#coulda woulda shoulda
thirstywhitedad · 1 year
I really fucked myself over huh
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oifaaa · 1 month
Whenever you mention Jasoniplier, I immediately just picture Dick as Jacksepticeye without fail... Do you think Dick ever dyed his hair blue?
I think Dicks too much of a public figure to do something that obvious like bright hair kinda stands out still I think he'd look like a cutie something like
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jeeaark · 5 months
I wonder what Greygolds favorite tadpole ability is? Considering that he has not yet absorbed the astral one. Luck of the Far Realms? Force tunnel? Charm? Hehe
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Ahahaha Oh Man, the power of friendship is rotting Greygold's brain enough as it is-
but yeeeeeah, this Tav has NO IDEA what any of those tadpoles abilities do missed out on a LOT OF FUN Had yet to eat a tadpole. Loved collecting them though. Stacked them right next to their pillow. Drove Greygold's own lilttle power-hungry brain-sucker crazy.
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newblvotg · 6 days
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shanathegeekyartist · 5 months
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Late night snowy walk
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jmdbjk · 11 months
Jimin's choices
After reading Beyond the Story and learning more about the culture of Kpop, I think Jimin's promotions were exactly what he wanted. I'm talking specifically about the few weeks he spent making music show appearances. He walked the exact path debut-Bangtan walked in the beginning which were the music show performances, Music Bank, Inkagayo...achieving a first 1st place win on those music shows...and appearances on variety shows. Jimin actually won two 1st place wins.
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To us OUTSIDE the Kpop world, it all seemed charming and yet expected that he'd want to perform on Korean music shows for K-Army. That was one of the primary reasons for going that route but at the same time he dutifully paid important homage to the expectations/standards embedded in Kpop culture in order to lay down that first stepping stone in his solo career.
At the time BTS debuted, companies were reluctant to keep spending money on producing a group if they did not show these progressive and specific steps.
Perhaps recalling the strong reactions from the kpop world to debut-BTS, Jimin was sensitive to those still waiting for a chance to criticize anything he did. Sometimes wounds leave lasting scars that still twinge now and then.
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So Jimin paid his dues as a debut solo artist and gave a respectful and decisive nod to his Kpop idol roots. He earned a rightful place in the eyes of anyone in that industry.
The Billboard #1 was perhaps an unexpected win on top of all that. The #1's on all of the other charts: also extra on top. STILL dominating in his own country.
And now he's moving on. His next step will be bigger. He's coming for you AMAs, BBMAs, Grammys. I can feel it. Let's get it.
There are things that happened (or didn't happen as people wanted them to) surrounding Jimin's album. I am on board with that. But until Jimin says what went down himself, I won't be flying the "company mistreated him" flag. Mistakes? Yes. Incompetence? Perhaps. Shortsightedness? I definitely think so. Online streaming platform manipulation? Sure looks like it. Western music industry sabotage? Absolutely without a doubt. But his own label maliciously cutting him off? No.
Jimin is my bias and I want him to have everything he deserves and I am going to trust that he knows how to handle his own professional career and he does not need my intervention. If he's not happy with something, guess what? He can call Bang PD and tell him what's what. None of us can do that. Let Jimin handle it.
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twilight-deviant · 10 months
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Pompous Pep Week - Day 5: Age Swap
This is over a week late, but I finished it, which is a win to me. xD
My thoughts on this universe of teen Vlad and adult Danny...
Vlad is a teenage boy constantly trying to appeal to his crush, Maddie, though she seems to have eyes for their friend Jack. The three still have a ghost portal accident like they did in college, occurring earlier in life due to more available technology in the modern age of 2004. A little less unstable as well, no ecto-acne.
Vlad, still a victim of Jack's impulsiveness, hides his emerging ghost powers as he figures them out. He does not yet have the crooked notion to use them robbing banks and getting rich.
One day, while in his ghost form, he encounters and defeats a low-level ghost. Maddie and Jack happen to observe and find it fascinating. Maddie thinks the winning ghost is strong and remarkable, worth studying further. This leads Vlad down a hole of instigating more fights with ghosts to impress her, with eventual plans to reveal his true identity. When he can't get fights going organically, he begins bribing ghosts into it or summoning them with ghost tech/magic, unmindful of all the collateral damage caused by these battles. Over time, he devolves further into wanton damage and cruelty to the losing ghosts.
Enter Danny Phantom, a (formerly retired) ghost hero who can't ignore the new influx of ghosts and what this new ghost boy is getting up to. Plot twist? Turns out he's half-ghost too... and Maddie's father. (No, obviously he's not also Jack's father. lol.) Their introduction is a battle, one which Vlad swiftly loses, causing him to transform back human. [See above art]
Danny is shocked to meet another half-ghost (and it's his daughter's friend!) and tries to take Vlad under his wing, teach him how to use his powers. Naturally, Vlad fights the implication he needs help— and fights Danny too. They become unfortunate enemies, with Danny constantly torn over the question if it's okay to hit a kid. Haha. But the boy is being evil! He at least needs a time-out.
I imagine parts of canon plot still transpire. Things like Vlad researching the Ghost Zone for ways to become more powerful but it backfiring, leading to him running to Danny for help. Danny always assists, but he rarely receives a thank you.
On a personal level, Maddie can't understand why Vlad hates her dad. Meanwhile, Danny has to watch the very apparent tragedy of Vlad having a crush on Maddie, knowing she likes Jack. He can't give advice or suggest Vlad look elsewhere for love because the teen bites his head off anytime he tries to help him. None of it will end well.
For Danny's backstory, it can't transpire along canon lines with an accident in his parents' lab. I therefore decided he received his powers through magic and the occult over science. And we can blame Sam for that. Haha. When the Satanic Panic of the 80s/90s hit, she rebelled even harder against her parents and bought every dark tome and trinket she could find. Yes, this led to her summoning a portal to the Ghost Zone, and yes, Danny was caught in a reaction when the portal destabilized.
After half-dying and becoming infused with ghostly aura, Danny worked to develop his powers and stop any ghosts who made their way into the human world. I imagine that, like a Ouija board without a goodbye, the portal is open (sometimes in various locations) until they realize to close it properly. This actually takes years for them to do. In that time, Danny likes to play that he's a hero. (Ooh, fun to imagine things like meeting Ember when she was still alive.) But eventually, they did close the portal and the need for his heroics... ended.
Eventually, he and Sam got married. They had a daughter. They got divorced. (It's complicated~) If you want to ask how they have a red-headed child, go look at Sam's parents again and discuss with me whether her hair really is naturally black. Hmm.......... Also maybe they have another, older daughter named Jazz. Hahaha.
If it's necessary to pick a day job for adult Danny, he still wanted to be an astronaut. Especially with an adjusted timeline and him being alive during the thrill of the moon landing. Unfortunately, the program required incredibly thorough medical examinations, something his half-ghost biology could never pass without serious questions. So he did the next best thing with all that training. He's an airplane pilot. Flying comes pretty easy to him, after all.
He retired from ghost hunting. But also lately there seem to be new ghosts showing up in town?
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sojutrait · 1 year
“this could’ve been in parenthood 😒😒” well it WASNT NOW LET ME BE HAPPY ‼️‼️
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ragnarssons · 1 year
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again. the most moronic thing to even admit.
do the fireflies have braincells?
so they admit that they 1) kidnapped ellie 2) didn’t tell her jackshit about joel and his wellbeing, while yknow, they snatched her away from him and literally assaulted him for no reason whatsoever and ellie saw all of that 3) had ellie CONCIOUS, put her under without asking for her consent for the procedure 4) again, had ellie CONCIOUS, didn’t allow her to see joel and talk to joel to actually yknow, calm her 5), again, had ellie CONCIOUS and didn’t give time for ellie and joel to speak, thus kinda calming their worried nerves?? 6) again, HAD ELLIE CONCIOUS AND DIDN’T ASK FOR HER ACTUAL CONSENT BEFORE PREPPING HER FOR A SURGERY THAT WOULD KILL HER????
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they couldn’t have handled joel and ellie in a less humane way.
they really got what they deserved, damn.
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kathril · 4 months
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finished this for valentines day. the pattern is crows in love by lola crow cross stitch.
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mrstargkonnen · 10 months
“My son and wife are dead! I will not sit here and suffer crows that come to feast on their corpses!”
Oh, Viserys…
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…but now because of your lack of foresight, your family is about to feast on each other. sometimes literally. 👀
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jstor · 2 years
"The greatest tragedy of Arbella’s life may not have been her doomed quests for status and love but the waste of her great talent."
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t3acupz · 7 months
instead of letting them fall of a cliff, hannibal should have just pushed will to the ground, ripped off his bloody clothes and mating pressed him
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 11 months
@bookishirishdancer :))
“How bout an escape room?” James suggests, closing the fridge with his hip.
“If I have to spend an hour locked in a room with you and my brother I think I’d jump out of the window.” Regulus answers in a monotone voice, not looking up from his phone.
James pouts at him. “Please Reg? Mi amore?”
Regulus’ eyes flick up at the pet name, the tips of his ears faintly pink. “James-“
“It’s my birthday, you have to say yes to me.”
Regulus caves at the doe eyes James is flashing at him, because of course he does. James has him wrapped around his finger.
“Alright, fine.”
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narniansmagic · 6 months
really tempted to start a side blog for writing bc I have read so many hunger games fanfic again / also used to write in the past / scared how much smut I have read I should go to jail 😝
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i hated every second of this sooo much im not even kidding i fucken hate doing collages like this i literally only do them for the result. dont even talk to me about the angle of his face i dont wanna hear it
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[ID: six pictures of the process of a collage and one picture of the final result.
the process photos show: a sketch of frank langella; all of his features cut apart into individual pieces; two pictures of the pieces glued onto different color envelopes; the pieces cut out again but from the envelopes; and some of the pieces glued onto the page back together like a puzzle.
the final result is a collage portrait of frank langella done primarily in light blue, bordered by black glittery paper.]
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