#but i was reminded of bruno's existence and was like. i have to make a post Immediately.
wordsgood · 9 months
we did not fulfill the prophecy -- main character comps
doli lin is like if shigure sohma and bruno madrigal were distilled into one man with depression and so much chronic pain
loreleaf is like if you smushed zuko thelastairbender and thara celehar together and spritzed him with legolas-scented perfume
jatatyla is like if you put nimona and morgana bbcmerlin in a soup pot and added a tablespoon of megara disneyshercules and just a pinch of deadpool
marou is like if you crossed a rainbow with a sunflower and the shimmer of moonlight on a garden pond and then gave him nice hair :)
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illumnis · 6 months
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i'll save you a seat. — he doesn't know you. but one day he will, and he's sure that the day he does, you'll be just as beautiful as he imagined. (he couldn't have been any more correct.)
pairing: var!genshin men x gn!reader
warnings: hehehe im giggling while writing this,,, heavily inspired by bruno majors "the most beautiful thing" !!!!
note: just a little something for my bday :) ALSOOO i lowkey hate the way i ended i BUT it's okay <;/3
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his head in his palm- he wouldn't exactly call it daydreaming due to the positioning of the hour hand on the clock.
the luster of the moon against the wooden desk, how it dances like ripples in water when it comes in contact with his sheer curtains.
however, he'll indulge in the fact that he does, in fact, daydream. but who is he kidding? he's a grown man with duties, who is he to daydream? but he does- he does and he doesn't make any move to chase any of it away.
because to his astonishment- to his ardent denial; he deeply enjoys it.
he holds dearly, someone who he isn't even sure exists. he sees this imaginary person in his everyday life.
when he's walking down the streets, or a dense hallway, he thinks; what if i were to meet them here?
when he's eating a meal he had prepared himself, he thinks; how would it taste if it was made by the hands of utter perfection? if it were made by you, he means.
when he sits at a cafe on a particularly bland morning- a cafe which greatly seems to remind him of his lack of another half, where there are only tables for two- he thinks; i'll save them a seat. it's the least i could do for our potential first meeting.
he, who has no idea what you look like, and doesn't even bother to imagine it because he knows- he's sure that he knows that no matter what, when he sees you, you will be nothing short of beautiful.
he's right. he knows he's right because the moment you sheepishly ask him if the seat was taken (seeing that all the other seats in the cafe were occupied) he hates that he's right.
you- oh, you.
the radiance of the sun but the serenity of the moon. as smooth as the flow of water but as bold as a stream of blood. you...
you are here. in front of him.
for once he's thankful that he's saved you a seat, for his not so imaginary soulmate.
— men who are hopeless romantics but don't like to admit it (or do): thoma, wriothesely, venti, kazuha, kaveh, ajax, kaeya.
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navi. mlist.
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perfectsunlight · 1 year
(𝟓𝟔) - 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈𝐈
𝗐𝖺𝗋𝗇𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌: none im sobbing rn
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬: 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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“jimin, again.” 
sweat dripped down jimin's forehead as she danced. she had been executing the same movements over and over again. she was in this predicament because she had made an error in the choreography, and the instructor was furious about it. 
her body ached, everything was sore, and she couldn’t think straight anymore. 
“faster. again.”
the young woman inhaled a staggered breath, trying her best to not to shout in frustration. as much as she wanted to yell at the instructor, she couldn’t. she was a trainee, and emotions came second in this industry. you were no longer human once you entered the doors of a company.
jimin’s arms moved faster, executing the movements in a more sharper manner, emphasizing her wrist movements as she did so. the sweat on her brow only thickened, making her eyelashes wet from the beads that trickled down.
“do it again.”
it wasn’t until seven more attempts that the dance instructor decided she had enough of humiliating jimin in front of her peers.
embarrassment. exhaustion. empty.
three E’s of feeling that yu jimin could currently feel burning inside her chest. her feet dragged as she made her way down the hall, aches surging with every step she took. her mind was foggy and she didn’t want anything else except going into her room and sleeping until the next year.
SM entertainment was home to talent of all kinds, but it came at the cost of one’s humanity at one point.
her feet moved faster. she already had her destination in mind. her hands knocked at your door, praying that you would answer it and not ningning. when you opened the door, she practically shoved you inside again and shut the door behind her. 
the taller girl’s hands moved to your waist, and your hands cupped her cheeks as tears fell. “oh baby,” you whispered softly. it didn’t take a genius to notice that your girlfriend had a bad day. “let me make you something to eat. you’ll feel better afterwards, i promise.” 
and so that’s what you did. jimin’s eyes watched as she leaned against the wall. you hummed in the kitchen, plating the food you had just made into two bowls. the baggy shirt you were wearing was actually one of hers. the way you softly sang a bruno mars song, the way your hair fell over your face. she had to admit, you had a knack for doing the right things at the right time. jimin was starving, and that was part of the reason why she had a lack of energy today. the food was definitely going to help her feel better, but it was also just your entire existence that made her forget about all of her problems.
the two of you laid on the couch, bowls of food in each other’s hands as you sat in comfortable silence. jimin felt bad. she knew she didn’t want to just sit there and bring up what happened, but she also knew that you were probably going to ask her anyway.
except, you didn’t. you did something else.
“we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” you had whispered softly, your shoulder resting against hers as you set your bowl on the small coffee table. “i know that look on your face.” a small chuckle escaped your lips as you intertwined your fingers together. 
jimin was stunned to say the least. you had been able to read her like it was nothing. without her even saying a single word, you could read her like an open paged book.
in that moment, yu jimin realized something. as her inner turmoil faded, and the sea of doubt in her mind turned dry, a small smile crept up onto her lips.
you didn’t need anything else except her. 
and she didn’t need anything else except you. all she ever needed was you, and sweet nothing.
as the evening unfolded, the weight of the day gradually lifted from jimin's shoulders. the warmth of your presence and the tenderness of your actions reminded her that she wasn't alone in this journey. with you by her side, she felt empowered to face the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that she had someone who understood and supported her unconditionally.
as the night grew darker, you both settled into a peaceful embrace on the couch. no words were needed; the silence spoke volumes. the soothing rhythm of your breathing intertwined with jimin's, creating a serene symphony of comfort and love.
the world outside faded away and jimin knew that tomorrow would bring its own set of obstacles, but she faced it with renewed strength and determination. because she had you—her rock, her solace, and her inspiration.
for jimin, the days of endless repetitions and harsh critiques might continue, but she had found a sanctuary within your arms, a safe haven where her spirit could rejuvenate and her dreams could thrive.
and as the night enveloped them in its embrace, jimin whispered those three simple words that carried the weight of a universe:
"i love you."
you smiled next to her, leaning in to give her a soft kiss on her lips as her hand came up to cup your cheek. her thumb brushed across the skin, relishing in the small gesture you showed.
 “i love you too.”
yu jimin looked into your eyes with an idea she knew the both of you would enjoy. it would turn this bad day around even more than it already had been.
“let’s go write a song together.”
the room was filled with an air of creativity as you and your girlfriend sat side by side, surrounded by instruments and notebooks filled with scribbles and lyrics. the moonlight gently streamed through the windows, casting a white glow on your faces as you delved into the world created by your lyrics.
jimin’s fingers effortlessly moved across the keys of the piano, creating a soft melody that resonated with your emotions. your voice filled the room, the words floating in the air like delicate petals. your lover listened intently, humming to herself a few words as she was determined to craft something beautiful with you.
as you intertwined your thoughts and shared experiences, the room became a sanctuary for creativity. your minds danced with ideas, and your hearts synchronized as each of you poured your souls into the lyrics. verse by verse, melody by melody, eventually led to a weaved tapestry of emotions, a song that would encapsulate love, struggles, and dreams.
in those moments of doubt, you would gently rest a hand on her shoulder, offering reassurance and unwavering support. "we'll figure it out together," you would say, your voice a soothing balm to jimin's creative soul. how fitting was it? that you, her muse and the inspiration for this song in the first place, were further proving her point about it all?
you were truly her sweet nothing, the calm to her chaos, and the eye in her storms. 
hours turned into days as you tirelessly crafted your masterpiece together. the song was half written for the most part, but you and jimin wanted to finish it eventually. 
if only the two of you could see, that like your relationship, the half written song would remain an unfinished story. an unsung song that would never see a life outside of the pages it was written on.
and now, in the present and not the past, jimin sat in SM’s recording studio, tears brimming at her eyes as she stared at the ink filled paged of her notebook. karina ran a hand through her black hair as she stared at the lyrics she wrote all those years ago. the lyrics to the half-finished song she wrote with you, the love of her life, her sweet nothing.
it had been years since you two last worked on it together, the unforeseen ending of the relationship taking you on separate paths. life had a funny way of intervening, the universe putting you two together just to tear you two apart.
as the idol read the words she had penned, a mixture of nostalgia and longing flooded her heart. the memories of why it was written in the first place, the late nights spent harmonizing voices, and the laughter shared in the creation of this half-finished masterpiece came rushing back.
the song had remained unfinished since the day you and karina broke up. she couldn’t bring herself to throw the song out even after she found it almost a year later. yet, here she was now, years later, making the song you two once started together, the song for her solo project.
as she traced her finger along the faded ink on the paper, jimin couldn't help but wonder. the potential of that song, the magic you both had created in those early days, it was something she could not let go to waste. 
it was time to revisit that unfinished song, to rekindle its fire that once burned so brightly.
for a fleeting moment, jimin thought about asking you to work on the song with her again. after all, you were the muse and inspiration for it. however, she quickly shot her idea down, remembering what yunjin had called you that night.
karina sat at the piano, her fingers gently caressing the keys as she stared at the lyrics you had last penned all those years ago. there were two phrases you had last written.
they said the end is coming.  all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing.
she took a deep breath, closing her eyes and calming her mind for a moment. she thought about everything that had happened recently with you two. jimin thought about the way she felt back then, and how she felt now. truth be told, there was not much of a difference in how she felt back then compared to now.
she still remembered everything, she could see the memories as clear as day. it felt like yesterday to her, honestly. it was all the same, but somehow not. she still hated her company for making her break up with you. she still hated how minjeong had a hand in all of this mess. she hated how all around her, it seemed as if there was no safe place to just be herself. 
it seemed like there was always someone or something that would come after yu jimin’s happiness. 
"industry disruptors and soul deconstructors," she softly sang, her voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination. the words echoed in the room, resonating with the struggles she faced, constantly pushed and pulled by the demands of the music industry.
karina remembered the way your laugh sounded in that same room all that time ago, and her eyes filled with tears of gratitude and love. "to you, i can admit that i'm just too soft for all of it," she whispered, her voice just barely audible. the weight of the world seemed to dissipate as she poured her heart into the lyrics, finding solace in the honesty she shared in her feelings.
the aespa leader continued to sing, her fingers dancing across the white keys. she remembered the way minjeong had betrayed her trust, and yours, by putting those photos out. it was something that she would never forgive the younger girl for. 
"they said the end is coming, everyone's up to something," jimin sang, her voice tinged with a touch of defiance. the outside world may be filled with push and shove, but in that moment, it didn't matter. in the midst of her love for you, she found a refuge from the noise and the expectations, even now after all this time.
"all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing," karina sang, her voice filled with tenderness. in the grand scheme of things, it was the simplest of gestures—the moments of peace, your soft whispers, the love that transcended the noise of the world—that mattered the most.
as the final note faded away, the raven haired girl felt tears falling from her cheeks. the half finished song you had written together spoke of your journey—the struggles, the refuge, and the profound connection that once sustained it.
just as she did back then, karina knew that she had found her sanctuary in the arms of the person who saw her for who she truly was. this now finished song would be a testament to her love for you, a reminder that amidst the chaos and the demands of the world, all she needed was the sweetness of you.
the song was finally finished, and in each note and every word, she found solace, strength, and a profound sense of belonging. 
and maybe once you finally heard it, you’d still feel the same way too.
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you and jimin met as trainees before she debuted, and you two never felt more in love. however, once she breaks up with you before her debut, you completely leave SM entertainment under the notion of needing a fresh start. you eventually debuted a few years later in le sserafim, where you met huh yunjin and have slowly started developing feelings for the idol. much to karina's dismay, she hates to see you have moved on, but deep in your own heart, you still can't help but feel as if maybe she has forgotten about you.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @captivq , @wonyoluvr , @yunalvrrr , @spritin , @babycubchae , @vnschldd , @sserafimez , @chaersly , @rosiehrs , @baldd , @bwljules , @jenaissantesworld , @jennasluma , @dream-chasers-things , @lcv3lies , @elyds , @archerheejin , @vnschldd , @skisk1 , @cfvgbhndun-new-blog , @silantryoo , @phamminji , @bzeus28 , @writingficsblog , @strangegirlcode , @uzumakioden , @noiacha , @sserabey , @archerheejin , @pindoris , @yourstrulytrissmerigold , @jisooftme , @yacii , @ddrummie , @justalittledissociation
[ 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 ]
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Well. That was. Informative! Thank you for the reminder, Bruno!
Why did you feel the need to say that, again...?
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" buddy. "
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" What'd we say about using our words? It's awfully mean to growl at people. "
" If you're upset, take a minute to cool down. You don't need to respond to someone that says something ugly to you. If it makes you sad you can always talk to me about it, remember? I don't mind if you need to let it out but... You might make Peppino uncomfortable growling like that considering... everything. "
" It's okay to feel mad, but you can't growl at people. It might make things escalate, and I don't want to see you get hurt. "
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" You're a hot mess, you. But say, since I'm feeling better, maybe you could help finish prep in the kitchen. I'll be right behind you, I just gotta get the crust out of my eyes and freshen up a little from bawling. Ok? "
" OK. "
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( I don't think telling him everything is a good idea. I've only known him for nearly two months. I think I can level with him on one thing, though... )
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Long text under cut
Gus: You know when you told me the other day about him growling at Brick I thought you were just overreacting.
Peppino: Well now you see what I'm talking about. Maybe you should leave them at home from now on.
Gus: Did you understand what he said? 'Memento Mori'? Is that Italian?
Peppino: No, it's not. Zola, do you know what that means?
Gorgonzola: No sir, I'm sorry.
Peppino: That glob of undercooked dough gonna get a foot up its ass if it doesn't cut it out. I can't take much more of this.
Gorgonzola: Mr. Peppino can I speak to you for a minute, alone?
Peppino: I suppose. Gus, you should help with prep. If you start feeling uncomfortable come back.
Peppino: ...
Gorgonzola: ...
Peppino: Alright, what is it?
Gorgonzola: First and foremost sir, I'm sorry. I-
Peppino: Don't start. I don't want to hear you apologize. You can't control what that thing does.
Gorgonzola: ...Alright, well. I just wanted to talk to you a minute about that. I don't very much appreciate you calling him names, it makes him angry-
Peppino: Nonono, no. Don't. I will throw you out of this Pizzeria by the collar of your polo! I have been SO nice to it today! I let it lick the dishes, eat the old food out of the fridge, and it growled at me this morning because I turned the light on in the kitchen!
Gorgonzola: Sir he's not going to be nice to you after one day of being kind to him... somewhat. You beat him up and threw him off a building.
Gorgonzola: Of course I can't! I don't blame you at all, you were completely in the right to do so. I'm not saying that you were wrong to do any of what you did, but I'm saying that on both sides it was exceptionally traumatizing.
Peppino: Traumatizing for him? Right. His existence is traumatizing to me.
Gorgonzola: Sir he scares me too, you know that right...?
Peppino: What?
Gorgonzola: He scares me a lot.
Peppino: Well... then... why would you vouch for it the way you did when you convinced me to let it in...?
Gorgonzola: Because deep down I know he's just like me. Heck Mr. Peppino, the Tower runs so much deeper than a place we used to live in. That's where life started. There was no outside. Everything that was in there was all we knew, for me all I knew was circuses and shows, for him it was labs and darkness, the only food is rats and other, smaller, messed up versions of yourself. Everyday he has to live with the fact he's supposed to be someone he very much is not.
Peppino: ...
Gorgonzola: I'm not saying you have to put up with him, I'm asking you to have some patience and compassion.
Peppino: Which I've given a lot of-
Gorgonzola: I know, trust me I know. He's a lot for me too. I'm just asking you to have a little more. I can't tell you what to do or convince you that deep down he's a gentle giant, but if you give it time, I think you'll see him for what he is.
Peppino: Damn it. I knew I made a good decision hiring you for the front. [chuckles] You sure you're a clown and not a conman?
Gorgonzola: Being a clown requires a lot of social prowess, sir! Sorry.
Peppino: Ah. Forget about it. Just ... I suppose I'll be more patient with him or at least do my best. Just don't expect an immediate change.
Gorgonzola: I don't, sir. Thank you for hearing me out.
Peppino: Ti ringrazio, Gorgonzola, for talking to me.
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creat0r-cat · 11 months
Iplier Egos Head Cannon - What Song in "Encanto" Did They Get Emotional During?
Surface Pressure
Deep down he really does care about his “brothers”
He thinks he needs to keep up the tough guy act to make them think he isn’t afraid
He is
He’s worried about the space/time continuum, keeping order, and making sure the ipliers’ existence stays a secret
He tries not to let the others see the tears that involuntarily start to fall as Louisa sings about her struggles as the strongest sister
He probably heard all of the songs before watching the movie
He wouldn’t really cry for any of them in particular (feeling that he doesn’t necessarily relate to any of them)
He would look at certain egos to watch their reactions during different songs
He would notice the small things that happen and slowly learn more about his “brothers” based on the musical numbers and their lyrics
After the movie, he’d probably go and visit the egos that had the worst reactions (who got the most emotional or those who would straight up leave the room)
He did get a little bothered listening to “Dos Oruguitas” though
He didn’t get emotional per say
But watching Pedro die with the love song in the background kinda reminded him of when he lost Celine
Fortunately, he opted not to dwell on it too much
Waiting On A Miracle
This boy is INSECURE because of his breakup with Celine
Is he good enough?
Has he done enough?
Is he really worthy of anything?
He wants to be better
He wants his life to be better
But everything seems to slip through his fingers, coming back to resent him later on
He just wants someone to open their eyes and see that he’s worth their time, even if that person is Dark
Mirabel dancing on screen, singing about how she wished to be noticed as part of the family, made Actor tear up, wiping them away before someone could see them
Eventually, it got to be too much (especially seeing how Mirabel was pushed away by her family after trying to help them) and he left the room, using the excuse of getting more snacks
As soon as he entered the kitchen, he had a silent breakdown
Surface Pressure
I can’t really hear Louisa sing “I’m pretty sure I’m worthless if I can’t be of service” without thinking about Google and his first objective
Yes, his secondary objective is relatively important, but the first one is.. Well it’s his PRIMARY objective
If he can’t do anything other than hurt people, then what is the point of him being there?
His optics widen and his mechanical heart speeds up
“How do you feel?” survey pops up and he clicks on one
“I’m in this picture and I don’t like it”
What Else Can I Do?
He’s imperfect
That’s all I really need to say, but I’ll continue
He’s always compared to Google and he knows deep down that he’s worth more than his search bar abilities
He doesn’t want to be perfect like Google
He just wants to be himself, which is hard when everyone is always doting on him for every mistake he makes
Isabella creating spiky plants and beautiful flowers in front of him makes his optics widen and he slowly smiles, feeling an odd mixture of happiness and sadness as he watches her accept her imperfections in spite of her family’s expectations
Dr. Iplier
He doesn’t really get emotional during the songs
When it’s revealed that Bruno has been shunned by his family because of his gift, he smiled sadly
“How unfortunate,” he thought, “for someone to be abandoned because of something uncontrollable and never be spoken of again for fear of taboo”
He’s seen patients in the hospital who never have anyone visit them
He always feels sad when he finds out that someone has been abandoned
He secretly makes trips to animal shelters for that reason, to visit the abandoned animals and give them some love
He gets happy again when Bruno is reunited with his loved ones who welcome him back with open arms
Dos Oruguitas
He wouldn’t relate to any of the English songs enough to have a real reaction
He gets emotional during certain parts of the movie because he recognizes a lot of what’s going on in the Madrigal family (Toxic family roles and stuff like that)
He feels bad for the characters (especially Mirabel and Bruno)
But when “Dos Oruguitas” starts playing and we find out the heartbreaking truth behind Abuelo Pedro’s death
WHOOOO BOY the tears start FLOWING
He hates to imagine the pain Abuela went through, losing the love of her life
Yandere, being a very romantic man, can’t stand the thought of his own senpai leaving him
Like, she’s everything to him!
He’d become very protective of her after watching this movie, afraid of anyone taking her away from him
He’s fine with the movie though, loves the music for the most part
He loves music and finds each of them so amazing
He also kinda relates to each of the English sung songs in their own way (except “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”)
WOAM: The want to be extraordinary and help others
SP: The need to be the tough one and look out for his fellow prisoners and weaker “brothers”
WECAD: The want to live life how he wants without being the picture perfect civilian that the world wants him to be
He thinks very highly of this movie and loves it to bits
He does eventually become frustrated with how often “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” gets sung by people both online and in real life
Like, he gets that it’s a catchy song, but still, give it a break
Waiting On A Miracle
Yes, Illinois is a special adventurous and flirtatious boy 
But not everything is really as it seems with him
His whole “Everyone falls in love with me” act is a facade
He’s trying to convince himself that he’s loved / cared about by someone
He took up adventuring to be different
To be a conversation starter
To be interesting so that somebody
Would look his way and want to be around him 
After all..
He wasn’t special or cool enough growing up to have many / any friends
He sees way too much of himself in Mirabel and ends up leaving the group for a few minutes to cry in the bathroom
Engineer Mark
Waiting On A Miracle
What else needs to be said?
If given pictures of Engineer and Mirabel everyone would say they were the same image
Feels unwanted
Wants to be impressive and help those around him with his talents and ideas
Hides behind a false persona of happiness
He’s close to leaving the room but stays put, activating his space helmet which is also soundproof so no one can see / hear him start to cry
Poor man can’t hear “Waiting On A Miracle” without having a breakdown
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And what the others are doing now?
Abuela puts her foot down, stepping forward. She’s not quite disapproving, but far from pleased.,“Dolores, this is unacceptable. You cannot keep doing this. If there is an issue, you should—”
Dolores shushes her. More eerily than the others, with a finger against her lips.
The matriarch stumbles back, having to be supported by Julieta and Bruno. She stands frozen, one hand by her mouth - mentally considering what to do next, but clearly has no idea. The rest of the family are still watching Dolores. All this attention on her is so entirely foreign. She always wondered what she would have to do to make them pay attention to her, stripping them of their voices was apparently the answer.
“It’s time you learnt what’s is like to be seen and not heard. The same way I was for forced to suffer without being able to utter a word all my life.” Dolores informs, addressing the entire family.
Even without their voices, her parents are both silently yelling things at her. Her gift did help her learn how to lip read, even when she was only a child, but she doesn’t care enough to put those skills into practice now - and besides, that would ruin the whole point of making them silent, wouldn’t it?
Camilo attempts to reproach her again but she brushes him off without hesitation. He was always so goddamn noisy and never knew when to shut his mouth. He was one of the most irritating sounds. She had been so grateful when she lost her gift and stopped having to hear him all the time.
The reminder of those brief seven months, where her hearing returned to its original state and how it’s all been reversed and stolen from her, just infuriates her all over again. That normal luxury she doesn’t really remember. She doesn’t remember anything before her ceremony - she once read a book where it explained that was a trauma response, forgetting everything before a traumatic moment.
This new gift… it gives her more power than she ever had. She could easily take a claim and steal the role of matriarch, lead the town and force them to wait on quiet, bended knees to her. The way she was forced to serve them and honour their privacy for nothing but a torturous existence for herself in response.
She cackled a little to herself, “Let’s not hear another word out of any of you. I don’t want to know what you do or where you go. I didn’t before and I certainly don’t want to again now. Encanto will be my perfect, silent show.”
Her gaze settles back on Mirabel’s hand-marked face and she grins, swanning her way over. The only sound being the swish of her own red skirt and the rustle of her blouse and the pat of her alpargatas against the tiled floor, it’s a symphony in her ears. To be able to hear herself.
It’s not really Mirabel’s fault what happened. She knows that. Poor, little wench is the one who saw the cracks in their miracle after all. If anything, her primita will be the key to destroying it a second time. Of course, she would only take that extreme route if these new powers aren’t as permanent as she would like them to be.
She’ll have to wrangle her away from Luisa (and the others) at some point, it’ll be better to have her on her side than not. If Dolores is the smartest person in town, then Mirabel is a very close second. And God knows she should feel the same hurt and pain she does. Albeit not as literally, but she was made to keep her mouth shut and remain in the shadows too. But Mirabel has always had no spine in her, when it comes to herself.
“Mirabel,” she hums, melodically. In spite of the sweet tone, Luisa tenses beside them and has to force herself to remain quiet and still. It makes Dolores chuckle. She has forced the strongest person in the world under her thumb. “You said I could talk to you about anything, didn’t you? Do you remember that, all those months ago?”
Her younger cousin hesitantly nods without a word. Clearly unsure of where this is going.
“Say ‘yes, Dolores’.” She demands, to one of the few family members able to talk. She might as well force Mirabel to show it off.
“Yes, Dolores.” Mirabel repeats, quietly.
“Wonderful. Then you won’t mind me asking you something?”
This time only a glance prompts Mirabel into speaking again, “No, Dolores.”
She snakes an arm onto her cousin’s shoulder, brushing a hand against her neck - as if she couldn’t already hear the pulse, she can feel it anxiously racing under her finger.
“As you are the philosophy expert here, primita, do tell me: if a tree were to fall and no one was there, does it make a sound at all?”
Her brainiac equal catches the double meaning in her words, the real question she’s asking, not some philosophy question to please Mirabel’s interests of study, the second after she finishes the question. She doesn’t need to look around to know that the rest of the family won’t have a clue.
Mirabel swallows nervously, before giving her answer, “It is a question of perception and reality. Technically yes, the sound still occurs, but if there is no human to perceive it, it questions whether it existed at all.”
“And?” She asks.
“If.. if no one in town was there to witness a tree falling, you would hear it all the same.”
“Clever girl.” She turns back to the others. “You know what the twisted part is? That if this scenario were to happen in reality, I would be expected to tell you all about the fucking tree. Not about me! The one who heard it!”
And the family can’t begin to deny it.
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gamerbearmira · 7 months
No but I expanded on that little joke I made. It's almost December but. I'm getting a headstart because I can. And I like writing about this goofy little au
Lea get it
Mirabel skipped happily, ringing the silver bell her father gave her. She knew only a select few people could hear it. She liked the sound of it, it was like a sweet and gentle ringing that sounded out as she shook it gently. She hummed softly, hopping along the tiles to the dining room where lunch was being set up.
Once she entered, she was scooped up by her father, who peppered her face with kisses. "You really like that bell, don't you Miraboo?"
Mirabel eagerly nodded, shaking the bell once more. "Yeah! It sounds really pretty, and it reminds me of you!"
Agustín laughed at his youngest daughter's reasoning, ruffling her hair before pecking another kiss on her forehead. He let her run off to play, helping set up for lunch.
Once the table had been set, Mirabel rushed to the table, scrambling into her seat in between her papa and Isabela. She set her bell down, getting ready to eat when her abuela spoke up.
"Mirabel, is that your bell?" She asked, and Mirabel looked towards the head of the table where her abuela had been sitting. The small girl beamed, nodding.
"¡Si!" She said, holding it up, causing it to make a small ringing. "Papa gave it to me!"
"Well, I understand you're excited about your new gift," Alma said, sighing a bit. "But please don't ring it so much and so loud, ok nieta?" Alma gently chided and Mirabel nodded before stopping.
"Wait, abuela, you can hear the bell?" Mirabel asked, her eyes wide. Alma raised an eyebrow.
"Yes...of course I can. I've been hearing it all morning. You've been having fun with it I assume," Alma said, taking a bite of her food. Mirabel looked towards Agustín, who looked just as surprised. He reached into one of his pockets and rang a small bell. Alma reacted to it.
Mirabel leaned towards her father, whispering. "But I thought you said only people who believed in Christmas could hear it papá."
Agustín blinked away his shock and looked down at Mirabel. "Well Mira, it seems like Abuela believes. You can't fake something like that."
"Because it's magic?" Mirabel whispered and Agustín chuckled.
"Because it's magic, mija. Christmas magic. Why don't you ask your abuela about it later, hm?" Agustín suggested, and Mirabel nodded with excitement, before joining in an animated conversation with Camilo.
Agustín watched his daughter with a smile for a moment before his gaze shifted to the small bell that sat near her plate. He then looked towards Alma, who was engaged in a conversation with Pepa and Bruno.
There's no way...well, there was a way, but he didn't think it possible. After all, Alma, the matriarch, was such a stern person, and a perfectionist as well. Practicality was something she aimed for, and her believing in something like Christmas was just...baffling to Agustín. Maybe he would ask Mirabel about it once she ask the woman later on.
No but. My reasoning, or at least an idea was that Alma believes cause one, Miracle exists. So there's a possibility, in her mind, that other kids of magic exists; including Christmas magic. Agustín told her and has some what proved it.
Another idea was that Pedro believed, so Alma subconsciously sort of believes as well. Cause it's Pedro.
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Random rambling thoughts on ✨WISH✨ before the movie comes out
- This movie is for the sleeping beauty girlies… or at least IT HAS TO BE. Any other vibe and I’m gonna be extremely disappointed. It’s already giving medieval European fairytale with gorgeous animation so they can’t fumble this bag. I’m not really sure yet what I expect from the plot but I just need a sleeping beauty energy to it idk idk. I don’t really know what I mean by it cause sleeping beauty is so contradictory in itself, it’s so epic but also so quiet and calm and simple… we’ll see
- This movie is gonna comment on astrology and the horoscope right right??? You cannot do a movie about wishes and stars and not give us a peak into the starry night the characters look upon to and study! If I don’t have a scene of asha discussing constellations then what’s the point 😒 but like even just the aesthetics in the background or something. I need it
- I know everyone knows this movie is set in Spain but the official sources say Iberian peninsula and u bet your ass that, as a portuguese gal, imma remind y’all about it cause we get so little representation while the Spanish get everything well now they’ll have to share 😭😭😭😭😭
- Asha having friends is so anti Disney princess of her 😭😭😭 those other girls only talk to animals. Tiana and Pocahontas are the only girls with a bff and that’s only 1, Asha has 7 😭😭😭 I’m not very impressed with their designs but I guess they can grow on me
- I’m guessing the movie is entirely in the kingdom and it’s nearby places like tangled and sleeping beauty, as opposed to movies like moana or frozen that force them out of their home in a long journey
- Do u guys think the Easter eggs will be subtle or Ralph breaks the internet kind of in your face? Cause disney is making a lot of promises, dozens of Easter eggs right? But I think the in your face crossover will be just for the once upon a studio short, and in the movie the cameos will be more Easter eggs and subtle. (Out of topic but have y’all seen that Lego trailer for the Disney princesses vs Gaston thing? I’m telling y’all rn, disney in gonna give up an official disney animation studios movie of the princesses all together in an adventure before 2040!! IM JUST SAYING!)
- I hope the musical numbers take notes from encanto in the dynamism of we don’t talk about Bruno and dreamlike sequences from surface pressure. I just don’t love when characters are forced to be stuck in reality, it feels very limited. Animation is supposed to break those restrictions. And like, not every musical number has to be like this, but I just want more than a character singing in point A, B and C u know? And I like how, for example, a character would start singing the song and then the 2nd half is a montage? Or like in when will my life begin where she starts singing, but then it’s all montage and she just sings again at the end. (Uncharted waters was a very good song with a very boring scene let’s be honest, and something like that is criminal but it would be even worse in animation)
- I’m really not sure what to expect from the plot and I haven’t really thought a]much about it but rn, if I had to guess, I’d say the movie is about a kingdom that parallels present day USA kkkk hear me out!!! The kingdom had low days of war but fought for independence and began from scratch. This family has magic and can grant people’s wishes and promises the people the equivalent of the American dream. But as generations pass, the king starts collecting more and more wishes without ever intending to grant them to the people or maybe the price of the wishes keeps getting higher. The "American" dream doesn’t exist anymore but people still believe in it cause they are powerless but hopefull. Basically the movie is gonna be about dethroning a tyrant and dismantling capitalism 😃 (look I’m not good with words or brain power but I think u understand what I mean). Maybe the king’s magic is fake, he just knows how to work with the stars own magic while no one else can. And in the end, Asha and her friends are gonna Robin Hood their way into granting the peoples wishes or just make then see that wishing only goes so far as you’re willing to work for your dream??… but like I’m serious, I really think this movie is gonna be a shade to America and is gonna go against everything bob iger represents
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danddymaro · 1 year
Icy | Bruno Bucciarati x Reader
mm...zombie mommy
I know the events take place back to back, but lets pretend we have some free time after the beach.
Word count: 2017
You wake up with somewhat of a start, a little gasp escaping you out of pure instinct as you come to. 
It's not a sound that wakes you, or even a movement, but rather, a strange feeling that has you uneasy. 
In a daze, you rub one of your eyes as the other skims over everyone else, making sure they're there ; 
And they are...mostly. 
Every one of them is asleep aside from the one you've realized has been staring at you for far too long. In fact, he seems to hold your gaze for an entire minute without so much as a say, concerning you.
"Bucciarati?” the single address left you, and as it did, it was an immediate snap back to reality for the man. The distant look in his lovely eyes vanishes in that moment before they lightly squint at you as he offers you the gentlest smile, a pleasing expression that’s a mirror to his most inner tenderness.
At the sound of your voice, the intense and stern gaze of his royal blue's deters. Soon,  in place was a more softened look that had you even more worried. 
Perhaps you were reading too much into it, but It was almost like he was sad. 
Though, it wasn’t something you would be too surprised with, because even if none of you had talked about it since...the haunting image of Abbacchio tormented your every other thought. 
After all, it'd only been hours since then.
The definite order in Bruno's voice when he ordered you to leave him behind was present in each recollection too, reminding you that you would mourn him. 
You'd do so after you completed your objective ;  after you made sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain. 
- Because that's what Leone would have wanted himself.
You were certain of it.
' Do you think about it too?' you wondered, not knowing the many thoughts that existed within the man before you. Of course he’d seen so much throughout his young life, and has had his fair share of filthy jobs... but it was different when it was someone you loved. 
- Someone you considered family.
'Is that what's on your mind?' you continued to silently question, knowing he was stronger than you were, aware that while you could barely hold back tears, he'd been the glue to hold you all together. 
Narancia continued to openly cry as Mista looked far in the distance, his typical jovial demeanor turned sour as he fisted his hands and remained silent throughout.
You could hardly see through the tears. 
In fact, you didn't even want to scoot an inch farther than where you were as you held onto Leone's cold hand, cradling it as you tried to share some warmth.
"w-we can't...." you tried to protest, your voice completely drowned out by Narancia's sobs and plea’s to not abandon the man.
“Please...”  you could hardly form a word without a hitch.
'I wouldn't blame you,' you went on, still admiring him even while wondering if his collected behavior was all a mask as the leader of your group. Regardless, he’s done everything he’s had to to keep you together.
"Are you alright?" you finally asked him, your voice still soft, not wanting to wake anyone else up as you'd finally found a place to rest. 
"- Of course," he answered you in a tone that slightly teased you for asking such a question. Meanwhile, his eyes slowly drift away from you, soon traveling overhead to where he could see outside your hidden safe zone.
A small smile still graced him, a lingering of something lamentable still there and making you feel uneasy, even if his voice was nothing but warm comfort directed at you. 
"- Don't worry about me," he assured you after. 
 "You should continue to rest," he then said, surprising you because you hadn't even seen him take an extended blink. 
"Aren't you tired?" you asked him, moving closer, and as you did your hand moved, coming near his laying hand that escaped the touch just as it nearly came in contact. 
There was a soft pang of hurt within your heart, but you brushed past it, simply looking at him with that persistent worry you couldn’t overcome.
silently, his fleeting hand found refuge over one of his knees as he mused over the question, not knowing how to tell you that he didn't feel much of anything. 
- Not since his confrontation with the boss.  
he simply nodded his head in denial, choosing to keep gazing up at the clear ceiling with a sudden stern look, the same stern look that had you worried and begging to ask more questions you were sure he'd dismiss. 
He had always been frustrating in that way. 
He’d always been so easy to talk to while simultaneously sharing none of his own woes.
"You should take the opportunity," he lowly murmured, the advice one you didn't consider much before you responded.
"But...I want..." you nearly fell into silence in the attempt to word your desires, but somehow you managed to gather your courage together, catching the fleeting feeling with everything you could muster. 
'It took a moment...' you reminded yourself. 'Just an instance and he was gone,' a nagging voice persisted, reminding you how suddenly your friend had passed without being able to say goodbye. 
'- But you're right here,' you thought while looking toward Bruno, your heart fluttering at his very sight, just as it always did.
 'The only thing I should be afraid of is losing anyone else... is not being able to say what I feel.' you added with just a touch of hope, a gentle smile gracing you as the thought visits you.
"Bruno...I want to stay awake with you," you voiced, simple and to the point, something that hits him with surprise, much more when he realizes your gaze doesn’t flee. 
In fact, You’d never seemed so certain of anything before in your life. 
 His response was a thick swallow that occurred as his hand tightened over his knee. 
You could see his lips purse, the light tension there soon dissipating as he emitted a soft breath that released more of that strange, new sorrow he carried around with him. 
The truth was that Bruno hasn't felt much of anything since he came back, at best faint echoes of what was once there, but he was certain it would soon fade away too. 
Frequently, he wondered if that gentle flicker in his chest when he looked at you was only a phantom feeling, an echo of what was once there, or if it was truly the love he felt for you existing against all else. 
 That feeling... was it just a memory? was it something like his heart beating? 
He had too many questions, but from what he could gather ; not enough time.
'It's stopped...' he reminds himself, the space in his chest soundless, motionless. 
And yet... you inspired something in him, especially as your eyes look at him with that loving light he’s only just realized has longing.
Leone Crossed his arms as he leaned against the doorway, his eyes closed in deep thought. 
“Chances are...we won’t all make it back,” he told Bruno as they were earshot away from everyone else.
You were the only one in the room with them, unconscious as you laid on the large mattress, placed there by the dark haired man after Giorno had been fortunate enough to put you back together after an unexpected attack.
“We’ve already had too many close calls,” Leone says with little optimism, though he hadn’t had any other grievances if it meant he’d be able to accomplish something. 
Meanwhile Bruno’s hand cradled one of yours, his thumb brushing over your knuckles before he gently let it settle down. 
“That was the risk you  all took when you joined me.” Bucciarati replied, responding back just a bit to icily as he looked down at you, his gaze set on the remnants of blood that still soaked your lips.
“Of course,” Abbacchio said while pushing himself off before staring at Bruno. “which brings me to my point now,” he said while his eyes settled over you. 
“ This is for you,” he said with an apology gaze sent to you as he handed Bruno the envelope he’d crammed in his pocket.
“She’d told me to hand it to you in case anything happened to her... but I don’t see the use in giving it to you after,” he scoffed. 
“I'm pretty sure I know what she meant by ‘Anything,’ but if we’re being technical ….this is constitutes as ‘anything,’ “ he said rather smugly as he handed the letter to Bruno. 
As Bruno sat beside you on the vacant spot of the mattress, he looked up at Leone with surprise.
“...what is this?”  Bucciarati asked softly, and as a response Abbacchio shook his head, chuckling. 
“You defiantly need to read it,” he said while giving him a short wave, deciding to leave you two alone.
Leone just knew the contents by having only looked at the way you’d held it to your chest before you planted a soft kiss on it and handed it to him.
Bruno had been so blind, so oblivious that it had had him stunned as he read the contents that had been written down by your very hand.
Yet, what was something that should bring him an immense joy only saddens him furthermore because he knew that it was only a matter of time before the husk he inhabits suddenly shuts down.
'Thank you,' he doesn't say it, but he leans in, his arms pulling you close to him, bringing your body so close to him, you immediately fit together without a struggle. 
It’s  surprise to you, and your voice catches in your throat. Soon, your chin is right at the bridge of the muscle between his neck and shoulder, resting as you let out a small gasp of surprise. 
You try to dive into the feeling of him embracing you, yet find it difficult. 
He's cold to the touch, even as he's holding you so close, so tightly you should feel some transfer of heat in between. 
Your arms that have crossed behind his back and have been pulling him impossibly close shake, as does the rest of your body. 
It's immediate, the way your eyes flood with tears is dreadful, but not much more than the ease they begin to fall at.
For that moment you don't question why he's so cold, instead, you wonder why you're crying, why such a moment feels nearly dreadful, like something grim looms over you both and threatens to pry you apart. 
‘Why....?’ its a single question that could take many roads.
The way he pulls you close nearly hurts you, but rather than voice discomfort, you say his name in a way that’s eerily soothing.  
Gently, you whisper it by his ear, at a loss for any other words.
"You... feel cold..." it's all you say, managing through the short breaths without a sob, and he says nothing in return. 
Instead, he softly shushes you, his hand pressed to the back of your head, cradling you like a terrified child, which is just what you feel like.
A gentle kiss falls on the crown of your head, lasting as he closes his eyes. 
He doesn’t dare to try for anything more, finding it insulting to graze your warm lips with his numbed, cold ones. He’s concerned over the scent he emits, about all of the wonderful things you’d written down that now couldn’t possibly be true. 
He was even sure that his eyes have lost much of their luster, and he’s just sorry that the last of what you will remember of him will be the grotesque form that now weaves through your lovely strands of hair. 
It’s a shame, though with a little smile gracing him he lays his chin over your head, 
“Don’t worry about me...” he says again, 
“you’ve already brought me joy...” 
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canirove · 1 year
Best friends… forever? | Chapter 13
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"Is that for me?"
"Yep" Rafa smiles, giving Mila a red rose. "It may be too much, but I don't know, I saw a guy selling them earlier and couldn't help myself."
"I love it when people get me flowers. Thank you." Rúben always gets her a bouquet after she's won a big game. After losing it too. Rúben...
"Are ok you?" Rafa asks her. "You look... I don't know. Weird. Are you sure you want to go out?"
"I do, yes" Mila says. "I need to keep my head busy and stop thinking for a while."
"May I ask what has happened?"
"I'll tell you at the restaurant."
"I know" Mila says, taking a bite of her food.
"So you are in love with your best friend, who happens to be Rúben Dias, the Manchester City player."
"I’m not in love with him. I am falling in love with him. It isn’t the same." Or that’s what she tells herself.
"And you came to that conclusion thanks to me?"
"Yeah... And I'm so sorry about it. You probably feel like I used you or something."
"Oh, it’s ok. I knew this was just a fling, that it wasn't going anywhere. Our lifestyles and the fact that we don't live in the same country, make trying something very difficult. To be honest, I'm flattered” Rafa shrugs.
"Flattered? What do you mean?"
"You said you chose me because I reminded you of Rúben, and he is like... Fitness, style and career goals. And you, who know him better than anyone, found some of the things he has on me."
"That's... Weird. But ok, if it makes you happy" Mila chuckles.
"Very" Rafa smiles.
"Then can we stay as friends? I wouldn't mind having someone I can visit in Sevilla."
"The doors of my house will always be open for you. But what are you going to do now? Are you going to tell Rúben?"
"Oh, no. No, no, no. Just the thought of it makes me feel this thing in my chest and... No."
"I don't know. We still have a couple of weeks left before the preseason starts, so I guess I'll go back to Portugal with the girls."
"You are leaving Cádiz?"
"Next week it is Eva's brother's turn to stay at the house, and he invites his friends. We have to leave" Mila shrugs.
"Then come to Murcia with me."
"You said you've never been, right? I think I can convince Pablo to let me take you as my plus one to the wedding. If you want, of course."
"Rafa, are you... Are you sure? Wouldn't it be awkward?"
"Nah" he says. "So tell me. Are you in the mood for a Spanish wedding or not?"
"She isn't coming?"
"Nope. She's staying with some new friends she made" Rúben says.
For the first time in years, Mila is missing their "Portuguese gang" reunion at the end of the holidays. And it doesn’t feel ok.
"New friends? Who?" Bruno asks.
"I'm not sure. She just told me that one of them invited her to his wedding."
"That's odd, isn't it? They just met, and she is going to his wedding."
"Anything to stay away from us" Diogo says. "Or from Rúben."
"Or maybe just from you, who suddenly became the annoying one" Rúben spats.
"Hey, let it be peace" Bruno says. "We are on holidays, remember? Let's try to relax and have fun."
"I don't know how we'll be able to do that with grumpy cat over here" Diogo says, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I'm not grumpy" Rúben replies.
"Of course not" Diogo snorts.
"Ok, new rule. It is forbidden to talk about Mila" Bruno says. "She doesn't exist, understood?"
"Do you think you can forget about her for a few days?" Diogo asks Rúben.
"I can" he says. But he knows that is a lie. Even when he doesn’t want to, he finds himself thinking about her. And knowing that she is at someone's wedding, definitely with the guy she was talking with on that photo, doesn't help.
"Great!" Bruno says. "Let's cheers to that, and think what we want to do next. Maybe rent a boat?"
"Mila, you look absolutely stunning."
"Thank you, Rafa" she says, feeling her cheeks getting warm.
"I just hope they don't kick us out of the wedding."
"Why would they do that?"
"Because I'm sure you look ten times better than the bride, and today it is supposed to be her day" he says with a cheeky smile.
"Oh, shut up" she laughs, taking the arm he is offering her.
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"That has to be the most bizarre dance of my entire life" Mila laughs, letting herself fall on a chair.
"I just can't believe that, being Portuguese and spending your summers in Spain, you didn't know about Paquito el chocolatero."
"I don't know, maybe I'm normal" she shrugs.
"If you were normal, you would have known about it" Rafa laughs.
"It is just so... The moves, you know?"
"I know."
"And everyone dances. Adults, children, the grandparents... Everyone!"
"That's Paquito el chocolatero" he shrugs. "Are you having fun?"
"Lots of fun. Thank you for convincing me to come."
"It's been my pleasure. Though maybe we could... End the night with... Actual pleasure, you know?"
"Rafa... Are you asking me if I want to have sex?" Mila laughs, the woman sitting on the table next to theirs giving her an outraged look.
"Just one last time. As a goodbye. To me, to the summer, to Spain..."
"Ok then" she says after thinking about it for a few seconds. She only has a couple of days left of her holidays before she has to go back to Manchester. Before she has to face Rúben and her feelings for him. And God knows how that will go. So maybe having one last wild night with this very nice and very hot guy like Eva liked calling Rafa, wasn't such a bad idea.
"You sure? If you don't want to do it it's fine, I totally get it."
"I'm sure" Mila says. "Your room or mine?"
Author’s note: In case you are curious about what “Paquito el chocolatero” is, it is a super famous Spanish song with very particular dance moves that it is played on weddings and parties in general, usually when people already are a bit tipsy 😅
The moves that made Mila go 👀 are the ones you can see here at minute 1:27 😂
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bisexualsmallishbeans · 3 months
u there. get questioned. 4, 5, 10, 14, 16, 17, 18, 40, 41, 46, 53, 56 (that's a lot so feel free to leave some out but tell me all about ur boys !!!)
*cracks knuckles* okok so-
4. What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Hmm… Joel likes to do art, and I bet he used to make his own paint too from berries and whatnot. He probably stopped when he found out those plants were coming from his kingdom’s Worst Enemy Ever (this was before he knew Oli) and now he doesn’t remember how to do it right, otherwise he’d absolutely get back into it.
Oli's goofy with hobbies bc he's ADHD-coded /lh, so if he finds a new one he'll just disappear for days and forget society exists for a little while. He likes to play music and used to perform for his parents all the time when he was little, but as he got older and they got more busy he played less because he *needs* that audience to really enjoy it... he'd love to play more for Joel, but he's a little shy about it 👉👈
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Well Joel is always on the verge of tears anyway (/hj), so like... maybe not on command, but he can be set over the edge fairly easily (he's just good at hiding it around most people)
Oli absolutely can cry on command, he's a theatre kid smh. He'll tell people he thinks about dropping a cake facedown on the ground or dead puppies or something, but he's really thinking about losing his best friend, especially after his parents are gone :(
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
Oh Joel will 100% tell you everything he knows about sniffers in a heartbeat 😭 he got that animal kid autism y'know /aff
Oli isn't as "fact-oriented," but if he's with Joel and also someone else then he'll put Joel on blast, who just blasts him back like--
"Hey! Did you know Joel sneezes if you poke him in the ribs?" -> ">:0 well, did you know Oli makes a funny sound if you scratch behind his ears?!" -> "Hah! Did you know Joel is afraid of heights?!" -> "Did you know you can put Oli to sleep by rubbing his nose like a baby?! >:("
14. How do they put out a candle?
Oli's the kinda guy to do the pinching thing tbh. He's gotta do it with flare~ ✨
Joel just blows it out, but Oli always teases him like "why don't you just flap your wings to put it out lol??" Joel says it's because it's inconvenient to turn around to do it, and his wings are too big for that, but he's also scared of burning them- his wings are delicate :(
16. What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
Joel fights with his parents,, they were very good at reminding him that the only reason he existed was to be an heir for the kingdom and they didn't care about him enough to spend any time with him and he was nothing but disobedient after making his 'little friend' an- a lot of things. And even though Oli reminds him that he does have worth and their opinions shouldn't matter and Joel trusts that, it doesn't stop the echoes in his head </3
Oli probably fights with himself the most. He acts all confident and bold, etc. but he's an anxious mess on the inside. He also fights with the "voice of reason" too -- very "silencio bruno"-esque /lh
17. What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
The first thing Joel notices is uhh probably his green bangs? They're pretty vibrant and in front, draws your attention /lh, but other people usually notice his colorful freckles. Oli says they're like a rainbow leading to Joel's wonderful eyes <3
Oli probably notices his hair too? Y'know the like, hand comb thing cc!oli does where he combs his fingers through where his hair is parted? He does that a lot. But he's also got the softest brown eyes full of so much joy and,, ough they're pretty
18. Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
Each other :(
They didn't always, they hadda get through a lot of "I'm supposed to hate you yk" before they really got close, and now they love each other a lot. Doesn't matter if the love is platonic or romantic what matters is that it was there and it overcame everything else, etc. etc.
Oli also loved his parents, and Ren + Martyn who are essentially his parents too, they get along very well <3
40. How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
Joel: “Oh moss, did I do that wrong?? Why didn't they shake back? Did I offend them?! Oh Devs, I’m so sorry, they probably hate me, or think I'm weird for shaking so tight, or--"
Oli: *shakes out hand with a grimace* “Wow, that was weird. Do they know how to shake hands?? LOL”
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Hmm... Joel's got a northern Mezalean accent, and will say things like "I fink / I havva / fank you / ohh blumin'-" etc. when he's tired or stressed or upset or otherwise high/low energy. (Y'know how cc!Joel shouts "EEFO!" and also cc!Stress' tweets? Yeah.) Oli won't necessarily talk like that all the time, but he will mimic and tease him about it hehe ^^
Joel picked up giggling from Oli, he used to rarely laugh at all but Oli's laugh (you know the one) is just so contagious <3
(And also from personal experience (/hj), they both say ourple/ouppy/kibby cat/etc. to be funny, but I dunno who started it)
46. Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Joel's a listener (because he'd rather just sit and do what he's told and not cause a stir, but if he really cares about it then he'll also Really listen), and he'll talk when he's invited to and/or trusts the person. Like if someone "wanted his opinion" on something but he thought they didn't really care he wouldn't really say anything, but if Oli wanted his opinion? Absolutely, here is it. (It's also dangerous for him, because if he starts talking sometimes he just doesn't stop-)
Oli's definitely a talker ahsjfs, extrovert boy- he usually can't stand silence and will just keep talking to fill the emptiness because if he doesn't he'll explode, but you better believe he'll start listening like a loyal dog the second Joel opens his mouth.
53. Who would / do they believe without question?
I… feel like Joel would believe anything Oli said no questions asked, but Oli’s too much of a prankster and Joel's too gullible for that to end well 😭 maybe I'll say each other but only if there's like the Code Enacted that means What I'm Saying Is 100% Slash Serious, you know?
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
They'll usually go to each other for most things because y'know they're very close and trust each other and it's just easy to, but it does depend on what it is too.
Like if Oli's worried about Joel, he's not gonna go to Joel, he's gonna go to Ren or Martyn because he trusts them a lot too, but also they're "ew old parents smh" so if it's a "kid problem" it's bestie time.
Same with Joel, he'll go to Oli for most things (more so than the reverse, because Joel has less support people to begin with), but there are some things he just... can't. And it's times like those where he'll go to his mom for it -- not the queen, his real mom, the Mother Tree. She doesn't talk back in words, but even just curling up in her branches or under her roots is enough to comfort him :')
WOUGH that's a lot,, I had to put off answering this bc I was studying and knew it would take an hour to answer (and it did lol) but <33 auhgjfg,,, I love answering all these kinds of things :D
edit: BRUH THAT'S 1.4K WORDS 😭
(Ask game! Send me asks pspsp)
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afmis · 5 months
Inspired by my last post… the SONGS I’d pick for c!beeduo? SO GOOD ‼️ my c!beeduo playlist was literal genius guys
If I may share some… 😏
Friendly Neighborhood Poltergeist by Rory Webley-
I like to pretend Ghostboo never existed. But if c!beeduo had been portrayed well and cc!beeduo hadn’t been such PUSSIES ‼️ …ghostboo could’ve been SO good. Such a painful arc for them. Like a love triangle 🥰 but it’s two of the same person and their husband 💀 anyways 😭 this song always reminds me of ghostboo. How c!tubbo would’ve just ignored him in favor or missing c!ranboo. While ghostboo felt like he could’ve been better
Lovefool by The Cardigans-
A classic. Obv, after the burger arc. Where c!ranboo immediately jumps to conclusions. Tho I also feel like with the way c!tubbo was written in that arc… ya can’t blame c!ranboo 💀
Francis Forever by Mitski
Mitski is literally c!Tubbo’s artist. Her songs are literally like all in c!Tubbo’s pov. But this one I’d imagine is after c!ranboo’s death, and where he doesn’t know how to go on after
If You Leave by Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
I kinda imagine, in my better canon ending. They kinda wistfully parted ways. I think this one captures that ending well (OFC in my ending they got back tg after)
It Will Rain by Bruno Mars
In my perspective, c!Tubbo was written HORRIBLY. I think bc cc!tubbo hated cc!ranboo he didn’t even try with c!beeduo’s relationship 💀 but I imagine, and I rlly wish he was written in this way, that c!Tubbo really did love c!Ranboo. He was just as smitten as canon c!Ranboo was with c!Tubbo. He just wasn’t great at expressing it, and he always thought c!Ranboo could do better. But he was secretly terrified of c!Ranboo leaving, and he didn’t want that. Ofc, “cuz there’ll be no sunshine if I lose you baby” and “if you walk away, everyday it’ll rain”. He would be devastated if c!Ranboo left, not uncaring like c!Tubbo was portrayed
Warning Sign by Coldplay
Like my last one says, I think c!Tubbo was very insecure when it came to c!Beeduo’s relationship. He 100% thought c!Ranboo deserved better and thought c!Ranboo would be better without him. So I think he would’ve let him go. I think this song would show that kinda misery that came with actually LOSING c!ranboo and not having them in his life. He’d be running into c!ranboo’s arms fr 😭
I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston
I think in the fucked up canon where c!beeduo weren’t meant for each other in the end. They would come to the conclusion that being married wasn’t for the best. So this song would be c!Ranboo leaving bc they know they aren’t what c!Tubbo needs. C!Tubbo would need more than c!Ranboo. Hey, I never said I liked my perspective of canon c!beeduo 💀
The Exit by Conan Gray
Every time I hear this song I remember c!Beeduo and just cry. But I kinda imagine post burger arc, c!Ranboo is just heartbroken and c!Tubbo is unapathethic. They grow apart. c!Tubbo is happier away and living his life. Even months later, c!Ranboo is still left wondering what went wrong with their life and their family and trapped in the past. They haven’t healed, aka “feels like we had matching wounds, but mine’s still black and bruised and yours is perfectly fine”. They’re just sad and heartbroken 😿 c’mon c!tubbo
Save Your Tears by The Weeknd
Every since this song came out, I think around the divorce arc, I’ve immediately thought of c!beeduo. In c!Tubbo’s pov ofc. “You look so happy when I’m not with you. But then you saw me, caught you by surprise . A single teardrop falling from your eyes. I don’t know why I run away. I make you cry when I run away. You could’ve asked me why I broke your heart. You could’ve told me that you fell apart. But you walked past me like I wasn’t there. You just pretended that you didn’t care. “ and “Girl take me back cuz I wanna stay, save your tears for another- I realize that I’m much too late and you deserve someone better. “ I feel like this would either be present burger arc or post. Maybe both. c!Ranboo heartbroken and c!Tubbo realizing and wanting to fix things
Level of Concern by Twenty One Pilots
Present burger arc. “Cause I told you my level of concern, but you walked by like you never heard” I’m act not quite sure for which of them I picked this song for. Maybe c!Ranboo being worried during the whole like. c!Tubbo and c!Quackity partnering thing and c!Tubbo being oblivious/dismissing it. Or c!Tubbo being worried about them and c!Ranboo ignoring his questions due to being angry
Little Talks by Monsters and Men
I think this song fits the change from the happy-go-lucky honeymoon phase where everything is perfect, to the “uh-oh, something’s wrong” start of unraveling and distrust of their relationship. Obv, c!Tubbo is the one who is panicked and feeling unsure, while c!Ranboo is the one who is trying to comfort him
Christmas in June by AJR
This is just bc of the animatic I saw years agon💀 but I feel like it is fitting. GO WATCH THE ANIMATIC THO IT’S SO CUTE, I THINK IT’S CALLED CHRISTMAS IN JUNE. BEEDUO? ANIMATIC? IDK 😭 GO WATCH IT THO
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
This isn’t less of the divorce arc and more of just c!beeduo in general 😭 to where I’d imagine the canon where they wouldn’t end up enemies LMFAO. This song is SOOOOOO c!Tubbo, panicking bc he accepted he’d never have a happy ending and here comes warm, loving c!Ranboo to turn that around. So cute
When He Sees Me (a lot of artists, it’s from the Waitress musical 😭)
c!Tubbo fr. Post L’Manberg, logical and pessimistic c!Tubbo who doesn’t ever see himself finding love. But he does want to be loved and meet the one, he’s just scared because he doesn’t feel like anyone could love him
Love Like You (Steven Universe lol)
I’M SORRRYYY IK THIS ONE IS SO OVERDONE 💀 but this fits c!Tubbo so well. Sorry I love me some c!Tubbo study y’all. Once him and c!Ranboo get “platonically” married, become really close and they rlly start to love each other. c!Tubbo is like holy guacamole. He’s literally the most incredible and kind-hearted person he’s ever met and he’s just too good. Nothing like c!Tubbo. And he’s like what’s he doing with me 😿 (hence the whole “he deserves better I’m so emo” thing)
I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith
This song makes me so emotional it’s so beautiful 😭 but I’d like to imagine c!Beeduo as this beautiful, loving, completely smitten relationship. I feel like in the beginning, around like March-June 2021 where they’re like wow this is new I’m like secretly in love with my platonic husband (or after they finally makeout) and we’re staring into each other’s eyes and everything’s so perfect and I’m so happy. This song is what I imagine c!Beeduo’s relationship as. Completely in love, like a dream
Strawberry Blond by Mitski
(Back to the divorce arc again LOL) c!Tubbo being oblivious and happy with his new life selling… burgers. c!Ranboo just smiling through the pain like I’m SO happy for you *ugly sobbing* but he loves c!Tubbo too much so he’ll put up with whatever
Sally’s Song (Nightmare Before Christmas)
I watched this movie for the first time around the c!Beeduo divorce arc. Yeah ik 💀 but when I heard this song I was like HOOOOOOOO THIS IS THEM FR ‼️ naw bc like “I sense there’s something in the wind that feels like tragedy’s at hand. And though I’d like to stand by him, can’t shake this feeling that I have. The worst is just around the bend. And does he notice my feelings for him? When will he see how much he means to me? I think it’s not to be” LITERALLY the whole song is c!Ranboo I’m just not gonna copy and paste the entire thing 😭 in the canon I think c!Ranboo would be the one who’s aware that the burger arc can only lead to bad things, and c!Tubbo’s oblivious (HE WOULD NOT BE BUT 🙄). Alas, c!Ranboo doesn’t want to say anything and silently supporters c!Tubbo’s decision, knowing c!Tubbo is ignoring c!Ranboo’s feelings
I Love You So by The Walters
I would play this song on loop just thinking abt c!Beeduo back then 😭 and every time I hear it I’m like ah. The gays. “You’re saying I’m the one but it’s your actions that speak louder” c!Ranboo seeing c!Tubbo isn’t SHOWING that he loves c!Ranboo. “I’ve got to get away and let you go, I gotta get over… but I love you so” c!Ranboo knowing he needs to leave c!Tubbo but he loves him too much to leave. “I hope you feel what I felt when you shattered my soul, cuz you were cruel and I’m a fool, so please let me go” c!Ranboo eventually building resentment and leaving
Happier by Olivia Rodrigo
“Oh, I hope you’re happy. But not like how you were with me. I’m selfish, I know. I can’t let you go. So find someone great, but don’t find no one better. I hope you’re happy, but don’t be happier. “ c!Ranboo would 100% be the bitter ex-wife who loves c!Tubbo but also wishes him the worst LOL. He’d be like “yeah we’re done and I don’t wanna be with you, I hope whoever you end up with or whatever you end up doing doesn’t make you happy”
Feeling Lonely by boy pablo
“Can’t help it, I just miss you. How did I lose you now again? “ c!Tubbo. After the burger arc, c!Ranboo is bitter, distances himself, starts spending less time in snowchester and with c!tubbo, talks to him less and less until he’s not even there anymore. c!Tubbo finally stops being oblivious and is like “pookie what happened 😕💔” and turns into actual devastation bc he’s actually sad that c!Ranboo’s gone and he lost him
Alr folks 😭 that’s it. I’ll link my sloppy, unfinished (and probably will never be finished) c!beeduo playlist if desired. Y’all can take a look if desired :) if you actually got this far, I commend you. But I probably would’ve as well 💀 I’m desperate for any ounce of c!beeduo I can get. LOVE YOU, BYE!
playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5BmmigtYA6GkOfFpaiFMda?si=uzocViyuRSyjK6scrJeKfA&pi=u-hU4qqT47SwqK
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Hc the includes vampire Jotaro au and Grandpa wham au. (Also playing off that previous ask someone sent that wham and Jotaro are very close)
(So i want to say ive talked about this concoeg a bit before but honestly i don’t remember)
But idea is the pillar men are like natural predators to vampire and so vampires are just like instinctively afraid of pillar men.
So SDC happens and by the end of it Jotaro gets turned into a vampire and after the ordeal is first sorted through and things are a bit calmed down Jotaro goes to his grandfather Wham for comfort and only find himself afraid. He has never in is life been scared of wham. Logically he knows wham would never hurt him, he knows he loves him and would do anything to protect him.
And yet he want to run, to hide to get as far away from this man as possible. He tries to hide these feelings but it’s obvious that something is wrong. Jotaro is tense and skittish in a way he has never been before. Extremely guarded. He wont relax. He wont even touch wham and (whether subconsciously or not) is staying at least arms distance away at all times.
At first wham thinks its due to everything he has been through but Jotaro doesnt act like that around anyone else and as time passes its not getting better if anything its getting worse. Jotaro find reasons to see wham less in less.
Eventually the truth comes out and wham is devistated to have one of his loved ones so scared of him but things do get better. It takes time but Jotaro trusts him despite what his instincts tell him and eventually things become normal again he is able to relax and be calm around wham, but deep down that nagging fear still lingers.
(Also bonus for dhampir gio, when gio is introduced to the family he is wants nothing to do with wham, being only half vampire the feeling isnt as strong but still he ends up subconscious hiding behind bruno(he came for emotionally support) when they were in the same room)
I think joylne wouldnt get the same feeling because she grew up with wham so the instinctual fear never really developed. Kinda how animals raise in captivity dont fear humans.
oh Jotaro is going to feel AWFUL about this. Not only has his humanity been stolen but he's now also terrified of one of the few people he trusted with comfort. He wants Wammu to hug him and hold him and tell him everything will be okay but the mere thought of being in the same room as him, let along touching him, is enough to terrify him nearly as badly as the thought of hurting anyone
however...... at the same time this terror is going to serve as a weird comfort. That there's one person he'll be unable to hurt, one person who would be able to stop him incase he became uncontrollable. It absolutly shatters Wammu heart one day when he hears Jotaro ask him to kill him because just...... Wammu has seen Jotaro grow up. Has seen him as a small helpless infant, has seen him smile and laugh and cry and yell, has seen him be turned into a monster of his father's making, and despite that has seen him hold strong to his humanity and refuse to let go
While Wammu does agree to Jotaro's request, he swears to himself that he would do everything in his power to prevent it from happening
eventually Jotaro learns to suppress his instincts. Just like the hunger, he locks it away in a little box and shoves it into the deepest, darkest corner of his mind. And just like the hunger it never fully goes away, lingering as a constant remind of what he is, but it becomes easier to ignore. The first time he's able to touch Wammu, even though it was just for a fleeting moment, he almost cries. When he's able to hug him again, he does
And I had a fun idea for Part 5: what if Jotaro ends up being the one to stay with Bucciarati this time. After all, he has no idea Jolyne exists and wouldn't have many things stopping him from staying. He's already doing his schooling at home, cares for Bucciarati like a sibling, and he knows his Grandpa Wammu has a limited amount of time with his other grandparents left. Besides..... he wants more out of his life than staying in the dark of his mom's house. His mental health is doing better, and he's reached a point where as much as Dio's ruined his life, he still wants to live it. Italy would be able to give him a change of scenery
I also checked the timeline and for once I don't have to shuffle things around/flat out ignore them. Paolo was attacked the same year Jolyne was born, meaning there is MORE than a big enough window for Jotaro and Marina to conceive her and him later moving to Italy
Bucciarati doesn't know all the details. Just that 3 years ago Holly got really sick, and when she got better Jotaro got sick with something else that made him kinda like Uncle Wammu and he stopped calling for a few months. It's definitely an adjustment with Jotaro being the one to watch him, but they make things work and are happy
and also what if he just...... never fully explains to the Bucci Gang what he is. He just becomes Bucciarati's Weird Sorta Freaky Brother/Guardian Who We're Pretty Sure Is A Stand User But Also We Haven't Seen Him Eat. Or Sleep. At All.
on the plus side, come this AUs version of Part 5 Jotaro is ready to completely annihilate these assholes
also, while Wammu is definitely going to be heartbroken another child is afraid of him, Jotaro is going to be a good help with getting Giorno used to him. Things are made more more and less difficult by the fact that this is their first meeting. More because Giorno has no familiarity to build off of, but also less because there aren't going to be the wildly conflicting emotions making things more confusing which Jotaro had to deal with
and with Jolyne, technically she'd be in the same boat as Giorno. Since nobody knew she existed until Stone Ocean when she was 19 she wouldn't have known Wammu at all. At the very least, things are made easier by how being an almost fully matured adult, his instincts are easier to tune out, so she gets used to Wammu the fastest
(and speaking of the guy, he's very happy that there's not one, but three other people who have extended life times. It's comforting knowing they'll be able to live longer than a regular human and all four of them offer each other a sense of stability in that sense)
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amateurduhhh · 2 years
Waiting in Venice
You step in front of a projectile stand user, saving Bruno's life but he has to live with the aftermath.
Content Warnings: Blood, death, angst
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You could imagine Leone's face when he sees you after this is all over. His lip would curl in disgust, letting his nose upturn at the sight of you before him. And despite this, there would be a shroud of grief in his eyes. Perhaps he would say something to scold you for leaving Bruno behind.
Leone wouldn't care that you had no other choice. You weren't going to abandon the man who reminded you love exists. Seeing Bruno's face horrified as your body plummeted to the ground at his feet was a small price to pay to keep him safe. Even if it was for just a second.
He didn't have much spare time to grovel at your downfall. In a scathing series of events, your sacrifice gave him the perfect window to take down the enemy stand user. From your dire spot on the ground, Bruno's pained grunts and screams as he disposed of the enemy echoed in your ears like an infectious ghost haunting your mind.
You felt guilty. It sounds silly but you gained a habit of feeling guilty after getting hurt. Bruno's reaction to your fallout would be a miserable cross to bear. It only added to the pain. Thankfully there was adrenaline to mask it but that only meant you bled faster with your heart beating like crazy.
He stumbled toward your withering body. His hands were clean despite hastily ridding of the enemy. He tried to look angry but really his brow furrowed into his desolate gaze.
"I thought I told you to stay behind?" His voice was rigid and white-hot with rage as if he was the one being betrayed by the boss.
"Br– Bruno..." you croaked. The taste of metal was thick on your tongue. You dismissed his anguish, playing by the clock of your sifting life. It fled from your body quicker than the words spilled from your mouth. "I never told... you... it meant a lot... a lot when you took me in... Tha–thank you."
"Stop." It was an order. He shook his head slowly from side to side. This fate was always a possibility. Such is life of Passione.
"This isn't so– so bad... if I'm gonna d–die I'd want it to be... to be like this..." Your vision began to spin.
"You deserved something different. This wasn't what I... you should've had better than this..." As your capo, of course he took responsibility but as your lover he was feverish and devastated.
He knelt down beside you, pressing his hands to the wound. To his blight, the wound was bigger than his palm. The ground you laid on was visible from the wound.
"We lost Fugo a-and Abbaccio..." you gasped. You began to shiver, the air felt as if it was ice water. "Why's this– this diff'rent?"
He clenched his jaw. "You know exactly why this is different."
You had no response. The thumping in your chest grew weaker and weaker. Bruno could do nothing but watch his lover slip through his fingers like the blood rushing from your body down the grates of the city storm drains.
"I had... so much t' tell you, Brun...o." Your eyelids grew heavy. "There's... so much... I never– never s–said..."
"Don't." He released a big sigh. Hopelessness pooled in his eyes seeing you this way. He put aside his frustration and gave into the sorrow. "Don't worry, tesoro. Please."
Bruno caressed your head, hushing you as he whispered quiet assurance in your ear. He spoke in crisp Italian. It brought tears to your eyes. Not knowing when you'd see him again made your gut wrench. You had never felt so scared. Countless times you had looked death in the eye and until now, you never considered the ramifications to their full extent.
"I don't... wanna die," you softly sobbed. "I'm sorry... I'm so selfish for... for making you worry."
Bruno's heart was in pieces. Your voice sounded like broken glass when you twitched and quivered in his embrace. Being a mafioso, he hadn't felt so powerless until now.
"Hush, tesoro." He held you close and gingerly rested kisses onto your forehead. "You did great work. But it's over now. You can rest."
"It's s-so cold... Bruno... hug... hug me tighter."
He complied, relishing the last bit of warmth that was quickly fleeting. He let a few tears slip very silently. Crying never came easy to him and the last time he had was a distant memory. It was different this time. This time, he felt as if he would never stop. Ever since you were recruited, he knew this would happen. It was just his luck to fall in love with such danger.
"I'll see you soon, my love." His lips whispered against your cooled flesh. He knew you were gone when you no longer trembled in his arms. Bruno waved his palm over your eyes that were partially open when you died.
You sat in a boat in the Venetian canals. Nobody else was there. Just you and the water. You tilted your head back, looking up to the sky. The sun hung just overhead. It was noon.
Memories flooded back to you. The blood and feelings of hopelessness and utter loss of control. As they played like a slide show in your head, you relaxed on the rim of the boat and sighed.
"You're here?" A smooth, deep voice spoke. It wasn't a question, more than it was a dismal observation.
You turned your head to the voice across from you. Funny, you never felt a weight in the boat but here he was. It was Leone. There was no certainty that it was really him. Even so, you had a promise to keep. He nonchalantly sat across from you, enjoying the ride. This made sense. Why he was here with you instead of Bruno. Bruno was gone– or no wait... you were gone.
Leone didn't have that look of disappointment you expected. He knew Bruno would be here soon enough. All you had to do was wait here in Venice.
"Yeah... and I have so much to tell you."
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heliphantie · 2 years
Luisa!~ Luisa!~
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Feliz Cumpleaños!
I like her character. She reminds me characters like Makoto Kino or Applejack, strong and tough yet sensitive and caring. Also, from what we had seen of her, she appears to get most of her personality from father, it seems…
She turned quite bigger than she really is, Hagrid-sized sort of… But consider it’s to be a device to demonstrate how she’s proud of being able to carrying the family with her arms and let them know they’re free to depend on her.
Black-and-white ver. under 'read more':
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Non-colored version. To be fair, I liked it enough as it was, one day I may try to color it digitally. But hey, if you’d like to make something out of it yourself, let me know how it’s turned.
…In fact, on closer inspection, it appears, I’ve blundered thrice more. Forget enormous Luisa, there’s things even more ridiculous. I could’ve let it slip if it was just one thing, and doubt anybody notices, but I can’t pretend there’s no mistakes, so I have to point at them))
during coloration, drew straps on Bruno’s sandals in the way so he’s got left and right legs switched places… Either that, or as result, he sits in even more unnatural, uncomfortable pose with awkwardly crossed legs. Let’s stick to it. And don’t ask, where his right hip is. Bruno has incorporeal body, nothing exists under that ruana.
again, during contouring/coloration, drew Mirabel’s collar wrong way (similar to Pepa’s, you can see it). Decided to pretend that it’s completely different blouse. Drawing the same outfit on the character is boring anyway.
forgot to add embroidery on Julieta’s slippers. Let’s also take it as different ones. I didn’t ever notice she has images on it until looked closely at her character reference.
It’s, of course, kind of funny to check what I’ve overlooked when the thing is finished and scanned, to take notes for future cases, so no regrets:)
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dominijoyce · 1 year
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"Are you crying? Is everything alright?"
"Yes, I just- I have always dreamed of this opportunity and lost hope in it and yet- And yet, here you are."
Idea inspired by @starplatinumgold in which Fugo is a gorgon who went all of his life scared of hurting others and Giorno is a living stone statue and therefore immune to his deadly sight giving his lover the opportunity to be this close to someone without worry of doing them harm.
Also if you are interested, I included some of my ideas of other Vento Aureo characters in this Monster AU under the cut- Maybe someone might get inspired to produce something out of that, just how I did, heh.
Okay *cracks knuckles*
Vento Aureo Monster High AU (cause that's what happens when two completely different hyperfixations meet)
First things first, this AU doesn't take place in the high school itself, cause I don't wanna mess with character ages and etc. This AU (at least my version of it) doesn't involve mafia either, because I just imagine it as a simple Vento Aureo Simple Slice of Life shenanigans, but with monster twist (they deserve to not suffer at least once, heh)
The main idea for Fugo other than a gorgon is that he is specifically the child of Sthenno (was thinking of Euryale first, cause there is no canon child of her yet, but I think Sthenno fits him better)
The original poster that inspired this idea compared Giorno to a gargoyle but I don't think that fits him so he is a living statue, cause Araki based his design off of one. While they aren't connected in this AU, I also sorta got the inspiration from the myth of Galatea and Pygmalion which makes both Giorno and Fugo related to ancient myths ^-^ (also my friend pointed out that it also fits, because vampires are connected to Pillar Men - wasn't intentional, but also fun)
As for the rest of the main squad-
Bruno is a werewolf, but not because of the reasons that people might compare him to one (wolflike behaviors, leadership skills, sort of caretaking nature etc.), I mean those too, but I made him into one, because of a reason that only real true OG Monster High fans are able to connect :p
Leone is a banshee, because death follows him everywhere, heh. In all seriousness I just think it fits him and his aesthetic and also I have seen multiple reinterpretations of him as a ghost and I wanted to be sort of "original" (banshees *are* ghosts in MH, I know, but they are like weird and not full type of ghosts so *shrug*)
Narancia is a steam robot, who is a "failed prototype" of his creator, that was thrown away. He malfunctions quite often or even completely shuts off due to various issues with his design, quite often forced to replace his parts with any new ones he manages to find (can't exactly afford to buy new ones yet or do a full repair). Also he has a jetpack, a radar similar to his Stand and his shoes can switch to roller-skates.
Mista is a black werecat, because I honestly have no idea what else could fit him tbh. His main gimmick is luck and unluck, where he is superstitious about every little thing (not only fours) that could bring unluck - sometimes including himself, even when others reassure him there's no way he brings anyone bad luck with just existing. He is still paranoic though.
Lastly, Trish is a hybrid monster, because I fell in love with this concept back when it was introduced and I firmly believe we need more of that. She is a sea monster and boogeyman hybrid. Sea monster cause she grew up on the coast and boogeyman cause Diavolo ofc, but also I think it is funny cause in canon MH boogeymen hate being the center of attention and use shadows or shapeshifting to always be out of spotlight, while I imagine Trish would be the opposite of that and always strive to be the brightest star in a room. Sea monster also fits, because some of those underwater weirdos (like octopi among others) can manipulate their shape to such a high degree and fit into such narrow spaces and that kinda reminds me of her Stand.
If you read all of this, thanks for being interested in my random rambles and ideas and hope you like them. Maybe I will come up with more (was considering Part 6 Protagonists as Monsters, but not many ideas yet), but for now have these funky creatures!
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