#clawless one
nine-ton-lives · 4 months
@foreverlustfulfusion replied to your post “((Gonna be real, after looking at the current...”:
Oh yeah 100% valid of ya tbh it's prolly healthy to turn away from most social media right now with everywhere being a shitshow
​((Yeah there's just so much on both ends lately that I just can't balance half of this anymore, which is a massive shame because I really do love everyone I've met here but there's just a limit sometimes for what you can take.))
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"More scared of you" - Space Orcs
"it's always more scared of you than you are of it."
"oh that's a shark- they're apex predators in our oceans. They have rows of razor sharp and replaceable teeth, they prefer to attack from underneath, they can be very territorial and some kill for fun, and they have been around longer than our trees. But don't worry! If you ever see one swimming you can always just give it a light smack on the nose- it's always more scared of you than you are of it!"
"Aye, that there's a Black Widow. 'ey get a bad rep, really, there are more dangerous lil spiders out there, but this one's famous 'cause it can kill a human in a single bite, innit. Venom's a nasty thing, and they've also developed a toxin that can liquify their prey so 'ey can slurp 'em up to get their nutrients. They build these webs to catch and net insects and lie in wait to wrap it up alive like a burrito. Aye, but dunna worry! If ya see one, ye can always wave and stomp around to bother it inta leavin- thing is always more scared of you than you are of it."
"Oh that there? Oh yes, that's called a snake! They're little reptiles with no legs that have belly muscles that move them along so they can hunt! A good bit of them are venomous, meaning they inject venom through fangs and into the bloodstream to kill prey. The fastest snake is the black mamba, which can reach speeds up to 23 miles an pur! Some can also swim, and most venomous ones can incapacitate and even kill humans! But if you see one, stomping and yelling can often scare them off. They're always more scared of you than you are of them!"
Vistrigil stared at the human crew mates, the little hairless, clawless, tentacle-less things, and wondered how in every galaxy and star those animals could be afraid of a human.
"aye, but have I ever told you about the bloody ROOS? MATE, those things have BALLS."
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Could we please have your headcanons of non-human Ace?? Is he a cuddly fox?? Or a coyote?
I would say a fox would suit him pretty well, cute little troublemaker.
Soft fluffy fur that matches his hair and covers his arms and legs but is black from wrists to hands and ankles to feet. There's fur above where his tail is attached and there's a small patch of white fluff on his chest, and his underarms along with a thin but soft happy trail of white fur starting below his belly button.
His dark claws that are semi-retractable. Sort of human hands, the skin is dark to match the dark fur on top of his hand and the patting on his fingertips along with the pad on his palm also matches the color. The padding is kind of soft. Touches your hands and teases you for them being small and clawless, totally not because he wants to hold them.
Foxes hunt by stalking and pouncing on their prey, regular human Ace already likes startling you, especially with the cute noises you make. It’s gonna be way worse with him being an actual predator made for hunting and sneaking. You will hear nothing before he pounces and man will he laugh once he has you. Said laugh is a bit fox-like but not quite.
Foxes actually have small spines on their tongues, you discover that when he decides to give your cheek a lick. No, he’s not being affectionate he just knows you humans think that stuff is gross, and he wanted to mess with you…totally the reason.
Even domesticated foxes have a very strong digging instinct, they will absolutely attempt to dig through floors, carpets, and your yard. He mostly grew out of it but you might catch him digging a hole or two in the Heartslabyul garden or even behind Ramshackle. Sometimes for no reason or other times to hide something from Riddle.
He is such a freaking snack thief.
Despite being a canine species, foxes actually resemble cats more than dogs in many ways. Like his animal counterpart, Ace’s pupils are catlike, vertical slits, which gives him excellent night vision. Many foxes are also excellent climbers, routinely scaling trees and roofs to stalk birds and squirrels. So, you might catch him on your roof or hanging out in a tree and he will likely encourage you to join him up there. Oh, the little human has trouble climbing? Well, he…he guesses he could help you if you give him some snacks later- no wait come back! It’s too bad most of the others here are beastmen or else it would be way easier to cheese it after causing trouble.
Foxes are naturally curious animals. As such, they occasionally check out other animals—even the ones that would, in other circumstances, be their bitter enemies—and make friends with them. For instance, dogs (and, to a lesser extent, cats) tend to have an antagonistic relationship with foxes. This does nothing to stop individual foxes from sometimes approaching and playing with both cats, to the point where the fox and the other animal actually befriend each other. Ace is similar in a lot of ways, though unfortunately as we all know, Ace’s version of making friends involves a lot of teasing. He’s lucky humans aren't a bitey bunch and can be easily won over by floof. He knows this is a weakness of yours and uses that to his advantage, acting like he's allowing you to pet him out of the goodness of his heart and not because it feels freaking amazing. Too bad for him Foxes are a vocal bunch, especially when happy and he sucks at hiding the feel-good fox noises when you find a good spot.
Interestingly enough recent research has found that one of the earliest animal species foxes have befriended may actually be . . . us humans. A 16,500-year-old cemetery in northern Jordan was found to contain a grave with the remains of a human male and his companion fox. Seeing as the grave is roughly 4,000 years older than the earliest known human-dog burial, it would appear that foxes were playing around with humans long before we got around to domesticating dogs. So…it was all most meant to be that you guys become friends…and he's obviously your favorite, right?
Be it with family, a friend, or something more foxes can be especially affectionate. Grooming, playing, and cuddling are the big three ways they show it. Though with grooming he often seems to be the one insisting you do it for him, he's pretty proud of his tail and is smug about it with others that you love his so much.
It…nice how you gently hold his hand while filing claws that got a bit too long. He’s ready to fall asleep, half lying on you as you brush out his fur, humming soothingly as you do it. It's in that relaxed half-awake state when he unconsciously tries to groom you back using his tongue. Will deny everything if you bring it up later. However, once you're officially together things change, and you'll end up with a lot more licks and Ace going after your neck and face along with a lot of nibbles.
Oh, the cuddling. Foxes cuddle not only to keep warm but also as a form of security blanket for each other. Their close physical contact provides comfort and reassurance within their social circles. Best believe anytime either of you has some stressful stuff going on a cuddling sesh is going to happen. He doesn’t even need to ask about sharing a bed since it's just normal for you guys now. Will still say he does it for your benefit, but we all know the truth. The nights he spends with you are the ones where he sleeps best, and he’ll get kind of grumpy if you don’t get to do it often. He’s clingy in his sleep and a living heater. Expect to either be used like a personal body pillow or straight up get laid on. Too bad for you if you get too hot or have to pee. The tail always manages to get wrapped around you. A cuddle pile with him, you, and Deuce is not uncommon.
Playing, there are the usual things he does for fun, along with his pranks but…for some reason chasing and catching you seems to be one of his favorites. Will give you a bite once he has you but is surprisingly gentle with it. That fluffy tail will swing around like nuts and the happiest noises make their way out of him as he rolls around on the ground with you in his arms. Tease him about it and he might give you a harder bite.
The others are sure he's making it his life's goal to have you always smell like him. You've lost track of how many times he's tossed a spare shirt or hoodie your way saying something about how a furless weirdo like you needs to stay warm. Arm over your shoulders, head resting on top of yours, if he's not touching you, he's at least sitting close. Gets grumpy if he smells anyone else on you and will straight up say you stink.
As far as courting goes, a lot of the guys assumed he was already doing it with how he already acts with you. Aside from him bringing you more food and getting into more fights it's mostly the same. Male foxes court the vixens and often fight with other males during breeding season. The female chooses which one receives her favors. The males follow the female until she makes her decision. The guys probably thought you were just taking a really long time to make up your mind or felt too guilty to reject him yet.
Fox Breeding and sex are mentioned below. ⬇️
Interestingly enough male foxes only produce sperm during their mating season. With many animals, the male is triggered into season by the female going into heat, but even after researching it for a whole day, I'm not sure if that also applies to foxes since this seems unique to them. What does this mean for Ace? Will he only be in the mood when his season comes around? Will he still be affected by his partner ovulating?
Or is this possibly something that wouldn't necessarily affect his libido but just means he'll be having dry orgasm until he's in season? I mean, the latter means no mess or need for contraceptives so that doesn't sound too bad, especially with giving oral so maybe we will just go with that.
Like a regular fox, he indeed has a knot. For some reason unlike wolves or dogs where it takes around half an hour for them to get unstuck from knotting, foxes stay together longer, typically for an hour but can go for even longer.
Foxes scream when they mate...a lot...and really loud. I'm not saying that he will actually scream but he can get pretty loud with the moans during sex and will make at least some fox noises.
After mating is usually when foxes get to work on their den. Since Ramshackle is away from everyone else he's likely going to consider your room your guy's den. Expect him to leave a lot of his stuff in there and if your bed isn't that big, he is going to make a pillow and blanket nest for you two on the floor, maybe it will even be like a fort. Perfect for cuddling in, mating, and having babies.
Does not actually want kids but that won't keep him from talking about breeding you during the act....now that I think about it, I think a lot of the twst dudes that don't want kids would do the same thing. "No baby, only breed."
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sagaduwyrm · 2 years
I was looking at cryptid batfamily stuff, and I kind of created my own AU.
So the Justice League meets The Bat. Maybe they find him or maybe he just shows up, but either way there's a primordial mass of Shadow and Nightmare with glowing white eyes in front of them, and whatever it is clearly isn't impressed.
But then. It takes off it's mask. And it's strange, because it's not so much taking off a mask as slipping it's claws into the shadowed skin below it's face and pulling until the darkness slips away like rubber and it's. A human.
Green Arrow recognizes him. Chokes on his spit and whispers "Bruce?" with a face like everything he's ever known is a lie. And the man just looks at him, even less impressed than he was as a shadow monster and it's just.
The suit. It's not a suit but it has to be, it has to be because he's wearing it and yet it moves like skin and breathes like flesh and it's like a monster just opened it's mouth and a person climbed out except the person and the monster are one.
Basically, Batman is the monstrous incarnation of Gotham's Fear and Grief (think this) but Bruce Wayne is just a tired man, and yet they are the same. You look at Bruce from the corner of your eye and you see shadows and fangs. The Batman holds a child with the clawless hands of a kind father. When he is emotional in either form one can hear music: almost like funeral bells and almost like screaming and almost like the sound of a gun falling on the floor, torn from cruel hands before they can hurt.
The other Bats are other aspects of Gotham. Dick is Joy and Defiance, Jason is Sacrifice and Revenge, Cass is Empathy and Unknowableness, Tim is Wonder and Exhausted Determination, Steph is Hope and the Continued Fight, Kate (Batwoman) is Wrath and Mercy, Duke is the Sunrise at the End of the Long Night, Damian is those that are Bleeding but Still Giving.
The Justice League manages to get them all in a room once and it's a terrible, awful choir, Gotham's deepest soul sing-screaming in their ears.
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ccycloneblogging · 2 months
Idk way but seeing catnap chasing dogday is quite funny.
But idk way but I can see player/angle. Just standing there like it a normal day like there not even trap in the factory
I had a lot of fun drawing that little chase, but you are also so right.
In fact, that inspired me to actually write some fanfiction! All below the cut, but sadly no drawings to go along with it (for now).
"Angel!!!" It was a screech, mixed with a pitiful whining and another plee for help.
Only to be promptly followed by heavy footsteps and the sound of furious hissing.
Angel gave a heavy sigh, leaning against one of the upright picnic tables as they simply watched the scene before them.
DogDay, a small cartoon dog with sunny orange fur and a personality to match, was bouncing around. Desperately, he was trying to avoid the large purple paws of the feline chasing him down. Every clawless swipe had missed so far, but the cat's aim was getting better.
"Angel, Please!!!"
Angel sighed again, raising a hand to rub their temples. Two hours. Two hours ago, Angel had first found this little pup handing in a rotting cell. Two hours ago, they freed him and returned his legs. Two hours ago, their life was quiet.
They had begrudgingly allowed DogDay to follow them, concerned the pup would be helpless. They were pleasantly surprised to see he could handle himself, but his looney behavior leaved much to be desired. Simple tasks became jokes, stealth was no longer an option, and Angel was almost positive they could hear a faint laugh track playing every so often.
The worst part?
Ever since they freed the dog, CatNap became unpredictable. Ollie had warned them that this monstrous cat would hide in the shadows and hunt them, but this? This wasn't something any of them had expected.
CatNap gave a rather loud hiss, lunging forward with a powerful pounce. The orange pup was helpless, unable to dart to the side this time, and was tackled to the ground.
The two toppled over, again and again as they came to a stop on the hard paved floor of PlayCare. Once more, CatNap returned to a smaller size like DogDay, though he had him pinned to the ground.
DogDay wheezed, trying to force air back into his lungs. It wasn't easy, as CatNap firmly sat on his chest.
"Apologize." CatNap's voice was distorted, thanks to his voice box being broken long ago. His white eyes narrowed, his tail thrashing.
"You took my legs."
"You lost our game. You knew the risks."
"But you chained me to a wall! And left me there!"
"I came back for you." The cat huffed, his purple ears flat against his head. "It kept you safe from the minis. Or so... I thought it would."
"Angel!" The dog whined, tilting his head up to spot the human a few feet away. Without hesitation, he shot them the most pitiful looking puppy eyes he could manage.
Two hours of this.
Angel would have theorized that CatNap was simply territorial, but frankly? They didn't need to guess. Yes, CatNap wanted to serve the Prototype. Yes, horrible things occurred and he made efforts to stop Angel from cutting off the red gas.
But CatNap made no attempt to hurt them.
He watched them running around, only providing small obstacles to stop them - which only encouraged DogDay's wackier side to show more. Angel was convinced that this cat, though loyal to the prototype, had his heart set towards something more.
"You two are acting like children." They frowned. They shouldn't be scolding their enemy - if they could even call CatNap one. "If you two are going to do this, can you at least play a little quieter?"
"I thought he had died!" CatNap hissed. "You stole him from me! I thought -!"
"...What?" This got DogDay's attention as he snapped his head back to look up at the cat. "Angel freed me, and we were chased around by the minis for a bit. They saved me."
"I... I saw the human." CatNap's frown deepened as he flexed his claws. "I needed to see if they harmed you, so I went to your cage. I found minis, eating and bloodied orange fur scattered around the cell. I found your belts, torn and cut. I thought..."
"Oh, Moonbeam..." DogDay's voice softened, reaching over to the cat to gently pull him in for a hug.
Angel rolled their eyes again.
At least Huggy had been simple. Hungry beast, shove off catwalks. Miss Delight? Hungry creature who went insane? Smash into a wall.
But CatNap? He seemed to love only two things. The prototype, and this odd dog. Even the severed legs hadn't been an issue. They were in the next cell over, casually walking around on their own. DogDay hadn't experienced any pain reattaching them. The belt on his waist and some torn fur were the only signs that he had been ripped in half to begin with.
It didn't make sense to the human, and it certainly wasn't adding up how this cat needed comforting from the same one he had torn and held captive - or even why the dog was providing such tender moments so easily.
CatNap looked furious, still trying to stare daggers at the human. Though... It was impossible to take him seriously as DogDay nuzzled into him. Even more so when a soft purr escaped the cat.
So long as the cat wouldn't try to kill them, and Angel could escape this hellhole, they wouldn't ask any further questions. All they really wanted was to go back home and sleep in their own bed, preferably away from any sort of cartoon.
...Though deep down? Angel had a feeling that dream would be impossible now.
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starwrighter · 10 months
I am not a baby!! (yes you are)
(Ao3) (Masterpost) (Previous) (next)
(Part nine)
He lied. he's not fierce, or dangerous! He's very small, scared, and would like to go home please, thanks!
What the fuck do you mean this guys a juvenile?!!
How big do these motherfuckers get?! Danny didn't want to know. Where there's a baby, a parent is usually nearby. Danny darted further into the tube, crouching with his knees pulled tightly to his chest. All he could do was hope this guy was stupid enough to forget they saw Danny. The PDA told a different story. A brain capable of both high intelligence and sentience doesn't mean they're friendly. Danny knew dozens, if not hundreds of sentient beings that were pricks. His entire school was full of them.
This could be a local checking in with the new neighbors, or it could be a pissed-off local ready to murder whoever invaded their space. The PDA said this guy's habitat is in deeper waters. How did he already manage to piss off the locals into pulling up to his house?! Did the peepers snitch? He'd been chasing them around an awful lot, but they'd been chasing him too! Ramming into him with their stupid sparkles that stuck to his skin. If he'd known they'd call in backup he'd have left them alone!
...No he wouldn't have.
"Go Away!" He shouted. The thought was nice but Danny was gonna have to raincheck on the welcoming party.
Tapping away at his PDA, Danny rushed to the window tapping tom was chilling at, fabricating a rod and curtains.
There! That should do it. Problem solved!
"Damian, what happened?" Dick called out.
Damian could only stare blankly at the now blocked-off tube. The baby's silhouette visible through the barrier.
"He's hiding," He hummed. "I'm going to check the other side,"
Danny walked away from the curtain, turning focus to sorting his storage. It mainly consisted of sorting rocks into different lockers. Any fabric material was used on the curtain. Keeping tabs on his materials was easy with the PDA, but it also made him realize he had no food or water. Dying of dehydration or starvation didn't sound like a good time.
He turned to the other window. As expected, his not-so-little visitor had his face pressed up against the glass. Claws rapping against the glass, Danny became concerned for the integrity of the seabase. Starting over wouldn't be that hard, but he didn't want to be forced to rebuild because a sea monster got tap happy.
That's it! Welcome party or not, he had to establish dominance!
"Damian, please, you're obviously scaring them," Father started, concern erupting through every string of the bond.
"You know how fragile they can be," It's true, all the hatchlings were pathetically fragile. There's no reason it wouldn't be the same for this one.
"Mine!" Damian didn't even get a chance to respond before teeth attempted to sink into his arm.
The baby, now out of the tube, was trying to bite him. His teeth too tiny to break through scales, though he still tried regardless. Upon discovering biting wouldn't work on him the hatchling began circling him.
"go way!" The baby charged at him, slapping him with his soft, clawless hands. Anything Damian said fell on deaf ears the baby either too young to receive telepathic messages or too young to understand them.
"I don't think he's scared. He's trying to attack me," Considering how many died from being unaware of their environments, a territorial hatchling was good for them. Except this hatchling greatly overestimated who he could take in a fight.
Deciding to humor the little guy, Damian dragged himself away from the baby's nest.
"I Win" The hatchling circled the area before it quickly forgot the fight and started chasing Peepers. Catching the fish with his teeth, the hatchling picked up salt rocks and cut up bits of coral tubes. The behavior was confusing, but the hatching seemed happy with himself, so Damian felt no need to interfere.
"I'm coming over there," Dick announced.
"I recommend against that," Not only were the shallows way too small to fit both of them in this form, but surely seeing two of them would freak the child out further. Dick's scales were like armor-plating. The baby would surely hurt himself trying to bite him,"
"But I wanna see the guppy," Dick whined.
Damian rolled his eyes as he continued observing from afar. The hatchling didn't eat the fish he caught, stuffing it away into the pouch on his back until it was full of fish and rocks before swimming back to his nest. Maybe he was like father? Hoarding an abundance of materials just for the fun of it.
Complex buildings like that must take a lot of materials to build and maintain. Not as complex in design as the precursor buildings, these creations wilted within a matter of years without constant maintenance. The buildings were intended for someone who knew how to take care of them, just like the rest of their tools.
He himself once wielded a deadly weapon left behind. Sharp as a sea dragon's claws, glowing a bright red that charred the flesh it sank into. Only useable in his second form, Damian had fallen in love with weaponry. The now dull, rusted blade lay somewhere in his nest. Hopefully, the baby could spare a knife or two. The ones he'd managed to make just weren't as smooth or sharp.
Hopefully, he could convince the child to bite Drake instead of him.
@ashoutinthedarkness @avelnfear @meira-3919 @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @hugsandchaos @blep-23 @zeldomnyo @bytheoldwillowtree @justwannabecat @shepherdsheart @starlightcat04 @stargazing-bookwyrm @pupstim @dragongoblet
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TW: Ableism
I honestly dislike that one ABLEIST quote that Smolder said within Book 5, The Brightest Night.
And if you don’t know what quote I’m talking about, I completely understand why, since it’s possibly and/or maybe quite a minor quote that occurred within the series.
Within Chapter 10 of The Brightest Night, Sunny and Smolder walk next to and see a taxidermy Toothless and Clawless MudWing.
And when Sunny asked what happened to him, Smolder reply to her is…this:
““The seller said his egg was animus touched.” Smolder said. “Or rather, animus cursed. Some kind of vengeance thing maybe.
❗️Who would want a dragonet without claws or teeth? How could he live? He was destined to end up here eventually.”” ❗️-Page 106, TBN.
Like, I get that Smolder possibly has this mindset towards disabled dragons like this MudWing due to the fact that the majority of the dragon tribes probably and/or possibly became a war-based society by fighting within the SandWing Succession War-
But the fact that Smolder stated that a disabled dragon is literally DESTINED to literally DIE and become a TAXIDERMY dragon within Burn’s Weirdling Tower because of the fact that Smolder can NOT image or believe that ANYONE would ever want or love them and that they wouldn’t EVER be able to live a happy life solely because of the fact that they’re disabled, honestly feels quite ICKY and even ABLEIST point of view to have.
And what really upsets me about this is that quote is NOT corrected and/or shown to be a INACCURATE and/or INCORRECT thing to state within the writing.
It’s instead is used as a plot point within Sunny’s character Arc, making Sunny think that she could be “useless” and be destined to become a taxidermy dragon too, and wonder if her being animus touched is the reason why she looks so “weird”.
But it’s written in a way that the character(s) and/or even the writing itself do NOT ADRESS IT as a BAD, or even NEGATIVE thing to state about that - and ANY - dragon with a severe disability.
So the fact that Smolder said a literal ableist quote, that wasn’t addressed by a character and/or the writing as a bad or negative statement, honestly quite irritates me.
Please note though that while I am neurodivergent, I’m NOT physically disabled, so if there’s anyone who reads this who is physically disabled, feel free to inform people by adding your input about this confession and whether or not it’s flawed, bad, or incorrect in any way.
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starlightandmagic · 16 days
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Am I Allowed to Cry?
She offers, with her eyes and her careful movements, and he takes the hints with little to no hesitation. Kaz takes each of her knives, one by one, with calculated precision, her Saints balanced in his hands with such care like he's holding a precious piece of her soul in the palm of his hands. Inej waits patiently, naming each blade in her head as they leave their comforting place around her body, a chunk of her own armor removed until there's nothing left. She should feel bare without them, like a clawless cat, a lynx without her fangs.
But she's not a lynx, nor does she float away like a ghost, not in here, not with Kaz. Inej's body doesn't crave protection half as much as she craves him.
Read on Ao3
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sdmsims · 4 months
one of your latest posts uses paws for your sims, WCIF them? Please and thank you c:
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(pics for context, im too cheap for a fancy wcif banner)
they're a personal mesh edit of berni's furry mod addon paws (do note the original mod listing is on a very nsfw website)! since those ones work with shorts/skirts , but were too 'chunky' for my tastes
ive tossed em up on SFS , along with some legfur sleeves on SFS! you know the deal its free no ads hashtag yolo
both are in tattoos - paws come with clawless and clawed variants, legsleeves come in bouncy color palette
also they were made on the fem frame only, but are still enabled for masc frame sims! i haven't personally noticed because i don't stare at my sims feet that closely but there's... probably like, a very minor seam on masc frames, if that'd make you explode
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Yautja Male x reader
(Rewatching all the movies in preparation for Prey! I will happily take any yautja requests.)
The yautja watched in reined awe as their human stepped onto the home world with confidence. The ship’s hatch hissed, air misting as the temperature controlled air mixed with the humid jungle. Y/n had always had the heart of a warrior, he’d known that the moment he first met them and they’d faced him with clenched fists and a snarl. He’d first assumed they weren’t a threat, and then that tiny human ‘kicked his ass’. They apparently utilized the teachings of Kevin McCallister, surely a warrior of their home planet. They set traps and laid in wait, but also had the bravery to stand and fight when traps failed.
Now, a year passed and finally home again, they faced the unfamiliar world with the same courage.
Y/n, with their silly need for coverage and strange earth customs. Y/n, who taught themselves the yautja language of silent hand and some of their verbal communications and met every world they found with the same wonder in their eyes.
Y/n, who he vowed to stand by until his last breath.
‘Stay by me.’ It wasn’t an order, y/n was not a creature to take order, but a plea. His little human was a capable beast, but they were outnumbered and unknown. The human kind was a mystery to their people, a seemingly weak and underdeveloped planet, but full of capable warriors. Several yautja had fallen to their kind, they were not to be underestimated. He was late for his return on his quest for valor, he’d put this off for long enough. Any longer and they’d presume him dead.
Y/n fell back, squaring their shoulders and affixing their skull mask over their deceptively gentle face. The grey ridges of bone and sharp incisors making them look far from weak. Human faces were strange, but theirs was beautiful, with soft skin and nearly imperceptible dappling. They seemed so squishy, but their hands never faultered-
Well, only once, when they’d reached the end of their battle. They had looked at him, eyes filled with fire and determination and a weariness from a tiring fight. They had bled, a bright colour opposite of his own, and their fingers were slick with their mixed blood as they had removed his mask.
Those slim clawless fingers, for the first time in that long fight, fumbled.
It wasn’t fear in their eyes, they’d only seen that briefly before it had been covered by confidence, but wonder.
A wonder now directed at alien worlds and strange creatures, focused completely on him.
And, with muscles shaking from over exertion and wounds that continued to steadily bleed onto both of them, they showed their teeth and spoke in their soft language.
‘Truce?’ He didn’t know what the word meant, but he repeated it back to them in their voice. They just made a musical little human noise, dropped their spear, and collapsed on the ground beside him.
Later, once they’d come to an understanding, they’d told him that they saw something in his eyes, something that made them see the yautja as an equal. His human didn’t want to kill intelligent life for sport, but that weakness wasn’t much of one. He’d seen the human fight, but they were a trapper at heart. Some yautja would call them cowardly, but he knew their actions came from strength and intelligence.
The tiny human surveyed the city, looked beyond at the towering jungle surrounding them. Even a hunter skilled as they would die in that jungle.
It amazed him how different they were. His human was different in every physical way, but mentally sharp and equal. They had copied his dreads with their hair, short tight coils that lacked any of the nerves or sensitivity his had. He had dressed them in bands and trinkets, a message of status through placement and precious metals.
His human whistled, loud and sharp, disturbing his contemplation. Their hound came barreling from the ship before the doors could close. It was a dumb creature, not the trained weapon most yautja hounds were, instead happy to laze about and cling to the human. It was fiercely protective however, even against him if he and y/n argued.
It took its place at their side, boxing them in. Y/n huffed a laugh, eyes rolling behind their mask in that human expression of exasperation they were so fond of.
“I’ll be fine.” He’d learned their language too, if only to understand their impassioned rants that always devolved into ‘English’.
He paused in his stride, something was off.
He found himself kneeling, tilting up their mask.
For the first time since that night, after countless fights and adventures, he saw doubt in their eyes. His human did not doubt, they were a warrior.
‘What weighs on you?’ He asked them through the guttural growls and clicks of his spoken tongue. He loved watching their eyes as they translated in their brilliant little mind, rarely relying on the translator he’d built into their mask.
Y/n flashed their teeth, something he’d learned wasn’t always a threat like most predatory creatures. A growl rattled in their throat, uncertainty.
‘These years’ They sighed, hands fumbling before they hid them away in the folds of their coverage. “These years have been the best of my life, and I’ve become stronger than ever. Worthy, a warrior. Still, I’m not a yautja, and I don’t want to hurt your reputation by being all…humany.” The English was confusing sometimes, and his translations were sometimes off, but he understood their meaning.
He gripped their shoulders with measured force, leaning to press their foreheads together. They brought up a hand to trace his jaw, blunted claws scraping his skin gently.
“You…were a warrior the day I found you. Any creature capable of defeating yautja in fair combat is worthy of respect, no matter species. Stand tall, show them fire you showed me.” He had first copied their language blindly, but with patience they had eventually taught him the individual words and their meanings in his language.
His human made their musical sound, a laugh, he’d come to learn, and gave him a smile. Their shoulders loosened under his hands, and the doubt was replaced with a look of admiration they called ‘love’. Yautja didn’t love, if their translation was correct, but he found that they could.
‘It isn’t just admiration.’ They had said with their soft little voice. ‘It’s deeper than that, it’s this deep care and need to protect and comfort. It’s hard to describe.’
It had taken him a while, but he knew that he loved this human, and he knew that they knew it too.
When he had decided to court them, a laughable ‘comedy of errors’ as they called it, he was already starting to fall for them. When he had finally made his wishes clear, had taken that strong willed warrior as his mate, he understood love in a way he knew he’d never be able to put into words.
His mate, one he vowed to spend his life with. Something common on their world, less so on his, but not unheard of. They may never bear his children, but he would never leave their side.
His mate pressed a kiss to his teeth, a human mating custom he’d grown to enjoy.
“We’ll then.” They pushed him back with a playful snarl. ‘Let’s give ‘em hell.’ It definitely translated better in their language, but he just gave his version of a chuckle.
Y/n would be fine. They were a warrior of their people, a proxy of their people, and they would prove their worth.
Not every yautja would respect them, but y/n was capable, even more capable than the first time they had nearly killed a yautja. He had taught them customs and social cues best he could, and he trusted in their uncanny way of reading his emotions to work on other yautja.
By the end of the cycle, yautja prime would know of the feirce human warrior.
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as-per-jury · 2 years
Humans in Space: A Dangerous New Drug (1?)
Humans enjoy and even find comfort in consuming both natural and artificial drugs. Some humans don’t partake in it and will even go so far as looking down on those who “use”. A number of humans who use do so for cultural reasons. Others, for recreation. Still, others use these substances for competitive improvement. Aliens, like humans, have substances that are used spiritually, but are also abused. Their drugs cannot quite match one drug exclusive to Terra - Terrans are used to it and still do anything for it. Imagine what others might do for an exotic toxin.
I had been placed in a difficult situation I would not escape without a casualty - likely my own. The events leading up to this moment happened so fast I could not bring myself to recount them in detail lest I was seized with more panic than what I had been trying to keep under control. My crewmate, Human-Anthony, had been physically restrained by our other crewmates, Wrole-Ou!pren and Crast-322, while I had been forced at a blade’s end to sit and observe silently. Human-Anthony thrashed and spat Human obscenities, kicking his legs and turning his head beyond its comfortable limit to try to bite the two engineers that circled him.
“I will fucking kill you, you bloody rat-faced doll fucker.” I would have been amused had this been said in a calmer scenario.
“Good. Good. You’re almost ready,” said Crast-322, hollowly. It was a perfect example of a Crast - save for its corruptibility. For my part, I did find it odd that a largely inorganic but sentient species came to be functioning members of the Herean Galactic Union and was not shocked to learn that, if there had to be one aboard, Crast-322 was a traitor.
“Bite and swallow your tongue, you clawless single-jointed fool.” Wrole were known to be compatible with Humans and I was more than surprised at Wrole-Ou!pren’s immediate hostility. The entire scene was designed by her, I soon gathered. 
“Keep fighting, pet. See what good it does,” she added. Human-Anthony paused his struggling for a moment - likely as suspicious of the encouragement as I was unsure of its genuinity.
“Gladly.” His binds suddenly released him with a snap and pop. I had learned his “pocket-knife” was a prized possession of his sometime ago and that, as such, it never left his person. It struck me that Humans cannot contort how he must have to have released himself. [After the ordeal, I was told Humans can dislocate joints at will with little effort though it causes them a great deal of pain. I saw no expression of discomfort on his face during the time I assumed he was cutting away at what they used to tie him.]
Crast-322: “Perfect.”
Human-Anthony: “You looking for a fight too? Cuz I’ll be more than happy to knock you straight back to dial-up.”
No response. He didn’t wait for one before delivering an attack named for a Terran natural disaster across Wrole-Ou!pren’s face. Unexpectedly, she offered no counter-attack which visibly frustrated Human-Anthony. She only grinned - her kind emotes similarly to Humans and so there was no misunderstanding on Human-Anthony’s part that she was only amused by his aggression.
“Do you not believe in a fair fight?” He huffed. I did not care for that query. Neither Crast-322 nor Wrole-Ou!pren believed in a fair fight. They had ambushed and bound him in his sleep.
“Obviously.” Her bottom set of arms wrapped around his mid-section. His right arm was held to his by her top right arm and his left was held out to Crast-322. Crast-322 held a manual injector - due to its primitive nature, it could function as an extractor as well, which I assumed was Crast-322′s intention as the device was empty. It approached the two, the smaller gritted his teeth.
“I believe in a fair fight. This was never going to be one. She and I are superior to you - together and individually. You... You are nothing but a “cash crop” to be harvested. You would have no value if your blood was not so unique.”
“Don’t you fucking dare.”
“It is too late.” In the distraction of Crast-322′s underwhelmingly brief monologue, Human-Anthony had not noticed his skin had been pierced by the extractor. He threw his head back to hit Wrole-Ou!pren’s jaw. It landed but she held fast, constricting around his body, her arms flexed and tensed. She exhibited desperation from how tight she squeezed, as if it would force his vein to empty faster. But what were they doing?
“Why are you doing this?” I finally asked, not bound to my seat but fearful to stand up, being from a prey-people.
“I have always hated how dull you are,” Crast-322 said. I was further shocked. Crasts were known to be cold and humourless - they were an android-people. 
“You are too obedient, too boring. Too resistant to temptation.”
“So, you’re the perfect first customer,” Wrole-Ou!pren chimed in.
“Of what?”
“This new drug.” Crast-322 shook the syringe of Human blood at me - I did not like that. Human-Anthony hissed at them.
“You don’t know what that’s gonna do to ya. It’s not made for your bodies!” He swatted at Crast-322′s hand from the grip of Wrole-Ou!pren.
“Oh you don’t know that.” Crast-322 stood over me and widened its eyeless sockets - a sign of hostility I gathered from the wave of discomfort and fear I felt on seeing it. I bowed my head and stuck my arm out wordlessly.
“Good job, pet.” The tip of the injector slipped under one of my scales and pushed into my flesh. The blood disappeared from the tube and became empty once again. I could feel it disperse into my veins, hot blood hurt in my cold blood - the difference was almost immediate. It felt I was boiling on the inside and I wished to remove my scales and mane. They all watched my agony, Human-Anthony wearing an expression angrier than pity but just as apologetic. My hearts were beating out of sync and the hair of my mane stood. My wings flapped clumsily, hitting the chair I felt stuck to. 
“What’s happening to them?!” Human-Anthony demanded.
“How are you feeling, prey?” I felt horrible. I felt hot. I felt... no pain. My fear of Crast-322 was at the lowest it had ever been.
“I feel... I don’t know. I’m burning but it doesn’t hurt.”
“It’s pleasant, isn’t it?”
“What did you do to them?!”
“Anthony, your adrenaline is the only good thing about you. My kind will reach the next step in our evolution and you... you will finally be retired to obsoletion.”
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nine-ton-lives · 4 months
((Ok but was there like a sudden explosion in Catra muses or something? Just seems like I'm seeing a LOAD of them lately lmao))
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runaway-dreamers · 10 months
[Part 1, 2, 3]
At the end of all I knew I find the beginning of you and I.
The Everyday Life of Wally Darling
Word count: 1,302
Papers covered in colorful ink lay in messy piles. A single lamp  light shined down on a notebook, and beside that  lay a crumpled figure curled up within a bundle of blankets. Among the steadily growing collection of notes and drawings hid the unspoken. It lingered between  spaces  floating at the top of white backdrop. It stopped your pen once or  twice. It roared high like a distant wave, but fizzled to a crawling lull of  rolling water failing to reach your feet before the ocean sucked it back in. 
It spoke when you waited for a response to flutter from within the ceramic pumpkin where reality split in two. The nested swirl of blue and black plunged the room into a damp chill. All was silent beyond the creaking floorboards as you adjusted your sore body. Your crying ceased, replaced with labored breath, your tears dried on your face. Hair stuck to your pallid skin. It itched along where the strands clung, but you were far too tired to care. 
Letters fluttered in descending on your figure. You choose to forgo the envelopes as it would slow your response. You printed your thoughts with careful lettering for fear of misunderstanding. Should the tenuous line of communication shudder and fall apart, you hoped your words would ring clear in his mind. Your rampant need for connection was tempered by the loss crushing you to the ground where you lay. 
His red crayon had worn down to a nub, his shared worry shaped his words. Each question was meant to impart something new, something sacred to be kept. There in his stretched thin j's did you find his fear guided strokes. There in your incomplete o's did he find the pains of your impatience. The conversation was one about walking. The discussion lingering on lengths traveled, on sights seen, on passing glimpses of ghostly shapes. 
From above came the darkness raking cold hands down your back. It pawed with clawless fingers in repeated succession. Each passing coaxing an ache that spread tremors all throughout. You sucked in a sharp breath as your writing hand dulled with a spreading tingle. It lay flat on the cool floor rushing its pass. And just before it becomes a memory the pen is taken up and your o's grow incomplete. 
Julie had given you a pressed flower, it lay melted between the folded wax sheet. Sally sent a speckle of stardust that dulled to golden glitter. From Howdy came a caramel apple, but from within worms squirmed in the flesh of sagging fruit. Eddie's colorful craft of construction paper rings had crumpled apart and faded to dull grays. Poppy's muffins had crumbled around the portal coming to you already dust. Frank had left Wally with the vortex swirling within the guts of pumpkins. Letters from moments ago were already running with ink pooling together in a congealed mass of putrid nothingness. Words soaked the pages erasing all that had been contained, eating them all without a moment's break. 
Still each word was crafted with care. Each line is dotted with varied punctuation enunciating poorly remembered jokes. Each smile, every question, and all the answers took shape as intended, as needed. Your arm has cramped again. Sweat ran down the back of your neck drying to your skin and shirt. With a panging ache you dragged yourself up onto your arms. Your knees wobbled beneath you, and soon you sat upright. With great difficulty you held yourself up as the ache thrummed from head to toe. Each breath rattled in your lungs, but it was easier to draw in without the pressure of you and the floor. A note dropped in from the void.
My letters from you have rotted. My memories of you have flown away. From within, my mind has no doubt, the pieces of you have molded through. 
Where you once stood has become a vacant space. Snatched from me, your fading voice lingers beneath hollow winds. A wordless voice, devoid of thought or refrain, becomes the whole of what stays. 
Where I am, you will be. Where you are, I will stay. An endless conversation, an endless changing of hands.
And if an end draws near? 
Never spare me from harsh realities. Let me know the course of change. 
The pumpkin rots. 
And the silence began. The letters slowed. The topic ceased. You sat alone with puffy eyes watching the swirl of a fading rip between you and him. You measured the passing time against thudding heartbeats. Your eyes pulled away to the notebook resting among the piles. Pages had been torn away and reused in a bid to talk longer. With careful hands the book was lifted and came to rest on your lap. You flipped through the remaining curdled pages. 
Eyes peered back at you, vibrant and unseeing. The lines had taken on a watery look, but they had not muddled together. Your fingers pressed against the beading of liquid. It stuck to your fingers coating the crevices of your skin. It dried flakey and pigmented. It bled like a cut, you marveled. The book remained unchanged save for the slowly smearing lines. This book traveled with you from one place to the next, it had seen everything. 
Your eyes looked briefly at the soggy mass forming in the corner of your light. The floorboards swelled with rot. And here in your hands something had outlasted the younger papers. You inched closer to the portal, closer than you had gone before. A breeze parted through your hair. Your skin paled against it. Something tugged at the notebook. You inched closer and the tug became a strong pull. Yanked from your hand it leapt to the portal. Sticky tendrils latched onto it, drinking it into nothingness. You sat stunned by the vigor the spinning vortex showed. A bright light engulfed your room blinding you. Something dropped onto your lap. With blurry eyes you pawed at the paper. 
What was that?
What did you do?
Are you alright?
It devoured our notebook. It devoured it and sprung back to life! 
Our notebook fed it? What else can we feed it? 
I'm not sure, that was all I had except, except the earring. 
The ceramic pumpkin cracked down its side. The portal spun into a tight circle shaking against the sides of it. The sound of ripping ceramic filled the room before it shattered to pieces. Each jagged edge was caught in the pull of the growing portal. Your blanket had fallen from your frame as the burst of air filled your apartment. You stared at the massive hole forming before you. It glowed like vibrant jellyfish dancing down into the bottomless dark. 
"Amazing.." You whispered. The soggy pages squelched as the tendrils stabbed into them. They were absorbed by the mass. You stood on shaking legs as voices floated on the breeze. 
"Wh-What even is this!?" 
"Oh, my goodness! Look at how pretty it is!" 
"A vortex? Here of all places? Quite an old one, too. How perplexing…" 
"I-I heard screams and I- OH MY FEATHERS!" 
"Was that Y/N's mailbox?" 
"Y/N's mailbox?" 
"Y/N! Can you hear me?" 
You ran tossing yourself against the solid glass-like cover to the vortex. Your earring was lifted and gently tugged from the clip on your lobe, "I'm here! I'm here! Please, hear me!" 
"I want to come back Home!" 
You landed somewhere dark. The expansive sky above filled your vision. Stars shined brightly all throughout. The smell of pumpkins wafted in the gentle breeze that rocked bare branches. Around you came groans. Blue hair, undone and slightly dirty, tickled your nose. 
A familiar face leaned in close, "Welcome Home." 
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PLS, I need more non-human twst au (maybe with male or gn yuu? If I ask kindly, with a cherry on top 🥺🥺🥺) + (you au gave me some ideas, great au, yummy, delicious ate it all up)
Seeing this pleases me greatly, I wasn't expecting to actually get asks from people.
Hmm, should I keep using non-human, or would demi-human be better for this? Just Beasts? 🤔
Anyway, I’m not sure what you want specifically aside from the “male or gn yuu” bit but what's currently been in my head with this...
Nonhumans are in general stronger and have better senses than humans. Faster, stronger, sense of smell, night vision. When your friends are around you might get a startle at night or when the light goes out because of glowing eyes. They are also typically bigger except for the ones related to prey animals. What's small to them could be considered average for us.
Peets, hooves, and talons are common. Some wear special shoes, have you ever seen the hoof boots they have for horses? Imagine that but in an NRC design. 
Hormonal schoolboys already get into plenty of fights but adding beasty guys to the mix? You will likely see many scuffles. Particularly over things like snacks, hang-out spots, dominance, and crushes.
Humans are the minority in Twisted Wonderland. The beasties were always better suited for surviving and the humans that remained could get by because of magic. So, you not only being a human but one without magic makes you rare…and vulnerable.
Your scent is different from the other humans here and the guys aren't sure why. Cuz you're from another world? Or lack of magic? Maybe it's just a you thing. Regardless sniffing someone isn't considered exactly rude like it is in our world, so you often get some curious noses pointed your way.
Many find your clawless monkey hands and round ears both weird and cute.
You will get scented by your friends often and need a lent roller for all that fur that’s going to get on your uniform.
A lot don’t care much about gender or sex when it comes to a would-be mate, though there are at least some with a preference. For a lot of them, the usual stuff like strength, personality, and skill are what they look at but something particularly important to many is scent. The fact that yours is unique has gotten you more attention. Careful complementing the scent of one of the guys though cuz you're pretty much saying “I think you're breedable.”
Another thing with the whole gender and sex thing, there are a lot of animals out there that can change their sex, have both sex bits, etc. That also applies to the non-human guys that are based on those animals. So, any genderqueer-ness isn't something they’ll bat an eye at.
Many court the animal way so expect gifts of shiny things, food, and clothing covered in your guy's scent, or a piece of themselves like a feather or scale. Might want to make it clear you don't want anything…that they hunted. Stuffed animals are a lot better than dead ones at your doorstep.
You will be groomed, cuddled, licked, nipped, and bitten by the one you accepted as your mate.
That's all I can think of at the moment but if anyone wants to add or share their ideas/thoughts please do. The interaction makes me happy and helps these thoughts grow and become something more.
Like possible fics. 🤫
(Please tell me what kind of creatures you think the boys would be.)
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solrika · 17 days
Submarines and specters, aka I'm still thinking about the sad U-boat. This is me taking wild stabs in the dark at characterization and hoping I hit. Characters belong to @littlewestern and @greatwesternway.
Something about winter drew out the ghosts. Maybe the biting cold reminded them of the sea. Maybe something about the snow tricked the eye.
"You're moping again," Guadalcanal said, form shifting with every swirling flake.
U-505 had heard that one before, but still he filed it away--moping--with the way Guadalcanal's blurry lips had shaped the word. "Too much time to think, these days," he muttered in reply.
Guadalcanal leant on the railing and peered curiously around the yard. "What are you thinking about?"
The yard was empty, all the other engines gathered inside with the few guests who'd braved the snow. By habit, U-505 paused to look for any listeners anyway before he answered, "You would be better suited to this life."
"Talking to people." U-505 nodded back towards the building. "Entertaining the crowds."
Guadalcanal shrugged. "You're not too bad at it."
"You are--how do they say? Damning with faint praise."
"Hey." Knocking one chilly shoulder against his, Guadalcanal said, "At least you're here to do it, right?"
"Now you sound like Pioneer," U-505 informed him grumpily. "At least I'm here." He knocked shoulders back, even though it felt like toeing the border of the crush zone. "At least. At least. It should be you, here, hearing these words, not--"
The crunch of snow underfoot. U-505 pivoted to face the newcomer. He was not given to the theatrics of the little planes, his form inclined towards stillness instead. Still he had to force down a snarl at the interloper.
Just a step outside the door, Spitfire raised his hands, palms politely turned in even though he was currently clawless. "Submarine?"
U-505 raised an annoyed eyebrow, snapped, "What do you want?"
"Pioneer was wondering where you went." Spitfire took a few more cautious steps forwards, peering around the yard.
"I am enjoying the weather," U-505 replied flatly.
"Hm." Spitfire gave the yard another pass. "You should come inside." His eyes were sharp, watchful. Oddly serious. Perhaps this is what he had looked like, during the war.
"I am fine in the cold," U-505 said dismissively.
"But everyone is inside," and there went the seriousness, replaced instead with childish pleading. Spitfire added, "It was my mission to find you for Pioneer! How would it look if I came back empty-handed?"
U-505 resisted the urge to heave a sigh. If he caused Spitfire to fail a "mission", the little plane would mope, causing Stuka to become even more insufferable. There would be no peace until Spitfire forgot. "Very well," he said.
"Oh, excellent!" Spitfire beamed. "Besides, it's not good to stay with ghosts."
Raising an eyebrow, "What do you know of ghosts, little plane?"
"Enough to know they make miserable company." Spitfire nodded to himself, eyes flickering serious again for all of a second before he skipped back towards the museum. "Well, come on, then!"
U-505 followed, leaving Guadalcanal to the cold.
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Abdhdnsjej wait what about-
What if people's first impressions of meeting the fangless, clawless, magicless, aurmourless, squishy human, as opposed to the powerful figures of stories and myth, was like...
Them finding the human cute...
And I don't mean like 'I'd like to date them' cute, but more along the lines of 'SQUEE LOOK AT HOW ADORABLE IT IS!!!' cute.
Hell, you could even go as far as to say that this type of reaction is just... Far less likely to be encountered in NRC due to the guys being more 'hurr durr I don't wanna come across as soft' in some cases (although I can definitely see Kalim not caring as much about that - same with Lilia because grandpa bat don't give no cares)
Although if this was the case then the human could definitely get away with a buncha stuff that no one else could dream of (wanna have extra dessert? Trey's big bro instincts shall cave under human cuteness. Wanna cook but need someone to lend a hand? Some of the food plus the ability to see your victorious grin will have Ruggie up to help you out!)
And RSA would be a bit less like NRC and a bit more open about the 'SQUEE, ADORABLE' reactions. (The one thing that leads to NRC and RSA students bonding; the Human Fan Club)
And of course, Mini!Yuu is much more powerful in this regard! Itty bitty baby human with big ol' eyes that you can just scoop up and carry? (I can even see Cheka meeting the little one and insisting on acting like a big bro because he wants to keep his new human friend safe! The serious look on his face would be adorable lmao)
I hope this was coherent and wasn't weird/repeating something that had already been said xP I hope you have a nice day! Stay hydrated!
- fluff
*pterodactyl screech* Yes yes yes yessssssss!!! I love this so much! Cuteness shall rule the world~! Mwuahahahahaha~!! ÒwÓ
Ahem...sorry about that. Cute and silly things like this make me happy, and you just reminded me of the fact that elephants think we're cute! They experience the same reaction as we humans do when we see puppies and kittens, and it makes me smile~ ÓvÒ
On that note, it is safe to say that very few in Twisted Wonderland would be immune to the cuteness known as Yuu (let alone mini!Yuu). Regardless of their looks, height, weight, or any disability or scaring they may have, these monsters will find Yuu adorable--even if some of the more tsun-tsun of them may not show it so easily! >v< Based on what we know from the game, we see in Ace's dorm uniform vignette that a few of the students in his dorm baby-talk to the animals, so it's no surprise that Heartslabyul will be notorious for giving Yuu lots of affection and attention. Luckily only mini!Yuu gets baby-talked to while getting snuggles and headpats, so at lest normal Yuu doesn't have to worry--though they'll still get nicknames! 😆
Fun fact, but during one of the researcher's observational studies during exam time, stressed or burnt out students who spent time cuddling or receiving scritchies from Yuu had lower blood pressure, less anxiety, and reduced stress than those who didn't. Even the more aggressive students can't help but relax when given scritchies or hugs frm the human--fascinating!
Note: if Yuu happens to be a human who deals with sensory problems or doesn't react well to touch or random hugs, the students will (rather reluctantly and respectfully) resist the desire to hug or pet them and--instead--ask if it's okay first or allow Yuu to initiate. To put it another way, they approach Yuu the same way we would a shy or skittish cat: by respecting their boundaries and allowing Yuu to approach at their own pace. This has led to a mini competition of sorts to see who Yuu would go to for hugs the most, though it becomes a silent agreement that if Yuu falls asleep on them, they're not allowed to move. Much like how we have the pet rule "if an animal chooses to sleep or perch on you, you don't move until they do", this is NRC's "don't disturb the sleeping human" rule.
You are also absolutely right in that Yuu can get away with far more shenanigans and mischief than the others, weaponizing their cuteness to get extra snacks or to get out of a scolding frm the teachers or other dorm leaders. Even Leona can barely resist Yuu's charms! Want a certain treat or miss a specific dish from your home? Trey, Ruggie, Jamil, and surprisingly even Azul have you covered! Lilia practically adopted them, and Jamil has had to stop Kalim from flooding Ramshackle with gifts and the like!
Now as for the Human Fan Club...oh my god, that fan club is going to have a fanbase far and wide across Twisted Wonderland, both from NRC and RSA as well! 😂 It is a belssing and yet a curse as now NRC has to deal with an influx of RSA students wanting to spend time with Yuu and wanting to invite the human to spend some time at their school (which doesn't work given Crowley reminding Ambrose of the fact that Yuu belongs at the school as their responsibility and the agreement set in place).
I'm pretty sure that Cater started the fan club via his Magicam page thanks to all the likes and follows and people asking for more. XD
As for mini!Yuu...
No one can resist the little human's cuteness! Teenie tiny child wants to be high up to reach something? Someone will lift them up and hold them high or let them sit on their shoulders for a little while. Mini!Yuu wants cookies? A well placed pout and puppy eyes will be all it takes for someone to crack. Cheka meeting mini!Yuu for the first time went just about how you'd expect. >3>
Cheka: "Uncle, Uncle, look!"
Leona: "Put them down."
Cheka: *triumphantly holding mini!Yuu's with the biggest smile on his face* "Yuu wants to go visit Mom and Dad! Can we go?"
Mini!Yuu: "Pleaaaase, Uncle Leona?"
Leona: *ears go flat against his skull* "......tch...fine."
Mini!Yuu and Cheka: "Yay~!!!"
Needless to say, Leona wasn't going to win this battle, and I have no doubt his brother and sister-in-law would be smitten by the little tot. UvU
Anyway, that's all I can think of right now off the top of my head! Thank you for the well wishes and the reminder to stay hudrated, Fluff anon! I hope you and everyone else is doing okay too~! :D
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