#but this show has seriously been an absolute joy to watch
personinthepalace · 4 months
Just finished the season 2 finale of Taskmaster: Minnesota, which might be the last ever episode of the show. I’ve only discovered the show a few weeks ago, but each new episode has been the highlight of my week for the last few weeks. So sad that it’s over, but I’m extremely grateful to David and everyone involved for creating such an amazing and fun show - it has been an absolute joy!
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thefanficmonster · 16 days
Beautiful Things
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Benedict Bridgerton x Reader (Female)
Warnings: SPOILERS for Bridgerton S3 part 1, Minor Period-typical sexism
Genre: Romance, Rivals to Lovers, Fluff
Summary: They're both brilliant, and brilliantly stubborn. What a pair they'd make.
Benedict tends to thread through life without as much as a worried crease on his features. There are very few matters he doesn't take to lightheartedly. That being said, it came as quite the surprise the sharp current of uncertainty that ran down his spine when he found himself standing in front of the monstrosity of a building that is the Royal Academy of Arts on his first day in attendance.
It took him and his charm less than a week to woo and work his way through the crowd of ambitious up-and-coming artists. He's always been an easy person to converse and unwind with. That aura around him naturally draws people to him like a magnet. It is a miracle the man hasn't been hunted down by a debutant already.
Not for a lack of trying, of course. The young ladies of the ton, especially the ones who have been freshy introduced into society have had their sights set on him since he himself made his way into the rhythm of the ton.
Nothing's ever fulfilled him, though.
Being the child of a marriage filled with love that has extended long past the death of his late father, he holds love to a high standard. A standard no one has even come close to reaching.
Watching his siblings find that very sort of love his parents had is a bittersweet sight to observe. It leaves him filled with joy on the behalf of his beloved siblings and it gives him a sense of hope that eventually he too might find what they managed to obtain - not without obstacles, though.
On the other edge of the sword, however, is the never ceasing worry that the problem might be his. That his lack of seriousness bordering into blatant avoidance of the ladies of the ton is to blame for his unmarried status. Perhaps it may be his overly romanticized view of love which he'd like to believe isn't the case. He's seen love of that caliber blossom time and time again in his own home. There's no reason to believe that his turn won't eventually come.
That his standard won't eventually be reached.
Speaking of standards on a lighter note, this painting he's currently standing in front of is disappointing even his lowest requirements for a decent painting.
It is absolutely atrocious, he voices his distaste only briefly and only mentally, never one to voice such critique unless it is cushioned by a smile and a quick-to-follow lighthearted remark.
"It is absolutely atrocious." There is a sharp edge to the voice that does opt to voice the very same thought out loud with far less regard for the negative attention it might garner.
Turning his head to the side, Benedict can't help the smile that immediately tugs at the corners of his mouth.
There, a mere meter from him, stands the ever so cutthroat, no-nonsense, ambitious beast of a woman that is Miss Y/N L/N. A smile rarely grazes her features, her eyes are always icy with an emotion bordering into boredom and a stature that screams authority.
And bloody hell does Benedict enjoy himself in her company.
She is the only student in The Academy he hasn't yet swayed, nor does he believe that he ever will. There are too many walls around her for him to even attempt to start breaking them down. He believes he'll sooner die of old age than succeed in reaching whatever human emotions she might exhibit around people she doesn't dislike.
When it comes to expressing distaste, however, she's not at all hesitant to share it.
"Oh, show the piece some mercy, Miss L/N. It deserves the grace of at least a spec of your kindness." Apart from perfecting his art, one of Benedict's favorite hobbies these past seven months would most certainly be pulling on Y/N's strings. Although it hasn't helped him form anything close to a friendship with her, it has aided him on the mission to get to know her better despite her being a sealed envelope of a person.
"I unfortunately do not possess plenty of it, therefore I can not be generous with it." She barely spares him a look as she speaks. That has been the case for half a year with no progress.
Still, he's willing to weld at the wax until he can pluck and read the letter inside. It is, after all, the bare minimum. He'd at the very least like to make her time at The Academy slightly more enjoyable. Being the only woman in the arts department, she's been rather ostracized which is typically the best case scenario. On the far worse end of the spectrum are the manner-less and, quite frankly, brainless 'gentlemen' who vary from not being able to keep it in their trousers to putting down her and her art which far surpasses their own.
If only they had that aforementioned missing brain intact, they'd see they're not even a quarter of the artist Y/N is.
That is one of the few things Benedict does not shy away from proclaiming with his whole chest. Although well aware that Miss L/N can handle herself gracefully and sharply as always, he never misses an opportunity to put the filthy men in The Academy in their place.
"I believe you possess far more kindness than you let on. Though, I understand completely why you'd rather not show it. None of these lovely gentlemen are deserving of it." The inflection of his tone on those two specific words wins him a scoff from her tightly pressed together lips.
A small win. Baby steps.
"I hope you are factoring yourself in when you use general terms of such sort. I have no evidence you are any better than them." She says, subtly motioning to the crowd of self-titled art experts around the venue where their final works have been displayed for renowned artists to come and rate in precisely half an hour.
Benedict had recognized her painting the second he stepped foot in the ballroom like gallery of The Academy. Needless to say, it put the rest to shame. Even his own, he has no problem admitting that. The emotions relayed in the painting, each brushstroke, every color, every line - they pulled him in the second he laid eyes on it.
And no, he most certainly is not biased. He's a very objective man when it comes to art. It might be considered a conflict of interest, though, because to him she is art.
"Believe me, my lady, I would hate nothing more than to boast myself but I still do believe I stand out from this pleasant crowd. For, as I was told, mine was the only painting you gave a stellar review for."
Professor Hedingale, although a man in his late fifties with a rather intimidating exterior and a permanent frown etched into his forehead, is a major gossip. He has taken a great favor to Benedict for his warm nature and shared love of observing drama as it unfolds. That being said, it took him a total of three seconds before he informed his student of Miss L/N's surprising review. She had not given the other paintings as much as a second glance, opting to say nothing rather than tarnish them the way they honestly deserved.
Had he not been paying such close attention to each line of her face, he could've missed it. Luckily for him, he did not. That brief fleeting moment of surprise widening Y/N's did not manage to go by unnoticed.
"I have a very high standard for beauty and would never stoop so low as to give a biased and unjust review. If I find something abhorrent, I say so. If I find something beautiful, I'd never not compliment it the way it deserves." Benedict almost flinches when she turns to face him, establishing intense and quite entrancing eye contact. "I am not mean, Bridgerton. I am simply honest."
Words burn dry on his tongue, his breath dissipating in his lungs. Had she still not been facing him, he could have come up with a timely response. But something about her gaze being so focused on him has turned his brain to a pile of pebbles. Not a single thought is passing through his head other than a fact he's long established. In fact, he came to learn it the very first at The Academy. Every day since it has only been confirmed time and time again.
She's absolutely enamoring.
The moment dissolves with the loud bang of the grand doors to the gallery being pulled open, allowing in the crowd of world renowned artists that now hold the students' futures in their gloved hands.
Benedict is not surprised by the fact that all these critical artists are men. He's grateful no artist's name has been listed by the displayed paintings, otherwise Y/N would have no chance at winning their favor. Not objectively anyway. At least one would have undermined her because, although talented artists, that doesn't exclude them from being close-minded fools. And at least one would try to butter her up for a potential courtship.
Yeah, that's not happening
Upon getting a better look, he finds himself pleasantly surprised by a head of long blonde hair, undoubtedly belonging to a woman. A woman whose work he's become very familiar with knowing Y/N is quite an admirer of hers.
"Eleanor Easton." The name comes out almost breathlessly, barely getting past Y/N's lips.
Turning his attention back to her, he's rather shocked to see what the nerves have done to her. She's shaking like a leaf, all the confidence she typically exhibits has drained from her body into a puddle on the tiled floor.
"You should go talk to her, express your admiration for her work." It is more an attempt at vexing her than a suggestion but it's in no way bad advice. Even though Lady Eleanor doesn't look like she'd take kindly to the gesture, it would be a noble attempt.
"Are you mad?!" Y/N whisper-yells, her eyes wide in panic as she spreads open the hand-held fan she's carrying to provide a soft breeze to her extremely heated face. "I could never possibly do such a thing!"
"Why could you not? It w....oh, she's looking right at us....." Benedict has barely finished his sentence before he feels a gust of wind rush past him in a blur of sparkling fabric, lace and silk.
For a solid second or two, he's torn on what to do. Although his initial intention was to vex her, he's now worried she might actually be dissolving in a nervous frenzy and he can't let her tarnish months of work because of some jitters. He too would be a wreck of similar caliber if any of the artists he idolizes were to show up and he too would prefer someone snap him out of it.
So, he follows her out the wooden doors that lead to a maze of intertwined halls, the walls of which are immaculately hand painted. For a moment, he panics, worried he won't be able to find her on time in the chaos of intertwining hallways and painting rooms. But then, he remembers that he indeed knows her better than he thought.
He finds her exactly where he thought he would - standing in front of the wall painting he often finds her looking at in awe. She's never explicitly stated so, but he knows it's her favorite.
To say Y/N is not happy when she spots him would be an understatement, "Oh. for heaven's sake, can I not get a moment without you pestering me?"
He takes her words with an eye roll, "No. I am bringing you back in that gallery. You are going to stand tall and remain collected when they announce your painting to be the equivalent of the Diamond of the season. Do you understand?" He surprises himself with the tone of seriousness his voice has taken on.
See? He can be serious when he wants to be.
She lets out a frustrated sigh, vigorously waving the red fan in her hand in a pointless attempt to collect herself, "Bridgerton..." She closes her eyes for a second as to not spit everything she'd very much like to say. Still, she is a lady, though. "I am asking you to leave my sight in the next five seconds, for you are getting on my nerves."
With two long strides, Benedict minimizes the distance between them, passing the social boundary for respectful space and bordering onto a scandal if someone were to see them. He doesn't care, though. Most romances he's witnessed, if not all, began with a scandal.
Now it's his turn.
"Oh, is that so? Am I getting on your nerves, Y/N?"
"You're getting on my nerves, Benedict-" Her words come to a sharp end when he swipes the fan from her hand, halting the consistent motion. That seems to have been her last straw of composure, seeing as how the hand that formerly held said fan is now clenched in a tight fist and her eyes are squeezing shut. "You pesky, vex...-"
How rude of Benedict to interrupt the lady yet again, is it not? This time he does so by busying her lips with his own. He braced himself for a potential slap on the cheek before even leaning in but the impact never comes.
What he did not prepare himself for was her rather welcoming response, allowing herself to momentarily forget everything else and melt into the rhythm of the kiss. Melt into him. Her arms instinctively wrap around his neck while his hold her waist, fearful of her dissipating like a dream before his eyes.
It pains him that he has to end a moment of such culmination. A moment that the seven months they've known each other inevitably led to. However, they can always pick up this conversation later. For now, Y/N has credits to earn and a painting to be prized.
So, against his instincts, he pulls away.
"This isn't over." He says, his lungs catching up on minutes worth of air they didn't properly receive, "But for now, we have other matters at hand." With a tilt of his head, he motions down the hall - a clear insinuation.
With a similarly disappointed expression and an even more disappointed sigh, Y/N brings herself to nod. She reaches out to retrieve the fan from him which gives him the opportunity to sneak one more quick kiss just as a door opens further down the hall, rudely tearing them apart from one another.
Smacking him lightly with her fan, Miss L/N can't suppress the laugh that Benedict's smug prideful expression provoked from her. She accepts the arm he's offered her and allows him to lead her back the way they came from.
"What you said about beauty and how it should never go uncomplimented..."
"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to say you're ravishing."
Another laugh breaks the illusion of her icy demeanor, "Why, thank you, Mister Bridgerton. Your painting was quite easy on the eyes as well. Professor Hedingale did not lie. I must say I'm impressed."
"Although I will accept the compliment, I'll have you know there's plenty you are yet to see. This is nothing. Prepare yourself to be truly impressed."
Giving his arm a subtle squeeze, she flashes him one last smile before they enter the gallery once more, "Doubtful."
That's the thing about rivalry, dear reader, it brings out the good, the bad and the beautiful.
The rest is best kept behind a close door, if you know what this author is alluding to.
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ponderingmoonlight · 8 months
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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Click here for your link to heaven (aka seperate Gojo Satoru Masterlist)
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Dying ray of sunshine The year after the incident with Toji has put your longtime relationship with Suguru Geto to the test. But one fateful decicion will change everything forever.
Dying ray on sunshine pt. ll After searching for your former boyfriend Suguru for 10 years, he finally shows himself again at the Night Parade. You try your best to convince him back into your open arms, but it seems like the man you love is gone forever.
Us against the world Suguru and you are inseperable, like ying and yang long before the both of you joined Jujutsu High. Despite you are technically a non-jujutsu sorcerer, you made your way up with him always by your side. Until something changed. Until it wasn't "us against the world" anymore.
(y/n) gifting Geto sweets against the bad taste of curses Being used to the fact that nobody seems to care about how awful curses taste, Suguru Geto is absolutely blown away when you start noticing and bringing him candy after each and every mission.
Getting back home drunk after an argument with Suguru Geto You always supressed the pain in your heart when your boyfriend dumps you for his best friend again. Until one day you've had enough. Until you get uncontrollably drunk to forget your fight.
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Should have told her While being secretely in love with you since joining Jujutsu High, Nanami never admitted his feelings to you. Only after you nearly die in a fight and are on the brink of death, he begins to realize how much you really mean to him
Don't be shy You are an outspoken, confident and skilled member of Jujutsu High. But when it comes to Nanami Kento, you suddendly become all flustered and shy. When you are set on a mission together he finally confronts you.
Whisper of the death With your character of pure gold, it isn't hard for Nanami to fall for you despite the fact that you are the little sister of his best friend. However, your world is turned upside down after both men return from their last mission...
Beautiful mistake You are in a secret but healthy relationship with none other than Nanami Kento despite being the sunshine to his rain. Until one day, you accidentaly spoil your secret to Gojo Satoru.
Nanami losing it completely when (y/n) gets severely injured at Shibuya After receiving a message with your location, Nanami rushes to your side, showing no mercy with the man who laid his hands on you.
Nanami hiding his scars from his girlfriend after surviving Shibuya no words needed
Nanami and Gojo's little sister meeting up again years after their ugly breakup It's been some hell of years since Nanami left Gojo's younger sister for another woman. But when her big brother invites her to Jujutsu HIgh again, things start to unveil...
Haruta seeking revenge on Nanami's heavy pregnant wife When Haruta hears about Nanami's wife, he is more than delighted to search and kill her. He didn't think about (y/n)'s very own abilities and her furious husband though.
Nanami fearing rejection from his wife and daughter after Shibuya left him seriously wounded Even though he survived Shibuya, Kento Nanami dies from the inside just by the thought of losing you and his precious little daughter due to his severe wounds and scarred skin. But despite his great fear, your reaction turns out completely different than expected.
Nanami's girlfriend watching him being in full dad-mode with Yuji After finally coming back home from a mission far away, all you want to do is seeing your precious boyfriend Kento again. But instead of a afternoon of cuddling him, you get to see him act like a real dad towards a new student.
Nanami's reaction to his daughter wearing a jumper saying "I love daddy" After the incidents of Shibuya and his wife getting severely injured, Nanami is relieved to know his new family safe and sound. A little suprise from his precious wife seems to be enough to make a grown man cry in joy though...
Kento Nanami and his wife losing their unborn child in Shibuya It seemed like a normal evening when you passed out on the couch, not aware of Haruta sneaking into your shared apartment until he pierces his blade through your pregnant stomach. How will your husband react, finding out what happened to you?
Nanami Kento raising his voice at you (apparentely yellow text is gone wtf) He had no other choice but to scream at you in the middle of a fight, snapping at you like he never did before. It took both of you a few weeks to realize that you can't be with each other...
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Caught Megumi knows it isn't allowed to visit you after curfew late at night, but the temptation is just too great. However, it is percisely this night that Gojo noticed the both of you and finds you in a rather unfavorable situation.
Luck in misfortune After you get seriously injured by a cursed and saved by Megumi, he begins to develop feelings for you he never imagined could exist.
The razor's edge The news that your boyfriend Megumi got badly injured on a mission makes you come to Jujutsu High immediately to stand by his side.
Opposites attract Megumi hated you the moment you stepped into Jujutsu High for the first time. As time flies, he always sees himself confronted with you on missions. However, one of these missions makes him rethink his feelings towards you
Save you After you recklessly risk your own life to save his, Megumi can't hold back his feelings any longer
Yuji's sunshine sister with grumpy Megumi Despite the fact that Megumi is the complete opposite of you, he can't help but secretely having a crush on you. It isn't until you get severely injured by Mahito that Megumi begins to realize it can't go on like this...
Gojo's little sister kissing her childhood crush Megumi for the first time at Shibuya Even though your brother told you over and over to stay away from Shibuya, you are on your way to save him when you fall into the open arms of Megumi. Is this the right time to finally confess your feelings to your childhood crush?
Getting lost at a haunted house only to get saved by Megumi Fushiguro After your friends dragged you into a tunnel of terror at an amusement park despite your irrational fear of creepy stuff, you find yourself lost in your own panic. Until a sudden blue-eyed boy appears and helps you out...
Megumi losing his will to carry on until (y/n) shows up Megumi can't take it anymore. All the death, the grief, the misery he caused. He'll never forgive himself for losing you...But are you really dead?
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I told you to stay When finding out your boyfriend of a year, Toji, secretly has a whole family behind your back, you decide to leave him. Of course, he won't allow that so easily.
Toji Fushiguro coming back to live to save (y/n) at Shibuya No words needed
Geto's little sister melting like butter in Toji's hands When your brother and Satoru arrive at Jujutsu High with the star plasma vessel, things start to get heated. But instead of running away like you're told to, you follow your brother. Only to be alone with a certain someone...
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Choso with injured (y/n) who has blood phobia no words needed
Gojo's little sister seducing Choso at Shibuya no words needed
Gojo's little sister seducing Choso at Shibuya pt. ll After getting back on track of saving her big brother, (y/n) catches Mahito's attention. Choso has to decide if he continues searching for Yuji or rushed to her aid before she gets killed.
Teaching Choso about Christmas and kissing under the mistletoe Even though Choso thinks he's seen it all by now, the idea of Christmas just doesn't reach him until you show him the tradition of kissing underneath a mistletoe...
Choso realizing what love is when you almost sacrifice your life to save his It was always a mystery to Choso Kamo, the way human emotions seem to work. But when you yank yourself right into Uraume's attack in order to save him, he slowly but surely begins to understand.
Choso getting hopelessly seduced by another blood manipulator It seemed so easy at first: find Itadori Yuji, kill him, take revenge. Only until you showed up and captivated Choso Kamo, only until you showed him what you can...
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Megumi's little sister falling head over heels for Yuji (and maybe Sukuna?) pt. l After being set on a mission with your crush Yuji, your big brother and Nobara, things don't go as planned as all and force Yuji to sacrifice himself before you have the chance to tell him how you feel. Until Sukuna appears...
Sukuna coming for Megumi's little sister at Shibuya (pt. ll) After the incident of Yuji almost losing his life and Megumi's little sister confessing her feelings to him, they finally live in peace. But then Shibuya comes around as well as suppressed Sukuna who takes interest in you...
Sukuna coming for Megumi's little sister at Shibuya (pt. lll) After promising Sukuna to do everything he wants in exchange for him sparing your friends, you find yourself in a bitter fight with Jogo. While you feel like dying, Sukuna enjoys teasing the hell out of you...
Sukuna coming for Megumi's little sister at Shibuya (pt. lV) Sukuna enjoys every second with you by his side. But when Yuji slowly but surely begins to fight back, Sukuna has to act quickly. A sweet innocent kiss before he has to go, before Yuji Itadori gains back his body...
(y/n)'s deal with the devil to save Nobara's life (pt. V) You've been through so much at Shibuya, seeing the love of you get taken over by Sukuna and finally getting him back. But this time, it will be you who begs on her knees for the king of curses to arrive in order to save your best friend's life...
You being made from Yuji's and Megumi's big booty dreams Personality counts, but a big ass does as well
Telling Sukuna you're pregnant after not seeing him for 500 years For more than 1.500 years, you found yourself in a love and hate relationship with none other than Ryomen Sukuna. But when he began to ignore you for more than 500 years, you decide to bind him to you forever - with the help of a pregnancy that shouldn't be possible...
Part 2 After dropping the bomb of getting yourself pregnant from him despite not seeing each other for 500 years, Sukuna can't contain his temper. But you're too strong, you are too hot to resist you any longer...
Yuji taking you on an ice-skating date You never went ice-skating in your entire life, but when Yuji asks you out...Who are you to say no to your secret crush?
Sukuna comforting you after a breakup short lil comfort for whoever needs it
Ryomen Sukuna getting on his knees for his wife For more than 500 years, you waited for your husband's return. When he finally shows himself again in Shibuya, he can't help but worship his wife the way she deserves it
Being held hostage by Ryomen Sukuna How you ended up in Sukuna's prison instead of getting killed in an instant? You don't know. What you do know however that the king of curse has more to offer than what you ever imagined...
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Yuta going nuts when finding out you've got severely injured at Shibuya When the news of Shibuya begin to flood in, Yuta almost loses his mind over you. Without thinking twice he pays you, the secret love of his life, a visit.
We're just friends...right? You told it yourself over and over while you whimpered against his neck. You are nothing but friends, no one has to know about him and you. Until Yuta ignores your presence the next day, until you realize that you don't want him like a best friend...
Yuta saving your ass in Shibuya You have enough. After fighting for multiple hours in Shibuya, you are the brink of giving up your life, of giving up the pondering about a future with Yuta. Little do you know he's already on his way to Shibuya...
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Comforting Toge Inumaki after he lost his arm in Shibuya yup that's basically it
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How JJK men react to other girls flirting with them/reader getting insulted ft. Gojo, Megumi and Yuta
JJK men sharing a bed with reader ft. Megumi, Nanami and Yuta
JJK men sharing a bed with reader part lll ft. Toji, Geto, Haibara and Choso
How JJK men act when they're jealous ft. Megumi and Gojo
JJK men turning the usual confident reader shy ft. Yuta, Geto and Megumi
Shibuya arc scenarios that live in my head rent free part l ft. getting sealed along with Gojo, Geto awakening by the sound of your voice
How JJK men react when (y/n) gets injured ft. Nanami, Megumi, Toji and Geto
JJK men in and after a fight ft. Goto, Megumi and Nanami
JJK men in and after a fight pt. ll ft. Geto, Choso and Yuji
JJK men with drunk reader ft. Choso and Nanami
JJK men with drunk reader pt. ll ft. Geto, Megumi and Gojo
JJK men meeting you for the first time (aka Megumi catching you buying condoms) ft. Gojo, Nanami and Megumi
JJK men after hurting (y/n) ft. Choso and Gojo
How JJK men react when you fall asleep on top of them ft. Nanami, Gojo and Inumaki
How JJK men react to different insecurities Part 1 ft. Nanami (gn!reader's facial scars), Megumi (fem!reader with small breasts) and Sukuna (gn!reader with acne)
How JJK men react to different insecurities Part 2 ft. Nanami (reader doesn't want kids), Gojo (reader who gained weight), Megumi (reader with hooked nose)
How JJK men react to different insecurities Part 3 ft. Nanami (overweight reader), Choso (reader with big breasts), Yuji/Todo (tall/curvy reader)
How JJK men act when you can't sleep ft. Gojo, Inumaki and Megumi
JJK men with a small-chested reader ft. Toji, Gojo, Choso, Nanami, Sukuna and Geto
JJK men with a big-chested reader ft. Nanami, Geto, Yuji/Sukuna and Gojo
Stitching JJK men up or at least trying to ft. Gojo, Toji and Yuta
Doing the ribbon around biceps trend with JJK men ft. Gojo, Nanami, Toji and Sukuna
Making JJK men realize what love is ft. Geto, Sukuna and Toji
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Click here for a full list of shorts and drabbles!
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mingtinys · 22 days
gym partner lee chan
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pairing : lee chan x gn!reader
fluff , humor , headcanon
warnings : mentions of food
word count : 0.7 k
requested ? no
a/n : gym dino has been on my brain for the past few days and i needed to write something
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gym partner chan who asks you to hold his feet for situps just so he can kiss you between reps. then will expect the same when it's your turn. he calls them fuel for the next rep. who absolutely will spend 80% of the workout just chatting with you if you let him. and you do, because his voice is one of your favorite sounds and it makes the time breeze by.
gym partner chan who forgets to bring his own energy drink and ends up downing 60% of yours. despite you only offering a few sips. who is an absolute monster when it comes to lifting but nearly passes out three minutes into the stair climber. griping on and on about how the days you choose the workouts are pure torture. though, you've been known to say the same about his insane arm circuits. so putting in each other's least favorite workouts has become a vicious cycle of payback for the previous week.
gym partner chan who once dropped a weight on his foot because he was too busy staring at you in the mirror. having accidentally zoned out mid-set because he gets so mesmerized watching you. entranced by how your skin glistens when sweaty and your athletic wear clings to your body. so caught up in his daydream of kissing you the weight slips from his hand and bam. 25 pounds straight to the foot.
gym partner chan who purposely takes his shirt off to benchpress to show off his chest and arms, hoping you'll stare. and then teases you relentlessly for oggling at said chest and arms. even though it's totally just because you're spotting him. where else are you supposed to look!? gym etiquette and his safety are your number one priorities. it's not your fault his muscles just happen to be right there in full view. and you're certainly not one to complain about what others choose to (or not to) wear in the gym. really. it's totally innocent.
gym partner chan who has learned your limits. he knows exactly when to push you to work harder and when to make you take breaks. always so gentle and encouraging. reminding you to drink water and that you're doing well. who takes his job as your number-one hype man very seriously. never missing a beat when it comes to cheering you on. or commenting on how hot you look. who at times can be a stickler about technique. but only because he doesn't want you to injure yourself.
gym partner chan who likes to cling to you throughout the session no matter how much you complain about not needing his excess body heat when you're already sweaty. he takes immense joy in sneaking up behind you and pulling you into a back hug. lifting you up and spinning you around just to show he can. who, unprompted, will massage your sore muscles if you look particularly tense (only to turn around and ask you to get a knot in his back). any reason he can find to be touching you, he will.
gym partner chan who is incredibly tentative when you're having an off day. he will stop what he's doing in a heartbeat if he sees you getting frustrated or overwhelmed. because he knows you've set high expectations for yourself, but some days it's okay to take it easy. who lifts your chin and makes you look in his eyes while he tells you how amazing you are with a sweet voice. then makes you repeat it back to him for good measure. who cooks a post-workout meal with you, ensuring you eat well after working so hard.
gym partner chan who cherishes your post-workout naps together on the couch. the ones where he gets to let his body relax in the comfort of your presence. utterly exhausted, but in the best way possible. feeling both accomplished and deserving of the rest. his arms tightly wrap around your waist as he clumsily pulls you to lay on top of him. the ache in his muscles melting away with the warmth of your body against his. your gentle kisses against his jaw ease him to sleep. all the while knowing that there is simply no better feeling than moments like these.
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taglist: @dontwannaexsist
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
The Lorax:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse:
It had a very big impact on meme culture. And a really catchy soundtrack. Plus it has the silly sexy green man. What more could you want from a film.*
The Once-ler and the let it die song. This movie is glorious.
It is legit the mother of all great animated movies nowadays. From Mitchells vs the machines to the new mutant mayhem movie! The plot is so good and you can really see character development from almost all of the characters, plus the designs are BANGER.
BRO THE ANIMATION IS SO SICK. The amount of sheer effort put into this movie is insane. The character growth was so amazing to watch and such a great movie to analyze. Best scenes are obviously the leap of faith. Actually gorgeous. And also the scene where aunt May sees Peter b after her Peter died. Her “you look tired, Peter” is just so heartfelt
Where the hell do I even start. The visuals are incredible and the plot is engaging. Every scene is perfect.
This film has EVERYTHING. Humor, action, inspirational scenes, kickass music, absolutely killer animation, an art style that is an homage to comic books, loveable characters, a talking pig, DR OLIVIA OCTAVIUS, I could go on
This is the best superhero movie ever made, the leap of faith is one of the best movie scenes of ever
The animation style is better than all the others, and makes the movie funnier too! The representation is also good, and the romantic storyline isn't too prevalent in the movie. Probably the best animation Marvel has made. My favorite scene is when the villains show up to Aunt May's house -- its my favorite fight scene!
I’m sure this movie’s been submitted already because it’s arguably the greatest animated film of all time. I have a personal connection to it because I saw it in theaters on opening night with my late father, and we both loved it and I still do. The animation is revolutionary and it’s one of the only 3 movies that make me cry.
gsksvbsvsbsvs I love everything about it, I love the animations, the story, the soundtrack also the style of animation AAAAAA its so beautiful its art it belongs in a museum i get goosebumps everytime I rewatch it
It’s just so good. All the characters are amazing and I love Miles dad. It’s hilarious and sparked my love for spider-man. It’s such a sweet movie about finding yourslef and has such a powerful message. I totally recommend it so I’m not adding spoilers, but like. Ohhhh, it’s so good.
Interesting villains, well-developed character arcs, a fresh take on Spider-Man, unique use of animation, funny, good use of multiverse that adds to the nature of the story being told, complicated character dynamics
It's the best animated movie because A: it takes one of the most well known comic characters of all time, kills him off in the first few minutes, and then shows you every cooler version of him. B: Has a large amount of representation in its main cast, considering that they're all versions of Spiderman, and that requires a white guy by default. C: everything in it is so well done I can't pick a favorite scene, but the most iconic is the jump off the skyscraper window.
The animation is incredible, the movie has so much story and heart, and there’s a perfect balance between humor and seriousness. And the soundtrack slaps
This is probably the best animated film I've ever seen. The animation is definitely the highlight, the way they blend comic book art styles and 3D animation is an absolute joy to look at and is so overwhelmingly creative, every frame of this movie is gorgeous. The impact this had on the industry is undeniable, as we start to see more and more movies getting more creative with their animation styles. It's not just the animation though. All of the characters are entertaining, all of the jokes land and the story is really well done. It leaves me blown away every time I watch it.
This movie kind of changed the western animation industry from the ground up. Apart from being expertly written, funny, and heartfelt, it is also stellarly animated, with a unique visual style that takes direct inspiration from the comic books it adapts and mixes 2d- and 3d-animation in a way and to a degree that hadn't really been seen before in western mainstream. Its critical and monetary success paved the way for mainstream 3d animation to open up to new and excitingly stylised movies that were like a breath of fresh air between the generic Pixar-style animation that had been the largely unchanged norm in the industry since Toy Story circa twenty years earlier**. ITSV divides the screen like panels on a comic page, it uses dots and lines for shading and gradients, doesn't shy away from lowering framerates for stylisation, and makes liberal use of onomatopoeia, both to comedic and dramatic impact. Impact frames and SFX are often hand-drawn and stunningly colourful, and even the simple dialogue scenes astonish with an expressiveness and realism in their depiction of emotions that makes me rewatch a two-second scene of Miles laughing fifteen times in a row. My favourite scene has to be the What's Up Danger scene, the emotional climax of the movie. Set to an absolute banger of a song, it is the moment the entire film has been building up to. I won't spoil anything plot-wise in case you somehow haven't seen this movie, but both from an emotional and a visual standpoint it is Fucking Dope. Conclusion: Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse is my favourite movie of all time and I could talk about it for hours. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. Thank you.
Have you SEEN the Whats Up Danger/rising and falling scene? it's a work of art that makes me fall in love with storytelling all over again whenever I see it. Also the impact that it's had on animated film is absolutely being felt at current, if incrementally. Incredible film.
It has an amazing art style based on comics and mixed up due to genre differences. It's really fun and the characters are great, even the side ones. The story line is great and I love Miles and his family.
*Mod note: errr, quite a lot more than memes and music actually
**Mod note: amen
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
03/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Leslie Jones; Erroll Shand; Ruibo Qian; Dominic Burgess; Adam Wheatley; Kristian Nairn; Queerties; Fanspotlight: Cast Cards/Our Flag Means Fanfiction; SaveOFMDCrew /Billboards/trucks; Still Fighting; Max Madness; SchadenFreude; Articles; Watch Party Reminders; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== Leslie Jones ==
Congrats to Leslie for her NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Performance in a Short Form Series!!!! SRC: Leslie's Twitter
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== Erroll Shand ==
It's Erroll Shand's birthday! please pop over anywhere you can find him and wish him a Happy Birthday!!! Thank you to @youvebeenricked on Instagram for sending him so much love!
Erroll Shand's Instagram
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= Dominic Burgess! =
Our dear crew-mate @iamadequate1 got a Cameo from our very own Jeffrey Fettering (Dominic Burgess!) It's absolutely ADORABLE. You get to meet his cats and fish, and he's just the sweetest man alive-- please give it a watch!
Wanna send your cat pics to Dominic since he shared his cats with us? If you have twitter please add them to the thread below. Thank you to @ouibek for this lovely idea!!!
Ouibek's Twitter post
Speaking of Dominic, he also recently posted an interview he did, please read it when you get a chance!
= Ruibo Qian =
Our pirate queen Ruibo posted some very lovely pictures today, and the message of: 🎼🎶♾️ SRC: Ruibo's Instagram
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== Kristian Nairn ==
New music comes out Mar 22, you can pre save it here!
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== Adam Wheatley ==
Production Designer and Supervising Art Director Adam Wheatley has dropped some seriously awesome set designs! OFMD Twitter has been having a blast. Check out the full catalog here. Thank you to @adoptourcrew for bringing it to our attention!
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== Queerties Results ==
Our Flag Means Death and Vico Ortiz both received Runner Up for the Queerties! Thanks so much for everyone who voted!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
Thank you to @melvisik for yet another cast card! This time it's Bronson Pinchot, our very own Ned Low! I totally forgot he was in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, I really need to go rewatch that! Thank you dear for another great card!
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== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Our darling crew-mates over at @ourflagmeansfanfiction have a new episode out, this time featuring Stede! On top of that, the #RhysDarbyFaction got a shout out 😭! Please check them out on Spotify or their Instagram!
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== Save OFMD Crew / Billboards / Trucks ==
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The AppleTV trucks were parked outside Apple today! On top of that, the SaveOFMD Crew sent some love out to David and the rest of the Cast & Crew for all the things they've done for us!
== Still Fighting ==
A lot of fans are still fighting the good fight. Even if we aren't getting OFMD s3, they're sticking it to the man, David Zaslav for stealing our Love, OUR JOY!
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#FireDavidZaslav has trended two days in a row, and he's certainly getting some nasty press.
@screenjunkies made a call out to what a horrific job David Zaslav has been doing! Visit Honest Trailers | The Year 2023:
= Dont Stream On Max =
Are you still interested in causing Max some grief? There's a discord server where several fans are getting together to notify each other and make plans on how to polite menace max. Please reach out if you'd like a link!
= MaxMadness =
So today, Max thought it would be fun to post a really shitty bracket for shows and movies on their platform. They were pitching things like Citizen Kane to eventually be up against Shark Week. If you'd like to see the dumpster fire, feel free to visit their Twitter or Instagram.
Our crew-mate @iamadequate1 decided to make a Max Fan Favorites of our own! This time with cancelled shows! You can vote on this thread below on Twitter!
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== SchadenFreude ==
WB is still having a rough time.
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== Articles ==
Why is Wall Street Unimpressed with WBD Streaming Profits? Password-Sharing Crackdown Next in Zaslav’s Plans
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Wrecked =
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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= Mar 15: Lube As A Crew =
Our dear friends over at @astroglideofficial are hosting one last Lube As A Crew, with all of Season 2 in one go! Starts Friday March 15th 12 pm Noon PST ( 4pm EST, 8 pm GMT)
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Mar 17: Pirate Radio/The Boat That Rocked Watch Party! 
Sunday the 17th of March at 7:30pm GMT / 3:30 pm EST / 1:30 pm CST  Hosted & Graphics by @Tillychmo
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Calendar Reminder ==
Tomorrow is #TheoryThursday! Our crew deserve a happy ending. Let’s give them one! Post and tag us with your favorite fics or art that have happy/feel good endings. They can be your own!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies! How are you holding up today? Are things any easier this week? If not, that's okay. It's okay to still not be ok.
It's already hump day, and here we are, still kicking. I feel like I've been having lots of ups and downs. Distracting myself with silly things that make me laugh help a lot. Talking with you all on the crew really helps too.
What makes you laugh? Is it puns? Or goofy pictures? Is it unhinged comments, or maybe schadenfreude?
Whatever it is that makes you laugh-- please laugh today. Turn on a special (there's plenty of Rhys Darby specials on youtube or prime video). If that's not your speed, and you want to reach a goofy fic, look up something on ao3 with the weirdest tag you can think of.
Laughter can make us feel so much more alive when we're feeling down, and I hope you get some today.
Remember that you deserve to laugh, and enjoy life. Life will continue to get better, and even when it has ups and downs, you can always laugh, and there will always be bits of joy in the world. You all are my joy. Every day I get by with witnessing all the wonders this crew accomplishes.
You're awesome, and you're kicking ass <3, and you deserve the best. Night Crew. Sending hugs and love.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's lovely gifs feature... more hand action! Darby is courtesy of @jodegg! Taika is courtesy of @ofmd-ann!
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Bengiyo's Queer Cinema Syllabus
Context: @bengiyo made a hypothetical queer cinema syllabus for a hypothetical baby gay to watch. I said "fuck it I'll do it," and he said "dear god, there are so many movies on here, pick three from each section" and I said "absolutely not, I shall watch them all. And here i am I think over a year later and only four sections in. Anyway I am working my way through Unit 4: Heartbreak Alley right now which is:
Bent (1997), Strange Fruit (2004),Boys Don’t Cry (1999), Brokeback Mountain (2005), Parting Glances (1986),Philadelphia (1993), The Living End (1992), Holding the Man (2015), Jeffrey (1995), and Boys on the Side (1995).
Today I will be talking about
Jeffrey (1995) dir. Christopher Ashley
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[Run Time: 1:33, Available: Tubi, Google TV; Language: English]
Summary: A poignant romantic comedy about the quest for love and intimacy in the age of AIDS. A story of a thirtyish gay actor/waiter who decides to become celibate...the risk of AIDS has taken all the joy from sex.
Steven Weber as Jeffrey, main character
Michael T Weiss as Steve Howard, love interest
Patrick Steward as Sterling. Jeffrey’s friend
Bryan Batt as Darius, Sterling’s boyfriend
Content warning: this film very much has some costuming choices and lines that do not age well
I love seeing how movies handle matters of grief, and all the little ways the world continues to turn even as you feel like your life has tilted on an axis. I feel like Jeffery does a really great job of showing this kind of push and pull. It is simultaneously absurdity, the comedy, the pain, it’s all there, and it’s real, and I think it balanced it well without ever tipping over the edge in to something so sad as to move me to tears. Which, I think is the point because this is very much listed as a romantic comedy and I am inclined to agree, at least with the comedy part because this film was very funny. 
And it was fun. 
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It was so much fun to watch! 
This film is based off of a play and thus the structure of the film is wonky, it’s disjointed, motifs in some ways, it breaks fourth walls left and right, it spirals in to dance numbers and jeopardy style fantasy all the time, and you can tell that the people making this movie had a really really great time doing so. It was bright, it was vibrant, it was full of life. 
And coming to the end of this movie, it makes so much sense, the intentionality behind the ridiculousness of its scenes, the vibrancy of its sets, the colors and the characters. The intentionality behind the seriousness of it too. The fight between Steve and Jeffrey out front of Steve’s apartment, the conversation between Sterling and Jeffrey in the hospital after Darius died. This is a movie about living. Living despite. 
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Jeffrey is terrified of HIV/AIDS. So terrified that he goes from fucking as many people as he can to abstaining from sex altogether. So terrified that he pushes away a man that he has hit it off really well with after finding out he’s HIV positive. So terrified that he is going to sublet his apartment and run away back to Wisconsin to hide from it all. Jeffrey is afraid of death, he is afraid of sickness, he is afraid. So much of this unit has been about what we lost to AIDS. The people we lost, the loves we lost, the memories we lost. And while losing loved ones is a part of this film as well, that is not its primary message. Jeffrey focuses on the life that Jeffery lost, the love, the memories he never made because of fear. He hurt Steve time and time again, he didn’t (or wasn’t going to) march in Pride, he yearned desperately for sex but would not engage in it in any form because he was scared of getting AIDS, and he was scared of losing people to it too. 
I feel like “it is better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all” is an appropriate quote when it comes to the thesis of this film. Though I might tweak it to something more like… “it is better to live with loss than to never live at all.” 
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gif by @ballumville
This film is listed as a comedy, and something that I personally find absolutely crucial to good comedy is sincerity and seriousness. I do not want comedies to be funny all the way through, I much prefer when a comedy reminds you that it knows the world we live in and finds laughter in it anyway. Because that feels so much truer to life. Jeffry, Darius, and Sterling are at yet another memorial, and they are cruising, and it is not that they aren’t sad to lose another person, but there are just so many men there. Jeffrey, Darius, and Sterling are at yet another memorial and Darius and Sterling insult the choice in music, start to talk about Darius’ inevitable death and Jeffrey doesn’t want to hear it. Jeffrey, Darius, and Sterling are at yet another memorial and Darius and Sterling adorn fancy grieving hats they have stolen from the coatroom to lighten the prayer. 
Grief is learning someone you love has died, and the timer for the oven going off because your lunch is ready. Grief is learning someone died while you are wearing a sweater with In Dog Years I’m Dead printed on it. Grief is learning someone died, and still going to the dinner you planned to have with a friend. Death is terrible and absurd, and lives are changed in an instant, and you can’t stop your roommate from making a joking “everyone still alive?” comment when everyone is very much not. Death is terrible and absurd, and like Jeffrey you go to the hospital to visit a friend, and you have a conversation with them for a full five minutes before he tells you his partner died half an hour ago. Death is terrible and absurd and you are able to cry but the ghost of your friend comes to visit in his CATS costume and tells you everything will be fine.
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Jeffrey is scared to have sex, he is scared to acquire HIV, he is scared to lose those he loves to the disease. And he strains against the confines he’s put himself in, all these old parts of himself slipping hands through the bars of their cage. But Jeffrey has trapped himself in a hell of his own design and he’s slapped the label AIDS overtop of it and resigned himself to a boring, meaningless existence away from his life and his friends and all the potential lovers he might find because of his fear. 
This film was funny, it gave you as many reprieves as it could, it held resolute in its sincerity when it needed to, and eased up on the gas before things could go to far. It was funny, it was whimsical, I had a lovely time seeing all the little ways they took a stage play and adapted it for the big screen. I lost my mind at how many truly phenomenal, A-list actors were in this film, most in small guest roles. I’m talking: Sigourney Weaver, Kathy Najimy, Nathan Lane, Christine Baranski, and quite a few more. 
I had a great time watching this film, I loved it alot. Mother Teresa smoking a cigarette and playing piano and all. 
Favorite Moment 
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God there were so many good ones. I think my favorite moment is actually the scene during Pride with the newscaster, all these gays crowding around him as he tries to give his report. Getting interrupted by Steve and Sean and Sterling and Darius, the narrative to get straight to the point of Jeffrey’s character in that moment by having the reporter ask Jeffrey what he planned to do during Gay Pride and to have him answer “I’m running” (fucking brilliant), and then of course the moment to end all moments. Sterling telling the newscaster that Angelique was going to get her penis removed after Pride, and seeing her mother proudly exclaim “it’s coming right off!” 
It was such a tight and effective way to show the dynamics of the main characters, how much life and excitement Darius had in being on the news in that moment, the way that Jeffrey was standing apart from everyone else, that he was described as someone who ‘could be anyone’, that he was so visibly outside of the celebrations.
Favorite Quote
“Of course life sucks. It always will. So why not make the most of it? How DARE you not lunge for any shred of happiness?"
A strong contender for my favorite scene of the film, I really loved the push and pull of the scenes with the clergyman. Nathan Lane is a brilliant performer, as is Steven Weber and it is really fun watching moments where you stick two talented people in a room together and let them just cook with gas. I have probably said it too many times at this point that there is a very smart balance between comedy and drama in this film, and the entire scene between these two is one of the clearest examples of that. This line is said to Jeffrey by the Catholic priest as they leave the confessional where the priest has just been talking about how God is in musicals. And Jeffrey is just “what about”ing his way to the endless, miserable spiral of a man who cannot see the joy that rests just beyond his fear. 
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I love this line because as someone who has had a non-zero number of lows in their life, I have gotten through those periods of fear, of doubt, of misery by reaching for the smallest joys. In some of my worst bouts of stress, depression, whatever I kept a journal where I forced myself for months, just before bed to write three things I was grateful for that I had experienced that day. So that I might end my day on a positive, and so that I might look back when I needed to to see that no day is wholly good or wholly bad. 
So I appreciate seeing characters get beat over the head with something preachy like that, like grabbing for scraps of happiness wherever they are. 
There were so many great moments, there were so many beautiful lines. It was expertly balanced, and I will never look at balloons the same way again.
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freelancearsonist · 2 months
✨ wip wednesday ✨
thank you to my love @covetyou for the tag <3 this is actually perfect bc i've been stumped on what to work on so i need y'all to decide for me
free falling love addict [dieter bravo]
this was supposed to be a porn w/o plot one-shot and is now a 5-part series full of feelings 💀 basically dieter falls hard and fast for a non-binary co-star who just so happens to be playing his daughter. there's a lot of drama and uncertainty and angst and it's a whole roller coaster ride (thank u to @beskarandblasters for the title and an absolutely STUNNING graphic that y'all will see later)
You wake up from your four hours of sleep with a little clearer mind, surprisingly. Dieter’s hot and he’d be a once-in-a-lifetime lay, but you’re playing his daughter in this show. How seriously do you want to be taken in this industry? Because banging the actor who plays your father in your first serious project is decidedly not the route to being taken seriously as a moviestar; in fact, it’s the kind of scandal that could end your career before it even starts. You shower, do your basic morning skincare routine, get dressed, and head to set. All the while, you chant your new mantra: Dieter Bravo is off limits no matter how badly you want to play right into his hands. His big hands. His big meaty hands that you want all over your–
(untitled) dad's best friend wedding joel [no outbreak joel miller]
BILL X FRANK SUPREMACY. this is bill x frank's world and we are just living in it. but anyway it's 2013, no outbreak, we're fixing the timeline, reader is frank's adopted daughter and maid of honor, joel is bill's best friend and best man. there's an age gap and a lot of trying to deny attraction until it all comes to a head and they work out their frustrations in the coat room after the wedding
You would’ve sworn, when you first met him, that an elaborate wedding would be the very last thing Bill would want. And yet this has been as much his planning as it has been your dad’s. It brings so much joy to your heart that your dad has found someone who matches him so completely. You couldn’t be happier for them; and at the same time, you couldn’t be more miserable for yourself. Because, as dedicated as you are to making this day perfect for them, Bill’s best man and long-time friend is maybe even more dedicated. He’s been turning this wedding into a friendly competition between the two of you, trying to one-up you at every opportunity he gets. It’s infuriating—especially when he wears that smug grin that’s become his signature expression around you. It’s torture, too, because all you want to do is kiss that stupid smirk right off his handsome face.
(untitled) blind date [dieter bravo]
basically dieter goes on a blind date with someone who has no clue who he is (you) and falls in love so hard
He never should’ve agreed to this—and really, it’s not even his fault that he did. His assistant should know better than to ask him questions when he’s a joint and a half in.  Maybe it’s a sense of obligation after he pushed her into the pool last week—in his defense, she really needed to loosen up—or maybe he’s just plain lonely. Whatever it is, he’s here, the champagne is good, and there’s no point backing out now. He takes another peek at his watch and lets out a slightly-too-loud groan. You aren’t supposed to be here for another ten minutes, and he’s already been seated and drinking for fifteen. How Jennifer—the aforementioned assistant—managed to get him here early, he’ll never know. But he does know it’s the first and last time he’ll ever be early for an engagement; the anxiety of anticipation is far too stressful. Plus, he’s worried it makes him look desperate—too eager to meet a complete and utter stranger.
(untitled) dieter crashing your graduation party (consensually) [dieter bravo]
this is my baby 🥹 probably the most self-insert thing i will ever write tbh. yet another series that was supposed to just be a one-shot, i haven't actually planned how many chapters this is going to be yet but i know what i'm doing with the story line lol. basically your family throws you a graduation party when you finish cosmetology school, and because you're antisocial and don't want a huge crowd you tag people that won't/can't come on your invite post--but the one person you thought for sure wouldn't come actually shows up and it sets off the craziest series of events
The crowd has lulled a bit, and you’re just about to go find that bar you’ve been so excited about when someone you do recognize walks up the brick path to the gate. And god help you, your jaw actually visibly, physically drops. You blink once, twice, and then once again for good measure. But he’s still there–not wishful thinking, not a mirage. He’s real and solid and here. Dieter Bravo stands on your garden path with all the air of a god amongst men. He’s dressed in black from head to toe–perfectly tailored black suit pants and an open suit jacket over a silk button-up shirt. If it was anyone else, he would be overdressed; but he manages to make it look like the perfect mix of messy and put together.  There’s a part of you that still thinks maybe it’s not him, that the dark sunglasses he wears hide the eyes of someone who has an uncanny resemblance to your favorite actor. But the other, larger part of you knows. You’re face to face with Dieter fucking Bravo.
(untitled) joel x hairdresser [jackson era joel miller]
i think this is going to be a 2-3 parter bc god forbid i write anything short. basically you're the resident hair stylist in jackson, and joel has hair that needs to be cut. he does you little favors in turn bc that's how jackson runs, but he ends up falling for you in the process
He starts to see traces of you everywhere, and he’d be bothered by it if thoughts of you weren’t so soothing.  He sees wildflowers while he’s out on patrol and thinks they would be perfect to replenish the vase on your counter. He finds hair gel in a nearby drugstore and wonders if it’s something you could use. He pulls anatomy textbooks from a shelf in an abandoned library because he remembers you mentioning that you’d like to expand your services to include massage. He has to remind himself that he shouldn’t be thinking so much about someone who’s half his age–that it’s borderline creepy to see so many things and want to bring them to you as offerings. But then again, that’s how Jackson operates. If he wants a service, he has to be able to give something in return. And he wants your services most of all.
(untitled) shotgunning filth [lucien flores]
the doc title pretty much says it with this one 😂 i've only just started this one but here's what i have:
You see his car in your driveway when you get home and it makes you shiver.  That stupid mint-condition hot-rod red 2003 Ford Thunderbird activates the most ridiculous Pavlovian response–your heart rate quickens, your stomach tightens with anticipation, your pussy starts preparing itself for the inevitable delicious torture you’re about to endure.
and if you want to hear more about any of these options, pls send me an ask i love talking about my stories :)
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dgtn · 1 year
Hey all! So I wanted to take a few to introduce myself. Another blogger did this a few days back and I was just like omg I need to do that too!
So my name is Diane and I am at midlife now in terms of age. I have been married for over 20 years and have 2 amazing kids, a young man and a daughter.
We live in Tennessee. I love so many different genres of music - my playlist has everything from BTS to Carrie Underwood, Troye Sivan, Coldplay, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Aretha Franklin…you name it…it’s probably on my list!
Outside of BTS and Jikook I love spending time with my family, health, fitness, and making jewelry, and yes that includes BTS themed jewelry of course 😏
My favorite shows to watch are crime dramas and anything sci fi. I’m a huge Star Wars fan (I still remember going to see A New Hope when it came out!)
I have 5 fur babies- 4 dogs and a cat. We also have a gecko.
I am a cancer survivor, coming up on 8 years now. I've also had brain surgery - crazy crazy!
So now that that’s out of the way….let’s talk BTS.
I’ve always heard the saying: you don’t find BTS, BTS finds you when you need them. This is true for me too (more on that later ).
I discovered BTS when I heard Butter for the first time back in 2021. I thought it was a catchy song and wanted to know more about the band behind the song. And so it began. I looked up BTS on the internet and the first member I came across? Jimin of course. My first thoughts were my god he is gorgeous. And his voice - are you kidding me! I’ve been around a long time and I have never heard a voice like that! So of course I needed to know more. Next came Jungkook. Uh….wow! That man is beautiful too! And his voice! I mean come on!!!! I had never heard of kpop before BTS so I had no idea about the world of kpop or any of its inner workings.
So into the world of BTS I dove. I went on line and started watching their music videos and started listening to more of their music and really really liking it. I slowly discovered the world of BTS online; Bangtan Bombs, In The Soop, Lives, Run Episodes, etc. Of course, watching all of these...I started to wonder, what's up with Jimin and Jungkook? Definitely caught a different vibe from them. So.....started watching jikook videos. Then, I discovered GCFT - and that sealed the deal for me. No looking back from that point. I remember the first time I watched it (yup, like yourself Ive watched it way more than once!!!) I was blown away and my reaction was "these 2 are in love with each other".
I absolutely love love love Jimin and Jungkook (as I’m sure you can tell from my blog!). I love them as individuals and I love them as a couple. They have something SO very special together and I just get so much joy out of seeing their relationship now and how it has grown over the years. They went from seriously crushing on each other in the early days of BTS to being in a long term fully committed monogomous relationship. I do believe that they are in this for life and have committed to each other for life. What that exactly looks like I'm not sure as they are still "In the Closet". My hope for them is that one day they will be able to show us their love for each freely and openly.
So getting back to BTS and how they found me when I needed them. I am officially mid life, in my 50's. I have always been a stay at home mom. My son is high functioning autistic. Throughout his schooling we really struggled with finding the right fit for him academically. When we moved to TN we eventually decided to home school him which became a huge priority of mine. Homeschooling was not easy. When he graduated high school it was such an accomplishment. I will admit that it also left me very emotionally drained. Being a mom in general is really hard (best job in the world!!!). We always put our children first before everything else; it's just what we do.
As my children have grown and continued to become more independent I actually started thinking about what I want to do for me. It's a foreign concept because as a mom I've never really thought that way. That was right about the time I discovered BTS (see where I'm going with this?). Their message of love yourself, take care of yourself, was something that really resonated with me. I know it might sound crazy but that "glow up" that some people have experienced through BTS happened to me too. I have found the time to "love myself" as BTS says. I am really putting myself first for the first time in my life. I am still here for my family 100% but I am also finding the time to take care of myself :) I am on that journey to find balance in my life and BTS has most definitely played a big role in that!
I absolutely love BTS as a band and as individuals. I have really enjoyed getting to know them and I look forward to sharing my love of BTS and jikook with all y'all for years to come :) I have met some wonderful people through Tumblr; some of whom I have become very close to and consider dear friends; and I feel so grateful and blessed to have these peeps in my life. I am really excited to see what the future holds for these 7 incredibly talented young men who came into our lives.
One thing for sure, The Best is Yet To Come.
Xoxo 😘
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notalkingbusiness · 4 months
The Book of Carol & The Heroine's Journey - Part 3: The Ascent
The only way is up! The Ascent is where our heroine gets her happy ending.
Carriger's major beats for The Ascent include (1) the heroine succeeding in her search and creating a new or reborn familial network, and (2) the heroine negotiating and compromising for the benefit of all.
Let's think about how these beats could be used in The Book of Carol.
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(1) Success in the heroine's search results in a new or reborn familial network.
The beat we're all waiting for! The moment when the heroine reunites with her loved one - the moment when Carol reunites with Daryl.
I think it's really important for us to pay close attention to how Carriger talks about this beat: the heroine's familial network is reborn when she reunites with her loved one. In other words, there's a spiritual shift in the heroine's relationship with her loved one. A deeper and more profound connection is forged. The heroine's relationship with her loved one changes for the better. We can't say that Carol's had a full Heroine's Journey if her relationship with Daryl remains unchanged - we need to see emotional growth.
This reunion has been a long time coming, both in-universe and in real life. It feels like we've been waiting an eternity for Carol and Daryl to reunite so it's absolutely critical that this scene blows us all away. It should feel overwhelming, like a great tidal wave of emotional catharsis.
Emotionally rewarding reunion scenes place a heavy emphasis on physicality. These scenes are richly detailed, and every touch is imbued with deep significance.
The Terminus reunion is a great example of a reunion done right and it's a masterclass in physicality. There are so many physical details in this reunion, too many to catch the first time around. With each rewatch you can appreciate all of the different component parts of the reunion: Caryl swaying together, the delight on Carol's face when Daryl picks her up, Daryl cradling Carol's head, Daryl resting his head on Carol's shoulder and Carol's fleeting touch of his face before he pulls away. You're struck by how these two can't get enough of each other; they always want to be closer. They can't stop drinking each other in and you don't want to stop drinking them in either.
Scenes like the Terminus reunion have a high rewatch factor because they're emotionally authentic: these scenes inspire us to keep revisiting them because they feel true to the characters, and we feel good watching them.
Reunions like these are the gift that keeps giving for fandom. How many gifs, videos, metas, and fics were born from this scene alone?
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We all love the Terminus reunion because it's so physical and unequivocal. Caryl's mutual joy and relief is plain for all to see.
We need another wholehearted reaction from Daryl when he reunites with Carol in TBOC. His reaction should reflect the scale of Carol's journey: it needs to be big and it needs to break new ground.
We need both words and actions - we need strong physical and emotional responses from Daryl and Carol.
We need something that's going to be forever seared into our collective memory.
We need to see something which leaves both the audience and Carol with no doubt as to where Daryl's heart lies.
Reader, we need a Caryl reunion kiss.
(But you already knew that.)
Like I've said previously, if TBOC is taking Carol's emotions seriously, she's going to be emotionally vulnerable throughout her journey. Daryl can only give Carol the reassurances she so badly needs if he's in touch with his emotions.
I want to see Daryl restored to his emotionally intelligent self - I want to see the "man of honor".
I want to see Daryl being brave for both of them in an emotional capacity.
Not much fazes Caryl, they could fight their way through a sea of walkers before breakfast, but showing how they really feel? Talking about their feelings?
Petrifying for the pair of them.
Daryl was brave in taking the first step and telling Carol he loved her. He needs to be brave again in TBOC. He's got to initiate the kiss. He's got to show how grateful he is to have Carol in his life. He needs to show her just how much he loves her.
You've probably thought about Caryl's reunion a lot. Everyone will envisage Caryl going canon differently, but I'm sure we can all agree that the kiss should be heartfelt and sweepingly romantic. For my part, I want to see a kiss like the one described in The Princess Bride: “Since the invention of the kiss, there have only been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind.”
We can only get "a kiss to leave all others behind" if McReedus are allowed to capitalize on their amazing chemistry, if the show allows them to just go for it.
On Romance is Dead: The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of the Romantic Comedy, writer Scott Meslow notes: "There is something so delightful about watching two people fall in love. Especially if it's two actors who have chemistry. And I think chemistry is all important [...] it needs to be two people who seem like they actually like each other [...] Not to be corny about it, but that's a special effect that you can't replicate on a computer. That is real people having a real interaction on screen and you can feel it."
Meslow may worry about being corny. I have no such qualms - McReedus' chemistry is a special effect that you can't replicate on a computer. That's why the copycat Caryl beats in DD didn't work for anyone; you can't create chemistry by algorithm. You can't swap out characters/actors/storylines and expect us to feel the same way we did about Carol/Caryl. Not when we've been watching something unique and remarkable developing between two characters and two actors for over 150 episodes.
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I want to see and feel that realness Meslow talks about when Caryl reunite. I want something unforgettable for Caryl and something where McReedus can shine. I want a reunion scene that we're going to watch over and over again because it's *perfect*.
I'm hoping Norman makes very expressive choices because Carol needs to see Daryl's emotions unmistakably playing out on his face.
Personally, I think it would be really powerful to see Daryl cry, either upon Caryl's reunion or when he finally has a heart to heart with Carol. And I do mean actually cry, rather than just being tearful.
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We've seen Daryl close to tears in the "No Sanctuary" and "New Best Friends" reunions, but I don't think he's properly cried in front of Carol before. As video essayist Pop Culture Detective highlights in Boys Don't Cry (Except When They Do), it's extremely rare for men to cry in a healthy way in film/TV: male vulnerability has historically been met with shame and contempt. I want to see Daryl cry not because I want to see one of my favorite characters upset, but because I think he deserves to experience the whole emotional spectrum. Thus far we've only seen Daryl cry during/after majorly traumatic incidents (usually after witnessing horrifically violent deaths) and I think that's a real shame.
I want to see Daryl's happy tears, his tears of relief, his tears of emotional catharsis. If it's okay for Carol to cry, then it should be okay for Daryl to cry too. In fact, Daryl crying in a healthy way would actually be validating for Carol because it's testament to how safe she makes him feel. Daryl can cry in front of Carol and not feel ashamed because he can be vulnerable in front of the woman he loves.
Some scenes in TWD stopped me in my tracks. I'd be sitting there thinking, "Look how far they've all come!" In those moments, I'd feel weirdly proud of these fictional characters who'd changed for the better. I'd like to get that same feeling when watching TBOC as we witness Caryl enter a new era of emotional vulnerability and intimacy.
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Caryl's passionate reunion would end all ambiguity and be the start of something new. I've placed a lot of emphasis on the moment of canon here, but it should go without saying that we're going to need carefully crafted follow-through. The writing needs to be just as strong as the performances. I'm craving strong dialogue - let Carol and Daryl finally use their words to explain how they feel about one another. Let them talk about what they want for their future together.
Carol and Daryl want to be together in every way - their romantic arc should include sexual intimacy (although I think we'll have to wait until S3 for that). TWD was always quite modest when it came to showing sex on screen so I'm not expecting anything too crazy, but we do deserve parity with the other big ships (Gleggie and Richonne). There's obviously less time to play with in the spinoffs, but I still think a really rich and rewarding romantic arc is possible if TPTB use their time wisely. Carol and Daryl becoming sexually intimate is a big deal and the story should treat it as such. Carol and Daryl always kept some degree of emotional distance from their previous sexual partners, they've always held themselves back and they've never really allowed themselves to be emotionally vulnerable in a relationship. I want to see Caryl's sex scenes handled respectfully and sensitively, I want these scenes to feel emotionally authentic for Carol and Daryl. Naturally, we should also get fun call backs to Caryl's iconic sexual/romantic references from the flagship show, e.g. Daryl goes down first.
A romantic arc for Caryl would be like a kiss of life for Carylers. It would be a triumphant moment for all of us - something unequivocally good for Caryl fans everywhere. We deserve a win. Carol and Daryl deserve a win too.
Caryl's romantic arc would also push back against the abuse hurled at Melissa, Carol, and Carylers. Many Carylers have received hate from other parts of the fandom and this abuse is steeped in deeply harmful misogynistic, sexist, and ageist rhetoric. This hate goes beyond ship wars. It points to something very insidious about how women are treated, how they're supposed to be invisible and undesirable once they reach an arbitrary age threshold. I want TPTB to prove just how wrong those people are. I want them to celebrate Carol and Caryl. I want them to show a heroine who loves and is loved in return. I want them to proudly showcase their leading lady. I want them to call out the misogynistic abuse thrown at Melissa/Carol/Carol fans. I want them to elevate Melissa's voice so we can have a fantastic heroine's arc for Carol.
(2) The heroine negotiating and compromising for the benefit of all.
As you'll know by now, the heroine is not concerned with glory/revenge/retribution. She just wants to get her loved one back and move on with her life. Carol's probably not going to be negotiating/compromising with the people who took Daryl, but she could use her diplomacy skills with Daryl's new friends in France. I didn't watch S1 of the spinoff, but I understand that some of Daryl's new friends were trying to get him to stay with them rather than go home. It should be abundantly clear to Isabelle & co. that Daryl has no intention of staying in France when they see him reunited with Carol. They'll be sad to lose a friend, but Carol could soften the blow by offering them a sweet trade deal with the Commonwealth. Isabelle just wants what's best for her people, right? Strengthening the bonds between communities would help Isabelle's people enormously. I much prefer the idea of two women coming together to help each other than a woman expecting a stranger to come in and fix all of her problems for her. I haven't heard great things about Isabelle, but I'm really hoping she's given more agency and dignity in TBOC. There's absolutely no narrative need to pit Isabelle and Carol against each other. As our heroine, Carol can empower Isabelle AND bring Daryl home. She can find a solution where everyone wins.
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Final Thoughts on The Ascent
Ultimately, The Ascent is gearing up towards the heroine's happy ending. We need to ask ourselves, what does a happy ending look like for Carol? What do we want for her after TBOC?
Simply put, Carol's happy ending is having Daryl by her side. It's being with him in every sense of the word. It's being free to express her love for him.
Carol wants new adventures with Daryl, and I want to see those adventures on my screen.
Years ago, Carol and Daryl talked about running away together. I hope, after they've returned home and reunited with their family, they are able to do just that.
Let them explore the world on their own terms.
Let them explore it together.
Let them be equal and loving partners every step of the way.
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And there we have it! We've covered all the major stages of the Heroine's Journey.
My aim in writing these metas wasn't to be overly prescriptive, but to show that TBOC could have an amazing arc for Carol/Caryl. We just need TPTB to prioritize emotional authenticity and elevate their heroines (both on screen and bts).
They've got one chance to put Caryl and Carylers back on track.
Let's hope they take it.
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variety-fangirl · 9 months
Hello! Can I request a Jimmy Keene x reader fic where they go on vacation togheter? And it could be smutty too :)
Have a good day!
Romantic Surprise / Jimmy Keene x fem!reader
Summary: Jimmy decides to surprise you with a two-week vacation to Hawaii for your three-year anniversary.
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS smut with plot (unprotected p in v, face fucking m and f, oral m and f, hair pulling, cum showing, spanking, and handjob), swearing, lmk if I missed anything!
Author's note: Hi lovely! Absolutely, of course😁 Thank you so much for requesting, it honestly means the world to me 😘 I hope you like it and it turned out how you wanted! Have a good day also my love! Thank you for reading. Liking, reblogging, and commenting really helps me out. Enjoy!
Edit: I am so sorry that it took me so long, I honestly have had the worst writer's block and been so busy lately that I couldn't write anything and I hated it! But I made it longer and tried to get it done as quickly as possible to try and make up for it 😅 I hope you liked it anyways!
Word count: 4k
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You had spoken about wanting to go on vacation for a while now, wanting to get away for a while with a change of scenery. Somewhere warm and salty. You and Jimmy hadn't gone away on a vacation together in the three years you'd been dating and you thought it would be a really nice way of making some memories together, so, you'd been asking Jimmy to go away somewhere. He'd said no at the time, that work had been demanding, so you've let it go. Hopeful for a future getaway at some point. You understood how stressful and long his work days could be.
Unbeknownst to you, Jimmy had been planning a trip for weeks as a surprise for your three-year anniversary, wanting to do something special for you. Without you, Jimmy didn't know where he would be, you had brought an air of calmness and love to his life that he'd never experienced. Jimmy would honestly do absolutely anything for you, he was so deeply in love with you. So, if a vacation would make you happy then he would take you to your dream location, Hawaii. He would make it the most beautiful and romantic place that he could possibly find, somewhere amazing.
You were sitting on the couch, two weeks before your anniversary, when Jimmy came home to surprise you. He had a bouquet of your favourite flowers in one hand and a small white envelope in the other. Your face of surprise and confusion shows as he hands them to you with a large knowing smile on his face, "What's this for?" You question with a joyful nervous laugh as you place them to the side of you so you can give him some love. As Jimmy sits on the couch next to you, you pull him in for a hug, followed by a gentle kiss that has you both savouring the moment, reluctant to pull away. As you do, it's slow and your lips linger close but unfortunately, Jimmy pulls away. He ushers to the envelope, "Open it."
You pick the envelope up, peeling open the back and pull out two tickets from inside. You stare at them for a moment, confused, reading over what they were for. Jimmy watches as a look of realisation registers on your face, "Are you serious?" you question in shock, hand by your mouth. He nods with a huge smile, "Seriously baby, I know how badly you've been wanting to get away somewhere. So what better timing than our anniversary?" Jimmy watches as absolute joy takes over your features, an ecstatic squeal escaping as you throw yourself at him. Jimmy laughs happily as he catches you just in time, arms wrapping tightly around your waist.
Jimmy smiled into your shoulder, "Is that a good anniversary gift?" he questioned with a smirk, you nodded aggressively into his shoulder, hugging him tighter. "Amazing, thank you so much." You pull back with a large smile on your face, looking at the tickets once more. Jimmy was so glad you liked them, he had the whole trip planned out with things he knew you would love to do, with in-between days to just relax or at the beach. He catches you frown for a moment, panic building within. "What's wrong?" he asks nervously, hoping nothing was wrong. You turn to him with a pout, "How am I supposed to top that present?" you wonder sadly, and Jimmy just laughs, shaking his head.
The two weeks leading up to your anniversary were hell, the days went by so slowly and felt elongated. Jimmy could see the pent-up excitement and impatience building with each day that passed, he just kept laughing at you. When the three-day before mark came up, you were bouncing with joy and couldn't wait to pack. You were meticulous in your packing, making sure he had enough outfit choices and options, and all the necessities that you didn't need to use over the next few days. Jimmy just sat on the bed shirtless, ready for bed and watched you with a smile. He was happy that you were happy, that was enough for him.
On the day of, you had a checklist, making sure you both had everything you needed. Everything was packed, Jimmy made sure, he didn't want anything to go wrong. He wanted this trip to be perfect for you because that was what you deserved, nothing short of perfection. You both made your way to the airport, bags in hand and ready to enjoy the 8-hour flight in first class. You had complimentary snacks and drinks, private seats for you and Jimmy, and an amazing view that took your breath away. You had also taken a 3-hour nap cuddled up to your boyfriend.
When you arrived in Kapalua, you immediately fell in love. It was warm and sunny, and the scenery was to die for. Everyone you spoke to for directions to your hotel was just lovely and incredibly helpful, everything just felt amazing. Even the route to your hotel, which was right by the beach, took your breath away with its beauty. You marvelled at everything that passed by, not able to take your eyes away for even a second, in case you missed anything. It was everything you imagined it would be and more, you were not disappointed. Jimmy of course paid for a 5-star hotel, wanting only the best for you. It had cost him way more but seeing the look on your face as you pulled up to the hotel made it all worth it.
Jimmy mentioned having some surprises planned over the next few days, things that he knew you would love and things he would enjoy also, you felt incredibly excited about what they may be. Any time you asked for a hint about even just one of the plans, he would just smile knowingly and shake his head refusing. You felt bad because you didn't have a hand in anything planned for your anniversary, Jimmy had done and thought of everything. What mattered most to you was that Jimmy also enjoyed himself, you didn't want everything to be about you, it was both of your anniversary.
Everything about the place was grandeur, lavish with white marble and gold accents. The place was huge, people were everywhere and busy, but it didn't feel stressful like it normally did at hotels. It blew every expectation you'd had, it made the excitement run wild within you. Jimmy laughed as he had to pull you along with him wherever he went because you were too busy looking at everything around you like a child on Christmas.
Even the typically boring trip from the lobby to your room was exciting, finally being able to unpack your belongings and explore where you would be staying for the next two weeks. Your room was open and large, it had a modern sleek look to it. You couldn't believe how much space and rooms there were in here, you felt like royalty and it was a nice feeling just this once to have. Your personal favourite room, other than the bedroom, was the bathroom. It was massive with an open walk-in two-person shower and a huge tub that could fit you both easily, everything was pristine white and clean.
"You really have spoiled me," you mention appreciatively as you make your way to the balcony, stepping out to marvel at the gorgeous view of the beach from your room, it was breathtaking. You couldn't believe you were here and for your anniversary no less. You always felt bad that you couldn't repay Jimmy with lavish gifts and fancy trips in return, not that he was complaining about the sexual favours but you wished you could do more to show him how appreciative you felt for all he did and continued to do for you. He treated you like a queen, constantly, even down to the littlest of things. Like buying you your favourite coffee in the mornings because he knew you weren't a morning person, it was always the little things that made you love him more (if that were even possible).
You couldn't wait to spend most of your time down by the beach, laying on a lounging chair with a cocktail and a book in hand as you bask in the warmth of the sun on your skin. Plus, the bonus is getting to ogle at your gorgeous shirtless boyfriend for hours while he tans and sweats, in the best possible way. You were also excited about trying different foods and exploring what was around, just enjoying yourselves and making wonderful memories with the man you love.
Four days into your vacation, you and Jimmy went out for a special date night. What was special about it? You had no idea, Jimmy just told you to dress up extra nicely and to be ready for 6 PM. So you spent some time showering, deciding on the perfect outfit, and applying some makeup. You also decided to put one of your sexiest lingerie sets on, it gave you a little extra confidence and made you feel all the more beautiful for your date.
It was all worth it to see the look on Jimmy's face when you stepped out of the bathroom all dressed up, "Wow... baby, you look stunning." Jimmy complimented in awe as he stood up and walked towards you, the biggest smile on his face. You took a moment to appreciate how your boyfriend looked also, a black and white suit with two buttons undone on the dress shirt, he looked divine. "Thank you, so do you." You could feel your cheeks warm as Jimmy placed a gentle and loving kiss on your cheek, his arms sliding around your waist to pull you into his front, his hand caressing your butt. You wrap your arms around his waist in return, "You ready?" he asks happily, and you nod.
The restaurant was magical, the sun was setting slowly in the background which shone through the multiple long glass windows all around you, the orange and pink hues dancing across surfaces and people's skin. Fairy lights decorated the ceilings and walls, and candles were lit in the centre of each table, along with flowers. You were seated at a table by the window, it was fairly busy here so you were thankful you even managed to get a table. Thankfully, Jimmy had booked ahead beforehand. His keen (no pun intended lol) organisational skills were something you loved about him, he always thought two steps ahead.
The vibe was incredibly romantic, you were one of many couples that were enjoying themselves in their own little happy bubbles. The aura was infectious, everyone around you seemed loving and affectionate. You were so happy that you got two weeks of Jimmy all to yourself, which had already mostly consisted of alcohol, relaxing, and sex. Things were honestly perfect and you couldn't wait to keep doing it.
You and Jimmy put your drink and food orders in before excusing yourself to go to the toilet, taking your time to touch up your makeup and spray a little extra perfume. Even the bathroom was fancy with little hand towels and toiletries for emergencies on the corner of the sink, you could stay in there all night, it was that nice. You were also thankful that it smelt nice in there, like flowers and honey, it was lovely. When you finally returned to the table Jimmy had the biggest "I've done something" look on his face, the smile taking over his face. He was trying to be smooth about it but was failing terribly, you glare at him jokingly. "What have you done?" you ask suspiciously, knowing he's done something.
"Me? I am an innocent man sitting at his table simply waiting for his food and beautiful girlfriend to return." He winked, feigning innocence as he picked up your hand and brought it closer to him. "And now that you have," Jimmy places a kiss against your knuckles, "hello gorgeous." You roll your eyes but feel your cheeks warm, a smile appearing. "You can't fool me with your charm, sir." You tease playfully, stroking Jimmy's smooth chin lovingly. Jimmy places gentle kisses against your fingers as he strokes your arm closest to him.
After you both finish your food, which was absolutely delicious, you decide to share a dessert. You were waiting no longer than fifteen minutes before your dessert was brought out, you both decided on a fruit and chocolate waffle. When the plate was placed directly in front of you, you were shocked because right there under the waffle was writing. 'Will you marry me?' with an absolutely gorgeous and large diamond ring. Your jaw drops open as you turn to face Jimmy who is staring at you nervously but with a smile nonetheless. Tears begin to fill your eyes, "Are you serious?" you question emotionally.
Jimmy nods and says your full name as he stands up and gets down on one knee, "You are the most amazing, beautiful, kind, and thoughtful person I have ever met. You have stood by me through thick and thin, been by my side no matter what and haven't judged me for who I am. There is no one I would rather spend the rest of my life with than you, so, will you marry me?" The tears are pouring down your face at this point, unable to contain all the emotions flowing through you. You nod, watching as Jimmy picks up the ring and grabs your hand, sliding it onto your ring finger. You immediately stand with him, pulling his body into yours as people around you clap and cheer happily for you both.
The restaurant gives you a bottle of champagne on the house for your engagement, congratulating you on the happy occasion. You and Jimmy stay at the restaurant for another two hours happily drinking your bottle of bubbly, just enjoying one another's company and the special occasion. You were now an engaged woman, the thought made you smile to yourself, everything was perfect.
As soon as you both walk through the door of your hotel room, you are on each other. Your mouths collide in a flurry, an intense need to show how much you love one another. You both make quick work to remove your shoes and walk towards the bed slowly, your mouths still attached and not looking where you are going. This resulted in you and Jimmy falling onto the mattress with a small squeal of surprise, you both ended up laughing with your foreheads pressed together lovingly. You slid your hand around the back of Jimmy's neck and pulled his lips back to yours, winding your fingers through his hair and pulling gently, earning you a deep groan of approval.
Your hands slowly drag down his neck to his chest, undoing his buttons as you work your way down. You push the shirt off his shoulders, feeling Jimmy shrug the fabric onto the floor. You hum in approval, as you always do when your fingers trace over his abs and muscular shoulders, appreciating how well he took care of his body. Your fingers then move to quickly remove Jimmy's trousers and boxers, not wanting to waste any more time with clothing. You wanted to feel his naked skin against yours, to be as close as possible to the man you loved more than anything.
Once Jimmy pushed the remaining clothing onto the floor, your fingers wrapped around his cock and slowly began to move. Jimmy groaned deeply into your mouth, making you smile devilishly, you always loved the noises he made. There was nothing sexier than a man who made noises in bed, the more vocal the better. He pulled away from your mouth just slightly, "Jesus baby." He groaned once more as you bit his bottom lip gently. Your lips moved from his lips to his jaw and down to his neck, you kissed and sucked the skin, occasionally licking a pulse point that you came in contact with. At some point, Jimmy had begun to lightly fuck himself into your hand, he was a groaning and panting mess above you.
"Lie down for me," you whispered seductively into his ear, releasing his cock. He growled unhappily but did as you said, taking up the spot you had been. You kneel between his legs and once again take his cock into your hand, he was impossibly hard and the tip was red, leaking precum ready for you. You wrap your lips around the head slowly, licking up the precum and then working as much of him as you could into your mouth. "Oh fucking hell!" Jimmy moaned, head thrown back in pleasure. You moan, loving the taste of him on your tongue. You placed your hands onto his thighs for stability and begin to bob your head up and down on his cock, you wanted to worship him.
Jimmy's hand makes its way down to your head and wraps his fingers around your hair, making a makeshift ponytail. He uses that hand to help make you move slightly quicker, whilst the other holds your cheek lovingly. You knew he was getting close when the noises he made started to get louder and his legs began to shake, so you let him do with you as he pleased. His hips thrust up and his hands pulled your head down to meet, pushing his cock deeper down your throat, you gagged a few times but were fine. Tears rolled down your cheeks and saliva dribbled down the corners of your mouth, but all you did was moan happily, loving the way you used your mouth to gain his pleasure.
The vibrations added extra stimulation and pushed him over the edge, Jimmy came with a loud cry. His cum shot down your throat, forcing you to swallow some but you kept some in your mouth even after he pulled out. His finger traced your lips before pulling down your bottom lip so you could show him, "Good girl." You then swallowed. Jimmy pulled you on top of him, straddling his waist, and undressed you until you were naked.
He smacked your ass and then flipped you over onto your back, his lips working down to your breasts. His mouth wrapped around your left nipple, his tongue gently swiping over the sensitive bud, making you gasp. He licked and sucked until you were panting, and then did the same to the other one. His lips then travelled down to your pussy where he licked a long stripe down from your clit to your opening, a gasped cry escaping at the wonderful feeling of finally being touched where you needed him most. He hooked your legs over his shoulders and opened you up, his tongue immediately attached to your clit.
His hands gripped at your ass and hips, needing the skin like a lifeline. He moaned as he tasted your arousal increasing, you were already wet from Jimmy fucking your mouth. His tongue licked and suckled at your clit like it was a lollipop, his face buried deep into your pussy. You both loved more than anything to go down on each other, it was your favourite things to do. You could feel yourself getting close, it never took long or much with Jimmy, he knew exactly what you liked and how to do it. Your fingers worked into his hair, keeping him exactly where he was, "oh fuck, im gonna-" you scream as your orgasm hits you, your back arching off the bed as your hips fuck against Jimmy's face to maximise the feeling and length of your orgasm. And Jimmy happily complies, licking up all that you give him.
You pulled Jimmy up to you, attaching your mouth to his and tasting your own juices on his lips and tongue. Your legs wrapped around Jimmy's waist, pulling him to you, needing him to fuck you. Jimmy pumps himself a few times and then lines himself up with your entrance, looking for permission. You nod and both gasp as he enters you slowly, not stopping until he is all the way in you. You feel full and stretched but in a good way, loving the feeling of him inside of you. After a few moments, you give Jimmy the go-ahead to move, gasping as you feel him move slowly to begin with. He set a slow but precise rhythm, he was meticulous about hitting that sweet spot with every thrust.
He had you a panting mess within minutes, your clit being stimulated by his pelvis also, building a steady knot in your stomach. Your nails dug into his back as he picked up the pace just slightly, "That's it, come for me baby." he cooed into your neck, placing gentle kisses on your damp skin. Your breathing picks up, breathy pants escaping as you feel the knot ready to burst. Your back arches, eyes roll into the back of your head and you're done for. You scream Jimmy's name as he fucks you through it, not letting up for even a second, prolonging your orgasm for as long as he could. He stops for a moment, letting you catch your breath and come down from your high.
Jimmy pulls out and turns you over, directing you where he wants you. You giggle as you struggle to manoeuvre onto your knees, your body still feels like jelly. Jimmy then lines up with you again and in one thrust, is fully inside you. You both moan loudly, the new angle allowing him to go deeper than before. Jimmy doesn't hold back this time, pounding into you relentlessly. You're a loud, screaming mess within seconds, "fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck!" you chant with your mouth open. You're unable to keep quiet, not that it matters because the sound of skin slapping and the bed hitting the wall was lewd and sinful. "Fuck baby you feel so good." Jimmy groans, slapping your ass twice.
You're so wet, your juices dripping down your thighs and no doubt onto the bedding but you couldn't find it in you to care. Jimmy's hand grabbed your hair into a ponytail and pulled your head back slightly, enough so that he could kiss you over your shoulder whilst still, somehow, pounding your pussy perfectly. "Fuck baby I'm close." Jimmy moans, his thrusts not stopping, only picking up. A few more thrusts and he's coming deep inside of you, counting your walls in his seed perfectly. Jimmy collapses onto your back, trying his best to hold up as much of his weight as he can to not crush you. You moan as you feel him twitch one last time inside of you but does not pull out yet.
You think he's finished but he only catches his breath for a moment and then sits back up, slowly fucking his cum back up inside you. You gasp, over-stimulated but loving it regardless. Jimmy then finally pulls out, running to the bathroom to grab you a warm washcloth and then returns, he as tentatively as possible cleans you. And when he's done, he places gentle kisses on your stomach and thighs, placing one on your pussy and then tucks you into bed. He leaves for the bathroom and then returns a few minutes later, still gloriously naked and gets in beside you. "I love you," you whisper as you snuggle into him, already feeling tiredness take over you. Jimmy places a kiss on your forehead, "I love you too." and then you fall asleep.
You spend the rest of the next day down the beach after another early morning bedroom activity, although this time, Jimmy is a lot more gentle and slow. Wanting it to last as long as possible. And whilst on the beach, you sunbathe with your smiling fiance next to you and your huge diamond ring glittering beautifully in the sun. Life could not get better for you both.
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PJM: Trust Me
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Summary: Jimin asks for your trust once more and this time you give it to him. Inspired by this video.
Genre: Fluff, smut
Warnings: smut - sub and dom undertones, teasing, denial, degradation (minimally - use of the word dumb, slut, cums1ut.), fingering, hair pulling, choking, rough s33x ?, oral ( m receiving) humiliation?, honestly it’s just absolute filth.
A/N: I really worked so hard on this please share your thoughts, this is the final part, I may do an epilogue but it has been really fun writing this little fic. I am so proud of jimin for his Dior deal. I’m sorry this took so long to come out I’m currently going through a little personal crisis. Anyways, enjoy 💜 also a huge Thank you so much for all the love you have shared on the first three chapters, the response was and still is overwhelmingly beautiful l'm so glad over 400 of you have enjoyed it enough to like it and continued to read for the majority of it. I’m so sorry if I didn’t tag everyone for some reason it wasn’t letting me edit it. I will be doing an epilogue on the wedding and some scenes with Aeri and yoonjin getting a little closer and then I’ll do a special chapter of the family dinner and that will be this all wrapped up, it’s crazy to think this started as just a little smut fic wrote for some friends. Seriously thank you all.
Taglist: @filtrmin @blairtann @parkjiminlovies
Previous chapter ⇐ |
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You didn’t know wether to move, to speak or to continue staring and the blank spot on the wall right beside Jimins head.
“It wasn’t exactly how I wanted to ask you.” You see his nerves as he rubs the back of his neck, looking just as unsure as you no doubt.
“Jimin?” It was the only thing you could say.
Of course you’d considered marriage, you’d never thought about spending a day without the man ever since you met him but that was always something you’d though about dealing with when the time came. Were you really ready?
You remained still as he walked towards you, shaking off whatever nerves he was displaying so clearly moments earlier, his hand encasing your own as he falls to his knees. You was about to protest but it was cut off instantly his head shaking as he presses a kiss to your palm.
“I know what you’re doing, I know what your thinking, don’t do that.” You can’t help but stubbornly smile at the way he understands the inner workings of your mind without you having to vocalise it. You stay silent letting him know it’s okay to continue.
“I have a confession to make.” a breath “In the past ten years I’ve helped release many love songs but I was a fraud, at least until the day I met you. I never knew what love was like, i watched my parents and wondered if I’d ever have a love like that, I watched the members have countless relationships, I watched sappy love movies that Jungkook complained about but nevertheless agreed to watch and then cried about” a laugh “but I had never had a love until the day I met you. I remember it like it was yesterday, you standing there like a wet dog scared i would murder you instead of just giving you a ride home, you knowing who I was but treating me just like another being.” a smile “I had this whole thing planned out, the calls, the schedule, the lies that I probably show have been more careful about, it was all to plan a perfect day full of happiness where eventually I would drop down on to one knee and do this.”
He moves his hand to his pocket pulling out a box
“You are my warmth on a cold day, my confidence when I’m overthinking, my energy when I’m tired, my hope on a bad day, my joy on a good one, you’re the person who puts everything aside to be there for me, the only person who treated me as me and expected me to be as such. I cannot imagine my life without you, I can’t imagine coming home and you not being there. I know it’s hard, the schedules, the tours, performances, fans, rules, I know it’s draining but you’ve stayed through it all. You’ve been my person in a way I never thought I’d be lucky enough to experience. I want to give you the world, I want to take you to every country and show you the most beautiful things, I want to bring you as much joy for the rest of my life as you have brought me in the years we have been together, I want to be your husband and some day if we are lucky enough I’d very much like to be the father of your children. So I am asking you.” a tear “will you give me the honour of being the person who gets to love you for the rest of your life. Will you marry me?” a sob.
For a moment you forgot how to breathe, forgot how to move, forgot how to think, for a moment the world stopped as you flashed your lips against his, your head nodding conveying an answer your mouth could not.
Forever was a long time but you knew, you know you’d spend forever with him.
“Is that a yes?” He asks pulling back from the kiss, his face as tear stained as your own.
“Yes it’s a yes.” You laugh, a sense euphoria surround you both.
“The ring?” He asks, holding the box towards you.
In the midst of his beautifully worded speech he had forgotten to do one of the most important thing, show you the ring. Although, it didn’t matter for all you cared it could have been a piece of string and you would have said yes.
You looked at the box for a few seconds before opening it, it was safe to say you was both surprised and in love with it. It was a slim silver band with a simple white diamond in the middle, the sides donning more of the sort just in purple and half the size. It was jimin. It was so jimin and you loved it.
“I didn’t know if you’d like it if you don’t then it’s fine we can go to the store and change it I had it altered the purple ones were added as an extra… so I probably couldn’t return it because it’s customised … but we could get another one and you could keep that one if you wanted to… I mean not keep it if you don’t like it you could sell it… could you sell a engagement ring…do people sell them.. probably right? EBay? I don’t know.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him, shaking your head. “It’s perfect, no one will be selling or returning anything and it is definitely not going on eBay. Put it on me husband to be?”
You didn’t miss the smirk that crossed his face as he took the ring box from your hand, not only was the ring perfect the size was too. “I love it so much, I love you.”
“I love you more, did you really think I was going to break up with you?” His voice was deep, a lower tenor most likely a byproduct of the crying session you had both participated in.
Your earlier accusation hit you in the fact, the embarrassment working it’s way through your mind. “Yes, you’d been acting weird min and your phone calls sounded like you’d been planning it.”
“You listened to my phone calls?” He raised an eyebrow.
“No.” You winced. “Not really I just overheard it when I was coming back into the room, I should have said something but I didn’t want you to feel like I was invading your privacy, I’m sor-“
He was actually shushing you, his finger pressed over your lips and for a second you shamefully though about biting it but refrained when he pulled it away.
“My privacy is your privacy. Namjoon and Jin Hyung were right they both said it would seem like I was lying to you and I can see how it may have looked that way but I just wanted to make it special for you. I wanted to show you how much I love you.” The pout across his lips was adorable.
“I know minie, you made it special for me even if it wasn’t done in the way you wanted. Every day is special with you.” You felt better reassuring him, in a way it reassured you too.
“You know there’s still a very big engagement party taking place tomorrow right?” He asks dropping his head to your shoulder, his small frame bigger against your own.
“You really planned to ask me tomorrow? Who was going to be there?” You leaned your head to the side giving him better access to your neck where his lips had began to place small kisses.
“Some of my family, some friends, the members. Small.” His answer was short and you was grateful for that, his hands distracting you too much as he caressed your hip.
You threw your head back, just about ready to ask him to bed you over right then and there before he stepped back leaving you in utter confusion. “Busy day tomorrow.”
Definitely time to provoke him, after all you was able to be devilish too sometimes. “So tonight you’re all mine then, won’t you remind your fiancé how good you can make her feel?”
“I wouldn’t start with me right now sweetheart. I’m not sure i would be most forgiving.” Your pussy throbs at the dominant tone to his voice.
Mustering your best innocent face you look up at him through your eyelashes. “Oh and what would you have to forgive?”
“My fiancé is a slut who forgets who she belongs to.”
Fuck Park fucking Jimin.
You was ready to drop to your knees, your voice and confidence stolen by the man.
“Bedroom, now.”
You scurry up the stairs, almost falling back down them as your foot missed a step towards the top. The bedroom was clean, even in his busiest moments Jimin made sure your home was perfect. You smiled at the thought before focusing on your own dilemma; where to sit.
You thought about laying across the bed but that didn’t seem like enough, not for tonight. So you did something for the man that you hadn’t done in a while - after stripping down all but your underwear, you dropped to your knees, head down, hands on your clothed thighs.
Jittering butterflies beat around the wall of your stomach as you heard his footsteps near, slowly rounding into the room. “Aren’t you a beauty.”
“I’m your beauty, Sir.” You blush at the use of the title.
“Sir tonight is it? Not Jimin? Not baby?” You could already guess the way his expression would look as he asked the question and as much as you wanted to see it you refrained, whenever things got like this he was in control and he did not like disobedience.
You almost nodded but remembered the rules he had set the first time you’d had this kind of play. Moving without permission was a big no. “Yes Sir.”
“You’re so fucking perfect, take my cock out.”
Your hands shot up to the waistband of his sweatpants before being smacked away, the movement making you jolt back.
“Sir?” You questioned, your eyes flicking towards him for a second, dazed with confusion.
“Did I say use your hands?” His voice was firm but laced with a superiority that made you feel embarrassed “I know my fiancé can be a little dumb sometimes so I’ll let you try again.”
With your hands crossed off the list you knew the only option would be to use your mouth. It was rare that Jimin liked to be degrading or to humiliate you, usually opting to be dominant in a softer way. However, it was a lie to say you didn’t love when he got like this, your pussy already coated in a slickness from his words alone.
You struggled to get your teeth around the waistband, something jimin thankfully didn’t comment on, his hand coming to caress the back of your head instead.
“So you can think for yourself.” You groaned at what his praise implied, just as you managed to pull his sweatpants low enough for his already hard cock to spring free.
You couldn’t help trying to take him into your mouth, you wanted him, you wanted him in your mouth, fucking your throat. You were stopped however when Jimins fingers gripped your hair, forcing you to look towards the ground. “Sluts don’t take what they aren’t given, do they?”
“No Sir.” You squealed, his grip in your hair tightening.
“Go lay on the bed, hang your head off the edge, you want to be used so bad I’m going to fuck your throat and you’re going to take it.”
You practically threw yourself on the bed, head hanging off to see him standing right in front of your face, you didn’t have time to catch a breath before he was lining himself up against your mouth and forcing his cock inside. You let your jaw go lax, careful to make sure your teeth were no where near him.
“You look so pretty with my cock down your throat baby, you were made for this.” His hands caressed your hair, his breath shaky and you gag around him.
The sight of him was ethereal, head thrown back, his hair falling down his forehead, his eyes focused on you and only you. You wished you could take it all in for a few more minuets as he pulled you off, giving you a chance to catch your breath, his hands reaching out to steady you as he helps you up.
“On the bed doll, I want you facing me.” His lips grazed against your jaw as he gave you a nudge towards the mentioned furniture.
You silently nodded, voice hoarse from his assault on your throat.
By the time you laid down, which admittedly only took a few seconds, Jimin had rid himself of any clothing, his body bare. You admired it, every curve, every muscle, every perfectly drawn tattoo.
He was unreal, perfect, heavenly, and he was going to be your husband.
“I love you.” You whispered against his ear as he dragged his cock up and down your folds.
His breath was heavy, as he fucked into you, the words sounding rough as he moaned “I’m in love with you.”
“Fuck me Sir.” You dug your nails into his hips and he placed your leg over his shoulder allowing him better access to you, his arms supporting his body above you as he fucked you as if you was both nothing and everything.
All you could do was babble useless words, too high on him to think straight, his fingertips had began to draw maps over your tits, occasionally squeezing your nipple just enough to make you hiss in pleasure.
“I’m going to cum inside of your tight little pussy okay princess?” The question wasn’t really a question but you nodded anyway, just wanting more of him.
It’s all you could think.
Jimin Jimin Jimin.
You knew the moment he came as his body slouched over, his own moans louder than yours had been. He slid out of you as he sucked against the skin of your neck to which you whined in response earning a breathless laugh from him.
“My cock is never enough for you is it doll? Always so greedy for more.” You knew he was taunting you and you was happy to give in.
“Please minie, need it, need you.” You reached out for him, trying to pull him back as he slid lower between your legs.
He landed a warning slap against your thigh, enough to settle you down and allow him to continue whatever plan he had in mind.
You let out an embarrassingly loud moan as he caressed your cunt with his fingers, sliding them inside of you as his own mouth clasped around your clit.
You couldn’t help but grind against his face, chasing your own pleasures “More, please more, wanna cum on your face.”
He answered your pleas by angling his fingers and grazing them against your gspot. Your hands flailed to grab his head, unable to do anything else but enjoy the overwhelming pleasure. “Gonna cum.” You screamed as he grazed your clit with his teeth, finally giving you the push you needed to reach your orgasm.
He didn’t stop devouring your cunt with his tongue even as you rid your orgasm out, the pleasure becoming too much, enough to have you trying to push him away, the soft grip you had on his hair turning into a desperate attempt to push him away from your sensitivity.
His free hand only moved to grab your wrists, preventing any attempt at you getting away.
“Too much, plea- too much- jim - fuck” you couldn’t form a coherent sentence as you tried to move yourself away, the headboard of the bed stopping you.
You felt his cum dripping out from you as he continued to fuck his tongue into you, only stopping when he had determined he had enough. “How was it baby, how do you feel? Let me get you cleaned up okay? I’ll go run us a bath.”
You nodded even though you couldn’t make out what he was saying, your head hazy with the overriding pleasure he had given you. You don’t know how many minuets passed when you felt yourself being moved from the bed, tiredness wearing your limbs down.
You cling to neck, your head fighting to hide further away into his chest.
“I’m not going anywhere jagiya, just getting us into the bath.”
You relaxed at his words, you were always safe with him.
The water was a welcomed treat, you always felt better after a bubble bath, you had told Jimin that on your second date, it was adorable that he remembered even now.
“Jimin?” You lean back against his chest, the water rippling at your movements.
His hands wrap around your waist. “Hm?”
“Thank you for helping me.”
“Thank you for helping me that day, thank you for picking me up and insisting on driving me home. Even when it was you who opened the car door I was still scared, idols can be murderers too you know. I never expected I’d fall in love minie, I never expected you to call my job the next week and ask me on a date, I never expected anything after that but I am so fucking thankful that it all happened. I don’t know what I have done to deserve you, to deserve your love but all I can do is be thankful that you chose to help me that day because it was the day I started to learn how to live.” You felt your face heat up as tears prickled at your eyes, as far as love stories go yours with Jimin will always be your favourite.
“Jagiya” his voice was strained, a sign he himself was crying too. “If I could go back I’d do it all over again, thank you for accepting me, for being with me and learning to love me not just loving the Jimin of BTS that the world sees. I remember being so afraid to ask you on a date. I spent hours talking to Namjoonie Hyung about it, he told me if I wanted something there was no reason not to take a chance on it because despite our fame we are still all just human beings who need human connections. I was shocked when you tried to pay for the first date but I think that was when I knew you didn’t want me for any other reason than just me, we both know I probably could have brought the entire restaurant but I’ll never forget the way you threatened the waiter to let you pay or you’d tell his manager that he had been rude.”
You both laughed at the memory, you were slightly disappointed with yourself for being so stubborn. “I wonder what happened to him.” You giggled.
“I tipped him for his troubles, the day after I went back and gave him enough to make him forget you. You know, I never thought I’d deserve something like this. Something just for me.”
“I’ll always be just for you Jimin, many things in life are but you are stubborn in your own way, you refuse to see the things you deserve but that’s okay because I’ll be here forever to show you.”
The conversation fell silent after that, his hands massaging your head as you both enjoyed the warm water. You didn’t stay in the tub for much longer as the bubbles dissipated, both deciding to get out than turn into prunes. He wrapped you up in a towel and helped you get dry before dressing you in one of his own shirts and tucking you into bed, the last words you heard being the sweet nothings he mumbled against your skin.
When you woke up the sun had covered the bedroom, the smell of food knocking your senses into action. Your body felt lethargic from your last night activities but the ache only made you smile. It would be a reminder of the way he made love to you.
You didn’t have a chance to get out of bed before he rounded into the room carrying a tray of breakfast.
“Happy birthday fiancé.” He smiled placing the tray over your legs.
“Good morning my husband to be. This looks amazing oppa come eat with me.” You winked at him as you mumbled the honorific you rarely used.
“You know you never call me oppa but you call Namjoonie Hyung and jin Hyung it and even sometimes yoongi Hyung.” He fiend a pout as he bit into a waffle.
“That’s because you specifically told me not too after that dinner with your parents.” You reminded him, after you had been dating for a few months he had wanted to introduce you to his parents, they had welcomed you with open arms and cooked a beautiful meal. You had wanted to show your best side so you remained respectful, however you had gotten way too embarrassed and ended up using the term towards Jimins dad. The whole situation was mortifying but it led to be a great memory that you all laugh at.
“Don’t ever bring that up whilst I’m eating” he huffs and you both break out laughing, the breakfast nearly toppling over as jimin fighting to cling to the bed sheets, his body nearly falling onto the floor.
A few minuets after your laughing fit he cleared his throat, his face more serious. “We have a short drive to take soon, I haven’t told anyone I proposed already I thought we could turn the party around and instead of it being a surprise party for you we arrive early and make it a surprise party for them.”
“Them who Min?” You asked, never getting a clear answer from him the previous day
“My parents and brother, the members and Aeri.”
You almost choked at the last name on his list on invited people, you hadn’t seen your cousin in over 5 years, you and your parents admittedly had a difficult relationship so you chose best to not speak, supporting yourself after moving out at 17. Aeri had been forbidden to talk to you, you were no longer good enough in your family’s eyes, once you left your parents you were disgraced.
“How?” You didn’t know what else to say, completely dumbfounded.
“She misses you, I managed to get her number and I called her and explained the situation, I told her I was going to propose and that you’d want her there. She’s alone too, your aunt kicked her out a few years ago she said she tried to find you but didn’t know where to look she didn’t know if you was still in seoul. She lives in Daegu but I had Yoongi Hyung pick her up and she’s currently at a Hotel.” He was patient as you broke down into tears, she had been alone this whole time.
There were so many things you wanted to ask but nothing seemed right. “How did she react when she found out who you were?” Somehow you deducted that was a smart question.
“Is that really your main concern?” He laughed, discarding the breakfast to to envelop you in a hug.
You nodded against him, breathing in his cologne. He always smelt good.
“Well she thought I was pranking her but when Yoongi Hyung picked her up she Instantly asked him if I was as short as he is.” You weren’t surprised at her question.
“How did he reply?”
“He told her to walk to seoul and locked the doors. It only lasted about 5 minuets before he finally let her in after she promised to buy him food as a token of her gratitude.”
“Did she buy him food?”
“I think she did, she told him he needed it to grow.”
You couldn’t hold in your laughter any more at that. You could already picture the look on Yoongis face as he grumbled some form of scolding that your cousin definitely would have ignored and continued teasing. She was always like that. Always fun.
You and jimin laid in bed for a little while longer before he pressed a kiss to your forehead and removed himself from behind you. “You have an hour to get ready jagiya I’ll be downstairs.”
You guessed he too had gone to prepare himself for the day as you heard the downstairs shower running.
The weather allowed you to wear something pretty, a designer dress that Jimin had brought you a few months ago but you had never had the pleasure of wearing.
Your hair was an easy fix, wearing it in a lazy ponytail.
You paired the blue dress with a pair of white heels and white thermal coat. You didn’t miss the way Jimin visibly froze as you walked down the stairs, his jaw dropping to the floor as you gave him a twirl.
“You look amazing.” You cut off his compliments with a kiss before leaning back to take in his own look.
He wasn’t dressed completely formal but his black dress pants and blue shirt made him look as if he was a model. “We are matching”
“Well we are going to get married so we have to start at some point.” You rested your head against his chest, the heels adding on a few more inches height wise. Although, not enough to be as tall as him.
“Are you ready?” He asked, his hand tracing circles over your back.
“I’m ready if you are.” You we’re both nervous and excited for the day.
“There’s one thing you’re missing.” He sighed, before you could ask he had already turned back around, heading for the office he rarely used.
He returned a few minuets later, gift bag in hand.
“Jimin no.” You was firm about your distaste for gifts, he was more than enough.
“Open it.”
“Don’t jagiya me.”
“Open the gift and I won’t.”
“You already got me a ring.”
“Yeah and if you don’t open the gift I’ll be giving you a baby.”
His argument silenced you and you nodded in defeat, within the bag was another small box, this one holding a bracelet.
The number 13 engraved into the small pendant.
“Jimin.” You didn’t know what to say, it was perfect, it was his number. He gave you a few minuets to compose yourself before securing it onto your arm. “If I cry I will ruin my make up and we don’t have time to fix it but thank you”
“Happy birthday jagiya, I know we can’t always be as public as we would like to be but know that I am always with you, always thinking about you and always tied to you. If it’s something you want I’ll talk to the company about making a statement but we can discuss that later okay? Let’s get going.” He held his hand out to you, he knew you’d need time to think about allowing the entirety of the world to know about your engagement, selfishly you wanted him to yourself for a little while longer.
The drive was quiet, the street only fairly busy but that was mostly because of how early it was. You could see Jimin was nervous from the way his fingers pounded against the steering wheel every time you come up to a red light, normally you’d give him time to think things out he often got caught up in his own head but today was one of those times you wanted him as carefree as you felt.
“Min.” You placed your hand at the back of his neck, massaging his scalp with his nails.
He leaned his head back slightly, making it easier for you to reach the other side of his head. “What’s wrong Jagi?”
“I’m the one who should be asking you that, you’ve already done the proposing so why are you so nervous?” You cocked your head to the side.
“I guess I’m nervous to tell everyone, I’m nervous to meet your cousin too I mean what if she tells me I’m shorter than Yoongi Hyung?” He laughed at his joke as did you.
You sighed feigning a nod. “I’m pretty sure she will.”
He cut you a short glare before refocusing on the road. “You’re so mean.”
“You love me.”
“That, I do.”
“I’m worried too, I’m worried to face your members and your parents, I’m nervous about seeing my cousin but I know you’ll be there holding my hand every step of the way. You’ve never let me fall before and neither have I you, we will face this the same way we will face the future.”
“And how is that?” He asks, body a little more lax.
You arrived shortly after the conversation came to an end, it was a small cabin surrounded by plenty of forestry, something that was both hard to find and expensive in Seoul.
“It’s beautiful.” You placed a chase kiss against his cheek as his fingers intertwined with your own, him walking a few paced in front as he leads the way inside.
“I had Jin Hyung and Aeri do the decorations, Namjoonie Hyung wanted to help but Aeri said he would probably knock everything down so he should just manage the playlist.” You couldn’t help but feel fond at the way your cousin had made herself feel at home with the people Jimin sees as family, it made you feel a little more comfortable with the aim of the day.
“So how long until everyone arrives?” You watch as he unlocks the door, completely sure he was taking twice as long just to make you wait with your growing impatience.
“Well don’t kill me okay? I know I said we would be here to surprise everyone but I guess I still wanted to make this special for you.”
“Jimin what? I don-“
You didn’t get a chance to finish your question as the door swung open revealing the faces of the people closest to you.
Cheers of “SURPRISE!!” And “CONGRATULATIONS” came from the members, with jimins parents waiting at the side.
You greeted them first giving them both a respectful bow before they each pulled you in for a hug. “I wouldn’t want anyone else with him, thank you for taking care of my son.”
The words of your soon to be mother in law sprung tears to your eyes, your previous worry of preventing your make up from smudging no longer feeling significant.
“Thank you for trusting me and letting me be a part of your family. I know we may not always get to see one another but I promise you I will be the best wife.”
“We never doubted that.” Jimins dad always made things seem so much easier than they were, his confidence in those he cares for always making things better.
You gave them both another hug before moving on to greet the members.
“HAPPY ENGAGEMENT NOT ENGAGEMENT BECAUSE JIMIN COULDNT WAIT PARTY NOONA” Jungkook half shouted wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Kook that makes no sense” Jimin doubled over in laughter as streamers were popped off from various corners of the room.
You turned towards Taehyung and Hoseok as they called your name, both of them hugging you at the same time. “Thank you for taking care of our Jiminie, I know it’s not easy but you always take care of us all.”
“I always will, we need to restart our monthly dinner parties.” You we’re fond of the times you had the scheduled meals, you’d always get to cook alongside either Jin, Yoongi or Jimin and it would be a way for you all to get to know one another.
“Ill mark it on my calendar.” Hobi was firm in his decision, pulling out his phone before you could respond.
“How is tan?” You turned to Taehyung who was already flashing his camera roll at you.
“He is so big” he giggled. You’d definitely make him send you those later.
You moved around the room towards the quieter man. “Yoongi oppa?”
“There’s the wife to be.” He smiled giving you his version of a hug.
“So you knew?”
He nodded in response, lips pressed in a line to stop his grin. “I did.”
“And you let me accuse him of dumping me.” You raised an eyebrow at him, unamused.
He laughed quietly before pretending to scold you. “Hey in my defence I told you to talk to him.”
“I can’t believe you.” You joined in on his silent laughter before looking back, you could see Jimin and Jungkook talking with his parents. “Do you really thing I’m good enough for him?” You felt free asking the question that had been plaguing your mind for the past god knows how many hours.
“I think that you need to see yourself as equal. You pick him up where he lacks as he does you. I don’t think I could ever imagine Jimin without you. It doesn’t matter who has what, if that’s the case you know jimin would pay every bill that ever came through but we both know you’d never let that happen.”
“Because we have an equal part to play.” You explain.
“That’s exactly me point. You are equals, neither of you is less or more and trust me I’ve known Jimin for a very long time and if anyone could make smart decisions it’s him. He chose you and you chose him, that’s all that matters.” You we’re thankful for him, even though he was emotionally reserved he was wise.
“You’re hogging her.” You could already hear the pout in the man behind you.
You turned to face him, putting on your best “serious” look. “Seokjin Oppa, no one is hogging me.”
“Aish, then you’re hogging yoongi.” He tries to hide his neck as it darkens a shade of red.
“I can make my own decisions Hyung.” Yoongi forces his drink down his throat to prevent any laughter.
Jin deadpanned. “You can not you called me at 3am last night asking what version of the song sounded better!”
“So I care about work?” Yoongi retorted.
Jin threw his hands up. “THEY WERE THE SAME SONG!”
“NO THEY DID NOT!” Jin silence the younger man by walking away, mumbling about how the youth were unthankful for him.
“Well… family dinner sometime next month.” You informed the laughing man in front of you.
He just nodded at you, still smiling to himself.
Jin and yoongi had their own thing with one another, it wasn’t something that was every outspoken but you could notice it, Jimin had too. You were always happy to see those moments between them where they both indulged themselves with their own wants even if it wasn’t as usual as some may think.
You noticed the smaller figure towards the back of the small crowd and you couldn’t help but feel yourself torn between waiting for her to approach you or running and hugging her in the way you’d been thinking about since last night.
She made the decision for you, walking towards you in small steps. “Cousin.”
A best of silence before you both threw your arms around one another, the familiarity breaking your resolve and forcing you to tears.
Her hands gripped into your coat, her voice broken. “I missed you.”
“I missed you more. I’m so sorry I didn’t know you were alone I had no idea I would have tried to find you.” You explained your apologies faster than your brain could comprehend them.
“Don’t apologise, I couldn’t find you either. We can make up for lost time another day but right now you have a man who is head over his chelsea boots in love with you. Turn around.” She pointed over your shoulder and you followed her direction.
He stood behind you on one knee, his members behind him, his parents beside him. You followed him as he called your name.
“You look so beautiful.”
“You’ll make me cry if you don’t stop.”
“I know I did this last night but it’s only right to do it here with the people we love as witness. I cannot promise that I will be perfect, I will make mistakes but I promise I will always do my best to be the husband that you deserve. I promise I will do my best to bring you happiness and security in the same way you have me. I knew I was going to ask you to marry me months ago, it was when you came to the hotel with yoongi Hyung, you wasn’t angry you were just worried for me. I receive a lot of love in a lot of different forms but none of that can ever amount to the way you make me feel or to the love you give me. I know you have already said yes but it is in this moment I promise to love you with my entire being, to prioritise you, to promise you a forever. I promise to give you a love story others can only dream of.”
“I said yes once I’ll say it over and over again. I will do everything I can to be the wife you deserve. To support you the way you support me, to understand you the way you do me, to give you courage when you lack, strength when you’re tired, hope when you’re low, I promise to laugh with you and cry beside you. I love you Park Jimin.”
You can’t help but cry as he pulls himself up directly to kiss you, everything else falling away as you relax into him, embracing this moment as one you’ll never forget. You pull away a few moments later remembering the guests of your impromptu engagement party.
“Thank you for being with me.” He places a final kiss to you hand before nudging you forward in from of Namjoon.
You look back at him confused but he just gives you a reassuring smile so you turn to the leader who himself hands you another small box, you were definitely going to need a bigger jewellery shelf.
“I know bangtan is 7 but we want to welcome you into our lives the way you have done us, you’ve never judges us or shown us any indifference. You’ve been the person we can come too and share our problems without fear or misguidance. You’ve not only taken care of Jimin but also us in our lowest moments. So we wanted to give you this.” You can’t speak clearly, too wracked with tears but you accept the box opening it before loosing your composure. You’re sure you look a mess but you can’t help it.
“I know you’ve had it rough with your own family so this will always be a reminder we are here, we are eight with you.”
The pendant is shaped in a simple 8, small diamonds encrusted around the edges.
You feel multiple arms come around you and you’re unsure who they belong to but you welcome the comfort, letting yourself cry out all the years of feeling unwanted and unloved.
“Thank you” it was all you could say but nothing more was needed.
The party went on with no disruptions, there was more food than any of you could have stomached along with a beautiful cake to top it off, the music thanks to Namjoon and a very overbearing Yoongi was perfect. You danced until your feet hurt.
You weren’t sure at which part of the ride home you fell asleep but the soft blankets of your bed welcomed you as he carried you in, Jimins scent filling your senses as you pushed yourself closer to him.
“I love you, thank you for today, it was perfect.”
“A perfect day for my perfect woman.”
“And a perfect husband.”
“Thank you for loving me.”
“Thank you for trusting me.”
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brunhielda · 4 months
Currently watching Tangled,
-for the first time is forever 🎶
Some thoughts:
Maybe the guitar music as the major instrument for this film has to do with the origins of Rapunzel from the Mediterranean?
The Royals might still have the sun plant somewhere. You replant, you “dead end” the flower to make soup, you continue to care for it with hopes it flowers again. Did that show up in the tv show anywhere?
Useing a pan to fight is a very traditional fantasy trope. Usually reserved for a side character, but still very present. Tangled just brought it out into the common zeitgeist.
Mother Gothel is the worst for many many reasons. Today’s realization- she never braided Rapunzel’s hair. It would have been easy to start when she was little and teach her how to do it herself. It would have meant tripping over it less and spending less time on brushing. You can even keep a long enough tail for brushing while doing the song. She didn’t. Why? Because it was another layer of control. It means it is harder for Rapunzel to leave. It means Rapunzel feels like she is cared for when Gothel brushes it during the song. It keeps Rapunzel “clumsy,” a reason Gothel gives not to let her leave. Or maybe Gothel is just lazy and neglectful. Either way- as someone with super long hair? I hate that woman.
Meanwhile- the Royals never gave up on thier kid coming home. It’s not just the tradition of the lights. It’s that crown. Baby Rapunzel wears that crown in murals. They had that crown sized up, EVERY YEAR, as thier child would have grown. They thought about what she would look like if she showed up tomorrow. They didn’t just recall a baby once a year and mourn. They planned for her to return. That hurts. 👑 💔
Realization after that one- Flynn you absolute RAT. How could you?!
Unintentional side effect of Rapunzel hauling a person up the side of the tower everyday- your girl has impressive upper body strength. She could toss a full grown man into a wardrobe. Gothel… much like keeping her birthday on the same day, your laziness has been turned against you. 😂
The Chameleon has not been out of the Tower any more than Rapunzel, he just has a deep distrust of Mother Gothel. ( proof is in him insisting they check Flynn for pointy teeth😂) I am so happy Rapunzel had that. It’s also even funnier to watch his reaction to everything after your realize that 😂
Dad- “Did you know one of the brothers is Ron Perlman?”
Me- “How could you not? Did you hear the voice?”
Later question- did the other one ever speak??
Flynn is BRUISED. Smacked with a pan, stuffed in a wardrobe, fingers jammed in a door, lands on his face, bashes himself in a fight several times, then is crushed by rocks while trying to escape drowning. Realistically, that song is the only reason the man is able to walk rather than limp into town the next day. 😂
“And you’re still gonna go back?” The girl stole his retirement (his dream, really), and has been a constant irritant since he met her, but the moment he knows the real situation she’s in, he is concerned for her happiness and freedom. He still doesn’t know how bad her mother is, just that she’s been confined. I love him so much. ❤️
And that gives her the confidence to tell her mother “No!” He didn’t even say any more than that. Haveing someone care for you when you are in a bad spot is SO IMPORTANT.
And then-! Just walks out of the wood and sees her standing a little too still. “Hey, are you ok?” 😍
This girl has never seen a horse in her life. And she does that. Seriously. That is a big beefy horse. I like horses, and I would be so much more cautious. Rapunzel knows no fear is all I am saying.
That man has spent time with children. He knew exactly who to ask. He LOOKED for them. Love that continuation of the backstory from the orphanage. Character continuity at its finest.
That dance music has become the sound of joy online. That is beautiful.
They showed the father grieving, and the mother comforting. That is so HUGE, I don’t even have words to explain.
I think Pascal wanted to see the lights almost as much as she did. 🥹
“At Last I See the Light” might be up there as one of the best Disney love songs. ❤️🎶 It is just such a perfect display of who the characters are, how they are changing, and why. And of course the imagery is soft, warm, and iconic. Just Beautiful.🤩
He really stopped caring about the life he dreamed for himself since he was a child. Idk if that says something about how in love he is, or something about how he always cared more for people than gold than he thought he did, but either way, I am still in love with this man ❤️
Omg- she embroidered her own dress. It’s such a small detail, but I love it. She learned all the cottage core crafts, didn’t she? 🥰😆
“It was the old lady” = her mother will do anything, including put her in danger, to keep her imprisoned forever. He is so real for making that connection so fast. Street kid knows what is up, and he will not stand for it. I honestly think he would have gotten her out even if nothing romantic ever happened, and that, at the core of it, is why I like him. 👍
Just- the sheer bafflement of the guards and Flynn alike in that entire escape scene 🤣
Maximus- don’t get this twisted. I am here for the girl.
Actually- now I want to know, what did the horse see that led him to lead an escape mission for his enemy? Did he follow Gothel to the tower? I am intrigued.
Just in case we weren’t convinced, they actually had her “kick the puppy.” 🥺
In revenge, Pascal is like “Nah, we ain’t waiting for her to die of old age.” Ruthless. 😈
As a thief and orphan/street kid, it completely tracks that he would see the life Rapunzel was made to live and equate it to death. I mean, it really was slavery. Imprisonment to ensure services. He was willing to die to keep her free- it is very Old School Hollywood Dashing Rogue of him, and again, I love it ❤️
Omg- Flynn Rider. Errol Flynn. I am a dummy. How did I not make that connection before?!
The king had the grief scene, and the Queen greeted her first. That feels so different from other movies.
They didn’t make her a carbon copy- Rapunzel was clearly her kid, but a younger version with a different chin. The designers put in work, and they have my respect.
That chuckle is the only spoken line the King has. Interesting.
The king is so soft. Big cuddly frame, soft pull into the hug, willing to immediately embrace the young man who brought her home as well. Who designed these men???
“I want something that I want” is currently the theme for my D&D character, and I suddenly am understanding it in the context of this movie. When I first heard it, I thought it was selfish, and it didn’t make sense to me. No- it’s not.
She has never been allowed anything of her own. He has literally had to steal to not starve. This is the feeling of being allowed to want for the first time. No wonder he was so good at helping her through things. It was probably very similar feeling when he first left the Orphanage. 🥹❤️
I imagine this song hit pretty hard for some scared and controlled kids out there. 🎶 Honestly, this whole movie was such a strong example of manipulative abuse, and I am so happy it exists. They clearly put in the work to make it truthful, and it must have helped so many people realize what was going on in their own life. I think every creative hopes to tell a story that connects with people like that.
Anyways, hoped you enjoyed my romp through a wonderful film 😁
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a-little-unsteddie · 1 year
Give Love a Chance || Original Post
the other day @ladykailitha posted something that just sparked so much joy, i decided i absolutely had to expand upon and write a full story abt it. idk how fast i’ll work on this, as my main focus currently is on the big bang fic, but i wanted to post a prologue/teaser of sorts. (side note: i am definitely stealing piratefishmama’s layout, shhh)
enjoy! -rowan
Steve wasn’t sure how he had gotten here, to be honest. Well, he did, but he didn’t know it would actually get this far. He would like to place the blame on either Dustin or Robin—or both, both was good, too. The point was, Steve was completely faultless in it.
When Steve got home earlier, after a long day at work, he had checked the mail, as he usually does. He saw a letter addressed to him, which, to be fair, makes sense, seeing as it was in his mailbox, but it was the sender that had surprised him. It had been several weeks—at least—since Robin and Dustin had cornered him and forced him to fill out an application to be a bachelor on Give Love a Chance, and he had honestly forgotten about it. He had only agreed to submit an application to the show because he had been so sure that he wasn’t going to make the cut. Who would want to watch a dumb reality love gameshow with Steve as the bachelor? A middle school guidance counselor with a five year old daughter?
Steve had still held that opinion even as he opened the envelope and pulled out the contents. The confidence in his thoughts only waned when he began to read the letter, his eyes had slowly widened and his mouth fell open. He reached for his cell, instinctually calling Robin as he reread the contents of the letter.
“Did you seriously just answer with—nevermind. Robin tell me why the fuck I’m staring at a letter telling me I was chosen to be on Give Love a Chance?” He asked, pacing the length of his kitchen.
“Oh my God!” Robin shouted from his phone, causing Steve to wince and adjust his hearing aid. “Why do you sound upset? This is what you agreed to! This is why we sent in the application in the first place! This is great news!”
“Robin, you and I both know that I only agreed because I thought nothing would come of it.” Steve said flatly, checking the time on the stove. He still had twenty or so minutes before he needed to leave to grab Matilda from preschool. “I’m going to tell them I changed my mind.”
“Absolutely not! I’ll never forgive you. Dustin will never forgive you.”
“What? Am I supposed to just do the show?”
“Yes!” Robin said enthusiastically. Steve let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“What am I going to do with Mattie, huh? I can’t just take her with me, she has school!”
“Dustin already told you that he and Will would take her in!”
“‘Take her in’? Rob, she isn’t a stray cat. She’s a whole tiny human.” Steve said with heavy exasperation. “He may have said that, but that doesn’t mean he will say the same thing now! There’s a difference between us joking about me getting accepted and the reality of taking care of a four year old!” Steve walked to the kitchen sink, filled himself a glass of tap water and set it to the side.
“So, we ask them again! I’m sure they’ll agree! You know they’ve been wanting to adopt! You can think of this as practice for them!”
Steve stared blankly out of the window above his kitchen sink, then groaned loudly and tipped his head back to glare at the ceiling.
“I don’t think I can leave her for the month—or more—it’ll take to film.” Steve admitted with a frown. He could immediately feel Robin’s shift in demeanor with the soft sigh she let out.
“Oh, dingus. You’ll be okay. We can video call her everyday while we're gone.” Robin said softly, trying to soothe him. “I think you should give it a go. You deserve to give love a chance.”
Steve let out a loud groan, which dissolved into a soft laugh. “You did not just say that.”
“I did.”
“That was so bad.”
“I know. But it’s true!”
“You’ll be with me?”
“Every step of the way.”
Dear Steve Harrington,
Congratulations! You have been selected as one of the bachelors to move forward into the next stage—interviewing and filming! We believe you are a perfect fit, and cannot wait to have you at our Los Angeles studio!
If you are still interested, please contact us via email to receive more details about what comes next.
Thank you,
Murray Bauman, Host of ‘Give Love a Chance’
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heartbeatbookclub · 3 months
One of the most weirdly liberating things to me has been to realize "I'm writing for myself. The audience comes second." Which sounds obvious and a lot of other people talk about it, but seriously, this has completely reshaped how I look at things I write.
I can spend like 6 hours working on a draft that I later come back to and think "wow, I was in a very strange headspace when I wrote this, and it shows! I don't have to share this with anyone and I'm glad about that!" Or I can take like 2 hours to workshop a minific that consists of maybe 200 words, and think to myself "I don't need to extend these thoughts to post them anywhere. I have them up here. This is enough." and just leave it there!
And maybe, one day, I can come back to it, maybe work it to something postable, or just post it as is, with absolutely no pressure to do so because there are no eyes watching me but my own!
I have so, so many old drafts of different fics with different concepts and thought processes at different levels of completion and quality, and every so often I just take a long look over all of it and think, "holy shit, I did that! i've been writing that long, and that much!"
When you worry about the audience, you start to lose sight of what it really means to write, and what it should really feel like. You start to lose the joy of writing. Don't let that happen. Don't let that flame die out.
Don't kill the part of you that loves what you do. Kill the part of you that cringes.
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bootleg-sara · 9 months
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It’s been… *checks watch*… nearly 9 months since the last character batch. Oh no
It’s okay though, cause we only got a few more left to do! There’s two more left and we’ll be done! Sorry it’s taken so long to get all these designs out, I kept on get distracted. The future of the Purgatory au is uncertain as my interests have heavily shifted. But I wanted to at least get all the main character designs out.
As usual with my other character batches, I’ll be writing descriptions for them to better show off their character and relation to one another.
No doodles this time, I have a full art piece with them and Jacob and Esau once I post them. But do continue reading for more of their personality!
One fo the few surviving angels from the Garden of Eden. She’s viewed as a very important and prized angel because of her survival. Bethany had a big role to fill, being a beacon of purity and good faith. Her main role is to run the many towns that make up Heaven. As well as help the new souls that recently arrived from earth. Bethany takes her job very seriously and does not accept any distraction when she’s in her zone. Though she’s also less strict than most others in her position, which leads to her being a rather popular leader. Constantly busy with all sorts of different responsibilities with how high her status is.
One fo the few surviving angels from the Garden of Eden. She’s viewed as a very important and prized angel because of her survival. Bethany had a big role to fill, being a beacon of purity and good faith. Her main role is to run the many towns that make up Heaven. As well as help the new souls that recently arrived from earth. Bethany takes her job very seriously and does not accept any distraction when she’s in her zone. Though she’s also less strict than most others in her position, which leads to her being a rather popular leader. Constantly busy with all sorts of different responsibilities with how high her status is.
When she’s not working, she spends most her time training her magic. Secretly, she doesn’t feel connected to her choir of a Virtue. Bethany has a deep love for the stars and loves to study them. And her past of being one fo the few defenders of humans in her Garden days, she feels much more connected to Dominions. She study the stars of space and practices shield magic. While her use is still rudimentary, she prefers to use her protective magic above her cleansing fires. She’s also no stranger to dabbling in “experimental” magic, which has gotten many odd stares from fellow angels. But with how important she is viewed as, no one has the bravery to tell her to stop.
Bethany is also pretty stubborn, it’s hard to shake her iron will. If you only saw her during her working hours, you’d think she was an abrasive know-it-all jerk. She has corrected people plenty of times, it’s usually out of care. Her tone can make that hard to tell with her bluntness sometimes. Her faith can lead to her making decisions against her own desires. She’s a firm believer that losing one will always be better than losing the mass. If her hand is pulled, she’s will through her own friends into the fire to protect the greater good. But if she can avoid such a fate, she absolutely will.
Magdalene: Voice claim: Linger by The Cranberries
The well renown powerhouse of Heaven (ever since Samson was exiled) and gentle giant to the weakened.
Magdalene is a kind person at heart. She’s highly social and loves getting to know people. Her social battery isn’t exactly long, but everyone who has hung out with her describes her as an absolute joy to be around. She likes to spend her time taking part in friendly spars, and surprises her spar mates with just how much strength she has. Her favorite kind of fight is boxing, though she’s dipped her toes in all sorts of different physical activities.
She also have a very strong stance on giving voices to those who can’t speak. Magdalene is not afraid to speak out against the ruling of heaven if she feels they are being unjust. A lot of people are off put by this part of her, feeling it’s a bit overdramatic. No matter what she will passionately stand by her word. She’s gotten a few things done this way too, aiming to help everyone who is in need of it.
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What’s their relationship like?
Magdalene and Bethany have a strained relationship. Magdalene’s want them protect the few and Bethany’s convictions to protect the many has lead to a fair bit of clashing. Magdalene has stood against Bethany actions on multiple occasions. While at one point they may of been able to come to a few agreements, they haven’t done so since the exile of Samson. Magdalene firmly believing he should of been invited in, while Bethany was sure he needed to stay out. They haven’t gotten along since. Only staying civil to avoid having large fights out in the middle of town. All they both want is to make people feel safe, unfortunately they both happen to have very different views on what that looks like.
I don’t have much else to add, enjoy ✌️
Honestly, I’m not very sure how the future of this project is looking. I’ve lost the luster I once had for telling it’s story. Which truly sucks, because there was a good story to tell. But from the lack of a real conclusion to my passion slowly dying out, it’s not looking great. I think I might write a big Google doc of what I did have plan for this au, then soundly put it to rest. It’s terribly bittersweet, but I don’t see myself continuing this for much longer.
Hopefully I can find the same passion with my newer ideas. Meanwhile, thanks for staying
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