#diego hargreeves headcanon
mindful-of-ideas · 1 year
Headcanon: Umbrella Academy
-The Umbrella Academy as Greek Gods (Luther, Diego and Allison)
Part 2, Part 3
Luther as Hephaestus (Ἥφαιστος):
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I feel like this one is kind of obvious. Hephaestus is known for his physical strength just like Luther is. Both are rejected and laughed at for the way they look. Hephaestus is rejected and thrown off Olympus by his own mother because of how ugly he is. She resents him yet she’s the one who made him who he is since she had him all by herself. In a similar way, Reginal, who raised Luther alone basically, casts him off by sending him to the moon after he’s been saved by the experimental serum. You can tell his ape-like appearance played a role in him getting sent away.
Still, they both remain very loyal to their so-called family. Hephaestus will go on to make and fabricate multiple things for the gods such as Pandora, Artemis and Apollo’s arrows, Zeus’ aegis and Pelops’s sceptre. In the same way, Luther truly believes in Reginald and it takes him a long time to come around and realize he’s been played.
As much as it feels almost natural to compare Hephaestus and Aphrodite to Luther and Allison, I don’t think it is right to do so. You’ll see why I don’t think Allison is Aphrodite, but I think the most evident difference is that Allison was never forced to be with Luther like Aphrodite was with Hephaestus. Zeus forced her to marry Hephaestus because he believed her beauty would cause jealousy inbetween the gods. But for Luther and Allison, she’s the one asking for the relationship and forcing it into him, not a third individual.
Finally, I’d say that it’s common belief to think the Hephaestus is all muscle and no brain, just like the first impression we get of Luther. He isn’t number one for no reason. But Hephaestus is crafty, he can create godly weapons, things that require extreme precision, but also, in a way, a good understanding of who that weapon is for. When he made Achilles’ armour, it fitted him perfectly, it was made for him and no one else. So Hephaestus possesses a level of skill and understanding of other people. In a similar way, Luther has a certain emotional intelligence that the rest of the Umbrella Academy seems to forget about. He truly believed that being number one meant that he was a leader. He did his best to hold the team together and even if he failed, you can see that he truly did care about his family. So he’s not all muscle either.
Diego as Themis (Θέμις):
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Our first Titan! So, Themis is the Titan goddess of divine law and order which I think fits perfectly well with Diego, especially in the first two seasons. Now, let’s just say a few words about Themis first. She is the goddess of divine law, meaning the rules of conduct that have been established by custom. They are the primal laws of morality and justice. These aren’t the common laws, the ones made by humans. They include stuff like piety, hospitality, sacrifices to the gods, etc.
I think that those two parts are important to consider when comparing Diego to her. On one hand, Diego has a strong sense of justice. You can see that he wants to do what’s right a punish the ‘bad guys’. This is literally how he is when we first meet him! And it’s something that stays with him throughout the seasons, stopping JFK from getting killed being the main example. However, he has a complete disregard for actual laws. He gets kicked out of the police academy and becomes a vigilante, clearly, he doesn’t care about the law. So this anti-thesis inside himself, having a strong sense of moral justice while breaking the law, fits really well with Themis.
This is all nice, but Diego also has a soft side. He cares a lot about his siblings, Klaus and Allison in particular, calls Grace ‘mom’, and cares about Lila and Stanley a lot too. How does that fit in with Themis? Well, those primal laws of morality and justice are what keeps the humans alive and the gods happy. It rules, in a way, their relationships. Similarly, Diego, by being kind and open to everyone else’s feelings, is keeping the peace within the family. He gives a way for his siblings to express themselves without the whole family collapsing on itself. Calling Grace ‘mom’ remind them all of what she did for them and allows Grace to get the respect she deserves. Which, to me, sounds a lot like moral justice. And what to say about Stanley. He cared about him, truly. Even after learning he wasn’t his son, because that’s what he believes he should do, guided by his morals.
Finally, this might be a bit of a stretch, but Themis is also known for her divination powers. She’s linked to the Oracle of Delphi as well as the woods of Dodona. Diego’s power, as you know it, is that he can manipulate the trajectory of different objects. In a way, he is at the same time predicting where the object will end up and influencing its fate.
Allison as Demeter (Δημήτηρ):
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I feel like this is a less obvious one (like I said, I feel like people associate her with Aphrodite more) but to me, this makes so much more sense. The way I see it, especially considering season 3, Allison cares deeply about her daughter, so much that it becomes the only thing that keeps her alive. This is exactly like Demeter in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, which tells us about Kore’s abduction (literally rape as in raptus in Latin, meaning seized). So let me walk you through that hymn.
It starts with the abduction of Kore, witnessed by Helios and heard by Hecate. Now, Allison’s story doesn’t exactly start with that, but as soon as season one, we get how important Claire is to her; she’s her Kore. She’s her whole world. The hymn goes on and we learn about Demeter’s grief. She looks for her daughter for nine days before learning the truth about her abduction. She then exiles herself from Olympus and wanders on Earth, not eating, not talking. She will meet the daughters of King Celeos, who will take her to their mother, the queen. offering her to take care of their infant brother. Her fast will be broken by one of the maids, Iambe, who manages to get Demeter to laugh and drink. Similarly, Allison winds up forced to wander in the 1960s. She will get a job at the Odessa’s salon not unlike Demeter accepting the offer from Celeos’ daughters. But it isn’t until she meets Ray that, in my opinion, she finds some peace of mind. It’s not perfect, and it’s not like being with Claire, but it’s something that makes life worth living for a while, just like Demeter in the hymn.
So, Demeter starts taking care of Demophon, the queen’s son, and puts him in fire because, apparently, that’s how you become immortal. The queen sees her doing that and stops her which revives Demeter’s anger. She shows her true self to the queen, her godly self, and goes back to crying Kore. Allison does something similar when she takes part in the sit-in at the dinner. At first, it is a failure, but she decides to use her power, show what she can really do to the world, but mostly to Ray, someone who trusted her. He calls her out, just like the queen did, and rightfully so. After that, she is ready to say goodbye to him and go back to her own timeline, the one where she can be with Claire. Just like Demeter in the hymn goes back to her grieving now more angered than ever, Allison, not able to reunite with Claire as they get back to 2019, gives in to her pain and anger.
Demeter, still mad will then go on to cause a famine. Humans won’t be able to eat, but mostly, won’t be able to sacrifice to the gods. Zeus, seeing he won’t get any sacrifices, sends Hermes to get Kore back. Since she did eat some pomegranate, she will be forced to spend one-third of the year with Hades. The two goddesses reunite, the famine ends and Demeter tells her secrets to a few selected people. The same pattern can be seen with Allison. Back in 2019 but without Claire, suffering from PTSD, she becomes more and more angry. She starts misusing her power, hurting, torturing the Sparrows and betraying her own family. Since Reginald is the only person that can get her what she wants, she follows him blindly. Ultimately, she will, just like Demeter, get to reunite with Claire (or maybe not, I guess we’ll have to wait and see…)
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asteriismos · 2 years
cherry waves - ben hargreeves
PAIRING ◆ sparrow!ben hargreeves x umbrella!reader
WARNING(S) ◆ SMUT, rough sex, choking, DIRTY TALK, unedited, piv sex, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (fem receiving), byeLOL
SUMMARY ◆ you come to terms with the new ben.
WORDS ◆ 4.6k
NOTE ◆ … lolllllll!!!!!!! there's no ben smut out there so (insert thanos meme) fine, i'll do it myself.
The Ben that you had fallen in love with when you were younger has been dead for almost fifteen years . . . you had to keep telling yourself that. Getting over his death was one of the hardest things that you had ever done, because his loss was the first one that you had ever experienced at the ripe age of seventeen years old. You weren’t even an adult and yet, you were faced with the tragedy of your first love being killed and you had to face that realization every day for the rest of your life. You remembered the day like it was yesterday, and although it had been over a decade since it happened, there were some times where you would wake up in the middle of the night, sweat covering your entire body and gasping for air because of the nightmares you endured. You weren’t there to witness his death, but the tragedy was all the same. In your nightmares he was ripped away from you without a goodbye. 
You finally started to forget about the trauma when you were in Dallas, as there seemed to be no way to get back to the future and for the life that you had back in 2019. You even met some other people, though nothing came to fruition like your relationship with Ben did. With him it felt so natural to be in love and with everyone else you felt like you were going through the motions. Instead you grew your relationships with your friends and that managed to take your mind off of him. 
And you thought that this mess was done once you made it back to 2019. Everything seemed fine until you and The Umbrella Academy came face to face with Reginald, who was explaining that your home wasn’t your home anymore . . . or it never was. You were confused as hell on what had happened due to time travel. Noises were heard from the top of the balcony and you and your family turned around, revealing a whole set of other people just like you and some weird floating cube. 
And just as you thought things couldn’t get any more weird, you heard footsteps to your left and saw none other than Ben Hargreeves, more alive than you could remember him being. 
Dad, who the hell are these assholes?
That voice was still ringing in your head as clear as day, because to be honest, you couldn’t remember much from the encounter. You took one look at your deceased past lover who was no longer dead and started to shake, the familiar feeling of being hopeless came back to you and you passed out. Five would later tell you that he caught you and was able to get you out of the house before people started to fight, and it wasn’t until five hours later that you woke up. In this timeline, he’s still alive, Y/N, He would say to you when you finally came to, in some hotel room that your family booked. He’s not the same Ben that you fell in love with. He’s different.
And for a few hours you believed that, you tried to join your family in getting on with their lives and planning for their future, but you couldn’t get your mind off of Ben. Because in a way, he was the same person that you fell in love with. Your curiosity got the best of you and like always, led you to do some questionable things – because why would life ever be simple for you?
Your curiosity led you to the doorstep of The Sparrow Academy, knocking on the door and waiting for someone to answer it, not entirely sure that what you were doing is what you should actually be doing. You heard that there was a fight here and although you didn’t get too much information from your siblings, you were sure that there was still bad blood between the two families. The person to answer the door was a brunette woman, who stood a little bit taller than you and gave you a soft smile, turning to look behind and closed the door behind herself, coming out onto the sidewalk with you. She looked a little nervous that you were here, but didn’t look like she had any ill will against you. 
“You’re the one that passed out. I’m Sloane.” 
Great. You’re glad that was the reputation they all had of you. How embarrassing. 
“I don’t normally do that,” You said. “There’s just someone here that reminds me of someone I used to know.”
Sloane looked confused for a second, her features scrunching up in thought before they softened, as if she realized who you were talking about. “Ben said something about your family giving him weird looks. And you passed out right after you saw him . . . How do you know him?” 
“Ben was . . . Well, Ben was in our timeline too. I knew him from then but he died almost fifteen years ago. It was . . .” You trailed off, not knowing the right words to use. You were notorious for never talking about it, which was not good for your healing as you’ve heard, but it was always too painful to think about. “It was traumatic for all of us.” 
“You loved him.” 
Was it that easy to see? Maybe what gave it away was your pained expression at the mere thought of his death, or that you could barely say his name above a whisper. The more you stood in front of her the more you wanted to run away, thinking that this was a bad decision and that you should’ve listened to your family and stayed the hell away from here. But you couldn’t just leave now, and soon enough Sloane was inviting you in and telling you which door led to Ben’s room, and soon enough you were knocking on the door. 
You heard a groan, and a small come in and for a moment you hesitated, thinking that you would be saddened by the fact that the new Ben wasn’t the same one. But you just needed to see him, even if it was just for a moment. You opened the door and closed it, coming face to face with someone who looked the same as your lover, smelled the same as your lover, and even stood the same as him too, but it wasn’t him. It was someone else. 
“Did you come in to discuss something about your family, or are you just trying to get your hands on one of us since you didn’t get a piece of the action earlier?” Ben asked, his tone condescending and nothing like how you remembered it being. “As I recall, your little twitchy brother zapped you out of the house before things got exciting.” You shook your head, taking a step back as he took a step forward. You were silent, still eyes wide at the sight of him. The only thing that was different about his appearance was the visible scar on his face and the slightly tight fitting shirts that Ben never wore before. 
You opened your mouth to say, “I just wanted to see if it was really you.” 
“What do you mean, really me?” He asked. 
“It’s a long story. But the Ben that I knew died so long ago, and I loved him so much. Seeing you down there earlier today just brought all of it back. I never thought that I would see you again . . . But it’s not you. Or at least the one that I knew from my timeline,” You explained. 
“You were in love with me?” He asked. It was a strange concept to him. No one had ever loved him, not enough to pass out due to the thought of him, not enough to risk their life to come to his doorstep after their whole family had engaged in a fight that almost killed them. You were gorgeous enough as it is, and now you were telling him that you loved him. In some ways that made him feel a twinge of emotion towards you, and it made him extend his hand out forward. You flinched for a moment at his touch, but allowed it once you felt his fingertips on your arm. Closing your eyes, for a moment it felt like you were seventeen again and Ben was still here. 
And you opened your eyes and Ben was there, those eyes that you remembered. 
“Did he feel like this?” Ben asked you, his hand not leaving your arm. You nodded, reaching and grabbing the hand with your own. Just like how it used to be. Ben didn’t know why he was doing this, but it felt as if something in the universe was telling him to do it, like it was right somehow. Like you and him were meant to get together. It was all happening so fast. 
In a moment of either pure hope or total idiocy, you stood on your tippy toes and kissed him. It was a short kiss, similar to the ones you two had shared before in your past. Clumsy even, noses brushing against one another as you pulled away a tiny bit to get a look at him. His eyes met yours and he leaned in again, not testing the waters like you had. He knew what he wanted and you were shamelessly going to give it to him, no questions asked. Ben’s hands reached down to the small of your back, pulling you into him and not letting go.
The kiss was greedy, taking all that you could of one another, you still standing on your tippy toes and steering out of balance when your chest hit his own. He kept you up though, your legs turning into jelly when he released his lips from your own and indulged in the crook of your neck. It was hot and sloppy, swollen lips trailing from your neck to your jaw and down the other side, a row of saliva glistening on your skin. Your body shuddered, he made you feel weak in his hands and all you wanted to do was fall down but he didn’t let you. Instead his hands kept you firmly, head dipping down further along your collarbone and squatting down, placing them on the backs of your thighs, nudging.
Realizing what he wanted, you were quick to obey, jumping into his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. Ben’s strong arms held you with no problems, hoisting you up so your head was now level with his own. You took the opportunity to press your lips against his own again, hands finding their place on his jawline, kissing with a passion you had never used before with anyone else. His hands pulled you down and he grinded against you, making you moan into his mouth, Ben’s tongue sliding past your parted lips and exploring your mouth.
He began to walk backwards, steadily so as to not trip. And the moment his calves hit the bed, he sat down, taking you with him so you were now straddling his thighs. You were becoming aware of the heat between you two, every shuddering breath that left his lips egged you on further, wanting to make him writhe and moan your name over and over again. The need for him was deeper than you had ever felt before, and you didn’t want to hold back anymore, you wouldn’t let yourself run away from this. It was like he had never left. 
There was a small knock on the door and it threw you off your groove, head snapping to the large door. Ben placed a hand on your side to steady you. “Who is it?” He asked, voice wavering a tiny bit at the interruption, hoping the person wouldn’t come in.
“Did you want to train tonight or tomorrow morning?” It was his sister Fei.
A sigh left Ben’s lips. “Tomorrow morning.” There was a muted reply that neither of you could hear, and another moment passed and you knew that she was gone.
“That was close-”
“Ben,” You breathed, not in the mood for small talk. You were still sitting on his thighs and you needed him more than ever now. “Stop talking.” A sly smile came across his lips and you wiped it away with a kiss, going back to the fast pace that had been set before. Your hands came and went under his shirt, feeling the taut skin of his abs and thanking God for his training and conditioning. He was considerably larger and muscular than when you had known him. The thought of him above you with a body like that? It made you falter in your movements.
Using the break in your concentration to his advantage, Ben started mouthing along your skin again, hands pulling up your shirt above your head. His eyes scanned your body, raising an eyebrow. “No bra?” He asked, making you shy away and look anywhere but at his face. You didn’t reply, but he seemed to not like that. His hand came and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. You gave a small smile, “Well I didn’t know that this was happening and I wanted to be comfy.” He hummed, somewhat disappointed in your answer but not disappointed at how compliant you seemed to be with him. Ben went back to kissing your neck, teeth grazing along your soft skin, making you jump whenever he bit down on a particular spot.
You were beginning to grow impatient. Perhaps it was with the way that he was worshiping you, wanting to kiss every single inch of you and make you keel into his touch over and over again. Or maybe it was because no one had ever made you feel this way before. You had been with others before, men whose names you didn’t bother remembering, all men who resembled the one below you now. Men, with blue eyes that you pretended were his, strong arms that felt like the ones that Ben wrapped around you before you said goodbye to him for what you didn’t know would be the last time. They never made you satisfied, and you were left feeling more broken than put together after the deed was done, scrambling to leave in the middle of the night to avoid the awkward conversation that would follow in the morning. Ben, even though he was only kissing you, put those men to shame. You wondered if he was thinking the same, that no woman measured up to you.
He definitely was.
Ben’s hands found your breasts, squeezing them and kneading them together, fingers coming to pinch your nipples. Your back arched into him and you almost fell over on top of him, using your hands on his muscles to stop you. You reached and decided you wanted to please him, to show him how much you wanted him. You trailed your hands under his shirt and came to the band of his pants, pushing your fingers past it and making your way down. Before you could hit his obvious hard on, one of his own hands came and grasped your wrists, pulling your hand away. You looked up, thinking that you did something wrong. Tilting your head, you gave him a silent what?
“I’m not done with you yet,” Ben explained. In one movement he put his hands to your back and flipped you two over, him now on top of you. Your head hit the mattress with a small humph and wondered what he had in store for you.
You worked with him to shimmy your pants and panties off, throwing them to some side of the room. His hands splayed against your thighs and you watched with an open mouth to see what he was going to do. He gave you a look, a familiar one that reminded you that you were actually here with him, not someone who looked and acted like him. It was actually Ben. The one that you still loved, the one that you trusted more than anyone in the world.
You were also well aware of the slick that was beginning to coat your thighs, body betraying you and showing him how much you wanted him, how you ached for him. Ben seemed to like it though, bringing his flesh hand to your slit and scooping some of it up. When he brought his hand back up, you could see the way that it glistened on his skin, popping a finger into his mouth and humming sinfully at the taste. He did it again and again, humming every single time your arousal hit his tongue. You looked down with heated cheeks, feeling a little embarrassed that you were getting so worked up over something so small. “You taste …” He trailed off, bringing his tongue to your folds and swiping up from your hole to your clit. “Amazing.”
“It’s all for you,” You said, wiggling your hips and urging him to pleasure you again. Ben smirked, feeling a sense of pride wash over him at your words. He brought a finger to you and pushed it in, watching your mouth open into a wide ‘O’ at the feeling. He curled it up, making your muscles tighten around him. Ben built a steady pace and he came back up to your face, pressing a kiss to your cheek sweetly as if he couldn’t hear the lewd sounds that were being created when he added a second finger in.
“Did he make you feel like this,” He asked, towering over you. His thumb rubbed against your clit while his fingers fucked into you. “Were you ever under me like this?”
You moaned out at his words, thighs clenching around his hand to keep him there. You couldn’t respond, too busy thinking about the steady fire that was building in you. You reached to climb higher, hoping he would grant you some kind of release. He didn’t give it to you though. Instead, whenever you were getting to that tipping point, he would stop all of his movements altogether until you stopped shaking, then repeat the process over and over again.
It was making you go crazy, how he had the power to push you towards release but he just wouldn’t do it.
“Tell me, when you were with other guys to forget, did they make you feel this good?” Ben whispered into your ear, biting the skin below it. “Did they make you shake under their fingertips?”
So that’s what it was. Jealousy. Ben was jealous of all the men that had been with you before him. How someone else had heard your first moans, been inside you, made you cum before he ever had the chance to. He was determined to make sure that he was better than them, and make sure that you would never go to anyone else again.
“Answer me.”
You opened your mouth to speak but you couldn’t. As if to test you further, he pushed a third finger into you, making you moan out his name loud and roll your eyes to the back of your skull. His thumb kept rubbing languid circles on your clit. You thought if you stayed quiet you could sneak an orgasm, cut him off guard. But as if he heard your thoughts, his movements stalled and he put his other hand firmly on your hips so you couldn’t even move against his statue-like hand. His dark eyes bore into your own and you squeezed around his fingers. “No, they weren’t anything like you. You make me feel so good, Ben.” The praise fell from your lips with ease, lava pooling in your stomach as if threatening to burst at any moment. If only he would just rub a little bit more …
He pulled his hand away from you. Ben didn’t even respond to your statement and you wondered if you said something wrong, if he had enough. And he had enough all right, but not enough of you. He wanted to see you cum, just around his cock and not his fingers.
But you couldn’t hear what he was thinking, which made you whimper when he pulled himself away fully, standing at the edge of the bed. You opened your legs up to him, the farthest that you could go without hurting yourself and hoping that it would make him come back to you quickly. Your clit was aching from several denied orgasms, almost thinking about pulling your hand down to finish yourself off, though deciding against it when knowing Ben would never allow something like that. He liked seeing you writhing like this.
Ben’s hands shed all his clothing. He wasn’t exactly putting on a show for you but you marveled anyways, watching the way that his muscles flexed when his shirt came off and how you wanted to lick all around his abdominal region and make your way all down to his cock, which was pressed against his stomach and slightly glistening with precum. It was big, probably the biggest you’ve ever had and felt your insides clench just thinking about it sliding into you. Once he was satisfied with his clothing off, he came back down to the bed and kneeled between your spread legs.
“Ben,” You whispered. “Please.”
“Please what?” There was a hint of mischief in his eyes and it took all of your strength to not roll your eyes. “What do you want me to do to you?” Of course he wanted to hear you say it, to announce what he was inevitably going to do.
You couldn’t ignore the way you loved how controlling he was with you, how he ordered you to do some things. And as much as you hated that he didn’t let you cum, you also loved how he would make you cum when he wanted you to, not you.
He took his cock into his hands and rubbed the tip against your glistening folds, teasing you in the most sinful way possible.
“Please … Fuck me Ben. Make me cum, I can’t take it anymore.” You just wanted him inside of you so badly, you were going to scream if this went on for any longer. He was right there, denying you both the pleasure.
With a nod of his head, he pushed into you in one fluid motion. The feeling of him bottoming out inside of you made you grip onto his bicep, pulling him close so his warm chest was against your own again. He wasted no time moving, the sound of it deliciously sweet in your ears. Ben took your legs and pushed them upwards, your feet hanging off of his shoulders and pressing your thighs further up until they were almost hitting the mattress. The change in position had you crying out, feeling him hit deeper inside of you.
You could feel every single scrape of his cock against your walls, increasing that fire in your stomach until you were sure you were about to cum. His pace was unrelenting, moving quicker and quicker until you were sure he was using all his power. He kept at it with such loyalty and vigor, his motivation to make you feel the best you ever had fuelling him to a tenfold. He was such a devoted man to begin with, so you should’ve known that he would handle things the same way in bed.
You squeezed around him. “Please,” You whimpered.
“Go ahead.” Those two words were all you needed, allowing yourself to scream out as your orgasm ripped through you, built up again and again and now it was finally here and it was amazing. It rippled through you like shockwaves, and made you go limp under him, legs completely boneless. Ben didn’t let up as he rode through your orgasm, keeping the same pace with you. He was unforgiving, not giving you time to adjust and instantly making you feel the feeling of overstimulation. You were so sensitive to his cock ramming in and out of you that you could feel a second orgasm already building up.
The tip of him hit a particularly nice spot in you and you yelled, curling your toes and your hands came to tangle and grip in his hair. You almost stopped for a moment thinking that you were hurting him, but when you looked at his face, you saw only fucked out bliss, white incisors showing in a ravenous grin. His eyes opened and they were almost fully dark, making you shiver.
You opened your mouth to speak but was halted by two of his fingers shoving their way into your mouth. It was harsh, but in a good way, your insides burning up as your second orgasm washed over you, sucking on his two fingers as they made your moans muffled.
“You feel so good. You’re so fucking tight,” He mumbled, as though he was talking to himself. He was completely thrown into the pleasure that you were giving him, hot and warm and just perfect, like you were made for his cock to be rammed into over and over again. “Made for me, all for me.” He used your past words, them never losing their meaning no matter how many times he muttered under his breath.
Time seemed to slow and grow faster at the same time, the whole room disappearing as both of you focused on only each other. You weren’t sure how many times he had made you cum at this point, you took whatever he gave you and took it well. When you got enough strength to crane your neck down, you watched as your hole enveloped his cock, it coming back out slicked with the remnants of your past orgasms. Ben saw where your eyesight was and a sense of pride washed over him again. “Do you like watching that? Seeing how well you take me?” He asked, egging you on. His hand went to grab your own and placed it on your lower abdomen, and you could feel the skin slightly raising up every time he went into you. You could see it too, sliding in and out.
Though, even if he didn’t want to admit it to himself, his movements were beginning to falter. He was becoming more sloppy with his hips and you knew he was about to cum. So, to give him what he had worked for, you wiggled your hips up, matching his hips. Your oversensitive clit rubbed against the base of his cock and you were clenching around him, and as if on cue, you were cumming again, feeling weak under him. Ben wrapped his arms around you and pulled you up, his cock splitting you open until he was spilling inside of you.
The moans that left his mouth were probably the hottest things you had ever felt in your life. You could feel his cum dripping down his cock, coating your thighs and dripping onto the soiled sheets. He put you down on the bed and followed you, eyes watching your own and kissing your sweaty forehead. He finally stopped moving and stilled inside, not wanting to leave you and go back to the way things had been before. He didn’t want to leave this moment and neither did you.
Because both of you knew when you were both cleaned up, you would have to come to terms with what was happening. 
So you stayed there with him, letting his cock stay inside of you and whispering sweet nothings into his ear, words of praise were exchanged. How good he had been, how good you made him feel … Anything that both of you could think of to keep the moment from ending. 
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itstheghostofmypast · 2 years
Music To My Ears
Five x Talkative Wife
Note: Okay, so I've had this idea for a long time, basically a HC of what it would be like if Five (when he comes back to 2019) brings along his wife who is also his partner from the commission- who is super talkative, especially when she's nervous.
Five x FemReader
Gif Credit to rightful owner
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The first time he had seen Y/N, he simply wanted to kill her. Not only did she give away his hiding spot from the enemy but she would not STOP TALKING.
"Hi! I'm Y/N, I don't really have a last name, but it's an honour to meet you Mr.Five Sir. You're a lege-"
"It's alright they won't hear us!"
"Woman, please I don't need a partner, especially not one as annoying as Klaus!"
"Whose Klaus?"
"Tch no one-"
And on that same mission Five got shot in the leg, which she kept apologising for over and over again, until he had to verbally say 'IT'S FINE PLEASE, JUST STOP TALKING I NEED TO THINK!'
Slowly, verrry slowly, she began to grow on him, killing wasn't his most favourite part of the job, and everytime she began talking nonsense he could tell she wasn't a fan of it either.
It didn't take him long to figure out that she would ramble on for hours a day when she was scared, nervous or just tired, especially on gruesome missions.
Yes, she would not stop talking even when she was drained. At one point he wondered if Delores thought he spoke a lot too. Until she ended up changing the topic of conversation around 5 times in 1 hour- no, this lady was a crackhead.
It was almost a year in their partnership and the Handler was pleased with their work. For Five was already a legend, he learnt that other than the useless chatter, the girl was a great assassin- quick, slick and brutal.
On one occasion, when Five was cornered and exhausted, he thought he was toast, almost ready to give up. He heard, "NOONE CORNERS MY PARTNER!" And gun shots.
They were all shot in the head
"Execution style?"
"Actually, I was super mad at you when you told me to stay at the motel because I'm very annoying and noisy. Like I get I can't be Delores but please I am my own person! I don't need to be someone else for you to accept me and hey! I am a great assassin by the way! Sure I talk a lot but before your rude a** came along I was running the show punk and-"
"Thank you Y/N, you saved my life today."
And that leaves her speechless, a whole year of knowing him, he had never thanked her, let alone ever spoken to her softly.
He smiles at her and hobbled to the car muttering a , 'You don't have to be Delores, you're better of as you.'
And that was the first mistake the boy made, because after that he began to notice more things about her that he liked.
The way she would ever so politely talk to people. How she was able to get intel by being nice- instead of using the interrogation methods he used.
More than often things would flow smoothly if she would do the talking.
3 years in and he wakes up one night, to get water and realises that she's not on the other bed. So he checks the washroom and she isn't their too.
Grabbing a bathrobe he goes out to the motel parking and finds her sitting on a bench, the cold night breeze tossing her hair around as she grips onto her cup- tea he presumes.
So, like any sane person he decides to give her some privacy, until he hears her sniff.
He goes and sits beside her and is just:
'Wanna talk?"
And she shakes her head, so he doesn't encourage her to speak, instead sits their quietly beside her, letting her cry silently.
An hour later he realises her head is on his shoulder and she mutters,
"When you go back, will you leave me?"
"I don't know..."
"Can I come with you?"
"You? But, I'm no fun nor a party goer, darlin' . I'll probably end up being an a** to you-"
"Would an a** have sat with me in the middle of a chilly night outside, letting me cry?"
And for once in his life Five had no answer. The resident genius had no clue to why her words had brought a sensation of tightness around his chest, why he felt her words cut through him. Was he actually going to leave her? If there was anyone (after Delores) who understood him, or rather had the balls to stand up to him, it was her. Yet, he had never realised how vulnerable she was on the inside.
That night ignites a fire within him, because 2 months later, on a mission in Hawaii, where the two are standing in a field of dead bodies he turns to her. All bloody and messy,
Utterly confused, she nods at the weirdo who looked like he was about to explode.
"I said, yes, Five Hargreeves, I'd like to spend whatever days I have left with an a** like you."
Cue the most abrupt and small wedding and exchanging of vows. Not that it mattered to either of them, because as soon as their 'secret wedding' was over, they were sent on another mission.
Naturally, she was rambling along the entire way,
"I really thought we could have cake though, but I guess we did have to keep it low key, oh speaking of low-key, I booked us a fancy couple's room I had been saving money for
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"What's with the face"
"You know~"
"Okay, I officially married Klaus."
"but, but, but you love me either way~"
"Seems to be so, now please stay quiet, we're entering their base and the last thing I want is to lose my wife on the second day of my marriage."
Give or take many years later, the couple in their fifties is staring at the blue portal. Holding hands, both nervous, one quiet while the other...
"3 I WIN"
And she pulls him into the portal as he yells at her.
The two end up on the ground with a loud thud.
Getting up he pulls her up and is just staring at her, up and down.
"Really Five, not a good time to be checking me out- wait why are you a child"
"does anyone see a little number Five with ...a random girl?"
Without responding he drags her into the kitchen, the siblings following in right after. Watching him make her sit on a chair at the end of the table while he is preparing something.
Slowly they start interrogating him.
"It's been 22 years Number Five, where have you been?'
"It's been a lot longer than that."
"What happened to you?"
He places a sandwich infront of her and starts to devour his own.
"What do you think happened? I decided to test the limits of my time jumping, see how far I could go. Turns out, pretty far."
"Then how did you get back?"
By now, Y/N is visibly shaking in her chair, too nervous to even eat, staring up at Five who seems to be having a a not to pleasant conversation with his siblings.
Before responding to Allison he turns to look at her,his features softening, something ALL the siblings notice, "It's okay..." He whispers to her, "Eat."
"By projecting our consciousness backwards into a suspended quantum state version of us that exists in every possible instance of time."
"That makes no sense."
"It would if you were smarter."
"Granted, it did take me a little time to work out all the nuts and bolts of it."
Five notices that she's still not eating and he frowns only to glare at his siblings, "Stop staring at her you're freaking her out."
"Random kid?" She slams down her sandwich. As Five smirks, 'well, at least she's better now'.
"Oh? danke- WAIT WIFE? Five DID U KIDNAP HER @?!"
"No, we're in our fifties."
"Yes, now well that's established, Five we should really hurry up. Also, why don't any of you look similar? Didn't your dad die today? Wait, are you all here for a funeral - you guys have been fighting ever since you showed up huh? Not a lot of love I see, no wonder my husband's a little crackhead too. By the way, why are you so big? Oh- *turns to Vanya* you're the lady from the book, nice book by the way, family tea is the best, not that I'd know, I have no recollection of mine-" with that she got up and randomly walked out of the kitchen, a nervous wreck, something only Five could see.
"Five is she insane?"
"Ofcourse not you big ape."
They could still hear her go on about something from the other side of the house to which Diego frowned, "She talks a lot."
Five just grabbed his sandwich, walking out of the room, with a
"It's music to my ears."
Note: OKAY SO THIS IS KINDA SHITTY? I don't know I just had to get it out of my system!, I hope y'all like it😭🥺❤️
TUA Taglist: @imaginesfire , @placidpluto , @achingwoundforaheart , @esmaada , @samyourneighbor , @xuenihao , @whoreofscience , @navs-bhat , @yuuki4646 , @simpformoonkight , @crowleysqueenofhell ,@anapotatowriter thank you, you lovely people for choosing to be part of my taglist ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚)
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learning math must have been awful for the hargreeves siblings
“subtract 2″
“*sobbing* but i love him”
“what do you get when you add 3 and 1″
“... me?”
“if you take 4 from 5 what do you get?”
“give four back !!”
“-then you divide 6″
*seven sobbing wails*
“i don’t wanna be cut up !!”
“we don’t wanna cut six up !!”
lets be real they learned about killing before math right lmao even if theyre probably toddlers here
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frozenwafflesagain · 1 year
Hey uh do you think the Hargreeves siblings got each other birthday gifts when they were kids?
Do you think they snuck out in groups of maybe 2 or 3 to go shopping for the rest of them?
Do you think Luther has such an extensive record collection because he got new records from Diego and Ben every single year?
Do you think Allison got Klaus a nail polish set and he got her a new skirt?
Do you think Five never forgot about Viktor and made sure the others didn’t either, so he always got a gift along with the rest of them?
Do you think Luther didn’t quite understand the kind of subjects Ben read about but scoured Barnes and Noble for something he thought Ben might have liked?
Do you think Diego got a new knife from everyone pretty much every time and always complained but secretly used them more than any of his others?
Do you think Viktor played “Happy Birthday” on his violin to wake them up on October 1st?
Do you think they all got Five a gift for years after he disappeared? Do you think they thought that if they remembered him on their birthday it was easier to pretend he was out there somewhere celebrating with them?
Because I do.
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nickeverdeen · 1 year
If they saw you blushing whistl being near them/talking to them
Luther, Diego, Allison, Klaus, Five, Ben, Viktor
Luther Hargreeves
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At first Luther would be confused why are you blushing
He might think you feel embarrassed about something you did
But he slowly puts pieces together and is flattered you feel attracted to him
He doesn’t want you to feel embarrassed so he would probably make some lame joke to light up the mood
“There’s no need to blush. I am just a big space monkey”
He might touch your hand in order to calm you down if you’re feeling nervous
Diego Hargreeves
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Unlike Luther, Diego is quick to catch up
He feels kinda honored and flattered by the fact that you feel attraction towards him
He is such a tease
Diego feels more confident
He would make some flirty comment in order to make you more flustered
“Oh don’t be nervous baby, I don’t bite. Well tonight I might”
If flirting would make you uncomfortable he would still at least tease you about it
“Why are you blushing? You got crush on me or what?”
Allison Hargreeves
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Unlike the boys, Allison is very friendly and isn’t really flirty, but she catches on quickly
Doesn’t really mention you blushing for a while
Continues in the conversation further
Allison might try to make you comfortable and tries to make you not feel embarrassed
But she does tease a little bit
“There’s no need to be nervous. We’re just outside having a normal day conversation.”
Klaus Hargreeves
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My man knows immediately why you are blushing
Klaus is a tease so don’t expect him not to mention your blush
His teasing is very playful
He doesn’t want you to take his teasing seriously, like I said, it’s more of a playful teasing
He thinks it’s funny how you blush when you two are talking or are near each other
He’s a funny guy and would try his best to flirt, but fail horribly
Klaus feels flattered by the fact that you find him hot
“Do you like me? Is that why you are blushing? Aw, you’re so cute”
Five Hargreeves
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Five would most likely be suprised and confused at first when he saw you blushing
Of course he soon realizes
If you have some deep conversation or meaningfully he ignores your blush
Five decides that it’s probably best if he won’t mention you blushing
Although he does feel flattered
But if you have more of a lighthearted conversation he might tease you a bit
“You do realize you’re blushing, right?”
Ben Hargreeves
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He wouldn’t at first be sure what’s happening
Ben would be very suprised, but also flattered by the fact that you’re blushing
He wouldn’t be sure if he should bring it up or not
If you’re having a deep or very meaningful conversation he wouldn’t bring it up, but if you’d have some light-hearted conversation he’d tease you a bit
“I didn’t realize I had such an effect on you”
Viktor Hargreeves
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He’d know very quickly what’s going on, even though at first he thought you were ill
Viktor would probably also blush to be honest
He would definetly feel flattered and happy
Viktor can and will point it out if it doesn’t make you insecure in any way
“No need to be embarrassed, you know” *points at your blush*
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lyonwithay · 2 years
ok can you imagine if Viktor decides to take T and so he starts to grow facial hair and he asks Klaus to help him shave but then Luther and Diego hear about this and so insist in also showing him how to shave and the three of them end up bickering over the proper way and what style is best. Then Five chimes in with his older wisdom in how they’re all stupid and doing it wrong and takes over
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kazcreates · 1 month
Six of Crows // TUA
Number One
Character: Matthias
Reasoning: This one is the easiest to determine and makes sense from both a power point of view and story-arc point of view. Matthias is a natural born leader, and sees himself as someone who needs to keep the rest of the crows in line and act as a sort of moral compass. This reflects well with the position of Number One, as the leader of the group and a somewhat self-righteous character in the beginning.
Number Two
Character: Inej
Reasoning: Although it would make sense for Jesper to be Number Two due to the metal/trajectory manipulation, Diego’s character better fits Inej in my mind. She would definitely hold a grudge against Sir Reginald Hargreeves for taking them away from their parents and for not protecting them when they were kids. She also would fit the vigilante role well, due to her pirating arc at the end of Crooked Kingdom.
Number Three
Character: Nina
Reasoning: It was a toss-up between Number Four and Number Three for Nina, due to her powers as a corpse witch, but I feel that she would fit better as Number Three with the reality manipulation/rumor ability, because of what she was able to do under the effects of Jurda Parem, and the line about her and Jesper seducing all of Ketterdam into submission.
Number Four
Character: Jesper
Reasoning: This decision is mainly based on character arc and personality. Klaus and Jesper are similar levels of chaos, sass, and queerness. As well as the fact that addiction is a big part of both of their arcs. I felt that Number Four was a better fit than he would have been for Number Two.
Number Five
Character: Kaz
Reasoning: I felt that out of all of them, Kaz would embody the 50+ year old man in a 13-year-old’s body arc the best. He and Five just remind me a lot of each other, and view themselves as the leader of their respective groups, whether or not everyone sees it that way. Plus, Kaz, due to his PTSD, is kind of stuck in the past sometimes, and I think that preventing the apocalypse would be a good mirror to his drive for revenge against Pekka Rollins.
Number Six
Character: Jordie
Reasoning: I find this one very, very interesting to explore, and for this reason, I thought about giving Kaz the role of Number Four, but no one else really embodied Number Five like he did. Plus, the idea of Jesper being able to talk to Jordie while Kaz can’t? I want to explore it. But other than the fact that he is dead, I like to think that Jordie would act as a common sense filter for Jesper, and by extension, Kaz, much like Ben does.
Number Seven
Character: Wylan
Reasoning: This was another fairly easy decision for me. The treatment of Number Seven by Sir Reginald Hargreeves is somewhat similar to Wylan’s treatment by his father. The isolation, the constant reminding that they are not special and are nothing compared to everyone else. The fact that Wylan was very much considered an outsider by the Crows for a large portion of Six of Crows. As well as the connection of both Wylan and Number Seven to music.
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90s-html-lesbians · 11 months
hc viktor’s siblings don’t know that weather manipulation is one of viktor’s powers, but viktor thinks they know and thinks them remarking on the weird weather that viktor sometimes causes is some sort of running joke
“Isn’t funny how often it seems to rain whenever viktor’s over? Seems fitting for 1/2 of our resident emos” “Talk about perfect timing, the rain’s started to stop just as viktor’s arrived with the food from grace for our picnic” “Man the way it started storming when viktor got into that argument with luther earlier, at this rate i’m half beginning to think viktor’s somehow doing this deliberately haha”
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muse-of-fandoms · 2 years
Diego's power is infinitly funnier if you try to imagine how they discovered it in the first place. Think little diego throwing a spoon at little kalus becuase he stole the last pancake, and as little klaus is rounding a corner, happy that he avoided a spoon to the head.
Thinking he was safe from his brother's wrath, he brings the pancake to his mouth, then a shiny metal object comes hurling towards him and smacks him square on the forehead
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cardinalcheerio · 6 months
So, I'm writting a five fanfic, and come across the need to search up Dolores' name meaning.
It means "lady of sorrows" I am unwell.
It makes so much sense, I'm crying rn.
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asteriismos · 2 years
lovers & liars - ben hargreeves (closer part two)
PAIRING ◆ sparrow!ben hargreeves x umbrella!reader
WARNING(S) ◆ SMUT, DIRTY TALK, unedited, piv sex, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (fem receiving), my writing.......
SUMMARY ◆ a part two of closer.
WORDS ◆ 4.9k
NOTE ◆ the people have spoken.
You woke up early in order to get out of the shower, because there was no way that you were going to even attempt to show your face in The Sparrow Academy looking the way that Ben left you last night. When you woke up, you almost thought that you dreamt of the whole thing and it hadn’t actually happened, but when you got into the warm shower and studied your body, you knew that you hadn’t been dreaming at all. What happened last night really happened, and now you weren’t even sure what to do with yourself. 
You were supposed to hate Ben. He was the enemy and he was an arrogant asshole that didn’t think about anyone but himself. But when you closed your eyes all you could think about was his hands on your body, reaching for your throat and squeezing, and then pushing your legs apart in order for him to push himself - No. You needed to get your act together and finish your shower. Rinsing off the sweat and whatever remnants he had left on your body as night off, you got out of the shower and wrapped a white towel around you, wringing out your hair and taking a moment to look in the mirror once again in order to think of an idea on how to hide the marks that were high up enough to where you couldn’t hide it with a turtleneck. You knew that there was one in the closet of the room that they had given you while you were held hostage. 
The steam from the shower seemed to lighten them a little bit, and it was harder to see his handprints. But they were still there, almost as if they were messages from him that he had been here and there and that wasn’t all that he managed to do with you last night. It was still early and you had yet to hear anyone get up. Rummaging through the cabinets, you were able to find some older looking makeup that matches your skin color fairly enough. You weren’t an expert at covering up bites and marks but you seemed to do a pretty good job, at least enough to where no one would pay much mind. If anything, they looked like similar bruises you had gotten from fighting the Sparrows only a few days ago. You got out of the bathroom and changed into clothing that was tighter fit than your normal clothing, but they seemed to have a niche for it. 
Soon enough you could smell breakfast being served, and you finally got the courage to make your way down there. Christopher was there, along with Alphonso, Sloane, and Jayme. Fei and Ben were nowhere to be found and that made you nervous, knowing that they were the only two people who knew of what happened last night. Fei didn’t know that Ben and you had sex, but she definitely knew that you were thinking about Ben more than you should have. Minutes went by and there was still no sign of them and you started to settle, drinking your coffee and helping yourself to the healthy meal that had been prepared by Grace. Sloane was talking about something but you weren’t necessarily listening, especially when finally Ben decided to make an appearance. 
He was dressed in a tight dress shirt and those black pants he was always wearing, and his shirt was unbuttoned enough to see the gold chain sported around his neck. You cringed to yourself, rolling your eyes and wishing that you had gotten to mark him up so he wouldn’t be able to wear those dumb shirts for a few days. Ben saw that you were staring and you could’ve sworn you saw a small smirk before he sat down, next to you as always, because why would he dare break up his little tradition now – especially after last night. He remained somewhat quiet, only quipping that you were too slow at passing the fruit bowl and you had half the sense to throw it onto his lap. But you didn’t and instead stayed silent. There was no way that you were going to give him any pleasure by messing with you. 
But your plan seemed futile, because Fei turned to face you and asked, “So Y/N, I heard you awake so late last night. What were you up to? We wouldn’t want our favorite hostage plotting an escape so soon.” 
You opened your mouth to speak, but was slightly faltering because Ben’s hand came and reached for your thigh under the table. You almost jumped, but composed yourself before doing so and instead glared daggers at him, making direct eye contact as he acted like he was doing nothing. So you turned to his sister, avoiding the fact that Ben’s hand was sliding farther up your thigh, and saying, “No reason. Just couldn’t sleep, that’s all. The city is a lot different than Dallas, I’m not used to it anymore.” It was a good enough cover that for a moment you were almost certain that Fei believed it, but you knew that she was feigning understanding and instead was angry that you were able to dodge the situation. Ben’s hand pulled away and you took a moment to look at him, seeing a slight smirk on his face that he covered up by taking a sip of coffee. 
The rest of breakfast was uneventful. Ben didn’t as much look at you let alone even utter a word in your direction, and the rest of the Sparrows went off to begin their day, a lot of them were heading to the rec room to run on the treadmills. That meant that you would be left alone to do nothing, because you didn’t want to train with them, they weren’t your family and they were your captors. So you watched as one by one they left, until it was only you at the table and you finally decided to stand up, walking out of the dining room and into the hallway back to your assigned room. As you were about to turn the corner, you heard two voices talking and quickly realized that it was Ben and Fei. 
You halted your movements, pressing your back against the firm wall and slowed your breathing, making sure that you were silent as you listened in on their conversation. 
“I heard you.” 
“You didn’t hear shit,” Ben countered, his voice laced with the same amount of condescending narcissism you had gotten used to and knew all too well. “Nothing happened after you told me what Y/N was thinking about.” 
You sighed to yourself, realizing that Fei was beginning to get even more suspicious. This was the last thing you needed. If they somehow found out . . . It would get to your family and who knows what would happen after that. How were you supposed to explain that you had slept with the enemy? Not only that, but it was Ben, who you thought had been dead for years. It was something that needed to stay a secret. Though by the sound of it, it sounded like Ben was trying his best to cover up what happened. 
Fei tutted her mouth. “You act like you’re the leader of this team who doesn’t have a care in the world, you think that you can just parade around in those uptight turtlenecks and everyone will just listen to what you have to say.” You almost wanted to start clapping, Fei was really laying it down on Ben. “But newsflash: No one is going to listen to you if you get caught up in a lie. Now, I don’t care if something happened between the two of you, but her family will. We should send her home.” 
“Not until they tell us what happened to Marcus. If you don’t want me to be number one so bad, Fei, then maybe you should be getting information on our brother instead of questioning what I do in my free time,” Ben stated. You heard Fei grumble something that you couldn’t hear and footsteps receding in the opposite direction, which meant that Ben was alone in the hallway. You took that moment to turn the corner finally and come face to face with him, seeing a scowl on his face and his hand clenched up, like he wanted to punch something but there was nothing there for him to hit. “Didn’t anyone tell you that it was bad to eavesdrop on other people’s conversations?” 
You shrugged your shoulders. “Wasn’t really that hard. It’s a big house but the walls have a tendency to bounce off sound. I should know, I grew up here just like you. Same old house, same old bullshit.” That part was true, there was just something about this house that sometimes made you think that your dad purposely built it as such. There seemed to always be a reason for things like that. “Plus, if you didn’t want me to eavesdrop, then let me go back to my family. I don’t want to be in this house anymore, it’s like I’m a teenager all over again.” This house brought memories of your childhood that you didn’t want to remember, and it didn’t help that yet again you felt trapped. 
“You know that I can’t let you go. Not without Marcus.” 
“My family wouldn’t take Marcus, we don’t even want to take part in whatever war you’re trying to wage. My brothers and sister have been through too much.”
Whatever you said, Ben wouldn’t believe you. And you knew that if the roles were reversed, you would probably feel the same way. You would do anything to save your family and you knew that Ben, under all of the egotistical qualities he had, felt the same way about his family. It was hard for you to think of him as an actual person because of the way that he carried himself, but the more you stood in the hallway, looking him in the eyes, the longer you began to understand his motives a little better. You still weren’t sure what he tried to gain from sleeping with you . . . Was there even a motive? Or was he giving into his temptations despite you being the enemy? Despite spending his whole life training to not give into his desires? 
This was one of the first moments where the two of you weren’t bickering with each other. The only other time was last night, and even then you two were being mean to each other while fucking. It felt nice to finally let go of all that anger and to just be calm with him. You hated to admit that you liked it. Maybe if he was like this more, then maybe he would be more tolerable. 
Ben walked towards you, the dark hallway only being illuminated by the light above the two of you. Your breath hitched in your throat, allowing him to step further until he was a mere few centimeters away from you. He stood taller than you and inched his head down until you were face to face, close enough to feel his breath on your face, the same way it felt last night. It took everything in you not to press your lips against his own. The tension was thick enough to cut with a knife, both of you silently wondering who was going to cave in first. His hand came up to grab onto your cheek and you thought that this was it, Ben was really going to kiss you again. Your eyes fluttered closed and he inched closer . . . closer . . . Your heart was pounding in your chest and your mind went blank. All you could think about was him, touching him, feeling him, allowing yourself to give everything just to him. As your lips brushed his own, Ben pulled away, making you open your eyes and open your mouth to say something. But when you opened your eyes, Ben was already halfway across the hallway and turning the corner. You heard his footsteps recede up a flight of stairs and he was gone, leaving you alone to wonder what the hell was going on. 
You pressed your back against the wall and sighed. 
Ben didn’t show up for the rest of the night. For a moment you saw him at dinner when he requested to have his own sent up to his room. All of this avoidance from him was making you nervous, wondering if there was something that you did wrong to make him angry or upset with you. But there was nothing that you could think of, he had simply changed his mind right before kissing you. It made you curious and also furious, wanting to know why he thought that he had the right to treat you like that. If he didn’t want this to happen, why had he let what happened last night happen? He was playing games and you were through with it. 
You left dinner early to confront him, knocking on his door and not giving him the time to answer, instead opening up to his room and closing the door. “What the hell is your issue? First you sleep with me and then once you’re finally getting your way again, you just leave? And now you’re avoiding me,” You stated. “What the hell is wrong with you? I want to go. You’re going to let me go now.” 
Ben stood up from his desk. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? First you come here with your pathetic siblings like a fucked up Brady Bunch claiming that this is your house and then fighting us when you won’t leave. And then you stole my brother, our number one. What the hell is wrong with you?” 
“We didn’t take your fucking brother. And why do you even care? You’re not even negotiating with my brothers, you’re just keeping me here. I’m not something that you can just keep forever, Ben, I want to be with my family again and never have to deal with you motherfuckers ever again,” You spat. Your words were harsh but you were so angry. “And what the fuck was that in the hallway?” 
He gave a small smirk, like your yelling didn’t even phase him. “You’re mad I didn’t kiss you?” 
“That’s not what I-”
“It is what you meant. Just admit that you want it to happen again.” 
“I don’t,” You said. “It’s you who made the first move.” 
“You didn’t push me away or tell me to leave, you wanted me to kiss you so much that you stood there like a dumb idiot minutes after I left. Just admit it.”
Taking a leap, you started, “I did want you to-”
He didn’t hesitate to give you what you wanted, grabbing your face with both of his hands and moving the two of you away from the door, slowly inching you towards the bed and helping you rest on your back, the silk sheets against the back of your arms and neck. Ben was quick to follow, climbing on top of you and connecting his lips onto the skin right below your jaw. His lips were soft like snowflakes falling onto your skin, creating a masterpiece on your skin like you were his canvas. The other marks that were there from the night before seemed to hum, like your body was excited that Ben was finally back. It sent shockwaves to your core, igniting a feeling you felt only the first time that he had kissed you. 
Seeing how well your body responded to him, well, almost drove Ben crazy. You were so willing, so ready for him that his mind became cloudy, the only thing he could make out was his thoughts of you. Nothing about the war between your two families, what would happen if someone were to stumble into the room somehow or if someone heard what you two were doing . . . None of it seemed to matter to him, he just wanted you. His lips trailed down from your jaw to your neck, paying extra attention to the places that made you breathe out more than the others. Your hands found their respective place in his hair, feeling the softness of his hair between your fingers. 
Your clothes suddenly felt foreign on your body, you wanted them off, you wanted him off so that you could see all of him again. He seemed to hear your thoughts, humming against your skin and pulling away, pressing a hard, firm kiss to your lips and helping you get out of them, and in turn you helped him get out of his. This time was less harsh than the other time but there was still a sense of roughness. You weren’t sure what you wanted from each other the first time, but this time there was more of an understanding. More of a want. 
Ben’s body was like nothing you imagined before. Sure, you had seen him without his shirt on and you had seen a part of it last night but the rest was something you weren’t expecting. He was breathtaking . You knew that he had a nice body because of all the training and countless amounts of physical strain he has been through, but looking at those abs that he had, along with the sun kissed skin he had, you felt your throat close up. The thought of him being on top of you again was driving you crazy. 
His hands came to your hips, fingers toying with the fabric of your underwear that was the only thing blocking him from seeing you fully. His eyes scanned you, taking in the sheer and utter beauty before him. He wanted to kiss, lick, and nip on every single inch of skin on you. He wanted to learn each and every single curve, hear every story behind your scars, and know just what touches would have you squirming from underneath him. 
Your whole body felt hot, needing to feel the release that was beginning to build up from all of his kisses and your imagination running its course. “Ben,” You breathed out, not knowing how to form into words what you wanted from him. Of course he knew, he could see your eyes filled with a lust, thinking of something almost sinful, something he was sure he was emitting himself. He knew exactly what he was going to do to you so that he could hear the plethora of moans that he knew you had just for him, wanting to hear his name come off of your lips in pleasure. 
His head ducked down and kissed your hipbone, fingers hooking under your underwear and slowly sliding them off. Your eyes stayed on his actions, mouth forming into an ‘O’ when you realized what he was going to do. He was going to use his mouth on you. These were only things that you thought in your deepest, darkest fantasies, like he had reached into those parts of your mind and did exactly what you wanted. 
As if Ben was just tempting you, he pressed another slow kiss to the inside of your thigh and then did the same thing to the other side. Your hips lifted up only slightly, showing him that you couldn’t wait much longer. A chuckle left him, eyes reaching your own and saying, “Eager?” You weren’t even ashamed when you shook your head, keeping eye contact with him as he licked a bold stripe right up your slit. It felt as if an earthquake hit your body, your back arching and hands gripping onto his hair. 
He hummed against you, liking the way that you responded to his actions. If he had it his way, he would sit here with you like this for hours on end, bringing you up to that high place again and again until you were a wrecked mess before him. It made him simply go crazy to think that he was the one to hear those moans and profanities that slipped from your cherry kissed lips. Ben’s own thoughts made him groan out, a noise that you played on repeat in your mind as your eyes screwed closed. 
Your thighs quivered beside his face, attempting to squeeze shut so that you could keep him there forever. But his hands came and held them in place, fingers digging into your muscles that gave in to his touch like it was nothing. You were putty in his hands, the only movement you had was your hands pulling on his hair and the arch of your back while he lapped his tongue against you with no mercy. 
“Stay still,” He told you, pulling away for a moment to lick what was left of you on his lips. You nodded, chest heaving and heart sinking at the loss of contact. But Ben didn’t leave for long, his mouth on your clit accompanied with one of his fingers circling your entrance. You nearly lost it when he dipped his middle finger in experimentally, gauging your reaction. You could feel the coil in your stomach start to tighten, which only amplified once his finger pushed into you all the way. 
You didn’t even attempt to try and censor the obscenities that came out of your mouth, mixed in rhyme with his name. Ben. Ben. Ben. It was the only word that felt real in your mind. 
You waited for that final jump towards a euphoric end, but it never came. Instead Ben pulled away from you and his fingers left, making you feel uneasily empty. Opening your eyes, you saw that he was pulling down his boxers, taking his cock into his hands and watching as you almost became slack jawed.
And with all the courage that you mustered up, you gave him a nod, wanting him shamelessly again. You were sinfully feeling like you were Persephone, cutting up her own slice of pomegranate and looking right into Hades eyes as she tasted the fruit, securing your fate that you would stay with him. You would stay with Ben and keep doing this over and over again. Suddenly you didn’t care what your family thought or what anyone thought, you were sealing your fate with him. 
He nestled between your legs and you could feel his tip press against your entrance. Air was caught in your lungs, sitting up on your elbows so that you could see as he eased himself into you. A sting of pain and a subtle feeling of pleasure was seated inside of you, watching as his cock was enveloped inch by inch. Ben hissed at the feeling, you were so goddamn tight and he never wanted to stop from being inside of you. Once all of him was inside, he leaned over so his head was in the crook of your neck, pressing a kiss to your searing skin as you adjusted to him bottoming out. 
You urged him to continue, thinking that the discomfort would soon go away with time. And you were eager to get all of him that you could, temptation coming forward instead of reason. He pulled out all the way then eased himself back in, continuing the slower pace and watching your reaction before him, your hands reaching to his back and finding their place there. One of his hands kept your legs open, taking you by your thigh and hoisting it up. 
It took all that he could muster to not just ram into you, the want starting to cloud his judgment. He wanted to milk every single second of this moment, there wasn’t one thing that he wanted to stop himself from doing. “You feel . . .” He started. “You feel so good.” That alone, along with the raspiness in his voice, made a fire erupt in your stomach. You sighed in response, eyes fluttering closed once again. 
And then you whispered, “Go faster, Ben.” You needed him so bad you felt like you were going to explode, lust enveloping the both of you.
He didn’t need to be told twice, and he gripped onto the leg he lifted up, beginning a slightly faster rhythm that had you arching your neck and eyes rolling to the back of your head. Ben was so big, stretching you out in just the right way that had you almost keeling over if he hadn’t had such a tight grip on you. Your one leg wrapped along his waist, heel digging into his back while his pace increased. 
This angle he had you in made you yelp and moan shamelessly, not caring if anyone in the house could hear you as you yelled his name like a prayer. His pace finally became a fast rhythm and you found comfort in being able to finally feel nothing but pleasure with every deep stroke he made. 
In this place, it was only you and him. Like you were in your own little place of paradise where you could explore each other in every way. There was nothing that could take this moment from you or him, this moment would forever be engraved in your mind for many years to come, remembering the way that he moaned out your name and the way he looked when you opened your eyes to peek at his face. His brows were furrowed, sweat beading on his forehead and mouth spilled open saying nothing but your name. 
He made you feel so good, so euphoric that the fire grew and grew, becoming a wildfire raging inside of you. And you looked so heavenly to him, the way that your eyes only looked at him, breasts bouncing with every harsh thrust he gave you. You took him so well, like you were made for only him. His hips brushed against your own, hand coming up to caress your cheek, forcing you to look him in the eyes. 
You weren’t going to last much longer. Not with the way that he was pounding into you with sheer force you didn’t know was possible until now. But you didn’t want this to end, you never wanted this to end in fear that things would go back to the way they were before. You would have to try and forget that this ever happened. It wasn’t something you wanted to do and didn’t even know if you had the strength to do it. 
You made a guttural noise, teetering over the edge of what felt like a wave of bliss. This was it, there was no way that you could keep yourself from it now. It only took a singular deep stroke of his cock to send you right over the edge, your back arching and body spasming, his name rolling off of your tongue in the most sinful way you have ever said it before. Your hands gripped for any part of him that you could reach, groping his muscles to keep him close to you. He didn’t stop moving inside of you, making you ride it out even harder as he chased his own high. 
You were so sensitive as he fucked into you, giving you no mercy. He groaned as you came, watching the way that your eyes screwed shut and mouth opening in as you sucked in harsh breaths. You could feel his cock twitch inside of you and you knew that he was close, wondering if he was going to cum inside of you or pull out before he did. He did the latter, taking one more deep stroke before pulling out. Ben was about to start stroking himself with his hand but you rushed with your own to meet him there, using your own and pumping a few times. 
A string of profanities came from his lips as he came, white hot liquid spurting onto your stomach, dripping like beads coating your skin. He had no shame as he shuddered, muscles flexing with every passing second. He drank in your body, seeing how wet you were for him, how soft your hand was on his cock, how much he longed to see you like this more times before you would go back to your family. And soon enough he was finished, the only thing between both of you was both of your panting breaths. 
Ben moved to grab something on the floor, realizing that it was the shirt he had on before and moving to wipe your stomach off, dropping it to the floor and coming to lay down next to you. You winced for a moment as you moved to look at him, his own eyes staring at the ceiling. He didn’t push you away or tell you to leave his room. Instead the two of you just laid there with each other, you were listening to his labored breathing finally begin to slow to a normal tempo. 
Your mouth opened to say something, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. You jumped and Ben’s hand came to grab onto your arm. “Who is it?” He asked. 
“It’s Sloane. Y/N’s brothers are here, they want to talk.” 
Your eyes widened. “All of them?” You didn’t even care that she knew you were in there with him, you were sure that the whole house knew at this point. 
“Just two. One that keeps asking for coffee and another that keeps playing with his knives.” 
Well, this should be fun. 
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eddies-guitar13 · 2 years
Viktor: what are you two arguing about this time?
Five: They're always using common phrases incorrectly!
Klaus: cry me a table, five
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fiveapocalypse · 2 years
Viktor: I think you can get five to do things by giving him gold stars
Allison: what? Don’t be silly Viktor.
*two hours later*
Five: you are an idiot!
Diego: How was I supposed to know that would happen?!
Five: maybe if you LISTENED to me—!
Allison: if you can be quiet for one hour you get a gold star
Five, shutting his mouth:
Allison: oh my god it works
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yes-17-15 · 11 months
Hargreeves sexuality and gender headcanons cuz I’m bored.
I 100% believe he is CisHet but he is absolutely an ally. He probably didn’t understand everything at first but Viktor and Klaus helped explain and he got the gist of it. He also maybe uses He/They pronouns? He thinks They/Them just sounds nice.
I know a lot of people think that Diego is a trans man and I think that would be cool (as a trans man myself) but I just don’t really see it. I kind of understand it but I don’t really agree. I definitely do think he’s Bi though, female leaning. Definitely He/Him.
I also see lots of people thinking she’s a trans woman, and I think that’s a great headcanon imo but I again do not agree. I absolutely don’t see her as anything but Cisgender Heterosexual. And I honestly like it that way. I don’t think all of the Hargreeves siblings have to be LGBTQ+, I think some of them should be straight too. I think Allison might have messed around with girls but she just didn’t really feel a click like she does with males. She/Her.
I think most of us agree Klaus is not Cis or Straight. There is no way. I would probably say he is Non-Binary or Gender-fluid. He never heard those terms until they were a bit older, probably after Five disappeared, and the first time he heard it was someone shit-talking it, and they wanted to look more into it. So occasionally Viktor and Grace would be allowed to go to the library because Viktor usually didn’t have much else to do so Klaus asked him if next time he goes if he could look up those words for him and Viktor obviously said sure. He came back and told Klaus about it and Klaus was like, “yep, that’s me.” They were happy there was a word for it. I also think Klaus is Pansexual, but he also isn’t very fond of labels anyway. They honestly just think everyone’s hot (EXCEPT CHILDREN NOT CHILDREN). Any pronouns but mainly He/They.
I think Five’s above gender and stuff like that. When they were kids Viktor had a crush on Five and Five just found it disgusting. Partially because they’re like siblings but also because Five does not want a relationship or anyone to have a crush on him. Five also never liked gender roles and was confused why there were differences in the uniforms depending on gender. Five saw Viktor and Klaus wearing each others uniforms and was a little confused why Reggie wouldn’t just let Klaus wear what he wanted but also was kind of confused why Klaus even wanted to wear skirts. Five never really thought about gender much though because he thought it was incredibly stupid and useless. Five always thought that way. But especially whenever Five was in the apocalypse, he had absolutely no use for it. Five wishes that they didn’t live in a gendered society but he we are. If he has to use terms for himself, he’d say he’s Agender and AroAce (Yay AAA battery). Five doesn’t like using pronouns and prefers his name but if it’s mandatory Five uses He/Him pronouns but Klaus uses They/them for him cause he knows Five likes it.
I don’t know enough about Ben to give a really detailed answer but I have a simple bit to say. I would like to think he’s Bisexual, but I don’t really think he is. I like the headcanon but again we don’t know enough about him. I think he’s Cis too but maybe DemiBoy? I’d probably say He/Him but maybe some neos?? I’m not experienced in them though so I don’t really know any he might use (I’m also talking more about Brellie Ben than Sparrow Ben).
I absolutely adore Viktor. I know lots of people thought he was a Lesbian before season three but no, that’s not the case. He actually liked Leonard/Harold. Before he found out about all the things Leonard did he actually liked him. And when he was younger it’s confirmed (I’m pretty sure??) that Viktor had a crush on Five. Viktor doesn’t only like females, he actually does like guys. I absolutely think Viktor is Bisexual, possibly Pan. I think he could also be on the Aspectrum maybe? But he definitely doesn’t only like women. I also thought he might have been Non-Binary before he transitioned but now I absolutely like him as just a trans man. He/Him maybe He/They and possibly neos?? Again I don’t know much about neos so.
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Every time someone says one of the siblings is autistic I just instantly adopt the headcanon because it simply makes sense
Klaus, Five, Viktor, and Diego are all autistic and you can't convince me otherwise
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