#but ill probs just leave immediately anyway
You know what, I don't even care that he's left me on read for the moment, the fact is he's seen it whether he likes it or not, and how he reacts is his problem. And that's actually a relief!
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caruliaa · 1 year
deciding if i want my text post about my father for today becuase too many would be whiny to be about how i get very terrifed anytime he raises his voice and thats prob not normal (which i already knew but yk) or a snarky "how come my dads on discord i though that site just pushed and agenda and tricked people into thinking theyre gay? that why i wasnt allowed it right?"
#see i was writing this post from the perspective that the first one was very concering and the second one is funny.#but yk i j realized to people that arent me theyre both concerning. ok.#my immediate response to seeing my dad on discord btw was to leave the official acnh server j bc thats like the most official server im in#and i got Scared. which is dub bc my dad doesnt play acnh why wld he use that server. but i Got Scared.#also ill tell u like the story of this first one which is that like. basically my sibling connected their phone to the internet at school#to reasearch smth and when they did they got a message from our mother abt watching a movie which was prob from sunday bc#apparently my mum was watching die hard then nd they joined for a bit idk but the fact that they got it now meant they kept being like#'thats weird do you guys think my phone is haunted i tihnk it might be' not entirely seriously#i also very like casually kept being like @na its probalby just a glitch those happen'#nd at some point i was very lightly like 'yk i dont think getting into the who thing of if ghosts exist is worth it when u cld just ask abt#the text message later' and rthe thing is fucking !!! my dad was literally agreeing with me !! but like he also seem somewhat actually like#upset and mad over my sibling saying their phone was haunted or at lest he was raising his voice and like seem mad to me#(i think he thought they were bieng fully serious abt the phone being haunted. nd that tht Not True bc it doesnt align w our religous#beliefs. but also idk if he brought up religon at all)#but the thing is my sibling was literally fine but like. auugh i got scared and freaked out#at some point i just put on my headphones nd tried to ignore it until he had moved on yay.#this happended in the car btw u guys need that context bc cars are eveil places for this reason parents are always Saying Shit there . augh#its so dumb like. this is why even when my parents r being fine i cant like. be around them. because they have caused me actual fr trauma#like intense trauma that impacts me every day bc i see them every fucking day. and i cant get away from it. so fun.#anyway. sorry this became a vent. SAD !#flappy rambles#vent
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theloveinc · 5 months
Can we know why she went from best friend to fat footed bitch please👀😂
No worries if not, I'm just up late
lol i actually think i called her a fat footed bitch BEFORE we stopped being friends (altho... probs not much before) becauseeeeee... the last year we were friends was rocky for me and her.
BUT, and prepare yourself: it's really LONG and convoluted because TECHNICALLY it was all a misunderstanding (and related to some unaddressed trauma she had), but basically... her and her sister INVITED me and a plus one (who ended up being my friend) to go see a concert with them and carpool to the train station together, where we'd all subway to the venue. This part all goes fine.
BUT, it's on the way home, after we've trained back to her car... when it's like 2 in the morning, that she (ex-best friend) tells us that she's not planning on taking me or my friend home. She's just driving back to her house where she'll leave us to do whatever for our own ride, BECAUSE, she says, "we never asked for her to carpool us back home."
And this is kind of a problem because... since we just assumed she'd give us a ride home, WE HAVE NO BACKUP PLAN, and neither my mom nor my friend's family is picking up the phone, and so essentially, if she doesn't drive us, we're stranded in the middle of the night.
Of course, as my friend argues (even though I know she'd never call one for herself bc she was terrified of men) we could've gotten an uber... but it's both really late at night and, because this was just after highschool and I WAS FRESHLY 18, just an awful idea.
But the thing that makes it even more weird... is like, as we're arguing, her sister (who literally co-owns the car with her) offers to drive instead... and it's only then that she finally agrees to take us home...
Except that, once we're on the road, SHE PURPOSEFULLY misses our exit and just goes to her house anyway??????? (and by this point, i'm crying, not really because i'm upset at the scenario as a whole, though that too, but because i think she's just not acting like a friend AND BEING hypocritical, as well as the girl who i invited is chronically ill and needs to get home for her medication and bathroom and etc. and I just feel so bad)
So we eventually get to her house... where, once arriving, she just fucks off!!!!!!! and leaves us outside!!! And thankfully, her sister (who is actually still my friend, I love her lol) offers to go back and drop us off at home...
But the whole thing just ends up spiraling because... WELL, there's a lot of reasons, lol:
I left a bunch of makeup and a jacket at her house and text her to make sure i can pick it up later... and she yells at me (over text) about always being selfish asking other people to do stuff for me
This starts another fight where I tell her I just want an apology for not driving me home and that i was never expecting her to drop off the makeup LOL
She doesn't apologize and instead texts a mutual friend trying to get her to talk to me too
and i just stop responding to her altogether
And by the time she messages me again, a couple months later (by which we're both in different states having started college), NOT WITH AN APOLOGY, just simply saying she didn't realize the whole thing would take such a toll, I'm still too hurt to talk to her.... and that's basically the end of our friendship.
OH AND THE WHOLE INSTAGRAM REPORTING THING happened bc her sister invited me to christmas dinner soon after that and she immediately uninvited me... and i made another post about her having made me cry, which her new friend sent, as well as all these other screenshots of posts I made, to her.
i also did eventually get her a birthday gift (as an olive branch) when i was finally not angry and hurt.... but she never ended up acknowledging it (which wouldn't have been super weird except... i was literally at her house celebrating with her sister and she never once spoke to me).
SO YEAH. You probably weren't expecting so much but... here it is!! took me like 45 minutes to type out and i'm pretty sure it's still not the best description but........... THAT'S HOW I GOT MY HEART BROKEN BY A FAT FOOTED BITCH (she's also a zionist now tho so lmaooo i really dodged a bullet there) !
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jackienautism · 10 months
i always thought that sam like. either had a Moment of snapping postgame (like in the police station or something, right after the interviews) or straight up dropped off the map and told nobody where she went immediately after the events of the game. like, she Will do whatever she can to get these assholes (i say this affectionately) off the mountain alive. and she's willing to bite back a lot of what she might feel in order to stay focused on that goal. but afterwards? sam snapping is sooo special to me. i think that if she drops off the map she snaps eventually too (because i do see her returning at some point, i think sam's instincts are to outrun the things that bother her but she does, rationally, see the inevitability of having to face those things. so she comes back.)
[plankton voice] yes yess YEEESSSSS.....
GOSH i can totally see both things happening tbh... like? in regards to after the police interviews, you can just.....TELL she was on the verge of snapping during the interview. just like. the way she was carrying herself and the way she was talking....her EXPRESSIONS....... you can just TELL how pissed off and angry and bitter and betrayed she felt. and its SOOOO GOOD.... esp looking at how at she acted throughout the entire game..... its such a stark juxtaposition to her usual helpful and strong and levelheaded and whatnot demeanor..... and i think that is so TASTY........
and abt her just. leaving without a trace? i can soooo see that happening too. i made a lil thing abt that a while back, abt sam and emily willing to leave EVERYTHING behind them, but gosh..... sam especially.... she absolutely tells no one abt her plans andjust. leaves. maybe she stays near by? or maybe she travels to a different country? or maybe she just sits in her house no longer interacting w/ anyone? who knows. the thing is just. she fucks off and no one knows what she's doing or where she is. and i love that
and her doign Whatever it takes to get all these Assholes off that mountain is so just.... its so interesting to me. bc seeing how close sam was to both beth and hannah, after josh of course, she absolutely held SOME sort of resentment for her friends. albeit extremely buried but, it MUST still be there. and before i think sam sort of. blamed herself for this anger residing in her? bc like. SHE couldve stopped it SHE couldve done more SHE couldve gotten to hannah faster. and its like.... she doesnt even have PROOF that hannah and beth were actually ...... gone. and just based on personal hc, i see sam acting as the groups like ........ therapist. i think after their disappearance, the rest of the group HEAVILY relied on sam in terms of talking w/ her and shit... bc SHE was the closest to them aside from josh, and thus, sort of like. paving sam's way to the rest of the group. which is also based on a hc of mine, i dont talk abt it much and ill prob elaborate some other time, but i always saw sam as the outlier of the group aka not rly a part of their lil thing to begin with. i saw sam as friends w/ beth and hannah at the beginning and thats sort of it. she became associated w/ josh and everyone else bc of course they're siblings. but anyway. yeah! i think she blamed herself for her potential anger due to 1. the lack of proof that beth and hannah were actually gone and 2. the fact that everyone sort of came to HER to talk abt what happened. like. shes everyone's designated therapist..... and who is she to deny that position? who is she to say no? if that what it means to finally feel Welcome into this group, then so be it, you know?
SAM SNAPPING IS SOO SPECIAL TO ME TOO..... i just think her emotional regulation is dogshit LMAO is that even the correct term? i dont even think thats the correct term, but anyway. i just think her regulation of her anger is soooo bad. but in like. the complete opposite way that emily regulates her anger yk? she probably resorts to immediately pushing it to the side (for other people's sake) or blaming herself for that anger, and thus demeaning its...legitimacy
i LOOOVE the possibility of her leaving for a good amount of time and then coming back and still snapping..... i bet she used that time to really ? digest everything that happened to her, her friends, and beth and hannah and josh. which only fueled her anger you know? youre sooo right abt her instinctively running away from the shit that bothers her, while also understanding that she'll inevitably have to face it. so her coming back and then facing that shit and then snapping is so just !!!!!! youre so right anon
and this is all like..... following thebest possible scenario. meaning that everyone lives and stuff. bc i have MANY more thoughts if mike ends up shooting emily and ashley conceals the truth hehehe..... hopefully ill be able to transfer that note into a post tonight or so
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cauliflowereater · 7 months
Pairing: @entidlm X meglepetes😳
Halloween Sweets
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Theme: mild smut (mdni bocs)
Warnings: dom/sub dynamics, fingering (f receiving), piv, unprotected sex (wrap the willy silly!!) semi-public, mentions of butt plugs, dirty talk, eniko doesn’t say anything but it’s all consented
Lmk if I missed smth!😜
As soon as October hit the calendar, your friends couldn’t keep their mouths shut about Halloween. You were everything but excited for the cold and windy month with the annoying pumpkins on everyones front porch. Especially with all these college parties going on with the drunk teenagers grinding on you.
“Sooo what should we dress up as??” Your dearest college roommate asked excitedly. “Wait no no no. I’m not dressing up as anything. This month is gonna be horrible enough as it is, I don’t need a costume for it.” You grumped. “Oh come onnn Enikkoru!!! You’re always like this. You just need a good halloween party to get rid of all this stress!” Your other friend Lisa added. “Yes!! And gues what.. I heard Sunoo will be there.” Hannah whispered and winked at you. “Ugh fine. I guess I don’t have anything better to do anyways.” You finally gave in. “Ughh finally thank you!!! And now, what do we dress up as?” The question came up again. You certainly didn’t want to dress up as anything cringe since you knew there would be cute guys there. You’re feeling sick of the thought of dressing up as cartoon character. “Um guys we could be like disney princesses maybe?? But like in a sexy way?” Somi asked. “Ew there is no way!! I don’t want to embarrass myself.” You said frowning. “Okay chill.” She rolled her eyes at you. “I have to go anyways. Text me if y’all find something cool.” “Ok will do.” Then you quickly slip your shoes on your feet and head to the door.
Later that night.
You were peacefully scrolling on your phone in your bed, cuddling with your plushies under your giant blanket like every other night. Somi was out tonight, obviously. She barely stays here anymore since she got a boyfriend. Anyways, you decided to look for halloween costume ideas since you had nothing better to do. You opened Pinterest hoping to find something cool you could wear to the party with your friends. You found nothing to your liking. How surprising! So you kept scrolling..scrolling. Scrolling. Then you came across Regina George from the movie “Mean Girls” dressed up as a bunny. So revealing, you thought. You imagined how guys would stare at you in that costume. A tear ran down you thigh as you thought about Sunoo complimenting you. Okay you had to do something? You went to the group chat.
You: girls i found smth. *picture*
Bangh💥: oh my. I LOVE THSISSS
jeon somi💋: girlllll. could use a buttplug for the tail😜
You: very funny haha
Ladyboy🐞: love the costume nikoy!!!! sunoo would totally eat you up
You: thanks lisa😘😘
You: ok we should go shopping for this tmrw???
Jeon somi💋: ill get the plugs
You: we dont need plugs thank you.
Ladyboy🐞: actually…
Bangh💥: i could use one tho..
You: no way you guys r trippin fr😂😂👎
Before the party
“Dawg we look hawt” said Hannah. “Your ass soo good in this even your brudda would fuck you😂😂” Lisa joked. “It’s prob because of the plugs” added Somi. “what the fuck” you cursed confused. Your friends were acting up real bad. “Y’all let’s just go i’m getting sick of you guys.” You said. “Nah not until you put that plug in.” Somi nagged. You put your bunny ears up in your hair real quick then you ran out the door as fast as you could. This party is making your friends go wild. You were afraid you’d end up like this too.
Your friends finally caught up with you and you guys walked in the house. Almost immediately, your friends ran off to find their guy, leaving you all alone once again. Great, you thought. You went over to the bar to grab a drink.. alone. Until Sunghoon came up to you. “Hi enikkoru.. looking….good. Nice costume.” He said while eyeing you up and down, stripping you with his hungry gaze. “Oh t-thanks?? Are you the host?” you muttered. “Oh yeah.. you like? Must be boring here all alone though. Wanna come play spin the bottle with me and the bros??” He shouted, since the music was really loud. Obviously. It was a party what did u expect😂 “Okay sure i guess? Must be better than sitting here drinking alone.” You agreed. “Okay great!” He grabbed you wrist and started dragging you right through the crowd. You held your breath and you didn’t want to inhale the warm and disgusting air other people produced. Then you finally arrived to the basement. You coudl finally breathe. There were some guys and there was Somi making out with his boyfriend. Oh and also some other girls. But one person caught your eye. Sunoo in his vampire costume looking fine af. You rubbed your thighs together in excitement. “Ok just sit somewhere and we’ll start in a minute.” Sunghoon said and walked off. You took you chance and squished between Niki and Sunoo. “Oh hi nikoy you look awesome.” Niki complimented you. “Yea, you look really delicious tonight” Sunoo added. You swore you could feel your pussy throb at their words. “O-oh..thanks. You guys look great too.” You tried to keep your cool but it was so hard. Especially, that more people joined the circle, and you were practically squished between them like a sponge. “Shall we start?” The host asked. Everyone cheered and you quietly nodded yes.
A couple rounds went by, then it was your turn. “Ok spin the bottle enikkoru.” So you spun the bottle. You were so scared that you closed your eyes in fear. The bottle stopped. Everyone cheered loudly. You slowly peeled your eyelids open. Your eyes widened in shock, you were in trouble. Sunoo looked at you and smirked. He patted your thigh and got up. “Come on, we gotta get into the closet, let’s not waste our time.” You quickly got up, your cheeks red and flushed. You put your hand in his as he guided you to the closet. Then they closed it. You had 7 minutes in a dark closet with the boy you were dying to fuck since the beginning of the year.
He grabbed you and caged you between him and the wall. He leaned down to your ear and whispered “you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to to this.. and fuck..this costume” then he smashed his red plush lips against yours hard. Your tongues rhythmically moving against each other, fighting for dominance, which he obviously won. While still kissing hungrily, his hand came down to the black leather bodysuit you were wearing and tucked it to the side down there. He quickly ripped a hole on your white leggings so his hand could get access to your pussy. “so wet for me” he smirked then started rubbing circles on your clit and slipped two fingers inside you fast. “so tight and warm inside” he praised you. He was rough. So rough that you started moaning loudly. He smacked his other hand on your mouth to keep you quiet. “Stay quiet or you’re not getting my dick in your pathetic little hole tonight” he whispered as he continued pumping his fingers inside you in a rapid pace. You tried to tune your moans down but you miserably failed. You whimpered as you felt his fingers scissor. His skilled fingers felt too good inside you. “S-ah-sunoo… s-so g-goood” you whimpered under him. He smirked and reconnected your lips once again. Unfortunately, he foudn you g-spot which made you scream into his mouth. “Right there?” he asked and smirked once again. You physically couldn’t reply but the way you were squirming under him, he knew what you felt. You felt the knot building up inside you. “F-fuck..” you moaned one last time before you came all over his hand. Well, you didn’t just cum. You squirted all over him. You hid your face in embarrassment as you realised what you just did.. “Damn I made you squirt just with my fingers? You’re not even gonna be able to take my dick” he chuckled at you. He quickly licked your arousal off of his fingers while you fixed your bodysuit up. “Time’s up!” Jake said and opened the door before you. Everyone looked at you guys. “Did you have fun??” They asked. “Oh the fun is definitely isn’t over yet” Sunoo answered and wrapped an arm around your waist. “I’m getting tired. We’re going upstairs.” he said. Everyone knew damn well you wouldn’t be sleeping tonight. You waved your goodbyes then you let Sunoo drag you upstairs.
When you got upstairs, he pushed you into Sunghoon’s bedroom and locked the door behind you. He threw you on the bed and pounced on you. He started aggressively kissing you then biting and marking all over your neck. He pushed his groin into you so you could feel how hard he was. You gasped at the feeling and started grinding against him. “S-sunoo ah..” you whimpered while taking all the marks he gave you. “Yes princess?” He asked “i-i need you…p—pleasse” you sobbed and begged for him. He gave you a smug grin and stopped sucking on your skin. He peeled the bodysuit off of you and tore the rest of your leggings. Now you were under him, only left in your panties. He impatiently tore his own shirt off so you could admire his toned chest. You brushed your hand across his stomach. Your eyes trailed down to his thighs, which were begging to escape the tight black pants he was wearing. They were so thick. You’d love to ride them one day. Your thoughts were interrupted by him undoing his belt and pulling his pants down. You saw the huge bulge in his boxers and you got shy. You weren’t sure you could take him. You hid your flushed face behind your hands before he peeled them off your face. “Come on nikoy, don’t be scared now..” he pulled his dick out of his boxers and have himself a few pumps. He was painfully hard and already leaking. “Sorry I got no condoms on me. But I’m willing to pay child support.” he whispered. You were too mesmerised by his beautiful cock to tell him that you’re actually on birth control. He was glad he didn’t have any condoms because he was dying to feel you raw anyways. He aligned himself with your hole and slowly pushed it in. “Oh my… you’re so tight baby..” he groaned. You couldn’t say anything. A tear escaped your eye from the sting but he couldn’t care less tbh. He started moving in a very fast pace without giving you any time to adjust. You were screaming his name. That was all you could do anyway. He leaned down and started devouring and licking your chest. You definitely didn’t need the extra stimulation. You were so overstimulated that you squirted on his cock. He couldn’t take it anymore. You looked so good under him, taking him like a good little kitten. He couldn’t last so he came seconds after you. You felt the warm liquid escaping inside you. He pulled out of you and cuddled you into his chest to calm down. “You did soo good enikkoru..i would love to do this more”….
Oke nem birom tovabb vege😜
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viviegirl05 · 1 year
dear science side of tumblr...
i got a severe lyme disease infection in my brain when I was 16. im now 31 and i am a COMPLETELY different person than i was at 16 before i got sick. did the whole chronic illness thing affect my personality?
to be clear, i had was a bacterial infection (lyme is a bacteria) and it gave me what we called seizures but def werent--i legit though they were panic attacks for a year and went to therapy looking to treat anxiety. looking back i have no clue why i thought that. the first episode i had i was in the kitchen making a snack at home alone after school. zero pressure from anyone, no problems with school work, i finally had friends for the first time in years, things were actually pretty good at the time. after a year of therapy my therapist was like “yeah, you don’t have anxiety problems.
i didn’t get diagnosed until almost 18 months had gone by and by then my immune system was basically nonexistent and i probs would have died if i got the flu. it was BAD. i spent months rebuilding my immune system and slept like 18 hours a day minimum for a year (my senior year of hs, but the school was really great about it and i still graduated on time. wish i had taken a year off though, all my friends were in the year after me anyway).
i went off to college the next august and was IMMEDIATELY suicidal. like my parents dropped me off and within an hour of them leaving i realized i wanted to kill myself. 
i didint find a med that worked for my depression for 2 years (i tried to kill myself once by overdosing on painkillers--do not recommend. i got an ulcer that took months to heal) and shortly after discovering i was no longer suicidal a new lyme treatment led to chronic migraines. like, i was in unbearable pain for 21 months. i get botox now and get maybe 4 migraines a month, SOO much better.
all this time i was losing interest in everything i liked as a teenager and didnt really get new interests until like 5 years ago
also ive gained like 150 lbs since i got sick, so that has led to some issues, but im currently positive in my self image for the most part
i also think im ace now? idk i def masturbated a lot in hs but never actually had an orgasm (i always blamed ADHD becuase i would get bored even though i was turned on) but now its like whatever. i have a lot of chronic pain now, so maybe thats why i never feel aroused? when i use edibles for pain treatment i feel so good and pain-free that i sometimes think im turned on but im actually not. i think its just the absence of pain that leads to a pleasurable expereince of not feeling shitty that my brain thinks is good and equates with being turned on? im so confused about my sexuality at this point
the thing is, i dont feel like i am at all who i was going to be before i got sick. like, i feel like my whole persoanlity and being has changed as a result of my illness, not just my health and life/circumstances. 
i have no clue what is going on or what to think. 
any help?
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eruverse · 1 year
So my Mongolia is based off of a few actual Mongolians I admire and like, and this post is going to be dedicated to them 🌞 they’re all public/famous figures, so please be rest assured as I would never divulge any private information of a random person!!
Anyway, my Mongolia isn’t a carbon copy of any of these people tho, but rather he is a culmination of many traits that I like to see in a person with key ones belonging to these people I made as a source of inspiration. To give a spoiler: Mongolia is wholesome because I think he is wholesome, I want him to be wholesome, and the people I based him off of are also all wholesome people. Not that he doesn’t have any fault whatsoever (I think he’s rather perfect tho) BUT even on top of those faults he is wholesome, okay?
I’m going to do key traits + a Mongolian as a source of inspiration.
1) High spirit + good naturedness + humor = this answer by Togi Chinbat on quora
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I was immediately hooked with this answer, I love it so much ❤️
Anyway, that ‘Mongolians never gets depressed’ is just his opinion and likely made in pure humor, as well as the bit on ‘beating the first person you run into on the street’. Please never think that Mongolians just go up and beat a random person like that, that’s totally untrue!! They’re the same as everyone else!! Rather, I think this quora dude here just wants to show the high spirit Mongolians in general have (according to his opinion), even if his choice of words are kinda weird because it’s made in jest!!
I prob took ‘never gets depressed’ to a new height when it comes to characterizing Mongolia as an individual tho LOL but I have no remorse. He DOES feel down, but he prefers (and is able to) keep himself in high spirits because one, that's the mental state he prefers for himself, and two, he's too prideful to look as if he is in a slump. More on this pride later!!
I also chose to make Mongolia inherently hot-headed (even though it's controlled well; Mongolia is a relaxed person in appearance). Obviously not all Mongolians are like this tho, they all come in different shapes and shades like everyone else -- but @mongolmaral once told me, and I've seen some other Mongolians say also, that the name Mongol is thought to come from two words mönkh and gal which together means 'eternal fire'. I love this so much so I want to make Mongolia embody fire in all aspects: full of energy, with his soul constantly burning, high spirited, you name it!! He is a fire that shall never be extinguished.
2) Bravery + tenacity = Manlaibaatar Damdinsüren
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This sir here is an actual national hero who appears in historical textbooks in Mongolian schools. He was an Inner Mongolian Pan-Mongolist military commander who fought against China. He died in the prison after being tortured by Chinese authorities for 107 days and it was reported that he refused to kneel to them, that in the end he died standing because he 'won't be lying dead in front of his enemies'. That is how I view Mongolia -- that even if he had to die, he will die with pride!!
3) Also bravery + determination = dr. Boldsaikhan Bundan
A few years ago, I watched a documentary in NHK-World Japan that deeply impressed me. It was about a cardiac surgeon in UB who, together with his team, made long trips to Mongolian countrysides to find young children with heart defects so they could be operated on for free in UB. Mongolia is a vast country with only a few people so it's often hard for people in the countryside to get proper medical checkup that he and his team found it important to come fetch the patients themselves. In all actuality, not all these heart defects are instantly life threatening but if left untreated they could progress into a whole set of conditions that leave those children permanently disabled as adults.
The thing is the good doctor himself was battling stage 4 stomach cancer (Mongolia has the highest rate of stomach (and liver) cancer in the world). The chemo and radiation often left him ill and sometimes prevented him from making rounds to the countryside, but he was still largely present in the team as its founder and most skilled surgeon. He was clearly in a lot of pain but he refused to let it show, that he kept being in high spirit for everyone's sake. His family and people around him were all in such high spirit too, and bear the doctor's burden together bravely!!
This is the same video I watched on TV and apparently it was uploaded by the youtube channel of dr. Boldsaikhan's team, Beyond the Limits!! I was overjoyed to learn that the doctor seems to still be ok!! There is another similar video also by NHK in this channel, dunno why they're different even though covering the same topic and definitely were made using the same footages; in it is an awesome quote by the doctor: "I can't let my soul die before my body does". THAT is definitely how I see Mongolia.
4) Good naturedness + humor = Nargie from ARTGER
Actually Nargie is the most unlike Mongolia out of all the people here but he's such a good natured guy that he makes me happy whenever I watch videos with him in it. That is how Mongolia is too me too; he makes me happy and spirited all the time. Anyway go watch ARTGER videos!!
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tinylittlebab · 1 year
gonna be 18 in a month :/ and apparently we have to move in july not august so i gotta get a job this month
im so worried well move somewhere were ill lose my thing. for years i had always figured id just kill myself shortly after turning 18 and because of how dates are lining up its actually looking like that might be what i do
i CANT lose this. i told my sister i accepted the reality that we would prob have to move somewhere where id lose it but i didnt tell her that it also means i have no reason to be alive anymore
even if all other current aspects if my life were going great it wouldnt matter. ive poured my entire self into this for over 6 years. ive never cared more about something ever. ive also never had more fun with something ever. i cant lose it.
i dont know. maybe ill be ok enough to not kill myself but. idk. the only reason im not dead yet is because of this. im fully dependent on it. it sounds ridiculous to other people but i feel miserable without it.
well. hopefully i can figure something out. im miserable in every single other part of my life anyway. if i can keep it then none of that matters to me. i do t wanna die because doing this makes me so happy.
makes me feel sad that if i do kill myself now then ill have no friends to speak of to attend my funeral. just my family members. all besides my immediate family and my grandparents dont even know me. they know my siblings but i have avoided leaving the house so much for ao long that i barely have seen them ever.
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honeyfreckled · 3 years
#the first time we did a scene using the spreader bar on me it was literally right after just practicing it on him w no kinda issues#which i wasnt expecting any probs anyway since i was familiar w the maker- having used their restr**nt products in the past#so we do what we do. ya know the scene is goin smooth and we're rlly feelin the fantasy. ok so it gets to the beat where he's supposed#to release me from it....and im sure u can guess what happens by the way im setting this up...shit aint budging. bbs when i tell u#how i had one of those split seconds of the most intense fear shoot thru my entire being. like one of those moments when yr brain#drops all rational thinking and immediately jumps to OH FUCKIN SHIT HOW IMMA GONNA GET OUT?!!!? ohshitfuck we'll have to call#911 and have fucking firefighters break me out! lmao damn near pissed myself. it triggered like a claustrophobic jolt of terror. obvs#everything was fine and it wasnt rlly stuck we just had the keys to the other toy mixed up w it. but ig i tended to freak out in those#earlier days w him bc at this point my disabilities rlly started to impact my s*x life and how i should go abt things. but i wasnt rlly#implementing the kinda changes my body needed me to implement bc at that point i wasnt ready to allow myself accessibility#good thing i fuckin cut that shit out! being able to find a partner who wants to help me find safe alternatives that fit my body's#capabilities and doesnt just say shit like other doms who'd be all- ummm what? isnt u being in pain/uncomfortable the point????-#like no actually. that. that isnt how it works. this isnt supposed to aggravate my illness into a flare up/leave me suffering worse bro.....
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galaxy-of-me · 3 years
world heroes’ mission more like world rody mission
welcome back to me recalling little shippy moments from bnha movies!! spoilers for world heroes’ mission ahead (obviously) :)d
finally some good movie-only characters /j
the entire movie was just abt them so congrats
it’s about the inspiring each other to do better
them being awkward asf upon first meeting lol
pino (rody’s bird) waking up midoriya when rody runs away with the case, meaning he wanted midoriya to chase after him ☹️ (pino is a reflection of rody’s true feelings)
deku taking an arrow for rody!!!!!
deku still smiling at rody even while in pain ☹️
“why did you take that arrow for me?” :(
“is a criminal like me even worth saving?” :((
“if i can save people, it doesn’t matter who it is” :]
roadtrip montage while a banger plays in the bg
rody being embarrassed abt his quirk but telling deku abt it anyway (pino is his quirk lol)
rody telling deku he can handle the work bc deku is injured (i mean he can’t follow through w it bc they get attacked but it’s the thought that counts)
rody catching deku right before he falls
deku picking up on pino’s signals 👍🏻
“i want to be like dad… and deku”
deku running to disable the bombs but finding that rody already did it
^ basically just. a rare moment of deku laughing w his whole soul bc of someone else i’m in tears
rody tries to act like he’s unbothered but deku leaving but pino is literally sobbing on his shoulder lol
rody hangs up the drawing his lil sister makes of the three musketeers ☹️
objectively the ones who got fed the most (for canon pairings)
deku calling todoroki for help and then todoroki inadvertly asking if he murdered anyone LMAOOO
deku texting todoroki in code and then todoroki taking a hot minute to understand it lol
todoroki immediately wanting to go help deku
“i’ve got you!” *proceeds to push deku forward w his hands on his waist for like a minute*
(unrelated but i’m sad they only used those once)
bakugou and todoroki counting on midoriya to defeat flect and then passing out immediately after lol
“DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO” like on 5 different occassions
and then he does what he told him to do
bakugou walks into the room then todoroki just grabs him and drags him back out to go find deku lol
“give me that, ILL BLOW IT UP”
just their typical back and forths tbh
besties at their work studies
they help people evacuate together!!
work study buddies ykyk
they punch people in sync it’s fun 🥰
uraraka instantly denying deku as a murder culprit when it’s announced on the news
uraraka thinking about deku when she’s helping people!
kirishima mentioning bakugou for literally no reason,, he’s fighting off some villains then just goes “that’s what being a hero is about, right bakugou?” like?? HUH?? (keep in mind they’re in completely different parts of the world and bakugou has also been passed out for like 5 minutes HAHA)
kiri putting his hand on bakugou’s shoulder while he gets angry at kaminari lol
they’re w each other for work studies! that’s pretty much it LMAOOO
they get a lil friendship frame during the credits :] as a treat
they’re happy to see each other safe and are just :) smiling together
aoyama’s love language is cheese and he gives deku cheese upon his return, must i say more?
big three
a lil picture of them at the end YAY
wow they like sat next to each other that’s so cool
deku x everyone
he basically goes off to the villain abt how all his friends are trying their best and doing amazing and lists off a bunch of people (rody, todoroki, bakugou, kirishima, yaomomo, uraraka, prob more i’m forgetting)
make sure to tell me if i missed anything :D
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jilyss · 3 years
Sure, yeah, I can accompany you to that black tie event for your work tonight. Wait. Why are we on a red carpet? Are you famous?
thanks for the prompt!! i tried to keep it under 2k but that clearly did not happen lol 
read on ao3
James Potter to Lily Evans at 3:14 p.m.: hey can u call when u get a sec
Lily Evans to James Potter at 3:18 p.m.: sry i was with a pt, what’s up
James Potter to Lily Evans at 3:19 p.m.: i have a favor to ask
It was 3 p.m. on a Friday and Lily Evans was just barely sitting down to eat lunch. She’d sat down in the empty breakroom, kicked up her legs onto a nearby chair, and just barely bit into her sandwich when she had seen James’ text. She replied a few minutes later, too hungry to type anything coherent.
When he called a minute later, her mouth was full of food. She swallowed quickly and pressed the accept button. “Hello?”
“Hey Evans,” he said, and Lily smiled at the sound of his voice. It had been a few months since she’d talked to him. She wished they lived closer, but she had just finished her residency in Manchester and he played football for Arsenal in London, and they were both so busy they didn’t have the chance to get together often. But they were the kind of friends who were able to pick up exactly where they’d left off every time they caught up, and Lily had missed him.
“I saw your game against Southampton last week.” Lily popped a crisp in her mouth. “Nice goal.”
She could practically hear his smirk through the phone. “Watched me, did you?”
“Remember that guy I told you about? The one I was talking to?” James hummed in agreement. “We went out for a drink and the game was on. I try to catch most of your games, but my schedule is a little - .”
“- Crazy, I know,” James laughed. “Are you still with him?”
Lily shifted the phone to her other ear. “No, we kind of just stopped talking.” She didn’t want to tell him that the real reason she had stopped talking to him was that before he found out that Lily knew him, he’d spent several minutes badmouthing James. Once he was finished, Lily gave him a quick rundown of the various ways he was an asshole, and then promptly left. She wasn’t a big fan of him anyway, and that had kind of sealed the deal. 
“Well, good - I mean, so sorry about the bloke, Evans - but I have a problem.”
Lily waited for him to continue, and he didn’t make her wait long. “There’s this event for work. Sirius is out of town, and I would ask my mum, but she went to the last one and just isn’t up for another late night yet, so if you aren’t busy, and I mean, only if you want to -”
Lily interrupted, laughing. “What do you need, James?”
“There’s this black-tie event I have to go to. It’s not a big deal, and we wouldn’t have to do anything. Would you want to go with me?”
Her eyebrows raised and she was a little surprised. “When is it?”
“Two weeks. It’s a Saturday.”
Lily pulled her phone from her ear and tapped on her calendar icon. She had that Saturday, Sunday, and Monday off. She considered her options, but there was really only one. Of course, she wanted to see him because it had been months, and she was never one to say no. She would just need to go shopping sometime before then. “Ok, sure.”
“Really? Brilliant, thanks, Evans.”
They chatted for a few more minutes until Lily’s lunch break was over, and she had to rush off to her next appointment. She sent a quick text to Marlene asking for her help with dress shopping, packed up her lunch and left the breakroom. 
James Potter to Lily Evans: hey, mum got wind of you coming down to london and would luv to see u
Lily Evans to James Potter: EUPHEMIA
Lily Evans to James Potter: of course!!!
Lily Evans to James Potter: i could come down a few hours early
James Potter to Lily Evans: actually do u wanna stay the night? we prob won’t be done until late and it’s a long trip back
Lily didn’t hesitate. 
Lily Evans to James Potter: yeah! I love ur mum and it’s been way too long
James Potter to Lily Evans: sweet, ill see you in a few days x
  Lily closed the door to her apartment, locking the door behind her. She made her way down the stairs and out to her car, carefully hanging her dress on a hook in the back seat. She’d originally planned on just taking the train down, but it would be faster to drive, and she didn’t want to worry about keeping her dress wrinkle-free on the train. 
When she arrived at the Potter’s house (though it was more like a mansion) a few hours later, a wave of nostalgia hit her. Lily and James had become friends at uni, and their friend group often went to the nearby Potter’s house for a home-cooked dinner. Lily had especially become close with Euphemia, James’ mother, and used to go over even when James wasn’t there. 
She pulled into the large driveway and parked the car before grabbing her bag from the backseat. Before she could even get to the door, Euphemia swung the door open and pulled her into a tight hug. “Lily, dear, it’s been too long!” 
Lily dropped her bag and hugged her back, excited to be back. “I’ve missed you, Euphemia!” Over Euphemia’s shoulder, she saw James running down the stairs towards them. Lily swallowed hard as she saw him. He was somehow even taller than the last time she had seen him, and football had definitely been good to him. Normally, he lived in a flat closer to his training facility but had returned to his mum’s house for the night.
As James approached, Euphemia let go of her and James immediately grabbed her into a hug. “Alright, Evans?”
Lily grinned into his shoulder, feeling his arms wrapping all the way around her. She squeezed him extra tight once before pulling away, then put one arm over Euphemia’s shoulders. “I’m doing good!” She glanced over her shoulder at her car. “I’m not sure when we have to leave, but I left my dress in the car, should I…”
“I’ll grab it.” James stuck out his hand and Lily handed him the keys. He was out the door in a second, and Euphemia steered Lily into the kitchen. 
“Congratulations on finishing your residency, Lily! Or really I should say congratulations, Dr. Evans.” Euphemia winked at her. Lily blushed and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. She still wasn’t used to the title, and even though she knew she had fully earned it, it still felt a little unreal.
“Thank you, I’m just glad to be done.” Lily took a seat at the counter, leaning her arms on the counter. Euphemia plopped a pastry in front of Lily, who took a bite without hesitating. She was an excellent cook who was always making something, and on the drive down, Lily had secretly hoped that today would be no different. “This is the best thing I’ve ever tasted. It’s blackberry filling, right?”
Euphemia nodded. “Now that you’ve finished your residency, are you planning to stay in Manchester?”
James walked in and tossed Lily her keys. Lily shrugged, casting her eyes quickly towards James. “I’m not sure. I love Manchester, but I’ve missed London more than I thought.” She took another bite of the pastry, chewing quickly. “I have a job now up there, but I’m not too attached yet.”
“Remus is planning on moving back here,” James cut in. “He just finished his masters, and has a job lined up here already.”
“I wish I got to see him before I left.” Lily glanced down at the counter. “I know I haven’t been able to visit a ton, but hopefully I can now.”
Euphemia patted her hand, eyes twinkling. “We know you were busy with your program, but you could make it up to us by moving back here.”
“Mum! Don’t guilt-trip her.”
Lily laughed and finished off her pastry. “I’d do anything to be closer to your baking, Euphemia.”
“I’ll make your favorite custard tarts every day, Lily.”
James snuck a blackberry pastry behind his mother’s back, holding a finger over lips to Lily. She grinned at him before turning back to Euphemia. “You know, the only reason I agreed to go with James is because I wanted to see you.”
Euphemia clutched her hands over her heart. “I always knew you were my favorite, Lily.”
Lily sent a wide smirk at James, whose mouth was so full of pastry he couldn’t retort back. Euphemia glanced at a clock. “James, what time did you say you were going to be leaving?”
James checked his phone. “The car is coming at six. We’ve got about an hour.”
Lily raised her eyebrows and moved to the sink to wash her sticky fingers. “I need to do my hair.”
“You know who else needs to do their hair?” 
“Mum, for the last time, my hair is fine.” James dodged his mother’s attempt to smooth out the tangles on his head. 
Euphemia turned to Lily, hands on her hips. “Don’t you think he needs a haircut?”
Lily pursed her lips at them, staring at James. “Actually, I think he looks good with that mess. Hides the rest of his face.”
James tried to flip her off just as his mother turned around, saying “Nevermind Lily, you aren’t my favorite”, and was rewarded with a swat from an oven mitt.
She grinned at him and headed back to pick up her bag by the front door. “Can I use your bathroom?”
Euphemia pushed James towards Lily, smiling and muttering something about James’ hair. He grabbed her bag from her and walked up the stairs. “Mum put you in the guest room next to mine. There’s a bathroom in there you can use.”
Once they’d arrived, Lily expected him to disappear into his room until she was ready. Instead, he sat on the carpet next to the bathroom, looking up at her. They started talking, Lily curling her hair as they talked. It was nice catching up with him, and Lily had a hard time concentrating on getting her hair right when she could watch James through the mirror. 
It was a quarter to six when she glanced at her watch and realized he was still wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. “This is a black-tie event, right?”
“Shit, yeah, I’ll be right back.” He jumped up and closed the door behind him. 
Lily put the finishing touches on her makeup - which was relatively simple because any makeup skills she used to have basically had disappeared in the past few years. James had brought up her dress bag, and she unzipped the bag and pulled it out. Luckily, it was still wrinkle-free, and in a few seconds, she had wiggled into it, zipped it up, and slipped on her shoes. 
Somehow, James had made it downstairs before her and was talking quietly with his mum in the kitchen. Lily walked in, heels clicking quietly, and they turned to look at her. 
She heard Euphemia’s quiet gasp and James’s soft ‘woah’. Blushing again, she did a little turn. She was wearing a silver floor-length dress paired with black heels. It was relatively simple, with small straps and a waist that hugged her hips and then dropped straight to the floor. Marlene’s eyes had practically bugged out her head when Lily had tried it on, and judging by the way James was looking at her right now, it was a good choice.
James hugged his mum and made his way to her, holding out his arm. “You don’t clean up too bad, Evans.”
Lily took his arm gratefully. “Oh, this old thing?”
Behind them, Euphemia was insisting on a picture, and Lily put her head on James’ shoulder, smiling for the picture. But Euphemia took a second to get her phone ready, and James tilted his head to whisper in her ear. “You look amazing, Evans.” 
Euphemia, finally ready, held up her camera and Lily didn’t get a chance to respond. She hoped he didn’t notice the goosebumps that had popped up on her arm when he had said that. She snapped the picture, and then, arm in arm, they made their way out the door. 
Lily had been expecting an uber, but instead, it was a small limo with a chauffeur. She gave James an odd look, who just opened her door for her and helped her in. Lily waved goodbye at Euphemia, and the driver took off. 
“So what is this event for, James? I don’t think you ever told me.”
James tugged at his tie. “Uh, just an awards ceremony.”
“An awards ceremony?”
“Are you getting an award?” The driver slowed to a stop, and Lily could see a long line of cars in front of them.
“Uh, no.”
“Are you just being humble?”
James tugged at his tie again. “No, I’m definitely not getting an award.”
Lily frowned as the driver inched forward again. She could hear some yelling in the distance, and she glanced out front again. “You’re one of the best on the team. Didn’t you say this was some team event?”
“Uh, no, I never said it was a team event.”
Lily glanced out front again and saw a team of photographers running towards the noise. Her heart rate started to pick up. “James.” 
He looked at her, half smiling and half nervous. “Hm?”
The car inched forward again and now Lily could see a red carpet going up a flight of stairs. She looked outside the window and realized exactly where they were in London. As she connected the dots in her head, her eyebrows raised.
She rounded on James. “What’s this event called?”
He had a bit of a smug look on his face as he answered. “The Brit awards.”
“The Brits? As in, famous award show with lots of famous people, the Brits?” Lily hissed. She smacked him on the shoulder with her purse. “Are you’re just telling me this now?”
He winced slightly. “Yes?”
Lily groaned and sat back in her seat. They were only a few cars away from the red carpet, and she could see the crowds of people all around. “You aren’t a musician.”
“No, but they usually invite a few athletes. David and Victoria Beckham are usually here.” He shrugged. “They invited me this year.”
Lily smacked his shoulder again. “I cannot believe you didn’t tell me this. You said it was no big deal.”
“Well, I’m not getting an award or anything, so it’s really not a big deal -” Lily shot him a look and he stopped talking. 
He ran a hand through his hair, tousling his brown locks. “Look, Evans, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I kind of thought you would just figure it out?”
Lily tried to stop herself from smiling, but it was just so James that she had to laugh. He had an ego the size of England, but at the same time, was somehow humble enough to think that getting invited to a giant award show was no big deal. But she didn’t have time to process this new information before their car was at the center of the red carpet, and a man in a suit came to open their door. 
“You alright?” 
Lily took a deep breath and nodded. James slid out first, then held out a hand for Lily as she climbed out of the car. She stood carefully, adjusting her skirt and then, with shaking hands, reached up to fix James’ tie. He grabbed one of her hands and squeezed it. “We can go back if you want. I really should have told you, sorry Evans.”
“I’m a doctor, James. I have no clue how to handle this.”
He squeezed her hand once more. “They’re going to love you. Just follow me, yeah?”
Lily returned his squeeze and turned to look at the flashing lights of the cameras and swarms of people. This was way different from what she had been expecting, but she definitely wasn’t going to leave now. She took another deep breath and turned back to him with a smile. “Do you think Lewis Capaldi is here?”
He grinned, ran a hand through his hair one more time, and led her up the red carpet. 
An assistant led them through the carpet, although James was so charming and charismatic that they didn’t need the help. They smiled for pictures, a few serious ones with James’ hand on her hip, and a few with his arm more casually over her shoulder and her head leaning on his arm. James had a few interviews, which mostly focused on what he was excited to see inside. A few reporters asked who she was, and James introduced her each time as “my friend from uni, Lily Evans.”
They even asked her a few questions, curious about this mysterious girl James Potter had with him. Lily blushed each time, but his steady presence next to her helped her remain calm and collected, but by the time they were inside, she felt even more out of her comfort zone. 
Their assistant led them to their table and then waved goodbye. Their table was so far empty, and since James wasn’t up for any awards, they were towards the back, which let them spy on the stream of celebrities, musicians, and assistants.
Lily was still shaky, and that only increased they watched Stormzy, surrounded by assistants and friends, take a seat at the very front. Normally, Lily wasn’t afraid of new situations, and usually, she thrived in them, but she just hadn’t been prepared for this. James noticed that she was still a little nervous, and as she took a sip of her drink, he put a hand on her bouncing leg. “You alright?”
His hand, warm against the fabric of her dress, only made her more nervous. She smiled at him and internally resolved to enjoy the experience. How often would she get to be in a place like this?
An older couple joined their table a few minutes later. The husband was the manager of James’ team, and James introduced Lily. A few minutes later, they were joined by more people, and Lily and James got pulled into two different conversations, but James’ hand never left her thigh.  
A four-course meal was served as the performances started, and everyone clapped after Mabel performed “Don’t Call Me Up”. There was a crowd by the stage for the cameras, but Lily noticed that not many people seated at the tables were standing up for the performances. James and Lily were seated on the side of their table, and after glancing around, she realized they wouldn’t block anyone’s view. 
When Lizzo took the stage, Lily jumped to her feet, grabbing James’ wrist. “Stand up!” 
He didn’t hear her at first, and she bent at the waist to speak into his ear. “Stand up!” He popped up next to her, putting one arm around her shoulders again, while she wrapped her arm around his waist. They danced like no one was watching, swaying back and forth together, although they certainly got a few odd looks. Lily was laughing at his singing (he knew every word of all of Lizzo’s songs), finding that she had a hard time focusing on the music when he was so tall and warm next to her. They sat down again a few minutes later, but James’s hand stayed in his pockets.
The award show eventually ended, and Lily and James stood outside, waiting for their chauffeur. But there was a long line, and after a few minutes, Lily looked up at James. “Want to get a little ways away and call an uber?”
He immediately nodded and followed her, one hand in his hair. They made their way out of the building, James occasionally getting stopped by someone he knew or when he got recognized. By the time they were out into the night air, it was nearly one am. 
“I’ll call the uber,” James said. He shrugged out of his suit jacket and swung onto Lily’s bare shoulders, and she smiled gratefully. A few taps later, he tucked it into his pocket and pointed down the street. “I said we’d meet them down there. There’s too much traffic back there for them to get through.”
They were quiet for a few minutes as they walked side by side. There were still quite a few people out, but for the most part, they were left alone. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you what we were going to.” James kicked out at a loose rock on the sidewalk. “I guess I didn’t think about it.”
Lily pulled his suit jacket a little tighter around her and shrugged. “I had a lot of fun. A little nerve-wracking at first, but I’m definitely not mad you invited me. I just didn’t know you were so famous.”
He frowned. “I’m not famous.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Huh. Then how, exactly, did you get an invitation to the Brit Awards?”
He shot her a smirk. “My thick thighs.”
“James Potter, your mum was right, you need a haircut to humble you.”
A car pulled up next to them and James checked the license plate quickly before opening her door again. “So you agree, I have thick thighs.”
Lily waited for him to climb in before she continued. “You have thick thighs but I’m not sure why that would help you get an invite.”
He shrugged nonchalantly, turning to face her in the backseat. “Raw sex appeal.”
Lily’s eyebrows raised even higher. “Raw sex appeal.”
“Mmhm. Raw sex appeal.” James put his hand over the back of her headrest, causing his shirt to pull tight against his torso. Lily had to pull her eyes from the outline of his muscles, and when she met James’ eyes again, it was clear he had noticed. 
“Well, that can’t be it. You don’t have a single drop of that.”
“That’s not what my mum tells me.”
“Your mum tells you that you have ‘pure sex appeal’?”
“Evans - “ James tried, but Lily had won their little battle of words, and there was nothing he could do. “Alright fine, it was not my sex appeal.”
“Glad we finally agree on that.” 
 Euphemia was in bed when they got home, and Lily and James crept upstairs to change. Lily changed into shorts and a sweatshirt, tossed her hair into a bun, and decided taking off her makeup was a later problem. James beat her downstairs again and was standing in front of the open refrigerator. 
Lily snagged another blackberry pastry, groaning as the sweet taste filled her mouth. James turned around with half of a sandwich in his hand. He walked into the pantry and grabbed some glasses and red wine before moving to sit next to her at the counter. Lily shifted to face him as he pointed to his legs. 
“I wore shorts just so you could see my thick thighs. And raw sex appeal.” Lily glanced down to see a pair of very muscular thighs hidden behind grey shorts. She swallowed hard and bit into her pastry. 
“If you say so.”
There was quiet padding behind them, and Euphemia walked in, wrapped in a bathrobe and hair in curlers. “Oh! I’m so sorry, did we wake you?”
She shook her head, squinting in the kitchen light. “I wanted to ask you how it went.”
Lily didn’t hesitate to throw James under the bus. “Your son told me this award ceremony was no big deal.”
“No!” Euphemia gasped. “You didn’t tell her it was the Brits?”
James shrunk slightly under his mother’s glare. “I may have forgotten to mention it.”
“And he told me he has raw sex appeal.”
“Is that so?” Euphemia turned to James, hands on her hips, but the laughter in her eyes made it clear that she was enjoying embarrassing him. James just shot his mother a winning smile, and Euphemia turned to Lily. “Did he treat you right?”
“Oh yes, a perfect gentleman.” But just as she said this, James' hand crept back onto her bare thigh, his thumb rubbing light circles under the table. Lily’s stomach flip-flopped.
Euphemia winked at them and pointed to the kitchen. “Help yourself to anything in the kitchen, dearie. James, stay out of the ice cream, I’m saving it for tomorrow.”
James kissed her on the cheek as she left, then grabbed the wine and glasses. “You want to go outside?”
Lily grinned and moved to grab some blankets from the living room. James was bent over the firepit on the back patio, and in a few seconds, had managed to start a warm fire. She handed him a blanket, scooting her chair close to his and wrapping herself up. He handed her a glass of wine then settled back into his chair. 
“Coming out here was always my favorite thing to do at your house,” Lily said. “It just… it just felt like one big family.”
James fanned his fingers out over the flame. “How long has it been since we were all together? Like three years?”
“Four,” Lily said quietly. “We haven’t all been together since graduation.”
“We’ve come a long way since then.”
“Yeah.” Lily shifted in her seat. Then she asked a question that had been weighing on her mind since he had called her. “Why did you call me?”
She expected him to give her a joking response, but to her surprise, he took a minute to think. “I missed you. It’s been a while.”
“No girlfriend? No pretty famous person who is sliding into your dms?” Her voice was teasing, but it was a genuine question. James had it all - fame, money, talent, looks - why did he ask her to go with him on the red carpet?
He laughed lightly and shook his head. “C’mon Evans, you know that’s not me.”
He was right - Lily couldn’t see him ever actually caring about his fame. It just wasn't him. Sure, he had an ego, but he’d matured so much since freshman year of uni, and Lily had been more than impressed with him on the red carpet. “You handled it so well today. Everyone loves you. ” 
“Everyone loves you, Evans. You had less than thirty seconds notice that you were going on a red carpet and you adjusted in what - ten seconds?”
Lily stayed quiet, taking a sip from her glass. “We’ve grown up a lot since uni, haven’t we?” He didn’t reply, just staring into the fire. Lily continued. “I don’t know if I could have done it tonight if it wasn’t you with me. You just made it easy.”
He shrugged. “I used to go to a lot of events with my mum and dad.”
Lily wanted to reach out and shake him and tell him that no, it was just James that was so charismatic and caring and charming. He didn’t seem to know the effect he had on people - had on her - that made them open up and happy -
And then all of a sudden, Lily realized just exactly what her feelings were. The reason she had a hard time taking her eyes off him or kept having to fight the urge to just hold his hand, and why she suddenly did not want to go back home.
Her eyes flicked at him, tracing the lines of his face and watching the light dance on his hair. James seemed to sense that she was watching him and glanced up at her. She just smiled softly and pulled her blanket tighter, heart pounding.
James downed the last of his drink and stood up, brushing off his pants. “I think I’m going to head to bed.”
Lily was a little surprised at his sudden decision, but felt a yawn coming on and stood up with him. James extinguished the fire, Lily grabbed the wine bottle, and they headed inside. They were mostly quiet, but just before Lily entered her room, she pulled him into a tight hug. “Thanks for tonight. I’m glad you invited me.”
James wrapped his arms around her and Lily could feel her heart rate increase again. He didn’t pull away, but she was worried that he could hear her pounding heart and didn’t linger. She waved goodbye to him, then went into her room. 
The blanket was still hanging on her shoulders, and she buried her nose in it, leaning against the door. She closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. Tonight had not been anything like she had expected, and she was incredibly grateful she had said yes. But there was a problem. She hadn’t anticipated her newfound feelings for James and had no idea how or when they had started. All she knew was that she was going to kick herself for months if she didn’t tell him how she felt. 
But the problem with that was she had no idea if even liked her. But thinking back on the night, Lily hoped the hints he seemed to be dropping really were hints and not just things close friends do. Like the way he had held her hand on the red carpet, the way he kept putting his hand on her thigh, or the way he had looked at her when she’d first come downstairs. 
Lily tilted her head back to rest on the door, gave herself a mental pep talk, threw open the door to her room, and marched across to James’ bedroom. She knocked quietly on the door, and he opened it a few seconds later. 
“What’s up?” he whispered. Lily took a tiny step forward and he stepped back to let her inside. She stood only a few inches away from him, the blanket still wrapped around her. 
“Why did you call me?” her voice was so quiet that she barely even heard it. “You never answered my question.”
Lily’s mouth twitched upwards. She took a small step forward. “I think you can call me Lily now, James.”
He opened his mouth and then clamped it shut. He seemed to be fighting himself internally, and Lily couldn’t handle it more. She closed the gap between them, standing on her tiptoes and pressing a rough kiss to his mouth. He didn’t respond, and Lily pulled away, feeling her stomach drop. She looked up at him, trying to gauge if she had just made a terrible mistake. 
She was just about to step back, ready to apologize, but his dark eyes flashed and his hands reached out to grip her face and pulled her back. The blanket slid to the ground as Lily wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him down to her, and the warmth of the blanket was lost. One of his hands moved to grip her hip, the other on the small of her back, pulling her against his chest. His warmth replaced the chill as Lily moved one hand to play with his hair. He groaned against her lips as she tugged on it, tilting his head back so that she could press needy kisses along his jawline.
He stepped to the side, pulling her with him towards the bed. The back of her knees hit the edge of the bed, and she immediately sat, grabbing onto the collar of his sweatshirt and pulling him down with her. The rough movement made their noses knock together, and Lily just laughed as James pulled away a little ruefully to rub it. Lily took advantage of the space between them to pull his shirt over his head, and as soon as it was tossed to the side, James dropped back to her, warm fingers trailing up her sides.
 “You think your mum heard us?” Lily was lying under the covers with her head resting on James’ arm, one hand tracing the lines of his stomach. 
“Way to ruin the mood, Evans. I love talking about my mum right after sex.” Lily laughed as he buried his face in a pillow. She reached out to play with a strand of his hair. James pulled his face out of the pillow to look at her. “You weren’t exactly quiet, were you?”
Lily blushed violently as he shifted to kiss her neck again. James had excellent stamina, what could she say? He seemed to know exactly what spots got to her, and it quite possibly had been the best bloody shag of her life.
Not that she would tell him that - she didn’t want his ego getting any bigger. Instead, she shifted onto her elbow, letting the sheet slide down to her waist. She smirked as his eyes slipped downwards and he swallowed hard, letting his hands wander freely. Pulling her hair out of her face, she bent down to pull him in a needy kiss, and that was all the prompting he needed to roll on top of her again. 
 After getting back so late and an active night, they slept in late. Lily woke up first, with James sprawled out on the bed next to her. She watched him for a minute in the soft morning light, then got dressed enough to quietly pad across the hall and back into her room. She showered quickly, scrubbing off last night’s makeup, then dressed in shorts and an oversized shirt. 
The kitchen was empty, but Euphemia had left a note on the counter about waffles in the fridge, and Lily didn’t hesitate to pull a few out. She had just put a few in the microwave when James shuffled in, wrapping his arms around her from the back and burying his head in her neck. He inhaled deeply, and his warm exhale gave Lily goosebumps. “You smell good,” he murmured, shifting some of her wet hair off her neck, giving him unrestricted access. Lily’s head tilted back to rest on his shoulder as his lips trailed up and down, humming softly. 
Lily would have taken him right there and then if Euphemia hadn’t walked in that exact second. She tried to put some distance between her and James, a little embarrassed that she’d caught them like that, but James kept his arms tight around her, laughing. 
“Morning mum,” he said brightly. “What are you up to?”
“Just out for a bit of gardening.” She waved her dirty hands and raised an eyebrow quizically at them. “Jamie dear, do you have something to tell me?”
James rested his chin on Lily’s shoulder and whispered something in her ear. She nodded, tipping her head to the side to see him, a smile breaking out on her face. He smiled too, his thumb rubbing slow circles on her stomach. He looked over at his mother, who was now washing her hands, and said “Mum, I want you to meet Lily Evans, my girlfriend.”
Euphemia gasped and spun on her heel to look at them. “Well, it’s about time!” She reached out and pulled Lily from James’ arms. “Oh! My hands are all wet.” She released Lily from the hug and jumped up and down. “I always hoped you two would get together!”
James grabbed Lily from behind again, pulling her close. Lily shot her an odd look. “You did?”
Euphemia winked at both of them and James groaned. “She loves you too bloody much.”
Lily patted his hands, which had slipped just under the hem of her shirt, consolingly. The microwave finally beeped and she pulled away to grab the plates. Euphemia disappeared back into the garden a few minutes later, and Lily joined James back at the counter. They dove into the food, both starving. 
James slid his hand on her thigh, and she put her hand over his, not wanting to be apart just yet. When they’d finished, he turned to her, one elbow leaning on the counter. “So, Evans, want to stay the night again?”
She pretended to think about it. “I’m sure Euphemia would enjoy my company.”
James pushed his plate away and stood up. Lily turned around to face him, and he stepped forward until Lily’s back hit the counter. He kissed the corners of her mouth, then moving back down to her neck. “No other reason?”
Lily was having a hard time concentrating. “I can’t miss out on the blackberry pastries.”
“Any other reasons?”James sucked slightly at the sweet spot he had discovered last night and Lily’s fingers dug into his shoulder. His free hand fingered the waistband of her shorts, and Lily couldn’t take it anymore. She kissed him, one hand fisting in the hair that she just couldn’t seem to get enough off. Still on the barstool, Lily wrapped her legs around him and he lifted her, kissing her all the while. 
“I can think of one more reason,” she managed to get out as he carried her up the stairs.
James threw open the door to his bedroom, tugging his shirt over his head. “Oh?”
Lily mirrored him, tossing her sweatshirt to the side. “Raw sex appeal.”
James’ eyebrows raised. “Oh yeah? Tell me more?”
Lily didn’t answer, instead just pulling him to the bed and laughing at the devilish look in his eyes. 
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mypersonmyg · 4 years
Colors | MYG
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*thanks @namluve for the amazing banner!!
Pairing: Yoongi x reader
Genre: angst, fluff, flipped au
WC: 11k
Warnings: angst, some of the boys being stinky jerks :-( (even tho they’re the softest bunch uwu), cursing, mentions of anxiety (nothing too deep yet, but it’s there), NOT EDITED AT ALL OMG IT’S PROBS SO BAD
Summary: When you meet your new neighbor Min Yoongi you immediately fall for him and have no issue telling him how you feel. Yoongi does not feel the same and makes that very clear. Just when you decide that maybe you were wrong about him, Yoongi starts to have his own change of heart.
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a/n: Oof, this one is rough and I’m not really sure how I feel about it. I decided that, for the sake of time, this is going to be a two-shot rather than a one-shot. It could probs be read as a one-shot tho, but it would have a lot of loose ends so...Anyways, this is my angst entry for bangtanhq’s summer boardwalk collab! Depending on how I’m feeling this might undergo major reconstruction before I post the second one-shot, but for now it is here and ready to be heavily criticized ahahaha...also I’m not really sure how angsty the angst is :\
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The sun beats down against exposed skin, the bucket hat perched atop your head doing very little to protect you from the sweltering heat. Your mud coated fingers glide over the baseball sized clump of dirt, once filled with tiny pieces of sediment, now smoothed over as much as you could manage. You gently place it in with the two others you’d been able to scrounge with the mud you collected earlier in the day. 
 You hum at your progress, swiping the remaining grime onto your shorts, already soiled from hours of crafting.
Your thighs have settled comfortably against the ground, the grass beneath you smushed against bare skin, the earthy scent settling into your nostrils. Despite the glowering sun the day is perfect, the chirp of birds and the rustle of luscious leaves floating in and out like a melodious tune. 
Glancing to the sky, clouds few and far between, you make accidental shapes against the blue backdrop. Fingers come to swipe your cheek, a streak of mud left against damp skin. Were it not for your ill equipped supplies and dirt stained palms you’d whip out a blank canvas ready to explore the perfect subject glinting from above. Instead you’re busied with the arrangement and rearrangement of brushes and buckets until the dark of a looming shadow pulls you from your task. 
Peering down at you with a smile rivaling the pearly white of freshly waxed marble is Park Jimin, his hair a flattering blue and his brows furrowed in amusement. “Thought I’d find you here.” 
“How perceptive of you.” His arm extends enough for you to grab hold, the muscles flexing at your added weight as he pulls you to your feet. He grimaces at the slip of mud gliding against his skin, “It’s just a little dirt you pansy.”
“I personally prefer not to walk around covered in it.”
“It’s not like I prance around slinging mud everywhere! You knew what you were walking into, sir.” You quip with the toss of a towel blindly in his general direction, “Did you need something?”
“Yes actually,” He replaces the towel, trading in the soiled rag for a stray paintbrush. You watch as he traces shapes into the air with childlike amusement, “I just wanted to remind you that my roommate is moving in tomorrow.”
“Okay...why? He’s not my roommate.” 
“But you’re my friend and I want you to meet him. Preferably not looking like you just army crawled through the woods.” Jimin taps the brush to the tip of your nose, the rough edges of the bristles causing a crinkle amidst the onslaught of a sneeze.
“You’re quite the nuisance, Park Jimin”
“Lucky for you,” He adds, hefting your supplies into his arms with a grunt. “Now come on, I’m starving and you’re definitely gonna collapse from heat stroke if you don’t get inside.” 
“So tell me about your new roomie,” You fall into step, easily keeping pace with Jimin’s strut. He glances over with a tilt of his head, the grip of his stubbed fingers nearly slipping from your overflowing bin. 
“Well, his name is Yoongi and he’s a little older than me. We were cool back in college, we met through Taehyung because they’re from the same city.” Your head dips, acknowledgement seeping from the gesture meant to encourage his continuance, but it never follows suit. 
“Is that it?”
“Is that all you know about him? His name is Yoongi and you guys were kinda friends in college?” The words come in a scoff, your hand nearly halting Jimin from walking into the building, though the grimace of concentration tugging at his lips pulls you back. “This guy could be waiting to kill you in your sleep and you’re all ‘hey I’ve got a spare room, you should have it’!”
“I think you’re missing the part where I said he’s friends with Taehyung. You like Taehyung, remember?”
“That’s not the point,” You huff, elbow shoving against the elevator key. You glance down, groaning at dirt fallen from the heels of your boots.
“This is why we don’t play in the mud,” Jimin pokes with a click of his tongue. 
“Oh, ha ha. But seriously, Jimin, what did you ask this guy before you just offered him a key?”
“To be fair he doesn’t have a key yet, I had to make copies.” You look deadpan, hands gripping the mud soaked towel and scooping the wasted goop from the freshly polished tile, “I know he’s opening a restaurant in town and he needs a place to stay. Tae knows him really well and he really is a cool guy from what I can remember.”
“I just don’t want you getting yourself into something you’re not prepared for.” 
“Don’t worry, I’d never let some random psycho come to live with me, I’d definitely point them in your direction first.” The two of you step into the elevator, you coming to shove Jimin, his feet stumbling off course and nearly sending him crashing against the adjacent wall. 
“Well aren’t you sweet,” Your finger nudges the fourth floor button and the two of you fall to a relative silence, the lack of chatter a welcome addition to the cool of the tiny space. “So, if he and Tae are such good friends why isn’t this Yoongi guy staying with him?”
“Taehyung is letting another friend of ours crash with him and since I’ve been looking for someone anyways he suggested I let Yoongi move in and I agreed.”
“Oh, I didn’t know he’d found a new roommate already. Last he told me he was still trying to convince Hoseok to move in with him.” You both chuckle, shoulders brushing together. When Hoseok had lived with Jimin the place had never been cleaner. It became commonplace for you and Taehyung to routinely convince him to trade up. 
“Yeah, guess he doesn’t have it in him to replace me just yet.”
“I would agree if it weren’t for the fact that he left you to go live with Jin.” You don’t miss the pout on Jimin’s plump lips, but you choose to ignore him when the elevator doors once again slide open. “My place or yours?”
“Yours, it’s closer.” 
“You live right across the hall,” You don’t earn a response, Jimin’s stride already carrying him toward your front door. Once inside he’s quick to deposit his added weight, hand sliding into his pocket to retrieve his cell. He’s concentrated on the screen of his phone, all pinched brows and pursed lips. You study his delicate features, Jimin’s beauty, not something easily ignored.
His hair is freshly died, the icy blue happily underwhelming after the highlighter pink that shocked you weeks prior. The habit is new, his desire to experiment with different hues sparking the interest of the artist within, but also your concern as his friend. Following the draw of your lips and the card of your hands through his fluffy pink locks it had become your mission to uncover what had caused him to commit the extreme. The details remain unclear, but it’s difficult to ignore the itch telling you this concerns Taehyung.
When you first moved the two introduced themselves in tandem and you immediately picked up on the profound bond they shared. You fell in with them easily, but there was always something untouchable surrounding them. Stars that could never truly be grasped, only gazed upon in hopes of one day having something so beautifully impenetrable. You were then shocked to find out that Hoseok was the one sharing a space with Jimin rather than Taehyung whose apartment was blocks away.  
It didn’t stop him from popping up at all hours and staying for as long as he pleased. He would crash on Jimin’s couch, a blanket and pillow always nestled off to the side for just such an occasion. So it came as a surprise to you when you received a knock on your door nearing midnight all those weeks ago. 
You weren’t sure who you were expecting but it certainly wasn’t Taehyung, bags under his eyes and a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. He asked if he could stay and you showed him to your extra room, the door closing in your face before you could investigate any further.
You’d texted Jimin, sure that Taehyung was meant to stay there and the two must have had a petty fight, but Jimin simply told you that he didn’t know what Taehyung’s problem was. Taehyung’s visits have been scarce since then and even when he did stop by Jimin was nowhere in sight. Jimin on the other hand came knocking at your door the next day to surprise you with his vibrant pink hair. You’d nearly choked on your tea when you saw him, fearing he was going through a quarter life crisis. 
“It’s fine, I’m just trying something new. I’m tired of the same old thing,” He’d explained to you when you dragged him to your bathroom ready to attempt to fix his head. After he continued to spew about all of the colors he wanted to try, simply ignoring you when you asked what Taehyung thought of this, you decided to leave him be.
“Do you like it?”
“The color, I assume that’s what you were looking at.” He heads to the kitchen, sights set on your stocked fridge.
“Yeah, I think it’s actually very nice. But you know if you dye your hair so close together you’re gonna fry your scalp.” He chucks a water bottle in your direction and you gladly accept it. You press the bottle to your forehead, sighing at the refreshing contrast in temperature. The ice cold condensation drips down the sides of the plastic feeling like heaven against your sweaty skin. 
“I didn’t know you were a hair stylist, why the hell am I paying someone to do this for me?”
“I don’t know, because you could just do it yourself.” You take a long satisfying sip, watching Jimin run his fingers through his hair. You’d think he was just fascinated by the new coloring if you didn’t know him so well, but you do and the stress induced habit is readily recognizable. The cling of the rings decorating his hand draws your eyes from him, though your curiosity remains. 
“Nah, I’d fuck it up. You on the other hand, are a true artist and I would be lucky to have your hands grace my scalp.” Jimin bows his head, his hands pressed together before him.
“Oh? I thought my hands were gross and dirty from all of that army crawling.”
“Oh yeah, you definitely need a shower. You do that and I will order us some food while also continuing to raid your fridge.” You send your eyes rolling but don’t disagree, sending him one last look before you head back to rid yourself of your muddied clothes. 
The smile that Jimin sends you is almost genuine.
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“I don’t see why you don’t just come over here and tell him yourself.” The door to your apartment slams, bags swaying along with your unsteady stride. The phone cradled to your ear, sticking to sweat coated skin. You nearly collapse against the kitchen floor, the cool of the counters a welcome relief from the unrelenting heat of summer. 
“I can’t.”
“And why is that?” You challenge, the sigh coming from the other end rivaling the gentle breeze of the air conditioning. “Tae, I know that there’s something going on here and I refuse to be your messenger when you won’t tell me what it is.”
Your arms push against cool granite, forcing your weight to your feet for fear of the ice cream resting against the counter melting after time spent in the sun. Finger pushing against your phone, you slide it against the tabletop as Tae’s voice flows from the speaker. 
“There’s nothing going on, I’ve just been busy.” 
“That’s not what Jimin said,” The line goes silent, your lip quirking at your white lie. You wait with baited breath, Tae’s words coming beats later and shades away from his earlier tone.
“What did Jimin say?” He’s painted with worry and a hint of something you can’t quite grasp. His reaction isn’t quite what you were expecting, the pregnant pause cluing you in on the severity of the new normal between your closest friends, “Y/n?”
“Do you know he’s been dying his hair?” You steer the conversation away, the potential topic you had been prodding at now seeming too raw for a phone conversation. 
“Yeah, he’s like trying out the entire rainbow on his head. He’s currently sporting blue, which is actually very nice and it’s certainly not fair how he can make everything work, but I don’t know what’s up with him.”
“Uh....no i didn’t know that. We haven’t really had much of a chance to talk lately.” 
“Hm, I’ll send you pics. Anyways, I’m telling you now that you’re coming to the next movie night. I need to see all of my boys, plus I need a buffer in case this Min Yoongi is actually a killer.” You muse emptying all of your groceries onto the counter. Per Jimin’s request you’re stopping over at his place later to meet Yoongi and you refuse to go empty handed. You eye the ingredients before you, hoping that making cookies is as easy as molding clay. 
“He’s not a serial killer.”
“If you say so,” Your eyes scan the length of the recipe in front of you, hand reaching for your newly purchased bag of chocolate chips, breaking the seal. A handful is shoved past eager lips, “Hey, what do you call chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips?”
“Cause that’s what I’m gonna be baking if my taste buds have anything to say.” 
“I don’t know, just cookies I guess?” From your lips falls a hum, thoughts focused on the melt of the chocolate when your fingers retreat once more into the bag. “I gotta go.”
“Yah, see you, love you, bye!” Taehyung manages before the click of the line.
You trot over to the sink, the chocolate coating your fingers already grossly sticking together. Your tongue runs against the roof of your mouth and over chip covered teeth, savoring the taste whilst your hands rinse clean. Despite the craving biting at your buds you seal the bag of chocolate, shoving  it into the freezer in hopes the chips will retain their shape in time to mix in with the dough. 
“Okay, now letsー” Three sharp taps against the door halt the roll of your shirt, your sleeves now uneven in appearance. “Let’s answer that I guess.”
You move to the door, knowing that it must be someone other than Jimin, his manners null when he pounds his fist incessantly against the wood demanding entrance. Your reluctance to provide him with a key is out of pure spite, the natural pout of his lips always a source of amusement. You pull the door, the trick hinge catching for the briefest moment before you’re met with a figure of unfamiliarity.
“Hello...can I help you?” Your smile is polite, though your eyes are not shy when they wander the form of the man before you. His hair is covered with a snapback, the blonde peeking out from the edges and his brows are highlighted by their contrasting darkness in color. He wears a t-shirt of white and black skinny jeans, worn converse attached to his feet. When your eyes slide back to his, the apples of his cheeks are coated in a faint blush. 
“Um, do you happen to know Park Jimin?” 
“Sadly, yes. What did he do?” Your shoulder drags against the frame of the door, head cocked in exasperation. The man shrugs, lip quirking upwards and his hand rubbing against the base of his neck. 
“Well...nothing. I’m Min Yoongi, I don’t know if he told you, but I’m moving in today.” He shifts on his feet, the plains of his chest stretching the material of his shirt enough to display his pecks. 
“Hmm, so you’re the suspected killer then…”
“Excuse me?”
“...yeah he told me about you,” You cover with a half convincing cough. “I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you.”
Your hand extends, the long fingers of Min Yoongi clasping yours, warmth enveloping the skin. You don’t miss the slight rough of his palms, no doubt the buildup of callouses from...whatever it is he does. He pulls away following a brief shake, the two of you falling to relative silence once again. 
“Was there something you needed help with?” You prompt when any sign of his stepping forth remains absent. 
“Oh, sorry,” There goes that blush again. Cute. “Jimin isn’t home and he isn’t answering his phone. He hasn’t given me a key yet so I was hoping you’d know where he is?” 
“Ah, I can’t say I do,” You watch the fall of his features, any qualms that you had upon opening the door momentarily dissipating. “But I can sure as hell try to find out. You wanna come in?”
Yoongi looks unsure, whether it be for fear of imposing or, perhaps, his own suspicions of impending murder you aren’t sure. Though after what feels an eternity of contemplation, and what only serves in reality a few seconds, he nods. He steps through the threshold, the moment feeling altogether symbolic, your initial fears holding no bearing over your desire to help Yoongi in his time of need. 
Your feet guide to the kitchen, legs almost tripping under the watchful stare of a curious stranger. You almost chuckle at the absurdity of your physical anxiety, not fooled into believing it’s lingering fear, but aware that you're not blind to the attractive man following in your wake. 
You waste no time scooping your discarded cell, dialing Jimin and shoving the device to your ear. You glance to Yoongi with a strained grin, the tap of your foot audible against glinting tile. You wince at the automated beep, Jimin’s voicemail reciting in your ear. 
“Jimin! You wonderful, wonderful man...you sent me to voicemail. Well, in case it somehow slipped your mind your new roommate is here and you’re not! He’s currently sitting in my kitchen, so if he does happen to be here to kill me he’ll succeed because I am very sore today and there’s no way I can take him!” 
Your voice falls to a ramble, no mind paid to Yoongi who watches with raised brows, shifting in discomfort. You hang up the phone, all smiles when your eyes once again meet your new neighbor. 
“Well, he didn’t answer so I’m not really sure where he is.” You summarize, well aware of the odd look bestowed from the opposite side of the counter.
“Ah, well I could just come back later…” He’s already risen halfway, stool wobbling under the shift in weight.
“No, you don’t have to go!” You cringe, tone eager and hands extended as if reaching for Yoongi. You immediately dial back, busying with the meaningless movement of empty bowls and fresh ingredients. “Sorry, I just mean, there’s no point in you leaving when Jimin could be back any minute. You’re free to hang out here until he shows up, I promise I don’t bite.” 
You’re sure he’ll say no, nothing thus far indicating the potential for fast friends. A ridiculous notion, you note, as your conversation consisted of nothing but a helpful hand and hurried introductions. Yoongi must feel a tad awkward and under prepared to have met you without much pretense. You’re surprised when he lowers back to the chair, eyes darting to the supplies resting before you. 
“Baking something?” 
“Oh, I was actually just about to bake cookies for you.” You mutter, hand grabbing for the measuring cup to wave for extra emphasis. “I’m pretty horrifying in the kitchen though, so not really sure how they would’ve turned out.” 
“Oh, well I was planning on making them for when we first met but clearly that’s off the table.” You chuckle, though Yoongi rises from his chair, rounding the counter. 
“I could help you…” His lessened proximity catches you off guard, and you nearly knock the sugar from the counter. “With the cookies I mean, if you want.”
“You bake?”
“Something like that,” Yoongi chuckles rolling his sleeves. His elbow comes to cheekily nudge yours, gesturing to your still half-rolled appearance. Quickly you comply, watching him saunter over to the sink and wet his hands under the faucet, making sure to work in the suds. You avert at the sudden stop of the water, prodding at the unopened flour.
You follow suit, the short venture to the door and back seeming reason enough to rewash. It serves the perfect distraction from your wildly wandering gaze.
“What kind of cookies are we making?” Yoongi calls you to attention, once again observing the ingredients, “I would guess chocolate chip, but I don’t see any.” 
“I put them in the freezer, they got a little gooey on the ride home and I’m hoping they’ll be ready to go in a bit.” You shrug, nursing a kitchen towel to dry your hands. You feel suddenly out of place in your own kitchen, Yoongi’s presence irrevocably demanding as he moves around searching for various items. You suddenly realize he could use your expertise as the owner of said items. 
You easily fall into routine, Yoongi guiding you to assistance, sure not to bestow a task too taxing. His faith seems to have dwindled when you mistook sugar for flower despite your hurried, and valid, explanation of paying half attention. What had been difficult was explaining where the other half remained focused. 
You aren’t opposed to blunt honesty, but you suppose Jimin would prefer if you kept your candor to a minimum so early on. So you easily complied, the goal of freshly baked goods guiding you to the halfway mark of a twelve minute cook time. 
“The cookies will still be all soft and gooey after ten minutes, right? I love to feel like I’m still eating the dough,” You muse, eyes focused on the oven, a cookie’s kiln. You drag your gaze back to Yoongi, his own focus on the painting in the far corner. His head rests at a tilt, eyes widened and mouth ajar. 
“Did you paint that?” You take in the aged swirls of purple and blue, the blackened rim sending a jolt down your chilled spine. 
“Yeah...a long time ago.” Your response is hushed, an accidental tell that drags Yoongi back to the counter, covered in white. “So about the cookies...gooey?” 
“I’m not sure who’s been feeding you half raw cookies, butー”
“I’m here!” Jimin’s shrill cry penetrates the closed door, floating down the hall and to your peeled ears. To the back of your head your eyes roll as your feet lead to the front door, swinging it open. Jimin stands with labored breath, his hands braced against his hips and his hair dangling across his forehead in sweat soaked strands. “I’m here.”
“So you are, and where have you been?” Jimin shoves his way past you, the moment reminiscent of just a few days prior. You whirl around, shoving the door back into place. “And why are you sweating like a pig?” 
“It’s hot as shit outside,” The words are dismissive, Jimin brushing a hand to his forehead, sweeping hair back to perfection. He straightens his posture, breath finally evened, “Did Yoongi say he was coming back later?”
“No, he’s in the kitchen. I told him he could just wait it out here.”
“Really? You let a potential killer into your home and I’m the crazy one?” You shove him forward, stepping past to make your way back to where Yoongi waits. He’s pulling the tray of cookies from the oven when you arrive, eyeing the baked goods as if he can see through them. 
“Look who finally showed up,” You joke, falling back as Jimin steps into the room. 
“Sorry about that, I got caught up and completely lost track of time.” Jimin hurriedly explains, hand showing to his front pocket to produce his keys. He clumsily removes one, handing it over to Yoongi, the freshly pressed metal a contrast to the light rust of the rest.
“Thanks, it’s no problem Jimin-ah, it was a nice chance to get to know my new neighbor.” Yoongi sends you a smile, amicable enough given the little time you’ve spent. He then turns back to the cookies with a satisfied click of his tongue. “I don’t know if they’re gooey enough, but they’re definitely finished.” 
“You made him make you cookies?” Jimin expresses in exasperation, his tone not keeping him from his gentle steps forward as Yoongi transfers the treats to a cooling rack. 
“I didn’t make him do anything! He offered to help and I so gratefully accepted,” You scoff, sneaking a hand to a cookie only to receive a light tap from Yoongi’s free one. Your lips pull to a pout, the delectable scent leaving you to salivate with want. Instead you turn to the fridge, offering Jimin a bottle of water. He downs the contents in no time, his still damp skin glistening like the ocean in the sun under the light shining through the open window. 
“I was glad to do it, I mean, the gesture was enough, but I’d like my cookies to be edible.” Yoongi pulls the oven mit that still rests over his hand and tosses it to the side. He turns to Jimin gesturing toward the exit, “I think I should probably move in soon. Don’t wanna bother the new neighbors with unnecessary noise, plus I have a meeting early tomorrow.” 
“Oh, yeah sure! Hoseok is on his way to help and he might be bringing Jin.” Jimin mutters, tossing his bottle into the bin. You push off to the side with the intent to clean the substantial mess coating the counter. You wager how much more of a mess it would have been had Yoongi not knocked at the perfect time. “We’ll see you later, Y/n.”
“You should take your cookies,” You call when the two look ready to split. Yoongi turns with a half smile.
“You keep ‘em, think of it as my present to you.” You’re prepared to tell him that isn’t how it works, but he’s already rounded the corner, Jimin sending you a knowing look before he does the same. 
Despite the little time allowed for cooling you pull a cookie from the tray, wincing at the slight burn, and take a bite. Immediately you’re moaning in satisfaction, a smile upon your lips when you realize that they’re just perfectly under baked. 
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“How’s the new neighbor?” Namjoon wonders, hand absently tracing the edges of his notebook. His glasses push against the bridge of his nose, his concentration on the page before him long gone since your entrance. 
“He’s fine...nice,” You chirp, gathering your own notebook and pencils ready for sketching. Though you’re wholly focused on the task before you, it’s difficult to ignore the gaze burning through you. “What?”
“Fine? Nice? Could you give me a little more? Last I heard you were worried about the guy and now you have nothing to say. I think I deserve a little explanation.” Namjoon urges, pen tapping against the expanse of the wooden table, his mug, half filled, light clinking against its dish. 
You’re no fool, his act of procrastination not lost on you, but you think it’ll be good to voice your thoughts and opinions. You haven’t actually spoken to Yoongi since that first day, but you’re still holding onto that unfamiliar feeling that unknowingly crawled into your chest and set up camp. 
“I don’t really know him, but he seems nice enough. He baked me cookies,” You smile at the thought, half of the batch unhealthily consumed that very night. You begin to doodle absentmindedly, your goal lost in a cloud of undecipherable emotions. “I don’t know what it is, but I can’t stop thinking about him, it’s actually kind of crazy.” 
“I’m inclined to agree,” Namjoon huffs, sipping what’s left of his drink. He watches the steady movement of your hand, gliding back and forth without care, lines and edges mixing perfectly. “I hope this isn’t some adolescent love at first sight kind of thing. Those never end well.”
“Love at first sight sounds so juvenile,” You groan, nearly smudging a heavy line of lead. “It’s more like an unexplored attraction.”
“You’ve met him once,” Namjoon deadpans, his pen falling back into his grip. 
“And it was nice, there wasn’t much substance, but it felt like there could be.” You ignore the outlandish look being sent your way, continuing on with your spontaneous drawing. Instead you redirect the conversation, mood not ripe for being scrutinized by your supposed friend. You know that his words hold some truth, but it’s been a while since you’ve allowed yourself to accept your feelings so openly. 
“Are you coming to movie night? Yes, of course you are, I don’t know why I asked.” You answer your own question, Namjoon’s mouth left to flounder like a fish. “Everyone’s gonna be there, you’ll finally have the chance to meet Yoongi and have all of your questions answered.”
“Of course I’ll be there, why is this the first I’m hearing of it?” He seems offended, your hands coming to rest at the edge of the table.
“Oh, I’m sorry, but your whole ‘don’t bother me when I’m in the middle of a breakthrough’ rule kind of limited my window. Plus, I’m not even sure when it’ll be yet.” 
“Fair enough. Is Taehyung coming?” 
“Of course Taehyung is coming, why wouldn’t he come?” Your mind has momentarily decided to block the memory of your possibly feuding friends, the thought that Taehyung wouldn’t come never even crossing your mind. You almost reach for your phone, half a mind to dial him right then, but the potential of his response is low.
“Aren’t you the one convinced that he and Jimin are on the fritz?” 
“On the fritz? What are you, eighty?” You tease, nudging at Namjoon’s calf underneath the table. His ears tint slightly and he takes to rolling his pen along the table top. You chuckle, clasping the top of his hand with your own, “I’m kidding, but yes, they’re still not really speaking. I’ll just stop by to see Taehyung later, force him to come and maybe get a little more out of him.” 
“Ah yes, your powers of persuasion.” He chuckles chasing the sound with a sudden groan, his hands coming to encase his head. 
“What’s up?”
“This story, I’ve got nothing, which means that I’ve got nothing for you to illustrate.” He removes his glasses, the frames falling to the table. “I thought when I came to you with this idea that things would just fall into place. I can barely formulate a coherent sentence, let alone a whole novel.” 
“Hey, you’ll get there. What is it that people say, Rome wasn’t built in a day? It’s a little obvious, but true nonetheless.” You encourage, a small smile already playing on Namjoon’s lips, “We aren’t in a rush, we want to enjoy the process, not feel like we’re being pushed to the finish line.” 
“I know you’re right, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating.” He sighs, head shaking at his frustration. “You should go ahead and head out, I don’t really think I’m gonna need much on your end today.” 
You glance down at your sketch, a mess of lines and shapes that somehow appeared pleasing to the eye. You offer one more glance in Namjoon’s direction, his own eyes on your page.
“It’s nice, I think maybe you should add a little color to it.”
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It’s only seconds before Taehyung is letting you into his apartment, his hair slightly damp letting you know he’s just showered. Your trip to his place follows a two hour session, your mood substantially brightened, only adding to your delighted mood from earlier. You follow Taehyung to the living room, plopping onto the sofa with a relieved sigh. The cool leather squishes beneath your thighs, a feeling as close as you’ll get to diving into a pool. 
“What’s up?” Taehyung asks, legs lifting to rest against the coffee table. He seems altogether different from that day he’d knocked on your door seeking refuge. As a matter of fact, he seems unbothered, like there’s nothing plaguing him as of late. He finds himself flipping through various channels on the television, paying no mind to your lack of response as you stare into the side of his head. 
“You’re coming to movie night, right?” 
“Movie night, we’re having one. Are you coming still? We talked the other day, but I just wanna make sure.” You explain, eyes falling to the screen, the channel stopped on some news station. You know Taehyung is thinking on your words rather than listening to the evening weather report, your lip falling between your teeth.
“I don’t know…”
“Why not?”
“Jimin and I haven’t really talked lately and I just think it’d be weird.” He shrugs, his outward demeanor showing lack of impact, though you know that inside he’s wrestling with his own words. The two of them haven’t seriously fought since you’ve known them and it’s clear that whatever the issue is it’s eating at both of them. 
“And why is that?” You once again try your hand, tired of having to dance around the topic. Taehyung shifts, his hand clenching around the remote to match the movement of his jaw.  “You two are apparently having this huge thing and not speaking to each other and I’m just standing here wondering what could possibly be so terrible that you’re shutting out your best friend.” 
“Just drop it, Y/n.” You ignore his dismissal, determined to get him to open up. 
“Tae, you need to talk about this! If not with Jimin then you could at least confide in me, let me try to help. I’m so tired of having to work around the two of you just so we can hang out! Besides, your friend is now living with him, don’t you think it would be weird if you didn’t show up to movie night or come around ever?” 
“I can make plans with Yoongi here.” 
You groan at Taehyung’s inability to see your point of view, the ever growing tear between him and Jimin seeming so fragile from where you’re standing.
“Taehyung, I justー”
“Let it go, Y/n! It’s none of your business and I’m a little sick of you trying to worm your way into the middle of things,” You start at Tae’s sudden outburst, his anger lifting him from his position on the couch. He cards a hand roughly through his hair, heaving in anger. You slightly cower when his attention once again settles on you, “You know, I actually find it pretty damn ironic that you think you’ve got some magical powers to fix this.”
“What do you mean,” You manage, voice a low mumble.
“You know what I mean,” He chuckles, a sound lacking his usual glee. “If Jimin and I hadn’t knocked on your door two years ago you’d still be sitting alone in your apartment nursing half finished paintings and crusted piles of dirt. So please don’t sit here like you know anything about what’s happening and maybe learn how to handle your own problems before you get in the middle of mine.” 
You sit, stunned by his sudden words. The sharpness of his tone stabs through your heart, a fragile ecosystem only just beginning to embrace recovery. Taehyung seems to realize his words, the unshed tears threatening your ducts bring your hand to subconsciously swipe at your dry cheeks. 
“Y/n Iー”
“Heyo!” You jump at the intrusion of a third party, twisting to see who must be Taehyung’s new roommate walking in. He handles a bag of takeout, the scent, something that would normally have you ready to pounce on this unfamiliar character, but right now it fuels your sudden need to vomit. The pounding in your ears accompanies the rapid beat of your heart as you stand. “Oh, hi. Sorry, I didn’t know you were having company. I bought extra if you’re interested.” 
“No no, I just came to remind Tae about the movie night I’m having in the near future. You’re invited of course, I wanna get to know my friends’ new roommates. I’m Y/n by the way, you must be Jeongguk.” You extend your hand ignoring the feeling of Taehyung still watching you, gaze remorseful. 
“Oh yeah, Taehyung’s mentioned you. You’re an artist, right? I’d love to see your stuff sometime.” Jeongguk is quick to deposit the bags, eagerly gripping your hand in his own, his smile enough to pull one with actual meaning from yourself. “Like I said, you’re welcome to join us if you want.” 
“No thank you, I’ve gotta get going, but I’ll see you two soon?”
“Wouldn’t miss it!” Jeongguk responds, letting your hand fall to your side. You offer Taehyung one last nod of acknowledgement, your eyes barely resting on his for a second before you make your escape. 
Upon collapse into the front seat of your car, you wait for the arrival of a sob or a stray tear, but find nothing and that’s what truly pains you. It’s almost as if Taehyung’s words triggered a numbness within you, the factual nature behind his verbal assault enough to leave you in a spiral. You force your key into the ignition, hands braced against the wheel. 
Your mind is a confusing loop of everything and nothing, no clear focus to ground you to the moving vehicle. You were unprepared for the sudden events and now you feel the urge to cry and empty the little content that rolls around inside of you, but you do none of that when you finally step into your home. 
The lights remain off, the dim of the place somehow a comfort in the midst of your emotional turmoil. You toss your keys, the clatter of your lucky throw to the table only slightly startling you. You begin your trek to your bedroom, stopping momentarily to eye the painting that Yoongi had been caught on the other day. 
 A begonia, blues and purples bursting from the cursed flower like spilled ink. Your fingers come to brush the frame of the canvas, wrapping around with the intent to remove. Something stops you, internal refrain pulling your lead-like limbs back to task. 
You fall to your bed with a thud, hands resting against your stomach, eyes trained on the ceiling. You note the ping of your phone, the vibration from nearby seeming a great distance from your current state. 
There’s a tugging in your brain, like muscles yanking tangled vines, an annoyance that makes little sense, but still remains constant. You wish the effect of words were like the saying, your physicality all but unharmed unlike your bruised psyche. 
You have half a mind to ignore the sound just outside of your door, unsure who could be in need of your presence. A small portion of you imagines it’s Taehyung, equipped with a half meaningful apology, but your limbs are too tired to satisfy your curiosity. 
“Y/n, you home?” You shoot forward at the sound of Yoongi’s voice, faint through the edges and corners through which it  travels, but still recognizable. You find yourself hurrying to the door, the desire to see Yoongi somehow working past your dormant state. You answer just in time, his heel in a half turned state, as if he was prepared to step away. “Ah, I thought I heard you come home...not that I was listening for you.”
“Hmm, shame,” You find yourself joking, even with the lack of enthusiasm in your tone. Yoongi seems to sense your demeanor, his brows scrunching in question.
“Are you okay? I can come back if this is a bad time.”
“No, it’s fine. As good a time as any. Did you need something?” 
Yoongi seems to falter a little, as if he’s suddenly nervous about his impromptu visit. Your hands raps against the cool of the doorknob, the other bracing against the wood doorframe. You wait patiently, watching as Yoongi seemingly tries to find the correct words. 
He’s different from the first time you met him. His posture is more comfortable, he exudes the confidence radiating from his very impressive outfit, though as he inhales through his teeth you wonder if you’d gotten it wrong.
“Do you wanna go out with me? I mean, go out somewhere with me, not go out, we barely know each other.” You both fall to awkward chuckles, your own thoughts not sure whether to soar or fall at the misstep in his words. Your force away the desire to over analyze, remembering the words spoken to you not an hour prior. “I wanna show you something.” 
“Then show me something.”
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When Yoongi dragged you from the building, leading you to his car you hadn’t expected him to drive into the city. You don’t often frequent the hustle and bustle, but you don’t miss a chance to appreciate it when you do. The lights of buildings and the various shapes and designs draw you in. It’s flashy and busy, completely gobbling up the stars that you’re used to twinkling above. 
“I always forget how beautiful the city can be at night.” You muse aloud, head resting against the side of the car. 
Yoongi paints a faint smile with his lips, eyes focused on the road whilst you remain entranced by the passing scenery. Though it’s not unusual you’re surprised by the number of people still out and about. It makes you want to blend with the crowd even with the knowledge that your chest would be pounding with each step.
“So, where is it that you’re taking me?” You ask, for what must be far too many times not to cause Yoongi annoyance, but he only chuckles at your enthusiasm. 
“Here.” He pulls to a stop in front of a building lining the street with dozens of others, though this one doesn’t hold the same life, no lights or people decorating the interior. You glance at the sign in curiosity. 
“Gochyeo Goshi,” You say to yourself before turning to Yoongi. “It’s closed.” 
“Yeah, it’s not ready yet. We’re hoping to open the doors by next month.” 
“Oh, I completely spaced! You and Jeongguk are opening a restaurant, that’s amazing.” You squeal, your hand grabbing Yoongi’s in your excited stupor. You unbuckle, hopping out of the car. You’re eager to see the inside, what it will look like when people are packed from wall to wall.
Yoongi follows your lead, though you notice a slow to his step, his nervous energy from earlier returning full force. You think it’s endearing, the way he becomes so bashful when it comes to his accomplishments. You recall when he neglected to speak on his cooking prowess when he insisted on helping you bake. 
“It’s a little unimpressive right now, we’ve been busy working on the more logistical side of things…” He hastily explains, sifting through his keys to find the right one. 
“I’m sure it’s great, the fact that you guys are even doing this is already impressive.” 
He clumsily slides the key in, pushing the door open for you to enter. Your gait is slow, excited to see the space that Yoongi and Jeongguk were able to call their own. You and Namjoon have been toying with the idea of acquiring your own space for a few years and knowing someone who’s done it gives you more drive to follow through. 
Yoongi steps in behind you, hurrying to find a light switch for fear of you tripping over an ill timed chair. When he does, the overheads flood the building, the bare white walls and the low beamed ceiling simple, but still drawing the place together nicely. The dining area is just the perfect size for a medium crowd, decorated just enough to get a feel for the vibe they’re going for. 
“I love it,” You turn to Yoongi, your toothy smile on full display to match his own gummy grin. “What made you guys want to open a restaurant together?”
Yoongi makes his way to one of the tables, taking a seat. You follow suit, still eyeing the space, but focused on Yoongi’s words just the same. 
“Well, I’ve loved lamb skewers for as long as I can remember and I introduced them to Jeongguk when we were younger. He was the only one that always wanted to go with me, so it became our thing.” He explains, a fond look in his faraway eyes. “We started talking about what it’d be like to open our own restaurant and here we are.” 
“Wow, I guess dreams really do spark reality.” The two of you lock gazes, your eyes drinking his in like a woman dehydrated. “You have really nice eyes.”
“Oh...thanks,” Yoongi ducks his head, a faint blush creeping to his cheeks. “You have a really nice smile.” 
“You know, you don’t have to pay a compliment with a compliment.” You tease, embarrassing him even more. “I’m telling you because I like you, not because I want you to pay it forward.”
You hope he’s able to grasp the deeper meaning behind your words, a part of you begging to elaborate, but the other part knowing that it’d probably scare him off. Yoongi clears his throat, shifting under your gaze. 
“The reason I called you here actually,” His tone shifts to something more serious given the environment. You internally sigh, the moment clearly past without much success in your attempt at half confession. “Jimin told me that you’re an artist and I remember that painting I saw at your place.” 
“Yeah, I like to think I’m pretty good.” 
“Well, I’m sure you’ve noticed that this place could stand for some decoration,” He gestures to the walls, the plain white nothing to draw an ordinary gaze. “I was hoping that you’d be interested in painting a mural for me, well Jeongguk and I.” 
“Yeah, you’re very good and we’d be happy to have you do it. That is, if you want. We’ll pay you of course and you can set your own hours just as long as it’s finished in time for opening.” Yoongi hurriedly fills in, stumbling over words as you watch him with widened eyes. 
You find it hard to hide your surprise, the thought of Yoongi asking you to do something so important absolutely astounding. 
“I mean, I’d love to do it, but are you sure?” 
“Positive. So, are you in?”
“Absolutely, you just made a very bad night a whole lot better. Now, do you happen to have actual food here yet? Because I am actually very hungry and I’m surprised you haven’t heard my stomach growling.” You clutch your midsection, the emptiness within gnawing away at you. 
“Oh I heard it, I just thought it would be better not to say anything.” You shove at his arm with a scoff. 
“Ow, sorry! I don’t have food here, but there’s this really amazing takeout place just around the corner.” 
“Lead the way.” 
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“I don’t understand why I have to come.” Jimin whines from the front seat, sipping on his drink in feigned annoyance. 
This morning when you’d awoken, eager to get started on your new project you exited your apartment to find Jimin about to enter his, grocery bag in hand. You were able to intercept it before he could get away, extracting a brand new dye kit and staring down a sheepish Jimin. 
“You can’t keep dying your hair Jimin, there’s no way this is healthy!” You exclaim, your eyes darting over to him before your focus falls back to the road. He only grumbles, no reason for argument as you’ve already confiscated his purchase. “I’m just saying, I like the blue and you should keep it going a bit longer before you bleach your scalp to pieces.” 
“That’s not a thing.” 
“It is if I say it is,” You counter, tongue poking in his direction. “Besides, don’t you think it would do you some good to hang out with me?” 
“You specifically?” You hum and Jimin grips the point of his chin in silent contemplation, “No, not really.” 
You choose to ignore his comment, focus on pulling into the nearest available parking spot.
“What do you think of Yoongi?” 
Jimin is hopping out of the car before you’ve had the chance to come to a complete stop, his sights already set on the entrance. 
“Yoongi? I mean, he’s my friend, my roommate...he’s a cool guy. I’m not sure what you’re asking,” Jimin leans against the hood of the car, immediately pulling back at the burn of his skin. A sigh escapes you, arms folding over your chest.
“I don’t know...I just…”
“Wait…” Jimin trails, scanning you with suspicion. “Do you like Yoongi?”
You don’t respond and that's enough for Jimin. He chuckles at your avoidance of his gaze, feet shifting against the pavement.
“Shut up.” You mumble, moving to the back of your car, throwing the trunk open. 
“Can I be honest here?” He asks, moving closer, tone even. You nod, straightening from where you leaned to the back of your car. “I don’t think you two are really a good fit.”
“Why not?” 
“You’re just too different,” He shrugs, feeling that’s enough explanation. You however press him for more, not understanding his quick dismissal of the idea. “It’s like...would you date Namjoon?”
“No!” Is your immediate response, not in a disgusted sort of way, but you can’t see yourself as anything more than friends with him for a number of reasons. 
“But you don’t hate Namjoon or think that he’s unattractive, right?”
“Of course not.”
“Well that’s how I see you and Yoongi. You don’t strike me as compatible as anything more than friends, sure he’s handsome and a pretty cool guy, but you just don’t fit.” He finishes, “I’m not saying that I don’t support you in whatever you do, but that���s just my opinion. There are plenty of other guys that would fit you perfectly.” 
You nod, no words coming to mind. You hadn’t expected Jimin to be so blunt, a common thread with your friends as of late. He offers a quick pat to the shoulder before turning to the entrance.
“You could at least help me with my things!” You call after him to which he only waves you off with a shrug. You get to work unloading your trunk, sighing at the number of things you have to carry. You inwardly curse your absent friend, reminding yourself to outwardly curse him later.
You’re distracted by a sudden text from Namjoon, who only wonders how things are going, his chain of messages resembling those of a nosey younger sibling. He’s been pestering you about your crush since you filled him in, your recount of the night Yoongi showed up only fueling his tease filled ramblings. You send him a short, sweet reply, sure to include a kindly worded threat about his behavior.
You imagine for a moment if this were Yoongi instead, trying to make sense of Jimin’s perspective.
“Need some help?” You jump, finding Jeongguk waiting just inches from you, hands resting in his pockets. You eye your growing pile and turn back to him with hopeful eyes.
“Would you mind? It seems someone has no interest in helping me out,” You send a glare to where Jimin leans against the door. He shoots you a wink and you return it with an unkind gesture to which he only cackles.
“Not at all.” Jeongguk responds, already leaning down to collect your first two boxes. 
With Jeongguk’s help you’re able to move things inside in no time. You note that there’s already tarp laid out for you and the furniture is pushed from the walls to allow you ample space. 
“Have any idea what you wanna do?” Jeongguk asks from just over your shoulder. You eye the blank space before turning to him.
“Oh, I figured the two of you might have something in mind. I don’t wanna take over completely, it is your restaurant.” 
“But it’s your mural. We trust you to make the right decision,” He assures you. You nod, turning back to your canvas. 
“I see you’re already hard at work,” You spot Yoongi walking through the door, a box of donuts perched in one hand. You smile, very aware of Jimin’s eyes following your movements. “I assume Jeongguk filled you in on everything? Have any ideas on your big masterpiece?” 
“Well...I was thinking, this place is in the midst of this city, the streets almost always filled with people, it can get crazy. Some people want nothing more than to be someone in the crowd, but they’d also just rather be somewhere cozy and without the stress of all the people and the lights.” 
“I’m following,” Jimin cuts in, his hands collapsed before him as if his opinion is life or death. You toss an empty water cup his way hitting your mark with a resounding thud.
“As I was saying, I want to paint something that will make people feel like they belong here while also feeling like they’re out there,” Your hand comes to point in the direction of the front window, people rushing by as if to further prove your point. “A still city, something that still holds the absolute beauty of the exhilarating rush, while allowing those who enjoy it to take a breath and just relax while they enjoy some delicious skewers.”
You finish your small presentation, watching both of your new employers’ faces alight with enthusiasm. 
“I love it,” Jeongguk is first to say, his eyes roaming the walls as if he can already picture the ornate design. You both turn to Yoongi, his expression a little less telling though he still allows a smirk to plant against his features. You wait, hopeful of his impending response, this somehow feeling worlds apart from Jeongguk’s readied approval.
“Me too.” 
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You spend the coming weeks working on various projects, your days spent at the restaurant only motivating you more in your venture with Namjoon. He doesn’t fully understand your fit of passion but he appreciates it all the same. 
You spend your days furthering your mural and nights with Namjoon when his schedule allows. The two of you brainstorm and make rough drafts, the work feeling like mountains of progress even if half of your ideas seem less constructive in the light of day. 
Most days you spend in relative silence save for the tunes you play in the background the more than occasional burst into song keeping you from getting too caught up. Jeongguk filters in more often than not, happy to keep you company. You’ve gotten to know him quite well, his eagerness to express his passions meshing well with your lack of desire to vocalize your own. 
It’s rare that Yoongi is seen walking through the doors, the days that he does serving as an extra reward for your hard work. He usually only stops for a quick check-in, but today he finds himself pulling a chair. You send him a smile, sure to pull your brush from the wall for fear of an accidental stroke.
“Hi,” You hum, noting the slight slump in his posture. “Everything alright?”
“I’m fine, are you alright?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You ask, tone soaked in confusion. He shrugs, sitting back in his chair, pinky lifting to scratch just beneath his blonde fringe. 
“You never told me what was wrong.”
“The night I asked you to do this. You were clearly upset about something, but you never told me what it was. Come to think of it, you don’t really share much about yourself at all.” You seem to shrink in on yourself at his words, the accusation too heavy for you to ignore. 
“I mean, you can ask me whatever you want, but there’s not really much to tell. I don’t like talking much about me,” The truth, or half at least, but enough to keep him at bay. 
“Why’s that?” 
“Why does it matter all of a sudden?” Your tone is defensive, his words dragging it out of you. 
“I’m just trying to figure you out. All I know about you so far as that you’re not a very good cook and you’re good at making art.”
“That’s all you need to know,” You counter with a growl. “Do you mind if I get back to this? Your opening is coming up soon and I’d like it if I wasn’t scrambling last minute.” 
“No one’s stopping you,” He waves you forward. With a sigh you turn back to the wall, brush making a few new strokes against steadily drying paint before you stop once again.
“Do you know what hikaru dorodango is?” You ask, setting your brush to the side and finding a seat against the paint stained tarp. Unsurprisingly Yoongi responds with a negative shake of the head, his hands coming to clasp before him. “It’s basically turning mud into marble. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.” 
You pick at paint half-dried to your shirt, silence stretching between you. You aren’t sure if Yoongi is processing or if he just finds no interest in your words, refusing to look up at him. 
“It was the first form of art that I felt like I was really amazing at,” You chuckle, memories of millions of failed attempts come to mind, leading to your first success. “I never really had many friends growing up, I preferred it that way because it always seemed so much more difficult for me to open up to people, so I was always the odd one out.”
Yoongi still doesn’t speak, but you chance a glance to find that he’s listening with all of his attention. His posture has him leaning on his bouncing legs, eyes focused in a squint. 
“The point is, like me, dorodango takes time. It’s always been hard for me to completely let people in, but that doesn’t mean I never will. You just have to be willing to take a chance on me.” You finish with a sigh. 
You wait, stuck on an inhale, as Yoongi mulls over his response. You’re surprised at yourself for your surprising admission, taking over a month to even tell Taehyung and Jimin your favorite movie. 
“Fair enough,” He finally says. “We’ve known each other for close to a month, do you think I’ve earned at least one fact?”
“I think I just served you a pretty big one, but I think maybe I can outdo myself.” You say the words before you can really think over what you’re about to do. The words of both Jimin and Namjoon ring in your head and you’re sure Taehyung would say much the same. You haven’t known Yoongi for terribly long, but you know that if you wait any longer you’ll psych yourself out.
“Do your worst.” 
“I like you...a lot.” He’s visibly taken aback by your words, his eyes widening and his hands fidgeting in his lap. “It’s kind of crazy but I’ve liked you since the moment that I met you, of course then it was just blind attraction, but since I’ve gotten to know you I realize that I’m really interested in you.” 
“I…” Yoongi clears his throat, trying to find words, mouth opening and closing more times than you can count. 
“I know it probably seems so ridiculous, I mean, I said the words and I can barely wrap my head around it. But if you just give us a chance, I thinkー”
“No.” He cuts through your words, head shaking adamantly, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re not really my type.” It’s your turn to be shocked by his words. Of all of the things that could’ve come from his mouth you hadn’t expected that. 
“I’m not...your type? What does that even mean?” 
“It means that I really like you as a friend, but I can’t really see us as anything more.” Fine, you think, you can respect that. “You can be overbearing and nosy yet in that same breath you lack self-confidence. You’re so afraid to bother people with your problems that you try to fight your way into theirs just to make yourself feel better.”
You realize where all of this is coming from. Since Yoongi stepped foot through those doors he’s been working under the knowledge of Taehyung. You aren’t surprised that Tae told someone, though it certainly wouldn’t be Jimin, the two still not on good terms. Why wouldn’t he tell Yoongi?
“So, you waltz in here and tell me that I’m almost a stranger to you, but now you suddenly know me so well? You’re making assumptions based on what you heard from Taehyung who is currently probably very pissed at me.” You argue, the fire beginning to rage inside of your chest causing the squeeze of lengthened nails into calloused palms. 
“I know enough, and I’m truly not trying to hurt you, Y/n. I’m trying to tell you that you have your own issues that you need to work out and I’m not equipped to deal with them. Honestly I’m not looking for anything complicated right now and that’s exactly what you are.” 
“A complicated problem that needs to be dealt with?” 
“That’s not what I meant,” He rises from his chair at the same time you rise from the ground. While his attention remains on you, yours falls to putting away your supplies and making sure to rinse paint from each of your brushes. 
“It honestly doesn’t matter, I get the hint and I’m so sorry to have inconvenienced you. But, here’s a tip,” You toss your last brush and whirl around to face him, the two of you closer than you anticipated. You can feel the heat radiating through you, anger consuming you to the point that you can’t even feel whatever attraction you have for him at this moment. He’s just a face, another person telling you everything that’s wrong. “You could’ve just stopped at no thanks.” 
You don’t give him the chance to rebuttal, sights set on getting as far away as possible. You feel a slight wetness against your cheek, your hand coming to swipe at the irritating sensation. When you realize it’s the fall of a tear you're only thrown into an even further downward spiral. Angry that of all things this is what gets to you, someone who was never even interested. 
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“I know this probably isn’t what you wanna hear right now, but you have to get over him.” Namjoon speaks in a hushed tone, your tear stained cheek sticking to the skin of his arm. 
You found yourself outside of his apartment soon after you left the restaurant, just needing a shoulder to cry on. He was surprised to see you, knowing that you’re usually routine left you paint stained and focused on your mural. When he saw the tears streaming from your ducts he was quick to usher you inside and has been attempting to soothe you since. 
“I know, I don’t even know why I’m crying. It’s not like we were ever dating, according to Yoongi we’re practically perfect strangers.” 
“I’m sure he didn’t mean it like that...it was probably just a heat of the moment thing. You did, kind of, spring this on him.” 
You scoff, glancing up at Namjoon in betrayal. “I’m sorry, are you not on my side? What was I supposed to do, send him an invitation?” 
“Look, I’m not saying that it's right what he said, but it’s fair to say that given the discussion at hand you smacked him with a ball out of left field. The bright side here is that you know that he doesn’t have feelings for you and you can give up this idea that you two are meant to be.”  Namjoon explains, doing wonders to stop you from interrupting him, his hand coming to rest over your mouth. You fight the urge to lick his palm, recalling the way he’s spilled glue on himself just before you arrived. 
“Stop making it sound like I’m some lovesick puppy, Joon. It just sucks to not even be given a chance, and to be rejected so harshly.” You groan, pulling one of his throw pillows against your chest. 
“It’s kind of like that one movie…” He muses, clearly living in his own thoughts, eyes spaced out. 
“What movie?”
“You know, the one with the girl and the guy that don’t end up together. It’s got some big life lessons that you don’t learn to respect until you’re older,” He informs you, having more faith in your knowledge than even makes sense. 
“I don’t have time for your riddles, can I just sulk in peace?” 
“As long as you promise that after you sulk you’ll try to get over him,” Namjoon pokes at your puffed cheeks, only pulling away to wipe your tears onto his shirt. You don’t respond, unsure if what pains is the thought of just moving on or the idea that moving on doesn’t sound so hard. 
Something changed in you during your conversation with Yoongi. You feel it’s a number of things, but something has made Yoongi’s rejection seem a lot less detrimental than you previously thought. It begs the question of whether your feelings for Yoongi have already begun to dissipate or if they were truly feelings to begin with.
“Y/n?” Namjoon waves a hand before you, drawing your gaze back to him. “Promise me. I don’t want you falling back into this pattern. I don’t agree with everything that he said, but he was right about one thing. You should take time to heal yourself or find someone who accepts you and has the patience to heal with you.” 
“Fine, yeah, I hear you. No more Min Yoongi.” 
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Colors II
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itsamiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts on Dearest Family
- Holy shit Gabriel has a lucky charm so that person was right that he would transform himself into the collector. I imagine to get his hands on that charm. Or deem it necessary again to through them off but that's poor writing if they literally reuse the premise of the collector
- oh damn Natalie, telling him to evolve his powers -_- you really are the brains
- double metamorphosis?? So is this like how ladybug upgraded her lucky charm with guardian powers?
- dang that uses a lot of his strength
- omg! the akuma purifies itself
- my god that transformation from that angle 😂😂 he really does increase his height considerably... why???
- so those sparks and him glowing? My initial thought was that he was damaging the miraculous, like he was corrupting the miraculous and that's how they get damaged? Therefore the wearer also becomes "corrupted" somehow whether that be through illness or madness etc
- Roland your son probs has hands of steel by now, no wonder he gets a cloth. He's not like me where I make the comment in my head of "I don't need oven gloves" *proceeds to burn fingers*
- glitter? Did marinette leave an ingredient around meant for guardian duties and making of magicaroons and magicamembert
- awwww they're all wearing crowns
- they did it together! That's cool though! I like how they have settled their differences even if they were stupid
- "it's too early for a sunday" my girl yes, I feel you though my god you show restraint
- it's interesting how everyone in marinette's family fawns over her in her presence, except Sabine who is remarkably so laid back
- I actually think the tradition of the family having the last one together is pretty neat? But I think that's because I have a family where we share a lot of things
- that please, please, please in Portuguese is absolutely adorable. Well done Tikki, you have cracked me
- giving out samples to have more patience? I know that that's what marinette was going for with Tikki and that NOT WORKING IN THE LEAST, but I also have a feeling that it's a metaphor for elsewhere. It's like those little bits either makes you have more hope and I immediately thought of chat noir with Ladybug, how she does engage in his flirtations at times but also Gabriel with those little steps and snags makes him have more appetite for continuing which is ultimately what happens in this episode
- I love how the kwamis knew instantly that Tikki ate it. They weren't gullible in the least or get sad at marinette.
- look at them! They're quaking! Yet they fear more over what tikki could do with her gluttony more than what she would do to them.
- I love this tidbit that is actually quite big. We've always known that tikki is a sweet tooth and often we see marinette give some to tikki, either without tikki asking, or when she does. It's funny because plagg has literally been called a glutton by adrien. Anyways, "but do you understand how starving the kwami of creation is?" Is this because they're more powerful? Or is simply just a character trait?
- I have a feeling that what sass is trying to say is much bigger. With Tikki not being honest with marinette it gave me huge sandboy vibes and again, my inner analysis of sandboy being a meta episode continues! There is so much marinette doesn't yet know about tikki and the other kwamis. Again, why I think we should see more of su-han.
- Tikki is also misguiding marinette! Shit this is much more meta than just Tikki wrangling some sweet sweet galette. It's almost like it's setting marinette up for a Betrayal...
- "barkk, wayzz. Since this is an emergency, I will give you permission to go out" SASS OMG. Again! Huge sandbiy vibes because when we first saw sass in the miracle box he also seemed in charge. I find this so amusing though because marinette is supposed to be. I guess it's just a trait for the snake, but I think Sass and Luka are really a perfect fit! I wonder if Luka would be a good guardian? I also find it super funny that Wayzz is introduced to us like a responsible being, bit they actually aren't, a bit like how master fu was. I mean the reason he used wayzz in the first place was for protection purposes anyway.
- ahaha Roland doesn't give a fuck about major bourgeois😂
- oh hell yes Gina!
- the fact that Tom is saying he knows marinette better than anyone and the motorbike is too big and dangerous... and yet 😂😂😂
- I like how they are all right but wrong and the same time. Poor marinette is trying to speak up but she can't. My girl, I can relate
- oohhhh Gina telling us some insight that Roland was overprotective just like Tom is being with marinette and I'm just like ooohhhhhh she's spouting FACTS
-Sabine my darling, I love that you aren't getting involved but also may you stand up for your daughter a little? She can speak for herself, just like you can and have, buy I understand that it's in your nature to diffuse and not add so idk
- aaayyyyeeee sabine finally cut in! My girl. Though still not on board with the motorbike which I can understand. My mum would kill me if she found out I rode a motorbike, even if it was with a friend. But at the same time I believe its the same age you can learn to drive a moped in France as it is here which is 16
- devilbug has emerged!
- I wonder whether like Tom's akumatization before and his dialogue here, that Sabine's akumatization is the same with her dialogue here which is where she says that marinette knows what is best for herself.
- pulsing flashes? Come on that has to be corrupting?
- look at you talking about family. Of course you would feed off of this divide! Over what's best for the teen in question as well. You're probably taking notes over what to do to destroy the teens mental stability.
- yep dialogue and previous akumatizations link up. Sabine will be akumatized as Qilin for the sake of marinette and feeling as if someone is controlling her. My first thought is Sabine probably thinks this is school related as that's the excuse Marineete was giving about homework? But marinette's actions have been ruled over by guardian duties so it might be linked to that as well. Or simply, someone was trying to control marinette in some way
- "you freaked her out" why even as a villain Sabine is still calm
- rollerbug but literal
- André have you just... dealed in galette
- my god ladybug don't do that anime stance in midair
- so... ladybug has the munchies. Take that in the context of weed or periods, whichever you deem appropriate.
- Qilin's power is like wind?? As Qilin is a dragon will it act like the the dragon miraculous?
- cataclysm numero uno
- adrien? You good bro? You seem really hurt just now? Like you did when you got cataclysmed in miraculer?
- a fairy? Is that like a natural form or something?
- that's one big galette
- adrien! Plagg has legit referred to tikki as sugarcube before, you know he means tikki because he's explained it before in kwamibuster! Another parallel episode as it's where Tikki was lying to marinette...
- awwww one of the rare occasions that plagg initiates a transformation! Also I just thought this was really sweet of like there being more of a purpose for the need of destruction. That in this case the creation was more "destructive"
- cataclysm numero dos
- that is deffo a fairy. What the hell?
- "liked me less because I lost control" hmmm who does this sound like? It sounds like how gard marinette is on herself about losing control and why Alya wanted to share her burden and why it's good, but I also feel like it's adrien in a sense of going against Gabriel.
- awww offering help too
- tikki, you are too god damned cute
- awww bless sabine. Saying even as Qilin that marinette isn't owned by anyone and knows what's best for her, but she only needs her. I want to see that mother-daughter content aside from sabine as Qilin! I mean like isn't not only sabine she needs but yeah anyways
- marinette. That was a huge slip just then. But then again a galette could be at any home in Paris that day. I still think she's got too used to speaking openly to alya 😂
- close
- cataclysm numero tré
- so she knew it was a mega-akuma?
- awwww they are the king and queen of my heart
- awww they all got the message in the end of what she wanted, which is ultimately what Sabine was trying to say anyway. More or less
- in a few years! 😅
- this was such a meta episode!
- oh post credit
- hang on " thanks to the forces of destruction and creation I will destroy this reality you left us and I will create a new one, where will never be separated again" so is it me or am I the only one taking this literally with him destroying THIS reality and CREATING a NEW REALITY with the miraculous, not simply combining them and resurrecting Emilie. Once again he is consulting emilie about "not matter what it takes" and it just makes me think that they are dealing with something messy and already with timetagger and chat blanc how time works in this universe is messed up but I'm taking this more on the route of chat blanc. He wants to create a new timeline where he will reverse back the time to before emilie was ill I take it, so if he succeeds in that and he does use adrien in some way it "won't matter" as he would reset time anyway? Idk help!!!!
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
🎪 titans spoilers
Tim is too well mannered and smart to be associated with the titans they're a literal bunch of toddlers although donna felt like an old lady being called miss troy and ma'am (I'm 23 an I love being called ma'am my brains like who me I'm an adult cool) 😅 gar and tim are prob gonna bond over being the only titans capable of rational thought 😅 The train was quite cool tbh yo how long have people been on that train cuz that one lady looked very 1920s to me
HANK HALL YOU BEAUTIFUL PRECIOUS ANGEL I knew he wasn't gonna make it out of there but my dumb brain held out a smidge of hope Hank is always in protector mode and always concerned about saving the children he tries to help jason and boom dead he tries to help tim and oh no still dead dang it hank, when donna was like oh no dawns gotta be so upset and hanks like yeah she better be 😅 donna wanted to stay and had to leave and hank wanted to leave and had to stay 😢 donna and hank talking about jason and hes like that little fcker blew me up! I know he talked about revenge on jason and I do think that if he got back he would be focused on stopping jason but I also think over a little time he'd forgive him and they'd kinda be buddies again and he'd help him with the drug problem also hank should get to kick crane in the face cuz yeah. Of course hank be driving around the after life blasting living on a prayer and he manages to find a car and a hotel I'm so happy he's with his brother now tho they gonna be kickn ass in the after life hanks basically some type of afterlife guardian now so I'm taking that as he's literally an angel 👼
Maybe hank donna and tim all had the good luck to find each other because of the ritual thingy they were tryna do at themyscira oh my gosh rachel is too funny her idea of themyscira punishment was being made to fight a shark or getting thrown in a pit 😂 that lady tho was that hippolyta and she saying her daughter being dead and earlier donna said to hank it's not like I died stopping an asteriod I died at a carnival so am I connecting stuff that ain't there or did Diana get killed stopping an asteriod? Ahem DONNA WITH THAT SWORD THO why is she so cool can she have a sword on team titans pls now
Okay but honestly somebody please please please help bruce what the heck dick I get he's got a lot to deal with but he could contact bruce now and again and I dunno maybe make him aware that jason is not dead!!! I don't even know if bruce knows or not Although I do think it is interesting character wise that when he broke his no killing rule he ended up turning on himself I really hope they don't just blow past his grief like someone please maybe donna talk to bruce please I was sitting getting so annoyed like bruce spends his whole life as batman and trying to help gotham and save people and there's no one there to save him and then donna swoops in donna I love you
Hank trying to use the power of his imagination to produce a weapon and he ends up with nightwings wingdings 😅😅😅 that was so hilarious to me p.s for that ask game the other day you asked who my fav legends was it's Zari Tomaz (theres two zaris but I've just got a softer spot for the first one) 💕💕💕
also dc should do a really cool back and white noir movie and a scarecrow movie like the way they did that joker movie would be dope too (it would also be intensely cool if they did a dc black label psychoanalytical exploration of Dr Jonathan Crane leading into Scarecrow stories because honestly I think he's one of thier more frightening villians cuz yeah if joker comes to mess you up it won't be a fun time but at least whatever he does to you he's not going to achieve locking you inside your own mind and there's a chance batman or someone will save you but with scarecrow if he comes to mess you up there's a high chance that he'll screw your brain up that much that you literally get trapped in your own mind and like how is anyone gonna be able to get you out of that also the clinical medical-ness would be a touch extra frightening cuz he can mess up with precision whereas joker will wreck you anyway he can but he's not gonna be able to be so precise in what he's doing sorry for the rant but they have such cool characters and so much potential to do stuff with them like ahhh )
Omg I just realized I never replied to your previous titans ask ahhhh I am so sorry!!!! I love getting your asks!!!!
LMAO, u right, Tim IS waaayy too good and pure and smart for the titans ahahaha. Protect him ahhh. I would die for him omg, I absolutely LOVE how they are doing him and how Jay is portraying him omg its near perfect.
Ahahaha, thats so funny xD people called me Ma’am when I worked at Disney world and it always freaked me out xD Especially cause I look so much younger than I am xD It is nice but weird being considered an adult ahahaha
True, Gar and Tim are the only ones with braincells omg xD I feel like they will get along really well awwww.
Omg I thought that one lady on the train looked like she was from the 20’s too!
Right! Hank has grown on me sooo much, like I didn’t really like him 1st season, was indifferent 2nd season, and like him a lot this season. Oh my dumb butt def didn’t think/occur to me that he wouldn’t get out tbh xD I think it works out for his arc though, especially with him and OG kicking butt together there, that was so cute and sweet and perfect. Tho I do want resolution between him and jason but i guess that isn’t gonna happen :(
Huh, interesting about the Diana theory, I never thought of that but you right, I can see that/it makes sense!
Omg I couldn’t handle donna pulling a sword while hank got freaking Robin throw stars and nunchunks that he immediately got hit in the face with xD That was too freaking funny “I was defiantly NOT thinking about Grayson” xD lmaooooo
Dude, this Bruce is so freaking erratic omg. Gosh, I really hope Dick can help him and we get some father son bonding cause my gosh Bruce has me STRESSED this season omg, God bless Donna Troy. I truly thought he was gonna die there! Not even saying goodbye to Dick, smh!
Huh, Ive never heard of Zari Tomaz, Ill have to look her up!
BRO A BLACK AND WHITE SCARECROW MOVIE WOULD BE SO FREAKING GOOD OMGGGGGG. Pleasseeee DC! Gosh, I would KILL for a “psychoanalytical exploration of Dr Jonathan Crane leading into Scarecrow story”, omg, gosh that would be PERFECT! Crane is SUCH an underrated and underused villain! And omg dont apologize cause like same and i love seeing your analysis and rants!!
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somarsword · 4 years
Sleep on the Floor - Part 3
Hi!! Hello again. Okay, first of all I am so so sorry for how long it took me to upload part 3. There's several reasons for that, a few being 1.) I've been pretty busy on school works, 2.) I'm an undecided bitch, and 3.) I have no idea which direction I want to steer this story towards. I've written this part like at least 4 times. Anyways, sorry for the delay. (Ps. I'm uploading on my phone so I'm sorry there's no cut and it appears as one long ass post. I'll probs edit this soon though to be under a cut)
I hope you enjoy the read!
picture uploaded by "wattpad" on pinterest (link https://pin.it/5NtW4Fg)
WARNING: blood, mentions of abuse (well the damage), cursing?
word count: 1.7k words
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𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 9, 1976 - (𝐫𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨) 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐢𝐭 
An hour after your conversation Freddie heads back to bed, leaving you to your own thoughts. Which definitely was not ideal. There was too much to think of, so much you wanted to just ignore.
𝑊ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑙 𝑖𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑌/𝑛? 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑒.
Breathing in deeply you head towards the front. There was only one person still up, possibly he could answer where the hell all of you were headed. 
"Hi" you say softly as you peak through the curtains which separated the driver's area from the rest of the vehicle. The man's head whips towards you, slightly startled, before quickly training his eyes back on the road. 
"Uh... hey?" his greeting comes out as more confused than welcoming. His eyes fleet back to you, his expression quite comical. It was as if he were making sure he wasn't hallucinating. 
"Mind if I sit up here with you?" you question him. He nods before looking at the road once more. You both seat silently for a few minutes, awkwardness filling the air. You clear your throat. 
"Uh, I was wondering actually if you could answer my question" you say. 
"I mean sure I guess, can't promise I've got the answer for that though" He replies
"Well I surely hope you can, you are driving us there after all." you tell him, this causes him to laugh
"Oh, if your question is where we're going, it's Detroit" he tells you, a smile still plastered on his face. You nod, murmuring out a short thanks, ready to head back.
Before you can stand, however, he speaks up. 
"If you don't mind me asking, who exactly are you?" there's no ill-intent behind his voice, rather it's just filled with curiousity.
"Oh um... I'm not so sure yet. I think I'm the financer though" you tell him. Amused, he shakes his head and laughs
"Girlie, you get more and more interesting." He says, laughing heartily. This causes you to smile as well.
"Well, I try" you shrug but can't suppress the giggle that erupts from you.
"I'm Y/n by the way" you say, finally introducing yourself properly.
"Bill" he says nodding. 
••• -•- •• •--•
By the time you reach Detroit, you and Bill have shared a year's worth of stories. Each story shared wasn't really important, more of small snippets of each of your lives. Like the time you tripped and spilt the contents of your bag on the road, or the time Bill thought he ran over a cat, only for it to be an old sock. 
You nearly forget the fact that you had a giant gash on your stomach until Bill suddenly steps on the breaks as he parks, sending you flying forward and causing the seatbelt strap to push against it. 
"Oh shit, sorry" Bill apologizes quickly.
You hiss loudly, slouching over as you see black spots dance around your vision. At this, he looks over at you worriedly.  
"Hey, you okay?" his attention is divided between you and parking the bus. You wave one hand dismissively but you can feel the wound throb painfully.
𝑆ℎ𝑖𝑡. 𝐼𝑠 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑?
You feel your shirt begin to dampen, the crimson red liquid seeping through the piece of cloth. 
Switching the engine off, he turns towards you. His eyes quickly widening at the sight.
"Holy fuck. You're bleeding! Shit. Wait, uh-" he frantically unbuckles both of your seatbelts before careening you towards a van parked adjacent to the bus. He yanks the van door open, causing the person inside to groan and cover their eyes.
"Tom. Tom get up" Bill's voice getting increasingly agitated. Tom groans, rolling over to his side. 
"Bill it's too early, I'm not in the mood. Please let me rest." At this Bill huffs and shakes the sleeping man. 
"Bitch, get up. I'm not looking for morning sex. This girl's bleeding out, get up." This causes the sleeping figure to quickly shoot up, reaching one arm behind him in search for (what you can only assume to be) his medkit. 
"Fucking hell. Maybe say that first next time?" he mumbles grumpily. Bill helps you unto the van, hoisting you up. 
"Can you lift up your shirt?" Tom asks gently, holding out a dampened cloth. Deliriously, you yank it up. 
You hear them both mutter curses under their breath as they see the damage. Neither asks what happened as Tom aids you, but you're sure they've got ideas. 
After nearly 20 minutes of excruciating pain as Tom stitched up your gash, you hear the tour bus doors open once more. You're not sure who it is as your eyes are closed but you know that you're in perfect view of whoever steps out the bus; and soon enough you hear hasty footsteps approaching. 
"Bleeding Christ, what the hell happened to her?" You hear the unmistakable sound of Roger's raspy voice. You hear no response from the other two.
You force your eyes open. This immediately catches Roger's attention.
"You alright there love?" He asks gently.
Moving towards the exit, you dangle you legs out limply.
"I'm fine" you murmur out, attempting to stand up. This only results in you collapsing. Roger catches you before you hit the ground. 
"Mhm, sure seems like it" he comments. "C'mon, let's get you rested" 
Too weak to protest, you nod. You hear him say a quick thanks to Tom.
Bill assists Roger in holding you up as you allow them to guide you back to the bus. Once inside you expect to be set on the couch, but they head directly to the back, laying you down on Roger's bed. Bill excuses himself, checking on you one last time before leaving. 
Almost immediately your eyes shut from exhaustion, but you remain awake for a while, listening to the hushed voices. 
They must've woken up from the commotion of Bill and Roger dragging you into the room as the first thing you hear from them is complains on Roger to keep it the 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 down, but the tone is quickly replaced by concern once their gaze lands on you
𝑌𝑒𝑎ℎ, 𝑖𝑓 𝐼 𝑠𝑎𝑤 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑑𝑦 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑡, 𝐼'𝑑 𝑏𝑒 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜𝑜.
••• -•- •• •--•
Drowsily, you lift yourself up. Confused by your surroundings. 
"Oh hey! You're up." their bassist says, quickly rushing to your side holding a bottle of water out. You grab it gratefully, chugging down the contents. 
Once finished, you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, turning towards the man sat on the bed across you.
"Thanks..." you begin, but trail off as you try to recall his name. He just chuckles, his eyes wrinkling at the sides.
"John. -or Deaky. Whichever you prefer" he says. You nod gratefully. 
"What time is it?" you ask, rubbing your eyes with the back of your hands. 
"Around 3:30pm. The rest just headed out to get food, they'll be back in a few" he explains as you look around at the empty beds. You nod.
Standing, he offers an outstretched hand for you  to take. You stare up at him in confusion.
"Well I'm assuming you'd rather not spend all day trapped inside. We can wait for them outside. There's a table and a few chairs set up" Reluctantly you take his hand and he pulls you up.
Feeling a lot better, you follow after him, refusing his offer of helping you. 
"Do you know how to play any card games?" he asks as you both take a seat outside.
"A few? Poker, Rummy, Black Jack" You list. He nods and shuffles the deck. 
"Let's go rummy" he says as he distributes the cards.
It's silent for the first few rounds, a few side comments said, but not much more.
"He's an idiot" Deaky suddenly blurts out suddenly causing you to look at him in confusion.
"Who?" you ask him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Your fiancé" he says matter-of-factly. This catches you off guard. You stare at him, eyes wide.
"I- He- What do you- How'd you know?" you sputter out. He shrugs.
"You're the girl from the Ritz right?" 
𝑊ℎ𝑦 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 𝑚𝑦 𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘 ℎ𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡?
You nod solemnly.
"So I'm guessing you all know about-" you gesture towards your stomach which was shielded by your bloody shirt. He nods. You sigh, thinking of how to explain it all properly. 
Deaky notices your distress and sets his cards down before turning all his attention on you.
"Don't worry about it. We won't ask. You don't have to tell us anything" Sincerity oozing from his voice. You give him a small, grateful smile. 
"It's ex fiancé, by the way" You clarify.
Just as you both start another round, the others arrive, holding bags of food and... shopping bags?
"Ah! Glad to see you up lovie" Freddie says, pulling you into a hug. You giggle and hug him back. 
"Here, we got you some pancakes and sausage." Brian says as he sets a small takeout box in front of you. "It may not be breakfast anymore, but pancakes are delicious at all hours of the day" Freddie comments , causing you to smile and shake your head at the singer's energy.
Roger approaches you, handing  you a small shopping bag. You look towards it then up at him.
"What's this?" you ask him, confused. 
"Just thought you might want some change of clothes. You only packed an extra jacket and a few pants so I got you a few shirts." he says scratching the back of his neck. Before you can respond he quickly add, "Sorry for going through your bag, I was looking for something for you to change into a while back"
"It's fine. Thanks Roger" You beam at him, happily grabbing a shirt and excusing yourself to change inside the bus.
Once done, you emerge from the bus to find all four boys and Jim seated around the table, eating their meals. You take a seat next to Jim. 
"Sorry about not being able to help out this morning. I can-" you begin to explain but he holds his hand up to cut you off.
"Don't worry about it. You can start later." he says, smiling gently. You nod appreciatively before opening the takeaway box and digging in.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Freeuse: Goblins x Reader
Reader is chained up and used by two goblins. a very self indulgent story I wrote super late one lonely night.
Rating: Explict Relationship: 2 Goblins x Female Reader Warning: Sexual content, Threesome F/M/M, Anal, light BDSM, Freeuse, Minor Cuckolding
Word Count: 1703
Staring around the dank dark room has lost its appeal after an hour. My wrist tied behind my back lost its charm around half that time. My shoulders were beginning to cramp at the weird angle. Shifting around hasn’t seem to help. This wasn’t a great time. I have no idea where I am and no idea how I got here. No one has shown up and I’m beginning to believe no one will.
The room is barely lit by torches attached to the wall, too high up for me to reach. there is a single door that I cannot find out if it's locked on the account of the chains attached to my ankles. I can barely get up with the tied hands, but I can barely walk around anyway. The floor is where I stay, the floor is where ill be.
After several hours and perhaps a nap or two the door creaks open. A short creature wonders in, if I had to guess probably around 3 ft tall. It wore minimal coverings, a loincloth and some shoulder armor. It was quick to close the door and make its way towards me.
“Hello,” I call out. It makes no attempt to talk back. as it gets closer, I scrape back towards the wall. It stops and eyes me. as I get a better look, I recognize it to be a goblin. Gender be rather confusing at the moment. It looks me up and down before reaching down and palming its loincloth. Alright so male then. I sneer at him and tuck my legs in close. he just chuckles then walks over to the sidewalls and grabs the chains looped to it. He pulls it making the slack given recede. My leg jerks out from my side forcing me to twist to not have my knees broken. He repeats the action to the other wall, so my legs are pulled either direction. I get the idea immediately and begin trying to force my legs closed.
“H-Hey, what’s the big idea ya goblin twit,” I snap in fear. He makes his way towards me and pulls a small dagger from his waistband. Probably in his hands, it could be a sword. he places a hand on my knee and slices a cut at my crotch. Cutting through the trousers and underwear. He grabs hold of one edge and rips it wider making me cry out. ‘Oh god, oh god, oh god’ I scream in my head. I jerk my legs around, but the chains are pulled too tight.
He presses a finger in to the tear and gently rubs along my slit. Stroking the hairs, making me shudder. A cold finger goes between my lips and glides toward my hole. I’m embarrassed to know I’m a little damp. Just slightly aroused at his actions. He lets out a gruff laugh as he spread what little slick I’ve acquired towards my clit. my breath catches as he pets the slightly exposed nub. Switching fingers he presses his thumb on it and moves in slow circles.
I feel my legs relax and see his grin grow as I get into his ministrations. Sadly enjoying myself at the forced pleasure. After a little of meandering, he feels down at my entrance to see how wet I’ve gotten. I figure he is going to continue but he pulls back and rubs the small amount of slick he collected onto his cock. Getting a good look now that he has tossed away the small fabric, I have to say I’m neither impressed or disappointed. It can get the job done but with no advantages.
He scoots closer, resting one hand on my thigh as the other lines up his cock. He does a few rubs up and down me before pressing the tip in. he looks up at me with an eager smile then slowly presses in. my body immediately tries to press the unwanted intrusion out, but I can’t help but feel excited at the prospect. Once he is fully seated, he begins pounding away. Using my thigh as leverage he thrusts into me. not finding the angle suitable he wraps his arms around my leg and prods again.
His cock once again isn’t impressive but the idea of him using me has gotten me bothered. He is an easy fit and is massage my walls in a teasing way. I figured if he would touch my clit, I would be on my way to actually enjoying this.
After a few minutes and some please groans from him, the door creaks open again. We both look over and see another goblin wearing the same garb as the first. Once the second catches sight of the first he is quick to yell. I don’t understand what he is snarling out but the first one finds it humorous. Once the second pause the first begins talking. As he does, he slowly thrusts in and out of me with a happy grin on his face. with a few gestures with his hand, the second one walks over. he removes his cloth and watches as the first picks up speed. He begins stroking his hardening shaft, watching with a snarl.
The second growls something out before walking towards me. resting one hand on my unaccompanied thigh he reaches down and wiggles his fingers in the tear and searches. He fingers graze over my clit, and I let in a sharp gasp. The second one finally cracks a grin as he grazes the nub again. Massaging it as the first grinds into me. they both find a pattern that leaves me panting. I subconsciously begin pressing my hips into the first’s. trying to find my peak along with the goblin.
To my surprise I reach it before him, letting out a whimper as my walls clench around him. he groans at the pressure and pistons faster, trying to savor my orgasm while he reaches his. His thrusts faulter then he stills. Crunching up his face and strangling my thigh in his hold. after a second, he relaxes and let’s go. Pulling out and stepping back. the second one is quick to replace him. not missing a second as he thrust into me. I don’t catch a glimpse at his cock, but he feels larger than the first. Not really winning any prizes but definitely making me feel something more than the first one.
He flicks my clit and gives quick shallow thrust inward. I catch myself panting again, feeling my peak reach again to my surprise. As I’m falling into the moment, I hear the first one growl out something to the second one. The second one snaps at him, messing up his pattern. The first one walks over and grabs at the second making him shout. After a bit more growling the second one pulls out and trades places with the first.
“wait didn’t you just have your turn,” I mumble out knowing they prob don’t understand me. he just looks up at me and smiles as he shoves in. the second one walks up behind him and grabs at his hips. “whoa wait, what are you doing,” I asked shocked. The second one bends the first one over, so his face is between my clothed breast. He pulls up the shirt before he nuzzles in and licks at my tits, enjoying the new entertainment. The second pulls the first’s hip in close and lets out a groan. The first’s face scrunches up as he stills himself. After a second of no one moving the second begins slowly thrusting into the first
“Oh my god, is he inside you,” I exclaim. Did they just agree to this? the first must really love me to let the second one top him like this. the first grumbles a bit as he rolls my nipple in his free hand. Then starts up a similar pace to the second. Everyone doing slow shallow thrust, enjoying their time. I groan along with them, enjoying the sight and the cock in me. I guess this could be worse.
I begin feeling the familiar heat in me as i watch the two goblins enjoy themselves. The sight downright sinful. I wiggle my hips towards the first one and pant as I try to feel him brush my clit. he catches on and moves his hand from my tit to my crotch. He gives quick circles and watches me as I come undone for him. I cry out before grinding my teeth, clenching on him for a second time. He rests his head on my boob with a face of pure bliss before it scrunches up as he finds his finish. He cries out and pressed his head into my sternum, finding his release a bit more than expected. As he cums so does the one behind him. feeling him clench around him. he wraps his arms around the first’s waist and grinds into him. milking it for all he can before pulling out. He walks over to his discarded cloth and wipes his cock clean.
The first stays where he is, completely drained after having cum twice in under an hour. He rubs his head to my chest letting out a soft sigh. Then he sits up and pulls out of me. he does the same as the first, cleaning off his cock before putting the cloth on. They speak a few words then leave the room.
I thump my head back against the wall and let out a sigh. The door then opens to reveal Kran my husband.
“Enjoyed yourself my love,” he calls with a knowing smirk. I chuckle at him as he walks towards me.
“Wasn’t prepared for the second one, or what the second one did,” I laugh. Kran crouches down in front of my spread legs. he prods his fingers into the globs of cum drizzling out.
“Seems you weren’t the only one having a good time then,” he joked. he gets down onto his knees and positions himself between my legs, “I feel it’s my turn to have some fun.” He leaned down giving a pressing kiss.
“Thanks love.”
“Anything for you.”
Want to read a long story with a slow burn between a woman and a minotaur? then check out Monster and Molly on archive! leave a comment, any comment. even mean ones, i dont mind.
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