#did u feel like this bbg
drowningincaffiene · 7 months
Would've been funnier if I dropped this first
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I feel my power coming back 🤩🤩🤩
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jrueships · 2 months
messy alpey and yapper jaba, i knew it... I KNEW IT!!!!
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trashdork · 4 months
valentines day was yesterday but my love for randy jade never stops
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tarysu · 5 months
please eplas epelapslpslapalspasl PLEASE if you could write a fan x idol tachi (more like hunting dog tachi fan) ITY WOULD BE SO COOL. I'm going to kiss you so much if u do atp lets get married
babe who do you think I'm?! I SEE UR VISION AND I WILL WRITE IT ALL 4 U. You're like my 2nd request it's crazy cuz I'm working on my first one as well. AND MARRIAGE?? I CANT CHEAT ON MY POOKIE (jokes lets get married).. whoever u are anon I WILL FEED YOU THIS CONTENT!! (live laugh love TACHIHARA 2024). He's literally my spiritual animal so let me do some good work for you babe silly silly fluff one shot Tw: i cuss too much mb , super super DETAILED writing (i love this sm)
this has to be the longest fic I’ve written while thirsting on tachi 𝐅𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 || 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 !!
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✦ ─ ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ ─ ✦ the hunting dogs command respect not only within the nation but also internationally. Their popularity is a natural consequence of their remarkable abilities, as they have become heroes known for capturing the most dangerous criminals worldwide. These super soldiers, strictly crafted into humanity's weapon by the government, are the labeled faces of justice across the country. However, the 5th hunting dog remained a figure that never made a public appearance. As crazy fans speculated about the appearance of the 5th hunting dog, some had already become devoted admirers of a figure who hadn't even shown their face to the public. Yet, you were among them. A dedicated hunting dog fan, you collected nearly all of their merchandise – and by "all," you meant every piece available. You weren't any different from the other hunting dog fans, you were just like them. Kicking your feet and squealing into your pillow, your whole family thought you'd gone a bit crazy. There's a little secret behind how you became such a devoted fan, and it all traced back with an encounter six months ago at your college entry. a massive terrorist attack unfolded on your way to your college entry. You were pulled into the chaos when one of the train carriages exploded right next to yours. At that moment, you genuinely believed it might be the end of everything. The harsh reality hit you hard – you had just secured acceptance into a prestigious college, a dream your parents had worked tirelessly for, and now you found yourself teetering on the edge, facing the possibility of being pulled into death. It was a gut-wrenching situation. Before you could grasp the situation, just as you were on the verge of falling off the train, someone swiftly pulled you out of the carriage. It was a heart-thumping moment, and as your heart raced, a sense of relief washed over you – you had been saved, and it was none other than the 5th hunting dog. His hands gripped onto his chest as he leapt with you to safety. The memory remains vivid, the sensation of his touch and the brisk breeze tousling your hair still etched in your mind. You find yourself among the luckiest fans, having witnessed Michizou Tachihara eye to eye during a rescue mission. In fact, you were one of the fortunate ones personally rescued by him. Before you knew it, everything became a blur and a daze. Tachihara had no time for idle chatter, he swiftly left you in the care of the medical staff. It was unfortunate, a bit of a bummer really, that you couldn't even express your gratitude to him. It might sound a bit exaggerated, but in your eyes, it was honestly like love at first sight. As soon as your worried relatives came over to pick you up, the first thing you did was excitedly gush about the 5th hunting dog and how utterly cool he was. Even after getting home, after dinner, and even after a long, warm shower, there you are – rolling in your bed, squealing and eagerly detailing the interaction with someone on the other end of your phone. For days, for weeks, for months, it became a continuous cycle of hyperfixating on the 5th hunting dog – his ginger spikes, his fresh scent, his amber eyes, and that sharp look. You could lose yourself for years thinking about someone like him, but the nagging doubt persisted – would he come and rescue once more? If you were to encounter him once again, you'd make sure to express your gratitude for him saving your life. Of course, that's assuming if you manage to encounter him once more.
. . . . . .
. . . . Well, that brings us to the present. It's a cold morning, the second term of college has begun, and you feel utterly exhausted. Lying sprawled in your bed, you can hardly muster the energy to get up, and your phone timer has been ringing for more than 30 minutes.
You were awake, and so was the entire household. The sound of your mother storming into your room reached your ears, and before you knew it, your whole blanket was flying off. You were now facing the wrath of a drill sergeant; your mother, fierce and easily annoyed by the smallest flaws.
You didn't bother to look up, instead burying your face in a pillow, your words muffled and barely audible.
"10 mwore mwinutes…" "20 mwore mwinutes.." "5 mwore minutes.." Your mother had reached her limit; flames were clearly visible in her eyes. With a firm grip on both your feet, she pulled you down to the ground with full force. "12 mwore mwi- FUCK!! OW!!" The thud was loud, and your siblings peeked from the door. They weren't concerned for you, but they were certainly worried about themselves. If they didn't get moving, they might receive the same forceful drag your mother just delivered to you. Your mother pulled her sleeves up.
"AIYAA! BREAKFAST IS ALREADY GETTIN' COLD!" She placed her hands on her hips, observing you, her daughter, rubbing your nose from the impact of the thud. With no other option, you had to get up and get ready. In the shower, massaging your scalp with bubbles, you found your mind drifting towards your assignments and the workload for your majors. you had missed quite a few important lectures. It wasn't a major concern, though, as your friends would always send over notes. The downside? Some had handwriting resembling cave drawings, making it a struggle to decipher. Others had the most unreadable handwriting on earth, with each letter barely legible. Yet, you had somehow managed to cope with these alien notes for the first few months of college. You weren't failing your studies, to be honest you were quite motivated. Why? Because you thought of your handsome saviour all the time. Every single moment of motivation seemed to be fuelled by thoughts of him. The impact he had on you was so significant that you ended up daydreaming the most foolishly romantic scenarios with him.
Even in your rush to eat breakfast, his amber gaze occupied your thoughts. As you pondered the interaction more deeply, you couldn't help but wonder: What would have happened if he never came to your rescue? How expensive would your funeral casket be? And who would attend your funeral? But those are just thoughts of what might have been if he never came around. Running down the streets of Yokohama, you accidentally bump into a thug. Both of you tumble over, and your bag drops, creating quite a scene. The thug, looking pretty livid, glares at you.
you are scared shitless. Before you could even form an apology, he spoke ahead.
"Watch where you're goin', asshole," he spat on the ground, unmannerly as it was. That set you ablaze, but beneath the rudeness, his fierce gaze sparked a sense of familiarity. It reminded you of someone softer, though it was hard to tell since he was pretty fucking rude. The thug left shortly, leaving you annoyed and in quite a foul mood. As you picked up your bag, you made your way to the train station. However, the streets were more crowded than usual, and you thought it would be better to find a shortcut. Yokohama wasn't unfamiliar territory, you had lived here your whole life and were practically born in the city.
Yet, an uneasy feeling crept in, maybe because you found yourself walking in the sketchiest alleyway, but it being marked as the quickest route on the map so you had to trust it. Being late was your own fault, but facing your mother's wrath at home was not an option. So, you opted for the quicker route to get to college.
Yet, it felt like someone was walking every step behind you. You didn't dare to look back. Was it a hallucination? Or just the sound of your heart pounding loudly? Before you could even react, turning around, some creepy ass man was darting his dagger toward you. Miraculously, it flew out of his hand and landed against a hard brick. You froze, breaking into a cold sweat. Seeing the blade fling, you knew you had to make a run for it. You had no plans of dying today, especially not at the hands of some creep.
"..THIS BITCH-" The creep's words were abruptly cut off by a loud thud. He got kicked so hard that the brick wall he landed against cracked. ouch.
Luckily, you hid behind a barrel, fortunate enough to witness the scene unfold. It was the thug. That face was far too familiar, even from afar. It was the 5th hunting dog you had adored completely for the past few months. Sure, that damn bandaid was barely a disguise to hide his features. You… giggled. Like the dumbass you were, you couldn't help it. Tachihara's skin shivered, and the first thing his eyes landed on was you, giggling and peeking out of your tiny hiding area. He was ready to ignore it and head off since he had just finished his job. Idly rubbing the bandaid over his nose, he was snapped back to reality by the feeling of someone behind him.
There you were, smiling and giggling like an idiot, seemingly eager for this moment to see him again.
"Oh… my god… YOU'RE THE 5TH HUNTIN' D-" Michizou had to cut you off quickly before his cover was blown. Michizou dragged you to a more secluded area, just the two of you. He sighed, relieved that your words didn't spill more before his cover could be blown. His hand covered your mouth, and you were pure red, all your focus on him.
After a moment, he took his hand off.
"Can you keep it down, will ya?" He spoke in a more polite manner now that he was discovered. The moment he took off his hand, he probably regretted it.
And he shut your mouth again.
"..Fuck, you talk a lot, don't ya?" He looked at you with a sour expression, a mix of bittersweet emotions. He appreciated the praise, but you were undeniably loud. And definitely quite the talker. You were melting on the spot, your hot breath against his palm. He could feel your breath condensing on his skin, and it was not exactly pleasant. Holy shit, he swore right in front of you. Strangely, you seemed to consider that hot as fuck.
Michizou decided to keep his hand on your mouth until you calmed down. After a few moments, he only had his eyes on you. Sure, he remembered you… oh, he really did. Only because you were that crazy bitch who argued back and forth with the register at the convenience store when he was doing some errands for Teruko. But of course, he also remembered your face when he saved you. "Will ya shut up if I take my hand off ya?"
The position was awkward and uncomfortable, your back against the brick wall, completely pinned by Tachihara with his hand covering your mouth. In response, you gave him a nod, showing compliance. He was a little worried you'd start talking a lot, but luckily you didn't. But sooner or later, you did start talking again. God, you also talk when you're super nervous.
"I'm so sorry! I just felt a little relieved and pretty fuckin' excited.. AH FUCK! Don't mind my profanity, I can't really go on about my day without cussin'!"
And he regretted it once more. Eventually, Tachihara grew sick and tired of the repetitive cycle of your talkative behavior. He bluntly told you to shut the fuck up, but your excitement made it impossible for you to take him seriously. Before he left, you offered a small token of gratitude for saving you not once, but twice—a letter. It had been tucked away in your pocket for some time, kept just in case you happened to bump into him. And that letter also had your number.
. . . . . .
. . . . You kept your guard up all the time, knowing that it takes a lot of effort to get a reaction from Tachihara. It's not that he was aloof, he just had a resting bitch face most of the time you interacted with him. Aware that he was in disguise as a mafioso and often walked in your area, you poked and doted on him, fuelled by the excitement of meeting him. Of course, you complied and were careful not to expose him most of the time. You were a harmless fan, driven by excitement. tachihara knew that he'd probably also feel the same way if he discovered his hero was around him all the time, you maintained boundaries. After all, you were aware that he was just a humble soldier doing his job. He got used to your presence, the constant doting, and even the times when you got on his nerves, albeit in a playful way. However, he couldn't be in Yokohama most of the time; as a hunting dog, there were periods when he would be away from his role as a mafioso. And that absence could last for a long time. That left you bored and devoid of excitement, but you still appreciated the fact that he listened to you. You learned that he had a busy schedule as a spy infiltrating the mafia, oblivious to the mafia part because, well, you were a bit dense in that regard. You had a special request for the 5th hunting dog, but you doubted he'd fulfill it. It was for your birthday, and considering he was a busy guy out there kicking ass in the world, you weren't too hopeful. Feeling careless and a bit stupid, you reminded yourself that you were just a fan, nothing more. As the clock arms neared 12 am, your birthday was nearly over, and what sucked even more was that your family was far too busy to celebrate the age you were turning. You were cooped up in your blanket, slumped on the bed frame. Closing the lamp, you were ready to head off to bed. The moment you laid your head on the cozy pillow, the window lock unlocked by itself. Frozen, sitting up, you saw Tachihara. Your heart lit up, his whole figure shining in the moonlight.
Dressed in his his military attire , clean and impeccable, complete with his cape and hat, he stood outside your window. His fingers adjusted the brim of his hat before he spoke; THE 5th hunting dog was right outside. It looked like he had indeed made time for your request.
Your fan date.
He sat on the edge of the window, and you were amazed that he had actually come, waiting for you. Considering the amount of excuses he probably had to give just to grant one request.
“Seriously? You didn’t even fuckin’ dress up? C’mon, we’re headin’ off somewhere.”
You felt a little embarrassed since you hadn’t actually expected him to come.
“Hey, I didn’t think you’d come at all, so I thought-“
“Not a word, get up and get movin’.”
He reached his hand out, but you were too busy being dazed in his amber gaze. Eventually, you stood up to hold his gloved hand.
He took you by the hand, and suddenly, you felt yourself falling. On the very top floor of your apartment, he held you close. You were screaming like an idiot as you both fell, the sensation akin to a roller coaster. It was surreal, and you couldn't quite believe it was happening.
He swiftly landed on the garden ground, your heart pounding out of your mouth.
“Y’know..you could’ve just knocked at my door..”
You smiled, enjoying the rhythm of the wind blowing against you both.
He turned his head to you.
“That’d be pretty fuckin’ lame,” he said in a cool tone.
“Wouldn’t wanna bore out the birthday princess, wasn’t my entrance up to your fuckin’ taste?”
You did have a thrill for action, but you couldn’t help but just laugh. You were nervous for this, but he was right. He really had a keen eye.
“Well-..uh, thank you for really makin’ an effort.”
Michizou really did make an effort. It wasn't something he'd normally do, but occasionally, for his number one fan, he would.
“Consider yourself a lucky fan.”
With one swift move, he leaped into the air, jumping on wire stands. Your stomach dropped, but it was amazing. He brought you to all kinds of stores, bought you meals because, well, he was a dirty rich guy anyways. And he even snuck you into the Ferris wheel, bypassing the lines with ease.
It truly felt like a date, holding hands and engaging in small talk – the kind of experience you never had during your youth. You had always wondered what teenage girlhood felt like, with crushes and holding hands with boys. But here you were, holding hands with none other than the finest hunting dog.
Treated like a client, yet strangely satisfied, you found yourself dozing off as Michizou took you home just before dawn. Planting a gentle kiss on your forehead, the finest hunting dog carefully laid you on your bed.
A soft snicker escaped him as he glanced at all the hunting dog posters adorning your walls, particularly amused by the one featuring Fukuchi's shirtless physique framed. In that moment, the boundary between fan and idol blurred.
you were already planning to enthusiastically recount the memorable date when you woke up—an unforgettable birthday etched in the pages of your fangirl heart.
the fifth hunting dogs number one.
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barredandromeda · 3 months
i hate change id rather die
#people arent sticking to their usual selves stop messing w my mind#havent talked to some friends in a while and theyre wildly dif and its making me so irritated can we go back to how we were before#my obsession of waiting by the phone until someone messages me first is coming back in the worst way possible#the coincidences with k stopped and i barely even see him anymore and his clothing style is changing???#hes becoming more normal popular whatever and its so boring please i need a loser boy go back to being that#mb i cant sleep and feelings are coming back but in a weirder way and i have like 2 projects due tmr im not done w and test#i need more friends but in the way of being irl that i can wave at during school and send them videos without talking fr#serenity wake up and come home bro literally ditch school just for me 🙏 believe in u bbg#omg sid is coming back tmr thank god i need my daily walks w him i literally tried w another guy today and it was not the same#bro was yapping ab love whatever idek 😭 told me ab his crushes which good for him ig but i barely know him idc 🙏#insta wants me to stop liking k too cause it deleted all my past stories ab him when i tried to make a highlight#is it so hard to have everyone obsessed with me all the time. cant people just pay attention to me forever#i forgot what i said in this post whatever im deleting it later anyway#post#erics tag#delete later#cringingg that people know stuff ab me and why i am the way i am. maybe they should all die so it becomes a secret again#literally why did i ever talk anything out with anyone other than serenity thats so fucking stupid no shit shes the only good one#thats a lie i love attention i just hate asking for it i cant even be bothered to say more bro im so exhausted but not in a sleeping way yk#kindividual posting
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piastri-lover · 10 months
my flower; charles leclerc
summary: in which the internet is so whipped for charles leclerc's girlfriend, and she loves them all back
pairing: charles leclerc x florist!reader
author's note: loved this request so much, was so fun to scroll through pinterest for fun flower photos lol x
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 412057 others yourusername life recently... view comments
user1 i wish i was her -user2 agreed she's so pretty
charles_leclerc love u forever xx -yourusername love u forever + 1 xx
charles_leclerc ❤️❤️❤️
user3 y/n's making bracelets guys... -user4 i would die to have a braclet made by y/n
pierregasly he's smiling reading through all these comments -charles_leclerc pierre shut up --yourusername aww charlie xx
user5 is it just me who's convinced she's fake -user6 yeah there's no way that anyone's that nice all the time
user7 i'm sorry but how did charles of all people pull her -user8 drop dead gorgeous
user9 i bought some flowers from her shop in monaco the other day and she was the sweetest girl ever and the flowers were divine -yourusername thank you!! so glad u loved ur flowers xx
user10 i would smash icl liked by charles_leclerc -user10 woah
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liked by pierregasly, carlossainz55 and 6293028 others charles_leclerc my sweet girl x view comments
user11 THE LAST PHOTO????? -user12 it feels so strange seeing y/n (the sweetest girl alive) doing anything other than smiling or holding flowers
yourusername mon amour x -charles_leclerc mon ange x
user13 mother is mothering -user14 need me a girl to gather flowers and just be pretty
user15 who's punching -user16 charles 100% --user17 i think she is ---user18 can't we just say both of them are fit and be done with it
lilymhe the flowers you brought to mine were gorgeous bbg x -yourusername anything for u ml x --charles_leclerc @/alexalbon we've been replaced ---alex_albon always knew this day would come
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liked by pierregasly, yourusername and 4192036 others charles_leclerc always a good day when she sends u flowers view comments
user19 get u someone who sends u flowers every week -user20 need me a florist girlfriend like now
yourusername knew u would love them sweetheart -charles_leclerc never doubted u for a second
yourusername love u charlie x -charles_leclerc not as much as me x --pierregasly we get it ur in love shut up about it
user21 im sorry but they're the prettiest flower ever liked by yourusername-user22 go to 'y/n's flowers' in monaco u will not be disappointed
user23 missed seeing y/n in the paddock this weekend -yourusername i was swamped with work so i couldn't make it but will fs be there after the summer break x
user24 best wag? best wag
user25 charles has bagged the best girl liked by charles_leclerc
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liked by charles_leclerc, landonorris and 1029363 others yourusername summer of love view comments
user26 wish i was her -user27 bitch i wish i was him so i could be with her
charles_leclerc every second with u is magical -yourusername wish i could spend every day with u --landonorris u make me sick
pierregasly we've been on holiday for 2 days and u havent let go of each other -yourusername u wish u were holding charles huh?? --pierregasly Y/N STOP TWISTING MY WORDS!!
user28 im sorry shes stunning -user29 drop dead gorgeous --user30 body fucking goals
user31 sleeping on the highway tonight
user32 if anyone had to date charles i would want it to be y/n -user33 who gave u the right to say that --user32 bitch it was a joke calm down
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marsbabysblog · 1 year
plz more mean!joel who makes u cry and literally fucks you until every part of you aches. i’m so down bad😭😭
ily 🫶 mean!joel is my bbg
Joel is mean. Especially to you. He makes it known that your simply his little fuck toy, a hole for him to use. He likes to watch you scream, scream and cry. It really gets him going. Therefore, overstimulating you is his favorite thing.
“Yeah good girl, lay there and take it bitch!” He degraded you as he fucked your abused pussy. You’ve came god knows how many time by now, your clit was puffy and aching, but that did not stop him from rubbing it. “P-plea- Joel- i c-can’t!” You could barley finish a word, at this point you could barley think. Your whole body was aching and all of your limbs were shaking. “Awww is this too much baby?” He asked with fake pity, “I know it hurts, you’ll be fine.” You groaned as you once again shoved your head into the pillow underneath you. There was nothing you could do about it, Joel was much stronger than you. You already tried to squirm away but that only ended with 10 spanks right onto your overstimulated pussy. There was no way you would do that again.
It didn’t take long for another orgasm to wash over you, making you squirt hard over Joel’s cock and pelvis. “Fuck yeah good girl…” You sobbed into the pillows underneath you as that terrible overstimulated feeling came back into your gut. “Did I fucking tell you to stop?” He slapped your puffy clit, trying to make you squirt again as you screamed. “I can’t control it Joel! Please stop!” Your begged for you life as he chuckled. “We stop when I say we stop princess. You can do it, I know you can.”
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krashoutluv · 4 months
Ur writing makes me emotional im literally writhing on the floor jason let me take care of u bbg 😭 can u write smth ab him letting his s/o take care of him after a rough patrol? Can be sfw or nsfw
im so proud of this it took long but im literally writing this at 3:49 AM bc of the idea that popped up in my half asleep brain
Taking care of ak!Jason Todd after patrol!! (SFW FLUFFY FIC)
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Night after night, Jason Todd would come home to you. Sometimes bloodied and bruised, sometimes frustrated and annoyed, sometimes his feet were dragging and his whole body ached. Tonight he slipped through your apartment window, smooth jazz played so lightly it took him a second to register it. A light in the dining room was on. He could’ve just showered to let the running water tell you he was home, and be greeted with your presence when he came out. But, tonight his eyelids were heavy and his body felt empty. Like a lost ghost, he longed for something that gave him a peace to rest his lamenting spirit. Jason wandered to you, it was second nature at times, he found you sitting at the dinner table working on your laptop.
Your gaze flicked upwards, the red of his helmet catching your eyes. “Welcome back!” You said warmly. Almost in an instant his body felt full, heavy, like he was about to melt into a puddle right then and there.
“Hey.” The helmets voice scrambler hid Jason’s mellowed tone. Slightly frowning underneath it because of its harsh manner, he promptly took it off. After sliding the cold metal off his head, his eyes met yours. You were smiling tenderly at him. Jason drifted toward you, when he got close he felt like his whole body would’ve dropped to your feet and he could in a dormant rest for centuries. As long as you stayed there of course. Hardly noticed how close he stood over you until he felt himself moving down to kiss your cheek. Jason stopped himself, “Can I?” he whispered to you feebly. You nodded to him with that warm smile he longed for desperately. Jason pressed his cold lips to your cheekbone, the sensation of your skin soothed that longing feeling. He pressed another one firmly, helplessly trying to quarrels his yearning soul. Jason caught himself, skin flushed as he dragged himself away.
A sigh escaped his lips and he started turning away,” Would you like one too?” He fixated himself back on you, you were still looking at him lovingly, your finger pressed against your lips, waiting for his response.
Wordlessly he bowed his head back toward you, turning his head for you to kiss his unbranded cheek. Jason wasn’t ready for you to touch that side of him so directly. He didn’t want you to meet the oily black hate, the only other thing that touched his heart, his longing, his ache as comfortingly as you did. The discomfort seeped from him when he felt your plush lips meet his skin, it wasn’t quick, not too long either. In Jason’s mind it was perfection, it made that tar that stuck in his veins seem like a pathetic substitute. It made his breath heavy, all but burdened with a swollen heart. It made him feel untouchable, not in his brutal norm but in a heavenly stillness. It made him scared. That you could take care of him, not just when his body bled but when you filled something enigmatically empty inside him. Something that he could only fill with that hate that he clutched onto like a boy to his mother.
Jason lugged himself away from you. He wasn’t sure what would hurt him more and he wasn’t ready to find out. He sat across from you pressing his callous palms against his face.
“Bad night?”
“Mhm. Something like that.”
“Need anything?” He already got it.
He would be lying if he were to say he wouldn’t wish to a star like a child, asking for your ease indefinitely.
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i love him☹️
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ickadori · 2 months
Ahhhhh bae u popped off with the sukuna smut 😭 u returned and with a vengeance bc OMG. My stomach dropped when he said the baby part, and pretending to delete her essay, hes sooooo mean istg i have never been wetter. Im gonna be thinking about THIS sukuna for the next few days bc hes so yummyyyyyyy. The kind of yummy u daydream abt and cant even think of anything bc HOW did u characterize him like that?!?!?! Im obsessed, stuuuupid obsessed with him- also her being yuuji's girl is insane IDC i would fold so bad for him hehsksksk like pretend to be drunk and go into the 'wrong bedroom' and wake him up with the messiest head ughhhhhh
Choso's bbg anon (tho i might have to change my name soon 🤧)
cws for reader being a dirtball (infidelity). dubcon oral (sukuna is sleeping but wakes up and is into it). degradation. brief mention of drugs (weed).
choso bbg anon heyyyu!!!!!! hehe how are you :3 i’m glad you liked that sukuna thing 😭 im trying to get back into the groove of writing before working on the stuff i abandoned iskdkd
You were drunk, but you weren’t that drunk.
You had been in Yuji and Sukuna’s shared apartment many times, and you had the placed mapped out clearly in your mind. You could navigate it in your dark if needed, and yet you had found yourself in a room staunchly different from your boyfriend’s.
While Yuji’s bedroom was a bit messy, yet still appearing clean, and had posters plastered on his walls that you were slowly convincing him to replace with actual good decorative pieces — it was boyish, full of that boyish charm that had originally drawn you to him in the first place, but this one was more…mature.
The room was dark, a digital clock on the other side of the room offering a dim illumination, but you could make out the black, abstract paintings placed on the walls, the shoes neatly lined on a rack, the absence of clothes scarcely thrown about the room. It was clean, tidy, smelled faintly of cleaning chemicals and strongly of marijuana.
It most certainly was not your boyfriend’s room, and yet you still found yourself shutting the door and creeping towards his bed, plush carpet feeling like heaven underneath your feet, feet that had been confined in heels for the entirety of your girl’s night out.
After five steps your shins hit the bed, and perhaps you’re a bit drunker than you originally thought, because you go tumbling face first into the mattress with a muffled yelp followed by a flurry of giggles as you right yourself.
There’s a large lump underneath the covers, and you begin to feel over it with your hands, lips pursed and head tilted as you try to remember why you had originally come in here. Your mind is a little sloshy thanks to the cocktails your friends had practically dumped down your throat, but you can somewhat remember the tipsy conversation the lot of you had that had prompted your current actions.
It was centered around Sukuna, because of course it was, or more specifically, how fucking hot he was and if he was a good lay or not, their words, not yours. You shouldn’t have paid the conversation any attention with you being Yuji’s girlfriend (you use the term loosely - the both of you had only just started dating) and Sukuna being his brother, but you couldn’t deny that you had wondered the same thing as well.
You had caught a few risqué peeks at what he was hiding underneath his work overalls that were frequently stained with engine oil, and you couldn’t deny that it seemed to be a nice size (him and Yuji had that in common it seemed), but size didn’t always equate to performance, as you had unfortunately learned with past partners.
You come back to the present when you manage to pull Sukuna’s covers off to the side, revealing a nearly naked man underneath. The illumination from the digital clock casts a glow over him, and a pulse starts between your thighs as you taken in the hard earned muscles that’re covered in various tattoos.
You audibly swoon.
Before you can think about the consequences of your actions, both good and bad, your fingers are already tugging at the front of his boxers and pulling down to reveal a thick, erect cock. You let out a shaky breath at the sight. It’s…big. Bigger than Yuji’s by a tad - thick from base to tip. It thuds against his stomach, twitching at the contact, and you shuffle closer, saliva pooling in your mouth as you lower your head.
The scent of his body wash is strong, but you can detect a bit of his natural musk underneath it, the smell growing stronger the closer you get, and you breathe in deep as the heat emanating from his cock warms your lips.
This is bad, terrible even! You think, and yet your tongue still flicks out to lick up the underside of his shaft, lashes fluttering at the taste of him. He shifts a bit but you pay it no attention, lips closing around the thick head and suckling. His pre-cum hits your tastebuds, and you can’t help the moan that you let out, head slowly bobbing as you work more of him into your mouth.
Drool trails down the length of his shaft and wets the pink mess of curls at his groin, and you gag as you take him in further and breathe hard through your nose. Your head pulls back, cock slipping out of your mouth with a wet pop, and there’s not a thought in your mind as you quickly take him back in, tongue lapping at his leaking slit before you’re taking him into your throat.
Your panties become sticky with your slick, and you tightly press your thighs together as your head quickly bobs up and down, cock slipping further and further until your nose is nestled in his pubic hair and your eyes are squeezed shut.
You go to pull back for a much needed breath of air, only for two hands to grab ahold of the sides of your head and keep you in place. A low, tired tsk sounds, and your hole clenches around nothing as you blink your eyes open to just barely make out Sukuna’s face.
“And Yuji liked you so much,” he grinds his hips up into your face, forcing another gag from you, and his legs move so his feet are flat on the bed, hands still keeping you in place. “Even asked me what can kind of promise ring to get you.” His hands move to fist at your hair, and you wince as he pulls your head up, cock slipping from your mouth once again. You whine at the loss. “And look at you - gagging on his brother’s cock. Didn’t even have to ask.”
“Shut the fuck up and keep your mouth open.” You gasp at his words, and he takes the moment to force himself back in, cockhead plunging in deep and making your hands fly up to grab ahold of muscled thighs. “That idiot always finds the sluttiest girls. The ones that think with their slutty fucking cunts and nothing else.”
His voice is near a growl as he fucks your face, a mixture of drool and pre-cum spilling down your chin as your ‘slutty fucking cunt’ clenches around nothing - oh!
Your lashes flutter shut as your muscles seize up, a muffled moan sounding past the cock lodged down your throat, and Sukuna pauses for a beat.
“Nasty bitch. You just came, didn’t you?” You don’t have the dignity to shake your head, instead squeezing your thighs together tighter as your tongue moves against his length. He grins through a dark laugh as he cants his hips down, tip of his cock nestled between your now swollen lips, before snapping them up.
“Yeah, ‘m gonna have fun with you.”
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defectivehero · 3 months
Please write about a nb hero who is big on "not owing anyone money" and "its my problem and weight, let me carry it" and "please let me pay u back" and "its your money even if you spend it on me"
And a nb snarky millionaire (by evil methods) villain who is obsessed with their hero and is like "let me spoil u bbg" and *casually throws money around for hero* and very big on "I WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR U" but hero is too fucking dense to actually believe rhe villain.
this snippet completely spiraled out of my control (as most things do).
It all started with that damned news article. In hindsight, perhaps the hero shouldn't have been as forthcoming as they were. But, they wanted the world to know that the life of a hero wasn't always glamorous. They just... didn't expect for the journalist to capitalize on the single remark they made, the single huff of laughter they let out when asked about the wages. Days later, when the article released, the hero was stunned.
Heroism: A Thankless Job
The hero remembers the dread coiling in their chest as they opened the newspaper to find the article, apprehension increasing as they digested the information. That picture of their apartment complex... they don't remember consenting to release that information. Granted, the journalist kept them as a nameless, anonymous hero. But, it wouldn't take a huge leap in logic to connect the dots—to find the building's tenants and cross-reference those names with the hero agencies nearby. The hero just hoped an average reader wouldn't take the incentive to do something like that. They spent the rest of that day struggling to keep their paranoia at bay. It took them a while to fall asleep that night.
Fortunately, they slept well and their anxieties seemed to fade. The hero stumbled through their morning routine and opened their front door an hour later, ready to greet the day, only to nearly trip on a package. They had frowned and taken the package inside, unable to shake the recognition that they hadn't ordered anything to be delivered. Upon opening the package, they found a single unmarked envelope. Their jaw had dropped to the floor once they found the bills inside—an amount more than their typical paychecks.
Little did the hero know, this would be far from the last time they received an unmarked package with a far too generous, entirely unexplained gift inside. At first, the gifts were just small things: a collection of medical grade bandages and antiseptic, a new sweater after they spilled coffee on theirs at work, a care package with things like cough medicine and tissues that appeared the day they got sick. The hero was still profoundly uncomfortable with the idea of some mysterious benefactor providing them with these things, but at least the packages were small. The magnitude of the first gift hadn't been matched since, and the hero couldn't help but feel grateful.
Amidst their hero work and their daily life, the hero found their mind quickly returning to the question of their gift-giver's identity. It had to be someone they interacted with fairly often, considering the far too accurate timing of several of the gifts. One time could be dismissed as a mere coincidence; a box of cough medicine a mere hour after they found themself bedridden, however... That is an entirely different story.
The gifts continue, but, thankfully, they are small in scale. The hero still feels horribly guilty about being entirely unable to pay this person back, but there's almost nothing they can do. Their benefactor clearly doesn't want to make themself known, and that's fine. Really, it is.
Until there is another envelope. This time, their mystery patron doesn't bother concealing their gift within a package. Instead, the hero opens their mailbox to find an unmarked burgundy envelope. Dread coiling in their chest, they look around—foolishly hoping that their gift giver would somehow have a change of heart and decide to show themself—before heading back inside. The hero sits on their sofa and takes a deep breath, before opening the envelope with care.
What they see is enough to make their hands tremble and their grip falter, allowing the envelope to slip down to the floor. They hold their present in disbelief.
It's a check—for more money than they could possibly fathom having. This sum is so large that the hero wouldn't have to work another day in their life. They would be able to live comfortably without earning so much as a single penny on their own.
The thought sickens them. "I can't accept this," the hero breathes aloud. They look down at their apartment's hardwood flooring as if it will give them the answers they're looking for.
"I don't recall asking you to." The hero jumps, looking up to find the villain standing before them. How they got there, the hero doesn't have the faintest idea. They blink at them for a moment, wondering how they didn't connect the mysterious gifts to the villain sooner. Their enemy has always had access to extremely high-tech weaponry and state of the art medicine (judging from their utter lack of scars despite their numerous fights); not to mention, they've had an inexplicable disregard for finances for as long as the hero can remember. It's all beginning to make sense now.
The villain takes a step closer and the hero remembers their remark. "I'm serious," they say with a frown. "Why are you doing this? Do you want me to owe you? ...Is that what this is? Want to, I don't know, kick me while I'm down? You're such a good person, helping the needy." The latter statement is spoken with venom.
"No, of course not," The villain argues.
"Then why?" The hero repeats, the volume of their voice rising as they get more frustrated. They take a deep breath and clench their fist at their side. They're still holding the check in their other hand, and despite the fact that it's nearly weightless, they can feel a pressure pushing their hand down. "And, more importantly, how in the hell did you get this much money?" The hero hears themself ask.
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to," the villain says lightly. There's a darkness to their eyes that suggests the hero should cease this line of questioning. They take another deep breath.
"You're assuming I'll just... accept this," the hero realizes aloud. That familiar itching feeling is rising to meet their skin, and they're becoming less convinced that they should stop it.
The hero blinks at them once, twice. The villain refuses to break eye contact; their gaze almost urging them to do it—to use their powers to turn the check to ash. The hero gives into the flames prickling along their skin and summons their fire in the palm of their hand. It will only take a moment, maybe two, for the bottom of the paper to char. From there, it will only be a matter of time. The hero watches in anticipation.
...But nothing happens.
"Did you really think I'd be foolish enough to give you a check you could just burst into flame?"
The hero stares ahead blankly, their ears ringing. The villain's expression blurs into a twisted smile. A figment of their imagination or reality? The hero hears their breaths, ragged and half-panicked in their ears.
"I don't understand," the hero repeats hollowly. They don't understand anything that's happening—anything that happened that led them to this very moment, standing before the villain and holding a check that their enemy gave them.
"You don't have to understand," the villain says, crossing their arms over their chest. "I'm not asking you to understand. Hell, I'm not asking you to do anything. I'm ordering you to cash this check."
The hero's tongue is ironed to the roof of their mouth. Even if they desired to speak, they don't think they'd be able to.
The villain notices their speechlessness and sighs. "I didn't want things to come to this, but..." They break off. "As I predicted, you're stubborn as hell, and self-sacrificing to a fault." The hero doesn't have the energy to be offended or outraged.
"So," the villain drawls, their arm falling to their side quickly. The hero blinks and they're suddenly being held at gunpoint. "Go to your bank. Now." The hero suspects the weapon is more than a gun—and they don't care to find out just what it can do. It appears they really have no choice. The villain is forcing their hand.
An hour later, the hero is walking out of the bank with sunken shoulders. "There," the villain says, clapping a hand on their shoulder and leading them out of the building. "That wasn't so hard, now, was it?" Upon closer examination, the villain's weapon is nowhere in sight—as if it simply vanished in thin air. The unlikely pair walks down the street and heads back to the hero's car. The hero ignores the domesticity of it all, securing their seatbelt over themself. The villain doesn't seem keen to wear their seatbelt, so the hero reaches across and buckles their rival's seatbelt for them before they can object.
"I'll transfer the money back to you tomorrow," the hero announces as they're driving down the street, back towards their apartment. Their eyes are locked on the road, yet they somehow know that the villain's gaze is fixated on them with frightening focus.
"We both know you won't," the villain hums with certainty. The hero hates that they're right, hates that their rival can read them so damn easily. Their hands tighten around the steering wheel and the rest of the ride is suffocated with a horrible silence.
When the hero arrives back home, they can't shake the realization that the villain seems deeply pleased. They say as much to their enemy, who hums.
"Of course I'm pleased," the villain says, "If I knew this was all it would take to get you to accept a much-needed gift, I would've done it eons ago."
The hero takes a deep breath, struggling not to cry. It's been a long day, and they're reaching their limit. "I think you've humiliated me enough today," they announce. "Can you leave?" Please, the hero thinks to themself.
"I suppose," the villain sighs dramatically. They take one step to the door, then another. Just before their hand can clasp the doorknob, the hero feels one last objection fall from their lips.
"That money could go to far more deserving people and causes," the hero chokes out. They're choking on their own pride, choking on the simultaneous acknowledgment that they need money and the horrible knowledge that almost no one in their situation has an out like the one they were just presented with.
The villain turns around to face them, clearly moments away from rolling their eyes. "Do I look like a philanthropist to you?" The hero shakes their head, their throat burning. Their enemy nods in confirmation and turns back around. They twist the doorknob and tug the door open.
"You deserve nice things, you know." The villain's parting remark is murmured so quietly that the hero convinces themself they imagine it. The hero watches their front door close and waits a few moments before locking it. They turn around, their back to the door, and slide down to the ground with their head in their hands.
©2024, @defectivehero | @defectivevillain, All Rights Reserved. Reblogs are greatly appreciated—just don't steal or share outside of Tumblr, please.
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scekrex · 3 months
Just Adam getting worshipped. Body worship? Yes. Cock worship? Absolutely. Anything you can think of, You name it. Making Adam feel like a god in bed, not because the reader cares about his status as “first man,” no, no, no, but because they care about Adam.
Bonus points if Adam is insecure about “letting himself go” since Eden and gaining weight (fuck you Lucifer, he’s still hot >:( (Jk bbg I still love u)
Basically, I want this MF to feel loved for being HIMSELF not because of some superficial bullshit he tells himself to the point he starts crying tears of happiness.
Okay so um I kinda got carried away at some points I think and this is the most gentle blowjob I've probably ever written. Also reader doesn't fucking cum, because 'this is about Adam' and bc I said so lol
I hate everyone, it's so easy, I wouldn't do it if I didn't really care
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, oral sex, praise kink (implied)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you gently placed your hand on Adam's chest to push him down against the soft, warm mattress and your touch continued to stay gentle as your hands roamed over his chest it was a little confusing for Adam - that he had to admit. He was used to heated sex, keeping it hot and heavy, rough and hard. Gentle? Well usually the only thing that he considered gentle when it came to having sex with you was the aftercare that always followed.
“Adam?” your voice sounded deeper than it usually did and while the first man was sure he'd find nothing but lust in your eyes, he was surprised to see admiration instead. A soft hum was the only response you got and so you continued, “Did I ever tell you how divine you look?” A smug grin appeared on the first man's face and he cockily replied, “Well, I'm fucking Ada-” you silenced him by kissing his lips, it was just a quick peck and yet it did the job and made him shut up. “No, not the first man type of divine. I'm talking about the Adam type of divine looking.” At that the brunette frowned, he wasn't quite understanding what you meant by that and it was obvious. You chuckled softly at his confused frown and patted his naked chest soothingly, “What I mean,” you hummed as your eyes flickered from his body to his eyes, “Is I'm not saying you're divine looking because you were the first human to be created,” you leaned down to place a gentle kiss on his right peck, “I’m telling ya you're the most holy thing I've ever seen with my own eyes because that's how it is - first man or not.” And that caused a very noticeable shift in the first man's expression.
Adam was quite surprised by the compliment you had just given him - that must have been the first time someone had told him that he meant that much to them, not because of his status, not because he was the first man, but simply because Adam was Adam, simply because someone loved him for himself and not for his rang. The confusion that had lingered in his eyes was replaced by something soft, something close to undying love for you and of course your curious mind noticed that. Your lips tenderly caressed the skin that covered his chest, from his collar bone down to his nipple and from there you left a trail of warm, loving kisses down his stomach until you reached his hip bone. Adam's hand had come up to pet your hair, there was no force, no guidance, he just went along with what you offered him. Because even though he would never admit it out loud, he had let himself go ever since Eden - nothing he could be blamed for, it's been over ten thousand years since his soul had first arrived in heaven. Yet it was something that made him feel uncomfortable if mentioned by others. Lute would joke about his dad-body, and to be completely honest, sometimes her jokes hit something inside of him.
Your lips kissed the skin of his soft belly, oh how you adored his belly, how you adored Adam's form in general. He wasn't ripped, he hasn't been ripped when you met him either. He had what earthlings would consider a small beer belly, you loved the soft meat very dearly. “God created the flesh you're made out of,” you whispered against his warm skin and kissed him right above his belly button, “But you alone make this body so purely celestial.” Adam wasn't sure how he was supposed to react - how would someone react to words as kind as yours even without his ego and insecurities? He didn't know. But he knew that your words made him feel warm, your words caused a smile to appear on his face - not the cocky ones he usually shot you but an honest one instead, a smile caused from pure happiness. “And you’re all mine, mine to love and adore,” you rested your chin on his sternum and looked up at him with the most adoring look Adam had ever seen, “Mine to worship and take care of.”
The brunette shuddered at your words and you noticed how his wings twitched, the light his halo casted over his face flickered for a short moment. The exorcists’ leader knew no one had ever spoken so purely about him, no one had ever appreciated his body the way you did. No one had ever been as honest about loving and adoring him as you were. He was also painfully aware of how all of your words not only went straight to his heart, but also to his dick - his erected dick. Oh to be loved and desired in such honest ways, it surely wasn’t something Adam had ever imagined, it was something the first man had never even dared to dream about. Because how? How should he have been able to dream about love this pure when the women that God had created for him and only him had traded him in for the devil? Yet you worshiped his body like you were the one made for him - and at this point maybe you were, only God knew. Your lips met his skin yet again, kissing town his happy trail until your lips were so, so close to the tip of his dick, Adam was able to feel your hot breath on it, an almost inaudible whine escaped his lips and yet you caught onto it. “I love the way your voice changes whenever you feel aroused, I adore the way you let me know I’m pleasing you well,” you whispered and because the only noise other than your voice was his heavy breathing you knew he had heard every word. “You always brag about being the first man - that all of mankind came from these fucking nuts,” to underline your words properly you ran your tongue over his sensitve testicles, which earned you a loud and strong groan. Your lips brushed against the heated skin of his balls as you continued to speak,”Yet you really have so much more to brag about - starting with your fighting skills, in God’s mighty name Adam, you defeated the radio demon.” Adam wanted to respond to that and if he would have done so, he would have probably said something like ‘His fucking mortal soul was no fucking match to me anyway’. But his response was swallowed by a moan that spilled from his lips as you sucked his testicles into your mouth, wet heat surrounding Adam’s most sensitive era so surprisingly quick that it took him a moment to comprehend what was happening. “Or your body that not only looks like the most holy thing to ever be created, but feels as heavenly as heaven itself - I must know, we are in heaven after all.”
The brunette’s cheeks heated up at your words. He knew you loved him, you assured him you did regularly, no matter if it was verbally or physically. But hearing so many honest and true compliments all at once was doing things to him. He was aware he wasn’t bad looking though most of his confidence was an act. A show to mask the fact that his body hasn’t been in shape for a few thousand years, a show to hide that he wasn’t as perfect as he’d liked to be. And yet you looked at him like he was the most beautiful, divine looking creation in all of existence, like he was actually that flawless, irresistible, pure, angelic dude he always said he was. And deep down inside he knew, Adam knew that even if Lilith or Eve would’ve worked out, even if they both wouldn’t have chosen Lucifer, neither of them would’ve admired and worshiped him the way you did. You. A man that had lived life on earth a couple thousand years after Eden, after Adam’s soul had entered heaven. A man that Adam had accepted as an equal way too quickly - not that you had disappointed him, you had gladly taken the equality Adam had been showing you, and now you were about to give some of it back to the brunette. His large hands were still buried in your hair as you licked up his balls, over his shaft all the way until you reached the tip. His grip tightened and his body tensed up a little - not due to discomfort but due to pleasure that shot through your body and wouldn’t stop, oh dear lord the way you made him feel. A woman could never, another dude could never. Only you were able to offer him this kind of bliss. “Please,” to say more wasn’t possible for Adam, he had drowned in the sweetness and kindness of your words, in the comfort your voice had provided and in the satisfaction your touch offered. He was out of his mind, felt your hot mouth closing around his cock and he knew his climax wouldn’t take long to roll over him. But he didn’t mind - cuming soon once was okay, especially given the situation. One of your hands caressed his testicles as your lips worked to swallow his length entirely, but before you were even close to taking all of him in, he whimpered and you were able to make out your name and ‘close’. You hummed around him, giving him the okay to cum inside your mouth and without hesitation the first man spilled his load. Rope after rope of thick warm liquid filled your mouth and you bobbed your head while Adam was experiencing his orgasm. Once the first man was spent, you pulled off his dick, your mouth filled with his seed as you crawled up his body and kissed him. The brunette was too out of it to notice you hadn’t swallowed his load just yet and eagerly parted his lips to deepen the kiss as his arm pulled you close and his now free hand slid down your body to cup your own erection. It was only then and there that he felt his own cum on his tongue - and it wasn’t just the taste of himself that lingered on your tongue, no, it was the entire load he had released inside of you that was now covering the insides of his own mouth. You pulled back a little as you whispered against his lips, “You simply need to know how wonderful you feel on my tongue.” And then you watched as Adam’s adams apple bobbed. He was swallowing his own cum and given his facial expression, he looked quite eager to do so. You gently removed his hand from your erection, moving it up to kiss the back of it instead, “No Adam, this was all about you.”
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merlucide · 3 months
What’s their taste in music?
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notes: playing around with sizing hehe-
characters: Barou, Sendou, Chigiri, Bachira, Reo, Oliver, Hiori, Otoya
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barou shoei
classical music 100%
Cmon my dude mediates- how obvious does it needa be? I feel like piano would be his favorite but also really likes cello or other deep string instruments. He normally just puts on the default classical music playlists lmao. Though I do think he would like Red hot chilli peppers for some reason. Definitely hard no on metal or anything really with intense drums. He can’t stand the loud aggressive music, he thinks it’s unhinged and frenetic.
sendou shuto
sendou listens to rap cus he thinks it makes him cooler💀 I can see it so clearly omg- 
Listens to Eminem obviously, and his favorite song from him is rap god. His hype song is NEW ORLEANS by BROCKHAMPTON. He feels so badass listening to it lmao. Though what he really likes is pop, Brittney spears, Dua lipa, Lady Gaga, etc etc.
chigiri hyoma 
Okay I can see Chigiri liking a few types of music for like different moods yk.
I think he’d like XXXTENTACION, he listens to his more ‘intense’ songs when he runs. He likes YuNg BrAtZ, when he wants to listen to depressing music he likes Orlando. 
He’d like rock too, The white stripes and Nirvana would be his go toos.
When he’s getting really into his workout he puts on Disturbed and occasionally SlipKnot when he’s tryna push himself.
bachira meguru
Hear me out okay.
IK IK- I think Bachira would really like the fast pace and excitement in their songs. He just likes Hyperpop, it’s like an energy boost he don’t need anymore energy
His all time favorites are Rin Rin Signal and Poppippo.
ALSO THE LIVING TOMBSTONE. UGH HE WOULD LIKE THEM RIGHT???? Discord would be on loop 24/7 are u kidding me
mikage reo
I think that since he grew up classy n rich he’d listen to classical music and such. he really likes Violin/Viola. Listening to it brings him great comfort and peace. Reo really likes Jazz too. Obviously Reo explored other types of music to see what else there is .definitely did it as an act of ‘rebellion’ lmao-  He isn’t really a fan of metal or rock but likes Alt. I can see him listening to The neighborhood or Radiohead. He also likes Adele.
aiku oliver
likes the more chill stuff, like Noah Kahan or Big thief. He’s a pretty laid back guy and doesn’t feel the need to rage through music lmao- Though I can see him liking Chase Atlantic. And I know for a fact if you put on any cunty music he’d know all of the lyrics to the songs. Ayesha Erotica, Chase Icon, or even porn-ish singerslike cupcakke he’d know the words to em💀
hiori yo
death metal.
Like we talking cannibal corpse, the fallen prophecies, and on calm days, SlipKnot.
he gotta cope somehow ig😶
Like you could ask him what he’s listening too and expect him to listen to like Drake or sum and he’s like ‘oh I’m listening to Murderous Rampage by Cannibal Corpse’. 
.. 😶
Like dawg wut😭
otoya eita 
he’d listen to Drake, Lil Uzi Vert and Kanye West without doubt. 
Pls he’s the most basic, generic, un-unique ‘frat boy’ ever, of course he’d listen to them. He thinks he all hot stuff jamming out to em, all dripped out in his basic ass fit, and ugly beanie, ew. Ugh I hate this hoe🙄 (jk he’s bbg 🤭) also I’m not hating on any of these artists, I like their music- DONT TAKS NUFFIN PERSONAL PLS
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lemme know if u wanna pt2 or whatever mkay
made March 17th 2024
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str4wkinzi · 9 months
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A friends with benefits relationship with Childe.
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FWB CHILDE.. who you’ve been friends with for a while. He’s always had a crush on you but was too afraid to ruin what you two had.
FWB CHILDE.. who one day slides his hand up your thigh, up to your cunt. Thinking it was another flirty act that doesn’t bother you, between friends y’know? he didn’t think it would lead to anything, unfortunately.
FWB CHILDE.. who’s actions lead to you two hooking up. It was the best night of his life but he was scared. He thought your friendship was over.
FWB CHILDE.. who suggests if you two should be friends with benefits. He doesn’t want to lose you but he definitely wants to fuck you again.
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You moan his name like a broken record while he pounds into your cunt.
“Fuck, you feel so good. I think im gonna-“ hes cut of by you cumming and spasming on his cock, squeezing around him like a vice. This makes his cum as well, emptying his load into your twitching cunt. Tired from the pleasure, you fall asleep after he pulls out of you, wrapping you in his arms.
The day after, you both wake up. You both too embarrassed to talk while still being in each others arms,
“Need help walking?” Childe decides to crack the joke that makes you laugh and play hit him. He looks you in the eyes.
“Did you… enjoy it? Because y’know.. i did.”
“I did too.” Voice coming out a little hoarse.
“Maybe we could… do it again sometime?” He regrets what he says immediately.
“I mean if you w-“
“I’d like that.”
Thats how it began.
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FWB CHILDE.. who fucks you into oblivion. He fucks you like he hates you, but he loves you so, so, so much.
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I just felt like adding this one just cuz :3
Moans and fast slaps fill the room around you. Screams of you begging him to slow down fall on deaf ears. You’ve cum for the umpteenth time and Tartaglia keeps going.
“Tartaglia, fuck, slow down!” You whine while clawing at his back.
“No.” Is all he says before somehow speeding his thrusts up.
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FWB CHILDE.. who is always touching you. He always has a hand on you at all times. He never leaves your side.
FWB CHILDE.. who acts as if your dating and gets sad when you tell someone you aren’t. All he wants is you and to him… you don’t want him.
FWB CHILDE.. who guards you like a police dog. He lets no one get close enough to touch you. Only he can.
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“Childe, y’know you can’t keep scaring people off all the time.” You look over at him while walking, hands intertwined.
“Yes i can.” he says, trying to hide the scowl on his face.
He was just asking for directions.
(This looks like a little road this is so cute wtf)
|^_^-^_^-^_^^_^ -^_^^_^-^_^ ^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^_^
While walking you back to his house,
“You two make such a pretty couple!” A nice older lady exclaims
“Oh, no we arent dating, ma’am.”
“Thats a shame, you two look so cute together.”
You look over at Tartaglia to crack a joke but you see him looking away from you.
Maybe one day you’ll say you two are dating, maybe more.
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FWB CHILDE.. who one night after fucking you, finally decides to come clean.
“Hey, um.”
“Yeah?” You respond.
“I’ve liked you for a.. really long time. Actually, not liked, I’ve loved you for a really long time and i-“
“I love you too Tartaglia.”
He stares at you, dumbfounded.
He never thought the day would come.
“Does this mean..?”
“We’re dating.” The two of you say at the same time.
He never thought he’d hear those words from such a perfect person like you.
He really does love you.
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STR4WZ STICKY NOTE < HI GUYS!!!! My bbg comic loved the idea of this friends with benefits thingy so i did it :3 i hope u guys like it and im working on a couple more! 3
ALSO THIS IS LIKE SUUUPPPPERRRRRR MESSY but i like to section things a little even tho it looks like shit
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thegoldencontracts · 4 months
Too Late!
You and Azul are texting each other one day when he accidentally sends you some more honest texts.
Note/Warnings: Azul/Reader, fluff with a smidgen of angst (specifically Azul insecurities, he gets comforted tho)
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You loved Azul. A lot. You'd been dating him for quite a while now, after all. But you couldn't deny that it felt like he was a bit- formal with you, to say the least. Sometimes, it felt like he was playing the role of a perfect boyfriend in a Romance Novel's screen adaptation. How did he really feel? Was he happy to be somewhere, or was he just playing along so that the other students in his dorm could see how attractive and understanding he was while they seethed in envy at the fact that they were single and he wasn't?
Which was why when Azul slipped up one day when you were texting, you were very, very happy about it.
It was a boring evening, like always. You were texting Azul, complaining about your homework while lounging in your bed like always. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Zuzuuu <3: You know, if you'd like, I'd be happy to assist with your homework. It'll even be on the house, just for you.
Me: cant believe im dating a capitalist mf /lh
Me: really tho, tysmmm for helping <3 I don't deserve u bbg...
And then, something completely out of the ordinary happened.
Zuzuuu <3: how could you say that you're literally so perfect? I love you so much I keep doodling you bc you're so. Pretty. I simp so hard for you plz never say that again <3
At first, you wondered if Floyd wrote the text as a joke. It was pretty in character for him, after all. But that didn't make sense. This wasn't Floyd's way of texting, nor did it even attempt to imitate Azul's. When Floyd was in the mood to prank someone, he put in the effort to make it good.
Whatever. You took a screenshot of the message so you could treasure it forever. And lucky you, because right after you did, the message was deleted.
Zuzuuu <3: Please don't say such things about yourself, even for comedic purposes.
He was not being slick with that. You sent a text in response, giggling all the while.
Zuzuuu <3: Regardless, would you like to come over later today?
Me: Real slick hehe... Plz show me ur doodles of me they probably look so good bc you're good at art just like everything else somehow
After a while, Azul replied.
Zuzuuu <3: I don't know what you're referring to. Regardless, would you like to come over?
As much as you wanted to press, you decided not to. Too much pressing would just make Azul clam up more. You'd just have to get him in person, where it'd be harder for him to run away when you showed him the screenshot.
Me: Sureee! Heading over right now
And so, you set out for Octavinelle, evidence in hand. You were going to make him admit he sent that text.
By the time you got to Azul's room, you had everything planned out. He wasn't usually so candid with you, and he was clearly ashamed of it when he was. You were going to figure out why.
You knocked on the door, and Azul opened it, letting you in.
"Come in," he said, tone even more formal than usual, by some miracle.
"Thanks," you said, taking a seat.
"So, about that text-"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Azul said, quick to cut you off.
"So quick to interrupt, Azul!" You said with a mock-pout, before grinning as you pulled up the screenshot on your phone. "But I think you do."
First, Azul's mouth hung open in shock. Then, his whole face turned red, lip quivering as a high-pitched whine left his mouth. Then, he moved to snatch the phone from your hands.
You narrowly dodged, and you couldn't resist sticking out your tongue at him.
"Too slow!" You laughed as he tried to grab the phone from you again, only to fail even more without the element of surprise on his side, because for all of Azul's many strengths, speed wasn't one of them.
"Delete that at once!" He shrieked, voice cracking in the middle.
He kept trying to grab it for a while, before finally giving up.
"Fine, fine," he grumbled, pouting like a kid. Cute. "You win. Are you satisfied now?"
"Very," you said, "because I get to see you. Your actual thoughts. Not just the ultra-filtered version."
Azul scoffed at that, seemingly in disbelief, though you saw the way he stifled a smile.
"Don't flatter me," he said. "My 'true thoughts' are not something you'd want to see in the slightest. Merely a more pathetic, messy version of what I already tell you."
"And that's precisely why I want to hear it," she said. "You sound so perfect all the time that I wonder whether you're really being honest with me, you know. It's just so refreshing to see you be gushy and candid about things. And pretty cute."
"How odd," he said, before turning to you with a face more genuine. "Thank you. For what little it's worth, I'll try to be a tad more honest with you. I can't promise anything, though."
You smiled.
"That's all I ask."
And really, truly, that was enough.
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"So, how'd you learn so much internet lingo? Never took you for that kinda guy."
"I'm in the board games club with Idia Shroud. What did you expect?"
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beiasluv · 1 year
okay, funny idea but…
sully boys in the undergarments section w/ u
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jake (2009)
kinda used to this, but actually not
would eye out the bras and underwear shockingly on the outside but inside he’s down bad like DOWN BAD
would follow you like a lost puppy but when he see something that catches his eyes, he’s gone.
“ooo, what’s this,” and then proceeded to walk away like AWAY.
probably have go on the announcement “jake sully, jake sully, please go to the information, thank you.”
he loves teasing you with those ‘extreme’ undergarments.
probably show you a red, laced, see-through bra and be like, “i think it’ll look good on you.”
sNATCHING that out of his hand IMMEDIATELY
if you tell me this man does not squish the bras, you are LY-ING
he loves squishing them and earning a weird look from an old lady (bless her soul 😭)
loves touching the mannequins’ butts and boobs. LIKE PLEASE- NO
cheeky asf but you love him. he will grin while looking over to you and mouthing, ‘you’re next.’
def give comments on each piece like “ooo, it’s giving disco, but you know i like them laces.” “don’t pick these, it scratches my skin, don’ like it.”
he be into them granny panties 😳 like the laces and stuff definitely turned him on- SIR- JAIL
erm…will borrow your bag to cover his boner😭💀
getting really comfortable, like TOO comfortable, and asking the employee for recommendations. feeling the textures and everything
BEGGING AND THROWING himself on the floor if he finds something super hot for you to try it. making faces like ‘WE NEED THIS’
if you come out of the fitting room, wearing the ones he picked for you, he will be like: “I’M COMING IN. I’M COMING IN!”
would compliment you as you try each outfit for him.
“okay, honey, if you pick this piece, i’ll buy everything for you, JUST that this piece have to come home with us,” 😏
jake loves going to shopping underwear for life
in conclusion, jake spoil you, bbg
awkward but teasing boiii
he’s very confident EVERYwhere else (in the bedroom 🤭) but as soon as he step in an undergarment shop, he’s flustered ASF
CAN NOT stop looking at them bras and underwear.
drooling over them, my ass
hold your hand and walking behind you are a must.
can not move his body like he usually can, would just stop functioning 💀 *neteyam.exe has stopped responding*
would whisper seductive and teasing comments to you. “these will look hot on you, but it’s better if they are on the ground.” PLEASE- SIR-
if you wanna go try them on, he’ll cry, for the love of his life, he CANNOT stay alone in the shop. “pleaseee, gorgeous, i wanna come too.”
WILL and definitely secretly look through the shelves for a piece for you 🥺
he knows that you can be sometimes picky with the designs and color, but he love you for that. it doesn’t bother him that you wanted to feel comfortable in something so uncomfortable for SUCH a long time.
imagine coming out of the fitting room like neteyam just standing there like: “i think you’ll like these”
AAAAA, sir, please, let me order one of you
AND LET ME TELL YOU they will fit perfectly and FEELS great (he really knows his job, guys- wait- how did he know your size- 😳)
anyways, will look after your things while you are changing
you are lying if you say he doesn’t try some bras on just to be funny for you. gurl, snatch them OFF cuz he’s getting a little too comfortable in them.
will 100% secretly squish bras. if you catch him doing that, he’ll just say like “it’s for testing how soft they are for you.”
maybe, don’t tell anyone this, but he loves to see the hooks of each bra. definitely doing something appropriate here, neteyam.
overall just love being there to support you and tease you, hehe
before the day you decided to go undergarments shopping, he had to prepare himself 😭
lo’ak will get so nervous about it and asking you do’s and don’t’s. like, sir, PLEASE CALM DOWM
walking in the store would count as his top 10 scariest moments in his life 💀
he’ll clutch on to your arm as if he will die, pressing his body against you and everything
will be so uncomfortable walking around the store 😭 hands clammed up together in front and everything. slow pacing around the store like a grandpa.
WILL not touch everything and only pointing at the ones he thinks will look super HAWT on you
once he calmed down, put your seatbelts on, the show’s about to begin.
WILL 100% get excited by different stuffs. touching everything like
“wtf, these are soft asf!” “ooo, these are scratchy” “they are sparkly!” (yes, but, sir, the sparkles in your eyes are falling out)
getting comfortable, going on an adventure mode, and opening drawers to be surprised by super seggsys stuffs
being a supportive boyfriend and picking things for you
“white or black?”
“white, white all the way.”
“but they are see through”
would ask question about EVERYTHING and his face will turn red 😭 once he realized how extreme some bras could get, he is red like a tomatooo
WILL ask you to try on some HAWT stuff for him, but will cry if you leave him alone outside
def picking cute sets for you and waiting outside the fitting room, holding your stuffs
if you come out to show in your outfit, his jaw is DROPPED, SMASHED, AND CRUMBLED ON THE GROUND.
“darlinggg, you- I am lost for words- I’M COMING IN.”
in conclusion, a boy holding on to his dear life and fighting demons in the undergarment store.
today’s a great day to eat and take a break! 🤍 take care
@rosaryos / @bumblinbumblvee / @nyotamalfoy / @fangirl-2610 / @astablacksword / @lokisblueskin
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g-xix · 5 months
🔞Eating Out HC's | Sidemen
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Ethan: ~no comment~
Harry: -Wants you sat on his face  -Would grip your thighs HARD whilst you ride his tongue, involuntarily leaving little fingertip-shaped bruises on your flesh -Loves the feeling of his head between your thighs too, just squeezing and giving him that light headed euphoria -Looking down you'd just see his eyes closed n him completely blissed out, all too happy to have your pussy against his mouth
JJ: -Has you lying down whilst he goes between your thighs -Loves the feeling of you threading your hands between his dreads and pulling them whilst he works -Always edges you, stopping right before you cum, so that he can fuck you and make you cum instead -leaves a fuck-tonne of hickeys against your thighs as a reminder for the next day
Josh -Back arching from the mattress as your legs are suspended on his shoulders, got yours quads cramping up when you're coming -deffo has a long ass tongue, so he's hitting spots you haven't felt hit in your LIFE when he goes down -Beard keeps your thighs BURNING the day after, when each step has your thighs rubbing and irritating that burn between your thighs - a mere reminder of Josh's presence there the day prior
Simon ~no comment~
Vik ~No~
Tobi: -Wears rings on his fingers which are always cold against your thighs as he has his hands on your legs, spreading them whilst he works -I feel like he'd try do it somewhere different every time- like, the bedroom is for sex but foreplay? He'd eat you out bent over the table, whilst you're on the sofa, one time even whilst you were at your desk tryna work -Would test you, see how many rounds you can go and how little time you'd need to recover before he can go back in -Mf would be so big on praise every time you finished, telling you how well you did
it's lowkey kinda crazy how short this list is, considering it feels wrong to write ab Simon, Vik n Ethan (given they're married/have a kiddo) and this is pretty much for sure the last oneshot imma post ab Josh considering he's j gotten engaged (CONGRATS BBG!!!)
But either ways, i kinda like this concept a lot... Who shall I write it for next?:
when the poll is ended n decided, i'll post the next one! >:)
Hope you enjoyed reading!! Feel free to interact- whether that be a comment, vote or follow! Requests open, feel free to submit what u wanna see... Much love!!
To see more, here's my MASTERLIST
And here's my WATTPAD, with 50+ more oneshots to read
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