#drarry quarantine headcanon
fullsundiall · 2 years
a rundowns of my fandoms using the coleydoesthings (youtube) system
their system is as follows:
1. purchased merchandise or content relating to it
2. re-read/watched it a significant amount of times
3. have read more then a handful of fics for it
1. Percy Jackson (and other Rick Riordan media)
this wasn’t my first piece of media i was a fan of, but it is the first fandom i joined. i started my foray into fanfiction (both reading and writing) with percy jackson! i would consider myself more of an outsider to the fandom now as i haven’t involved myself in it for a while, however i still have a look at my bookmarked fics from time to time and reread books of my choosing when i’m in the mood. i’m beyond excited for the show!!
- Criteria 1:
CHECK! I own all the PJO, HOO, and TOA books, as well the first Magnus Chase and Kane Chronicles. I also own most of the guidebooks and a handful of Rick Riordan Presents.
- Criteria 2:
CHECK! This does not need to be explained.
- Criteria 3:
CHECK! I read most PJ fics on fanfiction.net so I don’t have an exact number but I can assure you, it was quite a lot. I also wrote the most for this fandom, having notebooks filled to the bring with drabbles, oneshots, and headcanons.
2. Harry Potter
my jouney with harry potter started when i was 8 and it hasn’t stopped. i spent a good chunk of my childhood obsessed with all the content i could get my hands on, including books, pottermore content, and fan theories. i collected merch and all the side books i could get my hands on. i still have a shrine on my bookshelf. however, by the time i discovered fanfic, my phase was dying off. in light of jkr disgusting views and me discovering new media, my harry potter fanfiction fixtations are few and far between. that’s not to say they don’t exist though. everything from drarry, to next gen, to marauders era has been picked apart by my grubby little hands. i’m currently in a harry potter fic phase right now!!
- Criteria 1:
CHECK! I own all the books, the books within the books, and a few other official companion books. I also have the Cursed Child and the first two Fantastic Beats (not buying anything related to this series anymore due to not wanting to support JKR). As for merchandise, I have a few shirts, some leggings, pins, and a slytherin scarf. I also have Seraphina Picquery’s wand, a Luna Lovegood pop, and a time turner.
- Criteria 2:
CHECK! This does not need to be explained.
- Criteria 3:
CHECK! I have 50 AO3 bookmarks, 16 wattpad bookmarks, and many other non-bookmarked fics under my belt.
3. Marvel Cinematic Universe
my introduction to the marvel fandom was a bit backwards because i started with the fandom and then got into the media. my first real slice of the MCU came from fanfic. i fell in love with “competent tony stark” and “team as family” fanfiction and subjected myself to all the ships, including my favourite, frostiron!! after months of reading fanfiction and getting a basic grasp of wtf was happening in the universe, i realized i should probably watch the movies. thus began my journey into binge watching the 20 or so movies that had been released so far (i got into it in the wait for endgame). now my favourite tropes are tony and peter father/son relationship and what would happen if everything didn’t go to shit. i love watching the new shows and movies (even if they aren’t the best).
- Criteria 1:
CHECK! I own a quote book and a Tony Stark Pop.
- Criteria 2:
CHECK! This does not need to be explained.
- Criteria 3:
CHECK! 62 AO3 bookmarks and many more read over the years.
4. NCT
my run as in nctzen came quick and never left. i found myself falling into the nct rabbit hole when quarantine began and imminently fell in love with all (21 at the time) members. i watched all their yt content, listened to all their music, bought their albums, illegally streamed nct life, hell i made fucking slideshows about them. as a haechan bias, i of course became obsessed with markhyuck as soon as i learned of its existence. most of my ao3 bookmarks come from this fandom as i did nothing but read nct fic for all of 2020. i love them all dearly and seeing any sort of nct performance puts a smile on my face.
- Criteria 1:
CHECK! I am the proud owner of 5 varying NCT albums.
- Criteria 2:
CHECK! This does not need to be explained.
- Criteria 3:
CHECK! Approximately 312 AO3 bookmarks. And that’s only the ones that a bookmarked!!!
5. My Hero Academia
bnha was far from my first anime but it was the first anime i read fanfic for sooo. i read the manga when i was younger but lost interest eventually due to it not being even close to complete. i picked up the anime a few years later and it took over my life. i binge watched all 4 seasons over a 2 week period and pirated the 5th a few months later. i love the focus and development we get to see for all the characters, main, side, and villain. i especially liked the ethics debate it brings up, what makes a villain/hero. i have 2 mha fic moods, hurt/comfort childhood friends redemption trauma bakudeku (could be platonic) and smoking hot lov as family fuck the hpsc todoroki family hotwings. both are fucking amazing and have such large canon and canon-divergent pools of content to pull from.
- Criteria 1:
CHECK! I own one (1) MHA book.
- Criteria 2:
CHECK! This does not need to be explained.
- Criteria 3:
CHECK! A quick AO3 bookmark check comes out to 133 bookmarks for this fandom.
as you’ve probably noticed by now, i am a basic bitch. another fandom i got into for the fanfic, after watching a few streams, i was besotted with the character and personality of the members of this server. i still think they are all amazing, talented, creative people who deserve every bit of attention they get. i wasn’t really a lore girl but i indulged in it every so often. what i really liked was the dynamics between the streamers and the friendships that we got to watch develop over time. i admire the love and care they all seem to have for one another, even as they go off and do their own thing. i was also very into mcc up until a few months ago.
- Criteria 1:
CHEck..? I hope twitch subs count because I never spent money on anything else relating to this fandom.
- Criteria 2:
CHECK! This does not need to be explained.
- Criteria 3:
CHECK! As my second most read fandom, I have a little over 218 fics bookmarked of AO3.
sooo yeah! that’s a rundown of my past a present fandoms that fit the criteria coley used for herself in this video (https://youtu.be/JkKmhWJry44)
of course there are other things that do not fit the criteria but i still consider myself a fan of like:
- haikyuu!!
- yuri on ice!!
- it
- stranger things
- bts
- exo
- figure skating
- seventeen
- super junior
- kuroko no basket
- check please!
- high school musical
and more!!!
0 notes
uh-drarry · 4 years
Previous Part
Angsty Quarantine Drarry, requested by, like, three people
(TW: talk of past child abuse) This takes place before my previous Quarantine Social Media AU
- Harry is having a hard time with quarantine despite being stuck in his house with his dads. 
- Draco is living with Blaise and has only been at their flat, the grocery store, or visited their mums since quarantine began a month or so ago.
- He and Harry FaceTime at least once a day and text constantly
- Remus is always asking Harry if Draco is staying up on his English assignments and when they say they’re working on another class he always scoffs and says English is obviously most important with a wink as he walks away
- Sirius is enjoying staying in bed longer in the mornings and waking up with Remus instead of waking up at the ass crack of dawn to help open the cafe as he usually does. He is already starting to miss it though. (But Remus and Harry benefit because Sirius will make them the best coffee or pastries some mornings)
- Draco notices something is off before Remus and Sirius because he’s constantly talking to Harry and the other two think Harry is in his room working on his online assignments and talking to Draco. Which he is, they’re not totally wrong.
- But his grades are starting to slip and Harry is getting very lonely and depressed. Some nightmares are starting to return, and his appetite is waning.
- Being stuck in one space, despite it being a house rather than a cupboard, is getting to him.
- Harry doesn’t talk about this because he thinks it’s ridiculous, it’s been over 15 years since he was removed from the Dursley’s and he’s had therapy for it for years how can this still effect him. He fears looking ungrateful for everything Remus and Sirius have done for him at times like these. 
- Draco notices that Harry seems more tired than usual and is confused about his assignments more than usual. At first Draco chalked the assignment thing up to changing to the online system but then he noticed the other things too. And he starts to get a bit worried but he tells himself that it’s probably nothing. 
- Until he keeps noticing these things and it feels like Harry isn’t contributing much to their conversations, as well as pulling away from Draco. 
- Harry usually only spends time with his dads at dinner now. He tries to paste on a smile and always offers to do the dishes so his dads don’t notice how little he’s eaten. After dishes, he usually claims he’s going to play video games or talk to Draco and his friends or go to bed so Sirius and Remus don’t bat an eye about it. They just hug him goodnight and tell him they love him.
- One night Draco has had enough of the worrying and guessing. He can’t get much out of Harry anymore and he’s getting worried. More so than before. 
- At this point Draco knew a bit about the Dursley’s and what they did to him but the two never really sat down and talked about everything. Draco didn’t want to push Harry about it and Harry didn’t want Draco worrying about him or to scare him off. 
- Draco’s mind, because of the lack of information, doesn’t immediately go to Harry’s history. But he doesn’t know what it could be thats affecting him like this. Draco knows Harry was in an abusive household as a child but that’s about it. 
- So. One night Harry is very quiet during their FaceTime. He’s laying in bed in a blanket burrito and half asleep when he mumbles out that he misses Draco a lot and his blankets aren’t as good at cuddling him as Draco is. A minute later he falls asleep with the FaceTime still going.
- Draco watches him for a couple minutes before ending the call and leaving his flat.
- He’s never snuck in to Harry’s room before, especially without Harry but he’s determined. He knows they have a spare key and that Sirius and Remus are probably watching TV in the back room together.
- He finds the key and as quietly as he can, opens the door.
- Normally he would just knock and have one of Harry’s dads let him in. But he feels like this is an important conversation to have between the two of them before he decides to bring his dads attention to the possible problem.
- Plus he’s not worried about Sirius and Remus, they love him and yeah they wouldn’t love him sneaking in but they’d listen to him before forming an opinion about why he was doing so.
- The only thing he’s worried about is them not letting him stay because of the quarantine. 
- He successfully gets in, and locks the door behind him. He can hear the tv like he assumed, and slowly makes his way up to Harry’s room where he finds a still asleep Harry with his phone still in hand. 
- He can hardly even make out Harry’s head, he’s buried so far in his blankets. 
- Draco quietly makes his way over to Harry, sits on the bed, and gently shakes the sleeping boy. 
- Harry mumbles and tells Remus to go away, but rolls over and opens his eyes when Draco doesn’t leave.
- Harry bolts upward, eyes wide when he realizes that it’s Draco who’s waking him up.
- “Wait.” He rubs his eyes and looks back at Draco, “what’s happening, why are you here?”
- “I snuck in here, darling. I need to talk to you.”
- Harry’s eyes widen “my dads don’t know you’re here? Are you okay?”
- “No they don’t. I found the spare key and they didn’t hear me over the TV. I’m okay, Harry, but I don’t think you are and I was worried and needed to check on you and talk to you in person rather than through a screen.”
- Harry calms a little when Draco says he’s okay, but avoids Draco’s eyes when he says he wants to talk. “What do you want to talk about?”
- “Babe, are you okay?” 
- “What do you mean.”
- “I mean... I feel like something is wrong. Since quarantine started you’ve slowly seemed, I don’t know, not yourself. You seem withdrawn, and like you’re not sleeping well. You were worrying about school which I thought was just because of the online thing but now I don’t think it’s that. I’m just worried and wanted to see if you were feeling okay or if you were sick or just needed a cuddle.”
- “Well I definitely need a cuddle.” Harry mumbled, he laid back onto his bed and unfurled some of his blanket so Draco could be part of his burrito.
- Draco joined him, laying so they were facing each other. They just watched each other for a minute until Draco leaned forward to kiss Harry’s nose. Harry scrunched up his nose and giggled, making Draco smile. 
- “Really though, Babe, are you okay? Do you want to talk about anything?” Draco asked, honestly quite worried about his boy. 
- Harry sighed. And started playing with Draco’s fingers while he gathered his thoughts. 
- “Well. I think-“ Harry paused, looking frustrated with himself.
- He tried again, “so you know that for a few years when I was little, I lived in an abusive home.”
- Draco nodded, “I don’t know much more than that though.”
- “Right. Well, my parents were killed when I was 2 years old. Apparently no one could find a will or anything saying that I was supposed to live with Sirius as my godfather, I still don’t understand that part. Anyway, so I was handed over to the only blood relatives I had left, my mums sister and her husband. And I lived there until I was almost 6.” 
- Draco could tell that opening up like this was costing Harry. He pulled the other boys hands up and kissed them and then leaned forward to kiss Harry properly before allowing him to continue. Before he did though, Harry scooted closer to snuggle into Draco’s chest, and Draco wrapped his arms around Harry, and rested his chin on top of his head.
- “The social workers, they didn’t check on us much. And I think they told the Dursley’s they were coming because they never caught them doing anything to me. Or maybe they ignored it. I don’t know. At least until I was assigned a new social worker, Janie. She made a surprise visit, Vernon made me answer the door because they were eating. I was taken away from them that night, especially after I showed her my bedroom because my bedroom was the cupboard under the stairs.”
- Draco tensed up, immediately livid at these people who he’d never met, and who Harry hadn’t seen since he was 6. He didn’t want to interrupt Harry though, now that he was opening up to him, so he just hugged him tighter and kissed the top of his head before taking a deep breath and continuing to listen.
- “I was like a servant to them. Especially to their son, Dudley. I had to wake up and make them breakfast, clean the house, tend the garden. If I messed up, which happened because I was a toddler, I was punished. There was a lot. I still remember a lot. No one ever believed me because my aunt and uncle made me out to be this troublesome child. I didn’t have time for schoolwork because I had so many chores. I wasn’t allowed to eat much, and I got scraps when I did. I was apparently pretty malnourished. The doctors believed that this all stunted my growth, and that’s why I’m shorter than I should be. And probably why my eyes are so bad too.”
- Harry stopped speaking for a bit then, lost in thought. Draco just continued to hug him while he waited for the rest. “They’re in prison still for what they did to me. I don’t know what happened to my cousin.”
- Harry sighed deeply, “So because of quarantine, I think, and being stuck in one place for who knows how long even if it’s a whole house this time and with people who I know love me it’s starting to bring back bad thoughts. I’m having nightmares again. Which I haven’t had for a few years now and I think I’m getting depressed and my grades are slipping and I’m worried about covid and I feel like all this is so stupid. I haven’t seen the Dursley’s since I was 6, it’s been what, 15 or so years? I’ve been in a loving home for 15 years and yet I get nightmares as soon as I’m not allowed to leave. I feel like it’s all so stupid and I’m stupid for being like this and not appreciative of my Dads for all they’ve done for me.” 
- “You’re not stupid, Harry. Not at all.” Draco could tell Harry was getting emotional and trying to let it out. He could feel a wetness on his shirt from tears of frustration and anger and sadness. But Harry continued on, unable to stop without getting everything off of his chest now. 
- “They fucking took the door off of my closet because I thought I was stuck in there when it closed on me in my first month of living here and had a panic attack. They made our cupboard under the stairs into a good and happy space for reading or hanging out. They have done everything for me and they never gave up on me. I remember them trying to come see me at the Dursley’s all the time, even though they never let them in. I love them so much and I feel like I’m ungrateful for it all when I feel like this-” He broke off, crying harder this time. After a few minutes and some deep breaths he continued again. 
- “Being stuck here is bringing back nightmares, as well as my claustrophobia and I constantly feel trapped, so I just come up here to my room and nap in bed because I’m just so exhausted all the time and I have nowhere else to go. And I try to fake it in front of my dads. I don’t think they’ve really noticed anything. I got good at lying and hiding at the Dursley’s and I hate it even if it helps sometimes.” 
- It seemed that Harry was finally done. Draco hoped he hadn’t left anything big out. He wanted to know and understand Harry on every level, and something this big was a good thing to understand, or at least to know about. 
- Draco leaned back so he could finally see Harry’s face again. He wiped his tears away, and kissed his forehead, “thank you for telling me this, Harry. I want you to know that this will not scare me away, I’m here to stay.”
-Harry squeezed his eyes shut as a few more tears leaked out, he grabbed Draco and hugged him fiercely, “Thank you, Draco. For letting me talk, for listening, and for still being here.”
- “Of course, Harry.” He let the hug go on for a few minutes before tapping his shoulder and pulling back. “C’mon. Up you get.”
- “What? Why what are we doing?”
- “I just need you to get up and grab us another comfy blanket.” Harry looked confused but obliged anyway. When he came back, Draco was up and waiting for him at the doorway and holding out his hand for Harry’s. In his other arm, was Harry’s duvet. Still confused, Harry grabbed his hand. Draco led him upstairs and out onto the roof. He walked to the middle and layed out the blanket Harry had been carrying before grabbing Harry’s hand and pulling him down onto it. He then took Harry’s duvet and rolled them up into it,  and manoeuvring Harry so he was resting against Draco's chest again while looking into the night sky.
- “Oh.” Harry mumbled when he looked up and saw all the stars reflecting back at him. 
- Draco smiled, “You said you were getting claustrophobic being trapped in your house. This way. You’re not trapped inside, but still quarantining at least. And you get to look at the beautiful sky, and feel the breeze.”
- Harry was speechless at the thoughtful gesture. He felt so loved in that moment. Draco snuck here, just to make sure he was okay. He hadn’t run off when Harry told him about his past. He keeps comforting him whenever he needs it. And now he’s doing all he can to help fight everything negative Harry has been feeling over the last month. 
- Harry wiped away another tear before he turned, leaning over Draco. He leaned down and kissed his boy. Trying to convey all of his feelings in that one kiss. He pulled back and stared at Draco for a minute, committing everything to memory. He never wanted to forget this moment.
- Harry looked into Draco’s eyes and thought he could see his emotions reflected back to him. 
- “Draco.” They looked at each other for another moment, Draco moving his hand to cup Harry’s face, while the other went around his waist.
- “I love you, Draco.” It was the first time either of them had said it. Draco's eyes widened slightly before a big grin broke out over his face.
- Draco surged up to kiss him again, then, “I love you too, Harry.” They continued for a few minutes before setting back down to where they’d been, smiles on both of their faces. 
- “Harry?” Draco asked after awhile of pointing out constellations, and certain stars.
- “Yeah?”
- “You’re going to talk to your dads about everything right? Soon? I feel like they will really be able to help you, love.”
- Harry sighed, but nodded. “Yeah, I’ll talk to them tomorrow. Will you be there with me?”
- “Of course I will. I’d do anything for you. But that’s tomorrow and I think we should probably go to sleep. It’s pretty late and you’re not sleeping enough as it is. Mind if I sleep over?”
- “Of course not, Draco. You can sleep over whenever you want. Especially if we sleep in my bed.” 
- “Well I certainly didn’t want to sleep on the couch or the floor.” The two boys got up and took the blankets back inside and down to Harry’s room before snuggling back in Harry’s bed together.
“I love you, Harry James Potter-Lupin.” Draco said with a kiss.
- Harry smiled and replied, “I love you too, Draco Lucius Malfoy.”
Tags: @pan-and-ready-to-stan @spaceaas @abstractundefined @afanbloglikeanother @potatoloveisreal @itsskylover23 @it-would-set-me-on-fire @panicfanatic-malfoy @drarryruinedme7 @charlenasaxen @vici-l @sweetlialia @devilrising @eruditeslytherin @malfoy-potterx 
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dracoandharriet · 4 years
Draco and Harry being way too happy about quarantine because they both already prefer to stay indoors except in quidditch situations... To the annoyance of their friends of course...
Catch Ron flooing in the middle of the afternoon dying to go out, basically pulling his hair out because he feels he's going crazy... And Harry and Draco pick up and Harry's on Draco's lap on their comfy sitting room chair, sipping hot cocoa and enjoying her best life.
Pansy calling, begging Draco to just go shopping with her before she absolutely loses her mind... And Draco can't because she's making a very intricate, massive lasagna and will be in the kitchen for another hour at least, and Harry walks past, not noticing the floo call, wearing only her underwear and bringing in all of the breakfast in bed dishes, kissing Draco on the cheek, humming, happy as ever, which only causes Pansy to throw a shoe at them through the floo but neither of them care.
Basically... Domestic quarantine fem!drarry plz and thank you
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drarryangels · 3 years
drarry masterlist!!
Note: All works are ordered most recent to least recent under their respective categories. 
A Linking of Magic (G, soul bond, married professors, 1.9k)
when the phone rings (T, car accident, 2.6k)
Sundays (T, post war, grief, 1.4k)
as the storm weeps and cries (G, america, plotless, 767)
to the sea, and to you (G, plotless, one shot, 798)
Marry me, honey (T, fluff, eloping, 2k)
the loss is slow, for you and me (T, sickfic, hurt with happy ending, 16.5k)
it is the beginning (G, microfic, love confessions, 260)
her (T, mpreg, happy ending, angst and fluff, 5k)
want (T, coming out, ace!harry, love confessions, 1.3k)
tu me manques (G, quarantine, hurt/comfort, french!draco, 502)
I love you, birthday boy (G, mpreg, husbands, soft, comfort, harry’s birthday, 421)
Testing, Testing (G, mpreg, husbands, pregnant!harry, 679)
Call Me a Romantic (T, incomplete, muggle au, countryside au, 24k)
talk or don’t talk, be my world (M, sweet, smut, 890)
No Sound (T, draco’s birthday, auror!harry, fluff and smut, 1k)
Bodega (G, muggle au, what’s a bodega, 1k)
that’s not who we are (T, homophobia, transphobia, lgbt rights, supportive boyfriends, 463)
Neville’s Brink (G, professors, secret relationship, bets, 550)
Stupid Elevator (M, auror!harry, prosecutor!draco, getting together, 2.7k)
Drowning in a Burning Lake (G, draco’s in the lake, triwizard tournament, au, 6k)
What A Heart Wants (G, mirror of erised, 692)
baisemain (G, anxiety, kiss on the hand, 178)
When Hogwarts Has It’s Say (G, sentient hogwarts, eighth year, 529)
Sour Start (T, post-war, break up, angst, 891, 891)
Blue (G, wildflowers, america, 338)
Hero (T, post-war, curse, scars, 614)
Fresh Fruit (G, picnic, tooth rotting fluff, 402)
alive, eyes closed (T, post-war, thestrals and the forbidden forest, 182)
Missing Piece (G, mcd, sleep talking, 952)
I don’t expect you to understand (G, auror!harry, angst with a happy ending, 3k)
By the Telly (G, domestic fluff, 688)
Simple As a Bite (T, eighth year, truth or dare, inspired by @rockmarina​‘s fic, 532)
Three Eventful Years in Harry Potter’s Life (T, touch starved harry, ewe, 2.4k)
Dear Life (T, mcd, drarry have a long life together, 5k)
For What? (G, lgbt rights, 868)
Move On (T, mcd, married drarry with kids, 1.8k)
Sectumsempra Again (T, mcd, battle of hogwarts, 791)
Try Again Later (T, mcd, modern au, 1k)
Gym Class (G, muggle au, high school, 4.7k)
In the Morning (T, mental health, supportive draco, 857)
Middle of the Night (G, horror movies, 603)
I’ve Got You (M, violence, rape, death eater attack, 625)
In Love (G, drarry goes to an amusement park, 535)
Just Stay (G, post-war, professors, husbands, 471)
Bowtie (G, fluff, party, 876)
Not in Love (Letters) (T, eighth year, slow burn, 49k)
Ever, Forever (T, eighth year, married drarry, 1k)
Slytherins (G, eighth year, 1.7k)
Dance for Me (G, dancer au, 1.5k)
Happy For You (T, pansy pov, 1st-8th year, 2k)
Cooking and Growing (G, domestic fluff, friends to lovers, 721)
Burning House (G, mcd, songfic, 847)
A Boy (G, arranged marriage, 2k)
Care to Dance? (G, beauxbatons!draco, yule ball, 396)
Start Over (G, the handshake post-war, 399)
White Stool (G, furniture shopping, 1k)
Just Lunch (G, lunch outing, 1k)
Re-Sorted (G, eighth year, resorting every year, 2k)
Coming Home (G, long distance, reunion, 2k)
Come Back Everytime (T, ptsd, mention of eating disorder, auror!harry, 5k)
He Is Perfect (T, very small mention of rape, 1st-8th year, 3k)
Say It Yourself (T, mentions of rape, suicidal thoughts, 2k)
Don’t Touch Him (Dead People Don’t Move) (T, battle of hogwarts, 714)
i wake up falling inspired by this fic
profile picture
in another world
hurting and hopeful
i know you
about the rain
draco’s birthday
being lonely
writer draco
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prolix- · 3 years
Top 5 of 2020
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (ish) favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
As usual, I am very late with this! But thanks to @dragontamerdame @fw00shy @ohdrarry @sitp-recs @teacup-tai and @bluebutter-art for the tags! I've written more fic this year than I have in years past. Perhaps it's because of the extra time I had in quarantine, but it also may be that I really feel like I've found friends within the Drarry fandom this year. My friends on Tumblr and Discord have been so supportive, and I can't thank them enough for their kudos/likes, comments and DMs. I hope that 2021 brings forth more fics!
Here are my top 5 fics from this year (chronologically):
1. "Scared, Potter?" (T, 120 words)
I wrote this for the Drarry Discord Drabble Challenge last January. It only took me about 20 minutes, I think? I entered the challenge on a whim so I didn't want to overthink things. But, overall, I really liked how it turned out!
2. Catch the Snitch (No, Catch My Heart) (E, 4.5k)
I wrote this for HP Kinkfest! The prompt was 'body worship', and I had such a vivid image of what I wanted the fic to look like before writing it. The bath, Draco worshiping Harry's thighs, the slow slide from something casual to serious. This is probably the fic I was the most proud of this year—I just really like how I wrote it. I tend to struggle with writing smut that's more than just smut, but I feel like I was truly able to convey Harry and Draco's love for one another here.
3. The Future in Your Eyes (T, ~1.1k)
This was written for @tasteofshapes's birthday! She's has an amazing set of Drarry headcanons, and I decided to weave them into the story so my 1k word count would feel a little more fleshed out. I got the idea from bixgirl1's 'Every Me and Every You', which heavily references magpie-fngrl's works. This was also my first 6th-year AU—a trope I hardly every read, mych less think to write, but it was nice to slip out of my comfort zone for a bit and write this as a gift.
4. Cooling Down (E, ~3k)
This was for @ladderofyears's prompt for this year's HP Taste of Smut fest! I wrote this in August, when it was close to 100° F (37ish° C) every day where I live, so it was very easy to dream about ice and cool drinks and relaxing under the sun. Also, every PWP I've written so far featured explicit penetrative sex and I wanted to see how far I could stretch a blowjob and some fingering ;).
5. Rotten Work (M, 792 words)
This was probably one of my favorite works of the year. It was a bit experimental (see: vague and overwrought metaphors about tea) but it's what I hope to create more of in 2021. What I've come to appreciate about some fics lately are the way writer's are able to perfectly capture a feeling/setting/emotion with a good metaphor, and this little fic gave me hope that I can do it too.
I'm sure everyone seeing this has been tagged before, but just in case: @bombera @thusspoketrish @tasteofshapes @kittycargo @primavera-cerezos @alxmeg (for your top 5 fics) @uphorie @dewitty1 (for your favorite fic recs/rec lists?) and anyone else who wants to participate! No pressure if you don't want to!
Happy New Year, everyone! I'm excited to see what 2021 will bring 🤩
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mfingenius · 4 years
saw you were taking requests so maybe some ravenclaw draco headcanons? (with a little bit of drarry and luna being his deacon's cousin) hope you are doing okay in the whole quarantine thing 💕
ooooh alright so 
AU where Luna’s mom pandora is narcissa’s cousin from the other side of her family (not the black side)
okay so narcissa gets pregnant at seventeen alright
she meets lucius and thinks they’re in love and will always be an that this is it tm
but it’s not 
and he leaves her 
and Narcissa knows that if her mother finds out she’ll force her to give her baby up to a stranger and she’s not willing to let that happen
but she’s seventeen and alone and scared and so not ready for any of this
so she takes a ‘year abroad’ so she can ‘decide what she wants to do with her life’ or so her parents think
instead she goes to her cousin andromeda who is five years older than her and pregnant
their babies are due around the same date
so she stays with her throughout the pregnancy and when she has Draco she names him, but then gives the baby up to pandora
and pandora has this perfect little blonde baby girl who looks just like her perfect little blonde baby boy 
they’re literally identical as babies
so pandora raises them as twins
and we already know luna’s mom was probably just as odd as she is, so they’re both terribly odd according to other children but neither of them are lonely bc they have each other
so they get to Hogwarts and they’re both sorted into Ravenclaw 
and harry is a year above him and obviously this is a no voldemort au so he has no worries about anyone trying to kill him
and he first stumbles upon draco in the middle of a rainstorm at the edge of the forbidden forest bc he was in Hagrid’s hut and Draco is just standing there, completely covered in mud and most likely freezing, leaving fruit out perfectly lined up at the edge 
and harry obviously asks wtf he’s doing 
and draco tells him he’s leaving food out for the werewolves in the forbidden forest bc he doesn’t want them to get hungry and that if he left out meat it’d go bad 
and Harry is so so confused but it’s also sort of adorable?
and so he takes Draco back to the castle and then to the infirmary bc his skin is literally freezing and Draco has to stay there overnight bc it turns out he has a fever
but theyre friends after that
and a few years pass and they become even better friends and harry listens to draco’s rants about creatures that don’t exist - or that he doesn’t believe in - bc honestly he likes the sound of draco’s voice and he likes listening to him talk about things he’s passionate about?
and ron finds it so weird at first and draco and luna exasperate hermione to no end bc they all have a thirst for knowledge but in a completely different way
and then fourth year happens and there’s still a yule ball and Harry takes draco
and then fifth and sixth year go through without a problem but in harry’s seventh year pandora dies
and draco and luna are dealing with it in completely different ways
bc luna is the same as she always is, pretty much, except she rarely talks anymore and she’s distant in a different way
and draco’s so angry
and harry doesn’t know what to do bc he’s pushing everyone away and yelling at them and talking back to professors and generally just being horrible
and harry just sits there next to him even while draco insults him and sometimes he casts a silencing charm around them bc he’s noticed loud noises seem to piss draco off further 
and he just lets him insult him bc he doesn’t really care and knows draco doesn’t mean it and he’s never behaved this way
and in the end of a particularly horrible insult draco just cuts himself off and looks at harry
‘please don’t leave me’
and harry tells him he won’t and draco breaks down and cries in his arms for a long long time
and for many days and nights
and then it’s a year later and ofc draco and luna are still grieving but draco has mostly stopped insulting people - he’s not quite as he used to be bc a lot of his curiosity came from his mum and it hurts to remember - and harry’s helplessly in love with him
and draco graduates hogwarts and harry shows up and hugs him and congratulates him
and asks him on a date
and draco says yes
and harry’s so fucking nervous
but they go on the date and they kiss at the end of the night and it’s sort of perfect
and harry asks him on another date and draco says yes
and neither of them have smiled quite this much in a long time
and it’s good 
it’s so so good
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drarrymybeloved · 3 years
for some reason i cannot get this random drarry headcanon out of my head so here; i'll shout it into the void & hope it gets out of my head:
basic premise is draco is a healer, so is hermione, they're casual friends. ron & hermione live together, harry lives alone in grimmauld but obviously spends like 50% of his free time w romione, draco also lives alone
so there's a disease. highly contagious, never seen before, basically the wizarding equivalent of coronavirus. it saps ur magical core, & yes all the same covid precautions apply (sanitising, quarantining, lockdowns etc). draco & hermione are working themselves to the bone taking care of patients, & one day after a particularly long shift, as draco & hermione are getting ready to go home, draco passes some comment about how he's been subsisting on takeout for weeks now because he has no energy to cook himself anything & he doesn't want to risk contaminating his mother so he refuses to move in with her/allow her to send in her house elf
hermione doesn't have to suffer the same fate because ron cooks for her (of course he does), so she's like tf no you're coming over to mine to eat. and of course that very night, harry has also come over for dinner (following all sanitisation protocols) & next thing u know harry's offering draco a room at grimmauld so that at the very least he can eat homemade food when he gets back from mungo's (in my headcanon neither are actually ~pining~ after each other? but there's potential 👀) anyway at first draco resists but really that's only for show & eventually he's like alright yes i would like that
slowly something starts ~kindling~ between harry & draco, domestic fluff ensues, but that's just from what we can see, our beloved idiots themselves remain oblivious. but then! draco gets infected and has to quarantine in his room at grimmauld for like a month. harry doesn't get the virus because god knows draco is fastidious as fuck about not touching anything & not meeting harry until he's washed & bathed. anyway, so harry doesn't see draco the entire time he's sick because obviously he can't enter his room unless he wants to get infected, so he has to stay away from the whole floor draco's on. it's only the absence of draco that makes harry realise how much he actually likes having draco in his space & then it's really not a long jump to him realising his feelings for draco
dramatic reunion happens after draco has finally tested negative, ron & hermione cash in their bets, the end
(also this entire thing may or may not have been a genius machination of one hermione granger)
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hephaestiions · 3 years
hey, i love your works, what other fandoms are you a part of? do you only write for drarry?
thank you anon, i’m glad my works have brought you joy <3 
if you mean if i engage and interact with any fandom other than the hp, specifically drarry fandom, then i would say... no? the experience here is very special to me and in a way the the vastness of it feels very protective. i’ve had awful fandom experiences before and i prefer to stay out of certain circles. 
but engaging in fandom and hardcore shipping are two entirely different things. i read all for the game and the raven cycle a little before and during quarantine, and (k)andreil/pynch successfully broke into my ‘only drarry’ bubble and stubbornly refused to move. i have fics planned for both those pairings that i haven’t had the time or the security to write but i hope to, once the looming fest deadlines and exam season pass. i started a kandreil fic sometime last year and as my only wip that i haven’t updated in months, it haunts me every day. i dug myself a deep hole by starting something with only a vague idea and no alpha reader. i even have a sideblog for them: @andrewminyyard which i started hoping to write ficlets/headcanons but is at the moment just me fangirling over fan creations in the tags. if anyone wants to scream about those books with me, please dm.
for a brief moment in time, before endgame, i started writing for marvel. i only got to writing a small mcd stucky fic and an ironspider/starker cmbyn au before endgame came out and put me off the mcu for however long it’s been. i’m gradually warming up to it again and planning to just ignore the nightmare that was/is the post-civil war era. i have a lot of aus, mainly historical fiction ones planned for many marvel pairings which i hope to someday write without drifting off, thinking about the rampant character assassination that happened in infinity war/endgame. 
i don’t watch many films or shows but i’ve read a lot of books that have a large fandom on tumblr/twitter but i prefer to not engage. i reblog beautiful edits and deep meta posts about them to my hundreds of sideblogs all the time, but actively interacting isn’t really for me. 
my answer to your latter question seems to therefore be, as of now, largely yes if you ignore the occasional dabble in flintwood and theo/blaise and starker and kandreil but i hope to expand when i have more time. thank you for the ask, it means a lot that you care to know <3 
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brokentoasterrr · 5 years
whoop i’ve gotten my shit together (aka i sat awake at 4 am, looking for all fics i’ve ever written) and here’s a masterlist of !! literally everything i could find !! hit me up if the links doesn’t work or something and i’ll fix it!
group chat 1 misc/humour
I Enjoy! misc/humour
innocent innuendo 4 fluff
group chat 2 misc/humour
prompt 13, misc misc/humour
the prank angst
angry kiss prompt angst
kiss against a wall prompt fluff/misc
missing cat misc/humour
angst prompt 71 angst, obviously
prompt list 1 angst
comforting kiss angst, hurt/comfort
first date fluff
at an amusment park fluff 
prompt 19  fluff/misc
sirius sitting in remus’ lap headcanon/fluff
sick sirius headcanon/fluff
sick sirius follow-up headcanon/angst
remus is hungry misc/fluff
drunk kiss angst
when have you ever known me to die? angst
bad brain days fluff
wedding ring fluff
tall remus headcanon/fluff
sirius set the sofa on fire misc/humour (also one of the first fics i ever posted on tumblr)
don’t forget about me poetic angst (?)
can’t help falling in love headcanon/fluff
have you always been this beautiful? fluff
remus with a moustache i genuinely don’t know. misc?
nervous/prompt 43 light angst
kids with guns angst
this place is a prison angst
five fucking years angst
first transformation angst
hold my hand humour
don’t touch me angst
Goodbyes angst
quarantine cake fluff
drarry snogging in a hallway fluff/misc
angst prompt 4 angst
marlene's death angst
angst prompt 13 angst
general marauders:
plot twist it’s McG misc/humour
marauders headcanons headcanon/humour
famous muggles misc/humour
remus doesn't get bitten angst/fluff
james and lily potter, 1960-1981 angst
regulus and narcissa, first war angst
breathless 1 misc/angst
breathless 2 misc/angst
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mfingenius · 5 years
Adopting a pet
Amour Eternel
An Afternoon at the Weasley-Granger household
Angel/Demon AU [0.1]
Asexual Draco Headcanons
AU List: Demigod AU
Auror Harry gets in an accident
Auror Partners
Barista Draco
Basketball Captain Harry [2] [3]
Beauxbatons Draco
Bookstore AU [2]
Both are Animagi
Brewing Amortentia
Celebrity Harry
Childhood Friends [2] [3]
College AU
Coworkers scared of Draco
Cuddling sessions [2]
Cuddling, storm outside
Dancing, explaining why not recognize 
De-aged Draco [2] [3]
De-aged Harry
Doe Patronus [2]
Drabble List: [1] [31] [48] [71] 
Draco in Yoga Pants
Draco is hurt but pretending he’s not
Draco is tortured by Death Eaters
Draco lost a leg below the knee
Draco might not be a Weasley by blood but he’s family
Draco stealing Harry’s clothes  
Draco stealing Harry’s glasses
Draco’s Oh shit Moment
Dursley’s Headcanons
Eighth year, Draco Hurt
Eighth year, Draco stealing Harry’s clothes
Eighth Year, Jealous Harry
Fake Dating AU
Fifth year Draco crush on Harry [2] [3]
Fifth year, secret relationship
Finding out about the Dursleys
First day after wedding
First Fight
First time on a Plane
Flirty Drunk Draco
Fourth Year, Fleur and Draco get along
Friends/Enemies with benefits
Greek God Harry
Hanahaki Disease
Harry can’t stop staring at Draco
Harry comes out to Ron
Harry comforts Draco after Lucius’s death
Harry cuts Draco’s hair
Harry forgets about their date
Harry Makes the Unbreakable Vow [2]
Harry Potter and the Return of Harry’s stalking tendencies
Harry remembers everyone who died
Harry shoots Draco
Healer Draco adopted kids
Hearing Draco’s real laugh for the first time
Height Difference
Hospital AU [0.1]
How Potter became Harry because of a Seeker’s game
How Seamus Finnigan began a relationship and Blaise Zabini ended it
If you were mine, you wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week
Insecure!Draco, Loving!Harry
Insecure Veela Draco
Jealous!Harry Headcanons
Leaked sex tape
Lifeguard Draco, Demigod AU
Lucius is Draco’s Boggart
Luckiest Baby in the World
Mafia AU
Master of Death, Master of fate
Meeting after having lost contact
Meeting after the war headcanons
Meeting Harry’s Parents + High School AU
Meeting the Weasleys
Miscommunication / Misunderstandings
Muggle Music
Night routine
Oblivious nerd Draco, Jock Harry: [2] [3] [4] [5]
Pirate AU
Post Break-up AU:  [0.1]
Pregnant Draco [2]
Pregnant Draco + Raising Teddy
Pregnant Draco in delivery
Pregnant Luna
Professor Harry 
Raising a Kid together
Red Strings
Rejected Veela
Royal Harry, Servant Draco [2]
Saviour of the Wizarding world
Sharing Dorm Rooms [2]
Sick Harry
Sirius as Draco’s Dad [2] [3] [4]
Soft Draco, Jock Harry
Soulmate AU, Angst
Soulmate AU, No Voldemort AU
Soulmate AU, Royal AU
Soulmate Bond
Soulmate mark AU [2] [3]
Special Dates: Christmas: [2019] / Draco’s Birthday: [2019] [2020] / Harry’s Birthday: [2019] [2020] / Mother’s day: [2019] / Valentine’s Day: [2019]
Spy Draco hurt
Spy Harry [2] [3]
Stood up
Stripper AU [2]
Sweetheart Draco [2]
Taking in a Stray
Teachers Drarry
Teenager Draco
The accio Miracle
Ticklish Draco
Tiktok challenge
Touch starved Draco
Trans Draco
Traumatized Draco, supporting Harry
Trope List: Fake Dating: [10], Enemies to Lovers: [5] [9]
Trope Mashup List: Fairytale AU + First Kiss / Historical AU + Poorly Timed Confessions / Modern AU + Fake Dating: [2] [3] / Roommate AU + Innocent Physical Contact / Royal AU + Secret Relationship 
Tummy aches
Turned into a ferret
Veela!Draco headcanons: [2] [3] [4]
What happens in the Potions closet stays in the Potions closet
Winter Prompts: [1] [40] [68] [78] [100]
Auguste finds out about the Regent 
Auguste walks in on them
Auguste walks in on them at school
Casually Sleeping Together
Courtier makes sexual comment about Laurent [2]
Courting Traditions
Damen courts Laurent, Auguste freaking out
Damen gets Laurent a dog
Damen the human pillow
Drunk Laurent confesses Feelings
Drunk Laurent thinking of the Regent [2] [3]
Heir problem
High School + Royalty
Injured Laurent
Jealous Laurent
King’s Rising AU, Laurent doesn’t know who Damen is
Laurent thinks Damen is cheating on him
Leaked sex tape [Laurent’s POV]
Long distance
Post King’s Rising Fluff, Damen Injured
Reverse Bang 2019: [Memory] [Vask]
Roadtrip AU [2]
Role Reversal, Slave Laurent [2]
Roommate AU
Showing affection
Sleeping through the night
Soulmate AU
Special dates: Christmas [2019]
Talking about the Regent
Teenager Laurent and his massive crush on Damen [2]
The Talk
Sherlock Can’t sleep
Red, white, and Royal Blue
Alex holds Henry
Hair Dye
Second Chances
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uh-drarry · 4 years
Would y’all want a headcanon post thing about how Drarry tell Wolfstar about Harry’s feelings in quarantine (basically a contuation of the last post) or a social media post next? Or something else?
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