#couldnt finish is once it started going left like that at the end
enbydykeburnout · 5 months
so i finally watched the craft and i gotta say, they had me in the first three quarters but the last quarter, yeesh om a cracker 😬
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whos afraid of little old me? // mattheo riddle x fem hufflepuff reader
playlist: whos afraid of little old me - taylor swift
summary: mattheo riddle isnt scared of anything , but when you blew up at him for messing up your potion. he felt fear for the first time. fear of a usually bubbly hufflepuff.
y/n used , comedy, short , female rage x
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"WHAT THE FU-!" you screamed loudly as bright green liquid dripped down your face and onto your uniform , your mouth open in shock and your hands trying to wipe the liquid. mattheo beside you mirrored the same appearance , covered head to toe in the slime like thing.
"miss y/l/n i suggest you dont finish that sentence before you lose hufflepuff house points. wait here, i will go alert madame pomfrey." snape said monotonously as he walked out the room, uninterested as ever.
the whole classroom stayed in a stunned silence as you desperately wiped yourself down , mattheos laugh breaking the tension , "why did he leave to get madame pomfrey when its just a small mess-"
he was cut off by theodore , who stood on the other side of him gulping and staring at something behind mattheo in horror.
"i think i know what shes going to be needed for..." theodore said quietly as mattheo looked at him confused before following his eyes , his gaze landing on you as you looked down at the floor with clenched fist and a shaking body. you looked like you were going to explode just as the potion had.
"are you okay love-" mattheo started before being cut off by you jumping on him , legs wrapped around his torso and hands pulling fiercely on his hair as mattheo screamed.
"IM GOING TO KILL YOU MATTHEO RIDDLE , I TOLD YOU NOT TO PUT THE PHEONIX FEATHER IN YET YOU STUPID SHI-" you shouted loudly , rage boiling your blood as the boy spun around , desperately trying to push you off.
"someone get her off!" another slytherin girl said as lorenzo scoffed.
"im not quite sure i want to get involved in that-" enzo started bluntly before panicking when your legs and arms began hitting mattheo.
it had taken lorenzo , draco and blaise to get you off mattheo. the immense battle had ended with you held back at the arms , legs and waist by the three boys. mattheo falling to the floor dramatically.
"its broken! its broken!" mattheo screamed , kicking his arms and legs around like a toddler.
"whats broken...?" theodore asked in confusion.
"i-...." mattheos crying response was cut off once he realised that he was infact surrounded by his classmates, and he couldnt allow his cold demeanor to slip. eventhough his bad boy persona had been long forgotten the second a shrill scream left his mouth.
he simply stood up and pretended to brush himself off , ignoring the pain in the back of his leg , somewhere you had kicked successfully. mattheo looked at you , seeing you breathing heavily and eyes burning holes through him.
"i wish i could be mad but you look really cute when youre angry." mattheo said with a smirk , his words surprisingly genuine.
however you didn't like that one bit , wrestling the three boys who held you back and going to pounce on mattheo again- who had started running away in pure fear.
"SOMEONE GET MADAME POMFREY!" mattheo screamed as he ran out of the potions classroom, you hot on his case.
this is one of my fav one shots ive ever written LMAO
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clairellie · 1 month
hii !! first off. love your blog ?? need to read your abby fic !! 🫶🏻🫶🏻 and i saw you took requests. so um. hear me out, mixing the streamer!ellie with some abby x reader content.
streamer!ellie who decides to invite her two best friends to play games and stream. abby and reader being close to each other, abby encouraging reader, cheering for her while being a dick to ellie. "you got it, you got it!" she'd say to reader as she plays. "you fuckin' moron! you lost!" she'd say to ellie. anyway !! chat starts to notice how sweet abby and reader are to each other and ellie reads them what people say. omg. and maybe after the stream, abby decides to take reader on a date?? sorry if this is messy. just thought it'd be cute !! mwaaah 🫶🏻🫶🏻💌
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a/n: i loveedddd this idea!! sorry if this seems bad, this was done in like 15 minutes.
includes: streamer!ellie with sweet!abby but also mean!abby..? y/n used once!!! abby being bad down.
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"okay, so today, i invited 2 of my friends to play a few games with us. abby, and y/n. uhm, we decided to play a few games of fortnite, so no call of duty today. you all know y/n right, and abby, right?"
ellie was staring off into space as you and abby introduced yourself, looking at a few posters up on her wall, surrounded by a shelf full of figures.
ellie was seated in the middle, abby on the left of ellie, and you on the right of ellie. ellie didn't want you two to sit next to eachother. she despised those moments when abby was only focused on you. always helping you figure out where everyone is, reminding you to pick up some loot, and so on. she never did any of those things to ellie, because she was already "good."
as ellie was talking to chat a bit, needing help with choosing her skin before you and abby joined in. once abby finished helping you, although she was honestly just talking to you.. she sat back down in her seat and loaded in the game as you did.
ellie had a peely skin, and you had the poison ivy skin on as abby had midas on. abby said you two "had the same vibe." she liked how your two skins complimented each other, and looked like you were sort of matching, just a tiny bit.
"oh! get that loot right there." "you got it!" "reload real quick.. yeah, now shoot him in the head." abby was always cheering you on as you played. ellie side eyeing chat, knowing that theres some kind of vibe between you and abby.
it took a while for the match to end, none of you getting a #1 royale. somehow, ellie died first. you and abby kept looking at each other almost every time ellie did one of her high-pitched screams or loud ass gasps. then you died. then abby died.
"HAH, you fuckin lost." abby said in a joking manner. ellie was pisseddd off. she couldnt believe the fact that she died first. it was usually you who died first, but ellie?! "you can shut the fuck up abby" "well i wont."
you had forgotten about chat. completely forgetting that people were watching you play a game. ellie looked over at chat, a few things caught her eye.
"THE WAY ABBY LOOKS AT HER?!" "they should js get married alreadyyy." "plz dont start the ships again."
ellie grinned, ammused by the way chat is obsessed with you and abbys relationship. "chat loves yall together, start dating already."
abby looked at her with a confused face, "excuse me....?" "look at chat. the way you look at her, the way you speak to her compared to me? come on now!"
you looked over at abby, thinking about what it would be like to date her. you now realize you already had some feelings for her.. but those got stronger. you would love the feeling of abby's lips on top of yours, the feeling of her hands holding your waist...
time went by quickly now that you werent really focused any more. a few minutes later, ellie shuts off the stream. "yall wanna get some food realllyyy quick?" ellie asked, now standing up. "yeah just give us a sec." abby said, getting her shoes put on and her leather jacket.
abby looked at you, "you wanna go on a date with me?" you stared at her, confused and in shock now. how could this all happen so fast? first you were just hanging out with eachother, then you find out you reallyyy like her, and now she feels the same way?!!
"i-i mean sure! i would love that."
"what time works best for ya?"
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badgyalshii · 3 months
Paul Atreides x Reader (always safe for POCS+ Plus size)
2.6k word count
warnings! idk really you tell me lmao. just sad really, flashbacks, etc. proofread, uhhh most of it.
A/N: im so happy i got the results that I did in the first part, im thinking of starting a taglist for this series maybe so just send me an ask saying you wanna be in there and i gotchuuuu! thank you to everyone who reads my stories, i was supposed to post this yesterday but i was pretty busy. i am overall happy with how this series is going! i was gonna leave it simple and end it here, but honestly i feel like i could keep going with this, love you guysss!😘
Access Part I here. I . II . III . IV .
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¨its just protocol¨ ¨it wasnt necessary, i watched. Ive watched you, standing behind you. Who are you, paul?¨
¨y/n? Helloooo, y/n¨ chani waved her hand in your face as the memory slowly faded and you came back to your vision and seeing chani infront of you. You both laid on the small bed, hot when the sun was up or down. Chani wanted more, she swore she did. When she wasnt talking to you she was searching for something to make this ¨house¨ feel comforting, like a home. You closed your eyes as the flashback completely faded in your head. You both were laying down, she was across from you with a worried look on her face as you blinked. ¨yes chani?¨ ¨are you prepared?¨ she asked. You struggled to remember what she was talking about, and her concerned look never left her face. ¨To leave¨ chani whispers gently. She knew you still had feelings for paul, and she couldnt fight to win you over in your constant mental battle. You never felt like this before. Wanting only one person- no, needing them. Under your eyes grew heavier and heavier. Days grew longer and you hardly slept and when you did it was of paul, had you have no life of your own? Have you grown depressed? You sighed, stood and you dressed, taking a deep breath in as you pulled up your pants and grabbed your mask.
Its been 6 years, 6 years on arrakis with chani, and you never forgot. You never forgot the life that you used to have, the life you missed so deprately, and you never came to terms with your new life, even if it was with chani. You missed stilgar, you missed everyone, grouped together, eating, small laughs between you and your friends, paul picking at your plate whenever you didnt really feel like finishing your food. You loved chani, you love her, youve became closer and closer like sisters. She taught you her own individual skills that shes learned along the way, but you guys barely talked. Her company was comforting, but all you really thought about was paul, and his new marriage, and his new wife. Was it just…..protocol? You could tell when you spoke to chani that she was extremely uninterested in the topic of paul, but thats all you ever thought about.
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You found another place in arrakis, it took about 6 sandworms to get to your destination and you lived in once again, another large rock. You and chani hunted for water and when you found it you both started to make another ¨tent¨ in the rock to live at for a while. You both sat down and ate.
¨whats on your mind?¨ chani asked worryingly, she worried, she worried so often. She only wanted whats best for you and it hurt to see you this way but she covered it with her toughness. ¨paul. Maybe he was right-¨ ¨y/n, it has been six years since then. Please-¨
¨maybe… i should go¨ you thickly swallowed, looking at your hands before you looked back up at her. Her jaw was clenched before she released it, she has an irritated look on her face before she released her eyebrows. ¨im coming with you”
As you got dressed to go back to him, you thought of him. Maybe it was because of the way he laughed so softly against your lips that made you miss him. Maybe its because of how his warm and rough fingers softly grazed your face and on your body sending butterflies in your stomach and tiny shocks wherever his loving touch landed, eager to touch you, the way his green but now electric blue eyes looked at you with pure admiration. He was so perfect. Everything you wouldbe thought you wanted on paper was right infront of you, waiting on you. You couldnt lie, you were excited to see him and thankful chani allowed you to go back. You wondered about him, wondered how he looked now, was he more mature? Did his voice get deeper? was it just protocol? Did you make a mistake? Is he safe? Is he still there? Does he still love you?
Anxiety crept through your throat before you swallowed it back down. Chani was already ready to go as soon as she shes going with you. You looked at her, she was sitting outside of the giant rock, waiting for you and if she wasnt already so smart, she turned feeling eyes on her back almost as if she could sense you, one eyebrow raised as she then crossed her arms and leaned on her left foot. You sighed before picking up your things, walking up to chani she put her hand on your shoulder and patted it. ¨can we just sit here? we just got here! look at the view¨ she said before crossing her arms again and looking at you with a smile.
The view was clearly beautiful. The sun coming down as it usually does but in this particular rock, there was something different about the scenery. ¨pretty cool for a shit planet¨ you muttered, dropping your things before you got down and sat criss cross. Chani joined you, enjoyed the view for a little longer before she looked over at you.
¨why do you like him so much, Paul?¨ she questioned kindly, usually she didnt like talking about him, she was never a fan. You looked at her, studying her face you could see she had a serious face beside her eye slightly winched from the sun, she waiting on your answer before she lifting her knee and laid on her elbow. you sighed before sitting with your legs flat out with your hands in your lap, it wasnt a hard question, it just caught you off guard. Why were you so attracted to him? . ¨i….i dont know, actually¨ you looked back into the view, chewing on the side of your cheek before continuing. ¨its not everyday you get a new comer who is so emotionally strong but you could see he is so lost in those gorgeous eyes. Someone so intelligent, beautiful, kind, and wise. Who wants to learn and is¨ you did an exaggerated sigh before raising your fingers to quote ¨so humble, as stilgar says¨ chani laughs before laying flat out. ¨he was new, wasnt like us. us growing up, we were used to the same routine, everyone around everyone. So when he got here, when he wanted me.. I just…felt…different. Everything felt different¨ a small smile played on your face as you thought of him.
“ever thought of kids?” paul asked, playing with your hair. “why are you thinking of kids in your current situation, paul? wouldnt that be too much?” you reply, your arm laid across him and your head in his chest. he chuckled in return, you felt his heartbeat skip and pitter patter before you felt the vibrations from his voice, “i wouldnt wanna have a kid unless its yours, y/n” and with that you smiled and looked up at him, pressing a kiss to his lips before he wrapped his arms around your waist to flip you guys over, you both chuckled before paul pulled up the sheets.
You wanted to feel his warm embrace again. You wanted him again. ¨i had a vision- well a dream that one day, he would be ruler. Be so wise and so gentle, which he already is. But i would be at his side, carrying his kids. Happy family. Getting to see his eyes… looking into him and only seeing love, i wouldnt ever grow tired of it. Y/N atredies, queen of atredies, me and him. You and stilgar, everyone around each other. Happy family, happy life. Of course war, but-¨ you cut yourself off, ¨i just want love, ever since i experieced it with him, its hard to let go. He teached me genuine love, nothing less, nothing more. The way he was so honest. How could i ever let that go?¨ you questioned, a puzzled look on your face as you waited on chani to answer. She took a pause, she once again looked back at the view before looking at you.
¨you do understand that he isnt the same anymore, right?¨”she said, looking up. ¨i understand,¨ you nodded, ¨ and i saw it, when he said he was waiting for me. He changed when he drunk the water of life. I dont think he really… values relationships anymore. I remember, i remember before he drunk the water, way before. He would tell me about these nightmares he had and how he was going to do everything to stop it¨ you pursed your lips to the side, as the conversation flowed, your confidence in your relationship was going lower and lower. As much as you didnt want to hear it, you needed to. ¨he lost himself, y/n¨ chani says. ¨are you sure when you walk back into his life hes gonna be the same old paul?¨
You bit your lip before looking down at your hands and let out a breath, ¨thats what were going to find out, right?¨ ¨to be honest,¨ chani sighed and put her hands behind he head, looking at the ceiling of the rock. ¨ i dont really trust him, never did. nor do i like him. He took advantage of us y/n. Tricked us, making us fight for him¨ chani said without filter. ¨he is the preacher, its written. I believe in him¨ you said pridefully, showing humility as you will always stand behind your one true love. ¨you got your sight taken by the vision of love¨ chani looks at you, she felt bad that you were so blind. But you were often like this, always have been. Soft, sensitive, caring. Its true, you and muad´dib are perfect for each other, chani could see that, but you honestly didnt wanna talk about it if she wasnt even gonna try to understand. ¨white savior¨ she finishes and looks up at the ceiling of the rock again before she looks back into the distance. ¨i love him¨ that was your finishing statement.
It was as if nothing faded, like you didnt grow, like you saw paul yesterday, like you never left. Chani felt so bad, so bad that you kept searching for paul in sleepless nights. But she also felt slightly angry, as if she didnt take you under her wing and teach you something brand new, a new way of life. It was like you totally discarded it, like you didnt want it, you didnt want to. Paul or nothing. Did you not value chanis friendship? Her love? She would never ask, shes too dominate for that. But it bothered her.
¨we should leave before it gets too late¨ chani mutters, letting out a slight groan before she stood and wiped her hands off on the pockets of her pants. You followed suit and picked up your bag before something dropped. It was pauls necklace, a family heirloom he trusted you with, he wanted you to have it. You looked at it before picking it up, rubbing over it and placing it over your neck before following chani.
The sand crunched against your shoes as you followed her, she was silent as she held the tools to get a sandworm. It was offly hot today and you both lacked water so she viewed it at that point, she already discussed with you that she wasnt gonna work for muad´dib, wasnt gonna fight for him, only gonna fight for her people. You looked at her, the sweatbeads on her forehead visible but it didnt make her look bad. You sat while you waited for the sandworm to appear.
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When you arrived the foundation looked huge, guards around the premises dressed in black, all tall, muscular, and you could easily tell they were worthy of their place. ¨follow me¨ chani said, her walk bold and strong as you followed behind her in suit. Chani walked up the the guard and the guard had a strong bold look. ¨who are you?¨ the guard asked. ¨chani¨ she replied, taking off the mask that covered her eyes. ¨freman¨ he muttered, he looked over chanis shoulder and saw you. ¨and you?¨ he questioned, ¨freman¨ you replied. He stepped aside and allowed you both to enter. Chani pushed the door open, coming inside and you followed.
You werent used to this, spending all your life living in a rock. The walls were long and you looked at them, wanting to touch them, study the whole place. But there was something else you wanted to see to, the love of your life. ¨y/n, im gonna try to find stilgar. Be safe¨ chani whispered to you. ¨chani, this is home. Everyone we know is here, this is family¨ you said with a smile on your face. ¨its been six years. Foundations couldve changed, family couldve changed. Who knows what paul did, y/n¨ she said stern. You nodded your heard and she did too, leaving you off to find the one you wanted to see do desperately.
You walked, the building was so silent that you could hear your own footsteps, sand fell off your shoes as you walked, leaving a trail. A smile played on your lips as you walked throught the halls, checking every door, seeing your people. You asked them, ¨wheres paul?¨ in return they smiled, ¨not so sure. I dont even know where his room is at. Maybe check the throne room. Honestly, i havent seen him in a long time, y/n¨ and you did, no one was there. You furrowed your eyebrows and continued to look through the rooms, paul just wasnt there. Your happiness sooned turn into sadness and insecurity. Tears were on the edge of brimming your eyes. You exiteded the castle and sat down, leaning against the wall. You held your knees up to your chest and put your head on your forearms.
Where is he? Wheres chani? This is his place he cant be impossible to find, can he? Why cant i find him? Wheres his wife? All these thoughts coursed through your head as you waited, you ended up falling asleep, outside.
¨y/n?¨ you heard. Your neck had a crane as you looked up. ¨y/n!¨ it was a voice you recognized, ¨why are you outside?¨ they laughed, you finally looked up after rubbing your eyes and it was stilgar. ¨stilgar!¨ you yelled, he came down to your level and hugged you. He laughed ¨look at you, all dirty¨ he wiped your face. ¨wheres paul?¨ you questioned, his smile dropped and his eyebrows furrowed. This took you aback, ¨wheres paul? I was gonna ask you that¨ he mutters, wiping the dirt off of your cheek. You dropped his hand and looked at him with desperate eyes, ¨what-what do you mean?¨ you asked, desperate for an answer. ¨paul left 2 years ago, y/n. He said when he came back, he would come back with you¨” stilgar looks down as he reveals, you stood, paced, questioned. ¨he said he would wait for me- i….i dont understand! Stilgar¨ you let out a whine, trying to fight the tears. ¨where is he? Stilgar please, please!¨ you begged, dropping to your knees. Stilgar couldnt muster to come up with anything to say. In honesty, he mightve been more sad than you. The messiah is gone, lost. No where to be found. How could he find him? Where could he possibly be? Two years. Two. this was like heartbreak all over again. Before, you knew he was alive, but now. You know nothing. Should you go back? Is he still searching for you?
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Aizawa x Student reader platonic
Okay! Thank you for specifying lol! I hope this is as good as you hoped it would be :)
Warning: mentions of disordered eating...
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Aizawa x Student!Reader (Platonic)- Only Rice?
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You werent really eating. At least not as far as Aizawa could tell. He'd had his eye on you for a while now, first noticing your rather strange behaviour during lunch break when you sat on your own and didnt eat anything except for plain rice.
He found it peculiar that you would eat so little during your break, and it didn't help when all you wore were baggy clothes. He couldn't help but find it suspicious, but he hadnt said anything until one day you didnt eat altogether, worrying him greatly.
All you ever ate was plain white rice, and he never saw you eat anything else, and the way that your baggy clothes dwarfed your short, thin form made you seem much smaller than everyone else. His eyebrows furrowed in worry as he wandered away to see Present Mic and All Might, wondering what they would have to say about his suspicions.
Meanwhile, you sit at a table in the corner of the lunch room playing subway surfers on your phone, completely oblivious to the way aizawa is worrying over you. You had stupidly left your lunch at the dorms on the kitchen side and you couldnt muffle your mournful sigh, having really been craving rice for the past month.
It's another silly food obsession that will be replaced with something else any time now, you're sure, since you often go through phazes of craving your favourite food, only to then get bored of it and become obsessed with something else instead. This time, it was white rice. Boring, but so fluffy and sweet that you could literally cry if you tasted it again.
But alas, it sits on the counter a few buildings away because of your forgetfulness, and you just can't be bothered to go and get it. Curse your scatterbrain.
Once lunch finishes and the lesson after it ends you breath a sigh of relief, puffing out your cheeks like a hamster and readying yourself to leave when suddenly you hear Aizawa call your name with a troubled look on his face.
Oh oh. Aizawa Sensei never looks troubled. This spells bad luck. You fidget with the sleeves of your oversized school shirt, about to start rambling out random apologies for minor offenses like not replacing the toilet roll and using the last of the butter in the dormitory fridge until he clears his throat, waiting for the last of the stragglers in the class to leave.
"(-), I'm... worried about you. Answer me truthfully. I will know if you're lying. As your teachwr, I'm here for you and you can confide in me for any of your problems. I want to help you, but to do that, i need to know what's wrong..."
He pauses, his tone sounding heavy and full of genuine concern, which is rare even in worse circumstances.
"When was the last time you ate something?"
Your breath hitches and you blink in confusion, having not expected that question at all and doing a bit of a double take as he stares down into your soul.
You respond with a visibly confused expression, making Aizawa wonder what might be going through your head. Maybe you don't realise there's something a little concerning about your eating habits?
"Uh-... t-this morning? Why? Whats wrong? Have i been poisoned?!..."
Aizawa sweat-drops a little at your forwardness, though he is at least a little glad that you've apparently eaten this morning.
"Calm down, no, you haven't been poisoned. But- why didnt you eat at lunch? I only ever see you eat the bare minimum. And, frankly... I think you're suffering because of it. You seem very-... thin- lately..."
He hesitates to comment on your appearance, but he is genuinely very worried about you, since he came to the conclusion that you have some kind of eating disorder, and he know all about how dangerous the effects of these disorders can be.
You stare up at him in shock, your eyes widening as you finally realise what's going on, relief flooding your face.
"Wha-?... OH-! Ohhhh-... that makes sense now- listen, i know it looks weird, but please believe me, Sensei, when i say that i'm actually doing very fine. I just left my lunch in the kitchen this morning on accidwnt and uh-... might've been a little too lazy to go and get it..."
The conversation continues a lot like this, with Aizawa giving you a suspicious stare as you defend tour strange behavious, only now realising just how strange they are now that you're being called out. Oops.
Eventually you compromise with your poor, worried Sensei, offering to go and get your lunch now and eat it in front of him, and you both settle on that, the old man feeling a little better and more assured that you're not suffering all alone.
By the time you actually do manage to finish your food Aizawa Sensei is quite a bit more assured of your wellbeing, while you convince him that you're actually quite normal in size since you've always been kind of small. Though the conversation diverts to the clothes that shroud your form, and just maybe you let slip to Aizawa the fact that you only wear loose clothes because Mineta makes you feel really uncomfortable. But you only tell him that because he gives off very safe, parental energy, and you feel comfortable talking about it with him.
And just maybe he is silently fuming when you mention that it's not just you who feels genuinely unsettled by his presence, but it is in fact all of the girls in 1-A that feel this way.
Nobody knows where Mineta Minoru is the next morning, and nobody really wants to ask. And when the school cafeterias added plain white rice as a dish to be served on its own, along with a few other class favourites, noone thinks anything of it. But you do. And when your smile is a little brighter the next time your eyes meet your Sensei's, he feels acomplished as a teacher.
Dadzawa activate 👁👁
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mountttmase · 1 year
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Cold Hands, Cold Heart
Note - would love to hear what you guys think 💙
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 3k
Warnings - angst and fluff
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Your face was burning from the change of temperature as soon as you stepped in the door. You could barely feel your fingers as you unzipped your coat, finally freeing yourself from all your layers in order to let yourself be warmed by the heating.
It had been a long day. A long day spent in the cold being bossed about by a colleague who you were pretty sure had no idea what they were talking about and who shot down every idea you had, finished off by an hour and a half of waiting on a freezing platform as train after train was cancelled.
You had tried calling Mason to see if he could possibly come and get you but after his phone rung and rung until it had eventually gone through to voice mail for the fourth time, you gave up thinking he must be in the middle of something. The only thing that had gotten you through it was the thought of a hot bath and a cup of tea whilst cuddled up next to your boyfriend. Although you were starting to wonder if he was even home. His car was parked up outside, and his bag was by the door like usual but he was nowhere to be seen or heard.
You wondered towards the kitchen, hoping you’d find him in there starting dinner like he always did when you got in at this hour but you were stopped in your tracks before you even made it that far.
The living room was a mess, his trainers and hoodie strewn across the couch, cushions on the floor and empty glasses littered the coffee table. You huffed in frustration, but that was nothing compared to what was waiting for you in the kitchen.
If it was his mission to use every pot, pan and plate you owned then he’d succeeded. There was stuff everywhere to the point you couldn’t even begin to figure out what he was trying to do in the first place. But you did notice a distinct lack of anything cooking right now which made your tummy grumble and your anger soar.
After the day you’d had, you were absolutely furious and immediately stormed off upstairs in search of him. You checked your room but he wasn’t there so you grabbed a fresh set of pyjamas and left them on the radiator in the bathroom so they would be nice and toasty for when you were ready, before going off in search of him again. It didn’t take too much longer to realise where he was, hearing his booming laugh coming from the converted attic room above you. You stormed up the short flight of stairs and burst through the door but he didn’t so much as glance at you, too busy trying to shoot whoever he was playing with. It was only he turned to grab his bottle of water that his eyes fell on you for a second before quickly focusing back on the screen whilst he removed one side of his headphones in order to talk to you.
‘Hey baby, I won’t be much longer’ Mason shouted over to you, expecting some sort of response. But as you stood there dumbfounded and unsure of how to answer him, he chanced a look over to you again, frowning at your expression. ‘Two secs guys, I just need to turn my mic off’ he told whoever was on the other end before flicking the switch, his eyes however remained on the game. ‘What’s up?’ He called over to you and you couldnt believe how dense he was being.
‘What’s up?’ You repeated in a questioning tone, watching his eyes flicker over to you once more before returning to his game. ‘I’ll tell you what’s up Mason, I’ve had a long day and I’ve come home to the place absolutely trashed’
‘What are you on about? It’s not trashed’
‘I beg to differ’ you scoffed and you saw his eyebrows knit together as he started to loose his game as he was concentrating as hard as before.
‘Alright, gimme a sec and I’ll sort it’
You didn’t want to give him a sec though and the more this exchange was happening the angrier you seemed to be getting, having to scrunch your hands into fists in order to not explode.
‘No Mason, I don’t have a sec. I need you to come do it now’ you demanded but your words appeared to have no effect on him as he carried on with his game. ‘Are you even listening to me?’
‘Yeah, I just can’t pause the game babe so you just need to let me finish’
‘Mason, I-‘
‘Look sweetheart, you know I only like being told what to do when we’re both naked’ he laughed, trying to make a joke out of the situation but as he hadn’t spent more than five seconds looking at you, he couldn’t tell that this was no time for that. Ever the comedian though, he carried on. ‘Just let me finish this game and I promise I’ll tidy up and then make you cum as many times as you want. Release some of that tension, yeah?’
You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth, having never known him be so insensitive before or having complete disregard for your emotions. He could usually tell by your voice exactly how you were feeling but it seemed as if today he was ignoring it. You didn’t have the energy to fight with him, and even though you could feel your eyes stinging as you knew tears were about to fall, you just took a deep breath before speaking again.
‘Mason, I’ve had a really long day and this is the last thing I need from you right now’ you told him, your words seeming to have caught his attention this time as he stopped pressing buttons and turned to look at you. ‘I’m going to have a bath, and when I get out I want everything back where it should be’ you knew your voice was wobbly and as much as you tried to fight them off, tears were cascading down your face and he looked back at you with a face full of guilt. You didn’t want for a reply though, quickly turning on your heel to make your way back down the stairs.
You heard him mumble a quick goodbye to whoever he was playing with, his chair sliding back to let you know he’s was about to follow you so you picked your pace up, practically running into the bathroom so he couldn’t catch you in time. You were just turning the lock when he reached the door, trying the handle and when it didn’t budge he bashed his fist a few times to get your attention.
‘Baby? Let me me in please, I’m sorry’ he shouted through the door but you just ignored him, wiping your eyes furiously as more tears fell. He carried on though, thumping so hard you thought the door might break. ‘Y/n, come on please’ he begged but you blocked it out, turning the tap on and grabbing your favourite bubble bath before rooting around in one of your drawers to find the sheet mask you’d been saving for a a special occasion. He gave up knocking shortly after and you heard him walk off across the hall and you let out a sigh of relief.
After getting undressed, you chanced a quick look in the mirror so you could pop your mask on, but the unhappy face looking back at you made you even more upset. Your skin was red from the cold still, your eyes bloodshot and baggy from all the crying and your lips felt so dry that even if you had wanted to smile you’re not sure if you could. You quickly put the mask on, flattening it down and turning away so you didn’t have to look at yourself and anymore. You lit the few candles that were dotted around before shutting the light off, your eyes relaxing instantly in the dim lighting as you carefully sunk down into the still running water.
You let your mind drift a bit as you lay back, slightly regretting the way everything had happened upstairs but for some reason today you had reached your breaking point. Mason knew these past few weeks at work had been rough for you, coming to the end of a project you were supposed fully responsible for and the hours were taking their toll on you. You knew it was only for a short while and maybe it was the mix of exhaustion and starvation that made you react to Mason the way you had, but you didn’t appreciate his jokes and attitude when you were looking for some comfort.
You stayed in the bath until it started going cold and you could feel your tummy getting angry at you, so you hopped out and dried yourself off, pulling on your warm pyjamas and dumping your face mask in the bin before washing your face and applying your skincare. Your eyes were still puffy, and you could tell you looked like you’d been crying but the only thought in your brain was going to get some food and going to bed. You were anxious to leave the safety of the bathroom though, not sure where in the house Mason was but you were brave and silently made your way downstairs.
As you passed through the living room you noticed how it was now completely clear and all the cushions were put back where they should be and you felt your eyes sting again. Your chest going tight that he’d listened to you but you were still upset that you had argued about it.
You turned into the kitchen, again it was spotless, the smell of food cooking filled the room and Mason was in the corner, hunched over the dishwasher as he placed the last few things inside and turned it on. He turned round, his eyes catching yours instantly and a look of shock and relief washed over his face.
‘Hey’ he breathed, taking a cautious step towards you, but when you just stood there he stopped and gulped nervously. ‘I uh- I’ve sorted everything out, and I’ve put you some dinner on, it should be ready soon. I thought you might be hungry’ he told you gently and your eyes dropped to the floor as you could feel the tears coming thick and fast. He saw your shoulders shake immediately and crossed the kitchen in a few fast steps to wrap you up in his arms. ‘Hey, no no no, please don’t cry’ he pleaded, one hand reaching into your hair to scratch over your scalp as he knew it soothed you. You tried to stop but being in his arms after the stress of the whole day made your tears come flooding. Your fists gripped his hoodie as you cried into his neck and he rocked you gently, quietly trying to calm you until you were ready to look at him.
When he felt your sobs die down, he placed a few kisses to the side of your head before pulling back and holding your face in between his hands so you were forced to look him. You opened your eyes and were met with a concerned and heartbroken Mason. You felt your bottom lip wobble but held it together as he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, his eyes flickering all over your face in worry as he didn’t want to set you off again. You thought it was best if you spoke first so you took a deep breath and tried to settle yourself.
‘I didn’t mean to snap before-‘
‘No no, don’t’ he interrupted, not wanting you to blame yourself like you always did. ‘I’m so sorry, I completely lost track of time but that’s not an excuse. I shouldn’t of left the house like I did. You don’t deserve to come home to see that, I’m so sorry baby’ he reassured you and you reached up to fiddle with the strings on his hoodie whilst nodding at him. ‘I’m sorry I made you cry’ he whispered ‘I feel like the worst human in the world’ and you couldn’t help but chuckle at little bit. ‘Ah there’s my favourite smile’ he teased and you launched yourself into him again, his arms holding you to him close as you hid your face. ‘I really am sorry. And I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you upstairs. I was trying to get you to laugh but if I’d of paid a bit more attention to you I would of realised you weren’t in the mood.’
You nodded into his neck before pulling back again to look at him. ‘Thank you, I’ve just had a bit of a rough day and I just wanted to come home to a bit of peace and quiet’ you told him softly and he nodded sympathetically before kissing your forehead.
‘But instead you came home to an awful boyfriend and a mess’ he teased and you laughed whilst nodding. ‘God I really am sorry baby. Did you have a nice bath at least?’ He asked with a chuckle and you smiled up at him, nodding to let him know you had. ‘Good. Well your foods probably ready now. Why don’t you go get comfy and I’ll bring it in? You can tell me all about your horrible day if you want’ He suggested and you nodded, untangling yourself from him, but he was quick to pull you back. ‘Can I have a kiss, please?’ He asked, almost shyly like you might reject him but you nodded straight away and he was quick to plant his lips on yours. He was so gentle with you, and the comfort you felt radiating off him made your eyes well up again, but you hummed contently when he tongue brushed up against yours.
With a quick pat on your bum, he sent you off to the sofa and you flicked through the channels until he came in with a bowl of your favourite pasta and a glass of wine. You smiled at him appreciatively as he got settled next to you, his hand on your thigh rubbing comforting circles as you ate and when you were done, he took your plate out to the kitchen to clean immediately.
Once he was back, he opened his arms for you to climb into. ‘C’mere baby, let me hold you’ he murmured and you settled in between his legs as he rubbed your back in circles. You tilted your face up to look at him, happier now you were both good again, and even though he’d told you not too, you still wanted to let him know you were sorry for the part you played.
‘I’m sorry for bulldozing in on you earlier, you didn’t know what mood I was in and I’m sorry for snapping and running away’
‘Baby, don’t be silly. I shouldn’t have to know what mood you’re in, I should be looking after you the way you look after me’ he smiled, kissing you softly. ‘We’re a team, yeah? And if you’re not feeling 100% then I need to make sure I’m making up that extra bit, like you do without even thinking about it’
‘I love you, Mason’
‘I love you too, y/n’ he smiled kissing you again before you settled back down onto him. ‘Now who do I need to go beat up for upsetting my baby? Besides myself’ he joked and you giggled into his chest before launching into a full blown rant about your horrible colleague and how you’d been treated all day. He tried to soothe you with kisses, telling you he’d make whoever’s life hell he needed to if they upset you again. ‘Then to top it all off, I had to wait for ages for a train cause they were all cancelled’
‘You should of called me, I would of come got you’ he told you, brushing through your hair and you rolled your eyes at him with a smile. ‘What? You know I would’
‘I know’ you smiled at him ‘that’s why I called you like four times’
‘You what?’ He frowned, pulling back to look at you and you laughed at his confused face.
‘I called you when I was waiting but you never picked up’
He huffed, stretching over to the side table where he phone was sat plugged in to charge. ‘I forgot to charge it last night and it died at training so It’s been over there for a while’ he told you and once his noticed your missed calls his face dropped. ‘Oh fuck, I’m such a muppet I’m so sorry baby’ he groaned, rubbing his hand over his face in frustration. ‘The one time I don’t look at it you need me’ he mused, popping his phone on the arm of the sofa before looking over to you again. ‘I feel awful. I can’t believe I left you out there to freeze. And then I made you cry, the thought of it makes me feel sick’ he huffed, holding you tighter and placing his lips on your forehead.
‘I made it home eventually Mase, and it wasn’t just you that made me cry’
‘Yeah well I didn’t exactly help the situation did I’
‘No’ you laughed, squeezing him a little tighter. ‘But please don’t beat yourself up about it. I feel much better now��
‘Oh yeah?’ He winked, kissing you slowly as he held you as tight as he could. ‘Well then I think you should take me up on my offer of making you cum as much as you want’ he said seductively and you couldn’t help but laugh as he jumped up and slung you over his shoulder to carry you upstairs.
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thxjoon · 7 months
You’re the only good thing in my life pt 2
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-genre/warnings: arranged marriage, mentions of cheating in the past, angst, smut, hurt/comfort, fighting
A/n very sorry for the long wait, I had written my part 2 but decided I didn’t like it and rewrote it…. This is still not finished btw, there will be one last part I also just realized i never titled this :o
Once namjoons mother had found out that namjoon had been unfaithful to minseo she was furious. She knew how much minseo cared for her son. She couldn’t believe he’d do something like that to her.
But of course namjoon was her son. she was disappointed but at the end of the day she understood that people make mistakes.
After work he decided to go down to seokjins house to talk. he decided to give up his land. It has already caused enough trouble in his life. He didn’t want it anymore.
Upon arriving he lets himself in, immediately stopping in his tracks seeing his brother, seokjin sitting with his wife, minseo.
“Minseo, what are you doing here?”
Minseo stood as she ignored his question
“Well then, I should be heading home now”
Pushing past namjoon out the front door as he followed her
“Minseo wait!” He say’s grabbing her arm
“Let go of me, please” she couldnt even look at him, not because she didn’t want to but because it hurt too much
“I asked you a question. what are you doing at my brothers house?”
“Does it matter?” She tried tugging her arm out of his hold
He responded holding her tighter
“Yes it does. You have no business being here, especially alone with him.” What was he insinuating?
“I wanted to know who she was” she finally looked him in the eyes
“Your lover” tears started to brim her eyes
“Minseo, he has no business in our marriage. If you wanted to know the truth of what happened you could’ve ask me”
“I couldn’t. You know why? Because it hurts much more coming from you. I do not wish to know all the details”
It was silent for a moment before namjoon spoke “when that night happened, we were nearly a month married, we were Still not fully familiar with eachother. It was before I had realized how much you meant to me, before I knew that I loved you. I could not tell you who it was because I truly do not know. I try hard to forget that regretful night. Ever since the night we confessed our love for each other I’ve been thinking of no one else except you. Please minseo, im sorry.”
Tears ran down her face as she struggled to speak “it doesn’t matter. You were still my husband. I’ve been nothing but faithful to you since I found out about this whole situation” she nearly ran when he loosened his grip on her arm. She didn’t want anyone to see her like this.
Namjoon stood there feeling defeated. Seeing jin staring out the window. When they locked eyes jin quickly hid behind the curtains. Namjoon left shaking his head.
Upon returning home, it was quiet. Namjoon had called off their weekly family dinner once again, saying it was because he wasn’t feeling well but everyone in the family already knew what was going on.
Heading to bed with a heavy heart, feeling absolutely horrible not having minseo there to comfort him.
Minseo spent most of her days avoiding him at all costs. She knew she couldn’t hide forever but every time she saw him she was reminded of everything that has been happening but at the same time she was missing her husband. She soon realized that she really didn’t have anyone else.
Namjoon had started working even later into the night just to keep his mind busy. Trying to get things done as he kept postponing them all week.
“Namjoon” he was broken out of his thoughts as he saw her, minseo.
“Yes? What happened?” He immediately stood up
“Your mother, she can’t get a hold of you. She’s been calling for a while now”
“Oh, yeah I was busy, I’ll call her in a minute-”
“I already talked to her, she said she’s having a gathering at her home tomorrow and you must attend, no exceptions”
He nodded “will you be going?”
“I might, Depending on how I’m feeling. Night.” She said walking out the door of his home office not giving him a second glance
“Goodnight!” He said before she shut the door. He slumped back into his chair not remembering what he was doing just a minute ago.
The next day namjoon waited practically the whole day for minseo. He thought they would drive there together but she never asked or even mentioned she was going. He decided to go before it got too late, he figured she probably didn’t want to go.
Namjoon arrived a little late but he knew he had to show up or else his mother would have given him an earful.
Walking in seeing everyone talking, laughing with each other. He immediately felt nervous. He shouldn’t be, this is his family.
“Namjoon!” His mother is the first to greet him “thank you for coming, dear” she kissed his cheek
“Well you said no exceptions so here I am” he sighed
“Everyone is here, go say hello” she encouraged with a smile on her face
“Mother, im really not-“
“Minseo is here too” his mother added
“Where?” He questioned immediately looking around for her
“I believe she’s out back”
Immediately going to see if she was actually here, going out the back door of his mothers house. He sees her. Sitting beautifully, legs crossed in her white floral dress talking with a family member. They both stop mid conversation as he spoke
“Hi- im sorry to interrupt” namjoon looked nervous
“That’s alright dear, I’ll be heading inside now. It was good seeing you sweetheart” his great aunt says as she said goodbye to minseo
“I thought you weren’t coming” namjoon sat down once they were alone
“I never said I wasn’t” taking a sip of her drink feeling nervous herself
“I waited for you, I thought maybe we’d drive down together” namjoon searched for her eyes but she wouldn’t look at his
“Seokjin brought me.”
“Oh” Namjoon was beginning to feel a sort of hatred towards his brother. He just couldn’t keep his nose out of his marriage
“You look beautiful as always”changing the subject he reached for her hands that were on the table
“I’m leaving” She finally looked at him as she pulled her hands away
“Leaving? What do you mean?”
“Back home, with my mother.”
“What, Why? My love you-“
“Because I need to. I feel lonely here, I need to get away for a while. It’s all too much”
“Everyone loves you here, my mother, our aunts everyone adores you- I can’t be without you, please” he didn’t realized tears had begun to form in his eyes
“You’ve lived without me before, you’ll be fine namjoon. I’m sure you’ll find someone else to entertain you”
“No. No I don’t want anyone else. Just you, Minseo. I can’t imagine my life without you. I-I love you so much. Please, please tell me what I should do so that you’ll stay” his heart felt like it was aching in his chest. He’d never thought that his worst nightmare would be to lose his wife.
she could see it in his eyes how sorry he was but her trust had been broken “How can I trust you anymore joon?”
“I promise you that I’ll never hurt you again my love. I truly never meant to hurt you. I honestly thought that this marriage wasn’t going to be a real marriage. But I-I fell for you so hard.” He himself would’ve never thought this would happen but it did. And he’s never been so happy to have found her.
She went to put one of her hands on top of his arm “I still love you namjoon. You can’t stop loving someone so quickly, but I need some time”
Looking at her with big glossy eyes he nodded “you will be back right?”
They were interrupted by namjoons mother as she stepped outside to find the two
“Kids! Come inside. I’ve made a ham” she waved her hand for them to come join the family
“We’re coming! Come on, can’t keep mom waiting” minseo was first to get up as he followed
Everyone was serving themselves. Minseo wasn’t feeling hungry but she didn’t want to be rude so she made herself a plate. Namjoon wasn’t sure if he should sit next to her or not. Minseo sat at the full table so he had no other choice but to sit somewhere else.
Namjoons mother noticed he wasn’t enjoying himself. She figured whatever the two we’re talking about outside caused this. She always taught her sons to fight for the people they love. She’s just hoping that namjoon will take her advice.
He certainly didn’t enjoy watching his wife laugh at all his brothers jokes from across the room. Didn’t those two hate each other? Minseo and jin were actually good friends before this whole marriage happened. Is it weird to say that this whole situation brought them closer? Minseo realized she didn’t really have anyone else to talk to but jin was there, like old times.
After it got later and people started leaving. Jin offered to drive minseo back home to which she accepted before she went to thank Mrs Kim
“Thank you for coming, dear” she held both of her hands
“Of course, your food is always delicious”
Namjoon now walking into the living room coming from the bathroom. seeing his mother and wife together always made him happy. But now it just made him nervous. Not knowing what his mother would say to her
“Hi” he said looking directly at minseo
“Hi, I’m going to be heading home now. Jins taking me”
“Okay. I’m going to stay here a bit long. Ill be there soon” he didn’t like that idea but he needed to stay to talk to his mother privately. Minseo nodded leaving.
Namjoon started helping his mother put the left overs away
“Do you want to take any of these home with you dear?” His mother asked as she was looking for Tupperware, immediately stopping as she heard a sob come from her son
“Joon? Whats the matter?” She pulled him into a hug as he continued to cry into her shoulder
“She’s leaving me”
“Oh no, honey I’m so sorry. What did she say?”
“She-she’ll be staying with her mother for a while but what if….what if she doesn’t come back, what if she stops loving me. And jin–“
“Honey, she’ll come back. she just needs time. I’ve seen how much you two love each other. And jin, don’t worry about jin. He’s your brother, he’s just trying to get under your skin. If you don’t want to lose her then you better go and show her how much she means to you”
Namjoon nodded not really able to get his words out now, wiping his tears “I should go and make sure she got home safe”
“Go, and when she leaves come visit me often so you won’t be so alone”
On the way home jin asked a lot of questions about her leaving as well, he was actually the one to suggested going away for a while
“Did your mother ask why you were coming home so suddenly?”
“Yes she did. I told her it was because I was home sick. I didn’t have the heart to tell her.” Minseo says looking out the passenger window feeling mostly tired
“You know you wouldn’t be going through all of this if you would’ve chosen me” jin spoke looking directly ahead on the road
Minseo slowly turning her head to him “what?” She said in disbelief. She didn’t know whether or not he was making another joke right now.
“All those years, and yet you chose him”
He in fact wasn’t joking
“I dont understand jin. You made it clear that we were just friends” minseo did have a crush on him back when they were in school but she was turned down countless of times
“You were just a kid! And by the time I thought maybe you were ready you had namjoon already courting you. I still believe he did it just to get back at me”
“Jin, why are you tell me this now-“
Jin pulled the car over quickly scaring minseo a bit, now facing her
“I’m saying nows our chance, I still want you…” jin moved his hand to her thigh feeling her soft legs, slowly moving up-
“Jin, what the hell!” She moved his hand off her thigh “I’m married. And im sorry but that was the past” her other hand searched for the door handle
“Oh come on, you’re still going to be faithful to him? even after everything he’s done to you-“
Finally finding the door handle she practically jumps out the car slamming the door, jin also jumps out as he sees her walking away
“What are you doing?” She ignores him still walking away ”Minseo, come on. Ok I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you angry”
“Just go, I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not going leave you walking, just get in”
“I said no. Now leave before I start screaming”
“Fine, but it’s not my fault if you get lost.” Jin got into his car and sped away leaving minseo walking. She knew how to get home, it would just take her a while.
Namjoon arrived home before minseo. He went to check on her before he went to bed but he couldn’t find her. Of course this worried him. He checked every corner of the house. He even checked outside. Calling jins house because that was the last person she was with but he didn’t answer. He decided he was going to go look for her, taking the route he thinks jin would’ve taken but before he could get out the drive way minseo walks in the gate. exhausted and teary eyed.
“Minseo! I was worried sick about you. I was just about to-“ seeing her condition he could tell something did happen “are you alright? Where’s seokjin?”
“I decided to walk home”
“Walk? That’s quite the walk. Did something happen?”
She sighed “just jin being jin” she went to walk past him to go inside but he stopped her
“Did he do something to you?” He knew his brother, he wanted to take everything he had, even his own wife.
“Look I’m really tired right now I just-“
“Tell me, please. I swear if he touched you-“
“I stopped him before he went too far, And please don’t go cause a scene, He’s not been himself lately”
Namjoon was boiling. Take his job, Take his land, but not his wife. Namjoon didn’t want to upset minseo so he kept his cool, at least for right now.
“Let’s get inside, it’s cold.” She tried changing the subject. Minseo said good night before heading to her room. She couldn’t sleep so she spent practically the whole night packing her bags. Her mother was expecting her tomorrow.
Namjoon also couldn’t sleep. he couldn’t believe his own brother would do that to him. Jin knew how desperate namjoon was to win back minseo. He wondered if maybe minseo secretly wished she had ended up with jin. He knew jin had a crush on her back in the day. But it was too late for jin. She was his.
The next morning minseo had started bringing her bags down stairs so that when it was time to go she’d be ready. All the noise caused namjoon to come out of his room. Seeing minseo struggling with her bags.
“Here, let me help” he immediately took the bags out of her hands carrying them for her
“Thank you” minseo slightly out of breath
“Are you… leaving already?” He didn’t know she’d be leaving so soon.
“Yes, my mother is sending a driver to take me. He’ll be here any minute” as if on cue the door bell rings. “Oh- that must be him” minseo going to open the door greeting the older man
“I’ll be taking your bags to the car now”
She had a lot, in total of five suitcases and two duffel bags. That kind of worried namjoon. This meant she was staying long right?
“Minseo, be safe. And call me if you need anything. Money or if you need help with yard work-“ he’d take any opportunity to see her
“I’ll be fine. thank you” how badly she wanted to say more, a hug goodbye even. But she couldn’t bring herself to do so
He watched her leave. Feeling as though a part of him was leaving as well. But he knew this wasn’t the end, It couldn’t be.
Going inside their home looking around felt empty. He didn’t like it, He doesn’t remember life without minseo.
He has a lot of things to get done. But first, seokjin.
He couldn’t wait any longer. He so badly wanted to confront Jin about what happened that night. And as soon as minseo left he went to Jins house
Upon arriving he was going to just walk in but the door was locked. He just about pounded on his door feeling all those emotions he had last night come back.
Jin had looked as if he had just woken up, opening the door confused and clearly hung over
Namjoon wasted no time barging in, pushing Jin causing him to stumble. Jin had no time to process what was going on as namjoon brought his fist to jins face
“What the fuck!” Jin groaned in pain clutching his face still on the floor
Namjoon crouching down to be face to face with Jin “who do you think you are? Putting your hands on my wife?”
Seokjin smiled slightly clearly not sorry “what, are you afraid? I bet when you’re inside her cunt she wishes it was me”
Namjoon threw another fist to his brothers face as jin was trying to block them with his hands “don’t- fucking- talk about her like that. what has gotten into you, jin? I don’t understand”
“You took her from me” Jin mumbled out, face throbbing
“I didn’t take shit from you. She was your friend, that’s all she ever was to you.”
“No, it was more than that-“
“You only wanted her when you saw that we started seeing eachother” namjoon was right, jin felt jealous. He was so used to having minseo do everything he had asked for and when she found someone new to follow around he had realized how much he missed her.
namjoons intentions weren’t pure either. He needed to be wed, and Fast. His father had just passed away and his mother wanted namjoon to claim the land but the agreement was that it went to whoever was to be married first. Namjoon wasn’t ready to be married, But if he really did need to be married he’d pick someone he already knew. Someone who he knew would be a good wife. Minseo. She had been a family friend for years and she was a nice girl. Why not right?
Of course as soon as this was brought up to her father he was already cashing the check. Minseo was young. And she’d do anything her father asked, besides she knew namjoon already. She just truly wanted to be loved
Namjoon was always sweet and respectful, and of course she fell for him almost instantly but after the marriage was made official it was like he wasn’t interested anymore. Almost as though he was only being nice to make sure she wouldn’t back out. She was disappointed but as we know this didn’t last very long. She fell first but he fell harder.
“Stay the hell out of my life” namjoon said leaving Jin alone on the floor.
Minseo had arrived to her mothers house excited. She had missed her. She didn’t live that far away, it was about two hours away but she never had time to visit that often. As soon as minseo pulled up she saw her mother waiting outside. She immediately jumped into her mothers arms
“Oh darling, you look so beautiful” minseos mother said kissing the side of her head
“I’ve missed you so much mom”
“I have too, so much.. where is namjoon?”
Minseo still has yet to tell her mother. Her mom loves namjoon so much, she knows this will break her. but she was mostly keeping this from her because the same had happened to her. Minseos father had cheated on her mother countless of times and she took him back every single time. She didn’t want to bring up those awful memories.
“He, um, he has work so he couldn’t come”
“Oh, when you said you needed to get away I thought you meant the both of you. But this is even better! It’ll be just us girls then” her mother was truly excited to spend some time with her.
Minseo slept in her old bedroom, it felt weird but it brought back a lot of good memories. She didn’t have any siblings growing up but she spent most of her childhood with namjoon and seokjin. Mostly just seokjin though. Maybe if this whole marriage hadn’t happened everything would still be perfect?…Except it wouldn’t because she wouldn’t have her love.
It was hard for her to fall asleep these days, and when she eventually did it wasn’t for very long.
After day two of staying with her mom she was so happy to be here with her but she felt the want to go back home constantly.
Her mother could tell something was going on but she didn’t want to say anything yet.
Minseo was out back sunbathing on the pool chairs but she heard her mother shouting, immediately she got up and went inside to see what was going on. Her heart dropped when she saw him, namjoon, hugging her mother.
“Joon, what are doing here?!” Minseo was confused and a bit annoyed.
“Oh- um I just wanted to check on you- and to see mom of course!” He smiled at her mother
“Oh joon you know you’re always welcome! I’m working on dinner so make yourself comfortable”
Minseo left walking to her room to change out of her bathing suit not knowing namjoon was following right behind her. It startled her a bit. She quickly put on her robe that was hanging on her door
“You shouldn’t be here namjoon” he could clearly see she was angry
“I know, I’m sorry but I was worried about you-”
“I’m perfectly fine. No need to worry”
“Your mom was so excited to see me. I was actually kind of nervous to come because I wasn’t sure if you told her about anything yet-“
“I haven’t…” she sighed “I don’t think I will. Just go down and help her, I’ll be there after I change” he nodded quickly exiting the room
Minseo had slipped into some comfortable clothes and went to join the two. Already hearing them cracking up from all the way across to house
“What’s so funny?” She smiled
“Oh darling come see this” her mom said barely able to contain her laughter “it’s from when you guys were just kids and used to walk to school every morning, Remember when that car drove by a puddle and it splashed you guys so bad you all ran home crying”
“You have a picture?!” minseo doesn’t remember this being so funny
“Of course! I knew some day we’d be able to laugh back at this”
Namjoon smiling while admiring the beautiful smiles on their faces as well
“One day when you guys have kids of your own you better take all the pictures you can, time flies by so fast” her mother adds walking back to the stove leaving the two in the dinning room
“You remember this day?” namjoon says picking up one of the many photos her mother had pulled out. It was a more recent photo. From last years birthday.
“Of course I do, it was one of the best days of my life” she smiled remembering how special she felt that day. Before she could do anything else her mother began serving them. Enjoying the nice hot meal catching up, everything felt almost normal. Almost.
“I’m stuffed” namjoon said rubbing his stomach
“Me too, every time I eat I get real sleepy. Minseos bed is a twin but I’m sure you’ll both fit” her mother added
“Oh no need, he’ll be heading home now-“
“What? No, it’s late honey. Don’t you want to stay namjoon?”
He felt pressure from both sides wanting to say yes but needing to say no, for minseo but… he couldn’t.
“Of course i do!” He smiled but minseo was mad, heading to her room. Namjoon joined her after he had helped clean up.
“Wow Your room is smaller than I remember” namjoon said looking around
“Yeah well everything’s bigger when you’re 13… you can take the bed tonight”
“No that’s ok, it’s your bed after all”
“Just take the bed joon, you’re our guest”
“Um actually we’re her guests”
She rolled her eyes “fine we both take the bed, but get your own blanket” he smiled at her
both of them were settled into the small twin bed facing back to back in silence trying to fall asleep but neither of them could
“Namjoon” minseo said quietly which caused namjoon to turn his body around or face her
“Why are you really here?” Still not facing him
“Because I was worried about you… and because I missed you”
It was silent again for a moment until he heard her sniffle immediately feeling his heart begin to race
“minseo” he whispered as she now turned around to finally face him
“I missed you so much joonie, so much but you- you hurt me so bad” she was trying to keep her voice down as best as she could
He immediately pulled her into his chest as if on instinct “I know it my love, and I’ll forever regret it. I’ll spend the rest of my life fighting to get you back if I have to. You’re the only person I truly need” he was trying to hold himself together as well
“I love you, even if you decide to not forgive me-” he was full on crying now. He couldn’t hold back
Seeing him like this just hurt her even more, looking at him she went to grab ahold of his face “I love you too joon, always” with both of them crying he immediately went in for a kiss.
it felt like they haven’t kissed in ages. He missed the way she’d grabbed his hair whenever they kissed like this. His hands searched her body missing having her like this.
Namjoon feeling himself began to grow hard, he couldn’t control it. He didn’t want to ruin the moment but In all honesty, they both needed it
As soon as she realized she paused
“I’m sorry- it just-“ he tried to explain but she didn’t care. Reaching down to feel him
“It’s okay” she pressed down feeling all of him causing him to groan, she went back into the kiss while her hand moved inside of his sweats grabbing ahold of his heavy cock, she started pumping him nice and slow. Namjoon very much enjoying this he started thrusting into her hand. His mouth agape as he was moaning quietly into her ear
“Feel good?” She asked still pumping him just how he liked it
“Yes, so good-” god she missed this
“You’re mine right?” She knew he was but she still wanted to hear it
“Yes, im all yours.. I promise” his hands began roaming her body. Missing how she felt in his arms. He grabbed the hem of her tank top asking for permission to take it off, she wasn’t wearing a bra so her chest was fully exposed now. He immediately went to her chest leaving the most gentle kisses to both of them. focusing on her nipples as she was tugging on his hair softly, feeling just as good as him. When He went to pull her pajama shorts down she stopped him
“Wait, we can’t” minseo said slightly out of breath “my mother might hear us”
Namjoon knew that was a possibility but he was so horny right now he truly didn’t care
“We’ll be quiet, I promise. I need to feel you so bad, love” he said slowly grinding against her. Minseo was just as needy and of course she gave in
“Hurry up then” she said and not even a second later namjoon was taking off the rest of his and her clothes.
Hovering over her He was teasing his tip in while he played with her clit because he knew once he was in, it wouldn’t be for very long. It feels like forever since he last had her like this. He wanted both of them to feel good.
Minseo was a whimpering mess as she tried to keep quiet. Namjoon the same, bitting his lip as he watched her
“I need you inside me, please” she whispered as namjoon started pushing himself inside
“Fuuck-“ pulling back feeling her squeeze him so good “I missed this pussy” he said into her neck as he found a good pace
They were both out of it, trying to keep quiet but feeling all too good. Minseos legs we slightly shaking as he started going faster. Namjoon couldn’t hold back his moans, trying to muffle them into the pillow
Minseo wrapped her legs around his waist just like she always did, letting him go deeper. Namjoon was close.
He began kissing her breasts, admiring how beautiful she looked under him. He’d do anything for her.
“My love, im close”
“Me too, kiss me joonie”
and he did, kissing her with urgency as he came inside her. He didn’t stop until she was finished. She wasn’t too far behind him as she was begging him to not stop
She came hard around him, feeling her pussy throbbing, namjoon still thrusting slowing letting her ride out her high
They both stayed in that position for a moment before he got up to wipe her clean, getting one of his shirts to clean the mess he made that was now spilling out of her. Being gentle because he knew she was still sensitive
“Thank you” she whispered once he was back in bed
“I should be the one thanking you” namjoon was smiling ear to ear
“For what silly” she knew what he meant but wanted to tease him
“For you know… being you”
“Oh stop” she laughed quietly “let’s go to bed now, im tired”
“Goodnight” he kissed her again before he snuggled onto her
“Night” minseo didnt know how she was able to live without him for so long but she did know that she hated it.
The two were finally able to have a good night sleep, the only thing that was missing was their bed at home.
But If only they knew what was waiting for them back at home….
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mirrorballhughes · 6 months
if you want me to go more in depth about any of these or how they broke up or anything ask me in my ask box!!
her favorite thing about luke is his hair, she adores his curls so much.
el loves watching him on the ice. every game she watches her eyes get drawn to him.
while luke has just fully moved to jersey, she would purposely call jack and ask how everything is going and tell him how she doing and always says “oh yeah storm matched me up with this guy going on a date tn.” just because she knows lukes definitely home and is listening to pair’s conversation.
once the pair broke up el totally ghosted the hughes family. she felt really bad, caleb or her parents would update them on her. she would always stay at home for breaks, never wanting to go to the hughes as she knew she couldnt stand to see luke.
last summer was when el started working on her album, it got finished during the winter. she was working on it still while with luke.
quinn is her favorite hughes brother, she sees him as another older brother and goes to him for everything if caleb is busy.
during spring break after lukes departure she called quinn to see if that extra room in his apartment was available so she could come stay with him. she couldnt be around umich or anywhere the couple would hangout.
the team was very helpful during els and lukes break up. they didnt play sides, they were always there for the pair.
when her and storm go out, el whenever she drinks she always ends up taking some guys ear off about luke.
shes mostly seen in the youngest hughes boys old hockey shirts, but when shes mad at him she’s usually always wearing jacks or quinns.
even when luke left umich she was always sporting his jersey, up until seamus was like “lets switch it up, you pick a random jersey for a game wear it” so she ends up wearing a different jersey every game.
ellen was very understanding when el came back around. she knew how heartbroken the exes were, and she still knew that spark was still there. el and lu were destined to be with each other.
mark and luca were the best guys there helping her through everything. when adam left adelaide was always there for him.
lukes favorite thing about adelaide is everything. he couldn’t pick but maybe if he could, he would say her laugh.
the nickname el was off limits to everyone. lukes gears were turning the one time jack called her it and lets say that didn’t end well for jack when they were outside playing hockey with each other.
luke was at his lowest once he walked out those two doors. he wanted to turn back time but at the same time this was his dream. he couldn’t change this.
duker would call luke with updates about adelaide. only bc luke begged him after duker said no. but he obviously changed his mind.
luke only tried moving on once, but he ended up calling the girl adelaide and well thats the end of that.
he hated how jack and quinn got the blondes attention, he tried reaching out but no responses.
luke still looks through the crowd in hopes to see his girl in the stands but shes never there. one game was but she had some guy on her hip. luke was pissed the whole way home.
when lukes drunk after games girls come up to him and hes always showing pictures of her and telling them what’s happening in the said photos, the girls think its sweet.
luke stalks els instagram, he just wanted to see how shes doing. occasionally liking photos but never commenting.
he knew she was writing music, he had heard some of her unreleased stuff. she would never show him anything new.
luke made sure ethan gave the freshies on the team the adelaide is off limts talk just in case they tried anything.
he always watches the monday questions videos, and the tiktoks the blonde makes. smile on his face hearing her laugh and get along with his friends still melts his heart.
before luke left umich, when she would film the team he would always quickly run away from the camera just because he thought it was funny and he knew he was leaving soon and couldnt take her with him.
luke grew distant before the break up, he only grew distant because he wanted her to get upset with him and break up with him. but she never did.
at devs practice before they hit the rink, the hughes brother always has headphones on listening to els music and dawson gives him shit for it, but in a nice way.
whenever jack gets messages from el, he always ignores his older brother which makes jack laugh and is constantly telling the boy about the conversation.
during breaks luke was always excited to see el. but when its just the hunters parents and caleb his face drops.
caleb is slightly annoyed with luke but answers anything he asks him. but the annoyance slowly dies in caleb when he realizes how srs luke is about his sister.
the couples favorite thing to do is stay in and watch movies. el is a big cuddler and lu just loves being with his girlfriend so he enjoys it.
before games lukes ritual is to kiss els face multiple times then grabs her hands to spin her around like the pair was dancing, then head into the locker room to get ready.
once the pair announced they were together the hugheshunter had to throw a party, which was a tad bit dramatic but it was a night to remember.
they love night drives, they love driving and not stopping.
stargazing, they love it especially during the summer at the lake house.
they pair was together for about almost a year then they broke it off after an argument.
they mutually hate seeing each other with other people, they get jealous so easily.
during lukes nhl draft the couple snuck off to have a sit down talk about it el whispering how proud she was of him luke throwing on his jersey on to her, then pulling her into a kiss.
they love kissing each other.
adeluke’s first kiss was about a month into their relationship, taking it at a pace they both agreed on. luke brought her to a beach at ann habor, and they ended up kissing.
they are both mad clingy. luke gets the most shit for it, el always sticks up for him though saying if they were in a relationship they would understand. (they meaning all of the team and their friends)
jack always fake gags whenever they are seen doing couple shit, ellen scolds him for it.
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moshpitgamma · 2 months
Since this is a most wanted part 2 story let's finish it!!!!!
Floyd x Reader|| It Ends With Us pt. 2
Words:idk lost count😂😁
Warnings:mild cursing, angst to fluff
Other: It’s kinda proof ridden😅
"I guess we just wasn't meant for each other.
He hoped and prayed that you were just heated in the moment because he didn't want you to leave. Before he could grab you and confess and hold you like he once did, you gave him a hurt expression and left.
The walk to the royal pod where his brothers were at was the worst 15 minutes of his life. He couldn't erase the look of hurt and embarrassment from your eyes that he witnessed when John called you out by your name and your previous love life.
Once Floyd made it to the pod he hesitated, but knew his brothers were probably getting worried for him so he went on and knocked and was invited inside by Viva. His brothers, including the sisters, felt the vibe change in the atmosphere when Floyd walked in, so he was the center of attention for the friend group for the start of the night. "Are you alright bro?" JD asked Floyd as he saw the expressionless face Floyd carried as he looked into the abyss of nothingness. Floyd didn't answer but showed acknowledgement to his older brother's concern.
"I bet that good for nothing s/o is probably crying and practically rethinking their life choices for not going with you" JD said amusingly as the other boys gave him a chuckle and some a high five for taking up for Floyd. "You hurt them" Floyd said silently before looking up, making direct eye contact with JD. "No i took up for you and made sure they knew who they messed with" Jd said confused at Floyd's statement. Floyd only shook his head, asked to be excused, and left the room leaving the boys filling a little guilty and sympathetic.
He knew JD meant good. Right?
That's the only thing Floyd could think of as he left the pod to get some fresh air. He needed to cool his mind off so he went to one place he KNEW he could relax.
The hill he proposed to you on...
When he made it to the hill, he heard little sobs coming from the familiar spot. He went to peak and maybe comfort the crying person, but once he figured out who the mysterious crier was, he was shocked to find out that it was YOU crying. He didn't want to intrude, but when he heard his name get mentioned in you little cries, he couldnt help but go to you.
"Are you ok?" Floyd asked but soon was blushing a little from your founded state on the soft grassy floor. You didn't say anything back but turned away and invisibly pouted at him for finding you like this. A few moments have passed and the only thing that could be heard was mother nature, both of you breathing, and your little sobs. Floyd didn't know what he was getting himself into, but he sat down beside you and slowly hugged you until you calmed down. Once you were calm enough to face him, you turned around and looked at him. "I'm so sorry Floyd," was the only thing you could say while holding back your own tears. Floyd was surprised to hear your apology after everything his brother did to you. "But JD-" "No it's my fault and I should've never got cold feet and let fear of hurting you and our future together get the best of me." Floyd couldn't believe what he was hearing and was trying to not get emotional, but what you said next made him try not to choke on his sobs.
"Floyd you were the best boyfriend I could've ever had. You were sweet, funny, nice, handsome, and everything a dream lover could want. And I fucked that up and I know you won't forgive me and everything your brother said is true. I am a fucked-up s/o and I am just a bad person."
The silence was so loud but before you could get up to leave you were pulled into a deep kiss by none other than Floyd. "I always forgave you and I always missed you. Everything JD said wasn't true and he was just defending me. I don't care how scared you got when I proposed but I will always love you y/n and I will always think of you."
His words hit you like a train and all the emotions hit both of y'all. You couldn't think of anything else but him and only him. You kissed Floyd again and stood both of yall up. Before he could say anything, you grabbed his hand and asked him a very important question.
"Would you like to start over with me?" After you asked the question, you turned your head and was ready for rejection but heard some very familiar words.
"Of course. We are meant for each other, right?"
You couldn't do nothing but laugh "Right."
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bridgyrose · 2 months
Ruby sliced through the last of the grimm, almost out of breath from the mission she and Penny had been on. “I thought this was supposed to be an easy assignment.” 
“This is a lot easier than it could have been,” Penny answered as she made her to the ground. 
Ruby nearly blushed as she watched Penny descend. The way her weapons, Floating Array, were arranged behind her, how her skin glistened in the sunset and the way her eyes started to glow in the shade… it was almost like she had been watching an angel descend from the heavens. “Y-yeah, but there was still a lot of grimm to deal with. When we were told that we’d be helping out to clear a mine, I figured there’d be less here. Its not usual for grimm to hole up into a mine like that.” 
“At least it makes it easy to clear them out when they do. And it gives us more time to rest now that we have finished our assignment.” 
“Speaking of rest, I was hoping that maybe you and I could…” Ruby’s voice started to trail off as she thought about what she was trying to ask as she lost the words. It didnt matter how many times she had practiced with Yang or Weiss, no matter how many times she ran the words through her mind, the words just never seemed to come out right. “...could… maybe… do some weapon maintenance. Together. Alone.” 
Penny paused for a moment. “Alone? Will it not be easier to invite the rest of your team to join us? Yang and you both usually make it a big deal to have your team together before working-” 
“And they’ll be busy!” Ruby interrupted. “Besides, we dont get to do things together alone often. Sure, we take missions together, but when was the last time we really spent any time with just the two of us.” 
“Why does it matter if we’re alone?” 
“Because I-” Once again the words Ruby had wanted to say wouldnt come out no matter how much she wanted to try. I love you. Three simple words that couldnt be any harder to say. A soft sigh left her lips as she folded up her scythe. “I… I want to spend more time with you. We didnt have much of a chance to before the Vytal Festival ended and since I’ve started working in Atlas more, we’ve always been busy. If its not a mission to help clear out dust mines, then its whatever secret mission that Ironwood has for you.” 
“I want to get to know you better too, Ruby.” 
Ruby paused as she felt Penny take her hands and pull her close, the blush across her cheeks deepened as she stared into Penny’s green eyes. Her legs felt like jello as she tried to keep herself standing, almost propped up against Penny as she leaned forward. “Penny…” 
“You were one of my first friends that I met, and while I could not stay around Beacon for long, you still kept in touch.” Penny smiled a bit and let go of Ruby’s hands as she took a step back. Her smile faded for a moment as her scroll rang. “But the general… he needs me to be available whenever I can be. He thinks I can keep Remnant safe.” 
“Just… one night.” Ruby took a deep breath and stepped closer to Penny as she took a hand. “All I ask is for one night. One night for us to be alone, to become closer as friends. And maybe… maybe I can-” 
“Tell me that you love me?” Penny asked. 
Ruby sputtered and took a quick step back as she tried to regain her composure as her blushed turned redder than her cloak. “W-what? N-no. Its nothing like that. I-I just think you’re a really great friend.” 
“Then why do you want to be alone so badly?” 
“Because I want to go on a date with you!” Ruby blurted out. Her heart practically stopped as she realized what she had said, the blush on her face quickly faded as she covered her mouth. Of all the ways to ask, this had to be the worst.
“I would love to.” 
“You… you would?” 
Penny nodded and silenced her scroll. “The general can wait one night if its something this important.” 
Ruby felt her heart start to beat again as it slowed down, a blush crossed her cheeks as she reached for Penny’s hands, her fingers brushing against Penny’s. And once again, Penny almost looked like an angel in the setting sun, the shadows of the mine behind her looked almost like wings. “Then maybe we can go to the hotel I’m staying at and work on our weapons together. O-or we could go over mission plans.” 
“Or we could watch a movie.” 
“A movie. Right. A movie works.” 
Penny kissed Ruby’s cheek. “I’ll meet you there.” 
Ruby could feel her cheeks heat up as she pressed her fingers along where Penny had kissed her. Her heart raced as she watched Penny take off to the air and fly off as a green streak across the night sky. “I’ll be waiting.”
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cupcraft · 11 days
Feel free to completely disagree w me i just want 2 share my thougjts after rewtaching bombshells last night: As much as Cuddy wants to believe that she left House because he couldnt be there for her in the way she wanted to (which is valid but its rlly not what happened imo) She ultimately broke up w him because he relapsed. Forgive my poor memory i may be recalling wrong but the end of the episode vicodin relapse reveal hinted that house had been back on vicodin since before cuddy’s cancer scare, and the moment that Cuddy found out she dropped him. The vicodin was the catalyst in a sense she saw him relapse back into drugs and she was like Nopeee. like it was the longest he’d been sober since he developed the addiction which is a good thing but its like. the expectation that you will relapse at least once. and yeah cuddy had just gotten a big death scare but she had also found out her boyfriend had fallen back into his addiction and instead of allowing them both to comfort eachother on their respective issues she left him liek broo😭😭😭youre dating a known addict and the minute he starts addict-ing you turn away. Also ntm even though cuddy told him outwardly she didnt want him to change, she definitely had inward hope that She could he the one to change him, that he’d love her so much he wiuld change for her and that didnt happen so she quit
No your 100% right and now I'm going to rant about huddy and a missed opportunity for her character's writing.
Cuddy historically has been a character who has understood House's addiction and thus in turn his chronic pain and disability almost the least. She has a repeated history of ableism in the show towards House, but I am going to focus on her lack of understanding around House's addiction and how that ties into why she dumped him and ultimately was a failing on character growth on behalf of the writers.
In season 7 it is implied House has relapsed before the surgery date, and it's implied that he relapsed because of his intense fear of losing Cuddy due to cancer and he loved her and WANTED to be there for her, and in a way this triggered a relapse. In the world of addiction relapse can happen as addiction is a lifelong chronic illness and moments of stress, loss, etc can be a common trigger for relapse. And the fact House wanted to be there for her without panicking, definitely also makes sense why he considered relapsing. Cuddy's problem here, is that she moralizes it. It's understandable she doesn't address her subconscious thoughts on "huh, I wonder if House has relapsed..." because she's actively undergoing a panic of "am I going to die", so it makes sense she doesn't address it until she's finished surgery. But her problem is she MORALIZES this action. Think about what she tells House. She does think House couldn't "be there the way she wanted" and that "he'd never change", but those are the excuses to rationalize how she feels being in a relationship with an addict. She tells House by "being high" he wasn't "REALLY there" for her when she had the surgery/medical scare. Though House might have been pretty high (which is hard to confirm it's never really stated, and House does have a high opiate tolerance to consider), but in the end it doesn't matter if he was. Cuddy thinks House being on Vicodin is in a way subverting his love/care/attention away from her. Instead of seeing the relapse as a concern, as her terminal illness scare, fear of loss of her, wanting to be there for her, she sees it as a means of NOT being there for her. That of course, in the end, House chooses "drugs" over her. Here's a few notable quotes:
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Cuddy quite litereally says the pills mean something, as in his addiction is a moral choice in which House chooses to be a careless loveless asshole who is selfish and only cares about himself and in turn cares only about avoiding pain instead of "being there for Cuddy" which is an insane way to look at someone's addiction, and blatantly fucked up. She quite literally dumps him because of this, the relapse, of because he is an addict.
Because the reality is, like I stated, House wasn't afraid Cuddy would hurt him. House isn't afraid to be there for Cuddy. House has also gotten to a point in their relationship by season 7 that he isn't afraid to love Cuddy. He didn't fear experiencing pain, he feared losing her. And he knew, and he WANTED to be there for her in her potentially dying moments because he loved her. And that in turn triggered relapse. Cuddy's interpretation here is that House never changes, but in reality we should see this as Cuddy has never changed. She's never changed since season 1, not understanding how addiction operates.
Early seasons in which Cuddy has a history of the following: Making House go cold turkey and being cruel when he experiences withdrawal instead of intervening to help him, Cuddy telling House his "pain" is just made up in his head and worsened by the Vicodin (not in a medical sense, in a moralizing sense) such that she ignores his bad pain day and tricks him into getting a saline shot and then uses his brief "distraction" from the pain as confirmation it's in his head/drug seeking behavior (again not from a nuanced position of how mental health and chronic pain intersect, instead moralizing it), she doesn't at all ever understand how opiate addiction operates nor how to treat someone's addiction (ie with methadone...foreshadowing for later) and again moralizes his choice to remain on Vicodin (The entire tritter arc), she is ANTI methadone entirely a known medical treatment for opiate addiction enough that instead of recommending House go to a methadone clinic for increased safety and monitoring threatens to fire him unless he agrees to let her control everything about his methadone treatment plan, and etc.
The writer's have posited Cuddy as someone who cares about House, who loves House, but at no point takes a moment to understand his disability, chronic pain, and his addiction. She moralizes it. And when he enters a relationship with her sober just nearly avoiding relapse, she's almost ashamed to be with him. She enters this relationship, ashamed she could be with someone like House. She takes that scene intervening in his relapse as a moral commitment he will prioritize her over drugs, thus entering the relationship without ever really wanting to understand or be compassionate dating someone who has a history of addiction. This is a missed opportunity for her to develop as a character.
Instead, the writing goes as Cuddy doesn't get to change but the narrative wants us to believe it is House who never changed or cared about her enough, because drugs and addicts bad. Which is really fucked considering they took a lot of time making Wilson grow more understanding of addiction. There's that one episode he fears House has relapsed and he says "relapse is common!" ready to help him and when he relapses after the breakup he recommends House get help instead of moralizing it. He even yells at Cuddy for leaving him, not just as a partner but as a friend.
Sorry this is long but I hope...this makes sense
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allelitewrites · 6 months
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Barbed Wire Heart
To Protect You (Part 3)
Word Count: 1177
Relationship: Reader X Hangman Adam Page
November 1, 2023. The Hungbucks had yet another ROH Six-Man Championship defense. This time it was against Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, and Brian Cage. Three men who laid their hands on you.
Hangman was in no mood to wrestle or play games. He also didn't let you to leave his sight, any time you were left alone he knew Swerve would try and capitalize. You, however, didn't even want to show face to the crowd after being humiliated the week prior. But you still accompanied your friends to the ring. Hangman had a tight grip on your hand as you walked down the ramp. You tried to calm him down beforehand but he knew that this match was only going to be the start of the hell he wanted to bring to Swerve and the Mogul Embassy.
Adam was immediately aggressive towards his opponents. The sound of him hitting each member echoed through the arena. The cries of the Mogul Embassy were music to his ears. The roar of the crowd flipped a switch you'd never seen before. The Bucks got their fair share of moves in, but it seemed that they couldn't get through to Hangman either.
Hangman was quick to look for a finish. Standing on the apron of the ring with his hands clutching the top rope. His knuckles were turning white and he couldn't help but give you a glance. One of many glances he'd given you throughout the match to assure you were still ringside. Just as he was about to use his strong legs to launch himself over the top rope, a voice spoke through the speakers of the venue. All of the Elite's attention was brought to the top of the ramp.
"Who's house?" An arrogant Swerve asks as he reveals himself. "Whose house?" The crowd responds to his cocky calling. Yelling 'Swerve's house'. Adam was frozen, trying to catch his breath. He suddenly cared even less about the match than he did before. "Whose house?" He repeats. You didn't know what to do. You watched on as Matt quickly came to your side. Adam pulls himself through the ropes, walking across the ring and towards Swerve. "As a matter of a fact, last week I was at yo' house. And then I took a little drive to the arena to get a front row seat to yo' fiancé's match. Hey, Y/n, you get all those thumbtacks out of your back because if not... I could lend a hand." He says, smiling at you and than Hangman who was visibly fed up. You could hear the smirk in Swerve's voice as you chewed at the inside of your cheek, noticing Matt indirectly standing in front of you. You couldnt believe the audacity Swerve had to offer his help, to offer his touch in a caring way, in a way he would most likely take too far. After the pain he caused you the week before, he was flirting with you in front of the man you were soon marrying.
Nana was dancing and Swerve's laugh sounded like a villain's from a movie. Adam tagged himself out, before rushing out of the ring, leaving Matt and Nick behind. You didn't know what to do. You knew Adam would be pissed if you followed him, but you also didn't want him to put himself in a dangerous situation.
After Swerve and Adam both made it backstage, the attention was drawn back to the match. Now the Elite were down a person with their championships on the line.
It was a messy ending as Nick got pinned. The Hungbucks were no longer Six-Man Champions. The big screen flickers before changing to one of the cameras that caught up to Swerve and your fiancé. You watched at security held them both back as best as they could. You could hear Adam yelling, "you're a dead man" and "don't you ever even look at her again" repeatedly.
You rushed backstage knowing that Adam would most likely have to be escorted from the building. But just as you're about to leave you hear a crash from behind you. Matt is hitting the ring-posts with a chair. Clearly he was mad, not necessarily at Adam but just at everything falling apart at once. You wanted to stop him but your fiancé had to be your priority.
When you got back to your locker room, there was a security guard outside of the door. He let you in without a question.
The first thing you see is Adam pacing around the room, cursing under his breath, and roughly taking and throwing things into his suitcase.
"Adam." You call for him. He immediately turns around and when he sees you, his face relaxes and turns a light pink. "I don't k..."
"If you're coming in here to yell at me about ditching, I'm telling you that I don't care." He huffs, tossing his arms in the air. His anger was still coursing through his bloodstream. "He doesn't get to just walk around and treat you like shit just because it pisses me off." He continues to argue with you even though you had no intentions of fighting back at him. "You're mine. I'm going to protect you."
"I wasn't coming to argue with you. I know why you did what you did. I just think you owe Matt and Nick an apology." You simply explain. Adam stopped in the middle of what he was doing and turned to look at you.
With a nod and a stern look he began to speak again. "Apologize for what? For defending my home? Defending my soon-to-be wife? Look, Y/n, if what I did is a problem to them then they don't need to affiliate themselves with me."
You had no point to argue. Adam wasn't letting down any time soon. All you could hope was that Swerve wouldn't get in between things with the Elite.
"I packed your suitcase for you. Are you coming with me, or are you staying behind to wipe Nick and Matt's tears?" Adam was pissed. Using a tone he hadn't used with you since he was drunk everyday a few years ago. He looked at you for a few seconds and waited for your response. When you didn't respond, he must have noticed that he was taking his general anger out on you. "Y/n." He says again. He scans you with his eyes from head to toe before approaching you. Adam pulls you into him, your head rising with his chest as he took a deep breath.
"Of course I'm going with you." You admit against his shirt, pulling away and taking his hand to press a kiss against his reddened knuckles. He finally smiles without having to force it for the first time all day. You both take your suitcases, Adam snakes his free arm around your shoulders, you put yours around his waist as you lean into him. Leaving the building without a care in the world.
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whispering-coffee · 5 months
I’ve been holding this off for a while mainly cause I was afraid of doing it but I finally pulled through and now I have a story to share with ya’ll explaining what happened during my hold at the mall!
I went dressed in black leggings and a sweater, bummer that it wouldn’t show I know but i was nervous! I had drank some before leaving my house so by the time I had arrived at the mall i was already feeling the need.
To make sure I was going to suffer (I know i know im a masochist bite me) i drank an entire water bottle i brought with me in the car before actually heading into the mall. So yada yada time passes and im trying to figure out what to do at the mall and I go get myself a drink at the food court then i head off to look around the stores.
About an hour in the mall and its starting to feel pretty urgent but not bursting so i decided hey, why not play a game with myself, and got into a bathroom line. However once i actually went into a stall i just sat there fully clothed not doing anything, still holding it in then shortly after left. Trust me i was getting pretty bored here to have to do that.
I got another drink and finally after finishing it I was getting antsy, crossing my legs and shuffling my feet while i sat at a table.
So i go back to looking around stores, feeling my bladder ache each time i take a step and now im actually like, nervous because like its dawning on me that Im really doing this in a public place. Let me say its pretty crowded, its not like the mall barely has anyone in it. So here i am standing around in the corner of a store thinking to myself if I really wanna do it, i was thinking for like a good 5-10 minutes walking back and fourth till i decided i was gonna pull through, after all i made a promise that i would post something interesting and different ;p
I leave the store and about another hour passed and im pretty desperate, like constantly moving around wanna put my hands between my legs desperate. But since it was a public place i couldnt really just do that unless i had to go REALLY bad (foreshadowing haha).
Did i mention it was really cold in the mall, only made everything worse xD
Anyways so Im pretty desperate, i take a seat at the food court again and get ONE MORE drink, and as im sipping on it im squirming in my seat cross legged, im sure anyone who’s into omo would immediately catch on if they saw me.
Just a little bit later im scrolling through my phone with my other hand on top of my lap (not between my legs just yet)
Now Im REALLY anxious because its getting to the point where I know im going to have an accident soon so i get up and just start walking around with my chest aching from nervousness. I even stared at the bathroom in contemplation before walking away.
A couple minutes of aimless walking and i end up having to sneeze.. needless to say a little bit escaped but i stopped it albeit i looked a little silly. My heart dropped during it too.
About ten or twenty so minutes and i have to go REAAALLY bad and im super anxious, i even entered a bathroom line thinking i didnt want to actually wet myself but after a couple minutes of waiting in line i felt another leak which automatically prompted a hand to crotch response, you can imagine my embarrassment.
After the leak I was honestly horrified but also having a LOT of fun, i was close to having an accident so I decided to try to find a secluded area in the mall to hang around in for when i lose control. Each step i took was agony to take but i kept movin, slightly bent over too.
Eventually i found an area where not alot of people were, there were still some but it wasnt as crowded as the other areas. It was like this dead end section with nothing of interest other than a few benches and stores.
I stayed here for about a couple minutes, mild panicking, hella anxious, and kiiiind of excited. Thats when i started losing control. I was kind of in a little corner where a protrusion of wall was blocking me but if you’d still be able to see me if you walked closer to the dead end.
It was a mix of terrified excitement when i tried to stop the flow but couldnt. The sounds of my pee hitting the floor wasnt helping. I dont think anyone actually noticed plus since I was wearing black leggings it wasnt super noticeable. I promptly rushed my way out of the mall keeping my head down leaving behind that puddle.
When i got back to my car i put out the towel i had stored in my trunk over my driver seat so i wouldnt ruin my car seats and kind of just sat in the car thinking about what happened. At the end i actually found the experience really enjoyable and might do it again ;)
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 3
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Right Person, Right Time
It all seemed to pass by so quickly. You were sitting with Lori, holding her as she sobbed on her bed while Shane threw her clothes into some bags. In the blink of an eye, you, Shane, Lori and Carl were on the road together, stuck in a line of traffic that would last longer than some people’s lives. It took the world to end for you to spend more than five minutes in Shane’s presence, Lori and Rick had kept you and Shane apart since high school, and for good reason - you had an instinctual disliking to each other for reasons that you couldnt name because you didnt know each other well enough. But sitting in that car for hours told you exactly what you had always suspected: he was nothing more than an egotistical toe of a man that thought he was sex on legs. Even back then, you saw Lori leaning on the only man she had left in her life, or at least that’s what she thought. As if the situation couldnt get any worse, the family you befriended, Carol and Sophia, had another asshole of a man with them, too.
Once you all found the camp, you watched in horror as Shane assumed the role of leader. Someone like him should never be in charge. When Lori and Shane would go off together, and you stayed back at the camp hanging out with Carl, those were the moments you missed Rick most. He and Lori had been your best friends, you were the one that set them up in high school, and you couldnt believe he was gone.
With everyone new that joined the camp, you had more distractions from Shane, and your personal favourite distraction, from the moment you laid eyes on him, was none other than Daryl Dixon. Him and his brother arrived at the camp during one of the countless arguments between you and Shane that ended in you giving him a piece of your mind.
“None of these people will say shit to you ‘cause you’ve scared them into thinking you’re some kind of leader, like you’ll kick them out if they dare defy you! Guess what, gumdrop?” You crossed your arms and tilted your head to the side. “I will never fucking stop telling you how it is, or calling you out for being a fucking asshole, because that’s exactly what you are!” You started taking slow steps towards Shane as you continued, not caring how loud you were being. “You can threaten me, you could beat me to the fucking ground, and I would get right back up to spit right in your smug face! I dont need to be physically stronger than you to put you in your place, so read the fucking room and dont test me.” By the time you finished your rant, you were mere centimetres apart from the ticking time bomb known more commonly as Shane.
You didnt even give him the chance to talk, you stormed off into the woods, straight past the new arrivals.
“Well, this is gonna be fun!” The older brother laughed, while the younger brother stared off after you.
It wasnt until you had cooled off and returned to the camp that you truly noticed Daryl. You happened to glance at him a couple of seconds before Carl ran up to you, and you crouched down to hug him, apologising for running off and worrying him. Carl ran back to Lori when she called him for dinner, and then you turned your attention to the new face.
“Hey, sorry you had to see my outburst earlier. I promise Im not always on a rampage.” You chuckled lightly, feeling a little awkward.
Daryl shook his head at you. “Don’ worry, yer good.”
You smiled at him gratefully. “Thanks. My name’s (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you...?”
“Daryl.” He answered.
“It’s nice to meet you, Daryl. I hope we get the chance to talk more.” Your smile widened when you noticed the corner of his mouth beginning to curl into the smallest smile of his own.
“Same t’ you.”
The two of you didnt talk much, but the way he viewed you was different to how he viewed the rest of the people at the camp, purely because of who he saw you were the second he saw you. There was so much fire, strength, and power in you, but when you calmed down you were kind and welcoming, which was more than could be said for the rest of the people there. Then again, Merle didnt exactly make it easy for Daryl to make friends.
Rick’s arrival broke you, it really did. When he broke free from hugging his sobbing wife and son, he laughed with tears in his eyes at the sight of you.
“Of course you’re here!” Rick chuckled in disbelief, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head.
“Even the end of the world wont stop me sticking around to piss you off!” You cheered, wiping away your own tears.
It was an awkward situation, the whole camp was confused by Lori and Rick, considering they all assumed Lori and Shane were together. Nobody felt the way you did though, the anger, the disappointment - and when Lori came to you and made you promise not to tell Rick until she spoke to him about it - the guilt. But, you agreed, wanting to respect her and her business, her marriage. You couldnt understand why she did what she did, because you werent her, and you had voiced your disapproval of her antics with Shane since the start, but Lori was stubborn and devastated.
Things were so hectic in that area of your life, you didnt really have time to focus on anything else. You just took care of Carl, gave Shane endless shit, kept Lori’s secret and enjoyed being in the company of your best friends again. But when Rick revealed the way in which they’d left Merle handcuffed to a roof, you were the only one that stood up to defend Daryl’s anger.
“Rick, this was a shitty thing to do. We all know Merle can be an asshole, but he’s a human being! You wouldnt even leave an animal to die like that! If you wont go back and get him, I’ll go with Daryl myself.”
Daryl stared at you in shock, the two of you hadnt had more than short conversations in passing since meeting each other, and yet you were kind enough to stick up for him, for what was right. That was what solidified his trust in you.
As soon as the group settled on the farm, you noticed the changes in Lori. She didnt want to admit it to you, but you guessed outright that she was pregnant, and she never could lie to you. That also meant she couldnt lie about who she thought the father was, she honestly didnt know. That almost made you snap, you were so close to going right up to Rick and telling him everything, but you found yourself marching over to where the crossbowman was standing all by himself, staring out at the farm. Daryl heard you huffing and turned to greet you, but seeing your pissed off state, he stayed quiet. You paced in front of him, running your hands through your hair as hot tears stung your eyes. It was only when they broke free that Daryl couldnt fight the urge to speak up.
“Wha’s goin’ on?”
You took a deep breath and stopped walking. “I’ve promised to keep this is a secret, but they’re my best fucking friends, Daryl. How could she do this? Im the only one that knows and I cant do or say anything about it, I just have to support her because she’s gotten herself into this mess and now she’s stuck in it, and Im stuck with her! I have to keep it a secret for her, but she’s made it so much worse!”
Daryl frowned at you, trying to see if he could figure out what you were referring to by the little you were revealing.
“This is going to ruin Rick.” You shook your head, more tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Hey, Rick can handle himself, it aint right fer you to worry yerself like this.” Daryl spoke softer than you’d ever heard him speak to anyone else. You looked at him, an utterly devastated and hopeless expression on your face, and he kept talking. “Ya cant tell me, I get it, I wont make ya. But whatever’s goin’ on, the people involved will work it out. Sucks to be sat on the sidelines, but ya gotta let them do whatever they gotta do.”
You nodded slowly, unable to believe how the man who said so little had just said something so...right. “Thank you, Daryl.”
He shrugged you off. “‘s nothin’.”
You smiled at him. “Nothing you say is ever just ‘nothing’, and you should never think of it as that.”
Your words hit Daryl hard, he still felt the impact of them long after you’d walked away, his eyes following you until you disappeared into your tent.
Daryl kept his eye on you after that. He’d always watched out for you, noticed how you’d risked your life for Carl and Sophia by acting as a human shield. But upon watching closer after your conversation with him, Daryl saw you treating Lori a little differently, like she was more fragile all of a sudden. It was a very subtle change that nobody else seemed to pick up from. Whenever Rick was around, you didnt feel the need to, because he was there to protect Lori, but you took that role the moment he was a few feet away. It didnt take long for Daryl to figure things out, but he didnt confront you with what hew knew, because it’d only stress you out more, so he kept Lori’s secret too.
More than once, you found yourself wrapping a blanket around yourself and wandering over to Daryl’s camp at night, just to sit and talk with him. Sometimes not even talk. The company was enough, the separation from the stressful situation that overwhelmed you in the main camp. You always made the effort to bring Daryl a helping of whatever meal was prepared, even if he’d hunted something himself and was skinning it when you got there. He tried to refuse a couple of times, but gave up when he realised how stubborn you were.
By the time the farm fell, Lori’s secret was common knowledge. It was Daryl who rescued you, along with Carol, driving with the two of you awkwardly squashed on the back of his bike. That time spent on the road was rough, food was short, and anytime you did get food, Daryl would catch you giving at least half of your rations to Lori. And every time you did, Daryl would gesture for you to come and sit by him, only for him to offer you some of his own rations.
“Yer not gonna be no good to anyone if ya get sick.” He would tell you, and you would sigh and give in, not wanting to worry him.
Taking care of Lori made you discard the mere thought of caring for yourself, but Daryl made sure to do his best to make up for that.
The sight of the prison was enough to reduce you to happy, hopeful tears. You beamed at Daryl, sprinting into the main prison field at Rick’s side to take out as many walkers as you could. That night, Lori followed Rick in an attempt to patch up the areas of the relationship that she had ruined. Things had only gotten worse for them, what with Rick killing Shane in an act of self defence, and Lori being angry at Rick for that despite her trying to stir up a conflict between the two ever since he’d come back. You didnt agree with the way she’d handled any aspect of her relationship, but without Rick, and without Shane, you were all she had, the only form of love she could get that wouldnt feel forced by the friends around her. You watched her walk over to Rick, frowning subconsciously at them in immediate worry, until your eyes were pulled away. Opposite you, through the flames, Daryl sat, looking at you. When you looked back at him, he tilted his nose up at you, his way of asking you if you were alright, and you offered him a bright smile. Daryl couldnt resist letting his own smile slip out, and that time it wasnt as shy.
Your world came crashing down when a very bloody Maggie walked out of the prison holding a baby, beside a cold, distant looking Carl. Instincts took over, and you approached Maggie, opening your arms for her to pass you the baby so that Maggie could get the comfort she needed from Glenn. You held the baby close, crying silently, your tears rolling down your face onto the baby’s head as you quietly shushed her, rocking her in your arms as your best friend’s blood soaked through your shirt. Daryl gingerly approached you, the shock of the situation made him even less sure of what to do to help you feel better, but when you leant into his chest, he wrapped his arms around you and baby Judith.
Though one of your best friends was gone and your other best friend was absent in his grief, you had no time to let yourself feel either of their pain. There was a baby that needed to be cared for, and you would be damned if you let yourself slip and let her feel even more alone. Lori would never forgive you if you left her baby when Rick wasnt there. So, for the first small portion of Judith’s life, she lived in your arms. She slept in a cardboard box crib in your cell, so that anytime she woke up in the night, you were right there to console her. Every night, to help Judith get to sleep, you would walk her around the cellblock and sing to her. It was always the same song, and you always ended up singing to her when the two of you reached the perch.
“There’s a world where I can go and tell my secrets to-“ You smiled down at her lovingly. “-in my room, in my room. Now it’s dark and Im alone but I wont be afraid, in my room, in my room.” You placed a light kiss on her forehead as her eyes drifted closed.
In the midst of everything, Carl was struggling a lot more than he let on, and although you had been his cool aunt and close friend since he was born, he even fought to tell you anything. So you stopped trying to get him to, and instead you used actions. You’d deliberately walk by his cell with Judith every night, and if Carl wasnt asleep, you’d gesture for him to come with you, and he’d walk with you in silence as you sang. The walk would end back at his cell, where you’d tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead without a word. Carl didnt like to be referred to as a kid, so you tried your best not to make him feel like one, and you found that without verbalising things, it was easier for him to accept comfort.
As well as not being able to think about yourself, it often escaped your mind that Daryl was up in the perch most nights. The first few nights that he heard you sing, he would just sit and listen, sometimes even shed a tear or two because your voice always sounded so sad. After those first few nights, Judith and Carl werent the only ones you were singing to sleep with that song.
One day, out of the blue, he accidentally revealed that he heard overheard your singing because he was so curious as to where you got that song from.
“Wha’s the song ya sing to ‘er?” Daryl asked, and you smiled at him bashfully, blushing at the thought of him hearing you.
“It’s from Happy Feet, this animated movie about penguins, it was one of my all time favourites. Has a real good message about being yourself, finding yourself no matter how much the world throws at you, no matter how alone you feel. People will always find you again, people will love you for you. Even though the song doesnt say all that, I like to think that it’ll help her, somehow.” Your eyes glazed over with something sad, and you shook your head and walked away before Daryl could say anything else.
Once Rick returned, the weight of being an adoptive parent was somewhat lifted, and you finally allowed yourself to feel what you had lost. Daryl would often find you crying in your cell, and he would sit down beside you, not saying anything, just letting you cry on his shoulder for as long as you needed to. For a while, there were no words you could find that would express what you were feeling, the pain was silent and haunting, and so you cried.
Daryl wanders by your cell after lunch, listening carefully to see if he can hear you crying, and when he doesnt, he calls your name quietly to see if you’re in there. He gets no reply, and frowns to himself, immediately setting out on a one-man-search for you. After lunch, you always went to your cell to relax or cry by yourself for a little while before going back to work, you not being in there means something has changed. Daryl steps outside the prison and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you in the field, sitting in the grass. Stepping through the gate, he realises where you’re sitting, and as he slowly walks closer, he understands why.
“...I really hope you can see her, she’s so beautiful. She has your eyes. I’ll take care of her, I promise.”
You nod to yourself, sniffle, wipe your eyes and stand to your feet. Turning around, you jump out of your skin, not expecting someone to be behind you.
“O-Oh, hey Daryl!” You greet him, smiling in surprise.
“Ya talkin’ to Lori?” Daryl asks gruffly, and you nod sadly, but dont say anything.
You somewhat expect Daryl to say something slightly rude without meaning to, it doesnt sound like something he’d agree with doing.
But he surprises you again, in an entirely different way.
“Bet she’s up there smilin’-“ Daryl looks up to the blue sky. “-aint nobody gonna protect that baby like us.” He meets your eyes again. “Yer doin’ a great thing, carin’ for little ass kicker.”
You laugh lightly at his nickname for Judith, your heart swelling at his words. “Thank you so much, Daryl. You’re really good with her, too.”
Daryl shrugs off your compliment, and the two of you stand in somewhat awkward silence for maybe half a minute, until Daryl asks you something you definitely werent expecting. “Kids sum’ ya want in yer future?”
Your eyes widen at his question, and you can see he’s about to retract it based on your reaction, so your expression softens. “Ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to be a mother, it would be a dream come true.”
Daryl nods. “I think ya’d be good at it.”
You chuckle. “Gotta find a man willing to settle down with the likes of me first!”
Daryl scoffs at that. “Ain’ hard, any guy would be lucky t’ end up with ya.”
You blush, looking down to hide your cheeks behind your hair as you try to divert his attention away from you. “Do you want kids someday, Daryl?”
He bites his thumb anxiously, shrugging. “Dunno...”
You stare at him with kind eyes, remembering the heartbreaking revelations he’s made to you about his childhood. “You’re not your dad, you would outdo him in every possible area of fatherhood, and that’s a fact. Dont let those fears get in the way of some kid having the coolest dad ever.”
Daryl shrugs. “Like ya said, gotta fin’ a girl willin’ t’ settle down with the likes o’ me first.”
You grin at him. “When you find a girl you want, let me know and I’ll be the world’s greatest wingman, ‘cause whoever she is, she needs to know she’s the luckiest girl in the world to have your attention.”
Daryl tilts his nose up at you, a smirk curling at the corner of his mouth. “Same t’ you when you fin’ a guy.”
You sigh, shaking your head and glancing around the field. “I’ve had my heart set on one guy for so long, if I was going to find someone else I think my heart would’ve given up on him by now, but it just wont quit. Think Im stuck!” You laugh at yourself in embarrassment, and Daryl scowls.
“Who? I’ll beat his ass if he cant see wha’s good for ‘im.”
Your suddenly shy gaze meets his. “Not sure it’s quite possible for you to beat your own ass, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
The confession finally takes centre stage, the words that have been waiting in the wings for the right time to escape you. They hang in the air, floating around Daryl much like the butterflies in his stomach.
“…Yer sure?” His voice is gruffer than usual, maybe even hoarse.
“Have been since the start, dont think it’s gonna change anytime soon.” You smile lamely, staring down at your shoes.
“Why didnt ya say nothin’?” Daryl asks gently.
You shrug, huffing slightly. “What would be the point? There’s no way someone as wonderful as you could think of me as anything more than a friend.”
Daryl doesnt take a second to think about his reply. “Says who?”
You roll your eyes at him playfully. “The laws of romance.”
“Screw them!” Daryl barks.
“Daryl...” You sigh, and he frowns at you.
“Do ya wan’ me to admit ma feelin’s or not?!”
You nod, avoiding his eyes as they burn into you. “Yeah, I just dont want you to feel pressured to, I feel like I’ve put you on the spot and this is a lot and-“
Daryl curs you off. “Had a while to think about all this, aint nobody else crossin’ my mind, ya don’ even cross it no more, yer there all the damn time.”
You burst out laughing at that, and Daryl cant help laughing with you, the tension that was building now evaporating into the air.
“So, you wanna become the world’s best parents together someday?” You raise an eyebrow at him teasingly.
Your question definitely stuns Daryl, he takes several seconds to recover and find an answer. “If i’s with you, sure.”
You grin. “Damn, we arent even dating and we’re already discussing having kids.”
He walks closer to you with a smile on his face. “One step at a time.”
You beam at him. “Baby steps?”
Daryl scoffs. “Stop.”
You giggle, taking ahold of his hand as the two of you turn to walk back into the prison. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop.”
Daryl feels giddy, something he hasnt felt in a long time, a feeling he’d completely forgotten even existed. Your fingers intertwined with his, your words locked away safely in his heart for him to relive as many times as he possibly can. Nothing can be better than this, he thinks to himself. At least, he thinks that until you say something else.
“You got space up on that perch?”
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sukunaswifeeeey · 12 days
AU sorcerer gojo x vampire f!reader
Synopsis: You started college 2 years ago,during your first year at college a unfortunate event happened. You had to try and adapt to this new life and keep it top secret, but that doesn’t last long when a certain white haired man finds out your little secret.
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It all started a year ago, you decided to take a walk in your local forest. The first mistake you made.You was feeling overwhelmed from all the assignments and stress from college, the pressure from your parents to succeed in life.If you was being honest you never wanted to enrol in college, You wanted to take another path in life than a 9-5 job.But at the end of the day you didn’t want to disappoint your parents.
The sun was already setting when you left your dorm to take a walk, and when you arrived at the forest it was dark. You was never a pussy when it came to being alone in a forest but for some reason it felt different that day, not peaceful like it was usually.The night sky felt darker, colder , quieter. It made the hairs on your back stand up, you started walking faster when from behind you there was a gust of wind. You didn’t even want to think what was behind you. A man? A animal? No, it was much worse than you thought. Something you didn’t even know existed, you felt stupid looking back on the day you turned into a vampire but you couldn’t stop thinking about it. How when you started to run, it followed.Beating you at your own game, running faster than you. You can still remember the way its fangs sunk into the thin skin on your neck, the blood draining from your face.Your whole body.
It felt like your whole body was paralysed, you even couldnt scream. You just sat there while this creature was sucking the blood from your body, when it was finished it bit open its own wrist and made you suck the blood from it.Even till this day you was confused on why it decided to turn you into a vampire. Maybe to cover its tracks and not have to worry about a rotting corpse in the middle of the forest with a body drained of blood? Or to give you a curse that will haunt you for the rest of eternity? You don’t know, you was grateful at the time it decided to spare your life but now you don’t know, maybe it would have been better if you just died.
After that night happened, you decided to just keep it a secret and keep going on with life like normal.Well not totally normal, to stay alive and healthy you had to at-least suck the blood from someones body once a month, this might seem like a-lot in one day but you refrain from killing people weekly and not fully putting all the blood from their body to its fullest use age.This had some ups and downs because it was more of a convenience, not having to worry about looking for your next victim that often and having to clean the mess up. But on the other hand by the end of each month you would feel like shit as you had been deprived from blood for a month.
Today was your first day back at college, after the winter break.You had already been a vampire for a year and had adapted to this lifestyle pretty quickly. At first it was hard to control your thirst and desires to go on a masquerade when in your lectures and hear the hearts of your fellow students, beating so beautifully.But since this incident happened, you felt so much more confident and made many more friends than you had before. Well you did have a eternity to do whatever you pleased so you didn’t worry about much.
Before you knew it, it was your last lecture of the day. You was giggling with some new friends you made when one of your friends said, “Have you heard of gojo satoru, apparently he’s transferring to our college next week.” This intrigued you, it wasn’t often that someone new transferred into your college this late into the year. “No i haven’t, what does he look like? Ill look out for him.” Your friend replied “White hair, bright blue eyes, very tall.” Your friend smirked “He’s such my type.” You smirked back “Hm, ill be on the look out for him then. Maybe even get you two on a little date.” You smiled and she laughed in return. For the rest of the lecture, you was lost in thought. Maybe this will be good for you, a new victim? You quietly laughed to yourself.
Gojo stood in-front the higher ups that he deeply despised “You will do the job right Gojo? The job is to kill y/n, the vampire.” Gojo nodded “Theres nothing i cant do, you can trust me.” The higher ups replied “Okay Gojo, you will be starting in Y/ns college next Monday. Dont be lengthy with how long it takes you to kill her, remember she is a vampire after all and she wont think twice about killing anyone, and you are not a exception…
Hey to anybody reading this👋.This is my first time writing a fanfic so if you have any tips for improving my writing please let me know! Hope you enjoyed🤗.
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ch0lwrld · 9 months
nights like these
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pairing: taehyun x f!reader
genre: college au, f2l, fluff, suggestive
warnings: shirtless taehyun (refer to picture above because god FUCKING DAMN IT TAEHYUN) also there's probably a lot of spelling errors and things that may not make sense cause I switched between my phone and my laptop multiple times writing this so just lmk in the comments... what you think!
you didn’t expect anyone to be at the pool at this hour. it was past midnight and everyone had already said their goodnights so you thought this would be the perfect time to swim. you didn’t get to earlier when everyone had decided to go, far too busy finishing up last minute assignments while everyone rushed to get ready and head to the elevator.
it was supposed to be a relaxing three-day trip for the six of you before school started again. you had all saved up from last summer to afford this trip and make it the best but not last of all the trips you had planned. definitely not last. it was exciting and you loved traveling but if you didn’t finish up the last of your summer class you knew you would never get it done. so you stayed in your hotel room that you shared with hueningkai and he made a promise to bring back up your favorite gelato from the gelato stand in the lobby. it was sweet but you knew it was disappointing you couldn’t make it so you tried your best to finish as fast as you could before falling asleep after hitting submit. you really hadnt meant to but maybe all that lost sleep during the week before had hit all at once.
you were surprised to wake up with a blanket gently placed across your figure. you realized it was already nighttime with the only light in the room being from the moon casting its glow from the hotel window. you looked to your left to see kai already asleep in bed, cozied up between the five extra pillows he ordered to the room once you had checked in. it caused a small smile to break onto your face as you got up and stretched. you took a sip from the water bottle you had brought, the ice still fresh and cool within the bottle leaving a refreshing feeling down your throat.
you limbs ached from the awkward sleeping position you were in but now that you were wide awake you couldnt just go back to sleep. the pool started to seep into your thoughts, and after missing the opportunity earlier today you felt like it wouldn’t hurt to try tonight. the pool is open 24/7 but seeing as its not a very populated hotel you knew there wouldn’t be anyone daring to go this late in the night. better for you, you thought.
you decided to slip into the two piece you had bought awhile back. it was an expensive set for a broke college student such as yourself but so comfortable. your friend had recommended it last summer and you're glad you took their suggestion. it fit your figure well, hugging you at the waist and giving your bust a nice lift. it was in your favorite color and the shape really did it for you in ways you didn't know a swimsuit could. if you saw yourself you would probably take yourself out! not even kidding. after checking yourself in the mirror you slipped on a matching sarong and made your way to the pool.
when you reached the entrance you could only hear the subtle sounds of bubbling from the jets in the water and soft jazz music playing from the hotel speakers. it was nice and really set up the mood for your swim. you were so busy setting your things down and taking your time stepping into the shallow end to realize you werent alone. the person making themselves known with a short call from across the room.
“so you’re just gonna ignore me?”
you yelped almost slipping but your grip on the metal handrail was enough to save you of such an embarrassment. you looked over to see taehyun, shirtless in the jacuzzi area of the pool.
“don’t mind me though.. i’m enjoying the view.”
you gave a subtle roll of your eyes towards his direction when he let out that soft chuckle of his. you took a minute to take him in, shirtless and settled in the jacuzzi. god he looked good. Don’t get me wrong, he always looks good but right now.. in front of you.. he was something else. ethereal. the water droplets just complimenting his firm chest, the shitty lights glistened against his skin that he somehow made look so good.
“why are you even here? its like 1am?”
“i could ask you the same thing”
“okay well i thought you had a bedtime sir”
“just because i keep a well organized schedule doesnt mean anything and stop calling it a bedtime!”
you chuckle.
“whatever.” you say as you sink further into the water, enjoying the way the cool temperature sets all around your body. the water felt good against your skin and you missed the feeling of swimming every summer since away for college.
you chose to float around a little bit in the empty pool for a minute before he broke the comfortable silence.
"how was your nap? i know you must've needed it being a bio major and all."
"uh it was.. good, how do you even know I feel asleep?"
"..kai sent a pic of you to the gc."
"OMG he always catches me at the worst moment" you cried out as you waved your arms at his revelation. it caused a bit of water to splash around and he chuckled at your little action.
"don't worry, it was cute."
"yeah with my face in my keyboard." you retorted back.
he just laughed, that handsome sound resonating across the room and into your heart. if you couldn't even handle it from here you don't know what you would do up close.
"so are you gonna keep talking to me from there or are you gonna join me?"
of course he had to ask. the thought was tempting, especially when you consider the warm bubbling public bath that is the jacuzzi. and before you know it, your body takes charge over your reluctant mind.
you don't know who or what propelled you to start walking up the steps and towards his direction but you couldn't stop now. you needed to be able to handle yourself around him and maybe you would practice that... now in front of his shirtless, sculpted figure.
he looked even better up close, you didn't even know how a person could make the poor lighting so good.
finally, you took the first step, taking all the willpower in you to not shiver against his gaze. you felt how he stared at your figure from head to toe as you slowly submerged yourself into the jacuzzi, allowing the ripples in the water to guide you to a seat in front of him. the jets against your back felt nice, it was something you tried your hardest to focus on without being too obvious you were a little bothered in more ways than one.
you knew you shouldn't think about him like this, having been friends since elementary school. your true day one. that day you had met on the playground was still so vivid in your mind. he had been nearby when you slipped on the vault bar trying to impress your friends with a flip of your own. it was really embarrassing thinking back on it, your friends hadn’t moved an inch from their spots on the bar to check on you so you laid there body still on the red rubber floor and head still stinging from the impact. you wanted to lay there forever, if even your friends didn’t care then you shouldnt either and that meant not getting up. you were gonna close your eyes until a short head of hair appeared above you, blocking the sky from your vision.
“hey are you okay?” the boy you recognized from your class asked. his eyes stared into your own with utmost concern laced within them.
“uh.. yeah”
“here.” he lent out a hand for you to take. you were reluctant at first but eventually took it, he was sweet enough to ask you if you were okay so you might as well.
“my names taehyun!”
“my names y/n!” sharing his cheerfulness.
“wanna go play on the swings?”
you almost said yes immediately but looked back to see your friends still enveloped in their conversation about the dolls that were popular at the time. making a new friend wouldnt hurt, you thought.
“yes!” and took his hand in yours to run towards the swings before anyone else took them.
sitting there in front of him like this was normal. it wasn’t like you’ve never been swimming together its just that.. lately you realized how the term “best friends” didnt seem to fit the feelings you had towards him. and it made this moment feel.. different. you blame your little crush on that fact that he had a massive glowup after highschool and started working out more. his arms toned and bare in front of you glistened in the dim lights the pool room provided but it gave enough to allow you to see how the water droplets slide off of his skin so nicely, everytime he moved to adjust his position they would flex in a way that made you feel… god you need to stop ogling your best friend of all things but you couldn’t with the way he looked so addicting.
you easily slipped into conversation, talking to each other was easier than breathing and he was always someone you loved to listen to. he was so smart and you’ve known that being in several classes together. he always had great advice whenever you needed it and you appreciated every bit that was kang taehyun.
you hadnt realized how close you two had gotten in the jacuzzi until you reached out to push his chest from you after he had made a joke. it barely took anything to lift your arm up to push back his chest and your eyes widened at the contact. you may have let your hand wander a little too long against it, you couldnt help it! but as soon as you realized it you took your hand away. soon becoming embarrassed and slipping your arm back into the water at your side.
“yes?” you refused to look up. you knew there would be a teasing look on his face and you didnt want to give him the satisaction.
“look at me.” he requested. but after you had refused he took it into his own hands, quite literally, and placing his palms below your jaw, pulling your face up to look him in the eye.
“nothing. just wanted to see your pretty face again.”
“stop messing around”
“im not though. you’re really pretty, y/n”
your cheeks couldnt help but turn into a reddish hue and your ears perked up at the compliment. he thought it was cute how easily flustered you got at the simplest of compliments.
“cute” he said, as he tucked a loose strand of your damp hair behind your ear.
“dont say things you dont mean, tae. i know you’re only teasing.”
“you think.. i'm just teasing?”
“well.. aren't you?”
“i never thought of it like that.. didnt know it came off that way.”
you felt bad you didnt mean to say anything that would hurt his feelings.
“guess i’ll just have to spell it out for you now.” and he winked. god that wink.. it was so cheesy but you couldnt help the butterflies that swarmed your stomach.
you hadn't noticed how the distance between the two of you was nearly gone, your faces just inches apart and noses brushing past one another the more you stayed in this position. he was so close yet so far. you didnt know what to do, looking from his lips to his eyes in an attempt to see what lie beneath them. you didnt know what he was thinking or if it would be okay to
but, he knew what you were thinking, he always did. choosing to speak first.
“i want this. i want you”
“i… but”
“i want you, y/n”
it was enough to pop the turmoil that sat in your stomach and make the first move. crashing your lips onto his and allowing your arms to snake from their stilled position and around his neck. you loved the way you felt him shiver under your touch when you ran your hand through his hair. the way his hands seemed to find purchase at your waist, massaging circles into your hips felt too good to be true. you loved the way he tasted, the familiar minty toothpaste he used still laden on his tongue.
“god, you’re so beautiful”
you never knew you would hear those words escape from his lips. sure he’s called you cute and pretty numerous times before but never in the way he says it now. chests colliding and bodies moving in sync as if it was meant to be like this forever.
his words only allowed the heat against your cheeks to brighten and he knew you were blushing. making it worse as he teased your sides causing u to squirm against his hold.
“you don’t know.. how long.. i’ve been wanting to do this with you. to do this to you.” he said between kisses.
“god, you make me crazy” you couldnt agree more.
maybe it was the heat from the passionate makeout sesh you were having with tyun or the still warm jacuzzi but your senses were constantly on overdrive. completely enveloped in the feeling he gave you. it left tingles down your spine and your brain on 100. your legs felt like jelly with the way he so expertly knew how to hold you, knew how to touch you to make you melt against him. it made you wonder if you knew him the same too?
“WTF get a room!”
you immediately jumped back at the sound of another voice coming from the doorway. but taehyun held you firm, looser than before but close enough for you not to leave his side. you could see the way he stared at the voice with such annoyance.. you knew you shouldnt have been feeling this way especially with a third party now in the room but the butterflies really flew down to your kitty causing you to clench your thighs together.
“go back to your room, beomgyu.”
“yeah yeah i can see. you’re busy.”
“don’t mind me then!” beomgyu shouted.
he finally looked away from gyu as a big splash is heard from the main pool followed by a few other voices you can tell are getting closer to entering the room. the expression on his face immediately softens as he locks eyes with you. and he leans down to whisper in your ear
“why dont we find ourselves another place… to continue”
god he made you feel so crazy. but you didnt want it to stop.
you followed him like a puppy, still latched to his side hands intertwined. you allowed him to walk you two to his room which was fortunately just him. he had won the bet to have a room to himself and now it really was putting all the benefits to work. (in his favor?)
but once you had got into the room he got shy.
“ah sorry.. maybe you dont want to actually.. continue..” he said as he scratched the back of his neck.
“uh no no dont be sorry i..”
“i wont.. i wont do anything if you say you dont want to”
“i want to. i want you. i really do.. now more than ever im sorry thats its taken me so long to-“
then he places a quick kiss to your lips as he whispers against it, already missing the feel of his plush pink against yours that are probably brazen red. “then we don’t need to waste anymore time now.”
and it was back to the feeling he gave you in the jacuzzi. the jets in the water hitting your back now absent, but instead replaced by the feeling of his strong hands having found purchase on your waist again. you fit into him so well it made him feel dizzy. he couldn't get enough of you. he slowly guided you to the bed, hands lifting your legs up against his instinctually wrapping around his waist as he softly laid you down on the bed. he broke the kiss to place more against your jawline and down your neck to your collarbone. he nipped at areas you didn’t know could arouse you, soft mewls escaping your lips at the feeling of his teeth grazing against your skin. you tugged a bit at his hair, testing the waters. you earned a deep grunt resonating from his position at your chest.
he was wrapped around your finger even if you didn’t know it. anytime spent with you is never a waste, but he would make up all of the lost time you could’ve had together in this position over and over again. but he didnt need to tell you that.. he could just show you instead.
and show, he did.
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