#chronically ill tag
trans-axolotl · 2 years
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Image description: Simplicity sewing pattern s9492. It shows 5 different add ons to a wheelchair: a seat cover, armrest covers, a bag that attaches to the back of the wheelchair, and a bag that attaches to the side and has a pouch and a cup holder.]
also if any wheelchair users can help me out with stuff for my etsy would also be greatly appreciated! I was looking at making the bag that attached to the back of the wheelchair or the one on the side but I'm curious to know if wheelchair users feel like that design would actually be compatible with custom wheelchairs or any wheelchairs that aren't like, a hospital standard manual wheelchair. like i'm trying to think of this bag would be compatible or useful if you use like, a ti lite wheelchair. if you think it wouldn't work but there's a type of bag that you would love to have that would work for your wheelchair, let me know!
if it is actually something that would work and you r a wheelchair user who would be interested in helping me out, message me! i will make you a free wheelchair bag in any style you like if in exchange you take pictures of it on your wheelchair that i can publish on my etsy.
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canwehavehextonite · 4 months
proud of myself bc i bn smoking way less so itll b js a lil easier when i finally get my meds n stop smoking altogether. if i manage to stop b4 i get my meds tht wld be baller bt i will be gentle w myself bc my body hs been Acting Out
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keplercryptids · 10 months
common myths about migraines (AKA if you get headaches regularly, please seek treatment for migraines)
"i don't have migraines because while i get them several times a week, it's only when i am hungry or dehydrated."
those are probably migraines. thirst, hunger, sleep disturbances, or any disruption to routine are common migraine triggers.
"my headaches are specifically barometric related, i get them when the weather/altitude changes."
those are probably migraines. barometric pressure is a common migraine trigger.
"i get headaches all the time but ibuprofen gets rid of them so they can't be migraines."
that's not true. ibuprofen works great at relieving migraine pain for many people.
"my consistent headaches are tension headaches. i feel them originate in my neck/shoulders."
those are probably migraines. muscle tension is a common migraine trigger.
if you are regularly getting headaches (once a week or more), you are likely getting migraines. in fact, a good rule of thumb if you're consistently getting headaches is to treat them as migraines until you can rule out migraines. that's how common "chronic headache = migraine" actually is.
migraines are a neurological disorder wherein pain is one symptom. pain is often the MAIN symptom, and the most noticeable symptom, which can make diagnosis tricky. other symptoms of migraine include:
digestive issues
visual disturbances (auras)
sensitivity to light and/or sound
mood changes
brain fog/cognitive changes
ringing in the ears
numbness/weakness on one side of the body
this list is NOT complete, but is a starting point. i really like the comparison to a hangover. if you generally feel hungover when you get a headache (without having consumed alcohol), that's a classic migraine presentation.
so many people suffer from migraine and don't even know it, so they aren't able to advocate for themselves to get treatment. there are great new migraine treatments on the market! if you're able, please seek treatment for your migraines. a better quality of life is possible.
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theygender · 2 years
August 11, 2022
I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that 30+ brands of nutrition drinks including but not limited to Ensure, Pediasure, Glucerna, Oatly, and Premier Protein just got recalled for possible contamination with the bacteria that causes botulism, a paralytic toxin with a lethal dose of 1.3 nanograms. If you've purchased one of the affected lot numbers please return it to the store to be properly disposed of as a biohazard but do not accept any compensatory gift cards because that can be counted as a settlement if you need to file a lawsuit for any potential damages caused by this later on. If you have any questions regarding the recall there's a phone number listed in the article above that you can call, but if you believe you may have ingested toxins then please call your local poison control hotline. Stay safe
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thebibliosphere · 21 days
I need this current EDS flareup to end. I just sneezed, braced myself to try and avoid damaging my collarbone/ribs, and subluxated my tailbone instead.
Why am I more noodly than usual? What is happening?!
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politefroggo · 25 days
Me when the illness is making me feel ill and the chronic pain is chronic and painful and the disability is disabling me and the fatigue is making me feel fatigued: 🥲
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syladelphia · 1 year
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it’s fibromyalgia awareness month so I just wanted to say a lil somethin’
ig post here (includes full caption)
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valeria-sage · 8 months
How can chronic pain patients be “addicted to pain meds?” That’s like telling someone with a prosthetic that they’re addicted to their prosthetic. Or a cardio patient that they’re addicted to their pacemaker. Or a diabetic that they’re addicted to insulin. What is the thought process here?
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starry-bi-sky · 16 days
i think i'm hilarious -- aka i made blood blossom danny au memes
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all of these come from my DpxDC prompt "i am pushing the batdad agenda--" and it's corresponding additions in the reblogs ksdjlf.
i am. rotating them in my head. forever and always. personally i think there should be more batdad aus in dpxdc, their dynamic could be neat. :)
#THAT FIRST ONE TOOK ME A HOT MINUTE TO MAKE. i have never been more careful with a trackpad. imgflip doesnt have an undo button#i think its fucking hilarious#its a batdad au#danny fenton is not the ghost king#dpxdc#dpxdc crossover#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc#dc x dp#mmm i need to come up with a name for this au#found family ftw WHOOOO. i could just do a generic 'blood blossom au' tag but i want a specific one because i like being unique#eldest batkid danny au#chronically ill danny au#danny: im grateful he's helping me but im still kinda apprehensive...#battinson: vaults over a car to escape reporters. likes rock music. isn't fucking evil. punched a cop. actively looking for a cure#danny: ...huh. okay.#furiously pushing the batdad agenda for my own gain. just look at them guys. they're funny little guys.#unofficial witness protection to adoption pipeline.#bruce wayne accidental teen acquisition. save a teenager gain a son#its about the adventure of them going from strangers to friends to family :)#im bored of the bruce slander guys in the words of hermes from hadestown:#“[its] about someone who *tries”*#danny saw a funny man in a funny costume eat the side of a dumpster and has never related more with someone on a spiritual level#“brother eugh i feel that. oh heY WAIT HERO BUDDY?? SAME HAT??? SAME HAT?”#danny's been the only hero he's known since he was 13. on god he is leaping at this opportunity. like YES. PLEASE BE ANOTHER HERO#HELP ME GET AWAY FROM CERTIFIED CRAZY MAN. HELP. YOU'RE SCARY AND HIDING IN THE DARK. EVEN BETTER. HELP A BROTHER OUT HERE#blood blossom au#for the time being thats the name
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pyjamacryptid · 6 months
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This flare-up’s taking its sweet time stg
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polymechs · 2 months
"even if the bloodwork comes back normal that doesn't rule it out." oh my god my new doctor? my new doctor guys my new doctor? is it happening?
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keplercryptids · 2 years
here's your regular reminder that if you consistently, regularly get headaches, you are almost certainly having migraines, not regular headaches.
MOST recurrent headaches are migraine headaches.
"migraine" does not mean "extremely painful headache." it is a type and source of pain, not a degree of pain. migraines can also include some or all of the following: fatigue, sensitivity to light and sound, visual auras, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, cognitive impairment, etc. these symptoms can be mild or severe and it may actually be difficult to determine if you have them. (who wants a bright light in their eyes during a headache?? i thought that's just how headaches were lmao.)
this is important because while aspirin, NSAIDs like ibuprofren, and other over-the-counter pain meds can effectively alleviate migraine pain, getting diagnosed with migraines allows for a wider range of treatments and preventatives.
it's also important because, in my opinion, your average general practice doctor is not equipped to diagnose you with chronic migraine. don't go to one expecting them to. a neurologist with migraine specialty is a better option, although a regular doctor can still be useful if they listen to you lol.
my life would be miserable and unmanageable without sumatriptan. and i never would have gotten a prescription for sumatriptan if i hadn't gone to my GP and said, "i have migraines and want to try migraine medicine," even though at the time i wasn't 100% sure that was true.
if you have chronic headaches, they're almost certainly migraines. if no one has said that to you before, let me be the first. start treating your migraines.
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mosswolf · 17 days
couple of people have asked me what my deal is (in much nicer terms of course or i would not be posting this) so. when i was seventeen i had a small cold and then just? never got better? i was fainting, having heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, all vague and unhelpful, and ive always been prone to joint pain but as ive grown up it's got consistently worse and worse, especially my wrists and elbows and shoulders.
doctors were not helpful,
had loads of blood tests, first they said i was very slightly anaemic, so i took iron for a while, they confirmed i was no longer very slightly anaemic. "but im still having all these symptoms???" i said. "man, that's weird. good luck!" they said. one guy was really insistent i had an eating disorder, and i just. don't??? ive had a lot of issues but never that one!!! but how do you prove that you dont have an eating disorder??? another guy looked at me skeptically and said "were you Born Female? 🤔" and i was like. i guess. and he replied "good." GOOD? WHAT DO YOU MEAN, GOOD?? HELLO!!!!
that was three years ago. ive just lived like this ever since,
ive moved house since then and so really need to try my new doctors and see if they're better, especially since im not a teenager anymore they might take me more seriously, but it's such a horrendous ordeal that ive never managed to get up the energy to tackle it. i think i have some kind of pots/dysautonomia situation and strategies that people use to manage those tend to help me at least slightly, but god only knows what the joint situation is all about. im also autistic and adhd and theres a whole host of weird joint things that come with those so??? i wear wrist braces to sleep and take lots of ibuprofen and try to go from there. so yeah. not even i know what my deal is really....
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theofreakingbell · 2 years
'they were medically vulnerable' doesn't mean they were already dead or dying
'they were medically vulnerable' doesn't mean it was inevitable they would get the virus
'they were medically vulnerable' doesn't mean their life didn't matter
'they were medically vulnerable' doesn't mean their death isn't sad
they were medically vulnerable' is not an explanation for how or why they got COVID, because existing disabilities and conditions are not COVID and do not cause COVID
'they were medically vulnerable' doesn't mean that there was nothing that could have been done on others' part to prevent them from getting it
'they were medically vulnerable' doesn't mean they deserved to die or should have died
'they were medically vulnerable' is not there so you can feel relieved you aren't like them while doing nothing to protect people like them
'they were medically vulnerable' didn't make it any less important for people to try to protect them from infection than it is to protect you, your life is not worth more or less than theirs was
'they were medically vulnerable' does not mean they were fucking expendable
(seriously some of you sound downright genocidal about this topic and it makes me want to lie down on the floor and sob)
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
tw: content under a cut for talking about calorie counting (in a positive way), restrictive medical diets, and MCAS 'remission.'
So it's been 5 months since I last saw the GI doctor who took me seriously regarding my mast cell dysfunction, and not only have I gained a LOT of foods back into my diet under his care without experiencing idiopathic anaphylaxis, but I've also managed to eat 2000 calories almost every day for the last 5 months.
Prior to his care, since 2020, I had been mostly surviving on a liquid diet with the odd bit of solid carbs and protein when I could handle it.
Which was better than the 2 things I could digest safely prior to 2019, which were oatmeal and filtered tap water toward the end when I was dying. But even after I recovered from that, any time I went over 700 calories a day in solid food, I'd be writhing in pain.
I still have days when the pain hits, and all I can manage is liquids, but those days are so much less, and thanks to being able to eat more foods, I can at least liquidate more nutrients to make sure I'm getting what I need.
Things will never be 100% healed. That's not the nature of this kind of immune disease. But they're better. I'm better. I'm still so scared to say any of this is in remission because MCAS is wildly unpredictable. But I'm so much better than I was.
And I'm going to go happy-cry and eat a gluten-free cupcake about it.
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emmuffins · 10 months
I don’t WANT to lie around all day. It’s not “relaxing” or “peaceful” or “restorative”; I’m Miserable.
I WANT to be at my job.
I WANT to hang out with my friends.
I WANT to clean the apartment.
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