#ch: n
thrill-seeker-if · 5 months
for my fellow authors... do you guys have any OCs where you realize like you don't have as much canon information about them? For me, it's Oli. I know more about N's WHOLE family than I know about Oli.
I have so many asks where I IMMEDIATELY crank out something for Hannie and N but then I see Oli and I'm like... pause... who is this guy...
Maybe it's cause a huge part of them is built off the MC? Because I honestly feel like especially as a kid, Oli was a person who kind of built their personality off of how the MC acted. Some things they kind of liked regardless, but I find a lot of things about Oli is honestly up to headcanon because chances are if you liked it as a kid, Oli made themselves like it (consciously or unconsciously) and just have those kinds of habits.
I don't know, I'm kinda curious! Is this just me?
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venillopewrites · 1 year
Can we have some fun facts about the characters? Thanks!!
👀 Yes!
The Parasite.
Loves scaring people because humans have the funniest reactions.
It can shrug off a direct hit by a ballistic missile without complaints but god forbid it has to be in contact with water.
It's favorite human brain chemical is noradrenaline. Makes it feel fuzzy and charged up.
A massive green thumb. Their apartment is filled with a myriad of different flora that shouldn't even survive indoors.
Total health nut. It would take a lot for them to willingly put anything unhealthy in their body, but chili nuts and rum are exceptions.
Wears reading glasses even if more high tech options are available.
100% a cat person. Is allergic to cats.
Hates space, which is funny because their job mostly centers around space-specific crime and combat.
Before the high-tech eye implants by the courtesy of IBIS, they had the civilian versions that got hacked and so had to deal with raunchy pop-ups for a week. It was hell.
Very big on the 'organized chaos' method when it comes to their room and apartment. It's a mess.
Spends so much time at ReBar that some people mistake them for the owner when they're just there for the curly fries and best network connections.
A spice fiend. Could probably eat a ghost pepper without flinching. If they share their food with you, don't, unless you want your taste buds to evaporate.
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semisolidmind · 4 months
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ok hear me out—
(sue me but he was one of the only mfs in that damn place who wasn't tryna kill the player and i think we should have been able to save him. so, fix it au where y/n helps the gang escape and they live happily in a secluded house in the woods)
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hanasnx · 5 months
Riding on the back of JASON TODD’s motorcycle gets you incredibly hot. Everything from the way he put your helmet on and gave it a pat-pat to make sure it was nice and snug and safe; how he coached you to lean with him when he made turns; how you sat on a vibrating vehicle with your cheek nuzzling the cold leather of his bike jacket and your arms wrapped securely around his thick torso; and during stop-lights he’d reach behind him to rub your thigh, checking on you, making sure you’re okay. You wore the little black dress he likes, the one that rides up a bit high on your thigh, but he told you he wants people to stare at the hot piece of ass on the back of his bike. Now he’s parked the cycle, got his jacket unzipped and his helmet under his arm, running a hand through the hair he hasn’t cut in too long. All you can think about is giving him the most offensive head of his life. “What are those fuck-me eyes for, baby?”
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vurelly · 11 days
smth smth fandom hierarchy needs to die
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potato-lord-but-not · 5 months
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something something your body my temple etc etc.
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Just one kiss | Lloyd Hansen
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// Pairing //
-> DrugDealer!Lloyd Hansen x Innocent!Virgin!Female!Reader
// Summary //
-> Your best friend — Ransom Drysdale — asks you to buy special pills for him. You don’t know what he means and you didn’t know that the dealer isn’t like Ransom described the man.
// Wordcount //
-> 4.586 Words
// Warnings // Explicit Content
-> 18+, Minors DNI, dark content, Ransom is a dick, innocent!Reader (really innocent!), talking about drugs, manipulation, non/dub-con, Lloyd being Lloyd, blackmail, innocence kink, daddy kink, handjob, oral (male!receiving), cumming on the face, cum play, finger sucking, degrading, praises
// Authors Note //
-> I want to thank @bucks-babe for all those comments and for proofreading.
-> Written for the “Cum Together: A Community Revival Extravaganza” Event hosted by @labella420 and @stargazingfangirl18.
Prompt: Blackmail + Cum play + “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I think you even enjoyed it.”
// Masterlist | Lloyd Hansen Masterlist //
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     “Come one, please! He is so nice and I just ask you for that favor. Best friends do that for their best friends, princess,” Ransom says, pouting slightly when you still look unsure about his ask.
     You play with your fingers, sliding them over the short pink skirt you’re wearing because your best friend asked you to do so. Aren’t you already a good best friend because you always wear what Ransom asks you to wear?
     “Ransom, I—I don’t know. I’ve never bought something from him. And m—my parents always say to not get too close to him — to Lloyd Hansen,” you say, his name only a whisper afraid that someone could hear you.
     “Princess, I wouldn’t ask when it wouldn’t really mean something to me,” he says, his hand finds its place on your bare thigh and you shiver slightly under his soft touch. “I will give you the money, please.”
     “Why don’t you go there yourself?” You ask, looking at him suspiciously. He chuckles, his fingers dig into your soft skin and you hiss softly about his sudden roughness.
     “Lloyd and I, uhm, we had some differences in the past and he told me to piss off,” Ransom confesses, scratching the back of his neck.
     It wasn't a lie, Lloyd doesn’t really like Ransom but the actual reason he wants you to go there is because sweet, innocent girls like you get better offers than Ransom would get.
     “Don’t you love me, princess?” Your best friend asks, his smile fades away and he tilts his head down, avoiding your gaze. He also removes his hand from your thigh, causing your heart to ache. You don’t like to offend your best friend, especially not to make him sad just because of something he asks you to buy.
     “I do love you, Ran,” you mumble, moving closer to capture his cheeks with your hands. You lift his head so he has to look into your eyes and then you kiss his nose, smirking when he does. “I will buy it for you, what do you want me to buy?”
     “Some special pills. Nothing big, just tell him that you want a small bag of special pills, then Lloyd knows what you ask for, princess,” Ransom says, his grin back on his lips. You nod, letting go of his cheeks and crawl into his lap, cuddling into him, while he wraps his arms around your small body and pulls you closer.
     You’re such a good girl for him, he loves how innocent you are — his sweet girl would do everything he asks for when he just plays the right cards. He loves it, his dick loves your innocence not less. It’s growing and throbbing in his pants while you cuddle you cuddle yourself into his tall, muscular body.
     “Ran! You forgot your keys in your pocket!” You complain, rolling your eyes playfully. Ransom laughs, pulling you even closer and leans down to your ear.
     “That’s not my key, princess. That’s my cock,” he mumbles, causing your eyes to widen and shift slightly. No matter where you try to sit you have his cock point into your ass or back.
     Every slight movement on his lap makes Ransom groan and his dick growing even more. “Why isn’t it moving to the side?”
     Fuck! Your innocence makes him go crazy and he just wants to destroy your little pussy, wants to fill you with his cum and make you come and scream over his cock over and over again. Tears would stream down your cheeks but you would beg for more and he would gladly give it to you, fucking you until you’re nothing but a whimpering mess underneath him.
     “Don’t you know what that is? My cock.” He asks, raising his eyebrow when you shake your head ashamed. Ransom smirks even wider, his fingers draw small circles on your back, grinning you over his hard cock. “I will explain it to you at some point but first you go to Lloyd and buy what I asked you to buy.”
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     Ransom brought you to Lloyd’s house, even when it’s more like a mansion. A cold shiver runs along your spine when Ransom lets you step out of the car, hurrying you to finally drive to a park slot on the side.
     “What happened between you and Lloyd actually, why doesn't he want you to buy something?” You ask innocently while you don’t make a move to get out of the car.
     Sweat is running his face down when he looks in all directions. Would Lloyd see him near his mansion he would probably torture him until he begs for forgiveness. “I— uhm. I accidentally shot him in his ass.”
     You giggle, then you get out of the car and wave with a soft smile at Ransom before you make your way along the path to the big building. Your hands start to sweat and you press them against the skirt as an attempt to cover more of your bare legs.
     Lloyd watches you already from the window, his tongue slides over his lips, while he smirks. So innocent. He groans quietly, turning around to make his way to a chair in the middle of the room. He fucking loves to see those girls all sweet standing there and asking him nicely and cute for some special pills — going to parties with them but you? You look so different, so innocent, so untouched.
     His dick is growing when he’s deepening his thoughts about what he could do with you, letting you twirl for him, lifting your skirt. He wants to see you, all of you — you’re so different to all these other girls.
     But his thoughts get interrupted when someone is knocking at the door, when he growls a low ‘yes’ you open the door and look at him. His hair is slicked back, mustache and white pants with a shirt — exactly how everyone describes him. He smirks at you, leaning back in his chair, his legs spread open and his hands resting on his thighs.
     “Come in, little one,” he tells you. His eyes are roaming over your body and you want to make yourself even smaller. With a short movement you close the door behind you and walk further toward him.
     “H—Hi,” you mumble, looking down, your shoes suddenly the most interesting thing you have ever seen. The creaking noise of the chair makes your eyes widen, hearing him walking closer to you, your body tenses and a quiet whimper leaves your lips.
      “What can I do for such a sweet girl like you?” He sounds nice, not like your parents told you. His hand grasps your chin, tilting your head back so you have to look into his eyes, he is grinning down at you, while he leans closer and there are only inches between your faces.
     “I— My best friend — Ransom. H—He wants me to buy some special pills for him,” you explain, body trembling under the intense gaze of the older man. Lloyd smirks, his hands finding their way to your hips and he pulls you flat against his muscular chest.
     “Mhm, Ransom?” He asks, knowing exactly who he is. When you nod, his grin widens and he pulls you with him closer to the chair. You’re too focused not to just turn around and run out of the building so you don’t really realize that Lloyd leads you to the chair where he lets himself fall down and holds you still between his thick, muscular thighs. “Are you his girl, little one?”
     “N—No, he is my best friend,” you mumble, looking at your hands. Even though Lloyds hands are warm and his grip is firm, you still feel uncomfortable there. The building is so big, there aren’t many people you have seen and the owner of that mansion is holding you just inches away from him by your hips.
     “You’re his best friend, know your parents. Strict ones, do they know that their pretty girl is visiting me here? Do your parents know you’re here, little one?” He asks, and you shake your head slowly.
     Your parents would never allow you to visit Lloyd Hansen, he is famous — famous for drugs and illegal things. “Please, don’t tell them. You won’t tell them, right?”
     “Mhm— but you need to give me something for that then, can you do this?” His voice is soft and the smile on his face widens. He pulls you onto his thigh, moving your hips slowly forward and backward before he stops and lifts his one hand to grasp your chin once again. He tilts your head up, looking straight into your eyes and you feel like he can look into your soul.
     “Do you want more money?” You ask, so innocently that his dick is hurting while it presses against the fabric of his white pants.
     “No, can you give me something else?” He asks, fingers digging into your waist while he holds your chin still with his other hand to look into your eyes. His cock twitches when you whimper softly, thinking about something you could offer him.
    “W—What do you want to have?” His grin widens, when it's even possible. He just waited for you to ask that unless you tell him what he wants to hear. But since you’re just as innocent as you look he is glad you asked him what he would like to have so he won’t tell your parents about your little visit in the Hansen mansion.
     “Kiss me,” he mumbles, leaning back while he lets go of your chin and places that hand on your waist as well. Your eyes widen and you whimper, shaking your head.
     “Please, I—I never kissed someone, not even sure how that works. C—Can I just give you more money?” You try but he just ignores your attempts to convince him to give him something else.
     “Little one, I’m rich. I don’t need what you offer me. You have two opportunities. First; you give me what I want. Second; I take what I want,” he explains, grinding you on his thigh. A tingling feeling erupts between your legs and you try to press them together causing Lloyd to chuckle darkly. “I always get what I want, pretty girl. And look how needy you are, clenching your tights like a desperate slut.”
     “I’m not a slut!” You raise your eyebrow until his grip tightens and you immediately blush. You don’t want to upset him, scared of him. Your body still trembles slightly but the pressure between your legs grows especially when he just holds you, instead of grinding you on his thigh to give you some relief.
     “I know, you’re a pretty innocent girl.” He sits up, straight and your lips are suddenly so close that you can feel his warm breath on your skin. Lloyd groans when you move closer against him, your pussy rubbing over his hard cock and your eyes widen.
     “I—Is that also your cock? R—Ransoms was hard too earlier,” you tell him, looking down where you just feel his hard bulge pressing against you. A low chuckle leaves his lips, causing you to look into his eyes again.
     “That’s my cock, when you kiss me already you can see it. Do you want to see it?” You nod slightly, and he feels his cock twitch once again. Your innocence makes him go crazy, you’re on his lap, willing to kiss him so he won’t tell your parents that you are visiting him. And willing so you can see his throbbing cock.
     Even when you would have said no, he already knew the kiss isn’t everything he wants from you. When such a sweet and innocent girl walks into his mansion and makes his cock painfully hard and throbbing he will definitely use that to fuck you or at least have you suck off his cock.
     You lean slightly forward, you don’t know why but something changes inside of you and you feel comfortable around Lloyd and you really want to see his cock since Ransom wasn’t explaining it to you. So you press your lips softly against his, just a moment before you pull back and giggle softly.
         “Your mustache tickles, Mr. Hansen,” you say, reaching out your hand to slide your fingers over his mustache. You're so perfect for him, so innocent but still so confident when you feel comfortable. He is sure he won’t let you go that easy; you’re his now — his little one, Lloyd's pretty girl.
     “Was that a kiss, little one? Give Daddy a real kiss,” he asks, raising his eyebrow when you nod slowly. He laughs, capturing your cheeks with his hands and pulling you closer, his lips pressing on yours with such force that you gasp. You part your lips slightly, and Lloyd uses the moment to slip his tongue into your mouth, causing you to moan.
     You press him by his chest away, his cheeks heating up, and you look down at your lap. “I’m sorry, I—I didn’t want to moan.”
     “Ahh, pretty girl. Let me hear you moan again, yeah?” Before you can answer, he presses his lips against yours once again. His hands slide to your back and lower down until he grabs your ass, squeezing harshly and causing another moan to leave your lips.
     When he lets you pull away, you breathe heavily, your hands resting on his muscular chest while you look into his eyes. They are a little darker than before, filled with an emotion you have seen in Ransom's eyes sometimes — mostly when his hand slid up your leg underneath your skirt until you moved away from your best friend with a questioning look.
    Lloyd's hands are still capturing your cheeks. He smirks at you, his eyes roaming down your body to your chest, biting his lip before his gaze slides lower to your short skirt. “Do your parents know that you look like a little desperate slut with such short skirts?” 
     “N—No, Ransom asked me to wear it for him. Don’t you like it?” Lloyd chuckles, one hand making its way to your skirt, and he slips it underneath the fabric, stroking the soft skin of your thigh. He groans, his fingers moving closer to your panties, but you grasp his arm just before his fingertip is touching your pussy.
     “It looks pretty, little one. Now get up so I can show you my cock. What do you think?” He asks softly before pushing you off his lap. You immediately stand up and wait in front of him while he unbuckles his belt and lets his white pants fall down his thick, muscular thighs.
     In his boxers is a big bulge, and you guess that’s what he meant. What you didn’t think of was that he was going to push the fabric down as well. His weeping cock slaps against his stomach; the tip is red, and a vein is running along the underside of his huge length.
     “You can touch it, pretty girl.” You shake your head, just looking at his length, before you look him in the eyes again. “Do you want me to tell your parents that you’re going out in such a slutty outfit that you were sitting on my lap and kissing me?”
     “P—Please, don't tell them,” you say quietly, a small pout on your lips. Lloyd chuckles, leaning forward to kiss your lips, kissing the pout softly away. Then he places his pants between the two on the ground before he pushes you by your shoulders down until you’re on your knees, looking up at him with your innocent gaze.
     “Take it in your hand. Wrap your little fingers around Daddy's huge cock. Can you do that?” He asks so softly that you nod and lift your arms, placing one on his thick thigh.
      “But you’re not my daddy, Mr. Hansen,” you mumble, looking at him with your innocent and now slightly confused gaze.
     “I’m your daddy now, little one. I take care of you, don’t I?” When you slightly nod he grins wide and points at his hard, leaking cock. You bring your other hand to his cock and wrap your fingers around his hard cock.
     Lloyd groans, throwing his head back when your soft skin touches his cock. He then looks back down at you, waiting for you to move your hand, but you're just sitting there and staring at his cock in your hand. His dick twitches in your hand, more pre-cum leaking down his red tip when he thinks about everything he could do with you — taking your virginity and making you his — Lloyds Hansen’s pretty girl.
    “Move your hand, little one.” You look up; your eyes widen when he gives you more instructions. You thought he would let you go after you kissed him, so why does he want you to move your hand around his cock?
     “But you said only a kiss,” you mumble, your eyes watering — your emotions are overwhelming; you feel so embarrassed, but at the time, you don’t want Lloyd to tell your parents that you’re here. And his cock feels not bad in your hand either. He places his hand around yours, grip tightens while he moves your hand up and down his thick length.
     “Good girl,” Lloyd praises, his hand tightening even more around yours and his cock, while he picks up the pace. He groans, his hips thrusting up when you move your hand at a slow pace up and down his cock. “Doin’ so well, little on. Now let's try something else: open your mouth and take my dick into your mouth.
    “No, Mr. Hansen, please. I’ve never done that before; I—I don’t think I wanna do that,” you say, quietly and not looking up. Your grip around his cock loosens, and you place both of your hands on your thighs.
    “You don’t want to?” He asks, his voice dangerously sweet, and you shiver lightly. When you shake your head, he grasps your hair, tugging harshly at it and making you look at him. “I don't care; you're gonna suck my cock, or I will tell your parents that you begged me to fuck you, want that? Want your parents to know that you’re nothing but a little whore?”
     You don't really listen to him; your thoughts are running wild, and tears are building in your eyes, making their way slowly down your cheeks. Lloyd wipes his thumb over your cheeks to wipe the tears away; they just turn him on even more — he didn't know you could turn him on even more, but you do. His other hand is still tugging painfully at your hair.
    “Then be a good girl and do what Daddy asks for. Now take it in your mouth, or I will make you take it,” he groans, waiting a moment for you to move, but you just sit there, quietly crying and staring at his cock. Lloyd sighs, pushing your head closer to his cock and wrapping his own hand around his base. He brings his cock to your lips, smearing his pre-cum over them before he pushes his tip between your lips.
     “Come on, pretty girl,” he says, raising one of his eyebrows before he taps his hand softly on your cheek until you open your mouth wider and he is able to push his cock into your mouth.
    Lloyd doesn’t give you much time before he shoves his cock down your throat. You immediately gag around his length, your fingers digging into his thick thighs while he holds you in place for a moment. Your eyes water, and you try to pull away, but the older man’s grin is too tight for you to move away.
     “Fuck, pretty mouth feeling so good,” he growls, pulling out of you and giving you a moment to inhale deeply.
     “Please, don’t; it’s so big,” you whimper, trying to push him away from you. But at your next attempt to say something, he shoves his huge length into your mouth and down your throat again. Your teeth scratch along his soft skin, causing him to buck his hips forward.
     He pulls you off his cock, leaning forward until his face is next to yours. Lloyd is biting into your earlobe, causing you to yelp. “Open your mouth wider, like the good slut you are for me.”
     “B—But your cock is so big, Daddy,” you whimper, tears falling down your cheeks. When he pulls you back and smirks at you, causing you to be slightly scared — he looks so soft and at the same time something dark is glistening in his eyes and expression.
     “You will get used to it. Fuck— should keep you just for me; what do you think, little one?” He asks, chuckling when you try to shake your head. You open your mouth wider when he presses the tip of his cock against your lips. Lloyd shoves his cock into your mouth, smirking proudly when your teeth aren’t scratching against his huge dick. You’re once again gagging around his length; the tears are falling down your cheeks, and saliva is dripping down your mouth. “Daddy told you he gets what he wants. And when he wants to keep you, then he will! So be good and suck my dick and breathe through your nose.”
     Your nails dig almost painfully into the skin of his thigh, grounding yourself. When you breathe through your nose like he told you, you don’t gag that much around his cock anymore. He thrusts every now and then his hips, resting his dick in your mouth before he pulls out to give you a moment to breathe deeply.
     You look with such an innocent gaze at Lloyd that he feels like he has to come immediately. Your saliva drips down, landing on your thighs, while his whole cock is covered in it as well. Lloyd growls, fucking your mouth harshly, your tongue licking the underside of his cock, while you swallow his length down your throat — you’re the best and sweetest girl he could have imagined when you walked into his mansion earlier.
      He looks down at you, meeting your innocent eyes. You look adorable with his cock down your throat. “Taking my cock like the good girl you are for me, huh?”
     After a few more thrusts, he pushes out, and you look at him, confused. Maybe you did something wrong? “Did I do something wrong? Didn’t it feel good?”
   Suddenly, you just want to make him feel good; you want him to praise you — calling you his good girl, and give him what he is asking for.
     “You did so well for me, swallowing my cock like a good girl. But I wanna come all over your face — want to paint your face with my cum,” he tells you, smirking when you look even more confused. “Let Daddy take care of it."
     You nod, looking at his length, which is covered in your saliva when he wraps his hand around it. He then moves his hand at a steady pace, his hand wiping over his tip. It looks hot when he does that, panting and fucking his hand, his cock twitching, and he almost hits your face when he thrusts forward.
      His lips are parted, and the veins on his arm are poking out while he looks at you, groaning loudly. “Open your mouth and stick your tongue out!”
      You do as he says and stick out your tongue. He grins at you, jerking himself off over your tongue. With a loud growl and a harsh thrust into his hand, he comes all over your face. His cum shoots out of his red tip, landing on your tongue and all over your face, while he fucks himself through the orgasm.
     “Looking so sexy with my cum all over your pretty face, pretty girl,” he says, letting go of his cock and reaching out to graze his fingers with his cum. He then brings them to your mouth and pushes them between your lips. “Lick them clean.”
     You twirl your tongue around his fingers, cleaning his fingers and tasting his salty cum. You hum satisfied, addicted to his taste.
     “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I think you even enjoyed it,” he says, fingers still in your mouth, pushing your tongue down. He then removes them and grazes them in his cum once again, this time he licks then cleans himself, tongue curling around his digits. His other hand grasps your chin, his thumb pushing into your mouth and you immediately suck at it. “So good for Daddy, huh? I should give you a reward, don’t you think?”
     Your eyes widen and you nod, not exactly knowing what he means, but it doesn’t sound bad. And even though he can be a bit rough sometimes, he is still really nice and sweet with you.
     “Get up, so I can pick you up and we can continue in my bedroom,” he says softly, and you immediately obey. When you stand in front of him, he leans down, pressing his lips softly against yours before he picks you up. His hands rest underneath your ass, squeezing your cheeks while he walks out of the room.
     “B—But Ransom is waiting for me outside in the car,” you mumble, pulling away from Lloyd to look into his beautiful blue eyes. You haven’t recognized the bit of green in them, but it looks beautiful, and you get lost in them for a moment.
     Lloyd smirks. One of his hands lets go of you, but you hold yourself with your legs wrapped around his waist. He looks for his phone, which is placed on a small shelf. He takes it and unlocks it. Lloyd taps a few times on his phone before you hear the familiar sound when you call someone.
     “Princess?” Ransom's voice comes through the loudspeaker. You giggle, placing your head on his shoulder while you wrap your arms around his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.
     “Not exactly, but she is here. She is fine. Calm down. I will take care of my pretty girl, won’t I, little one?” Lloyd says, chuckling, before he squeezes your ass once again. You giggle, making Ransom gasp. “Brought me such a sweet and innocent girl; I guess I will keep her here. Make her my Mrs. Hansen.”
     Before Ransom can say something, Lloyd hangs up and places his phone on the nightstand next to his bed. You haven’t noticed that you’re already in his room, but you smirk when he places you on his bed, kissing your lips before he moves down to your neck. He is sucking and biting softly on your sensitive skin.
     “Now let’s get you out of your clothes and show Daddy your pretty body, all mine. Understand, you’re mine, pretty girl,” he says, looking at you. You pull him closer, pressing your lips against his, and let his tongue explore your mouth while his hands roam over your body, causing a tingling in your pussy. He grins, already thinking about the way he will claim you and make you his — his pretty girl.
     He really likes you, falling slowly for you — your sweetness and innocence steal his heart from him, and he gladly gives it to you. Even though he isn’t used to take care of someone he just fucked but he gladly takes care of his pretty girl.
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// Taglist //
@kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @bookishtheaterlover7 @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf
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oniii-fans · 7 months
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Rororogi Mogera
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cherriette · 10 months
how they're like in bed ! [kuni/wanderer/scara]
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ~ cherry cherry~
featuring . . . . : K♡NIKUZUSHI (kabukimono) + W★NDERER + SC★RAMOUCHE + afab!reader (separately | headcanons)
NOTE ::: SMUT WRITTEN BELOW THE CUT : do not read if you do not like smut, obviously. 💗 this is my first time but i did my best to make it like all the good smut i've read :(
choking, degradation, impact play, begging, hair-pulling, oral (giving and receiving), marking, overstimulation .... etc.
NOT proofread. sorry. 😔
idc who interacts just make sure you're not on my dni list 🙏🏻😒
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ~ cherry cherry~
♡ Starting off with KUNIKUZUSHI who can be gentle; but prefers to go whichever pace you like. He's on the more vocal side (and this I strongly stand by), whimpering out your name regardless of how fast or slow, rough or gentle, etc. he's thrusting into you.
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who whimpers and mewls into your ear; muttering about how good you're making him feel, how nicely you feel around him.
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who just loves how you suck him off, the way your tongue swirls around his hardened, aching cock, or how you look up at him teary-eyed from all the times you've gagged on him. Might just get ahead of himself, and grab your hair to practically mouth-fuck you; whining out your name so loudly, and little 'yeah~'s and 'don't stop~'s. ♡♡♡
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who, honestly, would be on the needier side -- in a way, just a sub? For the most part, really (but, not a bottom, necessarily)..? Yes, he wants you to feel good; but god, he just loves how you make him feel good; wanting more and more because he can't get enough of you 💗
♡ KUNIKUZUSHI who just loves eating you out. Licking your clit, before moving back down to your drenched folds. He just can't have enough of how good you taste --- and your moans on top of that? Relishing each and every one of them.
. . .
♡ Honestly; I imagine he likes any position where he can see your face, and otherwise just likes when you're on top of him. Seeing how your lips part to let out those pretty noises, and how your eyes roll back when he fucks you in all the right places. Getting so lost in pleasure as he ruts into you, holding your waist or hips --- or whatever part of your body he can, really, and his own eyes half-lidded and glazed over with pure lust. Slurred out words from him because he's just so drunk off your little pussy.
Burying his face into your chest (or the crook of your neck depending on the height difference..?) as he stuffs you with his throbbing cock, kissing along your pretty skin already abused and adorned by his hickeys and love bites.
Lasts pretty long, too; but, of course, will stop if you want to stop before he gets tired. He wants to make sure he's helping his dearest love feel good and is enjoying it, after all.💗
♡ Makes sure to do aftercare ; cleaning you up, cleaning up whatever mess you made - and cuddling you with kisses and making sure to get you whatever you need. Telling you how happy you make him, how much he loves you; making sure he wasn't being too much for you and that you're not hurt, etc. <3
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★ Leading up to SCARAMOUCHE who, unsurprisingly, is much more rough and merciless when he fucks you. Cock plunging into your poor abused cunt, still leaking his seed from the previous rounds; and your ass red from all the good, hard slaps he left there while pounding into you. Don't forget the hair-pulling, or how he groans out how good your pussy feels 'round him, how much of a dirty little slut you are for him; or how nicely you're taking is fat cock — bound to cum inside you for the nth time at this rate.
★ SCARAMOUCHE, who just loves when you're a mess for him. Drool trickling down your chin and glossing your pouting lips, eyes glistening with tears as they're half-lidded, your hair a mess (even more so from all the times he's grabbed and pulled it), and your pretty little pussy red from how hard he beat it with his dick ~💗 It almost makes him want to keep going, just ruin you a little more because fuck. <3
★ SCARAMOUCHE who will keep going 'till he absolutely overstimulates and ruins you. All that leaves your lips are incoherent moaning and poor attempts at forming any word from how much he fucked himself into you (and he's still going <3). He's sorry (he's not), he can't help it when you're being so good for him 💗💗
★ SCARAMOUCHE who has you sit on his face when he eats you out. Sometimes a 6-9, or straight-up just has you spread out all for him to have. Lapping at your clit and pussy lips, taking in your taste and all your moans. Holding you by your hips, or hugging your waist; and you can't even crawl away because he'll hold you still until he's finished with you. If he feels like it, he'll let you cum right away rather than edging and teasing you ~ but, realistically speaking, he just loves doing the latter so here's to silently hoping. ♡
★ Full-on dom, let's be honest. And he loves being the one in control; having you beg for him to fuck you senseless already, let you cum, etc. --- degrading and slapping your ass on top of that? If you're into it, he may just also choke you, slap you; maybe do a little bondage depending? Those are just 'if's on my end, though. </3 He looks like it, honestly..?
★ Loves to take his frustration out on you, too. After work, a shitty day ~ maybe something just pissed him off and he just wants to bury his dick into you to relieve it. 💗💗💗 He'll fuck you in any place and position he feels like. Bent over his desk, against the wall, cockwarming him in the middle of a meeting; whatever other wild places come to mind. You'll be leaving covered in bruises all over, hand prints on your ass, and shaking legs - with a potential inability to independently walk.
Oh, and don't ever think for a moment you can try take control; he'll just hold you down and fuck you even harder 'till you get it in that pretty head that your only job is to take all of him until one or both of you really just can't go on any longer. <3
★ And when he's done with you, he'll make sure to clean you up if he's in the mood for it. Maybe he will, maybe he'll just lazily flop beside you and go to sleep [if you're in such a place]. In the case he does do aftercare, it's not too different from Kunikuzushi; just he won't be as all over you as Kuni would.
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★ And finishing off with WANDERER, who I imagine is almost as rough as Scaramouche. Like, of course he'll fuck the shit out of you and degrade you ~ making sure you're sore and overstimulated by the time he's finished with you. He just can't help but get off from your hands desperately grab onto anything you can while he slams his hips into you, relishing all the little noises you let out for him.
★ WANDERER, who just wants to hold you down and bury his cock into you, muttering a balance of praises and degradation into your ear, carelessly ramming into your tired cunt regardless of whether you're currently overstimmed and unable to form a single word.
★ WANDERER who makes sure to leave his mark on you. Your neck, collarbone, thighs, where-ever else. By his teeth or harsh grip on you, he will leave something (multiple, more accurately). All the more to prove that you belong to someone; him.
★ WANDERER whose back is more or less likely filled with scratches from your own nails. He's just being so rough with you and you can't help it 💗 :(
★ WANDERER who prefers to be the one on top and in control, spreading your legs and just putting you in any position he likes. Holding your hips or thighs so tightly that his nails leave little crescent-shapes and bruises by the end of it.
★ He of course wants to make sure you feel good, letting you tell him how you want it — but, unless you really don't want it, nothing still stops him from fucking your brains out while all you can do is just scream out of pleasure. I imagine he likes taking it from behind; holding your wrists together on your back and pumping into you - or maybe burying your face into the pillow/whatever surface?
★ Also kind of likes you being on top of him 😕🙏🏻 Seeing the way you bounce on him just turns him on so much, even more so when he's the one shoving you onto him and forcing those sweet moans out of you.
★ Cuddles you after it, telling you how you did so well, kissing along your neck and holding you close to him.
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 #cherriete
AAAHHH 😖 not too proud of this one but i've been thinking ab (*overly obsessing over) scaramouche and this was the only thing i could manage to write.
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satorusluver · 4 months
Minors DNI
Word count: 280 ish
Tags/warnings: afab reader, blow job, Toji's a lil mean lol
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Toji is a teasing bastard about it whenever you suck his dick. Cause obviously it's HUGE and you can barely fit it in your mouth. Every time you do you're a little afraid your jaw is gonna unhinge from the sheer girth of it, and any time he tries to facefuck you you're already gagging and crying from the most shallow thrusts because half his length already hits your uvula. He just finds it so entertaining to watch you choke on his thick, veiny cock as you give it your all but end up getting a sore and achy jaw after a few minutes.
And it's not your fault he has a monster of a cock that even more experienced women sometimes have trouble not gagging on, but he still can't help but chuckle meanly and call you a "fuckin' baby" while he wipes away the tears slipping from the corners of your pretty eyes with his thumbs just to then grab ahold of your face and give another harder, deeper thrust down your throat to make you spill them all over again.
But as much as he teases you about it, he has to admit he loves the sight of your precious face all stuffed full of him, your lips stretched as wide as they can be around his thick girth, your eyes all watery and mascara smeared from doing your best to please him.
He's also more than willing to return the favor, all too eager to let you straddle his face and grind your swollen clit against his tongue. He savors all of your cute little whines and whimpers as you make yourself cum all over his face until you can't take anymore. ❤️
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lemongogo · 1 year
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trimax sketches
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thrill-seeker-if · 5 months
ROs reaction to a MC who searches for their hand to hold when they're feeling insecure or in general to have someone to rely on?
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I really like this question! I wanna include this kind of option in Thrill Seeker, at some point in the investigation!
Hannie would definitely be surprised the first time. They’re not at all used to physical touch; I think this would be something that would get you a surprised look. To put it in perspective: they’re honestly not even used to holding hands or hugging their siblings. But, they’re also someone that’s quickly able to read people, and understands that this is something that the MC needs, something that makes them feel more at ease. After an awkward pause, they would hold your hand comfortably, if not with a slightly straighter back (practically unnoticeable, their posture is picture perfect.) They’d be less stiff after it happened a couple times.
N would also be a little surprised, but they’d show it way less. Since they have a lot of siblings, they can understand the feeling of literally reaching out to someone when you need reassurance. They would give the MC a smile, and squeeze their hand, no need to say anything. Out of all the ROs, they're the best at comforting people; they'll always be there with a smile, and they always seem to know what to say.
Oli probably knows about this habit already. They’re not someone who’s very comfortable with physical touch, but just holding the MC’s hand can make them feel safe. The first person you would experience a hand-holding scene like this would be with Oli, especially at the funeral. Oli knows the MC very well, so many times, the MC will feel Oli intertwine their fingers first, just to offer that reassurance.
As a kid, especially as a kid who almost immediately had a crush on the cute kid next door, they would have been very surprised the first time a distraught MC would hang out with them alone and hold their hand. They wouldn’t know how to comfort MC at all, and would kind of just be in shock if MC held their hand. But they wouldn’t let go, and they would comfort MC to the best of their ability. As an adult, however, for Oli, holding MC’s hand would be as natural as breathing.
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venillopewrites · 1 year
Hi this project looks really interesting!! I was wondering if you could give some physical descriptions of the characters? Thank you!
Hi! Thank you, I think so too toot toot goes the horn of my very own clown car
Here are some physical descriptions, handpicked from the draft, and a quick summary afterwards. I do so wish to spoil you, you see.
CW: mentions of scars and prosthetics.
‘ From the lineup of white coats, Dr. Hanover stands out. While no taller than the rest, they exude a cold sort of power no lesser scientist would wield with such pride. ’
‘ “So was a sharp jawline on your daddy’s list of genetic must-haves?” ‘
‘ Whoever said brown eyes were warm and comforting clearly never met someone like N. Whatever sympathy you try to find in their scrutinizing gaze through the glass wall brings another wave of unease. ’
‘ They run a hand through their hair (MASC.N ->) and let it rest against the nape of [their] neck where the hair more prominently waves up. (FEM.N ->) and combs it over [their] shoulder where [they] pick at the waved ends absentmindedly. ‘
Summary: 5′8, dark brown hair that’s graying by the temples, and eyes that could be classified as russet brown. Masc. N’s hair reaches the nape of their neck while Fem. N grows it to just between the shoulder blades. Wavy texture. Their skin is a pale beige. Toned body. Masc.N is clean shaven for the first arc, but lets a bit of a 5 o’clock shadow grow for the rest. Fem. N goes to great lengths to hide her dark under-eyes in the first arc, but not so much for the rest.
They always dress professionally, both GoC favoring suits plus the IBIS* lab coat that’s a staple in their wardrobe. In very casual settings they wear mostly turtlenecks, dress shirts, or neutral sweaters. Never sweatpants though.
‘ They look rigid and tense, which only adds to their height over the crowd you push through. The sea of people part when they lunge your way, while you struggle to shove through them. ’
‘ An almost imperceptible light circles the gray of their iris, and you curse the space around you when the light centers in their pupil; They found you. ’
‘ You stare at the ID card, dumbfounded. The face that stares back at you is no less intimidating than the real deal, but what you note first is that, huh, Vale is blonde. ’
‘ (Cont.) ... They look like her, the girl who works at the ReBar. The same gaunt cheeks, the narrow nose and pouty lips. If she got an undercut and a nasty scar cutting through her face, they would be twins. ’
Summary: 6′3, light blonde hair in an undercut, the longest tips touching just past their ear, no matter the GoC. Always keeps it slicked back or in a french braid on the job. Gray eyes with implanted tech that shines white/pale blue. Their skin is bronze brown and weathered. Athletic body with many scars, one jagged ugly one right across the face from the bridge of their nose to right under the right ear. Sunken cheeks, narrow nose, and pouty lips. Entire left forearm and hand replaced by prosthetics**.
Always seen waring tactical gear, black on black, kevlar on kevlar, straps and heavy gear. Civilian clothes are also muted colors, and then they prefer t-shirts and cargo pants, with an occasional leather or bomber jacket.
‘ They trudge from their bedroom lair, eyes still half closed and hair sticking at odd angles. The afternoon sun shines on it just so, painting the light brown nest almost blonde. ’
‘ You stare at your own reflection in those infernal sunglasses. You must be one of the few lucky ones who have ever seen the mismatched brown and blue beyond the reflective lenses. ‘
‘ They flinch from you, the usual tan of their skin bleeding into a deathly pale. [The Parasite] rattles in amusement. ’
‘ The bravado serves to make a point even if the heckler stands a good head taller than Shiloh. compact strength is what they’re banking on, and it works; The heckler sneers down at them before turning on their heel and dashing out the door. ’
Summary: 5′6, light brown hair grown just shy of the shoulders, straight coarse texture, often worn in a loose bun. Left eye brown, right eye blue, but they’re rarely seen as they use reflective  aviator sunglasses everywhere but home. Warm tan skin, damaged by the pollution and dry air. Average body, on the toned side but not quite. Arms completely tattooed with abstract shapes and binary code here and there. Has MMCMLX tattooed above right eyebrow.
Leather is what they prefer in their everyday jackets and boots, jackets preferably with a fur trim. Otherwise they’re a haphazard dresser, preferring tones of muted orange or yellow in shirts, especially when going out. Their mask*** they use when traversing The Pens is solid black with orange neon accents that jump every time they speak. At home, they’re always in sweatpants and hoodies.
Amorphous blob of oobleck by day, whatever it wants to be by night.
Summary: That’s it. It can be anything it desires, as long as it can prod the hosts brain for ideas. In the first arc it doesn’t manifest as anything, but later arcs it will both exist outside the hosts body as a whole (tethered) or as a clothing or tattoo article on the hosts body.
*IBIS is the department dedicated to everything interstellar from technology to travel to bioscience.
**Sounds impractical for an agent but it works exactly like a real arm and hand would, even has heat regulation. Yay science in 2974!
***It's almost impossible to traverse The Pens without a mask so everyone who can afford it has one. The air itself would literally choke a normal human within thirty minutes.
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sebek-zigbolt · 11 days
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aesthetic diasomnia duos
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hanasnx · 5 months
Hop hop 🐇 strutting around Jay's apartment in nothing but panties and his leather jacket that's still warm from his body 🐇 hop hop
-doe 🐾
JASON TODD shirtless and in gray sweatpants and a thin silver chain around his neck, manspreading in his seat as he annotates on some blueprints. The Bat left quite an impression on him, including his knack for being thorough. The cap of his sharpie sits between his teeth, the soft squeaking of the marker scribbling on parchment filling the room. Even though you got laid this morning, you should be good, but instead you’re especially needy. He’d gotten back a little bit ago from picking up those blueprints, and the leather bike jacket he wore on his motorcycle ride had been thrown on the bed haphazardly. Crawling out in just your undies, you were chilly, so you put the jacket on. It sat on your shoulders like a curtain. Heavy, and huge, and stiff. Still warm from his body heat, it provided enough protection to pad out to see him.
It takes him a second to notice you, and when he does, that famous grin stretches onto his lips. Hopelessly attractive with defined dimples and smile lines that could kill, crookedly smiling at you with that cap in between his pearly white teeth. “What’re you doin’ over there, baby? C’mere.” He snips the cap from his mouth between his fingers like a cigarette, and you obediently come to his beckoning hand and inviting lap. You sit on his thigh, and the rigid material of the jacket stands up on its own. He snickers at you. “Whose jacket is that, babycakes?”
Timidly, you concede, “My Jay’s…”
It amuses him further, giving you a soft look with a flash of his raised brows. “Yeah? S’your Jay’s?” he mimics your melodic response in a twinge of a mocking tone out of endearment. “It’s, uh, little big for you, huh? Your Jay a big guy?” He wasn’t gonna let this go, and you fidget with your hands, looking up at him with those glossy doe-eyes. While he talks, a single finger moves aside the leather to get a peek at your bare chest.
“Huge.” you tell him with stars in your eyes, gesturing size with your hands, and it makes him laugh again, particularly inclined to adore you with a kiss on your cheek.
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artfulacrostic · 1 year
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