#season 17 firing range easter egg
tabileaks · 2 months
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Fallout OC Questionnaire
Taken from: @codename-whisper
Some questions have been omitted for preference / personal reasons. Located under cut.
1. Which Fallout game are they from?       New Vegas // Originally from Four, changed due to preference and ease of access.
2. Which factions did they join and which did they destroy? Why?       If he had to pick, he would be independent. Definitely up for destroying the Legion, although despite his dislike and suspicion of the NCR he wouldn't act so readily to get rid of them. The Mojave Chapter of the Brotherhood isn't prevelant enough for him to really care, though he is slightly intimidated by their armor and guns.
3. What is their S.P.E.C.I.A.L.?       Check here
4. Give us a summary of their backstory.       He was born in Freeside in 2264. His father, Michael, is retired from the NCR MP, and his mother, Heather, used to work in The Strip at Gamorrah. When he was six years old, Heather left Freeside and never returned. Archie never found out where she went to, though outside of his knowledge she had hitched a Caravan to the Commonwealth, and then eventually made her way to Maine. He spent most of his time outside of his house in Freeside with a boy named Castor and Castor's sister, Neta. When Archie was at home, he was the sole recipient of verbal, physical and mental abuse. When he turned fifteen, he fled Freeside. He's been wandering for two years, and has yet to settle into a new living situation. He takes whatever jobs he can find to make at least some Caps.
5. What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?       Archie: Diminutive of Archibald. This name is borne by Archie Andrews, an American comic-book character created in 1941.       Archibald: Derived from the Germanic elements ercan "genuine" and bald "bold". The first element was altered due to the influence of Greek names beginning with the element αρχος (archos) meaning "master". The Normans brought this name to England. It first became common in Scotland in the Middle Ages.       King: From a nickname which derives from the English word king, ultimately from Old English cyning.       Bancroft: From any of the various places of this name, derived from Old English bean meaning "bean" and croft meaning "small enclosed field".       He chose the name 'Archie' for himself while looking through Pre-War books, and no one after his escape from Freeside would or will know his birthname but himself. He doesn't really have any nicknames specific to him.
6. What’s their sexual, romantic, and gender orientation? Do they feel comfortable telling other people?       Note: I don't believe that romantic attraction is different from sexual attraction. Archie is a gay trans male, and uses he / him pronouns. The only thing that would bar him from 'passing' on the outside would be his voice, which definitely could be worked on. Other than that, it would actually surprie him if someone saw him as a girl.
7. Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?       Bipolar Disorder Type II, Major Depressive Disorder, General Anxiety Disorder, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder. He also suffers from constant nightmares. He's never really had any great coping mechanisms. Archie's constant manic episodes tended to lead him to do dangerous things and as a result sustain numerous injuries. Certain sounds are genuinely painful for him to listen to, such as the sound of chewing and even sometimes laughing. CPTSD has led to a mild fear of physical contact, sometimes turning severe depending on his current state. He just tries to get through each day and hope he doesn't tear someone's head off for something.
8. Do they have any medical conditions? Is medicine / treatment available for them?       He has pigeon-toe syndrome, which causes his kneecaps to be slightly misaligned. It isn't a big enough problem for him to be constantly bothered, but he has trouble standing and walking for long periods of time. It affects both of his knees, but primarily the left knee. There's not much he knows of that can fix that. He used to have glasses for his bad eyesight, but they were broken when he left Freeside. He can't wear any other pair that he's found so far without getting migraines. Suffers from an intolerance to eggs and dairy, although he doesn't encounter either of these often enough for it to be a problem. If he ingests too much of either, however, it causes his asthma to flare up.
9. How much do they care about their outer appearance? What’s their “beauty routine”? How often do they shower/ bathe?       He tries to keep his hair shorter than his ears, although that never really works out. That's probably the only thing he really cares about. Archie tries to clean himself as often as he can, although he tends to forget half the time.
10. What do they fear the most?       A lot, but mainly his dad. Especially being returned to his dad, because he has no idea what would happen after running off for two years.
11. Their biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?       Archie's biggest flaw is his timidity and his naivety. He's scared of everything, and yet he puts too much trust into people he just met. He doesn't realize this, however. He's also too stubborn for his own good.
12. What is their biggest insecurity?       Not being able to tell people 'no', and being somewhat of a doormat.
13. What Wasteland threat do they fear the most?       Check here
14. What’s their zodiac sign or which one do you think they relate to the most? What are their placements?       Aries sun, Capricorn moon.
15. What’s their Myers–Briggs Type?       INFP.
16. What Harry Potter house would they be in?       Check here
17. Which Pokemon GO team would they choose?       Check here
18. Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest?       His strongest intelligences are musical / rhythmic and naturalist, while his weakest are interpersonal, bodily-kinesthetic and mathematical.
19. What natural alignment are they?       Archie has been described as both Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Good, so either one works.
20. Do they have a favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?       There aren’t many holidays in the Wasteland, but he’d probably enjoy Christmas and any big candy-related holidays [ Halloween, Valentine’s Day and Easter ] if they were still around.
21. What’s their favorite season?       Despite the heat, he really likes spring and summer. It’s a lot sunnier and he prefers the sun to clouds.
22. Do they have a temper or are they level-headed?       Check here.
23. Do they express their emotions freely or hide their true feelings?       He tends to spill his emotions pretty freely without realizing it.
24. Are they a leader or a follower?       Follower
26. Do they prefer to travel alone or with company? Who have they traveled with if any? Current companion if any?       Lore-wise, he doesn't travel with anyone. In-game, however, his current companions are Vulpes, Veronica and Boone. Planned companion setup is Arcade, Boone and Benny.
27. Do they prefer to solve things diplomatically or using violence?       He tries to solve things peacefully, unless he knows he'll have to end up fighting sooner or later.
28. What is their combat style? What range do they prefer? Do they sneak?       Melee, close-combat. He's horrible at sneaking, and prefers to just dart behind things and hope no one saw him.
29. What weapon do they always carry with them?       A machete, a straight razor and a shovel.
30. How’s their aim? Do their hands shake while pointing a gun?       He couldn't shoot a can a foot in front of him to save his life.
31. What are their thoughts on having to kill on a daily bases in order to survive? Does it take a toll on them? Or do they shake it off rather easily?       He knows it has to happen sometimes, but he tries to get by as much as he can without having to kill things. Depending on the type of person he's killed however, it might make him more than a little uncomfortable.
32. Thoughts on death if any?       Absolutely terrified of it.
33. Do they move around a lot or prefer to have a place to call home?       He wishes he could find somewhere to settle, but for now he moves whenever he feels he needs to.
34. Their opinions on ghouls, feral and not feral?       Archie thinks non-feral ghouls are cool, although he's a little unsure around them sometimes. Ferals, however, scare the fuck out of him.
35. Do they scavenge for their supplies or simply buy them?       He either scavenges or steals.
36. Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?       He gets distracted way to easily for his own good.
37. How do they sleep? Are they picky about where and how or can they sleep basically anywhere?       Check here.
38. What’s their favorite radio station and song?       Radio New Vegas and Blue Moon by Frank Sinatra. Songs that he enjoys that aren't present in the canon game files are also Five Card Stud by Lorne Greene, No Tears Milday and Running Gun by Marty Robbins, Rockin' Robin by Bobby Day and Come on Let's Go by Ritchie Valens.
39. What’s their favorite post-apocalyptic food? Are they a picky eater? Do they know how to cook?       He's an incredibly picky eater. Archie does like Brahmin steaks, however. He doesn't know how to cool incredibly well, but he can at least tell when something's raw versus cooked fully.
40. What’s their favorite beverage? Do they drink alcohol?       Just purified water. Nuka Cola feels like sludge in his throat and it makes him want to vomit. He tried alcohol once but regretted it; said it felt like his chest had been set on fire.
41. Do they have any tag skills?       Melee, Speech and Survival.
42. Are they good at disarming traps or do they constantly miss them?       It's a miracle he hasn't taken off a leg or an arm yet.
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eaglechica19 · 7 years
THIS IS NOT MY CATCH OR THEORY!!!  THAT WONDERFUL OBSERVATION BELONGS TO @red-is-the-new-blackington, who discovered that OUR red seems to be the driver of the town car in 4.17.
In her original post, she noticed that it looks like a young red driving the town car that Kate is in the back of… notice the sideburns and greenish eyes.  we also only see part of his face, as usual:
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here’s now MORE evidence to back up her claim…
we see the car parked in front of the house several times throughout the show, including when the police are there after masha is kidnapped.
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a man is then IMMEDIATELY seen inside the foyer, holding a framed photo of masha.  it appears to be a man’s hand by the look of the nails.  it also can’t be kate, as she’s obviously still approaching the house, or katerina, as she is upstairs packing in the bedroom.  kirk is not at the house at this time, and if it was an officer, why not simply show the man?
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and remember, red said at the beginning of season 4 that he is familiar with the “summer palace.”
OUR red is also familiar with the apparent comings and goings of kirk, knowing exactly when he was at the “summer palace.”  red tells kirk, “she [masha] lived at your house, as your daughter, on and off for four years.  sometimes you were there, sometimes you weren’t.”  how would red know that, unless he was there as well?
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this mysterious figure then walks away as kate is approaching the front entrance.  he takes the photo with him.  kate never sees him.
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now we know by red’s own words to lizzie in “luther braxton part 2″ that he was there the night of the fire WITH katerina to retrieve the fulcrum.  
(and red obviously can’t be the real raymond reddington as he has already kidnapped masha and the fulcrum and gone to america).  
katerina tells kate that she knows raymond took masha to america, and now that’s where she’s going.  she says she’ll deal with it herself… but she probably took OUR red with her (who more than likely worked for her to spy on her).
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we also learn in this episode that sam was the ONLY person who knew BOTH katerina and raymond reddington.  so if sam duped kate by introducing her to a doppleganger version of raymond (which i believe he did), kate would have no way of knowing OUR red wasn’t the original raymond reddington.  
this idea makes perfect sense when we look back at “general ludd” when sam is dying.  he tells red, “i need to tell lizzie.”  red replies, “no.”  sam argued, “i KNOW WHAT WE AGREED... but before i go, i have to tell her.”  red says, “i can’t let you do that.”  sam again argues, “she deserves to know the truth.”
so sam is definitely in on some kind of con with OUR red.  it is very possible that that con stem back to when he duped kate all those years ago about red’s real identity.
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kate said she never met raymond in person before.  she even says as much to OUR red upon meeting him.
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but here’s the kicker… red tells kate that she probably knows him better than she realizes.  (she probably just never paid close enough attention and didn’t recognize him).  if red was the family driver for katerina, kate probably saw him daily but never put two and two together.  he was right in front of her the whole time.
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lastly, we may have been given an easter egg by tptb when katerina explains the job to kate.  she tells kate that when she is around, kate’s only job is to observe how things are done, (in order to keep consistency when katerina isn’t there).  
but what if this also means maybe OUR red was there undercover to observe and spy on katerina for the us?
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what better way to observe katerina than by being a driver/bodyguard/etc for the family?
the best part?  are the comments on the show in the past about people never having seen red drive before.  talk about ironic, lol.
UPDATED: 5/6/17 
@red-is-the-new-blackington also caught this little nugget in ‘Cape May’ when Katerina and Red are loading the body into the back of the Range Rover... Red immediately offers up, “I’ll drive.”
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with @red-is-the-new-blackington‘s permission, i’m going to add this to my “imposter red theory post” with credit because there is absolutely NO WAY this isn’t correct imo.  
i’m so excited that more people are now jumping on that theory!!!
My “Red Is An Imposter” Theory: (warning, it only opens in a browser, either phone or computer… tumblr phone app will make it crash)
Also, check out this theory submission wondering if the car in ‘Requiem’ is the same one that was in ‘The Kenyon Family’
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bestofrepices · 4 years
Skinnytaste Meal Plan (April 22-April 28)
posted April 20, 2019 by Gina
A free 7-day flexible weight loss meal plan including breakfast, lunch and dinner and a shopping list. All recipes include calories and WW SmartPoints®.
Happy Saturday! For those of you who made a baked ham for Easter, I included a few recipes to use the leftovers, including this Leftover Ham Bone Soup with Potatoes and Cabbage so don’t throw away that ham bone! I’m also over-the-moon to announce The Skinnytaste By Vremi Air Fryer is finally available for pre-order on Amazon!
If you’re new to my meal plans, I’ve been sharing these free, 7-day flexible healthy meal plans (you can see my previous meal plans here) that are meant as a guide, with plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food, coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc or swap recipes out for meals you prefer, you can search for recipes by course in the index. You should aim for around 1500 calories* per day.
There’s also a precise, organized grocery list that will make grocery shopping so much easier and much less stressful. Save you money and time. You’ll dine out less often, waste less food and you’ll have everything you need on hand to help keep you on track.
Lastly, if you’re on Facebook join my Skinnytaste Facebook Community where everyone’s sharing photos of recipes they are making, you can join here. I’m loving all the ideas everyone’s sharing! If you wish to get on the email list, you can subscribe here so you never miss a meal plan!
Also, if you don’t have the Skinnytaste Meal Planner, now would be a great time to get one to get organized for 2019! There was a print error last year, but it’s perfect now! You can order it here!
Breakfast and lunch Monday-Friday, are designed to serve 1 while dinners and all meals on Saturday and Sunday are designed to serve a family of 4. Some recipes make enough leftovers for two nights or lunch the next day. While we truly believe there is no one size fits all meal plan, we did our best to come up with something that appeals to a wide range of individuals. Everything is Weight Watchers friendly, I included the updated Weight Watcher Freestyle Points for your convenience, feel free to swap out any recipes you wish or just use this for inspiration!
The grocery list is comprehensive and includes everything you need to make all meals on the plan. I’ve even included brand recommendations of products I love and use often. Cross check your cabinets because many condiments you’ll notice I use often, so you may already have a lot of them.
And last, but certainly not least, this meal plan is flexible and realistic. There’s plenty of wiggle room for cocktails, healthy snacks, dessert and dinner out. And if necessary, you can move some things around to make it work with your schedule. Please let me know if you’re using these plans, this will help me decide if I should continue sharing them!
MONDAY (4/22) B: Insanely Good Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins* (4) and a banana (0) L: Chicken Waldorf Salad* (3) on a whole grain roll (3) D: Ham and Swiss Crustless Quiche (5) with 2 cups arugula (0) and 1 tablespoon light balsamic vinaigrette (1)
Totals: Freestyle SP 16, Calories 812 #
TUESDAY (4/23) B: Insanely Good Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins (4) and a pear (0) L: Chicken Waldorf Salad (3) on a whole grain roll (3) D: Steak Taco Lettuce Wraps (4) with Fiesta Lime Rice (2)
Totals: Freestyle SP 16, Calories 968 #
WEDNESDAY (4/24) B: Insanely Good Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins (4) and a banana (0) L: Chicken Waldorf Salad (3) on a whole grain roll (3) D: Leftover Ham Bone Soup with Potatoes and Cabbage (2) with 2 ounces multigrain baguette (3) and a green salad** (2)
Totals: Freestyle SP 17, Calories 969 #
THURSDAY (4/25) B: Insanely Good Blueberry Oatmeal Muffins (4) and a pear (0) L: LEFTOVER Ham Bone Soup with Potatoes and Cabbage (2) and a green salad (2) D: Grilled Bourbon Chicken (5) with ¾ cup brown rice (5) and Roasted Asparagus (0) Totals: Freestyle SP 18, Calories 1,069 #
FRIDAY (4/26) B: Greek Yogurt with Berries, Nuts and Honey (5) L: LEFTOVER Ham Bone Soup with Potatoes and Cabbage (2) and a green salad (2) D: Seattle Asian Salmon Bowl (7)
Totals: Freestyle SP 16, Calories 921 #
SATURDAY (4/27) B: Sausage, Cheese and Veggie Breakfast Casserole (4) and an orange (0) L: Quickest Cast-Iron Thin Crust Pizza (4) (Recipe x 2) and an apple (0) D: DINNER OUT!
Totals: Freestyle SP 8, Calories 504 #
SUNDAY (4/28) B: LEFTOVER Sausage, Cheese and Veggie Breakfast Casserole (4) and 1 cup grapes (0) L: Mayo-less Tuna Macaroni Salad (6) (Recipe x 2) D: Chicken Parmesan Lasagna*** (8) with 1 ½ cups romaine lettuce and 1 ½ tablespoons Skinny Caesar Dressing (2)
Totals: Freestyle SP 20, Calories 1,149 #
*Prep Sunday night, if desired.
**Green salad includes 6 cups mixed greens, 3 scallions, 1 cup each: tomatoes, cucumber, carrots, chickpeas and ¾ cup light vinaigrette.  Set aside 2 servings with dressing on the side for lunch Thurs/Fri.
***Freeze any leftover you/your family won’t eat.
# This is just a guide, women should aim for around 1500 calories per day. Here’s a helpful calculator to estimate your calorie needs. I’ve left plenty of wiggle room for you to add more food such as coffee, beverages, fruits, snacks, dessert, wine, etc.
*google doc
Print Shopping List
Shopping list:
2 medium bananas
2 medium pears (any variety)
4 medium oranges
5 medium apples (any variety)
2 pounds red seedless grape
10 ounces (2 medium) Yukon gold potatoes
1 pound asparagus
1 medium English cucumber
1 small cucumber
5 ounces sliced Shiitake mushrooms
1 medium head garlic
1 (10-ounce) package baby arugula
1 (5-ounce) package baby spinach
1 (1-pound) package mixed greens
1 large head Romaine lettuce
1 small head Bibb lettuce
1 small head green cabbage
1 small bunch celery
4 medium carrots
1 pound broccoli florets
2 small (4-ounce) Hass avocados
1 small jalapeno
1 dry pint fresh blueberries
1 medium bunch/container fresh basil
1 large bunch scallions
1 small bunch cilantro
1 (3-inch) piece fresh ginger
1 medium shallot
2 medium lemons
3 medium limes
3 large vine-ripened tomatoes
1 small red onion
1 large yellow onion
1 ounce sprouts (such as daikon radish)
Meat, Poultry and Fish
1 pound thin sirloin steaks
1 pound wild salmon
14 ounces cooked ham PLUS 1 ham bone
4 ½ pounds (9) boneless, skinless chicken breasts
7 ounces (2 links) sweet Italian chicken sausage
1 small container quick oats
1 small bag whole white wheat flour
1 package whole grain sandwich rolls (I like Martins)
1 (8-ounce) multigrain baguette
1 medium bag dry brown rice (or 5 cups pre-cooked)
1 small bag long grain rice (or 1 ½ cups pre-cooked. Can sub brown rice in Fiesta Rice, if desired)
1 package (6-inch) tortillas (I love Siete gluten-free grain-free cassava tortillas)
1 package small whole wheat or regular pasta (such as elbows)
1 small package seasoned whole wheat breadcrumbs
1 (9-ounce) package no-boil lasagna noodles
Condiments and Spices
Extra virgin olive oil
Canola oil
Cooking spray
Olive oil spray (or get a Misto oil mister)
Kosher salt (I like Diamond Crystal)
Pepper grinder (or fresh peppercorns)
Light mayonnaise
Light balsamic vinaigrette dressing
Vanilla extract
Garlic powder
BBQ sauce
Apple cider vinegar (I like Bragg’s)
Red pepper flakes
Reduced sodium soy sauce*
Sesame seeds
Rice wine vinegar
Sesame oil
Red wine vinegar
Dijon mustard
Wasabi in tube
Dairy & Misc. Refrigerated Items
2 dozen large eggs
1 (4-ounce) block swiss cheese
1 pint half & half
1 (15-ounce) container part-skim ricotta cheese (I like Polly-O)
1 large wedge fresh Parmesan cheese
1 small wedge fresh Pecorino Romano cheese (can sub ½ cup extra Parmesan in Lasagna, if desired)
1 (12-ounce) bottle skim milk
1 (8-ounce) bottle 2% milk
1 (8-ounce) bag and 1 (1-pound) bag shredded part-skim mozzarella cheese
1 (8-ounce) bag shredded whole milk mozzarella cheese (can sub ½ cup part-skim on pizza, if desired)
1 (17.5-ounce) container plain nonfat Greek yogurt (I like Fage or Stonyfield)
1 small package corn (I like Trader Joe’s Fire Roasted)
Canned and Jarred
2 jars marinara**
1 small jar unsweetened applesauce
1 (15-ounce) can black beans
1 (15-ounce) can chickpeas
1 (32-ounce) carton reduced sodium chicken broth
1 (32-ounce) carton low sodium chicken broth
1 (12-ounce) jar roasted red bell peppers
2 (5-ounce) cans albacore tuna
1 small jar capers
1 small can/jar anchovy fillets
Misc. Dry Goods
1 small package brown sugar
1 small package nori (roasted seaweed)
Baking powder
Baking soda
1 small bag walnut or pecan halves
1 (1.7-ounce) bottle bourbon
*You can sub gluten free, if desired
**To make homemade, double THIS recipe and add 2 (28-ounce) cans crushed tomatoes and bay leaves to your shopping list.
Print Shopping List
posted April 20, 2019 by Gina
The post Skinnytaste Meal Plan (April 22-April 28) appeared first on All Repices.
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getseriouser · 7 years
20 THOUGHTS: Everybody was kung-fu fighting
TWO weeks to go, we’re almost there, and it’s probably a race in three.
Top of the ladder Adelaide, second-place by a game and half, the GWS, and the bolter from the zip-six start in Sydney – it will be a hard task for any of the others in the mix to overcome at least two of those three in the one September campaign.
Mind you, 11 months ago a team from seventh did topple both reigning Grand Finalists in eight days, so buckle up, there’s most likely more surprises on the way.
 1.    Firstly let’s acknowledge Stevie J from last week then Bob and Gibbo from yesterday. One will go down as one of the most mecurial, successful and likeable small forwards the modern game has seen. Another, a 300-game player, the heart and soul of the Bulldog breed, an All-Australian captain. The other won two best and fairests in premiership years, a three-time premiership backman who was essential to the Hawks dynasty. Three mega careers, and the Retirement Class of 2017 just continues to mesmerise.
 2.    Then let’s get the MRP out of the way, it’s become such a fixture of weekly discussion and controversy. Greene, hmm, is it a week? Jarrod Waite does that all the time. There isn’t technically a rule for it, perhaps there should be. Then again, when Anthony Rocca tackled Bob Murphy, aggressively but not unfairly in 2006, and Bob did his knee sadly, would that come under scrutiny in these days? You couldn’t be 100% sure it wouldn’t, and that’s a concern in itself.
 3.    Impact and outcome are too closely linked, bad record and early pleas are doing too much damage. Players would challenge some of these, and should feel like they could. The penalty for doing so and losing should not equate to exactly a week extra, maybe it comes into the deliberations of the tribunal if you challenge but lose. Half the MRP issues would be solved if players could feel safe challenging their rulings. The plea bargaining is muddying the waters.
 4.    Back to the footy, need to acknowledge the demolition Saturday afternoon up in Sydney. The Swans would be outright favourites for the flag if they could sneak into a double chance. They are the most in form side in the competition, winning 12 of their last 14. The Crows comparatively have won nine of their last 12, the Giants, only four of the last nine. It’s been a stellar coaching job to recover from 0-6, credit to Horse Longmire but also to Stewart Dew, who is clearly a senior coach in waiting.
 5.    And given how things are panning out, it looks ever more likely that the Giants and Swans would be projected to meet in the Preliminary Final. AFL House would love that. Whilst a Grand Final would be that extra bit special, it would be played down in Melbourne and that would take ever so slightly some of the gloss off. But a huge prime time Grand Final decider up in Sydney, right in the heart of Rugby League finals, a finals campaign which will feature prominent games in Queensland and Melbourne, would be almost as good a result the game could ask for.
 6.    If there’s a long range Norm Smith book open somewhere, you could do a lot worse than throwing some loose change on anyone named Crouch. These two sticking together will attract success for years to come. Brad, 23, averaging 27 touches a game, he is 12th in the league for tackles averaging seven a game, and 15th in the comp for stoppage clearances. His brother Matt, 22, is averaging 32 touches, is third in the competition for disposals and effective disposals, sixth for contested possessions and ninth for stoppage clearances.
 7.    Such is their dominance but crucially their contribution to the Crows’ season, both Brad and Matt at Adelaide are first and third at the club for disposals, third and fifth for tackles, third and first for contested possessions, third and second for effective disposals. These are the sorts of players that win Norm Smiths, leading their teams to Premierships. Two great careers still in the early days here.
 8.    Big occasion down Sleepy Hollow last Saturday and it was a bit of a fizzer. The Tigers got wind I gave them a rare pat on the back and played accordingly. They brought nothing to the table really and Geelong gets away with another good four points, but gee, a more spirited Richmond would have tested the hosts a hell of a lot more. Shame. So the Tigers still have their question marks, and the Cats are still not ‘that’ good, please don’t be sucked in.
 9.    The Dogs didn’t give too much last Friday night, especially in the second half and it’s a shame. Tom Liberatore’s performance was a bit reflective of the team’s, a bit listless for effort and want, and whilst you back the reigning premier to be much better side next year, for the son of Tony you wonder where he is at. Needs a big pre-season. Or a new club.
 10.  But on the Dogs, let’s not forget that at this time last year, they were nursing themselves into a finals spot, itching for the pre-finals week off, with iffy form and an injury list to work through. That bye can do wonders for someone this year. Without that bye last year the Dogs probably don’t salute, they don’t get that reset, the refresh they desperately needed.
 11.  Another quick one for those gambling types, we do hope you chucked something responsibly on Josh Kennedy a fortnight or so ago when he was over $5 for the Coleman. Now with the clubhouse lead, by one over Joe Daniher, with two rounds to go, he has eased into $1.70. Still, two tough-ish games for the Eagles to come, whereas the Bomber spearhead has two JLT quality fixtures to dine out on, so a good hedge on Daniher wouldn’t be the worst idea.
 12.  We loved the Melbourne-Angus Brayshaw story on Sunday. Firstly the recovery by the Demons when the Saints got within a kick, in front of a stellar home crowd, it was just mega positive for a side that has almost all the tools to have a sniff. Unfortunately, for mine, without a fit Jesse Hogan you put a line through them. But as for Brayshaw, 24 touches, three tackles, a massive influence in the win for his first hitout in the big time for some time, properly good to see.
 13.  The losers on the MCG Sunday afternoon, St Kilda, that’s it for them now. One of the Saints or Dees had September in their sights this year, in fact you felt both were up to it, but the former will fall short and rue lost opportunities. If anyone just needs to make Josh Kelly come home next year it’s the Saints, he could not be more what they need, in fact without him, or someone like him, you can’t see them challenging for that second flag with this group. With him, very much they could.
 14.  Back to the Dees quickly, Jack Watts, where is he at? Wasn’t missed on the weekend and in Hogan’s absence you’d think they will persist with Sam Wideman up forward. If Watts left Melbourne, who would want him? He is basically a shorter Josh Fraser. Not in the future Dees premiership team, doesn’t fit any other team really other maybe than the Suns going for broke
 15.  On the Gold Coast, Rocket Eade said on the weekend if he had known the rabble he would inherit he would not have taken the job in the first place. Oh my Mark Evans, have you got a challenge on your hands. Let’s call a spade a bloody shovel, if their next coach does not work out for the club on-field, then the club’s existence is on the chopping block, they can’t waste another three years. If the AFL had its way they’d make sure Evans got his short, premiership winning friend from down at Waverley to be the next coach, it’s that important.
 16.  As for the other coaching narrative from the week, the Ross Lyon-Collingwood-Brad Hardie yarn. So Hardie believes, with a whole bunch of third parties involved, that Lyon sounded out Collingwood to see if there’d be mutual interest for next year and on. Look, Hardie has copped it from both the Dockers and Magpies, but, where there is smoke there’s fire. To me, it sounds like the Pies have gone “well, we need a few different plans, one would be if we want to poach, who would be poachable, let’s find out from Clarkson’s manager and maybe Lyon’s manager too”. That’s good due diligence. Bucks might end up staying but the Pies if they do move on from him would want a big name for the clubs sake, the narrative, all that. What if via ‘third parties’ said Lyon was gettable, the Pies probably strongly consider it don’t they?
 17.  And as for weird off-field ideas, this column has mooted there may be, albiet perhaps not enough to manifest, interest from the Hogan camp to head back to Perth for a multitude of personal reasons. Would a three way deal work where the Dockers receive Hogan, send their first pick, around number five right now, and a player to Adelaide, who then send Jake Lever to Melbourne?
 18.  So some big games this weekend, but firstly, footy in Ballarat for the first time, interesting to see the Bulldogs head down this route. There’s some cash in it, much like the nest egg Launceston/Tasmania has been to the Hawthorn dynasty, but when Sunday saw over 50k for Melbourne-St Kilda, and that the Dogs got over 30k to a match featuring the Giants at Etihad, it would be nice to see these Melbourne sides really solidify their core base and ramp up from there, instead of the novelty cheque books elsewhere.
 19.  But the game itself will be a final for the nominal home team. They lose, especially if the Bombers get up in Queensland later in the day, will call curtains to their flag defence you’d reckon. 12 wins and a good percentage gets you in, and a loss to the Power means they won’t be able to reach that standard unless results go their way along with a thumping of the GWS the week after. But where there’s a will, there is a way.
 20.  Big, big Friday night. Sydney hasn’t made a habit of losing since Easter really, so a big test to take on the top of the ladder Crows at a venue they have only lost at once all year (Hawthorn in Round 14). Adelaide will be super tough to beat but if anyone can bring them down, it’s the hottest team in the land. Don’t. Be. Shocked.
(originally published August 16)
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