#but in the right paws they can become an effective tool
bietrofastimoff23 · 4 months
i think tai lung is randomly placed next to the bunnies, but I liked the theory that he would become a kind of mentor for them (but not a father figure. no, just NO).
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these little devils have a propensity for violence, which terrifies po, and it is unlikely that he will be able to control them due to his gentle nature, which is why they may be captured.
but tai lung is built differently.
where po saw a problem, tai lung would see an opportunity. due to his tough nature and lack of patience with someone else's shit, he will be able to discipline the bunnies, and his openness to solving problems by force will only strengthen their bond and make him an authoritative figure in their eyes. In addition, this guy has defeated 1000 rhinos and the furious five, and is also famous for his kung fu, of course these kids will want to work with him.
just imagine po's reaction when he sees that tai lung is not only alive, but also able to curb these devils, lmao/
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cilil · 1 year
Author's Note: Requested by my good friend Thuri🖤
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⋆ 。・ ☾ Drabble ⋆ 。・ ✩
After a long Day of Work
The peaceful scene is interrupted when the fires suddenly flare up and a low rumble echoes through the cavernous halls of Utumno, waking Mairon from his slumber.
Pairing: Melkor/Mairon | Angbang
Prompt: Coming home after a long day "I missed you" kisses (no. 17 of this lovely post)
Synopsis: Melkor returns to Utumno. Mairon welcomes him home.
Featuring: Fluff, dork lords in love
Short oneshot (~600 words)
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The fires in the forge are crackling softly, illuminating the room with a warm golden glow while everything else remains still. Tools are scattered all over the workplace, disrupting the usual impeccable tidiness, and a wild array of papers covers a nearby table, showing sketches of upcoming projects and new inventions. 
Mairon is asleep. His head rests on top of his latest notes, and his breath is slow and quiet. A few fiery locks successfully manage to escape from his braid as he shifts around and settle over his face and shoulders like rivulets of flame. His fána finally succumbed to exhaustion after many hours of work which he neglected to count–an unfortunate side effect of his tendency to get so immersed in his projects that he forgets everything around him; and of Melkor currently not being there to distract him. 
The peaceful scene is interrupted when the fires suddenly flare up and a low rumble echoes through the cavernous halls of Utumno, waking Mairon from his slumber. He blinks in confusion and lifts his head, tucking a few locks behind his ear with mild irritation, until he realizes– 
He is back.
Golden eyes light up in joy, and he immediately forgets about his messy braid and the slight ache in his back and shoulders as he jumps to his feet and hurries outside. 
It feels as if the entire fortress greets its master with many small gestures of welcome that Mairon has become accustomed to. The fires burn hotter, the frosty winds outside become more fierce, the Vala's music echoes through the very foundations of the earth and the soft pitter patter of many paws and feet can be heard in the hallways when more and more Maiar and other creatures notice that their lord has returned. 
Mairon knows Melkor well enough to know where he has to look for him–neither at the gates, nor in his throne room, but in their shared chambers instead. And indeed he finds him there, waiting for him with a grin of joyful anticipation. A strong arm pulls him close when he runs to greet his beloved, tiptoeing to wrap his arms around his neck and pull him into a kiss. 
Melkor chuckles lightly as he feels the heat of his favorite Maia's lips against his, kissing him with fiery, almost frantic excitement and yearning. Mairon presses his entire body against him with shameless need, and small sparks fall from his hair, his entire fána nearly burning with passion. 
They are both breathless when he finally breaks the kiss to look up at the Vala, pouting a little. 
"I missed you," he says, cheeks flushing red upon realizing how needy he must seem right now. 
Yet Melkor appears to be delighted by his greeting, holding him like he's his greatest treasure. 
"I missed you too, little flame," he replies and starts toying with a stray lock of his hair. 
"I take it you were busy in your forge, hmm?" 
Mairon is a little embarrassed to admit that he fell asleep, but Melkor doesn't bother asking about it, already one step ahead.  
"And when was the last time you went to bed?" 
The Maia's expression becomes sheepish, telling him everything he needs to know. Shaking his head, he picks him up with playful ease and throws him over his shoulder. 
"Your projects will have to wait for the moment. You are going to bed with me right now," Melkor declares, then a smirk appears on his lips. 
"Which is also a wonderful opportunity for you to tell me more about how much you missed me..." 
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hunsa-jars · 1 year
Hullo, I don't know if this has been asked before, but which types of love language apply to Fern, Sajr and Shaun?
This hasn't been asked before, don't worry! Oh, OH, this will be interesting
*rubbing hands together*
Giving: Acts of Service
This squeaker expresses her love through helping out anywhere she can. She wants to be helpful and make your day easier. She's always looking for the moment to give a helping hand. Telling others she loves them always turns her into a stuttering mess and physical touch flusters her to no end, aiding just feels RIGHT!
Receiving: Words of Affirmation
Oh, a simple compliment could turn her into putty, let me tell you. She would hold her paws close to her chest and would try her best not to cry, someone telling her how much they appreciate her and everything she does would maker her feel the most loved.
Giving: Gifts
Sarj is quite the busy creature, on top of that, they feel words simply can't express how they feel about their loved ones. It would take a while for them to figure it how to go about it, but as time goes on, they notice certain objects remind them of people they care for, or how those people could find the random bits and bobs useful/delightful. Sarj would scratch the back of their neck and not look you in the eyes while giving you trinkets or tools, muttering "Reminded me of you" or "Thought you would find it useful".
Receiving: Physical Touch
The whole curse accident made them avoid people, and for a long time they thought they don’t even miss physical affection, (because “who the hell would even want to touch someone as disgusting as me”) but oh boy were they wrong! After settling down in Moominvalley and getting used to the side effects of the curse, they became more relaxed. Then.. they had an epiphany..  people patting their back, holding their hand- the smallest touches possible, make their brain short circuit! “Whatthehellisgoingon???” they would panic internally at first, poor ratta.
Please please please hold them, let them melt into your arms, they’re tall and they want to be held so bad, even tho they haven’t realized that yet!
Giving: Words of Affirmation
This slick little shit, ohhh dear- Shaun REVELS in giving compliments and flustering and annoying people, but with individuals he really cares for? Frickin???
He’s a big softy. A menace, a gigantic softy. He comes up with very specific and sweet nicknames. Will always find something on you to point out and tell you how lovely you look. Thanks you for everything, informs you how proud he is of you. Knows EXACTLY what to say to comfort you, will always let you know how impressed he is with the things you do.
Doesn’t specifically say “I love you” that often, but at this point it feels like he said it a bunch of thousand times, fella just wants to be clear how much he cares
Receiving: Quality Time
Since his loved ones are not immortal, he understands they’re probably busy and don’t have much time to waste. He has long years ahead of him, but they don’t. It would be selfish of him to ask them to spend time with him for a bit. Right..? So instead of asking, he waits.
Becomes super sentimental during quiet moments, when he’s just watching the clouds or stars with you, or when you show up and ask him if he wants to hang out. Imps by nature live for attention. In his case, these occasions make him feel special and loved and wanted. You really do want to waste your precious moments goofing off with him? Get treasured forever, ya fool
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wyatt-06 · 18 days
How to Groom your PUGS??
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Most pugs have a thick coat of coarse hair. These little tan furballs will naturally shed old or damaged hair through a phenomenon called molting. Shedding is a natural loss of hair in dogs that allows the new coat to come in. Though shedding is a normal process for pugs, the amount and frequency of hair that is shed often depend on your pug’s health. It may also depend on the season—many pugs develop thick coats during the winter that are then shed in puffs of pug hair in the spring.
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Properly Grooming A Pug Will Involve:
Bathe once every 3–4 weeks.
Cleaning the wrinkles daily
Brushing the coat every 1 to 3 days
Cleaning the eye area daily
Cleaning the ears: The ear flaps several times per week, and the ear canals every 6 weeks.
Paw care every 2 weeks
Nose care, as needed, but usually every 1 to 3 weeks in the wintertime
Trimming the nails every 6 weeks
While these could appear to be loads of tasks, the staggered frequency of these grooming elements helps keep things from becoming too overwhelming. And, whether you have a new Pug puppy or have been having some trouble grooming your older adult Pug, the tips will help you get things on track with specific recommendations and steps to make every grooming task as simple as possible.
Pug bath time is fun for everyone! Bathing your pug once a month is nice for hygiene and helps create a powerful bond between you and your pug! Preferably use a mild, hypoallergenic shampoo that doesn't irritate your pug’s skin or dry out that ever-shedding pug hair. Pugs are extremely liable to dermatitis-type conditions; thus, opt for your puppy's shampoo cautiously.
Biogroom’s So Gentle Hypo-Allergenic Shampoo makes a great hypoallergenic pug shampoo. Your pug's large eyes and ears can get irritated easily. Try not to get shampoo in these areas. Once bath time is finished, it's time to dry! Your pug’s thick coat can take forever to dry, so start with a towel, then move on to a blow dryer on the low setting. Running around the house after bath time is one of Pug's favorite activities!In between baths, we recommend using waterless bath shampoo to get rid of odor and dirt.
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Cleaning The Wrinkles
Pugs are mostly famous for their wrinkles and facial skin folds; this is a classic feature of this breed. And, whereas this makes the pug look adorable and loveable, these areas tend to stay damp and dark, which is the ideal environment for bacteria and yeast. Due to this, pugs are very susceptible to skin yeast infections, particularly in their wrinkles and other areas like the armpits and genital area.
For this reason, it is necessary to keep a pug's wrinkles both clean and dry. This can be done by carefully wiping down each skin fold with a fragrance-free grooming wipe from Petkin, USA
Brushing The Coat
Fawn Pugs have a two-layer coat, and a lot of black Pugs have a one-layer coat, but all have thick, dense fur, and this is a heavy-shedding breed. So, if you have a pug, going over the coat to remove dead hair is one grooming element that cannot be ignored.
Because of the heavy coat, many of the fallen hairs will end up in the coat itself. Left in the coat, the fallen hair will block proper airflow and eventually become weaved in with live hair. Each hair that stays in the coat will then cause an unpleasant odor.So, the goal is to brush the coat (from head to tail; don’t ignore the legs) with a tool that will reach down deep, latch onto all those loose and dead hairs, and remove them. Depending on your pug's age and the season, this task should be done every 1 to 3 days. To do this as effectively as possible, you'll want to use the right tool. You might have a brush in mind, like a slicker brush, and these can work well to a certain extent. However, one of the easiest and fastest ways to groom a pug's coat is with a grooming glove. You'll find that this prevents your hand from getting tired and that it works so well that you won't have to go over the coat as often as you would with a brush Depending on your pug's age and the season, this task should be done every 1 to 3 days.
To do this as effectively as possible, you'll want to use the right tool. You might have a brush in mind, like a slicker brush, and these can work well to a certain extent. However, one of the easiest and fastest ways to groom a pug's coat is with a grooming glove. You'll find that this prevents your hand from getting tired and that it works so well that you won't have to go over the coat as often as you would with a brush.
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4 Cleaning The Eye Area
Another classic feature of the pug is its giant, slightly protruding eyes. The eyes are stunning; however, their size and shape make them susceptible to collecting flecks of dirt and dust. And any type of eye issue, which is common in pugs, can cause tearing. The goal for this grooming aspect is to keep the eye area as clean as possible, wiping away any eye discharge and any possible fine particle debris regularly. Ideally, this should be done once a day. Because the area around the eyes is incredibly sensitive, we recommend using a Petkin Jumbo Eyewipe for this. It is an eco-friendly product that is terrific at removing eye crust and is recommended by veterinarians.
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Cleaning The Ears
Pugs have pleated drop ears. And, while a drop ear does cover the ear canal (thereby helping to prevent debris from entering), this type of ear also contributes to excess wax and moisture becoming trapped within the ears, which may cause an unpleasant smell and ear infections (bacterial or yeast). For these reasons, grooming a pug involves keeping the ears clean. This is done by wiping the ear flap and cleansing the ear meatus. The ear flaps ought to be wiped using only semi-moist ear wipes. This should be done a minimum of once per week. If your dog has a history of ear infections, this can be used as often as every other day.A recommended one is Petkin Jumbo Earwipes, which are extra moist and contain eucalyptus, which cleans the ear flaps very well and also deodorizes the area for a fresh scent
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Paw Care
Without good paw maintenance, the paw skin can become overly dry, the paw pads can become damaged, and this can cause discomfort. In worse cases, there can be cracking, which is very painful for dogs and can take quite some time to heal.For these reasons, grooming a pug involves applying paw wax to the paw pads and in between the toes.
Though it varies depending on how much outdoor walking a dog does, most pugs should have paw wax applied once every two weeks.
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Most pugs don’t require any extra attention given to the nose most of the year, as long as there are no issues. However, this changes for several pugs in the winter and early spring.
This type of dry environment can end up taking a toll on a dog as the nose skin becomes parched. A pug's nose can end up raw, sensitive, dry, peeling, or even cracked. This issue can be prevented by applying a quality nose balm to a pug's nose, which can be done once a week for maintenance or as often as three times a day to treat existing problems.   
Trimming The Nails 
The frequency of nail cuts can vary from dog to dog. Walking on onerous outdoor surfaces will keep nails somewhat filed down; however, it cannot be a replacement. For most pugs, this grooming task is required every 6 to 8 weeks.
If the nails are not tended to, they can curve around and grow back into the flesh. This can cause quite a bit of discomfort and lead to a dog walking with an irregular walk that, if not addressed, can eventually lead to skeletal damage in some cases.
We recommend the Andis Cordless Nail Grinder, though you should have some septic powder on hand just in case (which helps stem any bleeding should an owner clip a nail too short).
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safethaw · 5 months
8 Reasons Why You Should NEVER use Snow Salt for Winter
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Winter, with its picturesque snow-covered landscapes, can evoke feelings of awe and wonder. But as the snow accumulates, especially on driveways and sidewalks, it becomes not only an inconvenience but also a safety hazard. While many people instinctively reach for snow salt as a solution, there are pressing reasons to reconsider. Let’s delve into the critical concerns associated with using snow salt during the frosty season. 1. Environmental Degradation Ecosystems at Risk: Snow salt, when it melts with the ice, eventually makes its way into our water systems. High salt concentrations can harm aquatic life, including fish, amphibians, and microorganisms. These adverse effects ripple across the food chain, impacting larger predators and potentially disrupting entire ecosystems. 2. Groundwater Contamination Tainting our Water Sources: Continuous use of salt for the snow can lead to its seepage into groundwater, a source for many of our freshwater needs. Elevated salt levels in drinking water can pose health risks, especially for those with hypertension or heart conditions. 3. Infrastructure Damage A Corrosive Culprit: One of the major downsides of snow salt is its corrosive nature. Over time, it can erode concrete, damage roads, and even accelerate rusting in vehicles. This can lead to increased maintenance costs for both public infrastructure and private property. 4. Soil Degradation From Fertile to Barren: Salts can disrupt the soil structure, making it hard for plants to absorb essential nutrients. This degradation affects both home gardens and agricultural lands, leading to reduced crop yields and the deterioration of plant health. 5. Pet Health Concerns Paws and Salt Don’t Mix: Our furry friends aren’t fans of snow salt. When they walk on salted pavements, it can irritate their paws. Furthermore, if they ingest any residue, it can lead to health complications, including gastrointestinal distress. 6. Inefficient at Lower Temperatures The Colder it Gets, The Less It Works: Snow salt has its limitations. As the temperature dips below 15°F (-9°C), its effectiveness diminishes. This means in extreme cold, you might be sprinkling salt in vain. 7. Increased Accident Risks Slippery When Wet: Melted snow, mixed with salt, can refreeze into a slick, icy layer, especially during the night when temperatures drop. This can make surfaces even more treacherous than they were with just the snow. 8. Economic Implications Hidden Costs of Snow Salt: While buying bags of snow salt might seem cheap, the hidden costs can accumulate. From vehicle repairs due to corrosion, and increased health care costs related to water contamination, to infrastructure maintenance, the real price of snow salt use can be staggering. The Safe Thaw Advantage Given the multitude of concerns associated with snow salt, it becomes imperative to seek alternatives that are both effective and environmentally responsible. This is where Safe Thaw comes into the picture. With its patented formula and myriad benefits, it's the solution winter needs. - Safety First: Unlike snow salt, Safe Thaw is non-corrosive. This means it won't eat away at your driveway, vehicles, or industrial machinery. - Environmentally Friendly: Safe Thaw’s toxin-free nature ensures minimal environmental impact, safeguarding both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. - Efficiency Unmatched: The concentrated formula guarantees effectiveness season after season, even in the most challenging winter conditions. - Innovative Composition: Safe Thaw boasts a patented dual-effect compound, ensuring maximum ice melting capability without the adverse effects associated with traditional snow salts. In Conclusion Winter brings its set of challenges, but with knowledge and the right tools, we can navigate it responsibly. While the pitfalls of snow salt are many, solutions like Safe Thaw provide a beacon of hope. As we brace for the snowy months ahead, making informed choices can ensure safety, protect our environment, and save us from unforeseen costs. Read the full article
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Unleash the Confidence in Your Pet with Our Nail Trimmer Kit
Certainly! A nail trimmer kit can be a valuable tool for maintaining your pet's nail health and promoting their confidence. Here are some tips to help you use a nail trimmer kit effectively:
Choose the right nail trimmer: There are different types of nail trimmers available, such as guillotine-style trimmers, scissor-style trimmers, and grinder tools. Select a trimmer that you feel comfortable using and that is suitable for your pet's size and nail thickness.
Familiarize your pet with the trimmer: Before using the nail trimmer, let your pet sniff and investigate it. This will help them become familiar with the tool and reduce any anxiety or fear they may have.
Find a calm and well-lit area: Choose a quiet and well-lit area where you can comfortably trim your pet's nails. Adequate lighting will help you see the quick, which is the sensitive part of the nail that you should avoid cutting.
Gradually introduce nail trimming: If your pet is not accustomed to having their nails trimmed, introduce the process gradually. Start by touching their paws and nails gently, and reward them with treats and praise. This will help them associate nail trimming with positive experiences.
Trim a little at a time: When trimming your pet's nails, start by trimming a small portion at a time. Avoid cutting too close to the quick to prevent bleeding and discomfort. If your pet has dark nails and you can't see the quick, trim small amounts at a time to be safe.
Use positive reinforcement: Throughout the nail trimming process, provide positive reinforcement to your pet. Offer treats, praise,
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pet-product-experts · 6 months
Exploring the Benefits of Microfiber Dog Towels
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Pet care has evolved significantly over the years, with pet owners increasingly seeking products that prioritize their furry friends' well-being. One such product gaining popularity is the microfiber dog towel. Designed specifically for drying and grooming dogs, these towels offer a range of benefits that go beyond conventional options. In this article, we'll delve into the advantages of using microfiber dog towels and why they are becoming a staple in every pet owner's toolkit.
Superior Absorbency:
Microfiber towels are crafted from finely woven synthetic fibers, which results in a material that boasts exceptional absorbency. When it comes to drying your dog after a bath or a rainy walk, a microfiber dog towel proves to be highly effective. The tiny fibers in the fabric can absorb moisture quickly and efficiently, leaving your dog's coat dry and comfortable.
Gentle on Fur and Skin:
Dogs, especially those with sensitive skin or specific coat types, require gentle care. Microfiber dog towels are soft and non-abrasive, making them ideal for use on a dog's fur and skin. The delicate touch of microfiber helps prevent irritation, ensuring a pleasant grooming experience for your canine companion.
Reduced Drying Time:
Traditional towels often struggle to dry a dog's coat thoroughly, leading to prolonged wetness that can contribute to skin issues and unpleasant odors. Microfiber towels, on the other hand, significantly reduce drying time due to their superior absorbent qualities. This not only benefits your dog's well-being but also saves you time and effort in the grooming process.
Portability and Convenience:
Microfiber dog towels are lightweight and compact, making them highly portable and convenient for pet owners on the go. Whether you're traveling, hiking, or just out for a walk in the neighborhood, having a microfiber towel handy allows you to address unexpected wetness promptly. Their compact size also makes storage a breeze, fitting easily into your car, bag, or any pet care kit.
Click here to know more : -
Durability and Longevity:
Dogs can be energetic and sometimes unruly during grooming sessions. Microfiber towels are known for their durability and resistance to wear and tear. This ensures that your investment in a quality microfiber dog towel pays off over the long term, withstanding the rigors of regular use and maintaining its effectiveness in keeping your dog dry.
Easy to Clean:
Microfiber towels are generally easy to clean and maintain. Most are machine-washable, allowing for quick and convenient cleanup after use. The synthetic nature of microfiber also resists the growth of mold and mildew, providing a hygienic option for drying your dog without the risk of unpleasant odors developing over time.
Versatility in Use:
Microfiber dog towels are versatile and can serve multiple purposes. Aside from drying, they can be used for wiping muddy paws, cleaning up spills, or providing a comfortable surface for your dog to rest on. The versatility of microfiber towels makes them a practical and multi-functional addition to your pet care arsenal.
In the realm of pet care, every detail counts, and choosing the right tools for grooming and maintenance can significantly impact your dog's health and happiness. Microfiber dog towel stand out as a practical and efficient choice for pet owners seeking a reliable solution for drying and grooming their canine companions. With superior absorbency, gentleness on fur and skin, reduced drying time, portability, durability, ease of cleaning, and versatility in use, microfiber dog towels are proving to be a valuable asset in the quest to provide the best care for our furry friends. Invest in the well-being of your dog by incorporating the benefits of microfiber towels into your grooming routine.
Read more : - Top Tubs: Ranking the Best Dog Shampoos for a Tail-Wagging Clean
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xmagicshearsllc · 6 months
The Art of Dog Grooming Shears: A Guide to Choosing and Using
Dog grooming is not only essential for maintaining your pet’s hygiene but also for enhancing their overall well-being. One of the key tools in a groomer’s arsenal is the grooming shears. These specialized scissors are designed to trim and shape your dog’s fur with precision and care. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of dog grooming shears, how to choose the right ones for your needs, and tips on using them effectively.
Types of Dog Grooming Shears:
Straight Shears:
Straight shears are the most common type and are versatile for general trimming.
Ideal for cutting straight lines and removing bulk from the coat.
Choose a length that suits your dog’s size and coat thickness.
Curved Shears:
Curved shears have a slight curve to the blade, making them perfect for shaping and blending.
Ideal for trimming around contours like the ears, paws, and tail.
Thinning Shears:
Thinning shears have serrated blades that remove bulk without cutting too much length.
Great for blending and creating a natural look, especially for dogs with thick or double coats.
Chunkers have wider-spaced teeth and are effective for thinning and texturizing.
Suitable for creating a more natural, layered appearance.
Choosing the Right Dog Grooming Shears:
Size Matters:
Select shears that match the size of your dog and the specific areas you’ll be trimming.
Smaller shears are suitable for delicate areas like the face, while larger ones work well for the body.
Material and Quality:
Look for grooming shears made from high-quality stainless steel to ensure durability and sharpness.
Quality shears reduce the risk of hair pulling and uneven cuts.
Choose shears with comfortable handles to prevent hand fatigue during longer grooming sessions.
Ergonomic designs with finger rests provide better control and reduce strain.
Tips for Using Dog Grooming Shears:
Start Slow:
If you’re new to grooming, start with small trims and gradually increase the length as you gain confidence.
Maintain Sharpness:
Regularly sharpen your shears to ensure clean cuts and prevent hair pulling.
Clean and oil the shears after each use to prolong their lifespan.
Mind the Angles:
Pay attention to the angles at which you hold the shears for different cuts.
Practice cutting at various angles to achieve the desired grooming style.
Be Patient and Calm:
Grooming can be stressful for dogs, so be patient and offer positive reinforcement.
If your dog becomes anxious, take breaks and reassure them.
Conclusion: Investing in the right dog grooming shears and mastering their use is essential for keeping your furry friend looking and feeling their best. Whether you’re a professional groomer or a pet owner grooming at home, the art of using shears effectively can contribute to a positive grooming experience for both you and your dog.
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gameonoverdogcom · 6 months
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agarolifestyle2 · 8 months
The Blessing of Vacuum Cleaners for Dog Owners
Living with furry companions brings immense joy and love, but it also entails its fair share of challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining a clean and hygienic living environment. Dogs, being active and playful, can often leave behind fur, dirt, and occasional messes that require constant cleaning. This is where vacuum cleaners prove to be an invaluable asset for households with dogs. In this article, we'll explore how a vacuum cleaner, particularly wet and dry vacuum cleaners, plays a significant role in keeping your home spotless and comfortable for both you and your canine companions.
A clean and tidy home is essential for a healthy and comfortable living environment, particularly when dogs are a part of the family. Shedding fur, dirt, and dander are natural aspects of having dogs, but they can also lead to various cleanliness-related challenges. Regular cleaning not only enhances the aesthetics of your home but also promotes a healthier indoor atmosphere by reducing allergens and preventing the spread of bacteria and germs.
Vacuum Cleaners for Dog Owners
Efficient Fur Removal: One of the most common challenges faced by dog owners is managing the constant shedding of fur. Vacuum cleaners designed for homes with pets come equipped with specialized attachments and filters that effectively capture pet hair. These tools work wonders in removing fur from carpets, furniture, and hard-to-reach corners, ensuring that your home remains hair-free.
Dirt and Debris Control: Dogs love to explore the outdoors, and they often bring back dirt and debris on their paws. This can result in muddy paw prints and dirt accumulation on floors and carpets. A powerful vacuum cleaner, especially a wet and dry one, can easily handle dirt and debris, leaving your floors clean and tidy.
Allergen Reduction: Pet dander is a common allergen that can trigger allergies and respiratory issues in sensitive individuals. Vacuum cleaners equipped with HEPA filters effectively trap and contain allergens, preventing them from being released back into the air. This feature is particularly beneficial for households with family members who have allergies.
Accidental Messes: Dogs can sometimes create messes indoors, whether it's knocking over a water bowl, spilling food, or leaving behind wet paw prints after a rain-soaked walk. A wet and dry vacuum cleaner is equipped to handle liquid spills as well as solid debris, making them versatile tools for tackling various types of messes.
Convenience and Time-Saving: Vacuuming can be a time-consuming task, but modern vacuum cleaners are designed to streamline the process. With features like automatic cord rewind, easy-to-empty dust canisters, and maneuverable designs, cleaning up after your pets becomes much less of a chore.
Wet and dry vacuum cleaners are a game-changer for households with dogs due to their dual functionality. They are equipped to handle both dry messes, like pet hair and dirt, as well as wet messes, such as spills and accidents. This makes them an ideal choice for comprehensive cleaning in homes with pets. The wet and dry capability means you don't need to switch between different cleaning tools, saving you time and effort.
When accidents happen, like a spilled water bowl or a muddy paw print, you can quickly switch to the wet mode and clean up the mess efficiently. This versatility makes wet and dry vacuum cleaners an essential tool for maintaining a hygienic home environment for both your dogs and your family. From shedding fur to occasional messes, living with dogs requires consistent cleaning efforts. Vacuum cleaners, especially wet and dry models, offer a practical solution for dog owners seeking to maintain a clean and inviting home. These versatile tools efficiently handle fur, dirt, allergens, and spills, making them a true blessing for households with furry companions. With the right vacuum cleaner for home, you can enjoy the company of your beloved dogs without compromising on cleanliness and hygiene.
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pawesomepup · 9 months
Paws and Play: Exploring the World of Dog Toys
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In the heartwarming world of pet companionship, dog toys stand as the bridges between humans and their furry best friends. From the spirited days of puppyhood to the vigor of adulthood, and even for those who express themselves through barking, dog toys offer a captivating world of amusement, mental stimulation, and bonding. This article embarks on a comprehensive journey through the enchanting universe of dog toys, covering the essentials of puppy toys, the thrill of dog frisbees, and the ingenious barking dog toys designed to keep our canine companions entertained and engaged.
Puppy Toys: Nurturing Playfulness and Growth
Puppyhood is a time of boundless curiosity, endless energy, and rapid development. The selection of puppy toys plays a vital role in shaping a young dog's growth and behavior. These toys come in a plethora of shapes, textures, and functions, offering soft plushies for comfort, teething toys for relief, and interactive puzzles and treat-dispensing toys for mental stimulation. Beyond the fun, these toys aid in developing essential skills, promoting socialization, and forging a deep bond between puppies and their devoted owners.
Dog Frisbee: The Dance of Speed and Agility
For active and agile dogs, the dog frisbee is the epitome of exhilarating play. This iconic flying disc takes the game of fetch to soaring heights, allowing dogs to showcase their acrobatic leaps and mid-air catches. Dog frisbee not only provides a rigorous workout but also fosters a profound connection between dogs and their human companions. Breeds like Border Collies and Australian Shepherds thrive on the challenge, making this activity an ideal choice for those seeking both physical activity and a closer bond with their four-legged pals.
Barking Dog Toys: Harmonizing the Vocal Symphony
Barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, but incessant barking can become a nuisance. Enter barking dog toys, ingeniously crafted to capture a dog's attention and redirect their vocal tendencies. Squeaky toys, ultrasonic sound emitters, and motion-activated playthings engage a dog's senses, effectively diverting their focus from incessant barking. These toys not only entertain but also serve as valuable tools in addressing excessive vocalization, creating a more harmonious living environment for pets and their caregivers.
Innovative Canine Gadgets: Elevating Playtime
The pet industry is a hotbed of innovation, constantly introducing cutting-edge canine gadgets that push the boundaries of conventional play. Robotic interactive toys that mimic the movements of small animals, intelligent puzzle toys that adapt to a dog's skill level, and high-tech fetch machines redefine the concept of playtime. These advanced gadgets cater to the discerning tastes of dogs and their owners, infusing an element of surprise and challenge into daily routines. They are especially ideal for dogs with a thirst for novelty and mental stimulation.
Selecting the Perfect Toy: Customizing Joy
Choosing the right dog toy is akin to finding the perfect fit for a puzzle piece—it should align seamlessly with your dog's size, age, and temperament. Toys should be sturdy enough to withstand enthusiastic play while remaining safe to prevent choking hazards. Regular inspections for signs of wear and tear are essential, with any worn-out toys promptly replaced. Always consider your dog's individual preferences, as tailoring the toy to their unique tastes ensures endless hours of enjoyment and amusement.
In conclusion, dog toys are not just playthings; they are indispensable components of a dog's life, enhancing their physical and mental well-being and cementing the cherished bond between owner and pet. Whether you're nurturing a lively puppy, seeking thrills with a dog frisbee, or managing vocalization with barking dog toys, there's a perfect toy waiting to be discovered. By selecting the right toys, you're not merely providing entertainment; you're nurturing your dog's happiness and creating lasting memories together. So, dive headfirst into the captivating world of dog toys with your canine companion, and embark on a journey filled with boundless joy and endless tail-wagging moments.
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passionneat · 10 months
Elevate Your Living Space with Professional Cleaning Services: A Comprehensive Guide
Maintaining a clean and organized living space can often become a daunting task in the hustle and bustle of modern life. From juggling work commitments to family responsibilities, finding the time and energy to deep-clean your home can feel like an uphill battle. This is where professional Maid for muddy paws services step in, offering a solution that ensures a spotless living environment and frees up your valuable time. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through the ins and outs of professional cleaning services, exploring their benefits, different types, what to expect, and how to choose the exemplary service for your needs.
The Benefits of Professional Cleaning Services
Time Savings: One of the primary advantages of hiring a professional  maid near me service is the time you'll save. Cleaning your home thoroughly can take hours, and by delegating this task to experts, you can use your time for activities you genuinely enjoy.
Consistent Cleanliness: Professional cleaners follow a systematic approach that ensures consistent cleanliness throughout your home. They have the knowledge and tools to tackle even the most stubborn dirt and grime.
Expertise and Experience: Cleaning professionals are trained to use the proper techniques, products, and equipment for different surfaces and materials. Their expertise ensures effective and safe cleaning without damaging your belongings.
Customized Cleaning: Many cleaning services offer customizable cleaning packages tailored to your preferences and needs. You can choose the frequency of cleaning and specific areas you want to focus on.
Health and Hygiene: A clean home improves indoor air quality and a healthier living environment. Professional cleaning services help reduce allergens, dust, and other contaminants that can impact your health.
Types of Cleaning Services
Regular Cleaning: This involves routine cleaning tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, mopping, and general tidying up. It's ideal for maintaining a clean home regularly.
Deep Cleaning: A maid for you cleaning is more thorough. It includes cleaning hard-to-reach areas, scrubbing grout, cleaning appliances, and overhauling your home.
Move-In/Move-Out Cleaning: If you're moving in or out of a property, professional cleaners can ensure the space is pristine for the next occupants or your arrival.
Specialized Cleaning: Some services offer specialized cleaning, such as post-construction cleaning, window cleaning, carpet cleaning, and more.
What to Expect from a Professional Cleaning Service
Assessment and Quote: A representative from the cleaning service will assess your home's size and cleaning needs to provide you with an accurate quote.
Arrival and Setup: The cleaning team arrives with all necessary equipment and supplies on the scheduled day. They will begin by setting up and organizing their cleaning materials.
Thorough Cleaning: The cleaning process begins, covering all agreed-upon areas. The team follows a systematic approach to ensure every nook and cranny is addressed.
Attention to Detail: Professional cleaners pay attention to detail, from wiping surfaces to sanitizing high-touch areas. They ensure your home is not only clean but also hygienic.
Final Inspection: Once the cleaning is complete, a final inspection is conducted to ensure nothing has been overlooked.
Choosing the Right Cleaning Service
Reputation and Reviews: Research online reviews and testimonials to gauge the cleaning service's reputation.
Services Offered: Ensure the cleaning service offers the necessary cleaning, whether regular, profound, or specialized.
Pricing: Compare quotes from different services and ensure no hidden charges.
Customization: Look for a customized service for your cleaning needs.
Professionalism: Choose a service with professional and well-trained cleaners who respect your home and belongings.
In Conclusion
Professional cleaning services offer a convenient and effective solution for maintaining a clean and healthy living environment. They save you time and effort and ensure that experts thoroughly clean your home. Whether you're looking for routine maintenance or a deep clean, these services provide the expertise and tools to transform your living space into a spotless haven. By choosing an exemplary cleaning service, you invest in your home's well-being and quality of life.
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thewildwaffle · 3 years
Humans are Weird - Helium
It's been a while since I got a new story up. I'd been working on some other projects, then had some pretty unhappy life events happen. I am doing fine, so don't worry. Hopefully, now my muse is back and will stick around a while :)
This story is from a prompt ao3
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When you bring together a wide variety of races from different planets and environments, you tend to have an equally wide variety of needs that need to be met from species to species. Ships were typically staffed by a food and nutrients safety team. Custodial teams were careful about residual chemical and oil cross-contamination between particular races. Sections of hab suites had controlled ventilation systems that could be set to various atmospheric needs. Outside the hab suites, at work stations or in communal areas, some species have to be fitted with atmospheric filters. Over the years, these devices have gotten less uncomfortable, thankfully. They weren’t the best, they were a bit bulky, noisy, and in some cases obstructive to the wearer, but hey, being able to properly breathe on a ship with beings who had different atmospheric needs than you was more important than comfort. When the humans joined the galactic community, the newer filters started becoming noticeably smaller and less obtrusive. Many were concerned that the changes would make them less effective, but leave it to the humans to tinker around and invent the impossible when they really wanted to. The latest models were supposed to be so small and comfortable, you could sleep with them on. Heck for some races, you could barely tell they were wearing an atmospheric filter at all. Not only that, they were up to 40% more effective at filtration and gas delivery for many species. This opened up crew rosters for ships. Species who couldn't reasonably be stationed in the same ship due to the gases they breathe being dangerous to others, or vice versa could now be on the same crew.
That included duibs like Marvi who breathe large amounts of helium. She’d been serving aboard Galactic Coalition ships for more standard solar rotations than many of her fellow crewmates had been alive. It helped that duibs were long-lived, of course, and in her time, she’d seen many new technologies come and go. If you pressed her hard enough, she’d likely say that the atmospheric filters the humans developed were by far her favorite. Being able to safely and comfortably pass through different atmospheric biomes was an important ability when you had a long list of custodial and maintenance duties each rotation. Marvi huffed a deep sigh as she rounded another corner. Lighting beam replacements weren’t heavy, but maneuvering them around corners like this was a bit of a pain. “Need a helping paw Marvi?” Marvi turned to see a dark gray priso steadying the end lighting beam she was carrying. The furry face was relatively expressionless, but a clear look at his flicking whiskers and triangular, alert ears and bright eyes told her that he was holding back laughter. He must have just come up from around the other corner and seen the small duib struggling. “Oh, hello Aurrin. I definitely would appreciate some aid, though I would understand if you are busy right now,” Marvi replied politely. Honestly, the help would be very nice and she hoped the offer was serious. “I’m waiting for Human Karl, I can help until he gets here,” Aurrin rose to his back paws awkwardly and grabbed the ends of the light beams in his dexterous front paws. Priso were normally quadrupedal on flat ground, but the forested terrains of their homeworld meant they were at least somewhat adept at grabbing and climbing. He followed along, holding on to the light beams and kept them away from the walls and corners as the pair walked. “I was actually just installing something by the hab suites over there,” he tilted his head back to gesture behind them, “I’ve got something I wanted to test before I go off duty. After that, I’m looking forward to two whole cycles of rest and whatever I want to do.” The corridor here was darker and Marvi stopped walking. This was where she needed to replace the light beam. “Two whole cycles, huh?” She set down the light beam carefully, Aurrin following suit. She pulled out a tool from her hip pack and started working on opening the control panel. In order to open the panels to install the new light beams, she had to make sure power was redirected for safety. “What are you going to do with your time off? Any fun plans?” “A few plans. They might change depending on how my experiment goes.” Marvi worked quietly, waiting on the priso to expound, but other than chuckling to himself, he didn’t say anything more on the topic. Well, Marvi supposed it was not really her business, so she changed the subject and chatted cordially until the new light beam was installed and she rerouted power back to the panel. The darkened hall was filled with bright, cheerful light and Marvi let out a satisfied sigh. “Well, that’s that. Another task down.” The old light beam would need to be taken back to her shop for a repair and gas exchange, or refill, or whatever it ended up needing to get it up and running again. “Thank you again for your help. I should be able to get these back alright myself, I don’t want to take up too much of your time if you’ve still got your experiment to run.” From around the corner of the corridor, the distinct sound of a hab suite door opening was followed by approaching footsteps. A light on Aurrin’s comm device flashed and the priso’s long tail flicked excitedly back and forth. “No worries, it looks like my experiment is already underway.” Marvi felt the frills all along her body perk in curiosity, but before she could ask anything else, Human Karl rounded the corner. He grinned without showing his teeth, as it would have been a sign of aggression to many species on the ship, and gave a small wave as he approached. “Hey Karl,” Aurrin started. Marvi only partially listened as he started in on a spiel about his upcoming off-duty
plans. Instead, she was more interested in a quiet hissing noise and was trying to pinpoint where it was coming from. It sounded like… well it sounded almost like an atmospheric filter, one beside her own. Hers was in light operation since she was in a sector of the ship that was tuned to a generalized setting, but this noise sounded like a filter at full power output. Did Human Karl hear it? Could he hear it? Surely Aurrin could? She studied them, they didn’t seem to notice. The noise had started when Karl arrived, did that mean…? Her suspicions were confirmed the moment Karl opened his mouth to reply to Aurrin. “I’m actually on my way to…” What. The. Frewan? Human Karl’s voice, which was usually a calming deep tone, was disturbingly high and unnatural. The surprised expression on his face made Marvi’s core freeze. That meant this vocal change wasn’t some weird human thing? What was going on?! “I, woah,” the squeaky voice stuttered, “is this… helium? What is this? What’s going on?” He looked at the comm device strapped to his wrist and pulled up the readout. Sure enough, it was an increase of helium output from his atmospheric filter. The skin on his forehead wrinkled as he looked from the readout to Marvi and Aurrin, his eyes finally locking on the latter who was fiddling with something on his own comm device readout. “You punk! How did you do this? Change it back!” Karl started laughing a bit, Marvi wasn’t sure if it was directed at the ridiculousness of his voice or if it was because the helium was affecting his cognitive functions. She worried it was the latter. Panicking, Marvi approached to see if there was some sort of override. She had to act fast! Humans didn’t breathe helium, he could die! Before she could do anything though, Aurrin spoke up while trying to muffle his laughter. “Okay, okay, hoooo… I’ve deactivated it, you’re good. Keep talking though while your voice turns back to normal, you’re hilarious.” Karl gave him a look that Marvi couldn’t interpret. “What was that? How did you do that?” His voice was already back to normal and it sounded like a mix between annoyed, intrigued and amused. “When you came out of your hab suite, you passed a sensor I set up that overrode your atmospheric filter controls. My latest invention. Imagine this: a ship gets attacked and boarded. Normal defenses prove insufficient and the crew is in grave danger. As the hostiles pass hidden sensors, their atmospheric filters are overridden and they fall asleep, get loopy and confused, or simply pass out before they can get to and harm any crew.” Marvi and Karl blinked in unison while Aurrin’s tail swept side to side proudly. Marvi was the first to find words. “Your… your experiment?” Marvi glanced between Aurrin and Karl worriedly, “Is this what you were experimenting with? You ran it on a crewmate?!” “Well,” Aurrin’s ears pulled back slightly, but his whiskers still kept their amused look, “I say experiment pretty loosely. This was more of a field test. I ran all the actual experiments long ago. I knew exactly what would happen. And I did research on humans and I found out what effects helium has on them and I had to see it for myself. That’s why I was waiting for Karl.” The human in question was still laughing a bit - of course, a human would be able to laugh after nearly being asphyxiated, they’re crazy - before he ran his hand over his head to compose himself. “So this was a prank?” “For science.” “Of course. For science.” Karl’s smile suddenly morphed into a thoughtful frown. “Wait. Is this payback for the soap thing I pulled on you last week?” Aurrin’s face was statuesque and solemn as he stared silently at the human for a moment. “Yes.” “You’re the worst.” “Thank you.” “Want to go do this again in front of Aylin? She and Maruti-kar would think it’s hilarious.” “I had been planning on it. But only if we can get video evidence of it.” “For science?” “Naturally.” Marvi watched, hearts still beating rapidly from her panic, as Aurrin and Karl deactivated and retrieved the sensor to reenact the stunt she had just been a witness
to. Almost reflexively, she started tracing the side of her atmospheric filter. The quiet hum and hiss were calming. Helium to her was life. She’d thought it was toxic to others. And yet Aurrin thought it fine to use it on a human, and Karl was not only unworried about it but found it funny. Was it not dangerous?! And his voice? Why did it do that? She pulled up a search screen on her comm device and searched in the human database. Helium. Breathing. Voices. Apparently, helium took up space in their lungs that normally would be filled by oxygen, so yes, it was dangerous because they could asphyxiate. It also amplified higher-pitched tones of their vocal tract while simultaneously dampening lower tones because of the gas’s low density. That explained the voice change. And for some reason, the funny noise was enough of a reason to play around with deadly materials. Well, if anything, she supposed humans did keep to their MO pretty well. She picked the spent light beams back up and headed back to her shop, careful to not hit the ends on any walls or corners.
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wyatt-06 · 19 days
Pre-Work For Grooming
When it comes to the world of professional pet grooming, the term "pre-work" encompasses a set of fundamental procedures that are essential for any grooming session. These steps ensure that the pet's well-being and comfort are prioritized throughout the grooming process. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key pre-work steps, emphasizing the importance of assessing the pet's condition, bathing, drying, nail trimming, pad trimming, ear cleaning, addressing sanitary areas, and checking anal glands.
Pre-Work: Setting the Stage for a Successful Grooming Session
Appraising the Overall Condition of the Pet:
The very first step in any grooming session is a thorough assessment of the pet's overall condition. This evaluation is critical as it allows the groomer to understand the pet's specific needs and limitations. By examining the pet's coat, skin, and general health, the groomer can determine what can and cannot be done that day. It also helps in identifying any existing skin issues, mats, or tangles that need special attention. 
Communicating with the Owner:
Once the initial assessment is complete, it's essential to communicate the findings with the pet's owner. This step involves discussing any potential limitations and setting realistic expectations for the grooming session. Clear communication ensures that the owner understands what can be achieved and helps build trust between the groomer and the client.
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Trimming Nails:
Trimming a pet's nails is not only essential for its comfort but also for its overall health. Overgrown nails can lead to pain, gait issues, and even joint problems. Groomers must use the right tools and techniques to trim the nails safely, avoiding cutting too close to the quick. Regular nail maintenance is crucial for the pet's well-being.
Trimming Pads:
Trimming the paw pads is another aspect of grooming that contributes to a pet's comfort. Excess fur between the paw pads can accumulate dirt and debris, leading to discomfort and potential infections. Trimming the pads ensures better traction and hygiene for the pet.
Cleaning Ears:
 Cleaning a pet's ears is vital to preventing infections and discomfort caused by wax buildup or debris. Groomers use gentle, pet-safe ear cleaners and techniques to remove any dirt or excess wax. It's essential to be cautious when cleaning a pet's ears to avoid causing any harm.
Clearing Sanitary Areas:
Certain breeds require attention to their sanitary areas, where excess fur can trap dirt and create hygiene issues. Pet groomers carefully trim and clean these areas to ensure the pet's comfort and cleanliness. This step is especially important for breeds prone to skin irritations or infections in these areas. 
Checking Anal Glands:
Checking and expressing anal glands is a task reserved for professional groomers or veterinarians. Anal glands are small sacs located near a pet's anus that can become impacted or infected. Groomers are trained to identify signs of anal gland issues and perform the necessary expression if required. This procedure can alleviate discomfort and prevent more severe problems.
The Evaluation Process:
Regardless of the pet's breed or size, the initial step in the grooming process is an evaluation. This assessment sets the stage for a successful grooming session by providing valuable insights into the pet's condition. Moreover, it serves as a means of communication between the stylist and the pet owner, ensuring clear expectations regarding the grooming services to be performed on that day. 
In the world of professional pet grooming, pre-work and evaluation are essential steps that lay the foundation for a successful grooming session. By appraising the pet's overall condition and following a systematic approach to bathing, drying, nail trimming, pad trimming, ear cleaning, addressing sanitary areas, and checking anal glands, groomers can ensure the pet's well-being and comfort throughout the pet grooming process. Effective communication with the pet's owner is also key to setting realistic expectations and building trust. Remember, these fundamental steps are elementary to all professional pet grooming procedures and play a vital role in keeping our furry friends happy and healthy.
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safethaw · 9 months
Concrete Calculators: Tools for Accurate Concrete Measurements
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For every concrete project, whether you are laying a foundation or constructing a driveway, accurate calculations are key. Utilizing a "calculator for concrete" is a practical and reliable method to ensure you procure the right amount of materials for your project, saving both time and money. These calculators help eliminate wastage and avoid shortfalls, ensuring project efficiency. Concrete Calculators And Their Importance A concrete calculator is an online tool that aids in determining the volume of concrete required for a particular project. The calculation process considers the shape and dimensions of the area to be filled, such as the width, length, and depth for rectangular spaces. With the correct figures inputted, the "concrete calculator" generates an estimate of the concrete volume required. Without such calculators, project planning becomes a guessing game, which can lead to either excess material, which is wasteful and costly, or insufficient material, leading to project delays. Therefore, a concrete calculator is an indispensable tool for anyone planning a concrete-related project. Safeguarding Your Concrete Surfaces While a concrete calculator ensures you procure the correct concrete volume, it's also essential to safeguard the integrity of the concrete once it's laid, especially in winter. Winter presents a challenge to concrete surfaces in the form of snow and ice. Traditionally, salt has been used to melt ice, but its use has significant downsides Downsides Of Using Salt On Concrete Salt can be detrimental to concrete surfaces. It seeps into the porous material and accelerates the freeze-thaw cycle, which can lead to scaling and cracking. This damage can result in costly repairs or even replacement of the concrete surface. Additionally, salt can be harmful to pets, causing discomfort to their paws, and detrimental to surrounding vegetation. Safe Thaw: An Alternative To Salt A safer alternative to traditional ice melts is Safe Thaw, a concrete-safe, chemical-free, and toxin-free ice melt that won’t harm animals or children. Safe Thaw can be used on concrete without worry of it causing damage. It provides a better and safer solution to manage ice and snow on your property. Safe Thaw can be purchased from Amazon or The Home Depot, making it readily accessible to all property owners. With Safe Thaw, you can stop worrying about the damaging effects of winter on your concrete surfaces. How To Use A Calculator For Concrete To effectively use a concrete calculator, you must gather all the necessary measurements. This includes length, width, and depth (or height) for the project area. Once you have these measurements, input them into the calculator for an accurate estimation of the volume of concrete needed. However, it's essential to account for potential errors or unexpected situations that may arise during the project. As such, experts often advise adding an additional 5-10% to the calculated amount. Conclusion For any concrete project, the use of a calculator for concrete is invaluable for efficient and cost-effective planning. However, the work doesn't stop once the concrete has been laid. Protecting your investment, especially in winter months, is critical to maintain the integrity of your concrete surfaces. Traditionally, salt has been used to tackle ice, but the damage it causes to concrete is significant. Instead, consider an innovative and safe product like Safe Thaw, which guarantees the protection of your concrete without causing harm to the environment, pets, or children. By using a concrete calculator and Safe Thaw, you can successfully complete and maintain your concrete projects, no matter the season. Read the full article
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cherripeach · 3 years
Chapter 12
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Little Match Maker
Summary: Your life motto is “I have the power of god and anime on my side, don’t mess with me,” and you stand by that with your life. No human, magician, or random creature could ever stop your firm belief in it.
However, getting transported to this world that seemed to turn your already bad luck worse was not what you wanted to be in your life story, but you made the most of it. Making friends, enemies, and disasters, you were in your prime in this world, and so you decided to help as many people as you could flourish, at least what you believed to be.
Chapter 1:9 Fre sha vaca do
Lunch Time Group Chat!
Warnings: Curse words, 
Words: 2.5k
Relationships: developing but future twstxreader
The glare from the upperclassman Prefect standing behind Ace onto Ace could slowly disintegrate you, which is why you are very appreciative it was not directed at you. 
Cater flashed some finger guns and greeted the new face, “Hey there, Riddle! You look super cute today, too!” He even added a wink for effect. 
Riddle, the new face at your table, scoffed and turned his head to face Cater only to tighten his lips, then, relax them into a sickly smile, “Keep talking like that, Cater, and it will be off with your head, too.” 
Cater held up his hands, “Come on now, please go easy on me.” 
Grim whispered to you, “This is the guy who put that weird collar on me during the Opening Ceremony!” 
“Looks like it,” was your only response, but you were more concerned with how someone so small could have so much anger. Closer to hell is what you always believed. 
Riddle moved his sight onto you and Grim before starting his lecture, “You two are the ones who caused a ruckus yesterday, aren’t you?” He pointed his finger at Grim, “Would you refrain from referring to someone’s unique magic as ‘a weird collar’? Good grief, the Headmaster is too soft. Letting someone off the hook for not following the rules once will break the foundation. All those who don’t follow the rules should just say goodbye to their heads.” He shook his head at the end, but he seemed to talk in a continuous sigh as if everything was bothering him.
You mimicked his sickly smile he demonstrated before and started, “I’m sorry, but please concern yourself with your dorm members and their activities before you come at me.” You closed your eyes and smiled tight for dramatic effect at the end.
Riddle’s mouth flew open as he began to mumble, “Wha..what ever could you mean?”
Ace and Deuce were in a silent conversation below the new Prefect while his eyes were still wide on you. 
“I just thought that bullying and threatening to use magic on campus would be against the rules,” You shrugged your shoulders while frowning. 
A little, ‘Hmph’, came out of Riddle before he decided, “I’ll deal with your issue later, but know that the Headmaster may have forgiven you, but the next time you break the rules, I won’t let you off so easily.” 
You lightly rolled your eyes and drank some of your drink because you knew that this boy would take a while for him to calm down about your past mishaps. 
“Um…” Ace butted into your conversation and your glare off with a question, “By the way, Prefect… Is it possible for you to remove this collar?” His hand directed itself to point at the thing around his neck. 
Riddle nodded his head and answered, “I was thinking of removing it once you’ve repented, but judging from what you said a while ago, it seems like you’ve yet to do so. I’ll have you walk around like that for a while longer.You don’t have to worry.” He shook his head with the brightest smile on his face, “The 1st years’ lessons are focused more on classroom learning rather than magic training. If you can’t use magic, then something like yesterday’s ruckus should be impossible. It’s perfect, isn’t it? Now, if you’re done eating, hurry and go to your next class. Rule #271 of the Queen of Hearts: ‘You must not spend more than 15 minutes sitting at the table after you’ve eaten.’You know what happens when you break the rules, don’t you?” His smile disappeared after that, which brought you much more comfort than it should have. 
Ace sighed in response and muttered, “Another weird rule..”
Riddle voiced out, “Answer me with ‘Yes, Prefect!’”
Ace and Deuce both replied, “Yes, Prefect!”
Riddle nodded and ended with, “Good.”
Trey, the savior of you all, cut into the conversation, “Now, now. I’ll see them off, don’t worry.” His normal smile was far stretched too wide for your liking. 
Riddle scoffed for the fiftieth time you have been in the same conversation as him, “You’re the Vice Prefect, so you better do your job properly. As stated by the Queen of Hearts’ Rule #339, ‘After-meal lemon tea should have nothing more or less than 2 sugar cubes in it.’ In order to protect that rule, I shall need to buy more sugar cubes at the school store. I’ll be taking my leave now.” The Prefect was then found muttering to himself and walking away.
“Wait, man!” You tried to get his attention and even stood up, but the small dude was already on his way, too concerned about whatever he was mumbling about. 
Cater shivered,  “Man, that was scary…” Cater turned to you once you sat down, winked, and whistled, “But since I was here, I protected the sweet, little, new prefect from getting hurt.”
You rolled your eyes and thanked in a bland tone with a smile, “You are so amazing, Cat! I can almost see how respected you are.” 
Grim pulled on your coat to get your attention, “He’s really lookin’ like a bad guy now, yanno? That Prefect.” 
“Hey, that’s very rude!” Deuce seemed to disagree, but considering that he was shaking five seconds ago, you would disagree with him. 
“As much as I would like to say, he isn’t a bad guy. He’s really disproving my point,” You claimed. 
Two students with red bands passed by your table muttering something about a rule, you assumed one of Riddle’s, and how there needs to be a bit more freedom. That was all you could take from it. 
Trey and Cater went silent at that and just stared into space. 
Trey sighed before addressing, “The Dorm Head managed to become the head one week after getting into the school. He’s a little bit sharp-tongued, but he’s only got the dorm’s best intentions in mind, so he’s not really a bad guy…”
Grim shook his head, “People who think like that don’t just put collars on others.”
Cater and Trey both laughed before exhaling at the same time. Neither one of them had a smile on their face. 
You brought up something that has been bothering you, “You are right, Grim. However, my main problem is that the tiny Prefect is creating a space of fear and not safety for these boys at this school. Safety and acceptance should always come first. Fear only destroys.” You place a hand on your chin, “That magic spell thing doesn’t seem to help either.”
Cater tilted his head at your, “Hm? You mean Riddle’s unique magic?”
“Unique… “ Deuce voiced, “Meaning, it’s only exclusive to the Prefect?”
Trey explained, “Putting aside all the other magic in the world, magic that can only be used by one person is called ‘unique magic’. I think you’ll learn about it in detail if you pay attention in class.”
You joined in, “Very unique!”
Deuce and Ace only groaned at your joke. 
Cater furthered Trey’s explanation, “Riddle’s unique magic is being able to seal off another person’s magic for a given time.It’s called…
Off with your head!” The Queen of Hearts flashed in your mind while Cater made a cutting motion across his neck. 
Grim shrieked, “Even the name’s scary!” And clutched your cloak in his paws.
Cater agreed, “It is, especially, since magicians having their magic sealed off is similar to having your head chopped off. That's why, as long as you’re in this dorm, it’s better not to go against Riddle.” He smiled warily at everyone. 
You clicked your teeth with your tongue. 
Trey disputed, “Conversely, as long as you follow the rules, he can be pretty gentle.”
“Oh yeah,” Ace blew on his bangs, “Am I gonna be chased out again if I don’t come back with a tart…?” He smiled showing his teeth, but his eyes were narrow along with his eyebrows being stuck close together. 
Cater frowned, “Pretty much, That’s what Rule #53 says, after all. Oh, and since Riddle was looking forward to getting the first slice of that whole cake, he probably won’t forgive you if you don’t bring the same thing,” He ruffled his own hair and apologized, “Sorry about that.”
Ace huffed, “You said you want to get along, but you won’t let me off that easily, huh?!”
“This and that are different,” Cater objected with a sway of his hands. 
Deuce pointed out, “Still, isn’t a whole tart a little bit expensive?”
Ace groaned and smacked the table with his head, “I don’t have that much money though…” He even lifted his head to gaze at you with puppy eyes. 
You gave him a look of disgust back. 
Cater suggested, “Then why not make some?Those tarts were all made by,” He paused for dramatic effect and pointed both his hands to the green haired upperclassman,  “Trey here, y’know?”
“Ooooh,” You just had to comment, “Cute and can cook. Def husband material.” You giggled at the end of your comment. You were insanely jealous of whoever married him. 
Trey flushed a little at your statement and stammered out, “Well, not.. not really…” He began playing with his glasses after; he even took them off to clean them. 
Ace gasped out, “You made all that Trey-senpai?! Amazing! It’s better than what they sell here!” He stood up and motioned to the room around him, pulling a couple of eyes to the table the group was at. 
Trey, glasses back on,  admitted with a cough, “Thanks. I think I have most of the tools and ingredients here… But I won’t simply offer you my services.” His smile returned as his eyebrows rose up. 
Ace broke out again, “Eh?! You’re gonna ask us to pay you!?” He, finally, decided to sit back down because now even more eyes were on him. 
Trey chuckled and shook his head, “There’s no way I can extort money from a junior, you know? The next tart that Riddle wants to eat requires a lot of chestnuts. Would you mind gathering some for me?” 
Ace pouted, “It’s troublesome either way…! So, how much do you need?” 
“It’s going to be used for the Unbirthday Party,” Trey stopped to think, “So about two to three hundred will do.” He put up three fingers on his hand. 
Grim and deuce spurted out and jumped up, “That much!?”
You tilted your head in thought, “But aren’t they real tiny, so I guess it makes some sense…”You squeezed your thumb and index finger together.
Trey answered, “I’ll have you help me with roasting them and peeling them.” As if any of you knew how to do that. 
Grim whined at you, “Can I go back home? Pleaseeeeee.”
Deuce joined in Grim’s whines directed at you, “Me too.”
You blurted out, “No.”
Ace accused the two, “You traitors!” 
“If anything, I can help out,” You volunteered like the amazing person you are, not because it kinda sounded like free food. Not at all, “I don’t know what to do tho, sorry. But besides, it's not like I have much to do or look forward to from that dorm.” 
Cater clapped his hands in glee, “Making them together and then eating them together will make it more delicious!” He closed his eyes and smiled wide, “It’s that making memories that count. It might even help you start a cooking blog for all we know.”
Trey put a finger up to his lip, “Keep this a secret from the Prefect, but freshly made marron tart is the best. The only ones who can eat it as soon as it gets out of the oven are the ones who made it, you know?”
Grim on the same page as you knew this was free food, “Hey, you boys! Get your rear in gear! We’re gonna go pick some chestnuts ‘til we drop!” Food was the prime motivator for your dorm. 
You smirked at the cat, “Matching vibes, are we?” Turning to your green haired upperclassman, you questioned, “Where would we find these anyway?” 
Trey informed the group, “There are a lot of chestnut trees right by the forest behind the school’s botanical garden.”
Ace gave Trey a thumbs up before turning back to you, Deuce, and Grim, “Alright! Then, let’s gather in front of the greenhouse after school.” 
“Go, go! We’re goin’ chestnut picking!” Grim cheered from the table.
“Wait, does anyone know where the garden even is?” You asked. 
All three of them watched you correcting you, “Shouldn’t you know, Supervisor?”
Frustrated beyond belief at these three you smacked each one on the head and told them to, “Screw off, and never beg for anything from me again!”
Lunch ended peacefully with shoves from both Deuce and Ace, and Grim making your hair even more like a yarn ball the cat would love. 
The rest of the day passed by quickly.
In your first class after lunch, which was astrology where two homerooms were combined for it, you blanked out half the lesson and almost fell asleep, but you can really remember seeing and speaking to the feminine boy from the purple house. He dropped his pencil on the ground, and when you tried to give him his pencil that fell off his desk, he snatched it from your hand and rolled his eyes at you. 
You replied to him, “Okay, who shit in your cornflakes today?” 
The boy turned back to you scoffed and cringed, “I’m sure it was from just seeing your face.” 
You just turned away and slapped your head with the textbook, which was not the best idea as it created a noise that alerted the professor who then stared at you with confusion on his face and because the textbook hurts. 
The feminine boy let out a giggle while you were being lectured by the professor, and you were gonna hold that accomplishment high. 
Your last class of the day which was just an introduction of the school and its history had you stuck next to the tall green haired male from P.E. from another class. He never introduced himself, but whenever he would ask questions he would shoot his hand straight up and practically yell in your ear as if the professor was deaf. 
You basically lost your hearing in your right ear that day. The ear will always live with great achievements. 
He also scolded you whenever you said, “Complete bullshit.” to Ace.
Something about how such language should never come out of anyone who goes to the same school as his ‘young master’ does. Now that was ‘complete bullshit.’
The three of your friends laughed at you the rest of the class for having someone your age scold you like a mother would. 
Classes finally ended, and the three of you made your way to the Hearts dorm to drop your bags off.
You were just happy to receive some food for free.
Life has been a disaster! I’m not dead tho. 
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