#bye going to do some chores
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RLGL au peeps featuring that feeling when a late night baking session turns into a group therapy session instead
I just went wild hearing this song for some reason
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barkingangelbaby · 2 months
everyone please clap for me I actually started relistening to fantasy high at work (very funny knowing the big plot points but forgetting all the tiny details that got them there) n am on ep 10 already!! slowly sluggin' my way through so I'll ~eventually~ be able to watch the new season lol. I think I'm gonna relisten to unsleeping city when I'm done with FH too
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interstellix · 2 years
how am i supposed to study for my exam, take care of house chores, go grocery shopping, buy the last gifts left for my relatives, and finish packing for my trip before tuesday night
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transbee · 2 years
i say this once a month. if i had money i would commission every one of my favorite artists forever and ever and buy all their cool prints and hang them on my wall and kiss them so tenderly and buy every zine that i want
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1roentgen · 9 months
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urfavstargirl · 11 months
inner man challenge! (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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hey babes!! okay, i know i said i was going on break but i got this sudden inspiration and yk i had to make a post!! so this challenge is called the inner man challenge, because it's all about fulfilling your inner man and staying in the wish fulfilled!!
making the state of the wish fulfilled your dwelling state
fulfilling your inner man
falling in love with imagination
not caring about the 3d
this is crucial! remove the intention of manifesting to be for getting in the 3d!!! "but girl.. the whole point of manifesting is to get it in the 3d" okay yes, if u want to believe that i can't change your mind. but to get it in the 3d we need to be fulfilled, and you can't be in the SOWF if you are still trying to get it! read this if ur still confused <3
me personally i feel like the reason why some people don't get results from methods, challenges etc is because they are doing the method to get it in the 3d, not to feel fulfilled. but thats just me 🤷🏾‍♀️
now for the fun part, decide what you want!! df, db, sp, a billion bucks in ur account, being the smartest of ur class, moving out of your paren'ts home, getting into your dream college, literally go wild!!
fulfill your inner man when your inner man needs fulfilling! if something bad arises in the 3d that shakes ur confidence, fulfill!
having the urge to look in ur bank account to see if you have a billion bucks? close your eyes, imagine your inner man looking at her bank account and seeing the numbers go up by the second!
one of your family members makes a comment about how ugly you are?? would your inner man care?? NO! bc she's fine asf!
if anything 'bad' happens in the 3d, imagine your inner man saying "uh.. thats cute but i'm living my dream life rn sooo.."
there's no schedule to this challenge!! no "in the morning say 1409834 affirmations, in the afternoon vaunt for 3 hours, in the night do starfish position and affirm for the void" NO!! literally just fulfill your inner man when ur inner man needs fulfilling!!
"don't force yourself to do a method you don't want to do! don't force yourself to visualize the same scene someone else even though it doesn't create any feeling of knowing inside of you and feels like a chore to you. don't repeat affirmations if you don't want to and don't repeat an aff you don't resonate with. do what you think is fun! and do what feels natural to you! by taking the pressure of being perfect off yourself, it's easier to imagine in order to experience, rather than to get it in your 3d." - @remcycl333
no need to stay in the SOWF the entire day, we are always changing states! for example, right now you're in the state of reading this post, and i am in the state of writing this post. it's all about making the SOWF your dwelling state! so if you accidentally stay in the state of lack 7 times but you are in the SOWF 8 times, then the SOWF is your dwelling state! (btw don't count the times you enter a state lmao)
get off tumblr, just delete the app.. like this place is literally just making you overconsume. you have better things to do!
if you have a negative thought don't spiral and think all your progress has gone to waste. breathe in and out, your inner man has it and that's all that matters.
have fun!! this challenge isn't like other challenges (soo quirky i know 😜), it's meant to fulfill you instead of making you stress about the 3d. make fun scenarios in your head, vaunt, just have a good time!!
WHEN you get successes (whatever you consider to be a success: feeling that your inner man is fulfilled, or getting it in the 3d) send it to me or make a post about it using #star's-inner-man-challenge!
if you have any questions let me know in my inbox, bye yall!! 💞
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babyleostuff · 11 months
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summary | you get a call from the hospital after Wonwoo leaves the house after a fight, informing you that he's been in a car accident
genre | angst (+fluff in the end)
word count | 2.1k
pairing | jeon wonwoo x gn!reader
☾₊ ⊹ currently playing: stay alive by jungkook
All you heard were the front doors slamming. 
This fucking fight was so unnecessary and useless, but neither you nor Wonwoo could contain your emotions that had been building up these past few weeks. You were both exhausted and mentally drained from your work, but instead of talking it out like adults, you yelled at each other, crossing every line you could have possibly crossed. 
But it didn’t matter now. He had already stormed out of the house and there was nothing that you could do to fix the situation. You just had to wait for him to calm down, catch a breath and come back, ready to talk like adults. 
Occupying yourself with some chores around the house, you tried pushing the fight away further from your mind - you knew that there was no point dwelling on it anymore. Grabbing the laundry basket, you waddled into your bathroom with a heavy sigh. 
You knew what you did wrong and you were ready to apologise for it. Now, you only needed Wonwoo to come back safely home.
With some hours passing, you did the laundry, washed the dishes and even tidied your and Wonwoo’s bedroom, especially his desk with his whole gaming set, which had been cluttered for some weeks now. Both of you were too tired to do it before. 
Sitting at the edge of your shared bed, you pulled out your phone and stared at it for a second. Should you text him? Would you come out desperate if you contacted him first? 
Some hours had passed and by then and you were starting to grow worried. He had never been out for that long after a fight. Sure, he usually needed some time for himself, but he always gave you a heads up if he knew he’d stay somewhere overnight. 
Besides, those situations were very rare - you and Wonwoo were committed to making up as quickly as possible. 
The evening sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold, as you stood by the window, your heart heavy with worry. Your boyfriend should be home by now, safe and sound, but there was still no sign of him. You clenched your fists, trying to suppress the rising panic that threatened to consume you.
Maybe the fight went worse than you thought? What if you were too harsh? What if your relationship is over? You knew it was stupid to assume anything, so you did the only thing you could imagine doing and not coming off as a pain in the ass to Wonwoo.
You dialled his best friend's number. 
“Hey, Mingyu. Is Wonwoo possibly with you?” you asked, anxiously nibbling at your lower lip. 
“No, he’s not,” he said. “Wasn’t he supposed to be with you, though? He even left practice a bit early today,” you could sense a hint of confusion in his voice. 
“We had a fight,” you sighed. There was no point in hiding anything from him. “And he left, but that was like a couple of hours ago and I have not heard from him since then. I just thought that he maybe went over to you or something,” you rambled. 
“Have you tried reaching out to him?” 
“No. I didn’t want to come out as desperate in case he was still angry.”
“I really think you should call him. It’s unusual, even for him, to go MIA for so long,” he said. 
“Okay, I’ll try. Thank you, Mingyu.” 
“No problem,” he replied. “And let me know if you get a hold of him.” 
“Sure. Bye.” 
You pulled up your text messages and typed in a short message: are you okay?
The familiar sounds of the city outside seemed to mock your unease. The distant honking of cars, the laughter of children, and the rhythmic footsteps of passersby all continued as if nothing was wrong. But for you, the world has come to a standstill. 
You kept checking your phone every few minutes, hoping for a missed call or a text message from Wonwoo, but the screen remained stubbornly blank.
Once again, you tried reassuring yourself, remembering that he was a responsible and cautious person. But the longer he was away, the harder it was to believe that everything was alright. Your imagination painted vivid scenes of accidents, injuries, or worse.
As if on cue, your screen lit up with a call. Never in your life had you picked up your phone that quickly. Unfortunately for you, it wasn’t your boyfriend's familiar contact photo that showed up on your screen - it was an unknown number. 
Your heart skipped a beat, and you hesitated for a moment before reaching for the phone, fearing the worst.
“Hello?” you answered the call with a shaky voice. 
“Hello. We’d like to inform you that this number has been saved as an emergency contact. Are you in any way related to Mr. Jeon Wonwoo?” an unfamiliar voice asked. 
“I-I’m his girlfriend,” you stuttered, the weight of your emotions pressing down on you. Your thoughts were a turbulent storm, and you felt a knot forming in your throat as you tried to hold back the tears. 
All of your nightmares were about to come true. 
"I'm calling from the Asan Medical Center. I'm a nurse here. I wanted to inform you that Mr. Jeon Wonwoo, was brought in earlier today due to a car crash," the nurse explained gently.
Your world seemed to shatter at that moment. 
With no energy left, as if sucked out of you, you collapsed to the ground, your knees hitting the floor. You struggled to process the words as your mind raced with fear and terror. You closed your eyes, trying to take deep breaths, to steady yourself, but it was no use. A single tear escaped the corner of your, tracing a path down your cheek like a silent plea for release.
"Is he…?” you were afraid of even thinking about that possibility. 
“He has been injured, but he’s stable. Our medical team is doing everything they can to assess his condition. We're still conducting tests and evaluations," the voice explained with empathy.
Another tear followed, then another, until they formed a steady stream down your face. Your shoulders trembled as the weight of your emotions finally overcame you. You buried your face in your hands, seeking shelter from the world, praying that this was just a bad dream.
"I'm coming right away. Is there any way you could let him know that I'm on my way?" you asked, your voice quivering.
“Yes, we’ll let him know. Take your time, and please drive safely,” the hospital staff replied. 
You quickly texted Mingyu, letting him know that Wonwoo had been in an accident and that you were heading over to see him. Grabbing your car keys, you rushed out the door, not caring about the fading light or the traffic ahead.
The drive to the hospital felt like an eternity, as your thoughts were filled with worry and prayers for Wonwoo’s safety. The nurse reassured you that he’d be fine, but you just couldn’t help but expect the worst. 
The possibility of losing him felt unbearable.
Finally, you arrived at the hospital and rushed to the emergency room. A nurse guided you to the waiting area, leaving you to wait for the doctor that was taking care of your boyfriend.
Time seemed to stretch on endlessly as you waited for any updates. Minutes felt like hours, as your heart pounded in your chest. At some point, Mingyu appeared taking a seat beside you. You didn’t speak much, he only asked you whether you knew anything new about Wonwoo’s condition. 
Finally, the doctor exited the room where your boyfriend was currently in. As if on cue, you and Mingyu rose from your seats, approaching the man. 
“He has no brain, nor back or spinal injuries which is the best information we could have hoped for. He has suffered a broken arm and some cuts and bruises, but luckily there are no life- threatening injuries.”
Your shoulders sagged with relief, and you let out a tearful sigh.
“He’ll need to stay here for a couple of days, just in case. We’ll run some extra tests, but there is no need to worry,” he said with a soft smile on his face. 
“Can I see him?” you asked. 
“Of course. He’s in that room,” he said and pointed to the door through which he had left a few moments ago “Just take it easy on him, he’s still a bit shaken up.”
You could hear Mingy’s question about Wonwoo’s rehabilitation, as you entered the room. Right now, it was the least of your worries, you only needed to see your boyfriend and make sure that he was really alive.
In the brightly lit hospital room, the scent of antiseptic hung in the air as the steady hum of medical equipment provided a backdrop to the scene.
Wonwoo laid on the hospital bed, his body wrapped in bandages. His face showed signs of pain and discomfort and he winced as he shifted slightly, feeling the soreness in his limbs from the impact of the car crash.
“Honey?” you asked in a quiet voice, standing by the door. 
Your eyes filled with tears, as his gaze met yours.
"I was so scared," you whispered loud enough for him to hear, tears now flowing down your cheeks. "I didn't know what I would do if... if I lost you." 
He looked just as relieved as you felt. Tubes and monitors surrounded him, but he looked peaceful despite the ordeal he had been through. His eyes were red and you knew he had been crying, but still, they were filled with so much love and life.
You rushed to his side, taking his hand in yours, feeling his warmth and the gentle squeeze in response. A weak smile appeared on his face as he saw you beside him. 
"Hey," he murmured, his voice soft and raspy.
Tears continued to fall from your eyes as you leaned over to kiss him gently. “I was so worried,” you managed to say, your voice choking with emotions. 
“Don’t you ever walk out on me again, Jeon Wonwoo. No matter how angry you are with me, don’t you ever leave me,” you cried, the tears freely falling down your cheeks. 
Wonwoo’s smile grew, as he reached up to wipe away your tears with his thumb. “I’m here,” he said softly. “I’m alive, and I’m going to be okay,” he reassured you. 
“If you ever pull a stunt like this ever again, I swear I’m going to fucking fight you and cut the WiFi, so you can kiss your games goodbye,” you said with a serious tone, not kidding a bit. 
You gently run your hand through his hair, pushing the bangs aside to look him properly in the eye. As you held each other's gaze for a moment, you both realised how close you were to losing each other. 
“I’m so sorry, honey,” he said, squeezing your hand. “For everything. Not only for the fight today, but also for being so absent recently. I should’ve paid more attention to you, try to spend more time with you.” 
“No it’s okay. It was my fault as well,” you stated. “I was just missing you so much that I forgot how demanding your job is and that you don’t always have time for me. And I’m totally okay with that, it was so stupid for me to demand more time from you,” you said, patting his head gently. 
As the medical staff entered the room to check on Wonwoo, you stepped back to give them space. The nurse was doing something with the IV, and the doctor was asking follow-up questions, making sure he didn't suffer from a concussion.
“We added some painkillers to the IV, so he’ll probably be asleep in a minute,” the nurse informed you. 
“Will you stay with me, honey?” Wonwoo asked you, a bit of worry in his voice. He stretched his arm as best as he could towards you, wincing a bit in the process.  
Your heart melted, as you quickly grabbed his hand in yours. 
“I’ll always be with you, Jeon Wonwoo,” you said, kissing the tip of his nose. As the minutes passed, the pain medication began to take effect, and your boyfriend’s eyelids grew heavy. He closed his eyes, trying to rest and heal. 
Outside the hospital window, the world continued its bustling pace, as if nothing happened.
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binsito · 5 months
Kitty, what're your thots on pervy stepbro!skz? Cause just thinking about it has me going woozi (hehe)
AHHHHHHHHH (those are my thots)
cw: stepcest!!!!!!! dni if uncomfortable, i warned you. proceed with caution,
slight voyeurism/exhibitionism (or mentions of it), mentions of drinking, masturbation, dirty fantasies involving the reader, sex and oral sex (or suggestive scenarios involving it), slightttt noncon situations due to pervertedness, mentions of assplay, cum, all characters are adults who's parents got married later on in their lives (thought i'd clarify just in case). i think i hit the major ones, pls lmk if i missed anything super important
okay bye
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bangchan: he is soo sweet. he's incredibly helpful around the house, always offering to clean the dishes after dinner. your mom absolutely loves him. he's perfect, minus his one dirty little habit of asking you to help with the chores. it's not like he needs the help, he just gets a little excited when he sees you bend down to pick something up or go through the laundry because he gets a peek of your pretty thong.
'two of us get things done quicker' he usually says, and of course you don't mind helping him, he's fun to talk to and you also have to carry some of your own weight if you're going to keep living with your mom while attending college.
'i'll treat you for helpin' out' but what he really wants to say is he'll fuck you up against the laundry room's door. couldn't you get the hint? his cock was always rock hard around you, it was painfully obvious. couldn't you hear him through the walls fisting himself while you were both home alone? he didn't care to be quiet at all and he knew you were just choosing to be oblivious.
he was so good! why couldn't you just reward him? he mows the lawn, cooks if he has to, throws out the trash. the least you could do was give your sweet stepbrother your mouth to use around his cock after a long day of hardwork around the house!
and he hates the way you're licking the ice cream he got you for helping. hates the way you look at him and giggle because he knows you know what you're doing to him.
minho: he was bored out of his mind at the wedding reception for your parents. at least his dad was happy for once.
he glanced over and watched you order a drink from the bar, sipping it as you looked towards him. he quickly looked away and chuckled to himself, hoping you didn't notice how his eyes trailed down as he checked you out in your pretty dress. would it be disrespectful to put moves on his new stepsister?
he could ask you to dance, right?
he made his way over to you and leaned against the bar, smiling towards you.
"could i have the pleasure of dancing with you?"
you giggled at him and waved him off, explaining to him that you were to shy to dance.
"well then let's go somewhere private where no one can see us?"
the implications of his words made you flustered. this was your step brother now. did he mean his words in that sense or were you reading into it too much?
(he definitely meant his words suggestively.)
his eyes basically undressing you as you swallowed thickly. he could take you to the family restroom and no one would even know the two of you were missing.
he could easily slip past the huge blend of both families and fuck you outside behind all the cars.
he could make you hold his cum the whole night until your parents went their separate way to their honeymoon together. you could have the whole house to yourselves, fuck on every surface imaginable and no one would ever have a clue.
changbin: he's normally shy, very respectful. very gym oriented - going as far as setting up all his equipment in the garage with your dad's permission. you were interested in his work out routine, asking him if you could join him one day.
he didn't know why that made him so flustered, sputtering while he talked to you and letting you know it was perfectly fine that you used his stuff and joined him. you were surprised how disciplined he was, how heavy he could lift. he was trying hard to keep his composure, trying hard to push down the thoughts he was having of you spotting him.
the idea of you basically straddling his head while he benched was making him see stars. or what if he had you bench press? what if he was the one straddling your head, having you look up at him and see how his cock protruded from his gym shorts, the obvious outline giving away how hard he was.
what if he had you do russian deadlifts, coming up behind you to help with your form, cock brushing up against your ass while he tried explaining how to position yourself properly.
all changbin wanted to do was hold you open over him while he laid on the bench, licking at your cunt eagerly. all he wanted was to take you from behind while you tried to finish doing cable tricep pushdowns.
keyword on tried because he wanted to make sure he'd leave you dumb enough to even forget what number set you were even on.
hyunjin: hyunjin started to catch feelings well after your parents got married, you two just clicked, friendship quickly burning into something so much more.
but he knew you probably wouldn't feel the same, would probably be grossed out by him if he told you he loved you. he didn't want to ruin the family dynamic so he kept his feelings harbored deep within himself.
but his heart absolutely shattered when you brought another boy home, begging him to not tell your mom because you weren't sure if she'd approve of him.
all his hope of maybe one day confessing to you was thrown out the window. did he read you wrong? he could've sworn that maybe there was something there..
and he couldn't sleep that night, tossing and turning as he heard you through the walls, giggling with that other guy and hushing him. warning him that although your parents weren't home - hyunjin was.
but the hushes and scolding did nothing because hyunjin could still hear everything clearly. how you kissed him sloppily, how the bed shifted when he climbed on top of you, how you gasped out when he pressed his cock inside of you.
hyunjin closed his eyes tightly and to save himself from his misery, he pretended it was him between your legs, his hand reaching down to touch himself as he listened in on the both of you. he pretended it was his name that you were chanting. he took note of the pitches of your moans, how they got higher when you were about to cum, how breathy and incoherent you became.
he would do anything to see how your face twisted with pleasure.
at least he could pretend to be the one to bring you to your peak whenever he heard you through the walls.
jisung: living with jisung was definitely something to get used to. unfortunately with the sudden growth of your new family, there was not enough space for both of you to get your own room. you'd be sharing a space until your parents found an adequate place.
jisung didn't mind but you clearly did. having to share the en suite bathroom in the mornings was a challenge.
why did he have to take so long in the damn bathroom?
"jisung! c'mon i'm gonna be late, can't you please hurry up!?"
he always managed to beat you to the bathroon, always waking up early to start his day.
what you didn't know is he was taking care of his aching cock in the shower, fisting himself to the image of you sleeping soundly. he had gotten bold lately, picking the sheets carefully off your body to get a peek at your body, tugging your sleeping shorts to the side to reveal your panties, moving them aside to finally be met with your cunt.
how was it so wet?
could he give it a lick?
he didn't want to be caught.
rubbing himself through his shorts until he couldn't take it anymore, rushing to the bathroom to chase his release.
felix: he knew he shouldn't but he just couldn't help it.
watching you from his bedroom window inconspicuously as you tanned by the pool in your backyard. you looked so pretty, so unaware that he was jerking himself to the sight of you in a skimpy bathing suit. that dumb bikini top leaving little to the imagination, it wasn't your fault you didn't want annoying tan lines. he watched intently as you turned face down in the lounge chair, reaching behind you to untie the straps of your bikini top so they wouldn't leave a pesky mark. you were basically naked, your tits were basically on display for him, couldn't you just sit up and show him? flash him really quickly so he could finish in his hand?
it was torture - having to watch you from afar when he wanted to be down there with you. would you quickly cover up if he were to go join you? or would you barely acknowledge him and continue to enjoy the sun? would you ask him to reapply sunscreen on you? would you let his hands wander, trailing down to your ass to massage them? would you protest if he pulled your thong down or would you let him play with your ass a little?
he wanted you bad.
spurting cum all over himself and making a mess as he let out a loud groan, it must've been loud enough for you to hear and look up from your spot, making eye contact with him through his blinds.
seungmin: your mom wouldn't let you go out to that dumb frat party unless seungmin tagged along and drove you there.
you agreed because you didn't want to lose the opportunity to go talk to that football player you had the hots for.
seungmin thought it was funny, watching you fix your makeup one last time in his car's mirror. there was nothing to fix, you looked perfect in his humble opinion.
he knew you wanted to go to this party because of that guy, he wasn't fond of him at all. you were too good for him and in all honesty, seungmin wanted you for himself.
he wanted you to be his but it was complicated given the fact that your mom was married to his dad.
his advances didn't go unnoticed when he laid his hand on your inner thigh as he drove. impulse thoughts racing through his mind - what if he just turned around right now and took you in his backseat? he wanted to make you forget about that stupid jock.
"minnie?" snapping him out of his thoughts at a red light.
"you're quiet." you choose to say instead of bringing attention to the obvious hand on your thigh
"sorry, just thinking about the one hundred ways i could fuck you and how it would be so much better than that guy you're pining after." he speaks up, driving towards a turn lane to make a u-turn.
jeongin: he always thought you were pretty.
he had seen you around campus but was always too shy to approach you. how would he even start a conversation with you. when his mom told him she had found someone new, he was excited for her but the last thing he ever expected was for the 'someone' to be your father.
you, the girl he so helplessly daydreamed of was soon to be part of his family.
he didn't know if this was a blessing or a curse.
could he push down all the thoughts he's had of you or would he fail miserably. how was he ever supposed to tell you he liked you now?
when your families decided to spend the holidays together, he knew he was going to struggle. cock hard in his slacks as he watched you reapply some lip gloss that had gotten wiped as you drank wine and talked to people.
he felt hopeless.
he decided that socializing would be too much for him in this state of mind so he snuck upstairs, finding his way into your room.
there was a picture of you on your vanity, a pretty bow adorning your hair as you smiled widely. jeongin wanted to make you smile like that, wanted to tell you how gorgeous he thought you were but soon his thoughts became dirty, imagining how he wanted you to smear your lip gloss all over his shaft, peppering his cock with delicate kisses.
he shoved a hand into his pants and pulled his cock out, stroking it gently as he grabbed the photo with his free hand.
fuck, you were perfect to him.. the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
his brain became foggy, only thinking about you and you only as he pumped himself-
"jeongin?" you stood at your door, he nearly jumps out of skin, pathetically cumming all over your photo, face burning hot as he looks over at you.
oh fuck, how was he ever going to live this down? how would he even explain this predicament?
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please refrain from reposting, modifying, translating, copying or stealing my work. - © binsito
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You're Not Cute
Pedro Pascal x Reader
Summary: i saw a fucking tiktok of pedro reciting shakespeare and i will never forgive him for not letting me lie on his lap while he strokes my hair and recites said shakespeare to me. i thought you were a feminist pedrito?! i trusted you pepe. fuck you (me).
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: gender neutral!reader, actor/actress!reader, reader has hair im sorry if ur bald T_T and whipped for pedro and reading this, established but not public relationship (shhh it'll make sense), pedro go to jail party, crack fic, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: we all know pedro pascal watches his edits, but i wonder if he's ever... read fics of himself 💀💀💀💀 hi papi! if you're reading this first of all why second of all i love you the tiktok in question that has me at gunpoint tumblr. look at this gif. this is your man??? this is OUR man? fuck off. ALSO I HAVENT PROOFREAD THIS COS I GOT CHORES BYE Tagging: @pinksirensong @aralezinspace @sloanexx @amis-love-bugs @top1bbgloak @sunfairyy @djarinsstuff @mooniesyubi @pedropascalgirly @mmmmandoz
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My eyes dart from my reflection on the mirror to the grinning man who popped up from behind me. I turn to him just as he begins wiggling his brows. I make a face him as he narrows his eyes and snaps his fingers while trotting over to me, "looking good, mi amor," he rolls his tongue to mimic a purr and gestures like a cat, "RRRRRRRRRRR."
I roll my eyes at him as I chuckle, turning back to my reflection, "hands off Pedro."
He gasps in offence, raising his hands, "I haven't even touched you yet!"
I lean in to more clearly see the dark blue line I was drawing by my eyes, "ok then," I shrug, "sorry for assuming."
Pedro tilts his head and waves his hands, "apology accepted--" he moves forward until he was close enough to snake his arms around me, "--in form of touching you."
I huff at his shenanigans but do not fight him off. In fact, I lean into his back hug and rest my head against him as we both look at our reflections in the mirror. I motion to my face amidst my scrutiny, "is the eyeliner too much?"
"Nope," he kisses my temple then retorts rather seriously, "it's yas slay."
I make a face.
His serious expression only lasts two seconds before he explodes into laughter. I release a huff as I bring my hand to my face while he thoroughly enjoys his own stupidity. I release one airy chuckle before giving myself a final once over, deciding I looked well put together enough. He inhales deeply to catch his breath then sighs against me, "you smell soooo good."
"It's called a shower," I moved to elbow him off, "you should try it sometime."
I grunt as I struggle against him. I hiss when I feel his mouth on me, "PEDRO!"
He pulls back, all after managing to leave a wet bite on my neck.
Pedro recoils and raises his hands in defeat. I punch him on the chest before wiping his mark.
He sighs, "it's kinda hard to shower by yourself, ya know. I need some help. Also!" he points, "you're dirty now, you got a little," he motions to his neck, "dribble on you-"
"PEDRO PLEASE," I pinch my fingers together, "my interview is in like, ten minutes," I point at him and scold, "contain yourself. Stay in your room."
I begin to storm off and he watches, moaning like a baby, "you mean our ro-"
I feel him follow after me. I snap, "STAY IN YOUR ROOM!" halting in my tracks. I push him back as I grab the door knob. He gives me a puppy dog frown. I give him one last point before closing the door behind me on my way out, "stay here."
Alas. I was in the living room, with a laptop set up in front of me as I did my online interview. I was glad that my Pedrito followed my orders and stayed in the bedroom for the entire duration. Not long now before it ends.
I smile to the interviewers as they begin to wrap up our short segment. I, along with he two hosts from a live news channel, laugh at the closing remarks. Suddenly, I find myself looking out to my side when I see an incoming Pedro just about to pass by.
He was stretching as he walked. He looked like he managed a brief power nap.
Oh fucking shit, he's going to the bathroom. And he's going to pass behind me to get there.
"Now, do you want to invite your fans to watch your film?" the male host asks.
"Uhhh," I trial off, as I turn to my side, rather un-inconspicuously. Pedro was soooooooo close now.
I panic as I turn between my camera and my impeding doom, "uhhh."
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Aint no way he was about to pass behind me and expose us like this.
If I say his name, they're going to know it's him, but if I don't they're going to ask who I'm talking to anyway, but if I ignore him, he's going to pass and reveal himself. FUCKKKKK-
And in the split second of panic, I burst out the secret fourth option, and quite possibly the worst one, "FUCK!"
Yeah. Everyone stops.
Cue, my string of panicked apologize, "shit, I'm- fuck, SORRY SORRY SORRY!"
I catch Pedro, just as he realized what he has just done, or what he was about to do, rather.
"Sorry," I cover my hands on my face, "Sorry I-"
The interviewers laugh at me as I recuperate.
I sigh, turning to my side, "it's- there's a ghost that lives in my house."
"Oh, wow, you live in a haunted house?" the female host chuckles, "how thrilling."
"Yeah," I turn back to my camera, "it's quite stressful."
The interviewers chuckle as I regain composure and wave at my camera, "anyway, the ghost in my house says go watch the film with your loved ones, with family, friends, and your house ghosts too. We all worked very hard on the film, and we hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed working on it."
"Right!" Pedro agrees off camera, making me tense in my seat. He adds rather weakly as we make quick eye contact, "right."
The male host laughs, "wow, your ghost is really excited about this film."
"The ghost is going to get evicted soon. I'm calling an exorcist." I force a smile.
Finally, we say our goodbyes and I immediately shut my computer before any other fiasco happens.
"Sorry!" Pedro says immediately once he drops to his knees next to me, "I had booger brain. I woke up from a nap."
I look down at his messy hair and remorseful face. He grabs onto my legs and continuously apologizes to me.
I roll my eyes at him and tilt his head up at me as I grab him by his dark hair, "apology with tears."
He pouts, "I'm really, really sorry, baby. My booger brain..."
I release my grip on him and he immediately sits down next to me and pulls me into him. He continuously apologizes and I lean into his touch, beginning to feel bad for how genuinely remorseful he was. Just a little. He's kinda cute when he's pathetic like this.
"Pedro it's fine," I say, turning to him, pecking his lips repeatedly, "nothing happened. The hosts played it off too, which was really nice of them."
I crawl onto his lap and embrace him. He sighs and embraces me back. I nuzzle my face into his neck and murmur, "weren't you going to the bathroom?"
"Hmm? No, I was going to make a sandwich."
I snort, "of course you were."
I pull my head back and we look at each other. Pedro rubs my back. An idea springs into mind. I smile deviously, "I have decided that your apology will be in a form of Shakespeare."
When I shift off him to lie on the sofa and prop my head on his thigh, he looks down at me with furrowed brows. He brings his hands to his chest, "is the genuineness of my remorse not sufficient enough for you?"
"No, Don John," I sigh, "hark to me. From the top. Much Ado About Nothing."
Pedro chuckles airily before gathering my hair and pulling it back so that he could comb through it with his fingers. He sighs, and I turn to him as he scrunches his face, "I don't fucking remember."
"Do the, 'I must be sad when I...' like, feel like it, or some shit."
Pedro throws his head back and laughs. He sucks in a sharp breath, "like," he says with his exaggerated LA accent, "I have to be sad when I feel like I need to be sad."
"Exactly! Do that part," I giggle.
He continues, "I also will totally not smile at your lame jokes," he purses his lips and makes a face.
"Wait, that's what that means?"
Pedro nods at me, "yeah that's what that means."
"I thought that meant, like, I'll cry when I want to and smile when I want to."
"Well," he caresses my cheek, "you're not too far off."
I wave my hands, "ok, ok, now do the rest, and do it properly this time."
He playfully growls at me, "well, it's kinda hard to do Shakespeare when this cute lil thing is distracting me."
"Do better then."
"I'd rather do you."
"What? You started it!"
I roll my eyes make a zipper motion to my mouth.
Pedro clears his throat. He mumbles some lines to himself to jog his memory, "... sleep when I am drowsy and tend on no man’s business," he states in an exaggerated manner, "laugh when I am merry and claw no man in his humor."
I hold in a laugh as he raises his hands in dramatics.
"And then," Pedro calls, "Conrad says something but I can't remember what he says."
"Pedro!" I whine.
"What?! I can't recite something I forgot, now can I?" he replies, busying himself with brushing my hair again.
I cross my arms, "boomer."
"Yeah, but I'm your boomer," he says pinches my nose. I wrangle against his actions and sequentially sit up.
Before I could retaliate, a phone rings across the room. It takes a second for me to realize it was I that received a phone call. I go ahead and answer upon seeing it was from my manager.
"What have you done?!"
I pull my head back at her tone, "uh... hello to you too. What do you-"
"Are you aware you have a mirror behind your sofa?" she says.
I make a face. What does that-
I freeze, expression dropping as I turn to Pedro and slowly then to the mirror behind my sofa. There's a mirror behind my sofa. I have a fucking mirror behind my sofa.
My manager hums at my silence, "so, you want to make a statement with the ghost in your house before people catch on, or-"
I sigh as my manager begins to run down the possible things we could do. Pedro looks at me in concern as I wipe my face in frustration.
"Yeah, okay, okay. Let me call back in a minute. Bye."
Once I hang up, Pedro shifts on his spot and raises his brows at me.
I purse my lips, "they could see you in the mirror, Pedro."
He knits his brows, "see me in the mirror?"
I raise my brows at him.
He tries to piece it together, "see me in the... OH."
"Yeah, oh. My manager already spoke to yours, and they want to know what we want to do before people start making memes about your ugly face in my fucking mirror."
Pedro gives a guilty look. He throws his arm on the backrest and drops his head on his shoulder, "I... could change my name on Instagram to 'Ghost'."
I roll my eyes, "not fucking helping, Pedro."
"NO! But I'm serious, I-"
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rollingsins · 1 year
all hers, part xi
part i | part ii | part iii | part iv | part v | part vi | part vii | part viii | part ix | part x | part xi | part xii | part xiii | part xiv | part xv | part xvi | part xvii | part xviii | part xix | part xx | part xxi | part xxii | part xxiii | part xxiv | part xxv | part xxvi | epilogue
summary: Sam and Richie go out for dinner, leaving you and Tara to your own devices. You take full advantage.
warnings: (+18), Tara is Ghostface, smut, cunnilingus, fingering, strap-ons, vaginal sex, top!tara.
word count: 2.3k
a/n: smut break for anon who requested R riding Tara. Let me know what you want to see next!
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Living with Sam and Richie, as Tara predicted, is entirely miserable. 
Sam hovers like a mother hen, Richie walks around the house in his boxers, plays video-games until the early morning. Tara’s moodier than usual at the intrusion, throwing jabs and picking fights and you just want one night of goddamn peace. 
One night without feeling like you’re living in a warzone. 
In fact, you’re literally in a warzone tonight. 
Richie’s playing Call of Duty, again, Tara wants to watch a movie and Sam insists on brokering peace between them, offering to go out and buy Tara a TV for her bedroom. 
It goes down as well as you’d expect. 
“Why doesn’t he go out and buy a TV.” Tara snarls, perched against the couch with her arms crossed, “This is my TV right here.”
“Our TV.” Sam says, pointedly. Richie scratches the back of his head, a little awkward, “You don’t own the TV and you don’t own this house. When you do, you can start setting rules.” 
“Fuck this.” Tara says. She stands, holds out her hand for you, “Play your stupid game, I don’t care. Come on babe, let’s go have sex.” 
Your blush flames across your chest to the tip of your ears. 
“No one is having sex.” Sam says, loudly. 
“No one?” Richie says, a little put out. 
“No one.” Sam confirms as she pries the controller from his hands, “Not until you finish your chores.” 
Tara groans. Sam had set up a chore wheel the night she moved in, something that had immediately set Tara off. It was Tara’s week on dishes, and yet again, she’d let them fester in the sink. Another show of open defiance. 
“You’re on garbage duty.” She tells Richie, “And it’s full. Go take it out.”
“And then I get sex?” He asks, his interest piqued. She ignores him, looks at Tara. 
“Dishes, Tara. I cooked, it’s only fair.” 
“You should have to do it for cooking.” Tara grumbles under her breath, “That linguine was a crime against God.” 
You hop up, take her hand before she can start another fight.
“Come on, baby, I’ll help you.” You say. You press a kiss to the back of her hand. She softens, just a little. Then you’re tugging her out of the room and into the kitchen. 
“Who made her the queen of the world?” Tara seethes as she settles herself onto the edge of the kitchen counter, most pointedly not doing the dishes. You pry open the dishwasher, start stacking the dirty plates in. 
“It’ll only be for a little while, babe.” You say, “Just until she’s sure you’re okay again.” 
But she doesn’t go, not for days on end. 
Days of Richie and Tara fighting over the TV. Days of Sam and her chore wheel. By the end of the week, you’re actually afraid Tara might kill them both.
“Bye!” Tara calls out to Richie and Sam as they head out the door. They’re off to some restaurant for their one year anniversary. You’re both thankful for the reprieve, “Don’t come back!” She adds for good measure. 
Sam flicks her the dirtiest stare, then she’s heading out the front door, Richie in tow. 
“Finally.” Tara says, her eyes alight, “Finally we can watch The Menu undisturbed.” 
The movie is fine. You get a good bit into it before you can tell Tara’s bored. Too much talking, not enough blood. 
You barely make it through the first act before she’s rubbing your leg, leaning down to press a kiss to your neck. 
“Tara,” You say, trying to keep your expression even. Trying to ignore the flicker of desire that courses through you, “Baby. I’m watching this.” 
“I’d rather watch you.” She says, runs her tongue along the length of your jaw. 
You sigh. Let her tilt your head slightly and let her kiss you. 
Her hands move to cup your face. She tastes good. Like that cherry lip balm she knows you like. Like the strawberry cheesecake you’d had for dessert. You bite down gently on her bottom lip and push her back into the couch. 
She’s pulling you on top of her in a flash, movie still blaring, abandoned. You thread your fingers through her dark hair, tug gently as you pull her into you, gasp as her hands wander. Into the back pockets of your jeans, squeezing gently, teasing. 
Then down your thighs, holding you into her. 
You kiss her again, slip your tongue between her lips and grind down into her as she feels you up. 
Kissing her is magic, you could do it for hours. You would do it for hours if she’d let you. If she wasn’t so impatient, always wanting more. 
There’s that impatience now as she’s trying to pull your shirt over your head.  She’s such a boy sometimes, with only one thing on her mind. And right now that thing is your breasts in her mouth. 
Her eyes light up the moment she sees them, like she hasn't seen them hundreds of times before. 
She wastes no time, mouth hot and greedy around your nipples, biting only slightly, then soothing you with her tongue. You tighten your grip in her hair, sigh gently as she palms your ass through your jeans, talented tongue working you up. 
You close your eyes, enjoy the feel of her mouth, her hands, the little noises she makes as she sucks so gently. Then you’re prying her mouth away, wanting her lips back on yours. 
She feels good, warm. You pull her shirt over her head, press your skin into her. 
Then you’re dropping down to your knees, clumsily drawing her jeans down her legs. You line kisses up her thighs, spread her wide for you. She’s soaked through her underwear, you tease your lips along the waistband, dipping slightly to press a warm kiss to her soaked center. She’s looking down at you with hooded eyes, hand on the back of your head trying to guide you. You press your tongue to the fabric once more, then pull her underwear down her legs. 
You both moan when the barrier is gone and your tongue runs up her length, wettening her swollen folds. You don’t waste any time, now you’re the impatient one. The moment her clit is in your mouth you suck down hard, ferocious. 
Her mouth falls open, her head tilting back, a sigh on her lips. 
You squeeze her thighs with your hand, then trail it up to slip a finger inside her warm heat. She feels so good around you, like she always does. Gripping and squeezing. She’s always so tight. You slip a second finger in, lovingly suck on her clit as you drive your fingers in deeper, curling so you can hit that perfect spot. 
She cums quickly, all breathy moans and your name on her lips. 
You frown. It’s too soon, you want to stay down here with her legs wrapped around your head and her pretty pussy in your mouth. You press a kiss to her thigh, let her recover, rubbing your hands along her thighs, hoping she’s not too sensitive for another round. 
Her hands wrap around your arms, trying to tug you up. 
You pout, but relent, suddenly increasingly aware of your soaked underwear. 
She seems to be too, judging by the way she’s trying to pull you out of your clothes as quickly as possible. You take her lips in a searing kiss, completely unhelpful as she undresses you, until you’re naked against her, her hands reaching down to slip between your thighs. 
“Tara.” You moan into her neck as her fingers brush your clit, teasing you gently. Suddenly all thought of being on your knees is gone. You want her to press you into the couch and fuck you until you forget your own name. You tug on her gently, trying to lean back and pull her on top of you. Her grip around your waist tightens. 
“Mm.” Tara says, her voice low, turned on, “No, I want you on top.” 
“Oh, really?” You say, eyes filled with delight. You spread your legs a little wider, trying to give her access. She presses a kiss to your lips, then she’s pulling back, smile coy. 
“Wait here,” She says, eyes warm with want, “I’ll be right back.”
You wait on the couch while she races upstairs. Tilt your head, attention drawn to the TV. When she returns, it’s with the strap-on in hand. Your belly coils as she clambours back onto the couch, drawing you with her. She wastes no time, lubing herself up and then her fingers are back on you, drawing your legs open as she pulls you into her lap. 
You groan as she slips her fingers inside you, warming you up. 
Then you feel the cool plastic against your folds, slipping between them as she tries to find your entrance. You kiss her soft, fingers tightening around the back of her neck as she slips the tip inside you. 
You start slow, getting used to it inside you. Tara’s hands are on your hips, gently guiding you. She’s kissing you, all tongue, wild. When you feel the soft press of her thighs flushed against yours, her entire length inside you, you sigh. 
She doesn’t give you a moment to relax. She’s tilting her hips back and then up into you, sending shockwaves through you. You moan, drop your head forward onto her shoulder as she thrusts up into you. 
She keeps a steady pace, each tilt of her hips hits hard, brushes against your cervix. 
“Tara, fuck.” You gasp as she grips your hips, bouncing you down into her, “Harder, baby.” 
She complies, debauched sound of your skin slapping hers as she drives her hips up into you. 
You take her earlobe between your teeth, grind yourself down onto her. 
“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” She’s asking, momentarily letting go of your waist to rub small circles on your clit. She’s thrusting up into you lazily, enjoying the way you bounce yourself a little harder, like you’re putting on a show for her. 
“So good.” You murmur into her ear. Press a hot kiss to her neck and wrap your arms around her shoulders, “You’re so deep, baby.” 
In response, she wraps her arms back around you, pounds up a little harder. You reward her with a long moan, cheeks flushed, holding her tight against you, wanting to have her as close as possible. Her naked body in your arms, her lips on your mouth, her cock buried deep in your cunt. 
It’s building, your orgasm. She’s close too, her breathing a little jilted, hands around your hips squeezing, squeezing, squeezing as she thrusts her hips up into you. 
She hits just the right spot and you’re about to cum around her when you hear a loud crash and a blood-curdling shriek. 
You freeze, turn your head just in time to see Sam and Richie in the doorway, both looking aghast. 
Richie looks like a deer in headlights, Sam is white as a sheet and Tara’s reaching for the rug on the back of the couch, a little hastier than usual as she tries to wrap it around your body. 
“Tara.” Sam hisses, her eyes alight, “What the fuck?”
There’s food all over the floor, presumably their leftovers from the restaurant. You’re mortified, Richie too. Tara doesn’t seem that bothered, gripping you, keeping you in place. She doesn’t make much of an effort to move, stares down her sister, daring her to leave. 
You tug the blanket around yourself, use the excess fabric to try to cover as much of her as you can. Richie’s staring at the ceiling, his hands limp at his side. When Sam’s shock passes, anger takes over her. 
“This is so not cool. This is a communal space. God, I was just sitting there.” 
“Sorry.” Tara shrugs, not looking sorry at all, “We thought you guys would be out longer. Trouble in paradise?”
Sam narrows her eyes. 
“You’re cleaning that couch tomorrow. Bleaching it.”
Tara hums. 
“We might need to bleach the countertop too. And the dining table. And the-”
Sam raises a hand. “Stop it. God, you’re disgusting. Get dressed and get out of my sight. Both of you.” 
You're still impaled on Tara as Sam drags Richie out, trying to cover his eyes with her hand. 
Your body is flushed bright red, but it isn’t from Tara, not anymore.
“Babe.” You whine as you slip yourself off her, “How did you not hear them come in?” 
“I was a little distracted,” Tara says, biting her lip, “With you moaning like that in my ear.”
“Shut up. I wasn’t moaning.” You say, land a gentle smack on her arm, cheeks red. 
She raises an eyebrow, tightens her hands around your waist.
“Oh Tara,” She mocks, “Fuck me harder, Tara. You’re so deep. I’m going to cum-”
You push yourself off her with a grumble, but she tugs you back and kisses you soft, languid. 
When you pull away, she looks like she wants to go for round two. 
“Upstairs.” You murmur. You look around for your discarded clothes, “God, where are my clothes?”
“You won’t need them.” Tara says, affirms her statement with a kiss to your shoulder. “I’m about to take you upstairs, put you on your back and pound you out so hard that you-”
“We can still hear you,” Sam declares loudly from the other room. 
Tara huffs and you blush bright red again. 
She stands, taking you with her as she wraps the blanket tight around both of your bodies. 
“Talk about a mood killer. Come on, babe.” 
“You’re in so much trouble.” You whisper as she leads you up the stairs. She scoffs.
“With Sam? Please, what’s she going to do? Add another chore to my roster?” 
“With me.” You say, voice low, “I know you heard them come in.” 
She looks at you, smile coy. 
“And what are you going to do to me?” She asks, desire burning deep within her eyes, “You going to punish me?” 
The thought crosses your mind. But Sam’s still hovering in the kitchen, reaching for a broom so she can clean up the mess of leftovers. 
“Get upstairs,” You say, voice thick with want, “And you’ll see.” 
Next part
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youneedsomeprompts · 1 year
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requested by: anonymous request: roommates out of convenience arguing all the time but secretly liking each other
Feel free to use and reblog!
criticising the other's quirks while secretly adoring them
quietly looking out for the other when they're not feeling well
being worried when the other comes home late
making enough food that the other can have some too
liking the sound of their voice
considering what the other might think, even though they actually 'don't care'
"You have your own room! Why are you always sitting here?"
being weirdly disappointed when the other is in their room all the time
stealing their food/stuff because they have an immaculate taste
secretly enjoying spending the nights in with the other
"If you are leaving your clothes lying around like this, I warn you I'll adopt them as mine."
"You know, I might find a better place to live. This is only temporary after all." "What?!"
humming the songs the other always puts on full volume
being in a much more stable place since living together, even though the other irritates them to no end
"Stop inviting your friends over all the time! You alone are enough to deal with."
"Okay, bye! Love you!" "What did you just say?" "Sorry, it's a habit. It has nothing to do with you!"
"What do you mean, you're going to be away for a week?"
keeping on the lights because they know the other hates darkness
"By the way, there was someone asking for you, but I send them away. They were no good for you."
arguing like mad about the chores but hey, it's still an excuse to talk with each other
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pahtoosh · 1 year
apologies and kisses
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[image ID: pictures on a light purple background. there are five different baby blankets, a few different bottles of laundry detergent, and an image of chris evans as steve rogers looking smug and another of sebastian stan looking comedically distraught/.end ID]
summer celebration masterlist
wc: ~2200 words
warnings: having to do chores. baby is kind of dramatic in this(but justified!)
a/n: the movies moodboards are back. this is the first post of my summer celebration!!! also my first "and kisses" piece!!! "and kisses" just means there are lots of kisses and this is important because i love kisses :)
pairing: stucky x gn!little!reader (Dada = Steve, Baba = Bucky, Daddies = both Steve and Bucky)
summary: Steve leaves you and Bucky alone for a day and your Baba manages to make a mistake worthy of an apology and lots of kisses
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚
“Okay, I’m leaving for my meeting now!” Steve called out. “Just making this announcement in case one of my loves wants to show me some love before I go!” 
Your dada would never leave without a proper goodbye unless it was an emergency, but he likes teasing you. You took the bait every time. 
“Dada! Dada wait!” You rushed to the door and “caught” Steve just as he was about to open the door. 
“Oh goodness! You just barely made it, pumpkin. I was practically out the door!” He set down his briefcase and gave you a hug and kiss. He looked over your shoulder for any sign of Bucky. “Hm. Only one of my loves came to say goodbye. I guess that’s it then. Bye sweetheart, I’ll see you later tonight.”
“No! No! Baba! Baba, come say bye bye to Dada, you have to!”
Bucky shook his head at your and Steve’s antics. He walked leisurely down the hallway before kissing Steve goodbye. 
“You sure took your time,” Dada teased. 
“I can’t be spoiling you now. Sometimes ya gotta play a lil’ hard to get.” Bucky winked. 
Steve laughed and muttered idiot before returning the kiss. “You two gonna be okay without me?”
“Yes, Steve. I’ve got the schedule and the chore chart and the MyPlate chart that you printed out for me. Twice. Relax, I’ve got this. They’re my baby too, you know.”
Your dada sighed. “I know, and I trust you but it’s been a while since we’ve been separated.”
Bucky rubbed his shoulders. “We’re gonna be fine, it’s only for a few hours-”
“Six hours.”
“And those six hours will be fun and productive thanks to the schedule you lovingly created for us. We’ll be okay, you can just focus on your meeting. Unless that’s why you’re acting like a mother hen right now.” Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Are you worrying about us so you don’t have to think about your meeting?”
Steve stood a little straighter and fixed his tie. “Steve Rogers doesn’t run away from his problems. But if he did, that’d be a pretty darn good reason.”
Bucky laughed. “Okay, Captain. Whatever you say, now go kick some ass.”
“Language.” He kissed you one more time. “Bye, sweetheart.” He kissed Bucky. “Be good.”
“Why am I being told to ‘be good’?”
“Because our sweet little angel is always good. You’re the trouble around here.” Steve smiled at you and walked out the door, closing it behind him before your baba could respond. 
“Unbelievable. Did you hear that, lovie? Dada’s talking as if he wasn’t the biggest troublemaker his whole life.” He stopped looking at the door to face you. “How ‘bout those chores? Should we get started on them?”
“Don’t wannaaaa,” you whined. 
“I know, me neither but we gotta show Dada how responsible I can be. Will you help me with that, baby?”
“Mmm. Okay. But then I don’t have to eat Dada’s veggie sprouts for dinner.”
Your baba threw his head back in laughter. “Trust me, angel. Baba wouldn’t make you eat that mess even if you were the naughtiest baby in the world.”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Two hours later, you and Bucky had finished watering the plants, cleaning your playroom, and doing the dishes. The only two chores left on Steve’s list were to dust all the shelves and lamps in the house and do the laundry. Bucky hated dusting, so he was saving that task for last. 
He stood a little straighter and used his sergeant voice to grab your attention. “Agent baby, I have a very important task for you.”
You copied his posture. “I’m listenin’, sargan’ baba!”
“I need you to round up all the blankies in the playroom and living room and escort them to the laundry room. And bring any loose socks you see on your way. Those tricky little guys have escaped us for the last time.”
“Yes, sargan’ baba!” You did as he said, gathering the lightweight blankets that collected on the back of the couch and in one of your playroom’s baskets. You carefully walked to the laundry room with your huge pile of blankets nearly blocking your whole face. 
“I gots dem, Baba!”
“That’s very impressive, baby! And in record time too,” Bucky praised. He took the blankets from your hands and placed them into the machine. “One, two, three, four, five, si- wait, we’re missing one. Where’s your blankie, lovie?”
You looked up innocently. “Bankie’s not dirty.”
“Now I know that’s not true. I can’t remember the last time we washed blankie.”
“But, but what if bankie don’ like the water?” You pouted and formed a crease between your brows. 
“Blankie will be fine, sweetheart. Blankets are meant to be washed! And don’t you want your blankie to be fresh and clean? Think about how you feel after a nice bath. Good, right?”
You looked down and played with the hem of your shirt. “Yah, feels good.”
“Okay, then can you get blankie for me? Or do you want sergeant baba to come with you?”
“No, I do it!” You straightened up and rushed to get your blankie, wanting to show Baba your independence. 
You carefully handed blankie to Bucky. 
“Thank you, doll. Now blankie’s gonna take a little trip with these other blankies and when they’re done they’re gonna be all clean! While I do this can you look for the feather duster in the closet? I’ll be back out in a minute.”
“Okay, Baba!”
Now alone with the washing machine, Bucky turned the knob to the correct settings and reached for the detergent. There were three different bottles on the shelf. Wait, which brand is used for blankets? How much are you supposed to use? And who needs three different kinds of laundry detergent?
Steve had been taking care of the laundry lately in exchange for Bucky cleaning the kitchen. Steve was also more particular about how fabrics felt after washing, explaining the need for different detergents. Bucky decided to put a little bit of each detergent in the machine and hope for the best. He pressed the start button and left to find you and the feather duster. 
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Not too long later, every bookshelf and lampshade in the house was dust-free, Bucky put the blankets in the dryer, and you both ate lunch. By the time the dishes were cleaned, the dryer played a happy tune signaling that the blankets were dry. 
“Baba! Is blankie time!”
He gasped. “Blankie time? We gotta move fast! Hold on baby, Baba’s gonna get you there!” He lifted you off his lap and carried you to the laundry room, moving up and down while making airplane noises. 
“Wooosh! Wooosh! Wow, baby, look at how fast you’re going!”
You squealed and held onto Bucky’s Henley for dear life. “I’m zoomin! I go so high so fast!”
“Aaaand we’ve made it to blankieland!” He put on a voice and pretended to talk into a radio. “Passengers, we have just landed in blankieland. Please stay still while we take out the blankies and give your Babas a kiss for the ride.”
You giggled and kissed Bucky on the cheek before wiggling out of his arms. “Mwah! Down please!”
He set you down and opened the dryer, putting all the blankets into a clean basket so he could take out the dryer lint while you got your blankie. He closed the door and then turned to you. 
“So, how’s blankie? All clean and fresh?”
“B-Baba?” Your lip was trembling and your eyes were filling up with tears. 
“Oh, baby what’s wrong?” He crouched down to your level.
“My blankie! You ruined blankie!” You dropped blankie and ran to your room crying. 
Confused, Bucky picked up your blanket from the floor and a pant of guilt hit him. Blotches of the fabric were discolored. It made your blanket look like someone spilled Steve’s green juice on it. He inspected the other blankets and for some reason, only yours was affected. 
Baba felt so bad for ruining something that meant so much to you. He wanted to go comfort you, but sometimes you needed time alone after a conflict. 
While giving you some space, Bucky tried to fix his mistake. He thought about all the ways he could get the stains out. He tried a stain-removing pen, but there was no change. He got a small part wet and blotted it with a towel. Again, nothing happened. Surely putting it into the machine again wouldn’t fix things, that's how he got into this mess. And he was hesitant to try vinegar, the idea of your blanket being stained and smelly was too much. With no other solutions left to try, Bucky went to go check on you. 
Luckily, you left your door wide open. You were so distracted that you just ran straight toward crying into your pillow and stuffies. Bucky could hear your cries all around the house. He was concerned about how long you’d been crying for. How much time did he spend in that laundry room?
“Baby? Baby, I’m so sorry. Baba’s so sorry he ruined your blankie.” Bucky carefully sat down on your bed and rubbed your back in a soothing gesture. “I’ll buy you a new blankie, yeah? I’ll buy you as many as you want, as big as you want, as colorful as you want.”
He couldn’t be too sure, but he might’ve heard you sob the word “no” three times. 
“Angel, I’m so sorry. I just wanted you to have a clean blankie. When Dada gets back I’ll have him teach me how to clean blankie the correct way, okay? Maybe he can fix this.” Bucky actually wasn’t sure this was something that could be fixed, but he’d say anything to make you happy. “It was an honest mistake, angel. Can you forgive me?”
“I never forgive you, Baba! Never ever ever ever!” You smashed your face into a pillow and kept sobbing. 
Bucky sighed and held his head in his hands. He was hoping for an ounce of Steve’s patience right now. He thought about taking you over to the tower himself. You could see Steve sooner. Maybe some of the other Avengers would still be there and they could help cheer you up. Or maybe he could bribe you with treats, he did just go grocery shopping yesterday...
Luckily, your Dada was just about to park the car. He opened the door expecting to see either you running up to him or you and Bucky sleeping on the couch, exhausted from all the chores. He was not expecting to hear you crying. Steve quickly took off his shoes and found the two of you. 
“What’s going on?” It was an odd scene, you lying face down in the middle of the bed, sobbing while Bucky was perched on the edge about to pull his hair out. 
You turned over and reached out to Dada, still whimpering. He picked you up and reached for a tissue to clean your face. “What’s got my little sweetheart so worked up, hmm?”
“B-Baba wuined bankie.” You hid your face in Steve’s neck, too tired to do anything else. 
Dada looked over to Bucky with a raised brow. 
“I was doing the laundry and I messed up blankie.”
“Show me.”
Bucky left to get blankie while Steve sat on your bed with you in his lap. “Sweetheart, look at me.”
You whined and nuzzled deeper into Steve’s shoulder. 
He sighed and rubbed your back, beginning to talk anyway. “I know how much blankie means to you, baby. I’m sorry Baba ruined it. Did Baba say sorry to you?”
You sniffled. “Ya.”
“And did you forgive him?”
You didn’t answer. 
“Babyyy,” he said in a warning tone. Steve did not appreciate unanswered questions. 
“No. I say I never forgive him.”
He sucked in a breath. “That’s harsh, now why would you say that?”
“Because blankie!”
“I know, I know. But don’t you think Baba is a little more important than blankie? I bet Baba’s real sorry even without your crying.”
Bucky came into your room with blankie. Steve reached for it and inspected the damage. 
“You poured the detergent straight onto it instead of using the slot, didn’t you?”
“How did you know that?”
Steve grimaced. “I made that mistake too. With my own blanket, thankfully. This kind of fabric just soaks it up. And why are the splotches different colors? Which detergent did you use?”
Bucky scratched the back of his neck. “All of them?” Steve’s eyes widened. “I didn’t use a lot! Just a little of each. Why do we need three different kinds anyway?”
Steve laughed. “It’s okay, Buck. I’ll show you the ropes next time.” He turned to you. “See, baby? It was an accident. Baba was trying so hard to clean blankie that he used three whole different soaps!”
You giggled softly and snuck a peek at your daddies. Steve looked hopeful while Bucky still looked sad and a little embarrassed. You didn’t like seeing Baba so down. You reached out to him. 
He looked surprised. “You want me to hold you?” When you nodded, he reached out to pick you up. He pressed his forehead to yours, closing his eyes. “Again, I’m so sorry baby. Baba didn’t know.”
You held his face with both hands. “Is okay Baba. Sorry for being a meanie.”
He laughed. “You’re no meanie, angel.” He kissed you and then cuddled you, mouthing thank you to Steve over your shoulder. 
The next day, your daddies took you on a trip to buy a new blankie and Steve spent an hour showing Bucky how to do the laundry. He even took notes and laminated them to keep in the laundry room.
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
New arrivals
tonowari x reader x ronal
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It has been a year fully since the return of the sky demons and life had changed everywhere in pandora, that were in reach the greedy sky demon hands. Life had been quiet in the village and the territories of the ocean navi, as everyone was out on the look for the sky demons. As none of the ocean navi wanted to be dragged into a war with the sky demons after hearing the tales, of what they had done to the forest navi. It seems like life does not work like that and soon enough change will come for the clan, your family, and you as well.
Y/n " where are you three heading off to" you had seen your three teenage kids about to leave the home, as a brand new day has started in the village.
aonung " oh hey mama you are still here"
y/n " yes I was about to leave until I came across you three"
rotxo " oh"
y/n " so where are you three going"
aonung " well I and rotxo are heading out together for some brother time and do some chores that baba asked us to cover for him"
y/n " okay and you my daughter"
Tsireya " I have some stuff mom asked me to do with her and I might be out on the water but don't worry I will be the area of the village"
y/n " okay go ahead and enjoy your day go before you mom and dad come"
aonung " thank you mama you are the best" aonung soon hugged you and soon took off, and soon enough rotxo had hugged you and ran after his brother.
y/n " be safe you two"
rotxo and aonung " we will mama" you soon looked at your daughter she smiled at you and soon hugged you.
tsireya " bye mama I won't be gone for long"
y/n " I know but please be safe my daughter"
Tsireya " I will mama" Tsireya was soon gone and once everyone was off doing their stuff you soon went, on with your day as you had some stuff tot get done in the village.
elder women " good morning y/n"
y/n " good morning ma'am"
elder women " I saw your sons and daughter this morning they are growing up well, you and your mates have done a good job with them"
y/n " thank you I take pride in know my family is well" you had made some conversation with the elder women and her group making sure, they were all well before bidding goodbye and leaving. You had been able to get your task done early today, as you were able to find some other stuff to do.
Y/n " that the horn" you had heard the shell horn being blown you soon looked up at the sky to see a heard of ikran coming towards, the village and it seem like everyone else had notice as well. Soon enough these ikran had landed on the beach.The navi were the omatacayia they are forest navi and far from their home.
Jake " hey" all the omatacayia had gotten off their ikran and soon made their way over to you and your clan, you were in the group watching. You were looking for your children and mates but couldn't see them. that was until you heard tonowari yipping and soon looked up to see him.
Jake " tonowari I see you"
tonowari " Jake sully ,Neytiri, and mo'at I see you"
Jake " I see you ronal"
tonowair " Jake sully why have you and some of your clan come here"
Jake " we seek uturu"
ronal " uturu"
Jake " yes we seek help for my family and clan that came here"
Tonowari " we are reef people and you are forest people your skills will be useless here"
Jake " we can learn right"
Neytiri " yes"
ronal " their arms are week and they tails are small ... these children are not even true navi"
Kiri " dad"
ronal " they had demon blood"
Jake " look I was once from the sky people and now I'm navi we can adapt" you were listening in to the conversation that was being spoken right now, coming up with something to say.
neytiri " my son was toruk makto he gather up the clans and lead them against the sky people"
ronal " this what you call victory hiding among strangers then eywa has turn her back on you" ronal and the women had gotten into a hissing match with Jake sully trying to diffuse the whole situation.
y/n " eywa has not turn her back on them ronal" soon all eyes were on you as your made you way towards the group.
y/n " she has guided them here for help she still cares for them all, and doesn't see them as demon but true navi as they are" the sully family felt some happiness as you had come to help them and their clan.
tonowari " all navi pelose know the stores of Toruk makto, but we metkayain are not at war ... we can't let you bring this war here"
Jake " I'm no with war we are all done with war please I just need some place for my family and clan please" tonowari and roan were looking at each other, and made a quickly look towards you as well. they knew you are kindhearted and hated seeing others in dangers, even the children were looking at you.
tonowari " Toruk makto and his family along with his clan will stay here with us, teach them out ways as they are babies taking their first breaths so they won't be demand useless"
Jake " thank you what do you say everyone"
sully family " thank you"
tonowari " my sons aonung and rotxo along with my daughter Tsireya will teach you kids, with the help and supervision of y/n"
aonung " father are you sure"
y/n " you are ready for this role aonung trust in yourself boy" aonung had nodded his head.
y/n " here lets us help you move some of your stuff"
neytiri " thank you" the sully family had many question about you as they were surprised ronal was not mad, at you for seeking up against here and tonowair.
y/n " these will be your new homes I hope they are okay"
Jake" this will be amazing thank you"
neytiri " thank you again for speaking up for my family and clan"
y/n " you are welcome I hope you and your family can settle in nicely don't worry about lesson they will start tomorrow"
Jake " thank you once again without your help me might not be here"
y/n " the teaching of eywa say we always should help out our fellow brothers and sisters" The sully family had smiled at you but you had soon been called away, as the children stayed to speak with the sully kids a bit more and make some type of relationship.
later that night
ronal " why did you speak for them"
y/n " I saw something good in them ma ronal and we most help them as their lives have completed changed"
tonowari " it seems like they already like you"
y/n " the children are nice and I think some change will be good we can help them and they can help us"
ronal " we will do our part ma y/n"
y/n " good"
tonowari " it seems like some of their males and females had their eyes on you ... we should deal with that"
y/n " be nice ma tonowari"
tonowari " what I'm just speaking my mind I will be nice but if any of them think it nice to come near my mate they will have to deal with me"
ronal " me as well and we all know we don't like it when I'm mad and when you are on my bad side" you and tonowair soon looked at each other and smiled knowing at true. Soon the couple had retired to bed together as tomorrow will start their new journey for their family and their clan as well.
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mouschiwrites · 7 months
HEY POOKS! I'm back with a cool idea😋
Basically hcs where the ninja have to train the reader(who is younger then them) because Wu told them too. At first neither of them want to train together and make the training sessions difficult for each other but over time the ninja see themselves in the reader which was apart of wu's plan. So overtime they develop a sibling bond and everyone rubs in their faces on how similar they are even when they used to hate each other.
YIPPEE you’re back with another banger!!!
Me when you call me pookie,, teehee
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Ninjago - Unintentionally Becoming the Ninjas’ Little Sibling
Zane doesn’t always hate kids, but he certainly didn’t like you at first
He saw you as disorganized and disruptive
Your fighting style was no better
He begrudgingly took it upon himself to help shape you up, not just as a fighter, but as a person
Your attitude towards him was not helping his exasperation at all
But he’s perseverant
Eventually you start to come around to his lessons, finding that being organized is pretty convenient at times
You secretly started to organize your room
You absolutely did NOT want him to know that though
One time he walked in on you sorting your comics by franchise, and you legitimately flipped your table
“Y/n! Why did you do that? Look at the mess you’ve made.”
“I-I don’t care about messes!! No… I… I like my room like this…”
He insisted on helping you clean up, at which point he noticed that the comics, which had somehow maintained their separate groups after falling to the floor, were sorted
He doesn’t point it out, but he feels some pride in you
He helps you reorganize the comics wordlessly
Sitting there, just sorting through comics in silence, the tension between you two melted
Once Zane realized that his teachings were getting through to you, he stops being so harsh
He offers to help you organize things, and he’s thrilled if you return the favor
From there he’ll start teaching you to cook and do chores too
That’s when the others start to notice
They call you the Rumba because you’re a little housekeeping helper
Zane finds the name especially comedic because a Rumba is also a robot
Though their teasing makes you all huffy, you wouldn’t go back to your old ways just to stop it
You like the time you spend with Zane too much
Besides doing chores, you guys also like to watch documentaries together
You’re both one of those “did you know (weirdly specific fact)” people
You like to quiz each other on your niche hobbies and interests
You’re both definitely one of those weirdly knowledgeable people that seem to have a fun fact for every scenario
You’ll build off of each others’ fun facts as well
“Did you guys know that monarch butterflies are actually incredibly poisonous?”
“That’s correct. That’s why the viceroy butterfly has evolved to look similar; predators will assume they’re monarchs, and thus elect not to eat them.”
This becomes more annoying for the others as time goes on
He was determined to “tame” you from the very beginning
When Wu tasked him with training you, he convinced himself that you were a real piece of work
This led to a less than ideal attitude towards you, regardless of whether you were actually a problem child or not
He assumes this air of authority, using his age and experience as excuses to boss you around
That’s where your problem with him arises
And when you start to show how much you hate him, he only feels more justified in his treatment
It’s only when he starts to notice your hot-headedness that he reflects on his treatment of you
He sees himself in you, which makes him question if that’s how he would want to be treated
No, he decides, this is not how he would want to be treated were he in your position
So he approaches you one day when you’re all alone, watching the sunset
“Here to boss me around some more?”
“No, I want to apologize. I shouldn’t be treating you like this. It’s just not helpful, to you or me. I’m going to try to be better.”
His genuineness strikes you
You accept the apology warily
Frankly you’re worried about how he plans to change his treatment of you
You’re pleasantly surprised to find that he’s actually a pretty cool guy once he drops the dictator act
He shows you fun fighting moves, even lets you win every now and again when you spar
And he invites you to do more leisurely activities too
It’s a welcome change from the endless stream of chores he used to give you
He still gives you work to do though (mostly things he doesn’t want to do himself)
Your lingering hot-headedness shines through when this happens
“Why do I have to do it? It’s not fair!”
“Because I said so. Now shoo.”
The others start to tease that you’re just like him
Kai doesn’t mind this at all
If anything, he’s proud to have a mini version of himself
He loves doing stuff with you; your determination makes you a great buddy to be all competitive with
You guys LOVE to compete; video games, chores, training, anything
You get on Cole’s bad side by being stubborn
Cole’s a pretty chill guy who likes to go with the flow, so if you make him put his foot down, he’s not going to like you
So, when you demonstrate the classic huffiness of a child, he gets pretty impatient
He won’t push hard when it comes to enforcing his authority
He’ll just leave
This makes you feel like he doesn’t care about you, which only exacerbates your bad attitude
It becomes a vicious cycle of hate on both ends
It’s only when you realize that you are being a little bratty that you decide to try and tone it down
This takes him by surprise
“…99, and 100! Okay, all done with warm-ups. What next?”
“Wh— no complaining? Huh. Um, okay, let’s practice your high kicks.”
“You’re the boss.”
He starts to actually enjoy training with you once you’re not arguing all the time
This shows you that he really does care about your progress
The negative cycle therefore becomes a positive one
Cole loves to praise you when you’ve done a good job
He’s very proud of you
When you get used to going with what he says, you’re adopting some of his laid-back attitude
That’s where the others perceive similarities
But they don’t end there
Cole likes to invite you to hang out with him after training, and through your hang out sessions you start to pick up on some of his mannerisms
Like eating the cream out of the Oreo before you eat the cookie
Or leaving the TV on while you take a nap
The teasing gets amped up when the others notice these mirrored habits
Neither of you really care, though
You just like that you have a good relationship now :)
Jay thought you were a total brat
All it took was one bad experience; he’s volatile like that
He sees you in a bad light once and your reputation is ruined
A bad comment, telling him no once, a dirty look, anything small like that
He’s super cold to you when training, dishing out orders like Gordon Ramsay and glaring at you just as intensely
You feel like you can never satisfy him
As the work he gives you piles up daily, you can’t help but shoot a glare back
Your relationship is fixed in the same way it was ruined: with a single moment
You were watching TV, appreciating a rare break
Your favorite character was on screen, and you couldn’t help but smile and sigh
“Man, I wish you were my friend. Then everything would be okay. You’re just so cool.”
“Isn’t he?!”
You whirled around with wild eyes
Jay was diving to sit down next to you, his eyes sparkling at the screen
He was overjoyed to find out that you liked the show; it was super niche, and none of the other ninjas had even heard of it
You listened as he gushed about the show, a little disturbed by his complete flip of attitude
Eventually you couldn’t help joining his fangirling
You spent literal hours talking
Kai dropped in at one point to make a comment about you two being secret siblings, which you both shrugged off
After that day you were pretty much inseparable
You both proved to be total chatterboxes in each others’ presence
The others find this amusing in the sense that Jay has finally found an equal, but annoying in the sense that you guys literally never stop talking
The only time you shut your mouths is when you’re watching your shows
Even when training, you keep feedback flowing between you
“Nice kick! Try lower next time, though.”
“Thanks! Oof, that hurt…”
When you start to get frustrated/demotivated with your training, Nya does the same
She finds you “impossible to work with”
So she’ll dump you with someone else, making you feel like garbage to be tossed around
Wu has to remind her that she was the same when she started her ninja training
She’s in denial at first, but when she sees you hunched over in anger, she remembers being in that exact position
With newfound empathy she goes over to you
“Hey… you know, I wasn’t much better when I started my training.”
“I doubt it. I’m just the worst. I’ll never be a ninja.”
She was shocked to find your attitude so similar to her old attitude
From there she had a better idea of how to help you
You were surprised to find her so understanding
You came around to her as you realized she really did know how you were feeling
You put your trust in her, becoming a little more laid-back and letting her guide you
In other words, you adopted her “go with the flow” mindset
Wu was the first to point out your similarities
You both just looked at each other and smiled
You knew you were similar; that’s why you got along
Nya decides to teach you things beyond ninja training, like mechanics
You become quite skilled under her guidance
The others notice that she’s essentially created a smaller version of herself
She protests that you’re your own person, but she can’t deny that you are basically just mini-Nya
Lloyd gets annoyed if you don’t make progress quickly
His training was very fast and intense, so if you can’t keep up, he gets impatient
He’ll just keep pushing harder and harder
He doesn’t realize that not everyone has a prophecy to live up to, and thus probably isn’t motivated in the same way
He can’t find a way to appeal to your motivation, which leaves you feeling like training is just a waste of time
Lloyd finds this attitude incredibly disrespectful
You guys make so many passive aggressive remarks
“Are you already tired?”
“Well, you did kinda just make me, the kid, do 100 push ups.”
It’s when you finally snap that he realizes he’s been doing it wrong
You explode during training one day, storming off while grumbling furiously
Lloyd just stands there, stunned
At that point he finally recognizes that you’re not just a little version of himself, and he needs to get to know you to understand how to help you
So he appeals to you first, remembering the things he used to like as a kid
He gets you into Starfarer, and you guys bond over your love of it
He learns bits and pieces about you when you hang out, and eventually devises a plan to get you back on track
You take to training much better the second time around, making impressive progress
You aren’t cocky about it though; you’ve picked up Lloyd’s humble attitude
The others reminisce about when Lloyd was in your position and they were the trainers
“They’re kinda like you, Lloyd.”
“You think? I guess they are. I remember when you’d train me like this, Kai.”
He takes pride in knowing he’s facilitated your growth
He’s almost as proud to say he’s created another Starfarer fan
You guys still love to gush over the comics together :)
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Sorry this was kind of a long read ^^” but thanks for reading! And thank you lovely anon for your request!!
(divider by saradika)
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onskepa · 10 months
Okay! I'm back! Death is back with another request!
I thought if a stupidly funny request.
Make the reader be able to be really good at voice acting and impressions (that she can even sound like a grown man) that she spends the whole day pranking everyone with her accurate and perfect voice acting.
I gotchu! Hopefully this turned out as good as I had in my head! Enjoy!
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Tuk was carrying a basket full of fresh picks herbs and other medical plants for her grandmother. She was half way to arriving near the healing tent when she heard kiri's voice.
tuk turned to her right, hearing kiri's voice coming from that direction. Quickly walking over only to find no kiri. "Kiri? kiri where are you?" She looks around.
"Tuk! leave the basket!" she heard kiri say. Sounded very close. "Kiri where are you?" tuk asks again as she puts the basket down. Looking up, down, all around. "Seriously kiri! you aren't the type for jokes!" crossing her arms, feeling a bit annoyed.
"Of course I'm not joking! look, just leave the basket there, I can take it to the Tsahik. I need you to take some of the green mushrooms to "the spot". I will explain later!" kiri said.
tuk rolled her eyes. The green mushrooms are not the best mushrooms out to eat. "Ew! why me!?" she shouts. She hear kiri groan, typical kiri. "Because you are short enough to get them. Now go. I got it from here". Tuk huffs and marches away, leaving the basket.
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Near the river bank, neteyam was collecting green mushrooms himself, getting a good batch of them. However his back was getting a bit tiring from having to bend down so much. Standing up to stretch, he moans out as the bone joints pop.
"neteyam!" jake's voice was heard. Neteyam left the basket full of the green mushrooms and get up from the bank to observe the area. "Dad? you there?" he calls out. "Neteyam! Your grandmother needs medical herbs as she is running low! I need you to get some for her near the south area!" Jake shouted. Neteyam tried to get closer to where he is hearing his father, but still no sight of him.
"Dad? where are you?" his ear's twitch to the source of the voice, trying to hear if jake is near or far. "Never mind where I am! I have to help the other warriors in training! just get what mo'at needs!" was all jake said and then there was silence.
Neteyam was slightly off by it as jake would usually tell him up front, but being Olo'eyktan, perhaps he was busy. So forgetting the basket full of green mushrooms, he left to do the other chore.
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Kiri was picking fresh yovo fruits, perfect for tonights dinner and maybe tomorrows snack. Taking her time and enjoying the silence.
"KIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!" well good bye silence.
Rolling her eyes and groaning a bit, she turns to where the source of lo'ak's voice is. "what do you want lo'ak?" she asks, but surprisingly, lo'ak isn't all at her face. "Kiri!!! mind leaving some of that fruit at the spot?" lo'ak voices shouted. Kiri stood there being slightly confused.
"why are you shouting?! cant you come here where I am?" raising her eyebrow suspiciously.
"cant right now! look, just take some of the fruit to the spot and be sure to have plenty for the dinner!"
"lo'ak? lo'ak! hey get over here!" kiri shouted. But no sound of lo'ak's voice was heard. Huffing in annoyance but does it anyways.
"why the spot thought...?" she wonders.
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Spider was grinning ear to ear as he was harvesting the largest amount of Teylu he has ever seen. Perhaps there was a nest underground. Either way, he made a mark on it as for next time to collect.
Already he has two large gourds full of them. Perfect for tonight's communal dinner. As he was minding his own business, from a distance he can hear tuk's voice.
"spider! hey spider!!" that was tuk!
Spider turned around, looking for her. What is she doing here? She was supposed to be with mo'at.
"tuk? Hey tuk what are you doing here?" he shouts back. Where the hell is she? He ask in his head. He didnt see the little girl, or even a small part of her head. He doesnt see her anywhere!
"Spider! the teylu's! leave some at the spot!" tuk said. That left spider a bit confused.
"the spot? I thought we are all going to communal dinner tonight" he responds. He heard tuk giggle. "It is not for tonight! it is for tomorrow!". Spider humms and buys into it. "Alright! see you then!".
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Jake was watching over the young warriors as they do their daily training. He is seeing massive progress and was thinking of ending it soon for the warriors to freshen up for tonight's dinner.
Suddenly, by instinct, jake's ears moved at the sound of distant footsteps. "sir!!" that was spiders voice. Jake looked from where he heard the voice and walked a bit. "Sir! the hunters returned with their kills! Neytiri is seeing to them!" spider said. Jake stumped a bit, neytiri would usually tell him in person.
"You sure? Where are you? " jake looks around and doesn't see spider anywhere. "where are you spider?" he calls out, going a bit deeper into the forest. "Where I am doesn't matter, I said what I needed to say. Gotta collect water for tonight!". After that, jake heard footsteps running away.
He shrugged not thinking much, and went back to his duties.
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Neytiri was near the river bank to collect water along with other people. Refilling the jugs back to her home, knowing well her sons and mate will be coming home very thirsty.
After filling one of the big gourds, she takes it to the upper side with the other gourds. She sat down to take a breather, only 3 gourds left to fill.
A sound of a twig being snapped on her left, making neytiri turn quickly. Grabbing her arrow in case of a threat, she goes over to see. As far as she saw, none of the others brought their children here. Investigating further, nothing was found. Not thinking much of it, she heads back to collect more water. Was close to the river bank when she heard neteyam's voice.
"Mother!" his voice sounded near yet far at the same time. Quickly in actions, neytiri goes to where she heard neteyam's voice. "Neteyam? Are you there?" she calls out. Her ears concentrated to hear his voice again.
"mother! I will be taking lo'ak with me to collect some materials for tonight! He wont be able to make it home in time to help you!" he says. Neytiri nods in understanding. "Alright but come back before it gets dark!". She heard footsteps run away out of sight. Thought neytiri just noticed, neteyam never called mo'at "tsahik" it was always "grandmother".
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Lo'ak was chilling up at a near cliff enjoying the sunlight. He was supposed to be doing his chores but naaaah! Relaxing is a lot more fun. To have a moment by himself.
He grins and takes in the fresh air filling his lungs. The wind blowing across his face. Truly what a good day.
"LO'AK SULLY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he heard the angry voice of his mother. Quickly he got up, feeling startled. "m-mom?!" he got down from where he was laying down.
"you had chores to do today and I find you laying down like a corpse! get up! If you have time to be lazy then you have time to fill the gourds! and hurry! night is reaching!" neytiri definitely sounded mad. Not wanting make his mother anymore angry, he got to work. But inwardly groan as his "me time" was ended shortly.
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Night arrived and the communal dinner has started. The sully family gathered around to enjoy today's results of hard labor. Tuk was giggling and dancing around her family, kiri was starting to serve herself and spider. While neteyam was talking with neytiri and lo'ak doing his thing.
Jake sits next to neytiri giving her a kiss to which she happily accepts. "Thank you for attending the hunters. I am sure it was a lot of work" he says, neytiri looks at him confused. "The hunters? I was at the north river bank collecting water". That made lo'ak turn to look at her.
"Wait what? But you were yelling at me to go do that!" he shouted. Neytiri then turned to look at her son feeling even more confused. "What? no I didnt even went to look for you, If anything neteyam told me you were going with him to collect materials for your grandmother".
Now that made neteyam and everyone else be confused. "Mother I promise you I wasn't with lo'ak. Dad told me to collect some medical plants for grandmother".
Jake held his hand up, "I was training the warriors, I was no where near you". Tuk then inserted herself in the conversation. "Wait a minute! I was doing just that when kiri told me to collect green mushrooms!" she pointed kiri in a accusing way.
That made kiri open her mouth in shock, "hold on just a minute! I was harvesting yovo fruit when LO'AK told me to save some in the spot!" she said defensively.
Lo'ak held his hands up in defense as well. "ok hold on, I never crossed paths with you and I never told you to save some in the spot!". Spider intervened. "the spot? tuk told me to save some teylu in the spot too!".
Tuk gasped feeling slightly offended, "I did not!"
"did so! I heard your voice loud and clear!" spider stated.
Jake then turned to spider, "hold on, but I also heard your voice loud and clear that neytiri went to the hunters".
Soon everyone began to argue saying who said what to whom. It was a loud tangled mess of voices.
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However, in "the spot" which was a decent side nest like home on the east side of the village, high on the trees. Inside was mo'at and Mokri as they enjoy themselves eating fruits, teylu and green mushrooms with freshly hunted meat while drinking the freshest water.
"Your gift is very useful, easy to trick the mind and the people" mo'at compliments the young girl. Mokri nods happily.
"Yes, I am happy I can mimic jake, lo'ak, neteyam and spider perfectly since they are men. My voice knows no bounds!" she says proudly while munching on another mushroom.
"Perhaps you could use your tricky talent for other purposes. Like tricking the enemy or to misdirect foolish people" mo'at suggests.
"of course. Trickery of the mind and trickery of the body" mokri replies with mo'at's voice.
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Back with the family, kiri just now noticed something. "Hey has anyone seen grandmother or mokri?".
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And that is it for this one! This one was fun to write! I hope you all enjoyed it too! until next time! see ya!
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Mokri = voice
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