#dj cut killer
mutantes-sinmas · 2 years
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Musica, sonrisas, feelings y bailes
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carolmunson · 11 months
you be the spoon, dip you in honey (older!modern!eddie)
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part three of who knows how many. orange colored sky set list we finally make it to our real date at the park. dj finally doesn't have us falling in love again at trader joe's. let's do it for real this time. :) inspired by @loveshotzz older steve series: all i really want is youtw: age gappy (reader is late 20s, eddie is late thirties), brief mention of suicide, discussion about columbine, eddie puts clothing over reader's shoulders, eddie talks briefly about family trauma.
“So do you dye all your black clothes to the same depth or do you have a really good eye for color?” you ask. He peers up at you from his book, hair tied up in what looks like a pen – his grays catch the light, so does the wire on the glasses perched on his nose. His lips spread into a grin, tip of his tongue sliding over the tip of his pointy canine, “You look pretty.” 
songspiration: daylight | harry styles
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He lied – it is swampy and it’s hot hot. It’s Uber to the park hot. It’s ‘can’t stand in the boiling subway’ hot. It’s thigh chafing hot. It’s ‘Why did I make a fucking icebox cake for this picnic date in the park?’ hot. You dressed as cute as you could for this weather, too sweaty for a skirt or dress, too hot to need to worry about how you’re sitting. Your cropped peasant top flutters at the sleeves when an unforgiving breeze of hot air blows past at the entrance to the park. You feel beads of sweat drip down your back and pray it doesn’t leave a mark on the gauzy cream material of your shirt. Your sandals crunch through the grass, following the pin he dropped when you told him you were on your way – suddenly the band on your high waisted shorts feels too tight. You swallow and shake your head, just a little further while the cooler with your cake swings next to you in your hand. You spot him five minutes later on a big knit blanket, snacks freshly taken out and set up prettily in their containers. His silver jewelry glints in the sun, freshly shined. He sits coolly, cross legged in black shorts, clean chucks tucked under his thighs that same damn carabiner hooked to his front belt loop. Your eyes trail upwards onto his black tank with an equally black linen short sleeve left unbuttoned, sleeves cuffed and loose against his tattooed arms. You can see a little more of his chest piece now that he’s not as covered up and it’s clear there’s very little of him that’s not inked up. 
“So do you dye all your black clothes to the same depth or do you have a really good eye for color?” you ask. He peers up at you from his book, hair tied up in what looks like a pen – his grays catch the light, so does the wire on the glasses perched on his nose. His lips spread into a grin, tip of his tongue sliding over the tip of his pointy canine, “You look pretty.” 
The hammering in your chest from his compliment makes you feel a little hotter than you were before. Eddie notices, smirking when he puts the book down to stand up and take the ice cake from you, transferring it into the Yeti cooler to the side. “Thank you for making this,” he smiles, “I’m excited for it.” "These are for you," he says sweetly, pulling a small bouquet of fresh flowers out from the cooler, "I didn't want them to wilt but now they're probably all wet." "It's actually kind of nice," you laugh, taking the cold bouquet from him. The water on the stems offering you some relief as droplets hit your toes. You sit down while he sets up your late lunch for you on a plate – he wasn’t kidding, he made bruschetta. Toasted the bread and everything. Meats, cheeses, cut up fruit, even Tajin. Was he a serial killer or something? Guys don’t actually do this, right? This is like…the witch from Hansel and Gretel energy.  "Thank you," you say, taking your plate, "For this and the flowers." "You said you thought picnic dates only happen in movies," he shrugs, "Wanted to make it nice for you."
“What book did you bring?” he asks while he pulls out two bottles of Pelligrino – the glass kind, dripping in condensation. “You’re not gonna judge me?” you ask. 
“Nah,” he grins. You reach into your bag to pull out the book, wincing when he looks at it with a quirked brow, sitting across from you. His cologne hits you, dark and leathery, woody and spicy -- you haven't smelled this one yet. Spit collects under your tongue when you see the chain peaking out from under the collar of his button down. Why is this old man so fine? “Bummer read, peach,” he laughs, taking the book from your hand, “Columbine by Dave Cullen? You wanna read about Columbine?”
“I’ve tried to get through it twice and I just never finish,” you shrug, snatching the book back, "You said you wouldn't judge me." “Probably can’t finish cause it’s a bummer,” he teases. He looks at you and the plate of food at your knees, “Go ahead, eat.” “What’re you reading?” you ask through a mouthful of cracker. 
“I’m halfway through The Two Towers,” he says, pulling the pen out of his hair and shaking it out, “I read the trilogy every summer.” “Lord of the Rings?” “Yeah,” he smiles and it lingers, it’s hard to stare at him for too long, “Also, yes – I do have a really good eye for color.” “Noted,” you nod, “Thank you for telling me. I’ll have to call you next time I wanna paint my walls or something.” “Don’t talk me up too much,” he says, leaning back and popping a mini pretzel into his mouth, “I think it’s just for matching blacks.” 
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You've settled a lot after eating, both bottles of Pelligrino sitting empty on the blanket, snacks still out but the main courses fully devoured. You talked about work and he talked about clients and you both talked about how silly it was that you met at Trader Joe's because it is silly. The icebox cake stays in the cooler while you take your books out and digest. Time passes while you both read, Eddie leaning back on one arm and you laying down with your knees up. You’ve found the perfect position of the book blocking the sun from your face in a way that is still comfortable to hold it -- but the sun has moved some in the couple hours you've been at the park. “So what’s it about?” he asks after a while, “The book.” “Read the title,” you reply, turning your head to see him looking at you. “You know what I meant,” he sighs, nudging your sandaled foot with the toe of his Converse, “Don’t be so mean.” 
“It’s basically a recount of events, debunking some stuff – like the ‘Do you believe in God?’ exchange between one of the girls and Eric. Shows their journals and talks about the kind of kids they were – definitely not bullied I’ll tell you that much,” you explain. He marvels at you while you do, brown eyes raising and lowering while you yammer on.  “Was it weird for you? Like, did people think you were weird since you were into metal?” Your question brings him back to himself, away from your pretty lips and eyelashes, the way your face lights up when you talk, “There was a lot of overlap of satanic panic from the 80s – especially since graphic video games and shit were on the come up, too. I was out of high school by then but definitely got a lot of side eye for having, like, a Megadeth shirt on at work.” 
“What were you doing for work?” “I was a mechanic for a bit, started working there when I was a kid up until I left Indiana to work on music,” he reaches for another pretzel and you hold your hand out for one, already missing the bruschetta that you both destroyed in minutes. His fingers graze your palm where he places two of them, the salt bits falling onto the blanket. You take his fingers gently before he can take them away, finally close enough to read the tattoos on his knuckles. “G-W-E-N,” you spell out quietly. Your heart sinks at the realization – of course there’s some other woman, “Gwen, huh? Does she know you’re here?” “My mom?” he asks with a laugh, brows raising, “No, she died in 1990. But when I go visit her at the cemetery I’ll let her know all about it.” 
Your face burns, sitting up and letting your book fall to the wayside, “I’m sorry – that was – I’m so sorry.” “It’s okay,” he assures, noticing you haven't let go of his hand yet. His fingers delicately tracing over yours, thumb dragging softly over the heel of your palm, “The other hand is her middle name. Really lucked out on them both being four letters.” He shows you his other hand, hidden behind a few silver rings was R-O-S-E across the knuckles. You take that one too, tilting his hands to the side to look at the tattoos by his wrists and forearms, “Her full name was Gwendolyn, but obviously no one called her that. My uncle always called her Gwenny. Gwenny Rose when he was drunk – they woulda made a much better pair than her and my dad.” 
“Your dad still around?” 
“Murder-suicide,” he says quietly while your eyes take in the art all over his skin. “Jesus,” you hiss out, eyes snapping up to look into his. His face softens assuringly, lines on his face becoming less apparent, “Don’t worry about it. It’s been years and a shit ton of therapy. I’m very healed – and y’know, we all have our shit. That’s mine.” He takes your hands and flips them over, thumb now gliding over one of your gold rings, “What would you get tattooed on your knuckles?” You can feel the calloused edges of his finger tips while smoothing up to the edge of your wrist and down again like you did to him. Your throat nearly closes up with how it feels to be touched so softly like this, like you’re delicate. You shiver despite the heat when he flips them again, feathering meaningless shapes onto your palms. “Oh um,” you swallow, forgetting there was a world around you, not even noticing that clouds had blotted out the sun, “I don’t think I’d ever get my knuckles tattooed.” “Why’s that?” “I’m not a sort of rockstar like you are,” you grin. He clicks his tongue, warm hands gently circling your wrists while he shakes his head in disappointment. “So mean,” he chastises, “I’m a real rockstar, I prom – oh, shit.” A few drops come down in spits, and then a patter and before you know it the rain is coming down in sheets. You and Eddie quickly cover up the snacks in their tupperware, tossing everything haphazardly into the cooler, even the flowers. You take both books and put them in your bag while he wraps up the blanket now covered in grass and rain. You both peer at each other through squinted eyes as droplets collect on your eyelashes, his curls deflate and coil the wetter they get. “Hey um,” he starts, “You of course don’t have to, but I live pretty close by if you wanna just run to mine and dry off.” 
A familiar fear bubbles in your chest, “Uh…” “It’s okay! Let’s get out of the park and I’ll get you a car home,” he offers, hand outstretched for you to take it. You can feel the buzz between your hands when he laces fingers with you, the same electric current you felt when he held you steady at the store yesterday. He holds it strong and certain, knowing exactly where to go. You let him lead you out while the cooler drags behind him, eyes half closed as the rain hits them. You look down at your shirt as you get to an exit close to the library, completely see through now that it’s soaked. You let go of his hand when he gets his phone out, crossing your arms over your chest, already missing the buzz. “If you’re really close by I’d actually love a chance to dry off,” you say before he even gets the app open. He looks you over, seeing how your shirt sticks to your skin, the tone peeking through. “Oh, honey, here,” he says hurriedly, shrugging off his wet linen button up and putting it over your shoulders, “I'm like, less than a ten minute walk. You sure?" You nod while the rain continues to pelt you both, wincing with your shoulders up by your neck as if that'll protect you from the never ending downpour. “Prospect Heights, huh?” you ask with a raised brow, “Maybe I should put you in my phone as Money Bags, instead.” 
“Don’t start,” he laughs, wet curls bouncing when his head turns to you, offering his hand again, “C’mon, peach.” 
You take it without any hesitation.
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capsensislagamoprh · 3 months
So, I was sitting here thinking about Victor and Yuuri's wedding, as you do, when it occurred to me. That damned stripper pole is gonna make an appearance. I know it is. I see it. In my mind. Dose Chris carry that thing around like he's a secret BO staff fighter and he will dance off to save the world? This boy is a bard. He's a sexy dance bard. Bet he can stomp in 6 inch heals.
Anyway, that's not the point.
The point is, Otabek will not be caught dead doing that. 1: flexibility is not his strong suit and he knows it. Let others have their fun He's just be in the background contemplating the physics of it. 2: That is something he will *never* be suckered into because he knows they take photos. Nope. Big Nope.
But what he will do, as requested, is DJ the dance floor for the after party. Which means Yuri will not get to dance with him. Which is sad. EXCEPT. My head did a thing.
See, Otabek would totally be that one completely responsible, fire putting out, fixes stuff by walking thrugh a room and just correcting it person every wedding has. Even if all he does is direct the right person where they need to go so they can put out said fire. Takes a team, but the observant notice where they need to be. (I have been to so many weddings and I am telling you there is always ONE person who makes it all better by existing and OnE pErSoN who fucks it by by breathing.)
And like, I got so many head cannons about this. See, he wears a cravat, proper, for his competitions. Guess who's being tasked (along with Chris) to deal with people who cannot tie ties. Basic will not do. We're talking Fancy Tied Ties. FANCY. Yes, both Chris and Otabek can do these to perfection.
Guess who has to stop Yuri from climbing a wall when he's stressed because Yuuri is stressed and that makes Victor want to go comfort him, but he can't because he has to get ready for the wedding himself, and Yuri is supposed to stop Victor but Victor listens to no man save Yuuri and that's a mess he's tried to explain but no one seems to get but Otabek.
Guess who has to braid Yuri's hair to calm him down. Then has to tell Yuuri's mom - who is doing something else important at the time - what's up so it can be dealt with. Then has to deal with helping Yuri find where he threw his shoes in a rage.
Guess who has to go pick up the classic car they left to get detailed the day before instead of three days prior like he suggested and it may not be here on time because the delivery driver for it can't get anyone to drive him back, so he has to go and get it to the sight on time for when they 'go away' on the honey moon drive which is actually just a drive around the island so the pack of feral ice skaters can reset the scene for the after party. This doubles as having to pick up the wedding cake, and triples as getting Yuri out of there for a little bit so he can chill under the guise of holding the cake steady so it wont be ruined.
Guess who holds the ladders when they hang up flower decor because someone forgot they cannot en pointe to breach that last three inch gap between them and the hook for the flower arrangement. Seriously, you're gonna hurt yourself.
Guess who just sort of lugs boxes where they need to go with out a problem, and in general dose the dirty work quietly with everyone else, letting them set up - the fun part - while he considers this a light cardio day. Still shows up fresh and looking good, because of course he does.
And then he DJs and dose killer because you know he will, and everyone's having fun. All worth it.
But Yuri doesn't get to dance with him, and that's bothering Yuri, so Yuri hangs out with Otabek as he cleans up his set. Everyone else has decided to tear things down the next day. Not him. This shits expensive and he's not going to risk it.
And because Yuri pouts about it, Otabek sighs, grabs his hand, and with no one around just twirls Yuri's ballet doing ass about that floor in ways he's never danced before. Because while Otabek is not cut out for ballet, he dose dance. Far more varieties than Yuri. Lifts, spins, dips, twists. It's fast, and energetic, stuff to make Rodgers and Hammerstein drool. Then he just leaves Yuri drop jawed as he just walks back to his kit and finishes packing it up.
Yuri jumps on his back complaining all the way back to the place they are staying as he clings there like a particularly angelic daemon of a backpack about how dare Otabek hold out on him like that, and dose he think he can translate that to ice so Yuri can use it to kick JJs ass because he has to kick JJs ass, and also because that was so cool.
Otabek just shoulders his kit and says, "Maybe," but smiles just that little bit, until the lights show they are in range of people, his mask slipping back in place as he takes a sleepy Yuri to his room, dropping off his kit, and going to sit outside in the cool island air as an exhausted blond falls asleep still clinging to his back until he slides off from tired.
Otabek catches him. He always will. After a bit he takes him inside, and the rest of the party goes on... oh look. Chris did get out the stripper pole. Shaking his head, he continues to take care of Yuri before he wakes up from the tantalizing sent of possible blackmail pictures in the making. Because he would.
A sleep derived Yuri is a grumpy Yuri, and a grumpy Yuri just wont do.
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sailorsplatoon · 7 days
New dedfour chapter incoming!!! This one's a little more mundane, but it's important to the storyline!
First (prologue)
Read it on ao3!
(Fanfic under cut)
“I found my way into the Deepsea Metro because I was trying to find a club to DJ in. I guess my music eventually caught the attention of…” Acht’s voice trailed off and they waved their hand in the air, trying to indicate who they meant rather than say the actual name of the telephone that had controlled them, as if they might resurrect it from the dead. “It offered for me to be able to focus on nothing but my music. I was kind of doing that already, so I said yes. I can’t really remember much after that, but then I showed up here and I was myself again.” Four listened attentively. They’d been talking about what the two of them had been through for some time now. Neither were ready to leave 21F. Pearl, Marina, and Eight seemed content to stay as well.
“How do I know that I chose the right world? Like, there’s one side of me that’s screaming for order and one that’s screaming for chaos and I can’t tell which one is real.”
“There is no one that’s the right one, just different parts of your life. Being sanitized, or I guess greyscaled in your case, is just going to be a part of you now. It’s hard to accept that something bad and scary happened and that you’re never going to be the same afterwards, but if you can’t come to terms with that then you’re just stuck in this in between space. What you have to decide is which version of you is the one you want to be. It doesn’t matter which one is right or wrong, just that you’re happy.”
“Are you happy?”
“Oh that’s a big question. I don’t know. I guess we’ll find out together.” Acht stood up and offered Four their hand. They took it and Acht pulled them up. “Let’s get back to the elevator. We’ll keep climbing and you’ll be able to get more of your memories back.”
“Yeah!” Four smiled. They bared their teeth when they did, and their entire face seemed to light up. Acht felt their hearts thumping in their chest. That was new, most of the time their organs didn’t work at all. They didn’t even need to breathe, yet right now they felt short of breath. They could only hope Four didn’t notice their palms sweating. What was happening to them? Sanitization was a total loss of emotion, but now Acht felt the exact opposite— a rush of every feeling in the world all at once.
The two entered the elevator and Acht pressed the button for the next floor. Four and Pearl left moments later to begin the challenge. 
“Marina? Can I ask a question?” Acht typically wouldn’t go out on a whim like this, but they needed answers.
“Sure thing, Acht. What do you need?” Marina seemed excited. She knew whatever Acht needed to ask would be really interesting.
“How do you know you’re in love with Pearl?”
“Oh where do I begin! Being around Pearlie makes me feel better than I do when I’m with anyone else. It’s like I can really open up around her. Just thinking about her makes me blush. She always knows exactly how to make me happy and she cares about me so much. And when she sings it feels like my heart is singing in harmony with hers! And her eyes are some of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. And when she sets off her Killer Wail…” Acht had slowly stopped listening. They should have known Marina would end up talking about Pearl endlessly. 
As if summoned by Marina’s gushing, Pearl and Four came back into the elevator.
“Whatcha talkin’ about?” Pearl did a little flip as she entered the lift. Four followed close behind.
“You and how wonderful you are.” Marina smiled at the drone.
“Aww well if you’re gonna talk about me then I guess I have to talk about how wonderful you are.”
“Here we go again,” Acht thought as they pressed the button for 23F. Again, the elevator dinged and Pearl and Four left to complete the floor.
“Soooooo Acht! Why did you want to know how I know I love Pearl?” Marina asked.
“No reason. Just curious.” Acht tired to dodge the question. 
“No I think there’s a very good reason. Acht do you think you might be… ooh I’m too excited to say it. Eight, help me out here!” Marina squealed.
“Are you in love with Agent 4?” Eight grinned. He was a sucker for a good romance.
“Hey look I think Pearl and Four are almost done.” Acht looked out the elevator doors at the two. They were no where near done, but Acht needed something to distract Marina and Eight.
“Don’t think you’re getting out of this conversation so easily. We can pause for now, but this isn’t over,” Marina said before turning her attention to Pearl just as she set off a Killer Wail.
“That sounds like a threat.” 
“Maybe it is.” Eight flashed a mischievous smirk. It seemed like he was getting more comfortable around Acht. They weren’t sure if that was good or bad.
“Does it even matter if I like them or not?”
“Of course it matters! Acht, you have to tell them how you feel.” Marina emphasized each word.
“I haven’t felt anything in a long time, Marina. How do I know if the way that I’m defining this is even right?” Acht was very ready to be done with this conversation. But at the same time, the thought of telling Four they love them made Acht’s hearts thump even harder than they already were.
“You remember your brother, right? And your dad?” Marina pressed.
Acht was silent.
“It’s not the same kind of love, but you still love them. You know what love feels like, Acht. And I know that you don’t fall in love easily, you have to have the right person. I think Agent 4 is your right person.”
As Marina finished her sentence, Pearl and Four came back into the elevator.
“Welcome back you two.” Acht rushed their words.
“Four absolutely rocked that floor, they took down those Jelletons like it was nothing!” Pearl was enthusiastic. Now that Four had most of their personality back, they were way more fun to fight alongside. “Let’s head to the next floor and get them back out there, they’re on a roll!”
“Great, let’s get you to 24F.” Acht clicked the button and the elevator continued onward.
As Four set their chip into their palette, they jumped slightly in surprise. “Holy fuck!” they shouted before turning to face Eight and wrapping their arms around him. “I’m sorry I forgot about you. And I’m sorry I tried to kill you.”
Eight hugged Four back, saying, “It’s okay. I missed you.” Acht couldn’t help but feel a twinge of jealousy at how affectionate Four was towards him.
The two let go of each other and Four turned to Pearl and Marina. “I remember the both of you now too. I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, Agent 4. What happened wasn’t your fault at all. If anything I should be the one apologizing.” Marina twisted the bottom hem of her jacket.
“That doesn’t mean I didn’t try to murder all of you.”
“And that doesn’t mean it wasn’t my fault.”
“I don’t blame you at all.” Four gave a small, sad smile before looking over at Acht. “I still don’t—”
“You wouldn’t.” Acht interrupted. “We’ve never met before. I’m Acht. I know we’ve already done introductions, but you’re more you now.”
“Nice to meet you, Acht, I’m Four. And thank you for all your help earlier.”
Acht didn’t know what to say for a moment. Then they muttered, “You’re welcome.”
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rabbit-dance · 3 months
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Chapter 05: Outsider - Page 14
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Poor DJ. He's probably wondering if the guy he's rooming with is a serial killer in the making. That sounds familiar, doesn't it? ^_~
Fun Autopsy Fact 1: They're not that bloody. There's some fluids and such, but usually there's not much blood at all.
Fun Fact 2: Yes, those are branch cutters DJ's handing off to the student nurse. While shears for cutting through the ribs to open up the chest cavity exist, they're really hard on your hands and can be hard to angle. Branch choppers like what you see here are a lot easier to use.
Autopsy Facts courtesy my friend G12G4, who's done a decent number of them and used to work on a body farm.
By the way - How many jobs do you think Cal's had?
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tdinyomomma · 8 months
Heather x Reader- If You Can't Take The Heat (Chapter Ten)
if you haven't read: nine
Today was almost a normal morning, I got up early to use the bathroom and on my way over I heard Duncan, DJ, and Geoff cheer and high for something. Instead of seeing what it was about I decided to mind my business… for now. 
Chris stood in front of us as we lined up. 
Once he knew we were all there and paying attention he began his regular explanation of what we’re doing for the challenge. “Today’s challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen.” He declares. 
“You’ll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners get a reward. The losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and to oversee the cooking.” He exclaims, I glance over to see DJ wearing an anxiety filled expression. 
Then next to me is Heather with a smug one herself. I think that pretend friendship got cut short with her because she hasn’t talked to me since we sent Cody home. 
Even though she knows I didn’t even vote for her. I could be wrong though. Who knows? 
“To cook you need ingredients. Every morning a truck brings food. Today’s task starts there.” A dolphin backs out of the water in a truck. 
He sits on the driver side, making a squeaking noise. I kind of felt like I was tripping on mushrooms seeing it but no one else says anything so I don’t either.
I watch Geoff and DJ open the doors and I stay back with my team, my arms folded, as we go over to the truck after the Killer Bass finishes what they’re doing Heather speaks up. 
“Head chef! Called it!” Nobody says anything, just a few eye rolls here and there. 
“Try not to screw up this time, okay?” I overhear her say to Beth, I shake my head. 
“Hey, [Name]!” She then sprints up to me and I boredly give her my attention. 
“Yes, Heather?’ I sigh, mainly out of my nose. “
Be my co-head chef?” She smiles, which confuses me since she wouldn’t even look my way earlier. “Is that even a thing?” I snort. 
“I made it a thing, just now.” She states. Right because everything she wants she gets. Well I guess I have a choice here.
“I had to take the leadership role. Hello! We’re on a losing streak. And really everyone else on the team is pretty useless. Not [Name] though. That’s why I’m making her my co-head chef!” Heather speaks to the camera.
“Sweet, let's hit the road!” Geoff says, him and the K.B.’s walk away, going past us. We go into the truck next. Heather holds her clipboard and she has them get the things we need. She told me I wasn’t needed for this, having me stand right beside her. 
“Leshawna, mangoes. Beth, pineapples, Lindsay macadamias. Trent molasses, Gwen tomatoes.” It was an easy in and out thing to do. We head to the kitchen and I get the Head chef’s attention. “So, what am I doing as the co-head chef?” I question, glancing around confused. 
“You make sure people are doing what they’re told.” She grins, my shoulders slump in disappointment knowing that means nothing but as she scrunches her face I fake a smile. “Great.”
“Gwen, Lindsay, you’re on the citrus macadamia upside-down-cake flambe.” Heather instructs, I try to look over her shoulder if I really have nothing to do today. And to my great disappointment my name isn’t even on the paper. 
Owen then bumps into us while carrying a huge bag of oranges, they fall out, he of course trips over one and squishes the rest of the oranges after he fell on them. Heather, Trent and I flinch at the sight. 
“Go back to the food truck and get more oranges.” Was the first thing Heather says, I put my head down, biting my tongue to not say anything. 
“I’m on it.” Owen points, I quickly follow behind him.
And where are you going?” My lovely “friend” asks me. 
“Being a team player and friend. I’m going to help get the oranges.” I yell behind me, not turning around to see her most likely angry face. But I do overhear her start to give more orders to our team.
Owen and I get the fruit now in wooden crates. 
“We should hurry back so you have more time to cook.” i say, carrying my own crate. 
“Yeah.” Owen chuckles. He doesn’t really try conversing with me but he points out food things to me every once in a while and we start jogging. I’m ahead of the bigger blond. My legs moving with ease, listening to my heart rate that speeds up slightly.
Almost not hearing Owen bump into a tree and grunt. A swarm of bees fly down from their hive and attack him. 
“No! Ow! Ooh! AAh!!” He screams, running off. 
I facepalm, gently placing down my oranges and running after the blond. 
“Owen ran towards the water!” I shout. “Huh!?” He exclaims, not hearing me he doesn’t do what I say but instead out runs them surprisingly. So not wanting to get attacked myself I go back to the oranges moving his crate away from the tree so he can grab them and not bother the bees again. We grab our boxes and start jogging again. 
“You alright?” I smile worriedly. “I’m fine.” He nervously chuckles. He harshly swings open the door. “It’s okay everyone. I’m back!” He chuckles, I raise my head from behind his shoulder. 
“Me too!” I called out. “Trent heads up!” Owen throws his crate at the boy and I gasp. 
“Owen!” I slap him on the arm, shoving him out of my way to check on Trent. “Oops.”
“Things are going perfectly, except for Owen’s hornet stings, and Trent’s concussion, which means he’s out for today’s challenge. But still, this challenge is totally ours.” Heather tries to be positive but in the end she slaps her forehead, disappointed with her team.
“If only Heather would let me cook. We’d win so fast! But for some reason I’m sitting here like a waste of space.” [Name] sadly says.
“These slices are totally uneven. Switch places with Leshawna.” Heather directs to Beth who goes to do as she’s told but Leshawna stops her. 
“What are you talking about? They look fine to me.” Leshawna furrows her brows. 
“Um, I didn’t get head chef because of poor presentation.”
 “No! You got to be head chef because you called it.” The bigger girl gets in the head chef’s face. 
“And who do you think you’re fooling with that crispy white-apron power trip you got going on?” Heather doesn’t even seem affected by the other girl's words. 
“Are you going to be a team player or not?” She questions.
 “Ooh, I’m a team player all right, but I’m also allergic to pineapples.” Leshawna admits. 
“Just get slicing.” Heather crosses her arms. “Now!” Leshawna picks up her knife in front of her with an angry expression, Heather puts on a happier one. “Thanks, guys.”
“Oh, two-faced bossy little– Argh!” Hives already start to show on Leshawna’s arms, I sigh, pushing her out of the way. 
“I got it, hun. Move over.” I say, not wanting any more arguing for the other team to hear.
 “Thanks, doll. You’re seriously a life saver.” She thanks me and I just shrug. 
“She wasn’t giving me anything to do anyways.” I snicker, cutting up the fruit at a fast pace. 
“Go wash your hands to halt the hives from growing anymore.” I tell her, and she does as she's told. I then turn to Beth. “That looks great, keep it up!” I flash a smile. “Thanks.” Beth snorts.
“What should i do now, though?” Leshawna walks back over.
 “Stand here and look pretty. I need a view while I cook.” I wink jokingly.
It was quick to finish off the pineapples on sticks. But not even moments later do I hear Heather scream.
 “Aah! My eyebrows!” We look over to see something caught on fire and then her covering her eyebrows. “Owen!” 
“Is it finally lunch time?”
“No, get my makeup bag from the cabin!” She hyperventilates, 
“but the bees.” He reminds her. “Now!” She shoves a pan in his face, threatening him. 
“It’s like I’m on a team of morons.” She slams her head down.
“Oh, that’s it. Someone needs to teach this girl a little respect.” Leshawna punches her palm.
I finish up what Beth and I were doing and then I go over to Gwen and Lindsay. They try to figure out how to work with the cake but I see there’s still some leftover mix and frosting.
 I take it over to the counter with the sink and make my own miniature cake. As I was doing that, Owen comes back with the makeup kit and throws it to Heather but Leshawna catches it then throws it to Beth, then Beth to Lindsay as Gwen opens up the fridge door. 
I try my best to ignore what’s happening as Lindsay throws the makeup bag into the fridge, Heather runs after it and they shut the door, locking her inside of it. I understand their anger but it’s putting our team in jeopardy.
I end up making miniature plates of every dish and hiding it somewhere just in case this all goes bad. We have little back ups. Well it might just be my dinner instead of the Chef's horrible cooking.
Beth is setting things up for our side of the table with Chris in the middle. “Owen, guard the food, alright let’s do this y’all.” Leshawna snaps her fingers and we head outside of the kitchen.
Chris eats his food from the bass but I missed the beginning as I snuck in Heather a sweater, but I didn’t show my face. As much as I want to let her out she can survive a few more minutes in the cold. 
“On a scale of 1 to 10. 15! How will the gophers respond?” Leshawna shows the door for Owen to bring out the food but when he doesn’t come out she goes in. 
“Tell me you did not eat the entire plate of ribs?” She shoves him out of the kitchen. He then normally places down the dish as if it isn’t just a thing of bones. 
“Yeah, this looks like it’s, uh, been eaten.” The host points out the obvious. 
“Not all of it. I think there’s a tiny piece left on that bone over there.” Owen points out and Chris takes it, biting off of the little chunk. 
“You know, what? I’ve had worse. Two points!” Owen cheers but is cut off by Chris just as quickly as he started. 
“Ooh, cloe, Owen. But the Bass still lead with 15-11. Time for dessert.” He announces He gives the Bass’s a six. 
“The bass have 21 so the gophers need 10 points just to tie it up.” Lindsay brings out the dessert dish and it looks like I’ll be able to eat my mini one later. 
“I have to say this dessert looks like a winner.” But I glance closer and notice it’s the same exact one they caught on fire. I go to stop him but he sticks the fork in and it turns to a puff of smoke and dust. Instead of leaving it be he takes a bite and starts gagging. I sigh, he starts gagging and Owen rushes to the host to save him. I sigh and go into the kitchen as Owen tries saving him. I grab my tiny dessert I made. Without the stupid flammable stuff. As I head back Lindsay rushes in to save Heather. 
“What? Girl was making everyone trip.” Leshawna defends herself. I question what I walk into. 
“Oh, I hear that.” Chris grins, Heather comes through the doors in a shade of blue, shivering. “Oh, the horror!” Owen gasps. 
“You guys are s-s-s-o dead.” She shivers, I frown. 
“Is it over?” She turns to Chris. 
“It is. Bass won 21 to 12 and it’s not just ‘cause I almost died. The ribs sucked too.” He informed her but it was towards us too. I glance between him and Heather then down at my dessert. I was going to see if this could boost us more points but it definitely would not bring us up 10 points so it wouldn’t matter at this point. 
“Great. That’s just great. Why do we keep losing people?” She asks us, then moves up to the table. “And what is this? I didn’t approve of this?” Heather points to an ugly rock that has flowers around it, Beth goes up to her, picking it up. 
“I brought it back as a souvenir, you know, from the other island.” My eyes widened in shock. “You did what?” 
“You mean boney island, the deadliest island in Muskoka, the one I specifically said not to take anything from or you’ll be cursed?” Chris jumps into the conversation in a serious tone. 
“Yeah…” Beth shamefully admits. “I didn’t know I’ll put it back!” She runs off but she already ruined it for herself. She’s getting kicked off for sure. 
“Okay, the killer bass now have seven members, now tied up with the gopher’s soon to be seven as well. And as promised, the winners will be enjoying a reward tonight. A five star dinner under the stars.” The killer bass cheered and I walked out of the kitchen.
Heather walks up after me, still shivering. 
“Why didn’t you help me out!?” She throws my sweater at my face and I take it, tossing it over my shoulder. 
“Heather, you hurt my feelings today.” I state, she stops in her tracks and I get in front of her. 
“I didn’t mean for you to be in there for that long but I couldn’t even focus on anything today. I was so hurt that you wouldn’t even let me do anything too.” I fold my arms, she doesn’t say anything so I take it as to speak up again. 
“Why did you do that?” I ask, she adverts her eyes now. 
“I was trying to be nice by letting you not do anything.” She mumbles, not wanting to really say it outloud. I raise a brow in shock. 
“Excuse me?” I laugh out, she shoves me in response. 
“I was being nice, I guess you’ve done a lot lately. I was trying to give you a break.” She says a lot more confidently, I smile softly at the realization. “Next time make sure it’s not something I enjoy.” I hand her my mini cake before walking away.
“Today’s vote was really hard, but only because there were so many annoying people to choose from.” Heather declares.
“I can’t believe we locked her in the fridge! That was so cool!” Lindsay holds her stomach before her eyes open from being closed. “She’s not going to see this is she?”
“Leshawna is a royal pain in the butt. And Owen completely screwed up everything for us.” Heather motions dramatically.
“Hey eyebrows look so bad. I’d kind of like to vote Heather off but-”
“I vote for Beth.” Heather says.
“She did curse us, and I like everyone else, even Heather.” [Name] giggles at the end but then stops herself in disgust.
Owen burps.
“I’ve got eight gophers sitting in front of me tonight but only seven fluffy bits of sweet safety in my hands. So good luck. When I call your name, come up and get your marshmallow. Leshawna, [Name], Owen, Gwen, Trent, Lindsay, Heather, Beth, down to you two. Whoever doesn’t get this marshmallow must immediately walk the dock of shame and leave on the boat of losers forever.” Beth shakes nervously as Heather glares
 “The final marshmallow goes to Heather.”
“You heard him, the boat of losers is that away. That really was stupid of you. That really was stupid of you to take that doll from the island.” She tells the nerd girl who messed up. 
“See ya girl.” Leshawna sadly waves.
That’s it for tonight, and you might want to burn some sage to get rid of any lingering curse vibes.” Chris tells us. 
“Cool, will chef give us some sage?” Leshawna asks the good question. 
“Nope, good luck with that.” He walks away.
That night I hear the guys grunting across to the cabin. I jump down from my bunk since I can’t sleep and make my way outside.
 Geoff, DJ, and Duncan are carrying the bunk bed holding Harold on it. 
I cover my mouth to stop me from laughing. 
“You guys need some help?” I offer a hand. 
“You’re not gonna question us why?” DJ smirks and I shake my head. 
“Not my business, want the help or what?” I chuckle, 
“Right on!” Geoff cheers quietly. I go up behind the bunk and go over to Duncan’s side to help him lift the bed.
The next day us girls go swimming, laughing and snorting, waking up the auburn haired boy from his sleep. 
“Good morning Harold!” We shout in unison. The boy was now standing and he looked down to see he’s naked. 
“Eeh!” He gasps, covering himself. The boys I helped last night come rowing through on a canoe. 
“So, learned your lesson yet?” Duncan asks. 
“Yes! Okay! Yes!” Harold nods his head vigorously. 
“Oh, we’re gonna need more than that, man.” Geoff slips his juice box. 
“I’ll never leave my crusty underwear out again! I swear!” He is practically begging. 
“What the heck, I believe him. It's a pleasure doing business with you!” Geoff throws his clothes to him, the three burst into laughter as he runs off.
Sorry for this late ass chapter. I had a lot going on lol.
taglist: If you wanted to be added lmk
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icdrawings · 5 months
Island of the slaughtered swap au
By @eavee-ry
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Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson
On the 34 day
After the first attempt to find medicine failed Cody and DJ volunteered for the second attempt. They succeeded in finding the medical tent and the medication. After leaving they had gotten ambushed by the killer. They both sprinted are fast as they could thinking they lost the killer but Cody knew better, giving DJ the medicine he had before Pushing DJ down the hill just before the killer found them. Cody made a run for it as the killer chased him while leading him away for DJ who was running find camp
Cody while running tripped causing him to fall but before he could get up the killer stepped on his back shoving him back to the ground. Cody started clawing the ground hoping that someway he could crawl out but the killer quickly stomped on his hand and then harder on the rest of his arm, it filled Cody's ears with cracks and snaps, Cody could only weep and scream from the pain inflicted on him. He still tried to escape but then the same thing happened to his legs and remaining arm making him inmoble.
The killer took his time breaking Cody, cracking every bone in his body before the killer got out his knife, the same knife that took away two lives now collecting a third. Plunging it into Cody's back, started to rip it apart. Pain and terror was the sound Cody made being awake through it all, feeling his own back being split open before feeling his whole body being tugged. Something being ripped out of him. Realizing what was happening, the killer ripped out his spine. Cody's body became limp, on the verge of closing his eyes, he didn't die immediately like he hoped instead his face was lifted up making him face the killer and now the killer cut off his eyelids so that he could always be watching as now the killer started to sew up a smile on Cody's face as the killer liked his smile, he liked when Cody was happy so he could easily crush him
Out of everyone Cody was the favorite to torture like he had always been
Body found by:...
Will never be free
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Sorted alphabetically by band. Please click through to original post to see full list. IF IT'S NOT ON THE LIST, PLEASE SUBMIT IT. NO BAND IS TOO NICHE. Multiple bands from the same media are permitted.
Putting this under the cut because it's getting too long!
4*town - Turning Red
About Gardens - ROGUEMAKER
The Ark - I Was Born For This
ABXY - Splatoon
Arno van Eyck - Disco Elysium
The Band With Rocks In It - Discworld
The Beets - Doug
The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton - The Mountain Goats
The Bettys - Phineas and Ferb
Black Stones (BLAST) - NANA
The Blues Brothers - The Blues Brothers
Bottom Feeders - Splatoon
Boys In The Sink - Veggietales
Boys Who Cry - Spongebob Squarepants
Boyz4Now - Bob's Burgers
Boyz 12 - American Dad
Bunk Bed Junction - No Straight Roads
Cheetah Girls - Cheetah Girls
The Clash At Demonhead - Scott Pilgrim 
The Covey - Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes
Crash & The Boys - Scott Pilgrim
Daisy Jones & The Six - Daisy Jones & The Six
Damp Socks - Splatoon
De Bois Band - & Juliet
Deep cut - Splatoon
DETHKLOK - Metalocalypse
Dedf1sh - Splatoon
Decibel Jones and the Absolute Zeros - Space Opera 
Dingoes Ate My Baby - Buffy The Vampire Slayer
DJ Octavio - Splatoon
DJ Stylbator - Samurai Jack
Dr Teeth and The Electric Mayhem - The Muppets 
Drive Shaft - LOST
Evar Orbus & The Galactic Jizz-Wailers/The Max Rebo Band - Star Wars
Fig and the Cig Figs - Dimension 20 Fantasy High
The Flaming Creatures - Velvet Goldmine
Fran-Shou-Shou - Zombie Land Saga
Gallifrey Academy Hot Five - Doctor Who 
Gem & The Scotts - Secret Life SMP
Gillion & The Tidestriders - Just Roll With It
Girls Dead Monster - Angel Beats
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
Grifters Bone - Magnus Archives 
Hatsune Miku - Vocaloid
Heaven Seventeen - A Clockwork Orange
The Hectic Glow - The Fault In Our Stars
Hex Girls - Scooby Doo
Ink Theory - Splatoon
Jem & The Holograms - Jem & The Holograms
Johnny Casino and The Gamblers - Grease
Josie & The Pussycats - Archie (Comic)
The Juicy Fruits - Phantom of the Paradise
Julie and the Phantoms - Julie and the Phantoms
Kessoku Band - Bocchi the Rock
Killer Boy Rats - Horrid Henry
The Killjoys - My Chemical Romance
Lacus Clyne - Mobile Suit Gundam Seed
Lady Parts - We Are Lady Parts
The Last Days - The Last Days
Lemonade Mouth - Lemonade Mouth
Leningrad Cowboys - Leningrad Cowboys
Lincoln Hawk - Gossip Girl
Little White Lie - Little White Lie
Loded Diper - Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Love Burger - Can't Hardly Wait
Love Händel - Phineas and Ferb
LumberZacks - Milo Murphy's Law 
Mad Gear & The Missile Kid - Danger Days, My Chemical Romance
Maxwell Demon & The Venus In Furs - Velvet Goldmine
The Mechanisms - The Mechanisms 
Milkcan - Um Jammer Lammy
The Misfits - Jem & The Holograms
Muppet Orchestra - The Muppets 
Needy Beast - Hatchetfield
Octoplush - Splatoon
Old Gods of Asgard - Alan Wake
ok, kids - Andre and Karl
Off The Hook - Splatoon
Pink Slip - Freaky Friday
Plasmagica - Show By Rock
Proto Zoa - Zenon Sweep 
The Rainbooms - Equestria Girls
The Rats - Velvet Goldmine
RIP - Ruby Gloom
The Risky Fix-Ins - Buzzfeed Unsolved Franchise
The Rutles - All You Need Is Cash
Sadie-Killer & The Suspects - Steven Universe
Sadgasm - The Simpsons
SCÄB - Home Movies
Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - The Beatles
Sev'ral Timez - Gravity Falls
Sex Bob-omb - Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Sing Street - Sing Street 
Soundcheck - Odd Squad
Spinal Tap - This Is Spinal Tap
Squid Sisters - Splatoon
Squid Squad - Splatoon
The Stiff Dylans - Angus, Thongs, and Full Frontal Snogging 
Sunset Curve - Julie and the Phantoms
The Superconducting Supercolliders - Designations Congruent With Things (Pacific Rim fanfiction)
The Three Lights - Sailor Moon
Trapnest - NANA
Turquoise October - Splatoon
The Vampire Lestat - The Vampire Chronicles
Wonderlands x Showtime - Hatsune Miku Colourful Stage/Vocaloid
The Wonders - That Thing You Do
Wyld Stallyns - Bill & Ted franchise
Wet Floor - Splatoon
w-3 (omega-3) - Splatoon
Yoko & the Gold Bazookas - Splatoon
Ziggy Stardust & The Spiders From Mars - David Bowie
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writerofadream · 5 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twelve: Bubbling up
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Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby.
"Todays challenge will test your minds, your teamwork, and your skills in the kitchen." Chris had the campers gather on the beach and Duncan groaned, you sucked at cooking, a lot.
"You'll be cooking a three course meal, and serving it to me for tasting. The winners will get a reward the losers will send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef." Chris put a hand on his hip.
"To cook you need ingredients. Every morning a truck brings us food. Today's task starts there." A truck pulled itself out of the waters and you saw it was lined with food on the inside.
"We could do a killer italian theme." Geoff suggested. "Hello, head chef." Duncan smiled wide. "Seriously?" Geoff smiled clearly happy with his role. "We get it you love each other." You pushed the two out of the way and started grabbing food out of the truck.
Geoff laughed and Duncan rolled his eyes. Then you all got to work grabbing the food Geoff told you to get.
You all met in your kitchen holding various food items. "Okay so we have to make a three course meal and there's seven of us. So I say we all team up." Geoff suggested.
You had to smile at how kind he sounded, he was a good guy but some people just couldn't be in charge. Too nice.
You, and Duncan had desert duty which you heavily protested. "Last time I tried to make oatmeal, Tarun it turned out burnt. Hell, I've tried to make you hot cocoa before and somehow made it curdle." You just wanted to sit out of the challenge all together.
"That's because your father was a terrible cook, idiot. I'll teach you." Duncan rolled his eyes and wrapped an apron around you before you could say anything.
As the challenge progressed Duncan had you roll out dough. "Doll, I love you but your not even rolling the outside of it. It'll have huge edges and a paper thin middle." Duncan nicely critqued you. You stuck your tongue out.
He rolled his eyes and got to work fixing your mistake. He leaned over your back his chest hitting you as he put his arms around your making you roll into the correct spots. You giggled, but to his surprise you were blushing like an idiot.
Geoff snapped a picture.
|Trending on X right now|
You didn't notice when Geoff winked at Duncan, but you did notice when Harold came into the kitchen wearing a pair of red underwear... and no shorts.
You gave the redhead one look and glared at Duncan. "I'm going to kill myself." You hissed.
"You'd never. You'd miss me too much." Duncan stuck his tongue out smirking. "Keep that tongue out much longer and I'll cut it off." You muttered going back to rolling the dough. Duncan quickly closed his mouth with a small smirk.
Geoff wanted to keep up with the classy italian theme so he had some old music playing in the background. The blonde also had made sandwhiches and when Harold had bit into his, he had spit underwear out much to Courtney's disgust.
Duncan pulled that trick on a bunch of dudes in juvie, frequently.
So it was to no surprise when you hit him in the back of the head. "أيها الأحمق، هل تريد الفوز بهذا التحدي أم لا؟ أقسم أنني سأدعوك بأمي إذا حاولت شيئًا آخر. توقف عن التركيز على رد الجميل لهارولد وابدأ في التركيز على التحدي أو ساعدني يا إلهي، تارون." You whispered in his ear (luckily the cameras picked it up). "Don't call my mom, doll. I'll stop." Duncan muttered looking a bit ashamed.
"Then focus on the challenge." You hissed.
You put the canollies in the oven and washed your hands. All that was needed to be done is the pasta sauce which Bridgette was working on.
Geoff, DJ, and Harold who was now wearing PJ's were talking about the dish pretty calmly to your surprise.
You were sitting on the countertop watching the people around you. Courtney was advising Bridgette on her tomato to water ratio, and Sadie was taking a picture of the meals to send to Katie.
"Put your head on my shoulder."
"Hold me in your arms, baby."
Duncan held out his hand to dance. You rolled your eyes taking it all the same. "I'm sorry I was a dickhead to Harold." He said not sounding all that sorry. "He deserved it, so it's fine." You smirked lightly punching his shoulder.
"This was Leo's favorite song." He commented quietly. "Was that the guard who always gave me pudding?" You asked with a small smile.
"No that was Jonah." Duncan quietly laughed as you both swayed together to the music. "Then which one was Leo?" You asked mildly confused.
"Squeeze me oh-so-tight."
"Show me that you love me too."
"He was the one who tased the dude with the blue hair on his first day." Duncan explained. "Oh! Dickface Leo!" You said remembering now. "He's the one that always took my extra pudding." You rolled your eyes.
"Mhm." Duncan smiled.
Sadie snapped a picture.
Sadie to Katie
S: *picture attached*
Duncan and you stayed like that for a while. Your head leaning against his chest as you stared at your feet swaying to the music. Duncan had his arms wrapped around your waist and his chin ontop of your head as you slow danced together.
You fit together like puzzle pieces.
Chris LOVED your team's food. Since DJ and Bridgette were definetely the more likeable ones on your team, Geoff decided to have them serve it too Chris.
Apparently, according to the blonde girl, Owen had devoured his teams plate.
You guys won dinner under the stars. Which honestly you could care less for. You would've been happy with hotdogs by a campfire. But instead you watched Duncan throw sushi into Geoff's mouth from five feet.
It was fun.
You and the girls dragged the tipsy boys back to the cabins. Once you got back you heard Heather berating Linsday for leaving her in the freezer. You had stepped out of the boys side of the cabin after tucking Duncan in and heard the words-
"For once in you pathetic life stop being such a ditzy bimbo blonde, and do something right!" Heather hissed at the girl who looked close to tears.
Leshawna was about to say something but this girl from the killer bass came up to defend the blonde.
"Okay just because no one likes your stuck-up rich white girl ass, ain't no reason to act like such a god damn bitch." Damn this girl must've had a death wish.
Leshawna watched as Heather's eye twitched and wanted to cackle.
"Go the fuck back to your cabin little miss crazy. I saw what you did to that intern." Heather hissed back getting in the girls face. "Then you know what happens when people call me crazy." The girl from the killer bass had this creepy smirk plastered on her face and Heather paled.
Y/N walked away not before giving Lindsay a hug. "Tell me if she doesn't stop being an ass." The girl whispered to the blonde who smiled gratefully.
Then the ex-con dissapeared back to her side of the camp.
Leshawna smiled. "I for one, love her." The girl laughed and Gwen agreed. "Hell yeah." The goth girl gave her friend a fistbump and Heather let out a frusterated scream. "Her cabin is over there! She shouldn't have even came over here." She whined.
"I'm glad she did." Leshawna muttered causing Gwen to laugh.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
Has Roxy or any of the others ever attempted to actually kill Gregory for real after everything, be it for shattering them or allegedly trying to kill Cassie or something else? If yes, how? How did it go? What or who stopped them? How was the aftermath of the whole thing?
Kill Gregory? No. Severely tempted, but no attempts.
Freddy however? Yes. Absolutely.
This got long so I'm putting it under a cut.
I think it would be really funny if DJ accidentally almost killed him. Least likely you'd think to do it, but he saw him near the others in the Fazcade and saw red. And by saw red, I mean he kinda just slapped Freddy across the room and wasn't paying attention to how much strength he put into it lmao. That or he picked him up and yeeted him, also not paying enough attention to how much power he used. Roxy checked him and was genuinely disappointed it just almost killed him
On that note, Roxy has made an actual attempt. If Freddy did his fucking job none of them would have had their parts taken, the Plex may not have gone to ruin, and Cassie may not have even gone to the Plex looking for Gregory to get to be dropped like she was, nevermind the fact if Freddy was with him he should have stopped him again. She's mad. Baby on the warpath lmao
She said she wanted to have a real conversation with him about what went down and he agreed to meet her at the salon maybe. Or maybe the room where Bonnie's body was for the added meaning if this is a timeline where Roxy was forced to deactivate him in there. Like "this is the room I had to deactivate your boyfriend in." and he's like "wot" and yeah that'd be dramatic as fuck. Anyway, she tricks him into meeting her, she beats the everloving shit out of him, targetting the areas the rest of them were hurt in the most (including Cassie), then rips his battery out for Bonnie. Of course, he deactivates with no power source and that's when she has the opportunity to actually kill him but she genuinely can't bring herself to do it. She's not a killer at heart, she couldn't do it.
Instead, she drags his ass down to parts and services and if it's doable, she removes the upgraded parts from him and replaces them with the old ones he had. Lets some automated repair thing do its job and fucks off. He's fine. She barely had a scratch on her despite him obviously fighting back so it's easy to brush off.
Oh you know what actually? Imagine that, but Bonnie did it.
Can you imagine that? Bonnie loved him. He's realised what's happened, what really happened, and that Freddy did nothing. The utter betrayal, the sheer grief of what he's done... if he still has the parts, it makes him boil to look at him and see Roxy's eyes looking back at him, hear the slight clicks from Chica's voicebox when he speaks, and Monty's claws waving at him.
He does the same as I mentioned. He doesn't say a word to anyone. He says he wants to talk to Freddy alone about everything that's happened and Freddy, of course, agrees. He still loves him after all. He'd do anything Bonnie asked of him, making it a little too easy to get him by himself.
If the bit about Roxy deactivating him in that room behind the bowling lanes is true here, that's where he takes Freddy. He tells him what happened here and Freddy doesn't really know what to say. Clearly, he's upset that Roxy did that though. He'd assumed it was Monty. Bonnie tells him that he's caused enough pain and it's about time someone put an end to it. Freddy doesn't understand until Bonnie jumps him. He yells that this is for Chica as he goes for the voicebox, this is for Monty as he breaks his wrists, this is for Cassie as he struggles and rips his leg out of the socket, and this is for Roxy as he destroys his eyes.
He puts his hand on Freddy's battery through the ruined stomach hatch doors. "And this is for me." he growls, tears falling fast. Freddy goes still when the battery is removed. Bonnie moves to his head where all of his personality chips are stored. "This... this is for us..." he says even though he can't be heard. He tries... but he can't do it. He's been screaming and crying this whole time as he gives him what he feels he deserves, but this hurts more than before this so called justice was served.
He can't do it. Freddy's face is stained with tears too. He just can't bring himself to do it. Everything hurts so much.
Finally, Roxy and her Minis show up. Either they only just saw him through the walls, or Helpi alerted her to something being up if she doesn't have her fancy eyes now. She finds him on his knees, clinging to Freddy's head and scream sobbing into him. She doesn't know what to do for a long few moments, but eventually goes to his side to offer the most support she can.
She doesn't exactly cover up what happened. She just makes sure Freddy ends up in parts and services and doesn't say a word. Not like anyone's gonna ask. She does alert the others that Bonnie could do with some love and they have him buried in support before he can blink. Cassie gives him doctor's orders to stay in the Fazcade with everyone and he ends up camping out there for maybe a month or two minimum. He says he wishes he'd done it, but he also cries about how he had no idea why it would help. He tells them what happened, even though Roxy doesn't mention it and yeah he's not leaving their sight for a good while now. Not cause he might try again, but so they can make sure to be there for him when he's struggling instead of letting his emotions fester into this.
On another note, I think the Minis could make an attempt. There's enough of them to overwhelm Freddy if need be and it would be incredibly unexpected. Poppet the one leading this one, Freddy is disabled somehow by them but not deactivated. Poppet's reaching for his chips to destroy them, when Roxy barrels in with Bobbin and Tippy. They were set to distract her but they both cracked like eggs and she came to put a stop to it. They don't understand why she'd do that or why she'd care about whether Freddy lives or dies, and the truth is, she doesn't. But is Freddy worth having blood on their hands forever? Is he worth having to deal with that for the rest of their lives? Wouldn't it be more satisfying to not let him take the easy way out of this? Is he worth robbing Chica, Monty, Cassie, Sunny, Moon and DJ of their own justice?
If this works, Freddy thanks her... and immediately gets punched hard enough his head does a full 360. She didn't fucking save him. She just made sure her oldest friends knew he wasn't fucking worth it. If he goes anywhere near the Minis again, they're gonna be the least of his fucking worries.
Anyway, the aftermath of all of these (except DJ's since he recognises that was an accident) is that Freddy realises he's not safe here. Be it because of Roxy, the Minis or Bonnie, he no longer feels safe. Or maybe he does because he believes they've got it out of their system and/or was deactivated before he realised they were gonna kill him. Bonnie's hurts the most though. The betrayal hurts like hell and he wonders if this is what all the others felt when he left them. He just now considers that maybe he deserved this... I mean he doesn't, but he's gonna start Thinking about it at least. I think Bonnie is the only option that would really upset him. He could expect this kind of shit from Roxy and the Minis, but Bonnie? Never.
It was supposed to be Freddy and Bonnie, forever and ever... but apparently, forever doesn't last as long as he thought it did.
Anyway, Gregory would be furious, I don't think that'd go over well at all, and Vanessa would.... probably also be a little mad, but incredibly torn cause like. Yeah. She can see why. She really hates being stuck in the middle of all of this...
That's just some ideas to chew on though. I'm not sure it would ever come to this kind of thing, but you never know! Could be a fun story! Especially for pain and misery!
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tentacletournament · 1 year
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Written polls and links under the cut!
Squig (Among Us) VS Impostor (Among Us)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Octillery (Pokemon) VS Malamar (Pokemon)
Mizuki (Arknights) VS Andreana (Arknights)
Ood (Doctor Who) VS Dalek Sec (Doctor Who)
Ventricosus (Land Of The Lustrous) VS Aculeatus (Land Of The Lustrous)
Pretzel (Just Roll With It) VS Aqueous Annie Bell (Jellyfish Felonies)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants) VS The Queen Jellyfish (Spongebob Squarepants)
Ln'eta (Sucker For Love) VS Estir (Sucker For Love)
Marie (Splatoon) VS Captain 3 (Splatoon)
Glow Squid (Minecraft) VS Ghast (Minecraft)
Squilliam Fancyson (Spongebob Squarepants) VS Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)
Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) VS Ayato Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Korosensei (Assassination Classroom)
Monomon The Teacher (Hallow Knight) VS Sibling (Hallow Knight)
The Rot (Rain World) VS Mikitaka Hazekura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Gnosis (Mythic Ocean) VS N'zoth (World Of Warcraft)
The Wall Monster (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) VS Hank (Finding Dory)
Jelly (A Narwhal and Jelly) VS Soundwave (Transformers)
Slenderman (Creepypasta) VS The Old One (Wizard 101)
Kran (The Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS "Turn The Lights Off" (Tally Hall)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS Frye (Splatoon)
Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Caribbean) VS Take Luka (Vocaloid)
Caelum (Anime Campaign) VS Jason Todd (DC Comics)
DJ Octavio (Splatoon) VS Callie (Splatoon)
Londo Mollari (Babylon 5) VS Fukami (Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea)
Geryuganshoop (One Punch Man) VS Onionsan (UNDERTALE)
Horrorterror (Homestuck) VS Hatchan (One Piece)
Kala Mer'ri (Monster High) VS Professor Inkling (Octonauts)
Blooper (Super Mario Franchise) VS HP Lovecraft (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Cthulhy Squele (Monster Girl Doctor) VS The Creature (Carrion)
Hermaeus Mora (The Elder Scrolls Series) VS Zoe (Monster Prom)
Shiver (Splatoon) VS Agent 4 (Splatoon)
Ebrietas (Bloodborne) VS Octokittens (The Mechanisms)
Ninomae Ina'nis (Hololive EN) VS Vel'Koz (League Of Legends)
Stephano (Reflection) VS Dharkon (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Dr. Octopus (Spiderman) VS Olivia Octavious (Spiderman)
Hastur (Identity V) VS Omeluum (Baldur's Gate 3)
Tentacruel (Pokemon) VS Lord Helix (Pokemon)
Nightmare Sans (The Underverse) VS Ultros (Final Fantasy)
Marina Ida (Splatoon) VS Agent 8 (Splatoon)
Squid Ink Cookie (Cookie Run) VS The Kracken (Mythology)
Ursula (The Little Mermaid) VS Killer Bee (Naruto)
Michiru Ichijou (Mieruko-Chan) VS Cthulhu (Lovecraft)
Weed (Transistor) VS Squid Girl (Squid Girl)
Octodad (Octodad) VS Paul (Children of Time Trilogy)
Mind Flayer (Magic: The Gathering) VS Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Venom (Venom) VS Eight Armed Willy (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack!)
Squidina (The Patrick Star Show) VS Tamaki Amajiki (My Hero Academia)
Nightmarionne (Five Nights at Freddy's) VS The Kraken (Atlantis)
Lady Luctopus (Psychonauts) VS Oswald the Octopus (Oswald the Octopus)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Nightvale) VS Khoshekh (Welcome To Nightvale)
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whatthefishh · 11 months
Hi Mona <33
You're so cooool (and im proud of you in case you havent heard yet!!!)
Okay so exams are killing me even though they actually haven't STARTED yet its just the prep and the stress yknow!!! Anyway you also know I'm very much a slut for Rydal and the way you write him bc uhh he's just so fcuking fine and I love your writing!!
I know you aren't doing drabbles right now but would you spare this desperate and tired soul a few cutie pie Ryda hcs. Just a few smol cute ones abt his soft caring and hnghgnghgng during the high stress school seasons (yeah im projecting whatever.)
-Clem <333
Hi cutie
Thank you 🥺 and WDYM COOL LMAOO
Exams and exam prep can be super stressful, hope you’re taking care of yourself sweetie. I can definitely spare some Rydal HCs, and I know @campingwiththecharmings @xbellaxcarolinax and @melodygatesauthor have been asking me to drop stuff for our fave nepo baby hehehe
Random Rydal HCs:
Going out for something as simple as a drive isn’t just going for a drive with Rydal. The man puts on cologne and special sunglasses that he says work better for driving but you know it’s bullshit, he just thinks he looks cooler with them on in his vintage and unnecessarily expensive car.
Is the boyfriend that puts his hand on your thigh while driving. Buys you a drinkie drink and critiques your DJ skills loudly and rudely.
A trip to the mall usually means you have to block off a whole afternoon for it. Rydal tries on more clothes than you thought was possible, requesting certain cuts from the retail workers that you don’t even recognize. He definitely tries to fuck you in the changing rooms when the staff leaves you alone, claiming he could make it worth it for you to sit through his little fashion show.
You let him.
The first time you take Rydal thrift shopping he refuses to touch anything in the store. You think he’s mad at you for how little he speaks and how he glared at you when you ask him if the top you’re holding up would look good on you.
To make up for it, he forces you to get a pedicure with him. You thought he was joking but he’s dead serious, his face growing more irritated when you tell him you’ve never had one, opting to save your money and take care of them yourself. He scoffs and essentially drags you by the wrist (why does that action alone have your knees knocking together—) to the salon and picking out your colour for you. You feel quite pretty after you can’t deny but the memory of his face dropping never fails to make you laugh.
Playing board games with Rydal meant screaming matches that ended with the board game toppled over and his lips pressed against yours angrily
Movie nights found you both ripping on the movie choice of the night, commenting almost through the whole thing and making claims of what you’d change, what he thinks would’ve been a smarter decision of the main characters, taking sides and arguing them whole heartedly as if the people in the films and their actions had a direct connection to your lives
Sometimes Rydal would come over while you were in the shower. Sometimes he’d join you, finding it hilarious that you thought he was a serial killer but soon distracting you by dropping to his knees for you.
Sleepovers found you either on opposite sides of the bed or breathing in each other’s skin, arms holding the other close, legs tangled. The nights you spent laying with him were usually the sweetest mornings. Sometimes he’d wake you up with kisses, borderline ticklish movements, not letting up even while you squealed for him to stop. He didn’t let up until he pulled peals and peals of laughter from you, sharing syrupy kisses after and causing early morning butterflies to stir as your heart swelled with affection.
These were extremely random and scatter brained and I’m sorry because I really should be sleeping but I love him so much and I miss him and I promise I’ll work on my WIP soon ❤️ love ya
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New SpaceTime out Monday.....
SpaceTime 20240527 Series 27 Episode 64
New research into how sunspots are formed
The spectacular solar storms which shook the Earth earlier this month may originate closer to the Sun’s surface than previously thought.
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NASA and ESA to launch a joint mission to search for signs of life on Mars
NASA and the European Space Agency have agreed on a new joint mission to search for signs of life on the red planet Mars.
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New weapons in battle against space junk
Scientists are hoping to use hunter killer satellites equipped with plasma guns to deal with space junk.
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The Science Report
Warnings that there’s no known way to stop artificial intelligence from taking control.
A new study claims a lack of sleep in childhood could increase the risk of psychosis.
Teens who vape have twice as much uranium and 30% more lead in their urine.
Skeptics guide to tik-tok health advice
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
SpaceTime facebook: www.facebook.com/spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime Instagram @spacetimewithstuartgary
SpaceTime twitter feed @stuartgary
SpaceTime YouTube: @SpaceTimewithStuartGary
SpaceTime -- A brief history
SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. Later, Gary became part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and was one of its first presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Hello, this is a really cool blog you mods are running. I wanted to ask this question; do you have any headcanons involving the dog people of Paldea. Arven is 900% a dog person and already got a few headcanons revolving his Mabosstiff, but if possible, could you provide a couple headcanons involving the other dog people and their dog pokemon (which include Nemona - Lycanroc , Ryme - Houndstone, Tyme - Lycanrocs, Clavell -Houndoom, Giacomo - Mabosstiff, Mela - Arcanine & Houndoom, Ortega - Dachsbun, Eri - Lucario, etc.) Sorry for the long post and thanks if you answer!
Under the cut bc it got long
Slight disclaimer I didn't include Eri and Lucario bc that's a jackal-man idk how to mentally handle a Lucario acting like a dog. That's a person. Featherless biped
Nemona: - She caught Lycanroc as part of her new team. Lycanroc hits hard and fast and mostly acts as her hazard setter or revenge killer. Bitches love stealth rocks - Off the field, they often exercise together! Lycanroc LOVES to run. Nemona has a chronic illness and can't jog, but she does bike or ride a Cyclizar while Lycanroc runs alongside her. They love to race around Mesagoza together - They have the same personality
Ryme: - She is the biggest dog person in Paldea, she loved her puppy so much she rapped it back to life. No one is doing it like her really and truly. When she raps about love? She's talking about the dog - She hosts an adoption fair in Montenevera every year. It's a musical festival centered around getting strays adopted and it's had RESOUNDING success so far - Ryme's semi supernatural powers are actually related to her Houndstone-- she spent so much time along it and all the other soul draining ghost types that she built a resistance to their effects. Now she can (and does) play with entire packs of ghost puppies! And sneak them too many treats
Tyme: - All her pokemon are named after numerical prefixes (kilo, giga, nano, etc). Her Midnight and Midday Lycanroc are named Deca and Deci respectively - She spoils her puppies rotten just like her sister, always sneaking them table scraps and letting them run around in the schoolyard while she's teaching classes - Deca and Deci are bargaining chips to get kids to come to extra help. Who doesn't want to snuggle with two cute dogs while you go over math problems?
Clavell: - When he was a teenager, he used to work for the Pokemon Daycare. (I saw a whole hc where he was a delinquent and got sent to the daycare as part of detention and honestly? Canon in my heart). He found his Houndoom there as a Houndour-- it had been abandoned and adopting it taught Clavell a lot about nurturing others. It's what inspired him to eventually be a school director! - Clavell and his Houndoom are always locked in a constant battle, since Clavell likes to garden and Houndoom likes to dig. For the record, Houndoom is winning - Clavell no longer has his pompadour, seeing as Houndoom took matters into his own paws and lit the wig on fire
Giacomo: - He taught his Mabosstiff, Beethoven, to DJ. He's not good at it by virtue of being a dog but the gimmick is very funny - Beethoven has a tendency to nod its head back and forth, so during concerts, Giacomo will get him little earplugs, a hat, and some shades so he can jam with the crowd. Plus he likes the vibes of the raves - He's the vaccuum cleaner for all the crumbs or snacks Giacomo happens to leave lying about. It's a win-win
Mela: - All her puppies are from the academy itself. She just happens to bond well with those pokemon and uses them on her team despite them not technically belonging to her - The Pokemon world has an ultimate frisbee esque game that involves running with your partner pokemon-- Mela and the dogs are the academy champs. They're unbeatable - Don't tell anyone, but Mela really likes styling their fur
Ortega: - That dog is a purebred (purebread?) and definitely cost like 10k. This dog is worth more than most people's kidneys - Daschbun is a total brat and has very specific diet requests. He can, will, and does pick the carrots out of his food mix and spit them out. God forbid Ortega tries to give him dry food? Oh there is hell to pay - Both Ortega and Daschbun are drama queens. Daschbun is a lapdog and knows it and will sit there haughtily. They're having too much fun
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jackstanleyroberts · 6 months
The descriptions of the characters of the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise Part 3
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Hello everybody, if you have seen part 3 of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise, here's part 3 when you know about the descriptions of the characters & I already have done part 2 because in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise part 1 has the main characters some are newer & some are related to the legacy characters part 2 have supporting characters of the franchise. Here comes more of the newer characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise.
Supporting Characters: Part 2
India Eisley as Alivia Williams, an really Beautiful, Kind, Knowledgeable & Busy young woman who's being the elder sister of Ronald "Rory" Williams & Elaine Williams & she's born & raised in New York, she's being a student in Blackmore University & part of the friend group with The Fab Twelve & The Core Four.
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Bailee Madison as Riley Johnson, an Gorgeous, Badass, & Sassy young woman who's been cute as people call her as an bowtie on her head but she's definitely not that cute & she's ready to scrap on girls, because she's the kind friend of Terry & Larry Watkins as a part of their friend group. She's also the younger sister of Dorothy Johnson.
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Yvette Monreal as Lorraine "Lynn" Sanchez, an Shy, Beautiful, & Responsible young woman who's being a part of the friend group of Terry & Larry Watkins & she's the older sister of Laura "Lori" Sanchez.
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Melissa Collazo as Isabella "Izzy" Yales, Intelligent, Independent, Sweet, Kind, Beautiful, & Hot young woman who's being a part of the friend group of the Watkins brothers & she's the sister of Damien "Dame" Yales. She's not a fan of horror movies like featuring cannibals & killer dolls.
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Hayden Byerly as Damien "Dame" Yales, an Tough, Kind, & Protective young man who's been a part of the friend group of the Watkins brothers & he's the brother of Isabella "Izzy" Yales by proxy they both being childhood friends with Terrence William "Terry" Watkins.
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The Friendly Posse: Part 1
Charlie Plummer & Katherine Langford as Samuel Johnathan "Sam" & Jennifer Annie "Jenny" Kincaid, the Tough, Kind, Supportive, & Caring older siblings of Graceland "Grace" Prescott & they're being friends with Fred & Will Hicks, they also the son & daughter of Sidney Prescott & Mark Kincaid.
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Annalise Basso as Andrea Lewis, an Hot, Beautiful, Sassy, & Kind young woman who's being friends with The Hicks brothers Will & Fred Hicks.
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Jodelle Ferland as Joanna Thompson, an Beautiful, Resourceful, & Friendly woman who's being friends with Fred & Will Hicks in their friend group.
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Odessa A'zion as Susan Winters, an Hard-Partying, Wild, Straight, & Kind young woman who's being a part of the friend group of Fred & Will Hicks & the younger sister of Eleanor "Ellie" Winters.
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More descriptions of the characters in the Extended Cut of the Scream franchise are coming soon.
Stay Tuned!
What's your favorite scary movie?
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redleavesinthewind · 11 months
The Haunting of Blackbeard’s Bar and Grill and Fishing Accessory Shop and Roller-Skating Rink
IT HAS TAKEN ME SO LONG AND I AM SO SORRY BUT HERE IT IS. @emeraldcas here’s your birthday gift it is insane it doesn’t make sense it’s utterly ridiculous but i managed to incorporate all shows and the majority of the prompts i hope you like it!!
2.5k words, under the cut
When Jack hears that their newest haunting is at a roller rink, he’s elated. Dean should have seen it coming. They should’ve just not told Jack anything about it, cause now he’s insisting on making a whole outing out of it. If it were to go Dean’s way, they’d quickly take care of the haunting without spending more time than necessary at that stupid rink, but Jack has recruited Cas and Sam, and now Sam’s calling Eileen to invite her and Cas has already made sure that Jody and Donna are bringing the girls.
Dean is dreading it.
He’s dreading it a little bit less when he sees the name of the place. Blackbeard’s Bar and Grill and Fishing Accessory Shop and Roller-Skating Rink is quite a mouthful, but if Dean can get a burger after being forced to put on shoes with wheels on them he guesses the day is kind of saved.
“You do remember we’re here to gank a ghost, right?” Dean asks when he sees both Sam and Cas practically light up alongside Jack at the sight of the roller rink, which is pirate-themed for some reason. Dean would have preferred cowboys, but he guesses pirates are neat too. He’s eyeing the bar next to the rink, Paddy’s Pub, which seems much more inviting at the moment.
“Yeah, yeah sure.” Sam mumbles, but he’s distracted by Eileen’s entrance, her little car sidling up next to the Impala in the parking lot. Donna and Jody aren’t far behind, and Alex and Patience can’t get out of the backseat fast enough in excitement, while Claire trails behind rolling her eyes. Dean knows Claire well enough to see through her tough-guy exterior—she’s at least as excited about this whole ordeal as Jack is. Dean’s one potential ally in his distaste for roller skating has turned out to be a traitor.
“Okay, let’s go over the game plan!” Dean calls everyone together before they enter the building.
“What do we know about the case?” Jody asks, and Dean is grateful to have at least one person focused on the hunt they’re supposed to be on.
“From what we know, there are multiple apparitions, probably ghosts, showing up on the rink. Some are harmless, others get violent, there’s at least one witness account that states they’ve gotten into a screaming-match with a—” Sam checks his meticulous notes. “Self-important business man who called them a dick a bunch of times, then picked up his phone to curse at the person on the other end instead, before he disappeared into thin air.”
“I wouldn’t call that violent.” Claire narrows her eyes and tilts her head at the same time as both Cas and Jack do. Dean sometimes gets freaked out by their uncanny resemblance.
“Well, there’s also a witness talking about a guy showing up in the middle of the rink waving around with a whip, so there’s that.” Dean adds. “Let’s just go in and check it out.”
Once through the door, Dean is greeted by a slightly off rendition of My God by the Killers from a corner of the room that is supposed to house the DJ booth for the rink, but has instead been refunctioned into a karaoke booth. Why the hell is there a karaoke booth in a roller-skating rink that is also a bar and grill (the counter with the kitchen behind it is to their left) and a fishing accessory shop (a door to the left seems to lead to that one) and also looks like a ship deck? Dean feels like the rink alone is strange enough to warrant checking out for supernatural threats.
“Let’s go!” Jack runs right up to the counter, rows and rows of bright green roller-skates lining the shelves. The girls are not far behind, and Sam and Eileen are smirking, making their way to the counter as well.
“Wait for me!” A voice yells from behind Dean, and a small family busts through the doors, Garth and his wife and kids in tow, joining their group at the counter. Well great, Dean thinks.
“Don’t forget why we’re here!” Dean calls after them all, but he’s not sure they care much. Shaking his head, Dean makes his way around the rink, taking it all in. In the karaoke booth, a tall and kind of intimidating looking woman starts singing Mr. Brightside with an incredible voice. Dean almost trips over his own feet when he sees two people looking like Mulder and Scully on the rink. It gets even weirder when he sees… is that Bert and Ernie? Roller-skating hand in hand? And Kermit and his friends on the other side? Dean shakes his head. He must be mistaken, because by now, his friends have made their way onto the rink and they don’t seem to find anything amiss.
Dean keeps investigating the hall. There’s a birthday party hosted in one of the booths, the tables laden with chocolate and cake, balloons in the form of flowers floating around. Dean passes their booth just as the gifts are being exchanged.
“Bumbercatch, did you make this?” The recipient asks, looking at a scarf in awe.
“Yeah, man. I upgraded from knitting to crochet.”
Dean looks back to the rink, seeing everyone having the times of their lives. He sees Sam and Jody occasionally stop other roller-bladers to talk to them, while Donna and Eileen examine the rink itself. At least they’re helping with the case, which can’t be said about everyone else. Dean rolls his eyes, but then he sees Cas, and his jaw almost drops to the floor.
Cas is flying across the rink, cutting a beautiful figure, the trench coat fluttering behind him like wings. He makes pirouettes, his legs dancing around, while everyone cheers for him. Damn. Cas is good at this. Of course he’s good at this, the guy is good at anything.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dean sees Claire and Jack leave the rink and quickly walk towards the counter. It’s almost impossible to tear his gaze away from Cas, who is mesmerising in the way he floats across the rink with such ease, but Dean needs to keep it together if he wants to solve this case.
Sweeping the hall, there were no cold spots, no flickering lights, no suspicious activity. The EMF’s been quietly resting in Dean’s pocket, giving no sound and indication of ghostly activity. Dean is just deciding to start questioning the employees when Jack and Claire return from the counter, a shit-eating grin on both their faces.
“Hey Dean.” Claire says, mischief obvious in her voice. Next to her, Jack holds up the bright green roller-skates. “We brought you something.”
“Yeah we noticed you haven’t made your way onto the rink yet, so we got your size!” Jack thrusts the shoes in Dean’s direction, an earnest smile on his face.
“You did what?” Dean stands, lost, but Claire and Jack have already made their way back to the rink.
He’s standing there, dumbfounded, holding roller-skates, regretting all his life decisions. He should have given this case to a different group, he shouldn’t have come close to this damn roller rink at all.
“Dean?” Cas has stopped close to him, leaning against the fence around the rink. “Are you joining us?”
“Yeah, sure.” Dean says and instantly wants to kick himself, but seeing the smile spread on Cas’ face is kind of worth it.
“Wonderful.” Cas pushes himself off the fence, rolling to the next entrance and waiting for Dean to get the damned shoes on.
Dean steps onto the rink reluctantly, trying to keep himself stable, gripping the fence for dear life. But how is he supposed to do that when there are fucking tiny tires on his feet. This is a nightmare.
“Dean?” Cas asks, noticing his nervousness. “Have you ever gone roller-skating?”
Dean scowls.
“I take that as a no.” Cas nods, then he holds out a hand. “Let’s go then.”
For a second, Dean hesitates, then he takes a deep breath, lets go of the fence and grabs Cas’ hand instead, the angel’s fitting perfectly in his. They should hold hands more often, he thinks, but before he can examine that thought in more detail, Dean takes a step and almost falls over immediately. His face would have made acquaintance with the floor if it wasn’t for Cas catching him, his strong arms around Dean’s middle.
“Are you okay?” Cas asks.
“Just hold me.” Dean squeaks, clinging to Cas’ waist while trying not to fall again. “I mean, hold me up. Like, don’t let me fall!” He quickly corrects, heart racing.
“Of course, Dean.”
And then they roller-skate together. It takes Dean a while to make his legs stop shaking, for his movements to become less clumsy, but Cas never lets go of him, and after a while he starts enjoying himself. He starts understanding why everyone is ignoring the case in favour to do this instead. If he’d ever roller-skated before in his life, he would have been as elated as Jack to come here.
“This is fun!” Dean grins at Cas, and then it happens.
Something hits Dean’s head, hard, and the little balance he was holding onto is ripped from him, sending his ass to the floor, dragging Cas down with him.
A baseball rolls away from where he’s fallen to the floor. What in all hell is a fucking baseball doing on a roller-skating rink.
“I am so sorry!” A small woman rolls up to them frantically, wearing a pink baseball uniform with skirts instead of shorts and sporting a baseball glove. “Lupe did not mean to throw that far.”
The last part of her sentence is directed towards the other side of the rink, and Dean is positive that he’s hit his head badly, because he sees an entire baseball team worth of women in the same pink uniform tossing around a bunch of balls. How do they even all fit onto the rink? Has it gotten bigger?
“Carson, hurry up!”
“Coming, Greta!” The woman throws back, before scrambling to pick up the bass she’s lost while continuing to profusely apologise to Dean, who doesn’t say anything because this is beyond strange. They’ve seen their fair share of odd shit, but this rink takes the fucking cake.
“We should probably get up.” Cas says, and Dean can only nod, but before they can make as much as a move, they’re interrupted.
“Don’t move!”
“Out of the way!”
“We’re paramedics!”
Three people drop down next to Dean and Cas, a woman with a comforting smile, a man with an oddly places scar right in the middle of his forehead, and a handsome guy with dishevelled hair, while three others ward off anyone who’d want to get close. They’re not in uniform, so Dean assumes that they’re here on their day off, but that doesn’t stop them from asking a ton of questions and making sure neither Dean nor Cas actually injured themselves. Not that Cas can get injured at all, but that’s not the point.
“Okay, okay, I think that’s enough!” Dean insists when he realises that they’re debating how worth it is to call an ambulance because apparently Cas’ pupils don’t dilate the way they should, something that is no doubt due to the fact that Cas is an angel. “We’re fine.”
“Let us at least escort you off the rink.” One of the guys who warded off onlookers throws in, helping Dean up without even waiting for a reply, while the handsome paramedic guy does the same with Cas. Dean doesn’t protest, because he does feel a little light-headed now that he’s standing again. Damn random baseball team that decided to play at a rink for no good reason.
They roll off the rink, and as soon as Dean reaches a bench, he gets out of these damned roller-skates. Sure, it was fun while it lasted, but right now Dean just wants to figure out what the hell is going on here and then get the fuck out.
Two men dressed in pirate-adjacent clothes, one in fancy colourful coats and the other in way too much leather, stride up to them, and Dean doesn’t even have time to roll his eyes.
“Hello there!” Colourful fancy coat man yells out, waving exaggeratedly. “We’re the owners of this wonderful establishment, and we’ve seen what just happened on the rink.”
“Yeah mate, we agreed that you and your group get everything for free today, as recompense or some shit like that.” Leather guy shrugs.
“What the fuck?” Is all that Dean gets out, and fancy guy scowls.
“Did you not understand?”
“No I did understand. But are you not seeing this?” Dean gestures to the whole hall, because this is not a normal rink, no matter how normal everyone pretends it is. “That’s Bert and Ernie right there!”
“Yes indeed it is!” Fancy guy says, a pleased smile on his face.
“Where did they come from?” Cas asks, frowning.
“Oh people just keep showing up here, same as us I guess.” Leather guy says, scratching his long beard. The movement brings Dean’s attention to the guy’s arms, which are filled with tattoos, and for a second Dean is envious, before he redirects his thoughts to the matter at hand.
“So people just show up?” Dean asks, and when the pirates nod, he frowns. “So, what if, I don’t know, monsters start showing up. What if this is gonna be the start of the zombie apocalypse.”
“You know, I just watched this show where zombies were integrated into society, and the zombies themselves weren’t the actual problem.” The first responder who helped Dean off the rink interjects.
“Did you watch In the Flesh without me?” The other one asks, tone indignant.
“Well Eddie, you said you didn’t want to watch it anyway.”
“No, I said I didn’t want to watch The Last of Us.”
“Ah damn, sorry Eddie.”
“No problem man, we still have the last two seasons of Psych to get through together.”
Dean starts tuning their conversation out when they keep talking about what shows to watch together. Meanwhile, Leather guy shakes his head. “We always send back the dangerous ones, they just disappear again. Sometimes we also send them back when we don’t like them, like those Roy siblings, they were annoying as heck.”
“And they just leave?” Cas asks, fascination seeping into his voice.
Dean sighs, looking around the rink once again, taking in the colourful combination of characters, his family included. They don’t look all that dangerous, and Dean knows he’s probably stupid for making this decision, but his gut is telling him that he should leave this place alone.
“Okay, Cas, I don’t really wanna stay here, wanna check out that pub next door?”
“Of course, Dean.”
Thirty minutes later, Dean leaves Paddy’s Pub with Cas in tow, regretting all his life decisions.
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