#but she comes home from work all happy and counts down how many days till release :)
maxaroniiiii · 4 months
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simpcityy · 11 months
I'm Not Her Pt.2 (Father Miguel O’Hara x Teen! Daughter Reader)
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Summary: Miguel O’Hara is your biological father but it’s not great being his daughter when he’s hooked in the past still.
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters. This short One-Shot has made it into a series! Read part one please to understand the prompt better. (Linked Below)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Use of female pronouns, Use of (Y/N), angst, Father Miguel, overall, it’s just sad for now. Other dimensional Miguel… Uhhh I think that is all for now.
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6
You woke up to the smell of bacon being cooked. Odd? Who is cooking if no one is home. Sitting up from your bed, you glanced at the time seeing it was 10am. Walking out of the room the smell of bacon got stronger. In front of you was your father Miguel cooking breakfast. You quickly rubbed your eyes wanting to make sure you aren’t dreaming. “Buenos días, cariño*” Miguel glances back at you hearing the creek of the floorboards. You only stood there in shock. He’s home for once and calling you with love and affection. “I…Um…good morning?” You finally replied back sitting down on the chair slowly. He placed a plate in front of you and took a seat across from you. “(Y.N) …Escucha, sé que no soy el mejor padre*.” He began. “I know I left you all on your own, but I have to man up and fix my mistakes.” He looks at you before slowly holding your hand “and I know it won’t be easy, but I’ll try my best.” He smiles before slowly releasing your hand. You only stood there stunned thinking about it. Did Lyla talk to him? Did Peter? So many thoughts were running around your head before letting out a sigh. “I …what made you have a change of heart…you know that yesterday was my- “he cuts you off, “I know it was your birthday and I’m sorry” he pulls out a box from under the table. You were so shocked about this new side of your dad that you didn’t even see the box when you sat down. “Happy Late Birthday “he smiles, sliding the box towards you. You slowly open it inside before gasping seeing the latest technology you’ve always wanted. You dug your hand till it hit the bottom and saw a ticket to your favorite concert. “How did you know I wanted this? I always begged you to let me see this singer, but you wouldn’t hear me out…I…” you are feeling so many emotions. “I told you I was going to try my best to fix this” he smiles before letting out a grunt as you tackle him into a hug “thank you! Thank you!” You chanted. Miguel only lets out a small smile rubbing your back affectionately. You let him go and walked to the top cabinet grabbing a glass to fill. “let’s have breakfast before you head to work “you smile enjoying this small moment with him. Maybe your wish did come true, to stop feeling alone. 
You walked down the halls of your high school. It was going to be your last year and you promised your friends you were going to make it a blast. Humming out a song you unlocked your locker. “Hey boo you’re in a much better mood.” Lyla appeared inside your locker snapping a selfie with you. “Glad you’re here, did you talk to my dad?” You asked her while collecting the items you’ll need on this day. “ wha? No, I didn’t. Why do you ask?” She looks at the selfie editing it. “He came home and made breakfast. He also got me tickets for the concert.” You smile enthusiastically looking at the AI. Lyla watches you “he did?” She was concerned, if she remembered correctly…Miguel was at the base this morning working but then again, he did slip out for a moment so maybe that’s where he went. Lyla only smiles “I’m so glad boo! Maybe Peter talked with him?” You nodded “I was thinking the same. Alright, I got to go Lyla.” You closed the locker going on to continue your education. Lyla stood in the pitch dark of the locker in deep thought “I’ll have to talk to Miguel” she mutters before disappearing. 
School for once was a day you enjoyed, maybe it has to do with the fact you're slowly getting your father back. You’ll have to thank Peter once you get the chance to visit the Society HQ. You start to wonder what made him realize he has a daughter here. All this thinking made you hungry, spotting your favorite empanada stand. You walked over and got in line. ‘Maybe I’ll order extra to bring home’ you thought before smiling, giving your order to the kind old lady. Once you reached home, you closed the door behind you. “Are you home?” You call out placing the bag on the table. “Ya has vuelto de la escuela*?” Miguel emerges from the kitchen door. He glances at the bag. “Y eso?” He walked over looking into the box. “ I got you some empanadas” You smile before letting it falter seeing him sniff the bag. His face of disgust was present, “I’m not hungry, you eat it.” He quickly replaces the face of disgust into a smile. Something wasn’t right here, he loved empanadas. He would never reject it. “But it’s your favorite?” You sat down and grabbed a couple for yourself. Miguel grabs a glass of water, his back turned to you. He panicked for a bit before adding on, “Yes but I think I ate too many last time that it just makes me dislike it” He walks over rubbing your head, “It will go away and I’ll go back to liking them okay?” He pressed his lips to the side of your head before sitting down next to you. “Cómo fue tu día en la escuela*?” He asked. You only nodded taking his excuse before smiling, feeling his lip on the side of your head. “ It went well!” You ate the empanada while telling him how your day went. 
Lyla stood behind Miguel watching him work away. “Hey Miguel” She appears in front of him. “Quick question” Miguel looks up at her and only grunts telling her to go on. “That was nice of you to get (Y/N) tickets to the concert” She sits on his shoulder waiting for his response. His answer only made her glitch and worried for you.
“What tickets?”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Authors Note: Thank you so much! Your comments and likes made me see how this NEEDED to be a series. I'm still working on the other two projects hopefully next week I'll be able to complete the series for Location Status. So, I can focus on my other projects. Sorry for any grammar on the first part, I was using a tablet and it was all new to me. Remember to stay hydrated and to keep on simping! (Simp City Population: 66💕) Thank you for the likes and reblogs! Please reblog so others can be aware of my works! ILY 💕
Spanish Translation: (Remember some have double meaning or similar meaning) 1. “Buenos días, cariño: Good Morning Sweetie 2. Escucha, sé que no soy el mejor padre: Listen, I know I'm not the best father (Dad) 3. Ya has vuelto de la escuela: Are you back from school? 4. Y eso: And that or whats that? 5. Cómo fue tu día en la escuela: How was your day at school?
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smusherina · 2 months
yard work - chapter 6 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warnings(s): 2004 was not a good time for the gays. homophobia persists. insecurity about weight and insulting oneself about it.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 7
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You dipped into your savings and got Regina a new, fancy moisturizer. You couldn't count on her using it instead of the lard, but well. Guide a horse to water, can't make it drink, and all that.
You didn't tell her about the Homecoming prank, though. She'd been pissed about that. Not for long, because then it turned into a sort of trend at Northshore and it only boosted her popularity.
You were perhaps more upset about it. Upset you'd let it happen, upset they'd done it in the first place, upset Regina stood there with Aaron. He didn't even look like he wanted to be there.
Regina managing to turn it around for her benefit didn't stop you from feeling bad. It was the principle of the thing. You'd taken some distance from her. Everybody, actually. People just didn't feel all that great to be around. You were betraying Regina by letting her be essentially bullied by Janis, you were tolerating Regina's abusive reign over the student body, Aaron was getting on your last nerve by simply existing, and your mom's death anniversary was coming up.
You went to the Georges' less. Regina came to yours when you didn't lie about having to catch up on homework or doing a project. You did do some yard work for them since you still needed the extra cash. Just basic things like raking leaves and doing small repairs here and there. You also covered the pool with Mrs George's help.
"Whew, I forget what a chore that is every year!" She wiped at her forehead. You laid on the grass, chest heaving. You'd carried maybe seventy per cent of that thing.
"You said it, Mrs George." You managed to get out.
"How many years have I been telling you to call me Jude. Or just mom." You looked up at her. She looked so much like Regina. Or Regina looked so much like her.
She'd known your mom. Cried harder at her funeral than your dad or even yourself. You hadn't really gotten it, at that point. She'd hugged you tight and told you what an amazing woman she was, that she hadn't deserved to go yet. She sent you food for weeks after, which you appreciated because dad was too busy sorting stuff out to cook for you.
She'd been more of a mom to you than your own had ever gotten to be. Still, it felt wrong to call her anything other than Mrs George. It was weird. Word association gone all wrong. Mom meant a casket being lowered into a hole on a bleak November day, an echoing house and an empty kitchen, sad and wistful things. Mrs George meant afternoons spent running around in the backyard, eating 'till your belly was full to bursting, happiness and summer.
"Many, many years." You groaned as you got up. "Is Reggie home?"
You figured it would be weird if you didn't go say hi, at least. You didn't want to cut her out entirely. It was just hard being around her when the weight of your own actions, and inactions, weighed on your shoulders.
She smiled in a way that told you she'd noticed your deflection. "In her room."
"Great. Oh, by the way, what did you do with the apples this year?"
"I convinced Rick to donate them to the women's shelter downtown. They'll be put to good use there."
"That's awesome," You put your hands to your hips and looked around. "Anything you want me to do?"
"I'll just hose down the rose bushes, you head on inside. Avoid the living room, Rick's on a conference call." She waved you off with a smile.
You trod through the house carefully, shoes in hand. You knew the Georges were a shoes-on household, but it just never felt right for you to walk on carpeted floors with your shoes on. What if you had stepped on dogshit? What then?
"Reg?" Her door was open a crack, so you peeked in. "You decent?"
"Yes, I'm decent." You could hear the eye roll in her voice. "What do you want?"
Yikes. She wasn't happy.
You walked in and closed the door behind you. She was on her bed, reading a book on her belly. She was snacking on some candy bar.
"I just came to say hi. I put the pool cover on with your mom." You walked up to her. "What're you reading?"
"I could hear you huffing and puffing all the way up here." She turned on her side to look at you. "The Catcher in the Rye. It's boring."
"I dunno, I liked it." You climbed in hesitantly. When she didn't protest, you settled down on your side facing her, head leaned against your palm.
"You've read it?" She tossed the book on the floor next to the bed, now giving you her full attention. "Can you write my paper?"
"Depends on how much you'll pay me." You grinned and rubbed your fingers together like you were handling cash.
"Boo, you whore." She pouted. "Aren't we supposed to be beyond that?"
"I don't do charity, my friend." You flopped onto your back and crossed your arms. Shit, she had a comfy bed. So soft but just firm enough, too. You let your eyes close. You were so tired from all that physical labour.
"Get off my bed, you traitor." You opened your eyes too late. She was already on you, pushing you, and you had no time to resist until you were toppling onto the floor. You clambered down in a mess of limbs and sheets, which you'd grabbed in your desperate attempt to stay aboard.
"Reg! Your bed is actually high up! Help me!" You felt like Mufasa clinging to the face of the cliff, fingers digging into the slippery bedding. One of your legs was still on the bed, but not securely enough that you would've been able to pull yourself to safety.
"Just put your leg on the floor, dumbass." She cackled, watching you panic over such a small drop.
"No, look, it's not that- close." You lowered your leg and your knee made contact with the floor. Regina fell back, gasping as she laughed. "Shut up, you teapot!"
"No! I'm not-" She tried to stifle the laughs escaping her, the real wheezing ones she didn't let out of their cage willingly, but one look at you set it off again. "Your hair!"
You lifted your hands to your head. "It's not my fault your sheets are fucking static."
By the time Mrs George came to inform you that she'd be starting on dinner, thus signifying you should probably go, Regina had stopped laughing, if just barely.
"Have you been using the moisturizer I gave you?" You tried to analyze her face. It didn't look any less flawless than usual.
"Yeah, it's really great. My old night lotion started smelling weird for some reason. Maybe it expired early or something." You just hummed in response.
"I should probably go home and make myself dinner too."
"I'll walk you down."
You walked down the stairs and to the backdoor, avoiding the living room despite the blaring of the TV. Mr George was definitely not on a call anymore.
"What're you making today?" Regina asked, standing somewhat awkwardly on the porch.
"Probably tacos. I found a great deal on some corn tortillas at the store. They're all going bad today, so. Gonna stuff myself."
"Save some for me, yeah?"
You weren't sure what she meant by that. "Sure."
You walked home and as you'd said, got started on dinner. Moving around the kitchen without Regina there in the way, chopping whatever vegetables into misshapen cubes, felt weird. She wasn't over that often, but you'd gotten used to it regardless.
It was perhaps your biggest flaw as a person, how intolerant you were to being alone. Ironic, considering how much time you had to spend alone.
If it was up to you, you would've made Birria tacos with a good cut of sirloin, but you didn't have the money for fresh cuts of beef. Besides, you hadn't even started on the stew, and that took a whole day. So, you settled on some basic ground beef filling. You had made Pico de Gallo earlier that day, so it was nice and flavourful by the time you were constructing your tacos.
Back when you'd still needed a babysitter, there had been this one Mexican lady who appeared on the roster most often. It was so long ago you couldn't remember her name. She'd made you call her Abuela. She was sweet and taught you the wonder of Latin American cuisine. From what you could understand, she'd been well-travelled and really loved food everywhere.
She stopped coming when all of your babysitters did. The last time you saw her, you hadn't known it would be the last time.
This time of year really made you a monster. A dull grey, depressing monster. You'd have to find some exciting hobby because even you were getting sick of this. Maybe cliff jumping?
A knock on your door was the last thing you expected when you were finally ready to chow down. Making such a huge amount of food took time.
"What?" You barked to whoever dared to disturb you. "Oh, shit."
"Is that how you greet all your dinner guests?" Regina asked, batting her eyelashes. She had on a deep red dress, shiny satin that licked at the curves and edges of her body just right. It reached all the way to her feet, where you could see black heels peeking out from under the hem. She stood taller than usual, but still so short you could see above her head. The dress was strapless as far as you could tell as her jacket was covering her shoulders. Sweetheart neckline and a clutch to match. She had a thin gold chain around her neck with a small R-charm on it. Gold hoop earrings, hair done up in curls.
A grin crept up onto her face as you continued to gape at her visage. "I know, right?" She posed, one hand holding the clutch at level with her thigh and one poised at her waist. "I'm so sexy."
"Yeah, uh, yes, you are." You stuttered, stunned and flustered. You wanted to touch her, feel the fabric of the dress with the tips of your fingers, grab a hold of her and press close to her. She looked so fucking good.
"Thanks, baby." She took a couple of steps forward to reach you and, nonchalant as could be, brushed her hand at your shoulder as if she were brushing off dust.
Your knees wobbled.
"I have dinner for us." You blurted out. "I, uh..." You needed to pull it together. "I'm gonna go change."
"You do that," Regina said with an indulgent smile. You shot up the stairs.
When you came back down, still tucking your shirt into your trousers and tie undone, Regina was sitting on the couch perusing a magazine. It was probably from last year or something, you didn't exactly update the stuff under the coffee table.
You coughed to get her attention. "Ready for dinner, Reggie?"
"Ugh, don't ruin the moment. Anything other than that."
"I'm Jorts and you're Reggie, that's how it's been." You reminded and gently plucked her clutch from her hands before gesturing for her to turn around. She did, looking a little confused. When you reached to take her jacket off, she recoiled.
"Um, I would like to keep it on." She said, the confidence from before diminishing.
"Oh, why?" You asked. "Are you cold?"
"No, it's just, um..." Regina George stammering. You didn't think you'd live to see the day. "I don't look like I used to before."
"What does that mean?" You checked her out, toes to forehead. Drop-dead gorgeous as always.
"I've gained a bunch of weight." She looked down as if she needed to be ashamed. "I barely fit into this gown. I had to suck in even with the Spanx. And I still look like a whale."
As much as you would've liked to be incredulous and loud about just how wrong she was, it didn't seem like the right course of action. She was being open and vulnerable with you.
"I don't think you look like a whale." You stepped close to her tentatively. You set the clutch on the coffee table. Then, just as tentatively, circled your arms around her. You slotted your fingers together at her lower back and pulled her to you so that your bellies touched.
"I couldn't hug a whale." You pointed out helpfully, leaning back slightly to still look her in the eyes. "I'd love to see the dress in its full glory."
Regina, hands fussing with unmade your tie, bit her lip in contemplation.
"Careful, don't mess up your lipstick." She rubbed her lips together at that, a smile threatening to break out.
"Fine. But you can't laugh or stare or anything."
"I swear." You put one hand on your heart and the other up. "Now turn around."
She did as you asked. "You're being awfully chivalrous."
"It's what you deserve, Reggie." You crooned jokingly, pulling the jacket from her shoulders. The dress was cut elegantly so that there were no straps, but bits of fabric hanging by her upper arms. Cold-shoulder. You hoped the jokes in your tone hid how nervous you were.
"What did I just say?" As if that little moment between you two hadn't even happened, she was right back to her normal self.
"Fine. But you'll always be my Reggie. I guess tonight we can pretend." You sighed. "Whatever you say, honey."
"Better." She turned and tugged at your tie. "Now, let's get you sorted."
"I had very little notice, okay?" You grumbled but bent down obediently so she'd have an easier time tying your tie. You'd used to play dress up mixed with house all the time. You'd nearly always been the dad and so, you had to wear a tie. Obviously. Mrs George had gotten tired of constantly being asked to do it, so she'd taught Regina.
Now, it felt a little different. For one, you were taller. Secondly, this wasn't a children's game. Maybe you were playing a little bit, pretending, but it didn't quite feel like that. There was something undeniably real about this.
"There." She said once she was finished, smoothing it out against your chest. "You couldn't find one matching the dress?"
"You're impossible to please." You chuckled. "I'll make sure to go tie shopping as soon as possible."
"Good." She liked to ignore your sardonic tone pretty often. "Now, what's on the menu?"
You tucked the rest of the shirt into your pants and, voila, you were done.
"Tacos, my lady." You offered up your arm half in jest. She hooked her wrist into the bend of your elbow with an incline of her head. Clearly, she was a girl that liked to be wined and dined.
You snuck a bottle from your dad's wine collection, hoping it wasn't some speciality. Looking at the label, it wasn't very old. Wine quality was assessed like that, right?
You ate your fills and then some, drinking wine all the while, then retreated to the couch to recover, and turned on the TV to watch while eating dessert. Sharing a pint of ice cream, curled up on the couch in fancy clothes, warm and away from the cold of late November, you wondered what had brought this on.
It wasn't an official date, that much you knew. Regina wasn't a lesbian like you. Maybe she was indulging you. That would mean she knew you had a crush on her. You hoped that wasn't true. Regina was an observant person, though. Fuck, that'd be humiliating.
It didn't feel like she was playing with you. It looked like she was having as much fun as you. Maybe she wanted to have a nice, romantic dinner without the pressure of having to impress or perform for her date.
It was nice she'd chosen you. Regardless of why she'd come here tonight, you were just glad she was with you. You'd had a lot of people leave, most of them never coming back. The exceptions to the rule were Regina and your dad. They were similar in that, but nothing else. When dad came back, he brought with him a never-pleased frown and a stifling presence. When Regina came back, she brought light.
She had her flaws. You had yours. Thanksgiving was right around the corner and Christmas would soon follow. You had no doubt that Janis had something nefarious planned for at least one of those events. Nothing was sure, things were undecided.
"I'm going for a smoke." You said when the episode ended.
"I'm coming with."
"You won't be getting one."
"I don't want it anyway. Cigarettes taste like shit."
You laughed and walked to the backdoor. Through it and onto the patio, you slumped onto the bench swing. Regina followed a lot more gracefully, heels chucked somewhere in the house, bundled up in the blanket she'd claimed as hers since the first time she slept over. She sat next to you and spread it over both your laps. You hummed in thanks and lit up.
Regina might've been a massive bitch. She had, and there was no denying it, done some awful things. And maybe it was fucked up for you to like one part of a person and not the whole of them, but did that count if you were sure that the undesirable part was all a facade?
"So..." You started. "Better than any of the dates Aaron took you to?" You couldn't help but ask. Veiled under a joke, you hoped your jealousy didn't show.
"Don't be cocky." She admonished, resembling her mom almost creepily. "He didn't really take me out."
"What? Why?" If you could openly date Regina there wouldn't be a limit to how much you'd be taking her out, showing her off to anybody who'd listen.
"How should I know?" She shrugged indignantly. "We broke up a little after Homecoming."
"What? I didn't hear about this."
"Really? I thought you would've since it was pretty big news for a while." You didn't want to admit you'd been purposefully avoiding rumours about the couple for the majority of their relationship. "He outlived his purpose."
"The Halloween Party and Homecoming." You clarified and she nodded.
You took a drag. Regina pulled what seemed like a candy bar out of her clutch. It was the same brand she'd been eating earlier today.
Considering she'd been insecure about her weight, you didn't comment on it. You took another drag. You couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something weird.
"Hey, can I look at the packaging of that?"
Wordlessly, Regina handed it over. You looked at the product info. Great, it was all in Swedish.
"Where'd you get these?"
"Cady got me a box of them. They're good for weight loss. Like, they just burn all your carbs." You furrowed your eyebrows and looked back at the product info. The numbers didn't seem like that of a weight loss product.
You didn't like she was eating something that would empty her stomach right after dinner. That couldn't have been healthy.
"You're trusting something Cady gave to you?"
She tilted her head, as if about to question you. Her mouth opened, then closed, and opened again.
"Shut up. Shut up."
You took a long drag.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer, @dandelions4us, @natashamaximoff-69, @alexkolax, @jareaul0ver, @here4theqts, @charleeeesworld, @natsbiggestfan1, @brocoliisscared
(i keep forgetting to add this note. comment on this post if you want on the taglist!)
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New Year's Day | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Happy New Year('s Eve)! I'm not sure if its NYE where you are or if the clock has already struck midnight. Regardless, have a great 2023! I am hanging out with my parents and I will be kissing no one at midnight. Look out 2023, I'm wild.
Warnings: mention of alcohol, mention of anxiety, idiots in love
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"There's glitter on the floor after the party
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor
You and me, forevermore"
Bucky didn’t like parties. It wasn’t that he hated celebrations, nor was he a “fun crusher” as Tony often called him. He just didn’t like the crowds, the noise. Large social gatherings made him uncomfortable. And he had plenty reason to stay far away from any get-together of more than a handful of people. I
But this party- this was the exception. It was the New Year’s bash, the party of all parties. It was supposed to celebrate the end of the tumultuous twelve months you’d faced, and usher in a- hopefully better- year to come. 
Throngs of people planned to gather in a luxe penthouse in Manhattan and party until sunup. And while that wasn’t usually Bucky’s idea of a good time, he wanted this night to be special.
On more occasions than he could count, you sat out of Tony’s parties because of Bucky. You stayed home while everyone you knew- and many you didn’t- had the time of their lives. And while you never complained, Bucky feared you’d resent him. That you’d get tired of coddling him and his anxiety. 
Not that you’d ever feel that way about him. You stayed home from every party because you wanted to, not out of obligation. You wanted to be with Bucky. And if that meant foregoing a Stark party, you didn’t mind. Even if you went without Bucky, you knew you wouldn’t have any fun. You’d spend the entire night missing him, wishing he was there. Attending Tony’s parties wasn’t worth it unless Bucky was there, too.
With the NYE party looming over him, Bucky decided he needed to attend. He knew you wanted to go. Any time someone mentioned it, you perked up. It was subtle, but Bucky noticed. He knew you were itching to celebrate the new year and party till sunup with the rest of the team. And while just the thought of fireworks and large crowds was enough to make him sweat, he was determined to make it work.
Plus, he wanted to kiss you at midnight. He wanted to ring in the new year with your lips pressed to his. He wanted to stand on the balcony overlooking the city with you- just you- and tell you how he felt about you.
But asking you to be his date proved harder than he expected.
“I think we should go to the party,” he told you one day over lunch. “It sounds fun.” 
A blank stare stole the light from your eyes. You blinked once. Twice. “Okay, wait. I’m sorry- what? Did you just way you wanted to go to a party?” You laughed, “are you on drugs?”
Bucky rolled his eyes at you, “No, I’m not on drugs, doll.” He chucked his balled-up straw wrapper at you and made you squeal. “I wanna go- with you, I mean. I want us to celebrate the fact that we somehow made it through this fucking year alive.”
He wasn’t exaggerating. Between the Flag Smashers, a slew of nightmarish missions, and a nearly fatal run in with a Zola apologist, the past twelve months hadn’t treated either of you with kindness. You’d reached your quota on near-death experiences and stays in the med bay- but you survived. And Bucky wanted to commemorate it. 
He gave you an expectant look, “What do you think? You wanna go together?”
You let out an excited laugh- a scream, really. “Hell yeah, Barnes- Oh, I have to text Wanda!” The clicking of your nails against your screen echoed through the space as you fired off a message to Wanda. “She, Nat, Maria, and Sam are going as a group! I bet we can tag along.”
It sounded fun, but Bucky wanted to smack himself upside the head. Of course, you didn’t realize he intended it to be a date; he never actually said the words. All he said was that you should go together- but the two of you went everywhere together. Based on the way he phrased his statement, this was no different than his request for you to accompany him to Trader Joe’s. 
It would’ve been an easy fix. A quick, “Would you like to be my date?” would surely correct the situation in less than a minute. But Bucky was already in too deep. He’d worked up all his courage and spent it on asking you- incorrectly- to accompany him. And now his tank was empty. And he couldn’t retroactively ask you to be his date now; it would seem like an afterthought. You were never an afterthought.
“Wanda said we can go with them,” you shot Bucky a warm smile. “I’m so happy we’re going!”
“Good. Me too.” He matched your smile, regardless of the anxiety eating away at his insides.
Without warning, you grabbed Bucky’s hand. “I know you’re not really much of a party guy, though, so we’ll just play it by ear, alright? If at any point you wanna leave, that’s totally fine.”
Bucky gave you an overly casual shrug, “Oh, don’t worry about me, doll. I’m-”
“There’s gonna be fireworks…”
Bucky nodded.
“Are you sure you wanna go?” Your eagerness to attend Tony’ party disappeared at you thought about Bucky’s past. You didn’t want him to be uncomfortable- even for a second. “We could get away from the city for the night, instead. Maybe stay at Clint’s cabin?”
Bucky gave your hand a squeeze, “I’ll be okay. I promise. How bad could it be?” The words ‘will you be my date?’ swarmed inside Bucky’s head like a cloud of angry bees; he could barely hear you over the buzzing. Lunch ended without him asking, without you agreeing to be his date. 
Bucky found the answer to his question the moment he stepped into the party. How bad could it be? Bad. 
Hordes of people, loud music, champagne bottles popping at every turn. Cameras flashed left and right. Glitter and confetti littered the floor, making it slick as you walked through the crowd. Bucky was nearly sweating through his suit jacket. Drunk partygoers stumbled into the two of you time and time again. And while Bucky didn’t like being touched by strangers, he wanted to take the brunt. He didn’t want anyone knocking you down or stepping on your feet. 
He was uncomfortable to say the least. Just like he knew he would be. Just like you feared. Part of him wished he’d opted for the cabin getaway you offered at lunch. But you grounded him. Every time you looked at him, every time you laughed at one of his jokes or rested your hand on his arm, his world righted itself. You helped him find solace, peace- even amongst the chaos.
And though he’d seen you dressed up before, this way different. He loved way your shimmering gold dress caught the light. He loved the glittery make up that adorned your skin. You were radiant. Breathtaking. Perfect in every way. Hundreds of people filled the penthouse, but he only saw you. Only you mattered. 
“You good?” you shouted to Bucky over the roar of the crowd.
He nodded. “Why?”
“You’re staring”, you yelled. “I thought I had something in my teeth!” 
Bucky’s head fell back in a laugh that got lost in the noise of the party. He shook his head and brought his lips to your ear, speaking so that only you could hear him. “You just look really beautiful. That’s all.”
A rush of warmth flooded your cheeks. You couldn’t believe someone as perfect as him thought you were beautiful. He looked so good, so unbelievably handsome- it shouldn’t have been allowed. The way his suit fit his body nearly made you salivate. And thought you’d seen him in it before when you helped him pick it out, it still made you weak in the knees. It was the perfect material to compliment the dress you and Wanda selected for you to wear. 
And you knew the fabric would feel incredible as you gripped his lapels and pulled him in for a New Year’s kiss. 
Everything seemed to be going your way for once. Every time you had the chance to tell Bucky how you felt, something sabotaged you. Bucky was always getting phone calls from Fury at the wrong times, and Wanda’s unannounced drop-ins coincided with your confession on more than one occasion. Part of you worried that it was the universe’s way of telling you not to say anything. Maybe he didn’t have feelings for you. Maybe you were better off as friends. 
But you had to try, didn’t you?
“Hey, Buck. I was wondering if-”
Bucky couldn’t focus. He knew you were talking to him, knew that he needed to pay attention. But all he could think about was kissing you. Inhaling you. Making you his. He’d been through enough waking nightmares that nothing scared him anymore- except you. Why was he so nervous? He could run into gunfire and jump out of planes but telling you how he felt flooded his system with fear. 
He couldn’t do this. His brain screamed at him to abort the mission. 
“I’m gonna run- um, I’m gonna go to the bathroom,” he suddenly blurted out. “Be back in a minute.”
Before you knew what happened, he dashed through the crowd and disappeared. You stood on the dance floor- alone- with strangers bumping into you every few seconds. This had to be cosmic sabotage; the universe clearly didn’t want you to be with Bucky. But you didn’t care. You’d had just enough liquid courage to give you the tenacity you needed. The universe could get fucked, in your opinion. You balked in the face of fate and destiny and divine intervention and set off in Bucky’s direction.
He leaned over the bathroom counter and splashed cool water on his face. His cheeks were slightly flushed and his tie askew. This was just sad. Pathetic.
He was the Winter fucking Soldier- why was he scared of something so normal? So low stakes? People did this every day; they kissed the people they loved. But to him, this wasn’t normal. And the stakes had never been higher. He never thought he’d find such a great friend- and definitely never thought he’d fall so deeply in love with her. 
He wasn’t prepared for it, didn’t know how to handle these feelings. And if his confession of love or his request for a midnight kiss scared you away, he’d never forgive himself. There were plenty of reasons for you not to want Bucky romantically, so many that he couldn’t even list them all. And of course, you’d let him down gently. You’d be kind about it and would never make him feel bad. But he knew it would change your dynamic forever, and he didn’t know if he could stomach that reality. He couldn’t let you become a stranger.
Partygoers eyed you as you searched high and low for Bucky. They gave you weird looks and whispered about you as you called out his name. They must’ve thought you were an obsessed ex or a crazy fangirl- some of them probably wondered why you were allowed into the party. But you didn’t give a fuck. You were going to find Bucky if it was the last thing you did. 
Things got quieter as you moved farther from the massive crowd. Soft music played, you spotted Tony and Pepper sweet talking one another in a quiet corner. Finally, you could hear yourself think. But it was 11:58, and this penthouse was bigger that your childhood home. There was no way you were going to be able to find Bucky in time.
But you weren’t going to give up. As you rounded the corner down a long hallway, a wall of muscle bumped into you. Its mass nearly sent you crashing to the floor, until an arm wound around your waist. “Oh, shit- sweetheart, I’m sorry.” Bucky saved you from falling and pulled you close to his body. “Are you alright?”
There was no time for small talk or pleasantries, you had a mission- and your time to accomplish it was running out. “Buck, would you be my New Year’s kiss?”
Bucky stared at you, “What?”
“There’s like-” you checked your phone, “there’s like less than two minutes till the ball drops and I- do you want to kiss me at midnight? Yes or no?”
Bucky gave you a smile and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, “Doll, you’re drunk-”
“I’m not. We both know I’m not.” He was trying to get out of it- to find an excuse, wasn’t he? Embarrassment flared inside your chest. 
Bucky could’ve suffocated in the tension. His heartbeat pounded so loud in his ears it drowned out the music. The raucous crowd.
“It feels embarrassing to ask a third time, but you haven’t technically answered, so-”
“Yes,” Bucky nodded. He gave the area a cursory glance and found it less enchanting than he would’ve liked for such an important moment. “But, don’t you wanna go back to the party and see the ball drop? Or stand on the balcony to watch the fireworks?”
“No. I wanna be here. With you.”
The crowd began their countdown.
And all Bucky could do was stare at you.
He hated that he ran away, that he lost his nerve.
But here you were. 
Because you wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
And he was going to get his wish
People cheered, music blared, fireworks exploded. But neither of you noticed
Bucky took your face in his hands and brought your lips to his. It was the kiss you’d always dreamed of. The one you waited your entire life for. Your mom always said that when you found the right person, you’d know just by kissing them. And while you’d known Bucky was your person since you met him, this just confirmed it. 
Kissing him stole your breath- but gave you life at the same time. Was it possible that you’d been holding your breath your entire life, just waiting for this moment?
An intense warmth filled your every cell and lightning struck in your chest. You melted. He knew exactly what you wanted and gave it to you without hesitation. And just as you suspected, the fabric of his lapels felt incredible in your hands as you tried to pull him closer. But there was no ‘closer’. Any closer, and the two of you would become one.
Bucky could’ve died right then. If this was what awaited him over the past hundred years, he was glad he lived so long. You were worth it- all the pain and suffering and sadness. You were worth all of it. 
When you finally pulled away, no one spoke; you weren’t sure you remembered how to. And Bucky was too lost in the taste of your lips to conjure words. It didn’t matter that you were in a random hallway or that several hundred people were screaming Don’t Stop Believin’ just a few rooms away. This was private. Intimate. Just you and Bucky. As it always should’ve been.
“NEW YEARS SHOTS!” Nat yelled as she and Sam barreled into you, knocking you further into Bucky’s grasp. “We’re all doing shots! Happy fucking new year!”
You eyed Bucky, “Um… that’s okay, Nat. I think we’re just gonna-”
Nat put you in an arm bar and marched you toward the alcohol. “If you don’t do a New Year’s shot, it’s bad luck! You wanna end up dead at the bottom of a cliff or something?” She pushed you in the direction of the bar, separating you from Bucky.
Sam nudged Bucky with his shoulder and motioned for him to wipe your lipstick off his face. 
“Finally kissed her, huh?”
Bucky nodded.
“Can’t believe it took you that long- you’ve been making googly eyes at her forever-”
Bucky rolled his eyes, “alright, alright. I haven’t been ‘making googly eyes.’”
Sam gave a laugh that echoed down the hall, “yes you have, Barnes, stop lying to yourself. They pop out of your skull every time you look at her.”
Bucky gave Sam a very shiny middle finger.
The party wound down with you managing to get away with taking only one shot. Getting drunk didn’t seem like the best idea, not when a very important conversation with Bucky loomed on the horizon.
He stayed close to you for the remainder of the party, staring at you like you hung the moon. He craved the taste of your lips, the feel of your skin. Part of him feared that this was all a dream, that he’d wake up on the floor of his shitty apartment. Alone. Missing you. 
But no matter how many times he pinched himself, things remained the same. 
The DJ packed up and went home. Most of the partygoers flooded through the lobby and into taxis. Only the team remained. Tony, Nat, and Maria drank and laughed. Wanda taught Sam her “rave hands” as he often called them. And you rested on the couch, leaning against Bucky. 
“Hey… doll, you still with me?” he gave your hand a squeeze and roused you from your slumber. “You wanna just stay here tonight? Stark said there’s a bunch of empty rooms.”
You blinked your eyes clear and gave your head a shake. “What? No, I’m good. I’m fine. You forced a smile and struggled to get your eyes to focus, “Not even tired.”
Bucky laughed, “You were literally just asleep on my arm.”
“I was not,” you said. “I can hang!”
Bucky gave you an affectionate eyeroll and laughed at your protests. You absolutely could not ‘hang’, especially not with Tony, Nat, Sam, and Wanda. They were the partiers of the group. You, on the other hand, were a lightweight. 
“Well, I cannot hang,” Bucky yawned. He knew just how to get to you, “So I was just gonna sleep here. But, by all means, you stay up with the crazies. I’ll see you-”
“Oh, well in that case…” Spending the night with Bucky sounded like the perfect way to start the new year. “Yeah, I’ll just sleep here, too.”
A quiet laugh rumbled out of Bucky’s chest as he helped you from the couch. He wound an arm around you and pulled you into his side with a quiet “come on”. And the two of you took a stroll through the penthouse. Bucky ensured you didn’t fall when your heel caught the lip of a marble stair, and he kept you upright when exhaustion tried to pull you down. 
He made you feel safe. Taken care of. Protected. 
“Here we go,” Bucky flipped on the light of a lavish bedroom and motioned for you to enter first. 
You flopped on the bed with a loud sigh and allowed Bucky to help you free your feet from your uncomfortable shoes. Everything after was a blur, as though laying down for a split second turned your brain off completely. 
Bucky helped you under the covers and made sure you were cozy. He placed your phone on a charger. And when he was sure you were settled, he pressed a goodnight kiss to your forehead. While he wanted to climb in bed with you, he wasn’t sure it was right. Yes, he’d shared a bed with you a few times. But that was before he kissed you.
He decided that sleeping elsewhere was his best bet. It guaranteed that you’d feel safe and comfortable when you woke the next morning. But as he turned to leave, you hand exploded from beneath the sheets and snatched at his wrist.
“Where’reyougoin?” You words were clumsy and tired, but Bucky understood. 
He rested a hand on yours before gently removing it from his wrist. He tucked it back under the covers with the utmost care, and left another kiss on your forehead. “I was just- I was gonna find another room…”
This woke you. Suddenly, your eyes flew open. You were fully alert. Almost alarmed. You wanted Bucky by your side- always. And he’d already kissed you, what difference did sharing a bed make?
“Would you stay, Buck? Please?”
“Of course, doll. If that’s what you want”. He ran a hand through his hair, “But, are you sure? You’ve been drinking, and I-”
“I had a total of three drinks over the course of like…” you struggled to do the math in your foggy, tired brain. “Um, like, six hours. I’m not even near drunk. I’m just tired.” Once again, your hand escaped the covers and made a grab for Bucky’s arm. You gave his sleeve a gentle tug, “No pressure if you don’t wanna sleep in here with me. But if you want to, I’d be more than okay with that.”
Bucky’s heart leapt into his throat. This was all he wanted. While your kiss at midnight was, indeed, incredible, he didn’t crave moments like that. He wasn’t after the sensational. He wanted quiet, vulnerable intimacy with you. He wanted to hold you when you’d had a rough day. To share a bed with you every night. 
And at your invitation, he joined you.
He shed his jacket, tie, shoes, and belt, and climbed into bed. Normally, he slept in just underwear. But stripping down to his briefs felt like the wrong move. He’d sleep in his dress pants and his button down- no matter how uncomfortable it was- just to make sure you felt safe.
You wriggled in your dress and tried to get comfortable. It was tight in all the wrong places, the fabric itched. But you couldn’t shimmy out of your dress and sleep in just your underwear- not when you weren’t even sure how Bucky felt about you. He’d planned to sleep in another room, and it took him three tries to agree to kiss you. Maybe he didn’t like you that way. And if that were the case, keeping your clothes on was the least you could do.
“Goodnight, Barnes,” you yawned.
“Goodnight, Doll.”
“Yo, checkout in ten,” Tony called from the hallway. “Get up and get out.”
Bucky woke with a start, nearly headbutting you. Your face rested inches from his. His metal arm draped over your side. Your hands laid on his chest. 
He couldn’t wake you- not yet. He needed to drink in the moment. You slept peacefully, your hair messy and your make up smudged. This was what he’d always dreamed of, what he feared he’d never get. But here you were. And you were prefect. 
“Hey, sweetheart…” Bucky swept a thumb over your cheek a few times, “we gotta head out.”
Against your will, you stirred. It was too early, and you were far too tired. You snuggled closer to Bucky, nearly bringing your lips to his.
He ran a hand up and down your spine and tried again, “Doll, we gotta get up.”
With a groan, you pried your eyes open. But seeing Bucky first thing in the morning perked you up better than coffee.
 “Good morning, Barnes.”
“Good morning, doll…”
He wanted to kiss you- but a sudden epiphany hit him like a train. What if that kiss was a one-time thing? What if you just wanted him for New Years- nothing more? The thought pulled Bucky from your side. He shrunk away and slipped out of bed. If he was never going to kiss you again, he needed to escape the intimacy you shared. It was a method of protection, of self-preservation. Otherwise, he’d drown in his longing for you.
“Stark said we have to be out in ten minutes, so…”
It was odd, the way he snaked out of bed so quickly after you woke. No good morning kiss. No soft touches. Nothing. But apparently, there was a ticking clock. The two of you had ten minutes to get out of the luxurious penthouse and rejoin the real world. And though you would’ve preferred a nice, slow morning with Bucky, you had a time limit. 
You wriggled out of bed and took inventory or your appearance. Your dress was completely cockeyed and crooked from a night of sleep. Your hair was a mess. And your aching feet were covered in red spots and blisters. 
“Not to be that girl, but I’m not putting these things back on,” you said to Bucky, taking your shoes in your hand. “Walk of shame vibes for me today.”
Bucky gave you a quiet laugh as he righted his shirt and put on his belt. Something about him seemed off. He was quieter than usual, not as warm. Clearly, he regretted the kiss, and now he felt uncomfortable around you. You kicked yourself for jeopardizing what you had with him. Why did you have to be greedy? Why did you have to ask for more? Things were good as they were- great, even. And yet, you couldn’t resist screwing them up.
A dull ache pulsed behind your eyes. You were exhausted, hungry, and definitely dehydrated. You dug into your purse in search of advil, but a memento from the night before distracted you. You’d slipped it into your purse and forgotten all about it. Until now.
Bucky caught you smiling down at your bag, “What are you looking at?”
“Oh, um…” your cheeks grew warm with embarrassment. It was too late to come up with a lie- Bucky saw the smitten look on your face. “It’s just this. Here…” You reached over the bed and dropped a polaroid on the sheets in front of him. “Wanda took it last night.”
It was a picture of the two of you; Bucky staring at you with an adoring smile while you threw your head back in laughter. It was the perfect encapsulation of your relationship. Bucky wished he had a copy of his own. He’d take it home, put it in a frame. He wanted more- more photos with you. More moments like this.
He stared down at it, letting the frozen moment in time wash over him. And then- “Why did you kiss me?” It was abrupt. And awkward. Bucky regretted it the moment the words came out of his mouth. But he needed to know.
“What? Oh, did you not want me to?” Regret pooled in your chest. Had you violated him? Coerced him into kissing you when he didn’t want to? 
“No, I- I wanted you to.” Was he really going to do this now when you were both exhausted and still wearing the previous night’s clothes? His talent for finding terrible timing truly was impressive. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for a long time. A really long time.”
“Oh,” your stomach did a backflip. “Okay, well-”
“I just need to know why you kissed me,” Bucky said. His words picked up in pace, his hand developed a slight tremor. He was nervous, really nervous. “Did it mean something to you? Or was it just a New Year’s thing? If it was just because you wanted to kiss someone at midnight, I get it. And that’s totally fine. I just-”
“It wasn’t just a New Year’s thing.”
The two of you stared at each other from across the bed. But it felt like he was miles away. Slowly, you took a few steps in his direction. “I mean, yeah, I wanted to kiss you at midnight- but I mean, I wanna kiss you all the time.“
Bucky’s heart stopped.
“Buck, I’ve wanted you- wanted to be with you- ever since we met. I want to be yours. I want to kiss you- not just at midnight. Not just on New Years.” You took another cautious step, careful not to spook him. “I just didn’t know how to say it. I didn’t want to scare you off.”
“You can’t scare me off."
Butterflies swarmed in your stomach. "Oh. Well, good. Cause I think we're pretty fucking great together."
Bucky couldn't disagree. You brought out the best in each other. You cared for each other. Bucky trusted you more than he trusted anyone else, and you felt the same. The connection you shared couldn't be broken or damaged.
But Bucky couldn't escape the doubt that chipped away at his resolve. You'd spent a perfect night together and woke up tangled in each other's arms. Surely, you were just letting the previous night's festivities get to you. Influence you.
"You know, I think we should just talk about this another time- tomorrow maybe?" Bucky said. "We're both tired- and I don't want you to say anything you might regret-"
"No. I love you." Your words were steady. Even. No sign of uncertainty or question. "I know what I'm saying. I won't regret it-"
Bucky didn't want to stop you; he'd dreamt of hearing you say these things since you met. But he needed you to take pause. He needed you to be sure. If you were still under the influence of the perfect night you shared, it would be easy to let those feelings cloud your judgement. He knew he couldn't handle it if, in a few days, you revoked everything you said.
"Buck, listen to me: I've known for a long time that I love you. But every time I try to tell you, something gets in the way. For a while, I thought it was the universe trying to tell me that we're not supposed to be together, but-"
"Fuck the universe."
Bucky closed the gap between your bodies and pressed his lips to yours. His hands grasped your waist, tangled in your hair. It was desperate and hungry and left you seeing stars.
He pulled away and stared at you. Watched you catch your breath. He kicked himself for trying to stop you, for doubting you.
“I didn’t mean to run from you last night," Bucky said. The words tumbled out of his mouth faster than he intended. "But, I panicked- I promised myself I'd ask you to be my date to the party and that we'd kiss at midnight. And I swore I'd finally tell you that I love you...”
Finally, he said the words. You breathed a sigh of relief and felt the knot in your stomach untangle itself. "You love me, huh?"
He nodded. "A lot. But I let the party get to me. I wasn't exactly comfortable with all the people and the noise and- I lost my nerve."
You took his face in your hands and brought his forehead to yours. "Hey, that's okay. I wasn't going down without a fight, anyway." You thought back on the night before, on the ridiculous way you'd run through the party in search of Bucky. "I chased after you like a madwoman. People probably thought I was a crazy stalker or something."
Bucky laughed and pulled you tight to his body, “well, thanks for looking crazy just for me, doll.”
"Any time, Buck. Happy New Year."
He pulled you in for another kiss, knowing that there would be many more to come this year. More sleepovers. More photos. More moments spent wrapped in one another.
"Happy New Year, baby"
Taglist: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality  @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @breakablebarnes @psychoticmason @glxwingrxse @lonewolf471 @dreamerglassesgirl @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned @purpleshallot  @seitmai @itvy5601 @dailyreverie  @navs-bhat @eviesaurusrex @themorningsunshine  @evangeliamerryll @buckys-metal-arm @broadwaybabe18 @the-kestrels-feather @avocadotoastwithegg @goldylions @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @vrittivsanghavi  @idkitsem @avengetheunnatural @rassvetsky @hereforbuckyandsteve @barnesselo
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
Watching You
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Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: your sons want to be just like you, so they copy your mannerisms as best they can.
Warnings: all fluffy family shit
Word Count: 1.4k
navigation  marvel masterlist
You had just picked Tommy up from school, McDonald’s Happy Meals in the car ready for him. Billy was home sick with Wanda, so you were in charge of picking Tommy up. You buckled him in and got back in the driver's seat, chatting idly about his day with him as you drove him home. 
You watched the 7-year-old scarf down his nuggets, knowing that he couldn’t have the toy till they were gone. You glance forward and a traffic light that had been green turned straight to red. You hit the brakes, making everything in the car pitch forward. You mumble curses under your breath, hoping that your son can’t hear you.
Tommy’s fries go flying towards the front, and his drink tips over into his lap. He looks down at his now soaking wet pants and says, “Shit!” You look at him, surprised and concerned, but he just grins right back at you. The light turns green again and you continue driving, still worried about where your son had learned that word.
“Hey, buddy. Where’d you learn to talk like that?” Tommy just smiles at you before saying, “I’ve been watching you, mama! I wanna be just like you. I’m gonna eat all my food, and grow as tall as you are. We both have Yankees baseball caps, and- and Lakers jerseys! We're just alike. I wanna do everything you do.” 
You tear up slightly as you pull into the driveway of your house. “Yeah, buddy. We’re just alike. Now run inside and go check on your brother.” He nods and runs towards the front door, leaving you standing by the car, thinking over your life choices.
Wanda comes out and sees you with a slightly pained expression on your face. “What's up, babe?” You shake your head and pull your wife into a hug. “It’s just… Tommy said he wants to be just like me in the car. He also said shit, which he apparently learned from me. I’ve done so many awful things in my life, and I don’t want him to turn out the same way I did. Please Wanda, help me help my stupid self.” 
She chuckles slightly, smiling up at you. “He said shit?” You groan and nod, looking up at the sky. “Yes! God, I need to stop cursing.” Wanda nods in agreement. Suddenly, your other son runs out the door and jumps into your arms. You let out a quiet ‘umph’, swinging him around as he giggles.
“Mama, mama! I feel so much better. Can we work on our project?” You hike him up in your arms, laughing at his enthusiasm. “Yeah, of course kiddo. Go grab the tools.” He drops from your hold and hits the ground running. You watch him take off before turning back to Wanda. She is looking at you with an indescribable look of love in her eyes. “You’re a wonderful influence on the boys, and the best mom and wife a woman could ask for. Now go build a treehouse with your son.”
You grin at her and you place a kiss on her lips before chasing after Billy. He had gone into the garage and brought out the toolbox that held all of the things you needed to put together the treehouse of his dreams. You make your way into the back yard, watching him get the drawing that he had made of what he wanted his fort to look like. You noticed that he had put on a baseball cap that you recognized, and as you came up behind him you asked, “Is that my hat?” 
You watch his eyes go wide and he practically rips it off and holds it out towards you, muttering apologies profusely. You watch him panic for a second before letting a smile spread across your face. You reach out and push the hat into his chest, saying, “Keep it. It suits you. Looks better on you anyway.” He frowns slightly, answering, “But I wanted to look like you.” You can’t help but think about how much he sounds like Tommy in the car, and you pull him into your arms.
“Have you and your brother been conspiring together again? Y’all are saying the same shi-,” Billy gives you a stern look, and you fix your language. “Stuff. Stuff. And yeah, we look exactly the same. Guess who you got your ruggedly handsome looks from?” Billy pretends to think about it for a second before answering, “Mommy.” You gasp in offense and Billy takes off running while you chase after him.
When you catch him, you tickle his sides until he relents and wheezes, “Okay, okay, fine, I got it from you, Mama!” You nod, feeling accomplished. “That’s what I thought. Now go clean up, your mom will come after me if you track dirt through the house.”
Later that night, you sat yourself down between the two boys beds and turned on their Scooby-Doo night light that they had insisted you buy for them. It took you a couple of tries to get them to settle down, but you eventually tucked them both in. Almost immediately after the covers went over him, Tommy hopped out of bed much to your annoyance. 
That annoyance quickly melted away as he shyly handed you a paper that he had just pulled from his backpack, murmuring, “I made this for you, Mama.” You glance down at it, not knowing what to expect. As you read further and further down the page, you couldn’t help the tears that formed in your eyes. Tommy looks at you worriedly, thinking that he had done something wrong to make you cry.
“It’s okay, Mama! Why are you sad?” You shake your head and wipe your eyes. “I’m not sad, buddy. These are happy tears. I love you both so much.” You glance at the paper, having to look at the sky so that you don’t start crying again. “God, you guys are both growing up so fast.” 
Tommy wraps his little arms around you, and they are quickly joined by Billy’s. “You know, Mama, even when we’re big we’ll still know what to do, cause you taught us.” Tommy nods enthusiastically, adding, “You taught us to eat all our food so that we can grow as tall as you are, and if we work hard we can be just like you. When we’re all grown up, we’ll be able to do everything that you do.”
You give them a watery smile before sighing and concluding, “You two are already so much stronger than I’ll ever be. Your mom and I are so proud of you, and we are so lucky to have you as our kids.” You look at them lovingly before sitting them down on their individual beds and pushing their heads towards the pillows by their faces.
They giggle at you and you place kisses on their foreheads before turning their light out and exiting the room. As you make your way downstairs, you think over what your sons had told you. You find your wife in the kitchen making the two of you dinner. 
You wrap your arms around her from behind, and almost instantly, she melts into them. You stick your face in her neck and place feather-light kisses on it. Wanda sighs shakily, trying to stay focused on the food so that it doesn’t burn. You pull away slightly, before randomly saying, “You know, both boys want to be like me. How much do you wanna bet Billy will turn out like you?” Wanda laughs, and the sound makes your heart flutter and creates a giddy feeling in your stomach. She turns around in your arms and wraps her arms around your neck. “I don’t doubt it. Tommy definitely shares your personality more.” You chuckle and lean in to press a kiss to her lips.
She chases after you when you pull away, and you almost let her suck you back in, but then you smell a burning scent. You look behind her, seeing the food is burnt to a crisp. You move quickly to turn off the burner, and Wanda looks at the stove apprehensively. 
You glance at her before asking, “Pizza?” She nods and smiles at you before going to order it. As you watch her go, it hits you that you finally have the family that you had always wanted, and you had it with a woman that you love more than anything in the world.
You couldn’t be more grateful for such a wonderful family, and you would love them until the day that you die.
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cere-mon-ials · 1 year
2022 in kdramas
*that I finished
I spent my January nursing all that The Red Sleeve broke (my heart), nourishing what it gave me (provocation to write, notes here), cursing what it did for my overall k-drama viewing expectations. I am still mad that Lee Se-young wasn’t recognised for what she did in TRS, a show that belongs to Deok-im and her alone. I had finished Good Manager a day before, a long-winded bromance between Namkoong Min and Lee Jun-ho. I didn’t think much and truth be told, I don’t remember much either. Happiness fell flat after three episodes; stayed for the remaining episodes because of the excellent chemistry between the main characters. I evidently watched Coffee Prince many years too late but I saw every reason why I might have never finished school if I had seen it earlier.
Run On kept me thrilled on occasion, became white noise otherwise. I loved seeing my two joys, running and translation, woven into the show, loved the miracle of found friendships and homes, and a defiant writing philosophy that healthy relationships are worthy of being probed. Despite how unbearable Our Beloved Summer was about Ji-woong’s unrequited love, I could see the good-naturedness of the story writer-nim was trying to tell. I loved watching why the two leads fell apart and what brought them together. I loved that this had something to do with communication but I loved even more, that it just had to do with having grown up and realising you can love something you’re not and that’s one way to experience life. Kairos is the most underappreciated show that tackles time-travel. Great writing with exceptional attention to detail.
February was spent with the duology of the Ahn Pan-seok—Kim Eun—Jung Hae-in universe, the k-drama equivalent of Austenian bliss. Both shows benefit from Kim Eun’s thesis that romance may be intimate but love, in a patriarchy, demands a public that must accept it. Ahn Pan-seok is the finest orchestrator of moments that feel like the time lapse that falling in love is, that thing that people often reduce to soulmatism or violins at first glance. In One Spring Night, it works. In Something in the Rain, it fails because Kim Eun was still finding her voice as a writer who is stumped by what makes for the ‘right’ kind of conflicts in a 16-episode arc. I don’t think that’s the only problem with SITR but it’s the one she solved with marvelous elegance in OSN. In both shows, the main leads are charmingly, refreshingly communicative with each other. But it is in OSN, where Kim Eun figures out that being vulnerable is not the same as talking about vulnerable things, and how to make it count for all relationships that matter. Son Ye-jin and Han Ji-min, I love you both equally.
In March, I began paying an honorarium to the guard of my Jang Hyuk horny jail. Deep-rooted Tree made me cry in at least 14/24 episodes. A Joseon murder mystery wrapped in a drama about accessible language as the beginning to breaking down class barriers and nation-building, with nerdy love for character interiority? I ate that up. Han Seok-kyu is the only reel King Sejong ever. Just like Jang Hyuk is the only reel Bang Won ever. My Country: The New Age is a shallow show with hilarously lofty dialogues and masterful action sequences. In my most generous reading, MCTNA attempted to ask if Bang Won’s modernity could have come at a lesser price; is modernity not equivalent to audacity? Woo Do-hwan is almost as good at portraying audacity as Jang Hyuk.
Having Park Eun-bin and Kim Min-jae play Brahms in a riveting duet is exactly what Do You Like Brahms? set out to do. Introverts are rarely done well on the screen and getting it right with not one, but two leads is an achievement too. If you are a person fuelled by that mystical "passion," the creative arts industry can be a cruel place. Chae Song-ah is, by all accounts, not as talented as the others around her, and this is not a story of stick-with-it-till-you-rise-from-the-ashes. Even the hope that it might be is wonderful writing because Song-ah is far more assertive than anybody gives her credit for, like a baby who holds onto your finger with shocking strength. In classical music especially, there is no such thing: you are good or you are out. Park Joon-young is great and yet, he is begging for an out, because being good is just the beginning. These two and the other characters are deeply in love with music and they want to protect that love. They all find out that in the end that love needs sustenance, not protection.
I binged Fated to Love You in April, in a private experiment to see how much Jang Hyuk brainrot I can take. (Let’s remember this is a summary of the shows I finished.) I came out of it with brainrot for one more Jang. Outrageous show, outrageous star power. Soundtrack No. 1 was a forgettable experience save for the fact that I am now a person who looks up Park Hyung-sik’s MDL page on the reg. I think everybody is right about Twenty-Five Twenty-One: (a) Baek Ye-jin and Na Hee-do were always going to break up (b) It was a terribly-conceived finale. Two other opinions I am going to leave here: (c) Ji Seung-wan, darling of my heart, should have been the lead for the show that writer-nim actually wanted to do. (d) More people would see this, and also may have responded with thoughts beyond ship discourse, if Na Hee-do was played by anyone other than Kim Tae-ri.
I think people were right about criticising Lee Soo-yeon’s Grid too. The science of time-travel took some leniency. I get why the finale would have been unsatisfying, even as a setup for a potential second season. But I offer that the thesis of LSY’s shows is never in how they end, because they are not moral science lessons for the future. Grid’s deeply introspective themes of time-travel and the greater good begins with the the sun, the most reliable force in a human's life, turning against mankind. This immediately takes away a human as ultimate antagonist, when it easily could have been. For LSY, the future is the darkest place with unknowable power and we have the task of paving a path of light towards it. Time-travel is not the science-fiction component with which to imagine our behaviour in an unrecognisable, but possible, place. It’s the fucking fantasy. Even if we got the chance to change the past, we really couldn't. The future is what we have got to change and the present to make the first move. Those dreams of going back, repenting hard enough, flirting with what ifs? Not going to cut it. LSY's meta elegance is in bringing the intensely personal version of this theme in parallel to the big one: divorce. FWIW, she had all these threads tie together by Episode 7. I get why she said Grid is the next iteration of her life's work—an exceptional mind.
Park Min-young could have chemistry with a rock, and thank god, Seo Kang-joon isn’t one. When The Weather Is Fine is the rightest show about life in the countryside. It nails the fine line of a tight-knit community that shows up for you and also, how easily they can be the first source of judgement, as people who know your secrets. Best book club in a k-drama. Very well done pining. Imo is my favourite character and she should publish that novel because “Hey. Who do you think killed my brother-in-law?” is a banger opening line. I first saw Lee Jae-wook in this show.
During the weekends of April and May, there was My Liberation Notes. I watched it like a scheduled therapy session, although I do not think Park Hae-young is aiming for catharsis with her works (despite it seeming like the most common outcome). I didn’t have the word “healing” in my everyday vocabulary so often before k-dramas. It’s a genre of k-drama that is meant to be comforting, to inject slowness into everyday life as an antidote for the ills of modern society. Bullshit. There are multiple wide shots of the Yeom family tending their farms, eating in peace amid the greenery, and they are claustrophobic. It might feel like complaints, and you’re free to think that. But PHY knows, as most people my generation do, finding an escape is actually really easy. That’s not the point. The point is to be less sad about being who you are; to know that who you are is enough to make a living, find love if you want it, make peace with your family. This show is about siblings as the real loves of your lives.
I don’t remember what I was doing in June.
Pachinko is not a k-drama strictly speaking, but let’s do it. I adore Min Jin Lee and I am afraid to admit how emotionally attached I am to the world of Kogonada’s eyes. In MJL's book, the linear structure is meant to make you feel like the history of a family can also be a history of the other themes that consume intellectual space. In the show, there is no such thing as a past, or a history. Nothing is done, nothing is over and under the rug. You see Sun-ja’s and Solomon’s stories at the same time because there's no distance that makes what happened then far enough from what's happening now. For this alone, Pachinko is a superior adaptation. I have a shrine for every woman in this show. Watching Yumi’s Cells 2 has been among the happiest experiences of my TV viewing life. Bloody Heart could have been bloodier. I respected that it reached a conclusion without feeling the need to give a neat answer to its central question of assertive power as driver of both unity and chaos—there’s humility in realising that the answer need not be determined in one generation. Jang Hyuk thirst got me into the show, Kang Hanna’s outstanding face and smarts kept me there. Lee Joon’s Lee Tae nearly made me quit. Park Ji-yeon, muah. I watched the back half of Signal in July. It is no fault of the show that I was zapped out of will to see women being killed. There were two scenes of Kim Hye-soo’s that wrecked me bad, I had to quit watching for couple of days. Thank you to the makers for giving a genre-defining template. (Kairos did do it better.)
Alchemy of Souls was super fun as a weekly watch. Daeho is boring to me as a setting and the plot ventures into territories worthy of critical thought once in a blue moon. But I admire the ambition, and the storytelling does have its moments. Lee Jae-wook is a menace. Inhaled Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung over four days; I enjoyed it. Extraordinary Attorney Woo tried. I also binged Reply 1997. Reply 1988 is always going to be my favourite and I am not going to watch R1994 for a conclusive test of veracity.
Between these shows, their endearing efforts at being fulfilling shows about love of different kinds, I nibbled on episodes of My Mister. I couldn’t watch two episodes together; it was so potent, so unbelievably demanding of my attention in every way imaginable, and I gave it willingly. I wrote about the show here.
October brought the best mystery/thriller show of the year: May It Please The Court. It was written with a clear idea of how much to bite, knew how to chew on it, and that’s why it also landed the best conclusion of the year. The show is astute about forgiveness and justice, and well, forgiveness in justice. I think the show’s success is in how it trusted both its characters and the audience to process what this means to them. Jung Ryeo-won and Lee Kyu-hyung have impeccable married energy from first scene. Lee Sang-hee is the best, the hottest, the finest.
Little Women is the mystery/thriller show with the most potential of the year. It wasn’t until episode 11 that the show lost me but I do think the flaws began revealing themselves a lot earlier. I didn’t appreciate the show’s insistence that the central crime of the show was Sang-ah’s murders and not the patriarchal cult that pretends to be a meritocracy. I thought the Vietnam War references were in conversation for a whole different reason: I viewed it as a nod to the first war where losing means more than winning. That war is the blueprint for the 21st century exertion of control for the right to capital and target audience, rather than mere territory and pride. But this symbolism wasn’t what came through and I understand those who pushed back on how the war's references, along with an exotic flower, rang hollow. LW did get characterisation right, particularly the way poverty alters how intelligence is perceived and valued. It’s ambitious premise—that Louisa May Alcott was wrong in deciding these sisters would taper their poverty with unusual politeness—is radical.
I will rewatch the first 11 episodes of May I Help You in several trying days of my future. Baek Dong-joo and Kim Tae-hee, butlers to the dead and the alive respectively, are companions, friends and lovers, in that order. What's not to love? The acts asked of them are rarely grand but they are delivered with emotional heft. I forgive all the detours taken from episode 12. I tend to find it dull when everybody and everything is connected to each other. In this one's ending, it's quite lovely. I see the vision in saying that we only know Dong-joo’s story because that’s the story we have tuned into. The miracles could be happening to anyone at all. I wish writer-nim wasn’t so Christian throughout—the throwaway line about suicide put me off. Best piggy-backing scenes in a rom-com and also, favourite kiss, I am going to say.
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dingochef · 11 months
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, Smut (MDNI 18+ Only), Stalking, P in V, oral (female and male receiving), Semi-public sex, light spanking,
Summary: Jake takes you on a horse ride where you get to him in his natural element, he learns more about your life before him, and you take a few different rides.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 8
Word Count: 2.3 k
Chapter 9: Ride 'em
"My god, Jake, this is beautiful," you gush as you crest the hill on the back of Reba, a coppery Chestnut mare. Jake pulls up alongside you on Dolly, a blonde palomino, and his horse of many years.
"Isn't it?" he practically beams as you take in the stunning landscape. Verdant green rolling hills, a pond off in the distance, and a charmingly crooked stream are laid out before you along with too many cows to count.
Jake clicks at Dolly and she starts walking again and Reba follows.
"This is home, I didn't realize how much I missed it till I was in flight school in Florida," Jake says.
"Where in Florida?" you ask.
"Ahh, so the exact opposite side of the state from where I lived, Cocoa Beach by Cape Canaveral." You continue,
"It's Florida, which has its moments, at least our apartment was a block from the beach so it was easy to get to the water."
Jake looks over at you, slightly apprehensive,
"That's where you lived with Liam, right?"
It's not something you've talked about a lot with Jake, or really anyone in your life. You remind yourself that it's okay to open up, and that this is Jake, your amazing, caring, and loving Jake.
"Yeah, we had a little two bedroom place with a nice balcony that you could see the ocean from."
"Sounds nice, so how long were you and Liam together?"
The rustling of the long grass and steady muted clip clops of the horses provides a soothing soundtrack to your conversation.
"About 3 years, probably should have been less," you pause, looking off into the distance away from Jake.
"I definitely ignored some red flags."
"Like what?"
"Like he felt insecure he 'only' had a master's degree. He'd bring it up during arguments, like really stupid stuff, he'd say, "Excuse me, Ms. PhD, you know everything about everything."
Jake chuckles,
"That's the nerdiest insecurity I've ever heard of. I know you're loads smarter than I am, and I am okay with that."
You snort,
"In one thing, having an engineering degree just proves you're stubborn and good with math."
He laughs and continues with a question,
"What else did you ignore about Liam?"
Jake is in an inquisitive mood, or more likely trying to learn more about this part of your life that doesn't see the light of day often. He's not the type to pry, which you appreciate. You've talked about working for SpaceX, but not really your relationship with Liam.
"He was always jealous of other guys. The fact is being a female engineer most of your friends end up being dudes. I had a friend from Notre Dame visiting the area so I went and had a drink with him. Liam couldn't join us for some reason and when I got home he was all pissy about it. Letting comments drop about moving on to other guys, that kind of bullshit."
You keep going,
"Probably the one I was in denial most was just how I felt about the relationship. I always got the image in my head of me leaning way out with my hand outstretched reaching for him and him pulling me down. I did everything to make him happy, convincing myself that I could be happy if he was happy. I learned what utter bullshit that was, luckily before we got married."
"So what image comes to mind when you think of our relationship?" he asks, sounding more curious than unsure.
The first image that comes to mind is of Jake boosting you up to climb over a wall and you leaning down to help pull him up. You're reassured by how quickly your subconscious supplied this comforting image.
"You know how you boost someone up to climb over a wall?"
He nods.
"I see you boosting me up to climb over the wall and then me reaching down to help you up."
He's quiet for a long time and finally says, his voice a little soft,
"So a team?"
You really want to reach over and take his hand, but you're not secure in your minutes old riding skills at this point.
"Yeah, a team of equals. People who make each other better together, not by tearing down one person."
He doesn't reply but maneuvers Dolly parallel Reba and leans out to kiss you, a quick sweeping caress of your jawline. He rights himself after a few seconds and clears his throat,
"Yeah, the wine. We should get going."
The rest of the ride over to the Manton's is filled with companionable silence and the sounds of the landscape and horses.
You arrive at a dirt road and Jake opens a gate to let you and the horses through.
"The Manton's is just this way," Jake says as he points down the road. It takes about 10 minutes of riding to reach another gorgeous ranch house. To the side there is an older style barn that has a large sign with "Manton's Winery" in gold letters on the side. Jake directs you to the literal hitching post and water trough at the end of striped out parking spots. He only raises an eyebrow when you go to say something, you decide to let it pass. He helps you down off Reba and leads you in the barn.
An older woman is at a wooden counter surrounded by wine bottles. She turns and looks at you and Jake, recognition sets in as she practically screeches,
"Jakey Seresin! Is that you little Jakey Seresin all grown up?
She runs around the corner and hugs Jake so hard you hear the breath get squeezed out of him.
When he recovers some air,
he answers,
"Yes, Mrs. Manton. It's me Lieutenant Jake Seresin, decorated naval aviator here live in your winery."
She lets out a slight grunt of discontent,
"See you still have the unwavering sense of confidence."
You bite your cheek to not laugh at the look on Jake's face, just as he about to reply Mrs. Manton turns towards you,
"And who's this beauty, Jakey?"
"Mrs. Manton this is my my amazingly smart and wonderful girlfriend Dr. Elsa Matthews, PhD."
You look over at Jake and roll your eyes a little at his choice of title.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Dr. Matthews," Mrs. Manton pulls you into an equally crushing hug.
"Likewise, you can call me Elsa. Doctor makes me feel like I should be curing something," you squeak out missing the air that was previously in your lungs.
"Well, come on over and you guys can get a taste of each of the wines. When I ran into your Ma in town she mentioned she was going to send you over to get some wine. She also mentioned that I might get to meet the famed girlfriend."
She pours our three different whites and lets you know what each one is. Jake and you taste each one comparing and contrasting each one.
When you're finishing the last of a delightful Pinot Grigio Mrs. Manton launches into the questions she's probably been dying to ask the moment you walked in the door,
"So, Elsa, where you from? Sharon said you two met in California. You from there?"
You swallow your wine and answer,
"Nope, I'm from Michigan originally. I've lived in San Diego for about 4 years now."
She nods, somehow approving of your place of origin.
"That's good, always thought those California girls seemed a bit high on themselves. You Michigan folk are down to earth, hardy, good at surviving winter and things like that."
You struggle to find a response, but luckily she launches into more questions topping off your wines as she goes.
Next she pours out the flight of reds from driest to sweetest and lets you have a go at them. You make a mental note to grab the Cabernet and the Pinot for dinner.
"What do you do out there?"
You finish the Merlot and answer,
"I'm an aerospace engineer with Lockheed Martin."
She nods again and looks at Jake. When you turn to him he has that lovey dovey look that you see often.
"Oh deary, I think you could be from Mars and sell sweaters for fleas and Jakey here wouldn't love you less," she points to him, "That is a man in love for sure."
You nearly snort the rest of your wine at the intense Southern display you have just witnessed.
The lovey dovey look on Jake's face fades over to mild embarrassment.
"Well, it's been nice catching up, as always, but we best be getting a few bottles and getting back home to help with dinner," he says.
You select a few bottles and pay for them. As you walk out to the horses, you realize just how much wine Mrs. Manton poured for you and that you may be the slightest bit tipsy.
Jake helps you up and onto the saddle before easily mounting his horse. The way his easy grace and strength is on display in that action reignites the ember inside you and you feel a wave of lust and want roll over you. His thighs on display in the worn jeans makes you want to jump him even more.
Jake takes the lead with Dolly and Reba obediently follows with little input from you.
A random thought pops through your mind and out your mouth before you really consider it,
"Can you get a DUI on a horse?"
Jake turns and laughs as he realizes the wine must have hit you a little harder than it did him,
"Are you drunk, El?"
You giggle,
"Not drunk, just tipsy. Mrs. Manton kept filling my glass. It would have been rude not to keep drinking, Jakey."
He snorts,
"That is a luxury you cannot afford, pipsqueak. As much as you don't like to think it, you are a lightweight."
"Am not," you pout. Jake has turned Dolly around and is next to you and Reba holding out his arms.
"Come here, you can ride with me and Reba will follow. I don't want you to fall," he says, pulling over to sit in front of him. The care and concern shows on his face and you feel a little guilty.
"Sorry," you squeak as Jake grabs the reins and wraps his arms around you.
"Don't be, I'm sure Mrs. Manton was just trying to get at your deepest darkest secrets for her personal amusement. It's really a hobby of hers."
"She's good at it, I bet. Thanks for getting us out of there before we confessed to murder or something."
You let yourself sink into Jake's chest a little more, enjoying the closeness and the feeling of his chin hooked over your shoulder.
Soon you're stopping at the little pond you saw on the trip out. Jake helps you slide down and makes sure you're planted firmly in the ground before he lets you go. He follows and pulls a blanket out of the saddlebags on Dolly. He quickly ties up the horses to a tree nearby and grasps your hand to walk down to the water. There is a giant willow tree half overhanging the water; Jake parts the boughs and leads you into the protected space created by the massive tree limbs.
He rolls out the blanket and sits down motioning for you to sit next to him. You do, kicking off your shoes in an effort to get comfy.
"Thought you could use a little time to sober up, or take a nap," he pulls your small hands in his much larger ones,
"And I wanted to show you this place. It's where I would go as a kid just to think about things, you know trying to figure out life."
"I bet you brought girls out here to make out," you tease.
He laughs,
"You're the first person I've ever brought out here, El. Plus I never had that much game, just one steady girlfriend in high school who didn't like the outdoors that much."
You pull one of your hands free to cup Jake's cheek, your thumb rubbing on his cheekbone lightly,
"Thank you for bringing me here. It's beautiful here, and I'm honored you're sharing this with me."
He pulls you into his lap for a kiss, your head bumping against his hat, knocking it a little askew. You move around from the sideways position you were in to sit astride Jake's divine thighs. Your hands sliding up to the back of his neck and under his shirt.
The kiss deepens as Jake's tongue probes your mouth and his hands find their way to your ass.
He squeezes just shy of too hard, earning a deep moan from you. When you finally break the kiss to come up for air, you take advantage of Jake's distraction and grab his hat, firmly setting it on your head.
It is comically big on your head so it pitches up, the brim almost vertical.
Jake lays back, arms bent behind his head, and smirk firmly in place,
"I do recall explaining the rule, you going to make good on that promise, darling?"
You grind your hips down against him, frustrated by the denim between you two.
"I keep my promises, cowboy," you pant out.
You slither down his legs to work open his belt buckle and belt. Next you unzip his pants and tug down his underwear enough to pull his semi hard cock out. The opportunity for you to suck his cock presents itself and you indulge leaning down to pull him into your mouth. The feeling of his length swelling to its full size in your mouth makes you let out a heady moan. Physical proof of how much you turn on Jake spurs your own arousal and you feel the wetness build between your legs. You let yourself enjoy having Jake in your mouth for a few minutes more before you pull back. He whines in protest till you stand up and shimmy down your jeans and underwear. As you pull off your shirt and bra Jake tenderly caresses your legs watching you with heavy desire in his eyes. Clothing removed, except for the cowboy hat you kneel down again over Jake's legs.
Jake slides his hands along your thighs as you rub your wet folds along his length.
"Fuck, El. You're soaked, need to be in you," he grunts, his hands grasping hard at your hips. You angle your pelvis in just the right angle and he slides in easily.
You savor the initial stretch as you sink down on him all the way to the hilt. The feeling of being truly full makes you let out a noise between a whimper and moan.
"Oh God, Jake, feels so good every time. My pussy was made for you," you pant out as you start a slow rhythm with your hips up and down, enjoying the slide almost out and all the way back deep in you on every beat.
Jake's hands wander up higher and engulf your breasts, thumbs tracing the nipples, the rough calluses dragging across the delicate skin.
"El, you look so fucking good up there riding my dick in my hat," Jake rasps, his hips coming up to meet yours on each thrust. The additional pressure is hitting spots deep inside you ratcheting up the coil deep in your belly.
"Fuck, Jake, I'm so close," you plead, mind starting to scramble with how good you feel with Jake inside you at this spot under the willow tree, how intimate the moment is even if you're outside.
Jake responds to your begging, licking his thumb and applying pressure to your clit in the form of tight circles. He speeds up his pace of fucking up into and pants,
"Gonna come for me, baby? Gonna show me how much you like my cock by treating it real nice and coming on it? Let me feel how tight you can get."
The dirty talk has pushed you off the cliff with great force and you come hard around Jake. Nearly collapsing on his chest as you clench around his cock with each wave of pleasure. The intensity doesn't let up and neither does Jake's thumb.
"Think I can get another one out of you, El? Can you be a good girl and come again?" he rasps out. The hand not on your clit slaps hard at your ass. The pain ricocheting through you in a delicious way.
"More, Jake, please. So, so close," you whine out, you are still riding the high of your first orgasm as the second one barrels down on you.
"Wait for me, almost there, El," he pants out, hips pistoning up into you, his movements with his hips lift your knees off the ground pushing him deeper inside than ever before. Another slap rings out in the air, and the wave of pain pleasure hits you and you fall apart again, chest heaving and your ears ringing with the intensity.
All you can say is mostly gibberish of "feels good," and swearing, your brain having fucked off to another dimension.
Jake's hips go up and down a few more times until a strangled grunt escapes his throat and he comes, his whole body curling on itself. He lazily thrusts up into you a few more times stretching out his bliss. Finally he collapses, body lax, his face relaxed and eyes closed.
You lean down and rest your head on his chest, you stay joined for a few minutes as you catch your breath.
A deep laugh rumbles from his chest, he lifts his head up to meet your eyes, they're filled with mischief and affection,
"Look at you, El. Riding all sorts of things today, like a proper cowgirl."
A giggle escapes from your mouth and you scoot up his torso to give him a kiss.
Jake and you piece yourselves back together and exit the little bubble under the willow tree.
As you walk over to where the horses are tied up, Jake says,
"Probably need to get back to help with all the Thanksgiving prep."
You nod and Jake helps you get up on Reba, your tipsiness gone.
Jake leads the way back and you follow him, just like you'd follow him anywhere.
Chapter 10
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dangeles · 2 years
Please help a struggling artist.
Hi everyone.
I'll try my best to word this as well as I can; this is a plea for help.
I'm Donna, a 27 yr old freelancing queer+POC female artist.
As my Tumblr activity would suggest, my favourite thing to do is make fandom artwork, it brings me joy like no other. That has come to a standstill as in the past few months I've been unable to make ends meet with unexpected bills, having been kicked out of my previous apartment, and spending a lot of time and money in hunting for a new one in a dire time limit.
I've been holing up temporarily in an acquaintance's home for a very minimal charge, but her kindness can only extend till the end of June as she is moving away and giving her place up for rent for an amount I cannot afford anymore.
I have found a smaller place, but I still do not have enough to make the deposit/the rent that I need to pay by next week or I will lose the place. I'm down to my last trickle of savings that I can rely on for food alone.
In a week's time, I will be homeless and broke; I do not have a vehicle to crash in or any friends in the city I can approach who could accommodate me. I cannot return to my conservative parents in my hometown, I would have to give up my freedom as an artist and return to a closet I spent all my twenties working hard to get out of.
I've been living every day in constant debilitating anxiety and panic. Searching for a safe/affordable apartment and a paying job simultaneously is using up all my energy and will; my mental health has taken a massive hit with subsequent depression.
I'm on my last few dregs of hope and you guys here are it.
Tdlr; I humbly ask you for consideration in the form of donations.
I have linked my payment gateways: | KOFI | Stripe |
It would be extremely helpful to receive any amount at all; even a single dollar from a person counts and may help keep me afloat for a few months while I search for a job that could support me.
If a donation is not possible, signal boosting this post helps too. Please help me reach as many people as possible.
I'm being very optimistic by keeping a goal of $1,500; even though a part of me thinks that's highly unreasonable, I have hope, and it's all I have at this point.
My dear friend @enterthetadpole (an absolute angel who has helped me as much as she can) tells me how the fandom helped her when she was in need of desperate help, so I hope I too can turn to this space that has kept my spirits from waning completely out of me. Fandom content has been a safe haven; reading fics, looking at art, and poring through all the discourses here help me forget some of the fear and anxiety that grips me constantly.
I want to be able to give back to the community with art and sketches soon. I want to be able to open commissions again once my living situation is sorted.
Art is bread and butter, and my happy place.
Kindly help me get there again.
Tagging any who can help boost -
@camphipp @athene-noctua08 @enterthetadpole @writingloud @sherlockedcarmilla @flecker-illustrates @totallysilvergirl @podfixx @katherynefromphilly @arthur-rex @barbsiebabe @natillynoo-blog
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
rhett and 🌛 for your emoji requests my love!! <33
NIGHT OWL aka Nights with Rhett Headcanons
Rhett comes to life in the night.
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Pairing Rhett Abbott x reader
Theme Fluff
Word Count 559
Note Ahhh this took everything everything everything in me to write without making it too similar to a certain WIP of mine!!! But I loved writing this, just very soft and sweet Rhett 😌💗 a little cliche and expected, if you will, but our cowboy loves the simple life! And also, I figured if I'm changing my aesthetics for next year, I might as well save time changing the one of this and just start now! I hope you enjoy this! ✨
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If you enjoyed this, please reblog! Reblogs are the best way to support creators (writers, artists, gif makers, everyone!) on this platform. Share the content, share the love!
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It’s not exactly a secret around Wabang that Rhett is a creature of the night
His midnight trysts and antics were a regular topic of the town gossip
(Though everyone also knows about his daytime flings as well)
But it’s not like those were the only things his nights were good for
He was just one of those people who just got his energy at night
Before you, yes, he sometimes (but always unintentionally) gave the townspeople something to talk about
Other nights when he wasn’t doing any of that, he would just clean up whatever he could at the stables or watch TV before passing out on the couch
And then he met you, and that (nearly) changed everything (since he was still staying up and all)
Aside from drinking at The Handsome Gambler, there wasn’t much to do after hours around Wabang, so Rhett spent many of his nights with you
It was the one time you guys could be together since you both worked during the day
On most nights, especially if he wasn’t riding, he’d rush to your place as soon as he finished his work at the ranch
And listen, as much as he loves his ma’s cooking—which is a lot—he loves getting to have dinner with you, just the two of you
Cecelia didn’t mind though, she was just happy that Rhett was making better use of his free time than before
You would teach him how to cook some of the things you made so that you guys could cook together
And those cold Wyoming nights will have the two of you cuddled in front of a fire
Other nights, he’ll go drinking with you—and sometimes, Perry—if he’s in the mood to go out
After his rodeos, he wouldn’t want to go home right away
If it was an out-of-town rodeo, you’d explore the town a little before going back to your motel room
If it was just in Wabang, he’d drive around without any destination
He’ll park somewhere you guys could be alone
You guys will cuddle together in the bed of his truck, under the thick blankets he kept for you under the passenger seat
(Don’t worry, he’s kept his truck clean ever since he picked you up for your first date)
He would listen to your stories of how your day was or whatever you wanted to talk about while stargazing
When the conversation gets serious and he feels you need some cheering up, he’ll ask you to stand up
“But I don’t want to go home yet, Rhett”
“It’s okay baby, just feel we should stretch our legs a little”
But then he’s opening his door, reaching for the console, and you hear the radio volume cranking up and the headlights switching on
He reaches his arm out and twirls you around to slow dance under the stars
It was only near dawn he’d drive you back to your place for a proper sleep
“Stay the night?”
“Darling, you need to rest, and Royal’s probably getting up soon”
“Rhett, you’re way too tired to drive back now”
He’s pulling back the sheets and getting into bed with you
“I know, I just like hearing you ask,” he replies with that low voice and smug grin
When he gets back to the ranch, he’s already counting down till sunset
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Disclaimer  I do not own Outer Range or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
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jjsstars · 1 year
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Scott McCall Week 2023: Day 2, Scott & parental figures [melissa & rafael]
|| for @scottappreciation event
|| made the sun - posted on my ao3 | 1k+ word count
|| tags : bad parent rafael, angst, mentions of alcoholism, scott remembers what happend the night rafael left, mentions of isaac/alison, re-write of a few canon scenes from when rafael first appears, good parent melissa
Scott would never say it out loud but he remembers what happened that night Rafael got kicked out for good. He remembers his heart dropping when he started to fall down the stairs, the blur in his vision when he came to on the floor with Melissa’s hand cradling his head, he remembers the tears in his mothers eyes, the pounding in his head, the screams that ended with Rafael storming out of the house as Melissa scooped Scott up to take him to the hospital.
[cut off for possible triggering topics & longer word count]
It hadn’t come back to him till a few weeks after everything went down, and at that point telling Melissa would only make things worse. She had already picked up double shifts to cover Rafael’s half of the bills, he could hear her crying when she thought Scott was sleeping, the whispers between Stiles’ mom and dad to Melissa, how many more play dates he and Stiles had because his mom was working. Or she needed to be alone. Scott doesn’t know what the reason was, but he knows the pained look in his moms eyes each time she’d drop him off.
Scott never cared that his dad didn’t call or that they didn’t see each other much, he liked it better when it was just him and Melissa anyways. There’s not many happy memories with Rafael to hold onto, at least not many that aren’t tainted with the later realization that Rafael was drunk.
His dad never had one type of drunk, not like what people say, he wasn’t a ‘happy drunk’ or a ‘sad drunk’ or an ‘angry drunk’, he seemed to be all of them swirled together. But Scott knew what to look for to spot each type of drunk, his least favorite was ‘angry drunk’ dad. It only really came out around Scott, when mom wasn’t home, when it was too late for Scott to hop on his bike and ride to Stiles’, when dad knew Scott couldn’t hide. Or run. Or do anything but stand and listen to whatever Rafael was saying, willing tears away because his dad hated when he cried, gripping his fists tight so he didn’t scream back, just trying to keep control and stay steady.
He was never violent but he’d yell. Certain phrases still repeat in Scott’s head late at night, haunt him. “I don’t know why you’re acting like this” being the one that lingers the most. It stings each time he remembers the words, like stepping into a hot shower with a fresh scrape on his skin, the water only igniting how painful it is.
And that’s how it feels when he sees Rafael standing in the Argents apartment. He doesn’t want him to be here, in Beacon Hills, in Alison’s home, around Alison or Isaac at all. He runs when the smoke grenade Alison sets off starts to fill the room, he doesn’t stop running until Isaac grabs his shoulder because they’re miles from the apartment building and at some point Alison couldn’t keep up so Isaac had picked her up. Scott doesn’t say anything in the moment but part of him is glad that she has Isaac there to protect her, Scott doesn’t think he’ll be much of a good protector when he’s still scared of his dad.
Scared feels like such a harsh word but he isn’t sure what else to call it. Timid? His wolf feels timid, skittish, reluctant to show any of itself to Scott as he stands in the kitchen yelling back at his father. He’s saying something back, something that’s more than just ‘yes dad’ or ‘no sir’, he thinks the nerves might kill him.
“You can’t do this!” Rafael trying to take Noah’s job is not what Scott needs right now, it’s far from it actually. And just as he goes to tell Rafael to get out, for the umpteenth time: Melissa walks in.
“What the hell is going on here?” She lays her purse on the counter, Scott moving to his mothers side before his brain even connects that he’s doing it. It’s always better when she’s around, dad won’t yell as loud, won’t be as mean, he needs his mom there.
“I don’t know why he’s acting like this!” The words burn Scott’s skin in an instant, he recoils hearing his father spit them out again, as if nothing has changed since that night he left.
“He’s trying to get Noah fired!” He shouts despite how badly he wants to curl up into Melissa’s side and hide away. He grabs the back of her scrub shirt instead, gripping the material the same way he would as a kid, holding it like a lifeline.
“What?! Rafael.” Her voice drops to the same disappointment and sorrow it always held when Scott was a child. So tired, too tired for someone like Melissa, someone so bright and beautiful, Scott used to swear to Stiles that she was the one who made the sun, he still believes it. Science be damned, his mom made and hung the sun, the moon too, and the stars. All of it.
Rafael and Melissa keep arguing, a familiar buzz of angry words that Scott tunes out and instead focuses on the feel of Melissa’s shirt. It feels childish and he knows Rafael is probably shooting him a disappointed look. Melissa always “coddled” Scott, he needed to act more “mature” and stop clinging to his mother, Rafael hated it. Told his son to act like a man at the ripe age of seven.
Scott’s seventeen now. He thinks he’s grown up a lot, become a man of sorts, he’s a leader now, a true alpha. So who cares if he wants his mom to tell him everything’s okay and that his dad doesn’t mean the yells he lets out, she’s done it so many times before, yet Scott still believes her. It’s easy to hear her soft voice and not question a thing, she’s always protected him, been there for him, something he can’t say the same about Rafael.
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underscar · 1 year
Pairing: Nami/Female [Sister] Reader
Summary: The seas of the Grand Line roared a peaceful melody and expressed a salty aroma. The Thousand Sunny rocked back and forth. The sun shone like destiny declared and the clouds were clear to expose the skies' mature beauty. The day was young and admirable, and youthful admiration encased you as of recently, Nami noticed. Nami found herself often observing you out of curiosity. You, her little sister, didn’t desire to spend much time with her anymore, no longer having a common interest. The cause of this relationship shift was you and Luffy’s recently announced relationship. Your relationship was a surprise for everyone, but an even harder one to accept for Nami.
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A/N: ah hi...lenora back with another repost.
i swear i’m not being lazy and i do have new oneshots ideas! i just also happen to have so many old drafts rotting away in my docs with so much POTENTIAL that i wanna post those before i start anything new, you know?
anyway, this is based on this headcanon by @lxffy (sorry for @ you randomly lol), all credit to yin!
WORD COUNT // 1,504 words
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The seas of the Grand Line roared a peaceful melody and expressed a salty aroma. The Thousand Sunny rocked back and forth as if it was a mere child’s toy—a child's wonderland. The sun shone as destiny told it to and the clouds were clear to expose the skies' deeply mature beauty. The early noon was young and admirable.
And youthful admiration encased you as of recently, she noticed. Nami found herself often observing you out of curiosity. The more she observed you, the more questions arose. Your eyes glowed brighter than they did under any sun or moon, neither of the two is the cause.
At the beginning of the change of waves, Nami didn’t think too much of your shift of behavior or the glimmer in your eyes. Nami was just happy that you were still happy despite being so far from home.
When you declared that you wanted to leave East Blue with Nami and her crew, she argued with you. She hadn’t wanted you to be a pirate, to live that risky lifestyle. But she was convinced by Nojiko to allow you to join the Strawhats voyage, and explore the expanded seas you were clouded from your entire lives under the rule of Arlong.
Nami admittedly didn’t want to notice any changes. She didn’t want to get worked up. However, she slowly did grow to have this feeling of worry for you, and the sea did not soothe her anxiety. She was buried in concern for you as she faintly watched from the corner of her eye, Luffy, you, and Usopp play tag on the grass deck below.
Sunbeams glisten off her bare skin and sweat-drenched down as she bathes in the rays of sunlight from above, fashionably wearing a jewel-abused one-piece swimsuit she had never worn till now.
She remembers wanting to buy you both a set when you were shopping together a while ago. You were distracted the entire time, and she could tell you weren't enjoying yourself as she anticipated. Now, that’s something she did notice quickly and bugged her mind for seemingly a millennium. You, her little sister, didn’t rapidly desire to spend time with her anymore.
Alongside that concern, was how both your interests were no longer as aligned, and the cause of this relationship shift was you and Luffy’s recently announced a commitment to one another. She would never admit it out loud but she was jealous of how close you and Luffy had become.
Your relationship was a surprise for everyone, but an even harder one for her to come to accept. Not only was she surprised, almost everyone in the Straw-hat crew was shocked entirely. No one noticed a romantic feeling flourish between the two of you. Well, it was expected to not notice any romantic feelings from Luffy but from you to Luffy. Now that was surprising. However, with time, Nami realised that she did notice these signs.
How your gaze would linger on Luffy a second longer. How worried and wearing your tone got whenever he was to do one of his common shenanigans. Hell, Nami even noticed Luffy's shift in behavior towards you. It was very minor and almost unnoticeable yet she saw it. She noticed how Luffy would ease you differently than he would any other crewmate. Rubbing your head, lowering his tone so softly that his words were only for you to hear.
She always knew but didn't want to fully accept that her captain, her admittedly dumbass captain, would be dating her beloved sister who could do no wrong. To be honest, she wouldn’t say she wanted you to date anyone.
Nami loves her crewmates, she really does but imagining them romantically being romantically involved with you discomforted her. You dating her friends nerved her. Nami just thought you deserved…a prince.
Her dark eyes widen, and her attention falls fully on you as you trip, and before she could jump up to run to catch you like she always did as children; Luffy was there to catch you in his arms instead. He held you, arms wrapped around your waist as you leaned over him, clutching his shoulder. Nami squinted her eyes as the sun shone aggressively. The sun, though angered, shone on the two of you also. As if you both were on a stage and the only ones performing.
Her eyes wandered more onto your flustered face, flustered because of Luffy. “Luffy…” you whispered. 
Luffy seemingly didn’t catch your shy expression despite his eyes being no more than an inch away from your face.
He boastingly laughs in your face. “You’re so clumsy, _____!”
Your eyes narrowed as you stood up straight, removing your hands from Luffy's shoulders. “Y-You're one to talk, Luffy!”
Usopp agrees with you. “Honestly Luffy,” he muttered.
You had always wished, as a kid, to marry a prince, Nami remembered. Her, Nojiko, and Bellemere always used to tease little ole you whenever you stated you wanted to marry a prince. But now that you’re at that age of dating, she couldn’t understand why you would choose Luffy.
Despite being only a year older than you she has always been…mentally more mature than you. Mature on a different level. Mostly, because she had to, for you and her island. Nami herself would admit that she has a certain fondness for her captain, a friendly fondness.
However, no matter who she will always be soft for her younger sister, and will always choose you over any of her crewmates. She continued to watch you and the two guys play tag, lost in her thoughts. Nostalgia drowned her eyes. When Bellemere was killed and Arlong took over the island you called home, she wished for your prince to come to save you from the morbid nightmare you were forced to live. But Nami couldn’t wait for "wishes." She had to be that prince, for you.
And here you all are. Together and free. She liked it. Despite all her worry about Luffy influencing you, she was relieved that even through all the pain and sorrow you had to go through. That you were still able to smile, and love. She knows if Nojiko was here she would be just as happy for their little sister. Luffy was nowhere near a prince or gentleman, but she knew, based on the glow in your eyes, that he was your knight in shining armor.
That you would give anything to be with him, even if all the princes in the world desired you, you would choose him. And with Luffy, he would fight every prince, every pirate, and every sea folk to have you in his arms, to have your embrace easily as he does now. The island they were traveling to was in sight, the log post pointing straight, and before any of you knew it, you were anchored for another adventure.
You and Usopp were the first to exit the ship, quickly like children on Christmas morning. Your eyes were plastered with wonder at the monstrous animals that seemed to fear you and Usopp. However, Usopp's face was more terrified than the six feet bear you chased to hug.
Before he could make his escape to cause more trouble than you already were, Nami grabbed the back of his shirt hastily “Luffy, if _____ comes back with a single scratch… consider your life done,” she threatened. Robin giggled at the threat and made her swift exit. Luffy, as always, was not intimated nor did he spare a glance.
His eyes were absorbed on you, watching you and Usopp attempt to tame the foreign beast that ran from the two of you. Your smile seemed to bloom, and your laughs from the distance shivered him in a psalm. 
Nami noticed his expression, his expression of love for you, and it eased her weary mind. 
Luffy laughed as you trip on your footing, making the monstrous beast fall. “Mhm! She’ll be fine with me!” He shouted his response to Nami, before running off the ship after you, forcing her to let go of his shirt.
Her hands shook. She stared at the sight of you and Luffy conquering the beast with ease. Smiles as big as the sun and endearment piercing your eyes at the sight of one another. Nami’s hands which shook like a fidgety flame came to a stop, and she rubbed them in comfort. Like a sudden breeze, she subtly smiled at the sight of you two. 
She couldn’t lie and say you guys didn’t look cute together, Luffy was just a magnet for dangerous situations and she knew that. And of course, that worried her.
Though she knows from the bottom of her heart that he’ll always keep you safe.
He may not be the prince you always desired, and you may not be the treasured One Piece Luffy desires, but you both still found each other as the riches of your dreams.
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© UNDERSCAR 2023 - All rights are reserved to underscar. Do not repost, copy, change/modify, plagiarise, translate or screenshot my work: this will also include not reposting my writing on other social media platforms and writing platforms.
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jazztato · 2 years
The Company
This is for someone one discord :3 
It was a peaceful morning day, the birds outside were chirping, people walking and chatting could be heard from afar, nothing could ruin this beautiful morning. Well that's what everyone says till it gets drastically ruined.
Eirene was staying at the palace for a few nights mainly because Lucio had begged for her to stay and supposedly keep him company, no matter how many times she had said no he wouldn't leave her alone, so to get him to stop whining she agreed but only for a few night no more than that. Lucio took what he can get, but what Eirene didn't know was that she would have to deal with Lucio every morning and every night, she wasn't planning on getting a headache any time soon, at least Lucio was kind enough to have a room that suits her status ready for her it was about the same size as the one in her own home, Eirene was in her room sitting at her desk with a book in hand, she wasn't really a fan of reading that much but since she was a noble it was a thing she just had to do, she was half way through when a fast and very loud knock was heard from her door she didn't have time for who ever it was even though she already had a feeling of who it might be, and right on cue the door opened only to reveal the one and only count Lucio. Eirene sighed, setting the book down before turning to face Lucio who was leaning against the door frame. "Eirene! What are you doing in your room?! It's a beautiful day! Come and spend it with me." Lucio gave her the best pout he could which only made her sigh even more before she looked him dead in the eyes.
"Lucio dear, did it ever occur to you that I am a noble and as a noble I can not just set everything down to 'hang out'." As she spoke hang out she used air quotes hoping Lucio would get the message and go away to leave her with her work, but that's where she was wrong he didn't leave he just stood there with a shocked expression.
"Oh come on! Pleeeease! I haven't seen you all day!" Lucio rushed over to her grabbing a hold of her hands. "I'll do anything just to keep me company for the day!"
Eirene removed her hands from his grasp before placing them on her chin thinking for a bit. "Fine I'll keep you company, but you must beg for it." She gave him a devious smirk which resulted in him gasping as if she didn't have just asked for the great count to beg.
"WHAT?! Y-you want me to beg?! I'm the count! I don't beg! It should be you to beg, not me!" Lucio wasn't really happy with what she had asked him to do.
"Fine then, looks like you'll be spending the day alone." Eirene went back to her book reading a few pages till lucio quickly grabbed ahold of her hands once again collapsing to his knees.
"Fine! I-i'll beg! Please spend the day with me! I'm begging you, all I want is to spend the entire day with you!" Lucio kept holding her hands together with his as he stared up at her with a pleading look.
She couldn't help but let out a small laugh before standing. "Get up, since you begged for it looks like i'm stuck with you, for the day." She set the book down once again before standing and walking out the door with a flustered Lucio close behind.
"I still can't believe you made me beg.. All I wanted was for you to spend time with me since it was such a beautiful day out, not beg for your company." He let out a low whine as he walked side by side with Eirene.
"It was for my amusement, I told you before I was busy but you didn't seem to take no for an answer, so to make it enjoyable for the both of us, I had you beg and in return you get my company I dont see what's wrong with that." Lucio was silent for the first time as his jaw literally dropped to the floor.
"Everything is wrong with that! I'm a count, and count's don't beg." Lucio crossed his arms as the two of them entered another room of the palace.
"Lucio I'm a noble and you practicly ripped me away from my work, so I call it fair, now let's get this day over with so I can get back to my job." Eirene walked passed Lucio and into what looks like the tea room, a plate of cookies were sitting in the middle of the table which was placed in front of a white flush sofa that had red and white cushions placed apon them, next to the plate of cookies was a vase a bottle of what looks to be an expensive bottle of red wine. "Lucio what's all this? I agreed to hang out, not go on a date."
"This isn't a date, I just asked some of the staff to set up a pleasurable setting where we can talk and spend time together." Lucio was fiddling with his stash before walking Eirene over to the sofa sitting her down.
"Lucio you just described a date." Eirene grabbed a glass and filled it to the brim of the red wine before taking a sip as Lucio sat next to her.
"So what if it's a date? You wouldn't have agreed if I told you it was, plus technacily were hanging out aren't we?" Lucio gave her one of his well known smirks before wrapping his arm around her shoulders pulling him closer to him, she didn't look so pleased but she let it happen because she didn't want him whining about how she didn't care which she didn't really care. A few hours had passed and the sun was already setting.
"Lucio it's almost midnight and once the clock strikes midnight then I'll be heading back to my room to work." Eirene stood up dusting herself off as Lucio quickly followed.
"We barely got to hang out! Come on can we hang more, just this once! Pleeeease!" Lucio tried begging again but it didn't seem to be working.
"I'm sorry Lucio but I can't, you only said for one day and it's now midnight." She watched as the clock just struck midnight. "Maybe if you didn't waste the day talking about how great you were then we could've hung out more but I must really get going." Eirene was about to walk out till she heard Lucio let out a small little sniffle.
"I wanted to spend the time I have with you.. Because I really like you, plus you're always so busy that's why I invited you to stay at the palace, I barely get to see you." He truly looked heart broken.
Eirene rubbed her pupils before sitting back down next to the count. "Fine I'll stay but only for 1 more hour, then i'm head back understood?" Lucio gave her a quick nod before hugging her tight saying she won't regret it. However she did sorta regret it because she ended up staying up till 5 am listening to Lucio's stories from his childhood, but this time it wasn't all about him he allowed her to tell a few stories from her past if she wished to tell some, over all she didn't think the day was a total lost but in the morning she'll have a lot more work to get done, lets just hope she won't have a whiny lucio to deal with again in the morning, her day wasn't a total loss but it was a very eventful one especially in the end when she had to deal with a very drunk lucio.  
Ik the ending aint that great but I tried ;-;
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
Sultry Head Canons
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Pairing: Marc Spector x Layla El Faouly x female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1100 words
Outline: Being in a polyamorous relationship with Marc and Layla includes...
Warnings: pet names, cockwarming, multiple sex positions, multiple mentions of ejaculations, nipple play, bite kink, mentions of sex toys.
Author’s Note: This is a sequel to my story Sultry and it features a couple of headcanons for how their rest of the summer unfolded. This could be a stand-alone but I do encourage you to read the story! Second time doing hds, hope you like them!
P.S: dividers by @firefly-graphics || banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・ Marc Spector Masterlist ・❥・Layla El Faouly Masterlist
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The rest of your summer in Cairo went swimmingly, cuddled in perfectly with your two lovers. You were incredibly happy that these two people had decided to keep you with them and you never stopped to express your gratitude and your devotion to them. Turning yourself into the perfect pet for them. 
No one is shy when it comes to PDA, they are touching you subtly, and dominantly at any place. Spreading your legs whenever they needed you to do so or making you display your naked body for them on any occasion. 
Layla is a little more subtle whereas Marc is openly possessive and determined. He never lets you go too long without a kiss or a touch. He needs to have his hands on you or on Layla at all times. Layla is more subtle, she knows you would never stray.
Marc and Layla kept you at their house, at a secluded part just outside of town. Not many eyes to see what you were all up to. They didn’t have a problem with you going to work and for your studies as long as you always came back to them. 
What surprised you the most is how much they liked taking you on fancy dates and day trips. Make sure you were dressed to the nines, both of them immaculate dressed and adorned in jewelry. 
Marc loved Layla and it was so striking to watch as they both showered you in affection. Their shared love made you even happier to be part of this relationship.
Marc loved feeding Layla and she loved doing the same thing. Many times while Marc was using you as a cockwarmer, Layla fed you marshmallows straight from her mouth, kissing you sweetly as you whimpered from up above him. 
Stargazing was one of your favorite activities together. Wrapped all together in one thin blanket, snuggled in for better warmth as you often fell asleep looking at the stars and listening to them talk and talk for hours about their shared interests and their work. 
They both love using as their pillows while they sleep, and a lot of times you had them both sleeping on your chest, mouths on your nipples, Marc’s cock is whichever cunt he preferred that day. 
Marc loved painting you with his cum, and making you walk around the apartment with it dripping down your thigh, only to have Layla clean it off a couple of minutes later. 
But you also loved and enjoyed the peace and the quiet together, reading books on top of each other, chin on someone’s shoulder, you massaging Layla while Marc was reciting a poem in french for the both of you. 
Music! Layla was a huge fan of music and she loved teaching you about Egyptian music and singers. Often taking you dancing, the three of them make quite the picture altogether. She loved twirling you around and making you grind on Marc, liked when he cursed under his breath and held both of your wrists tight to shove you into a narrow alley. 
Layla loved it when someone played with her hair, so both you and Marc made sure to show your love for her and her beautiful mane. 
Marc liked fucking you till you screamed and wailed underneath him but Layla liked it just as rough, that day she brought home a strap-on, and she was fucking you fast and hard and almost broke your back. Marc looked so proud of her. Having them both take you like that, cock over cock, inside your tight holes would always leave you aching. 
Sometimes when Layla was too busy with something else, Marc would determinedly fuck you loudly someone close to her just to break her bravado and yet Layla never gave in. On the other hand, the minute Layla touched you whenever Marc was busy, he would never hesitate to leave his work just to take care of both of you. 
Bath time was one of your favorites, taking turns washing each other, soft massages, and tender touches with the softest kisses in between. 
Sharing clothes, you loved wearing Marc’s t-shirt and he loved existing completely naked, never hesitate to show you how hard you both made his cock. 
Marc loved having you both on all fours, above a blanket outside at the terrace, and just tease and tease you until your collective wetness was enough to make him go jackhammer on you both. 
Other times, he preferred spanking you both like this, one hand on each asscheek but there were many times Marc joined you, very pleased to receive some spankings from his wife. And oh god, he whimpered…loud and proud. 
Yet their favorite position was placing you in the middle and worshipping your body, each trying to outdo the other as they devoured your nipples and your cunt till you couldn’t have anymore. 
Sometimes, Layla took that position and you were more than happy to oblige, taking in her scent and her beauty, having Marc praise you for all the good job you were doing. 
One of your most memorable mornings, was when you woke up to Layla kissing your mouth so sweetly and passionately, Marc stretching you out with fingers until he entered you, Layla’s lips never leaving yours until you orgasmed in her mouth. 
Often, one of you would be the observer looking at what the others were doing until someone (most often Marc) would give in and come and join. 
Yet when you were the observer you always sat quietly, never touched yourself, you were a good girl, you knew your place and time would come soon enough. 
Marc loved it having Layla’s on his face while he hammered his cock on your pussy, keeping a brutal pace with both his tongue and his thrusts as Layla tried to hold on to you for support. 
One night, you were sitting on the edge of the bed legs spread, both of them assaulting you with their tongues, pushing your legs apart. You never knew you could orgasm again and again until you passed out.  They took their turns kissing each other in between so sinfully and deliciously. 
There were marks and bites all over your body, they both loved claiming you as theirs and you were proud to be theirs. 
The day you had to leave and return back home, they both tearfully greeted you at their airport making promises of finding each other again. 
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for updates follow my library blog @fluffyprettykittylibrary
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
a place called home
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© credits to the author, i found it on google. if you own it, send me a message to add your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Request by @dora-wolfram-blog: Hi <3 so happy to see your requests are open! How about ex Avenger reader who can manipulate the forces of nature and she comes to help Sam? (Idk maybe calling fish from the sea so his family can sell and earn enough money for the boat?) There she meets Bucky who she briefly met after endgame and they get to know each other? Domestic stuff is my weak spot so thank you so much luv u <3
word count: 1.206 words.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being a gentleman and sam a pain in the ass as always.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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Saying that Bucky and you were friends wasn’t something exactly. You fought together a couple of times before you retired from superhero life. Like many of them, the war had finished and you chose calm over being a private agent. More or less like the ex-soldier, with the difference that he went to New York and you didn’t be able to find a home until Sam made you a call. He was quite the opposite of Bucky for you, connecting since the very first second you met. After he told you about his sister’s financial trouble, he offered you a roof to sleep under in exchange for your powers to control the tide and promote the movement of fish stocks. Of course, it was a hit, and you finally found peace in Delacroix. A celebration was inevitable, it was part of Wilsons’ DNA, but you weren’t expecting Bucky to show up with Sam; although he told you in your last call that they were working together. Or something like that.
As soon as your eyes laid on him among the crowd, you knew he had changed after more than six months without seeing each other. You couldn't help but feel happy for Bucky when you saw him smiling for the first time. He had a beautiful and innocent smile, seeming like a new man. Renovated, with want to live, enjoying playing with kids and talking to old men about war stories.
You had placed your back against an oak column, away from the crowd but close enough to check on everyone, in case they need help with anything. A beer was resting against your lips, doubting on continuing drinking, lost in your thoughts. There was something about Bucky going from one side to another, laughing unworried, that had fully captivated your attention. You weren't able to stop looking at him, chuckling when you saw one of Sam's nieces putting a magnet with the form of a crab on his left arm.
“I have that teen-in-love's face on camera”.
You frowned at Redwing some inches away from your face. As a response, you tried to slap it down. But your friend was faster than you controlling that thing.
“He looks good, uh?”
“Oh, shut up…” You replied by clicking your tongue and rolling your eyes, having a sip from your drink to put your eyes away to the sea.
“He asked if you'd be here… Just saying”.
“Shut up, Samuel!” You implored, rubbing the bridge of your nose.
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As the night went on and the guests started to leave, Sarah asked you to take Jim and Jody home while she stayed there cleaning with his brother about the business. You were exhausted too, and she noticed it. And after saying your goodbyes, you headed to the parking where your car was stationed, carrying the younger Wilson onto your arms —peacefully sleeping— as his big brother was yawning loudly. At that point, you realized that it was going to be a tough mission to put them in the car.
“Wait! Lemme help”.
The male voice coming from behind you made you turn around and before you could react, Bucky was taking Jody from your arms to his. You smirked softly in response, looking for the key in the right pocket of your jacket to unlock the car. The soldier tucked the younger in the back seat, placing the belt around him as Jim occupied the other side of the SUV.
“It's been good to see you”. You said after closing the door, staying outside in front of him.
“Same”. He replied, not knowing what else to say.
Puckering your lips and clapping the key on your palm, you nodded with your chin, feeling the nerves running through your veins. “Good night, Bucky”.
“Good night, (Y/N)”.
You gave him your back, sighing inappreciably, to open the pilot's place and came in.
“He— Hey, wait”.
“Sam told me… you were tired. I might give you a ride back home. I can wait for him there”. The offering made you glance towards him, already sitting in your car but with a leg rest on the ground. “If you want, I mean…”
Of course he did (...). That son of a bitch had the audacity to push you onto the other. You bit your inner cheek, landing your eyes on the wheel. Yes, you were tired. You woke up at five to sail with Sarah, then you organized the party and cooked for it. You hadn't had a single second of rest during the whole day. And Sam took advantage of it, feeling like he was some kind of Cupido. And you had to recognize that it was also very considerate coming from Bucky.
“I'd appreciate it… actually”. You ended up agreeing, stepping out to give him the keys and ceding your seat.
The ride was silent between the two of you, hearing some quiet indie music playing on the radio while you fought against your brain to stay awake. Luckily, it didn't take him too long to reach Sarah's house —although you were barely keeping your eyes open at this point. Again, he helped you with the kids, walking indoors and following you to their respective rooms. You tucked Jim and Jody on their beds, making sure they were comfy before placing a kiss on their foreheads and wishing them a good night. Bucky had rested his back against the wall, in front of the elder’s room, just waiting for you. And you could swear that you saw him briefly smirking because of the tenderness in your actions.
After closing the last door, you waved your head to urge him to follow you downstairs to the living room. With an exhausted sigh escaping your lips, you let your body fall on the sofa, curling on a side of it to give Bucky some space. You couldn’t help but yawn, turning on the TV by using the control remote.
“It’s good to have a home to come back”.
“Yeah… After all the shitty situations we’ve been through… We deserved a rest, don’t you think?” You replied grabbing a cushion from the floor, using it as a pillow over the armrest. “Sorry, I… I’m deadly tired…”
“Come here, that will hurt when you wake up”.
Bucky didn’t hesitate on beckoning to his arms, taking off his boots heel against heel to place both legs over the coffee table. You didn’t resist, knowing it would be comfier by his way. Sitting up, you lied to the opposite side, being wrapped instantly and snuggled against his warm body. Shameless, you rest your head on his right forearm, practically laying over his lap. But you felt good. You felt like it was a good reward after a long day, rolling down your eyelids and focusing on the caresses in your hair you didn’t know you needed.
For a moment, your mind wandered and fantasized about this last hour being part of your real life. Putting your kids to sleep and then cuddle with your husband till falling asleep. Smell Bucky’s strong and edgy scent. Your hands scratching his back. His fingertips stroking your scalp. Your legs laced (...)
Oh, God, Sam. What did you do?
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TAG LIST: @mystic-232 @homesicam @theresnoplatypus @i-love-scott-mccall @slutfornat @goldielocks2004 @whatrambles @spidergirla5 @fanofalltheficsx @nocturnalherb16 @valenquei @golden-hoax @hunter-of-baker-street @missusstark @vhscherry @warm-sensations @addictedtofictionalcharacters @sarahsmcu @tinylumpiaa @amelia-song-pond @heartislubbingdubbing @stolenxkissess @clean-and-claire @winchestersgirl222 @virgoroses @marvel-ousnesss @me-a-hopeless-romantic @rvgrsbrns @maccasbeard @haileygarciasunshine @lewd-alien @kait-is-always-late @mckenna @weenersoldierr @mxltifaves @soldierstucky @theboldandthebootyful @arkofblake @isabellamur @kiwisa @spider-man-lover @rosiebrands @stealapizzamyheart @koressecretidentity @asemistablehundredyearoldman @mayans-sauce @petlaufeyson @megapeacelovemusic-blog @phoenixhalliwell
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donutloverxo · 3 years
Good little wife
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Note - Inspired by a request I got long ago and written for the happy hoelidays challenge I'm cohosting with my sister hoes @navybrat817 and @stargazingfangirl18 . I used the prompts two idiots in love + Character A loves Christmas. Character B hates it. A melts Bs cold heart Dividers by @firefly-graphics .
Summary - Your husband makes up to you for being a Grinch and a meanie to you throughout your marriage.
Warnings - 18+ only, smut(m/f), dub con, older man/younger woman, arranged marrige, leaking nudes, daddy kink, blood play, virginity/innocence kink, loss of virginity, virgin reader, painful sex, misogyny, mob activities.
Pairing - Mob!Andy Barber x reader
Word count - 8k
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“You look beautiful, cookie,” your mother raved, pressing her lips to your cheek, “He’s a lucky man.”
You only hummed. Staring at your refection, seeing someone you didn’t even recognize.
Your white lace dress somewhat conservative, still really pretty, something you would’ve been more than happy to wear if your circumstances weren’t so depressing.
You almost let out a sardonic laugh, you didn’t get to choose your husband but at least you chose your wedding gown.
“It’ll be alright,” your mother picked at your hair, noticing your evident sadness, you’ve never been one to hide how you feel anyway, “you’ll learn to love him. He’s very successful.”
“I always thought ‘money doesn’t make you happy',” something she had said to you so many times over the years.
“That’s just a fairy tale. People fall out of love, run out of things to talk about, men cheat, in the end all that’s left is how well he can provide for you,” she stated.
You checked your phone as soon as you could, going through your messages to see if your boyfriend, or rather your now ex boyfriend, had sent you anything. You still naively hoped that he'd come on a white horse and sweep you off and away, so you wouldn’t have to marry someone you’ve else. So you wouldn’t have to give up your freedom forever and just be someone’s wife.
But you saw nothing. He hadn’t talked to you, not since your father found out about you both. Since he was from a family your daddy hated with a passion, and you were supposed to as well, your father made you cut all times with him. Locked you in your room in a timeout till you came to your senses.
After over three weeks he came to you, telling you how he was ready to forgive you and move on. You were so happy. For a minute you let yourself believe that this was your father, he loved you unconditionally, of course he'd set aside whatever vain feud he has and let you be with your love.
All your hopes were crushed when he told you he had selected a husband for you whom you have to marry in just a month. That you had to drop out of college since you wouldn’t need that degree anyway.
You always did believe that he had your best interests at heart, you wanted to believe it this time as well, but you just couldn’t.
Cringing inwardly when he kissed your cheeks, “You look beautiful,” he told you, cold eyes staring at you, “Don’t try anything stupid. Andrew is a good man,” he looped your arm in with his.
“He’s more than a decade older than me,” you argued, biting your lip as he squeezed your arm to warn you.
You slapped a fake smile on your face, walking down, one step after another as everyone looked at you in awe.
This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life...
But when you looked at Andy waiting for you at the alter you felt nothing but grave anxiety which made your teeth clatter, his palms joined together at his front, he did look handsome with his tux and neat beard. You have had a crush on him for a long time but you’ve never even had a real conversation with him, you didn’t know him. No one did.
Your heart filled with dread as your father handed you over to Andy, patting him on his shoulder, “Take good care of her.”
“I will,” Andy smiled.
You weren’t really there, maybe your body was but your soul had left you to maybe make the whole ordeal less painful. The priest read the vows asking you if you were ready to take him as your husband forever.
“I do,” since you had no other choice.
“I do,” he repeated.
You felt a shiver jolt up your spine when his fingers grazed yours, putting the thin silver band on your finger before lifting your veil to press his lips to yours, giving you a chaste, barely there kiss as everyone cheered you on.
The rest of the evening was a blur, you could barely register what had happened, everyone sweetly calling you ‘Mrs Barber’ only making you more nervous.
Andy however, was cordial and formal as always, shaking their hands and thanking them.
Since you hadn’t really taken any dance lessons you were left to simply wing it with him at your first dance. With your clammy hands in his you tried to match his pace as he lead you, bumping into his feet with yours more than once.
He leaned in to whisper in your ear, “Relax,” making you shudder.
You looked up at him, he had barely said two words to you but your grandmother often said ‘Eyes are the windows to the soul’.
And Andy’s eyes were so... kind, like a blue ocean you could happily drown in. He almost looked at you as if he were fond of you.
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad...
You didn’t really expect Andy to carry you over the threshold, that was just a silly little fantasy you’ve always had and you knew he’d never indulge you in it but he didn’t even hold the door open for you.
You looked around his condo, so grey and boring, looked like it was out of a magazine catalogue, you felt so out of place there.
Naturally, you followed him to his bedroom, watching him wake his coat off, followed by his cuffs as he rolled his sleeves up.
You went over what you wanted to say in your head, how do you tell your husband that you’re a virgin, on your wedding night--that was something your grandmother never gave you advice on. You could’ve used her wisdom then.
With your mouth suddenly dry you tried to speak as he poured himself a drink, “Um... I’ve...”
“What?” he looked at you, quirking a brown brow up.
“Nothing,” you shook your head as you took a seat on the edge of the bed. “This is a nice house.”
“You can take the guestroom,” he said bluntly.
“You can take the guestroom. I’ve already put all your bags there, you can decorate it however you like but don’t touch anything else.”
“But I...I’ve never heard of husband and wife sleeping in different rooms.”
“That’s true, it is unusual. This is not a normal marriage though, is it?” His tone so frustratingly patronising, as if he was talking to a child.
You’ve never really been appreciated for your mind, women never are--not where you come from, even your love Alex only ever thought of you as a ‘pretty face’. But Andy didn’t need to spell it out for you, “You... don’t want me...” you realised.
He only scoffed. He’d never been one for long term relationships, he had tried but he could never give himself to another person, women often called him emotionally unavailable, his demanding and dangerous job did contribute a lot to that, but more than that it was his unwillingness to change. He was self aware enough to know that but he didn’t need anyone else. He didn’t want to be tied down or to have a nagging immature wife.
“But why...” you wondered. Sure, you weren’t thrilled to marry him, but now you had accepted it and wanted to make the best of your new life. You thought he wanted the same.
“Why would I want you?” he spat. “ You’re nothing but a spoilt rich girl who’s had everything handed to her. Who was ungrateful and stupid enough to fraternize with the enemy.”
You let out a shaky exhale, looking at him with teary eyes, “I loved him...”
“You don’t know the first thing about love,” he rolled his eyes.
“He loved me too! But I’m willing to put that behind me. I made a vow to you.”
“You really don’t know, do you?”
“Know what?” you frowned.
He took his phone out of his pocket, opening his gallery to show you the compromising pictures you had sent to your ex, “He shared that with everyone, it was all just a ploy to humiliate your father.”
You gasped, taking his phone in your trembling hand, your breasts exposed as you shyly looked at the camera. You had flat out refused to send him a nude when he asked for it but then he threatened to break up with you, to go after your best friend, even called you a prude because you hadn’t slept with him. At the moment you felt as if you had no choice but to do it...
“He wouldn’t,” you sobbed.
“And because of your stupidity I had to marry you since no one else would ever want you,” he said. But then regretted it as you just started crying harder. He thought of maybe trying to console you but what would he even say?
He took the phone from you before you could even think of deleting the photos. He used them to pleasure himself almost every night. Maybe he was an idiot, he could have the real thing, yet he was pushing you away, “Go to your room,” he told you which made you sob even moreso.
You looked up at him, begging him for a hug, for some sort of comfort or sympathy but his face was cold and harsh. Finally gathering your wits you went to the other room, ready to cry yourself to sleep.
No matter how beautiful you were, you were still thrusted upon him, you didn’t love him, you never could because you never even had a choice
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“Perfect,” you beamed, setting down the chicken pot pie you had just cooked up.
Your grandmama had always told you that a wife should be a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom. So that her man would never stray.
And while you hadn’t had a chance to be a whore for Andy... something that you were looking forward to, you hoped the fresh home cooked meal, the holiday season and decorations you had spent the past few days working on would put him in the mood. To maybe accept you as his wife.
For the past six months you had tried everything, making him breakfast, packing his lunch, offering him massages, even trying to help him with his work but he was always so cold to you.
You feared that this is how it will be forever. He would never love you, not the way you’ve always loved him. Even when he was so cruel towards you.
But you were nothing if not resilient. So you said chuck it and went all out. Decorating your whole house, with a real tree for the past few days while Andy was out on a work trip for thanksgiving. Maybe you could surprise him and he’d realise just how much he lucked out with you.
You even went with a more risqué outfit than you usually would. Your little emerald green skirt with pleats was a bit too short and impractical for the cold winters but you were going to stay inside anyway. It was topped off with a tight burgundy blouse and a push up bra which made your girls look enticing and some red pumps.
With a pumpkin pie for dessert in the oven, your salads done and the gingerbread flavored candles lit up you were good to go.
So you sat on the couch, watching 'A Christmas story' for the hundredth time to kill time till he gets home and to distract your nervous mind.
After ninety minutes the movie was over but Andy still wasn’t home. You tried calling him but it kept going to voicemail.
Frustrated, but determined to follow through with your ‘Seduce Andy Barber’ plan you put on another movie, chewing your lip till it bled as you impatiently waited for him.
Soon it was midnight, your food got cold and the rumbling in your tummy became more prominent so you decide to eat your dinner, put the leftovers in the freezer and cut your losses.
You were almost done with your dishes when your husband coming into the apartment, turning around you saw him hang his coat on the back of the chair and plomp down on it. He groaned, pulling the sleeves of his shirt up to reveal his bulky forearms.
“You’re home,” you said, taking off your apron so he could see your little get up.
He didn’t smile at you like you expected he would, he didn’t say ‘Good job’ like you thought he would. He certainly didn’t look like he wanted to bend you over the dining table and take you then and there. He simply frowned at you. Looking at you as if your mere existence offended him.
“I told you; you were allowed to decorate your room however you liked. Not the whole apartment,” he growled, rubbing a hand over his face.
“What? I did it for you... I thought you would like it, ” you stood there, dumbfounded, shifting from one foot to another, “You don’t like Christmas.” You realised.
“No, I don’t. Christmas isn’t all fun and jolly for everybody. I’ve never had anyone to celebrate it with,” he did you a once over, his pants tightening uncomfortably as he took in your little ensemble.
He had never had a single good Christmas in his whole life. He’d usually spend it either working or drinking. But now, he had you, his good little wife who had gone out of her way to do all this just for him.
He could kiss your red lips then and there, finally do what he’s been wanting to go for the past few months and make love to you, eat the delicious meal you had made him because he was fucking starving.
But then he realized how easily you could be taken away from him. How this was all so fickle.
“Do you want a divorce?” he crossed his hands over his chest, as if daring you to give a wrong answer, “If you do, I’ll give you one right now.”
“I - ” you strutted, you didn’t really know, “Daddy would never let that happen.” To which he scoffed.
Your father would kill you both if this marriage failed. He knew that, why would he still be willing to risk everything?
“Where are you going?” you asked when he got up from the chair.
“To my room, to sleep,” he sighed.
He knew what you would say, he knew you were daddy’s little girl who’d die before disappointing her father, which was solely why you were with him, and yet he let himself fall for you and get hurt.
You tugged on his shirt, ready to beg him to at least eat the meal you made for him but then you frowned, inhaling the feminine perfume from his shirt, mixed with his own Cologne, you took a step back, your eyes brimming with tears as you realised he might’ve been with another woman.
While you were home slaving away to make everything perfect for him.
Your father had a handful of mistresses, a few of them younger than you. Your mother knew, all wives know and look the other way. That was how it was supposed to be. It was how you make marriages last...
And your poor beaten heart could take his coldness towards you, it absolutely could not bear him being with another woman. Your father had always praised him for being loyal, and it was one of the things you loved about him...
“Where were you?” you sniffled to keep the tears at bay.
“I was out working. So I could pay for your shopping sprees.” He spat.
You gasped, “I haven’t gone shopping in months! I only did now for Christmas!”
“That tree better be down by the time I wake up. You can out all that crap in your bedroom if you like. I do not what to see it.” He said gravelly, before slamming his door shut.
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Something was horribly wrong.
Andy came home to an empty, cold house. You weren’t there to greet him like you usually are, in fact you hadn’t been for the past few weeks. He could hear the TV from your room, some kind of musical playing.
He checked the kitchen for some food, you used to make dinner every night, rave about your love for cooking and baking, but now it seemed that you lived on poptarts and McDonald’s.
He knocked on your door, to ask if you wanted some of the alfredo he was cooking up, also to maybe get you to have dinner with him.
Ever since he had married you, he had such a beautiful companion to have dinner with. To watch silly romcoms with, someone who waited for him to come home, called him all worried when he was late, asked him how his day was
It’d break his heart to say good night to you, you’d give him those puppy eyes, fluttering your lashes as if begging him to invite you to bed with him.
He wanted to ask you to come, to feel what it would be like to snuggle up with your soft body, to smell your hair, to finally fuck you, but he’d just go away to sleep in his cold bed with a heavy heart. Making do with his hand as he thought of you, it wouldn’t feel nearly as good as you would but it would have to do.
“Can I come in, honey?” he asked.
Letting himself in when no answer came from you. You were lying on your bed, blankets draped over you, your eyes trained on the television. He looked around your room, he had only been there a couple of times, he had expected to see some kind of winter wonderland since you were such a fan of Christmas.
But it looked just how it usually did... pale pink walls, a queen sized bed, a small closet and a dresser and a vanity. No tree or fairy lights or nut crackers.
He leaned against the door frame. “Did you have dinner?” He wanted to know.
You made some sort of unintelligible noise; which could mean anything. So he asked, “Would you like some pasta? I can’t make it as good as you do but I’ll try.”
“No.” You answered. Still not even looking at him.
“It’s Christmas Eve, do you want to go celebrate with your family?”
You shook your head in response. “No, I think I’ll just stay here.”
He had stolen your brightness and sunshine away, tainting you with his darkness. “Stop it,” he scolded, switching off the TV and standing in front of you to make you listen to him. “Get ready, I’m dropping you off at your fathers. You’re not spending Christmas in bed.”
“What difference does it make?” you huffed.
“Get ready. Right. Now.” He ordered, pulling your blanket away from you.
“No!” you whined. Sitting up, your face heating up with a simmering rage you had harbored for months. “Why do you even care? Do you want to get me out of the house so you could spend Christmas with her?!”
“Who’s her?” he furrowed his brows.
“Your mistress!” you yelled, looking around for something you could hurt him with, you grabbed a hold of your Mrs Bunny, your cute pink stuffie and threw it at his face. “I’m not going anywhere. And you’re not bringing her in to my house!” You said, throwing another stuffie at him which he caught with his hand.
“Honey,” he said, as if he was so disappointed with you, for catching him in his lies and deceit. “I don’t have a mistress. Where would I even find the time for one? All those late nights were spent at the office or in meetings.”
He would be the world’s biggest idiot to get a mistress when he had a wife like you waiting for him at home. A wife he hadn’t even so much as even kissed... given how pouty and tempting your lips looked, he didn’t know how he resisted for so long.
“Don’t call me honey,” you puffed out your cheeks, “And I don’t believe you.”
“Well, what can I do to make you believe me?”
You sighed, laying back down on the bedding, “There’s not much you can do. Except leave me be. I just want to sleep this Christmas away.”
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He had to do something to get your spirits up. And since you has thrown away your old decorations he ran to every store in the town, waiting in the queue for hours, calling in as many favors as he could to get some new ones.
While he wasn’t able to get a real Christmas tree, he got a fake one which was a bit smaller than the one you had put up but not all that bad.
You had decorated the apartment with the traditional red, greens and golden he decided to go with a soft pastel pink theme. Hoping that you would like it and forgive him.
He had gotten you couple of gifts, a little babydoll he saw on the internet, it was pink and sexy, he thought of you the moment he saw it. Ordering it for you but he never really gathered enough courage to ask you to wear it. He wrapped it up for you in some festive paper, tying a ribbon around it.
He decided to get as many gifts for you as he could so the tree wouldn’t look so depressing, a Tiffany’s set, an advent calendar from a make up company he knew you liked, a box of cookies and one of chocolates, a new apron with floral patterns and frilly trimmings, some cozy socks, and a surprise gift he had been saving for you.
Looking around the living room, while it wasn’t as good as what you had done with the place he was still proud of what he could pull off in just a couple of hours.
He called out your name before knocking and entering, switching on your bedside lamp he sat next to you, stroking your hair, “Wake up, angel.”
“Seriously, stop it with the petnames,” you said, your voice groggy from sleep and irritated. Because he had only ever said your name with contempt before.
“I’m not going to stop, honey. You’re my wife, I can call you whatever I like.”
“Whatever,” you mumbled, rubbing your sleep away from your eyes.
“I have a surprise for you.” He smiled at you.
And while he had certainly smiled at you before that, when you had said something funny or silly (which you usually did just to see him smile), this one seemed so much brighter and warm.
“What is it?” you sat up. Still a bit crossed with him but excited to see what surprise he had for you.
“You have to come into the living room for that, and promise to stop being a Grinch,” he said, bopping your nose.
You scoffed incredulously, “I’m being a Grinch?! You were the one who made me take everything down in the first place!”
“I know, honey, and I am sorry for that. Hopefully I can make it up to you.” He winked.
You combed your hair, splashing some water on your face and then following him out to see what he had in mind for you.
You all but gasped at the tree in the middle of your living room, so beautiful, the soft glow of the fairy lights illuminated the room, little festive trinklets all over the room.
He had got you a pink stocking with sparkling silver hearts on it. His was a normal red one with ‘Andy' written with a sharpie or a pen. You giggled at that.
“You like it, honey?” he asked.
You nodded, observing the ornaments on your tree, “I do. Thank you so much, Andy. It’s so beautiful, I don’t think anyone’s ever done something so grand for me.”
Your rave gave him the courage to out his hand over your waist, pulling you into him, “I know this doesn’t make up for everything, but it’s start.”
“Yes! I think... I’d like a fresh start,” you beamed up at him
He excused himself to make some hot chocolate for you both, handing you a mug with little heart shaped marshmallows and sprinkles on top of it. You didn’t even realise how you ended up snuggled up next to him on the couch, Elf playing on the TV which he shockingly had never seen before.
“You know... for someone who hates Christmas so much you did a pretty good job saving it!” you giggled, kissing his bearded cheek.
“Well...” he looked down at you, wiping away the mustache the hot chocolate gave you before sucking his thumb off, “I don’t hate it anymore, because I’m not alone,” he said, his thumb pulling on your plump bottom lip.
“Um...” you face heated up as looked away, “You got me gifts!” you screamed a bit overzealous to change the subject, “Can I open one now? Please?! I’m just so excited!”
“Sure,” he murmured, a bit salty that he didn’t get the kiss.
He knelt next to you on the carpet as you pinked one up, shaking it next to your ear, scrunching your nose up so cutely as you tried to decipher what it was.
“Mmm... I can’t tell...”
“Why don’t you just open it?” he asked as his hand caressed your bare thigh, finding himself unable to keep his hands off of you now that he has you.
You ripped at the wrapping paper, opening the box to reveal the skimpy baby pink lingerie he had got you.
You pulled it out of the box and then started stammering, unable to form words once you realised what it was. “Is this... um..”
“Do you like it?”
“Yes, it’s very cute and nice. Do you, want me to wear it for you?”
“If that’s what you want,” he said casually and then shrugged but then regretted it as your face fell and you let. He wasn’t used to half-assing things if he was going to tell you his true feelings, he had to go all out.
Taking a deep breath, “I have to tell you something I’ve been meaning to say for months.”
“I... love you,” he looked down at your lap, because he couldn’t bear to look in your eyes if you decided to reject him.
“Oh, Andy!” you beamed, “I love you too! I’ve always loved you,” you crawled on top of him, throwing your arms around his neck you hugged him.
“That’s good then,” he smiled stroking your back, he pulled you back so he could look at your pretty face, cupping your cheek he pressed his lips against yours.
He had only kissed you once, months ago at your wedding, and while it was not bad at all it was too short and formal and distant, nothing compared to how he felt right now. Moulding his lips against yours, kneading the flesh of your ass, you tasted just as sweet as he imagined you would.
You gasped in his mouth when he rutted his erection up into your core. “Andy!” your chest heaving as you felt him pressing against your thigh.
“What do you say you go put that on for me, doll? Hm?” he instructed.
You meekly nodded, grabbing a hold of the lingerie which you just now noticed was so sheer and would not really leave anything to the imagination.
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“Come on out quickly now,” his impatience seeping through his voice as he sat on the edge of his, or what would now be both of your marital bed, one leg crossed over the other, his foot tapping against the floor.
His pants already snug, just from imagining what you would look like with the flimsy thing on. It wasn’t as revealing or kinky as some of the other pieces he had seen, but he felt it would match your personality perfectly.
He groaned, calling out your name again, “I’m gonna fucking die of blue balls, if you don’t come out right now, I’m coming in,” he got up to his feet to do just that but then stopped when he heard the knob twist.
One smooth leg peaking out of the bathroom, “Um... promise you wouldn’t make fun of me?” you asked. Your eyes screwed shut, you didn’t really have much of choice but you had never been so vulnerable in front of anyone. You’d hate to not be satisfactory for him.
“I promise,” his face softened, he had to practice some restrain, at least until he breaks you in, “Now come on out.”
You opened the door, your meek eyes fixed on your hardwood floor, your hands hugging your midsection. You blinked when he said nothing for several long, tortuous moments. Peaking a glance up at him you found him staring at you.
“Uh, do you like it?” you asked as your hands played with the helm of the teddy.
He almost scoffed. Like would be an understatement.
He knew pink would be your color. The nightie so short, clinging to your curves, your nipples pebbled against the satiny fabric, you looked like a sweet little doll and a whole fucking meal to devour at the same time. He would burst before he even got to touch you.
“Twirl,” he made the motion with his forefinger to demonstrate it, “Let me look at you better. And hands to your sides.”
You took a deep breath, letting your hands fall, doing as he had asked, your heart hammering in your chest because for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out if he actually liked you.
“Stop there,” he instructed when he got a look at your pert, round butt, the cloth barely covering it, he could see the imprints of the thong you wore.
“What are you thinking?” you asked.
“If I like your front better or your behind.” He almost chuckled at the incredulous gasp you let out. “Alright, look at me again.” Definitely the front, because he could see your beautiful face. Taking his original position on the bedding, “Come here,” he patted his lap.
Like the obedient wife that you aspired to be, you followed, perching yourself up on his lap, your arms around his neck for some support, looking into his lust blown, dark eyes.
You bite your lip when you felt that pressing into your thigh. Unable to bear his intense gaze you hid your face in the crook of his neck.
He hushed you, snuggling your soft body closer to his, his fingers drawing patterns on your hip, “How many men have you been with before?”
It didn’t really matter whatever your answer would be. But he wanted to tell you, that how ever many there were before him won’t matter anymore. From now on you are solely his.
“None,” you whispered so lowly that he almost couldn’t hear you.
“What?” Holding onto your chin so that he could make you look at him, “None? How is that possible?”
“I’ve just been waiting for the right one... I was going to with Alex but then didn’t...” you said as your hands caressed the coarse hair on his jaw.
He hummed, the fact that he would be your one and only, forever, only served to entice him further.
“Have you ever sucked a cock before?” he asked, although he knew the answer.
“Don’t worry, I’ll guide you,” he promised, pushing on your shoulders to make you get on your knees.
You hissed at the cold floor, biting into the your calves and knees.
His dainty princess, he grabbed a throw pillow, instructing you to put it under, all the while staring at your cleavage peaking out like a creep.
Your eyes were fixated on his crotch, eager to see what a real penis looks like. You had watched some porn when you were a teen, out of sheer curiosity, but your friends had told you to lower your expectations. That real ones are much smaller and not so aesthetically pleasing.
You all but gasped when he took his cock out of the confines of his sweats, slapping over his abdomen. So big... and thick, with two veins over it, a bright flushed tip leaking with pre-ejaculate, and some soft hair dusted at the base of it.
You tried to stop yourself but then couldn’t help it, your hand shyly touching his tip yanking it down and then releasing it to see what happens. As suspected it flew back over, hard against his tummy, making you giggled.
“Oh gosh...” you slapped a palm over your mouth to stop from laughing.
He scrunched up the hair on the back of your head, yanking your neck back so that he could look at you, “What’s so funny?” he growled.
“Nothing,” you gulped, “It’s all just so strange and new... and exciting...”
He hummed as he took in your words. Grabbing the base of his cock as he rubbed his tip and precum all over your cheeks till your face was positively glowing with his essence.
“You wanna taste it?” he asked, to which you eagerly nodded.
Nudging your pouty lips with his tips before tapping on them when you didn’t get the clue, “Open.”
“Oh,” you said before opening as wide as you could, his length easing into your mouth. You hummed around him, the salty unique taste of him you had never really known before and couldn’t get enough of now.
He was barely halfway through inside you when he touched the back of your throat, he tutted, “Relax your throat,” he told you.
You didn’t really know what he meant but you tried loosening up all your muscles. Choking around him when he pushed in a few more inches.
Most of him was still out but it was as good as it’s gonna get, not that he’d ever complain... no... your mouth was like heaven. He had only known his hand for the past year Or so, and your mouth was almost too much.
Holding onto your face to keep it in place he started thrusting upwards into you, his heart swelling with tears escaped your eyes but you still tried to take more of him, to please him like the good girl that you were.
He stopped his hips, gently slapping your cheek to get your attention, “You always look at me when my dick is in your mouth. Got it?”
Since you couldn’t talk with your mouth full of cock, you just nodded.
You peered up at him innocently, fluttering your lashes, popping him out of your sloppy mouth, “Am I doing it right?” because you truly couldn’t tell.
He chuckled, smoothening a hand down your hair, “More than right... it’s too good but I want to come in your pussy. Maybe I’ll make you swallow my load latter, what do you think?”
“Yes, I’d like that,” you licked your lips to taste more of him.
“Get on the bed,” he ordered.
“Um... can I go fix my face before that,” you rubbed your mouth with the back of your hand, you doubted you looked very pretty to him then.
“No,” he stated, pulling you up by your armpits and all but throwing you on the bed.
You yelped and tried to protest, “I wanna look good for you...”
He pushed your legs apart to make room for him, smirking above you, eyeing you up as if you were a piece of meat, his prey, “This really does look pretty on you...” he rubbed the flimsy spagetti strap between his fingers, “but it’s served it’s purpose.”
You screamed, holding onto his wrists as he ripped the babydoll in two pieces, revealing your breasts to him, he yanked at it, throwing the remains away.
“That’s much better,” he gritted, pinching one of your peaks, capturing it in his mouth and suckling at it to his hearts content.
You pouted as you looked at the torn cloth, a bit upset that he ruined his gift to you. “I really liked that...” you sniffled. But couldn’t really ponder because Andy’s ravenous mouth was sucking hickies all over your breasts.
“I’ll buy you another one. I’ll buy you ten more,” he bit into the side of your breasts, your mewls and whines were like music to his ears.
“Andy...” you heaved, “Don’t leave marks... I have to go to dinner tomorrow to moms...”
He stopped abruptly, propping himself up above you and you were afraid that you had upset him, “You’re my wife now, honey. Your father gave you to me,” his hand snaking down your body, between your legs, he parted your moist lips, the pad of his fingers meeting your little pearl, “I can do whatever I want with you,” he reminded you, pushing a finger into you, “This cunt is mine now, got it?”
“Yess...” you whined as you squirmed under him, the invasion of his finger inside you too alien to your body.
“Which means you ask for permission before you touch yourself, or better yet, don’t touch yourself because that’s my job,” he stated.
“Have you ever made yourself come?” he asked, trailing soft kisses down your body till he settled between your legs, moving the strong of the thing to the side so he could get a better look at your virgin pussy, adding another finger inside you, your snug walls clinging to his digits, “You’re so fucking small. Can barely fit my finger. How will you take my cock,” he teased.
He’d make you take it.
You whimpered at the sting of it, “I’ll try, daddy...” throwing your head back as you massaged your breast.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, looking down at him when he stopped his ministrations, “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” he quirked a brow. “Do you realise what you just called me?”
You simply shook your head because you hadn’t really called him anything, “Andy?”
“No,” he huffed, “You called me daddy, honey.”
You gasped, you didn’t mean to say it out loud! “No...” you shook you head from side to side, trying to pull away from his fingers still knuckle deep inside you, “It can’t be!”
“Oh, but you did,” he laughed, “And you’re gonna say it again. In fact, from now on, when it’s just the two of us that’s the only thing that you will call me. Unless you wanna get punished...”
“Okay...” you said, still a bit unsure of it all.
You had always called him ‘daddy’ in your fantasies. It was maybe a bit expected for it to slip out like that but still so embarrassing. You said it again just to make sure that he actually wanted you to call him that and wasn’t just teasing you.
“Good girl,” he winked, latching his mouth around your clit, fucking you with his fingers as he kept sucking.
“Daddy...” you whined, biting on your hand to muffle some of your noises, a knot building up in the pit of your stomach, “Don’t stop, please!”
You gushed over his mouth, he lapped it all up, making sure nothing went to waste.
“You did good, honey,” he said, your cheeks heating up when you saw his beard glistening with your juices. He rolled your thong down your thick thighs, “You wear this to dinner tomorrow,” he told you. “Since I’m going to be a real husband from now on I pick out what you wear.”
All so he could see you in those pretty flowy dresses you wear sometimes, but you didn’t need to know that.
He hastily pushed his sweats and briefs past his hips, throwing them off the bed before pulling his t-shirt over his head.
You bit your lip at just the sight of him. His shoulders so broad, chest so wide, dark hair dusted all over his chest, you just knew then that all those hours he spent at the gym paid off, you knew he’d be ripped.
But you absolutely did not expect, someone as uptight as him to have numerous tattoos all over his torso.
Something inscribed in Sanskrit on his chest that you didn’t really understand... the logo of your family’s mob on just under his pectoral.
You sat up to get a better look at them, tracing a skull on his bicep that looked much less sophisticated than the others, the lines a bit scribbly, it was already fading.
“That’s the first one,” he interrupted you, “I was a kid back then, got my foster brother to do it.”
You pressed a kiss over it, “I love it.”
His blue eyes beamed at you, he was so beautiful...
“Now for your gift...” he circled your wrist bringing it down to his pelvis.
“Hm?” you looked down, tears brimming up in your eyes as you saw your name written on just beside his hipbone, next to his hard cock, standing tall against his stomach. In a small heart, dark ink against his pale skin, “When did you get it done?” you sniffles, touching his skin to feel the texture of the tattoo.
“A few weeks ago. I just... I’ve never belonged to anyone. Never had a family of my own. But now I have you, and you have me, I’m just as much yours as you’re mine,” he confessed, finally feeling the weight of it lifted off his shoulders. You were a blessing in disguise.
“I love you,” you beamed up at him.
“I love you too, doll, now come on,” he pushed you till you were on your back, “Daddy’s waited long enough. Can’t wiat to fill you up, make you mine.”
He planted a hand on the mattress, so he could see what he was doing to your virgin cunt, look at you and her, as he defiles you and makes you a woman, his thick manhood nudging your glistening lips as he eased into you, he felt you stretching around him, your face twisted in pain as you begged him to go easy on you, he halted when he felt your barrier.
He looked up at your pretty face, sparkling with his spend and your tears, your sweet little whimpers filled the room, he stayed still for a moment to let you get used to him, he knew he should take it easy.
His wife was a delicate, fragile, sweet little girl. He should be more gentle. A better husband and man would be. But he had his whole life to become a good man for you, tonight he just wanted to take what was rightfully his.
Letting out a deep, almost animalistic growl, piercing through your seal, your innocence till you were screeching, your nails drawing blood from the sides of his thighs.
“It hurts!” you screamed.
“It’ll only hurt for a little bit, doll. Just ride through it,” he cooed, stroking your sensitive clit to draw your attention away from the pain, he withdrew his hips before snapping them back till he was deep within your womb.
“You’re so snug, honey,” he grunted, not letting up his pace as he kept fucking into you,
A proud smirk gracing his face as he looked down to see himself covered in blood, a sticky mess of both your bodily fluids where your sexes were joined. His dick somehow grew harder inside you knowing how he took something from you that you’ll never be able to give someone else.
Slowly your crying and whining was subsiding as you got used to have him inside you, but he wanted to hear you scream for him in a different way. “Don’t you want to make your husband, no, your daddy happy, honey?” He asked, each word punctuated with a deep, harsh thrust into you.
You nodded, willing your tears away, cringing when you saw his crotch covered in your blood, “Yes I do, daddy. What do I do?”
“Your cute dumb brain always needs to be told what to do,” he chuckled, moving closer to you he circled his palms around your wrists, pinning them above you, “Wrap your legs around me.”
You followed along, wrapping your legs around his hips and hooking them together on his back. Closing your eyes when you felt your body seizing up, your pussy pulsating around his length when you felt the familiar feeling creep up on you.
“Look at me!” he barked and you immediately opened your eyes, “You look at me when I fuck you.”
You gulped and dared not close your eyes again. Even as you felt your orgasm wash over you, clenching around his length. His face was scrunched up, his neck, face and chest flush as he chased his own release till you felt his warm release coating your walls.
He collapsed above you, panting beside you he kissed your hair, “You liked that, babygirl?”
You let out a meek little yes. Feeling empty and void of his warmth and hardness when he pulled out of you before settling next to you.
“But...” you trailed off. Not finding it in you to bare yourself to him like that just yet.
“But what?” he whipped his head to look at you.
“But I’m sorry if I wasn’t very good!” Since you had simple laid there and took whatever he gave you. You had heard that men don’t like that...
“Don’t worry, honey, you were absolutely perfect,” he sighed. “You’ll get even better with practice, we’re gonna practice a lot from now on.”
You tried to cover your breasts up with the comforter, still awkward about being stark naked right next to a man, a man who looked as good as like Andy, but he swatted at your hands, reprimanding you and telling you to stay still and let him look at you to his hearts content.
Soon you felt your cunt throbbing back up again, still so raw from the loving Andy gave it, you tried rubbing your legs together to ease it a little bit.
“It still hurts?” Andy asked as you nodded.
He snaked a hand between your legs, massaging your little nub and your lips, tutting when you tried to pull away from his touch, “Shh I’m trying to make it hurt less.”
He hummed when he saw his seed leak out of you, pushing a finger in you, much to your displeasure, to keep it inside you, where it belonged.
He would make you go on some form of birth control as soon as he could. While the idea of you all round and plump with his kid was more than appealing, he didn’t want to share you with anyone else just yet. You were young, he had plenty of years to breed you.
“You’d make a good mother,” he wondered out loud.
“Hm?” you blinked at him. Squirming from the torture he was yielding on your overworked sex. His lips curled up in a twisted smile as he pulled his fingers out of you, wiping your blood on your soft nipples, painting them crimson as you shivered.
You looked at his cock, hard again against his stomach. “Does it hurt?” you asked, your hands twitching to touch it again.
“Yes, it does. Do you wanna help me get rid of the pain?”
“Mm... can I use my mouth again? I’m sore...”
“It’s okay, honey, you’ll get used to it,” he promised, grabbing your hips and pulling you on top of him, your palms pressed into his abdomen as you looked so wrecked, “Guide me in,” he ordered.
You shook your head which earned you a harsh slap on your ass so you held onto the base of his cock, parting your intimate lips, before slowly sinking down on him.
You sighed as you settled, sitting on top of him with his cock nestled inside you, so full and strangely satisfied, his warmth soothing your aching walls, he spanked you again to remind you to move, so you started bouncing on top of him the best you could.
His hand groped at your bouncing titts before he wrapped a hand around your throat, applying the slightest bit of pressure as you whimpered and cried, just to remind you who’s in charge, not that you’d forget anytime soon.
His only regret was that he hadn’t done this sooner. He was an idiot to ever resist an angel like you. He’ll have to do a lot to make up for lost time.
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deathbymeow · 2 years
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This is my first Dickinette fic and song fic.
This started off as a funny idea form @boldlyanxious followed by a silly conversation that lead to creating this.
I wanted to gift this to @boldlyanxious because without her this wouldn't exist. Not only did she give me the idea but listened to me talk about it for the last week and found all my spelling mistakes.  💝
The song is Chandelier by Sia
Warning : some sexual references
Party girls don’t get hurt
Can’t feel anything, when will I learn?
I push it down, push it down.
Marinette struggled to open her eyes. Everything was too bright and the noise from the busy street down below seemed ten times louder than normal. She rolled over and yelped as she fell onto the floor. This wasn’t her bedroom. This wasn’t even her apartment. Where the hell was she?
“Oh, look sleeping beauty is finally awake.” Steph snickered. “Coffee?”
Marinette rubbed her face then stood up and stretched. “Do you even have to ask?” She felt like she’d been hit by a truck. Every muscle protested as she walked over to her blonde friends.
“Never thought I’d see the day that miss goody two shoes partied harder than me.” Chloe said pulling the chair out for Marinette and putting a plate of pancakes on the table.
“Ease up on her babe. If anyone deserves to let her hair down, it’s Mari and you know it.”
Steph grabbed her girlfriend’s hand and pulled her down for a kiss.
“I’ve gotta go. I have a thing.” Marinette looked away from the girls and downed her coffee before standing up.
“Hey, you don’t have to run off. There’s no judgment here.” Steph grabbed her hand. “It’s been a year since you defeated your enemy. Six months since you broke up with Adrien. This is the first time in your life you’ve been able to actually let go.”
Marinette felt the but coming on and she had to force herself not to run out the door. She wasn’t used to letting her emotions run wild and it had been her downfall with Adrien. His carefree attitude drove her crazy in the end, but she hadn’t been able to detach herself from the troubled relationship. Instead, she’d pushed him away till he couldn’t take it anymore.
She missed him but in the same breath she didn’t. Emotions were not her strong point, so she’d decided to finally let go. Maybe she’d taken it a step to fare though. She worked on her commissions during the day and partied most nights.
A few hours’ sleep if that, then repeat.
Her friends were starting to worry but they were torn between letting her finally live and making her slow down before she did something she regrated. The Kwami seemed divide as well. Half of them were happy she was finally living like a normal 20 something year old and the other half were on her case about responsibilities.
“Thanks for not letting me go home with that guy.” She couldn’t remember his name and she didn’t care to be honest. “I’ve got a meeting and commissions to get through today, so I have to go.” She gave Steph’s hand a gentle squeeze before letting go and smiled at the girls.
“Get some rest too M but don’t forget we have the gala tonight.” Steph called out as she grabbed her bag and headed for the door. “We’ll pick you up at 7pm.”
“Sure, I’ll see you guys later.”
One, two, three, one, two, three
One, two, three, one, two, three
One, two, three, one, two, three
Throw ‘em back ‘til I lose count.
The masquerade gala was as expected. Rich people flirting their wealth around like it was a competition. Everyone loved the dark blue dress and mask she wore. One of her many creations she hand crafted in hopes to get her name out there. So far, the sleepless nights were paying off and she’d nearly run out of business cards.
The woman wanted to look like her and the old men didn’t seem to know how to keep their hands off of her, even with their wives standing right there. The wives seemed preoccupied, to distracted by all the young bachelors running around anyway. Marinette was left wondering if the masks had made people forget their inhibitions.
After two hours of Steph dragging her around to different groups of people, she excused herself and headed for the bar. She ignored the questioning look the bartender threw her when she ordered three tequila shots and a vodka and lemonade.
She’d already downed the first two shots before she heard the conversation down the other end of the bar.
“Tt, Father has obviously forgotten Dick’s obsession with chandeliers.” The shorter of the three said.
“It’s like he’s asking for trouble so how do we get Dickie bird to do his thing.” The tallest this time, who was ruggedly handsome with a white streak in the front of his dark messy hair.
“You both know B is going to be pissed if one of us ruins this event. That said Dick totally set me up last time so as long as it doesn’t get back to me, I’m in.” The third guy was dressed in an expensive suit and looked the part except for his shoes. Black and white converse of all things gave away the fact he’d probably been forced to attend.
Marinette downed her last shot and turned to the men. “And here I was thinking this was going to be a boring night.” She smiled wickedly at them. “I must say I’m intrigued. Is there some type of entertainment I don’t know about?”
The tallest of the three smiled at her and walked over. He leaned on the bar next to her and she couldn’t help but notice how his muscles flexed under the fabric of his suit. “If it’s entertainment you’re after doll I’ll be happy to help you out.”
“Tt, as subtle as a freight train as always Todd.”
“Shut it, Demon spawn.”
“Hi, I’m Tim.” The guy in the converse extended his hand passed his tall friend. Marinette took it and smiled warmly at him. “And these are my brothers Jason and Damian. Now if you’re finished embarrassing yourself Jay, we’ve got about two minutes before he makes his way over here. $100 for whoever can talk him into it.”
“Who and into what?” Marinette asked looking between the three brothers.
They all looked at each other then back to her. “Our brother Dick use to be in a circus and let’s just say he has a thing for hanging off chandeliers.” Tim answered while Jason snickered, Damian just looked annoyed.
“So, you’re trying to get him to what exactly?” She asked trying to keep the grin off her face. Well, this wasn’t what she was expecting at a gala. She was sure the host Bruce Wayne would have all of them kicked out for this and banned from the social events in Gotham for life. But Marinette was intrigued and always up for chaos.
“See the row of chandeliers little lady.” Jason pointed at the ceiling and Marinette noticed the rows of small gold chandeliers hanging in-between the garlands of flowers. There was a large chandelier in the middle of the room that looked to be a permanent fixture. The smaller ones started in each corner of the room then met the larger one in the middle. It made a decorative X across the ceiling. “We want to see if our brother Dick can make it across the room.”
Marinette did some rough calculations in her head. Wouldn’t be the same without her yoyo but with any type of circus or parkour training the distance was doable. “If he has any type of skill that shouldn’t be impossible.”
“And you know this how?” Damian asked with his calculating green eyes studying her masked face.
She just shrugged. “How about if I can talk him into it all three of you pay up? So that would be $300.” She smiled at their shocked faces.
Jason recovered first. “Tell you what doll, if you can get him to race you across the chandeliers, I’ll make it $500 if you win?”
Marinette thought about it for a moment then downed the rest of her drink and extended her hand. “Deal.”
I’m going to swing from the chandelier
From the chandelier
I’m going to live like tomorrow doesn’t exist
Doesn’t exist.
It was easier that Marinette expected. After the three brothers left her at the bar it didn’t take Dick long to join her.
“Are you lost ma’am? Because heaven is a long way from here.”
Marinette turned and looked up into a pair of blue eyes surrounded by a dark blue mask. He was gorgeous, with a carefree smile on his face. “Does that ever work monsieur?” She asked trying not to laugh.
“I don’t know yet, but do you have a name, or can I call you mine?” His smile grew impossibly big, and he reminded her of an over excited golden retriever except with dark hair.
“If you stop with the cheese pick-up lines you can join me.” Marinette said giving him a dazzling smile.
She watched as he swallowed and seemed to falter with his comeback. He nodded and sat down next to her and cleared his throat. “Can I get you a drink?”
“Sure.” She looked at the bartender and smiled. “Same as before please.” The bartender studied her for a moment then poured her drinks.
“I’ll have what the ladies having, thanks.” Dick said without looking away from her eyes.
“I’m Richard but everyone calls me Dick.” He held his hand out to her.
Smiling she took his hand and giggled when he kissed it instead of shaking it. “I’m Marinette.”
“Beautiful just like its owner.” He said still holding her hand.
“How did you get Dick from Richard?” Marinette asked trying not to focus on the warmth from his hand.
“It’s kind of a long story but my mother use to call me that so after she died, I couldn’t bring myself to change it.” He looked away for the fist time since sitting next to her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I…”
“It’s ok. It was a long time ago.” He finally noticed the line of drinks in front of them. He looked back up at her and raised an eyebrow.
An hour passed with more tequila than planned. By the end of the hour Marinette was licking salt from his hand and vice versa. It wasn’t till she caught Jason looking at her from across the bar that she remembered her task.
Marinette was thankful it wasn’t as crowded as before but either way she wasn’t one to back down. “So, I heard from a little birdy that you have a thing for chandeliers?” Marinette playfully asked running her finger down his defined jaw.
He looked down at her lust clearly visible in his eyes. “Wha, who told you that?”
“I have a proposition for you.” She grabbed his tie and pulled him down till he was only an inch from her red lips.
“You could probably ask me anything right about now and I’d agree to it beautiful.” He breathed against her lips using all his will power not to kiss her.
She bit her lip and giggled when he seemed to blue screen at the action. “A race.”
Dick scrunched his eyebrows together and stared at her, confusion clear on his face. “Like a running race?”
“No silly. Up there.” She pointed up to the chandeliers.
“From the chandeliers? You want to race me, up there?” The amusement was clear on his face and mischief danced in his blue eyes.
“Don’t be too sure of yourself hot stuff.” She breathed against his lips then let go of his tie.
“And if I win, what do I get?” He asked tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, letting his finger brush against her cheek.
“My number.” She bopped his nose and straightened up.
“Ok, but first I have to ask have you done anything like this before? Because the one in the middle is really high and I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“You could say that. I’ve been flying since I was twelve.” She smiled brightly at him and giggled at the way he was staring stary eyed at her.
Dick cleared his throat and shook his head. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t falling for this woman already and if she wasn’t lying about this, he may just have to propose to her. But first he had a race to win.
“You sound too good to be true Mars bar, you’re on.” He shook her hand as he was checking out the first chandelier. It was lower than the rest and they seemed to get higher as they got closer to the middle one. He should be able to reach the first one from a chair, but he wasn’t sure how Marinette was going to reach.
“How are you going to get up to the first one?” He asked.
“Oh I have my ways, you just worry about yourself.” She gave him a wicked grin then kissed him on the cheek. “You’ll know when to start.”
I’m gonna fly like a bird through the night
Feel my tears as they dry.
But I’m holding on for dear life
Won’t look down, won’t open my eyes
Marinette walked over to Jason. “Care to give me a hand.” She asked as she slipped her hand into his and pulled him behind her.
“Baby you can have whatever body part you want.” He said following her blindly.
She snickered as she approached the corner. Once under the chandelier she looked down at her full skirt. Her dress was made up out of two parts and she couldn’t have planned her outfit better if she tried. The top was a bodysuit that sat low on her back. The skirt sat perfectly against the bodysuit and gave the impression that it was all one piece.
Marinette reached down and undid her heals. She stepped out of them and turned to Jason who was now a whole head and a half taller than her. “We need something so Dick knows when to start.”
“On it.” Jason grabbed his phone out of his pocket and sent a message to someone. “Just let me know when you’re ready.”
She turned back around. “Can you unzip me?”
“I’m completely down for PDA sweetheart, but shouldn’t we take this somewhere a little more private.”
“It’s a skirt Jason. I can’t win in this.” She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled at his flustered face. Why did they have to be brothers, she would happily take them both home.
“Yeah, no I knew that. I was just messin with you.” He rubbed the back of his neck before reaching for her zipper. He ran his finger down her spine and snickered when she shivered.
Marinette stepped out of her velvet skirt that pooled at her feet. She turned back around to Jason and caught him checking out what her full skirt was hiding. “Eyes up here buddy.”
“Sorry, can’t blame a guy though. Nice ass...”
“Hey.” Marinette hit his shoulder with her clutch.
“I was giving you a complement and if you’d let me finish, I would have said assets.” He winked at her.
“I’m not sure if you’re trying to put me off my game or you’re just really bad at flirting.”
“Hey! Now who’s being rude.”
Marinette ignored his pout, as cute as it was, she had bet to win. “Tell your person one minute.”
Jason nodded and sent the message. “I’m guessing you need me to get you up there?” He said pointing at the chandelier over their heads.
“Not just a pretty face then.” She smiled at him as she stepped onto his linked hands.
The music stopped for a moment and then the song ‘The Greatest Show’ started to play louder than the music before.
Marinette looked at Jason and nodded. The grin he gave her was nothing but wicked as he sent her flying up into the air.
Hugh Jackman could be heard singing ‘Ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for’ as she grabbed onto the first chandelier. Trust these brothers to be over the top in their music taste as well.
Marinette heard the crowd below ‘aww’ as she swung on the chandelier. To them they probably just thought this was all part of the entertainment.
As soon as her hands closed over what should have been metal, she knew she was in trouble. The chandeliers were made from bloody chocolate. She’d just got up enough momentum to swing to the next one as she felt it start to crumble.
It was too late to back out now. All she could do was move as fast as she could till she got to the actual chandelier in the middle. She had no idea how Dick was going or if he’d fallen yet.
Her hands were slippery from the damn edible lighting and maybe all those shots weren’t the best idea. It was the last one before she could rest and wipe her hands for a second on the real chandelier.
She let go but she hadn’t gotten up enough momentum. Her hands weren’t high enough to grab the chandelier and all she could think was ‘this is going to suck’. Closing her eyes and accepting her fate she felt hands grab her wrists before she fell any further.
Keep my glass full until morning light
‘Cause I’m just holding on for tonight
Help me, I’m holding on for dear life
Won’t look down, won’t open my eyes
“I didn’t know angels flew this low.”
Marinette looked up at a smiling Dick who was hanging upside down from the chandelier. His eyes were sparkling, and, in that moment, she decided she needed to know this man. Cheesy pick-up lines and all. “What can I say. Maybe I’m falling for you.” She breathed out smiling up at him.”
“Was that, was that a pickup line? Be still my beating heart.”
“Ok Romeo, don’t leave me hanging.”
“Oh and she’s punny too.”
“No, no I didn’t mean too. Argh can we get this over with before security is called.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that.”
“Really? We’re hanging from a chandelier in Bruce Wayne’s Mansion what gives you that idea.”
“It’s a Manor and well, he’s kinda my dad.”
“What the hell Dick? And what does kinda mean?”
“How bout we finish what we started and then I can explain over drinks?”
“Sure, splendid, super.” Marinette made the mistake of looking down and was sure she could pick out Bruce Wayne. He’d be the one shaking his head while pinching the bridge of his nose, his mask long forgotten on a table nearby.
“I have an idea.” Dick smiled down at her.
“I don’t know you well enough to know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.”
“Do you think you can stand up here if I swing you up?” He was still smiling like a kid on Christmas morning and God was he beautiful.
Marinette looked from Dick to the chandelier and did a quick calculation in her head. “Sure.”
This wasn’t even the most ridiculous thing she’d ever done but all those other times she’d been Ladybug and had the excuse of fighting an akuma.
Dick started to swing the chandelier and Marinette quickly caught on that she could help if she swung her body in the opposite direction.
“Ok on the count of three I’m going to let you go. Ready?” Dick asked looking slightly hesitant.
“I was born ready.” She gave him a playful wink.
Dick counted and when he reached three, he let go like he said he would. Marinette flew into the air then felt the free fall that she hadn’t realized she missed before the chandelier swung back. She landed gracefully on the metal structure and quickly grabbed hold as it swung back in the opposite direction. Within moments Dick was standing next to her smiling widely.
“Damn if being sexy was a crime, you’d be guilty as charged.” He breathed into her ear.
“You’re lucky I’m not lactose intolerant because you’re as cheesy as they come monsieur.” She pushed his face away giggling.
“I’ll take that as you think I’m a snack.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her.
“That may be so, but you can add loser to that list in a minute.” She surprised him by kissing him on the lips then took a few carefully placed steps and jumped off.
The descend was easier and Marinette had worked out the strongest points to grab before the chocolate chandeliers gave way. Within minutes she let go of the last chandelier and landed in Jason’s waiting arms.
“Now that was impressive sweetheart.” Jason said as he hesitantly let her go and helped her into her skirt. His fingers linger on the small of her back as he did her zipper up and she tried to ignore how good it felt.
“I’d say thank you but I’m curious to know if you all knew those chandeliers were made of chocolate?” Marinette questioned as she turned around and looked accusingly at him.
“What do you mean chocolate?” Jason asked looking confused.
Marinette pointed to the broken chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and held up her chocolate covered hands. Before Jason could answer Dick ran up to them smiling.
“You, you cheated.” There was no heat behind his words as he grabbed her hand. “If you weren’t so darn cute, I’d be annoyed.”
“Wait you cheated?” Jason asked.
“No, technically you let yourself get distracted. There’s a difference.” She shrugged.
“Thanks for that Dickhead you cost me $500.” Jason grumbled pulling his wallet out of his pocket.
“Wait, what does he mean.” Dick asked as Jason handed Marinette her clutch and a pile of notes that she promptly stuffed into said clutch.
“No time to talk circus freaks.” Steph followed by Chloe rushed up to them. “Bruce is coming this way. Time to get outta here.”
Jason looked at Marinette longingly, passed her shoes to her and gave her a two fringed salute before vanishing into the crowd. Steph groaned at her hopeless pseudo brothers before grabbing Marinette’s hand and dragging her and Dick to the nearest exit.
Once they were all piled into her car and leaving the gates Steph turned to Marinette and Dick who were giggling in the back seat.
“What the hell was that shit show and who the hell said you could corrupt my best friend Grayson?”
Dick looked between the two girls. “Hang on a minute, I had no idea Marinette was your friend and it was her idea.”
“Actually, it was your brother’s idea and don’t act like you didn’t jump at the chance circus boy.” Marinette playfully pushed his shoulder. “How do you guys know each other?”
“Of course it was them. I bet that little shit Tim was behind the chocolate chandeliers as pay back for the last gala.” He grumbled.
“Last gala? You guys make a habit of chaos?” Marinette asked as a thought crossed her mind. Did chaos intentionally hunt her out or was it her that was drawn to it?
“How bouts I buy you a drink and I can explain everything, if you’re up for it?” He asked taking off his mask.
Marinette smiled at him and nodded taking off her own mask. She thought he was hot with the mask on but without it he was truly beautiful. “Hey Bee, since you love me so much do you think you could drop us off at that cute little bar on 5Th Pleasssssse?”
Both Steph and Chloe groaned but agreed as the two chandelier swinging idiots shamelessly flirted in the back of the car.
Two hours later after way too many dinks and flirting that turned into a shameless exhibition of PDA the two stumbled into Dick’s apartment. Marinette looked around the apartment momentarily before turning back to Dick. He shut the door and threw his keys onto the hallway table then walked over to her and gently grabbed her hips, wasting no time to pull her back into his arms.
Marinette looked up into his lust filled eyes before wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to meet her already swollen lips. The kiss was messy and needy as she pressed her body against his.
Dick pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. “We don’t have to take this any further if you don’t want to.” He breathed against her lips.
“I know what I want, Dick.” Marinette ran her hands up his chest and under his suit jacket, taking it of in one swift movement. “But that goes both ways. What do you want?” She whispered in his ear then playfully bit his earlobe, snickering when he moaned.
“Have I told you how amazing your dress looks tonight? The only thing that would look better on you, is me.” He winked at her as she groaned and smacked his chest.
“Killing the mood Chandelier boy.”
His lip quirked up in a lopsided grin as he grabbed her and assaulted her neck with kisses, running his hand up the split in her dress earning him a soft moan from her parted lips.
“How bout now beautiful?” He asked against her lips.
“Stop talking, more kissing.” She ordered as she make quick work to undo his tie and unbutton his shirt.
He laughed as he captured her lips again. His hands found the zipper on her skirt and quickly tugged it down letting the soft fabric fall to the floor as he lifted her off the ground. Her legs wrapped around his waist as he walked over to the table. He swiped the contents on the ground then gently dropped her onto the smooth wooden surface.
“As you wish.” He breathed against the inside of her thigh.
Marinette lay back on the table as Dick found the clasp for her bodysuit. She quickly realised that swinging from chandeliers wasn’t going to be the only reason she remembered this night.
Sun is up, I’m a mess
Gotta get out now, gotta run from this
Here comes the shame, here comes the shame
Marinette’s eyes fluttered open, taking a moment to adjust to the soft light coming in from somewhere in the unfamiliar room. An arm was wrapped around her, and she could feel a warm body behind her.
Memories of the night before flooded back to her. The gala and the stupid chandeliers. The car trip back into Gotham and seeing Dick’s face without the mask. The embarrassing shovel talk Chloe and Steph tried to give Dick before they got out of the car. The bar seated in a secluded corner. Learning things about each other before the sexual tension came to a head and the two could hardly pull away from each other to make it back to Dick’s apartment.
The apartment that she’d barely seen too busy losing herself time and time again to Dick. She knew there was a table somewhere and a couch that was soft. A plush rug that was to blame for the carpet burn on various parts of her body and who could forget the oversized shower with its waterfall shower head. And last but not least the king-sized bed.
The very bed that she was naked in, wrapped up in Dick’s arms. Who turned out to be her best friends kind of brother. Shit, had she taken things too far this time? The drinking, stupid risk taking, flirting with strangers all just to feel alive again.
Dick was boyfriend material. Someone she could see herself settling down with and she’d stuffed it up by giving into her desirers and having a one-night stand. What was Steph going to think of her? What about Dick?
Marinette could feel the panic start to creep over her skin like a hot flush, her chest tightened, and her stomach started to twist. She needed to get out of there fast before Mr sleeping beauty woke up.
She tried to escape his hold but the more she wiggled the tighter his hold got. In the end she only made it worse and now she was facing him. He looked so peaceful. She really could get use to this.
“S’wasn’t just a dream, you’re still here.” He mumbled into her hair.
“I should really go.” Marinette said pulling away from him.
That seemed to fully wake Dick up. He rubbed his eyes then reached for her wrist before she could get out of the bed. “Did I do something last night that made you uncomfortable?”
She flinched when she saw the hurt in his blue eyes. “No, no I just. I shouldn’t have stayed.” She slumped back against the bedhead holding the sheet over her chest. “You’re amazing. Last night was amazing.”
Dick rested his head on his arm so he could look into her deep blue eyes. “There’s a but right? Look I don’t want you to think I do this all the time.” He ran his hand through his hair, and she couldn’t help but watch the way his muscles flexed. “Maybe I did when I was younger. Young dumb and well you know the rest. I really like you Marinette. I know we kinda rushed things and maybe if I’d been more in control last night, I would have asked you on a date and taken things slowly. You came out of nowhere and literally swung into my life on a chandelier of all things.”
He smiled up at her and she felt her panic slip away. There was something calming about him. He reminded her of someone, but she couldn’t quite place it. “I think you need to have a talk to your fathers’ decorator. Who the hell uses chocolate chandeliers?”
He burst out laughing. “Maybe I should just keep my feet on the ground for once.” He pulled her back down and wrapped his arms around her again. “Is this, ok?”
“Yeah, I think I could get use to this.” She breathed against his lips before catching them with hers.
Dick broke away slightly breathless. “You know I always thought happiness started with a h, but turns out mine starts with u.”
Marinette groaned and playfully bopped his nose. “What am I getting myself in too?” She grumbled as Dick laughed against her lips before kissing her again.
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