#do you guys know how much i restrain myself on here.
martyrbat · 2 years
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ghosts - batman confidential #40
[ID: Bruce Wayne kneeling on a building ledge in his Batman costume. He's clenching his cowl. He has his head hung and his face is slightly flushed from sweat. His hair is dangling in front of his face as he has his eyes closed in thought. END ID]
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velvetjune · 2 months
judging people who played alan wake 2 solely on if they loved the musical sequence or not
#alan wake 2#im joking around but also not#such a unique gaming experience that was incorporated w so much love and care#ive seen confusion here and there on why there’s even the musical chapter in-story#mostly when they performed at the game awards lol#but imo it was a great way for Mr Door to work together with the Old Gods and their mode of storytelling/communication (rock and roll!)#to try to tell Alan what’s happening to him to help him rise from the spiral#and of course there’s everything with how much Alan often restrains himself based on rules he imposed on himself#the dark place has its own power and rules with artists work but this was one way of#Alan essentially going ‘I know what’s happening here. I know the rules and I HAVE to do all this to save myself and my loved ones’#to which Mr Door/Old Gods go ‘you absolutely do not [throws Alan in musical]’#something something about how it helped put him in the mindset he was at the end of the game#to realize he could work w saga and not sacrifice Logan or Casey. that he’s not in a hopeless loop of destruction#but in a spiral with hopes of ascension and change#(basing this off the initial ending — haven’t finished the Final Draft)#alan wake#I don’t know if im making sense but that was my interpretation#my other explanation for the musical is that it’s there because it’s fucking awesome and creative#reminds me of the starkid ‘guy who didn’t like musicals’ with the confusion of the main character#(although hilariously it seems like Alan is proud of the musical even if he lives in a state of ‘wtf is happening’)#before my essays in the tags end want to say that the dark ocean summoning also deserves this love and I found it equally fun to ‘We Sing’
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luveline · 10 months
Derek and shy!reader maybe? Meeting the team for the first time and none of them are expecting Derek's partner to be standing half-hidden behind him, shyly waving at them instead of saying anything
thank you for ur request! fem!reader
"So what's the deal?" Emily asks Penelope, licking the stem of her paper umbrella dry before dropping it onto a napkin. "He's suddenly going steady?" 
"Can you call five months sudden?" Rossi asks. 
Hotch nudges him. 
"What?" Rossi asks. "Can you? Five months is a long time." 
"And that's why you had to send Christmas cards to three different divorce lawyers this year," Emily says. 
Emily has a penchant for saying the occasional brazen comment, but JJ confiscates her friend's margarita anyways, before the booze loosens her lips and she says something worse. It's a small jet. 
"It's not like Morgan," Spencer agrees, standing at Rossi's other side, looking less out of place than usual. 
"It's totally like him," Penelope says.
Hotch's smile is hard to read, which is a spectacle considering current company. "I agree." 
"Here he is now," Penelope says excitedly, clapping her hands in front of her chest. 
Derek strides into the bar and past its patrons without a care in the world. He looks happy, content, and the team doesn't need to see you to know you're with him. He smiles at his phone at work exactly as he smiles now, with his arm stretched backwards to tether you along. 
You come into view as the crowd thins. You're not what anyone's expecting, certainly not plain but nor are you dressed up. Emily, in her tipsiness, declares that you look adorable, and receives a reproachful look from Hotch in reward. 
"Hey Derek!" JJ calls as soon as he's near enough. 
"Hey, guys. Mama, you remember what we talked about?" Derek asks Penelope. 
She nods sagely. "Restraint. I'm restraining myself. Oh my god you're so cute, I'm Penelope! I'm so happy to meet you." 
"Hi," you say. 
No less than five pairs of eyes fall to your hand as you twist your fingers into Derek's sleeve. He doesn't bat an eye, taking a half step in front of you, a picture of casualness as he introduces you to each of them in turn. 
"It's nice to meet you," Hotch says, seemingly speaking for the whole group. 
You raise your hand and give a stilted wave. Your eyes look sad and stressed at once, but you don't sound either, softly saying, "You too." 
Derek wraps a muscled arm behind your neck, grinning while he meets Penelope's eyes. "What are we drinking tonight?"
Your eyebrows pinch up at the starts. You smile at them all despite your obvious nervousness, and it's enough for each of them to reach the same conclusion simultaneously. You're shy, but you're good. A broad sweep yet easy to make. It's obvious how much you care for Derek if you'd been willing to meet them like this when you clearly don't feel comfortable.
Luckily for you, Penelope is excellent as making people feel welcome. "We're drinking Y/N's choice. What do you like? Sugar shots? Mojitos?" 
Your lips part, unprepared for a direct question so soon. 
Derek turns his head to yours, giving you what Emily deems the most ridiculous puppy dog eyed smile anyone has ever given, and what Rossi knows is a ring waiting to happen. He should know. 
"Let's go figure it out. Another round, from me?" he offers. 
He's quick to steer you away, but not too quick to miss Rossi's, "Something strong if you want us old timers to stay!" 
They wait for you to be safely out of earshot before they condense, bad gossips and worse actors off the job. "Who would've thought?" Emily asks. 
"She's not what I was expecting," JJ says. 
"Are we that intimidating?" Rossi asks, raising his eyebrows. The answer being yes, of course, though none of them are aware of just how scary they can be. You'd felt like you were standing in front of a pack of wolves. 
"She seemed nice," Spencer says. Trust him to say something sweet. Trust the rest of Derek's friends to agree, the group nodding and humming at various pitches.
"She seemed silent," Emily jokes. 
Penelope crosses her fingers and closes her eyes, earrings swinging against the blond tresses of her curled hair as she drops her head. "God, my muffin deserves nice. Please let this work out, she looks so sweet. I just wanna pinch her cheeks." 
"It's gonna work out," Hotch says surely. 
If Derek could hear him, he'd agree on the spot, but he's too busy praising you halfway across the room for such a stellar introduction. 
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verysium · 6 months
some thought on us/reader/yn (i don’t know how to address it lol 😭) and seeing ex-boyfriend, who preferably myb cheated and now is dump struck how we got a new boyfriend/it’s been some time since last seeing ex)
um.....i'm assuming the bllk boys are the new boyfriend for this. hopefully, that's what you meant, but here you go anon:
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kaiser absolutely thrives off this situation. this is the perfect chance to stroke his ego, so he's going to take full advantage of it. definitely notices your ex before you do and tugs you closer, arm wrapped around your waist, nose buried in your hair. obviously, you can't see his facial expression, but you can tell by the way he's smirking that he's definitely up to no good. when your ex finally realizes that your new boyfriend is THE michael kaiser, he's like... 😏 that's right bitch. keep ogling. y/n's doing so much better without you. even better if your ex is actually a fan of kaiser. his sadistic ass will not let that go. you want my autograph or something? oh wait...sorry i don't give out autographs to losers. deliberately sets out on a mission to make your ex's day an absolute hell, and he's smug about it too. once your ex is gone, he looks back and asks...so did i do good? no, you don't need to thank me. i'm already thanking myself. (he's so stupid....i love him.)
sae's reaction is encapsulated in one word. side-eye. he won't actually say anything, but the judgmental aura leeching off him is already enough to send your ex running in the opposite direction. i don't even think your interaction is going to last more than one minute because sae is just so intimidating. the entirety of japan already knows who he is, and compared to him, your ex is an absolute nobody. poor guy will probably never recover especially after seeing you and sae on the front of every tabloid, magazine, and news channel. his ego is broken, masculinity in ruins, reputation in tatters. and honestly.....serves him right.
rin holds an even stronger grudge than you do. he never lets any personal slight go without consequence. probably still holding every single mistake your ex has made in the past five years over his head. what did you even see in him? he's a lukewarm piece of shit. again....like sae, i don't think you would even need to say anything because rin's death glare already says enough.
shidou needs a restraining order because i don't think your ex is going to make it out alive. probably goes straight for the throat too. he genuinely enjoys seeing other people in pain whether physically or emotionally. will probably make out with you right in front of your ex just to fuck with his mind a little bit. hand placement is key. he places one hand behind your head and the other one grasps your ass. uses a lot of tongue. leaves you winded with starry eyes and swollen lips before he maniacally grins at your ex. he definitely enjoyed that a little too much.
barou has a quiet but menacing aura. he's very tall, so i think he would likely tower over your ex. and uh...have you seen his physique? he would probably cross his arms, and his biceps would bulge, and he would whisper in the lowest, most chilling tone: you got a fucking problem? and that's about all it takes because your ex may be a wimp but at least he has enough self-preservation to know you don't mess with someone like barou. probably kisses you on the forehead after that and his voice softens just tad...you okay, baby? (dfhkjsdhf i just blushed)
nagi wouldn't really care. nothing fazes him, especially not your ex because he's in the past now and that makes him irrelevant. but he definitely does not back down from subtly throwing some insults. oh...him? he's just y/n's ex. a weak guy not worth the hassle. don't bother. if your ex is stupid enough to actually confront him though....he's not going to hold back. shut up. you sure bark a lot for someone with no bite. pet store's two blocks away. maybe you should check out a new collar. lmao nagi can be painfully rude when he wants to be.
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willowrites · 1 month
Helloooo i love your colby stuff!!! could i get a colby x femreader where the two are friends, they both like each other but haven’t confessed and they’re at a party and y/n gets drunk not like crazy drunk but drunk enough where colby ends up carrying the reader to bed in the end and it’s just a lot of flirting and fluff??? please and thank you!!! <3
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PAIRINGS. colby brock x fem reader
SUMMARY. liquid courage had always been something interesting for y/n…
WARNINGS. nothing really just one kiss under the influence but nothing bad and fluff
AUTHORS NOTE. thank you sm for this request i really enjoyed making it i was getting giddy just writing it! i wasn’t sure if you wanted either of them to confess so i wrote a little bit of that… hope you enjoy it! 💝
y/n/n: your nickname
y/l/n: your last name
WORD COUNT. 1.6k +
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you and colby were sat beside each other in the warm bubbly jacuzzi along with both your guys friends as they were chatting and laughing.
you had one too many drinks but no one had seemed to realize that yet… no one besides your best friend colby.
there were signs. like how you’d doze off but giggle to yourself way too much. how you’d take a sip of your drink but then stop yourself as if to tell yourself to stop but take the drink anyway. how you’d talk to yourself about what your friends were discussing.
things you normally wouldn’t do on sober days.
“what about you colby?” sam asked. no answer.
colby didn’t answer because he was busy admiring how your face was illuminated by the jacuzzi lights. how your naturally red lips were so kissable. how your lashes were so naturally long and complimented your gorgeous eyes.
“colby?” jake this time spoke up.
“helloo earth to colby!” sam snapped which finally got him out of his trance. “you alright dude?”
“oh um yeah i’m fine i was just thinking i should probably go and put y/n to bed. she’s really out of it and i won’t hear the end of it tomorrow if i don’t.” he scratched the back of his neck.
“didn’t she drive here?” jake questioned.
“fuck …you’re right. i’ll just put her in one of the guest bedrooms. it’ll be fine.” colby concluded.
you were still babbling to yourself about god knows what until colby took the red cup out of your hand.
“heyyyy” you whined. “not fair! i wasn’t finished.” you pouted.
“come on, time for bed.” he took your hand to guide you out of the jacuzzi.
“i don’t want to go yet! i’m having fun! aren’t we having fun guys? tara? we’re having fun!” you pointed to your best friend.
“yeah we are.” she frowned.
“tara you both are out of your mind. just calm down you’ll see each other tomorrow.” jake said.
“noooo y/n come back! don’t let that terrible man take you away from me.” she tried to get up but jake restrained her.
“jeez tara, how much have you had.” he mentally facepalmed.
“i’m not a terrible man tara.” colby rolled his eyes. “i’ll see you guys in the morning.”
you were stumbling but thankfully colby would catch you taking your waist and holding you steady as you walked.
“always taking care of me, colby brock.” you pointed at him. “you don’t have to! i am a grown woman i can …i can take care of myself!” you mumbled.
“i don’t have to but i want to y/n/n.” you both stepped inside the house. “wait here.” he said while he hurried and got two towels.
“cold.” you blurted shivering. they always have the AC blasting in here.
“come on.” he grabbed your hand.
you loved holding his hand. it was hardly ever an occurrence. usually when you didn’t want to lose him like during parties and festivals. also when he was guiding you places. and when it did happen you liked to imagine it was because he didn’t have to but he wanted to.
“i like when you hold my hand.” you said without thinking but then again, you’re drunk.
“oh yeah?” he laughed. internally his stomach did a leap.
you stayed quite just in your own world as he guided you up the stairs and into one of the guest bedrooms.
“this isn’t your room!” you said as if you were a detective getting to the bottom of a case.
“great observation miss y/l/n.” he grinned.
“i don’t like it here.” you stopped in the doorway then turned around stumbling to find colby’s room.
“what- y/n get back here. this is where you’ll sleep. come on.” he scurried after you.
“i am not sleeping in that room.” you said trying your best to be serious. “you hear me young man.” as he caught up to you, you placed your finger on his chest adding some effect to your demands.
he looked down at your finger and then back at you a smile on his face.
“you are just…” he starts off. “too cute.” he whispered not loud enough for you to hear.
“i’m just what.” you put your hands on your hips. “you mean i am just about ready to go to your room? correct colby i am.” you turned around whipping him with your hair in the process and started toward his room.
as you guys got to the room you headed toward the bathroom where colby tried drying your hair up with the towel as best as possible. he then brought an extra pair of boxers and a big t-shirt for you to borrow.
“i have extra underwear in my bag can you get them for me?” you asked him and he nodded grabbing the bag that you left in his room earlier and seeing the underwear you were talking about.
“bra too?” he asked.
“mmmmmmmmm….” you dragged out dramatically. “nah!” you shrugged your shoulders.
he then handed you your underwear. you grabbed it and immediately pulled down your bathing suit not caring at all because you felt safe with him.
he realized what you were doing and turned around to give you some privacy.
after you were in your underwear you took off your top and put colby’s shirt over.
you looked in the mirror smiling and giving yourself a thumbs up.
“you done now?” colby’s asked.
“mhm.” you yawned. “'m'ready for bed”
he nodded changing himself as well then putting the wet clothes hanging.
you took the liberty of making yourself comfortable on his head buried in the blankets.
“okay, i’ll see you in the morning alright?” colby’s said.
“what? what do you mean?” you asked confused.
“i’m going to go sleep in one of the guest bedrooms.” he replied.
“no no! i need you here. please stay.” you begged.
“you sure you don’t want your own space?” he asked.
“i’m sure.” you told him. he nodded ‘okay’ climbing on the opposite side of you and getting under the covers.
you then cuddled up to him burying your head in his neck. it just felt right.
“you’re so warm.” you whispered in his ear.
he felt butterflies fly around in his tummy. he was giddy. you had never been this close to him before. you’ve gotten drunk at other parties but it was never like this.
“you should go to sleep.” he whispered back not moving an inch.
you moved your head up so that you were facing him inches apart.
“you should go to sleep.” you fired back quietly.
you stared at each other not saying a word. your hand came up to fiddle with his hair.
“you have such nice hair.” you compliment. your hands then went from his hair to his ear, then to his eyebrows, down the bridge of his nose, then to his lips. your thumb lingered on his lips. “and lips.” you whispered.
you couldn’t stop staring at them.
“you’re drunk y/n.” he reminded you so that his feelings couldn’t get hurt.
“not that much anymore.” you said. yeah, you felt a little tipsy but you knew what you were doing. the drink just gave you more courage.
“y/n…” he spoke softly. almost…whimpering in a way.
“how come you’ve never kissed me?” you asked running your thumb back and forth on his bottom lip. "have you thought about kissing me?"
he was silent. his eyes analyzing your face.
“i want to kiss you.” you blurted. your eyes looked down at his lips and then back to his eyes. “wanna kiss you so bad. but …you don’t want that.”
your position didn’t move. you stayed hoping for the slightest bit of a sign you might be wrong.
he made a sound. not like any sound you’d heard. it was more like he tried to take a breath. but was stopped.
your hand came to the nape of his neck playing with his hair. he closed his eyes taking in the moment.
you were enchanted by him. your face had only gotten closer to him.
“can i…” you started. “i just want to…” you tried again.
you shook your head to yourself and just went in for it.
you connect your lips to his, feeling your stomach tumble over, and do a few somersaults.
his lips started to move and jump starting your heart rate. you moved along with him placing your other hand on his chest.
he pushed forward, the kiss getting more aggressive.
his right hand took your left threading his fingers through yours.
he moved forward turning you on your back and holding your left hand with his right beside your head on the mattress stuck in place.
a few more moments pass before he disconnected your lips for air.
nothing was said for a minute. you were just taking in the moment.
he was contemplating whether it actually happened or not.
you both stared at each other until you cracked a smile.
“finally.” you giggled. “you have no idea how much i have been fantasizing about this.”
“i most likely have been imagining it as much as you, maybe even more.” he pecked your lips.
you laughed turning him onto his back and spreading kisses all over his face neck and chest.
“come on. let’s go to bed.” he said yawning and pulling your waist toward him. him big spoon, you little spoon.
he buried his head in the back of your neck, this time causing you to sigh in relief and melt into him.
“you’re so warm.” he whispered in your ear.
“shhh.” you shushed him trying to get impossibly closer to him.
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taehyuncult · 5 months
Idk if i’ve been tweaking out lately but imagine punishing jaehyun (or any of the hyung line) with cockwarming. 😔😔😔 love your works btw!!
you’re SO real tho and thank you so much!! makes my heart sparkle <3
18+ stuff under the cut. mdni.
ok but like why would you ever want to punish sweet myungjae though :( he’s the best boy!! if i’m being completely honest i wanted to write abt him with a mommy kink for this ask but i restrained myself..
anyways, i could see a situation where he gets so needy that it literally frustrates you because it’s so hard not to be distracted by him. you could be busy with something and he would be sending you all these filthy messages. he talks big game over text but when you’re in person, he’s all shy and blushy. he would say things like “i need you, you’re so beautiful it drives me crazy.” “need to fuck you so bad it hurts” like my guy calm down!! you’d text him telling him you’ll take care of him as soon as you get home, and he literally just gets worse because you gave him a bit of attention. he keeps sending you messages and if you ignore him it gets EVEN worse. he hits a point where he would send you a video of him. you would have to go to the bathroom because you absolutely do not trust him, and you were right to do so. the video is of him in front of a mirror stroking his pretty cock, moaning all pretty just for you. it was vile, filthy, nasty, and so perfect you couldn’t get the image out of your head.
when you finally get home, you yell out his full name and he doesn’t come to you. instead, you have to find him, and he’s in your shared bed just lying there with this fake look of innocence. “hi baby, have a good day?” he’d say with a smirk as if he didn’t send you messages telling you how desperately he needed you. “sit at my desk.” you ordered him, and he couldn’t even be bratty. he nodded his head and did exactly what you told him as his tough confident act was diminished. you pulled down your bottoms, then immediately straddled his lap, pulling a gasp from his throat at the sight of you bare already. “i’m going to do some work. you’re going to sit here like a good fucking boy and you better not move.” you ordered him as you pulled down his bottoms, freeing his already hard cock. “what?” “you heard me. you’ve been a bad boy and only good boys get to cum.” “n-no! i just needed you! it’s not even that big of a deal!” he’d plead out, making you smirk. “well, then if it’s not that big of a deal then you can wait while i finish something up.” you knew that wasn’t what he meant, but you wanted to mess with him. you slowly sank down on his cock, taking it a bit slow for yourself and to mess with him. “don’t move.” you said as you turned to your computer, working on whatever. he would be an absolute mess. he would throw his head back against the chair in frustration as his cock is already sensitive, and he knows if he does anything he’ll be in so much trouble. let’s just say this serves as a really good lesson to not mess with you when you’re busy. of course though, he doesn’t learn and is already plotting.
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popponn · 9 months
a fool in love. [isagi yoichi x f!reader]
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notes: no listen downbad!yoichi is kind of a walking disaster because this is the kind of guy that goes 'oh making you happy makes me happy' and he is mister egoist who goes a bit unhinged whenever he wants something do you get it. it's kind of doomed in a very cute way. (aka this is a fit of madness pt three. the only thing im willing to examine with seriousness here are isagi yoichi's deep blue eyes.)
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You knew it wasn’t as if it was a bad thing. But, in a way, as happy as Yoichi makes you—you kind of wish he doesn’t turn off half of his brain when it came to you.
So far, the most often times he could do that was when soccer came up. And most of them ended up with longing stare and him turning his head back one last time as if saying 'sorry'. One time, you actually ended up throwing a snot soaked tissue because he felt bad leaving for practice when you were bedridden with a flu. It was adorable, but honestly a bit pathetic, in a cute way.
Though, those moments are indeed cute when you compared them to the others.
“I’m craving something salty and buttery,” you said at 2.34 am and you had to physically restrain him from cooking for you. Doing that to an athlete on his prime while being half asleep taught your backbone that it was a terrible idea. It made cracking noises for a week straight.
“Oh, that shirt is cute,” you once praised the white t-shirt he wore while lounging around with his friends in the living room. Suddenly, it was his favorite shirt. Last month, thankfully, that old, greying thing was replaced by another t-shirt you bought him before it had seven holes in them.
“God, I fucking hate him,” you would mindlessly comment about someone and Yoichi’s mouth went on a field trip. This happened around way too much already. One time happened when you said this half-jokingly after his match and high adrenaline Yoichi thinking someone genuinely did something to you was a sight. Hot, but unsuited for public consumption.
At this point, you really didn’t want to know what the line was for him outside of his soccer. It also didn’t help that it seems like most of his friends—especially Bachira—are a bunch of shit stirrers who supports him.
“You know, it’s sweet and stuffs,” you sighed, one day, deciding that being honest is the best way to go. “But, I really wonder, why you are like that sometimes?”
Yoichi, who walked beside you whilst pushing the shopping basket in one hand, smiled bashfully. “Uh, well—I got… carried away sometimes?”
“Definitely,” you sent him an unamused glance whilst showing him the shopping list written in his phone. “It’s not that I hate every time you do it. I just want to know why.”
Yoichi laughed nervously at that, averting his eyes away from you as he grabbed a pack of butter from his right. It took him sometime to answer, and as he did so Yoichi’s expression turned nostalgic and fond, “Remember when you said that you wouldn’t want me to lose my focus on soccer even if we are together?”
“Ah.” You did remember it. It was a long conversation that was both necessary and heavy back then. At this moment, though, it became just another chapter in your life with Yoichi.
“Well, I kind of swear to myself after that—” Yoichi stopped walking and turned towards you, looking at you through his blue eyes with many promises and softness. It took everything in you to not hide as he continued, “—that I will make you the happiest person on earth even with everything going on. So, yeah?”
And suddenly, you found yourself very lucky. “Oh.”
“And also, uh, I like how it feels when I spoil you and stuffs…? ” Yoichi murmured almost inaudibly, sounding unsure and embarrassed, before quickly laughing it off in the boyish manner you had came to known since long ago. A hand warped itself around yours and Yoichi smiled, a hint of red still coloring his cheeks, “So, uh. You know.”
Like a second nature, you intertwined your fingers along with him and gave him a smile just as shy and gentle in return, ”…seriously? You do it just because it makes you happy? Now, I’m sad.”
“And now you are just teasing me,” Yoichi replied easily. Then, he leaned his head, peering into his phone in your hand, “What else do we have to buy?”
“Hmm…” you hummed, eyes not turning away from him. “I think we got it all.”
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spider-stark · 1 year
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Our Girl
Harry Osborn x Reader // Peter Parker x Reader
Summary - You're forced into attending a gala with Peter and Harry, where your best friends unintentionally plant a tempting idea in your head.
Warnings - none that i know of. just banter with the boys and some pining on all ends.
// masterlist // forever indebted // send me your thoughts //
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“You're late.” 
PETER'S FEET came to a grinding stop in front of you, finding himself ensnared under the weight of your glowering gaze. The pointed remark had been enough to set his senses on fire, the radioactive venom in his veins having labeled you a threat as the fine hairs coating his arms began to stand on end. 
It wasn’t often that Peter found himself on the receiving end of your current tone, rarely ever being the one to tick you off enough to draw out your more menacing side. Until now, actually, he had been fairly certain that the tone had been specially reserved for Harry. 
He recognized it as a threatening sound, a subtle warning to be used whenever the Oscorp heir would speak too freely of his perverted fantasies about you. Although, now that he was thinking about it, he couldn’t remember a time that it had ever worked on Harry, with little having the capability to encourage the young Osborn to restrain himself. 
Peter wondered how Harry managed to maintain his confidence when he was the target of your irritation, especially considering that Peter’s stomach already felt like it was doing cartwheels. 
“Ah, you know how it is,” a nervous chuckle as he inched closer to your side, leaning in close so you could hear him over the loud music playing overhead, “some guy with a gun wanted to try his luck at City National bank. Figured Spider-Man could handle it quicker than the NYPD.” 
You tilted your head, brows rising slightly in agreement. “Still,” you huffed out, averting your gaze to the golden-hued liquid in your glass, “you swore you’d be here. I was starting to think I was gonna have to deal with these pricks all by myself.” 
Peter chuckled, an action that earned him another icy glare. “I’m here now, aren’t I?” His teasing comment didn’t get a reply as you worked to maintain your sour mood with him. “Besides,” he tried again, lightly nudging you with his shoulder, “even if I hadn’t come you still wouldn’t be alone. Harry’s around here somewhere, yeah?” 
You snorted loudly at his question, the ill-mannered sound causing you to receive a few dirty looks from the haughty individuals within earshot. “Oh yeah, cause he’s so much help.” you droned sarcastically, throwing back what remained of your drink before continuing, “I think I’ve already got enough rich assholes trying to get me in bed when we come to these things.” 
There were many reasons you hated being forced into these flashy galas; the music was always obnoxious, often some type of mind-numbing classical, and the hors d’oeuvres were usually things you wouldn't ever consider eating, which meant you had no choice but to starve until it was over. 
But, the most notable reason for hating them, was that the Osborn name had a nasty habit of attracting New York’s most atrocious men. They were the kind of men that didn’t just think they deserved your time, but actually felt as if they were entitled to it, and it was rare that they were willing to accept rejection. 
To Harry’s credit, though, he was just as good as Peter at keeping prying eyes and unwelcome hands away from you. The only true difference between the two boys was their approach. 
Peter—ever the gentleman—typically opted for the kill ‘em with kindness route. A sweet hand hovering over the small of your back, guiding you through the crowded Osborn mansion. He would toss out an occasional pet name whenever someone overstayed their welcome in a conversation, do you need another drink baby? or I think Harry’s looking for us, sweetheart. 
His actions served as a gentle deterrent for anyone who dared to approach you, a subtle indication that you were taken. Peter fell into the role of the perfect boyfriend with such ease, so respectable and kind. 
Harry, on the other hand, never failed to take full advantage of the situation; unwilling to waste an opportunity to stake some sort of claim on you. 
He was bolder than Peter, thin fingers traipsing along your bare thigh as you sat next to him, slowly letting them dip underneath the fabric of your dress with such jealous intent. Ocean eyes would cage the man that you’d told him wouldn’t take no for an answer, forcing him to watch as his hand slipped higher and higher. 
You had grown used to Harry’s antics, and you were also aware that he’d never take it too far. He knew how far he could go before you’d tighten the leash around his neck, only occasionally pushing past the limit just enough to get on your nerves and earn a rough slap to his chest. 
For Peter—so sweet and gentle—it was a precious moment, one in which he could let himself experience what it would be like to actually call you his. For Harry—so brash, so passionate—it was a show of dominance; an act of war, even, against anyone who dared to act as if you weren’t his. 
You rarely bothered to remind him that you didn’t belong to him—either of them—often too caught up in your own imagination. You had the power to turn both boys into little more than lovesick puppies, and they held that same power over you. 
“Better to be the rich asshole you know than the one you don’t, right?” Peter contended, reaching over to take the empty glass from your hand and place it on the tray of a passing waiter. You only lifted your shoulders at the remark, muttering a small fair enough in response, scanning over the lavish room that was filled to the brim with New York’s most elite. 
“Speak of the devil.” You mused as your gaze fell upon Harry, sauntering through the crowd with ease and making a beeline for you and Peter. 
“There’s my favorite outcasts!” Harry roared as he approached, a wide grin spreading across his face as he lazily slung an arm over each of your shoulders, effectively wedging himself between you and Peter. You hadn’t noticed the way Peter stiffened at the action, the disappointment that glimmered in his dark eyes at being pushed further away from you. 
Instead, you just rolled your eyes at the label Harry had used for the two of you, jokingly shoving his touch off of you. You hardly considered yourself an outcast, though you had to admit that these parties had a tendency to turn you into a wallflower, leaving Harry to schmooze with potential investors all on his own while you and Peter drowned yourself in his finest booze. 
Harry bounced back quickly from your teasing rejection, his hand finding its way to your body once again, this time slipping around your waist and pulling you into his side. “You’re late.” He repeated the same phrase that had left your lips just moments ago. 
Your jaw fell slack immediately and Peter already struggled to stifle his laughter, having anticipated your reaction to Harry’s claim. “He’s late!” You jutted your finger across Harry’s chest, pointing it at Peter, “I have been here for almost an hour, Har.” Another huff as you retracted your hand, arms moving to cross firmly over your chest. “Maybe you would’ve noticed I was here if you weren’t so busy flirting with half of Manhattan.” 
When you had first arrived and realized Peter was nowhere to be seen, you planned on finding Harry, so used to always attaching yourself to one of their hips. But, when you finally found the boy, he was cornered by a few heiresses that were all desperately trying to sink their claws into the Osborn fortune. 
“Aw,” Harry cooed, slender fingers playfully squeezing your side as he spoke, “jealous much?” 
You glared up at him through your lashes, but didn’t make a move to pull away from his touch this time, “Not jealous-” you corrected him, “pissed off. You’re the one that forced me to come to this thing, and then you just went off to galavant with your admirers.” 
“Galavant, eh?” His eyes narrowed, the corners of his lips twitching into a smile as he glanced at Peter. “How much has she had to drink?” 
Peter raised his palms like a white flag, relinquishing himself from any responsibility for your somewhat buzzed state. “I’m not drunk!” You swiftly declared, looking ever so slightly offended by the comment. 
Harry ignored your statement, reverting back to the previous topic, “Well don’t worry your pretty little head,” he let the arm that had been thrown over Peter’s shoulders fall, moving to lightly tap at your forehead as he spoke, finding amusement in the way your eyes narrowed at the teasing action, “you know I’ve only got eyes for you doll.” 
“God,” Peter groaned out, shaking his head at the interaction, “you’re never gonna give up, are you?” 
“And let you have her all to yourself?” Harry’s neck snapped in Peter’s direction, feigning a gasp at his best friend. “Only in your dreams, Parker.” 
“Funny you say that!” 
You lowered your head, cheeks puffing out as you exhaled loudly. “Here we go again.” You uttered to yourself, aware that neither of them would be listening to you now that they had gotten started. 
“Have you told y/n about what’s going on in your dreams lately?” Peter cocked his head to the side with a smug grin. 
It was truthfully a weak attempt to embarrass Harry, seeing as though the boy very quickly owned up to his lewd fantasies. “All the time, actually.” He hummed to himself, his tongue darting over his lips as he tried to push Peter further, “She totally gets off on it, too. Fuck, you’d love to watch the way our girl squirms when I tell her about all the nasty things I wanna do to her.” 
Our girl. 
A phrase that they both used quite often, as if they knew they’d always been forced to share you, despite the fact that each of them wanted to claim you for themselves. 
“Oh yeah.” Peter’s head bobbed alongside his words. “She’s clearly head over heels for you.” He sarcastically reassured Harry, a hand clamping against his forearm. “Not like she’s ignored all of your advances for a literal year now.” 
Of course you had. 
Ever since he returned from boarding school, Harry had tried relentlessly to win you over. While both the boys were both equally obsessed with you, Harry was always much more obvious about his affection. Of the two of them, Harry had always been the most dauntless when it came to getting what he wanted, whereas Peter tended to bottle his emotions up in fear of rejection. 
But, despite his efforts, for every advance Harry made there was a rejection waiting for him. You couldn’t pick between the two of them, couldn’t risk breaking one of their hearts by choosing one over the other. 
“I’m sorry,” a dry chuckle escaped Harry’s parted lips, the hand that wasn’t gripping your side moving to rest against his temple, “I forgot that she tells you everything that happens behind closed doors!” He quipped, smirking as he watched Peter’s brow raise at the antagonizing comment. 
“You should stop by Oscorp sometime after close,” he continued, finding far too much pleasure in the way Peter’s jaw clenched at his words, “let me know if you can hear her choking on my dick from the lobby.” 
Your hand collided with his arm, shaking your head at his perverted comment. It didn’t affect him much, though, only grinning down at you in response. 
“You’re an idiot.” Peter grumbled, shuffling his feet as he attempted to ignore the growing pit in his stomach. 
He knew that Harry was lying through his teeth, just trying to get a rise out of him. It had become a sort of game to them, both of them ruthlessly trying to get under the other's skin. Still, even knowing this, it had planted the image in his mind of you on your knees for Harry, and that was enough to make him feel sick. 
“C’mon Petey, play nice and maybe I’ll consider sharing her.” 
You stiffened at the statement, but only for a second, swiftly working to relax your muscles so Harry wouldn’t feel the way you had tensed. It still sent chills down your spine, though, evoking thoughts of your own past fantasies. 
In the past, Harry and Peter both had played a role in your dreams, their names falling from your mouth with a fervor that would make both of them weak in the knees. You loved them—both of them—and the thought of never having to pick between the boys that owned your heart left your chest feeling tight. 
“You two are being ridiculous.” You coughed out the words, shaking your head as if the action could rid your mind of thoughts coursing through it. 
Your interjection had caused Peter to back down from their little scuffle, his hands raised like a white flag to signal that he was willing to back down from the idiotic banter. He was always so quick to please you, so willing and obedient. Harry, on the other hand, was a bit more difficult, his icy gaze still fixed to Peter—as if daring him to consider the offer he made. 
So, you worked to distract him, a featherlight touch to his forearm, hoping to satisfy his constant need for your attention, your affection. But you hadn’t noticed the way Peter stiffened, unaware of the jealousy that coursed through him at the sight of you reaching for another man. 
It had worked, though, as Harry melted into your touch and let his sight shift back to you instead of his friend. “If you’re gonna force me to drown out the sound of you two being idiots then could you at least play something tolerable? What even is this shit?” You provided a change of topic, hand wildly waving towards the speaker system as you reference the pretentious classical music that blared from it. 
Harry scrunched his nose, shrugging as he spoke, “I don’t know, Beethoven?” 
“You do know that not every pianist is Beethoven, right?” Peter asked, brows raised. 
“Oh my god,” Harry threw his head back, an audible groan leaving his lips, his tone turning quiet as he gestured to the sea of people surrounding us, “who cares? Whatever it is, these old fucks eat it up, alright?” 
You let yourself laugh right alongside the two boys as the conversation shifted to something more lighthearted; your hand still resting against Harry’s arm, your gaze fixed on Peter. Still, though, the remark stuck in your head, replaying on a loop as you considered the possibility of it. 
Maybe, just maybe, they wouldn’t make you pick at all. 
a/n - here's the deal guys. my harry osborn piece i wrote? did trash in the tags cause apparently none of you are thirsting over dane dehaan the way i am. so now that means i'll be forcibly inserting him into all my peter fics because im in love with them both (i'm not gonna lie though i'd pick harry in a fucking HEARTBEAT) anyways hope you enjoyed this short lil best friend/love triangle/desperate pining blurb type thing
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
On one hand, I appreciate atla as the kid's show that it is, and there nor being too much gore and explicit horror. On the other, I notice how much I've normalised firebending to myself in the show. Like, oh it's just a bending technique at least 1/4 of the population should he able to do it. But it's terrifying, actually.
Don't get me wrong, all bending techniques are scary if you think about them for too long but like. Fire is dangerous. (groundbreaking, I know)
But I kinda forget that it is, probably due to the fact that we see it almost every episode and none of the main cast are severely injured. The outlier here is Zuko, of course, but I'd argue that his scarring feels more... deliberate? Like... Ozai decided to scar him, right?
While the horror of fighting regular ass firebenders isn't that they're abusive parents who deliberately scar their children, it's that their equivalent of throwing a punch is going flamethrower mode™️. The horror here is casualties of battle.
Like basic brawls could end in permanent disfigurement.
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Looking at this scene, which I've randomly grabbed. Mako could've permanently blinded and maybe even deafened Desna on one ear.
Similarly here:
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Katara narrowly dodged immense scarring and agony. Zuko is trying to hurt, if not outright kill her here.
Like sure, healing waterbending exists, but apparently that won't mend all scars and won't erase the pain.
Firebenders are unable to knock their targets out, or restrain them. Their bending style is aggressive and almost every single fire bender we encounter is playing to severely harm their opponents.
I think this is sometimes forgotten, due to our protagonists emerging from fights against firebenders miraculously unscathed.
Remembering this also makes it even easier for me to sympathise with the Gaang for not wanting Zuko around. Like. Not only has this guy been chasing them around the world... he's been trying to kill or injure them in arguably one of the cruelest ways possible that doesn't involve actual torture.
I wish there were more scenes that really hammer home how dangerous firebending is. An easy fix would be to show a scene of the characters using healing waterbending to remove burn wounds, i think? Not after some big emotional scene, or in a critical moment, but just as a grim reality of life.
Tldr; me, the idiot with skin grafts due to 2nd/3rd degree burns: fire is dangerous, guys 😯
And the burns that almost killed me weren't even from open fire. They were just from the sparks.
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yesiknowimshort · 1 year
this is how i imagine… TIM DRAKE
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the bitch is back…. i mean me not tim, but tim is also a bitch.
thank you so much to my followers (i love each and everyone of you <3) for waiting so patiently for me to get myself together (still shaky, so again, posts might be scattered but i will be posting!!).
i wanna start a series where i do these long form character headcanons for the batboys (and maybe girls one day, i’ve just not thought about it aha) and so i obviously had to start with my favourite character of all tjme; tim drake.
obvisouly i’ve already done a suuuuper long analysis of his actual character which you can read here, but i want to do a more theoretical one that’s not necessarily wholly “canonical” but still in character.
a lot of this is also canon/inspired by canon - however, these are still my headcanons.
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- to start off with: fuck the uwu-fication of tim drake. he’s a badass who happens to also appear soft sometimes but that does not equal wimp. you can have anxiety and depression and not be a an uwu baby.
- absolutely obsessed with star wars.
- has forced everyone to individually binge the series with him at least once.
- but also love island (he won’t watch the winter season tho) and the real housewives are definitely his guilty pleasures.
- overworks himself on such little sleep that his body giving up and him fainting is a scarily regular occurrence.
- but it’s not for want of trying. oh no. forgot to eat because he was distracted so his limbs are barley holding him up when he runs? ignores it. keeps going.
- he stands up too quickly, collapses, and gets right up and walks it off like he wasn’t just on the floor (p.e teachers would love him).
- absolutely insane martial artist -which people (like most things he can do/does) completely overlook or just don’t care about. this is also canon btw.
- my boy’s only scraping average height -he’s gotta have something to back him up that’s doesn’t rely on being massive n buff.
- he can easily knock anyone to the ground in a second, yet because of his small build and mmmm relatively unhealthy state, it goes unnoticed and sometimes unused -depending on the situation’s needs.
- people always overlook him because of his public persona (and in real life online it’s usually because of uwu tim), but he would be so cruel sometimes.
- seriously -please remember and use his pettiness!
- like he’d punch jason out cold for picking up his stuff and holding it over his head… put itching powder in dick’s boxers and bed for hiding the cases he was working on… roofy damian’s nightly hot chocolate so he’d miss family movie night because damian was pissing him off… true slytherin.
- but just like a lot of the things he does, it goes unnoticed/un-delt-with most of the time so he gets away with it. middle child tings.
- not to mention he literally stalked batman and would run around solving murders and dropping off the evidence to gordon before even being a robin.
- he was on the CIA’s watch list for crying out loud!
- doesn’t break the unassuming facade often, but if he went off the deep end, he’d be gone, and wouldn’t stop until he’s satisfied -or restrained (but that would be near impossible).
- scarily persuasive -some would say manipulative, i would say ambitious. i mean he did wiggle his way into the position of robin with sheer willpower.
- i think one of the reasons i love tim so much and am so fascinated by him is because of his capacity to be a villain so easily if he wanted.
- the guy has considered murder way too often.
- clint barton’s “i could do it!... no one would know!... but i won’t” quip about quicksilver is literally tim’s relationship with villiany.
- like if he decided one day to turn on everyone… in an instant he has control of a multimillion dollar company, can easily gain control the police, has dirt on every single person, and access to anything he decides he wants: and yet he chooses to do good.
- remember -he chose to be a hero. and he repeats this fact a lot.
- he could easily have the world on their knees, and yet people still decide to fuck with him because of their naivety.
- villain tim would be terrifying.
- his childhood and a openly loving and attentive family setting was stolen from him. he was always made out to be “mature for his age” and “quiet and sensible” when in reality he was just neglected and bored.
- being a gifted child always comes with its downfalls. like being so unstimulated by his schooling and classmates that he acts out a little bit out of boredom and a craving for attention from his parents; not to mention the social rejection because he’s too far past his peer's antics.
- he’d be super socially unaware for his age group as a child (kind of like damian i guess). being an only child surrounded by adults (yet forever alone and isolated) would’ve prevented him from ever connecting with fellow kids and their interests.
- (anyone else relate to not ever finding kiddy humour funny in primary school?)
- so now he likes doing a lot of random “childish” things like skating down the halls in the manor, having a gamer chair as his office chair, playing his nintendo switch in his wayne ent. office with his feet rested on the desk when he’s bored, having bento box lunches filled with sugary cereal and roll-ups, having a mini fridge in his office exclusively filled with yakults, iced coffee cartons and redbull, being fully versed in gen z lingo (which he uses correctly don’t worry) that he uses to talk to people he works with and interacts with at galas etc etc.
- likes to leave little notes in library books for the next person to find; often mildly threatening like “i know what you did”, for no other reason other than to have a little gremlin cackle to himself when he thinks about it.
- definitely has nearsightedness, though he hardly ever wears his glasses “because they’re impractical and contacts are torture devices” (bruce practically has to strap him down to get the camera contacts in for patrol).
- when he’s not drinking coffee, he’s chewing gum or mints to counteract the coffee.
- ambidextrous, but favours his left hand meaning his already inconceivably messy quick notes are also smudged by his hand.
- hands are always cold and numb (leading everyone to believe he probably has rayynaud’s syndrome).
- he gets really nervous and tries to avoid people being able to touch his hands, like when they’re handing something to him, or makes sure handshakes are firm and quick -but still respectful- etc (but he loves hand holding, he just worries no one would want to).
- really good at taking in information and his surroundings quickly.
- often points things out to people that would otherwise go unnoticed like “your eyes look really pretty today” or “your freckles have darkened from the sun” or “they ordered two sugars with their coffee… they always order three” etc.
- he doesn’t constantly say the things he’s thinking, but they come out a lot more when he’s losing his filter from fatigue.
- he’s always apologising offhandedly for pointing out things (more annoyed at himself than anything) bc he thinks they’ll think he’s weird or become uncomfortable.
- tim is allergic to almost all nuts except for almonds (wog runs through my veins, i refuse to believe he can’t eat almonds).
- he’s not like epipen allergic, all he needs is some cetirizine.
- bc of this “relatively low risk” (as he would say), if he accidentally eats a nut he’ll usually just not tell anyone while his throat is closing over and his mouth feels like it’s been attacked by mosquitoes.
- he’ll just silently slip away to buy some cetirizine or get some from his pocket/bag.
- this sweet old lady at a charity bake sale once offered tim to try a free slice of her baklava, which of course, has walnuts in it.
- and he was too anxious to refuse so he took it and finished the whole thing in front of her.
- it took him about 20 minutes and to the point where he was crying and his lips looked like they had fillers that he whispered to bruce he was having a reaction.
- bruce was hysterical.
- like- national news “funny internet clip report” hysterical.
- he always carries cetirizine on him now just in case tim does that again.
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yangjeonginniepics · 1 year
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Minor DNI. Mature/explicit content read at your own discretion. 18+ 🔞🔞🔞
Minho x sub!Reader
wordcount: 682
Cw: Smut, oral sex (M receiving), mentioned polyamory, free use, cum eating, cumming on food, dirty, dirty language, degrading, pet play, eating from a bowl.
Hello this is my first work here. English is not my first language and I alwqys had a hard time writing, but I decided to give myself this challenge. I accept constructive feedbacks but please be kind.
You woke up feeling dizzy, messy hair, dry mouth and that weird and familiar taste lingeringin your tongue. Standing up you made your way out of whomever's room you were in and made your way to the kitchen of your shared apartment being greeted by three of your roommates who were fixing themselves their breakfast.
"Had fun last night?" You heard Changbin chuckle as he held his laughter. "You ate so much I tought you were going to puke"
"There's no way she would puke, that's her favourite and her main source of protein. With how often she eats it, it's almost like breathing" Minho gave you a side smirk as he made fun of you "Do you want to eat anything? I can make it for you. But I am going to need your help."
Hearing that Changbin groaned and lifted himself off his chair while rolling his head in annoyance. "I really don't feel like it right now, you guys have fun" He left the of you alone in the kitchen.
Minho gave a weird look towards the direction Bin went but quickly turned to you as you approached the counter he was leaning over. "What do you want? Toast? Eggs? Rice? Ceareal? C'mon aswer me baby" He hooked his finger under your chin and made you look up to him "What's wrong? cat got your tongue?"
"Eggs" You shyly aswered still avoiding his eyes, to wich he responded by giving you a small smile.
"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" He said without wainting for you to reply as he turned to grab a pan and eggs so he could start cooking. "Well now you know what to do so this eggs turn out perfect for you" He kept doing what he had to to fry the eggs while turning his body slightly sideways for your better access.
"Goooo, whats taking you so long?" he gave you a side eye while you got onto you knees in front of him.
You pulled his pants down to reveal his already aching cock and wasted no time licking all over it before taking it into your mouth.
"I have to admit, Sungie was a visionary when he proposed the lingerie rule. At first I thought it would be hard because that was how we would be all the time ...." he took a deep breath before continuing "but it's not like we have to restrain ourselves at any moment, all it does is give us better access to your delicious body."
You kept sucking as he turned his attention more towards the stove to make sure he wouldn't burn anything. His precum and your saliva were now allover your cheeks and chin as you messing devoured his dick, absolutely addicted to the wight of his cock on your mouth not wanting to let go. You could feel the small twitchs it made along a few grunts from minho indicating he was close. He gave your head a little shove away from him but you refused to let go.
"I know you're a little cockwhore with nothing more than dicks in your mind, but you still listen to me you dumb slut." He said while slapping your face and getting you off of him. He gave himself a few more tucks before cumming on the eggs he was cooking and plating it.
Plating maybe a too generous of a word, he put the cum topped eggs into your little bowl and placed on the floor.
"There you go pet, enjoy your breakfast" he said tucking himself into his pants and leaving you alone in the kitchen to eat the burnt eggs he cooked for you.
You dug your head into the bowl, not that the eggs were good, but you were absolutely addicted to the taste of your partners' cum and could not let it go to waste.
As you ate head down on the floor you failed to notice the figure hungrily staring at you pulsating asshole that showed how happy you were with your meal.
I did not proofread it because if I did I would never post it, so I am taking this moment of courage to do so. Hope you like it, please let me know if you did so I might keep doing this as a series.
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f4iry-bell · 1 month
stained shirts and two seats for one [Grayson hawthorne x reader] | part 5
finally!!😭 also last part(?)
It took everything in Grayson to stay away from her but he couldn't take it any longer. He has to see her and apologise again, he would beg until she forgives him. He knocked on her apartment door and mentally revised his monologue— that if she is ready to listen without interrupting. His mentally prepared monologue vanished once she opened the door in her pyjamas.
“What are you doing here?” She asked him with a frown.
“I know you said you wanted space, and I'm glad to give it to you but you need to understand why I did what I did. I understand why you are mad, you have every right to. I didn't respect your privacy. I didn't think how it would look, I had you stalked for my personal selfish reasons. I had to know what kind of person I'm getting myself involved with. I can't afford to make mistakes. Please understand, it was never my intention to hurt you. I would never go too far either.” It wasn't what he prepared mentally but he somehow managed to spit out words.
“You wanted to know if I was a criminal or something?” She asked.
“If we are putting it that way, yes.” He couldn't bring himself to look her in the eyes.
“Look, Grayson. I'd say I understand, it's probably some rich people thing. But I still have to process this, okay?” She raised her eyebrows at the last part.
“I understand. You need time. I'll be on my way. Please don't let everything go.” He begged.
She didn't say anything but when he turned she stopped him. “Wait.”
“What is it?” He asked, ready to do anything she is going to ask him.
“Um, it's nothing. I'm going out with a few friends tonight. A club. I thought you should know.” He didn't know why she him know this.
“You’re allowed to do what you please.” He stated.
“There'll be guys.” She paused for a moment. “My friends wanted me to meet someone because of…”
“I hope you enjoy your time.”
“But I'm not going to.”
Well that was a relief for him.
“I trust you to do the right thing and the thing you want, Arya.”
It would be a deliberate lie if Grayson said he was not bothered by the fact that his girlfriend or whatever they are now is out in a club probably being set up with a random guy by her friends. Grayson can't sleep on a good day let alone a time like this, he was swimming like a mad man in the hotel’s pool and had to stop because his phone rang. He saw her name on the screen and immediately answered it.
“Are you okay?” He asked. It was his first thought.
“Yes! But I miss you, so, so, so much.” Her words slurred.
“How many drinks did you have?” He asked.
“You're an idiot! When I said I'm going to the club you should have said ‘Can I come?’”
“I didn't think you'd want me there.”
“Of course not, but you should have stopped me from coming to this lame hangout.” She scoffs.
“Lame? Why is that?”
“I'm not having the fun my friend promised me.” She said. “What are you doing now?” She asked.
“I was swimming right before you called me.” He told her.
“Are you naked?” She asked in a teasing manner.
“Not fully.”
“Not helping.”
“With what?”
“Come here.” She didn't answer his questions.
“To the club, obviously.”
“Are you sure?”
“Hundred percent.”
He let her hang up the phone and went to his room to get changed. He put on a suit and drove to the club she told him she was at. When he arrived at the club he found her at the bar counter talking about some random things to the bartender.
“Arya.” He called her name from behind.
“Gray!” She turned to him and back to the bartender. “This is the guy I was talking about!” She told the bartender. “Ronnie here asked me to file a restraining order against you.” She giggled.
“I think it's time to go home.” He told her, ignoring the last part.
“What? Why?” She asked with a scowl.
“You're wasted, love.” He gently grabbed her arms and helped her up.
“I called you here to have fun with me!” She whines.
“You need to lay down, you're way too drunk to be out here.” He wrapped his arms around her waist to get a hold on her as he led her out.
“Am I?”
He nodded and helped her to get inside his car and put on her seatbelt. He started diving slowly to her apartment after he gave her a bottle of water. After drinking the water she took out her phone and texted someone.
“Who are you texting?” He asked out of curiosity.
“My other boyfriend.” She grinned playfully.
“I'm texting my friends letting them know I left.” She informed him. “I made a new friend.”
“You know him! Ronnie. He doesn't like you.” She said.
“For good reasons.” There was guilt in his voice.
She kept talking about what she told Ronnie until they reached her apartment. Grayson decided it's better to carry her and she didn't fight it. He let her down once they reached her door. She opened the door by herself and let him in as well.
“I'll leave now. Call me if you need anything.” He turned to leave but she stopped him. He turned back to her, instead of saying something she pulled him by his tie to make his head reach her level and gently kissed him.
Grayson was surprised by this. It has been a week since they kissed. Or even be this close. He didn't kiss her back, she is only kissing him because she's intoxicated.
“Kiss me.” She whispered against his lips.
“You're drunk.” He stated.
“You don't want to kiss me. And you're drunk, I'm not that kind of man.”
“Just kiss me. Didn't you stalk me? Or had someone stalked me? Shouldn't you be like, I don't know, obsessed with me or something?” She asked out of frustration.
“I am obsessed with you. But I can't let this happen when you're drunk.”
She rolled her eyes and paused for a moment before she spoke. “Why did you do it? Why did you have to do it? Why couldn't you be a normal hot guy? You ruined everything.”
“I know.” He took her hands. “I'll do everything I can to make it better.”
“I know you will. That's the problem.” She groans.
“Because I will forgive you.”
“Is that a bad thing?”
“No. What will people say? Going back to the guy who professionally stalked you?”
“Who cares what they think?”
“I do.” She looked down. He took her face in his hands.
“It's totally up to you. You can be with me or not. It's your choice.”
She didn't say anything. “Will you stay over tonight?” She asked.
“Whatever you want, love.”
“Liar. You didn't kiss me and let things get heated up.” She reminded him.
“Ask me tomorrow.” He told her with a mischievous smile.
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candywife333 · 11 months
Seven Days Are Over Already
Here is the FIFTH part of the JK-Seven Drabble series. These drabbles can be read out of order as stand alones but make more sense when read in order.
This is part of an entire Drabble series based on his recent music release. 
Disclaimer: As usual, everything in  the fic is fictional, and the behavior displayed by the character in the fic is obviously not representative of the real Jungkook.
The next few days were pretty peaceful for me as I re-oriented myself. I heard from Jimin that Jungkook had been issued a restraining order from me. He couldn’t even be seen near the premises of my dorm, otherwise he would get detained. The man still wouldn't stop calling me though, so I was forced to block him. 
Jimin had told me that he had grown up in a really sheltered household, the type that went to Church every Sunday and shunned any sex related conversation. So apparently the dude was so sexually repressed that he didn’t even have any experience. Apparently I was the first person he had ever been with sexually, which made me even more confused. He got depressed because he had constantly been bullied through school and had very low self esteem. He was undergoing therapy for a month now, but had difficulty being in consistent attendance. He had apparently drastically improved this year after fixating over me. He was extremely cheerful and motivated now, and his grades had improved so much that he had gotten honor roll this semester. 
 How could a guy so handsome and cute not find anyone else attractive till now? If he just put himself out there, he would’ve been boinked on the first day of ever stepping onto campus. Then I remembered that he talked to me about his erectile dysfunction issue. I just found his tale a tad fantastical, I mean, how could I be the first person to turn him on ever, he must be out of his ever loving mind.
On the other hand, I was able to finish my assignments in peace. I was studying to be a psychiatrist and nothing could get in the way, including him. This year was lighter for me, but prepping for med school interviews was difficult. And though I intended to stay in state for med school, I couldn't have unnecessary distractions. Plus I liked the way my life was so far, being single allowed me to focus on myself and get to know what I liked and didn't like, what my boundaries were. Engaging him would make that goal very difficult to achieve.
If his obsessive tendencies were anything to go by, he needed therapy and distance from me. 
As it had already been a week now, he must have gotten over me. With this confidence, I got ready for bed. I left the window slightly open to let in a breeze and settled into bed which was right near the window, letting the cold air filter in  as I was snuggled into a fuzzy melange of blankets. 
I fell asleep easily, comforted by the warmth of just dried sheets wrapped around me. 
Then suddenly, I woke up to a strange sensation. I could feel a cold tongue traveling up and down my nether lips, separating them delicately to lick into my core. 
What the hell was going on?! I sat up in the body, confused as to my surroundings. I was in my dark bedroom, but now the window was open wide. I saw the glint of gold rings shimmer as what looked like a human head moved under my sheets. I pulled the sheets off hurriedly in panic and fear just to see two doe-eyes glittering with tears staring directly at me. I tried to get his head away from my core, pushing him away in a flurry of movement. 
His grip as usual didn't budge as he swatted my hands away, resuming his position at my core, as though he deserved to live between them. He kept licking, making me shiver as I couldn't control the electric cold sensation slide down my spine. His tongue laved tirelessly at my clit,  his warm hands squeezed my thighs. He moaned contently as he licked, as though he were drinking ambrosia. 
Even I tried resisting, his firm arms corded with muscle ripped my night gown as I gasped in surprise. He grunted in a satisfied manner as his hands were met with the texture of my taut nipples. He was in an unstoppable frenzy. I could feel my core tighten and throb as I felt a white blaze overtake my vision. I slumped onto the bed, my back meeting the sheets as he climbed over me to suck at my nipples. He latched onto them as though there was milk for him to draw out of them. His hands continued to trace the lines of my body, outlining my form as he kneaded the flesh around my hips and stomach. 
He pushed his tongue into my mouth as I moaned, slobbering me with wet kisses on my jaw and neck. He tasted like bananas and sprite, what an odd combination. Finally he started speaking in a broken whisper as his hands continued squeezing my flesh, “I-I am s-s-so sorry, I keep hurting you. But I am addicted to you. I j-j-j-ust can’t stop myself. I tried controlling myself for a year but it’s just not working. I don't want to hurt you, I will wait as long as you want me to. We can take it as slowly as you want. But I have to be with you, otherwise I feel like I am going insane. I can’t even function without the thought of you. You got me out of my depression when I saw you reading in the college Green house for the first time. I felt happier than I had my entire life until then.”
He continued speaking as his beautiful eyes gazed into mine, pinching my clit. I couldn't hold his gaze as my eyes closed in pleasure. “I know you were scared of me. That’s why you called the police. I hate that I made you scared of me. I love you so much that I can’t let go of you. I wouldn’t be able to forget you if I tried. Please let me be just be by your side. I know I am not good enough for you, but I will be anything you want me to be. I won't push you to have sex, though I am so hard it hurts, I know you are recovering. Let me just lick you the whole night. Let me memorize your taste on my tongue. Let me come into your window every night to lick you to completion.”
I trembled as my body shook with the innumerable orgasms he was pulling out of me. His cold tongue coated my core to the point that it felt soothing. I pulled his head up to mine, grasping his hair to make him face to face. 
I felt unhinged with him. He made me feel things I never felt before. My logic told me no, but my heart said something else. I pecked him on his lips and his eyes seemed to glitter with bliss, his mouth curving into a smile as I said, “You are good enough for me. I’m sorry that I keep pushing you away when you profess your love for me. Honestly speaking, I don’t have time for you in my life or anyone else.” His smile started to transform into a pout, his eyes shimmering with the start of tears.
I squealed in panic, “No, no, don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry. Why don’t we do this? We can try dating for a week and see if we work out. But you have to stop trespassing like this”.
He smiled , seeming more at peace than I had seen of him til now, “That sounds great. All I need is one week to convince you to marry me. I have the engagement ring ready just so you know.” 
He giggled and fell on the bed wrapping his arms around me, grabbing my butt as he fell asleep. The urge to escape his hold was dying down. I settled into his embrace, falling asleep content in his arms. 
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bubblergoespop · 4 months
My Top Guy Quotes
silly pizza manヽ(*^ω^*)ノ @capitalisticveins @miya-akiko he has been delivered!!
“You’re a jerk. Well. I like jerks.”
“We can’t be getting outta bed before 10, that’d be crazy, that would violating countless labor laws.”
“Oh, you are getting close. Hi! Hi baby. I love youuu~”
“I missed you. I always miss you. Days are long when you’re not around.”
“Jealousy’s a disease, get well soon to those bitches.“
“Come on, take my hand. Well if you don’t, I mean you could get lost on the way. Anything could happen.”
“I am not a menace. I am the menace. And I am your menace. I love you, honey.”
“I don’t need all that shit. I love you just like this. Eye rolling and grumbling is a totally valid love language.”
“Dishes? Dishes? You want me to do dishes? […] Honey, I like a little degradation as much as the next guy, but can’t you just put me on a leash instead, like a normal couple?”
“Let go of me, ahhhh I’m being repressed!”
“Oh, no, no I’m kidding, come here, don’t pout. Yes you are, you are pouting. It’s cute.“
“I vacillate wildly between either looking like an Adonis sent down like a gift or a literal gremlin that couldn’t pull numbers if his life depended on it.”
“No, you smile plenty. And it’s a beautiful smile when you grace me with it. It’s special when you smile.”
“But you are a softy with me. And the other people you care about. You feel things deep. That’s not a bad thing.”
“And how exactly do you expect to keep me in this bed now that you’ve got me here, hmm? Thought about that? Ooohhh gon’ tie me down, fifty shades of honey oooo~”
“You look really cute bundled up in bed like that. Shut up, yes you do. My cute little grumpyface. Aw is my grumpyface mad at me?“
“Aw. That’s so sweet. Who are you and what have you done with my lover? [hit] Ow, okay, there you are.”
“What do you mean you’re gross? You’re not gross, you’re amazing.”
“Thank you for seeing something in me. Something that mattered. Nah, I was talking about my ass.”
“You know wordplay reminds me of? Tongue-twisters! You know what tongue-twisters remind me of? Tongue-kissing, let’s explore that topic shall we—ow ow ow”
“That’s not nothing, that’s called quality time honey.”
“I only wanna be supine if I’m being supine with you!”
“I’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me~”
“Ew, you can’t give me a forehead kiss, that’s too sweet! Who are you? Why would you do that, being all tender and sweet, that’s gross, you’re gross. No, don’t go. I like you tender and sweet and gross.”
“You have a wonderful hand. It does exquisite work. Ooo don’t make a boy a promise, you betta use it to cover this mouth, fifty one shades of honey ooo~.”
“Making my stupid jokes isn’t as fun without you rolling your eyes and pretending to hate it.”
“Is that why you put up with my memes and shit? Cause I got a big dick and a great ass?”
“I’ll never be sorry for a chance to spend a day at your side.”
“—eh, “Buy Low”, “Start Low”, what’s the difference? You say tomato, I say I wanna put my head between your thighs, it’s semantics.”
“It’s about your thighs wrapped around my head like you’re trying to crush a watermelon. Aw, come on, I’m made of tough stuff. Or not, but hey, that’s a hell of a way to go.”
“You know what this means though, right? Oh my god, they were roommates!”
“But I’ll restrain myself. At least until I can convince you to restrain me. Preferably to our bed. Unnhh.”
“I want to make you squirm under the touch of my fingers and the heat of my mouth and the weight of my tight, straining body pressed flush against yours. And then at some point you can shampoo my hair, cause that always feels nice.”
“Okay, okay, very serious… Canasta. Nasty canasty. Ow—!”
“I’m ready for instruction, professor. Mmm. Mmhmm. I think you’ll find I’m a very hands-on learner. Unnhhh.”
“Do they have to match suite kiss me. Hmm? No, I asked do they have to match suite kiss me, like does the whole canasta kiss me have to be the same suite please kiss me. I don’t know what you mean kiss me. […] kiss me, kiss me really hard.”
“Because no one’s gonna tell me I’m too sexy to be who I am.”
“And maybe I wanna get some, I don’t know! Who said that? Wait— who said that? Wait, who was that? I mean that wasn’t me… shit.”
“That’s my brain, and the only thing that’s gonna wake it up is some kisses. Slow sexy kisses. With tongue. For. You know. Kinetic energy. Transfer. In my mouth. Our mouths.”
“Thank you, honey. I don’t know. For a lot of things. For the water. For hanging out with me. For putting up with me. For being so hot and sexy. I repeat, for putting up with me.”
“I’d lick it off the fucking floor at this point if that’s what you want— anything. That’d be pretty fucking hot actually.”
“I love you, hun.”
“Ah, mm, no. I saw the smile. Yes you did, you can’t hide it from me.”
“Anyway, I am half naked. You are very mean. That’s very hot. You and me honey ain’t nothing but mammals so, uh, whaddya say we do it like they do on discover channel, unhh? Well, you know, personally I was thinking a little less nature documentary and a little more battle bots, you know? Like, I want you to just fucking snap me like a twig!”
“Can’t steal what’s already yours. That’s why you can’t steal my heart cause it’s already yours. Do not groan at me!”
“With you, silence doesn’t feel bad. You looking at me doesn’t feel scary. It feels really good. Feeling seen by you feels good.”
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purgeprincesskore · 4 months
Hey guys!! Here is the part 2 for my Varadeva college AU fic. Enjoy!!
A Varadeva AU College Fic (Part 2)
Today is the day!! It's Valentines day and it is the sweethearts dance at the university. Varadha can't contain the excitement  that he feels for tonight. He is the luckiest man alive for having Deva in his life. He was actually already prepared for the rejection that he'll get once he finishes the song for Deva. Little did he know that Deva feels the same way for him and he couldn't be more happier with that revelation. He immediately texted Aadhya to thank her for the effort of helping him to make the "Harana" possible. Aadhya immediately texted him back.
"I'm so happy for you two! Do you have any plans tonight? You know after the dance" he stops doing the buttons of his shirt soon as he realizes what Aadhya meant with that text. 
"Nothing yet.  We're just going to the dance I guess"
"Ok. I'll meet you guys there"
He starts to get nervous now. He doesn't know if Deva wants to take it to the next level in their relationship. Besides it only been yesterday that they had confessed to each other about their feelings. If it is up to him he does want it with Deva. He has waited long enough to to confess his feelings for him and the anticipation what he feels now is not helping the need for Deva. The only question is does Deva want it too?
After finishing up his look and not forgetting the necklace of course he tucks it inside his shirt and he gets out of the house. He sees  Deva leaning by his car waiting for him. All dressed up. Hands in his pockets. Deva smiles at him as he notices him going out of the house. His heart skipped a beat. Can this man be more gorgeous? And to think that this man belongs to him now. He can't resist biting his lips at the thought.
"Hey now. Don't bite your lips like that when I'm with you. I may not be able to stop myself from doing something more than just kissing you" Deva looks really serious now. He frowns looking at him. Holy shit.
"Come now we're gonna be late for the dance" Deva grabs his arm guiding him to the car door and instinctively kisses his forehead before he even got into the car. The feeling just melts him like ice cream on a hot summer day. Speaking of ice cream he craves for strawberry ice cream now.
"Hey Deva can we stopped by the store to buy ice cream later? After the dance? I really am craving for strawberry ice cream since yesterday" it is true tho. But he also craves for Deva but he can tell him straight up after what Deva said a little while ago.
"Ice cream? Sure. Anything for my Varadha" Deva smiles then proceeds to kiss him on the nose. Huh. Using his own moves on against him now. Deva just grins at him before starting the car. As they got to their destination he can help but feel nervous as they got out of the car. A lot of people want them to be their dates but here they are being each others date for tonight. He texted Aadhya to fetch them at the gate of the university. Deva walked towards him and intertwined their hands. It is truly a good thing that Deva knows how to calm him down. His touch is his comfort.
"Your hand is cold. Don't worry too much. We got this"
"Thank you. I love you" Varadha can't help kissing Deva. And the latter does not seem to mind in fact he deepened the kiss which earns a moan from Varadha. Deva quickly pulls away as he growls leaning his forehead against Varadha. Eyes closed.Deva seems to be restraining himself from doing something else.
"Stop doing that or else" Deva opened his eyes looking at Varadha. His eyes seems to be a bit more darker now like a hunter that wants to eat it's prey.
"Or else what?" Varadha taunts Deva. This is getting dangerous now and Varadha is not backing down from his Deva.
"You'll see" Deva looking at him with pure hunger and Varadha already knows what kind of hunger it is.
"Hey you two!! Do you still want to go to the dance or do you want to skip it to do something else"
They were both startled to hear the voice of Aadhya standing by the gate arms crossed looking at them with a playful smile on her lips.
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE?!" Varadha is horrified now. Thinking of how Aadhya had been watching them kissing.
"Maybe a minute or two. I really don't want to disturb your moment but I'm needed inside and I got your text. Besides I truly am happy for you both but I gotta say I'm jealous now that I don't have a date tonight" Aadhya pouts which made Deva chuckle behind them.
"Hey don't laugh at me!! I'm in charge of the party  and I never really got the chance to ask my crush to be my date for tonight" Aadhya pouts again which made them both chuckle at same time.
"It's Rama right? From the Engineering Department?" Varadha remembered the girl that Aadhya has a crush on. Aadhya told him about it while they were in the student council room last week waiting for the other officers for the meeting.
"Yes. Now lets go inside the party's already started" Aadhya ushers them inside. The party's in full swing and there are a lot students already on the dance floor.
"I'll get us some drinks at the bar" Deva starts to walk towards the bar and the bartender who he recognizes as their classmate from English class, hands Deva a glass of cocktail. Deva then takes it from her and she held his hand using both of her hands for a brief moment. She then looks at Deva flirtatiously and Deva just shakes his head releases his hands from her and thanks her for the drink. He's filled with rage now. Jealousy. No one is allowed to touch HIS Deva. All he wants to do now is twist the hand of that woman until it breaks.
"Varadha come dance with me. I need to ask you something" Aadhya takes his hand guiding him to the dance floor as a slow music starts to play over the speakers. Aadhya's hand on his left shoulder while the other holds his right hand. His left hand placed safely by her waist.
"What is it?" He is glad that Aadhya was able to stop him from thinking of rageful thoughts towards the bartender.
"Any music requests? I'm friends with DJ and he can play any song requested by couples here"
"You already know which song it is"
"Thought you'd never ask" Aadhya smiles and lets him go as she wave to the DJ giving the thumbs up. Deva approaches them with unreadable expression in his eyes. His right hand still holding the cocktail which is already hall full. Aadhya takes the cocktail from Deva and nods at him which he translates to 'go dance with your man'.
The music starts to play and he takes Deva's right hand to place it on his waist and his left holding Varadha's right. It fits perfectly. They fit perfectly together. Varadha thought. This is how it should always be. Just him and his Deva.
"So this is officially our song now huh?" Deva's grins at him while they dance to THEIR song.
"Of course it is" he cannot stop grinning too. Deva lets go of Varadha's right hand to place it on his shoulder then guides the other hand to clasp it with the other to place it behind Deva's neck. Deva pulls him near their bodies touching now. Varadha feels Deva's hands behind him holding him close. As he looks up at Deva, he sees his eyes full of love. He slowly reaches for his lips to give him a chaste kiss but Deva wants more holding the back of Varadha's head as he deepened the kiss exploring Varadha's mouth as he tries to put his tongue inside. Varadha moans at this. His whole body feels like it has been set on fire as Deva continues to kiss him while gripping his waist as if his life depended on it. Deva's thirst for his lips feels like he has been walking through the dessert for days without water and Varadha's lips is the water that quenches that thirst. They both pull away to catch their breaths. Deva not wanting to let him go. Deva's hand fit perfectly to his small waist.
"Wanna ditch the party and go to my place instead?" Deva still panting from the kiss. Eyes still closed. Leaning his forehead against Varadha.
"That seems like a great idea. Let's go. Now. I really am craving for some ice cream" Varadha bites his lips teasing Deva. But it is really you that I am craving for. Varadha wanted to say to Deva but decided against it.
"If you keep doing that I'll bite those lips real hard until it bleeds" Deva' s eyes darkened while looking at his lips.
Varadha chuckles. He knows now how to push his buttons. His Deva. He lets go to grab Deva's hand leading him away from the party and leading him straight to the parking lot. They immediately got into the car and Deva starts the engine.
"So where to?" Deva asks while he drives out of the parking lot.
"Your place. But we'll need to buy some ice cream first"
Varadha grins.
"What for?" Deva asks puzzled
"You'll see" Varadha using Deva's word against him.
"Ok then ice cream it is" Deva gave him a quick kiss on the lips as they drove out of the university grounds
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totk-headcanons · 11 months
Link and Zelda talk about the her time as a dragon, specifically how link would sometimes just sit on her head as she flew about to feel close to her, he would show Zelda the picture of her Dragon form he put up in his Tarrey Town house (I did in my game), and Zelda would be fascinated by Link's leftover Light Dragon materials.
I also imagine that Link feels regret that he couldn't protect her again.
Thanks guys!
"Link, what are you doing?"
Opening his eyes, the Hero of Hyrule glances up from where he was sitting, just outside the front door of Zelda's home in Hateno. Link smiles up at her and it somehow only emphasizes his tiredness. "Good morning, Princess."
Zelda frowns. "Don't tell me you slept out here. You know you need to take better care of yourself."
"I take plenty good care of myself," Link says, shrugging as he gets to his feet. "And besides, I didn't feel like going back home to Tarrey Town just yet."
Her frown deepening, Zelda jabs a finger into Link's chest, nearly knocking him over. "I can tell when you're hiding something, Link. You know I can. Out with it."
A sad look crosses Link's face, his eyes turning down and away in a mix of grief and embarrassment. "It's... it's nothing."
"Don't you 'It's nothing...' me!" Zelda groans, exasperated. "Not after everything we've been through together. I deserve more than that and you know it. The truth, Link. What's wrong?"
Tears well up in Link's eyes as he nods, trying his best to regain his usual stoic composure. Pushing open the door, he takes Zelda by the hand and leads her inside to the dining room. With her questioning eyes watching closely, he reaches into his bag and begins placing items on the table.
A cutting of coarse, golden hair. A brilliant scale. A few pieces of hard material that seemed to shine with every color.
Zelda runs her hand over the collection. "Link... what is all this?"
His composure mostly restored, only his glistening eyes betray Link's feelings as he explains. "This is all you. The you that was not you. A clipping of your mane, a loose scale, loose bits of claw or horn that had been damaged by Hylia-knows-what." He takes a deep, shuddering breath before continuing. Any who knew him would be astounded to hear so many words from him at once.
"Zelda, when i woke up and you were gone... I was desperate to find you. I scoured all of Hyrule but all I could find of you were... memories. Impa called them Dragon's Tears but I somehow didn't make the connection until I saw the choice you made. Your sacrifice."
On and on he went, describing seeking her out in the sky, the days he spent up there with her. How he worked all the tangles from her mane, climbed the length of her body to tend damaged scales and remove stray bits of broken spike. More than anything, he stayed to spend time with her.
"When I think about the choice you made and those hundreds of thousands of years you spent... alone..." Tears streak down Link's face, his composure failing under the weight of his emotions. "My heart aches."
Zelda reaches her hand up, brushing aside a tear. "Oh, Link... You know I don't remember any of that time, don't you?"
Link shakes his head. "It doesn't matter. Just because you don't remember the loneliness doesn't mean it was any less real. Those tears were shed for a reason." His hand reaches up to take hers as he leans his head into her palm. Lifting his gaze, his read eyes meet her concerned gaze. "Nobody should ever have to go through that. Especially not you. You'd already done as much once, during the Calamity."
Memories of the hundred years she had spent restraining Ganon while Link recovered his strength buzzed in the back of Zelda's mind but she shook her head. "That's all in the past, everything will be okay now."
"I know. I can't stand the thought of you being so alone. And from here on out..." Rising to the balls of his feet, Link stretches up and presses his lips to hers in a kiss, "... I vow you never will be again."
[Mod Lonely Voe]
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