#but if you want a fantasy reader to read YOUR fantasy book you gotta make it worthwhile
“Start with action! You need a big action scene at the get-go or readers will think you have no story!”
…respectfully, no.
What makes a good opening isn’t “convince the reader there’s a story here.” They picked up the book. They know there’s a story in it, that’s what books are for. What makes a good opening is “convince the reader to listen to your story.” Why should they keep reading? Why should they buy your book, or check it out from their local library?
Don’t start a fight, plant a bomb.
Starting with decontextualized action, like an unprompted fight scene, doesn’t grab attention the way it might in film or television. If you have to rewind and explain how you got here, then you just have a jumbled opening with minimal payoff. Good openings set up a thread to follow, one you’d better pay off soon. You plant a bomb, show it to the reader, and let them watch it tick down until it explodes. Setup > payoff, enough to get them interested in what’s next.
“The wolf lay dead, black blood oozing from its mouth.”
Setup: dead wolf. what killed it? what’s wrong with its blood?
The reader is asking questions. Good. Because now you can answer them. That’s your payoff. Now you’ve got an inciting incident and the beginning of your plot. You’ve established the story and the reader is interested. Mission accomplished 😎
Now, different openings will work better for different stories. A slow-build spec fic might have a subtle first line that gets you interested enough to go on. An action-heavy novel might start with an infiltration, building up tension and dropping lines about the protagonist’s purpose until the plan fails and they have to fight their way out. Whatever it is, it should introduce the world and story they’re getting into and do so well enough to get them invested. Set up a thread, follow it through, and pay it off.
Plant a bomb.
Then blow it up.
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taylor-titmouse · 4 months
hey i want to talk about how you should be promoting your work as an erotic author/illustrator
i'm writing this up because the marketing aspect of my work as an erotic author/illustrator is a science to me, and also because i'm the guy who gets unreasonably annoyed when i see other creators not properly advertising their work. you presumably want to make money off your work. this post will be written under the assumption you want to make money off your work but are doing a bad job at it. it will be very confrontational. if you read this and feel attacked you're right and i am attacking you.
this is geared toward selling erotic comics/writing/books/art as products. i will probably write more than one post about this subject so if i didn't touch on something you want to know more about, comment/send me an ask and i'll keep it in mind for the next one.
i will start with my first and least specific but most important point:
hi are you paying attention. i'm gripping you by the sides of your face. do not get fucking cute with what you are trying to sell. you are not a big enough property to get cute, nobody LIKES it when big properties get cute, and you are selling porn. you have to own this. you have to be up front about this. don't be tongue in cheek, don't be all teehee i wonder what this could be~, don't be secretive. you are selling a product. you have to fucking act like it. you are an adult selling pornography to other adults. i am GRIPPING your HEAD you NEED to understand this.
and to be clear when i say 'cute' i mean coy. i don't mean cutesy, as in the aesthetic. you can be as hello kitty pastel ten emojis a post uwu as you like when you're building your audience and generating hype. but when you start trying to sell, don't be vague, don't be sarcastic, don't mislabel your work as a joke and assume everyone is on it. because they're not.
you must always assume 75% of the people seeing the thing you are advertising have no fucking idea who you are. and that includes a huge chunk of the people who already follow you. they do not know who you are or what you've been working on for two months or why they should care about it. they just got here. somebody just reposted it. they are seeing it for the first time. most people are only looking at social media for a tiny chunk of their day. they are not keeping up with you. you cannot get cute about what you are trying to sell because nobody knows what it is until you tell them.
okay are you still with me. we are going to talk about clarity now.
good lord the amount of times i have gone to buy somebody's comic or book and had no idea what's actually in it or what it's about. who are the characters? why should i care about them? what do they do in it? what is the premise of this thing you want me to spend $5 on? why would you not tell me? i'm shaking you again. please i have to know what i'm buying i only have so much money to spend on porn.
porn, arguably more than any other genre, relies on knowing exactly what is in it. you do not want to surprise your readers with a kink they were unaware of! and on the flip side, you do not want to miss out on your target audience! if your book contains a hot spider babe laying eggs in an elf, you have to say so. not just so people who don't want to read about eggs know it isn't for them, but so the people who are egg crazy can see that and go "oh fuck YES i love EGGS here is my $5 and an extra $2 tip for catering to me specifically". a contents/features list is as much an advertisement as it is a warning!
as for re: who the characters are and why should i care, i'm sorry but you need to learn how to write sales copy. you have to write blurbs. you have to get good at the shit that goes on the back of a book. we all hate it but we have to do it. i want to know who the characters are and what the context is. i, personally, am not interested in contemporary stories as much as fantasy and historical. please tell me what genre this porn exists in so i know if it aesthetically appeals to me. pull some books off your shelves and see how they do it. hell man go look at mine.
while you're there, note that every single book of mine has a sample of what's in it. this feels like such a no-brainer to me but again! the amount of times i have gone to buy somebody's work and they don't show me what their work looks like! you gotta give me the first page or two! just enough that i know if i like the way your writing sounds, or the way you draw your comics! i don't know you! i am not going to trust that you're good at what you do just based on a cover. the cover is to get me to this step, it is not the only step. you have to show me that you're worth spending my money on!
to put it less cynically, you want to catch my interest. you want me to go 'oh i want to see more of this', you want me to go 'ahh i want to know where this goes!' you need to get me invested and craving more. earn my $5!!!
hey go look at your bio right now. go look at your pinned post. do you have a link to your patreon there? do you have a link to your itchio/gumroad/whatever? do i have to click more than once to get to the places you want me to go to give you money? why? why are you making me click twice? have we learned nothing from every website making you click an extra time when they make some stupid UI update and how much it pisses us off? i have already given up, i have forgotten you, i am not giving you my $5 today. put your links in the easiest places to get to them.
god literally as i was writing this post i went to go find somebody's itchio to see how they described their work and it was not anywhere on their profile. grabbing you and shaking you PUT THE LINK WHERE I CAN FIND IT. don't make it hard! make it easy! i am a dickhead sitting on the toilet scrolling, saw your post, and was interested enough to read further. but you made me go to your bio to find your linktree and oops i have already gone back to my timeline to look at the boobies in the next post. stop wasting precious bio space on DNIs and put your fuckin links there!!!
this is more for the twitter people, but: just put the link in the damn post. just say the word commission. just say it's for patreon. "wuh wuh the algorithm" it is not the damn algorithm it's that everybody hates advertising and nobody wants to retweet ads. putting slashes in the words doesn't do anything and you look like a fool. i have posted so much art that says it's 'a commission for ___" and it did exactly as good as any other art despite having the word commission in it. and by doing the slashes you just made it impossible for anybody to search your account for your commission information (which should be at the VERY LEAST in a post under your pinned tweet if you're not actively posting about them being open).
okay that went on a tangent i'm going to back to the point of putting the link in the tweet. put it in the first post. not in the first reply. don't tell them to go to your bio. put it in the post people are actually going to share. it's fine to put more information in the thread but people are only ever going to share the first post. so put the link there. you have to make it easy. putting links in tweets can hurt you algorithmically, even in the replies. so you're better off having it in the post that actually gets seen and shared. i don't want to open the tweet and scroll to get to your sales page where i ASSUME you will have put all the information anyway. put it in the tweet that just got retweeted by itself onto my dash!
also you have to share it a ton of times. i repost my shit every few hours when i'm trying to push a new product. as i said before people are not 24/7 looking at their timelines. they missed it the first time. they missed it the second time. they didn't get paid yet that week but they were after the eighth time and you reminded them again so they finally bought it. that i will still get sales every time i repost a book ad weeks after release says there are always people who missed it, or who only just showed up.
abandon your pride and shill. shills pay their bills. anyone who gets annoyed about it isn't giving you money in the first place. don't worry about looking like a sell out. don't apologize for plugging your own work. post about it often, post about it in different ways. post about it. post about it. you are not going to make money if people don't know you have something to sell them. if you want to make a career out of it, you need to act like it.
kisses your forehead. i'm sorry for yelling at you. i've been making and publishing and selling adult art for the past two-three years and have got myself to the point where it pays my rent, and i got there by paying attention to what does and does not work.
please do your best to make money. i want you to make money.
as i said above i plan to write more posts on this subject, such as cover design, how to actually write sales copy, and best practices with running a patreon, but if there's things you would want to hear more about leave a comment or send an ask! i will probably be less aggressive on future topics. these are just things that have grinded my gears for a grip.
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bobbin-buckley · 19 days
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Cairo Sweet x Fem!Reader
Warnings: (everything is mentioned but not happening) Smut, Cairo being controlling, mentions of writing porn, masturbating, bondage, degradation, praise, lesbian smut basically, lots of praising, and a lot of other things…
(I can also do a SFW if wanted)
A: Aftercare (What they are like after sex)
Cairo can play rough, but she can also play soft. She never tries to hurt you during sex, she just wants to be dominant. Other times she’ll be submissive but then becomes a power bottom basically.
Anyways, during aftercare she likes to make sure your taken care of first. She’ll get you water, massage any sore areas, maybe even give you a bath. It just depends. She also loves receiving it. There will be times she is the star and it being pleased, so she’ll want nice aftercare. After Winnie telling her what it’s like, and how she fantasies it. Cairo has begun to like it as well. Overall Cairo is soft when it comes to aftercare, probably the only time you’ll see her being a softie.
B: Body Part (Their favorite body part of themselves and their partner's)
Cairos favorite body part on you is your legs. She loves how smooth they are, how your thighs trap her head as she eats you out, or even how she holds them up when fucking you with the strap. (Not that she always uses the strap).
Her favorite body part on herself is her hands. She’s so confident about them. She knows you love her hands so much. They way she caresses your skin with her finger tips, how they grip your neck, even when knuckle deep. She’s often told she has hot hands, by you and Winnie. She doesn’t really understand that but goes with it anyways because her hands turn you on.
C: Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Cairo loves cum. Not surprising huh? But she loves it when it’s messy. She may not seem like the messy type, but when it’s with cum. Oh boy it’s all over.
She loves to cum on your face. Whenever she gives and you finish, her fingers will have be drenched with your cum and she’ll force her fingers into your mouth. Telling you to lick them clean. She’ll praise you about how much you cum or how you take her cum.
“That’s it baby, cum for me. Cum all over my fingers. So much cum.”
“Suck my fingers clean, there you go.”
“Oh fuck..yeah..lick all that up, such a good girl.”
D: Dirty Secret (just self explanatory, their dirty secret)
Cairo’s biggest dirty secret is. She wants to have a threesome with you and Winnie. Though will she never ever let it happen. Because she is possessive of you, even if it’s just her best friend who’s the most dirtiest person of all. She’d fantasize it but hate for it to happen. She’s just so possessive of you she wouldn’t even let anyone touch you.
E: Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Cairo knows what she’s doing. I mean hey, she writes porn. So she’s gotta have knowledge, and reads smut books. She’s read more of the “straight” smut books you could say. But when she got more interested into dating a girl (you) she wanted to learn. She got those lesbian smut books off like Esty and read them all.
So yes, I’d say she knows what she’s doing. And maybe even you gave her some tips. She’ll watch you carefully as you please her, observing you and trying to understand how to please a girl. Winnie even gave her tips. And when Cairo gave for the first time, she started thinking of what would please you and go from there. Trying new things if you were comfortable.
F: Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
She has a thing for both 69 and queening. She loves oral sex for sure. Wether giving or receiving. When receiving queening she loves to sit on your face all the way just to make it challenging for you.
She’ll try any other position she finds online or a suggestion given (mostly by you and Winnie. Winnie is her Google assistant).
G: Goofy (Are they serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc)
Cairo doesn’t really like humor in sex. Just because she’s so focused and serious she doesn’t have time for humor. If you like fall or something or make a stupid joke she’ll laugh. But if she’s on top, oh that’s a different story.
This girl doesn’t care for any humor when on top. She is so focused on pleasuring you. No disruptions.
H: Hair (How well are they groomed? Does the carpet match the drapes?)
She always shaves. Every time you have sex or she’s naked you always notice how well groomed or trimmed she is. She’s serious about it too.
She doesn’t mind how you shave but at least don’t look like Bigfoot. She’ll help you if wanted, if you give her a reward after. 😉
I: Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romance aspect?)
She’s definitely romantic during it. When she gives, she doesn’t exactly ask you if you want rough or slow. It depends on her mood really. And you don’t mind either way. She loves to be praised, she’ll praise you as well she just is so into it she forgets to talk. And boy does she know you love her dirty talk, she knows you love her accent so much.
She will kiss you all over, every inch of your body. Once she’s pleased she’ll peck your lips and get right to the main course.
J: Jack Off (Masturbation Headcanon)
She never really masturbates now that she has you. She used to a little bit. Before she met you, she only did it once just to get inspiration for her writing. When she met you and couldn’t stop obsessing over you, she did it a few times but never pushed herself enough to orgasm.
So she doesn’t do it unless you’re away and she misses you.
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Oh boy. She’s got a lot up her sleeve. Most of them she hides. Her biggest one is punishment. Whenever you disobey, or even make her mad. She’ll take her anger out on you and punish you till she’s pleased.
“You’ve been such a bad girl. Think it’s time for my toy to learn some manners..”
She also does degrading. She doesn’t hesitate to humiliate you. (Only if you’re comfortable). But when she’s mad she’ll definitely do it as a punishment.
“Such a fucking slut. How would your parents react to hearing how much of a slut their daughter is? I bet they’d be so disappointed.”
Edging is one she enjoys. She just loves edging you, even denying you sometimes. She won’t cause any pain though. (Unless you want to). Maybe some spanking but it’s gentle. (She has a soft spot for you)
“No. Only good girls get to cum, have you been a good girl for me? Maybe a little spankin’ will help.”
L: Location (Favorite locations to do it)
She has a few. Preferably her bedroom. She loves to take you on her bed. Making sure your comfortable too, plenty of blankets and pillows on her massive bed. She may even do it on the bedroom floor if she feels like it.
“Gonna fuck you into my sheets. Make you cum all over them.”
Cairo will even take you in the living room. She loves doing it there too. When her parents are gone, it’s midnight (specifically raining out too), the fire-pit is lit, and your on the couch doing it.
“Shhh, that’s it. Such a perfect night to take my good girl on. Scream for me baby, wanna hear you cry out my name in the moonlight.”
Maybe even her garden. Over by the landscape area. Her place is private anyway. (The part where she calls Miller is where I’m trying to pov). She even bent you over that table and took you
(She even considered alone in Mr. Millers office-)
“Oh yeah? Risky huh? Fucking you with my fingers out in my landscape? Anyone could be peering over and see how well you take me.”
M: Motivation (What turns them on? Gets them going?)
Whenever you beg her. When she’s not in the mood, if you beg her enough or send her a nude pic she’s all in. (Pun intended).
Or even if you just exist and she’s in the mood. If you do like your hobby she’s turned on. Especially if it’s writing or art. Sometimes she’ll have you read one of her books and it turns her on
N: No (Something they won’t do, turns them off)
Non-consensual. She hates it. She wants to give consent even if she seems controlling and demanding all the time.
She also hates it when you disobey her. Not that it’s a complete turn off she just prefers for you to listen when she demands it. She also hates being totally controlled by you when she’s receiving, she likes to guide you.
O: Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
She loves oral. She loves it both ways. You tend to tease her on how much she loves eating you out. Claims it’s her snack through out the day, or even at night. And she’s pretty good at it, she learned more and more as she did it.
P: Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)
Either. She loves either but it also depends on her mood. Especially when she’s top. Sometimes she’ll start slow then gradually speed up. When receiving she doesn’t mind what pace you go, sometimes she’ll request it. She’ll definitely give if you ask.
If you disobey her and give make her mad, oh lord she’s rough and won’t play nice
Q: Quickies (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc)
She doesn’t mind quickies. But since she lives basically alone most of the time, there’s no need for it and can go on for hours. Sometimes maybe in the shower, but it’s rare. She just wants to shower with you so she doesn’t waste any water
R: Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc)
Cairo loves to experiment. She wants to know what you are into and what you like. And she likes taking risks. Like having sex in public is a big one.
One time she took you to a public library and fucked you behind a bookshelf. That was probably the fastest sex you’ve ever had.
“Shush, sweetheart. Gotta stay quiet for me.”
S: Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long can they last? Etc)
It depends on her mood. If she’s top, getting rough or if mad. It’ll be up to eight rounds. If it’s her receiving it may only be four because she gets tired easily.
It can be a totally different story with how long she can last between rounds. Some she can last ten or so minutes within a round, because you like to be soft with her. But when angry and pissed with you, she can make you cum in five minutes
T: Toys (Do they own any toys? Do they use them? On themselves or their partner?)
Cairo has a few. Maybe about three. She prefers to use them on you rather than herself. Like she loves to use the vibrator on you, it’s her favorite way of teasing you. She’ll use it to edge you and you hate it. She also has some bondage stuff that she’ll use if you’re comfortable with. Cairo also owns a strap and enjoys using it on you.
(If you can convince her enough she might let you fuck her with the strap)
“You don’t like this? That’s too bad, guess I’ll have to deny you again.”
“So desperate huh? You wanna take my cock so bad huh? Just beg for it.”
U: Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Cairo LOVES I mean LOVES to tease you. It’s her favorite thing to do. She’ll tease you through out it all even when your are giving. She’ll even tease in you public. Wether it’s physically or verbally.
Physically she’ll brush her fingers against your thigh when walking by, squeeze your ass, maybe even put her hand on your covered womanhood when you sit next to each other. Verbally she’ll whisper something dirty in your ear, or even moan softly just to turn you on.
“What would you do if I fucked you senseless in front of your dad?” “Cairo!”
V: Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc)
Cairo is decently loud. Her moans can be pretty vocal. When being received she likes to moan loudly to make you hot and bothered, or even whimper into your ear. When giving she’s just groaning a bit at how hot you are beneath her. Some grunts and whimpers against your ear.
W: Wild Card (Random headcanon for them)
She’ll have sex with you and even write it in her story if it’s, what she calls “juicy” enough. She’ll even make you read her stories aloud as she takes you from behind.
(She actually fucked you on Millers desk)
X: X-ray (Let’s see what’s under those clothes)
A nice toned stomach, you love to grab onto it as she rails you with the strap. Her breasts are average, you love to stuff your face in them. Naked or not. She’s very well shaved and has tons of freckles that kiss her nice tan skin. You just love her body so much.
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
She can get pretty desperate. After having a few sessions with you she started getting addicted. But you told her at times no when it became an addiction. So at this point it’s high but she’s relaxed most of the time. She won’t get that mad at you if you don’t sometimes.
Z: Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterwords)
She lets you rest first before she falls asleep. She’ll make sure you’re okay even if you gave because she’s such a softie for you
It like reset me earlier so I lost progress. So I quit but then came back to it 😭
Hopefully it’s good and I’m willing to do other headcanons!
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my girl 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible age gap, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your brother’s friend from work starts hanging out a lot more often. (short!reader)
Characters: Captain Syverson
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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After dinner, you volunteer to do the dishes. It’s an easy way out of the awkward social cues and you find, it keeps your mom off your back so you can get a chapter in. You finish up, drying each and placing them neatly in the cupboards. Having defeated the dirty plates, you grab your book and head out to the porch. 
As the sun sets, the daytime heat dissipates into a mellow coolness. The smell of dew laces the fresh air. You lay back on the porch swing, feet up on the armrest as you read, the glow of the outside light giving just enough to make out the font. 
You plunge into the fictional realm head first. The buzz of crickets gives way to the eerie atmosphere of the underworld caverns and the night shifts in time with imaginary shadows. You are there with the party, trekking through the treacherous, waiting for a beast to surprise you. 
The front door swings open and hits the end of the swing. You squeak as the book slips free of your grasp and falls to the ground. You sit up as you crane to see over your shoulder, an orc-like silhouette adding to your fright. It isn’t real.  
Your vision clears and you return to reality. It’s only Sy. His eyes look just as startled as he looks down at you then his eyes skitter over to the ground. 
Before you can reach over the edge of the bench, Sy moves to grab the book. He lifts it and smooths the pages, dusting off the cover. He examines it before he hands it over. 
“Sorry, I’m a big lug sometimes,” he says as you accept the book and search for your place. 
“It’s fine,” you smile and keep your thumb between the pages. 
He reaches to rub the back of his neck then drags his hand over his beard. You noticed the same gesture several times during dinner and before that. It seems a habit that betrays a thoughtful mind. 
“Good book?” He gestures towards the novel. 
You look down and tilt your head, “it’s alright. Typical fantasy, you know?” 
“Ah,” he nods as the porch light leaves his features in darkness. 
“Mmhmm,” you smile and sit straight on the swing, your legs dangling over the edge. 
He steps closer and puts his hand on the post that holds the bench aloft, “erm, dinner was good.” 
“Oh? Yeah, it was.” 
“I know ya made some of it so... wanted to say so.” 
“Uh, right,” you laugh nervously, “yeah, guess I did.” 
He’s quiet and you’re just as speechless. The night breeze does little to cool the scald of tension all around you. Why is he talking to you? He should be grunting at Isaac’s dumb jokes. 
“Anyway, gotta head out,” he shifts on his feet, “you have a good night.” 
“Er, sure, you too,” you cheep. 
“Mmm, sure will,” he answers and lets go of the swing, turning to continue to the stairs. He stops at the top and looks back, “don’t stay out here too late. Thunderstorm coming.” 
“Is there?” You wonder as you look up at the sky, the moon clear. 
“So I heard,” he shrugs and sets off down the stairs with clomping steps. 
You stare after him as he stalks off, following the path down to the long driveway and to his large truck. The street light illuminates his silhouette as you feel the dampness woven into the wind. You sit back and let out a ‘huh’. You hadn’t noticed it until he said something, then again, you hadn’t been living in that world. 
“Peanut!” Your mom calls to you from down the hall. “Little help!” 
You sigh and finish the sentence. You roll your eyes up and mark your page. You sit up, frustrated as each page seems to be interrupted by one thing or another. You roll of the bed and leave the book on your pillow. 
You open your door and a roiling wall of heat blasts you in the face. You head down the hall and find your mother a humid mess as she works in her apron, her forehead sticky, and a pan in her hands. She drops it with a clang on the stove top and puffs. 
“Ugh, these things are never going to cook,” she tuts and shakes her head. 
“Mom?” You cross your arms and lean in the doorway. Even with central air, her broil has the house as hot as Mordor. “What’s up?” 
“Well, I was hoping you’d make your apple blossoms for dessert but I just got a call from Isaac,” she shakes her head and wipes her sweaty brow. “He forgot his lunch.” 
“Oh,” you purse your lips and nod. 
“So, peanut, you wanna go for a ride? I’d take it myself but I’m in the middle of something,” she smiles and fans herself. “And I’m an absolute mess!” 
“Yeah, I guess I could,” you shrug, trying not to let your disappointment burn through. Considering she isn’t pressuring you to get a summer job like everyone else’s parents, you won’t push it.  
“You’re amazing, pea,” she trills and goes to the fridge. She pulls out a container of yesterday’s leftovers and shoves them into your hands, “and tell your brother not to be late.” 
“Sure,” you utter. 
“Ah, and if you run into Sy, you tell him he’s more than welcome to come by. Should be all sorts of extras tonight.” 
“Right,” you take the container and find a cloth bag to put it in. You head back to your room and swipe up your book and your phone. Just in case. 
You pluck your mom’s keys off the hook by the door as you slip into your sandals, the straps braided leather. You chose them because the little daisies reminded you of a woodland elf. You take your brother’s lunch and grumble as you cross the lawn. 
Your mother’s car is nicer than your dad’s truck. More manageable for you. You don’t need to adjust the seat very much and you can see the road, mostly.  
You take the drive slowly, enjoying the greenery of the neighbourhood. Your brother can suffer his own negligence. He’s an adult and he’s still forgetting his lunch at home. As always, someone else is cleaning up after him. 
You pull up to the shop. You’ve been there once or twice but never inside. As you get out of the car, you hesitate. Should you knock? You approach the heavy metal door and peer around.  
A whistle comes from your left and you turn as Sy appears from around the side of the building. His face is darkened above his beard and around his hairline with the residue of his work. The faint outline of safety glasses leaves a lighter patch in the middle of his face. 
“Hey,” his voice is sonorous as he holds a pair of gauntlets. “Everything okay?” 
“Um,” you blink at him then look back at the car. “Yeah, uh, my brother forgot his lunch.” 
You hold up the bag in your hand. He nods, his face placid. Impossible to read. In his leather apron and with his thick arms bulging under his sweaty tea, he reminds you of a dwarf in a Tolkien tale. You gulp and fidget. 
“Real nice of you to drop that off,” he says as he comes closer, “you’re real sweet like that.” 
“Uh, yeah, I guess,” you clasp your wrist and sway nervously. 
“Want me to take it into him? Wouldn’t want ya ruining your clothes with all the fire.” 
“Er, I... if you don’t mind.” 
“If you’re askin’, I don’t mind,” he holds out a large hand, “I’ll get him that.” 
“Right, thanks,” you put it in his hand as he stares down at you, his gaze as hot as the torch he works with. 
“It’s nothing at all,” he assures. 
You smile nervously and back up as he towers over you. You rub your throat and look around again. You feel bad not offering now. 
“Mom said if you wanna come for dinner, we’ll have extra,” you say. 
He hums and puts his gauntlets against the bottom of the container as he holds it in both hands, making it seem tiny. 
“Won’t say no to dinner with a pretty girl,” he intones. 
Your eyes flick up and meet his. No, your mom invited him. He’s just being nice, right? The way he always is, at least when he bothers to speak up. Maybe he's even talking about her.
“I should... go,” you point with your thumb. 
“If you say so,” he agrees, “drive safe.” 
“Will do,” you spin and scurry off. Oof, you are so friggin awkward you could just-- 
You trip and stagger, keeping yourself on your feet. You cringe and turn back, giving a wave to assure him you’re not a total loss, then open the door. You keep your head down, refusing to look at him as you buckle in. 
Maybe you can convince your mom to let you eat in your room. 
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Gotta be a moron to wanna be a fighter
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Pairing: König x Reader
Summary: You’re determined to find out why everyone thinks König is so scary, afterall he’s just some guy that’s taller than most people right? He’s probably harmless! Well, he’s a little scary, but you still like him anyway.
(No use of y/n or mention of gender/race)
Warning: Drinking, sex references
AN: Thank you for being so patient, this chapter has been a long time in the making 💕 Everyone's lovely comments and beautiful art have been giving me LIFE so thank you so much for continuing on with me! Also after this chapter there will be a Chapter 5.5 so to speak that will essentially just be filth without plot so people that read the series for fluff don't need to read it 😇 and people that want more will be indulged 😈 Enjoy! x
Part 5 of A Rocky Start - Full Masterlist Here
It was stupid, you were both aware of it. You’d get in trouble and be marked for life as liabilities if anyone found out, if even so much as one person saw you both and reported it back to Price. Reality was though, that neither of you could bear the thought of ending things. Sprinkle in a little hubris and it was a recipe for thinking you were above it all.
You felt secure in your hiding spot, shrouded in the bodies of the oblivious people around you, protected by the roar of the ramping conversations. Though, when it came down to it, it was more like you were the oblivious ones. All cuddled up close and murmuring to each other through an exchange of soft kisses and sweet promises that you could only hope were more than a shared dream. 
You’d leaned as far off the stool as you could, magnetised to him. Body brushing up against König every chance that you could get, running your fingers along his scar torn arm, blinking syrupy slowly up at him and simpering like an idiot. It felt like catching snowflakes in the winter. It felt like König would disappear at any moment, the dream would shatter and he’d fade away and so you had to cling to him like an anchor to keep him in place. 
You’d never felt so needy before. Especially not for someone that you held so much tension with, so much mixed emotion. Even under it all, under the whole whimsy of making plans and talking about booking quiet hotels out in the sticks, letting your heads float in the clouds, you could feel the heavy weight of the words you’d yet to let goof. What remained from that night when things had gone wrong.
No matter how much you’d thought about it, you struggled to come to a clear conclusion in your head. A way to navigate past it all - the shifting sands of your feelings. On the one hand some of it still disturbed you and gnawed at the edges of your mind and on the other, you couldn't bring yourself to think that you were much better, that you had the right to criticise him. 
You hated to think of him holding onto it all and internalising the words you’d spat out in a moment of panic. You’d made him out to be a monster while your hands were just as bloody as his, you’d acted as if yours dripped righteously because you’d killed your quarries quickly. It was hardly fair - though none of the situation really was.
That’s how you found yourself struggling to speak when König had finally taken the helm and steered you out of calm waters. He wasn’t going to let things go on without some assurance, he needed something from you. Needed to know it wasn’t going to fall apart. 
“Almost sounds like a fantasy doesn’t it?” König said, gazing up from his drink and back to you.
“What? Getting some time away together?”
“Mhmm,” he mused.
“We could do it you know,” you smiled. “I…actually really want this.”
He regarded you for a moment with a tilt of his head, his sculpted face set in a stony marble contemplation. He looked like he knew exactly what he wanted to say, but he couldn’t open his mouth past a small pout. He was trapped in silence until he finally took a breath and smiled weakly. 
“If we really were to do it…if we really did plan a trip together, spend the weekend away, then I need you to be honest with me. You have to tell me how you really feel about what happened.”
Now it was your turn to pause. You knew where this was going - it was inevitable. You just wished that it wasn’t and you could remain suspended in your little bubble for the rest of time, cuddled up and without a care. Even when you knew that would have been selfish, because it was easier for you to forget what happened, easier for the person that caused the hurt to move past it. 
Realistically you were never going to do that to him. Responsibility weighed heavy and it wouldn’t just disappear, you had to take a hold of it and tell König how you really felt. The only way over was through. You just had to hope that he’d have the same view on it all, that he would want to work with you on it. 
“You have to understand,” he said quietly, speaking again before you could settle on the right words, “you are the first person that I’ve had feelings for in a very long time. When you told me the other night that you thought I was acting with you, that i was this- this monster of a person, and pretending I cared, it really hurt me. Even despite the kiss we shared that night, and the things we’ve talked about even now…I need to know that you won’t run from me again. I can’t stand the thought of us taking things further and you turning your back on me because there’s a repeat of what happened - it would break me this time.”
It would break me this time.
It was like an icy wave rising out of the depths and drowning you. The cold hard realisation that you’d had more of an effect than you’d realised. König now worried - even after you telling him that you missed him more than anything - that you’d leave him just like that. Even when that was impossible. You’d agreed to meet him even after all that had happened for gods sakes, you were risking your career for him, you were ready to face Price’s wrath just for the chance to see him again and make up for everything. You weren’t giving him up.
“I don’t think you’re a monster König, I never did - even when I said all those things to you… but it’s like I said earlier, my mind isn’t completely clear on it all. There’s still things about that night that make me uncomfortable, I still don’t like picturing you doing things like that and- and well…the laughing - that still gets me,” you said with a sigh, trying your hardest not to break eye contact. “But no matter what though, no matter what has happened and what will happen - I know that I want to work through it with you. I don’t want to run, I want to be right here. I want you to trust me. I know that I fucked up telling you that I thought that badly of you and I know it’ll take some time for you to feel like you’re secure, but we can both reassure each other, yeah? We can navigate through it together because- well because it’s like you said. You have feelings for me and I- uh- I…care about you too, so so much. So much. I won’t let anything get in the way of that.” 
His face was a melting pot of emotion. The curve of his lips wobbled between a grimace and a small smile and his jaw kept clenching and unclenching as he processed what you said. He turned the words over in his mind for a minute, his face giving nothing away as he zoned out into the middle distance, transfixed on the rainbow array of bottles behind the bar. 
“So how do we move past it?” he breathed.
“I suppose we just try to talk about it more…I’m not sure it's something I’ll immediately forget about, but then I guess you won’t just forget about what I did either,” you mumbled. “We can learn from each other though, and understand each other’s perspectives. Like I said before, we can work through it all. If you want to.”
He nodded and studied the bar again, thinking deeply for a second. König’s face still didn’t betray anything, he was so good at wearing masks he barely needed the cloth to cover what he thought. His hard jaw was set and his pale blue eyes were haunting a deep space far from where you both sat. 
It was only when he finally grabbed your hand again, when he wove his work beaten fingers through yours that you knew it would be ok. You knew that he wanted this just as much as you, no matter what. He barely even had to say it, but he did, the words like honeysuckle petals softly tickling at your ears. 
“Yes, I think that you’re right. We can do this together,” he murmured, gripping your hand tightly. “You and I will make this work any way that we can. I’ve never wanted anyone like this before and I won’t give you up for anything, not for Price, not for Ghost, not for the world. You’re mine…and I will do anything to keep it that way.”
Barely a week after that night, you found yourself checking into a quaint little hotel in the middle of nowhere, attempting to ignore the Price shaped shadow that stained your peripheral vision. You’d packed yourself into the car and driven off with your hold all, not stopping to look back. It almost felt like you were going back to base again, as if you’d taken on another mission and you were going through the motions, that helped for most of the journey. 
It was only when the car had crunched into the gravely drive that it finally sank in that you were really going to meet König. There wasn’t going to be any interruptions or distractions, you didn’t have to silently walk past him in the hallways and feel your chest sink knowing that you couldn’t acknowledge him. It was just you and him, unfettered by rules and boundaries. 
In the mouth of the hotel reception, you’d muttered out your details to the stuffy looking woman behind the desk. She’d given you the same feeling some people must have when checking into a prison sentence. She clicked over to you in her perfectly pressed grey jacket and skirt and demanded to know if you had a booking. Her eyes roved over you, her lips pinching together when she asked why you were visiting, and you said you were just taking a trip away with a friend. She didn’t seem to like that very much. Her papery worn hand had stopped scratching down your details in her book, then she’d proceeded to continue again after a brief but unmistakable sigh. 
She was onto you. She didn’t even know you, but even she knew you were up to no good. Her beady eyes certainly betrayed her as they narrowed behind her thin gold framed glasses.
The Captain Price in your mind took on a more solid shape, made your hand shake and jingle the keys that you’d been given. What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Sergeant? You had no idea what you were doing, reason had been abandoned for a far more attractive proposition. It was only there at the desk that you realised the full weight of your decision, trying to stay calm in front of the glaring figure before you. 
You’d only gotten to leave after being strictly warned that you weren’t to disturb the other guests ‘should you and your friend spend much time in each other's rooms’. You’d nodded with a thick gulp and attempted to smile as you slunk away from her, dreaming up that she was on the phone to Price just as you were out of sight.
You were being ridiculous. 
You sighed and trailed your eyes along the yellowing floral wallpaper as you passed it, laughing softly as you realised how paranoid you were being. It was no use worrying about Price now, you’d already committed to the trip, so why torture yourself with seeing him in every nook and corner? With that in mind you walked a little more confidently across the soft pink carpet, eventually making your ascent up the groaning old stairs, keeping yourself focused on not tripping up on the runner rods. One step at a time, soldier, you’ll need those legs to lean on when you’re scrubbing toilets. 
The room you’d ended up in was exactly as you’d pictured it after seeing the rest of the hotel. It was as if you’d stepped into the past, something straight from the 1920’s with its old decor and unplaceable draft that permeated throughout the room like it was an extra feature. 
The bed looked older than you. The kind that would squeal and shout traitorously at every little movement you’d make and was topped with lacy white sheets complete with multi coloured floral quilt - it clashed with the wallpaper of course. Though it worked with the equally ugly rug in the centre of the room, mangled and worn with age, reaching out its frayed tendrils; almost touching the little desk off to the side and the wardrobe next to it. The bathroom wasn't much better either, all avocado coloured porcelain and tiny enough to accommodate a hobbit and not much more. 
It made you wonder how König was going to cope, his almost seven foot frame was going to be like something from Alice in Wonderland. You smirked at the thought and tossed your hold all on the bed, freeing your hand up so that you could fish out your phone and text the number you kept under - mother. Your Latest act of subterfuge. A way to receive messages from König without being found out. You really did feel like a kid again. 
You’re gonna love this place, big guy ;) 
Any more back chat about my choice and you can go another week without me
I’m JUST saying…it’s tiny to *me* so take that as you will 
Size isn’t everything dear ;) 
You’re so fuckin lame dude 
Is that any way to talk to your mother?
You found yourself cackling at his response and clamped your hand over your mouth, not wanting to draw too much attention to yourself already. The old harpy downstairs probably already thought you were both having a secret affair or something, the last thing you needed was to draw more of her ire. It wasn’t like you could go and explain to her that neither of you was spurning a partner back home, and that you were actually hiding from your Captain turned father. So really it was totally fine for you both to be sneaking around in the countryside together!
She didn’t seem like the type that would like that explanation either anyway. 
No. Reality was, you were part of one of the most elite task forces in the world, and there you were hovering above a frilly old bed about to wait for your crush coming home like a propaganda poster. When will my would-be forbidden boyfriend return from Austria? You snorted at the thought and dove into your bag, rustling around in search of your tablet. Things were bad enough without you waiting at the window with your metaphorical tail stuck in alert position - excited for König and fearful of Price and the paranoid possibility of him having a tracker on you both. 
Fuck that. You watched TV and tuned out the tinfoil hat thoughts as best as you could manage.
You didn’t have to wait long in the end anyway, not if you were honest with yourself. König had announced his arrival with a thud and an ‘ow, oida!’ and immediately you knew your man had arrived. It seemed unlikely anyone else would be in the corridor, you assumed, banging their head and shouting in German. 
Wouldn’t you know it, once you’d poked your head out of the parapet of your room door, you’d laid your eyes straight on him. You emerged from your hiding place and watched as König rubbed his head and looked at the doorway like he’d square up to it. A tiny laugh escaped before you could cover it up when you realised you’d been right all along; the place was far too small for him. 
Though he’d never admit to it - that you were sure of. He’d be folding himself in half before he’d admit to being wrong. You’d figured that out when you’d originally questioned his choice in hotel and destination. It screamed home for the geriatric: spend your last years here together, but he wouldn’t hear of it. König had been absolutely adamant he wanted a little old fashioned place out in the countryside, said it was good to stay out of the way of everyone and grant yourselves some privacy, height restrictions be damned. 
“Having trouble there, handsome?” You smirked, looking him up and down appreciatively. 
He whirled around and faced you, eyes going wide as he realised you’d been watching him. Almost instantly you were admiring him, trailing your eyes over his outfit and his perfectly exposed face. 
König was wearing his neck warmer much like usual, though it had been drawn down around his neck - likely to accommodate the nosy old gal downstairs. It fit well enough with the rest of his outfit, tan brown work jacket, white shirt and beat up jeans and boots, but it looked a little odd in the warmer weather. You could only imagine how suspicious she’d been of him, masked up and german, likely two marks against his name. She’d be calling the authorities on you in no time, the neighbourhood watch would be descending down on you from their helicopters if you misstepped even slightly.  
“I’m doing just fine, thank you,” König sniffed, leaning his arm up against the top of the doorframe.
“Really? Sure you don’t need a lil pillow or something to strap to your head? Would be a shame if you came back from your time off with brain damage,” you giggled. 
“Maybe I’ll avoid it by leaving early then shall I?” he teased, narrowing his eyes. 
“Oh c’mon, you know you can’t resist all this” you smirked, tilting your chin. “Besides, it must’ve taken ages to get that big head of yours through the front door, you can’t possibly want to leave already!”
Ignoring the string of muttered German that followed your comment, you closed the gap between you both. Before you could chicken out, you put your arms around him, embracing his big warm body like an oversized plush. König’s muscles tensed at first, reacting like you’d tased him, but he quickly relaxed, letting his own encompass your body before he kissed the top of your head and turned your mind rosy. You could swear you saw blushes of pink cross your vision, eyes clouding while your head went fuzzy.
“Missed you,” you whispered, nuzzling into his chest. “Again.”
“Mhmm, I’d say I did too, but you’ve been so condescending with me,” he murmured, descending into laughter when he caught you glaring up at him. 
“Don’t be mean!”
“Alright, alright. I missed you too! Of course I did,” he relented. “Though I think you should be nicer to me, you did make me sacrifice going back to Austria after all.”
He sighed dramatically and suddenly it was your turn to roll your eyes. He’d been trying everything to get you to go to him, but for you it was no dice. The absolute last thing you needed was for Price to see the big Austrian stamp in your passport and turn the national colours in fury. The thought alone was enough to have you going wide eyed and stiff. 
“Well I suppose I can be nicer,” you grinned, reluctantly pulling away from him. “We have got two days together, so I’ll have to convince you to stick around somehow.”
“Two whole days, my my,” he said with raised brows. “What are we gonna do with all that time?”
“For starters - hang out without a paparazzi of base personnel waiting to report on the gossip.”
“Not that that will stop them talking. I caught MacTavish over my shoulder trying to get a look at my phone the other day,” he said, shaking his head.
“Really? Did he say anything to you?” You asked, concerned that you’d have to tell him to knock it off somehow without being figured out.
“I stared back at him and he almost died of fright when he finally looked back at me,” he chuckled, his evil laugh making an appearance. “Didn’t stick around long after that.”
“For fucks sake, Soap,” you snorted. “That man’s about as subtle as a canon. Stupid prick.”
“Well what else can you expect from the 141?” König teased, preemptively retreating backwards toward his open doorway. 
“Oh, you think you’re a big man firing insults then running away do you?” You asked, folding your arms across yourself. 
“Sneaky, please - Im a very big man,” he tittered, cocking a finger gun at you as he disappeared with his oversized rucksack. “I’ll come over to your room in a minute!” 
Your earlier assessment was true enough - he was fucking lame. But nevertheless he was the man that you were risking it all for.
“Good luck getting in!” You called, retreating back to yours.
Not that it’d actually be a challenge. You’d gone as far as to ignore a direct order from Price, ignored your own wavering doubts about the darkness that he was capable of and you’d driven five hours just to see him. When it came to König you were a goner. And it was only getting clearer with time. 
König had indeed managed to worm his way back into your presence, no matter how much you tried to joke that you were barricading yourself in your room. However, with the promise of a scenic walking route and pub food courtesy of him, you found it in your heart to forgive his earlier comment, giving him a stern look on your way out. He was only forgiven by a slim margin you’d told him. 
However as you’d set out and begun to stretch your legs and ease out the travelling aches, you found yourself more and more surprised by how much you were enjoying yourself. The air had cleared and something in the knots of your stomach had come undone. You were Shocked that you were able to forget all about Price, all about the hazards of being together. As if work were just something from a persona that you’d shed. All responsibility and worries scattered in the breeze that shook the tall grass. 
It was easy to share his company too. It didn’t feel awkward or like you had to say anything at any particular time. It was natural, just like it was before, when you could talk to him without the threat of Price giving you the sack. Though it struck you like a slap to the face when you realised that it was one of the few rare moments you’d had to talk to each other without being a spectacle, without people watching and commenting. No Soap to tease you about it, no Ghost to pass his judgmental gaze over you both. 
That was what made it truly special, it was something just for you both. The place itself turned out to be pretty special too, it was lovely. You had to give König that - even if his hotel was haunted by its judgmental keeper. 
The trail was fairly flat, and took you through fields and backroads with only a few sloping hills here and there with plenty of streams that babbled in the backgrounds of your conversations. Eventually you’d come to a little bridge and stopped to take in the view, looking out over the cold spray of the miniature waterfall tumbling down into the river below and past the mossy banks. It rollled down the yellow-green expanse, snaking off somewhere way out to the horizon line. 
It was both a noisy, but pretty backdrop that allowed you to get plenty of sly glances in while König was distracted. Your eyes had been tracing his profile like you were trying to paint him. He’d caught you no doubt, the smile that played on his lips told you that much, but he hadn’t made any attempt to stop you looking. He kept staring at the water and had let the quiet lull in your earlier chat remain still. 
“I’ve always wondered…do you stare at lots of people like this? Or am I special?”
You blinked back at him and felt blood pool in your cheeks, racing with the rushing water. 
“Who says I’m staring at you,” you murmured, leaning against the worn wooden railing. “There’s actually a very nice tree that I’ve been admiring.”
“Oh a nice tree, hmm? I must say, I’ve been compared to a tree many times, but not an awful lot of people call me nice,” he mused, teasingly nudging your shoulder. 
“Just me and your mother?” you smirked, firing a shot back at him. 
He widened his eyes and tilted his head like a puppy, putting his hand on his chest as if he were pulling the spear you’d buried there out of himself.
“I can’t believe you’re bringing my mother into this!”
“Well, I assume she thinks you’re nice…Sure sounds like it anyway,” you said with a coy smile.
“And by that you mean…?” he asked, eyes narrowing on you. 
Your throat could’ve gone dry from the heat in König’s eyes and suddenly his intense gaze felt all too similar to the shake of a rattlesnake's tail. Had you been trying to insult him, you’d have let it die on your lips, but it wasn’t what you were thinking of doing at all. What little you knew of his past, you knew that wasn’t the sort of thing that would go down very well.
“I mean that - judging by the way you sound on the phone to her - she likes to dote on her little precious baby König,” you said with a smirk, “I can always tell when you’re on the phone to her.”
The lit fuse was snuffed out in an instant, and the look in his eyes faded from a warning and into a question. He paused a moment before he spoke again. 
“I don’t know whether to be more perturbed that you’ve been listening in on my calls, or if I’m much more interested in finding out how you can tell.”
“I haven’t been listening to your calls! You always answer your phone in front of everyone because we’re all ‘savage’ non German speakers,” you laughed, finally returning the nudge he’d given you earlier. “You make it sound like Price has me spying on you!” 
“Maybe he does,” he chuckled dryly, turning to you now. “Maybe you’re perfectly fluent in German and you’re an excellent double agent.”
“Damn it, you’ve caught me! I better tell the guys to come out of the bushes now. Quick Price, get down from that tree before you fall out of it,” you laughed in return, calling out to the fake 141 like they’d really come free from their hiding spots. 
König shook his head at you saying something about you being silly under his breath, and turned back to the water again. His body shook the fence with his weight coming to rest on it, one arm propped up so that he could reach up and hold his face in one hand, clearly not used to having it bare as he subconsciously stroked the spot where his neckwarmer would come to. He looked distant for a second, only a fleeting moment, until he swivelled his head back to you and looked at you curiously, raising his brow. 
“What is it that makes you say my mother dotes?” he finally asked, giving you a small smile. “If you really are the uncivilised non-german speaker that you claim to be.”
“First of all - you’re so rude. Secondly, its how you talk when you’re on the phone to her, even if it is in German,” you said pointedly. “Your voice always goes all soft and quiet and reassuring like you’re always trying to soothe her…Oh! And you do that thing where you answer all gentle like - ‘hallo, mama’.”
König bit his lip and held back the smile that tried to burst loose. 
“Is that really how I sound to you? Like I’m greeting a dying animal? I can’t imagine that’s very attractive.”
“It’s not like that! Your voice goes all sweet and cute,” you replied defensively, sidling up against him.
“Sweet and cute? Niemals! I am not sweet, nor cute,” he huffed, staring you down and rising to his full height. 
“You’re very sweet and cute, actually,” you huff, giving his cheek a rub before you can think twice. 
Suddenly you’re trapped between the railing and König, the wood creaking out in protest. His heavy chest trapped you fast against him and his arms locked on either side of you, straining as his hands grasped the wood tightly. His hair had fallen over his face and shadowed his eyes, giving them a menacing glint as he continued to look down at you. 
“Am I still sweet and cute?” he whispered lowly. 
You felt your face burn and your breath shudder. Tremors wracked their way through your legs and you fought to stay on level ground as he forced you down. He wasn’t being either of the aforementioned things you’d said, but he wasn’t being very scary either…
“I’m not scared of you König,” you murmured, breaking the tension and tucking back a rogue strand of his hair. “I still think you’re very sweet.”
He rolled his eyes, sighing down at you like a weary god.
“I’m not.”
“Yes you are,” You grinned. “You’re sweet to me all the time! Always making sure I have my tea and get to watch my movies even when you’re fidgeting like hell. You booked this hotel just so that we could spend time together without being in trouble at work. You watch out for me, you make me feel safe. You’re so sweet.” 
He sighed again.
“Ugh, very well then…I  suppose if you really enjoy the whole cute thing I should lean into it more, hm?” he said, a smile slowly creeping across his face. “What do you think, my precious angel? You want me to be sickly sweet with you now? Hm? My Schnuckiputzi? Schnuckiputzihasimausieerdbeertörtchen, my-”
König’s voice purred sweet and high pitched, sounding several levels of unfamiliar as he kept you smushed against the fence with his hand locked to your jaw. His lip jutted out thickly and his eyes went dopey, talking to you like you were a little kitten that he was trying to charm into his lap. It was too much for you, you were overcome with laughter and crying out as he kept up his assault, only pausing when you tried to cover his mouth with your flailing hand. 
“Oh my god, you have to stop,” you wheezed, pushing against him. “No more!
“But I’ve barely even started, Schmusebär! I could go on forever,” he laughed, voice muffled by your grasp on him.
“No, please, it’s too much!” you protested.
“Oh, so you’ve had enough? You don’t like the cute thing anymore?”
“I like when you’re cute like you, not cute like that! That’s gross,” you giggled, giving him a playful shove.
“Ok, ok! I’ll dial it back. Anything for my sweet little flower.”
You’d given him a warning look, but he didn’t look in the least bit intimidated - one of the hazards of going out with a guy built like König, he wasn’t going to be scared off by you. Although, you supposed that might’ve been a good thing too. 
At the very least he’d stopped after that and you’d enjoyed the rest of the walk in peace. Both of you had become transfixed by the sprawling deer-filled fields and the birds that flew in perfect formations shrieking above your heads. They clouded the skies and brought with them a cold wind that had begun to bite through your clothes and had you leaning into König. Your body brushed against his one time too many and eventually he just rolled his eyes and took your hand in his, firmly dragging you closer so that you could absorb his warmth. It had your heart stuttering for a few beats, still in disbelief that you were really there with him. 
After the walk you’d both found a place for dinner, a pub that seemed to have the same interior decorator as your hotel by the looks of it. It had the potential to be trendy with its exposed brick and old iron fireplace, though it was covered in doilies and old horrible paintings and florals - much the same as the hotel. 
Despite the gross decor, the food was delicious and the drink even more so after your long winding walk. König had ordered himself a feast, getting a steak pie, chips and mac and cheese, claiming that anything else would have him starving later on. Meanwhile you’d sat with an amazed look as you took slow bites of your burger; watching him devour all his. 
“You think that I just got to this size by magic?” he’d asked, taking a big gulp of his beer. “It takes a lot to maintain this.”
“I’m not judging, I’m just amazed that you’re actually eating all that,” you’d noted, reaching across the table to steal a bit of mac and cheese. 
“Hey! You didn’t ask if you could have any.”
“Well that’s what you get for going to dinner with someone called Sneak,” you’d chastised.
He’d made a joke about sneaking out and letting you pay for it all, but even after that you’d both melted into the warmth of the fireplace and ordered a few more beers; feeling pleasantly tipsy by the time you had decided to pay. 
The wallpaper was growing fuzzy as you’d stared ahead at it and the patterns that had been so clearly defined before were getting lost in the dim light. Your eyes flicked between the swirling shapes and staring over at König, getting lost in the features of his shadowed face, listening out to the consistent rattle of the table as König’s leg gently bounced. Your mind felt hazy, your thoughts danced like the flames reflecting throughout the room, intermingling with the tingles at the back of your skull.
I want to touch him.
I want to trace those scars, I want to feel the curve of his nose and hold his chin in my palm.
I want to hold him, I want to sit in his lap. 
I want all of him.
“Is someone a little bit of a lightweight?” he’d teased, noticing the way your eyes drooped. 
Your mouth dropped open for a second, feeling heavy as an anvil until you were able to shake yourself out of it. Everything was still fuzzy, your body felt light as a feather and cumbersome all at once. How is he able to talk in full sentences? It hadn’t occurred to you that him being almost twice your size might affect his tolerance, making it far superior to yours. 
“Not a lightweight,” you grouched, “Just- just sleepy.”
“Mhmm, I noticed that too, Bierleiche” he laughed, the sound booming rich as pure vanilla in your ears. 
“No more names!” you pouted.
“Alright, I won’t call you any more names, but I won’t buy you any more beer either. Let’s get you back.”
You’d protested at this, not really all that passionate about getting to sit up in the stiflingly warm little stoop, but not wanting to part from him quite yet. You knew for a fact that he’d be a gentleman and try to leave you and frankly, you weren’t in the mood for it. You weren’t in the mood for that at all.
However, even despite your moaning and grousing, König got you to your feet and held you up against him until he got you to the hotel. Your feet had marched noisily down the street and you’d loudly commented on the pretty stars in the sky on the way over, but as soon as you’d reached that front door it was like an instinct had flared up inside your body and you were quiet as a mouse. Even drunk, you knew not to bother the old crone that surely waited in the shadows, looking for any excuse to jump out at you.
It wasn’t until you were safely in your room, where König was depositing your flailing body into bed that you finally reneged on your vow of silence. He’d turned to leave, his hand coming down on the door handle and reminding you of a judge's gavel ready to end your time with him. You whined, scrabbling at the sheets so that you could sit up and called out to him. 
“König! You can’t go.”
“I think you’ll find that I can,” he’d snorted, tossing you a measured look.
“But, I don’t want you to,” you moaned, patting the bed next to you.
“I thought you were sleepy.”
“I was! Then we w-walked through the cold and it woke me up a bit,” you shrugged, hiccuping through the middle of your sentence. 
He sighed and tilted his head, seeming to arrive at a fork in the road. Knowing this was the case, even with your addled mind, you pulled the covers back and patted the spot next to you, doing your best to try an angelic smile. Although, it couldn’t have been half as sweet as you’d wanted it to be with your glazed over eyes and dopey grin. 
“I’m not going to do anything with you like this.”
You gasped, clutching at your neck as if there were pearls there to grasp onto.
“I’m shocked that you would incuse me of something like that!”
“Incuse?” he chuckled, letting go of the door handle.
Victory was yours. 
“I just want you to come cuddle with me for a minute,” you clarified.
He narrowed his eyes, folding his arms over his broad chest like he could scare the truth out of you. Though you were full of liquid confidence and it didn’t matter what he did, you just wanted to feel him close and have his warm body next to yours. You needed to have him for all the time that you could, grabbing onto every little moment.
“If I come over there I don’t want any funny business,” he warned. 
A light could’ve buzzed above your head, the pretend halo that you tried to manifest lighting up the room before him. 
“Cross my heart, no funny business,” you simpered.
He laughed at that and finally came over to you, shucking off his boots after you’d grumbled about shoes on the bed. He let you fold over onto him, curling up like a croissant in his arms and settling easily into your nook between his arm and chest.
Even in your clouded mind, the moment was etching itself into your core memory. The smell of hops and cold fresh air, the feel of his big arms wrapped around your body, the softness of his chest and the cotton T-shirt he wore, the feel of his zip scraping your fingers as you carelessly moved your hand to his sternum. It all compounded, had you feeling like you were in a dream, the fuzziness of your head trying to tell you that’s all it was.
“This is real isn’t it?” you asked, furrowing your brows as you put a little pressure on his chest, testing to make sure it really was him. 
“Did you take shots while I was in the toilet or something?” he laughed, bouncing your head with the force of it through his body. 
“No! It’s that - I just - I can’t believe we’re really here. It’s like you said before - It’s like a dream. And we made it come true.”
He was quiet for a second and tentatively placed his hand on the back of your head, running it over your hair and down your back. The motion completely distracted you from his silence, calming you completely and making you feel as cosy as a lap dog. Suddenly the tiredness was simmering back through your body, melting you like butter. 
“I’m happy too,” he finally said, his voice wavering a little. “Happier than I’ve been in a long time.”
“Why do you sound so surprised?” he asked, laughing fondly.
You shrugged with what little movement you could muster, pasted to König’s side, and bit your lip. It’s not like you wanted to lie there in a moment of pity and self deprecate, but you hadn’t had the easiest time of it together at that point. You were surprised that he was able to say that it was one of the happiest times of his life.
“Things have been hard. I guess I’m still just shocked that you’ve made such an effort to be with me. It probably would’ve been easier to pick up some someone back home and live a nice little un- umconplimicated life with them,” you said, struggling to even wrap your mouth around the word. 
Your head rattled as König’s chest bounced again, his chuckle echoing out across the room. It had you burying your burning face deeper into him, trying all you could to be able to hide your complete embarrassment. You’d prayed that it wouldn’t make him leave, make him think you were too away with it to continue on with the conversation. 
However, by that point König was quite tired too. His inhibitions were lowered and he wasn’t in the mindset to leave you alone. Instead he just rubbed your back reassuringly and sighed out the last remnants of his stolen breaths, before his body regulated and his chest rose steadily and surely again. 
“If I’d ever been capable of something like that I’m sure I would’ve tried it a while ago,” he finally said.
You frowned and, now that you were composed, swivelled your head so that you could see his face. Your eyes veered away from their place on his chest and landed straight on him, straining to see the distant look in his eyes. You bit you lip. 
“How not capable?” you murmured, still battling with recalling how to speak. 
“You remember when you first tried to talk to me surely?” he smirked, absentmindedly stroking your hair. 
“I remember…you were all grumpy, didn’t wanna talk,” you smiled, blinking slowly up at him. 
“I was just so surprised that you were talking to me, I didn’t have anything to say back. It took me off guard that I didn’t have to put on any kind of a front for you to approach. That’s usually how it goes for other people - no one comes to me unless I start pretending, unless I stop being myself, unless I make myself smaller and superficial. It’s exhausting, and I can’t maintain it for very long.”
“But then you offered to make me tea,” you reminded him, face feeling bright with the memory. “You were nice - next time I saw you.”
“I promised myself that if I saw you in the kitchen again that I would make up for appearing so rude. Then you got flustered and stared at me alot, and acted ridiculously cute and forced me to watch Rocky; so now, because you charmed me, here we are. I’m doomed to do your bidding, doomed to follow you t-”
You batted his chest and did your best to sit up, clambering up his body, huffing and puffing until you were face level with the summit of him. 
“I did not force you!”
“You gave me an order,” he shot back with an eyebrow raise.
“Yeah, well you better be grateful you got that order because otherwise you wouldn't have gotten to see a cinnamonatic masterpiece!”
“Cinnamonatic? Is that how it’s said?”
“Shut up,” you groaned, collapsing back down on him, nuzzling into his collarbone.
He laughed breathily and let you settle back into him, holding you against him like a little bird that might fly away. His arms were wrapped tight around you now, and you cocooned into them, growing more and more comfortable and heavy. 
“König?” You asked quietly, breath fanning onto his neck.
You felt him shiver gently, shifting in the bed.
“Yeah?” he sighed.
“I think that most people would really like you if you were actually yourself around them. You don’t have to act around people, y’know?”
He lay there quietly, letting your words hang in the air like deadweight above your head, at first you thought that he might’ve fallen asleep, not really registering you. Though when you turned your head to look up at him, he turned his down, looking over to you soundlessly. Even in the dark, you knew his eyes were filled with a blur of memories and feelings he hadn’t even begun to tell you about yet - the things that had made him who he was. 
“One day I’ll get you to tell me why you do it,” you vowed to yourself, whispering faintly into the dark.
“Tell you what?”
König’s hearing was, as ever, sharp as a cat’s. He sounded gruff as he answered, like you were veering into territory he wasn’t going to let you explore yet. Though you were just drunk enough that you weren’t too afraid to push a little further, testing the boundaries. 
“All the things that made you afraid to be yourself.”
“Oh gott,” he sighed.
“I left Austria and somehow still ended up in bed with Sigmund Freud,” he chuckled.
“Don’t deflect!” you moaned, yawning sleepily. 
“Apologies doctor,” he said, putting on a fake serious voice. “Perhaps I can start off by telling you about how difficult it was being moved from Austria to Germany when I was little, and tell you I was ruthlessly teased for my silly accent until I started changing it. Then we can move on to the difficult relationship I had with my stepfather and perhaps finish off with you telling me it all sounds rather like I want to sleep with one of my relatives.”
“You got teased for your accent?” you gasped, emotional and tipsy enough to almost shed a tear at the thought of little König being bullied. 
König had a habit of divulging little snippets about his past that he’d laugh about, but lamentably very little of them were ever very funny or good stories. That didn’t stop him though, tittering away as he’d told you about someone chasing him with a knife, or when he’d broken his arm after getting ganged up on in a school yard fight or even when he’d been threatened with being kicked out of the house if he didn’t go get a job - the reason he’d joined the German Army. 
“Oh don’t get all upset about it,” he groaned. “It was a very long time ago.”
“But why were people were being so mean to little König,” you protested, so choked with emotion you were speaking about him like a little cartoon protagonist. “I don’t like the thought of people being so mean to you, all your stories from when you were young are so sad!” 
“Oh you’re such a bleeding heart, how ever did you make it into the military?” he sighed, petting your head like you were little more than a mewling kitten. “Would it make you feel better if you knew that little König grew up to be bigger and taller than all of those assholes and showed them why they shouldn’t have messed with him? Would that help?”
You sniffed and thought about it for a second, imaging his sharp defined bone structure all soft and round with unshed baby fat and those hard narrowed eyes of his all sleepy and dark. He would’ve made quite the sight when he was younger you thought, the kind of face that needed to age into who he really was. A face that’d picked up scars and blemishes like little medals that appeared in certain lights. 
“It helps a little,” you huffed, running your hand up and down his chest, sliding your fingers over a rumple in his shirt. 
“What would help more? Would it help if I was cute again, would that make things better?”
“No, don’t you dare!”
“Are you sure, Schmusebär? I think it might make you feel better if I remind you that you’re my sweet perfect little baby-”
“I’m better! I feel better!” You groaned, desperately trying to cover your ears with your hands. “Not again!”
He was giggling mischievously to himself, clearly very impressed with his newfound torture technique, clutching at his chest as you wormed away and hissed at him to stop. He bit his lip and folded his arms behind his head, looking thoroughly pleased even while he stopped laughing. Apparently he was quite the gloat when he was self satisfied, and yet this - as you were to find out - wasn't even the tip of the iceberg. 
“What does Schmusebär even mean?” you sighed, screwing your face up as you waited to find out. 
“Schmusebär? Hm…it means cuddle bear,” he yawned, sounding like an old hound. 
“Aw…that actually is kind of sweet.”
“Oh? I’ll have to make sure I avoid using that then.”
“König!” you whined.
Going back to base after those two days together was hell. You’d hoped that König might end up being sent off somewhere else for a time. You’d practically prayed that KorTac would be needed elsewhere for once and that there was something more important than Ex Nihilo. However as with everything else your luck never struck. You were forced to remain in the same confines as him - trying  not to let your face completely betray everything that you’d gotten up to in your time together. 
However, König didn’t seem to have that agenda. Oh no. He wasn’t worried about revealing too much at all. 
About a day after you’d gotten back, you’d been training in the gym with Ghost, getting ready to be sent off on your next mission. You’d hardly even seen König at that point and after your first few hours of trying to avoid shitting yourself - thinking that someone somehow would’ve spotted you both together - you’d relaxed into the fact that everything was fine. Nobody knew about your secret rendezvous and no one ever would. Your heart could definitely resume its regular pace instead of the dizzying frenetic dance it’d decided to beat to.
You’d been running on the treadmill, maintaining a steady speed and focusing on the slap of your feet coming down heavily on the rubber - keeping time with your music. You breathed steadily, in and out, and kept your gaze mostly forward - occasionally watching to see what Ghost was doing as he piled on more and more weight to a barbell. It was therapeutic, the perfect way to forget about your little indiscretion and feel good about seeing Price next. You were practically back to normal!
All until you spotted König in the doorway. 
His dark eyes peered out at you from over his neck warmer and he had his arms folded just below the logo of his old Rammstein T-shirt. It was the same one he’d worn on the second day of your trip, the same day you’d spent holed up in your hotel room trying to find a way to take said shirt off. That wasn’t even the worst of it. When you’d glanced below the shirt, you’d come close to tripping like a cartoon when you noticed his grey sweats, ever so close to cardiac arrest. Even before he’d done anything, before he’d even properly come into the room, he was fucking you up. 
“Need something?” Ghost growled, noisily dropping the weight he’d been lifting to the ground. 
“I was going to workout,” König replied, voice sounding sour as it always did with your team. 
“Stop standing there staring like a spare prick and come in then.”
Neither man said anything after that. König narrowed his eyes at Ghost, his arms appearing as if they wanted to fly forward and choke the Lieutenant out. However, in a stunning display of restraint, he kept them at his side and walked over to the weights, depositing himself at the opposite side of his enemy. He was keeping Ghost in his eyeline, and regrettably you as well. 
Your heart had noticeably started beating faster, though it had been a while since you’d upped the setting on the treadmill. Your feet pistoned hard on the whirring machine and you were starting to feel every step, your chest aching as your breathing pattern was thrown off. You panted hard and slowed the setting way down into a bare minimum walk, grasping for your water bottle like someone crawling through the desert. 
With König’s antics you’d forgotten all about the evil red numbers that flashed on the screen in front of you, screaming out that you were falling behind your goal. It didn’t matter. All that mattered was ensuring your feet didn’t trip over each other now that you weren’t looking where you should be while you ran. Your eyes had just about popped out when you caught sight of him laying on the benchpress, you couldn’t seem to turn away, too transfixed by his powerful lifts and heavy breaths. 
After a few sets his arms were already beginning to bulge and before you could stop yourself, your mind wandered off to remembering your weekend together. The feel of his ropey arms as they supported your weight and held in you in place, thick and veiny from the effort of all the…activities you’d been getting up to. You shook your head and gulped when you almost felt your right foot falter, just about toppling your entire body like a badly built jenga tower. 
You whipped your head around at the shout and looked back at Ghost like a deer in front of a combine harvester. He’d caught you looking. You took a beat before you took your airpods from your ears, shakily setting them down onto the tray so that you could hear your Lieutenant clearly. 
“Yeah?” you asked weakly.
“Come spot me.”
Ghost had never asked for you to spot for him before. Frankly, the last thing that Ghost needed was for you to spot him. You were confident he could lift five of you in a pinch, however, you knew he wasn’t really asking because it's what he needed. He knew that you needed to keep your eyes off König - especially while Price was likely to be hanging around. 
You walked over and loomed over Ghost, nervously making sure to keep your eyes on him as much as possible.  It wasn’t like you could help them wandering a couple times, admiring the way König’s shoulder blades bunched and how his arms swelled out of his T-shirt like they were tearing free. His breath and Ghost’s intermingled, both battling for your attentions, Ghost only winning because you were sure he’d rat to Price if you were being too obvious. 
Though, when Ghost finally sat up, that’s when König decided to fight dirtier.
“Pub later?” Ghost asked, his voice disappearing somewhere in the fuzz of your mind. 
Your lungs closed off, forgetting how to expel air, holding tight onto the breath you were supposed to let go. A swell of static took over your head and your teeth ached from clenching hard watching König stand up and take his shirt off. His uncovered body betraying the signs of all that you’d done on your second day at the hotel. The distressed and unmistakable scratches that you’d littered on his back, already turning pink as they’d begun to messily heal. 
You weren’t listening to Ghost anymore, you were too busy fuming about König being so obvious. How could reveal his back like that in front of Ghost, what the fuck was he trying to prove? Your fists balled up with anger and you narrowed your eyes at him, trying to hold onto what you felt so that you wouldn’t fall to the embarrassment of knowing that your superior could see your handiwork on König’s back. 
“Fuck sake! C’mon.”
Ghost took you away, coming up behind you and shoving your back, manhandling you into the corridor. This was too familiar, you’d thought to yourself. It was just like the mission, you were going to get in trouble again, and this time it was all over - no more warnings. Everything that you’d thought was supposed to be ahead of you flashed before your eyes and you tried not to let the tears that were gathering break loose from the dam. 
Your focus trained back on ghost and your nostrils flared faster than they had while you were running. You sputtered for a second, figuring out what to say. Though, you didn’t know what to say, had no idea how to explain yourself. 
“Are you alright?” Ghost asked softly. 
You frowned, feeling as if you were suffering from a head wound. He looked down at you with soft cow eyes and touched your shoulder gently. What the hell was happening? 
“Alright? I- I’m ok,” you breathed, voice lilting as if you were asking a question.
“That was fucking classless that,” Ghost sighed.
“Classless?” you repeated, heart stopping as you wondered what he was talking about. 
“Yeah. Taking his fuckin’ kit off and showing you he’s been fucking someone else is a low blow, Sneak. You don’t have to pretend you don’t care with me. I won’t tell anyone, not about something like that.”
Oh. My. Fucking. God. 
You paused for a minute, mind catching up with what Ghost just said. He thought that König was trying to make some kind of point, to show you that he was over you. A garbled laugh tried to crawl free from your throat, but you choked it down and looked away, trying to think about anything other than the colossal misunderstanding that was taking place. 
“Yeah, I um- I… I’ll be fine, Ghost… but um- maybe I could use a minute, y’know? I’m gonna go for a shower and sort myself out and I’ll uh- I’ll see you at the pub later, right?”
He still looked concerned, but his brows lifted a little. After another reassuring pat on the shoulder he sent you on your way and walked off, leaving you stumbling back to your room like a rambling tumbleweed. You were in complete disbelief at what just happened. 
Not only did you get away with your forbidden weekend away together. Now all the guys were going to think König was fucking someone else. The perfect cover. 
You screamed with laughter into your pillow once you got back, completely disbelieving that somehow things were working out for once. Luckily for you, luckily for König especially. It was that thought that sobered up and had you narrowing your eyes at the wall in front of you. 
König was in big trouble.
Next Part Here
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deandoesthingstome · 8 months
Labyrinth Fantasy
Pairing: Minotaur!Sy x Reader
Summary: There's a new hotel in town. You now know it's for real and you need more.
Word Count: 5.7K
Warnings: 18+, NO MINORS, cunnilingus, p in v (standing and reverse standing cowgirl), monster fucking (right?).
Fantasy Hotel Masterlist
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You'd recounted enough of the details to convince your online benefactors that the investment was worth it, but kept enough to yourself to make the experience truly special.
Like, you didn't mention the time stretch at all. Though you had been wondering why the hotel even offered longer booking sessions if the hosts could just snap a finger and keep you satisfied forever. You felt only mild guilt about keeping the image of naked human Walter to yourself. They didn't need to know how good he looked NOT as a monster. You were keeping that for you own private thoughts. But you were bemoaning your current funding situation.
sendmeanangel: ugh, I'm never getting back there!!! MNstrluvr: Listen. There's a way. sendmeanangel: how? I can't get any more shifts at the restaurant. MNstrluvr: let us open a Patreon for you sendmeanangel: I'm NOT giving a recount of this event to total strangers darkgothnightengale: you have no idea who we are sendmeanangel: you are NOT total strangers. I know your favorite coffee and what you're studying at uni and your top 10 comfort movies. I know how you got that scar on your hand. darkgothnightengale: yeah but you didn't know that until you asked. Up to then we were total strangers who loved your work. Just like everyone on Patreon will be only they'll be paying MNstrluvr: yeah and you don't have to tell it to them like you told us. Put a different spin on it. Don't make the story from the perspective of the hotel. Make it a true fairy tale. Red riding hood in the woods and shit. Make him your boyfriend, The Woodsman, who's ready to show you his secret this fine full moon evening. sendmeanangel: oh my goddddddd!!! darkgothnightengale: yeah, but put all the most important details of him in Sendmeanangel: you just want to read about his massive cock splitting you open again darkgothnightengale: i have my needs. Besides, I just mean those details you only know now because you experienced it. You have something to draw from, something to make it real for everyone MNstrluvr: seriously, meana, do it. You will make so much money. You should have been putting your other stories out there long ago but this you can post and sell cause it'll be completely your own content with no re-imagining of existing characters sendmeanangel: okay, but you gotta beta the shit out of this for me. I can't have it sounding like I'm just recounting the whole thing from last night's fuck session with my partner MNstrluvr: 😆 🤣 😂 😹 darkgothnightengale: oh my goddddddd!!!! MNstrluvr: anyway we already created an account. We'll add your email and send you the password reset so you can run it and transfer the money to your bank whenever darkgothnightengale: and as always, no pressure on timing other than knowing you need the money to get back to Walter but I can't wait to read this! sendmeanangel: what if he's not available?
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As you clicked Reserve something caught in the back of your mind.
Would Walter care you weren't coming back to see him?
How could he? You spent two hours (or was it more? You could never figure out the time swap calculations) together. You weren't even sure if that was his real name. Sure, you fantasized about him when you got home. You'd been in a fog of post-orgasmic bliss when you saw him in his human form, but that didn't stop you from cataloging every inch you could. Imagining snuggling next to his enormous and furry body wasn't hard.
It was this domestic bliss scene you'd eventually settled on as the opening to your "boyfriend's werewolf confession during an evening walk in the woods" fic that you posted on Patreon. The feedback had been a dream come true.
While the income wasn't as plentiful as you'd hoped, the wages and tips from your extra shifts allowed you to book another stay the following month. Walter was indeed not available on your only open day of the week so you sought out another option and found a four hour time slot with a new-to-you creature.
The listing called him Captain of the Guard.
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Something about this fantasy made you select the box at check in specifically requesting your host enter in form. You had missed this at your previous visit, and as you thought back to meeting Walter, you appreciated the gentle way he eased into the scene. But you wanted a little more…mystery? Suspense? apprehension this time. The front desk clerk told you your host's name was Sy, and sent you down to a lower level of the hotel. The only key he provided was the code you punched into the elevator number pad to allow you to press L3. 
When the doors opened, you entered a small, rustic room with a hard dirt ground and cool stone walls. You only saw one other door besides the elevator you just stepped through and your mind did some mental gymnastics. Was that the exit to the maze or a bathroom? If it was the bathroom, where was the maze?
A few benches were scattered around and sitting on one was the Offering Tray you purchased, along with a note telling you to dress or undress to your level of comfort and step out into the hall through the door opposite the elevator when you were ready. Okay, door to maze then. But your nervous pee sensation was building. Where was the bathroom???
You knew the elevator was locked after you exited the car, but the note also contained the return code you were welcome to use any time, even before your reservation was over. And the note also revealed the secret to locating the washroom around the corner of one of the walls that you now noticed didn’t quite reach the next wall, causing a little optical illusion that the room was a simple square with no other space. Clever. It reminded you of a scene from a fantasy movie you’d seen when you were younger.
You peed and then undressed for a quick rinse in the surprisingly warm shower. You had imagined the temperature of the liquid streaming over the mini waterfall in this rock room would be ice cold, but it was as if the water was heated to a constant, perfect temperature from a thermal spring. The floors were warm on your bare feet too. You almost had to tear yourself away. There was a fantasy to be had.
You hung your street clothes on the garment hooks and pulled your red cape from your bag. You had researched a few different costume options and came across a clever way to fashion a toga of sorts from the material, albeit a slutty red toga with a giant slit up one thigh. You didn’t bother with underwear this time either. After one last look in the mirror to make sure your nerves weren’t showing too badly, you gathered up the offering of cured meat and stepped into the hall.
The rough hewn stone walls were at least three feet higher than the room you’d just exited. You noticed shelves jutting out occasionally at various heights and made a mental note not to run into them. Not that you planned on running. The ground was soft and sandy, rather than hard packed earth. Even in bare feet, this was going to make running hard. Again, not that you’d planned on running. 
Now, which direction? Left was always your gut instinct so you followed the path in that direction, choosing a left turn anytime you came to an intersection. After dead-ending twice in about five minutes, you began to rethink your approach. While you figured it had be wise to build in some extra time to find your treasure, you didn’t want to spend four hours in a fucking maze alone. 
As soon as you made the next right, the air shifted. The hairs on the back of your neck stood at attention and a ripple of goosebumps grew up on both arms. You made a few more turns before you began to hear snorts and huffs in the distance. For a moment, you froze, unsure if you wanted to move toward or away from the beast. Not because you didn’t want to meet the beast. But only because you truly couldn’t decide how. Sneak up and surprise him? Or let him chase you?
A new roar announced he was getting closer and you made a snap decision to turn away. Let him find me.
You maybe delayed the introduction by a few minutes. He was adept and clearly knew this maze inside and out while you were still trying to find your footing. You were just about to turn a corner that looked surprisingly familiar when you felt a rumble and the sand shift beneath your feet before you heard a snort and few stamps on the ground.
“Turn around.” Though a command, it came out like a question and you knew this was yet another opportunity for you to provide your consent to the game. Keep walking forward and it would all be over. As a matter of fact, you were convinced your next step forward would take you to the hall where the door to your changing room was. Your turn was deliberate. So was the flash as the cape swished around your legs and settled back into place. Give him a show, you smiled inwardly to yourself, before you wiped that grin right off the face in your mind and dropped your jaw instead.
Before you stood a monster of a man/beast, which explained the rumbling of the ground. You noticed the hooves which explained the stamping sound. As you drew your eyes up his solid and thick legs, you were a little disappointed to see he was wearing a heavy pleated leather skirt which hid any hint of what might be hanging underneath. His biceps bulged and thick veins trailed down each forearm. His chest was broad and teeming with unbridled strength, bare and full of the fur you were hoping to find.
Walter wasn’t the first hairy man you’d been with, but he definitely made you appreciate it more and this beast sported a similar amount. As your gaze met his, you took in the visage of a bull’s head, noticing the ring you expected to see in his nose was not there, but the horns near his ears were. They were massive as well and you had plans.
“Who dares enter my labyrinth?” he demanded as he sauntered ever closer to you. “What little bird has been flitting through these halls?”
You gave your name as you held out the tray in front of you, but he simply stood before you, motionless, save his eyes which roamed over every inch of you. When he returned his gaze to yours, he cocked his head to one side.
“And what am I supposed to do with this?” he roared, obviously unsatisfied with the tray of meat. Did the hotel make a mistake? “Maybe you’re playing a game with me? Is that it? Interrupt my peaceful solitude and taunt me with a delectable offering only to hide it behind a curtain of fabric and an offensive tray of inferior flesh?”
“I … I didn’t know… I didn’t think…” you stammered. Your heart was beating furiously, though he hadn’t taken another step toward you and you weren’t exactly trapped. You were more convinced than ever that if you wanted to escape, the entry room and the elevator were just around the corner. He was giving you time to acclimate to your decision to stay, making sure you weren’t having second thoughts. Though he commanded this hall in this maze, he was letting you call the next shot and you knew you were in no danger. Well, none that you didn’t want.
You set the tray on a ledge nearby, and grabbed fistfuls of your robe in both hands, lifting the material enough to give you the feeling of freedom around your lower legs. Just in case. Not that you were planning on running.
“In this labyrinth, the offerings are usually a little more respectful. Would you like to try your offering again?” Something about his words, the way he cocked his head again, the subtle pawing at the ground, as if he was about to rear up. He wanted you to. 
You licked your lips, and nodded. Took one more beat. Then turned and ran. Past the door to the changing room, up the hall to the right, left down the next corridor, then right again. Left. Left. Left. Right. For a moment you imagined he wasn’t right on your tail and then you hit a dead end and he descended on you as you turned to try to escape the hall thinking you might have enough time to head in another direction. Well, around you really. His arms caged you against the wall behind you.
He was so close. His musk was intoxicating and the scent added a little more fuel to the fire already burning in your loins. You peered up into his eyes, which you now noticed weren’t jet black, but rather a deep, dark azure. 
“That’s better,” he chuckled. “The offering is always sweeter after a little vigorous activity.”
“I’m so sorry,” you spoke. "I had no idea the offering I was given wouldn't be to your satisfaction. I should have anticipated better for a creature who commands such obedience and reverence as you."
“The tray isn’t the offering, little bird,” he huffed near your ear as you felt a hand drop from the wall beside you to your shoulder and then down to the pivotal point on your costume. One little tug, and, yep, there it went. The makeshift dressing had held up surprisingly well on the chase, but it was designed to come off easily and that it did. He made an approving sound, tracing a finger over one breast and down the valley between both, nearing your apex before he dragged the back of that hand up your belly and around your waist, ending with a firm grip on the meat of your hips.
“What…what is the offering?” you asked, with feigned timidity, as if you didn’t know what he meant. His arms moved to circle your waist and his hands slid to the creases beneath both now bare cheeks.
"I'll take this peach instead," he snorted with what you perceived to be a wink and a grin. He jiggled the flesh of your ass and grinned wider as he caught the moan of pleasure you tried to suppress. "You don’t need to fight it little bird. This is why you're here. To let go of inhibitions and feel free to express your feelings and desires with no judgment. If you like someone paying attention to this luscious cake, you shouldn't have to feel like you have to hide it."
The exchange felt a little out of character for the scene, but you didn’t mind. The chase was fun, but it was going to be even better finding out how this man would take care of your needs. So you let him know.
"Fuck. It feels good to have you touch it. Most men just go straight for the pussy and ignore the pleasure I get from the tease, the idea of you..." you trailed off, uncertain if you wanted to broach that subject here.
"Oh, it's just an idea, huh? Nothing you want to try? Isn't that why you're here?"
You thought about Walter and wondered if Sy was as well endowed under the fabric covering his loins. Surely the beasts at this hotel were all inordinately adept at providing pleasure; that was after all the entire theme. And maybe there were other ways to pleasure a person, and maybe this hotel had them too, but you couldn’t begin to imagine that the size of Sy’s cock wasn’t proportionate to his stature. You weren't quite ready to feel that in your ass.
"It's alright, little bird. We're here for whatever you'd like,” he answered without you even saying a word.
“Can I call you Sy?” you asked, unsure how committed to the bit he’d be.
“Of course, darlin’.” That was an odd Texas drawl that had just overridden the previous enigmatic accent you assumed was meant to convey ancient Greece. He kept the twang when he saw your surprised eyebrow quirk. “We can take this play anywhere you want to go. Though I’m going to make one choice for us.”
He bent to scoop you into his arms, cradling your legs and back as he held you against his chest. You could feel his heart pounding and wondered if he could feel yours, too. You took some slow deep breaths to try to calm yourself.
For a brief moment, you nestled your head against his neck, relishing the feel of the fur against your cheek. Then you turned your head to pay attention to where he was taking you. You figured you would need to make your way out of this maze alone after being well and thoroughly fucked and somehow you imagined you'd still have enough brain cells to remember the path he was taking.
But Sy wasn’t going backwards to any open hall. Instead he was making his way directly into what you took for a dead end. Before he crushed you against the wall, as you were sure he was about to do, Sy stepped through the wall. Sort of. Through another optical illusion that proved the dead end was actually a T intersection.
Sy took the left branch and in a few short strides, you found yourself in a room filled oddly with accouterments of pleasure. A platform bed covered in softness in the middle of the space was an inviting contrast to the sandstone walls you'd acclimated to. In a few spaces, what appeared to be fur rugs hung against the walls. Straight ahead, covered in dozens of warm glowing candles illuminating the room along with hanging oil lamp pendants, sat a wooden altar. Bowls draped with mounds of luscious looking fruit and plates of cured meats and cheeses were nestled in between the candle holders.
As you looked around, you noticed no other entrance to the room, though you kept missing the non-obvious openings, so who knew? The markings on the wall and other accompanying furnishings led you to believe you were not just in some other hall of the maze. You were now in Sy's sanctuary. You’d found, or rather Sy was going to show you, the treasure at the middle of the maze. 
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Sy set you on your feet and stepped back, as if judging your temperature again. 
“Is this where I meet my fate, then?” you asked, with a shy smile.
“You’ll die a thousand little deaths in here,” he promised, returning to the previous accent, and you noticed now a tail swishing behind him. You hadn’t seen that before, but it seemed…excited.
“Sounds amazing.”
With that he rushed you as if you still held the red cape as a target. In what felt like one fell swoop, he bent to capture your hips and swing you forward over his shoulder as he turned and took a few steps toward a fur-lined spot along a wall and none of those movements jostled or startled you. It was as if he was picking up a piece of cloth, the ease with which he maneuvered you and held you stable so nothing hurt. Not his fingers in your hips, not your hips over his shoulder, not your back as he held you captive, pressed against the wall of the hidden sanctuary.
“Walter said you smelled delicious and tasted even better,” Sy huffed with hunger.
Did they talk amongst one another? That hardly seemed ethical. And yet, you’d gossipped and dished about this place and the man you’d met previously. Why would you assume he wouldn’t do the same?
“So that’s the first thing we’ll take care of here,” he continued as he dug his massive thigh into the moist heat between your legs and huffed breath onto your neck. His hands traced the length of your body, down both sides, over your belly, onto the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
In a heartbeat, he had you off the ground, legs spread wide as he continued to trap you against the wall. You tried to hold onto his beefy shoulders for stability, but soon realized he wasn't done lifting you up as you lost purchase.
You were sure you'd be tumbling forward onto the sandy ground in front of you as soon as you cleared another foot of his body, but somehow you remained upright. Well, ‘somehow’ was known but you were still amazed at the raw strength and power Sy possessed to hold you aloft and continue to elevate your body.
With one final shrug, he had your naked form where he wanted it. Legs over shoulders and pussy right at his face waiting to be devoured. You'd had men, including Walter, in between your legs before. A few times when you were upright, and that always put a nice checkmark next to their names in your book. But never while hoisted six feet in the air.
The thick swath of muscle that ascended through your folds filled you with a warmth you had been craving for weeks. Sy somehow managed to manipulate the shape as well, so that he alternated between targeted tight circles with a tip and wide saliva drenched passes that were soon mingling with your own juices.
You had the distinct impression that the wall behind you was for your benefit only. A way to make you more comfortable and secure in the knowledge that he wouldn't let you fall while he was feasting at the altar of your thighs. That he had the ability to hold you upright all on his own while he ate you out.
He made you come at least three times with your back arched against the wall and crying out for relief as you pressed into his head to hold yourself steady, even while he supported you with a hand cradling your ass and another secure against your side. You had wanted to grab his horns, but something told you to stop and wait until you could ask permission. It didn’t seem polite to just grab at them without warning.
“Please, Sy. Please fuck me now,” you pleaded and he skillfully obliged, though he took his sweet time getting there.
He took a few more licks, sucking in the moisture dripping from your pussy before he began to ease your legs off his shoulders, down his body, and around his waist. He settled you there while he reached back to unhook his skirt and drop it to the ground. Then he knelt, still holding you against the wall, and shifted your legs down to rest on his thighs. This gave you an opportunity to peek down and see what he was working with, and not that you were at all surprised but it was still a bit of shock.
A strap of leather remained wrapped around his waist, traveling down both sides of his Orion's belt with the ends connected to a ring that sat stuffed behind his cock. While you contemplated just how long it would let him last, he worked an especially large condom onto his massive member, drifting a knuckle through your folds at every opportunity, given the proximity. He grunted and grinned each time you rolled your hips against his fingers, eagerly seeking more pressure, more depth, more everything.
“Patience, little bird. We’ll get there soon enough,” he warned as he finished affixing the rubber. You watched rapt as he held himself firm in one hand, tugging with the same languid pace he also used to trail his fingers from the other hand around your entrance, flicking at the hidden pearl up top and pressing his thumb deep inside you. It was killing you, but this was not one of the little deaths he had promised and you contemplated telling him so. 
As if he could tell just how impatient you were becoming, he finally spread your puffy lips wide and began to nudge the tip of his cock at your soaking entrance. A gasp was all you could manage as he moved to standing at the same time, easing your legs back up around his waist again.
Sy moved into you inch by glorious inch, pausing every so often to make sure you were comfortable. It was certainly not something you were accustomed to, but the feeling was familiar and you knew now he was at least as large as Walter. This was going to be fun. When he was almost seated you asked.
“Yes, little bird?”
“May I touch them? Hold … hold onto them?”
“Yes, little bird, you may.”
You used the leverage of your grip to drive your hips down the rest of the way onto his colossal cock and willed your inner walls to ease around him. A heat filled you, a desire to grind against him, but he stilled you. Made you sit with the enormity of the situation for a moment while he palmed a breast, rolled a nipple.
“Please, Sy, please. I want you to move. I want you to fuck me into this wall. Please.”
He didn’t make you beg another time. He was slamming into you and somehow rotating his hips in such a way that you felt him in every muscle and nerve in your body. It felt electric and vibrant and you wanted to explode. Sy let you. Fucked you right through it and into the midst of a second one before you could open your eyes again. 
You were grinding against him, pulling your body up and pushing back down using his horns to guide you and you were coming hard around him again. His laugh was infectious and you let one out with the third little death in this position. 
Suddenly, he spun you away from the wall. For a moment you thought he was heading for the bed, but he lifted you off his cock, then turned you around. He held you against his chest with one arm around your waist as his other hand guided his throbbing member into you once again.
You threw your arms behind you to grasp at his neck as if you needed to somehow participate in keeping yourself steady against him, but he could handle you all on his own. He had your legs splayed wide, an arm under each knee, and he drove up into you as if it was nothing. And while you didn’t need to, you absolutely wanted to slip your hands up a little higher, off his neck, over the back of his head and right back onto those epic horns. 
You smoothed your fingers over the bone, into the curl, and held on. It could have been your imagination, but his grunts and snorts seemed to magnify as you did so. Maybe he really liked it? Before you had a chance to consider dragging your fingers along the form again, he hit you with another deep wave of pleasure that had your eyes rolling back into your head as you slumped against him.
And it was like he knew how much more you had in you, because he just kept fucking you right back into consciousness, at which point you did gather your wits and give his horns a few more sensual strokes. It was his groan that told you he was close and you were helping him along. It only took a few more thrusts before you were coming hard around his dick and it seemed like he was letting loose with a roar, too.
He eased his phallus out of your sweaty, quivering body and moved forward to deposit you on the bed, admonishing you to stay put before he disappeared behind another secret wall. You heard water rushing and the sound began to lull you into a light sleep that only the warm, wet cloth pulled you out of.
“Don’t open your eyes just yet,” he spoke, his voice a little less gruff than before.
“I was promised a thousand little deaths,” you teased, unable to move your eyelids or anything else for that matter. His laughter lifted your heart.
“Oh, you want more? Looks like you’d scatter in the wind like a dandelion if I put my cock in you one more time.”
“I wish you weren’t right,” you joined him with a light laugh of your own. “Maybe if I could get a little nap…”
“Unfortunately, time has been flyin’ while we’ve been having fun. Don’t think you’ve got enough left for that.”
You peeled your eyes open, curious about his statement. You hadn’t meant to imply he should give you more time and you were embarrassed that he might think you were being pushy, demanding. You were not prepared for the sight of the man in front of you.
Where Walter’s shift had given him just a little extra height and bulk, not that he needed it to maneuver you around the room, Sy’s return to human form was dramatic. And not that he wasn’t massive in his own right, but the size of the beast that had just fucked you senseless was even more apparent comparatively. You could see he was solid, tree trunks for thighs and branches for arms. His shoulders were wide, chest broad. All the things you’d noticed of the bull, but just scaled down. And still incredibly daunting. 
“S’okay I shifted back?” he asked with concern.
“Of course, whatever you… I mean, this is all so new to me. I have no idea what’s allowed. And how much time…” Was what you were thinking about within bounds? “Has it really only been almost four hours? How much time is left? I think I assumed…”
Sy gave another chuckle as you trailed off.
“Yeah, he musta really liked you from the get go.” At your quizzical gaze, Sy continued. “We don’t all have that gift. Walt’s one of the few. And he uses it sparingly. It’s not really a sanctioned hotel offering. If everyone could and did, we’d get nothing but two-hour bookings.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean to… I mean, I hope that didn’t sound like I was demanding any special treatment or anything.”
“You honestly still don’t look like you have enough strength left to demand a deep breath,” Sy teased. “Here, lemme give you a hand. We’ll get you cleaned up for real.”
He scooped you off the bed and carried you into the bathroom, outfitted similarly to the entry room. He placed you gently under the warm, rushing waterfall before sudsing you up with a shower gel that smelled surprisingly like something you already owned. You watched as his hands slid over your body, easing the soap down your legs and guiding the water to rinse you off. 
“Sy,” you began, wondering if you should even bring it up, but as he stood to grab a towel for you, the shape you thought you’d seen as he washed you was even more apparent. “Is it allowed? Do we have time … Can I…help you with this?”
You reached for him, circling a hand around his obvious erection and tugging gently. His eyes closed slowly as he dropped his head back with a deep sigh, before he wrapped his arms around you and drew you to him. He put a palm against your cheek and tilted your head to train his beautiful blue eyes on yours as he spoke.
“It’s technically not allowed.” Your heart sank at his words. “But Imma make it good for you one last time anyway.” 
You let the towel drop to the floor as he lifted you to move back out to the bed. He set you down and you watched him climb onto the mattress, expecting him to grab a condom and crawl over you, or flip you over. When he settled himself between your legs, it wasn’t his cock that penetrated you. Sy put his mouth over your pussy again and the moan that escaped his throat had enough vibration you were sure you could come from that alone.
He was better. He was unbelievably better than Walter at this. It wasn’t something you were particularly proud to be thinking, but truth was where you found it and this was the truth. Sy was skilled and all the tricks he used in Minotaur form, he used here as well. You were squirming within moments, grinding up into his face and grabbing onto his freshly shaved head to help keep him where he’d do the most damage in the quickest amount of time. Not that he needed your help, because he was fucking good at this. He knew how to use his tongue and lips and, yes, teeth, gently, and yes fingers, deep and deft. And if you weren’t mistaken, he was squirming, too. 
You could see his ass wiggling and humping into the bed and if you weren’t losing your own damn mind you’d have noticed his hips stuttering as he came into the mattress right around the time his fingers landed back on the spot that, in combination with the movement of his tongue, had you screaming his name.
He let you linger in bed a moment, catching your breath while he slipped on a pair of white, slouchy linen pants before he held out his hand to help you off the bed. 
“Here,” he pulled the sheet around you with a soft chuckle and a grin. “This’ll be more comfortable than traipsing back to the elevator naked. I’ll show you the way.”
Sy led you back to the entry room, stopping along the way for a small detour to find your discarded cloak down the dead end hall. You swapped material with him as he deposited you outside the changing room and wished you a wonderful day.
“Come back and see us again, sometime. It was a pleasure,” he tilted his head at you as you stepped backwards into the room.
“The pleasure was all mine,” you replied.
“Don’t be too sure about that, now.”
Bonus Edit: Absolutely GORGEOUS headers made for me by my wonderful friend in fic @geralts-yenn:
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Everything HC Taglist: (as always, let me know if you want on or off)
@sillyrabbit81 @mayloma @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel @fvckinghenrycavill @kebabgirl67 @beck07990 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetdreamsofgelato @liveoncoffeeandflowersss @alexakeyloveloki @marantha @aireraume @angelmather1 @lizzystuffsthings @enchantedbytomandhenry @omgkatinka @littlefreya @avengersfan25 @just-chirpin @thesaucynomad @valacirca @henryownsme @summersong69 @foxyjwls007 @peyton-warren
Special tag: @kittenofdoomage (cause sometimes you love my stuff and this one's another monster fucker lol!)
Tags from Werewolf!walter (if you commented):
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manicpixiedreamcurl · 10 months
The More You Give ❧ (Part VII)
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Pairing | Eddie Munson x shy!reader
Warnings | 18+ only, do not interact if you are underage. Heavy petting, P in V sex, soft dom!Eddie. Discussion of uncomfortable sexual experiences. Inordinate amount of praise kink, good girl's, and vulnerability on both sides.
Word count | ~10,000
Previous Chapter
Most days, walking into the cafeteria comes with a cool sense of dread. A heaviness in your chest, mind working overtime to prepare yourself for an hour not quite talking with your not quite friends. You’re never sure what you prefer; the white hot shame that comes with laughter at your expense, or the simmering ache from being ignored entirely.
But there’s a levity to your mood today. You’re proud, or maybe more accurately relieved, at the circled red letter on the top right of your Chemistry test. 
You spot May at the usual table as you file in, catching her excited wave over the head of some of the cheer girls. The others offer a cursory glance before returning to their conversation, but May’s expression is expectant. “So? How’d you do?”
You grin. “A minus.”
“I knew it!” She squeals, removing her bag from the chair next to her to make space for you. “You always make a big deal out of tests, and then breeze through!”
She’s half right. 
Something about the weight of potential failure, some unknown consequence to doing poorly, always has you worrying about tests days prior, heart pounding in the moments before you flip the paper. Then you second guess yourself all the way through, scribbling over wrong answers before writing the same thing down again.  
But you certainly don’t breeze through. The weight of this test on your mind had you bursting into tears in Eddie’s van last week. What was supposed to be a movie theatre date turned into an impromptu study session at the library. Eddie sat opposite you while you read over your notes, writing up his campaign ideas and flicking through a book he’d found in the fantasy section before working begrudgingly on an essay about JFK he was supposed to have handed in the week before. He switched to the seat next to you when you failed to hide a sniffle, let you tuck yourself under his arm and press your face to his shoulder.
“C’mon,” he said eventually, coaxing you out from the damp spot on the collar of his shirt. “Talk me through what you don’t get, okay? I bet the answer’s up here.” He pressed a finger to your forehead, narrowing his eyes like he could pinpoint the spot in your brain the information was hiding. “We just gotta knock it loose somehow.”
He must, truly, have been bored to death as you went through the problem, starting over again and again each time you explained yourself into a corner. But he listened anyway, prompted you to keep going until you came to an answer that satisfied you, a conclusion that made sense, and then he listened to the next problem.
You apologised at the end of the night. For all the hysterics, for dragging him along to a joyless evening. He’d swiped the thought away with a casual wave of his hand. “You couldn’t be my smart girl if you didn’t have to study sometimes.”
Just thinking about it now, your eyes flicker from May’s hand on the back of the empty chair beside her to the place Eddie sits, far on the other side of the room. 
It’s an invisible line you haven’t crossed, spending any time with him at lunch. Eddie would never let you question whether he wanted you to sit with him, never let you worry about seeming clingy. He’d made it clear you were always welcome. What stopped you was that tug at your heart, that feeling that you’d be taking another step away, putting more distance between you and your friends. Or May, at least. You can’t remember the last time Heather sat with you more than once a week. 
And you promised, sincerely, that you would try a bit harder with the cheer girls. Apart from that one tipsy conversation with Tracy at a party, you’re not sure you’ve quite fulfilled that.
But you want so badly to tell him. Shamefully, it was your first thought when you turned your paper over today. Along with the usual relief came excitement, knowing Eddie would be pleased for you and make it clear, call you his smart girl till your face burns hot. 
“I’m just-” You start, tucking your bag up on your shoulder, glancing back to May. “I’m just gonna show Eddie quickly.”
There’s a pause. Her pleased expression, the gentle curve of her wax pink lips, doesn’t falter. Instead, it seems to calcify on her face. “Oh. You’re gonna sit over there?”
“Just for a while,” you reason. “Just to show him my grade. Okay?”
She makes a high mm hmm noise, half agreeing, half unsure, but you decide to take it at face value, making a beeline for Eddie’s table. 
As usual, he sits at the head, the frizz of his hair lit up in the natural light from the window behind him. His expression is a touch bored, eyes blinking slowly, chin resting on his palm as a boy at the other end of the table - young, with tight brown curls tucked under a yellow cap - talks a mile a minute. You catch the words radio and roof as you approach, but your own mind goes blank when you reach them.
You’d feel only excitement, if it was just Eddie who noticed your presence. For his part, his whole posture changes; from slumped over the table to sitting straight up, his pouty lips turning to an excited smile in your direction as his hand drops away from his chin. But on top of that, six additional faces turn to watch you walk up the side of the table. Maybe you could handle three, used to some attention from Jeff, Gareth and Matthew at this point, comfortable in their acceptance of your silly little fidgets and occasional long silences. 
But the other three, all freshmen, staring at you like you grew another head on the way over, have you shuffling in place, playing with the strap of your bag. You vaguely know Mike from watching him run out the door on the occasions you’ve babysat Holly, though his hair is a good couple inches longer than the last time you spent an evening at the Wheeler’s. The others, Lucas and Dustin, you know both from Eddie’s descriptions and his complaints. 
“Hi,” you say, voice quieter than you’d like as you wave at the group. 
“To what do we owe this pleasure, Princess?” 
Your mouth opens, and your throat closes. Your face feels suddenly warm under the eyes of his whole table. In an instant, you regret coming over here. What must you look like? What will they think of you, when they realise you came over here to brag about a simple test result? 
Eddie hums a questioning sound, bringing your focus back to him. He’s looking at you the way he does when you both know you’re going to have to be the one to speak first. There’s anticipation there, but the little curve of his lips is all kind patience. 
You swallow, glance down the table again. You make eye contact with Lucas, give him an awkward smile at his friendly wave. Even at that, you know the words won’t come. Sighing quietly, you unzip your bag and search through your books for the test, drawing out the paper and fiddling with the corner for a second. How do you tell him, all of them, that you really aren’t bragging? That more than anything you just want to thank him? 
Eddie’s eyebrows raise as he looks between you and the paper. When he holds his hand out, and you find yourself passing it to him instinctively, toes curling in your shoes.
“An A!?” He screeches immediately, thoroughly dispelling any hope you might have had that he’d keep it to himself. Though your face burns, you fight the urge to glance around and offer an apologetic smile to his group, to the people that turned at the sound of his yell, because this is Eddie. Any embarrassment you might feel pales in comparison to hearing the pride in his voice, to see it on his face. What do judgmental looks and cruel whispers from strangers mean to you when they’re caused by Eddie, so excited and pleased for you that he’ll yell it publicly?
You tuck the top of your foot to the back of your ankle, playing with your skirt, correcting him shyly. “An A minus.”
Eddie scoffs. “An A’s and A, sweetheart. I’d know, I’ve missed enough of them.” 
Knowing now that at least Eddie himself has taken it the right way, you let yourself indulge. “I was two marks off a real A.”
Eddie’s hand slams down on the table with a bang, making you and everyone in the surrounding area jump as he rises, kicking his chair back with a screech. You watch, left in some strange place between proud and mortified as he practically floats over to the neighbouring table, flicking the paper at a group of juniors dressed exclusively in neon. 
“You see that? My girlfriend got a fucking A in Mr Brown’s AP Chemistry class!” He moves the paper around, displaying it for each of them. “That shit’s like fucking gold dust- hey!” He turns to shake it at a passing boy with a calculator in his breast pocket. “You’re in that class, right? How’d you do in this test, huh?” 
“If you must know, Munson, I got an A plus.” 
There’s a moment of silence.
“Okay, man. Shit. Kinda showing off a little-” He turns to you, eyes wide and head tilted as if to say get a load of this guy, but you’re shaking your head, desperately biting back a smile. 
“Ah, she calls to me.” He drifts over to you then, frizzed hair flying out behind him. You giggle a little wildly behind your hands, still shaking your head at him though any disapproval is for show at this point. Everyone who turned to watch Eddie crow seems to have returned to their conversations, this side of the room apparently well used to his outbursts. He stops close enough that he’s all you can see; his dimpled smile, eyes shining at you while he hands you your test back. 
“Take my seat, Princess.” He gestures with a wide arm, directing you to the chair he rose from. You make a quick glance over at the cheer table, find Caroline just sitting down now with her tray, and feel an unusual sense of relief. It feels like freedom, to be on this side of the room, and not directly under her gaze. 
By the time you’re settled in his seat, Eddie has retrieved a spare chair, carrying it above his head and dropping it down next to you with another outrageous bash. He collapses into it, his arm finding the back of your chair as he leans in to Jeff, sitting on your left. “You’re in that class, too, right man?” 
“You know, we’ve been friends three years now, Eddie, and you’ve never once taken an interest in my grades,” Jeff answers, shutting down Eddie’s inquiry before he can really ask. He turns to you. “Bet it was question 18 that got you, huh?”
“Mm, no, that was okay.” You answer. “Eddie and I went over retention factors so much at the library last week. I understand it way better now.”
Six pairs of eyes blink at you, and the relief you were experiencing is fading fast. Instead, you get the recognizable sense that you said something wrong. Your foot starts tapping at pace, fingers finding the edge of the table and running over the edge.
“You were at the library?” Gareth asks Eddie, aghast tone mocking but serious in its surprise.
“I’ve been to the library before,” Eddie bites. “M’there all the time.”
“We’re not talking about monopolising the fantasy section, here,” Matthew says. “You were studying, Eds.”
“I told you,” Eddie replies, widening his legs until you feel the denim of his jeans rough against your bobbing calf. “I’m working hard this year. Trying to get out of this shithole.” He presses his leg more firmly to yours, and you realise it’s a deliberate touch, a silent reminder that he’s there, that he’s not going to leave you alone with whatever’s got you fidgeting.  
“You said that last year,” Jeff says.
“And the year before that,” chimes Gareth through a bite of his sandwich.
“Yeah, well, I meant it this time,” he says, leaning back in his seat with a deep sigh. “Jesus, Henderson, you look like you’re gonna explode. Go on. So you’ve built your stereo on the roof.”
“Not a stereo, Eddie- a radio!” Dustin cries through a mouthful of cafeteria lasagne. 
Eddie’s face darkens. “Do I look like I give a- Christ.” He closes his eyes tight, shaking his head with genuine frustration, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Whatever, man. Please, please, just finish your story so we can all move on with our lives.”
Undeterred by Eddie’s rough tone, Dustin launches right back into what he’d been speaking about as you approached. Mainly focused on how he convinced his Mom to let him up on the roof in the first place.
You sigh in quiet relief as the attention of the table moves swiftly away from you, leg slowing until it stops shaking altogether. Eddie’s knee bumps yours, and you feel the warmth of him as he leans in to speak softly, just to you.
“My smart girl,” he says, drawing pleased shivers up your spine. “You deserve it, yeah? You worked real hard.”
“I wanted,” you start, grabbing at his sleeve, thumbing the chain that holds the leather together. “I wanted to say thank you for helping me. I know it was kinda boring.”
“Nah, glad I could help.” Eddie’s expression turns a touch sheepish. “I, uh, actually got a C on that History essay? Mrs Kelly said I would have got a B, if I’d handed it in on time, so…” 
Your eyes widen, barely able to process the sight of him now. Eddie Munson, who just yelled across the room about your academic achievements, now looking anywhere but at you, scratching his face and shrugging like his own barely matter. You find his hand, squeeze it tight until he shows you his eyes.
“Eddie, that’s brilliant!” You say. He puffs out air like it means nothing to him, shakes his head. “When-” 
“You aren’t even listening, Eddie!” Dustin calls from the end of the table. Eddie rolls his eyes, but then he gestures ;azily for Dustin to continue, now with the gift of his attention. It’s enough for anyone to believe he finds the boy annoying at best, but you know from how Eddie talks about them that Dustin’s kind of his favourite. There’s a clear fondness in Eddie’s tone when he rants about Dustin trying to contribute ideas to his campaigns, the begrudging respect he has for how unapologetically himself the boy is. The touch of jealousy that creeps in when he talks about Dustin’s friendship with Steve Harrington, of all people. Badass, my ass, he mumbles each time.
You listen in comfortable silence to the conversation as it continues, occasionally contributing a little yes or no when Jeff asks you leading questions, your fondness for him ever increasing. Only when you watch Eddie retrieve a bag of pretzels from his backpack do you remember your own lunch, too taken in by the awe in Matthew’s voice recounting the first time he heard a Judas Priest song, apparently life changing.
You frown at the realisation that the half empty bag is all Eddie brought for himself, immediately offering your open tupperware and holding it steady under his shaking head until he acquiesces to tearing one half of your sandwich in two, chewing on the quarter in between his contributions to the conversation.
Your ears prick when you move on to tearing the segments from your satsuma, handing a half to Eddie without a word. Amongst the chatter, Mike laughs about Dustin’s current failing grade in Latin, an unusual outcome for him. Dustin sighs like an old man. 
“I ask you, how many tenses does one language need?” He groans. “I thought there’d be something we could use for a campaign, The Exorcist style, you know? Instead I’m trying to remember the difference between types of declensions. Or I will, when I fully grasp what declensions are.”
The conversation about Judas Priest you’d found yourself somewhat involved in fades with how much you’re focused on Dustin’s defeated tone. One part of you is screaming that you could help him, that he seems really worried about it and he’s a smart boy so it probably wouldn’t be much work to get him on the right track. Then another part, the one that screeches and wails its distress until your head hurts, asks, what if he says no? What if he laughs? What if they all do? 
You open your mouth, wondering if you should just say it across the table. Just offer; just do it. Of course he won’t say no. And if he does, he’s Eddie’s friend so it will be gentle. Still embarrassing though. Your mouth closes again, teeth digging grooves into the gum behind your lips. Just help him. You pull your sleeves down over your hands, playing with the soft ends. You clear your throat, take a breath-
“I’m good at Latin,” you say, immediately cringing at how that sounds. But you’re pleased when Jeff goes on chatting about the album he just bought, letting you contribute to the other conversation across the table freely. Dustin blinks at you owlishly. “I mean, I can help. Tutor you, or something? If you want.”
“Seriously!?” Dustin asks, flashing you a braced grin when you nod. “That would be amazing! Thanks!”
You smile, just sighing out your relief when you feel another nudge at your knee. Eddie’s watching you, eyebrows raised. You shrug shyly, grasping the sleeve of his jacket again to fiddle with the chains. He pulls free, but only to take hold of your hand instead. 
You’re basking in the feeling of knowing Eddie’s proud of you, your own pride in yourself, and you know you couldn’t force yourself back across the room today if you tried. 
You realised, walking alone to class, that you hadn’t spoken that much during lunch the entire time you’d been at highschool. Giggling at Lucas’ jokes, asking about their DnD characters, getting increasingly comfortable talking about metal with a group of people who are genuinely excited to hear about your introduction to the genre. By the end it felt almost natural; simple and fun to talk to an entire table of people.
But you’re feeling some of the effects of it now, even quieter than usual in Eddie’s van as Gareth considers whether to paint or sharpie the Corroded Coffin logo Eddie designed onto the front of his bass drum. 
From the soft hum you’d given in greeting as you climbed into the van after school, Eddie had offered you his palm, open and relaxed. Now, your forefinger traces the long groove from his wrist to the base of his thumb that forms his life line. You love Eddie’s hands, love how they feel in yours, and on every other part of you they’ve touched. 
You swallow, face suddenly hot. It’s been easier, nicer, every time Eddie’s touched you. So much so that you now understand why it’s all some people think about, all that drives them. The way Eddie feels inside you, all the words that spill from his mouth as he moves; how much he wants you, how good you make him feel. You find your mind circling back to it at the strangest times. In class, making dinner, driving home with Eddie’s friends-
You jump a little at the chorus of bye’s from the back, the sound of the doors being thrown open. Eddie’s already watching you curiously when you look back to him, unable to hold eye contact, half convinced he’ll be able to read your thoughts with one good look at you. “You okay, sweet thing?”
“M’just tired.”
“Right,” Eddie says, nodding thoughtfully. “The guys- they can be a little intense.”
Mirth spreads through you at the thought of Eddie ‘jumps on cafeteria tables’ Munson describing anyone as intense. “I like them.”
“You say that now. A week tutoring Dustin and you’ll be changing your name and moving to Idaho. I’ll never see you again, and it’ll be all that little punk’s fault.”
“He’s your favourite.”
Eddie’s tone goes from playful to offended in a second, as to close a screech as his deep voice can get. “He is not- I don’t even have- Even if I did have a favourite, which I don’t, Dustin Henderson would not even come close-” He pauses at the sound of your laugh, narrowing his eyes. “Mmh. I get it. Tired, but not too tired to rile me up.”
You chew the inside of your lip, fighting a smile. Running a finger along his palm again, you reply, “it’s not particularly difficult.” You expect another dramatic yell of offence, or maybe a laugh. Instead, you get something pleased from his expression, dimples on his cheeks. “What?”
“Nothing. I just like it when you tease me.” His fingers close around yours, weaving together. “S’like you’re more comfortable around me, I guess.” 
You’re sure he’s right. Every day it’s a little easier. Every time you see him, your mind gets in the way less and less, slowly coming to accept that he’s not waiting for you to say the wrong thing, that he won’t abandon you when you inevitably do. 
“You make me feel comfortable, Eddie.”
“Yeah?” His eyebrows raise, waiting for your quick nod. “Does that mean you’re coming back to mine?” 
“Actually,” you start, truly needing that comfort now. You know the implications of what you’re going to ask, sure that if somebody other than Eddie heard you, they’d come to conclusions about the kind of girl you are. 
The more time you spend with Eddie the less you’re sure that it matters if they would be right or wrong. 
You press your knees together, tap your fingers in a wave along Eddie’s knuckles. “Well, my parents aren’t home...”
There’s a second of silence, long enough to have you squirming, finding his dark eyes and then looking away again in a loop. 
Eddie leans into you, chin tilted to capture your gaze and keep you there. “You mean to say that the Princess’ tower is unguarded this night?” 
Your stomach squeezes at the sound of his voice, serious and soft, like a real adventurer on the verge of committing himself to a great quest. You love this about Eddie, how easily he can slip into characters like this. It’s something he learned from DnD, or maybe Eddie’s so good at the game because he has this ability to play at being somebody different without hesitation, without a hint of the worry you’d feel if you tried it, convinced you’d do it all wrong, sure you’d sound stupid. 
“No dragons for me to slay?” He asks, closing one eye like he’s trying to work out if you’re tricking him. Your head shakes, and Eddie turns your hand in his to bring it to his mouth. He kisses your knuckles, a soft warm press. “S'that what you want?”
“Yes, Eddie.” 
“Okay,” he says, lips meeting your hand once again. “To the castle, it is.”
Eddie is as quick as usual to drive you home, each turn forcing you to lean to the door or to the centre console. But any urgency seems to vanish the second he’s pulled up by your house. In the van, you wait as he makes sure he has his wallet and his keys, sets the sun visor back into position. When you've jumped out, you watch him check that he's locked each door of the van with more care than you've ever seen from him, like he's particularly worried about a carjacker on your suburban street in broad daylight. 
Inside, Eddie is careful about unlacing his shoes and placing them at the door next to yours, toed off your heels carelessly. Then, at the top of the stairs, when you think you finally have him at a regular pace towards your room, you are jolted back by his sudden stop on the landing, leaving your hands connected at the end of stretched arms. 
“‘M looking for anything I can use as a weapon, you know?” He says, peering into a vase of fake orchids, examining a glass seahorse statue, scrunching his nose when he gets hit with the scent from a bowl of potpourri. “This all feels a little too easy, and you’ve gotta expect the unexpected in situations like these.”
You’re so endeared to him, watching him examine the objects your Mom set out playing up to this story he’s created. But the way he’s stalling, almost hesitant, has you sure you missed a clear sign along the way. “Eddie?” 
“Did you, like, not want to come here?” 
His head shoots up then, round eyes blinking. “Of course, I did. I do.” Eddie laughs airily, tucking some of his hair behind his ear as he approaches. “I’m a freak, okay? I’m not crazy.” 
You still feel like you’re missing something, wondering if you should offer him another way out. Eddie makes a sweeping gesture with his arm, inviting you to guide him forward. Walking slow to give him time to change his mind, you make your way to your door, decidedly not looking back at him when you enter.
Eddie is unusually quiet, then, following you in but stopping once again when he takes the first step onto your cream carpet. You only glance back at him when you’ve dropped his hand and started playing with your sleeves, comforted by the fact he just seems to be taking everything in. He stands out, all ragged denim and black leather in the pastel softness of your bedroom, and yet he fits so well in a room full of things you love. 
He shifts his weight back and forth on the soft carpet, subtly sniffs the air that must smell of you and the apple blossom diffuser on your side table. His eyes drift as he takes in each focal point; the desk laden with textbooks and paper, your windowsill, lined with a couple snow globes, a ceramic cat you’d painted as a child, a framed photo of you and your friends Heather gave you for your 16th. He scans quickly over the cork boards to the corner of the room, smile lines appearing at the sight of your long favourite stuffed animal, a soft grey elephant you’d carefully positioned on a pink cord beanbag, looking ready to start reading judging by the pile of books to her right.
His gaze eventually circles back to you, waiting nervously for his reaction. Eddie shifts back and forth on his feet. “You know, I, uh, gotta admit, I imagined some stained glass.” He gestures lazily to the window, then to your bed, the wooden frame and the blue floral bedspread. “And I was sure you’d have one of those beds with all the fabric, you know what I’m talking about?” He raises both hands to motion the shape of a canopy bed, fingers wiggling. 
“Disappointed?” You say, only half joking. 
Eddie finally takes a step further in, turning to the shelves of books by your bed. “Me? Nah I was worried about getting tangled up in it, to be honest.” He flashes you a quick grin before scanning over the spines. Eventually, he points to one. “Iron Maiden, yeah?”
You check the book he’s pointing to, The Complete Poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and nod, always pleased by the reminder that Eddie listens, really listens, when you speak. That he remembers so many innocuous things you share with him, things you’d never expect him to remember. 
You badly want to reach out for him then, fingers itching to hold his hand, play with his sleeves. You almost do, raising your arm a touch, but a wave of concern hits you, still trying to work out if you’ve done something, said something wrong to make him act like he’d rather not be here. 
Eddie catches your stunted movement, eyes blinking at your fidgeting hands before shifting to your face. You’re sure then that your anxiety is clear in your expression, that he sees how eagerly you’re waiting for him to give you an explanation for his hesitancy in the hallway.
Eddie frowns, looking at the books again. He clears his throat. "I've never been in a girls' room before," he tells you. From his voice, it sounds like a confession.
“Oh.” Your brows furrow, trying to work out how that matters. “I mean, they’re not all like this.”
"No, I mean, it’s just that it’s like, a first. For me.” When that doesn’t quite cover your confusion, he continues. “Nobody ever wanted, y'know, me in their room. Or whatever."
Your heart pangs with sudden understanding, the memory of Eddie lying across from you on a blanket, the warm sun on your skin. Am I being too intense? That's what Eddie had asked you, that day at the lake. People say I can be too much too soon. 
“And it’s already different, with you. Better. I mean, shit, a million times better,” he says, eyes wide. “But I still just didn’t expect you to, just, ask me, like- Like, you just want me here. Cause it’s never been that simple. Shit. I’m fucking this up, aren’t I?”
“No. No, Eddie,”
“I didn’t wanna make you worried or anything. It’s the complete last thing I’d ever want. I guess I was kinda just waiting for the other shoe to drop.” He laughs again, but it’s hollow, and cuts off too suddenly to be real. 
You give in entirely, practically launching at him to wrap your arms around his torso and pull him into a tight, desperate hug. You wish, not for the first time, that you were more like him, better at getting your thoughts into words and saying them.Then you could soothe him like he deserves. Then you could tell him the truth. 
Eddie’s face presses to your hair, arms tight around your shoulders. 
“Eddie,” you murmur into his shoulder, squeezing him again before you build the courage to look him in the eyes. “You’re so-” Your throat tightens, forcing you to whisper. “You’re so good.” It seems lacklustre, probably a million better words to describe all that Eddie is, but it feels right; it’s what you think, that Eddie is, deep at his core, so good that it hurts. “You’re too good, too good for anyone that made you think-” Your voice cracks, and Eddie blinks shining eyes at you when you reach up to stroke his cheek. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he assures, pressing his face to your palm. “I’m okay. Really.”
You press your lips to his, hoping he understands this at least. You feel his smile, and believe that he does. He hums as you shift your kisses to the corner of his mouth, his cheeks. You peck the end of his nose, watch it scrunch sweetly. You’re warmed by the sight of his reddening face, the sound of his laugh. “You know how to make a guy feel appreciated, sweetheart.”
Your hands seem incapable of moving from him, only moving from his cheek to his shoulders, wrists tickled by the fluffy ends of his curls. “I want you here,” you say, a little strained. “I promise.”
“I know. I know you do.”
“I would have invited you earlier,” you continue. “It’s just…”
Eddie’s eyes flash. His hands, big and warm, rub up and down your back, pulling you closer to him until you’re flush against his chest. “It’s just, we couldn’t have done what you want to do,” he finishes. “Not with your parents downstairs. That’s right, isn’t it?”
Your stomach twists with that exciting shame, face hot. You don’t have anywhere to hide, caught by Eddie’s gaze. You still can’t look into his eyes for too long, lest your heart beat out your chest, so you find yourself staring at his lips, pillowy and pink. “Not just that.”
“Okay,” he answers, hand drifting down to skim the end of your skirt. You press closer to him when his fingers tease the soft skin of your thighs, and he breathes a laugh. “But, mainly that, huh?” 
Your fingers curl into his shoulders, embarrassed and excited in equal measure that he’s naming your intentions so clearly. You bounce a little on your toes, still gazing at Eddie’s lips, the dents of his laugh lines and his dimples.
Callused fingers reaching under your skirt, his thumb grazing the cotton of your panties, pulling at the elastic. You think you’re being subtle, the way you open your legs a little to make space for him, but know immediately that you failed when Eddie laughs, eyes crinkled at the sides. He breathes a sigh, watching you lose the last pretence that you aren’t a little desperate for him to touch you how he wants. “My good girl.”
Oh, but that makes you ache for him. Your head drops to his neck, hiding your face in his skin. You breathe him in, smoke and Eddie, swallowing a whimper.
“You like that, don't you? Like being a good girl.”
You nod on impulse, willing to agree to just about anything when his fingers drag over your mound, press to the split of your pussy through your panties, the material just grazing your clit. But something about what he's said isn't quite right, and you start shaking your head instead.
Eddie's mouth finds your ear, warm breath teasing the sensitive skin at the top of your neck. "No? Not a good girl?" 
You shake your head again, because that's not right either. You tilt your face to catch his gaze, ink dark eyes already waiting for you. "I like-" You sigh when his fingers catch at the fabric that sits at the top of your sex again, giving a single teasing circle that helps you relax enough to tell him the truth of it. “It’s for you, Eddie.”
"Ah," Eddie breathes, finally, finally dipping his fingers past the elastic of your panties. He hums his approval when he finds your clit, swollen and waiting for him. He gives you one tap just to see you pout, then he’s rubbing tight circles that have you trying to press even closer to him, nails digging into his shoulders. “My good girl, mm?" 
"Yeah," you nod desperately, proud to see how pleased he looks with you. "Yes, Eddie." 
"That's right." He continues, watching your face as your lips open to moan softly, eyelids flickering. His fingers dip quickly to your entrance, dragging slick up to ease the way for his fingers on your button. “Just for me. Cause I'm the one who gets to touch you," he says. "Only I get to hear you like this, yeah? Hear you begging me with that pretty voice?" 
"Only you. Please, Eddie." 
“S’cause you know I’m gonna take care of you, don’t you, sweet thing? You and this pretty pussy?”
Eddie's fingers keep rubbing at your clit, pulling sensations from your body that only he ever has. Staring at him, hearing his rough voice even as he looks at you like you’re precious, you feel it again, as you have with increasing frequency. How badly you want him like this and every other way. It almost overwhelms you, makes you want to hide away again in his shoulder. But Eddie is owed the sight of the pleasure he brings you, deserves to see it play out on your face, hear every whimper clearly. Eddie coos softly at the sight of you, his free hand coming to support the back of your neck, nodding you through each shaking breath. “That’s it. That’s it. You gonna cum?”
A tremble moves through your body, hips rolling against his hand as you groan into the air. The high builds to a long, half painful peak, your hands grasping at Eddie’s t-shirt, his hair, first for something to hold on to, then because the resulting groan has your cunt clenching around nothing. It crosses over into too much suddenly, twitching away from his hand between your legs even as you give in and throw your face to his neck, kissing your gratitude all over the pale column of his throat. You find his pulse, feel its steady beat under your lips, and bite. It’s little more than a scrape of your teeth, but Eddie shudders in your arms, tilting his head back to let you soothe the bruised skin with your tongue, then kisses. 
You sigh deep, relaxing your death grip on his body while Eddie kisses at your sweaty temple. You peek at him then, find the warm brown of his irises swallowed up by darkness, his tongue licking quick over his bitten dark lips. He pulls his hand from your panties, showing you the remnants of your slick on his fingers before licking at his ring finger. “Always taste so good, baby. Wanna try?”
“Uh huh,” you say, head fuzzy with pleasure. Your mouth drops open for him, letting him press his middle finger to your tongue. You close your lips around it, sucking gently. You don’t think it tastes of much at all, but Eddie seems suddenly desperate to get at what he’s given you. He drags his finger from your mouth and captures your lips before you’ve even registered the loss, his tongue licking at yours like he can steal the taste of you back. “That what you were thinking of when you invited me up here, mm?” He says when he breaks away, lips still grazing yours as he speaks. “Or do you want more?”
You do want more. You want Eddie. Want him filling you with the length you can feel, hardening against your thigh. You want to make him feel good, want to hear him groan when he cums. “More, Eddie,” you whisper without shame. “Please.”
“Fuck,” he breathes, leaning in for another desperate kiss, taking advantage of your pliant state to open your mouth to him. “Fuck. I wanna bend you over so bad,” he admits, watching your face for your reaction. “You want that? Want me to fuck you like that in your pretty princess bed?” 
Your toes curl, clit throbbing at the playful tone of Eddie’s voice, teasing and rough. “Mm. Okay.”
Eddie tilts his head, meeting your eyes, checking in. “Okay?”
You try to picture it, imagine how Eddie will feel fucking you that way. In truth, you’re stuck  on how vulnerable you’ll be; exposed, not able to see him or cling to him the way you like. But it’s Eddie, you assure yourself. You take a breath. “I want that, Eddie.” 
The kiss that follows is sweet. It’s a comforting reminder that no matter how much Eddie teases you, how rough he gets, he's still the boy who calls you princess, holds your hand in the car, promises to take care of you. 
He helps you remove your shirt from your heated skin, pulls his own over his head the second you start tugging at the hem. Once you have access to his skin, you can't stop touching him, palms flat to his chest, kissing his neck while he pulls your panties down over your hips. 
“C’mon, sweet thing,” he murmurs, turning you to face your bed. He kisses your shoulder, his body warm at your back. "Climb up for me, mm?"
You want to do what he says. You want him to touch you like this. But you still feel a prickle of nerves as you crawl up to your pillow, body exposed and missing Eddie’s skin already. 
“So pretty,” Eddie says above you, behind you, as you rest your chin on your curled arms on top of the mattress. You hear the clink of his belt, toes curling at the sound. Then you feel him through his boxers, hard and hot as he rolls his hips against your ass. You hear him whisper, shit, say something about protection. It's followed by a far off, satisfied a-ha at locating a condom in his discarded jacket, but it’s fuzzy beneath the sudden rushing in your ears. 
You feel him again, grinding against you, and you're not sure where all the excitement went. You’re staring at the blue cornflowers on your pillowcase while he continues behind you, remembering the last time you were positioned like this, tense and vulnerable. You try to breathe slow. When that doesn’t work, you try to let the heavy throb between your legs remind you how badly you want this.
It doesn't work, and you focus instead on feeling of just having to lie like this, get through it for him, just stare at the flowers and don't cry and he’ll be finished soon-
The pressure behind you disappears, the mattress shifts under you. Eddie bounces when he flops down beside you, face level with yours and hidden behind his flying hair. He makes soft puh noises like he’s trying to spit it out, blowing it away from his face. You blink, the white noise in your ears fading when you touch him, tucking his hair back behind his ear to find his grateful smile. 
“Thanks, baby,” he says. He reaches for your hip, rubbing soft as he presses your arched body down until you're lying, flat to the bed. Then, all heartbreaking gentleness; “where’d you go?”
You stumble, embarrassed. “I, I didn’t-”
“Stopped making those pretty noises for me," he reasons. “Isn't any fun without 'em." Your bottom lip shakes, and you feel like an idiot. 
Eddie. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Not Andy, not some boy here for himself, only to take and never give. 
"Hey," he says, shuffling in until he can bump your nose with his. "We don’t have to do it like this if you don’t want. You know that, right? Don't have to do anything you don't want.”
“It’s not that, I-” You sigh, watch Eddie’s shining eyes, round and soft, waiting for you. “I needed to know it was you. I’m sorry.”
Recognition registers in his face. He frowns, cupping your face in his palm. “No apologies. Not about what you need, okay?”
“Okay, Eddie.”
“Wanna cuddle?” 
You do. Desperately. You reach out for him easily, shuffling until you're surrounded by him, clinging to his torso, cheek to his chest.
"Ah," Eddie breathes, wiggling like he can get his skin any closer to yours. "That's the good stuff." 
You hadn’t realised how fast, how hard your heart was beating until you’re settled in Eddie’s arms and it starts to slow. There's a minute’s comfortable silence, letting his presence ease you back to comfort. Then he hums, strokes at the hair on your temple. "You gotta tell me when something's not right, ‘kay?" he says seriously. "I like to think I can read you pretty well, but I could've missed it." 
"I'm sorry," you say, then, remembering you just agreed not to do that, "sorry."
Eddie breathes a laugh through his nose, leaves a wet kiss on your forehead. "My shy girl, mm?"
"Sometimes it's just…hard to say what I'm feeling. I didn't want you to stop.” You hum. “I don't think I did."
Eddie considers that, still stroking at your hair. "Do you, uh, know what a safe word is?” You shake your head, and he continues. “S’kinda like a code. Something you can just say if you wanna press pause, you know? Means that instead of getting in that head of yours, trying to work out what you want, you can just say a word and we’ll talk about it, yeah?”
You consider it, imagining the scene if you'd been able to just say one thing and slow down. Easier not to have to think through what you need before you tell him, just say one word and let Eddie help you get there, coax from your head what you haven't worked out yourself. "That sounds good, Eddie." 
"Yeah?" He asks, eyebrows raising. “Okay. We can keep it simple for now. If we wanna stop completely, for any reason, we say red, yeah? If we need to slow down, talk a little about what we need, we say yellow. And green for keep going. How’s that sound?"
"Good," you say, feeling grateful that you’re learning all these things with Eddie. "It sounds good, but I- I am sorry that I'm, y'know. Difficult, sometimes."
Eddie blinks, eyebrows pulling together. "Difficult? My sweet girl? Nah. Besides," he leans in, closing one eye. "I like looking after you." 
You sigh happily when he kisses you, gentle and seeking nothing more than sweet presses. But you're still wet and wanting, hand rubbing across the softness of Eddie's tummy until your fingers draw across the sparse hair at the top of his pants. Eddie makes a noise in the back of his throat that has you pressing your thighs together. 
"You wanna turn over, mm? Open those pretty legs for me?”
Yes. You love having Eddie on top of you and inside you. Better every time, as your body gets used to him, as Eddie learns how to draw pleasure from you, as you learn what makes Eddie gasp, makes his hips move desperately like you're the only thing he needs. 
But you pause. Now, comfortable in the knowledge that you know how to slow down, stop when you need to, you let yourself imagine Eddie behind you. His hips hitting the back of your thighs, his big hands holding your waist, arching your body just right to slide inside. Letting yourself be vulnerable with Eddie, the feeling of offering yourself up to him, the reward of his touch.
“I want to try, I just, I need-” You don’t know, exactly. You feel another wave of irritation at yourself, wishing you could be a little more simple. That you didn't need to cling to him that first time, that now you need him to work out this hurdle. 
Eddie hums, and the mattress shifts again as he sits up behind you. “Lift these hips for me again, sweet thing?” He asks, helping you shift your knees forward, tilting your body up for him. You hear the crinkle of him tearing open a condom, his soft sigh as he rolls it down over his cock. “There’s my girl,” he murmurs, hands smoothing your skirt up, exposing your hot flesh to the air. You shiver up your spine, but when Eddie grinds against you, what follows is his torso stretched along your back until you can feel him pressing wet kisses to your shoulder. The tension falls away, replaced by the tickle of Eddie’s hair at your neck, his sweet sting of his teeth nipping your shoulder, the sound of his pleased hums.
A final touch, his left hand grabs yours on the mattress, linking your fingers up and resting them in your eyeline. You know Eddie’s hands better than you know your own. Thick fingers adorned with a pig, a cross, a skull; all pale skin but for the subtle pink at his knuckles and around his nails. The veins that run from the end of his fingers to his wrist, the dip at the end of his thumb. 
“Better?” Eddie asks. You hum happily. You’re so blissfully wrapped up in him like this, surrounded and safe. Eddie’s right hand teases your clit again, presses gently at your entrance and finds you still went and wanting, bearing down at the first dip of his digits inside you. “Fuck, don’t worry, sweet thing. Gonna give you what you need, mm?”
“Eddie,” you say, his name a gentle plea.
“I know,” he whispers, squeezing your hand in his. He reaches between your bodies to guide himself to your entrance, the head of his cock tapping torturously at your clit. You have half a mind to kick your legs out in impatience now, settle on whining at the back of your throat. Eddie breathes a laugh into your shoulder, but it shifts immediately to a groan as he presses inside. 
You’re still not entirely used to the feeling of him slowly filling you, the edge of pain still leading you to bear down on him, body stuck between desperations; to force him out or or pull him deeper. But then there’s the perfect ache of feeling full, the warmth and heaviness of him inside. 
Eddie’s hips roll, the wet sound of him pulling from you making your toes curl. He starts up a steady pace, easing your body into letting him slide deeper into your cunt with each thrust. His fingers return to the top of your sex, rubbing at your sensitive button. With every slow thrust, each stroke of your twitching clit, it feels like your body is opening up to him, easing the way for him to press deeper, push inside a little rougher. Your body flinches, tightens and loosens up all over when the end of his cock finds the back of your pussy, sending waves of pleasure up your spine. 
“Feel good?” He says, amusement in his tone. You moan freely, happy to be teased by him as long as he keeps touching you. “Tell me.”
“Feels good,” you parrot, staring at Eddie’s hand in yours, the slow movement of rose tone up his wrist, along to his knuckles as he heats up. You shiver to let in his warmth, his breath on your shoulder, his chest at your back. His cock, hot and thick, fucking you open.
“My good girl,” he murmurs, groaning at the way your cunt clamps down, gushing wet around his thick cock in thanks for his praise. “Christ. I shoulda known that was your favourite,” he breathes, his right hand pressing at your mound to angle your hips just so, helping his cock find the spot at the end of you that makes your thighs shake with every heavy push. “S’mine too.” 
His lips travel up the side of your neck to the top of your cheek, eyes finding yours when you turn to him. Eddie gives you a gentle pout at the sight of your mouth open to take gasping, whimpering breaths, your eyes fluttering when he starts to bully your clit in line with the increasingly harsh movements inside you. “You were fucking made for me,” he tells you. “You know that, don’t you, sweetheart?”
You cry out, arms giving way underneath you when your body twitches all over, squeezing tight around Eddie’s invading cock. Your head drops into the mattress next to your joined hands, but you nod desperately, wanting him to see that you know perfectly well. That nobody could make you feel as good as Eddie does.
Eddie keeps your body angled how he wants, adjusting your hips to pull your back into an arch. “All mine, aren’t you? Mine to look after, mine to touch. Mine to fuck-” He gives you a harsh thrust that makes your thighs twitch, legs close to giving out if he wasn’t holding you up with his arm under your stomach. “I wanna feel you cum, yeah? Think you can?” 
You’re still nodding, hand gripping his tight, fingers curled through his. 
“For me? Just for me?”
Always. Only for Eddie. You can’t say it, mind too far away to form the thought properly, but the feeling of him saying it like that, claiming your pleasure for himself as he drags it out of you with his cock, heavy and hot, and his hand playing with your clit, drives you over the edge. You mewl into the mattress, cunt clenching tight around his throbbing cock as your pleasure peaks.
Eddie makes a soft whimpering sound as you cum, following you down to bury his face in your shoulder. His hips move faster as he starts chasing his pleasure instead of focusing on yours, hand that was teasing your clit now stroking at your hip to soothe your sensitive, twitchy body. 
Hearing him now, gasping breaths, whimpers in your ear, you sink happily into this feeling. Almost as good as reaching your own peak, the knowledge that you’re making Eddie feel good. That this boy who treats you so well, dedicates himself to helping you find your pleasure, loses himself a little at the clench of your cunt around him.
You drag your clasped hands to your mouth, kissing at the pink skin of his knuckles. How could anybody not want this with him? How could anybody have given him up? You feel a sudden, desperate possession of him, the need to claim him like he claimed you.
“Mine,” you murmur, pressing your lips to the back of his hand in an array of gentle kisses. Your other hand reaches back to tangle in his hair, scratch at the back of his head as he whimpers. You crane your neck, searching for his eyes. They’re dark, shining as they take you in. His cock twitches inside you, and you squeeze his hand again. “Mine?”
His bottom lip shakes. “Yeah. M'yours. Yours, fuck-” He captures your lips but the kiss ends quick when he groans, hips stuttering in your warmth then sinking deep. You keep scratching at his neck as his body shakes through his orgasm, and still after when his weight drops on you and you fall flat to the bed together. You lie there for minutes, catching your breath, luxuriating in the feeling of being held by Eddie, pussy still clenching weakly around him.
Eddie hums, pulling from you slowly with another wet sound that makes you bury your face in your pillow. He rubs at your hip gently, squeezes your hand a final time before untangling from you to deal with the condom. You make a mental note to do something with that before tomorrow morning, but Eddie has your mind going wonderfully blank again when he bounces back beside you and pulls you in. You’re both a little sweaty, cheek a touch too hot against his chest, but you have no interest in cooling down if it means you have to stop touching him.
“Good?” He asks, fingers rubbing at your temple. You hum a long content sound in answer, not ready to form any coherent thought yet, and feel Eddie’s chest shake with laughter under your cheek. “Good.”
You lay like that, clammy and pleasured, convinced nothing could drag you from this bed.  Until you feel a quick pang in your stomach, and the quiet reverie is interrupted by a deep rumble. There’s a moment of silence, then Eddie snorts underneath you. You’d be embarrassed if his laugh didn’t make you want to follow his happiness, smiling shyly when he rubs gently at your tummy. “Hungry work, huh?” He asks, giggling. “Never fear, sweet thing. I can fix that.” He pauses then, licks his lips quickly. “Hey, you got a box of mac and cheese sitting around here, somewhere?”
You flinch, watching with increasing horror as Eddie’s attempts to chop the onion you’d handed him. Fingers splayed and terrifyingly close the blade, you’re stuck between gently taking the knife from him and asking point blank how he’s managed to keep all ten fingers intact this long. 
“Do you want me to finish that?” You ask, frowning when he shakes his head, still fully concentrated on each dangerous movement, his tongue just poking out of his lips in a physical demonstration of his focus. 
If you weren’t so terrified, you’d be appreciating how soft and comfy Eddie looks right now. Black Sabbath t-shirt tucked into his jeans, socked feet ready to slide along your kitchen floor. His dark curls pulled back from his face and braided by your own hands, tied at the end with your favourite lilac scrunchie that you kind of hope he’ll keep.
But you can’t think about it, because you’re terrified Eddie’s going to ruin his musical career here in your kitchen, making pasta.
“No, need, sweet thing,” he assures. “This is a patented Munson technique for chopping onions.”
You could curse yourself for not having any boxed mac and cheese, for suggesting you cook something from scratch together in the first place. You’re used to cooking, with your Mom and Dad, with your friends, and eventually for yourself. But you get the sense that Eddie does a lot of microwaving, looking after himself the same way he has since he was a kid, at dinner time when Wayne is working nights.
“Eddie, can I?” You gently take the knife from him, turning the half of the onion left and chopping it with your thumb tucked in. 
He tilts his chin. “Lacks the adrenaline rush that comes with the Munson method,” he says when you’re done, watching you tip the contents of the chopping board into the heated pan on the stove. Then, a little sheepishly, “I, uh, I don’t cook much. If that wasn’t obvious.”
“You don’t like it, or?”
“I like this,” he answers. “And I make breakfast sometimes with Wayne. But not dinner, so much. He’s usually at the plant that time of day, so nobody ever taught me, I guess.” He pauses. “That’s not true. My mom and I used to cook, I think. Sometimes.”
You wait for a couple of seconds, watching the onions and garlic soften. “When you were a kid?”
“Yeah, we’d make stuff like this. Or, she would. I think I’d just watch mostly. Stir stuff, lick the spoon.”
“Best part,” you say, smiling. Then, watching him carefully. “Your Mom, she…?”
“She died,” he finishes with a shrug. He taps at the counter with his knuckles. “Then I lived with my old man, and he was not one for cooking lessons,” he laughs derisively. “Then one day the bastard dropped me off at Wayne’s. Best thing he ever did for me. Not that he cared either way, he was just sick of having me around.” Eddie finally looks at you then, and catches something in your expression that makes him wince, the laughter that follows clearly forced. “Christ, sorry. I’m really dumping on you today.”
“Don’t apologise, Eddie.”
“Nah, I shouldn’t have-” He shakes his head, tapping the counter again before resting his palms at the edge. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Eddie, of course it matters,” you say, turning off the stove to approach him, standing separated from his body by his arm reaching to the counter, keeping you from wrapping around him the way you want to. “Of course it matters.” 
Eddie shrugs again, and it’s another one of those moments where you wish you were more like him. Eddie always knows what to say, senses where you’re hurt and how to soothe it, knows when to talk and when to just hold you. 
But now that it’s your turn, you’re left feeling useless, stuck just wanting to cry at the thought that anyone has ever hurt him, made him feel like he has something to apologise for just for being around.
“I think you’re so wonderful, Eddie,” you say. “I want you around all the time.”
There’s a second of something. He turns to meet your gaze, searching your face with a frown. Then he gives you a small, barely there smile. The arm between you raises to let you close, wrap him up in a tight hug. You feel his body lose tension as he sighs, your hand stroking his back the way you know he likes. “I want you around all the time, too, sweet thing,” he says softly. “I really do.”
Next Chapter
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Okay okay okay so for Eddie x bookworm!Reader, Reader is HOOKED on a new book, like can't get their nose outta those pages, and Eddie is curious as to why this one is different than any other book. So he sneaks a peek and it's a steamy romance novel with some kind of ~dreamy~ hero and he decides to surprise reader with some role play and act out one of the spicy scenes with them 🙈? hehe
Combining this with this request from @solobagginses: Eddie fucking Bookworm in the library ("shhh, you gotta be quiet, baby, we're in a library, remember?"). Hope y'all enjoy!
Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), semi-public sex (no one is around but still), oral (m! and f! receiving), unprotected p in v (wrap it up pls), praise, slight degradation
WC: 3k
Divider credits to @firefly-graphics!
Jonas shakes out his mane of thick black hair as he pulls off his helmet, still straddling his motorcycle. 
“Care for a ride?” he asks Cassidy, winking and making her blush. 
“Wouldn’t want to be a burden,” Cassidy murmurs, peering at the tall, brawny man through her long lashes. Her breath hitches as Jonas stretches, muscles rippling under his thin white t-shirt. 
He laughs, extending his hand to help her onto the bike. “You’re never a burden, baby doll.” Cassidy licks her lips and hops onto the back, reaching her arms around his waist. She can feel his abs contracting as he revs the engine, sending a familiar tingling sensation straight to her—
“Whatcha readin’?”
You jump in your seat, placing your hand over your chest and feeling your rapid heartbeat. “Jesus, Eddie,” you hiss. “You scared the crap outta me.” You scramble to shove the book in your backpack before he can spot the half-naked man on the cover.
“Sorry, babe,” Eddie shrugs, pressing a kiss to your temple. He slides into the seat next to you and pulls out his signature bag of pretzels. “But, seriously,” he continues, “what book had you zoned out like that?”
You’re not about to admit to reading Fast Ride. Your friend dared you to buy it when the local bookstore was having a sale, and you’d reluctantly accepted the challenge. It certainly was not your usual choice in literature, but it was too intriguing for you to put down. The way that Jonas seemed to have never-ending stamina for Cassidy, always lusting after her hungrily, made you feel things in a new way. Sure, you were no stranger to sexual attraction; the way you could never keep your hands off of your metalhead boyfriend was proof enough. And after six months together, you and Eddie had spent many nights together (and a few before-school romps in the back of his van when you were particularly frisky). The sex was tender and sweet; Eddie holding your hands while in missionary, trailing kisses down the nape of your neck, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. It was everything you should want.
But sometimes, you don’t want Eddie to dote on you lovingly. Sometimes, you want him to ruin you. 
You can never admit it to him; in the book, Jonas was the one who introduced the angelic Cassidy to rough sex. She was the innocent, wide-eyed virgin who didn’t know she wanted to be corrupted until he stumbled into her life. Eddie was simply too gentle to dominate you the way Jonas did Cassidy, so your fantasy would have to remain just that: a daydream to replay over and over in your head.
Before you can respond to Eddie’s inquiry, the rest of the Hellfire Club noisily approaches the lunch table.
“I’m telling you, man,” Lucas is saying, frustration evident in his voice, “the answer was 46! I don’t know how you got anything else.”
Dustin’s shaking his head. “No, you have to work the problem left to right, even if division is before multiplication.”
“I did!” Lucas insists, rolling his eyes. “Whatever. We’ll find out who’s right tomorrow when we get our tests back.”
“Yeah, we’ll find out that I’m right when we get them back,” Dustin replies snidely, earning him a shove from his friend.
You’re normally annoyed by their bickering, trying to break up the argument as quickly as possible, but you’re grateful for the distraction. You take a huge bite of your sandwich, letting the peanut butter stick to the roof of your mouth, preventing further conversation. It was a bad idea to read Fast Ride in public, even with the cover pressed down on the table, but you were hooked, dammit. 
The bell can’t ring fast enough, and you dash out of the cafeteria, making a beeline for your locker. You’ve learned your lesson about reading in class, so you shove the novel onto the top shelf and grab your chemistry notebook before snapping the lock shut and heading to Mr. Burkowski’s class. 
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“Shit, do any of you have a pencil?” Gareth asks, patting his pockets frantically. “I have a history test next period and I totally forgot that we use those stupid Scantrons.”
The rest of the guys shake their heads, grumbling half hearted apologies. 
“Wait!” Eddie says suddenly, snapping his fingers. “Y/N always has extras in her locker, and she gave me the combination.”
“Aww, aren’t you two just the pinnacle of romance?” Gareth teases, fluttering his eyelashes dramatically. 
Eddie glares at him. “D’you want the pencil or not?” Gareth just nods, following his Dungeon Master to your locker. Eddie spins the dial and tugs on the lock. A handful of freshly-sharpened pencils sits in the case magnetically attached to the inside of the door. “There ya go,” he says, plucking one from the holder and handing it to his friend. He’s about to close it when he spots the book you’ve been so weird about. 
The right thing to do is to leave it alone, act like he never saw it. But curiosity gets the best of him, and he finds himself yanking the novel from its spot and shoving it under his jacket before anyone can see. 
Since starting a relationship with you, Eddie has been better about going to class, but he ditches today in favor of devouring the mysterious book. He’s already intrigued by the cover: a half-naked man wearing only skin-tight leather pants, a motorcycle helmet tucked under his arm. He’s pressed up against a woman in a flowing white dress, looking almost virginal, a stark contrast to her male counterpart.
Eddie drives out to his secret spot in the woods, getting as comfortable as he can on the picnic bench before diving into the book. He knows he doesn’t have time to read it all, so he skims it for anything that stands out. His eyes widen when Jonas eats Cassidy out while she’s taking phone calls at work, ending with her bent over the desk while he pounds her from behind. And when Cassidy calls Jonas “sir,” pleading for him to fuck her right there on the beach, Eddie feels a twitch in his pants. He’s usually the one initiating sex, and when you do it, he immediately obliges. Do you want him to make you beg?
Glancing at his watch, he realizes that he needs to get back to school and return the book before you notice that it’s missing. He speeds back to Hawkins High, eyes on the road but mind spinning with thoughts of you and him in Cassidy and Jonas’s places. 
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Only one of his friends has a steady girlfriend, so Eddie seeks him out righr after they finish band practice. 
“Can I talk to you for a sec?” he asks Jeff, biting on his lower lip nervously. 
Jeff nods. “Sure, man. Everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, not an emergency,” Eddie reassures him. “Just, uh, does Shelby read, like, sexy books?”
Jeff cocks an eyebrow and wrinkles his nose. “Sometimes. Why, you want a recommendation?” He laughs, but stops when he sees his friend’s serious expression. “Dude, what’s up? You’re kinda scaring me now.”
“Sorry,” Eddie mumbles. “‘S just…I found one of those books in Y/N’s locker, and it’s…a lot. Like, the guy takes the girl and does it with her anywhere and everywhere. And if that’s what Y/N wants…I mean, that’s not exactly what we do.” He fidgets with his fingers, embarrassed to be having this conversation with Jeff, but he doesn’t know who else to ask.
“So do them,” Jeff says simply, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
Eddie gives an exasperated sigh. “I don’t have the money to just whisk her away to a fancy hotel room, and it’s not like we have an abundance of beaches here.” The closest thing to a beach is Lovers Lake, and sex there is like an infection waiting to happen. “There is one scene where he surprises her at work…”
“There ya go!” Jeff exclaims. “Don’t you pick her up when she closes, like the whipped little boyfriend you are?” Eddie gives him a shove, but he cracks a smile. “C’mon, a bookworm like her getting laid in the library? Probably a dream come true!”
The lanky metalhead considers this before bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. “Yeah, okay! I’ll do that!” You work the closing shift tomorrow, so it’ll be perfect. All he has to do is show up and sweep you off of your feet.
And maybe give you an earth-shattering orgasm or two in the bookstacks. 
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You’re shelving the last of the returns when you hear the familiar rap on the door. Eddie is standing on the other side of the sliding glass, waiting for you to unlock it. It’s a humid May evening, but he’s wearing a leather jacket. 
“Hey, baby,” you smile as you let him in. “Aren’t you warm in that?” you ask, pointing to his outerwear. 
Eddie’s lower lip juts out in a pout. “You don’t like it?”
“I love it, Eds. You look ridiculously hot.” You grab his ringed fingers and smirk salaciously. “Can’t wait to get you home, yeah?”
“Actually,” he starts, “I was hopin’ you could help me find a book first. It’s called Fast Ride.” He pulls you closer to him, a mischievous grin of his own spreading across his face. 
Your face heats up at the mention of the novel. “Is that a joke?” you manage. “How did you—did you go through my stuff?”
“I saw it in your locker when I was getting a pencil for Gareth, and I had to know what all the fuss was about. Didn’t realize my girl was into such kinky stuff.” Eddie starts to lean in to kiss your neck, but you push him away. 
“If you came here to make fun of me, you can leave,” you choke out, tears burning in your eyes. “This is exactly why I didn’t wanna tell you; I knew you’d just laugh at me.”
Your boyfriend cups your cheek with a strong, calloused hand. “Baby, baby,” he coos, kissing your forehead. “‘M not making fun of you. I think it’s really, really fuckin’ hot.”
“Y-You do?”
“Hell yeah,” he reassures you. “Got me wonderin’ if, maybe, you’d like to reenact one of the scenes.” He wipes away a rogue tear from your chin and kisses your lips. “I was thinkin’ about the one where Jonas sees Cassidy at her job and just has to have her.”
Your entire body warms at the idea of him having his way with you right here, right now. “I know where the cameras won’t catch us,” you murmur against his soft lips, and you feel them curl into a smile. 
You lead Eddie to the very back of the library where you keep the “to be discarded” books. They’re already worn with broken spines, so no one will notice if there’s any further damage to them. As soon as he’s certain that you’re both tucked away safely, he kisses you hungrily.
“Can’t wear that tight little skirt and expect me not to devour you, baby doll,” he growls. You notice that he slips in the pet name that Jonas uses for Cassidy, and you hum your approval. His hands grip the backs of your thighs as he hoists you against the shelf, pressing his erection into your clothed pussy. You begin to trail kisses down his neck, just the way he likes it, but he pulls away.
“Tonight’s all about you, mmkay? Making my girl feel good like only I can.” He tightens his grasp and whispers into your ear, “let me take care of you, princess.”
“Yes, sir,” you concede, letting him take complete control. “I’ll take whatever you give me.” After years of constantly trying to make the right decision, always worrying whether or not you’re choosing correctly, it feels so freeing to let someone else take the reins.
“Fuck, baby,” Eddie groans, slowly lowering you to the ground as he kneels on the old, worn carpet. He bunches up your skirt around your waist, hooking a finger into your panties and tugging them aside. “I gotta taste you.” You whimper as he kisses up your inner thighs until he reaches your cunt, licking at your pussy. His lips attach to your clit, sucking on it harshly. A chuckle escapes his throat when you let out a moan. “Sshh, we gotta be quiet, baby. We’re in a library, remember?”
“S-sorry,” you stutter, but your apology is cut short by the feeling of his tongue pressed inside your weeping hole, and you grab onto the shelf with one hand, lacing the fingers of the other into Eddie’s wild mane of hair. Involuntarily, you whine loudly at the stimulation, and Eddie pulls back. “W-why did you…”
He wipes your slick from his chin. “I told you that we have to be quiet,” he hisses, “but it looks like you can’t obey that rule, can you?”
“I-I’ll be quiet. I’ll be good. I promise.” But you know it’s no use; he’s already standing up. His pupils are blown wide with lust, and he bites down on your neck. 
“There’s one surefire way to keep you quiet, isn’t there, baby doll?” He tilts your chin so that your gaze meets his. The words are strong and confident, but his eyes are still caring, giving you an out if you want it. You nod at him, biting your lower lip in anticipation. “On your knees, princess.”
You find the strength to utter another “yes, sir,” and do as Eddie says while he unbuckles his belt and pulls his hard cock out of his pants. He pumps it once, twice, three times before tapping it on your lips. You open your mouth obediently, swirling your tongue around the pink tip as it twitches against your cheek. You take his balls into your hands, palming them and tugging softly, just enough to drive him wild.
“Thassit,” he murmurs. “Look up at me while you suck my cock. Look so pretty with your mouth full, dontcha?” You hum your response, sending vibrations along his length that make him throw his head back with a noisy exhale.
“Sshh,” you parrot him, letting his cock go with a pop. A trail of saliva mixed with Eddie’s pre-cum connects you to it. “We gotta be quiet.” You giggle at your bratty attitude, hoping that he’ll take the bait.
Sure enough, he pulls you to your feet, and you stumble slightly. “Y’okay?” he mouths,and you offer a breathy yes. He steadies you before bringing you to a shorter shelf. “Bend over for me.”
“Nuh-uh,” you tease, blowing him a kiss. You don’t even have time to taunt him further before his firm palm presses into your back as he pushes you; he takes the other and smacks your ass so hard that it very well may leave a print. 
“Such a fuckin’ brat,” he grunts, rubbing his cock back and forth along your folds, using your slick as lubricant. You feel the stretch as he slides inside you, pleasure and pain intermingling in perfect harmony. “Now you’ve gotta take your punishment.” With another spank on your ass, he thrusts into your aching sex. Neither of you bother to abide by the silence he once demanded.
“Punish me, sir; I’ve been a bad girl.” You can feel him growing even harder within your walls, and you clench around him. “Fuck me as hard as you want; I can take it.”
Eddie brings himself almost fully out of you before he slams back in, making you yelp in surprise. “Take it…take it…that’s my girl. So fuckin’ good, even when she’s bad.” He leans his chest against your back, and grips your pelvis, keeping you impossibly close. “Gonna let me cum inside you?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?” 
“Fuck–I’m fuckin’ tellin’ you, baby girl,” he mutters through gritted teeth, never stopping his rhythmic pumping. “You’re gonna take all my cum. Every. Last. Drop.” He spills into you with a strangled groan, slowing his pace to bring you both down from your highs. You can feel his heaving breaths as he says, “holy shit.”
“Was that–did you like that?” you ask timidly, slipping out of your brat role and back to your normal, bookworm self.
“Did I–baby, that was so hot. Makes me mad I wasn’t fucking you in the library since day one.” Eddie laughs as he withdraws. “We gotta get you cleaned up, yeah?” He grabs the bandana from his back pocket and wipes up his mess, straightening your clothes in the process. “There ya go. Back to my place for a movie and pizza?”
You nod enthusiastically, taking his hand. Pausing for a moment, you look up at him and pose the question that you’ve been too anxious to ask. “You don’t think it’s weird that I like those books?” 
“Are you kidding?” He raises his eyebrows as you both walk to the parking lot. “Babe, I have a stack of Playboys under my bed that would call me the world’s biggest hypocrite if I judged you for this.” You playfully smack his chest, and he continues. “Besides, there’s nothing wrong with havin’ a few kinks. I mean, as long as you’re exploring them with me.” He leans you against his van and brings his lips to your ear. “I’ll tell you one of mine; kinda always wanted you to call me ‘daddy’ while we’re…y’know…”
“Hmm,” you smile, grasping his jacket and pulling him in for a kiss. “I think I can manage that.”
Eddie’s face lights up and he picks you up, spinning you around. “You’re so perfect, I fuckin’ swear.” He opens your door for you and helps you onto the seat. You wait for him to get in and start the car before you speak again.
“Hey, Eds?”
“How would you feel about learning to ride a motorcycle?”
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spidernerdsblog · 2 years
Kiss me more
A/N : This is my rendition of the chocolate house scene in tasm. Hope you like this. Let me know what you think.
Summary : your dad is the chief of NYPD and isn't fond of your boyfriend's secret alias spiderman but that doesn't stop him from sneaking into your room at night for a few kisses and a little more.
Pairing : tasm! Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings : 18+, SMUT, minors DNI, 69 (m & f receiving)
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Sitting on your desk you’re working on your college assignment when a tap on your window grabs your attention. You look to find none other than your boyfriend as he slides up the window and steps inside your room.
“Hey.” he gives you that sweet smile.
“What are you doing here?” you hiss.
“I really missed you, baby.” he pouts out his lower lip.
“You saw me in class today.” you give him a bored look.
“That was hours ago.” 
“Dad's home. You can't stay.” you inform in a hushed tone.
“C’mon Y/N don’t send me away like this.” he says, giving you his best puppy dog eyes and you give in.
“Ugh OK but you gotta be quiet.” 
“Quiet as a church mouse,” he says. “I don't understand why your dad hates me though?” 
“He doesn't hate you.” you assure him cradling his face in your hands. “He just doesn’t like Spiderman but after the speech you gave at last week's dinner I'm not so sure either.” 
“I'm just making the lives of the NYPD cops easier.” he huffs.
“Yeah, tell that to my dad because he thinks you need psychiatric attention.” you snicker.
“The only attention I need right now is from my girlfriend.” his hands circle around your waist pulling you flush against his body and dips his head to kiss you. Heat unfurls inside your body as your tongues collide. You liked kissing him, it felt so intimate as if you could touch each other’s soul and feel the love for each other you have.   
“I fucking love kissing you.” he whispers as if reading your thoughts and slowly backs you to your desk. His lips are hot against yours as arousal builds inside your stomach. Your hands try to grasp on the edge of the desk instead your elbow hits the stack of books knocking them off the desk with a loud crash. 
“Y/N?! What’s that noise?” you hear your dad followed by footsteps coming up the stairs.
“Shit hide!” your eyes go wide in panic pushing him away. Peter quickly hides behind the stuffed armchair while you open the door with a smile trying to act normal. “Hey dad!” 
“Everything alright honey? I heard some noise.” 
“Yeah, yeah I just stubbed my toe on the desk and the books fell down.” you tell him.
“You should be more careful, Y/N.” Your dad’s voice is full of concern.
“It’s nothing really.” you assure him.
“Do you want me to make you some coco?” Since childhood whenever you didn’t feel good a cup of coco made by your father cured everything for you. But that’s not what you need right now.
“Dad, I'm 21 years old. I do not need coco because I hurt my toe.” 
“Ok…” he eyes you skeptically. “I thought I remembered somebody saying the other day that her fantasy was to live in a chocolate house.”
Your face flames in embarrassment clearly aware that Peter is listening.“Daaad!” you groan “I’m fine. You go enjoy watching the football match.”
“Ok, ok…” your dad laughs. “Goodnight sweetheart. Don’t stay up all night studying.” 
“Goodnight daddy.” You shut the door quickly turning the lock and turn around to find Peter splayed on your bed grinning.
“Chocolate house?” you shrug nonchalantly and he chuckles. “That's a very cute fantasy.” 
“Yeah, yeah now shut up.” you huff rolling your eyes.
“Make me.” Mischief dances in his eyes.
“Is that a challenge?” you quirk an eyebrow.
“Maybe.” He lifts a shoulder casually.
“Well then I got some ideas.” you smirk climbing on the bed beside him to take things off where you had left as you lean on molding your lips with his. Your hands explore his body slowly inching the hem of his shirt to expose the defined abs. You drag your mouth down his throat and place a kiss in the middle of his chest.
He shudders in anticipation as you trail your lips down to the V that disappears into the waistband of his jeans. He’s painfully hard, the huge bulge giving it away. You rub him over his jeans teasingly and he moans.
“You gotta be quiet, bug boy.” you smile wickedly and halt your ministrations. “Or else I’ll stop.”
“No, please don’t stop. I’ll be quiet I promise.” he croaks.
You pull his zipper down.
His chocolate brown grows a shade darker, he lifts his hips for you to slide his jeans and boxers down. 
Your mouth waters when his dick springs free, long and thick leaking with precum. Your clit throbs as you rub your thighs together wanting nothing but to rip your clothes off and ride him to oblivion. You wrap your fingers around the base giving him a slow, teasing stroke and he chokes out a curse.
Lowering your mouth you glide your tongue along his shaft. His fingers tangle in your hair as you squeeze the base of his cock with your hand and flick your tongue through his slit tasting the salty precum.
Peter's brain short circuits, hips thrusting upward as he swallows a groan but a harsh breath still manages to escape from him. You look up to him loving the effect you have on him.
“I’m trying.” he grits through his teeth and you smile, sucking the tip. He watches you slowly take every inch of him until your nose grazes his pelvis. You ease back up, your hand working him in tandem with your mouth.
Pleasure rises up his spine as you swallow him whole with every downward stroke. Peter feels like he might blow out any second and he doesn’t want it to end so soon. He grips your hair and tugs your head up. “Sit on my face.” 
“I want to taste you too.” he rasps.
A fresh wave of arousal pools between your legs at his words but you were still a little unsure as you’ve never done this whole 69ing thing before. “You sure?” 
“Yeah I always wanted to try this.” 
You were quick to discard your panties and turn around to straddle his face. Your dress bunched at your waist as Peter holds your thighs spreading you wide. The first swipe of his tongue draws a strangled noise out of you.
“Quiet baby” he taunts before giving a long, languid lick from your dripping hole to your clit. You retaliate by taking him in your mouth and it's his time to make noise.
“Oh my god.” he groans against your pussy. “We’re never gonna make it through this.”
Your soft laughter sends vibrations down his shaft. His hips thrust up involuntarily, his tip hitting the back of your throat making you yelp.
“Sorry.” he mumbles.
“It’s ok.” you say and he turns his attention back to eating you out. His hands knead the soft mounds of your ass as his tongue pumps in and out of you. The sweet taste of you on his tongue and your warm mouth on his cock giving him a sensory overload. He circles his tongue on your swollen clit and you whimper, grinding harder on his face.
Peter chuckles at your eagerness until you run your tongue over the pulsing vein underside his cock and all his laughter dies down. His balls tighten, release simmering to the surface. “You close?”
“Almost.” you say a little out of breath. 
Peter wraps his lips around your clit and sucks hard. You squirm above him as he pushes two thick digits inside you. You’re so wet and tight that it takes all his willpower not to bust a nut then and there. 
“C’mon babe,” he curls his fingers, hitting that sweet spot inside you. “Don’t make me come alone.” you moan quietly, rocking your hips.
“That’s it.” he coaxes. 
You suck him harder as your walls clench around his fingers. Pleasure soars inside you as your release floods his mouth which makes him explode into your mouth. 
You get off him to lie down beside him. “That was fun.” 
“Yeah we should do that again.” he agrees, his arms coming to wrap around you as you snuggle in his warmth.
You both freeze at your father’s deep voice. Even though you locked the door you feel like your dad could see through the door as you and Peter lay half naked on your bed.
You clear your throat gathering yourself. “Ye-yes dad?”
“Tell Parker to use the front door next time or he’ll have to pay for any damages to the drainage pipes.”
Reblogs are appreciated ❤️
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blue-aconite · 6 months
book club activities || r.b.f
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Summary: Bob's girlfriend has a book club.
Warnings: Suggestive texting, absolute nonsense, somehow Bradley and Jake stole the show (idiots)
Word Count: 940
Pairings: Bob Floyd x f!reader
Authors Note: Happy birthday @bobfloydsbabe! This is the dumbest thing I've ever written and it also sucks but it has your favourite lil dude in it and I love you! I hope you've had a great birthday! Enjoy this insanely weird drabble.
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“You should really read it.” 
Bob sighed, rubbing a hand across his face. “Sweetheart, I’m not reading Twilight with you.” 
His girlfriend pouted from the corner of the couch, aiming a kick against his shin. “But you liked the films.” 
“No, I said I thought they weren’t bad. I never said I liked them.” They had watched all of the films a weeknight ago, which Bob initially had only done to please her. 
“And you said the films were better than the books.” Bob argued, reaching over to right the blanket covering her body as it had half fallen to the floor. 
“Yes but I still think you should read the books.” She said, crossing her arms across her chest. 
“I will go out and get you your favourite food, two new books, a new notepad and pencils if you don’t make me read the books.” Bob placated, hoping that it would satisfy her. 
She looked thoughtful, eyebrows drawing together as she contemplated his offer. 
“Which books?
Bob smiled, knowing he was winning. “Whichever you want, darling.” 
She stared at him for another moment before tossing the blanket aside to cuddle into his side. 
“I want Pho, I don’t have the last two books of ASOIAF and please get me a A4 notebook, not A5,” she paused momentarily, hand splayed against his abdomen, “and cuddles please.”
He pressed a kiss to her forehead, slouching slightly so she could get more comfortable. “Yes ma’am.” 
The rain was smattering against windows, the sun setting just behind the tree line they could see from their backyard. 
Ever since  Bob had found out he was going to be stationed permanently in San Diego, they decided to get a house and set down some roots. 
“I love you, even if you don’t want to read Twilight with me.” She whispered against his T-shirt, making Bob laugh. She soon joined in and they giggled together for a few moments before once again settling into the couch. 
“I love you too. Do you want Pho from the place close to base or the other one?” 
She hummed, eyes falling shut as she snuggled into his side. “Base please.” 
Bob waited a few minutes before her breathing evened out and then gently untangled himself from her embrace. 
After making sure she was properly tucked in for her nap, he grabbed his keys and wallet. He had a promise to make good on. 
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Next Day
“Dude, you should read them though, they’re actually pretty good. Not the writing but the story. Love triangle, vampires, werewolves and hybrid babies.” Rooster said through a mouthful of scrambled eggs. 
Phoenix snorted, rolling her eyes. “Not the most intriguing introduction, Roos.” 
Bob watched as they jabbed back and forth, pushing his food around on his plate. 
Hangman and Coyote sat down with their trays, interrupting the squabble happening across from Bob. 
“What’s up?” Javy asked. 
“Are you team Edward or team Jacob?” Rooster asked, completely serious. 
Coyote’s eyebrows shot up, mouth pressed into a tight line. “Dude, are you talking about Twilight?” 
“Yes! Bob watched the films with his girl and he doesn't want to read the books but I think they’re pretty good and Nat says they’re crap and now we gotta decide what team.” Bradley rambled, earning another smack to the side. 
Javy stared them both down, an unimpressed look on his face. “I don’t like fantasy.” 
“WHAT? Dishonour on you, dishonour on your family, dishonour on your cow!” Rooster dramatically gasped, clutching at his chest. 
The entire table rolled their eyes at their teammates' dramatics, all of them now used to Bradley’s antics. 
“Okay fine. I didn’t care enough to choose a team, the films were good and I’ve already read the books but don’t tell my girlfriend that. She’ll never let me live it down.” Bob spoke up, making Bradley smile. 
“I knew it. Everyone has read those books, except Javy here, apparently.” Rooster announced proudly, reaching across the table to fist bump Bob. 
“I personally am Team Bella. Neither Edward or Jacob were good for her. Jacob was an immature kid, not his fault, it’s just his character and Edward had issues. Real issues. The best thing for her would have been to get the hell out of Forks and work on becoming her own person.” 
The entire table fell silent, staring at Jake who didn’t even look up from his plate. No one spoke for a few beats before Bradley began clapping like a seal, shit eating grin in place. 
Bob shook his head as he reached for his phone, texting his girlfriend. She would enjoy the currently bizarre conversation that was taking place and maybe he could get out of book club if he mentioned that apparently both Rooster and Hangman were fans of the series. 
Hangman and Rooster like Twilight. 
Make them bring food and the books next time you invite them over. 
PS, you’re still gonna read the books with me, pls. 
Damn, he really thought he’d gotten away with reading the darn books again. 
If you and I are going to have a book club, no one else is welcome. 
How come??
Club activities are strictly taking place in the bedroom. 
He sent off the last text quickly, before pocketing his phone and turning back to the conversation. 
He didn’t receive an answer until he was scheduled to fly. There was a short message and a picture attached. 
And beneath the text was a picture partially obscuring the view of what seemed to be his girlfriend’s favourite lingerie set and all four books of the series. 
Bob couldn’t wait to go home.
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @ryebecca @imjess-themess @reels-and-wheels @antiquitea @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void@bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @kmc1989​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming
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super-paper · 9 months
I still don’t understand AFO. Why is he like this. This series repeatedly goes out of it’s way to humanize the villains but AFO is still just evil because he wants to be the demon lord and I don’t get it.
That would be the point, I feel-- AFO doesn't want to be understood or seen as "human." He wants to completely lose himself in character, wants other people to mindlessly play along with the story he's written for himself like good little extras, and wants everyone around him to acknowledge what a ~perfectly inhuman demon lord~ he is-- and he's bent the entire narrative of MHA around himself like a shield in order to accomplish that. Like, the idea of people breaking the same black and white narrative that he's been using to protect himself (and trap others) quite literally drives him insane:
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"That murderer--" "You killer--" oooooo you're so mad that human nature is basically good, that people are endlessly capable of growth and healing, and that actual human beings can't simply be shoved into teeny black and white fictional boxes ooooo all the more evidence that he's gonna completely lose his shit when Tomura ultimately refuses to kill Izuku lmao
I wanna point out his speech bubbles in the second image, bc Hori frequently uses speech bubbles to emphasize a character's mental state-- Like.... Bro is literally coming apart at the seams with rage that Stain is trying to be anything more than a starter villain. 😭The english translation also kind of sort of makes it seem like AFO is simply referring to Stain by his moniker (Hero Killer), but the term he uses in the original text feels a little more... loaded, imho?? The kanji used for Stain's "Hero Killer" Moniker is "Goroshi" ("殺ごろし"), but here, AFO instead refers to him as a "Murderer" (殺人犯/satsujin-han). Calling Stain an out-and-out murderer instead of calling him by a villain moniker feels a lot more specific, a lot more pointed, and it also tells us a lot more about AFO’s fucked up sense of values.
Anyway, I've said this before, but AFO is a character who reads heavily as an escapist fantasy gone horrifically wrong. "Why is a world where villains are allowed to climb back up from rock bottom and heal so intolerable to AFO?" "why does the idea of people breaking free from their roles make AFO so angry?" "why is AFO literally trying to BECOME a comic book character?" are better questions to ask than "why is bro just evil for the sake of it," I feel. Like obviously, a world where the label of "villain" gets thoroughly and utterly dismantled is one where AFO loses his power over others.... but it's also a world that rips that protective layer of "fiction" away from him, exposes his own humanity, and destroys that delusion of becoming the "perfect villain king" that he's wrapped himself up in.
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tfw you LARP so hard that it ends up getting your brother killed and now breaking character means you gotta Process All Of That .................................................... Unless...? :)
What I find especially interesting about AFO is that MHA's narrative actually cooperates with shielding him from the readers, to a degree-- scenes that depict rare moments of genuine emotion are overlaid with contrary, cartoonishly evil narration that's meant to distract the reader from what's actually being depicted. The bulk of the series depicts his face being hidden in shadows even though it *literally* has no reason to be, and we don't get an unobscured look until the other characters finally start rallying together to reject his story. He is literally introduced to the series through a TV screen, which MHA has been using as a shorthand for its depiction of fantasy since day one:
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In my opinion, I feel the final act of "rejection" that AFO fears isn't from his brother, or his followers, or "his other self"-- what he fears is the story itself rejecting him and finally exposing him for what he is: an utterly mundane human. Like, a total freak of a guy to be sure, but still totally human. The narrative revoking its various "protections" and working against AFO to humanize him acts as the final insult to everything he claims to believe in while doubling as the last bit of confirmation that he was never gonna become a "perfect demon lord." MHA being what it is, this is something inevitable.
Where other characters in this series draw strength from their origin-- the moment that defines them as a human and individual-- AFO likely fears and rejects his own origin for this same reason.
Anyway. I would describe AFO as a wannabe-author who refuses to make public appearances or divulge details about his personal life, but ultimately reveals a little too much about himself through the "stories" and "characters" he tries to write-- so ppl still know he's a freak with issues by virtue of how fatherless his content is. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Putting together all the pieces of himself that AFO accidentally lets slip is part of what makes MHA so fun (to me, at least!).
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pullhisteeth · 1 year
(Possibly Triggering) Kind of a self comforting request, but could we get a story where the reader has bulimia and Eddie kind of puts the pieces together and tries to help? Like a hurt/comfort fic?
just want to say I love u and u got this <3 been there and I know u will be okay. hopefully this helps you feel a lil better for the time being x
I wrote this from Eddie's pov because I think it fits quite well. :)
cw/tw for eating disorders, vomiting, body image issues, difficult convos. Eddie and reader fight and make up. fem!reader, petnames, angst, fluff. hurt/comfort. [3.3k]
Eddie worries about you. He thinks it's normal, and he's sure you'd agree; he can't help it and doesn't wish to stop. He worries about you walking home from work at dusk, worries about you when you're out with friends, bar-hopping in downtown Hawkins, worries about you when you don't get dinner because work ran over and you want to sleep. He also knows you're an adult who can take care of herself so he worries from afar most days, but today he can't let it go.
So far, since you arrived at his trailer four and a half hours ago, he's asked you if you're okay seventeen times. The last one was an hour ago, when you snapped at him to stop.
You've just finished a six-day work week and now you're dozing on his lap while he reads a book, fingers carding through your hair. He's soothed by the almost imperceptible sound of your breathing and the feeling of your chest expanding and deflating beside his thigh, so he's very content to stay where he is and let you get some rest. You never snap at him. He thinks you must be tired.
Eventually he feels you stir, twisting round so you're on your back, head still resting on his lap so you can look up at him. He peeks down at you over the top of his book and it makes you giggle, a broken, sleepy laugh that he can't help but smile at. You rub your eyes and reach past your head to stretch, arching your back off the bed and sighing.
"Good sleep?" he asks softly, turning down the corner of his page and closing the book. He drops it unceremoniously on the bed beside your hip.
You hum in response and he takes it as an affirmative. His hand, fingers splayed, moves to rest on your stomach under your shirt, and you wince and laugh again at the contact.
"Your hands are so fucking cold!"
"Sorry," he says through a grin, slightly disingenuous. "You are boiling. My own personal furnace."
"Mm," you hum happily. You're in a good mood, clearly better for the hour of sleep. "What're you readin'?"
You reach beside you and take the book, bringing it over your head to squint through sleep-fuzzy eyes at the cover. As his hand smooths up and down your stomach, he begins to tell you.
"Mike let me borrow it. It's a fantasy series, he said it's really good."
"Hm, it looks like a Mike book."
"What does that mean?!" he laughs, incredulous at your insinuation.
"I dunno, it just looks like those graphic novels you guys read."
He can't argue with that; the cover is a vibrant cacophony of mythical creatures, treasure and dungeons and fire.
"Well, it's good so far," he says playfully, snatching the book from you and hanging it out of reach. You squirm to take it back, arms extended up, giggling when his splayed hand inches up and digs into your side.
"C'mon," he says, throwing the book to the other side of the room and ignoring your teasing protests at his abuse of something so precious. "We gotta have some dinner."
You physically deflate when he says this, and the worry creeps back, settling uncomfortably under his skin. He watches your arched back lie flat against his bed and the smile lines disappear from beside your eyes. On your stomach his hand resumes its soothing, this time partly for you but partly for himself, too.
"What d'ya wanna eat?" he tries, dodging your body language and hoping he's misreading it.
You hum again, a sad and uncertain sound, before saying, "not that hungry."
"Oh, come on," he says, hoping his tone is playful enough that you don't notice that he's playing a part. "You've not eaten all day."
Groaning, you roll over and look away from him. Now he can only see the back of your head and the side of your face, but even then he can still make out the disgruntled look on it. His hand is on your side, where it slid as you turned over, so he continues his attempt to soothe you while he tries again.
"How 'bout some fries? Got some in the freezer, I can just shove 'em in the oven."
He listens to your breathing as you fail to answer him, and wills himself to not get frustrated. This has happened before, your tendency to avoid this conversation, and even when he's tried to ask why he gets nowhere. Over the many months you've been together, plenty of which you've spent almost living with each other, he's not failed to notice the strange ways you interact with food, and slowly but surely he's been piecing it together.
He also knows this is something you have to come to him about, so he'll wait for you. Forever, if he has to. And while he does, he just wants you to get some decent meals in.
Finally, you roll back over and look at him. Your expression is strange, almost sad but also smooth and there are no worry lines. He hopes this is because he's calmed you down.
"Okay," you say, smiling, and his heart does a skip. "Fries sound great."
He leans down, one hand back on your stomach and the other in your hair, and kisses you. It's stilly and awkward because you're at a ninety-degree angle, but he dots more up your nose and across your forehead, relishing in your light giggles.
"Up ya get," he demands, hands creeping underneath you to push you up and off his lap. As he slides out from under you and swings his legs round to stand, you let yourself flop back down onto his bed, into the warm indent he left behind. He watches you curl up in a ball on your side and dramatically shove your face into the comforter, sniffing loudly with your nose scrunched.
"You're so fucking weird," he declares as he stands over you with his hands on his hips. You look up at him, pouting, batting your eyelashes. "And beautiful, of course," he adds, grinning. He leans down again and kisses your cheek, lingering for a second to feel you smile. You reach up and hold the side of his face, thumb on the apple of his cheek.
When he stands back up, he shoves his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants and says, "you stay there, I'll give ya a shout when they're done, okay?"
"Okay," you respond, wriggling to get comfortable and shutting your eyes again. He leaves you be, closing the door softly behind himself, though not before stealing a look at you splayed on his bed dozing off.
He busies himself with dinner, putting some fries from the freezer into the oven. He tries his hand at cooking some vegetables, too, because he wants you to have some balance. As he chops carrots and broccoli and fills a pan with water for boiling, he thinks about the fact that he has never before in his life felt this dedicated to another person. He doesn't feel like what he imagines parents feel like, but he does want you to have the best of everything, all the time. It's a strangely comforting realisation.
As everything cooks, he creeps back across the trailer to his room, where he prises open the door and treads inside quietly. You're asleep again, uncurled somewhat from the ball he'd left you in. He watches you for a moment, enjoying how peaceful you are, face squished into the comforter and hair all over the place.
He steps over to the other side of the room and finds the book he'd thrown earlier. Picking it up, he leaves the room and retakes his spot on the counter by the stove.
He only gets one more chapter in before the timer dings. He drains the vegetables and plates them with the chips on two plates, giving you a few more for good measure, and then he returns to his room to gently shake you awake.
When you stir and attempt to grumpily protest, he says, "food's ready, c'mon."
You stretch again, like a cat basking in the sun, and get off the bed slowly, rubbing your eyes. You follow him to the kitchen and he watches you as your hunger seems to take over. Sitting down at the table, you say, "thanks, Eds," and start eating, seemingly without thinking – vegetables first, as always. He eats too, though always with his eye on you.
When you get halfway through the chips, he sees your expression change. It shifts from a peaceful one to one that is unmistakably uncomfortable, though you carry on, stealing worried glances at him every now and then.
"Okay?" he asks fondly, hand laid on the table for you, an offering. You don't take it, though.
You hum and put your fork down. Wordlessly, he takes both plates and sets them on the side, while you get up and take a seat on the couch. He can tell there's something bothering you but chooses to let you come to him, so he just joins you, switching the TV on as he passes it on his way. He wraps you in one arm and you settle, still silent, into his side, watching whatever mindless show is playing.
A few minutes pass of this quiet, and though he doesn't mind, he, of course, worries.
You wriggle out from beside him and stand, saying "be back in a sec."
He watches you head to the bathroom and shut the door. Willing himself to leave you alone, he tries to focus on the television. But you don't come back, and after a few minutes he decides he'll busy himself with the dishes.
And then he finishes the dishes, and you're still in the bathroom, so he reads some more, perched back on the kitchen counter.
But after another chapter, you're still in there.
So he gives in.
Knocking softly, he murmurs, "you okay in there?"
He hears some shuffling, and the sound of the toilet lid closing and the flush. And then you say, loudly, "yes, Eddie, I'm fine thanks," with a sharpness that makes him wince. That same sharpness as earlier, when he'd asked you if you were okay for the seventeenth time.
Except this time, he's not taking a lie for an answer. 
"Honey, I know something's wrong. Talk to me."
You're silent on the other side. He knows this silence; this is you thinking.
He waits on the other side of the door for you. It takes you a couple of minutes but he breathes a sigh when he hears the lock click. You peek out from behind the door and he feels his stomach drop when he sees your eyes.
You're all blotchy, skin wet and raw, and it's very clear you've been crying.
"What's going on?" he says quietly. "Please talk to me."
You sigh, close your eyes, and open the door slowly. He makes room for you to come out and, turning the light off on your way, you stand in front of him and look down at your hands.
"I can't," you say, voice pained.
"Why though? It's only me," he responds, voice equally as sad.
"Eddie, I just can't, I don't know, I-"
"I'm not taking that. It's what I'm here for, I want to look after you."
"I don't need you to look after me," you say coldly.
"Oh, don't give me that."
"I don't, though."
"Yes you do," he insists.
"No, I don't."
"You clearly do."
"Stop being mean."
"It's okay," he urges you.
"No, it's not."
"It's okay," he repeats.
"Eddie, stop it."
"It's okay to need looking after, you know."
"No, it's not! I'm an adult, I should be able to eat a fucking meal and not throw it back up afterwards," you snap.
Eddie doesn't say anything. He can't, too stunned by your confession.
Scrunching your face when you realise what you've admitted, you push past him with your shoulder and a groan.
"Stop," he says, holding his arm out for you but you're too quick for him, striding through the living room to his bedroom. Hot on your heels he follows you and wedges himself between the door and the frame as you try to shut it.
You're crying now, and he's nearly there himself because this is his fault.
"Please just let me help," he pleads, letting himself in and standing on the side of the bed closest to the door. You're around the other side, facing him, hiding your face in your hands. "I want to know what I can do."
"There's nothing you can do," you say through wet hiccups.
"I can listen," he tells you. And he means it – it's all he wants to do.
You heave a deep breath and lower your hands. He nearly falls to his knees when he really sees you, your tired eyes and wet face, but he holds his resolve and stands patiently.
You sit, giving up, back to him. He sits too, with his back to you, knowing that if you wanted to you could ask him to turn around, or sit next to him. Perhaps not having to look at him will make it a bit easier for you.
"I can't do this," you sigh behind him. He feels his heart break at the break in your voice, but focuses on listening to you.
"It's just me, baby," he says. "I'll wait here 'til you can."
The bed bounces beside him as you flop down on your back, the same way you did earlier – only this time you're exasperated, groaning. There's no giddiness, no giggles. He hates it.
"It's been happening for years," you tell him.
"What has?"
You're quiet for a minute, before you say, "me being sick after I eat."
"You make yourself sick, right?"
He's been looking straight ahead, but now he twists to look down at you. Around your head your hair's splayed everywhere and even when your eyes are all red round the edges and swollen, he thinks you look like an angel.
Toying with your hair, his fingers dance their way to your scalp, where they rest on your forehead. Between your brows he smooths the skin that's scrunched in concentration and feels you relax ever so slightly under his touch.
"Yeah," you sigh. "I wish I could stop."
"How long's it been goin' on?"
"A few years. On an' off since I was, like, fourteen."
"That's so long," he says. And then he tries, "Ever had help for it?"
"Once," you answer, "in high school. Worked for a bit but it started again when I left."
"I love you," he reminds you.
"Love you too," you say back, letting your eyes close and keening into his hand where it now rests on the side of your face. "Sorry I never told you."
"It's okay," he assures you.
"I shoulda said something, instead of sneakin' off after meals."
"It's okay, really. Just glad I know now."
After a beat, you say, "I've never told anyone before. Except the therapist, obviously."
"I'm honoured," he says with a low laugh, though he means it. "You're the most important thing to me, ever. I'll do whatever ya need."
You reach up and hold his wrist, and use it to pull yourself up to spin round and sit next to him. Resting your cheek in his shoulder, you hum, and he brings his arm around you, smoothing it up and down your arm.
"Wanna eat anythin' else?"
"Hm, no. Can we go out for breakfast, though?"
"Sure can, sugar. Benny's?"
"Yes please," you say, grinning. Bringing your legs up, you swing one over Eddie's thighs so you're straddling him, and wrap your arms around his neck. 
"Thank you," you murmur into his neck. The vibration tickles and he squirms underneath you. Bringing his arms around your middle, he squeezes back.
"Nothin' to thank me for, baby."
You pull back and hold his face in your hands, surveying his face with a funny expression.
"How'd I land such a handsome-" You kiss his face to punctuate each word. "-Smart, kind, brilliant boyfriend?"
"Dunno," he responds, kissing back. "Same as I dunno how I landed a gorgeous, brave, perfect girlfriend."
You kiss the skin under his ear and again on his jaw.
"Wanna go to bed?" he whispers as you look at him. Your faces are an inch apart, so you rest your forehead on his and close your eyes.
"Yeah," you breathe, the air warm on his face, and he can't help but chase it and lean in to kiss you. He does so softly, feather-light, and when you break away you say, "don't, I probably taste gross."
"Don't care," he replies, kissing you again, warm and like home.
"Seriously, Eds," you giggle against his mouth, pushing firm palms on his chest. "I gotta brush my teeth."
"Nuh-uh," he says loudly, gripping you hard around your waist with his arms. "Hold on," he warns. With all his might he lifts you, with his hands slid under your thighs, as he stands. When he does he wobbles a bit, making both of you laugh into each other's mouths, and as he regains his balance he walks you across the room. You kiss sloppy, happy marks down his neck and across his shoulder through his tattered old t-shirt, while he makes his way to the bathroom where he sits you on the lid of the toilet.
Once he's rinsed it and added toothpaste, he hands you your toothbrush and does the same to his own. You stand there in relative silence, brushing until you're satisfied. When you spit in the bowl he jabs your side and you make eye contact in the mirror, where he makes to spit into your hair. You wriggle away, squealing, hands covering the crown of your head, and he laughs as he stands back up, rinsing both brushes again and replacing them in the cup. After a routine splash of water to your face, which you swat away as always, he takes your hand and follows you back to the bedroom.
"Love you," he tells you as you lie in bed, slotted into one another.
There are a thousand other things he wishes he could tell you, too, like how he's pretty sure he'd be dead in a ditch somewhere if it weren't for you, because he can't seem to keep his own head screwed on right most days; like the fact that even though you hate him telling you this, he loves nothing more than when he comes home from a gig to find you asleep, mouth hanging open, drooling all over his pillows; and like the fact that he's certain now that this is all that he wants, forever, and that he knows he's gonna marry you.
Maybe he will tell you that one. One day.
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qqueenofhades · 9 months
just saw your offer for book recs and would love some fantasy/sci fi books, it seems like we have similar taste. i just finished nk jemisin's broken earth trilogy, and also loved the city we became by her.
Aha, I am at work right now and thus do not have my bookshelves at hand to make sure I'm not missing something blindly obvious. However, I will start you off with these:
The Rook and Rose trilogy by M.A. Carrick (The Mask of Mirrors, The Liar's Knot, Labyrinth's Heart). Yes, this is the series I have been screaming about nonstop for the past few weeks and thus craftily suckering unsuspecting passersby into reading. An AMAZING world, an OT3 who own my entire ass, lots of political intrigue, cultural and social commentary, a unique magic system, and also plenty of humor. It really has it all. I continue my one-man quest to make this fandom bigger. Ahem.
The Green Bone trilogy by Fonda Lee (Jade City, Jade War, Jade Legacy). Another fantastic fantasy series that NEEDS more readers. Inspired by Chinese/Hong Kong kung-fu movies, set in a gritty modern universe, kind of like the Godfather but with magical jade-wielding families. Tons of discussion of empire, culture, violence, appropriation, power, war, family, Asian identity, more. They're likewise nice and long to keep you busy.
The Daevabad trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty (The City of Brass, The Kingdom of Copper, The Empire of Gold). Another you-gotta-read-this trilogy (yes, I have many of them). Set in the 18th-century Middle East and the magical djinni kingdom of Daevabad. Politics, empire, religion, history, intrigue, magic, scheming families, ancient wars, and my most beloved, Muntadhir al-Qahtani. What is not to love.
The Priory of the Orange Tree and its standalone prequel, A Day of Fallen Night, by Samantha Shannon. Absolute doorstopper (800+ pages apiece) epic-with-dragons-and-medieval-worlds fantasy, like Game of Thrones if Game of Thrones was a) good b) gay c) feminist and d) had people of color. She is also the author of the Bone Season series (four books thus far) which is a unique blend of futuristic sci-fi and fantasy set in an alternate totalitarian London and a ruined Oxford.
Winter's Orbit and Ocean's Echo by Everina Maxwell. Two M/M space opera romances (set in the same universe, but can be read independently). She got her start as a fanfic writer and it shows; these are both delightful, plotty, funny, and full of sassy gay disaster homosexuals in space.
A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace by Arkady Martine (I have read the first one, need to read the second one). Historian of medieval Byzantium writes space opera set in Space Constantinople which is also Space Tenochtitlan. Explores language, history, memory, power, identity, assimilation, and more, and is also very funny.
Autonomous, The Future of Another Timeline, and The Terraformers by Annalee Newitz. High-concept social-commentary dystopian science fiction; of the three, Terraformers (the newest one) might be my favorite. They're not related so you can read them in whatever order.
Two books that I have not read yet but I really want to: Swim Home to the Vanished by Brendan Shay Basham and To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose. Both are fantasy novels by Native American authors; Basham's is magical realism and Blackgoose's is about a Native American dragon-rider facing assimilation at an English (Anglish) boarding school.
Likewise coming soon and I am excited: The Jinn-Bot of Shantiport by Samit Basu. Middle Eastern-inspired fantasy, cyberpunk, techno-magic. In space!
There are definitely more that I will get home and be like oh wait yeah. But this should get you started.
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Garrett X British Vampire Mate Reader.
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"Ben!" you laughed as he puled you in for a tight hug "Bloody hell, it's been ages. How've you been?" you spoke, pulling away from his embrace as Carlisle and Esme stood a few paces behind you.
"Y'know, been inside the tomb where Amun has been trying to keep me out of sight. How about you, the last I herd you were in the Mediterranean."
"Golden sands, blue sea. Got kinda borin' after a while."
You had met Benjamin on your travels a few years before. Well, you had met Amun and had ended up befriending Benjamin whilst you were in Egypt. Essentially, you had been all over the world, but every now and then, you made your way back to Egypt to see Benjamin, Tia, Kebi and Amun, who had become like a second family to you.
Two days later, you were back home in the Cullen's house with the vampires who had come as witnesses.
You sat out on the porch, looking out over the woods and reading your 'The Hobbit' 1939 edition as a few more vampires arrived. You smelt something more beautiful, more delicious than anything ever before. Your eyes flicked up to see Garrett and your heart dropped. He hated British people. You were the only British Cullen. You had been changed by Esme, back in 1942, at the age of twenty, when your plane had crashed in a field and she found you, barely alive. That had ended you serving in the war as Y/n L/n became officially killed in action. So, Y/n Cullen was born.
"You know how bad that book is, don't you, Y/n?" you herd an all too familiar voice speak as you bookmarked the page and closed the book. It was the only possession you had of your past life before the crash, as you had no recollection of your past.
"Well, if it isn't the American who loathes all Englishmen and women." you knew about his backstory, Carlisle had warned you, just in case it would come up.
"Not all of them, dear Y/n." he said with a smirk.
"Really? Whatever changed?" you smirked back over your shoulder as you walked into the house.
'That woman will be the death of me.' Garrett thought as his eyes lingered on where you had been.
Twenty minutes later, you sat on the floor, a cushion under you, your trusty guitar in hand, your fingers idly moving across the steel strings. "I remember a time when you used to be able to play any Queen song on both the piano and guitar." Alistair spoke, making his presence known in the room where he had been lingering for the past twenty minutes. He was right. There had been a time when you two had been roommates for a while and you would constantly be playing some Queen song or another. He was the one who had introduced you to John Deacon, who went to the college you were in at the time.
"No, you can't." Emmet spoke in utmost disbelief. You cracked your fingers and neck, ready to prove the man wrong.
"Watch me, vampire boy." you muttered, knowing he herd when he let out a huff. "I expect everyone to sing, by the way." you said, looking directly at Garrett, who had been staring at you since you sat at the piano. Edward's fingers danced over the keys as you stood up, putting the guitar strap over your head and began to play Bohemian Rhapsody on the guitar.
"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landside, No escape from reality Open your eyes, Look up to the skies and see, I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy, Because I'm easy come, easy go, Little high, little low, Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to Me, to me
Mamaaa, Just killed a man, Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger, Now he's dead Mamaaa, life had just begun, But now I've gone and thrown it all away Mama, oooh, Didn't mean to make you cry, If I'm not back again this time tomorrow, Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters
Too late, my time has come, Sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all The time Goodbye, everybody, I've got to go, Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Mama, oooh I don't want to die, I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.
I see a little silhouetto of a man, Scaramouch, Scaramouch, will you do the Fandango!
Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening me Galileo, Galileo Galileo, Galileo Galileo, Figaro - magnificoo
I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me He's just a poor boy from a poor family, Spare him his life from this monstrosity Easy come, easy go, will you let me go Bismillah! No, we will not let you go (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let him go!) Bismillah! We will not let you go (Let me go) Will not let you go (Let me go)(Never) Never let you go (Let me go) (Never) let you go (Let me go) Ah No, no, no, no, no, no, no Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia, let me go Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, For meee
So you think you can stop me and spit in my eye So you think you can love me and leave me to die Oh, baby, can't do this to me, baby, Just gotta get out, just gotta get right outta here" you played the guitar solo effortlessly as you walked around, as if you were on stage.
"Nothing really matters, Anyone can see, Nothing really matters, Nothing really matters to me Any way the wind blows..." you played the last notes of the song, waiting for the piano to finish.
"Let's Live Aid this shit." you said, immediately launching into Radio Gaga. Bella seemed to be thoroughly enjoying herself, and so did the others as the song began.
"I'd sit alone and watch your light My only friend through teenage nights And everything I had to know I heard it on my radio
You gave them all those old time stars Through wars of worlds invaded by Mars You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry You made us feel like we could fly (radio)
So don't become some background noise A backdrop for the girls and boys Who just don't know, or just don't care And just complain when you're not there
You had your time, you had the power You've yet to have your finest hour Radio (radio)
All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio blah blah Radio, what's new? Radio, someone still loves you
We watch the shows, we watch the stars On videos for hours and hours We hardly need to use our ears How music changes through the years
Let's hope you never leave, old friend Like all good things, on you we depend So stick around, 'cause we might miss you When we grow tired of all this visual
You had your time, you had the power You've yet to have your finest hour Radio (radio)
All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga All we hear is radio ga ga Radio goo goo Radio ga ga
All we hear is radio ga ga Radio blah blah Radio, what's new? Someone still loves you
Radio ga ga (radio ga ga) Radio ga ga (radio ga ga) Radio ga ga (radio ga ga)
You had your time, you had the power You've yet to have your finest hour Radio (radio)" the song finished as you bowed extravagantly, putting the guitar on the stand in the corner of the room.
"I think I've exhausted my abilities for one day." you said dramatically as you sat in-between Garrett and Bella, who had Renesmee on her lap, Garrett's arm going around your shoulders. If you could blush, you would be a tomato. As if she sensed this, Bella started a conversation with you.
"That was awesome. How did do do that?"
"I was a guitar tech of Queen's from '68 to '91. I was a friend of John Deacon's, after Alistair introduced me, and Brian needed a guitar tech, so, Deacs recommended me. I will never forget the day that I punched Paul Prenter in the face in May, 1987 after he made up a load of crap about Freddie and told the papers."
"You spent twenty three years with the same four humans?" Garrett spoke from beside you, somewhat surprised by this.
"Yeah, and they knew. The also accepted it as long as I didn't feed on them. I only left after Freddie died." You spoke again after a few seconds of nostalgia-filled silence "Anyway, I'm gonna go for a walk, stretch my legs. I'll see you guys later." with that, you had left the house at vamp speed.
It was true. Freddie's death had been too much for you to handle, and after a year of grieving with the three friends you had left, you decided it was best to leave, before you hurt them more than they already were. You spent years wandering the world after that, doing various jobs. You had been a blacksmith, a jeweller, even a mechanic at one point, but you never had the flare you once had with the band. Never threw yourself into your work like you had done previously.
You wandered idly through the forest for an hour before coming face to face with the person you least expected, sitting on a fallen tree before you. Garrett. You braced yourself for the snide comments at your nationality, but they never came.
"I wanted to apologise." you raised an eyebrow at this as you sat beside him, "When Carlisle told me about you, I got this, picture, shall we say, in my head about what you were going to be like, according to the past interactions I've had with British people. But, you're not that bad, for a mate."
"Not that bad?" You scoffed playfully and crossed your arms, a smirk evident on your face.
"Yeah, I mean, you could be worse. A lot worse in my experience." he laughed.
"Garrett?" he turned to face you when you spoke. Grabbing his coat collar, you continued "shut up." your lips met in a love and passion filled kiss. After all, he had spent enough time lusting after you whilst knowing that you were mates. Naturally, like you, he assumed you wouldn't be interested. You pulled away to look into his ruby orbs.
"After this is all over, I'll follow you anywhere, woman."
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If it's possible, can you do a scenario of the farmer writing a fantasy romance book based of them and bachelor's as a gift. Mainly for Shane and Elliott.
Heck yeah, it may not be my best but like I love it anyway! I only did Elliott and Shane lol but I can do the rest if you want them!
Elliott and Shane react to you writing a romance novel about them
You’ve been going to the mines more and more recently and while he doesn’t want to be unsupportive of your endeavours he is very worried for your health
Unbeknownst to him you’ve just been sitting by the lake up there to get some quiet to write the book you’ve been keeping a secret from him
Your mostly finished now, today your simply binding it together before gifting it to him for your anniversary
The binding is simple but delicate, hand crafted leather with fairy roses imprinted around the edge
It took you forever to make but your very proud of how it turned out
A week later comes your anniversary, Elliotts glad it seems you’ve been taking a break from mining as well
He makes a beautiful dinner, candles, flowers the works really
You shyly hand him the book, wrapped in brown paper packaging and a twine bow
He opens it and is immediately taken back with how beautiful it looks, opening it and recognizing the handwriting has yours
It’s a fantasy romance about a poet and a royal whose love was forbidden but could not be ignored
He’s already on the verge of tears because of all the effort you went to for him
Literally his most cherished and most read book
He sees you writing something all the time but generally just assumes it’s a private journal so he doesn’t snoop
Loves watching you while you write in it though because he loves the look of concentration on your face
Thinks it’s adorable when you poke your tongue out just slightly while writing
Meanwhile your actually writing a romance novel all about moving to a whole new place and finding the love of your life
Titled “the feathers of life’s flight”
Charlie of course gets his own little excerpt as the main love interest’s favourite pet, gotta include our favourite chicken
You bind the book with a simple light blue cardboard backing and front, painting delicate feathers around the edges and a tiny little chicken on the back
You give it to Shane on his birthday
He’s not much of a reader but bet your ass he’s reading this book front to back
He’s in tears, no one’s ever done anything this nice for him before
Your getting so many snuggles on the couch with him while he reads it
He absolutely loves it, will not hesitate to brag about you to anyone who will listen (including Elliott, will tell him he thinks your a better writer lol)
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mcytcares · 11 months
Helloo, just found your blog and the writing is really great, I love blogs that write platonic x readers :'D
Could I request maybe a Karlnapity x child reader (not modern AU or anything, just normal DSMP)?
Take care of yourself and take your time <3
so sorry for posting once in a blue moon </3 im starting to get back into writing so here you go anon!
Type - Headcanon
Dream SMP
Note - This involves the DSMP characters only. Also this is written with a gender neutral reader in mind :]
Warnings - N/A
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Fun dads! Karl is definitely the softest for you while Sapnap is the most attentive.
Karl is very playful and gets you all sorts of toys. He encourages you to play outside and just enjoy your time, leading you on tame explorations around Kinoko. He forages with you and helps you identify different kinds of mushrooms and plants.
Karl occasionally tells stories of times long past with foggy eyes and an odd tone.
He makes soup with you and makes you breakfast. He's not the best cook in the house but he does make good mushroom soup.
Sapnap likes to play rough, encouraging games involving sports or physical activity of any kind. You wanna play knights? He makes you a cardboard sword to swing around (no matter if you're a knight or princess), and he's the big bad dragon you've gotta defeat! He enjoys picking you up and swinging you around– of course he's never too rough but he tends to throw you around a bit.
He also likes lots of sports– soccer, basketball, football, etc. If you're an active kid, he'll play whatever you want all day.
Sapnap also makes sure you can defend yourself, and teaches you how to fight against mobs. He always keeps a watchful eye on you whenever you're out and about, but he knows you can handle yourself when night falls.
Quackity can be distant and quiet at times, but when he's around he showers you with gifts and praise. He gives you toys, expensive clothing, trinkets– basically whatever you want, he'll get.
He also tells you stories and brings back souvenirs whenever he goes to Las Nevadas. He often reads from books but also talks of his colleagues and any humorous incidents that have happened to him.
His softer side comes out in these moments– he loves making you laugh, seeing your face light up makes his whole week.
Quackity is banned from the kitchen, thus your days with him are spent going out and shopping or meeting up with Quackity's friends. He spoils you with anything you have your eye on, even if you don't ask for anything.
If you're more creative than active, Quackity gets you lots of books for you to read, on whatever subject you like. Space? Dinosaurs? Nature? He can get those. Fiction books, fantasy, horror? Sure!
Karl will gladly color or draw with you, taking great delight when you show him your drawings and making a big show of it.
"Oh, what's this?? Oh, [Name], this is amazing! Literally, like, Mona Lisa quality, what the heck! I'm putting this up on the fridge!"
Every drawing is posted on the fridge with little magnets, proudly displaying your creativity. Sapnap and Quackity both compliment your skills, Sapnap ruffling your hair or giving you a noogie.
"Look at our little artist!"
"Woah, the world's gotta watch out. We've got a master in the works."
Days where the whole family is together can be chaotic. Dinners are lively and you get a lot of attention. Sapnap is the main cook of the household, and food cooked by him is full of love for his family. If you're a picky eater, he caters to your needs, but encourages you to branch out if you ever want to.
If you fall ill, they're all there to support you. Sapnap tends to you at every complaint (albeit telling you not to be so dramatic), Karl makes you some soup, and Quackity gets your medicine.
Nightmares are similar-- Sapnap and Quackity both advise you to fight back against whatever scary monster is in your dreams. Quackity tries to comfort you by telling you it's not real, or by reading you a story. Karl offers to sit and listen if you want to talk about it, and gives nice, warm hugs.
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