#consumed by revenge and self hatred
samuraipussy · 7 months
don't know if this is actually a new blue eye samurai take but reading she who became the sun I expected to see some of mizu in zhu and instead I see him in ouyang
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Sasuke is a great example of a character who had this amazing ability of his observation skills. (I'm not talking about how attentively he analyzes his enemies during battles)
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When Kakashi tells them not to worry about any danger since this is only a C-rank mission, but only Sasuke notices that something is off with Tazuna's behavior.
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Sasuke suspected that Sakura was acting strange when she said 'good morning' with some hesitation. Sakura was really depressed about the chuunin exam because she felt useless compared to Naruto and Sasuke and didn't think she was good enough or skilled enough. Sasuke was the only person who noticed that Sakura wasn't acting like her usual self or something off about her behavior, while Naruto was completely unaware of this.
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Sasuke can recognize Naruto without even talking to him. Sasuke was sitting somewhere far behind Naruto, yet he could notice that Naruto getting freaked out without seeing his face.
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Sasuke can immediately find the fake Naruto. This shows that Sasuke is very obervent towards Naruto's appearance and his fighting skills (the way he dodges attacks). Sasuke quickly noticed that it was a fake Naruto coming towards them, but Sakura didn't notice.
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It happens twice under completely different circumstances. And yet, Sasuke knows without a doubt who is the real Naruto and who isn't.
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Sasuke was the only one who felt something was off about Kabuto, but Naruto and Sakura didn't notice as they accepted and trusted him.
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Sasuke can tell Naruto's mood just by looking at him. He saying himself 'this is not how Naruto usually fight. (Naruto was literally confused on how to save his friends from the much stronger Gaara)
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After seeing his fight with Gaara Now he knows the usual Naruto is back.
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No one realized how selfish she is, but Sasuke did. Sakura started talking about 'this revenge won't make you happy...nor me', and making it all about herself and her feelings. The moment he hears this, he uses the word 'yappari'. Yappari means "just like I thought", "I knew it", "As I suspected".やっぱり(yappari) uses to expresses the fact that your assumptions and predictions are proven correct. It also means that you are not surprised.
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Sasuke calls Naruto 'Usuratonkachi' in Part 1 and at the end of Part 2. It wasn't a word that Sasuke had made up on his own….he had heard it from Naruto and started calling him by that name, creating his own meaning from it.
Sasuke was observant enough to listen intently to the nonsense Naruto spewed out at the age of 8 and began to make it his own….despite suffering a tragedy and consumed with hatred and revenge……
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drakaripykiros130ac · 7 months
Green stans: “Aemond killed Lucerys by accident. Daemon intentionally killed Jaehaerys.”
This was no “accident”.
Dragons and their riders have extremely close bonds. They act in accordance to their riders’ wishes, whether they realize that this is what they want, or not. The strong bond between Rhaenyra and Syrax is shown throughout the series. Syrax feels what Rhaenyra feels. If Rhaenyra wants something (without having to tell her), Syrax acts on it.
Aemond may not have realized that he wanted Lucerys dead, but it is precisely what he subconsciously wanted. He wanted revenge for the pig incident (which Aegon actually orchestrated). He was consumed by hatred that built up for years against Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey. Hatred that Alicent nourished him with. Aemond wanted Lucerys ripped to shreds. And Vhagar acted in accordance to what Aemond wanted.
This whole “dragons can’t actually be controlled by their riders” may be partially true but at the same time, dragons don’t just do what they want when they have riders they listen to. They may not be robots but they don’t just do whatever they want either (if they have riders).
And let’s be clear about something: Vhagar didn’t want to kill Lucerys or Arrax. She went after them because it’s what Aemond wanted. Aemond wanted to torment Lucerys, and constantly showed anger and aggression towards them. Vhagar picked up on that and ripped them to shreds.
Just because Aemond said “No”, that doesn’t mean that his subconscious wasn’t screaming “Yes”. The only reason he even said “No” is because he wanted to avoid trouble, not because he didn’t want Lucerys dead. Because he did. He threatened him in Storm’s End and if Borros Baratheon hadn’t intervened, he would have killed him. He was close to killing Jacaerys with that rock in episode 7, so we know that he is perfectly capable of doing it.
Rhaenyra suffered the loss of TWO children because of the greens: Visenya and Lucerys.
Daemon acted to avenge Lucerys and make the greens feel the pain that Rhaenyra feels.
“A son for a son”. It’s perfectly fair. And the greens themselves cannot contest that and neither can their stans. Why?
Because they created the precedent with “An eye for an eye.”
Alicent could have demanded a reasonable punishment for Lucerys as well as an apology (even if the boy had acted in self-defense), but did she do that? No. She wanted revenge, and demanded the mutilation of a child of 5. And if we are being honest, Alicent’s absolute anger wasn’t exactly because of Aemond’s eye loss. The situation was an excuse for her to further her vendetta against Rhaenyra and her children.
The greens are entitled to revenge, but the Blacks aren’t?
As far as I see, the Blacks have been the victims, and the greens have a whole list of crimes they have committed and terrible things they have done in one season alone.
So if Daemon wants to exact revenge and make the greens feel the loss of a child, just as they made Rhaenyra feel the loss of two, he is entitled to it.
This is war. A war the greens themselves started. Aegon’s son is innocent? Lucerys was innocent too. He was a child too.
And the way I see it, it’s quite generous to only take away a son for a son. Daemon and Rhaenyra lost a daughter (Visenya) as well because of the greens. The greens should be grateful that Daemon didn’t decide to take Jaehaera’s life as well in exchange for Visenya’s.
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mako-neexu · 2 months
"surely this time i will be normal for one day"
[suddenly remembers prison tower is supposed to end you bc goetia planned it but dantes took on the role of being your abbe faria and became your tiny light of hope in this prison of despair because he himself knows better than anyone how it feels to be an innocent soul, to be dragged and trapped in a life of despair, betrayal, and be casted away in a hell where madmen dont come out alive and so saves you by killing him, "the one who escaped the chateau d'lf", he's also summoned initially as a tool to kill you but dantes, initially being just a shadow, made ogawa heim because 'fuck u goetia' and caught feelings seeing guda's iron determination so fought alongside them and against the one who gave him a demon worm in his head. and just as he became your tiny light of hope in prison tower, you get to see him casually admit guda is his "destiny" and saw them as someone who is "radiant" after going through everything with them…like you know, a star. thats why both his np refer to guda in the new saint graph. because a star burns brighter than flames, more dazzlingly than fire that he himself is in awe of you and made a new alt solely because of you, inspired by you, even as he hurt himself by creating a new spirit origin, because his wish is solely for you to see the end of your journey and reach antarctica, because guda is a person -is a living human - who wants to see tomorrow and thus he split himself into two- or rather assigned himself and his other self in the singularity "count of determination (to bring about the 7 tribulations)" and as the "count of regret (you, his worry, who has to go through this harsh journey)". count of determination is the one who enacted the trials, because he is the spirit origin who is a ruthless murderer from his revenge story and thus must make sure guda goes through the merciless trials to go forward, yet count of regret is still worried all the same for guda considering the dangers of creating this world and with cagliostro around and other unpredictable variables, and in this ongoing journey thats why "black shadow" count is still on the look out for you. and in these trials he is both your ally and enemy that you must overcome because he wants!! you!! to move forward!!! even as you face your most trusted betray you, overcoming despair and hatred even as you drown in hopelessness seeing those you love die, overcoming his flames and as he extends a hand out and tempt you into a life where where you are a god of revenge, reaching an end that you hope for- a tomorrow that you want. (because we dont know what happened to the "real" dantes whereas dumas' version wrote that love extinguished his flames, and so left france behind with haydee. a fictional happy end that most likely didnt apply to the real dantes given his attitude to dumas and his version of the story since they never interacted again beyond dumas talking about writing his tale. )
an end that also isnt part of the famous Avenger, Count of Monte Cristo summoned to the grand order, only the popular interpretation/parts that people remember the most engraved in his spirit origin. and for him, this avenger, this part of his life where he is at his lowest who became your tiny light of hope in that prison tower, despite burning with eternal hatred chose love time and time again, save you, help you time and time again, because he doesnt want you to end up like him. one who has lost all things precious to you and so turning into a life of vengeance and blood, burning everything to cinders until you as well consume yourself, losing yourself in the process, becoming an empty shell, quietly dying as emptiness and quietness takeover the aftermath of those flames. you, as radiant as a star, don't deserve that kind of fate. you, his accomplice, his co-conspirator should never succumb to or have that kind of fate where only hate, sorrow and despair awaits you at the end nor does he want your journey to be at a standstill, idle, where you are helpless the more this story- this journey drags on and unable to move forward because of forces beyond your control.]
[through my teeth/clenches my fists] "oh. okay. so we're doing this now. okay."
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cobra-in-singapour · 2 months
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In short, I'm tired of gore and edgy .exe, and now I have my own.
So, what happened? Eggman successfully kills Sonic's friends, but not himself, and the blue hedgehog goes insane with grief and guilt, consumed by wild hatred and thirst for revenge. He collects all the Chaos Emeralds, removing any obstacles in his path in the process (you know what kind of obstacles), and successfully commits his revenge, but because of the negativity that overwhelmed him, Sonic gets stuck in his super-form, and changes much more than expected, becoming a monstrosity (Something like Fleetway and Dark Sonic). Grief and despair force him to move through time and space to another alternate universe, hoping to return to his friends and "fix everything", but in the end he just kills another Sonic and takes his place.
Distinctive features:
— He is stuck in super-form, but it is severely distorted, so he can change his appearance, returning to his "normal" self, although main palette is more faded and dark, and tear tracks are imprinted on his cheeks
— He is very unstable, literally a walking time bomb, if he experiences excessive emotions, his body may begin to melt.
— With "his" friends, he behaves almost as usual, but his frivolous, careless and forgiving behavior has disappeared, he has become more self-contained. Sonic become obsessed and very protective of his friends, and he can quickly become very vindictive and ferocious if they are in danger, so he has stopped playing with Eggman and is usually extremely aggressive towards him.
— He hides his identity from friends, as well as his powers. Learned good acting, calculation, and self-control.
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rashomonss · 1 year
Part XII
previous part
taglist: @miridiums-writing, @zerchila, @aeongiies, @xmoogx, @coffeeandtealol, @food-lover9000, @l0diluvs, @vichsy, @valeriele3, @entolomaeden, @acaribeau, @sillybeanzo, @jessiegerl, @capricorn-anon, @crescentworld, @g-l-1-t-c-h-3-r, @chumbinhoeba, @chaos-n-kindness, @strawberryfire17, @zenxvii, @misscaller06, @luminarysol, @simpinginthecorner, @your-next-daydream, @bontensbabygirl, @crxwned-mxnarch, @ibtisam-aran, @mochicurls21, @rxsehxney, @xpixie
a/n: omg I’m so sorry for literally falling off the face of the earth for awhile so much has happened this past couple of weeks I was literally going insane. first off my friend got into a car crash around the third week of may, so I was at the hospital with her for a few days until her family was able to get into town. then I finished up finals that next week so thankfully now i’m done with school! THEN i had to fly all the way down to my hometown because my little brother was graduating middle school, but I’m finally back and fine so hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter!
warnings: angst
it’s okay to change
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the perspective of a conflicted human
After everything happened you resigned to your room for the night desperate for sleep. You decided to then take a quick bath washing all of the blood off, then sighed as you laid in bed with hopes to sleep. However as time passed, you sadly couldn’t find your bed comfortable at all. Sighing again you sat up and leaned against the back part of the wall, looking up at the tree above you.
This room felt much homier than yours. It was well lived in and loved. Things you were gifted were displayed everywhere and things you were proud of sat on your shelfs. Many things that belonged to the brothers also resided in this room, such as games, manga, and regular novels, snacks, music, and self care products.
A part of you felt a bit jealous at that fact. Your room was dull and wasn’t as homey as this one. You then looked around and realized that you hadn’t messed with much in this room except for destroying the pictures on the bulletin board, which you now felt a bit bad about.
As you continued to sit in the quiet of your room, you couldn't help but feel the weight of everything that had happened.
Due to everything that took place in the planetarium at the time you never got to register what was actually said. Belphegor's apology had shaken you to your core, so much so that now you found yourself struggling to come to terms with it.
You wanted to forgive him, you really did, but you didn’t know if your mind would even allow you too. You had spent so long consumed by your hatred for the demon brothers, especially the youngest, that you didn't know how to let it go. Since you had been so focused on getting revenge and making their lives horrible, you had forgotten what it meant to live normally with them again.
As you sat there, staring blankly at the wall, you couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. When was the last time you had felt that emotion..? You ignored that feeling and rolled over deciding to try to get a small amount of sleep.
Days since that night passed and you found yourself becoming more distant with the brothers than ever. Since you kept your distance when it came to the brothers for so long you didn't know how to reconnect with them, much less how to go about doing that. Sure you still remembered everything you once learned about them. But how would that benefit you now?
You knew that you needed to talk to the brothers and tell them that you were having a hard time trying to forgive them, but the thought of facing them was almost too much to bear. On top of struggling to figure out your emotions, you also had trouble coping with the fact that you tried killing Belphegor. How could you look them in the eye after everything that had happened?
After all, you're no better than him now.
They all made it hard for you to avoid them, since you would see them in the halls, or catch a glimpse of them in the other rooms of the House of Lamentation and each time this happened they would wave at you and you would feel a twinge of pain in your chest.
Sure you would engage in small talk with them when they would come up to you but it was always awkward. You didn’t know what to talk about, much less how to talk to them.
Eventually though after speaking to the angels about your predicament, you had come to terms with the fact that you had to face your fears one way or another.
So that’s just what you were currently doing. Making your way to the living room you hoped to catch a few of them sitting there. It didn’t matter if all of them were there or not, you just needed to speak to at least three.
Through the process of walking through the halls you suddenly found your heart pounding in your chest.
Why were you so nervous…?
As you entered the next hallway you continued to think about the pictures of all of you that were hung in this house. They were such happy pictures, you looked so happy in them.
It was upsetting.
You began to think of old memories. Memories of the times you had spent with the brothers, before everything had gone wrong. Memories of the laughter and the joy you had all shared. They now overwhelmed you since you finally began to let yourself fully remember everything instead of trying to forget it.
But just as fast as those happy memories came they were quickly replaced with the pain and anger that had consumed you for so long.
You really didn’t know how to let go of that did you?
Sighing, you stepped into the living room and noticed all the brothers sitting around each of the couches, much to your surprise. As you looked at them, all you could see sadly were the demons you once hated, but that was going to change…hopefully. You thought.
They all acknowledged your presence and looked at you smiling waiting for you to speak. However you said nothing, and just continued to stare at them with a perplexed face.
The silence that filled the room in response was dreadful, as each of them sat there waiting for you, the brothers began to look among themselves trying to figure out if you were still upset with them.
You knew that you needed to say something to break the silence, but the words wouldn't come out, no matter how much you wanted them to.
Finally, Belphegor broke the awkward silence. "Mc…is everything okay? We’re here for you if you have something you need to talk about."
“Shut up,” you said loudly. Your tone came off rude even if you didn’t mean to be. His words had made you react that way out of reflex. You wanted to tell him you didn’t mean it, but you didn't know what to say, or how to respond to him. But you knew you needed to tell them what you realized.
The room fell silent again, too silent for your liking, due to this you could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you struggled to find the right words.Finally, after what seemed as if forever you spoke.
"I don't know how to forgive you all honestly. I…really want to, but I don't know how to let go of everything that's happened."
“I’ve felt nothing but this feeling for so long that I don’t know what to do now that it’s supposed to be gone. How do I let go of it?”
After you finished they each looked at you blankly, waiting for someone to respond. Lucifer was thankfully the one to break the silence, he gave you a sympathetic smile then spoke
"We understand Mc, forgiving can be a difficult process, especially when you have been holding onto those feelings for such a long time.However It's important to remember that this is a process, and it may take time to fully let go of those emotions, it’s okay if you still feel that way. You have to remember that emotions take time to change."
“Yeah but we’ll always be here for you Mc!” Asmo yelled.
“Well duh! We’ll help ya no matter what” Mammon smiled.
“We’ll always be here to support you Mc.” Beel then said.
Your eyes became watery at their responses. Was this all it took for them to understand? Just simple communication, was that really all? You thought, completely baffled. You weren't sure if you could ever truly forgive them, but for now, with all their help, you were willing to try.
For now, you were willing to live in the same house as the demon brothers, and try to find some semblance of normalcy again.
After you decided to join them in the living room that night, and surprisingly it wasn’t that awful.
You all had watched a horror movie and throughout it the brothers noticed you allowed yourself to be closer to them.
None of them touched you out of respect, but they all desperately wanted to cuddle and lean on you like they used to with their Mc.
They knew you needed time before they could, but they became impatient the longer it took. After all they’re not that fond of wanting long.
It’s a demon's natural instinct to go after what they want when they want it.
So that’s just what they were going to do.
the perspective of the original
When you woke up, you found yourself in a dimly lit room, with no windows and only a single door. Siting up your body rested on a plush bed decorated with the softest and finest sheets you’ve felt in awhile.
The room was also decorated in the same fashion, right away you could tell that you were still in the Demon Lord's castle. Had Diavolo actually knocked you out…?
He’s never been rough with you before, so this was an entirely new feeling.
You grabbed your head since it began to throb. It took you awhile but you began to remember just what happened before waking up in this room. And it caused you to panic, soon wondering what was going to happen to you. Had Diavolo and Barbatos really kidnapped you?
Was kidnap even the right term? You thought. It didn’t matter, what really mattered was the fact that this Diavolo knew you were from a different timeline but wasn’t willing to let you go home. You tried to calm yourself down, but it was difficult when you didn't know what was going on.
After what felt like hours of contemplating what to do, the door finally opened and Barbatos stepped inside. Upon closing the door he greeted you with a smile and walked towards the bed. As he got closer you noticed the small tray of food in his hands, and when he placed it down next to you, it was of all your favorite foods.
"I hope you are feeling better," he said, his voice remaining soothing like always.
"What's going on Barbatos?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
He frowned at the loss of the nickname but regained his composure and responded "You are here because Lord Diavolo believes it is in your best interest to stay with us”
“But I need to go back Barbatos…” you said raising your voice.
“I understand you’re upset, but please don’t hold this against him. He only wants what’s best for you and the three realms” he sighed.
"What’s best for me and the three realms? What are you talking about?" you demanded, leaning closer towards him.
Barbatos sighed again. "I cannot say anymore, but I assure you that he had a good reason for doing this. You are safe here, and we will take care of you."
You looked at him skeptically, but you couldn't deny that he seemed sincere, but there was a possibility he could be acting. The Barbatos here was much more secretive than yours.
"But I want to go home Barbs…" you pleaded.
"Please, just let me go home." Maybe tears could work on him? You began to think, after all, it was a possibility.
It was silent for a few moments then Barbatos spoke. “You’ll never guess who came by earlier, they all looked decently injured too. It’s impressive that a human such as yourself do that to them” he laughed.
He ignored your question. You thought. After a second, you did respond to him. “How are they?”
You honestly couldn't recall what happened after you got upset at them. It was like you had backed out and then found yourself fighting with Diavolo and Barbatos later.
“Worried about them are we? That’s no surprise” he smiled.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re a kind person Mc, even after everything you put them through a few hours ago you still ended up caring about them… just like our Mc would do.” He smiled.
“What do you mean by "your Mc" would do? All of you always talk about how I’m different but what exactly made them act out in that way?” You questioned.
Barbatos sighed and looked to the side, he gave himself a moment then sat down at the edge of the bed. "It was the incident, as they liked to call it."
"As in...when Belphie killed me?" you asked.
"Yes. After that Mc became quiet and reserved, but also full of anger. If I'm being truthful I didn't know a human could harbor so much hatred for other beings." Barbatos laughed.
You narrowed your eyes and looked at him waiting for him to continue.
"It was like that for a while. They began to disregard all demons and would make it a point to avoid us if they could. However no matter how upset they were they never completely left the brothers."
"While it's true that our Mc went out of their way to get the seven of them away from themself, it's also true that Mc still cared for them behind their backs."
"As in?" You questioned further.
"Well it was a while back actually but the event took place in the courtyard after classes were finished. I happened to be walking by when a group of lower-level lust demons began badmouthing the brothers. While I was wondering if I should take care of it, Mc ran past me and began to yell at those demons." Barbatos said letting out a chuckle, as he played the memory over in his head.
"So they still care about them? Do the brothers know this?" you asked, leaning closer to Barbatos.
"On the contrary, they don't. Mc came up to me right after and threatened me not to tell them. But after that incident, I did realize they truly still care about each of them. Which is why you're here."
"What does this have to do with me..?"
"Well, the whole reason for keeping you here is because you act just like our Mc used to. Why go through the trouble of trying to bring them back when you're here" He smiled.
Your face dropped and you looked at him with horror. "So you're all just using me as a replacement?"
"When you word it like that it sounds awful" Barbatos frowned.
"Well, that's what you're making it sound like" you yelled.
"Now, Now Mc no need to yell. I assure you everything is going to be okay." Barbatos cooed, as he reached out to touch you.
"Get off of me" you yelled, slapping his hand away.
Barbatos sighed and stood up walking towards the door. "I can see you need some time to rest. I'll come back later."
As he began to open the door you bolted towards it and pushed him into it, knocking both of yourselves and the door over.
A loud thud was followed as you and Barbatos collided with the ground. Since you used him to brace your fall you were able to get up just as quickly and run off.
Your name was yelled through the castle halls, but all you could do was run, afraid of what would happen if you looked back.
Next part
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cocoacat323 · 6 months
Naruto Fic Recs
Since so many people liked my svsss rec list I thought I might do one for Naruto, warning all of these are either sasuke-kakashi centric so if you don't like that I recommend you don't read this! Anywho!
heroes come back Summary: Sasuke Uchiha is reborn as Timothy Drake
With Friends Like These Summary:
“I’m from the future—seven years in the future.” There’s a long, drawn-out silence. Itachi’s face is unreadable as he stares at Sasuke. “You’re what?” he finally says.
Sasuke travels back in time to stop the war. He infiltrates the Akatsuki in order to kill them - he doesn't expect to take a page out of Naruto's book and befriend them instead.
CCG Public Enemy No 1 Summary: Kakashi had a single red-and-black eye for more than half his life. Now, he has two.
twist 'verse Summary: Team Seven, in all its iterations, gets fucked over by whatever cosmic powers yet again and time travels/reincarnates/possesses bodies of the Founders. (Note: This is a series not a fic, but I thoroughly enjoyed it so it's making the list anyway.)
Frayed Truths 'verse Summary:
"What are you saying?" Kakashi demands, distress turning his tone harsh. "That you don't know when he'll wake up?" "I'm saying I don't know if he will."
When Itachi uses the Tsukuyomi on his brother that day in the hallway, he miscalculates. In the aftermath, Sakura and Naruto struggle with what it means to be a team and Kakashi sits by the bedside of a boy that might never wake.
A single misstep, and everything changes.
(Note: This is also a series and not a fic, I'm sorry about that, but once again it's very good. The series itself has no summary so I went with the summary for the first fic in the series.)
How a Young Heart Really Feels Summary: It was absolutely the most devastating thing to ever happen to him in his six years of life. He knew Uchiha were supposed to love too deeply, but this was ridiculous! He was just a kid, for god's sake! He didn't want to be in love!
Or: Sasuke gets a crush and it messes with best laid plans.
Misrecognition Summary: During the fight on top of the hospital after Itachi's tsukuyomi Sasuke sees Naruto's rasengan and decides that was the final nail to hammer home his weakness, how he would never be able to become stronger than his brother. He was a loser, destined to fail, destined to die. So he might as well die now.
Sasuke tries to use Naruto's rasengan as a means to an end. Friend-killer Kakashi watches this.
Restore My Faith Summary: Sasuke was consumed with hatred because his family was killed. His entire family, not a single person left alive except him and their killer. It was enough to drive someone insane, or into the arms of the first maniac promising him enough power for revenge.
Instead Sasuke finds a little baby Uchiha on a meaningless mission and leaves Konoha for a vastly different reason. (Note: Very literally my favorite fic in the world, of you were to read any fic on this list I beg that it is this one.)
Never Trust Your Rinnegan (Tales of Sasuke's Travels) Summary: "Sasuke isn't in the Elemental Nations.
None of the Elemental Nations have buildings quite like this, people quite like this. Sure, Ame is weird, but this is really pushing it. These people don't have Chakra signatures, they shouldn’t be alive.
The Rinnegan has never teleported him somewhere he hasn’t already gone."
OR: Sasuke is transported to the world of BNHA and has a very hard time trying to get out.
Road to Nowhere Summary: Hitoshi knows there's something wrong with himself before he's even old enough to have a sense of self. He looks at his reflection and knows that the infant looking back at him isn't what he should be seeing.
His dreams are a maelstrom of grief and fear, his mind overwhelmed with a lifetime of emotions his brain isn't developed enough to comprehend. There's an ingrained instinct blaring that everything is wrong wrong wrong.
In which Hatake Kakashi is reincarnated as Shinsou Hitoshi, and he wants nothing to do with this world's so-called "heroes."
A step to the left (and right off the cliff) Summary: Team Seven starts off on a different foot and Sasuke's canonical journey to get stronger goes off the rails a bit. It all works out though. Probably.
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youatemylollipop · 1 year
A/N: This is another variant of the requested one-shot based on what the requester actually wanted. I also wanted to pinpoint that this is my first time writing a direct one-shot about Izana, so I apologize if I had accidentally made him a bit ooc. But let’s hope that this time it will apply to what you had in mind!🖤
Request: “I loved your Izana headcanons! Can I possibly ask for something with Yan! Izana snatching Mikey’s s/o away from him?”
Original Version: The Year Spring Never Arrived
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Synopsis: Manjirō wasn’t the same boy you once knew. You understood where he was coming from, of course. Still, there was nothing strange in wanting your boyfriend to show you at least some bits of the past love he once held for you.
Fandom: Tokyo Revengers
Characters: Kurokawa Izana X Reader X Sano Manjirō
⚠️ WARNING: Angst, obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, romanticized yandere behavior, yandere Izana, grief/mourning, unhealthy coping mechanisms, self hatred, emotional and physical cheating, mentions of death, miscommunication, signs of manipulation, explicit sexual content, underage? (Reader is 16/17 years old and Izana is 19), implied dub-con, cursing, mind break, MDNI!!
Word Count: 12.4K
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“I slept with Izana,” you say, the words hanging in the thickening air like a weighty confession. The bouquet of fresh blue hyacinths falls from his hands and lands on the pavement with a soft rustle. Mikey's eyes widen, and his body seems to freeze as he processes what you just said.
A long silence follows, filled with tension that thickens the air around you with each passing second. You can feel the weight of Mikey's gaze on you, his eyes dark with a mix of shock and disbelief.
“I was actually just on my way to your place,” you say, your voice carefully measured as you try to ease the ever so growing tension. “I—I mean, I care for you a lot and didn't want to keep it a secret from you.”
The tense silence is thick enough to cut with a knife, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. The blond boy standing before you interrupts the uneasy stillness, his voice barely above a whisper. Gaze, fixated on the two pairs of feet beneath, one belonging to him.
“Was it me?” His voice is quivering with a mix of uncertainty and fear as he speaks. As if he already knows the answer, but can’t bring himself to accept it. His mind, consumed with the possibility that he might have been the one responsible for the situation that has led you to this moment.
“I’m so sorry Manjirō!” You cry out, tears falling down your cheeks. “I never meant to hurt you!”
You hiccup, trying to find the right words to explain, even though you know it’s meaningless. “It’s just that I’ve been feeling so lonely and neglected lately and Izana was there and-”
Your voice catches in your throat as you struggle to articulate the complex emotions roiling within you. The weight of your loneliness presses down on you like a physical force, and you feel like you're drowning in it.
As you speak, your words tumble out in a jumbled rush, tripping over each other in their haste to escape your lips. Your thoughts are a tangled mess, and you can feel your heart racing as you struggle to make sense of them. Your breaths come in short, sharp gasps, and you feel light-headed and disoriented.
You take a deep breath, closing your eyes and trying to center yourself. The air is cool and crisp against your skin, and you can feel it filling your lungs as you inhale. Slowly, you begin to calm down, and your stuttering voice steadies itself.
With a sense of mounting dread, you realize that you're about to say something that could change everything. But you can't keep it inside any longer—the words are burning a hole in your chest, and you have to let them out.
"And I couldn't help but question your love for me," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. The words hang in the air like a death knell, and you feel a sense of despair wash over you.
“[Name]-chin…” Mikey sniffles, taking a step closer. “I’m sorry for making you feel that way. I’m not angry with you, it was my fault not yours.”
Mikey stands before you, his eyes filled with remorse and regret. His voice quivers as he addresses you, his tone laced with sorrow. You can hear the sadness in his voice as he apologizes for the pain he caused you. With each word, you can sense the weight of his guilt and the sincerity of his remorse.
As he takes a step closer, you notice the tears that have welled up in his eyes. His vulnerability makes your heart ache. You can feel the tension in the air as he swallows hard. “If you want, I’m willing to look past this.”
You shake your head, “No, you shouldn’t.” He really shouldn’t. Because it was you who had screwed things up. So you stand your ground, unwilling to let him take the blame for your mistake.
If only you were more patient and gave him time, things wouldn't be this way. God, how much you hate yourself for putting him into this position. As if his life isn't hard enough already.
"You're not at fault, [Name]-chin," as he speaks, the words seem to hang heavily in the air, as though they are reluctant to leave his lips.
His voice is soft and gentle, like a soothing balm to your troubled heart. As he falls to his knees, you can feel the chill of the hard ground seeping into your bones, but you don’t care. All that matters is the warmth of his presence next to you.
"I promise I'll do better," he adds, looking up at you, eyes filled with misery. You close your eyes as his thumb goes up to brush away the tears, before settling on your damp cheeks. The touch is gentle, yet firm, as though trying to erase the pain and hurt that has been etched there. You can smell the faint scent of his cologne and feel the warmth of his breath against your face.
It's quiet for a while, and sniffles can be heard coming from both of you. Then, he embraces you, whispers of promises filling your ear. Your eyes meet his, and you can see the raw emotion in his expression. His eyes are pleading with you, silently begging for forgiveness. You can feel your resolve melting away under his gaze, like ice thawing in the warmth of the sun.
It's hard to resist the pleading look in his eyes and the intensity of his emotions. However, you know that things won’t ever be the same, and that you should stand up and walk away. So you stand your ground, ignoring the sudden stab that pierces your heart, and as you speak, the words come out strangely refreshing, as if a boulder had been lifted from your shoulders.
"I'm sorry Manjiro, but it's time to face the truth. We've grown apart. It's nobody's fault, but we can't keep pretending everything's okay."
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The downpours had been unusually aggressive that night, making it impossible for you to get any proper sleep. You were currently in the kitchen, standing near the microwave and waiting for the popcorn to finish. Since you couldn't fall asleep, you had decided to embark on a quick movie marathon with all the films that you had at some point wanted to watch but never found the motivation to actually do so.
As the popcorn continued to pop, a few knocks sounded from outside the corridor. You tiptoed toward the front door—which was kinda stupid you now realized since you knew that it was pretty unlikely that anyone would be able to hear you over the howling wind. Besides, the fact that the lights were on already made your presence obvious.
It was difficult to make out the silhouette, but deep down, you knew who it was. The tight squeeze in your chest spoke volumes for it, and something told you that it had to be serious in order for your boyfriend to come here at this hour, in this kind of weather.
“[Name]-chin…” His voice was hoarse, and due to the puffiness of his almost completely red eyes, it was evident that he had been crying for a long time. This was fairly unusual since Mikey had never been one to openly express his vulnerabilities.
You quickly ushered him inside, helping him to take off his shoes and coat before sending him to the bathroom so that he could take a warm bath. In the meantime, you found some of your dads old and unused clothes as well as one of your oversized hoodies that you knew would fit him just fine.
It took a while for him to finally come out, but even after he did, Mikey seemed both less bratty, but also more bratty, than usual, appearing conflicted. On one hand, he didn't want to bother you because he feared you might eventually grow tired of him and leave him. On the other hand, he wanted you to spoil him and show his vulnerability since you were the only person with whom he felt completely comfortable and trusted.
The movie marathon was now canceled as you had mentally decided that you would put all your attention on your boyfriend who clearly needed it the most. You led him into your bedroom beckoning him to take the side that was pressed against the wall. However, instead of laying down next to him, you sat on the edge of the bed, caressing his cheek gently, like your mother would do when you were little before going to sleep.
“Do you want some dorayaki?” Onyx eyes blinked sleepily up at your figure before nodding his head slightly. Giving the male a gentle smile, you quietly padded toward the kitchen, hoping not to startle your sleeping parents, before returning to your bedroom.
Mikey was staring through the window with a dazed expression, the aggressive bursts from the wind outside receiving no reaction from the blond. His mind was seemingly completely elsewhere, and whatever it was that was occupying his attention made him completely ignorant to his surroundings.
Only as you placed the plate of his favorite pastries, did he finally acknowledge your presence, but paid little attention to the treats. Noticing this, you crawled over the bed to get closer to him.
“Is everything okay?” Paying no mind to your question, the male simply scooted closer to you, as he wanted to feel your body against his. He wrapped his muscular arms around your waist while nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent. For the first time that day, Mikey felt grounded when he caught the familiar combination of lavender and chocolate.
“I have another brother,” he mumbled quietly, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in confusion at the sudden statement. He had another brother? Then how come he didn’t know about this till now?
Why does Manjirō look so sad?
"What do you mean?" You asked tentatively, gently running your fingers through his long ash blonde locks. This made the boy let out hums of appreciation as you did your best to comfort him.
“[Name]-chin…” He whispered quietly, pulling away from you slightly in order to get a more proper look of your face. “You won’t leave me right? You'll stay with me?”
Where was this coming from?
“Why would I ever leave you, silly?” You tried to word it as a lighthearted joke in hopes of easing his nerves. However, it did not seem to work as Mikey looked at you with the same urgency as before, if only a bit subsided.
“It’s just that I know that I’m not a pleasing person to be around, and,” he trailed off, not finding the strength to meet your intense gaze. “Izana already seems to hate me…”
Taking notice of your increasingly confused gaze, Mikey pulled away completely. He then sat himself straight. You followed his course of action and put your legs into a cross-legged position.
“Remember when I told you about a newly formed gang called Tenjiku a few days ago?” You pursed your lips in concentration as you tried to recall exactly what Mikey had told you. The name sounded awfully familiar, but more as a distant whisper, until a lightbulb appeared above your head and memories began to flood back.
“Right, isn’t it that the gang from Yokohama that’s been taking down Toman members recently?” Mikey nodded his head solemnly, and you could tell that the topic seemed to take a toll on him. A part of you wanted to tell him that he didn’t need to talk about this right now if he didn’t want to, but another wanted to be there for him and let him vent everything that he’s been suppressing so far.
The boy, with ash blonde locks falling over his face, explained in a subdued manner, “He's leading it.” His downcast eyes and refusal to make eye contact betrayed his struggle to maintain composure. His voice was so faint and weak that you had to lean in to hear him.
You hated seeing him like this. So fragile and sad. This wasn't your Manjirō. You didn’t know who this Izana person was, but you sure as hell did not appreciate the way he made your usually bright ball of sunshine feel. You knew just how much family meant for him and how destroyed he must feel to know that his apparent brother was doing his best to ruin him.
Taking a hold of his larger hand, you gently squeezed it as a form of reassurance before reaching out for one of the untouched dorayakis. “Here, I bought these today,” you cooed, pecking his cheek sweetly.
“I tried visiting you today,” a small pout appeared on your face as you tried to bait him with the dorayaki while holding it right in front of his face. “But Ken-chan told me that you weren’t home and needed some time for yourself.”
Mikey could feel a faint smile forming on his lips, hidden beneath the strands of ash. Shaking his head slightly, the boy opened his mouth, a silent request for you to feed him. Deciding to humor him, you swayed with the dorayaki in a similar way that he would quite often play with his taiyakis. Mikey couldn’t help but giggle since it looked more like a floating pancake than a fish in the deep sea.
However, as soon as he took a bite of the seemingly entrancing pastry, the dream-like state he had previously found himself in instantly vanished. You noticed the sudden change in his facial expression and furrowed your eyebrows, taking a small bite of the fluffy pancake, as you wondered what could have caused such a reaction from him.
Widening your eyes, you sent Mikey an apologetic smile before explaining what had happened today. "I'm sorry, Manjirō,” you said softly, “that strange boy took me by surprise, and I didn't see which flavors I took.” Deliberately not bringing up the fact that you had initially contemplated which flavor you wanted to buy for him.
As you decided to take the other pancake pastry to ensure it had the right flavor, the boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “What boy?” He asked, staring at you intently, causing your hand to freeze in midair.
Blinking at him dumbly, you simply let out a barely audible, ‘Huh?’ escaped your lips as you continued to stare at him with a blank expression. Mikey didn’t seem to buy it, however, as his gaze remained fixated on you.
"Oh, did I say boy?" You laughed awkwardly, trying to divert his attention from your slip-up. "What I meant to say was a completely harmless old man who was actually going to buy some freshly baked pastries for his grandchildren."
“Did I mention that he looked awfully similar to Grandpa Sano?” You dared to sneak a small glance in your boyfriend's direction as you finished that sentence, only to be met by the most adorable expression you’ve ever seen. Lies. Any expression your boyfriend makes could win the award for the world's most adorable.
The male puffed out his cheeks, and you couldn't help but coo at him. Your hands instinctively reached up to pinch the soft flesh, but Mikey half-heartedly swatted them away. He was about to say something, but you interrupted him before he could speak.
“Do you know how much you resemble a chipmunk whenever you puff your cheeks out like that?” You spoke teasingly, still hoping that you’d manage to make him forget about the previous conversation. And it seemed to work, since you saw the way his right eye twitched at the comment. Though, the newly found pinkness dusting his cheeks showed that the displayed annoyance was anything but true.
The boy huffed, sending you an annoyed glare. “That cheap trick wouldn’t even fool Baji, and you think that it’d work on me?” His expression was screaming ‘tantrum throwing child’ and you're pretty sure that you have never seen the blond look so offended before.
You couldn’t help but giggle at his comment, subconsciously imagining what Keisuke’s reaction would look like had he been here right now. Though, amusement was also accompanied by bits of nostalgia and sadness as past memories of you together with your childhood best friend suddenly came rushing back intensely.
“What happened?” You blinked, Mikey’s voice somehow managing to bring you back to the present. Focusing your attention back on him, you noticed the look of concern that his eyes were carrying. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
You shook your head, pursing your lips while trying to find the right words to say. “No, he didn’t hurt me,” you spoke carefully, left hand rubbing your other arm as you tried to rid yourself of the growing tension inside your body. “It’s just that he said something…strange.”
Mikey’s concern grew with your answer, as an uneasy feeling settled within his bones. “What did he say?”
You fumbled with the hem of your pajama top, doing your best to remember the orchid-eyed male’s parting words. “I’m not sure if I remember, but…” you trailed off, trying to recall which exact words he had used.
As you peruse the array of pastries on the counter of the quaint shop you are visiting, your eyes linger on a particular dorayaki filled with precious red bean paste that you know your childish boyfriend adores so much. But a mischievous impulse tugs at you, tempting you to buy the curry-filled option that you know he despises.
You are too far gone in your own little world, contemplating which option to choose. Suddenly, a shiver runs down your spine as you feel as if somebody is watching you. Just as you are about to turn around and survey your surroundings, the bell jingles merrily as someone opens the glass-tinted door, announcing their arrival to the shop.
Blinking a few times, in order to bring yourself back to reality, ordinary [e/c] are met by a pair of gorgeous yet unfamiliar lilac—or perhaps pink—eyes. It isn’t the first time you see someone with eyes falling into this color palette, yet somehow they seem to be in a completely different category.
As you continue to gaze into the stranger's eyes, you are struck by the unique shade of color that dances within their irises. The hue is reminiscent of an orchid in full bloom, with delicate petals that curve and twist like the tendrils of a dream. You can’t help but feel captivated by the hypnotic beauty of the orchid-colored eyes that now hold you in their gaze.
“How long are you planning on staring?” A honeyed voice soon reaches your ears, forcing you out of the strange trance that you once again find yourself in.
The male’s voice is mostly monotone, though you can still identify a hint of annoyance lingering within it. He’s not exceptionally tall, but still strikingly beautiful. The tanned skin contrasts with the platinum blonde hair that looks to be almost strands of silver falling down his face.
“Haha,” you shake your head in order to bring yourself out of the trance that you once again find yourself in, rubbing the back of your head sheepishly as you send him a shy smile. “Sorry, it’s just that you’re so beautiful that I was at a loss for words.”
A pregnant pause soon follows as the male’s annoyed gaze gradually grows into one of curiosity and intrigue. You, on the other hand, can feel your own cheeks flare up in embarrassment, not believing that you just said something like that to a stranger. Not to mention, that it was the first sentence you had uttered.
Before he can utter another word, you quickly put two dorayakis of respective flavor into a paper bag and speed-walk out of the shop. You think you can hear somebody chasing after you but don’t pay much attention to it. Only when you feel a large hand take a hold of your arm do you stop, as the unknown person’s other hand goes up and covers your mouth preventing you from making any sound.
“Be quiet,” a hushed tone speaks gently into your ear as your eyes frantically search for an escape route, readying your left leg to lend a powerful kick if necessary. However, only as the man uncovers your mouth, do you notice how gentle his hold actually is, causing you to instantly relax.
You aren’t completely sure of what you were expecting, but you can’t help but believe that it should have been the tanned male from the pastry shop that had chased you. For some reason, it makes more sense than this. Yet instead, It was some unknown male with a large scar on his face. You simply have no clue as to why this man had been the one to do so, when you’ve never met before.
"You owe me 400 yen," says another, more familiar this time, voice. It’s low and menacing and seems to come from the beginning of the alleyway that you had suddenly found yourself in. You recognize him as the same boy you had just run away from, but he appears much calmer and put-together than you, with his tanned skin and well-groomed appearance.
You wonder why he’s demanding money from you and what he will do if you don’t pay him. As he observes the bewilderment in your [e/c] eyes, the male rolls his own.
“You didn’t pay for the pastries that you took,” he states plainly, gesturing towards the paper bag that you are clutching onto for dear life. After a moment, his words finally register in your brain, and the confusion that has been showing in your eyes transforms into embarrassment.
You hurriedly begin to search for your purse before pulling the brown square-shaped item out of your school bag. It’s then that you finally realize just how stupid you must have looked, running away from a pastry shop simply because you had accidentally complimented some random stranger.
"T-Thank you," you say, bowing your head. "And… uhm… I’m sorry for putting you in such an uncomfortable position." As you speak, the male steps closer to you, placing his fingers beneath your chin and tilting it upwards to face him.
“Interesting…” The male’s face is now uncomfortably closer to yours, orchid-colored eyes watching you carefully as if he’s inspecting you. “I think I’m starting to understand why he is so smitten by you.” Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you silently watch as he exits the alleyway, his scarred friend not far behind.
“He did say something about understanding why someone is smitten by me,” you spoke after recalling the event. At the mention of your words, Mikey's expression instantly grew serious, his eyebrows furrowing and his lips pressing together in concern. He leaned forward slightly and asked with a tone that showed a hint of suspicion. “What did he look like?”
You let out a deep breath, the weight of the conversation heavy on your mind. Your response was hesitant and quiet, almost as if you were afraid to speak too loudly. "He didn't look fully Japanese," you said, the words tumbling out almost reluctantly.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you try to recall the details of the encounter. "Maybe Filipino, I think?" you added, your voice trailing off as you searched your memory for any distinguishing features. The room was quiet as you spoke, the tension palpable as you struggled to put your thoughts into words.
The blond's face was a portrait of contemplation, his lips pursed tight in concentration as he gazed down at his lap. His piercing onyx eyes seemed lost in thought, as if he was grappling with a weighty decision. You strained to read his expression, but his luxurious ash blonde hair cascaded down in a veil, hiding his features from view. Despite your curiosity, you couldn't help but admire the silky strands as they shimmered in the light, creating a mesmerizing sight.
“If you see him again, I want you to tell me, alright?” Despite the fact that it had been phrased as a question, you could clearly hear the hidden demand behind the words. He wasn’t asking, but telling you that this was how you should act the next time this guy decides to approach you.
As you gazed deeply into Manjirō's eyes, you could sense the weight of his unease and anxiety. His fingers quivered in your grasp, their hold tight and unrelenting. Your brow furrowed, and you felt a pang of sympathy for his fears.
Drawing nearer to him, you caressed the back of his hand with gentle strokes, feeling the roughness of his skin against your fingertips. The warmth of his touch against yours offered a sense of solace.
"Manjirō," you whispered, the words caressing his name as they escaped your lips. You leaned in closer, your breath warm against his cheek. "There's no need to be afraid," you reassured him, your voice a soft melody that flowed like a gentle stream.
As you spoke, you could feel the tension in his body begin to ease, like a knot slowly unraveling. His eyes flickered with uncertainty, but he leaned into your words, like a sapling bending towards the sun.
With a gentle touch, you placed your hand on his shoulder, offering a comforting presence. "Nothing bad has happened," you repeated, your voice a soothing balm to the fears that plagued his heart.
But Mikey shook his head adamantly, a hint of desperation creeping into his quivering voice. "Promise me, [Name]-chin," he pleaded. "Please promise me you'll tell me."
You pursed your lips, your heart heavy with compassion. Slowly nodding your head, you wrapped your arms around him, holding him tenderly as you made your vow. "I promise," you murmured. "If he ever comes near me again, I'll let you know."
Your whisper was faint, but due to the close proximity of your lips to his ear, your words were impossible to miss. Despite the angry howling of the winds outside, Mikey could feel himself slowly relaxing inside the safe space of your warm and loving embrace.
As he nestled his face against the crook of your neck, Mikey's cheeks flushed a bright shade of pink that trailed down to his neck and ears. Breathing in your heavenly scent, he felt certain that, with you by his side, he could overcome anything.
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“For fucks sake!" The boy snapped as all the pent up emotions that had been boiling up from within suddenly exploded. “Will you get off my back!”
Mikey's face contorted with rage as he yelled, his fists clenched tightly at his sides. The air was thick with tension as he struggled to contain the overwhelming emotions that had been building up inside him for so long. Finally, with a primal scream, he let it all out.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as you watched the young boy struggling with his pain. Despite the anger in his voice, you knew that he was hurting deeply and that he needed help. With a heavy heart, you raised your voice to match his, hoping to break through the wall of emotion that surrounded him.
The tension in the room was palpable as the air crackled with frustration and pain. Mikey's fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles had turned white, his face twisted into a mask of anger and hurt. You could see the tears glistening in his eyes, and your heart ached for him.
Tears began to pour down your cheeks as the two of you continued to hold eye contact. The blond looked like he wanted to say something, but was quick to cut himself off before he could accidentally cause any more damage than he already had.
You carefully took a step forward, nose stuffed with snot from all the crying. Gently grasping his hand, you pursed your lips slightly before meeting his hollow gaze. “P-Please just…” you hiccuped, “just let me be there for you.”
Mikey pressed his lips into a firm line, guilt gnawing at him from inside his throat. He felt nauseous, hating that he was the reason for your current state. His eyes stung as tears threatened to spill like a flood. He didn't deserve to cry, not when he had caused so much agony to the person he cherished most.
"Just leave me alone," he muttered, his voice thick with emotion. "I can't deal with this right now."
"Manjirō, I understand that you're hurting," you said softly, trying to keep the compassion in your voice. "But this isn't healthy. You need to talk to someone about what's going on. I'm here for you, and I want to help."
He pulled away from your hands and turned away, his shoulders hunched in defeat. "I don't want to talk about it," he said, but you could hear the desperation in his voice.
"Okay," you said, taking a step back. "I won't push you. But just know that I'm here for you, whenever you're ready."
The silence that followed was heavy, and you could feel the weight of all the unsaid words hanging in the air. You just hoped that eventually, Mikey would find the strength to open up. But instead of answering your silent plea, he simply turned around and left you alone in the now-empty hallway.
You could hear his footsteps fading away until the sound of a lock turning indicated that he had isolated himself in his room—the room he used to sleep in before Shinichiro passed away. You guessed it was too hard for him to think of not only one, but two people who had left him to the invisible shackles called grief.
Mikey failed to understand why he just couldn’t let you in. But the male felt as if a wall had suddenly built up between the two of you, completely disregarding the fact that he was the reason behind it. Only blaming the circumstances.
You stood there for a while, surrounded by nothing but complete silence. Hues of [e/c] empty, not very different from the way Mikey’s abyssal ones had seemed to be after Emma had been pronounced dead. Slowly, you crouched down to put on your shoes and pull your coat over your shoulders before leaving the building—the building that you had once called your second home, filled with warmth, laughter, and life.
The cold autumn air hit your face painfully, the never ending streams of tears only adding to your current sensitivity. The warmth that seemed to follow them practically burned onto your skin. But you paid no mind to the pain, welcoming it even as it gave you at least some form of evidence that you were still alive, well and breathing.
Body shaking, your arms slowly wrapped around your waist, as quiet sobs began to leave your throat. You weren’t fully aware where your body was taking you, and somewhere in the back of your mind, you believed it was your deceased friend that was leading you to an unknown destination.
You've known Mikey since childhood, but even now, you can't shake the feeling that Emma has always understood him better than anyone else. Maybe you were deceiving yourself however, and the golden-haired beauty before you wasn’t really guiding you towards the answers you seek. Perhaps the soft, honeyed whispers in your ear were nothing but a figment of your imagination, like a distant waterfall in a wild, untamed place.
“You’re going to catch a cold like this, angel,” another soft whisper reached your ear, but this time you found yourself flinching at the unexpected warmth that had begun enveloping you. A faint blush coated your cheeks as you came face to face with none other than Kurokawa Izana.
Although you mumbled his name almost inaudibly, he still managed to hear it as if your voice were impossible to miss. Amidst the symphonies of the streets, the people, and nature itself, your voice seemed to come from a completely different dimension. Its sound carried across any distance and drowned out any noise, demanding attention.
It was only after a minute or so had passed that you noticed how close he was standing to you. His body pressed against you, slightly pinning you to the railing, and suddenly you became hyper-aware of your surroundings—the sound of moving water and the wind passing by your figure. You wondered, at what point had you reached the port?
“What’s gotten you so sad?” You closed your eyes, relishing in the softness that he was expressing as one of his hands cupped your cheek, thumb brushing away the remnants of tears that were present. You couldn’t help it. You just missed being cared for like this.
Mikey has been neglecting you for months, while Izana has been nothing but good to you. Although there were moments when he could be a bit aggressive in his approach, you didn't blame him. Perhaps he was just being impatient, as he wasn't used to being denied things.
You shook your head at his question, not wanting to go over the same conversation as the two of you have been doing for the past few months. Opening your eyes, as you felt him wrapping something around you—his scarf. It smelled nice, like freshly baked dangos. You figured he must have gone to the pastry shop earlier today.
You closed your eyes for a brief second, taking in the pleasing scent that was emitting from the thick and warm lilac fabric. The scent was just plain Izana. At what exact point you weren’t sure, but somehow it had become your new sense of comfort. Your new sense of home.
But then you furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him, gaze filled with worry. “Aren’t you going to get a cold now?” The male smirked, letting out a low, seductive chuckle as warm puffs of air barely grazed your face.
Suddenly his face was almost touching yours, an unfamiliar predatory glint hidden within the orchids that were his eyes. You weren’t certain, but there was something dark and unsettling in his expression. Strangely enough, however, you didn’t feel threatened by it. More like excited, as you felt how some unusual bubbly feeling began to swarm inside your stomach.
Before you did something you would later regret, you carefully placed your hands against his chest as you gently pushed him off of you. Reality slowly catching up, forcing a heavy feeling to settle within your bones, completely replacing the previously elated one.
Noticing the abrupt shift in your emotions, the platinum blonde felt his left eye twitch in annoyance. Letting out an exasperated sigh, the male shot you a look while speaking, “You can’t wait for that idiot forever.”
He spoke matter-of-factly, his heavy gaze practically boring into yours, making you feel like a small, fragile animal led into a corner by the big bad wolf. You pursed your lips as you felt a lump form in your throat.
Guilt seemed like an endless cycle; once you fell into it, it was difficult to escape. You weren't certain how much responsibility you should feel for Izana's emotions or for Mikey's potential reaction when he discovers your inner turmoil. However, in both cases, you were aware that each person involved was equally at fault for whatever issues may soon arise in this—whatever this was.
Starting to feel impatient with your lack of response, the male leaned in, assessing your awareness, before suddenly crashing his lips onto yours. One arm snaking around your waist as the other cupped your rosy cheek. You didn’t react at first, far too shocked to understand what was happening. But as Izana’s lips began to softly rub against your own, your eyes slowly closed as your own hands took a harsh grasp of the fabric of his coat.
It felt like a sensual dance, where the predator had claimed dominance right from the beginning. Izana was kissing you feverishly, impatience noticeable in every caress and act that he made. Hands squeezing your hips gently, as he pushed you further against the railing. Tongue poking against your lips as a way to ask for permission to enter.
But before things could escalate, you pushed him off of you once again. Looking at him through half lidded eyes, you noticed how breathless he was and figured that you must have looked no better than him. Though, you doubted that the lovely shade of pink coating his cheeks looked as prettily on you as it did on him. A certain urge to tug him back for another kiss appeared, but you were quick to dismiss it.
“We—We shouldn’t be doing this Izana,” you spoke, feeling your blush deepen at the sultry look that he was giving you. “Ma—Manjirō needs me right now.” Tears were streaming down your face, but the male in front of you only seemed to become more bitter as you finished.
He huffed, before placing his fingers under your chin—just like he had done the first time you met—and tilted it upwards. Biting your bottom lip rather harshly, you felt yourself shrinking at the expression that he was making. It was somewhat crazed, not like the previous ones where he had been simply expressing his dissatisfaction.
You swallowed harshly, a whimper escaping your lips as your eyes closed shut. A brief moment of silence followed after, until you felt him withdraw his fingers from you before hearing him take a step backwards. This made you find the courage to peek out from your closed eyelids before opening them up fully.
The tanned male wasn’t standing in front of you anymore, but rather beside you. You peered at him carefully without making it too obvious and noticed that he wasn’t even paying attention to you. His gaze, instead, fixated on the sky, and you couldn’t help but admire him like this.
He looked truly mesmerizing to you. Platinum blonde hair flowing softly in sync with the cool breeze that was coming from the ocean. Hanafuda earrings dangling prettily, reflecting bits of the light that came from the sun.
Turning around to face the front, you began wondering what to do. But you didn’t get to ponder about it for too long, as the feeling of a pair of cold fingers suddenly touched your cheek. The caress was soft and caring, but it didn’t stop your body from tensing up as you stood completely frozen without any knowledge of how to react.
“I’m sorry, angel,” the male spoke, his voice growing a few octaves deeper. “But I can be quite an impatient man, especially when it comes to you.” You flushed at his words as the male gently guided you face closer to his.
“Zana…” A faint, barely audible call of the nickname that you would sometimes address him by, was the only word that you were able to produce in your current state. Even after all this time, still failing to understand, how this peculiar person always managed to leave you completely speechless.
Ever since that fateful day in the pastry shop where you first met, you realized that Kurokawa Izana was the personification of an oxymoron. The warm aura he exhibited was very inviting, radiating a certain softness that was rarely found in males. However, that didn't stop him from coming across as overly haughty and distant, seemingly impossible to approach.
And this time, it was no different. His voice, gentle and understanding, conveyed warmth and empathy. His fingers, though cold to the touch, felt soft as they traced circles on your chilled cheek. However, his eyes betrayed a different emotion, showing a calculated coolness that left you feeling conflicted.
“Think about it,” was all he said before leaving the port. Only the aroma of freshly baked dangos lingered in the air, a testament to his recent presence. You buried your face in the lilac fabric that Izana had draped over you, and a wave of nostalgia washed over you. A memory of your now-estranged boyfriend flooding your mind, filling your being with a kind of fussiness that caused a small smile to play on your cold, numb lips.
“Come on Manjirō, try something new for a change!” You whine, tugging at the blond’s sleeve childishly while sending him a pleading look. “We’ve been eating so much dorayaki and taiyaki recently that I’ve started having nightmares about them!” Mikey pouts at your insistence, but finds himself relenting as you are far too adorable to ignore.
You beam, feeling pleased with your accomplishment. Not too far away, you can hear your dearest friend—and perhaps older brother figure—Ryūguji Ken letting out a painful groan. This urges you to giggle as you are fully aware whose wallet will be left empty at the end of the day.
The dragon tattooed boy gives you a dirty look, knowing that whatever it is that you have in mind, will most definitely be more expensive than a few packages of your boyfriend’s favorite snacks. Mikey, however, lets out a laugh as he instantly recognizes the look on his tall friend’s face. Frankly, it is a look that screams agony.
It is a rather cold day in the month of December. The three of you are equally oblivious to the upcoming changes that will soon come in the span of a few months. You intertwine your hands, squeezing each other teasingly as you occasionally tug one another in the opposite direction, waiting to see who will be the first to lose balance.
Draken rolls his eyes in mock annoyance, but there is a barely noticeable lift at the corner of his mouth. You and Mikey, however, are too immersed within each other to take notice of the slight softness that can be spotted in the tattooed boy's dark eyes.
The snowflakes are dancing in the air, like an endless waltz. But unlike the two of you, each of them looks lonely, cold, breathtakingly beautiful, and yet pain strikingly lifeless. Like a small piece of something grandiose, however, still separated from the mass.
You walk over to Draken, your steps feeling light and weightless as you lightly jump with each one, the snow crunching softly beneath your feet. You send him the sweetest smile you can muster, but he narrows his eyes at you suspiciously, his exhaustion deepening with a sense of foreboding. You let out a snicker like the spawn of Satan that you are.
“Ken-chan,” you say in a sickeningly sweet tone. “I want some of those.” The male quirks an eyebrow, his gaze following the direction of your index finger as you speak. Sighing, he nods at you, but not without mouthing some very peculiar words that would probably make any mother give a look of disappointment.
“You just had to choose the most complicated dish on the menu?” His reply is snarky and biting as he mentally prepares himself for the next thirty minutes he’d probably have to wait before your order would finally be ready. It’s not the food in itself, just the awfully long queue that he now has no other choice but to wait through.
“Now, now, Ken-chin," your boyfriend says, crossing his arms as he shakes his head disapprovingly. “That's not how you're supposed to treat a girl.” The tall blond groans in frustration, struggling to hold back his urge to kill the Toman commander. Mikey, on the other hand, is sporting a cheshire grin, looking pretty much like the cat from Alice in Wonderland.
“Exactly, exactly,” you add, nodding your head in approval of his statement. “And you keep asking yourself why Emma doesn’t believe me when I tell her how much you like her.”
It takes a moment for Draken to finally register what you had said. However, before he has a chance to commit a double homicide, you feel someone’s fingers snake around your wrist. Seconds later you and your boyfriend are running down the streets, laughing like a pair of goofballs—which you probably are at this point.
Cold air brushes your face as you both continue the pointless war of tugging. At some point, you slip over the snow, making the both of you fall. Luckily, the river that Mikey loves visiting so much is completely frozen, saving you from a potential disaster. It's already too damn cold; you doubt you'll be able to survive walking wet around the city until you reach home.
You are rolling down the thick layers of pale, white snow. Mikey’s muscular arms are tightly wrapped around your waist, while yours find home around his neck. Snickers leaving your lips as you reach the frozen water.
You pull your face away from his chest, pools of [e/c] color meeting a pair of pitch-black eyes filled with childish glee. One of your hands trails up his neck before settling on his cold, pale cheek. There is a faint pink hue dusting them from the cold, biting air.
He’s smiling up at you. The expression is so contagious that you can’t help but mirror it with one yourself. His arms pull you slightly closer to him as your gaze fixates itself on his lips. His plush and pink lips that seem to be oh so kissable. You brush your own against his softly, before withdrawing from him slightly.
Before you have the chance to repeat the motion, Mikey quickly changes your position. You are now lying down on the cold, but surprisingly smooth surface. The blond leans in closer, so close that your noses are brushing and your hot breaths are mixing together. You bite your bottom lip in anticipation, feeling your heartbeat accelerate in response to how intensely he is looking at you.
However, instead of being met by a long and sensual kiss as you were expecting, only a light peck grazes your lips. A pregnant pause soon follows, and suddenly you are attacked by a dozen kisses. Giggles escape your lips as his thin nimble fingers run along your clothed body to tickle you. You gasp as you try to fill your lungs with much needed air, but Mikey is having none of it.
“W—Wait, Manji-,” you try to speak up as tears continuously stream down your cheeks from all the uncontrollable laughter. “Hmm? What was that?” The male teases, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Stah—stop!" You manage to choke out, sighing in relief as the male finally gets off of you. He lays himself beside you, his coal-black eyes filled with adoration, making you flush red. You love the way he gazes at you, his expression portraying nothing but pure bewitchment, looking absolutely smitten.
You lie like this for a while, the cold breeze pushing past the both of you. The temperature seems to have gone a few degrees lower, causing you to shiver. You start blowing into your palms, which you have cupped and placed in front of your face. It doesn’t help much, however, and you are about to ask Mikey if he wants to go back.
You sit up, but stop yourself from voicing your question as you feel something soft and fluffy wrap around your neck. Peering down, you are met by strikingly vibrant red. You didn’t even notice at what point your boyfriend had gotten up. A pair of ecstatic giggles escape your lips as the familiar sensation of long ash blonde strands soon fall over your shoulder.
Mikey is hugging you tightly from behind, face tucked into his red scarf that is now securely wrapped around your neck. Half lidded eyes peering up at you from the soft, ticklish fabric, blonde locks falling down his face, making it slightly obscured. He looks surprisingly snuggly like this, pliant even.
“Feeling warm now?” His voice is slightly muffled, but you still somehow manage to catch onto what he’s saying. A small smile grazes your lips at the thought of how cute he is right now. He arches an eyebrow at how suspicious you’re looking, but doesn’t question it further.
It takes a few more minutes until Mikey’s phone begins to ring. Draken’s gruff voice, appearing from the other side. There is a smile on your boyfriend’s face, as he tells you that Ken-chin was nice enough to still buy him some dorayaki. The aforementioned sounds annoyed, but you both are aware that it’s just an act and that he doesn’t actually mean it.
Then Mikey gets up and stretches his sore limbs before lending you his hand. When you reach out, your stomach rumbles, urging the both of you to giggle in sync. You hear some distant sounds of barking dogs and furrow your eyebrows as you don’t seem to find any nearby, despite how close the sounds are.
Mikey watches you with concern, his mouth moving, but his voice sounding too far away for you to understand. You close your eyes briefly and try to concentrate on his words, but they only become less coherent for you to understand.
Suddenly the noises around you became clearer, but it wasn’t his voice. It was the barks of the dogs that you could not find beforehand. It was the sound of rushing water coming from the ocean. It was the rustling leaves that had fallen on the ground, following the whims of the winds.
You swallowed thickly, a heavy feeling growing in the pit of your stomach. Eyes stinging as tears, once again, threatened to spill. This time, however, cheeks and lashes remained completely dry, as you refused to shed any more.
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As the cool breeze flowed through the neighborhood, the streets seemed less busy than usual. They were quieter, despite it not being very early in the morning. It was no surprise, however, as it was the weekend and many people were still sleeping at this hour, preferring to stay in the comfort of their homes.
Despite the cold weather, signs of approaching spring could already be detected. The melting snow was a big indicator, though there was still much left from the now leaving winter. March was already hot on its tail, but it seemed like even this month would remain white for a while.
Your eyes squeezed shut as the bright sun greeted you. The white, transparent curtains hung lifelessly in front of the closed window, doing little to block the aggressive rays of sunshine that were penetrating your room. Right hand flying up to protect your vulnerable eyes from the blinding light as you rolled onto your other side.
Thin strands of platinum blonde were splayed across another pillow. You rubbed your eyes slightly, trying to rid yourself from the remnants of sleep that was still very much present. Pushing yourself up into a sitting position as the creamy bedsheets slid down your body, you concentrated your gaze on the person sleeping beside you. On the boy sleeping beside you.
You stared at his sleeping figure—at Izana’s sleeping figure. In that moment, he looked angelic, so peaceful and serene that it felt as if the outside world couldn't touch him. His thick, white lashes fell down so beautifully—appearing even whiter as they rested on his lovely sun-kissed skin. It was as if the fiery celestial body had worshiped him throughout his life.
As you trailed your left hand down your body, it eventually settled on your chest. It felt heavier than usual, nothing like the usual heaviness that had been stored inside you for the whole year. Burning up. You were burning up from the inside. As if somebody had forced you to swallow a tube of hot lava, which had later cooled down and solidified.
But it was only then that you realized the lack of clothes on your body. Your cheeks burned at the sudden realization, and you were quick to scramble out of bed to put some clothes on. Your body grew numb as you were not quite sure what you were supposed to feel. Events from the previous night flooded your mind as you gnawed on your bottom lip.
Doe-like hues are met by a pair of stormy orchids. The light from the hallway illuminates his face in such a way, it makes his tanned skin emit a golden glow. From your standpoint, the male almost resembles a god. The way his gaze seems to be looking down on you—height difference having no matter in this case—makes you look like a worshiper, ready to bow down on your knees before him.
Stepping inside your house, the male’s eyes never leave yours as he seems to be analyzing you. You, on the other hand, face the other way, unable to keep his steady gaze. Izana clicks his tongue at your defiance. His thin nimble fingers find their way to your jaw, tracing it tentatively. The platinum blond guides your face to meet his own, before keeping it in place.
“You’ve been avoiding me, my love,” it’s not a question, but a statement. Although his voice is soft, you can still hear the hidden demand beneath. Velvety smooth voice, only used as a mask to conceal the secret intent. In Izana’s eyes, you are a fragile doll, his to protect. And you are well aware of this fact.
Not wanting to dig deeper into the topic, you purse your lips into a small pout before you voice your complaint, “You didn’t have to send me a threatening message, Zana.” A childish lilt in your tone as you purposely widen your eyes to make them look more innocent.
The male scoffs before sending you a condescending smirk, indicating that he’s not buying your act in the slightest. “Nice try angel, but don’t even think for a second that trick’s ever gonna work on me.”
You laugh sheepishly at his words, not quite sure of how to respond. An awkward silence follows soon after where he seems to be studying you. Like some unidentified object he recently found.
Swallowing the ever so growing lump in your throat, a shiver runs down your spine. You suddenly become much more aware of the chilled air surrounding the both of you as the tension grows thicker by each passing second. It’s quite hard to pinpoint at what exact moment you had reached your bedroom, let alone began to undress.
His skin is hot against yours, despite how cold it must have been outside before you let him in. You let out a sigh of contentment as his soft, warm lips trace your overly sensitive skin. Each of his caresses, so prominent that you can’t help but feel overwhelmed from it all.
Things get rather blurry from then on, and rather than butterflies, a strong urge to vomit envelopes your senses. You feel hot, and there is something thick, throbbing, yet sensual, penetrating your core. The room is filled with moans, and you know that they are coming from you. But for some reason your brain fails to register this fact, the voice sounding much more foreign to your ears.
A buzzing sensation on the palm of your hand, pulled you out from your pondering. Eyelashes blinking before you automatically pressed the contact name that had suddenly appeared. You stared at it for a while, until the content of the message finally registered in your brain.
From: MyKey♥️🗝️
‘Let’s go on a date today.’
‘I guess you don't want to go on a date since you’re ignoring me🥺’
Read 9:34 AM
Shame spread through your veins, and suddenly you could feel yourself getting closer to throwing up as nausea began to hit you in powerful shock waves. You weren’t even given a chance to reply before you suddenly jolted out of your bedroom and sprung out in the hallway.
The second you entered the bathroom, you crouched down in front of the toilet. Your throat felt as if it was burning up, stomach churning in uncomfortable ways, yet nothing seemed to come out. Faint, barely noticeable waves began appearing in the water below, and you realized that you were crying.
How could you? Just as things finally seemed to take a better turn in your relationship, you go and do this? Fucking his goddam brother like some cheap whore.
You squeezed your teary eyes shut, salty droplets tickling down your cheeks as you bit your bottom lip harshly. Despite the growing pain, you couldn't stop yourself and felt compelled to continue. Some sick part of your mind, enjoying it even.
Stop crying, you little bitch. Ha! You think you deserve to feel self pity? A selfish slut like you? Look at you. It didn’t even take a minute before you willingly decided to spread your legs for him! As if it wasn’t you who had initiated the contact to begin with! Or did you forget all the times that you reached out to him yourself? God, you’re such a two faced sna—
“Darling, please stop hurting yourself like this,” you blinked, feeling yourself getting pulled away from the seemingly never ending loop of self hatred. Endless streams of tears still spilling, like a broken fountain. Everything was blurry, and despite your slightly disoriented state, you still managed to make out Izana’s voice.
His head was slightly tilted as he crouched down beside you. Eyes half-lidded, indicating that he must have just woken up from a deep slumber. You figured you must be the reason for it, with the way you had sped out of the room without any care for how much noise you were making.
But you weren’t concerned about that. The term of endearment that he used, echoing in your mind instead. You knew what he was doing. What he was always doing whenever he addressed you in such a way. And you hated how much it was affecting you.
“Izana, this has to stop,” you stated, looking at him with pleading eyes. “We just can’t continue on like this anymore.” As you felt even more ashamed due to the way your body was reacting to the close proximity between the two of you—hating how flustered he was making you feel. “Why can’t you understand that we're hurting Manjirō?”
As soon as his brother's name was mentioned, you noticed a shift in his eyes. They seemed to darken with emotion, but then he quickly looked down, causing a sense of dread to wash over you. His long platinum blonde hair hung lifelessly over his face, hiding his eyes from view. “That bastard took everything from me, it’s only fair I do the same.”
“It's really pissing me off that I can't just kill him like everyone else,” he paused, tilting his head slightly upwards to regain eye contact with you. Despite the laziness behind the gesture, it still made you feel queasy. “But I know that it wouldn't be as satisfying as watching him crumble when he's got absolutely nothing left.”
“[Name], I love you, I really do,” he spoke, voice barely above a whisper. The male cupped your cheek—damp from the tears that had been flowing non-stop—thumb caressing it softly as he pressed your foreheads together. “And I know that you feel the same way about me.”
“No,” you shook your head in denial as you refused to believe otherwise. The urge to vomit, increasing the more you were forced to stare into his intense gaze. “No Izana, I love Manjirō.”
Manjirō. You loved Manjirō. The sweet, but bratty, boy whom you’ve known since childhood. The boy who never shared his food with anyone but you. The boy whose name you would sometimes teasingly mispronounce as ‘MyKey’, which he didn’t understand at first, but later on grew flustered as you explained to him that he would always hold the ‘the key to your heart’.
You loved the way he would sometimes scrunch his nose up in irritation whenever things didn’t go the way he had wanted. You loved the way he would smile at you—those rare moments when he would keep his eyes open and a spark could be noticed if you watched closely. You loved especially the way he would always cling onto you like a koala after you had a sleepover together. You loved everything about him.
Mikey has always been your safe haven. He was your person and you were his. The zone of comfort in the empty space of dawn. The light that shone past any other. So how come each time you tried to imagine the color of love and comfort now, rather than pale gold and pitch-black, it became silverish white and a soft combination of flowery pink and purple?
The platinum blond sighed, and you swallowed hesitantly as he withdrew himself from you and stood up. He brushed his slender fingers through long silverish locks, as a look of frustration settled on his face. “Just accept it [Name],” he said. “Mikey has grown out of love with you, and it's clear that you've grown out of love with him too.”
No. You shook your head, refusing to believe that he didn't love you anymore. There was no way he would do that to you, right? Manjirō wouldn't lie. Your boyfriend was no liar.
You know that he didn’t mean to hurt you. He was just protecting you. He didn’t want you to get entangled with his problems—with his dark impulses—so he pushed you away. That must be the truth. You know it’s the truth. It just couldn’t be any other way.
As you stood up, Izana took a step forward, backing you up against the white, polished wall. “I’m the one you love,” he said. Your lips trembled, and you weren't sure if it was out of fear or the overwhelming rush of emotions that threatened to explode inside you.
You didn’t like this. The way he was making you feel. It was overwhelming and imposing. Like somebody had penetrated your soul, forcefully leaving it completely naked and exposed.
“N—No, I want Manji-”
Izana was kissing you so aggressively, it almost made you think he couldn’t breathe without you. His movements were so frantic, you were afraid he’d completely lose it. You tried to speak up, but only some incoherent and muffled sounds could be heard. Broken exclamations of Manjirō’s name that always failed to never get interrupted.
“Man-!” A call of his name, but it went unanswered. The worst part, however, wasn't the absence of the person you wished would come; it was that you were enjoying what was happening. You loved it even, as you felt more alive than you had in a long time, just like every instance you had spent with Izana had always brought you.
Every move Izana made had a sense of desperation. They were frantic and needy, but there were also some signs of aggression, frustration and urgency that you took notice of. However, what shook you to the core were perhaps the hints of love, adoration, and possessiveness and obsession.
Your skin felt as if it had been set on fire. Cheeks flushing a deep shade of cherry red. Body twitching and fidgeting with extreme need. Breath turning erratic and irregular. Sounds of pleasure escaping your muffled lips as you felt something rubbing against your core.
Noticing your decreasing struggling the male stopped his frantic kissing, leaving your now swollen lips out in the open and went for your neck. Kissing and biting the entrancing skin, his right hand let go of yours as he felt your body finally relaxing under his touch. Your head resting against the cold wall, while his hands began tracing your warm and soft body.
Izana took a hold of the underside of your thighs and wrapped them around his waist. He detached his lips from your neck, pressing your foreheads together. Breaths unsteady and fanning over each other. Disheveled platinum blonde hair falling all over his face, yet it only seemed to make him look more attractive.
“Zana…” God, you sounded so needy. But he was making you feel so good and your body had become so sensitive, you believed you would die without his touch.
You blushed, reveling in the close proximity of your bodies. Izana closed his eyes, giving you a clothed thrust, which earned him a whimper coming out of your plush lips. He seemed to like that, because he repeated the motion.
“Trust me, he’ll never love you the way I do,” he groaned, voice coming out more guttural. The sound caused something to flip inside your stomach as you whined. Silenced by his lips as they found yours once again. The kiss was messy, but much more tender and calm—like a silent confession.
But then his words finally registered within your mind and streams of tears began to fall like a flood. Feeling a sudden wetness trailing down your cheeks, Izana pulled away, his touch gentle and caring. But his gaze held a different emotion. Something bitter, filled with disappointment and anger.
He carried you to your bedroom before practically throwing you onto the bed. You laid there, completely at his mercy as he crawled on top of you. But all you could think about was Manjirō. All the sweet moments that you had spent together, and what it had led to.
Izana was hovering above you, eyes blank, no emotion seeping through. Ripping of the shirt that you had put on, each action demanding and uncompromising. Kisses hungry and frantic, not leaving a centimeter of your exposed body untended. Dozens of hickies littering your skin, leaving a burning sensation on all the marked parts of your body.
You stared at the ceiling, moaning like a wounded animal. Izana’s touches were like a spell, experienced and calculated. No wonder—the male knew your body like the back of his hand.
“Please…” you mumbled, eyes welling up with more tears. You just couldn’t help it, confusion enveloping your senses completely as the feeling of vulnerability only seemed to intensify. God, what an awful human being you were.
Izana stared up at you, continuing his torturous ministrations. Not stopping, but never giving you enough either. “Please what?” The male asked.
You bucked your hips, chasing the fleeting feeling of pleasure that only seemed to appear occasionally, never remaining truly permanent. Izana was smirking down at you, a dark kind of amusement dancing within his orchid-like irises. As if he were enjoying the sight of your emotional breakdown—and perhaps he did.
Perhaps he thought you deserved it. After all, you caused him a lot of pain by constantly running back to him, only to dispose of him like some old toy once things started to look good in your relationship. You didn’t blame him. You couldn’t blame him.
Somewhere deep in your mind, you knew that you didn’t love Manjirō anymore. That you loved Izana. But you refused to admit it, believing that once you did, Mikey would hate you.
A shuddering breath escaped your lips as his long, elegant fingers traced your sensitive bud. Private parts twitching with neediness, slick pouring on the bed sheets nonstop. Desperation filling your veins as the male barely gave you the friction that you needed so much.
“…Please, Izana, I need you,” you begged, the lack of attention becoming borderline painful. The male only gave you one of his eerie smiles, nuzzling his handsome face against your throat before peppering it with small kisses and bites. Right hand leaving your exposed genitals and finding your inner thigh, squeezing the tender flesh sensually as he nipped on your delicious skin.
“Only if you finally admit my ownership over you, [Name],” a whimper escaped your mouth at his words. Lips forming into a pout as you tugged at his shirt, eyes pleading, practically begging for him to get rid of the thin, yet ever so present, barrier separating the both of you. An aching need to feel his skin pressing against yours.
“I’m yours,” you mumbled, “head to toe, all yours.”
Your heart stuttered as he eyed you suspiciously, not quite trusting your words. “What about your soul?”
A whine flew past your lips, [e/c] looking up at him pathetically. Hands twitching and tugging at the articles hiding his muscles. Body squirming on the bed as if you were in agony. Yet the male kept his eyes stoic, no ounce of remorse present as he continued to neglect your needs.
“Come on, angel, just say the word and I’ll give you what you so desperately crave for,” he spoke softly, words sounding empathic. You sniffled, eyes red and puffy from all the continuous crying. Hands shaking as you scrunched the fabric that was covering his chest harshly.
“Body and soul, too, Izana,” you croaked, and the male’s eyes seemed to darken as you finished. A dangerous glint soon appeared within them.
Izana licked the expanse of your neck, his long, pink tongue tracing the hot, burning skin hungrily. “Spread your legs for me, angel,” he whispered into your too sensitive ear, a lick and then a playful bite following soon after.
You did as told, exposing yourself completely for his predatory gaze to take in. Gasping as the cold air hit you harshly when Izana had pushed himself off of you. Throwing away his shirt somewhere on the floor before palming himself lazily. Gaze sultry and seductive, and you swallowed thickly at the sight of the awfully prominent outlines of his bulge on his black boxers.
He spread your legs even further apart, causing a dull ache to appear. Left hand stretched out to get a condom. Although he wasn't a fan of using them, he would never force you to do something you weren't comfortable with.
The male began stroking his shaft leisurely, groaning as he did so while watching your helpless figure before squeezing the tip of the condom and rolling it over the length of his erect penis. This was how he should always see you, sprawled on the bed, right beneath him. His to take however he pleased.
He positioned his cock near your awaiting hole, the tip teasing your entrance as he took some of your natural lubricant and poured it over his throbbing dick. Your lips parted as he suddenly pushed in, body tensing despite the amount of times that you had already done this together.
Izana squeezed his eyes shut, eyebrows scrunching in concentration as he didn’t want to cause you any pain. Your wet and warm walls pressed against him harshly, making it harder for him to keep a steady pace. It felt as if they were begging for him to cum right on the spot.
“Fuck, angel,” he groaned, muscles tight and rigid as he pushed in further. “You’ve been waiting for this, huh? Been waiting for your boyfriend’s brother to come and have his way with you.”
You moaned at that, breath caught in your throat as Izana pulled out slightly, only to give you a harsh mind blowing thrust. The change was too sudden. Shifting from slow, deep and loving, to harsh, fast and rapid.
Face red like a cherry, you felt as if a volcano was about to explode from within. Eyes rolling and tongue lolling out at the brutality of his thrusts. Pace unforgiving, as his thick and long dick that had already reached any possible hidden corner of your insides, was now stretching you out so much, you were afraid they would tear.
Your mind felt dizzy, only sounds of gibberish being heard as you were unable to even moan with the force of his thrusts. Words coming incoherent and probably even illogical, he doubted that they were even meant to be proper sentences.
Skin burning, and breathing erratic as the tip of his large cock continuously hit that oh so sensitive spot inside you. Shivers of ecstasy running down your spine and you could feel your body begin to shake in sync with the impending orgasm. The look on your face, so delicious, Izana was starting to lose himself.
You were just so pretty like this. Brains completely fucked out, unable to produce any thoughts. He was using you like a fleshlight, drilling his big fat cock further inside with each hit, kissing your precious spot every single time. The repeated sounds of Zana, Zana, Zana, escaping your lips like a never ending mantra, only adding fuel to his endless hunger for more.
Then you screamed. Walls tightened around his length even more as you squirted all over him. The sound you made, so erotic to his ears, his body started convulsing intensely as he finally reached his own climax.
Breathing heavily, Izana gazed down at your unconscious form as you had probably fainted from the intensity of your activity, eyes filled with adoration and endless pinning for you. He shifted your naked bodies so that you would lay in a more comfortable position, his softening dick slipping out of you as he did so.
Throwing the spent condom into the trash can, he then proceeded with wrapping his arms around your sleeping form. Then he kissed the back of your head, a sense of victory filling his senses as you unconsciously made yourself more comfortable in the safety of his embrace. An eerie smile tugging at his lips as he watched you silently.
It wouldn't matter if you came to regret what happened this morning once you woke up. In the end, your regret would be insignificant because his hold on you would be absolute. Izana would ensure that you remained his regardless—he would make sure of it.
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sardix · 2 months
OMG I JUST THOUGHT OF A CRAYZY SAMS AU "ecliptic loops AU"(that's a temporary name, if you have a better one tell me)
(I got the idea from eclipses quote "youd be a great eclipse sun"
So imagine that all the trauma sun is going thru lead him to Fall more and more and more in anger but who is he mad at the most?
I think we all know that he is mad at himself the most. So one thing leads to the other and at some point sun goes too far and decides to go back in time and punish himself, with the goal of replaicing that sun and stoping himself from making these mistakes...
But something went wrong and he is now in his past version head and when he looks at his own body he seas a bright orange-black outfit, his body covered in those colors...
Sun is dead and now "eclipse" is alive and he is mad at himself, at sun all he now wants is revenge. And he is filled with so much self hatred.
He gets consumed by how much he hates sun... No how much he hates moon seing now how this sun is treated by him. He gets so consumed by hatred he dosn't even realise when his memories spill... why?
No one knows maybe becouse of someone or becouse of going back in time? That for now is just a mystery.... what is known is the fact that at some point he loses all his past memories...
Maybe he noticed and made recordings to not forget?... no one knows...
Now empty canvas mixed memories all he remembers is being in suns head... was he moon before? Maybe it's all so fuzzy
Then sams lore plays out and with time "eclipse" regrets and self hates himself which makes him redem himself and he tries to help sun but he is to late and probably gets killed (since that is a classic sams move)
so it's a never ending loop. Until one day in one timeline "eclipse" finds the recording and from there the quest to break the loop starts. (And of course no one believes him especially not moon)
Will he fail and be forever stuck in a never ending self hatret loop? Or will he escape?
What do you think? What should be this sun-eclipse animatronic name? And what should be this AU name?
If you have ideas tell me I would love to bear you're thoughts and how could this play out!
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siriuslysatorusimping · 8 months
Kiko’s Masterlist
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This is a Master for the important links for my stories 😊
*We are not spoiler-free here, so please block the JJK Manga Spoilers tag if you don't want spoilers!*
Some of my posts contain mature content, and I try to mark them with proper community labels. If you're not seeing them, you'll need to make sure your settings are updated to display content marked as mature. Please consume mature/explicit content at your own discretion!
Please do not copy, imitate, or recreate any of my works. If my works inspired yours, please give proper credit.
twitter | ko-fi ☕️ | AO3 💕 | Vocal
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Another Level Masterlist
Status: Complete
“You’re a Zenin.”
More like an unwanted mistake. Which, funny enough, had actually been the first words she ever heard her father say to her. - Kurisaki Rinko was born an unwanted bastard child to the Zenin clan, having since grown into an unwanted bastard adult. Her stubborn refusal to be discarded resulted in a display of strength that many would call (they had, many times to her face, in fact) an unhinged lack of self-preservation. But lucky for her, that unhinged display caught the attention of a particular blue-eyed menace who happens to be more fun to rile up than anyone she’s ever met.
Read Another Level on AO3
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Physical Paradox Masterlist
Status: In Progress
How they went from: “I’m kinda impressed,” Gojo stated, sliding his sunglasses onto his face. “Didn’t expect a psych major to know this much about philosophical theory.” Rinko blinked at him slowly, raising her eyebrows as she scoffed. “I’m sorry, mister unresolved childhood trauma,” she said, stepping closer and poking a finger in his chest. “But I don’t really give a fuck if you’re impressed.”
To: “Your professor is leading the world of cognitive and behavioral research,” Gojo told Rinko's students, chest swelling with pride. “And she’s really pretty-” “Oh, she’s fucking gorgeous!” he agreed. “She has it all. Smart, funny, beautiful. She’s honestly perfect. It’s incredible she-” “Married you?” Touma interjected. “I know. I thought the same thing when I first met you.”
Read Physical Paradox on AO3
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Gokudō Masterlist
Status: On Hold (I will finish this eventually, though)
Gokudō (極道): the extreme path. A term used to refer to members of a Yakuza syndicate.
“Now, why is a pretty girl like you in an ugly place like this?” “Some might say the contrast is tragically poetic,” she replied easily. “Yeah, well,” he drawled, a smirk pulling at his lips as he stepped up to stand beside her. “Others would say it’s tragically idiotic. What’s your name, pretty girl?” “Shouldn’t you introduce yourself first?” she asked, her pulse jumping at his quiet chuckle. “You already know who I am.”
She never asked to be part of this world. A world filled with greed and violence and revenge. She never asked to be part of the world where life was as meaningless as dust. The world stained red by the blood that pooled beneath her mother’s body after she was forced to watch her die. She never asked to be part of the world driven by hatred and bloodlust, but she never asked to leave, either.
Read Gokudō on AO3
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Before I Love You - (angsty Gojo/Rinko AU, hopeful ending) - Part 2: Broken Lens | Author's Discussion
Fight Me? - (Nurse!Gojo shoots his shot with a grumpy patient)
For Your Health - (College!Gojo just wants to help his girlfriend stay healthy)
Untitled Unfinished Angst (very angsty Goinko bc Kiko is not ok)
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Random Asks and Kiko's Rants
Ask: Advice for AO3 writers and when you're in a creativity rut
Ask: How Do I plan the plot for stories?
Rant: The issue with meaningless angst
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Kiko's Original Work
Sample: Summary and blurbs
Sample: Blurbs 2
Meet some characters
Another Life - Short Story
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lavampira · 2 months
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saw @icehearts leave an open invite for this tag game so I’m taking the chance and running with it since I can’t see a gothic lit aesthetics meme and not participate. obviously. and same goes for me, if anyone reading this decides to do it for their character, please tag me to see it!!
BOLD what applies to your character!
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
cobblestone streets / lamps shining out of the fog / the warmth of a fireplace / unopened bottle of wine / the tension between what things seem to be and what they truly are / the heady thrill of freedom / the panic of losing control / blood on the pavement / guilty vices / top hats and walking sticks / self-destruction / old documents tucked away in safes
Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus
rain hitting a windowpane / candles burning low / mountain ranges of white, snowy tops / frenzied obsession / a cemetery at dusk / slaughterhouses / all-consuming thirst for revenge / compassion turned to bitterness and hatred / a sense of duty weighing on your shoulders / inescapable guilt / the frozen wastes of the arctic circle / the feeling of someone breathing down your neck / lighting sparking through the sky
The Picture of Dorian Gray
erotic longing / paint on a palette / golden curls and rosy cheeks / the desperation to cling to youth / bees lazily drifting through the grass / hedonism / the blackness of a soul / a dusty attic / hiding secrets / blood pooling on the floorboards / gut-wrenching jealousy / a dimly-lit stage / temptation into corruption
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
cliffs rising up into the clouds / someone ambiguously supernatural always lurking / edinburgh's winding streets / religious zealotry / careful manipulation / family rivalry / a bible written in an indistinguishable language / a face that's always changing and shifting / scottish lairds / something demonic masquerading as something pure
letters and diaries / suitors courting a lady / castles nestled deep within forests and mountains / terror of the unknown / the howling of wolves / aristocrats from olden times / a consuming hunger / the dead rising / horses' hooves thundering along a path / blood staining the snow / crucifixes warding off evil
Wuthering Heights
fog over the moors / embracing one who is already dead / a cycle of abuse / vicious, snarling dogs / a house left to ruin / a thorn among the roses / toxic love / ghosts / the howling wind / flowers that have died and begun to rot / wasting away / a voice you can't identify
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ahollowgrave · 2 months
Odette Hollows - Literature Aesthetics
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Bold* is what applies to your character!
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
cobblestone streets / lamps shining out of the fog / the warmth of a fireplace / unopened bottle of wine / the tension between what things seem to be and what they truly are / the heady thrill of freedom / the panic of losing control / blood on the pavement / guilty vices / top hats and walking sticks / self-destruction / old documents tucked away in safes
Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus
rain hitting a windowpane / candles burning low / mountain ranges of white, snowy tops / frenzied obsession / a cemetery at dusk / slaughterhouses / all-consuming thirst for revenge / compassion turned to bitterness and hatred / a sense of duty weighing on your shoulders / inescapable guilt / the frozen wastes of the arctic circle / the feeling of someone breathing down your neck / lighting sparking through the sky
The Picture of Dorian Gray
erotic longing / paint on a palette / golden curls and rosy cheeks / the desperation to cling to youth / bees lazily drifting through the grass / hedonism / the blackness of a soul / a dusty attic / hiding secrets / blood pooling on the floorboards / gut-wrenching jealousy / a dimly-lit stage / temptation into corruption
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
cliffs rising up into the clouds / someone ambiguously supernatural always lurking / Edinburgh's winding streets / religious zealotry / careful manipulation / family rivalry / a bible written in an indistinguishable language / a face that's always changing and shifting / Scottish lairds / something demonic masquerading as something pure.
letters and diaries / suitors courting a lady / castles nestled deep within forests and mountains / terror of the unknown / the howling of wolves / aristocrats from olden times / a consuming hunger / the dead rising / horses' hooves thundering along a path / blood staining the snow / crucifixes warding off evil
Wuthering Heights
fog over the moors / embracing one who is already dead / a cycle of abuse / vicious, snarling dogs / a house left to ruin / a thorn among the roses / toxic love / ghosts / the howling wind / flowers that have died and begun to rot / wasting away / a voice you can't identify
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][ Tagged by: ][ @ubejamjar @snakemoltsiren @thefreelanceangel ][ Thank you!!
][ Tagging: ][ @hazelkjt @this-is-ris @nolanel-corbeaux @the-sycophant & You (: ][
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cock-holliday · 1 year
Kind of expanding off of this post but a likelihood even more bothersome than Neil forgetting his own source material is that this was his original intention all along, and the story was only saved by his lack of complete creative control over the original product.
At this point, the core of the story is now placed in part 2, not the original. What I thought was intentioned ambiguity becomes more and more indicative of Neil not being allowed to say the quiet part out loud…until part 2. Moral quandaries from the original were merely setups for blatant and unsubtle messages. The original asked thought-provoking questions, and it seems clear that the team behind the game may have had different answers, or at least embraced the possibilities of multiple conclusions. Part 2 says there is only one answer: Neil’s answer.
*spoiler warning*
Suddenly the original is not presenting the player with grey areas anymore, it is simply the setup for a conclusion. Even the marketing now positions this to be the case, as it is difficult to find a copy of The Last of Us that is not labeled “The Last of Us: Part 1.” The HBO show has even shifted aspects to cater more specifically and blatantly to the messages of Part 2, which are as disheartening as they are childish.
The Last of Us questioned what people would do to survive, it questioned what lengths people would go to for their loved ones, it questioned what choices people would make based on their own traumas.
Part 2 tries to say that violence and hate are as inherent as love and hope, and effectively inescapable as part of “human nature.” Except it IS escapable. For the antagonist. So Neil’s own message is lost in hypocrisy. Part 2 tries to say that any and all violence is proportional. A girl killing her would-be rapist is as violent as the person who attempted to prey on her. A girl killing someone in self-defense is as violent as killing someone out of hatred. All violence is equal regardless of motivation or context or power dynamics. A system is the same as an individual. A military force is the same as the rebels fighting against it.
All violence is condemnable, nuance is lost. And the only absolution for your part in the violence is to suffer. Unless of course you seek out peace sooner than your opponent.
Joel committed violence to survive. He committed violence to save Ellie. He is only absolvable through death.
Ellie committed violence to survive. She committed violence to avenge Joel. She is only absolvable through the loss of everyone she loves, unspeakable trauma, the loss of fingers—and by extension her ability to play guitar, something that kept her connected to the person she was closest to—and must be relegated to her plainly stated worst fear: ending up alone.
Abby committed violence by avenging her father and killing Joel. She committed violence by killing and hurting Ellie’s friends. She committed violence by participating in occupation and torture of those living beyond her border wall. She committed violence by brutalizing Tommy. She committed violence by betraying her friends. She is absolved by…getting a found family.
The game tries so hard to be highbrow but doesn’t follow its own logic. It can’t decide what is excusable and what is condemnable but god does it fucking try to excuse or condemn rather than suggest that there isn’t a clear answer.
Joel and Ellie are consumed by guilt. They, particularly Ellie, are forced into situations against their own moralities, but are expected to pay the narrative price as if they did their acts out of evilness anyway.
Abby is not remorseful for anything she has done, but decides she wants to move forward (having already achieved her goal of revenge early in the narrative) and now is permitted to walk away. If revenge is evil, why is Abby allowed to have it? If violence is all bad regardless of context, why are only some punished by the narrative and not others?
If an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, why is the person who wasn’t seeking revenge blinded?
Neil tries to make a point about violence removed from context, motivated by his OWN views of violence removed from context. The why suddenly doesn’t matter. The why isn’t protecting someone, it isn’t protecting yourself, it isn’t an attempt to remove shackles of oppression, it isn’t a push for freedom, it isn’t to escape occupation. It is simply “human nature’s propensity for violence.” It is cynicism and a reductive stance on people as a whole.
Violence is not permitted to be a tool for controlling masses and a tool for liberation and a means to survive and a necessary measure for protection and a way to exert power over the defenseless all as commingling realities. No, violence is simply “bad.” A child predator is simply “the dark side of humanity” and not a specific dynamic born from a combination of factors. A child killing said predator in self-defense is also suddenly the girl’s “dark side” and not the exercise of violence as a method of escape. They are equal. Because violence is bad. A military beating down its citizens for control is just bad because violence is bad. So the people who overthrow the military occupation are ALSO bad because violence is bad.
Suddenly game 1 is no longer a multifaceted view on the potential paths of post-apocalypse, and a mind-probing posing of questions about morality and justice. It is a buffet of “bad people” doing “bad things”, with the inevitable second shoe dropping in part 2 which says: and so they will all eat each other.
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thewriterowl · 5 months
So, I'm exhausted and stressed and can't focus fully on writing fan fiction but seems ready to unleash creative spew on the SW-series we have gotten and how it could've been SO much better. I wanted to start with one, the one that seemed to have been the trigger of this weird ripple of poorly written series and see if I can unleash more for others (Not you Andor, you are perfection)
Book of Boba Fett
Scrap Din. Completely. Remove him. He doesn't even touch the show. Mentioned is acceptable, maybe even a sort of cameo where Fennec comes in to see Boba talking to him but hears nothing as they disconnect. Boba makes some note on what Djarin is doing as a way to express how much time has passed since the end of Season 2 of the Mandalorian. Maybe. But that's it.
Instead, there will be more memories opening up the episodes, even after Boba heals and is back to true form. For one, I think it would be beneficial to show a bit more young-Boba and show how angry and hateful and scared he was after Jango's death (let's get some re-makes of Clone War scenes) and how it shows his anger is consuming him. Show clips of him connected with Cad Bane and the dent in his helmet. Give little pieces to show how he went from that very angry and feral child to the rather composed man in Empire Strike's Back-Return of the Jedi to where he is now.
The tension of the politics are stretched out more. We will see Boba trying to actually take on a leadership role as Daimo but has the urge to be like he was before. And it's only when he starts allowing more of his self out does the good leader really blossom (ie. his brilliance of having the dinner above the supposed empty cage). He can even have conversations with Fennec of, "I was reckless and stupid with my anger before. And I got a face full of a scars and a head with less hair because of it." With her, ever the snarky wise one, going, "Being angry doesn't mean you be stupid."
Street kids are good, but not with the motorbikes. I feel they should've been more like the one character Kenobi met (his daughter in real life) who was telling him to get high and forget his problems--it's easier that way. They felt too punk and it was out of place for this planet at this time. They steal, maybe Robin Hood things here and there but are mostly out for their own group and themselves; exactly how Boba and Fennec were just a short time ago. Fennec could even connect to that girl and scoff in memory, "You're tough...I met a kid just like you on a job before" and now we have the presences of Omega within this series and how important she is here and not just in a singular location and can give audience the hope Omega and Boba will one day meet (season 3 of Bad Batch sorta helping confirm or deny this). While Boba is able to connect and warn them to not be like him and let their anger and hatred fool them into trusting arrogance. maybe someone makes a point, or maybe Boba realizes it himself, but this sounds very Jedi-esque and that haunts him.
Boba spent so many years hating the Jedi (mainly Mace) so having these moments of maturity would make him pause. It would end, of course, with him denouncing the belief because he is Mandalorian, like his father before him, and not everything is about the Jedi, because he fully believes in revenge and anger just not like how he used to. Now, he controls it. It doesn't control him. And he can let his hate for the Jedi finally go (ghost Mace, who was probably watching him the whole time is so relieved and lets the man go as well; not in the show but just in my heart).
The Tribe is not dead and, instead, at least a few survived (ie the child and the warrior and a few others; we did not get that incredible train scene for them to be all killed off camera) and we see Boba, who is dealing with the trauma of everything in his life, have a moment where he breaks down and apologizes to them (maybe not anything specific; maybe not really to them but to his younger self who never had a chance) seeing this as his fault. They forgive him, cause he needs forgiveness in some way, and offer him a home within their smaller tribe but he isn't ready for that and they accept it. Now, they are the ones who return to him and assist him in the final battle. This will also lead up to where it comes full circle for him. He will offer them a place within the city but they do not accept (they are a colonized people after all; I do not see them wanting to be within that city) and instead are welcomed to his territory as a home-base to return to should they ever wish and they part on good terms and promises of seeing each other again. It would end with Boba watching them leave into the setting suns, feeling longing but also a sensation of peace that they were going where they should go and he was where he was needed. So, he turns from them as they disappear into the melting suns and grunts out, "Just a simple man who made his way in the universe." And FIN.
We can keep a lot of the other craziness--he has his Rancor (i love this part of the story), he deals with corrupt politicians, Peli meets her next boy-toy cause Din (name cameo) suggested her for Boba's use, Black Krrsantan is in the picture, Cad Bane is the big bad who shoots down Vanth (and that final end scene is still there), and so many other ridiculous parts! They could all connect and make sense!
And there can be this theme that is trying to beat Boba over the head about anger. Because we have seen anger so much through the eyes of Jedi--this can really be a new type of accepting and letting things go. More akin to the anger we see constantly simmering and boiling over in Andor but in a more personal way and showing that it doesn't need to be snuffed out but honed (controlled). It can be why Boba seems so mild at times, it's because he is learning about who he is to be, but then is able to show us the (fan) Boba that was so popular is still there--he's just someone who is trying to fill a role he thinks he has to completely change for.
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Rayla's character arc throughout the series is one that grapples with her darker impulses and the lengths she's willing to go to protect those she loves. From the very beginning, we see her struggling with the weight of her assassin's training and the expectations placed upon her by her people. She's been raised to believe that killing is a necessary evil, a means to an end, and that her worth is tied to her ability to carry out her missions without hesitation.
This mindset is exemplified in her admission to hating a random boy in Chasing Shadows simply because he reminded her of Viren. It's a startling confession, one that highlights just how deeply ingrained her hatred and desire for revenge have become. She's allowed her past traumas and the wrongs committed against her people to fester, turning into a dark and consuming force that threatens to overshadow her better nature.
But Rayla's journey is also one of growth and self-discovery. As she travels with Callum and Ezran, she begins to question the beliefs she's held so dear. She starts to see the value in compassion, in understanding, and in the power of friendship. She learns that there's strength in vulnerability, in opening herself up to others and allowing herself to be supported.
However, old habits die hard, and Rayla's pride in her ability to be "strong alone" continues to be a driving force in her actions. She's so used to relying on herself, to pushing others away in the name of protecting them, that she struggles to truly let others in. This is most clearly seen in her decision to leave Callum and strike out on her own to face Viren, believing that she's the only one who can stop him and that she must do so alone.
And yet, when push comes to shove, when the lives of her friends are on the line, Rayla proves that there's no moral boundary she won't cross for them. In the end, she winds up cutting off one of Claudia's limbs, a brutal and shocking act that leaves both her and the audience reeling. It's a moment that forces Rayla to confront the darkness within herself, to come to terms with the fact that her love for her friends is so all-consuming that she's willing to do anything, even the unthinkable, to keep them safe.
It's a heavy realization, one that will undoubtedly weigh on Rayla as she moves forward. She's seen the depths of her own darkness, the lengths she's willing to go, and now she must grapple with the consequences of her actions. But it's also a testament to the strength of her love, to the unbreakable bonds she's formed with Callum, Ezran, and the others. In the end, Rayla's journey is one of learning to balance her fierce protectiveness with her own sense of morality, of finding a way to be strong for her friends without losing herself in the process.
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Selene Cromswell (@clovenhooved, art by Ana Luiza Garcia) vs. Team Patience & Valerie Wester (@cherry-spot and @toa-arania)
Selene Cromswell info:
Description: okay. OKAY. D&D OC. Selene is a widow of a husband that she killed in the pursuit in higher knowledge and gaining lichdom. She had one son, Cyrus, who was restricted in his formative years, being made to follow in her footsteps in perfecting wizardry. She is headmistress of a magic college.
She grew up in a backwater side of the world, born to ex-adventurer parents with deep cowboy roots, and was the only child out of her siblings to not inherit storm sorcery from her mother. She has deep issues with self worth and always wants to be the most intelligent in any room.
Tried to murder her father in a misguided attempt at vengeance -Burned her family’s home to the ground -Murder in general to get what she wants -Manipulation, gaslighting, blackmailing to get to the top -Killing her husband thru an…. ‘accident’ in the pursuit of being a lich -Terrible mom in general -Didn’t let her son leave the magic campus, causing him to burn down a building and run in the panic
Other notes from the submitter: a milf for your consideration………..
Patience & Valerie Wester info:
Patience and Valerie’s Descriptions: What’s better than one girlboss? Two, of course! Red and green, fire and plants, spiteful god and godless heathen, and just so much drama to go around.
Patience, the self-declared leader of the high court of heaven, looks on the surface to be the kind and selfless leader to those she tries to save face for, with the noble goal of wanting Heaven to be a perfect paradise for all. Her family and the other gods know the truth, thanks to her “encouragement” for them to be her version of perfect. From the people she drives away, and to the countless people she actively seeks to harm, her insidious grasp on the divine beings can be felt everywhere throughout the realms.
Valerie Wester, a plant witch staying with her aunt in Springdale, is outgoing, confident, blasé, and consumed with overwhelming hubris and pettiness. She is notorious throughout the town for a variety of things, and when she isn’t enacting meticulous revenge, saying “we learnt something new” to justify her latest bullshit, or completely failing to understand the concept of altruism, she’s casting hexes, pissing off her ‘friends’, and attempting semi-successfully to get the attention of the various gods.
Patience’s Crimes:
Pushed away one sister (Thena) to the point that she left the entire universe and convinced the other (Tempy) that her husband cheating was her own fault to encourage “improvement”, then convinced her brother to be Heaven’s executioner against his explicit wishes Framed Tempy’s husband for the murder of someone who wasn’t even dead so she could get him and his mistress kicked out of heaven and then put the ‘murder victim’ in a magic stone because she wasn’t good enough at her job, a thing she does a lot and to anyone she just doesn’t like very much. Some of them have been in there for centuries now because Patience “”“forgets”“” about them. Intense demon hatred to the point of getting a demon-hating cult leader to be her understudy and nearly getting someone killed because their brother (not even the guy himself) was trying to convince her to let demons into heaven Unintentionally started a war between heaven and hell because she indirectly caused the death of the Queen of Wrath Total unshakable belief that everything she does is for the good of Heaven. She doesn’t understand why the higher beings of Heaven have effectively disowned her
Valerie’s Crimes:
Kleptomania for use in magic spells that exist almost entirely to fuck with people and extensive breaking and entering Compulsive lying and actively manipulating her friends Fucking with her sort-of-ex (including letting him think he’s being haunted because it’s funny and not doing anything about a rumour that they hooked up because it wasn’t inconvenient for her) Liberal application of poison including to make herself sick to get out of assembly so she could go and steal things Lack of ethical consideration in spellcasting, such as accidentally cursing half the school to see terrifying demonic visions (re-traumatising an ex-infernalist and her ex’s new girlfriend in the process) and spying on her friends to read a book about elder gods A frankly inordinate amount of scheming, including deciding “I’m going to destroy the Queen Bee’s reputation in one week” because she is incapable of flirting normally (also for revenge) and nearly pulling it off, scrying on an agent of the god of trickery and deciding she wants to outwit him, and accidentally giving a venus fly trap sentience that she then used to get the fae king’s attention. Being horny on main and a monsterfucker in a Christian Town™
Other Notes: @cherry-spot’s friends are often split on calling Patience either the worst being in existence or desiring her carnally, and @toa-arania’s friends are all terrified of Val using the word “fascinating” because it means an impending Val Moment.
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