#easter worship songs
tabileaks · 2 months
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3nn-express · 2 months
Easter Sunday 2024: Its Importance and How it is Celebrated?
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Easter Sunday 2024 Date: This year Easter Sunday is on 31st March. This day is very special for the followers of Christianity. Three days after Good Friday, people of the Christian religion celebrate the festival of Easter Sunday.
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
I'm just getting over a head cold, but I LOVE this song! So here's verse two of "Wake Awake for Night is Flying" for @iseult-blanchemains
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eiscoathanger · 2 years
‘I’m just a holy fool, oh, baby it’s so cruel but I’m still in love with Judas, baby’ pierro as the holy fool with who
why pierro as the holy fool? cause hes the jester
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gurugirl · 11 months
Good Friday*
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soft dom priest!harry x sub!reader
Summary: Based on this request. Y/n is a brat and she's in for it.
A/N: Thank you for this request! I did change the request slightly due to some safety 'caging' rules for while he was away but I think you'll like it. 4.8k words
Warning: 18+ only, smut (oral), bdsm w/consensual sexual punishment, use of flogger and other instruments, cage play, dom/sub dynamic, religious themes (actual bible quotes), blasphemy
Priest!harry Masterlist
It wasn’t unusual that Harry was busy. He was often pulled away from Y/n for members of his parish that needed him. But Y/n didn’t like that. She wanted to have his attention all day every day. Of course, that was impossible. Especially on Good Friday before Easter.
“Father please, let’s just stay here a little longer.” She was nearly purring as she crawled down his body to worship his frame. Both were naked in their bed together. Harry had Y/n lie on her tummy and read out of Song of Solomon as he massaged her back and bottom. He knew she would get like this so he was trying to do sweet things for her before he left her all afternoon. And now she was turned on and warm and needy. But that was exactly his plan.
“Can’t pet. You know I’ve got to get to it. I have responsibilities other than you. You know that.”
Y/n pouted and looked up at him as she continued moving down his torso, keeping her eyes locked on his. Her intent was to lick his cock and make him give in. He rarely did. His willpower astounded her.
“Please. Father, I need you,” her eyes glinted upward over his form as she lowered her mouth to his prick which was already half-plumped.
“Ah ah ah… you’re not listening to me very well, pet.” He pressed at her forehead to stop her from applying her lips to his skin. As satisfying as that would have been. He really did have things to do. And he enjoyed denying himself (and her) immediate pleasure.
She sat back as Harry got off the bed and began dressing and combing his hair. She followed him and watched with a sad face and the occasional sigh so he’d know how sad she was.
He bit the inside of his cheek to hide his smirk. He enjoyed this.
Just before he picked up his bag to leave he pointed to the bedroom as he looked at Y/n, “In the cage. I’ll be back in two hours to check on you. I’m not going to lock it since I’ll be gone so long but I do expect you to be in there for me when I return.”
She had books and a glass of water and a nice blanket so her cage wasn’t all that bad. In fact, she loved it. It had never been a punishment for her. But there was something about being in the cage while Harry was away that gave her comfort and made her feel safe.
But two hours was a long time. And when she looked at the clock and realized that Harry hadn’t returned when he said he would she began to worry. She let herself out to use the bathroom and peek out the front window. She was undressed, wearing only her red collar with its bell and her gold choker necklace. Running her fingers over the H that dangled from the necklace she straightened the curtains back out and sat on the couch.  
And the longer she sat and considered everything the more upset she got. She didn’t understand why she couldn’t just go with him. There would be so many people at the church no one would catch on.
Although, there was the one time that he brought her along and she kept lingering around where Harry was and listening in and peeking around doorways to spot him.
No one noticed it but Harry did and he scolded her for it, saying she was being a little too obvious. Plus they were still treading thin ice after the prayer group incident where Mr. and Mrs. Jeralds might have seen or heard something that night. They still didn’t know either way. Which led to Harry’s new rule. That she was only allowed on regular days of service until they were certain they were in the clear.
Returning to her cage, she pulled the door closed and laid down on her side with a frown. She was a bit worried about the priest. He said two hours and it had nearly been three.
When she heard the front door open and his footsteps into the house she sat up quickly and crossed her legs, awaiting his presence. But before he went into the bedroom to see her she heard him go into the kitchen first.
Now she was angry that he didn’t immediately come to see her first. She crossed her arms and leaned back into the bars and cinched her brows together.
Harry pushed the bedroom door open and looked at the cage where his pet was sitting with a frown and body language that told him she wasn’t happy. He figured she might be a bit put out by his tardiness. Harry was never tardy.
“What’s wrong pet?” He knew what her answer would be.
Except she didn’t answer him. She stared down at her crisscrossed legs and pouted instead.
Sliding the handle to open the door Harry crouched down to get a closer look, “I asked you a question. It’s rude not to answer.”
Silence. She hugged her arms around her middle tighter and jutted her bottom lip out, face angled downward.
“I know I’m late but there’s no reason for you to act like this. You know I get held up sometimes. I’m busy, Y/n.”
The first noise that sounded from her was a scoff as she closed her eyes. She knew she’d be in for it with that.
Harry licked his lips as he nodded, “So it’s like that then? All right. Look at me.”
Y/n held her ground, not moving, nor opening her eyes. She was going to make a point.
“You’re acting like a child. Did I somehow leave a lovely and mature adult woman and come back to a bratty immature little girl?”
Turning her head to look down to the floor next to her knee she huffed and sunk into herself further.
“So that’s it then? You’re no longer my sweet lover? Just a brat? Someone that needs to be punished and not loved on?”
Her ridged composure softened the slightest. She would prefer to be loved on yes, but being a brat was always a good way to get his attention. And she knew he was leaving again soon to go back to the church for a few more hours so her best bet, in her mind, was to act out and have him put his attention on her and get him worked up in the process. Maybe he’d spank her.
Harry reached a hand in and brushed it over her naked knee, “Because I had planned on coming home to you and holding you. Giving you something special for being my good pet before I have to go back to church. Clearly, you don’t want that.”
Y/n looked up at the priest and rounded her eyes. She suddenly regretted her behavior but she was already committed so she stayed silent despite the obvious hesitation Harry saw in her.
“Come on. Get out.” Harry took her hand and gently pulled at it.
She didn’t budge at first. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of her giving in so easily. But eventually, she did move and crawl out of the cage when Harry stood up and raised his voice to have her come out.
She sniffed as she stood and looked down at the floor.
“Look at me.”
With a heavy sigh, she slowly turned her eyes up to his.
“Good. Now, go use the bathroom. Right now.”
She knew what this meant. He was going to lock her in her cage (at the very least) while he was away and he needed to make sure she’d emptied her bladder beforehand. They’d done this before.
Silently she made her way to the bathroom as Harry filled a glass of water for her in the kitchen.
When he heard the sink turn off after she’d washed her hands he knocked on the door, “Come out here.”
She was pretty sight stepping out into the hallway. Her cheeks were hot and her little red collar looked so lovely on her neck. Harry looked down over her nude shape. Soft breasts, a pretty belly button, grabbable hips and thighs, a bottom he loved biting.
“Drink.” He handed her the glass of water and watched as she took a few gulps of it and handed it back to him.
“Is that all you want? You’re going to be in the cage for another few hours so if you get thirsty that’s going to be on you.” Harry always made sure she stayed hydrated even when she wasn’t going to be locked in her cage. He always took care of her the best he could.
She nodded silently and looked downward again.
Harry nudged her toward the bedroom and made her turn to face the cage. She half expected him to spank her or something but instead, as he walked away and then returned put the leather gag belt over her face, “Open,” he said plainly.
She opened her mouth and the silicon ball fit between her lips and silenced any noises she might have made. He secured the belt in place behind her head and removed his hands from her completely. Which she hated. She wanted him to spank her or manhandle her or something. But he was rather cold and his touch was missing completely.
“We’re going to put these in,” Harry put his hand out showing her the weighted Ben Wa balls. “Take them.”
Y/n took the balls in her hand as her priest pushed at her low back, causing her to bend forward the slightest. She heard the snap of a cap and then felt his fingers on her entrance as he smeared lubricant over her.
The set of balls were connected with a thin rubber-like string. The first one was larger and the lightest, which aided in keeping them in place inside of her, while the other two were smaller and heavier. The cord would stick out and make pulling them out easier.
Harry took the balls from her hand and pushed her thighs further apart, “Relax.”
She felt him push the first, larger ball inside, his finger plunging into her deeply to secure it before inserting the next two one by one. It was a pretty view. He loved stuffing them inside of her. Plus it was good for her pelvic floor muscle so he felt like he was doing her a favor really. Though it was more for edging her than anything else in that moment.
“Get in,” he gestured toward the door of the cage.
She climbed in, clenching to keep the balls in place, and got to her knees as she looked up at Harry with big, pleading eyes. He knew that if she weren’t gagged she’d have somehow found her voice in that moment and begged him to spank her or stay with her. But he didn’t have time to argue with her or listen to her soft voice and whimpers as he left. The gag was for that purpose. More for himself than to punish her.
Harry locked the cage and shook his head, “Had plans to love on you but instead, this is what you deserve. Had a hard day today, pet, and I still have to go back and endure more hours away from you yet you chose to act like a bratty child so I didn’t get to come back home to my pet and hold her and kiss her like I wanted. I needed you. Maybe when I return later on you’ll be better behaved.”
Harry sat the glass of water down next to the cage for her so she could reach out and grab it if she needed it. Next to that, he placed her cell phone (in case anything went wrong and he needed to return home to unlock her cage). Her heart swelled at his kind gesture and his words. Now she truly felt awful. Felt so bad for being so mean to him when all he wanted was her love. Now she’d really gone and done it.
Harry grinned to himself as he walked out the front door and headed down the street to the church. Tonight, he would have fun with his pet.
Y/n imagined all the scenarios of what would happen. Surely she’d get a good punishment when he got back. But she’d make sure to show him her appreciation. She’d be so good for him. She’d kiss his feet and say yes, Father to everything and love on him and allow him to do whatever he wanted to her.
He could have tied her up and blindfolded her too. He could have done a lot worse but he gagged her. The sentiment was clear. You don’t want to talk? Okay, we’ll make sure you don’t make even a single peep then.
And the Ben Wa balls? Those weren’t really a punishment at all. She loved how they felt inside of her. Made her feel full and each time she moved the balls slid around inside of her. She had to clench and clamp down to keep them in but that only got her more worked up and wetter by the minute.
This time Harry was away for another three hours. Just over. She’d been lying flat on her back looking up at the ceiling and watching the shadows move along the walls when the sun changed position in the sky as Harry got home.
He entered the bedroom and she quickly scrambled to her knees and looked up at him as she gripped the bars of the cage. She was sweet again. But he already planned on doing some not-so-sweet things to her.
He unlocked the cage and helped her stand up. She pressed her thighs together to hold the balls in place as he undid her gag. Three hours was a lot for the gag to be on and when he saw the way the leather dug into her skin and caused red marks he did feel a little bad. But just a little.
“Spread your legs.” He was still being quite cold with her but at least his hands were on her this time as he gripped her thighs.
She opened her legs up and Harry groaned. She was puffy and wet. The little cord that stuck out a few inches was shiny with her arousal, “Are you all hot and bothered, pet? Did this get you worked up?” He cooed as he smoothed his hands upward on her thighs and slowly got onto his knees, looping his finger into the handle and pulling.
“Yes, Father. I was imagining it was you inside of me. Almost came once but I stopped myself because I know you wouldn’t want that.”
Harry watched as the first ball made its appearance, shiny and slippery, “That’s right. I wouldn’t have been very happy if you’d let yourself come. But I hope you know you’re not going to be allowed to come at all tonight. You were a brat to me earlier.”
She bit her lip and nodded, “I’m sorry, Father. I know I was bad. I hope you can forgive me for my behavior. I don’t deserve to come. Your punishment is just whatever you decide for me.”
When Harry had removed the slippery balls he smiled as he stood and gently smeared her arousal over her mouth before putting his pointer and middle finger over her tongue and in her mouth, “There’s my good pet. Keep showing me how well-behaved you are and tomorrow I’ll give you something special in the morning like I planned earlier.”
Harry removed his hand and turned around, leaving Y/n standing breathless and needy by the cage as he cleaned the balls. She stayed put.
When he came back into the room he put the balls back into their rightful spot and pulled out a flogger. The one with oiled leather falls. The one that hurt quite a lot. But it was Y/n’s favorite when she knew she’d been bad.
She understood quite well what Harry was doing. He’d made her sit with the Ben Wa balls for hours to edge her and now he was going to flog her and not allow her to get off at all. The orgasm denial was going to be the real punishment in this scene.
Harry handed her the flogger as he pulled the metal suspension bar and straps down from the ceiling. Her eyes widened. It’d been a while since he’d had her cuffed to the suspension bar.
He pulled at the Velcro cuffs and motioned for her to come to him, “I’m sure you thought maybe I’d spank you, but you love spankings too much.” He pulled at her wrist and lifted her arm to secure her into the first cuff and then taking the flogger from her he pulled her other arm up, securing the Velcro to her wrist, “So, no spankings for you tonight. You’ll get this instead,” he tapped the leather braided handle over his palm as he spoke.
Y/n nodded silently.
“Tell me, pet, what’s happening right now.” He needed to know she was able to verbalize what was going on. A check-in of sorts.
“You’re going to punish me for being a brat, Father.”
“That’s right. You made my hard day even harder and so I’m going to make your hard day even harder too. It’s only fair. Isn’t that right?”
She nodded, “Yes, Father.”
Harry circled her frame as she tried to keep her eyes on him while he walked around her slowly.
“And what’s this for?” He gently brushed the falls over her shoulders, letting them slide down over her breasts.
“To flog me. Because I’ve been bad.”
“Yes. But why this one? We’ve got some lovely soft ones I could use. The rabbit one you love to play with. Why this one?”
“To mark me. To show me how I’ve sinned. The stripes are for the servant who knew their master’s will but did not get ready or act according to his wishes,” she quoted a partial verse from Luke in the Bible before continuing, “and so I will receive a lashing.”
Harry smiled, “Good. Smart girl. That’s exactly right. Are you ready to be made righteous again?”
“Yes, Father. Please. Make me righteous.”
The first thud over her back bit into her soft skin and stung as expected. She didn’t whimper nor make a peep. She was ready for the bite.
The second one had her hurling forward a few inches and sucking in a sharp breath.
But the third had a gasp falling from her mouth and her eyes squeezing shut at the pain.
“Blows that wound cleanse away evil; strokes make clean the innermost parts.”  Harry quoted a passage in Proverbs as he issued the fourth strike.
She bit down, clamping her teeth together, and squeaked as her body swung forward.
He watched the red marks on her skin grow a deeper hue and begin to welt as he continued, “I will punish their transgression with the rod and their iniquity with stripes,” he spoke calmly as he landed the flogger down over her back again. The fifth hit.
The first tear rolled down her cheek as she tried to stay composed. The smarting sting all over her back was beginning to expand and wrap around to her ribs slowly as he brought the oiled leather falls over her back again. She yelped.
“This is for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, pet. You’re doing well. I’m proud. Only four more.”
She sobbed at his praise and nodded with her lips trembling. Her fists were clenched together tight as she braced herself for number 7.
“Repeat after me,” his lips pressed onto the top of her shoulder before he got back into position behind her, “I am but a sinner seeking forgiveness.”
She opened her mouth just as he applied strike number 7 and she whimpered as she swayed forward and panted her words, “I am but a sinner seeking forgiveness.”
“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper,” he draped the flogger over her back softly before bringing it down hard over her back for the 8th hit.
“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper,” she spoke weakly as the pain was immense and her shoulders were beginning to ache from the way she was putting all her weight onto them.
“But he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Another blow to her back as she wobbled and cried out at the ninth.
“Uh…” her breath shuddered as tried to remember the words. She knew he was quoting Proverbs but suddenly the words escaped her as her mind began to stretch thin into paper and airy like dandelion seeds, bending slowly into her submissive state, “I’m sorry. I forgot, Father. I need help.”
Harry dropped the flogger to the ground as he noted her voice was tiny and that her composure had been lost. He took her wrists from the Velcro suspension bar and let her fall into his arms, “That’s enough then. You’ve done well.”
He brought her to sit on the bed next to him and lifted the glass of water up to her lips to make her drink. Her eyes were full of tears as she looked at him sweetly and gulped down a drink.
“There you go. Are you okay, pet?” He softly brushed her hair from her face and spoke quietly to see where she was.
“I’m okay, Father. I just forgot the verse you said and I couldn’t repeat it. I’m sorry. You can keep going. Only one more.”
Harry shook his head, “No that’s enough for now. I bet you’ve learned your lesson.”
Y/n whined and shook her head, “No. I need more. I was so bad. Please.”
She sunk down to the floor and put her hands on his knees and slid her palms up his brushed wool pants to the tops of his thighs, “Please.” Her rounded eyes begged him for more.
“What do you want then? Hmm? What do you think is appropriate?” He tilted her face up as he tenderly grasped her chin.
“I want you to come. I need you to or I don’t feel like I deserve your forgiveness.”
“Okay. And how should I come? What should we do to make that happen?” He brushed her wet lips and felt his heart go wild in his chest. He knew what she’d ask for. What she’d beg for. Something that she loved that was never a punishment.
“Please, have my throat and my mouth. I beg you. Choke me with your cock and come wherever you want. I’m yours to use however you please.”
Harry smiled and pushed his thumb into her mouth, “This mouth? Want me to fuck it? Gag you with my come? Is that what you want?”
She nodded, “Yes, Father, please.” Her words were mumbled over his thumb that he still had pushed into her mouth.
“Good girl,” he stood up. “Undo my pants.”
Y/n lifted her fingers to his button and then pulled at his zipper before yanking the material down and then bringing his cock out of his boxer briefs. He was already angrily hard.
“It’s so yummy, Father. My mouth is watering,” she whispered as she inspected him. His cock was right in front of her face, tempting her to taste but she would wait until he gave her permission.
Harry chuckled and wiped the drool from the edge of her mouth, “Your mouth is watering, pet. Well, then. Get to it.”
She immediately jutted her tongue out and began licking him up and down as she kept her eyes on him. This was the easy and soft part. The moments before she sucked him into her mouth and he began to fuck her face.
Harry watched his pet swipe her wet tongue over his shaft and peck warm kisses along his soft skin. A beautiful picture he wished he could have framed and hung up in his living room. He was sure that his parish would not approve.
When she finally popped his tip into her mouth and sucked he grasped her hair and sunk himself into the hilt and groaned.
Harry had been worked up since that morning when he left her. He wouldn’t last long but he would make it good, for both of them.
He began to rock his hips into her as he held the back of her head to keep her in place. She grasped onto his thighs and gagged every time his smooth tip bent down her throat.
“Keep your eyes on me, pet. Want to watch those tears fill up in your eyes.”
She did her best. It was hard to keep them open the way she knew he wanted. His cock was wide and long and every time she gagged and gurgled over him she was tempted to smush her eyelids closed. But she was determined to be the best girl she could be for him so she kept her eyes on his, even though her sight was blurred from the moisture beginning to fill in her vision.
“Yes… my sweet pet. Loves getting her throat fucked. Just made for sucking cock, aren’t you?”
Y/n hummed around him in response as he pulled out before thrusting back in, his cock curving down her throat and she heaved in reflex to the obstruction hitting her tonsils.
“Choking darling?” Harry spoke amusedly as she drooled and forced her eyes to stay open.
He could feel her nails digging into his skin tightly. If she needed air she’d let him know so he continued getting himself off in her mouth. A low groan fell from his lips as he used the hair he had carded between his fingers to move her over him as he pleased, pressing her so far down her nose grazed the skin and hair at his base.
And he was quite pleased. Even when he was holding her down on him and she was coughing and gurgling, she was still looking upward into his eyes with her bleary ones.
Her face was wet and her mouth was stretched out, puffy pink lips wrapped around his dense cock. He smiled down at her and pulled her off of him so she could catch her breath. His own chest rose and fell rapidly as he was right on the edge of his own orgasm.
“Taking me so well,” he gently wiped his thumb over her temple, “I think it’s time for your reward. What do you think?”
She nodded quickly, her fingers still pinching into his skin in anticipation of what was to come, “Need it. Please, Father.” Her voice was a bit scratchy as she spoke but he knew she’d want it.
With his fingers still in her hair he moved his other hand down to her throat, wrapping his palm around the collar as he pushed her down over his shaft and then held her in place as he began to fuck into her throat in heavy thrusts that had her wincing and swallowing around his tip with each punitive glide.
His thighs began to shake and his mumbled words and groans grew louder, “Fuck baby, fuck… Open up for me… Just like that…” He looked down at her wet, hot little face as he held her still for his cock.
He choked out a gasp as he began to come, stilling his harsh thrusts and burying himself in beyond her soft palate and uvula. His cock twitched and throbbed as she swallowed him down like the good girl she always was for him once he got her on her knees before him this way.
He watched her blink up at him with doe eyes as he pulled himself out. She gasped and heaved as saliva spilled out of her mouth and down her chin.
Harry reached for her under her arms to help her stand and gently turned her to look at her back, making sure she was still okay.
“Time to get you cleaned up, pet. Then we’ll make dinner and watch something on TV together. How’s that sound?”
Nodding her head she clung to him as he brought her into the bathroom to wipe her back with a rag and help her clean up between her legs. He had her face the mirror as he stood behind her and began to dab the cool rag onto her skin where the raised flesh was bright pink and hot under his hand.
She looked at him through the reflection of the mirror, “Thank you, Father.
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all-hail-trudos · 2 months
My experiences are far from universal, and I imagine other people experienced different things. But growing up in a Pentecostal church, Easter never felt like that big of an event. Like, yes, we're celebrating Christ's rise from the dead. I knew that. It was a fun, happy service with joyful songs from the worship team, and maybe a two-bit church play. (No disrespect to the volunteer actors). I of course knew that this moment we celebrated was like, the central, most momentous part of our faith. And yet, it also sort of felt like any other Sunday. It was almost a footnote at the end of the year. Especially next to Christmas where there was a whole season of anticipation and celebration.
When I was a teen, my youth group took us out to a good Friday service once or twice. And we even went to see The Passion when it came out in theaters. That last part at least helped really impress on me a lot of the agony Christ experienced, making Easter a little more serious. But the Good Friday services felt... empty? Boring? Redundant? The preacher might have given us an impassioned sermon, but it didn't really matter.
It wasn't until this year, as a brand new catholic, that it's really felt like a big deal. Going through Lent, spending six weeks in fasting and (being honest here) on-and-off contemplation of the Cross and what it means for us. Going to mass on holy Thursday and experiencing the horror and anticipation of what was to come. Coming back on Good Friday and experiencing the eeriness and disquiet of mass without singing, without celebration, having the contemplation of Christ's passion reinforced. And then... the Easter Vigil. The bated breath, the anticipation, knowing what's to come. Scripture reading after scripture reading weaving a narrative of God's conquest, God's triumph, Christ Jesus our Lord returning from the dead. His promises of salvation realized in his victory. The celebration and joy of the declaration that He is risen! That He lives! I've never experienced anything like this before. The Easter celebration feels real and personal in a way that makes everything I've experienced before completely pale by comparison, like the light of a candle under the morning sun. To think that the Catholics have been doing it like this for centuries.
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convexicalcrow · 10 months
It's not that the Vex had gone away, no, no, no. They never went away, They just got... easier to ignore. For a while, anyway. Background noise, like someone having a radio on next door that's loud enough for you to hear, but quiet enough you can't identify the songs.
Not that Scar had been ignoring the Vex, mind. Definitely not. Once a Vex, always a Vex. He'd just had other work to do, and nothing the Vex were imploring him to do. They didn't need him baking cookies, after all! He did that for his own amusement, and because he loved feeding people nice things. And who doesn't like cookies?
There were things the Vex did ask for, though, in those moments when Scar was able to hear Them. Things he didn't need to be told twice to do, of course, but that was beside the point. Why was there an Evoker on Main street, able to attack anyone who got too close? Well, the Vex needed a presence in Scarland, and what better way than a fortune teller!
But it wasn't enough. It was never going to be enough. Now that the Vex were closer, more easily accessible, They whispered more intensely and Scar couldn't ignore them anymore. There were plans, oh yes, but Scar just had to wait until more of the park was built up in order to add more Vex things. Not that it was going to become Vexland or something like that, no! But, well, if he included some little easter eggs here and there, well, who could blame him?
So of course he built a Vex head backstage, shipped to Scarland all the way from ConCorp, and perhaps that was fine. It was a small reminder, a little in-joke for him and Cub. And maybe he left a cake there, too, as an offering, because it was only right to make offerings to the Vex.
Sometimes he dreamed about the Cathedral, maybe building another one, a bigger, better one, somewhere in Scarland. Somewhere worthy for the Vex to be worshipped as They truly deserved. Sometimes he was simply kneeling before the altar, offering cake, offering sweet things, offering blood, offering himself, as the Vex flew around him, Their teeth as sharp as they always were.
Maybe he also left a little blood, too, staining the wood that held the Vex head, feeling the Vex surge around him, feeding off him. And maybe Cub joined him, in the dead of night, called back into the arms of the Vex, not that they'd ever really left.
Oh, it felt incredible to feel Vex magic again, especially with Cub. Scar clung to him, overwhelmed, the magic so powerful no mobs dared approach them. The eyes glowed on the statue, the mouth gleaming white with sharp teeth. Scar dared to touch it, and the familiar feeling of possession soothed his soul as the mask attached to his face, sinking in until it was skin. It was time to feed. He took Cub's hand and they flew off, two Vexes preparing to terrorise the server once more.
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hotchoccieformoony · 2 months
Marauders and their favourite Easter service
Is home for Easter and goes to Easter Sunday at his parents church, a small countryside Anglican parish
It’s high church-ish, vestments and Eucharist but they do a contemporary worship song from last decade as well as hymns, “for the youth”
The vicar is a family friend, he baptised James and was at Fleamont and Euphemia’s wedding
Is kind of indifferent, but goes on a Sunday morning to a non-denominational church with his mum, who runs the Sunday school
She gets him to hide the eggs for Easter egg hunt and his marauders adventures come in handy with some GREAT hiding spots
This man LOVES a vigil
He was there on Maundy Thursday and you best BELIEVE he’s back on Saturday night
Enjoys the candlelight and silence
Loves to take the graveyard shift in front of the alter
Loves high church Anglo-Catholicism
Professes his atheism (the Black family are Catholics), but goes along to the Saturday night vigil with Remus at an Anglican Cathedral
Realises that Christianity is kind of metal and gets really into it
By Easter Sunday Remus has explained the basics of church history and Sirius races around the church grounds at morning tea declaring himself Anglican and shouting “The bishop of Rome hath no jurisdiction here!”
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dimsilver · 2 months
What's one of your favourite Easter memories? Tell it like a story, please. :) Wax as poetical as you wish.
I love this ask so so much!
The one that most readily comes to mind was, surprisingly enough, in 2020. That year I’d felt the longing for Easter’s joy ever since Christmas. I planned to come home from college for Easter so I could worship with my family and friends at my home church. I could hardly wait for it to come, for my soul to feel alive and right and ready to leap for joy.
But when the pandemic hit, and my church moved to video for a few months, the loss of the Easter I’d looked forward to was one of the things that hurt the most. Without my church, without the soaring notes of the choir and the bright faces in every direction, without even the communion meal…could Easter really be right? Would I feel that kindled fire?
So the morning came and my family held an Easter service in our front yard, bare feet in the grass, a few neighbors’ families in their camp chairs six feet away, sermon and songs coming from the small speaker we set in the middle, singing and straining to hear over passing cars, praying that our backup speaker wouldn’t die in the middle of it all.
And my heart did not leap. But as the soft breeze stirred my hair, something stirred inside me, too – not overwhelming exultation, but a quiet peace.
At lunch, my prayer began with thank You and ended there, too, as I realized that all my words would only be to say it again.
And a few hours later, as I sat writing a paper (yes, I still had classwork to do) and listening to Andrew Peterson’s Resurrection Letters Vol. 1, as I tried to sing along to Risen Indeed, my voice failed me and tears came instead. And there it was – the rightness within.
Because the truth was so beautiful in and of itself that it needed no trapping or adornment to blaze forth in all its glory. It met me there, at the computer, on the couch, reaching across two thousand years of rejoicing.
The moment was broken by the shrieking whistle of the tea-kettle, and I missed the rest of the song as I raced to turn it off. But the peace and joy stayed in me, the Easter-feeling deep in the bones.
He is risen indeed.
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gay-kid-in-space · 2 months
i’m at church for easter and every worship song is about ava silva to me. she really is our risen savior
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ughgoaway · 2 months
(mini taylor swift rant below)
I can honestly say I've been a T.S fan for over a decade, and i have never spoken to/seen such insane human beings that are claiming to be "swifties."
I don't understand how people don't get that you can enjoy a celebrities art and not worship them?? I adore taylors music, but there are MANY things I fundamentally disagree with her on. but when I point those out, suddenly I'm a villain???
she is not void of critique because she's a woman who makes good songs. when it boils down to it, she is a product of EXTREME privilege. and that's okay when you can accept that and use it to inform your opinions/statements/art, but she doesn't.
not even mentioning the crazy fucking conspiracy theories. the kind of easter eggs taylor uses are signs in music videos, I PROMISE she's not hinting to her ex-bf cheating by using mathematical equations.
honestly, some swifties just drive me in-fucking-sane.
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
Begin Again
Premise: Cassie needs closure on the events of the poison attack.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine); feat. Tobias Carrick Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff. Words: 2,100
A/N: Submission for @aprilchallenge prompt "sunshine" and for @tobias-carrick-appreciation-week - Day 8.
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The hallowed halls of Boston’s Trinity Church were solemn as befitted the occasion. The morning sun shone through the stained glass windows above the sanctuary, casting a kaleidoscope of colors across the wall. Under the soaring ceiling, painted decorations, colorful mosaics and vibrant murals brought home the sacred nature of worship.
The reverend presiding over the Easter Sunday service spoke of redemption, forgiveness and a chance to live a better life. Cassie Valentine bowed her head in prayer, letting the serene words from the sermon wash over her troubled thoughts.
Six months ago, she had been on death’s door, waiting for the poison coursing through her body to claim another victim. Cassie hadn’t fully realized how precious life was until that moment.
Over time, she had come to accept what she couldn’t change and thought she had forgiven herself for her role in the events leading up to that moment. As the choir's voices rose in song, she wondered if the words were divinity’s way of telling her it was time to move on.
When she stepped up to the altar to receive Communion, she felt the peace she’d been seeking warm her insides. And yet, a niggling sense of disquiet remained as she buttoned up her red spring coat, the thick material flaring around her knees, and headed home.
There was one more step she needed to take to begin again.
Two days later, Cassie swiped her card and pushed the handle to slide open the doors to the diagnostic team’s office. She’d just finished her half-shift in the ICU when she received a page from Ethan.
“Do we have a case?” she asked, sitting in the visitor’s chair across from his desk.
He glanced up from the computer screen and removed the reading glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.
“No, but your labs are back,” he said, picking up a patient file and flipping it open.
Ethan had been running Cassie’s bloodwork every month since the attack. The treatment she and Rafael had received was experimental, and there was no telling how long it would hold or what was the long-term effect.
As he’d done during the poison attack, Ethan took over as her treating physician, monitoring her labs and scans for any signs of change.
“Your white blood cell count and ESR are slightly elevated,” he said, handing her a printout of the test results. “But within the accepted range. So it might just be due to the cold you were battling last week.”
Cassie scanned the results and noted the pathologist’s comments at the bottom of the page. All clear, she sighed in relief.
“There’s still residual scarring on your lungs.” He glanced at his computer monitor.
Ethan swiveled the screen sideways so she could see the X-ray scan. He pointed to the faint shadowy lines, circling the area with the laser pointer on his pen. “But it’s less than it was before, so….”
Cassie hid a smile at his objective tone. Technically, it was frowned upon for physicians to treat their families and loved ones. But no one dared tell Dr. Ramsey whom he could or couldn’t take on as a patient. Not that she wanted anyone else in charge of her care.
“…using the inhaler for now, especially if you feel your chest tightening after a run,” he continued. “Don’t let things exacerbate. You might think you’re fine, but your body doesn’t.”
Cassie listened to Ethan while reading the radiologist’s report. She asked him a few questions and felt satisfied with her progress. But something had been bothering her since church on Sunday, and she decided to just ask him.
“Hey, Ethan?” she began, hesitant about his reaction knowing their relationship. “How much do you know about the chemical composition of the antidote? Did Carrick talk to you about it at all?”
He stilled, a worried look gathering in his blue eyes. Cassie thought he might not respond, but he nodded as if coming to an agreement with himself.
“I know enough,” he said. “Organic chemistry has never been my strong suit. But I met Carrick while you were on medical leave. He explained what went into developing the antidote and the potential side effects, as he understood them.”
He stopped, seemingly lost in thought, tapping his fingers against the desk. Cassie started to prompt him, but then his eyes snapped into hers.
“What is this really about, Cassie?” Ethan queried.
Cassie wanted to shrug it off, but the feeling of disquiet that had persisted the last couple of weeks wouldn’t let her.
“Do you ever get that feeling of something left unfinished?” When he nodded slowly, she kept going. “I’ve been trying to put what happened behind me, but I’ve realized I can’t do that until I understand how I’m still alive.”
She stood up and started pacing in front of his desk, needing an outlet for the stress and frustration trapped inside her.
“It’s like I’m missing a piece of the puzzle. I was there, but it felt like it was happening to someone else,” Cassie stressed, willing him to understand. “But I can’t reconcile everything in my head. Until I have all the answers, I’ll never move on. I’ll always be that person with sunken eyes in a shapeless hospital gown, waiting to find out if I’ll ever see the sun rise again.”
“Okay,” was all he said before picking up his phone and tapping on the screen.
“What are you doing?” Cassie asked, confused at his non-reaction.
“Getting you answers,” he said, not looking up from the phone. “Carrick has an outpatient clinic on Friday. It’s the earliest he’s available. He says he can fit you in around one o’clock.”
“You texted Tobias? I’m surprised you have his number saved,” she mused, tapping one finger against her lips. “Are you friends now?”
“Not quite. He’s listed under ‘Asshole’ in my contacts,” Ethan smirked, making Cassie laugh. “Go see him. Get the answers you need. I’ll get someone to cover your patients.”
Cassie took a taxi to Mass Kenmore’s facility across town on Friday. Morning rounds had run over, and she didn’t want to take a chance on the subway. It was almost time for her appointment when she checked in with the receptionist at the outpatient clinic.
Tobias must have given the nursing staff advance notice. They didn’t ask questions or have her complete a patient intake form. Cassie had just sat down in the waiting room when they called her name and escorted her to an exam room.
“Doctor Valentine, what a surprise,” Tobias drawled once the door closed behind her.
He stood behind a desk, arms folded across his chest and a wolfish grin on his lips. It was the same one Cassie remembered from that long-ago softball game.
“Is it really a surprise if I’m listed in your appointment calendar?” she countered, crossing the linoleum floor to stand before him, her chin raised stubbornly.
She was grateful to him for saving her life, but his pompous attitude always rubbed her the wrong way.
“It is, knowing who set up that appointment,” he said. His hazel eyes glittered with amusement. “I don’t know what was more shocking. Ethan reaching out after all these months or him texting me for a favor.”
“It surprised me too,” Cassie admitted. “But he knew it was important to me.”
Tobias didn’t speak; he just stared at her. Cassie could read the calculation in his eyes. Rumors about her and Ethan had swirled between the two hospitals even before his grand declaration a couple of months ago.
Despite how circumspect they were in the hospital, Cassie still received the occasional side looks and heard whispers from those that didn’t know them. She was prepared for Tobias to say something snide, but he surprised her with his following words.
“Well, I’m glad to help. Please,” Tobias said, indicating the visitor’s chair.
Gone was the arrogant competitor who seemed to savor the thrill of the chase and the win. In his place was a warm and considerate doctor with friendly eyes, someone she wouldn’t mind knowing.
“So, you had questions about the antidote?” He folded his hands on the desktop and gazed at her expectantly.
“Yes. Lately, I keep reliving that day and what happened to the others and me. My labs are consistently clear, and there are still lingering symptoms of pneumonitis. Nothing too serious. Still, there are times I wake up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe, a familiar crawling sensation under my skin.”
“It’s likely psychosomatic,” he said gently. “Ethan sent over your file. From what I could see, there are no signs of the maitotoxin. The compound did what it was designed to do. It prevented the maitotoxin from spreading further and attaching to your plasma membranes. Gave your body time to focus on flushing the toxins out.”
Cassie pursed her lips. “Could you walk me through the process of the antidote and how it works? Understanding the nitty-gritty might help me feel more in control of my health.”
Tobias watched her from across the desk with a considering look. And then he leaned back in his chair, locking his hands behind his head.
“Okay. How good are you at chemistry?”
Cassie made a face. It was not her best subject in college or medical school. Tobias must have read her thoughts, for he chuckled good-naturedly.
“You really are Ethan’s protégé, aren’t you?” he snorted. “The man’s a certified genius, but put complex chemical formulas on the screen, and it might as well be a foreign language.”
“Patients don’t care if you can read chemical formulas,” she argued. “All they want is for someone to listen and to find a way to help them.”
“Two peas in a pod,” he smiled, shaking his head.
He straightened in his chair and turned to face the computer in the corner. He placed his right hand on the mouse and pulled the keyboard closer.
“I’ve been tweaking the formula for the compound in my free time,” he explained, his long fingers drifting across the keys of the keyboard. “We didn’t have time to test it before for obvious reasons, but there’s potential to use the antidote for other toxins. Okay. Here we go.”
Cassie scanned the three-dimensional chemical structure displayed on the screen. There were notations of chemical symbols overlaid on the design. Some she recognized quickly, but others she’d need to look up in the periodic table. She read the observations listed on the side of the screen and realized that Rafael was Patient A and she was Patient B.
She listened attentively as Tobias took her through the steps and the team’s observations from bloodwork done as the toxin was being flushed out of their systems. She smiled in gratitude when he answered her questions patiently, taking the time to explain the minutiae.
By the time they were done, Cassie felt calmer and more settled than she had in a long time.
“Thank you,” she said as he walked her out. “I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but thank you for giving me another chance at life.”
“Medicine’s a team effort,” he said, facing her as they stood in the hallway leading to the main reception.
A lifetime ago, she remembered running down that hallway with Baz, making their escape while Tobias and the security guard chased after them. His lips twisted in a wry grin as if reading her thoughts.
“Besides, the fifty-year Glenfiddich your brother sent me was thanks enough,” he remarked. “Don’t know if I’ve ever had scotch quite that old or that smooth.”
Cassie hid her surprise. She had no idea Max even knew who Tobias was beyond the basics. He certainly hadn’t mentioned this to her.
“Take care, Cassie,” Tobias said, patting her arm. “If you have more questions, you know how to reach me.”
With that, he stepped away and walked back toward the outpatient clinic.
Cassie strode past the reception, laughing inside at the perplexed look on the security guard’s face as he tried to place her.
She exited the hospital and crossed the street to a small green square with wooden benches set back from the walking path. She thought it must be a popular spot for the hospital, noting various individuals in white coats and scrubs enjoying the spring day.
Finding an unoccupied bench, she sat down and turned her face towards the sun, letting its warmth fill her with contentment and the will to start anew without fear.
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey
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light-lanterne · 7 months
Does sleep token have lore associated with the band?
hello !! there is a lot of lore, yes :O i'll try to summarise a little, but i really recommend doing some personal digging around ~
so, first, there's the basic notion of Sleep. according to the first and only interview the band's ever given (i believe a second is set to be released soon-ish), Sleep is an omnipotent eldritch god who once manifested himself through a dream to the lead singer, Vessel, who ever since writes music in worship of this ancient god based on the messages the deity conveys. the idea is that through their music, their tokens, the band is trying to touch upon the most primal human emotions and reach our hearts and subconscious with Sleep's message to prepare us for following him.
(this god is not really called Sleep, but his name is described as far too complicated for the human brain to translate and understand.)
then we have Vessel himself ! the band doesn't have many music videos, but from the ones we do have we are able to somewhat piece together some of Vessel's story (the character, not the actual man). so this way we have:
Vessel's first connection with Sleep ["thread the needle"],
the origin of his original mask ["fields of elation"],
he (and ii's) succumbing to Sleep ["calcutta"],
him (or Sleep) being corrupted and causing harm to someone [story is told in the "jaws" and "the way that you were" videos, but the lyrics for "nazareth" give context] and then lamenting what happened ["blood sport (from the room below)"],
Vessel exploring different parts of his subconscious and defeating his nightmares ["alkaline"], but being unable to rid himself of the memories in relation to someone ["the love you want", which then ties up to the video for "fall for me"]
(and that's it; those are all their actual music videos and a vague, somewhat-generally-accepted interpretation of them but !! you can interpret them however you wish !!! there are no right or wrong answers in any of this)
and then we have all the esoteric symbols and codes they use. from their logo, which supposedly translates to "sleep token" (but is actually a combination of a central gate-like symbol and the elder futhark runes dagaz (ᛞ), tiwaz (ᛏ), uruz (ᚢ) and eihwaz (ᛇ),,, or mannaz (ᛗ), tiwaz (ᛏ) and wunjō (ᚹ),,, or many other possible combinations x.x),,,
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(here are two different interpretations of what it could mean)
,,,to each of the codes that accompanied their three full albums:
"sundowning" with some alchemic sigils that serve as art for each track in the album and have a bazillion interpretations,,,
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"this place will become your tomb" with nautical coordinates hidden in merch and posters (which lead to "point nemo"), a cypher residing in the visualizer videos for the album (which hinted at the cover art for the third album), and bizarre oceanic creatures with interesting connotations (again, art for each track),,,
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and "take me back to eden" with the eden code and the odd beings connected to each song ~
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,,,so yeah. lots of lore and easter eggs and symbolism ~ :D
obviously, i could go on for longer but this is already quite long so i'll leave it here. thanks for the ask !!! once again, i encourage you to do your own digging if any of this caught your attention or if you're interested in the band altogether :] it's quite fun to look into their lyrics and cryptic messages and figure all this out ^-^
okie, i'll leave now. have a great day / night !!
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the-daily-word · 1 year
“‘Don’t be alarmed,’ he said. ‘You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.’”
Mark‬ ‭16‬‬:‭6‬
Happy Easter everyone!! I hope all of you guys had a great day with your loved ones as you celebrated the resurrection of King Jesus!!! I encourage all of you to hold onto this joy that is felt today and carry it with you everyday!! Keep sharing the good news of Jesus everyday!! I also wanted to share a song with you guys that I feel like really resembles Easter or resurrection Sunday! It’s called “Death Was Arrested” by North Point Worship! It’s such a powerful song!! ☺️
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shnu-rock-san · 11 months
Taranee as a backup dancer at Super Bowl Halftime Show 2023
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Well, I recently decided to participate in a drawing contest on the theme of "Guardians: 20 Years Later", and I finally chose and drew this art with Taranee, where I reflected my headcanons about her future activities and rebellious appearance (a little unobtrusive piercings and a bold haircut modification)🔥
Twenty years later, Taranee is on the dance floor with celebrities like Rihanna, specifically in this case at Super Bowl Halftime Show 2023. Tiktok introduced me to this masterpiece a few months ago and I couldn't stay indifferent, especially to the fire part of the song Rude Boy. The backup dancers in this performance, in general, vibed in their own excellent way and helped a lot with Rihanna, who couldn't actively move due to her pregnancy, I followed them with rapt attention! Seriously, I'm ready to worship whoever came up with this gorgeous choreography. It reflects me so much.
I don't know how many times I've re-watched and re-listened to this performance, my individual respects to the backup dancers!
All of these were actually my heads for Fashion AU, but I think it would work for the canon universe too. I even wanted to put Cedric (who's the choreographer in the AU, yeah XD) as an easter egg in the art, but it didn't fit, unfortunately. Let him be the one who "came up with this gorgeous choreography".
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dangerously-human · 2 months
I was tagged by both @womaninwinter and @saxifrage-wreath to shuffle my on repeat playlist and share the first ten songs that come up.
What I've had on repeat lately is a good mix of my favorite Easter/Holy Week songs, Sleep Token (thanks to Shel), Dune soundtrack, my Lockwood & Co playlist, and the new Twenty One Pilots singles. So let's see how that's reflected...
River of Darkness - The Midnight
Jesus Paid It All - Passion, Kristian Stanfill
Harvester Attack - Hans Zimmer
Sunday Is Coming - Phil Wickham
Taxi Cab - Twenty One Pilots
What I See - Elevation Worship, Chris Brown
BREAKFAST - half•alive
Caesar - The Oh Hellos
Empty Grave - Zach Williams
Suffering Servant - The Modern Post
Hmm, yeah, that feels about right. Tagging @hiddenvioletsgrow , @itripandfallalot , @o-lei-o-lai-o-lord , and @artimies6 , if you'd like to share!
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