#everyone say THANK YOU ETHAN HAWKE !!
super-nova5045 · 1 year
you telling me the guy who plays the fruity dude in dps ALSO plays the creepy serial killer in the black phone is ALSO an ex of kill bill girl and is ALSO MAYA HAWKE'S DAD????
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It’s a scream, baby
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Summary: Dean and you discuss what the best Horror film is
Word count: 0.5k
A/n: In your opinion, what’s the best slasher movie?
A/a/n: Y’all please ignore the graphics on this one, I literally didn’t sleep at all last night because I was finishing a book. So please just ignore it. Thank you!
“No,no,no,no,no.” You quickly spoke, the bucket of popcorn jumbling around in your lap. “Carrie, only killed everyone because she was made fun of on the best day of her life. If she weren’t then everyone would still be alive.”
“But that doesn’t make her movie the best horror film.” Dean accused, mouth filled with half eaten popcorn as he did so. 
You rolled you eyes, “I never said Carrie was the best horror film, I was just trying to make a valid point.”
“And it was a valid point, but that still doesn’t answer the main question.”
“Does it really matter?” Sam asked, trying his hardest to focus on the slasher film both you and Dean forced him to watch. 
“Yes.” You both said in unison.
Facing you again, Dean began to make his own point. “Friday the 13th, is by far the best horror film.” He told you grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bucket before popping it in his mouth. “Because it has all the right things a good slasher would need, a great backstory, a power hungry killer and most importantly tits.”
“Ok, one,” you began, holding up a single digit. “The first movie sucked, the second was the best of the franchise. Two, Jason was not power hungry, he was a man with severe mommy issues. And, three, all 70’s to early 90’s slasher has a girl showing her tits.”
“Not all of them.” Dean muttered. 
“And besides, all the girls that ended up flashing the camera were dead by the end. That’s Scream, 101. Which I think is the best slasher.”
Dean let out a chuckle, “And why would Scream be better that Friday the 13th?”
“The Ghostfacers are hot.” You told him bluntly, taking a quick sip of your beer. 
“They’re hot?” He said, almost as to see if he was hearing you right. “That’s why you think it’s the best horror film.”
Dean looked over at his brother, trying to see if he was agreeing with you or not. Even though Sam had stopped listening to either of you a good couple of minutes ago. Glancing back over at you again, he squinted his eyes ever so slightly. “What other slashers do you find hot?”
You looked up at the ceiling, hand coming up in front of you as you began to start counting on your fingers. “The ghostfacers, with or without the masks, Micheal Myers, Jason, that Tiffany girl-“
“Tiffany is a doll.” Dean stated.
“And?” You then continued. “That dude from fear street, that had the potato sack over his head, he was really hot then. And, the guy from the black phone.”
Dean furrowed his eyebrows, “I thought the guy from Black Phone was gay.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Y/n, he kidnapped little boys and watched them while they slept. He isn’t just gay, he is also a pedophile.” He told you, pointing an accusing hand over at the TV as if it were the moving playing. 
“Ok, so, he might be gay. Big deal. But, Ethan Hawke had some great tits in that movie.”
Dean gave you a funny look, “Why were you staring at his tits?”
“The same reason you do, Dean.” You told him placing a couple pieces of buttered popcorn on you tounge. “The same exact reason you do.”
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Hey babe can u pls make Ethan (or Jack) x older reader? (I am 3 years older than him ☠️☠️) drink water n always try to sleep 8 hours ❤️
perfect opportunity to set a rule. i won't be writing for any real people. but I'm happy to write a little fluff piece for ethan! (i’m also two years older, little 2002 baby) also thank you for the love❤️❤️
reader is gender-neutral.
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WC: 826
warnings: cursing
“you’re fucking with us.”
“no, i’m not.”
the table got silent and then, “nah. no way you have a partner. especially an older partner.” chad planted his foot down. he knew ethan wanted a bit of respect in the friend group, but this was a huge fib.
ethan rolled his eyes, “when you say older it makes it seem like i’m dating a widower. they're just three years older. they work at the school library.” hoping that might give some type of autonomy for them to rack their brains about.
“dude, that doesn’t give us a single clue about them. we don’t study at the library twenty-four-seven like you.” tara pointed out.
“also most of us have easier classes,” mindy with her sarcasm. anika chided her girlfriend before asking ethan her own question, “how long have you been dating?”
ethan got a bit shy, head turning as he scratched his ear. “about three, almost four months.”
“oh, shit. ethan i didn’t know you had that much game.” chad cheered as he clapped ethan’s shoulder. ethan’s face showed confusion, “just three minutes ago you didn’t even believe i had a partner. now you're saying i have game?”
chad shrugged, “eh. still gotta meet this wonderful person that swept little ethan landry off his feet before i one hundred percent believe you.”
“i’m sure they are a lovely person,” anika tried to uplift ethan from the backhanded comments. “maybe we could meet them. if they're up for that?”
ethan smiled at his friend as he nodded his head. “i’ll- i’ll ask them. but they’ve mentioned before wanting to meet everyone.”
tara shimmed her shoulders and awes, “so you talk about us? hope it’s all good stuff.” fist to her cheek as she smiles.
“yeah- yeah. always- always good things.” ethan messed with the pages of his textbook. his homework was forgotten once you became the topic of discussion.
“you two have sex yet?” mindy outright asked. everyone exclaimed loudly, chad was also curious. tara and anika argued with the twins' childish antics.
“you don’t have to answer that ethan.” tara reminded him. she swatted chad’s shoulder. the boy exaggerated the pain the five-foot girl caused to his muscled shoulder.
ethan didn’t even have a chance to stutter out any comment. there was a yell of his name and everyone turned their heads towards the noise. and when ethan turned a smile lit up his face and he jumped from his seat. his head of bouncing curls and jacket pushed by the wind as his converse-clad feet carried him halfway across the campus grounds to your open arms.
your arms over his shoulders and his around your waist. he lifted your feet off the ground, face tucked into his neck, and gave your bodies a twirl, once then twice before stopping in place. you leaned back, hands sliding from behind and cupping his cheeks as he held your hips.
“hi, pretty boy.” a kiss to his waiting lips. he hummed at the touch before you pulled away.
“hi, baby.” another peck between lips. “i’ve missed you.”
a light chuckle, “i saw you this morning.” a hand pushing curls around.
he gave your hips a squeeze, “well now you're making it sound like a bad thing. can’t i miss my favorite person?”
the corner of your mouth quirked up. something over ethan’s shoulder caught your attention and it brought a tilt to your head. from the corner of your eye, you could see ethan’s brows furrow in the middle.
you nicked your chin, “there is a group of people behind you just watching us like starving hawks.” right hand left ethan’s features and gave a timid wave to the little group. they all turned away except for a guy who waved back enthusiastically before a girl hit his shoulder.
ethan turned his body, one arm holding you to his side as the other pushed hair from his forehead. he sighed, “those starving hawks are my friends. who happen to believe you don’t exist.”
looking away from his friends and attention turned to his side profile. your eyes detailed the shape of his nose and the point of his cupids bow along with the speckled freckles. 
“well,” arm around his waist hugged him tight, “why don’t i introduce myself? hope they're not disappointed i'm not a unicorn.”
you pulled away from ethan, arm running along his back before catching his hand and tugging him behind you. a look over your shoulder and the flush to ethan’s chubby cheeks, it just made you fall even deeper into the tight grasp that was wrapped around your heart.
your so lucky ethan landry walked into your life on that random wednesday.
feet stopping at the head of the table, ethan behind your shoulder with hands still held. a beaming smile parted your lips while giving a gentle wave to the four pairs of watchful eyes.
“hi, i’m y/n l/n, ethan’s partner.”
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Let’s look at the music! 
(While writing this I realized I was incredibly long winded and lacked the capacity to shut up about things I liked so this is going to be broken up into different posts because holy shit can you imagine? This is just about episode 1. There are going to be several posts after this because I can’t stop myself.) 
I don’t know about you, but I have been obsessed with the Moon Knight soundtrack. I am no music expert. I can’t talk to you about the chords or thematic major and minor shifts. I just know what sounds good to me and how music makes me feel. 
So let this non qualified music listener gush to you about the MUSIC that made this series. 
Firstly: Hesham Nazih is a mastermind. 
Everything about this show has such amazing thought put into it. From the set designs to the costumes to the absolutely fucking amazing easter eggs that we are still finding only by screen shotting each and every single frame. 
The director and composer are both Egyptian and wanted to portray their culture correctly. They wanted to bring their culture to a world that is used to horrid stereotypes and a burnt sienna toned world full of backwards and underdeveloped civilizations. The cinematographer took away the sand filter that Hollywood loves to place over Egypt and the absolute love and care that was taken from hiring an Egyptologist to having real Arabic all over to showing Cairo as a real and beautiful place… There are just no words to express how overwhelmingly wonderful it all is. 
Moon Knight is the first Marvel Piece that can be seen as absolutely stand alone with no prior knowledge of the MCU. It also doesn’t require you to have read any of the comics. But there are so many hidden gems for those that are fans of the comics. Gems that we can pull out and put on a platter and hand to the non-comic fans and everyone can still appreciate. Which is outstanding. 
So it is safe to say that with so much care in everything, is it a far stretch to think that the music would also not hold such wonderful gems? Maybe not always on purpose, but just enough of a wink wink nudge nudge to make you wonder… 
So let’s start with the actual songs chosen.
Episode 1: 
Every Grain of Sand - Bob Dylan
A Man Without Love - Engelbert Humperdinck
Arab Trap: Made in Egypt - DJ KABOO
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
Bahlam Maak - Nagat
“Every Grain of Sand” by Bob Dylan 
Firstly, I'm not a Bob Dylan fan. Never have been. But I am very aware of the history of Bob Dylan and the use of his songs in history. The man is meant to stand for peace and love in a tumultuous time. This particular album/song was released during Dylan's 'born again' christian phase. Filled with biblical references, talk of a past sin and looking forward to redemption it very clearly represents Harrow himself. Also there is an obvious motiff of sand, which has a huge born again theme in this show (Marc dying in the desert and becoming Moon Knight. The Duat. Finding Steven and bringing him back. Coming back from the Duat. The sand around Steven’s bed in a protective circle to reveal secrets….). 
A man that has lost faith in what Khonshu stood for and found faith in another path. The song shows Harrow as he works out his own ritual of self penance. 
This is the first song we hear in the whole series. We instantly understand that this is not the main character. In fact, it's easy enough to put together that this is the bad guy who believes in his own cultish/self righteous ideas. (Thank you Ethan Hawke for your glorious idea for the glass in shoes, it paid off). 
He has a routine and it is meticulous and careful with ideas of who he wants to be. It's a calming song that sounds so carefree. 
Now we instantly move to the next song and WHAT A CONTRAST. It's the most beautiful transition opening in ages. 
“A Man Without Love” - Engelbert Humperdinck
I cannot express how much I love this opening. How it first plays over the Marvel credits so you know that NOW we are getting into the show. 
How it fades out and then crescendos into Steven Waking up. 
Now we meet our hero and we see his routine. We don't know him yet but we are rapidly looking into his personal world. His apartment, his tether, his taped door.... We meet him talking to his Mum with love and see him feeding his fish. He heads out to work and every bit about him screams "Lonely is a man without love" along with the song. This song is a love ballad about a man pining for love. It sets the tone, the character, and prepares you to see a man trying to find his way. 
Honestly, can’t you see this song opening with one of those older romantic type movies about a sad man who is alone and falls in love with some perfect lady. It’s misleading. Of course now we know what’s going to happen. It’s not about him finding love out there. It’s about a man without self love. A man who finds a friend/brother/person who can share his life with. But we’ll circle back around to this song in the last episode. And it will have such vital significance then. 
“Arab Trap: Made in Egypt” - DJ KABOO
This is the first song we get that is not immediately served to a white audience. The first two songs are ones your grandparents could have sat down and listened to on the radio while feeling nostalgic. 
The original song is “Khosara” by Abdel Halim. Go give it a listen! DJ Kaboo took that original ditty and turned it into a hell of a Trap sound. 
This one is a play on what we think of when we hear the words 'Egyptian music'. The playful whistle. The beats. What's ironic is that this plays as Steven is LEAVING the museum where he works in the Ancient Egyptian area. 
Here we see Steven talking to the living statue. He talks to him like a friend and explains his continued loneliness. The music fades away. It's a simple touch, but it gives an intro into something different. 
“Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” - Wham!
Okay this song. This scene is absolutely the best. It's the scene that won me over and had me cracking up. Every time we see Steven waking up, we get a song about the state of his waking up. From waking up as a man breaking up without love to a song about a man waking up in a complete state of confusion and panic. This song is so happy and carefree. 
A song about asking for their significant other to wake them up so they don't have to be alone and they can go dancing with them. 
We see Steven and Marc fighting for control and waking up in worse and worse situations. 
“Bahlam Maak” - Nagat
The first song in Arabic. 
Translated it means "Dream with you".
It's romantic and soft. It’s old. It sounds almost like classic elevator music akin to “girl from ipanema”. We hear it while Steven is waiting at the steakhouse for a date that isn’t going to happen. It’s almost like we are looking into Steven’s idea of a romantic date. With his suit and flowers and chocolates. 
It's a song about dreaming of someone sailing to meet them and them sailing together. Here are the lyrics roughly translated (I do mean roughly because I do not speak Arabic...yet). 
I dream with you .. of a ship
and a harbor .. to anchor us
and we sail again
the wind resists ..and i found you
in your eyes .. and your hands
my shore and my wishes
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me 
my name and your name .. my dear
my town .. and my story
my home and my wanderer
the whole world
with its secrets
living with me
living inside me
as long as you're .. in the journey with me
So we have yet ANOTHER song about dreaming. Or waking up and secrets. How clever all of the things that are casually tossed in with more meaning. 
All these songs really do add together and build up our picture of Steven. Fun songs, happy sounding songs, loving soft songs, but all about being alone, of wanting someone there to do things with, to share with. 
The composed songs are all dramatic or simple background music. They are huge shifts from the actual songs that we overtly hear. But they are all in the background. They are there to build the tension and mystery that is quietly and slowly pushing into Steven’s life. 
We don't actually hear the Moon Knight Theme until the very end of the episode. This whole episode we've had slow hints in the background composed music. Quiet nods to it. And then as the big reveal happens, it comes blasting in on full chorus. 
HERE IT IS. THE THEME OF THE SHOW. Over the credits! This show is not about the violence and fighting choreography (though when we get it, it is wonderful and a true thing to see). This show is about the slow burn leading up to what makes Moon Knight. It’s about the mystery. The inner workings that come before we can see the man the myth the legend. 
What I love about the music episode to episode is that there is no standard format! Every opening is different. Every closing song is different. EVEN THE CLOSING IMAGES ARE DIFFERENT. You have to pay attention to absolutely every single last thing. 
But oh the Moon Knight main theme. It's so beautiful. The orchestra is playing. The horns smoothly trailing off. It isn’t just blasting about beat’em’up. It’s got the feel of coming out of Egypt. It feels like a song played at night under a full moon. 
The music alone is enough to send me flying. And this is just episode one. You hear any of these songs now and you instantly know what it’s from. What was happening on the screen. This is such a far cry from a lot of big movies/shows now. With throw away background stuff that blends in or is so generic. Each song is picked to mean something. To set the scene. To set the tone. To set the character! 
Anyone listen to Man without love now and not see the apartment and Steven waking up? Anyone hear Wake me up and not see a cupcake truck careening desperately down a mountain? I don’t think so. At least for me that’s the case. But I”m a little hyped up right now. I can’t wait to get into the other episodes as the music ONLY GETS BETTER AND MORE THEMATIC. Oh my god the music gets so much better. GO LISTEN TO IT. 
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
Leather for the rosebuds
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Pairings: AU professors -Ethan Hawke x F!Reader
Words: 3649
Warnings: Corporal punishment, humilliations, abuse of authority, spanking, fingering, spit fetish, urination (NO kink), light choking.
It was not uncommon for students to get distracted and play even when teachers were present, yet the consequences of crossing the line between harmless behavior and disobedience could be dire. And that was what you were about to discover after the class you loathed the most.
You hadn't had a good week, and it seemed like school was only adding fuel to the fire, your bad mood was about to flare up and anything, no matter how small, would push you over the edge. Geometry class had never been fun, but it was more or less bearable thanks to who was teaching it.
 At first, all anyone could say was that Professor Hawke looked as good as any teacher of insufferable classes, although most girls and some boys also added that at least the professor had some appeal, perhaps because of his icy blue eyes that didn't hesitate to linger on the students', as if challenging them, perhaps because in the middle of spring semester they had seen him roll up his shirt sleeves and could tell that, under the dull clothing, there was possibly a well-shaped body. Eventually, it turned out that the classes were bearable, sometimes even pleasant, because the professor put a lot of enthusiasm into what he did and did not hesitate to help whoever needed it in a good mood.
However, it was precisely during Geometry that your attitude worsened. You kept throwing biting words at your classmates, even raising your voice a couple of times at one of them, Richard, the class clown.
"Would you shut the fuck up already?" you blurted out, glaring angrily at him. In truth Richard wasn't doing anything particularly annoying, but your mood wasn't to tolerate even a slight chuckle, and it happened that the boy sat behind you. 
"Hey, take it easy" Richard replied, surprised "It's no big deal."
"You can't go a damn day without making an ass of yourself, can you?"
"What's going on there?" professor Hawke paused while writing a formula and looked down your row. Just what you were missing, you thought, a scolding in front of your stupid classmates "Mr. Wayne..."
"I didn't do anything to her, I swear!" defended Richard "I just had a little laugh."
"Miss (Y/LN)?" his eyes fell on you, splendid and overpowering. You felt uncomfortable, though you didn't know exactly why "Do you consider that vocabulary appropriate for a classroom?"
You noticed from afar another girl, Amanda, giggling under her breath.
"Oh for God's sake, you shut up too," you blurted out to her. 
"Are you talking to me?" inquired Amanda.
"Don't make that pouty face" you grumbled.
"Miss (Y/LN), that's enough" the teacher warned you "Step to the blackboard and finish the formula."
You knew he was punishing you, and you knew it would amuse the crowd, so when you passed by him and he offered you the chalk, you took it with a jerk and a lowered gaze. You were very close to him, a privilege almost no one got, but you were still angry, and at that moment you also hated the teacher for putting you in that situation. 
You started to write but, after a couple of lines, you felt confused. You looked at the blackboard more and more nervously because you were aware that everyone was looking at you, but you couldn't finish the formula. You felt a burning in your face and tears threatening to come out, and you heard a faint chuckle behind you.
"Everything all right?" asked Professor Hawke, planting himself next to you. The hand with which you held the chalk trembled.
"You don't look so rough anymore, (Y/N)" Amanda muttered, but thanks to the general silence you could hear her. Before the teacher could say anything to her, you turned around and, without thinking, advanced towards her desk.
"Do you have a problem?" you blurted out "Come on, tell me!"
"Miss (Y/LN)!" the teacher tried to get your attention, but you were looking at Amanda angrily. She wasn't one of your favorites, you considered her too conceited and hypocritical.
"Speak up, I'm listening to you!"
"Get away from me, you lunatic!" she blurted out.
"Enough!" ordered the teacher "Miss Jenkins, your comments were out of line, Miss (Y/LN), return to your place."
You were dying to hit Amanda or whomever, you couldn't stand to see that prude face fleeing at your flaming gaze, your head hurt more and you could almost hear your heart.
"Miss (Y/LN), for the last time, return to your seat."
You weren't going to stand for it, you backed up and started walking towards the exit door, ignoring the directions. But before you reached it, a body stepped in the way, and you saw Professor Hawke standing in front of the door, he was tall enough that you had to look up into his face, and you noticed that he was getting angry too.
You crossed the line, and upon discovering him your own anger erupted.
"Let me out, please." 
"I told you to go back to your place, you disobeyed a direct order."
"This isn't a fucking barracks-"
"And you insist on talking like that" he added, his voice had become deeper and lower, dangerous "You will return to your seat and stay there until after school"
You clenched your fists, the blue eyes finished consuming your inner fire and you returned, crestfallen but not defeated, to your desk. The class continued, no one dared to comment on anything, even Richard looked stony because it was the first time they actually saw the Geometry teacher get upset. 
With about ten minutes left in the class, you raised your hand. Professor Hawke had his back to you, finishing writing down another formula, but you waited patiently for several seconds, trying not to look around. Finally, the man turned around.
"When we encounter solid three-dimensional figures, we must consider in our calculations the overall volume" he explained, calm as if he didn't notice you were trying to tell him something. You waved your hand like a toddler and almost wanted to jump up and down in your seat in desperation until he finally deigned to look at you "Yes?"
"Can I go to the bathroom?"
"I thought my indication earlier had been clear" he replied, raising his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes, was he joking?
"I'm sorry, Miss (Y/LN), your privilege is revoked until further notice" and after those words, he turned his gaze back to the blackboard to continue with the class. 
The next few minutes you were struggling with the increasingly intense urge to urinate, squeezing your thighs together, taking slow, deep breaths or trying to find a different sitting position. When the bell rang, Professor Hawke turned to the group, his smile conciliatory.
"For the next class, I'll need you to bring graph paper and the scale ruler, have a nice day." 
You were already about to bolt as soon as you finished collecting your books, when the man added in a loud voice:
"Miss (Y/LN), stay a moment, please."
Despite your desperation, you didn't want to get into any more trouble and stood in front of your desk while the rest came out. Professor Hawke advanced to the door and closed it, pulling the small blind that covered the opaque glass of the door. Just as quietly, he returned to the desk and motioned to you.
"Have a seat here, in front." 
You moved forward with the feeling that one false move would make a mess of your clothes.
"Mr. Hawke..." you murmured, but he interrupted you.
"You didn't really think you were going to leave without a punishment, did you?" undeterred, he opened one of his books and began to flip through "We're going to do a little general volume review of curved figures."
"Sorry, I really need to go to the bathroom."
The man interlaced his fingers over the book, staring at you. His face was hieratic, but his voice again took on that dangerous timbre.
"You don't seem to be understanding. You are going to sit at that desk right in front of me and go over the volume formulas for curved lines, and you are not to speak or move from that spot until I allow you to."
You had always had the professor pegged as strict but understanding. However, he really seemed to mean what he said.
"Please..." you almost begged "I won't run away, I promise, I just want-"
The man stood up so fast you were startled.
"Sit down" he ordered "I don't want to repeat myself."
You could take your things and run away, if you managed to unlock the door before he caught up with you, but then you would have to explain a lot of things and maybe the punishment would get worse, because that school was one of those that believed in the strictest discipline. You sat down, cursing in your head, and with trembling hands you took your notebook and pencil. The teacher stood in front of you, leaning on the desk, and began to dictate the formulas in his slow, calm voice.
You didn't know how long it had been going on, the tingling and discomfort in your bladder occupied almost all your attention, you began to write clumsily, you made mistakes and Professor Hawke, as if he didn't know what was happening to you, reduced himself to correcting you by pointing out the misspelled parts and repeating the correct form. You couldn't take it anymore and again, teary-eyed, you lifted your face.
"Sir, please!" 
The professor didn't flinch, he looked at you coldly without making any gestures. 
"Please!" you pleaded again, and a tear slipped from your face. It was too late, you could feel your sphincter giving up, whatever happened you weren't going to be able to avoid what was coming, and the only reason you didn't get up was because you didn't want to make the situation worse, if that was possible.
Something warm soaked your skirt, and you felt the liquid trickling down your thighs. Humiliated, you ducked your head to cry, your hands trembled, and you dropped your pencil so you could cover your face. It was a nightmare, you thought, it was not possible that you had really just peed in the classroom, and on top of that, in front of the Geometry teacher. 
The teacher noticed what happened, and sighed with resignation. 
"(Y/N), get up" it was the first time he used your name, and that only made you feel more miserable "Get up" he ordered more emphatically, reaching out a hand to grab your arm and force you off the desk. The back of your skirt was wet, and a tiny puddle had formed on the seat, dripping down to the floor, and you couldn't stop crying.
"Please let me out" you begged again, all you wanted was to run away, but he ignored your words.
"(Y/N), you are going to put your hands on the edge of the desk and lean your back forward" he indicated in that low, intimidating voice. You had no choice, and as you stood like that, disgusted by your condition, you heard him say, "Part of discipline is to face the consequences of our actions, even those we perform without intending to harm someone."
You heard a curious, metallic noise. You cocked your head to one side, but then Professor Hawke blurted out:
"I didn't tell you to move!" 
You ducked your head again, nervous. 
"I'm sorry," you said only, hoping that didn't make him angrier. Fortunately, it didn't seem to.
"You know that damaging school property is grounds for sanction" he explained. You couldn't see him, but he was folding his sleeves, as you so often saw him do in class for the secret enjoyment of the students, including you "I won't pass on a report of what happened, but I want you to learn this day...that every act has its consequences. Count to ten."
You didn't get to ask why he wanted you to count, because you knew thanks to an intense pain that hit you in your lower body. A sudden, stabbing pain, straight against your butt and which you immediately related to a wide, narrow object. 
"Count!" he repeated to you. You gulped.
"One...Ah!" you received another stroke, not far from where the first one landed, and your body instinctively cringed.
"I won't count that one, speak up!"
"One!" you almost shouted.
"Good... just like that" and a third blow, which by bad luck you were to count only as the second, made you jump.
By then you were aware that he was hitting you with his belt. The situation was horrific in many ways, but you couldn't help but formulate in your mind the image you couldn't see: your body bent over the desk, your ass raised in the air in front of Professor Hawke's eyes, who was spanking it mercilessly as he ordered you to count each blow. It wasn't your best angle because you were dirty, but on the other hand, the nightmare seemed to slowly migrate to another complexion.
"Seven!" you whimpered, hiding your face in the desk. The professor reached over and, with little care, grabbed you by the hair and tugged on it to force your head up. You noticed his body clinging to yours, the subtle scent of his cologne, his breath caressing your cheek as he spoke to you.
"Don't bend your head, stay just as I ordered, or you will receive more spankings, do you understand?"
"Yes, sir." 
His eyes wandered over your face for a few seconds longer, your eyes glistening with tears, your lips trembling and bearing teeth marks. Professor Hawke nodded and let go of your hair, going back to the charge until you reached number ten. The clunk of the buckle as the belt hit the floor echoed throughout the room, and as you remained pinned to the desk, shaking and aching, you noticed a hand brush your back, almost tenderly, moving up between your shoulder blades to the back of your neck.
"See how easy it is?" he whispered, bringing his face close to yours again "You could have avoided all this...all you had to do was control yourself, like you just did. I bet you wanted to punch me, hmm?" his lips came close to your ear, and you could almost feel them brushing against your lobe "Tell me, are you still upset?"
You didn't know what to answer, his hand was still caressing you, now heading down to your hip. Careful not to touch the messy fabric, he slid his hand over your ass until he reached your right thigh, lifting the skirt to meet the bare skin underneath. 
"You're enjoying it, aren't you?" he almost seemed to tease when he said it "Are you one of those girls who gets off on being spanked?"
"No, sir" you replied, averting your gaze.
"Then why are you suddenly so submissive?" his other hand cupped your chin, causing you to turn your head towards him "Look at me."
His eyes seemed to hold another kind of fire, even more intense than yours, and his lips pressed against your cheek once, and again, tender kisses that seemed to test the waters. You closed your eyes, his hand still caressing your thigh, his mouth moved to yours and kissed it, first for a few moments, then with more intensity, imprisoning you.
"Open a little more" he commanded, and you obeyed him without thinking. His tongue entered your mouth, entwining with yours, and a moan of surprise was stifled between the two of you. His left hand left your face and slipped under your shirt, caressing the uncovered part of your breasts. You felt your knees weaken, unable to resist those well-measured and expert caresses that completely eliminated the pain you had gone through just a few minutes before.
The kiss broke, you half-opened your eyes, gasping, feeling abandoned even though you also needed to breathe. Professor Hawke's hands then went under your skirt, grabbed the elastic of your underwear and pulled until you felt the garment slide down your legs. You again felt an access of panic.
"Mr. Hawke!" 
"You can't leave them on" he replied "They're dirty."
Before you could protest he kissed you again, hugging your waist in such a way that his body was leaning from behind against yours. You could feel just above your thighs something hard behind the fabric of his pants, and determined to play along, you stood on your tiptoes and wiggled your hips a little, seeking to brush against him. Your attempt did not go unnoticed, and you heard the professor grunt:
"Forget it...I don't have condoms here."
The blunt way he said it made your insides tingle. Never had your fantasies gone so far, hearing from his own lips that he wished to fuck you was well worth the whole punishment thing.
"I could..." you murmured, surprised at your own boldness, in the midst of another kiss.
"What?" he asked. Again, you averted your gaze, and felt your cheeks flush.
"I can suck it."
The professor gave an affectionate chuckle, and stroked your hair.
"Open your mouth. Big." 
You did just as he said, his fingers squeezed your cheeks and you saw him smile.
"Yeah... I bet you'd look great with my cock in your mouth. But not today." 
He moved closer again, but instead of kissing you, he spat into your mouth. He slipped two fingers into it, playing with your and his saliva, pinching your tongue as if with pliers, and when he was satisfied he pulled them out, soaking wet, and brought his hand to your vulva. He brushed a finger between your labia, back and forth, and each time he reached your hypersensitive button he paused to squeeze it. It wasn't long before you began to breathe faster as his fingers stimulated your intimacy, each time going a little deeper into your pussy that was already throbbing in demand to be penetrated.
"You feel so good" he murmured, panting "You're so soft, so hot... what plump lips you have, I'd like to bite them..."
Your chest fell onto the desk, but the professor didn't reprimand you for it, he too was holding onto the desk, pressed as he was behind you. Your back arched and met his chest, and you took the opportunity to leave a kiss on his neck.
"Yes... do it again" he asked, and the next one was slower, pressing against your lips as if you wished to suck on the skin. A low groan escaped his lips "Yes... keep going, sweetie, keep going like this..."
You took his other hand, and meekly, Professor Hawke allowed you to bring it up to your mouth, where you took his thumb in your mouth and sucked on it, caressing it with your tongue as you felt his fingers finally enter you fully. Your walls tightened around them, and you noticed how he retracted and stretched them again, wrenching another moan from you that you barely managed to muffle with his other hand, which he rested over your mouth to silence you.
"Good girl..." he whispered as he fingered you "You're a good girl, so perfect..." he increased the speed and you noticed the tingle of the approaching orgasm, to your great surprise "You're close, aren't you? I can feel it, I can feel your pussy tightening... Can I hold your neck?" he asked, and you nodded. His free hand left your mouth and clutched at your throat, the feel of his long, firm fingers around your neck worked like fuel, and you began to move against his fingers, desperate "You want to cum, don't you? Let me..."
His fingers tightened a little more, you felt the pressure on the sides of your neck, and you listened to the professor explain:
"When the brain is deprived of oxygen for a few moments, bodily sensations increase, do you want to try?" 
You nodded without thinking, the idea was dangerous, but you didn't care, what more could you ask for if you were prey to the lust of that attractive man. You felt then that his hand was clenching tighter, and although you could breathe, somehow you felt as if he was strangling you. You imagined him doing the same, pushing you against the blackboard, claiming how you had misbehaved again in his class, and a series of languid whimpers accompanied the moments leading up to your longed-for climax.
"Harder" you pleaded, and Professor Hawke complied. You noticed difficulty breathing, but also that the tingling was increasing. A few seconds later, your whole body tensed, and with a final gasp you collapsed, feeling like jelly. 
"Are you ok?" your lover's voice seemed to reach you behind a dense fog, you felt how he placed kisses on your neck and face "You did very well... breathe, you need to relax... you did very well..."
After that you could better feel the sweat on your body, the wetness on your labia and thighs, the pain in your legs from having been in such an uncomfortable position for so long, and Professor Hawke's arms holding you as you regained your balance. His face was also sweaty, and his erection was still visible. You felt the urge to reach out a hand and touch him, but you restrained yourself to look at him and give him your most affectionate smile.
"Please forgive me" you said "I won't misbehave again, I promise."
The man laughed, brushing a few hairs away from your face to kiss your forehead.
"I know you won't... But, tell me... would you be interested in signing up for office hours?"
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youngbloodbuzz · 2 years
Maya Hawkes face should be illegal
truly an iconic face, everyone say thank you uma thurman (and ethan hawke I guess but rip mr ethan your genes never stood a chance)
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lserver362reviews · 2 years
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First: I am a huge gross Elvis apologist. Second: I had seen the trailer for this movie and said, "I'm not going to see that. It wasn't a Revival Tent that got Elvis into spirituality + music" and then Priscilla Presley took to social media and said that she had seen a screening of the film and that Austin Butler got the spirit of Elvis. Third: I watched 'Strictly Ballroom' and said, "Baz knows how to make a movie." Fourth: My sister is home for the first time in 2 years and she wanted us to see it together. Fifth: I try to make everyone I love see The King (2017) because it explains the cultural influence that this poor boy from Tupelo, MS had and how his life is a metaphor for the United States with the influence of capitalism and greed led by Mr. Colonel Tom Parker. I got to see that in a small local theater with the director and performance from one of my local musical heroes, Kat Wright, who makes an appearance for a performance in the back of one of Elvis' Rolls-Royce's. Six: I adore the '68 Comeback Special and I first saw it in the movie theater in 2018 and my world was rocked with how quietly political it is. Seven, and I'll start talking about this film now: Austin Butler killed it, as everyone has said in the reviews I've read, his appearance on Jimmy Fallon, and as Priscilla had shared. The mannerisms, the life, the dialogue, were all so solid. His performance goes beyond impersonation and it is a gift. There are points where it's hard to know how old he is because of Butler's youth but I can get past that. Now, I'm a fan of montage and maximalism (and I as stated in point one, huge Elvis fan) so that being said, this movie was basically made for me. The care that was put into the sequence of the Comeback Special made me cry. Baz really gets it (Thank you, Baz). The assassination of Bobby Kennedy during the filming of the special and therefore the inclusion of 'If I Can Dream' always makes me emotional. For everyone who wants to say that Elvis wasn't political in his own way needs to watch this sequence. Sure, he still stuck with what wouldn't alienate anyone and therefore sold out a bit, and held back real comment or stance, but I see what he did do as real action instead of just talk. I think overall, Baz really gets that Elvis is the culmination of a lot of things that are deeply American. I think it is a fumble to have Elvis be an anointed figure though. It rubbed me the wrong way in the trailer, as in point two, and in the film that the spirit and the music of Black Christians that influenced who Elvis was was depicted in the way it was. It's an unnecessary exaggeration in mine eyes. He didn't find his spiritual voice in a Revivalist Tent, that's just not it. What was not exaggerated enough was the change in Elvis' image over time. Bloated Elvis is hard to see but it illustrates the physical turmoil his lifestyle put him through. To do the performances that he did at the speed and schedule that he did drove him to medication and ultimately his death. This movie did a good job with working addiction in, while still being respectful to the family. I did also love the handling of his "shit ass movies" -Ethan Hawke, in The King (2017). Go watch them for yourselves, this movie didn't need to devote time to them! I loved the work in of Britney Spear's 'Toxic' and 'Viva Las Vegas'. Perfect way to sum up that decade of those movies. I think it's really apt that the last performance of 'Unchained Melody' is how most Elvis media ends. It was just so powerful while also being so desperate. It really showed a man at the end of his rope and life capacity. Showbiz can do that to you. I will say, that the Vegas years are not my area of expertise, I do tend to shield my eyes from the bloated king, so I'm curious about the attempted firing of the Colonel. I love that this movie worked in so many direct quotes and stage comments from Elvis, so I'll have to see if that really was something that happened on stage. I think it's a weird choice to have the Colonel be the narrator and how we access the story of Elvis. I guess it makes some kind of sense but I think most people will find it pretty disagreeable, sorry Tom Hanks. Overall, a really fun time and I love Elvis. I do recommend watching The '68 Comeback Special, The Searcher (2018), and The King (2017), and if you really want a laugh or to see how Ethan Hawke is correct, some of his "shit-ass movies".
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oscarisaac-source · 2 years
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‘🤍🌙🖤 Episode 4 from the sofa. #moonkight #watchparty #gang’
📷 elvira_lind_
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vesper-rey · 4 years
gattaca is enemies to lovers and no one can tell me otherwise
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nkatr84 · 2 years
Mo🌙n Knight Headcanons
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Still thinking (obsessing) about Moon Knight!
So we all agree Ammit was Khonshu’s ex right? Maybe it was just physical for Khonshu but she was planning their wedding until whoopsie! Khonshu reveals he’s in love with Hathor! (But he never makes a move because love would interfere with his mission) so now Ammit’s ticked off and decides that she should punish everyone who will ever do evil even if they haven’t done anything yet. Because her bird brained boyfriend never cheated on her but he was thinking about it!
Jake is not the “evil alter”. In fact when he fronts the body after Egypt and sees Khonshu he’s like, “oh those idiots didn’t include me on the deal…Khonshu you son of a…”. “Oh you know you enjoy it. Come on. Suit up. We’ve got work to do.” And Jake goes along with it because Khonshu is all he has. He doesn’t feel good enough for Layla and he wants to protect Steven and Marc and let’s them live a normal life.
So if we get a season 2 and after Marc and Steven find out about Jake I want a scene where they meet back in “Dr. Harrow”s office. (With special guest star Ethan Hawke!) they’re confused but then the camera pans over and there’s Jake, arms folded and annoyed. And Dr. Harrow says they’re there for group therapy. They start arguing and accusing Jake of being a psycho when Jake asks…
“Who paid the electric bill?”
What?” Steven asked.
Jake looks at them, “when is the water bill due?”
“What are you talking about?” Marc asked.
Jake sits up, “I’m talking about paying the bills. Doing the laundry. Buying groceries. Do you know how hard it it to buy vegan AND kosher!? And yeah. Sometimes I want a nice steak. But that’s a treat I save for myself so that you two can eat your kosher vegan meals and never bother to ask where the food comes from. And do you really think our money comes from our merc days? You spent most of it on booze and whatever charity you could donate to ease your guilty conscience. We sure don’t get the money from Steven’s paycheck at the museum. No I took some of the merc money and bought my own cab. Now we own a third of the cabs in London and we provide limo services. We have a townhouse in freaking Chelsea!
“We do?” Steven asks.
“Yeah! We do. And a penthouse in New York. And our own helicopter! And we send Dad a check every month.”
“We do?” Marc asked.
“Im always cleaning up your messes. I take care of things. That’s my job. If I have to make a deal with the Devil to protect you both I will. And I have.” Jake finished.
Everyone is silent a minute.
Dr harrow says, “thank you Jake. Well what I’m hearing is Jake is feeling under appreciated.”
“Damn right…” Jake mutters.
“Also it sounds like Jake feels isolated. I mean you two have each other. And Layla. And all he has…is Khonshu.” Dr. Harrow pointed out.
Marc and Steven nod. Thinking.
“Was it you that set up that date with me and Dylan?” Steven asks.
“Did you bozos keep me locked up in that third sarcophagus in the Duat?”
“We were trying to avoid relationships to keep them away from Khonshu. Why would you ask Dylan out?” Marc asked.
“Because I was horny and Steven is a freaking virgin alright?” Jake answered.
Marc slaps a hand over his eyes, “oy…”
Steven blushes.
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writteninkat · 3 years
xii - overwhelmed
word count - 2,220
"if i love you was a promise, would you break it if you're honest?"
You walk towards the classroom with your palms sweating and your heart about to beat right out of your chest. You had just confessed to Katsuki thinking he also felt the same, but all he replied was a lousy 'you don't even know me'.
You furrow your brows, clenching your palms into fists in irritation. How am I so stupid? I came to Japan to prove myself and to that dumb father of mine that I can be a powerful hero! And yet here I am being swept off track by some lousy high school crush!
"Careful- if you stare any harder you're gonna melt holes through the walls." A tired and very familiar voice calls out feom behind you. You turn around, anger still clouding your head as your eyes fall on a violet-haired boy.
"Careful- if you don't do anything about your lack of sleep anytime soon you're gonna collapse." You spat back; suddenly everything around you vexes you. You send a mental message to everyone in school; today you're hot-headed, your patience is as thin as a hair strand and taking out your anger through physical violence seems like an amazing idea right about now.
"Jokes on you, I've been like this my whole life and I've never collapsed." He smirks, causing you to raise a brow. "Okay maybe I never collapsed from my lack of sleep."
"Look what the hell do you want?"
"Well- thought you looked pretty upset." He holds up two pastel yellow-colored papers. "And I just so happen to have two free ice cream passes for that new ice cream place right beside the campus." He takes a look at his watch, "We still have an hour and thirty minutes till the bell rings. What do you say?"
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"And that idiot just says 'you barely even know me'" You wave your hands up, making a dumb face as well as a dumb voice to match, "like hello! I know I barely know you and that's why I feel so upset and conflicted right now! You get what I mean???" You huff back on your seat, shoving the small pink translucent teaspoon in your mouth.
Shinsou nods his head, eyes on his ice cream as he shoves a few scoops in his mouth. "Mmm- this banana flavor tastes amazing. You should try it." He offers his cup to you, making you frown.
"You're such a jerk! I thought you brought me here to let me vent out my anger." You frown, your eyebrows knitting together as you place your cup on the table, leaning back on your seat as you crossed your arms.
"I did. I listened as you vented out your anger to me and we're having ice cream but I never said we were going to talk about the situation." He points out, annoyingly unbothered expression resting on his face as he continues eating his own ice cream.
You look at him in irritation and silence for a few moments, trying to calm yourself before taking your little teaspoon and scooping a bit from his own cup. You shove the scoop inside your mouth, pouting. "The banana tastes amazing." You huff, expression still angry.
Shinsou chuckles lightly, the small smile actually lighting up his usually dark features. "It is, isn't it?" You've only ever met one person with a so-called 'contagious smile' and he was the funny boy you met at the park one day.
Ethan will have to share his spot in my list for 'contagious smiles'. You thought to yourself, letting a smile break your frown as you look down at your ice cream.
"Have you seen the new conjuring movie? It's pretty cool, a solid six out of ten." He shrugs. You shake your head, "I can't watch scary movies. I won't be able to sleep especially now that I live alone."
He raises a brow at you, "Oh come on. We can watch it together through video chat or something. I really wanna see you piss yourself while watching it." He chuckles, causing you to squint your eyes at him. "Is that a challenge?" You point your spoon accusingly at him.
"What if it is? You gonna back out? Loser?" He pushes jokingly, mirroring your squinted eyes. You bring your hand on the table in a fist, "Oh it's on."
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Shinso walks you to your classroom just five minutes before the bell is about to ring. "How can I contact you?" He asks, doing the thing with his hand behind his nape as he looks away. "Here." You tug at his hand, writing down your discord account with a marker. "Call me after the sun sets. I'll be home by then."
He waves you good bye and you step in, almost completely forgetting about why you were annoyed so early in the morning. Your eyes fall on the blond boy, still looking angry as usual. His eyes meet yours for a fraction of a second before your looking towards your seat.
As you sit down, the bell rings and in comes Aizawa, tired as ever. "Today, you will all be choosing your hero names. This has a lot to do with the Pro-Hero draft picks and because you are only first years, any offers can be taken back before you graduate." He explains, pointing at a chart where Todoroki's, Katsuki's and your names are written at the top with thousands of heroes wanting to recruit you.
"You will all spend one week interning with the pro heroes you choose or those who chose you, depending on if you have multiple offers or just one." Aizawa continues to talk about the importance of hero names before Midnight walks in the classroom.
The class begins to cheer in excitement as they all are given boards and markers for their names. The cheering and yelling dies down in a few minutes but the excitement doesn't. You smile, feeling your heart throb at the innocent looks in your classmates' faces.
Each of you all are being called up to present your hero names and as your turn slowly comes closer, your palms begin to sweat and that feeling of not being able to stand properly hits you.
"L/n Y/n. It's your turn, come on up sweetie." Midnight calls for you, curling her fingers a few times. You stand from your seat, walking towards the front, keeping your eyes forward and looking anywhere but Katsuki's eyes.
You flip your board around. "I chose the name Tempest. It means a violent windy storm." Midnight claps her hands, "I love it! Basically telling the villains not to mess with the storm." She cheers, allowing you to walk back to your seat.
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"So! Have you guys chosen an agency yet?" Mina asks, shoveling food in her mouth as Kirishima and Sero follow suit. You shrug your shoulders, "I'm having a difficult time choosing between Hawks' agency or Endeavor's agency. I want to work on my speed but then again, Endeavor's the number two. It'd be a waste to throw this chance away."
"And yet," Denki points his fork at you, "It's also a waste to throw away the chance of working with Hawks. I heard he's the youngest pro right now who has his own agency and is in the top ten."
As you were about to scold the blond for talking with his mouth full, Katsuki marches towards the table, setting his tray down before sitting down beside Kirishima. You look at the empty space beside you and your mood immediately turns sour.
Wow. Sure, he has the right to feel uncomfortable with my sudden confession but to not actually have some type of closure? You sigh, not bothering to finish your food before standing up. You slide your tray to Denki, earning a cheery mouthful 'thanks!' from him before you walk away.
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You walk out the classroom upset, tired and hungry. Your mind races back to the tuna sandwhiches the cafe sold and your mouth immediately begins to water.
"Hey idiot."
All your food fantasies disappear the moment his gruff yet very warm and relaxing voice calls out to you. To make sure you weren't about to embarrass yourself, you look in front of you, searching for someone else only to be greeted by an empty hallway.
Slowly, you turn around, pressing your lips together as you look at Katsuki with the most nonchalant look you could pull, no matter how much you wanted to scowl at him.
"What's up?" You ask, mentally slapping yourself. What's up? What's up??? Who the fuck do you think you are to him, Kirishima??
He looks awaw, walking towards you. "They have new matcha cookies today. I checked before I got here."
You stand there, staring at him for a second, two seconds, five- ten- "Dumbass. Yo. Can you hear me?" Katsuki snaps his fingers in front of you, gaining your attention as he snaps you out of your daze- literally. "Well?"
As much as you want to say yes, accept his offer and just live a happy life, you didn't want to live a confusing one where you get hurt in the end. "I don't see why you have to do this, honestly." You look to your right, looking out the windows.
"We hang out, I feel like you're treating me differently than the others, I feel like I'm special to you, I recognize my feelings, and although I feel conflicted and upset I still confess my feelings to you." You grip onto your bag, "And you respond to me by what- telling me I barely know you?"
You look back at him, the corners of your lips pulled downwards sightly. "Katsuki I- I got the message, okay? Don't do whatever this is to me because from my point of view, you're leading me on cause you can't voice out or even figure out your own feelings." You motion your arms between the two of you. "If you liked hanging out with me, I'm sorry but I gotta keep some distance between the two of us before I go confessing to you again like an idiot."
You stand there, eyes dropped to the floor in silence.
Say something, you idiot! Fucking say something to me! Tell me how you feel- it doesn't matter if it'll hurt me, just say something!
"I'm sorry."
You look up at him, confused. His brows are knitted together in dejection as his shoulders sag momentarily.
You feel your eyes prickle with tears as you nod, pressing your lips together. "Okay." You click your tongue, turning away as you walked from the unnervingly quiet boy.
As you reach your apartment, the sun has already set, you're tired, your cheeks are stained and are still being stained with tears and your phone is blaring.
You answer it without another thought, Shinsou's tired and relaxed voice giving you a soft 'hey'. You can hold it in much longer as you break down into sobs.
"Hey, hey, what's wrong? Talk to me, Y/n." He sounds genuinely concerned. You sob for a few moments, letting out all the emotion you've pent up inside you as you walked back to your apartment.
"I-I just-"
Another call interrupts the two of you, making you furrow your brows. "Hold on-" You sob, your eyes scanning down your screen to see your mom calling you. You put your call with Shinsou on hold, answering your mom.
"Hey mom!" You cheer, trying to act as gleeful as possible. "Hey baby! So I heard you have a boyfriend, your aunt Miwa sent me a picture of the two of you in the paintball place? I just thought maybe you wanted to know about that boy's abrasive and violent past?"
He's not your boyfriend.
"What- you looked into him?" You yell.
"Well I had to! It's my first time my baby has a boyfriend. Anyway, I don't mean to be that mom but I don't think he's a good fit for you, honey. He's bullied countless students in middle school and after observing how he acted in the sports festival, I don't think that boy changed at all." Your mother does sound truly concerned for you but everything seemed to be too much for you today.
Before you can even think of the sentences you want to say, you hear a knock on your door. You sigh, pacing towards it as you pull it open, brows furrowing in anger at the sight of your father in front of you.
"Y/n I just want a second chance-"
You yell.
You yell out your frustrations, your sadness, your hesrtsches, everything. Every single emotion you felt today just came pouring out as you yelled from the top of your lungs.
Your body falls to the floor as your limbs begin feeling like jell-o and your head begins to spin. You hear your father ordering his guards around frantically, but his words are all muffled and unclear. You begin seeing double- seeing two of your father really isn't helping right now.
"Hey, Y/n, baby keep your eyes open for me. I'll bring you to the hospital just-"
"Can all of you just shut the fuck up for a moment?" You whisper weakly before darkness swallows you up once again.
It's cold. It's dark. You're alone.
You're always alone.
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tartagilicious · 4 years
Hello! May I request a hc for the dangerous fellows boys of an mc who gets into an accident that causes them to lose their eyesight (permanently or temporarily I’ll let you decide). Thanks a bunch! 😊
im the queen of responding to asks 😞 also i chose to just do Ethan, Zion, and Lawrence for this one~
⚠️ tw for blood and severe injuries to the eye
- in this case, I’ll go with temporary blindness!
- you’re partnered up with Ethan on a patrol one night, and suddenly out of nowhere, a bright light on the school front aimed at you suddenly switches on (maybe lawrence wanted to try eliminating Ethan but caught you instead? 👀)
- this happens, and all you can see is dots in your vision. understandably, this scares you as you’re out in the dark and there are zombies around (plus the light attracts them!!) so you immediately yell out for Ethan
- it’s dumb, but the fastest way to get his attention and hopefully get out of there
- thankfully, it does work out that way, and Ethan comes rushing over to you as soon as he hears you. He’s worried to see you standing so unnaturally still, but you only briefly explain before pushing him to end the patrol early
- you still can’t see very well, so when you get to the top of the stairs inside the building, you literally collapse with tears of relief in your eyes. Ethan spends telge next few minutes comforting you until your eyesight is back properly.
- god I just fucking realised he calls the mc kid, just like the nickname hawks uses 😩 idk how to feel about that shdhsjsj
- but ~anyway~
- “kid? ____?! what happened?”
- after a night patrol, you encounter some zombies alone, and have a struggle with them that ends up with one of them forcing your blow back onto yourself.
- The pipe in your hands comes barrelling back to you, and lands right on top of one of your closed eyes.
- by the time you escape and run into zion on the top floor of the school, it’s turned into a black eye and is bleeding considerably. you cover it as you see him, not wanting to freak him out. though, when you start crying, it still tips him off that something horrible has happened.
- it hurts badly enough that your tears muffle any words you can manage out, and by the time you actually agree to move your hand that’s covering it, you swear you see Zion’s soul leave his body for a second.
- he’s immediately cradling your face to get a better look, and the look in his eyes is so tender that the pain almost vanishes for a second.
- Zion rushes you back to the main room, and doesn’t listen to anyone around you as he looks for the right supplies to make you more comfortable. This inevitably puts him in a bad mood towards everyone but you.
- he insists that you stay in his room until you heal if you need anything. Scarlett and Lawrence try to veto this, but no one else thinks it’s a bad idea, so it happens
- and eventually, it does heal, but your eyelashes that were ripped out along with the blood that was cleaned never grow back. your eye also doesn’t fully open all of the way — rendering you almost fully blind in that eye.
- bold of you to assume Lawrence would even let you go blind 🤡
- I’m kidding kind of
- I picture this as happening during his ending, when it’s only just the two of you, and you hurt your eyes by trying to escape. I don’t know the circumstances, but let’s just say something pierces your eyes on accident
- you try to hide it from him as long as you can.
- with the remaining time you can still see, you clean yourself up, and also just don’t respond to why you aren’t opening your eyes. he doesn’t deserve to know anyway.
- he at least assume as much and doesn’t question it more than he needs to. but, it’s kind of hard to hide that you’ve gone blind. muscle memory can only go so far in a new place.
- so, eventually, Lawrence puts the pieces together and confronts you about it, and you have no choice but to admit it — that you think you’ve gone blind.
- surprisingly, as much as I dislike Lawrence, I doubt that this scenario would have him in his yandere personality. I think that he would nicely help you places, and also care for you in a bit more of a gentle way
- ofc that’s not to say he wouldn’t use this to his advantage more. he’d place things in plain sight just to see if you were lying to him, or try and gaslight you into believing that he was your only way to surivive now.
- but as painful as it is, he’s right.
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 36
When Chloe finished college on Friday afternoon, she was surprised to find Nelson, along with Ethan and Samuel, waiting for her outside the gates. She had planned to walk home, but felt her stomach sink upon seeing them.
‘Hey guys… What’s going on?’ She asked, especially worried by the look on their faces.
‘We will explain in the car.’ Ethan said and proceeded to open the door for her.
When they all bundled in, she asked again what was going on.
Ethan looked at Samuel before answering. ‘Loki has been arrested… Officer Stones came and arrested him, the police raided the house but didn’t find anything. However, he claims that they have strong evidence against Loki and David. DNA...’
‘What? What did they do or think they did?’ Chloe was shocked, worried, scared…
‘They are saying that they killed a prostitute.’ Samuel said.
‘But… Why, why would they do that? I mean… I know that Loki does… But why a prostitute?’
‘That’s the thing, they didn’t. Stones must have set them up. We don’t know how, but it’s bloody strong.’ Ethan said angrily. ‘It’s difficult coming up with an alibi because of the time of night it’s claimed to have happened, too. Apparently after two am. And there’s no security footage anywhere to help either.’
Chloe ran her hands down her face. She felt sick, what would happen to Loki? Then what would happen to her, too?
‘Take me to the station.’
‘What?’ Samuel frowned.
‘Take me to the station. Now!’ She said, determined.
Ethan and Samuel shared a look, but neither argued with her. So, Samuel turned around to Nelson. ‘Take us to the police station please, Nelson.’
‘No problem.’ Nelson nodded and went right around the next roundabout.
When they arrived at the station, Chloe went storming in and demanded to speak to whoever was in charge of Loki’s arrest. She was quickly taken through into an interview room.
Officer Stones was watching through the mirrored glass while another two officers were doing her interview.
‘He didn’t do it.’ Chloe said firmly.
‘We unfortunately have evidence that places him and David at the scene. And without an alibi’
‘I was with him all night. We were up most of the night.’ Chloe blurted out.
It was half true. Chloe had been in bed and Loki was working late, but when he returned after midnight, he’d crawled into her bed with her and gave her a rather thorough fucking.
The officers paused and looked at one another. Then Chloe continued.
‘David was with us too.’
The officers shared another look.
‘The three of us had dinner, a few drinks and then we went to bed… Together. The three of us.’ She said confidently. ‘Do you need more details than that? Loki took me from be’
‘No, no. That will be all, Miss…’ One of the officers said quickly.
Chloe then had to wait there while the officers left the room to discuss it. Stones had heard and was furious.
‘There’s DNA on the prostitute!’ Stones shouted at his fellow officers and boss.
‘He has an alibi, Stones. And you know the DNA could easily have been planted, there was far too much of it and Laufeyson would have no business with a prostitute. Chloe is willing to confirm the alibi under oath if need be, and I believe her.’ His boss said.
‘You can’t be serious!’
‘Enough, Stones.’ His boss snapped, then he looked at the other officers. ‘Go and release them. Apologise for the misunderstanding. We should just hope this doesn’t back fire on us and that he doesn’t try and take this mistake further.’
Stones was furious. There was no evidence to Chloe’s alibi apart from her word, that everyone seemed to just believe.
Chloe waited patiently in reception, luckily it wasn’t long till Loki and David emerged from one of the rooms. She rushed straight over to Loki and into his arms, hugging him tightly.
‘Thank you, doll.’ He said softly, kissing the top of her head.
‘I’m so sorry again, Sir.’ An officer said, looking terrified at just being in the same presence as Loki.
‘Just don’t let it happen again, ok?’ Loki said.
‘Of course.’ The officer nodded quickly and rushed over to get the door for them.
On the way out, Stones made an appearance. He didn’t say anything because he knew his boss was watching him like a hawk. But Loki looked over at him and winked, with the biggest grin on his face as he walked out of the station with Chloe under his arm.
The journey home was quiet, it was starting to sink in just what Chloe had done. She had outright lied to the police. Broke the law. For Loki…
When they got home, the adrenaline of it all suddenly dropped and the reality of the situation hit Chloe like a ton of bricks. She started shaking and crying.
Loki put his arms around her and pulled her into him. ‘Hey, hey. It’s ok, shhh, shhh.’
‘I… I lied… To the police.’ She sobbed, not sure what to do or what to even think of herself.
Loki leaned back and cupped her face, he had her look up at him as he leaned down slightly more to her level. ‘Listen to me, doll. You did what you had to. And I am SO proud of you. You were so brave for me. I know it must have been difficult, but it was the right thing to do.’ Loki said softly.
‘You… You didn’t do it anyway… did you?’ Her stomach was in knots when she asked the question, but she had to know. Even though she was pretty certain he didn’t do it this time.
‘I didn’t. Neither did David. I do not kill for the sake of it, Chloe. You know this.’ He said firmly and gently wiped her tears away with his thumbs.
‘So you… You weren’t near the prostitute in the first place?’ She asked quietly.
Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘No, I was not. I do not have the need for one.’
Chloe nodded. Though she still felt weird. She had just broken the law, after all.
‘Come on.’ Loki took her hand and guided her upstairs to his room.
She thought he was going to toss her on the bed and fuck her senseless. But he surprised her a little. He took her on the bed, but instead of fucking he just pulled her onto his lap after undoing some buttons on his shirt to get comfier.
He turned the TV on and put on a film. Chloe got comfortable and snuggled up against him, relaxing more as time went on. Loki rubbed her back in circles, now and then sliding up to stroke the back of her neck that made her melt.
Once she had stopped trembling and seemed much calmer, Loki paused the film. He trailed his fingers down her cheek and hooked her chin.
‘I really am so proud of you, doll. Quick thinking and you were impeccably calm and collected at the station. I hope you know how truly thankful I am.’
She nodded slightly. ‘I just… feel a bit weird for lying like that. But that officer is trying to set you up. Isn’t he?’
Loki smoothed her hair back behind her ear. ‘He certainly seems to be trying to do so, yes.’
‘What if he does something more? If he tries to… get me back to my father?’ She asked, worried.
Loki frowned. ‘I won’t let that happen, Chloe. I promise you. You’re going nowhere.’
Chloe breathed out a little shakily, but she settled back against his chest while he stroked her hair.
‘Don’t you worry about Stones. I will sort it.’ Loki promised.
‘I’m so sorry, Kenneth. But your daughter gave Loki and David an alibi. My colleagues let them go.’ Stones said sadly over the phone, being careful to stay quiet as he was still in the station at his desk.
‘I can’t believe that she would do such a thing… He’s truly poisoned her mind. I need to do something.’ Kenneth said. Stones could hear how distraught he was.
‘Don’t worry, I’m still not giving up yet.’ Stones assured him, giving his boss an innocent smile as he walked by his desk.
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tagged by the very lovely @creativefiend19, thank you, dude!
1. True Romance, Tony Scott, 1993. My ultimate go-to movie. I first saw this at age 17, shown to me by my neighbour and friend who couldn't believe I'd not seen it, knowing the kind of films I liked. I was only 13 when it came out at the cinema so wasn't quite old enough to pass for an adult! Fast forward A LOT of years, I managed to catch a special Valentine's screening... Freshly single from an 8 year relationship, I sat in the middle of all he loved-up couples and didn't give a fuck bc I got to see Clarence and Alabama absolutely killing it on the big screen, having to refrain from muttering the script I knew so well by that point!
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2. Lars & The Real Girl, 2007, Craig Gillespie. I love this film so, so much. If you were to explain the premise to somebody, it would sound like a very different flick to that which it actually is. On the surface, it's about a guy who buys a sex doll and believes (and tries to convince everyone else) that she's his girlfriend and that they're in love... It's actually a tale about loss and grief and learning and growing and how having empathy in the face of things you don't understand can be the most wonderful thing. Ryan Gosling is a treasure and his performance is nothing shy of Beautiful™.
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3. Call Me By Your Name, 2017, Luca Guadagnino. Ahhhh, Elio and Oliver. This film is so nostalgic, so lovely, so heartbreakingly beautiful. It's so many things. It's coming of age; it's first love; it's forbidden love; it's learning about life in all it's terrible and wonderful variations and it fills me with all the feels every time I watch it.
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4. Before Sunrise, 1995, Richard Linklater. I was 15 when I saw this movie and I'd never seen a piece like it. Two strangers meet on a train in Europe and end up hopping off together in Vienna, proceeding to wander the streets for the night, just talking and taking in the city's nooks and crannies and, ultimately, each other. It opened my eyes to how spontaneity can change everything and nothing and how the human condition is both wonderful and tragic—and I fell completing in love with both Julie Delphy and Ethan Hawke in the process.
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5. The Shawshank Redemption, 1994, Frank Darabont. I'd moved out of home at 16 and went back on Friday night's to have dinner and catch up with my Mum and younger brother. We'd eat, then walk round to the video store to rent a movie for the evening. This one time, there was a new manager. He saw us struggling to choose and offered us a deal: take home the movie he chose for us for free and, if we didn't enjoy it, we didn't have to pay for it on return. It was The Shawshank Redemption—a movie about a guy who gets imprisoned with a life sentence—and I was more than happy to pay the rental price when I brought it back to the store the next day. In essence, this film is about not letting hope be taken from you, however bleak life may get. It has Morgan Freeman. It has Tim Robbins in (arguably) his best role. It has a wonderful score. It has me crying tears of sadness and joy on every viewing and is, imho, one of the most sublime yet hard-hitting pieces of commercial film out there.
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6. Breakfast On Pluto, 2005, Neil Jordan. I adore everything about this film. It's about flinging gender norms out of a car window that's moving at 100mph. It's the same amount of real as it is whimsical. Cillian Murphy is absolutely wonderful, as is Ruth Negger and the supporting cast. If you've not seen it, just watch it. You will not be disappointed.
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7. Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, 1989, Stephen Herek. A couple of hair!metal-loving dudes who travel in time inside a phone box to collect important historical figures from the past for their high-school history project. Do I really need to say any more? Nope.
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tagging, play or nay: @shealynn88 @sharkfish @uzurazura @flitwickslittlebrotha @parrishism @jmeelee @iminsatiable (for anyone who doesn't know this blog, it's @all-or-nothing-baby!). anyone else who wants to do the thing, DO THE THING!
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afaimsarrowverse · 3 years
The 14 Creepiest Arrowverse Villains:
Yes, this one should have been made for Halloween. But after the year we just had, let’s take comfort in the fact that were are not forced to ever meet this guys here on the street in the dark. While two of the villains on this list had rather big seasonal arcs, I specifically disqualified characters from here, have proper motivations and character arcs as well as villains, who are creepy but at the same time quite a lot of fun. This why you won’t find Alice, her Mouse, Ramsay, Eobard, the Trickster, Mallus, Neron or even the Thinker here.
This list mainly consists of people we want to put back in the box, they got out of, until not seeing them at least for a season or so, and who we want to yell at: „What’s wrong with you!“ while they are on screen.
 14.  Toyman Senior (Winslow Schott Sr., Supergirl, Henry Czerny)
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Technically this one should not be on this list, because he was redeemed in Season 5, however that happend after his death and on Earth Prime rather than Supergirls Original Eart,h so we will ignore that for now (also I wrecked my head whom from „Supergirl“ to put on here, so I overlooked that on purpose). Toyman is more creepy as a concept than in reality. He blows up kids (and other than the Trickster is no fun at all while he is doing it), threatened the life of his son to get his wife to leave him and did God knows what else to said wife and son. And did not even stop terrorizing people after his death. Can you imagine growing up as Toyman’s son? Poor Winn, you truly deserved better!
 13. Bug Eyed Bandit (Brie Larvan, Queen Bee, The Flash, Arrow, Emily Kinney)
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Yes, it’s because of the Bees. Because she controls Mechanical Bees that sting and kill people! I am sorry, but what’s your problem, can’t you just kill your enemies like a normal person, Brie? Not to mention the whole Felicity-thing, because yes it’s totally normal to go around and kidnap and threaten to get what you want and then try to murder again. I still do not get why they let her into the Young Rogues anyway, but then … most members of that gang were all wrong, weren’t they?
 12. Garfield Lynns (Arrow, Andrew Dunbar)
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Most of us have tried to forget about Season 1 Episode „Burned“ for several reasons. But the villain of it is also one of those. Because, yes Mick was a Pyromanic as well, but for more complex reasons. Garfield Lynns was a fire fighter who started burning people and ended burning himself to death because of reasons and … well let’s be honest, he was nuts and burning people is not cool at all!
 11. Jake Simmons (Deathbolt, Arrow, The Flash, Doug Jones)
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That’s what you get, if you hire a creature actor (no offense, Doug, we love your work!) to play a psychopatic villain. Occasionally kind of fun, yes, but mostly Simmons is crazy and creepy, and we never liked him very much, but crucial Captain Cold killed him with a flimsey excuse, which no one ever bought, and let’s put it that way: If Leonard killed him just like that, there had to be something wrong with him in a big way, and yes, the hints were there, so, yeah, what a creep.
 10. The Mist (Kyle Nimbus, The Flash, Antony Carrigan)
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A former Mob Hitman that looks like that and can turn into Mist. Do I have to say any more? I would take Victor Szasz over this one any day. Because Nimbus … well you would not want to meet him during a misty night, would you?
 9. Murmur (Michael Amar, Arrow, Adrian Glynn McMorran)
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This one actually cares about his grandma, I will give him that, but SOMEONE SEWED HIS FUCKING LIPS TOGETHER! So you don’t really like looking at him, and he kind of went over board after he was pressured into joining Damien Darhk with, you know, killing everyone and joining HIVE, who as you recall planned to end the world as wen know it, so what about everyone elses grandmas, they can just die or what? No, Mister Amar, there is quite a lot wrong with you, that’s for sure.
 8. Everyman (Hannibal Bates, The Flash, Various)
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That one could be a tragedy, but well, he got so mixed up and wrong in the head, that he became a danger to everyone else. He is creepy trapped between shapes and he is creepy in other shapes because … you don’t just go around and kiss random women, who think you are somebody else. That is just wrong. But Bates is kind of mostly wrong, so, yeah.
 7. Anthony Ivo (Arrow, Dylan Neal)
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Ivo is Sara’s Personal Case of #Metoo, which really should be enough to earn him a spot on this list, but there is also his habit of keeping people in cages and the whole „You have to choose, whom I shoot dead!“- thing and all of that is only the tip of the iceberg. Not even Dylan Neal can stop me from wanting to scream at the top of my lungs: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! at Dr. Ivo.
 6. Nocturna (Natalia Knight, Batwoman, Kayla Ewell)
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We all know the story how Nocturna was not allowed to show up in the Animated Batman Series in the 90s, because she was considered too disturbing (Morbius on the other hand was allowed to show up in the Spider-Man Cartoon but had to … undergo some changes, which made a perfectly good vampire into the creepies cartoon-villain ever unleashed on kids and scarred me for life, but that’s another story). Here she finally is, and yes, she is rather disturbing. Because she acutally knows very well that she isn’t a vampire, but still strings her victims up and bleeds them out, after biting them with laced spikey teeth. It would be kinky, if it were the least bit sexy, which it totally isn’t, so yeah, put her away for good please.
 5. Vandal Savages Hawk Creatures (Legends of Tomorrow, Various)
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Season 1 of „Legends“ was quite different than what came after, but „Night of the Hawk“ was an early highlight. While it was kind of a parody, being Season 1 it still played it straight for the most part, which resulted in an episode with the vibe of „American Horror Story“: We are in on the joke, but it’s still Horror. No wonder, after all Joe Dante directed this one. Vandal Savage turned poor teenagers into hawklike monsters, that no one would want to meet … ever. So yeah, thanks, but no thanks.
 4.      August Cartwright (Ethan Campell, Batwoman, John Emmet Tracy, Sebastian Roche)
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Oh, God, that guy. So his mother wasn’t particulary ... nice, but that is no excuse to kidnap, gaslight, and brainwash a young girl, keep that girl’s mother’s head in a fridge for years, turn said girl into a slave and get her to make facemasks out of actual human face! Nor is that any excuse for fear-gasing your own son just because you are mad at him. Or anything in any way related to face-stealing, ,killing, identitiy theft, or anything else Dr. Cartwright has ever been up to. Like, seriously it has been a long time a character that desevers to be hated that much has been on our televions screens. Creepy Creep!
 3. Duela Dent (Batwoman, Alessandra Torresani)
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Female Slashers have become kind of a common trope in fiction by now, but Duela is kind of different. Suffering from a pretty extreme version of of body dysmorphic disorder Duela sees beauty through a different lense than the rest of the world (we will never forget what she deems to be her face being perfect, even though we desperatly want to). So yeah, she slashes faces, mainly her own, is out to punish people, who force beauty ideals on her and othes, and somehow has no problem with … donating her face to Alice. … Can someone please get that poor woman help, I mean, seriously?!
 2.      Rag Doll (Peter Merkel, The Flash, Troy James, Phil LaMarr)
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He did make Joe West throw up. And not only him. Rag Doll is plains disgusting. So disgusting actually, that the producers dialed him back in Season 6 and used more CG and less pratical „Troy James freaks us out“- bending. But while he could be fun all elongaty, we actually prefer him as his creepy original Season 5 Self. He is demented, wears a creepy mask, acts creepy, and we really don’t want to see him do his stuff but can’t look away at the same time. I have no idea why he was in the Young Rogues either, because he is really mainly creepy – und would be the Overcreep on this list, if it weren’t for….
 1.      The Dollmaker (Barton Mathis, The Broken Doll Killer, Arrow, Michael Eklund)
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I am still amazed to this day that they were allowed to make this episode. You have to remember „Arrow“ had been only on for one Season at this point and „The 100“ was still about to premier. The CW was yet to change it’s image. Still they somehow got to made the Dollmaker-Episode, which left us disturbed to this very day. What Mathis was doing to his victims …. Well not only Quentin got nightmares about it. Poor Laurel went understandable full addict after almost being made into a puppet by him. So, Rag Doll might look creepier, but the Dollmaker is one of this Serial Killers we never want to even hear from again. It’s really no wonder he was an one-off, like I said, I am still amazed they were even allowed to make the episode on Network Television let alone The CW at all.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Caught in his web, Chapter 36
TITLE: Caught in his web CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 36 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki is a crime lord, a very dangerous man in the city. He is owed money, but the man is unable to pay Loki back, so Loki takes his daughter as payment instead.  RATING: M
When Chloe finished college on Friday afternoon, she was surprised to find Nelson, along with Ethan and Samuel, waiting for her outside the gates. She had planned to walk home, but felt her stomach sink upon seeing them.
‘Hey guys… What’s going on?’ She asked, especially worried by the look on their faces.
‘We will explain in the car.’ Ethan said and proceeded to open the door for her.
When they all bundled in, she asked again what was going on.
Ethan looked at Samuel before answering. ‘Loki has been arrested… Officer Stones came and arrested him, the police raided the house but didn’t find anything. However, he claims that they have strong evidence against Loki and David. DNA…’
‘What? What did they do or think they did?’ Chloe was shocked, worried, scared…
‘They are saying that they killed a prostitute.’ Samuel said.
‘But… Why, why would they do that? I mean… I know that Loki does… But why a prostitute?’
‘That’s the thing, they didn’t. Stones must have set them up. We don’t know how, but it’s bloody strong.’ Ethan said angrily. ‘It’s difficult coming up with an alibi because of the time of night it’s claimed to have happened, too. Apparently after two am. And there’s no security footage anywhere to help either.’
Chloe ran her hands down her face. She felt sick, what would happen to Loki? Then what would happen to her, too?
‘Take me to the station.’
‘What?’ Samuel frowned.
‘Take me to the station. Now!’ She said, determined.
Ethan and Samuel shared a look, but neither argued with her. So, Samuel turned around to Nelson. ‘Take us to the police station please, Nelson.’
‘No problem.’ Nelson nodded and went right around the next roundabout.
When they arrived at the station, Chloe went storming in and demanded to speak to whoever was in charge of Loki’s arrest. She was quickly taken through into an interview room.
Officer Stones was watching through the mirrored glass while another two officers were doing her interview.
‘He didn’t do it.’ Chloe said firmly.
‘We unfortunately have evidence that places him and David at the scene. And without an alibi’
‘I was with him all night. We were up most of the night.’ Chloe blurted out.
It was half true. Chloe had been in bed and Loki was working late, but when he returned after midnight, he’d crawled into her bed with her and gave her a rather thorough fucking.
The officers paused and looked at one another. Then Chloe continued.
‘David was with us too.’
The officers shared another look.
‘The three of us had dinner, a few drinks and then we went to bed… Together. The three of us.’ She said confidently. ‘Do you need more details than that? Loki took me from be’
‘No, no. That will be all, Miss…’ One of the officers said quickly.
Chloe then had to wait there while the officers left the room to discuss it. Stones had heard and was furious.
‘There’s DNA on the prostitute!’ Stones shouted at his fellow officers and boss.
‘He has an alibi, Stones. And you know the DNA could easily have been planted, there was far too much of it and Laufeyson would have no business with a prostitute. Chloe is willing to confirm the alibi under oath if need be, and I believe her.’ His boss said.
‘You can’t be serious!’
‘Enough, Stones.’ His boss snapped, then he looked at the other officers. ‘Go and release them. Apologise for the misunderstanding. We should just hope this doesn’t back fire on us and that he doesn’t try and take this mistake further.’
Stones was furious. There was no evidence to Chloe’s alibi apart from her word, that everyone seemed to just believe.
Chloe waited patiently in reception, luckily it wasn’t long till Loki and David emerged from one of the rooms. She rushed straight over to Loki and into his arms, hugging him tightly.
‘Thank you, doll.’ He said softly, kissing the top of her head.
‘I’m so sorry again, Sir.’ An officer said, looking terrified at just being in the same presence as Loki.
‘Just don’t let it happen again, ok?’ Loki said.
‘Of course.’ The officer nodded quickly and rushed over to get the door for them.
On the way out, Stones made an appearance. He didn’t say anything because he knew his boss was watching him like a hawk. But Loki looked over at him and winked, with the biggest grin on his face as he walked out of the station with Chloe under his arm.
The journey home was quiet, it was starting to sink in just what Chloe had done. She had outright lied to the police. Broke the law. For Loki…
When they got home, the adrenaline of it all suddenly dropped and the reality of the situation hit Chloe like a ton of bricks. She started shaking and crying.
Loki put his arms around her and pulled her into him. ‘Hey, hey. It’s ok, shhh, shhh.’
‘I… I lied… To the police.’ She sobbed, not sure what to do or what to even think of herself.
Loki leaned back and cupped her face, he had her look up at him as he leaned down slightly more to her level. ‘Listen to me, doll. You did what you had to. And I am SO proud of you. You were so brave for me. I know it must have been difficult, but it was the right thing to do.’ Loki said softly.
‘You… You didn’t do it anyway… did you?’ Her stomach was in knots when she asked the question, but she had to know. Even though she was pretty certain he didn’t do it this time.
‘I didn’t. Neither did David. I do not kill for the sake of it, Chloe. You know this.’ He said firmly and gently wiped her tears away with his thumbs.
‘So you… You weren’t near the prostitute in the first place?’ She asked quietly.
Loki raised an eyebrow. ‘No, I was not. I do not have the need for one.’
Chloe nodded. Though she still felt weird. She had just broken the law, after all.
‘Come on.’ Loki took her hand and guided her upstairs to his room.
She thought he was going to toss her on the bed and fuck her senseless. But he surprised her a little. He took her on the bed, but instead of fucking he just pulled her onto his lap after undoing some buttons on his shirt to get comfier.
He turned the TV on and put on a film. Chloe got comfortable and snuggled up against him, relaxing more as time went on. Loki rubbed her back in circles, now and then sliding up to stroke the back of her neck that made her melt.
Once she had stopped trembling and seemed much calmer, Loki paused the film. He trailed his fingers down her cheek and hooked her chin.
‘I really am so proud of you, doll. Quick thinking and you were impeccably calm and collected at the station. I hope you know how truly thankful I am.’
She nodded slightly. ‘I just… feel a bit weird for lying like that. But that officer is trying to set you up. Isn’t he?’
Loki smoothed her hair back behind her ear. ‘He certainly seems to be trying to do so, yes.’
‘What if he does something more? If he tries to… get me back to my father?’ She asked, worried.
Loki frowned. ‘I won’t let that happen, Chloe. I promise you. You’re going nowhere.’
Chloe breathed out a little shakily, but she settled back against his chest while he stroked her hair.
‘Don’t you worry about Stones. I will sort it.’ Loki promised.
‘I’m so sorry, Kenneth. But your daughter gave Loki and David an alibi. My colleagues let them go.’ Stones said sadly over the phone, being careful to stay quiet as he was still in the station at his desk.
‘I can’t believe that she would do such a thing… He’s truly poisoned her mind. I need to do something.’ Kenneth said. Stones could hear how distraught he was.
‘Don’t worry, I’m still not giving up yet.’ Stones assured him, giving his boss an innocent smile as he walked by his desk.
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