#cause my fine motor skills were good enough to get let out...cause of how much i practiced that stupid clarinet in 6th grade
roseband · 4 months
so now that i know that i'm 100% playing skylar.....
i gotta a) get my lyon crappy electric guitar from my mom's house (my elementary/middle school guitar from before i was ACAM (assigned clarinet at middle-school)) cuz like... lyon is to washburn like squier is to fender (it's a sonamaster which is the washburn equal to a strat too and cause skyler is a strat, i guess that's neat)
and b) ... i started learning them on my acoustic and can play along at this point but i need to practice and decide on either...... definition of ugly is... solo or shift solo
shift is pretty finger style solo (also very simple to play) and definition of ugly is is a D#maj chord slid around the neck for different major chord pitches lol)
like i have to get muscle memory on guitar and ukulele sorted out at this point, cuz like... i only practice my bass and my reeds lol
i do not know if i will come across as insane as the girl who asked them out on a date (lol), but i think this may be worse?
like crazy girl asks celeb on date, kinda normal level of crazy.........
crazy girl knows 10 instruments because BAND was her special interest in middle school, not very normal level of crazy
also i have a band concert 8 days before my vvvip where i have 2 bass clarinet solos lol.... "do u play any instruments" is, not bestest question to ask me lol
anyways aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 2996
and it's done.
below is a long post. some of it is ranting about people. most of it is happy things and love for the con and my con family. proceed as you like. ☺️
i woke up this morning, put my watch on the charger, set another alarm, and went back to sleep for another hour or so. it was much needed.
got up, showered, collected myself and my things, and went in search for the things i needed for my final panel, and i went. i put out table covers, had someone grab the bulbs, and then got repeatedly frustrated because my "helpers" were less helpful than i'd hoped. when i say "put these out" i don't mean scatter the tiny packaged things on the table and call it a day. take them out. sort them. organize them. so that was fucking annoying.
and like. i have been having an extremely difficult time this entire con finding people with fine enough motor skills to do things within my threshold of acceptability. i found one person. one. out of everyone i know, one. and thank fuck i've known her a long time, because otherwise it would've been a problem. she was one of the people from my a cappella group at unh when i went there. it's nice because i get to see her every con. i need to hang out with her more. we're in our 30s now. we gotta hold onto that, yknow?
also because i'm literally in my 30s now, i don't have time for people who don't own up to their own bullshit. for people who cause drama because they happen to be unhappy people and can't communicate. do you not like how someone does something? talk to them about it. do you not want to be around someone who you feel has done you wrong? tell them. don't use other people as your intermediary because you can't fucking communicate. use your goddamn brain and use your words and write it down so you know what to say if you're anxious. don't expect people to read your mind. it costs no money to be nice to people. you think you have a thankless job? don't be a bitch to people, and maybe it won't be so thankless. take responsibility. plan around shortcomings you're aware of. don't have a license? plan trips. aren't getting somewhere until a lot later than you intended? let someone know and come up with an interim plan. don't fucking refuse to communicate and then bitch about how you're the only one doing anything. that's on you.
jesus christ.
i have no patience for this.
none of it.
on a different and better note, once said obnoxious-drama-causing person left, i could think again. fuck. my mental state is so much worse when they're around because i constantly have to think about them and how they'll react. they on about hating manipulative people and how others create unnecessary drama. look in the mirror. your acting like a teenager. you're not. get over it.
i should add that "could think again" is a very loose phrase. i still couldn't brain; these cells i've got here have been deep-fried so much this weekend.
so when i went back upstairs to work on my paper, i found the room with a handful of people gathered and chatting and having a good time, including the con guests. i eventually sat down and pulled up my laptop and realized that there was no possible way i was going to be able to write the paper i needed to before midnight. at first it was because i couldn't think of a topic. then it was because it was almost 10pm. so i gave up on it and sent an email to my professor.
not before i made a new friend.
so as i was sitting there, trying to think of a paper topic, the conversation in the room was between a table of my friends and family and the guests we had this year. just hangin out. it was so fucking hilarious, i laughed so hard, and it was pretty great. one of the people we had as a guest was sitting across from me and as the others were talking, we made faces and shared reactions like "are you hearing this??" it was fucking hysterical. he came over to talk to me when he got up. i told him what i was writing (or trying to write) and he read what i had, which was the honest thoughts in my head as i tried to think. he thought it was incredible.
so i pulled up the STUPID essay i wrote last year. yknow, the precursor to the SMART essay i wrote? because i was panicking and had no clue what to write? well i pulled it up and he read it and he said it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen and that it needed to be in the world. so he's gonna do a narration of it and post it on the internet. this whole-ass monologue is gonna be voiced by major attaway and posted on the internet and im so excited. because holy shit. it's my favorite thing and i am honored to have a new friend. who's a voice actor. it's so cool.
and speaking of cool, let me just talk about joel for a minute.
(i will have you know now that i am not, in fact, drunk, nor have i had any alcohol in the last 24 hours to impair my reasoning.)
he's so fucking spectacular.
this isn't me drunkenly rambling about how cool my boyfriend is. this is me being incredibly proud of the man he is and the relationship that we have.
he's got an interview on tuesday. he's gonna talk to my professor, the regional CISO of minecast, about a job, his résumé, and work stuff in general. he supports me getting a job in dc once i'm done with my degree, and has a plan for himself if/when it happens. he wants to take over the con. he has plans for all of this stuff. he's had conversations and has been open and honest (as always) and i love everything about him. i'm so, so lucky to have him by my side as we go through everything. i have him, i have my con family, and i have people who love and appreciate me for the person i am. they are grateful for the things i do and do not expect things from me. they're kind and inclusive and considerate, they're honest and they say what they mean. there are of course a few expectations, but every bushel of blueberries has a bad few until you pick 'em out.
i'm happy. the con has gone well. i've had several pairs of people in almost all of my panels, and one of them gave me something - the girl was wearing a togepi pin and yesterday i said i loved it. it was star-shaped and super cute and it was awesome. today they gave me one just like it. i was so happy! i put it on immediately and i wore it all day. last night a girl gave me a bottle of super glue and made sure i drank water to stay hydrated. i've had really awesome people in my panels this year. i really have loved it. the stress and everything i go through is worth it when i see the people there enjoying themselves and creating things that they can keep. maybe sometime in the future i'll have a panel for like, making something small that is in demand in the area for people, like hats or something, and get together a big donation box for things to bring in so we can donate it to a local shelter or something because it's october in new england - winter is coming soon, and shelters everywhere are in need of supplies for people who are in need. and maybe we can help them, even just a little bit. so there's that. i'd like to do that if i can.
and after my terrarium panel today, i took a bunch of time to sort through and organize all of the arts and crafts things and make sure they were labeled properly. it was so organized. only a few cardboard boxes remain for arts and crafts. i have also started to make a list of things i'll need for next year so i'm ready for the con ahead of time. i'll also need to be able to access it easily because i have the most time-intensive hands-on needs-to-be-done-beforehand prep work of any department save for the actual scheduling and everything of the convention. plus as it stands, i'm still gonna be by myself, so i'll handle all interactions involving crafts, like the polymer clay lady or the cloudbreaker people and their steampunk stuff or what have you. regardless, im proud of myself and the work i do. i could be better at being less anxious, but i brought my teddy bear named harold with me. he's got a pokéball hoodie, so i thought it was appropriate for him to come along to the con. it was a good decision. so harold has been with me this weekend, which was nice. all of my attendees have been kind and supportive and understanding.
i love what i do here. i love this con. i love these people. i love this family. i wouldn't trade it for anything.
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mykingdomforasong · 3 years
Do you take prompts that aren't from a prompt list? If so, could you write skymandolo with a sick or injured Han that tries to hide his illness/injuries from Luke and Din and they have to convince him to let them take care of him.
Thank you! Love your writing :)
I'll write almost anything! If you send something not on a prompt list but when I'm taking prompts, I'll probably write it, mostly because I'm just looking for things to write. If you send prompts when I'm not taking prompts from a list, theres a chance it'll get lost in my inbox because I likely won't get to it in the first few days after it's sent.
Han tried not to limp back into their small home. When Din and him had left, they gave Luke little explanation about where they were going, leaving it at "we're going to find trouble."
They found plenty of it. Between bounties, bar fights, and spice runs, they'd come home with a small fortune. And Han had come back with a foot that had been screaming at him for two days.
It didn't hurt that bad at first, so he kept walking and running on it, but now it hurt even when he was sitting. He was glad he and Din had to sleep in shifts, or else his partner would have raised some very serious questions about why he suddenly wanted to sleep with his boots on. (The answer, of course, was to hide the bruising and swelling).
Why he ever thought he could honestly hide it from Luke was beyond him.
"You're hurt," Luke said the moment they stepped in the door. Din turned to him, and Han could feel his confused look through his helmet.
"Don't look at me like that, bucket head," Han said, "if I was really hurt I would have said something."
"What happened?" Luke asked.
"Twisted my ankle, but it's fine," Han said.
The green bean waddled up to him, choosing to greet him first instead of Din, which was new. Grogu reached out towards his hurt foot.
"You know how I know it's not 'fine'?" Luke asked. "The baby is trying to heal you, that's how much pain you're in."
Han bent down and picked up Grogu, who made a small 'wooo' noise as he was lifted. "No need for that, Munchkin," Han said. He held the child gently in his arms, giving him a welcome squeeze for good measure. Grogu was Din's baby, but Han was his husband, so, as Han argued, Grogu was also his baby.
Han tried to step forward, ignoring the concerned and annoyed stares of his partners as he went to play with Grogu, trying to keep any visible signs of pain off his face. He placed the child in the living room, and managed to get himself onto the floor to push colorful balls around with him. But Grogu just went back to his foot.
Before Han could do anything, Luke was lifting Grogu and Din was lifting Han.
"We're putting you in bed, and looking at that ankle," Din said.
"You know how I know I'm not hurt?" Han said. "That promise to be taken to bed was enough to get my motor running."
Luke rolled his eyes and Din sighed, but otherwise, they ignored him.
A minute later he was laying in bed, his hurt foot elevated on pillows, with Grogu safely in his room for nap time.
"Alright," Din said, unzipping Han's boot, "lets get this off." But when Din touched him, even lightly, it sent pain shooting through his foot and ankle.
Han tried to sit up casually, hiding the amount of pain it had caused. "Seriously, guys, I'm fine." Din ignored him, and started to pull on his shoe again. "Really, there's no need for all of this."
Luke cut him off by climbing on top of him, straddling his waist, and pushing him down with his hands. "Would you sit still?"
Han smiled through the pain, letting his hands trail up and down Luke's thighs. "Anything for you, baby," he said.
Luke patted his hands against Han's chest gently, not hard enough to hurt or leave a mark, just to punctuate his point. "Stop," slap, "being," slap, "horny," slap, "for," slap, "five" slap, "minutes."
Din had stopped working on his shoe. "In his defense, Cyare, I imagine that'd be hard for anyone to do when they've got you like that."
Luke turn his head and torso around to face Din the best he could. "Oh sure, take his side," he said.
Han sat up, wrapping his arms around Luke's torso. "You're cute when you're angry," he said.
Luke smiled, and Han knew he was in trouble. "If you don't lay down, I'm going to be fucking adorable," he promised.
Before Han could say anything back, Din tugged off his boot with one quick pull that did enough to aggravate the injury. Han quickly buried his face in Luke's shoulder, stifling pained groans.
Luke's tone shifted quickly, wrapping his arms around him in a comforting hug, and offering quiet reassurances that he was okay.
"Thanks," Han whispered quietly. Luke just kissed his cheek and got off of his lap to help Din assess the damage.
"It's pretty swollen," Din said. "You probably fractured or broke one of these little bones," he pointed Han's foot. "They're easy to break, and hard to heal. We'll have to get you to a doctor soon," he said.
Han laid back. "Great. I love a long healing process."
"Don't be too sad," Luke said, "now you get to be stuck on world with me."
Han held out his arms towards both of his boys, trying to look as pathetic as possible. Now that his injury was undeniable, he might as well get some decent cuddling out of it before he limps to the healer.
Luke joined him first, then Din once more of his armor was removed, making him a much more comfortable bed partner.
"You know you don't have to hide your injuries from us, cyar'ika?" Din said.
"I know," Han said.
"He doesn't always have the best decision making skills," Luke said, holding onto Han just a little tighter.
"Hey, my bad decision making skills have pulled you out of a fair number of scrapes, kid."
Luke smiled and hummed a little. "I was never a bad decision," he said.
And Han couldn't deny that about either of them.
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1978
The X-Men, those take-me-to-the-ballgame mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. Want to unravel this tapestry? Then read the Abridged X-Men!
(X-Men 109 - 116) - by Chris Claremont and John Byrne, Tony Dezuniga
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Yes, the plan here is to toss Kurt at Magneto and yes, it’s objectively the best panel of 1978. (X-Men 113)
If the X-Men were a tv-show, the Phoenix mending the M’Kraan Crystal would probably have been the finale of season 1 of X-Men: the New Generation. Now that we’ve had this big finish, Claremont takes his time to sow new plot seeds and navigate his team of merry mutants in new directions. Compared to 1977, 1978 is a lot more laid back, with smaller arcs and more character moments.
Take the first two issues of the year, for example. The victorious X-Men come home from their space capers and for a moment, all is well. Ororo is a plant mommy, Kurt is a grade-A cutey and Jean comes out to her parents as the Phoenix. (Intrigued? Read more here.) And, because Moira going back home to Scotland, the X-Men say goodbye to her through… a baseball game! (Which, I guess if you’re comic book character bound by the comic book code, is the next best thing to just getting drunk together.)
It’s all very straight-edge wholesome.
Lilandra is very absent: I’m assuming she is sleeping off the space jetlag somewhere. idk
Sure, there’s still a few action-packed B-plots: a fight scene is mandatory in a comic book, after all. Weapon Alpha tries to claim Wolverine in the name of the Canadian government and some nobody named Warhawk sneaks into the mansion as a phone repairman to rig the Danger Room into a Death Trap.
(Look, you have a danger room. Why are you calling phone repairmen? During breakfast, did Charles go around the table, asking anyone if they wanted to fix the phone and everyone was like “nnnnnno, I am le tired”.)
Anyway, how would you unwind after a baseball game? Scott has an awesome idea! (I'm betting Scott would have embraced the Comics Code.)
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This is the one issue not drawn by John Byrne this year. Dezuniga does a fine enough job, but Jean using her powers looks like she’s barfing psy-energy all over the place. (X-Men 110)
Warhawk traps the rest of the X-Men in the Danger Room. Wolverine gets a moment to shine as the team’s rogue, finally getting a win after getting knocked on his ass lately. Also, Kurt calls Warhawk Krieghabicht. (Hee.) Jean, meanwhile, is startled because despite her phenomenal powers, she was taken out so easily. She makes the formal choice to rejoin the X-Men.
And the next time we see them… THE X-MEN HAVE VANISHED? (yes, i know this sentence contradicts itself, shut up)
We find Beast at a circus in Texas, investigating their disappearance while on a sabbatical from the Avengers. See, Lorna called him because Havok was kidnapped in Scotland and the X-Men did not pick up, so she called good ole Hank McCoy. We know Charles is honeymooning with Lilandra, so where are the X-Men?
Cerebro leads Hank to a circus and, dude, for someone who’s supposed to be a genius, you draw the conclusion that these are the brainwashed X-Men way too slowly.
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I by no means wish to belittle Storm’s situation, but Wolverine is in equally skimpy clothing while chained the fuck up, Beast. Can’t spare a little sympathy for him? (X-Men 111)
Beast continues being the worst detective mutantkind has ever known: even Jean, who’s currently a cigarette smoking trapeze artist named Miz Destiny, barely convinces him that these are the X-Men. When Beast finally confronts the Ring Leader, it turns out to be… Mesmero!
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This pose: appropriate for a super villain or suitable for a Harlequin novel cover? Especially with all this talk about enthralling? (X-Men 112)
Apparently Mesmero doesn’t give a fuck that half these X-Men aren’t the same X-Men that fought him before. Revenge is a dish best served cold and to the wrong table, apparently. Beast fighting ole Messy causes Wolverine to spring free from his hypnotic influence. Wolvie proceeds to slap Jean out of it (literally) and they free the rest of the X-Men. But when they come and confront Mesmero in his little circus wagon, their villain is knocked out…
By Magneto.
dun dun DUN
Magneto proceeds to kidnap them, like this:
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Magneto, who has no patience for narrative baggage, also yeets out Mesmero over the Andes, no big deal (X-Men 112)
Just like Mesmero, Magneto wants misplaced revenge. Instead of exacting vengeance on Charles, Moira and the Defenders involved in (literally) infantilizing him - no, seriously, he was a baby - Magneto comes for these All-New X-Men. (Look, logic has never been one of Magneto’s super powers.)
He takes the X-Men to his secret base below the South Pole, tucked away under a literal volcano. (He really should be on the tourist board for Amazing Antarctica, this is his third base there.) The X-Men, after they have safely landed, attack him, but they are tossed around like rag dolls, falling one by one - even the Phoenix.
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Jean does have the right idea, though: it’s my theory that the key to defeating Magneto is being equally dramatic and hammy. (X-Men 112)
Somewhere on a cruise ship, Charles loses contact with the X-Men and proceeds to do absolutely nothing about it. Damn, but Elizabeth Taylor Lilandra must have some pretty choice moves in bed.
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When the X-Men wake up, they're bound by Nanny, a robotic… uh, nanny! And Magneto unveils his revenge: he has scrambled the X-Men’s brains: they are fully conscious, but are trapped, powerlessly in their bodies, which won’t follow the instructions of their brains. It’s as if they’re the minds of adults, trapped in the bodies of infants - just like Magneto was. (He does not succumb to an evil laughter, but he’s definitely drifting into Evil Overlord territory.)
Look, a lot of this is very silly. Magneto hasn’t really been codified by Claremont yet: he’s still very much the sixties super villain and he doesn’t have his Holocaust-past yet. His motivations don’t make much sense: it’s never made clear why he needs the base, for example, or why he doesn’t just kill the X-Men. And yet, he seems more menacing than he used to be. Might be because these X-Men actually have a hard time beating him.
A lot of this era works like that. There’s the occasionally very silly trappings of a superhero comic, but there’s also glimmers of exceptional writing. Take the following scene, for example, which I’ll just include in its entirety, because fuck it. Storm is trying to break free, on the flimsy premise that she was a highly advanced baby who had the motor skills of a toddler. (I’ve met babies. They basically eat, sleep and poop. They can’t really do this.) And yet? This scene kind of works.
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Like, the fact that this scene works despite the fact that Magneto thought to give his Nanny-robot a sixties copper bob-cut and a aluminium French maid headpiece is a testament to effective writing. (Also to Magneto’s attention to detail.) (X-Men 113)
No worries, Storm succeeds the second time she attempts this.
Together, the now free team manages to almost defeat Magneto, but Phoenix grows a little too zealous, destroying precious machinery. It proves to be their undoing: the roof to the base cracks open, letting lava in. Things grow dire and Magneto gets the nope out of there.
The lava turns on the heat and the team gets split up. Phoenix escapes together with Beast, and they both collapse into the freezing snow in the Arctic. A helicopter saves them, but what about the rest of the team? Are they dead?!
They’re dead enough for Professor X, and I really have questions about the effectiveness of Cerebro. After a brief mourning period, Beast rejoins the Avengers. But what really happened to the X-Men? Well, they fled into the Savage Land!
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So, are we getting a sexy costume change with every new locale and/or story arc? What is this, Charmed? (X-Men 114)
The Savage Land plot is… kind of messy and confusing? First, Storm is attacked by Sauron (yay!) and he even hypnotizes Wolverine and uses his love for Jean against him (ew!), but as soon as Karl Lykos gains control again (boo!), he explains how he
Did not fall to his death;
Is suppressing his pterodactyl side (ain’t we all);
allied himself with the Savage Landers.
Then Ka-Zar, Marvel´s discount!Tarzan, explains how someone named Zaladane transformed a hapless innocent into Garruk, the Petrified Man, who is some sort of… living god? Who stopped some sort of interdimensional invasion by mending some sort of… portal rift? And then he set up shop in the swamp and built some sort of futuristic city? And he wants to enslave all of the natives of the Savage Land? And he built his city on the geothermal fissure that heats the Savage Land, so now the jungle is being choked out by snowy tundra?
Such a mess. And I know Zaladane gets important later, but, ugh, the socio-political tensions in the Savage Land is generally not what I’m here for.
One of the few Savage Land scenes I do like is also messy, but the emotional kind of messy. See, the X-Men on their part believe Jean and Hank are dead, and Scott takes it rather… lightly? When Storm confronts him about it, he confesses he does not mourn Jean as much as he thought he would, as if she were a different woman ever since they crash-landed the shuttle. Storm rejects this confession, always solidly in Jean’s camp, and basically tells Scott to man up. Scott has a point: Jean has changed and it’s not like people have fallen out of love for less, but there’s something to be said for Storm’s firm “for better or for worse”-argument. The scene ends unresolved, and I like that.
Anyway, there’s some X-Men fighting dinos and flying lizards, so there’s at least that. Oh, and Colossus develops a suddenly intense bond with a Savage Lander with a mohawk, which is a detail that becomes important later. Another significant detail?
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There’s a lot of weight to that snikt, bub. (X-Men 116)
The implication is that Wolverine simply kills the guy in cold-blood. It’s a little weird that both Storm and Kurt are so okay with this, especially because Storm tries to save Garruk later. This, however, also marks an important direction in which they’re taking Wolverine, becoming the most ruthless of the X-Men.
In the end, Cyclops blasts the foundations of the citadel to smithereens, solving everyone’s problems and putting a neat bow on this tangled plotline. Also, all of a sudden? The X-Men are monthly again! (yay!) And they’ve upgraded from All-New, All-Different to Uncanny on the cover, though the name of the comic won’t officially change until issue 142.
Best new character: Like Hell I’m giving this to Weapon Alpha! So instead, it’s going to the two stylish, mohawked ladies who “show the island” to Piotr. (Again. They’ll be relevant later. Sort of.)
What to read: X-Men 109, for the denouement of the Phoenix Saga (or the first part thereof). The rest is rather inconsequential.
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blue-bird-kny · 4 years
Headcanons for Inosuke, Tanjiro and Giyuu with an s/o who loves surprising them with sweet treats she makes herself for them? And likes to watch them try it since she wants to make sure that they find some happiness out of it? Love your writing! Congrats on 101 btw!!
Thank you for the request! I must say that I definitely strayed a bit from your initial request, but I hope its still enjoyable. Enjoy~Amanda
Warning: None
(2k+ words)
Tanjiro loves when you bake for him! The first time you gifted him with your famous banana bread he fell instantly in love with you (and the bread too, it was delicious). He found it adorable how you stood with hopeful eyes, patiently waiting for his reaction as he bit into the soft, moist bread.
Sadly, constantly being on missions made it hard to find time to make your boyfriend sweets, but he didn’t mind. He was beyond grateful that you took the little free time you had to carefully craft such delicious treats, he’d appreciate it every time no matter what it was.
Tanjiro was leaving on a simple mission, something so quick that he’d be back by tonight. You were asked to stay behind and at first that really upset you, how could you make sure nothing happened to him from the estate? He was of course relieved that you were being kept out of harm's way, but he couldn’t help laughing at your puffed cheeks, “(y/n) its only one day, no reason to get all worked up. Beside,” he enveloped you in a warm hug. “by tonight I’ll be back here, sleeping beside you as I do every night” his soothing words helped ease the tension on your face. “Don’t do anything stupid” you warned, eyes full of worry. “Please, I’m the one leaving and I’m more afraid you’ll do something stupid”. The two of you shared a laugh, peppering his lip repeatedly with small kisses. “Would you two stop being gross, let's go Gonpachiro!” Tanjiro sighed, already prepared to deal with his wild friend. “See you tonight” he placed one final kiss to the top of your hand before joining his friends.. “See you”
“Hmm what to do with my time” you contemplated, perhaps you could train but training alone was boring. As you passed the kitchen, you were struck with a fantastic idea. You browsed through the shelves and cabinets of the kitchen, “I think I have everything I need” you cheered. It’s been awhile since you could surprise Tanjiro with something sweet, so today was the perfect opportunity.
Tanjiro sluggishly trugged to his room, one heavy foot in front of the other. The mission, although short, was extremely draining and all he wanted to do was cuddle beside your sleeping form. “I hope she’s still awake” he almost felt guilty for wishing that you were awake at this time of night, but he knew you. You always waited for him to come home from missions, regardless of the time of night he could count on your comforting smile ready to greet him.
As expected, he opened the door to find you waiting cross-legged on the bed, a small box poorly hidden between your thighs. “Welcome Back!” you jumped into his waiting arms, eager to give him his present. Wiggling out of his grip, you present to him a small box that held the yummy treats, “I’ve made these for you, I hope you like them”
Inside, Tanjiro opened to find small heart-shaped chocolate, all with their own little design. Hands clasped tightly together, you watched expectedly for his reaction as he popped one of the hearts into his mouth. His tongue wrapped around the candy, its milky-sweet taste danced around his taste buds as the smooth chocolate melted away. He hummed in delight, swallowing the silky sweet, “Delicious! This is one of the best things I’ve ever eaten!”
Blushing, you bowed your head bashfully, “Thank you”. He smirked as he sneakily grabbed another chocolate from the tray, placing it into his mouth. “You should try it too”. His tongue masterfully slid between your surprised lips, the taste of chocolate mixed with his fervent lips were almost too much to handle. You both pulled away gasping for hair, Tanjiro eyes full of amusement as you hid you warm face behind you hands
“That cheeky bastard”
By far he gives the best reactions when you gifte him homemade treats. From your famous vanilla cream cupcakes to your strawberry moche, Inosuke happily devours anything you present in front of him.
You loved baking and you loved Inosuke, so it only made sense that you combined the two. The first time you decided to bake something for Inosuke, you’d settled on a simple chocolate fudge cake. It was early on in your relationship so you weren’t sure how he’d react when you shyly handed him a slice one night after dinner.
Que a broken Inosuke who was so surprised you did something so sincere for him, he accepted the plate quietly. He gleefully ate the entire plate once he shook away the initial shock and since then, you made an effort to consistently shower your boyfriend in baked goods.
Today had been a normal day around the Estate. You were supposed to be training outside with your friends and boyfriend, but you had managed to sneak away. You wanted to surprise Inosuke with your tasty chocolate fudge cake, the same recipe you followed the first time you baked for him.
By far it was his favorite treat you’ve made him thus far. He made it very apparent how much he adored chocolate, he’d do practically anything just to have a small piece. The childish Inosuke had the biggests sweet tooth that you were more than happy to satiate..
You whisked each ingredient together delicately, so as to not screw up the consistency. You peered through the small window that allowed you to watch the others outside. Per usual, poor Tanjiro was having to avoid your rambunctious boar-headed boyfriend who was always looking for a reason to challenge the others. “Jeez one day he’s going to get himself into serious trouble and then I’ll have to kick his ass” you’d managed to finish the cake and clean your mess before dinner when you planned to give him the decadent treat.
“Inosuke you're going to choke!” You worriedly warned your walking hazard of a boyfriend. Not listening to a word coming from your mouth, he continued to scarf down the food on his plate (and then some). “Fine don’t listen to me then, more cake for the others and I” you pointed your nose in the air, arms folded almost mockingly. Like you cast a spell on him, Insouke suddenly stopped eating, mouth already watering over the cake. “Go get it women!” his voice was loud and his eyes wide. You looked back disapprovingly, “please” he added once he noticed your narrowed eyes. “Better”
You might as well have walked in with a unicorn the way Inosuke’s astonished eyes trailed your every step. “Enjoy!” You cheered as everyone around the table dug into their slice. “(Y/a)-chan that pig doesn’t appreciate your talents enough! You should cook for me more often!” Zenitsu commented much to Inosuke’s dismay. Instinctively, Inosuke wrapped a possessive arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap. “I’ll kick you in the face, Monitsu” his voice was low and threatening.
As he continued to glare at the now shivering blonde, you noticed a small stain of chocolate lingering on  Inosuke’s lower lip. “You have something on your face” you teased before swooping closer to his face. The moment your lips landed on his, your tongue swiped over his bottom lip, pulling away with the new taste of sweet chocolate over taking your tastebuds.
Zenitsu’s jealous yelps could be heard miles away but you ignored them for now. “Delicious” you mumbled low enough so just the man whose lap you were on could hear.
That’s how many seconds it took for Inosuke to lose his cool, abruptly jumping to his feet, your surprised form dangling loosely in his arms. “We’re leaving” he announced to the room. Boy were you in for it now.
Let the battle of Gift Giving commence! Despite what the others think, Giyuu is an avid gift giver who always returns from missions with something that reminded him of you. Be it a hair pin, flower, or jewelry, you could always expect something new, which you always looked forward to. Of course, whenever he presented you with anything it was always filled with shaky movement, an awkward interaction you always found adorable on his part.
He was also really awkward the first time you gifted him a sweet treat. When you presented the warm snack to the man, it was like he’d forgotten all motor skills. He simply stared at you like you were some foriegn being, which unintentionally made you feel insecure about your present and caused your eyes to water. Panicking, Giyuu took the whole treat and shoved it into his mouth, almost choking in the process. In the moment it was such a strange experience, but looking back it was probably one of your fondest memories from your early relationship.
As your relationship grew and time passed, Giyuu never really overcame the embarrassment he felt when he received a baked good from you. It wasn’t that he didn’t like them because in reality you were the one to unlock his sweet tooth and made him crave sweets on a daily basis almost, but because he couldn't fathom the idea that you wanted to do something like this for him. Baking was no simple task, so Giyuu was always so appreciative when you showed up with wrapped food just for him.
Recently, you  noticed something off with your stoic boyfriend. Lately he walked around as if cement blocks were tied to his feet, eyes always shifted to the floor as he walked to avoid eye-contact with anyone. The little times he’d spoken to you, it was almost as if you were talking to a phantom; his mind clearly elsewhere, somewhere dark and isolated.
It was hard to pull Giyuu out of that depressive mentality of his sometimes. There were times where tokens of affection could slowly bring the life back to his eyes, but other times all he needed was a silent space to think and a comforting hug.
You searched around the house to find Giyuu, a small package neatly balanced in your hands. When you found him, his back was turned away from you concerned eyes, hidden inside one of the emptier rooms in the house you two shared. You silently walked to his side, sliding down next to his still form. “I’ve made you something. You don’t have to eat it right now, but maybe it’ll make you feel a little better.”. His cold eyes shifted to the tray that was now held in front of him, an array of brightly decorated chocolate dipped strawberries filled the plate. Giyuu didn’t say a word, simply stared at you with hard eyes. His lack of response made you worry you’d crossed a line somewhere, “I’m really sorry, maybe I should have just left you alone, I don’t want to be a bother” you rambled, getting ready to leave the room, fearful that you’d messed up.
You were pulled from your thoughts as you felt Giyuu's full body weight thrust itself onto yours, arms clinging tightly around your smaller frame. His trembling finger wrinkled your clothes but you didn’t care, you were just relieved you didn’t make Giyuu even more upset. “Thank you” his voice was weak as he spoke into the juncture of your neck, warm tears slowly creating patches on your clothing. Giyuu was crying; he had never looked  so vulnerable, never so desperate for comfort. Some time passed quietly as you gently caressed his hair, his warm breath steadying beside you. “You know, I hate that you have to see me so..so weak, but I hope you understand that every small thing you do makes it better” he sniffled, pulling away to gaze affectionately into your pleading orbs.
You placed a reassuring kiss to his cheek, taking them into your hands. “I’d dip a million strawberries if it meant you’d smile” your kind smile was inviting, prompting a smile of his own to match.
The rest of the night was spent together, chatting away any fowl thoughts and sharing the dipped strawberries. You couldn’t take away Giyuu’s sadness, but you will always be there to cushion the blow with all his favorite sweet treats.
Main Masterlist
I promise that at some point I will learn how to write a proper HC, but for now please accept my scenarios lol. It was such a cute request, I couldn’t help getting carried away. Thank you for reading, please look forward for more work!~Amanda
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alright, i took a break of about 20 hours (less if you don’t count me sleeping) but hey, it was a break at least!
The trip back to the portal left Mumbo shaken up. Dream didn’t follow them which seemed like the last thing he would do. Mumbo was somehow able to get parrot Grian to turn everyone back to normal which was fine. That was just his Watcher powers. Nothing to do with any Vault God powers he may or may not have. And he didn’t have any.
Eventually the portal was back up and running and Mumbo chose to believe that was just because Dream was lying, or again it was just Grian’s Watcher powers. Or maybe even that he was a hermit and the portal had hermit origins.
The smp members tried to question Mumbo, asking what they would do now. Dream was still on the loose and had more power than they realized. Not everyone was willing to go to Hermitcraft and leave everything behind. Right now, Mumbo was really the only person who might have answers, but he just felt bombarded by their words until he finally snapped.
“Look, I have no clue what to do. I didn’t even really want to be here in the first place. Right now Grian, the person I am closest to is stuck like this even though all of you are fine and I just want to help him before I deal with all of this!”
Mumbo winced when he saw the look on Tommy’s face. “So what, just going to abandon us all then? He’s my brother, bitch!”
“I know that and I am sick of having that thrown in my face! It was bad enough when we didn’t know the two of you were related. I wouldn’t have minded if you never showed up so we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place!”
Tommy froze, only moving to take a step back in shock. Mumbo looked equally horrified at his own words, and not knowing what else to do, he ran through the portal and went back home.
Mumbo hoped that he could just get some peace by going home, but instead, moments after he returned his communicator started buzzing wildly with messages. With shaking hands he tried to turn it off, but instead managed to drop it and didn’t care enough to pick it back up. He grabbed the rockets from his inventory and equipped his elytra to fly back to his base. 
He just got into the sky when another hermit flew past him, likely to greet him. He tried not to curse as they changed their direction to fly after him, and even though he knew it would hardly do anything, Mumbo started spamming rocket after rocket to get away as fast as he could.
He collapsed onto his bed, finally letting go of Grian who started hopping around. He watched the parrot for a while before pressing the palms of his hands against his eyes in an attempt to keep from crying in frustration. Why did they even have a useless spoon of a hermit in this world?
Grian had completely lost track of how long he had been in this infinite white expanse, but other than the lack of everyone he knew and the occasional having to relive horrific nightmares of memories, it wasn’t all that bad. He had started feeling a little more tired, but he assumed that was more from boredom than anything serious. It was okay since one perk of this place was getting to rewatch the dreams he had just had. 
Not having anyone around was making him feel lonely, so Grian had started to watch the same memories over and over. He memorized his own lines so that way he could talk to his friends and they responded back.
“I still don’t understand why you put Mumbo faces everywhere.” Mumbo seemed to be holding in a laugh.
“It’s a house for you, I had to make it right! Mustaches everywhere!”
“Well I certainly noticed them. Now how about you open the door?” Mumbo gestured to a lever. Grian ignored the tingling feeling that came with intersecting his memory copy as he pulled the lever.
“Oh, well that’s pretty cool.” He echoed as he and his coppy watched the piston door open and he walked in. “But you’ve tainted it with redstone everywhere, look at this! You didn’t even bother covering it up!”
“Wasn’t sure how to go about it and make it look good. Besides, I’m a fan of exposed redstone.”
“Well, we can work on your building skills. What’s this over here?” Grian walked over to the closet and waited for his copy to open it. “AHH! Oh! Oooh. Hah… haha…”
Mumbo started laughing, nearly falling over as his legs became weak from laughing so hard. It no longer scared Grian after watching it so many times, so he just laughed along with Mumbo. “H-How about you go to the study n-next. I-It’s awesome!”
“Oh yeah, I’m sure it is.” Grian tried to stop laughing as he spoke. They reached a sign which he read aloud. “Super Hollywood film set. Oh you’ve redone the whole area, what is this?” Grian watched as he and Mumbo walked around the room. “Super editing suite, activate moving set part two. Part two?”
“There’s more than one, I just labeled them with numbers.”
Grian flicked the lever and watched as cobblestone in front of a bike started to move to imitate a moving foreground. “Oh that’s so cool. That’s so cool!” He flipped the lever for the background. “Oh! It’s for the motor bike!” The copy hopped on the bike and Grian himself found an empty area on the back of the bike to sit. He started making motor noises as the two of them rode the bike, Mumbo flipping another lever nearby. 
Lights came on and Mumbo moved the camera to point at him. “Oh, using your filming knowledge properly I see. Three point lighting system?”
Mumbo nodded, then turned everything off for them to continue. “Let’s continue shall we?”
“Oh, what’s all this?” Grian asked as they came to an area filled with dispensers.
“Well, if you’re going to be filming, you’ll need some costumes.” Mumbo helped Grian into one of the spots and suddenly the builder was covered in gold armor.
“Oh that’s nice. I like that.” As Mumbo tried to go on, Grian doubled back and hit all the buttons, putting all the armor in his inventory. “I’ll just keep that for later. What’s next?”
“Over here. Secret room under the stairs.” Mumbo pulled a lever. The stairs pulled down and Grian was briefly reminded of the shenanigans of the secret base bros. He let himself get distracted by thoughts about that, turning his attention away from the scene. He tried not to listen to his panicked shouts as Mumbo tricked him by closing the entrance behind him.
“Grian, I’m so sorry, I didn’t realize that would scare you! Mumbo let the copy of Grian out and the real Grian could see how he almost moved for a comforting hug, something he never noticed when this had all first happened.
“I-it’s fine. Just bad memories. C-Can we continue with the house?”
Grian forced himself to stop thinking of the memory, making the white void return. Being with Mumbo that first time was a good memory. Sure there was that one bad part, but for Grian, that was good too. It showed how Mumbo cared for him all the way back then and how they’d learned more about each other over time.
After calming himself down, he started it up again.  “C-Can we continue with the house?”
“Right, let’s go in here next.”
“Wha- MY KITCHEN! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY KITCHEN?!” Mumbo started laughing again.
‘Anyone could do this. Anyone! Xisuma or Scar or Iskall or anyone else.’ Mumbo thought to himself as he was looking over Grian. ‘I’m just better at this because Grian and I are linked or whatever. That’s all. Nothing to do with this being done by a Vault God and me also being one. Because I’m not.’
Multiple hermits had tried to visit Mumbo, but he had shooed them all off. Stress was the one to stay longest, having arrived with the bots who were complaining about not seeing their dads for a while. Mumbo tried to ask them to leave a few times before he snapped at them. He tried to push the hurt expression that was on Jrumbot’s face out of his mind.
He just had a rough few days. He wasn’t sleeping much and was barely keeping himself from starving. But right now Grian was important. More important than him. He might have had this done sooner, but he was being extremely careful, used to dealing with non-organic things most of the time. 
He’s just wondering if he should look up puzzle boxes, wondering if those would be easy enough to rest his mind with, but also not get too off topic when he thinks he’s done it. “G… Grian?”
“Guh Grian?”
“Do you know who I am?”
“Do know who am. Know who I am.”
Mumbo started crying in joy. “Oh thank goodness! I was so scared you were stuck like this forever!”
“Tommy...” Grian mimicked his copy, though he was more happy while the copy was more stunned. “How do you know that?”
“What? Blood for the Blood God? My brother says it all the time.” Tommy thought he read Grian’s face well enough. “I’m sorry, I can stop saying it. I know my brother is a bit vio-”
“Techno or Wilbur?”
Tommy paused, he didn’t think he had told Grian their names. “Uh, Techno obviously. I would think if you knew their names you would know he said it. Um, something wrong Big G?”
Grian smiled, his copy continuing to cry. “Tommy… Tommy Tommy… th-they’re my brothers. Oh gods I’m the blood god… that’s what I always called myself. They hated it because I always started causing trouble.”
Tommy looked confused. “What are you talking about? I would think I’d know I had a brother named Grian.”
Grian started to open his mouth, ready to mimic his memory, telling Tommy a name he hadn’t used in ages. But instead he suddenly felt like he was falling. Grian let out a yelp in surprise. When he landed the white expanse was gone, but he realized that was from his eyes being closed. Nervously, Grian opened them and saw Mumbo staring at him, seeming quite large.
“G…” He seemed stunned. “Grian?”
Grian let out a little chirp, realizing that apparently his parrot voice box was the one working right now. “Guh Grian?”
“Do you know who I am?” Of course Grian knew Mumbo. Had he not before? Was that why Mumbo looked so worried.
“Do know who am. Know who I am.” Grian used Mumbo’s words to let the redstoner know that he could remember. He then had to hop back as Mumbo started to cry.
“Oh thank goodness! I was so scared you were stuck like this forever!” Stuck like wha- Grian started to wonder before it hit him. Oh, he couldn’t talk right and Mumbo looked so large because he was currently a parrot. Had something gone wrong when Philza was trying to teach him? Honestly, Grian couldn’t remember what the last thing to happen to him was before he ended up in the white infinity room. He had been in there so long and re-experiencing other memories that the one for when this started was sort of… gone.
Mumbo had apparently spoken a little with Philza because he was able to help Grian back to his humanoid self. The builder held Mumbo’s hands to steady himself as though he didn’t remember it, his muscle memory seemed to have gotten used to being a parrot.
“Well, while I’m sure being a bird has wonderful perks.” Grian paused, giving a yawn, still feeling tired. “I don’t think I really want to do that again for an extremely long time if I can get stuck like that.”
“Grian, how much do you remember?” Mumbo asked and Grian shrugged.
“Only thing I’m sure of is that I recently went to see the other Watchers. Something was going on, but that was a while ago and since then I’ve been stuck in an infinity room.” He looked at the worried expression on Mumbo’s face. “Mumbo, what happened?”
“So, the admin from Tommy’s world was a Vault God.” Grian’s wings puffed up at Mumbo’s words. “He ended up messing with your Watcher powers and got everyone back to their world and sort of wiped everyone’s memories. I’ve been here trying to fix whatever he did to you so I haven’t really been paying attention to everything that’s been going on since I got us back. Last I checked they all had their memories back… but Dream might have done something more.”
Grian jumped up. “I have to tell the other Watchers about this. A bad admin is one thing, but a Vault God admin that messes with Watchers is worse!”
“He may also be a sort of exiled Vault God based on what he said.” Mumbo added on and Grian seemed to get even angrier.
“Yep, definitely talking to the other Watchers now. I can’t believe he was right under Gxrgeous’ nose!” A portal opened up behind Grian and Mumbo tried not to look at Grian’s multiple purple eyes. “I’ll be right back. And Mumbo?” Mumbo looked up. “Take a shower. While I like that you spent all your time looking for me, I don’t think I even need enhanced senses to tell you need a shower.
Mumbo laughed sheepishly and then got up to do that. Grian chuckled in return then walked through. “Hellooo? Pixlriffs? Zloy? Gxrgeous? Any of you around?”
“Oh my god, Grian you’re alive!” Grian was suddenly tackled from behind.
“Noah! Ugh, get off my literal back!” Grian flapped his wings pushing the Evo Watcher off. “I’m looking for the hermit Watchers and Gxrgeous. You seen them?”
“Yeah, they’re busy freaking out about Gxrgeous’ world. You and Mumbo went through and then they lost connection to it completely. What happened?”
Grian shrugged. “I thought they would know better than me.” He lightly knocked the side of his head. “No memory of what was going on. Mumbo says the admin from there was a Vault God the whole time. I can’t believe I didn’t see it from the start.”
“You mean Dream? He’s a Vault Go- ohhhhhh. Dream… Dreamon. Why didn’t we realize that at the start?”
“Yeah well, something that should really be talked about with Watchers other than you since at this point I really want to connect the worlds so he can’t do anything more to my family.”
“Right, Pretty sure they’re this way.”
The talk had gone well and Grian was surprised to see the Vault Gods so willing to work with them on this. Grian supposed it was because of Dream’s status, but it was still odd to experience.
Zloy had given him a new communicator because his old one had ended up broken somewhere in the mix of things. The moment he was back out of the portal, he started to send a message.
<Grian> Based on what Mumbo said, they’re not here sooooo <Grian> Where are my children! <GoodtimewithScar> GRIAN!!! <Stressmonster> They’re with me. Are you doing okay? <Zedaph> Since he’s not here, I’ll do it for him <Zedaph> *fortnight dances* <ZombieCleo> He would NOT! <Grian> Speaking of, where is Tommy? <TangoTek> No clue, he didn’t come back with you and Mumbo. <Impulse> Don’t text and fly Tango <TangoTek> He knows what he did <Zedaph> welp, bye! *default dances away* <TangoTek> ZED!
Grian chuckled at the messages before sighing and flying to where the infinity portal was. He was glad to see it still sitting there and what looked like someone’s pet cat nearby. The avian was surprised when he landed and heard said cat speak.
“Hey! Can you get my friends? Dey went in there and haven’t come back and Sprinklez said I can’t go through.”
“Sure, I’m going in to get some people myself. Who are you after?”
“Tommy and Tubbox. Dey wanted ta be my friends and we had fun until a big bird thing attacked us!”
Grian winced, realizing that most likely was him. “Yeah, sure I was after Tommy anyway.”
Crumb nodded, but then thought of something. “Wait, Sprinklez said I couldn’t go alone, but but but, he didn’t say I couldn’t go with someone else!”
Grian smiled a mischievous smile and then pulled out his communicator. He asked Crumb’s name and then sent a message.
<Grian> Hey, I’m going with Crumb to pick up some people. Be back soon! <CaptainSparklez> What? Where? <Crumbl> Tommmu ans Tubboc
Before Grian could look at whatever was sent back, he gave out a mischievous cackle and picked up Crumb, taking them through the portal.
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crowtrinkets · 3 years
New Words
Asra and the Apprentice (during their rehabilitation) take a day trip. The events leave the Apprentice feeling insecure of their speech problems. At this point, the Apprentice can speak only a few words and can walk but does so with a cane. This is the said fic prompt that was keeping me awake at night lol.
Quick warning: Minor assault scene but nothing major or graphic
Word Count:  4560
AsraXGen Neutral Apprentice/Reader 
My eyes flutter open as the sun shines through the window, shielding my eyes from the bright warm light, I sit up. I can hear Asra idly humming in the other room. He must’ve woken up early cause he knew how excited I am. Last night Asra asked me if I wanted to go to the beach. Although I could not physically voice my excitement I enthusiastically nodded telling him I would very much like to go. Ever since I awoke to Asra and Faust not too long ago, nearing a year, give or take, I have struggled to do basic tasks. Since then I have learned to walk, although I use a cane to keep me balanced. And I can speak a few words but I’m still struggling. Asra will read to me some days so I can expand my vocabulary until I can read and speak for myself. It's not easy but I’m eager to learn. I reach over and grab my cane to help me stand, Asra walks in and gives me a smile.
“Well good morning,”
“Hello,” I respond. I can pronounce good, but morning is what always gets me, so we opted that hello can be a place holder for many words. Good morning, hey look over here, welcome back and even goodbye sometimes. I remove the kettle from the stove and carefully pour the hot water into the cups preparing the morning tea Asra and I always have. Once I was strong enough to hold the kettle Asra was always conveniently away when I woke, so that I was the one to make the tea. We both grab our cups and Asra puts out his arm so I can steady myself as we walk to the table. Sitting down I take in the aroma of my drink.
“Tea,” I mumble to myself as I raise the cup to take a sip. Although my vocabulary is short I try to say the few words I can as often as possible as a way to practice.
“So are you sure you still want to go to the beach? The sand might be tricky for you to walk on,” Asra looks at me over the rim of his cup. Although he’s already dressed I can tell he would willingly change back into regular clothes and stay home.
“Asra,” I give him a glare. I spend the majority of my time upstairs alone and engaging in “physical therapy” as Asra calls it. It's boring and I hate it, I want to see more of the city but I can't leave without Asra. If I were to get lost I wouldn’t even be able to ask someone for directions.
“Okay, okay. Beach today it is,” He gives me a quick smile before looking into his cup smile disappearing into the empty mug. I scrunch my brows in worry but before I can call his name, getting his attention he starts. “I’m going to grab some things to bring with us, you go ahead and get dressed,” he then stands and leaves to find some beach-worthy supplies. After putting our cups in the sink, I grab my beach clothes and change behind the partition in the corner. Our home above the shop is small but Asra makes sure I have the privacy I need. Once I'm dressed I put on my cover-up and do up the buttons. I poke my head around the partition but my vision is blocked by.. straw? I hear Asra let out a giggle.
“I got you a hat, it’s a sunny day and we can't do with you getting a sunburn,” I fix the hat so it’s sitting properly on my head and give Asra a look. I’ve never burned while going out, although whether it is due to the fact that I simply don't burn or Asra mothering me I will never know. Asra picks up a bag and I can see a few items poking out. A blanket, a canteen, and what looks like to be some sandwiches. He probably prepared them while I was still asleep.
“Ready to go?” Asra gives me a smile. To which I respond with a nod.
—- As my apprentice and I steadily make our way down the stairs I can't help the impending nervousness that boils in me. Their hands are placed on both my shoulders as I walk in front of them. Their motor skills have improved immensely but walking is still sometimes a struggle for them. We sometimes go to the market but we can only ever be out for about an hour. This is why I make them stay home and do exercises to build their strength. But I could tell being home all day was getting to them. Large crowds make them nervous but one can only spend so long alone especially when they can barely speak or read for entertainment. My nerves begin to grow until I hear their quiet voice in my ear.
“Asra,” I look over my shoulder at them, flushing slightly when I realized we’ve reached the end of the stairs and have been standing there for an awkward amount of time.
“Ah sorry, I was a little lost in thought” I move out of the way so they can walk ahead of me out the door. I follow behind silently.
“Friend okay?” Faust pokes her head from my bag and looks up at me. I give her a short nod and turn around to lock the door of our shop.
“Ok, time to find a gondola,” I turn to walk toward the town square where most of the gondola drivers park but I feel a hand grip my arm stopping me in my tracks.
“Walk?” My apprentice gives me a confused look. I thought I told them last night but I guess it slipped my mind.
“Well, walking on sand is hard enough and I didn't want you to tire yourself out before we got there so taking a gondola most of the way makes sense,” they scrunch their eyebrows and I see their bottom lip poke out slightly. They’re pouting, I could so easily tease them but opt not to.
“Walk!” They wave their cane in the air slightly, signifying they can walk just fine with their cane. But that doesn’t convince me otherwise, I worry they’ll get too tired and we’ll have to take a gondola anyways. I rub my hand on the back on my neck and think for a second.
“How about we take a ride there, but on the way back we can walk, sound good?” They scrunch their nose as they think about my proposition, making a grunted thinking noise before they huff in finality. They give me a distinguished nod acting as though they were not just pouting a second ago.
“Ok, sounds good to me,” they give me a smile and we walk towards the town square. I find a gondola man and drop a few miscellaneous shiny items in their hand, then requesting they take us to the East Docs. The ride is peaceful and quiet, Faust makes her way around my shoulders so she can watch the sights go by just as my apprentice is. Their wide eyes scanning everything we pass by with awe. The East Docs and beach areas are used the most so the lingering ash from the Lazaret was cleaned up, unlike Ash Beach. The east beaches are small but people usually stay away because it's so close to the south end. Hopefully, my apprentice and I can enjoy a peaceful day alone.
Once we reach our destination and exit the gondola my apprentice's face lights up, I rarely see their genuine smile, and when I do it's always a treat. We approach the shore and I scan the area. There are only a few people here, perfect beach day scenario. I see my apprentice step onto the sand and wobble a little, leaning on their cane for stability and I reach out and grab their arm to help. They give me an embarrassed look, it takes every muscle in my body not to make an I told you so face. We back onto the cobblestone and I place my bag down, removing Faust from my shoulders and placing her onto my apprentice's shoulder. Both of them tilt their heads in confusion. I crouch down slightly my back facing my apprentice.
“Get on, I’ll carry you,” I hear a short squeak come from their mouth but before long I feel them climb onto my back. Arms around my neck and legs around my sides, I place my hands on their legs to hold them up. Once I know they're secure I stand up straight feeling them cling to me for dear life, retrieving my bag I waltz out onto the sand carrying my oh-so-precious cargo. —- The last thing I expected out of today was to be on Asra's back. I also did not expect the sand to be so slippery and full of rocks making it hard to balance let alone walk on. I was silently praying thanks that Asra offered to carry me, maybe for more reason than just the one. I'm used to being in such close quarters with him but being on his back I’m realizing how good he smells. He smells like the tea we had this morning and sage with a hint of cinnamon. It’s almost addicting. I poke my head out from his right and I look around. We’re actually at the beach! My heart flutters in excitement as we near closer to the shore.
“Getting excited are we?” I suck in my breath flushing, oh dear, Asra must be able to feel my heart thumping on his back. I nod slowly, the brim of my hat dancing on top of Asra's fluffy curls. He stops walking and looks around. “This spot seems good.” He crouches down again allowing me to climb off his back, his scent leaving with him. I angle my cane to help me standstill as I observe the shore. Asra reaches into his bag and pulls out the blanket, spreading it out onto the ground. Taking my hand he helps me sit and promptly plops himself down next to me. We both let out a sigh as we look out onto the horizon. Asra reaches into his bag and pulls out two sandwiches handing one to me. I put my cane behind us and open my sandwich taking a bite. We sit in silence eating and drinking in our view of the Vesuvian shores. After swallowing my last bite, I lay down on the blanket and stretch my arms above my head. My hand swipes over something other than sand though. I grab it to get a better look, it's a seashell. Or at least part of one, its broken in half but it’s still beautiful regardless. The brown stripes running across remind me of a ribbon I saw once in the market place.
“Found a seashell?” Asra leans over observing my find. I nod and hand it to him. “Yknow we can go look for some more, ahh I don't know if I can carry you and look for seashells at the same time though,” I flush at the thought, I can imagine how ridiculous it would look. “I am also not fond of leaving you alone to go look for some myself...” Asra trails off when an idea strikes me.
“Faust,” I say looking at her as she pokes her head from the sand. Asra looks to her and then me and nods.
“Alright,” he pulls Faust from the sand and holds her up to his face so she can look at him while he speaks. “Ok Faust, I'm giving you an important task, stay here with MC while I look for seashells, protect them from harm,” I chuckle at Asra's theatrics as he hands Faust to me. What could possibly be dangerous about a beach? Asra gets up and jogs down to the shore and I wave as he leaves.
Once Asra leaves I undo my cover-up to let the sun hit my skin, setting it to the side and watching Faust turn it into her bed. I begin to scan the beach, there aren't many people here. I see a small family, two parents, and two children. They run about the shore squealing with excitement. I find myself thinking about family and whether I have one when I feel a headache creep up on me. I shake my head trying to will the pain away. Asra taught me to meditate when I feel a headache coming but sometimes they get too intense and I need Asra's help, and he’s not here right now. I look around the beach again trying to distract my thoughts until my eyes fall upon an island in the distance. I’ve heard people talk about this island, the name escapes me but I know people are scared of it. I can't remember why though. I continue to stare at this island, feeling utterly enamored with it, almost like I can't take my eyes off of it. My headache starts to slowly crawl up the nape of my neck but I can't manage to look away.
“Hey! I'm talking to you!” The voice breaks me from my trance and I look up at the man standing above me. I don’t recognize him. He’s standing very close to me, and he doesn’t seem to be dressed for the beach so what is he doing here?
“H-hello,” I stutter out. He has a nasty look on his face. Something about this man makes me uncomfortable.
“So you can talk, What's a pretty thing like you doing alone here?” He bends down slightly leaning over me even more. My heart starts to pound as I realize, he wants to talk with me. But I can't, I start to frantically look around for Asra until I see him. He’s further down the beach leaning in the water digging in the sand.
“Asra,” I try to shout but my voice is hoarse and quiet.
“Asra?” The man follows my eyes and sees Asra in the distance. “Oh, what is he your boyfriend? Well, he's not a very good one for leaving you all alone,” the man crouches down to my level getting closer to me. “Why don't you ditch him and come with me?” I lean away from the man and slowly shake my head. “What you’re too good for me or something?” The man's voice starts to become more hostile as he leans closer to me. I continue to lean away trying to will my voice into appearing, if I could speak I would tell this man to leave, but I can't and he isn't leaving me alone. I need help. Suddenly he grips my shoulder.
“C’mon can't you speak or something? Don't you know you have to answer someone when they ask you a question?” His grip on my shoulder becomes tighter and it starts to hurt the panic in me starts to swell and I act suddenly.
“No!” I scream and shove him away from me sending him onto his back. The man quickly scrambles to his feet and looks down at me once again. His face is red and his breathing is harsh and heaving.
“Little shit!” In that moment he kicks sand into my face. I start spluttering wiping the sand from my eyes. I feel something cool and silky run over my leg and I hear a scream. I manage to open my eyes and see the man thrashing at Faust who is wrapped around the man's leg, squeezing. My heart starts to race, this man could hurt Faust, my friend, and more importantly Asra's friend. I grab my cane from behind me and sit upon my knees swinging my cane at the man nailing him in the side.
“NO!” I yell once again, I’ve never said that word but my fear trumped any other emotions at that moment. The man falls onto the ground.
—- The waves are cool as they wash over my legs. I’ve managed to find quite a few seashells I'm sure my apprentice will love. I pick up a purple one and place it in my pocket. I look around at the ground again and see possibly the biggest seashell I've seen so far. It's similar to the one they found, white with brown stripes. I'm sure they’d love a complete version. I lean down to grab it but the wave beats me to it bringing it away with the current. At that moment I think I hear something.
“NO!” I stop in my tracks. That wasn’t who I thought it was... was it? No, it wasn’t MC they haven’t been able to pronounce their own name let alone “no”. When they get annoyed they usually say my name in an annoyed tone. I look back at the sand trying to find the shell the wave washed away but then I hear Faust’s voice.
“Friend! Help!” I whip my head around and scan for our spot and I see it. My dear, shy, friendly apprentice, swinging their cane? Onto a man? Are they beating a man up? Panic swells in me and I race up the beach. I can hear them yelling and sobbing “no” as they whack the screaming man senseless, Faust unravels from the man's leg and approaches me, I grab her placing her on my shoulders, and approach the scene.
“Hey, hey!” I grab their cane mid-swing and they flinch facing me. The moment their eyes meet mine however they relax, their eyes red from crying and their breath heaving from swinging. I ignore the man groaning on the ground and keep my apprentice's attention. “What happened,” tears swell their eyes and their voice comes out croaking.
“Faust.... Asra” they point to the man's leg and then point out to where I was standing. Their breathing is heavy and their voice is hoarse. My heart aches to see them so distressed. They grab their shoulder mimic someone tightening their grip. They then grab sand and point to their face with their other hand. I don't know what happened but I think I understand, I hand Faust back to them and look at the man who has now recovered and stands. I glare at him and he stumbles back slightly.
“Don’t you know when someone says no it means no? Get out of here before I call the attention of the guards,” there are no guards in sight but the notion strikes fear in the man who leaves without a word. I crouch down and catch my apprentice by the hand, the moment we meet eyes the tears start flowing, I pull them into an embrace and rub their back shushing comforts into their ear. I watch the man approach the street and flick magic his way, causing him to trip into a large burly man walking in the street. I think he still needs to learn his lesson. I look back at my apprentice pulling away before witnessing the man's unruly fate. They sniffle and look down at Faust who is wrapped around their hand.
“Faust,” they give her chin scratches and look up at me.
“You’re safe now, well maybe you were never in danger, who knew you could swing that cane so hard, maybe you don't need as much physical therapy as much as I thought you did” a snort comes out of them and they try to hide their laughter behind their hand. “Let's go home now” my apprentice nods back at me grabbing my hand as I help them to their feet.
—- Asra folds up the blanket and packs our belongings as I button my coverup. I recount the events that just happened. I may have been able to defend myself but this never would’ve happened if I could just tell that man to piss off. I feel the lump in my throat return. Squeezing the handle of my cane in my hand as I try to bite back my tears.
“All packed up” Asra's voice catches me off guard. He lightly places his hand on my arm and gives me a warm smile. “Hey, you didn't do anything wrong, that man had it coming it was unfortunate he had to face the wrath of MC the mighty warrior equipped with a cane and a fearless snake," Faust pokes her head out from my should and bleps her tongue out at me. I smile at Asra's encouraging words, but I don’t think he understands why I'm really upset. He leans down again so I can climb onto his back and he walks back to the streets setting me down once were on stable ground. Faust climbs from my shoulders and onto Asra's as I walk close to the docs looking for a gondola.
“Hey, I said we could walk home didn't I?” Asra smiles at me reminding me of our deal from this morning. I nod and follow him towards our shop. Our trek back home is quiet, it’s usually quiet due to my lack of speech ability, but it’s especially quiet as we walk along the cobblestone streets. The afternoon sun still illuminates the streets but it slowly falls behind the buildings as we go through the city.
“So you learned a new word today,” Asra catches my attention. Yea I guess I did, and with this new word comes me repeating it whenever possible so it sticks in my brain. I take a deep breath and stop in my tracks. Asra gives me a confused look.
“NOOO-” I yell as loud it as I can. My new word. Asra jumps and puts his hand over my mouth trying to stifle his laughter”
“Mc, please! People are gonna think you're being attacked” he whispers, laughing between words.
“Asra,” I muffle under his hand, poking him in the shoulder. We then hear feet rushing towards us.
“Guards!” Asra picks me uplifting me by the legs, practically throwing me over his shoulder, and my arms find his shoulders, anchoring me in place. He takes off running both of us giggling. Asra runs behind a building and sets me down, peeking around the corner to make sure we weren't followed. I don't understand why he ran, he simply could've explained the situation but I guess his mischievous nature got the best of him. He laughs between breaths. Turning to face me Asra puts his hands on his hips to scold me but his smiles betrays his stern persona.
“Why would you do that? You really are just attracting trouble wherever you go,” Asra's smile is warm. But he’s right. My inability to speak has now become a danger. If Asra could use magic to make me speak I would request it in an instant. But this is something I had to do for myself. I have to be determined and try my hardest. I fiddle with a loose button on my coverup, trying not to recount the panic that swelled in me because I couldn't ask the man to leave. Asra is now giving me a concerned look, I can see the sadness behind his eyes when he looks at me like that.
“I was only kidding MC, I don't think your THAT much of a trouble maker," his attempt at a joke makes the corners of my mouth upturn ever so slightly. "hey how about we get something to eat, maybe soooome” my heart flutters, is he gonna say what I think he is. He taps a finger to his chin pretending to ponder, smirking at the look I give him. “Pumpkin bread?” I nearly jump, nodding so quickly my head may roll off my shoulders. “Well then,” Asra puts his arm out for me to take “shall we?” I grab his arm and we walk toward the marketplace. —- My apprentice and I waltz through our neighborhood arms linked together, and I’m able to carry their weight and keep them balanced, so they rest their cane’s handle on their arm. I would be lying if I didn’t admit I was utterly terrified when I saw the event that took place. I also would be lying if I said I wasn’t proud that they defended themself, especially Faust. When I left them alone I exaggerated my instructions to her but she knew there was a sense of seriousness in my speech. We approach the stand of our favorite baker.
“Well if it isn't Asra and- oh you look a little worse for wear,” I look at our appearance, I guess we do look a little disheveled after our day, scaring off creeps and running from guards. Especially my friend on my arm, sand coating parts of their skin from earlier in the day. Their face still a little puffy from all their crying.
“I think we’re deserving of some tea and pumpkin bread,” the baker gives me a knowing look and turns to fetch us our treats, my apprentice lets go on my arm and steadies their stance with their cane.
“Tea,” they nod and walk over to their usual seat. I sit on the stairs next to their stool. The baker approaches us with two cups and hands us our own respective drinks. I take a sniff of the warm brew. It smells of berries and mint. Taking a long sip I feel my whole body relax. I see my apprentice let the stiffness of their body ease from the corner of my eye as well. The baker returns with two loaves of our favorite pumpkin bread and leans on a table looking us up and down.
“Seems you visited the beaches? Fun day?” My apprentice tenses once again. Taking a slow bite of their bread and nodding slowly. I quickly think of ways to change the subject.
“Yes, ahh yes I actually found quite a few seashells if you’d like to see,” I stand and reach into my pockets pulling out all the shells I collected from the beach and placing them on the table for the baker to peruse. We converse back and forth trying to determine which shell belongs to which sea creature. I can see my apprentice from the corner of my eye, they continue to eat their bread in silence looking down. I can tell they don’t want to be asked about our day. I won't dare ask them to tell me what exactly happened today, but I feel that they are shaken up about more than just what happened. That's when I hear it though. Their small voice uttering something. The baker and I turn towards them in awe as they attempt to speak.
“Puh... pump... kin brrr... brrread,” they look up at us beaming eyes misty. Then they open their mouth again. “Thhh... hank.... yyy- yyyou” I look over at the baker, we come here often so he knows of my apprentice's situation, he wipes a stray tear from his eye and smiles back at them.
“You are very welcome,” the warmness in my heart flutters. Seeing them improve fills me with pride, and it brings me even more joy to see them smile, my dear, kind, friendly apprentice.
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her-story6 · 4 years
“5 times Cathy calls Lina ‘mum’ and 1 time Lina calls Cathy her daughter”
aka, my most recent procrastination project. I promise I’ll get to the other fics, y’all, I swear. Thank you for being so patient.
Note- I don’t usually hc Cathy as calling Lina ‘mum’ but it was fun to explore for one fic.
No one could ever figure out how Cathy was always the last one to get sick when a bug went through the house. It was just how it was, every time.
Funnily enough, every time, she would do the same old routine. The others don’t think she noticed the pattern, but it was blatantly obvious to them, and it would be annoying if it wasn’t so endearing.
First, she would try and deny it, but once they made it to the theater, she couldn’t hide it for very long before she was frog marched back home and into bed. From there someone, usually Catalina, would stay by her side for a few days until she had either become less stubborn or more lucid. Either way, she would eventually give in and agree to rest. Finally, she would come back around and pretend like nothing ever happened. 
Honestly, this cycle happened in some form or another for all the Queens, so no one said anything. They all had their own reactions to illness that more or less stemmed from past trauma, and none of them desired to relive anything like that.
The most recent illness was no different.
To no one's surprise, Cathy had been driven home by Catalina between the afternoon and evening performances, and the elder were currently in the process of trying to get her goddaughter into bed without physical injury.
“Look, Cathy, love, just let me help you,” Lina tried again as Cathy just barely caught herself on the kitchen counter instead of tumbling to the floor.
“I got it, Ari,” the sixth Queen huffed, face scrunching in concentration. She was probably trying to sound determined and intimidating, but Catalina would have laughed if she wasn't so exasperated 
“Mija, you barely made it inside without cracking your skull on the ice. I'm begging you, just let me hold your arm when you go up the steps.”
Cathy, who had been taking a short break on a stool, glanced slowly between the aforementioned steps and her godmother, clearly thinking carefully (or as carefully as she could in her half-lucid state) before sighing.
“Fine. But just to get you off my back.” 
“Fair enough, querida.” Catalina smirked before sliding forward and linking arms with the smaller woman. Cathy struggled to stand for a moment, before allowing Lina to lead her to the steps.
The first Queen would have been very worried about her goddaughter’s sudden lack of basic motor skills, except it was already a miracle she had managed to survive one show without passing out. This specific illness had caused even Anna, the most composed of all of them, to slide magnificently down the theater staircase before telling Jane all sorts of embarrassing secrets..
They had all been so tired and so out of it that they had practically blacked out for three days, and with the hazy mind came awkward conversations and hours laying in bed.
By the time they reached the top of two flights of stairs, Catalina was supporting basically all of Cathy’s weight. She regarded this as a good thing, though, as it meant that the girl would put up little fight in going to bed.
“Lina, don't we have a show?” Cathy broke the silence that had formed when they reached her door, rolling her head to look at her godmother.
“Not right now, Cath. It's time for bed.” Catalina noted the shift in tone and adapted accordingly, lowering her tone and slowing her speech.
“It's bedtime?” 
“Exactly, querida,” Catalina chuckled. “Do you want to change clothes?” 
Cathy let out a long, almost dramatic groan as she glanced between the dresser and the bed, before shaking her head.
“No. I wanna sleep.”
“Alright, then. Come on.” 
The older woman led Cathy to the bed and helped her get situated under the covers. While she burrowed deeply so was barely distinguishable under the blankets, Catalina turned to close the curtains and set down the water bottle she had slipped under her arm on the way up here.
After said tasks were done, she sat down on the edge of the bed and reached over to brush a lock of hair out of her goddaughter’s eyes. 
“Sweet dreams, mi hija. I'll be right downstairs if you need me.”
“Mhmmm” Cathy hummed in acknowledgment, pushing slightly into the touch as she shifted in bed. Catalina smiled softly at her for a moment, before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you, mi hermosa hija,” she whispered softly as she rose from the bed and walked towards the door. Just as she was about to slip through it, though, a quiet mutter from Cathy stopped her dead in her tracks.
“Love you too, mum.”
Catalina didn't mention that night to anyone.
She didn't mention how her heart skipped a beat, and then she couldn’t stop smiling all night.
She didn’t tell the other Queens of the slip-up, because she could imagine their amused and slightly concerned expressions now. 
She most certainly didn’t say anything to Cathy, because honestly- she didn’t want to know whether she meant it or not, or if she would be ashamed or proud, or if she truly felt that way.
As such, the first Queen tried her best to continue life as normal. Pushing the incident to the back of her mind, she was almost able to act completely normal around her goddaughter again. 
Until, of course, she said something that was arguably even more heart-stopping.
“Querida, I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s very reasonable,” Catalina tried to reason as the two faced off in the kitchen. The other four were lounging in the living room and trying very hard to not be seen listening in.
“Come on, Catty, just think about it, I mean-”
“No, Cathy. That’s just not realistic. I’m sorry, love.”
“But, madrina-” the sixth Queen whined, leaning dramatically over the counter. Catalina, who had been digging around in the fridge for ingredients (as Cathy had interrupted her while she was fixing dinner), turned around much faster than she meant to and stared at her goddaughter open-mouthed.
“What did you just say?”
“I- oh, I’m so sorry,” Cathy began to stutter as she sat back and looked down, “I didn’t mean, I mean, I did, but if you’re not alright with it, then I’ll never say it again, of course, I’m sorry, I-” 
“No!” Catalina exclaimed, then immediately composed herself. “No, it’s fine. It’s great actually.” 
“Yes, of course. It’s only fair, if I call you hija then why can’t you call me madrina?” Catalina smiled, reaching across the counter to squeeze Cathy’s arm gently. The younger woman gave her a hesitant smile, then nodded.
“Alright, good.”
“Good,” Catalina echoed. She watched her goddaughter for a few more moments, pretending not to feel Jane’s amused gaze on them, then took a step back. “The answer’s still no, though, mija.”
“Ughhhhhhh,” Cathy groaned dramatically, lowering her forehead onto the counter. “Fiinneeee”
Catalina could do nothing but chuckle.
It had been a few weeks and Catalina was just about used to hearing the word ‘madrina’ from her goddaughter’s mouth and every time, she couldn’t help but beam. The proud look on Cathy’s face when she noticed was almost enough to give her a heart attack.
What really did give her a heart attack, though, was when she received a call from the hospital, telling her that Cathy had been in an accident.
This certainly wasn’t the first time one of them had ended up in an ambulance. 
Anne, of course, had taken multiple trips, but there was also the time Jane sprained her wrist and when Anna had taken a wrong step on her morning jog and ended up in an ankle cast for the next two months. 
As such, after the doctors assured her that Cathy was all fine and they just needed someone to pick her up because the car was not drivable, the panic wore off and she was more relieved than worried. 
When she arrived at the hospital, the nurses led her outside a sitting room where she could see Cathy sitting, holding her purse close to her chest and bouncing her leg restlessly. The nurse peaked her head into the room, gesturing for Lina to stay put, and said- 
“Catherine, your mother’s here to pick you up. You have all the forms settled, so you’re free to go.”
Before Catalina could say anything, the nurse disappeared around a corner as Cathy slipped through the door.  
“Heyyyy,” Cathy started, shifting her purse so it was over her shoulder and looking up at her godmother. “Sorry about that, they didn’t seem to like my idea of just getting a taxi home.”
Catalina was relieved to see that Cathy was more embarrassed than nervous, so she decided to ignore the elephant in the room as the two started walking to the exit.
“No problem, mija. I’m just glad you’re alright.”
“Yeah, me too,” she chuckled. “It wasn’t my fault, by the way. The other guy took full responsibility and his insurance will pay for everything.” 
“That’s good.” Catalina nodded, holding the door open as they went outside. Cathy shivered slightly against the nipping wind, but said nothing else on the walk to the car. 
Once they were back on the road, though, Catalina grew tired of the awkward silence.
“So,” she started, and out of her peripherals she could see Cathy shift, “mother, huh?” Catalina tried to keep her tone light and amused, and was grateful when her goddaughter let out a soft chuckle. 
“Yeah, sorry about that. It was all so rushed and I didn’t want to make it more complicated than it had to be by explaining our relationship. They wouldn’t even let me call you.” 
“No worries, I was just wondering. Our relationship is pretty hard to explain.”
“You can say that again,” Cathy agreed, and the two laughed as the conversation easily shifted to a more lighthearted topic.
“Oh, come on Catherine! Do you really have to be so uptight all the time?”
The room suddenly became silent at Cathy’s outburst, all heads, which had previously been focused on a heated argument between Anne and Catalina, turning to the sixth Queen. Cathy took this as permission to continue.
“I’m sorry, but you really need to lighten up some times! Anne just wants to go out with Kat and I for a night, what’s the big deal?”
Catalina was taken aback, unaware that her goddaughter was even involved in the issue, but didn’t back down.
“The big deal is that it’s not safe. I’m not letting you stay out all night in the middle of winter, especially with the roads like they are. We are already down one vehicle, we can’t lose the other one too.” The first Queen tried to keep her voice even, but the look of anger in Cathy’s eyes caused her to waver on the last few words. 
“Why do you even get a say? We’re all adults in this situation and it’s really none of your business,” Cathy countered. Anne had taken a step back and was now more of a spectator than a participant. Arguments between Cathy and Lina were rare, and when it happened, they all knew not to get involved.
“First of all because it’s my name on the car registration,” Lina started, quickly losing patience. “Secondly because I don’t want any of you getting hurt when I can stop it.” 
“You wouldn’t stop Anna or Jane from going!” Cathy exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. “It’s just because you don’t trust us.”
“That is not true at all and you know it, Catherine Parr.” Catalina’s voice had lowered dangerously, and Anna and Kitty took an actual step back.
“Do I?! How would you know how I think?”
“You need to calm down. It’s been a long week and we all need a break,” Catalina once again tried to reason calmly, having caught herself before she could make the conversation spiral further. 
“Come on, mom! You can’t control us forever.” 
“I don’t know what’s going on with you right now, but I think you should-,” Catalina stopped dead when her brain registered what Cathy had said. “Wait, what?!”
“I-” Cathy’s voice suddenly returned to its normal pitch as she came to the same realization. The room was frozen for a solid minute, all eyes back on Cathy, as her eyes grew wide and her face contorted in confusion. “Whatever.” She finally scoffed, then immediately disappeared up the steps.
Catalina watched after her, mouth wide open and blinking comically. Only the sudden cackling laughter from Jane brought her out of a stupor.
“Oh my god!” Jane said through laughter. “That was beautiful.”
“Jane-” Anna warned, but there was a clear amused smirk on her face as well. 
 “You all heard that too, right?” Catalina turned to them, still reeling. 
“Oh, yeah!” Jane beamed widely, reaching forward to pat her friend’s arm. “Good luck with that, love.” 
 “Oh, thanks,” Catalina said sarcastically, rolling her eyes even as she tried to process the last few minutes. 
 “So.....” Anne interjected after a few moments of silence, the word clearly a question. 
“No, Anne,” Jane answered her question before it could be asked. “It was a stupid idea in the first place and I think Cathy’s out for the night anyway.” Catalina sent the third Queen a grateful look for taking the question.
“Ughhhh, fine,” Anne huffed dramatically. “It’s probably for the better anyway. Now Kit and I can finish our movie marathon.”
It was quite a statement on Catalina’s mental state when she said nothing to try and discourage the cousins from pulling (another) all-nighter, and the two took the momentary lapse to disappear up the steps. This hesitation was also noticed by Jane and Anna, who glanced at each other in concern. 
“You alright, Lina?” 
“I-” she started, then paused and leaned back against the fridge with a sigh, “This is going to be a really awkward conversation, isn’t it?”
Jane chuckled softly, nodding. “Yeah, probably. Kitty called me ‘mum’ once and she didn’t look me in the eye again for a week.” 
“That’s just the thing, though. This isn’t the first time.”
“It isn’t?” Anna joined in the conversation now, sliding onto a stool across from the other two women.
“I mean, we all know she calls me ‘madrina’, which is different, but still. But she was really sick one night and right before she fell asleep, she, uh... she said ‘love you too mum’” 
“Awwwww” Jane cooed, smiling cheekily. 
 “Not helpful, Jane,” Catalina bit back, without any real force behind it.
“Sorry, sorry, I know. But seriously, do you have a problem with it?”
“No! I mean, I don’t want to make it a normal thing, obviously, but it’s nice to know that she thinks of me like that.”
“Then what’s the issue?” Anna asked, leaning her chin her hand and tilting her head.
“I just don’t want her to feel weird about it. We’ve had.... conversations. About her mother and my Mary and not replacing them and the like, and I just.... I don’t know, it just feels weird.”
“That makes sense. I suggest you let it rest for now. Wait for her to come to you, maybe.”  
“You’re right, Jane, I know,” Catalina shook her head, sighing once more. “There’s nothing I can do for now. Thank you, ladies.”
“No problem, Ari.” Anna smiled, and Jane nodded in agreement. “Go get some sleep.”
“That’s exactly the plan. Maybe I’ll stop by Anne’s room on the way and apologize. Good night, Queens.” Catalina nodded politely at them, then slipped up the stairs. 
“Good night,” they echoed, sending each other one last amused look before carrying on with their nightly routine. 
It had been two days, and Catalina was trying her best to be patient, but Cathy had yet to initiate any conversation with her, let alone one about the topic that was very clearly weighing heavily on both of their minds.
It was painfully clear that they were avoiding each other, and based on Jane’s annoyed sighs and Anna’s pointed glances, the others had noticed as well.
Eventually, though, to everyone’s surprise, it was Cathy who broke the silence.
“Lina, can you help me fix dinner?”
Alright, so it wasn’t what she was hoping to hear, but at least it was something. Catalina, of course, accepted immediately and the two soon found themselves alone in the kitchen, once again surrounded by an uncomfortable silence.
It wasn’t until the meal was in the oven that the first Queen decided enough was enough.
“Cathy, I think we need to-” Catalina started, setting down the bowl she had been washing.
“I really don’t want to talk about it, Ari. Can’t we just pretend it never happened? Please?” 
The sincerity in her goddaughter's voice almost caused Catalina to give in, but she shook her head and stood her ground.
“You know we can’t, querida. Let’s just get it over with, huh?”
Cathy looked ready to object, but after a quick internal battle, she sighed and nodded, turning the faucet off and jumping up on the counter. Catalina watched her carefully, then followed suit, setting down her washcloth and leaning against the fridge.
“First of all,” Cathy started, shifting so her feet were tucked under her. Lina held back a comment about dirty shoes on the counter as her goddaughter composed her thoughts. “I just wanted to apologize for the argument in the first place. It was stupid and I didn’t mean anything that I said.”
Catalina nodded slowly, mulling over her words, before asking simply- “Anything?”  
Cathy hesitated, knowing exactly what she was referring to. “I-,” she paused, swallowing hard. “I honestly don’t know. I was worried at first that you would be uncomfortable, that I had crossed a boundary, and of course I don’t plan on... on calling you that on a regular basis or anything, but....... I dunno.”
Catalina nodded once more, then allowed herself to hesitate, set on thinking out her thoughts before saying them.
“I completely understand. As we’re being honest, I also have to say that I could not tell you all my feelings about it. I think- I think that if it became a habit, I might not be very comfortable with that, but I would never be upset about a slip-up. And every so often, if it comes out... less on accident, I don’t think I would protest too hard.”
“No, yeah, I get it.” Cathy nodded, visibly relaxing as the tension seeped away. “What had me so confused was the difference between ‘madrina’ and ‘mom’. Two completely different connotations, but I have no way of putting the specifics in words.”
“Yeah! Yeah, that was exactly what I was thinking.” Catalina nodded, a smile forming on her face. “It’s actually really nice, to know that you see me like that, because I completely reciprocate that feeling. It’s very clearly not a traditional relationship, but we don’t have to explain it to anyone else if we don’t want to.”
“The word ‘traditional’ doesn’t apply to anything in this house, it seems,” Cathy joked, and then smirked slightly. “You know, that wasn’t the first time I had made that mistake.”
“Oh, I know,” said Catalina simply. Cathy seemed surprised for only a moment before she just shook her head and chuckled softly. 
“So we’re good?”
“Of course, mija.” Catalina nodded, reaching to squeeze her goddaughter’s leg. “I’m sorry I didn’t bring this up earlier. I was just nervous you would say something I didn’t want to hear.”
“Oh, me too. But I’m glad we got it all sorted.”
The two stared at each other for a few more moments, just smiling and allowing themselves to appreciate the moment. 
‘The moment’, however, was cut off with a shrill beep from the stove, which caused Catalina to jump and bump her side on the fridge handle. 
“Oh, careful, madrina.” Cathy smiled cheekily, “Don’t want to break those fragile old bones of yours.”
“I’ll have you know, mija,” Catalina retorted, as they both set to work on taking out the pans and setting them out on the counter, “These bones are barely a year old. I think I’ll be fine.”
“If anything, that’s more concerning! These bones materialized out of thin air!”
“Oh, please querida, don’t give me an existential crisis right now, I can’t handle it.”
“Your old lady brain struggling to keep up?” Cathy asked, barely containing a laugh.
“Why, you-!”
And when the others came down to the duo ignoring the still beeping oven as they bickered, they didn’t say anything, too relieved to see that they were speaking again. 
The Queens didn’t go out to bars together very much anymore, after numerous bad experiences their first few months, but every so often, when a large celebration was in order, they made an exception for Anne and allowed the second Queen to bring them around to her favorite establishments.  
By this point in the night, there had already been multiple counts of harassment amongst the six of them, and no one was really reacting anymore. Even Lina, who was above only Cathy in the ‘most likely to get catcalled’ list, had been forced to get a little snippy when a man wouldn’t leave her alone.
Cathy, of course, was blissfully unaware of most of this.
The others had tried to explain to her multiple times why she wasn’t harassed nearly as much as the others. 
(‘It’s because you look like a twelve year old’ Anne had suggested, and then Anna had shaken her head and said ‘No, it’s just because you look like you would kill anyone who touched you. That’s a compliment, by the way’.)
That wasn’t to say she was completely unharmed, for she had of course had her fair share of bad experiences. They were just rarer.
This, apparently, was just one of those nights, though, because as Catalina made her way back from the bathroom at their most recent (and final, accordion to Jane) bar, she just barely caught her goddaughter’s curly hair peeking out from behind a large muscular man leaning over her on the other side of the room. 
Immediately, the first Queen changed her route and pushed through the throng, trying to gauge the situation before interrupting. As she grew closer, she began to catch snippets of their conversation.
“Come on, beautiful,” the man sneered, leaning cockily against the wall and effectively cutting off Cathy’s escape route.
“I already said no, I’m sorry,” Cathy responded, much calmer than Lina had worried. “Look, I just want to go back to my friends, please.”
Something in the man’s expression changed, and Catalina had no desire to see what happened next (it could have been fine, but she wasn’t going to take that chance) so she sped up and covered the last remaining ground in seconds, before sliding seamlessly between her goddaughter and the man.
“Kindly leave my daughter alone, sir,” Catalina tried to be as civil as possible, crossing her arms and drawing herself up to her full height.
“Your daughter?” the man questioned, scoffing slightly. He leaned around Lina to peer at Cathy. “You come to bars with your mom?”
“Actually I come to bars with my daughter, but that’s really none of your business. Please just leave her alone.”
He looked ready to argue, but with one raised eyebrow from Lina, he decided it wasn’t worth it and turned on his heel, walking away while muttering something under his breath.
“Thank you, but I really didn’t need your help. It was more amusing than anything.” Cathy rolled her eyes, stepping out and following her godmother through the crowd back to their table. 
“I know, I just thought it was better to be safe than sorry.” 
“Fair enough.” Cathy nodded, then hesitated. “‘Your daughter’, huh?” 
Catalina let out a barking laugh, then cocked her head in thought, pulling Cathy to a stop. Cathy tilted her head in curiosity, glancing back at her godmother. Finally, Catalina simply nodded and said, now completely serious-  
“You heard me.”
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
EJ NSFW Alphabet
This took SO MUCH MORE time to write than I thought it would 😭😩 twas a struggle 
BUT thank you for 300 followers, I appreciate yalls’s support SO MUCH 💕💞💓 also im sorry if this one’s boring sksjdhfgsjkl
Masterlist: x
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Because ya boi is part demon, he knows he might end up hurting you without meaning to. This makes him incredibly attentive to your needs after sex; he’ll check if you need anything, if you enjoyed yourself, if you're ok, etc etc etc. If he somehow did end up hurting you, he’ll feel like pure shit. He either won’t stop apologizing or get unnervingly quiet and spacey. Needs some reassurance tbh
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners’)
He’s got a lot of conflicting feelings about his body, but he probably likes his hands the most; he has a lot of control over them & he appreciates his fine motor skills
On the other hand, it’s not even sexual, but he can’t get over your eyes. Not only do they remind him of his lost humanity, but he gets lost really easily in them. Loves seeing all the subtle shifts and changes depending on what you’re perceiving
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He cums, like, a lot. It’s thick and dense, has a faint grey sheen to it, and tastes slightly metallic, which isn’t entirely unpleasant
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He wishes he didn’t, but he really gets off to your scent. When you’re not around and he’s in heat, he’ll sneak into your room and jerk himself off, surrounded by the familiarity and comfort of your smell. He might even go through your underwear drawer & find a pair to get himself off to, either by shoving it against his face or fisting the fabric around his cock
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He had maybe one or two other partners before/during college. It’s not nothing, but it isn’t much, either. He’d rather pay attention to your preferences anyways, so previous experience doesn’t really matter to him
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He likes anything with a good view of your face, so he’s a fan of missionary and cowgirl. Loves seeing your little reactions as he’s grasping onto your hips and rutting himself into you. He also can’t get enough of eating you out, whether it be face-sitting or regular ol oral--he lives for the taste of your sex on his tongue 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
He’s a bit more on the serious side, just cause of who he is as a person. Still, he isn’t afraid of letting out a chuckle if something funny happens or if you crack a joke
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He’ll trim or even shave if it’s an issue, but otherwise it’s pretty messy down there, ngl
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Mm he likes being very intimate. Lots of body worship & praise. When he’s nearing his end, he starts to unwind & his demonic side shows through. He just loses himself in how fucking good you feel, and that’s when the love bites, bruises & scratches start making their appearances
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t usually jerk off, just cause he generally keeps busy, but he does go into heat, and if you aren't around, he’ll lock himself in his room & try to get himself off wishing you were there to help
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
He’s pretty vanilla ngl but um,, biting kink? Does it even need to be said?? He tries to keep it under control cause he knows it could really hurt you, but sometimes he just can’t resist sinking his teeth into your flesh while you’re moaning and squirming so deliciously 
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He likes it in your bedroom, just cause he’s surrounded by your scent. His room is fine as well cause that means you’ll have his scent. Anywhere private where you can safely have fun is fine by him
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your scent, the taste of your skin, your little cries and whimpers, your thighs that are just perfect to grasp onto and rut himself into--
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’s kinda iffy on being tied up or restrained, cause he’s scared it might trigger the demon and he does not wanna lose control during sex
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Lives to go down on you. Any place, any time. It’s practically a hobby at this point. He’ll beg you to sit on his face if he has to
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He starts off sensual but ends up going hard, fast and amazingly rough. He just can’t seem to help himself when you look so cute and flustered beneath him~
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He’d rather get down and dirty into it, having you all to himself for an extended amount of time. But he’s also not against quickies. And sometimes when he’s starting his heat, he needs to pull you aside & fuck you raw, risks be damned
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He’s alright with experimenting, but he probably won’t be the first to bring it up. He doesn’t wanna take unnecessary chances, though he will try it every once in a while if you really want to
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He’s got the stamina of a god. Doesn’t tire easily at all and most definitely will make you cum before he even considers it himself. He can go for pretty much as many rounds as you want
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t own any because he never really had that many partners to experiment with. But he’s definitely considered getting one for himself during his heats. He’s just never followed through. Would love getting you a butt plug just so you can feel nice and full when he’s stuffing himself into you
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Not much of a tease unless he’s feeling sadistic when going down on you. He’ll only push one finger in and kiss and nibble around the spot where you need it most, chuckling when you wriggle your hips and whine his name
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Little grunts here and there. If you’re being really intimate, he might purr. When he’s near, he curses under his breath and it’s fucking hot and he might growl if he’s being teased. Snarls when he’s in heat
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He’s a thigh guy. Loves digging his fingers into them when you’re riding his face and he’s getting smothered. Also, thigh fucking when he’s in heat? Yes please. Loves scratching, slapping and making a mess out of them
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He’s pretty average, maybe just a bit bigger. Uncut. Curves a bit to the side in a way that makes it easier to brush against your sweet spot
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He doesn’t have the highest sex drive in the mansion, but when his heats hit, they hit hard. He needs to lock himself away because it’s that intense
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He likes waiting for you to drift off first, because he needs less sleep than humans do, and he also likes watching over you while you’re at your most vulnerable. He’s flattered you trust him enough to sleep with him 
I know I still have all your beautiful requests waiting for me, I’m trying my best but it’s a lot for one person 😩 If you make a donation to my ko-fi tho, your request will have top priority & will be released in the following week or so (only 3$!!) Thank youuu~~
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theetangerine · 3 years
What it’s real like being a Dyslexic
Today's  post shall be about Dyslexia from  "Dyslexia the Gift". Well I didn't know that I was blessed with such an omnipotent power. Thank you Dyslexia the Gift for Awakening my abilities. Anyways this post is just my rebuttal to this list as an Anthropomorphic Tangerine with severe dyslexia. Here we go: General:
1. Appears bright, highly intelligent, and articulate but unable to read, write, or spell at grade level.
Ahhhhh.......... so I am all those big words that I can't spell or pronounce.
BTW who ever came up with the word Dyslexia is a troll cause you knew damn well I can't spell that.
2. Labelled lazy, dumb, careless, immature, “not trying hard enough,” or “behavior problem.”
Hey I am not lazy just because Suzie spends her the night figuring out Algebra questions and I on the other hand will look at her formula, "Copy and Paste" for myself and even then at the end of the day I stilled will have learned it. Einstein did say there are different types of genius.
3.Isn’t “behind enough” or “bad enough” to be helped in the school setting.
Let's just pretend it didn't take me 3 times to read this inorder to understand it. Anywhose.
The school suggested to my parents to take me to get tested. Although I think it was because they wanted justify their discrimination against me.
 4.   High in IQ, yet may not test well academically; tests well orally, but not written.
Lies. I failed in both.
5.Feels dumb; has poor self-esteem; hides or covers up weaknesses with ingenious compensatory strategies; easily frustrated and emotional about school reading or testing.
*clear throat* In best Beyonce voice "I'm survivor................"
6.Talented in art, drama, music, sports, mechanics, story-telling, sales, business, designing, building, or engineering.
 Ohh.......come on I suppose to be talented in these fields why didn't Dyslexia tell me this.
7.Seems to “Zone out” or daydream often; gets lost easily or loses track of time.
They were in the Zone like in Soul
woahh..... that was a bar.
8.Difficulty sustaining attention; seems “hyper” or “daydreamer.”
 As I type this I peer out through the window wondering if clouds really are made of precipitation or that is what the Illuminati wants you to think.
 9. Learns best through hands-on experience, demonstrations, experimentation, observation, and visual aids.
Crash Course history is my religion.
Vision, Reading, and Spelling:
10.Complains of dizziness, headaches or stomach aches while reading.
 Starts going in the 4th dimension if I pick up a book.  
11.Confused by letters, numbers, words, sequences, or verbal explanations.
Algebra is not for dyslexics. You mix letters and numbers together. Mathematicians were not thinking of dyslexics when Algebra was created.
 12. Reading or writing shows repetitions, additions, transpositions, omissions, substitutions, and reversals in letters, numbers and/or words.
Yes Yes . Truly feal for all of of my teacher who read my essays.
13.Complains of feeling or seeing non-existent movement while reading, writing, or copying.
I am Percy Jackson so I am a god.
 14.Seems to have difficulty with vision, yet eye exams don’t reveal a problem.
 I actually had glasses.
15.Extremely keen sighted and observant, or lacks depth perception and peripheral vision.
Yet another sentence I can't understand. Hold up let me go and look up “depth perception” so I can understand this sentence, real quick.........................This is true.  
 16.Reads and rereads with little comprehension.
Reading number fifteen (15) proves this.
 17.Spells phonetically and inconsistently.
 Hooked on Phonics told me otherwise.
Hearing and Speech:
18.Has extended hearing; hears things not said or apparent to others; easily distracted by sounds.
Being an only child while being home alone this ability doesn't have any benefits.
 19.Difficulty putting thoughts into words; speaks in halting phrases; leaves sentences incomplete; stutters under stress; mispronounces long words, or transposes phrases, words, and syllables when speaking.
 I feel called out.
Writing and Motor Skills:
20.Trouble with writing or copying; pencil grip is unusual; handwriting varies or is illegible.
 I may have changed my writing style multiple times. Some legible, some not.
 21.Clumsy, uncoordinated, poor at ball or team sports; difficulties with fine and/or gross motor skills and tasks; prone to motion-sickness.
But if I am supposed to be talented at sports in the afro-mention point why can't I catch a ball.
Dyslexia being confused since 1877.
 22.Can be ambidextrous, and often confuses left/right, over/under.
Yip...A 20 something that doesn't know their left from their right.
 Math and Time Management:
23.Has difficulty telling time, managing time, learning sequenced information or tasks, or being on time.
Well if I can't tell time I can't manage my time thus I don't have enough time to do tasks so that is why I am never on time.
 24.Computing math shows dependence on finger counting and other tricks; knows answers, but can’t do it on paper.
 Only if Math exam were oral I would have accolades in Math.
 25.Can count, but has difficulty counting objects and dealing with money.
 Y'all I have nightmares about being a cashier.  
 26.Can do arithmetic, but fails word problems; cannot grasp algebra or higher math.
As I said before Algebra not, for dyslexics.
Memory and Cognition:
27:Excellent long-term memory for experiences, locations, and faces.
I wish could forget about that time I fell down in front the entire school. And yes this is not an exaggeration. The ENTIRE school saw this.  
28.Poor memory for sequences, facts and information that has not been experienced.
Subjects dyslexics shouldn't do:
Science: too many big words you can't spell.
History or Literature: reading is detrimental to your health.
Math:  A-L-G-E-B-R-A
 29.Thinks primarily with images and feeling, not sounds or words (little internal dialogue).
Sad truth I wear my heart on my sleeves. It's fricking annoying cause I want to be mad in peace without anyone knowing Goddamn it .
 Behavior, Health, Development, and Personality: 
30.Extremely disorderly or compulsively orderly.
I am Death the Kid.
(If you don't get that reference you are uncultured)
 31.Can be class clown, trouble-maker, or too quiet.
Like I was disliked in school for being too quiet. You would think that it was students oh no no no Patricia it was teachers.
Sorry Mrs. Emily for not giving you grey hairs, so you have the opportunity to go home to your loving husband to complain about how much you hate your job and kids. While you thinking about your affair with the young nextdoor neighbour, who you would end up marrying only to then leave them for a hot 20 yea.............................Ummmm that got a bit personal there lets continue shall we  
32.Had unusually early or late developmental stages (talking, crawling, walking, tying shoes).
 It took a while to learn how to tie my laces.
 33.Prone to ear infections; sensitive to foods, additives, and chemical products.
So wait not only did Dyslexia inhibit my ability to read, comprehend and to tell my right from my left to function normally in society but it caused my ear infections too. That is it I'm done
Moving to Siberia.
 34.Can be an extra deep or light sleeper; bedwetting beyond appropriate age.
 I was a very well trained tangerine.
 35.Unusually high or low tolerance for pain.
Everytime I stub my pinky toes it feels like an aeroplane wheel rolled over it.
36.Strong sense of justice; emotionally sensitive; strives for perfection.
37.Mistakes and symptoms increase dramatically with confusion, time pressure, emotional stress, or poor     health.
2 second Rant
Examiners don't think of dyslexic people, even with extra time. The sheer amount of times it takes just to understand the question then to answer with the best possible Grammar is straight cruelty.
You automatically want me to fail and not finish don't you.
You Demon.
  Mini sidestory:
While writing this I asked my significant other to spell "Exaggerate", dude looked at me and told me to sound it out. Past me knew he was going to say this and I did sound it out  before he asked me to sound it out. I told him that I did and that I don't know what letter comes after "Ex", he was like babe sound it out..................................
Tangerine internal thoughts: (Exsqueeze me) Every time try that a ""H" is coming up in my head. I thought this through ya know.
In conclusion I sound it out to my phone.
 To anyone who don't understand Dyslexia fully I do suggest researching.  
My commentary is completely subjective but if you relate that is good :)
 That's all my Fruits until next time
- TheeTangerine
Proof read by TheeApple<3
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sophfic27 · 3 years
The Mysterious Watch (You know the one)
Read on AO3
First, Previous, Next
Chapter 7: Preparing for the Climax
I swear, naming chapters is the worst part of the writing process, just. Ignore it.
Notes: Here I am, almost eight months later, with a new chapter. Having finally finished writing this chapter, I have officially reached the exciting part, so I'll have this fic done soon. Thanks to anyone who has stuck with me after such a long hiatus, and I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1,504
Yaz woke up to the sound of scraping metal. She opened her eyes and looked around to see Jo on the floor. She sat hunched over, legs sprawled out on either side of a pile of junk. Yaz sat up and checked the time on her watch.
8:22 am. She was still on the couch, so she must have fallen asleep while Jo was working last night. Yaz’s movement caused Jo to look up. “Mornin’,” she said, grinning brightly. Yaz stretched out, feeling uncomfortable and sore from having slept sitting up.
“Morning,” she grumbled back. “Where did you get all that?” she leaned forward and gestured to the pile of random metal.
Jo looked down and shrugged, “here and there,” she said vaguely, “you can always find some good scrap metal if you know where to look.”
The smell told Yaz that most of it probably came from the garbage. She smiled and shook her head. Jo was turning a screwdriver over in her hand, deep in thought as she stared at the hunk of metal in her hand. Yaz stood to get some water and leaned against the desk to watch Jo work. “So, how’s that thing coming?” Yaz asked, turning her head and trying to compare the odd contraption in Jo’s hand to the blueprint laying on the floor next to her. The paper now had a bunch of red scribbling that wasn’t there the previous night, so Yaz supposed that Jo had made some changes to her original design.
Jo put the prototype she was messing with on her leg and picked up the blueprint. “Uh… I’ve had to improvise a bit given that I’m working with random scrap metal mostly, but I did manage to find an old computer, so I think some of the circuit boards and wires from that may come in handy. The primary issue is rigging up a mechanism that will create a powerful enough shake to accomplish what we want. Not to mention, I have to make at least three for them to be effective, and none of them are going to be the same because I’m making them all with different materials,” she explained as she pulled a red pen from behind her ear to make another note on the paper. “Basically, it’s a lot, but it’ll be fine,” Jo mumbled as she returned to tinkering with the device.
Yaz nodded, watching Jo work quietly. She suddenly heard her stomach growl. Jo grinned softly and looked up at Yaz. “You don’t have to hang around here and watch me work, it can’t be all that interesting, you should go get some breakfast or something,” she said, leaning back on her palms.
Yaz felt her cheeks warm slightly. “Sorry, I guess I haven’t eaten in a while,” she chuckled awkwardly.
Jo shook her head, “don’t worry about it, I just don’t want you to feel like you have to stay here for my sake.”
“Well,” Yaz thought for a second, “I suppose I could go out. I could bring you back something if you like,” she said, fetching her keys already.
“Sure, thanks, I’ll have a black coffee, that’s all,” Jo said as she started prying a piece of metal off of a beat-up circuit board.
“Got it,” Yaz replied as she opened the door, “see ya,” she called and heard Jo repeat it back as the door shut behind her.
Yaz made her way to her car and made her way to a cafe that she knew was nearby. When she arrived, she ordered a black coffee for Jo and a scone and water for herself. She sat down at a table against the window to eat. She studied the coffee cup that steamed in front of her. The Doctor had too much of a sweet tooth to ever drink black coffee. She sighed as she let her thoughts drift back and forth between Jo and the Doctor again. The realization that had struck her the previous night was still gnawing at the back of her mind. Jo was so different from the Doctor. She was completely her own person. But… was she really? Yaz knew that the Doctor had to come back, and she was struggling to reconcile the idea of effectively killing Joanna with the fact that she wasn’t really Joanna at all. Yaz could see similarities between Jo and the Doctor, they were both intelligent beyond compare with incredible mechanical skills and deductions and observations. But personality-wise, it was hard to see the Doctor in Jo, and she had shown tastes that the Doctor didn’t share like coffee and alcohol. Yaz kept coming back to the thought of how much of Jo was… planned. Presumably, the Doctor had some control over who she became. She left all this material for Jo to use during the investigation, she sent for Yaz to come to help her. With so little information on the process that turned the Doctor into a human, Yaz was left to wonder how it was done and how much control the Doctor had over the transformation. Did she predict a need for mechanical engineering skills and give Jo that hobby intentionally? Somehow she must have, there was no way Jo was a UNIT agent by chance.
So with that in mind, Jo was fiction. Invented by the Doctor while she needed to disguise herself, and there was nothing to worry about. Jo was the Doctor, opening the watch wasn’t going to do anything. Yaz tried to rationalize as much as possible, but she was still having trouble believing herself. She sighed, discarding her half-finished scone and leaving with the coffee. She should probably get back before it got cold.
When she opened the hotel door, she found Jo staring at three devices that were sitting on the bed now. Yaz greeted her and placed the coffee on the desk.
Jo smiled at her, “Thanks, Yaz,” she winked as she grabbed the cup. Yaz smiled back and looked away quickly. Instead of thinking too hard again, she walked over to investigate the devices on the bed.
There were three round devices, each about a foot across. They looked similar to each other, though it was clear they had been assembled with very different parts. One had pointed deformed hooks on the bottom and the others had bent nails. All of the devices had a small red light on top that blinked occasionally. She also noticed that they all had little stopwatches attached.
Jo stepped up next to her, sipping her coffee. “Each one of these gizmos has a vibrating motor inside. I rigged the motor to the stopwatches so that when they hit zero, they’ll activate,” she explained.
Yaz nodded, “and what are the little hooks on the bottom for?” she pointed to one of the devices.
Jo picked one up and turned it over. “These little prongs will latch into the floor so that when the device shakes, it won’t just rattle around on the ground, it’ll shake the ground with it.” She opened a little compartment on the bottom of the device, revealing the motor inside.
Yaz stared incredulously at the destroyed fan. It had blades broken off and some other scrap metal attached to its axle. “I know it doesn’t look all that impressive, but I did the best with what I had,” Jo chuckled, “I think you’ll be surprised by the amount of power we’ll get out of these things,” she said as she screwed the compartment closed again. “It’s basically like the motor that makes your phone vibrate when you get a call, but I rigged it up with a pretty powerful battery, so these things altogether will shake pretty hard. At least hard enough to shake apart those machines in the warehouse,” she continued, “… I hope.”
Yaz grinned as Jo started to dump the devices into a big duffle bag, “I’m sure they’ll work. I have faith in your skills,” Yaz said as Jo zipped the bag shut. Jo paused and looked at her. Yaz froze as Jo seemed to study her before smiling at her.
“Thanks, Yaz. Smooth,” Jo said. Yaz felt her heart jump.
“I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to…” Yaz stuttered. Jo was focused on packing more supplies into the duffle bag, and Yaz forced herself to relax. She was still surprised and unused to how flustered Jo could make her. She tried to refocus and approached Jo again. “So if those devices are ready, when are we going to go back?” she asked.
Jo pulled up the map of the warehouse and studied it for a second. “We need to be clear on what our plan is, we’re going to have to sneak around the Ralmaeth, set the devices, and set the climate control to make the room colder. I think we should set all of that up, and then we could go tonight,” Jo turned to Yaz, “what do you think?”
Yaz nodded, “works for me.”
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thebestestboyo · 4 years
Based on @loveceit 's P!ATD Prompts!
"I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon chiffon skirt."
As I like it call it:
How Remus Ended Up Working For Patton
(Warning of: Drug mentions/alcohol/drinking, Remus making bad decisions)
(if I need to tag anything else, please do tell me)
As the resident disaster man of the Driftwood apartments, it was common for him to come stumbling into the complex at insane times of night and early morning, out doing who knows what. Remus himself only remembers half of his ventures, often told to him by his roommate Vee, or known by most, Virgil.
Most times, he'd come home around two in the morning. Four was much more rare. And very occasionally, he'd show up at nine, passed out in front of the door, due to him being so exhausted that he couldn't even take his keys out. But no matter what he did, or how long he stayed out, he'd always come back. While it was always followed with a killer headache and potentially some injuries, he always came home. Sorta like a stray cat that you're not really sure exists when you aren't looking at it.
Yeah. He was that kind of person.
At this point, Vee was just focused on making sure he made it back in one piece. The two of them had been friends longer than either of them could ever remember, and if Virgil had to babysit Remus sometimes, it wasn't as if it was anything out of the ordinary.
So, when he had the time (and the patience), he'd go out with him, mostly to make sure he didn't pick too many fights with the gangs or their city. Downtown especially was the worst place to be when it was dark out, they were like hyenas, just waiting for someone to set them off. Vee kept him out of that area, and usually, back by eleven if he was lucky.
As much as Remus loved his childhood friend, the fact that he needed someone to look after him often rubbed Ree the wrong way. He was an adult after all, he should be able to keep himself out of trouble well enough right?
Now, it wasn't as if Remus didn't know that it was dangerous, but this particular night, he just didn't care. Pent up from work and needing to go out somewhere, he struck up all his usual places to unwind, but nothing was working like it usually did. Not even the weird scientist's lab on 24th Street! And he let Remus play with pig intestines! That usually always cheered him up!
So, like any force of nature, Remus decided to head downtown. He knew Vee thought it was dangerous going this late, but it wasn't like Remus was drunk or anything! And Virgil wasn't home either! So if he got back home ok, he'd never know!
These thoughts were what kept him from internally combusting (an interesting thought, Ree wondered what it would feel like) over the idea that Virgil would be worried about him doing this. It was flawed logic, but he wasn't exactly known for his straightforward thinking.
His attention was drawn almost immediately to the bright, dizzying lights of a bar, the neon sign spelling out 'What Do We Have Beer?' It was cheesy, and stupid, and yet, he couldn't NOT stop at a place that had a pun right in the title!
Stepping in, he didn't flinch at the reek of alcohol, nor the too-loud thump of the bass at the edge of the dancefloor, and not even the people practically eating each other's faces off in the dim corners of the bar. What did catch his eye, was a curly-haired man sitting on one of the edges of a table, his eyes closed as he listened to the music.
Now on any other day, he wouldn't have been drawn to this man. On any other day, he'd have probably looked past him to go cause havoc on the dancefloor, or sip something much too strong for him at the bar. And yet, today wasn't a typical day. So, he indulged himself in this man's company.
That was his first mistake.
The guy didn't open his eyes at Remus's approach, too enraptured in the music, which gave Ree plenty of time to take his image in. He seemed out of place in this loud club, his skirt, what Remus assumed to be chiffon (if Vee's fashion rambling served him correct), flowed down to his knees, while his sweater was clearly handmade, as evident from the several loose stitches in the material. It was odd, seeing someone so innocent-seeming in this sort've place. Though, Remus had seen much more naive-looking people in clubs, going nuts for a high.
"Can I help you kiddo?"
It was jarring to hear the guy talk to him, especially with that voice. Why was it so sugary? Who the hell calls a grown man kiddo??? This guy couldn't be older than twenty five! Not that Remus was much older, barely twenty six as it was.
"I'm not sure yet! First time coming here and I'm not exactly amazed." It seemed to Remus like any other nightclub, minus several guards and Remus having sneaked several seagulls in moments before. (Even Dee was impressed by how silent they were until Remus let them go and terrorize the guests.)
"Oh? Is it not intoxicating enough for you?"
"Mm, nah. Mine usually includes more chaos." Remus stared off at the dance floor, before realizing what exactly Patton had said. "Did you just make an alcohol pun?"
"Yep! I'm surprised you heard over the music! It's bass-ically deafening with how loud it is."
This time Remus noticed, laughing as he leaned against the wall next to the guy, intrigued. "You like puns huh?"
"How pun-ctual of you to notice!"
"So what's a bunny rabbit like you doing with a bunch of pirahnas? This doesn't seem too much like a thing you'd be too into."
"Mm, it's good for a business point of view. Get to know people, you know?"
"Usually my getting to know people ends up with something going haywire, like...oh! Like that one time I got a bucket of squid ink and I was planning on dumping it on this one assbutt's car, but I ended up getting it all over myself instead. So I decided, why waste perfectly good squid ink, and just threw myself into his car instead! Vee made me take a shower before I could touch anything after. "
The guy glanced up at him in confusion, but he wasn't scared off yet, so this was considered a success in Remus's book. "Squid ink?"
"Yeah! My nerdy pal Lo gave it to me! He was studying something or another with squids, and he didn't have any use for it after, so I got it! It dyed my outfit grey!"
This time was even more successful, considering he laughed at Remus's antics, and prompting Ree to continue on his train of thought. "Why was he studying squids?"
"Well, I think it was because squids can change colors, and he wanted to see if that could be replicated. I think it would be more interesting if the tentacles could be grown on humans! Imagine, you could do so much..."
Remembering that this guy didn't even know his name, he elected to change that immediately. "My name's Remus! I should have started with that actually."
"No! I'm Remus!"
"No, I mean, my name's Patton!" He smiled, giggling again at him. It was almost mesmerizing to listen to, even if it was soft under all the background noise. "Its nice to meet you!"
Remus had to pinch himself to snap out of staring directly at Patton's mouth, enchanted by his smile. "Nice to meet you too. Can I get you a drink?"
"Sure! I know the bartender actually, so we can go together!" Grabbing Remus's arm lightly (and nearly causing to jump at the easy touch), he led him over to the counter, his hand still resting on Ree's arm even when the two of them had sat down. "Can I get a blueberry mocktail please? Remus what do you want?"
"Mm...surprise me."
That was his second mistake.
Remus wasn't exactly sure what was in the drink, but it got him feeling fuzzy, and that's all that mattered. "So how do you know this place?"
"My brother has business deals here, so he started bringing me along sometimes."
"Business deals? What sort've business would have place in a club?"
Stirring his drink with the straw, Pat looked off into the haze of people. "Oh, just normal stuff."
"That's pretty vague Patty."
It was clear he didn't want to talk about it, even as Remus continued to get drunker (despite his previous ideas). "Well, it's boring! I'd rather play a game than talk about business!"
"Aaaaaand what kind of game would that be?"
"A bet."
Nearly snorting his drink in surprise, Remus burst out laughing. "A bet?"
"You heard me!"
"Sorry, it's just-" He gestured to how out of place Patton looked, his eyes glinting with mischief. "What sort've bet were you thinking? Is someone gonna end up puking or attacked by rabid animals by the end of it?"
"Mm, depends on how well you can hold your liquor. I bet you can't beat me in a drinking game. Winner gets to choose his prize."
"You're on."
That was his last mistake.
Remus lost. By a lot. For the guy who ordered a mocktail right off the bat, he definitely wasn't a lightweight.
"I, I gotta say-" Remus was bent with his head against the table to steady himself. "I am surprised!"
Patton was a giggly mess even in spite of winning, leaning into Remus. "Yep! You-" His sentence was cut off by a hiccup, in which caused another fit of giggles. He didn't even seem to notice that his sweater sleeve was slipping off his shoulder, or that he had somehow lost one of his sandals.
Remus sat up dizzily, attempting to fix the sleeve, only to remember too late that his motor skills weren't exactly in the best conditions while drunk, so it was more like Remus fell into Patton instead, causing the two of them to tumble to the ground. It was a good thing that it wasn't too far of a drop, but even so, Remus was pressed into Patton in an awkward position.
A stern voice interrupted the two of them before Remus could get his thick tongue to apologise to Pat, edged with something sharp.
"Patton...what are you doing on the floor with this...man?"
"Oh hey Dee Dee! How was your-" he wiggled his eyes playfully, clearly showing this Dee how drunk he was. "-meeting?"
"It went fine, but I don't think the best use of your time is getting drunk with random men at the club while I'm working."
"He's, not random!" Patton had by now began to play with Remus's hair, not even bothered by the fact that the two of them were still on the floor. "His name is, Reeeemus. He's my new friend! I won him!"
Even though Remus was drunk, he could still tell that it was probably not the right way to explain how they ended up there to this big, probably dangerous guy. He couldn't see much of him considering his head was resting on Pat's chest, but his boots looked awfully nice.
"I like your boots."
This...Dee? Was it Dee? Snapped his attention down to Remus, picking him up easily by the back of his collar. "So you won this...mongrel? In a bet I suppose?"
Pat was too busy trying to grab Remus back to be paying attention, so Remus got a face full of Dee's words. "I suppose he could be useful...fine. You can keep him for now." There was a sudden pinch at Remus's ear, and he could feel something metal dangling from what seemed to be a new piercing??? Wtf???
"You're too drunk right now to be of any use though. Pat do you know where he lives?"
"On a mountainnnnn with fairies and unicorns!"
"Ok so that's a no."
Remus felt he ought to be part of this conversation, considering that this Dee was asking about him, after rudely lifting him up. "Why do you wanna know tall guy?"
"Oh you can still speak. That's good. Tell me where you live and you can go back there to do whatever it is you do to not be drunk."
"I ain't telling you! You don't know it's Driftward....wait that's not right. Driftwand? Drift...drift..."
"Yeah! You don't know it's there! And that's how it's gonna stay!"
Unfortunately, this plan did not go as Remus intended, because sooner than the drop of a hat, he was put in a car along with Pat, driven to his complex, and left out by the entrance. When he tried to look back and see exactly what this Dee guy looked like, he could only see Patton, waving to him drunkenly through the window, before Remus blacked out.
He was having a lovely dream about gore and destruction when a sudden voice caught his attention. Or, well, tried to anyways.
"Hey, Remus."
The sound was annoying to what he assumed was the beginning of a headache, so he tried to tune it out.
"Remus wake up."
Was it his alarm clock? No...his alarm clock didn't scream his name to wake him up...and it usually didn't sound so pissed off.
Aaaand now he was awake he supposed. "Yeah...?"
Virgil stood above him, hands on his hips. "Where the fuck were you??? I come home and you aren't here until five hours later? And did you go and get a new piercing? And...throw up on the front step of our apartments?"
His memory was still pretty fuzzy due to how much alcohol he drank, so he seemed just as surprised as Virgil was that he was in this situation. "Hey, quiet down if you could. My head hurtssss."
"Your head wouldn't hurt if you weren't out however late. Seriously though, where were you?"
His hand went to his temple, trying to soothe the pounding in his head. His fingers caught on something jangly, surprising him. "What the-"
It was definitely a new earring. Gently attempting to take it out, he looked at the words on the dangling part, confused. "Who the hell are the Andacondas?"
Virgil stiffened, seeming scared. "Remus, what did you do?"
"I lost a bet to a guy in a chiffon skirt?"
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What a Night-Chuck Bass Imagine
Requested: Yes
Warnings: mentions of sexual harassment and usual party shenanigans
Gif is from slytherinnpride
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 Estelle’s “American Boy” blasted throughout the entire Plaza penthouse. The penthouse was filled with the Upper East Side elite’s teenage children, all wearing the nicest night out clothes money could buy. The endless flow of Dom Perignon, multiple seduction attempts, and short trips to the back bathroom would have one convinced that it was a typical Friday night high school party. In a way, it was a typical high school party.
  But it was Wednesday.
  Y/N Y/L/N had been snapping about that fact since Y/B/F/N burst into her bedroom an hour prior, commanding that Y/N join her at Dina Maxfield’s party. While Y/N was not the biggest party animal, she did like to attend a few here and there; she could not get into Princeton with subpar grades after all? But, her enthusiasm for attending parties was drastically diminshed after Lucas broke up with her via text. So, Y/N was more than happy hiding away from high school and all other high society parties in the safety of her room, watching Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
   “Y/N, it has been a month since it happened!” Y/B/F/N had declared as she teetered further into Y/N’s room in her towering Louboutin stilettos. “The appropriate mourning period is over and it’s time for you to have fun!”  
  Y/N’s nose immediately wrinkled in distaste and she had burrowed herself further into her bed, as though her blankets were steel and not cashmere. “Go away,” she’d groaned. 
  Y/B/F/N had continued to ignore Y/N as she stormed into her closet and began rifling around the expansive area. “You have all these amazing pieces and you refuse to take any opportunity to wear them.” After selecting the most amazing dress to go with some Chanel pumps, she returned to Y/N.
  The poor girl had simply laid in her bed, y/e/c eyes looking dead as she watched the plasma TV mounted on her wall. For Y/N, it could have always been worse, she could not have the energy to try to go to school. At least she was moving. 
  Y/B/F/N had sighed and sat next to her. “I know this breakup hurt you a lot, but, you cannot let him hobble you like this. He definitely hasn’t been holed up in his house watching TV every night.” She shook her head. “I know you don’t wanna hear this, Y/N, but, things will only get worse while you’re here.” 
  “But...I need to know how this episode ends,” Y/N had muttered. 
  “You have TiVo!” 
  Y/N was not quite sure when she broke, somewhere between being forced into that Gaultier dress she thought she’d never wear and arguing against having her hair flat-ironed, but she did know, deep inside, that Y/B/F/N was right. She was sick of missing out on all the coolest parties and the most insane antics. Lucas was never that fun to go out with anyway, he always got too jealous if a boy even glanced at Y/N. Y/B/F/N had to be a better party partner. 
  Y/B/F/N snatched up some glasses of Dom and handed one to Y/N. “To getting out of the house!” 
  “To getting out of the house,” Y/N echoed. 
  The glasses clinked and Y/N savored the taste of the expensive champagne. The song switched to Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi” and Y/B/F/N coaxed Y/N into dancing to it. 
   “One second.” Y/N downed the rest of the champagne, grabbed another glass, and let Y/B/F/N drag her out onto the dancefloor.
   Y/B/F/N shimmied her hips to the music and playfully twirled Y/N around, causing the other girl to laugh. As she kept drinking, Y/N found it even more enjoyable to laugh and laughed so hard, her stomach cramped. 
   “It’s been so long since I laughed like that,” Y/N breathed absent-mindedly.
  “Hey, I’ll have whatever you’re having,” Serena teased as she hugged her from behind.
   “Hi!” Y/N squealed as she clumsily threw her arms around Serena. 
   Serena chuckled as she helped Y/N balance. “How much has she had to drink?” She mouthed to Y/B/F/N.
   Y/B/F/N held up two fingers in response and Serena’s eyes widened. “It’s been awhile.” 
  Y/N and the blonde were not the best of friends, but they were close enough since second grade. Whenever Blair didn’t go to a party, Y/N would be the one to hold Serena’s hair back as she threw up in the bathroom. Y/N was so proud that Serena was doing better since she came back. 
  Serena wore a white sequined mini dress with silver pencil-thin Jimmy Choo pumps. Her hair fell down to her back in free curls. 
  “Hey, I’m glad that you came out tonight; I’ve missed you,” Serena said as she pulled Y/N to stand at arms-length.
  “Same. I would have been out sooner but Y/B/F/N dragged me,” Y/N giggled.
  “She’ll thank me later,” Y/B/F/N breathed.
  Y/N was not sure how much time past but she knew she had around four drinks when she heard Rihanna’s “Please Don’t Stop the Music”. Y/N threw her head back. 
  “I love this song!” Her closed eyes and high pitched voice punctuated her emotions.
  Kati and Isabelle, who had been sitting in the same area of couches as her, giggled at Y/N. 
  “Do you wanna dance?” Y/N swung herself forward, gripping the couch beneath her for leverage. “I’m gonna dance.” 
  Y/N bounced back out onto the dancefloor, giggling as she threw her hands in the air and twirled. She tossed her head back and forth, rolled her neck, and kick, ball changed at some point. She didn’t care, she didn’t care and it was wonderful. There was no Lucas to drag her off the dancefloor, no students who may be documenting this for later; it was just her and Rihanna.
   And something hard pressing against th small of her back.
  Y/N lazily opened her eyes and furrowed her brow. At first, she thought it may be Y/B/F/N joking around, but then, she spotted Y/B/F/N across the room, doing jello shots with some basketball players. 
  “You’re so hot,” a guttural voice husked in her ear.
  Y/N’s stomach tightened and she felt her body tense up. “Thanks?” 
  A pair of thick hands began roaming over her body, squeezing harshly in the places with more fat. Y/N yelped and grabbed at the wrists. 
  “Okay, that’s enough.” She tried to keep her voice ligthhearted as she took some steps away from the person. She did not get far in the crowd when she was yanked back by her wrist. 
  Y/N gagged on the fog of CK One and looked up into some angry green eyes. Then, she noted the navy Brooks Brothers polo and chinos. Trevor Addison, captain of the swim team. 
  “C’mon, Y/N, relax, it’s a party,” he chided. 
  “I am relaxed. I just...I just need to find Y-Y-Y/B/F/N,” she stuttered out.
  Trevor tsked at her and pulled her against his sweaty chest. “You don’t sound too good; let me take you to the bedroom so you can lie down, it’s the least I could do.” 
  Trevor started pulling her in the direction of the bedroom and Y/N did her best to fight it. Unfortunately, her inhibited motor skills were making her fumble and flail instead of fight.
   “Let go of me!” she cried, but no one could hear her over the music. 
  Trevor laughed callously. “Please, don’t act like you didn’t want this, dressed like the slut you are!”    Y/N pushed against him, tears welling in her eyes. “Stop it, Trevor!” 
  “No!” Trevor snapped. “Peter, Jack, Will, and Lucas all bragged about how good you are in bed. Now, it’s my turn!” 
  Y/N’s stomach dropped as the tears started to roll down her cheeks. With everything going on with Serena, Blair, Nate, Chuck, Dan, and Jenny, Y/N’s stunts went under the radar. She felt the dark cloud of shame hang over her and wondered if that was why no one really approached her after her breakup with Lucas despite her not really being social or open. 
  “Trevor, can’t you hear? Y/N isn’t into it or you,” Chuck drawled. 
  Y/N perked up and could not keep herself from gaping at Chuck. He stood behind Trevor, his shoulders relaxed and dark eyes staring right at Trevor. An outsider would think Chuck looked bored, but it was the total opposite. In fact, he was enraged and it looked like it was taking everything in his power for him not to punch Trevor.
  Trevor laughed in Chuck’s face. “Oh? And what are you gonna do? You can’t buy me off, Chuck, my father owns the biggest media conglomerate on the east coast!” 
  “That assumption is almost laughable, but I can assure you,” Chuck took a step closer, “if you do not leave Y/N alone, you will be thrown out of here once every member of the soccer team has a turn kicking your ass.” 
  Trevor narrowed his eyes at Chuck. “They wouldn’t!” 
  “Sure, they would.” Chuck continued glaring at Trevor for a moment. It felt like a decade to Y/N and she would have moved if she didn’t think it would escalate the situation.
  Trevor huffed and pushed Y/N towards Chuck. “Whatever, you can have the whore.” 
  Chuck grabbed Y/N by the forearms. “Oh, I wouldn’t have said that if I were you.” 
  Chuck waved someone over and seconds later, Trevor was surrounded by Nate and the rest of the soccer team. 
  “Let’s take this outside, shall we?” Nate asked rhetorically.
  A couple of his teammates pushed Trevor in the direction of the door and everyone stared after them in shock. As soon as they disappeared, the party resumed. 
  Chuck scanned over Y/N’s face. “Are you alright?” 
  Y/N nodded. “Yeah...I’m fine.” 
  “You’re crying.” 
  “It’s fine.” Chuck gently led Y/N to another bathroom, sat her on the counter, and handed her some tissue. “It’s not your style to come to parties alone.” 
  Y/N snifled as she blew her nose. “I’m here with Y/B/F/N.” She sniffed and shook her head. “She wanted me to come out tonight and this happens.” 
  “Don’t let that neanderthal keep you from having a good time. Tonight’s the first time I’ve seen you not looking like a zombie,” Chuck argued. 
  “Chuck Bass has been watching me? That’s a shocker,” Y/N dead-panned. “I thought you were busy with the nightclub and Blair.” 
  Chuck glanced away and his jaw clenched at the mention of the brunette. “While I appreciate your concern, Vitrola is doing just fine. As for Blair, that isn’t a matter of concern.” 
  “Oh, sorry, I haven’t been keeping up with, well, anything going on.” 
  Chuck nodded. “Lucas had you in a vacuum, didn’t he?” 
  Y/N shrugged. “But it was nice, he was nice for a while. I’d like to say I don’t know where anything went wrong, but I do know. He didn’t like that I wasn’t always available, but, I have a life!” 
  Y/N was unaware of the force of her words until they came out and she immediately shrank back when she realized what she had said. 
  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to say all that.” 
 Chuck shook his head. “It’s fine. I’ve been through worse.” He straightened up. “We should find Y/B/F/N.” 
  “Do you think I’m a slut?” 
  Chuck raised an eyebrow at Y/N. “What?” 
  “You heard what I said,” Y/N groaned. “Trevor kept calling me that, like I was something to pass around.” 
  “No, I don’t think you’re a slut. You’re a girl who takes what she wants and not many guys can appreciate that.” 
  Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes. “Great.” 
 Chuck stepped closer to her. “But I can.” 
 She looked back up at Chuck and felt like he was staring into her soul. Y/N and Chuck never had any kind of falling out or negative interaction. In fact, Y/N spent a lot of her time staying as far away from him as possible. She supposed he had some sort of change of heart the first time he and Blair got together. When they broke up, there was no way Y/N was going to go near him lest she wanted to face the wrath of Blair. But, Y/N and Chuck spoke occasionally after his breakup and it was always entertaining. Plus, there was that one night at Vitrola...
  Y/N still blushed at the memory. 
  She’d had one too many margaritas and happily joined the burlesque dancers onstage. There were not many people in the audience, but the most notable member was Chuck. He looked deliciously mischievous in the velvet booth as he watched her belt out “Big Spender”. Y/N loosely followed the choreography of the other dancers. At one point, she’d straddled Chuck’s lap and crooned, 
  “Spend a little with...me,” into his ear. 
   The Monday after, Y/N was forever grateful that Chuck had not mentioned anything about that night to anyone. Plus, she’d met Lucas at an opera after party that Monday night. Lucas probably would have never approached her if he’d heard about that night, but, Y/N probably would not have felt as numb for the past month if he hadn’t. 
  “Chuck,” she breathed. 
  He kissed her cheek. As much as he wanted to go straight for her pouty lips, he was not that kind of guy anymore. He could wait and he would wait. “Let’s go find Y/B/F/N and get you some water, okay?” 
  Y/N nodded absentmindedly and allowed Chuck to help her get off the counter. She felt robotic as he led her over to Y/B/F/N, who was cackling with some juniors. 
  “I hate to interrupt,” Chuck said over Kanye West’s “Heartless”.
  Y/B/F/N stopped giggling, turned, and her eyes widened as soon as she saw Y/N. “Y/N!” She hopped up and hugged her. “What happened?” she asked Chuck accusingly.
  “Relax, Y/B/F/N/L/N, I helped her when she was getting harrassed by Trevor,” Chuck said.
  “That douchebag!” Y/B/F/N hissed. “You okay?” she asked, turning back to Y/N.
  “Yeah.” Y/N looked at Chuck. “Thank you so much, for everything.”
 “Let’s get you some water.” Y/B/F/N waited until Y/N had some water in her to call a car to take them back to her house. As they skirted by the shiny skyscrapers and 24 hour restaurants, she asked, “What was that look Chuck was giving you?” 
  “What look?” Y/N muttered. 
 “That look like you were the only important thing in that room,” Y/B/F/N quipped. “ I mean, I guess he’s better now since he saved you, but, it’s kind of weird. What are you gonna do?” 
  Y/N had no idea. 
  “I’m too drunk for this...conversation” Y/N stated. 
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divine-noire · 5 years
Mononucleosis Awareness Post
So I caught Mono participating in Hot Girl Summer™ (jk jk lmao) but I did get Mono, and this shit is not a fucking joke. If you feel like you might have it, please go to the doctor. Over the past 4 weeks, I have been going through literal medical hell from complications. I’m gonna list the symptoms I’ve had and if you feel like you might have it, go get looked at. I thought Mono was something only horny ass teens got in high school playing spin the bottle, I’m 26 (27 next month) and was NOT expecting this shit at all.
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My first symptom that something was wrong was fatigue. This is not normal, everyday fatigue. This is actually waking up and feeling like the world is ending when you take your first step, fatigue. I couldn’t keep my eyes open. While driving, I put my emergency break on at red lights because I was afraid I would fall asleep while at the standstill. At work, if there were no calls, my head was down (luckily, my boss is only here twice a week so I could get away with this). At home, I was in bed by 6PM and when you do sleep, it’s immediate. There is no gradual lulling off to sleep. It’s face-meet-pillow-meet-morning-alarm type of sleep. But I was still tired no matter how much I slept so I started using No Doze to counteract the effects. At first, it was fine, but even then, I still had the underlying fatigue. It got so bad, I drove over a friend’s house in Greenbelt, MD which is about an hour and a half away with rush hour traffic, using every bit of energy I had in my body to get to her, because she said she would take care of me, which she did. But by the time I pulled up to her house, I basically almost fell out of the driver side door when she opened it for me. That is not an exaggeration, that is the level of exhaustion I felt from just driving that far without sleeping. We thought I had the flu or something flu-like, so she gave me fluids and alot of Day & NightQuil. It made the symptoms lessen, but it never made them go away.
Sore Throat
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At the beginning, my throat merely felt scratchy. This lasted for about 3 days, before I knew it, my voice was gone and my throat was in so much pain I gave up talking. The pain is not akin to Strep Throat, if you’ve had that before. It is actually worse. My throat was swollen as a symptom of the virus, but it graduated into its own infection of severe Tonsillitis. It was so severe that I actually began having trouble swallowing from the amount of swelling that it caused. I had to receive a steroid injection in my butt to counteract the swelling and start methylprednisone (which wasn’t strong enough and I had to go back for regular prednisone 20mg). I couldn’t eat anything without pain, so I stuck to drinking a lot of fluids and ice water. Ice water became my guardian angel because my throat was in a constant state of burning pain. I also grew exodus on the back of my throat, past my tonsils, as a result of the infection in my throat, and had to gargle salt water like crazy everyday to get them out. The exodus hurts, it is hard and feels like cement on the back of your throat and it makes the Tonsillitis 10x worse than it already is. I didn’t have a voice at all for 12 days, I had to use a dry erase board for all interactions (it’s quicker than typing on my phone.) 
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Now my case may be different because the doctors keep telling me my nausea shouldn’t have gone on as long as it did and that I need to go see a Gastroenterologist ASAP but that’s a different story for a different post. Nausea was my worst and most persistent symptom to date. The kind of nausea you may feel will be persistent. I woke up nauseous to the point of my mouth salivating as though I were about to vomit everyday for about 2-2.5 weeks. This never settled. There was never a time my mouth was not salivating, I had to begin keeping paper cups at my desk to spit the residual saliva into throughout the day because it never subsided. One day, I had a salad for lunch from Panera even though I wasn’t hungry, I knew I should try to eat something. (By this time, my throat had made some progress and I could swallow some whole things.) I immediately regretted that decision when I lay in bed at midnight holding my stomach like the world was ending. I was so nauseous that I couldn’t get myself together enough to even get out of bed. The thing that makes the nausea symptom so bad (for me) is that it never made be actually vomit, it just created the sensation of needing to. Eventually, I broke down and stuck a straw down my throat just to alleviate the symptom a bit and threw up the salad, and it didn’t even look like it’d been digested properly. That made the nausea go away for the night, and after that I gave up eating anything solid hoping that would prevent any future nausea, spoiler alert: I was wrong. My salivating mouth picked up right where it left off, it was as though all I went through the night before didn’t even matter. My stomach was empty and still nauseated. That night, the nausea was so bad that I just knew something was off and I drove myself to the ER (Note: I drive myself to the ER that is less than 10-minutes away all the time to save money on an ambulance, if you feel you are not safe to drive, dial 911, it is better to just pay the ambulance than cause an accident and make your situation worse than it already is.). When I got there, I was beyond exhausted, nauseous, dizzy, I just felt like I was dying. The doctor brought me back, took my vitals, asked the usual questions. I told him about the nausea, the Mono diagnosis, he said he wanted me to get a temporary room while he ran some tests. I got a room and a nurse came in and gave me a shot of Zofran for the nausea that did absolutely nothing. It was so bad that when he came back in, I asked for Ipecac or a straw to induce vomiting again. Alarmed, he said they wanted to avoid me vomiting and gave me an additional shot of Zofran. That helped that time, but I still just felt overall terrible. The doctor came in later and told me my potassium levels were extremely low, explaining the extreme fatigue and dizziness, that my liver was swollen from the Mono, and that the nausea was alarming and he would be admitting me for treatment. I was shocked that this virus had done such a number on me. My throat had even worsened and was now even more swollen and painful than it was before (I hadn’t gotten the 20mg prednisone script yet.). I spent 2 days with an IV in my arm, eating mushy foods and sleeping in the hospital. I had to take off work because I was in no shape to even drive there, let alone get anything done. After the 2 days went by, I actually felt back to my normal self! I was so fucking happy to exist and not feel like dying after weeks of wanting to that I went home and started cleaning my room. I had let it get atrocious from not feeling well or feeling like doing anything besides sleeping. Shortly after I began, the fatigue kicked in, the only symptom to never leave, and I sat my ass down and watched Rick & Morty with Sebastia and went to sleep instead, which was probably the safer bet. Fast forward 8 nausea-free days, and guess what’s back??? It’s tolerable now, but still an extreme nuisance. I get my Zofran prescription and it does didly fucking squat to alleviate the nausea. I call the Urgent Care that diagnosed me and ask if there’s anything stronger for nausea and they tell me all the stronger shit will have me bedbound and loopy. Bills gotta get paid so we can’t have that. So that night, in a moment of nauseous desperation, I took double the dosage of the Zofran to alleviate the discomfort. Now, I understand I shouldn’t have done this, but I was DESPERATE and afterward, I felt great. It was the first time the medicine had done wtf the doctors said it would do and the way it was supposed to: quick, fast and in a motherfucking sprint. So I stupidly called the Urgent Care to ask them about the nausea medicine again (I have such a good relationship with this UC for some reason, probably because I hate my primary.) and told them what I’d done the night before and that I was now out of nausea meds and needed a refill before it came back, which was all true. Jessica, the nurse I always saw, was alarmed and spoke to the doctor on duty there, and told them about what I did. Then they cut me off and said to go ask my Primary for the refill because I’ve been utilizing them way too much (long story short). But she also said that I shouldn’t need that much Zofran and something else is going on and I need to be seen by a Gastro. That $40 co-pay appointment is still pending. Andddd I’ve been nausea-free for about a week now, but as I type this, my mouth just began salivating so it looks like I’m gonna be dealing with that again soon. Fuck.
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My dizziness didn’t come full force until about 4 days ago (Week 4). I was out at a shopping center getting groceries and while I was parking at a nearby Dunkin Donuts, the world legit started slanting. I felt like I’d been drugged all of a sudden. My skin felt cold and clammy, everything felt out of focus and I immediately needed to lie down. Luckily, it came right after I’d put my car in park and had the opportunity to put my seat back and do so. I waited about 10 minutes maybe, and then I felt ok enough to get out and go get some food because I thought I was just hungry because I hadn’t eaten yet. Even standing in line and waiting for the food afterward was difficult. I had to sit down or else I’d fall down. I got back in my car and ate and laid down again, went back to the store to get eggs I forgot to grab before, and on the walk back to my car almost walked into another parked car. Of course, people saw and probably thought I was drunk or something. I was embarrassed but didn’t have the motor skills energy to explain the situation of feeling like I was in 2 bodies at once. This symptom has come and gone as it pleases, but luckily after a good 2-hour nap that day when I got home, I felt alot better. 
Poor Appetite
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While battling this virus, I have lost 10 pounds and still counting in the past 4 weeks. While it’s great to fit into clothes I was once too thick to get past my thighs, it is not the way I wanted to lose the weight. In the beginning, I always felt full no matter what, which made me not want to eat, combined with the nausea, it made eating something I just wasn’t in the mood to ever do. This went on for weeks, which caused the weight loss. I learned later that my swollen liver pressing against my stomach is what caused the sensation of fullness, hence, not ever feeling like I should eat. Now, my appetite has returned, and I’ve been eating nothing but starchy, fatty nonsense my diet never would’ve allowed before I got sick. And even with all the newfound calories I’ve been non-stop digesting (seriously guys, pizza 5 days straight, bread bowls, bacon egg and cheese croissants, cheesecake, donuts...) I’m still shedding pounds. My Gold’s Gym Membership is gathering dust because I can’t go workout with my body still always in fatigue-mode and it’s probably just not kosher to do with this kind of virus. My mom said I should celebrate for now until it becomes a cause for concern later, but I think I should probably be concerned now since the earlier you find something out the better health-wise. I lowkey did some research and think I might have Hepatitis-C from the virus, which is curable, but sucks all the same if I’m right. I inherited my mother’s extremely poor immune system, so I really wouldn’t be surprised. I’ll post before and after photos of my weight loss separately, don’t want Tumblr turning me into the Face of Mono™ because of this post. 
Swollen Lymph Nodes
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This was one of the lesser symptoms that went away by week 2-2.5. They are definitely sensitive and noticeable. I found that icing them alleviated a lot of the discomfort and made it tolerable, but overall, these were the least of my worries.
If you experience any of these symptoms or think you may have Mono, definitely get yourself checked out. They can do a rapid test at any Urgent Care or ER and let you know during your visit if you have it. This shit is not a joke. I’m still dealing with the symptoms right now and have no inclination of when they will be gone. The literature says anywhere from a few weeks to a year, I’m praying for the initial option but I have no way of knowing for sure. I say all this to say, pay attention to and know your body, guys. You only get one. 
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intruality-overlord · 4 years
Why Are We (Best) Friends?
Warnings: Excessive swearing, alcoholism, mentions of drugs, drug use, suggestive humour, implied sexual content (no smut), some gore descriptions. Generally, Remus stuff.
Taglist: @blogging-time @veraisnotfine @littlestr @jessibbb @ibroken-butterflyi @hi-its-tutty @idkanameatall
Let me know do you want to be added or removed from the taglist! Updates every Wednesday/Thursday. Don’t worry I’m posting the second half of this chapter later today cause it’s too long all in one part and Tumblr doesn’t seem to like it when I post stuff too close together. So have the fun with the fluffy part!
Chapter Three 1/2: Duck
Loosen Up
May 26th, 2017.
Tiny little sips did Patton take, swishing the liquid around before swallowing each drop. Cautious. Procrastinating. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Why are you so embarrassed? I’ve seen you so drunk that if you weren’t a figment of imagination, the police could have been outlining your dead body in chalk the next morning. You don’t have anything to be shy about,” he said. Patton glared at him. “That’s exactly what’s so embarrassing!” He shrieked. “It’s bad enough knowing that happened! I don’t want a repeat!”
“That’s the whole point of this, Pat. I’m here so you don’t get completely pissed like that again. And if you do, I’ll stop you from being stupid.”
“I’m always stupid,” Patton mumbled into his next sip. Albeit, it was a slightly bigger sip. Remus would have argued with Patton, but he hadn’t planned a heart to heart and felt rather unprepared. At least he knew Patton had already drunk enough to not think too hard about what he was saying. Baby steps.
Turned out the snowball effect settled in soon after that. The more Patton drank the less he thought to regulate himself so he drank more. Remus discovered that night that Patton became efficiently, drunkenly relaxed at five cans of… whatever collection of concoctions Patton had mixed up.
“Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait! If I’m a figment of Thomas’s imagination, but you’re Thomas’s imagination, does that mean you could, like, make me,” Patton made a charade of what would have resembled an explosion if he still had his fine motor skills intact, “poof? If you wanted?”
Patton had had six cans and was on his seventh.
Remus blinked at him. There was some semblance of sense in that thinking, and Remus did love a good “what if?” question. “I don’t know...” he said. “Why don’t you try?!” Patton exclaimed, bouncing in his seat. Remus for a split second thought of how adorable Patton’s excitement was—
“Hell no!” He snapped. Patton whined. Sulking, he flopped back down in his chair like a voodoo doll that had just been angrily launched into a wall. “You’re s’posed to be fun!” Patton chugged the rest of his can and didn’t bother to put it down. Instead, it just toppled and rolled out of his lax grasp.
“If it worked then you wouldn’t exist anymore!”
Remus also discovered that Patton’s attitude was just as bad as Virgil’s. At least Remus knew his limits now for future reference.
“Well if you stopped existing you wouldn’t know if it worked or not because you wouldn’t exist,” Remus reasoned, and he wanted to scrub his tongue with soapy sandpaper.
“...What if we tried it on Roman?”
“Damn you, that’s tempting.”
August 30th, 2017.
“Heya Remus—” Out of all the anarchy encapsulated in the room, Patton instantly fixated on the razor. The blade devilishly glinted. Patton glared at the offending mustache slayer.
“Don’t you dare.”
“Patton! I was just—“
“Leave the moustache alone!” Patton pounced, lunging for the shaver, and Remus shrieked a very manly shriek. Plumes of white flew free from Remus’s fringe in the kerfuffle. “Your mustache is special and perfect just the way it is!” Patton said. Wrestling the razor from Remus’s grip, which on further inspection was definitely for shaving your legs and not facial hair, and confiscated it.
“I know!”
“That’s why I need it for my self portrait!”
What looked like very grainy flour caught in Remus’s fringe made it appear silver, enhancing the pearly whites that split his lips into a beaming grin. Patton swore his teeth looked slightly pointier than usual. Each syllable rolled around Remus’s tongue exaggeratedly long before he spat it out. And the crazed look in his eyes looked especially crazed, circled in red like a big mistake.
Oh, he’s high.
Wait, what?
Hooking an arm around Patton’s, a stark gentlemanly contrast to Remus’s distinctly wild hair, bloodshot eyes and suddenly apparent absence of a three piece suit, and yanked Patton to stand before his work in progress.
“I’d ask what you think, but it’s not quite finished,” he said, giddy.
Paint was splattered all across the canvas.
And across the floor, and the walls, and the ceiling, and after spending five minutes in the room Patton somehow had some too. (Remus was always more of a catcher than a thrower. Terrible aim.) Focusing on an individual area, it looked like a nonsensical mess. There were handprints, globs of textured brush strokes, and scratch marks. Acrylic and watercolour paints with salt adding texture. Swatches of silk, sprinkles of glitter. The only orderly aspect of the piece was the fact it stuck strictly to a dominantly green colour pallet with accents of blue. Even so, there were hints of pinks, yellows, and purple. Tasteful hints, mind you. Oh, there’s some red, too—
“Is that blood?”
“A happy little accident involving a blunt pallet knife. That’s all.”
As a whole, though, when you stepped back it clearly was Remus’s self portrait. Amongst all the chaos, his outline was clear and confident. Insane smile and all. (Except for his moustache, which seemed to be the final missing piece.)
Patton looked closer. Woven in were more intricate details. Passages from Alice In Wonderland and Little Shop Of Horrors (“You love her madly, don’t you, shmuck” was one he picked out)— other books, musicals, and movies Patton couldn’t name— fit seamlessly into the collage. Everything was written in different, swirly fonts or magazine clippings.
Then he looked even closer. Patton squinted.
“Is that fucking dick glitter?”
“Green and blue duochrome dick glitter!”
It was the most accurate self portrait Patton had ever seen (or ever would). A massacre of common sense. It was his internal tumultuous frenzy in a visual medium. A celebration of self love in a uniquely Remus way.
“I’d frame that and put it on the fridge,” Patton said genuinely. Remus preened. “It’s… exceptional, really.”
But did Remus really have to sacrifice his adorable face caterpillar for it?
“I can’t wait to add the finishing touches!”
“Are you really going to put your own moustache on it?”
Remus burst into rambling only a select few could comprehend. Sentences clumsily overlapped each other as Remus spilled the direct translation of his thought process. And within that mess, the words were crushed like a Pepsi can (Yes, Remus could taste the difference between Coke and Pepsi. Yes, he purposefully drinks only Pepsi), squishing the vowels out of existence. In Patton’s case, though, he was able to translate the garbled soup of consonants roughly to, “One does not simply soil the sacred authenticity of multimedia!”
“Can’t you just...” Patton shrugged. “I don’t know— use some fake fur or something instead?” He argued.
“Ugh,” Remus grunted, “That sounds like something Roman would do. His art is so flat and boring! Always so play it safe, never experiments,” He ranted passionately, throwing his arms in all directions. “And there’s never enough glitter!” He scoffed. Pent up energy drove him in stomping circles. “Too much glitter makes it look childish,” he said, tone swinging into a mock impression. “There’s no such thing as too much glitter! I don’t care if it gets everywhere. I’d happily leave glitter stuck in my teeth rather than some stupid, diet of the week salad! And Roman wants to claim he’s the gayer one?! Huh, bullshit.”
Patton checked if his ears hadn’t conked out. They screeched like microphone feedback. (His ears and Remus.)
“Roman’s such a bitch— I fucking hate him so goddamn fucking much, the cunt.” Remus thrust his hand into the nearest paint can, and readied the colourful grenade.
Patton grabbed his wrist, hastily. Globs of acrylic paint slipped from his fist, reuniting with a green puddle soaked into the carpet.
“Uh-um,” Patton cut in, improvising a distraction, “Why don’t we have a drink and watch, uh... ah, um— Ratatouille?” Fizzing with nerves, Patton cracked a hopeful smile. One Remus couldn’t help mimicking. “A drink of water!” Patton quickly corrected, “and Ratatouille.”
(“Giggle water?”
“Emu, no.”)
“I love that movie!” Remus said, clapping his hands. More green sprayed them in Remus’s brazen excitement.
It worked. Patton breathed a quick sigh of relief.
Beaming, he cupped Patton’s face in his cold, sticky, stained hands. “You always have such good ideas!” Remus gushed. That was a rare, rare compliment. Patton's face blazed. For a second he was sure the paint would evaporate from his skin.
No, his wine red complexion was hidden.
Green handprints drying on his cheeks, Patton watched the movie with Remus just like that. After, Remus finished the painting properly. Instant grief followed shaving his moustache. But when he grew it back, he was ultimately happy with the results.
Next Chapter:
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Shattered Reflections {22}
[Helsa RP- Fanfic]
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Post-Frozen/ Canon Divergence
- Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Romance
Pairing(s): Hans/Elsa, Kristoff/Anna
Previous Chapter:21. Nonchalant
Direct continuation of the previous chapter. I'm really bad at updating I had this done since I posted the last chapter, but just kept pushing off the update. I have two other chapters. IDK how soon I should post them, cause I don't want to spam them.
22. Waltz of the Snowflakes
Elsa was appeased knowing that in the future, even if Hans didn't continue to stay in the castle, he would still want to put down roots somewhere nearby, remaining somewhere between the castle and the sea. Not straying far from her, staying at her beck and call. The idea eased more than her mind, it really seemed to warm her heart as well. 
 Her heart had been feeling a little lighter that night. It was a strange sensation to have it be constantly aflutter. She didn't quite fathom why the feeling seemed to be lingering longer than it usually did. Though she just thought it was more peculiar than particularly unpleasant. Her heart's flutter was not the most abnormal thing she was presently experiencing either. Stranger still was the sudden surge in her magic, that desperately wanted to break free. A tingling extruded from her extremities, yet the unexpected swirling of magic within her didn't feel like any of the normal outburst that often occurred when she got anxious. This burst of power was somewhat different, it seemed more euphoric, if she had to make a comparison she'd consider it to be closer to the feeling of when she let it go for the first time in forever, more than anything else. The abrupt sensation scouring through her body puzzled her a bit because she didn't understand why now? Most of the time her powers started acting up was when she felt more negative emotions, currently she was feeling quite the contrary, in fact she was rather content, but she didn't think that alone would warrant her powers to swell inside her.
 Elsa had a soft smile on her face. She had been curiously looking down at her hands. 
 "Yeah, I-Oh?" she began to respond, but she suddenly stopped when she spotted a snowflake slowly drift by her nose. Elsa looked up and saw that a small flurry had formed above her which was starting to softly drop snowflakes around her. This was new. "That's...strange. What is going on?'' She commented pointing up a bit stunned at what was occurring, being surprised by her own powers was something that didn't happen quite often. Her icy blues were opened wide, transfixed on the abnormal snowfall. "I have absolutely no idea why my powers decided to be unruly right now."
Hans grimaced a little at the thought. 
 "Should I be worried, your Majesty? I seem to recall the last time they got unruly was a rather painful experience for all of us." He laughed a little nervously and shifted somewhat uncomfortably to give her space. Not because he was afraid of her, but because he was reminded that she should be afraid of him.
"Hm? No, I don't think so, it's nothing that drastic," she assured, she flicked her wrist and the flurry vanished. "I think I have it under control." 
 Elsa turned facing towards the window and began to test her control over her powers. She quickly conjured a variety of forms which she quickly transfigured. She began the release of her pent-up magic with a snowman much like Olaf which collapsed and reconfigured to a horse, followed by a replica of her Ice Castle that then turned in on of the Arendelle Castle. After seeing enough of her perfect precision over her magic she let it dematerialized.
 She hummed in confusion. "That was rather odd, I know my powers sometimes seep out when I feel anxious, but the thing is I didn't think I was feeling that way at all, also it usually tends to be ice not snow." Elsa was perplexed, she pressed her lips. She might have thought it wasn't due fatigue but she didn't think that was the case either. She really was clueless.
"Hmm, ice for danger, snow for... something else? Something lighter?" Hans proposed, perplexed and intrigued as he leaned back to watch her work upside-down. He grunted a little and righted himself when she was done, finding he couldn't process anything upside-down, anyway. He seized upon a strange idea, and pushed himself to his feet. In spite of his drinking earlier, he seemed perfectly steady. He'd had some time to process the alcohol, after all. He offered her his hand. 
 "Perhaps it only makes sense to women who've known me in more pleasant circumstances, but I've just realized we've known each-other for a rather long time now, and I'm not certain I've ever asked you for a dance. That's not very like me." He mused. He wondered if that would change the ice as well. He wasn't sure what he thought he was doing, but somewhere deep down, it felt like that made sense. Dancing would illuminate things. He often liked to dance and think at the same time.
Elsa thought Hans' hypothesis about the snow seemed rather reasonable, but she wondered why something similar hasn't occurred sooner. Dance? The invitation caught her off guard, bringing out a blush on her cheeks yet again. She gawked at him, from his offered hand to his contemplative face. Elsa couldn't determine whether his proposition or the snow were the far stranger between the two. Though she decided she'd take his suggestion as part of the tipsy foolishness he'd warned her about earlier. 
 "Um, you have not," she responded. "Though I'm uncertain what that has to do with anything," she started in confusion, yet her own hand already seemed to be hesitantly dancing to determine whether or not she should take his hand. "Also I'm not much of a dancer, I'm certain I'm quite bungling at it."
"Not a thing." He assured sweetly. "Unless it does and I don't know. You don't have to be good, I like a simple box-step. Trust me to lead and you'll do fine." He assured, never wavering in his offer. "I'm in the habit of dancing often. There were always maids around to dance with at home, so it was a good way to pass the time, hold a conversation, pretend everything was alright." He assured, at least he admitted the truth; it was pretending.
Elsa teetered a bit more, she paused, looking him over one more time, intently gazing into his eyes for a long moment. 
 "Alright," she said softly as she gently grasped his warm hand with her own. Elsa figured dancing was something a bit more formal anyway, an activity royals partook in often, even if she herself wasn't one of them. Besides, they had certainly already been a lot more intimate than that before, so taking up on his offer couldn't possibly hurt, could it? He was also her friend now, surely that's something they do together. Regardless of all the logical reasoning (or excuses as others may prefer to see them) the reality was that a part of her strongly wanted to feel his ever emanating warmth against her skin once again.
Hans smiled a little to himself and positioned their arms as he walked her out a little ways from the bed. Just as well that it was simple, he was still injured and couldn't exactly do a whole lot of activity. He hummed a tune with the appropriate rhythm and held her close while he led, starting slow for her and picking up to match the music as she got the pattern. 
 "There we are. An easy box-step." He sounded pleased with that, continuing at the same pace, as constant and inevitable as the tide.
Elsa did struggle a bit at first, stumbling and not perfectly matching the pattern, but with Hans taking the lead and his gentle guidance she seemed to be getting the hang of it fairly quickly. She had been pretty preoccupied at first trying to focus all her attention on her feet, but now she had gotten more control over her motor skills and could actually look at him. 
 "I do beg your pardon if I step on your toes too hard, but I do think I'm finding my footing."
"Oh, you're not the first person I've guided through the steps, and you've had a little more practice than some of the maids." He assured her, not minding at all. "I'm a tough young man, I can handle being trodden on once or twice." He joked, carrying on the pace without worry, and just enjoying the rhythm of the movement. It wasn't often that he shared something from home that wasn't angry or depressing. It was just a nice thing he held onto and brought wherever he went. An odd habit he enjoyed. A simple box-step for no good reason other than that it was enjoyable.
"Only a bit of practice, not much though, definitely not the adequate amount that a Queen should know. Certainly ill-prepared for any royal social gathering. Luckily I don't have to partake in those if I don't desire," she assured. "Hopefully you don't get trodden thrice I'm afraid to find out what happens then," she joked back with a giggle. 
 Their dancing had made yet another bittersweet memory re-emerge, it was her dancing with her father when she was a little girl, stepping on his toes being half his size. Happy memories with her parents were so few and far between she often wondered if they had just been lovely dreams she made up in her solitude.
"Everyone misses a few things they ought to know, there's not enough time in one's youth to get all that information at once." Hans assured, with unusual amounts of forgiveness for himself. He said it as if to brush away her anxieties and shield her from them. "At any rate, you're doing a lovely job. You've got the grace to dance, just not the training. Never mind it, it will come." He assured her, though confident for no particular reason except to make her feel better.
 "That's for certain, might as well learn how to do some of that stuff now," Elsa smiled. "Thank you, probably wouldn't be as lovely without an excellent instructor." She complimented. Elsa thought the two of them just dancing for no particular reason was rather nice. Just being in each other's company always felt right, more so when they shared pleasant moments (which unexpectedly involved much warmth and caresses exchanged between an Ice Queen and a quondam Prince).
"It's surprising, I must've danced with half the girls in the Isles by now, just by fact of how many maids we hire. But I don't tell everybody I play the harp. Funny how one can get things out of order, going to a new place." He observed, smiling slightly as he danced with her. He hummed again, a slow, perhaps even romantic song. It had to be slow, starting to learn, every song felt much faster, but that didn't ease the romantic tension any. Romantic tension that Hans didn't seem to mind, if he noticed it. "Hmm. Is that so? I guess that makes me part of the lucky few. You know I'd still very much love to hear you play for me, and there's a harp waiting to be used in the music room, most likely untuned, but it's there," she reminded him warmly. "But perhaps not right now, but someday soon would be nice," she encouraged with a sweet smile and softness in her eyes.
"Certainly, I'd love to play for you. Any time you and I are both in, perhaps a tea time, if you're not occupied elsewhere." He proposed lightly. 'elsewhere' being Anna, no doubt. "I suppose it's only fair, I'm one of the lucky few who has seen you with your hair down, I've no doubt." He glanced to her hair, with something all too fond in his eyes. Perhaps it was good that his hands were occupied with the form of the dance, else he might have tried to touch it. That surely would have been... bad?
"Of course, tea time might actually be the most opportune time to have a rendezvous, I'm seldom occupied during tea time, I usually spend them alone in the library, so I would definitely enjoy it if you joined me and spend one together," she eagerly assured him. Elsa became a bit more bashful with his observation of her hair, especially with the way he looked at her with his green gleaming eyes. She slightly averted her face from meeting his gaze directly, bringing one of her crimsoning cheeks near her shoulder, yet a smile stayed on her face. Suddenly, another soft sprinkling of snowflakes started to surround, not just Elsa, but the both of them.
Hans couldn't help but smile a little at the snowflakes. "I thought a dance might draw a little flurry out of you." He hummed. But he wasn't sure yet what they meant. Just that they were a good thing. "That, or I'm very wrong and it's a sign you're coming down with a... cold." He giggled a little at the pun he only realized was there as he was telling it. "Oh there's snow way to talk to me without puns eventually, I'm afraid." He had been spending time with Kristoff and Olaf. If anything he now had more horrible puns.
Elsa was still bemused by the snowflakes produced by her unpredictable powers. She looked at them with wonder trying to make sense of what they meant, but still had no clue besides recognizing that it was somehow linked to her current bliss. 
 She laughed a little at his pun. "Oh, I don't get colds and even if I did I think you'd snow." She thought it was rather silly, but that didn't stop her from trying.
Hans laughed a little more at her returned pun. He looked different when he smiled with his eyes, hints of crow's feet that showed only in the rare event that he was genuinely that happy. 
 "Should we stop, or should I go for 'Icy what you did there'?" He teased. "Ah, it's late, isn't it? Or perhaps early, by now? Should I stop distracting you before bed?" Yet they still danced. He seemed to dance by habit, hardly noticing he was doing it.
"It would indeed be wise to get some rest before daybreak,"she said softly, yet was reluctant to let go, not knowing when they'd be able to share another warm moment like this again.
Hans slowed the dance all the same.
 "Another dance another time?" He proposed gently. "I can see I still have some healing to do before I take on the guard training full time. I'll have a little time." He suggested. He smiled a little to himself, perhaps realizing how that sounded. Almost as if he would be going away to war, though it was truthfully not far a walk from the castle doors to the guard's barracks. But, he knew she was a busy woman.
"Perhaps," she smiled. "This has been rather nice and I could also really use the practice." And there it was again, adding some other justification, she just couldn't seem to allow herself to admit that she wanted to do it solely for her own pleasure. 
 Even though Hans wasn't going too far once he healed, she still wanted to cherish and indulge herself with more of these warming moments. She wanted to enjoy this freedom of spending time together, since it wasn't going to last forever.
He nodded, and finally let her go, if slowly. He was as reluctant for her to leave as she was. 
 "I shall see you when you next want my presence, I suppose." He hummed, but he said it with a little smile. He liked it when she visited. She had asked herself if she was treating him like a bird in a cage to sing for her-- but she had never thought about whether he liked to be her songbird.
The snowflakes ceased, yet she hadn't been paying so much attention to them anymore. 
 "I suppose so," She affirmed, tucking some of her hair behind her ear, with her now free hand. "I guess, I'll see me, wait no, I meant you, ah anyway, I'll see you fairly soon then." Elsa assured with a slight stumble with her words, similar to how she'd done earlier with her feet. "Possibly tomorrow if I'm able." Of course, she was talking about finding time rather than asking permission. She had already been keeping her promise (to the best of her ability) of coming to visit him, if only for a short amount of time. So there was no doubt she'd be back, but she liked to reassure him anyway.
Hans nodded, looking hopeful and encouraged about it. 
As soon as Elsa left, he returned to the bed, to sleep almost instantly. He'd had quite a busy day, after all. But he would sleep comfortable, thinking of all the positive things-- but especially of the snow.
Elsa had gone to sleep much later than she intended, she laid in bed, her mind lost in contemplation. You'd think sleep would come easy after such a lovely evening with both Anna and Hans, and perhaps it would have if something else wasn't tormenting her thoughts. 
 What kept her mind restless was the mystery surrounding why her magic had been acting up that night. It had only caused her powers to amplify and an involuntary snowfall, two things that weren't at all bad, just unexpected. 
 It had also been a different sensation than prior times her magic had been rowdy and that was a bit disconcerting. Something like that had never happened to her before, even blissfully being with Anna, which she believed bore the closest resemblance to what she felt with Hans. Yet with Anna she only felt a warmth that flowed from her heart, a melting sensation, but in a good way. That was not at all what had happened with Hans, she did feel something strange in her heart, but it wasn’t quite the same.
So that brought up the pressing question: Did the new outburst have something special to do with Hans? If so, what was so different? Why did it only happen with Hans and not with Anna too? She started thinking about what made her powers tick, she knew that both fear and love were catalysts that amplified her magic, she hadn't been feeling the former so that only left the latter. Love. Could love really be involved in what caused the outburst? She was certainly fond of Hans, there was no doubt about that, he was her friend now, but could it be she felt something more than amiable affinity? Could she maybe really...no, that'd be silly. Elsa brushed that thought away, perhaps she was overthinking things again, like she tended to. Whatever caused the occurrence Elsa decided it was best not to continue worrying about it that night and instead get some much needed rest.
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