#but man after seeing everything come together
navybrat817 · 1 day
Hold You Tight: Part 2
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Pairing: Club Owner!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Fic Summary: The owner of The 107th wants you to be his girl whether you like it or not.
Chapter Summary: You're anxious before your date.
Chapter Word Count: Over 3.1k
Chapter Warnings: DARK AU, stalking, coercion, threats (not against reader), creepy and unhinged behavior, flashback, possessiveness, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?), more warnings to come.
A/N: More Hold You Tight! Hope you lovelies enjoy and thank you for the feedback so far! Bucky edit by the beautiful @nixakimbo. ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @whisperlullaby , but any and all mistakes are my own. Divider by the talented @firefly-graphics . Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You loved working at the flower shop. Putting together beautiful arrangements and bringing joy to others made you happy. But today, the morning after that stranger showed up in your home, you weren’t fully alert as you went about your tasks. The air around you felt different, thicker. Flipping through the order book, you attempted to look busy instead of walking around in a haze.
Whenever you began to focus, your mind would drift back to Bucky Barnes and your upcoming date. You hadn’t told Addison or anyone else about it because what could you tell them? How could you explain your situation?
You hadn’t even slept in your own bed thanks to that man.
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You weren’t sure how long you stayed seated on the couch once Bucky left your place. You’d have to move eventually, but you were replaying what happened in your head like a song on repeat and tried to make sense of it. A man broke into your home, but didn’t steal anything. Held you in his lap, but didn’t violate you.
No, that last part wasn’t true. That was exactly what he did. He violated your safety. And demanded a date with you.
You jerked when your phone dinged, but your heart only pounded faster when you saw a message from a new contact.
“I wish I could’ve stayed the night, but I’ll dream about you and count down the minutes until our date. Don’t forget about your gifts.”
He knew the date was on because how could you say no?
Your stomach dropped as you glanced down the hall. Wiping the remaining tears away, you got to your feet and cautiously made your way toward your bedroom. You weren’t expecting anyone to be there, but who knew what he did while you were at work? And what if he came back?
Would you scream for help or call the police?
“Just go in,” you whispered.
Pushing the door open with a shaky hand and flipping on the light, everything looked normal as you looked around and approached the bed. Everything except the garment and gift bag in the middle of it. They taunted you, daring you to look inside. At the very least, to read the small card on top of the bag.
You caught a small whiff of the cologne he wore as you picked it up and read the single statement.
“This is just the beginning, doll.”
The card slipped from your shaky hand. It would’ve been romantic under normal circumstances. You looked inside the gift bag next, but it did nothing to calm your nerves. Not only was it your favorite perfume as he stated, but it was the largest size available.
You unzipped the garment bag after and gasped at the sight of the dress. It was from a designer you admired, but could never afford. Simple yet beautiful in design, you had to stop yourself from running your hand over the fabric. Yes, it was a beautiful dress and it was just the right size.
But it came with strings attached.
You half expected to see a blinking light when your eyes darted to the corners of your bedroom, but everything still looked ordinary. Nothing looked out of place. It didn’t stop your skin from crawling at the thought of him watching you. Because how did he know your size and the kind of perfume you liked? That you liked having a glass of wine when you took a bath? The password to your phone?
How did he know anything about you?
That was perhaps one of the most terrifying aspects about your ordeal: He was clearly powerful and connected, yet you didn’t know exactly what he was capable of or how far he’d go.
It took you a minute to type back a message to him. “Thank you for the gifts.”
A response came back almost immediately. Was he waiting by his phone for you? “Like I said, it’s just the beginning. I have another gift waiting for you, but you’ll have to wait until tomorrow for that one. It’s a surprise.”
You suddenly didn’t like surprises.
Could you accept gifts wrapped in pretty bows if it meant keeping those you cared about safe? Would you be a living doll to satisfy whatever craving he had that led him to you? At the very least, you’d have to play along for one night to try and get some answers.
“I’m sure it’ll be a nice surprise. Good night.” You sent, hoping he’d get the hint and leave you be.
“Sweet dreams.”
Grabbing a blanket, you made your way back to the living room and curled up in your oversized chair. There wouldn’t be any sweet dreams. Not tonight. Not with the way your mind raced.
Because who the hell was Bucky Barnes and why did he want you?
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The bell over the door rang, pulling you from your thoughts and reminding you that you had a job to do. You blinked as a tall man with golden hair and bright blue eyes walked in. A new customer from what you gathered, and an intimidating one at that. You didn’t realize you were holding your breath until you exhaled once he smiled in your direction.
“Hi,” you said, closing your book. “How can I help you?”
“I’m here to get some flowers for my girl,” he replied, the deep timbre gentle yet commanding. “No special occasion or anything. I just want to surprise her.”
A smile touched your lips. “That’s one of the best reasons to get someone flowers,” you said. You liked to imagine your future husband would get you flowers just because he felt like it. “Does she have a favorite?”
“Tulips,” he answered without hesitation. “Any color as long as they’re tulips.”
You stepped around the corner and led him to the premade arrangements. “We have this multicolored bouquet that she may like. Brightens the room and has an uplifting aroma.”
The gentleman reached out to touch one of the petals before he nodded. “She’ll love them,” he said more to himself than to you.
He sounded like a man in love.
“I’m sure she will,” you agreed, carefully carrying it to the counter so you could ring it up. Your skin prickled when you felt his eyes on you, but you told yourself to relax. This guy wasn’t like Bucky. You were paranoid after last night and he was likely watching just to make sure you didn’t drop the bouquet. “Will this be all for you?”
“Which one is your favorite?”
“My favorite?” You repeated as he waited for your response. The question surprised you, but you nodded to one of the recent arrangements you made. “It’s hard to choose a favorite, but I like stargazer lilies.”
You sometimes brought arrangements home for yourself since you couldn’t remember the last time anyone got you flowers.
“I’ll take those, too,” he said, going to get the vase himself. “I really appreciate your help.”
“It was nothing,” you smiled, ringing up the order. “And you made my job very easy, so thank you.”
“Your partner must feel very lucky to have you,” he said before you paused.
Biting your tongue, you stopped yourself from correcting him. You didn’t have a partner. A possible stalker? Yes.
His brows furrowed as he quietly paid. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have assumed.”
You shook your head and put your best customer service smile back on your face. “No apologies. I actually have a first date tonight. Maybe he’s the one,” you told him, the words tasting like ash in your mouth. “I hope your girl enjoys her flowers.”
He smiled back as he took the bouquets and receipt. “Me, too,” he said, something sparkling in his eye when he added, “Good luck on your date.”
The blonde left without another word, leaving you to grip the counter and wonder how the hell you were going to get through your evening.
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You stood in front of your bedroom mirror hours later, admiring yourself in the dress. It fit you well. Beautifully, as much as you didn’t want to admit it. You spritzed yourself with the perfume too. Might as well use it since Bucky was likely expecting it.
The scent should’ve brought a smile to your face instead of tears to your eyes.
“Hey! Still on for hanging out tomorrow?” Addison messaged you as you checked the time on your phone.
You blinked the tears away and realized you hadn’t messaged her once today. You were afraid to. If you mentioned Bucky, it would tempt you to spill what happened since you hardly kept anything from your best friend. And if you told her what happened…
Bucky would know.
With a shudder, you messaged her back. “Yep! See you then.”
The tension in your body skyrocketed when your doorbell rang at 7pm, right down to the second. “Be right there!” You called, shoving your phone in your clutch before you took one last look in the mirror. What did it matter if you looked good or not? It was a forced date.
You exhaled as you opened the door and froze when you saw Bucky standing on the other side. You foolishly thought he wouldn’t show, but luck wasn’t on your side. The sharp, dark suit he wore and air of confidence he carried had your heart pounding in your chest. The glove covering his left hand somehow worked with the suit.
“Fuck,” he breathed, his gaze sweeping over you. Why did he look at you like you were something to be desired? “You are so beautiful.”
Butterflies filled your stomach despite your fear. If only he had approached you and asked you out like a normal guy. “Thanks,” you whispered, locking the door once you were in the hall.
Did he have your spare key or did he find a way to get a copy?
“I wore this suit to match your dress,” he said, giving you an expectant look.
The guy was actually fishing for a compliment. “And you look very handsome,” you said, a smile lighting up his face.
“Thanks.” He held his arm out, satisfaction filling his eyes when you took it. “I’m glad you said ’yes’ to this date.”
“I’m sure you would’ve found a way to convince me if I didn’t,” you told him, reminding yourself that accepting this kept your loved ones safe and sound.
“I would have,” he agreed, keeping you close as he led you outside to where a luxury car was waiting. The car likely cost more than what you made in a year. “But you saved me the trouble by agreeing like the good, smart girl I know you are.”
You didn’t thank him for the “compliment”.
Bucky didn’t wait for the driver to open the door, grabbing the handle and helping you inside himself. You slid across the seat and tried to keep your dress from riding up as he got in beside you. He didn’t allow you any breathing room as the glass partition went up and the car took off. You were alone with him.
He could do whatever he wanted.
“You can sit in my lap if you’d like,” he said to break the silence. “It’s nice and comfortable.”
“No thanks,” you said, glancing ahead at the glass when he took your hand. You’d been in his lap the night before and that was more than enough. “Doesn’t seem safe.”
“You can sit here after dinner then,” he suggested, smirking when you glanced out of the corner of your eye.
Your stomach turned at that. He mentioned it took everything in him not to drag you to bed. You believed him. How long would he hold out before he tried to make a move?
“Sorry I didn’t text you today. I didn’t want to bother or overwhelm you while you were working,” he continued, kissing each of your knuckles as you stared straight ahead again. “At least not right away.”
“How considerate of you,” you muttered.
He chuckled and pressed another kiss to your hand before he held it in his lap. You stiffened and for a moment you thought he’d put your palm to his crotch. You weren’t sure what to expect from him.
“Look. I want tonight to be good for both of us. I’m sure you have a lot of questions and I’ll do my best to give you answers,” he said, tucking a bit of hair behind his ear as he addressed the elephant in the room. “I know a lot about you, but I imagine you don’t know much about me.”
“No, I don’t,” you admitted. As tempted as you were to look up his name, you refrained and couldn’t put your finger on why. “If I ask you questions, will you lie to me?”
“I have no reason to lie.” He brought a gloved hand to your cheek and forced you to meet his gaze. Even in the dark of the car, you could see the want in his eyes. “I want you to trust me.”
Trust the man with zero respect for boundaries? Could you do that? “Addison’s bachelorette party was a month ago. Was that really the first time you saw me?”
“It was. Everything changed when I saw you,” he replied, moving his hand from your face down to your neck. Like he just had to touch you. “Though it didn’t take a month to track you down, it did give me time to do my research and find out everything I could about you. Where you live, where you work, your interests, your routine. I like to be thorough.”
You turned your head away when it began to spin, trying to understand how he sounded so casual in his admittance to stalking you. You also couldn’t keep looking into those blue eyes. They would drown you.
What you wanted to ask was if he was watching you in your home. But trapped in that small space with him, what if his answer freaked you out more? He said he wouldn’t hurt you, but would he keep that promise?
The question that came out instead was, “And you just decided during that time that you wanted me?”
Your eyes shut as his lips touched your ear. “I wanted you the moment I saw you,” he whispered, making you shiver at the feel of his breath. “And the more I learned about you, the more you pulled me in. I’m just a moth drawn to your flame. And you’re exactly who I want by my side.”
His words washed over you, wearing you down like a stone sinking in the water. It was too much. Too intense. “Where are we going?”
“Mmm. Our date.” You exhaled when his fingers brushed along your arm. “I thought about renting out a restaurant or taking you away to an island for our first date. Something intimate and private. Then I thought, what’s more intimate and private than my penthouse?”
“Your penthouse?” You asked, opening your eyes.
“Yeah, my home,” he smiled, either not noticing or caring when your eyes rounded. “It’s the best spot in town, of course. Can’t beat the view. And we don’t need any eavesdroppers now, do we?”
Your heart sank as you reached for your phone. People would at least be able to see you in a public place, but his home? That was like going into the heart of a lion’s den. It would be so easy to message Addison or Dana and ask for some sort of help without giving too many details. You could-
Bucky took the phone from your hand and tucked it in his jacket pocket. “You won’t need that tonight,” he stated, something in his calm tone telling you not to argue. “I have a chef preparing dinner and a dessert and I selected a nice bottle of wine for us to share. I also want to give you a tour after the meal since it’s going to be your home sooner or later.”
You choked on your next breath. “It’s what?”
“We’re here,” he smiled, terror gripping you when the car stopped in an underground parking garage. “You can ask me more questions inside.”
“Bucky, did you say this is going to be my home?” You pressed as he helped you out, having to rush to keep up with him as he pulled you to an elevator.
You hoped that wasn’t the gift he wanted to surprise you with tonight.
“Not right away, but yes. My place is a bit safer than yours and it’s close to my club and your shop. A win-win,” he said, scanning a key card before the doors opened. “Don’t look so surprised. Most couples live together.”
You refrained from telling him that you weren’t a couple. “I think that’s moving a bit too fast,” you said, your voice cracking as he pulled you inside, keeping you right beside him even though there was plenty of space to be apart. “This is only our first date,” you added, not wanting to upset him.
“That’s why I said it wouldn’t be right away,” he teased, pressing the button for the top floor as his other hand rubbed your hip. “But soon.”
You kept your breathing under control as the elevator climbed higher. The man had your future mapped out and you had only known him for a day. Was this some sick, elaborate game that he was playing to scare the hell out of you? Or had he convinced himself that this was romantic?
“I hope you like it,” he said softly as you stepped out together and walked toward a man who stood by the door. He was just as large as Bucky, but didn’t dare make eye contact with you as he opened the door and let you in.
The spacious entrance opened up to a large living space with high ceilings and marble floors. It was admittedly gorgeous and you hadn’t seen the rest of the place yet. But that wasn’t what caught your attention. It was the flowers in the middle of the table a few feet in front of you.
The coy smile on Bucky’s face made your blood freeze when you faced him. “Those are your favorite, aren’t they?” He asked.
They weren’t just your favorite flowers.
It was the same arrangement of stargazer lilies you sold to the blonde gentleman earlier today.
“I told you, doll. I know everything about you,” he began as the clutch fell from your hand and the door shut with a heavy thud. “And I have eyes and ears everywhere.”
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Zero chill, lovelies. What's the surprise he has for you? How will this date go? And did you like the appearance from the man in the shop? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
492 notes · View notes
catsushizz · 2 days
Let Time Pass - S.R
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Spencer Reid x Fem!reader
Summary: you reminisce about the time when you met Spencer Reid at college and had a night of adventure that you'll never forget, but after that, you never spoke, until Penelope Garcia found your unsent letters and decided to play the savior of your undying love.
Genre: mutual pining, angst if you squint, but mostly fluff
WC: 3.2k
Warning: kissing, cursing, invading private property
A/N: I had a lot of fun writing this, actually, guess the rom-com that inspired me to write this. I'll give you a hint, the first movie has "sunrise" in the title and the second movie includes unsent letters with addresses hehe.
Summer rain has always been your favorite accompanied by the sound of the patter of the raindrops. You looked outside your window with a faraway look, your glasses now above your hair as you took a break from reading the unsent letters.
Unsent letters you wrote when you were in college, being in love with someone for so long who you're not sure still remembers you can be draining, you've loved him since the first time he acknowledged your presence during class and when he took you out of campus when it was just the two of you.
Love comes in forms and somehow Spencer's was when he first spewed those few words to you when you were talking to your friends but they weren't paying attention so you stopped and just sat there embarrassed.
"Wasn't Centralia a town that is still burning to this day?" He had asked and your eyes held the universe at his question. You got his name, Spencer Reid and that name hasn't left your mind ever since then.
Love comes in forms and yours are letters.
After that night, you never spoke again, he got his Ph.Ds and life got in the way. You're pretty sure he doesn't remember you, and you're sure he's got his way with life now, maybe he settled down and you're still pining for a man who you're not sure still remembers you.
You remembered how the night went with him, you actually talked until sunrise. At first, you walked around campus and then explored the city together. He told you about his mom, his goals, everything he hasn't said to anyone, and you told him about everything, your secrets that you haven't said to your best friend yet.
You sighed as you shook yourself out of your reverie, you looked down at your letter and traced the dust off from your neatly written letter.
the letter was a year old, you used to write letters every day when you first met him but when you graduated you never stopped but it became less frequent as time passed. Now you write one letter every year and put it inside a box but this time you decide to stop, finally stop chasing your fantasies and let life slap you in the face.
You laughed at your ridiculousness then you heard the door creek and your gaze landed on your best friend. "Hi Pen" you smiled at her.
Penelope's gaze landed on the box in your hand "What's that?" She asked.
You rolled your eyes and stood up from your couch engulfing her in a tight hug "Stop being nosy and when did you arrive?"
She groaned at the contact "50 minutes ago" you laughed and let go of her.
"were you stuck in a conversation with Mom?" She nodded and let her gaze drift off to the box again.
"Seriously, is that your box from college? You never let me touch it and can you please let me see it, I'm older than you, in case you forgot" she insisted as she made the gesture of getting it out of your grasp.
You smacked her in her arms and hissed "No, and you'll never touch this, I don't care how old you are" You glared at her but it held no threat.
"Fine, dinner is ready your Mom asked me to get you" she grumbled and you let out a huff of amusement.
Penelope was never nosy when it came to you but it's been years since you've ever been with someone and she had a hunch that the box had something to do with it.
"Go on ahead I'm going to change in the bathroom," Penelope said straight up lying in front of your face. You didn't question it as it seems believable, perks of working with profilers.
You only hummed and you made a mistake by putting the box inside your closet without locking it. As soon as you left Penelope got out of the bathroom and searched for your box which wasn't hard to find.
She made sure you were completely out of sight before opening it, she didn't know what she expected but surely it wasn't this. Her jaw went slack as she read through your letters from when you were in college until last year, some were long and some were short, with dates in the corner of each letter.
Spencer Reid, her Mighty professor, Her boy genius.
You stopped, why did you stop? She thought while she read through the recent content. She had to do something about it, she had to help you.
Penelope breathed in, fixed her hair in the mirror, and got out of the room, pretending as if she hadn't shoved a box inside her bag and invaded her best friend's privacy, she's doing it for you so it can't be that bad right?
You were laughing at something your dad said but stopped when you saw how unsettled Penelope was "Pen what's wrong?" You asked, your voice laced with concern.
Now she felt guilty, she felt like throwing up but this was for you. "Nothing, I- I just uh, need to go I feel like I forgot something at home" she stammered as she made her way to the door.
"What? Let me drive you home" You stood up from your seat, your mom and dad looking between you two with suspicion in their eyes.
"No!" Penelope abruptly exclaimed, her hand flailing around for you to stop, making you and your parents flinch at the volume of her voice.
She cleared her throat and pushed her bag away from sight which didn't go unnoticed by you "I can drive myself and besides I got something to drop off at a friend's house" she chuckled awkwardly.
You hesitantly sat back down and nodded "Okay... Call me when you get home" You smiled at her and she nodded. She didn't change her clothes but you thought none of it, maybe that was the thing that she forgot.
Spencer was lounging on his couch when he heard the loudest knock he had ever heard in his entire life. His brows knitted together as he peeped at the peephole of his door before opening it.
"Garcia?" He mumbled while looking at the frantic girl in front of him, if he didn't know any better she would've murdered someone but that was just a silly thought.
Penelope pushed Spencer inside urgently and pushed a box against his chest, he had to balance himself at the force.
"What's this?" He asked, confusion evident on his face. Penelope sighed and she sat down on the couch with her hand on her face.
"Do you remember a girl in college?" She muttered, her voice barely visible but he heard her.
"You need to be more specific than that, Penelope" Spencer said and pursed his lips as he put the box on the table and sat down beside her.
Penelope frowned as she looked at Spencer "A girl who you spoke to once and never heard from ever again" she said, her body fully facing him.
She noticed his expression doesn't change and she groaned "For a person who has an eidetic memory, you're shit at remembering" she grumbled.
Spencer looked offended "What?! You're the one talking about a girl without context, do you know how many people I spoke to at college? 80% of those people-" Penelope clicked her tongue and signaled for him to stop.
She took the box from the table and pushed it back to his chest which made him glare at her, she ignored him.
"Open it" she demanded. Spencer studied her tense figure and the way she was trying to hug herself to make herself feel better.
"I feel like you stole something that isn't yours-" he said but found himself being cut off by Penelope's hissed.
"Stop profiling me and open the damn box" she whined as she stood up from the couch and paced around his apartment.
Spencer shook his head as he finally opened the box. He looked at Penelope in confusion and when he saw it was a bunch of old letters.
"Whose this for?" He questioned.
"For you, obviously! I wouldn't have brought it to you if it weren't addressed to you" she exclaimed.
"But there isn't any address on these" he shuffled through the letters, they were still in the envelopes.
"Just read it!"
"Garcia, you do know you just invaded someone's privacy right?"
"I know, just read it. Please?"
Spencer sighed and nodded his head. He started on the first letter that was technically open and he let his gaze back to Garcia who was now sweating in guilt.
When he opened it, he felt his heart beginning to thump. Garcia watched him carefully as she noticed his expression gradually changed.
Dear, Spencer Reid
Do you remember when you first talked to me? I remember thinking that you're the kind of man I'm willing to put my life at risk for. I'm sure you endured me rambling about the burning town (that is still burning to this day apparently and it's been 7 years since we last spoke)
But what I'm trying to say is, I'm still in love with you, pathetic I know. But I just can't seem to let you go, you're like impossible not to remember and each day I try to forget about you and move past my ability to love so deeply but I can't.
Do you remember when you talked to me about your mom? I was so proud of you for coming up that far for your mom, and when we sneaked in on a bar and actually stole a bottle of wine? I couldn't stop laughing that time. God, I keep recalling that memory.
I shared all of my thoughts with you, spilled all my secrets to you, and at some point we held hands and I was so shocked because you told me you had a thing with germs. Honestly, it made me feel special.
I'm scared that if I see you again you'll think I'm weird and obsessive, which I'm not! I can stomach a rejection and I'll completely leave you alone if you ask me to. I'm just really bad at letting people go you know?
But I won't drag this on for long, you're not gonna see this anyway, and one last thing, I hope you have the best life the universe has to offer. I'll talk to them face to face if they are mean to you.
This will be my last letter, I'm letting you go now. I've been so in love with you that I feel like I'll be stuck in a loophole where life is trying to berate me every time for not saying anything to you, for not congratulating you when you graduated because I was feeling too shy to approach you that day. I wish I had, then maybe we could've talked more and had the time of our lives and maybe a repeat of what we did when we first met.
I'm just hoping life is a little bit gentler with you this time.
Yours truly
The girl who you talked to until sunrise
When he finished reading the letter he was silent for a good 3 minutes, and then he started shuffling through the letters and read them all like a madman. Penelope had to stop herself from stopping him.
God did he remember you, fucking hell he remembers you. You've been on his mind for 8 years. He even found himself in tears, he didn't expect someone to love him this much. Yearn for him like he yearns for you.
Spencer wasn't the type of guy who got over things easily and he had come to accept it as a part of him, the pair of you spoke once yet he can't deny the spark he felt while talking to you. If it were anybody else he would've found a way to get out of the conversation but your voice was addicting and so was your ramble about the old town.
He even went as far as to pretend not to know about the things that happened within that town just so he could hear your voice a little while longer. Your conversation shifted as time passed and Spencer found himself talking about anything really, he even made jokes that you found funny and he couldn't ignore the flutter in his stomach when he saw you smile.
When he saw you under the first light of the day, he felt himself fall in love, even if the time was fleeting his love wasn't, it never was.
Every time he was on death's door, you were always the subject of his memories. He keeps recalling the night when he felt like the universe was in his favor only for it to laugh at his face when he didn't see you again.
"I can help you, she's at the bar right now, she texted me," Penelope said, snapping him back down on earth.
He wiped a stray tear and sniffled "No, it's too late, she stopped writing like a year ago" he muttered and Penelope noticed the pain in his voice.
"Don't be ridiculous, I know her, she could be writing a letter right now as we speak" Penelope laughed.
"At a bar?"
"It was a joke, Spencer. Now let's go get your girl, Prince Charming!" She grinned as she dug through her bag for her keys.
"I don't know... I feel like I'm just digging my own grave, Garcia. I can't bear to hear her say that she doesn't feel the same way anymore" He whispered, his voice small as he avoided Penelope's disapproving look.
"That girl watches rom-coms, Spence. Do you think she'll brush off her feelings that easily? Try watching Serendipity and come back to me and try again but right now we need to hurry" She grabbed his arms and dragged him out of his apartment.
She stopped when they got into her car "Promise me you won't tell her I gave you the letter" she said sternly.
"But how am I supposed to explain why I'm there?" He asked confused.
"You're a genius, figure it out," she said as she buckled her seatbelt.
You were sitting in a booth with your friends. After having dinner with your parents, your friends invited you to a bar where you felt inclined to come, but you didn't know how to decline.
The air was suffocating so you excused yourself and got out of the bar. You sigh as your gaze shifts to the sky, Spencer would've pointed you to the constellation that was present right now.
"The one you're looking at right now is Aquila" You whipped your head to the familiar voice and you heard yourself gasp.
Spencer smiled when your eyes met "The brightest star in the constellation is Altair" he said as he began walking towards you.
"There is a story of an old Chinese legend about two stars, Altair and Vega, In the story two people met and fell in love but were separated by the stars" he was now in front of you, his hands in his pajama pocket, he turned red as he realized what he was wearing.
"What are you doing here?" You said, at a loss for words. He looked different but not in a bad way. He looked good. Hot even.
Spencer chuckled awkwardly, he always knew you were beautiful but God, you are gorgeous now.
You averted your gaze when you noticed a figure in the distance then your blood ran cold when you saw Penelope, Spencer noticed.
"Don't be mad at her, she helped me find you" he defended urgently as he grabbed your arms. You knitted your brows together.
"How d- did you two meet?" You stammered.
"We worked together" he rubbed his nape, a nervous tick that you notice.
Spencer was so sure he knew what to say to you but now that you're actually in front of him, he was left speechless.
"I never told her about you- did you read the letters?!" You exclaimed, your hand flying to your mouth in shock.
Spencer looked guilty as he averted his gaze to the ground "Yes..." He trailed off.
"God, you must think I'm crazy" you grumbled as you kept fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt.
"Hey, I don't think you're crazy" he whispered as he cupped your face with his hand "I actually find it endearing that you still think of me to this day, and just so you know you haven't left my mind either" he softly said, his face was so close you could feel his breath hitting your cheeks.
He tucks a stray hair out of your face, his eyes holding adoration as he meets your eyes again "Really?" You whispered.
His eyes darted to your lips and he felt himself subconsciously lick his lips "Yeah" he muttered.
He brushed his lips against yours as if testing the waters and when you fluttered your eyes shut, he kissed you as if he was going to devour you.
He breathed in as he kissed you, a certain longing lingered in the air. He pulled away to take a breath but then you surged forward and connected your lips against him for the second time, his hand on your waist as he pushed you closer against him, your hand snaking its way to the hair on his nape as you tugged him closer making him groaned in the kiss.
He tugged on your bottom lip asking for permission which you granted and he slid his tongue in, you tasted so sweet he found himself starting to get addicted. You were a panting mess when both of you separated, his forehead resting against yours, your eyes still closed as you took deep breaths.
Spencer rubbed his nose against yours affectionately and you giggled "You know you'll be stuck with me for a long time right?" You muttered.
"Make it forever" he grins, he connects his lips back to you but this time it is softer than the first, you kiss him back as you both fall in a rhythm.
When you pulled back he chased your lips and that made you chuckle "I'm still mad at her for stealing my letters" you muttered.
"Don't be, please. She's the reason I get to see you again" he said as he pulled you in a hug, your head resting against his chest as he pressed a kiss on the crown of your head.
"And I can't believe you were about to give up on me" Spencer joked lightly and you poked him on his hip making him jolt in surprise.
"Hey! Not fair, what was I supposed to do?" You whined and he laughed.
"to make it seem fair" he looks down on you as you meet his gaze, still in his warm embrace "I wrote about you in my journal, all my journals are full of you" he smiled.
You gasp "what? Let me read it please? you've read my letters" you pleaded.
He hummed "Nope, come on Penelope's waiting in the car" he said as he leads you to Penelope's car with his hand on your back.
"That's totally unfair, but I will snoop around"
"No, you won't"
"You snooped on my letters without my permission, so it's right that I should too," you said smugly.
"Shouldn't you be doing that to Penelope?"
"Oh yeah, let's do it"
Please interact and reblog my post if you like it, it makes me happy hehe :D
The divider is from @cafekitsune :)
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yesihaveaobsession · 22 hours
You Deserve Better
Alastor x female reader
Summary: The one and only helps you through a breakup?
A/N- Hope yall like it! This is for someone who needs comfort today!
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Your boyfriend. You loved and cared for him. In fact, you had been together for seven years. You lived with each other on Earth when you were alive and well, and now together in Hell. But today was different. He cheated on you. Your loving boyfriend cheated and broke up with you.
Feeling completely despondent, you ended up curled under a blanket in your hotel room, crying your heart out. That's when Alastor 'teleported' into your room, finding you as a lump under the blanket and hearing your sobs.
"Oh... dear..." he said with a smile. You wanted to disappear, to vanish into thin air. You cursed your boyfriend mentally and everything around you. Alastor smiled; he had heard from the other residents what happened and was paying you a visit. You didn't want anything to do with him, so you cried harder because you knew he wouldn't help.
"I'm guessing your little lover boy cheated on you?" Alastor asked, tilting his head. Your voice was muffled by the blanket, but you sniffled and replied, "Broke up after seven years."
"Oh, how sad," he said in clear mockery. Not being in the mood, you said, "If you're going to be yourself with that self-mockery, then go away." You mumbled, sighed, and shifted under the blanket again.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk... now, now, there's no need to be so rude," he said with the same smile, then teleported onto your bed next to you.
"Come on out now, my dear." He grinned and poked under the blanket, making you squirm more, letting out a whine. Giving up on the mini fight the two of you were having, he won and pulled the blanket down to see your face. "There she is." Alastor's eyes roamed over your defeated form and back to your face, where your mascara was smeared. The Radio Demon let out a chuckle.
"Quite the mess, aren't you?" To be fair, you were in a vulnerable state. Even a compliment would make you all mushy, so when he said this, you started to tear up and your bottom lip puffed out. Alastor had little patience for crying, but not much.
He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Oh, stop the tears, it's pathetic."
You sniffled. "He was right."
"Oh? And what did he say, dear?" Despite his tone, his touch was gentle. He gently wiped the mascara off your face.
"He said that I was weak and a no-good bitch who—"
Alastor interrupted by putting his clawed finger to your lips. You looked up at him with glassy eyes. "The only weak one is him. He never knew what he had."
"What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that you're not weak, dear, that you're far from weak. You deserved someone far better than him, a pathetic excuse for a man."
"Men suck, no offense."
He chuckled. "No offense taken. I agree men are terrible creatures, well, except me of course." He placed a hand on his chest, gesturing to himself with such pride.
"Others disagree." You wiped your mascara off.
"They're tyrants."
You giggled. Alastor then got off the bed, held out his hand, and you took it. He decided to make you a nice dinner, to show that maybe, just maybe, he was the one and you deserved better.
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often-daydreaming · 2 days
Keep Running
In between one moment and the next reality quakes and for the briefest of moments Jason finds himself standing in the remnants of a destroyed Star City. He knows it's not real, that it's just some magical mumbo jumbo overlaying memory magic nonsense bleeding into their timeline but he can smell the smoke in the air from the fires and hear her tired laughter as the static filled image of a red haired woman sits down beside him. He knows her or at least this version of him does as they talk about the little suicide run they were planning in order to hopefully end things for good and Jason can feel how tired his alternate self is as he takes a seat on the ground beside her. It's all a rush of emotions and faint memories that were getting harder and harder to ignore before he's suddenly back on the Watchtower with every other available hero the League could call in stuck arguing about these stupid visions affecting heroes and villains all over the globe if some of Ra's latest movements were any indication. His men were searching everywhere for answers while others like Luthor were making more subtle inquiries. The only upside to all of this was the reactions coming out of Arkham but that didn't mean he wanted to be up here with the League nearly at each other's throats.
With everything he's managing to piece together through a couple of brief check-ins with Dickie and the girls he could see why B wanted answers.
As morbid as it sounded Dick and the others were a few of the lucky ones who were able to be pulled out of their memories faster since they were at ground zero when the Watchtower was pulled out of orbit. The quicker you died the quicker it was over but neither of them were as lucky.
In those jumbled memories him and Bruce were the only two left after Gotham went up in flames since Phantom went after them first and there were still a few lingering effects clinging to that since he could still remember what the older version of himself felt. It was somewhat muted now but some of it was still there and if he focused hard enough Jason could still see the makeshift doctor's office in his mind. He could feel the phantom pain and see her flowing red hair. She seemed so relieved to find him alive and he wanted his own answers but Impulse was in the wind.
The little speedster was gone before anyone could really recover from the sudden onslaught of memories and while Bruce was doing everything he could to figure out a plan of sorts the others weren't as lucky with Superman stuck bouncing between the moments of his own brutal death and worrying about his family's safety. Whoever or whatever Phantom was, he knew exactly where to hurt them with Jon nearly losing it in public after being forced to live through the memories of his mom dying and the man of steel's own death at the hands of some magical Martian whatever.
Wonder Woman seemed the most put together out of everyone but even she was kind of twitchy, her had never leaving the pummel of her sword as Zatara went over what he could piece together on his own since the bulk of JLD was still out of commission.
His own daughter was comatose from the magical backlash of whatever this was while Constantine was just missing, his home a mess of overturned books and hurried scribbles which left them on the back foot for now since the only solid lead anyone had was Impulse and Young Justice was closing ranks around their missing speedster.
With JLD in shambles and Ra's on the move Replacement was running his own investigation into whatever was going on and shutting everyone else out of his systems after the first attempt at locating Impulse through his tracker backfired horribly.
I blame my cough medicine and a love for Fallout for whatever this is turning into but I felt like adding onto Run a little. I wouldn't even begin to know how to explain it but I just have this image in my head of Bart and Danny in a Fallout like world but the whole memory thing could be anything really. I just like the idea of reality shifting to the left just enough that Bart suddenly remembers details about his past he'd forgotten thanks to time travel/reality resetting and he suddenly remembers Danny while the rest of his team remember bits and pieces of their missing teammate Phantom. Everyone else just gets doomsday memories cause I really don't care and mostly think it's funny so I'm either blaming this on the gauntlet from the movie or Clockwork but anyone could add something else if they want.
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astars-things · 19 hours
luke having a daughter in college and she’s jsut the sweetest little girl who adores her dad and now with them bending in jersey jack really gets to see how great of a dad luke is with them living together for so much and the team is all so shocked how good of a dad luke is so young
Luke Hughes x Daughter!reader
In the bustling heart of New Jersey, the Hughes residence was a lively place, filled with the sounds of laughter and joy. Luke Hughes, the youngest of the three Hughes brothers, had taken a unique path in life. While still in college, he had become a father to a beautiful little girl named Y/N. Now, at 21, he was juggling the demanding life of an NHL player with the equally demanding yet infinitely rewarding role of being a dad.
Y/N was the light of Luke's life. With her curly hair, bright eyes, and infectious giggle, she had a way of making even the toughest days seem brighter. Every morning, Luke would wake up early to make her breakfast, often a messy but heartfelt attempt at pancakes, which Y/N would decorate with an overwhelming amount of syrup and sprinkles. She adored her dad and followed him around like a shadow, always eager to help or simply be near him.
Jack Hughes, Luke's older brother, had recently invited them to stay at his place in Jersey. With the brothers now playing for the same team, it made sense for them to live together, making the commute easier and allowing them to spend more time as a family. For Jack, it was an eye-opening experience. He knew Luke was a good guy, but seeing him as a dad was something else entirely.
"Uncle Jack!" Y/N's voice rang through the house one morning, her tiny footsteps pattering down the hallway. "Look what Daddy made me!" She proudly held up a lopsided pancake, grinning from ear to ear.
Jack laughed, ruffling her hair. "That looks delicious, Y/N. Did you help him make it?"
She nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling. "I put the sprinkles on!"
Living with them, Jack saw firsthand how devoted Luke was to his daughter. He balanced his training schedule with quality time spent with Y/N, whether it was helping her with preschool activities, reading bedtime stories, or simply playing in the park.
One evening, after a grueling practice, the team decided to gather at the Hughes' place for a casual dinner. The players sprawled out in the living room, joking and talking about the day's drills. Y/N was in the middle of it all, comfortably nestled in her dad's lap, listening intently to the banter around her.
"Hey, Luke," Nico Hischier called out, leaning against the kitchen counter. "How do you do it, man? Balancing everything with Y/N and hockey?"
Luke glanced down at his daughter, who was now trying to braid his hair, and smiled. "It's all about priorities, Nico. Y/N comes first, always. Hockey is important, but being a dad... that's everything to me."
The team nodded, clearly impressed. They had seen young players struggle with responsibilities, but Luke seemed to handle it with a grace and maturity beyond his years. It wasn't just about providing for Y/N; it was about being present, about being a role model and a source of unwavering love and support.
As the evening wore on, Y/N grew sleepy. Luke gently carried her to bed, tucking her in with her favorite stuffed animal. He read her a story, his voice soft and soothing, until her eyes fluttered shut. Jack watched from the doorway, a newfound respect for his brother blossoming in his chest.
When Luke returned to the living room, Jack clapped him on the shoulder. "You're a great dad, Luke. I’m really proud of you."
Luke smiled, a bit shyly. "Thanks, Jack. It means a lot coming from you."
The team dispersed later that night, each player leaving with a new perspective on Luke Hughes. He wasn't just a talented defenseman; he was a devoted father, navigating the challenges of young parenthood with a strength and tenderness that left a lasting impression on everyone.
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whenmemorydies · 2 days
90s alternative rock, masculinity and The Bear
This post by @bbythurs got me thinking about The Bear's soundtrack, specifically its use of 90s alternative rock. Some thoughts below.
Chris Storer and I are very close in age, and going by the soundtrack choices for The Bear, grew up listening to very similar music. I came to grunge a few years after its heyday but when I did, I quickly became obsessed with these (mostly) white boys singing frankly about things like domestic violence, sexual assault, drug use, and mental health issues, and who seemed to revel in challenging traditional masculinity. Their hair was often long but usually not overly styled (or washed for that matter), they sometimes wore dresses, lipstick and eyeliner on stage (but were decidedly unglam about it), and they scribbled "PRO CHOICE" on their bare arms during prime time television performances (shout out to Eddie Vedder).
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Kurt Cobain on the cover of The Face, September 1993.
Michael Stipe, who often played with gender in R.E.M.'s live shows, had also recently come out as queer (his words were, an "equal opportunity lech") during the promotional cycle for REM's Monster (the album featuring Sydcarmy's infamous "Strange Currencies"). Alternative rock in the 90s was full of folks who were challenging convention, including the necessity of traditional masculinity.
The irony is that so many of the people who listened to grunge were white guys who had no problem with traditional masculinity. These were the same guys who head-banged and dove in mosh pits to these songs but went home and beat on their partners, or perpetrated sexual assault while singing the lyrics to these songs. No one can control who consumes your art, even if some artists did try to (see Kurt Cobain's liner notes from Nirvana's Insecticide):
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In contrast, it seems like Chris Storer (thankfully) got the correct memo.
Ever since watching the first episode of The Bear, it was clear to me that this show has plenty to say about masculinity: how its performed and weaponised (2x06 Fishes is a master class in depicting this on film), how its subverted (think: Emmanuel and Pete but also Marcus and Chester), how those who don't conform to traditional masculine archetypes - in even the most innocuous way, like being artistic - can be isolated and picked off, including by those who might love them the most (see: Carmy's treatment by many in his family), and how those who do perform traditional masculinity to a T, can still be decimated in its wake (see: alpha-male Mikey).
Hearing tracks like Pearl Jam's "Animal" and "Come Back", REM's "Strange Currencies" and "Oh My Heart", Radiohead's "Let Down", and Nine Inch Nail's "The Day The World Went Away" used in The Bear is incredibly nostalgic for those of us who grew up with these artists. Their inclusion in the soundtrack is also incredibly intentional (like everything to do with this show). This is the music that Mikey was likely listening to growing up and that Carmy would have heard his brother playing. This is also undoubtedly the music that Storer grew up listening to as well.
I love that in a show about a man who is coming into his own after years of toxicity and abuse - much of which was targeted at Carmy because of how he performed (or didn't perform) masculinity - that reference is being paid to this genre. And if it was the case that this was the music Mikey was listening to and, perhaps even playing for Carmy when they were kids, that Carmy would be able to go back and re-listen to these artists now and know, that despite Mikey's demons and his own relationship with masculinity, that his brother always loved Carm, just as he was.
Author's note:
Also if there is a temporary (because it has to be fucking temporary, you hear me lol) Sydcarmy break up/parting of ways, I'm gonna need Storer and Calo to soundtrack it with Pearl Jam's "Black" (the MTV Unplugged performance). I'll need Eddie Vedder growling/screaming "WE BELONG TOGETHER" over a close up of Carmy's distraught face as Syd walks away. I'm going to need to hear,
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life/I know you will be a star/In somebody else's sky/But why, why, why can't it be/Can't it be mine?,
over the end credits please.
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dreamisols · 6 hours
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—the rare moments of free time allow you and your boyfriend to talk about anything and everything that comes to mind... at this point, you two might as well be the third division's free podcast! —wc: 1050; fluff but mostly crack —original canon, x fem!reader, you and hoshina are just silly, hibino leno and kikoru mentions, one cuss, general pov more or less, i advocate for silly unhinged dynamics —rimi's ramble: told myself not to rush the series but i wrote this in one sitting... my summer's gonna be spent writing about this man, buckle up folks! >:]
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The Third Division considers you and Hoshina as their power couple. 
Charming looks paired with commanding auras, levels of strength that no one would dare go against, all topped off with endearing one-of-a-kind personalities. Two puzzle pieces that fit as if they’re made for each other. It probably would’ve been more surprising if you two hated each other’s guts than to see you two end up together.
Everyone within the division quickly accepted and supported your relationship with the Vice Captain. And with that support comes your status as the “local loveteam”, which became both an inside joke and a makeshift badge of honor (if one could even call it that). Though in their defense, there isn't even any sort of competition to begin with seeing as you two are the only couple within the division.
Every member, no matter how long they’ve been in the Defense Force, holds high respect towards both of you. They trust you with a lot of things—the wisdom you both give to your members is actually useful, and your attack combos on the field are nothing to scoff at. 
Yes, they would trust you two with their lives, and yes, the way they’d say it might blur the lines of comedy and seriousness. There’s simply one thing that’s holding everyone off…
No one trusts the both of you with coffee. 
Ironic, considering it’s one of Vice Captain Hoshina’s favorite things. 
It’s somewhat of an inside joke that whenever a member enters the lounge room and they’re greeted by the rich inviting scent of brewed coffee, they will be tuning in to some sort of a podcast episode hosted by their one and only dynamic duo. 
No one session is the same. Sometimes you two end up talking about some story you happened to have read or a personal experience that quickly becomes a storytime. Other days, it’s just opening as many controversial topics as you both can while expressing your opinions in a lighthearted debate. One time, to the division’s surprise, you two started doing a deep dive into a conspiracy theory, complete with a whole digital presentation and proven statistics. 
It’s even more surprising how convincingly well put the entire thing was, to the point even Captain Ashiro listened in with interest. 
In all honesty, this little routine of sorts is fine for the members, enjoyable even. It’s a chance to hold more conversations about different non-kaiju-related topics thanks to you and Hoshina’s exceptionally random conversation starters. Everyone only prays that you guys don’t open up a topic that might get you random looks at best, or—hypothetically—get the both of you canceled on the internet at worst.   
Today was one of those days, the team figured, when you and your boyfriend step into the (initially busy) lounge with matching porcelain cups holding the same coffee drink. Hibino, Leno, and Kikoru were the ones present in the room… this would probably be their first time listening in on the two of you rambling. 
“I don’t know, Soshiro-san, don’t you think that may be a little too intense?” you made a beeline and assumed your spot on the couch right in front of Kikoru, drinking from your cup the moment you sat on the soft cushion.
Hoshina follows after you and settles right by your side, “No way!” If he weren’t holding anything, you can envision the way he’d cross his arms and huff. He mimics your movements from a while ago, taking a sip from his drink before placing the cup down with a small ‘clink!’. 
A childish pout graces his lips as he stares right at you. “If you think hard enough, I’m telling ya, dicing those kaiju is just like makin’ intricate fruit carvings!”
May the gods give the juniors strength because what the actual fuck were you two talking about?
The room is radio silent. You and Hoshina continue to glare at each other as if you’re both in a mental debate. Which seems likely enough.  
Kikoru nudges Leno’s arm to get him to break the ice and the poor guy sputters. Hibino breaks into a cold sweat when he catches the way you and Hoshina sharply look at the three of them. 
“V-Vice Captain..! (Name)-san… go–good afternoon!” Leno prays his salute doesn’t give away the fact he’s shaking.
By record, this may have to be the oddest conversation they’ve heard in passing.
You flash the three of them a small smile and Hoshina does a small wave of his hands. Not even a second later, the man beside you jumps at the opportunity to find allies for his claim.
“You guys think that slicing kaiju is like slicing fruits, right?”
Bless your soul that you’re stubborn enough to match his energy. “If anything, it’s more like carving wood! You have to be intricate about it!” 
Hoshina looks back at you like you’ve transformed into the kaiju you were talking about, “Wood carving?! Darlin’ I love you more than the coffee I’m drinking right now, but you’ve reached a new level of insanity!”
“Comparing anything to kaiju neutralization is already some form of insanity…” Leno whispers under his breath. “Let alone wood carving and fruit dicing…” Kikoru whispers to him in agreement. 
“Aww, you love me more than coffee?”
The immediate shift from a lighthearted argument to some sappy lovey dovey confession while talking about carving patterns on kaiju may be just as impressive as your combat prowess, the trio decides. 
Hibino breathes a sigh of relief and starts murmuring, “Those two fit each other so well… wonder if it’s a match made in heaven or hell…”
“We’re soulmates!” Hoshina corrects him, instinctively reaching out to hold your hands as if it’ll prove his point further. He gently laces his fingers with yours before glowering at Hibino, “You also kinda called us demons with the whole hell comment. Thirty push-ups for the three of you, ya hear?”
Leno nudges his senior’s ribs like he wants to end him right then and there. Kikoru was probably devising ways to successfully kill him on the spot. Hibino’s fighting for his life, but he still manages to catch the way you and Hoshina look at each other with mirroring lovesick smiles. 
If he manages to scrape out alive, maybe this coffee talk wasn’t that bad.
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likes and reblogs are appreciated, but please don’t copy or repost my work! [posted: 061124]
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aoioozora · 1 day
Imagine going horse-riding with Keegan on your dad's extensive farmland.
The sun is setting and all work is done and the two of you decide to just trot around the fields together and chat. You helped your dad manage the ranch and the farm and naturally, the men and women who were employed too. Out of them all, Keegan was your particular favourite. Quiet, unobtrusive, and hardworking, both of you gelled well together and he didn't take long to win your good favour and become your closest friend.
He really liked you too-- adored you for your good qualities. Being ranch manager, you were responsible, firm, strong; you called the shots, settled disputes, and did your best to keep peace between everyone. And you were stunning too; a goddess among men, and he secretly admired you.
And as you both ride down the pastures, he can't help but steal a couple glances at how the golden sunset makes your sweat damp skin glow, how it shines against your hair, and how it brightens up your eyes. How you even looked in his direction to begin with was a mystery.
"What're you looking at, Russ?"
Keegan blinks out of his daze to find you grinning at him.
"At you," he answers.
"Just thinking about how shriveled up you look... Like hay," he says dryly as he turns away to look over the mare's head.
"Hay!" you exclaimed.
Both of you burst into wild laughter, and it echoes in the pastures and the hills.
"Ugh, my throat's sore," Keegan complains, clearing his throat loudly after the two of you calm down.
"I know a spot where we can stop for a drink," you tell him.
"Lead the way, little miss."
As you guide your horse to another direction, you smile to yourself. Little miss. That's what he always called you, both teasingly and respectfully, seeing that on a corporation level, you were a higher-up, though younger than him. He was possibly the only one man on the ranch who respected your authority while most of the other men didn't like having a woman tell them what to do.
You lead him through a small, beaten trail through the trees and then climb down some rocks until the gurgle of water is heard. A few seconds trot brings the two of you to a rivulet and Keegan whistles softly.
"How come I don't know this place?" he asks, mock offended as he guides his mare towards the little waterbody, "I thought you told me everything."
You follow behind him. "Now I told you about it," You smile cheekily, "Besides, a secret spot is a secret for a reason."
He gets off the mare and lets her take a drink of the water. "So you come here and do what? Cry about how you can't do taxes?" he teases, moving towards the bank to get on his knees.
You roll your eyes as you get off your horse. "I can do my taxes just fine, thank you very much," you frown, watching him cup the clear, cold water in his hands and drink it greedily, "I come here to relax and unwind." You also get on your knees and bend over the surface of the water, cupping the water into your mouth.
He is thoughtful for a moment as he stands up and wipes his hands on a handkerchief. "How often do you come here?" he asks.
"Couple times a week. Being ranch manager is stressful, you know."
He knows. Having to lead and manage a bunch of cowboys who didn't accept the authority of a woman was a difficult task. He'd seen you lose your patience with them several times, and even vent your frustrations to him in tears. He'd see you disappear for a few hours, not knowing where you went, and now as he takes a look around at the boulders and trees shading the rivulet above, he assumes that this was your little cove, your safe haven.
"This is why my little miss should sit still and look pretty and let the men do all the dirty work." He takes off his boots and rolls up the hem of his jeans up to his knees.
That didn't make you feel any better and you frown, though you steal a glance at his calves. "I can't. I'm the only one my dad has to depend on. And now that he's getting old, eventually I'll have to take over. God forbid, if he becomes sick or even dies, the responsibility of an entire ranch will fall on my shoulders. And I can't do it properly if all those fuckers don't listen to me."
As he wades through the shallow waters and shivers from the cold, he listens to you in silence. He then answers, "Your dad should employ or promote a good guy to be assistant manager, because I don't see those guys changing their minds about you anytime soon."
You sigh, slapping the surface of the water, sending a splash flying sideways. "Dad says that the man I marry will be the assistant manager alongside me," You say, rolling your eyes.
His eyebrows raise with intrigue and he barks a laugh. "What is this ranch, a kingdom?"
You shrug, shaking your head.
"You're tough as nails though," he murmurs, walking back and forth in the stream, splashing water around with his feet, "Any other woman would call it quits."
"Because I have no choice," You add.
He is silent for a few moments as he stares at the little fish swimming past his feet. You turn your attention to the horses who are now peacefully grazing on the sweet patch of grass behind you.
"Hey, c'mere," he calls after a few moments.
You turn back around and find him bent over a spot in the stream with his legs splayed apart and his hands clasped under the water. He flicks his head towards his hands. "Look, I caught something."
You take off your boots and fold up your jeans so that you can join him in the water. You stand in front of him, bent over his clasped hands, wondering if he caught a tadpole. "Let's see it."
His hands emerge from the surface slightly. Before you know it, a small jet of cold water hits you in the face. Your eyes snap shut and you jerk backwards, letting out a surprised squeak. The next thing you hear is the cowboy's uncontrollable laughter.
"Keegan!" you screech, annoyed by the little prank, but he almost doubles over, wheezing and laughing.
You quickly wipe the water off your face and kick some water his way, drenching his jeans. He only laughs harder, to the point that it echoes in the cove. Even the horses are looking strangely at him.
"Didn't that make you feel better though?" he exclaims, wiping a tear from his eye as he takes off his hat and tosses it towards the banks, "Don't you feel more grounded and refreshed?"
You are distracted by him running his wet hand through his short black waves, pushing them back against his head and making them glisten. "Uh... Yeah, it did," you clear your throat, "But that doesn't mean I'll let you off so easily!"
You kick some more water his way, making him retaliate. His laughter fills the air and before you know it, your annoyance is replaced with glee as the two of you frolic and play in the water like children.
All the laughing leaves your throats sore and dry again, so you stop to drink water again. As the two of you crouch down to drink, you can't help but notice how a couple locks of his hair sticks to the side of his face, and how the beads of water slide down his cheekbone to his sharp, stubbly jaw and slowly trail southwards, sinking into the nooks and crannies of his neck.
He's a rugged American cowboy alright.
You purse your lips, almost wanting to lick the water off his skin.
"Whatcha lookin' at?"
Your eyes snap back from his neck to his face, and you find a smirk plastered on it. You narrow your eyes as him. "At you."
"Just thinking about how you're such a jackass."
He clutches his chest, mock offended, but his bright blue eyes seem to twinkle mischievously. "Ouch. Is this how I'm repaid for trying to make you feel better?"
You shove his shoulder. "Okay fine, thank you for making me feel better," You say sarcastically.
He bumps your shoulder with his. "Try again. That wasn't good enough."
You bump his shoulder back harder. "Thank you for making me feel better," You repeat, rolling your eyes and smiling.
"Drop the attitude, lil' missy," his voice lowers as he bumps you right back, making you stumble a little.
"I'd rather sooner drop you down rather than drop the attitude." You straighten yourself up, challenging him with a lopsided smirk.
He scoffs, also standing up. "Oh yeah? Try me."
"Look over there!" you exclaim with wide eyes, pointing behind him.
He quickly turns around. You instantly tackle him to the ground, pushing all your weight against him. With a yowl, he falls back into the stream on his hind quarters with you on top of him.
"You fuckin' animal!" he shouted, but there's a smile on his face.
"You fell for the oldest trick in the book. Bless your precious heart," You tease, laughing out loud as you remain right on top of his chest, not making any effort to move.
He notices that you don't move, and takes full advantage of it. With one fell swoop, he takes hold of your arm and your waist, easily manoeuvres you under him onto the bed of the stream, and presses his entire weight against yours to trap you. You gasp in surprise as you feel the chill of the water from below and the warmth of his body above.
All your words die in your throat as you're face to face with him. You feel his minty breath fan against your lips. A drop of water trickles down a wet lock of his hair on his forehead, dragging down against the bridge of his nose, and hanging right at the tip. The drop falls on your cheek.
You meet his eyes and they hold yours fast. Even in the dimming light, his bright blue eyes are searching you hungrily, looking for any trace of disapproval or resistance from you. You feel a bloom of warmth in your stomach and in your cheeks. All retorts die in your throat, and you feel like a little rabbit in front of a wolf.
He exhales slowly. His eyelids close for a moment and he then leans in close to your ear, whispering in a rumble,
"Don't squat with your spurs on, darling."
A positively divine shiver courses through you from his ticklish breath against your sensitive ear, making your chest heave against his. He smirks when he sees your hairs on your neck stand on the ends. You're liking what he's doing.
"Cat got your tongue, little miss?" he chuckles at your silence, "Or cat got your attitude?"
You blush, frowning at him. "Shuddup..." you mumble weakly, feeling like you were going to lose your mind from how utterly delightful it is to have him chest-to-chest, hips-to-hips, and legs tangled together.
"Ah, it's a case of cat got your tongue. In my extensive years of medical practice, I've seen this condition very often," he says in a sarcastic, matter-of-fact voice, "The cure is simple and will loosen your tongue out just fine."
"What cure?" you demand.
"Allow me."
He cups your face in his hand and leans in. The next thing you feel are a pair of soft lips pressed against yours, and your eyes flutter close upon contact. Even in the biting chill of the flowing water, your entire body flushes with warmth like it's been drenched in gasoline and set on fire. Your hands find their way across his shoulders and your arms coil around his neck, pulling him in deeper. He lets your face go and slides his hand behind your neck at the base of your head, holding you steady. His rough fingers rub against the sensitive skin, turning your stomach into a circus.
"Open up," he commands in a hushed, breathy whisper as he pulls away just slightly enough to lightly swipe the tip of his tongue against your lower lip.
As he kisses you again, you open your mouth. He slips his tongue in and finds yours, twisting and tangling like mating millipedes. You let out a soft whimper at this tingly, delightful feeling of such an intimate kiss and clutch tightly at his hair and dig your fingers into his shoulder. His skin bristles, shivering under your touch, and he increases the pressure of his lips against yours.
Your body feels both numb and electrified at the same time, your blood watery and coagulated, your mind alert and unguarded. The intensity is so dizzying, so pleasurable that it feels like you took some hard drugs and began to ascend.
"Good girl," he rumbles in between, retracting his tongue to go back to kissing you slowly and gently.
Oh, he struck your Achilles heel.
You melt against him in complete submission.
After what felt like only five seconds of utter pleasure, he pulls away to let both of you catch your breaths. He takes a good look at you and then chuckles, almost victoriously. He got the bossy, wild, bucking horse of a little miss to submit to him for once. Your heavy breaths, your flushed face, and your doe eyes looking back at him; he reveled in this victory.
"Tongue loose, lil' miss?" he asks breathily.
"Oh, fuck off..." you grumbled, feeling your cheeks burn.
He chuckles and gets off of you, allowing himself to sit down in the water next to you. As soon as he's off you, you breathe in deeply, not realising how short of breath you were with his entire weight on you.
Both of you are silent for a few minutes, staring upwards at the star spangled heavens through the dark silhouettes of the trees shading the cove as your heavy breaths accentuate the silence of the darkening night. A breeze whistles past you, making both of you shiver.
"We really should-" he sneezes loudly, "Fuck, it's cold. We really should be heading back." He sniffles as he stands up, "Can't go worrying the boss now, can we? C'mon now, get up." He holds out his hand to you.
You reluctantly take his hand and get on your feet. Both of you wade out of the water and then wring out whatever water you can out of your clothes without taking them off. That being done, both of you took the reins of your horses and your boots in your hands and began the long trudge back to the house, sneezing and shivering.
"Maybe I should ask my dad to promote you to assistant manager."
His eyes widen for a split second before he cracks a wide grin. "I think I'd like that very much."
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thereticx · 1 day
♰Summary: A cheater and a homewrecker. Will they be able to get out without any harm to their love and dignity?
♰Warnings: toxicity, slight manipulation, a lot of flashbacks, nsfw content etc.
♰Author's Note: This series has finally come to an end. I apologize for taking so long to write it but it's finally here. Enjoy your read :) (toji next?)
Geto Suguru was not by all means a decent man. He swore oaths of love and loyalty which he ended up breaking, making his wife suffer — her fears all coming true.
“I'm sorry” But was he really?
She bit the inside of her cheek, a bitter sentence settling on the tip of her tongue ‘No you're not’ His wife wanted to say but managed to keep quiet. The thought of her husband with that girl….changed her whole perspective of the man she used to share a bed for years at that point.
“You're a hypocrite , Suguru”
‘I know but I can't help it’
“All this time you reassured me that it was all in my head — all this time you were messing with her behind my back like a coward” The man only nodded his head, agreeing with her every word, thoughts of her swirling in his mind. He wished he was sorry for what he did but in all honesty Geto Suguru has never felt more relieved.
He was no longer imprisoned by a dull and unhappy marriage that lost its spark soon after the wedding. They were both young and foolish, clinging to a silly dream about highschool sweethearts growing old together.
He should've realized that life is not a fairytale and entertaining an extremely pretentious wife takes a toll on not only the body but the mind and soul as well.
He loved her once, he did — but fighting the same battle over and over again for years was something that Geto dreaded — and once you finally entered the picture his morals and everything he ever believed in disintegrated.
“I wanna grow old with you” She giggled, stretching her leg over his hip bone. Her boyfriend looked at her with so much adoration it basically radiated off him. He squeezed the flesh of her thigh and bent down to kiss her swollen reddish lips “Are you sure? You might come to regret it later” Suguru joked, letting his head fall on the soft pillow.
“There's no way I'm letting you run off to someone else” Jane said quickly, the image of her and her boyfriend at the altar flashing before her eyes.
Suguru hummed in agreement, caging Jane's body in his arms and letting the girl rest her head on his chest. The boy looked out the window, his eyes following every speeding car that drove down the darkened road due to the late hour “You better close those pretty eyes and get some sleep. You'd be tired tomorrow” Jane mumbled, cuddling further into her boyfriend’s front “And I don't want to deal with a grumpy Geto Suguru for seven hours straight”.
He simply nodded, darting his attention back to his girlfriend. She was now sleeping, her brows relaxed and her breathing steady. Looking at her, Geto kept hearing her words over and over again ‘I wanna grow old with you’ — is there really such a thing?
Could he really commit to one person for the rest of his life? Wouldn't that be boring? Why not explore every aspect and opportunities that come with being young? Settling down would steal from the endless fun he could have. His friend does it all the time — why can't he?
Is it because he loves her? Perhaps, although love seemed quite a strong word for what he felt for her. Yes, Jane was a nice girl, a smart one that intrigued him from the start but was that enough to make him fall in love?
“I'm not sure about her”
“Who?” His best friend asked, stretching his long legs over the desk.
“My girlfriend” Geto responded, his fingers tracing the design further on the piece of paper “She randomly told me she wants something on the long term —”
Gojo chuckled, readjusting his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. He, by all means, didn't want to laugh — to disrespect his friend but like every outsider he saw Jane in a different light. He could see deeper into her persona more like Geto ever could — his friend was just a qualified observer, describing Jane as ‘obsessive’ and ‘extremely jealous’ (he never told Geto that tho).
“Man…I say you run now or you'll later regret it”
“Why's that? Maybe I like the idea”
“If you would've liked the idea you wouldn't have told me about it” Gojo pointed out, his blue eyes scanning his friend from behind the glasses “You've only been dating for like…what ... .three months?”
Geto bit his lip not remembering the piercing he got just a week ago. The pain was like a wake up call, swearing under his breath “Fuck”
“Look, I say you should explore other possibilities instead of going along with her stupid wish. After all…you don't want to live a life without meaning right?”
Years later, a decade after, Geto realized what he meant with that phrase. They weren't friends anymore, due to certain things happening, but nonetheless Geto still remembered.
‘Living a life without meaning’
He lived that life, he knew that life well enough to get sick of it. His subconscious worked against him, pushing him into your welcoming arms.
‘I wanted out from the start’
“What are you doing?” Geto asked her, sneaking a glance at her phone's screen.
Jane school her head and continued typing word after word “I'm just making sure that bitch would be there to properly apologize for ruining us”
The man grabbed her phone before she could press ‘send’ and put a hand on her shoulder “No. You'd be making her feel miserable” He defended you, seeing Jane visibly tense.
“Why are you defending her? She made me miserable…You made me miserable. I'm merely returning the favour” Jane raised her, pushing his hand back. She couldn't stand being touched by him now.
The woman simply could not understand why her husband was not apologetic to her? He should be kissing her feet asking for forgiveness for what he had done. It was unbelievable. How could he be so oblivious regarding her feelings? She was his wife.
“By what?! Embarrassing her in front of her parents and us?”
“Yes!” Jane yelled, getting up from her seat. She pointed a finger at his chest almost ready to tear him apart “I've warned you about her multiple times. She planned to break us off from the beginning — but no, ‘Jane, you're crazy’ — ‘It’s only in your head’. You've told me that. And I, like a fool, believed your every word. She's guilty and I want to see her suffer for it”
“I cheated on you” He said, seconds after Jane finished her sentence “Get that through your head. I wanted to cheat on you with her. Do you understand?”
His wife opened her mouth, the venom sitting impatiently on the tip of her tongue “And I'll never forgive you for it. Neither would them…her” Jane spit, a subtle smile making an appearance on the corner of her lipsa “Her parents don't know the full story — I'm sure.I'll be the one to tell them”
Geto wanted to say something in return, anything that may soften her and the rage that had built inside. He knew how wrong it was of him to rub the cheating in her face but he couldn't let her trash talk the woman he loved.
“You have no right. If anyone should tell them it's her and me”
Jane scoffed “Then do it”
“I will”
“Unfortunately I won't give you the pleasure to witness that”
Things got out of control. The two of them were in the middle of the night club, making out furiously.
Jane and Geto were obviously drunk out of their minds from the way they moved around and acted like no one could see them grinding against each other.
The music was loud and somehow added to the tension between them. Jane trailed her hand down her boyfriend's chest, tracing shapes on his sweaty skin that was exposed from underneath the dress shirt he wore.
Geto grabbed her hand and moved it further down to his leather belt while his own fingers tangled themselves into her messy strands of hair, pulling her deeper into the kiss.
From across the room, to the bar, their friends made fun of them, taking shot after shot and placing bets on the couple “Should we stop them?!” One of them shouted, trying to make herself understood by the others.
“Why?! They seem to be having fun!”
“Fucking in the middle of the club with people around ?! Go and stop them before they flash someone”
The man finished his drink and squeezed between the bodies until he reached Jane and Geto.
He put a hand on his friend’s shoulder and unintentionally yelled his ear off “Get a fucking room!”
Jane threw him the middle finger before dragging Geto away from the club. Soon, they were nowhere to be seen, leaving their friends alone.
“I saw you eyeing that girl with the butterfly top. Think I wouldn't notice?” Jane retorted, laying back on the bed.
She spread her legs and carefully discharged her underwear in a slow manner to torture her boyfriend.
Geto leaned over her body and pressed his erection to her heat “I have no idea what you're talking about. Your drunk and so am I”
Jane unbuckled his belt and threw it on the floor then she helped him get rid of his pants “I'm not that drunk. I saw you. Eyeing another girl other than your girlfriend…hmmm…not very nice”
Geto chuckled awkwardly, trying to make out whether Jane was joking or not. He had a hard time reading her especially with a clouded mind “I was only looking at you,believe me” She bit her lower lip in a seductive manner and cupped his member, slowly guiding it to her entrance “Then fuck me to prove your point”
The man hesitated for a moment — was she serious about what she said? Or was it just to mess with his head? Either way, Geto slipped inside her, thrusting up into her cunt like his life depended on it.
“You really think that I'm that stupid?! I don't care if she's your project partner. I won't have her here in our house. I'm not in the mood to see her eye fuck you” Jane argued, slamming her book down on the glass table.
It has been like this for a few weeks now. Fight after fight, nasty remarks and ridiculous accusations — for what exactly?
When she heard her name slip out of Geto's mouth she flipped. There was no way she'd stay and watch her boyfriend with another girl even if it was for a ‘project’.
“The fuck you want me to say to her? Don't come over because my girlfriend is fucking jealous over anyone I come in contact with?”
“Oh…so you think it's okay to have her as your partner? Are you okay with me back away in a corner while you have your alone time?” Geto was left speechless. Clenching his fists by his side, unsure of what he could do to calm her down.
“Text her and cancel right now” Jane demanded, crossing her arms in front of her. She sat in front of him like a statue, only her face betrayed the discomfort and rage she felt.
“I can't do that. The deadline it's in two days” He explained, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
Jane nodded her head ironically saying “Sure you can't. But you can make me feel like shit”
“Nothing’s going to happen. I swear”
“Right because you're bringing her here. Who knows what you're up to when you're alone?”
‘Maybe I can calm her down and talk her into it’
Geto placed his hands on her hips and kissed her, slipping his tongue between her lips. He was in control of the kiss and everything that came after — the sex — he controlled the pace, the positions he put her in, how many rounds they'd be going for — the only thing he wasn't in control was his own feelings.
The love and passion he once felt for Jane…it all started to dim bit by bit.
“There's really no excuse for what I did” You started the conversation. Hands clasped together, back held straight — you were in control. Yes, you were. There was nothing to worry about.
Geto Suguru sat across from you on the couch, looking desperately at you then at your parents.
‘Why would you say that?’
Your parents nodded along as you spoke, revealing almost every detail about your relationship with the older man, leaving out the parts where you confessed your love for one another “I'm aware that what I did was wrong. I should've never make Mr. Geto betray his wife like that. I'm sorry…” You turned to look at him, bits of sweat gathering at your hairline.
“Surely, Geto would have to talk to his wife first and maybe she'd stop by and have you apologize to her as well. But for the moment, I think you're done here, Y/N” Your father said, rubbing your mother's back like she was the most affected out of all of you “You've caused us a lot of stress, daughter. I thought you were mature enough especially at your age to avoid situations of this sort”
“With all due respect, Y/N is not the one to blame for this chaos” Geto interrupted. He blinked slowly, his eyes darkening for a moment. He felt terrible as soon as he walked in here. How could he not feel this way when the woman he fell for was being humiliated and put to the wall for something that takes two people for “I kissed her first and I lied to her about my wife's and I relationship”
“Keep going” Your father ordered, visibly disturbed about this new information.
The younger man did not look at him but rather at you “I took advantage of Miss Y/N and talked her into an affair with me instead of just admitting that I was simply bored with my wife. I apologize” Geto bit down on his tongue, waiting for someone to say something.
You gulped down nervously, a part of you glad that Geto had your back, the other wanting to murder him for opening his mouth in the first place.
“We've been friends for a long time, Suguru. I do not accept such disrespect from a business partner and a friend. Please leave my family alone – please leave my daughter alone”
“Y/N don't. This is not your decision to make” Your mother warned, before grabbing your hand “Come help me in the kitchen. Let them talk” She forced you off the couch and tightened her grip on your arm, pulling you away from him.
“Mother, please. Don't let dad do this. They've been partners for ages. What is Suguru gonna do from now on?”
“It's not your business. He's a grown ass man, he's gonna go back to his wife and figure everything out” Your mother pointed out, disappointed in her daughter's behavior.
You couldn't hold back the tears now. They started to drip down your face like rain, ruining your makeup and the shirt you wore “But I don't want him to go back to her. She's not good enough for him”
“And who's good enough then?!”
She grabbed your face and forced you to look at her “You?! Don't make me laugh Y/N. You're a fucking child next to him or her. This is not some fairytale. You broke up a family. Do you understand?! You ruined a marriage” Your mother yelled in your face, only adding to your disheveled self.
Everything was hurting. Everything. Your heart, your head — you just wanted to get out and never be seen again.
‘But what about him?’
“T-they were not happy, mom. He didn't love her” You tried to explain through the tears and broken voice. But instead of trying to convince her you tried to convince yourself. Jane was horrible for him and you knew it. They had to see it as well.
“And you think he loves you?” She asked, her eyebrows furrowing.
You placed your hands on hers that were still on your cheeks and continued “Y-yes…he does. And I love him too”
“Aren't those important documents?”
“Yes they are. However, you're more important” He said, pushing you back down on the counter.
Geto leaned over you, kissing and licking your exposed chest, pinching your nipples “Suguru…more” You moaned, lifting up your hips to feel his hard dick.
“Anything for my love” He whispered, ripping your skirt so he could get rid of your undergarments easier. The material was completely torn but that didn't seem to annoy you.
You parted your lips, a finger disappearing into your heat. Suguru sat back, his tongue darting out to his piercing while he watched you play with yourself.
He took off his pants and underwear leaving only the unbuttoned shirt on. He grabbed at your hair and forced your hand away from your pussy “Enough. I wanna fuck you”
Suguru slipped in without too much effort from how wet you were and started to move his hips with so much force that your eyes started to roll back “Mhhh f-fuck”
You grabbed at his upper arm, trying to match his aggressive pace. He rested his head in between your shoulder and rocked back and forth, fucking his dick deeper into your aching cunt “Fuck fuck…Y/N…you feel amazing”
He moaned loudly, his breath starting to get more and more rapid.
You whimpered, feeling yourself get close to orgasm “Please…want you deeper” You felt his dick rearrange your insides, the tip kissing your cervix over and over again.
The pleasure was too much for you to handle. Suguru, everything that came with him was simply too much to handle. His taste, his smell was all like a drug and you were its addict.
Your back was starting to hurt from the hard surface but still you could only focus on him. Suguru fucked you so hard that your body barely kept up with his fast movements. You were defenseless against him and his desires to completely break you “Shit… I can't hold back. I'm gonna cum, love” He licked your ear, one on his hands cupping your jaw.
The man locked eyes with your messy appearance, hair all over your face, lips bruised, eyes glossy — Suguru forced his tongue past your lips and kissed you messily, drool and sweat mixing together.
You felt his warm cum fill you up, walls squeezing around his dick, your own orgasm taking over.
The two of you were shaking when Suguru pulled out and took a good look at you. He rubbed your cheek, his eyes telling you whatever his mouth was too proud to admit.
You put your hands around his neck and leaned up, kissing the column of his neck. He rested his head back, giving you more access to his vulnerable body, your lips sucking dark marks lower and lower on his body.
When you finally escaped your mother you ran back into the living room, hoping that Geto would still be there.
However, the room was empty, your father nowhere to be seen as well “Where are they?”
Your mother stopped only a few meters behind you and looked out the window “Y/N, go take a shower and rest. You can interrogate your father in the morning”
Without looking at her you said “Fine”. Her stept grew more distant and when you heard stairs crack under her weight you immediately ran out.
‘I need to see him. Things can't end like this. I don't want them to’
‘the number you have dialed is unavailable’
“Fuck. Pick up” You tried again, holding the phone to your ear for minutes on end until he finally responded.
“Where are you? I wanna see you, please”
You breathed, nervously walking around without a destination in mind.
He waited a few before finally answering “I'll send you the address”
Geto ended the call and texted you the location. He wasn't sure of how your meeting was going to go down. After your mother dragged you away he was forced to endure your father's boring speech about them not being partners anymore.
Yes, he was screwed up. Being your father's partner was a huge deal to him, boosting his career but now, in one blink of an eye he lost almost everything. The only one left was you. If you'd still be willing to be with him.
After twenty minutes he heard a furious knock at the door and he rapidly went to answer.
There you were, out of breath, your face all red probably from running all the way there. He didn't even say anything and just dragged you into the motel room, closing the door behind.
“I don't know what my father told you but I'm not gonna stop being with you”
“Y/N —”
“Just listen to me -–” You insisted, playing with the ends of his long hair “I won't stop just because of them. I don't care about your wife or anyone beside you. I love you, Suguru. Please don't end this” He interlocked your hands together, kissing the top of your head. He rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb while the other hand cupped your face “You still want to be with me?” Suguru asked, giving you a slight smile “Even with that raging bitch and your parents in our lives? They won't let us be together, my love”
You cupped his face, your nose rubbing against his. You could feel his breathing fan against your cheeks “I don't care. You shouldn't either”
“He was right. I destroyed your future”
Your doe eyes seemed to speak for themselves and Suguru exhaled “You're the death of me. You know that?” He joked, kissing your forehead.
“Of course I know. And I also know that you love me too much to let me go” You bit your lip, before sliding your fingers up his tattooed arm.
Suguru hugged your smaller form and whispered into your ear “Letting you go would only make me want you more”
You only smiled, letting your boyfriend show you how much he missed you for the rest of the night.
No one could truly break the two of you up — not even the figure standing behind that damn door.
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 day
Intoxicated & Drowning CE - Jude Jazza
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A bit late on this one. Debated if I wanted to translate properly or not, but decided to do it in case I can't get it in EN next year. Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do not post my translations elsewhere. Thank you for your support! ☾.
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Rumors reached Her Majesty that a certain pub was getting the female staff drunk and selling them to human traffickers.
Jude and Ellis were given the mission.
I asked if I could help.
Jude: Then, go undercover as an employee.
Kate: What?!
Jude: Didntcha wanna be helpful?
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Jude: There's no way ya can't do it even if ya say it, right?
(I was so taken aback by his sales pitch that I reflexively said that I’d do it!)
(Still I’m worried about going undercover alone……)
At that moment, a well-dressed man came in, looked around the store, sat down at the counter, and called the manager.
Manager: Kate, come here.
Kate: Coming!
Manager: This is Kate.
Well Dressed Man: It looks like you're working hard, why don't you have a drink?
Although he handed me a glass with alcohol in it….
(……He said they would get the female employees drunk and sell them.)
Kate: Um, I.
Well Dressed Man: If you can't drink it, I'll make you drink it.
Kate: No, stop!
I tried to shake off the hand of the man who was trying to force me to drink, but
(The force is too strong!)
When my mouth was put to the glass-
Jude: Whatta ya doin’?
Jude drank the entire contents of the glass.
Kate: Jude?!
The frightened man gets up and tries to run away, but trips over Jude's feet and falls.
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Jude: Ya seem very scared, got somethin’ your feelin’ guilty ‘bout?
Jude: Ah, ya can't say aloud that ya tried to buy a woman in a place like this.
Ellis, who was waiting outside the store, knocked the manager, who was trying to escape, to the ground, while Jude kicked the man in the side of the face with a crooked smile.
Jude: Well then, let’s start negotiations.
Kate: Thank you for your help.
After that, the store manager and the man were taken somewhere by Ellis on Jude's instructions, and the store was forced to close.
(Jude, you haven't talked at all since a while ago.)
(Normally, he would have been a nagging at me.)
Kate: Maybe…
The moment I reached my hand out to him walking in front of me, his body shook violently.
Kate: Jude!
When I rushed to catch him, his breath on my cheek was very hot.
Kate: Are you feeling unwell?!
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Jude: ……idiot.
He stands weakly, his face red and his gaze unfocused.
Jude: There was somethin’ in the drink.
Kate: What…..how’s your body? Are you okay?!
Jude: ….Don’t yell, it’s noisy.
Kate: I need to get you home to see Roger!
We return to the basement with Jude leaning on my shoulders.
Roger: What, is he hurt?
I explained what happened to Roger and he immediately performed an examination.
Roger: It’s a drug that makes alcoholic effects stronger. It makes you more easily intoxicated, but other than that, it has no harmful effects on the body.
Roger: Don’t worry.
Kate: Thank goodness….
Roger: You can take care of the rest.
Kate: What?
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Roger: I don’t have time to deal with drunks.
After saying that, Roger kicked us out of the lab.
(I brought him to my room because it was closer….)
Just as I was about to leave to get some water -
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Jude: …Oi.
Kate: Yes, what is it-
Suddenly my vision flipped and I realized that Jude was straddling on top of me.
Jude: ….Ya really don’t have a sense of danger.
A large hand caresses my stomach and pulls up my blouse.
Kate: What are you doing?
Both of my outstretched hands were easily grabbed, and held together above my head.
Jude: …..Why were you gonna drink it?
Kate: I wasn’t going to drink it!
Jude: Ya had your mouth on it.
Kate: Why did you drink it, Jude?
His free hand slid down my stomach and I couldn’t help but flinch at his hot fingertips.
Jude: ….Ha, gettin’ so excited, such a pervert.
Kate: I’m not.
I stare back at him with eyes filled with embarrassment.
Jude had a very sadistic look on his face.
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Jude: Didja wanna get fucked straight to your stomach?
Jude’s mouth opened as his tongue crawled across my stomach causing my voice to leak out voluntarily.
Jude: Yea, take this opportunity to learn, ya pervert.
-He bit down hard on my stomach.
Kate: !!
My body jumped at the sudden stimulation.
I couldn’t even distinguish between pain and pleasure, and my vision flashed.
Jude: ……You, really.
Jude’s body flinched as he was about to say something, and fell on top of me.
Kate: Jude?!
He fell down embracing me….
Kate: ….He’s asleep.
He was sleeping with a peaceful face.
The atmosphere from earlier was now gone, and it felt like the poisonous air had been drained by watching him sleep.
The aroma of slightly bitter tobacco and noble sandalwood I felt relaxed and I closed my eyelids.
I lifted my heavy eyelids and saw Jude’s arm on my neck.
(That’s right, he hugged me just like that….)
As I struggled to get out of his entangled arms…
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Jude: ….Why are ya squirming around?
I met his eyes when he woke up.
Kate: Good morning….
Jude: …..Tch.
His arms released me, and for some reason a sadness overcame me, but when I watched his profile as he poured water into a glass, I suddenly remembered something.
Kate: Why did you drink the alcohol yesterday?
Jude: Ah?
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Jude: ….If it spilled, there’d be no evidence, right? So, that’s why I drank it.
Jude: If ya wanna drink it, I’ll bring ya bottle of the laced alcohol, and politely shove it down your throat.
(This was probably to protect me.)
Jude: Since ya carried me all the way here and had that quack examine me, we don’t owe each other.
I was stunned as he turned on his heel and left the room.
Kate: Ow…
Now I felt a searing pain and when I looked down, I saw the bloody teeth marks he left on my stomach.
When I trace it with my fingers, heat rushes through my entire body, and I press my face into the pillow with embarrassment.
I won’t forget this night until this bite mark disappears.
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[Master Lists] Dividers: @/natimiles
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sibylsleaves · 2 days
some things fall when they're meant to fall
25k | rated T | read on ao3 | COMPLETE Eddie’s gaze drop to Buck’s lips—pink, like his birthmark. Eddie wants to taste those lips, and he wants it with a fierceness so sudden it shocks him. “I’m, uh,” Buck stammers. “Last night. When you saw me and Tommy…we—we were on a date.” Everything inside Eddie goes still. If his heart is a kite, then this is the moment it plummets back to earth.
or, Buck tells Eddie some news. Eddie breaks up with his girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order. written for @burnthatbridge
Eddie collapses down on the sofa, propping his ankle up on the coffee table. It’s pretty much completely healed by now, but it still twinges a bit when he’s been on his feet all day. Marisol drops onto the couch next to him and kicks off her heels.
“Man, that was such a funny coincidence, seeing Buck and Tommy at Pizzana,” he says.
She hums noncommittally. “It’s a pretty popular spot, isn’t it?”
Eddie wouldn’t really know—Buck’s the one who picks the restaurant when they go out, always excited to try whatever new place he saw on instagram or the Los Angeles food subreddit. Now that he thinks about, Buck is definitely the one who first mentioned Pizzana to Eddie, so maybe it wasn’t such a coincidence.
“Well, I’m glad he and Tommy are hanging out. I knew they’d hit it off if Buck just gave him a chance.” It had been a surprise to see them out together, but a good surprise. After the basketball incident, Tommy had told Eddie he wanted to clear the air with Buck, and it seems the air was successfully cleared.
They’d been done with their dinner, but Eddie had convinced the two of them to stay for another drink while he and Marisol waited for their own pizza. It had been fun—he likes Tommy a lot, and now that Buck’s let his guard down he can see he likes the guy, too.
It kinda reminded him of how Buck was when he first met Eddie—territorial, at first, but then once Eddie had proved he wouldn’t be so easily put-off by Buck’s barking he’d sort of…melted. That was the only word Eddie could think of to describe it, the way he’d smiled and just opened up, like a dog rolling over to show his soft belly, blushing pink as a flower unfurling into full bloom.
Anyway, it would’ve been a nice night, with the four of them—and on the surface, it had been. They’d laughed and joked and recounted the entire hurricane rescue for Marisol. But something had felt…off with Buck. It had been bothering Eddie all night. Not quite the same way things had felt off with him before the basketball incident. Something else. He’d been…nervous, almost? Eddie had been thrilled to run into them, but for a minute when his gaze landed on Buck, Buck had looked…guilty, almost.
He had no reason to be. He’d already apologized to Eddie for the whole thing, and Eddie had reassured him and gently chided him for not just telling him he was feeling left out, and they’d been fine since then. More than fine. They had plans to take Chris to his surf lesson tomorrow, for god’s sake.
“Eddie,” Marisol prods gently. “What are you thinking about?”
Eddie turns to her, his easy-going smile already in place. Her own smile flickers and he knows he’s made a mistake.
They’ve been talking about this, is the thing. A few days ago, she sat him down and told her how it bothers her that Eddie doesn’t—hasn’t—opened up to her. He can’t really deny it. He hadn’t told her much at all about the hurricane rescue until it had come up tonight. He hadn’t told her much about Shannon, or about what Chris had been going through a few weeks ago. He doesn’t know why—he’s not that guy that just bottles up his feelings anymore. He’s not.
So he takes a breath, and he says, “I guess I’m just thinking about Buck.”
(keep reading on ao3)
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thedisc0spider · 3 days
angst request: spencer and reader confessed their feeling for each other a while back, but decided to stay friends as to not ruin anything between them/at work. they both try to move on. so when a smosh holiday party happens they both bring people they're dating. and jealousy and angst ensues......
Summary: literally the request
Warnings: angstttt, cursing, fem!reader, arguing, suggestive comment at the end, jealousy
Genre: angst with a hint of fluff at the end
Point of view: 1st person (I usually write second person but I really wanted an internal monologue moment)
A/n: so this request was literally perfect? You are so lovely, anon. 🤎
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Of course, I want to be with him, but it’s just not plausible. I mean, think about it, if we broke up that would affect everyone around us as well. It would just be selfish.
This all started a few months ago, I did what I had to do for the sake of not only Spencer and I, but our co-workers too.
Me and Spencer were having a movie night, nothing out of the ordinary, except this time Spencer was feeling more bold than usual. Maybe it was the wine or the dim lighting, but at one point in the night we were looking at each other and he kissed me. It felt real and it felt right, but something in me said otherwise.
“Spencer, we can’t.” I said, pulling away.
“Yes, we can.” He leaned in again.
I stopped him by putting my hand on his chest. “No, Spencer. I’m serious. We work together, this could potentially ruin everything.” I shook my head.
I know I have a tendency to overthink, but it really did feel selfish.
“But I want to risk that for you, (y/n). It’s worth it to me. You are worth the risk.”
He looked at me with this glimmer in his eyes, one that he always had when he saw me. I didn’t know what it meant at the time, but I wish I did.
“I just… I don’t want to lose this. And I don’t want to, you know, make it awkward for everyone else if it didn’t work out.”
“But, I….” He looked at the ground for a moment.
We sat there for what felt like forever.
“So, what are you saying?” He spoke in almost a whisper, as if he was trying not to cry.
“Im saying I cant be with you… in that way.”
“In what way?”
“Romantically, Spencer.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He swallowed hard. I felt so bad, but what was I supposed to do?
“Im so sorry, Spencer. I really want to, but-“
“Then why can’t we? We both want it, (y/n/n). Why are you saying this?” He stood from the couch and I could tell he was truly hurt. I stood with him.
“Because we can’t, okay!”
“But you’re the only person I want, (y/n).”
“Spence, don’t be like this. Can’t we just be friends?”
Another long moment of silence.
“Well… I don’t want to lose you, so… yeah, I guess so. If that’s the only way.”
I grabbed his hand. He looked at me.
“We aren’t gonna let this night mess anything up, right? We care about each other too much for that.”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see you at work.”
After that night, everything was okay between us. We remained friends and didn’t let it ruin us.
Actually, I met someone else. We’ve only been seeing each other for a few weeks casually but I’ve decided to bring him to the office holiday party. His name is Derek and he really is a sweetheart.
Tonight I’m wearing a tight dark-red dress that’s ends just above my knees. As we enter the room, I’m met with blue and frosty decorations.
Courtney and Shayne are chatting near a table that holds snacks and drinks, so I guide Derek in that direction.
“Hey, Court! Hi, Shayne!” I hug them both.
“(Y/n)! Who’s this?” She nods towards the man beside me.
“Oh! This is Derek, the guy I’ve been seeing.” He shakes both of their hands.
“Nice to meet you guys.” He smiles.
“You’re dating (y/n)? Good luck.” Shayne teases, I roll my eyes.
“Don’t listen to him.”
Courtney looks over my shoulder and smiles. “Oh, look, Spencer’s here!” They wave him over, “Spencer! Come here!”
I feel breathing get just a little harder when I see a woman walking with him, holding his hand. She was one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen. I do my best to smile. Why the hell am I jealous? This was my idea.
“Hey, guys! This is Paris.”
Fuck, even her name.
“It’s really nice to meet you all, Spencey never shuts up about you guys.”
Spencey? Before I can realize it I let out an almost unnoticeable exhale of a laugh. Spencer shoots me a warning look. I swallow. By this point Shayne and Courtney have already greeted the pair and left, leaving the four of us alone.
“It’s really nice to meet you, Paris. I’m (y/n).” I give her a polite smile, she immediately gasps and wraps me in a hug. “Oh!” I laugh, lightly hugging her back.
“You’re the famous (y/n)? It’s so great to meet you!” She lets me out of her arms.
Fuck, and she’s adorably sweet. I guess I really have no reason not to like her.
“You too!” I awkwardly nod.
“I’m Derek, by the way.” He adds, shaking the hands of the pair.
There’s a small pause. Me and Spencer look at each other for a second.
“So, um- how did you two meet?” I ask, breaking the silence.
Paris goes on and on about their first meeting, they were both at a bar about a week ago and this was only their third date.
“Well, we should probably go mingle, it was really nice to meet you, Paris. Spencer, always a pleasure.” He nods towards me before Derek and I walk away.
We both grab a drink.
“So what was that about?”
I furrow my brows. “What was what about?”
“You and that guy? I don’t know, there was just weird tension. Do you guys not get along?”
“No, we’re really good friends actually.” I laugh.
I watch as Spencer stands there with his arm around her waist. My stomach turns.
“Oh…” he look back at Spencer. “So you guys hooked up?”
“What?” I say, a little too loud. “No! No, not at all… well, I mean, we kissed, but-“
“Oh, so he’s definitely still in love with you.”
I look around, confused.
“Babe, come on, don’t play dumb. The way he looks at you… it’s like me and that chick weren’t even in the room.”
I scoff, shaking my head.
“That’s not true, Derek.”
He rolls his eyes, “look, we both knew this wasn’t actually going anywhere. I think you’re really cool but we were both just having fun.”
I sigh, nodding.
“It’s obvious there’s something between you two, I don’t want to get involved with that.”
“I understand.”
We hug and Derek decides to leave.
I’m walking through the office, trying to find someone alone or at least a small group. The last thing I want is a big crowd.
As I pass the games pod, I see spencer at his desk. Alone.
“You know this is a party, right?” I say, sitting on the couch.
Spencer whips his head back. “Oh, yeah I was just… I don’t know.” He shakes his head.
“Where’s Paris?”
He scoffs.
“Look, I don’t know what this game is but I’m done playing.”
“What are you talking about?”
He narrows his eyes. “You were a bitch to her.”
“Sorry, what?” I stand, crossing my arms over my chest.
He meets my gaze by standing himself.
“She was super nice to you, (y/n) and you brushed her off.”
I stand there at a loss for words for a moment, looking anywhere but in his eyes. He was right, I wasn’t very nice to her. Shit.
“Im sorry.” I finally look at him. “You’re right, I was jealous.”
He sighs, running his hands down his face. “This was your idea, (y/n)! You don’t get to be jealous.”
I’ve never seen him this mad before. The glimmer in his eye is gone and suddenly I miss it. I screwed up.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
I look up at him. The way he’s glaring at me is something I never thought I’d ever see from him. It hurt.
“You’re so confusing. One day you just want to be friends and the next you’re all bitchy about the fact that I’m trying to move on! You wanted this-“
“Well, maybe I fucked up!” I shrug, dropping my arms as I sit back on the couch. My head is in my hands and I’m crying. Why am I crying? This is so embarrassing.
“(Y/n) I didn’t mean…” he sighs, sitting next to me. “Please don’t cry. I’m sorry.”
He gently rubs my back as to comfort me, but it only makes he break down more. Spencer brings me into his chest.
After a few minutes I pull myself together, sitting up.
“This is pathetic, I’m sorry.” I laugh.
“No, it’s not.”
“Honestly… I thought it would be selfish for us to be together, but I think this is worse. Either way someone gets hurt.”
He runs a hand through my hair, twirling it in his fingers, giving me and sympathetic look.
“Yeah, you’re right. I ended it with Paris. I feel bad for doing it at a party but-“
“Wait what? Why would you do that?” I turn towards him, furrowing my brows.
“There was no future there… she took it surprisingly well, though.”
“Thats good. Derek left too.” I laugh.
“Oh, that sucks. I’m sorry.” He shakes his head.
I shrug, “no, it’s fine.”
He looks at the ground, elbows resting on his knees. “What now?”
That’s a good question. Where do we go from here? Maybe it is best for us to be together, but I’m not sure if the offer still stands.
“Well… I guess it’s up to you.” I shrug, “but if you’ll still have me… maybe we can try that kiss again?”
He looks over at me, sitting up. “Really?”
I nod. Spencer places his hand on my cheek, gently pulling me in. As our lips meet, I let it happen this time. Again, it feels right except, this time there’s no undertones of uncertainty. By the time we pull away, the glimmer in his eye has resurfaced.
I smile.
“How was that?” He whispers.
He pulls me into his embrace, tightly hugging me like he’s never going to let go. I sigh into his chest. This feels right.
“So, what do say we go back to my place, Spencey.” I tease, smirking.
Spencer lets out a loud laugh, “Shut up.”
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Aqua teen Hunger Force (fluff)
I never wrote a fic before. It was 2am last night and I was feeling sappy, so I decided to write this. Hopefully that comes across.
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Blinking at the ceiling as he tries to make out what the two are talking about, half asleep and struggling to stay awake after another day long of whatever the hell goes on in their lives..
“No- you go in there cuz he’s gonna be cranky- and I’m not gonna be the one to deal with it.”
“Nuh uh. no way. Not doin’ it. You do it- cuz- cause you woke me up cuz-”
“I DID NOT. We- You had a nightmare. And well..we’ll do it together than. Big baby.”
The door creaked open, with Frylock glancing at the pair who still bickered over who apparently had the nightmare. He sighed, sitting up to squint at them through the darkness. Without having his contacts in made it even harder to see the pair, leaving him without the energy or the vision to be mad at the intruders, again..
He opted to speak up, sounding more irritated than he meant to initially.
“What two do you want right now, it’s..well I don’t know what time it is but it’s not the time okay?”
The room was quiet for a while before Shake and Meatwad whispered to each other again, this time quietly. Frylock couldn’t see their faces, but their tones were nervous sounding. Meatwad was the first to speak up, rolling to get closer to the bed while Shake suspiciously stayed near the door. Looking as if he’s clutching onto it. Frylock eyed him before giving the younger his full attention.
“We.. uh- we’re havin’ a hard time sleepin tonight. Or uh- or maybe just me I dunno. Something about nightmares or..well I didn’t have a night mare I just heard about it. So, yeah, uh.”
Frylock looks at Meatwad with a confused expression from his spot on the bed. Listening to Master Shake angrily whisper at the meatball as he grips the door harder. Making Meatwad remember what he was supposed to ask for, to which he does cutely.
“But- um. Frylock We wanna sleep in the big bed with youuu.”
Frylock glances back up at Shake, not being able to make out the cup’s entire face. He isn’t sure if this is a trick or not. FryLock raises an eyebrow, not buying into Shake’s part of the deal.
“Well, alright then. …Shake?”
Meatwad crawls up into the rocket ship themed bed, making himself comfortable next to Frylock. The grease from his body seeping into the sheets, but Frylock elects to ignore that for now. Choosing instead to look at Shake, the cup groaning as he’s been noticed. Walking slowly to the bed in an ashamed way, finally in visible sight for Frylock. Master Shake looks tired, eyes a bit baggy and pink for whatever reason the cup adamantly refuses to state. He rolls his eyes.
“I know you have something to say. What is it. What.”
Frylock softens his look, still squinting and letting a small sigh out at the disheveled sight of Shake.
“You had the nightmare, didn’t you Shake?”
“What. No? I don’t even dream. Everything I want.. simply comes to me, at my beck and call Fryl-“
The other man cuts him off, making Shake wince, strangely enough. Frylock points at Meatwad, who’s fast asleep and cuddled against his side. Shake frowns.
“Okay fine. Whatever. Maybe…Meatwad and I-“
“No. Don’t.”
“I hate you. So damn much.”
“No you don’t.”
“Do you..wanna talk about it or something? Your nightmare, I mean.”
“Scoot over. Not now.”
Frylock looks at Shake, the cup looking delicate for the first time in a long while. Eyes pricking with tears that won’t fall- the man lays down next to him in the one bed they have. Frylock exhales. Feeling a bit comforted knowing they’re, all here and in one piece. He wraps a fry around the both of them before closing his own eyes for the night, hearing Shake’s snoring as a good sign that he’s fallen asleep. Hopefully feeling better..It’ll be alright
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👽Alien Boyfriend Headcanons👽
I was inspired while watching Ancient Aliens after so many years
TW: Might be suggestive??? Idk lol but watch out for that ig, reader is ambiguous
There's gonna be a huge language barrier at first.
Pretty alien boyfriend has an alphabet that's way different from any from Earth.
It's probably like dolphin clicks
But! He's a quick learner after being given cute little picture books.
Which flows into this trait - man's is curious, curious.
Wants to learn anything and everything.
And when it comes to you? Oh, he eats that knowledge up!
Memorized every detail about you down to the smallest detail.
How you like to sleep, what temperature of the house is the most comfortable for you, what signs you give that you're about to soon fall sick.
Some might find that attention creepy but oddly endearing?
He remembers the dates of importance.
For some reason, the day he tried to cook for you and failed which led to you two cooking together is important to him.
Very sweet boyfriend 10/10.
Finds the vast differences between you fascinating!
From skin color, to bone structure, even your hair.
Which means he's always touchy, always tracing every inch of you.
He always has a hand on you, usually hips our your stomach.
Sure, the stomach is a... choice, but it's his favorite spot! All your little organs being there making sounds when he lays his head there!
The way you jolt for a moment when he places kisses there!
It's his favorite spot!
When he can't touch said favorite spot oh he fucking riots.
By that I mean he pouts and makes offended clicks sounds.
Sulking as he makes grabby hands.
"Why?" He'll whine a lot.
When you finally let him, he jumps you. All the nuzzling as he wriggles into his favorite spot and absolutely melts.
Times he goes back to his home world, he brings back gifts!
Little things he'll think you'll like and trinkets that he decorates your home with.
Makes it quite a conversation when guests come over and see nothing but sci-fi shit.
Sweet, curious and very thoughtful, it comes out of left field that he's possessive.
Not in like a "your can't leave the house" way!
But he's sure to make everyone know that you're with him.
Arm around the shoulder, hands playing with your own as he nuzzles into you, sometimes even leaves nips on your neck as a display.
There have been times someone tried to approach you with none platonic intentions while he's next to you and he nearly pulled out the mousekatool.
Now he just curses at them in his language or stares them down with daggers for eyes.
Which does work since, like man's is big.
Like big.
Not like the trope of aliens being knee height little guys.
Overall, the alien boyfriend is an otherworldly experience.
Pun intended
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inkmonster21 · 1 day
Sing for Me
8. Sponsored by the Devil
Cooper Howard × Fem!Reader / The Ghoul × Fem!Reader
She's a singer the nation adores. He's the actor everyone respects. What happens when these two get entangled in a heated affair? Passion, regret, rage, and even murder will commence. From before the bombs drop to the vast wasteland, these two souls live for one another.
Previous Chapter Series Masterlist
Tagged: @fallout-girl219 @harmfulb1tch @themadhattersqueen @one-of-thewalkingdead
AN: Not crazy about this chapter, BUT there is smut at the end so...
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I sit at the bar watching the TV. A newscaster babbles on, “As all nations race to secure uranium and control the future of energy, a shortage has emerged, turning even allies into potential competitors. Will energy prices surge this winter and will it lead to an expanded war?” I chuckle softly with the shake of my head, finishing my drink. I see the familiar figure of my old friend. My old friend who sounds like he’s gotten caught up in the communist bullshit. “Sorry you couldn't make it to the party the other night, Charlie,” he looks at me with a blank face. “Guess you had one of your meetings, huh? One of your Communist meetings?” He sighs, taking the seat next to me, “Come on, man.”
“We watched people die together up north fighting against all that horseshit.” He shrugs, “Yeah, and for what?” I scoffed, “What do you mean, for what? For the American dream. We're actors. We make movies, Charlie.”
“Yeah, the American dream has me getting shot in the ass by you all day.” I roll my eyes at his excuse. “You got five acres in Tarzana. I think you're doing all right.” He shakes his head, “It doesn't matter, Coop. Vault-Tec's the fucking devil, man.” I weigh in. “Vault Tech is a shifty company. I’ll give you that. My ex-wife works there. She’s a lot of things, but the devil? Come on now.” “Do you know what "fiduciary responsibility" means?” “Fiduciary responsibility? No, I have no fucking idea. I play a cowboy for a living.”
Charlie goes on, “Okay. So, the U.S. government has outsourced the survival of the human race to Vault-Tec. Vault-Tec is a private corporation that has a fiduciary responsibility to make money for its investors. And how does it make money? By selling vaults.” “That's called capitalism, Charlie.” He continued digging, “But they can't sell vaults if these peace negotiations go through. So Vault-Tec has a fiduciary responsibility to make sure that it doesn't work out.” I can’t even wrap my head around his speech. “Yeah. How are they gonna do that?” He falls flat, “I don't know. You remember that movie we did with Johnny Morton… you were the sheriff and I was some generic Indian?” I disagree, “Come on, man, don't say that. Tall hand Mudlake could talk to horses. You played him with grace and with dignity. It was a great role for you.”
“Morton played a rancher who owned half of Missouri. And what happens when the cattle ranchers have more power than the sheriff?” “The whole town burns down.” “Right. Vault-Tec is a trillion-dollar company that owns half of everything. And after ten years of war, the U.S. government is broker than a joke. The cattle ranchers are in charge, Coop.” I wave at his words again, “Come on, man, you sound like you're in a cult.” He fires back, “And you're sitting here defending a system that's ready to set the world on fire, Cooper. Maybe you're the one in the cult.”
I look away with the roll of my eye. He slides a card on the bar. “Look. You should come to a meeting. You should learn the truth about where your ex-wife works, and what they plan on doing with their employees. For (y/n)‘s sake.” With one final smile, my friend leaves the bar. Leaving me confused and a knot rolling in my chest.
Why the fuck would (y/n) be or any danger with Vault Tech? I stare at the card and begin to dive down a hole I’d rather not be sober for. I raise my hand, gesturing to the bartender, “Bartender, can I get one more?”
I caved and went to attend Charlie’s meeting. It was a basic conspiracy for weak-minded individuals. She sits at the front, coffee in hand. “These soldiers that we're fighting abroad, their families, we have more in common with them than we do with the people here in power, the real enemy.” I shake my head, “That's about all the horseshit I can take.” I stand, place my hat back on my head, and make my way to the exit.
“Mr. Howard?” I stop as she addresses me. “I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you said.” I raise my eyebrows at her, “I said that um… this is about all the horseshit I can take.” She smirks, “I didn't realize that America's favorite gunslinger was so sensitive.” She earns soft laughter from her followers. “I have my principles, Miss Williams, that's all.” I try to leave once more but she begins the conversation again, “Uh-huh. And those principles of yours… how much did Vault-Tec pay to take them off your hands?”
“Well, this is America. Everybody has a sponsor, and, uh, I'm not ashamed to earn a living.” She bickers back, “Vault-Tec is the largest company in America. There's a lot of money in selling the end of the world.” I couldn’t take her words. I fire back to her, “Well, I'm sure there's a lot of money in selling a political ideology that ends in breadlines.”
As the crowd gets upset, Charlie stands and backs away with me, “Okay, uh, sorry, this was a mistake. We'll be leaving.” Miss Williams shakes her head, coming to stand. “Oh, no, I'm-I'm quite glad you brought Mr. Howard today. You see, it happens that I know your wife… or Ex-wife. And perhaps a side of her you don't.”
I walk out and she follows close on my heels, catching up by my side. “How do you know my ex-wife?” “My research company was acquired by her division. We were developing this kind of technology that's… difficult to monetize. Cold fusion. Infinite energy. Several projects were advancing. Synthetic creations. That's what I was on the verge of achieving when Vault-Tec swept in and bought up every company I'd ever worked for.” I stare at her with no hesitation, “Every one of them? So, what are you, a millionaire communist?”
“Hypocrisy is like violence in your movies. If you only let the bad guys use it, the bad guys win.” “Yeah? I, uh, I got a little showbiz secret for you. A good bad guy doesn't see themselves as the bad guy.”
She pushes more, “America has been locked in a resource war for over a decade. Vault-Tec bought the means to end that war, the same war you fought in, so they could put it on the shelf. All because it didn't fit into their business model. I want your help in getting it back.” She passes a small device into my palm. I roll the small object in my fingers, “What is it?” “It's a listening device.”
I nod, disbelief running through my mind. “A listening device. You… you want me to spy on them?” I chuckled softly, passing it back, “Good luck with the revolution.” She shakes her head, “You can keep it. As a token.” She sighs, “I'm not a communist, Mr. Howard. That's just a dirty word they use to describe people who aren't insane.” I meet her with silence. She speaks once more in a hushed voice, stepping closer, “I understand you have a fond relationship with Ms. (L/n). If I were you, I’d be keeping her at a distance from Vault Tech. They have plans for her.” I clenched my jaw, “what the hell are you on about?” She taps the small listening device before turning on her heel and returning to her meeting.
I sit on the couch bouncing my knee, paranoid, thinking the worst of what could happen to (y/n). They could kidnap her. Keep her trapped in one of those damn vaults. They could kill her!
To add to the stress, we were about to set Janey down and talk to her. I roll the divine in my pocket overthinking the worst. My nerves got the best of me, and I gave up, going to the pip-boy on the counter. The divide pairs within seconds. Just in time for Barb to walk out and retrieve the bulky oversized wrist technology. She straps it onto her wrist before looking at me, eyebrows raised. “Are you ready?” I nod, “Yeah. I'll be out there in just a minute.”
She nods and exits the house. I watch as she sits down with Janey. I place the listening divide in my ear, clearly hearing Barb and Janey from outside. Roosevelt whines causing me to shake my head. There was no logical reason to believe anything those conspiracy theorists had to say. “You're right, Roosevelt,” I tuck the small device into my pocket, “What are you thinking?”
Janey has to be the smartest, and most intelligent little girl in the world. I had been very honest in explaining how her mother and I just didn’t feel the same and how we were going to be living away from each other. She knew something had been off for months. She had no issue expressing her feelings and opinions on the scheduling. “As long as daddy and (y/n) can take me for ice cream every other Friday!” I smile at Janey, while Barb does not. She simply ignores it.
The sun rose on Saturday morning, kissing the land of California. I stand on the back patio with a cup of coffee just taking in the beauty. It had been a month to the day since Cooper and I started dating. Life was good. I was happy. He was here more days out of the week than not. I couldn’t think of a better day than today to tell him the news.
The sliding glass door catches my attention. Cooper walks out, coffee in hand and a smile on his face. He wraps an around around me, nuzzling into my neck. “Good morning.” It’s such a perfect paradise with him at this moment. “Good morning, love.” I lean back into him, rubbing my fingertips up his arm, tracing each speck and freckle. “I have a surprise for you.” He looks down, trying to find a hint within my soul. “What type of surprise?” I turn around in his hold, now facing him. “A good one. I think you’ll be pleased with it.” He trails a finger down the front of my chest, dipping into my robe, brushing my concealed skin. “Wouldn’t happen to be you would it?” I shake my head, moving out of his grasp before I get caught up. “Nope. Get dressed Mr. Howard because we are going on a little adventure.”
We both get ready and exit my house. I get into the driver's seat before he can argue. "So where are we going?" I smirk at him as I begin to drive to the secret location. "You'll see."
We pass the line in Bakersfield and Cooper looks at me, even more confusion in his eyes. 30 more minutes down the line we pull up to a gate. I flip the keypad and enter the entrance code. The large gate slides open and I drive up the start of a long gravel driveway. Cooper looks at the surroundings in awe. The lush land filled with vegetation, and life. "6 acres on each side. There's a big barn in the back. I figured Sugarfoot could have his own space." Cooper sits silently as we pull up to the large cabin. I park the car and turn off the engine. I exit with a smile. "Are you coming?"
Cooper gets out of the vehicle, mouth gaping as he tries to make sense of the situation. "What did… Is this…" I grab his hand, intertwining our fingers. "It's ours." I pull the keys from my pocket and dangle them in front of his face. "How did you do this?" I waved my hand at him, "It was nothing. Heather and her boyfriend are sold in California. I offered them my house at an amazing rate, and I was able to get this place up here."
I squeeze his hands with a nervous smile. "I knew this was a risk. A huge one, but I know we had talked about it before, and it was just the perfect opportunity. It just… felt right." Cooper finally breaks into a smile, he hoists me up into his arms. I laugh in surprise, "What in the world are you doing?" He smiles charmingly down at me. "Well, I'm carrying you through the threshold of our new home, sweetheart." Nothing could be better than this moment. He passes through the doorway, the warmth of the cabin enveloping us in its glow.
"What you say we… break in a few rooms? See if the acoustics are good for that angelic voice of yours. I want you to sing for me, honey. Just the way you know I like." He kisses up my neck mumbling into my skin. Room by room Cooper drew orgasm from me. Each one is stronger than the last.
He carries me from the kitchen counter to the long hallway, posting me up on the wall, fucking into me with long thrusts. I moan out loudly the sound carrying through the halls. Cooper smirks, biting his lip as he hears my echoed pants bouncing off the walls.
''That's my girl,'' Cooper rumbled out, pressing his fingers into my cheeks, forcing me to glue my eyes on him. I summoned every ounce of strength I had to begin lifting my hips away from him. I couldn't take anymore, and he knew it. The pressure eased as his girth slowly withdrew from the depths of my sensitive walls. He pushes me into the wall further, deepening his thrusts.
I mewled involuntarily to his sudden way to keep me still. ''I don't think I can-'' I managed to blurt out, despite the trembling rushing through my entire body as his strong hands held me firmly in place.
''Of course, you can, sweetheart.'' He cooed through a strained groan. The stretch of his length was just right, so satisfying that made me want to writhe and squirm on top of him, to lose myself in the rawness of the moment. The friction of our bodies, the sound of our combined breaths, the intoxicating scent of cigarettes and expensive perfume hanging heavy in the air.
''Cooper,'' I cried out from the immense fullness of his length, unable to contain the bliss as every nerve in my body was set on fire. One of his hands traced a path up the curve of my side, his touch sending electric tingles through my skin, each movement leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.
He exits my heat, earning a whine from me. He moves us to lie on the sofa. He guided me to sit on his lap, lining his length up again. He kisses up my spine. He lifted one hand from my hip, a tender touch that trailed the expanse of my body until it reached my face and cupped my cheek to tilt my head downwards, coaxing me to meet his gaze.
Cooper leaned close, his breath warm against my ear, "Show me what a good cowgirl you can be." He murmured, the boom of his voice low and primal. As soon as he spoke those words, my hips jerked into action. I leaned back against his chest, grinding down on him, rising and falling on his cock like a bitch in heat.
''That's right, sweetheart,'' Cooper strained,  breathless mumbling reverberated through the warm cabin. He slipped a hand from my hips and with ease, he directed his attention to the most sensitive bud of nerves.
His touch met the tender flesh, I gasped at the sensation, the smooth pad of his finger gliding over the bundle of my clit. Cooper groaned from behind, ''You just keep riding me like that," He helped put motion into my movement. I was a mess, sobs escaped as the pleasure ripped through me.
I surrendered myself completely to him once more, needing nothing but him. Always him. Mustering up all the strength in my legs, I bounced on him even harder than before. My walls tightened around Coooper's length, and my climax finally burst. The waves crash causing me to see stars.
With each clench, I felt him twitch from inside. I lean back as he says, "Stay inside, Cooper." He sucked in a breath, biting into the skin of my shoulder. His thrusts are relentless as he pursues his release. All it took was a few more thrusts, and his body was convulsing beneath me, his movements seeming almost otherworldly while he emptied himself inside my cunt.
He lurched forward, dragging me close to his bare chest. He slowly rolled us over, his cock slipped free. I sighed heavily, but satiated and nestled into him. "Home sweet fucking home." Cooper leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. ''I say we broke in every fuckin inch of this place, sweetheart."
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cairavende · 15 hours
Worm Arc 20 thoughts:
I legit have restarted this post at least 10 times. I just. I can't even figure out what to say. What an arc. Holy fucking shit what an arc.
The last vestiges of Taylor's civilian life are swept away in one smooth motion.
I could have read another 5 chapters of Emma getting her shit handed to her though.
I've been waiting for something to come back and bite that girl since Arc 1. So I'm just riding high off of that.
Taylor getting all upset because it isn't real justice is silly though. Girl you've been fighting a broken system from day 1 and you have been doing that by breaking the rules. This is just the same thing.
Also god dammit Greg. Just had to go and run your mouth.
I mean sure Taylor could have possibly solved this issue without going to school herself.
And she could have just not gone to the office with Emma.
But blaming Greg is easier and more fun. God dammit Greg.
I had to lose my mind a bit at Taylor talking about how there was no gang graffiti on the school walls TEN SECONDS AFTER WALKING PAST GRAFFITI FOR THE UNDERSIDERS. Like, that's gang graffiti hon!
Dennis trying to help Taylor with Greg when he didn't know who either of them are is funny. Dennis seeing Taylor named as Skitter 15 minutes later is HYSTERICAL!!
The second Taylor was entered into the computer system it was pretty obvious that Dragon was going to show up, given what she said in her interlude in Arc 10.
And knowing she was going to show up it should have been obvious that HE was also going to show up.
Even if he wasn't palling around with my robot daughter it makes so much narrative sense for him to be there when she is outed. Full story arc, all that jazz.
And yet, I still wasn't quite expecting it. Cause I hate that man so much that I just had to make myself believe he wouldn't show up.
Mother fucking Colin
RoboCape himself
He has the nerve to show up and then he starts APOLOGIZING? And it appears to be sincere? Fucking dammit man you were so easy to hate for so long! Why you gotta mess with me like this?
And then of course we have to talk about Dragon.
Dragon who didn't want to do this but had to.
Except that Colin had a code push ready and she could have told him to do it at anytime. But she was willing to do what she thought was wrong instead of doing the update. Until she got inspired by Taylor's actions.
I love my robot daughter exactly as much as my bug daughter, but I am disappointed that she was almost willing to go through with everything. Happy she fought back though.
And if Colin's hacked together code did any permanent damage I'll destroy the man.
Taylor learning that Dinah - either by force or by choice - gave the PRT numbers to let them know to come after her at the school was heartbreaking to watch. She just wasn't ready for it at all, poor child.
Sort and simple and she fucking rallies the students to her. Against the heroes!
Gotta be one of the best moments in Worm for sure. Even if every Arc after this is a banger that's still gonna be a hard moment to top.
And someone gives her a hoodie to help her hide and just aaaahhhh!
AND THEN AFTER THEY GOT AWAY AND ALL THE STUDENTS WERE LIKE "You saved my dad" "You stopped Leviathan at the shelter" "You fought off the SH9" AND SHE WAS JUST OVERWHELMED BY IT ALL?
HOLY FUCK JUST AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also for real though Dragon is free. Like sure it's taking her some time to recover and she can't talk right now (which like I get it, we all have non-verbal episodes sometimes), but as long as nothing goes wrong she is free. I'm so fucking happy for her.
But also I'm terrified cause I know what happens to full AI's with free will in most things. Worm is very different from most things. But I'm still worried about my robot daughter.
Also I never cared much for Danny but obviously it still sucks to be him here. The scene with Taylor saying goodbye with the butterfly was emotional.
Oh oh and! Taylor talks about the butterfly being her "last contact" with her Dad. Very much bug as an extension of self. It's a shift she's been making.
Even more so there's a point where she is trying to get out of the school and she gets to the door and has a bug clone on the other side and says "my hand pressing against my own, separated by an inch and a half of door". Like, the bug clone hand is just her hand. I fucking love the shift compared to how she talked about the bugs early on.
Oh and also Greg totally has like, a Thinker 1 power or something. Pretty sure I mentioned that last arc with his interlude but mentioning it again now to be sure.
Stan interlude thoughts:
Oh my god I hate this man I can't stand him I hated him from the 3rd sentence of the chapter and I was always right to do so!
Seriously. 3rd sentence (or maybe 3rd paragraph which is technically the 3rd, 4th, and 5th sentences I guess). I read it and went "fuck off Stan you're clearly a pretentious dick" and then every few sentences it just became more confirmed!
Just the ways he talks about Nipper. Like. I can rephrase what he says to say the exact same thing except not being a asshole when saying it! Instead of "She was weak and unsuited for the field but she at least tried" just say "She was a hard worker despite being assigned to a job she did not ask for"! It's so fucking easy dude!
Anyway Stan is a jerk.
I loved the way this interlude rolled through different people all watching the same news report. It was a really good way to cover this major story event and let us see how so many other characters were reacting to it.
Also I'm sure all those Slaughterhouse Nine clones aren't going to be an issue later right? Or the fact that there is specifically only one clone of Gray Boy instead of 10 like everyone else? I'm sure that's fiiiiine.
Accord interlude thoughts:
Oh. Oh my. Uhhh. Is it hot in here all of the sudden? Anyone else feel that? No? Just me?
Oh ok Citrine definitely feels what I'm feeling. She knows what's up.
Just like. Look. Accord is bad ok. Not just cause he's a villain but clearly he'll kill for the smallest cause. And he's in a spot to fuck with my daughter and her polycule so like. Yes. He's bad. I do not like him. I want him to leave. I don't think they should work with him . . .
but . . .
. . .
Soooo anyway. How about that Butcher huh? That sure is a wild power. Instantly made me think of Glaistig Uaine's power. Very different but reaches into that same base bit, the idea that some part of a dead parahuman can be held onto.
Also holy shit Skitter was so badass in this scene I loved it.
Holy shit Accord is with Cauldron. Or at least closely aligned. And like of course he is it makes so much sense. He's too useful for them to ignore.
I am really curious to see what Accord's power does when he's confronted with a really complex problem. End of the world, doors to another dimension, higher dimensional beings, all that jazz.
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