#I’m half awake rn and having many gay mike thoughts I wish I had more energy so I could finsih this analysis
aemiron-main · 2 years
no bc it’s so funny to me that canonically we have seen mike look repelled by girls/references to them more times that we’ve seen will (canonically gay) be uninterested/repelled by girls
like sure, Will rejects the girl in Lenora + wants a day free of girls (which seems to also be mostly tied to the fact that will associates girls with not being able to spend time with his friends which IS true in s3 even with sexualities aside), but mike?
Mike canonically:
-looked visibly disturbed/grossed out when dustin was talking about phoebe cates
-made a more disturbed face when El kissed him at the end of s3 than he did while literally holding an inter-dimensional snot slug in s2
-took his girlfriend’s hands off of him while she kissed him
-could not to kiss his girlfriend in s4 without wearing sunglasses
-stood in front of the word “women,” while looking upset and talking about “bullshit media propaganda”
-other examples I’m too tired to grab rn but will put in my full gay mike writeup
like will is absolutely not interested in girls, but the writers show that by not putting him in very many scenarios with girls in any sort of romantic way (ie, it’s just total apathy towards girls in a romantic sense) whereas with mike, the writers chose to put him into those romantic situations with girls but also chose to make him look actively upset by these interactions, rather than just apathetic.
like we don’t have a scene of Will’s face when Dustin mentions Phoebe Cates- because it’s a literal representation of his apathy, the show isn’t even SHOWING us Will’s reaction because he simply does not care. it’s the epitome of apathy. but we DO see Mike’s reaction because the show is showing us his active dislike of affection from women/his active lack of attraction towards women. like we aren’t just Not Seeing It due to apathy like we are with will. We are being explicitly shown that mike Does Not Like it.
and imo (like I’m gonna write in my analysis), this is due to the difference in Will and Mike’s upbringings and the difference in how heteronormativity affects them and how Will is more accepting of his sexuality and less affected internally by heteronormativity compared to mike and how therefore will doesn’t feel the same pressure to BE attracted to women because his sexuality is framed as an attraction to men rather than a lack of attraction to women (ie lonnie and the bullies target will for being gay and verbatim call him gay a queer whereas for people like Ted towards mike, it’s jabs about a LACK of girls around him, Ted doesn’t make fun of Mike being around Will or call him gay/queer, he pokes fun at mike for NOT being around girls) and how even the viewer’s pov of Mike’s sexuality, which is inherently queer by nature, is still put through a heteronormative lens and framed as lack of attraction to women rather than active attraction to men (even though he IS attracted to men)/how Will is rarely shown to lack attraction to women (even though he absolutely does) but his interest in me /being called gay is brought up repeatedly.
We DO see evidence of an active attraction towards men for Mike just like how sometimes (like the girl in Lenora), we DO as we evidence of a LACK of attraction towards girls for Will. But usually it’s us seeing active attraction towards dudes for Will (ie I don’t mean him staring at men gayly 24/7 but I do mean things that are overt references to being gay rather than overt references to not being attracted to women, things like the Alan Turing poster, things like him being called gay slurs, things like him being bullied specifically FOR seeming gay) and also seeing a lack of attraction towards girls for Mike. (Ie mike still shows us hints of being attracted to guys just like Will shows us hints of being actively repelled by girls but for Mike it’s usually us being shown an active dislike of girls (in a romantic sense not a misogyny sense) rather than Will who is shown to have the active interest in men more often. They’re equally disinterested in girls and equally interested in men, it’s not that mike is just not really into girls or guys/less into men than Will is, it’s about their upbringing and the differences in the ways in which heteronormativity has affected them + their worldview + how they view themselves)
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