#coming up with the flavor text is the most difficult and most satisfying part
memento--moray · 1 month
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Counterspell - Jin-Gitaxias, Progress Tyrant
Proxy art for my Jin-Gitaxias artefacts commander deck.
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reasoningdaily · 1 year
Illustrator Linda Yi’s recipe for “smacked cucumber,” a classic summertime Chinese snack, is more than a list of ingredients and instructions. It’s a full-color comic strip, complete with speech bubbles offering supportive cooking advice, sound effects (“SMACK!”) and a cat and panda beating up a cucumber.
When it comes to telling stories about food, “there’s so much that you can do with both words and pictures,” Yi says. Across North America, a generation of Asian cartoonists have come to the same conclusion. The last decade has seen a flurry of illustrated Korean cookbooks, one-panel satirical comics about South Asian chai, and graphic novels about Japanese-American culinary history. No matter the focus, each cartoon offers vivid depictions of the artists’ beloved foods.
Asian culinary comics in North America go back at least to the late 1970s, when Vietnamese-Canadian artist Thach Bui and chef Bill Lombardo created the nationally syndicated, decades-long comic strip Cheap Thrills Cuisine, in which a character named Chef Peppi walked readers through recipes inspired by Toronto’s Asian and other immigrant communities.
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Culinary comics are a natural result of the Asian diaspora’s devotion to both food and visual storytelling, says Taiwanese-American writer Jeff Yang, the editor of multiple anthologies of Asian-American comics. In the United States, Asians-Americans are better represented in the world of comics and graphic novels than they are in almost any other major storytelling industry. “A part of our cultural heritage may make us more inclined to see words and pictures as being a little bit more blurred together,” Yang says, citing pictorial Chinese characters, South Asian calligraphy, and Japanese manga comics. And when it comes to visual storytelling, images of food are inevitable, he says. “Food as a way of showing love or respect or caring is so deeply embedded in every one of our Asian ethnic cultures that if we want to tell a story, especially a personal story…food becomes a critical lens.”
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The art of Yi and Nakahira is a sharp departure from the negative stereotypes of Asian food that have long circulated in American and Canadian culture. “Food slurs are so common as frames for us. [They call us] dog eaters, right?” Yang says. Cartoonists reframe the food of Asian immigrants in a familiar, positive light, he says. “We have yet to be in the world of scratch-and-sniff storytelling,” but with visuals, he says “we can show people what [our food] looks like.”
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Perhaps the most radical thing about these culinary comics is that they provide a space for Asian artists and readers to be themselves. Many offer glimpses into artists’ personal lives: the warmth of cooking with a parent; or the joy of eating with a partner. In Korean American Cooking Comics, illustrators and partners Sung Yoon Choi and Eric Watkins pair recipes with humorous panels depicting their domestic life, such as a recipe for a Pepsi float alongside a cartoon of Choi and Watkins binging on potato chips, or a recipe for o jing u cho mu chim, tangy spicy squid, alongside the two of them fishing in a boat, waiting for a bite.
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Yi, who began drawing her Panda Cub Stories comics during the COVID-19 pandemic to satisfy a longing for her family’s Sichuanese cooking, says that drawing allows her to vividly express the feeling of a tingling tastebud or the image of a sizzling clove of garlic. With text alone, she might struggle to portray Sichuan’s famous mouth-numbing ma flavor, but she can get the point across by drawing a mouth with “little stars, tap dancing across your lips and tongue,” she says. Plus, she noted that drawing out her parent’s recipes has helped her master difficult recipes, which her ADHD used to prevent her from doing. Illustrated ingredients, dramatized cooking steps, and cute animal narrators have helped her and many others learn to cook complicated dishes such as mapo tofu.
Most of all, Yi says, her comics are an accessible, fun way to share her love of Sichuanese culture with her readers.Many of her fellow creators are similarly motivated, she believes. “Part of it,” she says, “is our generation returning to the foods that we grew up with—and, sometimes we’re ashamed of—and then being like, no, these are beautiful.” Her art, a delicious collage of drawings and words, speaks for itself.
Gastro Obscura covers the world’s most wondrous food and drink. Sign up for our email, delivered twice a week.
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As They'd Been Before
The butler would greet them
And they'd be a family once more
As they'd been before
Work Text:
The butler lay on the ground
The steward bowed his head and frowned
The gardener cried
The butler had died
The chef had lost another
whom he called a brother
The Master would be so upset;
the maid began to fret
He was just a little boy
And had yet to realize the butler was not a toy
Who could be bent but not broken,
suffering to retrieve his Master's token
Who would fight until the last
of his breaths had passed
His lips as he lay dying,
and the Master was crying
not to die, Sebastian, this isn't a joke
Even as the yolk
was removed from the butler's shoulders
and the coffin's holders
could only pray
That someday
in Heaven, they could see him
The butler would greet them
And they'd be a family once more
As they'd been before
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 5 of Black Butler Drabbles Next Work →
First Impressions
I just wanted a better idea of the place, a sort of behind the scenes thing you know? If I had known it would lead to all of this! Well.... Maybe I would've thought twice.
I do not own Black Butler, It's characters, Katie, Or Jurney
Edited by KaiYamori
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter Text
"Sebastian!", shouts a girl from near the front of the ogling fans. "If you had to serve one celebrity, who would it be and why?" Sebastian sat behind a table with Ciel puts a finger to his chin and taps thoughtfully. The fans are seated in neat rows before them facing their direction. He looks up in a satisfied manner.
"I suppose Mr. Johnny Depp, for three reasons. For one, he's had many accomplishments for his age. Second, his diverse acting career makes him seem like quite the diverse gentleman. And third, I simply enjoyed his role as Mr. Sweenie Todd."
*Good choice.* I think to myself. I lean against the wall near the door in the back. All the seats are full, leaving a few girls, including myself, to stand off to the side.
"Oh, Ciel!", squeals another girl closer the middle of the room. "What's your favorite flavor of tea?"
"Earl grey.", he says very monotone voice. Poor boy. This entire time, his butler has been getting all of the semi-interesting questions (if you can even call them that) while his questions seem purely based around his appetite. Well that and the dress he was made to wear over TWO HUNDRED YEARS AGO! I mean come on, two immortals who have seen the passing of time and experienced nearly every pleasure and suffrage that the universe has to offer, and these girls are asking him about teas and cakes. And looking at his bored expression, I decide I can't watch this much longer, so with a sigh I raise my hand and wait my turn. Upon this, Sebastian sees my elevated arm and calls on me.
"Yes, you in the back."
"Uh yeah, this one's for both of you." I say settling against the wall again. The two of them look at each other then look back at me.
"Um alright," Ciel says "what is it?"
"I'm curious," I say shoving my hands in the pockets "in the last two hundred years of your vast experience, what would you say is the most interesting event and or era you've witnessed?" The two of them look at each other as if they're surprised by my question. I mean can you blame them? Having to deal with the same half witted questions all day. But still, I can't help but smirk to myself. I look at my friend Jurney who's seated right in front of me, she's giving me this cheery grin like she's happy I participated. To which I just smile back shrugging.
"Well," says Sebastian thoughtfully, "that is a difficult question, considering I have lived a very long time. I mean many events have been very interesting, but." He leans forward on the table, seeming to have made his decision. "I suppose it would've been the plagues cast down by god onto the Egyptians. I was fascinated to see how long it would take the Pharaoh Rammaceeze to give in and end the suffering of his people." He chuckles to himself, resting against the back of his chair. "I must say he was a most interesting soul."
"So you're saying the story of Moses and Egypt actually happened?!" I ask enthusiastically. His eyes widen a bit in response, but then it quickly melts into his signature smirk.
"Yes indeed miss, it did." He says, obviously quite amused. All I can do is smile like a baby with candy. A bible story confirmed to be fact! Incredible! Ciel just chuckles at what I assume is my childish demeanor.
"Well," he says "unfortunately I haven't been living for as long as Sebastian. But actually I would say mine was the Great Depression. Everyone was forced to dig deep into the strongest part of their soul to merely survive. It was quite invigorating."
"Ah yes, I agree, that was a good time to be a demon." Chuckles Sebastian. "Are you satisfied with your answers miss?" He asks me.
"Yes I am." I say happily "Thank you."
"Our pleasure." Says Ciel.
In a split second, my friend Jurney urgently shoots her arm in the air, eagerly twiddling her fingers above her head.
"Yes?" Asks Sebastian.
"Okay so Mr. Michaelis?" She asks "Since you don't return Grell's feelings for you, will you put in a good word for me?" Optimism and hope fills her voice and all I can do is cover my mouth and try not to giggle. I should've known she would request that. She's been head over heals for Grell since before I've known her. And apparently, I'm not alone in my amusement. Sebastian bursts out in genuine laughter and smiles at her.
"Of course I will miss." He says wiping a tear from his right eye. "It will be my pleasure."
"Oh thank you!" She exclaims. She turns around and smiles broadly at me. I return the expression and give her a supportive thumbs up.
"Oh oh Ciel!" Screeches a random girl. "Tell us about the corset scene!" The echo of giggles from the rest of the audience allows me to groan audibly in irritation without judgement. *I can't take this anymore!* I quietly lean forward and tap Jurney in her shoulder to get her attention.
"I'm going to go explore." I whisper to her.
"What?!" She silently screams at me. "Are you kidding, you'll get thrown out if your caught!"
"Well then," I say in amusement, "I'll just have to not be caught then won't I?" She looks at me in disapproval and I sigh. "All I know is if I have to sit here and listen to these twittering idiots another moment longer, I'll have all of their heads. Are you coming?"
"No," she sighs, "I still have questions. Just be careful okay?"
"Always am." I say, then I slowly sneak out the door.
As I make my way down the halls of the Phantomhive manor, I sigh contently. It's incredible just to be here. Black Butler has been a favorite of mine since I was in ninth grade. The philosophy, the action, the comedy, the suspense. It was all very captivating. Then two years ago, the characters came to our reality. The world thought it impossible and that they were all mad at first. But after a bit of convincing stunts, it was assured. Then last month, Ciel announced he would accept a couple hundred people selected from a drawing to go on a tour of the Phantomhive manor and have a Q and A with Sebastian and himself. My friends Katie and Jurney and I never thought we'd actually be picked, we just put our names in to say we tried. Then two weeks ago, we each received a letter in the mail saying our names had been drawn we would be picked up by a bus that would take us to an airport to be shipped to London. We were so ecstatic it was insane! London. The Phantomhive manor! Places I thought I'd only see in my dreams, yet here I am.
My only complaint is that Katie, who's more like my sister then my friend, was organized into a different group than Jurney and myself. But she made me promise that our separation wouldn't ruin the tour for me. Which is part of why I'm doing this, I know that if she were here, we would've slipped away to adventure together eventually.
I make my way to the manor's library. It's spacious and welcoming. The decor presents it with a feeling like you know more simply by entering. The ceiling is highly elevated with the far wall taken up completely by a glass window facing the main grounds. The other two walls on the right and left sides covered entirely by bookcases, all filled to the very brim with elegantly bound volumes of the written word. The rest of the room is adorned with a brown painted globe, a wide rectangular table holding a pile of paper, a quill in a bottle of ink, and a stack of misplaced books, and is surrounded by darkly polished wooden chairs with crimson velvet cushion. I feel as if I've stepped into the Victorian era. Strangely enough, I feel at home.
Taking a breath I walk over to the table and examine the stack of books, at the top is an edition of hamlet. I open it flipping through the pages, scanning over the familiar text. I can't count how many times I've read this play. It's easily my favorite.
I shuffle through the pages, stopping at certain intervals to read some of the more entertaining bits.
"To be or not to be." I read aloud. "That is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep no more." As each word leaves me, the sense of Hamlet's anguish ripples in my soul. "Oh Hamlet." I say to myself, in a voice no louder than a whisper. "What suffering has life dealt you? What madness have you endured and suppressed to meet the revenge you burn for?" After a few moments of silent thought. I force myself to laugh aloud. "Listen to me. I'm talking like I knew him." Inhaling, I comb my fingers through my bangs, exhaling as I grip the roots. "Okay, enough melodrama." I turn about the room reading silently as I skim 'Mouse Trap', Hamlets angry tirade on his mother. His confession to the murder of Polonius. Ofelia's suicide. Laertes plan for revenge. Then I come across my favorite part. Hamlet's remembrance of Yorick. I stop in my tracks, smiling at the words.
"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio. A fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times. And now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kisses I know not how oft." I sigh to myself. Here is one of the very few times the prince of Denmark seems genuinely happy. My heart aches for his torment. And I can't help but wonder if I could endure his trials with his strength.
"Where are your gibes now?" I continue. "Your gambols, your songs-"
"Your flashes of merriment," interjects a voice from the door. I jump in surprise where I stand. Quickly, I spin on my heel and turn to see Sebastian standing there. He smirks at me, his hand holding the heavy dark wooden door open. Fear shoots from my head to my toes and I swallow the lump in my throat.
*Fucking shit! I'm so much trouble!*
"that were wont to set the table on a roar?" He continues as he enters the room, walking towards me, and (much to my dismay) letting the door close behind him.
*I'm not in trouble. I'm gonna fucking die!*
"Not now to mock your own grinning?" He continues as he slowly makes his way around the table. Never losing that devilish grin that seems married to his face. Not once taking his blood colored eyes off of me. "Quite chapfallen?" He finishes as he takes his final step, standing directly before me.
His eyes burn into me, filling me with what I can only describe as dread. I can only imagine what will happen next. The sun will rise tomorrow morning, shining light into my hotel room, but only Jurney and Katie will be there to complain about it. I will have disappeared to all my loved ones. Them thinking I ran away on my own accord, but in reality, this butler, this ruthless demon is making me suffer an unimaginably painful death for intruding upon Phantomhive property.
I grip the back of one of the chairs nearest me so not to faint from fear as I grip the open book tightly to my chest to keep from shaking. *I can't manage to look away from him.* I try to turn my gaze to collect some courage, but it feels like my eyes just won't leave his. *This is his doing.*
He lifts his hand towards me. At last able to look away, I cringe. I squeeze my eyes shut and tense my shoulders to prepare myself for the blow.... that he doesn't give.
"I wonder," I hear him say. I look up at him, shocked. He's standing closer now, looking down at me as if examining a jig-saw puzzle, again tapping his lip thoughtfully. He smirks again, causing me to tense once more, but not look away. "Why would you say that passage is such an important aspect to the story of Hamlet?"
"Wait, you aren't going to kill me?" I ask, staring at him in disbelief.
"Pardon?" Sebastian response as if he didn't hear me.
"Y-you know, the classic Phantomhive deal. Erasing someone from existence, no one knowing what happened. While secretly they are dealt a most horrifying death?"
"Oh my," he chuckles, gracefully bringing his fingertips to his forehead for and elegant facepalm. Looking as if I've made an adorable blunder. Like a toddler tripping over it’s first steps. "Now what could you have done to warrant that?" I step back in surprise.
"But- but my being here-"
"You came for a tour of the manor did you not?" He asks, dropping his hand slightly looking down at me again. "You wanted to witness it's likeness for yourself?"
"Well... yes."
"Then where exactly is there need for my killing you?" He says smiling childlike as he tilts his head to the side, letting his black raven hair sway in his face. "In fact, the only blunder here is of my fault." He says.
"What?" *Okay, he's got me all confused now.*
"As head butler of the estate," he informs me, placing a hand on his chest "it's my duty to tend to the individual needs and preferences of our guests." He bows at the waist and I can't believe what he says next. "And I didn't prepare myself for your individuality."
"M-my...", against my better interest, I feel my cheeks heat up into a faint blush. *He's good at smooth talk I'll give him that.* Then I remember, this is just smooth talk, I mean come on. This is Sebastian Michaelis. He's just trying to weaken my defenses, like the nun at the abbey. *Well hopefully not exactly like that.*
"Please," he continues, "forgive me miss...?"
"Oh! Winters." I tell him. "Ha-" I stop, my first name is the same as that of the demon who stole Ciel's soul from Sebastian. Hannah Annefellows. No way am I telling him that! I don't want to give him any influence to kill me. "Arkeyda." I blurt out at last second.
"Arkeyda." He says to himself. "Quite an unusual name if you don't mind me saying."
"No it's fine, I mean I've never met or heard of another Arkeyda, so I'm aware of how odd it is." I say, laughing a bit. My personal reminder of his insincerity in everything helps me focus on the matter at hand.
"Indeed." he says, "One would wonder where it came from." *Is he accusing me of something?*
"My mom liked the sound of Arkeyda Marie." I say shrugging. It's true, my mom wanted to give me that name but my father thought it was ridiculous. So it never happened. And in all honesty, I love my dad, but I wish he would've kept his mouth shut.
"It certainly is an interesting name." He says smiling. He steps to the side, holding out his right elbow to me, and his left arm in front of himself.
"Well, Miss Arkeyda. If you'll allow me, I'd like to give you a personal tour of the manor."
I'm about to jump and fist pump the air with excitement! A tour! Of the Phantomhive Manor! By Sebastian God Damn Michaelis! Who could ever say that they were given this opportunity?! Then, again I hesitate. Sebastian, a snake, a crow, a demon. Though he never tells a lie, nothing he says is completely the truth. God knows I couldn't trust him as far as I could through him. He's probably going to show me around a bit, then when I feel totally at ease, POOF! He'll pull me around a dark corner and that'll be the last of me. *Ohhh, but I really want this.*
"Uhh, sure." I say gently pushing his elbow back against his side. He blinks wide eyed at me. I can tell he didn't expect me to reject his arm, but my life is my first concern. "Lead the way Mr. Michaelis."
"Please." He says with a friendly smile. "Call me Sebastian."
*I knew it. I'm going to fucking die.*
Please comment and leave a note first fic on Ao3 <3
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planetsano · 3 years
𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐞𝐬! 🌐
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𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 — never trust michi when he says he’ll pull out on time. ☹
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 — 18+, dub/noncon, babytrapping, himbo takemichi, vaginal sex, creampie, closeted sadist michi, afab reader, ovulation mention, established relationship.
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 — takemichi hanagaki.
Takemichi has many charming qualities. He’s handsome, caring, honest and (slightly) adventurous. All those traits are surely in the top ten lists of what the average person would look for in a potential love interest. He sounds like the perfect guy on paper to a lot of people. It's true in concept, but Takemichi made up for a lot of what he lacked, which was intelligence. The messy haired guy wasn’t the brightest bulb in the bunch, far from it actually— but it was endearing. And it wasn’t just book smarts, but he was.. incredibly naïve. Starry eyed and optimistic, the fighting spirit type. His bright enthusiasm and seemingly unaware sense of humor made up for his lackluster and bizarre logic when even dealing with the simplest of things. Sometimes it was hard to understand the thought process he had but ultimately, when it came down to it, he thought with his cock.
It wasn’t difficult at all to sway his decisions, actions or opinions if pussy or even pretty face was involved. It’s been a running joke amongst Toman that he let his dick do all the thinking for him. Hina and him were no longer together for that very reason but that’s neither here nor there. The point is: it was too easy to get what you wanted out of him, all it took was a bat of an eyelash and a pout for him to fold— to melt in the palm of your hand like golden honey dripping from the wooden dipper. Call it what you want but Takemichi was the definition of a himbo.
him·bo /ˈhimbō/
noun humorous
an attractive but unintelligent man.
Takemichi often.. got ahead of himself sometimes— specifically during sex, but that was the easiest time to get what you wanted out of him. Whether it be getting him to get a haircut, taking you out to a nice dinner or buying you something sparkly and rather expensive. Maybe it was a little mean to get him to buy something for you that was way out of his tax bracket but he’d get it back anyway. It’s not like you ask for things constantly, you know? And you give him things in return too! Your time! Affection! Sex! Make him a better person! Let’s be honest, Michi needed a girlfriend.. for various reasons. That apartment was atrocious and now it's all nice and cozy with wax melters all around that smell like fruity pebbles. But! The most satisfying part of it was getting into his wardrobe and throwing away those god awful khaki shorts and baseball t-shirts then replacing all of it with some nice streetwear that gives him a cute indie boy look. That’s what a good girlfriend does.
Speaking of being a good girlfriend, that’s maybe how you ended up at his apartment with bags of groceries. Takemichi’s fridge consisted of nothing but Mt. Dew, takeout boxes and a cold bottle of ketchup, he wasn’t the best eater in terms of eating healthy so you often stopped by the market for him from time to time. He’s getting better though! Instead of door dashing he’ll text you and ask if you two want to go to the market and make some dinner or if it's earlier in the day a light lunch.
Michi usually comes up behind you as you stock his fridge, his slender hands gently grabbing your hips as he presses himself into your backside. It starts off innocent, you giggling as he nestles his chin in the crook of your neck. He’s listening to you ramble about a new fruit juice that’s good for detoxing, your cute manicured finger tapping the label as you read all the benefits and the flavor. He nods along and tells you that he’s excited to try it, giving your cheek a kiss before you turn your head a bit to look at him. He looks good today, really good. You don’t know what it is but you can’t help but to ask for a proper kiss. A longer one. Then you two end up on the plush futon in his studio apartment.
Takemichi pulls himself from your swollen lips and sits on his knees from between your legs, struggling to discard his shirt in his haste with cute grumbles emitting from him during his actions. You giggle as you watch, playfully biting your lip with an amused glint in your eyes. His cock is rock hard by now, straining against his sweatpants and leaking precum. It's been well over 48 hours since he last got his cock wet and to be frank, he was starting to get antsy. That kiss sent all bloody in his skull straight to his cock and within seconds he was looking at you with that glazed over look in his eyes, silently begging for some pussy. He’d settle for a hand job, he just needed you to make him cum so bad.
During his hurry, you reach over to the nightstand beside the bed, opening the drawer and frowning softly when you see an empty space. Hm.. that’s not right..
“Michi,” You call for him softly, looking back over your shoulder to see him finally pop his head back out from the fabric of the shirt. His hair is messier than usual and he looks at you with an expression that resembles a curious puppy who’s name had just been called. “We don’t have any more condoms.” A small pout on your face as you speak.
“We don’t? I.. I just bought some last week.” He deflates a bit, his eyes still big and expressive as the gears turn in his head. He looks so defeated and god, he was so cute— naïve even.
“Well, we have a lot of sex, Michi.. ��nd we used the last one the other day I think.” You say as you sit up on your elbows.
“Aw man..” His sapphire eyes look back onto your own. “What should we do?” His question makes you giggle, he always asked you for your input or opinion on things when he wasn’t he should do next. Another endearing quality he has and luckily for him, you were in a good mood.
“You’re so cute, c’mere.” You lifted yourself up and ushered him over with a beckon of your pointer finger, hooking the digit under his rainbow beaded choker. Takemichi wastes little time crawling back over you meeting your lips once more. Before things get past the point of no return, you pull away breathlessly with a hand cupping his face. Your acrylic fingernails dig into the baby fat still clung onto his cheeks even in his mid twenties.
“Promise to pull out.” Your eyes gaze down at his plump and shiny lips as you speak.
“I pr-womise.” He says with a nod, his voice slightly slurred from his cheeks being squished in between your grasp.
Twenty minutes in Takemichi has you on your back in missionary. His soft hands hold the back of your knees, hiking your legs up and open while he’s on the verge of fucking himself stupid, You’re proud though, he’s lasting longer than he usually does but you can tell he can only take so much. His cock is just so sensitive but one thing about him is that he’s able to stay hard even after he’s cum. It's both a blessing and a curse, which is why you have to stop him when he gets a little too far gone. He can’t hear anything nor does he have anything of substance floating in head. Michi only wants to fuck until he’s shooting blanks and on the verge of passing out.
Michi leans over, his naked skin pressed onto yours in an act of intimacy within itself. He hides his face in your neck, his moans getting whiner and more frequent as he continues pounding his cock into your velvety cunt. He was close, you knew it and now it was the perfect time.
“So— can I?” Your voice cracks a bit, feeling your high build up deep in the pit of your belly by the second. His red flushed mushroomed tip is hitting just the right spot, dragging along your throbbing walls in quick rhythmic thrusts.
“C-Can you w—what?” He asked through a moan, voice muffled from your skin.
“The purse, baby— will you get it for me?” You clarify. It was a pretty purse, something you saw when you were shopping on the strip earlier. It would go perfectly with an outfit you’ve been waiting to wear but it needed something else to complete it and that bag is the missing puzzle piece.
His lack of response was worrying to say the least, he usually answers immediately but the only thing you got in return was a series of grunts and pounding that almost hurt.
“Baby,” You whimper between the erratic thrusts you were receiving from the thick cock pounding into your slick and pulsating cunt. “Michi, look at me.” Your hands slide up from his shoulders, to his neck until they rested on the sides of his cheeks forcing him to look down at you. “Are you gonna cum?” You looked in his pretty blue eyes.
“You have to pull out, okay? I’m serious, I haven’t taken my pill.” You push gently. Takemichi had a.. “habit” of not wanting to pull out when he came but it was never really an issue because you were on birth control. Sex with a condom is always preferred because you can never be too safe but sometimes there were exceptions. This time was a little different though. You.. you knew it wasn’t a good idea having sex with Michi right now for a couple different reasons, 1.) You were ovulating and 2.) You hadn’t taken your birth control in a few days.
You were playing with fire but.. Michi promised. Everything would be okay, right? You trusted him but he's looking at you and it’s so clear that he’s not all there mentally. He has a distant look in his eyes, unhinged almost. Completely checked out and only focused At this point, Takemichi has completely tuned out your cries and whines as he continues to rut clumsily into you. He’s already made up his mind— he’s done so months ago actually. He wants to cum inside of you. Can you blame him though? You’re letting him fuck you raw, are you insane? This was such a rare privilege, you’ve only let him do this only once before and ever since then he’s been yearning for the day he’ll be able to fuck you raw again. It’s addictive and a feeling that can’t be quite replicated no matter how many fancy toys he obtains.
As Michi continued to fuck into you caught up in his thick and hazy pussy drunk trance you cried out in a panic, eyes tearing up quickly when you realize the predicament you've got yourself in. He wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. You wind your hand back and land a slap on his cheek with enough force that his head turns to the other direction, the outline of your hand appearing as a light pink mark on the side of his pale cheek.
Time seems to slow down as you watch his head slowly turn towards you, his eyes seem different— like he’s more present than he was moments before. Michi locks eyes with you and blinks, his cheek still stinging in rhythmic ripples from the slap you just gave him. He watches the tears pooling at the corner of your eyes fall and be absorbed by the hair at your temple. He feels a sense of pleasure he’s never felt before seeing you cry in a setting like this..
Before you could open your mouth to say something, his cock twitched. His head falls and he shuts his eyes tightly before muttering a strained and shaky apology, painting your innermost walls white with his thick and potent seed.
Oopsies? ♡
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A "Scandal."
Read on AO3
Summary: A lady accuses Nicky of cheating on Joe and Joe thinks they're an idiot.
"Oh, hello." 
Joe grit his teeth just for a moment before turning around with a pleasant smile. "Hi there, Nora." 
"I didn't think you would still be here. Waiting for me?" She winked at him. 
"The boss just wanted me to finish filling out these papers for him, that's all."
"Hmmm, pity." She said trying to be coy.  "It's so late, let me get some dinner for us and we can finish our paper work together." 
It took a lot for Joe not to make a face. "That's alright. Nicky will have food warming for me when I get home." He emphasized the words Nicky and home just a bit. 
"Oh come on, it's my treat." 
He shrugged an apology. "Maybe another time." 
"Well, I hope your leftovers are... Satisfying." She turned on her heel and walked away quickly. 
Joe waited until she was gone and then turned around with an exaggerated eye roll that no one could see. This job had been going on for way to long, and he was sick of it. He went back to his "paperwork" that the boss had definitely not told him to do and continued scanning the files for anything incriminating. They had it on good authority that the head of this company had kidnapped a girl but they still couldn't prove it. He had broken into the bosses office cause he didn't think anyone was still here and brought the papers back to his cubicle. Of course Nora would still be here, she probably sensed his presence and came running. This job wouldn't be nearly as irksome if it wasn't for her. 
He finished looking through the files and then very carefully replaced them in his bosses office. They hadn't been any help but it was worth a shot. 
He texted Nicky he was on his way home, drove to the the little apartment they were renting, and trudged inside. 
Just like he knew he would, Nicky, had dinner warm and waiting, the predictability of it made Joe smile and instead of sitting at the table like Nicky directed him too, he made a bee line for Nicky. 
Nicky laughed at the bear hug Joe gave him, squeezing Joe just as tight as Joe was holding him.
"What's got you in such a clingy mood, hmm?" Nicky teased when Joe didn't let go of him when he usually would have. 
"You're cooking is so much better than takeout." 
Nicky pulled back enough to look at Joe in confusion. "Thank you?" 
"And I knew you would have something waiting for me." 
"Of course, I told you this morning I would make dinner and keep it warm for you." Nicky said still confused. 
"Thank you, my love. I really couldn't ask for more." He kissed Nicky, gently, moving his hands to cradle his neck. "I love you." He said when he pulled back.
"I love you too." Nicky said as he ran his hand through Joe's curls. "But you must be starving. Sit and we can eat." 
Joe glanced at the clock. "You haven't eaten? You didn't have to wait for me, it's late." 
Nicky smiled. "I wanted to." 
Nicky had made a chicken and rice dish and it smelled heavenly. It tasted just as heavenly Joe thought after taking his first bite. 
"What's on your mind?" Nicky asked after they had eaten in silence for a while. 
"That woman, Nora, asked me to eat with her after work again. I swear she has a sixth sense for when I'm by myself, she finds me every time. I don't think I've ever had to turn someone down this many times." 
Nicky smirked. "You're to charming for your own good." 
Joe absently rubbed his ring with his thumb. "I told her you would have food at home for me and she implied it would be terrible leftovers." 
Nicky chuckled "So, the first thing you did when you walked in was compliment it even before you ate any of it." 
"Your cooking is always good." Joe took a large bite, almost like he was trying to prove his words, making Nicky laugh.
"She's bothering you that much?" Nicky said his smile replaced with a look of concern. 
"She's just annoying. The first job in forever where I get to tell people I'm a married man and somehow I'm stuck with the most persistent suiter in years." 
None of this would bother Joe nearly as much if she hadn't met Nicky and still made advances. Joe couldn't decide if he was more insulted that she deemed Nicky an unfit partner or if she thought they weren't going to last. 
"I'm sure we'll be finished soon." Nicky said sympathetically, he'd had his own run ins with this woman since he and Joe were working in the same place. She had taken an instant disliking to him even before she knew they were together. It was certainly making everything harder but she was one of the higher ups and they both needed to be nice to her. 
Joe sighed. "You're right, of course, but it's frustrating." 
"Maybe this will help cheer you up." Nicky stood up and opened the freezer, pulling out Joe's favorite flavor of gelato. 
Joe's eyes lit up and he grinned ear to ear.
Nicky was predictable but he knew how to make a small surprise count. 
Joe was taking his lunch break outside on the grass, tucked behind some bushes so it would be difficult to spot him from the parking lot or main entrance. If he had to suffer another lunch break where Nora ate with him, saying anything to drag conversation out of him, he was going to lose it. He was very happily reading on his phone, when he heard someone approaching. 
"It's such a beautiful day I thought I'd eat outside too. I guess great minds think alike." Nora smiled down at him. She didn't even ask just sat down and made herself comfortable. 
"Hello, Nora." Joe said, trying to decide if he should just keep reading and ignore her or not. Ultimately politeness won and he put away his phone, but he started eating a little faster. 
"Why were you eating all alone? If you had asked I would have joined you sooner."
"I like the quiet sometimes." Joe said.
She pursed her lips. "How dreadfully boring." She tilted her head to the side just a bit. "Why doesn't that Nicky fellow ever eat with you? You said the two of you know each other didn't you? Why don't I ever see you together?"
Joe bristled at her tone, like she was dismissing Nicky, like he wasn't the most important person in Joe's world. "My husband." He emphasized the word just a bit. "Works in the warehouse part of the company and takes his lunches earlier because he gets here earlier."
"Oh you did say you two were married didn't you? Silly me, must have slipped my mind." She shook her head in an 'I'm such an airhead' kind of way. "How long have you been together?"
"Almost a millennia." Joe deadpans sarcastically.
She rolls her eyes. "Oh come on. I bet you can't even remember how long you two have been together. Guys never can."
If only she knew. "We've been married twelve years."
"You've been tied down for that long? What a tragedy to get married so young." 
Before Joe can respond she leans in far closer than Joe is comfortable with and places her hand on his knee. "If you ever want to have a little fun just let me know." She slowly walked her hand up his thigh. "Surely, you must want to change things up sometimes." 
Joe ground his teeth together, knocked her hand off of him, and stood quickly. "I would never be unfaithful to my husband." He started gathering up his things. "And I would ask you to not forget that." He quickly walked back into the building trying to hide his anger from the people he passed, wishing for the millionth time he could end this job and put the whole thing behind him.
A few days passed and it was Nicky who found the evidence they needed to incriminate the boss. He had broken into the guys house and was able to send Copley some files he'd had saved on his home computer. 
They were waiting for Copley to get back with them, keeping their covers and going about their lives like everything was normal, waiting for the all clear to pull out. 
"Joe, I need you to come with me to my office." Nora said, he hadn't heard her approach and her voice startled him a little. 
As he followed her there, he worried she might have discovered what he and Nicky were really there for, but knew it was more likely she's just using whatever she wants to tell him as an excuse to get them alone. 
Once inside Nora closed the door to her office and gestured for him to sit. Instead of sitting in her chair behind the desk she took the one next to him. 
Joe frowned ever so slightly. This wasn't going to be about work he found himself thinking. 
"Joe I... I hate to be the one to tell you this but... "She stammered out the words like she was about to tell him someone had died. "But I believe Nicky is having an affair."
Her eyes were filled with pity, as she said this, but Joe couldn't help but compare it to a child trying to get another kid in trouble. There was nothing sincere about the look, despite her best efforts to make him believe otherwise.
Joe didn't bother hiding the fact he didn't believe the nonsense she was saying. He crossed his arms and looked at her in an 'oh really' kind of way.
She raised her chin a little, indignant at his response. "I have proof." 
Joe had to swallow a laugh, but he couldn't quite keep all the amusement off his face. Whatever "proof" she had was gonna be good.
She pulled out her phone and brought up a picture for him to look at. 
He took the phone to get a better look.
When he saw who was in the picture, Joe really couldn't hold back and he barked out a laugh. It was a picture of Nicky, and he was giving Nile a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "That's your proof?" 
Andy and Nile had been working on locating the girl and they all had decided to keep their distance from each other for a while. They had located the girl and had gotten her out safely just a day before this was taken. Nicky had mentioned running into Nile yesterday and he couldn't resist a quick hello since they had pretty much everything they needed.
"I wouldn't know what else to call it." She told him, miffed at his response. 
Joe laughed again. "Nora, that's his sister. His adopted younger sister. He told me he ran into her yesterday and they talked for a while." 
Nora's face went red. "Well, then, I'm glad you have nothing to worry about." 
"No, I don't, not with Nicky, but what I am concerned about is, were you following my husband? Or did you hire someone to do it for you?" He quickly deleted the picture and swiped left and right to make sure there weren't more.
"I... of course not! I was just passing through when I saw the two of them and thought you'd want to know. Guess it's the last time I do you any favors." She looked angry and Joe knew she was mad he had turned the question of who was in the wrong on her so fast.
"Yeah ok. I think we're done here." He stood up to go, and he felt his phone buzz. He had a feeling he knew who it was and paused to check.
It was Nicky. All clear we're leaving now. Copley has everything he needed. The text said.
Joe paused his hand resting on the door knob. "You can consider this mine and Nicky's resignation. We won't be back tomorrow or any other day."
"You can't do that you didn't give the company a two weeks notice!" Nora spluttered in disbelief. "You wouldn't quit just because I tried to help you out would you?"
"I would and I am." He opened the door and started walking.
"Thanks for the terrible experience. It's been a displeasure." He said over his shoulder.
Joe walked out of there as fast as he could and didn't bother collecting his things, it wasn't anything important.
He texted back ok, where are we meeting? Once outside.
Nicky called him immediately.
"How far are you from fifth and elm?" Nicky asked.
"About a fifteen minute walk. I'm just leaving the office."
"Ok, Andy has a car. We'll pick you up at the corner of third and elm."
"Great see you soon."
He climbed into the backseat where Nicky was sitting and squeezed in close to him.
Nile was in the front and Andy was driving.
Joe busted out laughing once they were driving and settled. "Nile I'd appreciate it if you would stop flirting with my husband in public." He said, his voice light and teasing.
Nile looked back at him and couldn't help but return his smile even though she had no idea what he was talking about. "What?"
"This lady accused Nicky of having an affair and she showed me a picture of the two of you together, hugging and kissing." He laughed again at how ridiculous the whole thing was.
"Wait what? Nora was following me?" Nicky asked, surprised, he knew immediately that Joe couldn't be talking about anyone else.
"I think it was mostly coincidence. It doesn't matter she won't be bothering us again."
"Wow, Nicky, the two of us will have to be more careful in the future if we want to make this relationship work." Nile teased.
"Yeah, I didn't realize Joe has eyes and ears everywhere on me." Nicky gently tugged on one of Joe's curls.
"Oh, you know I'm always watching you babe." Joe leaned in and kissed him, his heart soared as Nicky tangled his hand in Joe's hair holding him close.
Andy gasped in fake shock. "Right in front of you Nile? How could he!" She said highly amused by the whole situation.
"You wound me Nicky." Nile put the back of her hand on her forehead and fell back in her seat, pretending to faint.
Nicky tisked his tongue at her. "So dramatic."
They all laughed and Nicky and Nile's "affair" became a new running joke between them.
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Humming to himself, Crowley dusted the rich dark cocoa powder into the soft white flour, and reached for his trusty wooden spoon. Blending ingredients in a mixer tended to create a smoother batter, but Crowley enjoyed the feel of the spoon in his hand, the sound it made scraping the bottom of the bowl, the hands-on experience of turning flour and sugar and eggs into cake.
When the dry ingredients were properly combined, he made a well in the center and carefully poured in the buttermilk, eggs, butter and vanilla. Instead of the usual red food coloring, Crowley added in fresh beet puree – just enough to give the cake a velvety ruby hue. The rich cocoa would cover the hint of earth with a delicate chocolate flavor. The mixture was then evening distributed between three pans and scooched into the oven.
While the cakes baked, he set to work on the frosting. The softened cream cheese and unsalted butter whipped together beautifully. He settled on using far less powdered sugar than the recipe called for, wanting the tangy sweetness of the cream cheese to accent the cake all on its own.
“Would have asked about any preferences in decoration,” Crowley muttered to himself as he applied the crumb coating to the cake, once it was done baking and properly cooled, “but that would have tipped my hand.” Simple yet elegant seemed appropriate. After applying a thick final layer of cream cheese frosting, Crowley piped fluffy buttercream swirls along the rim of the red velvet cake. A soft pile of crumbled extra cake crowned the top, and he tossed more along the side to create a dusting effect.
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There was nothing left now except to take the photo.
Which, as fate would have it, turned out to be the difficult part.
He positioned the cake on the kitchen table, and snapped a few photos. Crowley hmmmed to himself.  It wasn’t quite up to his standard of food porn. Perhaps he’d take a few more, just to be on the safe side. Until one was suitably flattering. He was still adjusting the cake, playing with the proper angle and lighting for the perfect shot, when Sam and Dean strolled into the kitchen.
For a moment, they lingered at a respectful distance. But Crowley could sense their curiosity like a gathering storm of rose petals, soft yet burdensome.
“Can I help you two with something?”
Disbelief and delight were tugging a one-sided smile out of Sam. “Is – is that for Valentine’s Day?”
Valentine’s Day? Crowley narrowed his eyes at the elegant dessert. Bloody hell, the cake was red and white, wasn’t it? He hadn’t considered that when a bit of carefully applied questioning had disclosed the recipient’s cake preferences.
Crowley mulled the situation over. He couldn’t answer in the affirmative. That would mean he had intentionally crafted the cake as a celebration of gushy hearts and the sweet delirium of – internally, Crowley cringed – love. But he also couldn’t reply with a defensive and definitive “no”. That would only open him up to further, unwelcome inquiry.
He settled for the more characteristically dismissive third option.
“It’s Valentine’s Day?” Crowley steadfastly went back to attempting to capture the perfect photo with his phone. “I don’t bother myself keeping track of that sort of thing.”
Dean eyed the demon knowingly. “Yeah, well, our Netflix recommendations would say otherwise.”
Crowley glowered at the hunter.
“Whatever the occasion,” Sam offered up as his brother idled over to the cake, “that’s professional-grade baking. You’ve got a real talent. The frosting, the whole look? Seriously, I’m impressed.”
The arrow of this flannelled cupid hit its mark. Crowley felt a slight blush of pleasure, despite himself. Casual, unsolicited praise? From Sam Winchester? He seriously contemplated the possibility that Sam had been exposed to some sort of low-grade, poorly-concocted love spell that had bloomed into amiability, or maybe it had been released as a pink mist in the bunker’s common room, and Crowley had unknowingly avoided the worst of it. That seemed like the sort of malarkey that would happen around here on what, apparently, was Valentine’s Day.
Because Crowley found himself saying, “Thank you, Sam,” with actual sincerity. Moments such as these reminded Crowley that he was rather fond of these two boys, after all.
That was the moment Dean ran his finger along the edge of the cake, carrying off a large dollop of frosting from one side. The whole cake just looked so enticing! Dean was more of a pie man himself, but Crowley’s culinary expertise had the tendency to tempt him in surprising ways.
He was halfway to lifting the frosting-festooned finger to his mouth when he caught sight of the expression on Crowley’s face. Sam’s own face was a rotting lemon. Dean’s hand stilled, mouth still open.
“Um,” he muttered.
Dean looked at the offending finger, uncertain of what to do next. He started to put the frosting back where it belonged, thought better of it, looked for a napkin, and reluctantly settled for ashamedly completing the crime by depositing the frosting in his mouth.
Which was a mistake. Because now he knew the cake was friggin’ delicious, and Dean seriously wondered if maybe Crowley could manage his little photo shoot even if there was a slice of the cake missing.
As if he could read his brother’s mind, Sam shook his head in the most supreme disappointment. “Dean.”
“What?! Sorry!”
Reminding himself that murdering one Winchester brother would only end with him being ganked by the other one – though there were certainly times it seemed worth it – Crowley took a deep inhalation, and let it go. Cakes were ultimately meant to be eaten, even if it was by inconsiderate louts and lumberjacks.
“I’ll accept your apology, if you cut everyone else a slice before digging in yourself. I’m sure one of the photos I took before your little indiscretion will suffice.”
“Alright! Cake!” Dean cheered, while Sam just closed his eyes.
Crowley thumbed through the multitude of pictures he’d taken, and settled on the most appealing of the lot. Then he opened up his Bumblr app, and made a new post:
@petrichoravellichor – in honor of your birthday today. Heard from a mutual that you have a particular fondness for red velvet cake. Hope it’s to your liking. – C
He sent the message and image off with a satisfied smile, then set about getting plates and forks, as this cake was obviously not going to survive the interest of the Winchester brothers much longer.
As Crowley was pulling plates out of the cupboard and Dean was cutting into the cake, Castiel wandered into the kitchen, attention entirely given over to his phone. The angel had graduated from texting and emojis to social media and memes, and sometimes he could be found scrolling through Twitter and Instagram with a rapt fascination that would out-fixate even the most plugged-in FOMO-obsessed teenager. There was a chiming sound as he entered the kitchen, as notification of a new post.
“Dude,” Dean was grinning from ear to ear, “Crowley made cake!” He pointed with delight at the dessert.
Cas looked up from his phone, saw the cake, and halted in the middle of the kitchen. He narrowed his eyes, examining the red velvet cake on the table in front of him. Then he looked back down at his phone in consternation. Cas looked at the cake again. Looked back at his phone, and then slowly, he looked at Crowley.
The demon looked from the angel to the cake, his eyes increasing in size as realization dawned.
“Is that – ?”
“Don’t you say one bloody word, angel!” Crowley blustered, a rush of red to his face further colored by the mortification of such abject exposure. “Not one word!”
And before anyone could say anything else, Crowley shoveled a huge slice of not-at-all birthday cake onto a plate, shoved it into Cas’ hand, and quickly excused himself from the kitchen.
“What,” Sam wondered to the startled room, “was that all about?”
Cas continued to stand in the middle of the room, cake in one hand and phone in the other, attempting to come to terms with having inadvertently discovered a fandom mutual was also a real-life friend, and the one he would have least expected. Unsettled, he took comfort in the certainty their shared mutual would appreciate the well wishes on their birthday.
Dean shrugged, merrily flipped the serving knife in his hand, then waved the tip at his brother. “That’s Crowley for you,” he observed, good mood undeterred. “Dude would cut out his own heart and blend it to make red cake batter before admitting to it, but deep down, he’s just a big ol’ teddy bear who wuvs hugs. Speaking of which – you see that giant pink moose Eileen sent you? Friggin’ adorable.”
Dean proceeded to cut a huge slice for himself, leaving a worried looking Sam staring down at the blood-red cake. Then the hunter stepped around a disconcerted Castiel, patting the angel on the shoulder, and strolled out of the kitchen.
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Happy birthday, Petra! I’m sure you’re tired of your birthday comingling with Valentine’s Day, but when you said your cake preference was red velvet cake, what was I to do? ;)
If you’re wondering exactly why – or even how – Crowley became a member of the in-world spn fandom, you can find out here. This fic will be posted on AO3 in my Tumblr Ficlets after posting on Tumblr.
Image sources here: X
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elenajohansenreads · 3 years
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Books I Read in 2021
#90 - If We Were Villains, by M.L. Rio
Mount TBR: 73/100
Rating: 2/5 stars
It was great, until it wasn't, which unfortunately seemed to be the end of Act II (of five.)
Everything that charmed me in the beginning--and this did suck me in immediately--wore painfully thin by the end. Part of its ultimate lack of charm can be attributed to me not being the correct audience for this book--I did some musical theater once upon a time, but I'm not a theater nerd by any stretch of the imagination; I've read Shakespeare, but only a few things beyond what was required of me by school; I did go to a liberal arts college, but not one so dark, dramatic, or elitist as the fictional setting here. Also, I'm possibly just too old for this nonsense anymore, I'm finding that every time I try dark academia since I fell in love with The Secret History, it's generally disappointing, even the other Donna Tartt novel I read, so keep in mind the personal bias of this unfavorable review.
I got tired of the endless Shakespeare monologues fairly quickly, even when it was clear that they were relevant to the narrative. I got tired of the over-the-top personalities of the main cast, though I will say I was impressed by how efficiently the seven of them were introduced and differentiated--wrangling that many characters is difficult and not often done well. But as the story wore on, I waited for them to get deeper than their stereotypes, and for the most part, they didn't.
By the end, I was skimming past the Shakespeare and a good chunk of any given paragraph of normal text, just searching for keywords to tell me the plot was unfolding as I expected. This didn't provide any surprises for me but one--I had figured out who committed the murder easily, but not who had assisted them in covering it up initially--and I saw the ending coming a mile away. But it felt predictable in a boring, "is it over yet" kind of way, not in the satisfying, "aha! I was right" kind of way.
Though most of the problems I found could have multiple solutions in theory, I think they stem from the same source--I think the story simply takes too long to get where its going. The murder happens too early, cutting off the high levels of tension too soon, as I never felt the post-murder story reached that same level of suspense. The melodramatic characters wear thin because they're onstage too long without further development. The Shakespearean passages become a crutch to pad out the narrative with flavor but no extra meaning that hasn't been conveyed by the plot.
There's an argument to be made, certainly, for many genres of fiction being indulgent and melodramatic, and I'm not going to say dark academia shouldn't be one of them. But I found this story to be too weak to support the level of indulgence and melodrama it was draped in, like heavy velvet curtains attached to a rod too delicate to carry their weight. The cracks in the wall where the supports are coming loose show clearly.
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Couple Swap
Mion was always curious about life itself. She wanted to try different things like food or lifestyle yet she had been shy about doing so. Giving the excuse of not liking it at all or being embarrassed had stopped her. She grew ever more hesitant when she had seen her friend, Rika, with her boyfriend.
She was taken as well and had enjoyed being with him yet there was something more that she had wanted and it was difficult to say that she wasn’t satisfied with the relationship. Mion liked him still but she was pushy to get him prepared for events. Rika’s smile made it even worst for her as she walked up to the bench.
“Bubble tea?” Rika asked, grabbing the cup.
“Yeah. New place and I wanted to try out.” Mion smiled back.
“So... you seem rather depressed.” Rika hummed. “Is the boyfriend not having sex with you?”
“No... that’s not it. I like it yet I feel not fulfilled in any aspect. He makes me come and he does things I want him to do, still not satisfied.” Mion explained.
“You’re expecting too much. He’s trying his best to make you happy. Maybe it’s just you to settle into what you can find in the sense of happiness.” Rika elaborated between sips of the sweetened drink.
“What makes you happy?” Mion pondered.
“He treats me fair. He buys me stuff at random times. I appreciate all things he does for me.” Rika answered with a smile. “As for intimacy, he makes me come once before we have sex.”
“Is that okay? Once I come... I tend to doze off.” Mion muttered.
“You feel much better. I think that’s what you need. A path to make you happy in bed. You do tend to command him and maybe you have to let him please you before you go ahead and head into intercourse. A little head isn’t enough now days.” Rika lectured as she moved her hand to the lap.
“How can I teach him that?” Mion contemplated.
“I have an idea.” Rika grinned. “I’ll teach him. You can have my boyfriend to let you learn from him.”
Mion felt her heart drop into her stomach upon the idea. It was something that wasn’t bad in theory but to agree upon something like that was not like her. Mion nodded as she sipped her drink.
“Let me talk to him.”
After the meeting, she saw messages from him about tonight and what to expect. Mion hit the call button and waited a few rings for him to answer.
“Yes?” He hummed.
“I have been offered a proposition. Can we talk on your next break?” Mion asked.
“I’ll be outside in a few minutes.” He answered.
She rushed over to the building where he stood in a dress shirt and slacks. A peck on the cheek greeted her as Mion lowered her head.
“I was thinking... if you don’t mind switching people for the night. It’s for educational purposes.” Mion began. “I love you. The thing is I have been forceful about things and it seems I haven’t been satisfied by it. I was offered a lesson in being pleasured fully. It could help you out as well to get you satisfied as well.”
“Oh? That’s a little rushed.” He laughed. “I’m not happy to hear this but if you aren’t happy now, I’m not as well. If this does help you get feeling content, I would help you out as well.”
Mion was shocked that he would go along and texted Rika swiftly. She got the reply back promptly.
“Tonight, my apartment.”
Mion was amused by the response and texted her boyfriend the plan. She had a few hours to wait for him and went to the open mall to do window shopping.
She returned back to pick him up to go to Rika’s apartment. Mion knew that she had a place that was quite large for a single occupant and rarely had people over for anything. She had only been there once to enjoy the view after breaking up with her ex.
The apartment was not in a trendy area but just outside of it. Rika had been smart to do so especially with her demeanor and her wealth. She approached the gate when it opened promptly to the couple across of them.
“Ah?! Welcome. Come inside.” Rika greeted as they were escorted to the front door.
They took off their footwear and entered into the vast area. What seemed to be three apartments together was the whole floor. Mion was impressed by the furniture inside as they were taken to the table where they each took a side.
“I took the liberty to renovate the whole complex. It is an investment now. I like how the space is now and I can live here most of the time for work and return home when I please.” Rika pointed out to them. “Enough about the apartment. You want to hear more about the plan?”
“Plan?” Mion’s boyfriend yelped.
“Oh yes. We need a plan so we can make sure everyone is on board.” Rika confirmed. “First, I’m taking you and Goro will take Mion. We will have our fun and spend the night here. The next morning you guys can stay for breakfast.”
“You sure about this, Mion?” He asked.
“Yes, Koichi.” Mion nodded.
“Well let’s just relax with some tea.” Rika pointed out the kettle and tea cups.
The room grew quiet as the host poured out the cups for everyone. Mion grew anxious over the whole situation at hand. It had been interesting to delve into it but seeing the uncertainty made her question it as she turned to him.
“For me.” Mion whispered.
“I know.” He forced a smile.
She sipped slowly the hot liquid until it got to the bottom and placed it down onto the table. Goro pointed over one way while Rika pointed the other way. As they split, they waived to each other before entering the room.
“I’m not comfortable with the romance with anyone else.” Mion announced.
“That’s fine by me.” Goro laughed. “I feel the same way. I don’t like to kiss another woman on the lips but sex is fine.”
“I’m assuming this isn’t the first time Rika has gotten you into this.” Mion snickered.
“We agreed sex would open opportunities as long as there were other couples.” Goro explained.
Mion nodded as she stripped off her clothes. She eyed the man in the brightly lit room when he returned the favor. Mion knelt in front of the male and cupped his sack while rubbing the flaccid shaft. It slowly grew in her grasp while she felt the gentle hands squeezed the breasts.
“The only difference is your nipples. You have bigger ones than Rika. She is small like 5 yen coin.” Goro noted.
“I see.” Mion smiled back before pecking the mushroom head of the manhood. “You are about the same, just a slight a curvature.”
After the short conversation, Mion slowly moved the shaft into her mouth. The deep flavor filled her mouth as she went back and forth. Her hand reached down between her legs and stroking the clit.
Mion stopped and climbed onto the bed as he dropped to the floor. She felt the hot breath upon her sex and the heavy embrace got her enticed into the next step. Mion was hesitant to give away her status as she let out her cries but the hands were flat on the bed.
Goro rose from the floor and walked over to the drawer to take out protection. Stroking his member, he unfurled the plastic onto the shaft and glanced over to Mion as she pinched the manhood. She guided it into the snatch and the slight twitch got her excited.
He slowly moved his hips back and forth. The thrusts came in deep into her. His face dug into her bosom with the small nibbles around the ample orbs. Goro took short breathers while carefully accelerating his movements.
Mion felt the difference and was pleased by the girth and the curve tickled her lust. He was controlling the tempo to her acceptance. She slowly felt like butter on a pan as he got to the peak of his tempo. Mion wailed out into the room to her delight when he went easy on the thrusts.
“You are a good partner.” He commented.
“You too. I’m hoping Satoshi does well with Rika.” Mion moaned.
“Rika is a good leader. She likes things a certain way. Although I’m not sure how she’ll be with him.” Goro smiled.
He methodically accelerated again with Mion moaning into the air. Goro was unusually hesitant but he felt the pressure building within his loins as he crested in his thrusts and the rush of his seed shot out while the twitching went crazy.
He withdrew his shaft and slipped the plastic off. Mion saw the load and grinned at such the volume before placing it into the trash bin. After a few minutes of rest, they dressed back up and heard the door opened on the other end as the other couple walked out.
“Let’s see what you’re packing.” Rika cuddled up to the friend’s boyfriend.
Satoshi moved his head while stripping the clothes with his eyes swayed to the side. He felt uneasy about it when he stood in his birthday suit with Rika boring his sight upon him.
“Mion loves to give breast sex?” She asked.
“I don’t like it as much.” He laughed. “It takes forever to get off.”
“Oh? She must be a bit irked by that.” Rika smirked.
“We agreed to not do it.” Satoshi answered quickly.
“I see.” Rika nodded.
Rika slipped behind him and pushed her arm between his legs with her hand upon the sack. She reached in front and tugged on the growing manhood.
She didn’t think much about length but she was one to be ready at any time and being in her shirt and shorts, Rika awaited the mass to bloom into the full blossom.
Slowly stroking the length, Rika inhaled the male’s scent. She loved to push her lust to the edge when she could just get it in there when reality had set in.
“Hurry. Put it on.” Rika roared, slipping the item from her pocket.
Satoshi ripped the item open and rolled it over the shaft. Rika, in her naked glory, was bent over on the bed. Her fingers parting the entryway as she turned back.
“Okay. Shove it in there.”
She shrilled as the length went in at once. Rika felt the sack touching her sensitive slit and crumbled forward. Without any hesitation, he slowly began his waves of thrusts. It felt odd that he had been the second one to make her squeal. The emotional toll was difficult to come back from it as she cried out.
“You can go rough.” Rika whimpered.
His hands cupped the bosom with the fingertips squarely on the tips. She sensed the deep plunge into the sex. Rika rarely felt such attitude from her partner unless she requested. She delve that Mion must have told him about her. It was incredible to have such instructions before meeting.
Rika nudged him back and turned her body over. The mass returning to the site was bliss. She cried with every move from him as her hands scrunched up the blanket below her. Rika knew below was the puddle of lust as she swayed her eyes away.
She knew why. It was only one person for it. Rika continued to wail out her pleasure into the room when she arched and launched the liquid into the air. She fell back to the bed and slid off to the floor. Rika peeled the protection off and rounded her mouth on the shaft.
Moving back and forth, Rika felt angry about the experience when she got the product oozing into her throat and guzzled the thick goo in one go.
They controlled their emotions before dressing back to see the other couple across the room.
“It was nice to have this experience.” Rika grinned to the group.
“One day we can have this again, right?” Mion smiled with the two males smiling back.
Mion left with her boyfriend and kept quiet until home. Another round was in order with a new found motivation added to their intimacy.
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glasswingsndreamz · 4 years
Chocolates and Desserts (Beel x Reader)
Fandom: Shall We Date? Obey Me!
Rating: Explicit
AO3 Link
Summary: It was very sweet of Asmodeus to give you 'special' chocolates as a gift. You hope he doesn't mind that you're sharing them with Beel. It's too bad you don't know that it's a particularly strong aphrodisiac.
You smile down at the heart-shaped box in front of your door. The handwriting is lovely and gives away Asmodeus before you’ve even read his name on the front.
Thanks for the gift!
You send the text and immediately you can see the dots showing that he’s typing a response.
Don’t eat any without me! I insist that you let me feed them to you~ <3 <3
You laugh at his response. You’d expect nothing less from the infamous flirt. So you bent down, picked up the box of chocolates and entered your room. Immediately you disregarded Asmo’s message, lifted up the lid of the box and popped a chocolate in your mouth.
The flavor was absolutely delicious! It had a familiar taste of chocolate mixed with something extra that you could only assume was due to it being from the Devildom. Despite the strange after taste, it was the best chocolate you’ve ever had.
Peering down into the box you examined another before lifting it to your lips too.
Behind you the door creaks open.
“Hey,” Beel said as he shut the door behind him. It was honestly a surprise that it wasn’t Mammon coming through the door.
“Oh! Hey there!”
For a moment you debate whether or not to hide the chocolates from Beel. He still isn’t close enough to see what you have in your hands. However, his sincere, smiling face makes you rethink your idea. He was too sweet not to share your food with.
“Are those chocolates?” Been asked, eyes already zeroing in on the box in your hands as he goes over to you. You almost laugh. It probably wouldn’t matter if you had hidden them anyway. He’d probably end up sniffing them out and you couldn’t possibly lie to his cute face and tell him that you didn’t know what the delicious smell was.
“Would you like some?” You asked, offering the box over to him. You quickly take another piece before he can get his hands on them, wanting to savor what you could.
Beel looked overjoyed and entirely grateful as he took the box from you.
“So what brings you here?” you asked, suddenly curious about his presence. After sharing a room with him for a short while and then having a pact with him, the two of you had grown closer. You had adjusted to his company quickly and even grown to love his attention and affection.
“Felt like it,” he said with a shrug after swallowing his third chocolate.
“Did you wanna watch a movie or something?” you suggested, picking another chocolate from the box.
Beel smiled and nodded his head.
An action movie was playing on the screen. You and Beel both sat on the floor, using the side of your bed as a backboard to lean up against. Somehow you managed to eat two more pieces of the chocolate before Beel devoured the rest of them. It wasn’t hard to tell he had been holding back so you could enjoy them too, but it didn’t last that long.
Despite the movie, it was hard not being distracted by how close he was. All you had to do was move your hand a few centimeters to the right and your hand would be on top of his.
After an hour into the movie, your thoughts had taken a turn, becoming bolder as you imagined Beel’s lips on your own. Your body had grown warm and an ache had begun to set in. Every movement he made beside you sent shocks of pleasure through your body. Eventually you gave in to your desires, leaning into him so that you were pressed up against him.
Beel made a small noise and you can see out of the corner of your eye that he’s looking at you and it worries you that he might tell you that he’s uncomfortable with the closeness. Instead he moves his arm and wraps it around your shoulder and you can now feel his head resting against yours.
Now there is no way you can concentrate on the movie playing in front of you.
Your heart jolts in your chest when you feel him pressing his face into your hair at the top of your head. He inhales deeply, arm tightening around you.
“You smell really delicious,” his words are slurred with his lips pressed against your head. You’re frozen in place when his head lowers and dips down to taste your neck. A moan is pulled from your lips at the feeling of his mouth kissing and sucking down on the spot just beneath your jaw.
He stiffens at the noise and pulls back to see your face.
“Do that again,” he demanded and before you can ask what, he’s pulled you onto his lap and his face is once again buried against your neck.
This time the moan he draws from you isn’t from his kisses. No it’s the feeling of his already hard cock straining and poking up against your clothed core. You don’t hesitate to put all your weight down on him, grinding against him. He groans softly against your neck, struggling to buck his hips up against you which is slightly difficult considering the position you’re in.
As you pull away, Beel growls at the sudden loss. His displeasure is only slightly lessened as you pull your shirt over your head and quickly remove your bra. He takes that as a clear invitation to take one of your nipples into his mouth, hot tongue swiping against the hardening bud. He gives the other one just as much attention, a big hand tweaking and pulling lightly on it.
“Ahh- Beel!” you give a shout when his hands slip beneath your ass, squeezing before lifting you up with ease.
With little difficulty he lifts you up to set you on the bed. In an instant he’s back on top of you, starting to kiss your neck before making his way down your body. As he pays special attention to your nipples, switching between the two with his mouth, his hands move lower to tug down your pants. His anticipation is clear, especially with the way he’s grinding against your thigh. With a swift pull, he’s managed to tug down both your pants and underwear which you help kick them off until they drop at the end of the bed.
He’s already lowering further to get to his prize, swiping his tongue against your slit without any warning.
“Wait!” you gasp, one hand pushing through his hair to push him away from you.
He looks so upset that you could almost laugh. If you weren’t horny as fuck at the moment you definitely would have. He looks as if you told him he wasn’t allowed to have dessert, which he very likely considered this to be.
“It’s not fair that I’m the only one who’s naked,” you said.
He looks even more upset now, as if your explanation wasn’t good enough to push him away from your dripping core. Still he listens, removing his own clothes as fast as physically possible until he’s as naked as you are.
In an instant your eyes drop down to where he reveals his cock, bouncing back up to hit his abs from how quickly he shoves down his underwear. He’s so fucking thick that you’re not entirely sure if you can possibly take it all. You find yourself grateful when he kneels on the floor and pulls you to the edge of the bed so that your legs are over his shoulder.
“There, all better,” he said before burying his face back between your legs.
Your head is thrown back and your nails dig into the sheets on the bed at the sudden onslaught. There’s no preparation, no teasing or getting you ready. No, his tongue is already pushing inside you and lapping up your wetness as if it’s his last meal. He switches between licking up and down your labia and sucking on your clit like a lollipop. He only inserts a finger, pressing deep inside to stroke at your most sensitive spot, just so that he can pull it back out and lick off the juices.
Your moans won’t stop coming and you can barely form any cohesive words other than his name.
The first orgasm comes so violently that your legs are shaking over his shoulders.
He laps up every drop of cum that comes rushing from your core.
Even after there’s nothing left for him to swallow up, he only continues to stroke you with his tongue, clearly desperate to draw another orgasm from you.
“Beel, please,” you pull back on his hair, light enough so it doesn’t hurt him.
He looks up at you with an easy smile, looking drunk off your cum and completely satisfied.
“I want more,” you confess, face burning.
“That’s what I was planning on doing,” he said, moving to press his mouth against your core again.
“No!” you groan, already oversensitive from the intense orgasm. “I want your dick,” you blurt out. Beel inhales sharply, not expecting you to be so forward. His cock twitches, as if reminding him that it’s still there and in desperate need of release too.
As he stands up, wiping your juices and the saliva from his face. You move back to lay down on the bed.
Feeling the slightest bit embarrassed, Beel gets on top, knees spreading your legs apart to make room for him. The head of his cock twitches against your entrance and your body jolts, letting the tip slide in. It’s incredibly easy with how slick you are with your own cum and his saliva.
He throws his head back, arms shaking on either side of your body as he restrains himself from slamming his hips forward and bottoming out immediately.
You helped relieve the ache, reaching between your bodies to stroke the length that wasn’t inside. Inch by inch he slowly slid inside. It took a bit of effort on your part to take the last few inches, painful to take as he stretched your insides completely. Both of you were breathing heavily by the time his balls pressed against your ass.
“You’re so good. You feel so fucking good,” he groans, his knuckles white as he clenches his fists.
He moves slowly, watching your face for signs of pain. He barely pulls out, providing little friction as he pushes back inside. His muscles are clenched from his restraint and all the concentration it takes to be careful with his human. When you shake your head and give him the okay to move faster, his body finally relaxes.
You cry out when he unexpectedly pulls out only to slam all the way back in. You scream at the sudden snap of his hips as he pounds into you. However, when he pulls out completely to check on you in concern, you only growl for him not to stop. His cock twitches at your command and in an instant he’s pushing back inside, letting himself go again as he slams into you over and over.
Your second orgasm comes without much warning. You’re already oversensitive from the first one and he’s fucking you so hard and fast that the build up comes before you’re even expecting it.
Your lips bite down into his shoulder, muffling your whimpers as your orgasm crashes into you. Beel gives a shout as you clench painfully around his cock, squeezing tight and he can’t fucking help it. His hips snap forward three more times before he can’t hold it in anymore and spills his cum out deep inside you.
He’s breathing heavy as he stares down at you intensely. You pull him down for a kiss which he eagerly returns.
With a blushing face he pulls back, not able to look you in the eye as he asks. “Is it okay if I taste you some more?”
You laugh and kiss him again.
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rynhaswritersblock · 4 years
tiktok famous (hc) - part three | p.p.
summary: you and peter doing various tiktok trends. y'all know the deal
warnings: ultra chaotic writing (i have nine other drafts forgive me i am a tad bit stressed), cussing as always, and HOPEFULLY GOOD WRITING??? oh and yes as always peter being Babey
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- i got a few requests/ideas from y'all for more tiktoks so here we are
- tbh since so many new trends are constantly coming out i might just make this a whole ass SERIES but we'll see
- who knows if i can even handle that
- btw:: if i forgot one or there's one you really want me to write you can comment it and i'll try to add it to this!!! if it's too long since posted though i'll add it to my drafts <3
- as mentioned in past versions of this series
- tiktok dances are ADDICTIVE!!!
- and you literally broke a goddamn sweat learning supalonely but we're NOT GONNA TALK ABOUT IT
- and you and peter are hanging out one day
- and as all of these ideas happen
- you get ~inspired~ by the for you page
- you set up the camera, flipping it so that it's facing peter and not you
- the lil shit hasn't even noticed that you got up yet what a poop
- but as soon as the music starts playing he raises his head
- you're doing the supalonely dance like a fucking BOSS
- all while pretending to be looking at yourself in the camera
- you don't let yourself stare at the screen so you don't get distracted
- but
- of course
- peter is nodding his beat to the beat, clapping for you, and when you to the body roll thing on "drinking" he lets out a whoop that makes you wheeze
- when you finish you laugh, letting out a sigh and grabbing your phone
"not gonna lie, you ate that."
"i know."
- you sit back down next to him, heart rate in da Clouds, and start watching the video
- petey boi is just sitting there like a puppy, crooked smile on his face as he watches you
- in a few parts he's even doing the dance with you
- and he looks so in awe
- you can't stop watching it and smiling at the screen
- but then the fucker sits down next to you and is like "you should post that it was really good"
- so you show him it
- his face gets all red bc he's babey
"you were videoing me??"
- so i think we all know the rosa videos
- for the b99 fans: rosa rosa rosaaaaaaaaaaaa
- she's a QUEEN
- and you constantly quote those things like
- every time there's a silent moment you're just like "you're fucking lying let me see" and the whole team (avengers squad) is like ayo stfu
- one day y'all are just hanging in the commons of headquarters
- we're getting the band back together!
- and you start videoing cause you're bored
- you point the camera at peter
"aye dude come here?"
- everybody groans and peter gives the camera a sassy look, tilting his head
"you're gay? i fuckin-"
"language," steve mutters
"-knew it dude!" you smile, zooming in on the camera
- peter gets a confused look on his face
"wait no i'm bi"
- tony effin SHOOTS UP
- sitting like there's a goddamn board in his back
- and he slowly turns his head in your direction
- eyebrow raised
- you bust out laughing and so does everyone else, including peter
- tony's looking around like "hey what the FUCK is HAPPENING"
"stark, you didn't know?"
- lol we stan bi peter parker
- so you and peter are obsessed with that quirky tiktok bartender girl who makes all the drinks
- i forgot her name but she's like
we're gonna do 2 ounces so that's 1, 2, 3, 4! we're gonna give it a nice strain! andddd shake shake shake shake! fun, right?
- yk what i mean
- hi it's editing ryn it's her tiktok is like paradise bartender
- and so one day
- jk one NIGHT
- it's like 2 am
- and you and peter are like
- let's make lemonade. but like. Fake Alcohol Version Because We're Underage
- and so y'all run to the kitchen
- you almost crush and die from slipping on your socks
- the two of you and laughing and giggling as you run and around and get all your materials
"where is the fucking STRAINER"
"bitch idk help me find the lemon flavor packets"
- it takes FAR too long but y'all are finally ready
- you start recording and the two of you are already laughing
"hey guys so today-"
"TODAY" he pushes you to the side "we're gonna be making LEMONADE!"
- the two of you keep laughing as you shove each other trying to be the one in charge
- so basically
- peter gets water all over the counter
- some of the ice flies out when you shake it
- and the small amount that lands in the cup tastes like whispering lemon
- like hella watered down there's like nothing there
- the lemon is SHY
- and then in the last 10 seconds of the video bucky walks in
- and he's like wtf... wait y'all are making lemonade??
- and the three of you end up making lemonade for real and drinking it while watching infomercials
- at two in the morning
- fun, right?
- those videos are so satisfying NEXT TIKTOK
- thank u ritxal for the idea !!
- so our boi PETE HERE
- is hella addicted to those cool pov videos
- and he gets a really good idea even though it would make him a SIMP
- he ends up deciding FUCK IT I'M MAKING ONE
- so he sets up his phone and jumps around to get ~~in the zone~~
- feeling stupid as hell
- he films one of those ones where it's the "from the other side" *noise!!!!!!!!* one's yk where the ppl are like "are you sure you want to __?" and it has the yes and no buttons
- you know
- i hope
- and he puts the text on it and shrugs, posting it
- meanwhile you're home and you get the notification that peter posted a tiktok
- obviously you click on it because
- uh
- because
- and you watch it and gasp because the caption says pov and ur like who tf is this man peter never posts povs
- you watch as peter is looking nervously at the camera and text pops up saying "are you sure you want to give up?"
- he presses yes and you're like oh god oh peter wait is this a sign shit FUCK
- a new text bubble pops up saying "do you want to see her?" and you fucking yeLP
- you're like holy FUCK WAIT WHO IS HER???? WIFE???? DAUGHTER?????? HUH!!!!!!!
- and then he presses yes
- and the screen goes black
- you see urself in the screen
- and you basically DIE
- a wheeze so hard that it hurts flies out of your mouth and you IMMEDIATELY PRESS DUET
- you start filming with your phone facing the ceiling and as the beat drops (or whatever when it's like ahhhh!) you pop onto the screen, smiling
"y/n what the hell"
"did you like it?"
- okay i wanna do another pov one so here we go
- i'm sure everyone here is acquainted with the "they call me tiago.. i don't know who's margo" ones
-  these are lowkey difficult to write out so i'm just gonna lay it out for you as best i can
- really trying here
- so peter posts the boy's voice part ("no no no... they call me tiago. i don't know who's margo? i just hit this lotto" etc etc etc)
- and when it's like idk who's margo he just holds a stare with the camera in like an InTiMiDaTiNg way
- even though he's babey and a literal puppy it actually like.. works
- and when you see it you're like yes so you post the other part (that people never do lol "her name is margo" etc all the female voicing)
- i'm really trying here i can visualize these tiktoks perfectly but GOD if i don't struggle a bit while writing them
PETER'S CAPTION: pov: we're rivals on separate missions but you keep screwing with my plans so i try to intimidate you
Y/N'S CAPTION: pov: we're rivals on separate missions but i found you cute so i decide to mess around with your mission
- can y'all tell how messy my brain is holy shit
- pls forgive me i keep getting random ideas but IT ADDS TO THE CHAOS SO IT'S FINE RIGHT
- so you post and walk out and as you turn the corner to the commons you can hear the sound play and have to stop a moment to silently scream
- thankfully no one else was in there except for peter (whose back was to you) otherwise you woulda looked INSANE
- you walk up behind him and smile as he laughs slightly and watches it another time, pulling his phone closer to his face to read the caption
"holy shit," he mutters
- he closes his eyes and smiles and tilts his head back, resting it on the back of the couch (🥺)
"you like it?"
- lol
- this kid SHOOTS UP
"oh my god, y/n, what are you doing"
"coming to hang out with you??"
- he sighs as you come and plop down next to him
"what the hell is this"
- he shows you his phone
"a tiktok"
- he smiles and shakes his head (doing that thing where you like look down while doing it and it's so CUTE)
"yeah. i got that."
- alright guess the scenario
- just fucking guess
- i'll wait
- ...
- you'd best BELIEVE that y'all are chilling at headquarters in the commons rn
- where da HELL ELSE
- and
- god i'm starting to question if i'm capable of writing literally anything else damn
- peter's in the background of course
- and it's this godforsaken audio i'm sure most of you have heard
- you know the one where it's like fast music and then it goes "mm, yeah" and it's usually accompanied with a video of some really pretty girl fake moaning and like rolling her eyes while pushing up her hair??
- well
- all of that
- everything i just said
- is exactly what you do
- and the thing is
- as soon as peter hears the audio he recognizes it
- are we gonna talk about the fact that peter probably spent at least a whole night watching those videos because 1) girls are really pretty and 2) every time he heard it he could vividly imagine you doing it??????? no??? okay
- so he like
- sits up
- does the thing where he rests his forearms on his knees and leans forward, glaring at you through the camera
- and in the background
- if you're paying attention
- it's still recording and you turn around and laugh, throwing your head back as he jumps up and grabs you by the waist, pulling you in
- the two of you start play fighting just like elio and oliver from cmbyn (but a bit less steamy yk?? more innocent yet still w a bit of tension yeye)
- needless to say you keep that video in a very special place of your heart
- and so does peter like once the two of you stop wrestling you realize that the video had just been looping behind the sound of your laughter and fighting y'all watch it and it loops a few times while the two of you are silent and he finally goes "can you uh. can you send that. to me. ???????"
- next oneeeeeeeeeeeeee
- thank u lilmissquackson for the idea <3
- so in this one you and petey are dating
- and y'all decide to do the put a finger down challenge lol
- but instead of using an audio y'all decide to switch off coming up with ones on the spot
"put a finger down if your boyfriend tackles you every time you're standing near a couch or bed"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend still calls you dude"
"put a finger down if your boyfriend once webbed you to the wall because you wouldn't stand still when he was trying to kiss you"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend used her telepathic powers to keep you out of her room when she was mad at you"
"put a finger down if your boyfriend took TWO YEARS TO ASK YOU OUT"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend started laughing after you told her you liked her"
"put a finger down if you only started laughing because it TOOK YOU LONG ENOUGH"
"put a finger down if your girlfriend showed no signs of liking you before you decided to ask her out"
"put a finger down if your boyfriend is the most oblivious boy in the world"
"put a finger down if you're in love with your girlfriend but haven't said 'i love you' yet because you're scared she won't say it back"
- your jaw drops and turn to him
- needless to say you were very glad to have caught your first "i love you"s on camera
- SIDE NOTE you did not post cause after you and peter watched the video back y'all were both like "we don't wanna be THOSE bitches"
- next one woop
- thank u MrsLillianAmbrose for the idea !!
- okay buds
- so here's the thing
- i hate to under-perform
- but i feel like the best way to get the full effect of this tiktok is to watch it and then just roll with me here
- SOOOOO (if u can)
1) open tiktok 2) search @_tharealjohnnyyy_ 3) go to his account (or it might just show up when you search) 4) and scroll to the "ways to cuddle" video 5) it was posted in february 2020 if that helps give u a time reference lol
- if u weren't able to watch it (i'm so sorry) i'm gonna do the best i can to at least make this entertaining
- so if you could see the tiktok that's really all this is
- you and peter doing literally the same thing
- y'all are giggling in between positions and peter struggles to set the camera up every time it falls
- he ends up just webbing it to the ceiling
- and in the end the two of you fall asleep in the reverse OG position with your fingers playing with his hair 🥰🥰
- i hope that was good enough im sorry AH
- next!!
- thank u Mendesmycam for the idea <33
- okay so y'all know that sound
- or whatever the lyrics are
- those tiktoks are SO FUNNY
- so you grab a chair and sit peter down in the middle of the room and set the camera up
- luckily for you he has a bag of cheez-its in hand that you plan to utilize later
- babey has a confused look on his face as he watches you press play and he shoves some more cheez-its in his mouth
- the music starts playing and you just about bust out laughing as you walk all around him, running your hand across his chest
- his heart is racing he's like AYO WHAT THE FUCK IS GOIN ON
"y/n what the hell are you-"
- you practically snap into a weird position
- ur freaking arms are out in front of you and you're on your toes and knees are bent and you're hunched over and it's like
- a very interesting pose
- his eyes are all crinkly as he bends over in the chair
- you just about break but you manage to keep a straight face as you start dancing around weirdly
- needless to say you look like a goddamn CONTORTIONIST
- peter can't stop wheezing
- you make one of your hands in the shape of like the italian man hand this iykyk and fucking SWAN DIVE YOUR FINGERS INTO HIS CHEEZ-IT BAG
- meanwhile peter's STILL DYING
- and you take the cheezits and lean back, sprinkling them all over you (like the popcorn one if you saw that tiktok lmao)
- and the video finally ends and you get to laugh
"y/n what the hell was that"
"i don't know i thought you might enjoy a little entertainment"
- and of course
- that's exactly when no other than SAM WILSON fucking strolls in
- hey how y'all doin'- AHHH (get yo fucking dog bitch! ~it don't bite~ YES IT DO GET YO-)
- sorry got distracted
- and he hears you and his head SPINS ON OVER TO Y'ALL'S DIRECTION
"a little what now?"
- this time you're in peter's room though
- and i'd like to imagine this one with the cool led lights because 1) tiktok and 2) i feel like peter would have those in his room
- y'all are just chilling watching hot rod (GREAT MOVIE BTW)
- and
- peter sets up the camera
- not to mention his heart is RACING RN CAUSE HE'S A NERVOUS BEAN
- and he hits record and leans back, letting out a sigh
- you don't even notice his phone literally right there cause you're just enjoying the movie
- a few seconds into the video and petey is like Visibly Freaking Out
- but a funny part plays and you laugh, looking over at him to see if he found it funny too
- and then you look away
- and then he looks at you
- and ever so lightly grabs you by the chin
- and pulls you to him and plants his lips on yours
- finally, dumbass
+ + +
i hope u guys enjoyed !!!!!!! ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How old are you? I am 21. But I’m turning 22 in less than four months HOLY SHIT time just flies from here on out. That’s crazy. Are you married? Definitely not. Are you engaged? Nope. Are you dating someone? That I am. Do you have kids? Also no.
What's your favorite alcoholic beverage? I’m a cocktail girl at heart, and Zombie will always be my guilty pleasure. Runners-up include Baileys, Cuervo, and mudshake. Are you happy with your life overall? I wouldn’t say overall, or that I’m happy at all. I’m satisfied with like 40% of it. The rest I still have to work on. Do you have a lot of things that bother you? I’m a perpetual worrier, so yes. Do you think for yourself? Sure, it’s always good to have control in that way. But there are still a lot of things I’m also just as indecisive about so I let my close friends think for me too sometimes. What's a lesson you have learned in the past year? That I should avoid saying I’ll never do a certain thing because I end up doing it anyway and either surprising or disappointing myself. That, and cancel culture is bullshit. What's something you are learning or thinking about currently? Because of my previous answer, I’m now thinking of Nacho. Otherwise, my head’s pretty focused on taking this survey. Are you a Christian? Are you American? Are you happy with the government? I am none of these things. Seems like a waste to just keep saying no to each question so might as well bundle them together haha. Do you follow politics? I do. As much as I hate my country, I’m still concerned about what’s happening to it. Also I kinda have to follow politics considering I’m a journalism student lol. Do you go to church? Yes but there’s zero commitment attached to it. I go because my mom makes our entire family attend mass every Sunday. What is one thing you hate about churches? Majority of the people who attend it are hypocrites. I’m also always repulsed whenever a priest gets all preachy about outdated stuff, like how Filipinos should always just be, at best, tolerant but not accepting of LGBT people, or talking about how wives must always obey their husbands. Ugh YUCK. What school subject did you hate the most? Back in high school, I disliked English but was good at it. Like I didn’t like reading old literature and analyzing texts, but since memorization and writing essays are my fortes I performed well in exams anyway. I did well to get good marks but wasn’t passionate about the subject matter itself, to put it simply. I don’t know if that makes sense. I also hated chemistry, physics, calculus, and trigonometry.   Do you want to punch someone in the face? Right now, yes. My uncle is spending a couple of nights in jail for drunk driving on CHRISTMAS DAY and I want to sock him so fucking hard. Are you established in a career? No, not yet. If so, what is your career? If not, what career do you want to have? I want to be able to work in the PR/advertising/marketing world. I’m not yet quite sure where I’d fit in best. Do you have any significant health problems? I have scoliosis, which makes carrying bags difficult. I also can’t stay in the same position for too long because it’ll eventually hurt. Do you wish you could go back to high school? I do think about this quite often these days, yep. Is your life hard? Isn’t it for everyone? I try not to think that way though and to just think about whatever good is going on in my life. Can you trust anyone? I trust everyone I let into my life. That’s the way it is with me: I either trust you or you’re out of my life completely. What's your favorite swear word? Fuck.
Do you swear? Kinda just did, dude. Are you happy with the way you look? For the most part. Do you have any big regrets? I have regrets, just not big ones. Do you have a lot of unpopular opinions? I’m not sure if it counts as a lot but I definitely have my share of unpopular opinions that have never seen the light of day that is social media lololol. Do you think for yourself? Most of the time I don’t. Gab scolds me sometimes for being too ‘selfless,’ or at least that’s the word she uses. What was your favorite toy as a child? I liked toy soldiers, cash registers, and kitchen sets. What year did you graduate high school? 2016.
What chore do you hate the most? Among the ones I do, it’ll probably be folding clothes cos I can never do it as neatly as my mom does. Do you cook? Nope. Do you bake? I do not. I wish I can start, though. I feel like that could survive as a hobby of mine haha. What do you do for exercise? I used to have a PE class that made me exercise rigorously twice a week, but the class is already over and I haven’t done anything to exercise since. Such a shame to be honest, because that class really was useful for me. Are you on a diet? Never been on one. How many pounds do you want to lose? I’m a bit underweight so that’s not my goal at all lmao. Coffee or tea? Coffee. What's your favorite flavor of tea? I don’t like tea. What's your favorite latte? I don’t have lattes a lot either. What do you usually order at Starbucks? Caramel macchiato. Are you living your dreams? Some aspects of it, sure. Are you angry at someone right now? Not really. I’m disgusted with my uncle, but he had it coming to him that I’m not even angry at what happened lol. How do you deal with stress? It varies. I’ll watch videos, take a survey or two, study, rant to a friend, pig out, etc. Are you stressed? Not right now. What do you miss the most about high school? HOW EASY IT WAS. I had BALLS complaining about high school when I was still in it. What do you miss the most about college? The free time. I spent my freshman year horribly depressed and wasted an entire year being a loner and not making the most of it. By the time I bloomed, I was already too busy to just be a college girl and go to bars every night. Who are you mad at? Nobody. You asked this already. Do you have many regrets? No. Are you hopeful? Always. Are you scared? At the back of my head, yes. Did you have imaginary friends? Nope. Which do you like better: being an adult or being a kid? Adult. I miss being a kid of course, but I do enjoy the freedom that comes with being a grownup.
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avengerofyourheart · 6 years
Flour Girl {6} (Bucky x reader AU)
Characters: reader, Bucky (Jimmy), Wanda.
Summary: Discovering the cute guy you just flirted with is the heir of a rival bakery, you suddenly find yourself running into him all over the city. Can your small boutique bakery compete? And how do you deal with the guy who seems determined to make your life a living hell? Luckily you’re distracted by a secret admirer…But who is he? (Inspired by “You’ve Got Mail”, Enemies to Lovers)
Warnings: none! Mild swearing?
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: She’s ready to fight!!! Are you ready? ;) There’s a bit more about the actual baking process in this part. I’m toying with the idea of sharing recipes or maybe doing short videos while making some of the yummy things I’ve mentioned. Let me know if that is of interest! And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this part, all feedback is appreciated and adored! Thank you alll for your love and support. I love you.<3
<<Part 5   Part 6   Part 7>> 
Flour Girl Series Masterlist
Full Masterlist
(**gif is not a representation of the reader, only the act of kneading dough**)
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Recipe development was always one of your favorite parts of the job. Inventing some new product that no one else had thought of, testing it out, and then tasting the end result was a satisfying process. Baking was a science and in order for it all to come together, you had to have the right ingredients in the correct amounts. Some people struggled with baking because it required more attention to detail and a lot of patience. You loved it though, every bit of it. Ever since you started making cookies in your mother’s kitchen as a young girl, you felt at home.
In order to avoid wasting time and ingredients, you grabbed a few of your current recipes and took them back to your desk to formulate a plan. After about 20 minutes, you decided to modify a scone recipe and a filled croissant. Having written down your adjustments, you grabbed your bag and told Wanda you’d be back shortly before walking down the street to the market.
Stepping inside the store, you felt your stomach clench at the memory of the last time you were there, that night when you’d run into Jimmy. It was mid-morning, though, and the chances of having a repeat interaction were slim to none. Fetching a basket, you walked down the aisle and selected the ingredients you had in mind before stopping at the cheese department and then checking out.
Back at the bakery, you set out your savory ingredients and got to work. You already had a sweet scone that was selling well in your pastry case. The flavor pairing of tart, zesty orange and rich dark chocolate pieces filling the scone and then drizzled with an orange glaze after baking made for a tantalizing treat.
English scones were much like a crumpet or a buttermilk biscuit, but a little more complex. For the savory version you had in mind, you weighed out your dry ingredients like flour, baking powder, and salt, but reducing the amount of sugar so the other flavors would be more prominent. Cutting up the butter into small cubes, you mixed them into the flour until the butter pieces were the size of peas. Next you slowly added the heavy cream and egg mixed together until it became a dough. Last came the sun-dried tomatoes and cubes of Havarti cheese that would bubble and melt to perfection in the oven. The thought of it made your mouth water.
You turned out the dough onto a floured surface and kneaded it with your hands a few times before patting it into a circle and then cutting that into triangles. You placed each one on a baking sheet, brushed them with cream and sprinkled coarse salt on top before sliding them into the oven. Washing your hands, you cleaned up the table and checked in on Wanda before starting your next project.
The filled croissant combination seemed a little odd, but if it worked out, the taste would be divine. Plucking the pears from your grocery bag, you peeled one of them, halved it, removed the seeds, and then began to slice it thinly. After rolling out a piece of croissant dough and cutting it into long triangles, you spread a small amount of spicy mustard on the wider side, placed a slice of smoked gouda cheese over that, and then layered the thin slices of pear on top. Carefully, you rolled up the croissant and placed it on a baking sheet.
It was easier to adjust and experiment with the croissants, since they were rolled individually. You put more cheese in some, more pears in others and then did a few without the mustard, in case the taste was too overwhelming. You wrote the contents of each one on a piece of parchment in black marker and then brushed them with an egg wash before baking. As the timer went off for the scones, the croissants were ready to go in.
You waited a few minutes before trying the scones and as you glanced at the clock, you were surprised so much time had passed. Caught up in your new experiments, it was a shock to realize it was almost lunchtime. Your internal clock was out of whack anyway, given your extra early wake up call this morning. Just then, your phone chimed so you pulled it out and woke up the screen.
A text from “B”. Seeing the initial pop up on your phone made you smile, and just like this morning, there was an attachment. He seemed to be respecting your desire to keep your interactions anonymous, so you weren’t expecting a selfie or anything. However, you also weren’t expecting a picture of a slice of pizza with the sign for Ruby Rosa’s Pizza. The caption read “Best slice in the city.”
Grinning with a bite of your lip, you pulled up the keyboard to respond.
FG: I might have to fight you on that. Their sauce is much too sweet. I prefer Capizzi’s.
“B” replied with an emoji of a shocked expression with a hand on each cheek.
B: You can’t be serious. Their crust is all wrong! I really thought we could still be friends after the whole Beatles/Stones debacle but this might be the last straw…
Letting out a chuckle you, rested your hip against the table and replied.
FG: If that’s how it is, then so be it. I stand by my pizza. You and your sugary sauce deserve each other. I should have known you’d love it, considering your THREE SUGARS in your coffee.
Those three dots appeared and lingered for a few minutes, so you took that time to taste one of your scones. They were delicious and just as you had hoped, the melted cheese had created delectable little pockets of gooey-ness in the scone, but the sun-dried tomato flavor was much too subtle. It would take at least one more adjusted batch to get it right. You weren’t surprised; sometimes you had to re-make something five times before the recipe was perfect.
B’s response finally arrived.
B: Whew. Alright, alright. We’ll drop the subject for now. I’ll definitely convert you one of these days, though. So how’s your day been?
You felt a flip in your stomach first of all, because it meant that he wanted this…whatever it was…to continue. And honestly, so did you. It had only been a short time, but hearing from him had become the highlight of your day. It didn’t matter that you didn’t know his name or what he looked like, in fact it was part of the fun at this point. Pecking out a reply, you sent it and then made notes on your scone recipe as you awaited his reply.
FG: Day started earlier than I’d like, and ran into that insufferable person but it’s been all uphill since then. :) How about you?
B: Man, can’t that jerk take a hint? Franny doesn’t need any of your dickhead-ed behavior. Especially running on less sleep. ;) I’m sorry that happened again. Need any more distractions? I’m available.
Your heart skipped a beat at that last phrase. He probably didn’t mean it in the way you might have interpreted. Maybe? In fact, since you knew almost nothing about him, it was possible that you were conversing with someone who might be…involved? Married? It was a ridiculous notion, since all you were doing was texting, but there was definitely a flirty tone in your conversations. Or you thought so. It was difficult to tell through text.
Just as you were about to respond, you got a phone call and the name on the screen made your face light up as you answered.
“Hi, dad,” you said with a smile.
“Hey, how’s my little Flour Girl? The big city still treating you alright?” you heard your father’s voice through the phone. You spoke at least twice a week and he always asked how you were getting by in the city, even after living there over a year and half. You loved that he still worried, though, so you just smiled and shook your head.
“The city is fine, dad. The shop is still doing great. How are you?” you asked, peeking in the oven at your croissants at the same time.
“Oh, I’m just fine. Not much changes around here, not like in the city.”
You grinned, knowing how much your dad preferred the quiet, small town life. You told him all about your new savory pastries and everything about the shop, but you held back the information about Barnes Bakery and this new “competition” with Jimmy, or whatever it was. That information would only make your father worry and besides, you had it under control.
Your parents had always been supportive of your career choice, never failing to taste your latest cookies or cake experiments growing up. Some of your first memories were of spending time with your mom in the kitchen. Whenever your dad came home from work, most nights he found you in the kitchen covered in flour. Thus, you became his little Flour Girl. A play on words that also rang true.
When your mom got sick during your senior year of high school, you became obsessed with finding new recipes that would sound good to her and that the doctors would approve. Her passing the following summer left an everlasting hole in your life and heart, but she wanted your dreams to come true, no matter what. She even set aside some money for your bakery in her will, making you even more determined to succeed in her honor. Since then, it had just been you and your dad against the world.
“Well, pumpkin, I better sign off. The boss is giving me the eye,” your father told you after a wonderful, lengthy conversation that you definitely needed.
“Yeah, I better get back to work, too. I love you, dad,” you said, trying to hide the emotion in your voice. His phone calls never failed to make you a little homesick, no matter how much you loved living in the city.
“Love you, too, Y/N. You be careful.”
“I will. Bye.”
Lost in your thoughts after hanging up, you jumped a little when the oven timer went off. Pulling out the croissants, you waited for them to cool before tasting a little bit of each one. Confident that you had found a winning combination, you also had Wanda taste them and select her favorite, which also happened to be the same as yours. Never hurt to have a second opinion. One last test batch of your Sun-dried Tomato and Havarti scones and you felt good about the recipes. Clint was going to be blown away and you’d get your spot back in their pastry case. You were sure of it.
Preparing both the croissants and scones to be baked fresh in the morning, you cleaned up your mess and checked what was needed up front. A few more trays of cookies in the oven and you finally pulled out your phone to respond to B’s text.
FG: Sorry, got interrupted by a phone call and work. But I’ll take a rain check on that distraction.
You read it over one more time, hoping it sounded just a little suggestive but not over the top, and hit send.
B: No problem. Offer still stands. :)
Smiling from ear to ear, you left the conversation there and went about your day with a little more pep in your step.
Part 7>> 
OooOOOooohh!!!! Don’t those croissants and scones sound delicious?? *heart eyes* I actually do create recipes and change the flavors of baked good as part of my job. It’s pretty fun. :D And now he find out the origin of the “flour girl” nickname!! That’s pretty sweet, right? And a bit of background about why the reader loves to bake. Whether you sympathize or not, I hope you enjoy those little tidbits. Ooh, a distraction?? B just gets more adorable every day. ;) I’d love to hear your thoughts on this part, any feedback is appreciated. I adore every one of you!! Thank you. <3
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littlegirlblue331 · 6 years
Why Won’t You Love Me (pt. 2)
Well friends, I’m back! I hope this is a satisfying second part to this story. Again, just want to say that I really appreciate anyone and everyone who reads this, and let me know if you would change anything or have any other thoughts while reading this! I’d love to have conversations about anything!
Chloe 3:10 a.m. CST
Beca, it’s so hard to be lonely.
Beca 1:20 a.m. PST
Why won’t you love me?
Chloe stared at the message for a long time before ultimately locking her phone and placing it face down on the table.
Joe’s was a very busy place, even at 3:30 in the morning. There were people all around her drinking, laughing and living their life, not knowing that her own was collapsing around her.
She didn’t know the response she was hoping to get from Beca.
Maybe she was hoping that Beca would say something witty and cute to make her feel better, or something about how she will be back before Chloe can even miss her that much, anything to make her feel better.
She never thought she would receive the question that she did.
Chloe was confused about her own feelings. She loved her best friend, of course. But what kind of love was Beca asking.
Her intoxicated mind couldn’t figure it out.
She had made many mistakes intoxicated, and it would take time to figure out if this was just another one in her long line of drunken mistakes.
She walked herself back to her apartment, still trying to decode the message that was haunting her every thought.
She decided not to reply in her weakened state. In order to give Beca the reply she deserved, she would need a clear head and plenty of time to figure it out.
Beca spent the rest of the day glancing at her phone every 5 minutes, sometimes even more frequently.
She couldn’t stand the waiting game. Chloe was the fastest texter she had ever met. The woman was always on her phone, so she knew she saw her message.
Without sleep, the night went by at a snail’s pace.
When 8:00 rolled around, Beca decided that it is an acceptable time to leave her childhood bedroom and walk down to her mom’s kitchen.
She doesn’t remember much after she sent her message.
She remembered her mom picking her up from the airport and attempting to talk to her during the car ride. She tried her hardest to carry on a normal conversation but eventually had to give up. Her mom just assumed she was tired from the flight and continued the drive in a comfortable silence.
Beca investigated the kitchen’s contents and found that the pantry seemed to be freshly stocked with all her favorite foods. She quickly found the Wild Berry flavored Poptarts and stuck one into the toaster.
Her focus on the toaster didn’t waver even after she heard footsteps coming from the hallway behind her.
“I see you found the pantry without any problems.”
After her parents divorce, Beca became very close with her mother. She was a friend more so than a parent.
Typically, Beca would have a sarcastic to throw back at her mom, but her lack of sleep combined with still not receiving a message back from Chloe, made her not have the energy for their normal banter.
“Yeah I did. Thanks for getting all this for me.”
“What’s the matter Beca?”
Her mother could be a professional at knowing when her daughter needed to get something off her chest. It is something that Beca had always appreciated.
This time, however, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to share all the details with her.
“I think I told one of my friends something that I don’t think they weren’t ready to hear, and now I don’t know if she will ever talk to me again.”
Her mother took a deep breath, trying to decide how to decode this cryptic message that her daughter just gave her.
Beca had always been a closed off person. Growing up, she never had many friends and those that she had, she kept them at a distance. Her mom knew how difficult it was for Beca to trust anyone.
“Well, I think that you need to trust your friend to react with an open mind. You also need to give this person enough time to figure their feelings out.”
Beca gave her mom a slight nod in appreciation, and turned back to grab her Poptart from the toaster.
“Shit that’s hot!” Beca exclaims while dropping the Poptart on the counter.
Her mother begins to laugh at her, as Beca travels to the sink to rinse her fingers with cold water.
“Who knew eating a Poptart was such a dangerous activity. No wonder you never played sports,” her mother said, hiding her grin behind her coffee cup.
The rest of the week went by in a blur for Beca.
Her mother was careful with her, which Beca can’t stand. She understand why her mom was doing that, but it broke her heart that she caused her mom to worry about her.
Instead of checking her phone every 5 minutes, Beca checked it every 10 minutes.
Then after a few days she checked it every 30 minutes.
Still nothing from Chloe.
By the end of her trip, Beca is tired of worrying. She had given up all hope that her best friend would reply.
She gave up all hope that her best friend would ever talk to her again.
Since Beca joined the Bellas, the two girls had never gone more than a few days without talking. There was always some small conversation happening either through texts or during rehearsal.
Her phone felt useless without being lit up by Chloe’s contact photo. It became a brick that she carried around with the only purpose to provide light in a dark area.
Her mom dropped her off at the airport for her trip back to Barden University.
She was about an hour early for her flight so she found a seat near a window. She liked seeing the planes coming and going from the tarmac.
It had been seven days since she last heard anything from Chloe. It had been even longer since she had heard her voice and felt her touch.
She missed her.
After her group was called on to the plane and before the passengers were told to put their phones on airplane mode, Beca sent her a message.
Beca 8:12 p.m. PST
Hey, I don’t know if you care, but I thought I would let you know that my plane is about to take off.
She didn’t want Chloe to worry about her. She hated when Chloe worried.
After pressing send, Beca put her phone on airplane mode again, and began to fall asleep.
Chloe hadn't left her apartment since she got home from Joe’s a week prior. She didn’t trust herself to get intoxicated again.
She couldn’t afford messaging Beca back something stupid.
When Chloe received Beca’s newest message, she was on the floor in front of her couch. On her right side was the TV remote, and on her left was a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos.
Throughout the week, Chloe would unlock her phone every few minutes to see Beca’s question on the screen and try to think of the perfect response.
She would type out a few words, then erase it.
Eventually she would give up and lock the phone back up again, only to continue the cycle a few minutes later.
This time when she checked her phone, she saw new words staring at her. Her mouth involuntarily curved at the corners, and she smiled for the first time in a week.  
After Beca’s plane landed, she didn’t bother checking her phone. Her mom said she would call her later to make sure she got home safe.
She also didn’t think she could handle another message ignored by her best friend. She didn’t want to look at her phone and see no new messages.
The taxi ride to her apartment was quiet. She focused mostly on the lights flickering around the streets and the radio that was barely above a whisper. Even past 4:00 a.m. the streets of Baton Rouge were still alive.
She appreciated that the driver didn’t try to make small talk. The only words they exchanged were the address to the apartment and the price for the ride.
Beca used the light on her phone screen to dig around her purse of her wallet to pay the driver. She quickly found it and handed her debit card to the man behind the wheel.
Before placing her phone back in her pocket, she managed to catch a glimpse of the screen.
Her heart dropped when she saw no notification on the screen--no text, no message, nothing.
She shouldn’t be surprised. However, a part of her hoped that Chloe would surprise her.
She usually always did.
She walked to the door of her apartment, and instead of opening it right away, she placed her head on the outside of the door. She took a deep breath as she prepared to reenter the real world.
She could no longer hide in Seattle with her mom, putting together puzzles.
She had to eventually face Chloe. She had to face the consequences of her message.
She reached for her phone and selected Chloe’s contact. Her thumb again hovered over the screen as she debated whether or not to press the ‘call’ button.
Next thing she knew, the phone is dialing.
She closed her eyes to keep in the tears forming in her eyes and placed the phone up to her ear, as she unlocked the door and walks in.
Once she enters her apartment, she jumps as her eyes lock on the woman sitting on her bed.
Chloe quickly stands up when she notices Beca entering the room.
“Dude, how and why are you in my place??” Beca says much louder than she intended while attempting to wipe the water from her eyes.
“Ask me again,” Chloe took a few steps towards Beca.
Beca stood, frozen in her location in the middle of the small studio apartment.
She knew the question that Chloe wanted her to ask. However, she was terrified of any possible answer she could receive.
“Chloe, I know I probably freaked you out, and I’m so sorr--”
“Ask me again.”
This time she spoke with more confidence.
She took the last few steps towards her friend and stopped directly in front of her.
Beca tried as hard as she could not to look into her blue eyes, but she knew it was a pointless attempt. Her eyes were one of the most beautiful things on the planet.
Beca let out a shaky breath, as her pulse skyrocketed past her normal resting rate.
“W-why won’t you love me, Chloe?”
She finished her question and she hoped the desperation wasn’t noticeable in her voice. She was desperate for an answer. She was desperate to keep her best friend.
Chloe let a small smile appear on her face. She knew exactly what her answer was.
“I do.”
Beca’s mind didn’t know what to do with this information.
“I know you love me Chloe. I love you too. You’re my best friend. I’m sorry it was a dumb text and I was emotional, and I--”
“I don’t think you understand.”
Chloe leaned down ever so slightly in order to connect their lips together. After a few seconds of contact, Chloe pulled away and gazed at the frozen woman in front of her.
“I do love you, Beca.”
All Beca could do was let the biggest grin spread across her face.
Chloe reached for the side of Beca’s face and guided her lips back to hers.
This kiss lasted longer than their first.
In this moment, Beca felt invincible. A weight had left her body, and she was now free.
Chloe put both hands on Beca’s face in order to wipe the tears streaming down her face as they continued their embrace.
The two only separated long enough to rest their foreheads on each other.
“I do love you.”
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queenpizzae-blog · 6 years
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lovova · 6 years
The Fallen’s Motive
Yo, so, I'm going to start this by saying that, obviously, the below theory is wrong. It's the sort of thing you think of when you're thinking about a game for waaaaay too long. Toby is a triumph when it comes to game design and integrating it into lore, but I thoroughly believe that the Fallen Child is at best a metaphor on video game cruelty potential or at worst some in-narrative dude who wants your soul for evils.
With that cleared up, I have an...alternative character interpretation. For what happens at the end of Genocide.
A ‘for funsies’ theory. Don’t take it too seriously ;) I just thought it was cool.
Okay. So...
First of all, we have to go in with the mindset that Undertale, ultimately, doesn't want to be played.
Like, if the game itself was an entity, and all the characters inside of it were just aspects of that entity, Undertale would be screaming 'STOP TOUCHING ME' at us pretty much all the time. This is understandable, as with the lone exception of True Pacifist, pretty much every time we interact with its characters, we make their lives considerably worst. Even in the BEST neutral ending we can get, we've left the Underground and its people -literally- suicidely depressed, if the fandoms interpretation of 'Falling Down' is correct. If you take away the True Pacifist ending, everyone inside of the game is one hundred percent better off without us ever actually playing it.
With this in mind, lets look at the situation Undertale, as an entity, finds itself in. We've turned the thing on. We've already started, and by god, 90% of the players are GOING to finish it. Okay. So the game gives you every reason in the world to eventually pick the True Pacifist ending (the ONLY ending where ANYONE is happy. As I said, there is no long lasting happiness in any nuetral ending. The underground is doomed the second they lose those six souls, along with the only authority figure both capable of and willing to harvest them. Its TRUE PACIFIST or BUST.). True Pacifist is easily the most fun, with the most content, and is arguably EASIER then every other ending (once your permanently on the true pacifist route, it is impossible to lose, after all). The game WANTS the true pacifist ending, and is willing to hand everything to you to get it.
I don't want to go into the 'morality' of the genocide run. A game is a game and fiction is fiction, and its only when you forget or blur that does a majority of our real world, actual problems occur. So much true, lethal suffering over compelling narratives...but I digress. Regardless of any real world implications, it can be agreed by pretty much everyone that if Undertale itself is viewed as an entity fighting for the happiness of its characters, then it does NOT want us to play Genocide. It puts up SO MANY FUCKING ROADBLOCKS.
Need to hit that number of kills to move onto the next area? Good luck, random encounters just became WAY MORE RARE. Want to entertain yourself while doing it? Better have some background music somewhere, because Undertale is taking away its soundtrack, a majority of its flavor text, and its puzzles. Are you doing it for more information on the lore? Sure, fine, but you better be ready to wait until the end of the game to get it. The game goes out of its way to make itself not fun to play.
So, your gonna keep going? Fine. Thats where the boss monsters come in.
(if you're thinking this is a little long for a character analysis theory, please bear with me.  I genuinely feel like the information I'm putting forward is necessary to understand the theory. I don’t mean to waste anyone’s time.)
There are three 'stages', when it comes to boss monsters and Undertales attempts to stop you from ending on a Genocide run (did you catch the vocab word for the day in that sentence? It’s important. Don’t worry, I'll fill you in later): they go as follows: Regret. Rage. Trick.
Regret: the first two boss monsters, (as in monsters who are bosses, not race types) are the two characters in the game that the softest of players would most wringe their hands over killing. Toriel is Goatmom, and like any mom, holy SHIT does that woman know how to guilt trip you, even to her very last breath. But lets be honest, most of us killed her by accident already once before. You'll move on. Specifically you'll move on past her, ready to face the run, but then, hahahaha, FUCKING PAPYRUS. Papyrus is when you really make the choice to do it, because unlike every monster that came before him, where you might have desensitized yourself by killing them by accident anyway, you cannot kill Paps by accident. Even in neutral runs, you get that health bar low enough, and Paps will ask you for mercy by sparing you before he can die. It is ALWAYS a choice to kill Papyrus. And because of that, his death might fill you with more regret then any other. Because unlike every other character, theres no real good way to justify it.
But ya kill him too. So, onto stage 2.
Stage 2 is Undyne and Sans. What? Did you think Sans was stage three? Nah dude. (btw, Muffet and Mettaton arent really a part of the stages when it comes to Genocide, because while they're great characters, neither of them inspire the same regret or the same rage as Undyne and Sans) Do I even have to explain it? Even if you havnt played the Genocide run yourself, chances are you've watched someone do it: Both the Heroine and the Judge are MASSIVELY difficult to beat (Undynes attempts at killing you are often forgotten when in reference to Genocide due to the sheer nightmare Sans was to beat, but there is no doubt in my mind that plenty of players quit once they tried to take on Undyne. She is HARD). The only real difference between Undyne and Sans is that Undyne, as a character, thinks it possible to win, and Sans, as a character, knows that a rage-quit is the true goal of his fight. Either way,  both fights were designed to compel you to stop.
Ah, but...well, you know.
You move on.
So...what's the third?
Think about it.
I mean, really, really think about it. From a character perception. From the games perception. Take away the metaphor. Take away the soul thing. What, exactly, did this character accomplish, in regards to us?
This bitch.
They turned off our game.
That was their first step. They made it allll blank. You don't wanna play nice? Fine. You don't get to play. Theres no more content. Quit.
But ya don’t quit.
See, cause thats not the trick though. Anyone who got through the genocide run isn't a quitter. The game knows that. The Fallen knows that.
So, wait ten minutes and...oh?
Do you want more content? My oh so DETERMINED player? Would you like to see the true, TRUE end?
My goodness =) alright then. But if you want to see it, if you REALLY wanna see the FINAL bit of content the game has to offer you,  DETERMINED player...
...Do you see it now?
Do you get it?
(Do you remember todays vocab word? The vocab word is 'ending'. As in the final stop if you're really, really riding this ride all the way down.)
The Fallen child puts you in a situation where, more or less, the game gets what it wants. At worst, it wants you to stop playing. To leave it alone. But if you're the type of player that will sit and let the game blankly play for ten minutes, relentlessly DETERMINED even when NOTHING is there? Oh. Okay. If you really, REALLY wanna the last possible bit, best go do that True Pacifist ending again. Its the oooonnnnly way =)
The trick is stage three, and that stage uses your DETERMINATION against you. It knows that you really only want one thing (to see every interesting ending) and it dangles that desire in front of you like a carrot. And if you fall for that trick?
Then everyone is saved.
The underground goes free! The game stops being played! The player is satisfied!
The fallen child has saved the day!
“But Lovova!” You probably shout. “Thats not the best ending!! Everyone isn’t happy! The Fallen goes on to kill everyone! “
do they?
W H E R E!?
S H OW  M E  T H E  B L O O D.  P R E S E N T  T H E  D U S T.  L E T S   S E E  T H E  B O D I E S.
P R O V E  I T.
What? You can't? You just saw scary red eyes and a messed up photograph?
Ha. Haha.
S U C K E R =)
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dramaplustautology · 6 years
I love Aco and Solan!! I’m like the old person asking them “Hey, dude. What’s going on?” “Teenage Rebellion.” “Hell yeah, stick it to the old people.”
And I’m at a block for writing other things so I did another scenario to freshen up and also have my OC interact with Ryunn’s in a sort of non-canon/AU way? Anyways, Tariche is a doctor that works for the Thorn and the twins visit him.
I’ll have a bio later, probably. (note that ryunn doesn’t have a bio up so this is just my....omg my fanon of them? nice).
3K Words. Book 3
Examining the newly fastened cast on her broken arm, Aco took her attention back to the doctor and his trailing coat.
“What’s that?” She asked him.
“This?” He finished the scribble on the cast. “So many of you come in here broken and squished, I can’t keep track of who has to keep their casts on for how long. And I hate paper work,” The doctor wiggled in his chair, excited over his drawing. “Instead, you all get pictures that I can remember you by. Look, this is you, me, and Solan. All the little hearts around us mean that we’re in love.”
Aco grabbed the doctor’s marker and drew Xs over his doodle version’s eyes.
He gasped, pushing his rolling chair away from Aco with his hands covering his heart.
“Now it’s a doodle of you both thinking how dead cute my corpse looks!” The doctor tsked, wiggling his finger at her. “Naughty children!”
Grabbing his hand, Aco twisted it and pointed at the lapel of his oversized white coat.
“Tariche, I was asking about what this was.”
The Doctor looked down at the crooked name tag Aco was jangling with his own finger.
“Didn’t you know? Tariche is short for Gregor McScully,” Tariche ballooned a cheek and shrugged. “The trendy way of shortening it at least.”
“Is it still cool when all of your fingers are broken?” Aco’s lips twisted into a wicked smile, about to flatten Tariche’s fingers against the back of his hand.
The Doctor leaned forward, placing his chin on his trapped palm, neither pained nor annoyed.
“You tell me, bloodbag. You and your brother still want my poison?” Tariche mirrored Aco’s expression to an impossibly sharp degree. The only difference between them was black to blond and midnight purple to starry golden vista.
That was suspicious.
“Pfft,” Aco made a satisfied noise. She hated having to ask for things, even after all these years of only demands. "This why you always stand to Solan’s right?”
“Nah, he got wise a long time ago. I just do it to keep him on edge.” Tariche slid his chair away and yelped when Solan caught him from behind.
“Your roots are showing,” Solan smirked, spinning the Doctor’s chair and kicking it towards his twin as the ‘blond’ tousled his course hair. “That trendy too?”
If for only a moment, Solan took some gratification from catching their Doctor off guard. The shorty was a lot like his office; filled to the brim with tools and texts too complicated for plebs to understand, stinking with flowery perfume to mask the sterile bitter smell of disinfectant.
Good thing there were two of them, one to distract and the other to take a stab.
“Did you know Gregor?” Tariche asked, having already collected himself by the time his chair reached Aco. He pressed a small case, not unlike a container for spectacles, to Aco’s lap.
“We picked him up from the weenie factory,” Code for blackmailing him into leaving the Rose’s main base of operations to work for the Thorn. Solan went to his sister’s side and the two shared a high five over Tariche’s head. “He used to squeal when I flapped my eyepatch at him.”
Trying to do the same at Tariche got the Doctor to leap up and attempt to stick his finger into the slit. Slapping his eyepatch back on, Solan just about chomped Tariche’s finger off.
“You must be happy then, no more Gregor to bore you and all of Tariche to—“He took a small vial out of his coat, shaking the clear pills inside. “—Help you leave an impression,” The vial disappeared into his sleeve and he stretched out his arm. “For a fair exchange.”
The twins didn’t need to share a glance to sync up.
“How about you trade those for our threats?” Aco leaned her chair on the door leading outside, about to cross her arms behind her head. The cast cracked and she pretended not to notice, letting it rest and using her good arm as a pillow.
“Hey, Theano? Did you know your kids can’t flex on those poor innocent spindly elves without speed and strength boosters?” He pulled his gloves off with his teeth, spitting them into the trash can by Solan’s boots. “Magic boosters?”  
That trash can was sent flying over Tariche’s head, courtesy of Solan stopping himself short of tackling him to the floor.
“You told us they were regular pills.” Aco stood, getting up to circle Tariche’s chair like a lion closing in on a light meal. The Doctor could hear the leather of her gloves stretching from the strain of keeping her hands to herself.
And the Doctor knew why. Aco knew herself, of course. And Tariche always knew the hard facts others grappled with.
“Regular for Lore,” Tariche clarified, tilting his head to the side. “Magic isn’t dead yet. Not that you need magic to dunk my head into an incinerator.”
Suddenly, Solan was right up against Tariche, hauling him out of his spinny chair and smashing him into the wall.
“I could do that without arms.” Solan growled and it sounded like a promise.
“How long would that take? A few hours?” Tariche’s eyes sparkled with literal stars, about to make his pitch. “With a little boost, you could do that in a minute with five inches of dental floss. Wouldn’t that make your murder pageant dad proud?”
Solan thrust the Doctor at the wall, smacking his head for insulting their Commander. All it did was make the stars flash wild.
“You’re not human,” Aco leaned into the exchange, grasping Solan’s shoulder, advising caution with a mere touch. “Typical magic types. You can’t hide your flashy bits even under pain of death.”
“Me? Afraid of my partners in crime? But I trust you so much!”
Trusted them to want his handiwork; that much and more Tariche knew.
The twins glowered, stepping away to let Tariche slide down the wall and back on his feet.
“What’s this then?” Aco asked, raising the rectangular box Tariche had given her.
“How you’re going to pay me this time.” Tariche dusted himself off and made sure to squish between the twins to get by them. He appreciated how hard they made it for him, refusing to budge.
He made it to his desk and pulled open a drawer filled to the brim with glass flasks. The multicolored potions sloshed and he roughly fished through the fragile ware for a particularly bubbly blue one. Swishing the contents around once to get the concoction mostly homogenous, Tariche popped the cork and drowned the drink.
“There’s a syringe inside the box,” Tariche gestured at the container. “That’s the antidote.”
Blinking at him, the twins struggled to understand what the Doctor had done.
“Did you poison yourself?” Solan gaped at the emptied flask.
“This is a new invention of mine. I came up with it all by myself!” Tariche explained, starry eyed again. His audience was captive after all. “It’s strawberry flavored this time but you can slip it into enemy supplies without notice. That’s whole communities if you hit an important well,” He winked and the twins could hear the literal twinkling sound his eyelid made. “There’s some time between ingestion and visible effects that I haven’t figured out yet but it should keep the fair and magic folk alive long enough to find out we have the antidote.”
And that they had to turn themselves into the Rose if they wanted to stay alive.
“Not sure why you want me to give you the antidote but I’d be happy to stab you.” Aco tossed the box and fiddled with the cathartically long needle. Tapping the bubbles out of the barrel on the corner of the cabinet, she playfully aimed it at the most tender part of the good Doctor. It was a hard decision considering how the Doctor was tender everywhere but his heart.
“How nasty are the symptoms?” Solan asked, scratching his chin as he looked Tariche up and down uncomfortably close. He could see the Doctor’s black roots. It seemed that the twins and Tariche shared the same shade of hair. Gross.
“My orifices are going to burn and squirt blood. All that horror stuff to really scare us clean and pretty magic folks, as far as I know,” Tariche tugged on the corner of his eyes to check if it was leaking. His heart was racing from the rush of not knowing for sure. “Luckily, I’m a masochist. You have to be if you want to enjoy getting into medicine.”
Past that, Tariche had nothing to say.
He usually did whenever he had one or both of the twins strapped to a cot, at the mercy of his unending stream of difficult nonsense.
Oddly, neither of the twins were comfortable with the utter quiet. Maybe it was how the Doctor just stared straight ahead, staring at nothing like it was everything on the page of a novel. They could see his pupils vibrate under those weird fairy sparkles.
“And you’re fine with siding against your own people?” Solan asked, orbiting around him with curiosity. Was one of the symptoms making his teeth heavy?
Rolling his head back on the chair’s backrest, Tariche considered the question.
“I don’t know them. Who cares?” He sighed, lingering on the words left hanging in the air. “If you’re wondering if I’m angry at ‘magic’ in general. No, I’m like you.”
“No.” Aco said.
“Please, no.” Solan shook his head at the same time.
“I don’t need to know everything to see that I see the same face in the mirror that you see on each other,” Tariche steepled his fingers on his belly, tapping them as he began to become impatient for the physical pains. “I love not knowing. It makes new books amazing even when they turn out to be puerile garbage. The only thing I don’t know for sure is my mom and dad issues.”
“How did you—“
“Dang, was it the mom or the dad?”
Instantly, the twins clammed up, wondering if Tariche had spoken up to save them from giving up too much.
“Anyways, my mom was the magic one, which is the simplest way of putting it,” He chewed on his cheek, wondering if it was a nervous tick or a reaction. “I didn’t find out about it until we met for the first time after I hit my teens.”
He looked like he was still in his teens, if not younger than Aco and Solan. Then again, both knew what it was like to grow old in the middle of childhood.
“She asked me if I had a lot of people, and I could have if I tried. Didn’t tell her that though,” He kept chewing on his cheek, close to drawing blood. “Mom said that it was good. If she stayed with me, I wouldn’t have anyone and my life would be lonely. Worse, she told me her life would have been better. Full.” Red began leaking from his mouth. “We didn’t know that for sure.”
Stock still, Solan glanced at Aco and watched her slowly stand with the syringe at ready.
Then, Tariche got up too. He had gone from waaaaaay out there to squared shoulders, standing at attention.
“Commander Theano, what brings you here?” Tariche asked.
The twins span around, finding the door still closed.
“I hate needles!” Tariche cried, taking advantage of their confusion to sprint past them and out of the quarantine office.
The Thorn were going to go from having one bad medic to having no medic.
“Crap!” Aco and Solan jumped into action, tearing through the door and past the rows of occupied beds. A gnome strapped to one of the cots struggled in their restrains and Solan pulled the blanket over the head to shut them up.
There were at least four rows of beds for Tariche to hide under until he croaked. He wasn’t going to crawl out easy if he was more afraid of needles than he was death.
Oh but the Doctor loved to blab.
“You weren’t finished,” Aco kept her voice steady, at conversation volume as she padded past the beds. There was enough light to see the Doctor’s prone silhouette. “What does joining us have anything to do with fixing your mommy issues?”
“I’ve read the history books. I know what kind of trouble she got up to. It took long for her to get it together but the effort was admirable. Her taste in lovers? Disagreeable.”
Aco heard his nonsense and pinpointed the cot he was hiding under, tugging off the blankets to find no one but a very upset elf.
“Quit crying!” Aco shushed the prisoner, catching sight of a few drops of blood across her way. She locked stares with Solan in the other aisle, nodding in the direction of the gory trail.
“Trust me,” Tariche couldn’t stop himself from speaking up. “I know what I’m doing. There’s nothing to be afraid of when it comes to your precious Commander either.”
“If he catches you, I’ll be happy to skin you myself,” Solan goaded him, closing in on the Doctor. “Blackmail or not, he knows who’s in his corner.”
“Theano doesn’t care about loyalty. In fact, the scariest part of this entire situation is how he wants—“Tariche was wracked by a violent cough. The twins weren’t sure if it was because of the poison or if the Doctor was faking because he had no idea. “Doesn’t matter. It wasn’t me but I was caught before and now, I live again.”
‘The poison’s going to his brain,’ Solan mouthed to Aco. ‘Can’t we let him stay like this for a bit longer?’
The curtain hiding the bed directly beside Solan swung open.
“But this time, I know how to throat punch you.” Tariche got the jump on Solan but the boy’s gut instinct lead his eyes to the angle of the Doctor’s arm.
Seeing it coming from miles away, Solan raised his hands to shield his neck and allowed Tariche to imbed his fist on his rock hard stomach.
“Need a medic?” Solan grinned as Tariche cringed from the blunt force trauma he afflicted on himself.
“Right here!” Aco jumped behind the Doctor and stabbed the needle into his neck.
Wailing like a murdered ghost, Tariche was too shocked to move before Aco pushed the plunger down, injecting the antidote into, miraculously, the right spot for it to act quick.
If it weren’t for the twins catching his arms, Tariche would have broken his nose to top this entire humiliating spree off.
“Look!” The doctor flailed, still disoriented from the effects of that messily cooked poison. “I can fight now! I used to only know how but I can actually do it with my own hands!”
By all means, Aco and Solan were allowed to sneer at the disgusting display. But, if only for a moment, some form of impossible fondness.
“Same.” They whispered together.
All of a sudden, Tariche lifted his head.
“Your friendship means a lot to me.” He said before his head lolled to the side.
And the twins were about to drop the Doctor on his face when they heard the footfalls of boots they had come to memorize. The Commander wasn’t going to happy with the only Doctor on site, who was definitely not Gregor, going out of his mind on bad blue soda.
“I know who that is!” Tariche turned his chin up, almost as furious as the Commander was going to be. “I read the obituaries!”
Each of them slapping a hand over Tariche’s mouth, they thought fast and not hard.
Having heard the Doctor’s shriek, Theano entered his wing to see if a prisoner had escaped. Smartly, he left the trailing Thorn members outside the room to find Solan in the nearest bed with an extremely bloated stomach under his blanket.
“Aw man, I ate so much,” Solan complained, rubbing his writhing belly. “Why, good morning, Commander Theano. The eggs were bad today.”
His belly tried to yell, barely held back by Aco restraining him under the sheets.
“Remove that blanket,” Theano ordered, patience thinner than the starving mage strapped to the other bed. “Now.”
“It smells pretty bad, just saying.” Solan lied, sweating bullets as his Commander’s frown deepened.
“Remove. The Blanket.” Theano wouldn’t repeat himself.
“You know what’s also bad?” Tariche managed to yank Aco’s hand off of his mouth a little late to the right cue. “You at oral exams!”
In the space of a fraction of a second, Theano’s face when through all hues of shock, realization, rage, and steeled stoicism.
“I don’t understand what that means.” Solan admitted, more interested in his Commander’s actions than at Aco’s one armed wrestling match with Tariche happening right next to him.
Theano breathed in, then out.
“You have ten seconds to come back to reality.”
Solan stole a peek under the blanket, betting a face full of blood vomit.
“We need ten hours.”
The Commander had already slammed the door shut.          
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