#deaf serial killer info
petri808 · 3 months
This might be the first time I was searching for someone/thing on Wikipedia and didn’t find anything
I’m looking up a unique deaf serial killer named Joseph Mesa Jr who killed two classmates at Gallaudet, a famous school for the deaf in 2000.
And no Wikipedia??
A serial killer!?
A deaf serial killer from 1930s Japan has his own Wikipedia page lol
I checked through DuckDuckGo too and nada
Bummer I wanted to use him as a comparison for my thesis. Oh well, it’s not necessary anyway.
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forever-nainai · 3 months
Two deaf serial killers 1 Year Apart at Gallaudet University 2000 & 2001
They were at school at the same time
One has a book written about them
One doesn’t even have a Wikipedia page
One Caucasian (US), One Guamanian (Guam)
Take a guess who has the book ☹️
“How does your thesis paper add to the fields body of knowledge of serial killers?”
Me: by studying a Japanese serial killer I’m adding information that didn’t exist before 🤨 I hate to point out race, but it’s very obvious. There needs to be more studies on non-white serial killers because there are often many different cultural elements influencing the behaviors.
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Rachel and Mia
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here's some facts about them:
-rachel is 29 years old while mia is 30 years old
-the reason why Mia doesn't have her "cat ears" is because they were destroyed by an super villain, however oddly enough she's not deaf
-rachel is an serial killer and tattoo artist
-mia is an retired superhero who still thinks she's an superhero, she's in a very delusional state
-rachel has escaped prison at least 17 times
-rachel has killed over 25 people
-mia has super strength and basically any power that an stereotypical superhero has
-speaking of stereotypical superheros, mia herself acts like one
more info about them soon! :D
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whumpster-dumpster · 3 years
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~ Are you a doctor or serial killer?
Neither! I just enjoy doing research and answering questions to the best of my ability!
~ Where do you get your information?
A lot of my info comes from the NCBI website: [x] Check it out!
~ Can I use your prompts as inspiration?
Yes, but if you do, please tag me, link to my original post that inspired you, or put your work under the tag #whumpster prompts. I want to see what you make! And it’s really frustrating when people copy/paste my prompts onto their own blogs or other websites and take complete credit for creating them. 
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I’m here to have fun. My posts aren’t school assignments to be graded, so sometimes the sticklers who come in to nitpick every single bullet point come across as annoying rather than helpful.
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My inbox is always full so it may have been buried. It may have contained triggering content that I was not comfortable addressing. I’m also disabled, so I don’t have the time or energy to get to every question. Try looking at the frequently used tags above to see if they’re any help!
~ Do you ever get sick of answering questions people can easily Google?
Some people don’t know where to look or how to phrase their question so Google will give them what they need. Most of the time I’m happy to help and when I get burnt out, I take a break.
~ You didn’t put a tag warning for [x]! You should be ashamed!
This is a whump blog. Mature content is to be expected. I tag to the best of my ability, and if you ask politely for me to use a tag warning, I usually will. I also reserve the right to refuse. Harassing, shaming and acting aggressively toward me does not get your point across. If my content upsets you that much, feel free to block me. Be mature enough to curate your own experience.
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starshiningsirius · 4 years
Dr. Jerkyll and Mr. Hyde (Yandere Leech twins x reader)
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An au idea I had came to mind based off @yandere-wishes Victorian twst story and @yandere-romanticaa 's Extraterrestrial story.
I love these two eels and I'm late on their birthday but it's still their birthday for me.
The clear moonlit sky shown brightly over the waters of the ocean. As yet another scream echoed within the streets of a supposedly vacant city.
The detective woke up with a start but not from the scream, but from the ringing of her phone. A report she had been writing stuck to her face from the humid atmosphere. She picked it up getting a few details from Idia, who was panicking on the other side of the line. Considering he worked in the criminal department at the desk and didn't have to see any bodies whatsoever you would think he'd be calm when trying to say what happened.
"Calm down Idia. Tell me what happened?" Her voice was gentle since yelling wouldn't help his nerves.
"Therewasanothermurder! Theyclaimedanothervictim!" He spoke so fast that his words wouldn't be understood by most but she was used to this with him and every word was caught by the detective's ears.
"Where's the crime scene?"
"In front of Sam's shop on Crystal Road, Ms. Y/n L/n." The voice of Idia's younger sibling popped up a contrasting his older brother's cowardly behavior.
He wanted to be just like his older brother so he spent his days in the office with him. Though there were times when Idia tapped out and his brother had to step in.
"Thank you both. I'll head their now." She hung up after hearing a farewell from both brothers.
The candle was long out and she grabbed her gun, notebook, and pen within the darkness, before venturing out the confines of her home.
When she got there a crowd had surrounded one spot in particular.
Cater was already there taking photos of the scene as it was his job being a forensic photographer.
"Hey, hey! Y/n's here, make way!" The crowd parted for her as soon as he announced her presence.
Whispers were muttered as she passed through into the middle of the crime scene. Mostly about how she hadn't caught this killer yet. She ignored them though and went on to meet with her coworker.
"It never ceases to amaze me how your always here first Cater, if anything you should be a suspect." She started off saying to her compatriot.
"Can't help it if I want to stay informed dectective, I just want to stay informed before anyone else." His smile on his face was out of place as he took another photo of the corpse.
"Who was it this time?"
"Such a poor fate to befall dear Monsieur Heart." A new voice joined in the conversation.
"Rook, I see you've arrived but can I get their name please?" The detective said sighing at the theatrics of her friend.
"His name was Ace Trappola, I can't imagine how Monsieur Spade must be feeling about this tragedy." Rook feigned a sorrowful look.
"Oh yeah A-Deuce kun were inseparable, I feel sorry for him. Think he knows already?"
"If there as inseparable as you say Cater then I suppose not, he isn't here yet otherwise I'm sure he'd cause a scene." She noted.
"That doesn't make him a suspect though right? I mean sure he's been a suspect in many crimes before, but Deuce kun far too soft!" Cater was a bit frantic at the thought alone.
"No, I doubt it was him he wouldn't want to disappoint his mother with something as vulgar as murder, he cares for her far too much to do that." That calmed his worries.
"You know I've heard Monsieur Heart have many laments on how his delivery to Roi d' Rose-" Cater didn't let Rook finish.
"RIDDLE?! No way he did this! Have you seen how strict his mother is? Just waltzing in their office and so much as suspecting her son is a one way ticket to hearing her screams! Besides I doubt his mother would even let him out this late anyway, he's always about following the rules set in place for him." Cater says with an imaginary sweat that could have formed to express his fear and anxiety.
"True, and I can't afford another headache from that lady, but we could get some valuable intel from him about Trappola's demeanor the past few days seeing as it may be a pattern in the serial killers motives."
"What about Sam? He's gotta know something considering the murder occurred in front of his shop." Cater's gaze went toward the shop to the right of them.
"Ah the shop keep, a wonderfully eccentric man with many secrets." Rook stated his opinion of him from what he gathered on his own free time.
"Says the French man whose got info on everyone from stalking them on the street." The detective says shaking her head at the strange man next to her who happily smiled at her statement.
"I wouldn't call it that more so getting to know my prey more personally." She sighed hearing his reply.
"A crime analyst such as yourself is such a good cover up!" Cater's response made her sigh once again.
She shook her head toward her coworkers. They took their job in a mild manner but beyond that they did do well to get it done. Even though the means of how they did it were very much questionable in her eyes.
She looked toward the ground seeing the body of the former male right on the cusp of adulthood. His orange hair was a bit disheveled and the looks of shock on his face petrified in time.
"Ah, the dectective is already using those perceptive eyes of hers." Cater's words fell on deaf ears as she was examining the crime scene closely.
"As expected of Reine de la déduction, such dedication in her work. Très bien!"
Their bones were disfigured, just like the last person. No one has this type of strength it didn't make any sense. The only lead that was given but she noticed a glowing substance in his mouth.
"Cater, Rook, I need some confirmation. Out of all the other times these cases have been appearing there weren't any liquid substances to be found beside the occasional blood right?"
"You are correct."
"Yeah, nothing else to be found from what I could see." They both confirmed her suspicion.
She had to go talk to Jade again, but first thing tomorrow she had to interrogate Sam, as well as Riddle Rosenhearts which was sure to be headache on her part.
* * *
His mother was an agitation to say the least. During her entry into his mother's office and upon stating the reason for her entry, Riddle's mother had already hated her the moment she finished speaking. Yelling and hollering about how her son would never commit such a crime even though the dectective never stated he was a suspect in the slightest.
She only asked to question the behavior of Mr.Trappola as of late before he met his end. He was under no suspicion whatsoever but she wasn't having that and kept screeching until her son had to calm her down.
It was much more pleasant afterwards but the headache Y/n had in the early morning just listening to her screeching didn't disappear throughout the whole endeavour.
Just before she bid him farewell he apologized deeply for his mother's behavior with a red face of complete embarrassment. To which she replied it was alright and thanked him for his time. Unfortunately though she had to bear that burden on her own as Rook and Cater had their own jobs to partake in analyzing the other crimes and investigating the trend within the series of murders. It was unfair but that was life. By the time she exited their establishment it was already in the afternoon a little after lunch.
Next was to venture to Sam's shop which was right where the crime had taken place. The body was already removed and taken to forensics, so the only thing left was a broken street lamp.
"Ah, well if isn't the dectective, I believe I already know the pleasure of seeing you here on this fine day," He tipped his hat to her with a smile on his face.
"Afternoon to you too Sam. I would like to acquire any information you have on the murder of Ace Trappola that occurred last night, in front of your establishment."
"Such a shame the little demon, was too young to have bite the dust. But you know as well as I my information comes with a price."
"A thousand madols should suffice a description of what you saw right?" She questioned handing a stack of the paper currency to which he smiled at.
"All I know is that last night was certainly something else. I heard a smash of a lamppost outside my window, up on the second floor. Shop was already closed though. When I looked down I saw what looked to be two silhouettes outside the window. One way taller than the other though, I recognized of Trappola on the ground and something glowed within the hands of the killer, a vial of sorts. He poured it down the throat of the little demon, but Trappola put up a good fight before it was over."
"Over? Can you specify?"
"As in he was left on the ground for dead, it looked like he was choking on whatever was consumed. The killer held him tightly after he realized he was choking. It was similar to a hug but one that was more deadly than a normal one. After he dropped him to the ground and walked away laughing hysterically at who he squeezed."
"And you weren't going to go to the police to inform that you had witnessed the murderer of a serial killer!" Her voice had raised a bit in volume as her agrevated state didn't alleviate since earlier in the day.
"I'm not one to get involved in others private life, Dectective. I've got a business to run." She understood his point though exhaling a sigh through her nose.
"Right. If you want to keep your life you keep your mouth shut. Alright I thank you for the intel." The dectective closed her notebook after writing down many notes on the case.
"Pleasure doing business with ya, Dectective! Best of luck to you as well! You'll be needing it more than anyone." She was only able to hear the first part of it not when his cheery demeanor went away.
She walked out to her final destination of the day, a close friend of hers. His name was Jade Leech, a smart man that excelled in pharmaceuticals just as did Riddle's mother but in a more different sense. His potions were revolutionary with in the subject of alchemy and his botany skills and knowledge made his fame and fortune.
He's helped her on countless cases before, with his expertise in potions it aided in knowing key components to solving head bangers such as this.
As she reached the door of his manor she knocked before waiting a moment or two to see his smile.
"Dectective, how pleasant it is to see you today." He flashed his signature smile toward me, with pearly teeth straight and white.
"It's nice to see you too Jade. May I come in?"
"Your always welcome here, though I must say you do look exhausted how about I put on some tea?" He made way for me to step in.
"You don't have to Jade."
"I insist, naturally I should show good hospitality to all my visitors. Your free to take a seat wherever you like."
"So how are your mushrooms doing?" She said starting up conversation on a favorable topic for him. He was in the kitchen that connected to the empty dining room, that opened the way to the living room where she sat.
"I imagine you didn't come here just to speak on how my mushrooms are doing alone?" He spoke it in the form of a question but he already knew the answer with a knowing smile on his face that she couldn't see but knew he had.
"You are right, my apologies, I actually require your aid with a substance that could be the key in solving the recent serial killings." She watched as he walked in with two plates in hand.
"It's fine, I'm glad you can come to me for help." He served the two plates, one in front of her and the other in front of himself.
They had pasta on both of them with the mushrooms I mentioned. It smelled heavenly. Her stomach growled loudly which caused Jade to laugh lightly.
"I'm assuming you haven't eaten much of anything have you?"
"No I had too much work to do today." She blushed looking away from him.
He sighed making a small 'tsk' noise.
"You have got to take better care of yourself, that dedication of yours is admirable but otherwise you'll drive yourself into an early grave with that sort of work ethic." He chastised.
"Ah, I just don't have the time these days, I'm sorry for all the trouble you have to go through for me." Her eyes traveled toward the food with a slight guilty feeling.
"You speak as if your some sort of burden on me, quite the contrary I worry for your safety and yours alone. You may be a skilled dectective but, I care for your well being first."
Her face grew to an intolerable temperature that would make people think she was sick. She was very much surprised by his words. The first time anyone has ever said anything that endearing to her in a while.
So to ignore the feeling of her heart racing she picked up her plate kept her eyes trained on it. Her expression looked to resemble pouting.
"L -let's just eat then shall we?" She stumbled on her first word internally cursing as she heard Jade's laughter.
. . .
After they had eaten Y/n had spent some time explaining to Jade the situation with Trappola's murder and handed him the vile of the substance found at the crime scene.
He listened attentively and chimed in few times for clarity. He said he would have the analysis of the substance done within two days. Soon enough she was on her way out the door even though he had offered her to stay the night she had declined politely. It wasn't weird since they were close friends with one another anyway. Not to mention there were times where she would fall asleep while waiting for Jade to finish his analysis and he would be nice enough to place her in a room.
"Thank you Jade, I would have loved to spend more time with you, but I've been really busy as of late with all these murders." She thought for a moment and then looked up at him. He was a bit tall, scratch that he was tall, of course so she got on the tips of her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek to show him her gratitude.
Jade's face lit a flame, cheeks flushed as he touched where her lips made contact.
"I'll see you later." Was all she said before walking away briskly passed the gates of his house not looking back.
She would've heard the glass breaking inside the male's house in which indicated another presense inside.
. . .
Two days had passed and the dectective was trying to piece together what was the link between these series of murders.
She had to go check with Lilia who is the pathologist that had completed an autopsy on all the bodies of the victims. As eccentric as he was he was more tolerable than the combo of intricacies that are her co workers. Then again everyone in this office was weird in their own way.
"Ah, dectective what great weather we're having today, is it not?" He said with a smile on his face.
Unlike Jade he was significantly shorter than him so she had to look down a little to see him or stand a few feet away.
"It is indeed, Lilia. You seem to be in a good mood today."
"That is because I have made a breakthrough on today, while working through the night." His smile grew and the magenta eyes affirmed his happiness toward the news he had to share.
"On Mr. Trappola's body, I have found something strange but interesting nevertheless! A scale and not only that, but there is something you should see for yourself!" He brought her over to said man's corpse luckily the bottom half of his body is covered and the top half as well up to his shoulders.
Lilia grabbed one of his tools for dissection and beckoned her to come closer as she showed her what he had found. That's when she saw it.
Lilia had a small knife and maneuvered it to a small spot itself, lifting up a small piece of skin that was already slit and based on the size of the knife and similarity to another a butter knife it wouldn't have been able to cut the skin.
"There are two more like this on this side of his neck and three on the other side. So it seems like they're gills.
"What about the other bodies?"
"I spent the night examining those as well and they all have the same gills but Trappola here is the only one who had a few scales."
"So maybe the substance has something to do with these oddities on him. Trappola probably ingested some."
"It's quite possible that whoever this murderer is trying to test the substance on the person instead of themselves but based on Trappola's few scales being the latest attempt it seems they are making improvement for whatever the elixir's use is. These strange characteristics it reminds me of some fairytale I heard some time ago." He drifted off sounding like an old man reminiscing.
"Enlgihten me then Lilia." Knowing just how Lilia liked to ramble on about myths and legends like he'd seen them and lived through their stories.
"Well if you insist but this one involves merfolk certainly you've heard of mermaids and such right these scales on legs don't they remind you of those types of things. Gills on their necks so that half people half fish would gain the ability to breath underwater."
"Ah right but this is reality. Seeing is believing though right? Who knows though maybe they could help with the case." She was skeptic hearing about a bunch of lore that could just be coincidental but she knew better than that. Coincidents were more than just preordained.
. . .
Now back at Jade's manor the dectective was contemplating what in the world such a myth could play a factor in a murder scene. It just didn't make any sense as to why the person would need such a potion. What type of person would you have to be to go that f-
She couldn't finish that thought since Jade had opened the door.
"Ah, Jade good day to you-" the dectective looked up toward him to see the tall man staring at her for a bit longer than a few seconds. She did notice the strand of black hair usually on his right was on the left.
Unconsciously she reached up and was about to grab it before her hand was grabbed.
"Just what are you doing little dectective?" His voice got a bit darker towards the end sending shivers down her spine for a second before she saw his eyes in front of her and thought to herself for a second.
'Was his gold eye always on the right?'
A slight tighter squeeze on her hand woke her up form her head. She was reminded of the situation again. She could feel his breath closer to her face, she was internally malfunctioning and was losing her train of focus.
"Ah, I was, I was just trying to flip your black strand of hair." She stuttered and didn't internally curse herself this time since the proximity was still a factor in her brain turning to mush.
Jade suddenly smiled a wide one at that. Usually it'd be small and polite even when teasing he'd have a signature closed eyed smile keeping the adorable image of his flustered dectective in his head. But that wasn't the case this time. This smile was more menacing and sent bad news toward all who saw it.
Jade towered over her a bit more leaning to the right a bit toward her ear.
"Dectective do you know what you remind me of?" He questioned with a wide smile on his face.
He leaned in too close for comfort his breath could be felt on her right ear, while his hand on her shoulder kept her still.
"An adorable little shrimp! I could just eat you up!" He said it slow to build up suspense but it sounded serious and at the same time.
She pushed him away feeling her face heat up tremendously like an oven.
"J -Jade!" She couldn't find the words to describe what she just heard feeling beyond embarrassed and having her heart pound loudly that she swore he could hear.
"I -I have to go, thank you for your time!" She frantically stated about to run off but before she could Jade had grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.
"Aww can't I get a kiss too, little shrimp? Besides aren't you forgetting something?" She was too put off by the request to understand the sentence, but her mind did process part of the sentence and she remembered why she came here.
He held up a folded up sheet of paper in his hands toying with her holding it out of her reach.
How could he say that in such a cool voice? Her nerves couldn't handle so much teasing, it wasn't unlike him but it seemed he had gone over his usual gentlemanly behavior.
She hurriedly kissed him on the cheek in which he hadn't expected such a quick response to his question with a blush on his face becoming apparent and his frozen stature. She took the opportunity to jump up for the paper and ran from near the doorstep bidding farewell with the sheet of paper she had took in hand leaving a blushing male to watch her run out. His smile grew as he saw her frantic behavior, excitement bubbling within him.
He ran outside to the backyard of the mansion to go share his newfound happiness.
. . .
"Jade! Shrimpy is really cute!" The one male spoke to Jade in a tone of voice that was different than that of a few minutes, one that would have made him believe he was Jade himself.
There appearances were so similar, cept for the eyes and voice they were twins after all. With a little makeup and easy voice tone change one could hardly tell the difference anyway.
"I'd thought you'd understand if you saw her up close, Floyd." Jade was actually outside tending to his mushrooms in the garden while his look alike was entertaining the female detective that had left in a hurry. Though knowing his brother he could already assume how it must have went. Thinking of his little dectective being so flustered indefinitely brought out his sadistic side a bit.
"Can we keep her?" Floyd was so fond of her seeing her turn red, hearing her heart beating loudly, when she stuttered and that kiss on the cheek pretty much sealed the deal for him. She was so full of life and it brought excitement for him since he had to stay within the manor and avoid everyone. His behavior would be brash and scare many in the public eye not only that but his strength was inhuman which could cause problems for the person on the receiving end. Especially if you were trying to blend in.
They only came from the sea to see the lives of humans and unlike one of their friends who started a business in this day and age. Jade could survive on land with the ability to easily fool others with a facade whereas Floyd couldn't do that all the time and would probably squeeze someone for no reason other than boredom.
He didn't like being confined but after seeing the dectective sleeping on the couch once, he became curious as to who she was and why Jade spent so much time helping her. He knew for a fact his brother was not at all kind or generous. He was beginning to finally understand.
"We are but you have to be patient, you did give her both sheets of paper before she ran off correct?" His brother inquired finally seeing the hunger in his brother's eyes.
"Yup, she gave me a kiss just so she could distract me and take it. Shrimpy is so cunning she makes me want to squeeze her and pay her back for catching me off guard like that." The thought alone sounded enticing to Floyd, he couldn't wait to wrap his tail around her.
"I need you to go on another 'outing' tonight we have to perfect this first if we want to have any shot at having her to ourselves." Jade's words did nothing to damper his mood as his excitement reached a new level at the thought of showing his little Shrimpy off to everyone.
They were trying to get make a potion in which a human could become a sea creature, though it was easy for Jade to make one for himself and Floyd to come on land. The same can't be said for a person that's been human and has not a single gene that ties them to the ocean. Altering genetics is difficult and delicate and one mistake and their dear little detective could end up just like those poor unfortunate souls that were test subjects. Jade would never risk bringing her with them under the sea if he wasn't sure she'd make it.
"Okay~ Jade!" He said eagerly!
Now that Floyd was on board as well he would be more motivated and inclined to help, making it more easier for Jade as he wouldn't bother and complain so much about being on land longer.
. . .
She barely slept a wink after what had occurred. Every time she thought about her encounter with Jade she'd blush and bury her face into a pillow with frustration.
She tried before to get some of her work done before that, but that didn't work out too well as her mind drifted back to the same situation.
How close he was, the warmth of his breath against her ear, it was enough to make her brain stop functioning as if he were there again.
He seemed far more clingy than usual and she didn't know how to describe it other than strange. The notes from the alchemist were neat and precise and confirmed what Lilia and her examined on the bodies earlier in the day. But that wasn't the only thing that fell from the folded piece of paper. It was another small piece with neat cursive that matched the analytics on the other page.
'Would you like to spend your day off with me?'
Yet another reason she wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight.
. . .
After getting off from work she mentioned to her coworkers how Jade had offered her to spend her day off with him. Well they asked what she was gonna do with her day off since it was a rarity. First Cater asked her if she said yes to him yet. She said no and he understood from the get go that she was way too flustered to even respond to him. So he offered to go respond to him on her phone.
Rook congratulated her and went on a rant about love even though she tried to get through his head it wasn't a date. He asked what she would wear and she had no actual clue, in which Rook took that as an invitation to lend his aid and expertise.
He brought her to one of his friend's businesses. Cater said this place was highly recommended and that anyone whose anyone came to the place for a makeover. Specifically called Vil's beauty salon and boutique. She didn't understand how a person could have both but he seemed to be managing it fine. The said shop owner gave her one look and shook his head at her appearance.
His words were, "What a poor excuse for a girl to go on date with such a potato face such as that, it's shameful for not only you but the guy as well."
He had her try on clothes and by the end of it all, she felt different. Her head hurt from all the pulling around of her hair. She had put on enough clothes that she believed she was playing dress up. The outfit settled upon was different from her usual style and she had on makeup for the first time in her life.
Rook and Cater applauded Vil's work new appearance. The dectective had to admit that when she looked in the mirror she understood why Vil had such a reputation that Cater reccomended him highly.
She had to buy all of it of course and thanked Vil immensely for his efforts. There was actually a discount considering Rook brought her and she looked so 'pathetic'. He had a victoriously smug smile on his face and complimented his own efforts before waving the trio off. She thanked her two coworkers and bid them farewell, looking forward to the her first day off in a millennia.
When she met Jade the next day at his door he was plenty surprised by her appearance. He blushed with his eyes widened in astonishment at the change. Not to mention on the side of the manor Floyd could see just how beautiful she had dressed. It was going to be a long day especially with the heels she was wearing and trying her hardest to walk in.
. . .
The two friends went to Clover's bakery where Jade offered to pay for any sweets she wanted but it seemed they were terribly busy today and the line was a bit long not mention the place was packed inside so there weren't any tables to sit in.
Trey said it was nice to see her out and about for once not on dectective business for once. He said hello to Jade as they were all friends though she only knew Trey from Jade who introduced me. On rare occasions she would go to his bakery for something sweet. He handed them two cupcakes for free but also asked for a favor for him.
"Can you give deliever Riddle this tart please? His mother isn't home and he rarely ever gets anything sweet. I usually have Ace do it but-" He looks away for a moment.
"It's fine, Jade do you-"
"It's no trouble at all, we'd be happy to." He says with an enchanting smile on his face.
Trey handed over the box containing the tart to them and they made their way over to the clinic where Riddle resided.
On the way Jade and her conversed. She asked him why he agreed so quickly and he responded with his own unique answer.
"I know it's in your nature to help others. Yet another fond trait of yours."
It's more embarrassing hearing it for the first time and out loud no less. She could feel her face heat up again.
"Then there's when you turn into a cherry, one of my favorite traits." He said in a teasing tone with a smile toward her making the dectective flush even more and look away biting into her cupcake. To ignore the laughter emitting from her friend alongside her. Now this is the Jade she knows.
. . .
To be completely honest both of them enjoyed their time today with one another. They had delivered Riddle's tart which was almost a complete disaster.
Considering she asked Jade to be lookout in case his mother came back. Long story short she did arrive earlier than expected. After she and Riddle heard her voice outside the walls right near the entrance gate, the dectective told Riddle to go before she found him with the tart. Riddle was far more worried about her but the dectective told him she'd be fine.
By fine she meant ducking in the rose bushes for cover, there weren't any thorns surprisingly all been cut off. She waited for Riddle's mother to enter the house and had to scale the wall that was located next to an alleyway. Climbing up was the easy part but getting down was the hard part. She was wearing heels and that drop looked like she would possibly break a bone if she landed the wrong way.
She came to a decision to take a leap of fate and let her heels drop to the ground. One thought passed about Vil being pissed about her ruining them. She shook her head though and pushed herself off.
Before she could land someone else caught her. Looking up at her savior she saw the two colored eyes of Jade. Who smiled happily at making it on time.
"Ah look at that, my assumption was right. I thought you'd take this route out their place. It would've been such a shame if you were to get injured."
"Thank you Jade, can you put me down now please?"
"I don't think so I'd rather hold you like this until we get to the resturant for everyone to see." He playfully said watching her face heat up.
"Wha-? N -no I can walk on my own!"
"But you might have hurt something besides someone who can't get their words out is akin to a child so they must be coddled correct?" His teasing was endless today.
. . .
After leaving the Monstro Lounge a business run by one of Jade's friends, Azul Ashengrotto, the sun had already long set.
"Let me accompany you to your apartment, Y/n it's supposedly dangerous to be out after dark correct? Or you can just spend the night again?" He offered.
"I have to decline besides I've already used enough of your generosity I don't want to take it for granted. It's been such a great day thanks to you Jade, wish we could do these more often cept for the fact I have work tomorrow." She said in a relaxed tone.
Despite all the teasing she really did enjoy herself with the man. Having her heart beating loudly all day and having her brain short circuit was all too amusing to the man beside her, but out of everyone else even his own brother she made him feel strangely different. He couldn't explain the feeling itself, but he knew for a fact he'd never do all of this for someone he would use.
"You wish to spend more time with me? I can grant that you know." Jade had said that so simply and out of the blue but in a calm tone as well.
"There's no way you can do something like that but I appreciate the thought. It's fine though you've done enough already. I'd rather not burden you with a simple wish." She said with content.
Before he could respond to that statement fast footsteps hurried over to them both and made the pair turn around.
"I saw the killer it was Mr.Leech! He ran away from the scene!" His hair was a light green, eyes full of life and the loud tone of his voice was distinct.
"Sebek what do you mean you saw Jade kill someone he was with me the entire time!We just left the Monstro Lounge Azul saw us leave!" The dectective was defensive pertaining to justice being served, not to mention her friend was being accused and she had been with him the entirely of the day.
"No it was him I saw him Felmier was killed by him!"
"Felmier was killed?! You should've started with that! Take me to the body did you make sure he was dead?!"
. . .
Sebek had spread all about the town that Jade was the murderer even though the people who had seen us together throughout the day vouched. Trey, Riddle, Azul, Rook, and Cater even Vil had seen them together. Some actually took Sebek's words in and started to distrust Jade even so.
Vil and Rook two friends of Felmier had paid for the funeral costs as Epel's family was struggling. It was admirable to see the young man take on the vicious job as Vil's protégé. It really was a shame. Vil actually kept up a face and Rook though he looked upon the casket with blank like expression it was easy to tell he was out for blood. Jade did show up to pay his respects even though some glared at him and were suspicious.
Vil came up to dectecrive during the repass and told her to make that fool pay dearly. She would of course no argument there. Epel had been a good kid and may have been a bit brash but still good nonetheless. So was Ace.
And thus a good day ended on a sour note.
The dectective would have more sleepless nights. Lilia performed an autopsy on Epel's body with Vil standing by his side to make sure he didn't damage it. Even he was shocked to see more and more scales near his legs and gills that were more prominent.
These people were getting even more closer to there goal it seemed and she couldn't do a thing. She was so frustrated at that fact alone. Jade's analysis did help some though. Looking through shops though that sold what would be the components of the elixir nothing suspicious could be found in any of the people who had brought those items. Not to mention those who did didn't have all the items brought from another store, there was no reoccurring name in sales.
Speaking of Jade though she had begun to think back to Sebek. He wasn't the type to lie not on the name of the mysterious nobleman Malleus Draconia that he served would he ever embarrass himself to stain his name even slightly. That's what Lilia told her at least.
He said Jade had did the deed. But he was with her the entire time. Come to think Sam's description had also matched Jade's strange behavior before he gave her the analysis, but it didn't make sense. Jade was one person he couldn't be in two places at once!
Maybe someone was trying to frame him and to that extent she went to go question if he had any enemies of the sort. His response was that he didn't have any as far as he knew. That could have been a good lead.
With no others she sighed looking extremely worn out and Jade had a frown seeing her state. He insisted she stay the night and she denied saying she had to finish this case even more so now. He at least offered her a meal in which he put slipped some sleeping pills that made her fall asleep after eating.
Both pairs of two colored eyes gazed at her peaceful state not liking how she'd exhaust herself with so much work. Only for the sake of others and waste time and effort for people that isn't them. It was annoying to Floyd and agitated Jade more than he liked to admit. She did say she wanted to spend more time with them right?? If only she didn't have that stupid job. Even more a reason to push the date up to the next few days.
. . .
About a week and a half had passed and the dectective had no other leads still. It was killing her to say the least. All those unfortunate victims and those families and friends that mourned definitely weighed on her shoulders, guilt eating at her insides. Such a shame too within the end of the day she was at home taking an evening nap on her day off in which she didn't even go out today. Her phone buzzed waking her up from her slumber.
A text from Jade. It had been awhile since they last talked seeing as she fell asleep at his manor again even though she didn't intend to.
Rubbing her eyes she read the text from her bright phone screen.
'Meet me at the dock at 10 today.'
She wasn't as flustered as last time in fact she considered not going as this case took top priority. But this was Jade, her closest friend, and she hadn't taken much of a break as her nap was only 30 mintues probably the only amount of sleep she would get today if she was being honest with herself.
She reluctantly sighed and decided to get ready an hour before meeting him and walk there a bit early to have some time to her own thoughts. She thought about going to Vil's shop to buy another outfit but it would have been a waste if they were only meeting for a short time. Not to mention she didn't want Vil to come to the conclusion she was slacking off with Jade even though the bags around her eyes were very much proof.
As she sat at the edge of the dock admiring the stars the waves hitting the edge of the pier calmed her head. It was nice to say the least.
She wondered what Jade would have to talk about. She looked at her phone and saw it was 10:05, Jade being late was a surprise, hopefully if she waited a bit longer her worry would ease. That atmosphere could not have lasted any longer.
A slight wind blew and during that exact moment something pulled her under by her feet into the cold ocean waters below. She managed to hold her breath and open her eyes to see nothing but darkness even with the moon behind the clouds right about now only endless shadows were there.
She could barely hear but she could have sworn something swam by her. Arms touched her waist which almost made her scream for a moment though that was something suicidal. It touch the sides of her stomach and stayed there for a moment.
Even though she tried to struggle it was fruitless when the thing that held her tickled her sides making her open her mouth and succumb to breathing in water then choking soon after. That wasn't the only thing to occur since the next second lips were on hers and a fluid trickled down her throat along with the water that she was trying to swallow. The tongue of said thing dipped inside her mouth and would have made her gag if they hadn't pulled away.
She regretted it the moment they did cause she still could breath and with her mouth open she thought she would take her final breath. Both or what she assumes were two people backed off letting her go to meet her demise with her slowly closing her eyes. She didn't notice the glow of what transpired around her lower half of her body. She could finally take in some much needed breaths except her neck for some reason felt sore and she could no longer move her legs separately to try and swim up for air.
Looking down she saw the horrid image of a long tail with a fin on the end where her legs were supposed to be. The pain form her neck was from three newly formed slits on either side of her neck. Her fingers traced over them finding this whole situation unbelievable. When she finally came to her senses she found herself hearing voices as well.
"Shrimpy's still here! It worked, Jade!" A cheerful voice could be heard in the cold waters that surrounded her.
Something slimy wrapped about her new found lower half. Pulling her closer to be within someone's arms. They held her a bit too tight like all the air, water in her lungs could have been? Did she still even have those anymore she wondered? Even still the amount of pressure put on her by the creature hugging her was able to be felt.
He was laughing happily spinning around in circles with the former human female getting dizzy by the second.
"I can see that Floyd. How wonderful, but do take it down a notch she only was just turned after all." That voice was all too familiar. She couldn't help but say it aloud, but that couldn't be true.
"Jade?" Her voice was a whisper but of course he still heard it.
"Yes, my dear angelfish what is it?" He responded in an endearing tone that was calm despite the situation she was just put through.
She glanced toward the voice to see what appeared to be a creature similar to that of an eel by the tail. Her eyes trailed up to the sight of his face. It was him no doubt about it. The eyes were exact and so was the hair the only difference was the body and skin.
"Aw Shrimpy why'd you acknowledge him first? I'm here too." A voice whined in a more child like tone directly in her ear. It brought a shiver down her spine.
'Shrimpy?' That was unmistakably the nickname Jade gave her when he acted weird.
She turned toward his way and saw a sharp toothed grin on his face when she looked at him.
"Floyd you haven't even introduced yourself." Jade sounded like his normal self and this Floyd person was just the complete opposite of him.
"Oh right Shrimpy I'm Floyd, Jade's brother and your going to be with us in the sea from now on! Isn't that great? I can't wait to show you all my favorite places you'll love it!" He sounded so excited while dread built up in the mermaid.
"What do you mean stay here?! What have you done to me? Who, what even are you two?!" She said those words with malice laced into them having them both chuckle in response.
Jade had also wrapped his tail about her upper half restraining her further. He brought himself closer to her face, a smirk etched on to it.
"My, my, Y/n you did say you wanted to spend more time with me, isn't this what you wanted?" He tilted her chin up showing a sadistic smile on his face that only built up even more dread than what his brother had already.
"I didn't realize or expected anything like this and you know that! Why would you do this?! You! You-" She thought for a second processing all that had occurred the past couple of weeks.
"You killed them you gave them that exlixir that ended their lives. Every single one of them." This time it was the other brother's turn to speak.
"There's our little dectective she's so smart!~" Floyd just made her completely uncomfortable with how he would call her that nickname and whisper words in her ear.
"Why? Why would you do this?" She became defeated knowing turf like this was theirs and she stood no chance against them in the first place.
"Eh why? Is Shrimpy really that blind Jade?" Floyd mocked her with no remorse as tears streamed down the dectective's eyes at the thought of letting so many people down.
"Why? My dear angelfish haven't you noticed? We've become quite enamored with you. Hm no better word to put it is obsessed, at first it was just me but with Floyd's impatience I just had to get him in on understanding why we didn't go back home already. As for those people they were necessary for testing the elixir for this very moment. We couldn't have you dying on us afterall." He said with absolute calmness evoking rage within the mermaid.
She clenched her fists.
"So many were sacrificed, I should've died, instead." She murmured the last half but both the twin eels heard it.
There expressions turned dark and their tails gripped the female tighter startling her from her state of guilt.
"Eh, why would you say that Shrimpy, we can't have you leaving us. We finally got you all to ourselves and I haven't had much time with you, and yet you say you want to leave." Floyd's arms contracted her more than Jade's tail already, now she understood what it must have felt like for Trappola.
"He is right Y/n dear, we only want what's best for you and having you say that only makes our blood boil so please understand." Jade gripped her chin with a scary amount of strength. This was the first time he ever seemed so much more intimidating to her.
"Don't ever say something like that again am I clear?"
From that point on she was stuck between the twin eels who loved her so. She only wished she could have been able to listen to Sebek when he said the truth. Mr. Leech did do it just not the one she thought.
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I Loved Him... Once - CH 1
Title: I Loved Him... Once
Author: jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Heid (Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid)
Rating: This ones General but eventually as the series goes it will be Explicit
Tags: canon typical violence and gore, eventual smut as the series goes, angst, fluff, pining., its gunna be a slow burn guys.
Summary: A series following the team as they solve crimes and take down the bad guys.
     In Part one of this series, we follow the team as they take down a serial killer that has taken a piece of one of their own. And through it all, Spencer and Hotch come to a few conclusions and realizations of their own.
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*** My works are not to be posted on any sites without my permission! But comments and reblogs are love! <3 Please and thanks!!
Chapter 1
     “What we have done for ourselves alone, dies with us. What we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” - Albert Pike
     “Fourteen days, fourteen days, fourteen glorious days!” 
     Spencer barely looked up from the book he was reading, sat at his desk, leaning back in his desk chair as Derek Morgan sashayed across the bullpen and perched himself on the corner smiling down at him.
     He opted to ignore the over the top, ray of sunshine, mood Derek was in, and flipped the page of his book. Derek was not giving in, he was not going to be ignored when he was in such a good mood, so he swiftly swooped his hand and stole Spencer's book, eliciting a whine of protest as he sat forward and reached for it. Though he didn't make any more effort than that, he knew very well there was no way he would be able to get the book back from Derek through force.
     “Come on, Morgan, give it back.”
     Derek laughed, his eyes shining with mirth as he kept playing keep away with Spencer, “You really want it back that bad?”
     “Yes, actually, it was just starting to get good!” He made another jolt forward to reach for the book but it was in vain. Spencer’s brain might be fast, but Derek Morgan's reflexes were always faster.
     “Really, kid, you're reading…” He turned the book over and eyed the title with a raised brow, “‘The Art of War’. You planning on taking someone down, Reid?” Spencer just eyed him as he closed the book and tucked it under his crossed arms, knowing full well that the genius would remember not only the page number he had been on before Derek closed the book, but the exact word he had read last. “Now, like I said before, we have fourteen, I repeat, fourteen glorious days of vacation starting right now. And you're telling me that your only plans are to sit here at your desk, at work, and continue reading ‘The Art of War’ instead of going out and doing something, anything, other than that?”
     “It never hurts to educate yourself, Morgan, and yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you,” he replied, a little short, then tried once more to swipe unsuccessfully for his book, “now give me back my book.”
     “Good god, man, live a little, you're killing me.” Derek stood and moved the book even further out of Spencer's reach, so he just huffed and sat back in his chair again. “You don't have any plans? No dates? No trips to exotic lands to meet fine exotic ladies?”
     “When have you ever known me to ever have plans? Or dates for that matter. It's not like girls are exactly lining up to date the lanky, boy genius.”
     “Oh you're much more than that, pretty boy, you know that.” Morgan perched himself on the side of his desk again.
     “Not to mention the fact that seeing this in a bathing suit on a beach full of, more than likely, gorgeous people, is not something that is on anyone's bucket list, I'm positive of that. I'm so white I'd probably end up blinding half the beach with my legs alone.”
     Derek was laughing, near tears at this point, “Oh, come on kid, it can't be that bad.”
     “Oh, it is,” Spencer was slightly laughing at this point too, “I went to a pool party once in university and I was asked to put my shirt back on because the light was reflecting off my skin and ‘hurting people's eyes’... Derek, it was ten at night. My skin was reflecting the pool lights so severely it was hurting people.”
     Derek barked out a laugh so hard he nearly fell off the table and Spencer couldn't help but join him. “So you just need a little bit of sun, cancel out some of the white. Why not come with me to Barbados? Little sand, little sun, and a whole lotta’ fun.” He shot a quick wink at Spencer who just scoffed and looked away. “Give me two days with you on the beach and I guarantee I could get you a couple shades darker, at least.”
     “Oh, yes,” he nodded, smirking, “as well as skin cancer.”
     “I promise I won't let you get skin cancer, but that being said, once we get you all sunkissed and confident, I can't promise I'll be able to keep all those fine ladies off of you.”
     “You're not making this sound any better. Skin cancer, STD’s, and multitudes of random women hanging off of me, no thank you.”
     “Well, if you don't want to be swarmed by the fine exotic women,” he paused, smirking down at a waiting Spencer, “I'm sure I can help you land some handsome exotic men, then. I'm not here to judge. More women for me.”
     Spencer reached to the side and grabbed the small pile of papers that were sitting there, and swiftly smacked Derek on the arm with them, “Get off my desk.”
     “That doesn't sound like a denial,” he ducked as he was swatted at again, “come with me and I promise you'll have a good time.”
     Derek chuckled once more, before ducking under his own desk to grab his bag, then turned back to toss the book back to Spencer who barely caught it, “My flight doesn't leave till tomorrow night, think about it!”
     “I don't need to, I'm not going!”
     “Think about it!”
     “What's the point anyways!?” He called as Derek was almost out of ear shot, but he continued anyways, “When has vacation ever worked out for us? I'd buy a ticket and pay for a room, and realistically we'll probably end up right back here in two days, four tops!”
     Derek was gone by this point, not having heard most of what he had said, more than likely already knowing that this was probably their reality, but not wanting to have to accept it. Though his complaints didn't fall on deaf ears.
     “Oh, now you've gone and jinxed it. Just know that if our vacation gets cancelled due to a case, I am definitely coming after you first, Reid.” 
     He gazed up at Emily over the edge of his book, having indeed remembered the exact word he had left off on when it was stolen from him, and gave her a playful smirk. “I am only stating statistics. If you factor in every vacation we have had since we started here at the BAU, the odds that we will have a full, uninterrupted ‘fourteen glorious days’ as Morgan put it, are less than ten percent. Eight point five-six-three-two percent to be exact.”
     “God I hate you sometimes,” though she laughed as she said it, “so you really don't have any plans?”
     “I never said I didn't have any plans,” he sighed and closed his book on his desk, resigned to not getting any reading done until everyone was gone, “just because I don't have plans involving a hot beach or women, doesn't mean I don't have plans.”
     “Oh!” She perked up and moved closer, intrigued. “So what kinds of fun are you up to then?”
     “Oh, loads!” He shifted in his chair, moving to lean towards her with his elbows on his desk. “I'm signed up for a lecture series that starts tomorrow, but the one I'm most excited for is a lecture called ‘Synthetic Metals: A Novel Role For Organic Polymers’ presented by Dr. Alan G. MacDiarmid. It's a Nobel lecture all about possible engineering applications for, and the inner workings of, organic and conductive polymers. It sounds completely fascinating! I was also thinking of taking a trip to Colonial Williamsburg. I mean, how amazing would it be to walk the same streets as Thomas Jefferson, or eat in the same place as George Washington! I was also thinking of visiting the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. They have over twenty- two thousand works on display that are largely focused on modern and contemporary art, especially with a focus on European art after the nineteen hundreds. They are also having a workshop there next week focusing on-”
     “Woah, woah, take a breath,” she laughed a bit, then asked with a hint of concern, “aren't you doing anything that doesn't involve… learning? Like, no info intake, no lecture series, no workshops, just relaxing? Letting your brain just take a break?”
     Spencer pouted his bottom lip in thought then looked back up to Emily, “No? Why would I want to waste two weeks doing nothing when I could spend them increasing my knowledge?”
     “Wouldn't you want to sit back and…” She stared confusedly at an equally confused Spencer, then just shook her head with another laugh, “Nevermind, look who I’m talking to. Of course you would think that spending two weeks learning would be an ideal vacation. To each their own I guess, right.”
     He just nodded, picking his book up again as she moved away from his desk.
     “Well, have fun with your jam packed knowledge filled two weeks, see you in fourteen days.”
     “Or in two to four days. Don't forget the eight point five-six-three-two percent chance that I will see you before-”
     “Blah, blah, blah!” She covered her ears as she walked away from him, “Can't hear you, already on vacation!”
     “Very mature,” though he was smiling, “have fun with your mother.”
     She threw a quick wave at him then disappeared. When she was finally gone, he sat back in his chair with a content sigh. Now that Emily was gone, it was just himself, Rossi, and Hotch who were left in the office, and he knew there was a very low chance that either of them would interrupt him to inquire about his vacation plans. He was finally able to finish his book in peace before catching the last train home. 
     “Knock, knock.” 
     Aaron looked up from where he had been bent over the front of his desk, the pile of papers he had been sorting through covering every inch of it, and towards the door. “David, come in.”
     The man did, eyeing the mess, but merely stood in the middle of the room and tucked his hands into the pockets of his very expensive suit. “Always one of the last to leave, huh?”
     “Has everyone gone?” Aaron asked without looking up this time.
     “Everyone except the usual suspect.”
     “Reid.” Aaron sighed. ‘Not last to leave,’ he thought. Spencer always seemed to still be there, even in the late late hours of the night. After a case, before vacation, even sometimes during vacation. Aaron always felt bad for the man, worried that he was lonely, though nowadays he could relate. 
     “I overheard him talking with Emily and Derek before they left. His most exciting plans seem to have something to do with a Nobel lecture series,” Rossi moved closer, taking up the chair in front of Aaron’s desk, “that kid needs to learn how to slow down and relax, I'm worried he might burn out someday if he doesn't. He should go out, have some fun from time to time.”
     “Well I'm not much better,” Aaron turned, leaning against his desk with his arms crossed, now facing David, “my plans for the next two weeks pretty much consist of staying home, catching up on more paperwork, and if I can swing it with Haley, taking Jack for a few days. If I play my cards right, the park will be the most exciting adventure of my vacation. I'm not exactly going out to paint the town red either.”
     “Yeah, you two are wild,” he drawled with a smirk, “you know, maybe a date would do the kid well. Loosen him up a bit.”
     Aaron eyed him warily with a tilt of his head, seeing right through his attempted ruse, “What exactly are you suggesting?”
     “Perhaps, while you both have the time off, you and Spencer could plan something together.” Aaron closed his eyes with a sigh and shifted, opened his mouth to say something in protest, but David beat him to it, hands up to stop him. “I'm just saying, you're the only two people on the team that aren't out of town for the next two weeks. I’ll be in Italy visiting family, JJ is taking her family camping, Prentis is visiting her mom, Garcia is, quote, ‘on a shopping tour of all the best malls in the northern hemisphere’, and Morgan is hitting the beach in Barbados. That leaves you and Reid. So all I'm saying is that maybe you can stop fantasizing about the kid and actually do something about your infatuation.”  
     Aaron just gaped at his friend, shocked, speechless for the first time in as long as he can remember. “I… how…” Was the only thing he was able to manage to stutter out.
     David just smiled up at him mischievously and stated, “I'm a profiler, Aaron, and a damn good one. I've seen the way you look at Spencer, the way you stick close to him, and it's very obvious you care about him. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out, yet ironically the only one to not have figured it out yet is the only actual certified genius.”
     Aaron still didn't know what to say. He had never told anyone about how he felt about Spencer. It was hardly appropriate for him to attempt to pursue the man considering he was his superior, not to mention older than him. Something that had plagued him since the very day he met the cute, quirky doctor on his first day with the BAU. 
     “I can tell you're over-thinking, Aaron.” Rossi speaking brought him out of his small internal panic and he looked down at him. “What is it? That you're his boss? Strauss?”
     He shifted, crossing his arms impossibly closer to his chest. No point in denying it now. “A bit of both, I guess. Not to mention the age difference between us.”
     “First off, I wouldn't worry about Strauss. If anything were to happen between you and Spencer, as long as you navigate the correct channels and immediately disclose your relationship, sign the proper papers, then there is nothing Strauss can do against either of you or your jobs. As for you being his superior, I wouldn't even give that a second thought. No one on our team would think anything of it, no one would ever even entertain the thought that you took advantage, and neither would Spencer.” David then leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he spoke. “And the age gap, who cares. Love, is love, is love. Take it while you've got it and don't ever let it go. Age is but a number and love knows no bounds.”
     “Very profound of you, David.” He couldn't help but let a small chuckle slip.
     “What can I say, I am the embodiment of love.”
     “Right, and is that why you've been married three times and are on wife number four?”
     They both laughed, hearty and full, and for the first time since they started talking, Aaron found himself feeling a lot lighter. It was nice to finally have someone who knew his secret feelings for the young genius, and be able to actually have someone to talk to and confide in about it. 
     Rossi's phone ringing broke the moment though, and he reached into his pocket, just looking at the screen and not answering. “Well, my ride to the airport is here. I will see you in two weeks, do not call me.”
     Aaron let loose one last light chuckle, moving along with Dave to see him out. With a smile and a pat on the back as they reached the door he said, “I'll try not to, enjoy your time in Italy.”
     “Oh I intend to,” he opened the door, then turned back at the last minute, “but do me a favor will ya. Don't call me, but do call Spencer.”
     Aaron just smiled, gave Dave a small push out the door, and answered, “Good bye, David.”
     Once he was out the door and down the stairs, Aaron closed the door and took a step to the side to watch him cross the bullpen. He gave a quick goodbye to Spencer as he passed, and then he was gone. Then his eyes wandered over to the last person left besides himself, still sitting alone at his desk, leaned back reading his book. He sighed, watching Spencer for a moment longer before thinking to himself, maybe David was right. Why should he worry about all that other nonsense? Besides, he would never know if Spencer felt the same unless he asked.
     Aaron finally finished organizing the paperwork explosion on his desk, filing away what was finished and adding the rest to his bag, then was finally able to head out. 
     It had been a good two hours since Rossi had left his office, leaving Aaron with all kinds of things to think about, and the man that those thoughts were all about was still sitting in the same spot he had been in since vacation officially began. Though now, Spencer was already halfway through his second book. 
     As he passed him, the younger man not even so much as lifting his eyes from his book, he said a quiet, “Have a good vacation, Reid.”
     “You too, Hotch,” he answered back, and Aaron just about kept walking, but stopped himself at the last minute and turned back.
     They were currently alone, no one else around but him and Spencer, so now was just as good a time as any. “Reid…”
     At the questioning tone to his name, Spencer looked up at Hotch who was now standing right in front of him, “Yeah?”
     “I… I was…'' Spencer was still looking up at him with concerned eyes, a furrowed brow, and if Aaron was being honest, a super cute frown. Now, what Aaron wanted to say was ‘Spencer, I know that you and I are the only two who will be remaining in town for the duration of our vacation time, and I was wondering perhaps, if you would like to take advantage of the fact and allow me to take you out to dinner tomorrow night?’ But what he actually managed to come out with instead, was a sad and defeated, “I… I just wanted to wish you well. I hope you have a good fourteen days, and I heard you will be attending a lecture series, I hope it's informative.”
     “Right…” Hotch couldn't be certain, but he was sure that Spencer almost looked… disappointed? “An-anything else?”
     “... No, I don't believe so.” And before he could stumble his way through any more embarrassing sentences he quickly said, “Good night,” and left before Spencer could even return the sentiment. Leaving him staring, still confused and a little down, after a fast walking Aaron, not having the courage to even look back as he left.
     Derek woke for the first time well rested and relaxed. No case to solve, no unsub on his mind, no high speed chase down unfamiliar roads, and no showdown with a psychopath in some dark abandoned warehouse. It was just him, the sun, the sand, and two weeks of relaxing and sleeping late, eating more than he probably should and shoving as much fun into two weeks as was completely possible.
     Now, those were Derek's original plans. The plans he made before he left Quantico, Virginia for the beaches in Barbados. For the all night parties, the beautiful ladies, and the all inclusive never ending free drinks. And yet, here he found himself, within arm's reach of all those things, and not doing a single one of them. 
     Instead, Derek walked down the beach and found an empty lounge chair tucked under a very colourful umbrella. A sprite and lime with ice in hand, he stood and looked out at the calming ebb and flow of the ocean, letting the soft crashing of the waves take over and clear his mind completely. It was nice, the best he'd felt in a long, long time. 
     A volleyball skid to a halt at his feet, covering his toes in warm sand, caught his attention and he turned to face the small group of women off to his side. He kicked the ball back over to them, each one of them very obviously interested in getting to know Derek, even if it were just for one night. But to his own surprise, he found himself flashing a smile and a wave in decline of their invitation to come play, and instead took up his seat in the covered lounge chair. 
     He took a second to breathe in the fresh air, took a sip of his drink, then reached down to the small bag he had tucked under the chair, rifling through until he found what he was looking for. He settled back in the chair, not able to help the smile that spread across his face as he read the title of the book in his hands, 'The Art of War', and settled back to read it with a quietly muttered, "Damn you, Spencer Reid."
A/N: So there is chapter 1, chapter 2 to come soon! I’m super excited about this guys XD
And if anyone wants to be tagged for future updates please let me know <3
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 1 "Pilot" & Ep 2 "Hell Week"(Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
Something really bad happened.
Did you just get your period all over yourself?
This isn't my blood.
Who told you you could have a baby here tonight?
I'm sure I can walk if I can just get some Gatorade.
I don't care if you can walk.
How are we supposed to get you to the front door without everyone seeing you all gross and postpartum?
No one wants to see that at a party.
This is super embarrassing.
I didn't even know I was pregnant.
You guys, they're playing "Waterfalls."
Is that a baby? Amazing.
I am not missing "Waterfalls" for this. "Waterfalls" is my jam.
Give the baby some mojito to quiet it down.
How do you know she's dead?
These are my minions. I don't know their names. I don't want to know their names.
I have a colonic at 10
Life is a class system.
Oh, still a lot of puke to scrub.
Yeah, you have an amazing skill at telling people what they need to hear.
I'm sorry. Did I ask you to pull down my panties and blow a compliment up my butt?
I hate sororities, and I hate you.
First of all, I'm not a lesbian.
You see, out in the real world, people just don't talk that way to other people. It's not normal.
Well, that sure sounds suspicious.
No one forced that goat to get as drunk as it got.
Historically, short people are sneaky backstabbers, like Napoleon or Paul Shaffer.
I could actually handle that you're built like a Thai ladyboy, but what I can't stand is that you think you're my heir apparent.
Don't you want me to spray-tan you?
I would honestly rather not have you around.
The police still can't figure out who filled that tank with hydrochloric acid.
It's good enough for me, and the D.A., who, last I heard, considers the case closed.
What is that skirt?
Your organization might want to find a lawyer.
I'm a pretty smart cookie.
I would not get personal with me, sweetheart.
I don't fight fair.
I am sentimental.
Look, girls are vicious, okay?
I don't have any of my own memories.
Just like we planned. Three-second silent hug, and then you leave.
Ooh, somebody call CSI, because there was a murder scene in that bathroom.
Someone puked in the sink and I'm pretty sure I saw an actual ringworm climbing up the wall. I'm not afraid of anything, but that bathroom scared the crap out of me.
This is gonna be a year of infinite possibilities.
Hold this. It's too heavy.
You didn't knock!
Look at them. They're the dregs of society.
Each one of these gashes is worse than the next.
She smells like hot dog water, and probably sprained her neck giving blumpkins down at the local bowling alley.
Look, I'm not saying that all heterosexual sex is rape. I'm saying all heterosexual sex is gross, and that deep down, every woman knows this.
All that girl's after is a whole lot of bikini burger.
Hey, girl, can I just ask you, what's up with your outfit?
God knows what they're talking about, basic bitches.
What fresh hell is this?
I need you to stay popular, 'cause if you want to stay at the top of the list of the pieces of ass I'm getting, there's criteria. And the criteria is you got to be popular.
Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there, because I'm getting really pissed off.
Stop fake crying.
Anyone you dated would be popular. I mean, they would be popular because they're dating you.
My ego, it's super strong, ok, but it's not strong enough that I can just go around dating garbage people.
Like, yes, I could find a random girl who wasn't popular, and, yes, if I started dating her she would then become popular.
But you said you loved me.
I do sort of love you.
I would love you a lot more if other people loved you, too.
Okay, I need you to leave because you're bumming me out
We're just trying to have a nice day hitting golf balls at hippies.
Pretty girls, like you and me.
That's why I'm gonna burn your face off.
Ugh! You burned the milk!
Next time, I get you fired, or worse.
Actually, I just want a regular coffee. Those white girl pumpkin spice lattes annoy me.
I like to think of myself, uh, as an investigative reporter.
I had to get a restraining order.
I tend to get a bit passionate about things.
Look, you intentionally led me on.
You kept acting like you liked me just so you could humiliate me.
Enter, ye who dare.
I love a creepy collage.
It's about kicking the living crap out of someone when they disrespect you.
I was just in your room, where I noticed you have a sizeable shrine with evil burning candles, photos of me with my face scratched out and pairs of my stolen panties.
How about I just drown you in it?
Well, of course she's dead! You just burned her face off!
You don't die from getting your face burned off.
There's a dead woman in your kitchen.
I'm going to the authorities.
That's not how I saw it. And my witnesses agree.
You're an awful person.
Who wants cocktails?
How did my life turn into this?
Have you seen the way girls dress on this campus?
I'm sitting in the same office I used to throw bricks into.
You're awful in bed. Are you aware?
I'm gonna take a pair of your panties.
I'm gonna barf on your face unless you get out of here.
Try to figure out who gave you such disgusting mommy issues.
You loaded a dead body into a freezer.
What are you proposing?
I want to help you with your exposé, secretly feed you info.
You need eyes on the inside.
I don't know what to do with the body.
Are you saying dead bodies don't turn you on?
You are so lame, you know that?
God, I love all that death stuff.
Show me the body.
Show me the dead body.
This blood oath will ensure solidarity among us. We are all related now.
I just Googled "blood oath" and this is what came up.
What does this oath even mean?
I just need you all to not say anything about what happened, and I figured a blood oath was cheaper than buying you all presents.
Wait, what about STDs?
Idiot, you don't get STDs from blood oaths.
You get STDs from dirty toilet seats and drinking the water in Mexico.
Um, "STD" stands for "sexually transmitted disease," which means that it's transmitted sexually.
When were you in Mexico?
You know what, forget the blood oath.
I can't stay silent!
I'm calling my mom, and I'm going home.
Okay, Pissy Spacek, you and I have a few differences we need to iron out.
I want you to be one of my minions.
It's the gateway to the top of the heap.
You put on a good front, but you're miserable.
Don't you think any of that has anything to do with the fact that you've created an atmosphere based solely on negativity and raw ambition?
Can we talk for real for a second, please?
I mean, you're so confident without being mean. What antidepressants are you on?
Don't you see that all that's happened isn't a crisis? It's an opportunity.
Yeah, no, I tried. See, I really tried. But all of this flowery, peace-on-Earth crap, it makes me want to puke.
You haven't even seen half of what I'm capable of!
Totally spit in your coffee, bitch.
I don't mean to be a contrarian, but I'm enjoying this.
Is that killer noises or am I hallucinating?
I'm gonna ask one more time, will you speak up?
What can you tell us about the murder?
There's an exodus right now.
The risks are real, but we need to close ranks.
I don't feel comfortable with a man protecting me. It's representative of the patriarchal, post-colonial culture that encourages violence against women.
We buy a pig and feed it the body. Pigs will eat anything.
Don't go skating on those poop lagoons, because if you fall in, you'll drown in the poop and come springtime, there'll be nothing left of your body.
Here's what you should do. Pulverize her teeth, burn off her fingerprints, and disfigure her face. Once her body is unrecognizable, we can create an incision on her inner thigh and drain out all of her bodily fluids. That'll give us more time to deconstruct the body.
Truly grinding down a body takes a lot of work. You need a really good food processor, and you run the risk of fouling the plumbing, which is why you should only do it if you know how to clear out meat and bones from a drain pipe.
I'm willing to help in any way possible.
You're obviously a psychopath and those ideas are insane!
Why are you trying to terrify us?
Can I call you Mom?
I feel so loved and protected by all of you.
Actually, it's a new pop culture trend where young women desperately in need of role models call other girls they look up to Mom.
I thought you'd be cool with it.
I mean, I did just give you several ways to dispose of a body.
Okay, fine. Just stop talking.
You are so friggin' creepy!
Someone just mowed off a deaf girl's head in our backyard.
I mean, as you can see, I'm not licensed to carry a sidearm.
Wait, so you don't have a gun?
I have pepper spray. And I have a walkie talkie that I can use to call the police, who do have guns.
What good are you?
Get the hell out of there. Run away, real fast.
Now, I would give you my number, but my cell phone is off right now.
If you want the place clean, maybe you shouldn't have burned the maid's face off.
Don't you wonder what's in there?
People have been whispering about that house for years, that it's haunted, that something really bad happened. I mean, there's no way there isn't some real-life story behind it, right?
I'm gonna have to break in.
I mean, I don't think anyone's gonna get killed in the 30 minutes we make out, right?
Can you stop talking?
You're kind of ruining whatever was good about it.
Please try to understand the situation I'm in.
I don't give a rat's ass about your job.
You know, I find good parenting incredibly attractive.
You're a snoopy little bugger.
Whose bloody clothes are those?
Supposedly, it was a super fun party.
We're all gonna pay for this.
I think it's all crap. Just a myth.
What happened to the baby?
Sometimes I picture myself like Derek Jeter, you know?
I'm gonna choke you out.
There's a serial killer on the loose.
Please don't say you want to choke me.
I'd love having sex with your corpse.
I'm sorry. This isn't working for me.
Well, I sort of am your boyfriend, and I'm protecting you by having sex with you.
No! I don't need a man to protect me.
How could I have wasted this much time?
Is my self-esteem really that low?
I'm sorry. I think we need to take a break.
I need you to leave right now!
You know, it would really help me feel better if I could just crawl into bed with you for a few minutes.
Are you gonna touch my wiener, or you gonna leave my wiener alone?
I'll leave your wiener alone.
Where are your hands?
He has a huge boner!
Why don't you go in there and ogle his big old boner?
Okay, uh, first of all, I'm not gonna go ogle his big old boner, because I'm not gay.
Look, I'm sorry everybody wants to have sex with me. Okay? I can't help that.
I'm hot. Everybody wants to get with this. Women, men, animals in the zoo, plants, probably.
You're gonna have to go right now, 'cause I am breaking up with you.
Excuse me, I broke up with you!
I regretted what I said, and I just wanted to come here and tell you that I am so sorry.
Well, I accept your apology. And now I'm breaking up with you.
Do you know why I'm breaking up with you?
You can't deal with how hot I am.
Sorry, I just broke up with you.
Can you please put some clothes on?
Um, they said, uh, I shouldn't be alone, you know, in case I fall asleep and die.
Can I just get you a robe or something though?
So you're saying I'm the killer?
Okay, this isn't about me thinking you're boyfriend material.
God, I was so gonna go to third base with you tonight, too.
What if we stapled their earlobes?
Private like the parts on a man you like putting in your mouth?
I want to publicly come out as gay on my own.
I mean, you guys have to accept everybody, right?
I actually think that's illegal.
I will come after you, do you understand that? I will destroy you.
I trust you'll consider my offer.
Name one bad thing that ever happened at a Best Buy parking lot.
You're just, like, super attractive.
Um, well, I was trying to be inconspicuous.
It's better than losing your life.
I have a thing for playlists.
Someone's got a poo belly.
Sweet Yeezus, I don't even know where to begin with you.
Bitch, I'm about to smack you so hard, your tampon's gonna pop out.
I heard screaming.
So you think the serial killer is still up there?
Upstairs to get the killer before he gets away!
You just said that you think the killer is up there, and that's where you want to go?
This is freakin' terrifying!
The killer is in the house! You hear me?
I need my damn inhaler.
What, am I supposed to be scared?
Don't even come out. We plan on getting drunk, and I don't want your bad attitude ruining it.
We're headed down to White Stallion to pick up some sluts, baby!
Yes, okay, I burned her slightly, but stop saying that I killed her.
That was a tragic accident.
I am a kind and devoted and loving friend to all.
I'm not some crazed psychopath.
Maybe you're the killer.
I will not be put on trial.
The truth is we don't know who the killer is, and, yes, I suppose it could be someone in this room.
You want to go first?
I banged, like, 50 chicks.
What took you so long?
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Submit To Me (Chapter Two)
Authors Note- And here we are with Chapter two of Submit To Me this chapter will feature things such as swearing (It’s Gavin what do you expect?), Graphic violence, blood. If none of this is your cup of tea I suggest you look away, if you’re cool with that then enjoy.
Chapter 2: Investigations
“Detective, don’t you find the frequency of these killings worrisome?” Silas asked, his eyes glued onto the screen before him as he read through file after file on their murder victims. “The suspect, whoever they maybe has killed twelve women in the last two months.”
“So?” Gavin spat, his eyes glued onto his own screen, typing away not glancing in Silas’ direction. “You not familiar with serial killers, or what?” Gavin tore his gaze away from his screen to glower at Silas. “Our killer is an android, it doesn’t need to relax after it kills. Hell, I’m sure the longer we sit here gabbing the more the bodies will pile up. Or, what?” His voice taking a taunting tone as he smirked at his ‘partner’. “Does the idea of going after one of your own rub you the wrong way?”
Silas shook his head.
“Make that thirteen.” Chris spoke up, walking up to their desk, a grim look on his dark face as he looked down at him. “They found another body, this one more banged up than the others.”
Cursing under his breath Gavin pushed himself away from his desk, grabbing his gun as he did so. Saying nothing Silas got up from his seat, and followed Gavin out towards Gavin’s banged up shit heap of a dodge charger. 
“Great,” Gavin spat, glaring at him as he eased himself in the passenger seat and buckled up. “Not only do I have to share the same desk as you, but now we have to share a ride?!”
“Would you prefer if I walked to the scene, Detective?” Silas asked, sarcasm tinting his voice, making Gavin bristle.
Tightening his grip on the steering wheel he pulled out of his parking spot, and made his way down the road, activating his windshield wipers as it started to rain. Perfect, Gavin thought darkly, weather that finally suits my mood. 
“So,” Gavin started, when the silence got a little too unbearable even for him. “What do we know about our latest victim? I’m asking you because assholes like you always seem to get that info ahead of us, so fill me in.”
Silas worried at his lip, something Gavin never saw an android do before, it was odd. Most androids were impassive, emotionless. Sure, sometimes they would have some sort of expression on their faces but Gavin never really paid attention to it until now. Shaking those thought from his head he watched as the android turned to face him.
Realizing he had been staring Gavin felt a scowl creep across his face, before leaning back in his seat, eyes glued on the road before them. “Well,” he pressed, finding the silence unbearable for some reason, even though he could never stand when androids spoke to him. Especially when they acted like they were equals to humans, what a load of shit. If he had his way he would have made his asshole brother program them to only response with ‘yes, sir.’ “No, sir.’ ‘Of course, sir.’ But Eli had been adamant about androids being able to communicate with humans, to better help them. Well... to Gavin they’d be of more help if they were all destroyed. At least that’s what he thought.
“Victim’s name is Katie Bryce, age eighteen, reported missing three days ago by her roommate-”
“Wait, three days ago?” Gavin cut in, as he rounded a corner, catching sight of the flashing blue and red lights of the police cars that were parked outside an old apartment building. The building itself looked like it had seen better days, graffiti marred the walls of it, darkened windows revealed nothing, some of them smashed, glass littered the ground beneath them, no doubt at the hands of hooligans. Gavin let a small smile creep to his lips, as he stepped out of the car, Silas following him, like a puppy. He used to be like those hooligans, skipping school and smashing windows, good times. 
“Yes, three days ago. I know what you’re getting at, Detective.” Silas spoke, trailing behind him. “Our victims prior to this one have usually been missing for one day before their bodies have been discovered. Seems to me like our suspect might be escalating in someway.”
“You mean how the victims are tortured and mutilated before being dumped?” Gavin asked, as he flashed his badge at the android officers standing outside the apartment door. Walking through the door Gavin felt a scowl creep across his face as he glanced at them from the corner of his eye. Wondering how long it would before androids like Silas and Connor took his place in the DPD and he ended up on his ass on the streets?
“It does seem like our suspect is escalating.” Silas said, following Gavin down the hall the officers had indicated. 
Coming to a small, one bedroom apartment that had seen some better days for sure. Following the Detective to the bedroom Silas watched as Gavin muttered a curse, clapping a hand over his mouth as he looked to the gruesome scene before him.
There she was, laying sprawled on the floor, her arms spread out at her sides. Her body, once beautiful, was now marred with cuts, burns and various welts and bruises. But that was not what drew Silas’ attention, his eyes glued to her face, her pale lips parted, blood trickling from them, standing out against her pale skin. Her eyes, or lack of them caught his attention, thick streams of blood trickled down her face from the eyeless sockets.
He worried at his bottom lip, looking around he wondered if the killer left them somewhere around the room. Straightening he moved around the mostly barren room, noticing the decrepit looking dresser to one corner he quickly moved towards it, opening the drawers he was disappointed to find nothing. Looking around the room once more, so...the killer took a trophy? Odd, it was the first time they did that, but why?
Pushing that thought from his head until later he moved around the room once more. Eyes immediately going to the writing on the wall above the victims head. The words, I AM ALIVE were written in Cyberlife font. Further cementing their theory that their killer was a android, a clearly deranged deviant no less Silas thought. 
Running his fingers through the drying blood he registered it as their victims. The girls smiling visage appearing before his eyes. No surprise to him, considering she was their victim, hearing a disgusted groan Silas turned around, eyes immediately going to where Gavin was crouched beside the body, a disgusted look on his face as he glared at Silas.
“Are you disturbed by the way I analyze evidence?” Silas asked, licking his fingers clean. “I hope you get used to it, it’s the only way I am able of-”
“Yeah, yeah I know why you do it I just think the assholes who made you should have done something different, something that won’t have me damn near contaminating any evidence we might come across by blowing chunks every time we investigate.” Gavin grumbled.
Silas was quiet, wiping his wet fingers on the his pants leg. Muttering an apology Silas moved about the apartment, cataloging evidence before returning to the body, standing beside Gavin as he looked down at the body, eyes immediately going to the bruise around her neck.
“Looks like our killer finished the girl off by choking her to death.” Gavin mused.
“After making her suffer so much before hand.” Silas added.
Gavin nodded, unaware that Silas was watching him. Despite know that he should focus on the evidence, and trying to figure out where the suspect had gone afterwards, when-
The two of them looked towards the hall as they heard the floor boards creak. Casting a glance at Silas Gavin slowly moved towards the door, and peered out. Silas following close behind, his eyes immediately landing on the small form of an android. And AP700, one that looked at them with fearful eyes, trembling she looked right back at them.
But that wasn’t what drew their attention, her clothes, her plain white uniform was stained with blood, and in her hands...a bloodstained blade gleaming dully in the light. Gavin felt excitement grip his chest, this was their suspect. A cruel smile found its way to his face as he reached for his gun, this was their killer, they would finally be able to put this case to rest, when without a word the android turned and raced towards the stairs.
“Hey! Stop!” Gavin shouted, racing after the android, Silas calling after him, anger tinting the RK900′s voice. Hey, Gavin thought darkly, climbing the stairs after the android, he found their killer, and he managed to piss off his partner, now he would know how Gavin felt about this whole android partner bullshit.
Seeing the android make her way towards the fire escape, crying out as Gavin fired on the android, bullets tearing into the wood of the doorframe. Casting a glance over her shoulder the android disappeared through the door.
“Gavin, stop we need it alive.” Silas protested, his words falling on deaf ears as Gavin fired another couple of rounds at the androids retreating back. Anger flashing through him as the human detective chased her onto the roof, Silas close behind.
Silas eyes widened when he saw as the android slipped out from her hiding place, and crept towards Gavin. Thirium pump thundering in his chest Silas moved to stop her, as she grabbed Gavin, sinking her blade into his side. Making Silas cry out as he watched as red blossomed across Gavin’s shirt as she sunk the blade of her knife to the hilt in his side.
A laugh escaped her lips as she pulled her knife out, bright red droplets dripping off the knife onto the ground, before she sunk it into his side once more, before Silas pulled her off of Gavin, his hand gripping a handful of her hair, jerking her towards him. Normally cool grey eyes blazed with uncontrollable anger as he looked down at the android.
Fear shone in the deviants eyes as she looked up at Silas, a plea escaping her lips as Silas pulled back his fist, slamming it in her face, all thoughts of bringing the deviant in alive were gone from his head, striking her again. Bright blue blood spilling down her face as she begged him to let her go.
“Why should I let you go?” Silas growled, his voice but a whisper. “When you have gone against your programming and have killed so many, killed my partner.”
“H-humans have hurt me, too many times.” She cried out, her right eye damaged to the point where it couldn’t open as she broke free of Silas’ grip.
“Humans may have caused this, but I’m going to end it.” Silas followed after her, a thrill going through his body, causing errors to pop up in his vision, which he brushed away without a thought as he inched towards the terrified android.
He liked it, liked seeing the terror on the deviants face, after all she hurt his partner, a human. So, she needed to be destroyed... looking past the android. She was inching towards the edge of the roof, Silas’ smile turned cruel moving closer to the android he shoved, ignoring her pleas as she pitched backwards and plummeted to the ground below with a satisfying splat.
Looking down at the mess of the deviant Silas felt satisfaction as he looked down at it, watching as the officers looked up at him, eyes wide in shock before looking down at the deviants remains as Silas turned away.
His eyes glued on the prone form of Gavin, his blood spreading out across the cement below, crouching down beside him Silas ignored the feeling of blood seeping into the fabric of his pants as he checked Gavin for a pulse, breathing a sigh of relief when he saw that he was still alive. Looking up Silas watched as Chris and several other officers poured out onto the roof along with a few paramedics.
Taking a step back Silas watched as they loaded his partner onto a stretcher, he should he glad that Gavin would no doubt be okay he couldn’t help but feel anger...and something else towards his partner. Anger at his total disregard for his safety when pursuing the deviant. The other feeling? Silas frowned as he followed the officers out, his eyes fixated on Gavin, he couldn’t put his finger on it but there was something about Gavin that just called out to him. 
Something that told him that screamed at Silas to never leave him alone, that if he did then he would just endanger himself again, to control everything the detective did to a point, to make him regret how Gavin looked at Silas. To make him his. Silas smiled, a cold, cruel smile as he thought about how he was going to go about doing it. To see Gavin’s eyes flash with anger as Silas revealed his real colours, to see him look at him with something other than hate and anger. Silas smiled, he couldn’t wait to see how it would play out.
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graysontorrance · 4 years
basic info
Tumblr media
birthday: october 31 age: 27 family: ruby torrance (half-sister), catherine torrance (james) (mother/deceased) gender: male height: 5'11 occupation: actor likes: music, video games, alcohol, dogs, PS4 dislikes: everyone, basically. unless you’re an attractive man or a dog. favorite color: red & black favorite food: pasta, with meatballs. favorite drink: smart water. but alcohol, too.
plot points
is a halloween baby. some may claim that is why he has a dark sense of humor and an unusual obsession with horror movies + anything that involves serial killers. he’s also into ghost shows and demons.
his mother loved him, which is something he can’t say he was happy with. he was a child actor, starting off on small shows before he gained a following. the fact his mother was his agent helped him -- but he also thinks it hurt him more than anything. the fact she didn’t pay much attention to ruby didn’t fall on deaf ears, either. grayson knew about it. hell, he even understood. but he did nothing about it. as far as he was concerned, ruby was a brat and when she didn’t get her way, things got worse.
he hates his sister’s father. probably more than he hates anyone else in this world. thank god he’s dead.
his mother was a cheater. no one seemed to speak about this, but he wished they had. after his mother’s second failed marriage, he picked to stay with his father. his father, also another well known actor in the community, came out as gay and has been living happily with his partner since. out of everyone, grayson has the biggest connection with his biological father and his partner.
once he turned 18, his mother no longer had control over who and what he was doing. since the court decided custody, his mother remained his agent, while his father became his legal guardian. they had been in court several times to have this reversed, but it never happened.
helped orchestrate his mother’s death.
he has a huge ego. it probably gets in the way of him acting, but he’s never been told he’s “hard” to work with. at the moment, he has a handful of projects and he spent a lot of time re-establishing a relationship with his sister only for her to disappear after the death of her father.
wanted connections
cast mates
drinking buddies
people he’s willingly tried to throw under the bus
wanted connection: matthew daddario/cody fern fc.
This is someone he met at an event and they’ve been pictured together ever since. Some claim they’re dating, but neither have confirmed or denied it. Their relationship is sorta toxic due to Grayson’s ego, but the WC gives him the attitude back full force. This person can be an actor, model, journalist, etc.
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possiblyimbiassed · 5 years
John’s wedding is a crime scene - Part III
I’m sure I’m far from the first one to suggest this; I know a lot of people have discussed it years ago, but it hit me so hard now while re-watching the stag night scenes in TSoT, that I just can’t get it out of my mind: This is not some random apartment of a dead man; the crime scene of the Mayfly Man is actually 221B!  If you like, this can be seen as Part III of my earlier meta series called “John’s wedding is a crime scene and Sherlock is the victim”. You can find the first two parts here (1) and here (2).
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You don’t believe me? OK, let’s do a crime scene investigation à la Sherlock and sample the different clues here:
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Hmm, well, I do see a wallpaper with a pattern of large flowers on it...
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...and I also do see a leather sofa with Sherlock on it:
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Yes - nice, isn’t it? John really seems to appreciate it. ;) But this meta is going to hurt, so if you’re not up for it, please don’t read further.
We also have a buffalo skull...
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...not very unlike the bison skull on the wall of 221B:
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In several cultures, this is the symbol of someone being cheated on. But judging by the headphones, this guy apparently tries to turn a deaf ear to it.
Sherlock’s chair is square-ish, with seats of leather...
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...while John’s chair is more well-rounded:
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And they both seemed very comfortable in them, just a little while ago...
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But, back to the crime scene: Why would the land lord let some random drunk people into his dead tenant’s apartment late at night, just because a woman claimed she had been dating another person there? It’s not exactly a murder case we’re talking about. And the thing is, we never even see them leave their own flat! It doesn’t make sense. 
And, even before that: Why would Mrs Hudson let a client in late at night at Baker Street, when she knew that both John and Sherlock were too drunk to even stand on their feet? And how could the client be so stupid to rely on a detective who was very obviously drunk? It doesn’t make sense.
But what is Sherlock actually doing here? Well, John tells us:
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He’s trying to find out where it all went wrong, isn’t he?
To continue ‘clueing’, we also have a soft rug, just like we have in 221B. Many people have pointed out - since long ago - the sexual nature of this scene, and many fics have been written about the whole stag night:
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Or what about this innuendo?
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People have also pointed out long ago that the stuff on Sherlock’s mouth doesn’t really look like vomit:
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And why on earth are we suddenly two centimeters from John’s mouth directly after this? Who is looking so closely at it, while John is sighing?
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So, my hypothesis here is that these two guys indeed did got intimate on John’s stag night, inside 221B. But what we see is Sherlock setting up his repressed memories of this in his Mind Palace/Mind Theatre. After reading John’s blog and reminiscing their life together (as I have suggested before X).
Why is the ‘crime scene’ supposed to be a dead man’s apartment? Well, probably because Sherlock felt completely dead inside while setting this scenario up in his Mind Theatre. And hey; they were interrupted by a nurse. Who else do we know that is a nurse, and who has definitely come between John and Sherlock?
As for John Watson as an unreliable narrator, what does the blog say? We know that Sherlock was indeed organising John’s stag do, because John himself says so in the post about the Bloody Guardsman (June 29th):
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And yet, John’s description of this whole stag event afterwards on the blog was simply this:
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A “quiet, civilised evening in the pub”. John never mentions that it was his stag do! I do believe John is hiding something here, and the timeline might also be altered. And neither does he mention that they went to the dead man’s apartment to investigate traces from the Mayfly Man; indeed it seems like Sherlock investigated merely by the info he got from the client. And this is John’s last post on the blog. John never wrote up Sherlock’s solutions of both the Mayfly man case and the Bloody Guardsman case, when he elegantly saved John’s wedding from ending in disaster - why? Because John was busy preparing his own honey moon? Didn’t he appreciate what his friend did for him? Or was it because these solutions didn’t actually happen? When Sherlock hacks the blog and starts talking jealously about their ‘sex holiday’ after the wedding, John (and Mary) just tell him to shut up and stop posting. And when Sherlock explains his solution to the Mayfly Man and the Bloody Guardsman as two back-stabbing cases, he’s only met with complete silence from John.
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Additionally, Sherlock here claims that the attempted murder happened “today”, when the wedding must have been at least a couple of days ago, because on August 11th he told us that John and Mary were already on their ‘sex holiday’. I’ve said before that I find the idea of a mere uniform belt (which mustn’t be worn uncomfortably tight, because it would render both the uniform and the soldier in it inefficient) stopping the blood flow from a stabbing utterly unlikely. And I’ve actually asked a guy I know who works as a royal guardsman in my town, if he ever has lost the feeling in his back muscles while standing guard for hours. His answer was no; he rather gets to feel an increasing pain in his back. And if the Mayfly Man failed to kill Bainbridge with this method, why did he proceed to try the same inefficient method on Sholto?
So no; I don’t believe this actually happened in the show’s reality. And John’s silence on the blog might be a confirmation of this. (And/or possibly a sign that at this point John stopped reading the blog and instead tried to get someone to check on Sherlock, since the guy clearly was using again).
OK, just a couple of clues more: When John wakes up after the stag night, he feels like he’s imprisoned:
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And Sherlock is sleeping beside him.
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So, what’s the actual ‘crime’ here? Why are Sherlock and John imprisoned? I’m not sure about what the law says in UK, but I somehow doubt it would be a criminal offense to be accidentally sick on someone’s rug (it’s not a public place), and the landlord had actually let them in. So if this is a symbolic arrest happening inside Sherlock’s head, what’s the actual reason? Is it a) John cheating on Mary, or b) John breaking Sherlock’s heart? Or is it c) that these two guys actually had sex with each other (Internalized homophobia)?
If this actually happened (as I tend to believe it did - look at all the clues!); if they did end up having sex at 221B on the stag night, while drunk, and John then woke up, with closet angst and terrible guilt over what he had done, and then he - in desperation - left Sherlock there and decided to get married anyway, that must have been the final blow, the most painful heartbreak possible for Sherlock. Because then he was treated like just one more of John’s one-night stands or never-to-be-serious girlfriends. Hence the back-stabbing metaphor repeated twice in TSoT (the wedding only sealed the deal). Hence the Mayfly Man mirroring John. Hence Culverton Smith the Coagulation of Human Evil in TLD. Probably even the Serial Killer Jeff Hope outliving several people in ASiP. And hence John’s devastating guilt in TLD over cheating on Mary in TST by mere text messages (which looked innocent enough). OMG; if this turns out to be the truth, it really, really hurts. Because that’s burning someone’s heart out, indeed.
Tagging some people, just in case they’re interested:@sarahthecoat @tjlcisthenewsexy @ebaeschnbliah @fellshish @gosherlocked @loveismyrevolution @sagestreet @sherlockshadow @darlingtonsubstitution @devoursjohnlock @tendergingergirl @kateis-cakeis @csi-baker-street-babes @88thparallel @timilina @dieseldrakilis @sherlock-overflow-error @elldotsee
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TIM General Violence
Father, now a woman, gets 18-months for sexually assaulting daughter
Transgender female Twitter engineer charged with raping her estranged wife
Transgender Serial Child Rapist Arrested Again for Nude Images of Child: Nicola (née Ross) Florida
Trans-Identified Man Passes as Female Nanny to Rape, Kidnap Children: Synthia (née Dennis L.) Koopman | Women Are Human
Man Hides Past as Child Rapist by Becoming Transgender, Changing Name: Allison (née Dennis) Woolbert | Women Are Human
Male Transgender Impeached for Sexual Assault Allegations: Heather Dunn
Trans-identified Man Rapes Girl at Party: Dean Sawley
Trans-Identified Man Charged with Kidnapping, Raping Man: Jeffrey “Ciara” McEleveen
Trans-Identified Man Arrested for Molesting Adolescent Girl with Sex Toy: Tanner (a.k.a. Evelyn) Young
Vicious Child Rapist / Murderer Demands Sex Change & Freedom: Synthia China Blast
Three Men - Including Transgender - Sexually Enslave, Torture 14-Year-Old Girl
Trans-Identified Man Convicted in Gang Rape of Teen Girl: Lisa (née Louis) Massei
Two Male Transgenders Kidnap and Rape Underage Boy: Javoris “Aceiyana” Phillips
Police: Lowell Transgender Woman Sexually Assaulted 15-Year-Old Girl
Male Trans Activist who Identifies as Transgender Raped Woman to Impregnate Her with ‘Non-Binary’ Babies: Cherno Biko | Women Are Human
Trans Rights Activist Who Advocated Mixed-Sex Restrooms is a Serial Child Rapist: Chad Sevearance-Turner | Women Are Human
Popular trans activist Eli Erlick is a rapist
Trans Activist Jessica Yaniv wants to help 10 yr old girls put their tampons in
Man, Dressed as Woman, Charged With Sexually Assaulting of Boy
Convicted sex offender seeks access to women’s locker rooms through bathroom law
Man accused of posing as woman in sexual batteries found mentally unfit to stand trial      
Crossdresser given shops ban over Perth grope rap  
Crossdressing Suspect Arrested For Raping Woman
Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation       
Joseph Patrick Bueche – Hit store clerk over the head with bottle for misgendering
Charles Norwood – Battery
Jarvis June “Lady Jae” Clark – Murder  
Maikobi Burks – Murdered mother, father, and sister
Emmagene Kaytlyn Cronin/Shawn Cronin writer for The TransAdvocate, battery, harasses women online
Chay’Im Ben­Sholom, claims to be transgender, murdered a woman
Richard Speck – Mass murder/rape of women
Veronica Bolina/Charleston Alves Francisco brutally beat elderly woman after invading her home
Derek Sinden, who identifies as a woman, assaulted/killed elderly woman after invading her home
Mark van N. – Dentist who killed his wife and mutilated the teeth of some 100 patients
Matthew “Maddie” Smith, murder
Dr. Richard Sharpe – Killed wife during divorce
Transgender woman arrested in Idaho bomb plot
Michael Adams – Shot and killed girlfriend
Psychotherapist Rita Powers murdered by her patient, a transwoman, because Powers didn’t think he was an appropriate candidate for sex reassignment surgery Note, in the link, that the transgender community blamed Powers for being murdered, saying that if she had just given her patient what he wanted, she would still be alive. In other words, ‘she asked for it.’ Sound familiar?
Transgender Activist Ordered To Stand Trial For Oakland Triple Murder
Cheryl Partsch punched in teeth for questioning cross-dressing man in women’s restroom. His punch cost her $60K in medical bills. Note that Patrick doesn’t identify as a woman, but still punched Cheryl in the teeth for being concerned about his presence in the women’srestroom, and called her questioning a “hate crime.”
Transactivist punches Mia Mac in face and neck, and breaks her camera, at Speakers Corner in London. Action for Trans Health London defended and excused the actions of the transactivist assailant. [See video further down the Masterpost ↓↓↓]  More info and screenshots can be found here.
A lesbian was jumped by a gang of transactivists outside of a gay bar. Her assailants then proceeded to brag about it on Twitter.
Feminists assaulted in Transgender Attack at Portland conference for Social Change
UK trans athlete Lauren Jeska, attempts to murder an official and attacks two other officials from British Athletics for reviewing the medals won while competing as a woman.  Lauren Jeska is male.
A minor female was assaulted by a transgender named Dakota Kern, apparently because she called him “dude.
Winthrop teen pleads guilty to murdering parents on Halloween morning 2016
Pasco: Cross-dressing man sentenced for battery
Disturbing Details in Shooter’s Social Media
Serial killer Donna Perry sentenced to life without parole | The Spokesman-Review
Trans-identified Man Kills Uncle to Fund “Gender” Surgery: Vonlee Nicole Titlow
Transgender Goes on Ax Rampage After Rejection, High on Transitioning Drugs, Alcohol & Cannabis: Karl “Evie” Amati
Trans-Identified Man Kills Girlfriend Because She Was Leaving Him: Michael Adams
Trans-Identified Man Poses as Woman to Lure, Blackmail, and Kill Man: Alhan Khan
Transgender female Twitter engineer, 32, is charged with raping her estranged wife the day after serving her with divorce papers
Trans activist Eli Erlick is a confirmed rapist
Male Trans Activist who Identifies as Transgender Raped Woman to Impregnate Her with ‘Non-Binary’ Babies: Cherno Biko
Trans-Identified Man Beats Up Firefighters Who Put Out Fire on His Property: Kate Lynn Blatt
Transgender and Prominent Trans Rights Activist Slaughters Long-time Friend: Gigi Thomas
Trans Rights Activist Who Advocated Mixed-Sex Restrooms is a Serial Child Rapist:
Robert Durst – Murdered wife, traded in real estate for high heels and lipstick, used transgender identity to stay hidden
Man dressed as woman robs Target with semi-automatic handgun
Arrest warrant issued for Transwoman in Montreal “sex change” clinic Arson
“Woman” killed neighbor before shooting self
Subway slasher caught blowing kisses on camera while vowing to ‘cut’ victims
Police: Stamford Resident Hit Woman In Face With Bottle After Gender Insult
Daryl Rasmussen – Murdered gay couple
Philip Walker Rosati, who identifies as a transgender woman, murdered wife
Kentucky Fairness Campaign’s Anthony G. Casebeer threatens lesbian feminists
John “Johnny” Jacobson Jr/Skylar Deleon – Armed burglary and murder
Mrs. Doubtfire’s arsonist arrested
Armed trans woman arrested after 10-hour D.C. standoff
Greg Ward AKA Karisma Garcia is a Transgender Women currently incarcerated for robbing a person with cerebral palsy at knifepoint
Trans women charged with assault in Casa Ruby incident
Richard Chaperon/Synthia Kavanagh – Murder & threats of violence
Transgender woman savage beating/murder of partner
Lamar McQueen – First degree murder
Thomas Cross/Teresa Cross – Aggravated assault
Craig Hudson – Tortured/killed wife, fights to wear wig in prison
William Gray – Killed two women
Thomas Lamb – Kidnapping, rape and murder
Nouchie Vellon – first degree rape
Austin Christopher Wikels – Handcuffed woman to bed & forced her to perform a sexual act another woman, & sadomasochistic assault
Drunk ladyboy attempts to rape 72-year-old woman
Man Claims Rape Was Result of Gender Identity Crisis – raped unconscious woman
Transgender woman accused of giving fake breast exams
Gareth Mcpherson – transsexual, raped woman in vicious attack
Transgender male threatened to arrange for a “football team” to gang-rape a man if he didn’t submit to a homosexual encounter
Transvestite taxi driver faces a prison term after he was convicted of raping a drunken woman in the back of his car
Keith “Rebecca” Elmore – attempted rape of woman, admitted to having cannibalistic fantasies of killing and eating women
Vance Egglestone – brutal rape of woman
Richard “Sherri” Masbruch – serial torture-rapist who tied women up, tortured, and raped them. Raped female inmates after prison transfer
David John Harris – sexually assaulted women while wearing women’s clothing
Clare Lawton – rape of woman, inflicting grievous bodily harm, burglary and unlawful wounding.
Peter Steel – rape of woman, inflicting grievous bodily harm, burglary, unlawful wounding, damaging property:
Renell Thorpe – Broke into a woman’s home, raped her, and tried to flee while wearing her clothes:  
Cross-dresser branded ‘high risk’ to women, sexually assaulted while wearing skirt, attempted rape of woman in bathroom:        
Gregory Philip Schwartz – attempted sexually assault of woman while wearing Barbie doll dress inside a Big Lots bathroom:
“Terf Tracker” Allison Woolbert : outed as violent sex offender:  
Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort in North Carolina
Child Sex Predator Paul Ray Witherspoon, ticketed for using female restroom uses “Gender Identity” defense
Jonathan “Johanna” Adrian Wolf – convicted sex offender, raped deaf girl, became trans activist fighting for locker room access
Xena M Grandichelli/Jeffrey Willsea a registered sex offender convicted of rape, becomes trans rights activist
Trans activist outs himself as a pedophile rapist
Lynchburg transadvocate arrested after assisting at-risk youth
Luis Morales “Synthia China Blast” – brutal rape and murder of 13-year-old Ebony Williams
Sexual predator jailed after claiming to be ‘transgender’ to assault women in shelter
Sex offender uses crowdfunding to raise money for gender reassignment surgery – molested 13 year old girl
Plymouth transgender sex offender jailed after coming into contact with child
Duane LeRoy Fox/Jennifer Ann Jasmaine – Committed offenses against 14 year old
Transsexual who downloaded sickening images of child pornography escaped jail because a judge said prison would be too tough a place for her
Louis Massei – Gang rape of a 16-year-old girl
Registered sex offender arrested on suspicion of entering a school campus and using a false female name
William Karl Olsen – Sexually violent predator
James Joseph Allard – Sex penetration with foreign object of victim under 14 years of age
Lewis “Lennea Elizabeth”  Stevens –  charged with possession of child pornography
Convicted sex offender sues over sex change operation
Convicted Rapist Sues NJ Prisons Over Sex Change
Man in women’s clothing arrested for child porn
Cross dressing pervert was jailed after breaching the terms of his sexual offences prevention order
‘High risk’ sex offender locked up
Transgender Woman Arrested on Bestiality Charges: Placed Craiglists Ad To Arrange Sex With a Horse
David Megarry Jr. aka Sandra Jo Batista – convicted child rapist
Ronny Edward Darnell – repeatedly raped a 13-year-old girl:
literally hundreds more examples here and here, and some more here
90 notes · View notes
Horror movie recommendations
This list was originally posted in 2017 but has been updated for Halloween 2018.
I’ve been compiling this list for months and thought what better time to post it than October just in time for Halloween? Below is 50+ horror movie recommendations and a smaller list at the end of non-recommendations. 
Some general info:
This is a completely subjective list of my personal favourites and I’m not saying these are the best horror movies ever, since there’s still a tonne of horror movies out there that I haven’t watched and everyone’s preferences are different. 
My general tastes lean more towards the slasher, psychological, supernatural/paranormal and thriller/mystery sub-genres, which this list will reflect. 
Not a fan of found-footage, sci-fi, monster (including vampires, zombies, werewolves etc.) or virus sub-genres, so you won’t see many movies that fall under these categories. 
I haven’t seen many of the ‘classic’ horrors pre-dating the 70′s, so there won’t be many included.
All rec’s include the title, year, genre, main cast, summary, IMDb rating and a personal overview (none of which contain any spoilers).
Movies with asterisks are ones I consider must-see’s. 
At the end there’s also a small list of movies I advise avoiding and/or that have a better reputation than I think they deserve.
Amityville Horror (2005) 
Type: Paranormal/Haunted house/Possession
Starring: Ryan Reynolds & Melissa George
Summary: Newlyweds are terrorized by demonic forces after moving into a large house that was the site of a grisly mass murder a year before. 
IMDB rating: 6/10
This is your standard haunted house/possession film, but I think the acting from Ryan and Melissa is strong and since it’s based on a true story, it’s kind of chilling. 
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)*
Type: Slasher/Supernatural
Starring: Heather Langenkamp & Robert Englund 
Summary: Several people are hunted by a cruel serial killer who kills his victims in their dreams. While the survivors are trying to find the reason for being chosen, the murderer won’t lose any chance to kill them as soon as they fall asleep.
IMDB rating: 7.5/10
A Nightmare on Elm Street is an absolute classic and a must-see for any horror fan. Admittedly, on my recent re-watch I found it more comedic than anything else, but Freddy Krueger still stands out to me as being one of the most terrifying serial killers from a movie. Freddy’s back-story adds to his creepiness and the idea of being murdered in your dreams is something that’ll probably keep you up at night, particularly if it’s your first time watching.
A Quiet Place (2018)*
Type: Sci-Fi
Starring: Emily Blunt & John Krasinski
Summary: In a post-apocalyptic world, a family is forced to live in silence while hiding from monsters with ultra-sensitive hearing.
IMDB rating: 7.7/10
A suspenseful and heart-wrenching movie following a family’s survival in a post apocalyptic world. Along with Hush, this is the only horror I’ve seen to include a deaf character, which sets the entire mood for the movie in which the family need to out-wit monsters with super hearing. By far one of the best horror movies to come out in recent years.
Autopsy of Jane Doe (2016)
Type: Supernatural
Starring: Brian Cox & Emile Hirsch
Summary: A father and son, both coroners, are pulled into a complex mystery while attempting to identify the body of a young woman, who was apparently harboring dark secrets.
IMDB rating: 6.8/10
What I like about this movie is that the idea behind it is quite unique and slightly steps away from the traditional slasher/possession/cult sub-genres we see a lot of within horror. It’s set in a morgue which instantly sets the tone for the entire movie. The build-up is somewhat slow but trust me, shit will hit the fan. The face of Jane Doe will haunt you forever and there is something inexplicably terrifying about a dead body having the power to wreak havoc, because how the hell do you stop it? 
  The Boy (2016)
Type: Thriller/Psychological 
Starring: Lauren Cohan & Rupert Evans
Summary: An American nanny is shocked that her new English family’s boy is actually a life-sized doll. After she violates a list of strict rules, disturbing events make her believe that the doll is really alive.
IMDB rating: 6/10
I didn’t expect to like this one, but gave it a try and was pleasantly surprised. It’s not particularly scary, more tense and somewhat creepy (if you’re like me and dolls give you the heebie jeebies). Lauren Cohan is amazing as the lead and there’s a twist at the end that you just won’t see coming. 
The Bye Bye Man (2017)
Type: Psychological
Starring: Douglas Smith & Lucien Laviscount
Summary: Three friends stumble upon the horrific origins of a mysterious figure they discover is the root cause of the evil behind unspeakable acts.
IMDB rating: 4.3/10
I’m genuinely surprised at how low the rating is for this movie and how many bad reviews it has. Is it the best horror movie ever? No, not at all. But is it worth watching? Yeah, definitely. I went in with low expectations but it managed to keep me hooked until the end. The psychological elements in it are what make it so interesting to me. You never quite know what’s real and what’s not and I feel like the idea behind it is slightly different than the general ones that are overused. There’s definitely some jump scare moments in there and the concept behind The Bye Bye Man is very interesting (although more back-story and explanation to how and why he came to be could’ve improved it). The biggest flaw I can think of, which I can only assume is the reason for the low ratings, is that the acting is pretty mediocre and the characters are one dimensional. But for me that wasn’t much of an issue since the plot was interesting enough to keep me watching. 
The Cabin in the Woods (2011)
Type: Psychological 
Starring: Chris Hemsworth & Kristen Connolly Summary: Five friends go for a break at a remote cabin, where they get more than they bargained for, discovering the truth behind the cabin in the woods.
IMDB rating: 7/10
The ending of this film is slightly “eh” to me and gets a little out of control, but I still rate it as being a generally good movie. The cabin isn’t what you expect and it will definitely play with your head. 
Carrie (2013)
Type: Supernatural
Starring: Chloe Grace Mortez & Judy Greer Summary: A shy girl, outcast by her peers and sheltered by her religious mother, unleashes telekinetic terror on her small town after being pushed too far at her senior prom.
IMDB rating: 5.9/10
This is a remake of the 1976 original and I know remakes generally aren’t popular or well-liked, but I enjoyed this. I haven’t seen the original so perhaps my opinion would be different if I had, but Chloe Mortez does a fantastic job as Carrie, and you won’t know whether to hate her or love her. 
Case 39 (2009)
Type: Psychological/Supernatural
Starring: Renée Zellweger & Ian McShane Summary: A social worker fights to save a girl from her abusive parents, only to discover that the situation is more dangerous than she ever expected.
IMDB rating: 6.2/10
Renée Zellweger is a fantastic actress and seeing her name on any movie is usually a good sign (excluding Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Her performance in this movie is great and the little girl Lillith will freak you out, because evil children are always more chilling than evil adults. Kind of has an ‘Orphan’ vibe, which is probably why I like it. 
Child’s Play (1988)*
Type: Slasher/Supernatural
Starring: Catherine Hicks & Chris Sarandon Summary: A single mother gives her son a much sought after doll for his birthday, only to discover that it is possessed by the soul of a serial killer.
IMDB rating: 6.5/10
I feel like this movie isn’t as popular as I’d expect it to be amongst horror fans and I do kind of understand why. The idea that a doll would be able to over-power and kill a fully grown adult is ludicrous (and hilarious), but nonetheless this movie is a classic for the slasher genre. It’s wacky, kooky and out there, but it’s supposed to be. Chucky is a comedic killer with personality, which is a nice change from the usual faceless, voiceless, killers that have no back-story or depth and just go around with a knife stabbing people. It probably will make you laugh more than a horror movie should, but give it a try if you haven’t already. And if you like the first one, there’s 5 more movies to watch. None are as good as the first and when it gets to the fourth and fifth installments - Bride of Chucky (1998) and Seed of Chucky (2004), it gets incredibly silly, but I still got a kick out of watching them. If you’re looking for a movie that will genuinely scare and horrify you, this franchise really isn’t the right way to go, but it will make you laugh with it’s dark humor and it incorporates just enough gore to qualify as a horror of sorts.
Circle (2015)
Type: Mystery/Drama
Starring: Allegra Masters & Aimee McKay Summary: Held captive and faced with their imminent executions, fifty strangers are forced to choose the one person among them who deserves to live.
IMDB rating: 6/10
This is another on this very long list that was much better than I expected it to be. The premise is interesting and gripped me from the beginning. It keeps you in suspense throughout, but the ending is underwhelming and there’s room for improvement. However, overall this is a relatively enjoyable viewing experience which poses many questions about humanity, morality and gets the viewer questioning what they would do in the same situation and how far we would go to survive.
The Conjuring (2013) & The Conjuring 2 (2016)*
Type: Paranormal/Haunted house/Posession
Starring: Patrick Wilson & Vera Farmiga Summary: Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren work to help a family terrorized by a dark presence in their farmhouse.
IMDB rating: 7.5/10
The Conjuring movies are by far some of the best in the genre. Aside from the fact that Vera Farmiga is amazing and I love her, both movies have a strong cast of characters that make it easy to connect to the families involved as well as Ed and Lorraine. The stories are well written, there’s lots of jump-scare moments and the fact that both movies are based on true stories taken from the biographies of the real Ed and Lorraine Warren adds to the fear factor. I’m generally not easy to scare, but these two did get to me. Also, after you’ve watched them, research the true stories they’re based on, it’ll have much more of an impact.
Don’t Breathe (2016)
Type: Psychological 
Starring: Stephen Lang & Jane Levy
Summary: Hoping to walk away with a massive fortune, a trio of thieves break into the house of a blind man who isn’t as helpless as he seems.
IMDB rating: 7.2/10
I actually walked in on my parents watching this one day and found myself rooted to the sofa, unable to stop watching. It’s very, very tense, so much so that I actually stopped breathing myself in parts! Let’s just say that being blind certainly isn’t a hindrance to this guy. 
Don’t Hang Up (2016)
Type: Psychological
Starring: Gregg Sulkin & Garrett Clayton
Summary: An evening of drunken prank calls becomes a nightmare for a pair of teenagers when a mysterious stranger turns their own game against them…with deadly consequences.
IMDB rating: 5.7/10
I watched on a whim, not expecting to like it, but I did. It will keep you engaged and the anti slowly increases bit by bit. There’s also a motive for the person on the other end of the phone which you won’t necessarily see coming.
Emelie (2015)
Type: Thriller/Psychological
Starring: Sarah Bolger & Carly Adams
Summary: A couple’s replacement babysitter turns out to be more than they bargained for when she subjects their kids to a series of twisted activities.
IMDB rating: 5.4/10
This is another I decided to watched on a whim, mostly because I saw Sarah Bolger’s face, but I actually ended up enjoying it. It’s not really that scary, but is creepy in parts and kept me hooked until the end. Once again, there’s a motive and reason behind her actions, which is always more interesting than someone just doing something because they can or because they’re bored.
Final Destination (2000)*
Type: Psychological/Supernatural
Starring: Devon Sawa & Ali Larter
Summary: After a teenager has a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash, he prevents the accident only to have Death hunt them down, one by one.
IMDB rating: 6.7/10
I’m pretty sure everyone has seen or at least heard of Final Destination. Again, not necessarily a horror, but still has it’s moments and is a classic. Obviously, there are 5+ Final Destination movies now, which are all good, but the first is definitely the best. What I love most about these movies is how creative and unique the deaths are. You never know how the next person will die, but you know it’s gonna be epic.
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
Type: Slasher/Supernatural
Starring: Robert Englund & Ken Kirzinger
Summary: Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees return to terrorize the teenage population. Except this time, they're out to get each other, too.
IMDB rating: 5.8/10
Don’t let the slightly low rating put you off. This is one of my guilty pleasure faves. Combining two of the most infamous slasher killers in the world and the result is rather satisfying. Just like A Nightmare on Elm Street, this isn’t a movie that particularly takes itself seriously. It’s a fun ride and great to see Freddy and Jason go head to head in a bloody stand off. 
Get Out (2017)*
Type: Psychological/Thriller
Starring: Daniel Kaluuya & Allison Williams
Summary: It’s time for a young African American to meet with his white girlfriend’s parents for a weekend in their secluded estate in the woods, but before long, the friendly and polite ambience will give way to a nightmare.
IMDB rating: 7.8/10
I watched this after hearing good things about it and certainly wasn’t disappointed. Not necessarily what I’d class as a horror, but certainly a thriller and boy, oh boy, did this give me the creeps. The tactics that are used are so subtle and not in your face but so effective. The story will go in a direction you just will not predict (trust me) and will probably make you a little reluctant to meet your future in-laws haha. 
Gothika (2003)
Type: Psychological/Supernatural
Starring: Halle Berry & Robert Downey Jr.
Summary:  A repressed female psychiatrist wakes up as a patient in the asylum where she worked, with no memory of why she is there or what she has done.
IMDB rating: 5.8/10
This movie isn’t necessarily the scariest, but has a strong cast with Halle Berry, Robert Downey Jr. and Penelope Cruz and will play with your mind, particularly in the beginning. There’s an element of crime/mystery as Halle Berry’s character tries to piece together how/why she came to be in the asylum and who murdered her husband, which adds to the intrigue. 
The Green Inferno (2013)
Type: Gory
Starring: Lorenza Izzo & Ariel Levy
Summary: A group of student activists travels to the Amazon to save the rain forest and soon discover that they are not alone, and that no good deed goes unpunished.
IMDB rating: 5.3/10
It isn’t perfect, but I actually liked this movie (I only watched it this year, 2018). I like that as far-fetched as it is, it also feels feasible in a way. For many minorities around the world white people are the enemy and if they had the chance to persecute them for all the suffering they endure at their hands, they would. It’s dramatic and the gore reminds me of movies such as Saw and Hostel. 
Halloween (1978)*
Type: Slasher
Starring: Donald Pleasence & Jamie Lee Curtis
Summary: Fifteen years after murdering his sister on Halloween night 1963, Michael Myers escapes from a mental hospital and returns to the small town of Haddonfield to kill again.
IMDB rating: 7.8/10
Halloween is the first horror movie I ever saw and is what piqued my interest in the horror genre. For that reason, it will always be one of my favourites. It’s by far one of the most well-known and defining slasher movies and a true classic. The music alone will give you the creeps, but throw in a masked murderer (and one that apparently can’t be killed) and you’ll be in for a scare. As with most popular franchises Halloween has so many movies that I’ve lost count, but there are continuation issues with most of them and nothing can beat the original. The only other in the franchise I’d specifically recommend watching is ‘H20: 20 Years Later’ (1998), which you can watch immediately after the 1978  original and still understand what’s going on. This is the perfect Halloween movie (the clue is in the title) and it’s a tradition of mine to watch it every October.
Horns (2013)*
Type: Supernatural/Fantasy
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe & Juno Temple
Summary: In the aftermath of his girlfriend’s mysterious death, a young man awakens to find strange horns sprouting from his temples.
IMDB rating: 6.5/10
After the disappointment of ‘Woman in Black’ I didn’t have high hopes for this one, but I actually loved it. It had my stepbrother and I glued to the screen for the entire two hours it was on, which is a big deal since he can barely go without his XBox for more than 5 minutes. It’s weird, out there and not what you expect going in, but it really just works. The fantasy, supernatural and religious influences create an interesting and unique story. It also manages to incorporate comedy with more serious themes and even manages to depict an intriguing murder mystery and compelling love story amongst all that. Daniel Radcliffe is great as the lead and this is the first movie I saw of his that really stopped me from seeing him as Harry Potter and opened my eyes to the talented and adaptable actor he is. Overall, the movie is a mish mash of many different genres and themes (so for that reason may not be to everyone’s tastes) and I wouldn’t necessarily class it as a horror in the traditional sense, but it has elements of it and definitely stands out to me as being a unique movie that is a must-see.
House at the End Of The Street (2012)
Type: Thriller/Psychological 
Starring: Jennifer Lawrence & Max Thieriot
Summary: After moving with her mother to a small town, a teenager finds that an accident happened in the house at the end of the street. Things get more complicated when she befriends a boy who was the only survivor of the accident.
IMDB rating: 5.6/10
I feel like this movie deserves more credit. Jennifer Lawrence and Max Thieriot do a great job and although it does take a while to get into the nitty gritty of the story, it’s engaging from beginning to end. And maybe I’m just bad at predicting these things, but there’s a twist that you just won’t see coming. 
Hush (2016)
Type: Psychological/Slasher
Starring: Kate Siege & John Gallagher Jr.
Summary: A deaf writer who retreated into the woods to live a solitary life must fight for her life in silence when a masked killer appears at her window.
IMDB rating: 6.6/10
I saw the synopsis for this movie and didn’t expect to like it at all. After all, how entertaining can it be to watch a deaf woman stumble about running from killers for an hour and a half? Boy, how wrong was I. It’s incredibly tense, particularly in those moments where it’s completely silent and we get to experience it through the senses of the main character, Maddie, who is trooper and incredibly tactical and resourceful in her battle for survival. 
Identity (2003)*
Type: Thriller/Mystery
Starring: John Cusack & Ray Liotta
Summary: Stranded at a desolate Nevada motel during a nasty rain-storm, ten strangers become acquainted with each other when they realize that they're being killed off one by one.
IMDB rating: 7.3/10
Incident in a Ghostland*
Type: Psychological
Starring: Crystal Reed & Mylène Farmer
Summary: A mother of two who inherits a house is confronted with murderous intruders on the first night in their new home and fights for her daughters' lives. Sixteen years later when the daughters reunite at the house, things get really strange.
IMDB rating: 6.3/10
The best new horror movie I’ve seen in years. In fact, I would include this in my top 20 favourite horrors of all time (maybe even top 10). A truly gritty, raw psychological horror with twists and turns that leaves you haunted long after it has ended. With all of the mediocre horrors that have been released in recent years, Incident in a Ghostland reminded me exactly why I love horror so much and does everything a truly good horror should do.
Insidious (2010)*
Type: Paranormal/Posession
Starring: Patrick Wilson & Rose Byrne
Summary: A family looks to prevent evil spirits from trapping their comatose child in a realm called The Further.
IMDB rating: 6.8/10
There’s a reason these movies have earned so much recognition and are included on almost every top list of horror movies I’ve ever seen. It’s easy to think this movie will be your standard possession movie, but it takes it that step further by making you connect with the family and giving Patrick Wilson’s character a personal journey of self-discovery and growth. He uncovers secrets from his childhood as he tries to save his son from the same entity that plagued him as a child. There’s three movies in this franchise and I’d recommend watching all of them if you enjoy the first one.
Intruders (2015)
Type: Psychological/Thriller
Starring: Rory Culkin & Leticia Jimenez
Summary: Anna suffers from agoraphobia so crippling that when a trio of criminals break into her house, she cannot bring herself to flee. But what the intruders don’t realize is that agoraphobia is not her only problem.
IMDB rating: 5.7/10
I randomly put this movie on one night when my stepsister was round just to have on in the background and before I knew it we were both glued to the screen. How it ends is not the direction you expect it to take at all and I always like movies that have a twist at the end. It has a kind of ‘Don’t Breathe’ vibe with the intruders getting a lot more than they bargained for and just like ‘Don’t Breathe’ it’ll keep you engaged until the end. 
The Invitation (2015)
Type: Thriller/Psychological
Starring: Logan Marshall-Green & Emayatzy Corinealdi
Summary: While attending a dinner party at his former home, a man thinks his ex-wife and her new husband have sinister intentions for their guests.
IMDB rating: 6.7/10
This is by far one of my favorite films I watched in 2017. There’s not many movies that can have me on the edge of my seat and questioning everything pretty much until the end, but this movie succeeded in doing exactly that. It makes you constantly question reality and whether the main protagonist, Will, is suffering from a psychotic break or his suspicions truly are justified. I’ve never studied film, so I’m unable to dissect it in a proper or adequate way, but what I will say is there is something about the way in which it’s filmed, directed and edited that perfectly portrays the apprehension, uncertainty, distress and suspense, particularly from Will’s perspective. My one critique is that I feel the ending could’ve been taken a step further and had more surprises thrown in there, since it was so tense all the way through but became a little predictable in the last 20 minutes. Despite this, it’s a great movie and also a very interesting exploration of grief and how it can deeply affect a person’s psyche. Definitely more of a thriller than a horror, but I enjoyed it a lot.
I Spit On Your Grave (2010)
Type: Psychological/Slasher
Starring: Sarah Butler & Jeff Branson
Summary: A writer who is brutalized during her cabin retreat seeks revenge on her attackers, who left her for dead.
IMDB rating: 6.4/10
This is the one movie I debated whether to include, because it’s so controversial. The original was released in 1978 and this is a remake, so I can’t speak to whether the original is better or to what degree the remake follows the original. All I will say is that it’s definitely not one for the faint hearted and I’d recommend anyone that considers watching it to take extreme caution before doing so. The first time I heard about this was from my stepbrother who told me it was so brutal and graphic that it’s been banned or censored in almost every country it’s been released in and after seeing it, I can understand why.  I have a strong stomach and I’ve seen so many horror movies that it takes a lot for something to affect me, but this really did. And honestly, that’s the sole reason I’m including it on this list, because in my opinion, any horror movie that sticks in my mind and continues to haunt me after I’ve seen it is one that’s done it’s job. The main warning I need to give is about the rape scenes which are extremely long (according to Wiki up to 30 minutes long), graphic and difficult to watch. There were a few times when I had to close my eyes and remind myself it was just a movie, because it really felt like I was watching this poor woman get raped and tortured. There’s a lot of gore too in comparison to most of the other movies on this list and the killings are very sadistic and violent. Basically, after the first 15 minutes this film is intense and horrific from start to end. 
  Jennifer’s Body (2009)*
Type: Supernatural
Starring: Megan Fox & Amanda Seyfried
Summary: A newly possessed high school cheerleader turns into a succubus who specializes in killing her male classmates. Can her best friend put an end to the horror?
IMDB rating: 5.1/10
In many ways this movie is trash, but god, I love it. It’s nothing how you’d expect a movie featuring Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried to be, which is what makes it so great. As always Amanda’s acting is A+ and although Megan is sexualised (as she is in every movie she’s in), she makes a pretty convincing and at times scary villain that you love to hate and hate to love. The two actresses are the perfect contrast to one another, as are their characters and the dynamic between Jennifer and Needy is an interesting one to watch. It’s definitely more of a parody or spoof than a genuine horror, but the movie owns itself and doesn’t try to be anything other than what it is, which is why I think it’s so great. And despite being humorous and cliche in part, I’d argue that it has it’s scary moments (particularly the scene where Jennifer goes to Needy’s house after the fire) and interesting characterisation for both the main characters, who are actually nothing but innocent victims that are thrown into chaos. 
The Last House On The Left (2009)
Type: Psychological
Starring: Garret Dillahunt & Monica Potter 
Summary: After kidnapping and brutally assaulting two young women, a gang unknowingly finds refuge at a vacation home belonging to the parents of one of the victims: a mother and father who devise an increasingly gruesome series of revenge tactics.
IMDB rating: 6.6/10
This is your standard rape/revenge movie and reminds me of ‘I Spit On Your Grave’ but a tamer version. It’s good and worth a watch but nothing special, which I base on the fact that I re-watched it recently and didn’t even realise I’d seen it before until over half way through when I thought, “Huh, this seems familiar”. Before you watch, I should warn you that the rape scene is graphic and distressing. 
Lights Out (2016)
Type: Supernatural
Starring: Teresa Palmer & Gabriel Bateman
Summary: Rebecca must unlock the terror behind her little brother’s experiences that once tested her sanity, bringing her face to face with an entity attached to their mother.
IMDB rating: 6.4/10
This is another one of those movies I decided to watch on a whim, expecting it not to be very good and it actually surprised me. I really liked the lead character (which is a rarity for me) and got on board with her and her family. The “entity’s” connection to the family is explored and it’s Rebecca’s job to  save herself and her family from it. Not one for those scared of the dark (hah!). 
Orphan (2009)*
Type: Thriller/Psychological
Starring: Vera Farmiga & Peter Sarsgaard
Summary: A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9 year-old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be.
IMDB rating: 7/10
By far one of the best horror/thriller movies I’ve ever seen. Vera Farmiga brings her A game to any role she plays and this movie is no exception. This probably is more of a thriller than a horror and there’s a slow build, but it will keep you gripped. Generally with most movies there’s a level of predictability, but trust me, you will not guess the twist with this one. It’s still one of the only times I can recount being truly shocked at a movie, and although it’s not necessarily scary, it’s incredibly chilling and might make you reconsider adopting in the future.
Oujia: Origin of Evil (2016)
Type: Supernatural/Possession/Haunted house
Starring: Elizabeth Reaser & Lulu Wilson
Summary: In 1967 Los Angeles, a widowed mother and her 2 daughters add a new stunt to bolster their seance scam business, inviting an evil presence into their home.
IMDB rating: 6.1/10
This is a very underrated movie. I feel like the title insinuates it’s gonna suck, but it’s actually really good. It has a similar vibe to ‘The Conjuring’ with a little girl getting possessed, but it’s executed very well and has its scary moments.
Pet (2016)
Type: Thriller/Psychological  
Starring: Dominic Monaghan & Ksenia Solo
Summary: A psychological thriller about a man who bumps into an old crush and subsequently becomes obsessed with her, leading him to hold her captive underneath the animal shelter where he works. But what will the victim have in store for her captor?
IMDB rating: 5.7/10
This is one of those movies where the only thought that goes through your head the entire time is, “What sick fuck thought of this?”. Dominic Monaghan is an actor I personally love and he’s great in this movie (if you’re able to overlook his poor American accent, which I admit I struggled with at times) and trust me when I say that how this movie starts, is nothing close to how it will end. 
The Purge (2013)
Type: Psychological/Thriller
Starring: Ethan Hawke & Lena Headey
Summary: A wealthy family are held hostage for harboring the target of a murderous syndicate during the Purge, a 12-hour period in which any and all crime is legal.
IMDB rating: 5.7/10
Another movie on the list that I wouldn’t necessarily class as a horror, but which is scary purely based on the fact that this is something that could feasibly happen in the future. All crimes are legalised for 24 hours and anything can happen. The summary speaks for itself really. 
The Ring (2002)
Type: Supernatural 
Starring: Naomi Watts & Martin Henderson
Summary: A journalist must investigate a mysterious videotape which seems to cause the death of anyone in a week of viewing it.
IMDB rating: 7.1/10
This is well-known within the horror genre, because it quite simply delivers. It’s scary and every time I watch it I still feel a surge of panic whenever the videotape comes on screen and afterwards dread the sound of my phone going off. It’s simple but effectively scary and a classic.
Saw (2004)*
Type: Slasher/Gore 
Starring: Cary Elwes & Leigh Whannell
Summary: Two strangers awaken in a room with no recollection of how they got there or why, and soon discover they are pawns in a deadly game perpetrated by a notorious serial killer.
IMDB rating: 7.7/10
Saw is another classic in the horror genre and one I go back to re-watch again and again. It’s a gore fest and I don’t know many people that have the stomach to sit through it, but it actually has a lot more to it than that. There’s a story behind Jigsaw, the killer, which is built upon across the franchise (I’d recommend watching all of the movies) and even the victims have back stories that are sometimes quite interesting. Just like ‘Final Destination’, it’s fascinating to see what the next death trap Jigsaw sets up will be like and whether or not the person will make it out alive. The music also gives me shivers whenever I hear it. It’s up there with the Halloween soundtrack as being my fave.
Scream (1996)*
Type: Slasher
Starring: Neve Campbell & Courteney Cox
Summary: A year after the murder of her mother, a teenage girl is terrorized by a new killer, who targets the girl and her friends by using horror films as part of a deadly game.
IMDB rating: 7.2/10
How can anyone that enjoys horror movies not have seen Scream at least once? For me, this will always be at the top of my list as being the best horror movie. A strong cast, characters that viewers are actually able to connect to (Sidney is badass, Dewey is a loveable dork and Gale is that character you have a love-hate relationship with), interesting back-story that has continuity across the franchise (unlike Halloween) and a shit-ton of horror tropes classic to the horror genre that are both scary and at times funny. Again, I’d recommend watching all of the movies in the triology (even Scream 4 isn’t bad), but the first stands out to me as being the best, simply because nothing can beat the reveal of the killer. 
Shaun Of The Dead (2004)*
Type: Comedy/Zombie
Starring: Simon Pegg & Nick Frost
Summary: A man decides to turn his moribund life around by winning back his ex-girlfriend, reconciling his relationship with his mother, and dealing with an entire community that has returned from the dead to eat the living.
IMDB rating: 8/10
I’m not a huge fan of horror comedies, but Shaun Of The Dead is an exception. This isn’t just one of my fave movies from the horror genre, but of all time. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are the ultimate comedic pairing and bounce off each other so well. The humor is spot on, actually laugh out loud funny (unlike Scary Movie), it’s cleverly written and witty, but also manages to incorporate an appropriate amount of gore and emotion. Just please go and watch this movie, you won’t regret it. I’d also just like to point out as a final point, that there’s a reason this is the most highly rated movie on IMDB off this list. 
The Shallows (2016)
Type: Thriller/Shark
Starring: Blake Lively
Summary: A mere 200 yards from shore, surfer Nancy is attacked by a great white shark, with her short journey to safety becoming the ultimate contest of wills.
IMDB rating: 6.4/10
Now, I’ve seen my fair share of shark movies over the years and it’s an area I tend to steer clear of because they’re inevitably always complete and utter shite, but not this one. I was pleasantly surprised at just how engrossed I became with this movie. Usually when I’m watching something I’ll pause midway through to grab some snacks or I’ll browse social media for a few minutes, but with this I remained glue to my screen from beginning to end. I think what makes this movie so good in comparison to other shark movies I’ve seen is Blake Lively’s performance. She does an amazing job as the lead, particularly considering 90% of the movie is of her on her own. Nancy is a pragmatic character that really fights tooth (excuse the pun) and nail to survive and she makes you really root for her. It does drag a little towards the end, but overall I enjoyed this movie and although I wouldn’t exactly class it a horror, most sites list it as being so. 
The Shining (1980)*
Type: Psychological/Supernatural
Starring: Jack Nicholson & Shelley Duvall
Summary: A family heads to an isolated hotel for the winter where an evil spiritual presence influences the father into violence, while his psychic son sees horrific forebodings from the past and of the future.
IMDB rating: 8.4/10
An absolute classic to the horror genre that most of you will likely already have seen. Surprisingly, I only got around to watching this in 2018 (although I’d seen snippets of it before, I’d never watched it properly) and it met all of my expectations. It’s movies like these that represent everything that’s amazing in the horror genre. 
Sinister (2012)
Type: Supernatural
Starring: Ethan Hawke & Juliet Rylance
Summary: Washed-up true-crime writer Ellison Oswalt finds a box of super 8 home movies that suggest the murder he is currently researching is the work of a serial killer whose work dates back to the 1960s.
IMDB rating: 6.8/10
I only recently watched this after seeing it on multiple “best horror movie” lists and can understand why it was included. Although the build-up is slow, it adds to the tension and definitely has it’s jump-scare moments. Ethan Hawke as the lead is incredible. Even though you know he’s not crazy, you still find yourself questioning his mental health as he becomes obsessed with his work and in the process puts his entire family in jeopardy. I wasn’t overly fond of the ending (a trend that’s common for me), but overall it’s a good movie. 
Split (2016)*
Type: Thriller/Psychological 
Starring: James McAvoy & Anya Taylor-Joy
Summary: Three girls are kidnapped by a man with a diagnosed 23 distinct personalities. They must try to escape before the apparent emergence of a frightful new 24th.
IMDB rating: 7.3/10
I was so so so so excited to see this movie the second I saw it advertised, (mainly because of James McAvoy, let’s be honest here), but also because it looked so damn good. As expected, James delivered in this movie, he really did. Portraying mental illness is a tricky task for any actor and a mental illness that manifests itself in 23 distinct personalities is even trickier to pull off, but James did it. I was gripped from the very beginning and found myself developing attachments to each distinctive personality that we saw. The end was disappointing since it got a little wacky and too far-fetched for my liking, particularly considering the tone of the rest of the movie, but overall it’s a brilliant movie that I would recommend anyone to watch. 
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)*
Type: Slasher
Starring: Marilyn Burns & Edwin Neal
Summary: Two siblings visit their grandfather’s grave in Texas along with three of their friends and are attacked by a family of cannibalistic psychopaths.
IMDB rating: 7.5/10
How could I not include ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ on this list? It’s as defining of the slasher genre as ‘Halloween’ (although in my opinion, not as good) and one of the first franchises I watched when I was first discovering horror. The 1974 original is the best out of the 7 films that make up the franchise which is no surprise. As with any long-running horror franchise, the movies span across 4 decades and there’s huge continuity issues with each producer/director putting their own spin on it and a lot of the time failing to do it justice. I haven’t seen all of them but have to warn you to steer clear of the fourth installment, ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation’ (1994), at all costs. Don’t let the cast fool you, it’s by far one of the worst films I’ve ever seen and the 3.4 rating it has on IMDb is generous. The only other two worth watching in my opinion are the fifth and sixth installments -  ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ (2003) and ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning’ (2006), which in some ways I actually prefer to the 1974 original. 
The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014)
Type: Slasher
Starring: Addison Timlin & Veronica Cartwright
Summary: 65 years after a masked serial killer terrorized the small town of Texarkana, the so-called ‘moonlight murders’ begin again. Is it a copycat or something even more sinister? A lonely high school girl, with dark secrets of her own, may be the key to catching him.
IMDB rating: 5.6/10
I feel like most people would rate this movie as average or even below average, but you know what? I really liked it. Probably because I’m a sucker for a good old slasher movie with a bit of history to the town/killer and that’s exactly what this movie is. 
Vacancy (2007)*
Type: Psychological
Starring: Kate Beckinsale & Luke Wilson
Summary: A married couple becomes stranded at an isolated motel and finds hidden video cameras in their room. They soon realize that unless they escape, they’ll be the next victims of a snuff film.
IMDB rating: 6.2/10
This was recommended to me by my best friend who said he was so scared by this that he didn’t sleep properly for a week. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s that scary (but that’s just because it takes a lot for a movie to scare me), but it will have you on the edge of your seat. I do really like this movie for the fact that it’s so isolated and feels like something that could realistically happen to anyone that’s on holiday in a strange place. There’s a pretty slow build too, which adds to the tension and fear. Definitely a must-watch.
The Witch (2015) 
Type: Supernatural
Starring: Anya Taylor-Joy & Ralph Ineson
Summary: A family in 1630s New England is torn apart by the forces of witchcraft, black magic and possession.
IMDB rating: 6.8/10
This is a fairly new movie that I’ve seen come highly recommended so I decided to give it a try.  Since it’s set in the 1630′s and based on true accounts of experiences with witchcraft during that period, it has a very historical and thematic feel to it. Anya Taylor-Joy is incredibly talented and fast becoming one of my fave young actresses within the horror genre. She does a fantastic job in this movie, as does the entire cast. The build-up is slow and very effective and unlike other supernatural movies I watch where I’m usually thinking “As if that would ever happen”, there’s something about this that feels unnervingly realistic despite how wacky it is. Perhaps it’s because it’s based on true accounts but the sufferings the family go through feel reflective of something that may have really happened in our history. I do have some critique when it comes to this movie though, the main one being that I didn’t like the ending. It gets a little crazy and what starts out feeling realistic soon becomes very far-fetched. I also didn’t understand the ending and had to do a little Googling to find out the meaning of it, which I feel is something that should’ve been self-explanatory. All in all it’s a decent movie although it doesn’t stand out to me as being amazing. 
  Wolf Creek & Wolf Creek 2 (2005 & 2013)*
Type: Psychological/Slasher
Starring: Nathan Phillips & Cassandra Magrath
Summary: Three backpackers stranded in the Australian outback are befriended by a local who turns out to be a sadistic psychopath and will plunge them into a hellish nightmare of insufferable torture.
IMDB rating: 6.3/10
You know when you have that one horror movie that impacted you so much the first time you saw it that you never forget it? This is that movie for me. It still haunts me today, which is partly because I saw it for the first time at such a young age, but mostly because it’s based on a true story and could so easily happen to any one of us in real life. Just watch how the killer lures them back to his place, it’s so sneaky and clever and quite frankly has made me wary of ever accepting a stranger’s help if my car breaks down(!) As for Wolf Creek 2, as far as sequels go, it’s decent and follows the POV of the killer Mick from the first Wolf Creek.
Would You Rather (2012)
Type: Psychological
Starring: Brittany Snow & June Squibb 
Summary: Desperate to help her ailing brother, a young woman unknowingly agrees to compete in a deadly game of “Would You Rather,” hosted by a sadistic aristocrat.
IMDB rating: 5.8/10
I feel like this movie delivers exactly what it says on the tin. A bunch of vulnerable individuals who are desperate for cash for various reasons are invited by a stranger to engage in a game of “Would You Rather” in exchange for a large sum of money. Obviously the choices they’re faced with aren’t the traditional ones you’d expect to have in “Would You Rather” and horror and gore ensues. I think what’s great about this movie is that it has you questioning what you’d do in this situation. If you needed money to save a loved one from a life threatening illness, how far would you go? 
You’re Next (2011)
Type: Slasher/Psychological
Starring: Sharni Vinson & Joe Swanberg
Summary: When the Davison family comes under attack during their wedding anniversary getaway, the gang of mysterious killers soon learns that one of the victims harbors a secret talent for fighting back.
IMDB rating: 6.5/10
Yet another movie I wasn’t expecting to like much, but that pleasantly surprised me. This’ll certainly keep you on the edge of your seat and the mysterious killers turn out to not be so mysterious after all. You might guess who they are before the big reveal (me and my mom did), but it will still keep you guessing for a while and the journey is intense as the family fight for survival. 
Zombieland (2009)
Type: Comedy/Zombie
Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Emma Stone & Woody Harrelson
Summary: A shy student trying to reach his family in Ohio, a gun-toting tough guy trying to find the last Twinkie, and a pair of sisters trying to get to an amusement park join forces to travel across a zombie-filled America.
IMDB rating: 7.7/10
The only other horror comedy that I actually like. I mean, for the amazing cast alone this deserves to be on this list. But it also has the perfect amount of comedy, seriousness and gore. 
10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)
Type: Psychological 
Starring: John Goodman & Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Summary: After getting in a car accident, a woman is held in a shelter with two men, who claim the outside world is affected by a widespread chemical attack.
IMDB rating: 7.2/10
Going into this, I was expecting it to be rubbish, (mainly because ‘Cloverfield’ was so bloody awful that I didn’t see how a sequel could be any better), but it took me by surprise. The main question throughout the film is, are the men telling the truth? Are they good guys or bad guys? Those are the questions you will doubt the answers to right up until the reveal at the end. It kept me hooked and the fact that it isn’t found-footage like ‘Cloverfield’ definitely works in its favour.
Lastly, I’d like to mention some movies that I see included on a lot of recommendation, best of or top 10/50/100 lists that I personally don’t rate and why. That isn’t saying you shouldn’t watch them, just that they’re not necessarily as good as they’re portrayed to be. Warning: The movies listed below will contain spoilers.
It Follows (2014) - The entire movie is based upon the idea of a sexually transmitted disease/curse, which is just laughable and something I couldn’t take seriously at all. It’s impossible to root for the main character who is so utterly conceited and selfish that she willingly has sex with her best friend a.k.a the guy who has been crushing on her for years and who cares about her so much that he offers to have sex with her to free her from the entity, which results in his untimely death. The only good thing about this movie is that it raises awareness of the consequences of unprotected sex with strangers and hopefully encourages people to learn more about someone before jumping into bed with them.
The Babadook (2014) - I’d heard so many great things about this movie and how terrifying it was and for that reason I went in with high expectations. When it got started my first thought was “Surely this is the wrong movie”, because bloody hell, it was bad. I’ve seen so many reviews crediting it for how amazing it is considering it had such a low budget and all I say to that is - you can bloody well tell it had a low budget. Everything about it screams “low budget movie”. The incessant whining and yelling from both the mother and child made my ears bleed and all it succeeded in doing was irritating (and boring me) me rather than scaring me. I don’t condone that the idea behind it is a good one, but the execution is poor and the acting mediocre. For that reason, I often question how this has managed to receive such a high reputation within the horror genre. 
The Descent (2005) - Again, such a highly accredited movie for which I can’t understand why. A bunch of girls running around in the pitch black underground from some mysterious monsters that kill them all one by one… it’s just so boring. There’s no plot, no build-up, no mystery, nothing. I actually watched it for the first time when I was 16, around the time I was starting to really get into horror movies and even back then it didn’t scare me. I can, however, see why it’d be scary to others as it does create a feeling of claustrophobia since it’s set underground. My dislike for is mainly because monster movies aren’t really my thing. 
Friday The 13th (1980) - I feel like I’m betraying myself by including Friday The 13th, because there’s no denying that it was really defining for the slasher genre and it was one of the first movies that introduced me to horror, but I just don’t like it. I tried to re-watch it recently (since I hadn’t watched it all the way through since I was a teenager) and I couldn’t even get half-way through. The franchise is so big with there being 12 films and the story just gets lost on me. I know there’s some sort of story there with Jason and his mother, but it doesn’t harbour the same impact and intriuge to me as Michael Myers’ back-story. Essentially Friday The 13th will always be a poor rip-off of Halloween. 
The Blair Witch Project (1999) - I already mentioned that found-footage movies are a huuuuge no-no for me and they’re by far the worst corner of the horror genre. Blair Witch is something you either love or hate, for me it’s the latter. It’s just so boring. With any found-footage movies there’s an inability for me to connect to the characters or the story and for that reason the suspense and fear just isn’t there which is so important for any horror movie. I watched this movie once and I’d never watch it again. It’s one of those movies where the end credits roll and you sit back in your chair, look over to the person you’re watching it with and say, “Well there’s 2 hours of our lives we’re never getting back.” 
Paranormal Activity (2007) - Another franchise that’s done so well and become so huge, but I can’t understand why. More found-footage which I despise (the wobbling and half-head shots alone are enough to put me off watching), but these are somewhat watchable in comparison to Blair Witch. I think when you watch these movies in the cinema (which I did for at least 3 of them, though I can���t remember which ones), there are a lot of jump-scare moments mostly because there’s a lot of “normal” scenes set in the day where nothing much is happening, so when those scarier moments happen they’re more impacting. However, a lot of the time the development is so slow with the movement of a sheet or door being the only occurrence for over half of the film and then in the last 10 minutes everything goes crazy. Admittedly there are some of the movies in the franchise that are better. My personal favourite is Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, which is actually the one that is often overlooked and underrated, but that by far had the biggest impact on me. So if you do choose to watch these, that would be the one I’d recommend. But overall the franchise is extremely overrated and it’s reputation is based purely on those cinema jump-scares they’re so famous for. 
The Woman In Black (2012) - AKA the most boring movie in existence. This was the first Daniel Radcliffe movie I’d watched since Harry Potter and as a huge fan of him, I went in with high expectations and it certainly disappointed. Not because of Daniel’s acting, but because of the simple fact that it failed to engage me. It wasn’t scary, it wasn’t tense and I found myself wishing that something would jump out to scare me just to keep me engaged, even if it was only for a second. This is one of those movies that was so incredibly dull that I wouldn’t even be able to recall what happened if someone paid me £100 to do so. All I remember is Daniel Radcliffe looking out of a window a lot and jumping every time he saw a black figure standing in the distance (yawn!). 
The Strangers (2008) - I only watched this a couple of weeks ago to see if it was worthy of being included on this list and came to the conclusion it wasn’t. It’s not the worst horror movie I’ve ever seen and unlike some of the others on this list I wouldn’t strongly recommend against watching it, but like all of the movies above, it completely failed to engage me. I paid attention for the first 15 minutes, after which I ended up pulling out my laptop. And the ending is possibly one of my most hated endings in any horror movie whereby the villains/killers have absolutely zero motive. When they were asked, “Why are you doing this?” their response was simply, “Because you were home.” Really? I’ve sat through two hours of watching two people get mentally tortured and hunted like dogs just because a bunch of sadistic people stumbled across their house and decided to torture them just to pass the time? No thanks.
The Mist (2007) - Again, another movie I opted to watch based on the fact it was included on a list of recommendations and I was bitterly disappointed. Some big mysterious alien-like bugs attack a small town from beneath the cover of mist. It’s so boring and not at all scary. Once again, my dislike for this movie can be put down to my dislike for monster/alien sub-genres. 
The Hills Have Eyes (2006) - This is a movie that everyone has heard the name of, even if you haven’t seen it. For that reason, I had high expectations going into it, but unfortunately it was just more boring shit about a family getting hunted down by a bunch of cannibal deformed humans in the desert. Yawn.
The Girl With All The Gifts (2016) - This movie starts out so promising and I was so eager to learn the mystery behind the dystopian world it was set in and when I realised it was just another zombie movie I was deflated. Once the mystery ends and the “hungries” are revealed there’s really nothing more to watch for.  I also don’t understand how this qualifies as horror because it’s not in the least bit scary or pertaining to anything I consider defining of a horror movie and I would happily let any young teenager watch it. The only thing that remotely relates it to horror is the inclusion of zombies. 
V/H/S (2012) - I should’ve been smart enough to read more about this movie before watching it, but I didn’t and it turns out it’s a found-footage movie, yay my fave(!) /sarcasm. The problem with this movie (aside from the fact that it’s found-footage) is that I found it impossible to follow. It jumped from one group/plot to the next and I couldn’t make head or tail of what was going on. Because of this, it didn’t keep my focus and I ended up having to Wiki what the plot/ending was and ended up frowning at the screen in utter confusion because I just didn’t get what the plot was supposed to be from what I watched. 
Drag Me To Hell (2009) - Along with ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation’ this is the worst horror movie I’ve ever seen. God knows how it’s managed to scrape a 6 point something rating on IMDb. I couldn’t even list all of the things that make this so terrible, just save yourself from wasting an hour and a half of your life and don’t watch this movie. 
Rosemary’s Baby (1968) - This movie is considered a classic in the horror genre and is on pretty much every recommendation list you’ll ever find relating to horror, but god, it’s awful. Maybe it’s because I’m accustomed to modern horror which is so much more vivid, graphic and unafraid to push the boundaries, but I find this movie so tame, boring and not at all scary. It’s predictable with a terrible and anti-climatic ending that drags out a lot. There is nothing appealing or interesting about it and if you do decide to watch it, just don’t go in with high expectations like I did, because you’re bound to be disappointed. 
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Soulmate Angst Prompts
•Being so excited to meet your soulmate and finally tracking them down just to find out they’re with someone else and dont want to ever see you again •Being with someone for so long and having both promised to cast off your soulmates but one day the partner runs into their soulmate again and they hit it off and by the end of the week they’ve left you and everything you’ve worked for (and maybe a few kids) •So excited to get a soulmate but when you meet them/get their info your heart breaks bc its so clear you are meant to put them back together and do the majority of the work and basically become their second mom and you are not going to be equals (at least till they are no longer broken) •Being mega confused and upset bc your soulmate is a serial killer/rapist/arsonist/murder/etc •Being in a world where everyone has multiple soulmates (like spares in case one dies as a child or in a hurricane or etc its normal everyone has like 15-20) but every time you meet one its not the right time so you dont end up together and its really upsetting bc its been decades •When you and your soulmate end up being platonic or a family member and theres like no options for romantic partners bc most soulmates are romantic and everyone wants to be with their soulmate •Saving your first everything for your soulmate only to find out later they’ve been around so much with no thought to you and just assumed bc they liked going around you would too bc soulmates are very similar •Doing all these practice relationships and sleeping around to prepare for your soulmate only to find out your soulmate was waiting for you and wanted to be each other’s first •Deciding to go searching for your soulmate but they’ve also decided to go searching for you and neither of you can find each other bc your always moving •Having your timer tick down only for you not to see where your going only to be hit by a car and die/hit your soulmate with your car and kill them •Being famous and making these big displays hoping to draw your soulmate to you but turns out they dont watch tv or really dont like what you do •Having a soulmate in a different country and speak a different language than you •First words written on you but not having any or having sign language on you bc they are deaf/mute •Seeing color only for your soulmate to be blind or colorblind •Only getting the mark or whatever when they are born and it just shows up one day when you’re middle aged •Meeting your soulmate only to find out they’re old •With timers or colors there being a mix up bc it was a very busy public place and you never find out your soulmate isn’t your partner •Being in a busy place and losing your soulmate forever •Bc soulmates you dont really do marriage but you mess up and now you and your not soulmate are stuck in a bond thingy •Being a EMT and your soulmate is the person who just died in the back while you were driving the ambulance •A soulmate is someone who completes you and is your opposite and it just turns out you both are one of the unlucky ones that cant stand each other and aren’t together
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