#but this IS gonna be smthn I talk a lot about because it’s important to me and imo is
aemiron-main · 2 years
no bc it’s so funny to me that canonically we have seen mike look repelled by girls/references to them more times that we’ve seen will (canonically gay) be uninterested/repelled by girls
like sure, Will rejects the girl in Lenora + wants a day free of girls (which seems to also be mostly tied to the fact that will associates girls with not being able to spend time with his friends which IS true in s3 even with sexualities aside), but mike?
Mike canonically:
-looked visibly disturbed/grossed out when dustin was talking about phoebe cates
-made a more disturbed face when El kissed him at the end of s3 than he did while literally holding an inter-dimensional snot slug in s2
-took his girlfriend’s hands off of him while she kissed him
-could not to kiss his girlfriend in s4 without wearing sunglasses
-stood in front of the word “women,” while looking upset and talking about “bullshit media propaganda”
-other examples I’m too tired to grab rn but will put in my full gay mike writeup
like will is absolutely not interested in girls, but the writers show that by not putting him in very many scenarios with girls in any sort of romantic way (ie, it’s just total apathy towards girls in a romantic sense) whereas with mike, the writers chose to put him into those romantic situations with girls but also chose to make him look actively upset by these interactions, rather than just apathetic.
like we don’t have a scene of Will’s face when Dustin mentions Phoebe Cates- because it’s a literal representation of his apathy, the show isn’t even SHOWING us Will’s reaction because he simply does not care. it’s the epitome of apathy. but we DO see Mike’s reaction because the show is showing us his active dislike of affection from women/his active lack of attraction towards women. like we aren’t just Not Seeing It due to apathy like we are with will. We are being explicitly shown that mike Does Not Like it.
and imo (like I’m gonna write in my analysis), this is due to the difference in Will and Mike’s upbringings and the difference in how heteronormativity affects them and how Will is more accepting of his sexuality and less affected internally by heteronormativity compared to mike and how therefore will doesn’t feel the same pressure to BE attracted to women because his sexuality is framed as an attraction to men rather than a lack of attraction to women (ie lonnie and the bullies target will for being gay and verbatim call him gay a queer whereas for people like Ted towards mike, it’s jabs about a LACK of girls around him, Ted doesn’t make fun of Mike being around Will or call him gay/queer, he pokes fun at mike for NOT being around girls) and how even the viewer’s pov of Mike’s sexuality, which is inherently queer by nature, is still put through a heteronormative lens and framed as lack of attraction to women rather than active attraction to men (even though he IS attracted to men)/how Will is rarely shown to lack attraction to women (even though he absolutely does) but his interest in me /being called gay is brought up repeatedly.
We DO see evidence of an active attraction towards men for Mike just like how sometimes (like the girl in Lenora), we DO as we evidence of a LACK of attraction towards girls for Will. But usually it’s us seeing active attraction towards dudes for Will (ie I don’t mean him staring at men gayly 24/7 but I do mean things that are overt references to being gay rather than overt references to not being attracted to women, things like the Alan Turing poster, things like him being called gay slurs, things like him being bullied specifically FOR seeming gay) and also seeing a lack of attraction towards girls for Mike. (Ie mike still shows us hints of being attracted to guys just like Will shows us hints of being actively repelled by girls but for Mike it’s usually us being shown an active dislike of girls (in a romantic sense not a misogyny sense) rather than Will who is shown to have the active interest in men more often. They’re equally disinterested in girls and equally interested in men, it’s not that mike is just not really into girls or guys/less into men than Will is, it’s about their upbringing and the differences in the ways in which heteronormativity has affected them + their worldview + how they view themselves)
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fruitybashir · 2 months
Did Bojan talk to Martin about the whole... everything? Like I am assuming that he did because it seems like they have quite regular contact when Martin isn't busy (I interpreted it as him having only pretty recently been so busy that he doesn't pick up but maybe he hasn't really talked to Bojan on the phone since he moved so since the beginning of the fic?) so does Martin know anything? Does he know about Bojan's situation with his parents? What does he know about Kris? Did Bojan have anyone to talk about any of this like Kris had Jan?
Basically my question is just what about Martin?
OOF. coming in with the hard questions haha actually not too hard, just long so. under the cut
im gonna do my best to answer all the questions but im going in chronological order like how things happen in the holidate universe:
so from the start, martin has pretty much just left, started the fall semester in the uk or smthn idk i never went to university
and since then hes also been pretty busy. he does try his best to keep in contact with bojan, but it just often doesnt work out bc hes very ambitious with his studies and also meets new people hes being social with, so unfortunately keeping in contact with bojan and the rest falls behind a little bit at first, and then some more
of course thats not the end of their friendship or anything, but for bojan, whos been living with martin up until then and had him around at all times, thats already a pretty hard blow and that loss does contribute to his overall state of mind and struggles in this fic
martin was actually supposed to make an appearance around ch14/15 but i couldnt make the scene fit in like i wanted to so. that didnt happen :/
its not like they never talk though, just not as often as they would like. bojan does tell martin about kris, or at least he tells martin about sleeping with kris and spending lots of time with him and sleeping over, though he frames it as just them having fun etc, similar to how kris pretended in front of jan
theres also a lot of. martin having to give bojan a raincheck or cutting calls short and bojan just saying "oh yeah haha its fine, dont worry about it!" when it actually really stings and makes him feel more alone.
when bojan came out to his parents martin definitely dropped everything he had going on to be on a ten hour video call with bojan to make sure he was okay and also involved jan and jure in it, had them look after bojan etc, basically did everything he could while being half a continent away
bojan does ofc also talk to the others about things, after martin they are his best friends after all, but he never really talked to anyone about his feelings for kris bc he convinced himself that it wasnt a big deal and if he had talked to anyone about it, saying it out loud would have made it too real. as long as its just a fantasy in his head, hes safe from consequences. does that make sense? fears like that often dont, thats the thing.
and anxiety is rarely rational either. so in the week it all went down (him leaving, being distant, going home with the girl) he was just in a constant downward spiral. he knew martin would be able to help so in his mind martin was the only one that could help + he knew from the start that he was hurting kris. jan, nace and jure were also kris' friends so he was probably also scared to bring it up with them bc he was afraid they would "take kris' side" or smthn, idk, again: fear and anxiety clouds your rational thinking like you wouldnt believe
he also has his whole thing of not wanting to be a burden to anyone so when he tries calling martin over and over again and martin maybe texted back "sorry, i was busy, whats up?" bojan didnt want to make martin feel guilty for not picking up and probably just said "dont worry, nothing important" or smthn. and then when jan blew up on him and he broke down at practice and told the others what was going on etc etc etc it was most certainly jan who texted martin and told him like "its really fucking bad, can you please call him? even just a few minutes, but he needs you"
uhhhhhh i forgot where i was going with all of this. i hope its still at least somewhat coherent hskfnd if i forgot smthn just lmk
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myymi · 1 year
Hii! I live your HC rants, so can you please tell me about any of your wholesome or unwholesome HCs about Tails? (Mainly angst please because angst is fuel)
Keep up the good work!
heyy!! 💛🌼✨
when listening to music, his tails will move along to the beat of the song playing without him realizing
when he’s tired, he finds his nearest sibling and just flops on top of them, they’re trapped now cause baby needs his sleep
he’ll talk about anything to anyone who’s willing to listen to him
he chases his tails when bored or frustrated
he’s really protective :] say smthn mean about his friends/family, you’re in for a fun ride
he keeps a calendar in his workshop that’s completely full of birthdays and other important events (wether that b important to him, or important to one of his friends <3)
he keeps literally every gift he’s given, no matter how bad or inexpensive it is. he cherishes EVERYTHING (he marks down who gave him what in a notebook, just in case he can’t remember)
the rest are under the cut, but read the tws first;
(TWs//child abandonment, past torment, war, death, kidnapping, ed)
he has constant nightmares. whether they be from his past, one of times he’s been kidnapped, the war against infinite, etc.
when he first started running around with sonic, he would force himself to run/fly until he physically couldn’t pick himself up
the reason he froze up when faced with chaos zero is because he saw sonic’s “dead” body on the ground in front of him
he fully blamed himself for sonic getting captured by infinite, part of the reason he ran from the resistance was to punish himself. he thought he didn’t deserve to be near his loved ones, and was also a little scared he’d get them hurt too
he’s a little insecure still, even after all this time spent with sonic </3
he gets super scared when sonic isn’t back when he says he will be (scared that something might have happened to him, or that sonic decided to leave him for good)
he’s still got a lot of bad habits he picked up from his time on westside (randomly stops breathing, makes his tails morph into one when meeting new people, etc.)
he’s got tons of scars from the bullies on westside :(
he refuses to build anything that’s not useful in battle/everyday life unless it’s a gift for someone. he’s convinced everything he builds needs a use or purpose
he hates it when people tell him he’s “just a kid” because he doesn’t feel like a kid anymore (he never really has tbf)
he really enjoys doing things normal 8yos do, but is so incredibly embarrassed about it that he’d never let anyone besides sonic see him do it
when he first started tagging along on sonic’s adventures, he developed an eating disorder from over eating because his body wasn’t used to regularly digesting food </3
^due to that, it stunted his growth :( he's gonna be a little guy for the rest of his life
the bullies on westside caused so much pain to his tails, he can’t feel practically anything that touches them. they’re too usued to being pulled, stepped on, broke, etc.
he hid his astraphobia from sonic for a while because he was worried he’d be left behind because of it
(this is two hcs in one lol)
even though his parents abandoned him, he still loves them and actually misses them </3 and he hates that he does :(
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hybbart · 1 year
I wanna say that I absolutely love your post apocalypse ranchers au. Theoretically I love post apocalypse stories, but most ones end up just being 'everyone sucks and is terrible to each other all the time' which i hate. But yours just has all the community and inherent goodness of people that I really wish was in more post apocalypse media. (I also love the layout, smthn about the little portrait scenes with a few lines' description is a really nice format to me. it's like a blog almost)
idk if this is coherent but basically i love the post apocalypse au and I so wish there were other stories like it out there
I apparently had even more thoughts on this than I anticipated even after forcing myself not to talk about most of it, so borderline essay below...
It's much more common in video games but I get what you mean.
Honestly I think it's an issue of American apocalypse media, and the general intent people go into with the genre. Usually when you're writing a man-made apocalypse story it's to say something about society, and if it's a man-made apocalypse you can generally assume it's not something positive, especially given the sort of person that type of story would attract.
The American aspect I won't get into cause that might be a bit too spicy, but I'll just say if you look at fiction from places with more socialist or collectivist attitudes (that's not specifically influenced by American media or trashy escapist fantasy for edgy teenagers) you find those qualities depicted more. In American apocalypse stories altruism is more of a notably heroic trait for the MC.
(I think the concept of an apocalypse might also just much more terrifying and unknown to North American audiences. Things like relics outside of museums and casually decorating the scenery with ruins is more common in Eurasian media. Ancient history, and the implications thereof, is much more tangible there. I don't think an American version of digimon adventures would ever conceive the digital world as it's presented without drawing attention to it as something tragic and sombre, for example. Probably a whole essay could be written why but this is already too long.)
I think it's also because it doesn't really match well with action and horror genres, which is what apocalypse stories are usually paired with. Apocalypse ranchers is a survival slice or life, and cozy, and the format isn't very conducive to complex action, so there's no need to include it.
In an action story you focus on the action, and physical conflict drives action, and in a horror story the conflict has to scare you, usually involving tragedy. In a survival story the minutia is more important, and in a slice of life the conflict is more mundane. So, I guess that's to say there's more breathing room in RAAU to depict the more realistic daily interactions with people that are ostensibly int he same situation as the ranchers - average people who happened to survive.
I do understand that frustration though. I write a lot of post-apocalypse fiction myself, and this is usually how I would write characters acting simply because that's how I would act, if not out of altruism, then out of practicality.
Um, the restaurant for example. The ranchers are on foot and already overladen with their winter supplies, and they've come to a place that's already established a chain of charity. It's more food than they will need before they're likely to find even more food, and it will be more of a burden to carry it all. In a space that's already established itself as a charitable one people are more likely to return the favour. Think about all those stories you hear about people in fast food drive thrus paying for the person behind them for dozens of cars in a row. Of course there's always gonna be someone who breaks the chain, but that's one person in however many people before them, and it's not necessarily because they're a villain.
(There's also a pretty blatant cottagecore/solarpunk wish fulfillment aspect to the apocalypse fiction I like to write not gonna lie.)
Anyways, I guess that's all to say that you should keep your eye out cause there is other apocalypse fiction out there with that sort of characterization of humanity. Shaun of the Dead, Dr. Stone, and Girls Last Tour come to mind off the top of my head. As far as video games are concerned, lots of survival an apocalypse games, especially open worlds, like minecraft, 7 days to die, no place like home, my time at portia, cattails, plague inc, and niche tend of have a more compassionate setting, even when it looks more bleak and depressing on the surface. They have to for game balance. (multiplayer can't be accounted for, though)
At the end of the day, apocalypse stories really live or die on empathy whether even the creator knows it or not. There's a reason ants so efficiently deal with cordyceps attacks while humans struggle to imagine all of humanity collapsing if it leapt to us, I think. I think where they god wrong is seeing that as a bad thing the characters have to overcome.
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cookii-moon · 1 year
Guys focus on the important questions
OK OK so new trailer. No Cole, Jay, or Zane this time, people are freaking out about the Krux and Lilly lookin guys, but I'm here to ask.
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I mean the obvious answer is that they're just the generic villain faction with little to no importance or depth BUT they look cool and I wanna know what they are OK like where did they come from the little skrunklies.
ALSO while all the mechs are doing their race thing there's just this guy cruising along at the back
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Just some random neon futuristic cyclops chilling and just for that frame I love them already like look at them they're so silly
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I feel like this guy is just some oni or dragon or smthn. Like... the purple markings... that or some newly introduced species. Or they'll pull a Benthomaar and just never explain it. Also I find it hilarious how we already have Cole using hammers and stuff and then this random guy comes in and not only flexes on him by actually appearing in the trailer but then one ups him by whipping out a massive warhammer with more gold abd over the top accents like dang bro he's not even HERE. (I'm sorry)
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Honestly I just saved this for personal use if I end up drawing Sora. Also give them cat claws for weapons. I don't really have any particular reason except for it'd make for awesome action scenes and be thematically fiting.
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Okay everyone is focusing on "Oh it looks like Lilly" but are we gonna talk about the puzzle dice thing the magician dude is holding. That looks like something plot relevant.
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Okay so this kinda looks like the realm of madness what with the grundle (they're called smthn I CAN'T REMEMBER IT craglings??? ) looking guys, the purple mist, the atmosphere... which If so is awesome because that place kind of just vanished after season 1. That, or it could be the spirit cove, what with.. yknow.. the dragons... or it's some random other realm that will never be seen again. That too.
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Also, I will say, seems like a pretty odd choice to have two random ice dragons in Cloud Kingdom.
Honestly I'm going to point out that these ice dragons and the big dragon at the end of the trailer have the exact same color scheme - especially on the wings - as Zane and Cole's dragon forms, respectfully. (But I will also point out that both ice dragons have this color scheme so I'm like 99% sure that's just a coincidence and they just wanted to give them cool gold accents.)
I WILL say, this is probably the most excited I've been for a Ninjago season ever since Master of the Mountain 👀 and to those worrying about Cole, Jay and Zane - Cole and Jay are in the first trailer, don't worry about it. It'll make more sense when the season comes out, I'm willing to bet that the new characters are going to take the lead and the Ninja are gonna have side plots.
Also personally I don't think that's Lilly - or at the very least, not the Lilly we know - primarily because I don't really see why they'd bring her back over literally anybody else, since out of all our dead characters she never really was intended to have any sort of story or arc, she had her story a long time ago when she was a ninja. She already did her thing. Her role is entirely in the marks she left on the world. If they were gonna do something with a Ninja's parent I don't think she'd be the go to pick. But that's just me.
It'd be interesting if she WAS, because that'd mean another Cole arc which YES PLEASE, but I don't think it's likely.
I'm not gonna touch up on the krux guy because it'd make a lot of sense but like why hide his face with nothing more than a tiny visor if you're gonna make some sort of reveal. I mean if it is Krux then this is the guy who disguised himself as Dr. Saunders but now he can't even fathom changing his hair style. I feel like if it is krux then the whole thing is a red herring to get the community talking when really we'll just be told "Oh yeah that's krux" when the episodes come out, or it'll turn out to be a completely different guy.
Okay Byeee
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potofstewie · 1 year
omg I thought you were saying that I was like a five star meal or smthn and I was about to use a smack ton of rizz on you until i remembered that post i reblogged...can i still rizz you up? bb you the only star in my sky and I make wishes to you er' night ;)
Since you used five stars imma correspond with five sections bc I have A LOT to talk about!
BONUS STAR/FACT: Morning Person is my very first writing piece and I have thought about doing a picture based series but I decided against it due to my source being Pintrest and how hard it is to find the proper credits to the work and I didn't feel comfy with the thought of dedicating so many fics to creditless art. If I do decide to try again with Picture Fics, I'm gonna find art with proper credits first and use those exclusively.
⭐️1: When it comes to writing, I usually write like a 1-3 sentence rough draft of the fic I want to write. It's usually something like "X and reader meet at place. They talk about something deep. Head over to place. Smut." Then the next 2-3 days I spend creating multiple scenarios in my head that would fit into my story or what could be very important details to add such as how to describe the subtle actions the character or reader would do or a train of thought that the character might have that could add some depth to them. And then I begin the long winded process of writing. I never really write down what goes on in my head unless I deem it really important. Basically, 90% of the fic is in my head, 5% is in vague sentences and 5% is actually written down.
⭐️2: In "Der Engel Miener Träume", my favorite paragraph is the one where I describe reader's voice. I took a lot of inspiration from you, @gingerspicelattemix and @wanderingfaee. The way how you three describe stuff within your works is really inspiring and I feel like a student learning from their mentors. You three describe aspects within your writing the same way an art connoisseur talks about the Mona Lisa or works by Van Gogh. I honestly hope I can reach you guys' level of descriptive talent one day.
⭐️3: This is TMI but irdc, in the little drabble I wrote about Shinjuro, I actually used my own experience for that lmao. Minus the dirty talk and setting, the whole pressing down on reader's back and making it difficult for her to breath all came from my memory. I still think about it sometimes lmao.
⭐️4: For my Sanemi Fic "Guilt", I constantly regret putting a warning up for Kyojuro. I feel like by me doing that, I took away what could've been an excellent reveal or immediate emotional investment for my fellow Kyojuro fans that in a way can translate to real life guilt for the readers. I also feel like I could've done more for the last big paragraph but oh well.
⭐️5: In my most recent fic, Imagining, I wanted to use a scenario where Kyojuro thinks about having sex with reader and I describe the position. Basically I wanted to portray them doing missionary but instead of it being the traditional way, Kyojuro is like lowered way down and his head is in the crook of her neck and he's holding himself up by the forearms caging her head while reader's legs aren't wrapped around his waist and are instead jerking in the air while he's going really hard and fast due to how "lost in the sauce" he is. But I ultimately decided to scrap it because I think that scenario/position can be better utilized in a future fic.
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mackdizzy · 2 years
Things I know about the great comet of 1812 (from someone who knows a decent amount but not a lot about great comet)
[because my newsies post is blowing up again and i thought a part 2 would be cool]
—so first and foremost, let’s get one thing very straight; there’s a war going on out there somewhere and Andre isn’t here
—and because you have to look it up in your program and it’s a complicated Russian novel where everyone’s got nine different names, there are. A LOT. Of characters. I will try to recap them.
—Natasha is young. Sonya is her cousin. Helene is a slut (wtf misogyny). Anatole is hot. Dolokhov is not very important, which is straight up bullying. That’s not all of them but that’s all I’ve got
—and then theyre like what about Pierre? USELESS STUPID OLD UGLY FAT PIERRE I’m like Jesus Christ guys
—let’s get into plot. Ill try my best.
—Natasha lives with Sonya, her cousin, and Marya, who is Sonya’s mom and her aunt maybe?? Natasha is engaged to Andre, but remember Andre isn’t here because there’s a war going on out there somewhere
—Pierre is also here, but he’s very depressed and thinks we’re all gonna turn into dust or smthn
—there is also a very depressed girl named Mary and her BITCH ASS UNCLE but I don’t know how they are important AT ALL so I’m done talking about them now
—anyway. All is fine and dandy until Anatole shows up at this ball and sweeps Natasha off her feet, real Romeo and Juliet style.
—now okay this is a little weird because Anatole is married to Helene except I think Helene is also his sister and there’s some like inc/st thing going on there. which like personally I do not find that hot but Lucas Steele whatever whatever whatever
—so Helene is like yo Natasha you have to be charming if you want to steal my man slash brother
—but then like
—im realizing I really don’t know what happens in this musical
—people find out about Natasha and Anatole and they’re like not in MY HOUSE so anatole like. Takes Natasha and they run away and that’s MAYBE the end of act 1 and then they write letters
—and then Andre gets back and he has a duel with DOLOKHOV I think? He’s probably fighting for his boyfriends honor bc let me tell you there is something FRUITY going on between Anatole and dolokhov. Which idk guys dueling for ur Boyfs honor sounds pretty important to me 🤨
—anyway. Anatole and Natasha are running away, Andre and Dolokhov are living it up ten duel commandments style, and THEN THIS BITCH NAMED BALAGA POPS OUT WITH AN ACCORDION
—sorry this show makes me a little bit angry sometimes
—anyway. Anatole like basically DUMPS Natasha and she’s so upset by it that she literally nearly dies of depression. like it gets super sad out of literally nowhere
—and then Pierre shows up and he’s like don’t be depressed, Natasha, marry me, even though we have never spoken in this entire show and they live happily ever after
—I think somewhere there is a comet
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
I have not been following you nearly long enough (which is a damn shame) to know if you’ve talked about this specific thing before so sorry if you have.
okay so when you talk about autistic steve we’re usually expecting his father to avoid taking him to treatment because ‘no son of mine blah blah blah’
but like what if instead they put him in all these programs from a very young age that instead of helping him with coping strategies and all the stuff he needs they try to ✨cure✨ him because people suck.
so now steve is so insecure of his stimming and has been made to believe that it’s this sickness that he has to get rid of.
but then billy just loves him to death over all of it. makes him believe that it’s a piece of him that is just as important as everything else and he doesn’t need to change for others.
there’s nothing to fix because steve harrington is already perfect this is fact.
I’ve like mentioned it.
But I actually feel like his parents just throw money at shit they don’t like until it goes away.
So they get him into regimented therapy that’s all formatted to teach him how to hide his autistic traits. The type that teaches autistic folks to force eye contact or work on recognizing facial cues or not using stims. Stuff like that.
So he doesn’t even think of himself as autistic because he isn’t allowed to.
And when he begins dating Billy, it’s this big moment where he ‘comes out’ as autistic, and he’s thinking that Billy’s gonna dump him, or be disgusted by him or smthn, and Billy makes it very clear that he really cares about Steve, that he likes everything about Steve, and autism is a part of him.
And that’s the first time Steve’s heard that. That’s autism is a part of him, and a part of him that can be loved.
And it’s him unlearning everything that was hammered into his brain, and it’s so painful sometimes, trying to overcome all this ableist shit that makes him hate himself.
But he’s got Billy that embraces him, that validates him and as Steve begins figuring things out, using stims as outlets and and coping mechanisms, allowing his brain to experience the world as it naturally does, Billy is there to give him big heart eyes and LOTS of kisses.
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cattles-bians · 3 years
damie vibecca exes au part 20
post directory
obsetress: ok but when they first meet
obsetress: at that bar on whatever night or whatever
obsetress: when dani and viola are talking
obsetress: viola's waving her hand around as she says something and dani's staring and then totally out of nowhere:
obsetress: "wanna compare hands?"
obsetress: "what?"
obsetress: "lemme see your hand"
obsetress: and dani is grabbing one of vi's with both of hers and pulling it towards her "like this"
obsetress: and then dani's pressing their palms together and viola's raising an eyebrow and dani just GRINS and then even once they lower their hands back to the bar, neither of them move away
em: dani is SO bold i would die for her
obsetress: god same
obsetress: dani keeps glancing down at them as they're talking and she is NOT subtle
obsetress: viola catches her every time
em: maybe dani gets a smidge of smthn on the corner of her mouth and viola...
obsetress: viola pulls her hand away and dani blinks and her brows do that lil thing but then viola's murmuring "here" and grazing her thumb along the corner of dani's mouth
obsetress: dani squeaks
em: love when dani gets out dani’d
obsetress: viola's like "sorry, was that... was that okay?" and dani just swallows and nods with big shining eyes and then vi kinda hesitates and (they've been talking for a couple hours at this point, touchin hands and obv v into each other) lets her thumb graze across dani's bottom lip and she murmurs "what about that?" and dani's eyes flutter shut
obsetress: cut to: them making out in the bathroom
obsetress: no um
obsetress: thinking about vi and dani's first kiss and like
obsetress: maybe like right after that up there vi's leaning in closer and i think she. asks dani "can i kiss you?" and dani's whispering "please" and then they're kissing all soft and THEN cut to: them making out in the bathroom and one of them slamming back against the door and kissing hard
em: dani whispering please…
em: also the smash cut between um nervous anticipation and SLAMMING against a door is so funny to me
em: sums them up
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: it's so good i love them
obsetress: i cant decide like
obsetress: because i don't think vi would be so rough with dani at first as to shove her hard against a door and i DO think dani would be shoving her against the door and her tongue down her throat first chance she gets
obsetress: but i think vi prob flips them p quick
em: i am. creasing thinking abt dani having to rename all of violas contacts like STOP FUCKING UR EX
obsetress: STOP FUCKING UR EX lskfjakdlsfjsd even BETTER
obsetress: edit the tumblr post coward
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em: obsetress: no um dani definitely calls the landline once and viola's like "HELLO?" and dani's like "hi?" and viola's so glad to hear her dumb voice but she's still like "dani, why are you..." and dani's like "well... i, uh... i... i was... and then i..."
obsetress: anyway they have phone sex on the landline
em: danis blocked all of vis numbers except the landline shes down Bad
obsetress: yeah,
obsetress: (dani still comes over after)
em: unstoppable force (danis thirst) meet immovable object (violas stubbornness)
obsetress: just imagining like
obsetress: i mean either after this or at literally any other time
obsetress: dani and viola laying side by side in vi's bed catching their breath immediately after and viola's just like
obsetress: "you have the libido of a teenage boy"
obsetress: and dani's head just flops to the side to look at her and she just GRINS
em: dani makes some quip abt um
em: danis like i read somewhere women don’t hit their sexual peak until their 40s or something and violas like (extremely tersely) i’m 35
obsetress: SCREECH
obsetress: dani "no, i... i know, i wasn't���– i was just––"
obsetress: viola can't stay pressed w her
em: dani tryna explain her way outta that one i’m
em: dani has never once seen violas drivers license nor ID
obsetress: "i was just... saying, because, you know, i mean... for me, i'm... you know, i'm only ever getting more..." (flush, head duck, grin up through her lashes) "you know. and i'm getting older, so i was just... thinking. for me, i mean. thinking for me"
em: dani; also i give WAY better head than a teenage boy
obsetress: viola biting her lip, grinning, melting because how could you not? and then dani kinda stops in her tracks and her brows pinch together and she tilts her head at viola "i'm... a lot better at going down on you than a teenage boy though, right? i think i am" (long pause) "i hope i am"
obsetress: anyway viola laughs and tugs dani over n on top of her "i wouldn't know" and dani does her lil nervous laugh and is like "yeah, you're right, i guess not" "but" and dani's face lights up and viola continues "i think you probably are. and you're definitely up there" and dani just GRINS
obsetress: her head is back between vi's legs not three minutes later
em: dani talks big game n then like immediately double checks for validation
em: it’s an important part of her character growth!!!
em: ok more ‘viola has been doing this lesbian thing for longer than jamie realises’ content but like
em: perhaps she has a whole lot of ear piercings that she just never wears
em: and then one day she’s like gosh gotta make sure these don’t heal over and jamies like
em: hey what the fuck
obsetress: um suddenly had a thought
obsetress: viola tattoos
em: oh
obsetress: yeah, like um
obsetress: vi wouldn't have heaps and they'd be hidden bc Propriety but
em: hidden tattoos my beloved
em: all tattoos my beloved
em: i mean defs has like. the date and coordinates of isabels birth somewhere
em: but um! hmm
em: haha violets
obsetress: violets are very vi tho like
obsetress: shade plant yk
em: under the tit
obsetress: GET OUTTA MY HEAD
obsetress: ok it has to be canon then if we both thought it
em: it’s canon!!
em: hmm what else
em: i think viola and dani have belly button piercings but like they got them separately
obsetress: omg when did they each get theirs
em: hmmmmmm
em: i mean wild child rich heiress viola (untapped potential here won’t lie)
obsetress: wild child rich heiress viola/boarding school wild child dani au
em: oh my god
em: viola defs went to a boarding school and dani n her commiserate over it
em: viola gets it done while she’s in highschool
em: dani post eddie break up
em: like symbolically reclaiming herself deal
em: doing things for Her
obsetress: YES
obsetress: i was gonna say vi highschool dani college
em: YES
em: idk what tattoos dani would get but am thinking abt viola holding her hand while she’s getting a tattoo or piercing done bc she’s braver than ppl think but Also
obsetress: vi holding dani's hand and telling her how good a job she's doing
obsetress: dani kissing vi's tattoos
obsetress: super fascinated even though shes seen them a hundred times
em: danis like haha and what’s this one mean (plants a big old smooch)
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani putting on 4 inch heels and being so content that she's finally her girlfriend's height and then viola kisses her before putting on 6 inch heels with a smug little grin
obsetress: i––
em: oh my god shannon
obsetress: oh shes on one
obsetress: Shananigans402: dani starts keeping things on a high shelf in her place just so she can ask viola to reach up to get them down for her
obsetress: i was talking to shan abt the shelf thing
obsetress: and i played myself i think
obsetress: because now i literally cannot stop thinking
obsetress: dani putting the strap on the top shelf in her closet "baby 🥺 can you get it 🥺"
[em note: once again it is the time honored timezone tradition of either sending ur friend something really good or really fucked up b4 they go to sleep]
em: what about
em: jamie and dani laying in bed after brunch w violas excessive amount of ear jewellery and jamies like ‘those were cool. i want some’ and danis like ‘with ur tiny lil ears??’ and jamies like ‘well. yeah…’ and danis like well. if u wanna. i think one would be cute here (mwah) and here (mwah) or maybe here (mwah)
em: ticklish jamie. that is my lil idea
obsetress: im Soft
em: thankyou
em: em softsbians
em: what was ur lil idea
obsetress: oh
obsetress: not obsoftress
obsetress: but um
em: look i was really hoping i could make it hornier but alas sometimes the idea is soft
em: can’t force the horny
obsetress: i will do my job n delivery the horny for u i suppose
obsetress: it's a hard job but somebody's gotta do it!
em: it’s a thankless job!
obsetress: dani, sneaking up behind viola to wrap her arms around her waist and bury her face between her shoulder blades: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, laying on the bed, staring up at her, panting: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, pulling away mid-heated makeout, half naked, still grinding into vi even tho they're not kissing anymore without even realizing it: baby baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
obsetress: dani, catching her breath after her first orgasm, letting her head flop to the side to look over at vi: baby 🥺 can you get the strap 🥺
em: insatiable dani clayton my beloved
obsetress: thank you i agree
obsetress: something about dani calling vi baby also........................
em: oh i love dani calling vi baby SO MUCH
em: fucked up that dani clayton is potentially just the right height to motorboat vi pretty much whenever
em: sappho may u plant ur self face first into the breast of ur tender gf or whatever
em: dani: haha i’m so short i can’t reach it. can u lift me
obsetress: vi sees thru all of dani's little tricks but entertains them anyway
obsetress: because she knows shes gonna get to rail her at the end of them
em: dani being a little shit is foreplay actually clayton
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this is like, a super weird idea i've have had in my head for a long time: So, trans Sirius and James are both famous singers (they are together) and Sirius is outed as trans, maybe someone posts and old picture or his dead name, and James is the best boyfriend ever comforting him:) (sorry if i had mistakes, English it's my second lenguage)
((A/N: Warning for forced outing and some mild transphobia- aka people see old pictures of Sirius and assume he’s a woman))
Sirius had made a career out of being a bloke that dressed feminine at times. Technically, he'd made a career out of singing, but more people talked about his outfits, his makeup, and his hair, than his songs. Which was fine by him. He wrote all of his own lyrics, but it's not like he thought they were anything groundbreaking. He'd done three albums so far, and each of them had a single, poetic song that was basically a love letter to James. The rest of the songs on the albums were pop. Maybe pop rock, if the reviewer wanted to be generous. Incidentally, his poetic songs were always the least popular ones, but again, it didn't really bother him. He was a pop artist. He was successful at it in large part because people thought he was gorgeous. It was a nice stroke to his ego, which he always appreciated. 
James had made a career out of actually being a good singer and songwriter, which Sirius thought was hilarious. They were quite a pair. Every time a fan discovered that they were married, they expressed shock at how different their styles were-- usually followed by wondering how the hell they were together; Sirius didn't understand how different musical styles were supposed to make them incompatible life partners, but he thought that was pretty funny too. 
"I don't want to go on tour again," Sirius said with a frown-- not that Benjy could see it. The beauty of phone calls was also the biggest drawback: Benjy couldn't see what Sirius looked like. It meant that he could stay in his pants while talking, but it also meant that Benjy couldn't see his expression and react accordingly. 
"I know you said that, but-" 
"But nothing, Benjy. I've got a husband that I do like seeing every once in a while, and I can start on the next album like you wanted." 
"It's an over exaggeration to say that you starting on the next album is what I want," Benjy, Sirius's manager said. "I offered it as an alternative to going on tour." 
"And I've accepted, so what's the problem?" 
Benjy sighed. "Nothing, I guess. Tell James hullo for me." 
"Will do. And thanks." Sirius knew that he was a pain sometimes, but whenever he was too nice to Benjy, he never ended up getting what he wanted. He once hadn't seen James in person for three consecutive days for a year and a half because he had kept telling Benjy that it wasn't the end of the world if he stayed on the road. 
"Uh-huh. I know it's your time off, but keep in touch, yeah?" 
"Yep. Bye." 
Benjy echoed, "Bye," and they both hung up. 
"Hey sweetheart," James said, putting an arm around Sirius's waist and pressing a lingering kiss to his cheek. 
"You're cuddly," Sirius noted. 
He hummed, not denying it. "Just love you is all." 
"Aw, you love me? How embarrassing." 
"I've always been in love with you, and not once in my life has it embarrassed me." 
Sirius flushed a light pink but pretended like he hadn't. James saw it anyways but kept his mouth shut. There had been times where Sirius didn't like himself in the slightest, but James had always liked him. Every inch. When he had his dysphoric days, James loved him just the same; it helped. 
James was plucking tunelessly at his guitar as he frowned at his music notebook, and Sirius was laying on the ground with his feet propped up on the armchair in front of him. Ah yes, the glamorous lifestyle of popular musicians. 
Sirius was having a pretty good time of it. Doing nothing was quite a bit of fun. It was one of the only things he really missed from their school days. Even on his days off, where he purposefully sat around doing nothing, it felt like he had been run ragged. Sirius loved his life, and he liked performing, but a part of him couldn't wait for the day when he got to retire. They'd be able to sit around like this all day, every day. 
It was as he was having that thought that his life decided to take a dip. His phone was sitting on the coffee table, and it buzzed several times in quick succession from new messages. "Can you kick me my phone?" Sirius asked, not wanting to get up to see if it was important. 
James paused playing, then did as Sirius asked and kicked it off the end where it landed near Sirius. 
He picked it up and unlocked it, then frowned. "What's Benjy texting me for?" 
"Well, he's your manager. I'm sure he has lots of reasons." 
Don't panic. 
Well that was comforting. 
I'll take care of it.
People might say some shite, but your #1 defence is to just not look at it. 
Sirius itched to get on twitter and see what he was talking about, but to date, Benjy hadn't given him bad advice. If he said that Sirius didn't want to see it, then it was probably true. Still, he needed to know what the hell he was talking about. 
What's going on?, he texted back. 
Someone found an old photo of you and James at school. 
Oh. Sirius swallowed. If it was from Hogwarts, then Sirius hadn't come out, and he sure as hell hadn't transitioned yet. James was back to plucking at the guitar strings, evidently coming to the conclusion that if Sirius hadn't told him what it was about, then it wasn't important. It's not like Sirius was going to keep it from him, but he wanted to know what was going on, and James would tell him not to bother with it. He'd tell James what was going on-- as soon as he figured it out himself. 
You're gonna get pissed at me for looking, aren't you? 
Sirius read the text and didn't reply. He wasn't going to look at all the comments-- really, he wasn't. He just wanted to know how this had started. 
It wasn't hard to find. 
Some fan of James's was attending Hogwarts and had recognised him in an old photograph. They'd snapped a picture on their phone and uploaded it. Guys, teenaged James Potter!!! I guess that's his girlfriend before he got married :P Sirius had hair down to his shoulders now, but back then, he hadn't cut it once and in the picture, it was in two low pigtails. He'd had to wear the girl's uniform back then, which meant a pleated skirt and a blazer in red instead of trousers and a yellow blazer like the boys had gotten. He'd hated��that uniform. He'd gotten more detentions for wearing the wrong uniform than he had anything else, which was sort of amazing considering how often he'd acted out in other ways. 
Someone else had said that the girl in the picture looked an awful lot like James's husband. 
Someone new put that picture side by side with one of Sirius's current ones. Dude, does @siriusblackpotter have a twin sister or smthn?? He has mentioned "family issues" before... 
It went from there to someone unearthing the names listed for the original picture, to someone pointing out that he never took his shirt off for photoshoots, to someone finding both records of him changing his name. That shite was on public record. The only reason he'd gotten away with it up until now was that no one had thought to look for the first one. 
Sirius exited out of twitter and crawled over to James's chair, leaving his phone where he'd been sat before. 
James stopped playing, peering at him curiously. "You alright, love?" 
"Benjy trying to get you on tour again?" 
James threaded his fingers through Sirius's hair, scratching lightly at his scalp. "Then what's up?" 
"Someone found an old picture of us in Hogwarts." 
There was the briefest pause in James's hand before he resumed. "All over social media?" 
"What did Benjy say? That was Benjy texting you, right?" 
"Yeah. He said he'd come up with a statement or summat, and I should just wait it out." 
"Good advice," James said mildly. 
"You disagree?" Sirius asked, tilting his head back to look at him. 
James gave a small shrug. "I dunno. I'm sure from a PR point of view, that's the smart thing to do." 
"But all I want to do is... I dunno. Something mushy. Let everyone know I love you." 
"Pretty sure they already know that. I think the marriage might've tipped them off." 
"Might've," James agreed with a small smile. With the hand still holding the guitar, he held it off to the side and leaned forward to kiss him. They kept it short since it was an awkward angle, and if James tried to stay that way for very long, he'd probably fall off the chair entirely. It did Sirius a world of good to feel it, brief as it was. Feel him. He leaned back in the chair again, but he kept the guitar away. Evidently, the time for figuring out a new chorus line was done for the moment. 
"I love you," Sirius said. He knew that James knew that. But he liked saying it, and he knew for a fact that James liked hearing it. 
James's eyes lit up like Sirius had given him the world-- just like he did every time Sirius said it. "I love you too. You want to do something fun?" 
"Fun how?" 
"Eh, dealer's choice. We could watch a horror movie and eat ice cream." 
"I hope you realise the only part of horror movies I like is the part where I cuddle up to you." 
"Liar," James said with a grin. "You also like the blood sprays." 
"I just think they're funny is all," Sirius said. 
"Thinking it's funny counts as liking it." 
"Hm, disagree." 
James rolled his eyes. "Does that mean we're on for a horror movie?" 
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Ok. Ima say smthn really controversial. But Pls hear me out
The way MCU Spider-Man is written completely, disastrously misrepresented Peter Parker’s Spider-Man, to the point where it’s damaging to the character’s legacy
Also like the writing choices also have some lowkey racist and antisemetic undertones, which are hopefully accidental, but we’ll get to that 
NOW WAIT. Before you send the hate mail please hear me out! Bc tbh I like a lot about the spider man movies!!! All the actors are like perfect choices and almost all of the scenes work really really well on their own
But there’s a HUGE problem with the portrayal of the character as a whole. Because the writers completely threw away the heart of Peter Parker’s spiderman in the name of ripping off Miles Morales’s spiderman.
We all know the “with great power comes great responsibility” line, right? Well there’s a bit more to it than just that
Peter Parker as a character is meant to embody the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olum. Translated literally tikkun olum means “repair/heal the world”. It’s a major concept in Judaism, and basically teaches that it’s everyone’s responsibility to do as much good as they are able to. Not just by being kind when the chance presents itself, but by actively seeking out things to help with. (Hey, doing the right thing bc u have the power to? Sounds familiar!!) it’s supposed to be his whole motivation, and what he represents as a cultural icon
But in the MCU movies he’s completely rewritten for his motivation to instead be to live up to Tony Stark’s legacy. A character arc that is one of the many, many things straight up stolen by the MCU writers from Miles Morales’s spiderman.
And like.... it just doesn’t work the same way guys. Not only because that’s not what Peter Parker’s spiderman is about at all, but also because there’s a lot of different connotations bc of the different characters/how it’s portrayed specifically in the movies, bc it completely erases the Jewish themes and history behind an inherently Jewish character, and bc it’s basically stealing a story meant specifically for black characters and giving it to a white one instead. (Not just miles btw- Riri Williams- the person who is actually supposed to continue the iron man legacy- is a black woman literally replaced by a white boy. That’s.... really not great)
Which is a huge issue, and greatly damages the legacy of the character. spiderman is a cultural icon. He’s just as recognizable as characters like bugs bunny or micky mouse. But unlike characters like micky mouse or bugs bunny, spiderman as a symbol is a lot more divorced from his source material. Basically anyone you ask has probably seen a loony tunes cartoon, but the amount of people who’ve read a spiderman comic or seen one of the cartoons is much much smaller in comparison
Which isn’t really an issue on its own. Ppl know what spiderman stands for in an abstract way from pop-culture, even if they’ve never necessarily seen it first hand. But there’s a big difference in being told a character stands for something and seeing/feeling it in a peice if media
But when a massively popular movie franchise completely fucking misinterprets that character and establishes itself as the definitive version? Well shit! Now everyone is told he’s a hero because it’s the right thing to do, but instead what they see is a hero fanboy. And that’s really damaging when the most popular version of a character completely undercuts it’s legacy
*for clarification, the issue is not that he is in awe of tony or looks up to him. The issue is that his primary motivation is to be cool and impressive like tony- slash like straight up impress him in the first place, instead of his motivation being doing the right thing. Peter Parker was never a hero to be cool. He was a hero bc it was the right thing to do. He was serious about it, even if he joked around he knew how dangerous it was. He was confident in his own moral code, was a leader who actively searched out things to fix. and the idea that he’d look to someone else for directions? Or let himself be limited by someone else? Is insulting.
Oof. That ended up a lot more aggressive than I intended. I don’t wanna make people feel bad for enjoying MCU spiderman. Like I really, really get it guys. The relationship between him and tony stark is really cute, and Tom Holland plays the best teenage Peter Parker in film history. You’re allowed to like it!! I’m actually really happy that y’all have found smthn you can truly enjoy
I’d just like to bring some attention to how this portrayal of the character isn’t the most faithful to the heart of the character. Which is ultimately much more important than anything else about a character, even things like their name or how they look. The heart is the most important part of them
I don’t think these movies are going to completely destroy the legacy of spiderman, or that they’re actively malicious. But I do think the way they misinterpret the character is damaging, at least in the long stretch of time until a new version takes it’s place.
I just don’t want these movies to give people an incorrect idea of what Spider-Man stands for. And I don’t want these traits that belong to other characters to be attributed to the wrong person. Like, y’all know they basically had to cut out Miles’s best freind Ganke from spiderverse bc he was too much like Ned? Even though Ned is literally based on Ganke, who’s role in spiderverse was cut down so much he literally doesn’t talk
ANYWAY. Y’all can like what you like and I’m legitimately glad u found smthn that makes u happy. I’m not gonna go get mad at ppl for writing a fic where Tony adopts Peter or enjoying the MCU movies. That would be a total dick move. But if u could please just.... share this if u don’t completely h8 me, and try to remember Peter’s true motivation is that he just wants to help ppl bc it’s the right thing to do. It would really mean a lot to me, and help preserve the inherently Jewish themes of the character’s and author’s legacy.
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marai-posts · 4 years
Do you have survivor predictions? Who? How many?
You wanna know? You wanna hear my ramblings driven by psychology, character studies and paying WAY too much attention to game decisions made by the devs?
Well since you asked >:3
Alright let's get into my character survival predictions for the remaining Ultimates!!
Also I know this is the last Dangan game for a while so I'm actually assuming there will be less survivors then usual ( plus the rules suggests as much ) so a lot of these 'predictions' are me just understanding that most of these people are gonna be killed.
But let's start the theories, shall we?
Obviously Shuichi lives, so he takes up a slot.
I'll begin with Kokichi and Miu since they're my faves. I'll be blunt here:
These two are gonna die.
Miu for sure, I can't imagine a final trial with Miu popping off at the mouth every five seconds so she's def gonna kick the bucket
RIP Miu Iruma 100% gonna die sorry you are a hot mess and I love you but you gotta go
Kokichi is the 'rival' character so he has a coin flip chance whether he'll live or die. They 'killed' ( ? ) Nagito but they left Byakuya alive so idk if they'll spare Kokichi but they probably won't cause they like to hurt me
So Kokichi has a 60% chance he'll die but he better die for a reason or I'm gonna be pissed
Next, Korekiyo,,, okay look. I love him, I love his design and I wish he would survive but you know what? He's not gonna.
Everyone knows he's gonna kill someone. Even the game looked at this dude and was like oh yeah he'll kill someone. I'm sure it'll be heart tugging and the execution will be beautiful but I'm just saying if he becomes the focus during any point in the next chapters during that class trial I'm gonna have him pegged as the killer sorry
So yeah 100% gonna be executed
Keebo...is too cute. I want him to live so bad. But he's really sweet so he probs won't??
Like, I'd enjoy him being a survivor and there's a small chance and stuff, but tbh I'm not gonna get my hopes up cause I actually like him a whole lot and if I let myself believe he'll survive it's gonna hurt more if he doesn't
I'm leaving him 50/50 for the sake of hope
Let's do Kaito too, cause I'm pretty fond of this man right now. So it's clear Kaito is not gonna be a survivor for one reason. Him and Shuichi are really close. Like, really close. So close you have to wonder if they're setting up a more impactful death...
My guy deserves better but 98% gonna die
Next is...
Gonta. Gonta Gonta Gonta.
On one hand it's hard to imagine anyone killing him, and I'd be really surprised if he kills someone else, but I also can't imagine him as a survivor? So for this one I really dont know. We all thought Mechamaru couldn't be killed but he got murked so
70% chance he'll die, but I hope I'm wrong
Okay these next two are important:
Tenko is gonna die. She def deserves better but I'm gonna be straight up; she'll die.
I actually wanna talk about this first because it leads into my Himiko prediction.
So she's being built around her love of Himiko and while the kid doesn't even appreciate her right now, if they get closer I imagine she'll be used for development. Tenko is kinda being disrespected by the game and I'd love for her to grow outside of Himiko, but,,
100% killed for Himiko development
On that note, Himiko. I'm gonna be honest, right now I don't like her very much. I'm sure she'll grow on me but at this point in the story she's lowkey rude to Tenko and it bothers me. But that being said, every single game there's a character I think absolutely nothing of and they end up surviving. I usually like them by the end of the game but still. It never fails. I thought nothing of Hagakure the entire 1st game and guess what? He lived. I didn't care for Kazuichi all that much (even thought I love him now) and he also lived. My gut is usually right so I'm gonna throw my neck out there and say she's a survivor babey!! Even though there's definitely better characters that they could keep alive but I probably just need to see where she goes as a person. Rn she's just,, irritating :/ but they're setting her up for some heavy character development so idk
Or I could be totally wrong?
Either way Himiko 95% sure she's a survivor
The other 5% is because she could become an easy target if Tenko/Angie dies in an impactful enough way to make her lose her spirit and just mope around waiting to be murdered tbh she's short maybe Gonta accidentally steps on her or smthn
Moving on to Angie! I have no idea! :D
She's cute and funny and has a lot of energy but if they keep Himiko alive then she'll probably end up sleeping with Atua.
Sorry Angie depending on where Himiko goes you're either a survivor or a victim. So I'll also place her 50/50 with Keebo
Okay next is Maki, and I'm also gonna say she has Great Potential to survive.
She's Special, and the game likes her so I wouldn't be surprised. I could see her in a final trial setting, plus she reminds me of Toko in the sense that everyone expects her to kill but she won't bother, and no one could kill HER so she just ends up surviving the whole game because she just does her own fuckass thing until the games over lmao
She definitely is Important and I'm pretty sure she's gonna play a part in the final trial. Plus I like her so: 100% she's a survivor.
I saved Tsumugi for last because ever since I MET her I've been side eyeing the fuck out of her and since then I've been keeping a really REALLY close eye on her....and I'm about to drop either a TOTAL crackhead theory or I ruined the last trials reveal for myself AGAIN WHY DO I DO THIS
And NO ONE is to confirm this in any way okay, I don't wanna know if I'm right yet
But that being said;;;
Tsumugi is the Mastermind.
Every single character we've met so far actually had a solid act, I understood each of their roles in Danganronpa's favorite trope game but Tsumugi...is just weird.
She has no presence, and only talks to say something odd, and she's immediately glossed over at all times. I've looked over the characters trying to imagine each of them as the Mastermind and she's the only one who like,, feels like there's way more too her then just 'strange' and I've called the mastermind Every Single Game so I'm pretty sure,, I just fucked myself over,, my bad guys,,
Anyway putting her aside, the final results:
100% Survivors: Shuichi and Maki
Possible Survivors: Himiko or Angie
I want them to live so bad but they probably won't and I'm crying: Kokichi and Keebo
I'm sad about it but they're still gonna die: Miu, Korekiyo, Kaito, Gonta and Tenko
Alright now that I've revealed my thoughts on this I'd appreciate if everyone complied and didnt confirm anything I've said
These are just my personal thoughts and whether I'm right on the money or completely and utterly incorrect, I'd like to keep as much of it as a surprise as I can keep from my gremlin prediction brain so,,
Thanks for your understanding!
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floatservices · 4 years
wrong numbers/right answers
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iwaizumi hajime/reader wc: 3.9k 
When Hajime had started catching feelings for the mystery number, he'd rationalised that it could never be you. Slowly but surely, his mystery texter had been getting him out the slump Iwaizumi had been feeling over his unrequited feelings, and instead of wondering about you, he was wondering when the next mystery number text would come.
But now you're her and she's you and his brain is going to explode. He doesn't have enough brain cells for this.
Curse this stupid, stinking crush.
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“You've been on that damn phone for, what, 30 minutes now?” Iwaizumi growls, waving Oikawa's less than impressive test score across said boy’s face. “What are you, texting a new girlfriend?”
“Iwa-chan, I'm flattered you think I have a new girlfriend!” Oikawa’s ecstatic, typing with one hand and snatching away the sheet away with the other. “But no, I'm just trying to have a good time with our favorite classmate,” Oikawa metaphorically dangles you in front of him, and smirks as his friend’s eyes widen. “Oho, I’ve got your attention now, have I?”
Iwaizumi wrinkles his nose, trying to get the test back. “Shut up, shittykawa. If I knew her better, I'd apologize to her because she has to deal with the likes of you.”
The spiker makes a wild lunge for the test paper, because they came to his house to study, not so his disgraceful excuse of a best friend could tease him about a girl, but Oikawa leans just out of reach, his long arms stretching as far as they could.
“You wound me, Iwa-chan.” Oikawa chuckles, shuffling the paper under the cushion he was sitting on. “My test score wasn’t that bad, anyways-“
“You call a 52% a good grade?!”
“Well, it's a pass, isn’t it? I have more important things on my mind, anyways, like beating Ushiwaka, texting my favorite girl in class, don’t you have something to do? Oh, wait! I forgot that you were-”
“Shittykawa," Iwaizumi cuts in, a seething expression on his face, but Oikawa pays no mind. "If you finish that sentence-“
“-Socially awkward! You can’t even talk to her without blushing! But funny how that doesn’t happen when you talk to anyone else like that, hmm, Iwa-chan?”
Hajime gets up and launches himself across the chabudai, tackling Oikawa, a fist raised.
It’s 8am when Iwaizumi gets a text.
From: ??? To: You rinrin this is you right!?? buddy???!! pls send me ur jpnese lit hw I NEED HELP otherwise tatsuya-sensei will have me impaled bro my entrails will be sacrificed to whoever the hell Yamada Kai was, helpppp!
There’s a string of different crying emojis after that, which Iwaizumi finds adorable. He doesn’t know who this is, but it’s obvious that the poor guy went to Aoba Johsai. The woman who taught Japanese Literature was famous around the school for being a harsh marker and a harsher teacher style. They’d been studying Yamada’s works so far, and Iwaizumi expects whoever sent it was panicking- it was 8, school started 8:30, and English was their second lesson of the day (or it was for tomorrow, because Classes 3-4 didn’t have Literature today, but Iwaizumi assumes it’s today, otherwise they wouldn’t be this distraught.)
He glances at his watch- he had a few minutes to spare. He fishes his work out his bag, and he thanks God he's used his best handwriting (Tatsuya-sensei had caused quite the scene photocopying his work last time, showing off to the entire Class-2 how “insufferably illegible” his print was,) hoping whoever was behind the screen could read it. He takes a quick picture of it, making sure it’s not blurry and the script is clear before sending it off and hurrying out of his house.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You [sent: IMG20151219] you’ve got the wrong number but i’m from seijou too. this is the worksheet you mean?
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You aaa i’m so sorry for sending it to the wrong number!
but yes, it is the right one! thank you so much, i owe you one, mystery man!
Oikawa’s waiting for him outside as always, and Iwaizumi deliberately speeds up so he can walk past. Behind him, Oikawa makes a sort of whine from the back of his throat, quickening his pace to fall in next to him.
“What’s gotten you so cheery?” Oikawa asks, and Iwaizumi realizes he’s been smiling. He replaces it with a scowl, quickly shoving his phone in his pocket so Oikawa can’t get anymore curious.
“It’s no thanks to you.” Iwaizumi quips, and Oikawa pouts.
Iwaizumi only risks a reply when he gets to school, because Oikawa Tooru will never shut up if he sees him texting someone that is so obviously a girl.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You how do you know it's a guy..? for all you know i could be a girl, you know.
He gets a reply soon after.
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You well, if you are a girl, i'm sorry!! i didn't mean anything  by it... also i kinda assumed you were a guy because of your handwriting.
He should be offended by that, right? Right. He’s offended by it. He's about to defend himself when his phone buzzes with another message.
He blinks, an ungraciously amused smile making it's way onto his face. He leaves his phone alone for the school day, because his teacher has just walked in. He figured he'd reply to you after school, just before volleyball.
It's kind of a mistake, because he comes back to 12 more messages, each message reading a variant of "I'm sorry," the amount of sincerity in each message growing as the hours passed by. He figures it's time to ease the stranger out her misery, and begins typing his reply.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You no need to get worked up on it, lmao   you planned on talking to me again?
While waiting, he has enough time to go to the clubroom early and change out of his school uniform to his jersey. He's halfway through fixing one half of his laces when his phone pings.
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You it's because i thought i owed you one.... but i guess if you don't want to talk it's okay lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You i hope it's not me that offended you this time. i do want to talk. you seem... cool?
He hits the send button, rereads it, and recoils. That sounds awkward.
Iwaizumi starts typing more.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You besides, you don't know me. how are you gonna give back (whatever. i don't know how! you're the  one that wants to owe me.) if you don't even know me?
From: Crying Emoji lmao To: You won't it be funner if it's a mystery?
i guess... we could help each other out! anytime we need hw help we just call each other, like a private help line.
(also, why the question mark? of course i'm cool!)
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You i think that sounded less creepy in your head.  
(sure, you're cool. [heavy sarcasm, if you can't tell.])
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
is that a no?
Iwaizumi stares at the screen. Well, he didn't really mind. And whoever this was sounded pretty trustworthy, and not a random creep that pretended to be a Seijou student in their free time. His time to deliberate is cut short, because Oikawa slams the clubroom doors open, singing a Christmas carol Iwaizumi didn't recognise, along with Hanamaki and Matsukawa, who were discussing what kind of forfeit Oikawa had to pay today if he didn't set as well as he should; ramen or oden?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You fuck why not
i'll be looking forward to... being helped out? bye.. i'll talk later.  
my best friend is here and i'm not ready for him to annoy me straight to satan's asscrack.
Iwaizumi whips the phone away from Oikawa's line of vision, only letting him see his asscrack remark. (It backfired, because Oikawa spends all of the time from putting his shoes on to the start of practice whinging.) The boys slowly file out of the clubroom, Kunimi shutting off the lights as the door softly clicks closed.
Iwaizumi's phone lights up in his blazer pocket, a simple "see you later!" on the screen that brightens the whole room up.
It's two weeks later when Iwaizumi needs the help he's been promised. He opens up his chat- they'd just been talking last night about Seijou's annual fair, and what they each were going to do.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You hey english is kicking my ass
can you help a me out please
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao ofc !! what do you need help with
i would let u copy my answers but i feel like you actually have to learn english at some point phone-chan lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You the english were on crack when they
made up their language i swear
does the sentence "the star shine brightly" work
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
weh that's a trick question
"shone" is for no object and "shined" is for when here's no object. so like shone works for 'light' and shined can be for like
a car headlight
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You what the hell
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ikr english is crazy
you also forgot the "d" at the end lol
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You that one is on me that's simple
but the other thing isn't. aren't the both shining anyway? what's the point in having two. i hate this devil language i swear
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
if it helps no one really cares and i think
you could get away with either english has a lot of rules and no one follows them sooooo... it's whatever!!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
try telling that to fukuoda-sensei i swear that guy has a grudge against me or smthn
To: You
From: Crying Emoji lmao WAHAHAHA i had him last year.... he literally hates fun i don't think i've ever seen him smile
good luck with that phone-chan :P
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
one last question btw
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
ooh okay shoot!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You what's 好きな食べ物は揚げ出し豆腐 in english
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ...
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You don't tell me you don't know :(
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao phone-chan, if i say i'll make your agedashi tofu for the festival tmrw will you please stop making vague hints  towards it for the rest of the night?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You :)
To: You From Crying Emoji lmao the things i do for you, phone chan!
"Iwa-chan, don't eat too much." Oikawa says, blinking as he tries to process the sheer amount of beancurd his friend is wolfing down.
"Says the person who hogged all the milk bread once." Iwaizumi retorts, rolling his eyes. "This is one plate of tofu, unlike when you once wasted 2000 yen to buy the school's entire daily stock of milk bread so you could eat it." He pauses to finish another cube of his favourite food. "And school milk bread doesn't even taste that great."
"It was cheap, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa tries to defend himself. "Makki, Matssun, help me out here!"
Matsukawa only shrugs, and when prompted by Oikawa to give a 'real' answer, he sides with Iwaizumi, apologizing sheepishly.
"Sorry to admit it Captain," He chuckles, "But I don't really like school food anyways."
Iwaizumi shoots Oikawa a teasing smirk, and Oikawa's just about to say something when Hanamaki pipes up.
"I like it," Makki makes a non-committal gesture, and Oikawa looks happy with that. "I mean, sure, school food isn't that great but I think the milk bread is the only good thing about it."
"Like striking gold in a coalmine!" Oikawa nods his approval, and Iwaizumi just sighs. Looking around, he spots you out of the corner of his eye, looking as good as usual and serving a few parents and students. He knows he can't call you because he'd end up sweating through his blazer, so he asks another classmate instead.
"Okuhara-kun," He calls, waving to a boy in his class. "Do you know who made the tofu?"
The boy shakes his head. "Whoever it was came early to drop it off. It had a note with it though."
This gets Iwaizumi's attention. She'd left something for him? "Oh? What did it say?"
"Uh- this is an exact quote, by the way- 'Phone-chan, don't you dare!'" Okuhara replies, drawing out quotation marks in the air. When Iwaizumi lets out a loud laugh, he takes it for disbelief.
"Is it... really that funny?" He questions, looking bemused.
Hajime grins. "Not really."
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You you didn't even drop any hints!
all you gave me was a note that told me to go away
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao i knew you'd go looking, phone-chan! my intuition is as good as ever!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You unfair. that was like, my best friend's level of unfair.
so unfair that i'm thinking about moving my best friend back to the top of my favourites list :/
That was a bold faced lie. Oikawa had never been on the top of his favourites list: that was reserved solely for Makki.
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao you wound me!
who is this best friend?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You
not telling lol
you'd know who i was then
To: You
From: Crying Emoji lmao spare hint ma’am?
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You you didn't give me any!
and you're the one who wanted to keep it a secret in the first place :/
...but fine.
he's on the volleyball team
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao oikawa!!??
To: Crying Emoji lmao
From: You ... :( yeah
see i told you!
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao actually, i don't know the vb team that well. oikawa's one of the only guys i know  because he's popular. and loud 
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You oh so i’m not popular?
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao aww phone-chan it’s not like that <3 ur popular in my heart :)
Iwaizumi curses at the blush that follows reading that. He will not allow himself to get flustered over that, it was a joke!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You gee thanks 
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao besides i still know the third years! i'm just saying i don't know them that well!!
hanamaki, matsukawa and iwaizumi. they're a close friend group, so i expect one of then is you
When he reads his name, he doesn't know whether to deny it completely, or confirm that it's him. Hajime puts his phone down and paces for a bit, wondering if he's fucked up. When he checks his phone again, chewing on his lip, he guffaws at the message they've left.
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao ...judging from how you're not replying, you are.
but since i don't know which one, i'll decide on calling you phone-chan, yeah?
When Iwaizumi met whoever they were, he was gonna give them a lecture of a lifetime about not being a smartass.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You fine, yeah. i am one of them. but now you owe me a hint too!
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao
well, i suppose i do!
i'm one of the girls in the class that actually has oikawa's number. he half forced me to give it to him, actually, but it's still been fun talking with him.
(not as much as talking with you, phone-chan!)
and i also totally get why he's annoying.
Iwaizumi feels a tiny bit of jealously bubbling up- irrational, because he's only been texting them for about half a month. His friend's statement about liking talking with him more than Oikawa makes him a little pleased, because people didn't usually pick his pretty best friend over him (selfish, yeah, but he's tired of girls asking him to deliver chocolates to the setter and befriending him in hopes of getting closer to Tooru.)
But girls who had his number? Only the ones Oikawa actually had an interest in.
The grand total of the people in his class with the brunet's number was three, because as courteous and as flirtatiously he acts, he accepts and turns down people normally, and doesn't like hurting girls as much as his playboy rep boasts (Iwaizumi's always liked that about him.) The three girls he knew of consisted of Aoi, his ex, Reina, who unbeknownst to Oikawa at the time, swang the other way, and...
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao i know that aoi, reina and (name) has his number...
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao well, one of them is certainly me!
we're both down to three, phone-chan. even ground!
Iwaizumi feels the world cave in on himself, reading the message over and over. Aoi was a nice guy, but he was also the same brand of pompous that Hajime disliked and Oikawa had found cute. They’d ended it horribly, so Hajime was decidedly not looking forward to the possible outcome that it was him, so he casts away the thought before it can solidify in his mind’s eye. Reina didn’t even like guys, so if you were you…
Huh. His mouth’s gone dry suddenly.
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You cool cool
 hey i'm gonna head to bed i gotta emotionally prepare for voluntarily walking into japanese lit class with tatsuya sensei on my ass
sorry to cut it short
To: You From: Crying Emoji lmao aw don't worry about it phone-chan <3
good night! and see you tmrw, whether we know it or not!!
To: Crying Emoji lmao From: You sleep well
Iwaizumi curses during the 5th hour of trying to sleep. Curse this stupid, stinking crush.
He wishes he hadn't asked. He's fine with his favorite crying emoji user knowing who he is, but knowing that it's you sort of struck a pang in his heart that couldn't be undone. He can't concentrate in class, and though he fights it because Oikawa's caught on to this habit, he finds himself staring at you instead of listening to the teacher. The whole situation was annoying!
First he thinks you're cute but he'd chalked it up to never working out because Oikawa had managed to snag your number. Then Oikawa assures him that it's platonic and they only talk about school work which is, to say the least, bullshit, because Oikawa can't actually text without getting distracted. His best friend has a tendency to rant about volleyball or start gossiping when his phone is within reach, and it's why his study sessions happen with Hajime next to him (and even with him, Oikawa still manages to get his grubby hands on his phone.) His best friend was absolutely up to something, and it had been killing Iwaizumi that he didn't know what it was.
And then he'd gotten that cute, fated, statistically impossible text from a wrong number, and fallen into a cute flirting-but-not-really routine. They were kind, sweet, and willing to help him with trivial things like homework and make him his favorite food.
It was easier not really knowing who it was! That was mean to admit, sure, but even when Hajime had started catching feelings for the mystery number, he'd rationalised that it could never be you. Slowly but surely, his mystery texter had been getting him out the slump he had been feeling over his unrequited feelings, and instead of wondering about you, he was wondering when the next mystery number text would come.
But now you're her and she's you and his brain is going to explode. He doesn't have enough brain cells for this.
Hajime sighs, looking away from you and back to his worksheet. Algebra stares back at him with no mercy. "I have no brain cells." He mutters, amending his thoughts. In the seat next to him, Oikawa chuckles lightly.
"You've got enough to stare at her, though." He whispers, and Hajime feels his blood boiling. "I swear, when the bell rings, I'm going to-"
The teacher clears her throat loudly. "Iwaizumi-san, if you could refrain from speaking until I've finished..."
Iwaizumi feels his hot rage flood into his cheeks as embarrassment instead. "Of course, sorry sensei."
You catch his eye as he averts his eyes from the teacher, and you smile encouragingly. Hajime thinks the knot in his forehead gets worse. He feels himself go hotter, somehow, and quickly goes back to looking at his math equations. Oikawa's still fucking smirking.
"Denial, Iwa-chan."
There's something fishy in the way that Oikawa texted the group chat about getting lunch. Firstly, Oikawa liked western food for whatever reason, and whenever he asked to go out, he would picked a pricey French place. The rest of the team would debate for about 8 minutes before usually settling on a cheap soba place near the town centre. He'd claimed it was for a post-midterms celebration, and since the Christmas holidays had started, they might as well go somewhere altogether, as a team.
But Oikawa's suggested this expensive ramen place (which... alright, it's not like Oikawa never eats Japanese. But he doesn't prefer it, and Hajime is paranoid about whatever plan his best friend has hatched) and instead of shouting at him to lower the price, Makki and Mattsun agree immediately. Iwaizumi knows Makki is broke this week, after having to buy a replacement volleyball for the one they popped while roughhousing, so he doesn't understand why he'd agree to blowing 2000 yen on a single bowl of ramen.
The rest of the third years decline or agree. Iwaizumi thinks this is for plausible deniability, to make him think it's all alright. But when Oikawa @'s him in chat to confirm for the coming Thursday, he grudgingly agrees. He's wanted to try that ramen place for a while, anyway, and he's putting too much thought into this. It was just lunch with the team. It's fine.
Then the coming Thursday rolls around, and he's been standing outside the ramen place for 5 minutes and no-one is here and he's going to kill Oikawa-
To: [crying baby noises] From: You oikawa i swear to god where the fuck is everyone. i'm going to aim every spike in practice to you i swear. yahaba would help me
To: You From: [crying baby noises] WAHAHAHA it's okay iwa-chan, someone else you like much better than our sweaty volleyball team is coming ☆⌒(ゝ。∂)
To: [crying baby noises] From: You die in a ditch
To: You From: [crying baby noises] you won't be saying that after ur first date! (☆ω☆)
here's her number, since ur gonna need it!
Iwaizumi grumbles the entire time he's punching in the number, intending to tell you that you've been set up and you don't need to bother coming, but his phone shows up with an error that he's already got the number saved. He stares at the notification, blinking once, twice, before the elation sets in and-
"Ah, Iwaizumi?" You call his name, walking quickly towards him and giving him a bashful smile. "Sorry I'm late. I wasn't worried because I thought it was just going to be Oikawa talking my ear off, but he texted me to say... well."
He just says your name, blushing but still grinning. You chuckle, and the little display of happiness pushes him to at least try and say something, "Oikawa gave me your number, but..." Iwaizumi trails off.
"He sent yours too." You explain, pulling your phone out and, at last, he's given proof that you're the mystery number and his grin manages to get wider. The cool winter air bites less than it did before. "But I already had it saved."
"Me too." Hajime says, taking a step closer to you and taking a hand tentatively. Your fingers slip between his, and your cheeks are pink from more than just the cold.
"I had a feeling it was you." You admit, still looking at him the way you do in his dreams. "It's nice to finally meet you properly, Phone-chan."
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on sj/m’s Pinterest on her CC board she posted a picture of a white blonde girl with a big ass crown on her head looking off into the distance and I just fucking know she’s gonna have a new Super Special Powerful and Tough main character who is Not Like Other Girls and Everybody Loves Her even thought she is Deeply Damaged and goes through Peril And Hardship only to Fight Through It with the help of her Super Diverse Teammates and 1 Extremely Hot Male who Loves Only Her Unconditionally Babe :)
“I can’t wait to introduce readers to Bryce, its heroine, who I think would be very good friends with Aelin and Feyre. The world of Crescent City is more modern than those in my previous series (basically, if the Court of Thorns and Roses and Throne of Glass worlds had modern-day technology), but it’s still chock full of magic, brooding warrior-types, and mysterious and deadly creatures.” SHE WILLINGLY CHOSE TO DESCRIBE IT AS THIS KMS IT’S EXACTLY LIKE EVERY SINGLE OTHER BOOK SHE’S WRITTEN
Heyo! So I went and scrolled back through the CCity board and I think this is the pic you’re talking about:
Tumblr media
Which is weird and ironic because this looks like it should be Alien. Like it fits into T0G’s aesthetic perfectly because SJ/M has no concept of cohesive worldbuilding or originality. But yes, you’re so right about SJ/M writing Bruce into yet another Perfect And Beloved Female ProtagonistTM. I’m already predicting that Ron and Fury are going to be her sidekicks, possibly Juniper as well (but I think there’s a very good chance Juniper will either be her rival or the fridged best-friend). I also see Potluck being a potential point in a love-triangle, which is absolutely pointless because SJ/M has no grasp of how to create convincing romantic tension. Also I hate love triangles on principle. 
As for stealing from the Bible, I kind of have mixed opinions on this. Mess is apparently Jewish, which means she has a claim to Biblical mythology and it can’t really be considered appropriation. Add to that the fact that modern Christianity is built on a foundation of imperialism, and you end up with this huge body of mythology that in a way demands that people make references to or base stories on it. Lots of good stories have Christian mythology worked into them, in the same way that a lot of stories reference Greek and Roman mythology. SJ/M’s problem is that she does it badly. She’s using the fact that angel/demon stories have a built-in body of common knowledge and lots of rich imagery associated with them to avoid having to do the work of building the aesthetics and the mythos herself. That’s why her fae fall so flat--for fae to be interesting, they need to be inhuman, whimsical, sinister, haunting--and SJ/M fails in every regard. It’s not that she isn’t capable. There’s a few bits where she describes the lesser fae and they are convincingly otherworldly. But the high fae aren’t even elves. They’re literally just immortal humans with pointy ears and raging perma-boners.
And yes, I think SJ/M is running out of ideas, not that she had that many to begin with. You can see how quickly her work deteriorates as a series progresses. Also “still chock full of magic” my ass. The magic in her books is so forced and nonsensical that they’d be far better off if she just removed it completely, especially T0G. There’s not a single instance of magic that I can think of that is actually important or necessary. Even the wyrdkeys, which are in theory central to the plot, are kind of pointless. Like, orphaned princess raised as an assassin who finds her goal shifting from securing her personal freedom to liberating her people and others suffering beneath imperial rule--that’s a perfectly decent premise all on its own, if a bit generic. The addition of the magical superplot doesn’t make it any less generic. I kind of went off on a tangent there, but basically SJ/M is a lazy and unoriginal writer who likes to paint herself as some kind of virtuoso.
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fantroll-purgatory · 5 years
FIRST: Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Alternia(kind of???? I made her for a fansession that has its own planet, demokratia http://aminoapps.com/p/apm4by )
This is a really neat premise! I’m always a fan of fantroll stories that take advantage of the fact that alternia can do spacetravel. 
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why):melaki sentok. It doesnt really have much of a meaning, it just slowly came to be after a couple months
You’ve already got her on that Demokratia list page, so I don’t know if you’re looking for name replacements, but I think naming her Plumer Iadges would be really funny. It’s a reference to both Plumeria the team skull character (since Plumeria is a “big sister” type character and fills a similar role as your girl here) and Purl Ridges, a type of stitch used in knitting, which is one of your girl’s hobbies! 
Age: around the alternian equivalent of 17 or 18
That’s gonna put her at ~8 sweeps.
Strife Specibus: bayonetkind
Hmm. Bayonets are usually associated with soldiers. I think if you wanted to fit her theme as a criminal, you’d use spraypaintkind, or maybe even Batkind. This works both for the criminal image And a pun on the fact that Plumeria likes to use Golbats/Crobats, lol.
Fetch Modus: quilt modus- the items are put together in a square formation, only ones on the outside can be uncaptchalogged. The more important the item is the deeper it is in the modus.
That’s so CUTE…
Symbol and meaning: its her old symbol back when she was a indigoblood, with a purpleblood rendition
I might switch it up, but we’ll see when we get to the design.
I think innovativeTrollster would be pretty funny. Or experimentalTrollster! 
Quirk: puts parentheses around all her (Y)s, and uses stereotype gangster terms like “yoyoyo” or “its ya boy” or “yuh, check it”
Beee careful here, because stuff like “it’s ya boy” isn’t “gangster terms,” it’s just African American Vernacular English. AAVE already gets associated strongly with criminality and it’s a bad & racist media stereotype. Hussie himself is very guilty of this brand of racism, and it’s something we don’t wanna emulate! I think you can still use it, you just have to tread cautiously and make sure you understand the meanings and aren’t just using it as a Funny Prop, because it’s a dialect of english, not just a bunch of nonsense to be thrown around for goofs.
It’s possible to have “tough” and “criminal” character w/o relying on these stereotypes, too. You could just have her talk rough in general or use a lot of insults in a loving way (like australians love to do) instead. Or you could do something really stupid and fun like making her use archaic criminal slang. 
Special Abilities (if any):nah
All purples have chucklevoodoos! But you don’t gotta putt hem to use so they can be functionally nah anyways.
Guardian/pets?: Her lusus is essentially the dragon from The NeverEnding Story. I think its name was falkor?
I was confused at first, but y’know what I think his loving and hopeful nature does vibe with Melaki’s hope title later, so I’ll let it slide. Purples do have aquatic mammals for lusii, though, so you gotta make this like, a version of Falkor that can also dive underwater. Maybe with a fishtail like Gamzee’s lusus. Mermaid Falkor. 
Personality: melaki is a gangster girl, who goes around committing dumb crimes with her fellow clowns. She follows her gut instinct a lot, almost too much. To the point of injury in some situations(I.E. that leg of hers). Shes usually the momma person of the group, making sure her crime friends make it out alright. You could probably compare her to a team skull member or smthn
I like that a lot! I definitely drew on the Team Skull vibe a little more than you probably predicted, haha. Criminal with a heart of gold is a trope I enjoy, so I love her. Is she part of the Clown Cult or is that not much of a thing on Demokratia? You should ask about that if you haven’t, because juggalo culture could also be a good informer for researching for how to play this character!
Interests: trolling, vandalism, stealing, knitting, musicals (usually keeps those last 2 to herself)
Does she like stealing like petty theft or stealing like burglary because those are two different crimes. Something to #think about.
Title:seer of hope.
Understander of hope… Knower of hope. I don’t know if I think that’s quite fitting for someone as get-up-and-go as her. Fighty, energized, definitely not the sit back and learn type. If you want her to Learn to be a little more passive, this could probably fit, but as it stands I think she’s probably a Maid of Hope, mmmaybe a Sylph.  
Land:land of Faux fur and chapels
Why faux fur I’m laughing. I’m sure there’s a reason… But all I can think of is vans with shag carpet in the back. Land of Shag Carpet and Chapels. That’s mostly a joke suggestion, but either way, love this. 
Dream planet: prospit
I Fully Agree that she’s definitely a prospit player but why’ve you sprited her in a dersite outfit– nevermind I won’t question it. 
Onto design!:
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Your submitted picture was a little too blurry to work on directly, so I had to rebuild her. I wanted to make her makeup a little more unique, so I based it off of Plumeria’s eye look with the harsh wing and then the greys and whites around the eye. And then I made the outer grey look like Guzma’s interestingly shaped glasses. Everything else was kept largely the same. I gave her same horns, because assymetrical horns always just feel a little weird w/o design reason. And I added a little arrow to her sign as a reference to Caprittanius, the purple/void/prospit sign. 
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kidknux · 6 years
Do you have any headcanons for Blurrbee ship? It's a really rare pairing so it's always nice to hear about it :3
yes..... i love them so much
I wasn't sure if you meant tfa Blurrbee or tfrq Blurrbee also, so I put a copy of the ask on both blogs, and we'll make an answer there too for the tfrq version
god this got super long and rambly and stuff too tho so i’m gonna. put this under a readmore so u can bail when it gets too dumb. i’m very sorry anyone on mobile you’ll have to Deal
@captainofthestars​ and i talk about them so much w/ our tfa au or tfrq or just. in general, whenever. we love them, we started shipping them after tfa because they had such a fun dynamic? Basically right after Blurr’s first few appearances, whoops
Bee thanking Blurr when he’s still just the “mysterious racer” is super good... Bee does a name shout when Blurr gets pulled into the space bridge! And he immediately wants to prioritize They Have To Get Him Back, i’m JUST SAYING, so like we got super attached rly fast bc of their general back-and-forth and little things like that.
Bee during the series is sorta competitive outside of cute moments like that? Which we tend to write as just... he’s kind of like that when he’s not sure what to do w/ his feelings, Blurr is super fast and kind of cool and he kind of saved Bee before and Other Emotions so instead of dealing with how he feels abt that its time to Fight. Blurr (who quint writes more often) also likes Bee pretty fast but he’s not great with people and doesn’t really realize it until later when he actually stops to think about it, post-series (which is getting into au territory but that’s just the hill we’re gonna die on)
It’s after the show that they manage to find Blurr, and his time in the hospital is... a process. Bee runs into him here again and learning about the state he’s in and what happened to him is pretty upsetting, especially since he already has a lot of problems/guilt around Shockwave and what he did. Blurr is stuck in the hospital for a pretty long time, since they need to be careful unfolding him and replacing parts of his body as needed, and no one else is really there much so Bee starts visiting him pretty often.
At first Blurr can’t really talk, but he can make some noises, and they start figuring out how to talk that way in some basic codes. Blurr is bored and lonely between surgeries, and Bee is one of the people who gets permission to take him out around Cybertron sometimes when he’s stable but not being worked on. Or, y’know, just sneak him out without permission. It doesn’t really seem right to try and be rude, or start fights, so instead they just... talk, and hang out, and under everything it turns out they really do get along and really like each other?
And it’s while Blurr is in the hospital slowly being repaired that he has lots of time to think, and think and think because he’s bedridden without supervision and that’s about all he gets to do most of the time. So he stops to think about it, finally, and realizes that he might like Bumblebee- and of course, he’s been so nice to him. It could be entirely pity, of course, that would be unfortunate, but it could be that he likes him too- he should ask. I’m just. Gonna copypaste part of the discord convo on it
CaptainNessbot 09/19/2017Eventually, I want Blurr to bluntly ask if Bee likes him romanticallyAre they in a relationship now??kidotix 09/19/2017GoodProbably after a while of them going on dates trips and hanging out in generalBee is somehow still caught off guard, what?CaptainNessbot 09/19/2017Blurr's beeping kicks up a notch so he can say everything he's thinkingYou've been really nice to him for no apparent reason, so it's either pity about his current condition or romantic attraction, in which case it is reciprocated. And when two people have an equal amount of attraction they are in a relationship, right?kidotix 09/19/2017Bee will get progressively blue from blushing as his processor decodes it, it might take a little while longer than normal bc it's more complicated than most of what Blurr saysUh, w-well he definitely doesn't pity you, yeah it sucks but he was.. He was doing it 'cause you're a friend, more or lessNot that he's saying no! He does like you, just not like that at first and he doesn't want you to think he was expectin' something from you in exchange or anything- but if you really want to then yes! SureBee is flustered and this must look ridiculous to any potential onlookersCaptainNessbot 09/19/2017He's cutekidotix 09/19/2017Beyond one or two incidents of flirting at space ports, he's going in blindCaptainNessbot 09/19/2017Blurr makes a squeaky surprised noise, his spark starts beating fasterAh, well. Good!kidotix 09/19/2017Bee grins, yeah! Great!Um, but they should- it's probably way too soon for them to. YknowHe's never done this before, you don't have to bond right away right?? He's not sure he's ready for anything like thatBlurr: can we dateBee: yesBee: ...oh no does this mean we need to get marriedHe doesn't know how fast this is supposed to goCaptainNessbot 09/19/2017They can take it slow, ironically
And Then They Date and it’s fucking cute bc they’re dumb and in love. Blurr is maybe not totally ready to jump back to active intel duty on Cybertron, so he goes back to earth with Bee instead. Omega Supreme’s presence basically doubles the size of their base on earth, which is good because with the new members they’ve got- mainly Wreck-Gar, and now Blurr- they need the room. Especially since the one now-empty room is one that no one is super willing to clear out.
Blurr ends up being part of the “Bee Team” that Bee puts together eventually to try and relocate Wasp. Which involves a lot of dimension-hopping shenanigans. It’s the first big mission Blurr’s been on since recovery, too, which is fun. Wreck-Gar and the Dinobots come along too, which is important bc after they do find Wasp- and a lot of other troubles to eventually rehabilitate the poor guy- Blurr, Wasp, Wreck-Gar, and an oc end up as a b-team to the main earth autobots (along with a few other occasional members)
at this point it ends up in sorta nebulous The Adventure Continues areas, eventually they do end up sharing a room and stuff which i’ve written into one of the once-in-a blue-moon fics, I’ll jst drop some more scattered hcs that were located looking for the confession hc
CaptainNessbot 04/15/2018Sentinel hates working with Blurr in any capacitykidotix 04/15/2018Sentinel plsCaptainNessbot 04/15/2018Sentinel does not have the patience necessary to understand Blurrand Blurr hates repeating himself and also thinks Sentinel is kind of an idiot 
CaptainNessbot 03/19/2018Has [overclocking] had effects on how he perceives time? YesDoes he care? NoIs it bad I can see a lotta racers disliking himCompared to what I'd expect the usual charismatic, showboating race star to be (like IDW Blurr), he's kind of....Snippy, awkward, and distant?
um also idk how to wrap this up so. they’re one of several ships that i have a playlist for. i’m always kinda tweaking it tho since it’s jst smthn i keep around for me and friends yknow
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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