#but i love clear and forte they are so Tender
vacantgodling · 1 year
Since you're already probably gonna do them for Hya & Amon (very excited for that) how about 30-35 from obligatory otp for a tcol couple?
thank you for asking!! :3c
i am extremely tempted to do this (or like a one question) for all my favorite canon/non canon tcol ships cuz i Do Not talk about them enough however i will restrain myself to one and do the brain rot tcol ship which is clear and forte
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
i think forte would be wearing something skin tight, midriff showing (kinda similar to what clear wears while dark hunting tbh) and clear would be experiencing major blood loss in the background.
clear would be wearing something kind of drapey and soft (forte just wants him to be COMFORTABLE and REST), sleep clothes basically take ur ass to Bed.
31. Can they sit side by side without touching the other or are they handsy? (lacing fingers, touching knees, etc.)
even before they got together they were always a BIT handsy. but it’s more of the companionable, touching shoulders, knees, standing close type of thing. when together they’re not like Hella PDA-y with their relationship but clear really enjoys holding hands or having a hand or arm on each other’s waists and the like and who is forte to deny him?
32. Who's the better story teller?
points to the bard’s son aka forte. he has a real natural knack for it and is very good with suspense and embellishment when necessary; clear is a bit more to the point or jumbled when he tells stories there’s no in-between.
33. Who's the better cook?
honestly neither of them are good at it LMAO 💀💀
34. Who's more likely to tell a dirty joke or story to make the other blush?
honestly both of them are likely to make dirty jokes, but i think they both say it offhandedly and in a somewhat sly way—so others may not 100% get the reference up front. however, clear is definitely more likely to blush; in general he gets more flustered than forte does about like anything especially when it comes to relationships or romance etc. forte can usually dish it right back if clear instigates a joke lmao.
35. Who's more artistic?
once again pointing to the bard’s son (forte) however he hasn’t really wanted to pursue anything artistic bc he wants to be his “own person.” clear wasn’t really allowed other outlets growing up so i think he’s fascinated with the arts, and he does have a pretty decent singing voice, but he feels a bit awkward pursuing anything.
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fushigurro · 4 months
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𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗨 𝗚𝗢𝗝𝗢 𝗫 𝗚𝗡!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥. ⌇ fluff / established relationship / cuddling. that’s pretty much it it’s basically just pure fluff!!! but really sappy because apparently i’m in a mood. there’s some slight selfship vibes because i couldn’t help myself but overall i don’t think it’s too bad / 1.1k words
HAPPY EARLY VALENTINE’S DAY!!! i got hit with this all of a sudden and decided to write and share it while i had the time/motivation. hope you enjoy, this made me rather emotional to write tbh!
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He’s like a large dog that’s unaware of its own size, inviting itself to sit upon its owner’s lap despite the near crushing weight of its body. That’s the best comparison you have to how Satoru positions himself as you relax together in bed, his torso covering your own as his head rests happily upon your chest.
The hour is late and it would serve you both well to properly dress down and nest beneath the covers for the night, but the energy for the task has yet to strike either of you, and, well… it simply feels nice to be close like this, even if you’re admittedly struggling to breathe. Satoru’s weight is heavy upon your ribcage, his muscles limp and eyes closed with the intent to drift off at any moment.
You’ve lulled him into a state close to slumber with your rhythmic breathing and the dancing of your fingertips along his scalp, white strands of beautiful silk slipping between your digits in a most soothing manner. He could write endless prose about how your heartbeat feels like home thumping beneath him, and the tender touch of your hands helps welcome him to the abode. Your presence brings him closer to peace than almost anything ever has, and that’s why you feel reluctant to disturb his rest. But he is indeed stealing your breath, and not in a lyrical way.
“Satoru, baby… you’re crushing me.”
Your confession is soft and warm against him like an angel’s breath, and that only makes him want to further solidify his position, to hold down his fort.
Without even opening his eyes, he just petulantly hums against you in protest, almost like a whine as he tightens his grip and more forcefully presses his cheek to your chest.
You wriggle beneath him, the motion providing you with an inkling of relief so that you’re able to settle again, allowing Satoru to continue his reign unchallenged. You simply sigh as you both go lax again, falling into the same quiet rhythm as before.
This time you pay more attention to the familiar slope of his nose, the gentle white sweep of his eyelashes, the pink tint of cheeks heated by contentment and fatigue. What a beautiful form, not just for being cut in ways that are pleasing to the eye, but for being completely and unapologetically him. And for waiting on you to love him like you do now.
There’s a sensation in your chest and it isn’t from the weight of Satoru’s skull on it. It isn’t sudden either—it’s more so like it has been there for some time, and you’ve just now taken the notion to realize it. There is no fright or ambiguity. Only peace and acceptance.
“Satoru,” you call in a gentle yet determined breath as you gaze down upon him. He is unaware.
“Hm,” he replies. It’s a half-conscious staccato grunt of acknowledgement. Your fingers still their motions in his hair.
“Do you wanna marry me?”
You speak as casually as you might when asking him what he wants for dinner.
It takes a moment for it to register, but when it does, he’s sleepily opening his eyes and resting his chin on your chest to look up at you with genuine inquiry. “Huh?” His hair is mussed, blue eyes squinted, brain layered with fog.
You repeat yourself, expression neutral. “Do you wanna marry me?”
The second utterance from your lips rouses him further from his tired state, body shifting somewhat from the fresh anticipation, his eyes still glued to your face.
“Yeah… yeah, of course I do.” It’s the truth. He’s made it rather clear on several occasions, whether it be through somewhat teasing tongue-in-cheek remarks or more serious speculations about how he always pictures you in his future. But what you don’t know is that he’s had a ring picked out for you for quite some time now, waiting until the moment it seemed like you loved him enough to not say ‘no.’
Satoru’s bleary eyes now sparkle with hope as he watches you, wondering what this is all supposed to mean.
Valentine’s Day is in a mere few days but that matters little to you. What really does matter is that feeling in your chest, that realization that came from being willing to let him smother you beneath his weight if only to allow him a few more moments of peace. The realization that you would gladly run short on oxygen for him because you know he would do the same for you in return. The realization that you gladly linger on the beauty of his existence and his willingness to offer you his vulnerability on a silver platter. The realization that you aren’t afraid to love him anymore.
This wasn’t planned. It wasn’t overthought. It simply blossomed following a period of growth.
Finally, after a few more moments of letting that feeling settle, you speak. “Well… will you?”
His gaze never falters, but he’s propping himself up more properly now, jaw going slack as he searches your face for any signs of humor or dishonesty.
“Will I…?” he trails off, dumbstruck, brain working to become fully alert as his heart thumps.
“Will you marry me?”
Satoru is still unsure of whether or not you’re joking, but if you were, he’d say you’re the greatest actor on the face of the planet. Your expression is serious, determined, and unwavering, and it causes every inch of him to flutter. Surely he’s dreaming. Surely this isn’t truly happening.
“Don’t mess around with me,” he says defensively yet with a hint of hope still coloring his tone. He’s expecting you to grin and laugh, to say that it was all in good fun. But your aura remains sincere.
Your hands move up to cup his cheeks, thumbs stroking over the rosy hue as you speak. “Do I look like I’m messing around?”
Several beats of silence pass and your eyes are locked, and Satoru gently shakes his head after discerning that you are in fact not playing a practical joke. Looking closely enough, you swear you see the subtle mist of tears adorning his lower lashes.
“…So?” you question in a half-whisper, urging him to give you an answer despite the suddenness of it all.
Satoru blinks and stares, absorbing it, accepting it as reality and internally rejoicing.
He had bought the ring but you had asked the question. You’d met each other in the middle without even knowing it, without him having to roundabout beg for it anymore. It’s all he ever could’ve hoped for.
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cubarsis · 4 months
—impending fatherhood | h. fort garcía
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synopsis : teen dad Héctor.
Genre : angst with comfort
requests open 🎀
HÉCTOR'S HEART POUNDED in his chest as he watched his girlfriend anxiously waiting for the pregnancy test results. They had been dating for over a year, and while they had talked about their future together, neither of them had expected this moment to arrive so soon.
When the test finally displayed those two little lines, Hector's mind went blank. Shock, fear, and a flicker of excitement surged through him all at once. He turned to his girlfriend, who was biting her lip, her eyes brimming with tears.
"I-I'm going to be a dad?" Hector stammered, disbelief coloring his voice. At seventeen.
His girlfriend nodded, her tears spilling over as she reached for his hand.
Hector pulled her into a tight embrace, feeling a rush of emotions flood over him. Amidst the uncertainty and fear, one thing was crystal clear-his love for her had never been stronger. As they held each other, Hector knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in love and ready to embrace this new chapter of their lives.
As they sat in the soft glow of their room, Hector's arms found their way around his girlfriend, pulling her close as if seeking solace in her embrace. His heart swelled with a mix of love and regret, and with each beat, the need to apologize grew stronger.
"I'm sorry,"
"so so sorry, my love"
he whispered, his voice barely above a breath, his words muffled against her hair.
"I'm sorry for everything-for not being more careful, for not thinking ahead."
His girlfriend's arms tightened around him, holding him with a gentle strength that spoke volumes.
"Héctor," she murmured, her voice soft and reassuring. "It's okay," she sobbed back.
But Hector couldn't shake the weight of his remorse.
"No, it's not okay," he insisted, his words trembling with emotion.
"I should have been better, for you, for us."
As Hector held his girlfriend tightly, his emotions surged like a tempest within him. Tears threatened t spill from his eyes, his chest constricted with the weight of his feelings. The enormity of their situation hit him like a tidal wave, leaving him feeling raw and vulnerable.
"I'm so sorry," he choked out,
his voice thick with emotion. "I never meant for this to happen. I just... I love you so much, and I don't want to let you down."
His girlfriend pulled back slightly, her eyes meeting his with tenderness and understanding. "Hector, listen to me," she said softly, her voice steady despite the tears glistening in her eyes. "We're in this together, okay? We'll figure it out, no matter what."
But Hector couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of guilt that consumed him. He buried his face in her shoulder, his tears dampening the fabric of her shirt as he clung to her, seeking comfort in her presence.
„God, I love you so much, how could I do this to you"
„I'm so endlessly sorry."
He could hear her heart beating against his.
sniffle after sniffle left his throat. Mind numb and not even thinking about his future football career that is yet to come.
As Hector's tears flowed freely, he felt a mix of emotions swirling within him-fear, uncertainty, and a profound sense of love for his girlfriend and the life they had created together.
So they held each other in the quiet of the night, Hector felt the weight of his apology lifting, replaced by a sense of understanding and forgiveness. In that moment, as they clung to each other.
hectorth 2024
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portraitofadyke · 7 months
I think the reason so many Izzy stans struggle to understand the Izzy callout posts is because in their mind, what we are trying to say is that Izzy is a super obvious abuser and Ed is an innocent little victim.
Their dynamic is obviously way more complicated than that. This show is full of immensely layered characters - something that makes it so unique. Ed and Izzy are complicated, too. It would have been easy to make Izzy a power hungry abuser and Ed the obeying, scared victim.
But it's their power dynamic that makes this so interesting and complicated. Ed is clearly the one in power to most people, and yes, he is Izzy's boss and Captain and he holds power over him, too. But Izzy holds the power right back. I saw the comparison of Izzy being a fame hungry manager of a celebrity, (@57flagsofdeath), somebody who just wrings them dry, ignorant of their suffering, and it stuck with me (pls tag the person if you know them). Ed is Blackbeard, history's greatest pirate, and Izzy's just his First mate, his second-in-command.
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And Ed is clearly tired of that persona, Izzy sees that he's at the end of his rope, seeing death as his next adventure, and the moment he steps on the Revenge and sees that Stede does things differently, he is estatic.
Another person here did a very good post how both Izzy and Ed are victims of toxic masculinity, and on board of the Revenge, Ed starts shedding his. We know that Ed's been 'more crazy' for a while and Izzy is fed up with him. For Izzy, there is no Blackbeard and Ed, there is just Blackbeard. Happiness, giddines, being open and excited and soft or God forbid, falling in love for an even softer man is not masculine, and it's not worthy of Blackbeard.
Izzy knows Ed is happy with Stede, he admits so in his inner monologue in s6. That's what makes him want to kill Stede even more.
This episode is honestly, along with The Innkeeper, is the only proof I need to prove that the show intends to compare Izzy to Ed's father and Hornigold. Izzy is in clear parallel with Ed's father hurting his mom while Ed just hopelessly watches, just like when Izzy attempts to murder Stede despite Ed calling him off. And what does Ed do to his father? Murders him. That's once again parallel to Ed shooting Izzy in the leg in s2.
Izzy is manipulative and he plays into Ed's Blackbeard persona. He diminishes Ed's needs and happiness to wank off over Blackbeard and his competence and masculinity. I am not saying here that Ed never does anything wrong, or that he never hurts anyone. this relationship, this dynamic is bad for the both of them. But Ed clearly projects his daddy issues on this older pirate who probably showed him the ropes of what it means to be a pirate and then decided to manage his persona and control what's good for Blackbeard, not for Ed. If Ed weren't terrified of Izzy, or his disapproval, at least a little bit, why would he just watch as Izzy fights Stede, despite the tender moment in the bathtub? because Izzy reminds him of his own dad in so many ways he feels hopeless sometimes.
But the time in Stede's presence changed Ed. It showed him things can be done differenly, despite what Izzy and Hornigold and his dad showed him. He can be tender, and soft, and vulnerable and he can be loved for being Ed. When Stede leaves him on the dock, despite being heartbroken, Ed doesn't get violent. Quite the opposite, he sulks in a pillow fort, writes sad songs and sings. Worse, he shows his vulnerable side to the crew. He tells them to call him Ed. Izzy doesn't care for Ed. Ed can die, for all he cares.
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Izzy knows how to push his buttons. Yes, Ed is Blackbeard, and all his planning and maiming and violence and smoke and mirrors, but Izzy is always there to whisper in his ear, to remind him that Ed means nothing to people unless he plays Blackbeard.
My point is, Izzy is clearly shown to be abusive, not in the way most people imagine. he doesn't beat Ed, instead he constantly undermines him, threatens him, does anything he can to deny him happiness. He's emotionally abusing Ed, making him feel like he's nothing without Blackbeard, going as far as killing his significant other and selling him out to the Navy.
I think where people get confused is they think Izzy genuinely cares for Ed in S1. He doesn't. It's not until s2, when Ed is at his lowest, so far retracted into the Blackbeard persona the only thing he can do is destroy himself that he realizes what he's done. Izzy has something of a clarity moment. He knows he fucked up. We all have different opinions about Izzy's small redemption, but even the goddamned character you all try to defend knows he fucked up. Izzy knows he's done Ed wrong for years. Izzy knows the power he holds over Ed.
Izzy and Ed are not your typical form of abuse, and Ed is not the perfect victim, and people serioulsy struggle with that to the point of coming up with fairy tales where Izzy is the only Good Guy in the show who didn't deserve to get shot, Ed is bound to be domestically violent and Stede should just die, really. And that's. That's the exact opposite of what the show is telling us, quite clearly. You don't even have to read in between the lines. S2 has been kind to Izzy, made him come to terms with his mistakes, and even grow a bit (even though it was a bit rushed, but again, budget cuts), the least you can do is be happy with his ending where he got to die surrounded by people who will all shed a tear for him and send him off, something s1 Izzy, who was about to be thrown overboard tied to an anchor, would never get. Maybe actually watch the show?
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lostloveletters · 3 months
Leave a Tender Moment Alone (John Brady x OFC)
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Summary: Private Kate Woodward and Lieutenant John Brady are reluctant to wear their hearts on their sleeves, but they're each starting to wonder if maybe they should.
Word count: 1k
Note: Meet Woody! Title comes from the Billy Joel song. For a little bit of context, this takes place before Damn Yankees, but you don't need to read that to understand what's going on in this fic. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Warnings: Light period-typical misogyny. Inevitable historical and technical inaccuracies.
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Private Kate Woodward had a child clinging to her leg, another hanging onto her back, both attached to her like little monkeys. 
The village kids were always in the mechanics’ orbit. Woody wanted to be a good role model for them, even if she didn’t quite know what that looked like. She wasn’t exactly keen to admit it to anyone except Holly, but offering her expertise as a mechanic to the WAC wasn’t entirely out of love for country.
After years of wandering aimlessly up and down the West Coast, she woke up one morning and realized she didn’t like her friends (if she could even call them that), working almost exclusively on stolen cars because she couldn’t hold down a legitimate mechanic job, and especially not the type of person she’d become. So she signed up, expecting to be working on jeeps or trucks, but instead found herself applying her knowledge to planes. 
Her first commanding officer, Lieutenant Deanna Seberg from Glendale, designated her Woody to differentiate her from the dozen or so Catherines and Kathleens who used Kate as a nickname.
She liked being Woody. Woody was tough and competent yet approachable, likable, even. She tried to be good. Helpful but not too imposing. Kept her cursing to a minimum. Checked her temper. Had to. She was part of something bigger than herself, bigger than any of them could have ever conceived of. Finally found a way out through it. She couldn’t afford to fuck it up.
While the handful of other mechanic girls had gotten their experience through family garages or the odd trade school, they accepted her claim that hers came from messing around with friends’ cars. She was good at what she did. No need to push it. 
Thankfully, Kenny had their backs, the young Arkansan drawling that where he came from, women weren’t afraid of getting their hands dirty to get the job done by the end of the day, whatever it may be. If that also involved entertaining English laborers’ kids, fascinated by Americans and their planes, she’d try her damnedest.
“Miss Woody!” Billy shouted, making a running start toward her. 
“Wait!” she yelled. “I can’t—“
Just before impact, which would have surely sent her directly to the ground with three children in tow, Billy was scooped up in Lieutenant John Brady’s arms. 
“You could take off with that speed, buddy,” he said, flying the boy around for a moment before setting him on his feet and ruffling his hair.
Woody smiled as the other two children climbed off of her. “You saved the day, Lieutenant.”
“Miss Woody, now you’ve got to give the hero a kiss!” Sarah, the young girl who’d been hanging off her back exclaimed with a flourish of her hands. “That’s what happens in the stories.”
Brady shook his head. “Miss Woody doesn’t have to—“
Woody gave him a quick peck on the cheek, their small audience of Billy, Sammy, and Sarah giggling and cheering in delight. “Why don’t you kids go make some trouble for Mr. Kenny?”
The children ran off, arms spread out wide as they imitated planes themselves. God, had she ever been that carefree as a kid?
Brady cleared his throat. “I came by to see how the fort’s doing.”
“And just in time. That would’ve been a hell of a tumble if it weren’t for you,” she said.
“You’re great with those kids.”
She smiled. “Thanks. I try to be the kind of adult I wish I had around when I was their age, you know?”
“That’s good of you.”
“C’mon, I’ll show you what we’ve done so far.”
He stuck close to her as they made their way around the damaged plane, Woody taking care to let him know exactly what had been fixed so far and where they were having a bit of trouble. Shuffled a little closer to her when she pointed at one of the engines.
He smelled nice, a reprieve from the mix of fuel, motor oil, and sweat. Not to mention the occasional whiff of cow manure drifting through the air on a strong breeze. For a moment, she envisioned her arms around him, burying her face in the crook of his neck while something soft and slow filled the room. Wondered how he’d hold her.
Shit. Stop daydreaming.
She glanced at him every so often. His expression didn’t change much. Brows furrowed, handsome face etched with concern as he scrutinized the state of his plane.
“Really, I’ve seen worse,” she said.
He scoffed. “That’s reassuring.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I don’t need you to tell me that.”
Certainly wasn’t the first plane he crash-landed, but as soon as the words left his mouth, he could practically hear his mother’s voice, ‘John Brady, I did not raise you to speak to young ladies that way.’ Except he’d hardly consider Woody a young lady. She was a mechanic with a mouth when she got a few beers in her. More rough-and-tumble than any of the girls he grew up with.
Everyone seemed to like her, though. Hell, he sure did. Hambone already made a stupid comment about how he should ‘ask Woody to kiss it better’ when his fort, so comically named Brady’s Crash Wagon, went up in smoke. Probably why it smarted to feel like she pitied him or something.
Smarted worse to see the way her lips pressed in a thin line. Kept her gaze anywhere but him.
“Kenny told me you stay out here late working on it. Thank you,” he said, a stubborn substitution for an apology. “I appreciate that.”
“You’re welcome.”
Wasn’t sure what else he could say, and she was doing everything but telling him to buzz off. 
“Well, I’ll let you get back to it, Woody.”
She nodded. “See you around, sir.”
He tried not to kick himself too much as he walked off, not entirely sure where he was going.  
“Hey Lieutenant!” Woody shouted when there was a few yards of distance between them.
He stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at her. “What is it?”
“You got something—“ She gestured to her own cheek.
He wiped the spot on his cheek where she had kissed him and fought back a smile at the grease smudged on his fingertips.
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raparopa · 7 months
Could I request a Tolya X reader where they are on Nikolai’s ship at night and reader can’t sleep so she stays up reading poetry and he joins her? 🤍🤍
a/n: I am alive☠️With all this studying, I was completely lost and I really want to get back into my rhythm! I don’t know if I will succeed, but I will try very hard, maybe slowly and not right away, but I will try. I've got a lot of requests, I'll try to sort them out for now, but if you have any ideas, don't hesitate
warnings: none (I had to use lines from poems by famous authors, because poetry is not my forte)
pairing: Tolya Yul-Bataar x reader
do you understand or feel it?
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I couldn’t find a place for myself: I tossed and turned in bed for an hour, drank tinctures for sleep, counted the crows that were jumping in my head - and none of these methods helped me. Didn't help me sleep.
Usually, sleeping on board our ship was more than good. The soft swaying of the waves, the light of the stars penetrating into the small porthole of my cabin - it was all so beautiful and good. Exactly until this evening. I don’t know what caused my insomnia, but not being able to just relax in a cloud of blankets and pillows, as well as one adorable heartrender by my side, was just killing me.
Therefore, I couldn’t find anything better than to walk along the empty deck and gaze at the stars, taking Tolya’s collection of poetry with me. He found something in the poems and I was wondering why exactly they amazed him so much, because before I had no time at all to escape from business and devote myself to... art?
I quietly walked along the creaking wood, plopped down on one of the boxes and turned my gaze to the clear, dark sky. The silver disk of the moon sparkled, surrounded by a vault of small stars, filling everything around with its cold light. There was a smell of salty breeze and oil, splashes of water could be heard somewhere, and I again thought how disappointing it was that on this good night I couldn’t just sleep.
-So, so... Let's see what we have here that makes Tolya go so crazy?-The book opened easily and I began to leaf through the pages, reading the first lines to find the poem I liked.
…And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes…*
I raised my eyebrows; the lines sounded promising.
...Thus mellow'd to that tender light
Which heaven to gaudy day denies...**
Poetry at night, in the light of the moon, absorbed me more and more, and now I understood why Tolya carries this little book with him everywhere and no longer understood why people did not allow him to read them out loud.
I re-read and re-read, looked for new things, mentally noted the works that were imprinted in my mind and heart, thought about how I would ask Tolya to buy a collection for me or tell me how to choose the most interesting one.
Immersed in my thoughts and tender lines of light poetry, I did not at all notice the cautious steps that appeared on the deck.
-...as fair art thou, my bonnie lass, so deep in luve am I...
-...and I will love thee still, my dear, till a' the seas gang dry.*** - a strange voice rang out over my ear and strange hands wrapped around my waist. - Good night, my heart.
I winced, immediately slamming the book shut and rolling my eyes in pseudo-annoyance, trying to hold back a smile.
-Tolya! You scared me, Saints, don't do that again or I'll hit you.
He laughed, pecking me on the cheek and resting his chin on my shoulder.
-You weren’t in bed, I thought something happened, and you’re sitting here and reading poetry.- Yul-Bataar giggled. -I expected anything, but not this, Y/N. You... pleasantly surprise me.
-I couldn’t sleep, I decided to take a walk and thought it would be nice to take something to read...
-And how? Poetry isn't for everyone, you know. Not every person is able to understand the meaning and feelings embedded in ordinary poetic lines, in ink written on paper. When you read poetry, you must either understand or feel.
I turned my head slightly to see his smiling face, clutching the volume of poetry in my hands.
-Well? And you?-Tolya asked again.
-Do you feel or understand, when you read these lines, my heart?- He quickly took his book from my hands, lovingly and gently opening it.
I thoughtfully followed his movements, digesting the words he said, trying to grasp their essence.
-Don't know. I haven't read enough to fully...dive into this. I think I need to get to know a lot more to feel poetry.
-Do you want to feel it?- Tolya’s warm embrace immediately disappeared, which made me instantly freeze. He walked around the chest on which I was sitting, opened the collection and began to look for something in it.
-What are you going to do?- I asked, admiring his silhouette, which so softly curved around the silver light of the cold stars. Tolya smiled mischievously, without taking his eyes off the pages.
-Once, you want to feel poetry in your heart, Y/N,-he put his palm to his chest. -Then let me show you this path and read some wonderful things?-He looked up at me and smiled tenderly.
I smiled back, bowing my head.
-I would be glad if you honored me with this, dear,- I responded, involuntarily giggling.
-Then, as expected, every bard is entitled to a reward. For each poem I want to receive... - Tolya thought theatrically, rubbing his chin. - For a kiss. Is the lady happy with this price?
-Cunning fox!- I laughed, squinting from the sharply elevated mood. -But, yes, the lady agrees to the conditions of the cunning bard.-I had to bite my lip so that my smile did not sparkle like a mirror reflecting the light of the sun.
-Then let's start! Bright star, would I be stedfast as thou art... ****
Or maybe this insomnia was not a punishment after all?
**“She Walks In Beauty” by Lord Byron
***“A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns
****“Bright Star” by John Keats
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amaya-writes · 2 years
I read your rules and also the bit about how the important asks are being withheld right now, so I understand if it takes you a while to get to this. But I was wondering if you could write how the obey me brothers would react to being pulled in by their belt, a harness, perhaps a tie, ect. for a kiss? I think it's a cute concept that could be used for NSFW if you'd wish. If you don't want to do all of the brothers then just do your favorites. Thank you for your time.
Notes: I got pretty much the same req a couple days back and answered it but then I saw this and felt like doing some of the other characters so I answered this a lil early :)
Characters involved: Lucifer, Satan
Gender-neutral reader, you/yours
He was pulling an all-nighter again.
Of course, he was. Convincing Lucifer to part from his work was almost as hard as making Mammon let go of a sack of gold, yet somehow you had thought after weeks of having to drag him away from his office in the middle of the night, Lucifer might have learned a lesson and fixed his sleeping schedule.
Clearly, you had been mistaken. For just as the clock struck two you once again found yourself leaning against the ajar door of his office with an unimpressed frown.
You would have almost thought he was doing it on purpose had it not been for the pile of documents surrounding Lucifer like a fort. One that you would have to break through in order to get to your boyfriend.
You didn't bother saying anything as you moved further into his office, only allowing your voice to pick up once you were standing behind his seat.
"Lucifer- it's late, my love."
A shiver rolled down his back as you leaned forward to wind your arms around him, whether it was because of your words or your touch you would never know.
Even with his visible reactions, Lucifer didn't bother saying anything as he leaned forward to continue scribbling on the paper before him.
The only response you received was a small kiss on your palm before he turned back to his work. However, you knew Lucifer well enough to know his temporary silence would only last so long.
"You should head to bed-"
he turned his chair to the side to tug you down onto his lap as he spoke, the gesture causing you to smile even if his words annoyed you.
"-I'll be there soon."
Lucifer scoffed at the word, but didn't bother saying anything else as he once again returned to his work.
You would normally give up your fight right about then and settle against his chest as the soft scribble of his pen and pounding of his heart lulled you to sleep. However, it had been days since Lucifer slept in his bed for more than an hour or two, and your worry for his health was far too big to be placated with soft touches.
Anything you said would have easily been parried with an argument far wiser than the sleep-riddled words your mind could muster, which was why you chose to turn to other tactics.
A sharp gasp echoed around the office as you wrapped your hand around Lucifer's tie and tugged him forward, however, he wasn't given a moment to chastise your violence when your lips almost immediately slotted against his.
The kiss was brief yet held all the tenderness and care you felt for the demon before. Perhaps that was why Lucifer chose to finally give in and set down his pen even before you spoke.
"Please, Luci, you can't possibly keep going like this for too long."
You could tell your pleads got to him with the way Lucifer leaned forward and rested his head against yours. However, you hadn't realised just how much it affected him until he spoke.
"The things you do to me-"
Lucifer pulled away before you could even think of questioning his words, instead choosing to clear his desk so that you could lead him out the office before Lucifer changed his mind.
You might have been too excited at your little victory to notice it, but as the two of you trudged down the estate's dark corridors, there was no mistaking the small smile on Lucifer's face.
One filled with adoration for the annoyingly considerate human before him.
It had been an hour since you set out for your date with Satan. An hour since you excitedly began to chatter away about the movie you two were going to see.
One hour.
Yet the two of you were still standing a little ways away from the House of Lamentation.
All because of the horde of kittens Satan saw on the side of the road.
At first, it was easy to fall for their cuteness and coo over the little furballs just as Satan did. But as time went on you found your adoration quickly turning to annoyance the longer the avatar of wrath remained kneeled before the stumbling felines.
It would have been easy to just tug Satan away with complaints about how late you were, but something in you just wasn't satisfied with that solution.
After all, Satan wasn't the only one who could get angry easily. And after weeks of being kept apart because of busy schedules, you couldn't help but be vexed by his actions.
It was why you found yourself once again kneeling beside Satan as he cooed at the kittens. But this time your attention was solely on the demon beside you.
Satan didn't even realise you had reached out and grabbed his collar until your lips were on his in a feverish kiss that had his cheeks warming under your touch.
However, you were quick to pull away just as his shock faded away/
"Have a good day with your new date partners."
You were going to stand up and storm back to your bedroom. Really, you were.
The scene had all but consumed your mind; how you would sassily trudge back to the house and slam the front door open even as Satan ran behind you with a string of apologies.
How you would be the one to make him wait as you locked yourself in your bedroom for the next hour, only opening the door once you were certain he had learned his lesson.
Your plan was the perfect revenge fest you needed. But you should have known better than to underestimate the avatar of wrath.
A small yelp escaped your lips as you were suddenly pulled down until your body was crashing into Satan's, but you weren't given a moment to protest as the arm around your waist tightened to ensure you couldn't escape your perch on his lap.
"I thought Levi was supposed to be the avatar of envy."
Satan sounded more amused than you would have liked, with the soft lilt of his tone doing little to mask the smile he no doubt had as his lips trailed small pecks across your neck before pulling you in for a kiss.
By the time he pulled away, you found it hard to do anything but stare at him with stars in your eyes and a soft smile as Satan lifted you up in his arms and continued peppering your face with kisses, for once forgetting all about the cats.
"Now, let's get to that date."
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xthescarletbitch · 2 years
Please, please, please, can we have some Kassandra smut headcanons?
kassandra smut headcanons
18+, minors do NOT interact
cw: f!reader!receiving, smut (with some fluff, as a treat), strap-on use, exhibitionism, rough sex, murder
word count: 1100+
author’s note: *checks calendar* ahhh! this has been a work in progress for a little over two months. i was never quite happy with where i was headed for the longest time, but i've finally decided to just finish this off and get it over with. i hope you enjoy. ♡
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✦ i feel like sex with the misthios would be a breathtaking experience (literally)
✦ she loves to be on top, especially when she’s able to hover over you and admire the view… her eyes locking onto yours as her hips relentlessly jut forward and drive the olisbos as deep as she desires, hoping to hear the sweet sounds that are the fuel to her fire
✦ she’s a misthios, so being rough is her forte… and while she does maintain that in bed, she also makes sure to complement her brute force with the occasional gentle stride
✦ expect lots of tender kisses anywhere that she can reach - an act that you’ve grown to love just as much as her taking her pent-up aggression out on your body 
✦ just imagine: you’re on your back as kassandra holds both of your hands above your head. her breathing becomes ragged as she grunts praises to you, all the while rearranging your insides
let’s talk about occasion…
✦ when i say that this woman is always in the mood… she is always in the mood. and it doesn’t help that she is absolutely crazy about you… ✨ passion ✨
✦ one evening, she came back to your place after investigating a lead to a powerful mercenary. as soon as she stepped through the doorway, the sight of you preparing some pastries was enough to make her snap and immediately bend you over a nearby surface (there was flour everywhere)
extra fluff ahead
✦ she can get protective and will absolutely teach you how to defend yourself if you need it… but do not expect it to always be genuine teaching moments. she will find all sorts of excuses to get into your chiton (she has also been known to reward your efforts with her mouth)
✦ sometimes, you can hardly get through actual training without being pinned against a nearby surface as kassandra explores the temple that is your body (either way, you both win)
✦ and the training is not because she thinks you’re incapable of protecting yourself!
✦ she unfortunately knows first-hand how dangerous the world can be and would hate for anything to happen to you
✦ eventually, she became confident enough that you would fare mostly unscathed without her. however, she still preferred that she accompany you on rigorous missions. i mean, how much safer can you get than to be by the side of your deific lover?
✦ going on missions together even led to a tradition that you both honor any chance you get 
✦ one that you would never tell anyone about… (although she might) 
✦ you would clear out an area and notice that smug look (one she happily flashed) appear on her face as she beckoned you closer to her
✦ a misthios has to be prepared for any and all scenarios - anything from winning the favor of a pirate queen to indulging in the occasional impromptu makeout sesh with her lover
✦ and it did not matter where you were and who was around (perhaps she is a little sadist)
✦ one moment, she was spearing her way through enemy defences and then the next, she was spearing you on her olisbos
✦ the weight of the world felt lighter on her shoulders as soon as your fingernails dug into them
✦ it became an obsession - to hear your sweet moans as she hit the right spot inside of you, to drown herself in the divine honey that would seep once she did it well enough, and to allocate her time into ensuring that these cycles remained endless… truly a necessity
✦ worshipping your body is a given; kassandra would take one look at you and swear she was blessed by the gods
✦ her reactions may comprise of taking you in a temple and having you scream her name like a prayer, among other things…
you unsheathed your daggers as you followed kassandra closely towards the bandit camp. kassandra stopped in her tracks before you got too close and looked up at ikaros, who gave a call of approval to proceed. kassandra grabbed her bow from its position on her back and you both slowly approached the opening between the stakes surrounding the base. she readied her weapon and aimed it towards a far-away enemy. before releasing the arrow, she caught your attention and motioned you towards a scout who was observing the perimeter. carefully, you snuck up behind him and took him out, hiding his body in a nearby bush. you popped out once the immediate coast was clear and kassandra followed swiftly behind. you both proceeded to take out all other enemies in sight with your ranged weapons. once you were sure it was safe, ikaros gave a call to warn of a nearby treasure and you both followed the signal. as you approached the treasure, a rogue bandit attempted to sneak up behind you but ikaros swooped in at the right time and attacked him. you looked around again for good measure and concluded that you and kassandra were alone. you headed towards a large tent that housed the treasure you sought. upon entering the tent, kassandra scanned the room and then turned to you with her famous smug look. you glanced back at her with a puzzled expression and she drew your attention towards a nearby table in the corner of the tent. you felt heat rush to your face as she grabbed your hand and led you towards the table. once you were both in front of it, she turned you around so that your back was against it. she moved her hands to cradle your face and placed a kiss upon your lips. without saying a word, she moved her lips to your neck and began littering kisses all over your exposed skin. she leaned down and hooked her arms underneath your thighs, picking you up and then placing you onto the table. you wrapped your arms around her neck as she returned her lips to yours. your legs wrapped around her waist and pulled her closer to you as you both drank each other’s moans.
…and that’s how a simple retrieval mission can turn sultry. 
god forbid anybody dare question the two of you, insinuating that you don’t value their time or money… kassandra will have none of it. 
“tell me,” she’ll say as she steps closer to them. you make sure to stay close behind should anything go wrong. “if your lover were as divine as mine, wouldn’t you spend all of your free-time pleasing her?” the nervous employer would meet your gaze for a quick second before kassandra closes the gap even further. “it’s only right for me to give my thanks to this goddess as she accompanies me on missions. it’s also a bonus to christen our new bases.”
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sgiandubh · 10 months
Jottings: Season 7, episode 6. A woman is... possibility
Contrary to what I usually do in here, just jotting down spontaneous impressions of the episodes, with no great pretension to anything, I had to re-watch Where The Waters Meet three times over last week. And it was all my fault, because this is truly a good and dense episode, that could have very well ended this half-season.
It also becomes more and more clear that my decision of not reading these damn books was a very poor choice. Probably because the storyline seems cramped, at times, I find myself gliding through moments and scenes with the very unpalatable sensation of bagging a munro without the right equipment. Not a good picture, I know. But bear in mind I just started Drums of Autumn and it already reads like a root canal intervention - sorry for the book purists. I should, however, hope to somehow catch up before part B of the season: no promises, though. If, by any stretch of my vivid imagination, I start to hear Herself's screechy voice in my head while reading, it immediately goes down the drain, despite my best intentions & effort.
But I digress. While Fort Ticonderoga is being evacuated with the help of the friendly Cherokees and their lightweight canoes, in Lallybroch there is a bit of fussing over Jemmy's cursing in Gaelic at school. Which leads to Roger being invited to give a wee lecture on the topic by a very enthusiastic Headmaster and yet another (Lord in heaven and all His cherubs) constipated domestic conversation with SS. The only cheerful thing about her is that self-assertive fringe, so 80s I could cry (I hate the Eighties with the passion I worship the Sixties, heh). And her grabbing me by the sleeve (Hello, people! Lookie here! I can haz acting! I am acting! ) every single time she has more than three lines on air is distracting and, again, annoying.
Walter Woodcock's demise instantly took me to Season 1, when that proud Scot was killed by the boar and Claire helped give him the good death he deserved. Not surprising at all, since the whole OL dynamic is a pendulum between loves, timelines and worlds.
The new Rollo dog looks less direwolfish than Rollo 1. #GoT, stopped watching upon Khaleesi's arrival at King's Landing. Never looked back.
Rob Cameron, you antagonist, you. That new acquaintance you instantly find too pushy not to feel suspicious about, and yet you can't afford to be irrationally rude to. Also, with no SS in sight, RR is pulling off his scenes quite fine & dandy, and with ease. What is that woman's dark secret? How can that be? Court is still in session, on this one. But give me more Hunters and less #Broger, dear God. I would take it any day, any way you see fit. I will be nice to everyone and take my vitamins. I will even consider jogging. But get them off my back, for Christ's sake!
Vandervaart. Consistent. Present. Owns his game. Elegant. Loved every single moment (Your servant, Madam - especially and for obvious reasons). A very, very good cast honoring both J and LJG. I can only fawn and paeans are not really my specialty. But I continue to be impressed and confident and I see great things for this talented kid.
Spoiler: I said yes, Claire. And just like that, with the click of the rifle's hammer, he tells her their whole world is yet again thrown upside down. Theirs is a dense scene, clearly dominated by S, whose mastery of voice and expression is once again flawless and thoroughly appreciated. She follows, at a - by now - completely symbiotic pace, but make no mistake: he gives her the cues. And I would take that subtle, unspeakable tenderness any day, gladly, if the writer's final choice was not to insist on what might be - perhaps unjustly - construed by some as geriatric porn. He still looks at her like that.
For that only, if not for all the rest, I will continue to watch it until the end. Because I feel you morally lose the right to criticize the moment you throw the towel and your opinion suddenly turns into bitching. Something I will most probably never do, as far as OL is concerned.
Onwards to Dreaded Seven. Let's see if I can be properly disgusted by poor acting yet again.
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Credit given to @flllk. B&W is a great idea - the right kind of depth
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viridian-tay-leaf · 9 months
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Channeled Love readings:
Pile 1 ❤️‍🔥 | Pile 2 💚
Pile 3 💞 | Pile 4 💜
Pile 1 ❤️‍🔥:
Apprehensive at first to this relationship (whether new, established, or haven't me yet). You both will figure things out with time. I'm getting that both of you have been hurt by people from your past. Y'all just want someone to share the love and you want it reciprocated. Some of Y'all could've been drawn to Pile 2/vice versa (Pile 2 has a different vibe to it though emotion-wise atleast). This will be a slow but tender love full of explorations, learning, & new experiences. Whether or not it works out depends on your willingness to open yourself up to love & reciprocate w/out fear or projections onto the other. I'm hearing clear communication and openness will guide you along in this relationship. Both of you are meant to learn one another and do it together. This is truly a couple that thrives around one another if done right. Big Powe couple/supportive couple vibes. If all goes well, this could be the healthiest relationship in your life tbh~
Channeled Songs:
Ouuuuuuu- This is a new kind of love~ I'm getting teenager kind of love/honeymoon phase. These aren't minor descriptions, I feel as if this will be your whole relationship. Now this doesn't mean that your relationship is the honeymoon phase & that's it, absolutely not! Dismiss that thought right now! What it truly means is that you will find & create a love so strong & pure that you will feel like you're in the honeymoon phase at all times. Thinking about one another, getting gifts for each other, staring st one another from across the room. I'm hearing gushing/y'all will annoy your friends with how in love you guys are. Big flustered, kicking your feet while laying down energy. It's just so exciting and new and you want to spend everyday with this person. Some of you guys could've been drawn to Pile 1, if so I'm hearing that this pile is more evolved in their healing journey so they are less apprehensive towards their approach to love. Overall you guys are big supporters of each other, I'm getting movie night snuggles in pillow forts/ morning breakfasts with coffee & dancing/hot cocoa, mittens, ice skating, meet the family, holidays & a proposal (literal of figuratively). Go forward, go fearless, & go crazy with the love, the expression of emotions, & the butterflies you feel. Be honest & open about your feelings & give each other time in the beginning stages. Don't try to force anything.
Channeled Songs:
New to real, genuine love aren't you? It's okay, we've all been there at one point. I'm getting that this relationship had a rocky start or that you guys may have had a rough relationship in a past life. You guys have been here before many times in many lives. Some of you ran away, other times you chased them away, sometimes you've lied to protect each other but it only ended up hurting you guys more, I'm getting that at one point one of you gave the ultimatum in a past life and the other took it jokingly/ smirking/ "they wouldn't do that to me, to us". They would, they did. But this time around is where the ultimatum is put to test. This is your choice to mend, fix, enhance your relationship & move forward from the past lives you've lived together. Definitely getting old souls, major beach vibes this time. Maybe you'll have a beach house or meet at the beach. You'll definitely know when you see this person that you've been here before with them. It's like meeting an old friend, an old lover, but you greet them with a smile & say "here we go again huh 😉". Getting gemini/aquarius energy, maybe sagittarius but only a little. "Hey hey hey lover~". Some of you will meet online, some of you have met before in this life but you were very young & didn't realize who the other person was to you. Getting rich vibes tbh. Another power couple here. Large events, nightly parties w/ string lights, lots of dancing, its a royal vibe here. One of you may be far more elegant/graceful than the other. In contrast, one may be more of a jokester/more brash with how they show themselves. Both hold some form of authority in their area of work, some may even work together at different ranks. I'm getting Childhood friends to lovers vibes. Someone called someone a nuisance(affectionately). "You're an asshole, but I love you~". All I know for sure is that you guys love each other deeply & want nothing more than to be with each other. Hearing "we'll do it right this time babe!". So be open, honest, and communicative with one another. Be clear about your wants, needs, & boundaries and maybe, just maybe you will get it right this time babes.
Channeled Songs:
(Fun fact, this is my pile aswell. Don't worry, no biases here~)
Heads up! The love you've been asking for is on its way~ Who knows what the next season brings but you plan to be far more open, honest, & clear with your love & intentions with others. Good for you! Some of you may have faced hardships with past lovers or almost lovers, causing you to shield your heart from hurt. So big kudos to you for trying again and allowing yourself to feel things. Okay! Into the relationship aspects: I'm getting that one of you may feel that you have no chance with the other. "You were out of my league, got my heartbeat racing". The other is so enthralled with them that it doesn't even cross their mind to think about stuff like that. Both of you fall & you guys fall hard. "You got me tripping, stumbling, flipping, fumbling, oh you got me falling in love"~ I'm getting that you'll meet in a classroom, work environment, or daily hangout place (ie: coffee shop/library). One will definitely notice the other first while the other is preoccupied with something. The one who notices the other is far more outgoing, getting peacock energy. They definitely want to show off to the other, feel a need to impress the other in order to gain a chance with them (this is the person who is "out of their league"). The other is far more reserved, quiet, and even introverted. As I said they may notice the other watching them but are far too preoccupied to care/acknowledge it(which only fuels the others desire to impress). In regards to the peacock showoff vibes the other is giving, this person is someone who usually finds it annoying/rude but they find it endearing/amusing when this person does it. It's like someone is trying so hard to impress them its almost cute/laughable. They may trip or stumble & try to play it off while embarrassed. Meanwhile the other has heart eyes and has already decided that "hey they may be a cute idiot, but they'll be my cute idiot". This will be a romance for the ages. Others around them may be jealous & try to ruin it, some may succeed but only for a little while. Some will notice that this is a ploy & cut it off immediately. After all time tells all truths and these two were meant to be. If they are honest, open, & secure with themselves & one another then they will grow to highers sights & experiences they couldn't even dream of. I'm getting 444, dream couple, couple goals, its big kids on the playground energy. Like the vibe of one kid seeing another & deciding right there that they'll be married. Overall this is a fun & adventurous relationship. Getting movie, art museum dates. Concerts, traveling the world. Stars, night sky, Northern lights, night picnics, hammocks, campfires. Major cuddling vibes. Another honeymoon phase relationship (where it feels like that all the time/joy or butterflies whenever you see them). Some may even have a relationship where y'all help each other grow in career & wealth together.
Channeled Songs:
Was woken up around 2am to make this it is now 3:50am. Hope those who needed this enjoy~
Been super busy/tired lately, these transformations really mess with your schedule, huh?
Check out my other platforms, links pinned on bio.
Tips are appreciated~
As always: Be good. Be kind. Be safe.
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Date Night In D/S
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In the world of D/S relationships, the importance of maintaining a strong emotional and romantic connection is often underestimated. It is a common misconception that lifestyle relationships are solely focused on power dynamics and kinks. In reality, fostering intimacy, trust, and emotional bonds is just as crucial. One delightful way to achieve this is through dating and date nights, and today, we will chat about why these are essential in D/S relationships, share the charming concept of "nap dates" in cozy pillow forts, and how they can add an extra layer of intimacy and fun.
The Importance of Dating in D/s Relationships:
Strengthening the Bond: Dating allows D/S partners to strengthen their emotional connection. It is a chance to get to know each other on a deeper level beyond the roles of Dominant and submissive.
Respect and Communication: Date nights provide a platform for open and honest communication. Discussing desires, boundaries, and expectations becomes more natural in a relaxed setting.
Rekindling Romance: Lifestyle relationships can sometimes become intense and focused on control. Regular dates remind both partners of the romance that initially drew them together.
Maintaining Balance: D/S relationships often require clear boundaries and power dynamics. Dates outside this context provide a necessary break and help maintain a balanced dynamic.
Creating Memories: Special date nights create lasting memories that couples can cherish. These memories can strengthen the emotional connection and provide a sense of security.
Now, let's dive into the enchanting idea of "nap dates" within cozy pillow forts.
Childlike Joy: Building a pillow fort together can evoke a sense of childlike joy and playfulness. It is an excellent way to let go of adult responsibilities for a while.
Comfort and Intimacy: Pillow forts create a comfortable and intimate space. It is a safe and cozy environment for partners to relax and be vulnerable with each other.
Shared Creativity: Collaboratively designing the fort allows both partners to express their creativity. It can be a bonding experience in itself.
Unplugged Quality Time: In our digital age, a nap date in a pillow fort offers quality time away from screens and distractions, promoting real connection.
Sensory Stimulation: The softness of pillows, warm blankets, and the scent of your partner can heighten sensory experiences, making cuddling and napping even more enjoyable.
Planning a Nap Date in a Pillow Fort
Setting the Mood: Create a romantic atmosphere with dimmed lights, scented candles, or fairy lights inside the fort.
Comfortable Seating: Arrange a variety of pillows, cushions, and blankets for maximum comfort. Consider adding a plush mattress or memory foam topper.
Snacks and Refreshments: Prepare snacks, drinks, or even a picnic-style meal to enjoy together.
Activities: Bring books, board games, or a shared playlist for music. Engaging in activities can make the date even more enjoyable.
Ground Rules: Discuss any rules or expectations for the nap date to ensure both partners are comfortable and consent is maintained.
In a D/A relationship, maintaining a connection beyond the roles of dominant and submissive is essential. Date nights, including creative ideas like nap dates in pillow forts, can be a powerful tool for building emotional intimacy, trust, and love. Remember that lifestyle relationships are dynamic, and balancing the power exchange with moments of tenderness and fun is key to a healthy and fulfilling connection. So go ahead, build that fort, and snuggle up for a nap date with your partner and you will be creating beautiful memories that strengthen your kinktastic bonds.
If you enjoyed this, I invite you to give my podcast a listen 'Chatting With The Lightkeeper,' a top 25% most-followed podcasts on Spotify but available on all the major podcasting apps and follow my socials for more exclusive content: Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter) for a deeper dive into the wonderful world of D/S.
As with all of my thoughts, please see this disclaimer.
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catboy-beb0p · 2 years
sorry for the weird timing but ive meaning to ask for some time: what are the new things that came along with this synthv update ?
id love to know your thoughts man !!
Oh boy lemme tell you!
So the new SynthV update brings a whole bunch of new features. Some of the more boring ones include support for midi inputs and things that go along with that and some UI changes.
Now onto the big changes, update 1.8.0 introduces engine changes, including Diffusion Probability Models. After the fiasco of HDVM, I was pretty wary about this, but after testing the beta voicebanks for a bit, I can confidentially say the new update is INCREDIBLE. Voices are notably more realistic, voicebanks are more stable in their lower ranges (way less of this), HDVM is now working like it's supposed to, and cross-language synthesis is now way more clear. I've been told An Xiao's been let out of the washing machine but has gained a British accent, but I can't confirm this. The AI banks have finally been de-Weinafied, except, I've heard, for Weina, who's still got some spotty quality.
Speaking of cross-language synthesis, you're now able to select the language on a per-note basis, so if you have a multi-language song you don't have to mess around with groups like you used to.
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Both Koharu Rikka and Eleanor Forte have gotten vocal modes, meaning all AI banks now have them. Rikka's are Kawaii, Soft, Pops, Emotional, and Ballade, and Forte's are Melancholic, Solid, Warm, Powerful, Dark, Clear, Tender, and Bold (meaning she's now tied with Solaria for most vocal modes). I don't own Rikka, but I do have Eleanor Forte and I can say that a lot of her vocal modes are really samey, but she finally has access to the strong voice I've been hoping for.
Dreamtonics has also released a new voicebank for free to people who own the full software, Mai.
She's a little bit too on the poppy side for me but I can sing her praises for her quality. She sounds incredible, her English is almost indistinguishable from a native English bank, and her auto-pitch is actually good. To anyone with access to the beta Pro editor I strongly recommend her.
Extra minor changes: SOLARIA's finally gotten her original voice tone back thank god. ANRI and Eleanor Forte sound way better now Stardust's [uh] phoneme finally sounds right and her Cool vocal mode functions properly now. SynthV is now a lot more caviler about rendering "the" as [dh iy] and it's only slightly killing me.
Onto downsides. I've noticed the change in how low notes are handled also effects standard banks, and GENBU's range has shrunk significantly, which is a pain for me.
Also a new bug on mac has made it so that occasionally the editor will crash when changing to certain voicebanks on some projects. I've no idea what causes this to happen but I hope it, and some optimization issues, will be fixed once the full editor releases.
Overall, it looks like Dreamtonics is finally fixing the mess that was the 1.7 updates and not letting Vocaloid steal their thunder. I'm finally excited for SynthV again.
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bacchira · 2 years
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pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader
a/n: part 2 of 3 of my birthday present for the lovely @tenkoushimura <3 posting this now, so it’ll be up when you wake up :* happy birthday, darling <3
word count: 961
summary: Building a blanket fort and cuddling inside, turns out to be kind of romantic, even between two best friends.
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For quite a while now, you’d been feeling this strong desire to build a blanket fort and allow yourself to get in touch with your childish side. Allow yourself to just hang out and relax. And this obviously you’d been bugging Iwaizumi to build it with you, because who would be better to do it with, than your best friend? Your best friend whom you did have a crush on, but never allowed yourself to act on, because having him as your best friend was already all that you felt like you could wish for.
However at first, he didn’t budge. He simply refused every time you brought it up. But with your birthday coming up, you had a plan. Because how was he going to refuse you when you told him that you wanted to build one as your birthday present? That’s right. He wouldn’t. What you didn’t know though, was that he had his own plans.
“You want to build a blanket fort?” He simply asked you, when he came over to spend the day with you on your birthday. For a moment you just stared at him as your heart did a little flip flop, that he’d decided to give in on his own. Then you nodded at his request.
“Yes, please!”
Building a blanket fort with Iwaizumi was definitely one of the best ways you could’ve spent your birthday, and he also seemed to enjoy himself quite a lot, for someone who’d been holding off for so long. But yet here you were. Huddled together inside of the best blanket fort you’d ever built; complete with fairy lights, pillows and snacks that Iwaizumi had conveniently brought along. Oh and obviously a computer for you to watch a movie on together.
“This actually feels kind of romantic, doesn’t it?” Iwaizumi didn’t even look up from the movie as he spoke, but you could feel your stomach fluttering at his words and your face heat up as you looked over at him.
“I— I guess,” you said, cursing yourself for stuttering. Clearing your throat, you tried again to clarify, hoping not to be found out. “I mean it would be. If, you know, we weren’t just best friends of course.” This made him look up from the movie and turn to face you entirely. He studied your face in the dim lights, and to you it felt like he was looking straight into your head and picking each and every little thread, following them to make a complete picture. Although his gaze was scrutinizing, it was the words he spoke that truly had you reeling.
“Are we really just best friends?”
“Wh—What do you mean?” That cursed stammer that betrayed your rush to search for the right words. betrayed your nerves. Being around Iwaizumi had always been easy, even when you’d realized your crush on him and hid it from him for so long. Being around him was simple and comfortable. Always had been, but something about the atmosphere and the intimacy under the fairy lights, tightly squished together, had turned you into a nervous mess.
“I mean,” he said and leaned in slightly. “That we’re not just friends, and you know it just as well as I. We’re more than that, are we not?” Iwaizumi drew back then. Eyes still searching your face, yet picking up on both the your lips pressed together, the heat of your face and your hands fidgeting with the duvet. “Unless I’ve read it all wrong. I’ve read it all wrong haven’t I? Shit I’m sorry, I’ll—“
“Hajime.” Putting one of your slightly trembling hands on his arm, Iwaizumi stopped mid sentence. “You— you haven’t. I think.”
“You think? What does that mean?” His voice was soft. Hopeful as his gaze fixed on your hand against his skin. The tenderness of his entire presence and the admission of his words gave you courage to speak clearly. Or at least try to.
“I don’t think I actually realized, but…” you swallowed and felt yourself involuntarily squeezing his arm, even searching for his calm influence on you, even at a time like this. “I do like you though. Like… more than a best friend.” You’d finally admitted to your feelings, and despite it all, you still feared to be met with rejection. You didn’t. Instead, Iwaizumi settled down entirely, shifting and opening his arms to pull you in. All the way in and you felt yourself cuddle up against his chest as he urged you even closer if possible by wrapping his arms around you.
“I— I hope you like your present then,” Iwaizumi said against the top of your head.
“I did! Getting to spend time with you and building a fort together was—“
“Oh but that’s not your actual present,” Iwaizumi cut you off, and having known him for so long, you could hear the smile on his lips. You turned your head to look up at him as he opened his mouth to speak again. “This is,” he said as a means of clarification. Then he put a hand on your chin, tilting your head a bit further back, before leaning down to capture your lips with his own. Your lips moved together and you could feel yourself melting into your best friend. Or maybe he’d be something different after today.
“Yeah. I definitely liked my gift,” you said to him when the two of you broke apart for air. Kissing Iwaizumi felt almost dizzying. Intoxicating.
“Then it’s a good thing I’ve got more to spare,” Iwaizumi said with his usual confidence back in place as he pulled you back in for another kiss. For another, more persistent and demanding kiss, that was exactly what you’d imagined kissing him would feel like.
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cakeandbabble · 1 year
Dating While Black
ENG : Tinder, Bumble, OKcupid, and so on. So many dating sites and apps where you meet everyone for any type of relationship… And yet, I really have the impression that filtering is done from the moment you are a black woman . I don't want to believe that we as black women are full of gender stereotypes. No. I just think that, having experienced it, the white men in these dating apps do not tolerate the slightest claim from a black woman. We don't have the right to want a serious relationship, let alone say it loud and clear. We do not have the right to protect ourselves by avoiding going through the "sex" box too quickly. We simply don't have the right to have dignity. I sincerely believe that a solution must be found for me. That of doing communitarianism: that is to say, to only meet black men or men of African origin. My last Tinder date with a white man: a relationship that lasted almost 2 months. Everything was there: cinema, restaurant, drink on the terrace, tender kisses, promise of romantic trips. And as soon as I mentioned the subject of a serious relationship before going to see a movie at his house: I "cooled him down". And since, radio silence, no more messages on WhatsApp or others. Completely evaporated. I can't help but think that if I had been white, of European descent, none of this would have happened. The fact of associating this with the racial question, is not an excuse that I seek because a white man dumped me. It is quite simply the fruit of observation and experiences that I have had for almost 15 years of love life. Of all the white men I've had a crush with, almost none have wanted to pursue a serious relationship that includes: mutual introduction to parents, mutual introduction to friends, romantic trips, etc. All my serious romantic relationships have been with men of African descent only. Because there was more respect, more compassion, more love, more points in common, and above all the fact of belonging to the same continent: Africa. So I made the decision to close my Tinder account, and OKCupid since anyway, they are not made for serious meetings and even less, to embody a mixed couple with a white man. In conclusion, I thank this experience because it allowed me to realize my black condition and the fact that French society as we live it, is beautiful and well represented in these dating apps.
FR : Tinder, Bumble, OKcupid, et j'en passe. Autant de sites et apps de rencontres où l'on rencontre tout le monde pour tout type de relation... Et pourtant, j'ai réellement l'impression qu'un filtrage est fait dès le moment où l'on est une femme noire. Je ne veux pas croire que nous, en tant que femmes noires, sommes pleine de stéréotypes à connotation sexuelle. Non. Je pense simplement que, pour en avoir fait l'expérience, les hommes blancs de ces apps de rencontres ne tolèrent pas la moindre erreur venant d'une femme noire. Nous n'avons pas le droit de vouloir une relation sérieuse, et encore moins de le dire haut et fort. Nous n'avons pas le droit de nous préserver en évitant de passer par la case "sexe" trop rapidement. Nous n'avons pas le droit d'avoir une dignité, tout simplement. Je pense sincèrement qu'une solution doit être trouvée pour moi. Celle de faire du communautarisme : c'est à dire, de ne faire des rencontres qu'avec des hommes noirs ou ayant une origine africaine.
Mon dernier date Tinder avec un homme blanc : une relation qui a duré près de 2 mois. Tout y était : ciné, restaurant, verre en terrasse, tendres baisers, promesse de voyages en amoureux. Et dès que j'ai évoqué le sujet de la relation sérieuse avant d'aller passer voir un film chez lui : je l'ai "bien refroidi". Et depuis, silence radio, plus de messages sur WhatsApp ou autres. Complètement évaporé.
Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que si j'avais été blanche, d'origine européenne, rien de cela ne serait arrivé. Le fait d'associer cela à la question raciale, n'est pas un prétexte que je cherche car un homme blanc m'a largué. C'est tout simplement le fruit d'observation et d'expériences que j'ai fait depuis près de 15 ans de vie amoureuse. Sur tous les hommes blancs avec lesquels j'ai eu une amourette, presqu'aucuns n'a voulu poursuivre vers une relation sérieuse qui inclut : présentation mutuelle aux parents, présentation mutuelle aux ami(e)s, voyages en amoureux, etc. Toutes mes relations amoureuses sérieuses se sont déroulées avec des hommes d'origine africaine seulement. Car il y avait plus de respect, plus de compassion, plus d'amour, plus de points en communs, et surtout le fait d'appartenir au même continent : l'Afrique.
J'ai donc pris la décision de fermer mon compte Tinder, et OKCupid puisque de toute façon, ils ne sont pas faits pour des rencontres sérieuses et encore moins, pour incarner un couple mixe avec un homme blanc.
En conclusion, je remercie cette expérience car elle m'a permis de me rendre compte de ma condition noire et du fait que la société française telle que nous la vivons, est belle et bien représentée dans ces apps de rencontres.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I know everyone basically agrees Emmet is "down bad" 24/7 and Ingo has a breeding kink, but how would they feel if they had a s/o that was demisexual? The love and strong bond is there but they cant guarantee that they will ever have the desire for that kind of intimacy. And how would they react when its made clear that their s/o has started to feel that attraction? (I noticed in your about section you mentioned being demi!! I too fall somewhere under that umbrella but Im still learning how to talk about it so im sorry if the phrasing of this is weird. Also if you wanted to write more of this for more characters in the future i would eat that shit up)
Yes! I’m happy to help, I remember when I was first trying to explain it, I don’t have a sex drive at all, even in a long term relationship it’s still not a guarantee, but am I the asexual friend who humor is 90% sex jokes? Absolutely.
I’m happy to write this for you! Also this is why all the smut I write has character and reader in a relationship, fwb’s and one night stands are just not it for me.
🔞18+🔞 (I’ll put under keep reading once we get there.)
- I’m going to be honest with you I also see Ingo as a fellow demisexual.
- Genuinely to him your personality and how well it meshes with him is all that matters.
- I see him not really knowing and thinking ‘most people must feel the same.’
- So when you started telling him and explaining it a light bulb just just clicks in his head.
- Accidentally yells in the middle of your talking with “THATS WHAT ITS CALLED!? DOESNT EVERYONE FEEL OR THINK LIKE THIS!?”
- “No Ingo, but I’m glad we are both on the same page!”
- Once you get done explaining it he is looking up definitions and other peoples stories to help get a better understanding.
- And asks you questions.
- Which you’re happy to answer.
- He didn’t really have a sex drive until much later in your relationship.
- Even then he’d never tell you because he never puts his needs first and mainly cause he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
- You two have amazing romantic attraction, and a wonderful love life, he is happy where it is.
- But Ingo gets so bashful the day you made it clear you started feeling such a way towards him.
- Oh his face gets so red when he sees you looking at him with lust filled eyes.
- He doesn’t even know what he did to get you looking at him like that.
- But it was doing things for him.
- You two had been making dinner together.
- It was such a sweet domestic moment he couldn’t help but lean in to kiss you. It was so gentle and tender.
- You pulled in right back in when he started pulling away.
- Pressing yourself against him.
- His hands around your waist.
- Ingo can feel himself trembling from such a heated kiss.
- When you two finally do pull away his face is bright pink.
- “You’re addicting, I want more.”
- Oh and he is happy to provide.
- You once explain to him you’re more demi, and even that that’s not a promise you’ll ever have a sex drive.
- You’re surprised to learn this down bad horn dog doesn’t really mind.
- “Darling, to me at least sex isn’t THE most important thing, I love you and our relationship, after all I have a hand and some toys upstairs, I don’t care, I’m just happy to be with you.”
- Sir please you’re making them emotional.
- Your comfort is Emmet’s top priority.
- He loves you, and is just happy to have in his life, he feels lucky to be with you.
- Sure to him sex is a nice another way to express his love and be vulnerable with you. But he knows not everyone is the same so he doesn’t mind.
- He is still bad with words.
- But he gets to cuddle you! And kiss you! And hug you! And you love him!
- He makes it clear that he is with you for you.
- the day you made it clear is the day his brain implodes.
- Emmet and you were just laying in a pillow fort you two made to watch a movie.
- For a pillow fort on the ground it was stable and very comfortable on the inside, he made sure of that!
- By the end of the movie you two were cuddling facing each other. Speaking in almost whispers.
- Then he kissed you.
- How could he not? You’re his love.
- And then in the midst of the kiss you gripped his shirt with both hands and rolled so he was on his back with you resting completely on his chest.
- His gasp of surprise gave you the perfect opening to move your tongue in.
- His hands grasp your hips trying his hardest to stay calm cool and collected.
- And when you pulled away with a string of saliva connecting you two. You grinds your hips against his hardening dick that he hoped you didn’t notice.
- “I want to fuck you so badly.”
- And you did NOT need to tell him twice!
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
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synopsis: Shuji falls in love at the worst possible time, making it a delicate situation cw: fem!Reader, porn w/too much plot, political corruption, power dynamics at play, casual drinking, Hanma's a hopeless simp, pining, nicknames (princess), no dom/sub dynamics, oral (m!receiving), fingering (f!receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, semi edited word count: 5.1k PART TWO
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This isn't for the best.
Not when the trickles of water run down the side of your glass and swallow up all of your attention. Smooth richness of the top shelf drink being watered down second by second. Ice melting and causing a mess on the oaken bar counter.
Who would care though? It's not like this place wasn't like the old play house you had growing up. Your fort. You could do anything you wanted here and no one would say a thing. Not when you knew your father held a choke hold on the rest of this wretched city.
One of these days it would be passed down to you. Until then, all you had to look forward to was the pin striped man making his way across the room to you.
More than just a little familiar with the gang member who approached you this late into the evening. Shuji Hanma's criminal foundation paid for almost a quarter of the corrupt things your family let slip under the table during his campaigns. To be whisked away just as quickly as the tall man pulled up a seat next to you.
"What are you doing here?" You don't even greet him. Musing that his appearance must mean there were others in tow to grace one of your favorite retreats away from it all. It was a place, though touched by your family's affairs, still served as a place of relaxation to shed you bad reputation for maybe even a second.
"Can a man not enjoy a drink at the bar?" Shuji cast his eyes over to your untouched drink. Quickly he got the bartenders attention just to calmly explain that what was served to you was too watered down. And if they best value their living arrangements they'd pour you a new one. This time with the right amount of ice.
All but spoken for your tastes, you leaned into the bar as you set your chin to rest on your hand, "Why don't you make me my drink then? Since you know my tastes so well."
Faux smile curling on his lips, Shuji shook his head, "Wouldn't want to cause a scene jumping over the bar."
"In that suit?" You raised your brow at his grey pin striped attire, "Don't think you'd be doing anything but filing their receipts in that ugly thing." He said nothing to the comment. Before anything else could be said your refreshed drink had arrived. Just as Shuji had instructed it to be mixed. As well as the tender also setting down Shuji's drink though he hadn't ordered anything. Making you raise a brow once more to his actions, "Come here often?"
"Enough that I've seen the things you garner in an establishment like this," Shuji, fake smile still curling on his lips, brought his glass to his lips for a taste, "Is this just where daddy's little girl goes to play?"
Grip on your new drink tightening as you brought it up for a sip, you didn't outright rebuke his words but calmly set your drink back down before looking across at him, "I'd be careful. I had a temper tantrum once and daddy had half of the underbelly of this town seized and imprisoned." Shuji chuckled at the threat but didn't raise a hackle to what you said. So you circled back to the first thing you asked him, "I'll ask again, what are you doing here? And alone it seems."
He nodded behind the lip of his drink at your correct assumption, "I'm not all work. Sometimes I play."
"Like you played at the art exhibit opening last week?" You recalled what was technically only the third time the two of you had interact. Shuji then admitting he came down to the grand opening of some confounded donator just to mingle with you of all people. While your warnings then didn't seem to stick. You weren't about to explain to him again why an underbelly subordinate to your father's pollical career should steer clear of you if he valued his life even half as much as he valued his salary.
Though to be fair, you had little interest in playing with your father's toys. And as far as you were concerned the gangs who paid their way into your father's hearts and wallet, where just more toys at his disposal to keep his political chokehold on this city. With it came the venom that seeped into the rest of your family. You included. People understood where you came from. And your family's reputation spoke louder than any words you could ever muster in the face of those rightfully terrified of your name.
Shuji should have gotten the memo the first time. But it looked like a second and third time might be in order to shoo him away.
"You're stupid, you know that?" You trace your finger over the lip of your glass. Already beginning to get watered down like the one before. It just didn't taste as righteous as it normally did.
Shuji shrugged as he looked out at the dim lit lounge area. Band in the corner playing something low and generically calm. Accenting the fact that at any of these tables or booths, life or death deals could be being made. Leaving him to wonder what deal he could cut with you tonight.
"Everything's so dull, needn't waste time getting lost in too much thought if that's the case," He answered with little inflection in his voice.
"That's a wordy way to say you're dumb."
"Dumb or not, it's still brought me to your company."
Rolling your eyes back his words were as charming as they were fake, "You're here tonight, for my company then?"
"Indeed I am." Shuji said the first truthful thing all night, "It's only been a few minutes, and I'm already excited to be here."
Tapping the edge of your glass you can't help the smirk curling on your lips. This really was the art exhibit all over again, "Y'know...he still put too much ice in it."
Shuji clicked his tongue with a shake of his head, "I told you I'd make you a drink."
"No." You corrected him, "I told you to make me a drink."
He shrugged and went to signal down the bartender again. This time the second his arm went up, you leaned forward and nabbed the fabric of his suit. Yanking his arm back down and making the lanky man turn a mildly surprised look in your direction.
"These are all on my tab princess don't worry you're pretty little head about that." Shuji's previously faux smile was taking on a liveliness to itself that normally he never had.
And just as always your words enticed him more than anything money or power could tempt him with.
"I've got a wet bar in my room." You held his hand down on the bar before you both. Hand resting a top his larger one as you tapped the tendon of his index finger, "Well, guess it's more like the entire top floor."
"Man what is must be like to live as the offspring of someone so powerful." Shuji mused with a glimmer in his eye as he looked on at you. Refusing to move his hand as you tapped at it.
"Come find out for yourself then." Your offer came out almost more like a demand, "But you'll be making me that drink first."
Shuji finally for the first time all even graced you with a real smile as he stood up, "Can't make any promises I'm good at it. But I'll certainly make you a drink."
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What waited for the man wasn't just some pent house suit. No, you meant the entire floor just like you said down at the bar. He knew you weren't lying. Still he expected no less when your lifestyle unfolded in front of him.
Once those elevator doors open Shuji was granted the privilege to see just how the politically corrupted lived. And honestly it wasn't something he'd ever turn his nose up at if he found himself in the middle of it. What his eyes sought though was the wet bar. Just like you said you had. So when you told him to get to it, he knew he'd have to mix something up.
Abstaining from too much joking. Shuji drank very little but set himself up for only a minor failure when he took the moment to mix you a martini. Didn't even ask if you preferred shaken or stirred. For when he turned around the man was slightly taken back to see you were gone.
Drink in hand he didn't think twice about pursuing where you might have gone off too. The hunt short lived when he stumbled upon you coming back into the room from what appeared to be a bedroom. His concoction in his hand when he smiled down at you and offered it up for your inspection.
"Shaken or stirred?" You questioned of the drink you took out of his hand. Unironically you did have a preference and this was a drink he saw you having the first time you met just a handful of weeks ago.
"Stirred of course," Shuji didn't skip a beat, "You'd never want something so murky passing your lips. So stirred it is."
A sip of the drink and you did admit, it was good. But not without offering him a drink as well. Shuji's golden eyes dropped to the offer. Taking it back in his hand he turned it around so his lips would touch the very part you just drank from. One good gulp and he downed the rest of your drink without missing a beat, "Looks like I'll have to make us some more."
Smiling for the first time all night you patted his lapel and walked past him to the lounger adjacent to your wet bar, "Those are going on your tab Mr. Hanma."
"Please," Shuji busied himself at the wet bar making not one but two this time. Identical to the taste you had a moment before, "My wallet could never handle such things."
As he came back over with two martinis this time. He sat yours down in front of you on the heavy cherry wood table. Before sipping his off the top and placing it next to yours just to make them clearly identifiable. And when there was a chair to take beside you. Just like the drink comfortably close to yours, Shuji sat himself next to you on the lounger.
The entire time you'd sat at the bar this evening left you feeling empty and without cause. Now as you watched him lean back over for another drink of his martini. You couldn't help but smile and reach out for the drink he mixed just for you, "...so what is it you want? A way out? To work under my father? Did your boss send you? All of the above?"
With a deep breath in, Shuji hooked his fingers in his tie just to yank it away from his neck. Propping his leg up as he crossed them and leaning back into the couch. He all but looked like he belonged here with you, "Is it the right answer to say you're in my head?"
You made a mock buzzer noise and raised your drink to your lips, "Wrong answer. Try again."
Smiling even with his eyes closed and head tipped back against the edge of the couch, Shuji let out a small chuckle, "I guess all of the above then? But I'll let you in on a secret, those are the lies."
Mulling about the taste of your drink. You gave it another sip before setting it down and positioning yourself so you sat facing him and arm draped over the edge of the couch. Shuji didn't refrain from remaining laid out as such. Instead only tilting his head a little in your direction so he could see your unamused face, "My father's facing a re election campaign in only a few months. I'd be foolish to not think that word doesn't get around to his oh so charitable donations. Seems easy enough to cozy up to the big man's kid to assure your interests stay protected."
Finally Shuji moved from his lax position. Mimicking yours in fact with his body turned and half his torso hanging over the back of the couch. His feet reached out far longer towards the coffee table where your drinks sat but still he tried to cram them under himself like some gossiping school girl. All while his face stayed placated and dull to the situation.
"I'm not the person for that then." Shuji admitted, "There's much more charming coworkers of mine. And they can mix much better cocktails than that."
"Are you telling me you're their last resort then?" You mindlessly reached out for the tip of his tie. Fooling around with it as you rolled the silken material up between your fingers and Shuji didn't budge an inch at your touch.
He shook his head and reached down to touch the top of your knuckle as you wrapped his tie around your fingers, "I'm telling you that my job doesn't know I'm here."
Holding a bit still when his touch came over your dried knuckles. You held onto this tie and tightened your grip on it just a little to see if he'd lean in. Too which he did, "...I left my phone on my nightstand in the back. You don't have to act like you're being listened to."
"Well that's good!" Shuji bared the biggest grin yet, "Because I'm pretty sure Tetta would have come and yanked me out of the bar if you ratted me out. Yet alone let me make it to this swanky playhouse of yours upstairs."
That's when it dawned on you. He was really here on his own accord. Foolishly so.
Releasing the tie from your grip. The touch didn't go unsustain for long. Replacing what you were doing with his tie with your hand up near his face. Brushing away the partial curls that drooped down into his face. You could rightfully touch anyone in the city you wanted without any repercussions. But when you saw Shuji's eyes flutter shut and a genuine smile cross his lips. You were painfully aware of how true his will of being here to see you only was.
"....most people I know are too scared of what my family can do," You mumbled, a curl of Shuji's hair wrapped around your index finger as the two of you had somehow moved closer together on the couch, "You should be too."
Eyes still closed, his smile lingered, "Didn't just say I was stupid and dumb just a little while ago?"
"It's because you are."
He did nod in agreement. Why would he argue that of all things when it got him to where he was now. With his hair slipping through your fingers and half empty drinks on the table before him, "Then I'll be as dumb as you want for as long as you want princess."
It wasn't the alcohol that made your body feel flush. You hadn't even drank enough tonight to make a mouse tipsy. But the way he spoke so freely though baring on pathetic if you thought about it. Shuji had made you feel the same way at the art exhibit before and even in passing the first time you both met over one of your father's meetings. None of what you were feeling felt real. Like it could disappear like a put out cig at any moment.
So you acted.
Moved in to close the small gap between the two of you. Since it had already shrunk so much since the first time you both met and Shuji bowed and kissed your hand. Now it was you laying your lips tenderly against his own. Feeling but a faint ghost like shiver run up your spine when his breath tickled your upper lip and the sensation of his lips disappeared just as quickly.
"...I can't make any promises." You murmured with the ghost of the kiss between you two, "But you did make me a drink."
Shuji's turn. To which he raised his hand to gently cup your face. Swiping his thumb over your cheek to feel the warmth of your skin under his touch and savoring it just as he looked on at you with a genuine smirk, "I like you, is that cool?"
"It's stupid but-" You leaned in to brush your lips against his once more when you felt your breath catch in your own chest and you couldn't help your eyes fluttering shut when your heart pounded in your chest, "Stay here and be this stupid for a while."
From a ghost touch to the full pressure of his lips against yours. The two of you cupped the other's face just to deepen the exchange. Neglecting the half empty drinks on the table completely. For it took barely anytime at all to find yourselves crashing into the expensive sheets of your freshly made bed in the back.
Shuji's hands up in your hair. The crash of your lips together when you both fell back onto the bed. Large and lanky man above you as the kiss refuse to separate. Entangling your fingers in his ruffled curls while the two of you swallowed each other's moans. With his legs wedged between your thighs. It was immediate the second you began grinding yourself down on him. What your evening outfit did to hide your own growing arousal. His attire did the complete opposite to rat him out the second your eyes opened.
"Get off me," Curt and bringing him a surprise he wasn't expecting. Shuji rolled off of you the second he heard your words. Safely assuming you were going to kick him out. Instead he got the surprise when you crawled between his legs.
Face beginning to grow flush with color. Shuji was no virgin and he assumed with the confidence you moved that was something you both shared in common. But as he began to crumble seconds after you pressed your palm to his tented slacks. You held the high ground not being a love sick fool in this exchange. One he couldn't hide or fight off as his first moan bubbled up in his chest when you stroked him through his pin striped pants.
In no rush to end the evening now. You slowly undid his button and zipper. Seeing the man above you watch with an almost drunken stupor you wanted to call cute. Your mind went elsewhere though when you finally freed him from the confines of his outfit.
Far harder than you imagined. He was not hiding anything splayed out under you like this. Swollen purple tip leaking just from a juvenile make out session. If he intended to flatter you, it was working.
Lowering yourself down just the way you opened your mouth above his cock made the man groan. Once you let your tongue slip along his slit and down around his sensitive head. Shuji was gripping your sheets fighting off the urge to move even a muscle. His cock twitching against your tongue as you swallowed more of him up. Reaching to gently cup his balls and massage them as you diligently swiped your tongue over every inch of his cock you could. The one moan from him just simply the tip of the iceberg. He came undone biting on the fattiest part of his hand. Head tipped back and legs outstretched nearly to the edge of your bed. Fighting his urge to cum so quickly from such lazy head. And yet it was everything he'd ever fantasized about and more. You were robbing him of his sanity with each passing second.
Left with only the meager string of sanity he was struggling to grasp just to not cum so quickly. You graced him with that much dignity as your lips pulled with a lovely pop off his cock. Licking them clean of any musky mix of his precum and your saliva. You found Shuji looking down at you with the most love struck expression you'd ever seen on a man. He truly was the dumbest thing you'd encountered thus far.
Crawling on top of him there was little waiting for him to come back in full swing with his charming smile. His hand coming up between your soft thighs. To press his two fingers against your clothed slit only after he'd shimmied everything off you but your panties. Which he did have to admit the feeling of your damp fabric gliding against his fingers as he made it go from slightly warm and damp to soaked and slimy was a boost he never knew he needed.
A good lean forward and you caught his bottom lip between your own. Nipping it playfully as you wiggled your hips on his touch for more. Shuji did nothing but oblige in your silent request and indulge in his desires. Slipping dexterous long fingers past the crotch of your underwear with ease. Even for as much of your juices as they'd soaked up. He still got quite the welcoming as he slipped his fingertips between your folds. Finding them delightfully wet as well as your clit begging to be touched.
Before he could slip anything inside you. He craved to know what your hard bud felt like. Swiping his fingers against your clit. Finding your breathing growing heavier and your hips grinding down in time with the way he circled your bud. Shuji had almost all of your weight laid up on him as he continued to reach down and toy with your aching clit.
When his reach came back a little further. His fingertips brushing against your entrance. Shuji admitted that your moan was the most heavenly thing he'd ever heard. Entering heaven wouldn't compare to the surge of joy he had from making you sound so lewd. Unable to help it and craving that noise more he dipped his touch down. Toying with your entrance as you held a death grip on his unbuttoned shirt. Ragged breathes against his exposed chest as you moved your hips up high and he slowly began sinking his fingers into you.
"S-Shit-" You couldn't help the twitching wave of pleasure each passing second. Like he had an unending about of finger to stuff into you. The way Shuji's fingers curled up as his palm became flush against your clit. Your juices drooling into his palm as he finished by being knuckles deep in your velvety walls.
Nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck Shuji took in a deep inhale of your waning perfume mixed with the wonderful scent of sex filling the air, "Princess-"
"Shhh-" You hushed him with your lips crashing down on his.
Shuji did just that. Not wanting to ruin anything as he kissed you back feverishly. Fingers dragging along your aching core before he stuffed them back into you. Picking up the pace to match what your hips were doing above him. Shuji diligently curling his fingers just at the right angle to brush against your sweet spot as you rode his fingers.
Unwilling to spoil the perfect thing. Shuji laid there, cock leaking and aching, so close to your cunt as you allowed him to stuff you full of his fingers. Never in love with his hands except for the time he got his tattoos. Now suddenly Shuji had to admit he loved what his ugly long fingers were doing to you. Twisting up your insides. Forcing the most beautiful noises out of you. Becoming covered in juices that he never wanted to wash up. All while he stared up at you in a trance. One that would be unbroken until the giant fool realized you were cumming on his fingers of all things.
"Shuji- Shit fuck- 'm cumming-" Your words slurred with a moan. His palm just the right amount of friction against your clit while his fingers did the heavy work.
You gasped and rutted your hips hard on top of him. Forcing your orgasm to ride out as long as possible as your walls quivered around his digits. And Shuji was graced with the real time feeling of your cunt clamping around his fingers mid orgasm. This night couldn't have gotten any better.
Then you pulled yourself off his fingers. Gooey and messy he didn't know where to wipe them. Part of him didn't want to wipe them. And in the turmoil of what to do with his hand you made the decision up for him.
With your hand reaching under you, you gripped his cock just enough to angle it up against your entrance. Still aching and begging from your orgasm moments before. You took the breath right out of his lungs when you sank back on his cock. Shuji letting out a pitiful groan when he felt the remnants of your orgasm in the form of your velvety walls pulsing around him. He felt like he could loose his mind right here and now and he'd be alright with that.
"Don't cum that fast you idiot," You mumbled above him with a grin. Caging him between your arms as you looked down at the beauty under you. Curls going flat. Sweat beading on his hair line. Wonderful yellow eyes drunkenly staring up at you like you owned the world. This was something you could get use to.
"No promises." Shuji managed through clenched teeth. Your squishy and warm insides drooling around him would be his undoing.
With his dirty hand gripping your hips. Flesh dimpling under where he held you on his lap. You sat back and let the full extent of Shuji's member reach your deepest parts. Just like his fingers had done. His wonderfully long and curved cock was kissing your sweet spot in a way no toy could ever. Drawing out a sigh of relief paired with a moan that made you look down at him smiling.
"What are you waiting for?" You drug your fingers down his chest and wiggled on his cock.
An utter fool, Shuji stared up at you for a moment as he squeezed your sides, "Savoring what hopefully isn't the only moment like this princess."
An absolute idiot. Your smile didn't dip though. And the knot in your stomach grew even as you ground yourself down on his cock. Leading to you reaching down and brushing his hair out of his face but not without letting one curl wrap around your fingers, "I'm...starting to like you."
"Good." Shuji grinned up at you as he palmed your hips and rolled you against his own, "Because I'm starting to love you."
Your movements became unanimous. Rolling your own body a top his as he thrusted into you. Shuji's cock dragging along your sensitive spots and drawing out more than a few moans from the both of you. Snide comments melting away into pure bliss as you bounced on his cock. Allowing him to push himself as deep as possible with each thrust. Gorging on the twitch his member as Shuji gripped your hips and held you up on top of him.
"F-Fuck-" You let it slip that you were closer than you thought.
"Again?" Shuji cooed almost flattered.
"S-Shut it-" You groaned as your hips took on a life of their own. Moving at a frantic speed as only one hand rested on his chest. The other finding your clit amidst it all. Even after cumming on his fingers your bud was all but begging for more. So the second your fingers slid on either side of your clit it was game over.
Gasping for breath when your orgasm wracked your body. Just like he'd done with his fingers. Shuji fucked you right through your orgasm. Cherishing the way your walls tightened around him and the warmth became almost unbearable. He couldn't stop though. Not with the slap of skin filling the quiet room. Only to drive his cock deeper in you as you pushed down on his hips. Willing him to not cum anywhere else but deep as possible inside you.
What should have been considered foolish. Was the only thing on his mind.
"Fucking hell- Shit-" Shuji fumbled with his strokes, hips bumping up against you as you remained tight around him. He couldn't think of anything else but snapping his hips up into yours like his life depended on it.
With the twitch of his cock and your name leaving his lips. The first gush of cum soiled your insides. Leg shaking orgasm that stole his breath away from him. Shuji twitched and rutted up against you on top of him. Pouring every last drop of cum he had into you as you smiled down at him. Soon feeling the overflow of his cum seep around his cock. Unable to plug it all inside you no matter how hard he tired.
The tingle never wore off but as you both stayed there catching your breath. You sat back on his cock still buried inside you. Shuji under you staring up at you almost dazed. It wasn't until you slowly unslung your leg over from his hips did you collapse on your side of the bed facing away. Feeling nothing but bliss as his cum drooled out past your lips. Knowing you'd have to clean up in a second to which you might as well invite him into the shower with you.
Then there was a light drawing your attention away from the bliss momentarily.
It was just your phone light up your nightstand. Immediately you ignored it by sliding your phone into the drawer and shutting it. Whatever it was could wait. Because when you roll back over to see Shuji staring at you in your own bed. Flush from the orgasm that stole his sanity from him. But with a glimmer of a smirk playing on his lips. You hadn't seen him smile like that yet all evening. A real genuine smile even after he admitted he was falling in love with someone he shouldn't. It made it impossible for you to not roll a little closer to just leave the faintest kiss on his lips as your hand went to roam over his bare chest and his touch came to rest on your hip and pull you closer among the wad of messed up sheets.
This wasn't for the best. But for the rest of the night, you knew you could pretend. He had made you a drink after all.
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