#do u know how hard it is for me to not just add a 'gay awakening' section bc i think it'd be funny.
inniave · 1 day
so fucking sick of the constant misgendering. it's exhausting. even from fellow queer people??????? who know me?????????? HELLO?????????????
#sorry i don't fit ur idea of queer but can u still show some basic respect & decency#pre-covering my hair i was constantly seen as non-binary or as a man or as intersex#and now??????? no matter what#i get referred to as a woman#by the same fucking people!!!!!! preaching “clothing has no gender”#ARE U SURE?????? CAUSE UR SURE AS HELL NOT TREATING ME LIKE I EXIST OUTSIDE MY CLOTHING CJOICES#most days i try to make myself not care but lately i've been realizing just how much i want to die because of how people perceive me#i don't want to change myself#but it's suffocating me#nobody sees me for who i really am except for spouse#and i am so so grateful for them#but when every single other interaction is just#so fucking transphobic and intersexist#i just want to curl up and die#changing the way i dress makes me want to die#getting misgendered for the way i dress makes me want to die#not having a place in the queer community makes me want to die#do u know how hard it is to be disabled intersex queer with DID which means constantly shifting identity#i'm lesbian im gay im trans both ways im ace im hypersexual im aromatic im poly it's EVRRUTHING#and so i fit nowhere#because i don't fit the mold :/#when i say queer in every way i mean it#and there's no real solution outside of finding community that accepts me and i cant even manage to get far enough into one#to even consider bringing up DID & the complexities it adds#cause y'all see someone in a modest dress & head scarf and go WOMAN#or see wheelchair and look the other way or continue booking in inaccessible places or not wearing a fucking mask#or don't want to be seen with someone visibly mentally ill#like..... i cant win. the only way i can get respect from my OWN FUXKJNG COMMUNITY is to change everything about myself#i'm so fucking over it#happy pride month ig
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
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if there is one thing i am so normal about it is my mia dearden playlist. im normal about it. thats why i have it specifically sectioned off into different parts of her life in my mind. and thats why i made this post to show exactly how it is. because im normal abt it.
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luvring · 1 year
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gn!reader | bokuto, akaashi, atsumu, osamu, iwaizumi, matsukawa, kageyama, yamaguchi, sakusa
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BOKUTO can't stop grinning and kissing you. his hands are stuck either cupping your face or holding your hips. he plants quick pecks to your lips and feels his heart rate pick up at your laugh. "i'm really your boyfriend," he repeats, convincing himself he isn't dreaming.
AKAASHI's entire body relaxes as he says "thank god." he leans forward to rest his head against your shoulder and huffs a laugh at himself. you bring your hand up to run your fingers through his hair. “did you think i’d say no?” “i was scared you would,” he murmurs. “and i don’t think i could bring myself to try returning the gifts.”
ATSUMU excitedly changes your contact where he already put a heart next to your name to be your new title: "MY PARNTNR/BOYFIRND/GIRLFJEND" (awful spelling included and vital). he adds emojis like 😁🫂💯🔥 before taking a screenshot to send to his group chat. he won't talk about how he almost sent it to you and nearly had a heart attack.
OSAMU texts to ask “when did you know you liked me?” later that night. he bites his lip and his eyes shoot lasers into the dots that show you’re typing. an embarrassed smile appears on his face when you say “when u apologized over and over after almost hitting me with a ball the first time we met :) u were cute” because it really was a cringe-worthy introduction, but at least you both liked each other since the beginning.
IWAIZUMI can’t stop thinking of getting you a gift. thinking of giving you a gift every once in a while wasn’t unusual, but he tries really hard to get a hold of himself when he realizes he's scanning every store he walks past for something you might like. he fails, obviously, when you end up getting a gift every time you meet up for the next few weeks.
MATSUKAWA blurts out "seriously?" after you say yes. he tries to ignore how his face heats up when you tilt your head and laugh. you’re still laughing when he pulls you into him as if to hug you, only to start tickling you. he jokingly threatens, “don’t laugh at me, i’m your boyfriend,” when you yelp and hit his side.
KAGEYAMA can’t stop replaying the moment you guys officially start dating in his head, even and especially while practicing. he’s setting the ball when he thinks about how you smiled and suddenly forgets what he's doing. his face is red from being flustered and the volleyball smacking him on the forehead.
YAMAGUCHI, when he has the time, marks down the date in his calendar. butterflies flutter in his stomach as he types out "WE’RE DATING !!!!!! :)) " in the notes. it's been less than a day and he's already (over)thinking of what to do to celebrate the closest, reasonable anniversary, whenever that is. in a month, probably, he thinks.
SAKUSA’s glad he has a privacy screen protector because if anyone noticed how often he opened your chat to reread your texts he’d never live it down. there’s a small smile under his mask at your silly flirting memes, and just the thought of how your “take care of yourself!” messages are with him as your boyfriend in mind.
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@devilgirlcrybabiey @lordbugs @smiithys @xfangirl-trashx @passionateuchiha @scaramouchesfootstool @fifteenshadesofpinkk @lotus-sukimono @chloee0x0 @kenmaslov3r @bakugosgrenade @semifilms @sakusasdirtyragdoll @dai-tsukki-desu @Thathoneybee3 @momoewn @aintgeluh @dazaisfavgf @simpforerenn @crystal-lilac @vhenis @omiigad @kur0-kawa @semispilledcoffee @ksyhmm @idontlikeyourjob @sparrowb3nscloset @awkwardaardvarkforever @rory-cakes @prblmtic @dimslover @kuroaka @vampyrkookie @sunaslay @h0n3ysgh0st @lackey-laufeyson @bontensbabygirl @dira333 @spooky1magazine1bread @Kamukayakmonyet @danyisapingu @isentsworld @lilithlunas @anime-ships-gay @todorokiskitten @kellesvt @scill-a @tooruchiiscribs @curiouslilbeast @fiona782 @cvhenia
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wowthatsextra · 18 days
An indefinite list of every time James Beaufort was the most head over heels pathetic pining mess over Ruby Bell
The arm nibbling... sir that is not
His Pride and Prejudice moment at Oxford
Jumped into the pool and carried her out in front of everyone
Gave her Queen Victoria's Dress
Ran around the whole school trying to catch hundreds of chickens for her gala and when his friends tried to make fun of him for it, he owned it and made them help him
Kept circling around her house because she fell asleep in his arms and he didn’t want to wake her up
Printed a huge ass poster of him and Ruby and put it up for the whole school to see as an apology for making her feel like he was ashamed of her (he wasn’t)
The fact that whenever Ruby is around he keeps zoning out of conversations
To add to that, told Alistair that he was being too obvious about being into Kesh but then got distracted by Ruby walking by and Alistair was like "You're one to talk"
Was insanely jealous of any guy she talked to (even gay Alistair 😭) and started a fight with the Oxford guy in front of everybody
Drew her from memory after she apologized to him for dragging his ass in class and gave it to her on her birthday
Ran after Ruby at Oxford even though 1. She just dragged his ass again in public and 2. he knows they can't be together
"You're not invisible anymore. Not to me"
"I know exactly what I want"
While making a list about things he likes "The most important one- you"
"For you I'll be anything that you want- whether it's your lover or your boy toy"
"You drive me crazy. Do you know what you're doing to me right now? Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to see you, and to hear your voice?" You're the Bane of My Existence and the Object of All My Desires 2.0
"My family saw how much I changed because of you"
Lashed out when his father called her a gold digger
Took pictures of her smiling
Went on his knees asking her to dance
The way he looked at her when she was coming down the stairs wearing the dress
Skipped his whatever meeting it was to take her on a spontaneous trip to London
Went out of his room at night to see her at Oxford
His awe when he saw her naked 😭
The extra kisses when the bus was waiting for her at Oxford
Instinctively tried to sit next to her at Oxford even though they were broken up
Broke his own heart trying to save her and her family from his father's wrath. He'd rather have her hate him than let her or her family get hurt (can u hear me sobbing)
Literally gave up being the face of the Young Beaufort Line so he didn’t miss her birthday (insane how this was only episode 4 before they even KISSED)
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icyolive · 11 months
Fairy tale-ish AU where the Cloud Recesses arc still happens, but LWJ is widely known to be suffering some kind of stone heart curse that prevents him from Feelings. The Lan have tried everything, but their precious second jade cannot be thawed. They can't even identify the curse. It's tragic. And very Lan. He's probably acquired some ridiculous honorific about it because *slaps LWJ* you can fit so many titles in this bad boy.
Then WWX shows up, runs into LWJ, and like... this guy... is hilarious?
Like, WWX is immediately Fascinated by this guy that everyone keeps saying is a tragically frigid perfect upright Lan. Because the guy is clearly full of quiet simmering rage (okay mostly just annoyance) and deeply, deeply bitchy. He's fun to provoke. He gets all of WWX's literary puns. He's got this hilarious deadpan humor that... like... how is no one else seeing this?
Novel WWX was hooked pretty early, but with the mystery of this curse that no one can explain, WWX fixates hard and picks up on a lot of what he otherwise would've missed.
He tries a million different curse breaking techniques. Works on it in class and has less time to bother LQR with shenanigans. Drags LWJ to the library to research, instead of being dragged there to copy lines.
He talks to LWJ instead of provoking him (he still provokes him). Notices LWJ is sad. awkward. speaks like his friends are all books. Gives him the benefit of the doubt, at first, because the poor guy's cursed.
WWX asks what kind of curse it is: no one knows. They can't even find a curse mark. No purification ritual has ever worked.
What do they think it is? For a long while, it was thought to be a curse from his mother, and that she hadn't wanted to deal with such a fussy child. When did they tell him that? Around the time when he was taken from her, just after uncle told him that his crying was unacceptably disruptive. Being disruptive meant he would miss his monthly visit. (LWJ has no idea why this is all spilling out of him. He says it all with what he thinks is a blank face, so it's not like he's making a scene. WWX hears the bitter humor in his phrasing, the sadness in his thousands-yard stare. He shares what he can remember about his own parents.)
The current theory is a love curse; they've been introducing him to eligible young women for the last few years, to see if they could break it. (Because he's Paying Attention and LWJ's face does a Thing, WWX adds super gay to his mental list of LWJ's attributes.)
"Lan Zhan... u know ur not cursed right."
Turns out, and no one's surprised here (somehow everyone but WWX is surprised here) this so-called curse is just the cumulative effect of the Lan repeatedly traumatizing and isolating this kid in various ways more or less since birth.
Maybe it's a complete surprise. Maybe LWJ had some inkling. Maybe he knew, but couldn't find the words to explain to anyone. Maybe he's like "yeah no shit but it made them leave me alone."
So yeah I've been having a lot of Feelings about how WWX is just utterly delighted by LWJ. Not despite his personality, not trying to fix him--he's just a dork who's head over heels for his gorgeous bitchy husband who talks like a book.
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Steddie Upside-Down AU Part 114
Part 1 Part 113
It’s fully dark by the time they trundle into the trailer park. The sceneries nostalgic, almost. Steve at his side, his feet aching from too long upright, not another soul in sight. There’s no ash floating in the air, and no vines squirming on the ground, and the sky’s not an ominous red.
Will he ever be able to walk down this familiar stretch of street without thinking of that time?
He almost hopes not. Without the Upside-Down, when he and Steve ever come together like this?
Maybe it’s stupid, but he wants to hold onto those memories just as much as this one. They’re what got him here, holding Steve Harrington’s hand, floating past cloud nine and straight into the stratosphere.
His glasses are chock full of roses.
It’s a tragedy that he has to drop Steve’s hand to open and unlock the door, but he makes do.
Wayne’s on his recliner when they stumble through the door, holding a beer in one hand and the TV remote in the other. He glances away from the screen, double takes, then stares back, eyeing them both up and down with an eyebrow raised.
He takes a long, loud sip from his beer, then asks, “you boys have a fun night?”
Eddie glances at Steve, and it’s only then that he notices how disheveled they both must look. Steve’s lips are still swollen, and his hair’s fucked beyond repair. Steve’s eying Eddie in kind, making those same damning connections.
He looks worried around the edges, though, so Eddie does what he’s always done best: put on a show.
He turns to Wayne, hands planted on his hips and says, “Wayne, I’ve got something to tell you.” He reaches out, linking his hand with Steve’s once more. “I’m gay.”
Wayne snorts, coughing on his beer. It must burn because his eyes water as he gasps out, “you play too much, boy.” He wipes the overflow from his chin, glaring up at Eddie. “You finally figure your shit out?”
Eddie beams, squeezing Steve’s hand. “Stevie here figured it out for me.”
Wayne looks between them for a few seconds more before shrugging disinterestedly, says a flippant, “he’s my favorite son for a reason,” and then just turns back to the TV to continue flicking through channels.
And that’s it. That was all she wrote, and all that. The world just, keeps turning.
“Should we tell anyone?” Steve asks that night, curled up into his side the way he always is. “Besides Will?”
He pulls Steve closer, the fondness in his chest expanding to the point of pain. Will, who is a part of their fucked up little trio. Of course, they’ll tell him.
It might even help him come to terms with some things that were hard won, brutal battles for Eddie when he was Will’s age. Give the kid a little hope, and all that. Hope that there are partners better out there than Mike Wheeler, the turd.
Eddie hums, skimming his fingers up and down Steve’s arm. “Well, Wayne figured it out the minute he looked at us, that’s one down.” He holds up one finger before bringing it back to Steve’s arm and tapping it against it. “You told Carol, so that adds in her and Barb.” Fingers two and three, tap, tap.
“Oh, definitely Jeff.” Eddie raises a fourth finger, taps it once before unlocking his thumb so he can clutch Steve’s hand. He pulls it up to his own chest, pressing it to the beating of his heart. “He wants me to tell him about the Upside-Down.”
Steve’s quiet, and it’s too dark to read his face no matter how hard Eddie strains his eyes.
“Do you think I should?”
Steve sighs, digging his pointy chin into Eddie’s shoulder. “I don’t know, man.”
“Man,” Eddie cuts in, mockingly. “Your tongue was in my mouth like, ten minutes ago.”
Eddie’s body shakes with Steve’s quiet laughter. “Fine, whatever,” he huffs. “It’s not up to me, Loverboy.”
The nicknames got that same mocking edge Eddie himself had used. It still makes his heartbeat stutter in his chest.
“But I’m not sure this is a situation where not knowing would help them?” he continues, voice lilting up at the end like it’s a question. “I mean, it didn’t help us.”
Eddie sighs, letting himself melt into the springy mattress. Look at all of them. They’d left Carol in the dark, and she’d crawled her way into the inner circle by her hell-beast talons.
Stumbling around in the dark never helped anyone.
“I’ll think about it,” Eddie says, already knowing that its too late. The worm’s wriggled its way into his brain and made a home there.
But there’s an order to these things, and Will comes first, always. They clamber into Eddie’s van in the morning, ready to enjoy whatever somehow overcooked and overcooked concoction Mama Byers has made for breakfast.
Jonathan opens the door before they’re even out of the van. He leans against the door jam, crossing his arms and glaring hatefully out at them, still in his raggedy pajama pants.
“Johnny Boy!” Eddie calls, beaming as he bounds up to him, shoving past him to come into the house, uninvited. “You’re looking mighty cheerful this morning.”
“Sorry, I don’t have a cheerful face on for the early-morning uninvited guests,” he grumbles, stepping out of the way and letting Steve through with much less ire.
Eddie can’t blame him. Steve’s in his stupid yellow sweater looking soft and warm in the November air. Eddie can’t compete with that, doesn’t even want to.
“Is Will up?” Steve asks, in a far more appropriate volume for the early morning.  
Jonathan gestures toward the back of the house before stumbling over to the couch and sinking into it.
Mama Byers isn’t anywhere in sight, and the house is quiet enough that their voices may carry. Eddie’s not worried. These people are his family, and more importantly, they’re Will’s.
If the wall’s have got ears, he couldn’t pick anyone better to be listening. He’d bare any bit of himself here, if Will needs him to.
Eddie grabs Steve’s wrist and pulls him along toward Will’s bedroom. It’s time to get this show on the road.
Part 115
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mrghostrat · 3 months
dude. that reverse bnf fic sounds SO fucking good… the ideas u have cooking up in there… i’m excited just thinking abt it ASKFNKF
i had more thoughts today... thinkin of the ask i got about the "i'll always know the stain was there" scene and how i've never written that before. which. ofc. turned into more ace porn.
Aziraphale spills wine on himself at Crowley’s place. He’s resigned to throw the shirt away. Crowley, Mr minimalist clean freak, rolls his eyes and takes charge of cleaning it off. Aziraphale hesitates then takes his undershirt off too, and Crowley bluescreens. Aziraphale half-asks him, “I’d hate for it to be stained too. It might be an undershirt, but I’d always know the stain was there.” Crowley takes it as well, leaving Aziraphale shirtless in his house.
While they sit around and he scrubs on his homemade stain remover, Aziraphale sits a little shyly, clearly affected. His nipples are hard. Crowley gathers the courage to ask him if it turns him on. “What, you cleaning??” “No. Being exposed like that. The air on your skin.” Aziraphale hesitates because he thinks Crowley is calling him out on some kind of abnormal kink or fetish, so he deflects, “Is that some ace thing as well?” not expecting Crowley to say yes. Crowley sits next to him.
“For me anyway. It’s not the person who turns me on, it’s the touch. So, sometimes, that touch comes from unexpected places. Cold tile on my skin after a shower. Satin sheets.” Aziraphale noticeably shivers.
“S’why I like, personally… Being teased. Light touches; Chasing after it. That anticipation adds to the sensation.” He grazes a hand over Aziraphale’s bare arm and Aziraphale gasps. Crowley laughs at him.
“Ffs. No wonder you struggle getting off if you’re watching the same porn everyone else does. Probably Google Imaging boring old pin ups of girls in fancy bras—“ Aziraphale gives him a LOOK, so Crowley adjusts, “—Or, Boys in skimpy briefs. What good’s that going to do if you can’t imagine how they’d touch you?”
Aziraphale is momentarily perplexed. “You know, I can’t think the last time anyone assumed me anything other than flamingly gay,” but it somehow doesn’t feel avoidant of the topic, he’s just so caught off guard by it.
Crowley’s suddenly a little annoyed, mostly at The World, but a little bit creeps in towards Aziraphale. “Assuming doesn’t help anyone. It only gets people confused about the boxes they’re meant to fit into. Bloody useless things, boxers. Er, boxes.”
His fingers have been dragging idly up and down Aziraphale’s thigh the whole conversation.
He stops when he realises Aziraphale’s hands are strategically placed in his lap. Crowley stops. Apologises, didn’t realise what an effect he was having, he just wanted to make a point—
But Aziraphale hasn’t felt like this in such a long time. He’s worked himself off, but nothing’s compared to this feeling of anticipation and bone deep arousal. He somehow finds the words to ask if Crowley would keep going. Show him what kind of touches he likes, maybe it would be informative. Crowley gets him off on the sofa, teasing and working him to a climax that has him death gripping Crowley’s arm and whimpering into his neck.
Later, hours or days later, Aziraphale is watching Crowley move around the house, maybe in his pants or a towel or something, but being totally innocuous. As innocuous as Aziraphale’s voice when he pipes up, completely unprompted, “I don’t think I’m asexual, Crowley.”
“This again?” Crowley’s exasperation is fond.
“No. Sometimes the sight of you makes me want to… Pin you against a wall or something.”
Crowley freezes, a mental ngk that takes a few minutes to reboot him. He tries and fails to sound casual and unaffected when he says “Maybe you’re demi,” and keeps folding his laundry like Aziraphale hasn’t just shoved a hot poker into his brain.
“Mmm,” Aziraphale agrees, even though Crowley knows he doesn’t know what that means, but he’s too busy leching to follow up and ask.
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queervocasongtourn · 19 days
Queer Vocaloid Song Tournament: Side A, Round 1
Please listen to all songs before voting!
Shama by NILFRUITS feat. VFlower
Zero Talking by Harumaki Gohan feat. Hatsune Miku
Propaganda under the cut!
"extremely potent yearning, the powerful dynamic of safety in disguise but a dangerous freedom in truth, beautiful characters…what more can you ask for?"
"if i am being completely honest i dont actually get everything that happened in shama - that can be left to all the other people who are more knowledgeable about nilfruits songs than me and immediately thought of submitting this - but I immediately thought of this song because its so SO good. the song itself is incredible and the mv adds on to make it an even greater work!! i might not know all of shama's story, but what i do know is that shama's a fantastic song regardless and i'll go crazy whenever i hear it. and i also do know that clay and kalmia (especially clay) are some great lgbtq+ rep in a vocaloid song!!! the section from 2:00-2:36, when accompanied by the mv, is maybe one of my favorite moments in any vocaloid song. what follows is also great! as propaganda i am begging the reader to go listen to shama with the mv if they haven't. i don't want to explain it because i don't entirely know how to but they're fucking gay and i really like how the mv shows this!"
"sapphic 👍👍"
"Okay so this one is kinda hard to explain but the MV is some flavour of queer for sure. Just… watch it and you'll get what I mean"
"a femme-fatale prisoner and one of her guards have a doomed romance..! the mv is by wooma, who uses a graphic colour palette to complement nilfruits's addictive guitar melody. this song is also the first in a series, so if you're interested in the prisoner's backstory, you can watch the other works to find out more :-)"
"tbf most harugoha songs are so #yuri but this one has an actual kiss. royalty x maid childhood friends who have drifted apart over the years and the royal lady (unsure of her english title, in japanese shes just named daireijo) desperately wants to just Talk to her dearest maid dorothy again but can't get anywhere with it (hence the title). In the final chorus of the MV she has enough and kisses dorothy on the lips. They're referred to as "sisters" sometimes but this is a reference to the classic catholic school yuri trope where an older girl will take in a younger one as a "younger sister" and they have a sort of romantic friendship going on. They're like definitely not actually sisters it would make no sense. It's such a good song. the bass in it is really good. please listen to harumaki gohan"
"despite the sister term scare that happened when the mv first came out this mv is about a princess and her maid who used to be friends and i believe grew apart and the princess is trying to reconnect with her friend. also first harumaki gohan mv kiss iirc!! the song is also just a brainworm in general i looped it so much it was stuck in my head for months"
"The song is about a girl who has a strained relationship with another girl, and who wishes for things to go back to the way they were (the maid doesn't talk to her anymore). The use of "sister" is also not literal, instead being a term found in yuri to describe a relationship between women (often shorten to S/esu), as well as the comparison between the two girls and the story of orihime and hikoboshi, as well as the fact they literally kiss in the song. I don't know if you can really deny it with that."
"this was in my head for weeks and weeks after it released!! the mv really makes it, the surprise near the end is so cool"
"ZERO TALKING TALKING TALKING .Harumakigohan is the king of vocaloid yuri rn but oh my god first on-screen kiss in his songs!!! For a cute song about a princess trying to win back the affection of her childhood friend now employed as a head maid at her castle. just listen to the beat and tell me u are not enthralled. the lil "pop" noise in the song when they smooch is adorable. the song is so catchy it's ridculous i just hit that shit on loop."
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campbyler · 2 months
mmm what the fuck?
how am i supposed to live like a normal functioning person after experiencing the full range of human and Inhuman emotions?
thea i love u i promise but i also want to kill u in the most cruel way possible.
i was trying to read 32k words one hour before the work and failed Miserably 😭 i only get through driving lesson part. can u believe i had to do actual work the entire day instead of reading my gay fanfiction? 💔heartbreaking misogynistic And homophobic if u ask me.
anyway. i know im going to forget something. it always happens and then im too shy to send other asks so let hope it doesn’t happen this time.
driving lesson.
don’t worry about ur manual transmission description. i’ve changed three instructors in the span of year and a half and all three of them told me different things. i didn’t notice any Big Serious issues that would be at odds with driving mechanic.
to the other news. will sucks 😭😭 not his fault Obviously. he’s naturally anxious and tbh mike didn’t give him any hints about how to feel when the car is ready to go. not mikes fault too. i bet he doesn’t even think about this little thing anymore (and cause u don’t know about them either. which is ok don’t worry about it. u probably just need to experience it ti fully understand). i was so happy when will finally manage to get the car going 😭😭 i probably called him baby too.
and then i literally passed out when i saw the mike called Him baby?? first will’s brain in denial made me questioning was it really for him or for the car. cause mike Loves that car i wouldn’t be surprised if he really call it baby from time to time. but then i remembered that we know how mike feels thanks god and i became like 85% sure that it was for will. (i also Run to check playlist right after this line. yeah i found “king of my heart” there. u make the impossible possible cause why am i listening to two of my least favorite reputation songs and genuinely enjoy them?)
i mentally add the keychains to the list of things we need to know more about. but i think it’s cute that they both not only save them but also use them almost daily. and they both choose car keys to hang the keychains on. dare i say soulmates.
*two weeks later*
also i think it’s funny they consider each other hot while driving.
and of course mike is obsessed with old expensive cars!!
are the malls in the us exactly dying? my office building is near the mall and i can guarantee u that in my country they r super alive.
ok i might be wrong but i think that the deleted scene is from bookstore part idk.
i think it’s cute that they trust each other enough to allow to choose as significant item as journals concerning that they really picky about them.
and i loved that mike blushed over a simple kiss 🫶🏻🫶🏻
(i feel like i want to catch up on everything and it’s killing me cause i write down one thing and immediately remember the other 😭)
THEY WERE SO BOYFRIENDS IN DINER!!! i don’t think i will ever recover from how cute they r and how much they actually like each other (and how single i am. as the classic said “when someone will prey on my neurodivergency….” and so on and so forth). i love that everyone can see it and im obsessed that boys don’t even want to deny it. i think a lot about the fact that mike said that they middle school sweethearts like he regrets about the missed opportunities (but also he doesn’t regret cause the thing they have now (at this exact moment. cause i still have bad feeling) is like that Because of years of semi-friendship and rivalry and unsaid confessions).
and i think even more about the fact that mike didn’t want to talk about his pretentious ivy league college. squinting so hard and taking a lot of notes (in fact writing paragraphs of analysis to my friends who has no idea what acswy).
the photobooth scene!!! omg i can’t believe u almost deleted it all??? suni is our hero! lots of hugs and kisses and thanks to them!!
i can’t believe mike talked about showing pictures to their friends in one minute and literally kissing will on them in the other. i love them they r so silly and in love and can’t get enough of each other. u can feel how close they become and that the air is thick with the newfound (and rediscovered) feelings. and they can’t live without touching and the hold hands constantly!!! all day long!!! and it’s not enough!!! and oh. i think it wasn’t the last time we saw pictures (squinting even harder).
the way max immediately cut the bullshit and asked about swearshirt. i need to know what lucas wrote to mike.
he likes him!!!
i love the difference between mikes “i know i like him but i won’t do anything about it” and wills “i need to kiss him to death right now!”
and the kiss on the backseat of mikes stupid mustang!! we were all waiting for it!
i think i reread and memorized the last part and in still shaking whenever i think about “nervous” part. mike makes will nervous!! and he makes him shake and do stupid stuff like kissing and blushing and thinking to add heart next to his name and call him his boyfriend!!! omg!!
“I’ve got you, baby” WHO WILL GET ME??? im the one who is going insane??? it’s so tender. my boys 💔💔💔
(the second time. my eyes r hurting from squinting that much. and i feel like we’ll have “el’s not stupid” kind of scene in the flashbacks)
this character hits so hard!! i’ve never doubted any of u but i can see why this one is one of ur favorite thea!
thank u so much for ur hard work. if i could draw i would to the whole ass animation of this chapter (and any other too).
love u. thank u for reading all this rambling
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mmm what the fuck is RIGHT alya bc this is how i feel every time i read one of ur lovely essay comments. bc whaqt the fuck. why do u want me to CRY ALL THE TIME. (i guess it's fair considering we are making u cry with the fic itself but still . Rude)
you are so real for trying to read 32k in one hour and also so me . rly fucked up and cruel that you would have to work (even tho u threatened to murder me)...i hope you are freed from these perils Soon. don't ever be too shy to send more asks tho every ask from you is a BLESSING and a TREAT!!! EVEN WHENTHEY ARE LACED W THREATS!!!!!!!!!!!! and also tysm for validating my manual driving lesson description bc fr every video i watched was different and i was so stressed but it's FINE. ALYA SIGNED OFF ON IT SO NO ONE ELSE MATTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! DEAL W IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! will Does suck and that's one thing we can all agree on 💗💗💗 i was going to include a bit about likee what the engine Sounds like bc i know it sounds different when you're ready to switch gears but honest tbhly the driving scene alone is like 12k and i was super losing steam by the time i thought of it so i didn't <3 he is def a baby and mike def refers to his car as baby so he is right to be confused. but it WAS for him!! we actually aren't 100% sure of mike's feelings Yet (ch08 is meant to be the precipice of a realization, not an actual one) but obviously . we do have a pretty good idea of how he does feel. teehee. also i am glad you are enjoying komh now bc wtf......how is it one of your least faves................i support you but i am also judging u a little alya .
i think keychains will be included in one of the companions :o) also OBVIOUSLY they find each other hot while driving. they're both annoying and down bad 🙄🙄
malls here are super dying!! i think the only ones that aren't are ones in Major Cities (there's two nearby me that are pretty popular, but the other ones are mostly closed, and it's definitely been a phenomenon in the us over the last few years thanks to online shopping)!! the deleted scene is actually from the driving scene, but the bookstore scene Feels shorter bc i was truly at the point where i had nothing left to give when writing it (it was the last part of ch09 to be written), so it definitely suffered from that. if we ever do Huge post-mortem edits once acswy is over, i might go back and add to it, or write a deleted-scene-type companion, but tht's the tea w the bookstore scene <3
the diner scene was SOOOO fun to write and it had me blushing frfr. i answered this in another ask but the middle school sweethearts comment was Definitely the most insane thing that i thought of for this chapter and to me it was for sure the nail in the coffin for will of like damn. ok. he's Serious abt this. bc i think with their #history that will has trouble admitting even to himself that he likes mike, and so he'd need to feel pretty certain of how mike feels first, and after processing the middle school sweethearts comment later in the car that's what made him realize like oh damn. i Do like him. SO MUCH. and we all nodded and patted his back and said yeah baby we know. but what you described mike thinking is absolutely exactly how he feels 💗 very reminiscent and wistful, even.
LOL LITERALLY THIS HAS BEEN A UNANIMOUS COMMENT ACROSS THE BOARD OF "THANK GOD FOR SUNI" (INCLUDING MYSELF). to Explain the way i was feeling about it -- i did not initially mean to have that be a Spicy make out moment! it was supposed to read more along the lines of the thrift store scene, or even the kiss after will finished driving the mustang, so very sweet and soft and Romantic. it just didn't come out that way once i was actually writing it, and so i was nervous that i was toeing the line too heavily, or tht it was out of place with the rest of the vibe i had constructed for the chapter. a combination of suni (and abby, who got early access and acted as our second beta) being adamant that it Did fit and worked well, and me being too pressed for time/not having enough energy to rewrite that saved it from the deleted scene graveyard <3 thank god fr. they are both so fucking stupid.
the entiiiiire realization scene up from will realizing he likes mike to the very end of the chapter is my favorite thing that i have ever written i think 💗 i am just so happy with the way it turned out, especially with it being at the point in the fic that it's at!! it felt rly right for will :') also mike calling him baby!!! that was such a last minute decision but i'm so glad i went for it!! the original line was "i've got you, yeah?" but baby hit So much harder so shout out to editing thea for making that change 🤸 will wants to add a heart next to mike's name in his phone SOOOO BAD!!! WHEN WILL HE GET TO!!!!!!!!!!!
your second ask SO TRUE SO REAL. TEEHEE AND MWAHA AND SO ON AND SO FORTH. also you're so right jonathan is so fucked up for stealing steve from will like that 🙄
tytyty as always for your novel length comment alya 💗 really and genuinely and truthfully the thought of getting to read ur reactions is one of the most exciting parts of uploading a chapter!! i eagerly await all of ur other reactions <3333
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totallysora · 3 months
Newsies (1992)
Ok so these are some things from 92sies! Icl I never actually had time to rewatch it so this is all from memory 😔 There is deffo more and at some point I will actually rewatch it and add to it, but this is all I have for now!
Crutchy is a cutie 
Oscar mocking blink
For a group of kids who can’t actually sing they actually sound rlly good when they’re singning together 😭
Crutchy being stressed out at the start of carrying the banner
CRUTCHY OK I LOVED HIM SM 😕 Him messing with the newspapers 😭
“Nobody told the horse >:(” - Racetrack Higgins 1899
SANTA FE 🥰 For someone who clearly can’t sing HE DIDNT ACTUALLY DO A BAD JOB OK 😭
SPOT 🥰🥰 
“Never fear Brooklyn’s here” - Spot Conlon 1899 
Race and the others all asking synder to donate 😭 AND HIM ACTUALLY DOING IT 💀
Kloppmann 😻 Him protecting Jack 😭 they totally butchered his roll in the bway show but honestly I see why lmao
Icl I don’t hate high times hard times I thought it was kinda fun
Everyone holding spot back ☹️ honestly I would’ve just let him beat his ass
Ok I could say this about both the bway show and the movie but in king of new york the fact that they’re all asking for rlly simple things 😕
Also Denton!! Don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore Katherine but I kinda like denton tbh
“Go back to Brooklyn 😡” - A random newsies 1899 (to spot at the end lmao)
LES MF JACOBS ☹️ HE WAS SUCH A CUTIE 😭 (and he actually did look 7 so 💀) 
The delanceys were just,,,ridiculous 😭
Jack and David r somehow still gay in the movie like what 😭
Do you think they know how much people ship them 😭❓
Ok but spot’s eyes were actually so pretty??
“I say, that what you say, it what I say” - Spot Conlon 1899
“On the grounds of Brooklyn your honour” - Spot Conlon 1899
Can you tell I love spot
Mush bullying Jack at the start 😭
Crutchys laugh
“Extra extra Joe, read all about it” - Jack Kelly 1899
“Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes” - David Jacobs 1899
This wasn’t in the movie but blood drips heavily on newsies square is iconic
Ok this also wasn’t in the movie but the bloopers of crutchy mentioning the delanceys when they’re first introduced r so funny 💀
The fact Morris calls Weisel ‘uncle weas’ 😭 (I THINK DON’T QUOTE ME ON THIS 😔)
Jack on a horse,,,that’s it 😭 IT WAS SO SILLY LMAO
The whole cowboy thing with Jack is also a lil silly
Ok but Jack scabbing in this was like,,sm better done?? Don’t get me wrong I love the whole sellout thing in newsies live but cmon 
Also the fact that JACK ACTUALLY GOES TO THE REFUGE ‼️‼️
The whole spinning on the lights/fans thing in King of new york (AND HOW THEY DID IT IN UKSIES 🥰)
The way Race says “It takes and orphan with a studdah”
Once again this is from memory of watching it at Christmas so sorry if some of this is wrong 😭 If I think of anything else I’ll add it! (Also this was requested by @artemis-lynn [praying this actually tags u 🙏] sorry it took so long!)
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“Your eyes. They remind me . . . of the stars„
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﹐✦﹒STATUS — “dead„ + “burnttt outtt to the core!!„
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yua! 2/25. she/her. infp. height? 4'8. absolutely adores scara. writes mostly smut. asian. turning 20 next year, sighs. adores and an absolute fanatic of books, writing, art, music and dancing 🫶
extra info? —— none. haven't made a carrd yet. other way to contact me is thru disc. otherwise you can contact me on tumblr. I only write on tumblr and ao3. if you see my works anywhere else, such as ai bots or on another website, please contact me immediately.
╰► masterlist // dni // req rules // tag list // anon list
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╰► genshin impact & hsr
╰► requests and researching how other characters act . . .
╰► any, just not any characters out of my league. for ex. any characters from cod, jjk, or any other fandoms.
╰► probably gonna make a carrd, revamp my account, and some stuff. idk.
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I just want to mention how I mostly do smut and dark content but I won't deny of doing fluff or any angst either! All u gotta do is just ask!
My schedule occasionally gets crowded, which leaves writing not able to fit in. I apologize if I just go silent dead for the next few weeks or days. I'm a living being and also have to keep up with my academics.
Don't come at me saying why I do female reader when I write smut, it's because I'm a female myself and I'm just doing what's comfortable with me. If you don't like my work, just block or ignore it, it's not that hard.
There's rare times where I actually do non con. I don't do non con all the time since I know that most people are going to feel uncomfortable with it.
I usually don't warn whether in my writings whether they're non con or what kinks are in it. Please, just kindly ask me to add tags and I'll do it.
Don't be afraid to req or msg me!! Occasionally I'm going to be free<33
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@ciarchivez — a mutual of mines, their works are fucking good. I love them 🫶
@strwbmei — delicious hi3 & hsr smut. would absolutely devour them.
@scara6 — rec their account. their work is also very tasty 🙏
@hiraethsdesires — absolutely adore the mara's will. bit underrated, I love them 🫶
@hitomisuzuya — delicious, devouring scara smut. I recommend them!!
@scaraswh0re — LOVE THE IDOL FICS!! they're also an amazing writer <33
@darling--core — recommend them sm, I absolutely adore the yan hcs<33
@serenitiiy — underrated!! a must read as the writer is super sweet themselves!! 🫶
@returningluv — devours. I love them.
@torntoblivion — already ate the plate along with the food. i'm too gay for their arlecchino works.
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hotluncheddie · 1 year
Do you think Robin 'I don't have a strong grasp of social cues' Buckley was relieved that Steve would just tell her like it is? Like when she's babbling while El has a bit of mindflayer in her leg he just calmly tells her that's not helping he doesn't snap at her he understands what's she'd trying to do but can also see how everyone else is reacting and knows it's not what's needed. And Steve 'youre an idiot' Harrington feeling the same that she just explains things without making him feel like an idiot? Like when he's freaking out about the buttons in the elevator and she acknowledges his point that yes they did work previously he has a point about that button they won't work now because they don't have authorisation now from the Russians key card. Do you? Do you think about how much they need each other and just work perfectly together so quickly and how lonely they must've been before
im gonna be real with you lovely anon. i do not give stobin enough of my metal juices, the thought about them are not thunk at the velocity they deserve.
but that changes now bc u r so right.
these examples are so good!! they're so perfect, so meant to be. if i think about how lonely it must have been for them before i might get genuinely sad. so i’m not even gonna go there.
i just think steve would come from a world with a lot of subtext, a lot of public vs private faces and a lot of grinning and barring it. so i feel like the simplicity of being around robin, having it all out on the table; how she feels, what she's thinking, what she likes and doesn't like being so so obvious. i bet its really nice, really freeing for steve. that you can just be, be yourself.
and i think robin would also come from a world with a lot of subtext but subtext she feels like she’s on the outside of, never given the cheat sheet. plus she’s gay so that’s adds a level of anxiety to the subtext she is already struggling with. has someone figured her out? is anyone else like her and she just can’t see it? very stressful. but steve just is, he knows how to navigate people, even if they don’t react to him the same way they used to. he has all the flash cards and he’ll share no problem.
also i think steve is very sensible with a strong moral compass, ultimately hes very kind. and robin is smart but not always people smart, but again she ultimately has a strong sense of self and confidence in her own thoughts and abilities. they’re such a good mix of robins creative thinking and steves linear thinking. one will notice what the other lacks but they’re confident and comfortable enough to voice it in the first place. similar enough but also different enough. they fill in each others gaps. perfect love recipe i think.
and the start! the spark! u put them together in the neutral space of scoops ahoy. they both need to be there, hate being there and look stupid. they’re constantly around each other and have the ability to constantly surprise each other. it’s a bestie recipe made in heaven.
plus they’re both kinda mean when they want to be, much easier to not get offended if ur natural instinct is to be kinda mean back.
but i think platonic love can be a hard one sometimes. so it’s lovely that theres them for representation.
ty for sending me this <3
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stawpny · 8 months
anyways, ik a lot of ppl go on here and see when I post, hoping it’s headcannons and I just disappoint them
so here’s some hc’s for u children
ny and the south edition! (pls I don’t know much about the south so don’t kill me 😭 I’m a new yorker)
(the quotes with names on it are southerners communicating with NY or whoever else u want, but more specifically NY)
- NC and SC always force NY or any other state who would hate it to sing and/or play the banjo when singing a song at a campfire. Even if they suck at singing or playing the banjo!!!
-speaking of campfires, I believe that the states usually have fires every Summer and Autumn. most get together and sing songs and stuff (u can use this idea if u want)
-New York was forced by Gov to make sure a southern party didn’t go terribly. He stood by the door while Texas wouldn’t leave him alone. He stole Texas’ hat when they all passed out, drunk and still has it to date.
-as (maybe) stated before, York plays a lot of instruments, and sometimes they force him to play the acoustic guitar, harmonica, banjo, electric guitar, etc. The NE makes fun of him for it.
-acts gay especially in front of the south just to make them pissed. he’ll flirt with them and make them uncomfortable with the high amount of gay in the room with them. Florida just goes along with it, laughing and pointing at all the southerners that turn away out of embarrassment.
-made fun of Texas and California when they were outlaws and they just joined the union. “I’m tha toughest cowboy ya will ever meet!” “Mhm.” “DONT JUS’ HUM AT ME!!” >:( -Texas
-They know better than to mess with a northerner. Texas doesn’t though, he’s just stupid. York punched him once and he swore he saw him crying to Virginia after.
-has bit many southerners, does not regret it
-“Gimme yer best ‘yeehaw’” “yeehaw..” “Ya can do better than that! I’ve heard ya yell at Jersey.” “yeehaw.” “York, I swear-“ “YEE- FUCKIN’ HAW!”-Texas
-“just add some ol’ bay, it’ll make it taste better.” “No it fuckin’ won’t. Keep that shit away from my brownies.”- Maryland
-played poker against Texas, won and almost got shot by him. (Sore loser)
-“what are yous gonna start growlin’?” “GRRRRR-” -Kentucky
-“nah yer good ‘ere.” “Yous are ontop of me. I dunno if I should feel turned on or uncomfortable..” -Georgia
-“off-brand me.” “southerner you, which makes better.” -also Georgia (Empire State and Empire State of the south)
- “who made you this way..?” “The man yer datin’, Y’know, Mass’.” “He would never-“ “Gin, yous even know the answer to this question, it’s an obvious yes.” -Virginia
-“get rid’a the car at this point.” “Hey! I spent my life savin’s on ol’ reliable ‘ere! I ain’t gettin’ rid o’ her if she jus’ has a leak!” “Life savin’s? Jesus, what’s wrong wit’ yous?” - Tennessee
-“ that’s ‘cause Sippi’ wants a sip of that dick.” “WHAT. I ain’t gay!” *crickets* “GUYS PLEASE-“ -Mississippi
-“are yous happy to live in this shithole?” “Hey! I work hard to make this house a home!” “Work harder next time. This looks like if a hillbilly came in ‘ere trashed the place. Y’know, that makes sense knowin’ that yous idiots live ‘ere.” *walks away* “HEY! YOU TAKE THAT BACK!” -Alabama
- “I HATE YOU!” “NUH UH! I HATE YOU MORE!” “‘nuh uh’ really proves yer point, north.” -NC & SC
- “Mais sha, ya really know how shade the south, huh?” “I’ve had enough of all of yous and I’ve seen ya at yer highest and lowest, so I know what will make yous cry later.” “Uh huh, do me then.” “Nah. Don’ get me wrong, yer barely tolerable, but ya don’ get one.” - Louisiana
(loui was upset later bc he didn’t get one 😭)
-“I swear, ya say anythin’ about me bein’ in ‘misery’ then I’m gonna-“ “Nah, I don’ care ‘bout that. What I do care about is why you like mules better than horses. Isn’t that like the whole southerner thing? Horses and idiots with hats?” -Missouri
-“are yous even apart of the south, or are you like the West Virginia of Kansas?” “JESUS IS GONNA NEED TO BLESS YER ASS SOON, WHAT THE HELL DID YA JUS’ SAY TO ME?!” “I’m Jewish.” -Arkansas
-“yer mid-atlantic, but I understand why ya don’ go to family dinnahs wit’ the Northeast. If I had an excuse, I would use it too.” “You guys are scary up there, I’m shocked you still go to those things. In the ‘contract’ they said they were optional.” “FUCKIN’ OPTIONAL?!” -Delaware
-“I will eat your face.” “Uh huh.” “PAY ATTENTION TO ME OR IM GOING TO DO SOMETHING DRASTIC!” “Uh huh.” “AAAAAAAAA-“- Florida
could u tell I got lazy at the end?
anyway, I hope you liked
I spent so long on the quotes, trying to come up with a good one was the hardest part.
and I know half of them are reaaally bad 😭
I have no clue what to do for the next chapter of a fic
but anyways, ily guys
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mikerztmf · 9 months
my stupid, messy, and long-winded thoughts on jake having a crush on drew
to get it out of the way LOL: CANONICALLY, jake doesn't have a crush on drew. obviously. BUT this is just me taking how jake acts and trying to answer the question "but what if he did haha" bc im delusional like that. that's also why this essay is a lot more casual than my other ones (not much shorter tho, SORRY ABT THAT). probably won't talk abt canon events as much (other than the drakeup), but still lmao
ME, PERSONALLY, i think that jake would develop a crush on drew probably around freshman year-ish. bc, as ive said before, drew was the first person to want to be jake's friend. im sure it meant a lot to jake, especially bc we can assume that it was drew who talked to/approached jake first!!
(and lol, if jake started crushing on daisy bc she was the first person encourage him in middle school, itd only be natural for him to develop a crush on drew after he defended him from bullies, bought him things, and in general was his first close friend???? jk LMAO, but the point still stands)
i think the way jake would go about his feelings... he simply wouldn't do anything about them... besides hide them away and act like they were never there. but then again, that shit wouldn't work out, bc those feelings are so engrained in him.
bc jake really cares about what drew thinks, which is why he kept quiet about his past and his passion. and the crush would definitely be a part of that. like it's smth jake would view as "bad", and he would think that it's just an additional reason for drew to drop him. that's why, i think, he'd never purposely act on his feelings or anything. maybe the occasional gay thing will slip out of his mouth when drew's not around to hear it, but nothing actually intentional?
anyway. sing along if you know the words!!! JAKE LIED TO DREW IN AN ATTEMPT TO KEEP HIM!!! 🎉🎉
jake hid his passion for music and his crush from drew so they would be able to stay friends. bc, to him, it was the only way that drew would ever "like him back", even if it wasn't romantically. (he's wrong ofc, bc drew has a massive boycrush on him. but jake doesn't know that)
basically, all of that basically means that the one thing jake didn't want is for drew to call him a freak/for drew to leave. it just sucks i guess, bc everything jake did to make that not happen... became the exact reasons why it did happen.
and if we're gonna talk abt canon some more... i think this crush would add to jakes internal conflict throughout the series. like yeah. jakes got the club and he can be his full self with them, but since drew is his first friend (who he developed feelings for!!!), he finds it hard to let him go. which is why he sort of tries to defend/excuse the jomies, up until ep7 ("they're still my friends ... they're not like that all the time.")
TL;DR??? imagine my last jake-centric essay but 5x worse 👍 sorry this is so scatterbrained LMAO i just. have a lot of thoughts abt jake-centric drake, if u couldn't tell
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: October 2022 ~  
☔️ Happy November!!! ☔️
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Dailymotion and Youtube. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! (previous breakdowns)
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What came out this month? (green tick = seen or currently watching)
🌟 To Sir, With Love - October 3rd (Thailand)
🌟 Kabe Koji - October 3rd (Japan)
🌟 Kabe Sa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shouninyokkyou wo Kojiraseteiru  - October 4th (Japan)
🌟 Ghost Host, Ghost House - October 5th (Thailand)
🌟 Two and One - October 5th (Philippines)
🌟 Catch Me Baby - October 6th (Thailand)
🌟 Big Dragon - October 8th (Thailand) 
🌟 My Roommate - October 8th (Thailand) 
🌟 Paradise - October 8th (Philippines) 
🌟 Remember Me - October 9th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 2 Moons 3: The Ambassador - October 10th (Thailand)
🌟 Self - September 13th (Thailand)
🌟 Roommates of Poongduck 304 - October 13th (South Korea) ✅
🌟 My Tooth Your Love - October 14th (Taiwan)
🌟 Hard Love Mission - October 15th (Thailand)
🌟 Love is Right - October 17th (South Korea) 
🌟 Why You… Y Me? - October 19th (Thailand) 
🌟 Eternal Yesterday - October 21st (Japan)
🌟 Choco Milk Shake - October 25th (South Korea)
🌟 My Friendship 2: Before the Rainbow - October 28th (Thailand)
🌟 Grand Guignol (Horror Movie) - October 28th (Japan)
🌟 Till the World Ends - October 29th (Thailand)
🌟 Love Bill - October 29th (Vietnam)
Monthly likes/dislikes
❣️ The Eclipse - Gonna put this on here for one last time because how can I not lmao. It wasn’t perfect and there were some bumps in the road but it was still a masterpiece to me. It was obvious that everything about it came from a place of sincerity and passion from everyone involved and the characters, as well as the stories they told, meant so much to me. Idk if others feel that way but yeah. It’s hard to top for sure.  
❣️ Roommates of Poongduck 304 - YO this show is amazing. I havent seen anyone talk about it so yeah definitely criminally underrated. The writing is genius, the dialogues are witty and the acting is amazing. Truly a top-notch production in every possible way with all the kdrama feels but yknow... gay lmao. Highly recommend!!!!! 
👎🏻  Oh My Sunshine Night - I don’t know where this show went wrong but it was a disaster. It’s been slow from the get go but it was nearly unbearable towards the end. The second half was just a loop of the same scenes and the same lines over and over again which is a shame because I know OhmFluke can do better. 18 episodes wasted. What a flop. 
New series & movie announcements
🎥 HIStory 5: Love in the Future - Date TBA (Taiwan) 
🎥 Individual Circumstances - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Takumi-kun Series 6 - Coming 2023 (Japan)
🎥 Paano Kaya Kung Tayo (movie) - Date TBA (Philippines) 
🎥 Star Struck - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 A Story to Remember - Date TBA (Philippines) 
🎥 Home Par - Date TBA (Singapore) 
🎥 Liquor - Coming late 2022 (South Korea)
🎥 Unintentional Love Story (starring Woo Taemin and others) - Date TBA (South Korea) 
🎥 Future - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Jump - Coming January 2023 (Thailand) 
🎥 My Beautiful Man: The Movie - Date TBA (Japan) 
🎥 Marry My Dead Body (movie) - Coming February 10th 2023 (Taiwan)
🎥 Fueang Nakorn (City of Stars) (produced by StarHunter) - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 House of Stars - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 La Pluie - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 For Him - Date TBA (Thailand) 
🎥 Sukisuki Wanwan - Date TBA (Japan) 
🎥 Moments of Love - Date TBA (Thailand) 
Other news from the BL world
❗️ The upcoming Thai BL Midnight Fortune has been cancelled. It’s unclear whether or not a different company will pick it up. 
❗️The upcoming Korean remake of the Thai BL “Why R U” has finished filming and is now in postproduction. The air date has yet to be announced. 
❗️The upcoming Thai BL Make a Wish has wrapped filming. The pilot trailer was released on October 28th. The air date has yet to be announced. 
❗️The Thai BL Unforgotten Night will have a special episode. There are no further details yet. 
❗️A special episode for Love in the Air has been announced for November 26th, which will be released on Vimeo. 
❗️Actor Ahn Jihoo (All of us are Dead) as well as actress and singer Kim Doyeon have joined the cast for the upcoming Korean BL Heesu in Class 2.
❗️A movie version for the Japanese BL “My Beautiful Man” has been announced. Filming started in mid October. A release date hasn’t been announced yet. 
❗️The upcoming Thai BL Wish Me Luck released its first teaser. The show will air in 2023. 
❗️The Thai BL “A Tale of Thousand Stars” won the Special Award For Foreign Drama at the The Tokyo Drama Awards 2022. 
❗️The upcoming Korean BL Starstruck has started filming. The series will consist of 8 episodes. 
❗️The upcoming GMMTV BL Be My Favorite will commence shooting in November. 
Upcoming series & movies for November
☝🏻 Love of Secret - November 5th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Between Us - November 6th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Semantic Error: The Movie (digital release) - November 11th (South Korea)
☝🏻 I Will Knock You - November 18th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 GAP (GL) - November 19th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 609 Bedtime Story - November 26th (Thailand) 
☝🏻 My School President - November TBA (Thailand) 
☝🏻 Happy Ending Outside the Fence - November TBA (South Korea)
☝🏻 Young Hoon - November TBA (South Korea)
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franzizka · 6 months
so @candidateofloyalty recently linked the aa wlw minibang server to a bunch of blogs from janet hsu, who is the localization director for every ace attorney game and also the voice of franziska. in them she reveals a LOT about the choices that the team made in terms of localizing the games and there was this message in particular about jean armstrong that stuck out to me because i know his treatment is a thorn in aa3 for a lot of people.
– Jean Armstrong is not actually French in either the Japanese or English versions, which is why Trés Bien is spelled wrong in the English version and he speaks atrociously bad French. – Speaking of Monsieur Armstrong, I’d just like to clear up some misconceptions and localization issues surrounding his gender and sexuality. Before I begin though, please keep in mind that societal attitudes and definitions change over time, and that the original Japanese version was made over 10 years ago. Furthermore, Japanese concepts of gender and sexuality do NOT map 1 to 1 onto Western ideas due to vastly different religious, cultural, and historical influences. In the Japanese version, Jean is a typical “okama” character. At the time, the word “okama” was the generally used catchall word for an “effeminate-acting man”, and had been the go-to word since the Edo period. While that usually implied that the man in question was gay, the word was also used for any biologically male person who did drag or spoke like a woman regardless of their gender or sexuality, and even trans women. Nowadays, similar to the way the word “q u eer” is used in the West (but not entirely the same), “okama” is considered derogatory and discriminatory, though some people will still call themselves “okama”. Since adopting the English word “gay”, it has become more culturally acceptable to refer to actual gay men as “gei” (ゲイ) or the more formal word “douseiaisha” (同性愛者 – literally: “person who loves the same sex”). Given all of this, what that meant for the localized version was that I had to take a very vague and different concept of “gay” and localize it in a way that would be understandable to a Western audience. Using all of the info we get about Jean in the game, the answer I came up with was that he is a gay, cis man who enjoys performing non-passing drag… Or to put it in a more concrete way, think Conchita Wurst. Jean’s drag persona, which I have dubbed “Campy French Maiden Jean”, is all we ever see during the investigation segments, but in court, he identifies himself as a man to the judge when he is asked what gender he is. Unfortunately, back in 2007, the general public’s understanding of gender and sexuality was not as informed or as nuanced as it is today, so I think Jean still caused a lot of confusion in the English version, but I hope this has cleared it up somewhat. In terms of how the characters reference Jean, I admit it would’ve been better if they used female pronouns out of respect for his drag persona once they realized it was a persona, but in addition to the fact that I can’t add any extra text boxes to the game, I felt it would’ve been too controversial and hard to explain in-game back then. Furthermore, because he and his persona are not given separate names, it becomes very confusing very quickly as to when the characters are talking about “Campy French Maiden Jean” and when they’re talking about the man/legal witness “Mr. Jean Armstrong”. That said, I feel that society is making progress — to the point where things like calling people by their preferred gender pronoun is slowly becoming the socially correct thing to do — so I hope that someday I won’t need to provide an in-game explanation. As a side note, given what type of character he is, you can see how he ties into the overall theme of the game, which is “not everything is always what it seems on the surface”.
here's the blog post if anyone is interested in reading more
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