#but idk if he would wear it if he already has a necklace he wears everyday
dykeinthedark · 2 months
venting in tags about gender n shit (long as hell) (u can comment and talk 2 me as always :3)
#okay so i got a really masc haircut about a month ago and i know it's just a haircut but holy shit has it changed EVERYTHING for me#like.... i've always leaned masc except 1) before i came out 2) when i was actively in love with someone who i knew liked femmes#and they always described me as a fem. because that's what i showed her. because i wanted to be with her.#but lowkey whenever i'm in a not-impressing-anyone raw-dogging-life-no-crush era i always resort to a very masc style#like masc being my default and i'd only lean fem to impress people whether it's for love or peer pressure in a specific setting#like ''dressing up'' has always been a form of drag to me. like something i HAD to do to fit in or impress my parents (scott favor core)#but ever since this haircut i've realized... i could just BE masc innately like i really don't have to be womanly if i don't want to#which i usually don't. again i have only ever dressed fem for other people. but it's not even being masc that attracts me on its own#it's like. being masc in a distinctly lesbian way. as in whenever i look in the mirror i don't wanna be like a Guy i wanna be a dyke.#like lesbian as a gender identity too sort of thing honestly. okay i've been waffling but basically i sort of want to call myself butch#but i don't know if i like... can?? if i'm allowed to???#everyone always says it's MORE than just wearing boy clothes and not wearing makeup and having short hair (which i already do all those)#i mean i've always id'd as genderqueer because it literally just means gender weird and i experience gender in a queer way#what's probably the most telling is that my friends (all queer) CALL me a butch lesbian#like every time they do i feel really internally validated. it's not just my clothes but my personality too ig is what people tell me#i have a higher pitched voice relatively speaking but apparently the way i talk is quote ''very clockably into women''#which?? gender euphoria asf. my best friend specifically he (gay trans guy) always uses butch to describe me very intuitively#people have also noticed that i ''transitioned'' in all aspects except hormonally. like ppl have commented and noticed my masculinzation#but at the same time i always feel rly haunted by my ex relationships because one wanted me to be more masc#(she's the one who came out as straight and would treat me like a man) which i didn't like and i didn't like playing up being fem either#bc now it feels like she (butch) won't believe me if i called myself butch too bc she remembers me being femme#idk i feel like there's her voice in my head all the time that sees everything i do through her eyes (i'm lowkey still in love)#i feel like even though this comes so naturally to me i must be putting on a performance#even though i've actually read stone butch blues and done research into the history and i truly love and id with the culture like i rly do#that im still just a sad imitation of a butch lesbian and can never really be a part of it because i used to enjoy dressing up sometimes#like it's so stupid but can i still be butch if i wore a dress to prom and i think i looked good in it??#even though i was envious of my friends who wore suits?? that i used to try goth makeup?? that i liked long dresses??#that i enjoyed stacked necklaces and rings on every finger???#and tbh ALL OF THAT CAME FROM A CONCIOUS EFFORT TO FEMINIZE MYSELF IN JUNIOR YEAR OF HIGHSCHOOL WHEN I WAS 16#because omfg it was 2 months before junior prom and i was worried that i was too masc and wanted to get comfortable with being fem
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the-random-phan · 10 months
Have some old art I stumbled upon that's of an AU so niche it's not even funny /j
The Magnus Archives x Witch Hat Atelier
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Brimcap/hat Elias and his apprentice Jon (who is def way too old to still be an apprentice) who doesn't know Elias is a brimcap and that the magic he's being taught is forbidden >:)
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busycloudy · 8 months
"Happy Birthday Prefect!"
 • So...Guess who's birthday it is. That's right, it's mine!😁
 • This is basically what I think they would give you when it's your birthday 
• Tooth rotting fluff fanfic? Headcanon? Idk🤷‍♀️Either way it's tooth rotting fluff(The last part might make you shred a tear tho)
 • Reader is gender neutral. The first years/our chaotic of a group is last! 
• Enjoy! (And happy birthday to anyone else that has a birthday today!)
Riddle Rosehearts- A Necklace
He gave you a necklace with a Rose, to resemble him, on it. The beads are a bright red and black. In the center of it a beautiful and small glass rose is shown proudly.
Trey Clover- Favorite Sweet
He made you your favorite sweet! He made it specially, and don't worry, no oyster sauce was added!
Cater Diamond- A Phone Case
He got you a phone case that has your favorite thing on it. For example if you like cats he got you a phone case with a cat pattern on it.
Leona Kingscholar- A Ring
This ring was something that simply just reminded you of him. It was golden with silver lettering that said "Herbivore". He didn't tell you this, but he has one himself that says "Sleepyhead"
Ruggie Bucchi- Favorite Food
Ruggie got you some of your favorite food, free of charge! Well, all you owe him is to always have a smile on your face.
Azul Ashengrotto- A free drink + free food
He let you have a free drink, and a free dish from the monstro lounge. How very kind of him to do for a poor unfortunate soul like you! He may also let you sit with him in the V.I.P room and chat.
Jade Leech- Book- Terrainum
He got you a book about different plants, and a terrarium! When you decorate the terrarium, do get Jade if you need help! He will gladly do so!
Floyd Leech- Plush
He got you a eel plushie. He came across it and thought it was adorable, so he thought to give it to you! (He also has a matching shrimp plush)
Kalim Al-Asim- Pictures
Kalim knew for a gift like this, it couldn't be anything, it had to be sentimental, so he gave you some pictures the two of you had together. Hang it on your wall/fridge and he will be so happy!
Jamil Viper- Snake Bracelet
A golden snake bracelet that wraps around your wrist. He hopes this reminds you of him. (He'd be so happy if you wore it every day, please do so, or at least wear it as much as you can🥺)
Vil Schoeinheit- Hair Clip
He gave you a hairclip shaped like a crown. He was still the fairest of all, but maybe you could second him.
Rook Hunt- Bow and Arrow
Rook gave you a bow and arrow of your own Iff you ever would like to practice archery, come to him!
Idia Shroud- Controller- Headphones
He gave you a black and blue game controller with headphones that match, which also have cat ears on them. You can game with him anytime!
Malleus Draconia- Earrings
Malleus gave you dragon earrings, something to represent him. "Would you like to go on a walk tonight?" he asked you. The two of you looked at stars and constellations that night.
Lillia Vanrouge- Fingerless Gloves
Black fingerless gloves with a green bat symbol on it. He also says "You've grown so much since I first saw you" then patting you on the head.(KJDHSJHSHSDJ I DIED WHILE MAKING THIS PART)
Silver- A Blanket
This blanket had multiple squares of different shades of your favorite color(Like patchwork)The blanket was also very soft! If you wasn't already getting good sleep, this will definitely help!
Your friends, the first years, gave you scrapbook to hold all your memories, and matching bracelets
The scrapbook has pictures of everytime all of you guys have hanged out together, and some pages are still left empty to fill out more and more memories. The bracelets have all your main colors on each and every one of them, and connect to each other when close by. They have a striped pattern of Red(Ace), Dark Blue(Deuce), Yellow(Jack), Purple(Epel), Light Blue(Ortho), Green(Sebek), Grey(Grim), and [insert your main color](You).
Ace says the bracelets were "Duece's 'stupid' idea" But in all seriousness, he also loves them.
These things are something you can have so if you ever end up finding a way home, you can take it with you to remember them.
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
a simple life (e.m.)
summary: you try to clean your depression room while eddie's over, but he keeps distracting you.
warnings: none except mentions of a dirty room and panties. also... a lot of nicknames. womp womp. not edited.
pairing: eddie munson x gn!reader
wc: 1.4k+
a/n: just a little sweet something i wrote thinkin' about eddie while i took on the task of finally cleaning my depression room after a few months of putting it off. idk. this is boring. i'm sorry.
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“Where did you even get this postcard?”
“Or what about this choker? Is that a bat? It’s a- oh my God, babe. Why don’t you ever wear this? This is hot.”
Originally, you had thought it was a good idea. Invite Eddie over, allow the body-doubling tactic to work its magic, and voila – you’d finally have the clean room you’d been talking about achieving for weeks now, within a few hours. 
“Baby,” you scold, trying to reach across the bed to snatch the necklace he’d found out of his hands. It proves to be difficult, a small pile of laundry you’d been folding hindering you. 
“Sweetheart,” he mimics right back, quick to hold the necklace out of your reach, as if you were anyone near from stealing it back from him. 
“I asked you to come over to help me, not distract me,” you sigh, crossing your arms and trying to look as pitiful as possible. When you’d first invited him over, you’d assured him that he needn’t lift a single finger. You didn’t want him here to help by aiding in throwing away any of the trash that had begun to litter your desk or taking any dirty plates to the kitchen. No, the intention had been him helping with his mere presence – quiet presence. He was supposed to be working on a new campaign for Hellfire, not being so damn nosey and going through the few items you’d tossed onto the bed from the floor, “I just recently bought that necklace, I haven’t had a chance to wear it.”
His eyes light up mischievously, a small grin tugging at his lips, “Why not wear it now, then? Perfect opportunity, yeah?” 
“I’m not fulfilling any slutty maid fantasies you have, Eddie.” 
“What if I say please?” 
You huff and decide to give up the fight about the necklace, returning back to the laundry before you. You were almost done. You were almost done after a full day of cleaning. If your adorably curious boyfriend would just stop picking at your belongings, you’d probably be able to finish within the hour. 
He stands from the small space on your bed he had made for himself, a nest of sorts that he had taken from simply curling up into for a ‘nap’ (which never happened’ to sitting up as he had just been as he clearly grew more bored with each passing moment. “Want some help with folding?” 
“You just want an excuse to get your grubby hands on my underwear,” you grumble, folding a shirt with slightly more vigor to emphasize your point.
You’re right, of course. The first article of clothing he grabs is a pair of lacy black panties. 
“Guilty,” he coos jokingly, but to your surprise, he actually folds the lingerie. Neatly, at that. With careful hands, he folds it even nicer than you would have in your haste, going as far as walking to your dresser and putting it away into the correct drawer. And then, he takes it a step further, and begins to put away the other clothing you’d already neatly wrapped up, suddenly depleting the mountain of laundry by half, “You know, I don’t mind helping you clean.”
“I already told you, you’re helping by bein-” you start to protest, hands grabbing at a random jean leg but not quite yanking it from the pile. 
He’s quick to interrupt you, taking that pair of jeans right from you, “I don’t want to just lay there while you do all the work, contrary to all the sources that say men enjoy that.”
His face isn’t quite as taunting as it had been moments before. Some of the joking has vanished, replaced by something more serious yet somehow softer. The jeans are slung over his arms, neatly halved twice before he sets them to the side and looks at you. 
Your shame is palpable, though. You’d just gotten over the embarrassment of having him over when your room would get this filthy. Disastrous in the worst of ways. Dirty clothes strewn everywhere, plates left for days on any surface you could find in your laziness, coke cans and random trash littering the floor. It was embarrassing. You know he had promised to love you through the good and the ugly, but this was far uglier than he could have ever imagined signing up for. 
It was bad enough to have him see it, let alone clean it. 
“It’s embarrassing,” you finally say quietly. His head tilts, so adorable it tugs at all your heart strings, and you take it as your queue to continue in a near whisper, “It’s gross - I’m gross.” 
“Sweetheart, have you even seen my room?” he scoffs. He’s quick to shove some of the clean clothes up into a pile just enough that he can take a seat at the corner of your bed, quickly reaching out to grab your hands and guide you between his spread legs, “Shit happens. Life gets stressful, work gets busy, sometimes we just don’t feel like cleaning up. Shit happens,” his thumb is sweeping soothingly over your knuckles, clearing the impending storm you hadn’t even been aware of. Maybe he hadn’t either – a naturally caring and comforting aura has always been his thing rather than yours, “Out of everyone in this world, I am the least qualified to judge you.” 
You don’t really understand it. How he can sit there, looking up at you so dreamily when the two of you are situated in the middle of your still unkempt room, your neck still chilled with a layer of sweat and your hair tumbling out of the bun you hadn’t properly secured. But he is. He’s looking at you not as if he doesn’t see the mess, both of the room and of yourself, but as if he does and simply doesn’t care. 
“Besides,” his lips are splitting with another grin, his hands squeezing your hands three times, “It’s kind of domestic. ‘M kind of into it.” 
“Me? Doing laundry?” you snort, blinking away any fears that had crept up. It’s hard to feel inadequate with his eyes on you, spilling so many sweet nothings like it’s just another casual Tuesday conversation and not the fuel to your beating heart, “Didn’t you just say you don’t want to just sit and-”
“Us,” he cuts you off in correction, “Us doing laundry.”
“You… like the thought of doing laundry with me?” you say slowly, carefully, unsure of the words as they fall from your lips. 
Doing laundry sounded like the least romantic thing the two of you could ever partake in. 
“I like the thought of doing laundry with you,” he repeats with a nod, “I like the thought of doing laundry with you, of doing dishes together after we just made the world's most mediocre dinner ever, of you complaining when I won’t get up so you can make the bed on the weekend,” he tugs you even closer. You have no choice but to let a knee fall to each side of his hips, straddling his lap as he wraps his arms around you and he leans forward to press a chaste kiss to one of your collar bones, “Call me cheesy. I like the thought of a simple life, but only if it’s with you.” 
Something warms inside of you. The thought of a life of simplicity, of lazy mornings and boring afternoons, all brightened up by the boy in front of you. A boy who creates magical worlds with his words on a weekly basis, a boy obsessed with fantasy novels and all things adventurous, who wants his greatest life adventure to just be a mundane lifetime with you. 
You can imagine it would be anything but mundane with Eddie, but the tranquility still exists and blankets the two of you. 
You lift a hand, carding it through his scalp, careful not to let your fingers snag on his messy curls, “Does this mean you’ll do your taxes with me next week?” 
With a quick snort, he buries his face into your chest, shaking his head furiously, “Don’t push it, sweetheart.” 
You know he will, though. He’ll help you fold the laundry, he’ll help you wash the dishes, and he’ll certainly sit through the dreadful hours of doing taxes if they’re spent with you. 
A few beats of silence. His arms have wrapped just right so that his warm palm presses into your lower back, the other hand tracing a mindless circle over your shirt a few inches higher. Your breathing matches his, fingers rubbing a matching pattern into his scalp that has him humming periodically.
The laundry will get done eventually, but it can wait. For now, you just want to hold your boy, and let him hold you. 
“It’s a date,” he finally gives in, voice muffled, making you smile widely, “I’ll light candles and everything, sweetheart.”
eddie's taglist: @capricornrisingsstuff @thisisktrying @hideoutside @vol2eddie @corrcdedcoffin @ches-86 @alovesongtheywrote @its-not-rain @feralchaospixie @cheesypuffkins87 @thebook-hobbit @babez-a-licious @eddies-acousticguitar @aysheashea @kellsck @cosmorant @billyhvrgrove-main @micheledawn1975 @eddiesxangel @siriuslysmoking @witchwolflea @tlclick73 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @mizzfizz @nanaminswhore @mikiepeach @ali-r3n @hawkebuckley @alwaysbeenfamous @darkyuffie-blog @vintagehellfire @lilmisssiren @elvendria @loveryanax @stylexrepp @princessstolas @fangirling-4-ever @eddiesguitarskills @babez-a-licious @josephquinnsfreckles
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7ndipity · 6 months
Holidays With Yoongi Headcanons
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: What spending the Christmas season with Yoongi would be like.
Warnings: swearing, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!
Holidays with Yoongi would be soo cozy, I feel like he would lowkey go all out to embrace the season and try to share as many experiences with you as possible, even a few of the more cliche tropes and traditions.
If you live somewhere with snow, I think he’d want to do the whole “walk in the first snow of the season for good luck”, partly because it’s romantic, and partly bc it’s a great excuse for cuddles to warm each other up afterwards.
Picking out a tree together tho is a surprisingly serious mission for him. He’s checking the height, the fullness from each side, shaking the limbs to see how many needles fall, etc.
“Doesn’t it look a little lopsided tho?” “Who cares, I can’t feel my toes, Min!”
(This would only happen for your first year together tho, unless you’re really set on ‘real’ trees. The next year he’d decide it would be better/easier to just invest in a pre-lit, artificial tree)
Decorating together would be so fun tho, especially if you have some older ornaments from over the years or from your family, so you can share stories about holidays from when you were younger.
“Raccoons with soup-can phones? How is that Christmas-y?” “Idk, but they were one of my dad’s favorites!”
I don’t know that he would necessarily wear matching sweaters or anything like that, unless you bring it up first(and then he’d end up kinda loving it, but won’t admit it), but I think he’d get a little soft about having something like stockings or mugs with your names on them.
Catching him under the mistletoe every single chance you get, because you’ll be damned if you pass up any opportunity to kiss him, and turning him into a blushy mess is way too much fun!
Man would be lowkey stressed about what kind of gift to get you, even tho you’d probably be happy with a pack of gum if it came from him. He worries about being too basic or cliche with something like jewelry(even tho he already bought you smth months ago and has been trying to figure out to give it to you)
He would likely get something that seems super random to anyone else, but has some sort of meaning for the two of you, like a pair of sneakers and some waterproofing spray, cause you spilled coffee on your shoes on your first date, or dvds of all your favorite movies from when you were a kid.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
Christmas mornings would be the softest tho, both of you still sleepy and not wanting to leave the bed, snuggled down in the blankets, and him just sitting a little velvet box on your lap that has a special necklace(or maybe a ring) inside.
Almost falling asleep together before midnight on new years. I imagine him waking up with like two minutes to spare, and going to wake you quickly until he sees the way you’re sleeping on his shoulder/chest and just melting and realizing how happy/content he is. He ends up waking you gently and gives you the softest, sleepy kiss. “Happy new year, Babe.”
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reysdriver · 10 months
Can I ask a Steve Harrington x shy!reader where she has a locket that represents him (like the initial SH) and she always wears it but under her shirt so that no one can see? One day, Steve comes home to find her asleep, he smiles and leans to kiss her but then finds out her little secret. Just fluff:)
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steve finds a sweet surprise when sneaking into your bedroom to see you — steve x gn!reader fluff
warnings: none:)
words: 1.1k
a/n: this was supposed to be a little tiny blurb idk what happened lmao but I hope you like it!
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Steve was supposed to be there at 11 o’clock sharp. 
He had promised you that as soon as the arcade closed and all the boys were dropped off at home, he’d be sneaking up into your room without a sound. ‘Like a ninja’ were his exact words; and maybe it was your fault for assuming ninjas were punctual. 
You had given him a little grace period, maybe twenty minutes where he could come and you wouldn’t be upset with him. An hour after that ended, you decided you weren’t even going to wait anymore. If Steve was willing to wait that long to see you, he could wait even longer. 
You decided to change into a pair of pyjamas instead of staying in your normal clothes all night and then get ready for bed. After turning out your lights and closing your curtains, you tucked yourself in and quickly fell asleep. 
Unluckily, Steve had arrived just a few minutes after you dozed off. He cursed himself quietly when he saw your curtains drawn—already knowing you’d be pissed at him for being late—then tumbled over your windowsill since he was using one hand to palm away the hanging fabric. As he was climbing, he noticed you were asleep and was shocked that you stayed in your state despite the thud he made when he hit the ground. He was thankful you didn’t wake, though; he didn’t want your morning grumpiness on top of your anger at him for not showing up on time. 
When he walked towards your bed, a smile graced his face at the closer sight of your peaceful figure. He wondered what you were dreaming about, and of course he hoped it was him. 
Steve crouched down to plant a kiss on your forehead before pausing and contemplating what he should do. He pondered staying, but he didn’t want to be the kind of creep who sneaks into girls’ beds when they’re sleeping—even if you were dating. Then he thought about sleeping on the floor, but he didn’t want to deal with back pain when he’s already on his feet all day. So, he decided that he’d write a nice note, promise to take you out for a make-up date tomorrow night, then leave the same way he came. 
He sauntered over to the desk across from your bed so he could borrow a pen and piece of paper, then carefully avoided picking the stationery he remembered you calling ‘the expensive stuff’. Personally, he doesn’t understand why anyone would buy writing supplies when they were always just laying around somewhere, but he didn’t judge you. 
Steve started the note out by addressing it and drawing no less than five hearts around your name. Then he got straight to the apology. He wasn’t sure how much he should say, so he just told himself that he’d explain, apologise, and promise to make it up to you until his hand started cramping—and he did just that. He signed his name at the bottom of the page, then capped your pen and thought about where to put it. 
His first thought was to leave it on your pillow, but then he got worried about you smudging it in your sleep and not reading what he wrote, so he went with his next thought of your nightstand. He would leave it by your alarm clock, leave, then you would find it in the morning and all would be okay. But a shiny object on the night table caught his attention and delayed his plan. 
You always wore a gold locket, but you never showed the inside to anyone. All your friends had tried to guess, saying everything from a magazine cutout of Rob Lowe to a single brown m&m, but you never revealed it. 
And now here that necklace was, right in front of Steve, and he couldn’t resist looking. As worried as he was that you’d be mad at him for peeking, he told himself that you’d never find out and it was only a tiny peek. So, he placed the note on the nightstand, and swapped it for the necklace. 
As tough as the decision was on whether he should look or leave it alone, the locket itself was actually quite easy to open. And once he saw the picture, his heart swelled at least two sizes and he wished he had looked before now.
It was a tiny black and white picture of him that was cut out from the school newspaper. He remembers the exact photo, too. It was his last meet with the Hawkins High swim team, and he had tried harder than ever to win. After finishing the half mile distance a second before the rival school, he was completely exhausted.
Your boyfriend came out of the water, and barely got to sit down for a minute before some skinny sophomore had come up wanting to take a picture of him and the rest of the team for the school paper. He had initially told the kid the buzz off, but you had reminded him how hard he worked, and that this might be the last time he ever gets to be in the newspaper, and he reluctantly got up to pose with the rest of his peers. 
He smiled quickly, then went back to the bench to sit with you, grumbling about how he probably looks like he’s about to pass out in the photo. You laughed, but assured him that you saw his smile and he actually looked like a million bucks. 
He tried arguing, but you fed his ego by reminding him a million times of how pretty he always looks and that the picture was no exception. A few days later, the paper came out and you pointed it out as soon as you saw it. 
“See?” You said with a sigh. “The hottest Hawkins High swim champ ever. I’m gonna keep this forever, it’s such a good picture of you.”
Steve didn’t know you actually kept it for this long. He honestly assumed you threw it out the next day, and he certainly didn’t expect you to keep it after graduation. He stroked the edge of the locket with his thumb and wondered when you put the picture in the locket and just how often you looked at it.
The smile on his face wasn’t going anywhere at this point, and it likely wouldn’t leave until he fell asleep. 
He closed the locket and put it back right where he found it, then leaned down to push the hair from your face and kissed your cheek. He whispered a ‘goodnight, sleep tight, baby’ and walked across the room to crawl out through your window. 
Steve wouldn’t tell you about what he saw tonight, but he was sure he’d never stop thinking about it. 
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hanniluvi · 9 months
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☆⋆。 — what it’s like having gyuvin as your boyfriend !
⋆。‧★ PAIRING bf!gyuvin x gn!reader GENRE fluff
⋆。‧★ WARNINGS none?
☆⋆。 — NOTE : tysm for requesting anon !! hope you enjoy !
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— we all know gyuvin will be a chaotic ass partner 😭 like this man will be all over you and just bothering you..he’d randomly just touch your face or even tackle you 😢
— you could memorize his moves and get away before he could do anything … yet that never goes successfully because he always has a way !
— as if i didn’t make it obvious already, gyuvin’s love languages are physical touch and quality time 🙏 idk, it seems the most suiting for him.
— you: poking him constantly, covering his screen, messing with his hair, etc and then there’s gyuvin like: “do you want to play too?” like bros a multitasker, he could let you be in his lap while he is pressing his keyboard aggressively LMFAO
— despite your bf being the gamer he is, he’d let you bother him during his games (the partner privilege) 😭 like you’re surprised he doesn’t get annoyed and is able to pay attention to his screen.
— dates would be arcade dates, day/night walks (w/ eumppappa LMAO), movie nights, and js cuddle dates
— loves matching bracelets, necklaces, rings, or anything you give him TBH !! like he would bring it everywhere no matter what. like don’t be surprised if he’s wearing a handmade bracelet you made like months ago that you FORGOT yourself 😭 he’s just so sweet okay
— silly goofy close up pics together?? yes!!! i also feel like he would squish ur face and just take a bunch of pics … like WAY too much 😕 but he thinks its funny cute so 😢
— playful arguing with him EVERYDAY 😭 like you guys just both automatically talk in a loud voice that people think u guys are fr fighting but you guys are actually not !!
— super comfortable with you so he’s not embarrassed of anything he does really … like he could do ten back flips in a row and suddenly break dance after and you wouldn’t bat an eye…yeah he’s that comfortable 😊
— would get upset if you aren’t taking care of yourself properly 😭 so like expect daily check ins, and him just spamming you just so you can do what u have to do daily !!
— laughs at everything you do ngl 😭 like he’s the type to roll on the floor while letting out the most loudest laugh ever .. hes so silly but we love him for that
— he’s so down bad for you it’s actually insane. like heart eyes for you every second every minute every hour every day 🤗 did i feed into your deluluness bc ik im fed
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💭 — gyuvin is a cutie frfr
PERM ZB1 TAGLIST (OPEN) — @dwcljh @ilovewonyo @jiawji @tzyuki @kpoprhia @flamiricky @misokei @lluvjjun @zzzhoonie
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bronx-bomber87 · 1 month
Hello my wonderful fandom family :) We're finally back to new eps. I wasn't ready for this episode in the least. Idk I was ever gonna be ready tbh. If this isn’t the most apt ep name ever following the last ep. Bare with me as I once again sort through my thoughts and such. I'm really struggling with the 'mini' portion of these reviews the last few eps.
Ain't nothing mini about my emotions haha But I am sure come summer they'll be more refined for sure. Also thank you to anyone who reads these thoughts and enjoys them. It's still a trip to me people appreciate my thoughts. I just want to be a ray of sunshine and positivity with these.
A source of comfort while we all go through this together. Cause that's the beauty of fandom. Going through it together. Once again wanna preface there will be ZERO tolerance for bashing of any kind. They are both going through it right now. We all love these characters so much its why we're on here. I love conversation and comments but not spreading hate. With that in mind let's start eh?
6x07 Crushed
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Tamara moving out still..... Ugh. I’m so sad about this. Truly the end of an era right here everyone. Also Lucy not wearing her necklace gut punch already to my feels...Poor Lucy wants her to stay but would never ask Tamara to do that. I wanna cry already for Lucy....I hate her necklace being missing and it's very obvious it's missing. *sad sigh*
I do love Lucy taking Tamara out to fancy dinner least. Channeling her emotions into something positive. Wanting to love on her before she goes. Tamara mentioning Tim getting kicked out of Metro…She isn’t wrong it is down hill after the pinnacle of Lucy indeed. Trying to give her a compliment but Lucy isn't taking it that way. I wanna cry for a second time. She looks so distressed. *sigh* Two massive pillars in her life are now gone and it's felt in this brief moment.
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Tim in his old Metro office disassembling it. My heart. You all know how much I loved him In Metro. Killing me. Also just shows how much of a nose dive he took after this Ray debacle. Grey seeing this and sighing before going in after him. Tim seems like he’s in robot mode when Wade enters. Saying all the things he thinks Grey wants to hear since he’s back. No real emotion behind it. Just the grunt mentality he thinks he should have.
Gonna be more than just his trust you’re gonna need to earn back my love….Love Wade having him to ride along with Dr. London. Anyone needs it our boy does right now. Of course Tim bites back on this idea why wouldn’t he? Wouldn’t be Tim if he didn’t. Tim saying breaking up with Lucy has nothing to do with the Ray situation. Uh... it has everything to do with that my love EVERYTHING.
Grey standing his ground saying if he wants to regain his trust this is where it starts. I love him saying breaking up with Lucy and being bounced back to patrol due to being reckless makes him question his judgement. As it should…You forget Timothy this man watched you grow with Lucy for years. Saw how much she made you grew and joy she brought out in you. Of course he is questioning your actions. He just watched you throw away the best thing ever that's ever happened to you. Your judgement is being judged severely....
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I adore Wade Grey. He's not only putting Tim in his place and saying he could mandate therapy (which he would be justified in doing...) Or take the ride along. Then saying he’s taking Lucy out too. Just so he knows he is looking out for them both in this moment. The man knows what he is doing.
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I can’t believe Smitty doing breakup odds. I’m incensed by this tbh. Also I want punch the dude who said Tim would’ve cheated. He would NEVER. How very dare you. I hate that list. It makes me wanna rage out so hard. If any of them knew them at all they’d know it would never be something like that. Also her and Aaron? Ewww no no no.... Lucy had every right to ream Smitty out more than she did. So inappropriate it's insane. For shame sir truly.
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I'm glad she shut it down. Last thing they need is the station gossiping about them like this. They're going to anyways but Ugh I hate this whole thing. I feel sick. Of course she runs into Tim right after.... Worst timing ever. Breaks my heart because he still is excited to see her but she isn't ready for him. How could she be? He looks so sad. But Tim what are you expecting my love? No way she is ready to be near you let alone talk. This hurts to watch…Lucy trying so hard just not to have a meltdown right there in the station.
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I was very excited for him to have this ride along I will say and this opening scene is why. Dr London on his ass already. I love it. As she should be. Saying he’s bringing Aaron as a buffer. Which he is… Classic avoidance attachment style. That’s our boy. She’s not wrong he prefers surface level relationships (other than Lucy...) to a deep intimacy. His default state with anyone who isn't his girl.
She has him dead to rights already. Saying it’s a defense mechanism when someone is raised by an overly strict or domineering parent. A father. She’s not wrong. We all know his history. Tim of course isn’t about this whatsoever only making her assessment about him even more valid. Their scenes starting off real strong.
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Grey wanting to check in on Lucy I do love it. He’s not wrong she’s been through HELL this year. The detectives exam, Jeff Budney and now losing Tim. God this hasn’t been an easy season for her. To say she's going through it is the understatement of the century. I'm hurting for her so very much. Her entire world has been rocked to it's very core in the last week alone. Not mention everything else before this.
It’s so awkward Lucy inviting everyone but Tim to Tamara’s going away dinner…. In front of Dr. London too. That shot from Tim’s body cam seems very intentional. As he looks at everyone she’s inviting but him. Way his head goes back and forth. Grey patting Tim on the arm on the way out. *phew* Rough start to the shift.
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Of course their first call is disturbingly close to what she and Tim are dealing with. Not exactly what Lucy needs. Hearing this woman talking about thinking he was the one then it just ended. *heart clutch* Crushed is an apt name for how I was feeling during this episode.
Lucy has clearly kept this all inside for too long with her reaction to the situation. Wade would never set you up like that. Just shows how hyper sensitive she is atm. Why he's doing this ride along with her. He wants to keep you sane not crazy. I wanna hug her so much. 'I do watch too much reality tv. It's my bad' Lmao. Needed a little levity. This made me chuckle.
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We hit the ground running about breakups with Dr. London. Honestly no need to beat around the bush for this observation of Tim. ‘Breakups are a trigger for many men. Especially since stereotypical gender roles prevent them from seeking out help. For fear of appearing weak.’ If that isn’t Tim and this entire situation right now…
Hell that's his ENTIRE life. He was shamed into never wanting help and if he did he was meant to feel weak for it. Just like she is stating above. She is very good at her job and just getting started. Tim can't hide in any of his normal brush off statements. Which I love. She has him pegged already and it shows. Quite the opening jab from her to start this off.
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Lucy looks on verge of tears at all times right now and I’m dying. Especially when Grey brings up his name. Asking if they’ve talked since the breakup? Melissa straight killing me in this shop right now everyone. Those pre tears.....Saying she thought he didn’t care about her personal life. He’s not wrong if it affects her job it does matter. The point of this ride-along. To gauge where she is currently.
‘Smart to make the connection between IA and them breaking up. ‘Just a bad week.’ Oh its so much more than that…. Lucy protects him of course with the unethical portion. Bad place or not she's not going to cast any suspicion with that. But It’s so very clear she is painfully unaware why he did this to her. To them.
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Only that he’s not emotionally available to her. *sigh* This is true. The man is a disaster zone atm. I mean he’s definitely occupied mentally in a way she doesn’t understand yet. Hell I don’t even think Tim understands it really. All he knows is he think's he's toxic and she’s better off without him. Which is a huge part of this episode tbh.
So she isn't wrong he is not emotionally available right now. That much is painfully true. The joke about the Diamondbacks was funny but sad at the same time. They found good way of getting little funnies in there with Grey. I do appreciate that. I'm a sports girl so I this made me smile.
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Dr London really coming at Tim in this next section. She is wasting ZERO time with him. ‘Lot of romantic feelings start out as platonic love.’ Going right for it when she says he and Lucy were friends first right? His reaction…Gonna makes me bawl Eric. Hurts to watch this. Looks like he wants to cry. Ugh Tim. Killing me softly. She is getting under his skin quicker than he was expecting and you can tell. Hitting at a very raw nerve he's trying to keep hidden. He looks so distraught and emotional when he replies 'I was her T.O.'
Tim saying he’s not depressed. Oh my love….but you are. Depressed and wracked with a massive amount of guilt. ‘I broke up with her.’ So so defensive. Can’t let good doctor see this whole thing is crushing him. That would be weakness. He is fighting off a panic attack in this moment. So unsettled by this entire interaction. She is picking up on that guilt that is all but exuding out of him in this moment.
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She really brings it home saying internalizing guilt and shame leads to self directed anger. Self harm and suicide. If that isn't Tim Bradford my god. The self directed anger is him in spades. His face while she tells him all this.. Oh my lord. She has him dead to rights once again. He is experiencing so much guilt about it and it’s written all over his face. Tim is barely keeping it together while she is telling him stonewalling will only get him sidelined. Honestly I’m glad she’s confronting him like this. Coming at him so hard cause Tim needs that especially right now.
He can’t have passive people in this life when it comes to this kind of stuff. The one person who could knock sense into him he’s pushed away. So Dr. London being here is much needed. Of course Tim snaps at Aaron cause he can’t handle what he’s currently going through. Lashing out because what she is saying to him is true and he isn't able to handle it. Hitting very close to home. So he's defaulting back to S1 Tim in this moment. Destroying Aaron in the process..
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I love them talking about Tamara and the unconditional love Lucy has shown her. It’s so true. It’s that love that gave her courage to leave. Even though it's hard to watch happen. It shows what accepting unconditional love can do for you. Lucy bringing back to Tim because how could she not? Mentioning about letting people go even if you really care about them them. *sigh*. You can tell she is on the verge of tears once again.
That feeling where you've been keeping it inside for far too long. It comes out in anything you talk about. Like right now in this moment. Even talking about Tamara is cycling back to Tim and it shows how deeply upset she is. How could she not be? She is losing two of her people in one fail swoop. It's a miracle she hadn't lost it sooner than this moment tbh.
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Lucy crushing me some more in this episode. Further proving she has zero idea why Tim did what he did. How he could let go so easily. It was a blindside for us all but none more than for her. His person. The one who never ever expected him to leave her side. Tim did leave her with a cheap cliche nonsense about deserving better. It's so much complex than that but I can see why she is so angry about that. She deserved better than that.
It’s what upset her so much in that 6x06 scene. Because it felt like a cop out to her. When it’s so much deeper than that but Lucy doesn’t know that. Thats what killing me and her. Lucy going off saying it was her decision to make what she deserves. It’s true. She is so justified in saying this. Sadly Tim made that decision despite her willingness to love him no matter what.
Took away her choice to keep him even if he felt he wasn't worthy. Wasn't just HIS choice to make. That's what pissing her off and rightfully so. He doesn’t understand the unconditional love she had to give him or how to accept it. All he could see was how much better she was without him. All she wants is a real conversation with him and she didn't get to have that. He took the choice away from her and she's left holding the emotional bag of it all and it sucks.
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Punches keep rolling with Dr London. Attacking his problem at it's damaged root. As much as he is trying to bury it he cannot hide from her and her assessment of him. This is a huge turning point in the ep. Tim saying he owns his mistakes and moves on. So cut and dry and she isn’t having ANY of it. Nor should she. He hasn’t moved on in the slightest. Once again pegging him for not only not being over it but having his whole identity being wrapped up in acting honorably. If he was past that he wouldn’t have ended things with Lucy. We wouldn't be here. But he feels not worthy and not honorable enough for Lucy so he cut ties.
Her noting it’s had a devastating effect on his self esteem. Which is why he is punishing himself. i.e He let the love of his life go. He feels he doesn’t deserve such things for being so un-honorable. My broken boy. Tim isn’t sure what’s she is getting at. Asking what she's talking about? She continues to portray him accurately. That he is punishing himself by depriving himself of something he loves. Something that brings him joy. Or someone....Clearly that someone being Lucy.
The joy she brought to his life he no longer feels he deserves. Lucy was the one constant in his life that made him happy. So he’s depriving himself of it in order to punish himself. This sounds so harsh and severe but I relate to this. When I was new at my current job. I wasn’t very good at first. I was down right on the verge of being fired. I got a game plan to fix myself from my leader. BUT I was punishing myself for not being good enough in the first place. How did I do this? I took away something I loved and brought me joy. Music.
I refused to listen to music during my job because I felt I didn’t deserve it. I wouldn’t let myself enjoy it till I was better and had earned it back. I got to a place where I let myself have something I loved back and it helped so much and ultimately got me through it. So I relate to Tim doing this to himself i really do. He is denying the one person who brings him joy because of that self-punishment. He feels he has failed who he should be therefore he can't have what he wants and needs most. Lucy. You can really see it hit Tim by time Aaron rejoins them. She hit the nail on the head and Tim is feeling it.
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Lucy spotting Tim and touching her tattoo SO MUCH. Ugh my heart. Her grounding method to remind herself she's a survivor. The problem with all that is him being the reason for that reminder. Which just hurts. I'm not crying you are....Tim so out of his depth all he can do is be awkward with his ‘Clocking out?’ Babe....No...(Also I feel personally attacked by this song they chose for this scene.)
Lucy calling him out for it instantly. Because well she’s his person. Bad place or not she is always gonna tell him what he needs to hear. Won't let him hide behind niceties. Confronting that things aren't ok between them and she won't let him use it to hide. Asking for a real adult conversation with him. One which he is NOT ready for. This hurt to watch not gonna lie. This whole situation hurts.
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Tim deflects….with another cheap answer of saying he can’t give her what she wants. Ugh. You are everything she wants you foolish man. I don’t blame Lucy for cutting that convo off at the knees. She wanted more depth from him and got nothing in return. Telling him he has more to figure out than she realized…and feeling like she is no longer than person to help him with that.
My heart is breaking all over again… Lucy always felt she was his person to get him through anything and to hear this only hurts her further. Coming to that realization and taking off because of it. The song running through this scene is poignant and hurtful…Also the continual clutching to her tattoo as she departs from him. I'll just be weeping in the corner don't mind me....
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I wasn't expecting the scene we got here in Grey's office. But was so pleasantly surprised. My hope was that Dr. London broke through to him. That his ride along with her wouldn't be a one-off. I’m so proud of Tim I can't even tell you. To not only see he has work to do but to ask if he could start seeing her as a patient. He seemed disappointed she didn't mandate sessions. Which he needed so he could advocate for himself. Blair had pegged him early on and I think this will be so so good for him.
His healing journey is starting now and I’m so excited for him. Even though my heart is outside my chest right now for our couple. This is going to be good for Tim. I know people have been weird about Dr London. I haven’t gotten a bad feeling from her. I could be wrong but haven't gotten that. I think this is the healing Eric was talking about. That journey he needs to be in order to find his way back to Lucy. Grey's line was perfect. It's SO hard to ask for help. Tim can see something is wrong and wants to fix it. This is a beautiful start to this journey for him.
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This final scene with Tamara and Lucy made me cry. This whole ep has made me cry really. Their relationship has always been one of my favorites. To watch how they’ve both grown. How Tamara learned to trust again and receive that unconditional love Lucy had to give. Gah I love it so much. Took a broken untrusting girl and molded her into a confident bad ass. I've never been able to classify what they are. They're sisters, friends and family all wrapped up in one.
Hard to watch Lucy lose this piece of her life on top of everything else. Tim may have a lot of growth to do but I think Lucy too has room to grow from this all as well. She has been given quite the bad hand in this season. Maybe she can get some direction and clarity what she wants to do with career and such. I hate that she has to be the collateral damage to everything this year. It's hard to watch. But I am interested to see how she handles it all. See how she stands after all this. I think as hard as this is will end up making her more resilient.
Lucy been struggling with her own stuff this year as well. Being so good about pegging everyone around her but being blind in her own self awareness. it's going to be interesting to see how Lucy handles everything moving forward. I hope you all know how deeply my heart breaks for her. I don't like seeing her hurt anymore than I do Tim. I wanted to cry for her most of this episode. That being said I do think this growth journey will be good for her as well. Like Eric said she'll be ok they'll grow stronger from it. Can't wait to see how it plays out.
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I wasn’t expecting one more scene with him reaching out like this. Telling her she was right. He’s mad himself. That stark realization that is coming over him. My god I’m so proud of him I could burst. Not only advocating for himself but telling her it was an emergency. When everything inside him is trying to do the 'honorable thing' and not call it an emergency when it is. To see he's not being a burden by reaching out like this. It’s so hard to take care of yourself when you don’t think much of yourself. It’s a foreign feeling and to act on it even more so.
Learning it’s ok to ask for help, to be imperfect, to set healthy boundaries and grow. Not an easy place to get to. This scene is HUGE for Tim. Now I mean this in the nicest way I can muster but If you can't grasp how groundbreaking this is for him you don't get him as a character at all. Nor do you understand the gravity of this SL/situation. Of what this final scene represents for him. Tim is seeing something is broken within himself and he doesn't know how to fix it. All he knows is something is wrong and he doesn't want to feel this way anymore. He wants to understand why and to get better.
I know I spent most of my 20's running away from therapy. Saying I didn't need it. That it was non sense. Pushing everything down and deflecting like Tim did. Wrapping my identity in the same things. Being SO DAMN HARD on myself. I still struggle with this but learning to give myself more grace. I can't properly explain the feeling you get when you realize you can't out run your demons anymore. What sets off something inside you that says 'I don't feel right, I don't know how to fix it but I know it's time to.' All I know is what sets it off is different for everyone.
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For me it was the fact that I was set off by a kind comment. It was from a sweet lady who was a client of mine. Who commented on earrings my mother had gotten me. I hadn't thought much of it then she looked me in the eye with so much sincerity and said 'Your mother must love you very much.' That comment just hit me so hard. Triggered me. Cause some of my deepest seated trauma comes from my mom. I remember getting in my car and crying after. Texting my sister and telling her I thought it was time I got help. All I knew was something was wrong and it was clawing to the surface and I couldn't ignore it any longer.
That's Tim in this moment. Ray resurfacing was his demons coming up for air and not going away. This is his 'Come to Jesus.' moment about himself. Knowing what Dr. London was telling him today rang true. He just doesn't know to handle it and is reaching out for help to sort it out. Now He couldn’t gotten to this place without Lucy let’s not forget that. Tim wouldn't be in the place he is without her. BUT this is not Lucy's responsibility to fix. Nor should it be. As much as we love her being his person, this is Tim journey to go on.
Now my family/friends got me to place where I could see I needed help. Just like Lucy has for Tim. But it was up to me to take the first step. That's what this scene represents for him. His first step on his journey to healing himself. He knows he has work to do and I know he'll do it. He and I are alike and he will put his all into this. I'm excited the writers did what they did in this ep. Shows they're going to put the proper care into this SL. I can see a pathway way to their healing now and I feel like I can breathe for the first time in three weeks. I'm excited to see where the rest of the season goes for them both I really am. As always thank you for any likes, comments or reblogs I get for these they mean the world.
Side notes-non Chenford. Mostly lol
I like the idea of Celina moving in but she’s not wrong it would be an emotional minefield… but do love the idea of her living Lucy I don’t want her to be alone. Have one little win for her.
This was the song during that finale scene. Thank you D to finding the link above. it's Chenford Personified in this ep. Once again whoever is doing this songs. You need a damn raise this hurt so good. The lyrics were so Poignant and painful. These one were my fav. 'I miss you. I miss you. I’ll always forgive you."
She will forgive Tim because that's who Lucy is. One of the many reasons Tim fell in love with her. That never ending desire to trust people and forgive them. To see the best in them. She will look at the deeper meaning of his actions and help him past them once he gets there himself. He will have to earn that forgiveness of hers and I have no doubt he will.
This will be a process of that I have no doubt. It won't be quick or easy but my god it'll be worth it. They always are. I don't expect this to be resolved by seasons end but I do expect them to be on their way there by the finale. This is a beautiful growth journey they're about to embark on and I'm ready to go on it.
90 notes · View notes
madebyrolo · 2 months
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Holding me and holding back pt.3
Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
summary: Kook vs pouge still exists on the mainland.
obx master list (find mini series here!)
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
As you finished doing your hair Rafe finally arrives back from breakfast.
“Good morning princess” Rafe says as he enters the room with just keys.
“Hey babe, where’s breakfast?” You ask as you place a kiss on his cheek in search of your jewelry.
“Change of plans, had the little altercation with Maybank. Thought we go out mainland.” He says with a guilty smile.
You sigh “What happened?”
“Well I was getting coffee and jj happened to be working in the cafe. I order your signature iced cameral macchiato 3 creamers and when I went to go pick it up jj said “hmm got the same coffee order as y/n. are you wearing her black lace pantees too?” hes lucky i didn’t punch him.”
“Rafe come on we talked about this.”
“How does he know what panties you wear? I bough those for you?” He asked as his tounge swiped his lips.
“Rafe we’ve spent days at the chateau and he just probably saw them with my laundry or something calm down” you say putting on a gold necklace.
“You’re right. beside he couldn’t even get in your pants if he wanted too.” He chuckled as he went into the bathroom.
“Oh and I threw the drink at him.”
𐙚 -time skip- 𐙚
You and Rafe are sitting on the ferry, hand in hand with matching outfits he insisted on wearing.
“Remember the time when we went to Charlotte too see The Weeknd?” Rafe said looking at you.
“Yeah it was really fun, though it was hard to cover up to the pouges” you say scrunching your face as the sun hit it.
“Ugh why do they get suspicious of your happiness?” He playful rolled his eyes.
“Maybe it’s the fact that they all work 3 jobs a week to survive and I went on a thousand dollar trip for ‘funsies’ but hashtag idk Rafe.” you blanky stated.
“I bet jj had a lot to say”
“Oh the mouth on that boy- wait Rafe enough with the jj jealousy!l
“Not jealous.” He said not even convincing himself.
“What is it then. Love? Obsession?” You joke
“Okay fine jealously…” he said under his breath
“Aww Rafe Cameron’s a bitch??” You gasp dramatically.
“Okay whatever, besides im on the date with you right now”
“Yeah well now believe it.”you go in for a kiss.
“Oh by the way Sarah is on mainland shopping so she’s gonna meet us for brunch.” Rafe said as He pulled away.
“Wait so I’m official meeting your sister?” Your eyebrows furrowed.
“Duh you’re my girlfriend”
Hearing him say it had butterflies going crazy in your stomach.
“And you already met my parents, and wheez. I’m surprised she hasn’t said anything to Sarah” he said with a small smile.
“You don’t think she’ll like hate me?”
“Why would she hate you?”
“ you know kook, pouge, you practillay started the so called war yourself.”
“Well you're different” Rafe said pushing hair behind your hair.
His comment left you confused, but you just brushed it off.
“Also her and Kiara have some beef. I don’t know what went down but she they don't seem to hide their hatred. ”you say worried.
“And if she hates kie, how do you think she’s gonna react to meeting her bestfriend?” You began hugging yourself in a comforting manner.
“i know how Sarah gets with their drama or whatever, but if you get caught in the crossfire I’ll be there to put it out.” Rafe wrapped a arm around you.
You sat in his embrace trying to save this memory. This is the Rafe you knew.
As you guys exit the ferry, Rafe has a Uber waiting already.
“Okay so we’re doing brunch, then a little sight seeing and shopping. And if all goes well maybe with Sarah.” He said opening the car door falling you in.
“Hopefully with a full stomach it’ll be less intimidating.” You say putting your seatbelt on.
“Giving the fact you both love shopping, and annoying me, the odds may be in your favor.”
“Ha ha very funny” you side eye him.
“In fact I don’t love shopping, you just fueled an addiction.”
“Call me your sugar daddy”
“Oh I will.”
Soon enough you guys arrive to the restaurant.
As you guys enter the restaurant you sit a table. The waiter hands 2 menus, soon asking for a third. You order a waters for now until Sarah arrives.
“So you think we can hit up Victor secret for a new set? Because jj seen my hopefully now old ones” you said with a fake grimace.
“I’ll buy you as many as you want if we can burn all the ones he’s seen.” He said looking through the menu.
“So why today am i meeting Sarah?” you ask Rafe taking a gulp of your water.
“Why not? Besides plans were ruined cause of your friends.” he smirked
His comment pissed you off a bit. You hate when he talks shit about the pouges, your best friends.
“Maybe if you didn't assualt them we wouldn't have a problem.” you scoff
“They don't know a ounce of respect, so why should I?” Rafe crossed his arms
“Because your a good person Rafe” you put down your glass.
“So you're agreeing with me, they terrible people?” he says
“Not even a little bit. I'm just saying be the bigger person.”
“I mean I got the big dick so I pretty much am-”
“I’m gonna head to the bathroom I’ll be right back.” You cut him off, sliding your now empty water glass.
You get up walking around the back to the restroom.
As you wash your hands you pull your phone and check the messages you’ve gotten practically spammed with.
⌞ Pope hitting the Dougie. ⌝
What does the j stand for: Rafe just threw coffee in my face😍
Kiki do you love me: omg what!?
Johnathan: wow can’t tell if should laugh or ?
What does the j stand for: why is there a or.
Hope 🥺: Since I’m a good person I won’t be laughing in this group chat.
Kiki do you love me: I see him giggling at the table while im working at the wreck.
What does the j stand for: wow okay I see where I stand in this friendship 🕳️ 🚶🏼‍♂️
Johnathan: he did say group chat…
Kiki do you love me: what even happened ?
Hope 🥺: open his mouth ♡ hearted by 2 people
What does the j stand for: to sum it all up I called him a sissy because he had the same coffee order as y/n
Johnathan: LMFAOOO
Kiki do you love me: wow okay that’s kinda funny 😭
Hope 🥺:ohh now I want a iced caramel macchiato
Johnathan: that’s like the most basic order jj. I’m gonna laugh because you yourself in that position.
What does the j stand for: no but like he even got the extra 3 creamers….
Kiki do you love me: y/n has good coffee orders you can’t blame her 🤷🏽‍♀️
Hope 🥺: omg Twinem!!
Johnathan: okay pope has been too funny and it’s only 8am
What does the j stand for: I quit before I could get fired 🤞🏼
Johnathan: you lasted 2 months. That’s the longest you held a job!!!
Kiki do you love me: woohh the bear minimum !!
Hope 🥺: how’d you know you would get fired
What does the j stand for: it’s Rafe.
Johnathan: I’m assuming you’re coming over?
What does the j stand for: yes master.
Kiki do you love me: count me and pope in. I’m gonna try to leave early then I’ll pick him up.
What does the j stand for: y/n you in?
Kiki so you love me: is she even alive, she hasn’t texted all morning.
Hope 🥺: so that’s why the birds are singing
Johnathan: you’re killing me pope.
What does the j stand for: y/n wya.
Kiki do you love me: I swear if ur still sleeping…
Hope 🥺: hate to admit it but kinda want you here. Jjs yapping away
Johnathan: #missingyou 🩷🩷
Hope 🥺: #wakeup
God you completely forgot about the pouges.
What do you tell them? This is like your 6th trip to the mainland, they’re gonna start to get suspicious.
Y/n: I had to go with my mom to see my aunt sorry guys :(
Hope 🥺: I thought you went last week?
Damn you pope.
Y/n: she’s old pope.
Now that isn’t a lie.
You put your phone away, quickly recollecting yourself in the mirror and heading back out.
As you walk towards the table you see the second blonde Cameron.
Ohh things just got real.
Rafe spots you soon getting up before you can reach the table.
“So Sarah I want you to meet y/n, my girlfriend.” He said with a genuine smile.
He wraps he arm around your waist as she also gets up.
She looks you up and down, analyzing you like an fbi angent.
“Hey Sarah. It’s nice to meet you.” You say breaking the ice. Very cold ice.
“Nice to meet you too y/n” she said reaching her hand out for a handshake.
You took it, her grip somewhat firm but you couldn’t help but notice how aware she was.
“so let’s sit! I’m starving the ferry ride was long!” Rafe said trying to ease the tension.
“Oh the menu looks good” Rafe says examining it thoroughly.
“Rafe we’ve been here before” Sarah say looking up at him through her menu.
The waitress comes up with a notepad before Rafe can argue back.
“Welcome to sunny kitchen, my names Anne I will be your server for today. What can I get started for you?” The waiter said in fake happiness.
“Ice cameral macchito.” You and Sarah both say in unison.
“Oh sorry you go first” Sarah smiles
“Uh ice cameral macchiato with 3 creams” you tell the waitress
“Same for me” Sarah says
“I’ll take an orange juice” Rafe says as the waitress writes it all down.
“Alright I’ll be back with your drinks!”
“Didn’t know you guys had the same coffee order” Rafe spoke up.
“Cameral macchiatos are literally my babies.” You say throwing your head back
“Ugh they’re so good I made our dad buy me whole coffee set up. Expreso machine, the syrups everything.” Sarah agrees
“Ive noticed, I love making rafe make me one. It's like playing barista”
“You force me.” Rafe hits you with the menu
You both giggle at the annoyance of Rafe. So far so good.
“So what are you thinking of getting?” You ask Sarah.
“Hmm maybe like the sunny platter, how about you?”
“Chicken and waffles, they have the best waffles here I swear, there so fluffy.” You smile at her.
Ice starting to melt.
“I think I’m gonna get a salad.” Rafe joked putting the teacher's finger in front of his lips.
You guys all giggle as the waitress comes and drops off your drinks.
“Are you guys ready to order?”
you guys order tator-tots for appetizers and you out in your orders. You guys have been chating away, you and Sarah not had one bad interaction so far.
“Wait so Rafe accidentally knocked on your parent's window thinking it was yours?” Sarah asked completely losing it.
“Yes and it was like 2 am too, he was waiting and my dad went outside and chased him with a bat” you guys are in a laughing fit while Rafe is sitting arms crossed.
“Glad you guys find my trama funny. It was terrifying it was pitch black and all I can hear is his screaming” he said rolling his eyes.
“don’t try sneak out at 2am maybe?” Sarah commented.
“He was wearing all back too, he genuinely looked like he was gonna cause a home invasion!”
The waitress soon brought your plates.
“Here’s the chicken and waffles, sunny platter, and sunny side. Enjoy your meal!”
You all began to dig in, sharing small comments about the food being absolutely amazing.
“Why can’t there be food like this on the banks” you say practically moaning.
“Honestly I would pay for a sunny kitchen franchise” Rafe agreed
“we need to do this more” Sarah smiled at you.
We now have a watered down caramel macchiato. Wooh!! 
Soon you guys are walking around town, window shopping, photo ops, small talk.
You and Sarah and hitting it off, you guys like the same music, clothes, coffee order.
Rafe is glad your guys are getting along and you were too.
“I wanna find a cute sundress, my mom’s forces me to go to church with my grandma and I want to at least look cute before she stuffs me into floral hell.” You say walking into a boutique.
“Get whatever you want, all on me.”’Rafe says planting a kiss on your head.
“I’ll seat here, you girls go crazy.” He says sitting on the small couch.
“Since you’re getting a dress I guess have to get a dress. I don’t wanna be the weirdo who doesn’t get a dress you know?” Sarah jokes are you began flipping through racks.
As you go through dress after dress, you feel vibrations coming for your phone. You know it’s the pouges but you refuse to check. You feel bad for ditching them for the Cameron’s and it doesn’t help that you’re dress shopping with Sarah. You were just doing the same with Kie.
“Y/n this would look so good on you!” Sarah said showing you a blue floral bustier sun dress.
“Oh my god that’s so cute!” You say grabbing it.
Soon you guys are both in the dressing room showing your items giving each other a fashion show.
“You think this tops cute” you ask Sarah looking in the mirror.
“Yeah it’s cute and casual, you can wear it anywhere.” She answered.
“What about this skirt?” Sarah asks adjusting the length.
“If you dont get it I will.” You comment.
“Are you girls done it’s been like almost 2 hours?” Rafe yells from the dressing room entrance.
“Rafe if you want us counting your girlfriend, to look cute, you should shut up.” Sarah tells him earning giggles from you.
“We should hurry up though it’s getting late and I don’t wanna miss the ferry like last time. It was hard making up an excuse to the pouges.” You say changing back into your regular clothes waiting for Sarah to finish up.
“I don’t understand how you can be friend with them” Sarah tells you leaving the dressing room.
“That’s what Rafe says too. Were like sardines, always together.” You smile to yourself.
“What do they think about you and Rafe?” She asks.
“Uh they don’t actually know.” You say putting your things on the counter.
Soon Rafe takes a notice goes up to the counter to begin to pay. You and Sarah sit on the couch counting your conversation.
“Why haven't you told them?” she asked.
“Because I know they’ll freak. They don’t exactly like the your family let alone any kook. Jj and Rafe were at each other throats all the time and I know you and Kiara have your history.” A flat smile forms on your lips.
“Honestly why do you care what they think? If you’re happy they should accept that”
“I know but we’ve been with each other since diapers, knowing they could throw our entire friendship away just because of a boy doesn’t make it any easier,” you say looking at Rafe.
“Honestly y/n I’ve seen the way you and Rafe have an effect on each other, that’s actual love. I know we’ve just met not even 4 hours ago but you're respectful, caring, and kind, like one of the most genuine persons I’ve known. If the pouges throw you to the side of the road just because of my bother they don’t seem like the perfect people you paint them to be.” She says
“And with Kiara, what happened is she called the cops on my party after I didn’t invite her. I know it was wrong of me but she didn’t have the right to ruin my birthday. I think she was and is a very shellfish person, and if you think that’s the way they would treat you just because you’re in love that makes them all shellfish.” Sarah says with kind eyes.
“If I can be honest with you Sarah, I think you’re right. I’m just scared to admit it. I know it’s wrong for me to say it but sometimes I can’t help but to think if I were to grow up on the other side how different I would be. Me and Pope are the only ones who actually think about our future while the rest think about the moment. They wanna do fun spontaneous things but I want to at least have a safety plan.”
Is what you would’ve said to her. But all that came out of your mouth was
“you don’t know them like I do”
Soon Rafe comes up drowning in shopping bags.
“A little help wouldn’t hurt,” he says trying to balance 10 bags.
You all are sitting in the ferry, you and Rafe are sitting together while Sarah on a different side. Rafe is scrolling on his phone while you’re looking into the harbor.
You get up to find Sarah, you couldn’t let the day end without having one last conversation.
“Hey Sarah” you greet as she looks up from her phone.
“Hey y/n” she smiles
“I just want to say it was spending the day with you. You’re really cool and like the best and worst person to shop with” you both giggle “and I wanna thank you for listening to me, I gunesilly like the advice you gave me. I can admit I’m scared of confronting them and we both have a good idea of what would happen if I do, but I just can’t help but feel torn between these two worlds.” You confess.
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks
“I’m mean we’ve been seeing eachother for like almost 5 months, it’s too soon-”
“Do you love Rafe?” She asks one more time.
“Yes” you sigh “But please don’t say anything-”
“Im not going too. But if you love him you should be with him. It’s not them who are kissing Rafe it’s you.”
“Yeah you’re right. They should be happy for me, I’m always there when jj survives night surfing or when Kiara ‘got her revenge’.” you and Sarah smile
“But if all goes wrong you got Rafe and me. i can agree today has been a wonderful day and if there is more of this in the future.”
“Enough with me, I've heard you have a little thing with Topper huh? Spill!” you asked Sarah who had faint blush on her cheeks.
“Well i guess you can say we're official, Topper’s sweet and kind. He's not like the others who always want more.” she said playing with her fingers.
“Aww you're blushing!”
“Whatever, but sometimes he just feels like, i dont know. Clingy?”
“Oh tell me about it, the first month with Rafe he wouldn't keep his hands off of me, always spamming me with stupid memes” you began blushing.
“But once time passed we got more comfortable, our friendship grew. he was and is my best friend now. Sometimes we fight like friends too but at the end of the day we still have each other”
“I want what you and Rafe have, i hate to admit it but I'm jealous of him. Never repeat those words to anyone.” she pointed her finger at You “You guys are like perfect!” she groaned
“I wouldn't say perfect but maybe with time you and Topper will be your perfect.”
“Yeah but, i dont know. Like he's great and all but-” she made a face no boy would understand but only a girl would.
“You just don't want it with him.” you finish for her.
“Oh god, am I a bad person?” she says laying her head on the ship wall.
“No no, you just know what you want. If you lead him on that's a mess you don't wanna clean up.”
You looked at Sarah and she had a very unfaithful look.
“But you never know, maybe one day you'll feel something that makes sense you know? Like he's the one.”
“With topper?”
“With anyone. I knew it with your brother when he randomly picked me up and surprised me with the perfect date. He got my favorite flowers, went to my favorite dinner, he for everything write and I didn't tell him a thing.”
“So he just knew”
“Yeah, he knew” just as you finished, you turned too see Rafe walking up to you guys.
“There's my girl,” he says placing a kiss on your forehead and handing you a Cherry Coke he got from a vending machine.
“Ugh that is what I mean!” Sarah complains
“Just give it time, you don't have to worry about love right now you're just 16. ‘Got your whole life ahead of you. It can be now, next year, hell even next week.” you sat giving her a hopeful smile.
“What is she whining about now?” Rafe jerks his head towards his sister.
“Boy stuff” Rafe fakes gagged.
You and Sarah shared a small side hug.
You guys sat together the whole ride back
Never in your life, did you expect to be this close to the Camerons.
Sarah was refreshing, she wasn't silently judging, she understood your jokes, she cared about what you had to say, didn't laugh or call you a pussy for showing your emotions. You both were excited for back to school season (for the shopping only though) and even planned study dates. all the guilt washed away.
Sarah was now one of your closest friends, spilling deep secrets, cracking jokes, endless selfies.
Now you guys are in Rafe's truck, he's driving you home with the gifts he got you and your mom (obviously she loves him)
You get out of the truck, Rafe following behind grabbing your bags. Before you shut your door Sarah says goodbye.
“Remember sleepover next weekend alright? Don't let Rafe take you away.” she smiles as you say your goodbyes and shit the door.
Rafe puts the bags in your room also saying his goodbyes and hello to your parents.
You slide into your duvet covers, scrolling through your massages and finally replying to your friends after such a good day, even meeting your new best friend.
Who knows? Maybe next week you and Sarah will be buying matching jewelry. Let's just hope the pouges dont get suspicious.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
Part three :))
Thanks for the love on this story <33
excuse any typos
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joshusten · 9 months
bitter melon (guy/honey, redacted audios)
Honey got stood up on a date and Guy tried to save their night.
(pre-relationship, hurt/comfort, jealousy (hohohoho), slight misunderstanding, conflict between characters, making up, fluff) 4.6k+ words [ao3 link] [masterlist]
[cw/notes: insecurities, self-depreciating thoughts and a lil breakdown im sorry honey has some issues over here (projecting moment?), NOT PROOFREAD as always LMAOO 
ALSO sadly guy isnt as silly (maybe really ooc) as he is most of the fic because he has Internal Conflict + i tried to make honey’s outfit and appearance as ambiguous as possible but i’m not sure how well i did with that ;---; so just keep that in mind! Idk how to feel about this fic ! i love it and i hate it LMAO]
"Oooh, what's got you all dressed up, roomie?"
It was the weekend—Kayla had just been picked up by her boyfriend, which had Guy realizing he and his favorite roommate had the place all to themselves for a few hours. As far as he recalled, he was off from work, and they hadn’t mentioned any errands to him for today. Perfect!
Guy had a bounce in his step as he arrived by the entrance to the room at the leftmost side of their shared apartment. He rapidly knocked at the door with a giddy “Hello?”, eagerly waiting for the response that he knew would always come. 
Hm, which game should they play this time? Smash was always an option but he wouldn’t mind trying something new with them. They could even watch some random YouTube documentary again like they did last time. Or maybe he can finally muster up the courage to ask them if they want to hang out somewhere outside the apartment that isn’t for laundry or groceries. 
He smiled to himself. Yeah, I’d like that. They can go to that new arcade that opened up nearby!
Before Guy can daydream more of sharing smiles in photo booths and frustratingly rigged crane games, the door opens to reveal the subject of his reverie, clad in clothing and accessories flashier than what they would typically wear. He got a whiff of a pleasant fragrance too and he realized that they must have put on a perfume of some kind.
They looked…amazing. They've always looked amazing. He had thought that about his grumpy companion even before the pair got close. But, seeing them in anything other than their usual casualwear or pajamas was definitely a surprise. 
The teasing amount of skin they had exposed didn’t go unnoticed by him, as well.
His roommate, by all means, was no prude. They even had their fair share of comebacks more vulgar than his flirts when they banter (Those particular interactions definitely do not keep him up at night, blushing and wide-eyed while he stares at the ceiling. Nope. Never.) This side of them, however, was something he’d never seen before until now. This side of how they present themselves with such boldness was new and he didn’t mind it at all.
The outfit looked good on them. Too good. A seductive dark top that very much complemented the tone of their skin, unbuttoned dangerously low enough to reveal the expanse of their collarbone that was adorned by a simple necklace. 
Their shoes gave them more height too, slightly towering over Guy more than they already did before and forcing him to tilt his head up a little for their eyes to meet. The dizzying scent of their cologne paired with those pants that hugged their figure just right had his mind reeling. It was mortifying—how they had him in such a daze so easily.
Guy gulped nervously.
“You going out tonight with friends o–or something?” he frantically adds, suddenly aware of how much he was probably staring amidst his very appropriate train of thought about the person before him. Admittedly, the man was a little bummed that his plans to take them out first (Platonically, of course. How else would it be?) were off the table, though his interest had been piqued by what they were up to being dressed like that.
"Oh, uhm, no. I mean, yeah? Kinda? I'm…" They looked hesitant and a little…embarrassed? Well if it's something they don't want to share then he didn’t mind. Despite how much of a menace he is (with his roommate never failing to lovingly remind him of this), Guy wouldn’t want to force anything out of them, especially if it got them so uncharacteristically timid. He tends to forget such social cues, but he actively tries to improve and avoid being so pushy.
As he was about to reassure them that it was okay to not respond, they replied with a bashfulness that was unlikely of them, “I’m…going on a date.”
 A date? With someone else? Romantically? He felt his grip on the door frame tighten, and a sharp pang shot through his heart, silencing his buzzing mind for a split second before managing to fake a curious smile.
“Oh? Who are they? Do I know them?” He liked to think he inquired them out of politeness, like a nosey friend pestering someone about their crush, but the thought of his roommate being alone with someone for the night leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. He had the need to asses this person, and determine if they really were worthy of their time—of them—for reasons he isn’t really sure of, it just felt like instinct.
Guy internally cringed. What the fuck does that mean? Why the hell is he thinking like this? Protective! He’s being protective, of course. Any friend would want to protect their friend with things like these! A love life is a huge factor in someone’s happiness after all, right? So he, as a friend, can definitely be wary if someone could be a potential risk of heartbreak for their friend.
Okay, if he thinks of the word ‘friend’ one more time he might actually lose it.
He needed a cold shower. Yeah! He just needs a nice cold shower to shock his brain and stop the weirdest fucking thoughts from ever forming, especially thoughts concerning his roommate that’s currently driving him crazy in every way possible.
“Ah, no, I don’t think so. He’s from my class.” They shrugged, looking to the side awkwardly. “I dont know, he just asked me out yesterday and I figured, ‘Why not?’”
Guy hands began to twitch involuntarily as his roommate smiled at themself, oblivious to the spiral that he was having. "My friends kept on saying I should try letting loose and going out more so I guess it’s about time.” 
“Oh, uh, hope you enjoy, then.” God, he feels light-headed.
“Well, isn’t this a first. What, no witty remark? No innuendo about me finally ‘getting some’?” Guy fought the urge to grimace. Somehow those jokes would do nothing but sour his mood even more instead.
“Hey,” The man started, struggling to keep his voice steady. “Can’t I wish a friend good luck on their date?” Friend. The word felt worse and worse the more it festered in his mind. Yeah, that’s what they were. What they’ll ever be. Nothing more. 
“Pfft, whatever, man.” The smirk grew wider on their lips. They seem really excited and he shamefully thinks it might make him vomit at how eager they are for this date. He should support them, right? Guy can see how his roommate tends to keep to themself most of the time, especially when Kayla’s with them. So seeing them go out of their comfort zone should have been a relief. He should be happy for them.
Whenever Guy was with them, being happy was easy. So why was he having such a hard time now?
Their grin dropped when they glanced at their watch with widened eyes. “Oh shit, I think I need to go.”
They opened their bedroom door and lifted up their arms from the side in a way to reveal more of what they were wearing. “How do I look?” 
Yup, feeling dizzy again. Remember to breathe, Guy.
“Uh, yeah, y–you look great! Really.” Guy put on a strained smile. “Have fun, just don’t miss me too much, though. Might be unbecoming for your date.” He prays to god they don’t notice how his voice wavered at the end.
They rolled their eyes with a familiar chuckle that usually follows whenever he makes a joke, “Pfft, whatever.” 
Waving him goodbye as they rush to the exit. “Don’t wait for me when you’re gonna eat dinner, by the way. I might be home late!” One last look on their watch had them walking faster. “Okaygottacatchthebusnowbye–!”
 He heard the gentle click of the door shutting and the apartment felt lonelier than what he’s used to.
Tap, tap, tap.
“In old legends, tales long forgotten, the sea is often said to be unkind. 
The sea’s temper is short, and his rage is felt through the angry swells of the water that eat sailors alive. His strength is tremendous, taking down the tallest of mountains and sinking whole countries with his surging claws. But most of all, his cruel waves do not discriminate, drowning both the wicked and the innocent altogether. He cares not for the last breath he takes from their lungs to fill with salt and water and death. 
Despite his hostility, the sea yearns for the moon. 
Whenever the moon came down to greet him like an old, treasured friend, the waters still. All is tranquil when the sky and the sea meet. The sea breeze is calm as the children play by the shore. The people were grateful, for the sea had fallen for the beauty in the sky.
But all good things never last.
The sea became selfish. He loathes the time when the moon eventually ascends to the abode of angels, their home. He loathes the loneliness that becomes of him when he can no longer feel the warmth of their glow. His loathing turns into wallowing in sorrow until he decides that he has had enough.
His calm waves suddenly grow with the intent to seize, to take, to keep the jewel of the night for himself. His desire for them to stay overflowed into his foolish actions that had done nothing but have the moon be victim to the harshness he had reserved for men.
The moon wept, and the sea received their tears. He had hurt them. He had hurt them in his act of love. They returned to the skies, burdened to carry the melancholy of a broken heart and the sea remains, afraid to cause more harm.
The moon never came down again.
His attempts to reconnect bear no fruit. A different kind of madness consumed him, wrapping around his very soul like how guilt wraps around the sinners. It’s God’s punishment, he deems, for his covetous ways. To chase for the sky but never touch the clouds, to stretch up to the heavens but never high enough. 
He had realized that they could not be attained. 
They will not come back for him.
Yet he continues to reach high above, hoping for the blessing of a god birthed by pity. To push his tides to the limit for a chance to be in the moon’s presence once more until the end of time.
It is all but a myth, ancient words that the people of the present cannot truly decipher, but all its messages share the same sentiment;
The sea is…”
Tap, tap, tap.
“The sea is mysterious?”
“No, no, no…”
Tap, tap, tap.
“The sea is prideful?”
“Ugh, that doesn’t sound right either.”
Tap, tap, tap.
“The sea is spiteful?
The living room which was once filled with the constant stream of clicking laptop keys came to an abrupt halt. I give up. This whole ‘running away from your issues’ thing really isn’t working.
That same irritating pain still persisted. It was becoming less of an annoyance and more of a discomfort, aching to the point that Guy started to rub his chest a few times in an attempt to soothe it. What is up with me today? Even after the cold shower that he was sure would solve his current predicament, the feeling of unease still lingered. 
He figured he might as well do the writing exercises that his professor had assigned a few days ago to distract himself yet it was of no help at all. In fact, it was just fueling the fire of these messy emotions that he had been feeling. His tired eyes closed, fingers circling his throbbing temples, as he racked his mind for something that would best fit the final line. I swear to god it’s at the tip of my tongue!
His mind snapped out of focus after hearing the noise of the door suddenly opening. He managed to haphazardly type a word to try out before it could escape his mind so that he could finally finish this troubling assignment that had opened more problems he had meant to solve. 
The sound of heavy footsteps reached his ears and they burned, knowing full well who had just barged in. Speak of the devil. His roommate finally returned along with the sinking feeling in his ribs. They had gotten back from their date. Guy made sure to put on his most convincing smile. 
“Hey, roomie! Back already? How was it?”
“Uh, yeah, hi.” They didn’t bother to look at him, ignoring his eager questions while they hastily set down the small bag they brought. Guy sees them navigate through the kitchen to fill up a glass of water and hungrily gulp it down. “I-is Kayla here?”
He frowned, shifting his body to face where they were in the kitchen. “Uh, no. She texted me that she was staying over with her boyfriend. Why?”
“Thank god.” 
“Yeah, I know right? So, uh, how’s the date?”
No response came again, His roommate was seemingly distracted by whatever they were scrolling through on their phone but it was clear that they were purposely ignoring him.
“He-ey! I asked how the date was. Did something happen?” They were as timid as they were before. And like before, the unease in his gut grew.
“U-uhm, it was fine.” The man heard them murmur. Why were they so secretive? They seemed frazzled and they were doing that thing where they touched their cheeks to cover their face whenever they got warm because they were…flustered. Are they–? On that date, did they–? Did something happen like that between them and their date?
Unnoticed by his roommate, Guy’s eyes widened. The pain in his chest returned tenfold. This should’ve been a good thing. That means they had a great time. Why is he mad? Why does he get that sinking feeling? Why does he feel so spiteful about it?
“What, no juicy details? Oh, I get it. You’re keeping secrets from me! Not a kiss-and-tell typa person now, are we?”
Maybe it was stupid of him to prod, especially about the one thing that set this rollercoaster of confusing emotions in the first place. But he needs to know. What did they do? How was it? Did they like it— being with him instead of Guy?
They continued to ignore his lighthearted interrogations and Guy knew that he should’ve just dropped it at this point but something in him snapped all of a sudden. He isn’t sure if the agitation that built up had got to him but he couldn’t stop himself from blurting out his next words—harsher than intended.
“Hey, I'm not the selfish one over here who left me all alone inside at a weekend while they got to actually enjoy the night in some fancy restaurant or something. C’mon, spill!” 
The lightness in his tone never left. In fact, to anyone else, it would’ve sounded like his usual playful nagging Both of them, however, noticed the shift in the direction of their conversation. (Since when was he one to provoke someone?) He’ll blame it on being in the heat of the moment for now. They understand he was just curious like that, right? All he was sure of was that he needed to know what happened. Why is he mad? Stop being mad. They didn’t do anything wrong.
He noticed their flinch far too late.
“I got stood up, Guy. Was that what you wanted to hear? Because, god forbid, I get to actually go out and do shit for myself!” The acidity of the way they said his name sent chills up to his spine. Their voice was eerily still, its coldness made Guy’s blood freeze. “Because I’m such a selfish asshole to enjoy things for once, right?”
Oh fuck. He fucked up.
“Yeah, oh,” A dry chuckle left their quivering lips. “Can’t believe I fucking thought he would actually show up. Thought somebody wasn’t fucking around with me for once and I–” They abruptly stood up. The harsh scrape of the chair puts the whole room into an uncomfortable silence.
They weren’t flustered from the date, they were embarrassed. Humiliated. They had probably been waiting for that douchebag to show up only to receive false hope and pitying glances. And he just had to add insult to injury by being when he clearly should’ve just listened, should’ve stopped, should’ve comforted them. He can finally see the tears that began to stream down their face.
“It’s whatever. I’ll be in my room.” 
“Fuck, I–I’m sorry. I didn’t know that he–”
But they had already slammed their bedroom door with a force that shook the place. Guy stayed sitting on the couch, all alone once more. Great, you just had to be a dick because of your stupid fucking…feelings about the thought of them spending their time with someone else! 
He’s pathetic.
Here he was brooding over his roommate going out on a date only for whoever that moron was to throw away the fucking chance to spend time with them. But maybe he’s the bigger moron in this case. The guilt seeped into his bones and he felt them ache. What is going on with him? He was supposed to be there for them. To be a decent friend. But now, he just ruined their already shitty night more.
Truly pathetic.
His eyes darted to the last line he had typed on his laptop and he held his breath.
"The sea is a jealous being."
The lump in his throat became harder to swallow. He needs to make it up to them.
This is stupid. This is fucking stupid.
They should have never gone with it. They should have never accepted that asshole’s offer in the first place. 
The faint sounds of an old TV series played from their phone, which had long been abandoned within patterned sheets, accompanied the figure that was currently trembling under the blankets. Stuttering, hiccuped gasps filled the room with a suffocating gloom. They think their hoarse throat couldn’t handle another broken sob to let out, having already cried every single last drop of their wallow out hours ago, their hot cheeks sticky from its tears. 
It wasn’t like this was the first time something involving relationships didn’t work out with them. They were used to it. They should be used to it—being left out, avoided, and unwanted. (It’s just a stupid date, it wasn’t even meant to be serious. Why are you making it a big deal? Why are you so affected?)
Why are they so affected by this? What made them think they were all-so-suddenly desirable to someone? Why did they even think they had a shot at all this lovey-dovey shit in the first place? 
Stupid, stupid, stupid. They’re shit with expressing their emotions and even shittier with dealing with them. Their outburst a while ago was a testament to that, shouting at Guy when he didn’t know any better. Maybe everything tonight was doomed from the start, then. They should’ve expected the hurt. Heartbreak was far from being a stranger to them at this point.
A tired groan came out of them again. 
Tired. They’re so tired.
Hungry rumbles erupted from their stomach. Damn it. Thanks to their ‘date’, they weren’t able to eat. Fuck it. Waiting out until Guy’s in bed and sneaking out of their room to eat would probably be the best option. For now, they stay bundled in their bed—thoughts spiraling, head pounding, eyes swollen, and a heavy heart waiting for its pieces to be picked up again.
Then they’ll sleep it off like always. And then they’ll confront him about it, play it off like it’s another bad day so he’ll stop worrying because they know he will. Everything’s back to normal— they’ll apologize for the overreaction, he’ll joke about it and everybody goes on with their lives again.
Yeah. That could work.
Knock, knock! 
What the–? Ugh. For the love of–
“Hello? Roomie? You there?”
When they wanted to confront the roommate that they snapped at, they didn’t mean right now!
“What do you want, Guy?” 
“Can you come out, please? It’s…important.” 
They finally stood up from their blanket cocoon, hastily wiping the tears from their eyes to try and ‘shoo’ their roommate away. The door swung open, ready to put on their whole grumpy facade again. “Guy, I’m not really in the mood for–”
“Good evening, prestige customer! Your dinner awaits.”
“Wha-- How did– When did you–?” Not giving any mind to Guy’s abominable impersonation of a British accent nor the messy scrawls of black ink on paper that vaguely resembles a mustache taped to his mouth, their eyes wander around the living room, confused and curious. 
The atmosphere was completely different from the bleak apartment they had been enduring for months. Multicolored lights that they usually use for the holidays hung around the area, providing the dim room with enough light to give a dreamy ambiance. The small foldable table set they had for eating was moved to the middle, covered in what they remembered to be Guy’s freshly cleaned checkered blanket that they had just picked up from the laundry when they were doing errands. 
On the table were some scented candles in mismatched glass containers, and two servings of a dish they couldn’t recognize. They even noticed faint jazzy music playing in the background to imitate the mood of a pretentiously lavish restaurant.
Overall, the decor clashed together horribly, yet despite that, they’d never seen the apartment so charming. The improvised set-up looks endearingly…cozy. 
“Come, let me guide you to your table,” Guy, err, the waiter, dressed in a white longsleeved button-up and apron, led them to the center, pulling out a chair and tucking the napkin he had around the collar of their shirt. The man directed their attention to the ceramics containing what seemed to be their dinner this evening.
“Our main course that the chef has prepared for tonight is a creative twist of a classic European dish composed of a rich tomato-based sauce paired with a unique and innovative pasta shell shape, garnished with traditional Italian herbs and spices.” “Guy, that’s a bowl of SpagetthiOs with some dried basil sprinkled on top,”
“Shush! Don’t ruin the immersion. And I am not Guy! I’m a waiter! Ahem!” The totally legitimate server who is not their roommate coughed very un-fakely, before composing himself in a more very real professional stance (then again, that might actually be real, seeing that he also serves the tables at Max’s when he’s not out delivering). 
“I believe your date has returned. A very dashing fellow if I do say so myself, consider yourself lucky!” Guy suddenly ducked down out of view (though they could very much see him all the same) removing the mustache and button-up to reveal a shirt with a tacky tuxedo print on it. 
He stood up, fixed a few strands of his hair that stuck up from his sudden movement, and looked at the person in front of him with a beaming expression. 
“Hey, honey! Just got back from the restroom. Wow! The food looks amazing!”
All ‘Honey’ could do was stare dumbfoundedly before covering their smiling mouth with a trembling hand. A small chuckle became a bemused giggle until eventually they were full-on belly-laughing.
“H-Honey? Really? Where did you even get that from? And what the hell are you w-wearing?” Their voice shook, unable to contain any semblance of composure. This whole situation felt like it was pulled straight from a rom-com. 
Guy laughed with them as he sat down to his side of the table. “Oh, so you like it? The nickname…came to me naturally. Feel like it suits you a lot, seeing how sweet you are to me, right?”
 Honey, huh? They wouldn’t mind him calling them that. 
“Also, I don’t know what you’re talking about! I think I look the most classy I’ll ever be!”
“Well, I’m underdressed then.” Their laughter had died down, slowly processing everything going on, well, it made them want to cry. All of this, for them? It’s too much trouble to go through.
“Nah, you’re fine! And besides, you look pretty all the time—which by the way, is absolutely not fair! I’m supposed to be the hot roommate here!” He declared with a mock offended tone as he sassily put his hands on his hips. Honey hoped he wouldn’t notice how their cheeks burned at how casually he called them ‘pretty’, like it was second nature.
“Then again, I wouldn’t mind if you underdress some more, ehh–”
It was his comfortingly familiar lewd quips, something they didn’t realize they missed hearing, yet why did their eyes water instead? The sobs that they weren’t aware they had been keeping in broke their dam again. Their cheeks must’ve grown tired from their crying all night, but this time, these weren’t tears for some dickhead that ditched them. 
The abrupt stop of laughter and panicked sputtering from Guy after hearing their croaky sniveling would have had Honey laughing if they weren’t already struggling to breathe from their convulsive crying. “Oh, fuck! Uh, okay, sorry! I’m sorry! Bad timing! I shouldn’t have joked–”
“No, no, Guy, I’m sorry I–” They let out a shaky breath. “Wh–why did you go through all the trouble for me? I-I snapped at you and I don’t–,” hands wildly gestured around their surroundings. “–deserve all of this! I don’t– I’m so sorry I–”
“Hey, no, don’t apologize. You deserve this, okay? If someone like Kayla gets to share a night with her boyfriend then you, out of all people, deserve to spend your weekend having a great time and I won’t let some jerk ruin that for you,” He looked at Honey in the eyes with a sincerity that involuntarily made them shiver.
It’s not often that Guy was this serious with them. It was only reserved for moments when it was late at night and their teasing and gossip turned into deeper talks about anything and everything. They forgot how intense the look in his pretty eyes could get, how it felt like he saw through them, through their very being.
“I’m…one of those jerks, too. I really shouldn’t have said those words to you. You’re not selfish or an asshole. Your date was the asshole for not showing up and that’s a reflection on him rather than yourself. I just sprouted out those stupid things because I was just…bitter that you had your own plans when I really didn’t have the right to be.” Among other things. He decided not to bring up the other messy emotional stuff in his head. It’s not what they need to hear right now. “I’m really sorry for pushing you. I…really hope that you can forgive me but I would understand if you won’t.”
“I forgive you, Guy. Thank you for… for all of this. It really means a lot.”
They shared a tender smile as they continued their chatting with their dinner. By the time they cleaned the dishes and put everything back in its original place, the pair plopped down on the soft cushions of their sofa. Guy shifted himself into a better position to face Honey.
“I’m surprisingly still not sleepy. What else do you wanna do for tonight?”
“Honey! How scandalous! Take me out to dinner first! Oh, well technically, I already did, so I guess your wish is my command after all—Ow!”
“I meant the game, you freak!” --- THIS FIC TOOK SOOOOO LONG i was so close to giving it up BUT WE'RE HERE EYYYY also this was suppose to have a bonus scene but ehhhh idk where i was going with it rlly rlly hope you enjoyed ;--; i'm still not rlly happy with how i wrote this but there are some parts that i rlly like so i decided to post it HAHAHAHA feel free to give me feedback :DD and have a nc day/night!!
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weebsinstash · 1 month
I was seeing videos of these specific heart-shaped "slip chains" which are basically bdsm leashes that can be lowkey disguised as necklaces and I started having ideas about "oh what if yandere Valentino put one of these on you and you didn't even know he has you wearing a leash" AND IN THE FUCKING COMMENTS OF THE VIDEO--
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So yeah, could you imagine him slipping the loose chain around you while you're serving him drinks or invited for a fun time with him and other people and he's essentially getting off on you being clueless and unknowingly wearing something so kinky (that he has all kinds of ideas and fantasies about using). At first you think it's just a necklace, a cute gift, you aren't even aware of what it means and are just feeling happy and thinking it's so cute, and then, at some point in the night, he gets mad or possessive and just, tugs the lead and you're suddenly painfully horribly aware he's got you on a lead 😳 like. In Public In Front Of Other People, too.
I feel like yandere Valentino would have a full custom kit of toys and tools he WANTS to use on you before he's so much as even FLIRTED WITH YOU. Imagine actually going to fuck this man and he already has things planned, fantasies to try out, and, it turns out he's been thinking about sleeping with you, uh, a lot more in depth and often than you're comfortable with
I'm just. Sitting here. Imagining being mid fuck and little comments just start slipping out of his mouth,
"Hang on, I wanted to try this position with you--" wait how long have you been thinking of us having sex?
"You're a lot quieter than I was hoping you would be, but this is hot too" bitch what do you MEAN 'hoping'???
You fuck him ONCE and the next time he's trying to get you to let him hit, he has a SUSPICIOUS amount of lingerie that is perfectly in your size and bondage gear that's perfectly sized for your wrists and ankles and maybe shit is even PERSONALLY MONOGRAMED, like forget bullshit like "Baby" or "Pet" or something vague, it'll be YOUR NAME or a nickname he uses ONLY for you, so, he obviously had it MADE to be used on you specifically
Idk I'm just. I promise I'm normal and am not constantly thinking about what kinds of accessories and toys this man would have personally custom made because he just loves spoiling himself and playing with his money with reckless abandon 👀 I promise I'm not like, imagining Valentino having entire closets and rooms dedicated to YOU specifically. Gosh. Just imagine the gun case he has in episode four, except when he opens THIS one, the doors are covered with humiliating, exposing photos of you and all his crops and toys are displayed and loaded into drawers 💀 honestly just the hypothetical scenario of, you have never even kissed this man and you're in his tower and, you snoop a little while he's making you wait, and you find this cabinet absolutely COATED with photos of you, and there are also collars and other things with your name on them
also finally just 👀 the overall design of this chain means if he has it pulled taut enough, you literally can't pull it off by yourself, cant give yourself enough slack to unwind it, so you're just forced to sit there with your face feeling like it's on fire while he's actively holding the other end of your lead, constantly reminding the both of you that you're his new favorite little plaything and using the public humiliation to get you to behave. Honestly I think being forced into a one-sided dom/sub kinda relationship with him specifically is a brand new kind of Hell in of itself, but that's a post for another time
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itsmattchou · 10 months
cause you make it better !
pairing: zb1 hyung line x gn!reader warnings: yes men wear necklaces too😡, uni crush hanbin, FIRST TIME MEETING PARENTS FOR TAERAE😱, uhm idk hay fever havers dni with matthews part (/j), NOT PROOFREAD!!!, cursing, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff synopsis: reverse icks with the zb1 boys. notes: i wanted to be cool n delulu and write something good but this just sucks so much holy fuck. y/n in matthews part is me btw. I'm just writing him as my perfect bf btw. he actually already is my perfect boyfriend btw. ship mattchou btw.
kim jiwoong  jiwoong loves giving you gifts, sometimes for no occasion at all. his most recent purchase for you was a beautiful necklace with his and yours initials engraved on it. he grabbed the necklace from your hands and made his way to stand right behind you so he can put it around your neck. the two of you were standing right in front of a mirror and he smiled right at you from behind you, "do you like it, darling?"
him putting a necklace around you.
zhang hao it was a beautiful night. the sky was filled with sparkling stars, not a single cloud in sight. a comfortable blanket was laid out on the slightly wet grass and had hao and you laying on it. hao had crossed his arms behind his had and listened intently to you, who was pointing at random stars in the sky and telling him random facts you know about them. he really couldn't help but smile, silently thanking the heavens for being able to date you.
stargazing with him.
sung hanbin it was another boring class on another boring wednesday. you weren't really paying attention to anything the teacher was saying, you were rather busy looking for something else- while scanning the entire room you really just wanted to find HIS face. biting your lip in anticipation you continued searching for your crush, whose sole existence would make this whole thing bearable. your heart however skipped five or six beats when you spotted him, already looking right at you.
looking for him but he's already staring at you.
seok matthew matthew loves taking you on walks, especially during spring time. during that time of the year the weather was perfect- not too hot nor too cold- and flowers and trees would be coming back to life after resting all winter. spring has rolled around again and he was already dragging you outside for a walk. you ended up walking by a flower field, where he picked the prettiest one and put in in your hair. he smiled brightly; "you look beautiful!"
him picking a flower and putting it in your hair.
kim taerae you were anxiously sitting in the dining room of taeraes parents: this was your first time meeting them and you were super worried about the possibility of them not liking you. taerae intertwined his fingers with yours under the table. "i am so glad that we are finally able to get to know you!", his (really talkative) mom said, "he already told us so much about you!" you smiled shyly and glanced over at your boyfriend, who had a faint blush on his cheeks. his parents loved you by the way.
his parents telling you he already told them so much about you.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 4 months
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Horropedia // Hubby Headcanons
Note// I really got this idea from the moment I watched the corpse bride movie/ih. There are two kinds of marriage hcs,,, like real marriage and 'marriage', you know lol
I was about to post this before- until my friend beat me up to it...;;; so it got delayed weeks later. Her headcanons are pretty good tho! <333
// 'Official Marriage' HCs //
This kind of love story is... strange, in a good way at least.
Life with him is pretty much like a slow burn bonding from acquaintances, to companions, to friends, to lovers... And to spouses.
Horropedia views marriage as something far from dating or being engaged... it's a big step, being a boyfriend can be counted as a commitment if he contributes to the relationship as well, fiancé likewise but waiting for something even bigger to be executed.
But marriage... being a husband is supposed to be a sealed agreement and having commitment, intimacy, and passion between two people. He wonders if you both can ever will confirm if your love for each other is consummate. He is aware very few people achieved this. As others tend to get through struggles and even get through divorce.
Horropedia would cherish his time a lot to enjoy every bit of his moments with you, and he lets you take your time to move onto the next level with him.
I like to imagine that the engagement proposal just technically is during a pretty random timing-
Like something similar from a spy x family scene. While you and Horropedia were getting chased by the killer at a masquerade ballroom, he suddenly proposed to you in the lounge room you were hiding in. Using the ring of a stunt grenade before throwing it towards the killer that entered, along with the trap that was already set by him. Obliterating them in the process.;;😭
Idk, is just my scenario idea. Something more dramatic would most likely happen because of him. You know how he tends to bend the logic of physics with his gun many, MANY times before--
Of course, he has a real engagement ring! He just decided to keep it in his room, just in case something happens.  His proposal may be sudden, but it was probably the only moment where he feels sure that he wants to go through the thrills and obstacles. Even if it's with you.
I feel like Horropedia would confess after like, 4-6 years of dating. Bonus if you guys were ever high school sweethearts before...- that concept would be so cute.
I swear, Horropedia is a bit uneasy about Honeymoons- he feels overwhelmed by the idea even if it just means some kind of quality time together but more ✨️extra✨️. but you later convince him that you both can just go on horror myth explorations as your honeymoon so he quickly went very passionate about that lol;;;;
At this point your whole marriage life has buzzfeed unsolved vibes throughout your scrapbooks.
Your wedding ceremony is actually quicker than a normal one- you just both took pictures and have some cake before going straight out for the horror by rented van or something dnfnfnn---
It's funny to imagine that things haven’t changed since the time you both started dating- As if your relationship has been always been this young and pretty carefree... It just feels like you're still dating but now you are using the spouse titles, a wedding album of your honeymoon adventure, a ring on your finger, and marriage papers-
Okay, some things are added, but doesn’t mean things have changed lol.
I feel like Horropedia is the type to rarely wear his ring- I mean, he would sweat bullets if he ever loses it!!! Not that it's expensive, but because losing things have always being something he gets nervous about,,, especially stuff that match with you and they are objects that remind him of you. So he either wears it like a necklace or keeps it stored in a bag or a cabinet at times.
Being married is a thing, sometimes living together may be another. I imagine scenarios either it takes a few weeks for one of you to move in to the other’s place or you both already lived in the same house when you were dating hhh-
Horropedia is not normal with relationships, he is aware of that. So the steps of intimacy may be seen as something you wouldn't expect and probably far from what you would usually imagine in a married life.
He is an easy-paced guy while being surprisingly faithful as if your whole marriage is part of his lifetime hyperfixation in some ways. He is pretty lowkey about it too during work, like he is not bashful when talking about you if his coworkers ever ask about you. Yet, doesn't mean he'll just spoil everything about you. He lowkey likes to keep you for himself before any proper introductions with the certain people at work- So at times, he just gives them the grin or changest the topic with another horror anecdotes session before they ask more questions abour his married life. /ih
He doesn't seem to be the type to mind if his spouse is not a great cook. He either just finds it okay if you both cook some decent food or order takeout-
Having a vegan spouse can be also challenging to him at first, but he can handle eating veggies once in a while for the budget-
Not pretty? Look at him, he is not even a star idol from a magazine! He already fell in love with your dreamy eyes and your smile, enough to lure him in and get him wrapped around your finger. A "beautiful monstrosity." As he would probably describe you./j <333
Not smart? I mean, he is a nerd. He pays attention to geometry, then he likes doing the math himself. He probably would tend to tease you for not knowing how to do the counting while calculating the taxes and bills... /ih
No matter what or where, there will be always someone who at some point would ask you two when will you have little ones running around the household-
If you’re perfect? You're perfect. He cherishes every second of your company,,, and that's enough for him.
"Oh...?" (^-^;
To be fair, Horropedia doesn't seem to like the idea at first. I mean, to fix the words- He's just, still considering... is not like there is much rush to do that. He tends to have his doubts too. Especially if that means there is the opportunity his future kids encounter those creepy twins that were used to be his next door neighbors....- that's the last thing he wants that to happen.
"I. Isn't that too soon??? I-I'm sure there is more we can do together other than worrying about our future kid's tuition...--"
I'm sure that time may come when Horropedia feels that he is that ready to have a family with you...- Is just, not in this stage of life I suppose;;;😅🥺
// On an established relationship, yet calling wife/husband as a silly nickname //
While there are no firm rules, I  consider established relationship in my dictionary as a "dating after at least 6 months" kind of stage. So it would be interesting to imagine how Horropedia would feel if the titles of spouses are used intentionally as a joke once the bond notably seems to be pretty close and intimate enough to be casual about it.
Staying indoors is one of the ideal ways to go on a date for you two,,, horror movies while wearing cozy pjs, going through the recaps while sharing his armchair are one of the best parts of you spending time together.
At first, he felt weird when he hears you calling him your "husband" even if it was in a playful intent. It felt foreign, but it didn't feel wrong in his opinion either.
It took a while to get used to it as he also took time to hear it often. Becoming more aware of being called by cheesy, and sometimes affectionate nicknames since you started dating.
"Nerdipedia", "Dorkopedia", "Bob", "Silly Pants", "Babyboy";;;
Gosh, don't even mention about "Joshie"! He starts to blush hundreds of shades of red. Lucky there are times you both weren't in a huge crowd. Otherwise he'll die in the spot...;;;/j
But after that, he probably can't stop staring at you like the dork he is, whenever you address him as something more through your phone calls with a friend--;;;
"So,,, yes, Sonetto- I'm with my husband right now."
"..." (...what-)
"Yes, he is right next to me, holding My hand as we're watching the FNAF movie-"
"....?" (Huh- but I'm right next to y- I'm the one holding your hand, hello???)
"Mmm... Yes, any problem with that? Well, Matilda. Respect my love of my life when he's supposedly your co-worker- okay? Things will run smooth that way if you and Horropedia wouldn't act this stubborn;;;"."
"....!!!!" (I'M???? THEY'RE  REFERRING TO ME OMG...)
"Alright, see you later- gotta resume the movie-"
"..." (I love this human-)
He really tried to pretend he was still watching the movie but failed because his eyes were trembling, fingers fidgeting, and you could notice his cheeks radiating with a blush as his lips are trembling. Fighting back this huge grin;;; lol...-
Over time, he would slowly get used to it to the point he'll call you wifey/hubby in return, you both being sillies and all;;;
Horropedia probably didn't catch the domestic vibes crossing on his mind earlier, he didn't even pay a single mind about what the others say whenever they see you two bickering like a married couple too!
Of course, the moment he was put in a position, that's when his mind was completely blown.
Where peace was residing for a bit, you guys were just chilling on the living room during a day off. Him reading a horror novel wearing his funny slippers and all on the couch while you're napping, using his lap as a pillow.
The second he took a glance of your sleeping face, he slowly notices how strangely cozy this seems- a very domestic one....
'...Oh sh*t.'
That's it, I dare you to try and change my mind- but it will never be the same without Horropedia proposing you as a joke with a ringpop...
I guess like a boyfriend/girlfriend proposal. All with the planning and silly braining, for the memes!!!/lh
If Discord exists for him, he might even suggest if you two can get married on Discord using the wedding bot;;; 💀 Oh god.
Overall, a silly Horropedia liking the fact being called "hubby" is good in my heart. Hehe <33
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flickrrposts · 6 months
Black Hat is going to be Hypnotized by Heroes - Theory
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Why?: It'd be cool.
Okay, seriously, this could be nothing more than fanfic potential, but in case there's some small chance that I'm right about this, here are a few points on where I'm coming from.
#1 - Tension
This show has reaffirmed time and time again, in the show, comics, livestreams, interviews, that Black Hat is:
A, Powerful,
and B, Terrifying.
I don't think I need to go through evidence of that being the case, if you're familiar with the show at all, you know this.
He's been side-lined throughout the entire show, and it would not only be cathartic to finally have him show off his powers, but it would also make him feel like a real threat in the story if he's positioned against Flug, Dem, and 505.
The tension would be raised to infinity. The show would practically feel like a horror movie because of how near-impossible it would be to defeat him.
#2 - Goldheart's Plan
According to Miss Heed at the end of s1e6, Goldheart wants to "end all villainy."
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Black Hat controls all villainy.
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P.E.A.C.E. has already caught on to how deep Black Hat's rabbit hole goes, via the agents creating the Podemos Bailar website. (omg, with Magician being one of the agents, then Black Hat's hat is the "rabbit hole", it's like a pun, you get it? You get that-)
Before the third Arenque Noticias video, Melissa Lead states, "If you ask my objective opinion, I'd say a controlled villain is better than a villain set loose."
As observed by @paper-gold-theories, characters with gold accessories tend to be associated with Goldheart or the Golden Rule in some way (Miss Heed, Porccini, the reporter in s1e4).
Melissa wears a golden necklace and ring, so it's very likely that her opinions either align with the Golden Rule, or Goldheart himself.
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So if Goldheart's objective is to brainwash all villainy, then who better to target than the man at the top? (the man in the top-hat, haha, I'm on a roll)
#3 - Black Hat's Weaknesses
Alan has hinted that Black Hat is not invincible, and has actually described him as "lazy".
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So the concept of Black Hat slipping up is not an impossibility for the show to explore.
#4 - Details
This is getting into TJLC levels of analysis, but I've noticed a couple things that could somehow be foreshadowing this:
In this poster:
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Villains have a red outline, and heroes have blue:
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(The fact that Flug and 505 have blue is an analysis for a whole other day)
But Black Hat has a gold-ish color on both sides:
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This could be a stretch, but,,
In 2021, promo art was released for the show:
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And Black Hat's monocle looks suspiciously pink.
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Sure this could just be red shading that accidentally looks pink, but it isn't that hard to edit if the colors came out wrong, I did it just now:
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The difference is night and day:
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I don't think Black Hat has ever been associated with pink before outside of Demencia's fantasies. It would have been easy to choose any other colors too, like green, yellow, orange, or even blue.
The Black Hat being lit with pink for the first time is a coincidence in the very same promo that ALSO includes Miss Heed.
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And as is obvious, ALL of the people Heed hypnotizes have glowing-pink eyes:
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Even if this isn't foreshadowing to my specific fan-theory, I find a Black Hat - Heed connection extremely suspicious.
It's very well that in this scene, Flug DID perfect Heed's formula.
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The heroes have the perfect hypnotizing formula. Or at least they still have some version now.
They have the means.
So TL;DR, Flug perfected Heed's hypnotizing formula, and so P.E.A.C.E./The Golden Rule/Goldheart is going to use it to control Black Hat when his guard's down.
(or somethin like that, idk)
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gee-arid · 5 months
ok, sorry if question is a bit long and if you have answered, please put the link for me to see please. Well... what are the names of the heroes? What was each heroe's first choice? (I mean the ladybug and cat holder). I know that Marinette is with the Fox and Ivan with the turtle, but for some reason I think that if they swap it would combine more (I speak more in symbolism, ivan who cannot lie with the "miraculous of lie"). What is the weapon of each carrier? About the turtle and Ivan, I think a purplish blue would match more (that leatherback turtle). What are the camouflaged forms of each miraculous? Do you have the reason why every person has every miraculous?
A big ask, but thats okay! I'd love to answer! Note that some answers like names and weapons are subject to change, im not great with names and im less familliar with some characters than others so, opinions and other ideas are awesome :)
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Names and weapons, left to right:
Aliase Rouges (red wings), Cartoony sledge hammer
Veilluese (night light), Grappling hook
Bison? Hyland?, Guitar- its electric but doesnt have to be plugged in..
Adora (play on Adore), Frisbee
Ouroboros, Mirror shield (play on the medusa myth)
Tack (to temporarily fasten something together), Big Needle
Captain Stinger (shortened to Sting), Cutlass
Jockey?, Reins? maybe a whip
Alectryon, rooster body (i guess?)
Jack Rabbit (shortened to Jack), Pickaxe
Ridley (a type of turtle), Detatched shields- Bonus purpley-blue version: honestly it works just as well.
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Tora (Japanese for tiger, i think), Sythe
R.A.T (acronym for Rodent Assist Team? idk, funny bit based on pokemons F.E.A.R strat lol, also sounds like a dj name??. also based on his purpose being mostly assisting pedestrians), Glow sticks (almost like a pair of lightsabers, without the deadliness. Basically glowing battons)
Boar, Boomerang (shaped like boar tusks).
Cirrus (a type of cloud, Aroure and Mirelle share the name and the miraculous), Lightning rod/ wind sock
Caprix (Play on Caprine), Chunky roller blades
Gibbon? (a type of monkey), one of those silly stretchy sticky hands
Reasons for each holder are here!
First choices are also listed there, if there isnt an alternative listed, they either had the same idea or no strong preference for a different holder. Regarding swapping holders based on symbolism (i.e. Ivan with the fox, Mari with the turtle) that would be super cool and i may draw them at some point in the future, but wouldn't fit with my au. This is because my bug and cat holders choose them based on preexisting relationships, traits, and talents.
Camouflaged forms are these:
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Struggled with Alyas rabbit miraculous tbh, it doesnt quite fit with my au for it to stay a pocket watch anyway (the Rabbits power being swapped from Burrow in a time sense, to Burrow in a dig way) so i guess its normal activated form would be some kind of keychain? Alyas disguise currently is a tamogachi :)
Nino wears the mouse necklace wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.
Max's snake bracelet turns into a smart watch.
Markovs claw connects to his existing claws, and mimics what claws he already has.
Mirelle and Aroure have similar chokers with the charm changed. Aroure has the lightning bolt, Mirelle has the rain drop. They have the chokers replicated by comission with Marinette so they can swap the actual miraculous between them when needed.
Sabrinas sunglasses are prescription. They could also be just normal glasses, no black tint, when appropriate.
Marcs ring, where rainbow, is iridescent!
The butterfly and peacock are still unavailable to our heroes.
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yeonsclover · 11 months
Hi I hope you're having a good day
Could I ask for a angst to fluff fic for nozel? Where nozel has been super busy and neglecting his wife but one morning when his wife asks him if they could spend some time together, (maybe because it's their anniversary or her birthday but nozel forgot) he absentmindedly tells her they could go out for dinner that night and his s/o is very happy and dresses up really pretty but when the time came nozel doesn't come to pick her up cuz he forgot about the date and is busy with work again and basically stands her up. Maybe nebra or solid comes into nozels office confused why he was still working and nozel remembered he promised his s/o to take her out on a date. Very very angst to fluff please I live for this kind of stuff
Hi🫶 I’m having a great day, I hope you are to!(srry if there is spelling mistake)
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You walk down the long hallway in the silver eagle's base, making your way to your husband's office early this morning. Heels clicking against the floor you pause as you reach the door hesitating to knock.“Come in” you hear from the inside. Of course, he sensed your presence before you even made it known to him. That’s one of the many things you loved about your husband.
“Nozel,” you said as you closed the door behind you for a private conversation. “I was thinking we could go out later today” pasting around the room with your arms crossed behind your back “You know since our anniversary is coming up next week, and I know you won’t be able to make it because of the meeting with the wizard king, and all” you stop walking and turn your body towards him as you hear his fingers speed up on the keyboard. “Yeah, sure. We’ll go out to dinner at 6 tonight. Sounds good? We’ll go to that new restaurant you wanted to go to” “I’ll meet you there” You twirl around in excitement squealing like a teenager “Now please leave me be. I need to finish this”
You could hear the dread in his voice.
Normally, you would yell at him for the tone he was speaking to you in, but right now you were too excited and had to go pick out an outfit for tonight. You walk back to your and nozels shared room, well you practically skipped there, getting stares from the other silver eagle members. “Why are you so happy this morning,” Nebra asked stopping you by the cafe where they were eating breakfast. “Nozel is taking me out tonight! I’m going to go pick out my outfit early!” You said practically prancing around “How about I come to help you pick out an outfit?”
“I would love that let’s go”
You and Nebra go through your side of the closet you and Nozel share rummaging through all of your clothes picking out pieces that match, or complement each other “What kind of restaurant is this anyways? So we have an idea of what kind of outfit we’re looking for” “It’s the new restaurant in town. You know the fancy one” (idk what to name it)
“Well in that case” she pulls out a light blue lace dress and a white pair of heels to match “Oh my gosh you’re a genius” I grab the clothes running into the bathroom to change.
“How should I do my hair?” “You should wear it up to show off your jewelry” I bush my hair upwards into a bun securing it with pins and slipping a few bracelets on my arm and clipping a pear necklace on my neck. I look down at my phone to see it’s 6 already “It’s time I’m going to head down to the restaurant” grabbing my purse and heading out the door “ he’s not driving you there? What a douche” I giggle at her statement knowing there is some truth to it.
“Hi I have a reservation for two” “What is the name under?” “Nozel Silva” the lady at the front types on her computer “Sorry, there is no reservation for a Nozel Silva”. Of course, it would end like this. You angrily grab your purse on walk out of the restaurant.
*back at the silver eagles base*
Nebra walks past the Nozels office only to see the door wide open with Nozel sitting in his chair with his head between his arms. “Hey, you asshole!” He jumps up from his sleep annoyed. “Did you forget you had a date tonight you idiot” Nozels face goes pale. He jumps up and runs outside, where he hops on his flying silver eagle heading to the restaurant.
*back to you*
“I should’ve known better. I should’ve expected this” you said walking toward the carriage stomping your feet. You feel a gust of when land beside you, and an arm pull yours back. “Y/n wait” “I fell asleep I’m sorry” you ignore him “You know I was busy” “I also know where your priorities lie and I’m not one of them”
“Listen to me, it won’t happen again I promise. You’ll always be number one in my life. Let’s go home I’ll personally prepare dinner” he holds out his hand to you to help you hope on the flying eagle.
“You know your gonna have to make up for not taking me to the restaurant,” you said looking up at your significant other while you were laying on his chest. “We can go on our anniversary day” “Don’t you have the meeting?” “I’ll call in sick I have something more important to do” you smile as snuggle into his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair.
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