started to notice more than just your repeated movements each day. He noticed how your hair shinned when the sun hit it from the windows, how you would sometimes doodle classmates into your notes, and especially how you would smile with relief when ever you could stand from your seat. He never even talked to you, but you somehow invaded his thoughts.
“Iida! This is Y/N, I thought you two should meet since you haven’t talked yet.” Mono says happily while introducing you two one day during lunch.
“Hello Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Tenya says politely while holding his hand out to shake yours.
“Nice to meet you as well.” You say as you take his hand in yours and in that moment he felt as if he was was shocked by lighting with the electricity he felt from holding your hand.
“I’ve wanted to ask something for awhile now, if you don’t mind?”
“Go ahead, I don’t mind at all.”
“I noticed how you don’t sit very still in class, is there a reason for that?”
“Oh! I have ADHD, it’s a bit hard for me to focus when I’m not moving. I hope it doesn’t bother you.” At this moment it all clicked for Tenya
“Not at all. I will admit that at first it did slightly irritate me but after a few days it became like a routine for me to see you always moving around. It would be weird if I didn’t see it now.”
He knows how strong your quirk is because he has seen you in action multiple times during class and training. He knows how hard you work and how you are able to out maneuver even him most days. You have strong strategic skills as well and can be a strong opponent for anyone in school. However some people don’t realize this when all they see is you being distracted and endlessly moving around during lunch hours, and because of this he won’t hesitate to step in if someone decides to talk behind your back.
“Y/N is so annoying sometimes. Like please sit still for two minutes.”
“I bet Y/N can’t even stay still for 1 minute.” The person says and laughs while watching you from across the cafeteria.
“I don’t know how people put up with that everyday.”
Tenya had heard this conversation on accident while walking past them and immediately stopped in his tracks. He watched as you sat happily with Izuku and Momo and turned to look at the girls who talking bad about you and laughing. He couldn’t let this slide, not when he imagined the look your face if you ever heard what they were saying.
“Excuse me, I overheard your conversation and I would like to let you know that Y/N is the best person I know. Not only can Y/N make some of the top scores in class, but can fight well beyond anyone’s expectations or even skill set for that matter. It shouldn’t matter that Y/N can’t sit still for very long, all that matters is how they are as a person and how willing they are to work towards their goals.”
He didn’t realize his feelings for awhile because he had never liked someone before. You most likely realized your feelings before he did and told him about it and that’s when it clicked for him that that’s what he’s been feelings and what’s been missing from his life.
“Tenya, I have something I need to tell you.” You say quietly in the middle of your movie night one day.
“Oh? Go ahead”
“I like you, I really do. I don’t know how you feel or if you even want to be with me-“ you didn’t get to finish because as soon as he heard the words he realized all he wanted in that moment was to kiss you.
“I guess that means you want me then” you say with a laugh after the kiss.
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Fumikage didn’t mind when he noticed how you would shake your legs while sitting in class or how you would click your pen several times whithin minutes. He had seen people with ADHD before and had been good friends with many of them to. However, he did see how others would treat you and made it his mission to become friends with you even though he wasn’t very social.
“Y/N right?” He said while walking up to your desk before class one day.
“Um, yes! Is there something I can do for you?”
“I just wanted to let you know it’s okay to have ADHD. Obviously you are strong or else you wouldn’t be in this class and I know you will get even stronger. If you ever need someone to talk to I’ll be here.”
He would be the first person to come to your rescue when someone picks a fight with you or makes fun of you over your ADHD. He would have a hard time holding back his anger, but he definitely would make sure they wouldn’t mess with you again.
“Y/N I can’t fucking stand sitting behind you everyday and watching you tap your feet and move your arms! I can’t focus in class!” Mineta exclaims
“Funny coming from a boy that can’t focus anyway due to his perverted thoughts about every girl on the planet. How about instead of blaming her for your inability to focus you just learn how to control your thoughts. You know what? Just switch seats with me and the next time you fail a test you won’t have Y/N to blame.”
Fumikage obviously cared about you and liked you but he didn’t want to tell you his feelings without knowing where you stood. So when you confessed your feelings one day while walking back to the dorms, he couldn’t have been happier to be able to finally get his own feelings off his chest.
“Fumikage, wait, slow down.” You yelled while running toward him.
“Do you need something Y/N?”
“Yes, I need to tell you how I like you and how I hope you will accept my feelings!”
“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say those words.” He said before drawing you into a hug.
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minervahopebeyond · 4 years
Blood Petals.
Hello! I hope you like this one! Tell me what you thought in the comments✨
Ps. I’ve checked but sorry if you find any errors in this one (grammar or vocabulary)
Chapter 20: The curse.
He tried to warn Severus about Theodore. The man just said that he was fully aware about the situation but the boy was still at school, so he was starting to doubt that his godfather had informed the Headmaster at all. That’s how Draco found himself asking for a meeting with Dumbledore on Friday.
He spoke the password that professor McGonagall informed him and entered the office. When he got in, the old man was sitting on his desk, drinking a cup of tea.
Dumbledore looked more and more thin as the year went by, the blond boy thought that it was not a good look on him. He looked sick.
“Mr. Malfoy. How are you, boy?”
Draco wanted to cut directly to the point, formalities be damn.
“Good. Thank you, sir. I came here with information. I think that one of the Slytherins is-“ The man interrupted.
“If you are talking about your friend Theodore Nott, I’m aware of the situation. Severus told me.”
Draco felt like a weight had been lifted. He thought, for a second, that Severus was a lying bastard. He wasn’t ,though. Still a spy. Good.
“Then expel him, Headmaster. Before he does something that he’ll regret. I beg you.”
The old man looked at him with kind eyes and a soft smile. He fixed his glasses before talking.
“I don’t think that’s an option, Mr. Malfoy. My duty is to care about all the students, even the ones that make the wrong choices.” Draco was looking at him like he had lost his mind. Was this man senile?? “If I expel him, and he fails on his mission, he would, at the least, face torture; I don’t think that’s fair for a sixteen year old, don’t you agree?” Dumbledore said as he took another sip of his tea. “However, since you are close to him... let him know that we can provide shelter for him, that he has options. I would appreciate it very much.”
Draco only nodded before being dismissed by the Headmaster, telling him to get back to class. What the fuck?
It was ridiculous.
‘Yes, come to Hogwarts. It’s the safest place in the entire magical world. We only hired followers of the Dark Lord accidentally a couple of times, no biggie... And yes, we did also have a three hundred year old monster inside of a hidden secret chamber under the school, that also happened to kill the students ( no, nobody asked Salazar Slytherin why the fucking pipes were so ridiculously big). There was also that time when the dementors almost killed a student in a quidditch match... And let’s not forget about last year, when someone from the ministry used a blood quill as punishment. Which brings us to this moment; yes, we are aware that we currently have a sixteen year old Death Eater inside of the castle, thank you for asking.’
Draco was glad that he was going to die before having kids because, if he were a parent, he would most likely set the school on fire if they got to live even one of the things that Potter had to endure in the last six years of his life.
And now he was thinking about Potter again. Fuck. Draco sighed as he walked to class again.
He really wished that Theo would listen to him. Or Dumbledore. Or Severus. ANYONE.
He wasn’t talking to Potter. Actually, he wasn’t talking to the Golden Trio in general because they refused to tell him the truth.
Draco looked worst everyday. Pansy and Blaise tried to make him talk to the three Gryffindors; saying that he didn’t need to fight with people right now, he needed friends. The blond boy ignored them. What he needed was to find a way of convincing Theodore of stopping whatever plan he had in mind.
Unfortunately, the boy was avoiding him. He sealed his curtains at night, to prevent Draco from climbing into the bed; and disappeared after classes. The blond boy couldn’t approach him like this.
He was so tired, it was almost Easter Holidays and everything was the same. Draco was alone, the coughs were getting worst... He felt the physical need to be close to Potter everywhere, every fiber of his being was begging him to fix this. He ignored the feeling daily.
The blond boy knew that he was pushing everyone away, but the bloody adults in charge of the fucking school were just letting things flow. It was his responsibility now. He just had to find a way of stopping this.
He had just finished Charms, when he decided to take the long way back to the dungeons, he wanted some quiet... at least for a while.
The hallway from the second floor was, almost always, desolated. Nobody went there because of Myrtle. That’s why he was surprised to hear the girl-ghost talking with someone that day.
“Do you want me to get help?” She asked in a low voice.
The water from the tap was running, Draco could hear it flowing the bathroom.
“No... I just need to be alone for a minute.”
Draco knew that voice. Theodore sounded strangled, like he had been crying. He quietly entered the bathroom.
The boy was sitting on the floor, robes all drenched. His hair was a mess, eyes red with his wand on his hand. Hazel eyes were looking at him, scare. ‘One bad move and this could all go to shit, this is your chance, Draco. Take it.’
He walked slowly to were the boy was and knelt in front of him, looking at him with kind eyes.
“This is what I was trying to tell you, Theo. You don’t want to do this.”
Tears were starting to course down the boy’s cheeks, as he looked away.
“It’s too late. I don’t have a choice.” His voice came out weak. Draco got a little closer to him, pushed the hair away from his face. He could swear that Theo leaned in to the touch for a moment.
“You do. Dumbledore knows.” The boy widened his eyes, alarmed. “He knows, and he is letting you try this because he fears that if he expels you right now, you could get hurt by them” Then, the blond boy looked at Theodore with determination. “He is offering you shelter, if you want it. Take it, Theo. I beg you.”
The brunette snorted, rolling up his sleeve.
“This will not go away with shelter, it’s a biding contract.”
“I knew it.”
Draco froze. That voice. Shit, not now! He was so close! He looked up and saw Potter looking at them. The green eyes shifted between hate and disappointment. The daffodils were starting to hurt him.
“You acted like I was crazy but you knew, didn’t you??” The dark-haired hissed at him.
“Yes. But Potter I’m trying to-“
“You are helping him! Look what he is.“ he said with a severe tone. Draco couldn’t contain the coughs anymore, petals were falling from his mouth.
Theo pointed his wand at the boy that stood in front of him.
“Back the hell off, Potter.”
The dark haired boy pointed his wand right back at him, and Draco wanted to just stop coughing so he could do something about this.
Theo fired the first spell, obviously. They were wrecking the bathroom. They weren’t listening to him. Draco felt so impotent as he saw everything happen.
“Cruc-“ Started to cast the hazel-eyed boy. Draco screamed as loud as he could.
And at the same time: Potter threw another spell at his opponent.
Draco didn’t know what it was when he heard it, but he quickly discovered that the spell was actually a curse.
Theo fell to the ground so fast, his white shirt starting to turn red from the blood. He ran an threw himself on the floor next to the boy. The blond boy could hear Myrtle going to get help.
“Shh, Theo. It’s okay. Somebody is coming.” He kept saying as he held the boy. The hazel eyes looked at him, lost. He couldn’t contain the tears, the petals escaped between sobs. ‘How could he have done this? It’s Potter. He is a good person. Why would he hurt someone like this. I just-‘
“Malfoy... I-“ He glared at the boy, who was looking at him with fearful green eyes, holding his wand tightly.
“Get the hell out of my sight.” He hissed at him.
The boy had started to turn around when Severus entered the bathroom. Confused eyes on his face, looking between Potter and him.
He knelt next to the boy on the floor and began to cast the counter-curse.
Draco held Theo the whole time.
He was at the infirmary, lying in the bed next to Theodore. He had asked Severus to spend the night, and because he saw him really upset, his godfather allowed it.
The boy was still unconscious. Draco was looking at him, trying to fall sleep... But the scene from the bathroom kept repeating in his head. He shouldn’t have approached Theo, if he hadn’t, then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
He heard soft sound of steps, when Draco turned around to look, he couldn’t hear them anymore.He narrowed his eyes.
“Potter.” He called. At first, nothing happened; then the boy appeared next to him, taking off his invisibility cloak.
“Hi.” The green-eyed said with a weak voice.
“What do you want? Are you going to actually kill him now?” He spoke with venom in his voice. The daffodils were burning him. Draco couldn’t even look at him.
“I just... I didn’t know what the spell did.” Potter said in a low voice.
Draco turned to look at him, furious. That was the great excuse? Really? He was suppose to believe that? He snorted.
“Get out.” The blond boy was so mad. He didn’t even cared when he started to have a coughing fit while Potter walked away.
“Draco, the Golden Trio is outside.”
He was sitting on the couch at the Slytherin common room, revising his notes from transfiguration. He didn’t even looked up at Pansy.
“Tell then to leave, they are going to miss the train.” He heard his best friend sighed before walking outside. She wasn’t gone for long.
“They are being extremely insistent.”
Draco pushed his books aside and started to walk towards the door. When he got outside, the Gryffindors were looking at him with hesitant eyes.
“What do you want?” Potter was the first to respond.
“We have to leave. Where is your luggage?” He asked with confused eyes. Draco crossed his arms.
“Next to my bed. I’m staying here.” He spoke with a flat voice. The fucking flowers started to move aggressively, hurting him.
He could see the Weasley and Granger looking at their best friend; worried. Potter was staring at him, hurt eyes on his face.
“You didn’t tell Dad or Padfoot. They are expecting you. Come on, just-” Draco just shrugged.
“I’ll send a Patronus. Anything else?”
Since they didn’t answer, the blond boy wished them a ‘Happy Easter’ and went back inside to his common room.
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ellsey · 4 years
Agents of Shield Rewatch 7x01 The New Deal
A kind soul provided me access to all of season 7 (you’re a saint bless) so that means it’s REWATCH TIME!! 
And yeah, I’m going to lose it after the first couple episodes it’s fine. But let’s get started
Dateline: NYC 1931
Luckily we don’t jump to that many time periods so I can keep up
I think
Immediately we are reminded that Chronicoms can’t human
This will be a consistent theme
Also they steal faces
And we’re back with LMD Coulson. I’m neither surprised nor do I blame Daisy for pushing that button, but also...it was very impulsive.
And poor Coulson is having to adjust to a lot at once
Interesting in this process of remembering things he remembers the FS wedding which of course we will come full circle back to at the end
Simmons explains that this isn’t traditional time travel and that they’re just following the Chronicoms which I guess is a good way to handwave time travel
“We don’t know the rules because there aren’t any ok?”- the writers
I’m going to say that a lot just accept it
“Even the Kree let us make our own boot juice” DEKE NO
No alien contagions or purple hair. Director’s orders.
But I love the purple and Daisy should totally bring it back. I feel like Sousa would be into this based on nothing other than I write a lot of Dousy fic.
PS if you thought this season rewatch wouldn’t be all about Dousy you know nothing about me
But also welcome to my blog
They make a big deal about needing Coulson to potentially get ahead of the Chronicoms, but did they really? I mean other than the time loops and then Coulson’s magical computer abilities later, did they really use him?
Don’t get me wrong I love having him around but also it feels like they forgot about that thread
Coulson mentions that he will “re-evaluate” after this is all over and wow did we circle back to that in the end
Mack says the same, which I guess means build a heli-carrier?
Spoiler alert
These period costumes are straight up fire
Deke gives the time stream discussion but obviously they just forget that in the process of making an 80′s cover band and picking up a 1950s boyfriend
Lol Daisy does an amazing job threatening that cop
Oh but I guess we did use Coulson’s history knowledge so eh I take back what I said?
This healing set-up looks scarily like something Aida did
Elena is healthy yay!!!
And they made her new arms which Elena is reluctant to take, and I love her so much
It’s a speakeasy wheeeee
Chronicoms don’t know about rearview mirrors either I guess
Ok jk I forgot Coulson dies this season as well he’s a good robot
I’m a little confused as to why Fitz was going to be sending message since for him it was only a small amount of time, right?
Also Deke, honey, you totally are the natural suspect for messing things up Nana doesn’t mean anything by it
So there’s some plot here involving FDR supposedly but really it was an excuse to have a fancy 30s party
Daisy’s dress is amazing though and I want it for fancy occasions
And everyday wear
And Mack does look good thanks for noticing Daisy
Viscous Jemma is back 
Coulson really is living the dream here
Also young Freddie is fine ngl
And Freddie and Deke have...chemistry
Don’t @ me
“You’re right this one really sucks” hahahaha poor old timey Koenig
Uh oh, May is gone
“You had one job Enoch” OMG HAHAHAHA
Also May is being a creepy spider sooo
Yeah that happened
Of course, the return of the rewatch means the return of Ellsey’s completely arbitrary and pointless rating systems! I mean first things first, we are firmly at a 500/10 on the Costumes Scale and will stay there for much of this season so...yeah. Coulson rates a 10/10 on the Robo Life Crisis scale. Poor guy. But happily this episode only rates like a 4/10 on the Time Travel Shenanigans scale. That rating is going to go up rapidly from here obviously.
This playlist for this most of this season will be era appropriate music, so that’s fun. Well, for me anyway. So this episode’s song is “Stardust” performed by Bing Crosby (but apparently he did a version in 1939 too, so rest assured this is the 1931 version). Honestly it doesn’t really relate to the episode at all, but I used to play this on the piano and sing it with my Grandma all the time, and she would tell me stories about dancing to this song so anyway, that’s my pick.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Enchanted - Adam Sackler (pt. 3)
OMG it feels like it took me forever to write this part and im so sorry for that but i’ve been so busy with school and just life in general, i barely get time at the end of the day to even start my computer and do anything. but i finally finished this part and im so excited for the story to continue!! as always, feedback is welcomed!
ps: im so exhausted, i didn’t have time to revise it so it probably has a bunch of mistakes, pls forgive me!
series summary: You are casted as Giselle in the Broadway adaptation of Enchanted with Adam as Robert.
word count: 3.9k
Part 1 - Part 2
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Chapter title: Princess
First rehearsal on the stage is thrilling for you, because even without an audience, the place has a special energy that hits you right at the moment you walk out. There’s no real set just yet, only a few props to signal where things will be placed once the designers are done.
Today’s walkover is about the date scene with Clyde aka prince Edward and you are excited to put your dancing shoes aside for just a little while, even though you know once this rehearsal is over you’ll have one with Matt and Adam for the ball scene, your absolute favorite. Trevor explains how he envisioned the scene to go, with the moving and changing set to make the audience feel like the two of you are walking through the city.
Working with Clyde has been the easiest so far. He is a genuinely nice and caring person, who obviously tries to put one hundred percent into everything he does, making it a real pleasure to work together with him. He definitely has the looks to play a prince, tall, tanned with a charming smile and luscious curls that bounce with every movement he makes with his head. You keep thinking about how he is basically what you would say to be your type, inside and out and you are actually surprised you haven’t fallen for him the moment his hand touched your waist. You like to think you’ve grown enough to contain your emotions.
“Have you had any costume fitting?” he asks as the two of you stand on the stage, scripts in hands while Trevor is discussing something with his assistant.
“No, but Misha has sent me a few previews. Have you?”
“Yeah, I had one yesterday. Can’t wait to step on stage in tights,” he grins making you chuckle.
“There’s no prince without tights.”
“Definitely,” he nods. “Anyway, your vocals are extremely on point.”
“How do you know?” you ask narrowing your eyes at him. You haven’t had any vocal lessons together, just solo ones.
“Cynthia showed me a recording last time, I was trying to learn the harmonizing and it helped to hear you too.”
“Oh,” you nod. “Well thank you, I’m sure you sing just as well too.”
“I’m trying, but no doubt you’ll be the star,” he smirks and you feel a blush warming your cheeks.
Rehearsing with Clyde feels like when you and Lora used to hang out in high school, just goofing around while trying to get your homework done. It’s productive, because you do what you are supposed to do, but you also keep making each other laugh with the constant joking and messing around.
After rehearsals you decide to check out the canteen for a late lunch together and it’s a suitable choice since your dance rehearsal with Adam starts in an hour so you have to stay around to be there in time.
“You can’t be serious,” you gasp, watching him dip his pickle into mayo.
“It’s a delicacy,” he chuckles before taking a bite and you actually feel yourself shiver.
“Oh my God, you are a psychopath!” you laugh shaking your head at him.
“Nah, I just have a sister who ate some really weird shit when she was pregnant, and I tried some out. This one turned out to be pretty good.”
“My statement still stands. Psycho,” you joke.
When a familiar tall figure appears you spot him right away even from just the corner of your eyes. It doesn’t take long for Adam to spot the two of you since the canteen is not big enough to make it hard for anyone to see who’s really there.
“What a coincidence!” Adam cheerfully greets you standing at the table. Clyde hops to his feet as their palms meet and they do that typical half-hug thing men always do. Then his eyes wander over to you and you let a smile take over your lips.
“Hi Adam, ready to dance?” you ask as he snatches a chair from the table next to yours and he sits down.
“I was born ready! Hope your feet don’t break easily,” he jokes and you just shake your head chuckling.
“It’s not fair you two get the pretty dance while I’ll be in the background in tights,” Clyde sighs, but you know he is just furthering the joke.
“Clyde is not too excited about wearing tights, as you can see,” you explain to Adam who understandingly nods.
“I’m just saying, that out of the three of us,” he says gesturing around the table, “I’m definitely not the right one to wear tights on stage.”
“You’re right, I have nice thighs,” Adam nods and you can’t help but start laughing loudly. Somehow the image of him wearing tights is just so absurd you’d really love to see it.
Clyde sticks around for a little longer, the three of you having a nice conversation, a normal one which is surprising given the fact that Adam is present, but maybe this is the proof that he can be normal sometimes too. Then Clyde needs to leave and once he is out of the canteen Adam turns to you.
“Clyde wants to fuck you,” he simply says and you almost choke on your apple juice.
“Excuse me?” you manage to get out between coughs.
“What? Did you not notice how hard he was trying?”
“He wasn’t trying, he was just being a nice, normal person. You could try it,” you grimace at him. So much for being normal for once.
“Oh come on! I bet he’ll nut tonight thinking about you.”
“Would you stop unloading your dirty fantasies on me? Not everyone is as kinky as you. Most people don’t make a whole film about their relationship filled with all the sexual details.”
“Holy fuck, you watched the whole film!” he gasps happily and you immediately regret opening your mouth. You really should have thought about what you say. “How did you like it?”
“Honestly, I have no idea how you got away with making it, if I was your ex I wouldn’t have let you make it.”
“She saw it.”
“I bet she loved it.”
“She loved it when it happened in real life and I didn’t lie in the film,” he shrugs and the blush is back on your cheeks as you think about everything you saw in that film. The most intimate moments of a quite passionate relationship were revealed right in front of you and if you are being honest, you felt like part of it by the end, no matter how disturbing it was to see Adam in such scenes.
“I’m actually surprised you watched it.”
“Why? You were nonstop bugging me to watch it.”
“Yeah, but I thought you wouldn’t.”
“Well, I did and the trauma can’t be undone now,” you give him a look and checking the time you see that if you don’t leave now you’ll be late and Matt will be furious at the both of you.
You manage to dodge any further questions about the film as the two of you head for rehearsal, though you can tell he is curious about what you really think. It was definitely not a good idea to bring it up right before rehearsal, because now you have to get through 90 minutes pressed up against him, dancing to an incredibly romantic song, staring dreamily into each other’s eyes. Not ideal.
The song is critical. Not because it’s that bad, but because you are a real sucker for the kind of music in movies that could make you cry because they are so perfect for the scene. You’ve seen the movie way too many times and dreamed about dancing with that one person, but you never thought you’d actually dance to this song with someone and that person is now Adam.
It’s all fun and games when you are just learning the basics, not even touching, just standing in a line with Matt in front of the mirror and dancing like you have an imaginary partner. You keep peeking at Adam in the mirror and he is not that bad, in fact, he is doing great so far, you don’t know why he said he is not a good dancer.
“Okay, ready to combine?” Matt claps his hands, wiggling his eyebrows as he takes a step back, giving the two of you space to get close.
You hesitantly turn to Adam who closes the distance with one long step, standing right in front of you. Looking up at him you remember Lora’s comment on his height when it will be like to kiss him and you quickly furrow your eyebrows trying to get rid of the thought.
“What’s the look for?” Adam smirks down at you, tilting his head to the side gently.
“Nothing,” you purse your lips.
Matt helps you find the right position, Adam’s palm feels warm on your back and you suddenly wish your shirt was a bit thicker, covering you better. You feel his defined muscles under your palm on his shoulder and your eyes linger a little longer at the way your hand gets lost in his hold.
You first try it without the music, mostly both of you staring down at your feet to make sure you are doing the steps right and Matt gives you time to adjust, but you can’t keep your head down forever.
“Alright, let’s make a try and this time try to look into each other’s eyes at least half the time,” Matt requests and you bite into your bottom lip, trying to control your nerves. This is just dancing with Adam, the weird guy who made a kinky film about his past relationship, remember? He is weird!
But he is so tall and his eyes are so dreamy and his hands are…
“Okay, five, six, seven, eight!” Matt’s clapping interrupts your thoughts as you start the choreography again.
You have to watch your feet at first so you know you’re heading in the right direction, but a few steps later you force yourself to bring your gaze up and your eyes meet his.
It just hits different. Being so close to him, feeling his touch on your back and palm, you suddenly feel a strong urge to run your fingers through his hair and you almost do it before you tell yourself to behave. There is just something in him that makes your whole mind stop working properly even though you have a pretty strong opinion about him and the kind of man that he is.
For a spare second you even forget to breathe as you are staring into his eyes and there’s a feeling in your guts that you just can’t identify and before you could get further in this sensation Matt’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts.
“Amazing, this will look fantastic!”
You force a small smile to your face as you look at the choreographer and he brought you back to reality just in time.
You try to lock this feeling up in the remaining time so you don’t embarrass yourself with something. The last thing you need is to say something that gives away the conflict you are having in you.
“You’re always so fast to leave!”
Adam’s voice stops you when you are already out in the hallways, ready to leave and stay unnoticed, but that last part apparently did not work. Wrapping your hands around the strap of your bag you turn around and see him heading in your way with long steps, his hair flowing with him.
“Why should I be here without getting paid for my time?” you tilt your head with a half-smile and your comment makes him laugh.
“Good point. Do you have to be somewhere?” he asks catching up with you and now you are walking towards the exit side by side.
“Apart from my bed? Not really.”
“Great, then let’s get a beer or something.”
“It’s not a suggestion or an invitation, he states it like you’ve agreed on it weeks ago and you find yourself being quite okay with it.
Settling in a nearby place you order yourself the beer that’s been talked about, but Adam just sticks with iced tea and you give him a puzzled look for his choice.
“You said we are getting a beer.”
“Yeah, for you. I don’t drink.”
“I’m a recovered alcoholic, I don’t drink,” he explains and now you have another piece of information about him that you put into your little Adam Sackler file in your head.
“So you are trying to get me drunk?”
“I’m not saying I don’t hope to have you spill something juicy about yourself, but I’m not forcing you to drink either.”
There’s a boyish smile playing on his lips and you roll your eyes at him as the drinks soon land on your table.
You find it amusing how fast he can make you forget about everything you’ve been thinking about when you thought about him, and make you see him just as this funny, carefree person who is sitting right across you at the table. He really is funny and it’s not just the beer that’s telling you this, he has a great sense of humor, he is especially talented in saying the funniest things with the straightest face, just staring at you like he is meaning every single word that leaves his mouth when you both know it’s all just bullshit.
“I’m honestly having a hard time figuring you out,” you sigh leaning back in your chair, fingers fidgeting with your second beer on the table. You’re definitely not drunk, just loose in the best kind of way.
“What’s so hard about it?” he tilts his head, genuinely interested in your answer.
“I don’t know, you are just… It’s like you have these different personalities and I can never know which is the real one.”
“What personalities?” he chuckles at your theory.
“One is this funny, normal guy,” you start gesturing towards him. “Then there is the kinky bastard who spanks girls and then there is this mysterious, serious side that I always see in rehearsals.”
“Kinky bastard?” he chuckles, clearly enjoying the discussion. “You’ll never let go of the spanking, right?”
“It just doesn’t fit into the picture,” you explain.
“That’s because we never had sex and we haven’t spent that much time together outside of rehearsals. I’m working there, of course I’m being serious! That’s just how adults act in serious scenarios. But the rest is just simply me, a mixture of the things you just said.
“So you are just a funny, normal guy with a hint of kinky?”
“Probably more than a hint, but yeah,” he nods smirking.
Spending time outside of rehearsal really helps you see Adam as a whole, the mixture of the sides you’ve experienced from him and you feel like it has brought him closer to you as a person, a colleague and maybe as a friend. You find him an amazing company actually, a great partner to discuss different kind of things. He has a somehow different view of the world than you, but you also agree on many things and this creates the perfect base for an actually interesting and enjoyable conversation.
“Stop!” You gasp laughing as you try to get Adam off a pole on your way home after he decided he is strong enough to hold himself up horizontally on it, but he is just probably getting close to knocking it straight out of the ground.
“They should make these more massive!” he grunts jumping back to the ground.
“You are massive,” you snort as the two of you leave the poor pole and continue walking towards your building.
“I am. In all means,” he smirks at you and you imitate gagging. His dirty comments stopped bothering you, he kept sneaking in something inappropriate into the conversation throughout the night and you just kind of got used to it. This is how he is, a kinky bastard, but at least a funny one.
“You know, we should hang out more often,” he suggests galloping ahead of you and turning to face you he does a funny dance move that makes you laugh.
“Oh yeah? So I should spend my little free time outside of rehearsals with the same person I’m with all day?”
“We are not together all day,” he protest and you just chuckle, knowing well he is right, you just felt like exaggerating. “You didn’t have fun tonight?” he asks as he returns next to you, walking side by side.
“I did.”
“Great. Then we will spend more time together,” he nods and it’s not a suggestion anymore, he is stating it like the most certain fact ever.
You don’t protest.
 Sometimes rehearsals are like one big chaos, especially when everyone is present on the stage, all dancers and actors with the production staff, but there’s no other way to rehears the big dancing scenes.
Today it’s the park scene again, you are wearing another flowy dress Misha gave you, that resembles to the one you’ll be actually wearing, Adam is dressed in dark jeans and a black shirt, nothing extra, and he seems to be enjoying that everyone around him is doing their absolute best while he has to do that one lifting and nothing else, just follow you around the stage.
Clyde is at the back, he has only a little stage time as the prince is looking for Giselle in the park, so beside Adam he is the other person who doesn’t have much to do.
“How do you know he loves you?” you sing with a bright smile and big gestures, grabbing Adam’s wrist as you pull from one place to another, dancers following around, the scene constantly changing around you to make it look like you are on the move. “How do you know he’s yours?”
You catch Adam smirking and you already know he is thinking about something dirty, as per usual. You do the lifting and you feel his hand smacking your ass when he puts you down, no one notices, but you shoot him a glare to which he just smirks again.
“Okay, amazing. Take ten, we’ll see the final part a few more times!” Trevor instructs when the music stops and people starts flowing off the stage.
“Stop touching my butt,” you tell Adam, the two of you walking towards the edge of the stage.
“I can’t, it’s just always in the way,” he holds up two hands innocently and you just roll your eyes at him.
“Hey, do you guys have any plans for tonight?” Clyde walks up with a bright smile as he joins the two of you, fingers fidgeting with the water bottle in his hands.
“I’m babysitting my niece,” Adam answers running a hand through his hair.
“You have a niece?” you turn to him surprised.
“I do,” he simply nods and it doesn’t seem like he is about to share any more details so you turn back to Clyde.
“I’m free.” “Wanna go for a drink maybe or something? I’m so done sitting at home when I’m not here.”
“Sure,” you nod and watch Clyde walk away smiling back at you.
“He is still trying hard to get into your pants,” Adam scoffs and you turn to him with a grimace.
“He is not.”
“Oh he surely is. I’m pretty sure he thinks this is a date or something like that.”
“It’s not a date.”
“Tell that to him, because the dude is keen on fucking you, princess.”
You eventually give up trying to convince Adam about your truth, and you also realize you don’t owe him a word. You know what this really is and that’s all that matters. Adam can think whatever he wants, that still doesn’t make it real.
“So you’re really going out with him, huh?” Adam comes up to you once rehearsal is over. You glance up at him nodding while you’re packing your stuff up.
“Yeah, why?”
“I’m telling you, he thinks this is more than just casual drinking.”
“So then what?” you sigh, confused about why he is so worked up by the thought of you and Clyde having a few drinks. “I’m single, he is a nice guy, maybe I also think of it as more. Is that not an option?”
He genuinely seems surprised by your answer and it tells you he clearly didn’t think of this version. Frowning a bit he tilts his head.
“So that’s your type?”
“Stop using that tone, please,” you sigh zipping your bag and heading to the door, Adam following you right behind.
“Okay, I’m sorry, but still, that’s not how I imagined your type to be.”
“You often think about what my type is?”
“I did a few times, yes.”
“Then stop,” you sigh stopping and looking at him. “It’s not like you have a word in it or something. If you hate the idea of me and Clyde going out so much, just come. He invited you as well.”
“I told you, I’m babysitting my niece. My sister would lose her shit if I cancelled.”
“Then there’s nothing I can do for you. Just stop thinking about it,” you shrug, clearly over it, but Adam is not on the same page.
“Cancel on him.”
“Why would I do that?” you ask with a puzzled chuckle.
“Because…” he is searching eagerly for the right words, his hands anxiously tapping on his thighs. This is a waste of time, you think to yourself.
“See you at the next rehearsal, Adam,” you sigh walking away.
 Clyde is awesome. Clyde is exactly the person you imagined for yourself a little while ago, he is nice, funny and just overall a good person. You enjoy spending time with Clyde and you find him attractive, but…
But something is just off and you can’t tell what it is.
Sitting in a bar with him that evening you can’t stop thinking about that one thing that’s making you not fall for him even though you know you should be. Adam’s words keep repeating in your mind about how he is not what he thought your type would be.
Of course he is my type! You basically tell yourself defiantly, cursing Adam out for planting such thoughts into your mind. Stupid Adam!
By the time you and Clyde part your ways you are pretty sure this wasn’t a date which is a relief, but it still got you thinking why you are so against dating Clyde. On your way home you catch yourself pulling your phone out of your bag to text Adam and tell him you were right when you stop in your way in the middle of the street.
“Are you stupid?” some random guy growls at you who almost bumps into you. Looking up you mumble a short sorry before looking back down at your phone.
Adam was all you thought about all evening, you saw him in everything Clyde said and now he is your first thought and the person you want to talk to. He sneaked his way into all of your thoughts and this is starting to feel concerning.
Adam is not your type. He just can’t be.
Clyde should be.
Not Adam.
general/forever taglist for Adam Driver
i do separate taglists for different people, but not for different works of mine! if you ask to be on my Adam taglist, you’ll be tagged in all of my Adam fics!
@superdriver​ @siren-queen03​ @holacherrycola90​ @spencer-is-amazing​ @unusual-kindred-spirits @hailthemightywoecloud @holy-kylo-stars​ @kowalskibro-adamdriverblog​ @hurricanesunset​ @writerandee​ @luxury-0pps​ @prncess91​ @malefoygal​ @zaahidahhh​ @filternotincluded @fire-in-her-veinz​ @emily-strange @ktellmeastory​ @grouchosgirl​ @tapismyforte​ @unusual-driver-paterson​ @beeblisss​ @septicvic97​ @cackleifyou​ @gotiashley​
if you’d like to be taken off or added to the list, please let me know!
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disslve · 4 years
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𝐲𝐞𝐞𝐡𝐚𝐰 & 𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐝𝐲 ! this is nai and my cowboy ass is here to throw roxy @ u and also tell u bad jokes and cry over life is strange 2 because i’m still not over this game and I NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT. just a heads up, i came up with roxy on a whim because this rp just looked so good,  so if it seems like i don’t know what i’m talking about ... it’s most likely the case whoops . ( this is an excuse for me bringing shitty muses ). anyway, my fake cowboy ass loves to ramble so if you’re interested in plotting feel free to LIKE this post or hmu. i forgot to mention that i’m also a fake grandma so idk anything about discord at all and i still need to set it up which will happen in the next few days dsdnsdsdn. 
ps: wanted connections/plots can be find in my wanted tag ( a link is on my blog ) and i’ll also list some below !
EDIT: discord name is nai #7158
 * [ kristine froseth + cis-female + she/her ] —— have you met roxanne ‘roxy’ bailey ? they are a twenty-two year old junior currently studying romance languages and literatures. they live on decker house and word around campus is that this scorpio is compassionate + dedicated, as well as impatient + dishonest. i wonder if they’ll make it out alive. 
full name: roxanne elise bailey
nicknames: roxy, rox
sexual orientation: bisexual
birth place: valencia, spain ( but only lived there for five years ) 
one could say that roxy had lived an easy life, though her parents weren’t distinguished by their social status, it didn’t mean they lacked money which was enough to support their daughter in whatever she wanted to do.
truth to be told, roxy was indeed a little spoiled, the type of kids who would try all kind of things on the expenses of their parents only to quit a new ‘hobby’ again. she could barely stick to anything. she was some twisted kind of golden child, good at many things but never had the patience to continue something for long enough to cultivate it. 
skipping over the part where she almost tried everything from arts, music etc. she finally found her passion ( and even roxy herself was surprised ). figure skating. she didn’t know what drew her in, she couldn’t explain it, she tried it and it felt right. roxy always describes the feeling as finding a soulmate if she feels extra dramatic that day. 
unsurprisingly, she was good at it. not that kind of good at something she was at all the other things she tried before, but that being good at which stemmed from genuine interest. maybe, that is why she managed to get so far. and it didn’t take too long that people even started to call her a figure skating prodigy. 
at this point at her life, she had it all, spinning the stars on her fingertips ( or warning bad pun ahead: spinning on the ice ). until, well, her parents company was in some crisis and they had to cut corners in the meantime. also oh so ‘conveniently’ roxy lived at the arse end of nowhere and getting to her practices was now even more difficult because as mentioned before they had to save their money for more necessary things. of course, there were more things , small and big, which totally threw her off ( which i am too lazy to list rn).
roxy tried to work part time, but a) the money wasn’t enough b) she didn’t want to cut more hours of training she managed to get. AND well, here comes the turning point and roxy thinking she was oh-so-smart without realizing that it would cost her career. oh-so-smart roxy came up with the idea to , well, just steal some stuff. after all, she trained with many other wealthy peers and she could just sell off their stuff or something. 
at the beginning she only did it to afford certain things she needed, but soon it somehow became an addiction. she felt in control when everyone else in her life was an utter mess. however, the more she took things away from others the more she felt comfortable, doing it more often and sometimes taking things which weren’t even worth that much. it was only a matter of time until she was caught. and as if she was lucky for too long, the person who caught her pressured her into either giving them a hefty sum of money (which she didn’t have) or to quit figure skating. she decided for the latter.
well, here she was and her sudden departure was quite a shock. but she had no choice and stated it was for personal reasons. 
skipping over her being devastated over it, etc. her parents managed to save their company (whatever this company is) but at this point it was already too late and roxy was accepted into holloway. 
right now she actually wants to pick up her figure skating career again, however, she’s too afraid that the blackmailer is going to expose her and also she doesn’t really know who they are (lets pretend they wrote her letters, txt messages >??) and also she’s kind of afraid due to the lack of practice she had .
okay i’ll keep this short bcs i wrote way too much for her background story. but to sum it up, roxy kind of has that perfect girl facade.  considering how many friends roxy has and how social she appears to be it is odd that no one seems to be able to describe her.  roxy doesn’t want people to know who she truly is, and she keeps her distance as she actively avoids conflicts that might cause her to say something wrong and exposes herself. 
she shields her feelings by only presenting polished version of herself, the facade of the perfect girl: kind, hard-working and polite. someone whose life is easy and someone who looks like she doesn’t have any worries. it doesn’t mean she isn’t anything of that, but it’s not as if her kindness has no bounds or that she doesn’t need to put effort into the things she does. nevertheless, she believes that she must be perfect in order to make people like her. and while, she is pretty good at masking her emotions and smile along, as soon as someone threatens to see past the illusion, she will become defensive and won’t hesitate to lie in order to preserve it.
best friends: although roxy pretty much keeps her distance from everyone else, this person had always stood by her side. maybe they knew about roxy’s sudden wannabe-thief phase ( which she is still in ) and well tried to talk her out of it ( which obviously didn’t work ). also adding some drama here and maybe they had a big argument over it and distanced from each othr because of it. however, my angst ass doesn’t want to ruin it and they’ll rekindle their friendship. they might meet again at holloway and it’s awkward at first, maybe they even have some arguments but they’ll get over it because everyone loves a good rekindled friendship story.
annoyance: someone who gets under roxy’s skin.seeing past the perfect girl face and constantly calling her out on it. maybe they just have fun annoying her and want to see what she really likes or they just don’t like roxy , thinking that beneath all of this act, she is a really unpleasant person. perhaps, they’re even doing it with good intentions and want to show her that she doesn’t need to hide who she is. whatever it is, they’re determined to expose to the world who she really is. 
pen pal ??:  muse a and roxy had been friends for a very long time, yet the funny thing is that they’ve never met each other nor do they know what the other look like. all they know is their name ( or maybe they only know each other by their usernames ) and their deepest secrets. maybe they already have crossed paths many times and perhaps even know each other but don’t like each other irl. or they never had noticed the other.
blackmailer: BECAUSE WHY NOT??? the person who forced roxy to give up on figure skating. maybe, they were a rival or just didn’t like her, or any other reason. they might as well, have noticed that roxy is secretly training again and might be back at their shit again. 
exes: GIVE ME THE ANGST, maybe muse a and roxy used to be in a serious relationship and as naive they were back then both of them thought this love would last forever. however, at some point roxy started to distance herself from muse a, constantly cancelling their dates because of their busy schedule. at first muse a tried to be understanding towards her, but as time passed things only got worse. roxy hating any kind of conflict just decided to ignore the problem instead about talking about it and eventually stopped replying to muse a messages. muse a never really got to know the real reason behind their break up and was left with unanswered questions. but anything works  
unrequited love: (this is just me throwing in my favourite way to make myself suffer) It doesn’t matter who is the one with the the one sided love because i just want some good angst.a)  muse a has a crush on roxy, yet they never told her about it. yet, muse a can’t hide it and it doesn’t take too long until roxy notices it. but instead of trying to talk to muse a about it, roxy just ignores it acting as she usually does and perhaps even give them false hope that she might like them back. maybe muse a even confessed to her and because roxy didn’t want to hurt them she told muse a she’d think about it.
b) roxy has a crush on muse a but doesn’t admit it. she doesn’t want to show their vunerable side and just plays it down. maybe they’re friends and roxy doesn’t want to lose another friend. but one day she confesses to muse a on accident, making everything awkward between them.
someone she stole from: idk i thought this would be fun ? maybe she confessed to them about it or maybe they caught her but decided to not confront her about it.
fan: someone who used to watch her perfomances on their tv and is still not over the fact that she quit.
i also have a connection page on my blog if these are too specific or none of these work 
i’m too tired to come up with more dsdsdnjsd but gimme everything !! THE ANGST, FLUFF, DRAMA PLS!!! 
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olkarianprincess · 4 years
Can you write a shiro x pidge and one-sided Pidge x loter were there on opposite sides of the war Pidge is Gaara and betrothed to Prince lotor shiro is a pilot of Voltron
Huff. Huff.
Shiro doubled over the moment he rounded the corner. Inhaling as deeply and quietly as he could, he attempted to catch his breath. He couldn’t relax, though. They were still on his trail. The dark alleyway was a temporary sanctuary from the alien police force, but stopping also meant losing his momentum.
All too aware of the sweat pooling beneath his armor—of the painful tension in every muscle of his body—he waited in silence. The footsteps grew louder. Closer. In one hand, he clenched his bayard, ready to strike. In the other-
The sphere was gone.
Suddenly, everything melted away. The pain, the sounds, the worry of being caught—all gone. After all, none of it mattered if he had lost the one thing it was all for. Frantically, he searched the small satchel looped around his torso, and then the ground. The sphere was nowhere to be found.
And then there were footsteps.
On instinct alone, he spun around, but he was unprepared for what he saw.
At the end of his bayard was a single, cloaked figure. No police. No guns aimed for his head. Just an entity shrouded in darkness.
“I think you dropped this,” the mysterious stranger said.
Shiro paused before he looked down to their extended hand. A reflection caught his eye. Barely visible, beneath the shadow of a hood, he saw a yellow visor. Behind the visor, two piercing eyes.
And in the outstretched hand was the sphere.
Realization, followed by relief, swept into his body as the air did in his lungs. Without hesitation, he snatched the sphere and tucked it safely into his satchel. His eyes were only off the figure for a moment, but when he looked up, his strange ally was gone.
When Shiro peered out of the alleyway in hopes of spotting them, he saw nothing but the bodies of unconscious, bruised police littering the ground.
Music filled the grand room and, although he was certain it sounded like a fanciful masterpiece to the planet’s resident aliens, it was utter torture for Shiro’s human ears and acoustical tastes. Still, he forced a smile on his lips and waited, eyes glancing around the ball.
The wine, or whatever deep purple liquid it was that swirled about in his glass, wasn’t half bad, and he did recognize a few of the attendees. But Shiro was still bitter. This wasn’t supposed to be his mission.
Lance was the one that suggested they make a covert exchange with their informant. Lance was the one that insisted it had to be at a diplomatic ball. LANCE was the one that emphasized how much he wanted to go.
And yet...
Shiro tried to push away the bitter thoughts that attempted to take over his mind. He knew Coran had his best interests in mind. He also knew that he and Coran had very different ideas of what a “much needed relaxing break of a mission” looked like.
With a sigh, Shiro abandoned that train of thought and focused on finding his contact. Unfortunately, being a super secret matter of intergalactic importance, team Voltron got very little information on what their ally looked like. There was but one clue: the contact would wear a flower pin. They’d at least been given a photo. If they hadn’t, Shiro was certain that Matt would’ve gone on a full out rant about how disappointed Colleen would be that a group of intelligent aliens didn’t recognize not only how common flowers could be in decorative attire but what variety of flowers there are across inhabitable planets. Fortunately, the green lion’s paladin had only done a mini-rant.
Two hours into the ball, Shiro had seen no flower pin. Awkward conversations were plentiful, as were suspiciously jiggly finger foods. But no pin. With a sigh, Shiro pressed his back into the column behind him. He was about to contact Allura to see if the plan was a bust when something caught his eye.
Across the ballroom floor, in a perfectly tailored Galra-equivalent to a suit, stood a handsome gentleman with a gold flower pin on his chest. Wolfs-bane, Shiro recalled Matt saying. That’s what the flower resembled. He stared for but a moment, and startled when brilliant yellow eyes stared back.
A genuine smile on his lips, he moved swiftly across the dance floor. On the other side, his companion awaited with an extended hand. Warmth bloomed in his chest, as did a different feeling. Familiarity. He felt as though this was not the first time they’d met.
“May I have this dance,” Shiro asked as he delicately took the other man’s hand into his own, pressing a soft kiss to the back.
“That’s what we’re here for,” the Galra replied.
“Oh is it?” Shiro asked.
He would never tell his friends, but he was enjoying the opportunity to flirt with a pretty stranger. The Galra had a short, slim body, but was clearly in good shape. His mess of deep purple, puffy hair reminded Shiro of Matt, although Matt didn’t have two soft cat-like ears hidden beneath his cut.
“I thought a gentleman like you would be here for something else,” Shiro continued.
“Perhaps I’m here to meet a friend,” his dance partner replied.
“That makes more sense. For some reason, you don’t strike me as the kind of person to voluntarily attend these events.”
A delightful laugh spilled from the Galra’s mouth, forcing Shiro to turn his head away. It was hard to hide a growing blush when in close proximity with another person. So he switched tactics. The conversation changed, ebbing and flowing with the melody that surrounded them. Until, at last, the song ended.
“I think you dropped this,” his partner remarked with a grin.
Eyebrows furrowed, Shiro tried to decipher the words, but was answered by warm hands wrapping around his own. His heart skipped a beat and then his mind took over. The Galra drew away, but left something behind. Grasping the small device firmly, Shiro moved toward the edge of the crowd. He had to let Allura know that the data had been delivered.
Please be safe.
Shiro’s heart pounded heavily in his chest. If he hadn’t known better, he would’ve thought the beat alone was shaking the cockpit of the black lion. They hadn’t been able to respond. The distress signal came just after Haggar’s forces launched a surprise attack. There was no way for them to respond.
Shiro prayed to whatever gods would help him that the city was safe. The Rodlians had been one of the first members of the Voltron Coalition. They didn’t deserve to be punished for that.
The black lion entered Rodlia’s atmosphere. As they descended, smoke obscured the lion’s screen, and Shiro’s heart raced faster. Prepared to launch straight into battle, he was overcome with dread when the city became visible and no enemy was spotted. The worst, it seemed, had already come to pass.
Landing roughly, Shiro sprung from his lion-ship, ready to do everything in his power to find survivors. But the streets were not littered with victims of war. Here and there, buildings suffered damage, but the citizens seemed to be in good health, if not tired. Spotting him, the city leader came forward.
“What happened? We were attacked and couldn’t get here in time. Did you defeat them yourselves?” Shiro launched into inquiry.
“It’s alright, son,” the older alien patted his leg.
Her head only went as high as his thigh, and yet her voice commanded respect. Instantly, he felt a little better.
“We’re alright. Lady Pidge came to our aid.”
A bony finger pointed in the direction of a cloaked figure, several yards away. Shiro thanked the leader and apologized once more (to which he got a gentle head shake in response) before heading over to greet the one called “Pidge.”
“Excuse me,” he called out.
The figure turned at the sound of his voice, revealing a familiar face.
“Lady Pidge?” Shiro sputtered, “Oh shit I’m so sorry, I called you a man before, I-“
Pidge, the handsome contact he had danced with at the ball, waved off his words with a smile.
“It’s fine,” she said. “I don’t care.”
“Ah, alright. Well, what are you doing here?”
“The Coalition sent me. I’ll tell you more, but it’s going to cost you.”
Once again, the Galra had thrown Shiro for a loop.
Pidge pointed and Shiro followed the direction of her finger...all the way to his metal arm.
“Let me take a look at it?” she asked, an intense sparkle in her eyes.
“Oh, okay,” he responded with a laugh.
Warmth filled his chest as he trailed after her towards a laptop (of sorts) situated at the base of a statue.
“No fair! How come Shiro gets a secret admirer?!” Lance whined.
“Yeah! How come Coran lets Shiro have two girlfriends and I get none?” Hunk joined in, a huge smile on his face.
“Hunk,” Keith shot him a glare, “That’s biphobic.”
“Oh, you’re right Keith, my bad. How come Coran lets Shiro have a girlfriend and a boyfriend and I get none?”
Keith collapsed onto the couch with laughter at Hunk’s response and even Shiro couldn’t keep himself from grinning. He scooped up the package Coran had deposited on the table and turned to make his escape, sparing Allura a brief glance before he went. She looked...done, to put a word to it.
In his quarters, alone and away from prying eyes, Shiro gingerly opened the heavy metal box. Of course he knew it wasn’t a present from a secret admirer. That whole bit of drama was entirely a product of Matt’s desire to stir up trouble. But he still didn’t know what it was or who it was from. All Coran said was that someone from the Coalition had sent it.
With bated breath, and a quick prayer that there was not, in fact, a bomb inside, Shiro pressed the buttons on either side of the box and watched as it clicked open. Inside, delicately wrapped, was a thin holopad. He activated and it glowed with life, displaying the message:
Thought you could use an upgrade.
(PS: I’ve included installation instructions.)
And below the message was a little icon of some cute gremlin face with swirly glasses.
Shiro set the device to the side and opened the compartment below the first one. He almost cried when he saw the gift.
Inside was a brand new, clearly custom-made, prosthetic arm.
“I’m still not comfortable going into the heart of the Galra empire, invited or not,” Shiro stated as they approached the massive space station.
“I’ve gotta agree,” Matt said, although his voice lacked its usual carefree tone.
“Relax,” Allura assured, “now that Lotor’s emperor, we don’t need to worry about the Galra attacking us. At least, not the ones under his command.”
“Oh yeah and what about the other 40% of Galra that aren’t?” he heard Lance mutter.
Apparently Allura heard him too, as was indicated by the thump and yelp that followed.
“Lotor is gaining more and more of the Galra’s allegiance each day,” Allura reassured them. “I’ve heard a large part of it is due to the support for his fiancé. Many of the Galra feel more comfortable about his rule knowing they’ll be married.”
“Must be some lady. Or dude. Or, ya know,” Hunk added.
“Quite right,” Coran chipped in. “Maybe you’ll get to meet them.”
Further conversation was cut off by their arrival. Boarding the station was tense, but otherwise uneventful. As they walked through halls radiating with purple light, Shiro couldn’t help but make a pattern of clenching and unclenching his fist. It was an uncomfortable situation for all of them, but Shiro would be lying if he said it wasn’t worse for him and Matt. In truth, there were several thoughts on repeat in his mind keeping him sane.
First was the knowledge that they’d receive valuable access to Galra tactical data and technological schematics. He’d be able to study it and come up with better plans to free the universe. Second was the thought of getting to punch Lotor in the face, should the emperor step out of line. It was an unlikely situation, but the fantasy brought him joy. And like that fantasy, his third thought, of potentially running into Pidge again, kept him going.
Lotor greeted them outside of the throne room and Shiro focused on taking deep breaths while his friends questioned the new Galra ruler. He could barely process what everyone was saying. It was just another mission, he told himself. It would be over soon. Hunk asked about culture and Lance exclaimed something that sounded like “a nanny,” but the full conversation didn’t register in Shiro’s mind. They were being swept into the throne room, Lotor monologuing some nonsense, and light flooded through the opening of the heavy doors as they stepped in.
Shiro blinked once, twice, and then his gaze locked onto a pair of familiar yellow eyes. Warmth flooded his chest. A smile danced on his lips. The tension melted away and suddenly he found himself able to focus. It was just in time for him to hear Lotor say:
“And I’d like to introduce you to my fiancé, Lady Pidge.”
The yellow eyes that had met his quickly looked away.
24 notes · View notes
wetookanoath · 5 years
I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it, but in the first postmortem the boys do, Ryan says that Shane once told him that he [Shane] wants his last words to be “Keep Rolling.” Do you think you could write a fic based on that? I feel like your writing would be perfect for that style fic. If you don’t want to, I understand. I love you ❤️❤️
Originally, this was two fics. One was the answer to this prompt that I started to write almost TWO years ago that then morphed into a parallel story to Like You Want To Be Loved from Ryan’s POV, and the other was a birthday gift for @mercury-skies (I’m so sorry I missed the date!), but then I realized both were pretty similar and said, “fuck it, canon divergence”. Which… is what this is, lol. In this Canon Divergence kinda AU thing, Shane has had Obi since he moved to LA.
Dear Soph, I hope you like this little thingy. I’m so sorry it took so long, I hope your birthday was as wonderful as you. I love you, you are one of the reasons I’m in this fandom still, and one of my best friends. I hope to have you in my life for a thousand years.
PS: It’s not a parallel story to LYWTBL.
(Read on AO3)
I’ll Stick With You, Baby, For A Thousand Years
If you asked Ryan, it all started in the Sallie House.
He had known Shane for almost two years before he asked him to be part of Unsolved. There was a certain amount of nervousness when he did so, and a sweet and almost shy smile on Shane’s face when he said yes without looking at him, pretending to not be excited. 
Ryan knew then it had been a good idea.
In that evil house, he confirmed this thought when he had ran out of the place with his blood rushing through his veins in hot waves, heart pounding crazy in his ears. He couldn’t hear anything but the million ways his brain had told him the demon inside the house was going to kill him if he kept messing with it in there, Shane’s juvenile laugh so far away now that Ryan wondered if he had imagined it.
At first, he also thought he was imagining the man coming out of the house in such a calm manner, it made Ryan feel even more uneasy. But his friend had approached him, asked if he was okay, and when he hadn’t gotten an answer, waited until Ryan was ready to look up at him a few seconds later.
“We have to get back inside, Ryan,” he had said and Ryan had shook his head no, no, no, never. “Look, I know you’re scared but this is our job now, man. We committed to this, we are gonna finish this together.”
“I don’t want to die…” he murmured. Shane chuckled but it didn’t really sound offensive to his ears. In a way, it made him feel a bit better that the man found all this so funny.
Shane was smiling, that was the trick that did it. He smiled at Ryan, bright and kind, finding Ryan’s fear endearing somehow and not shameful. His hands were on Ryan’s shoulders in a heartbeat, his face neutral as he spoke again.
“You are not gonna die, I won’t let that happen. None of us will.” He said. “You are already the bravest of us by deciding to walk in there earlier today, knowing that you believe in whatever could be there.”
“Are you admitting there’s a demon in the house?”
“I’m admitting nothing but the only truth we know for sure: you believe in it, it scares you, and yet you set foot there like a boss.” He smiled again, squeezing Ryan’s right shoulder. “In my book, you’ve already won against that bitch little girl.”
At the time, it had made him laugh. Ryan swallowed and nodded, readying himself to get back into the house when Shane’s hands cradled his face in his big hands. His heart stopped beating and for a second, Ryan wished Shane would kiss him.
The man looked at his face instead, as if searching for something Ryan wasn’t sure was in him. After a few seconds, he smirked.
“Let’s get back in there, little guy.” It was the first time he had called him that and it made Ryan want to listen to him forever. “Let’s finish this job.”
They had gone in there together, Shane behind him, ready to push him into the place if necessary but it wasn’t. Instead, Ryan had tried his best to not piss his pants and let Shane keep laughing in the face of danger like if he wasn’t scared for the soul of his friend.
Shane made things different, Ryan noticed, in a way he hasn’t witnessed before. 
Maybe it was the fact that he didn’t believe that made him brave in Ryan’s eyes, screaming and laughing at empty spaces Ryan thought were filled with evil they couldn’t see. But Shane looked back at him, the tender smile of earlier and Mexico City, and San Jose, and that afternoon at work when he had popped the question, so sweet on his lips, making his face kinder and Ryan had to blink back unknown tears.
“You really are scared, aren’t you?” Shane asked him later as they laid down on the floor.
He had gotten his sleeping bag closer to Shane and the man had laughed, allowing him this as he was allowing him so much lately. Ryan said nothing to his question, thinking it unnecessary when it was so obvious what was happening to him.
Many shadows were taking strange shapes, windows seemed to get darker, and Shane came into view still with all the lights off. Ryan looked at him as the man got closer to Ryan and laid on his side, looking at him.
“Give me,” he said. Ryan frowned and realized he was offering him his hand. Shane was asking for his. “Give me that hand.”
Hesitant, Ryan moved his hand until it was on Shane’s. The man grabbed it like if he was trying to warm it up, keeping it against his in a firm grip without interlocking their fingers or doing anything else, just holding it. Shane sighed, licking between his lips before squeezing Ryan’s hand.
“Nothing you think may be out there is real.” He murmured, Ryan was already aware this was something they were getting cut for the video. “Nothing out there can hurt you, I promise you that.”
“You can’t do that.”
The man smiled. “Don’t contradict me, Bergara, never underestimate my competitiveness.”
Ryan couldn’t help but giggle at that, both of them were certainly assholes when it came to competing against others and against each other. In a way, it was one of the first things that attracted him to Shane, the way he seemed to encourage him into competing with him to be the best new thing in the office. It was insufferable and oddly motivational.
“I’ll keep you safe and alive just so I can say I told you so.”
“I bet you would.”
Shane’s eyes closed, he was still smiling as sleepiness started to call him back into its arms. Ryan swallowed as he thought of leaving again. But as if sensing his thought, Shane squeezed his hand.
“You are safe with me, angel.”
Somehow, it gave him the courage to stay until past the witching hour. Shane had laughed at his inability to stay for the rest of the night but had put his hand on his thigh as they drove away from the house, looking at him with a soft smile.
“I’m proud of you,” he said, and it rang in Ryan’s ears for the rest of the night. He was unable to sleep, even in the comfort of their hotel room.
He thought there, as he tossed around the mattress and the sheets, that Shane was some kind of handsome he hadn’t noticed before. He was cute, always has been. Funny and caring, protective in a way.
And he also had a girlfriend.
“I got one.” Shane said.
“What post-apocalyptic world is the most interesting you’ve seen in a movie?”
Ryan took a deep breath, thinking of his answer as he drove. They were alone in the car, the rest of the crew had taken their own rental with the excuse of wanting to sleep, “the truth is that you two never shut up”, Mark had told them. And Ryan was actually kind of be grateful for it. He enjoyed these 20 Questions sessions more than he cared to admit.
“Maybe Mad Max? I mean, it would be bananas to live in that!” he answered, and Shane chuckled at it. “Ugh, you’re going to say something pretentious like The Matrix or Terminator.”
“What’s pretentious about Terminator?!” Shane kept laughing, his eyebrows high and face surprised.
They laughed together a few more seconds before Shane answered. “My answer is kind of obscure, actually.”
“Holy shit.”
“But that’s not how 20 Questions goes, Ryan.”
“Shit, I don’t give a fuck.” He frowned, then rolled his eyes when he saw Shane looking at him with that shitty grin of his. “Okay then, same question for you.”
There was a shift in the air and Ryan wasn’t sure what to make of it, but Shane was suddenly serious, looking to the road outside the window.
“Children of Men.”
An obscure future for sure. 
Shane smiled at him. “It’s my turn.”
“Oh, come on!”
The man giggled but cleared his throat before answering. “I think it’s something not so far away or impossible.” He said. “And I found it interesting, the way people reacted around the girl and her miraculous child.” Shane licked his lips and swallowed. “Hopeless world suddenly has hope in the form of a young lady and a baby…”
“I always thought it was kind of like the Jesus tale,” Ryan commented. “Mary was just a random young kid having the son of God, the hope that was promised.”
“Oh yeah, like obvious Christian imagery aside, it’s very interesting.”
Ryan sighed, the silence that followed felt oddly charged but none dared to break it. It felt sacred too, like if they had just shared something important and not just an opinion on a movie’s portrayal of the world after its end. 
“You were raised Christian, right?” Shane asked suddenly.
“Catholic,” he murmured. “Even went to a Catholic school, and Grandma Bergara made sure to remind me every Sunday why I shouldn’t wake up early that day. Church ain’t that fun.”
Shane said nothing for a few seconds, then asked: “You think believing in ghost has something to do with your faith?”
Ryan frowned, thinking about his answer again. It was his turn to ask, but Shane’s question tickled in his brain as he thought over his family, the exchange in cultures, all that spiritualism he had absorbed over the years.
He had been a non-believer of the supernatural in his early teens, but had faith. Ryan wasn’t sure if it was actually something he grew up to have or was something he had picked from his parents. Regardless, he wasn’t a religious person but he had faith.
“Maybe,” he finally said. “I have faith there’s something else after death. Sometimes souls don’t pass on and stay here.”
“What about demons and all that, Ryan?”
“Well…” His hands were sweating on the steering wheel, Ryan swallowed before answering again. “If there’s good, there’s evil. One can’t exist without the other.” He repeated what his grandmother once told him. “Why are you asking me this?”
Shane looked at him as if he had been caught doing something wrong. His eyes were wide open and his eyebrows were up again. He recovered soon, clearing his throat and sitting straighter on his seat.
“Well, I don’t believe in any of that. I get curious.”
Ryan looked at him for a few seconds, then back at the road.
“So you’re saying, you don’t have faith?” Ryan asked, Shane blinked. “I mean, not like a religion or something. But, just faith that there may be more.”
“No, I guess I don’t,” he murmured.
There were a million other things Ryan wanted to ask him. Even after so many years, he still had so many questions for the man, and he hoped the roads never ended for them, for their little show to keep giving them excuses to leave town and experience all this together.
In that moment, though, Ryan changed the subject by keeping their previous game with more questions about movies and simpler, sillier things.
Shane’s words still echoed in his head as they kept going and the night approached with their arrival to the hotel. Tomorrow they would be working, but tonight they still had a few minutes to spare with each other, laying together on the same bed of their double room.
“I would really like to believe in something, you know?” Shane said, one arm over his forehead as he looked at the ceiling. “Wrap myself into it, find something beyond what is said and done.”
There was no answer for him, just Shane’s eyes piercing Ryan’s soul as he seemed to be looking for something on his face again. It was then that his free hand moved, fingers holding Ryan’s chin up as Shane kept watching.
“Because it’s terrifying to live in a world so still!” he suddenly said with enough goofiness to distract anyone from the grey shadow that had appeared over him. Ryan blinked a couple of times. “If there’s something else aside from the things we know, well, I gotta know too! Wouldn’t that be something?”
“Yeah.” Ryan answered after a pause. “I guess it would.”
The silence that followed made him think of Shane these past months they’ve spent together, travelling for their show and how it had become theirs after it had been his for what felt like an eternity. Make no mistake; Brent had been a good host, one of his best friends still. But the man was never as present as Shane seemed to be now, so involved and worried for it to be as perfect as possible.
Shane, the perfectionist. Going behind Ryan to edit better, giving him so many great ideas that Ryan didn’t know how else to credit him other than to name him co-parent of this little project that was becoming popular. He wondered for a moment where would Unsolved take them, if it was going to become a monster or an angel.
“I really wanna see a ghost, Ryan.” Shane said suddenly, making him look back to find Shane sitting on the bed. “You better prove me wrong.”
It felt like a promise.
“Oh, you’ll eat your words, sir,” he said, and Shane smiled at him. “You’re gonna kiss my ass soon, we are so gonna get something one of these days.”
They laughed together; it seemed like they were always laughing together about the same shit. Their laughter was bright and obscure, and sometimes it made other people wonder what was it. Maybe that was their own ghost, the thing only they could see.
Shane’s fingers caressed the tip of Ryan’s nose out of nowhere, and he blinked as he saw him wink and stand from the bed, walking towards the bathroom without saying any other words.
He had never seen him act this way with anyone else but his girlfriend. Ryan wondered if he was this open with his closer friends, if Ryan could consider himself one of them now. 
Back then, he wondered so many things that it felt like a never ending game of 20 Questions.
When Ryan first admitted he was in love, Shane was single and drunk in New Orleans.
Each city they visited fell into their laps in a way he had never experienced before, like each place had been waiting for them. Ryan knew it was in part because they cheated shamelessly and chose places were they could visit other touristy ends, have a good dinner with the crew, and sleep well when they weren’t covered in webs and dust.
But New Orleans had magic in the air, on its people, and around each corner.
They had partied with their crew and for the first time, Ryan felt like they were going to be friends forever. He had known these people for years now, but that night, when that they cheered together and promised each other another year of spooks and bad mornings, he just knew. 
Warm beer had never tasted so good.
By the time they made it to their room, they were drowned in laughter, trying to carry each other to their respective beds. They ended laying together on Shane’s, laughing at their inability to stand and walk, drunk out of their minds with Ryan pretended touching Shane wasn’t making him combust on the spot.
He remembered little bisexual Ryan watching his crush play football in high school, how he thought Rod had looked so good under the sun and he would never like anyone else ever. Not the way he had liked Rodrigo that summer when he was fourteen. Time made him braver, steps were given, confessions were made, hearts were broken, and time kept going by.
Now he was looking at Shane, kind and brilliant Shane, who was always smiling and looking out for him. Who was very available now, bathed in neon blue light with his cheeks and nose red, eyes closed before they finally opened and looked at Ryan.
Ryan wished he could take a picture of this. The way Shane was looking at him like there wasn’t anywhere else in the world he wanted to be and no one else in his life he wanted to be with. It made his heart suddenly turn, find a home in his crush that was no longer just a crush.
It couldn’t be. Not when Ryan was sure he would bare himself to this man and reveal his deepest secrets if he wanted, when he would sacrifice everything in exchange for just having Shane’s happiness and he would be grateful. Just like that, he blinked tears away, and he was in love.
His lips parted, but no words were spoken. Shane just looked at him, into his eyes, for what felt like forever, until his eyes started to move around his face as he so often did. Ryan licked his lips and Shane’s eyes were on them immediately.
“I wanna kiss you, angel.”
“Uh, okay.”
“I won’t,” he said. Ryan frowned and felt his heart tense. “We’re drunk, I don’t want to spoil our first kiss like that.”
“Oh.” And just like that, his heart was beating fast. Happy. “I wouldn’t mind…”
“I would. Big time.” He smiled. “It has to be perfect, Ry.” Shane said, putting one hand on Ryan’s cheek. “Like you.”
He wanted to cry, instead he chuckled and watched as Shane fell asleep with his hand on his face. He wasn’t sure when he had succumbed to dreams, but he woke up to Shane gone, from the bed and their room, and the sun burning his eyes like tears.
“Here’s a new one.” Ryan said as they drove to the theater. “Ideally speaking…”
“Mhm.” Shane exclaimed, listening.
“How would you like to die?”
“Ugh, getting dark already and we haven’t even eat anything,” the man said, making both of them laugh as he waited for an answer. “I guess asleep, right? We all want that, the less trouble the better.”
“Just asleep?”
“No old age? Just any time is fine, laid down on the bed and pggghhh– dead.”
“What the fuck was that? Pgggh?” Shane laughed, Ryan smiled as he finally saw the mall building and the slightly small line to enter the parking lot. “Oh man, you already know the answer. Old age is fine, though I’ve been feeling fifty since I was fifteen.”
The car filled with laughs, and they stayed in comfortable silence while Ryan looked around the lot to park. He sighed, reminded himself to be cool, he didn’t need to scare off Shane already on their first non-official date. He wanted to ask him if this movie thing was in fact a date, or if he had dreamed what happened in New Orleans.
But ever since that night, Shane had been especially attentive with him. And Ryan was no liar, he well loved the coffee in the morning, the good night texts, Shane’s jacket around his shoulders when they walked around like a pair of old men in the afternoon. 
Yet, he didn’t have the guts or the will to deal with the answer being no. Ryan reminded silent.
“My turn,” Shane said when Ryan finally parked, he nodded and waited for the question. “What would you like your last words to be?”
“Oh boy.” His eyebrows moved on its own, already thinking of the answer for such a hard question.
“‘Oh boy’?” Shane’s own eyebrows went high, Ryan shook his head and the man laughed. “What? Are you going to be, like, killed by aliens or something?”
“Why aliens? You are watching The X Files again, don’t you?” he frowned, killing the engine as he looked at Shane, whose eyes had closed and become moons as he giggled like a child. “Fuck, I should have never told you about my crush on Mulder.”
“You like spooky boy!” 
“Oh my god, I’m on ninth grade again…”
“I was totally your type in ninth grade, though. A giant nerd.” He answered, the comment made Ryan’s heart beat faster.
“Jesus, that would be like– illegal, you know?” He reminded him. “I was a tiny child, you were a teen and a half!”
“Oh!” Shane seemed to remember. “Holy shit, I’m older!” His hand went to his mouth, he shook his head no and looked at him. “Christ, I’m glad we met as adults. Jesus.”
Ryan smiled at him and sighed before going back to the actual subject they were discussing previous to their latest branch in the conversation. “I think… I don’t know, man. I try not to think of me dying, it gives me… anxiety and stuff.”
“Uh, anxiety and stuff.” Shane repeated. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I think I will have to think about this one for a while and then I’ll get back to you.”
Shane smiled at him. He had unfasted the safety belt but hadn’t made any move to get out of the car. They still had a few minutes to spare, so Ryan said nothing and waited.
“I would like my last words to be something positive,” Shane said, and Ryan nodded, trying not to think of a world were Shane wasn’t there. “‘Keep going.’ Something like that.”
Ryan smiled again, his heart was feeling trapped inside his chest and he didn’t like the sensation. There were walls around him, caging him in the deep, dark and cold sea. If he kept thinking about it, about Shane dying, he would–
“I guess leaving this world on a positive note would be good,” Ryan said, hoping Shane wouldn’t notice the anxiety this small conversation had already given him. “Let’s go, big guy. I want to buy us the biggest popcorn they allow us to.”
Shane chuckled, opening his door and following him into the darkness of the parking lot, the noise of the city and the people walking around in their own private worlds. They walked side by side, the silence a bit forced. Ryan licked his lips, thinking of small conversation before he felt warm fingers on his.
Looking down at his hand, he saw Shane’s own taking it like he did a year ago in Kansas. Back then, he hadn’t interlocked their fingers as he was doing now, and it made Ryan look up at him to find him staring nervously at nothing in particular, front and nowhere else.
Ryan smiled, giving Shane’s hand a gentle squeeze. The silence felt warm even when his friend was too tall to hold hands like normal people do.
Normal was something he didn’t dare to be ever since he left college. It wasn’t what Ryan was, he guessed. And with Shane, he was just real.
He wasn’t sure when one date became many. Ryan wasn’t about to question it, though, he sure as hell was more than happy to keep going with Shane everywhere. 
The man took his hand, let him put an arm around his waist or interlock his arm to Shane’s while walking, and it all felt natural, like if they had been destined to be like this since before they met.
When he got that sappy, Ryan knew he needed to kiss Shane soon and call him his boyfriend sooner. Time had been nice to them and it was time for that payoff he had been waiting since New Orleans earlier that year.
Little after they started to film season 3 of Supernatural, things changed.
The rain had caught them on their way to Shane’s apartment building after they had found parking on the side. 
After the movies, they had gone to dinner and argued about Shane paying more than Ryan had on the cinema earlier the day. Ryan had lost the argument for the time being, but it didn’t matter if it let him see Shane smile, make him look all smug and charming. 
When they entered the lobby, the desk guy gave them a once over and sighed, making them laugh again before Ryan put on his tiptoes and ruffled Shane’s hair, drops going in all directions and making things worse. But the man smiled at him, sweet and open, looking so young it only made Ryan wish they could have this forever, that he could enjoy this man as he was for the longest time.
He kept thinking of a life like this, in which they got together to the same place after a long day of work. Where they could leave their shoes behind the fridge to dry them and their wet clothes spread around the bathroom to then wear comfy pants and old t-shirts, share a cozy bed that smelled of Shane and his chocolate shampoo.
“I can take the cou–”
“Nope,” Shane told him, pushing him in the direction of his bedroom. 
He also had a spare room. None of them mentioned it either.
Shane’s room was a world of its own. Like the rest of his apartment, it had movie posters here and there, books and toys, collection worthy items of shows and films he loved, and his silent cat Obi in the corner, hidden on his Amazon box where Ryan couldn’t reach him.
“He’ll come along, don’t worry,” Shane told him, patting the space at his side on the bed. “I’m not gonna bite you, Ry.”
“Jesus.” Ryan laughed, feeling his cheeks warmth. Once on the bed, he saw Obi peek out the box to watch them settle under the sheets together. “He’s watching us…”
“He’ll come later and sleep over my head. Maybe yours!”
“Uh…” Ryan blinked, hoping the shot he got for his allergies last week worked as it should. “Let’s hope you don’t have to drive me to the hospital in the middle of the night.”
“I can take him out, it’s no problem,” Shane assured him, frowning at the thought of Ryan’s allergies reacting bad around him. 
Ryan smiled at him. “It’s okay,” he said. “First, I got that damn shot and it better work because it actually hurt like a motherfucker. Two, it’s been years since I last reacted badly to being exposed to cat hair, so I don’t think it will be bad. If so, just a few sneezes. I can take those sneezes.”
“Are you sure?” Shane asked, still very serious, and so very close to Ryan’s face.
“Yeah. This is his house, I’m the visitor,” he answered, giving the same thought he always has regarding his dogs. Shane smiled at him this time, taking his chin with his fingers. 
“You’ll be a good stepfather,” he murmured, Ryan swallowed visibly but only nodded. Shane’s fingers moved, his palm now over Ryan’s cheek and he leaned into it, sharing a smile with Shane. “I got it now.”
“‘Keep rolling.’” he said. Ryan frowned and moved his head a little, trying to understand what the man was talking about. “What I would like my last words to be.”
“No, hear me out.” He laid down, making Ryan lay at his side. His hand was still on his face, fingers caressing his cheek lovingly. 
Ryan didn’t had the heart to tell him he didn’t like this conversation, that he had forgotten all about it in the months they had been getting this close and wasn’t looking forward to being anxious on Shane’s bed when it was his first time here. But Shane looked happy as they were, smiling at Ryan as he caressed his cheek gently.
“I either become the next David Fincher,” Ryan laughed at that, knowing exactly where this was going. “Or die by a demon’s paw on location, and you better keep rolling.”
“God, don’t say that!” Ryan begged, feeling his throat close like that time months ago when they had first gone out and talked about this. “I would never let you die on location. Or ever.”
“You are not gonna let me die?” Shane smiled, his thumb caressed Ryan’s skin with care. It made Ryan sigh. “Do you plan on keeping me forever, Bergara?”
If there was a double meaning to this, Ryan took it, nodding without finding his voice to say something else. Maybe something romantic, confess his feelings and how he had them for so long. Instead, Shane’s forehead leaned on his and they shared the same air, his warm breath making Ryan want to close his eyes and lean into those lips.
“I’ll stick with you, you know,” Shane said. Ryan nodded again and this time, he closed the distance between them.
Shane wanted a perfect kiss, he had told him that in New Orleans months ago. If the two of them smelling of rain and Shane’s aftershave, nested on his sheets as his cat purred somewhere on the pillows over their heads wasn’t the perfection he was looking for, then Ryan was willing to spend the rest of his life searching for it as long as it let him kiss those lips.
He softly moved against Shane’s mouth as the man moaned between them, parting his lips to deepen the kiss. Both his hands were now on Ryan’s face, cradling it gently as they kissed ever so slowly, almost scared of somehow ruining the other, like the other was a precious crystal to be kept untouched.
But they were free to touch each other, and Ryan’s hands were reminded of this as he sank his fingers into Shane’s hair while his other hand traveled down his back, and up again, until it went to his waist and held him there to never let him go.
Their lips made a wet sound when they went apart, Ryan’s eyes still closed, unable to come back to a reality where he wasn’t tasting Shane’s mouth. The man’s soft laugh made him finally open his eyes and find him staring back at Ryan with that spark in his eyes, the same one he had seen so many times before, that many people were noticing in their videos and their Instagram posts.
“I guess that’s a yes?” Shane murmured, Ryan chuckled and rolled his eyes, pecking his lips one, two and three times before kissing him long again, more passionate this time. “Such a good kisser, I knew you were gonna rock my boat.”
“Oh, I’m rocking it. I’m rocking it alright. All night if I can.”
Shane’s smile widened, his face getting pink. “Keep rolling, angel.”
If Ryan was dreaming, he better never woke up. 
The morning after he spent the night at Shane’s, he woke up before the man. He watched him sleep for a few seconds, having to get out bed when Obi kept looking at him as if judging him for being a creep. Ryan gave it to the cat, he was maybe being weird, but Shane looked so peaceful and content, it was hard to look away.
He used the bathroom, dressed up in Shane’s button down from last night and his own boxers, and left the room for the kitchen, Obi right behind him, meowing his gratefulness as he ran to the little home office where Ryan knew his scratcher was.
Obi scratched at his toy, the sound filling the apartment in the early morning of the best weekend of Ryan’s life, and he decided right then that he could get used to this and be happy forever.
What had started so long ago felt like it was coming to a friendly end, a thing that initiated something else. Ryan supposed his grandma was right, and every ending, happy or sad, is just a new beginning and this one had left him with purple and reddish marks on his neck, hand prints on his hips, beard burns where only he could see and feel, and a happy smile on his face.
He sighed, very much aware of how he knew Shane’s kitchen as if it were his own, how Shane liked his coffee and what kind of breakfast he liked to have. 
Today was going to be a great morning, no matter what.
Ryan never thought people would pick up on his closeness with Shane by such small things like saying– okay, yeah. Maybe that wasn’t so common, right? To know what your friend wanted his last words to be? He blinked a couple of times, scrolling down the comments section of their first ever Q & A video for their Unsolved episodes.
This had been one of Shane’s strokes of genius, a small video answering questions and comments for each video they got out on Friday. It wasn’t strange at all that management had liked the idea and greenlight it for them to film every Monday to go online on Wednesday.
Looking at the comments, wondering what people would say of their newest addition, Ryan never thought he would encounter praise for their friendship, “they really are that close”, and well. He arched an eyebrow. He would expect so, seeing this was the man he was sleeping with now.
“Stop doing that to yourself,” he heard at his side, Ryan turned to see Shane still driving, looking in front instead of him. “I see you, stop torturing yourself with the comments sections. That’s a strange place and you know it.”
“I just wanted to know what they thought of the Post Mortem thing.”
“You can tell the intern to have a look at that.” He smiled, looking at Ryan for a few seconds before turning his eyes to the road again. 
Ryan sighed, leaning his head on the window as he watched Shane drive, an unusual image that felt like some sort of dream to him. One that came true, he noted. His reality couldn’t be happier now, even if they weren’t ready to put it everywhere on social media yet.
“They say we’re really close.”
“Well, seeing we have dick appointments with each other, I would hope so.”
He chuckled, their laughs echoing in the car before they sank into comfortable silence. 
That day had been actually good. They had gotten the green light on their idea to go to England, have some episodes of Unsolved over there, and enjoy vacations after. It meant not only another step on their growing show, but a step in their relationship.
Vacations with Shane to another country, now that they were together… boy, maybe the fact that they were such good friends before getting into each other’s skin the way they had done was a good thing. It took off some of the initial doubts and awkwardness, let him dive into domesticity and couple life as soon as possible.
“We are really close,” Shane said while they waited on a red light. Ryan looked at him. The man smiled when he looked back. “I don’t think anyone knows me like you do.”
“Oh, come on…” he said with a huge grin, face feeling warm. “I already suck your cock, no need to say those things.”
Shane chuckled and shook his head. “You little shit, I mean it!”
Ryan laughed, leaving his phone aside and looking as Shane’s face turned bright, his happy expression ever so beautiful on him, and it made Ryan feel proud to know he had put that face on him. He sighed as Shane drove again, closer to his apartment now.
“Ry?” he called him. Ryan looked back and waited. “When was the last time you were in your apartment?”
His face felt warmer. If he hadn’t blushed before, he sure was now.
“I, I can take a Lyft–”
“No, no.” Shane looked at him for a couple of seconds, then back to the road. “In fact, you don’t have to go back anymore if you don’t want to.” He said, Ryan’s eyes opened wide. “You know?”
“I’m saying, come live with me. Us.” He said, smiling at him when they stopped on another red light. “I’m sure Obi would love to have you there officially.”
Ryan blinked a couple of times, heart pounding in his chest as he thought of his initial question. When was the last time he was in his own apartment? He couldn’t even remember. And he didn’t have to.
Looking up at Shane, Ryan nodded with a big smile.
“I would love to, big guy.”
The light turned green, and they kept going, closer to home.
“I’m just saying, people know I love you,” Shane said and Ryan looked at him immediately, eyes wide open. But the man kept scrolling down his Twitter feed, distracted. “I don’t think it would be a bad idea for us to just… Get out there and say it.”
“I guess neither of us are out of the closet online, but it’s not like if we have been hiding all this time. Have we?” He finally put the phone down, looking at Ryan with a frown.
He blinked a couple of times, watching Shane act like if he hadn’t just drop a bomb on them with such simple words. It wasn’t even the ‘coming out online’ shit that was about to give him a headache, but the copious amount of times Ryan was to overthink Shane confirming he loved him that had left him mute.
Shane arched an eyebrow, looking behind him, then back at Ryan who was still pretty much in shock. He left his phone of the coffee table and cradle Ryan’s face as he often did.
“You, you said–”
The man blinked, unaware of what was going on. He seemed to be thinking about it, probably going through their previous conversation to understand why Ryan was so still, so into his head to even talk.
Shane’s eyes widened and he looked about ready to panic for just a few seconds, but it was all replaced with a huge grin and that shine in his eyes that melted Ryan in the spot.
“People do know I love you.”
Ryan’s face felt warm, he wondered what color he was blushing. Shane kept smiling at him, caressing his cheeks before kissing him softly, the cat purring somewhere on Ryan’s back, probably rolling his eyes at them being like this once again in his presence, right in front of his whiskas. 
He wanted to yell at himself, so easily distracted from the moment with every thought that passed his head, every sound outside their bubble. Ryan was nervous, Shane chuckled against his lips after he barely responded, probably aware he was just… so anxious for nothing.
“Do you know I love you?” Shane asked, his voice sounding so soft, it made Ryan swallow.
“I… I don’t know…  I do now?”
Shane chuckled again, this time getting closer to Ryan’s face to kiss his forehead. Shane hugged him, letting Ryan lean his head on his shoulder. The vibrations of his laugh made him look up, clearing his throat before cradling Shane’s face. 
The man smiled at him.
“I love you,” Ryan murmured. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”
“Mmm.” The man smiled. “I know.”
Ryan laughed, he could easily slap Shane for Han Solo-ing him, but there was just– his eyes and the way he was kissing him, how far they had come. Ryan kissed him softly, deepening the kiss as soon as he could, pushing the man to lay into the couch with him on top.
Shane smiled, pecking his lips once before finally, finally saying: “I love you too, sweetheart.”
If you asked Ryan, things started in the Sallie House.
That night, his attraction to Shane made itself notice in the way Ryan’s heart kept beating fast as the man held his hand between them, laying on the floor as he tried to sleep again. He had taken the footage from the final cut of the video, never spoke about it with the man until years later, when they were more than friends and had started to live together.
Watching it now, how young they were and how much was ahead, it made him smile.
“We were so fucking obvious, holy shit.” Shane murmured at his side, looking through cut footage from many episodes of their show. “You think people will be like ‘we been knew’ when they see this?”
“I think half of the internet already has, Shane.” He conceded. It had been a hilarious couple of years with fans and homophobes alike saying the weirdest, sometimes amazing things on their every platform. “But I think it’s time, don’t you?”
“Ryan, why did you never tell me that you can see my hard on during Goatman’s Bridge?” Shane asked instead, serious with a shine in his eyes that made Ryan’s whole body shiver. “This is the kind of cut shit you should show me more often, angel.”
“You are into such weird shit…” Including him, Ryan wanted to add. Ryan bit his bottom lip, waiting for Shane to answer.
When it didn’t come, he looked up from the tiny video they were doing to “officially” announce their relationship. Shane wasn’t on his side of the bed, and when Ryan looked around to find him, the man had taken away his laptop and tugged at his heels to get him under his body.
“What are you doing, you weirdo?” Ryan asked between laughs, Shane winked at him.
“You know what else is mine aside from that bridge?”
“Oh my God. No, no, get out! We have work to do!”
“You.” He smirked. “You are mine, baby. Until death do us apart. And maaaaybe beyond, right? If your faith can guide us there.”
He felt his cheeks blush, Shane’s smile was too sweet for someone who was about to bone his boyfriend a second time that day. Ryan rolled his eyes, smiling at him when Shane brushed his crotch with his, already getting hard in his pants. 
“You are so fucking corny.” 
“Horny, baby. Horny.”
If you asked Ryan, this was the start of the golden years of their lives together.
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fluffynin · 4 years
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I rolled my eye lights as the three humans bickered. When I had Kris tell them to explain the so-called "strengthening" system of these weapons... Well, all three came up with different answers.
Which, with thinking about Kris and I being technically the same being, but so different... Makes sense as we have confirmed all four of us Legendary Heroes come from different Japans, or worlds to be exact.
So why are they saying the other is lying?
"HEY, HEY! CALM DOWN! WE SHOULDN'T FIGHT!" Sansy floated over with Papy, both brothers pulling at the souls of Ren and Motoyasu to seperate the trio.
"yeah. we are kind of up a shit creek without... oh, wrong saying," Papy flinched as he corrected himself.
Huh? Why was... Oh, yeah. My job as the taxi of the River Maze. I wonder if I can still access that place with our current situation. At least if we can get back to the Void, we can vacate any other Gasters who have ended up in there to this world.
Not a fix, but should be way safer than the constant threat of Anomalies trying to eat whatever code they find. Plus, I rather put my trust in other versions of myself than whatever so-called "help" that lousy excuse of a king was gathering. At least if there are other scientists and doctors like Kris and me, we could look into these Waves of Catastrophe properly instead of the half-assed way these humans been doing with summoning who-knows-what and throwing the poor souls into what sounds an all out slaughter.
Which, oddly, looking at my fellow heroes, they are all so young. Sure, techinically I was once human, but I was at least around Kris's age of about 200 years or so, off a few decades since comparing his now Darkner appearance to what he properly is as a magic skeleton. These three never seen the horrors of war. Hell, with the methods they told me... It almost sounds like they never been in a real...
I clapped my hands together and everyone jumped.
"Huh? What?" I yanked on Kris's sleeve to get his attention to my hands
-I think I figured it out.- I signed and opened up the menus.
Each of the humans said they played a game with similar settings to this world. I, myself, love to play MMORPGs and even got pretty well set up in a guild that got pretty good.
Yet, if I use that as a reference, what if the enhancement methods the trio talked about was not of the games they played... But instead it was the best way of enhancement overall for how the world's operating systems worked.
I noticed glitching and a prompt came up with the question if I wanted to adjust my current and only shield: Small Shield
I confirmed and took in a calming breathe.
I was never really good at this, but I've always done it to myself to keep my LOVe at 1. Plus, I currently have a little EXP to spend from the Anomalies I took out before this mess, so it is worth a shot. All I'll lost is EXP which is a win for me either way.
I touched the gem on my shield and felt myself submerged within the depths of its inner being. A huge web of symbols and lines, almost all dulled out. I went to the one that was dimmly glowed more than the others.
I held out my hand with a spark and pushed into the light. The symbol went ablazed and the flames flickered down the lines to other symbols... And branched into new lines and new symbols. I felt a flood of warmth before my senses returned to reality.
"You okay, Iwatani-san?" Itsuki asked.
Ah, right. I always took much longer than Coordinators. A big reason I never did it to others for payment.
Yet, looking through the menus and manual...
Adjustments and transfering of EXP and LOVe to improve stats and such. As well as new branches that demand... Oh, skulls.
Just what is going on with this weird ass world.
Well, let's focus first on my discovery as Adjustments weren't the only thing added to my menu and manual.
"📖⏺" I let the text boxes float up from my mouth.
"Wha?" Motoyasu voiced the confusion on all three humans' faces. Though, even Kris had a high brow arced.
Seriously? We both speak Wingdings and he never spoke shorthand?
"n says the book records?" Papy translated. "o-kay?" The twin skulls looked at each other with worried looks.
Itsuki and Ren, however, had their eyes widened. Itsuki motioned the air and narrowed his eyes. He nearly fell when something happened on the interface only visible to himself and me.
"Oh! The manual records new stuff as we learn it!" Itsuki grinned. "None of us are wrong, but instead all right!"
"But how?" Ren grimanced at his own menus. "I don't get your methods would work to make our weapons stronger." I motioned to Kris.
"Different operating systems, one unit?" Kris asked with decipering my signs. Oh, good. Was a bit worried as our sign lanuages were a bit different with some words.
However, seemed that got the idea across for Motoyasu and Ren.
"So our weapons act like hardware that can take on various software." Ren said as he gotten a glitchy interface. " Wait... Could this be why we can't work together? Our weapons' original systems conflicts with the others?"
"It would explain why we defaulted to different set ups." Motoyasu crossed his arms. "So to make up for not able to work together, we can share our enhancement methods with each other to increase our strength."
I snapped my fingers and did jazz hands with a grin.
"But, what's your method?" I felt the ice in the trio's glares at me.
"We shared ours, yet you haven't said... Oh, right..." They flinched at my double birdie.
"My method is called Adjustment." Kris translated. "It's a bit hard to explain, so it would be easier if you let me do it. I'm not that good, but it should allow the better users of this the means to do it."
"Wait, this isn't a video game mechanic?" Itsuki asked with a raised brow.
I tapped my shield's gem and signed.
"They are similar enough. I got it to work." Kris crossed his arms. "But what is this Adjustment thing, dear brother." Kris gave me the "Dad Eyes." I felt my throat tightened into a gulp.
-Explain later. Just think of it as the simple version of what turned you from skeleton to human.- Kris's grimance deepened. -I just never thought I could go in reverse. Usually can get the advance method to work with turning human souls into monster kind.-
"I see. So it enhances the soul aspects of the weapons and users." Kris caught the hint and let it go. "It's magic, so it is a little hard to express it in... Human language?" Kris let out a sigh. "At least from our world, magic is usually more expressive than logically explained. Our kind... Our race of humans are the few able to express magic much like other magical races."
"So... You're mages." Ren said with a nod. "Like how VR is common in my world. In a way, it makes since considering Shields were bad in the game I played."
"Wait, the same for you, too?" Motoyasu asked in shock.
"My game also did Shields badly," Itsuki flinched. "Which makes it worse seeing you in a wheelchair, Iwatani-san. It's like you got no straw at all instead of the short straw."
What? I just raised an eyebrow with confusion.
How was being in a wheelchair bad? Hell, these were the best wheels I had in my life! Custom-made and foldable, perfect for someone like me who uses wheels for ease of life.
"ah, right. humans aren't used to n's type." Papy rolled his eyelight.
"I don't get it." Kris huffed. "Doesn't a wheelchair help increase my brother's abilities?"
"Ah, but we will be in combat." Motoyasu gave me a loot of pity. "How can a crippled person-"
Both twins burst into laughter while Kris glared daggers at the three humans. Ah, right, monster kind is used to having to adapt all sorts of ways to help each other living Underground... Especially after the pollution turned the River into the maze twisted with time and space itself.
"What... Oh," Ren went wide eyed. "Right, a mage. When I think how magic is used in the game... Of course a Legendary Hero specializing in magic would focus on defense."
"Huh?" Motoyasu cocked his head.
"Oh, yeah! Pure mages were always weak to close combat. So, instead of having a staff, you have a means of defense as you lob spells at the enemies."
"Wha? Don't cha mean bullets?" Kris snorted. "Spells are a human thing that lack any expression. Bullets are far faster and effect in combat than chanting stupid phrases." Kris snapped his fingers for a bone bullet to appear and he balanced it on the tip of one.
"B-Bullet?" All three asked before they went pale. "Like in... a bullet hell game?"
I guess one could call my magic akin to a magic bullet hell. I sure know the Eighth Fallen probably saw our fights as such.
"Bullet hell?" The skull twins and once skeleton asked with confused dazes.
I just gave a devish smile.
Trying to get out of the worldbuilding trap with writing linked short fics. This one came from the sketch above and just snowballed into this. Hope it is enjoyable as it was for me to write this.
PS - Correcting some mistakes.
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yehet-me-up · 5 years
Dead Giveaway
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: fluff, comedy
Rating: PG13 for language
Word Count: 1,699
Request: something based off of she’s the man with any exo member would be amazing 👌🏻
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Baekhyun shakes his head, almost dislodging the wig of long black hair. 'I can't believe I'm doing this.' 
'You're going to be great!' his sister says with so much enthusiasm he knows she's not entirely serious. 'Now stop moving, I need to put on this mascara. If you move too much I'll stab you in the eye.'
He scoffs loudly. 'Who is doing whom the favor here, exactly? Threatening me with violence is hardly a ‘thank you.'’
His sister sighs. 'I promise I wasn't threatening you, I was just warning you. I appreciate it, seriously.'
Baekhyun folds his arms and nods. 'Better. I still can't believe I have to wear so much stuff on my face. You honestly do this every day?'
She rolls her eyes and blows the hair out of her face. She sticks her tongue between her teeth to concentrate, a mirror image of the same face he makes when he's losing at Fortnite. 
Having a twin will never not be weird. Especially when they happen to be a girl.
She steps back and looks him up and down. 'Perfect.'
'Hey, I look pretty good,' he says, looking in the mirror.
The way his eyes are highlighted with eyeliner and mascara brings out the warm amber color. And he'll admit that with long hair his face is set off nicely, not that he'd ever say that out loud of course.
She hands him her bookbag and a piece of paper. When she puts her hands on his shoulders and narrows her identical eyes at him she resembles a General talking to her troops.
'Okay, you can do this. Mrs. Potter, room 216. I circled it on the map,' she says, pointing to the room that has been highlighted in bright pink several times. 'Just get in, take the History final, and you can leave. That's all I need.'
'You sure you don't want to just study?' he teases, just to watch the way her cheeks get red with anger. He holds his hands up in surrender. 'I'm kidding, I'm kidding. She sounds horribly unfair. I'm more than happy to take this test for you; you know I love history. And you.'
She lightly punches him in the arm. 'Don't be gross, it doesn't suit you.'
He pouts dramatically. 'My darling sister doesn't believe that I love her? What a cruel world.'
She snorts and shoves him towards the door. 'Just get out of here already. Your debt is soon to be paid.'
Baekhyun salutes her and marches off towards her powder blue Prius, already wishing he didn't have to drive her car. This better earn me some major karma points.
The Lucy Stone All-Girls Preparatory Academy is conspicuously absent of the crowds of loitering teenagers like at PS 140 where he goes to school. No students smoking by their cars or eating behind the bleachers. 
Just an annoyingly well-manicured campus, rows of expensive cars, and several buildings of red brick that look like they were carbon copied from every promotional ad for fancy schools everywhere.
If he wasn't going to Stanford in the fall he might feel jealous his sister JunHee got to go somewhere so fancy. He also got to make fun of her for being the favorite for four years, so that helped.
He grins to himself as he walks up the stairs, wondering if anyone will be able to tell he's impersonating his sister for her first period final. The stuffed bra isn't as uncomfortable as he thought and the uniform skirt is nice and breezy. But his shoulders are undeniably wider and his jaw is sharper.
Baekhyun finally sees some students when he rounds the corner; a row of girls giggle at their lockers and look at him as he passes. Here goes nothing.
'Hey JunHee!' one of them calls out and waves.
'Hey!' he says back. Shit, his voice is much too low.
The girl looks at him in confusion and he coughs to hide his voice, making a motion to his throat and mouthing 'sore throat.' 
She softens and makes a pouty face. ‘Hope you feel better!’
The girl's friend, you, however, does not look convinced, and you narrow your eyes. He meets your gaze, unable to take his eyes off you and almost walks into a locker. 
Baekhyun recovers quickly, turning to hide his face before you figure out what's going on, and shuffles off in the direction of the classroom.
It's easy enough to find and the teacher doesn't even look up when he walks in. JunHee said she usually sits in the middle rows, close to the window, and he takes what he assumes to be the right seat. 
While the rest of the students file in he looks out the window at the tennis court outside, shaking his head with amusement.
'Excuse me, you're in my seat,' someone says next to him.
'Oh, I'm so-' he starts, making sure to raise his voice several pitches. When he sees you standing there, arms crossed and brow raised, he swallows nervously. 'Sorry, I'll move.'
He grabs his bag and stands, moving over a seat. Baekhyun hopes it's the right one. You don't need this class to get into college, but you need to ace this final to make sure you keep your spot at Sarah Lawrence and he doesn't want to mess it up.
You slide into the seat and start grabbing things out of your bag. Baekhyun can't help but watch the way your nimble fingers move, the way your hair falls in your face. It looks so rich and soft he wants to bury his face in it. You straighten and look at him, brushing your hair behind your ear.
'You usually in the seat behind me, FYI,' you say with a smug wink, nodding your head back.
He groans and moves once again. 'Thanks.'
'Don't mention it,' you counter, looking down at his bare legs pointedly. 'By the way, JunHee I didn't know you’d started going au naturale.'
He sticks a leg out and you smother a laugh. The hair on his legs is thick and dark, very unlike his sister’s usual style. 'Ah crap.'
For long moments the two of you regard each other. Then the teacher clears her throat at the front of the class and reluctantly you turn away, taking your amused smile and warm eyes with you.
The test is easy, even for such a fancy school. 
Baekhyun finishes in record time, before anyone else, but he keeps pretending to write since he knows his sister isn't a history prodigy like he is. He resists tapping his pencil on the desk or humming and instead focuses on the outline of your cheek and wonders what it would be like to kiss you. If you’re the type to grin and close your eyes when he’ll do something sweet. If you’d tease him. If you’d kiss him back.
Moments later, you finish your test, almost as fast as he did. With confident motions you flip the pages back to the front and stand. He doesn't resist watching you walk to the teacher to hand in the paper, allowing himself to admire the curves of your body. 
When you walk back towards him you give him a wink that makes his heart flip.
This is insane, he tells himself as you slide back into your seat. Really, Baekhyun, you're gonna find someone to crush on, a week before high school graduation? At your sister's school? 
He sighs, but he also stands and confidently hands in the test, proud to be the second one done.
He gives you a smug smile and slides into his own chair. There's fifteen minutes left in the class and he lounges in the chair. He's almost home free.
But then you deposit a small folded piece of paper onto his desk, so quickly he almost doesn't notice. He gets a thrill in his chest and can’t fight his grin, when was the last time someone passed him a note? 
So, you're not JunHee, obviously. Who are you?
He hesitates, staring at the back of your head as though he can see through to your thoughts. Baekhyun wonders if you're nice, asking out of curiosity. Or if you're going to rat him out.
If I tell you, are you going to tell the teacher? he writes back. He refolds the paper and casually slips it over your shoulder, dropping it into your lap.
You snort quietly and turn around to give him an eye roll. He watches you write, feeling both nervous and excited.
The paper appears on his desk again. I'm not a snitch, I'm just wondering why there's suddenly a cute guy in my US History final.
He smiles to himself and writes out a response. So, you think I'm cute? Baekhyun drops the note in your lap again and waits.
But you don't let him get off easy. That doesn't answer my question.
He smothers a laugh. So you’re a feisty one. I'm Baekhyun, JunHee's twin brother. I owed her a favor.
What did you do that you owed her a favor?
He pauses with his pen to his lips, wondering if he should tell you. What do I have to lose?
She covered for me and my friends the other night when we snuck out to a concert. I... may have gotten my shirt caught on the fence and fallen on my face.
He watches your shoulders shake with suppressed laughter and raises his eyes to the sky for divine guidance. 
You'll have to show me that move sometime.
He bites his lip. No time like the present. How about tonight?
You're on Baekhyun. Your number is written underneath along with your name.
The bell rings and he tucks the note safely in the tiny pocket of the uniform shirt. You stand and lean down to whisper in his ear. ‘Now you should get out of here before anyone else figures out your completely obvious disguise.’
He nods, looking up into your eyes full of laughter. ‘Thanks, I’ll do that.’ 
Baekhyun follows you out of the class and dashes off towards the car, his job done.
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blehbleehhhh · 5 years
Bubble Gum ft. EreMika❣️
A lovely reader requested a super sweet fluffy modern childhood fic that I'm really excited to share! Hope you'll enjoy. ❤️
ps: my mom calls me ladybug, just humor me.
The sun was a blazing fiery ball, twinkling its peak midday golden rays over a small sleepy town and the playground where local children congregate when their parents send them out to play. Titan's Fury Park happens to be one little girl's favorite place of solitude where she can steal away if only for a moment to add drawings to her sketchbook since there are many beautiful places to sit that never fail to inspire a doodle or two. Somewhere in a small group of boys are her two best friends playing a very competitive game of football. Mikasa has witnessed it herself many times, where Eren will rub it in Jean's face that his team had won the game by aggressively throwing the ball into the grass, while Armin sits on the sidelines feeling uninterested in the sport, but he'll keep score as he reads one of the many books off his shelf that's most likely already been read.
The precocious, green eyed boy was instructed by his mother to keep watch over Mikasa, who later stubbornly insisted that Armin and Eren do their own thing since she fully intends to work on filling her sketchbook instead of playing. But one of the local girls who only recently started to pick on her had other plans. "Where's your cute friend?" Annie inquires, blowing a small bubble with pink gum as she stands confidently before the girl sitting cross legged on a bench. Mikasa sighs with irritation, deepening the shading on her closeup tree bark sketch. "Hey, I asked you a question. Look up from your stupid scribble book." But the girl remained strong and ignored how demanding and harsh these words were being spoken to her by such a blunt person, carefully smudging a spot on her sketch with the pad of her pinky. "Excuse you," Annie hisses under her breath obviously feeling impatient as she suddenly grabs Mikasa's long hair with a truly evil grin. "You know, you really have such beautiful hair. It would be a shame if you had to cut it." Her victim frowned and reached for her hair only to have it painfully tugged in retaliation, making her whine in discomfort as she holds her scalp protectively.
"Well, you don't have to worry about that, because I'm not cutting it."
"Uh-huh, where's Eren?"
"I don't know!" Mikasa rushes to say as her hair is tugged once more. "Why?!"
"Because I think he's cute and I want you to talk to him. Aren't you his sister or something?"
"Not by blood..."
"Tell him that Annie thinks he's cute."
"Can't you do that yourself?!"
"It would be so much more fun to see you do it. And if you don't, I'll destroy your sketchbook."
"Fine..." Mikasa reluctantly agrees, shyly darting her eyes from Annie's stoic expression. "I'll talk to him later."
"Thanks." Annie smiles as she spits her gum out on her hand and smushed it with raven hair, rolling the wad around between her hands to mix everything together. She snickers to herself as she walks away, leaving Mikasa with stinging eyes and a quivering bottom lip already feeling humiliated to the point where her cheeks and the tips of her ears felt hot. It was with a heavy heart that she gathers her belongings and holds them to her chest as she takes off running in search of Eren, the one who she always has and always will turn to in stressful situations.
Eren was found playing football with his friends like she anticipated, but he's currently on the ground after being tackled aggressively by Reiner and Jean for the ball. Armin cheers for his friend from the sidelines while Bertolt, Marco, and Connie watch intently to learn the final score of their fourth game. "HA! I GOT THE BALL! CONNIE! CATCH!" Jean roars with laughter, cackling triumphantly as he rushes to throw the ball at Marco not far away to finish the game in their favor.
Until they heard truly hysterical crying.
"ERENN!" Mikasa cries, her voice wailing his name at the top of her lungs as tears streamed down her face. He immediately sits up from where he was laying in the grass recovering after being tackled so aggressively and his heart sunk to see her so distraught.
"What?! What?!" Eren hurried to his feet and stumbled a step as he runs to embrace her. "What happened?! Why are you crying?!" She looks up to meet his concerned and inquiring gaze with watery eyes, her tears making him cloudy until she blinks them away.
"Someone was mean to me and and -" She coughs suddenly from crying, making her cheeks even hotter with embarrassment. I don't want all this attention! Her foot stomps angrily. "She put gum in my hair!" Dreading the consequences of Annie's actions, Mikasa bursts into tears because she knows that she needs to have this obnoxiously large wad of gum cut from her hair, when she happens to love how long it's grown to barely above the waistline of her long skirt. Eren's blood boils with anger and the look in his eyes is one that only someone close to him would recognize. It somehow made her cry even more to feel validated that what happened was indeed a horrible thing. He sighs deeply to keep his cool and studies at the wad of gum in her hair, holding it carefully in his hand.
"Who did this do you?"
"It-" She sniffles and takes in a few involuntary breaths as her body tries to settle itself, his fingers releasing her gummy hair. "It was Annie. She was telling me to tell you that she thinks you're cute, when she just squished her gum in my hair!" The embarrassed little girl sighed with sorrow as her best friend wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gently brought her in for a hug, letting her cry into his shirt. He glanced up at Jean, who just gave an understanding nod to let him know that it was more than okay for him to skip out.
"Figures," Eren sighed as he rests a hand on the top of her head the way his mother comforts them at home. "Annie asked me the other day if I liked her and I think she meant the like like way, so now she won't leave me alone," He maintains an arm around her shoulder and gives a small wave at his friends while they go over the score together and rehydrate. "Come on, Mika, I'll take you home."
"But I want you to stay here. I can walk home by myself..."
"I know you can, but I want to be there for you when you're, like, sad and bummed out. Those guys understand."
"But why?" Mikasa's voice was soft and her breathing has already begun to settle much to his relief.
"Because you're my best friend and I really really hate seeing you anything but smiling. It's beautiful," Eren smiles at first until he realized what he said, and it make him chuckle awkwardly. "I mean you're beautiful. I-I mean.." But it was too late. His slip of the tongue has already made her giggle amidst her soft sniffling as she wipes the tears staining  her cheeks with her fingers. He swallows hard and his face grows hot, but her laugh always makes him smile. No matter what. "Never mind." She tucks her hair behind her ear and plays with her fingers anxiously.
"You're so funny, Eren.."
"I wasn't really trying to be funny, but thank you." He chuckled as they came up behind his mother outside while she was gardening, who did a double take and immediately dropped her tools in the flowerbed, running over to Mikasa terribly concerned. "Hi, Momma, someone was mean to Miki and put gum in her hair."
"This will never come out!" Mikasa whines, stomping her feet in the grass as she looks down at the wad of gum and hair, trying desperately to untangle the gooey mess with her little fingers to no avail. Carla frowns as she carefully takes the girl's hands in hers and holds them while Eren wipes tears from beneath her eyes. "Aunt Carla, I don't wanna cut it!"
"Mikasa, I'm so sorry.." Carla opens her arms to offer a hug that was happily taken. "This does need to be cut out, ladybug, but it'll be alright. Your hair will grow out before you know it, I promise." She gently pats the little girl's back before pulling away to stand up, offering her hands for both children to take as they followed her inside the house. "Why don't you two wait for me by the sink so I can find a pair of scissors?" She says as they enter the kitchen, their little hands departing from hers while they run to the sink together and little sneakers squeak on the hardwoods. Carla soon comes over with scissors in her hand and a sad look on her face because she has to cut these beautiful raven locks. Mikasa sighs softly as the scissors were positioned to cut above the gummy mush. "Hold still, okay?" Raven hair drops silently on the kitchen floor as the scissors slowly work their way around her head, leaving her with just as luscious shoulder length hair. "You cutie pie, look at you!" Carla smiles as she sets the scissors on the counter and carefully runs her fingers through Mikasa's hair to make certain all of the gum has been removed. The little girl offers a small smile in return as she wipes her tears from beneath her eyes.
"It actually feels good to have my hair cut.."
"I'm so glad that you like it."
"Thank you for fixing my hair. Eren was right, you do have super powers."
"Oh, my sweet baby boy," Carla laughs and brings the embarrassed child in to plant a kiss on his forehead and ruffle his hair. "You’re in desperate need of a haircut as well, but I can take care of that later. Why don't you take Mikasa back to the playground?"
"Will you take me?" The little girl turns to her friend with a hopeful look and he simply grins.
"Will you smile for me?"
"Okay.." Mikasa smiles and found her cheeks to be hot when his face immediately lights up in response. Before she knew it, his hand was in hers and they were well on their way back to the park. It was still hot outside from the midday sun, its blinding rays invading their vision frequently, but Eren still manages to spot blue wildflowers growing along the sidewalk. He stops and his heart races as he picks the flower for her while she's far enough ahead not to notice. "Eren? Where are you?" She hollers, turning in a slow circle to see him running up to her.
"Sorry! I'm right here!"
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Eren smiles as his ears grew hot, twisting the tiny flower stem with his fingers behind his back. "I'm great. Are you okay?" He asks as they start walking once more, the park in clear distance.
"I'm..I'm good. Your momma is so nice."
"She's pretty cool, but so is your momma. And your dad is so funny."
"Yeah, he is. Your dad is silly, too." Mikasa giggles, her sneaker kicking a rock out from her path. "I know you're angry at yourself for not being there and I just wanted to say that you don't need to be so hard on yourself. It makes me sad."
"Yeah, well, it's true. I'm sorry Annie is so mean to you now."
"I think she's jealous that you and I are so close."
"Probably, but who needs her? You're way cooler than Annie anyway." Eren smiles, her giggle gracing his ears once more as they make their way to the swing set. She sits gracefully on a swing and he takes the one beside her, still twirling the blue flower he picked for her between his fingers. "Mikasa?" He turns to look at her and swallows hard to gather his nerve.
"I...I like your hair short," He smiles shyly and they both blush as he scoots his swing closer to hers. "I mean, I like it long, too, but you look really pretty with it short." She grins, his hand raising hesitantly to push hair behind her ear and gently tucked the flower in that gap. But then, Mikasa did something he hadn't ever anticipated her doing and leaned in, clearly feeling slightly unsure as she kisses his blushing cheek.
"Thank you, Eren.."
"You're welcome," He smiles as their swings separate and stands up so he can be behind her. "Can I give you a push?"
"Yeah!" She says excitedly as her legs kick the air.
"Okay," Eren laughs in amusement as he pulls her swing back and pushes her forward. "Here we go!" She giggles as she's pushed, and he can't help but think about how cute she is no matter how hard he tries to fight it.
"Push me higher, Eren! Push me higher!"
"Anything to hear your laugh again." And with that he gives a harder push to her lower back, making the swing soar even higher. She cheers in excitement and giggles as her short raven hair blows in the breeze, holding the blue wildflower safely in her hand against the swing chain so it doesn't get lost. They remained this way for a while, just enjoying each other's company and sharing many laughs knowing that there will be more in the future.
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oskea93 · 5 years
Think of You: Seven (Part two)
Warnings: Sexual situations, language
A/N: ENJOY!  (PS: please excuse the grammar issues.) 
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“Make sure to stay in a single file while walking down the hallway.”
I watched as my second graders made their way towards the cafeteria. Today was a new day. I was back in teacher mode and my escapades from the weekend were behind me. Granted, it was close to 80 degrees and I had to wear a long sleeve dress. I’m not the type of girl to show off the presents that a guy had left. “Okay-“ I spoke again. “Since Lilly’s the line leader, she’s going to hold the door for everyone.” I watched as the little girl stepped out of line, grabbing hold of the door, allowing her classmates to go in one-by-one.
“Ms. Daniels?” I heard my name being called. I looked down and saw Teddy, a student of mine, standing close to me. He motioned for me to come down to his level, waving his little hand in a downward motion. I bent down to face him more directly, “Yes, Teddy?” I asked. I placed my hand on his arm, seeing as he looked somewhat worried. I watched as his bright blue eyes danced from mine to something behind me. “There’s a weird man behind you.” He whispered. I was confused at first, slowly turning my head to see who it was. Looking as out of place as he could, Nikki stood feet away from me. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as I turned back toward little Teddy. I assured him that everything was fine, taking his hand and walking into the cafeteria. I couldn’t believe he would show up here of all places. This was my place of employment, and his kind was not welcomed around here. The people that worked here were some of the snootiest people I’ve ever met. Plus, they were very religious and did not take kindly to the new wave of music that was taking over the world. I would hear certain teachers talking about how their students were more interested in the bands on MTV than their studies. Even the principle was trying his hardest to keep his school pure, innocent, and out of the hands of guys like Nikki Sixx.
Once I made sure my students were all set with their lunches, I quickly made my way back out to the hallway. I didn’t bother saying anything to him, simply grabbing his hand, and marching us back to my classroom. “You in a hurry to tear my clothes off again?” He started to laugh. I didn’t answer. Once inside the classroom, I locked the door behind us, turning to look at him. “What are you doing here?” I asked. “And how did you know where I wor-“
“Why did you leave?” He cut me off. I looked at him confused. “The other morning, why did you leave?” He seriously came all the way to my job to ask why I left him alone yesterday? He couldn’t have just called and asked me this question? “Carol-“
“You can’t just come to my work and start asking all these questions, Nikki.” I explained. “I left because it should have never happened. What happened between us was just a one-time thing and should never happen again.” Everything that Mac and I spoke about last night had flown at the window. I admitted to her that I had feelings, strong feelings for Nikki. My heart wanted to be with him, but my brain, as usual, was taking over and messing everything us.
A smirk found its way onto his face, “It was more than just one time, darling.” I wanted to slap that sexy smirk off his face. “You may think that I’m just using you because that’s the kind of person I am, but-”He stopped mid-sentence. “I really and truthfully care about you, Caroline. Hell, I may even love you.” My heart began to race as he expressed his feelings. “Yeah, I’m in a band and there’s girls throwing themselves at me, but you’re honestly the only girl I think about. Ever since the first night I met you, all I do is think about you. I can’t fucking shake you. I don’t want to shake you.”
“Nikki-“ I sighed.
“No-”He cut in again. “Let me finish.” He stepped closer to me, blocking me between him and the bookshelf. “When I woke up and you weren’t there, that fucking hurt, Caroline.” His voice sounding more serious, a bit emotional. “I didn’t think what happened between us was just a causal fuck.” I grimaced at the word. “Sorry, casual sex. I honestly had a meaningful time with you. You’re the first girl I ever had slow, meaningful sex with. If that doesn’t tell you anything then I don’t know what will.” I looked down at my shoes, taking in everything that he had said.
I let out a sigh, “Can we just talk about this some other time? Maybe we cou-“
His lips smashed into mine, taking me by surprise. Involuntarily, my hands entwined in his raven hair, grabbing a fist-full so I could be as close as possible. I was still pinned against the bookshelf as Nikki’s hands traveled to the hem of my dress. “I’ve always wanted to fuck a teacher.” He muttered against my lips as his hand moved further up my leg. I was back in Veronica mode. Caroline, sweet and innocent Caroline, had left the building and Veronica was in control. I couldn’t help but start moaning as his lips moved to my neck, nipping at the already tender spots from before. The whole notion of being at work, especially in a Christian Elementary had left my mind, only focusing on Nikki and his skillful hands and mouth. Without warning, Nikki’s fingers slipped past my underwear, finding the most sensitive part of my body. I let out a whimper, well it was more a moan, a very long moan. This was also a first for me as well. I guess you could say I had a pretty boring sex life up until now. My body reacted as he slowly pumped his fingers into me, going extremely slow to garner a better response. I couldn’t help but bite down on his neck, causing him to let out a hissing noise, as his fingers worked their amazing magic. My whimpers and moans filled the classroom. 

“I want you out of this fucking dress.” Nikki whispered against my lips. I finally made eye contact with him, seeing his green eyes turning darker with lust. Like I said before, Veronica was in charge, causing me to nod my head. It was as if I was watching myself from above. Nikki’s hand was up my dress and his lips were on my lips and all over my neck. I was in a state of lust and if I didn’t stop, things were going to escalate to a whole other level.
“Nikki-“ I gasped. His fingers accelerated to a faster pace, causing my breath to hitch in my throat. “Oh god.” I whispered. I could feel myself start coming unhinged. My legs were getting weak and starting to hurt. My heart was racing a mile a minute and my breathing was becoming more raged. With one last stroke, I finally broke lose. It was as if I was a damn and I had finally broke free from the barrier. That sounds kind of gross now that I think about it. “Oh my gosh.” I exhaled. My head remained buried in Nikki’s neck as his left arm held my body in place. “Pretty good, huh?” He laughed. I slowly lifted my head and placed it against the bookshelf, looking straight at him again. I watched as he slowly licked clean his fingers that were inside of me clean. I thought it was incredibly gross but I was also incredibly turned on at the same time.
“Now-“ He began to smile. “Let’s get you out of that fucking dress.” I remained frozen as he started working on the buttons of my dress. His lips once again found my neck, as my hands held onto his shoulders. Before he could get the last button undone, the bell rang, snapping me out of the lustful trance.
‘Shit!” I exclaimed, roughly pushing Nikki away from me. “Shit, shit shit!” I continued to yell as I hastily re-buttoned my dress. “What’s the problem?” Nikki asked confused. I ignored him as I ran to the mirror that I kept in my classroom. I looked like a woman who just had sex. My hair was sort of matted to my forehead, which was covered in sweat. My dress was wrinkled where it had been pulled up, and I had a small wet spot near the bottom. “Caroline?”
My eyes cut to where Nikki was standing, still unsure what was happening. “You need to leave, like right now!” I raised my voice. He tried to speak but I started pushing his body toward the classroom door. “What the hell, Caroline.” He barked back. I roughly opened the door, pushing him out into the hallway. I was in a panic haze that it didn’t occur to me that the other teachers were also out in the hall.
“Ms. Daniels?” I turned from Nikki, seeing Mrs. Brady, the Librarian looking between Nikki and I. “Is everything okay?” She asked. Most of the teachers at this school talked about each other like they were back in grade school. I’ve learned that they’d be nice to your face but tear you to shreds behind your back.
I must have looked like a deer in the headlights, “Uh-“ I stuttered out. “Eve-everything’s fine, Mrs. Brady.” She gave me a disapproving look before making her way down the hallway. Everyone that passed by us were staring, some even whispering to one another at the scene Nikki and I had caused. My eyes moved back to Nikki, who was staring right at me. “Care to explain?” He smirked.
I didn’t bother answering his question. I needed to get my students from the cafeteria and he needed to get out of here before the principle showed up. “Just, please leave.” I stated firmly. I didn’t bother showing him to the door, he obviously knew where it was. I made my way to the cafeteria, trying my best to keep calm and professional.
“Who’s your friend, Ms. Daniels?” Vanna, a fellow second grade teacher, asked. She had been one of the many that walked by as I was pushing Nikki out of my classroom. I nervously moved a strand of hair behind me ear, “He’s um-” What was I to say? He’s the guy I’ve been having sex with? He’s a rock star and I’m his groupie? “He’s nobody.”
Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Caroline!
“Who are you and what have you done with the real Caroline Vanessa Daniels?” 
I rolled my eyes as I took a sip of my milkshake. I had called Mac from the office phone once school was over, asking her if she could meet me right away. Ever since my encounter with Nikki, my mind had been in panic mode. During my math lesson today, I forgot how to do the problem, causing my students to get even more confused. I had to skip over the whole chapter, telling the kids that we would go over it tomorrow.
“He just shows up like he owns the place, telling me how he feels, ex-“
Mac began to wave her arms around, “Woah, woah!” She exclaimed. “He told you how he felt?” I nodded my head. “You didn’t think to tell me that part first? Don’t get me wrong, I love hearing about your sex life, which is now a hell of a lot better than mine, but him expressing his feelings is more important!”  I looked down at the table. “Tell me exactly what he said to you.” Mac’s body was now leaning right against the counter, getting as close as she could to hear what I was about to say.
I took another drink of my shake, “He, he-“ I stuttered. “He, uh, He to-
 “Spit it out already, woman!” Mac yelled, causing those around to look at us. My face instantly turned red with embarrassment. Maybe telling Mac this in public was a bad idea. “He told me that he thinks he loves me.” I rambled. “He told me that I wasn’t like any other girls he’s been with and that he loves me.” I could feel tears well up in my eyes. “He told me he loves me and I don’t know what to do.” I was over analyzing again. I was breaking down for the second day in a row due to one man.
“Oh my God.” Mac muttered, moving herself back against the booth.
“What?” I asked confused. I used my sleeve to wipe away the tears that were falling from my eyes. “What’s the matter?”
The smile that formed on her face grew larger, “You don’t just like him, you love him.”  
“No, no, no.” I shook my head. “I am not in love with him. I can’t be in love with someone I barely even know. He could be a secret serial killer or something. I can’t be in love with a guy like Nikki Sixx. I mean, who the heck names their kid Nikki Sixx? I bet that’s not even his real name, so I can’t be in love with him even more now. He’s to-“
“Caroline!” Mac exclaimed. The people across from us were now sending dirty looks our way. I’m pretty sure the whole restaurant was at this point. “You’re looking for any excuse you can find, and the excuses you are using suck.”
I looked down at my melted milkshake. Yesterday, I only had small feelings for this guy. You know, the kind of feelings that someone with a crush has. Nikki was sort of a crush to me but I meant more to him. Maybe he meant more to me as well. “You need to fucking tell him how you feel before some other bitch comes along and steals him.” Mac said pointedly. “Tom Zutaut is having a party tonight and you’re gonna tell Nikki exactly how you fucking feel.”
“But-“ I tried to speak.
Mac held her hand in face, “No buts, Caroline. You are going to that party and if I have to lock you and Nikki in a room so you can admit how you feel, I will find the darkest, tiniest room, and lock you two in there. Do you understand me?”I slowly nodded my head like a child who just got scolded by their parents.
“Fabulous.” She shifted in her seat. “I’ll see you at eight!”  
“If you’re gonna tell someone you love them, you can’t wear what you’re wearing!” Mac exclaimed as she rummaged through my closet. “You’re not purposing your love to the Pope, Caroline. You’re telling a fucking rock star, a fucking hot rock star, that you’re in love with him. You have to look the part!” I watched as dresses, shirts, and pants flew out of my closet. “I know I say this all the time, but you are a fucking prude!”
“Enough with the F word, Mackenzie.” I groaned.  I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was down and my makeup was light, as usual. I looked at the dress I was wearing. It was the same material as the dress that I wore to work today but it was green. It had long sleeves and reached to my knees. I decided to wear stockings with it, along with a pair of boots. I thought I looked pretty good but Mac’s always the judge of that. “Aha!”
Mac removed herself from my closet, a white romper in her hands. “Put this on.” She threw the garment in my direction. I had forgotten that I owned this, probably only wearing it back in Georgia. I did as I was told and made my way to the bathroom. I removed my dress and stockings, placing the romper on in its place.
“I can’t wear this.” I muttered to myself. My reflection stared back at me, as did the many hickeys that still lined my neck and collarbone. “Mackenzie!” I cried out. Mac showed up seconds later, worry written all over her face. “I can’t wear this!” I told her. “I can’t go out in public looking like this.” I pointed towards my neck, her eyes going wide as she took in the evidence.
“He did a number on you didn’t he.” She chuckled as she began to look through my makeup bag. “Of course.” She muttered. She jetted out of the bathroom, back into the bedroom. I heard her rustling in her purse before she came back to the bathroom. “This should help.” She held a bottle of liquid foundation. “Your skin tone doesn’t match mine.” I wined. She ignored my comment, placing the liquid on a cotton ball. I felt her dab on the makeup, making sure to cover as much as she could.
“Ta da!” She smiled. I looked at myself in the mirror. The spots were still visible but not as bad as they had been. “No one will notice.”
“I hope you’re right.” I muttered. I gave myself a glace over, making sure I did in fact look okay. “You look fine!” I heard Mac yell from the other room. I let out a sigh, closing the light and making my way to the front room. I grabbed my purse and made my way out the door, ready to face whatever was gonna happen tonight….
Even though I barely knew Tom, he didn’t seem like the type that would have parties at his house. Maybe a get together with a couple of friends but not a party with drugs, alcohol, or rock stars. When Mac and I arrived, the place was so crowded that it took me 20 minutes to find a place to park. I had to park my car halfway down the block and walk back up the hill to where his house was. I had asked Mac in the car how she even got an invite to Tom’s party. She explained that it was more of an Elektra Record party for the Motley guys. It was being thrown at Tom’s house since he signed the guys and worked with them. For a guy that just got promoted, I never expected him to have a big house. Maybe a regular size house in the valley somewhere? To say I was surprised when I saw the size of his house would be an understatement. His house was huge! It was mansion size and even had a pool in the backyard.  
“Let’s party!” Mac screamed. I stayed close behind her as we entered the house. People were everywhere. It was as if we were back at the party from the other night. Music was blaring from the speaker, allowing people to dance freely in the living room. From where I was standing, Vince was talking with some girl and Mick was sitting on the couch next to Tom. I didn’t see any sign of Nikki, relief coursing through my veins. “I’m gonna go find Tommy.” Mac shouted. I nodded my head, watching her get lost in the crowd. I stood in the archway awkwardly for a couple more seconds before going over to the couch where Tom and Mick were sitting. 

“You mind if I sit here?” I asked. Tom’s head snapped up, a smile forming across his face.
I watched as he scooted over, giving me more room to be comfortable, “Sure thing.” I took a seat next to him, pulling down the shorts of my romper in the process. “Caroline, right?” I nodded my head. From what I remember of our first meeting, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy. He was a little nerdy, looking like he should be crunching numbers instead of working in the music industry. “How have you been?” He asked.
“Fine.” I smiled. “How about you?” I was probably the worst person to make a conversation with. I was awkward and never knew what to talk about, especially with a new person. “Just living the Motley life.” His smile turned bigger. “I heard you and Nikki are really hitting it off.” My eyes widened. Did everyone know what Nikki and I had done? “What do you mean?” I asked. He looked at me a bit confused, “You guys are together.”
Before I could reply, I felt a hand on my bare shoulder. My head whipped around as my eyes connected with Nikki’s. “We need to talk.” He stated. His eyes were dark, making him look even more pissed off. I wanted to tell him that I was talking to Tom and would find him later but I just nodded my head, biding farewell to Tom in the process. In order not to get lost on the way, Nikki grabbed my hand and led me through the crowd to an empty room. I looked around, seeing it was the laundry room of all places. My heart started to race as Nikki closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath before turning to face me. I couldn’t help but stare at him once he did turn around. His hair was wild and his leather pants were tighter than ever. He looked really, really good.
“What’s going on?” He blurted out.
I looked up at him confused, “What are you talking about?” He rolled his eyes as his hand ran through his raven locks.
“I need to know what the fuck is going on with you and I? One minute you’re tearing my clothes off and then you’re pushing me away. I need to know what this is, Caroline.” He pointed between him and I. “I need to know if you feel the same way as I do.” He seemed so vulnerable. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone except you. You make me feel things that I thought I would never feel for someone.” He was pouring his heart out to me, making my own heart swell.
I let out a sigh, “Nikki-“ I began.
“No-“ He raised his hand to stop me from talking. “I came from a life where the word love was foreign. My mom never said it, I never said it, nobody said it. From the time I was 10 years old, I never thought I would be able to say that word to someone, especially if I really meant it. I never thought I would have feelings toward a person that were genuine. I’ve been with a lot of girls, but they were just bed warmers. I never felt a single emotion for them. When I met you, without even talking to you, I knew were the one.” I could feel tears forming in my eyes as he spoke. He was pouring his heart out to me. “I know how cliché that sounds but there was something about you that had me hooked. You aren’t like any of the girls that flock to our concerts or try to get with us at parties. You are your own person and I fucking love you for that. I fucking love that you’re shy and reserved. I love that you have your own personality, even if it’s boring.” We both chuckled. “You are nothing like I’ve ever seen and I love you for that. I fucking love you, Caroline.”
I wiped away the tears that had fallen during his speech. My heart was beating a mile a minute, my emotions going into overdrive. “Everything about you scares me.” I started. “I’m scared of the lifestyle you lead. I’m scared of the things you do. Most importantly, I’m terrified that I’m falling so hard for you and there’s nothing I can do about it. You are the last person on the earth that I thought I would ever fall in love with, but I’m in love with you and that scares me to death.” I explained through tears. Nikki instantly pulled me into his body, his arms wrapping around my waist as mine wrapped around his neck.
“I promise I’ll never scare you again.” He whispered.
@triplehaitches @fandomshit6000 @sighsophiia @divaanya @primal-screamer @theabductionofpersephone @ithinkimhardcore @lauravic @jonesie32 @queen-introvert
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sandsthewriter · 5 years
27 things I’ve learned in 27 years.
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Not that my short 27 years on this planet makes me some wise human being but I’ve learnt a few lessons and tidbits along the way as I stumbled my way through life as best as I could.
Thought I’d share them here.
Ps: Also, happy birthday to me! xD
1. The secret to everyday happiness is having an attitude of gratitude. 
2. Shift your mindset from an “I have to do this” mentality to an “I get to do this” mentality. I get to go to work, I get to have a busy day, etc. Don’t dress your opportunities as stress.
3. Cook at home 80% of the time. It’ll save you a shit load of money, allow you to expand your culinary skills, and give you more control of what you put inside of your body.
4. Take care of your body. We only get one body in this lifetime and it is what allows us to do everything we want to do in this life. So taking care of it should be our ultimate priority - so eat right, workout, find ways to manage your stress, and get enough sleep.
5. Everything you desire is on the other side of consistency. Overcoming fears, making plans, and moving towards goals you’ve set for yourself is all good but for you to see real results, do what is required every single day. Put in the work consistently. Discipline is the ultimate form of self-care.
6. Put in the effort to understand yourself as it is the one sure fire way to improve your life. Knowing what you need, what you fear, your strengths and weaknesses, how you study, how you react to stress...get to know all that about yourself and more. Then instead of trying to work against your innate traits, use them and work with them. 
7. Pessimism comes naturally to us. Sometimes it’s our default setting. We always have to work harder to stay positive but trust me it’s worth it. 
8. Not everything you think is true. Our minds can convince us of quite a lot of things. It can be way harsher and judgmental on you than even your worst frenemy. Out of the blue if it tells you that you are a terrible writer with no facts to back it up, question that thought and investigate if it is true or not. Conquer your thoughts so you may eventually conquer your life.
9. On that note, almost everything in life is a skill. If you put your mind to it and commit yourself to doing the required amount of work, every skill in life can be learned. Want to be a good writer, you can learn it. Want to be a better cook, you can learn that too. Want to be more organized? Woah! Guess what? You can learn it! And in this day and age, learning something new is just a click away. 
10. Mindset is everything. Everything begins and ends in your mind. There’s nothing you cannot change about your life if you put your mind to it. Within reason. If you decide you can, there’s a good chance you’d find a way to do it. Similarly, if you decide you can’t, you will guarantee that you won’t be able to do it. So approach life from a position of power, not defeat.
11. Stop complaining. Seriously. It serves no purpose and only brings more negative energy into your life. In most situations, you often have two options: change it or accept it. If you’re unhappy with something or a situation, change it. If you cannot change it, find a way to accept it and find peace with it. Worrying about it is pointless. Regretting the past cannot change it for it has already happened. Being anxious about the future is pointless for it’s still yet to come. Fretting about things beyond your control only distracts you from being present in the moment and enjoying your life.
   12. Feel what you need to feel and then let it go. Grief, anger, resentment, envy...whatever it is, do not dwell on it. Do not let it fester inside of you. 
13. Do not let how you feel rule you. Let it guide you, and guide it yourself but never let it control you. I used to allow how I felt on a particular day decide whether or not I went to school, or showed up for work, or whatever else. And in the end, I almost always ended up feeling guilty and shittier at the end of the day. It should be noted that I am not talking about mental health days that you just might need to recover from everything overwhelming you. But you should always pay close attention to whether you’re actually feeling terrible inside, or are you just feeling lazy. Sometimes reluctance is just laziness with a better excuse.
14. You’re not going to be at your 100% every single day. There will be fluctuations and happiness and sadness comes and goes. Just do your best to create your happiness. Just do your best to endure your sadness.
15. Be compassionate and patient with yourself. You’re doing the best you can. It’s the greatest form of kindness. 
    16. Don’t live pay check to pay check. Have financial goals and build up savings. Up until very recently (read 3 months ago) I used to spend my entire paycheck and go broke until the next one arrived. But hey! I am 27 freaking years old now and it’s way too late for me to be living that recklessly. Recording my expenses made me realize just how much money I used to waste on things I didn’t really need. Now that I have started making a realistic budget and actually sticking to it, I actually have more money to spend on things I really want to invest in. 
17. Debt is never worth it. Trust me, it is no fun having something like that hanging over you. Especially for a control freak like me, it was just a horrible experience. I ain’t going to say don’t ever get a Credit Card. Just spend wisely. Most of the things you think you desperately need are not always necessities.
18. Confidence starts inside of you. The one person you really need to impress, is yourself. 
19. But also...sometimes, even if you are not at your most confident self, you can still fake it till you make it. In other words, we all have bad days. We are allowed to have them. After all, we are human. We all have our struggles, and messes but it’s the way we carry them that sets us apart. Story time: one day, when I was at work, my best friend showed up on her way somewhere, and I was in my shittiest over-worn maxi dress. My hair was up in a messy bun that I usually put it up in when I just can’t be bothered to wash it and style it. I had red lipstick on, and flip flops. She took one look at me and said, “you look so beautiful and put together.” Trust me, I didn’t feel it but somehow my minimal effort looked passable enough. So learn to carry yourself well even when you don’t feel like it.
  20. In life, failing in some capacity is inevitable. So, fail with purpose and fail productively. Learn from your failures. Become better from those learnings. 21. Declutter your life. Clearing up your space of things helps to clear up your mind. Clearing up your life of people and commitments help you simplify your life. Live clutter free. Love and respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that is not right for you.
22. Not everything that weighs you down is yours to carry.  You can love people but you cannot “save” them. They have to save themselves.
23.  Appreciating someone else’s success or amazingness does not in anyway lessen yours. Lift each other up.
24. Be aware of your ego. Don’t let it ruin moments, relationships, and productivity.
25. Take responsibility for yourself, your choices, and the consequences of those choices. Blaming someone of something else is pretty much equivalent to giving your power away. So don’t be the victim of your life. Take your power, and own it.
26.  The purpose of life is to be alive and happy and just do the best you can. Don’t over-complicate it. Any of it. And definitely do not overthink it. There’s no grander purpose to life than to be alive.
27. The magic in life lies in everyday moments. Teach yourself to find the joy in everyday mundane things - the taste of coffee, a good song, laughing over nothing with a good friend...etc. Create your own kinda magic everyday.
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thequeenofadream · 5 years
Somebody that I used to know (Ben Hardy x Reader)
Summary:   you used to be ben’s and ben used to be yours, but you broke up due to distance and media pressure. you both decide that beings friends is for the best, but ben barely even sees you anymore.
Words: 2,473
Notes: drinking is done (i’ve never drunk bc im not an illegal yes yes so sorry if this is not accurate i tried to do research) get rEKTT BY THE ANGST TRAIN.
A/N:  i know it’s valentine’s but uh yesa.. um HAPPY VALENTINES!! <3 ps. this will probably be a three part series and if this flops u never saw me
 🎊 tagging:   @obsessedwithrogertaylor @malekdarling @i-padfootblack-things 
You were a mess; much like a painting, a thousand words hid behind your gaze. Words of anger, words of sadness, words of relief; they all raced through your mind. He was a mess; much like liquor, he’d try to numb the pain, but he couldn’t delay the inevitable any longer. The day had come where he couldn’t hide behind a pillar of excuses.
You and Ben had been dating for a year now and six months in, you decided to go public. There have been many downfalls and peaks within that time. Ben was always out either shooting or doing press tours; meanwhile you were almost always on the other side of the world, busy with your own tour. Whatever time you had together would be miniscule; the way time flew when you were together was almost surreal.
You met on the set of Bohemian Rhapsody. You were called upon to do a cover of “Killer Queen” along with a small part in the movie; You obviously could not say refuse. You cleared your schedule for the next two weeks, right before you’d leave for tour, and packed your bags. When you got there, you were lost and late, but luckily a blonde british boy found you wandering the halls.
“Hey, are you (Y/N)?”
“Uhm, yeah.”
“Lots of people are looking for you.”
It blossomed from there, and it was what a feeling it was. You only spent two weeks in production, but you could feel the strong friendly energy radiating off of everyone, it was particularly amazing to watch Rami become Freddie Mercury. You had gotten acquainted with everyone, and even exchanged social media handles, but Ben was especially ‘friendly’. About a week before you had to leave, the blonde finally asked you on a date.
You were honestly completely oblivious to his efforts, because everything seemed to good to be true on the magical sets of Bohemian Rhapsody. You thought he was  just being his kind, generous and chivalrous self, however all those intimate moments between you two did spark butterflies in your stomach. It kind of baffled you, trying to figure out what about you caught his attention. He took you out to see London, and at the end of the day he brought you to a cozy bistro where you were spent time alone. At the end of the date, he had built up enough confidence to ask you if you wanted to try and be a thing. With the adrenaline pumping in your veins, you accepted a million times over.
You spent the last week, absolutely smitten over one another and when you left you both called each other everyday. On your sixth month together, he flew all the way to one of your concerts. He surprised you after the show and you almost cried.
“I want the whole world to know you’re my whole world.”
That was when you cried. You agreed and you both went public. It had been a rough seven months, from cheating allegations to pregnancy rumours to the constant harassment from paparazzi and others. It was ripping the both of you apart, and there was so much pain because of your love. It was like being together, unravelled the both of you. The only reason you were still strong was because of him, but all the consequences had struck you down. You felt like you couldn’t be yourself without being associated to Ben, and he felt the same. You loved each other dearly, but you still wanted to have your own careers.  
And this was where you stood, in Ben’s London apartment. You had a show tomorrow night, but you figured you had to talk to him.
You both at looked at each other, your faces full of sorrow and disbelief. You thought you could somehow last forever, but almost is never enough. You both knew what had to be done, you just didn’t want to imagine each other apart. You decided to speak up, sobbing softly.
“Ben, we can’t go on like this.” You held his hand lightly. You felt weak and tired, but you were holding onto whatever you had left.
“I know.” He said simply, tightening his grip on your hand. He seemed almost mad at himself.
“So that’s it?” You asked tears trailing down your cheek. You thought he would have something more to say. He took you by the waist and held you close.
“All we do is hurt each other. It’d be better for us to be friends.” He paused, running a hand through your hair.
“We just hurt each other, I knew this since before. I just didn’t want to believe it, but now I see that it’s unhealthy. I’m not worthing of saying I love you when I’m the cause of your everyday agony.” He speaks softly, his voice cracking at the end.
“You’re not the cause of my everyday agony. In fact, you’re my sunshine. ” You say quietly, hugging him as close as humanly possible.
“But you wouldn’t be in so much pain if it weren’t for me.” He replies, taking in your scent, holding onto it. He clung onto you as if you were never to see one another again. You just stayed in each other’s embrace, one last time in silence. It was a somewhat comforting silence, knowing the pain would be over, but you were going to lose who you thought was the love of your life.
After you had both said your goodbyes, you left. You agreed you would both still be friends, but it just didn’t seem right to you. Maybe, if you had both met in much more normal circumstances you would have reached the end, but that wasn’t going happen. You had to go on and put the best happy face for your concert tonight.
“(Y/N), Are you okay?” Lucy asked snapping a finger in front of you. She had gone backstage to check on you, before you went out. You had invited the cast to your concert, but you weren’t sure if Ben would even come which was understandable.
You were zoning off into the distance, unable to process anything. Ever since yesterday, everything had been a blur and you couldn’t get your mind off of him. You hadn’t been able to sleep, eat, and think straight. You missed him so much, and it was bad.
“(Y/N)?” Lucy asked once more, shaking your shoulders.
“Yes, I’m fine.” You finally said, sighing deeply. You were most definitely not, but who could tell? Ben usually did, that’s who.
“If you say so. You’re gonna kill it tonight!” She said smiling softly. She knew what happened, but you had basically told everyone to not mention it and told the media to ‘piss off’. You really needed to do well tonight. You flashed a weak smile, assuring her you were ‘pumped’. She left you to it and went back out into the crowds.
She sat down with Rami, Gwilym and Joe, who immediately started asking about you.
“Not so good.” She sighed as the rest of them sighed in unison. They had been trying to comfort you and Ben, but that was proving to be difficult as it seemed like everything reminded you both of one another.
“Where’s Ben?” Rami asked, worrying about his other friend.
“He’s probably watching a livestream of the concert. He said he was going to practice drumming, but we all know that it could be very much code for well..” Joe trailed not even daring to put them in the same sentence. Suddenly, the lights went out and the show was about to start. Gwilym quickly added “We’ll have to split up later.”
It wasn't that they wanted to meddle between your relationship. It was more like seeing their parents divorce or something. They didn't want to choose any side, and they didn't want to see either of you looking terribly miserable.
The show was typical. It wasn’t anything grand, but it wasn’t boring. Although if you looked closely, you could see hurt written across your face. You remember how you would send Ben videos of the concert and he would express how proud he was. Almost every love song you sang was inspired by him and you couldn’t avoid him while pouring out your emotions on stage. You had to physically restrain yourself not to become a sad and depressing loser who had broken up with her boyfriend. You started feeling hazy towards the end of the show, so you were pretty loose in those last moments.
“Goodnight everyone!” You chriped, faking confidence, before stepping off stage and heading to your dressing room, lying across your sofa. You had literally told everyone that you'd deal with whatever they needed later, right now you just needed to breathe.
Your closed your eyes, trying not to think of him.You blamed yourself for the downfall. Maybe if you hadn’t gone too fast, you both wouldn’t end up crashing and burning. Maybe you shouldn’t have said yes to being the girlfriend of a guy you had known for a week. You had let everything go to your head. It was all a mistake, a beautiful yet tragic mistake.
You decided that if you wanted to get over him you needed to get rid of everything that reminded you of him, but you didn’t really know how to. You weren’t ready to just throw everything away. You needed start small. You fell asleep whilst mindlessly thinking; honestly you just wanted to sleep for a thousand years.
Lucy and Rami arrived to see you passed out on the sofa. At first they were filled with absolute dread, but someone had informed them that you had just taken a nap. You weren’t sure you were taking a nap though, if it was possible you didn’t want to wake up. Rami shook you shoulder lightly, trying to wake you up and it was indeed enough to awake you.
“Hi, sorry, that really wore me out.” You said yawning as you sat up straight.
“It was a phenomenal concert afterall! I know exactly what would do you some good.” Rami said happily, desperately trying to brighten the mood.
“We should go out for drinks, maybe some dancing?” He continued, seeing your eyes somewhat light up at the idea. It was at least brighter than the darkness that had clouded your pupils since the break up.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.” You said nodding, feeling a genuine ping of joy. “But where are Gwil and Joe?” You asked looking around the dressing room. Lucy suddenly panicked trying to find an excuse or explanation to where they had gone.
“They had to head over to the pharmacy! Something about joe drinking a milkshake earlier.” She came up with a pretty believable excuse, enough for you to believe. You just nodded and let them take you.
The three of you wasted the night away drinking and singing karaoke; getting drunk also meant you letting loose which was just what you needed. You were actually drunk enough to mingle with other people on the dance floor.
“Hey I’m (Y/N) and-”
“(Y/N) (L/N)? Didn't you just perform a few hours ago?”
“Yeah yeah whatever, so I was thinking you looked cute and I think I look cute sooo..”
“(Y/N)!” Lucy interrupted your attempts at flirting and dragged you back to the booth the three of you had gotten. You were drunkenly protesting against this, wanting to go back, but she had a strong grip. She sat you down at booth, before she sat down, keeping you from leaving.
“Aww, party pooper.” You said teasing her.
“I don't think you should make rash decisions when you're drunk, love.” She said slightly annoyed by your complete ignorance to the situation. Hey, at least you weren't mopping about Ben. Rami came back with two drinks handing one to Lucy and sitting on the other side of the booth.
“How about me?” You whined, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Sorry,, but I think it's for the best.” Rami said taking a swig from his drink. You just grumbled in response, annoyed by his validness. He was most definitely right. The night went on with the three of you just hanging out; they shared funny stories on set and you shared funny stories on tour. You wish you could’ve stayed longer, but everyone has their responsibilities. Speaking of responsibilities, Rami looked at the time to see it was getting pretty late and they had an early day tomorrow.
“Hey (Y/N), We have an early day tomorrow so-”
“Say no more! I’ll just call a cab home.”
“Are you sure, you could go with us you know?”
“Nope, it’s totally fine, promise.” You smiled as they got up from the booth. Lucy gave you a knowing look so you just raised your hands in defense. “No rash decisions, promise.” You held out a hand and she took it, shaking on it.
“Get some rest, (Y/N).” Rami let out a chuckle, linking arms with Lucy. You nodded and watched them go off. You were left to your thoughts in a bustling and rowdy club. You thought about taking our your phone to call a taxi, but the fire coursing through your blood said otherwise. You ordered another drink or five, despite Rami’s past wishes, and sat all by yourself, wallowing in alcohol.
You liked it. You couldn’t feel anything, pain, regret, gloom, they were all gone. You had completely lost yourself, in the chaotic atmosphere. You didn’t feel guilty or sad or mad, You felt insanely confident. You decided to go back out to the dance floor and mingle.
“Hello there.” You smirked slyly.
Meanwhile, Ben was with Gwil and Joe watching action movies to get his mind off the subject of romance. Little did they know that this was yours and Ben basically watched every genre together, so it didn’t really work. He has spent the whole night watching your concert, before the two came along with ice cream.
Frankie was in his lap and he pet her gently as the movie played. He wished he was a better boyfriend; maybe he wouldn’t be guilty out of his mind. He should of visited you more often, he should’ve told you how much he loved you; but that was all in the past and he can’t do anything anymore. The mere thought of being in love with you made him feel liable for his actions.
He would always hold himself responsible for everything that came crashing down.
He looked on the brightside, you two could still be friends. Maybe without the media suffocating you both into romantic endeavors, you could spend time together openly. He kept telling himself everything was going to be better, but was it?
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randombtsprincessa · 5 years
Asylum || 9
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Characters: Kim Namjoon x Reader
Chapter:  01  02  03  04  05  06  07  08
A/N: I tried to make this chapter as fluffy as I could. Only the Epilogue remains!
Also, I don’t know if this will show up in the search or the tag or whatever rip.
PS: There are stars in his eyes!
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The nurse stood to my side, helping me unpack the small care package that had been put together as a token of good wishes for me.
Among the chocolates and hair and skin care, there was a pretty dress with watercolour flowers printed on it. “You should wear that to visit your parents. I’m sure they’d like to see you out of the uniform. It must get dreary for them to see you like that.” The nurse told me and I dutifully obeyed.
She was right, because the moment my parents saw me in the dress they smiled, as if I was already ready to come home.
Maybe in a way I was.
The dress hadn’t erased the scars, the still fading bruises around my skin but the absence of the uniform did make it seem like I wasn’t still haunted by them.
The eyes told a different story. They were gaunt, sunken and if looked closely you could see the last vestiges of Jungkook’s closed eyes still in them.
I didn’t feel safe outside, where people would look, ask questions, point fingers. They would always see Jungkook’s absence in my presence, the infectious laughter that plagued me when he was around, now a deafening silence that echoed louder than any music I could ever play.
In here, it was really a sanctuary. Nobody asked, nobody spoke of it, they understood, they had lived something too.
I did not want to leave.
But even I knew that I had to…
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“Hi sweetheart,” my mother said as I sat in front of them.
The exit interview was going to occur in Dr. Sihyuk’s office, the verdict if I was remotely secure enough to go back in the real world would be passed here but it seemed like no one wanted to use the prison like visitation room anymore.
“You look nice,” my mother said quietly, looking at the dress with a sort of sad wistfulness in her eyes. My finger fiddled with the edge of a frill on it before tugging it down.
“Thank you mom,” I whispered.
My hands twitched, fumbling with anything I could reach and my eyes kept jumping to the clock that refused to move fast. Everything was too fast and yet it wasn’t moving fast enough.
I didn’t want to sit in the scrutiny of my parents as they picked me apart with their set beliefs. That’s the thing about people, no matter how hard they want to or even if they believe it, you cannot keep from forming a standard for people, especially the ones you loved. You might not judge them, but you usually always categorise them.
Maybe I had done the same for myself.
I thought of myself as broken, a mess and now I couldn’t see myself as anything else.
I didn’t think my parents could work with that, not when they expected a restored daughter back home.
I wouldn’t be restored, would never be who I used to be, not when I was still haunted by Jungkook’s closed eyes and when his hand had been wrenched from mine because of my own actions.
Just when I thought I couldn’t handle it anymore, the door was pushed open and the head nurse stuck her head in.
“Y/N, the doctor is ready for you now,” she said softly, casting a sympathetic smile at my parents as my mother stood to embrace me.
“You’ll be fine, honey. Just remember, we’ll love you no matter what ok?” she said softly.
I could only nod numbly as I followed the nurse to Sihyuk’s office. This was it. I was going to be in that interview room for as long as he saw fit and then with one verdict it’d be proved if I was ready for the world or not.
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My eyes followed the blades of the ceiling fan as it went round…round…round…round…
“Y/N,” Dr. Sihyuk said, trying to capture my attention but my eyes didn’t stray from the ceiling.
“We can stay here for as long as it takes but you know you have to answer these questions. If you’re not ready, we can always postpone.” He amended gently.
I sighed, looking down at the therapist.
“I don’t want to postpone, I don’t want this to weigh on my mind for any longer.” I said quietly.
“Very well, I’ll ask again, how you feel you’ve progressed?” he asked.
I played with the fringes again as I considered.
“I felt I had, I’ll be honest. Now, sitting here, I feel like all the work that had been done on my recovery is just going to evaporate the moment I burst my bubble and go back out.” I replied. “I feel okay but then there are times when I’ll wake up from dreams. Some, I’ll remember, some I don’t but I really want to feel like I’m going to be okay. I just don’t know if I’m ready to feel that way again.”
“Why do you feel that?” he asked.
“It’s comfortable here.” I smiled. “I don’t have to think about it.”
“Y/N, what happened with your friend wasn’t your fault. It was nobody’s fault. I won’t go and say that it was what fate wanted because that would be cruel but maybe you could consider knowing that there was nothing you could’ve done.” Sihyuk said, making a small tick on his clipboard.
“I could’ve driven properly.” I replied.
“You could also have let him drive, in which case there might have been two scenarios. Either the accident wouldn’t have happened or that you might have been the one who passed. Do you want Jungkook to have gone through what you are?” he asked.
I gulped. “Of course not,”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t want that for you either.”
“That’s not what his family thinks.”
“Have you spoken to them about what they think?” he asked.
I shook my head, “I couldn’t, not after the funeral,”
“Then don’t assume, it’s the worst thing you could do to yourself and them, the guilt will never go away if you assume what people are thinking about you,” he said.
I blinked and looked down.
“You think I’m ready to leave don’t you?” I asked quietly.
Dr. Sihyuk stopped to give me a look.
“I could give you what you want, and have you stay on, Y/N. That might help you now, but sooner or later you will start to question yourself; what if you’d gotten out now? Would things have been different? So, what do you want to do; because in my opinion, I think a prospective discharge might be good for you? You are of course free to come back later or choose to stay on.”
My eyes went back to the ceiling fan as it went round…round…round…
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The familiar cry of my name made my head swivel as soon as I exited Dr. Sihyuk’s office, my final verdict in hand.
Namjoon pulled himself off the wall next to the door and came up to me, a small dimpled smile gracing his face. “Hey,” he said softly.
I stared at him for a few seconds, confused about why he was talking to me again.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N. I know I haven’t spoken to any of you in a long while but I was just…I guess I wasn’t really hit with the serious shit that happens here and with people till Jimin. I know it’s a dumbass excuse but I took some time to be mature and handle it. I’m sorry, honestly.” He said, too fast and with not enough breath between his words.
Namjoon’s smile faltered at my silence before he hitched it up, still waiting for a reply.
“Hi Joon,” I whispered, giving him what he wanted and the smile increased.
“So…I heard Yoongi Hyung talking about your discharge. I wanted to catch you before but I missed you. How did it go?” he asked.
I shrugged before handing him the sheet and he took it, glasses glinting in the lights as he read through it carefully.
He took a fair while, probably reading it more than once and I knew his eyes were flitting continuously over the ending sentence.
Patient is permissible to be discharged.
“Looks good, right?” he asked, handing the paper back to me.
“You think so?” I asked quietly, taking it back, my own eyes gazing at the parting line, discouraged.
Namjoon pouted, taking my hand to pull me to a side so we wouldn’t get in the way of the bustling orderlies. “You don’t think so?” he countered.
“I don’t know what I think, actually. I’m just…really confused.” I said.
Namjoon nodded in sympathy, thick eyebrows furrowed before they lifted. “Hey, let’s go to the Lake.” He blurted suddenly.
I frowned. “Just us?” I asked.
He nodded. “It’s probably your last days here and you might not get a chance to have an alone time there now. We’ll go with the others soon but come on; you can tell me what’s wrong to your heart’s content.” He said.
I looked around to see if any nurse was watching us then nodded, grabbing his hand as we quickly made our way through the back staircase to head out.
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“Ok, so now tell me what is bothering you,” Namjoon said.
He and I were sitting right near the small hill; we’d climbed the first time I’d been there. He’d taken off his cardigan to wrap around me as the cool watery breeze brushed by us.
I glanced at him as he put his hands on his knees, rubbing at them.
“I’m…I just…I don’t know how comfortable I’d be back at home. What if I just have to come back? I’d rather not leave just to be back to square one.”
He frowned to himself.
“Will it be that bad? Coming back here,” he asked.
“No, it’s not like that. It’s just, if I leave, I’ll leave with false hopes that I’m better and then they’ll be crushed if I have an anxiety attack the first day I’m back in the real world. I’d rather not have that kind of disappointment. Being here, it’s safe and secure, at least for me. I have you all, you won’t judge me, and you won’t berate me. I can’t say the same for outside. What if…?”
What if I get confronted by Jungkook’s friends and family?
I shook my head and so did Namjoon.
“I can see where you’re coming from. It’s called a Sanctuary for a reason,” he smiled before fully turning to look at me.
“As someone who has been running from his problems for…forever, I’d tell you to risk it,” he said.
I gave him a wide eyed stare.
“What?” I croaked.
He laughed at that. “Like I said, I’ve had some serious time for retrospection. If I’d just manned up and told my parents that I wasn’t interested in what they wanted for me, tried my best to get away from me instead of just trying to run away, I probably wouldn’t have been here. Aside from the fact, I’d never have met you all; I can tell you for sure I can see where I made a few wrong choices. You don’t have to coop yourself in just because you fear the world. If you can’t face it, you’ll never be ready.”
I looked down at my crossed legs.
“You think I should go with it?” I confirmed.
I could feel him smile. “Yes, provided you don’t forget about us, of course.”
I giggled. “Of course not, you’re my best friends.”
The words flew out of my head and even as Namjoon grinned widely, your own head turned to stare over the water.
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“Jungkook, please, please stop!” I panted, my hands reaching for the taller boy as he kept on pushing forward.
For his part, the boy turned to look at my near prostate figure before rolling his eyes.
“Come on, Y/N,” he huffed.
“We’ve been walking for two hours! Can’t we please, please, take a break?” I could almost feel drool pooling in my mouth as my breath frothed around my lips.
Jungkook pursed his lips, eyeing me with disdain.
“It hasn’t even been a full twenty minutes.” He corrected me.
I groaned again, clutching my legs.
“Oh my god, don’t be a brat, Y/N! Weren’t you the one who wanted to do this? Since, mainstream gym is out of your league?” Jungkook deigned to come back over to me and stand over me.
I gave him the ugliest look I could muster while feeling my muscles cramp and I was pretty sure it didn’t work since Jungkook laugh. He actually laughed.
Reaching down, he wrapped his arms around my torso and hiked me up against his.
“If you’re good for a few more minutes, I promise to turn us back and head back to the car.” He tempted.
“Why, what’s there in a few more minutes?” I asked.
“Something you’ll like.” He smiled before starting to hike back up the hill, hand holding mine so I wouldn’t stop again.
After meeting Jungkook over the coffee incident, he’d taken me to his apartment first, handing me a smaller shirt of his sheepishly as he told me that he was going to donate it and it might as well go somewhere where it was needed. Apparently I was what he meant but I passed over the comment and just changed into it, about to shove my soiled shirt in my bag when he offered to wash it for me as well.
“You don’t have to,” I’d said but he’d insisted, bunny teeth peeking through his sincere smile and I hadn’t been able to say no.
The next time when we’d met at the cafe near campus, he’d given me my shirt back and we’d had a real conversation, learning that we had most of our classes together but had never hung about in the same circles, him with his music and me with my literature.
That had soon changed, a bond of friendship pulling us together closer and closer till I was comfortable telling him about being unhappy with my current physique.
He’s happily suggested taking me to his gym with him, which I’d refused, my inner fantasy being all about maintaining shape while pursuing out of the ordinary adventures.
His next suggestion had been hiking to the top of the nearest hill and I’d taken him up on it.
…of course, it wasn’t going too well…
Mainly, because I hadn’t stretched before…not because I couldn’t keep up with the extra fit and nimble Jeon Jungkook...
He dragged me with him for a few more steps.
“Are we there yet?” I grumbled.
“Y/N, I told you, we’ll go back if you behave,” he warned, ignoring my whining as we trudged on.
Just as I was about to collapse again, and take him down with me, he stopped, turning to grin at me.
“We’re here.”
“Where’s here?” I asked.
Jungkook rolled his eyes again, dropping my hand to place both of his on my shoulders, spinning me around to face to the front.
My mouth fell open as we saw our small college town sprawling over the horizon.
“We’re at the top of the hill, Y/N.” Jungkook said a laugh in his voice and I turned to him, awed.
“How, I mean…”
“I told you, it’s a small hill, Y/N, we’d have made it to the top in under an hour.”
“It seemed longer.”
“It did, but you made it,” he grinned.
“We did! I feel so accomplished right now,” I whispered, “Thank you for bearing with me and getting me here.”
“Of course, you’re my best friend.” He whispered back.
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