#every time i go to see my parents i forget that this is very stressful indeed
Petition to take Holmes to the countryside so he can relax and complain about being bored for the memes and rest and look at bees
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the-daydreaming-show · 9 months
❝baby mine, don't you cry❞ — Richard “Dick” Grayson
jason's version
The arrival of your first child and the chaotic energy he brings into your life (which is saying a lot, why chaos is a part of you). So imagine the gray hair you obtained thanks to your First Joy.
People forget that as Dick was a troublesome little sh*t and he still is. We love him but he is the chaotic son and @igotmessymind agrees with me!!!
This story is part or the BATMOM SCARLET WITCH UNIVERSE that i have create. I hope you enjoy!!!
WARNINGS: Dick's parents die; a boy who is very angry with the world; a very stressed new mother (you); Bruce is there, but that's not what this story is about, but he is a good father in this world.
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Technically, the first time you met Dick was directly after his parents died, but he wouldn't remember that until he was an adult. And you never counted that as your first interaction with your boy because of the tragedy of the whole scenario.
You and Bruce had gone to the circus that day in the subtlest way a Wayne could go anywhere. It was a date night, one that both of you had recently defined as mandatory every week. First so that Bruce could have a break, and second because that way you guys started spending time together somewhere other than the batcave. Something that, according to Alfred, you both desperately needed as a couple.
You two were in the front row when Mary and John Grayson plummeted to their deaths in the middle of their circus act, leaving a horrified ten-year-old Dick. The boy's scream was something that, even years later, if you closed your eyes, you could still hear with terrifying clarity. Once the tent was evacuated and the crime scene isolated by the GCPD, the newly promoted Captain Jim Gordon arrived and, before you left, he very subtly approached you and your husband. He asked you if you could do something for the child. The forensics team will arrive at any moment now, and they will have to uncover the bodies. Nobody couldn't get Dick to move or to react in any way, and Jim wanted to spare the boy seeing his parents like this more than he already had.
Jim had been aware of your and your husband's identities for a while, so the request didn't surprise you. To the contrary, you quickly agreed. He took you back to the tent. Dick had been lowered from the platform, but he remained curled up in a ball on the floor, next to where the bodies of his parents were covered in white sheets, which were turning redder from day to day. Little with each passing moment. You approached him, with the most delicate step possible, and placed a hand on his hundred, entering his mind gently and gently guiding his consciousness out of the shock of the situation. It was superficial magic that didn't get you into the boy's mind very much, just enough to help him and not force him. In a few seconds the boy's head snapped up, and you let Jim quickly take control of the situation, allowing one of his detectives to guide you back out of the closed area, then back to your husband. 
You had to help your husband out of his own shock that same night, forcing him to stay home and not go out as Batman, without accepting any complaints. Alfred helped, agreeing with the idea immediately. The death of the Grayson's in front of his own son was something that came very close to Bruce's heart, too many buried memories that arose uncontrollably.
The first official meeting that both of you remember is almost two weeks later. After you and Bruce had decided to take care of little Dick into your own hands. All because you find out how the boy kept sneaking out of the houses where the state put him at least once a day since that fateful night.
“Dick, this is my beautiful wife, y/n Wayne” Bruce introduced them both that day when the boy arrived with his suitcase and his eyes wide open, surprised by all the luxury that Wayne Manor represents. Smile at yourself and look briefly at your husband in reproach for his choice of words. He just shrugged, not at all sorry for his words. It's the truth. You ARE beautiful, and you are MY wife, he thought in his defence, knowing you would listen. You rolled your eyes and returned your attention to the child between the two of you.
“It's a pleasure, Mr. Wayne” The boy said suspiciously, but politely, not believing how good the situation looked for him and not trusting you or your husband at all.
“It's nice to meet you too, Dick” you told him, smiling sweetly “No need to be so formal, just call me y/n, it's fine”
Dick's mind couldn't stop thinking about how pretty you were. The way you were sweet in that first meeting was bittersweet for him, because he reminded him of his own mother, of that affection that she used to give him and that he would never receive from her anymore.
“Lunch is almost done” you tell him as you lean a little more towards Bruce for support, “Are you hungry?. Alfred prepared a buffet just to welcome you” you explained trying to push those thoughts away for now, you desperately wanted him to feel good and comfortable there.
“Alfred?” the boy asked, confused.
“Our butler” Bruce explained 
“He's more like family than anything” you clarified, “Like a grumpy grandpa who won't let you touch the stove without breathing over your shoulder” you teased a bit.
“Did he say my name, Mistress y/n?” said the aforementioned, coming from the kitchen and looking at you accusingly.
“No, not at all” you denied it and Dick couldn't help but smile a little at the mischief, to which you winked at him and offered your hand.
“Come on, let me show you the dining room” you invited him and the boy left your hand dangling for a moment, thinking about his next move. But, since you didn't stop smiling or offering him your hand, Dick decided to take it last, mainly because he was hungry.
Dick let you guide him, serve him food. He talked to you a bit during the meal until Bruce had to go to Wayne Enterprises for a meeting, then you showed him the mansion and his room. You promised him that you would go shopping this week to decorate it to his liking so that he would feel more comfortable.
During that week was the honeymoon phase.
The social worker you and Bruce had meetings with before Dick arrived explained about the phase. It's when everything seems perfect and the child shares his best manners. Either out of fear of how you would react. Or hoping to see how long your stay in the house would last, if it's worth getting used to or not. But the act would end sooner or later.
And it was exactly one week later (a Tuesday to be exact), the day after Dick started attending his new school, that the boy act ended and the adjustment phase officially began.
“This stage is the most difficult, so I need you to be prepared for it, especially in a case like Richard's” the social worker explained to both of you with seriousness. You had taken every word she gave you with like it was the bible, but at the end you still weren't ready when it started and everything that happened hit you like a truck.
You were in your studio in downtown Gotham, having a meeting with the designers who work with you and discussing that winter's new clothing collection for the brand. When Nina, your personal assistant, enters the office after timidly knocking on the door with a worried face.
“Mrs. Wayne” she called out to you, to which you look at her, smiling kindly upon seeing her “I know that you asked me not to bother you unless it was an emergency” she said, remembering what you had told her, you frowned immediately worried, because Nina was extremely effective and if she was there it was because it was genuinely an emergency “Gotham Academy is on call, it's about your son” she told you, and you immediately called off the meeting before leaving on the phone.
It turned out that not only had the school called, but GCPD had called Bruce around the same time.  Dick, your only ten-year-old boy, had run away from school and ended up being found in Crime Alley by an officer who recognised him from the news.  The officer in turn informed Jim Gordon, knowing the proximity to the Wayne's, and he gave the order to bring the boy to his office in the centre of the city, to then call your husband.  You never knew what god to thank for Dick that would have been found by one of the few good cops in Gotham, but you did anyway.
“What is he thinking?” you asked worriedly while talking on the phone with Bruce, already on your way to the police station, with Alfred driving, “Anything could have happened to him.  If he didn't want to go to school he could have said, he insisted on starting this week, I don't understand!-” you stopped, passing your hand over your eyes and sighing heavily.
“That was probably the point, love” Bruce said softly. “He wanted you to leave him at school and not think about the matter anymore.  It is likely that his plan would have always been to escape, surely he would have done the same yesterday if he had not been assigned a partner for his first day” he explained to you, his voice accompanied by the movement of papers on the desk in his own office.
The day before, which had been Dick's first day of school since the death of his parents, the school had assigned one of its older students to guide him on that day, so he had been watched all day. But that day had been different, and your son had gotten up in the bathroom in the middle of the first class, and had not returned to the classroom. So the school had called you when they realised the boy was missing.  And Jim had called Bruce shortly after when the patrolman found him. And Dick had taken a cab to Crime Alley, of all the places.
“He's safe, you need to calm down, love” Bruce continued, getting up from his desk, to walk up to the large windows in his office and look out over the city, as if he could see you from the top of Wayne Tower “We'll talk to him when he gets home, before dinner, but upsetting you like that won't help” he advised you, even though he was just as worried about what had happened.
“Alright, alright” you whispered while taking a deep breath.
At the door of the police station you were met by a uniform who was waiting for Jim's orders, who took you to the captain's office where, sitting with his head down and his arms crossed tightly across his chest, you found Dick. 
“Richard Grayson” you started in a stern tone, walking towards him and crouching down in front of him, to check that he wasn't hurt. “¿What were you thinking?¿Why do you think of getting in Crime Alley alone?” you asked calmly but firmly, looking at me as the boy avoided returning the gesture “Dick, look at me” you insisted, looking for his gaze, but the boy continued to refuse, almost tempted to close his eyes to make his denial clear. 
“Mrs. Wayne” Captain Gordon called to you from his desk, where he had been watching the interaction, and you quickly stood up to greet him.
“Jim, you don't know how much I appreciate you for this. I almost had a heart attack when the school called me to say that Dick was missing” you told him as you shook his hand. 
“Don't worry, your boy was just taking a walk, a bit of a dangerous adventure, but he came out without a scratch” he reassured you while looking at the crestfallen boy sitting next to you, and he did not miss the way your hand trembled slightly “Gomez” the officer who had brought you to the door looked at his boss ready to receive his order “Why don't you take little Dick to get something to eat from the vending machine down the hall?” and his question didn't need an answer. Dick left with Officer Gomez without saying a word, as you watched his back walk away through the glass in the office door.
“Y/n, please, sit down” Jim asked as he approached one of the chairs on the guest side of his desk, sitting down across from you immediately after you did.
“I'm sorry, I just-” You tried to apologise for how upset you were, but the man stopped you with an understanding smile.
“Don't worry, y/n. I was close to an aneurysm the first time my Barbs ran away from school” he told you trying to calm you down, to which you giggled at the thought of the adorable red-haired little girl who was the only daughter of the Gordon family.
“They start younger and younger” you plead, with a mixture of amusement and concern looking at the older man.
“Well this is Gotham, our kids have to grow up faster than others” he explained to you, while he served a glass of water from the jug that he had on his desk “Your butler had the same reaction when I found your husband walking in the same place years ago, shortly after the death of Thomas and Martha” he remembered, offering you the glass, which you accepted with anguish.
“God, he already acts like Bruce, and he hasn't even been with us for two weeks” you lamented, to which Jim couldn't help but chuckle a bit at your concern.
“Welcome to parenthood, your heart gets used to it sooner or later” he comforted you, running his hand down your back reassuringly.
Things got worse before they got better. Dick started running away not only from school, but from home, and he started yelling at you at unexpected times. There was no way for you to figure out what was making him mad because it was different what you did or didn't do every time he started his tantrum.
That was the case for more than two months after the first incident. Alfred told you that Bruce had been the same for a full year after his parents died. Bruce told you it wasn't your fault, despite what the kid was yelling at YOU all the time. But you could do more than feel guilty. You didn't want to fix things with your magic. When you retired you decided that your life could not be what you did with your power, it was more than just your power, and it was time to start accepting it, enjoying it. But you don't know how to help him without that power, either, at least not in a very deep way. So you did the only thing you could think of, you kept offering your hand to little Dickie, even though half the time he seemed to want to bite his hand.
It all came to a head one afternoon after you brought a very angry Dick to Wayne Manor from school. Gotham Academy had called you to talk after he tried to escape again. They informed you that maybe it was time for you and Bruce to look for another school for the boy, since his behaviour was not appropriate for the establishment.
“Dick, we need to talk” you called out to the boy, seeing him run towards the stairs as soon as you closed the front door. Alfred was shopping for dinner and Bruce was at League HQ, so you were the only one to argue with the kid that day “Dick Grayson, come back here, we're going to have a talk about this sooner or later” you said, going after the boy with a calm step, but Dick heard you coming and ran to his room at the moment he made the second floor of the house, slamming the door shut before you managed to finish climbing the stairs.
You sighed heavily as you stopped at the sound of the door slamming. You wanted desperately to go into the room and demand that the boy tell you what was bothering him so much, you wanted desperately to fix whatever was bothering him so much. But you knew you couldn't really fix the source of his problems, even if you had the magical potential to do so. You learned long ago that death is something even you must let take its course, for the sake of the very existence of the whole. You also didn't want to enter the boy's mind with magic, it wouldn't be fair to him to do that, so your options were limited at the end of the day. So you stood there, helpless.
You were having a hard time, not because you didn't want the task of taking care of Dick, but because it was a mixture of situations that seemed unfair to you. First the poor boy lost his parents together in front of his eyes, and he did so after the death of the Scarlet Witch, after you decided it was better to start a life without the chaos magic that characterised you. If the boy had crossed your path a couple of years earlier, neither Mary nor John had fallen to their deaths that day, you would have stopped it right there in that tent of the circus without much thought. But it hadn't been.
Although, you didn't need to read his mind to know one thing: Dick hated you. Totally and intensely. He had made it clear to you on more than one occasion.
And yes, he did. Dick hated everything about you. He hated the way you made his room look like the ideal in his mind of what he wanted. How you personally prepared his lunches for school. How you wore it and personally attracted you everywhere. How you smile with affection, how you patiently accept every insult and scream. I also hated how you tried so hard that he wouldn't notice that Bruce wasn't there much. Or how you always found him when he got lost in the halls. Also, when you brought him cookies and hot chocolate when he couldn't sleep, even though sugar didn't really help him sleep at all. He only made him happy for a while.
Why couldn't you be like the wicked stepmothers of the stories? 
It would be easier for him.
He hated the way you loved him, because it made him want his mom back, and it made him remember that she was gone, it made him want to accept you and Bruce as his family too. But he didn't need a new family. He necessitated his family, his parents, and his circus friends. He wanted his life back.
He hated you. He hated you. He hated you.
Dick curled up on the bed, with the blankets you personally picked out with him, which were Superman, and hid his head on the pillow. There he remained. At eleven years old, Dick had never been the type to be capricious or suspicious. His parents had always taken pride in saying that his son was very well-behaved and fit in wherever they went with the show. But now he just wanted to hate and never stop doing it, he didn't want anything else because the world was cruel, and it didn't deserve more than his hate. You didn't deserve more than that for being so good that it made him want to feel like before, and it pulled his mind to a better place every time you caressed his hair lovingly and made him feel at home.
That night, after eating the sandwich that Alfred had kindly given him when he refused to come down for dinner, he went to sleep without expecting you to come and say good night, as you had done since he arrived at the mansion. Usually, he didn't go to sleep easily, but his desire to avoid you overcame the fear of his nightmares, so he quickly fell asleep.
You arrived after he began to snore softly, already sunk in sleep. You entered, opening the door as quietly as possible, to see him spread out on his bed, with his pyjamas on, and the sheets almost falling off the bed due to his movements. Likewise, you couldn't help but feel the tenderness warm your heart, thinking to yourself that this should be a good step on the right path, because the boy hadn't slept well since he arrived at the mansion and since before, according to the reports of the social worker. So that he was sleeping at that time was good. You took victory silently and closed the door to the room, using the surface of your powers to close the curtains that let the moonlight into the room before walking away. 
You went down to the cave after that, where Bruce was getting ready to go out for the night.
“How is he?” he asked while putting on his gloves, as soon as he heard you walking out of the elevator.
“He's asleep” you told him with a big smile, happy for the small victory.
“Really?” Bruce asked, pleasantly surprised.
“Yes” you answer, reaching her side, unable to contain the smile of happiness, for that reason “I know it's not much considering what happened today-” you started, but your husband stopped you by placing his hands on your cheeks affectionately.
“It's a good thing” he assured you, smiling at you, and you kissed his lips lightly “We still need to talk to him tomorrow though” Bruce said, gently breaking your bubble, to which you sighed.
“If it makes you feel any better, Mistress y/n” Alfred began from the chair in front of the batcomputer “I could make you a list of the number of private schools Master Bruce was expelled from before he finally calmed down” he offered to what Bruce rolled his eyes in amusement “It's including Gotham Academy, of course” he clarified with amusement.
The night passed as normally as it could. But around one in the morning you went upstairs to check on Dick, as you always did at night when you stayed in the cave. It was the third time you'd checked, and he'd been fine the first two times, having started snoring louder on each visit.
So you expected to hear the boy snoring when you reached the hallway of his room, instead, you were met with crying. You stopped in place for a moment, because it was the first time you had heard Dick cry since he had arrived at the mansion.
“Mama” the boy cried, half awake and half asleep, “Mama” kept calling between sobs that shook her little body violently.
The most instinctive part of you walked quickly towards the door with a soft step, but the same logic made you stop at the door before even touching the handle, apart from that he told you that the boy was calling for his mom, for Mary. Not for you, he didn't want you. And for a moment you decided that you would not go in, and we let him cry all he needed, and tomorrow you would try to get him to talk about it. It might be a good time to suggest therapy. Yes, that was the best option and the best way to handle the situation.
“Mom, mom” you heard. Now fully awake, Dick continued to sob with his broken heart, and he broke yours with the sound of his cracking voice. So the institute won.
You walked into the room ready to be yelled at almost immediately. But you did it anyway, sure-footed and ready to do whatever it took to make your precious boy stop suffering once and for all. You knew that that would never leave him, but you would still try.
“Dickie, baby” you said as you approached the bed, to sit on the edge of the mattress next to him, running a hand over his back as he continued to cry and sobbed loudly “My joy, it's okay, you're-” and then the force of the child colliding with your chest stopped you.
In the time Dick had been there, he had never allowed you or Bruce or Alfred to get any closer than to hold his hand or stroke his hair. So when the boy threw himself at you crying and hugging your waist as if his life depended on it, he surprised you. He was hugging you as if he was afraid that you would disappear from one second to the next (theoretically you could do that, it was part of your powers, but that wasn't what the boy was afraid of). He sobbed into your chest as his knuckles turned white from clinging to you.
“It's okay, my joy” you comforted him, hugging him back and kissing his hair “Everything will be alright” you promised him, not quite sure what else to say to make him feel better and hugging him tighter to match his strength, so he would understand that you won't be leaving soon
“I want my mum” the boy sobbed, not with an internal intention to hurt you, but as if asking you to do something. You were an adult, you could fix anything, that's what adults do, and the ten-year-old was practically begging you desperately for a solution as he felt.
“Oh, I know, Dickie. I know” you said hugging him tighter “I'm so sorry, baby” you apologised, feeling bad for having no more than words to handle the situation, knowing that nothing will bring that child back to his parents, no matter how much you want to make it happen for him.
You would do anything for that boy. You would destroy yourself, and you would build yourself up again. Not only that, but you would empty out entire universes and kill God himself if necessary. But for now, you just held him while he cried, while he called out to a mother who lay twenty feet under. You knew, at that moment, that there would never be anything you wouldn't do for that boy. And Dick decided that night that maybe you weren't so bad.
Dick Grayson couldn't believe he was standing in the Batcave. He also couldn't believe his adoptive father was Batman. Now he understood why he was always missing for so long, it wasn't that Bruce was ignoring him, it was that he was down there, being a hero for Gotham City. His mind was racing as he walked around the place asking your husband questions and inspecting every nook, artefact, and blemish he found in the place. You and Bruce watched him from a distance, grinning like fools at the uncontrollable excitement of the boy who had long felt like he was your own.
“This is AMAZING” Dick would say whenever something particularly struck him, which means he said it every few seconds.
“See, he told you he would be excited” you told your husband while you took his hand, he smiled at you and brought your clasped hands to his lips to kiss your knuckles affectionately. A silent way of telling you: You were right, love.
“WOW” exclaimed the boy, he was now standing on the platform where the different suits that your husband had used as Batman are displayed “With all due respect, Bruce, but it's good that you left behind the combination of purple and yellow, it was too much” the boy scoffed, pointing at the first suit on display behind him.
“It was the eighties” your husband defended himself with a grimace, rolling his eyes at how similar the comment was to the one you had made the first time you set foot in the cave several years ago. You just laughed as you looked at him, happily remembering that moment.
“Purple looks amazing on you, my love” you assured him, caressing his cheek with your free hand. “Very intimidating” you said, to which both you and Dick chuckled, while Bruce continued to regret his fashion decisions.
“I tried to talk him out of it, Master Dick” Alfred commented, joining the bandwagon of teasing Bruce about his old fashion decisions. “But he insisted,” he shrugged gracefully.
“Okay, I'm going to throw him out of my cave if you don't leave my purple suit alone” Bruce complained, to which you and Dick shared an amused look before the boy returned his attention to the suits on display. Alfred smiled as he watched you kiss your husband in compensation, earning me a goofy smile from him, the one the butler had seen a lot since you two got married.
“HOLY SHIT” Dick suddenly exclaimed, to which you and Bruce turned to look at him wearing it, your husband ready to spring into action at your son's exclamation “You've got the Scarlet Witch suit here!!” the boy exclaimed excitedly, looking at your husband in disbelief before running to stand in front of the glass where your old suit is on display. Well, the word suit was an understatement, because it was a red bodysuit, with a belt, the cape, and high boots. An outfit that was not the best choice for fighting, but you never question it too much, because you were always comfortable in yourself and in that outfit, too.
Bruce and you shared a look. It was time to drop the second bomb on the boy. Now you were the one worried about her reaction.
“How did you get it?” Dick asked excitedly, his nose glued to the glass, pawing it with his breath “I thought the Justice League couldn't get her body back from the Dimension of the Damned after she closed the portal to save us” he said, thinking aloud, while analysing the garment.
Up close, he could see the details of the fabric, the way the cloak had a texture and wasn't smooth as it seemed watching it from the television. It was as if magic was embedded in the fabric, and it moved even when she was still on the mannequin. The boy was fascinated, definitely marking this as the best day of his life.
“Well that's true. The League was unable to recover her body after she closed the portal” explained Bruce, as he hugged your waist, pressing his fingers against you at the memory of those events that still haunt him “But the suit is here for its protection, nothing more, it still belongs to its owner” Bruce finished, letting the boy think a little about his words.
“Wait,” Dick said, frowning and turning away from the video, to walk to the railing of the platform. And how do you have it, if she never left the Dimension of the Damned?” the boy frowned, thinking hard that how could it be that this was the original costume.
“It's more like early retirement than death” Dick jumped in place when you appeared next to him, speaking sweetly to him “But yes, the Scarlet Witch never made it out of the Dimension of the Damned” you explained to him, while you crouch in front of him, the boy turned to face you still confused by what he was saying “Dick, do you remember that we told you that we had to tell you a couple of things?” you asked him and the boy quickly nodded “Well first we wanted to tell you that Bruce is Batman, as you already deduced” you pointed to your husband on the lowest platform “And the other one is that I'm-” Before you could say more, Dick squealed with excitement again.
“YOU ARE THE SCARLET WITCH, HOLY FUCK!!” the boy yelled with his eyes as wide as his eyelids would allow.
“Language, Master Dick” Alfred scolded absently from below.
“OH-MY-GOD” The boy yelled again, looking at me as if you were hanging the stars from the sky, throwing himself on you, hugging you with his arms around your neck “I knew you weren't dead, I argued every day with my friends about this, it didn't make sense for YOU to die just like that, no amount of spawn could kill the Scarlet Witch, it's absurd-” The boy began to ramble as you picked him up in your arms, he hug your hips with his legs intuitively, and you walked down with him in your arms. Smiling softly at the boy's excitement, it was Bruce's turn to give you the Told you so look “This is the BEST day of my life” Dick finished his ramblings as you pulled up next to Bruce, with him still sitting on your hip, and proceeded to grab your husband's neck and hug you both tight. The pull made your husband laugh at the boy's sudden outburst. “My parents are the coolest people on the planet next to Superman, this is the best” the boy declared proudly, ignoring the surprised looks you and Bruce shared immediately after that.
It was the first time his parents had called you, and Dick didn't even think about it much longer, it came out of him so naturally that you two didn't say anything else either. You were mom after that and Bruce was dad, as if the boy had forgotten how to say his name from one moment to the next. And he did it with the greatest happiness in the world.
That night, after Bruce went out on patrol, and you dragged a still very excited Dick to bed, as you tucked him into bed, tucking the covers over him, your son's face suddenly scrunched up at a particular thought.
“What's up, Dikie?” you asked, as you ran your hand over her forehead, concerned at the sudden change in expression.
“Weren't Batman and the Scarlet Witch supposed to hate each other?” he asked you confused, looking down with his head tilted from his pillow.
You laughed, relieved and amused by the question.
“That, my boy, is a story for another day”
And that was it.
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hotteoki · 1 year
boyfriend skz things - happy 1k followers!
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notes: this was long overdue so i rushed it a bit, but thank you everyone so so much for 1k! here’s a lil celebration that was not proofread 😭
©️ strayedstars | do not repost
chan (방찬) - flirting
despite being in a long-term relationship with him, chan will never stop complimenting you, opening doors for you, spoiling you with gifts etc. it’s so frequent to the point where the others have long given up on making fun of him, opting for a simultaneous groan whenever the both of you share any type of interaction.
just as chan was about to lean in to kiss you, jisung interrupted from beside you, “the parents are at it again!” this created a trend for everyone to follow, screaming a few “get a room!”s or “not again!”s. chan pursed his lips, “i really look forward to the day i move out.” you laughed, “you don’t mean that.” “no i really do.”
minho (민호) - sending filter videos
it was very well known that minho is an avid filter user, using sending random videos to stays on bubble and laughing about them. little did anyone know, the amount of videos or pictures minho posts online were only 1/5th of how many he sends you. without even counting them, you could confidently say that 90% of your gallery was him with some ridiculous filter.
"min, stop sending me stuff, my storage is running out because of you." minho blinked at you slowly, before turning his attention back to his phone, ironically already filming a video with him as a bumblebee, "no." you laughed, "what do you mean, no? i quite literally have more pictures of you than me on my phone-" "good."
changbin (창빈) - reminding you to drink water
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a glass of water was wordlessly placed beside your laptop on the desk. "binnie, i just drank some literally 5 minutes ago," you looked up from your screen to meet his stern eyes. "no, you drank a sip of my water over an hour ago," changbin crossed his arms, staring pointedly at the clock. you knew he wasn't going to budge until you finished every last drop of that glass, so you complied, downing the water. it was only then did he smile proudly, kissing your forehead quickly before leaving to wash the glass.
hyunjin (현진) - drawing
everyone knows how much hyunjin loves art, most of the pieces he posts on instagram were of flowers, or sceneries. however, he has a notebook that is dedicated to his drawings of you. he knows how you aren't confident in yourself most of the time, but he's determined to prove you wrong. whenever you were with him, hyunjin would always have his notebook and pencil in hand, ready to sketch you.
"what are you always drawing?" "hm?" hyunjin hummed, gaze still fixating on his pages. "i mean, you're always drawing something, can i see what it is?" his cheeks turned slightly pink from your attention, "i'll show you when i'm finished." "but you work on a new piece every time?" hyunjin paused, thinking of a reply to that, "i'll show you the entire book when i'm done. i have around 11 pages left or so anyway." you nodded, satisfied with that answer. hyunjin smiled to himself before continuing his work on your eyes, he always thought they were the prettiest he'd ever seen.
jisung (지성) - petting
it started off as a subconscious movement, you were pretty certain jisung hadn’t even realised doing it until you asked him why he was stroking your arm out of nowhere. he responded with a blush, moving away before you could stop him. it was when it happened again that you told him you found it adorable, and that was also when jisung kissed you for the first time.
“i never got to ask you,” you said, nudging jisung's foot with yours, earning a hum from him. “why do you always pet me?” the hand that was caressing your thigh halted, before continuing as jisung thought of an answer, “i don’t know. i think i just got used to petting bbama, and now i pet you.” you kissed his cheek lightly, smiling against his skin, “fair enough.”
felix (용복) - baking
it was regular for felix to bake a batch of brownies for the members and staff, and usually they would all be devoured before you could even get your hands on one of them, which is why felix would always bake a smaller batch reserved just for you. sometimes they would have chocolate chips in them, or m&ms, whatever you were craving, they would probably be put in the brownies.
"yah, felix, do you have any more brownies?" minho yelled from across the room. "no, sorry, that was all!" felix called back. "what do you mean? you literally have a box of them right there?" jeongin pointed out. felix immediately reacted, extending his arm until it was out of jeongin's reach, "they're not yours." "they're mine!" you added in, walking over to felix and taking the box from him, kissing his cheek as a thank you. "ugh, not in here," minho recoiled.
seungmin (승민) - taking pictures
much like hyunjin, he's an avid believer of capturing the moment. seungmin carries a film camera with him at all times, knowing that if he used a regular camera, you would ask to see the picture and instantly ask him to delete it. by using a film camera, you wouldn't be able to see the picture, and seungmin would be able to print them out without your knowing, and pocket them in his wallet.
"when did you take this?" you indicated at the picture of you in his wallet, you swore you've never seen that picture before. "a while ago," seungmin shrugged, taking his wallet from your hands. "do you just take pictures of me out of nowhere?" you laughed. "yeah, all the time. i thought you knew that." you blinked, "i did not." "well now you do."
jeongin (정인) - letting you wear his rings
jeongin's usually very reluctant about letting other people borrow his things, but when he saw you trying on some of his rings, he knew he would let you have anything you wanted that belonged to him. it wasn't even a possessive thing, he simply thought that it warmed his heart to know that you loved him so much you would wear a reminder of him every day.
"hey, can i borrow this for tonight? it goes with my outfit." without even looking up from his phone, jeongin nodded, "sure." "innie, you're not even looking," you stated teasingly. he smiled, "i don't need to. you can keep whatever you want." you gaped, "really?" jeongin switched his phone off, beaming at you, "yeah. what's mine is yours. not my clothes though, i need them for my ootds."
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totaly-obsessed · 4 months
can you do a millie bright x reader where it’s their wedding day and the whole team are there and it’s just really fluffy and cute:). love your writing so much
Tears of Joy
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Millie Bright x reader request
-> Marrying the Love of your Life
-> sorry for the delay - I hope you like it!
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
After waiting and planning for months on end – maybe even your entire childhood, the day was finally here. You were getting married!
Sure many dreams from your childhood wedding plans came true, but you didn’t quite find a prince charming, more of a princess charming – your very own knight in shining armor, the one and only Millie Bright.
As soon as you hat met Millie all those years ago in a Social Media meeting for Chelsea, you knew that she was the one. But the gentle giant had been quite scared to come up and talk to you – so you had to take the first step.
While the blonde looked intimidating it only took speaking to her once to see that she really wasn’t – maybe more so on the pitch, but luckily you didn’t have to face her there.
Millie had blushed a deep red when you caught her arms as she frantically tried to leave the meeting room, something you had not expected.
“Hi Millie, would you like to go on a date with me?”
Of course, she knew who you were, the new head of media for the women’s branch of Chelsea and she had spent the last four meetings just staring at you.
While you had felt confident walking up to her, seeing her face contort into a frown and lines appear on her forehead changed your mind quickly and you removed your hand.
“Or not – sorry that was a stupid idea.”
She couldn’t pull you in a hug fast enough. Dear god. If she hugged you like this, you never want to hug another person.
“I wanted to act cool and act like I wasn’t sure… But I would love to!”
To this day Millie and you could laugh about how much more stressful it had been than it needed if she had just said yes immediately.
While you had taken the first step to dating, Millie had been the one to ask the big question. She had just come home, even though she had been at home the entire time, from winning the Euros – and emotions were at an all-time high. Your girlfriend was now officially the champion of Europe.
You had been the first person she had seen out of the stands, her parents pushing you forward when you wanted to let them go first, after all, she was their daughter. “Don’t be silly love!” Had been what her mother said once she saw the blonde making her way towards the barriers.
“I did it, Baby! I fucking did it!” She was in tears, face still hot from running on the pitch for such a long time as she pulled you into a passionate kiss, not caring the slightest about all the cameras.
“You did so well my love! I am so proud of you!”
She would never forget the look on your face – she had never seen you look so proud of anybody, and now you looked at her like this. Her heart? Melted into a puddle.
Your girlfriend didn’t wait for long, lifting you over the barrier and pulling you as close to her as she could.
“My god Mills, leave some for me!” It was Rachel who finally pulled her sweaty best friend off you, just to replace her, giving you a bone-crushing hug.
“Off Rach! That’s my girl! Get ya own!”
The ‘DalyBrightness’ duo had always playful banter between them, and you were no stranger to it either, often getting roped into it somehow by Rachel, determined to get Millie angry – but the taller one of the two could only laugh about it every time.
The whole evening and night was spent partying, first in the dressing rooms, then in a chosen location with friends and family. Trafalgar Square was the next destination, where the girls would meet the nation they had made so incredibly proud, just the evening before.
After all the meetings and interviews had finally calmed down, you got your girlfriend back. Millie had finally arrived at home, in your shared south London house and the first thing she saw was your dogs Hera and Zeus. But upon lifting her head, the defender saw that they flanked both of your sides, while you held a beautiful ‘Welcome Home’ cake in your hands.
She couldn’t kiss you fast enough after seeing your nice gesture and cute smile.
“I love you much my love, and I don’t think I tell you enough. But I really do.”
The first thing you did after not seeing each other for such a long time, was napping. In the big bed, ready to sleep the day away. What you didn’t know, was that Millie woke up way before you and found herself staring at a beautiful ring in a little box.
Today was the day.
After making dinner she had asked you. She didn’t go down on her knees, so she pulled out a box, opened it, and just sat there for a second until you finally turned and noticed the ring.
“Marry me?”
Choked up on tears you couldn’t do anything but nod. “Yeah, baby. I’ll marry you.” The kiss that followed tasted like tears, tears of utter joy as Zeus and Hers ran through the room yapping as if they knew what had just happened.
The day was finally here. Yours and Millie's wedding day. In retrospect you could not have chosen a better day, even if you obviously had not known how the weather would be – it was perfect.
Getting ready was a long process, not even physically, but rather mentally. But there was not a single doubt in your mind, that you would marry the love of your life.
You were ready when a knock sounded at the door and your sister who at the same time was your maid of honor opened it. The door was only open a smidge so you couldn’t really see who was behind it, while you talked to your bridesmaids.
“It’s go-time people!”
Your heart fluttered. But you were not nervous or anxious, no. You were excited and nearly ran out of the room with the bridesmaids to get to the altar, but your sister stopped you in your tracks, insisting that you had to wait somewhere else until the rest of the wedding party walked down the aisle.
Now stood in a room you waited for your sign. Fuck. Now the nerves were coming up. In your head, you went through the plan again, when you heard someone clear their throat.
It was Millie. There she was, dressed in a gorgeous white jumpsuit – looking at you like you hung the moon. “Baby! “You cannot see me in my dress before the wedding!”
Tears brimmed in both your eyes as you stared at your fiancé who couldn’t keep standing there any longer, so with brisk steps the blonde rushed forward and engulfed you in one of your favorite hugs. Your hearts find each other and beat in unison.
“How are ya feelin?” She rested her forehead on yours while staring at you as long as she could. “Nervous. Excited. Incredibly happy.“
The music inside was slowly getting quieter and you knew that you didn’t have that much time left. “I thought we could change the plan a little.”
Turns out Millie's idea was brilliant. Instead of just you walking in, both of you walked in together, no one would give anyone away. This would be a union of love between you and her, but that didn’t mean that either of you had to say goodbye to your family.
You could hear the gasps as you walked down the aisle, arms hooked together, each of you a flower bouquet in hand, the biggest smiles anyone had ever seen on your faces. You looked magical.
In the end, you don’t even know how you got through the vows, all you remember were a lot of tears, and an incredibly passionate kiss that was met with screams of joy from the audience.
After all of your families had congratulated the both of you, your Club mates made their way towards you each of them with big smiles on their faces.
Niamh was the first at your side and was the first to pull you into a warm hug. “You look like a princess. But one of those badass ones, that doesn’t need a white knight to save them.”
“I will need a cheaper ring for daily use, this one belongs in a bank in a safe deposit box.” Millie's joke was met with a lot of laughter as Sam came over and after hugging you as well, took a closer look at your ring. “Maybe! That is a fucking rock Mills!”
„You’re one to talk.“ Hempo received a  slight nudge from her captain while everyone else laughed along.
One after the other Chelsea and Lioness teammates alike made their way through the masses, hugging you with congratulatory tones and singing praises. Most of them even brought presents which they gave your sister for safekeeping.
“I can finally call you my wife.” Millie had stolen you away from the open space for a second and pulled you close for a deep kiss.
“My wife, huh? That has a nice ring to it.”
Not only were you her wife now, but she was also yours. Married. Oh dear god, you were finally married to the girl of your dreams. “Best day of my life.”
“Then I am excited to give you better ones.”
“God. you disgust me.” Neither of you had seen Rachel invade the nice little space Millie and you had created for the two of you
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rxmqnova · 3 months
Say that request are open so I have one for Scarlett x sister!reader
Reader is Scarlett younger sister maybe we are around 15-17. We used to be really close to Scarlett when we were younger but don’t see her anymore because she’s always busy with work. So one day she promised us she would take us out but completely forgets about it and she doesn’t realize into the next few days that she forgot she had plans with us and comes over to her parents house to try and make it up to us.
Idk if this makes any sense….
Forgotten sleepover
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Y/N: 15 years old ——————————————————
NO ONE'S POV Humming her favorite song Y/N's finishing up her make-up, so she could go out with her older sister tonight.
Scarlett and Y/N used to be very close. Y/N used to tell her sister everything, she used to sleep over at her house nearly every weekend, though over the last few years they seem to have grown apart.
It's been a really long time since Scarlett had time for her little sister. It's not that she wouldn't want to, because she would want nothing more, but she's been working really hard on her own skin care line, The Outset. And if she's not at The Outset office, she's on set.
Y/N's been begging her older sister to make some time for her and it finally happened. It's Friday and the two are going out for dinner and then Y/N's even sleeping over at Scarlett's house just like the old times which she's super excited about.
Last few touches and Y/N's ready to go. She takes her bag and rushes downstairs to put on her shoes as Scarlett should be here in any minute.
Minutes after minutes pass though and Y/N's still waiting, thinking whether she should call her sister or not. Scarlett promised to spend time with her, so she surely needs to be here soon.
Meanwhile Scarlett shuts the door of her house, a sigh of relief escaping her lips after another stressful day at work. The blonde can't wait to have dinner, take a shower and go to bed. So that's exactly what she does, completely forgetting about the sleepover she promised to have with her little sister.
After nearly 2 hours of waiting Y/N gives up, tears filling her eyes while she's rushing back to her bedroom. She was so excited to finally see her sister and to spend some time with her and Scarlett just doesn't come.
The weekend flies by fast and it's Monday now. Scarlett still hasn't realized anything, though she's quite confused as why isn't her sister answering her calls and messages.
The blonde sighs after calling her little sister for what feels like a 100th time this morning. Right now she's home and about to drive to The Outset office.
She opens the calender on her phone to check what she needs to do today, her eyes widening when she spots what she had planned for last Friday's evening.
She needs to go to work though, so that's what she does and her entire day gets filled with thinking how could she make up last Friday to her baby sister.
When Scarlett finally leaves the office, instead of back home she drives to her parents' house, hoping Y/N would be home and she could make it up to her somehow.
She immediately heads upstairs, knowing her sister is most likely to be in her bedroom. And after knocking and opening the door, she finds her little sister sitting on her bed and scrolling on her phone.
"Mom, I'm really not hungry right now" Y/N says without looking who's at the door, making Scarlett let out a chuckle which makes Y/N look up. "What are you doing here? Don't you have some super important work to do?"
"Don't be like that, Y/N" Scarlett sighs, walking over to her sister's bed and taking a seat next to her.
"I was waiting for you 2 hours. I was so excited and you didn't even let me know you wouldn't come" Y/N crosses her arms over her chest, looking at her older sister.
"I'm sorry, I had a really stressful day and I just-"
"As always" Y/N scoffs. "You never have time for me anymore. I just want to spend some time with my sister. Am I asking too much?"
"Honey, I'm really, really sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you" Scarlett places her hand on her younger sister's knee, giving it a rub, though Y/N just rolls her eyes in response.
"Don't promise me anything when you can't fulfill the promise, Scarlett. I don't want to be disappointed again" Y/N says, her arms still crossed as she's looking at her sister.
"… Okay, fine. Pack your things. We're leaving" Scarlett orders, Y/N furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. "Come on, we'll have the sleepover"
"Scarlett, I have school in the morning. I-"
"I will drive you to school on my way to the office. You'll probably be there a bit sooner, but whatever. So? Are you coming or not?" Scarlett raises an eyebrow, watching her sister's still confused face impression and waiting for an answer.
"I- Y-yeah, I-I'm coming"
"Good. I'll talk to mom about it and wait for you downstairs" Receiving a nod, Scarlett makes her way downstairs while Y/N's rushing around her room to pack everything.
"I didn't really have time for cooking, so pizza for dinner?" Scarlett asks, closing the door of her house as the two just stepped inside.
"Sounds good" Y/N smiles, suddenly dropping her bag on the floor and practically jumping into her sister's arms, holding her tightly and never wanting to let go of her again.
Scarlett looks at her sister confused before shaking it off and wrapping her arms around the younger girl, a smile forming on her face.
"I missed you so much" Y/N mumbles out, still holding her sister tightly.
"I missed you too, sweetheart. I'm really sorry about last Friday, Y/N/N. I'll try to work on my schedule, so you and I could hang out more. Would you like that?" Scarlett asks, placing her hand on Y/N's cheek and rubbing it with her thumb.
"That would be awesome… Only if it's not too much of a trouble for you though" Scarlett can't help but smile on her sister's words, pulling Y/N in for another tight hug and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"I love you so much, Y/N/N" Scarlett smiles, pressing another kiss to the younger one's forehead.
"I love you too, Scarly"
Scarlett Johansson masterlist
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night-raven-tattler · 4 months
Hello, hello <3 How are you?
I loved your writing!
The HC from the Heartslabyul group as parents left me thinking: how would Deuce react if, after getting married and having his own girls (Deuce is 1000% the father of a girl), he met an ex "friend" of his time as a delinquent who hasn't changed much in his ways and REALLY wants to piss off poor Deuce
(sorry, my English is unga bunga ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ)
Hey 🌙! Mx Tattly is happy to share what she knows on the matter. He's happy to see you're sharing the same girl dad!Deuce vision. Here is the information you've requested!
Show of power, show of growth
Characters: Deuce x GN!Reader (romantic), unnamed older daughter and unnamed younger daughter
Warnings: threats, mentions of violence
By opening the document, you agree to Mx Tattly's terms of confidentiality.
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Being part of an elite anti-mage division was an achievement both you and Deuce were infinitely proud of, but he had to admit the job was very time consuming
And, since he now was a father of two girls that he bent over backwards for to fulfill their every whim, Deuce has his schedule full to the brim
Despite his busy schedule, he loves taking his girls out for walks especially during the evening, an activity he has been doing ever since his cuties were just babies
It started as a chance to give you, his spouse, a few moments to yourself to relax and destress while he bonded with the babies
He'd point at various trees, shops, the sky, and talk about them to his kids, until they were old enough to start doing the same on their own
It was a late summer evening when Deuce came home after a stressful day, and the only thing he could think of to destress was to spend time with his family
Deuce was not lucky enough for his daughters to want any indoor activities, though
So he just accepted his fate and took his little ones for a walk in the neighborhood
His older daughter, the cutest chatterbox in the world, was swinging his left hand back and forth as she pointed with her free hand at the neighborhood cats, giving them names and making up stories about their lives
His younger daughter, a quiet observer, was holding his other hand while she occasionally asked her older sister or dad questions
It was an evening like any other, nothing seemingly out of the ordinary
Yet, something felt...off
Even without his specialized training, Deuce had always been able to tell when someone was watching him, overly curious eyes burning holes in his back
He turned his head around, and saw the person looking at him
A young man about the same age as him was walking towards him
He was wearing a jacket Deuce recognized as a sign of one of the city's smaller gangs, whose members focused on shoplifting and public disturbances
Why was this person approaching him?
“Oi, Spade. Been a while since I last saw ya. Middle school, maybe?"
At first, Deuce had no idea who the guy in front of him was
"Sorry, do I know you?"
The guy scoffed, looking offended by the idea of Deuce not remembering him
"Come on, man. Heard through the grapevine you're a cop now, but that doesn't mean you have to forget your old shoplifting buddy."
The words made his eyes widen and he tightened the hold he had on his girls as an old memory came to him
He was in middle school when him and an old classmate, Kateur Pilla, stole a few bags of chips off a shelf in a local shop without getting caught
"There ya go, ya remember me after all!'"
The memory brought a bitter taste to Deuce's mouth and his face was burning with shame, but he was brought back to reality by a small hand squeezing his
"Daddy, what's shoplifting?"
The guy's eyes fell on the source of the tiny voice, Deuce's oldest child, making Deuce shiver and pull his daughter behind him
“You even have kids now! Damn, man, you really became a good-for-nothing goody-two-shoes.”
The entire existence of this guy in his family's vicinity made his skin crawl
His grip on his older daughter tightened and he picked up his youngest
"At least I did something worthwhile with my life. Now scram."
“Aw, come on, you really can't spare me a chat?”
"No, not really.”
Deuce's response came through gritted teeth
His self control improved tremendously during the years, only because he has learned how to redirect his attention towards something else
In this case, his seemingly oblivious daughters
But he still felt the burning urge to grab this guy by the collar
“Not even if I promise to give you some info? Paid info, of course. Some guys I know got their hands on some stuff that's for sure illegal. How about we have a chat, hm? Or are you still that dumb to refuse such a golden opportunity? Man, cops really are stupid.”
His tone changed into something more condescending, even though he was still a small nobody compared to Officer Spade, member of the Queendom of Roses' anti-mage division
…but Deuce felt his younger daughter cling onto his jacket, feeling the intimidating air Kateur was trying to scare Deuce with
His blood pressure started rising, and he started slightly shaking, trying his best to control the urge to kick Kateur away from the innocent eyes of his kids
"Maybe you didn't change after all. What's that badge for if you're still the same dumbass you were years ago? Wanna go steal some cigs?"
Deuce felt his hands shaking 
But before he got to push his girls away and do something he regretted, he heard a familiar voice call his name
"Deuce? Honey, what's happening?"
With your talent for appearing wherever there's trouble, you made a beeline to your family, disregarding the presence of the guy and picking up your oldest kid
Without a second through, he handed you your second child
“Go home. I have something to deal with.”
You nodded and walked away with your confused and slightly scared little girls
Now that Deuce was finally alone, he had the opportunity to punch this guy for daring to disturb his family
...but he chose not to
“Listen here, ya punk.”
The guy flinched back as Deuce's voice boomed, obviously not expecting to be so rattled
"I am a good man now. I have a family. And I don't allow any human trash to speak to me that way.”
Cracking his knuckles, Deuce stepped closer, and the guy was backed into a corner
“Scram. Don't bother me or my family again, or I’ll forget I'm a good man.”
Kateur realized he has crossed a line, so he just tsked and walked away empty handed
Before he returned home, Deuce walked around a bit to shake off his anger, directed at Kateur... and directed at himself
Why wasn't he able to just ignore the guy?
Was Kateur right after all? Did Deuce really not change at all?
..No, he must be wrong, Deuce did not use violence, which was good
But he still threatened the guy, and that wasn't good
…Not arriving at any satisfactory conclusion, he eventually decided to just go home
You watched how Deuce walked into the living room of your small apartment, your girls welcoming him with open arms and high spirits, a striking contrast to not too long ago
The moment Deuce saw them, he smiled warmly and thought to himself how they inherited your talent to make him better 
When your older daughter kept asking Deuce again about what "shoplifting” meant, you sent the girls to their room so you could discuss with your husband what happened
He told you everything that went down before your arrival, expecting to be scolded for losing his temper, like a small child waiting to be sent to the corner to think about what he'd done
"To be honest, you did great! The girls are safe and happy, and you managed to shoo away the guy without getting physical. That's the best outcome I can ask for."
..You were right
He thanked you and gave you a kiss on the forehead for reassuring him before you walked together to your daughters' room to spend some time together
And you sighed with relief after watching Deuce relax as he played together with his daughters
He would have to change his usual route for a while, just to make sure they wouldn't be bothered again
But if he'd have to face the guy again, he knew he could do even better than that 
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gl1tter-claire · 3 months
𝓣 𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆!!✦
𝓓𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐍𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬!!🕸
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When you first started dating her, she was a little cold trying to make sure if she could really trust you, until one day she just came to your house after an argument with her father and you listened so carefully and hugged her and comforted her. so affectionately that you made her feel so safe with you, after that day she was much more affectionate alone with you
She's really so obsessed with giving you cute nicknames in Italian
She thinks you are the most beautiful person in the universe
Once during a sexual moment that you were having with her, she grabbed your neck out of lust and the heat of the environment. The problem was that she grabbed your neck more than she should and left the mark of her hand on your neck (and you didn't you wanted to tell her that she was taking your breath away because you didn't want to ruin the moment) and when you went to sleep after that she saw the mark on your neck and the mark on your neck reminded her of when her father was trying to kill her mother with her hands and began to cry on your shoulder while asking for forgiveness, you woke up and automatically asked her why she was crying while you hugged her and well, she told you what was happening to her while desperately asking for your forgiveness (my little baby thought that night that he had become his father😭😭)
When she's jealous, she puts her hand in one of the back pockets of your pants and gives you a kiss in front of the guy who's flirting with you just to make it clear to him that you already have a partner and it's her (if that doesn't work, she might start telling him to the guy who leaves you alone but with insults like that
“Hey idiot, don't you see that she already has a partner, leave her alone if you don't want her to break your fucking nose”
When she loses a match she feels super angry and yells or speaks badly to everyone who tries to tell her to calm down or who tries to talk to her, except you, <3
I think you are the only person capable of calming her down (help, I can't stop laughing, this reminded me of a scene from the kissing booth😭😭 look at me, Noah look at me!)
She thinks you look so cute in any type of clothes
Sometimes when she is stressed and it is not yet time to leave class she throws you a piece of paper in the middle of class telling you to meet in the locker room, when the two of them get to the locker room Natalie simply starts kissing you until she forgets why she was stressed
Natalie just loves having you on her lap while she kisses you
When she is depressed or angry the only thing she likes to do is go to your house and lay her head on your chest while you caress her head or play with her hair while a Nirvana song plays in the background
She really loves to tell you things and teach you songs from her favorite bands or soloists
She also loves it when you tell her about your tastes too and she will always listen very carefully
I feel like she would have been terrified when you told her you wanted her to meet your parents
until she finally comes to your house for dinner and sees that your parents aren't as bad as she thought, your dad asked her some questions but that's it, your parents absolutely like Nat
I think he really loves every part of your body but his favorite part of your body would be your thighsis
her loves to put his hand on your thigh and also lay his head on your thighs
You once gave him a Nirvana CD and he couldn't stop kissing you that day
She loves it when you steal her clothes and wear them, she thinks you look so cute with her things
you love the way her rings look on her hand and you're obsessed with always grabbing her hand and seeing her rings
“you really like my rings love”her said making fun of you a little
Oh, shut up,” you said laughing blushing
“Admit it” her said, grabbing you by the waist while giving you small kisses all over your face
Sometimes she gets very insecure and you have to remind her that you only love her and that you are not going to abandon her
She has a mixtape full of songs that remind her of you and she listens to it when you're not with her
when they kiss she likes to whisper I love you between kisses
You were the first to say I love you of the two, although she says it to you more often
Her loves to flirt with you just to see your blushing face
she dedicates many songs to you
For Natalie, you are the most beautiful woman in the world and it hurts her so much that you don't think the same
Every imperfection you see in yourself is something she loves
“baby you know you're too beautiful right?”
One day you told her about all your insecurities and she kissed all the imperfections you saw in yourself
n/a: hii, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language, I'm sorry,and if you are reading this, I just want to tell you that you are surely a wonderful and truly beautiful person, even if you don't see it for yourself and if you ever feel too bad with your physique or you are having a bad time in your life. I'm always attentive to my messages so write to me and I will try to help you <3
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rreeaahh · 9 months
Lies | R. A. B.
Ch. 1 of "One way ticket"
pair> regulus black x lestrange! slytherin! fem! reader | > suggestion of james potter x reader
summary> in which y/n and regulus go back to hogwarts and are forced to listen to their parents' lies for the last time, only to be faced by new ones.
word count> 1.4k
warnings> toxic family; hypocrisy; rude regulus;
a/n> english isnt my first language, guys, so please forgive any error<3 that's the first chapter of my new series, "one way ticket", which is a slow-burn, so please have patience!!! lots and lots of love
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“You better not try anything funny while at school, Y/N, do you understand me?” spat Cyrus Lestrange, his hand still on the back of his daughter in a fatherly-protective manner. “Don’t forget what truly matters from now on.”
“Yes, father,” is the only answer she deliveres with a smile on her face.
While waiting for the Hogwarts Express on King’s Cross Station, in the chaos and movement on the Platform 9¾, Y/N Lestrange and her father, Cyrus, seemed to be a lovely parent and his most precious child. The others probably think he’s telling her to be careful, to focus on her studies while she calms down her stressed dad. Truth is, however, that the two Lestranges have a relationship full of hatred.
“Don’t you dare disappoint me,” he mutters, “Again.” The additional word is like a punch in her stomach, nearly breaking her perfectly happy face if it weren’t for a woman to approach them, alongside her husband and son. That’s when his whole mood changes and he’s lovingly caressing her shoulder, arranging the collar of her gray shirt.
“Y/N, darling!” exclaims Walburga Black and comes happily to hug the young witch’s body into her arms. The woman kisses Y/N on both cheeks, and cups her face to take a better look at her. “Look at you, more beautiful every single time I see you!”
Y/N could see that behind Walburga, her father and Orion exchanged the formalities and her heart speed increases when she spots Regulus near his father. “Hello, Mrs. Black, it’s nice to see you,” she smiles sweetly and looks respectful at her.
“I haven’t seen you since… our little gathering,” she says. So that’s how she calls it. “I invited you to tea that time; I expected an owl from you or your father.”
That’s when Cyrus Lestrange intervenes in their conversation. “Hello, Walburga. I’m so sorry I couldn’t write to you,” he lies. “I had a lot on my mind and Y/N was too focused on her studies, you know how she is.”
The woman looks at her, very pleased. “Yes, of course.” Her expression looks hurt for a moment, but then she looks at her son, getting him to enter the little reunion. “Regulus told us about how you to got selected to be Prefects, isn’t that right, son?”
Y/N can sense his displeased to be forced to talk. It’s written all over his face, despite his polite smile. “Yes, mother,” he answers and when the woman looks at him without blinking, he moves his attention on his housemate. “Good to see you again, Y/N.”
“Hello, Regulus,” she mutters and smiles, trying to force herself to hide the sudden urge to vomit. The boy grabs her hand when she offers it and place a cold kiss on her skin. Now she’s going to vomit.
“Look at you two,” Walburga says in a nervous tone, like she’s ravished with emotions. “I cannot wait for you to graduate school and make us so proud.”
There’s a knot forming in her stomach. Her smile is still there, her eyes are still sparkling with agreement but her heart dropped to her stomach and formed a knot that’s strangling her intestines. She lets out a nervous chuckle and subtly looks at the boy’s expression, as relaxed as she tries to be. “Of course, mother,” he says in a calm tone, putting an arm on her shoulder and smiling at her. Y/N knows that there’s a knot forming in his intestines, too, but she chooses to keep herself quiet.
Being forced to smile in his direction, to laugh lightly at his words and to be that close to him – without trying to kill each other – seems like a torture. It is, indeed, a greater torture to observe the look of admiration that her father has on his face while listening to all the accomplishments that Regulus Black had in the last time. She was better than him, and yet, she was not enough.
“They will work together wonderfully to serve our lord, am I right, Cyrus?” asks Orion with a serious tone in his voice. Y/N always had a bad feeling about that man, but she could not wrap her finger around it. She knew, at least, from who Regulus got that annoying personality.
“You can be sure of that, Orion,” assures her father, giving her a cold gaze, like he is threatening her to act accordingly to her new role. “I raised Y/N to be my greatest pride.”
Her salvation is the train – the old and loud Hogwarts Express, which is supposed to get every student back to Hogsmeade Station, in order to begin a new year at Hogwarts. She turns back to her father while the Blacks are saying their goodbyes to their son, and she forces a smile.
He wraps his hands around Y/N’s shoulders and she cannot help but let herself feel like the small child that needed to be loved by her father, her only parent. And then, only for a moment, her smile in not fake anymore.
“Don’t be a disappointment, Y/N,” he whispers into her ear as he ends the hug. “Got everything you need?”
She nods. “Yes, father.”
“Good. I’ll send you a letter when there’ll be a need of you.”
She nods again obedient and grabs her luggage. “Regulus,” Walburga’s voice break the silence between them, “Help Y/N get on the train, dear.”
“With pleasure, mother,” he says and puffs the air as he comes near her. “Permit me, Y/N,” his gaze is burning her eyes as he grabs her belongings and invites her to follow him.
He even offers her his hand to get on train and them both wave goodbyes to their parents who stay there, on the platform, looking at them with loving expressions.
As soon as they turn their backs to the train, both Y/N and Regulus exhale deeply. “That was worst than last year,” she says without waiting for a response.
She knows Regulus does not fancy talking to her – at least, her feelings are reciprocated. One difference between them is that Y/N is a talker, while Regulus isn’t even a listener – if he was, maybe they’d work together for real, not only pretend to.
Loud laughs from behind them makes Y/N turn herself from Regulus and look at the train entrance, where two boys are teasing a third one, while the forth is only rolling his eyes in annoyance. When they too observe the two Slytherins there, there’s silence.
“Look who we got here,” says the oldest Black and puts his arms around himself, only looking at his younger brother.
Y/N cannot help but feel just as embarrassed as the rest of the Marauders seem to be, like they are part of a private conversation between the two brothers.
“Sirius,” says Regulus in a cold tone, looking at his brother up and down.
Sirius Black is no longer dressed in shirts and black trousers, perfect from head to toe – like Regulus is – but now he wears jeans and a leather jacket.
“See you got yourself a little girlfriend, brother,” he laughs and puts his hand around the shoulders of James Potter. Y/N’s heart skips a beat at the sight of him, looking at her, at her eyes, looking at her like it’s the first time he sees her, and then breaks a little when he breaks the eye contact. “Let’s go, boys,” he demands, “We wouldn’t want to intervene into something… private,” he says in a suggestive tone and walks away laughing with his friends, walks away like he’s not missing his little brother at all.
Y/N learned Regulus’ expressions. After all those years forced to spent together in the same house, same classes, same social gatherings, she saw him being hateful, bored, annoyed, even slightly happy, she can say, but now… She couldn’t say how he’s feeling. There was a mix of annoyance and… sadness?
Before she could say anything, Regulus changes his expression and looks at her like she is the biggest disgrace of the world. “Don’t you dare say something,” he warns her and drops her luggage right when the train starts moving. “Don’t follow me, Lestrange, am I clear?” he asks and turns his back on her, starting to walk away.
“Oh, but how am I supposed to live without you, Regulus, my dear?” she asks in a mocking tone. She lifts her middle finger in the air, as she saw the Muggleborns do to each other when they were angry and grabs her bags, turning around on her feet and walking away from him and his pathetic presence.
She doesn’t need him. She doesn’t need anyone. She’s better than him, than all of them, and she does not need to prove that to anyone. Not even to her father.
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Hii! So here it is the one shot thing i was talking about. Took longer than i expected cause i was at work most of the time. It's also longer than what i intended but i wanted to flesh it out as much as possible. I wanted also to add smut but I'm really bad at writing it so i thought better save myself the embarrassment😅. Anywho i hope you enjoy and hopefully it's not terrible 🙈
Miguel has been working very hard in cherry baby's dad's ranch and it's starting to get to him. The stress, the heat, the exhaustion at the end of the day and so on. The only thing that's been giving him strength is his special girl. She's been busy herself lately but still tries to see Miguel as much as she can. Not enough for him though and that makes him as grumpy as can be. Cherry baby notices this so she goes to talk with him about it. His sour mood however has gotten so bad that even cherry baby can't fix it. She tries to be her sweet self but he's just being an ass.
"Hii!" cherry says with lilt in her voice when she approaches the barn.
"Hey." is all she gets in return from a Miguel looking at his board and writing something on it.
This takes cherry a bit off guard so she gets closer to him.
"Whatcha doin?" she asks sweetly, swinging back and fort on her feet.
"Work." replies Miguel, again not even looking at her.
This really starts to bother cherry baby so she confronts him.
"Okay what's going on? Why are you acting as if I'm not even here? Are you mad at me or something?"
"What? No, I'm just busy. Why do i have to be mad at you? I just have work to do." Miguel snaps.
Cherry looks up at him taken aback and she feels her eyes getting wet the more she stays.
"Fine. Do your work. Sorry i bothered you." she says and leaves the barn with not a single apology from Miguel.
That day cherry was in a shitty mood as well and her parents and everyone else who worked at the ranch could see it. This went on until evening. Cherry baby barely ate her dinner and her both her parents took notice. After dinner her mother went to her daughters room to check up on her
"Mija? Is everything okay?"
"I'm fine, mama." cherry says, laying in bed with her back to the door of her room.
"Something is bothering you, i can tell." her mother pushes on
"No nothing is wrong, I'm fine. Please just leave me alone." cherry baby insists.
"Do you think I'm stupid? How can i leave my daughter, knowing she's upset about something?" she says walking towards her daughters bed.
"It's really nothing, mama. Everything's fine."
Cherry baby's mom looks at her quizzingly
"Does it have something to do with the ranch boy?"
Cherry's eyes widen a bit and she quickly goes to say
"No! No it doesn't! Can you please leave me alone, mama. I'm okay, please!"
Cherry's mom sighs
"Well okay then. If you want to talk about it you know where i am." she says and goes to hug her sweet daughter.
"However if it has anything to do with that ogre-"
"Don't "mama" me, young lady! Ay dios mio, you have such better options than him. Why not give those guys a chance? At least flirt with them a little. Who knows maybe you'll like them better than that animal! " she says walking to the door
"It's not about him, okay?" cherry says thinking to herself "it's totally about him"
"Yeah yeah. Don't forget to pray tonight. Maybe God will knock some sense into you" she said as she left the room.
That night cherry baby did pray and as she was going to bed, God did knock some sense into her. She decided to listen her mom for once.
The next day cherry baby was getting ready to go out into the ranch. She put her new white dress (the one i showed you, if you remember👀) her little brown cowboy hat and boots. She went out and headed to where the horses were. Of course Miguel was there. Seeing her in this new dress his eyes almost did pop out doing a double take. Cherry took notice of his reaction however she only gave him a side eye and went to take care of Luis. Miguel is looking at her like a hawk. Every curve of her body, every step, every sway of her hips. He was shamelessly staring. Cherry bent down to get something which revealed the upper part of her thighs, almost revealing her underwear and butt. At that Miguel bit his fist as hard as he could. When she got up, cherry baby turned to him
"Can I help you?" she asked with a raised brow
"What are you trying to do?" he said
"What am i trying to do?" cherry inquired.
"Oh, give me a break. If you're trying to get my attention, you just had to say so." he says as he walks towards her.
As he's just about to caress her face, cherry moves her face away from his hand and continues tending to Luis.
It's Miguel's turn to be taken aback.
"Whats going on?" he questions
"Nothing. Just taking care of my horse" Cherry says monotonously not even looking at Miguel.
"Whats with the attitude today, carino?"
"What attitude, Miguel? I'm just tending to my horse." she says as she finishes up with Luis and walks away.
The rest of the day cherry baby had been her usual self except with Miguel. She was even a little flirty with some of the other ranch boys, especially the ones that Miguel is mentoring. To say he was furious would be putting it extremely lightly. And he had had enough.
It was already the afternoon. While cherry baby was talking with the boys, Miguel approached them and gave each of them some kind of errand so they can leave her alone with him. With a stern look, Miguel spoke and cherry baby just looked at him unamused.
"I hope you had your fun today." he said crossing his arms.
"I did actually, no thanks to you." she spoke as-a-matter-of-fact-ly.
"Are you done being a brat?" he asked her
"Are you done being a bitch?" she retorted
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused." she spoke at him again with an unamused face.
This made Miguel's blood boil. As cherry baby was about to leave, a slight smirk on her face, Miguel grabs her by the back of her neck and directed her to the barn. Cherry baby tries to pry his hand open but she is no match for Miguel's strong grip. He throws her inside the barn and she stumbles forward, falling to the ground
"Are you insane?! What's your problem?! I thought you didn't want me around you anymore! What gives you the right to treat me like horse poop one day and act like everything's fine the other, huh?" she snapped at him from where she was on the ground, hay from the horses all over her.
"Is this what this was all about? This whole attitude and ignoring me is because of yesterday?" Miguel smirked and started approaching her.
"Not only. The last few days you've been treating me like a fly on the wall. Barely acknowledging me. Plus you're always grumpy and sour lately. I should be the one asking you what's going on!" she spoke, her eyes getting wet and voice cracking half way.
"Carino, I've been stressed. Work has been piling up lately. Your dad is trying to make soms renovations to the barn and everything goes through me. I'm sorry I've been in a bad mood lately. Let me make it up to you." he says approaching cherry on the ground and reach out a hand to caress her face.
"And why didn't you just tell me instead of acting like an ass?" she said with hurt in her eyes.
"I'm sorry, querida. Truly I want to make it up to you."
"You should've thought about that sooner."
She said as she was getting up.
Before she could though, Miguel snakes his hand behind her head and grabs a handful of her hair and pulls her down by the hair. She yelps and goes to grab his hand. Her eyes were already wet, the pull was enough to make the tears fall from her eyes.
"You're awful" she said looking right into his eyes.
"Aww you're gonna hurt my feelings" Miguel teased with a mischievous grin.
"You're my girl and i want to show you how much i love you" he said as he stood up still holding cherry baby by the hair.
"Are you gonna be a behave now?" he asked her teasingly.
Cherry baby only nodded and he let go of her hair and puts his hands on her hips. Cherry isn't satisfied with his apology though so she decides to mess with him more. She grabs him by the balls and squeezes.
"You gotta catch me first" she whispers to his face as he makes a grimace.
Cherry baby let's go of him and makes a run for it. However Miguel's reflexes are very fast and catches her by the hair once again, dragging her back.
"I was thinking of going easy on you but by the looks of it you rather have it the hard way" he says as he pulled her back to his chest, holding the back of her hair in a vice like grip. Miguel started walking towards his room as he pushed cherry baby in front of him, hand still in her hair and his grip only getting tighter. Cherry tried to pry his finger from her hair, her little whimpers and welps filling the barn. Once they reach his room, Miguel opened the door and threw cherry baby to the floor. He was on her before she could say anything. That night cherry learned why she shouldn't play with fire, especially if that fire is Miguel O'Hara.
He can burn me all he wants 🤭❤️. LOVED this!!!! Thanks for sharing your ideas with me 🥹🫶🏻.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
I know you kinda answered this already, but I just need it in more detail... sorry :(
How would Konig be with kids? With the way they go at it like animals, the reader is bound to get pregnant, right?👀 Would he be happy? What gender would he want? Would he spoil them? How would he treat the reader while pregnant? Would he want more? Do you think he could ever give up his job to spend more time with his family?
Sorry if all the questions are annoying, I'm just genuinely curious 😭
Ehm. I must say I could never find questions about fics and characterizations I wrote annoying 🥹🩷💞 Quite the contrary sweetie!
So, thoughts on how (yandere) König would be with kids, pregnant reader etc under the cut 🥰
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How would Konig be with kids? With the way they go at it like animals, the reader is bound to get pregnant, right?👀
Ummmm yes, first of all I'm a horrible person for not writing my smut with sex ed purposes in mind. I usually skip the "Where's the condom"/"When's the last time you had an STD test?" convos unless they serve a narrative purpose. I have no excuse, I'm just lazy like that 🥲
So we have to start with the assumption that reader uses some type of contraception or then König has like an assortment of condoms in his pocket at all times. Kids would be a choice for them.
If and when they get a kid or two, König would be a hot & cold dad. He doesn't have a role model for good parenting (I suspect with the way I wrote him, his mother was abused in some form or another too and didn't/couldn't protect herself or her child from abuse). It makes König distant at times: confused and shut down one moment and extremely affectionate the next. The kids would have a high risk of forming an anxious and/or disorganized attachment style (very similar to Königs).
Would he be happy? What gender would he want? Would he spoil them?
I think kids would calm him down even more than the long-term relationship/eventual marriage. König isn't the most mature person, but he would "grow up" very soon after becoming a father. Kids would not offer a magical gateway out of his traumas and restlessness by any means, but he would surely find a measure of peace with them, forget his own demons for a moment while watching them grow. I believe he would leave the caring business for the reader (mainly because he isn't exactly a nurturer) but he would play with his kids a lot and spoil them with new toys and other material things.
König has no preference when it comes to gender, but he would have very little or no concept of gender as a spectrum: boys would simply be treated as boys and girls as girls. Which also means that girls get the princess treatment while boys are taught how to use weapons 🙄 Boys would also get to see the stern version of dad more often.
He would worry a lot about them getting bullied at school, especially boy/s (all in all he would project onto a boy sooo much). He would be worried every time they return from kindergarten and school and look for signs of trouble and distress. He would want to teach his boy/s to fight and very likely forces them to start boxing or wrestling at a very young age.
How would he treat the reader while pregnant? Would he want more? Do you think he could ever give up his job to spend more time with his family?
Once he gets over the abyss-like realization that he's going to be a dad, König would become the proudest, most excited and fussing partner there is. He would be the kind of man who forbids a pregnant woman from climbing too many steps – no matter what modern science and studies say about these things. He would follow most of the advice with a military-like orderliness and then suddenly brush some things off by claiming he knows what's best for his lady and the baby (e.g. too much physical activity is dangerous so reader must never exert herself).
He would prefer one, maybe two kids because more would cause him too much stress. He would escape the buzzing family life to work because home has become (funnily enough) "too chaotic". Then again if he had only one kid it would make him want to spend more time at home. He would spoil the shit out of an only child.
König loves his job and would never quit it but he would certainly accept, even ask for more and longer leaves to be with his family. He would also try and get reader to quit her job so she could be a stay at home mom while he provides for the family. 👀
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behoright · 1 year
lightning on my skin l k. dach
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there's nothing I can do / I just can't resist
summary: kirby + you + a house full of family members + an empty car...
wordcount: 3.2k
song: where would I be? - gwen stefani
warnings: 18+! smut sooo minors begone! unprotected sex, dirty talk and semi public sex. whoopsies. oh also cursing.
a/n: i'm sl*t for this man but no I will never admit it in public. enjoy.
𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑𓇽 ⊹ ᨘ ִֶ໑
“You’re such a dumbass, Kirbs.”
“What? He was just being annoying so, I had to do it.”
The sounds of the crickets consorted your laughs as you and Kirby sat eating in his G Wagon, recently coming back from a lovely date at the nearby park. Despite being your second year of dating, this had been the first summer you had fully spent together. Staying at the Dach household had been an interesting but nonetheless exhilarating experience; you found out just how quickly chaos could ensue when Kirby and Colton were left to their own devices under the same roof. Proving that age was just a number, from day one it was plain and simple that they naturally retreated back to their little child selves, most of their interactions ending up with a playful physical altercation of some sort.
“You can’t tell me he wasn’t being entirely too cocky, Y/N.” he said with his mouth full of fries, his eyes widening over at you.
“He is your baby brother!” you exclaimed.
“Well, he’s no longer a baby. It’s a fair fight, that’s all I’m saying.” he chuckled.
Kirby hadn’t been this excited for a summer in a long time. 
Your internship now having wrapped up, he finally had the time to steal you and your newfound free time. He knew as soon as the season ended that he was going to keep you in his hometown all for himself. 
Seeing you interact with his family made Kirby’s heart flutter; cooking with his mom or ice skating with his dad and brother after their practice. 
You had met them before, but these were novel circumstances for the both of you. 
Any nerves he might have had swiftly vanished as you both settled in, making yourself at home in the most respectful way possible. 
He was able to forget about the stress of hockey and fitting your schedules together, and just revel in the normalcy of slowly waking up with you, knowing that you had virtually no strict plans for the day. 
“You guys are insane. These are full-on fights!” you laughed.
“You should have seen them when we were younger. They were actually much worse.”
“Oh, don’t worry. Your parents told me all about that.”
You naturally clicked with everyone in his family, so much so that his grandparents came fastly to meet you as well. It astounded him how you were able to pull everyone in so genuinely, leaving his introverted soul wrapped up in admiration. 
He was proud to have you with him. You completed each other nicely and in very practical ways.
“Oh god, please don’t remind me of all the embarrassing stories they brought up.” he blushed.
“Why? You really don’t want to talk about that little bath stor-”
“No, no! I’m changing topics! I’m pulling that card out!” he exclaimed.
“Alright, alright.” you laughed, throwing your head back against the headrest. As much as he was blushing, you could see him hiding a smile underneath it all. 
However, his house perpetually rustling came with its downsides. He enjoyed it most of the time, however, he missed the privacy of your shared apartment back in Montreal. 
When he watched you walk around his family home every morning his mind couldn’t help but flash back to seeing you strut around naked, getting your coffee ready, all from the comfort of his messed up bed, underwear, and clothes scattered on the ground from the night before. 
He missed that. A lot.
It was hard to have some alone time knowing his family members were around you both constantly. 
The last thing he wanted to do is make anyone uncomfortable. Not when there were literal months left in the summer.
So, Kirby decided to get creative. 
Much to his surprise, it ended up sparking a newfound love for public affection, in more ways than one, for the both of you, which just pushed him to explore more. 
Your first date of the summer that started with a picnic at the lake, and lovingly ended with you both hiding behind some trees for a while. The feeling of getting caught rushed through you equally as you consummated your love truly in public for the first time. 
So you unconsciously kept it going for most of the summer, looking for new places every day to spend time at. 
“You know, you’re bad for making me eat this.” he snickered at you.
“Oh, c’mon, tell me you don’t miss eating this junk during the season.”
“I do, I do.” he said, wiping his hands clean. “You know what I miss more though?”
“Mmm?” you asked, piling all the trash together.
You turned your head up to find Kirby staring at you, his signature smirk peering over at you. 
“You’re so sweet.” 
“I mean it.” Kirby took his fingers to move to your hair behind your ear, gazing over your features. “I just wish I had a little more time with you every day.”
“Hey, we still make it work pretty well, right?”
“We do.” Kirby’s fingers lingered on you, now cupping your cheek. “I’m still going to enjoy this summer. As much as I can. I’m not letting you out of my sight, baby.”
His eyes trailed down to your mouth before he closed the gap between you two. 
The kiss was smoldering, both of your intentions clear as your brought each other closer despite the console dividing you.
“Baby..?” he said, his lips grazing against yours.
“Mm… here?” you asked.
“Mmhm.” Kirby answered in between kisses. “The back windows are tinted anyways.”
You turned your face to tentatively look at your surroundings, Kirby’s hands beginning to mess up your clothes already, his fingertips at your exposed bra strap. The parking lot was mostly empty, all families in their homes as the sun began to set. 
“You sure?”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything before.” Kirby said, his eyes dumbfoundedly fixated on your cleavage. 
“About doing it here, dingbat.” you snapped him back to reality, playfully hitting his arm.
“It’s more private than the park...” he said, smirking again. “...and the lake, and the rink, and the boat, or the mal-”
“Okay, okay.” you laughed, rolling your eyes. 
“C’mon, baby.” Kirby winked as he stepped outside while you moved in giddiness to the backseat over the middle console. 
You came face to face as he quickly shut the door behind him, your hot breaths colliding as he began to crawl above you, sending your back to lay against the warm leather of the seats. 
“Hi, beautiful.” he said, a smile appearing on his face.
“You’re quite the charmer for someone who’s about to take me in the back of his car.” you uttered, eyes focused on his lips, inching closer to you.
“...take you?” he asked, millimeters away from you. “I’m not going to take you, baby. I’m going to fuck you.”
Kirby wasted no time and aggressively sent his tongue inside your mouth, his pelvis already rubbing against your jean shorts. 
The walk in the park had been nice, but it had left you both a little heated and damp, in every way imaginable.
“That’s the Kirby I know.” you moaned, his tongue now trailing behind your ear and neck. “Always so hot and heavy.”
“Hey, I can be sweet.” he uttered defensively against your skin. “You want me to make love to you?” 
His head snapped up as he asked you, his questioning and piercing eyes looking for an answer in yours.
“Fuck no. I like you hot and heavy.” you said, bringing his face back onto yours, chuckling into the kiss.
He adorably kept giggling as he planted loud and silly kisses on your chin, moving down your chest and further lowering himself down the axis of your body. 
He had a tough exterior at times, but Kirby was playful at heart, and he didn’t leave that outside of the bedroom either. You found yourselves laughing and joking during your sexual escapades quite often actually, and it fulfilled you in the most endearing of ways.
“You’re smoking hot, babe.” he uttered against your belly.
“It is pretty hot outside.” you said, sitting up on your elbows. 
“Oh, you’re funny.” he laughed, sitting up as he began to undo the button of your shorts. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“And you know I don’t know how to take compliments. Not even yours.” you lifted your hips up, Kirby ripping your bottoms off of you. 
“Well, let me tell you a different way then.” he smirked.
“Kirby Dach, you are the cheesi-.”
You were hastily interrupted, Kirby licking up your pussy vigorously before bringing your hips all the way up to latch his mouth against your heaving sex. Forthwith, the sensation took you back to the countless nights your boyfriend had spent buried in your pussy, relentlessly getting you to the point of having to pull him off of you before your legs twitched hard enough to accidentally hurt him. 
The truth was that time stopped for Kirby whenever he lowered his face in between your thighs. He loved to get his jaw wet with spit and juices; even more, he loved grinding against the mattress for hours, sending tingles up his spine every time. Knowingly playing an edging game with his body, and your own at the same time, taking you both closer to the edge with controlled and precise force.
Despite not having enough space in his beloved G-Wagon for you both to lay down, he wasn’t going to skimp out. Bringing you all the way up to him was a risky move, but he wasn’t up for much thinking when he had you so bothered underneath him like this. 
He held your body securely, his biceps flexing around your ass and hips. As his tongue lapped in circles, he couldn’t help but trail up your body with his gaze. The nature of your position allowed for your shirt to bunch up, showing the softness of your stomach that he adored so much. However, seeing your breasts up to your chin, flushed just as much as your cheeks were, your face overcome by pleasure, had him gripping your hips extra tightly.
“God, baby.” he whispered against you, covering your skin in goosebumps. “You’re going to make me bust.”
“Fuck me, Kirby.”
He dropped your hips immediately, letting it hurt as he unzipped his pants, his erection serendipitously springing onto you. 
“I love you so much, baby, that was so good, but I-, I simply can’t wait.” you pleaded.
“I love you more baby; a couple more seconds of you wriggling like that in my arms and I wouldn't have been able to wait either.” he answered, removing as much clothing as possible.
Kirby was hot and heavy in every sense of the word. And it felt so good as it slapped your pussy whenever he pulled himself free of his clothes. 
“God, take a look at that.” he growled.
He set his blue eyes on the tip of his cock, parting your folds, glistening with his saliva and precum. The sun was lowering itself beautifully on the other side of the park, its rays peeking through the trees and his seats to create shimmering windows of light on your bodies. He felt the ridges of his member dampen as he kept plunging himself back and forth on top of you. He could feel the lust of his heartbeat in every single one of his veins and quickly into yours as he slowly dipped his cock inside you with a groan. 
You were mostly sure he had never realized it, but Kirby loved to push the tip of his dick inside you first and pause, just for a handful of seconds. 
Inadvertently, filling your cunt up with his body was one of his most cherished parts of fucking. 
There was something about the overwhelming feeling that took over his entire being when he felt your walls surround him concretely, soaking himself in all the gushy desire that had been building up inside you. 
He felt as if you had been waiting for him, and he loved to feel responsible for absorbing the aching that resided inside you as he bottomed himself out. 
Continuously, Kirby never took his eyes off you when he first thrust; the first time you had sex, he had to immediately take a break, the look on your face almost sending him over the edge completely. 
The sigh. 
The way your eyes rolled back. 
And he could always hear your vocal cords contract in the back of your throat in the slightest moan, but never strong enough to let it out.
It was almost inaudible, but it was there, and it drove him mad.
He loved being the only man that got to see you like this.
And you loved being the only one that got to notice the ritualistic thinking in your boyfriend, without fail.
His legs trembled as his pelvis came flush with your legs, pushing himself all the way inside you after feeling you clench once around the ridge of his head. 
Right underneath it, squeezing around him so deliciously as a signal for more. 
As soon as he saw that lovely look on you he was quick to throw your legs on his shoulders before he began thrusting steadily inside you. 
He tried to resist himself every time, and his efforts were never futile, but you knew they never lasted long. 
The more you showed your pleasure, the more he lost it. 
Kirby liked it deep and fast, and you were never one to complain about it. 
He let his head lull forward as he anchored a rhythm in his thrusts, his eyes squeezing shut in pleasure. 
“Oh, Kirby.” you moaned. “That feels so good, baby.”
He didn’t dare to look, feeling your hips begin to tilt forward already as you arched your back in the delight of his shoving inside you.
His brain went offline completely, letting all of the muscles in his face relax entirely, preoccupied only with the movement of his cock. 
“Keep talking, baby.” he uttered, almost whispering. “You sound like a fucking angel.”
The tremble in his deep voice was crystal clear, the knuckles of his fingers turning white as he gripped onto the flesh of your thighs. 
“I thought I was going to lose it today, babe. I wanted you so fucking bad.” you moaned, the leather quietly creaking as you angled yourself closer to him again. 
Kirby’s chest began to rumble, attempting to hold his moaning back as he stayed transfixed in the physical sensation of your bodies uniting. 
You could see him begin to sweat, flushing deeper every time he pulled out of you with a low, tight-lipped groan; a droplet lovingly trickled down the long hair strands that hung in front of his face before falling on your stomach. Every time they dripped onto you, it felt like you could hear a sizzle, your skin enveloped in lust as it flinched back with every single thrust.
It was nearly lovable how much he tried to control himself, always to no avail, but you could tell today, through your half-open eyes, that it wasn’t going to last long.
The reality was that the more he focused on the physical sensation, the hotter he got. 
The more relaxed you felt his whole body, the harder he became inside you, growing against your most sensitive spots. 
Quite curiously, the slowly blinking of his eyes open happened to come at the time your head fully tilted back, a glorious arch in your figure as your eyes fluttered closed. The muscles of his belly tensed at the coiling that he felt growing inside him, the only thing that was now softening being his jaw as he opened his mouth at the reverie of the woman reaching a  climax in front of him and underneath his touch.
“Oh fuck, like that, baby?” he asked, speeding up his movements just enough to let his skin stickily slap against you. 
Unfortunately for you, speaking was never your forte as you reached your edge. 
Fortunately for Kirby, it made him so horny he involuntarily hunched over, his body spasming as he swore he could see your pupils at the back of your head underneath your fluttering eyelids. 
He took the hint to increase his pace, slowly but surely, your shoulders trembling all the way down to your hips. His rough pubic bone came in contact with you, rubbing against your clit and exquisitely sending you over the edge. 
Your system went haywire as you came, sweet moans filling up the steamy car as you shook in pleasure underneath and around him, scratching his beloved leather seats. 
Any attempt to moan his name was inefficacious, but the effort was noticed by your boyfriend who pushed your convulsing legs further down, coming close to your face.
He had officially lost it, now dedicating himself to keeping you in this state as long as possible.
Kirby was able to somehow plant his feet against some steady surfaces of his luxury car, having the fresh ability to speed up, his eyes still stuck on your delirious elation that wouldn’t concede.
“Fuck, baby, you look so fucking good like this.” he moaned.
His muscular thighs tensed as he pounded into you, your cunt now gushing liquid all around him; you could only turn your head around as you sharply inhaled, letting the glee send sparks throughout your nervous system, your body moving on its own. 
It was so much that you both failed to feel the car shake with the power of his thrusts as he recognized the familiar creeping sensation begin to move inside him, his orgasm not far behind yours.
“This is-, this is-, fuck, baby, I can’t hold back.” he groaned, letting his forehead fall next to your head, his wet hair seeping sweat into yours. 
Finally, you managed the find the strength to move your fingers to the back of his neck, holding onto his hair for dear life as you began to descend back to earth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
Kirby came loudly as he let himself go, shooting his hot and milky seed inside you with deep thrusts; roaring, he was noisy enough to be heard outside of the vehicle, but neither of you cared as he stayed inside you, flesh to flesh, his cock still twitching and painting your insides white. 
“Oh my fucking god, Y/N.” he said with his head still down before placing a kiss on your shoulder.
“I could say the same thing to you.” you laughed, smart enough to reach slightly above you and open the passenger door only a crack. 
The evening, fresh air barged its way into the stuffy car, the fog on the windows starting to disappear slowly. The change in temperature made Kirby snap up, deeply inhaling almost unknowingly before finding you.
“Good?” you asked, Kirby’s favorite smile looking right at him.
“Better than good.” he coaxed. “You’re a dream, Y/N.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Dach.” you chuckled, an adoring kiss planted on your forehead.
“I love you.” he whispered into your skin.
“I love you.” you answered just as lovingly.
“Where do you want to go tomorrow, baby?”
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mehidktbh · 2 years
Showering with Kurt HC
Pairing: Kurt Kunkle x Fem!Reader
Warning 18+: Sex mentioned, smut/NSFW, suggestive themes, mentions insecurities with the reader, Kurt being a perv, the reader is hot and Kurt is hot
A/N: This is my first time writing for Kurt, hopefully, he’s not out of character 😭 So scared over how this turned out, don’t know how I feel about it. But oh well.
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- Kurt probably tells you he washes his hair like every 2-3 days. But in reality he’ll totally forget that he even has hair and never washes it. Which is why you’ll always see dry shampoo spray bottles all over his bedroom.
- He tries his best to appeal to his Spree customers (victims) and you. For example, if you ever go out on a date, he’d spray his hair like crazy with shampoo.
- But Kurt can also just not do any of that, for example in the movie how his hair is oily or whatever. There are times when Kurt doesn’t care and he’d rather skip it. He feels more comfortable and confident around you, so going out with you makes me feel like he doesn’t need to do that.
- Kurt would also accept any request for him to join you in the shower. The thought of him being so close to you in the shower, naked bodies and all. He’d die trying to get in there.
- So the only way to get him to shower is if you do it with him. Or if you are not comfortable, treating him like a child and telling him he’ll get a “special” reward if he does. Which he falls for every time
- You will expect Kurt to let you handle all the washing, for example. He’ll make you rub his back, stomach, face and just everywhere on him. He doesn’t mind what body/hair products you use, he’s happy if you happy. So you could make him use girl products and he’ll be fine. Smelling like you every day all day is a dream come true.
- He’d also clean you too. What’s the point of a boyfriend if they don’t return the love you give them. He’s nervous at first but eventually he comes around to it and soon enough he’s your professional massager.
- Kurt would also be super playful too, he’d totally splash water at you from time to time. Or drop the soap just for you to pick it up. Just don’t turn around.
- Kurt gets it if you are insecure too about your body, he respects your opinion and boundaries. If you ever feel uncomfortable or he’ll notice you sadly standing in the corner. He’s more than happy to get out, a man of his word.
- What’s showering without Kurt’s horniess.
- Going back to Kurt washing you, there are times when you are so relaxed and focused on how Kurt is washing you. You don’t know that his hands are rubbing up and down your thighs. Or he’ll make a whole point on why you should let him clean your breasts. Which instead turns into him teasing you.
- He’s a little clumsy in the shower too, probably not the best place to fuck. But Kurt’s too impatient to get out, and he’d rather you hold onto him for dear life.
- Talking about insecurities, Kurt would love to shower you with his affection and love. He’d spend hours showing you how beautiful you are. So he can be a very lovely Dovey, groping you and squeezing your skin. Hickeys everywhere, all over your things to your neck. You come out not walking than before.
- Hopefully, when you do take a shower with him there’s no one around. Either his parents or your parents, any friends or guardians are going to hear. Kurt’s a moaner and there’s no denying it, he whimpers and can’t seem to quiet down when you tell him to. So if you live alone, it’s a plus for Kurt. Knowing how noise can easily bounce off the walls makes him stress less. (Not that he minds)
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Hey there! So I've been wondering for awhile about the selfaware au,(i hope this doesn't make you uncomfortable if it does feel free to delete this request!) For diasomnia(particularly malleus and lilia) what would happen if fem! player gets pregnant?, Assuming that they're already at the wedded stage where the player is trapped in their respective house/palace and is married to them, how would they react to the news? Would they see the child as an extension of the overseer? Someone to also worship? Especially if the player married malleus and became the queen of briar valley their child being the heir, but what if it's lilia who's a former war general? On another note how would the faes in briar valley view the overseer's marriage if it was silver? Would there be like a sort glory to being the overseer's spouse and if so, is it right to assume that any noble house that marries the overseer would receive prestige? Overall how it could and would affect the hierarchy of the valley if the overseer were to marry and have a child with anyone from briar valley. I'm just really interested in the whole world building this au is capable of! I hope that this interests you and that i worded that properly! Thank you very much! Have a great day!
Since you seem mostly interested in Malleus, Lilia and Silver I will be writing for them. Please don't forget that my request limit are three characters.
Also, this will be gender neutral since you can have children even if you say you don't have a gender or identify as a male. You just need the working organ. (Also, I am no doctor of something like that)
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Self-aware au
All of the written characters are aged up and at least eighteen years old!!!
I do not take any responsibility for you reading this no matter which age group you are from!
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, pregnancy, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, religion, imprisonment, murder, death, obsession, possessiveness
Malleus Draconia/Lilia Vanrouge/Silver-Player gets pregnant (gn reader)
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There you are, the greatest grace, the highest being, GOD THEMSELVES
Puking into the toilet
Usually Malleus would raise more of a fit if something like this happened but he knows what is going on
In fact, the entire Valley knows what is going on
And do believe me, my dear Overseer, they have gone from “let’s-imprison-them-out-of-love” to “they-aren’t-even-allowed-to-bathe-alone”
I have to admit,no matter how luxurious your lifestyle is, it’s very oppressing and stressful
Jokes on them because they want to avoid stress as much as possible
But how did this even start?
With Malleus fainting and hitting his head against the desk behind him (yes, it hurt him)
Ok need more info? Well then how about him nearly burning a forest down because he was a bit “too happy”
Also, there are suddenly way more guards in the castle
To his defense, he is having a child with God so...
Be ready to be hailed to death... figurative
There is a new temple build just for them, and a lot of prayer created, and statues carved, and you are more or less the subject of every singe discussion....
Wait... that last one is nothing new
But at least you are absolutely safe. Maybe a bit too safe.... that guard once looked at you and lost his head you know....
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Oh wow.... you are in on a ride...
You know these huge families in which every single one of them is super hyped if one member is pregnant, treat them like they are made out of paper thin glass and think that their pregnant member can step on other pregnant people because duh
That's Lilia... not you and Lilia
Not Lilia and the entire Valley
Lilia alone
You won't be leaving that chair you are sitting on for an entire year
A year? But doesn't a pregnancy last nine months?
Well yeah but be is saying that “your body is exhausted and needs to recover”.... three months...
Also, Lilia mind is still from a time long ago so I wouldn't be surprised if he knows at the beginning more superstitions about pregnancies than actual facts
All the things, “a girl steals her parents beauty”, “you have morning sickness if you have a girl”, “the babies eyes are burned if you eat spicy stuff”, “cutting your hair could lead to the child having bad vision”, “you can only have children on a full moon”, ...
So be prepared to bear screams if you do completely normal things (sometimes, not always)
You have to plead to him to look up modern medical knowledge about pregnancies
He is somewhat bearable after that but I hope no one dares to visit especially now (except Malleus, Silver and Sebek of course)
Suddenly he is more like a card soldier than a general of the Thorn Valley
“Off with their head” and all of that you know....
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Now, a human, I repeat, a human, somehow managed to make the Overseer fancy them
Gasps and sounds of fae fainting all over the place
If your significant other (or your kidnapper which is more realistic if we are being honest) would be a fae that would already have given them more power over the Valley than the Draconias could ever dream of having
Now imagine what new level of power a human would gain over the faes because of this
Non. You are correct
In fact, if you want Silver to be alive (or rather those who dare to threaten your harmonic relationship) then you should probably make it clear that everything is how you want it to be
You are not forced to be married to him! This is what you want! Not!!!
You totally aren't imprisoned! You just didn't like the outside! Not!!!
Everything is fine!
Despite being the youngest of them (by centuries) o do believe that he would be a pretty good father and also understand very well how pregnancies work
He was taught in school how it works, he had a happy childhood. What could he miss for a happy family?
Ok maybe you aren't here because you want to but what a happy pair you are on the photos!
Your eyes aren't glassy on them! Not at all! They are
The only wish he wouldn't fulfill is allowing you to leave
Why would you want to do that??! Have took care of everything!!! Don't leave him!
In the end he is the one who unlike the other two can be overpowered (even of the possibility is very slim) so he has to try... other means to make you stay
Don't worry dear! The potion doesn't harm the child. It just paralyzes your legs forever
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poppystain · 5 months
𝐼𝐓'𝐒 𝑂𝐊𝐀𝐘 𝑇𝐎 𝑁𝐎𝐓 𝐵𝐄 𝑂𝐊𝐀𝐘 ( 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 )  tv  drama  series   /  feel  free  to  change  pronouns  and  subjects  as  you  see  fit  !
❛ in all my fairy tales, the witch is always the one that's pretty. ❜
❛ who told you all princesses are kind and pretty? ❜
❛ she hates everyone apart from herself. ❜
❛ who cares about destiny? if someone shows up when you need them, you call that destiny. ❜
❛ my father's soul is dead, but he's physically alive like a zombie. ❜
❛ don't forget any of it. remember it all and overcome it. if you don't overcome it, you'll always be a kid whose soul never grows ❜
❛ you remind me of someone i used to know. a woman whose eyes completely lacked warmth. ❜
❛ i want you to be my safety pin. keep me under control so i won't explode. ❜
❛ there's something we always say to patients who recover. "hope i never see you again." ❜
❛ you're not avoiding me. you're just running away because you're scared. coward.❜
❛ but today, for the first time, i suddenly thought maybe i was just running away because i wanted to. ❜
❛ you see, when life is unbearably hard the easiest way out is to run. ❜
❛ some things can't be torn apart no matter how hard you try to do so. ❜
❛ how can you define a relationship in just one word? every encounter we've had was awfully dramatic, being an inch away from death. ❜
❛ every moment we crossed paths, we surprised each other. if such coincidences, one after another, somehow led us here, how would you define our relationship? ❜
❛ it'd be such a cliche to say that we're destined for each other. ❜
❛ i hope you read a lot of fairy tales and wake up from your dreams ❜
❛ don't look up at the stars in the beautiful night sky. look down at your feet that are stuck in a filthy sewer, accept your reality. ❜
❛ do children have to be useful to their parents? ❜
❛ what do you think i really wanted, satiating my hunger or feeling someone's warmth? warmth—this is what i truly wanted. i didn't want to be just fed. ❜
❛ your lies carry a sense of sincerity. it makes me want to believe them. ❜
❛ it's fine even if it's fake. putting on a smile isn't so hard to do. ❜
❛ is everything yours once you set your eyes on it? if you can't make it yours, you would even destroy it to get your hands on it. ❜
❛ you call that love? that's just obsession and greed. ❜
❛ don't bother wasting your emotions on me. i don't deserve any of that. ❜
❛ i'm sorry for running away when i was the one who liked you first.i regretted it the moment i turned away. ❜
❛ i'm done with being someone who is needed by others. ❜
❛ but the heart is a liar. it stays quiet even when it's hurting. ❜
❛ if you want to be fashionable, you must be uncomfortable and stubborn. ❜
❛ "get lost." do you know how many times you've said that to me? ❜
❛ last night, it sounded like you were begging me not to leave. ❜
❛ last time i ran away, but today i thought i should stay with you. ❜
❛ i think that's why we're meant to be. you're patient and i'm volatile. ❜
❛ like a bomb and its safety pin, we go hand in hand. we're meant to be together. ❜
❛ i feel like you're taming me. ❜
❛ i keep doing things i wouldn't normally do because of you. ❜
❛ he doesn't have anything to offer. i must've thought i could be the one to fill up his empty life. ❜
❛ she has the face of an angel, but there lives a demon inside. ❜
❛ if you keep a secret to yourself, you end up getting frustrated. you need to tell someone in order to relieve your stress. ❜
❛ your rationality can never win against your desires. ❜
❛ she's very lonely, but she doesn't want anyone to know that so she pushes people away. ❜
❛ i told you that i can no longer hold myself back. i guess i can't run away anymore.❜
❛ i dreamed the impossible dream. i should've known my place. ❜
❛ you were like a firecracker to me. a one-time event. i had my fun, so it's time for you to get out of my life. ❜
❛ i'm not a firecracker. i'm a bomb! i don't disappear once i explode. i blow up and kill everyone! ❜
❛ you're not taking me away from him. he now has one more person who will stay by his side. ❜
❛ i don't care who it is. i will not forgive anyone who messes with my family. ❜
❛ are all parents automatically forgiven for all the bad things they did before they die? ❜
❛ the one who neglects and turns a blind eye to the abuse is worse than the abuser.❜
❛ when i see you smile at me, i forget everything else. ❜
❛ stop pretending like it doesn't hurt. stop pretending like you're okay. ❜
❛ you pretending to be okay and me seeing that masked face will make me walk on eggshells around you. it'll suffocate me. i'll be tormented. ❜
❛ the one that torments you can also be the one to save you. ❜
❛ if you can't erase it, you just need to cover it with something better. ❜
❛ you belong to yourself and i belong to myself. ❜
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mostdisconcerting · 19 days
Bad Day=Binging ScarNash
I had an interesting day today. Not in a good way. So as one does in such a situation, I went back to rewatch ScarNash. Cuz they’re my comfort ship.
This is just me reviewing almost every scene of the episode so I can forget that life exists for a little while🙃
Today I picked 4x04. And goodness I do not regret it one bit.
Starting with Patrick and the fat goose line. I’m sorry but why did that have to be so damn funny. “My fellow punters…” and “copious amounts of whiskey”, with his very Frank expression shifted my mood from stressed to joyful immediately. And I only now noticed that as Patrick and Eliza leave to meet Carter, Eliza yeets a paper in Clarence’s direction (or at least she tried).
I applaud Clarence’s “shit the parents are gonna argue if I don’t step in” senses. We love him for them.
I’m gonna make a rare mention of William, but I felt so bad for him when Ivy started talking about her mom’s gout. If I was eating anything resembling her description, I would gag to no end. Ruined the poor dudes snack.
Watching Patrick panic is probably my favorite part of this episode. Bros just pacing up, down, round and round, trying to think of what to do. (He’s literally just me but toned down and with an adult brain 😂)
That scene at Fallons was perfect. That unanimous “who?”, and the cover up that “we do love a little gossip now and then.”. It’s adorable and funny to see these to be in such sync and in such odds as they are.
Also, idk if anyone else noticed but she’s holding his ARM in the stables scene?! How-wha-why did I not notice that?
Poor Fitzroy. He could’ve had a much nicer career with his father out of the way. He’s known for being his father’s son, this way he could learn to be his own man.
We gotta talk about that cab scene. Literally, Patrick was trying to make things better by saying “it’s not your fault they left”, and just made it worse by adding “it’s mine, I should’ve never left you in charge”. She looked so genuinely offended by what he said, only to be shut down cuz they were literally in the middle of investigating.
Then they just break into Fallon’s office like it’s nothing and start bickering about the resignations again. She said she didn’t fire any of them. And then she admitted to firing multiple. Which is great I guess. So… we have that. Then they just hop through the office when someone comes in. Like. They have no right to be this adorable. Why are they literally my grandparents on steroids.
Turns out the lines about Eliza sulking started in this episode, which clearly adds to why she’s pissed when he spends the entirety of 4x05 just telling her she’s sulking and she should not sulk.
Then we have scene where Patrick’s pacing again. And I don’t blame him for making Eliza nervous too. Like he said “good I don’t see why I should suffer alone” (which is a quote I’ve been using way to much in real life recently lol)
Clarence makes his grand entry with some food and the info that Gibson is here. 🙃
And I’m finally going to end on those last two scenes of them together (cuz I skipped William kissing Eliza)
Them blackmailing Carter was hilarious. I mean, we know both of them were hella nervous cuz he could’ve just gunned both of them down there but that’s whatever. I love the little voice moderations and the expressions Eliza and Patrick pass each other basically saying “he’s agreed, now let’s get the hell out of here before he changes his mind and kills us”
Then we got Patrick praising Eliza. That could’ve played out to be an even more heartfelt scene had Eliza not seen the time and ran off. He looked disappointed, but he seemed to let it go (unlike William would’ve as we know) , understanding she probably forgot to do something .
Makes me sad seeing potential like this being flushed down a toilet.
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They’re an old married couple and I love that for them🙃
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hammerhead-jpg · 2 months
Idk if I'm ever gonna finish the refs for my redacted ocs, but here are their logos
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I could make some doodles of their designs or smth idk....
I wrote some info about them under the cut if ya curious (that ended up being a lot longer than I expected so behold)
I already made a ref sheet for Taurus so I already wrote down some info about him there so you can go see that if you wanna
I can only imagine since I established that he's friends or at least knows every single redacted de(a)mon and also is a part of the chorus that if he would be on the redacted channel he'd successfully force himself into practically every storyline.
Practically all redacted ocs that I made I more imagine as side characters than as "main" characters so they don't really have a listener, but I guess his listener would technically be freelancer.
I imagine he remembers the cacophony well, even though he wants to forget it.
Gin Asari
I'm very aware that Gin wouldn't really work as a character since, to be a sibling to a listener would mean to not have them have a distinct background, race or gender (or at least agab) since this is specifically an identical twin brother, because unless them and the listener are not blood related (and in this case they are) the characters background, race and gender would allude to the listeners background, race and gender which you're not supposed to do. But because I have already made up the listeners background race and gender as if they were an oc as most people do, I haven't really thought about this.
Anyways, this is Gin Asari! Lovely's twin brother! And if you haven't noticed they are the main character of the oc fic I wrote some time ago. I actually made 4 more chapters for that fic but didn't post it since I thought it wasn't good enough and also people hate fics written in first person for some reason.
I don't really remember why I made this oc either, I guess just because I wanted to explore the idea of a electro-energetic baddy, even though they don't really have their electric powers yet since they haven't experienced a traumatic enough experience and Lovely hasn't told them in fear that they would try to traumatize themselves on purpose to get them. I also wanted to explore Adam's backstory through them (btw I fucking struggled to make the timelines align to find out what age they are).
For those of you who haven't read the fic ("the fic" meaning also the chapters I didn't publish so I guess that's like all of you) here's a quick summary: Lovely's twin brother (who at this point isn't in contact with Lovely since Lovely ran away from their parents when they were 16) is chilling in med school with their roommate: Adam Jessup. That is, all until Adam disappears one day and is found dead in a car crash, except, Adam didn't really die and he just got turned willingly. Adam returns one year later by sneaking into Gin's room. There, Adam descides to feed on them and after realizing they're willing to let him feed on them, let's them live and starts a very unhealthy relationship where he returns to feed on them every week or so. That is until he gets addicted to their humanborn latent electro energetic blood and every week or so becomes every night. The induced anemia and stress from overworking themselves due to their parent's high expectations, Gin's mental state starts to decline. That is until they find out that Adam is a literal serial killer and he basically tries to murder them since they didn't want to continue their relationship. They run away to Dahlia, both from him and from their parents, until a couple of years later they meet Lovely, now a vampire, by chance, and they catch up and learn that Adam has been upgraded to a decapitated skeleton under a broken down rollercoaster.
I realize that I mostly wrote their backstory and not their current story, like I don't really know what happens after they catch up with Lovely. Do they descide to keep in touch with the Solaire clan or do they go back to their normal life? Does Lovely tell them about the whole electric energetic thing? Do they befriend the other vampires? I don't know! I haven't decided yet.
I'm trying to figure out what this fool's nickname would be besides just Meth.
I thought to myself "what was the first de(a)mon created like? What are they doing?" So I started brainstorming ideas until they eventually became an oc.
So Methuselah (named after the oldest known star, I wanted to be the first star given a name but all that popped up was the oldest star), an inchoate, the first created demon, the one who has lived for thousands of years, fought in the cacophony and created the chorus and serve as kind of a makeshift leader of it.
Some may say that Meth here is what you would call a mary sue but you know as they say when I create a character that's the world's best assassin, a science experiment possessed by a god of anger who has a corrupted form that slowly kills them when they use it, they get called a Mary Sue, but when Asagiri Kafka does it it's "I love Chuuya Nakahara!!"
If Taurus is jaded by his long ongoing life Methuselah is the most jaded of them all. Just basically barely cares about the things going around them. Even if they did care about keeping relationships everyone except some of the chorus members is scared of them due to their overwhelming power, both magical and political.
When the ruling council descided to include de(a)mons in it they were the first demon asked if they would want to join as a representative for inchoate demons their response was to spit in their face and say "was that the answer you were looking for?"
I imagine that they are currently dealing with the whole Hush situation, and that in the first time in thousands of years, they're scared of death. After the cacophony in which they almost died, saw many deaths including the death of their first and only friend, they thought that if another life threatening situation occurred they wouldn't be scared to die for the cause, but now that they're faced with a person that is not only stronger than them but could kill them in a second, they're scared of death after so many years of being untouchable.
Miles Deen
One time, my lovely mutual @cyc-chilla once said in a post about wether or not redacted characters get biches, that Frederick only seems to attract extremely shady and terribly shifty dumpster opossum men, and I thought to myself "he absolutely does"
So Miles Deen was born.
If you identify as a garbage dwelling raccoon trash goblin you obviously haven't met Miles
The icon of the two bandaids and the description of "the thrall" doesn't encapsulate him well enough, it should've been an icon of a garbage can and he should've been titled "the trash dweller" if I wanted to be accurate.
Basically, Miles is an informed unempowered guy who was a couple of years ago attacked by a shade, but instead of having all of his life force drained, he only got half of his life force drained and later found out via seer that he would only live to 27 (he's currently 25, 21 when he found out)
He's also homeless because he got kicked out of his parents house after he couldn't find a job due to his clinical depression, so as you can imagine his life wasn't looking too good.
But, he descided to keep living and use the fact that he's going to die young as a motivator to live without fear and also made a bucket list of things he wanted to do before he died.
One of those things was being fed on by a vamp, and that is how he finds himself on Solaire clan territory and is found by Fred. The rest is history.
Fred is convinced he is insane but he kinda likes that about him. Bright eyes does not like him at all.
He somehow always gets himself into trouble and then the clan is forced to protect him in all kinds of batshit situations.
If he was actually on the redacted channel, he'd probably never appear or would maybe be mentioned by name once, just because I descided to make a character for a deleted discontinued series.
Sadly, I think his story probably would end with him dying peacefully in his sleep, since he wouldn't want to get turned and him getting turned would be kinda a stupid thing writing wise since it's kinda stupid to build up the idea of a character dying only to have them live anyway (and his whole character is built on the idea that he's going to die young)
Ezra Solaire
One day, I thought to myself "Christian needs a gay awakening" and so he did.
Ezra is a cayote shifter and part of the Solaire clan, raised by William since birth.
He seems very sweet, and he is but he's also brutally honest.
He'd never let a vamp feed on him (William even set up that you are to be executed if you attempt to feed on him without his permission) but he does donate blood to the clan often. He has so many "I donated blood" stickers.
I imagine he's friends with Darlin', which is how he ended up meeting the Shaw pack
I keep thinking about what his talk with William would be like after the summit, cause it would be absolutely heartbreaking
Because I imagine Ezra was one of the people that wasn't told about the plan, so with Ezra who just wanted a normal life, now learning that the Solaire clan which they already didn't like being in since about 90% of the clan didn't like them, is/is going to become some sort of vigilante assassin squad and also feeling like their relationship with the Shaw pack is destroyed, the place where they actually felt like they had a normal life and a family, I can only imagine how upset they'd be.
But on the other hand, William is like a father to him and he couldn't imagine how it would be to leave him, and he'd also be leaving behind the few people he was close friends with in the clan (like Vincent) and he also wouldn't think it would be right to have William supporting him financially with a house and a job when he was leaving the clan, so he would have not only have his financial and social support cut, but also physical since, I forgot to mention but, he has multiple sclerosis and is disabled, so he sometimes needs a caregiver to help him do everyday tasks (which would usually be by William, Vincent or an assistant William hired). So yeah, I can only imagine how he must feel.
Atlas Madden
Watch out John I'm stealing your name or smth
To be completely transparent, I did create Atlas just to ship him with Scorpius. I know I'm cringe but I'm free
Atlas is a freelancer who works as a healer, but also has an interest in water magic and shifter magic. How is a non-shifter good at shifter magic? He isn't! He likes morphing into a disturbing half wolf half human creature and scaring people in it!
So umm I may have brainstormed Scorpiuses backstory on a whim by accident...whoops...hate when that happens
So going forward any Scorpius lore I drop is my headcannons and not actual lore
I swear this is important to Atlas
Okay so: I imagine that before being captured by close knit Scorpius worked in this kind of strip club where the whole shtick was that incubi were the strippers. The strippers weren't also escorts but if they chose you you could potentially go home with them.
That's how Scorpius and Atlas met.
Atlases friends brought him to this strip club mostly as a joke and Atlas was kinda uncomfortable the whole time.
Until he caught Scorpiuses eye, who then decided to enact his flirt persona and bring him home.
After that, Atlas eventually became his charge and they would meet every so often.
They both agreed for no strings attached, Scorpius didn't really like hookup culture but needed to get energy one way or another, but Atlas wanted him to know that he respected him as a person and wanted them to be at least friends.
One day, Atlas pushed the friendliness a little too far and Scorpius told him that he doesn't need to try to appeal to him so he could feel like a good person. Atlas got offended by this because he really just wanted to be nice, not because he wanted to pat himself on the back.
An argument ensued and Scorpius left without getting an energy feeding. He went on, trying to find somebody else to feed on, and that is when he gets tricked and captured by close knit. With no way to communicate to Atlas, Atlas believes Scorpius left him for good.
I have a lot more planned out for them but that takes place after Scorpius leaves the basement, which as you can see he hasn't yet, so I'm obviously waiting til that happens so I'm not writing lore for something that hasn't happened yet.
So um yeah
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