#dabi todoroki theory
autumnmobile12 · 1 month
Horrifying Theory:
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This wasn't an accident.
Manga spoilers below.
I say it wasn't an accident because we find out in a later chapter that All For One was lurking around on the mountain.  Since I don’t think he’s the type to be out for a casual stroll just because, this would imply heavily that someone, either himself or one of his underlings, was keeping tabs on the situation in the Todoroki house.  Given that he has his 'friends' everywhere, this is not beyond the realm of believability.
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However...he just happened to show up on the very night Touya’s Quirk went out of control and nearly killed him?  Sure, we can be allowed a coincidence for plot convenience but…
Also recall that All For One did (and still does?) have a Quirk that forced other people to use their Quirks.  He used it on Kurogiri and Magne back in the Kamino Ward Arc so the LoV could make their escape.
He could have started Touya’s fire.  He had the means.
And he has a motive.
Because in Touya's flashback after waking up from the coma, AFO essentially tells him his body was destroyed and his Quirk is significantly weaker, but they may be able to restore him and asks if he's interested in 'joining their family.'
May be able to restore him?
Okay, we have seen AFO and Ujiko accomplish some pretty terrible but, scientifically speaking, impressive feats in biology and modifying Quirks. I'm calling bs on them not being able to put a physically broken teenager back together in the three years he was in a coma. That 'join the family' offer was a caveat and a manipulation of the ‘I will hurt you so I can help you,’ variety. It was supposed to foster a sense of gratitude and loyalty in Touya so as to make him a potential candidate for the whole vessel thing if Shigaraki didn't work out.
Except that plan went awry when AFO seriously underestimated Touya's obsession for his family/father's attention. Touya rejected the offer and ended up fleeing, and they let him go as a lost cause because they believed he'd be dead in a month anyway.
Touya didn't burn himself. All For One did.
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shehsart · 1 month
It's so funny to me that dabi decided to play "guess who" with Shoto back at the training camp but conspiracy theorist Shoto didn't suspect a thing.
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Toga’s Love/Quirk Theory;
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‘I love Tomura-kun and Touya-kun too, but their quirks won’t come out like Jin-kun’s or Ochako-chan’s. I also tried it before this battle...and they wouldn’t come out! Even though I love him... Even though I can become someone I ‘love’... Even though Jin-kun could make them come out... ‘
Translations made in here by @pikahlua​.
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Recently in chapter 382, we see Toga’s unable to become people she loves (Tomura and Dabi), despite the fact that she became Ochaco and Jin and used their quirks and i would argue that problem is not that she didnt love them enough. (This scene also remind me of the time La Brava gets depressed when her love quirk isnt powerfull enough and she questions her love, kinda parallels.)
But i dont think thats the case. Not after Shigaraki became the first person who believed in her, gave a place she belong to her and everything he did for her and not after Dabi and Toga recently connected through Jin’s death and we even get a official art of him imitating Dabi, more details in here.
I believe in you, Toga, that your love for them is geniue too.
So what’s the problem?
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I think its no coincidence that the people whom she couldnt use their quirks happenned to be Shigaraki and Dabi. Suicidal brats who is full of hatred and have personal agenda in league the most, unlike Toga who wants to live, even if its her own way and she is living for love.
Toga cant fully become them because she cant understand them. She doesnt understand whats going on their head. She cant relate to their hatred and she doesnt understand their thoughts.
Compared to this;
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Uraraka is Toga’s foil. She is someone who is just like Toga. This is exactly why Toga ran away to talk with her. Because they are similar. Their feelings, the way they tried to shut their feelings down because Toga did the same in the past, the good girls who repress their needs and they both want to become their crushes. This is why Toga thought if its Ochaco, then she can understand her and they could talk about love.
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In Jin’s case, he is Toga’s bestie and someone she cares as big brother. They have many similarities, they both live for the connections. They both felt lonely. They both were abandonded by society and they wanted to live easier life. They saw league as home and they wanted to do their best to help people they care about.
Basically, Toga can understand their inner thoughts and relate to their inner feelings. I dont blame Toga for this really. Shigaraki and Dabi are too complicated to understand, especially if you dont know their story and inner thoughts. And they dont even talk about their past to connect with league so it makes sense why Toga cant use their quirks.
Well, you could say Toga cant become them because she doesnt want to become them? But i kinda disagree with that. There is a theory made in here by me and several people already mentioned that Toga is imitating Shigaraki and she seems to wanting to be more like him. I would even argue that when she says ‘Even though I love him... Even though I can become someone I ‘love’’, she is talking about Shigaraki.
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‘I loved people’s happy faces. That’s why, for that girl, I won’t turn a blind eye to her tears.‘
Toga is a character who geniuely want to connect with people she care about but key point of love is understanding the person you love. I guess it happens to be good time to talk about love. And last panel with Uraraka and Toga is parallel with Deku’s last panel with Shigaraki, that they wont turn a blind eye to crying face, even though they are villains, they want to save them. So good luck, Toga and Ochaco.
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lgbtlunaverse · 6 months
My baby sister has heard of bnha and apparently watched some clips but only some tidbits from the 6th season (mainly the fight with Nagant, who is her favorite) And she very confidently told me that she knows all about keigo, who is hawks. I asked if he knew who dabi has, and she rolled her eyes and told me that yes, she knows he's touya, and that he used to be friends with keigo as kids!
She was very confused when I told her that... no, they weren't. They didn't know each other until adulthood. She insisted that she'd seen a video of them as kids together. I told her it was probably a fan animation, because a lot of people thought Dabi and Hawks knew each other as kids, since Dabi was the only one who knew hawks' real name. But it turned out he just tracked his mom down in secret. She insists that this is stupid, once again confirming that the "dabihawks secret childhood friends/rivals" theory is the only time fanon has ever been better than canon.
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linkspooky · 2 years
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My Hero Academia, Chapter 374 Thoughts. 
Why did the tide turn in the battle, just when Deku was about to finish off a ShigAfo who was well past his limit. Well, it was because Spinner managed to wake up Kurogiri, therefore teleporting all of the villains to the same battlefield sabotaging the hero’s strategy to keep them separate and finish them off individually. However, there are deeper thematic reasons beyond just the strategic aspects of the battle. The villains triumph when the heroes refuse to fix or face their mistakes, so how appropriate the last page of the chapter is Dabi and Twice facing two heroes who don’t want to own up to their mistakes?
1. Endeavor and Hawks. 
There is a lot that can be said about Endeavor and Hawks, but I think for the sake of directness rather than delving into their backstory and motivations, it’s more appropriate to focus in on why they haven’t changed.   
Before I being though let me explain personal narrative. Narrative is well.. you know... a story. It is how a series of events are told. There are different kinds of ways narrative are written up, for example first person is told as a limited personal account from a single narrator using “I”. In third person the perspective is told from outside of the characters. There are even differences in third person, third person limited can still be told in one character’s limited perspective so they are not privvy to the thoughts and motivations of another character, whereas third person omniscient can randomly jump around into anyone’s heads. 
All of this to say is that narrative is telling a story, so one step ahead personal narrative would be like a first person narrative, or a third person limited... it is the story as told in the character’s own head. Oftentimes however, this personal narrative they have will be different from the objective events that are happening in the story. 
There’s one thing you should always remember when reading a story, “Characters are liars.” There is text, which is the things either they through internal or external dialogue, or the narrative through prose blatantly say and then there is subtext the underlying theme or implications and you have to consider both when reading. 
In other words, Endeavor and Hawks are liars. The internal monologues inside their own heads, often disagree with the reality of their actions. Many times viewers have commented they seem out of touch with the reality around them and this is caused by them being so wrapped up in their personal narratives they can’t see what is happening around them. ANd in doing so, they ignore the feelings of the people around them. I think AFO, as awful as he is, makes some good points sometimes. 
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I’ve said as much in previous metas, but the heroes as a whole tend to dismiss or even outright ignore the feelings of the villains they are facing, even when villains make honest attempts to communciate why they are doing what they’re doing. When AFO is making that speech, who shows up but Dabi and Twice, the two people that Endeavor and Hawks ignored the personal feelings of. 
Toya, was created by the Todoroki Family at the behest of Endeavor ignoring his feelings until they exploded out of him accidentally starting a fire and burning him to death, Twice’s return was facilitated by Hawks coldly stabbing him in the back because Twice did not accept his offer to betray his friends for a chance at rehabilitation. Something which also trampled all over Twice’s personal feelings of affection and desire to protect his loved ones, by asking him to do something he would never do. 
Hawks and Enji also have character arcs that have basically ground to a halt, ever since the first War Arc. Hawks reaction this chapter is pretty much proof of this, when he is faced with his failure to help rehabilitate Hawks his only reaction is “Just kill him again” which is exactly what he had done in the war arc. This is what I mean by character stagnation, characters refusing to grow or learn over time and instead making the same decisions over and over. 
In Enji’s case the reason is much clearer, because we spend more time in his head than we do Hawks. It is a common criticism that has been levvied against Enji’s “redemption” since the start. Enji’s redemption really isn’t about doing what is best for the feelings of his victims, but rather Enji is always focused on himself, he doesn’t want to be a better father, he wants to be a better hero. He doesn’t want to help ease the pain of his victims, but rather the guilt he feels over it. Nowhere is this best exampled then his own internal monologue. Enji has a single moment where he might have let things be about his sons and not him for once. 
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But, then it immediately centers on himself. For the most part, Enji seems to truly be upset not about the people he hurt, but rather he’s lamenting the fact his life has gone so wrong that he has to feel guilt in the first place. I think this is central to Enji’s stagnation and the lack of overall progress in Enji’s arc, he still doesn’t really think he did anything wrong. 
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Or rather. Look at hos he frames Toya’s funeral portrait a “Mistake.” He also repeats the same thing when he tries to talk to Natsuo. He says that he was never trying to neglect any of them. Which is, you know, a blatant lie if there ever was one. Toya calls himself a failure, because Enji literally referred to him and his brother and sister as a failure. We’re shown the flashback where he was kept away from his brother and sisters multiple times. He literally chose to treat three of his children like they didn’t exist, and not even let the youngest talk to them and he can’t own up to the fact afterwards. 
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And, this once again ties back to personal narrative. Enji believes, and this has been the problem with him since the Pro Hero Arc that his true problem is that he wasn’t a good enough hero. A lot of people didn’t like the sudden inclusion of Enji’s backstory, but it makes sense to some extent, Enji’s regret is his father wasn’t strong enough to protect an innocent girl from a villain and died when he was young, therefore becoming the strongest hero makes it so he can never die and abandon his family the way his father did. Except. He does abandon his family. 
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Enji can’t face what he has done wrong, because of his self-justification. He is a hero, and therefore he always has good intentions, and he can’t be the villain even when his own actions would make him one. Enji is on such an insane level of sunk cost fallacy, that in his mind, after the death of one son continuing to abuse another son is justifiable because otherwise he quite literally let one son die for nothing.
And, it’s this refusal to even face the fact that he can be wrong, which is why Enji ignores the feelings of everyone around him, and generally lets things fall into ruin. All Enji had to do was show up on that hill the day Toya burned to death, but something so small as lifting a finger is just impossible to Enji who cannot confront his own flaws, or even think of himself as the bad guy in any way.
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Which is where we get a common trend between both Hawks and Endeavor, in which, they do not want to face the feelings or even the memories of their victims. In the Todofam dinner arc Enji tells the funeral portrait of Toya he wants him to come home and have dinner, but when he has the oppurtunity for that he won’t even face him and talk to him. Toya is just so much more convenient to face when he is a regretful memory, a mistake on Enji’s part, because then Enji is completely in control of the narrative. He barely thinks of Toya at all, and when he does it’s almost entirely on his own terms. 
Toya even comments on this, that he was always running and crying to Natsuo and Enji didn’t even know because he didn’t care to know. We have this same behavior repeated in Hawks. Hawks is really only comfortable seeing himself as the good guy. 
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@thyandrawrites​ wrote two meta in regards to Hawks I want to reference now. This one on how Hawks thinks he has to continually justify his existence by acting as a support and helping others, and this one how Hawks in turn dodges responsibility when it comes to light he’s not the good guy. 
Hawks is someone a lot more complicated than Enji, because he’s not selfish, and he doesn’t really hurt others for self-gain. If Enji is a black hole, then Hawks is more like a sattelite. He does everything, including dirtying his own hands for the sake of others, and a greater good he likes to believe he is serving rather than for himself. In fact, it often comes at expense of himself, as Hawks has no real life, or friends or place in the world outside of being a hero. 
While he is different in intention than Enji, however, I believe it’s still right to call him out on basically everything he does to avoid guilt after the fact. “Doing dirty things for the sake of the greater good” is one thing, but Hawks in total denial of his actions can’t even see himself as dirty. Which once again we return to personal narrative, Hawks’ personal narrative and his self perception trumps everything, even the feelings of other people he is stomping on. 
To quote Thy on this: 
So this brings us to the present arc. Right after a raid that failed largely because Hawks wasn’t able to warn the heroes of the threat they were about to face, Hawks reacts by shutting down. If his existence is defined by how helpful he is, it goes without saying that he cannot accept being responsible for the huge death toll resulting from the failed ambush. So we witness Hawks not thinking critically at all about his share of responsibilities. He doesn’t think about what it meant to kill Twice.
This was the post-apocalyptic scenario that Hawks envisioned and wanted to avoid, the scenario he killed Twice in order to avoid. But it still happened, and yet we don’t see him reflect on it at all. What he does instead is clinging to something that gave him a sense of purpose before.
Being a tool instrumental to other people’s success.
Which in a way means that the same character stagnation that is present in Endeavor is there for Hawks as well. He has not changed in any significant way since his introduction in the Pro Hero Arc, effectively holding the same beliefs and making the same decisions as he did back then. That he needs to uplift Enji as a hero, and his own personal hero, even after learning the truth of who Enji was. 
And, we have this same guilt-avoidance mechanism that is at the root of Hawks’ stagnation the same way it is with Enji’s. Hawks practically does the same thing that Enji does to Toya with Twice, despite literally murdering him with his own hands, instead of taking responsibility for his own actions, or even I don’t know... at the bare minimum... feeling sorry about it, he chooses to remember Twice as an idealized memory, compartmented into a neat little box in a way that’s very flattering to Twice. 
It’s not “I killed Twice and I regret it” it’s “I want to learn from Twice and be helpful just like he was.” 
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In doing so he belittles and ignores not only Twice’s feelings, but also his entire memory. Hawks and Enji both kind of want to believe their own internal narration that deep down they are good people, and their intentions and actions are those of a good person, and therefore everything they might have done wrong along the way is just a mistake or a slip-up on the road. Hawks always returns to the memory of him selflessly helping the people on the bus, because he wasnts to believe who he is at heart, but that’s also not how he is. 
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They have no identity outside of being heroes, and yes it’s tragic to think they would crumple if ever faced with or trying to process the feelings they outright ignore, and also doubly tragic in Hawks case that he was groomed to feel that way by hero society at large from a young age, I also think it’s important to look at the cost of their actions. Hawks and Enji actively harm people, and get away with it with a slap on the wrist, and because of that they don’t reflect or change on their actions and they continue their bad behavior. 
It’s important to remember in Toya’s backstory, if Enji had just stopped and given up on his abuse of Shoto after Toya died, then Dabi would never have come about, and Toya would have come home. It’s this subtle escalation that happens when Enji is not confronted about his actions, and even enabled by the people around him to keep doing his bad behavior, it gets worse and worse over time. 
The whole point of the Todoroki household is that it didn’t have to get as bad as it did, but it happened because no one tried to stop Enji, and Enji was so good at self-justification he didn’t try to stop. Which is why I want to point out, it’s not just harmful for Hawks himself, it doesn’t just stunt his growth as a person, it’s extremely harmful to the people around him, because he cannot admit his mistakes and he cannot grow for them and so therefore inevitably he will repeat them again. In fact Hawks has gotten worse in some ways, which is where I want to reference Thy again.
Hawks even outright plays the victim. He’s not doing a public apology through a press conference because his personal ethics tells him it’s the right thing to do. He’s doing it because he knows it’s expected of him, which just isn’t the mindframe of someone who understood the gravity of his actions. From his phrasing, we can parse that he thinks that heroes like the top three are being put under scrutiny for no good reason, and like this is a test of his own endurance, when it should be a matter of proving his good faith. Hawks just killed a man who was running away, and he’s acting like it’s unfair that the world is holding him accountable for it.
The reason why Hawks thinks that society turned on him is because he justified Twice’s extrajudicial killing to himself as something he was doing to protect that same society that is now ungrateful for his personal sacrifice.
Hawks own motive of doing everything for the greater public good has been corrupted, because his killing of Twice did not give him the validation he was seeking. Which reveals once again, Hawks is not entirely selfless, just like a person he wants validation, he wants encouragement, he doesn’t do everything for the sake of the greater good. If he really believed his own personal narrative that he can sacrifice himself and others for the greater good and get his hands dirty and it will all be justified in the end, he wouldn’t be pouting because people criticized him. 
There’s a certain fragility to the ego of both Hawks and Endeavor where they can’t really accept any outsiders perspective on their actions at all, because everything has to be in line with their narrative, their own personal hero stories. 
Everyone talks about the differences between Nagant and Hawks, but there is one new angle I would like to bring in. Perspective. 
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In the end what stopped Nagant from blindly following orders was her seeing her own self as dirty, after doing the dirty works of others. Nagant accepted the guilt of murder, and realized in comparison to the ideal way that the kids she was signing autographs for her saw her, she wasn’t living up to the hero they saw. 
Nagant was able to divorce herself from her own self image, and because of that she actually changed and took action against the corruption of the hero’s council. Lad Nagant if anything is capable of change in a way that Hawks isn’t, because Hawks can’t perceive any fault in his own self.
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“I am optimistic to a fault.” almost quite literally in this case. When he is confronted with the reality of who Endeavor is he prefers to choose the image of a hero he saw as a child, and on the way he actively enables Endeavor to keep doing wrong by his abuse victims. Of course he says Endeavor is living to atone, but Hawks essentially advocates for doing what is worst to Toya which is ignoring Toya entirely, and on top of that making Shoto fight against him for Enji’s convenience. 
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He remembers Twice in a positive light as someone who was helpful and wants to be like him, but when faced with a Twice who returned from the dead just wants to murder him again. Nagant says, the public gets to stargaze at the bright and shiny side, while the dark truth gnaws away from someone else.
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And this, I think is key to understanding why Hawks mental spiral is so harmful because it doesn’t just harm himself, other people are always going to get hurt too so Hawks can maintain his fragile ego and sense of self. Hawks may be a brave hero able to courageously risk his life but at the same time he is an emotional coward, he cannot face himself or his own emotions or even when he does something wrong simply because he is too scared to.
And, yes the villains do this too but they at least at the bare minimum do not think they are good people. 
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peachsunset · 2 years
Happy anniversary to the only November 5th 2020 event that matters, the official Dabi is Touya Todoroki reveal
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Midoriya, looking at Dabi: What’s wrong with him?
Todoroki: Everyone has a different theory.
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quirkwizard · 2 months
You've talked a lot about Shoto's Phosphor before. Why do you like it so much?
Why is Shoto's super move called Phosphor? All my brain could come up with was that it sounds like frost fire.
For the sake of this, I'm ignoring surface-level stuff like how gorgeous the power is or how cool I think the names of all the attacks are. I just want to cover the ability as is.
I like Phosphor because of how much is going on with it. To the point I think Hori had this planned for Shoto's character since day one. For starters, Phosphor is a shorthand for phosphorus, and that's where a lot of the meaning comes from. Phosphorus has the atomic number of fifteen on the periodic table, the same seat number as Shoto in the Class 1-A line-up. Then there is the fact that phosphorus comes in both red and white variants, which fits with Shoto's hair color. White phosphor reacts to the cold while red reacts to heat, aligning with his power. Phosphors can be used for both ignitors and flame retardants, specifically red phosphor, fitting with how they're being used against Dabi to both overpower him and cool him off simultaneously. Then there is the part where Shoto is using his own heart to combine the two, the very center of his being and either side of his body. He's basically making a chemical reaction, combining two distinct elements and changing them into something new. The Phosphor is something free from both parents and wholly his own, down to his very core. It fits really well as this middle ground between either halves of his power while still being unique. It's part of the reason why I like Phosphor so much for Shoto. It just clearly has a lot of thought put into it and how much it ties into his story.
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corujalesbica · 1 year
Endeavor * upon reading an article about how they found out this hero was actually friends with a villain * : This is scandalous! Fucking traitors, nasty people.
Shoto * who hangs out with his brother on the regular * : ...
Hawks * who's literally dating dabi * : ....
Ochaco * who's secretly Togas friend * : ....
Midoryia * who's AFOs son * : ....
Midoryia : Yikes
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wolfgiselle · 10 months
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Summary: “My life is a nightmare,” Dabi muttered blankly.
“Nah, this is hilarious,” Hawks said, and while he wasn’t explicitly laughing, Dabi knew that those weird little chirps he was letting out were pointed at him. “Imagine if we go through all this effort and you don’t even have some sort of dramatic background or tragic backstory to justify you being this emo, you’re just a hot topic junkie or something.”
“That’s fucking worse.”
Dabi has amnesia and keeps reading conspiracy theories about himself in an attempt to figure out who he is, gets the League in on it, and they dismantle organized crime, revolutionize society, and ravage the hero system in the process. Hawks suffers.
Review: Oh my god, this is hilarious! The idea of the LOV 'accidently' making the world a better place when the entire time they were trying to figure out Dabi's identity because even ‘Dabi’ couldn't remember it, is genius. I love how the world just thinks they've shifted into vigilantism. A lot more people like them now, and they have no idea because they're so focused on the investigation and never watch the news. Poor Hawks. They cause him no end of trouble. They also inadvertently free him - so there's that. 
Speaking of Hawks... in this AU, Dabi also used to be in the same Commission program as him. They 'were' a couple and continue to be a couple now. This will always be my favorite MHA pairing. 
We still get Dabi's dance and Endeavor exposure as well. Except here it's more funny than it is dramatic with Shigaraki literally laughing in the background and Toga live-streaming it.  
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If you recall, the quirk singularity theory established that quirks will become uncontrollable one day, following the rate at how they were increasing in power and the inability of the body to keep up with such growth. The best example of the veracity of such theory is Tomura Shigaraki and the way his body has morphed in order to accommodate the strength of his quirk, right?
My question is: Have Toga and Dabi breached the quirk singularity point? Could that be the reason why Toga became able to use the quirk of the people she shape-shifts into, the reason why Dabi's alive and his body seems to regenerate a little or at least withstand the rate of destruction he inflicts on himself?
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darkonekrisrewrite · 1 year
The Lov’s bonds with each other are all they have + Dabi Recovery Theories
(Second Side Meta) (Spoiler warning, short meta + theories)
It doesn’t really matter if the Lov inner relationships are unhealthy or if they encourage their worse traits because they don’t have anyone else but each other, even at this current point in the manga.
Excluding Dabi, maybe.
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Shigaraki’s family is dead, Toga’s parents were horrible and Spinner’s family was presumably close to the same as he never mentioned them or at least they’re not present in his life.
And while we don’t know much about Compress’s family other than his Grandfather being a “peerless Thief”, the fact that he wound up in the Lov implies that he doesn’t have much, if anything, going for him either.
The individual members of the Lov have nothing to go back to and no one from their pasts that they could depend on in any circumstances.
So the small and pitfall ridden bonds that they share with one another are their only human connection and what connects them to their own humanity.
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(I don’t really have any concrete proof that this ^ scene isn’t a manipulation on Dabi’s part but the art framing and overall plot relevance of the scene heavily implies that it isn’t a manipulation but genuine in its sentiment.)
Showing tears for others (Toga), their loyalty to others (Spinner and compress), and that despite everything they’re still themselves (Dabi and hopefully in future coming chapters Shigaraki too).
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(Forgot to put this scene in earlier Meta, Spinner loyalty ^ here)
Whether these sentiments and actions have a good result is nearly irrelevant, as the actions and feelings themselves drive the Lov on the only path to survival that is currently available to them while at the same time showing that they do still have many forms of Love inside them.
And the path that they’re currently on is still definitely the only path that could have a chance of them surviving, because the Hero Kids are not where they need to be in the saving department yet.
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(This ^ does not inspire confidence.)
Unless it’s made clear that when the hero kids say they intend to stop/save their respective villains, they mean not only from death but also from being locked up to rot in prison forever, and they’re willing to actually fight in anyway that’s needed to make sure that doesn’t happen, the hero kid’s intentions don’t mean anything.
Because obviously throwing the Lov in prison isn’t saving them, there’s no way the hero kids can save the villain’s hearts from outside of a metal box (a key theme of saving in Bnha is saving the Heart).
That’s not even saving the Lov’s lives either really, because that’s just another form of killing them slowly and depending on perspective, with even more cruelty.
Dabi is both different and similar, as he does still have his family that does care about him but his future with them is still very uncertain.
They all came together to save Touya and each other which is good but Natsuo then saying that things will be “Hell” from now on, whatever that means, leaves Dabi’s fate on pretty much one of only two paths.
With Hero Society or with the Todoroki Family.
It can’t be both, because after everything that’s happened and the parts Dabi played in trying to take down the current system, Hero society won’t let him be saved in any way that could really count as saving.
Dabi Recovery Theories
Personally, what I think should happen, if the Todoroki’s are really intending to follow through on saving Touya and making sure that he can make a full(ish) recovery, is fake his death.
Someone as connected/wealthy as Endeavor must have access to private medical facilities, someplace they could stash Touya to keep him alive.
And with some heroes loyal to Endeavor or Shoto, or if they’re capable of exiting the area themselves with the help of the rest of the Todoroki family, take Touya and escape, hiding him there while saying that the villain Dabi fully incinerated himself in the near explosion.
Dabi is dead to the world but Touya can live and heal.
It’s pretty clear from the framing that Touya will live but for how exactly he would survive with his current injuries and fully recover, I have three theories.
The first theory being that with the right medical attention, Dabi could simply survive more or less as is.
A simple thought but plausible, because excluding one of his arms and some outer muscle lost, Dabi’s injuries aren’t so much worse than what he already went through and survived as a child.
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As long as his insides aren’t burned up (which they aren’t thanks to the appearance of his dormant Ice Quirk), he should be able to survive with medical attention.
And for making a full recovery (maybe not exactly a ‘Full recovery’ in this case as while they could feasibly replace his lost skin, the burned muscle might be different story) prosthetic limbs are pretty common in Bnha’s world, with even Compress being able to get his hands on a metal arm while on the run with the Lov.
The second theory is using Eri’s rewind Quirk, using medical equipment to ensure Dabi survives long enough for Eri’s horn (her power) to regrow and rewind Dabi to a state before he was so severely burned.
This is another simple solution (personally not a fan of this one) but entirely possible, although the heroes continually using Eri to solve their injuries/problems is a bit sketch (even the heroes admit that), so there is one very interesting theory left I can think of.
The Third theory: The heroes (specifically Endeavor) could try to use the imprisoned Doctor Garaki and the high-end Nomu to save and heal Dabi.
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By transferring the high-end Nomu’s regeneration quirk (something all the high-ends have, implying that the power can be replicated and transferred) to Dabi, using the doctor’s knowledge and previous experience of “grafting quirks” onto other beings (the Doctor said he could accomplish this action even without the AFO Quirk).
As for how this scenario would be possible, Endeavor would finally have to step up as a Father instead of as a hero, in fact risking his life/status as a hero.
Either by forcefully taking the Doctor and the Nomu from Prison himself or by leveraging his status as the Number one hero (what’s left of it) to force this plan to happen for Dabi’s sake.
And I personally think that this would be a great ending to Endeavor’s story as a hero, if he truly does regret everything he did.
Endeavor risking or sacrificing everything he personally has left (his hero existence) in the present to help the Son he chose not to show up for in the past, finally putting Touya first to fully save him from the flames.
That seems like good narrative storytelling to me.
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todomitoukei · 1 year
Geten being related to Rei, Endvr continuing to be useless, Touya having an ice quirk and Mama Rei coming in to steal Endvrs title as Number One Hero save her boy
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Izuku & Touya Parallels;
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Thanks, anon ^^ and well, the biggest foil of Izuku is Tenko and the biggest foil of Touya is Shouto but there are definitely parallels between Shouto and Tenko, Touya, and Izuku. What makes them similar is that how both Tenko and Shouto were the youngest child, the center of the family's attention, and groomed by adults, treated as "special kids". And in Izuku and Touya's case, it's the opposite. Their story is about they are not enough, they are not chosen, they are invisible kids and their problems are overlooked by adults around them.
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They also share similar characteristic traits, such as being passionate about their dream. They are vulnerable and sensitive and non-masculine. Both Deku and Touya are invisible children. They think they are far from their dreams but they never give up. They are so stubborn, no matter how much people told them they continue to try to achieve their dreams. They refuse to choose another way for life. They both are hardworking kids who are full of passion and tension. They are obsessive. Deku with Allmight, Touya/Dabi with Endeavour.
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They are both hard workers who always do their best to achieve their goals. They seem to have good analysis skills when it comes to quirks. They both are crybabies. They are self-destructive, they think it is okay to get hurt. They have very low esteems. They tend to neglect their close ones when it comes to making plans, Deku's constantly focusing on the hero's job, instead of discussing with friends about his issues could be seen as similar to Dabi's own agenda. It is almost like there is always some part of them they don't want to show to other people, the side they feel insecure about themselves which is most likely they don't really much aware of it. Characters like Tomura and Shouto have their own agendas too but they don't really try to hide it. Shouto simply doesn't want to discuss his private life while Tomura doesn't even remember it. But Deku and Dabi try to do things on their own.
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Both Izuku and Touya are 'disabled'. They both live with the same unhealthy mentality and everything they do is related to this mindset. Because the idea that they are not enough didnt go away. In a society where everyone have quirks, Izuku has no quirk and Touya has the worst type of combination quirk and his quirk is literally killing him. Hero-or-Quirk society treats people depending on their quirks, depending on their worth. Not only society, it also happens with people around them. Izuku is brutally abused by Bakugou and Touya is abandoned by his father Endeavour. Which lead them to internalize the idea that they are worthless and useless. To be worthy, they have to prove their worth. Which leads them to self-destruction. This is also the reason quirkless Izuku was obsessed with heroes and later he got his quirk, he breaks his bones every chance he has. And Touya/Dabi burning his own body. Everything they do is related to this mindset, that they are not good enough and they will never be so they have this constant need to prove themselves to others, to prove the world that they are wrong about them.
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They desire to be a hero more than anything. It's almost like it is part of who they are as if they have to be heroes to be something. This also tells a lot about the hero society's kids and how heroes are perceived. Touya tells 'Kids in my school all want to be heroes' and Izuku and Tenko don't even have to be heroes to have a job that included helping people but they think they have to be one. Because heroes are seen as positive figures and telling them you can't be one, saying as 'You can't be a positive model for people'. No matter how much they are rejected, they won't give up on their dreams of being a hero. We also see how it messes up kids like Izuku and Touya.
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And they don't want to be just any hero, they want to be the greatest heroes. Its literally same desperation. Izuku wants to be just like Allmight and Touya wants to surpass Allmight. Those two kids have their idol heroes too, they idolize them so much, so much that they inherit unhealthy behavior from their idols. Izuku's idol is Allmight, he is like a father to him, he inherits Allmight's idea of self-sacrificing; self-destructive behavior. Touya's idol is his father Endeavour, he inherits a lot of toxic behaviors, such as toxic masculinity, looking down on girls, and seeing people as worthy depending on how useful or strong they are, which makes sense since he was raised by his idol. At least, Deku also inherits positive traits from his idol, such as well saving people.
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Another common point is Izuku and Touya were abused but they don't see themselves as victims while these common traits they share with other characters in bnha too but Izuku and Touya have very unhealthy relationships with their abuser. That they have admiration for them and view them as good heroes. Even though both Bakugou and Endeavour share many toxic traits and are one of the main examples of bad heroes (especially at the start of the series). Izuku and Touya take this admiration to the point they will excuse their wrong actions, that it is okay to be hurt by them, which is why Izuku doesn't mind being bullied by Bakugou during the series and Touya is okay with 'training'.
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The only and main difference is Touya reached his breaking point. It is important to remember that even after being burnt to death, even after 3 years of coma and losing everything, Touya was still ready to forgive Endeavour, which he realized he will never change, that was the breaking point. This is why you would expect Izuku to snap at Bakugou at some point too but well, I think writing bullying and Izuku's feelings about his abuse is very flawed, unfortunately, otherwise, I think Izuku also felt/feel very angry (besides unhealthy admiration) towards his abuser, just like Touya and Tenko had/has.
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They tend to idolize, and become obsessive of people, and follow people they admire and they are also copycats. Izuku is not hiding this side of himself, he always copies other people's moves and make them his own version, especially Allmight's moves. As much as he acts tough and masculine, Dabi is not different. First, he took Stain's ideology, and follow Shigaraki's orders, during the series he is copying Endeavour's moves, and recently, he even copied Shouto's move and make it his own version.
Note; They are not actually copycats since there is nothing wrong with learning new things from other people, especially for fights.
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Deku and Dabi are not just self-destructive but they also tend to die dramatically. Deku desperately trying fit into society, he breaks his bones so that he can deserve to be a successor of Ofa/Allmight. This burden he carries is even leads him to distance himself from his friends. Dabi takes revenge on Endeavour and burns himself to death because just like Deku, he has no self-worth. He sees himself as a failure and thats why they both are suicidal. Both Deku and Touya are obsessed with training, they secretly go out their way to train their bodies. They don't trust adults in their lives because they have been failed by them constantly so they don't listen when someone tells them to stop killing themselves. Its not just not caring about himself, even in a situation where they can survive and find better ways, they will plan their death. Deku's plan to die by killing Shigaraki and Dabi's plan to die by killing Endeavour and others can be seen as parallels. Like a martyr.
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Their journey is opposite of each other. Touya's origin started as a hero, he was born to be a hero, he was told that he is amazingly special and naturally talented. To the point, there was no life for Touya to live. Being a hero was his identity. And in Izuku's case, he was born into nothing and he is worthless and has no talent and despite wanting to be a hero, he was constantly told that he will never be one. They are both neglected by their fathers, Touya later abandonded by his idol and Izuku’s father isnt around and later he is kinda adopted by his idol Allmight. Touya's journey started as a hero only to later be abandoned and treated as a failure, and nothing. That he will never be enough for what it takes to be a hero. Izuku's journey started as a failure only to later meet with his idol so that he can be a hero. Touya was chosen, a child with full of potential but he was thrown away and Izuku was the unchosen one but he is given a chance into becoming the person he wants to be.
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After inheriting one for all, Izuku's pushing his friends is similar to Touya's 'i don't need any friends! We live in different worlds' by a different world, Touya means other people can't understand the legacy he carries, just like Izuku who said similar things to Shouto. 'It is a fight between one for all and all for one. You guys can't keep up.' They are pushing other people because of the legacy of their idols, they think it's better to do it alone, though it is important to remember that they are conditioned to think this way. Endeavour told Touya that he is living in different worlds and that he is the one who isolated him from other kids and Allmight and others did the same. This is why Izuku and Touya believe others can't understand this burden. It is also interesting that even though their journey is opposite of one another, they still have similar mindset and behaviors.
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I am sure that there are more parallels between them but for now, thats it. Izuku and Touya have a lot of parallels with Shouto and Tenko. Their journey is parallels with each others and well, Shouto is familiar with Izuku’s destructive side and ‘i dont need help’ attitude, he always notices his pain and he also notices Dabi’s pain so this might help him to save his brother too. Same with Izuku who is familliar with kids who dont want to be saved, it might help him to save Tomura too so yeah. I really wish we get more about them but well, anyway, its fun to analyze them and i think, their parallels are important too.
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linkspooky · 1 year
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Right before Toga disappears we see Uraraka express regret that they still haven’t talked about love. This also parallels Shoto’s attempts to get Toya to stay with him rather than go after Endeavor. However, I think it’s important to remember that neither of them were actually trying to talk that much with Toga and Toya before that point. This is just as much a regret that they didn’t get the opportunity to talk, as it is a taunt to keep both Toga and Toya fighting with them so they can stay and be defeated. Which shows why the kids failed to keep them there, and also the butterfly effect that created this situation. More under the cut. 
1. The Butterfly Effect
It’s significant that the flames from Toya and Shoto’s fight, as well as Endeavor’s is what’s referred to as changing the weather so significantly that it’s brought about a sudden rain event. Afo goes on to add that it’s the emotions of Spinner that the heroes underestimated that allowed the villains to change the tide and create the right circumstances for the sad man’s parade. 
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Endeavor, Enji, and Toya’s flames have always been a metaphor for their feelings, Toya is implied to have kept himself alive through a pure blazing grudge, Enji’s habit of overheating is a metaphor for his destructive and violent nature, Shoto has difficulty controlling his flame side because he has trouble reintegrating his father’s childhood abuse into who he is currently and trying to grow up as his own person. 
Toy’s blue flames are powered by his emotions, the quirk evolution that turned his flames blue happened when he started crying, the flame that burned him alive and started an entire forest fire happened again when he was crying. 
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So flames = emotions, the emotions of everyone involved in this fight is so significant it’s literally changing the weather, and to top them all off, Spinner’s feelings have changed everything.
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The current situation like a butterfly flapping its wings, is created by the feelings of one individual, and Hero Society as a whole has the habit of trampling on individuals in order to uphold the greater good of society. It is essentially the logic that Hawks used to justify the killing of Twice, he as an individual couldn’t be allowed to live because of the threat his quirk presented to all of society. 
All of this a long prelude to, before the fights itself not only have the villains made multiple attempts to have those feelings understood, and the kids have expressed interest in trying to understand what those feelings are. 
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However, it’s incredibly important that at the same time, those same kids have then repeatedly tried to squash any attempt to sympathize with the villains they have inside of themselves, by remdining themselves of the destruction the villains have. Deku and Uraraka both mention seeing Toga and Shigaraki’s crying face, Shoto mentions he literally knows nothing about Toya even his favorite food. 
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Then they immediately go back to squashing those thoughts. It’s important to realize the kids are actively trying not to sympathize with the villains, because it’s easier to just see them as villains and clears doubt from their head. This idea of crying is brought up by Toya too “whether you’re crying or smiling doesn’t matter”, the deeper meaning of that statement is that the people they are fighting against just don’t really care about what face that they are showing the world. Remember, Hawks actively dehumanized Toya’s mourning of Twice his friend, by insisting he couldn’t care because he was smiling even though Dabi literally cannot biologcally cry due to his burn wounds. The outside world just doesn’t care what kind of emotions they’re having, so might as well be strong and show a smile. 
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All of this to say, the villains right now are the individuals the butterfly effect is referring too, they have continually been pushed down and insisted their personal grievances of society doesn’t matter because they are threats to the whole of society. But the butterfly effect statement reflects what Toya says to Hawks. A single person with a single conviction has the power to save the world. The collective isn’t all that exists, individuals are still important. 
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All of this to say, the feelings of all the individual villains matter. All of the attempts to shut them up for the sake of the collective good have only backfired. We see this pattern repeated, Shoto, Uraraka, and Deku express an interest in what the villains feel only to just resort to physical violence. 
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However, they never even act on their expressed interest to talk. Shoto asks Toya why he didn’t come home, and then proceeds to beat the crap out of him. Uraraka tells Toga she’s been thinking about her, and then proceeds to beat the crap out of her. Deku asks if Shigaraki is still there in the body possessed by AFO, but then doesn’t do anything else but beat the crap out of him. 
It’s not even that the villains didn’t reciprocate, Toya said very clearly that he still wanted to come bac home after being burned alive and only gave up when he thought his family had moved on without him, Toga was still trying to ask Deku to understand her and even says aloud that heroes are the only ones they count as real people and villains aren’t even considered human. Shigaraki breaks free from AFO’s control a couple of time and shows clear distress. 
Which is why I want to clarify, the villains themselves are giving clear hints that they don’t actually want to destroy, Toga hints she wants acceptance more than revenge against Hawks and the heroes, Toya makes it clear that there’s still a part of him that wants to go home (he literally tried to) Shigaraki still exists within AFO-Garaki. It’s the kids themselves that didn’t try to show them there was still a chance for things to go different, the plan wasn’t to talk to them ever the plan was to beat them up.Which is where we get to this chapter.
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This isn’t an attempt to get them to talk, this is an attempt to get them to stay and fight. In fact during the Uraraka fight itself Urarka didn’t try to talk to Toga at all, the plan wasn’t try to de-escalate or try to understand Toga the plan was to sick a bunch of heroes on her at once and then... beat the crap out of her.
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It’s even confirmed in the chapter itself, Toga’s incredibly impulsive and emotoinal, she’s not really a long term strategy or big picture girl. Yet, she survives in the fight despite being vastly outnumbered because she had to. It was the heroes attempts to just beat Toga down that forced her evolution and made her into a more cunning villain. A different strategy would have probably thrown her off of her game, but Uraraka had all the time in the world and didn’t even try it. 
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Which is why the one hope the heroes might have right now is Uraraka getting thrown into the combat scenario with Toya, Enji, AFO, HAwks and now Toga. As none of those heroes except for Uraraka have ever expressed any interest in talking in the past. 
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However, part of me wonders if Uraraka herself is going to have to actually question and challenge the adults present in order to actually get the character development where she acts on her feelings and desire to talk. (The feelings you’ve locked up inside...) those feelings are the only chance to turn the tides. THe feelings of one crying girl (Himiko Toga) have created this disaster, and the comfort given to one crying girl can be what stops it... 
However, I want to keep in mind that there is a reason all the kids have been suppressing their desire to talk with the villains, and that is their hero worship of the previous generation. Hawks makes it clear what he wants to do to Toga now that Twice is back (Kill her). The kids so far haven’t questioned the wisdom of the adults so far and that is what directly has led to repeating their mistakes. After all, Toya is here because SHoto agreed that despite Enji being the one who abused Toya, it was totally okay for him to have to skip any kind of confrontation with Toya and just leave all the responsibility up to Shoto. 
Toya bee lined to Enji, because Enji abandoned him for like the six millionth time. Toga herself, wants to target Hawks, because Hawks expresss no remorse over Jin’s death at all and given the chance would kill him again. Toga wants to fight Hawks, because she’s said several times Jin was someone important to her and his death is something she is still reeling from and mourning, and not even a single kid hero seems to question the fact that Jin was murdered in cold blood and Hawks the murderer went free. Toga pretty much told Uraraka to her face that Jin was someone incredibly important to her, and then later on that heroes just don’t see villains as people and Uraraka herself saw the broadcast that Hawks murdered Jin when his back was turned. Nobody else has acknowledged that Jin doesn’t deserve to die (not Uraraka and not Tokoyami) and therefore Toga’s grief for him is completely invalidated. 
Like, yes I think Toga killing Hawks and continuing the cycle of revenge would only make things worse. However, in the eyes of the heroes and even the kids (Uraraka and Tokoyami) Hawks did not do anything wrong in killing Jin. There’s no way the cycle of abuse can be stopped, if the cause of that abuse isn’t even addressed in the first place. 
Which is why the kids have to disavow the elders. They are the reason so far the kids haven’t been able to act on their desire to talk. Every time the kids have expressed a desire to talk, they completely squash it, and despite thinking they might be able to talk these people down they go along with the plans of the adult heroes that are essentially “Beat ‘em up.” Shoto decides to go along with Enji’s plan to just leave Toya entirely to Shoto, and abandon him yet again. Deku wants to save Shigaraki, and yet he builds a floating coffin and death trap in the sky with all the adults and just pummels him. Uraraka wants to talk to Himiko and yet the plan for fighting her is essentially just to have several heroes against one girl until she’s too exhausted to either run away or fight back. 
The kids have expressed an interest so far, but they haven’t changed. This chapter is about the power of the individual, the only way the world is going to change is if the kids stop going along with everything the adults tell them and learn to think for themselves. 
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dabi nation this is super important
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