#but please at this point just request a refund or ask me for one if you're going to chew my ass about it
vurelly · 1 year
i cannot ask yall to please check my faq enough if you have questions about the whereabouts of your order.
i know its frustrating, i know it makes you anxious, and i truly am sorry, but i can only say something so many times before it starts to wear down on me and my faq does actually state why orders are taking so long.
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milaisreading · 1 year
I feel like we are annoying you with all these toddler request but PLEASE CAN I GET A RIN OR SAE TODDLER PLEASE!!! Just one of them that’s all!! 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏I’ll be out of your hair!!!
Author: U all aren't annoying, it's just surprising how many people want to read these sort of things😭😭 thanks for the request 😭🩷
Warnings ⚠️ : Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"I demand a refund in life." (Y/n) said blankly as she stared as Ego and Anri, while she herself was sitting on the floor. Now why was she on the floor? Well the reason for that were the Itoshi brothers, or more precisely the reason being the toddler versions of the two. Ego was ready to rip his hair out by now and Anri had tears streaming down her face from the cuteness. The two Itoshis, now toddlers, ran towards (Y/n) as soon as she entered the room, causing her to drop the papers she was carrying and were now bickering.
"(Y/n)! Carry!" Rin smiled up at the girl, causing her to make a double-take.
'Rin?! Smiling?!'
Sae pouted at the attention his younger brother was getting as let go of the girl's arm and hugged her instead.
"No! Me!" Sae protested, hugging the girl's neck tightly as Rin tried to pull him away.
"What will we do now?! Real Madrid will kill us if they see Sae like this!" (Y/n) panicked as Rin tried to get her attention again.
"Calm down, calm down. We will talk with them. We will need to look for someone to watch them-"
"Noo! (Y/n)!" Rin yelled in protest as Sae turned around to nod his head.
"I can't possibly watch them! I need to assist Teieri-san today at the JFU!" (Y/n) protested as Anri nodded at Ego.
"That's true, Ego-san. I will need her help today." There was a short silence where the three looked at each other and then at the 2 toddlers, when cries echoed through the room.
"Nooo!" The three looked in panic at Rin, who was crying loudly and sat on the ground. (Y/n) and Anri tried to calm him down, while Sae was glaring at his brother. The reason? Well, (Y/n) had to put Sae down and hugged Rin instead.
'So warm!' Rin thought as he cried louder, hoping Ego will grow annoyed and let (Y/n) watch them. And true to the plan, Ego sighed loudly, catching the attention of both (Y/n) and Anri.
"Fine! (Y/n), you take care of them. Can you now shut up?" Ego asked Rin, who immediately stopped crying.
"Ok!" The boy grinned, wiping his tears away.
"And how will I go to the JFU? People will ask who they are." (Y/n) asked as she loosened her hold on Rin. Sae used the opportunity to hug (Y/n)'s left arm, glaring at his grinning brother in the process.
"Just take them with you and say they are some cousins." Ego waved her off and both Anri and (Y/n) looked at each other in worry.
"Rin, no don't touch the floor!" (Y/n) scolded the younger Itoshi as she picked him up again. The four were in one of the meeting rooms at the JFU, waiting for the other members to arrive.
"God help me, (Y/n) just keep them at bay and write down whatever you can, alright?" Anri said as (Y/n) nodded her head, holding Rin tightly in her arms.
"Alrigh, Teieri-san. Come here Sae, I will put you up on the chair next to me." (Y/n) said as she put Rin on her lap and pulled Sae on the said chair, arrangement the older Itoshi didn't like.
"No. Here." The redhead pointed at her lap and (Y/n) shook her head and patted his head.
"Sorry Sae, but I need to hold Rin and write important stuff down. You will have to sit there for now."
"Hmph..." Sae pouted as Rin poked his tongue out while (Y/n) wasn't looking. The older boy rolled his eyes and hugged her arm, to which (Y/n) did protest, but it fell on deaf ears.
The meeting went as well as it could go with two toddlers. One of the higher ups kept telling (Y/n) to get them out of the room, that the kids are distracting their work, but gave up as soon as Rin started crying. He cried for about 5 minutes till one of the men said they can stay. Sae had fallen asleep at some point after that, hugging (Y/n)'s arm. The girl didn't want to wake him up after the meeting was over, so she put Rin on the ground and carried Sae. Now, this was the first time Rin wanted to cry for real, but held himself back. He just grabbed (Y/n)'s pants and walked after her.
"It wasn't bad at the end of the day..." She commented as Anri nodded her head.
"Yeah, could have been a lot worse. Let's go now, I need to report to Ego-san and those two are probably hungry." (Y/n) agreed, smiling a little as Sae grumbled something in his sleep.
"Well, hello there~ don't you look extra pretty today?" Sae and Rin tensed up as they heard Oliver's voice approach the three.
"Ha? Hi Oliver, what did you need?" (Y/n) asked as she looked at the black haired man, causing the two toddlers to grumble a little.
"(Y/n)..." Rin muttered as he tried to get her attention.
"Seems like you became a part-time babysitter. It's kinda sad that you misses the training today, if only you saw the score I made today." Oliver boasted as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"Well, I am sure it was great. Regardless if I was there or not."
"Trust me it was, even Kaiser couldn't keep up." Oliver smirked and then looked down at Sae, who was glaring at him. The older let out a chuckle and went to pick up Sae while (Y/n) was calming Rin down.
"Now, aren't you all cute and cuddly! Not such a big ego anymore?" Oliver teased as Sae kept glaring at him.
"Wa...wait Oliver, Sae just ate dinner!" (Y/n) panicked as Rin happily held her hand.
"So?" Oliver raised his eyebrow. Just as (Y/n) was about to answer, Sae puked on his face causing him to yell as (Y/n) took Sae out of his arms.
"Toddlers can sometimes throw up." She answered, smiling nervously as Oliver wiped some of the stuff off of his face.
Sae and Rin sent each other mischievous grins as (Y/n) wiped the remaining puke off of Oliver.
"Maybe you should go and wash your face... clothes too."
"Good idea." Oliver laughed nervously, trying so hard not to glare at Sae.
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moremousewrites · 1 month
Nuisance Chapter 1
A Favour
Pairing: Rolan/Sorc!F!Tav
Summary: Rolan's day was relatively tolerable working at Sorcerous Sundries. That is of course, until you make an appearance. His average day working customer service is ruined once again by your presence, and your very audacious request you make of him.
Tags: pining (Rolan's in denial lol), mentions of abuse
Rolan was having a surprisingly sufferable day working his shift at Sorcerous Sundries. So far, there had been no ridiculous demands for refunds, no begging for rewards for the nightsong, and absolutely no you. You and your self-righteous air. How you stick your nose in everything you don't belong to. Rolan finally made progress in his plan for his apprenticeship and you had the audacity to show up to the storefront, drawing attention to the bruising on his face.
What did you know about paying your dues? You were a sorceress, and a noble at that. Everything you've ever had was given to you without a second thought, meanwhile Rolan had to claw his way through life to make a name for himself. Or at least,  he was trying to. You made it rather difficult for him to be so independent when you were the one handing him lifelines at every turn. It was rather humiliating when he pulled himself up by his bootstraps to fall flat on his tail, only for you to pick him back up against his wishes.
In his distraction, Rolan knocked a wand of fireball off the counter and onto the floor. Luckily, it didn't ignite, causing a tremendous amount of damage to the stock. Rolan bent down behind the counter to pick up the volatile wand.
“Hello? Anyone here?” your voice rang over the desk, shocking Rolan as he ascended from below the desk. 
He jumped at the sound of your voice, banging his horns against the hard wood and stumbling backwards. 
“Zurgan- what do you want?” Rolan cursed, bitterly. He rubbed his head where the flesh met the horns and winced. 
“Are you alright?” you asked, peering over the desk.
Rolan collected himself and approached the desk. “Welcome to Sorcerous Sundries. How may I help you?” He spoke in his forced, customer service tone. It was apparent that he was not accepting your help today.
You unfurled a scrap of parchment onto the desk and flattened it for him to read. “I need a few scrolls. Do you know if these are in stock?” Rolan examines the list, glancing at your fingers as he does. They're a tad worn from carrying your staff. “Rolan?” You asked after a few moments. 
“Oh, yes. One moment” embarrassed that he might have been caught staring, Rolan reads the list. They're all high level spells. Disintegrate, globe of invulnerability, chain lighting. “Do you want resources on casting the spells? These can be incredibly challenging” he asked, scratching at his horn.
“Oh! They're not for me. They're for Gale. He hasn't learned them yet and I can only cast one or two of these before I'm exhausted so he needs to pull his weight” you explained, smiling at him.
Of course you already knew these spells. These would take him years to learn under Lorroakan's mentorship and you'd just- happened upon this power. Unbelievable. 
“May I ask a favour of you?”
He's shocked, he's usually the one at your mercy. Not willingly. Actually, you usually insert yourself into the lowest points of his life quite regularly. You motioned for him to bend forward so you could whisper in his ear but he wouldn't budge. Determined to keep your agenda a secret, you leaned over the desk, nearly falling over. Rolan couldn't help but chance a look at the collar of your robes. Your breasts swelled beautifully beneath your robes as you leaned forward. 
“I need access to the vault” you whispered, looking around to see if anyone was watching. 
“Absolutely not” his nose scrunched at the idea. He had no clearance to the vault without Lorroakan's approval, and bringing a customer would be a death sentence. Especially if that customer was you. Who knows what chaos would ensue.
“Please, Rolan. I know I'd be putting you out but I'll make it up to you I swear” you begged, giving him the biggest, wettest eyes you could muster. It wasn't your desperate expression that was doing much for him as much as your lips that were pouted for him. He was having a hard time focusing on anything aside from how soft they looked. How they might feel on his skin. 
“Let me sleep on it” Rolan said, not fully registering his own words. He wasn't even aware of his tail rapidly flicking behind him.
You lowered yourself from the desk, and back onto your feet (to Rolan's displeasure) and smiled brightly at him. “Thank you so so much, Rolan. You won't regret this, I swear” 
Rolan sincerely doubted that “You need to pay for those scrolls” he said, placing them on the counter
“Ohh.. can we barter?” you asked, rummaging through your pack. Rolan groaned as you dumped artifacts onto the counter.
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strangesigils · 9 months
Hey everybody! I know it's been a hot minute since I've shown signs of life, I hope I didn't worry anybody! I'm alive and doing pretty alright!
I took a big step back from most things having to do with the internet this past year (or maybe it's been two years? Who knows) for the sake of my mental and emotional health. Anybody who sent in a sigil request through my ko-fi that I wasn't able to complete, you should have received your refunds already some time ago, if you haven't please let me know.
This isn't me coming back to sigil making requests, I want to clear that up right away. I've been working at a new job since last year and most of my energy has been and will be focused on that until I'm roughly where I want to be free-time-wise.
I won't promise that my online presence will ever be what it was before, because back when I was able to be active almost every day I was in high-school or early college, and I've long since come to the realization that this blog was made to be a hobby, but at some point it became and obligation, which isn't an escalation I should've allowed.
Going forward I won't promise to complete all requests sent in, and I won't always give an answer or reason on why I don't want to make certain ones.
I'm turning off paid commissions on my ko-fi till the summer of next year (2024).
If you send or sent in a request and it looks like it'd be fun to make, I'll probably make it when I feel like making it and post it here as usual, maybe I'll even make some on stream once in a while.
But for the most part I'm trying to focus on life in the real world in front of me, building my life into something that's truly mine, and helping the people around me in my life to make up for all the help they've given me.
I'll probably be answering asks later today just to chat and catch up and maybe talk some magic theory on stream with anybody who wants to join me! I'll post a time once I see what's going on after work.
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cutekoala1001 · 7 months
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✨Commission sheet!✨ I can do humans and other things too, not just anthro. ✨🐨 Contact me at [email protected] if you’re interested, or DM me if you have any questions. My terms & conditions are under the cut:
Rules / Terms & Conditions:
🐨 Payment up front via PayPal.
🐨 Once I receive the full payment, I will start working on your commission.
🐨 I have the right to decline or cancel a commission for any reason.
🐨 Refunds are not accepted, unless:
I cancel a commission after receiving payment.
I do not finish the commission within the agreed upon time.
🐨 Please do not edit my work or remove the signature after receiving the commission.
🐨 Artwork is for personal use only and is not allowed for commercial use (for commercial commissions, please contact me for quote.)
Will do:
fan art (human, animal, anthro, etc.)
original characters
real people
graphic design
journaling layouts (see my #mood tracker tags)
will not do:
violence, gore
political art
anything I find offensive
* This being a “Sing” movie blog, I’m happy to draw the characters from the franchise! But because Buster Moon is a very special character to me, I’m picky about how I portray him. I’ll be happy to draw Buster for you but if I’m not comfortable with your request I will decline.
* For personal reasons I will not draw Klaus Kickenklober for anyone but @picapicamagpie ! (I’m happy to reserve him exclusively for her 🐵🐦)
The process... *note: if you cancel during the process, I will only refund the parts of the process that I haven't done yet. If you want a revision starting from the WIP sketch phase, I will make up to 3 revisions before charging extra.
🐨 If you are interested, please email me with a description of your request, including the pose you want and reference photos (required)! If accepted I will ask for full payment to be made via PayPal (only.) I will then begin working on your commission.
🐨 Thumbnails: I may send a couple of thumbnails and ask you to choose which one you like.
🐨 WIP sketch: I will then send you a heavily watermarked wip sketch for your approval.
🐨 Line art begins: Once you've approved of the wip sketch and I begin the line art, I cannot go back to the sketch phase. Once line art and flat colours are done I will send you another wip for your approval. This is where you can confirm any other details like mood, lighting, textures etc. before finishing.
🐨 Finally, I'll send you the finished fully-rendered piece in PNG and JPEG. Any additional changes you would want from this point will be charged extra.
(Depending on how complicated the commission is, the entire process shouldn't take any longer than 2-3 weeks. Let me know if you need it rushed!)
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madameoni · 9 months
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Alright- I figured I might make a lovely long post detailing my commissions options to link to over here.
I want to start with pointing out that my main pride and joy is communication and feedback loops to archive just what you want. The commission process can be long due to the back and forth, but good communication makes great results!
If you're curious, this post shows some of my sketches in the feedback loop stage!
My usual time from start to finish (might depend on the time it takes you to answer) is around a month.
Lets break down the options and prices!
prices are in $usd
prices are for personal use only (ya' know, you can print it for yourself, a friend, but not sell it or use it for business promotion!)- commercial use can be discussed (:
contact me to [email protected]
These can be taken as guide, if you'd like something that doesn't fit here- feel free to contact me to discuss it.
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Full character design. Detailed wings, anthro, animal and highly complex designs can change the price.
BASE PRICE: $170 2 full bodies - front view 1 nude or underwear + 1 complete outfit.
Extras Extra outfit: $50 each Weapon: $50 each Extra body: $70 each (alternate version, extra pose, etc) Back view: +50% of the total
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For characters that already are designed. Detailed wings, anthro, animal and highly complex designs can change the price.
BASE PRICE: $120 2 full bodies - front view 1 nude or underwear + 1 complete outfit.
Extras Extra outfit: $50 each Weapon: $25 each Extra body: $70 each ( alternate version, extra pose, etc) Back view: +50% of the total
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For characters that already are designed. Detailed wings, anthro, animal and highly complex designs can change the price. Clean sketches of several outfits instead of detailed finished pieces.
BASE PRICE: $200 full bodies - front view 1 nude or underwear + 3 clean sketches of different outfits
Extras Extra 3 outfits: $70 Weapon: $25 each Extra body: $70 each ( alternate version, extra pose, etc) Back view: +50% of the total
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Fully rendered and detailed design of prop or weapon on its own.
BASE PRICE: $50 1 full view 1 close-up of detail
Extras Extra view: $30 each
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From only face to waist up (showing arms).
one character
double price for extra character
includes simple background, and decorative elements like flowers, jewels, etc.
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for one character
+100 each extra character
includes background, props and decorations.
extra charges might apply depending on the complexity of the scene- feel free to ask!
Lovely, right?
Now, some basic Terms of Service:
I won't accept any work related to NFTs and I don't allow my work to be used as NFTs.
Credit is very appreciated when reposting but not necessary as long as you don't claim the work is done by anyone besides myself.
The character designs & adoptables can be resold and gifted with proper credit (link and @), those are the owner's responsibility.
Since I'm a breathing human being, I have the right to reject a commission for whatever reason.
I take payment via PAYPAL. I'll make an invoice once the order is settled. I only work with full payment upfront.
For big pieces (+400usd) we can discuss signing a contract or doing payment plans for everybody's comfort.
I don't have a linear queue and I don't work with deadlines, but I will keep you updated regularly and have no problem with showing progress as anytime. Just ask!
Given that I show updates regularly and request feedback during the whole process, big changes once the work is past its sketching stage can require an extra fee.
I don't do refunds past the first sketch.
I guess this covers everything- feel free to contact me with any questions!
Please contact me via email for an easier and organized process: [email protected]
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misssakurapetal28 · 8 months
Hello! I’m Currently Open For Commissions!
Due to recent irl events, I am now for the time being accepting commissions! Here are the examples:
Lineart - $10
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Colored (no shading nor background) - $20
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Colored with Shading (no background) - $25
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Colored, with Shading and background - $30
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$5 each to add extra characters
$3 extra for full body
Please read the Rules & Conditions first!
I will not start your commission(s) until I receive your full payment!
I need a description AND references of what you want me to draw. Just send it to me at my main account @misssakurapetal27!
If you're requesting an OC, please give me a reference of them.
I MIGHT do NSFW art, but it's ENTIRELY based on what it is. With that said, PLEASE DO NOT commission me NSFW art if you are a minor or under 18+! If you do this and I find out that you're a minor, I will decline your commission and I WILL block you!
The max number of commissions that I'll receive from each customer is 3 (three).
Please, DO NOT pay me until I confirm your order! After I do so, I will note you, message you or DM you privately through my email or account.
Me finishing your commission(s) is highly dependent on my schedule. So it will take me at least 1 month to get it finished. If I don't meet this deadline and you don’t wish to wait any longer, then you are owed your right to a complete refund.
Please keep in mind that I have a schedule and real-life matters to deal with, so sometimes things are going to come up that might slow the progress of your commission. You are entitled to a refund after a month, but please give me time.
At this point in time, I will accept payments through Paypal and ONLY through Paypal. I also prefer USD (US currency).
If ANY rules are broken, I have the right to decline your offer. If you come at me aggressively, I will block you on the spot.
I WILL do:
Fanart of any game, show, movie etc., even if I haven't heard of it! However, I do prefer media that I HAVE at least heard of. It increases the chances of your commission being done early.
Any character, that includes OCs.
SFW most definitely.
Ships/Pairings/Couples, even if it’s one’s that I don’t like.
Any LGBTQIA+ art of any kind. That includes Male x Female, Male x Male and Female x Female pairs. Poly is also included.
I MIGHT do (we'll discuss privately):
Animals & monsters. I'm still getting use to drawing them.
NSFW. It depends on what it is and how explicit it is. At best, it will be VERY mild.
Furries & Anthros.
I WON'T do:
Pedophilia or child porn of any kind.
Zoophilia/Zoosadism or Bestiality of any kind.
Hate art, bigotry or discrimination of any kind.
Misogny, incels, toxic masculinity, toxic femminity, or alpha/beta males of any kind.
Political or Religious Propaganda
Finale Note:
Due to Tumblr's guidelines, some (if not) all of my possible NSFW commissions will just be sent directly to you. SFW Art I will post and send to you.
I will not take any free request nor art trades. Prices are also NON-NEGOTIABLE. Ask me for those things once and you’ll get a warning! Ask for those things again and you will be blocked!
If you have any more questions or concerns, DM me at or note me @misssakurapetal27 for more!
Media that I know of:
Miraculous Ladybug
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Equestria Girls
Pretty Cure
Sailor Moon
Hellva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Rise of the TMNT
Like I said however, I will do any series 😄
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ultrainfinitepit · 7 months
I am so so so sorry to message you here about this because it's not really your issue but I'm unfortunately lost. I recently ordered from your Etsy, but the tracking says it arrived on the 12th...it definitely did not :( I don't want to go through Etsy because it's not your fault USPS lost my envelope, but I wondered if you had any advice for pursuing finding out where it actually got sent? Especially since the wolf knight pin I got is now sold out, it seems. Once again, I'm asking nothing of you other than if you have any tips for people with lost stuff. I feel like when I call the post office I'm just gonna hear "well we delivered it, sorry." I didn't send a message through Etsy because idk if that would somehow get your shop in trouble or something, possibly I worry too much
I love your pins and probably 2/3s of my collection are yours and I have every intention of continuing to purchase. I even got a few gifts for people this time around. I'm just really down about not getting them so I'm reaching out partially to feel like I'm doing something about it. Sorry to bother you and if this is annoying, no obligation to respond. Hope you're having a lovely evening <3
Hi there, I'm sorry to hear your package got lost. As a pin collector myself I know how disappointing and frustrating that can be, even more so if the pin is no longer available. In the future please feel free to reach out on Etsy, it doesn't hurt my shop if you message with a question there. Tumblr and other social media sites aren't very reliable when it comes to delivering messages, I've lost asks in my inbox or had messages hidden on Instagram and Twitter. That's just a blanket notice for anyone who might come across this later :))
If your package was not delivered and was marked delivered, here are the steps I would take:
Wait 48 hours - you have already done this but for anyone else in the same predicament, sometimes USPS marks the package delivered when it's really "out for delivery." I've had this happen a few times and the packages show up within two days.
Submit a missing mail search request - this sends a message to your post office telling them the package is missing and asking them to search for it. I've done this request a few times and had luck getting one package located this way.
Open a case on Etsy - Etsy's Purchase Protection Program has a caveat that if the package is marked delivered but was lost, and shipping was purchased through Etsy, they may cover the refund and the shop does not have to. Here's a guide on how to open a case. There are some risks to a shop if they have too many open cases, BUT I'd rather you get your money back than pay for pins and get nothing! So please do open that case. When people message me inquiring about lost packages I usually tell them to open a case for it. If you want you can send me a courtesy message ahead of time as a heads up. Etsy may ask me to provide input on the case and usually I point to the tracking saying the package is delivered. It's not a big deal at all, so again, please open a case.
Sometimes people don't want their money back and just want a replacement sent instead. If it's a small order I will sometimes do this, but the buyer has to pay for shipping again. For larger orders, I prefer you get a refund and repurchase because it can be costly for me to replace big orders.
Ideally you get your money back from the Etsy case, and from there you can repurchase your items if available. In this case the item is sold out, but I have seconds-grade Wolf Knight pins still if you want one of those. If you have your heart set on a standards-grade pin, you can wait until my stockists have them in stock or pick one of the alternate colorways - they should be restocked at the end of this month.
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I hope this helps, and I hope your package is located. Thank you for your patience and for supporting my small business :))
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songmingisthighs · 2 months
lmao kq is just as bad as the ones you mentioned 😭😭😭 if you had proper company knowledge, you wouldn't be praising kq and if you had proper knowledge, your parents would have supported you as much as your sister.. guess they made the right choice after all !!
oh i didn't know kq forces their artists on dating scandals to cover up other members or other group's scandals, i didn't know kq put ateez on slave labour pay scheme, i didn't know kq forced their artists on strict and unhealthy diets, i didn't know kq physically and verbally abused their artists, i didn't know kq put their trainees and rookie artists in 2 bedroom basement level unit until they broke even on the investment fee, i didn't know kq barred the members from going home on holidays, i didn't know kq put their artists in traumatic situations for contents, i didn't know kq urges their staff to berate their artists to keep them in line, i didn't know kq underpaid their staffs so bad that said staff resort to sneaking pictures of idols changing and selling them or sell the artists' information to sasaengs
i do have proper corporate and industrial knowledge, i work in the human resource industry and i do business networking regularly with not only local but global enterprises ranging from small digital agencies to big multinational hospitals to manufacturing to music, management, security, etc etc etc etc industries and i handle SOP, legal contracts, agreements, NDA, job requirements and requests (talent acquisition), and so on and so forth on a daily basis. so considering what i know about corporate regulations and the easier route kq could have taken to make ateez (and now xikers too) their money printing machines, i do praise kq. that being said, you seem to lack the wisdom that just because i praise them, it doesn't mean i 100% agree with them. because no one can be perfect. like you, you're a loudmouth coward with no brain
and congratulations for attempting to use my trauma and unfortunate situation to make a point, it did not magically made you correct and it did not make you look tough. in fact, it's so pathetic that i'm offering another information for you to try to use against me : i was physically, verbally, emotionally, and psychologically abused by my parents, i was bullied in private school for 14 years, at age 12 when i first attempted to commit suicide and was stopped by my uncle my parents' response was "get out the damn bedroom, your sister need to get her things, stop being selfish and throw a tantrum some other time, nobody cares about the show you put". please try harder to hurt me or else you just look stupid. but at least i thrive as best as i could (against my will) despite my parents' neglect and blatant favoritism. can't say the same about you since you turn out like this lmao fucking embarrassing i pity your parents they should ask for a refund
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ashesbreadandbutter · 1 month
Been thinking and..
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It'd be fun to do book commissions right? Where instead of just one shots we could make a story together that basically YOU make up and I just write. You can whatever you want however you want it if you pay.
Considering I'll need the money for when I rehabilitate further I love dough but even when I do eventually heal I'll still do commissions. Usually I fold to do requests just to get more attention but I'm gonna stand my ground this time.
So if interested in working with me for multiple periods of time just to get the story done then come and chat with me.
Prices would be based off my commission sheet already but to give a few examples of how I see this going lets say you want a 10 chapter story with 500 words each chapter. By the end of the book (chapter ten) that'll be 5,000 words which in total for what it is the whole book would cost $50.
Example 2:
10 chapter story with 5,000 words each would be $550.
Basically I'm doing my current prices by ten for these examples so you all should do that too when picking word count AND chapters. I'll allow up to 30 chapters though depending on circumstances and such this could be a monthly between me and you, the buyer.
More Examples:
5,000 words per chapter for a 20 chapter book would equal $1,100 by the end of the book.
5,000 words per chapter for a 30 chapter book would equal $1,650
Now I'm only going to say this once! If you don't have the money either wait till you do or find someone who will help accommodate you. I wish you luck on that.
You can set the timing!!
Granted at minimum these can be done by a month but be prepared for bigger orders to take just a bit more time than the smaller ones. With that said bigger stories could take longer than just a month but it all depends of course on how I'm feeling, the story we're making, characters, etc etc. Honestly you can keep up with me at any point and time and check in on the progress of things whenever you want.
I only take cash up front and before I start new chapters so you'll pay for the first, I'll show it to you when I'm done with it and if you want to continue you'll go ahead and pay for the next chapter and we can repeat that process. For people big banking though you could pay it all up front and I'll do everything without waiting on anything.
You can also post your story on your OWN account as long as you mention me (@ me) so people can find my account. Either you'll post it or I will and I'll mention you in the story as the one who paid for it. Either way is fine.
A lot of this stuff will take communication and adjusting, especially since this is my first time taking a step like this but if you all are willing to be patient with me I promise I'll make your story as perfect to you as I can.
I think I explained what I needed to BUT if confused anyone and everyone is always allowed to hit up my ask box or dm me personally.
Options available:
10 chapter story
20 chapter story
30 chapter story
Prices WILL change and WILL vary based on original pricing time word count of the chapters.
Canon x Readers
Canon x ocs
Canon x canon (depending on if I also like the ship or not.)
For more information look at my commission sheet HERE and if you have any questions PLEASE ask them. Considering commissions like these will make us partners for a while I want to make sure we both know exactly what we're doing and hoping into because I DO NOT allow refunds.
Let's have fun guys considering that's all fanfic is about! I also do art commissions but currently I'm more focused on the writing though if you want art you can always commission that as well.
If you've made it this far thank you for reading! Reblog, like and share if you can't give me money but still want me to grow my platform.
Everyone PLEASE have a lovely day!
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snapsparkwoosh · 11 months
with it being travel season:
let me give you a small nugget of advice from someone who has been in the hotel business for about half a decade now. do not, and i repeat, do NOT booking with a third party site if it can be avoided. i’m talking about expedia, booking.com, priceline, hotwire, etc and so forth. ‘and why not?’ you may ask. and let me tell you why. 1 - when you book third party, you are at the bottom of the totem pole. you’re paying whoever you booked with, not the hotel itself. while you might be paying $109 for a room, the hotel will only receive a fraction of that (the rest goes to the 3rd party). so if you have special requests, want to be in a certain location, want a certain room type, chances are you’re going to be the last person on the list.
2 - on the subject of payments: when you’ve booked through a 3rd party, you’ll usually prepay for your reservation. which means you pay them the full amount for your stay before arriving at the hotel. well, let me tell you something: HOTELS CANNOT REFUND THIS. on property, we cannot refund ANY of the money that you paid to them, so it all goes through WHOEVER you booked with.  grandma died and you can’t make it? sorry, we already took the deposit from expedia, you’re going to have to call them. you had a problem with your reservation and want some money off? sorry. you’re going to have to go through expedia. then begins the LENGTHY refund process, which can take DAYS depending on the site and the property itself. i’m not saying that it’s impossible to get a refund but it’s a hassle for all parties involved, and let me tell you that it sucks being out of hundreds of dollars due to unforeseen circumstances.  3 - adding on to that. we CANNOT CHANGE YOUR RESERVATION ON PROPERTY. you need to change your dates? sorry, no can do. call expedia. you need to cancel? sorry, can’t do it. call expedia. you found a better rate online and want us to match it? guess what: we can’t. so, what are your options? 1 - always call the hotel directly and MAKE SURE YOU SPEAK TO THE FRONT DESK. when you hear ‘press one for reservations’ IGNORE IT. that will send you to central reservations, they deal with hundreds of properties a day depending on the franchise. wait until it gives you the option to speak to a front desk agent, or when it says ‘for all other questions, please stay on the line...’ that will take you to the property. 2 - some properties (not all, so remember this when you’re travelling) offer price matching, without the ridiculous fees. be sure to ask (POLITELY) when you’re on the phone. it’s not always an option, it all depends on the property. 3 - if you travel a lot (or even if you don’t), sign up for their rewards program (IHG, Marriot, Hilton Rewards, etc), general rule of thumb is that you earn 10 points per dollar you spend, and those points can be used not only for free nights, but most chains have catalogues where you can buy gift cards, gifts, exchange for mileage points, etc. most reward programs are free of charge, and it’s amazing how quickly those points rack up if you spend a lot of time travelling. 4 - the most important point: be polite to whoever is assisting you at the hotel. 9 times out of 10, if someone is polite and treats me like a human being, i am MUCH more willing to knock a few dollars off of a reservation, at least within my powers as a front desk agent. remember: these are just based on my own personal experiences. each property is different.  but almost all hotel employees will tell you: don’t book third party.
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luckyemo · 10 months
I’m not sure how many people are affected by this, if it’s only people who ordered in a specific time frame, or people who pre-ordered and bought other items in the same order, or people from Canada, or another specific thing to my case, but if you or someone you know has been waiting for the Chihiro figure (or another pre-order figure/order made around Nov 2022-Jan 2023) from crunchyroll, do not wait for it to be sent out and instead send them an inquiry about it HERE (Select E-Commerce, Crunchyroll Store, then Where Is my item).
First I sent them an email asking for an update as they still hadn’t shipped my figure, the Chihiro figure wasn’t listed on their currently delayed list, the figure is currently listed as being in stock and ready to buy, and with no update from them I was starting to feel like I got scammed.
Here is their first reply (I sent my initial inquiry August 13, so 10 business days to reply):
Troy (Crunchyroll) Aug 25, 2023, 12:12 PM PDT Hi [name], I appreciate your patience and I do apologize for the long wait. We are currently experiencing a larger amount of requests than usual. Unfortunately, the recent store update created a few discrepancies that we're currently addressing, and your order could not be shipped. I would like to suggest that we cancel the unshipped order and issue a refund this way you may repurchase it. In the meantime please accept the following $10.00 coupon code due to this inconvenience: CX-NWVVH5ZVG429 Again, we apologize for the inconvenience. If there's anything else I can help with, please feel free to let me know! Troy Customer Service Team Crunchyroll
They are claiming that their warehouse move and store update has caused them to lose orders (I'm a computer scientist here to tell you this is something that couldn't happen accidentally, and at this point I could still view the order completed page from an incognito window with all the order info so it clearly was not lost), and instead of reaching out to people who pre-ordered they are waiting for people to cancel and re-order. They also do not include any specific numbers for the proposed refund, and as this order was split with one small item already sent to me I had no idea how they would handle the refund.
I sent them an email back explaining how ridiculous of a process that is, as well as when I ordered the figure I used a coupon that no longer exists, so they were suggesting I spend more money (and this is including using their $10 off coupon) to get something I pre-ordered even later. I explained that I want them to just send me the figure I already paid and waited for, but if that can’t be done I would only be comfortable in cancelling and re-ordering if I am properly refunded and can purchase the figure at the original price I paid for, stating the exact price points.
Their next reply:
Troy (Crunchyroll) Aug 29, 2023, 10:52 AM PDT Dear [name],  When we offered to reorder the item, we intended to honor the old price that you have paid initially for the item/order.  Please note that you won't be pushed back in the order queue, furthermore, you should be put higher in the queue since the order will be registered in the new system that we are currently operating with.  We do apologize for the inconvenience, but after our system migration, some old orders were affected and delayed. That is why we are offering different solutions/workarounds to make the fulfillment process faster for our customers.  Please let me know if you would like to proceed. In case you agree, we will gladly issue a full refund, and after you replace it we will honor the old price in case there will be a difference.  Looking forward to your reply!  Troy Customer Service Team Crunchyroll
Strange how things suddenly went from “could not be shipped” to just “delayed” and only now they are mentioning honouring the original sold price. Also strange how they are still not using any numbers, arguably the most important piece of information when discussing refunds. And I have no clue where the “that’s why we are offering different solutions/workarounds” is coming from because they weren't offering solutions, they waited until I reached out and was content with leaving me in the dark indefinitely while they took more orders for the figure they claim can’t be shipped out.
I expressed as much in my reply and restated how the refund should go down with exact numbers. I also stated that I still feel as if I’m being scammed and that if they can not guarantee a proper refund and a fair re-order price that I would rather seek a refund through my credit card company.
Their final reply gave a surprising good end:
Troy (Crunchyroll) Aug 30, 2023, 9:18 AM PDT Thank you for the update!  I've just refunded the charge for the order, however, I did not cancel it. It can take 1-2 business days for PayPal or 3-5 business days for your credit card to process the refund. If you used the payment method Sezzle, refunds can take up to 5-10 business days to appear on your statement. In the meantime, I have asked the warehouse to send a replacement package. Please note that we usually do not provide such service, it was done as a one-time courtesy.  n case you do not receive a tracking number in the next 7 days, please get back to me so I can further assist you. Thank you for your patience. Looking forward to your reply!  Troy Customer Service Team Crunchyroll
I have been refunded the full amount (including the $7 of the small thing they already sent). I’m raising an eyebrow at the order being refunded but not cancelled and the replacement package they are sending, but I’m hoping it’s just the figure so I can have my girl and move on from this (but also like…………. They’re just going to send it for free after all this? doubt.jpeg, but also wtf else could it be). Either way I got my money back and the figure is available at other stores now so I can walk away happy.
If you need to reach out to Crunchyroll and need help wording any emails, send me an ask/dm and I’ll help you. I have every email I sent saved, except the initial inquiry sent through their form, but I remember what I said more or less, and don’t mind sharing them for others to use the wording (I didn’t include them here in this post bc they have a few typos and this post is long enough already lol)
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angelkiller666 · 1 year
First Commissions open! 0/3
finally got commissions open!! damn it took so long. mostly because i was nervous and didn't know how to do this, but after some experience, i am finally opening up comms!
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RULES: now, since this is my first time, the prices you see on the pic is actually 20% cheaper (FOR NOW! not forever!) please go easy on me, i'll be taking 3 comms at a time, take a small break, maybe make my own art as well, then i'll do it again. i take points/paypal. (paypal preferred) if you want to get comms, message me on DMs (NOT NOTES. those things glitch my computer) what i can do: humans/animals simple animatronics (still practicing on it, i'll try my best) light gore light lewdness (just provocative poses and such, we'll have to discuss that when you buy a comm from me) light Yandereism (also something to discuss when buying a comm) fandoms i can do: FNAF/fan games Hello Neighbor BATIM MLP Minecraft Fantasy what i WILL NOT/CAN NOT do: hardcore yanderism fetishs/kinks (i do not kink shame, but i draw the line right there) super NSFW/Porn (no porn or anything, i am not ready for that, and do not ask for that) hate/racist/homophobic/pedophilia or ANYTHING political. DO NOT: beg/threaten for a lower price/free commission/change the rules, if you can't afford a commission, do not ask for one in the first place, and if you want some art that is against my rules, go for another artist that ACTUALLY takes those types of requests please pay in full, no bargaining, bidding or bribing. PLEASE send in REFs, color sheets etc for whatever you want me to draw, and please be specific in what you want, i can't predict what you want. so please send in REFs. please be kind, this is my first time doing comms, so please be patient. don't rush me please, the comms can sometimes take awhile to be made (it won't cost you extra) so please be patient. also i'm trying my best, i'll send in WIPS so that i can change it to the way you like, i can do refunds, so if you decide to change your mind, it's ok. i'll pay you back in full. ok! that's all for today! message me if you wanna buy a comm!
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mnemehoshiko · 2 years
@incognitajones Something with Rose, and "persistence"
(mneme: I Apologize For Everything About This | have a?? snippet?? prequel?? snippet? from the caf au (i.e. in-universe coffee shop au) that I need to update)
Something with Rose, and "persistence"
BEEP  "Miss Tico, You Are Receiving An Message." BEEP  "Miss Tico, You Are Receiving A Message." BEEP
Rose curled into a ball and burrowed deeper into her bed. Maybe, just maybe, if she ignored it, whoever it was would hang the kriff up.
BEEP.  "Miss Tico, You Are Receiving A Message. Alas, it persisted.
Rose growled as she began to grope across the nightstand for her watch.  "Please tell me the caf shop is on fire or something utterly dire to be worth calling me at--" she squinted at the clock. "900 hours in the kriffing morning"
"Uh....this is Finn. Finn Skywalker from the other day." "Who," she replied groggily.  "....Finn Skywalker. Ah the guy, who came by and asked about kaf beans--?" "Spiran, dark roast; Rishii, blond roast; Rishii, whole beans; pre-ordered a bag of Lamareddian beans due to shortage," she rattled off absent-mindedly as she rummaged around for a holopad. Where the kriff did she put it? Maybe Paige was right and she should stop doing accounts before bed. "Handsome posh looking man, requested the selection claiming that 'He knew nothing about caf beyond he was fairly certain his aunt and his cousin have somehow replaced their blood with it.' PAIGE WHERE DID WE PUT ORDER FORMS--"
"So, you think I'm handsome," replied the voice on holocomm.  "No, that was referring the customer," she grabbed the holopad from Paige who walked in--far far too awake for this time of  day--and scrolled through orders that were processed yesterday. "Skywalker, F." "The F stands for Finn--" "Yes, that's nice. What do you want, Mister--" "Finn, the one you called handsome, is fine." At this point, Rose's mind and mouth finally came into alignment. She debated burying herself in the sheets again and praying This Was A Bad Dream. "Kriff."  "No, Finn," the voice--Finn. Finn Skywalker, or customer who is about to ask for a completely valid refund. -- replied. "I deeply apologize Mr. Skywalker. Completely understand your disappointment in the utter lack of professionalism that was just shown. I assure you the quality of our goods far exceeds my personal failings and--" Rose replied, frantically trying ways to figure out how to recover from this. "Do you like crepes?" Rose blinked. "Excuse me?" "Crepes, Klatoonine to be exact? They probably have other kinds as well?" "I don't hate crepes?" "Would you be....interested in getting crepes with me? In like three hours? My treat?" "Uh sure---" "Great! I'll send you the address! See you soon then." CLICK Rose stared at her holocomm, trying to process what just happened, as Paige ambled in with two bowls, fragrant steam wafting from both of them.  "I got a comm," Rose said, taking the offered bowl from her sister.  "I thought we had a comm at the shop." "We do," Paige said between bites of egg stew and rice. "He asked if you were single, and I said I could do one better and gave him your holo." "Ah, okay---WAIT WHAT THE KRIFF PAE!"
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moonshinemagpie · 2 years
I Blazed So That You Don't Have To (Unless You Wanna)
After I made an ask tag game with writing questions, I decided on a whim to blaze it. Then I decided to cancel, but tumblr said I'd have to request a refund from the google play store, which sounded annoying, so I let it blaze.
I couldn't find much from users about the blaze experience so I figured I'd write about it here for the curious.
First: I paid for 2,500 impressions, but the post actually runs for 24 hours or until 2,500 impressions are hit, whichever is longer. That's a nice deal imo; mine received over 4,000 impressions.
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But second: Presumably because Tumblr is not an evil capitalist surveillance state megacooperation like Facebook/Meta, you can't select your audience by anything other than country. I would have obviously preferred for my post to only be shown to people who are interested in writing, but I figured enough of Tumblr probably writes that it wouldn't be too off-topic for most people.
That being said, if you actually want to advertise something like a book or other project, I can't imagine blaze getting you many customers.
Also, your post will go into a queue to be reviewed by human moderators, which means you can't choose a specific time for your post to blaze. It'll be up within a day of you clicking the blaze button, so plan accordingly if you think that matters.
My post was broad and interactive, so I feel like it didn't piss too many people off, and a lot of people reblogged it to join the ask game. However, 2 people did reply with nasty messages (one had a profile that said "kill kill kill, I hate sluts," and one stated that they hate Catholics in their bio, so that's fun and neat). 
I think if you try to sell something or advertise your niche fanfic, etc, you can expect more than 2 trolls. Turn off anon ask before you blaze a post. 
For me personally, I liked reading people's responses to the writing ask game, but only 2 people thought to actually ask me the questions I'd written (shout out to those two homies). I also got no increased engagement with any of my regular posts.
People will not notice your account exists just because you blaze one of your posts.
I found a lot of blogs I like, followed a bunch of people, sent questions to the inboxes of some of those who'd reblogged it, and got 5 followers in return. I think most people don't pay much attention to the OP, and I also think I might not have gotten any followers if I hadn't made such an effort to interact with others. 
So don't blaze a post just to get followers. 
For me, I genuinely like reading about other people's writing processes, and I'm still new to writeblr and am very happy to follow other writers, so that was fun for me. But if you're just trying to shine a one-way spotlight on your own blog, the blaze feature isn't going to do that for you.
So what's the use of blaze?
If you have cash you wanna throw into the interwebs and you think your post is both general and interactive enough to be of interest to a broad audience, then it might be a fun way to find accounts you wouldn't have come across otherwise.
It's also fun for shits and giggles, obviously.
I don't recommend it for advertising.
The bad points
Your post will be shown to potentially anyone. Besides troll interactions, my post also got reblogged by spheres of tumblr I'd never encountered before. Like, lots of TERFs. I'm a sensitive ladybug, and some people straight up post the most violent descriptions and hateful content, like, please please please touch so much grass. I could have gone without reading through some of those profiles tbh. But still fun for the writeblr accounts I did follow.
I changed my username during the campaign because I realized I don't need trolls and terfs to know my author name. Remember stranger danger, etc, etc, and be smart about the info you share in your bio/pinned post/username during a blaze campaign.
Blaze Report
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You get a report showing how well your post did, but the numbers don't seem accurate (compare the 246 notes to the 81 notes the report accounts for). Before that, you can also see the impressions the post has had thus far during the blaze campaign. As you can see in the first screenshot, my in-progress update told me my blaze started in 1970 (what a long, strange trip it's been). In other words: Tumblr's gonna tumblr.
In summary
To blaze or not blaze? Probably not, but yes I guess if you want people to interact with your ask game. Turn off anon asks!!!
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Writing request please! I want to know more about the day the Lady and Thin Man switched jobs.
This one comes in three parts. The first part is the how they got started, the second part is about the Lady's day, and the third part is about the Thin Man's. I just found it easier to write it this way.
For everyone else, Anon's prompt probably came from the Thin Man vs the Lady, the Pretender vs Other Aristocrats ask
Title: Dinner or a Show, Part 1 Word Count: 654 Characters: the Lady, the Thin Man CW: Mild Language Use
The Thin Man watched the Lady fix her mask on her face. It was a rare treat to watch her get dressed for the evening, but one that intrigued him. She put in so much effort in her clothes, makeup and hair, but she still wore that pale, white mask over her prettier one. He just didn't get it.
"Must you watch me so intensely?" the Lady asked, tucking in a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
"What do you even do?" the Thin Man replied, "You dress up so nicely, only to wear that mask of yours. Why?"
"I don't want to hear that question from you," the Lady teased, "Greatest showman in the world, crippling shyness."
"At least I don't hide my face."
"At least I'm actually presentable."
The Thin Man crossed his arms. True, he wasn't as fashionable as his counterpart; but a suit and hat went a long way. "What makes you think I'm not presentable?"
"Thin, you hide behind the cameras to do your work," the Lady pointed out, "I actually interact with my Guests."
"Oh, like I don't indulge the Viewers with whatever they want to watch?" he argued.
The Lady shook her head. "Nope!" She started to walk to the elevator to start her shift, but it was the tone in that 'nope' that got under the Thin Man's skin.
"You have the easier job, dear," he called out with a smug look on his face. He knew how to get back at her, and the challenge in his statement got her attention. The Lady stopped, and turned around to address him.
"I have the easier job?" she scoffed, "What do you do all day? Sit on that rickety old chair and think about television shows? Oh, how exhausting."
The Thin Man stood up straighter. "Do you honestly think keeping track of every show's plot points are an easy task? What do you do? Sing and dance, and maybe fake a smile? And only for eight hours? Tch, please..."
The Lady folded her hands calmly, which only met she was holding back her temper. "You wanna do my shift? I bet you won't last an hour."
"You wanna do mine?" the Thin Man chortled, "Please! Try to make a coherent episode and put it all together before the next airing. I dare you."
The Lady walked back over to him. "Alright. One episode for one hour. The stakes?"
"The stakes?" He didn't consider those. He just wanted to piss off the Lady, which he did. They were always competitive with each other; violently, too. The Thin Man shrugged his shoulders. "I don't have one. I just wanted to say I told you so."
The Lady looked away. "How about punishments?"
"Punishments?" The Thin Man chuckled and lowed his face closer to her ear. "You want to punish me?" By now, he's learned how to say things that could knock her out of focus. The deep, rumbling tone from his voice worked effectively.
"Always." The Lady touched the side of his cheek gently. It was her way of countering his move. "If I win and my Guests are miserable, you pay all the refunds."
"That's not a punishment for me," he laughed, "But fine; that's fair. If I win..." He narrowed his silver eyes and wore a sinister grin on his face. "Bunny costume."
The Lady rolled her eyes. "You really like rabbits, don't you?"
"N-No thanks to you, you horrid woman!" The Thin Man backed away with a blush.
"That's not a punishment, Thin..."
"Oh, don't worry!" the Thin Man smiled, "It will be..." He always had an attractive smile, whether it was jubilant or frightening. This one was the latter, but it still thrilled the Lady.
"Fine." The Lady held out her hand to shake.
"Fine." They shook hands and the bet was on. "I'll bring you over to the Tower. We'll get started there..."
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