yellowbluemoonshine · 24 days
Bro, my unyielding loyalty towards you is totally normal and healthy, I swear. It's just that it's definitely my duty to rip out your enemies throats with my bare teeth. You are the love of my life and I am your most valuable tool. Each night, I fantasize about dying in your arms, covered in blood, and then I close my eyes one final time, satisfied because I can feel your fingers on my face as I take my last breath. Haha anyways
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yellowbluemoonshine · 25 days
The feeling of being accepted at your worst when noone even accepted you at your best.
The appeal of a villain friend in fiction is more often than not the thought that someone out there would choose you over the entire world.
The members of the League of Villains were anyone's priority. They felt replaceable or even worse, they knew they were replaceable. They weren't pretty enough, strong enough, normal enough, cool enough. They were wrong in the head, were too violent, too weird, too creepy.
All the rage? The hurt? They were told to swallow it because it was making people uncomfortable.
Stain was their inspiration, but he wasn't the one to pick them. He wasn't the one who looked at them and told them "you have a place". That was Giran. The manga tells us that Giran was putting together a sort of friendship group for violent outcasts like them. That he formed the League for them to have company, a reason to fight for, to exist.
There's a sort of catharsis that fictional villain friendships give that you can't find somewhere else. A sort of short-lived relief that comes when someone sees you being mistreated and decides retribution is needed. Wouldn't it be wonderful if revenge had no consequences and the damage it caused was at once lasting and non-existent?
That's what fiction is for. You put all your feelings there and create scenarios where you purge those feelings. No one gets harmed and you come out of it cleaned, renewed, with a clear head.
So when Tomura Shigaraki creates the League of Villains, it is an instant click for people who had been wronged and are seeking catharsis of their negative experiences and feelings.
The League of Villains punishes someone with torture and failure for misgendering and hurting their trans friend. A shonen manga does that, a gender where nonconforming people are a joke by tradition. Do you get what that means to some readers out there?
Tomura claims to hate everything and everyone, but when Toga asks him, he admits that they are his exception. He wouldn't destroy something they loved. His prioritizing their wishes and their likings. There was no one else above them for him and no one was as important to him as they were.
Suddenly, they are someone's number one people and not out of manipulation. They recognize in Tomura a man who really cares.
Tomura was shown to live in total neglect. He had poor hygiene, was isolated almost completely from the outside world, talked with maybe three or four people tops, ate whatever, liver whatever. He didn't care about his living conditions. It was only when the League asked for clothing and food and other stuff that he began to care. For them.
He wants them to live, to succeed, he wants to hurt anyone who hurts them, to protect what is precious to them.
And now we got confirmation that they matter more to him than his own past.
Tomura would destroy the world simply because they asked him to, because they promised to. He would destroy himself trying because he must be their hero. Remember how every time a villain would question him about his motivation or his ideals, he would talk about his hatred or his need to destroy. We've gone past it and at his very core we found that the thing that truly fuels him is the desire to be a hero.
For them.
It's really something to see people wondering why a reader would be fond of Tomura Shigaraki or the LOV in general. Is it that hard to understand?
Again, that's the appeal of a fictional villain's friendship to real life victims:
To be important, to be picked, to be prioritized, to be felt, to be seen, to be understood, to belong to and be considered, to be irreplaceable. To be all those things to the point the weight of it shatters the universe.
So much love outplacement in someone's love— to matter so much to someone —that to see you hurt would make them want to destroy the world.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 25 days
Will had been through hell :')))).
like it wasn't enough that hannibal made will believe he killed abigail and made him believe that for months. and it wasn't enough hannibal wanted to surprise will with her being alive only to kill her in front of him. kill her like her father tried to. kill her in the way he knew will couldn't save her. will tried to save her before and couldn't and this was no different. not without hannibal. but now those same hands that once saved her were killing her. and all that wasn't enough because then hannibal made abigail bleed onto will, arterial spray painting his face. to hear her garbled screams drowned and choked in blood and feel the blood on his hands again. and when will shot her father, his face was covered in splattered blood too and hannibal made sure to do it again. the fine detail in the recreation of abigail's inescapable fate in the kitchen of her father by her father's hand. everything to make will believe her death was his fault all along. he didn't need to kill her in a blacked out broken memory because hannibal would make him watch her die again, use all his nerves and senses against him, and make him watch. make him listen. make him feel it all. solidify that memory and guilt, something he could never truly escape even after the first time.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 25 days
Ok, i personally love it when they have morals but their loyalty or love is so great that they have to give up on their morals, that condraction makes it so enteratining and interesting to watch to me.
God I'm a sucker for characters who are so utterly loyal to someone that they're completely unhinged. Characters who have no moral compass except their overwhelming devotion to whoever they've chosen to listen to. That's the good shit
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yellowbluemoonshine · 25 days
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Something something, finally getting through all of the barriers of your opponent and ending up trying to comfort their crying inner child, something something.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 25 days
This is interesting.
I’m loving how AFO & Kotaro are linked to the construction industry. AFO built things. Kotaro got rich building things. They were makers; they would pass Re-Destro’s test.
But “building” and “making” is only part of what makes a good leader. The other piece is who they’re building for. And AFO and Kotaro built for themselves. Even Kotaro’s home, which is ostensibly for his family, is really a status symbol of his accomplishments. He doesn’t want the family to be who they are in that home.
Meanwhile, Tomura destroys to feel free. He destroys so his friends and other villains to have a place to fit in. A place they’re not confined in the buildings that were built by and for others.
Likewise, All Might destroys what AFO built, and AFO rages about it for decades. But All Might also rebuilds (in Vigilantes he wields a hammer to fix what he broke during a fight) and seeks to make a peaceful society for everyone.
Then, of course, we have Ochako’s parents. They’re in construction, but their business hasn’t taken off. (Perhaps they were pushed out by AFO.) They might be builders, but what they really make is a happy family. They support Ochako and, in return, she initially wants wealth just to give them a good life.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 25 days
I dont think they are complex. Freddie doesnt have any sympathic scene, she is straight off selfish and thats it. She is the proof of someone can be 'evil' without killing people. Hannibal isnt psychopath so yeah, he is pretty much like one-dimension evil. They might be good characters or entertaining to watch for some but that doesnt mean 'they are complex'. Even the so called 'good' things Hannival did is just to entertain himself. They are so inhuman.
No, my hatred for Freddie Lounds is not misogynistic. I don’t like Freddy Lounds or his female counterpart simply because I do not find them complex or interesting characters on top of being unlikable to me. 
And I don’t like Hannibal, either. Even if he is more fleshed out. 
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yellowbluemoonshine · 25 days
i hate jack crawford almost as much as i hate freddie lounds
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yellowbluemoonshine · 27 days
I am similar to you guys. This is why i felt so relatable to Will. If fandom wasnt so blinded with ship and didnt ruin Will's character, this ship would be more enjoyable. The irony of all of these things that Will can think like a killer, feel like a killer but still try to hold on good things is what makes him good person.
the way that some ppl say “oH wILL wouLdnT hAve bEeN hApPy wiTh anYOnE elSe” if someone is extemely mentally ill why would you continue to enable them 😳?? maybe because of how ill he was towards the end and how he gave into his dark tendencies, at that point he was already too far gone but i’ve seen people go noo s1 will deserved hannibal when s1 will was heavily manipulated?? also random opinion but hannibal did not love abigail he literally groomed her to be his little pet ready to die for him. idc i hate hannibal lecter. out of all fictional murders ya’ll choose to defend the most irredeemable one, and then give other people crap for not liking him?😳😳
Hannibal cannot love. Point blank. He’s fascinated and intrigued by people but only to a certain degree and then he’ll torture and kill them once that ends or they don’t bend to his will. Abigail was a mere plaything for him to groom and manipulate until her use was over.
I’m also beyond exhausted and disgusted by people saying that Will deserves Hannibal for his darker tendencies. First of all, people who say that only care about Hannibal. Any sane person would not want a person to give into those tendencies and act like it’s okay and a good thing. Second of all, fuck anybody who says that. I personally suffer from very dark intrusive thoughts. It’s distressing af and these people are basically saying I should just give in to them??? Act them out? Like wtf kind of thinking is that. You can clearly see how distressed Will is from his thoughts. He does not want to act them out. Anybody can see that clear as day. Unless you’re willfully blinding yourself to it to make your ship okay in your eyes.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
Hannibal really ruined everything for those characters.
In mizumono when Alana is lying on the ground and she saw Hannibal walk out of the house, she probably assumed everyone was killed. All she knew was that Jack was in the pantry, not even sure he was alive. She can’t even tell Will that Jack is alive, but that he was inside the house. She may have even heard Abigail when Will was gutted, maybe even assuming it was her that was being killed, but Abigail was silent for her own slaughter, just like the first time. Will entered but she never saw him leave. She never saw Abigail leave. She can only assume they are all dead. Why else is Hannibal leaving alone? Why else is he covered in more blood than when she first saw him? Why else is Hannibal taking Will’s jacket, as if Will won’t be needing it anymore? All she could do was lie there and try to stay alive, shivering and shattered, hoping the emergency services would come before she succumbed, too.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
He is actually such a strong character and he has every right to be defensive and sassy because of how much people, world etc failed him.
I don’t find Hannibal to be a particularly scary show in the traditional sense — of course there’s plenty of psychological horror, but not a lot of make-your-heart-race, don’t-watch-in-the-dark, panic-bait scenes.
One of the big exceptions for me is in Fromage, when Will is in Tobias’ basement, gun out, surrounded by murder weapons, stalking the man that just killed two cops not even three minutes ago. Sure, this is already a pretty standard spooky moment with plenty of opportunity for a good jump-scare. But what kills me about it isn’t the action, it’s the context:
Will’s survival relies on his senses here. He is in the literal dark. He doesn’t know the place. He’s jumping at every sound, hoping he’ll notice an attacker and react before it’s too late.
But the scene immediately beforehand was spent reminding us that Will can’t trust his senses! Especially sound! He’s whipping around every which way trying to face the source of the sound to survive, when right before he entered this building, he chased an auditory hallucination into the street! And almost got hit by a van!
He’s at the total mercy of a lying brain.
And in an already stressful fight-or-flight, life-or-death situation, can you fucking imagine the helpless terror of knowing you might die, not because you didn’t react in time, but because you reacted to something that didn’t exist?
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
I hate Hannibal for a lot of things but what worse is how many people defend him and his abuse towards Will.
i really cant express how much my heart aches for will in the season one finale. hes so resigned when the police take him away. he hardly fights jack when he asks his questions, merely answering with an “i dont know.” and with beverly while being processed? she practically begs him to analyze the evidence and tell her what he sees. he tears up and his voice breaks and my heart snaps in half when he barely gets out ‘according to the evidence, i killed abigail hobbs’
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
This :')))).
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
Thats literally what i felt. Herkes rewriting the show;
Season 1; everything is same except Will and Abigail has more screentimes together and they were bonding. Then she was dead
Season 2; Erase unnecessary subplots and side characters scenes. Will still having dark thoughts and also playing with Hannibal. Freddie dies at some point. There is no "runaway together" scene. Hannibal is so interested in Will that he tries to eat Wills brain at lates episodes. Jack tries to save him and dies. No Abigail coming back life scene. Will and Hannibal fight bloody at the edge, similar to season 3s ending. Will accepts his dark thoughts but still kill Hannibal anyway and he says "This is for Abigail". They fall together.
Season 3; doesnt exist.
Bonus Last scenes; Alana is alive and maybe met with Margot. Will is alive, visits Jacks grave and talk with him. He decides to have normal life with his doggies after everything. At the end, we get a small, short scene thst hints that mayyyyybeeeee Hannibal migght be alive but thats it.
This makes more scenes for characters.
Genuine question! As someone who is anti Hannibal, how do you see the progression of Will Graham’s character in each season?
S1 & the first part of S2 made sense to me. The progression was realistic and while some of S2 was quite dark, it made sense for Will considering his headspace. He knew/thought Hannibal killed Abigail. He wanted him to pay for her death, rightfully so. And Will always had those dark leanings and thoughts, it’s the nature of his work imo. When we get to the latter part of s2 when Will struggles with running away with Hannibal, that seems like a stretch to me. He literally just had tried to get Hannibal killed. And then s3 was just a whole other universe. Will forgiving Hannibal for Abigail’s death is just not something I think is plausible, besides the fact that I don’t think he loves him in a romantic way. And once again Hannibal proves he cannot love by trying to murder Will in one of the most brutal ways possible. But then he saves him from being murdered by someone else and changing his tune by doing a 180????? It just makes no sense. Unless it’s him thinking no one can kill you but me? Then Will and Molly grabbed me by the throat and I loved them instantly. Will was away from the world that brought out and nurtured that darkness and he found happiness. And then those last few episodes were an acid trip. And I will go to my deathbed believing that Will went over that cliff edge to protect his family.
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
Seriously if you think will and Hannibal are positive gay rep get the literal fuck away from me and never return. im not here denying their queerness, that’s a proven fact and was an interesting spin to the story but do not pretend that relationship was anything other than disgustingly toxic at best
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
Hahaha. I literally heard the "boooo" while reading this. This. This shouldve happenned, makes more sense for characters.
Okay guys, hear me out, we redo Hannibal but this time, since y’all want Will to act on his darker urges, he kills Hannibal and becomes a serial killer of serial killers. This way he stays true to himself and his “darker” moral compass. He just kills bad guys for a living. No wait, why are you booing me? It’s the perfect storyline! We all get what we want. You get Will being his “true dark self” and I get “Hannibal being killed by Will”. It’s literally a win-win situation!
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yellowbluemoonshine · 28 days
I wish.
Finished Hannibal! All 3 seasons, so much whump 😍😍😍
But, honestly, I am SO glad that I didn’t watch Hannibal live way back when..I don’t think I would have been able to handle Hannigram shippers. This isn’t even about whump, so feel free to ignore, I just needed to rant a bit
Okumaya devam et
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