#dp × mlb
alittledoseofchaos · 1 year
Idea that has been bugging me:
Sooooo..... I've really gotten into dp × DC stuff recently, as well as dp in general, and i now have a mlb × dp crossover idea that WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! It's so annoying.
Anyways, the idea is that after some accident with the miraculous or something, Marinette becomes immortal and magical. And at some point Marinette meets Danny and they get along like a house on fire. So Marinette accidentally becomes a representation of life and Danny is a representation of death, and their the best of friends.
But instead of continuing their hero gigs, they open an interdimensional safe space for anyone who needs it. My initial thought was that it'd be a coffee shop, but then I was like 'they could be so much more though'. That gave me the idea that it's a multipurpose building! So there is a reading corner, a place to buy clothes (or place orders for specific designs), and it just continues to go on. You need car help? They got you, go enjoy some of the places coffee and pastries. I think it'd be funny if it was called something like 'The Oasis' but there are probably better names.
Then the idea of teenage superheros from different universes finding the Oasis just amused me so much that I couldn't help but wonder what Marinette and Danny would do around adult heros. I've decided that they'll help them, but their also trolling with them the entire time.
Like, Marinette and Danny have convinced half the Justice League that their Bruce's long-lost children. They casually mention things that have Constantine wondering why two children know so much about the death realm.
Also, whenever the Oasis is in the Marvel universe, they'll change their appearance a little bit and introduce themselves with a different name each time. This combined with the Oasis' tendency to never show up in the same exact place twice, leads to the Avengers arguing about who runs the establishment and where it is in New York. (At one point Quicksilver swears he saw the Oasis in a different country during a mission.) SHIELD eventually figures out the Oasis and decides to just let them do whatever cause as two beings that represent life and death, they could be doing so much worse.
Then more ideas came because of course they did. Like the Oasis ending up in a more viking like dimension, and the Oasis just shape-shifts into a tavern like building. Marinette is panicking because 'what is the Oasis is becoming sentien?' And Danny is just like 'yeah, that tracks'
Now, I'm not a big fan of the love square, so i view Adrien as more of a friend, but I'm just imagining Adrien sometimes working there part time or Ellie/Dani. The chaos. Imagine those two having to run the building for a day, it'd be hilarious.
And I'm picturing this with Danny still doing Ghost King stuff and occasional Phantom things. As well as Marinette doing Guardian stuff for whatever miraculous or miraculous problems that remain. Just imagine someone trying to find one or the other, and their just hanging out, running a coffee/book/clothing/repair shop.
But yeah, there is that very long idea for a primarily dp × mlb crossover. Sorry it's so long, but I genuinely can't remember how to add keep reading things at thw moment.
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dyinggirldied · 16 days
Justice League builds a compartment specialized for helping teenager and young adult superheroes in and out of states.
Currently, they have two worrisome calls. One from a small town called Amity Park and the other is located in Paris.
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ggomos-maribat · 1 year
damn im full of ideas today
dp x dc x mlb prompt
Ladybug and Phantom start a podcast where they just shit on the justice league for abandoning/ignoring Amity and Paris during their times of distress
And when the JL finally discovers the podcast they
(thanks max and tucker)
So the podcast continues with Danny and Mari recounting their horrible experiences but in like an unserious way like "yea almost the entire population of paris drowned in an akuma-caused flood but its all good lol" "o yeah i forgot the whole town disappeared for a while too. Good times."
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I wanna put these kids in situations
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starwrighter · 9 months
Dude, get a restraining order
(Prompt) (Ao3 link)
(The results from the poll have arrived!! You have chosen unintentional Yandere Damian! )
Danny had a feeling the next several months were going to suck. Out of everyone in his school, he'd been the one picked for the whole "Transfer student," nonsense. With his reputation, you'd think he'd be the last person you'd want to show off out of state.
Regardless, Danny was chosen, and now he was on a plane headed to New Jersey Gotham. "The City of Crime" sounds like a blast and a half. All the rouges and criminals that wouldn't be his problem to deal with. It seemed like heaven in theory, but Danny knew with his luck he'd be getting mugged left, right, and center.
Pressing his face against the window, Danny allowed his mind to wander. To the portal, the friends who wouldn't be here to support him, to the ghosts who didn't want to kill him. Dani and Val were going to pick up the slack back home but that wouldn't help with the rumors no doubt going around about Phantom's disappearance. He could only hope he still had a secret identity when he got home.
Maybe if he did crime against the local vigilantes he'd get sent home early...
No, the rouges and local criminals did that on a daily basis they wouldn't crack from a little trolling. Or maybe they would? Then again, Red Hood used guns and the current Robin ran around with a real ass god-damn sword so trolling was a bad idea.
In all honesty, Robin was intimidating even with the little information he had about him. All he had were blurry, articles from various news outlets and attempted interviews with some ridiculously persistent reporter. Robin sounded more cryptic than he was! The entire concept of a teenager his age manifesting out of the shadows and chasing him with a katana would forever be his biggest concern during his stay in Gotham.
When the plane touched down Danny was left in a busy airport terminal. Vague instructions from his teachers and chatter from the employees trying to get him out onto the street as soon as possible were all he had to go off right now. Also, a brochure that he was 90% sure was all bullshit.
Gotham's air felt closer to smoke than it was anything breathable. Burning his nostrils, a scent of gas and cigarette smoke pretty much engulfed the city. It was so bad the second he took a breath, his core jolted, snapping into gear, not allowing anything to enter his lungs before it filtered. He'd never been so glad about dying until now, and never had he ever been as impressed in a population as he was now.
Danny had only been here for ten minutes or so but he'd already come to the conclusion that Gothamites were as metal as amity parkers. Wandering through the city, Danny tried to keep his face neutral. Not a smile or the slightest tell that he wasn't from here. He'd rather not get mugged before he reached his apartment. Though, maybe a fatal injury would get him sent home early.
Looking down at the map on his phone, Danny drew closer to the apartment building he'd been assigned to stay at. Supposedly, it was closer to the rich kid school he'd be temporarily attending. Why they decided it was okay for a teenager to live by himself in Gotham was a complete and total mystery. He could only hope he wouldn't die a second time during his stay.
Getting the key from the front desk was a much easier process than he'd thought It'd be. But it could never be quick enough. His suitcases were heavy!! And he was so very very tired. When he got into his apartment he tossed his suitcases onto the floor, inspecting the place he'd be staying for the next few months. It pretty good setup, a bathroom with a combined bath and shower, a tiny kitchen for cooking, and a small bedroom with a twin XL mattress. Grey sheets that Danny didn't quite trust were clean. Danny barely had the time to settle in before he was pelted with schedules, school rules, and uniform requirements.
His uniform as supplied by the school was a navy blue blazer with the school label embroidered on the pocket. A tie striped black and blue tucked into a stuffy-looking dress shirt. Overall it felt more like he was dressing up for one of Vlad's stupid Gala's than it did school.
He wasn't given any time to unpack, not a second to relax or get used to his surroundings. Nope! He was expected to pack up his school supplies and head to school right away! Seriously, not a minute before the front office was asking where he was, as if offended he didn't teleport to school the moment he touched down.
The school itself was intimidating. Twice the size of Casper High, it looked like a private school. It also looked like a school where he'd face severe bullying. Just from looking at the entrance, he could tell this building had proper equipment down to the most obscure of clubs. Kids rushed past him some looking panicked as a school bell rang while others just seemed annoyed.
He strolled leisurely through the school hall on the way to the office. There was no rush, he didn't even want to be here. What were they going to do? Send him home? Oh no, what a tragedy! Snickering under his breath, Danny scrolled through the avalanche of texts Vlad was sending him. All of them pertaining the same message of "Get your ass to school you're making me look bad!" It almost convinced him to skip but the pissed-off edge to the office lady's voice in their last phone call was enough to goad him into creeping into the office.
A face of thinly veiled annoyance rested on the desk lady's face. He could barely get a word out before a school map and schedule were shoved into his hands. A bare-bones explanation of the school rules was given along with his school ID before he was all but shouted at to get to class.
You'd think there'd be an adjusting period where they'd walk him through everything and let him get settled in at his own pace, but nope! This is Gotham! Apparently, that's not how they roll with transfer students. It's like they wanted him back in amity as much as he did.
He wasn't sure if he liked that or not...
(I don't know who want's to be tagged for this one)
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oldfangirl81 · 4 months
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"Am I getting abducted!?!"
"Is this a threat?! I have no plans to leave the country anytime soon."
"Maybe it will be a good thing. A surprise vacation?"
"I think being abducted is more likely."
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ew-selfish-art · 10 months
Dp x Dc x ML AU: Sam changes her major to Fashion to piss off her mother, and hey, she’s good at altering pink shit into gothic gowns. Her new TA Marinette isn’t what she appears and... Marinette’s boyfriend looks just like Danny? 
Sam, Danny, Tucker are all roomies as they attend Gotham U (well, Danny’s taking online classes- Ghost king duties are a bitch) and it’s time for Sam to change her major.
Sam started off in Plant Bio and that was great and she loved it until (A) She realized that to do real science she couldn’t rely on her connection to the Green and that it would skew her work and that (B) Pamela was fucking loving it. Pamela was doing the polite society equivalent of screaming from the rooftops about how smart Sam was to be a STEM major at GU and it made Sam feel gross about it. So… She switches to Fashion Design.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a PhD student working on a new specialized fabric (It’s for hero costumes not that anyone knows it yet), and is Sam’s TA for the semester. 
After her first class, She and Mari and her kind of hit it off, like, incredibly well. Mari explains that she knows the style Sam is going after because of her love for Jagged Stone and then they bond over Humpty Dumpty. 
Eventually they’ll bond over video games (Sam admits she sucks at UMS3 but would gladly kick her ass in Doomed). They start meeting in Mari’s office hours (which no one else goes to except for in cram weeks) and getting coffee.
Then one Damian Wayne appears and -BOOM Twin AU- Why the fuck does he look just like Danny? 
Anywho: It’s been on my mind for a bit and I’ve started to write it. So uh, you can read it here if you’d like. 
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DC x DP Prompt
In the Danny Phantom Universe, the DCU is an MMORPG referred to as the DCGU and Miraculous Ladybug is a drama series for kids.
In the DCU, Miraculous Ladybug and Danny Phantom are beloved animated TV series.
In the MLBU, The DCU are comics, Danny Phantom is a console game, etc...
Basically what I'm trying to say is that all of these universes exist in the same universal bubble but can/do not directly interact with each other. But they are aware of each other on some level thus the games and TV shows.
But imagine if someone (or everyone) did something a bit ( really fucking) stupid and all of these universes combine into one.
I'm imaging that things would get chaotic very quickly.
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cjsmalley · 5 months
Wished Away 8:
“Mom, Dad, help,” Dean said, holding a baby out.
A whirlwind of activity followed.
“He is Nephilim,” Castiel declared, having inspected the boy, “though I cannot tell his true parentage. It is being…hidden from me.”
The pediatricians took over as soon as the angel stepped back.
“Nephilim,” Danny said slowly, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, “isn’t that half-angel or something?”
“Precisely,” Castiel said just as slowly, measuring his words like they were his last rations, “They are…it is Forbidden for angels to lay with mortals. The creation of Nephilim is even more taboo as the first, the original, were monsters more often than not. It is an intentional act, to create Nephilim; the angelic parent must give a portion of their own Grace to the child during conception.”
“So they purposely knocked someone up then ding-dong ditched the kid,” Dean growled.
“Perhaps they heard that we are romantically involved, Dean,” Castiel offered, “and hoped we would take in the child as our own.”
“Well, of course we are,” Dean huffed, rolling his eyes at his angel who shook his head fondly, “I’ve already picked out a name too. A good human name.”
“Jack, after Grandpa Jack. Unless, you have a name?”
“Perhaps…James, after James Novak?”
“Hmm…Jack James…James Jack…JJ…no, definitely Jack James. I like it, Cas.”
“Well, little Jack is healthy as far as we can tell,” Doctor Peterson joined the little huddle, “every scan we can perform came up normal, perfectly within range for his age group.”
Both Dean and Castiel visibly relaxed.
“We’ll get you set up,” Sam promised her son and might-as-well-be son-in-law.
A servant brought David’s old wrap and Sam showed Dean and Castiel how to wind it around their bodies to carry little Jack close to their hearts.
“Does the heart even beat?” Danny asked Castiel with interest, referring to his Vessel.
“Yes, I have kept all systems functioning as intended,” Castiel confirmed.
“Good. Because babies this young are used to heartbeats,” Danny explained as Sam worked with Dean, “they just spent nine months with their mom’s in their ears.”
“I see,” Castiel nodded, “well, Dean has assured me that I have a perfectly human sounding heartbeat.”
“What’s the likelihood that his mom was the human?” Danny asked next.
“Oh, quite likely…angels with female vessels most often shutdown the reproductive system. It would also be quite hard to hide the evidence of the gestating Nephilim. His mother likely died in childbirth; her body finally unable to handle his Angelic self.”
Danny winced; that would be a horrid way to die and he fried like a French fry.
Within hours, little Jack was all ready to go home.
Over the next few days, a room in the Bunker became a nursery and supplies loaded in.
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fanbliss · 8 months
So Marinette moves to Gotham for ( insert reason) and a few weeks later finds a kid with blue eyes and black hair in her studio/ apartment sitting on the counter with a half empty cookie jar and a cookie in his mouth looks like a deer cought in headlights one night, the night that she was finally sent to sleep by Tikki because she's been awake for four days and just walks over to the kid and puts him on her lap and falls asleep on the couch.
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dyinggirldied · 2 months
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a fun thing based on my short post (https://www.tumblr.com/dyinggirldied/747143420904161280/undereage-superheroes-on-the-rise-a-morally-and?source=share)
it's a single newspaper page based on what i imagined it would be. presumedly, there are more info after that but the first page will be something like this.
poor danny will be dragged in as an example of what underage vigilante can do to you (cough* dead *cough), almost a propaganda until danny himself comes forwards. but yeah, his 'death' will be used to promote against both underage superheroes and vigilante.
poor peter also but tom holland's scene of him walking while his classmates surrounding and recording him was so memorable so i also put him here though you might notice his coming out is left vague. because canva literally hates me and the text was a jumble mess every time i type and because there isn't much space.
the only ones who gets away relatively are ladybug and chat noir. but you might notice the tidbit with the reddit post which is based on The Growing Pains of Child Soldiers and if you know, you know. marinette is NOT having a good time.
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ggomos-maribat · 2 months
ughhhh too many ideas in my head
Marinette settling in Gotham as a designer's assistant who gets her therapy from Jazz, and Jazz knows her hero ID. One day while walking through the streets, Mari sees her therapist and the Red Hood locked in an argument so she assumes Jazz is being harassed/hurt/threatened by the crime lord then suddenly attacks him with her purse screaming.
Jazz finally breaks them apart ("ow! why does this little girl hit so hard?!" yes, Marinette went feral) and then introduces Red Hood as another of her patients
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sentient-stove · 8 months
Two heroes, that was fun. Maybe he should've paid more attention to foreign heroes in the future, make a spreadsheet or something to keep track of them. Nah, he wouldn't do that, didn't have the time.
The newer hero crouched down, chin his hands as he stared at Danny, a slow grin spreading across his face.
"I have four of your action figures." He said in perfect English and Danny blinked at him, tilting his head to one side when his core hummed, pleased by the idea of being known by another hero.
"I have merch?" And he wasn't seeing profit from it? Now that was kind of annoying. Vlad was probably behind it.
"Bootlegs." The hero said as explanation and yeah, if there were bootlegs out of Danny, then Vlad was totally behind that. That piece of billionaire scum didn't know the definition of legality unless it benefited him.
"I'm Chat Noir, behind me is my lady, heroine and savior of Paris half a hundred times over- Ladybug."
"Phantom. Trying to protect like, half a block compared to this, and a whole dimension but like, schematics." Danny said in response. "I'm sorry I don't speak French."
"Not dead enough of a language for you?" Chat Noir cracked and Danny laughed, it spiking closer to a ghostly wail that had Ladybug looking nervous.
"Nah, but I could probably pay more attention in class. You her translator?"
"She could probably pay more attention in class too. We usually gotta run out cause well," the hero waved his hand at the city around them. "Paris needs heroes during school hours too."
God, could Danny relate to that.
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soulless-bex · 2 months
“mlb/dp x batman crossovers don’t make sense”
im sorry, in what world does bruce wanting to help the overworked adoption-bait teen hero with the weight of the world on their shoulders not make sense?
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oldfangirl81 · 6 months
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Someone placed this in the Justice League bathrooms. Security is wiped from the brief moment it was placed there.
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