#enjoying the sight of a supernova or something.
agent-jaselin · 6 months
I love Astarion's comments on the astral and regular globes.
Like he mentions that he's seen very little of the world, hasn't ever really gotten to leave Baldur's Gate.
But his other comment is "not just a world to explore, but a whole Cosmos!"
and he just sounds so damn exited? About the potential to explore his own world and worlds beyond. Kind of like how excited he is to see a pixie , I love it.
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jo-harrington · 3 months
The Boy Is Mine (Jo's Edition)
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Summary: A romantic night in at the trailer. And a first date.
Word Count: 1.7k
Themes: First Date, Fluff, First Kiss, Teasing, Banter, Geekery
Notes: My submission for @carolmunson's The Boy Is Mine Writing Excercise. This was a fun one, and I know the idea was for it not to be an AU...I guess technically it isn't (although I definitely thought of my STFF Eddie who...well...it's fanfiction *wink* especially since we're not gonna see their first date in the story). Thank you for putting together a fun game Carol.
Tagging a few friends who I think would have some great additions to this prompt: @eddiemunsonbignaturals @undead-supernova @storiesbyrhi
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
Pizza? Delivered.
Twinkies? Vanilla frosting. Not Banana.
Trailer? Tidied.
Sheets? Changed.
There was a knock at the door and Eddie took a breath and held it as he stared at his bed.
"You're not gonna end up in here," he muttered to himself.
Ok but maybe you would. He could be hopeful. Maybe a kiss would lead to something else.
"No idiot. It's just a study date."
There was another knock and he turned on his heel and rushed for the door.
He paused at the last second--glanced around, ran his hands over the front of his t-shirt, and put the most casual smile on his face--before he opened the door.
And then there you were.
A backpack slung over your shoulder, 6-pack of Dr. Pepper hanging from your fingers, looking...hot effortlessly gorgeous...or at least he thought so.
"Hey," you greeted. "Sorry if I'm late."
"No," he shook his head quickly and shifted to the side to let you pass into the trailer. "Right on time sweetheart. Hope you like pepperoni."
Of course you did. It was your favorite.
"It's my favorite."
Eddie clenched his fist in victory as he shut the door and then stood back and watched indulgently as you took in the wonders of the place he called home. He committed it all to memory; the way your eyes lingered on Wayne's collection of mugs and hats from over the years, or your nose scrunched up cutely at the sight of family pictures on a shelf--
Please god, don't see the picture of him missing his two front teeth.
--or the way it scrunched further, more in annoyance than fondness, and your eyebrow quirked at the stack of video tapes beside the television.
"Uh," he cleared his throat and swooped in, arm hovering around your shoulders as he led you to the couch where the pizza and his history homework waited. His hand drifted to yours so he could grab the sodas. "Lemme put this in the fridge so it gets cold. I have Mountain Dew...or beer, if you want one."
"Mountain Dew's fine."
"As you wish," he bowed and you giggled. He cursed himself as he headed to the kitchen.
What a fucking nerd--
"So you read the Princess Bride?" you called out to him.
"It's one of my favorite books! A story within a story and all of that. And it can be critical of itself. It's perfect!"
Eddie's heart soared.
The two of you went back and forth for a few minutes discussing the merits of the book and the way it provided so much suspense and adventure and escapism; something it seemed, and Eddie wasn't surprised to find, you both had needed throughout your relatively-young lives.
Before long, he shuffled out of the kitchen with two cans and two solo cups to find you comfortably settled on the couch with your legs criss-crossed and a throw pillow settled in your lap. You looked right at home, at ease with him, and he had to say...he liked that sight quite a bit.
"I ran out of like, nice cups," he changed the subject so he wouldn't focus too much on how much he enjoyed the sight. "Hope this is okay."
"Ok, well what are the nice cups?" you narrowed your eyes at him playfully. "Because I see plenty of nice cups right in front of us, Mister."
You gestured at the shelves lined with mugs and Eddie couldn't help but roll his eyes at you.
"Those aren't nice cups Madam," he scoffed. "Those are family heirlooms. The nice cups are the Star Wars: Return of the Jedi glasses I got from Burger King. Obviously."
"Well excuse me," you straightened in your seat and rocked your shoulders back and forth haughtily. "The fine crystal."
"And don't you forget it."
"And here you are, presenting me with...plastic. Like a peasant."
"If you don't stop, we're gonna have a problem."
He held out the red solo cup filled with fluorescent green liquid and you snatched it from him with a quick flash of your tongue.
Then the two of you got right down to business: homework.
You pulled a small notebook from your backpack and then asked to see his notes from class so you could help him get a better idea of what was important for an upcoming quiz that he'd mentioned the day prior. He was ashamed to say he wasn't the best notetaker, but you pivoted easily as you flipped through a few pages and went from sparse notes about Civics and the US Constitution to long drawn out paragraphs about the Riders of Rohan and graphic descriptions of the Meduseld.
"Don't be like that," you scolded him. "That's not even true. What is this?"
"This?" He waved dismissively. "It's just...notes for Hellfire. Ahem...Hellfire Club...my Dungeons and Dragons club at school."
"Oh yeah?"
"Planning a one-shot for my buddy Jeff's birthday in a world where Theodred doesn't die and goes on to become...well...it's just nerd stuff."
Eddie sniffed and thought back to the many times that he'd been cut short trying to explain his ideas to others; even Ronnie got on his case when he got too into it.
How many times had she heard him get into an argument with himself over the benefits of Mithril vs. Adamantium?
"Excuse me," you looked at him expectantly, breaking through his thoughts. "Nerd stuff?"
"Yeah," he shrugged and let out a self-deprecating laugh. "Nerd stuff. We're supposed to be focusing on History."
"Ok, yes but..." you reached out and poked him in the the dimple in his cheek. "You didn't say in a 'we should just focus on history instead' way. You said it in a 'you don't want to hear about this' way."
"Well do you? Do you actually like that?""
"Did I not just tell you that Inigo Montoya is the real hero of Princess Bride and not Westley or Buttercup not five minutes ago?"
Eddie stared at you like a deer in the headlights.
Ok. You got him there.
But...but...God...old habits died hard.
How many times had people not given him the time of day when it came to silly little stories and make believe worlds? How many times had the people closest to him not even taken the time to listen?
He'd already been sold on the fact that you weren't just a dream; how could you be real and actually be his dream girl too?
God, it was too good to be true.
Eddie swallowed hard and centered himself back in reality. He was gonna have to salvage this moment before he made a real fool out of himself and asked you to marry him or something. That would be a little too strong for a first date...and a study date, at that.
He grumbled something under his breath.
"'Scuse me? What was that?" you leaned in closer to him.
"It was 10 minutes ago," he spoke up, staring at you matter-of-factly, a fiery challenge in his eyes to hide the fact that he was actively falling for you. "Actually."
You threw your head back in a laugh and slapped the back of your hand against his shoulder.
"You shithead," you cackled. "Ok fine. 10 minutes. Now. How about we actually study for 10 more minutes, and then you can tell me about this...Dungeons and Dragons while we eat ok?"
He happily agreed.
Towards the end of the night, pizza and sodas had been devoured, homework demolished, and Eddie actually felt like he had a shot at getting a decent grade on his next History quiz.
"Alright," he sighed and leaned against the back of the couch. "I think we're done here. A success if I do say so myself. I guess I'll keep you around."
"Keep me?" you quirked an eyebrow at him. "Uh huh, more like, will you please come back and help me study again?"
"Are..." Eddie scoffed. "Are you serious?"
"You volunteered!"
"I volunteered for one study date."
"What, so a second one is out of the question?" he asked as he leaned forward and edged into your space.
"Well," you began with an expression that oozed contemplation in an exaggerated fashion. God, you were almost as dramatic as he was.
You were perfect.
"Well, if you're asking me for a second date, Edward? Then the answer is yes."
He clapped his hands together and laughed.
"Haha, see I knew that you couldn't get enough of--"
"But," you stopped him, and he stared, open-mouthed with words half-falling from his lips. "If you're asking me to come back to study? Well, then the second session is gonna cost you."
And he fell for it for a second. Just a split second. He thought that yeah it made sense if he wanted your help, he was gonna have to give something in return.
But then he saw the sly little smile that you were fighting to keep off your lips, saw the adorable little scrunch in your nose that he'd memorized earlier in the night, and the way your fingers fiddled on the couch cushion, as you slowly inched closer to him.
And he understood.
"Oh yeah?" He narrowed his eyes at you in faux-suspicion. "Alright...name your price."
"It's not gonna be cheap," you insisted.
"I can pay anything."
"You sure about that?"
"Oh," he leaned closer to you now, volume and timber getting lower the closer he got. "I'm absolutely sure sweetheart."
You bit your lip slyly.
"I think fair market price...is a kiss."
"Just one?" he teased, lips absolutely within smooching distance from yours now.
"Maybe two."
You bit your lip to keep your smile at bay and Eddie had to stop himself from kissing you right then and there.
"Two?! Well," he sighed. "You drive a hard bargain. And who am I to pass up such a once-in-a-lifetime deal?"
"Just a nerd," you whispered against his lips.
"Just a nerd," he repeated, and then slotted his lips right against yours, ending your perfect first date with the perfect first kiss.
Just like on TV.
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jeonqkooks · 11 months
a fluff drabble ; 37 & 50 w the supernova couple:(
ways to hold the sun | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x f!reader prompts: "you wrote me a song?" + "this isn't adrenaline, i want to spend the rest of my life with you." rating: PG genre/warnings: established relationship, idol au; fluff, itty bitty angst (for the supernova peeps?! shocking :o); kissing, implied smut, jk rides a motorcycle, unedited bc yolo 🤷‍♀️ word count: 1.8k note: thank you so much anon for sending in this request!! i'm almost a year late to this but like i always say, better late than never right? lol. anyways, this request gave me the chance to wrap up their story with a neat little bow. i can't believe this is the last thing i'll write for supernova :( this series will always be one of my personal favorites and i'm so emo that i'm ending their story with this drabble. but, they'll always have a special, special place in my heart and i'll always love them <3
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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How do you hold the sun?
The answer is simple.
You hold him with two arms wrapped around his waist - tightly, because it feels like he holds your life in the palm of his hand. In more ways than one, he does.
You hated that motorcycle that he loved so much, calling it unsafe even though he isn't reckless at all. He may be a daredevil sometimes, and the most adventurous compared to his hyungs, but Jungkook would never neglect his safety. He returns home to you every day, that's always his number one priority.
He'd convinced you to let him take you out on his motorcycle today, to this spot he knows just outside of the city to watch the sunset together. You'd been against the idea at first, but it was a losing battle and you were all too aware of it. Once he'd whipped out a pout and big puppy dog eyes, you knew you'd cave.
Now, as you sit behind him, holding onto him like a koala as the bike moves smoothly along with the wind, you're glad that you'd agreed to let him do this. The city grows smaller, and it feels like all of your worries seem more and more insignificant - manageable, like something you could easily overcome - by the second, until the whole skyline can fit into one single frame.
It feels nice, hiding in plain sight. The ridiculously chunky helmets that sit securely on your heads shield you from any and all outsiders. You can squeeze him as tightly as you want even at the red lights, and he can hold your hand without the fear of being recognized. To anyone else, you're just two lovebirds and a license plate. Two people in love. It's the most normal thing in the world.
When you arrive at your destination and he takes off his helmet, the radiance of his grin almost knocks you off your axis. It's ever-bright, filled with so much happiness that could make you cry for some reason. You'll never understand how a person can be the entire universe, so wonderful and spectacular and magnificent, but he is. He always will be.
There's that one poem that you hold close to your heart. Sometimes, when you retrace the words in your mind, you think it must have been written for you and him. "We deserve a soft epilogue, my love," it reads. "We are good people and we've suffered enough."
You aren't sure if you're a good person, but as he kisses you with so much love that must rival any other love in all of history, you think you do deserve a soft epilogue.
Your mother often says that good things should be repeated three times.
You and him.
You and him.
You and him.
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How do you hold the sun?
You hold him with your fingers intertwined with his, a soft smile on your face, and dozens of polaroids scattered across the floor.
"Just one more," Jungkook says, reaching for the purple Instax again.
"Stop!" you laugh, lightly pushing him away when he tries to point the lens in your direction. "You've said that twenty times in the last two hours."
This is a new hobby that he's taken up. Ever since Hoseok gifted him the damn camera, it's all that Jungkook has been doing. To say that he was obsessed would probably be an understatement. He snaps photos of everything and nothing, of his meals whenever you draw a heart on his plate with the mayonnaise, of the crescent moon outside the window at night, of himself as he makes silly faces at the camera.
But most of all, he takes photos of you.
He keeps so many of them in his wallet that the stack of polaroids dedicated to you is thicker than all of his cash, which is to say that there's a lot. He keeps one in the pocket of every coat, because he said every time he reaches inside for warmth and finds a piece of you there, it makes him smile and forget that he's even cold at all. You'd nearly melted when he told you that. It was so earnest and pure that it almost made you feel guilty for ever thinking there'd come a day where the adoration he had for you could fill anything less than the sky.
"Please?" Jungkook pouts, before pulling you closer and kissing your cheek sweetly. "I need just one more for my new coat."
At this point, it's not a matter of having enough polaroids for his coats anymore. It's a matter of having enough coats for his polaroids.
You roll your eyes with playful endearment, but you allow him regardless. It shoots pure serotonin through your veins when he grins. He lets go of your hands to hold the camera, immortalizing the grin that you mimic, a contented sigh leaving him as he takes the shot. He tells you he loves you afterward, like it's such a privilege to be able to have you at all.
No one ever warns you that when the sun holds you back, your heart will feel so full that it might just stop beating altogether.
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How do you hold the sun?
You hold him with your face tucked safely in the crook of his neck, his arm around your body, rubbing odd patterns on your bare back.
You're both calming down from the hour-long session of twisting around in the sheets on a lazy Sunday morning, your only witness being the sunlight that creeps in through the slit between your curtains. Jungkook hums a tune that you're unfamiliar with, and the soft vibration of his chest almost lulls you to sleep again.
"What song is that?" you mumble, your eyes fluttering close.
"Your song."
"Hmm?" You don't quite register what his answer, you already have one foot in dreamland already. "My song?"
"Wrote it for you."
And suddenly, just like that, you're wide awake.
He presses an absentminded kiss against your hair, like this is all just common information.
"Huh?" You push yourself up to prop your upper body on one elbow, looking down at him with a slight frown. "You wrote a song for me?"
"Yeah," he chuckles at your reaction. His other hand that isn't touching your back comes up to brush your hair away from your face, tucking it delicately behind your ear. If you weren't too focused on a different issue, you would blush, even though this is something he's done a million times. "I wrote a song for you."
"Be serious."
"I am serious."
"How?" you ask, unbelieving. "When? Why?"
"What do you mean how? It's literally my job," he laughs, pulling you flush against his body again. "Why? Because I love you. When? I started writing it after we first met."
"Jungkook," you breathe, full of teary-eyed affection as you press a kiss to his jawline, his neck, the top of his shoulder, anywhere you can reach while he's embracing you this tightly.
You repeat his name three times, then three more, then three more, until you're a broken record and he has to shush you with a kiss, one that makes your knees buckle even though you're already lying in bed.
If the world wanted to take him away from you again, you really wouldn't be able to survive. So you hold him desperately, thinking that you never want to let him go. Praying that the world will let you keep him this time.
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How do you hold the sun?
You hold him with all your might, even though you're blinded by how bright he shines. Even though he's the source of all life, and you're just a flickering light that can be snuffed out at any moment.
You're always the first person that he looks for. He runs to you at full speed, picks you up with his arms around your waist and spins you around despite your flushed cheeks indicating embarrassment as everyone - the staff and his members included - chuckles fondly at the sight. You can still hear the crowd out there chanting their names, still buzzing with postshow excitement. Jungkook is buzzing too, that much is clear.
You know he misses this - the stage, the fans, the bond he shares with all the people that adore him. It's in his eyes, the way they sparkle so brilliantly that could put stars to shame. If you were any good with words, you would write whole novels about the light in his eyes.
He presses you against the wall while everybody else carries on with their business. You suppose they're used to this from the two of you. The staff hurries to clear the set, moving equipment from backstage to the vans outside so they could finally wrap up an exhausting day. The boys shuffle wordlessly to their dressing rooms to wind down, to bask in the high that only the stage could bring them.
Jungkook peppers kisses all over your face, his nose bumping your skin as he moves from your forehead to your cheek, the bridge of your nose, to your jawline, to your chin, to your lips. You giggle quietly as you let him shower you with affection, the palpable love seeping through every kiss.
That is, until he says something that makes you stop breathing completely.
"Marry me."
You stare at him, dumbfounded, as you try to make your brain work again. His chocolate orbs stare back at you, and it feels like looking at the night sky on a cloudless night to find the entire galaxy twinkling, smiling down at you. It's unfathomable how you could be loved by someone like him.
"Marry me. Please, marry me." he says again, his fingers caressing your face like you're the most precious being he's ever seen. Before you can open your mouth to answer him, he continues, "This isn't adrenaline. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
You know you're nothing compared to him who lies in the center of the universe. You will never be able to shine as brightly as he does, not even a fraction.
You know you're nothing compared to him, and yet, he revolves around you regardless. To the rest of the world, you're insignificant. You're merely a soul among billions of others. If you were to disappear one day, you don't think a lot of people would care.
But to him, you're everything. You're the reason he exists, you're his favorite person in the whole wide world, you're the only one who will ever have his heart, you're his soft epilogue. He doesn't dim his light for you, and he should never have to. Instead, he lifts you up. He makes you shine too, even if it's only the two of you who see it. It's only you and him, but it's more than enough. It's the only thing that matters.
So, the question remains: How do you hold the sun?
The answer, in the end, is simple.
You hold him with love.
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all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 25.06.23]
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Word Find Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @writingrosesonneptune (here)!
My words were: Glass, Teeth, Red, and Sky
I'll go with Song of Thorns and Supernova Initiative for this one!
Glass (Supernova Initiative)
The strange liquid swirled within the glass syringe with a menacing silver glow. Jack frowned. "What the hell is that?"
"Oh, this little thing? An advanced tracking system of my own creation. To ensure you and your crew complete your mission properly so that you can't slip between my fingers again - all of you will get one of these" The Director gestured to his assistant, who picked up the syringe and moved to stand beside Jack, who glared daggers "Injected into your bloodstream."
Teeth (Song of Thorns)
The sound of gnashing teeth echoed throughout the cavern, the creature's thundering footsteps somewhere above causing pieces of gravel to plummet from the rocky ceiling. Roselyn swallowed a whimper holding onto Renn's hand as they turned to the strange Lantern Keeper. "Okay, how do we get out of here?"
The other girl cocked her head to the side, gesturing somewhere further into the mountains. "It'll be fine, I know a way, but we'll have to be quick and very quiet. C'mon." She started to walk but stopped in her tracks holding out a hand as if expecting a handshake. "Name's Cyriel by the way. Though I think your vampiric friend here knew that."
Red (Song of Thorns)
As, giant mahogany doors of the castle hall swung open, a clacking of boots on the stone floor echoed fiercely. His guest had arrived. The king placed the gold-trimmed goblet on the table, carelessly, a drop of deep red wine staining the precious cloth upon it. He smirked. "Ah, yes, the famed Ghoulsbane. I see you found your way to my palace promptly. Good. I hope you enjoy your accommodations."
The young man shook his head, absentmindedly running a hand across his crossbow, studying the metal gears. "I won't be staying. You said you had a job for me?" Despite addressing the head of state, he doesn't bother with any honorifics.
This causes a hushed murmur to echo amidst the royalty scattered across the hall, until the the King leans forward on the table, silencing his peers with a single gesture of his hand. He didn't look away from the hunter as he spoke once more, his voice venomous as a serpent's tongue. "Yes, I do. Hunting down a certain thief of dhampir blood - one Renn Atrius of a rather considerable disrepute. I'll pay you accordingly, as your talents in dealing with such beasts speak for themselves. I assume you'll make short work of this... nuisance."
"Consider it done," Elveryn answered with a curt nod, twirling a silver arrow between his fingers, before nocking it to the crossbow.
King Larkin smirks, sitting back down on his gilded chair, the chalice of wine upon his hand once more. "Excellent answer, lad."
Sky (Supernova Initiative)
In her room on the spaceship, Cassie lay splayed out on the floor like a small starfish, a fluffy blanket between her and the cold metal of the room as she looked up at the murky, almost starless sky above. It was oddly familiar, the sight, reminiscent of the grimy moons they once called home a few years ago - and not in a comforting way.
The room's door opened with an almost hermetic whoosh of air, and she didn't need to look to recognize the familiar footsteps that followed. "Something on your mind?" Jack asked, sitting down on the floor beside her, leaning against the wall, and handing her a vanilla smoothie.
Cassie shrugs, taking the smoothie in one hand while battling with a stubborn strand of her own hair that insisted on falling into her eyes. "Eh, not really. Just thinking - this place stirs up memories, don't it?"
"I find it's best not to dwell on it." Jack agrees, gently pushing her hair away from her face. He smiles "But really, we'll be outta here soon enough. Artemis says he knows someone that'll fish the ship in no time."
"I hope he knows what he's doing this time" Cassiopeia chuckles.
"He always does - I think. In a weird, gremlin way, he kinda always has a backup plan for most scenarios."
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab, @little-peril-stories
@the-ellia-west, @winterandwords, @cowboybrunch, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@leave-her-a-tome, @writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid
@lassiesandiego, @thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams and OPEN TAG
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cainluvr69 · 7 months
Main Story 2 Chapter 20 - The Willingness to Lead (First Half)
Previous Chapter
1 - What You Can't Live Without
Eva: Listen closely, child of Bain.
Bradley: My name's Bradley. Get it through your skull already, Eva. Remember it, and I'll make it worth it.
Eva: Fufu, what an impudent little brat. Well then, I'll be sure to remember you. Listen closely, Bradley.
Bradley: Yeah.
Eva: We are Northern wizards. We bear strong and free souls. And so to live with strength and freedom… You mustn't have something you cannot live without.
Bradley: Something I can't live without?
Eva: Yes.
Bradley: Even like a magical focus?
Eva: Yes. Though you may love it as though it were an extension of yourself, you must always be ready to part with it. Both you and I are proud and solitary kings. No matter how many things we encounter capable of moving our hearts. For should your heart be stolen by someone else, you will become their prisoner.
Bradley: Prisoner? You mean just havin' something irreplaceable in the world at all makes you one?
Eva: Here in the North, acquiring something we value the same as our own lives turns that something into a chain, binding us. Just look at Oz. If there is nothing to move your heart, there is nothing you need pay heed. He has the most isolated heart in the world. And because of it, he is invincible.
Bradley: What about you, Eva?
Eva: Excuse me?
Bradley: Would you be able to get rid of something even if you loved it more than anything?
Eva: Of course. Do you really think I would be controlled by the likes of my own heart?
Murr: Oh, my beloved… If it were for you, I wouldn't mind changing the very nature of my soul. As long as you are always yourself, it doesn't matter if I'm no longer me.
Shylock: … I'm aware love afflicts both fools and the wise equally, but… It's still quite a sight to see someone like you throw away your pride with such vulgarities. Changing your soul isn't a gesture of love or adoration. It's an expression of dependency, is it not?
Murr: I'm fine with being dependent. Belonging to the one you love is happiness, don't you think? I don't need an immutable soul. Protecting your heart as it is is a lovely thing. Persistence is a beautiful trait. But if change is unnecessary, then that would mean both you and I wouldn't need companionship in this vast galaxy of ours. If the friction needed to polish a gem is unnecessary, then the collision, collapse, supernova, and subsequent birth of the hundreds of millions of stars shining above us is also unnecessary. I want you to hurt me and in doing so, bring something I've never noticed before to my attention. I want you to show me things I don't yet know about, leave me scared and anxious…I'd enjoy that kind of surprise. I love this beautiful world. My hands will not reach to the stars above… So I am always thinking of them.
Shylock: … Though I'm sure this will come as a disappointment… I don't know anyone who shines as brightly as you.
Murr: Ahaha. Truly, what a disappointment.
Shylock: …So please… Don't say you'll change the essence of who you are…
Rustica: What a fun day today has been. I'd be happy if you felt the same. Zara.
???: I won't forget today until the day I die. Because of dear, kind Aria, I was able to make the best memories I shall ever have in my life…
Rustica: Let's make more wonderful memories together. As my beloved Aria's elder sister, you are my elder sister as well.
???: …
Rustica: And we are both wizards, as well. I was raised freely and unhidden in the Sapphire Castle. So, Zara. One day, you too, shall have your freedom…
???: Lord Rustica. Please let me see your face one last time before you leave… Please, closer… So that I may engrave it into my eyelids, that I never forget it.
Rustica: Please, feel free. But you needn't engrave anything anywhere. I will still come to see you regardless. As often as you wish, as long as you still desire it.
???: …Thank you very much. But, I already… Please don't say such kind things to me. I'll become more wicked by the day. Had I never met you… Had the flame of desire never ignited in my chest… I could have loved both Aria and this world.
Rustica: Zara?
???: …Such beautiful eyes… Kind eyes, in which only a beautiful world exists… From the day you were born, you were beloved by all, blessed like the protagonist of a fairy tale. Living a life unhurt, unafraid, never faced with anything filthy or unclean… I am sure your beautiful soul, Lord Rustica, will never change, no matter what the world may offer you.
Rustica: Zara. You are also beloved and celebrated, you know. I love you. And I know Aria does, too.
???: … …I love you too… …Lord Rustica…
Owen: ……
Cain: Owen…
Owen turned his face away, without even a smirk on his lips. I glared at him. I didn’t think I could do anything else. I couldn’t see what expression Arthur was making right now. It’s not as if I couldn’t see him because of my injury from the <Great Calamity>. But I felt so guilty, the kind of guilt that can’t be properly formed into words, that I couldn’t bear to look at him. That was when I realized something. I was trying to come up with some sort of excuse for all of this. What the hell am I doing?
Arthur: It’s alright. I have an escort. Ah, right there.
Arthur glanced over towards me. Owen was still not looking at me, his arms crossed–I’d never seen him act like this before. And then, I saw him sneak a glance at me. I just kept glaring at him full force. I’d never wanted Arthur to see me like this. I hated Owen as much as I hated myself. But for just a moment, I saw something I couldn’t put a name to flickering in his eyes. That just made me feel even more guilty, and I didn’t know why. It was as if…I was seeing the little Owen because of how messed up things had gotten. But soon enough, he met my glare with his own equally sharp one. Like a beast.
Cain: (If he’s making that kind of face, he has to be the real one.)
Arthur: Alright, thank you. Owen. Could you come here too, please?
Arthur took one of Owen’s arms and together, they came over to me. I had no idea what to do. Owen didn’t, either. All I could do was steel myself and look up at Arthur. He…wasn’t looking at me with contempt, or even disappointment. He was in his blue training outfit, and his clear blue eyes were sparkling. Seeing him like that…I felt my face turn grim, and I started to yell at him.
Cain: Artie, what are you thinking? Only high ranking military officers are allowed in here! Grunts like you should know their place!
I lightly knocked Arthur away and then jabbed my finger towards his chest. The worst thing that could happen here would be anyone else here finding out who Arthur really was. I was just trying to get him out of here safely. He looked startled at first, but upon realizing what was going on, decided to match my pace.
Arthur: My sincerest apologies. However…
Owen: You don’t need to apologize, Artie. Just sit down right there. Next to Sir Knight.
Owen roughly forced Arthur down next to me. The women and officers I’d been talking with quickly moved out of his way. It was me, Arthur, Owen, plus the women by me and Owen. That was our current lineup.
Woman: Have a glass. One for you, too.
Owen and I were handed glasses while we glared at each other over Arthur’s head. I asked him something, keeping my voice low.
Cain: What are you trying to pull? This is a dirty prank.
Owen: Hmph. The only one playing around here is you. If you’re really so sure of yourself, then surely you can keep doing the same in front of Sir Prince?
Woman: Prince?
Owen’s slip of the tongue stabbed a bit of fear into me, but he simply crossed his legs and smiled at the lady next to him.
Owen: I’m talking about myself. I’m the prince of the Cerberus Kingdom. And I’ll bite your throat out.
Owen had meant it as a threat, but because of the alcohol, the woman took it as a joke. She blushed, and then tilted back her head and presented her neck.
Woman: Ooh, how scary. But I don’t mind if you want to eat me right up.
Owen: Are you stupid? You’d get along great with Sir Knight. I’ve fed him to my dogs before, too.
Cain: Come on…
Right as I was about to argue, Arthur suddenly moved to look at me. He took up my whole field of vision, the only thing I could see.
Arthur: I need to talk to you. Err, rather, I have something I’d like to speak with you about, Sir Cain.
Cain: What’s up, Artie? Is it something so important you had to talk to me here? It’s already late. Kids should be in bed by now.
Arthur: Kids?
Arthur raised one eyebrow. I think…I made him a little mad.
Arthur: It’s an important conversation regarding your honor, Sir Cain. You are a very devoted person, but should you have betrayed yourself to that end…
I saw pale fingers extend past Arthur’s cheek, and then Owen grabbed Arthur’s face and forcibly turned his head. He murmured something into Arthur’s ear. They glanced at me during their quiet conversation, leaving me completely baffled by their newfound…familiarity. This couldn’t be anything good. I suddenly felt restless.
Arthur: …Understood.
While I was being set adrift in a sea of confusion, Arthur simply nodded, and moved away from Owen. This time he got closer to me, putting his arm over the back of the sofa. Arthur’s lips approached my ear. His hair and skin smelled of expensive perfume, the kind that no amount of effort could hide. The idea of having a one on one talk with him was making me just a little bit nervous. Over Arthur’s shoulder, I could see Owen. Arthur whispered into my ear.
Arthur: …Please don’t do anything that would deprive you of your knightly spirit.
I didn’t know how much he’d heard from Owen, but the sincere and earnest tone in his voice made my chest ache. As Arthur pulled away from me, I whispered something back.
Cain: …Don’t misunderstand. I’m trying to win over the Western military to get information on Nicholas. It’s dangerous for you to be here. You should leave immediately. Oz and Riquet should still be…
I glanced up, and my words trailed off on their own. There were heavy footsteps making their way towards us. They were even and composed, like those of higher ranked or commissioned officers. The lively atmosphere around us had become tense. Maybe the general they’d talked about earlier, General Barnett, was here.
Gilles: ……
If it was the Western general, it was entirely probable that he knew what Central Country’s crown prince looked like.
Cain: (I can’t even imagine how things will blow up if the prince of an unfriendly neighboring country is found in a military club.)
I immediately pulled Arthur closer to me, my hand on his back.
Arthur: …Wha–?!
Cain: What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well? You must’ve drank too much. We should get you on your way quick. Owen!
Owen: Excuse me?
Cain: Take care of Artie for me. Or at least take him to the inn.
Owen narrowed his eyes at me.
Owen: And why do I have to do what you tell me to, Sir Knight?
Arthur also looked up at me, frowning a bit.
Arthur: I am still not done talking with you.
I wasn’t listening to either of them. I was busy worrying about if General Barnett was here, and I picked up the book I’d dropped earlier with one hand. This was a popular novel the general liked. I’d been reading it aloud to try and catch his attention. That was the plan, at least.
Cain: Sorry, but please, I need you both to leave. I need to read this book.
Arthur: Right now?
Owen: Why?
Cain: Because the general likes it. He’ll be excited if we like the same things, right?
Arthur: Do you like it, Cain?
Cain: Well, I haven’t read it yet…
Arthur: He won’t be happy if you’re only pretending. When he realizes you’re lying, he’ll only be sad about it.
Arthur’s words reminded me of my mom, and my heart clenched in my chest. I shook my head, a bitter taste at the back of my throat. I glanced around, and then murmured something to him.
Cain: …You and Oz are no good at telling lies. That’s why this is something I have to do. I’m doing what I do best.
Arthur: Trust isn’t something so easily won. Trust balanced on top of lies will come crashing down when it’s most important. If trust is lost on the battlefield, then who can you entrust your life to?
I felt like he’d just punched me in the face. Exactly like Arthur had said, morale dropped under leadership that couldn’t be trusted. Everyone put their life on the line for their pride and sense of justice at some point. And if you weren’t sincere about it, all you’d get is corrupted authority and false justice. That’s why you can’t just start running forward. Arthur’s eyes held the same noble look I’d seen in the portraits of previous kings in Granvelle Castle.
Arthur: Cain, you are my knight. You don’t need to concoct any devious plots.
My heart was wavering in my chest. I wanted to live up to Arthur’s pure, unsullied feelings. But… I think someone who betrays those feelings would serve him better. Nicholas and the white-haired woman. The sunken Adams Island expedition. Should I just give up and try a different method of attack? My honor doesn't matter. What even is true devotion? What would Leno or Shino do if they were in my place?
2 - Touched by the General's Words
I stole a glance at Owen. He was frowning, and then he sighed as if to say “Well, there’s no helping it.” He reached over Arthur and put his hand on the back of my neck, pulling me closer. And then, he whispered something in my ear. Owen’s voice was oddly shrill, as if he was embarrassed about something.
Owen: Hey… If it’s the only way, then. I’ll kill the Western general for you.
My eyes widened. Owen frowned, making a weird face, like he was trying to hide his embarrassment. He was messing with his bangs like he was annoyed, but he was eyeing me with a certain sense of pride.
Owen: But only for tonight, okay?
My blood drained out of my face and I shook my head.
Cain: Don’t even think about doing something like that. It’d become a massive diplomatic issue.
Owen: …Hah?
Pretty sure Owen thought that he was offering to do a good deed, which was why he was so embarrassed about it, but it was still undeniably an offer of assassination. A Northern wizard killing the Western army’s general in front of Central’s prince was just a recipe for disaster.
Cain: You don’t need to come up with any plots, just take Arthur and…
Owen: Plots? I’m saying I’ll help you, and you say I’m plotting?
Cain: I’m grateful for the offer, but right now, your talents aren’t really what I need here.
Owen’s trunk appeared out of nowhere. I looked up at the ceiling, and then tried again.
Cain: I said not right now, right?
Owen: I’m going to turn you to stone. I don’t take orders from anyone.
Woman: D-didn’t he just pull that trunk from nowhere… Was that…magic?
Owen smiled threateningly at the pale woman.
Owen: That’s right. Didn’t I tell you? I’ll bite your throat out.
Arthur: Could you kindly stop, Owen?
Woman: …I–I’m not scared! I’m not scared of wizards. There are so many officers from the Magical Weaponry Division here. Everyone, please…!
Cain: Let’s calm down! Owen, put your trunk away! Absolutely do not open it!
Owen: …Don’t order me around!
Arthur: We’re not giving you orders. Neither Cain nor I are trying to subjugate you, Owen of the North.
Arthur placed his hand on Owen’s arm, and then he looked up at me.
Arthur: This goes for you too, Cain. My desires are not meant to be chains. They shouldn’t keep you from listening to your heart.
Those painful words felt so good. My heart. My thoughts and feelings could change everything. And how easily mine had been changed. What could I do with these feelings?
Gilles: And what is going on here?
Owen and I stood ready at the same time. We didn’t even have to say anything. Both of us were prepared to guard Arthur. I couldn’t see who had spoken. But I could tell enough from the air around them. This was General Barnett. The cheery, drunken sense of relaxation in the club had changed. Not in a bad way. There wasn’t any fear shooting up my spine. But all the soldiers in the room remembered something now that he stood before them. All he had to do was stand in the same room as them, and the Western army’s soldiers remembered their pride. Their spirit. I hadn’t even seen his face, and General Barnett had already overwhelmed us. If he was this charismatic on a normal day, I wondered how far his leadership would take him on the battlefield. Speaking as a soldier from the neighboring country? I wasn’t looking forward to seeing it.
Cain: …My apologies for disturbing you. I am Cain, a former knight of Central Country.
I smiled amiably and held my hand out to him. I could only wonder if he’d accept it. But I only had to worry for a couple seconds. A large hand grasped mine moments later. The same moment, a tall, capable-looking young man appeared in front of me. He had the sociable, reliable air of someone you could call an ideal commanding officer.
Gilles: Gilles Barnett, at your service. Would those be your friends?
Still feeling the strain, I introduced the two of them.
Cain: My subordinates. Artie and Wen.
Owen: You’re a wizard, aren’t you.
Owen announced that right to General Barnett’s face. It caught me off guard for a moment, but I knew why he’d felt that, so I explained it to him.
Cain: Don’t be rude, Wen. Watch your mouth. This is the man who leads the Magical Weaponry Division. Using that many mana stones can make someone have the same presence as a wizard.
Owen: Mana stones…? …Just how many would you have to use to feel like that.
Owen smiled a thin smile at him, the expression dripping with malice and hatred. But General Barnett was unmoved. His eyes moved to Arthur, and he gestured for him to sit down.
Gilles: Please, sit.
Arthur: Thank you, sir.
Although Arthur took a seat, General Barnett did not. Instead, he sat down next to me, taking the place of a woman who had gracefully offered up her seat. His leisurely manner was also a smart one. And it wasn’t like he was trying to intimidate or overpower us. It looked like he was being considerate of us.
Gilles: You said you were a former Central soldier, didn’t you?
Cain: Yes.
The general smiled at me, friendly-like.
Gilles: As the general of Western Country, I could call myself its greatest hero, but surely that means little to a Central knight. From Central’s oldest knight to its youngest trainee, each one is fearlessly brave. Now that’s true glory. They don’t get ahead of themselves when victory’s in sight, and that’s how the names of so many heroes have been engraved in their history. And you are one of them. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
Cain: Ah… Thank you very much. I’m undeserving of such praise.
I knew it was nothing more than flattery, but my chest was still full of emotion. Even the general of another country saw the same splendor in the Central knights that I’d admired ever since I was little. Arthur’s eyes also glowed with the praise.
Gilles: And that is?
The general gestured towards the book next to me. Seems like the story about him liking this series was true. Finally, I could work on fulfilling my intended objective here. I picked up the book with vigor.
Cain: A book from a series I like. I’d heard that you enjoyed it as well. I was thinking of reading some aloud, if you’d be fine with that.
The general smiled at me, and I looked over my shoulder towards Owen.
Cain: Wen. Cover Artie’s ears for me, would you?
Owen: What? Why?
Cain: I’ve got a feeling there’s going to be some events that children shouldn’t be listening to.
Arthur: You keep calling me a child, but I am no longer… I am not a child, Sir Cain.
Owen: I’ll let him listen. Give us a tale so terrifying it gives Artie nightmares.
Arthur: No matter how terrifying a story it is, it won’t keep me awake or give me nightmares. Because I am not a child.
Cain: It’s not a scary story. Well, it shouldn’t be…
I remembered the bit I’d read just before as getting a bit…spicy. I glanced over at the general. As if the friendly air he’d had earlier had been nothing but a lie, he was now completely filled with bloodlust.
Cain: Is… Is something wrong, sir…?
His eyes met mine and slowly, slowly his head turned to join them.
Gilles: That book is a stellar adaptation… Don’t speak of it as if it’s some vulgar, tawdry product.
Cain: Ah… Um…
Gilles: The play it is based on is an action/adventure coming-of-age story centered around the friendship of a landed noble caught up in an inheritance dispute and one of her maids. In any case.
Cain: Yes.
Gilles: The two protagonists fall in love with a traveling merchant, and both compete for his affection in further more impossible ways. You said you liked it, didn’t you?
Cain: Uh, yes.
Gilles: To be frank, I am absolutely appalled. No further conversation is required.
Cain: W–wait! My apologies. Let me be honest. I'm…
Gilles: The Sage’s wizard, Cain Knightley. And that would be another Sage’s wizard, the Northern wizard Owen. And this gentleman would be… No, enough with names.
The general had been looking at Arthur when he said that. Arthur, however, took a deep breath and said his next words very pointedly.
Arthur: Please, allow me to introduce myself. I am the prince of Central Country, Arthur Granvelle. My apologies for being misleading with my identity, General Barnett.
The general’s eyes widened at such a forthwith introduction. For the first time in this conversation, he was shocked. After carefully observing his surroundings, he simply shrugged his shoulders.
Gilles: …My sincerest apologies. I had not heard you would be visiting. Had I been aware, I would have knelt before you. To do so now would be, well, conspicuous.
Arthur: Let me apologize as well. I was distracted.
The general smiled at Arthur’s immediate apology. He leaned forward, lowering his voice.
Gilles: …Please listen without showing surprise. Important citizens of my country have of late been collapsing with sudden illness. Their health worsens very quickly, and as it stands, it is doubtful they can even make it through the night. Were it to be known that a foreign dignitary is visiting me during this plague, it would draw suspicion. Please, leave as soon as you are able.
Arthur: Western country’s dignitaries…
Gilles: I cannot speak further than this. You understand, yes?
Arthur: Yes… Thank you. However, may I ask one thing?
Gilles: You may.
Arthur: Why did you warn me?
Gilles: I’d rather not cause problems for myself by complicating things with easily-rectified matters.
The general smiled calmly. His manner was arrogant, but Arthur’s eyes were happy all the same.
Gilles: You are young, and there is still hope in your heart. Though we may live in a broken world, I keep faith that it shall one day be beautifully reborn. I would rather do you a favor of something more valuable than saying your name too loudly and bringing both of our nations trouble.
Arthur: My thanks, General Barnett.
Gilles: Please, just call me Gilles. Now, I would not say this is advice, per se… If you have no urgent plans, I would suggest staying in the City of Fortune for the moment.
Cain: Why?
Gilles: A coronation ceremony shall be held on a day very soon from now. I believe the Sage’s wizards were also given an invitation.
Those words alone told me everything I needed to know about the state of the West’s dignitaries, and which among them had fallen ill. Western Country was a monarchy, after all. It seemed we’d arrived at a very delicate time.
Gilles: Well then, I shall take my leave. May there be good company on your way home.
With a bow, the general began to walk away from us. I was after him in a flash. He was a fair sort of person. I needed to do something to get rid of the guilt of lying to him.
Cain: Hold on.
Gilles: What?
Cain: …Sorry for lying to you. Err, my sincerest apologies, I mean.
His shoulders shook with laughter. At least the look on his face meant I hadn’t insulted him.
Gilles: What a very Central thing of you to say. No, it was quite fine. Why were you trying to gain my favor?
Cain: Huh?
Gilles: You pretended to have read a book you’d never touched for the sake of my favor, to the point of troubling your comrades.
Cain: That’s, well… I really do apologize for that. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Gilles: It certainly seems that way. I’ve yet to meet someone from Central who enjoyed deceit. Nicholas was the same way.
My eyes widened the moment I heard Nicholas’s name.
Cain: You remember Nicholas?
Gilles: Of course I do. He was once a hero who stood as Central’s head of knights. It was quite exhausting having such a great man foisted onto me as one of my subordinates.
After that bit of complaint, the general smiled at me.
Gilles: I heard a bit of you from him. He called you the kind of genius that only comes around once every thousand years. Nicholas had been quite proud whenever your name was brought up. It was clear that he loved Central Country and Central’s knights from the bottom of his heart. What happened to him was very unfortunate.
The general put his hand on my shoulder. The sudden rush of emotion in my chest was so strong, I could feel my breathing waver. Even if he had fallen as something evil, Nicholas had once been someone I admired. Hearing words of praise for him made my chest tight. Even though I’d tried to convince myself there was no other choice, I’d always hated how things had turned out. If the reason that the gallant knight I admired had become a villain was because I’d cornered him, then didn’t that make me the evil one? The general shook his head, as if to reject the self-hatred I’d never voiced aloud.
Gilles: My only complaint is that you led the knights after someone like Nicholas had been driven out. You’re not the kind of person who would be here to try and gather information. The right person for the right place, after all. Though it’s true Western Country tends to discriminate towards wizards, we are still generous enough to welcome the philosopher Hart to the royal palace with open arms. Those from Central are less sociable. The generosity seen when the King of Knights Alec established that country alongside wizards is nowhere to be seen. The current system in place only shames that sincere warrior. You don’t need to look at me like that. If you’re going to turn your sword on anything, turn it on the system.
This foreign general’s words were like a guiding light that had saved me. Perhaps they were simply honeyed words to win me over. But I wanted to think they were true.
Cain: Thank you very much, sir.
Gilles: Even wicked customs can be changed that way. Should your revolution fail and you go into exile, I would gladly welcome you to our country.
Cain: I’m not planning on abandoning my country. I am a Central knight.
The general smiled warmly at me.
Gilles: I thought that’s what you’d say.
Cain: General Barnett. Did anything strange happen to Nicholas during his time in this country?
Gilles: Why do you ask?
Cain: I heard that he headed an expedition to the sunken Adams Island. He wasn’t exactly a man who was fond of the sea. But if he left anything behind that might tell me what his goal was, then…
Gilles: I see. A very Central expression of camaraderie. I’m fond of Central’s knights because you’re all like characters in a book. Now then, regarding Nicholas… Although he was one for etiquette, there were times when he crossed the line when it came to me. I imagine he couldn’t forgive himself for it.
Cain: I see…
Gilles: Oh, but there is one thing I recall. He once asked me if I was an avid reader. Specifically, he asked if there were any accounts handed down through Western legend of an account of a "walking Hell".
Cain: A walking Hell…?
Gilles: Yes. I’d never heard of something like it. What about in Central?
Cain: This is the first time I’m hearing of anything like it, too.
Gilles: I see. I apologize, but that’s as much as I can offer.
Arthur: A walking Hell… I’ve never heard of it, either. What about you, Owen?
Owen: Who knows.
Arthur: Perhaps you keep it within that trunk of yours?
Owen: Sure. Want to take a peek, Sir Prince?
Cain: Knock it off, Owen.
Owen: Hmph. So you failed to become a villain, Sir Knight. Well, it’s just a matter of time. I’m looking forward to seeing it happen.
Cain: …tsk, he’s gone… God, he’s so…
Arthur: Owen was worried about you, Cain.
Cain: As if.
Arthur: That was why he came to me. …Am I wrong?
Cain: You’re wrong. Maybe he’s not as awful as I thought, but… He’s still awful. Don’t let him fool you.
Arthur: You think so…?
Cain: …A walking Hell… Sigh… All that work, and that’s the only clue we got.
Arthur: We did get to meet with the Western general, thanks to your infiltration. Thank you, Cain.
Cain: Arthur… No, I should be the one thanking you.
3 - The Child Beloved by the Sun and Moon
Liliana: …
Old man: …Please… Please, I beg you… I haven't breathed a word about you to anyone… I promise you…!
Liliana: When has a child of man ever fulfilled their promises?
Old man: Eek…! Someone…! Help me! Please…!
Liliana: Cease this fruitless resistance. Do you really think you can escape me? I gave you happiness, did I not?
Old man: Ahh… My body… I'm wasting away…like I'm dying… …ahh…my arms are turning into branches…
Liliana: You have fulfilled your role. Now, sleep peacefully.
Old man: ……
Liliana: …Haah… That went well. I'm so sorry, Albert. But I'd rather not meet with him while looking like an old man.
Chloe: …Zara… She's a witch who was raised in secrecy, like I was…?
Kelvin: …Your family hid you, too?
Chloe: Yeah… Since if they knew I was a wizard, all of our relatives would hate us…
Kelvin: Hmph. Then let them hate you. People who hate things they don't understand are all boring people, anyways. Besides, they don't hate wizards. They just mistrust them.
Chloe: Mistrust…?
Kelvin: That's right. They suspect us when things go missing, or if something breaks. Or when something bad happens to someone who's usually lucky. They think to themselves, "Couldn't this be because of the strange powers those wizards have?" It's hard to trust something they can't see for themselves, after all. Mistrusting things they can't see is pretty easy for them. They do it with kindness and friendship and things done in good will, too.
Chloe: …But… Rustica trusted me. Ages ago while I was still doing sewing for my parents' shop, I came up with this embroidery concept. Like, if I did this and this and put it all together, how'd that look? And just like I thought, it turned out absolutely beautifully.
Kelvin: Amazing! You've got a real knack for that kind of thing, don't you?
Chloe: Ehehe! Thanks… You're a kind person too, Kelvin. …But my sisters thought there was no way I could've come up with it on my own. They thought I'd seen someone else's embroidery work and copied it.
Kelvin: That's horrible. How could they?!
Chloe: Well, I was used to it… But Rustica trusted me. He said, "That's amazing, Chloe." I couldn't prove I came up with it on my own, but he didn't doubt me in the first place. It was the very first time I looked at my own embroidery and thought, "He's right. It is amazing." I was so happy and proud of myself. All because Rustica trusted me…
Kelvin: That's who Lord Rustica is, after all. He doesn't mistrust anything. He thinks this world only consists of love and peace. That's because Lord Rustica has only ever known kind and happy things in his life.
Chloe: …I don't think it's possible to have only known happiness, but… I still think I get what you're saying… Rustica never has a bad thing to say about anything. He's very good at finding a silver lining in everything. Even if people trick him or treat him badly, he never says anything about it. I always thought it was weird, honestly. I wondered how he could be like that. But… Is it really possible to live while only knowing kind and happy things…?
Kelvin: He did it. It was possible for that family back then.
Chloe: That family back then, huh…
Kelvin: For the Ferch family that lived in the City of Fortune's Sapphire Palace. Rustica was born to the Ferch family at the height of their prosperity.
Chloe: The Ferch family?
Kelvin: They were Western Country's most dazzling and prosperous aristocrats. They had even more power, politically speaking, than the Western royal family did, and nobles and merchants from around the entire continent did business with them. They amassed wealth from around the world, built the Sapphire Palace, and hosted dinner parties every night. Western Country's important talks about things like war, taxes, and politics weren't discussed at the royal palace, but at Sapphire Palace.
Chloe: So, like, they were more important than the king?
Kelvin: Their power grew from their successful business ventures. Especially with their investments in transcontinental transport. The ones who originally planned, implemented, and maintained the road that runs from Western Country, through Central, all the way to Eastern Country were the Ferches.
Chloe: That's amazing!
Kelvin: People even whispered that the Ferches' divine protection would keep them safe from anything dangerous that came down from the North. The Ferches were beloved by the royal family, the commoners, the nobility, even scholars and artists alike. And that was why when a wizard was born to them, he received nothing but blessings.
Chloe: And that was Rustica…?
Kelvin: Yes. I still remember what the people in the City of Fortune called the baby born in the Sapphire Palace. The child beloved by the sun and moon.
Chloe: (…Ahh, it's unbelievable…) (Rustica and I are as different as night and day…)
Kelvin: Until I met Lord Rustica in person, this was what I thought about the heir to the Sapphire Palace: What do they mean, beloved by the sun and moon? He's just some spoiled brat who got raised up to be selfish and covetous and never had anyone say no to him. And then I actually met him, and Lord Rustica couldn't have been more different than that. He was kind, sincere, humble… He was so generous I actually got worried for him.
Chloe: …I understand… That's the same Rustica that I know…
Kelvin: Haha… It's been so long since I saw him, and he hasn't changed a bit. …His eyes are still so clear… I can't even count how many times I felt ashamed of myself in front of those eyes. I was irritable, skeptical, stingy, pessimistic…
Chloe: Kelvin…
Kelvin: …I wanted to become a musician. But I was scared of putting on a poor performance and getting laughed at… Every time I found a musician to try to apprentice with, they'd cruelly mock me. They really were the worst. Even though I really just wanted to listen to music up close and touch an instrument for myself. I encountered Lord Rustica for the first time while I was traveling, as he was playing a flute, and I laughed at him. What's up with this?! What a weird-sounding song! What a bizarre melody! But he just smiled at me and said, "That's not true. It's a lovely song. Why don't you try to play this flute, too?" And for some reason, when he said that to me… For the first time in my life, I said that I did, I did want to try playing the flute. And I meant it completely. I have loved Lord Rustica ever since.
Chloe: …
Kelvin: And Lord Rustica loved me, too. It was as natural as the fact that candy made from sugar is sweet that people loved him, but he loved them in return so easily. He had an unshakeable faith in himself, but he never strayed from his kind, considerate nature. He freely gave his possessions, his time, and his love to anyone who wanted them.
Chloe: (…That's true for me, too… I'm just one of the people he gave those things to…) (Rustica is a very, very special person to me, but…) (To Rustica, am I…?)
Kelvin: Hey, are you okay?
Chloe: Ah…
Kelvin: You're looking kind of pale. Maybe it's just because of the moonlight, but…
Chloe: I'm fine… Ah… Wait, I need to go find Rustica! He was with me until just a little bit ago.
Kelvin: I know. I could feel his presence… Where is he now?
Chloe: W-well… A wizard I've never seen before suddenly showed up and then vanished with him.
Kelvin: Huh?! Did Zara take him?! Even though she hasn't so much as laid a hand on him before now…
Chloe: Why did Zara turn Rustica's bride into a songbird? If Rustica went through something terrible because of that witch, then… If I were to defeat her, the witch controlling Western Country, would that make Rustica happy…?
Kelvin: Lord Rustica would… I don't think he would be happy with that, no matter who it was.
Chloe: …
Kelvin: You'd just make him sad. So he has no choice but to forget things like that.
Rustica: …
I was in a room that smelled absolutely lovely. It was a fine perfume, the sweet, refreshing scent of flowers blended with burnt sugar. I felt oddly nostalgic being wrapped up in that aroma. It was a sweet and gentle atmosphere, one of sadness tinged with joy. The windows of this room were also lovely. Through them I saw a magnificently built palace, backed by the pre-dawn sky. I felt a bit sleepy, so I thought I'd lie down for a bit. I undressed, leaving my clothes scattered untidily over the floor, and suppressed a yawn. And then I thought to myself, something seems off. If someone saw my clothes on the floor like this, I knew what they'd say.
???: You can't do that, Rustica. They'll get all wrinkled like that.
Rustica: Oh, my apologies.
I apologized to that someone and folded my clothes. I couldn't quite place what that someone's name was. I found a brush, and brushed out my hair. I heard the voice of someone who had talked to me while brushing my hair, from sometime before now. It smelled the same now as it did then. Sweet, refreshing flowers and candy. Flowers dancing gently in the breeze. Small, purple flowers. Gemstones glittering brightly. A delicate porcelain cup…
???: Rustica. My angel. Everyone fortunate enough to meet you is blessed. Your eyes are pure and innocent. Your heart is serene and unselfish. You understand the underpinnings of this world. It is possible that in the future, you may hear thoughtlessly said words, words not worth hearing. But please, you mustn't criticize the people who say them. There is no reason for you to take offense to them. Those who are so poor of heart are those pitiful, those not blessed with good fortune. Those who are well-loved, however, are earnest and virtuous. You must extend your hand to them without hate, without hostility. Kindness and compassion are paramount. As those of high status, we have a responsibility to learn proper ethics. My sweet Rustica. Please extend your love to everyone you can. This way, everyone will be happy.
The sky began to brighten. A veil of navy and violet fluttered at the hem of the night sky's dark dress. Birds began to sing their lovely morning songs. My eyes were on the verge of falling shut. I laid down on the bed. I laid down on the bed, and I was happy. Being able to sleep for as long as I like made me feel free and peaceful. Liberated. I began to hum a song, and fell asleep to that same song of my own making.
Aria Mastandrea was the princess of Western Country as well as my fiancee. I have loved her since the day we first met. She was like a little sister. We were often told we suited one another. We were very happy together. Aria loved the sound of my harpsichord, and I loved the stories Aria would tell. Aria spoke to me often about the things that she loved. Brightly colored pastries, wax seals, bluebirds that pecked at flower petals, buttons with gold around the edges, the royal palace's gardens. His Majesty the King, her Majesty the Queen, me. Her favorite chamberlain, Francesca. The lizards that would appear by her window on rainy days. However, she was lying to me. I knew Aria loved more things than that. I saw her once, as I was walking through the palace garden, contemplating something very deeply. I saw tears in the corners of her eyes as she stared at the garden around her, her gaze very earnest. As if she were committing a sin.
Rustica: Why are you crying?
And Aria replied, She was afraid. She had never disobeyed her parents before. But she was disobeying them for the very first time, right now. Please, she pleaded, take the secret I'm about to tell you seriously. Being told something like that made me quite nervous. For I had never had a "secret" before. Under the boughs of a tree, with no one else around, Aria told me something in little more than a whisper. She had an elder twin sister. Her name was Zara. But twins in the royal family were considered unlucky. And because of that, the twin who was born a witch was forced to live in secrecy. She lived in a tower on the palace grounds. Once, she had asked to look out from the top of that same tower.
Rustica: I remember that. You said you wanted to look at the birds perched by its window. But there were no birds to be seen.
Please forgive me, she said. I lied to you. I wanted to show my beloved elder sister the man who would become my husband.
Rustica: I see, so that's what it was. Your sister lives in that tower…
I have a request, Lord Rustica, she said. I'll never ask you for anything more in my life, so please. Please take a walk through the gardens with Zara, dressed in my clothes, as though she were me. If you can, please take her outside the palace walls. Zara has never been past them before.
Rustica: In other words… I should take your elder sister on an outing somewhere? I would be happy to.
Liliana: …
Rustica: …
Liliana: …He's asleep…
Rustica: …mm…
Liliana: …
Rustica: …I don't want to get up yet… Chloe…
Liliana: …
Chloe: …So Rustica's just going to keep forgetting things forever? One day he'll forget me, and the Sage, and everyone else…
Kelvin: That's right. Like how he's forgotten who I am.
Chloe: Isn't… Isn't there anything I can do?
Kelvin: Can you really say something about it? To Lord Rustica? Can you tell him that the bride he's looking for is already dead? That he's the one who killed her?
Chloe: …uu… I don't want to…
Kelvin: Exactly. Because if you tell him that, the current Lord Rustica will disappear. The happy nobleman, the child beloved by the sun and moon, will vanish. I never want to see Lord Rustica suffering like that again, wailing like he was no more than an animal…
Chloe: …
Kelvin: …I need to go. You never know when or where the witch is listening. I'll be avoiding this place for the time being. You should do the same.
Chloe: Wait, Kelvin…!
Kelvin: Take care of Lord Rustica.
Chloe: Ah… …He disappeared… …If I tell him the truth, the current Rustica will disappear… …Then… Who is the real Rustica…? Will he really be happy continuing to search for a bride that no longer exists…? But…I don't want Rustica to remember…something so horrible… … I need to find Rustica… …This isn't the time to be moping. First off, I need to find Rustica… …I need to help Rustica. I at least owe him that much! …Oh, I should tell Master Sage! They said they were going to Cortes Palace, and then heading to the royal palace… If the witch is at the Western royal palace, then that's the first place I should look for Rustica. I need to hurry…!
4 - Dawn is Coming
Shino: This is…
Bradley: …
The spirits definitely felt like Western ones. I didn't feel any hostile intentions from the bone monsters surrounding us. Figaro was still actively wary of the guy with Murr's face. Mithra seemed unhappy with traveling through a door in space that someone else had made. Nero was out like a light again. I didn't know if his condition was stable or not. I wanted to get him properly treated as soon as I possibly could. And Shino was on edge, supporting Heathcliff on his shoulder and fidgeting like he couldn't decide if he wanted to stick close to Nero or to the curseworker. He had the most repressed bloodlust out of all of us right now, even counting the bone freaks.
Bradley: Stand down, Eastern tiny, Mithra.
Mithra glanced over to me, moving only his eyes.
Bradley: Don't make 'em underestimate us.
That was all I needed to say. Mithra focused his attention on what was in front of him, which was impressive, given his short attention span. The guy with Murr's face smiled.
Murr: Welcome. Please, use this manor as you will. I'll arrange for medical supplies to be brought to you shortly. You have many injured, after all.
Shino: You think you get to say that…?! All of their injuries are because of those damn things standing next to you!
Heathcliff: Shino…!
Shino's eyes were blazing with fury for the things that had put his comrades into this state. I could still feel traces of the curseworker's protection magic on him, and he had the guts to try and fight his way out of this. His courage was downright admirable.
Figaro: Get them to me immediately. As well as several people familiar with medical training.
Figaro's voice was calm, but it was steeped in a very obvious, very deadly anger.
Murr: But of course. I'd love to help you myself, but tragically, there is somewhere else I need to be.
Figaro: And where would that be?
Murr: I need to greet the Master Sage.
Figaro frowned, and I wasn't feeling any more happy about that than he was. I didn't want this Murr getting anywhere close to the Sage.
Bradley: (Should I get Mithra to go with him? But if I do that, then we won't have enough people here.) Bradley: (I'm pretty sure this is one of those actualized shards of Murr's soul I've heard about. And the shard was probably attached to that cat of his somewhere.) (Should I shoot it? If I do, how would the bone freaks react?)
While thoughts like that were chasing themselves in a circle in my head, Figaro handed the unconscious Faust off to Lennox.
Figaro: Sorry. I know you're hurt, too.
Lennox: No, it's fine…
But in the next moment, Figaro's magic focus, his orb, appeared at his hand.
Bradley: (This guy's got a short fuse too, huh.)
I was sick of him doing things that reminded me of how the twins wanted to run things. Even if they act like they're sensible, they jump the gun way too damn fast. I held Nero tighter in my arms, and my next words were very pointed.
Bradley: Yo, Southern doctor. You've got wounded to be lookin' after. If anyone's gonna be doin' anything right now, it's gonna be me.
Mithra: I'm going to be the one to take them down. All of them.
But Murr wasn't intimidated.
Murr: Did you enjoy it that much?
Figaro: Then hurry it up. I want to get to treating my patients. I'd rather not get attacked while I'm busy tending to them, so finish things up before that happens.
Murr: If we were planning on attacking you, we wouldn't have brought you here.
Bradley: What do you want with the Sage?
Murr: I intend on collecting all of the Sage's wizards here. Ah, of course. Perhaps I shouldn't have gone about this in the middle of the night. Is that why you're suspicious of me? Things that could happen innocently during the daytime can become perilous in the dead of night. This, too, is a captivating aspect of…
Mithra: <Arthim>
Blue flames raged out of Mithra's crystal skull alongside a furious blizzard, and the shape of Murr in front of us was annihilated. Me and Figaro were both left completely speechless. The cat that had been at Murr's feet leapt away, escaping as far from us as it could. And then, above the now distant cat, Murr once again flickered into view.
Murr: Goodness. Northern wizards have such short tempers. Hey, hey. Can you get close to those people over there again for me? Don't be scared. Please, I'm begging you…
Mithra ignored Murr distantly grumbling to himself and turned to face me.
Mithra: I'm going to go get the Sage.
Bradley: Sure, good plan. You know where they are?
Mithra: If I feel for their presence, yes. Well, I'll be going now. I have a feeling they're here in Western Country.
Having said that, Mithra glanced down at Nero, who was still securely in my arms. I was instantly wary of him. It was more instinct than anything.
Mithra: Is that person dead?
I didn't know what exactly he meant by that, but it still put me on edge. He better not tell me to give him Nero's stone.
Bradley: He ain't dead. He's too stubborn for that.
Mithra: Is that right? Thank goodness. Shino asked me to save him.
There was no possible way I really just heard him say something so…human. The concept alone was completely alien to Mithra of the North--he wouldn't even consider it. Mithra was still staring at Nero, and there was even a smile on his face.
Mithra: Anyway, I'm leaving now.
Bradley: Yeah, thanks.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra was gone, leaving behind only the night breeze. I raised my head, and my eyes met Figaro's. He was as shocked as I was by how Mithra was acting. We both looked away without saying anything.
Figaro: Let's hurry. This way, Leno. Heathcliff, can you walk?
Heathcliff: …ah, I'll be fine.
Shino: You can lean on me. How's Faust?
Lennox: His breathing is shallow. We need to get him laying down as soon as we can.
Shino: Bradley!
Bradley: I'm coming! Nero's still doin' fine.
The jet-black night sky was starting to turn blue around the edges. Dawn was coming. The time Oz's magic would return. Even if the bone freaks attacked us after the Sage and the lil' ones joined us here, everything would be fine. I noticed myself feelin' relieved about that and felt a sudden sense of dread. There's no goddamn way I was feelin' relieved about Oz's continued existence. Maybe I was dreamin' or something. I needed to walk around or somethin' to make sure I was actually awake. The amount of people that could actually be saved was limited. I needed to prioritize and cut the rest off. I glared at the air in front of me, and started walking.
Rutile: It's almost dawn…
Oz: So it is…
Rutile: Mitile and Riquet are both asleep. I'm sure they must've worn themselves out.
Oz: … Why…
Rutile: Hm?
Oz: Why would one give birth?
Rutile: … I…haven't given birth…
Oz: Yes… Of course not.
Rutile: Ahaha… Are you talking about my mother?
Oz: Correct.
Rutile: Do I really resemble her that much? Although I've been hearing that ever since I was Mitile's age.
Oz: You do not. However, there are traces of her in your countenance. The two of you can be…difficult to distinguish.
Rutile: That's an interesting way of putting it. …Were you close with her? My mother?
Oz: No… I had no particular interest in her.
Rutile: …
Oz: Given we have the opportunity, there is something I'd like to discuss with you.
Rutile: What is it?
Oz: … Is there anything… You would not want children to know of…
Rutile: Is there perhaps something you don't want to tell Lord Arthur about, Lord Oz?
Oz: …
Rutile: Ah… Sorry. That was just what came to mind.
Oz: … We should have talked more.
Rutile: You mean with my mother?
Oz: Yes. She talked often.
Rutile: Ahaha. I know all about that.
Oz: …Every time someone used their words with me, part of their heart entered mine. I disliked that.
Rutile: …
Oz: And yet, as I think of her now, I believe that perhaps I should have listened to what she said more attentively.
Rutile: …Why did you dislike it?
Oz: …Yes, why did I… Because I could not understand them. Even if I attempted to, I could not. Consequently, I did not wish to hear the words of others. I do not understand myself, either. And so… I have no words with which to describe myself. Putting myself into words would be inherently inaccurate. That things would always be conveyed inaccurately…left me weary.
Rutile: …
Oz: …Why are you crying?
Rutile: …I'm sorry… It's just, I think that…I must be the same way…
Oz: You talk frequently, however.
Rutile: Ahaha… But…I really do think I'm the same as you. I want to properly listen to people, I want to properly speak to them… But I can't understand what they're trying to say, and so I can't properly convey what I want to, either… …And so I hurt them and get hurt in return…even though I want to be kind to them…
Oz: I see… If it is difficult for someone as kindhearted as you, then I am sure it must be a trial all must face. Though she had a wild temperament, you are kind.
Rutile: You're a kind person too, Lord Oz…
Oz: …That is incorrect.
Rutile: You did great at talking with me, too. I understood what you wanted to tell me. I want to think that I understand…
Oz: …This is something Riquet has said to me. "I feel the same way."
Rutile: Huh…?
Oz: …The sky grows bright.
Rutile: Does this count as dawn?
Oz: Not just yet.
Rutile: Maybe you'll be able to do it if you try. Could I ask you to do that?
Oz: I shall.
Rutile: Then please sit down right here. That way if you fall asleep and fall over, you won't hit your head.
Oz: Here?
Rutile: Yes! Well then, take it away!
Oz: … <Vox…> Snz…
Rutile: Ah!! It really was a bit too early…!
5 - I Don't Want to Lose Anyone
I was flying through the night sky with Shylock, Murr, Gregory, and a piece of Murr's soul. Although we did return to Cortes Palace, none of us could relax, so we departed again after leaving a message for Chloe and Rustica. I was traveling with Western wizards, but no one said a thing. Having been overtaken by my exhaustion from everything that had happened that day, I was nodding off on the back of Shylock's broom.
Murr: You're falling, dear Sage.
Akira: ……ah!
I startled Shylock, and he turned to face me. He narrowed his eyes a bit and smiled.
Shylock: My apologies for not realizing. I suppose a trip like this is a bit taxing for a regular person such as yourself, Master Sage. I can use my magic to ensure you don't fall, but if you'd prefer, shall we find somewhere to rest?
Akira: I'm fine. But, um, just in case, if you could make sure I don't fall…
Mithra: <Arthim>
Just then, I heard a familiar voice. A door suddenly opened in the night sky, and then, there was Mithra.
Akira: Mithra.
Mithra was as relaxed as always, but when he saw Saku-chan, his face twisted into one of blatant distaste.
Mithra: That thing's still clinging onto you.
Saku-chan didn't mind, though. It was just nudging my shoulder with its nose. Mithra came closer to me and shook his hand a little, like he was trying to get something off of it. Gregory took to the air.
Mithra: There's more of you than I was expecting.
Gregory: Wah, watch out--!
Mithra: And I believe this is the one I missed my chance to kill earlier.
Murr: By any chance, are you referring to me?
Shylock: Murr was almost killed?
Murr: Ooh, by who? By Mithra? By Oz? Or by you, Shylock?
Akira: H-hold on, Mithra. Don't throw them off.
I held Gregory and the shard of Murr protectively in my arms, and then asked Mithra a question.
Akira: Do you mean that you tried to kill a shard of Murr's soul? Where did you meet him?
Mithra: A shard of his soul? Oh, now that you mention it, I do think I heard something about that before. No wonder something seemed off. He was on top of a cat.
Akira: A cat?
Murr: Sounds fuuuun! I want to ride on a cat, too!
Murr: I'm glad to hear that shards other than myself are enjoying their lives as well.
Shylock: You killed a shard of Murr? Did the Murr you killed return to the shard? Or did it destroy it permanently?
Murr: Ooh, what an eager student you are, Shylock!
Murr: Are you planning on composing a thesis on the subject?
Shylock: Be quiet, Murr. Mithra, what happened to that Murr?
Mithra: He was riding on top of a cat. He said he was going to go greet the Sage, so I came here to get you instead.
Mithra was frowning. It seemed like something unpleasant had happened to him.
Akira: Why were you and a shard of Murr fighting?
Mithra: He set bone doll monsters on us. Faust and Nero almost died, and Heathcliff and Lennox got done in, too.
Akira: Huh…?!
My mind went completely blank. My heart started pounding in my chest, and my vision started fading around the edges.
Akira: Wh…why…
Mithra: Like I said, we were attacked by doll-like, bone monster-like things. I won, of course.
And now Faust and Nero were almost dead, and Heath and Leno were badly hurt… Their smiles popped into my head. The idea of losing those smiles scared me so bad I wanted to scream. We'd encountered all sorts of dangerous situations before. I always knew that them losing their lives was a real possibility, and yet I just sent them out with little more than a "Take care." Not a single time had I ever been prepared to face the prospect of them actually dying.
Akira: (What do I do, what do I do, what do I do…)
I was so scared and confused I could hardly breathe. Without even thinking about it, I grabbed onto Mithra's arm.
Akira: Did…did you save them?
Mithra: Probably. Figaro is with them.
Akira: …Haahh…
My sigh of relief came from the very bottom of my heart. And yet at the same time as that relief, I felt my stomach twist itself into a knot and my fingers start to tremble. I was told they were almost dead, and then only seconds later, I was told they were going to be okay. But it had felt like an eternity. There were tears in my eyes, ready to fall.
Akira: …sniff, thank goodness… Can I see them? Can you take me to them?
Mithra: Of course I can.
Mithra was looking straight at me.
Shylock: Master Sage…
Shylock tugged me closer to him. The moment I relaxed, I'd started to slip. From within my arms, the shard of Murr started to speak.
Murr: The probability that these "bone doll monsters" are artificial wizards is very high.
Shylock: Artificial wizards? Are you saying you made a wizard? How could you create something like that all over again…
Murr: I didn't make them. But the plans for them were in my laboratory. It seems someone found them and perfected the concept.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra opened another door in the sky. Gregory whispered to me, worried about how pale and shaken I must've looked.
Gregory: Are you okay?
Akira: Yes…
Though he was in the shape of a bird and all he had for a face were his beak and his round eyes, I still felt like he'd smiled gently at me.
Gregory: You're a very kind person. The Sage's wizards must be happy to know how much you care about them.
But of course I did. If even a single one of them were missing, I wouldn't be here right now. I was able to live in this world only because each and every one of them had helped me. I didn't want to lose any of them.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra took us to a room I'd never seen before.
Figaro: Master Sage.
Akira: Figaro…
I wanted to say something to him, but the sight of his fingertips stopped me. They were stained crimson. I looked down and saw Faust laying on a bed, covered in wounds.
Akira: …!
I had to put a hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming, and that startled Gregory, who took to the air. Seeing what looked like a bird, Figaro drew the bedsheets over Faust's body.
Figaro: What a pretty bird. Or, a person? Sorry, but I'm in the middle of treating patients right now, so you'll need to wait outside.
Akira: S-sorry. Figaro, Faust is going to be okay, isn't he?
Figaro's eyes met mine and he nodded, his smile a reliable one.
Figaro: Of course he is. He's got Dr. Figaro by his side, after all.
Akira: Thank goodness… Thank you so much!
There was a gentle kindness in Figaro's hazel eyes. And maybe it was just my imagination, but he seemed happy, too.
Figaro: Yep. Just leave everything to me.
Akira: What about Nero? Is Nero okay, too?
Figaro: As long as he rests. If he strains himself, he'll lose his life. He's through the room on the other side of the hall.
Akira: Thank you! I'm going to go check on him.
Figaro: Ah, don't walk around on your own. Shylock, could you go with the Sage?
Shylock: Of course. Does that mean this place isn't safe? Or, unsafe enough that we can't let the Sage be on their own.
Figaro: That's right. I'll explain what's up later. Mithra, I need you to fetch Rutile next.
Mithra: Excuse me?
Figaro: We don't have enough hands here, and I want to check up on Nero and Heath, too. He should be somewhere here in Western Country.
Mithra: I refuse.
Figaro: Why?
Mithra didn't respond. I looked up at him, and he was almost pouting.
Akira: …Did you two have a fight?
Mithra: He's a pigheaded jerk.
Figaro: Come on, Mithra. I need you to hurry. And while you're at it, can you track down Oz, too?
Mithra: Absolutely not.
A voice called out from my breast pocket.
Murr: I shall assist you.
I blinked, and my pocket Murr was full size again. When Mithra and Figaro saw him, their faces turned grim. Murr's bright eyes narrowed to slits as he smiled at them.
Murr: I am still a doctor of medicine, you know.
The shard of Murr reached his fingers towards Shylock's hair and stole Shylock's hair tie, just like that. Shylock frowned at him, looking annoyed. As Murr tied his hair back with his purloined hair tie, he addressed me.
Murr: Shall we go, Master Sage?
I pressed my hand against the shard of purple sapphire in my pocket and nodded. Just before we stepped out, I looked up at Mithra.
Akira: Are you sure you won't help us with Rutile? Mithra…
Mithra: …
Mithra was still pouting, his lips curved down in dissatisfaction. He sighed, but he was being reluctant about it.
Mithra: Just this once.
Akira: I'm sorry for the trouble. But thank you.
Mithra: <Arthim>
Mithra disappeared into a door through space. Shylock stepped toward me and put a hand on my back. The nimble, catlike Murr was about to follow us so he didn't get left behind, but Figaro called out to him.
Figaro: Murr, hold on.
Murr: What, what?
Murr: What is it?
Figaro: Err… That's rather troublesome, isn't it. Could the one that's Shylock's dear pet stay and help me? You are a doctor, aren't you?
Murr: I mighta forgotten how to be?
Figaro: I'll tell you what you need to do. Ahh, just when I was getting a feeling of deja vu, instead it turned into Dr. Figaro's Classroom…
Figaro grumbled to himself, looking bitter. It seemed like it had been a long time since he'd taught healing magic, down in the South.
Lennox: Excuse me. --Master Sage.
Just before we could step out the door, Lennox stepped in before us. His clothes, too, were stained with blood. He noticed me before I could figure out what to say and smiled at me.
Lennox: Don't worry, they're just scratches. Please look in on Nero and Heathcliff. What kind of bird is this…? I don't think you should bring the bird with you.
Gregory: Yes, that's true. Master Sage, I shall leave your side for the time being.
Lennox's eyes widened when he heard Gregory speak. Figaro smiled bitterly, even as his hands moved swifly and skillfully.
Figaro: You should at least be able to identify the presence of a person turned into a bird. Faust is going to scold you.
Lennox: That's true.
Their quiet words sounded like prayers. Both of them were waiting for the moment when those prayers would be answered and Faust opened his eyes again. They had faith that moment would come.
I went to the room Nero was supposed to be in with Shylock. Shino was already there. The moment he saw the shard of Murr, his expression changed. His scythe appeared in his hand and flashed across the narrow room. Murr only got a second to dodge. If he'd been even a moment too slow, his head would've separated from his body.
Murr: It seems I've earned quite a bit of resentment.
Shylock: As you always do. Shino, this shard of Murr is one we found in the Royal Botanical Gardens. This shard is different from the one that attacked you Eastern wizards.
Shino: …
Shino eyed us warily, trying to confirm what Shylock had said. It was very easy to tell from the sharpness of his gaze and his lack of composure that something terrible had happened. Shino was a proud wizard and a stranger to cowardice. Any other time, I would've seen a grin on his lips as he boasted about what he'd done. Instead, his whole body was tense. Something had happened that needed him to be that on edge, ready for anything. He let out the breath he'd been holding, and his scythe disappeared.
Shino: Sorry. Sage, come sit with Nero.
Nero was tucked into a bed, his eyes closed. I watched Nero's face quietly, but Shino muttered something.
Shino: Figaro said Nero's wounds were the worst out of everyone's. We were only saved because he took the first hit and told us what to watch out for.
Shino was staring straight into my eyes.
Shino: Be sure you praise him a lot when he wakes up.
Akira: I will… Shino, did you not get hurt at all? Even though I sent you somewhere so dangerous…
I'm so sorry. I'm so, so, so sorry. Right as I was about to say that, I remembered what Bradley said to me. I couldn't look apologetic if I was going to give them orders. I needed to be proud of them for what they've done. Be proud of him… What should I say to tell him I'm proud of him? As I thought that, I looked at Shino, at his expression that he was trying so, so hard to keep even. And then I realized something. Faust and Nero had both been badly wounded, and Heathcliff had gotten hurt, too. Right now, Shino was struggling helplessly with something worse than I could ever imagine. When he'd swung his scythe at us just moments ago, he'd been trying to protect his comrades, all on his lonesome.
Akira: Shino… Thank you. Because of you, Faust, Nero, and Heath all came home in one piece. The fact that I can come see them all is all because you were willing to put your life on the line for them. I'm glad you were there for them, Shino. …I'm so, so glad…
Shino's red eyes looked up at me, startled. His gaze trembled, the rippling of the ocean at sunset captured in his eyes. It was the expression of someone very close to tears, even as he smiled at me. But he was so proud and fearless, he wouldn't admit that.
Shino: Yeah, well.
My eyes started getting hot, so I averted my gaze. Instead, I looked down at Nero, still sleeping. I couldn't say I liked seeing his sleeping face like this, though. His skin was so pale it was hard to believe he still had blood pumping through his veins. It hurt to look at him.
Akira: You, too… Thank you, Nero.
My voice was trembling. Shylock gently put a hand on my shoulder. His eyes were closed, and he murmured into my ear.
Shylock: Are you alright, Master Sage?
Akira: Yes… Shylock, Murr. Can I can leave Nero to the two of you? I want to see Heathcliff. Shino, is it okay if I do that right now?
Shino: I'll take you there. Shylock, take care of Nero.
Shylock: Of course. Shino, please stay at the Sage's side. If anything should happen…
Shino: I know. Don't worry. Bradley's here, too.
Akira: He is?
Shino: He was here until just a second ago. After we swapped off, he vanished. So he could keep watch from far away, he said.
Akira: From far away…
Shino: He'll be acting as sniper if anything happens. You should be glad a bullet didn't pass through your skull.
The shard of Murr simply shrugged his shoulders. I looked outside through the room's window. I could feel someone out there, watching over us, protecting us. Even if we were far apart, he would protect me. And he was still much closer than any god was.
Next Chapter
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nighttime-radio · 3 months
Do you enjoy fireworks?
Have you even seen them?
I can't stand the loud noises but the sight is just so pretty.
(When you tune in, there is silence at first, just the hum of static. Then, after a few moments, an unfamiliar voice answers in a hushed tone)
Hello caller. I'll answer this one, as your beloved host is... away from the radio right now. I've enjoyed fireworks as long as they've been created. Such an interesting invention. How very clever of you to make such a beautiful yet temporary item. The joy that fills the air when they're set off. I love it all. Though, I do find myself... observing some poor, naive souls who decide to play around with them improperly. It's unfortunate for such beloved days to be broken by the wails of sirens and screams of pain.... Regardless, fireworks are such a lovely thing to watch. So beautiful how their only purpose is to explode into so many different colours. Your dear host hasn't seen fireworks, but I suppose the occassional supernova is just as delightful. Such a beautiful sight despite it signifying the death of a star. No worries, dear listener, as stars have no feelings. It's death is necessary, as is most misfortunes that occur during day to day life. Nothing is as beautiful to me as humans are. Such delightful creatures. But that's not what you had asked, was it? Apologies, I tend to ramble a bit. In simple terms, I quite enjoy fireworks, despite how loud they are.
(The sound of faint footsteps could just barely be picked up and the unknown speaker could be heard standing up)
Well, I must go now, but I do hope that my answer was adequate. Thank you for listening, until next time...
(The unknown speaker could be heard leaving the room seconds before a door could be heard opening…. A few minutes of silence pass before the door open again. Then a few miscellaneous noises of a chair moving and papers shuffling. Then the familiar voice of the Nighttime Radio’s regular host is heard, sighing)
another night, another script left unwritten…. If I don’t make another broadcast my listeners will forget again…. But everything has been so hectic lately I haven’t found the motivation to prepare everything…. And I can’t just read out something random! Everything will only get more confusing then…. I can’t just-
(they cut themself of)
why is the recording light on….? I must have forgotten to turn it off after my last attempt…. If… anyone is listening…. I apologize that you’ve been hearing nothing but silence when you’ve tuned it… I deeply apologize, it seems like I’m not the best host after all…. But, I still wish you luck on wherever your journey has taken you while I’ve been away…. Wherever you are….. I hope you’re happy out there…. And as always….
thanks…. For tuning in….
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ateliaers · 10 months
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unprompted. @sentinaels sent ;
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for a few moments, she was still, her limbs askew, like a doll dropped by a careless child. her head lay where it’d been dropped, nestled in a tangle of black hair. then her body gave a great shudder, gasping with no air in its lungs. on every visible stretch of her skin, markings started to appear, glowing first a dark, poisonous shade of purple, then a violent white. the legs twitched first, then the arms, as if moved by an otherworldly puppeteer with only a vague ideas how human bodies ought to move. still, she sat up, her palms slipping in pools of her own blood, then pulled herself to her feet. after what felt like an eternity, the queen of orkney picked up her head, running her fingers along the seams of the wound that had parted it from her neck. ❛ what choppy work, daughter, ❜ morgan tutted, combing through her matted hair. ❛ i’ll need my good cotton thread, and some strong needles too. ❜
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in the moment of her mother’s death, it seemed that all of the world had grown still.
gaheris’ breath had come in harsh & ragged gasps, drowning out the sound of all else, & all colour seemed to have leeched out of the room where morgan’s body now cooled. deep, dark shadows swirled at the edge of her vision ; all light became a burning, blinding white ; only the bright, steaming crimson which splattered the walls & spread slowly across the floor provided contrast. it streaked across her blade, her hands, her face ; she could feel it running in rivulets down her cheeks, a grotesque imitation of tears she believed she would never shed. the rage which had risen within her, an explosion of distaste & disgust, had begun to cool. when she went after that wretched son of pellinore, faithless coward that he was, it would be with a clear mind, & a steady hand, a determination to enjoy his suffering rather than the screaming fury with which she had attacked her mother.
a minute passed, two, as she stared down at the body. the roaring in her ears began to subside ; colour slowly crept back in to the world ; she seemed to shake herself back into seeing, the tunnel her vision had become slowly widening, & letting her drink in the fullness of the scene before her. no sister nor brother was home to discover the grisly tableaux, & the wheels in her head began to turn quickly. lamorak would take the blame, she decided, as he rightly should. none of her siblings would dream of taking his word over hers. it would be all too easy to spin a story about how she had discovered him, standing over their mother’s lifeless, headless body, & chased him out of the estate, all too easy to convince people that her inevitable murder of him would be a justifiable act. she would wash her hands, her face. she would cause a commotion on the way out. she would hunt the man down like a dog, & drive her sword through his throat, she would cut him from brain to balls, she would … she would …
something was wrong. her mother’s corpse was moving.
she could make no sound as she watched it sit up ; her anger & bravado drained alongside the colour in her face as new light flooded the room, shining out from beneath morgan’s skin, deep night, evening blue, starlight, supernova. her eyes stung, yet she could not compel herself to blink, watching as a great invisible hand dragged the body upright, odd angles coming to rights, & her eyes were black with horror as she watched it lift from the ground its own head, still dripping, & worse, listened to her dead mother speak.
always a fucking critic, she thought faintly, before turning to the side to retch.
what little rested in her stomach was violently expelled, bile mingling with the darkening blood upon the floor, & there, turned away from the sight of her, it was easy to convince herself that it was simply a vision brought on by shock. she had done something heinous, & her mind, perhaps seeking to punish her, had conjured up something nightmarish, a brief penance to be endured before she continued her dirty business, & added lamorak’s head to her collection. hunched over, hands resting on bent knees, eyes closed as she breathed deeply & sweated out fear, it was almost believable. she would open her eyes, turn her head, & morgan would be exactly where she should be ― motionless on the floor, finally at peace, head firmly separated from her body, & certainly nowhere near her hands. she straightened ; she looked ; the urge to vomit returned.
❛ you’re not real, ❜ she croaked, eyes welling with unexpected, terrified tears, ❛ you’re not. i won’t ― you can’t ask me anything. you’re dead. dead ! fucking ― lie back down ! this isn’t happening ! ❜
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rawiswhore · 1 year
Raven, Rob Van Dam, Stevie Richards, Nova x Fem Reader- "Rescue Me"
This fanfic may be triggering for some, so viewer discretion is advised.
Before the World Wrestling Federation's Attitude era, before even Ring of Honor, CZW and XPW, there was ECW.
ECW was the most famous hardcore wrestling company in the world, and broke boundaries of professional wrestling.
When wrestling was still considered something for kids and was mostly something people of all ages could enjoy, ECW was a wrestling company strictly for older audiences.
Many could say the Attitude era stole most of its content from ECW and was just an ECW rip off.
The Attitude era and ECW both didn't exactly treat women in the highest regard.
If you thought the Attitude era degraded women, ECW's women's division were women that had never had any wrestling training before joining that company and were just used as eye candy.
Most of the ECW women's division were just doing trashy hair pulling and catfights, sometimes even evening gown matches where they'd tear each others dresses off.
One wrestler in ECW who was really making a name for himself in that company was Raven.
He really increased in fame and popularity under his Raven gimmick and name.
In 1996, Raven had a wrestling group/faction known as Raven's Nest, and two members of Raven's Nest were Stevie Richards and Nova.
Stevie Richards was this goofball dressed in Boyz II Men and Poison crop tops with denim Daisy Duke shorts, whereas Nova looked like a superhero dressed in Spandex.
Nova in general was supposed to look like a superhero, he was eventually even called SuperNova.
Despite that Stevie Richards and Nova looked like and even acted like such cornballs in such a dark, gritty, edgy, violent wrestling company, not to mention were members of a wrestling group of very violent, edgy people with such a nihilistic, sociopathic leader, for some reason, they were members of Raven's Nest.
In 1996, during an ECW pay-per-view, you were a valet watching a match involving Raven's Nest.
You were standing next to the ring watching this match going on.
Stevie and Nova had their long hair hanging down, and Stevie didn't have any facial hair on his face, this is how you like the way he looks the most.
During the middle of the match, you had slid yourself underneath the bottom ropes and entered the ring, which shocked and surprised the audience.
Raven, Stevie and Nova turned their heads and looked at you, noticing you in the ring.
You were their opponents, and Stevie and Nova quickly marched up to you, where one of their hands grabbed your wrists with a strong grip.
Your knees  became weak whilst they held on to you, whereas Raven stormed up to you with a scowl on his face, looking at you.
While he stood in front of you, you panicked and had a terrified look on your face.
Raven raised one of his hands and placed it on top of your head, where he grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head closer to his face.
While Raven stood in front of you grabbing your hair and Stevie and Nova held your wrists, the audience was in a mixture of roars, cheers and gasps.
"Oh my Gawd!" Joey Styles on commentary exclaimed, his eyes bugging out of his sockets at the sight of you. "Raven's Nest has got y/n!"
While Raven held your hair, his other hand was at his denim shorts, unbuttoning his shorts, then pulling the zipper of his jeans down.
Many people in the audience roared and their eyes grew wide, almost bugging out of their sockets.
Some women even shrieked considering Raven might pull his pants down and expose himself.
"No!!!" Joey Styles shouted. "He's not gonna do it!"
Some men and boys in the audience were actually happy, wanting you to actually be seemingly raped.
While Stevie and Nova didn't really grab your wrists too hard, you were selling it like they were.
You couldn't escape from any of these 3.
However, Rob Van Dam quickly ran up to you to your rescue, where he grabbed a steel chair and hit Stevie in the head with it, where Stevie fell down to the ring once he was hit, his hand letting go of your wrist.
Once Stevie was laying down, Rob slammed that same steel chair onto Raven's head, where Raven sold his reaction, his mouth agape and his eyes shut in pain.
Raven let go of your hair after his head was hit with a chair.
The last victim was Nova, where Rob slammed that same steel chair on the side of Nova's body, where Nova quickly fell and dropped down to the ring after he got hit with that chair.
Nova, too, was in pain when he fell down, and he let go of your wrist when he fell on his knees.
The audience was cheering for Rob when he hit those 3 men with a steel chair, and you quickly wrapped your arms around him and he rescued you, where he let go of that steel chair and led you out of the ring and backstage.
People in the audience were chanting "RVD!" over and over again to him, whereas your head was turned and looking at the audience as you left the building.
Rob could nearly scoop you up in his arms, where he holds and carries you out of the ring and backstage, he holds you by your legs resting in between one of his arms while your arms are wrapped around his neck just to hold on to him.
______________________________________________________________This fanfic is a recreation of a Beulah McGillicutty moment, where Raven grabbed her hair and 2 men were holding her wrists.
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kanerallels · 2 years
Fan Fic Friday is upon us, and I have yet another chapter of the Jacen story for y'all! (although next week I may or may not have something different for you). Hope you guys enjoy-- fair warning, this one has some angst. You have been forewarned. First lines under the cut!
Taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @heckin-music-dork @auroramagpie @day-to-day-thots @opalknight (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
Rummaging through the crate in front of her, Trill frowned. “Are you sure that there’s bacon in here?”
“Should be,” Jacen called from the stove. “Keep looking— it should be in a sealed, self-regulating package. White and red exterior.”
“I just don’t think it’s in here,” Trill said dubiously.
“Trill, please. Tristan wouldn’t fail us like that.”
Trill sent him a dubious look that he didn’t see. Jacen was standing next to the stove, slicing tomatoes as he supervised the bread toasting. He’d somehow found something to tie back his hair, which he now wore in a ponytail, and had shaved most of the scruffy half-beard he’d had, leaving a fairly well trimmed goatee. He hummed along to the low music in the background as he worked, stopping to tap out the beat with the tip of his knife, swaying slightly in time to the music.
Realizing she was staring, Trill hastily looked back at the box, feeling her cheeks warm. She’d blushed more around Jacen in the past few days than she had in years, which was ridiculous. People couldn’t make her blush, they never could.
And yet, all Jacen had to do was flash her that grin, or start singing a somewhat sappy love song, and Trill felt herself lighting up like a supernova. And sure, he was handsome. Why should his smile and his eyes and even his stupid beard affect her like it did?
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Supernova Ride - Enjoy the ride with DOF Robotics
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augmented reality game developer
supernova ride
360 amusement ride
Are you looking for an out-of-this-world experience? Then you need to check out the Supernova Ride at DOF Robotics! This amazing ride will take you on a journey through space, giving you a front-row seat to some of the most amazing sights in the universe.
You'll start your journey by strapping into a comfortable seat aboard the Supernova Ride. Then, you'll be launched into space at an unbelievable speed. As you hurtle through the cosmos, you'll be able to see planets, stars, and galaxies whizzing by. And the best part is that you can control the ride, so you can go as fast or as slow as you want.
When you're ready to come back down to Earth, the Supernova Ride will gradually slow down, giving you a chance to take in all the amazing sights you've just seen. And when you finally step off the ride, you'll be left with memories that will last a lifetime.
So what are you waiting for? Book your ticket today and get ready to enjoy the ride of a lifetime!
Supernova Ride is an augmented reality game developer that allows users to experience a whole new level of gaming. The company has developed a technology that allows gamers to be transported into the game environment and interact with it in a completely new way. Supernova Ride's games are designed to be played in an immersive, realistic 3D world that gives players a truly unique gaming experience. The company is constantly innovating and expanding its portfolio of games to offer something for everyone. Whether you're a casual player or a hardcore gamer, Supernova Ride has a game for you.
If you're looking for a thrill ride that will leave you feeling exhilarated, the Supernova Ride is a perfect choice. This 360 amusement ride spins riders around at high speeds, providing an intense experience that is sure to get your heart pumping. The ride is well designed and operated, making it safe for riders of all ages. Whether you're a thrill seeker or just looking for a fun ride, the Supernova Ride is sure to please.
The Supernova Ride is one of the most popular rides at amusement parks across the country. This is due to the fact that the ride provides an intense experience that is perfect for thrill seekers. The ride spins riders around at high speeds, providing an adrenaline rush that is sure to get your heart pumping. The ride is well designed and operated, making it safe for riders of all ages. Whether you're a thrill seeker or just looking for a fun ride, the Supernova Ride is sure to please.
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jeonqkooks · 2 years
supernova | jjk (01)
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series masterpost / playlist ; moodboards
Supernova, noun. [suːpəˈnəʊvə] the colossal explosion of a star when it has reached the end of its life and explodes in a brilliant burst of light.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: idol au, established relationship, heavy(ish) angst
word count: approx. 2k
note: i know i said i would postpone this but i was feeling very angsty today and decided to finish editing this. most of it was written in one night a month ago (i guess i was feeling sorta d*pressed then and just started writing this?) anyway i don’t normally do idol aus but oh well. honestly this fic is just one angst dump and i genuinely cry every single time i read it
— as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
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When you look at Jungkook, there’s a mixture of love, hurt, and defeat all at once swimming in his eyes. It makes you want to nestle into his side and calm his ache with soothing reassurances.
But you don’t. Instead, you take a breath, take his hand in your own, and prepare to break both of your hearts.
Him, the boy who’s made from sunshine and stardust and everything holy this universe has ever had to offer; who you’ve fallen madly, relentlessly in love with since that chance encounter two years ago at your favorite bakery. 
(Tale as old as time. Boy meets girl, boy and girl both reach for the last pastry; it was endearment at first sight.
Jungkook froze when your face flashed with surprise for a few seconds and you retracted your hand.
“You can have it,” you smiled softly at him, a knowing glint in your eyes. “But for the record, apricot is usually much better.”
“Is that so? Then why were you reaching for this one?”
“Maybe I wanted to try something new,” you jested.
“Not because you’re trying to trick me so you can get the last cherry danish?” He asked playfully, mirroring the look on your face.
You narrowed your eyes at him before stretching a hand out to the other side for the aforementioned apricot treat. “It’s not nice to accuse people, you know.”
Jungkook didn’t drop his smile and instead, it grew into an amused grin. There was a spark ignited by the very first touch of your hands that neither of you expected could turn into a wildfire, flames that could never truly be extinguished.)
The boy who’s carrying the weight of the entire world on his shoulders just to protect you and keep you by his side, even if it’s killing him. You know he’d rather die trying than let go of you. 
Your flame grew in the dark, slowly and steadily, till all you could feel was yourself engulfed in its warmth—his warmth. But it’s not warm anymore, it's burning and you’re on the edge of falling into an inferno. Maybe you would have happily taken the leap if it weren’t for the boy next to you who’s letting himself be torched to keep you from harm.
“Do you love me?”
You sighed, running a hand through your hair in frustration. “You know I do.”
“Then why do you keep asking me to do this?”
“Because,” your heart was so heavy, like someone was holding your chest down, hoping for your ribcage to cave in. “If you don’t, I’m scared you’ll resent me one day.”
“You know I can never do that.”
“Fine,” you said. “Then I might resent you.”
That was a week ago, the last time either of you had mentioned the topic but the first time you’d ever brought up the possibility of hating him some day.
Because it hurts every time Jungkook drops your hand whenever someone even turns their head in your direction walking down the street.
It hurts that he has to take detours after photoshoots and recording sessions to get to your apartment no matter how far it is and how long it takes, and your heart clenches uncomfortably in your chest every time you see him because he looks exhausted but he still goes through all that trouble just to see you.
And it hurts that this love feels doomed, that this is reality and just because you love one another doesn’t mean it’s enough.
But, you didn’t say any of it because it’s not his fault. It would be so much easier if there was someone to blame.
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For you, Jungkook is everywhere, quite literally. With his face plastered across billboards and magazines, his voice ringing through radios and his name headlining newspapers all across the world, you wonder how much time it will take to be able to hear those familiar syllables of his name and not feel as though getting oxygen into your lungs is an impossible task? How long will it take for the inevitable emptiness in your chest to not feel so hollow anymore?
How can you look at the stars and not think of his eyes? How can you feel the warmth of the sun and not remember his smile?
So many questions, yet there’s no one to answer them for you.
It’s not the same for him as it is for you. You’re not on TV and posters and every tacky little thing that demands attention. You’re merely a star that he holds in his collection of infinite constellations, a photo next to a name and a phone number in his contacts.
But Jungkook doesn’t think any of it matters, always berating you for thinking you can never hurt him the way he’s able to hurt you. You won’t see me anywhere, and soon you’ll forget all about me, you’d say with a sad smile on your face. It’s not possible, he’d retort playfully but with a despondent glint in his eyes. And it’s true, he won’t ever forget you. You don’t need to be on splashy advertisements or featured in gossip columns for him to remember—to miss—you. He hears your name in the lyrics of every song he’s ever loved, every favorite poem that he’ll ever memorize, in between every exhale and inhale of oxygen he needs to survive. The flickering light of your star is enough to outshine his entire sky.
Say what you will, but ‘dishonest’ isn’t a word that anyone would use to describe Jungkook. He recoils at the thought of lying about you to (anyone, really) the millions of unknown people that he thinks he owes everything to, hates the way his tongue has to roll out your name in a lie like you’re some dirty little secret that should never see the light of day when you’re quite possibly the furthest thing from it.
Sometimes, he wishes things were different, if he wasn’t living the life he is now, would it be the prerequisite that your happy ending needs? But then again, just like how it is with only the flap of a butterfly’s wings, he probably wouldn’t have met you to begin with.
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When your friends asked a couple months ago if you regretted it—meeting him and falling in love with him despite these obstacles that you had been very well aware of from the start but had been too naive to think they would ever be this difficult to overcome—you hadn’t had a definitive answer. I don’t know, maybe? You hated yourself for nurturing this seed of doubt.
Are the songs true, that time heals everything, or are you running headfirst into a burning building with no way of escaping?
It will hurt, of course it will. This pain of losing him is going to shatter you into a billion pieces, and if you ever put yourself back together, you will always be reminded by the scars on your heart that you once had the privilege of loving him with every fiber of your being and having him love you back just as fiercely. But you will also be reminded that you lost him; that despite countless nights tangled in each other’s arms, whispers of Everything’s gonna be okay and confessions of I love you and how it’s always been you and him against the world, the world was not kind toward you in return. Love had not been enough after all.
You need to let me go.
The silence is unsettling, but you suppose it’s better than voices cracking that will undoubtedly lead to crying and seeking solace in embraces and the moment will be gone just like that because neither of you wants to let go, and courage suddenly seems to be the most scarce resource in this world. The string will tighten and you will have thrown yourselves back into this loop again.
You’re clutching Jungkook’s hand so tightly that it must hurt, but you can’t imagine that it hurts more than the feeling that’s cutting deep into your hearts, the ache that’s making itself home in your chests.
But then he nods, and though your world has indeed shattered with the slight downward tilt of his head, there’s a relief that you never quite expected because though you’re hurting him now, this is the worst it can ever be. 
You like the idea of parallel universes, you always have. Since your days as a schoolgirl, solace has always bloomed at the mere thought that maybe, there are infinite versions of you out there in the great cosmos, one slightly different than another but all of these other you’s are happier in one way or another. It’s always been bittersweet, hoping there exists a world where you’re just a little more and living in one where you’re not.
It’s the same thing you (try to) find comfort in right now. You’re still hoping—praying, really—that there’s somewhere out there, maybe tucked in a corner of the universe, hidden from the weight of life and loss and far away from where you are now, where you’re sitting next to him like this. Jungkook’s hand is gripping yours just like he’s doing right this second, but the squeeze of his fingers around your own is for a different reason, a lighter one. 
(But is it really like that? Is it the same moment in time, branched out into different directions and different outcomes, or is she—you—from an earlier point that you yourself had already experienced once, when you thought you could survive as long as you had one another in this star-crossed love?
What’s more unnerving and tragic, that you’re living in a world designed to hurt you while another version of you is basking in the warmth of love with no end in sight; or that you, however many you’s there are in this vast expanse of galaxy, no matter how different you are, are still destined to meet him and love him in every version of reality, only to be unable to stray from this cruel trajectory that fate has put you on?)
No, you decide that you don’t regret it. If time allows you to travel back to all those months ago, knowing what you know now, you would still go to the same bakery that afternoon, still choose to buy a mediocre apricot danish even though cherry ones are your favorite. You would still choose to love him, you see that now—that no matter what life you’re living, no matter what universe you’re in, loving him is a privilege you will never take for granted. That despite the consequences, even if it is your own heart on the line, you will always choose to love him.
As you squeeze his hand back, everything you want to say dampens your eyes but you don’t let it spill because you know he understands, and you think about a higher power, if there is a divine being watching you from above, and how they can be so cruel to let another version of you relish in the warmth of these embers while you’re being burnt by the same flames.
I love you. I’m sorry it has to be like this. I love you.
Your lips part, but Jungkook stops you. His hands cup your cheeks tenderly, because in the morning all of this will be gone. No one will know but the two of you, keepers of your memories. You hope his words of reassurance are true, that he won’t forget you because in this moment, you don’t know if you can handle being the only person guarding the mementos of your love.
“I know,” he whispers, tears pooling in his riveting eyes that you know will haunt you forever. He smiles then, tragically and beautifully. “Me too.”
Your star collides with his sun. Mortality rate: 2. Life goes on.
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— all rights reserved © jeonqkooks. reposting, translating and modifying is not permitted by any means.
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goldrushzukka · 2 years
just a lil zuko pov aidays extra circa chapter 7, pls enjoy :)
Zuko hands over an obscene amount of money to the cashier, just as the doors of the screen nearest to the concession stand crack open. People file out, bustling on their way to the bathroom or the parking lot.
It’s an awful racket, a cacophony of sure and unfaked merriment. The cashier slides drinks and a too-big bucket of popcorn over the counter to him. Zuko takes his change, too, and then – then he hears it.
A bark of laughter that he would know even senseless.
Zuko turns, hair whipping with the force of it, and – there.
There, in the middle of the crowd streaming into the lobby, is Sokka, Suki on his arm, his head thrown back at something she’s saying.
It’s really only been a few hours since they last saw each other – Zuko doesn’t remember what stupid joke Sokka made this morning, only that it made him smile into his coffee cup to see Zuko laugh at it – but his need to see Sokka, to be around him, is a bottomless pit. No interaction will ever be enough to satisfy him, but he’ll be damned if that stops him trying.
By all accounts, they just saw each other, but still, and again, Zuko is struck stupid by the sight of him. Sokka is handsome, and his smile is a supernova, and Zuko is so attracted to him it’s like a blow to the back of the head every time he sees him.
It’s Suki who spots him first. Even with his bad eye and the weird lighting in this place, Zuko can make out the shape of the words hey, is that Zuko? on her mouth.
Sokka snaps to attention, looking around, and part of Zuko wants to crawl into a hole and die the second he’s spotted. Sokka turns that starlight grin on him and waves big and wide and endlessly endearing, and oh, fuck, Zuko’s chest nearly cracks in two.
He lifts his own hand carefully in response, heat flooding his cheeks as they ache from trying not to smile too hard.
And then Suki pulls on Sokka’s arm and they’re gone, out into the world, and Zuko is on his own again.
Jet appears from somewhere – the bathroom, or maybe thin air – and takes his drink and the popcorn at the same time as he asks, “Are you okay? You look a little –”
Zuko’s face burns hotter. “Oh, no – yeah, I’m fine. I just saw someone, that’s all.”
“A friend of yours?”
Zuko doesn’t know how to answer that.
He settles for the truth.
“Yeah,” he says, and tries to swallow his own sincerity, “I love that guy.”
read and i'll do anything you say (if you say it with your hands) here
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goingmorry · 3 years
[One Piece Headcanons] OP Boys -> when some guy asks them if you're single
Part One | Part Two
Characters: Luffy, Sabo, Killer, Shanks, Mihawk
Tags: reader-insert, gender-neutral reader, overprotective, possessive, jealousy, violence
Author’s Note: Thanks for all the likes and reblogs. I appreciate all the love! 💖
Easily gets distracted. The guy asks about you, and all Luffy can think about at that moment is spending time with you.
The question doesn't process in his head until the man asks it several times.
And even then, Luffy misunderstands.
He doesn't mean to make the other guy jealous, but he so does.
"You're their Captain, right?" the man addresses the straw hat pirate.
"Yup! I'm Luffy, the man who will become the Pirate King!"
"Right... I was wondering, y'know, as their captain... Are you aware if they have a special someone?"
"They? Oh - they're amazing, aren't they!" Luffy compliments you, ignoring the man's question, "I'm actually supposed to be helping them with their training! Maybe I should do that right now, huh?"
"No - That's not what I asked. I mean, do you know if they have a special someone?" The man attempts to steer the conversation back to his intended topic.
"Special... someone?" Luffy's eyebrows furrow in confusion before comprehension sets in, "Ah, I get it! Their crew! Their crew is special to them!"
The man looks at Luffy in disbelief, "No! That's not what I meant-"
Before the guy can get his point across, Luffy extends his rubber arms to fling himself across the island, directly crashing into your unsuspecting body.
"Luffy - what!?" you shout in surprise.
Luffy responds by wrapping his arms around you in a full-body hug, his signature 'shishishi' laughter ringing in your ears.
From across the island, the man observes your exchange with the straw hat pirate, disappointment and jealousy etched into his face.
He’s an absolute troll.
Messes with the guy by pretending to be clueless.
Ends up acting like a seemingly psychotic, overly possessive boyfriend. He's not. Trust him.
"Are they what now?" Sabo fights off the smile threatening to spill from his lips.
"Are they single?" the man repeats for the third time.
"Sorry, I can't hear you," Sabo motions to his ear, giving it a gentle tap, "I have trouble hearing. Can you please repeat that?"
The man's eyes soften in pity as he repeats the same question for the fourth time.
"Is who single?" Sabo asks again, appearing to make every effort to understand the guy's question.
The man clarifies another time. But before he can tell the blond Revolutionary to forget about it, Sabo perks up in feign recognition.
"Oh! Are they single?"
"Yes! You got it," the man exclaims, satisfied that his question finally got through.
Sabo taps his chin in thought, "Not that I know. Though I heard rumors that the guy they're with is a really fearsome man. Not someone you want to mess with."
The guy deflates at Sabo's response, "Are they now? They a pirate or a Marine... or something?"
"Mmm... Something like that," Sabo's fingers tap against the table in front of him, gloved hands obscuring the flames beneath his fingertips, "Ever heard of the Revolutionaries?"
The man nods in acknowledgment. "Rumors and the like. Never seen them myself, though."
"Same here," Sabo says absentmindedly. He motions for the other guy to lend him an ear, leaning over for a whisper.
"I would watch myself if I were you. Don't want to anger a group of strangers you don't know much about."
The man flinches away at Sabo's warning - or threat; the man wasn't sure. Sabo gives him a friendly smile in return, convincing the other guy that it may have just been a well-meaning warning between two close friends.
"G-gotcha. Thanks," the guy abruptly stands up, motioning toward the exit, "I better get going."
"It was nice to meet you, friend," Sabo calls out, his friendly smile morphing into a sinister one at the man's retreating figure.
The definition of cool, calm, and collected.
Immediately becomes suspicious of the other man for asking about you.
What does this strange man want with you? Why did he ask Killer in particular? What would this man do if you were already taken? Would he still try to pursue you?
Spends some time pondering but concludes that action needs to be taken.
Investigates your unwanted suitor and discover their malicious intentions.
In the end, Killer's cautiousness pays off.
Any chance they're single?
The Supernova's silence disturbs the other man, his eyes settling on the crowded room in makeshift comfort.
The sound of a gruff voice startles the guy into focus, body twitching in anxiety when he looks into the Massacre Soldier's expressionless mask.
"I don't know them," Killer says with finality.
It was impossible to read the Supernova's true disposition. His body appeared relaxed enough; arms splayed out in front of him in a civil manner. If it weren't for Killer's daunting presence and notoriety, the man would think that this blond-haired guy was your average pirate. For now, he had no choice but to conclude that Killer was telling the truth.
"Okay... Never mind then," the man awkwardly responds, leaving the tavern in displeasure.
- - - - - - - - - -
A masked figure looms over the inn you were resting at, sharp blades glinting under the moonlight. The Massacre Soldier himself was on guard tonight, eyes trained on the familiar body of the man who disturbed his peace earlier in the night.
Before your unwanted suitor can enter the lodge, Killer pulls him by the lapels, swiftly dragging the man into the back of the building - out of sight from prying eyes.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Killer says, muscled arms encircling the man's throat in warning.
The man clutches at the knife tucked underneath his coat and wildly swings his weapon at his assailant.
With little effort, Killer disarms and knocks out his opponent, searching the man's unconscious body for clues to his motive. Killer pulls out a slip of paper from the man's pocket and unfolds it. There's no mistaking it - a copy of your bounty poster - the price of your head neatly printed underneath your name.
"Tsk, should've known you were up to no good."
Another body to add to the Massacre Soldier's list.
Proud boyfriend™ alert.
He loves to gush about you. The fact that someone recognizes how beautiful and amazing you are - he's thrilled.
Shank's constant praise of you begins to wear down on the guy; he gets the message that the red-haired pirate is implying - to leave you alone.
Shanks flashes a lazy grin at the man beside him; attention renewed at the mention of your name. "Gorgeous brain and body, what's not to love, aye?"
Your potential suitor nods in agreement.
Shanks looks past the man and makes eye contact with you. You were happily conversing with his crew, enjoying their company at the local tavern while in town to replenish some supplies for the upcoming journey.
The red-haired pirate winks in your direction, and you fluster under his flirty gaze. Shank's eyes twinkle in amusement at your shy demeanor.
The man across from Shanks looks back and forth between you and the red-haired pirate; his mouth opens and closes at the implication of your relationship.
"That one's mine," Shanks answers the man's unspoken question, waving over the barkeeper for another round of drinks, "But I'd love to tell you more about them."
The only classy one.
Doesn't take offense to the question, doesn't beat around the bush, and doesn't threaten the other guy for asking about your relationship status.
If the other man has bad intentions, Mihawk will know. And he will take action.
His entire being is enough to intimidate most people, after all.
A-are they single?
Mihawk casts an uninterested glance at the man standing a few feet away from him.
Nowadays, there were only a handful of people who dared approach the World's Greatest Swordsman - the Marines and Shanks.
Rumors were circulating that the former Warlord had been traveling the seas with you - that the normally lone-wolf pirate had acquired a companion to accompany him in his seafaring journey.
Oh, how clueless they were.
"Yes, we're in a relationship. Them and I," Mihawk states, taking a refined sip from his wineglass.
"I-I see. Thank you," the man bows before briskly running in the opposite direction, away from the black-haired pirate's piercing golden eyes.
The next day, Big News Morgan publishes your relationship with the infamous pirate for all the world to read.
Mihawk's eyes widen imperceptibly at the newspaper clutched in his hands.
Maybe this is for the best, he thinks. If there's anyone who can keep you safe, it's him.
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porgthespacepenguin · 2 years
Q's Top 10 Outfits, Ranked
Please note that this ranking is completely objective and based on peer-reviewed, impeccably researched scientific facts.
10. TNG: The Bajoran Monstrosity
You know, before researching this post, I sincerely thought the Beige Jumpsuit was the worst outfit TPTB inflicted on poor Q over the years.
I was, unfortunately, wrong. Behold:
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It looks like someone murdered a Marriott carpet and decided to call it clothing. To make matters worse, Q apparently chose that one himself (thanks @celestialwarzone for pointing it out!), so I must assume he was trying to punish us. Or something.
the earring is pretty cute though
Hotness: -273 degrees Kelvin
Overall: Oh god why/10
9. TNG: The Admiral Uniform
Okay, I know early TNG didn't have a very large budget but what the hell was this even?
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Come on, TNG, you can tell us now, it's been 30 years. Someone just grabbed some Christmas tinsel that was lying around, slapped it on a jumpsuit uniform, and called it a day. Right?
Hotness: Tepid
Overall: 1/10
8. DS9: The DS9 Captain's Uniform
@celestialwarzone and are in agreement that the DS9 uniforms are the prettiest of the bunch. Q looks fine in this.
I guess sexiness was probably not at the top of Starfleet's list when they designed their new uniforms. Drat.
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Hotness: Warming up
Overall: 5/10
7. TNG: Dr Q, I Presume?
After endless jumpsuits, we finally catch a glimpse of ankle, so to speak. Look, much as I enjoy the sight of JDL in shorts, it's not so much the outfit as the pose that does it for me.
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q you little slut
Hotness: It's hot in the jungle
Overall: 6/10
6. STP: "Local Aging Homosexual on A Golf Course"
(copyright @celestialwarzone)
Not my favorite STP look by a long shot, but compared to early seasons there is a definite sense of style here. The mission patch is adorably nerdy and Q is a total silver fox.
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Hotness: Getting hot
Overall: 6/10
5. STP: The Sigmund
Okay, I don't know what it says about me that I find Q's therapist look unreasonably sexy. Is it the glasses? Is it the waistcoat? The sheer inappropriateness?
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I don't know and I don't care.
(It's definitely not the German accent because it offends my Swiss ears, but it's better than TNG's so whatever.)
Hotness: Uncomfortably hot
Overall: 7/10
4. TNG: The Birthday Suit
Well, it's not so much an outfit as it is a lack of one, but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention it. JDL's got mad big dick energy in this scene, and it shows.
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Hotness: Hot
Overall: 8/10
3. STP: The Drama Queen Suit
Apparently, nobody wears colors anymore in the 23rd century, a fact I generally find irritating (why are you all dressed in black? Has fun died and are we attending its funeral?). However, when it comes to Q's outfits this season, I can't stay mad for long.
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Where to begin: the exquisite tailoring, the beautiful silver lattice on his back, the improbable brooch. I love it.
Hotness: Burning
Overall: 9/10
2. TNG: The Red Judge
Frankly, nobody except JDL could have pulled this one off. But pull it off he did, and this outfit has practically become Q's signature look, at least in TNG.
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It's red, it's black, it's camp. And it's utterly iconic.
Hotness: Flaming
Overall: 10/10
1. STP: The Black Suit of Naughtiness
After the last entry, it will come as no surprise that Q's best outfit comes from Star Trek: Picard once again.
Yes, the judge outfit was bolder, and arguably sexier, but there is something about the all-black understated aesthetic that is just.
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Plus you can totally tell he's up to no good. Which he isn't. Or is he?
Either way he's going look fantastic.
Hotness: Romulan supernova
Overall: 11/10
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mandospace · 3 years
Sweet (Din Djarin x GN!Reader)
Request: Could you write something for din like din and reader walking around a market when the reader eyes something they like and mando is a sweetie and buys it? It would be so cute 🥺
Requested By: @simp-clown​
Word Count: 895
Warnings: None
A/N: I hope you all enjoy :)
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The village market was crowded with people shuffling from booth to booth, looking for goods and wares. The sun was hot and high in the sky — midday already. The kid was squirming in your grasp as he tried to take in all the sights. Din was walking beside you, his hand protectively splayed on your lower back while he guided you through the crowd.
Your trio stopped at each stand, making sure to restock on all of the items that needed replenished. Din was about to leave for a two-week long hunt and he wanted to make sure that you and the kid had enough food.
“Sorry kid, I don’t think we can afford that this time,” you pulled the little trinket from his tiny claws and put it back on the table. “This time it’s only food.”
“He should be able to get it,” Din grumbled while the two of you moved to the next booth that was selling sweets. “He should be able to get whatever he wants.”
“You spoil him,” you playfully teased, looking over the various candies and sweets.
“Not as much as he deserves,” Din picked up a bag of candies, looking at their bright colors before putting them down.
Your eyes scanned the table before landing on a fluffy looking pastry drizzled with chocolate. “I haven’t seen these since leaving home!” Picking it up, you brought it to your nose and breathed in the delicious aroma. “How much?”
The shopkeeper answered and you could practically feel yourself deflating at the price. “Oh, we don’t have enough for that, and we still need to get some other things.”
Din’s heart broke watching you put back the pastry. He wanted so desperately to not only provide for you and the child, but to also shower you with presents and things you want. “You can get it, Cyare. I have some other credits stashed away.”
Before he even finished his sentence you were shaking your head. “Don’t be ridiculous, it’s just a pastry.”
“Let me buy it for you.”
“Mando, really, it’s okay,” you looked up at him and placed a hand on his chest. “Besides, we need to get a few other things before we leave.”
He didn’t want to agree, but let you pull him along anyways.
Thank the Maker this hunt was over.
Din was tired and dirty and irritated. The bounty trudged behind him, binders clasped around his wrists. He finally understood why this bounty paid so much — the guy was annoying as hell.
“Please, I can pay you double what they’re paying!” the bounty pleaded. “I have three thousand Imperial credits on me that can be yours!”
“Imperial credits?” Din was rolling his eyes under his helmet. “That’s not even worth an eighth of what I’d get for you. Now stop talking.”
The two of them finally entered the town limits and Din was almost relieved to see the dingy cantina where he was turning in the bounty. At least he didn’t have to waste carbonite fuel freezing him.
Din was glad that the hunt was officially over once he handed over the bounty and received his payment. He was dying to get back to you and the kid — two weeks is too long.
He decided to cut through town to save time and was glad he decided to when he saw that the shopkeepers in the market were opening their booths for the day. He saw the small trinket the kid wanted and bought it for him, happy that the person who placed the bounty paid him more than expected due to his speedy recovery.
When he passed the vendor that was selling the sweets, Din stopped and asked the owner if she had any of those pastries you wanted the other day. When she produced a plate, fresh from the oven, he happily handed over enough money for three.
Thankfully the walk back to the Crest was short enough that the pastries were still warm. As soon as the ramp door closed, he took his helmet off and set it down. “Cyare! I’m home!”
You climbed down the stairs that led to the cockpit with the kid in your arms, and as soon as you looked at him your face lit up like a supernova. Din held out his arms and you stepped into them, wrapping your free arm around his waist. He gripped you tight and kissed your head before placing one on his son’s.
“We missed you,” you tilted your head back and asked for a kiss, happy that Din obliged. “How was the hunt?”
“It was good, and I even got paid more than I expected,” he reached for the trinket and pastries he bought. “I got the kid the toy he wanted and you that pastry you saw the other day.”
He presented the bag and your eyes lit up. “Din, you shouldn’t have!” You pulled out a pastry and held it up to your face, inhaling the sweet scent before taking a bite. “It tastes better than I remembered,” you moaned. “Thank you, Din.”
“Of course,” he smiled and reached towards your face, thumb swiping away the stray bit of chocolate that was smeared at the corner of your mouth before bringing it to his own so he could lick the sweetness away. “Anything for you.”
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serenevenene · 3 years
Uchiha Sasuke x Uchiha Sakura | Spoilers
Kinktober 2021 - Day 29
Two things about Sasuke are clear: 1) he loves Sakura’s ass and 2) incorporates a light touch while he does the nasty.
pteronphilia, pygophilia, established relationship, pre-Sarada, ass smackin’
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Sasuke never usually allowed himself to make a move on Sakura, even when he knew she wanted him to, but there were nights like this – when she was snuggled so closely against him, her ass planted on his crotch – that he felt the overwhelming urge to take her. He tried to push away the feeling, not wanting to wake her in the middle of the night just for his sake. He closed his eyes shut, thinking the sound of the rain would soothe him to sleep. It didn’t.
Sakura made a quite groan as she turned in her sleep. She was facing him now, her legs intertwining with his. He looked at her lovingly – another thing he denied her a little too often. A strand of hair fell on her nose. He watched as Sakura’s nose scrunch up, and eventually woke.
“What’s wrong, Sasuke?” Sakura asked, rubbing her eyes and swallowing her sleep-thickened saliva. Sasuke didn’t respond. Sakura shrugged and turned around again, pressing her back onto his chest.
Sasuke’s right hand slowly made its way down her side until his fingers were on her ass. Sakura looked back at him, a little shocked that he was being forward. Sasuke kissed the back of her neck, enjoying the smell of her hair on his face.
“Sasuke…” Sakura whispered, turning some more so that she could kiss him. It was rare that Sasuke took the initiative to be intimate with her, so there was no way Sakura would stop him from continuing.
Sakura sat up to undress, straddling Sasuke’s hips once she was. Sasuke glided his hand from her knee and up her thigh. Sakura shivered, closing her eyes. She always responded well to his touch. Once in a while, he’d consider getting a prosthetic, just to satisfy her with two hands.
When Sakura opened her eyes again, Sasuke was holding a large feather.
“Where did you get that?”
Before she could ask follow up questions, Sasuke caressed her bare chest with the feather. He started at her clavicle and traced down the small mound of her breast.
Sakura inhaled sharply. The feather was light against her skin, the sensation getting her lightheaded. She could feel herself warm up despite the cold room. She closed her eyes again, trying to amplify the feeling by restricting her sense of sight.
Sasuke traced small circles around her nipple, noting how Sakura bit her lower lip as he did. He moved down her stomach, then down to the area only his eyes have had the pleasure of viewing. The feather glided smoothly on her skin and on her slit.
Suddenly, Sakura grabbed Sasuke’s hand and pulled it away. There was a hunger in her eyes.
Without having to ask for her help, Sakura kindly started stripping away his clothes. It was something she did regularly, whenever he was back from his self-proclaimed journey of redemption.
Sasuke sat up, back against the wall, as he pumped his erection a few times. Sakura positioned herself so that she straddled his hips with her ass facing his way. She took his dick into her own hands and guided him to her entrance. Sasuke groped her round ass as it smacked itself down against his hips, his dick impaling Sakura’s wet insides.
Sakura started gliding herself up and down his length, making sure to go at it hard enough for her ass to jiggle with every downstroke. It would be an understatement to say that the beautiful sight in front of him fueled Sasuke’s lust, as if it were some sort of campfire. If it has to be compared, a supernova would be more appropriate.
Sakura’s ass did that much for him. He smacked it hard with his right hand, loving how his handprint marked it red.
Sakura’s pace slowed. She must have been getting tired. Sasuke pushed her so that she assumed a position on all fours. He kneeled behind her and started thrusting. Before Sakura woke up, the room was filled with the sound of rain, but now, he could only hear the wet sounds of his dick fucking into her pussy.
Sakura started playing with her clit, needing extra stimulation. Sasuke, needed something too, so he smacked her ass knowing fully well that she clenched down tighter every time he did. Occasionally, he’d backhand her left cheek, just to keep her on her toes.
Sakura tried to hold back a whine, but failed. She must have been close. Sasuke threw his technique out of the door, and resorted to simply thrusting into her as hard as he could as fast as he could. Her elbows gave in. She buried her face in the sheets, gripping at the fabric with her free hand. The other rubbed ferociously against her sensitive bud, knowing that feeling building up deep inside of her would reach it’s peak soon.
Sasuke took the feather up again, and ran it lightly down her spine. She wasn’t expecting the sensation, making her breath hitch and her walls clench down tightly around his hard dick. One last, deep stroke into her pushed her over the edge, and she came.
Sasuke continued rutting into her, despite her attempts to pull away from him, knowing she enjoyed the overstimulation despite her body’s natural reaction to want to calm down. He thought she was so sexy, squirming under him like that. He came inside, unable to hold himself back anymore. Sakura arched her back, accepting his seed deep inside, before completely collapsing onto the bed.
Sasuke joined her, tucking his residual limb under her neck. She appreciated this, and kissed him. With his hand he pushed away the hair from her face. She smiled at him sweetly and tucked her face under his chin.
“I love you,” he whispered. Sakura stayed silent, but her eyes were wide open. Sasuke was full of surprises today.
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Reblogging is fine, but do not report on Tumblr or any other platform without permission.
Tags: @mintyrae
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